#seto gets thrown back by the shadow games power
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Checkered: Chapter 8
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"Reika, are you alright?"
She hadn't moved - hadn't felt like she could move with the way pain was trailing down her arms. Were they hostages? She was, surely, especially now that he knew she was a wielder of a Millennium Item, but the others? Why would they be dragged into this?
"Reika, you must get up. It is nearly time for your dinner."
That got her attention, and her dark eyes glanced at the clock on the bedside table. Six o'clock exactly. Not nearly, but she did need to right herself after the long flight here and the fight she'd had with Pegasus, so with a wince and a sigh, Reika rose to her feet and looked at herself in the mirror.
Her hair was half out of the simple bun she'd put it in, and her shirt was rumpled from the hit with the wall, but it was her eyes that told the full story. Fear and anger were evident, even as Reika tried to take deep, calming breaths. Her eye makeup still looked okay, but her lipstick had patches in it, likely from the snacks and water she'd had on the flight here.
Her movement was stiff as she reached up to pull her hair free of its restraints, allowing her waves to fall down her back and shaking her hair out before redoing the bun.
She still didn't respond, moving like a puppet over to her makeup bag, finding the color she was currently wearing, and fixing her lipstick in the mirror. She straightened her blouse out, smoothing out the wrinkles before tucking it back into her pants and grabbing her blazer and putting it back on.
"There. That's better," she said.
"Are you ready to talk now?"
"About what, Azila? About how I'm being kept prisoner and can't say anything because I'm the only one who's mind Pegasus can't read?" Reika snapped, whirling on the spirit.
"About how to fight back."
Reika wheezed out a laugh. "Fight back? How am I supposed to fight back against someone who can read minds? I can't talk to anyone about this and even if I could, Pegasus has already thrown me into a wall! There's nothing I can do."
Azila frowned at her. "You cannot give up, Reika. This is war, and in wars you must fight."
"Azila I'm not a fighter. I'm just a girl who got pulled in way over her head. I know you're from Ancient Egypt and things were more difficult back then, but we aren't in a war," Reika said. "This is just… hostile negotiation tactics that will be resolved at the end of the weekend."
"You have been granted the power of the Items, Reika. You cannot ignore this. There is a war coming, and you need to be prepared. The shadow games have returned," Azila warned.
"The only one who can stop Pegasus is Yugi. My shadow magical powers clearly don't work, and I'm not as adept at dueling as Yugi is. I don't stand a chance at fighting him in any capacity. The only one who does is Yugi," Reika sighed. "Besides, I have to be on my best behavior for the Big Five. Wouldn't want to screw anything up for the Kaiba brothers."
She didn't know if she cared about the Big Five anymore, but she was dating Seto - there was loyalty there that couldn't be bought so easily.
A knock startled them, Azila disappearing in a snap. "Pardon me, Miss Mutou, but Master Pegasus asked me to gather you all for dinner," came the gruff voice of a guard. "I was tasked with showing you to the dining room."
Reika moved as smoothly as she could given the pain still radiating down her back and opened the door with a polite smile. "Thank you. That sounds lovely."
The guard moved from room to room, gathering the young adults and leading them down several long hallways and explaining the history of the castle to them. Reika only heard every other word, still lost in her thoughts and the words of what Azila said. If a war was coming, and she had this shadow power… how was she supposed to win against someone like Pegasus? He was obviously more adept at this, had been practicing the art of the shadow games for far longer than she'd even been aware of them being real.
And Yugi - fuck, it wasn't fair that all of this was landing on him and him alone. She might have been a pacifist sure, but she had always been able to sense bullshit in people. Yugi liked to see the good in everyone, which had contributed to him having trouble making friends. People took advantage of Yugi's kindness, of his goodness, and now he was supposed to go up against one of the most underhanded men she had ever met, and win? Stars above, how had their lives turned into this?
"Ah, excellent. You all look lovely. Please, come in and make yourselves comfortable," Pegasus said, gesturing to the vast amount of open seats on a table far too large for only one person to sit at. "There is much we have to discuss."
She caught eyes with Hideo, reminded of his distrust of Pegasus the very first night they'd met him in person, and saw the same anxiety in him that she felt in herself as she sat next to him.
"Bring the first course out, please," Pegasus told one of the suits, who nodded and went over to the kitchen door. "I thought we would start with a light soup to start. Lobster bisque, with lobsters straight from Maine, in the United States. I wanted to give you a showcase of my home country, you see."
"That sounds delicious, Mister Pegasus," Katsuo said. "Thank you very much."
The kitchen door opened, and Reika's heart stopped as Noah Kaiba walked through, stiffly holding a tray with six bowls of coup.
"What the - Noah? What are you doing here?" Sora asked.
To Reika's horror, there was no response from Noah. He didn't even bend to serve the soup - that was done by the guard who had called for him in the first place. Noah didn't speak, nor react to any of them. His eyes were blank and glossy, like he was a puppet on a string.
"Ah, yes, that is exactly what I would like to talk to you all about," Pegasus said, ignoring the obvious horror in the room. "You see, KaibaCorp will be heading in a new direction after this weekend, and you all are being invited on as shareholders."
"What do you mean a new direction? What did you do to the Kaiba brothers?!" Hideo snapped, leaping from his chair and glaring at Pegasus. "Answer me!"
"Settle down, Hideo," Pegasus laughed. "But I understand that this all must come as a surprise to you. Though I know you must understand what a hostile takeover is. After all, the Big Five did attempt one at Schroeder Corp before Seto stepped in, didn't they?"
A ripple was sent through the Young Five. How had Pegasus known that? That had been kept away from the media - only the brothers and them had known.
Whose mind did Pegasus read in order to find that out?
"Your mentors contacted me after Kaiba-boy's defeat and invited me to take control of the company," Pegasus explained. "And by take control, I do mean that KaibaCorp will be integrated into Industrial Illusions. It's just unfortunate that Noah was rather… combative when he found out. I had no choice but to subdue him."
"Where are Seto and Mokuba?" Sora asked, her eyes wide with fear. "What did you even do to Noah?"
"You needn't worry about the other two Kaiba brothers. Their time will come, As for what happened to Noah, well… perhaps Miss Mutou would like to explain," Pegasus said before taking a spoonful of his soup casually.
Her eyes narrowed, and she spoke, avoiding the feeling of four sets of eyes on her. "You stole his soul, didn't you? That's why he was walking around like an animated corpse."
"His soul? What the hell are you talking about?" Kattsuo asked.
"You don't think my grandfather just fell into a coma, do you? All of the tests that have been run, all of the specialists they brought in…" That KaibaCorp had paid for, she realized with horror. "People don't just do that, Katsuo."
"What happened then, Reika?"
Four pairs of eyes stared at her, and even if she was affected by Pegasus' eye, she was certain his gaze would be cutting through her too.
"I can't say what exactly he did to Noah, but with Gramps he… challenged Yugi to a duel and read every move he tried to make. Pegasus can read minds as well as steal souls."
Mei shook her head. "That's impossible."
Reika scoffed and tugged down her sleeve. "Not with these."
Hideo blanched. "You're kidding me. Those stories that you told us about as kids - "
"Yes. They're real. My grandpa didn't just tell Yugi and I scary stories at night, nor did I to you. Ancient Egyptian shadow magic is very, very real, and it is dangerous." The last part was a hiss, a warning, a plea to the others to not do anything stupid. The Big Five had already disposed of Noah. Seto and Mokuba were at risk. There was no telling what Pegasus might do to them.
They were disposable - nothing more than shiny pawns in a twisted game. Now that they were adults, the mask was shattered, and while they were stuck here, they needed to stick together and not piss off the man who could turn them into zombies.
"So what do you all say?" Pegasus asked. "Will you be a part of the brand new KaibaCorp?"
Five pairs of eyes met across the table, all wide eyed, nervous, but somehow resolute and in agreement that they could - they would - survive this.
"We accept your terms, Mister Pegasus," Sora said. "We will join the new KaibaCorp."
Pegasus gave them a smirk that had a chill running down Reika's spine.
"Excellent. Let's celebrate our new partnership with our delicious dinner, shall we? My chefs worked very hard on it you know."
As good as the soup smelled, her appetite had soured. But if she didn't eat, would he report back to Lector she had done the wrong thing? Would he go after her parents or Yugi's parents next? There were too many variables, too many questions, too many ways for things to go wrong, so she sat back and tried to choke down dinner, avoiding Noah each time he came out with a new tray.
The night was sleepless. Though the bed was luxurious, more than she had at home and certainly more than she had at her dorm, her mind had been racing the entire night, worried about Yugi, grandpa, her parents, Seto and Mokuba. Before she knew it, her phone was buzzing with the alarm she'd set given Pegasus' schedule for the day.
Her back still ached, even as she took a hot shower and tried to relax the muscles in it. Getting dressed and doing her hair was a chore, and she winced every time she had to turn or bend her arms.
But she was presentable, as any good member of the Young Five should be. Hair back in a professional bun, blouse, blazer, and black slacks, a pair of black high heels, and some light makeup, including concealer to hide the fact that she hadn't slept well.
Breakfast was tense, though Pegasus showed no worries at all as he chatted about the schedule for the day - the ship would be arriving by late morning, the duelists would have a buffet spread provided by Industrial Illusions before the opening ceremonies, and then the dueling would begin, and the Young Five would be allowed to watch whatever duels the wanted from the dining room or the sitting room.
If they hadn't been hostages, Reika liked to think she would actually enjoy this. What a shame Pegasus and the Big Five had to be snakes in the grass instead.
"Master Pegasus, the ship has arrived," Croquet said as he stepped into the room.
"Excellent, right on time. Thank you, Croquet. Has the staff prepared the serving tables?"
"Yes sir. They're just waiting for your order to set the food up."
Pegasus waved his hand. "Well of course. No better time to do it than while everyone is disembarking. There is no reason for delay. We must make sure our guests are well-fed before the start of the tournament."
At least there was some semblance of a heart in him.
"I'm glad they'll have a chance to stretch their legs after being on a ship all night. I remember after I got back from a cruise, it felt like it took forever for my legs to go back to normal," Mei said. "It was the worst, because Uncle Michael made us go right back to work or school as soon as we got back to Japan."
"Your uncle is such a stickler for his job, Miss Johnson. It really is no wonder he has the record he does in a courtroom," Pegasus said with a grin. "How nice it is to share conversation with you. Have any of you ever been camping before?"
All but Mei nodded.
"Good! Then I'm sure you'll understand the sort of conditions the competitors will be under when they aren't dueling. Though I did make sure to have showers installed on the island. I'm not a monster after all, and anyone who enters my palace should at least be clean."
The screen in front of them flickered on, showing the ship dock and the ramps come down for the passengers to disembark. Along the sides of the camera feed, she could see the butlers, maids, and kitchen staff bustling to set out the food and drinks for the duelists.
She watched Yugi get off the ship and sighed a little in relief, then frowned in confusion when she saw Joey, Honda and Anzu trailing behind. Joey was a Duelist, but hadn't been invited. Anzu and Honda were too, she supposed, but they didn't have the passion and drive that she saw in Joey.
Well, at least Yugi wasn't alone. That was the most important thing.
She forced herself to take a sip of water as she looked around the room. Surely Pegasus knew how uncomfortable they were about all of this. He had to know none of them were really interested in the "new direction" KaibaCorp was heading in. Even if he couldn't read the others' minds, none of them were behaving like they were talking with a friendly acquaintance - let alone an actual friend.
"Alright you five, I believe it's time to start the main event. Please follow Croquet to the balcony for the opening ceremonies," Pegasus said with a smile about an hour later. "The games are ready to begin!"
With a flourish of his hand, Pegasus sent them from the room, and they were halted outside of a door until their group was called.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the dueling world, please welcome the KaibaCorp Young Five!"
Reika's blood ran cold when she realized she knew the voice.
"Oh God. Isn't that - "
Flickers of the same horror she felt was reflected on the faces of the Young Five. If Kemo had betrayed the Kaibas, just how far did all of this go? How long had this been planned?
But they didn't have time to delay, and so the Young Five stepped out onto the balcony to cheers and applause from the duelists below.
"Hello you five," Kemo laughed as they got into position, the noise from the crowd helping to conceal their conversation. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."
It was Hideo who managed to speak through his shock. "You are a ghost, Kemo. You stayed on after Gozaburo died. What are you doing here? We assumed - "
"That I would actually want to work for a teenager? With a bunch of teenagers on staff? You kids are gullible to a fault. This is the future, kiddos, and you'll be in the background where you belong."
"Does he not know Pegasus offered us shareholder positions?" Sora whispered.
Reika could only shrug helplessly as Kemo turned back to the audience.
"And now duelists, your host for the weekend, Mister Maximilian Pegasus!"
The cheering for Pegasus was, as expected, deafening. Most of these people didn't realize what a conman he was, what sort of monster was hiding beneath the grandeur and sparkle and exciting new duel arenas (that were all because of KaibaCorp). She could see Yugi though, and none of his group was cheering. When they locked eyes, all Reika could do was give him a little smile and a nod, hoping he took it to be encouraging.
"Duelists! Your task is to win ten star chips from your fellow competitors! Ten is what you will need in order to gain entry to my castle, where the finals will take place, and if you really are the best of the best, you will have an opportunity to duel me and win the three million dollars and be crowned the King of Games!"
Cheers erupted again, and Reika forced herself to smile when Pegasus glanced over at them. Cameras were broadcasting this to the world - it wouldn't do for the Young Five to look annoyed, would it?
"I wish you all the very best of luck, and I know you all will put on excellent shows," Pegasus laughed. "And now, without further delay, let the Duelist Kingdom tournament begin!"
Fireworks exploded from either side of the tower, and she took a deep breath, meeting eyes with Yugi again and giving him a nod.
Go. Win.
"Master Pegasus, there was a slight hiccup on the ride over here…" Kemo began as the group turned to head back inside the palace. "We have one duelist who… isn't really a duelist, and two stowaways. All of them are connected to Yugi Mutou."
Pegasus raised a brow. "A duelist who isn't really a duelist? I don't know what you mean, Kemo. A duelist is a duelist."
"Yes, of course sir, but this particular duelist has not participated in any public duels and is, frankly, riding on Yugi's coat tails.His name is Joseph Wheeler, and Yugi gave up one of his star chips to him, meaning they're both at a disadvantage."
"Ah! An interesting start already!" Pegasus laughed. "Does Mister Wheeler have a gauntlet?"
"No sir."
"That is a problem then," Pegasus said with a frown. "I would hate to send such a promising young duelist home so soon, but if no one can give me a reason for him to stay - "
"I will vouch for him," Reika said before she could even stop to think her words through. "His father is a KaibaCorp employee. Joey is hoping to win the prize money for his sister. There are… financial difficulties in the family. He's a good duelist. My grandfather trained him."
Pegasus grinned. "Ah, well, given the circumstances, kicking him out now would look bad. Kemo, take one of the spare gauntlets down to him instead. If he is the son of a KaibaCorp employee and was trained by a Mutou, he deserves a fair try at my tournament."
"Yes Master Pegasus, at once, sir. But um, what should we do about the stowaways?"
Pegasus waved his hand dismissively. "Well, it would be rather rude if we sent them away now, after they managed to elude you before you even left Domino. Let them stay. If they cause any disturbances, then we will act. Now, if that's all, you have your order, Kemo."
Kemo nodded, and left the room.
"Croquet, please show the Young Five into the sitting room so they can choose the first duel they want to observe. I have a meeting to get to," Pegasus said, giving the Young Five a knowing smirk as he wandered off after Kemo.
"If you would like snacks or drinks brought to you, there is a call button installed on the remote," Croquet said, gesturing to the remote on the table. "The buttons represent each camera that we have on the island. There is a color-coded chart detailing which section the cameras are in. Master Pegasus will have you back in the dining room for dinner."
"Thank you, Croquet," Katsuo said as the Young Five settled in. "Mister Pegasus' hospitality is quite nice."
And Croquet was gone, leaving them alone.
Hideo sat down on the couch and carefully took the remote into his hand. "Let's see if we can find Yugi then, yeah? Might as well cheer for the guy who threw Seto for a loop. By the way, does anyone want a snack?"
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A bit of angst today ‘cause I felt like doodling something with some slight blood. Atem tends to a wound on Kaiba’s forehead.
Daily Doodles of Work 109 - A Caring Touch
#yugioh#yami yugi#atem#seto kaiba#prideshipping#ygo sleeping beauty au#angst#ddow#stellarchrondriteart#here's a scenario for the au#after their first duel#seto gets thrown back by the shadow games power#and injures himself#feeling guilty for causing him harm#atem proceeds to tend to the injury#seto looks up confused as to why the stranger is helping him#atem states that anyone who needs help will get help#enjoy!
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Fic Summaries
Attention Artists!
Fic summaries are now available for you all to take a look at! We are expecting a few more fics in but don’t worry everything will be on the form when it goes out! Please be aware artist claims do not start until the 26th May, this is a preview so you can figure out what you might want to work on when you give us your Top 3/Top 5.
You do NOT need to have registered as an artist to claim anything when claims open but if you’d like to register your interest now��you can do so here. If you do, you’ll be e-mailed a link to the artist claims form when it goes up! Now that all the admin things are out the way enjoy and please reblog so all the YGO artists out there might see!!
Please be aware that claims will be done via Google Form where you must give your Top 3 and can give us up to your Top 5! Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
DM1 Pairings: Thief King Bakura/Bakura Ryou Characters: Thief King Bakura, Ryou. Yuugi and the gang Content Warnings: Alcohol Use (nothing overt but it’s there) Summary: Modern day AU, no Millenium Items. Bakura (TKB) is a grave robber, Ryou can talk to ghosts. Ghosts don't like it when their graves get robbed so one complains to Ryou about Bakura and Ryou confronts him one night at a cemetary. They butt heads at first but then Bakura pisses off a ghost and needs Ryou’s help. They get closer as a result. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic
DM2 Pairings: Atem/Yugi, Mai/Isis Characters: Yugi, Jou, Anzu, Ryou, Honda, Ryuji, Atem, Mahaad, Mana, Mai, Isis, Kaiba, Insector Haga, Dinosaur Ryuzaki, Keith, Thief King Bakura, Malik, Rishid Content Warnings: blood, self injury, storms, fighting/violence, guns Summary: Sky pirate AU where Captain Yugi Mutou wins the disassembled puzzle in a game, solves it, and inadvertently gets himself chased down by Captain Atem Al-Saqr, who needs the puzzle in order to get to him family's hidden treasure. Art needed: 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic + 1 (one) coloured sketch OR 1 (one) greyscale line art OR 1 (one) graphic banner OR 3-5 (three to five) panel inked comic OR 5 (five) panel coloured sketch comic
DM3 Pairings: Kaiba/Jounouchi Characters: Seto Kaiba, Katsuya Jounouchi, Mokuba Kaiba, Yugi Mutou Content Warnings: Explicit sex Summary: It's been years since the Pharaoh left for the last time, and the friends have all gone their separate ways. Jounouchi wins a Kaiba-sponsored tournament that involves a dinner with Kaiba at his mansion. Despite the awkwardness of the dinner, things take a slight turn for the romantic and soon they're realizing they're really not so different. But is their newfound attraction convenience, or something more? Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic
DM4 Pairings: hints of puzzleshipping, hints of puppyshipping, a bit of chaseshipping flirting if you blink Characters: Yugi Muto, Joey Wheeler, Tristan Taylor, Tea Gardner, Seto Kaiba, Solomon Muto, Atem... Content Warnings: minor character death, flesh and People eating scarabs, a few gruesome descriptions of People dying, resurrected mummies and discussions of Zombies, discussions of mummifications, discussions of People getting killed Summary: AU: The mummy adaption. 1927, Egypt. Yugis grandfather spend his life searching for games, adventure and the occasional treasure. But one day, he doesn't return from one if his trips , the only thing arriving home is an old papyrus, hidden in a metallic box. A map, leading towards Hamunaptra, the legendary city of the death, grave of Egypt's riches. Yugi tries to follow this only lead to his grandfather, but the sand of Egypt hides something far more darker than gold. Art needed: + 2 (two) completed art work OR 3-5 (three to five) panel complete art comic
DM5 Pairings: Puzzleshipping Characters: Yugi, Atem, Mokuba, Kaiba = main characters. Joey, Grandpa, Duke, Tristan, Mai, Bakura = secondary characters Content Warnings: Violence/torture, sexual themes every so often, insanity, mental health issues Summary: Seto Kaiba was never content after visiting Atem in the afterlife at the end of DSOD; his desire to defeat him pushes him past the bounds of normality and over a cliff into raging insanity. On the pretext of conducting an experiment, he brings Atem back to their reality, lets him reunite with Yugi, only to kidnap him later on and attempts to “defeat” him - via torture and violence. Atem is rescued, but finds himself not only severely injured, but severely traumatized, and must recover under Yugi’s care. Mokuba, meanwhile, has discovered what his brother has been up to, and is grimly determined to both keep Yugi and Atem safe, and protect the company that his brother built up so successfully - because now, Kaiba’s sanity hanging by a thread is endangering his work, their livelihood, and the integrity of everything they’ve fought for. Art needed: + 2 (two) completed art work OR 3-5 (three to five) panel complete art comic
DM6 Pairings: Angstshipping - Malik Ishtar/Ryou Bakura Characters: Malik Ishtar, Ryou Bakura, Seto Kaiba, Isis Ishtar, Yugi Muto, Yami Malik (Namu), Yami Bakura (Bakura), Maximillion Pegasus, Rishid Ishtar, Mai Valentine, Joey Wheeler, Serenity Wheeler Content Warnings: Murder, Mystery, Blood and Gore, Gun Violence, Knife Violence, Explicit Sexual Content, Mild Torture (this will be rated explicit on AO3 to give an idea - its a Victorian London AU so I went grim) Summary: A madman haunts the streets of the Whitechapel district in London. His trail of blood leads to a most unlikely victim. When Isis suddenly goes missing, Malik is convinced Jack the Ripper has targeted his sister. All doubt him except the eccentric Detective Ryou, who is determined to capture this serial killer. The two race against time to save Isis, though neither is prepared for what lurks in the shadows… Art needed: + 2 (two) completed art work OR 3-5 (three to five) panel complete art comic
DM7 Pairings: Puzzleshipping Characters: Atem, Yugi, Anzu, Honda, Jou, Kaiba, Mokuba, and Siegfried Content Warnings: Atem has guns, prison breakout, smut, kidnapping, Kaiba being a cock block Summary: After being thrown in prison for his sexuality, Yugi never thought he'd see his sexy Mercenary again. Atem is more than happy to break his gaming king out. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic
DM8 Pairings: Puzzleshipping Characters: Yugi Muto, Yami/ Atem, Hiroto Honda/ Tristan Taylor, Katsuya Jonouchi/ Joey Wheeler, Anzu Mazaki/ Tea Gardner, Ishizu Ishtar/ Isis Ishtar, Rishid, Malik Ishtar/ Marik Ishtar, Seto Kaiba, Mokuba Kaiba, The Sacred Guardians/ High Priests, Pharaoh Akhenamkhanen, Ryou Bakura/ Yami Bakura, Yami Malik, Imaginary twin Heba Content Warnings: Injuries, battles, light blood mention, explosions, Lord Dragon Dick is here too, and there's some sadness Summary: Yugi Muto didn't expect that his summer vacation would take place in Egypt or involve finding the unopened tomb of an unnammed person, but it did. Yami didn't expect to wake up in the 21st century but he did. Now they need to work together in order to prevent the darkness from returning to the world and send them all back to the dark ages. Art needed: + 2 (two) completed art work OR 3-5 (three to five) panel complete art comic
DM9 Pairings: Yugi Motou / Atem Sennen (Puzzleshipping) Characters: Yugi, Joseph, Ryou, Bakura, Atem, Malik, Odion, Pegasus, Weevil, and more! Content Warnings: Minor character death, the undead, a little bit of horror (if you didn't like The Mummy (1999 version) you won't like this) Summary: EGYPTIAN MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES - 1925 Yugi is an American librarian in Cairo struggling to achieve his dreams of becoming an accomplished explorer like his grandfather. He may have finally caught a break when his cousin Joseph unwittingly procures an ancient map from a questionable source. It’s a good thing the curse of Kul Elna is only a myth, right? At least there’s no chance that the criminal they have to spring from prison is ridiculously hot. REWRITE OF THE MUMMY (1999) MOVIE - PUZZLESHIPPING Gunslinging Egyptian cowboys, Necrophades, and fabulous 1920s fashion. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work + 10 (ten) 100x100 icons OR 1 (one) moodboard OR 1 (one) greyscale sketch OR 3-5 (three to five) panel coloured sketch comic
DM10 Pairings: Puzzleshipping, Logicshipping Characters: Yuugi Mutou, Atem, Priest Set, Priest Isis, Priest Siamun, Thief King Bakura, Ryou Bakura, Zorc, Sugoroku/Solomon Mutou, Isis Ishtar, Jounouchi Katsuya, Anzu Mazaki Content Warnings: Violence, Mild Gore, Mildly Explicit Sex, Mild Descriptions of Parasitism Summary: Once seven, now three. A broken Pendant, a crumbling empire, and tugging at the seams of reality, hints of a sinister power returning. His faith in destiny strained past breaking, newly-crowned-and-deposed Pharaoh Set makes the questionable decision to try and solve the Millenium Puzzle with magic. As it goes with magic, his efforts are rewarded...but not quite in the way he expected. Now Yuugi finds himself catapulted to an Egypt where Atem is five years dead, there's a heap of political trouble brewing, and something dark and dangerous is stalking the shadows. Season 0-flavored Time Travel/Canon Divergence AU where Yuugi never received the Puzzle in his timeline. Art needed: + 2 (two) completed art work OR 3-5 (three to five) panel complete art comic
DM11 Pairings: Yugi/Atem Characters: Yugi Mutou, Atem (Puzzleshipping) Content Warnings: Character Death, Bones/Skeleton, Alcohol usage, minor blood mention, uhhhh copious amounts of SAD THINGS and Mourning, Memory Loss Summary: Atem is a siren/merman and Yugi is a ghost haunting a sunken ship Atem comes across. Atem is intrigued by the ghost, hangs around enough that they start to get to know each other, getting attached, and falling for each other over time. But Yugi's memories start to fade, as ghosts don't get to stay forever on the living plane, and Atem has to deal with this loss. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic
DM12 Pairings: Vaseshipping, hints of whatever IsisxMahaad is Characters: Mana, Atem, Mahaad, Isis Content Warnings: N/A (I don't think there's anything all that triggering...I'm a pretty tame person) Summary: For the past while, Mana struggles with her feelings for her friend, who just happens to be the Pharaoh of Egypt. As the mysterious threat looms closer, she has to choose: remain his eternal friend and servant or step up and become his Queen, abandoning her life as a magician. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic
DM13 Pairings: Ishizu Ishtar/Mai Valentine Characters: Ishizu Ishtar, Mai Valentine, Noa Kaiba Content Warnings: Some swearing Summary: University AU: Mai and Ishizu's first impressions of each other aren't exactly the best, but over time they manage to make things work. Life just keeps throwing curve balls along the way. Mai/Ishizu, a sort of prequel to my previous ongoing series but works as a standalone. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic
DM14 Pairings: Yugi/Atem (puzzleshipping) Characters: Yugi, Atem, Seto, Jounouchi, Anzu, Ryou, Honda Content Warnings: Mentions of wrist implants late fic, many fighting scenes but nothing gory Summary: Piloting is all Atem has ever known. Since the day he found himself waking up as a teenager with no childhood memories, he threw himself into a life always behind the wheel of a vehicle, discovering a seemingly natural talent for it. He worked his way up onto the admiral’s flagship in space, where he fights alongside mechs- giant dragon shaped machines of great power. But he’s not the only one on the ship with a strange past, and sometimes, secrets can’t stay hidden for long. Art needed: + 2 (two) completed art work OR 3-5 (three to five) panel complete art comic
DM15 Pairings: Puzzleshipping, Hints of Puppyshipping, Protectshipping and Danceshipping Characters: Yugi Mutou, Atem, Seto Kaiba, Ryo Bakura, Yami Bakura, Thief King Bakura, Honda Hiroto, Anzu Mazaki, Mai, Jounouchi Katsuya Content Warnings: References to child abuse Summary: Yugi Mutou is a highly successful game developer, well known by all but seen by none. With the help of Kaiba Corp technology, he was able to create a completely immersive virtual reality RPG called “The Kingdom.” Atem Sennen was thrilled when he received the opportunity to become a beta tester for the Kingdom. But, as his past comes back to haunt him, he and Yugi are quite literally thrown together in order to stop it from destroying the very world around them. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic + 1 (one) coloured sketch OR 1 (one) greyscale line art OR 1 (one) graphic banner OR 3-5 (three to five) panel inked comic OR 5 (five) panel coloured sketch comic
DM16 Pairings: none Characters: Yuugi, Atem, Anzu, Jounouchi, Honda, Ryou, Y Bakura, Malik, Kaiba Content Warnings: lots of talking about "moving on to the afterlife" as a desired goal, which might be uncomfortable for some readers Summary: Yuugi loses the final duel. Now Atem is stuck in the living world, until someone can finally beat him at a game. Literally any game. This is harder than it sounds, but luckily his friends are there to help. [Gen/Humor, character exploration with an emphasis on platonic relationships, very fun and a little bit silly] Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic
DM17 Pairings: Deathshipping; Thiefshipping Characters: Ryou Bakura; Yami Bakura; Marik Ishtar; Yami Marik; Odion Ishtar; Mai Valentine; Duke Devlin Content Warnings: Explicit; Sex; Stripping; Marijuana use; References to prostitution Summary: The Ishtar brothers run Domino’s most exclusive strip club, Min Saboten. When the Bakura brothers come for amateur night - one to dance and one to thieve - they end up finding themselves in debt to the Ishtars. Having no choice but to work for the Ishtars, will Ryou and Bakura break under the pressure? Or will they flourish in the seedy side of Domino - and maybe find love too? Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work + 10 (ten) 100x100 icons OR 1 (one) moodboard OR 1 (one) greyscale sketch OR 3-5 (three to five) panel coloured sketch comic
DM18 Pairings: None (Gen) - (very slight joukaiba if you squint upside down in a foggy mirror) Characters: Jounouchi Katsuya, Kaiba Seto, Mutou Yugi, Mizaki Anzu, Rebecca Hawkins, Atem, Mana, Mahad, Yami Bakura, Zork Content Warnings: Sci-Fi Violence, Referenced Genocide, Disabling Injuries Summary: Jou just wanted to become a space pilot and reach the edges of their own solar system. He didn't mean to bond with a sentient robot dragon and get stuck in the middle of an intergalactic space war with three of his friends and his mullet-headed rival. But he's seen the horror the Galra Emperor has caused, and there's no way he can just let it go on without doing his part to stop it. The YGO-Voltron Crossover nobody asked for. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work + 10 (ten) 100x100 icons OR 1 (one) moodboard OR 1 (one) greyscale sketch OR 3-5 (three to five) panel coloured sketch comic
DM19 Pairings: None Characters: Yugi, Yami Yugi, Joey, Kaiba, Tea, Tristan, Gramps, Trudge, BEWD, REBD, Gandora Content Warnings: n/a Summary: Yugi solves the millennium puzzle, and it's only the start of his life changing. He and his new friend Joey Wheeler discover they both have etheral dragons that stand by their sides, reacting to their emotions. As they search for an explanation, they find links to Duel Monsters, ancient Egypt, a nameless pharaoh and Yugi's sudden loss of time. When they discover their classmate Kaiba with his own dragon and a knowledge far deeper than them, their search for answers is only interrupted by Kaiba's insatiable desire to collect every copy of his ka. (First ep/ch of s0 + first ep of DM s1e1 + JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures stands) Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic
DM20 Pairings: VERY LIGHT Puzzleshipping Characters: Yugi Muto, Yami Yugi/Nameless Pharaoh, Solomon Muto, Yugi's Parents Content Warnings: Psychotic break, sexual assault, forced medication, emotional abuse Summary: Yugi has been forced to go to a psych ward by his father. Committed and alone, having the puzzle taken, Yugi struggles with what it's like to be labeled crazy. Being forced to take medication and no one truly believing him, will he break? Will he get out? The issues both inside and out of the hospital, will truly test the limits that Yugi has. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work + 10 (ten) 100x100 icons OR 1 (one) moodboard OR 1 (one) greyscale sketch OR 3-5 (three to five) panel coloured sketch comic
DM21 Pairings: n/a Characters: Main characters are Ryou Bakura, Akefia Bakura aka Thief King Bakura, Yugi Mutou, and Kek aka Yami Marik. Other important characters are Ishizu, Rishid, and Anzu. Lots of other people appear as side characters. Content Warnings: mild horror, non-graphic recollection of a monster attack in which people were killed Summary: It's a Star Trek AU! Ryou and Bakura are brothers who left their desert homeworld behind to join Starfleet, and were assigned to the USS Millennium. Bakura doesn't get along with Captain Atem at all, so when the captain's brother Yugi joins the crew on an unexpected and secretive mission, Bakura is ready to despise him too. One creepy rescue mission on a rapidly decaying ship later, Bakura is reluctant friends with Yugi, Ryou is much less reluctant friends with a flaming ghost, and Marik's quest for revenge probably attracted the attention of something Dark and Evil. This is written in the style of Star Trek, so it's part of a larger story and could be expanded, but is (hopefully) a completed episode that can be read on its own. It's a mixture of humor, drama, and a bit of horror, and doesn't really focus on any ships besides spaceships. I would probably rate it T for the swearing and brief mentions of death by monster attack. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic DM22 Pairings: Thief/Citronshipping, Deathshipping, some mild Blindshipping Characters: Malik Ishtar, Yami Bakura/Thief King Bakura, Ryou Bakura, Yami Malik (Kek), Yugi Mutou, Atem Content Warnings: Alcoholism, depression, body dysmorphia, dissociation, occult dabblings, character death of adults and children, and scenes of a graphic sexual nature. Summary: Bakura’s second chance at life isn’t going too well. Trapped in an endless cycle of self-loathing and depression, he’s sunk lower than he’ll ever be able to pull himself out of alone. Malik’s been out of the picture, but now he’s back in Domino and ready to kick his old friend’s ass into gear…or so he’d hoped. It turns out it’s going to require more than tough love and a few kisses. As the Shadows themselves beckon, the “Roku no Sennen” step into the unknown to retrieve Bakura’s soul before he is lost to the world forever. Art needed: + 2 (two) completed art work OR 3-5 (three to five) panel complete art comic
DM23 Pairings: n/a Characters: Atem, Kaiba, Yugi. Sort of Minor Appearances: Joey and the Ishtars Content Warnings: No warnings or triggers! Summary: Shadows have descended upon Domino City, and Yugi is stuck asleep. Atem knows the two are connected, he just doesn't know how. He teams up with Kaiba to solve the mystery. Kaiba is only begrudgingly along for the ride. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
GX1 Pairings: N/A Characters: Chazz Princeton, Jaden Yuki, Syrus Truesdale, Alexis Rhodes, Atticus Rhodes, Tyranno Hassleberry, Dr. Vellian Crowler, Bastion Misawa, Slade Princeton, Jagger Princeton, Chancellor Sheppard, Ms. Fontaine Content Warnings: Depression/anxiety, panic attacks, depictions of abuse, psychological torment, mild torture/physiological torture, swearing, small bits of violence Summary: Chazz Princeton has never had a simple or easy life. Used and abused by his older brothers his entire life to achieve their own selfish goals, after losing to Jaden in the school duel in their first year Chazz thought he was finally free of his brothers and their tyrannical grip on him. But as his depression developed from years of oppression and mental and physical abuse, Chazz’s panic attacks expose his fractured mental and emotional state to Jaden and the others, Slade and Jagger mastermind a dastardly plan of their own. Planning to somehow harness his ability to communicate with duel monsters, Chazz is kidnapped from Duel Academy and subjected to experiments and even a little torture. Jaden and the others discover their friend’s kidnapping and rush off to rescue him, but can they reach Chazz before it's too late? Or will he be overtaken by his brothers’ evil, swallowed by the darkness, and lost to them forever? Art needed: + 2 (two) completed art work OR 3-5 (three to five) panel complete art comic
GX2 Pairings: Yubel x Juudai Characters: Yubel, Juudai, one major OC, past life Juudai parents, Content Warnings: past life wingfic!AU, child kidnapping, referenced child murder (doesn't happen but he wants to do it) Summary: There is a world where Yubel only had wings after being changed. This is not that world. This is a world where almost everyone has wings. But Prince Juudai doesn't. He also doesn't have Yubel. Not yet anyway. And before he meets Yubel, he's going to in the deepest danger of his young life. The Light wasn't going to wait for him to have a guardian. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic
ZEXAL1 Pairings: Mizael/Kaito, mentioned Mizael/Vector, background IV/Rio Characters: Mizael, Kaito, Vector, Durbe, Ryouga, Alit. Secondary characters: Chris, Thomas, Rio Content Warnings: Alcohol, brief nongraphic suicide attempt. Summary: A modern AU featuring various individuals whose paths cross in Heartland City. Part 1: Durbe's a cubicle drone with an average life. He lives with Alit, a carefree policeman who works graveyard shift, and befriends Kamishiro Ryouga, a coworker from the finance department. Part 2: Mizael's an hourly worker who failed out of university. He lives with Vector, a fellow flunkie with a troubled past, and meets Tenjou Kaito, an astrophysics graduate student completing a Ph.D. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
ARCV1 Pairings: Preyshipping, very small amounts of Hostageshipping, Sora x Reiji is implied. Characters: Shun Kurosaki, Reiji Akaba, Sora Shiun'in, Yuuya Sakaki, Yuuto, Yuri, Dennis Macfield, Kaito Tenjo, Reira Akaba, Ruri Kurosaki. Content Warnings: Gore, Blood, Surgery and Medical Talk, Body Horror, Death Mention, Talk of Murdering People. Summary: Shun Kurosaki wakes up in a hospital bed to discover that his blood is now colored golden due to nanobots that have been injected into his system. Now he's nearly invincible since the nanobots can heal nearly any would within seconds. The man behind it, Reiji Akaba threatens to kill Shun's sister unless Shun goes to kill the rest of Reiji's experiments including the Faceless Dennis MacField, parasitic vine and human hybrid Yuuri, literally conjoined twins Yuuya and Yuuto Sakaki, and Sora Shiun'in, the boy with a saw in his chest. It's just the start of a never ending nightmare for Shun Kurosaki. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic + 1 (one) coloured sketch OR 1 (one) greyscale line art OR 1 (one) graphic banner OR 3-5 (three to five) panel inked comic OR 5 (five) panel coloured sketch comic
ARCV2 Pairings: Moonblossom (Ruri/Serena); minor Tune (Yuzu/Rin); platonic Fruit (Yuzu/Yuuya) Characters: Ruri Kurosaki, Serena, Yuzu Hiiragi, Rin, Ray Akaba, Zarc, Yuuya Sakaki Content Warnings: magical violence; themes of depression, anxiety, and suicide; manipulation; Summary: "Don't forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you." When Ruri learns of puella magi - beautiful warriors that protect the dimensions in exchange for a granted wish - she nearly gives up her soul. However, time and time again Serena stops her. Alongside her classmate Yuzu and fellow puella magi Ray and Rin, Ruri seeks out a way to help her friends when she feels pushed aside yet trapped in a terrible, nightmarish plot. Based on the series Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Art needed: + 2 (two) completed art work OR 3-5 (three to five) panel complete art comic
VRAINS1 Pairings: (Background but present) Revolver/Spectre, Ema/Akira, Vyra/Faust Characters: Ensemble (Aoi & Yusaku main, Go, Ema, Shoichi, Hanoi family, etc. supporting) Content Warnings: Body Horror (HnK/LotL style) and injury, mentions of animal death, canon-level mentions of violence against children (as part of backstory) Summary: Fantasy AU, Book 1 of 2. Yusaku is a created being known as a Sentinel working with Kusanagi in order to uncover the truth about Jin's disappearance- only to have the ritual meant to bring them answers go terribly wrong. Aoi is the Crown Princess of Sol and the youngest in the line of Zaizen witches, whose magic is said to have once felled a piece of heaven itself- and yet the High Council seems determined to keep her from using her power. A city full of desire, a captive god, and childhood memories forgotten.The key to it all lies with Hanoi- with the angels that have haunted them through both past and dream. (The problem is they're fighting blind... and no one involved intends to work as a team.) Art needed: + 2 (two) completed art work OR 3-5 (three to five) panel complete art comic
XOVER1 Crossover series: Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Pairings: Vector/Zexal II Characters: Vector, Zexal II, Michio Motoka, Mieru Hochun Content Warnings: Zexal II is a female, She get's pregnant but it's only for a small portion. As a heads up this is an AU where Arc V continued after Zexal. Summary: Eliphas senses that Earth might be in danger and sends the Zexal forms there to keep it safe. As a precaution Zexal II is told to watch Vector, in case he might be the cause of the next disaster. But living together can lead to certain feelings being created. Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work + 10 (ten) 100x100 icons OR 1 (one) moodboard OR 1 (one) greyscale sketch OR 3-5 (three to five) panel coloured sketch comic
XOVER2 Crossover series: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Pairings: Atem/Yusei Fudo (pre-relationship) Characters: Yusei Fudo, Atem, Yugi Muto, Officer Trudge, Mina Simmington, Crow Hogan, Blister (mentioned), Leo and Luna (mentioned), Akiza (mentioned), Kalin Kessler (mentioned) Content Warnings: less mystery, more character establishment for a potential series, character development, pre-relationship, Maggie Needs an Alibi AU, inspired by MNaA more than following it. Summary: Yusei Fudo has made a successful life for himself out of nothing. Living alone in a garage he bought, he spends most days as a freelance mechanic. In private, however, he has secret. He is the author of a popular court room drama series staring Atem Sennen, Criminal Defense Attorney extraordinaire, and his partner in crime (solving), Yugi Muto. His characters, incredibly detailed and believable, have driven the series to great acclaim. But now Yusei's contentment is disrupted when his creativity turns out to be a little too good. Atem and Yugi have gained sentience and decided to pop into Yusei's reality. It seems they have good timing, though, because suddenly, Yusei is on the spot for his ex-boyfriend's murder... Art needed: + 1 (one) completed art work OR 3 (three) panel greyscale sketched comic
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