#ygo sleeping beauty au
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aberooski · 28 days ago
OUAD (Abby’s version) Is HERE!!!
This is a remaster that was very important to me to do, this fic means so much to me and really is just so special and I just really needed to remaster this one. For those of you who read the original, I hope you’ll give it another look and have just as much fun as we did back then! And for anyone who hasn’t read this bad boy before and would like to now, I hope you enjoy it! 
Love you all, babies!!
fic details under cut
Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Manjoume Jun | Chazz Princeton/Tenjouin Fubuki | Atticus Rhodes, Tenjouin Asuka | Alexis Rhodes & Tenjouin Fubuki | Atticus Rhodes, Manjoume Jun | Chazz Princeton & Tenjouin Asuka | Alexis Rhodes, Marufuji Shou | Syrus Truesdale & Tyranno Kenzan | Tyranno Hassleberry & Yuuki Juudai | Jaden Yuki, Manjoume Jun | Chazz Princeton & Ojamas, Manjoume Jun | Chazz Princeton & Professor Cronos de Medici | Dr. Vellian Crowler
  Characters: Manjoume Jun | Chazz Princeton, Tenjouin Fubuki | Atticus Rhodes, Tenjouin Asuka | Alexis Rhodes, Professor Cronos de Medici | Dr. Vellian Crowler, Yuuki Juudai | Jaden Yuki, Marufuji Shou | Syrus Truesdale, Tyranno Kenzan | Tyranno Hassleberry, Manjoume Chosaku | Slade Princeton, Manjoume Shouji | Jagger Princeton, Hane Kuriboh | Winged Kuriboh, Ojama Yellow, Ojama Black, Ojama Green, Mr. Princeton, Mrs. Princeton, Mr. Rhodes, Mrs. Rhodes
  Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Sleeping Beauty Fusion, loose film adaptation, Chazz as Aurora, Atticus as Prince Phillip, Jaden Syrus and Hassleberry as Flora Fauna and Merryweather, Slade and Jagger as Maleficent, Romance, Forbidden Love, Arranged Marriage, Magic, Death Curses, implied necromancy, Revenge Plots, Family Drama, Attempted Kidnapping, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping, Aggravated assault, Mild Language, Blood, Injury, Swordfighting, Character Death, True Love's Kiss, Eventual Happy Ending, Never let Chazz go into the woods alone, Writing fights is hard and it sucks, Slow Build, Minor Original Character(s), Mild Hurt/Comfort, Protective Yuuki Juudai | Jaden Yuki, Protective Tyanno Kenzan | Tyranno Hassleberry, Protective Marufuji Shou | Syrus Truesdale, Protective Tenjouin Fubuki | Atticus Rhodes, Protective Tenjouin Asuka | Alexis Rhodes, Protective Professor Cronos de Medici | Dr. Vellian Crowler, Protectiveness, Protective Siblings, Literally everyone is protective of Chazz, Dad Crowler my beloved, Manjoume Jun | Chazz Princeton Needs a Hug
  Summary: Cursed as a baby to die on the night of his eighteenth birthday by his vengeful brothers banished to the deep mountains, Chazz is raised in hiding by a young, aspiring professor deep in the forest beyond the glorious Golden Kingdom. Unaware of his royal birth, his betrothal to Princess Alexis of the neighboring Northern Kingdom, or the curse hanging over his head. Only, when the day of his eighteenth birthday arrives, he is rescued from danger by a charming knight, shifting the course of both of their lives forever.
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stellar-chrondrite · 4 years ago
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I doodled some Sleeping Beauty AU stuff in my doodlebook and this was one of ‘em. 
In other news, yay more Prideshipping!
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shinayashipper · 5 years ago
Red’s Rivalshipping Fic Recs
LAST UPDATE: 31/01/2022
There are not many Rivalshipping contents around but they’re my YGO OTP and I: Love Them. So I guess I will list down my fave Rivalshipping fics here! (I’ll update whenever there’s new ones to the list)
I will try to keep this list strictly with Rivalshipping as the main pair, meaning there will not be poly relationships or side-pair Rival. If there are, I will put warnings for them!
Here is the list with no chronological order under the cut!
silent burning by ruruka - Rate: M. Post-canon, Post-DSOD.
This!! This!! Absolutely, this is my current fave Rivalshipping fic ever! It’s about how their relationship develop post-DSOD. I truly ADORE post-DSOD Rivalshipping and This Fic just gave me exactly what I wanted! Just them being adults who are Awkward with Feelings. Reading about how their feelings grow and such! Mostly it’s reading about Kaiba’s feelings develop though, because it’s in his POV. I truly hope you’ll give this a read! This is a must-read if you love post-DSOD Rivalshipping!
SEND NUDES by arinrowan - Rate: T. Canon-verse.
There’s no actual nudity happening so that’s why the rate is T! This is truly peak-comedy, haha! There’s not much romance around and it includes a very oblivious Yugi which I just LOVE Very Much. Yugi’s obliviousness made everything so funny haha! Truly a cute read!
How (Not) to Court your Rival by scribespirare - Rate: T. Post-canon.
Funny and cute!! Includes a very oblivious Yugi, too. I love him, what a silly man. Kaiba TRIED Very Hard in this, hahaha! Truly a cute read!
(Not Really) Sleeping Beauty by cynassa - Rate: General Audience. Post-canon.
CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!!! This is such a soft fic. Just them exploring feelings as they sleep together. Yeah, they just sleep, sharing a bed. This is a very cute read.
The Company You Keep by Jackvbriefs - Rate: T. Post-canon.
DON’T YOU JUST KNOW I FREAKING LOVE POST-CANON RIVALSHIPPING WITH THEM BEING AWKWARD ADULTS WITH FEELINGS?? YES. Also this is giving off that ‘Celebrity Couple’ vibes. They’re on a business trip, trying to be as professional as possible, but there were Feelings involved. A cute read!
Gilded Heart by mostregrettably (regrettably) - Rate: T. Post-canon. Post-DSOD.
Feelings-realization and character study-ish. This is mostly just Kaiba finally looks at Yugi and realizing his Feelings, realizing the difference about how he feels for Yugi and for Atem. Short but straight-to-the-heart.
Rivet by LeeASherlook - Rate: T. Post-canon.
What can I say? I just freaking love post-canon Rivalshipping with them being awkward adults with Feelings. This fic feels very domestic and natural. I love them bonding, developing relationship and just being casual. The Kaiba Brothers dynamic is also to die for! I love the slice-of-life feeling in this. Some scenes can be borderline suggestive and slightly steamy but nothing too-heavy! This isn’t completed yet but it’s still worth a read!
The Beauty That Remains by reyisawesome - Rate: M. AU.
GOOD, GOOD AU FOR RIVALSHIPPING AAHHH!!! It’s so rare for any AU stories for Rival, and this one is Very Fitting! It’s horror and there’s slight violence, but the kind that’s very fitting for YGO. It’s like a mix of canon-story into an AU. Rival started out not in very good terms at first but it turns out to be one of the sweetest Rival fic ever! Don’t forget to read the tags & warnings first!
Amuse-bouche by bobtailsquid - Rate: T. One-shot Collection. Mostly Post-canon.
GOOD, GOOD, GOOD!!!!! The little bits that are just the equal amount to give you bunch of serotonin & goodness! One-shot collection that revolves around the Kaiba bros and Rivalshipping. The dynamic in this is GODLY, it’s so heartwarming and domestic and so spot-on! Truly a treat! Shoutout to @kaibacorpintern for this HHH THANK YOU, MUCH LOVE! Follow their blog for more Goodness too!
Stop At Red, Kiss Till Green by YuugiMuffin - Rate: T. Post-canon.
Yes, yes, it’s more post-canon recommendation from me again but HEY this is GOOD, okay!! Don’t we all love soft Rivalshipping in this house? Because this is YES!! This is another “Kaiba realizing his Feelings” again because DON’T WE ALL LOVE THAT? Well, I certainly do. And this one is the kind that’s short but so spot-on and the setting is very fitting for them. I love it.
Habits by auroraXborealis - Rate: General Audience. Post-DSOD.
HELLO YES PEOPLE THIS IS THE GIFT @xauroraxborealisx WROTE FOR *ME*!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!! 2020 is the best bday year for me! Honestly! I’m still Loving it and keep on rereading!! I didn’t add this here just because it’s a friend’s work, but because THIS is So Good. More of post-DSOD Rivalshipping because That’s The Goodness!! A quick recap of Rival’s development, how they’re slowly getting closer and Feelings blossom!! The short fic that goes straight to your heart!! The characterization is also very *chef’s kiss*, just like any other Aurora’s works, it’s Beautiful. Please check it out!
Play to the End by bubblygoo - Rate: T. Post-canon.
You have to log in to your AO3 Account to read this one!
MOREEEE YYEESSS GIVE ME MORE POST-CANON RIVAL BECAUSE THAT IS: THE GOODNESS!!! Honestly, ah, this is one of those “Beginnings of Spherium”/”Beginnings of Kaiba-Yugi working together on game dev” that is just SO GOOD, and so-!! It truly tickled my heart! Yugi hid his identity at first because of reasons and then the revelation is just SO GOOD! Truly love the characters’ interaction, honestly!! Yugi is both shy and sassy, I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!!! Truly a fun read!!
Gods & Monsters: Chapter 8 by shewhorantstoomuch - Rate: Explicit. One-shot collection. This chapter in particular is Post-DSOD.
This is a one-shot collection story with various pairs, but Chapter 8 is about Rivalshipping so I only linked to that chapter.
This tells about their blossoming friendship post-DSOD and how it slowly blooms into something else but also SEXY TIME, but not your usual sexy time because it’s just SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT honestly!! Please read the tags & warnings first because the content might be triggering, watch out for ANGST & FEELINGS, but honestly there was so much feeling on that smut, you’ll understand once you read it~
Prism by ruruka - Rate: General Audience. Post-canon.
Another post-canon established Rival and I just really love ruruka’s established!Rival honestly!! This is about Kaiba meeting Sugoroku again and apologizing for all he’d done in the past (with a very Kaiba-way), he’s so awkward!! HHH It’s such a cute “taking my boyfriend to meet my family” kind of fic~
Warmth by boDDaciousS - Rate: M. Post-canon.
Very soft intimate content. It’s so tender and soft and sweet intimacy, both of them are Nervous and mostly Kaiba but Yugi reassures both of them that it’s OK. This is the beginnings of them stepping up Further into their relationship. Truly a wonderful sweet short read. A blessing!
White Barrel Cactus by hakaibunshi - Rate: M. Post-canon.
It’s by the very talented @hakaibunshi !! Please send them much love <3 They also write for other ships like Prideshipping and Puzzleshipping, you may want to check them out too.
It’s originally Not Rated, but I feel like this have Mature feelings into it, so I put M in there, just in case. But overall there’s nothing explicit in it.
Of course, it’s more post-canon Rival! Just the way I like it. They have a Thing going on here, and yet they’re Not Dating. Not quite friends either, because Yugi works under Kaiba here. The kind of Confusion that I love, that Not-Friends & Not-Lovers situation! I love the writing style and there’s so much Feelings going on here! Seto’s trauma, hurtful words said to each other... just- AH. Truly wonderful. It Hurts So Good. I love it.
EDIT: The latest chapter is a bonus chapter and they made love in that chapter. The author also already put a warning on the chapter itself.
Ivy Winter by EriksChampion - Rate: General Audience. Canon-verse.
Post-Duelist Kingdom Rivalshipping is Very Rare and this one truly nailed their development!! I love fics where they just be teenagers and do teenagers things, of course with Kaiba it’s a little difficult~ This is a mostly cute fic with sprinkles of light angst, just Rivalshipping bonding and especially Kaiba and his Way of Handling Things, HHHH. Very nice, very cute!!
bone crush by duelistkingdom - Rate: T. Post-canon.
One of the best by @duelistkingdom !! (Also check out their blog for more contents)
This one is bitter and less sweet, but it’s hopeful, and personally it gives me more inspo for Rivalshipping in this kind of setting. It’s Kaiba-Yugi being Difficult again, most on Kaiba’s part, and I really love that Not-Friends, Not-Lovers situation. I love this kind of scenarios in which they both wanted More, but somehow they just Can’t step forward. You might really want to slap some sense into Kaiba in this HHHH
Human by Jenivi7 - Rate: General Audience. AU
Really amazing one by @jenivi7 !! And it’s AU?? For Rivalshipping too!! How rare is that XD Truly a blessing. More people should read.
It’s a sci-fi AU with android!Yugi. The kind that’s short but straight to the heart. I really enjoyed it. It also features Kaiba the best Robot Dad ever, and CUTE ROBOTS!!!
break time by tsunderestorm - Rate: Explicit. Post-canon.
PURE SMUT GOODNESS. It’s pure Smexy Time. Kinky, and yet it’s also Super Sweet?? Maybe it’s the way Yugi so openly compliments and praises Seto, gosh idk but This Is Good. Kaiba has pretty hands and Yugi’s Whipped.
you must be an illusion by scribespirare - Rate: T. AU and canon-compliant.
It’s Omegaverse with alpha!Kaiba and omega!Yugi. This might be the first omegaverse I read for Rivalshipping, and honestly it’s So Good and Super Sweet!! Kaiba is a clingy alpha and that really melts me, so adorable and sweet, I love it!!
Always On My Mind by pyromanicofthesea - Rate: General Audience. AU and canon-compliant.
Really tender and sweet one by @smokedoutcoldstar !!
It’s Soulmate AU and both Kaiba and Yugi are soulmates. It tells from Kaiba’s pov and it shows how Kaiba struggled thinking this Feeling will fade over time but it keeps getting stronger instead and finally he decided to make a move about it HHHH It’s short but once again it’s Straight to The Heart and it gives me this Fuzzy, warm feeling.
don’t put words in my mouth by tsunderestorm - Rate: T. Post-canon.
Absolute gorgeous getting together fic. Kaiba being Kaiba and of course he’d be Difficult with Feelings, both to his own and to Yugi. Kaiba’s determined to pull away from Yugi and distances himself, but thankfully Yugi won’t let him do that so easily, especially after everything they been through!! It’s the fic that’s short but straight to the heart. Really love the confession scene, especially Kaiba’s part.
The Celebrity Trilogy by Immicolia - Rate: T. Post-canon.
Life being a public idol-figure sure is hard, and it’s getting a toll into Yugi’s mind and wellbeing. Pressure from the media, pressure to live up to others’ expectation, his own insecurity, feeling like he will forever live behind Atem’s shadow. Not only that but there’s also his growing crush for Seto freaking Kaiba. Wonderful. This really hits hard, personally for me. I really like this fic and Yugi’s struggles!
keep my heart palpitating by scribespirare - Rate: T. Post-canon/AU.
Soulmate AU in which they discover their soulmates~ And Rivalboys are soulmates~~ They didn’t believe it at first because they’re the epitome of “polar opposites”, and absolutely makes No Sense to be together, and as SOULMATES, nonetheless?? Is this a joke? But nope, it’s real, and it’s just fun and cute with them discovering things up. I really enjoy reading it.
Love Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry by shadow13 - Rate: T. Post-canon.
It’s established Rivalshipping, but they’re having a fight, and currently Yugi’s giving Kaiba the Cold Shoulder xD Kaiba’s trying so Hard to gain Yugi’s attention again. This story is told in Jounouchi’s POV and I just think it’s very fitting and cute. Especially because we all know how Jou feels regarding Kaiba in general, his POV is even more fun to read because of it xD I love Jou, he’s such a good boy and the best friend ever!!
Fill Your Cup by ifwegettherebysunset - Rate: T. Post-canon. Post-DSOD
The tag “Kaiba is an Asshole Who Cares” is absolutely accurate to describe this one! It’s established Rivalshipping, but Kaiba is still trying to offer comfort for Yugi. Everything is just so fitting and really beautiful, Kaiba’s trying hard to offer comfort in his own way, no matter how awkwardly, and I think it’s really beautiful <3 Bonus Mokuba being the most supportive little brother ever!
Secrets Inside You by shadow13 - Rate: M. Post-canon. Post-DSOD.
A very gorgeous Seto-coming-to-terms-with-his-feelings fic! <3 It’s written in Seto’s POV and it shows about how Seto feels for Yugi. The way he denies his feelings and how his actions contradicted his thoughts, and how these thoughts and feelings develop, how he will slowly accept his own feelings as it is, it’s all just so Seto and it’s beautiful!! Really love Seto’s character in here! <3
Let Conversation Infect the Mind by TelepathJeneral - Rate: T. Post-canon.
A very gorgeous post-canon Rivalshipping development! Watch them (re)discovering Feelings and getting to know each other! It’s slow burn too, so prepare yourself for it <3 The fic’s also featuring wingman!Mokuba! He just wants the best for his brother and Yugi too <3 The fic isn’t tagged as a ship fic, so I was afraid it’s not intended to be a rivalshipping fic, but I’ve confirmed with the author and that they just forgot to put in the tag, so don’t worry everyone! It’s a Rivalshipping fic! Because it’s not tagged with the ship name, I hope more people share this too because Rivalshippers deserve to read this gorgeous fic!!
When The Sun Rises by thisislegit - Rate: General Audience. Post-canon.
Established Rivalshipping talking/discussing about relationships. It’s very dialogue-heavy, but there’s something about it that just makes me Feel. Can be seen as a little angsty, but I personally think it ends with Hopeful note. They both care for each other but they need to Grow to maintain this relationship.
Business or Pleasure by EriiErii - Rate: T. Post-canon.
Rivalshipping having a not-date date! xD It’s both funny and endearing, absolute gorgeous. So it’s also about the origin of Kaiba-Yugi developing Spherium II together and I think it just fits really well for them. The fic also features a cheeky wingman Mokuba, my fave kind <3
still water by stereonightss - Rate: Explicit. Post-DSOD.
You know I never expect to put a Flare fic into this list, but this one is one of those rare RARE Flare that made me FEEL. It’s really Beautiful. It’s also a Rivalshipping-focused Flare, meaning it focuses on Rivalshipping development. It’s an absolute gorgeous FANTASY SCI-FI STORY FILLED WITH WARMTH AND FEELINGS. The Rivalshipping development is top-notch and if you love a Kaiba who just Loves Yugi and protective of him, this is a good read for that. Atem doesn’t appear much, but the fic isn’t finished yet, and I think Prideship moments will appear soon so for you Pride fans, you don’t have to worry.
you’d come back to me by duelistkingdom - Rate: T. Post-DSOD.
WHAT CAN I SAY???? IT’S A NOVEL!!! IT’S A FULL-COURSE MEAL OF RIVAL!! It tells about Kaiba returning from his trip to the Afterlife and turns out it’s been YEARS since that and he was supposedly “dead”. Join Kaiba on his journey to (re)open Feelings and be a better person, a better brother, and a better lover. It’s one of the best written Rival out there with solid development to all characters, and solid development to the supportive characters / side-relationship too. Not to mention juicy angsty past!Puzzle and past!(unrequited)Pride (and how you can just see here how Differently Kaiba and Yugi see Atem), AND ALSO Delicious, delicious Kaiba bros angst <3
Colored Water/色水 by thisislegit - Rate: M. Post-canon.
It sets post-canon but in which Atem returns. (you can check out the series this fic is in). This one has Rival with side-Dragonshipping. They’re going to a beach house together with Mokuba and his school friends. It’s a very heart-warming bonding fic with lots of fun but of course including some drama too because this is RIVALSHIPPING, they gotta be like That.
Golden State by bobtailsquid - Rate: M. Post-DSOD.
Established!Rivalshipping feat. Developing!Devotionshipping (JouAnzu) aka MY MAIN POST-DSOD PAIRS!!!! Yes, I really love RivalDevotion together and their dynamic compliment each other so well in this fic, I love it! Beautiful writing style and very fun conversations / dynamic! It’s all just SO FUN to read. I love how everyone’s POV was written and how different they are. BUT DON’T BE FOOLED: They have lots of Feelings about each other! Join them on this road trip to (re)discover Feelings and Communication!! <3 ALSO it will Hit you even more especially if you’re also into Pride, because of course it touches the Topic of Atem, and I think it’s really beautifully written!
Storm by DarkHeartInTheSky - Rate: T. canon-verse
Kind of bittersweet, kind of hopeful. It’s a drabble about Kaiba’s musings. He’s torn between Wanting Yugi and Thinking he doesn’t Deserve Him. Feat. a protective Yami. Fic about Kaiba’s inner turmoil will always be Great!
Update (31/01/22):
Like moonlight through your veins by hlmedinfl - Rate: T. AU.
Fantasy AU with magic and superpowers! Really beautifully written and a very nice pace. Yugi is Mokuba’s tutor and their dynamic is really cute and fun. Fantasy AUs is very rare to find for Rivalshipping and this one is such a gem! <3 Their dynamic especially with Mokuba is just the best <3 They’re like a small family! Personally for me, Mokie is the highlight of this fic! He’s so hardworking and caring and just So Cute!! This story will also include some Action, and the build-up is really nice!
Your Love Will Kill Me by Pharaoh_Ink & shadow13 - Rate: M. Canon-verse (DSOD)
WOWOWOWW!! A yandere!Kaiba story! With gorgeous Slow-Burn and delicious Tension <3 It’s a more chilling alternate route from DSOD, story about the Love that is borderline Obsession. It’s really great, and get you on edge at times <3 This fic is ofc not for everyone, and you really have to read the tags and warnings first. If you can handle this kind of story, I think it’s really great <3
Fox Fire and Magic Cats by JazzBones - Rate: M. AU.
AU where everyone is a spirit! Japanese youkai, like kitsune, bakeneko, etc. In this AU, Kaiba is a nine-tailed fox (kitsune), and Yugi is a cat spirit (bakeneko), and you might think “youkai? then is it horror?” NO!! in fact, this is just one of the Cutest, Most Fluffiest AU I’ve read!! It’s only the beginnings right now, but I’ve talked a lot with the author and let me tell you THIS AU IS JUST SO SO GOOD AND PERFECT!!! <33 (you can check out their blog @oliversbones for more info)
This Kiss by Draconicmaw - Rate: M. Post-canon.
THIS IS JUST ABSOLUTE BLESS!!!!!!! In fact, I think this fic is just especially Tailored for **me** because of how Perfect it is for my tastes! This is a sexy piece, but as always @draconicmaw always has a way to write sexy scenes to be so Full of Emotion, it’s so SPICY and just so-!! Ah, perfect! I can’t really explain it throughly but if you read the tags, you can get the gits. I really love touch-starved, inexperienced virgin Seto who is just so Eager... absolute gorgeous.
I’m sure this is not all! I will update this list once I find more beautifully-written Rival fics that tickled my heart~~ (You can also send me recs!)
Let’s spread Rivalshipping Love~
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break-slash · 4 years ago
Puzzleship JP & KR Fancomic Recommendation List
UPDATE (19-12-2020): Added two more artists and two more titles on the Japanese lists!
I don’t consider myself as someone very tidy and organized, but I just like making lists of the things I love, somehow. Hence this post. I haven’t been in the fandom for long but I thought I’d share some of my favorites primarily from two sites: pixiv and postype. Most of the postype ones are behind paywall, and I will mark them differently.
Some of my favorites come from the same artists, so I’ll also link their pixiv profile on top of my favorite work of them.
(I actually bookmarked a lot and picking them isn’t an easy task, so I will update this step by step. If you see only a link of an artist, that’s the reason, but I can guarantee you will love their works! Feel free to recommend me yours through reblogs or DM as well!)
Artist: CYHGM
She is a Chinese and is more active on Weibo (she posted tons of puzzleship there, but my Mandarin is beyond rusty so I could only cry in despair lmao), but she has two fancomics that I absolutely adore of. Those two mentioned fancomics are:
The Past and The Future. You can check my translation for this one here. It tells about Atem who gets transported to 3000 years later before his coronation, and that’s where he met post-canon!Yugi. Just... everything about this comic is so wonderful. I teared up at the last page, not gonna lie ;_;
The Pharaoh and The Fairy: An Ancient Egypt-slash-fantasy AU featuring the S0/TOEI casts. The fairy Yugi was saved by Atem, and it’s an obligatory for fairies to grant their savior’s wishes. However, Atem doesn’t exactly have something he wants of, and this confuses Yugi on how he should repay him back. Pure undiluted sugar, and fairy!Yugi is just so cute.
Artist: Fushitas
Arguably one of the most popular Puzzleship fanartists in the JP fandom (look at their number of followers on Twitter, man), but maybe it’s also due to the fact they were in AoT fandom too. They’re mostly active on Twitter, and if you also watch Zexal, they draw tons of Yuma-centric pairings too. They have released lots of books, and their prices on the reseller sites are... well, let’s just say, unbelievable. Just to show how famous they are. 
From everlasting to everlasting: Set after DSOD. A mysterious figure appears in front of Atem, claiming to be his queen. Everyone in the after life somehow acknowledges this person, which makes him even more confused because he’s the only one unaware of this. On the living realm, Yugi who is on the way to his home got hit by a truck (isekai much??) and when he woke up, he suddenly plays the role of Atem’s queen. I’ve always adored Fushitas’ drawing, and this is no exception. The story is pretty simple, but is still good! The ending of this comic is everything I’ve always wanted from the canon lol. 
The King’s Guest: Ancient Egypt AU. The councils are starting to get worried because Atem shows no interest in marrying someone, so Shimon opens up a “chance” sort of for civilians to become “someone for the Pharaoh to talk with”. The civilian Yugi takes this chance right off the bat, and stuff happens? This one is just so sweet and the misunderstanding later in the story kinda cracks me up. I really love the way they build the two’s chemistry in here.
Artist: usi 
They only draw two puzzleship fancomics, but both are so good and explores the themes I’ve loved from the pairing.
The Lotus’ Devil: Set post-canon with a flashback. It tells about Yugi’s regret in the past where he wanted to show Atem a small pool supposed to be full of lotus flower only to arrive seeing them not blooming. Fast forward to the post-canon, he found out that there’s actually a monster residing on that pool. I really, really loved the ending scene of this one.
Who’s The Detestable, Fortunate Guy Here: I think this is set sometime in the canon story, although the exact timing is unclear. It’s a short comic of Yugi asking Atem to pretend to be his date and go on a “dating practice”. A very pleasant hurt-and-comfort kind of story, and who doesn’t love a story of them dating anyways? :”D
Artist: Houzuki Anzu
She doesn’t draw much YGO, but she has some Arc-V and 5D’s fanarts too if you watch the series! 
Hourglass: Sets after the Memory World arc. Yugi keeps hearing a strange sound inside his mind, and he finds out there’s a huge hourglass standing there, guarded by the will of Millenium Puzzle. Apparently, the hourglass is linked to Atem’s remaining time in the living realm? Anyways, the ending of this comic might look like a cliffhanger, but I personally think it isn’t. I love the theme this comic picks to explore and the way it is presented.
Present: Same setting with Hourglass, but this one focuses more on Atem sorting out his feelings about the Ceremonial Duel and what he has learned from Yugi in general. It’s a very nice extra detail that the canon slightly lacks of, and I just love... bittersweet stuff in general haha.
Artist: Chiriko
Are you the type who wants puzzleship to be full of happiness and fluff and nothing else? Well, she has a number of comics to fill that need! I actually love all of her works, but if I have to pick, these two are my favorite:
...Don’t Ever Leave Me Again: A short story about Yugi having a nightmare of where he was stuck in the fire accident at Otogi’s store. Well... this isn’t a fluff sort of, but it’s... a happy ending still? /shot
[Untitled]: A dialogue-less comic, but this is the sort of post-canon what-if that I really, really like. Atem stroking Yugi’s face while sleeping is just... so soft man....
Artist: Komori Nea
Their art style was one of those that’s very noticeable and has a certain charm on it. They are pretty active on Twitter, and even draws puzzle comics once in a while that haven’t been uploaded to pixiv (which is why I recommend you to check their twitter gallery too haha)
The Soul Stays Awake: Post!DSOD. Atem comes back from afterlife in hoping that Yugi would be as happy as he is, but months after, Atem’s existence still hasn’t been registered on Yugi’s life just yet. Another post!DSOD take that I like which involves the fear of another farewell and uncertainty, but this is a good hurt-and-comfort. I swear, it’ll hurt you just... for a while. :”)
The Attack’s Aim: Set during the canon series. A short comic mostly portraying Yugi’s hidden strength but also the tenacity of duelist that is not only targeted toward the opponent, but also to Atem, without the person actually noticing it. The last page of this one is so... soft and gentle I had to put it into this list.
Artist: caf
Often draw with S0/TOEI style, characters and characterization in mind. Their coloring in illustrations is so soft, plus artists who specialize in S0/TOEI style can’t be found so easily. Their comic style is not a manga-like one and they write the dialogues with handwriting, but if you can read hiragana and write and understand how kanji works (so you can write it on translation machine), their comics are easy to understand!
magenta: S0/TOEI AU where Yugi and Atem are two separate person. A short comic of Yugi lying under the rain as Atem searches for his whereabouts. I really love the way they portray the rain and the atmosphere surrounding the scene. Or maybe I’m just biased with rains in general, ahahaha.
Yuugi and Mao’s Stay Home: Same AU as above. Our two boys has to face the same shit we do IRL in this comic, which is quarantine. Atem offers to cook something for Yugi since he can’t eat outside. You love seeing Yugi eating stuff? This is a perfect comic for y’all. 
Artist: Kkyut
Artist: Kayu(i)
Gemini: As Atem comes back to the living world, Yugi faces the dilemma of having being separated by “his other self” physically and mentally. A short comic, but the lines the artist used are so... beautiful. Like, the way they describe Yugi’s loneliness?? Just hits the park so much. 
Until The Hourglass Runs Out: Set after the Memory World Arc. As their farewell day goes closer, Yugi decides to give Atem a full control of his body at school so he could spend his time with Jounouchi and the gang more. However, things don’t go as smooth as Yugi had expected. If you like that little teeny weeny pain before the Ceremonial Duel, this comic perfectly suits the taste. 
see you sometime: Post-canon. Mahaad offers Atem a chance to meet Yugi in the living realm one more time, but with several conditions. Firstly, he could only stay for a day at maximum. Secondly, Yugi won’t be able to remember who he spent his time with after Atem hangs out with him. Thirdly, Yugi will not be able to “recognize” this Atem; he will only be registered in Yugi’s mind as a new classmate. A bittersweet comic in whole, but seeing the two having fun like a normal teenager would just makes me grin.
After The Rain: A dialogue-less comic, so everyone would be able to read this right away. A short comic of the two, but still very cute and wholesome!
The Tropics of Horus: Post!DSOD, Atem has to chase Kisara who lingers around Kaiba’s soul and he needs Yugi’s help to bring Kisara back to afterlife, but he has his own ulterior motive. This manga is so dialogue-heavy and might be hard to dissect especially if you don’t understand JP grammar and context, but the time spent trying to understand the meaning behind every words will be worth it. That much I guarantee. Just... everything about this comic, and how Atem’s “ulterior motive” connects to our boys’ adventure in canon series are so well planned. You can also purchase the R18 version in a form of the book here (toranoana)
Christmas Day: S0/TOEI puzzleship hint (dark puzzle???). There’s something in store for Yugi in Christmas, but this one might surprise Yugi a lot. It’s not that the prompt of “Atem gets separated from Yugi temporarily” is uncommon, but it is still a sweet one and makes you smile throughout the pages. 
All titles mentioned here are not free unless mentioned otherwise. Also I don’t understand Korean except being able to read Yugi and Atem’s name, so my story interpretation might be wrong. If you understand Korean, I’d really love for you input! ;_; 
You can check out on how to buy comics from postype here
Yugi’s 2020 Birthday Anthology: Rain and After End
This is an anthology consisting of four titles, but they share the same (or similar) setting where Atem is reincarnated, but he doesn’t remember his past (or has not yet, depending on how the story portrays it). Some are age-gap (adult!Yugi and high school student!Atem), so you might want to consider that if it’s not your cup of tea.
To Like Someone is to...: Age-gap setting. Mostly tells about how Yugi deals with his feeling as the reincarnated Atem in front of him turns out to have a feeling on him. I like how the story’s conclusion is that Yugi will sort it out slowly while also teasing Atem how he’s “too early” to date Yugi w.
In A Circle: A story about how the two met through an online chess game. Iirc Yugi works in a game company and Atem is sort of a famous e-sports player in this setting. There’s a lot of dialogue in this one and the app sometimes can’t process them very well, but I liked what I can understand from it! not very convincing is it haha i’m sorry i shouldn’t have done this
Familiarity: Age-gap setting, where Yugi becomes Atem’s caretaker. The comic mostly focuses on how Atem notices how kind (or too kind) Yugi is sometimes, but there are times where he feels distant. The plot where Atem gets into a fight with the other kid in his school because the kid mocks Yugi, and how Yugi just... accepts it even when Atem doesn’t want to say his reason of punching the kid is just.... god... I love this kind of age-gap setting like this I guess ;_;
Touchdown: Age-gap setting, but Atem is older in here (university student). The two goes to Atem’s university festival and they think about their own feeling when they got separated. On their way to drop Atem off, he confesses to Yugi, but Yugi is still unsure on his overlapping feeling between the reincarnated Atem and the Atem he knows. Make sure you play Motohiro Hata’s Rain and Aimer’s After Rain during the car scene to make the “rain” mood works even better :”)
Try For Point: A continuation of Touchdown, where Atem (like, the one from the past) visits Yugi in his dream and helps Yugi in sorting out is his feeling toward his reincarnated self. Atem’s advice is so sweet and there’s one certain line from this comic that I remember very deeply - there’s a part where he says, “If you don’t pull out the card, you won’t know what card it is, right?” to help Yugi clearing out his hesitancy ;w; at this point, I curse myself for not being able to understand Korean
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higuchimon · 5 years ago
[fanfic] See You In Your Dreams
Durbe kept his eyes closed. He didn’t remember when he’d closed them; only that he’d gotten into his seldom-used bed, pulled the blanket over himself, and tried to sleep.
Barians didn’t sleep like humans did. They didn’t need it. But they could, if they chose to, and it could sometimes be a way to pass the time when nothing else would do.
Now Durbe chose to use sleep to find Nasch, and hopefully Merag as well. If he could just get to sleep. If the world would fade away and he would find himself somewhere else…
He wasn’t sure of when it happened. Only that it did. He no longer lay in his bed in his quarters in the Barian’s great castle. He walked beside an acid river, tiny hisses rising upward as the water splashed against scarlet rocks. He’d been here before, in the waking and the sleeping worlds.
Beside him there strode someone like him – someone that he’d not seen in too long. His hands reached for Nasch’s and found Nasch’s reaching for him.
“You’re alive,” he whispered, voice choking. How long had he searched How long had he hoped for even the faintest hint that his beloved king still lived somewhere?
Nasch had no mouth but there was a sense of a smile regardless. It wasn’t a very happy smile. “I don’t know.”
Durbe tilted his head. “What do you mean?” He wanted to know where Nasch was, what had happened, everything.
“I don’t know if I’m alive or not. I don’t know where I am, Durbe. Except here with you.” Nasch shook his head. “I don’t even know how long I can do this. Something doesn’t feel right. It’s not like it was before when we did this.”
When they met in their dreams. It had always been so, for as long as Durbe and Nasch both could remember. On those few occasions when they slept, they always dreamed, always walking together by this river, hand in hand in moments if they hadn’t been before.
Durbe tightened his grip on Nasch’s hands. “What happened? We’ve been looking for you since you and Merag both vanished. We even asked Vector.” If he’d had a mouth his lips might have quirked. “He said he hadn’t seen you.”
“I couldn’t say. I don’t remember.” Nasch shook his head and Durbe that look in his eyes. Nasch should never look this confused or upset. Ruling the Barians wasn’t easy but he’d always done it so well. “I forget things, Durbe. I think when I’m awake – I won’t even remember this.”
Durbe’s heart beat a touch faster. “Why not?” To have these fleeting few moments with Nasch – that was almost worse than having nothing at all. “Who did this to you?”
“I don’t know.” Nasch held onto Durbe’s hands. “But I’ll find you again, as soon as I can. I will come back to you.”
Durbe’s hands tightened on Nasch’s as well. “I will find you. Nothing can stop that.”
They did not kiss as humans would. But power flowed between the two of them and Durbe could feel every emotion within Nasch’s heart, a connection so pure and so open that if he’d been awake and on his feet, he might well have fallen over from the beauty of it.
He sort of wanted to fall over anyway. His entire body shivered just from being so close to Nasch, not to mention the bittersweet knowledge that it could be centuries before they did this again. He didn’t want to let Nasch go. He wanted to find a way to be with Nasch forever, as they thought they’d been as Barians.
Nasch slipped his hands out of Durbe’s and resting them on Durbe’s shoulders, right where Durbe’s jewels were. If being touched before had been amazing, this was breathtaking, exhilarating, beyond the capability of words to express. A soft noise fell out of him and he leaned forward, breathing hard.
Barians didn’t need to breathe anymore than they needed to sleep, but there were times when breathing simply was necessary, no matter what.
He would have done the same for Nasch, if he could have moved his hands. Instead, he circled them around Nasch’s waist, and they leaned against one another, giving and receiving as they had before.
Durbe usually didn’t mind waking up from the dreams he shared with Nasch. Often they continued where they left off. But to open his eyes and see that he was in alone in his bed – Durbe sighed and slowly sat up.
He’s out there. She’s out there. I will find them. He had no idea of how or when but he would find them – and whoever tried to take Nasch and Merag away from the Barian World would pay for it.
That was a dream that would come true.
The End
Notes: May visit this another day. But for now, Zexal week is over! I had fun!
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cynassa · 7 years ago
Month Goals
1. Finish my YGO Kaibas fic
2. Post the MChalla coffee shop au already, it's not going to get any better you dumbass
3. Block out the painting for the Big bang
And if possible
4. Write the sequel to Not Really (Sleeping Beauty)
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millennial-ring · 7 years ago
Haunted Chapter 26.5
Tobi sat upright in bed, back against the wall and laptop resting on her outstretched legs that were tucked under the blankets despite the summer heat. Her bright green hair was pulled into a messy bun, stray pieces of hair falling out to frame her face. She kept having to push them behind her ears because they annoyed her, but she made no effort to properly pin them back. It was 5pm on her day off, and she still wore her pajamas, not bothering to change into real clothes despite her and her roommate’s plans to get Chinese before her roommate had to work. They’d both slept all day, exhausted and overworked.
 Tobi’s hands hovered above the keyboard uncertainly, the exhaustion showing on her pale face. The bags under her eyes –which she usually liked having, since they gave her a “dead inside” look without having to apply make up at 7am- were much darker thanks to the 18 hours she worked in the last two days. She was attempting –and failing- to write the next chapter of her fanfiction, Haunted. She kept writing one or two sentences, then deleting them. Now she stared at the blank word document like it was mocking her.
 “Fuck this,” she muttered, setting the laptop aside and getting out of bed. Her little black cat, Salem, chirped in protest at being woken up, and Tobi proceeded to get distracted with petting the cat for a good 5 minutes before she managed to make her way to the kitchen.
 “Drink of champions,” she said to herself as she pulled out her third Vanilla Coca-Cola and cracked open the can. As she took the first few too-big mandatory gulps she recalled that this very drink had inspired her Fanfiction.net username –VanillaKokain, because the sweet vanilla-laced beverage was just as addicting as that white powder.
 (In the real world, not fanfic self-insert land, the Real Tobi takes a second to retrieve her own Vanilla Coke from the kitchen before resuming the crack fic.)
 Though she really hadn’t done much but write maybe two paragraphs, collectively, she considered taking a break and making something to eat. She wasn’t particularly hungry, but she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had anything to eat, so she set down her Coke and grabbed a box of Kraft Mac and Cheese – the new Star Wars shapes, because fuck you, the shapes taste better.
 As she was turning to grab a pan from the cupboard above the sink, she spotted two people who were definitely not her roommate or friends, and dropped the box of BB-8 shaped noodles.
 Sitting there on her couch among the dozens of decorative pillows were none other than Malik and Bakura; more specifically, the versions of the two characters that existed in the Haunted universe. 
Malik wore his beautiful golden hair up in a ponytail, his outfit consisting of black skinny jeans and a white-to-lavender gradient tank top that Tobi had wanted to draw him in again. Bakura, meanwhile, wore his baggy red hoodie and grey sweat pants, his body surrounded by the weird, other worldly shimmering that Tobi always worried she didn’t describe very well.
 The two men stared at Tobi, and for a long moment, Tobi stared back, too shocked to do anything but try and control her breathing so she didn’t scream. At length she picked up the can of Coke and checked the ingredients. “Did they start putting actual cocaine in this shit?”
 “I’m pretty sure cocaine doesn’t make you hallucinate after one hit.”
Tobi shook her head, her eyes wide and an unhinged smile working its way over her lips. “No, you’re right, of course, I knew that. So this must just be a hallucination brought on by exhaustion and sleep deprivation and where is my phone I need to call chef and ask for some time off because I obviously need a damn vacation if I’m starting to talk to hallucinations of my two favorite YuGiOh villains!” The more she spoke, the more shrill her voice got, and at the end she took a deep gasp of air after not taking a single breath.
 “Oh, we aren’t hallucinations, sweet heart,” Bakura purred, and Fanfic Tobi didn’t know whether to laugh or cringe at the pet name. Real Life Tobi thought it was hilarious, though, so she left it in there.
 Tobi stared at them a moment longer before suddenly grabbing a ghost shaped salt shaker and chucking it at Malik. It hit him solidly in the shoulder and spilled salt everywhere.
 “Ow! What the fuck!” Malik rubbed his shoulder and stood, shaking and brushing the salt from his clothes.
 “Yeah, Bakura literally just said that.”
 “But- how- I don’t- you’re fucking fictional! Okay, this has to be a dream.”
 “We aren’t a dream, either.”
 “No, you totally are, because I have weird dreams about anime characters all the time.”
 “But in how many of those dreams do you acknowledge it’s crazy to see two anime characters in your house?”
 Tobi opened her mouth, a finger raised in her customary “Well, actually,” pose. She closed and opened her mouth a few times, trying to think of something to say, but in the end she gave up and pinched herself.
 Fuck. Definitely not a dream.
 Malik smirked as the reality finally, finally dawned on Tobi.
 “Okay, but how, and why, are you two fuck heads in my living room.”
 Bakura snickered. Malik pulled something from his pocket and held it out for Tobi to see. A glowing golden cube floated above his palm, one corner sheared off and replaced with a YGO-styled Eye of Horus.
 “Ah. Yes. The Fanfic Device. Of course.” She paused for a moment, then frowned. “But how the hell did you get that? You guys are totally AU. There’s some stuff in your universe that’s based on canon, but the Dimensional Cube shouldn’t exist at all. Neither should any of the other Items.”
 Malik nodded, tossing the cube from hand to hand. “You’re right, it doesn’t exist in our universe. We stole it from our Abridged counterparts when they entered our universe.”
 “Your Abridged counterparts? I never wrote- oh shit. A Way Home.”
 Tobi shook her head, raking her fingers through her hair and managing to pull more out of her bun. “No way. I just reread that fic a few days ago and YGOTAS Malik and Bakura never visited Haunted. It wasn’t even referenced.”
 “It was off screen.”
 “Right? Anyway, point is we stole the Cube and used it to travel to this stupid self-insert crack fic you’re writing like it’s fucking 2005 again.”
 Tobi rolled her eyes. “Why? Why would you come to this fic when there are a thousand others you could go to?”
 “Because we needed to talk to you, and this is the only YuGiOh fanfic where you exist, aside from Where’s The Tan.”
 “We don’t speak that name in this house.”
 It was Malik’s turn to roll his eyes at Tobi’s dramatic reaction. “Believe me, I want to forget it exists, too. Thank god you only got three chapters in.”
 “Anyway,” Bakura cut in, moving to stand beside Malik. “We’re here to tell you to get off your lazy ass and start writing our story again.”
 Malik nodded in agreement. “We’ve been stuck in fanfic purgatory for five months, Tobi. Five months!”
 “And you left the last chapter on such a cliffhanger, too!”
 Tobi raised a brow. “It wasn’t that much of a cliff hanger.”
 “My clothes just disappeared. You were definitely implying I passed on. But even we-“ he motioned between himself and Malik- “don’t know if I did or not because you haven’t even started the next chapter!”
 “I’ve started the next chapter,” Tobi said indignantly.
 “Yeah, because writing two sentences and then deleting them is definitely starting a chapter.”
 “Hey, it’s an emotional chapter! And how do you not know what happens when I’ve outlined up to chapter 30?”
 “Because that doesn’t count as a fanfic. We can’t travel to it and see what happens.”
 Tobi grumbled something under her breath and rubbed her forehead. “So you stole the Fanfic Device from Sitabethel’s Abridged-based Verse and traveled to this specific fic to chew me out for not updating?”
 “Oh my fucking god that’s so stupid.”
 “You’re the one writing it.”
 The three stared at each other again in silence before Bakura scoffed.
 “Come on, how hard can it be? Just write the rough draft, at least! That technically counts as fic, and we’ll be able to travel to it and see what happens.”
 “If it was so easy I wouldn’t really be struggling so much to write this chapter, would I?”
 Bakura opened his mouth to retort, but Malik shushed him.
 “Just do what you can, Tobi. We’re just anxious to see if we get a happy ending or not.”
 Tobi winced. “I mean…Do you want spoilers? Because I can tell you what happens.”
 Malik shook his head. “I’d rather experience it.”
 “Same,” Bakura agreed.
 Tobi sighed and picked up her forgotten box of Mac and Cheese, brushing a tuft of white cat fur from it. “Alright, I’ll see what I can do. But I really am exhausted from work, so I don’t know how soon I can get it done.”
 “Like I said, just do what you can. Just don’t keep us waiting another five months, yeah?”
 Tobi huffed and smiled. “I’ll do my best.”
 Malik nodded and activated the Fanfic Device. A projection of various fanfics appeared in front of him and he began scrolling through realities in search of their own universe. Tobi watched, fascinated with the variety of AUs. While he was looking for the Haunted dimension, Tobi spotted a familiar scene and tensed.
 “Wait, go back!”
 Malik looked at her oddly but did just that, scrolling backwards. The scene on display was one of Malik spooning Ryou, while on the other side, “Amir” was spooning Bakura. Bakura and Malik exchanged confused looks, but Tobi was grinning.
 “The Only Human universe! I’ve been obsessed with this fic forever!” She turned to Malik, giving him a puppy dog eyed expression that would have been adorable in an anime or cartoony style, but in the real world where shit was 3-dimensional it looked awkward. “Can you please go there and see how many chapters it takes until that Marik get truly comfortable with Kek and Ryou?”
 “You mean, how many chapters are left until the big conspireshipping lemon?”
 Tobi just grinned.
 Tobi’s face fell.
 Malik flipped forward to their own dimension, the screen displaying Malik’s empty bedroom, exactly how she’d always imagined it. He tilted his head to the portal. “Come on, Bakura. Let’s go relive chapter 25.”
 Bakura grinned. “I thought you’d never ask.” Without ceremony he slipped into the portal and disappeared.
 Malik took a step forward, paused, turned back to Tobi. He looked troubled. “I…don’t want spoilers, but… Is there actually a happy ending?”
 Tobi chewed her lip. “There’s a lot of pain coming your way but…technically speaking, yes. There’s a happy ending. For everyone.”
 Malik smiled. “That’s all I needed to know.” With that he stepped through the portal and, just like that, Tobi was alone again.
 Tobi rubbed her forehead, glancing down at her half-finished Coke. With a frown, she grabbed the can, chugged the remaining refreshing beverage, and slammed the can back down onto the counter. She took a few steps towards the bedroom, determined to actually properly begin that rough draft, but her growling stomach stopped her.
 “Okay… First, Mac and fucking Cheese. Then I’ll write some angst.”
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lyralumina · 8 years ago
~ ✨ YGO Dance/Ballet Headcanons ✨ ~
These Headcanons are based off of @sergle and  @ochidump ‘s YGO Dance AU and is inspired by this:  http://sergle.tumblr.com/post/162623521861/yugioh-dance-au-its-ochidump-s-fault
Principals: Anzu (Tea) Mazaki and Atem
Soloists: Seto Kaiba, Yugi Muto, and Mai Kujaku
Apprentices: Joey Wheeler, Tristan Taylor, Marik Ishtar, and Ryou Bakura
Corps de Ballet: Mokuba Kaiba, Weevil Underwood, Rex Raptor, and Serenity Wheeler
Yugi, Joey, and Tristan are ballet dancers within Juilliard. Seto and Anzu are ballet dancers within The New York City Ballet. Marik and Ryou are ballet dancers within the Miami City Ballet. Mokuba and Serenity are ballet dancers within the American Ballet Theatre. Mai is currently abroad in the Paris Opera Ballet School. Weevil and Rex are in japan still, trying to get into a ballet school.
Seto and Anzu are dancers within the New York City Ballet, they have been dancing since a very young age. Seto actually started dancing a year after Anzu. Since both Seto and Anzu are both within the school, They actually share a studio apartment together and why yes, they own a dog together. Well it is more of Anzu’s dog. She pitched the idea and Seto let it slide. They have a tiny York Terrier named Lily. She is often brought to the school since many of the other dancers do bring dogs to the studio, even the ballet masters. Their dog is very chill but once they get home, Lily gets very restless. It’s really bizarre but they put up with it. She’s a real sweetheart. Lily is their comforter when a day gets bad. She brings them something a normal person would have since they did not have normal lives as ballet dancers. Did you know that the New York City Royal Ballet lets their dancers bring their dogs to the school and lets them stay in the dance rooms? They do actually.
Seto is one of the few men that have gone on pointe. Men do not go on pointe though, Seto found that to be a bit saddening so he tried it. Yes, Seto has faced scrutiny of it. He faced the gender oppositions of wearing pointe shoes but he did not falter. He kept practicing it. He eventually got better and now he is really good with pointe. He stands on the same ground as any other female who does pointe. Seto and Anzu do have what we call “Dancer Feet”. Where their feet is blistered and when a bone seems out of place. That does not stop Seto from dancing at his best. His feet might show the pain and the “ugly” side of ballet but from all that hard work he has put in for so many years, he shows the true beauty of ballet. With that being said though, Seto’s feet often bleed a lot so he makes sure to bandage up his feet and ice them. He takes several pain killers throughout the day to ease the pain. Ballet is beautiful but the true beauty of it hurts. Seto and Anzu and the rest of the dancers know that well.
Anzu is a Principal ballet dancer while Seto is just in his second year as Soloist. The two often get paired up for pas de duex and you best believe that they have such a wonderful chemistry together. No, they are just friends who love to dance, actually, many of the other dancers think they are going to start dating but nope. They just laugh and continue to dance. Never had they had feelings for one another like that. Yugi and Anzu though, that is another story. It would be a long time till she even sees Yugi though. She does keep in great contact with Yugi and the others though, even Mai who is off in Paris. Seto only keeps tabs open with of course Anzu, Yugi since he is a little brat and could never dance as good as him, Atem since the same applies with him just like Yugi, and Mokuba.
Anzu, Seto, Joey, Yugi, and Ryou have gotten injuries within the ballet schools. Anzu had a sprained ankle which made her sit out for a week to heal and she felt really bad for that. Seto during a partner lift, he had to gently arch his back during a lift but due to so much strain, his back gave out and he spent a month healing his back. He lost his role and someone gained his role. He did not cry but Anzu could feel his pain. Joey during a leap combination, he stumbled over himself and twisted his foot. He spent two weeks and yes he lost his role, he sat in his dorm for the week healing his foot. Ryou broke his hand during a show stopping lift. They all got better and continued to dance. They all know that one injury can send them home, that one injury can ruin their career forever. They try not to think about it but it always does creep into their minds.
Anzu’s favorite role that she has danced for is Odette from Swan Lake. She has a big dream to dance as Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, or the Rose Adagio is her ultimate dream. She has loved that adagio her whole life. She wants to be the one on center stage, in a pink tutu fit for a princess, to get those roses. She is so close. She is very close. Seto’s favorite role he has danced for is The Nutcracker, or better known as The Prince. Anzu was actually Clara or better known as The Sugar Plum Princess at that time so they got the job done perfectly. Yugi’s favorite role he has danced for is Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid. Atem’s favorite role he has danced for is Warrior Solor from La Bayadere. Mai’s favorite role she has danced for is Giselle from Giselle. She did such an amazing job. Joey’s favorite role he played was Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast. When he got the role he cried. He was just so happy and he played the role to perfection. Mokuba’s favorite role he has danced for is one of the flowers from Alice in Wonderland. This boy piroquette his way into people’s hearts.
All of them take pain killers and supplements. Painkillers are a dancer’s best friend. Yugi needs a little bit more of that extra pick me up since being so small and frail and light so protein is his best friend. Seto takes a ton of pain killers but not to the point where it would send him to the hospital. He is fine. He just feels a lot of pain. All of the them take band-aids, and painkillers in case they need it. Atem, Yugi, Anzu, Seto, Tristan, Mokuba, and Ryou stock up on cold compresses and just go to town with them.
Anzu does own three practice tutu’s. One in white, one in black, and finally one in performance pink. The white one is more of a ankle skirt while the black one is more of a tutu. The black one was a gift from Mai all the way from Paris on her birthday, she sent her photos of her dancing in it. She loves that black tutu.The pink tutu is also like the black one but that one she bought with her own money. Pointe shoes are a no biggie for them, Their school supplies them for them. Seto though, he has to buy his own. This all goes back to him being a male and that males do not wear pointe shoes, they wear a different kind of shoe. Both Seto and Anzu do own demi pointe shoes. Seto owns a pair of bedazzled pointe shoes since it was a gift that he received from Anzu on his birthday. He loves them so much, he just rarely openly shows it. Anzu is that type of dancer who will wear long leg warmers when she dances. Black and Maroon are her personal favorite colors. She also owns a lot of hair scrunchies to tie her hair, ranging from neon colors, to ones with patterns, to ones that are plain black. Bobby pins are her best friend for when it comes to her ballet buns, “ Would you like me to help you Anzu? You seem to be having a hard time putting the bobby pin in. “ Seto asks as he watches her struggle. Seto does help her with that ballet bun but she is a capable young lady, she can do it herself.
Leotard and makeup shopping sprees are a frequent thing. Serenity loves a good pink leotard that makes her chest not hurt and one that makes her not wear a bra. Mai needs some support for her breasts so her leotards are either custom made for her or just very pricey. Mai has a problem with dancing and getting into costume due to her large chest. Yugi spends a ton of time looking for some great quality makeup at Sephora with Atem and Joey. “ Joey relax, I am sure they have your blue eyeshadow somewhere, just keep looking. ATEM NO! Your role does not even need that silver eyeliner! “ -Yugi Muto
Anzu, Joey, Atem, and Mai are Fuoette masters, Anzu is better though, she has amazing balance. They all have their aerial cartwheels down, except for Rex, Weevil, and Marik is almost there.
Anzu internally screams when rosin gets on her black leotards. Seto just tells her to wash it off but she just wants to cry. “ Anzu, it’s no big deal. Please, don’t cry. “ “ You don’t understand! “
“ Seto do you need help sewing your pointe shoes? “ “ I can do it Anzu, Im fine. “ “ Really? You have been stuck on putting the string through the sewing needle for the past five minutes. “ “ Leave me alone Anzu! “ Seto may wear pointe shoes but he takes forever to get the ribbons sewed on. With that being said, Yes they do carry a small sewing case around in case anything goes wrong.
So at the New York City Ballet, the dancers do not use the term “Break a leg!“ for good luck. They use the term “Merde!”. Why? “ According to my French teacher (who was a ballet dancer), in days gone by, when members of high society went to see an event in their horse drawn carriages, the horse crap would pile up in front of the theater. The more successful the show, the bigger the pile -- hence the expression ‘merde’ as an expression of ‘good luck’” Robert L. Friedman So this happens a lot and well, “ Merde! “ Anzu says, as she gives Seto a thumbs up as well, stretching her body on one of the ballet bars off stage. Seto half smiles and goes off telling her thank you as he has to wait in the stage wings to run on for his cue to start the leap combination.
Joey has amazing leaps, he has incredible height. Anzu has amazing flexibility. Tristan and Mokuba are turning kings. Yugi has amazing technique along with Atem. Atem has stellar endurance. Mai and Seto are extension royalty. They can kick really high. Seto can only do that since being really tall.
Seto needs some work on dancing with emotion but he is a capable dancer. He is often picked on for that but he is working on it. He can smile. He is not poker-faced on stage at all unless needed to.
Yugi and Atem are often placed in the very front since they are very tiny men. Yugi hates that but he has to live with it. Some of the other dancers have a joke where they use Yugi as an arm rest for when the ballet instructor is telling them what to do and what to work on. Yugi used to hate it so much but now he is used to it, he doesn’t bat an eye. Even Joey and Tristan do it for fun.
Serenity has a slight technique problem, she tends to sickle her feet a lot. Its an old habit but she is working on it. She gets nitpicked on for that. It could lead her to injury if she does not stop. Rex has the same problem as Serenity.
Atem, Ryou, Marik, and Ishizu are very keen on La Bayadere. All of the people who are associated with ancient Egypt love La Bayadere. Atem loves that Ballet so much since it reminds him of home for its scenery. Atem has a little secret that only Yugi knows of. Atem loves the role of Nikiya. He has a dream of playing her role but alas, he is a man. Nikya is to be played by a woman.
Pegasus is a world famous ballet instructor. Ishizu and Odion are ballet instructors and are teaching Weevil and Rex. They love their jobs so much. They wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Pegasus is really famous in the ballet world, he is a coveted icon, he has danced since he was a very young boy, he has directed, he has just done so many things that his name is very big. Seto aspires to be the next Pegasus in the ballet world, he is close. Very close.
Ryou is a master at strong theatrical emotion when he is dancing. In fact, Ryou got his apprentice acceptance one week before Marik got his. They both were so emotional that they spent their time crying. Marik called his older siblings the great news and he would not stop crying. Ishizu was so happy for him, especially Odion. Odion teared up just hearing the great news. They both celebrated together with a good ole day at the beach to soak in the sun and later that night, Ryou treated Marik to some steak at a steakhouse within the city. It was fun.
Anzu spent a lot of time as a soloist actually. She spent three years as a soloist. Seto witnessed her get very moody when she was at that time where she didn’t know if what she had done was enough to get her rank up. Seto and Anzu both entered together at the same time actually. I stated up at the top that Seto is a soloist. He is not a principal but he is almost there. He is very close. Yugi is also very close to getting his rank up to Principal as well. He wants to stand by Atems side. He wants to break the gender rule of females being lifted and for females to be paired with a partner. He wants Atem to lift him up over his head. He wants to feel Atem’s strong hands on his hips. As I stated before up at the top, Yugi is a soloist and Atem is a principal. Joey and Tristan are apprentices and envy Yugi and Atem just a tad but they are great friends who will support each other through thick and thin.
Mokuba is trying his absolute hardest to get into the New York Royal City Ballet to be with his older brother.
Here is the more refined HC Post Sergle, I am so sorry, I just wanted it to look really neat for you~
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shadowgodling · 8 years ago
driving practice sucks my dude, so may i ask your humble opinion on my beloved fam jam/ot4: conspireshipping? (or just them as like, a family unit, if shipping them all at once is weird for you) (also I haven't seen the new movie so i can't ask about it so rip :'D)
// My first ship
I love ships with people cut from very different cloths and I think the four of them are as different as cloths can be without being actually opposing opposites. 
Tender is my jam, death is beautiful, angst I can take or leave. Darknessssshipping (the two yamis) is a whole bunch of fun. I get a bit stuck at the other two because I’m not a fan of thief or of Malik and his Yami together, but people usually do find a way to make it work. 
It would be a very busy relationship I think. Really only Yami Marik I can imagine being able to slow down and chill out, the other three would be super high energy and always keeping themselves busy. I imagine Malik can’t cook for shit, nor YaMa, but Bakura and Ryou do. Ryou probably sneaks food while he’s cooking though.
If they can’t all sleep together I imagine the only way they do well is for it to be the two yamis in one bed, the two norms in the other. Or maaaaybe the bakus in one bed the ishtars in the other, but I think Malik and his Yami would fight a lot, too much for a good nights sleep. But sometimes Baku just needs to he held u know :3
I don’t really have too many concrete ideas because this ship is soooo so dependent of what sort of AU you are taking part in but I do think in general it works out very well and I prefer it faaar farr more to when people have .. say thief and complementary death or something like that. just stick em all together in a pot and see what you get.
And imagine the awful mental scaring for poor Joey if he ever needed to sleep over at theirs hahaha
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stellar-chrondrite · 5 years ago
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Pridecember 2019 Day 4 - Disney
I have only one mindset for Disney. Sleeping Beauty.
One of these days I will properly design Kaiba’s ‘eternal sleep bedroom’.
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stellar-chrondrite · 6 years ago
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“Caught in a bed of thorns, the prince succumbs to a soulless embrace of sleep.”
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stellar-chrondrite · 7 years ago
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[And once again, when I am bored ... Seto’s title of resident Yu-Gi-Oh ‘Sleeping Beauty’ comes to mind. Also a redraw of a DDoW from the AU.]
Pridecember Day 21 - Church
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stellar-chrondrite · 7 years ago
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Too busy to draw anything full-body-ish today so I settled for Kaiba’s hand dropping his Blue-Eyes card.
Daily Doodles of Work 126 - A Simple Deed Done
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stellar-chrondrite · 7 years ago
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And when I’m bored, I revert back to the Sleeping Beauty AU. I’m sorry Seto ...
Here’s a thought - when Seto succumbs to his curse, Atem feels a sudden pain - an indication that something has happened, possibly to the man he met earlier ...
(Read tags for an important message)
Daily Doodles of Work 116 - Cursed Connection
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stellar-chrondrite · 7 years ago
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A bit of angst today ‘cause I felt like doodling something with some slight blood. Atem tends to a wound on Kaiba’s forehead.
Daily Doodles of Work 109 - A Caring Touch
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stellar-chrondrite · 7 years ago
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During his time away from Domino City, Seto is isolated from other people. One day he meets Atem, and though he is apprehensive at first the spirit shows him all sorts of things that are fun. One of the things Atem shows him are little dragons that can perch on one’s finger.
Daily Doodles of Work 98 - Little Dragon, Big Interest
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