#yet again sorry for disturbing u if i did op--
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year ago
im sorry if this disturbs you op but i went and (tried to) find which cover is who's to the best of my abilities so here are the songs i found!
hiiro's is very likely makasete tonight by iori nomizu, the opening for the anime kore wa zombie desu ka or is this a zombie. (also that was my only result when i searched ka se te tonight)
ibuki's cover is either dear my friend by ELISA for the railgun series or dear my friend by every little thing, could be either, but my best bet is the former because it sounds close to how the solo covers are going. (two "excited" or "upbeat" covers and two "chill" or "downbeat" covers).
kyoko's might be HELLO by yui because the vocals sound close to how aimi sings and there are a few english words that peaky pkey love sneaking in their songs and covers.
nagisa's is very likely to be tsukimisou or evening primrose by novelbright because when i translated the katakana and slapped it into youtube, that was the first and only result. (also thanks to her i found a new band to listen to yay!)
and for kurumi and miiko's i have no idea one because i cant read kanji so. good luck with those two!
Solo cover previews are out for October!
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sakyou · 7 years ago
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden: Sakamaki Kanato (Dark Prologue)
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Every now and then I think back to this one part of a book I read.
“--People who love solitude are either monsters, or gods.”
Yui: To think Kanato-kun would end up inheriting Karlheinz-san’s power...
(I really never could have imagined it...)
(But...this is no dream)
(That day, Karlheinz-san officially appointed Kanato-kun his successor)
(He actually became the king of the demon realm...)
Kanato: Father, just what business do you have with us?
Karlheinz: You’ve finally come my son. And you, Eve
Yui: ...?
Kanato: Father, reveal yourself. We cannot talk like this...
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Karlheinz: That is a request I cannot fulfil. My role has come to an end
Kanato: ....what do you mean....?
Karlheinz: fufu, it is exactly as I said
Karlheinz: I will give you power, Kanato. All of my power-
Kanato: Eh...?
(Karlheinz-san is going to give power to Kanato-kun...?)
(Which means, Kanato-kun will become the new king of the demon realm?)
Kanato: ...why?
Kanato: Why me, father...?
Karlheinz: ...
Karlheinz: That is because you’re the most suitable person to purify this world
Kanato: ...Purify? Not to mention me, the most suitable...
Karlheinz: The Apple of Adam plan is drawing close to completion
Karlheinz: I will leave the rest to you. My son, Kanato
Kanato: F-Father...
Kanato: Please wait. I still don’t understand any-
Yui: -!?
(Karlheinz-san’s presence has disappeared....?)
Yui: N-Ne....Kanato-kun. What do you plan on doing now...?
Kanato: ...
Yui: Kanato-kun...?
Yui: The most suitable person to purify this world...
(When he said that Kanato-kun was incredibly shocked....)
(He was also suddenly given Karlheinz-san’s power...of course he would be shocked)
Yui: Haa....
(But, he can’t take his time to think things through)
(Because now he’s the head of the family there are people that will be aiming for his position...)
(There will be people aiming to take control of the demon realm)
(With Karlheinz-san gone this would be their best chance to do so)
(A lot of unusual things have been happening today, someone has definitely gotten into the house, I’m not just imagining it right)
(I’m sure the person who sneaked in is aiming for Kanato-kun as the king of the vampires...)
Yui: ...!
Yui: ...no, I must be wrong. This isn’t just about Kanato-kun anymore
Yui: Besides Kanato-kun, everyone else might be involved too...
(Since this time, the fate of the demon realm hangs in the balance)
Yui: I wonder if Kanato-kun is okay...
(I’ll go see him. He might be troubled over things)
(If there’s anything I can do to become his strength then I want to be of assistance to him...)
Yui: Kanato-kun, i’m coming in
(He’s lying on the bed...)
Yui: Ne, Kanato-kun
Kanato: ...what is it?
Kanato: I’m busy eating sweets at the moment, please do not disturb me
Yui: I-I’m sorry
Kanato: I’ll only say this once but, I won’t give you any. These are all for me
Yui: Y-Yeah. I know that of course
(Kanato-kun is happily stuffing his face with sweets, no different from before. He’s the same as usual)
(Maybe he doesn’t really understand that after inheriting that power the fate of the demon realm hangs on his shoulders...)
(But when it comes down to it, even Kanato-kun would care right)
(For now i’ll support Kanato-kun by his side)
Kanato: ...
Kanato: What is it? You look like you have something you want to say...
Yui: T-That’s not it
Kanato: Hmm, is that so
Kanato: However, I cannot trust your words
Kanato: Ne, in any case you’re thinking about something bad aren’t you
Yui: That’s not...
Kanato: Ah, I know what it is. You were thinking that you don’t want to be by my side weren’t you
Yui: W-Wait! You’re wrong!
Yui: I was thinking that I don’t want to be separated from Kanato-kun’s side!
Kanato: So noisy. Do not talk back
Yui: ...!
Kanato: We said there wouldn’t be any secrets didn’t we?
Kanato: Are you trying to fool me with that behaviour of yours?
Yui: It hurts...stop...!
Kanato: ...why...
Kanato: It isn’t just you....even Ayato and Laito, everyone...
Kanato: Why are you all treating me so cautiously?
Kanato: Are you annoyed that i’m unable to use my powers properly?
Kanato: Or could it be, you’re really that unhappy about me not ruling over the demon realm?
Kanato: I might be thinking about something for all you know but still..everyone does as they please!
Yui: T-That’s not true...! Calm down Kanato-kun!
Kanato: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Kanato: You just have to stay quiet and let me drink your blood!
Kanato: Nn....Nn...!
Kanato: ....Nn....Nn....Haa....
Yui: ....st..op....Kanato-kun...!
Kanato: Stay still. You’re the one who was bad for acting strange....
Kanato: Nn....Nn.....Nn...
(I’m sure it’s because I didn’t listen to Kanato-kun’s words that he’s angry...)
Yui: ...i’m sorry....
Kanato: ...Ha?
Yui: I’m sorry Kanato-kun....I won’t talk about things you don’t want to anymore so...
Kanato: ...! Why are you....
Yui: Eh...?
Kanato: Why are you saying things to irritate me!
Yui: Ouch...!?
Kanato: fufu, how terrible. The candy is stuck to your hair
(....No! I have to get it out quickly...!)
Kanato: ....how foolish. You won’t be able to remove it with your fingers
Yui: But, at this rate...
Kanato: Ah...how about we cut your hair?
Yui: Eh...?
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Kanato: Come on, look. I just happen to have some scissors about
Kanato: I’ll cut it for you....ne, you’re happy aren’t you?
Yui: W-Wait...calm down Kanato-kun...!
Kanato: Don’t worry. I’m good at these sort of things
Kanato: ....Ah, but if you resist then I might end up cutting you elsewhere
Yui: ...!?
Kanato: So, please stay still
Kanato: If I accidentally cut off your ear then, you won’t be able to hear my voice fufu
(W-What should I do....at this rate-)
Kanato: ...!?
Yui: K-Kanato-kun! I...I’m going to get the candy out in the bathroom!
Kanato: ...
Kanato: ....! Why!
Kanato: Why...is everyone rejecting me...!
Kanato: What is it...Yui-san
Kanato: I just want you to be the way you’ve been up until now and yet...
(Since I inherited father’s power nothing has been going well...)
(Why did things turn out like this...?)
-Kanato Monologue -
I don’t know.
Why did father treat me specially. Why does he have expectations of me.
...I wonder why he even chose me as the son to inherit his power in the first place.
There are people far more suitable besides me.
Ne, Father. Please tell me.
Just what am I supposed to do....?
Kanato: ...I...
Kanato: I...didn’t ask for this power and yet...!
Yui: ...
(I accepted his words without fighting back, but in the end he became irritated...)
(I wonder what I should do to make him feel satisfied...)
Yui: Maybe the responsibility and pressure of inheriting such power is something I really can’t understand after all...
(...that’s right)
(The one who is suffering the most isn’t me, it’s Kanato-kun)
(No matter how horrible the things you do to me, I will always be on your side)
Yui: ...alright!
(I’ll wash my face and switch moods. Then, i’ll go back and apologise properly)
Yui: ...fuu
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???: ...
Yui: -! W-Who are you!?
(....His hand is covering my mouth, I can’t speak...!)
???: Shh...
Kino: My name is Kino. A vampire like those guys you’re friends with
(Could he be the one who’s been watching us around the house...!?)
Kino: fufu, don’t glare at me like that. I don’t plan on doing anything horrible to you
Kino: If you’ll behave then i’ll remove my hand from your mouth....you understand?
Kino: I don’t dislike people who are quick to understand
Yui: You...said your name was Kino-kun didn’t you?
Yui: ...Kino-kun, what did you come here for?
Kino: You see, I came here to get in the way of the Apple of Adam plan
Yui: Eh...!?
Kino: Did I say something strange?
Yui: That’s because...you’re a vampire aren’t you?
Yui: Even though you’re a vampire you plan on getting in the way of the plan...?
Kino: ....hey, you should watch how you speak
Yui: !?
Kino: You’re just a mere tool, yet you voice your opinions. Just who do you think you are?
Kino: All you have to do is stand there quietly and listen to what I have to say
Yui: B-But...
Kino: Ah, enough, so noisy...
Yui: Geugh...!
(I can’t breath...!)
Kino: Ahaha, you’re finally quiet. You know what will happen if you oppose me now right?
Kino: From now on you-
Yui: !?
Kino: ...Tch
Yui: *cough*.....*cough*...
Kino: aah. Looks like something troublesome’s happened. That’s enough for today. I’ll head home
Yui: ...W-Wait....*cough*...
Kino: No need to worry. We’ll meet again.....soon.
Yui: ...Haa...haa...
(Kino-kun disappeared somewhere....)
(Maybe I should go look for him. But...)
(That explosion sounded like it was coming from Kanato-kun’s room)
(Something might have happened....I have to go!)
(The room smells like something’s burning...!)
(Was it from a sudden discharge of power...? Is Kanato-kun okay....!?)
Kanato: ...ugh...
Yui: -Kanato-kun!
Yui: Are you alright!? Ne!
Kanato: ...
(What a relief. He’s injured but he’s still breathing properly...)
Reiji: Haa...the house shook so I thought I would come and see what the problem was...
Ayato: So it was Kanato’s doing again. It looks terrible
Laito: Haaa.. *cough* ...the burning smell is unbearable...
Yui: ...? E-Everyone...!
Yui: U-Umm...this is bad! Kanato-kun’s power suddenly discharged on its own...and he was caught up in the explosion!
Shuu: You’re rushing too much. We can tell that much just by looking
Yui: B-But! Kanato-kun is unconscious...
Yui: And earlier...I came across an intruder...!
Shuu: Haa....calm down. You’re not making any sense
Yui: ...s-sorry
Reiji: ...for the time being lets change locations
Reiji: Subaru, carry Kanato to her room
Subaru: Haa!? Why do I have to!
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Laito: Nfu ♪ looks like you drew the short straw Subaru-kun
Reiji: Now, Subaru hurry 
Subaru: ...tch
Reiji: -you too, shall we go?
Yui: ...yes
Kanato: ...
(Kanato-kun is a lot smaller and more slender than I thought...)
(In that body is the power of Karlheinz-san...)
(I didn’t know anything about how much pressure and responsibility he was carrying on his shoulders)
(They said he would wake up in a little bit but, I wonder if he’s really okay)
(If I hadn’t run away from Kanato-kun at that time then...)
Reiji: ...if you’re just pondering on your own then, could you tell us about what you mentioned earlier
Yui: Eh?
Reiji: You said it didn’t you. You spotted the intruder.
Yui: Ah...about that-...
Reiji: ...I see. A vampire that calls himself Kino...
Ayato: So what you’re trying to say is, all the strange things that have been happening today were all his doing?
Reiji: Yes, there’s no doubt about it. The intruder must have come here because he was targeting you and Kanato
Yui: As I thought...
(They’re targeting Kanato-kun while he still can’t control his power...what should we do)
Yui: Then, until Kanato-kun is ready to assume his position as the head of the family, we’ll all take care of him...
Shuu: Us help Kanato-kun? ....are you stupid
Subaru: Since he’s become the head of course there’ll people that’ll target him
Subaru: He should know that. He has to be able to defend himself
Laito: Right~ After all, this has nothing to do with us
Laito: Of course we’re worried about Bitch-chan but
Laito: If Kanato-kun caught us helping out even just a little that would also be a pain too
Yui: ...but...! The one who’s suffering the most is Kanato-kun
Yui: He was suddenly given this power, and made the new head of the family
Yui: Please help Kanato-kun even just a little...
Shuu: If you’re going to go that far then how about you help him. This has nothing to do with us
Yui: That’s...
Reiji: Simply put, it is as everyone else says
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Reiji: It’s because his powers have been running wild that the world has ended up in this state
Reiji: We can’t keep enduring the destruction caused to the house every time
Laito: ....besides, this level of instability is a problem~
Laito: Even under normal circumstances Kanato-kun has a hysterical personality, he might end up killing us~
Yui: ...that’s not true!
Yui: N-Ne! What about you Ayato-kun...? You must be worried about Kanato-kun ne?
Ayato: Not really? I don’t really care
Yui: Eh...?
Ayato: Like we said! We don’t want to get caught up in anything troublesome
Ayato: So you think of what to do next, Chichinashi
Yui: Even if you say that...
Reiji: ...that’s right
Reiji: We will be leaving now. If you’re worried then you look after him
Yui: That’s!
Yui: ...
(I know that they don’t hate Kanato-kun...)
(But, Kanato-kun looks somewhat lonely sleeping there)
(Something that I can do for Kanato-kun...)
(What would be the best thing to do I wonder)
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geneshaven · 8 years ago
No More Secrets
Felicity was thinking about that day last year when Oliver moved out. It felt like they were inside an iceberg. Their life together had stopped moving and Oliver seemed like a stranger to her. Felicity’s feelings were raw and it took everything in her to keep from screaming. Oliver’s stuff was in boxes and both of them maneuvered around them like they were landmines. It was a horrible day.
Felicity walked into the kitchen and almost started to cry. On that day he left, Oliver told her he didn’t need his pots and pans, his spice racks and cutting knives. He left it all behind, probably thinking that Felicity could make better use of them. The whole year and a half they were apart, Felicity cooked no meals with those implements. In fact, she just avoided using the kitchen---except for the microwave and the coffee maker. It wasn’t because she couldn’t cook (she couldn’t) but because every time she went into the room, Oliver was still there.
There were so many memories here---good and bad. Felicity looked at the main counters of the kitchen and could still see indentations from the bullets Darkhe’s ghosts had fired. That had been a crazy night. Darkhe almost killed her mother. Curtis was nearly killed as well. She could only stand there, helpless and unable to protect those she cared about. If Oliver and John hadn’t crashed through the upstairs window and disrupted Darkhe’s intentions, he mother would have died.
Felicity moved out into the living room. Looking back on that time, she almost couldn’t recognize the person she was then and who she is now. Everything that came after: her father, Havenrock, Oliver being heroic and killing Darkhe, her decision to stay and continue to fight by Oliver’s side, that sweet time in the Bunker with him, her meeting Billy---it all put her on a downward spiral. Oliver was still an open wound in her heart, but she could not go back to him, she could not be a part of his life while she felt left out of it. Oliver wanted to talk about what happened between them, but it just didn’t feel right to her, even after they shared sex with each other. She told him she loved him, but it wasn’t enough if he did not trust her completely. It was about him not including her in the danger and turmoil and decisions of their lives, not as Overwatch, but as his partner and wife.
Felicity suddenly felt hungry. She thought about going back into the kitchen to make a sandwich but decided against it.  It was Oliver’s kitchen again, and a little anticipation moved through her at the thought of listening to the sounds of him making them dinner again, something delicious. Tonight, maybe. And tomorrow---breakfast in bed perhaps.
Felicity picked up her cell and texted Oliver, asking him to stop on the way back from his storage unit and pick up something to eat. When she was done, Felicity moved over to one of Oliver’s boxes. It felt good putting his things back into place. She opened the box and saw a notebook lying inside. Actually, there seemed to be several of them. Curious, Felicity took the top notebook out and opened it. It was Oliver’s writing, and as she started reading the first sentences, Felicity realized she had stumbled onto Oliver’s private thoughts:
 August, 2016
           I don’t know if this journal is such a good idea. But Felicity told me that facing my demons, dealing with the horrors and the darkness they created will eventually bring closure. She told me to embrace our life together. I would not be the man I am today without her. So I thought about it and decided on this journal. I trust her. I always have.
 Felicity wasn’t hungry anymore. She took Oliver’s journal over to the couch and went deeper into the mind of the man she loves.
Oliver pulled the U-Haul up in front of the building that housed his new/old home. The last of his stuff was in the back---about five trips worth up to the loft. On the seat next to him was a bag with their lunch---two Big Belly deluxe’s, an order of onion rings for him and cheese fries for Felicity. Over the last year, while they were apart, Oliver had changed his diet; more fruit and vegetables and less sloppy burgers. Yet when Felicity texted him suggesting he get something to eat, it seemed almost nostalgic that he get the burgers.
The moving could wait. He grabbed the food, made sure the truck was secure, and went into the building.
Felicity dug further into the box and took out the remaining notebooks. It was like finding a rare book, (Felicity was thinking Joseph Conrad’s Heart Of Darkness.) The value of Oliver’s writing was priceless. It told his story, raw and unfiltered. A small part of her felt guilty, as if she was spying on him. But he told her when they decided to move back in together that there were no more secrets between t them. Did that include this journal? Felicity reasoned that if he didn’t want her to read it, he wouldn’t have so casually left it out like this.
She turned another page:
Lian Yu
Slade told me to go into the tower and take out the radio operator. Kill him. Once the radio was secured, we could send a message to Slade’s people, coordinates to the island. I was still inexperienced in this kind of stuff. Yes, I killed that merc with a rock, smashing his head into unrecognizable pulp, but I was crazy insane when I did.  This time, I would have my wits. I guess Slade’s plan was a good one---maybe if he had ten highly trained ops guys instead of a greenhorn ex-billionaire playboy.
 Felicity was completely lost in Oliver’s words, turning the pages almost hypnotically as his life on the island unfolded.
She did not hear Oliver come into the loft. When he spoke her name, Felicity looked up from the journal and saw him standing inside the door, a bag of Big Belly in his hand and a look of being startled on his face. Guilt swept through her again.
“Oliver…I’m…I found…Oliver, I’m sorry.” She was in complete babble mode.
He put the hamburgers down on the entry table and moved over to the couch. “Felicity, it’s alright.”
Felicity got off the couch and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Oliver, I never would have pried into your personal stuff…I thought I would help unpack the boxes…but I couldn’t stop reading…”
“Felicity,” he spoke in the ear. “It’s okay. I told you I didn’t want to keep more secrets from you. I haven’t written anything in there since…well, since we broke up.”
She entangled herself from him and stepped back. “Oliver, these are not secrets. They’re…they’re you.”
“Yeah, I guess so. A part of me. But are your sure you want to know the person in those pages?”
“Oliver…yes. With all my heart and soul.”
He nodded. “Okay, but Felicity, we should eat first. You might need strength to get through them. But before you lose yourself in my words, can I ask you a question?”
“Oliver, anything.”
“How far are you in the journal?”
“Well, you and Slade just took over the radio in that tower. Pretty exciting, by the way.”
Oliver nodded but had nothing to add.
Felicity looked over at the bag of food on the table. “Did you get me…”
“Cheese fries,” he finished for her. “I did.” He shook his head with mock disgust. “Felicity, you do know that they’re not very healthy?”
“Oliver, after everything we’ve gone through all these years, cheese fries is the least danger to my health.”
Oliver chuckled. “Fair enough.” He nodded at the notebooks. “That might not be so healthy either; I mean mentally. There is a lot of disturbing and violent stuff.”
“Oliver, I’ve been shot, paralyzed, responsible for the death of an entire town, paralyzed again via EMP, almost killed in an elevator shaft and tortured by Chase---I think I can handle it.”
“Felicity, okay. I’m not saying you can’t. But there are some pretty brutal and graphic moments I’m not proud of.”
“Oliver you said at the beginning of this that you trust me. That is something I will never doubt again. But you need to trust me now. There is nothing in here that will change how I feel about you. I love you---darkness and all.”
Oliver smiled at her. “Felicity, I have an idea. Why don’t we eat first, then go upstairs and make love. I have a sudden desire to hear you call out my name in ecstasy. After, I will read my words out loud to you.”
Felicity took his hand. “Oliver, that’s a great idea. But forget the food---I want some of that ecstasy first.”
She marked her place in Oliver’s journal and they went upstairs.
@hope-for-olicity @louiseblue1 @lovelycssefan @tdgal1 @dmichellewrites @memcjo @it-was-a-red-heeler @wherethereissmoak
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crispyninjadonut · 8 years ago
Keeper Group Chat Chapter 2
A/n hey guys sorry I don't have a schedule set up for updating I procrastinate and end up writing this on notes going to and from class XD  Enjoy
  As always under the cut for people that don't want to read (but why wouldn't you)
Linh: fitz did you have that science test yet Fitz: yeah earlier today Linh: how hard was it Fitz: define hard Fitz: like bash head against the wall hard Linh: definitely not that hard hopefully Fitz: yeah it wasn’t tHaT hard Linh: phew Sophie: hey guys Fitz: yo soph Linh: how was your morning Sophie: tiring Fitz: I don’t blame you Linh: yeah Sophie: I wonder where everyone else is Fitz: probs getting to class Linh: yeah doesn’t biana have maths across the school next? Sophie: tru Fitz: yep Sophie: I am sooooo ready for lunch Linh: saaaame Fitz: gtg bells about to ring Linh: me too Sophie: bye
Keefe: I have the fear Biana: you okay Keefe Keefe: t h e l u n c h l i n e Dex: oh my god Biana: how long have we been going to this school Tam: too long Biana: -_- Biana: my point is that you’ve gone through the lunch line before stop being so dramatic Dex: ohhhhhh Dex: she told you Keefe: if i die you aren’t getting any of my stuff Biana: just go! God Tam: see you at the table Dex: ugghhhh why does my locker have to be so far away Biana: c'mon Dex stop talking more walking Dex: I’m coming sheesh
Sophie: I don’t wanna go to maaaaath Fitz: c'mon that’s our only class together Keefe: I see why you don’t wanna go Fitz: -_- Keefe: ALLL byyyy myyyseeeeelf Keefe: don’t wannaaaa beeee Biana: oh my god Sophie: I know Tam: keefe could you shut up Keefe: nevverrrrr Fitz: uhoh Biana: the bells gonna ring you better shut up Sophie: if you make my phone go off in class Ill kill you Fitz: hahah HAHA Fitz: go to class Sophie: I swear if you are ditching again Keefe: me? Pfft Keefe: no way Biana: -_- Keefe: maybe a little Fitz: KEEFE Biana: you are so getting detention Fitz: don’t skip the detention Keefe: of course I’m gonna skip the detention Sophie: Keefe no Keefe: Keefe yes Tam: I do not condone this Keefe: hahaha see ya later guys Fitz: are you serious
Dex: FREEEDOOOOOOM Linh: yep Biana: let’s freaking go Im ready Sophie: where is my bus Keefe: with all the other busses Sophie: thanks Keefe Fitz: UGH I’ve got so much homework Dex: haha sucks to suck Fitz: what Dex: forget it Sophie: I CANT GIND MY BUS Biana: noooooooo Keefe: Foster it’s right over there Sophie: where the heck is that Keefe: the front Sophie: whys it over there Linh: go before you miss it Dex: oh my god soph XD Fitz: what are we gonna do with you Biana: :P Sophie: ha ha ha Sophie: ha ha ha haaaaa Sophie: -_- Dex: it’s okay Sophie: I’m disowning all of you Biana: you do that Sophie: jk jk love you guys Tam: I’m trying to do homework can you guys SHUT UP Keefe: you can’t tell us what to do bangs boy Biana: so what do you guys want to do on the ride home Dex: cry Keefe: um Dex: ;-; Linh: you okay there Dex: nO Fitz: do you want to talk about it Dex: no I’m just never okay Sophie; IM NOOOT OKKAAAAYYY Sophie: IM NOT OKAAAYYYYYYY Biana: sophie stap Sophie: ok I’m good Keefe: that happened Fitz: indeed Biana: I see the house on the horizon Fitz: woot let’s go Keefe: see ya guys Sophie: byyyye Dex: ughh five more stops Dex: I’m gonna do a little homework Sophie: ok talk to ya later Dex Keefe: bye!! Sophie: and then there were 2 Keefe: make that 1 my stop is in a minute Sophie: ugggggggggggg Sophie: alllll by myyyyyseeeelllllllfffff Sophie: fine I’ll do homework then
Sophie: HOMEWORK SUCKS Linh: I feel you Sophie: math Sophie: I hate math Dex: *maths Sophie: yeah yeah whatever Biana: XD Fitz: you having trouble Sophie: AM I HAVING TROUBLE Fitz: *? Fitz: need some help Sophie: yea Fitz: FaceTime me I’ll help Sophie: omg thanks Dex: hey linh do you get the music homework cause I don’t Linh: what part Dex: every part Linh: well that’s helpful Dex: wait google is being helpful Linh: okay Linh: am I being replaced by a computer? Biana: XD Dex: nooooo Dex: it’s just that google understands me Linh: XD okay
Keefe: it is already dark out!!! Tam: yeah that happens Keefe: but I have practiiiiiice Tam: deal with it Keefe: sigh Keefe: oh I see how it is Keefe: your just gonna leave me here with my boredom Keefe: ugghgggggggghhh your all so boring
Biana: hahaha sorry Keefe Keefe: -_- Biana: :P Keefe: hey hey did you know Biana: the more you KNOWWW Keefe: did you know that how to save a life is ten years old now Biana: WHAT Biana: ARE YOU SERIOUS Keefe: yep Biana: man I feel old Keefe: I know right Biana: wooowwww Biana: welp I gotta go Keefe: ugh just leave me be Biana: XD see ya
Sophie: hey at least its not math Dex: *maths Sophie: sigh Dex: technically it is like maths though Sophie: oh shut up Dex: XD Dex: I win Keefe: foster nobody calls it math Sophie: AMERICANS CALL IT MATH Keefe: I rest my case Sophie: ohhHHHH ITS ONN Dex: look what you did Keefe Dex: I just wanted to complain about my homework Dex: but nooooo Keefe: hehe sorry Sophie: UGH Sophie: you disgust me Keefe: I try ;) Dex: ew Sophie: omg Dex XD Dex: ^-^ Keefe: I am highly offended Biana: why am I not surprised Dex: heyy biana Dex: you have mister austin for music right Biana: yeah Dex: did you have any music homework Biana: nope we were running late Dex: are you serious Biana: sorry buddy Dex; well im gonna fail Sophie: no your not Biana: why are you taking music anyway Dex: my parents like TORTURING me Sophie: -_- Biana: cmon music isn’t that bad Dex: you know im terrible at it Sophie: your never gonna get better with that attitude Biana: yeah Dex: hmf Keefe: Guess who’s back Dex: an idiot is back Sophie: ab argumentative idiot is back Keefe: ack I am highly offended Biana: good Keefe: why do yall hate me Sophie: keefe Keefe: yah Sophie: never say y'all again Keefe: okay Dex: XD Keefe: hey Keefe: hey hey Sophie: yeah? Keefe: biana Sophie: oh Dex: XD Keefe: bianaaaaaa Biana: what is it keefe Keefe: is fitz around Biana: -_- Biana: he’s shut up in his room doing homework Keefe: ohhhh Biana:facetime him or something Keefe: I can’t he set it to do not disturb Dex: what do you want wonderboy for anyway Sophie: dEX Dex: yeah yeah don’t call him wonderboy anymore I know Sophie: :-: Biana: welp I don’t know what to tell you Keefe: tell FiTz that there’s a rugby game this saturday Biana: fine Sophie: ope Sophie: dinners ready bye! Keefe: bye foster! Dex: see ya soph Keefe: sooo Dex: I’m doing hw talk later Keefe: mkay
Biana: just told him Keefe: thanks Keefe: imma go take a nap Biana: XD okay Keefe: see ya tomorrow
 Chap 1
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