#yhs Elijah
piyesis-art · 1 year
I think these are all my alijah artworks I've made so far which is surprisingly less than I expected lol
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yhs character art dump (1/?)
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vinhteer · 28 days
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sneak peek of the lineup
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ummpati · 1 year
Elijah Symons ~ Burn Me (i enjoy it)
A character study disguised as a fic <33
Steam billows over the shower curtain, fog creeps up on the mirror, and the humidity makes it hard to breathe. Elijah stands under the steady stream of water, platinum locks plastered to his forehead. The soap lay still untouched, and Elijah grows bored.
He reaches out and grabs the handle, turning it slowly to the left. The water gets hotter and hotter and hotter and Elijah steps into it. The heat crawls up his body but he doesn't so much as flinch as the boiling water hits his skin. He can feel it, not nearly as much as someone normal would; but what sets him apart from them, is that he wants to enjoy it. 
His thighs are bleached red, chest glistening with boiling water, hands so irritated they no longer resemble his normal tan.
He should stop.
But he’s not going to.
He never does.
A sociopath, that’s what they called him; but Elijah disagrees. By definition, a sociopath is someone who knows they are different and tries to fit in; Elijah doesn't do that. Elijah knows what he’s capable of, Elijah wants to do what he wants; if he has to wear a few masks to do that, who’s to say he’s wrong?
He raises both hands, holding them deftly under the water. He doesn’t wince, flinch, or cry. He lets a grin crawl up on his cracked lips.
Elijah has masks, closets upon dressers upon boxes full of masks. He can be whatever he wants to be. He doesn't wear them to fit in, he fits in to achieve the thrill of what comes after. Masks are useful, you pretend to be someone you're not, you plaster on a smile or produce weightless tears, or whisper sweet nothings ; Elijah pretends even when not being watched.
Elijah wants to be strong, he wants to be feared, he wants to be resilient. So he turns the water hotter and hotter.
Elijah wears masks, not to fit in, but for what comes after the mask is removed. The terror in their eyes, the tremble of their voice, the shake in their knees? That, is what Elijah lives for.
The thrill, the euphoria, that consumes him in times like those is unlike anything else. He wouldn't trade it for anything, not pleasure, not pain, not money, not power, not the world, not Celeste. 
The water turns cold against his knuckles; the polite sting causes his fingers to shake under the onslaught of water and his skin starts to crease, old scars appearing fresh. Tears would have sprung to his eyes, washed away unnoticed; but Elijah’s giggles scare them away. Watching, and inflicting, others in pain is what he dreams about at night.
They don't understand him, they never tried-
-is what he would say if he was a crybaby bitch. No, Elijah doesn’t care about that, not anymore. Even if it’s his own, pain rules his world, guides him through life, speaks for him, thinks for him, and moves for him.
The handle stops against his will, unable to be turned any hotter. Even though his knees shake, his hands tremble, his breath comes short, and his eyes flutter against his wishes, it’s not hot enough.
Celeste doesn’t love him, and he doesn’t love her; they aren’t capable of real love . They are sick and twisted and cruel and it brings him unbridled joy. 
Celeste knows a mask, not him; Yandere knows a mask, not him; Elijah knows a mask, not him. There is no ‘him’. Elijah can’t remember if there ever was a ‘him’.
Steam billows from the shower, infecting the mirror and fogging the windows, even though he feels cold water cascading down his body. Bruises are bold against red skin, and scabs peel and fall to the floor. He raises a hand to scratch at his chest, his fingers leave a harsh white trail behind. As he pulls his hand away, he sees dead, melting, mushy skin trapped beneath his bitten-down nails.
A stray soap bubble is sticking stubbornly to the back of his hand. He tries to brush it away, but his skin tears and liquid red blends with his skin.
Elijah sighs.
He’s grown bored again.
He leans onto the stream, the water hitting his scalp and back for the first time. He twists the handle, stopping the water with all but a moment’s notice. The humid air attaches to him, it makes his skin stiff and he stretches it as he steps out. The dirty towel rubs his waist raw but he pays it no mind he raises a shaking hand to wipe the mirror.
Blue, gold, and red stare back.
Elijah Symons is no one without a mask, but he definitely has his favourites. So, before he dresses himself, he covers his unknown face and smiles.
He wouldn’t trade this feeling for anything.
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leamy-world · 3 years
Reaction to The Devil Judge (spoilers for ep. 9 & 10)
It’s been a while since i’ve last been on tumblr, but i got invested in this drama every week & the fandom’s analyses to not talk about it sometime! (Last time i was hooked, it was with Beyond Evil and i watched it by the time the finale already aired so i didn’t suffer from the weekly wait!)
So here i am, this is mainly self-indulgent with essay-long interpretations of some scenes in a totally random order, but i’d love to interact with whoever reads this if they want to react!
I’m sorry for the potential awkward phrasings, english is not my first language!
- The recap was nicely done and tied everything together, it made me realize so many things happened since the beginning! The repetition didn’t make me skip it, the narration was dynamic & fun.
- The ‘power display’ & threat Yohan showed to Soohyun (by lashing out at Juk Chang and strangling him, as proxy for Soohyun, in front of her while staring at her) were something …! She answered in the same fashion, passing by him saying she will ‘arrest Juk Chang’. I wonder how their next encounters will unfold.
- Many people already pointed this out, but Soohyun’s decision to leave Elijah, a minor, alone in her car (with its doors open, daring to tell her to stay there when she has no other choice anyway) + stop the gang alone and unannounced off duty was irresponsible. Anyways, i wonder if she will interact again with Elijah because they were adorable, i would miss it!
- The conversation between Soohyun & Gaon at his apartment (ep. 10) was interesting on both parts: 
It sounded casual, but Soohyun wanted to see where he stood in the Kang family and make sure he wasn’t in Yohan’s plans (i hope she didn’t seriously mean the ‘weird’ comment about Elijah, it’d be sad since Elijah enjoyed her company!).
Gaon was anxious professor Min told her about their last conversation (i think she’ll talk to him in the next eps). He also indirectly defended the Kangs by associating himself with them (« I’m pretty sure i’m just as weird ») and voiced his concern about Yohan, speaking more to himself than following the conversation at hand. 
When Soohyun changed the subject with the ‘i’m jealous’ bit, maybe it was to brighten the mood with a light-hearted comment, hoping Gaon would follow. And by the look of her pause right after, it seemed she was also expecting GO’s ‘positive’ reaction to her jealousy, giving in to the kind of teasing/flirt they have in their friendship. But deep down, it was also to voice her true unease about Gaon’s involvement with Yohan she had since the beginning and ep. 8. 
It’s obvious to us she meant she was jealous of Yohan. And GO could’ve understood it this way too, since she confessed to him multiple times and her feelings must be known to him (i think he takes it as a ‘joke’ given how many times she confessed and each time when he was crying, so maybe he thought, very reasonably, it was to cheer him up? I also guess he’s too absorbed by his current worries about the Kangs and her potential suspicion, to notice her attempts). 
But instead of that, he’s not in the same line of thoughts at all and picks up on the « rich », musing on what makes one’s existence rich, thinking Soohyun was envying Yohan’s position and life and proving her he’s indeed in a whole different world, empathizing with Yohan. 
She then looked like her face fell, until her eyes lit up again when he was about to admit she was precious to him along with his family.
By the way, this scene picks up right where we were left off in ep. 8, when Gaon tends to his plants:
« - Are you back for good? - Not really. They need some looking after. - You should come back, not drop by. This is where you live. - Someone there needs some taking care of too. - Take care of your own self, please. - What about me? I’m living a shamelessly comfortable life. Soohyun. - Yes? - What are you thinking about? - Nothing. By the way, Gaon … » (i wonder what she was going to say!)
Lost in thoughts, Gaon’s mixed emotions when he said Yohan was not rich (« he’s not rich. If you get to know him, Kang Yohan is really poor. ») were very well depicted by Jinyoung’s acting: the soft voice and the ghost of a smile that convey understanding and endearment, leaning on his counter in a relaxed stance, but also at the same time the stare lost in the space, maybe to all the memories tied to the Kangs and Yohan, and the tension in his left lip corner by the end of his sentence which betray his sadness and empathy with Yohan’s life. After this, when he became aware of Soohyun’s gaze, it’s like his bubble popped. He looked surprised with his eyes widening, and was fidgeting a little, then changed the subject to himself.
And « I have you, Soohyun » sounded truly grateful but also sad and conflicted, GO lets his worries show when she’s gone, maybe wondering if they would be bound to be against each other one day as he continues to side with Yohan, menacing to jeopardize their friendship to the point of no return. In these kinds of stories you expect these kinds of twists, but i grew fond of the cast send help
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- I loved how Yohan’s confession to GO about his brother was filmed: the camera faced head-on his pain, slipping unbeknownst to him through the façade he always showed to protect himself. But this time, despite his (late) attempts to dismiss these feelings both for him and Gaon to regain composure (the hand gestures to hide his tears, pretending to be tough with the  « there’s no such things as innocent people », drinking away his sorrow with a bitter laugh that rings hollow), all this façade fades out in front of Gaon literally by being blurred out in the shot, as if he clearly sees his pain through (his silhouette appearing clear-cut between Yohan’s gestures). I know it’s a pretty classic shot but it fit well with this scene. He clenches his jaw in the next shot, moved by Yohan opening up. 
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- The dinner scene was really moving …! Especially when you put the colder tones the kitchen had when we first saw Yohan have dinner by himself next to this scene, full of light in contrast! I wonder when the OST playing will be released, it was so beautiful and reminded me of My Mister’s OST (especially Rainbow!). I look forward to the lyrics, because most of the time the OST gives more layers & depth to the story and the characters! (please don’t let it be about Yohan’s budding feeling of a true ‘home’ ;;) I didn’t realize it upon my first watch, but Gaon really took the cutlery hostage, it cracked me up!
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- The parallels in this show will be the end of me: Yohan went from the « i’m so sick of this place » (ep. 5) to asking K to drive him « home » with a delighted smile. 
- I liked the parallel of Yohan’s reaction to GO/Sun-Ah sitting in his office chair, impeding on his space (he reminds SA to stay out of it, the first time politely, the second time almost grimacing, his jaw clenched: « Just because you’re the head of the OSC doesn’t mean you can barge in like this (…) So please stop barging in like this. », while he says nothing to GO)
- At the beginning of ep. 10, we have Yohan saying he doesn’t like «  hanging out with people » & by the end of it, Soohyun saying « My childhood’s best friend is hanging out with a rich guy ».
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- These two episodes gave more insight and nuance into Sun-Ah’s character, which was very nice ; and also Cha Kyung-Hee’s comeback (and her last confrontation with Sun-Ah!!!!)
- The people following Juk Chang also targeted sexual minorities according to the subs i had, i wonder if it will be addressed again sometime in the drama. 
- I loved Elijah’s « hacking » technique scene, i felt proud too! I always look forward to her scenes (and Kkomi’s too haha)! And her reaching out Gaon’s shoulder for the first time ;;
- The ‘humans lose their minds when they think they’ve lost what they have’ ……… repeated twice by YH ………… It will hit hard and all those lines will come right back at us viewers, but i’m not prepared haha! And also for the ‘if you want revenge, don’t hesitate’, i hope it doesn’t foreshadow a future revenge Gaon will execute without hesitation aaaaaa
Also, what lawyer Ko said about himself in ep. 8 may apply to Yohan’s case by the end, will he atone for what he did someday? (« I’m no longer a lawyer. I’m just a criminal. When all this comes to an end, I’ll pay for what i did. »)
- I really loved Yohan’s efforts to take into consideration both Elijah’s (he refrained himself from acting rashly like the last time she went out and listened to her) and Gaon’s feelings (stopping him from endangering himself recklessly, not forcing him onto the revenge path lest he’d regret it afterwards, and helping him to face the truth rationally). 
- « She’s hungry for affection. No matter how much you hate the world and the people in it, you can never live alone. You always need someone to rely on. As long as you’re a human being. » Many people commented on it, Gaon must speak from his own experience and empathizes with both Elijah and Yohan’s situation. These two episodes showed how Gaon cares for the Kangs more openly, and i live for it! 
- Give me that domestic scene where Gaon plays cards with YH, the nanny and Elijah! And also more K and lawyer Ko scenes!
- Jinjoo’s and Gaon’s intervention in the trial were gold! And Satie’s Gnossiennes rearrangement playing in the background during Juk Chang’s speech, it’s the cherry on the cake haha
- By the way, there was also an arrangement of Rachmaninoff’s piano concerto no. 2 during the first charity event Yohan went with Jinjoo in the earlier episodes, it was also beautiful!
- GO’s Awkward Smile. I have no words, it is now forever imprinted on my mind.
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Have a nice week and take care!
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thedeviljudges · 3 years
So sorry thought I was done but there's more! (I've really enjoyed your analyses.) Thinking bout YH possibly being involved in SH's death and reasons he could be: callback to ep 8 convo bout doing whatever it takes, plot twist for sake of it, vindicate SH's anti-Yohan agenda, make audience suffer. Reasons he SHOULDN'T be: character development (see same convo!) - it would undo all his progress, everything he said about letting Gaon make his own choice, Elijah would never forgive him, etc. (1/2)
It should be evident to YH from Gaon's actions/words in this ep that he's still on side re. fighting the corrupt world - there's no pressing need to get rid of SH to get him back on track. Also YH being guilty would vindicate Min Jung-ho's anti-YH agenda, and so far I don't feel the show has invited the audience to sympathise/agree with him so that would be a weird turn around! Plus if SH had found out something bout YH wouldn't she have tried to tell Gaon in her last moments?? ...here's hoping!
Ahhh, thank you!!! I’m glad someone enjoys my annoying posts about this show, lmao. It’s just so much fun and hard not to constantly think about it when you’re always finding new little things.
And I think all of your points are very true, and I totally agree. I think the scene in episode 12 where they “break up” was enough for Yohan to realize that what he said and what he continued saying drove Gaon away. Gaon’s confession about Soohyun being his world and realizing that Gaon chose her over him was already reasonable and logical enough for him to understand that if Yohan did anything to her, Gaon wouldn’t be on his side. Gaon would go after Yohan, even without a plan - I firmly believe that.
Gaon rushed to the hospital and checked up on her when she got heart, for example. Him and Yohan fought over the possibility of Yohan attacking her, and Gaon found out it wasn’t him and apologized for making the assumption - that Yohan had no need to actually go after her. On top of that, Gaon even admitted to the professor while he was in the hospital that Yohan wouldn’t have attacked him, and yet he got mad at Gaon for taking Yohan’s side again.
And the thing with Soohyun’s attack - that would’ve been a great time for Yohan to go after her if needed because at that point, him and Gaon were still on shaky ground in their relationship. Yohan didn’t understand his own feelings for Gaon, and he wasn’t at the point of considering other people and/or changing is ways (to an extent).
I’ve also posted previously about how Soohyun and the professor use confirmation bias to convict Yohan of things he hasn’t done - and this is just another example of the professor pointing fingers at Yohan to justify how wrong he is without seeing the bigger picture. That sounds way more in line with the professor and even with Yohan’s characterization of being misunderstood by literally everyone.
You’re very right in that the show hasn’t done anything to invoke sympathy for the professor’s side of the argument. In fact, he takes the side of the government if we’re going to compare him. He doesn’t even see the clues and make the connections between the president and his lackey’s, which truth be told, is right in front of his face - even Gaon pointed that out to Jinjoo because it’s right there. How would the professor not have seen Choongsik if Jinjoo has seen him, for example. I don’t remember if they publicly announced Choongsik leading the virus protection, but Gaon made it sound like they had, which again means the professor simply wasn’t paying attention, and I wonder why that is.... people just love Yohan, lmao.
To that, we can also note Gaon’s pointed statement during their meet up when Gaon tells the professor how much he failed in his position of power. “You should’ve done better. If people like you did better… If you did better as a chief justice, people wouldn’t need to do this. If only the people who are in charge of justice did their jobs well.” And yet he only has eyes for Yohan, still. Patterns!!!!
You also make a very, very valid point I hadn’t considered about Soohyun trying to tell him about Yohan in her last moments. That’s a very interesting thing to consider because normally when death like this happens, the character dying is always trying to get something important out, and this time, it’s just a play on Soohyun’s constant confession when Gaon cries.
I think for me personally, my biggest thing is that if they truly make Yohan the villain here, or do anything to seriously fuck up, then what lesson or point will that make? What profound notion will the show end on after everything we’ve been through because to me, the way the show is right now, it's set us all up to believe that Yohan is not the monster he’s made himself look like. Would they do that to his character for shock value? Because at that point, I feel like that’d be the only reason they’d do it - like, what else would be that justification of him going after bad people if he himself is that bad, too?
Anyway, I can talk myself in circles here. Cheers to waiting just a few more hours to find out. I just want to have hope the writers did the right thing, but we’ll see!!
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midnightsgift · 3 years
I just read your analysis on Yohan cherishing his last moments with his niece since he thinks he's going to die and now I'm emo again 😭 pls pls let Yohan and Elijah live, also I saw a theory that Gaon was instead going to sacrifice his life saving the two since Soohyun died anyway, what do you think about that?
i think you're referring to my post about Yo-han and that dinner scene, if u are then yh it makes me emo to knowing Yo-han is finally at a stage where i think he's letting his walls crumble himself only to perhaps die/betrayed in the final episodes.
Idk if u want me to ramble so you don't have to read all my word vomit and skip down to where I answer your question. If not enjoy the ride.
We initially see external forces (NON Yo-han characters) trying to infiltrate this wall be it Sun-ah, Ga-on and even the House keeper at times. And we'd usually see these met with resilience (on Yo-han's part) and the only times he'd 'tolerate' it would mean it be beneficial to him/his plans and even then it wouldn't be with open arms. Take the scene where Sun-ah asks him to be kinder to her, or the Jenga scene, very different, however even in the Jenga scene we're met with that resilience to remind us that Yo-Han does not need anyone, or one step further Yo-Han would like everyone around him to believe he does not need them.
We the visibly see this change when he apologies to Elijah. The first apology is prompted by Ga-on, but episode later once Ga-on leaves Yo-han makes that decision by himself (Internal forces). His image that he has created is no longer more important that the relationship he has with his niece or how his niece sees him. And as heart-breaking it is to see him still be turned away it depict a realistic reaction from a hurting child. This is also shown when he offers to cook/ask Ga-on if he want food. I'd also like to highlight the importance that it was through food he attempted to comfort Ga-On. I could also write more on that but i don't think most ppl would want to hear that so we move.
So, i would hope that none of them die, and already we've seen 2 'keyish' characters die and idk whether to interpret as we're safe or that alot more blood is to be shed. If one of them (Ga-on and Yo-han) was to die I would be more scared it would be Yo-han. If you asked me from the beginning of the show till about the time he got shot i’d be heavily inclined (90:10 spilt) that if either we’re to die it be him. I don’t think this is rooted in many ‘hints’ from the show but from having watched other shows and personally I find it more satisfying to watch a character like him die. Fucking heart-breaking but none the less satisfying due to the fact his life revolves around this idea of him completing this mission. However if anything was to hint at his death it would be the whole Christian  symbolism we see all the time from the show. And if we remember Judas comment from earlier, if Ga-on is his Judas the he must be Jesus. We often hear Yo-Han talk about how nobody is not sinful and i don’t exactly want to say this religion believe this or that, but there is the belief that Jesus died for everyone's sins, and it may not be in the same way but i feel like there a link there. I also think Yo-han dying to save Ga-on would be a nice (not exactly parallel) parallel to Yo-han unable to save Isaac. I would like to add any of the 3 we’re to die i feel like them doing it to save each other would be valid.
So I implied i’m leaning less to Yo-han dying but i’d say it’s still a 75:25 spilt to him. Ga-on dying to save Yo-han and Elijah, seems like the only way i’d accept his death. I don’t think it’d be such a clear cut consequence but i do see Ga-on sacrifice himself to indirectly save them. IDk if that makes sense. The fact that Soo-hyun has died to me actually makes it seem like his death would have less of an impact, yes they could play up the relationship with other characters but it would seem almost cheap for him to die. Especially as his character keeps flipping sides, i feel unless in the least two episodes they really solidify where he stands it doesn’t have a great pay-off IDK maybe i should have more faith in the writers but Ga-on dying doesn’t seem like the appropriate thing to do. 
As i was correct my spelling mistakes I though of another scenario and that would be if one of them killed the other. For Ga-on to die by Yo-han’s hands would be ‘great’ to see. It would have link well to scene where we see Yo-han warning Ga-on that he obliterates those that stand in his way, but also it play for great betrayal from Yo-han who otherwise is kinda quite Loyal. It would also parallel nicely to the card scene in a similar way Soo-hyun’s death did to Ga-on and hers last meal together.
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bryceslahela · 4 years
oph added ANOTHER storyline..... 😒
HELPSOSOS 😭 oph2 literally just keeps on introducing new plot storylines and either drag them out, dont tie them up or flat out ignore them, it’s so annoying 😭 with ethan’s mom, bryce’s sister, jackie’s money problems, sienna’s mental health, elijah’s intern etc.
i really wonder as to how they’re gonna finish up book2, because if they finish it with 17 chapters like they did with oph1, how will they tie up everything? it’ll be obviously either be rushed cause it’ll have to happen in like 3 chapters or they’ll only tie up certain ones and leave the rest for book 3. yh idk.....
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piyesis-art · 1 year
Another dump of alijah artworks!
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yhs sketches from yesterday
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vinhteer · 1 year
ngl I've been keeping my tangents away because they have so much potential and I'm kind of gatekeeping them for my personal stuff... But here's one that just pains my heart:
Alec interacting with Yumi's gang is very interesting because they're people that don't seem to mind killing people.
here are my HCs kicking in but:
- mood tempered Yumi
- chatty Celeste who has very sensitive ears which makes her be able to hear from very far away (hence the fact that she's good at gathering intel and knows all the gossip at school without having connections)
- Elijah who's well intentioned but eventually just thinks that his life just had to go down this path
I like to think that Celeste and Elijah are people who never got help and eventually just kind of feel dependent on each other. They hurt each other because they don't know what else to do... They're there for each other but they just don't get how the other feels.
In general I think they give the vibe of a circus' freakshow. Alec both pities them and also thinks that... in terms of social status, is he also like them? Is he as hopeless as them?
And here I feel like Alec would just go on a spiral where he decides that maybe the hard work he's been tirelessly doing is vain. That everything he does means nothing. That what he is as a person, is worthless as well. His future does not exist. I mean, I don't think he can go on much longer knowing that he's been helping a murderer.
and I feel like he would get more reckless and try to test his limits- EXCEPTT THAT HE HAS FRIENDS!!! WHO CARE ABOUT HIM!! Kyran, Gold, Funneh, Evan, pls show up #mlp #mlp:Fim #friendshipismagic
Anyways here are my suggestions plot-wise for this element to develop: Yumi makes them go on a fun (not fun) car trip for her Yandere endeavours (and pays alec a crap ton since yk he'll have to be away for a few days). Maybe it happens in the middle of a normal school period and we get 2 stories; Alec going on the van thing and getting frustrated with this but eventually has to mingle with Yumi's gang, and Funneh and her friends doing... whatever that could be parallel to what the other group is doing. (hope that made sense)
This means that we'll get some off handed sass and resentment from Celeste and Elijah against... whoever hurt her or just did her wrong. Idk just that type of stuff. I think Alec would obviously still not like them but this backstory shit did contextualise things for him. I feel like he DOES feel bad for them but then when they all go like "so Alec do u want to see us chop off this person's head? LOL!" he just... backs off.
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zitaosluckylady · 7 years
Tagged by @zitaos-laugh-is-life thx my lad
1 .Drink: Water bc i like to be wet
2. Phone call: idk i dont call ppl
3. Text message:  on the group chat
4 .Song you listened to: 365 fresh
5 .Time you cried: Steel doesn't cry
6. Dated someone twice:  Nah
7.  Been Cheated on: nah           
8. Kissed someone and regretted it:  Yes            
9. Lost someone special: Yeah if gramps counts                                       
10.Been depressed: no
11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: no but being drunk is fun                                                 
15 .Made new friends:
 I have
16. Fallen out of love: never fell in love in the first place
17. Laughed until you cried: Yeah omg last night bc Liam Payne named his kid ‘Bear payne’
18 .Found out someone was talking about you: Probs i forgot tbh
19. Met someone who changed you: u could say my best mate
20. Found out who your true friends are:  yeah
21 .Kissed someone on your Facebook list: they were on my facebook list
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life:
23. Do you have any pets: got 3 cats they r a pain
24.Do you want to change your name: No 
25.What did you do for your last birthday: went pizza hut and stared at the hot waiter without trying to be bait
26.What time did you wake up: 6:30am
27.What were you doing at midnight last night: Internetting 
28.Name something you cannot wait for: a mcdonalds to be built near me
29.When was the last time you saw your mother: today
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: clear skin i want clear skin  31. What are you listening to right now: nothing 
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yh
33 .Something that is getting on your nerves: ignorance
34. Most visited website: youtube n tumblr
35. Elementary: Finished
36,  High School: Completed
37. College: Soon to be completed
38. Hair colour: Dirty blonde
39.Long or short hair: depends on me mood
40.Do you have a crush on someone:
i do not!!!
41 .What do you like about yourself:
hair colour, eye colour, n my butt lel and my ability to say no
42 .Piercings: ears but want nose
43 .Blood type: fuck knows, elijah come suck my blood n we can find out
44. Nickname:
I have fam nicknames that i shant disclose but none from friends my name is too short
45 .Relationship status: my cat is my soulmate
46. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius 
48.Favorite tv show:
doctor who/supernatural/sherlock/the walking dead/dallas/only fools and horses
49. Tattoos: none i want fake ones
50.Right or left hand: right
51.Surgery: none
52.Piercing: ears
54.Sport: i have no idea
55.Vacation: portugal
56.Pair of trainers: idk
59.I’m about to:
61.Waiting for:
exo to come to europe before i croak it
 to be rich n happy
63.Get married:
65.Hugs or kisses:
66.Lips or eyes:
67.Shorter or taller: i
f ur talking abt a bf then taller if ur talking abt me then shorter.
68.Older or younger:
 Older i want a sugar daddy
70.Nice arms or nice stomach:
71.Sensitive or loud:
 a bit of both???
72.Hook up or relationship:
73.Troublemaker or hesitant:
74.Kissed a stranger?:
75.Drank hard liquor? :
76.Lost glasses contact/lenses? :
i dont use glasses/ contact lenses
77.Turned someone down?:
78.Sex on first date?:
79.Broken someone’s heart?:
not that i can think of
80.Had your heart broken?:
81.Been arrested?:
82.Cried when someone died?:
83.Fallen for a friend?:
86.Love at first sight?:
87.Santa Claus?:
88.Kiss on the first date?:
if its the right mood
89.Angels?: no
90.Current best friend’s name:
91.Eye color: 
92. Favourite movie:
Now you see me
i tag @kim-jonginism @kingnamjoons @xxxmercelyxxx @jun-mama and @laysekai
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thedeviljudges · 3 years
Brain whizzed some more and now I'm uncharacteristically optimistic - the choking scene will be right at the beginning in reaction to Gaon's 'betrayal', so we can get that out of the way. Then if they are paralleling the stopping knife with hand scene, maybe that suggests the outcome of that scene is Gaon having a change of heart/seeing the light like the first time with SH, aka back on team YH?? Clutching at straws here, but also hoping YH didn't (indirectly) order SH's death (1/2)
i didn't get the second part of your message, babe. but!!! you do make a good point about gaon seeing the light. i know a few people have talked about the parallels of gaon trying to stab the conman and now yohan, so that will actually be interesting to see if he'll have another wakeup call like that!!! this show really, really loves it symbolism and parallels, and that would be exceptionally dope if that's what they did with that scene.
i'm still not convinced yohan took soohyun out. to me, i feel like it might've been sunah. with the theory going around that elijah might've started the fire, someone mentioned that sunah could've given her the flame that started it all. if joseph was a witness.... but then again we know sunah is not afraid to kill people, so idk how plausible that is.
the agonizing week we have ahead of us. 😅😅
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piyesis-art · 1 year
Some YHS head canons about Yumi's gang!
Are Celeste and Elijah twins? are they even related? I dunno but they have similar hair colors so that's proof in my eyes lmao
Celeste is the older one and was the one mostly in charge of watching over Elijah when their parents left them in the care of their delulu grandma
The reason they even got into the crime business is because they needed money and they got that by cleaning up after people. (Killings) Celeste stopped cleaning up and instead got more jobs on being the get-away driver/helping people rob things
Elijah is trans/mlm and Celeste is lesbian 🏳️‍🌈
Celeste had an encounter with Yumi before and thought Yumi was cool (and hot)
Elijah started working with Yumi because he doesn't really know what to do in life so he follows his sister around to make sure shes safe (+he has separation issues) he was originally going to leave after throwing the casket in the river but stayed because he thought Alec was cool (and hot)
Yumi and Alec knew each other as kids (I'll make a separate post someday) and Yumi doesn't have a lot of friends that she knew since the beginning and since she also has separation issues she doesn't want Alec to leave her (she sees him as a brother but not at the same time because she hates his entire exitance)
Her dad got a job overseas which pays really well and he likes it better over there and doesn't really know what to do with Yumi after her mom got thrown in prison so he just sends money home and hopes she doesn't cause problems.
I also hc Alec as native :) and he's bisexual (or as I want to put it, two-spirited)
Celeste and Alec hate each other's entire existence. (Why? Idk seems funny lol)
Elijah's and Alec's relationship is sorta-complicated? Alec hates Elijah because Elijah is too desensitized to killing people like Yumi so it pisses him off but he also likes him because he's cute + he's one of the only people that knows the secrets he's trying to hide from his friends and doesn't hate his guts like all his co-workers -- Elijah likes him but knows they won't go anywhere since he already knows he's in love with someone else.
He also won a bet with Alec so Elijah is allowed to hug him whenever he wants 😀👍
Yumi is bisexual and doesn't notice she has a crush on Celeste because she gaslit herself into thinking that she just "cared" about her
Celeste has sleepovers at Yumi's house to help her with making plans/stalking etc
Elijah and Celeste have a lot of fights -- complicated sibling relationship where one wants to live their own life but the other doesn't want to be alone (due to ✨ trauma✨) so they fight a lot because Elijah is worried about Celeste and Celeste is annoyed because she can look after herself and would rather do her own thing without her little brother bothering her.
Because of those fights Celeste sleeps over at Yumi's and Elijah gets Alec to stay over at his house until they make up.
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piyesis-art · 11 months
hc's with Elijah and Celeste again (yhs)
Both of their parents were shitty and worked with criminals before they were born and passed on their work to them because there was no other way to survive since the twins parents got themselves into debt. (And what other payment is there than to guarantee two more employees that can't quit on you)
Their mom has a sister who's better off than them. Rich CEO, who built everything she has, and has a family that's better than her sisters. The twins aunt doesn't want anything to do with them or her sister since family drama, but since the mom and the husband died + their grandma unable to take care of herself-- she has to be their guardian. (She doesn't though, she just sends them a monthly check and tells the twins to forge her signature for important stuff like school trips)
The dad has family but they're never mentioned so the twins assume they're dead.
More on Celeste and Elijah separately below:
Is the leader since she was born first. What she says goes and since it's been only her and Elijah, they put their bond first before anything else.
Despite being born first by a minute, she acts like she was born five years earlier.
Stressed out of her mind, and competitive.
Top of her class in gym, and in mathematics but didn't stay long in school so she can focus on taking care of her grandma and working for criminals
When working with criminals, she was mostly needed for causing a distraction. (Lost teenager, angry person looking for a fight while someone steals something in the back) but on some occasions, she is used to kill people since she's expendable because if she's caught, it's not really a setback to her boss.
Became a diy nurse since Elijah always got himself in pretty bad fights but she would rather learn how to be a game developer. (The games she's playing is not competitive enough for her)
She likes bikes and cars so she has a part time job as a mechanic.
Joined Yumi because she needed to be in a place that was new to her. Yumi was different than all the other people she worked with so she was curious then she started to cling onto that difference because she wanted something different that was going on in her life. No matter if it was good or bad.
Celeste won't admit it but she felt like taking care of their grandma and watching over Elijah +work was such a burden and she was close to being like their mom's sister and ditching their family. She was planning to leave everything before she met yumi
copes better with their sucky life than Elijah
She tolerates Elijah's hugs but would rather have him clean her bike if he really cared about her 😒 and she likes words of affirmation more. She would tell her loved ones she cares about them. (Even to Yumi sometimes)
Emotional. Not great with emotions. He can't regulate them, and being raised in an improper environment set that back more. He picks a lot of fights and hates a lot of people because of them. He's mostly like that because of their parents, their boss, and their life.
Aside from that emotional baggage, he's kinda fucked up. Growing up around people who killed for whatever reason molded his perspective on human beings so he just sees them as nothing. he doesn't feel remorse when he kills them. He doesn't believe good people exist and when they do, Elijah hates their existence.
He reads lots of books because characters are better than the shitty people he has to deal with. He likes reading romance books and is a hopeless romantic despite hating people. When his sister tells him she loves him, he replies with "as you should". When he's face with actual romantic love from strangers or friends, suddenly all the books He read on romance are non existent . who is love? Don't know her.
Celeste is the one that plans their schemes and he acts out whatever is asked of him.
Doesn't know what he wants to do with his life so he figures he might end up like their parents. He has no hope for his life and believes his sister is the same
Elijah is both "nothing matters :(" and "nothing matters 😎" simultaneously
He can't comfort people for shit so when Celeste is feeling blue longer than usual, he's willing to do anything to make her not do that and if her asking him to work with a serial killer cause it's making her happy then so be it.
He has average grades in school, but he excelled in math. Dropped out to take care of their grandma+ work. He says he dropped out but he was kicked out because he kept getting into fights
He's violent when fighting but when he's not, Elijah is touched starved and likes bothering his sister or his grandma. He's either smothering them with hugs or poking them to annoy them.
Both Celeste and Elijah have warped ideas of romantic love but platonic love is something they both understand well
Might make a separate post about them and their relationships with the main characters and another post on their grandma.
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piyesis-art · 1 year
hc that Elijah gets cold easily so he always needs something to cover him up or he'll shrivel up and die
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