#yesyes i adore him too :’)
chuluoyi · 5 months
another one is Baby Gojo looking up to Megumi and considering him an inspiration and an older brother. Doing things like him, trying out the poses from his shikigami abilities, styling his hair like him, acting like him, dressing up like him and all that while Gojo witnesses and gets jealous in a cute way, pouty and all like he always does.
and then Megs finds out about it and tries to set a good example like the adorable and perfect older brother he is. (i love Megs if somehow that wasn't evident)
!!! this is already canon bc i set the baby to adore megumi alright🥹🥹 and that gives gojo mixed feelings bc he wants to be adored by his son too🥹
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dizscreams · 1 year
HEY!! can i request jack champion with a girlfriend that’s like rlly introverted? like she can and will put off any juman contact as long as possible and hates having to ask for help cause she thinks she’s bothering people? ty in advanced 🫶🫶
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Without You — Jack Champion ★
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PAIRING: Jack Champion x fem!reader
A/N: The requests were kinda the same so I just grouped them together heheee lowk reader and Jack are the definition of lalala and okokok in this 🤭
TAGS: @evanpeterswifeyy868 @ashlesys-blog @xyzstar @teyamsgirll @c8rdigan @aqellano @wenvierismycomfort @wekiamo @beary-rambles @aesthetixhoe @mbankfav
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From first glance you and Jack seemed like polar opposites. He liked going out and meeting new people and you preferred to hold his hand and listen to their conversations. Jacks never minded it, he thought it was adorable. You were glad he was understanding about it because you always felt like you were holding him back, since you preferred listening over talking. What’s even worse is that small things like asking for a favor or speaking your mind made you nervous.
Regardless, he was always there to reassure you through it all.
Now you weren’t an actor you were just dating Jack, but you still got invited to big dinners and sometimes hangouts. You would hangout on set sometimes and during that time you got to befriend Devyn and Jenna. You weren’t as close with anyone else, but that didn’t stop them from inviting you to stuff. They liked your presence and that made you happy.
You didn’t always want to go out, most of the time it was just for the sake of spending time with your boyfriend. He had a busy job, which you respected, but it got lonely sometimes. So as long as you got to have his company you didn’t complain.
What happened today was a perfect example of a small thing that made you extremely nervous. The group had decided to go to the movies and you agreed to tag along. When waiting in line to get in you held on to your paper ticket tightly in one hand while the other was playing with Jacks sleeve. “You okay?” He asked you softly.
You smiled at him gently and nodded, he smiled back and continued to talk with Melissa and Mason. You tapped your foot on the concrete along to the beat of the song that was playing in your air pods. Well, Jacks AirPods. You left yours at home and your boyfriend graciously let you borrow his. You smiled at the memory. He was just so caring.
You guys made it inside and grabbed your snacks. When you finally made it into the actual theater, right on time for the previews, Mason had accidentally sat in your seat next to Jack. Jacks seat was at the end of the row so you couldn’t sit on the other side of him and you definitely weren’t going to tell Mason he was sitting in your seat. You looked at Jack, who was too busy getting comfortable to notice the small mixup, and slowly headed over to where Mason was supposed to sit.
You sat in the middle seat that was between Jasmin and Jenna. You gave them an awkward smile and sat down before glancing over at Jack. He gave you his sad puppy dog eyes followed with a pout and you gave him an apologetic look. ‘Sorry’ you tried to mouth to the boy, but he just cocked his head in response. You guessed he couldn’t make out what you said so you pulled out your phone and texted him instead.
I’m sorry for not sitting with you.
Jack <3 It’s okay, ml. Why aren’t you?
Mason accidentally sat in my seat lol
Jack <3 OH want me to ask him to move?
No, it’s okay.
Jack <3 What???
I don’t want to bother him 🤷‍♀️
Jack <3 Baby, you wouldn’t be bothering him. I promise.
It’s fineee don’t worry about it
Jack <3 Are you sure??
Ofc just enjoy the movie :)
Jack <3 Okay, I’m gonna miss you though :(
It’s two hours??
Jack <3 That’s a long time??
You smiled to yourself and turned off your phone so you could pay attention to the movie that was now starting. You were glad you had a loving and understanding boyfriend like Jack. But while you were content with the situation, Jack was not. He wanted to touch you and hold your hand. He wasn’t that clingy, he just missed you. So, he did the only logical thing he could think of.
Ask Mason to move.
Mason gives him a dirty look, “Dude what?”
“Can you move? You’re in my girlfriends seat,” Jack said giving him an innocent smile.
“Dude just switch with her, pleaseee!” he begged.
Mason rolled his eyes and got up. You saw him walking up to you and you panicked a bit, you wondered if you did something wrong.
“Jack wants me to switch with you,” Mason told you sounding slightly annoyed. You looked at Mason then you looked over at a grinning Jack. You tried to hide your smile as you got up muttering a small, ‘Thank you’ to Mason before heading over to your boyfriend. You sat down and he immediately kissed your cheek.
“I thought I told you I was fine,” you whispered.
“And I told you two hours was too long,” he responded smugly.
You sighed and shook your head, smiling. What would you do without him?
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IM SORRY ITS SO SHORT AND LAZYYYY! I wasn’t sure how to go about this but regardless I hope you enjoyed. If you want more shy reader I’d totally be down to do it this was cute 🤭
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oneshlut · 11 months
AHHHHH, YOU WRITE FOR VARIAN??? It's so hard to find anyone who does that- could you possibly write hcs for dating him?
A/N: EEEEK!!! yesyes, varian's one of my favs to write for!!!! i may have a thing for dorks,, ty SOSO much for the request, this was so much fun to write for! (for my followers, or just any1 else.. KEEP REQUESTING VARIAN)
Explosive Heartbeat (Varian x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General dating/relationship headcanons for Varian
As friends, you're kinda like nerd buddies! Varian would rant to you on and on when you visited him in his lab. After a bit, Ruddiger seemed to grow affectionate towards you, so you kept visiting. You'd help him with his experiments sometimes, but you'd mainly hang out with Ruddiger, reading a book somewhere. The two of you grew close! And.. Varian found himself hoping you'd visit more and more.
As partners? Well, Varian doesn't change much, but he definitely becomes a lot more awkward. He tries at romantic advances, but.. they don't turn out well. While dating him, expect lots of dorky, unsuccessful flirting attempts.
He tries for you, though! Varian doesn't know much about romance, other than how to artificially create it. Which he.. hasn't figured out how to do yet. At least he has a natural source, now. He finds himself relating to a lot more.. lovey-dovey things, that he'd normally never understand. In a way, you opened his eyes to love. All of these emotions, suddenly exploding inside of him--all because of you. Sweet, huh?
Varian often finds himself distracted when you visit. He hardly gets any work done because you're there.. which is partly his fault, for looking at you every 20 seconds. He's grown a love-hate relationship to you visiting. Mainly "love", though.
After you leave, he immediately groans, thinking of all the things he did wrong around you. You can find him ranting to Ruddiger afterwards, mainly complaining about the way you made him feel. Not the way you made him feel, but rather the way you made him act. He feels a fool around you.. and wonders why you even love him back.
Ruddiger isn't gonna stand for that bullcrap. This little rat rascal bites Varian to snap him out of it. Once he gets over his self-concious arc, Varian finds himself smitten. Sometimes he becomes a blushing mess just thinking about you. Now he's tripping over his own feet, (with as awkward as he is), and Ruddiger feels as if he's made him even worse.
About the failed flirtings. They're hysterical. But, talking about some things that actually land in your relationship, are nicknames. For him, you range from Var, nerd, V, to some of the more romantic ones, like "hun". He seems to get flustered at that one. As for romantic nicknames for you? He.. well, he tries. In turn, Varian also uses hun or honey, seeing as they're the most comfortable, but he doesn't use them often. Either calls you by your initial (if it works), or just some inside joke like "geek" or "smart-alec"
Surprisingly, or maybe not, Varian's an absolute sucker for PDA. Him, being the dork he is, will explain to you the physical benefits on the human mind to hugs and physical affection--and when you actually hug him, he'll freeze. He's grown used to your touch, though, and finds himself hugging back most of time time, if you don't startle him. If anything, he loves to hold your hand. If he's opened up enough, he'll let you hold his hand without his gloves.. may not happen often, though. But yes, anywhere you're going, Varian's holding your hand. No way around it.
Sometimes you'd fall asleep at his lab, most likely with a book in your hand, and it's the most adorable thing he's seen. Theres an 89% chance that Ruddiger's there, snuggled up next to you. Varian makes sure to wake you up before it gets late.. on your busy days. If he knows you have nothing to do in the morning.. he'll leave you be to sleep till morning. He knows you need the rest, and you looked too cute peaceful to wake up now. (This situation can go for Varian aswell, especially if he spends nights awake working on experimenting)
As for dates, you two would have many home-dates, but if you're going anywhere, you're going to the library! Despite the location being extremely tame, he still feels nervous asking you out. Corona's libraries were always quiet and peaceful, and the best place for Varian to nerd out to you about any chemistry books that they happened to have. Either this, or a field somewhere out in Old Corona. Exploring dates were fun aswell, where one of you would take a backpack and just wander around the forests, chatting about any little thing that comes to your mind. If nowhere else--Monty's sweet shop, if it's a special day of sorts, like the Day of Hearts.
Oh, how could I forget? The Day of Hearts was always a holiday that Varian would pass over, seeing as he had more important things to do than indulge himself in romance with.. himself only. So when you reminded him about it, he almost spit out his hot cocoa. And if he was being completely honest, he most definitely forgot about it. Feels slightly ashamed, but now excited for the holiday! Excited to spend it with you, mainly.. And of course, you sign the journal together. Varian's still a nervous wreck, so his signature was a bit more shaky than he'd like it to be. It was the thought that counted.. right? If you stumble into Rapunzel and Eugene at the festival, expect lots of adoring coo-ing from Rapunzel and relentless teasing from Eugene. He's still as dorky and sarcastic as ever when confronted with the teasing, but the fit of flushed red on his face gave away everything you needed to know.
But Rapunzel's right. The two of you are extremely cute together, you even look like you were made for each other! The simple thought of that makes Varian want to faint, but he'll come to terms with it eventually. Just know that romance is definitely not his strong suit, but he managed to not draw you away, so he's gotta be doing something. Otherwise, Varian stays his loveable, dorky, sarcastic self. But now, with just a little bit more of hand holding.
And you did sign the Day of Hearts journal together, so if that doesn't give you a telltale sign of where your relationship is going, I don't know what will.
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yawnderu · 7 months
Nikto x Bimbo!Reader really doesn’t seem to well, work…given how Nikto would kinda be too TOO much of an opposite for Bimbo!Reader.
Introducing Vulture!Reader, the girl that has a huge amount of trash bags in her trunk, and said trunk always smelling of decomp. She collects bones, road kill, passed pets, anything with bones she’ll collect!
I feel like Nikto would literally be a stray cat leaving gifts for her, bringing her dead things. Than generally being confused at first as she gets excited over finding things such as- finding a dead buck (deer with horns idk some people don’t know I’m sorry 😭), bird flys into the window- and she’s excited hoping it’s dead and not to ‘broken’ so she can collect the bones.
Getting to first know each other and she goes, “wanna see my cat?”. Than she showed him a full skeleton on display along with a bunch of shelf’s filled with bones, skulls and even small taxidermy.
-🩻 (I thought Nikito would be interested in vulture culture, how she can show him things can be loved even when they’re long gone. How there can be beauty in death, and that she continues to care and love for things even when their dusty bones <3)
AHHHHy yesyes!!
Nikto would absolutely adore a vulture!reader, despite being put off by the entire thing at first. She's too weird for a Russian man— for any man, honestly, yet he still finds himself interested in her rambles about bones and dead things, even going as far as to bring her bones he finds while out on missions, the glare he shot his mates when they gave him questioning looks from collecting bones for you was enough for them to never ask about it again.
Even if her house made him slightly anxious at first, it slowly becomes a safe haven for him as well, seeing how much love and care you love things that aren't alive anymore, most of them reduced to nothing but bones, yet you still dust them and talk to them sometimes. There's a part of him that hopes one day, if he dies in a mission, you'll be able to show him the same love and respect. Bonus points if she's a mortician.<3
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saberlight1 · 10 months
hey, i'm so glad that you are writing fluffy coryo fics. i'm very grateful to every person that is writing for coryo right now, but there's so much angsty and smut, i really need more sweet tooth stories <3 could i request one where coryo and reader are in a arranged married, reader is trying to be more closer to him and he's a bit distant at first, she thinks he hates her but it's not true. one day he comes home from a very rough day, reader take care of him, does a very great meal and this makes his heart melt?? he is also very gentle to her, asks her about her day and she goes all blushing and starts talking, and it's just very sweet and cute? sorry if this was too long!
of course !!! i adore soft coryo and while i do love the angsty stories, at the end of the day i’m just a girl who wants him to dote on me:). but yesyes i absolutely love this request!! thank u anon<33 if you’d like to be tagged when i post it, dm me or comment on this ! much love, and i’ll most definitely be writing this soon
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strawberrickys · 1 year
hi I saw u write for epex too and I'm absolutely in to them these days. if u don't mind could u write epex members when u fall asleep on them (before dating)
aaa plz i love epex 😭 yesyes this is so cute
im doing this in bullet points, hope you don't mind ❤️ if you wanted headcanons or if you want me to elaborate on any of them plz don't be afraid to ask! — not proofread, lowercase intended
epex — falling asleep on them !! (pre-relationship)
×× 곽 다윗 —★ kwak dawit ! wish ···
• will let you sleep unless you look uncomfortable 💀
• hes probably used to his members leaning on him and sleeping on him all the time but.. you??
• oh he's a wreck
• wants you to be comfortable and if it looks like you're in pain even in the slightest he will move you or wake you up
• overall just wants you to rest well, doesn't care that you're leaning on him
×× 금 동현 —★ keum donghyun ! keum ···
• 100% confused and WILL wake you up 💀
• "do you want to sleep? i can come back another time"
• vv worried and wants to know if you're getting enough sleep
• if you tell him you are actually tired he would be so conflicted
• he wants to spend time with you but he wants you to sleep
• prob just ends up letting you sleep on him after, win-win lol
×× 서 경민 —★ seo kyungmin ! mu ···
• will not intentionally wake you up but the second your head hits his shoulder he tenses up enough to scare both him AND you 💀
• will apologize and let you sleep on him ☹️
• WILL take photos of you but will 100% delete them if you don't like them lol
• texting EVERYONE for moral support
• "omg omg guys they're sleeping on me what do i do help help help" but no matter what anyone says he's not gonna move you until you wake up
• has ruined your sleep before, will not let it happen again 💀
×× 조 민우 —★ cho minwoo ! a-min ···
• confused but will let you sleep
• will 100% just. look at you.
• not like out of adoration but like why are you sleeping in the middle of the day and why on me look (out of adoration too)
• eventually understands because he's had his moments too
• might look at something on his phone and laugh a little too loud 💀
• will apologize even if you don't hear him or wake up lol
×× 김 현우 —★ kim hyunwoo ! baekseung ···
• nervous and will tell everyone who walks in the room to be quiet 💀
• will make sure you stay asleep because he wants you to rest and he needs to calm down
• will be vv sweet and will ask one of the members to bring you a blanket or something
• he won't hear but said member will walk away grumbling about how whipped he is
• v soft and just wants you to be warm and happy ☹️ need
×× 권 예준 —★ kwon yejun ! ayden ···
• will try to wake you up, ultimately fails, doesn't try again 💀
• "why me and why now." FEAR. someone help this boy 😭
• thinks that you meant to fall asleep on him and will get delusional /lhj
• will not be able to function until you wake up, whatever he was doing has been long abandoned
• might fall asleep too ngl 💀
×× 서 예왕 —★ seo yewang ! yewang ···
• takes him a second to realize what's going on but will let you sleep lol
• will try to wake you up but when you don't he won't push it
• if you're tired, you're tired, and he wants you to rest
• (so you guys can actually hang out 😭💀)
• will watch you and will make sure you're still sleeping and not just leaning on him to make him nervous 💀
×× 이 재호 —★ lee jaeho ! jeff ···
• you have broken him. congratulations.
• the most scared of them all a literal chill would run down his spine I think 😭
• would be 100% still and would NOT move
• will totally wake you up out of fear plz help him ☹️
• he'd wake you up like yejun but will not give up until you wake up 💀
• will ask you why you fell asleep on him but totally didn't mean to lol
• his ears are bright red please dont mention them he already knows
thank you for reading this far! ❤️ feedback, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated.
— strawberrickys, 2023.
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watchingspnagain · 3 days
Rewatching Sam, Interrupted
Welcome to “Dean’s Love of Pudding Knows No Mental Health Bounds: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s5e11: Sam, Interrupted.
An old hunter friend, who is suffering from hunting PTSD and currently resides in a mental hospital, calls the boys in to investigate a string of weird deaths in the joint. In order to gain full access, Sam and Dean decide to get themselves admitted (it’s not hard; they just tell the truth about their lives). As they try to track down the monster preying on the patients, they both start having their own mental breakdowns. Turns out it's because the monster can turn you crazy with a single touch, and she likes the taste of crazy brain juice best. Ew. After a couple of red herrings, the boys figure out that it’s the nurse from the beginning of the episode who’s the monster in disguise, and they have to fight her while hopped up on her crazy-making toxins. They win out in the end, though, of course, and then have a brotherly heart-to-heart (as much as Winchesters can do so) over the hood of Baby at the end.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
gonna feed this psychiatrist to the monster
ooo, he's serious, you can tell because he took off his glasses
welp, that’s not how you do that, but okay
"I don't have any elephant books"
I LOVE that he just… tells the truth
"probably bc I started the apocalypse"
it's so good
"and this one angel"
one of my top 5 favorite tropes: tell the truth freely because you know no one will believe you
"no no, his name's Castiel. he wears a trench coat"
super Plautine and super awesome
and then Dean comes in with "I wish he'd let this guilt go it wasn't HIS fault"
nnngggg v-neck tshirts
oh, Sammy, honey. maybe he's talking to someone else
yep, Martin, those are indeed some of the possibilities
if they have had 5 suicides they should be SHUT DOWN
he’s adorable
god, they look so snuggly in those robes
omg Dean looks LOST
travesty that we didn't get to see them in jimjams more often
this is the only thing this doctor gets right, their codependence
omg I seriously want to kick him in the shins
Dean Winchester is the least narcissistic person in the history of time
omg the hannibal reference DEAN
"I gotta sleep sometime so somewhere in the mid50s" oh honey
I LOVE how he answers her and then shoots a question right back
omg his dumb hands in his dumb pockets
she’s being WAY too flirty to be even remotely professional
"thraped" DEAN
"you CANNOT hit that" listen to your brother, Dean. you know you would feel like crap after
is a puddle
oh ewewewewew
omg Dean's little "I'm not doing nothin" pose
JEsus, Sam GROSS 
"crazy works" oh jeez
they're voluntarily committed, so they should be able to call Bobby
grumbles in was married to a psychiatrist
it makes me NUTS
maybe they’re avoiding it because they know he’d yell at them for committing themselves just for a case
pun intended?
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yes, yes, of course, definitely on purpose
HA! he sure would
"whole wide world of sports"
oh, Dean, honey
but again, telling the truth. he's NOT WRONG holds him
hey now look you crazy bitch
“he’s larger” omg
"he's larger" haaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha
"you've had worse" DEAN
interesting that Dean goes all huddly in the corner and Sammy gets violent
it IS
"you look like hell, boy"
“crazy’s the clue”
JENSEN the insanity and then the humor
he is SO GOOD
ten bucks says the not stepping on the cracks business was Jensen's idea
it just feels like actor bit of business rather than writing to me
gotta do it scared, DeanDean
you KNOW John made him kill monsters scared when he was little, so it’s not like he hasn’t done it before
poor Sam. he ends up in this position an awful lot
"kinda made you easy to spot"
he’s not crazy, hag
she sure makes a big show of sticking her spiky thing out
um, those doors would be locked, no?
well SOME door should have been locked. maybe not the exit doors, but
oh, healthy advice, Dean. JFC
Sammy just needs a healthy… outlet.
I could help him there.
RIGHT? but it's like part of the tragedy of them, right? they kind of DO have to just keep going
well sure, but they could telehealth some therapy too
Cas should have made them go. all like, "I have been researching human mental health, and I am... concerned. Dean. Do you ever engage in "self-care.""
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ink-flavored · 1 year
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Kinktober2023 Day 24: Begging + Sensory Deprivation
banner art by @/auroblaze
Pleading Guilty contains: bondage, hand-jobs, minimal oral sex, vaginal penetration/PIV sex, dom/sub, cis/trans, angel/demon dysphoria warning: Pride is a trans man whose genitals are described with the following terms: cunt, folds, clit, hole. Please use discretion if these words will trigger any dysphoria. Kinktober2023 Prompt List & Neocities Page Tips are appreciated!
Pride secured the last restraint around the bedframe, pulling the nylon strap taut. He checked the cuff belted to Justice’s ankle, sticking his fingers between leather and skin.
“Too tight?” he asked.
“It feels fine to me,” Justice assured.
Pride stood back, making sure everything was in order. A naked Justice was spread-eagle on the bed, all four limbs tied to their respective corners. A thick eye-mask blocked his vision, black with red trim. Tied down, blind, and all his to play with.
“Are you ready to get started?” he asked. Justice turned his head at the sound of his voice.
“Yep,” he replied, smiling adorably. Pride almost didn’t want to burst his bubble, but he would have plenty of opportunities to see Justice do something cute tonight.
Pride carefully leaned over the bed. “That’s not the right answer,” he said. Justice flinched when he spoke, unable to realize he was getting closer. “Try again. Are you ready to start?”
He swallowed. “Yes, Pride.”
“Good boy.”
Pride kissed him and swallowed up a little noise of surprise along with it. Justice got with the program fast, mouthing back at his lips for a deeper kiss. Obliging the silent request, Pride hooked a finger in his mouth and pulled it open, molding their faces together. He swirled his tongue around and Justice sighed hotly, ready to accept what he gave already. When Pride separated, he tried to stretch for more.
“I’ll be right back,” Pride said, tapping his nose.
He didn’t have to go far to get the lube, but took his sweet time anyway. Each step was another second Justice had to wonder where he was, what he would do next. It was another chance to remember who’s mercy he was under. He took the opportunity to shimmy out of his clothes, too—Justice not knowing he was naked would make for a fun surprise later.
“You know,” Pride said, sauntering his way back, “I think you were made for this kind of scene.”
“Really?” Justice asked.
“Yeah, obviously.” He hopped on the bed. “Because justice is blind.”
Justice sighed heavily, but there was a smile on his face. “How long have you been waiting to use that one?”
“Since I met you.”
Pride popped the cap on the lube, and whatever retort Justice had died on his lips. He crept closer on his knees until he could sit between Justice’s widely-spread legs. His cock stood upright, waiting to be touched. Pride squeezed some lube onto his palm, more than usual.
“Justice,” he said, deceptively casual, “do you want me to touch you?”
“Yes, Pride,” he breathed.
“Are you sure?”
Justice whined a little. “Yes, Pride, please touch me.”
And he did. Pride cupped his hand around his cock and stroked it, root to tip. The copious lube made it an easy job, sliding up and down with almost no friction. Justice moaned gratefully, the visible half of his face slack in pleasure. Pride continued his steady strokes, enjoying the way his foreskin moved under his slippery hand.
“Does that feel good?” he asked.
“Yesyes,” Justice replied, in a breathy mutter. “S-so good.”
Hot pre-cum streamed from his tip, providing more lube to work with. Pride pulled back the foreskin and palmed the head. Justice whimpered at his touch, stomach jumping with his erratic breaths. When he was satisfied, Pride transitioned to using both hands to stroke, extra slick with pre-cum and lube. With twice the coverage, he enveloped Justice’s cock, encasing him in slick warmth.
Justice squirmed and whined, trying to buck his hips. Pride scraped his bottom lip, watching with lidded eyes. His cunt throbbed, wet between his legs, but he couldn’t give away the surprise yet. He kept going, stroking down hard.
“Is this enough?” he asked. “Do you want more?”
“Please!” Justice gasped. “Yes, Pride, I want more, please.”
“That’s sweet, but—” He stroked hard to emphasize it. “I don’t know what to give you unless you tell me.”
Justice whimpered, pulling his restraints in vain.
“Come on, you can do it.” Pride watched him closely, dipping his head low.
“I—I wa—ahh!”
He moaned loudly as Pride sucked his tip, swirling his tongue around the edge of his foreskin. Hands still pumping, he lapped at the head of his cock, salty pre-cum mixing with the taste of lust. A familiar, favorite flavor of his.
“Please, can I be inside you?” Justice managed at last.
“Hmmm,” Pride pretended to think. As he stroked, he slowly took one hand away. “I don’t know if you’re sure.”
He whined desperately. “P-please, Pride, please, I want you so much.”
“What do you want the most about it?” With the hand he stole, he slipped his fingers between his folds to rub his clit. “Do you like how it feels? Do you want my cunt all around you, Justice?”
He couldn’t speak, moaning and nodding. Pride wasn’t nearly done, rocking on his own hand.
“Is it how I fuck myself? Do you want to feel me bouncing on your pretty cock? Do you want me to fuck you so hard you come inside me, hm?”
“Yes, please, please!” Justice keened, arching his back as high as the restraints would let him. “I want it, Pride, I want it so, so much.”
Hearing him beg made him so wet. Pride rubbed himself faster, laughing low in his throat. “Oh, I bet I know what it is. You want to hear me when I’m fucking myself, don’t you? You want me to moan for you like this.” He bounced on his knees, jostling the mattress. “Yes, Justice! Oh, yes, you feel so good inside me! Yes!”
By now Justice was a mess, breathless from want. His cock was thick and hot in Pride’s hand, stroked for so long, but never enough to come. As a final tease, he stopped stroking, hovering over it and lining it up to his hole. But Justice didn’t know that—all he knew was that Pride had stopped moving, and he practically sobbed.
“Please, Pride,  I want it,” he pleaded.
“One more time,” Pride breathed, flicking his clit fast.
“P-please, Pride! I want you, I want all of it so much, please, please I want to be in you.”
As sexy as it was to jerk off and listen to him beg, not even Pride could resist forever. Without preamble, he sat down, sheathing Justice’s cock inside his cunt. Justice choked, frozen in shocked bliss. Pride groaned, riding and rubbing to the look on his face.
“You asked so, so nicely,” he said, sliding up his cock slow and coming down fast. “Now you get what you wanted, J. Because you’re such a good boy.”
Justice shuddered head to toe, and Pride felt it. He cock throbbed inside his cunt, radiating warmth through his body. He bit his lip and rode faster, bouncing on it like he promised to.
“Shit, you feel so good,” he moaned. “You’re so good to fuck.”
A whimper was his only response, but Pride didn’t push it. He was too focused on roughly fingering his clit and pounding himself on Justice’s cock. Every bounce drove him deep inside, hitting the same, incredible spot over and over, and Pride didn’t dare stop. Justice thrashed on the bed, blindly tossing his head every which way, overwhelmed.
“Fuck, fuck, yes,” Pride breathed, tipping his head back. “Fuck yes, Justice, you’re—such a—good—boy.”
Justice’s cock twitched inside him. He came a second later, mouth locked open in a silent moan. Pride clamped down on him, shivering as he felt the cum spill into his cunt. He rubbed his clit hard and fast enough to chafe, but he couldn’t stop, aching for release.
All it took was a little rattle of Justice tugging his cuffs. He clenched around his cock again, groaning, rocking on his hand to ride through it.
In the aftermath, both of them sweating and panting, Justice said, “I like this mask.”
“Yeah?” Pride said.
“Mhm. I can go to sleep now, and you’d never know.”
“You just told me.”
“Oh yeah.”
They snorted in exhausted laughter together. Pride collapsed on his chest, leaking between his legs, but too boneless to clean it up.
“A nap sounds nice,” he mumbled.
Justice rubbed his cheek on the top of his head. “Can I have my arms back first?”
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connoreatspussy · 4 months
I've started watchin Dungeon Meshi with a buddy (I will get to the manga I promise I jus gotta work on my backlog first T-T)
I'm only on ep 7 (mimic monching) but omg I am in love. I hope u don't mind my rambling/first impressions.
My absolute favourite is chilchuck, he is jus a desperate little guy and if his tools get turned into forks one more time he might actually go into cardiac arrest. I want to shake him about and call him kiddo jus to make fun of him.
Laois is my fave autistic fella. No 'neurotypical' person reacts that strongly to wantin to eat armour and paintings. I would 1000% make him worse and jus hype him up to eat the most nonsensical things. Raw parasite nibbler smh
I adore Senshi! He's livin the life we all wish we had. Stuck in the great unknown creating farms, feedin kelpie and eating everything that even tries to move in his peripherals. He is very much a Bear and I cackle everytime Marcille shrieks at his antics.
Marcille is a sweet gal. I shake my head everytime she squeals at having to eat monsters or panicking over silly things like life threatening diseases in parasites lmao. But the comraderie I feel when she shrieks at bugs and runs from weird crawly things. The mood is real. I too would fireball anything with more than 4 legs. T-T
There's also Kabru (thank you tumblr for name info by osmosis). I have seen him all of 3 times but he is very pretty and oh so hopeless. Bless his soul.
The "kobold" scares me. Please tell me he is not a kobold, Laois. He is a dog thing. Please. Please I am not ready for fluffy kobolds
I may be back with more screamin next time we watch...
~ 🥃
all the characters are... so fucking good like even the 'villains' everyone in it is so complex n intriguing. im partial to chilchuck as my favourite but honestly its like a mob psycho situation to me again where theyre just All good. theyre all good.
laois being autistic too like. phenomenal. irs so insanely well done. its just. so fucking good n how it makes him out as a character n how hes seen by others, its so just... its so REAL. i see him n im like oh fuck thats me. n how his autism comes into play later in. in terms of his experiences being 'othered' and not relating to or being able to identify w other people easily.... ouagh.
and yes the kobolds r dogs vdjdvsjdjdvd
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everybodyshusband · 1 year
little phantom who isn't super little but doesn't want to do anything so he let's people do stuff for him such as:
• bunching up his socks and putting them on
• tying his shoes but in that daddy issues way if you get what I mean
• fluffing his hair after taking a shower/bath
• cutting his food whether it actually needs to be or not
• making his drinks and getting his snacks
• helping him put his pants on and button his shirt up
• Washing his hands 😩😩😩
• Brushing his teeth/styling his hair
Half of this is literally what I wish someone would do for me but that's besides the point. I could actually go on forever with this.
asking other people to help him with the basics like getting dressed and helping him eat helps him stay in regressed and if he's distressed, that little bit less brain power is needed and he'll calm down much more quickly than he would if he had to do all of this himself. he's just a lil guy !!!!
and ohhhh i can imagine someone (maybe swiss) standing behind him at the sink, wrapping his arms around phantom to guide his hands as he helps wash them. humming a little tune so phantom washes his hands for the right amount of time, overlapping phantom's hands with his own large ones and it makes phantom feel so so small every single time awggh
ahem me too don't worry dksjbfdj also please ??? continue to go on !!! i'm listening so HARD to what you have to say
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epithet-beloved · 1 year
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synopsis… Being a polycule with Mera Salamin and Rick Shades!
ft. Mera Salamin, Rick Shades, Indus Tarbella (mentioned)
tags… fluff, polyamory, mera and rick are not dating, but they’re both dating reader, pure self indulgence, epithet erased spoilers, mostly bc i talk about anime campaign scenes, like a weird mish-mash of ac and ee canons
word count… 892
a/n… I AM THE TARGET AUDIENCE. No you have no idea i am so in love with these two i need them both in ways i cannot put in this little note… this is my self care cause i’m sick xoxo ✧ 🦝
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Anyway.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 These two are kind of???? The sweetest to be in a polycule with whattttt
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 They have this light back and forth whenever it involves you, playfully arguing, but they always come to the same conclusion: you should be given the royal treatment.  They are nodding to themselves in agreement like yesyes…
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mera has a tendency to become defensive and flustered, and Rick NEVER FAILS to jump in and go “oh nooo guess i have them all to myself oh nooooooooo” like he’s surprisingly a tease about it. And Mera ALWAYS jumps in like NO. MY TIME WITH THEM.
“Mera!”  You approach your girlfriend with Rick trailing behind.  She raises an eyebrow at your excitement.  “I found an advertisement for a play around town.  It looks like something you’d like!” She nearly wants to choke when she realises it’s Twelfth Night, not wanting to think of the implications of why you’d think she’d like it.  “What?  I… N-No, I’ll pass.” “Shame!”  Rick instantly interrupts, swooping in from behind you to place his hands on your shoulders.  “I suppose it’ll be just between you and I, darling!” Seeing the wizard so smug instantly fuels competitiveness within Mera.  “Actually… Maybe I’ll go after all…” she grumbles in embarrassment.  It’s worth it to see how you light up, but she doesn’t miss Rick rolling his eyes.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You know that scene at the end of anime campaign where Rick visits Mera and Indus in his epilogue?? Spouse custody exchange.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Whenever Rick is away on adventures, you’ll switch between staying with Mera, or going along with Rick.  You three always make a bit out of it, amusing you a great deal.  You’re all dorks whether you accept it or not.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mera always gives you the gentlest affection, shy and a little awkward but endearing nevertheless.  Rick, however, is all for the fun of the relationship, preferring to be as close to you as possible.  This fuels Mera’s own repressed clingness.  You are trapped in both of their embraces very often.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Like they both ADORE taking naps with you.
You lie in a funny enough position.  Seated in Rick’s lap as he nuzzles into your hair, his lanky arms wrapped around your waist and your back presses into his chest.  Meanwhile, Mera straddles you, arms thrown over your neck as she hides in your neck.  It’s so cuddly and safe, but… “...I have to pee,” you admit aloud.  Both of them groan in indignation, only holding you tighter.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Where Rick will wax poetry about your boundless beauty and how you make his heart race, and will only be a little creepy about it!  Mera, however, could be asked what she likes about you and just CRASH from shyness.  Both of them are adorable in their own ways.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Rick is such a sweetheart, he always has an eye out on both you and Mera.  Always offering to walk you two home, or just be around if Indus isn't, as a “wizardguard” which you can only guess is a far superior version of a bodyguard.  Take him up on his offer he loves feeling useful, and honestly he’ll follow you back anyway juuuust in case.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 I’m such a clingy Rick truther sorry.  Mera is just a bit too mean and Rick is immediately whining to you to “kiss it better” or “tell her to stop being mean” as Mera is going “i literally just flicked him” or “i just said he’s like a puppy around you!”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Don’t worry Mera isn’t much better she’ll tell on Rick to Indus and then he has to deal with that. Please stage an intervention they’re both pouty brats deep down.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Sometimes they’ll just share a moment of solidarity at just how into you they both are.
Mera and Rick stare wordlessly at you dashing to coo over a stray cat.  Immediately, you befriend it, and the two are left to wait for you until you’re ready. After a second of watching you gush and coo, Rick would speak, hand rising to clutch his heart and clenching his other fist.  “I need to kiss them so damn bad.” “Oh, same,” Mera immediately sighs, not being able to tear her eyes away.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 YOU REALLY THINK THEY WOULDN’T GET ALONG BUT LIKE??? Mera initially says it’s because Rick also does what she says, but you will learn just by observing them that Mera really is thankful for how Rick looks out for her without question.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mera “I’m looking at fish tits” Salamin looking at furry art.  You look at Rick and nod wisely.  He has no idea what you’re talking about.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 They’re both SOOOO protective of you in their own ways like if someone hurts you they WILL show up on the news i am not even joking !!!! please hold them back by leashes you Indus will help.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He’s like an honourary member of the polycule he’s just here we love him for it!!!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Sometimes they’re both in the mood to tease you. That is your cue to either run far away or let them, because oh my !!! oh my!!!!!!!! THEY WORK SCARILY WELL TOGETHER AS A DUO!!! 
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Is it obvious how feral i am for these two like please i’ll do anything— 
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bluiex · 2 years
I was scrolling through old asks and came across ones about Grian and Scar being married before joining Hermitcraft and no one has any idea until someone sees Grian wearing a wedding ring on a necklace, cue everyone going crazy. I couldn’t not write something for this AU. This specific scene was inspired by this ask: https://bluiex.tumblr.com/post/697477185391476736/impulse-would-go-to-pearl-like-did-you-know-grian
Grian is curled against Scar on their couch when Pearl bursts in, he instinctively pulls away, not one for displaying affection in front of others. Pearl stares at them for a moment, amusement in her eyes, “you’re aware that everyone is completely oblivious right?”
“Huh?” Grian mumbles, confused for a moment. “Oh, you mean them knowing we’re married.“
“Yeah, apparently no one has any idea.”
Scar laughs, “not one?”
“No, Impulse just came up to me asking about it.” Pearl grins, “he may have misinterpreted what I said and now thinks you’re married to Mumbo.”
Grian bursts out into laughter, “Mumbo? Why’d he think that?”
“I asked him how could he not know after living next to you and your husband for an entire season.”
“So Mumbo? He had a fifty percent chance and got it wrong?” Grian asks incredulously, but somewhat amused.
“I don’t know if I should be offended or not,” Scar comments, “that he considered Mumbo before me.”
Grian pats him on his back jokingly solemn, “don’t worry, I love you more then anything else in the world.”
“I love you the most too,” Scar replies, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Pearl pretends to gag, “gross.”
“You’re just jealous,” Scar counters, slinging an arm around Grian and pulling him close.
Pearl just good-naturedly rolls her eyes, “yeah, right.”
Grian suddenly turns to face his husband, a grin growing as an idea forms, “how do you feel about another bet?”
Scar immediately looks intrigued, “what kind?”
“How long will it take for the others to figure out you’re the one I’m married to. They’ve been oblivious for this long, how much longer do you think they still will be?”
Scar hums, “you just want to have a chance to win back your diamonds.”
Grian scoffs, “it’s not over just yet.”
“What other bet do you guys have?” Pearl interjects.
“Who would be the reason that the others find out about us being married,” Grian explains, looking at her again.
“Yeah, you’re facing a losing battle now.”
He pouts at her, “they still haven’t figured it out so there’s still a chance Scar will reveal it.”
She hums doubtfully, “can I get in on this new bet, it sounds fun.”
Grian chuckles as Scar nods, “I’m down for this.”
“Great! This will be fun to watch.”
Btw, this is Season 9 during when Mumbo isn’t here. Which makes everything funnier to these three. Also, Pearl was at their wedding, hence why she knows. Also Scarian would 100% be rivals while being married, just for the fun of it.
YEEEES YESYES I loved this idea so much.. Cuz like it's so them to do stuff like this and I adore oblivious hermits LOL AAAH so good qoq I need moooore
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starheirxero · 8 months
Ok so, I ask a lot about our favorite boi (Centi... my Beloved...) however I was wondering if you have any interesting thoughts about other characters in the castle (Which, assuming is similar to canon and is only Sunvent).
As a result I have three big questions! One, which is based on almost every universe having eclipse drinking massive amounts of tea, does he like tea/ can eat? Two, does he interact with the world's inhabitants outside of when eclipse does, and does he enjoy it when he does (even if eclipse is there?)
finally three, since in most AU it is explained that the reason eclipse isn't rotting from the star power is because he is using something else as a conduit (a servant, since every surviving lord has a servant). does eclipse use sun as a conduit system, and how do you head canon that effects him?
if these are completely irrelevant its totally fine if you can only answer one or two (or if you just feel like answering a bit of this, I'm just happy to brain rot in the Centi box)
Anyway here is this as ask box rent
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1) I think technically Lord Eclipse could eat/drink (nanobots and/or star power stuff) but I think he simply chooses not to unless it's for dramatic effect, yk? (hence the lack of mouth) Like, I drew him with a wine glass one time, but it was definitely just for dramatic effect and to seem like he's "casual" in the situation rather than to actually enjoy it LOL
2) I'm assuming you mean Sunvant here and in that case: yes, he does actually interact with the other followers a good bit and yes, I'd say he usually enjoys it(and probably especially with Lord Eclipse there)! Or, like, during the earlier years at least. Since Sun was basically Lord Eclipse's right-hand, he was regarded with as much respect as Eclipse himself! His very presence was like a morale boost LOL
But, I think that as Lord Eclipse started to become less and less sociable, Sun started to be recognized less as "the saint" and more "the favorite" which led to colder or outright cruel treatment from some. He still goes out and interacts with other people, but a good outing is no longer defined by how many people he helps and instead by how many people don't outright taunt him </3
3) OH YESYES I'VE HEARD OF THAT IDEA !!! Anima Sola was my first introduction to the concept and it is so cool to me LMAO 🙏 I don't think Sunvant is used as a conduit in this world tho?? Maybe. I dunno that might be subject to change now actually LOL
I feel like if Centiclipse did use Sun in such a way, there wouldn't be too too much change?? or. well. mmm??? Not too much change in the dynamic, but maybe a bit of change in what is focused on, if that makes any sense.
Lord Eclipse telling Sun that if he wants to stay his servant and hold onto such a power, then he needs to act like it(not that he would ever get rid of Sun, he needs him too much). Sun being horrified at his own fantasies of finding a way to rip out the connection between him and Eclipse. OOO maybe certain dissenters would try to kill Sun in hopes of taking down Eclipse.....
I dunno, I'll definitely say it's fun to entertain!! It's almost a dlc sorta idea! It just adds on to what was already there and makes it a little more angsty LOL
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yawnderu · 7 months
I only have the courage to ask this because it is a good 1:30AM as I am writing this and the sleep deprivation is hitting me hard so I am sorry that you have to suffer through my ramble
Anywho, I think we should encourage more people to make COD OCs because it is so fun to see how people would interpret how their OC would react with the in game characters. I feel like most people do not one to do it due to the stigma associated with it and self inserts but OCs can be so fun
For example, I want to know more about Stray and learn everything I can but that may just be my Autism and my hyperfixation on talking about OCs I find interesting. I remember reading the post you had done for her after you reblogged it and it made me want to redo the biographies I had done for my two major COD OCs as I just loved it
We also need more trends for OCs. When I get round to posting about mine I want to try and make a trend where other creators can post ideas about skins their OC or self insert would have if they were in multiplayer since I myself love thinking of outfit designs as they can show so much of the OC's personality. Or a trend where we get to see OC voice lines if they were in the games and voice lines of them talking to other characters as I love when OCs have beef with the in game characters as it is just so fun
Since imagine if Stray and König had a matching skin set similar to how König and Horangi have a matching skin set
I just wanted to bring it up to you because you are one of the only few creators I follow that have a COD OC and I thought you may like a ramble. As you can probably tell I have a love for learning and talking about OCs, mine and others
Also for the ask game I want to know the answer to question 11 as I love hearing about OCs and their weapons especially if they customise their weapons
Have a good night wherever you are and please get some rest and I apologise about this ramble
I was literally laying in bed watching Naked and Afraid but this got me so excited that I got back on my PC to answer BHJEHBKEFKJHB
Yes yes!! I'd absolutely love to see more people creating their COD ocs, I have quite a lot of fun creating mine. OCs are definitely a lot of fun, you're basically creating a character from scratch AND you get the choice to make them look and act the way you want, as well as giving them any backgrounds and relationships you could possibly want!!
You can ask me anything about Stray!! I absolutely adore talking about my OCs, that also includes K-9, though I haven't made an official Military Personnel Profile for her yet!
AHHH yesyes!! Especially the skins would be interesting to see since the military has quite a lot of regulations, but I adore seeing characters in more casual clothes and what they'd dress like normally, little details such as masks and even weapon attachments could give them so much charisma.
Funny thing about the voice lines thing!! I was actually planning on making that for Stray since I have a professional microphone, but I got kinda lazy on creating voice lines to do the VA work HBJEFBHJ
Ahhh absolutely!! Even if it's something small, she definitely enjoys matching with König, so I can imagine her wearing a similar mask or maybe even a mask created by him because at the end of the day, they're spec ops and they need to maintain their privacy.
Question 11!!
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it? As it is used by both the German and British military, her weapon of choice is the AWM sniper, as it has a pretty precise and effective firing range. Although with the 141 she doesn't get the chance to be a sniper much and has become more hands-on, she used to work with the AWM quite a lot back in the German military and after being recruited as a KorTac member.
You too!! Don't apologize, I absolutely adore talking about my OCs and as someone who's also autistic, this itched a special part of my brain<333
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chappellrroan · 1 year
9??? NINE???????? tell me about everyone im not being jealous i promise it is just so cool i relate to all of them i also have a crush on you (did you count me?)
okay so
yesyes i count you too
second one also from tumblr
2 from sixth grade (i liked one guy but his bestfriend confessed it was a MESS)
one in 10th it was his friend who snitched out lmao
3 in 11th, one was from engineering and he used to wait everyday, we had same route for home (like we'd walk home together and one day he made his other friends wait too and i KNEW one of the guys from his group hated me) so when we were alone I asked him why'd he make the whole grp wait like your bestie clearly hates me and he was like isn't it obvious? yeah it happened there☠️, the other two were in coaching AGAIN the second one's friend snitched out but he was so cute bro it was so fun teasing him he'd go all red and stammering the most adorable ever but he lived in strict hostel and would leave anyways in next 6 months so it remained as it was, the third was from engineering batch again but different school, he used to wait outside my classroom (he was like morning batch so they leave the campus when we come) but he'd stay back everyday I got to know him through my bestie and then he asked for my number and we started texting mostly for notes staying back on sundays and saturdays playing truth and dare (we weren't even supposed to interact lmao😭) and during that time AS USUAL they'd ask about crushes, this guy handsome fuck had no shame taking my name when he was clearly aware that my guy bestfriend was pursuing me but then COVID happened all of us fell apart drifted I got new number
1 in 12th, this guy. the one and only who i dated. he was my bestfriend. there were rumours about us since 11th whatever it was it was a mess yeah☠️
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loveydoveylex · 9 months
“🎫” gimme some gush!!! Christmas love on ya funky eggplant bf!!!!
gonna get back on track with some of these asks, tysm anon!!! yesyes, funky beloved eggplant <333 mY DORK OF A HUSBAND. I love and cherish him so much. 💜
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ABSOLUTE cutiepie. a complete sweetheart. LOOK AT THAT ADORABLE SMILE. I like to think I would be able to make him smile like that all day everyday <333 gosh I cannot get over the cute little subtle details in his design like one of his hoodie strings being longer than the other, that really is so... HIM. y'know??? I love it! 😭😭😭 I bet his hoodie would be really soft, too - you can especially see the material really clearly in certain renders, just LOOK ✨
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I am going to bury my face in your hoodie now ray. sorry but this is where I live now. comfy pillow 😆 (also oh my gosh his sHOES ARE SCRATCHED UP. that is also SUCH a fun detail and so IN CHARACTER FOR HIM GAAAAH!! it's all SO GOOD.)
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