#yes. you can eat jellyfish. there is jellyfish in my fridge right now.
wethecelestial · 9 months
using up my one petty and meaningless post of the day to say that that fucking jellyfish as food post and all of its replies make me wish that i was a jellyfish (blissfully unaware of people being loudly wrong on the internet)
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
452 of 2023
1- Are you a lefty or a righty?
Kinda ambidextrous. Back to leaning lefty, though.
2- What show(s) are you watching at the moment?
Keeping Up Appearances. I love this show, it's hilarious. Soon there's gonna be Allo Allo, and I love it equally much.
3- Are your earlobes attached or unattached?
Unattached and I hate it. Attached are much more aesthetically pleasing.
4- Is there any food you eliminated from your diet but miss eating?\what is it?
Coffee. My brain reacts badly to sudden caffeine shots and it stops my meds from working. This means no coffee, unless I opt for decaf.
5- Are you outgoing, introverted or somewhere in between?
Between, and I like it.
6- If you look to the right of you, what's one thing you see?
Dining table.
7- What's one show you remember watching from your childhood?
8- Do you cry often?
I don't cry at all.
9 - Can you watch a horror movie at night by yourself with the lights off?
Ew, movies are lame. I have better things to waste my time on.
10- Do you play an instrument?
No, I don't. You need two working hands for that.
11- What's your top 3 favorite accents?
West-Flemish (yes I'm biased), Amsterdam Dutch, and British from England, if we speak about English language.
12- What's your favorite season?
Summer because long days. The downside is that I barely tolerate the heat, it makes me feel dizzy.
13- What is your favorite hair style on a guy?
Whatever suits him.
14- What is your favorite hair style on a girl?
Whatever suits her.
15- At what age do YOU consider someone to finally be an adult?
Adulthood has no age, apparently. Someone might be in their 40s and still act like a kid, and someone may be 16 and more mature for their age.
16- What's your ring size?
6. My wedding ring is so small that my husband can't even put it on the very tip of his pinky. I have really thin fingers, though.
17- Who is better - Spiderman or Batman?
Both are lame, thanks.
18- Do you\did you study enough in school?
I did, I have two diplomas.
19- Disney or Pixar films?
No, thanks.
10- Do you like to eat popcorn while watching a movie?
I don't even waste my time on movies.
11- What is the last movie you saw?
Jesus what's with all these movie questions? The most boring subject ever.
12- Do you believe there is life on other planets?
There must be, the universe is way too big.
13- What's the happiest memory you have?
Getting a permanent contract at work.
14- What's your favorite name?
15- Do you play video games?
No, I don't. Yet another boring subject.
16- How often do you read?
All the time. Sometimes several books at once.
17- Do you like the Kardashians?
I genuinely don't care.
18- Do you think babies are cute?
Ew. Toddlers are cute, though.
19- Do you swear?
I do, nothing to be proud of XD
20- Are you sitting or lying down right now?
Sitting on the couch, going to bed soon.
21- Paper or plastic?
Whatever is more resistant.
22- Did you ever get stung by a jellyfish?
No, thankfully. Raised at the sea, I could have the possibility XD
23- Did you ever make smores over a fire?
I don't even know what smores is.
24- Do you burn easily in the sun?
Too easily.
25- What's the last game you played on your phone?
Jewel Slide, it's my current favourite.
26- If someone was in line in front of you at the store but they were short $3 and you had the extra cash , would you help them out or let it go?
I would help. I'm not Dutch enough :P
27- Werewolves or Vampires?
Nope, it's lame. Can I choose werecats?
28- What's the weather like where you are right now?
It's dark outside as it's 21:32 right now and it's September, but the whole day it was hot and sunny.
29- Do you collect anything?
Yeah. Pens, notebooks, keyrings, postcards, fridge magnets.
30- (if you wear Tampons)Did you ever sneeze or cough and have your tampon fall out?
31- Would you rather go without your phone for a week or go without your hearing(apologies if you are deaf)?
What a question lol.
32- Do feet gross you out?
Ew yeah. They look ugly and they stink sometimes.
33- What's a vegetable you don't like?
Cucumber. Literally the only one veggie I don't like.
34- Are you afraid of heights?
Kind of.
35- Did you ever see the film Hook?
No, and I'm not interested.
0 notes
dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 13
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 13: The Apocalypse (But with More Bulls)
A group of children huddled together as they tried to escape the robotic drones that surrounded them in the ice cream shop. The streets were no longer safe as they had been filled with roaming Bull drones and they ripped and tore no matter what or who stood in their way. They hoped that they would be able to wait it out until help arrived, but they didn’t count on the drones coming into the building and finding them.
“AHHHHH!” They all screamed as the bulls began to leap at them.
Their eyes widened as they saw the machines falling to the ground in bits and pieces until there was nothing left except for an ominous violet figure before them.
“S-s-stay away!” One of the older children nervously warned as she stood in front of them with her arms stretched out.
“Dude, he-she-they just saved our butts,” another child put a hand on her shoulder, “I think they are one of the good guys.”
“We don’t know that!” She argued.
“I mean, they are standing right there and haven’t attacked us yet sooo,” a younger girl pointed out. “Point in the good guy direction.”
“That doesn’t mean-”
“Wait, I know him!” They all snapped their heads to the youngest in their group as he ran up to the figure.
“Are you crazy?!”
“MAC MAC!” He grinned as he threw his body to him, “I am so happy you are here!”
The monkey said nothing as he caught the child and gently patted the child's head.
“Sooo, Imma go out on a limb here and say he's good,” said the girl with the prosthetic arm. She happily smirked at their groans.
“Oh yeah, he is my sister's former teacher, though I don’t think I've ever seen you like this,” he pondered.
“Clone,” the demon uttered.
“Follow me,” he instead said as he walked to the door, “I’ll take you where it’s safe.”
“That’s a relief.”
“Can I bring some ice cream?”
The children all chatter with a bit more pep in their step as they trudge through the war torn streets and fallen buildings until they laid eyes on a set of buildings that looked relatively untouched by the madness surrounding them with a pristine white hospital building in the middle of it all. Some people were littered around the street, but when they stepped into the hospital it was a lot more hectic as not only doctors and nurses were bustling around trying to tend to as many wounded as they could. But there were also regular people trying to give a helping hand as they either did basic first aid to those who needed it or helped the staff collect the supplies they needed.
“Whoa,” they all collectively gape at the semi organized chaos inside.
“Bao!” The child looks to see Bohai's relieved expression, “thank the gods you and your friends are okay.”
“Mac Mac saved us,” he wiggled out of the monkey arms to get a hug from the jellyfish demon then he looked around the room. “Where’s Yanyu? Is she okay?”
“She’s fine, she was working when this all went down, so she is currently in the back taking care of a bunch of patients. Are you all alright?”
“Just scrapes and bruises,” one of the girls says as she covers the mouth of the one armed girl. “You are not making another missing arm joke, you hear me.”
“Fine,” she huffed then she grinned mischievously as she looked at Bohai, “so do you guys need a hand, I can only spare you one though.”
“For the love of-!”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” she laughed at the agony.
“If you want to bring the staff some snacks and drinks, and yes I’m including everyone in this list, that would be awesome. They really need to pick me up right now,” he showed them to a small area where copious amounts of food and drinks were laid out. “People have been bribing them since this all started, but no one really had a break yet.”
“You can count on us!” The oldest girl saluted as she and the rest gathered snacks in their arms and began to spread out all through the hospital, except for Bao who was still holding onto the jellyfish. Even the clone Macaque had left had begun to venture through the hospital and began to help out a few patients.
“…is everyone else alright,” he whispered out in hesitation.
Bohai kneeled down and smiled, “I think they will be just fine, your brothers and sisters are smart after all. I know they will pull through.”
“Right,” he nodded and shared a grin.
“And we have people and demons looking for anyone who needs help,” that included his friends on the list as Daiyu took to the skies and over the seas, Minsheng and Ahmed took to the streets looking for stragglers, and Macaque leaping from building to building checking to see if there are any lingering people trapped inside. “So don’t worry about them, instead how about we focus on feeding some hungry people. I know how cranky they can get when their bellies are empty.”
“Like Yan Yan when she forgot to eat because she had a 30 hour shift and she tied us all up when we mentioned her leftover food in the fridge.”
“How does this keep happening to us!” Mei yelled out as she and MK were hanging onto the sword for dear life as they dangled above the pit of despair.
“I don’t know!” MK yelled too as he clung onto Mei’s legs. “How do we get down?!”
“I don’t know!” She adjusted her grip on the sword, “we are currently on our way to fight the Demon Bull King, one of Monkey King greatest enemies, with less than 2 weapons on us if you don’t count my daggers and your brass knuckles, the rest of our team still keeping the ones up top busy and-wait!” Mei’s eyes brighten, “not everyone!”
“Huh? Who?!”
“Macaque!” Mei could feel a breath of relief come through her, “he’s still in the city dealing with the other clones, but I think this warrants a higher attention.” If anyone, other than the Monkey King and MK, can stop the Bull King, it’s him.
“I don’t know,” MK flinched as Mei's head creaked to him and her eyes began to twitch.
“Oh no, we are so not doing this, I am calling fuzzbutt whether you like it or not,” she stated and she sucked in a deep breath.
“Wait,” he quickly climbed her and put his hands over her mouth, “we don’t need to call him, I can handle this.”
“Do you not see where we are?” She would emphasize their precarious situation, but she is currently holding onto the only thing that is stopping the both of them from becoming mush on the floor. “What is your problem with calling him for help?”
“Nothing,” he too quickly defended himself.
“Then you should have no problem if I call him.”
“You're not calling for him.”
I’m calling him.”
“No, you're not,” he argued.
“I am!”
“You're not!”
“Am! Wait-dammit!” He cursed as he got tricked.
“Ha! I win, and I'm calling him!” Mei grinned.
MK was about to refute her when he saw a terrifying sight above them. “Noooo.”
She raised her eyebrow as she turned to see what he was looking at and she almost let go of her sword as she saw hundreds of deactivated Bull drones stationary all over the walls and mere meters from where they were at.
Mei’s phone buzzed quite loudly.
Blue eyes lit up one by one as the drones quickly woke up at the sound as their heads all snapped towards the two lone humans.
“GHA!” Red son grunted out as he was flung back. He gritted his teeth as the sharp rocks pierced him, but he shakily stood up as he stood behind his mother, who was also silently huffing for air as the two of them faced down the enraged Bull King. He knew something was wrong, there had to be something, otherwise, his father wouldn't so carelessly nor even attempt to accuse the two of them of traitorous intent based on the barest of threads.
‘There has to be,’ he desperately thought as he silently looked at his hands and gripped it as it began to heat up. ‘But there is no defining evidence…I should have never taken that key.’ He regretted silently as they were once more prepared to go toe to toe with the Bull King when out of nowhere.
MK lands face first into the ground.
“Noodle boy?!” What is he doing here?!
“Little thief,” Bull King hissed out as he then gripped his head and uttered. “Sun Wukong.”
Both he and his mother were startled by that admission as they couldn’t help but share a glance, as they passively watched Bull King begin his assault on the Monkey King successor.
Red son gritted his teeth as he watched his friend get pulverized by his father. ‘I have to do something, but what can I do? Something nefarious is afoot with father and yet I am standing here like a dame instead of helping MK. MK? No! No, I mean I have to help father snap out of whatever has come over him instead of beating upon my fri-noodle boy! Hurting noodle boy…he is hurting noodle boy…MK.” He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw the horrifying sight of the rage filled demon looming over MK with his fists raised high in the air.
“NO!” He burst into flames and charged forward, but was stopped by his mother as she swiftly sent out two airstrikes to the Bull King and used her fan to sweep the boy away from his demise and plopped him down next to the both of them.
“Wha-” he groggily got up as he looked up in surprise at Princess Iron Fan.
“It’s the canister, they have driven him mad with power,” she said as she hatefully eyed the glowing blue canisters upon the Bull King back.
“Well that’s a problem,” he blinked as he saw the skeletal remains floating about in the sludge of energy.
Then in a feral-like fury where only instinct took full control of body rather than the mind, the Bull King had snarled at them and began to charge on all fours.
“All right,” he used his staff to pick himself up, “time for round 2.”
“No, we fight together,” the prince said in determination as he readied his stance and was about to charge once more when another voice echoed.
“Seems like you guys can use a hand,” their eyes widen as they see the Bull King sink into the ground as a massive transparent violent hand of energy crushed him.
“Dad/Macaque!” MK and Red son cried out in relief as Iron Fan said it a bit more calmly as MK continued. “How are you here?!”
“Jade rang for me,” the voice echoed out as it continued its struggle against pinning the demon down. “Said some interesting things too.”
Mei's hands twitched anxiously as she waited for any sign of MK. She had just finished cleaning up the rest of the drones in the caves, but she thought it best if she kept here in case there would be any bot or people trying to sneak in to aid the nefarious family. Yet, that didn’t stop her from wanting to go down there and help her friend, no matter how stupid or dangerous that may be.
“You know what, screw this. Sorry MK, but we need all the help,” she gave a quick apology as she sucked in a deep breath and yelled, “MACAQUUEEE!”
Her voice vibrated through the walls.
She knew that she could have easily called him on her phone and he would have come just as quick, but that didn’t really matter in the long run as he saw a dark figure leap his way over to her. “Took you long enough,” she said with a small grin as he phased into the mech.
“Sorry, the city is in chaos as you know,” Macaque sarcastically said as he eyed her state to see any injuries.
“I’m fine,” she quickly said, “but MK is down there fighting DBK!”
“What!” His golden eyes that were tinted with violet eyes snapped onto her light green ones as all six ears twitched.
“Yeah, he didn’t want me to tell you, but I think we have bigger things to worry about.”
“Don’t want me-no,” he stopped himself short before he could go deeper. “Putting that to the side, for now, bigger problems first. Will you be fine if I go to your idiot brother.”
“I am currently inside of a monkey mech,” she deadpanned, “I am more than fine.”
He shot her a smirk and ruffled her already messed up hair and sunk back into the shadows and began to move deeper into the pit.
“Ahaha, about that,” MK nervously scratched the back of his neck.
“We are talking about this later.”
“Yeah that’s fair,” he slumped down.
Then a figure leaped out from the shadows of the Bull King as the Bull King rapidly gained back its bearing and destroyed the hand pinning it down.
Macaque whistled, “Well, I thought that it would at least keep you down a little longer than that, but apparently I’m wrong.”
“It’s the canister!” MK yelled, “they’re amplifying his powers.”
“You don’t say,” he muttered as he eyed the glowing blue power of energy then stared at it a bit harder as something felt off about it. “Somethings not right.”
Princess Iron Fan raised an eyebrow at his comment but quickly pushed it aside as she readied herself. “We can save questions for later, right now we have to get those off of my husband.”
“Right,” he nodded and his eyes went back to the Bull King who was getting up, “alright anyone got a plan.”
“Both Red son and I shall distract him, while the two of you get that monstrosity off him,” she said.
“Gotcha, you ready comet,” he summoned a few of his clones.
MK hesitated before nodding as he put his staff forward, “born ready.”
Then, without warning, the rest of the royal family burst into action as the two attacked the Bull King in a rapid fire as he was suddenly surrounded by a huge fire tornado.
“YOU SHALL FALL TOGETHER!” He roared out as he dispersed it with a loud crackle of energy.
Both of them, who was very much still injured and winded from their already long fight, were pushed back as they fell into the rubble. They slowly tried to get up as the glowing King stomped his way towards them.
His form seemed to almost ripple in anticipation as he locked his glowing blue eyes on their downed forms. No hesitation in his steps as the voices in his head urged him to finally end the traitors.
End the traitors
Destroy them for their treachery
Build a kingdom worth your name
Let their bones turn into ashes
Let their blood soak into the ground
Let their flesh set a reminder
You are the true king
“Yesss,” he hissed out his agreement as he raised his arms to finish them (ignoring the heavy invisible restraint against his arm and a small voice yelling at him to stop.) He would end this now.
Then his head was hit by a rock.
He snarled as he turned to look at MK, who was still in a throwing position.
“Hey, guess I’m a better pitcher than a hitter!” He joked, but then yelped as he felt himself get caught in the Bull’s hand.
“I’ve had about enough of you, one would think that you would learn more of the little sage tricks,” he snarled.
“I don’t know what to tell you,” he shrugged.
Bull King snarled as he proceeded to squeeze him until he was nothing but bones and blood.
“Wait! Wait!” He cried out until he poofed out in a golden light.
“What!” He shouted as he looked at the falling hair, “a clone!?”
“Yup!” He looked to see the real MK in mid-air, “and I didn’t learn little tricks from only the Monkey King,” he grinned as he summoned a hoard full of clones.
He snarled and was about to jump up to meet them when he felt his hooves and hands being grabbed, he looked down to see many Macaque clones holding him down, while some were grabbing his hands.
“Get ready for a nice wake up call,” the real Macaque smirked as he kept into the shadow to keep a steady supply of energy to his clones.
“HERE COMES MONKIE KID!” MK cried out as he and his clones proceeded to all out attack the Bull King until the canister was finally knocked off his back and with one final burst of energy, it had dispersed.
Gather back
Become one again
The black furred monkey felt a shiver running up his spine as he heard the voices ringing in his ears. He looked around and sure enough, it seemed that he was the only one who heard the ominous whispers.
‘That wasn’t a normal power madness,’ he concluded as he realized what really happened. Before he could tell the rest he felt a gust of wind come about as the three demons proceeded to leave.
“Are you serious?!” MK panicked as the rocks began to fall down all around them. “You really just left us here!”
“Honestly not surprised,” he shrugged his shoulder and grabbed his kid by the back of his shirt, “now come on and let’s get out of here before the rocks do us in.”
They looked to see a giant Monkey Mech burst in as Mei smiled at them.
“Everything went well! Need a lift?”
“Nice timing Mushu.”
“That was some fight huh,” Sandy said as he ate his noodles on top of the giant mech with everyone else. “But we managed to stop DBK.”
“Nice job defeating him MK,” Tang grinned as he slurped up the remains of his bowl.
“I don’t know, I don’t think I really defeated him,” he muttered as he fiddled with his chopsticks. “There was something weird, that power he had just made him…different.”
“But we won right,” she looked on the bright side.
“I’m sure it’s fine,” the historian appeared over Pigsy's shoulder and was casually grabbing some noodles from his bowl. “You don’t need this right sugar.”
“Get your hands off my food!” He pulled away from his lover as everyone around them laughed.
Amid their exuberant energy, they haven’t quite realized that the area was almost desolate with anyone else, including animals and bugs that usually roam around here. The only animal anywhere near them was a bird that perched right on top of one of the outer rocks in the clearing. It seemed to be in a tranquil state as it took in the scene, so it spread its wings to fly off when a voice stopped him.
“You know you could have jumped down and talked to them instead of standing there like an actual creeper,” said Macaque as he emerged from the shadow.
The bird gave him wide eyes as he instinctively transformed back into his original form, “Didn’t really think I should just go in there when all is said and done,” Wukong said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Wow, it must have taken a long time to think about that with the way you were sitting there,” he rolled his eyes and leaned against the rock.
“I’m not that bad,” he muttered and settled back down on top of the rock.
“Could have fooled me with the number of times you have a stupid idea.”
“Oh like you haven’t had one.”
“I have my own fair share, but it doesn’t even pale in comparison to yours, should I bring up the Kinnara incident,” he smirked.
“How was I supposed to know that she would kick our ass for interrupting her song,” he grumbled.
“Your ass,” he emphasized, “I had the common sense to stay behind, one would think not to mess with a being whose own gaze can pierce through you.”
“Didn’t seem that way to me.”
“Well, you didn’t have something called survival instinct.”
“To be fair I had plenty of instincts, but I just chose to ignore it back then and thought she was a harmless target,” he then shuddered, “so many regrets that day.”
“Pfft,” he chuckled lowly and Wukong couldn’t help but join in. He knew he was very stupid back then and so much more impulsive and looking back on it now, it is rather funny. But the laughter couldn’t last forever as it then died down as the atmosphere turned into an awkward silence.
Both monkeys knew they were avoiding the bigger problem at hand, but neither wanted to bring that up. At the same time though, they couldn’t ignore it forever, and eventually one of them will have to make the first step soon.
So Macaque opened his mouth and said, “Well if you ever feel like leaving your mountain other than stalking my kid, the forest is always open.”
“Really,” his eyes widened.
‘You really want to see me again.’ The silent question was asked.
“It is a public area, though you might want to bring starlight along with you if you want to see the not so public sights,” he said with a shrug.
‘Yes, I do.’ Was the silent answer.
“I’ll definitely do that! Maybe sometime next week?” He couldn’t stop his smile from growing widely.
“That work, well I got to get back. Too much damn medicine to make and that’s with my clone's help,” he grumbled as he pushed back off the rock.
“See you then,” he said with a short wave.
Macaque flippantly waved his hand as he sank back into the shadows.
Wukong grinned as he watched his friend's aura travel through his shadows until he had reached the city limits. It was only then he turned back into his bird form and took off towards his mountain once more.
“So the hospital is really that backed up again,” MK asked as he sat on top of the rooftop with his dad the next day.
“Like a car side swiping a train,” he groaned as he laid down. “I just got done helping not even an hour ago.”
“I bet Yanyu had to drag you out,” the monkey successor snorted.
“Nah, she was snoring in the back room, she passed the fuck out a few hours back after a successful surgery,” he grinned in pride. His student has really come far since he first started teaching her and to think that she had doubts about her ability, now look at her working alongside the attending physicians. He can still remember her running towards him and lunged at him with utter joy on her face when she told him that she passed her qualifying exam. He is really proud of her.
“She deserves it,” he nodded.
“She does,” the monkey hummed as he got up, “but I think it’s time we talk about that little thing back in the cave.”
MK nervously straightened up as he scratched the back of his neck, “hahaha what do you mean?”
“You are still a terrible liar comet, why didn’t you call me,” he looked him in the eyes.
“I was going to,” he mumbled, not sounding at all convincing.
“Really,” his voice dripped with sarcasm.
MK tried to keep a straight face, but it didn’t last long as he groaned and put his face in his hands, “Alright fine I wasn’t! But I could have handled it! You're always there and I know I can count on you, but something I need to do by myself. I’m not a child anymore.”
“And I know your not, and I have tried my best to not hound on you,” he said then he let out a sigh, “believe me when I say that I know I worry a little too much-”
“A little?!” Mei shouted as she lifted the hatch up.
“Mei! How long have you been there?!” The twenty years old shouted.
“Hehehe, long enough,” she nervously giggled as she slowly climbed out and sat next to her brother. She had forgotten she was eavesdropping on them and just had to blurt out. “Kinda forgot, but I still stand by my point.”
“I know, I mean ever since you left I've been trying to hold back from outright following you around,” he reluctantly said, not even blinking an eye at Mei’s sudden appearance.
“And I'm glad you haven’t, Mei already has a tracker on all of us,” he shot a glare at his sister.
“Wait really?”
“Yes siree!”
“…I feel like I should talk to you more about that kind of stalking,” he eyed her as he was forcibly reminded of another monkey and his stalking.
“Have you seen the number of times we unintentionally get into weird situations, let alone the times we actively seek it out?” She deadpanned.
“And I take that back,” he retracted his words. “But regardless, I trust you Starbright. I trust you even when I want to scoop both you and your sister up and hide you away from the world. But when shit like this happens, I get fucking worried cause that could have ended in a complete disaster, you understand?”
“But it didn’t!” He protested.
“But it could have,” he shot back and leaned in close, “and I’m so fucking grateful that it didn’t. Cause what if something did happen and the both of you wound up biting more than you could chew, fuck the two of you could have died and I wouldn’t have known shit until I saw your corpse.”
“I-I,” MK didn’t know what to say as he lowered his head alongside Mei. Both teenagers were at a loss of words at the reality of the situation, especially MK.
Macaque took a deep breath and let out a huge sigh as he brought both children close to him, “Look, I trust you to take care of yourself, but if you think you land in a situation you can’t handle, please call me. I know I sound repetitive at this point, but I stand by my fucking word that I will come, okay.”
Both of them looked up to meet their dad’s concerned eyes and nodded.
“You got it,” Mei smiled and leaned further into his fur.
“Okay,” MK sniffed as cuddled closer to him.
The black furred monkey smiled down at both of them and gave them each a kiss to the forehead and silently watched the bustling city below just a little longer.
“I’m fine my queen,” Bull King grumbled as he walked through the cave. “I sustained only minor injuries.”
“I know you have, but you were overtaken by a sinister energy source that managed to drive you mad with power that put your meridians past the point of exhaustion,” she deadpanned. “You need to rest.”
“It still doesn’t make sense how such a source can overtake father's mind,” Red son muttered as he looked through an ancient book. “I have heard tales of items having power from their previous owners and using it to their own design, but never of just raw aura. It just doesn’t make sense.”
“You're not wrong spitfire,” they turned to see Macaque phasing out from the shadow of a rock.
“Six Eared Macaque,” Bull King grumbled before he suddenly caught a bag that was thrown at him. “What is-”
“Spiritual roots from the Kunlun Peak, brew those in tea and they should help your median lines get back into condition before the month is up,” the monkey said as he walked closer.
“This is most useful, I will transfer the money-” Macaque cut her off.
“Consider this repaying the favor of saving my son Raki.”
“If I had not attempted to harm your child in my plight of madness there would be no need for this,” DBK gritted out and slightly lowered his head. He knew that the slight of offense of their agreement was on him and his mad conquest of power, if the Six Eared Macaque declared retribution for his actions then he would have to honor his word. What the outcome will be for both sides remains a mystery.
“Yeahhh what you did was stupid, but that’s actually what I came down to talk to you guys about,” he patted Red Son on the shoulder, “your kid is right about the power madness, what happen to you was not that.”
“What?” Both father and son blurted out.
“Explain,” the mother's eyes narrowed as her hand twitched.
“You were being possessed by one bitch of a spirit, what kind, I don’t know, but I do know the signs of possession when I see one.”
“Was the different colored glowing eyes not obvious enough? His spouts of madness? Him going completely feral? Whatever you guys found is powerful, powerful enough to influence you BK.”
There was a silence as the surreal announcement enveloped them then someone growled as two craters appeared on the walls.
“Who dares think they have the audacity,” Queen Iron Fan hissed out as the wind began to swirl around her.
“I swear when I find the leech who manipulates me, I will tear their body limb from limb, bone to bone, blood into ashes and let their soul never find rest,” the King growled out in utter hatred.
Prince Red Son said nothing as sparks of fire flickered on and off around different corners of the cave and his hand trembled with fury.
The Royal Bull family does not take lightly to insults upon their names. They are known for sparking dread within people, making those fall to their feet, being a symbol of fear and power spread all through the nation and someone had the insolence to try to not only take control of their King but even fucking dare try to rip the family apart and kill them under his own hands?
They shall feel their wrath, this they declare.
“Well I have my message out of the way,” he wasn’t even fazed by their spirited anger, “Red a word.”
This snapped the prince out of his fury as he walked over to his pseudo uncle, “How may I help you?”
“Not me per say, but certainly my two kids who are worried the hell for you.”
“Their okay right,” he quickly questioned as he knew MK was alright but hadn't seen signs of Mei.
“A little bruised up, but they had worse, but my advice to you kiddo is talk to them. They have been worried out of their minds and I’m sure whatever you might have done they’ll forgive you.” He knew that Red Son wasn’t talking to them out of some sort of self doubt and guilt, but he wasn’t about to pry into what he did.
“You really think so?”
“You’ll have to ask them yourself.”
“…I will,” he nodded, “Thank you.”
“No problem, but let me tell you that since I have known you for a long time and I know you wouldn’t do abuse trust so lightly, especially from people you give a shit about, I’ll let you off with a light warning,” his eyes began to faintly glow a light violet color, “I may not know what you did, but don’t try to maliciously deceive them again, okay.”
“Yes sir,” he immediately said.
“Good boy,” he smirked and ruffled his hair, “now stop fucking around and send them a text before I duct tape their mouths myself.”
“They’ve been that bad?”
“I almost sicced Daiyu on the both just so they could do something else other than complain,” he deadpanned.
“…full permission to do the same if they get past that point,” he smirked.
“You don’t need to even ask me.”
“Yes!” He excitedly pumped his fist.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 157 prt 1
Lance dozed off and on as Keith drove them home. His hat and glasses coming off as he curled up as much as he could in the passenger seat. Driving a little too aggressively, Keith definitely wasn’t leaving the zoo a good review. What kind of people were they letting in there?! Reaching the apartment, he had to coax Lance out of the seat and into his arms, keeping him close as they headed up.
Opening the door to the apartment, Shiro and Curtis were sitting on the sofa. Shiro’s legs over Curtis’s lap. Both of them staring at Lance’s disheveled state
“What happened?!”
“Is he okay?!”
Lance flinched at both questions. Shiro pulling himself up to sit properly, hovering on the edge of his seat as if knowing Keith would ask for his help if he wanted, and holding himself back at the same time. Angrily Keith huffed
“Some fucker shoved him. Messed up his nose”
Shiro was instantly angry
“What?! What the fuck?!”
Lance flinched away. Keith keeping him in place with his arm around his waist. Harsh tones and loud sounds were bad. He should have taken Lance straight through to his room
“I know right. Babe, do you want to stay up or lay down?”
“Can I lay down?”
“Yeah. I’ll grab you some blood”
“Can I be alone for a bit?”
“I want to be alone for a bit... I’m sorry...”
Keith was very much against leaving Lance alone. Kissing his boyfriend’s hair, he settled on a compromise
“How about I help you get out of these clothes then I get you some blood? Then you can have some alone time a nap?”
The second he was organised he was going to be letting himself back into the bedroom
“Okay... I’m sorry I ruined our date”
“You didn’t. Not at all. I had a good time with you. I always have a good time with you. Here, let’s get you out these clothes and I’ll put them in the wash”
“Okay... sorry... guys... I didn’t know you’d be home”
Keith shot Shiro a warning glare that Shiro ignored
“It’s fine. We’re just watching some TV. You’re not interrupting anything, if anything you’re saving me. I have no idea what’s going on anymore”
Lance snorted, immediately regretting it as he moved the toilet paper from his nose to look at the blood
“Yeah, let’s keep that against your nose. Ignore Shiro, he’s not in any way hilarious, despite what he thinks”
“He’s not awful... I really am sorry”
Lance stopped apologising as Keith got him out his bloodied clothes and into his bed. Everything was dusty from him staying in Platt. He’d have to have a word with housekeeping, aka Curtis, about the state of things. Rolling away from him, Lance totally seemed to be shutting him out of whatever lingering panic was eating him up inside. Retrieving a blood bag from the fridge, there was only one in there, meaning he’d have to call Coran and organise something if Lance didn’t want to go straight home to Garrison. The news of his sister had to be hard. Keith felt drained and he wasn’t even the one going through all this shit. Making sure Lance had everything he needed, he kissed his boyfriend’s cheek before leaving him alone against his better judgment.
Keith counted to 20 mentally before forcing himself to leave Lance alone. Putting his boyfriend’s clothes in the machine, he came back out to living area to find Shiro making him coffee. God he loved his brother
“Is he okay?”
Watching the coffee pour from the machine, Keith didn’t know how to answer that
“He was. You should have seen him. We near came home with a flock of deer, a dozen rabbits, and if he’d had his way a new pet snake”
Shiro chuckled at him
“It sounds like you two had a good time”
After their little talk and “punching the shark”, Lance had made such a huge effort. His boyfriend making him laugh way too much as he impersonated stiff jawed sea captains from the photos on display, accent and all, as he proclaimed he was off to hunt for the “Great White Booty”. And how it was a rare treasure belonging to him that no one else should touch. Keith not initially realising Lance was talking about his arse, dying a little inside as Lance talked about harpooning it.
Inside the whale exhibit had been cooler than the rest of the place in Keith’s opinion. There were these stairs to this underground theatre area where you could watch whaling documentaries. They’d been done to look a if they’d come out of some fancy cruise ship from way before Keith’s time. There’d also been this whole big glass wall of whale measurements compared to humans, skeleton fragments, and the anchor off a famous whaling ship that’d sunk off the coast. Keith tried to get Lance to attempt to lift it but his boyfriend refused to even try, laughing about how he liked how big Keith was and didn’t need bigger.
For some reason that Keith didn’t get, there’d been these two tanks of jellyfish down there too. The colours of the tank lighting make the jellyfish appear otherworldly and bathed Lance’s faces in so many colours that it’d taken Keith’s breath away. Maybe that was the point? A big wow before the indoor touch pool and the exit to the animal part? They should have just stayed inside.
“Yeah. Fuck. I should have gone with him”
Shiro sighed softly as he moved the coffee cup away from the now empty machine
“What exactly happened?”
He’d fallen hard for his boyfriend again? That’d happened. He’d also seen the largest and scariest fucking stingray of his life. When that thing floated over them, he’d definitely nearly died of awe
“Everything was... it was a bit rocky...”
“I thought you had a good time?”
“I worked myself up and over thought things. Lance was being distant... and I thought I fucked up”
“I can imagine that”
Keith glared cooly at his brother
“You’re not funny. We... kept staring at each other and not to much the exhibits...”
Shiro snorted, starting to pour milk in to Keith’s coffee for him. Nodding to himself, he deemed an inches worth enough as he slid the cup over to Keith
“Yep. I can imagine that too. I meant what happened to Lance?”
Keith sighed heavily, knowing Lance could probably hear him
“You know how... how I used to have panic attacks, and you’d be there. He kind of had one but I wasn’t there, and some wanker pushed him out of the way”
“Your attacks have calmed down a lot being here. Does Lance know what triggered it?”
“The floor. It was stone”
Shiro froze. Keith had never been into the house but Shiro had described the flooring as being stone. Taking a moment, his brother slowly relaxed
“I can see why”
Then it wasn’t his Lance still dealing with what happened. Shiro was too and they’d barely spoken about how he was doing lately. Keith felt like a shit brother going to ask Shiro to talk to Lance before realising maybe that would be something best asked in front of his boyfriend
“Then... his nose wasn’t broken but it was messed up. He panicked and tried to hide, only some dick pushed him. He said Sendak broke his nose and his arm”
“His goons knocked his teeth out too. Curtis told me”
Keith looked to Curtis who nodded
“Once the plans were in place to leave, they took particular delight in making us feel shit. He got so mad over my behalf”
“He hasn’t talked much about it... He still regrets killing Sendak”
Shiro nodded. He knew that too well. Keith may have mentioned it more than once and twice and how he should be with Lance helping him through being abducted
“Taking life is never easy. Especially for Lance. It’s kind of the stigma, isn’t it? That he’s some kind of blood thirsty beast? Has he talked to Coran?”
“I don’t think so. Should I have pushed him on this? To tell me more?”
“You know being triggered usually happens unexpectedly. Was he coherent?”
“Yeah. Kept acting like it was his fault. It’s not. Is he still awake?”
“He wanted to be alone”
“If he’s sleeping I’ll leave him be, but for now I just want to check in with him and let him know we’re here. Don’t give me that look. If he doesn’t want me there, I’ll leave right away”
Keith knew he was giving Shiro “that look”. If anyone was talking to Lance it should be him. But he hadn’t been held captive. He wasn’t there. If Shiro asked, and Lance said yes or no, then... that would be giving him the choice. Keith didn’t want to limit Lance’s freedom or take his chances away from him
“Alright. I’ll punch you in the dick if you upset him”
“Understood. Maybe Curtis can explain what the hell’s going on in that show of his? That’ll keep you too preoccupied to worry”
“We both know I’m going to worry”
“We do. Drink your coffee and I’ll be back in a bit”
Laying in Keith’s bed, Lance heard everything. Lance hadn’t been quite completely truthful. He had for the most part but there was one huge element he was leaving out. An element he absolutely couldn’t tell Keith.
Knocking on Keith’s door, Shiro opened it to poke his head in
Lance too tired to care about being shirtless under the covers as he internally sighed
“Come in”
“I guess you heard us”
Not that he’d wanted to. He didn’t want everyone fussing and worrying, but he felt so messed up, and maybe needed a little fuss and worry from Shiro because he’d underst
“It’s hard not to. You can stay, close the door”
“Okay. If you’re not up to talking, I can go”
“Nah... I kind of need your advice”
Walking around to what was usually Lance’s side of the bed, Shiro dropped himself down with all the grace of a sack of potatoes, Lance groaning as the bed shifted aggregating his throbbing head further
“That good?”
“I’ve been better”
“I can see that. Keith said you had an attack”
“Yeah. I... nearly vampired the guy”
“And how does that make you feel?”
Lance could only shake his head mentally at Shiro. The question was valid, but he knew Shiro knew he’d get an internal laugh out of it if he didn’t have other things on his mind
“You want to talk about what happened...”
Shiro moved closer, ruffling Lance’s hair
“Only if you’re ready to. Do you want my advice before or after?”
“Maybe during... The stones set me off... but I didn’t tell Keith everything”
“I can imagine he was mad enough”
“Very. All I wanted to do was use the bathroom. We were sitting down because I felt faint”
“Are you okay? Should I call Coran?”
“I’m okay. I just didn’t get much sleep last night... Keith went to get me water and all... people were talking about us. Mostly me, but us... Then, when I bumped into that guy... He didn’t have the nicest things to say about Keith, or me. Or about how appropriate our relationship was. He tried to start something. He even kicked the door when I locked myself in”
Shiro sighed. He got it. If Keith knew then Keith would have gone ballistic
“So he shoved you maliciously?”
“Yeah... Kind of. I didn’t want... I don’t want Keith to... He’s...”
“He’s in love with you and probably would have beaten that guy to a pulp if he knew”
“When I saw the floor it was like everything started spinning. My nails came out and I wasn’t even looking... Our whole date got ruined”
“Not your whole date. Keith’s really upset over this. I understand why you’re not telling him, but at the same time, he couldn’t give two shits what people think about the pair of you dating. He adores you”
“But how do you cope?”
“I ignore them. What happens in my private life is my business. I know it’s hard, but they’re not worth your time. You can’t win an argument with an idiot”
“I apologised and he still... He scared the fuck out of me when he kicked the door. Someone said something and he played it off as a joke... We were having a good time, we didn’t hurt anyone... so why do people have to be so mean?”
“Because they don’t know you. How’s your nose feeling now?”
Lance’s head still hurt. He could taste his own blood, but he’d been sipping on the blood bag Keith left him. He’d heal. Soon it’d be like it never happened. The stranger had lashed out, shoving him with a slur. Cursing how he didn’t want “one of them” touching him. Kicking the door he’d called for him to call his “abomination of a partner”. Muttering he’d left the bathroom talking about how those kinds of people should be castrated and chucked in a wood chipper. The words weren’t complicated. He’d heard people whisper before when he and Keith held hands or were close in public. Some happy, some nervous, some rude. As long as Keith didn’t know, or wasn’t being insulted, he didn’t show that he’d heard. This man... Lance’s panicked thoughts had him thinking the stranger was Sendak.
Overwhelmed by the strange scents and unfamiliar faces, all Lance had wanted to do was snap. Ego tearing him up inside as he resisted breaking the bathroom door down then snapping the man’s neck for insulting Keith
“Better... Keith was going to help me clean up but... I wanted blood, Shiro. I wanted to hit him and it scared me. I can take the insults but when they’re directed at Keith...”
“It hurts so much more because you love him. I know. Some people just don’t get it and it sucks and it’s wrong, but those people aren’t worth your worry. You love Keith and he loves you. That’s the main thing. Are you sure I should be calling Coran?”
Lance wasn’t sure he could face the fussing of Coran. The twins were moving, his stomach didn’t hurt that much... That was the main thing. He hadn’t hit his stomach, just his face on the door frame. He’d been a mess trying not to let it show as he’d waited for Keith
“I’ll be okay... I’m trying. I keep trying to not think about that. About how things played out. How I could have injured Curtis. How things could have gone wrong in the crash. What would have happened if I hadn’t lost my temper”
“If you hadn’t then I doubt you and Curtis would be alive. Curtis told me how you wanted I protect him. How you pushed yourself. I’m sorry I seemed like I was disregarding your ideas”
“They were stupid ideas”
“Not necessarily. We just didn’t have enough information to act”
“I still feel like I could have found another way”
“Sometimes there isn’t one. You’re not a hunter, but you did a good job. You protected Keith. That’s all I could have asked for. He’s got this habit of rushing in head first. You give him a reason to think twice”
Yeah. He did. Except he really threw everything away when it came to Lance. Lance had wanted to tear the throat out that man at the petting zoo when he’d slagged off Keith
“Unless I’m the one in danger”
“Ah, yes. In his defence, when we arrived to find the house empty I felt as if... I felt as if I’d lost Adam all over again, only this time I’d lost my lover and my brother”
“Do you have nightmares?”
“I do. Of being too late and Sendak snapping Curtis’s neck. Of dying in that cell. Different memories mixed in with being in that place. I froze when Keith mentioned the stone floor”
Sendak had fucked them all up. Everyone else seemed to know how keep walking forward, so why did he have to be the one to freak out over the flooring? Seeing Narti’s body didn’t mess him up as much it should have. She had her life snuffed out, and that seemed to be something he was far too okay with
“Shiro, is there any way that we can see the house?”
Shiro lifted his hand off Lance’s head. The man’s heart beat increasing in pace. Shiro didn’t want to go back there
Shiro cut himself off, moving his hand to his lap
“Why would you want to go back there?”
He wondered himself, the question as much as a surprise to Shiro as him
“I know it’s over, but... I want to see where they kept us. I want to see no one else is in there. I know no one else is but I never saw Sendak’s body and I never saw the outside of the house”
“Are you worried Sendak is hiding there?”
He hadn’t been until Shiro brought up the possibility. A cold shiver ran through his body. He’d never seen what happened to the body, nor did he know what was in that house
“Yes and no. I don’t know what I did for sure. Everyone kept praising me and I never... I don’t want to be stuck being scared of flooring. I want to see the house is empty”
“Then what are you going to do? Even if it’s empty, we might not be able to see it, or go inside. If we do, though, what do you want to do?”
Shiro was too uncomfortable. His heartbeat too fast. Lance knowing he shouldn’t have asked. Shiro may have said he’d talk to him, but he wasn’t ready to talk either when it came to that house. They hadn’t treated him overly badly, instead it was the pain of what happened to Curtis that kept Shiro from wanting to be there
“I want to burn it down. That’s honestly what I want to do. I know houses aren’t evil. It’s just a house but... Never mind. I thought maybe I understood what I wanted but I don’t think I do”
“Let me think about this. I’m not to find of the idea of going back there”
“Neither am I. I’m just sick of being stuck with these thoughts when all I want to do is focus on Keith and the twins”
“Speaking of Keith... am I allowed to let him back in?”
Oh. Lance wasn’t strictly done with the things he wanted to ask Shiro.. Shiro must have decided to run before Lance could ask him anything else, like if he and Curtis wanted to come and stay for a few days
“Yeah. I feel so pathetic... When Keith hugs me it’s like everything else just falls away. All I want is for him to be happy”
“I know you do. If you need to talk, I’m here. So’s Curtis. We’ve both been through similar events before, but I imagine all of this was very new to you”
“The last time some really hurt me, like, really really hurt me was when I was turned. Matt doesn’t count because he didn’t mean to”
Matt had felt terrible for hurting him in the tunnels. Lance felt terrible because Matt felt terrible while their egos both laughed at their stupidity. If anyone supernatural was going to hurt him, Matt would be the least of his worries
“You’ve got a big heart. Get some rest”
“Yeah. Thanks for... for this. I realised how lucky we’d been with the people around us and I flipped at the idea that someone saw Keith as anything other than himself”
“People can be very stupid. I understand not telling him. What happened already happened, and he already has the gist of things. I love both of you like brothers”
“I love you like a brother too. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much family as I have since you all gate crashed my life”
Shiro chuckled at him. Lance kind of definitely feeling he’d maybe upset Shiro by accident, either that or Shiro was pulling a Keith and running away
“Happy to help. Okay. Don’t forget to talk to me if you need to... wait, that sounded wrong, I’m here when and if you want to”
“I know. Thanks”
Keith was like Kosmo. Climbing straight up into their bed and laying himself right up being Lance as their precious fur son liked to do. There’d barely been a minute between Shiro leaving and Keith coming in. Wrapping his arm around Lance stomach, his hand immediately went to rub at the vampire’s belly as he nosed at Lance’s shoulder
Ahhh... questions. Keith had questions. Lance placing his hand over Keith’s and snuggling back into him. He missed being the big spoon. Being about to curl around Keith and protect him from the big bad world
“I’m okay. Better. Much better with your cuddles”
Kissing Lance’s shoulder, his boyfriend’s coffee breath wasn’t the greatest thing with how he felt, but it was so very Keith that Lance didn’t care
“Is it okay to ask what you wanted to talk to Shiro about?”
Shiro was thinking about his request, but if he did grant Lance’s request they’d be taking Keith with them
“I can talk to right, and you’re not going to yell?”
“That doesn’t sound good”
“Keith, I’m serious. I want you to hear me out”
“Okaaaay. God, you’re not going to break up with me, are you?”
“No! No. No, that is not happening”
“Then tell me what you talked to Shiro about”
“I asked him if he’d feel comfortable returning to the house where they held us”
Keith immediately tensed, Lance flinched in preparation for him yelling. When Keith didn’t yell, Lance forced himself onwards to explain
“I want to put Sendak firmly behind us. Today was... like a wake up call that no matter how hard I’m trying I’m not okay with what happened. I want to go to the house and see it. I want to see it empty. See he’s not there anymore”
“He’s dead”
“I know that logically. My reaction today wasn’t very logical. I want to understand what it was in the flooring that made me freak out. What I want is no more regrets and secret fears popping up and getting in the way of making a happy life together. I want to keep moving forward and today brought back all that fear. I know you’re angry at me and you probably don’t understand why I’d ever want to be in that house again, but that house robbed us of time together. I just need to see it. I need to see how they kept us down there... I asked Shiro, and I think I set of his anxiety and upset him. But I feel like if I don’t see that house I’m going to keep wondering what happened to it”
Keith took a deep breath, slowly exhaling. His grip with his fingertips on Lance’s stomach almost painful
“I don’t want you going back there”
Of course he didn’t. It’d be hard for all of them, his pregnancy was complicated enough and Keith feared the amount of stress Lance would be under
“I know. It’s not like I’m asking to go alone. I don’t want to be there alone”
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i am out there!! i'm glad you liked it! i'm definitely trying out the recipe you left in the tags. it sounds way better than just banana and peanut butter. i always have to pay a lot of attention when i type banana because i've ended up with "bananana" way too many times
i was planning to run straight to your askbox the second i saw you replied but then the end of the semester happened and it killed me. hopefully i'm done with it now
i do exactly the same thing with height! if you tell me your height in feet i have absolutely no idea how tall that is. if you say that in centimetres that's easy. i mean you're 155cm so that's 12cm shorter than me. when you told me that in feet i was like okay cool i have no idea how much shorter than actually is
i love birds!!! so that seems awesome! i am now titling you the queen of birds. and i'm glad your vacation was good! i think i saw a couple of posts you made about it so it definitely does seem like a lot of fun! and did you ever figure out completely what that see through animal (?) in the sand was? i had no idea stuff like that even existed so now i'm invested in knowing what it is
i am 100% hiring you for my coming out party i'm throwing in a couple of years. it's gonna be fun. if we don't get immediately kicked out i promise good food and some spicy drama between my homophobic relatives and my accepting relatives! and my brother's, who i already came out to, dry commentary
i was definitely not the one you told about burma trails! but from the tags i'm just gonna say how is that allowed and why does it seem like a weird type of torture? i hate it, i probably would've had a heart attack 3 seconds in
oh yeah i actually can't tell most of the time if the memories from my childhood are actual memories or if it's just a combination of having seen photos and heard stories about it
my glasses prescription is fine i think. my eye doctor said that i get headaches from glasses because... well i tried to explain this and then deleted it all because it was a very scientific explanation when she said it and i zoned out pretty much halfway through and even the part that i did understand i can't translate to english! but it has something to do with the fact that with contacts it's enough to move my eyes in the direction i want to look at and with glasses i have to move my whole head and my brain got so used to contacts that it overdoes it with the eye movements when wearing glasses? i dunno. this is the best i can do in explaining it
i must admit i'm very jealous of the never snows part because while snow is pretty to look at it's absolutely freezing! for the past week i slept under a duvet, three blankets while wearing pants and a long sleeve shirt and i still woke up cold. because for a couple of nights it was around -22°C. it's great
ohhh you got pretty lucky as a kid then! my kid self would have absolutely lost it at getting the equivalent of 5/10 bucks. i probably would have bought so much candy
excellent!!! hope you’re enjoying the vague void from whence you came! i’ve never said whence before in my LIFE i wonder if i used it correctly. anyway. the actual recipe was way more specific but once i saw ‘2 frozen bananas’ and looked at all the sliced bananas in my fridge, having no idea how many there were, i just started improvising sdfkhsdfs. I’d be interested to try it with yoghurt though if I can get some dairy free plain stuff, I’m sure I can somewhere. Banana used to be my biggest problem when I was younger. Then I learnt words like occasion and necessary and embarrassed and I realised the more english I tried to learn, the worse my life was gonna get. And I was right. On the bright side, developing an inability to ever spell occasion correctly made banana seem a lot easier to handle.
that is fair. end of semesters are rough. i cannot function during them at all. i hope everything chills out for you!! i’m not sure how the school year is over there but maybe it’s break time? that’d be nice. but rest in peace anyway, enjoy being dead! they say necromancy is frowned upon in all societies but I reckon it’s just called making a friend when you’re dead so maybe you wanna take that up as a hobby! I’ve heard it’s nice this time of year!
yup! sometimes I’m like oh you’re 5 foot 4? that sounds way taller than me. but it...it really isn’t...it’s like an extra 8cm or something. which adds up! but in my head I was picturing a MUCH taller height. In my head I think I picture 6 foot and 5 foot 4 as the same height, now that I think about it.
!!!!! my first order as queen of birds is to meet a morepork face to face so we can chat about the price of pork these days. yes!! the first half was nice but the second half was really fun. my best guess is still that it’s a salp? Maybe? So many salp pictures are massive groups of them but like,, from what i can tell of singular photos,,, it was maybe that? I guess the only other possibility is it’s just some clear jellyfish but salp does seem more likely. At first I was like oh duuude boob implant for the ocean!! but then I realised it actually seemed kinda alive and was probably an actual creature. my bad.
excellent. i’ll break any tension by dropping the vampire act for the mouse act. will do backflips for cheese. will bite ankles for homophobic comments. Will pull a knife out of god knows where, not to threaten anyone, just to clean my nails with to make everyone nervous. I offer many services. I’m flexible. And I love me some good food.
I actually DON’T know the reason behind burma trails. I really don’t. The reason ‘it’s a fun activity!’ seems a little fake. if it’s a fun activity then why did Mrs. G. tell us a horror story about the forest before we went out to navigate said forest at night, blindfolded, surrounded by wildlife and parents supervising (*cough* waiting for the opportunity to jump out at you *cough*) with a teacher at the end waiting to scare us. So we can learn how to navigate the forest in the dark? So we learn how to follow a mysterious rope INTO the forest at night? seems dodgy to me. school camps be like [drives you out to forest] follow this rope and don’t take your blindfold off. like. bruh. i almost DID have a heart attack one time, I got stuck like something was holding my leg. First thought-ah, must’ve got my leg stuck in a big stick. Second thought-maybe this is one of the parents fucking around, it feels more like a grip than a twig. Third thought-I cannot get my leg free no matter what I do what the fuck is HAPPENING so I started crying out for help. When they FINALLY came they found nothing my leg was caught on so that was fun. love that for me. I was able to move as soon as they arrived. That’s not weird at all. anyway.
I think most of my early memories are just from stories I’ve been told and photos I’ve seen. My memory tends to be horrible I highly doubt I remember that one time I was eating dirt from the garden out in the yard gleefully. I just saw the photo evidence. mm spaghetti. bone apple teeth. my character hasn’t changed at all since I was a wee babe.
ohhhh okay. I think I get what you mean by that. Thank you for trying to explain! That’s really interesting. I guess I do move my head a lot with glasses. Although I have massive glasses so it’s probably easier for me to just move my eyes where I want. I reckon with smaller glasses I’d have to move my head way more.
the temperature comment is so funny because during the heart of winter i tend to sleep with a sheet, a blanket, a duvet, then 2-4 blankets on top while in a long sleeve shirt and long pants and sometimes bed socks and often a hottie (i’ve never realised how that sounds out of context...a hot water bottle...is calling it a hottie normal or is a my family thing? is this a nz thing? now i’m questioning myself). in my uni accommodation last year we didn’t have proper heating during most of winter and well. there was a quilt added to everything else. every blanket i could find. how cold does it get here in winter? rarely ever past 0 degrees celsius. I would literally die in your position, clearly. I could not survive that. Props to you for making it through aha.
yesss. Before when I found five dollar notes it’d be on the street and I’d be like oh no! Mum we have to hand this into the police station! It’s a lot of money, someone will be looking for it! Understandably she was like,, lindsey they might miss it but there’s not really any way you can find them,,, I still refused to spend it. That was like my first time really getting that much money for myself. The dairy on main street sold lollies for 10 cents each and they had like, 30 different lil glass boxes so you’d go I want 3 of 26, 5 of 7, ohhh and 5 of 13 please! I dunno if they’re still 10 cents each but I thought it was the best thing ever as a kid. I think I wanted to save the money though sfdjsdkfhs put it in my piggy bank to save up for something ‘super cool’. Aka probably like a neat soft toy to sleep with sdfsdkfs.
#Anonymous#i wrote the majority of this reason like a couple hours after you sent it#then i went to bed because it was late. thinking to myself. oh i'll finish the last bit in the morning!#but of course in the morning the lil 1 didn't show up above mail and it was located in my drafts now so my dumb ass was like ah yes#absolutely nothing to respond to here!#i should know by now i never remember if i save things to drafts sfjshkdfhsdf#anyway#i REMEMBERED. a few days late. BUT i didn't just forget entirely so! there's that!#now i'll finish the last bit of the response and edit the incomprehensible tired mumbling parts#although i'm currently overheating so now it'll be incomprehensible overheated brain parts! fun!#no i cannot handle cold temperatures no i cannot handle 'hot' temperatures i can handle like a one to two degree range#and nothing else. life is. a trip.#I still don't know what to call dairy's when talking to people outside nz#corner store? they're not always on corners. convenience store? maybe. small shop? idk dude#i don't quite know the correct thing to equate them to.#but they sell lollies sometimes. that's the main point here sdkjhskdf#now to decide what I'm doing tonight#play stardew valley. watch someone else play stardew valley on youtube. stare at my ceiling thinking about stardew valley. do the dishes#earlier today i was like maybe...maybe i'll watch a movie...add some variety to my life...#i wanted to rewatch whatever movie has that song that is like agggooonnnyyyyyy#that's the only word i remember from the song. so it's that. or...well...back to my obsession
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skyerana · 4 years
tagged by @ashipwreckcoast​ for a question thinger. I’m bored out of my skull and I like these questions so here you go. You should do it. Yes, you. Why? Because? I don’t have real reazons.
Putting this under a cut because its long and I don’t want to clog up your dash.\
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? Black, specifically Pilot G2 pens. But really? I like a good dark dark green. My dog ate my favorite pen and I haven’t been able to find one in that color since.
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? I’ve sort of done both. I love living in a city, with all the vibrancy and life that it entails. There’s public transit, arts and culture, so many kinds of food, interesting people and always something going on. But for the last few years, I’ve been wanting to get back to something like where I went to school, where I lived for 7 months on a lake and the next closest people (besides us 9) were 5 miles away (the road up to the field station was 2 miles by itself and we got snowed in and flooded in on more than one occasion). I miss being close to deep nature and the peace that comes from being alone.
So which do I prefer? I don’t really know. I’ve been living back in a city for the past eight years but I’m feeling like its time for a change. I don’t think I’ll leave cities forever though. I like people and diversity too much.
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? For fun, I’d want to pick up leatherworking, blacksmithing, and/or woodworking. I’m currently not set up well to do any of them though. For practicality though, I’d want to learn general house maintenance.
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? Depends on the tea, but often yes. Coffee gets an obscene amount of hazelnut creamer because I hate coffee but I love caffeine.
5. What was your favourite book as a child? The Hobbit. My dad and step-dad both read it to me at different points of my childhood and my dad gave me his copy (The Hobbit or There and Back Again, 1977 Illustrated edition)
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers. Baths are well and good if you have a big enough one (which I don’t) and you don’t stay in so long it gets cold (I don’t).
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? Upon reading this question, every single mythical creature that I’d ever read about immediately vanished from my memory. I’m going to have to come back to this one.
I came back to this one and I still don’t know. I like the idea of flying. But I don’t really want to be hunted out to extinction.
8. Paper or electronic books? I love paper books, but I read much better via ebook. I still haven’t read Gideon the Ninths because the pages are so soft I just sit and pet them instead of read.
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? BOXERS! Or rather, boxer-briefs. I know this sounds weird but bear with me. For some reason, when I started transitioning, it did not occur to me to buy mens underwear. When I finally did, It Was Amazing. I looked great. I felt great. I finally understood why so many people had “fun” underwear that they liked. Before, I had like one or two that had patterns/stuff on them. Now? I’ve got Star Wars and Captain Marvel and Deadpool and mountains and mushrooms and one with boxers that makes me laugh because there’s boxers on boxers!! And I can wear them whenever the fuck I want! So I always have something fun on, even (especially) if other folks can’t see it. Switching to boxers was such a weirdly affirming thing for my gender and I love it.
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? This is complicated. I like my legal name, sure, but its not me, not really. I did get the spelling updated on it legally when I was 16 so I could actually get my driver’s license. I haven’t had a chance to change my legal name since transitioning (between the election and COVID, I don’t know that I’d get through all of the legal rigmarole in time to vote in November), but I really like my chosen name and an altered version of my legal name will be my new middle name.
11. Who is a mentor to you? I’ve had so many over the years. I learn so much from people, but I had so many great mentors when I worked at the museum. Timshel stands out. If I can be half the mentor she is to someone, I’ll have put some real solid good into the world. 
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for? No. Not in the everyone knows you sense. That’s not my jam. I wouldn’t mind having fame more in the sense of within a tiny field, being well known and respected.
13. Are you a restless sleeper? Yes... to the point where I’m seeing a sleep specialist in a month to sort it out.
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? Very much so. But there’s so many different ways to be romantic.
15. Which element best represents you? I hate these questions. I see bits of myself in all of the elements. People often associate me with air or water though.
16. Who do you want to be closer to? Distance wise, my family in California. I come from a bunch of very close knit families and so having folks on the other side of the country that I’m super close with is ihard.
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? “Everyone. Being solitary by choice as opposed to demand is a big difference.” I’m just going to leave @ashipwreckcoast​‘s response here because it fits. I’m very lucky that I am still working in a (relatively) safe environment, but we’re all missing out on things like throwing a housewarming party for one of my closest friends/coworkers. Even though we see each other almost daily, we’re still missing out on a lot that we’d normally do. That’s even worse for folks I’m not seeing at all because of COVID.
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. I legit thought I was a wolf and would howl at the neighbors when mom packed me into the wagon to go do laundry at the laundromat. The neighbors, being good people, howled back.
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? There have been a few times where I wasn’t sure what I was eating. One was at a wedding with 10 or 12 courses (I lost count) and some of them were foods I’d never seen before. I know jellyfish was on that list but there was a bunch of other stuff that I don’t know what it was. The few times I’ve been out of the country, I ate stuff I couldn’t identify (often due to language barriers). The seafood soup at the one place was just whatever they caught that day and it had a lot in it. I remember being disappointed in my fellow grad students when some of them turned it down. You don’t turn down food when you’re a guest unless you have a medical reason for doing so. But the thing is, none of these are strange, except by the US standards. So if that’s true, then the deep fried dragonfly should also be on this list. 
20. What are you most thankful for? Most? That’s so hard to quantify. If I really think about it, it’s things like having a loving partner and a home and food and the ability to pay my bills, I guess.
21. Do you like spicy food? I do not like capsaisin related spices but I love horseradish type spices. I do liked well spiced, but not necessarily spicy, foods.
22. Have you ever met someone famous? A few times. Sometimes at the museum (worked with some of them). Sometimes at special events, like attending lectures.
23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? Generally no. I do sometimes get the urge to write and reflect on stuff, so I’ll do that when the mood strikes.
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? I’ve been trained to use pens for everything (I work in a chem lab). Pencils are fine, but you need the right kind for the satisfying scratchiness. I cannot abide scratchiness in my pens.
25. What is your star sign? Cancer. Why is this important?
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? Not super soggy but not straight out of the box crunchy. Does that make sense?
27. What would you want your legacy to be? I  want my legacy to be built on kindness and helping others. I know that’s cheesy and cliche, but I have so much privilege that I want to use to benefit others.
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? I love reading. I’m on book 30 for the year. The last one I finished was Starsight by Brandon Sanderson, which is book 2 of 3 of the Skyward series and HE HASN’T STARTED BOOK 3 YET!! I read Skyward and Starsight in four days total.
29. How do you show someone you love them? I often cook for them.
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? Only for certain things. I don’t mind drinking most drinks at room temperature and ice waters stuff down. It’s good for iced tea though, but only if you need to cool it.
31. What are you afraid of? This isn’t a fair question. I’m afraid of being abandoned or fucking things up. I’m also afraid of spiders and the milk in my fridge expiring. I’m afraid of filling out forms (forms are really hard and make me extremely anxious). I’m afraid of phone calls, but I’m good at them. I’m afraid of public speaking, but you’d never know it unless I told you. I’m afraid of losing the people I love, of dying without having put some good into the world. I’m afraid for my neighbors, for my brothers and sister, for my niece. The world is overwhelmingly scary right now.
32. What is your favourite scent? Campfires, the smell of a fresh spring rain, leather, the weird musky scent of my kitten, of garlic and onions cooking low and slow. There’s too many.
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? Depends on who and in what context I know them.
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I’d travel a lot more. I’d donate to a lot of things. Museums, arts, individuals. I’d love to just go on to gofundme and just straight up fund folks to their goals plus a bit extra. And then go figure out where the systematic failures were that lead to them not being able to afford it in the first place.
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? Ocean. Absolutely. But this is also lake and river erasure.
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? I guess exchange it for USD.
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Yeah. They’re magical every time.
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? Be kind. To yourself and others.
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I’ve got several I want. I was supposed to get an anchor with an octopus chilling on it on my inner forearm for my one year anniversary on testosterone but then COVID hit and well... who know when I‘ll get it.
40. What can you hear now? Mostly just the AC and the tack of the keys on the keyboard. Occasionally a particularly loud vehicle makes itself known.
41. Where do you feel the safest? Curled up with my partner and dog.
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? Probs my anxiety.
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? 
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44. What is your most used emoji? The crying laughing one. I survive on sending stupid memes and shit back and forth with too many people. After that, the heart.
45. Describe yourself using one word. Oof
46. What do you regret the most? Not trusting myself when I figured out I was trans back in undergrad. That whole decade of burying it all and internalizing a lot of transphobia really did a number on myself.
47. Last movie you saw? I think it was Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn
48. Last tv show you watched? Rewatching Avatar with my partner right now. We just finished She-Ra.
49. Invent a word and its meaning. I just... I don’t know. I’m a Webster. I just compile what other people say in a book.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
How old are you? 22.
Do you live in North America? No, kinda far from there.
Do you love dogs? I love all dogs, but there are breeds I personally don’t like.
Were you finished childhood and teens when Harry Potter movies came out? Not at all, I was right smack in the middle of it. I wasn’t born when the first book got released and only 13 when Part 2 of HP7 came out.
Did you keep all your VHS tapes? I don’t think my parents did. But this reminds me of a cute story my dad shared recently; he had used his first salary to buy a VCR and the first VHS he bought alongside it was Terminator 2 and then he watched it with my grandma :’) Stories like that make me wish they were better at keeping stuff from their early adulthood. I find it all very interesting.
Do you think Jack Nicholson is a good actor? I’ve only seen him in The Shining and have watched only bits of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, but it’s enough for me to like him.
Have you ever watched an episode of "The Honeymooners"? No.
Have you ever owned a pair of high-top Converse? Yes, a red pair. I bought it mostly because my favorite girl wrestler (when she still wrestled) wore Chucks as her wrestling boots which was super badass at the time (honestly still is). When she retired, I stopped using the pair because I was personally never into the high-top look hahaha, and I think my mom gave it away a few years later.
Do you have rain boots with a cute pattern on them? I don’t have any rain boots. It rarely floods where I live anyway.
Would you rather eat an apple or an orange right now? Probably the apple. I can’t stand the smell of oranges so I doubt my mind could be changed with how it tastes.
Would you rather do a cartwheel on land or a backflip in water? I’d go with cartwheels as it’s a little easier to move around underwater, and with enough practice I’m sure I could get a backflip down.
Have you ever performed on stage in front of people? Yes.
Were you kinda scared of the goths in high school? No. But I also don’t think we had goths lmao. I wasn’t afraid of anyone except probably for the bitchy seniors who always seemed to hate the idea of younger students existing.
What size is your mattress? (single,twin,double,queen,king) Twin, which I think is synonymous with single lol.
Do you eat foods from all 4 food groups everyday? I eat from all of them everyday except for fruits, but I’m not sure if they’re a group of their own. The charts are always changing and I don’t know what four you’re referring too :/
Would you rather watch a movie in theater or at home? I liked going to the theater, especially for certain movies that I was really excited about and wanted to see. There’s certain ones you definitely have to experience in theaters. Then there’s some where I’m like, “Eh, it looks like it might be kinda good, but I can wait until it’s out of theaters to see it.” < All this.
Do you prefer brown or white rice? White.
Do you like spaghetti? Sure! There are other pastas I like more, though.
What about lasagna? It’s okay. It’s a hit or miss for me. Some lasagna dishes I’ve had have tasted a bit cheap, but when it’s made well it can be really delicious.
Do you celebrate Christmas? Yeah, but I find it more of an escape than a celebration because I tend to get the most depressed around Christmas season. Being with family and getting to eat lots of food and using my new gifts can be distracting enough. 
Is your Thanksgiving celebrated in October too? We don’t celebrate that.
Do you like chocolate bars? If it has peanut butter in it, yes.
What about ice cream? Only certain flavors.
Have you ever been stung by anything? What was it? Nothing other than ants and jellyfish.
Do you have GOD-GIVEN (not dyed) natural brown hair too? I have black hair but I think I inherited it from my parents...
Or were you born blonde? See above.
Have you found a gray hair on your head or body before? I remember my mom finding one on me when I was like 11, but it never happened again.
Have you ever had any suspicious moles removed? Nopes.
Have you ever been screened for STDs? No.
Are all your wisdom teeth pulled? They aren’t. I don’t know when it’ll happen to me lol, that area of my mouth has never had any trouble or been in pain.
Did you have your tonsils taken out? No.
Did you have your appendix taken out? No. Other than a tooth, no body parts have been taken out of me.
How many kidneys do you have?(have you donated one?) See above.
Would you (to save someone)? If the person needing one means so so so so so so so much to me. And that narrows down the list very much, so I wouldn’t give a kidney to just anyone.
If you were dying of starvation, would you eat another human? Probably, but only if I was in an extreme situation. Like if a plane I was in crashed in a remote island lol.
Have you ever found a bug or slug in your salad? I don’t think so.
Do you like Harry Potter? No.
What about Twilight? Read all books and watched all movies more times than I can count.
How do you feel about Lord of the rings? Bored me to death. I remember the disappointment I felt when I started The Hobbit and realized I wouldn’t be able to make it past the first page.
Are you going to see 'The Hobbit' when it comes out? I did not.
Do you have a glass that says 'Molson Canadian' on it? No, I’ve never heard of that.
Do you have any collector's glasses or cups or mugs? My mom has Starbucks mugs which I know some people collect.
Would you rather have a white fridge or a black fridge or a stainless steel fridge? Stainless steel.
What size shoe do you wear? My feet can fit anywhere from size 6–7.5.
Do you have a wide foot or a narrow foot or just average? It’s average and small.
Do you bite your nails when you're stressed? Yep. Sometimes I also use my nails themselves to fidget with the other nails.
Do you have to take an allergy pill daily in order to live normally? I don’t. When it comes to food, I’m so glad I don’t have any allergies.
Are you on the birth control pill? Nope.
Or are you trying to get pregnant? Certainly not at this point in my life.
You'd rather wear black sneakers or sneakers in a bright color or pattern? Neither. I like my sneakers white.
Has anyone ever told you they were attracted to you? Yeah.
Are you going to drink alcohol tonight? No. We only have plum soju that just tastes like kid’s medicine.
Have you ever heard of the Canadian kids show called "Mr. Dressup"? Never have.
What about the kids show "Fred Penner's Place"? No.
Did you hate Sesame Street when you were little too? I mean it wasn’t my favorite since I didn’t have access to the show and only saw snippets here and there, but I don’t have anything against it at all. I just liked other kid’s shows more.
Were you born perfectly healthy or with some (or a lot) of health issues? Other than my dehydration issues as a newborn, I was a pretty healthy baby.
What are those 'said' health issues? My parents didn’t know I was lactose intolerant so my body wasn’t actually digesting the milk I was fed for a few weeks, and it eventually became a problem when I got dehydrated and my stomach started deflating like crazy. 
Do you collect DVDs? I wouldn’t say I collected them as a kid. I just liked having DVDs of my favorite movies, but I didn’t make it a goal to have hundreds of them.
Do you download music? I did, but I haven’t for a while now.
Or do you still go to stores and buy CDs? I don’t do that anymore. Everything is online.
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imaginingthebands · 4 years
More Than You Know part 4
Sun filled the small opening of the fort. It was bright and warm on my legs. I went to rub my eyes but my arms were trapped under Chris, who had wrapped his arms around me and had me pulled against his chest. He was snoring softly, still asleep. My heart raced and I hoped that it wouldn’t leap out of my chest. Chris looked so peaceful as he slept. How anyone could think he was scary was beyond me. He literally was the kindest, sweetest human I had ever met. I sighed softly; I could live in his arms forever. I felt him stir and I looked up at him as he opened his eyes. He smiled sleepily and then realized he was holding me. He awkwardly moved back and ran a hand through his messy hair, “Sorry, I uh..” he chuckled nervously. “It’s ok, you’re pretty comfy,” I giggled. Chris, the guy who always seemed so confident was so nervous looking right now. Maybe Rose is right, maybe he does like me.. Or maybe I’m just reading too much into it. I’ve woken up cuddling Rose before when she’s spent the night so it’s not like that’s a thing that never happens.. “Do you.. Do you want some breakfast? I can make something or we can go pick something up and go sight seeing if you want,” he offered as he sat up. I grinned, “I wanna see you cook!” Chris smirked, “You have no faith in me do you?” “Not one bit,” I smiled. Shaking his head, he climbed out of the fort and said, “Well be prepared! Because I can make some damn good eggs!” As you followed him to the kitchen your eyes traveled down his tall body. You studied every tattoo until you happened to notice something that caught you off guard. You let out a small giggle and he turned around, “What?” he asked. You just grinned and said, “Oh nothing, just happy to see you too.” Chris’ face drained as he realized what you meant. “I-uh, I’m gonna get dressed first I’ll.. be right back,” he said embarrassed. He quickly walked away to his room to change, leaving me in the kitchen. I smiled to myself. Maybe he does like me.. When Chris came back, he was in a pair of black jeans and a white and black stripped sweater. He smiled awkwardly and pointed to the fridge, “I’ll make the food now,” he said with a chuckle.
“Chris?” I said lightly; my heart racing. Was I really about to do this? Oh God, I really was.
He turned to face me, his chocolate eyes were bright and filled with curiosity. “Look, I’m sorry..” he started as he looked down at the milk he was holding. I cut him off, “Chris.” He looked back at me nervously. Did he think I was upset with him? “I’m not..  It’s fine,” I said with a small laugh. He looked relieved. “I just.. I can’t help but think.. I don’t want to.. Fuck I’m no good at this,” I laughed. My heart was about ready to jump out of my throat as my stomach felt like it was doing flips. Chris looked confused as I stumbled over my words. Oh God, I’m about to word vomit and ruin everything in two seconds. “I just was curious how you felt about me is all because I wanted to know if I was just being dumb and over thinking little things. I also didn’t want to bring it up because I didn’t want to look like an idiot if I was and ruin our friendship because I think you’re a really amazing person Chris. I just-” Chris smiled and set the milk down and took two long steps over to where I stood. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into him. I gasped as his lips crashed against mine. His right hand found my cheek, which he slowly caressed as he kissed me hungrily. I press my hands into his chest and kissed him back. Everything around us seemed to disappear. All I could feel was the heat of his body against mine, his lips trailing my neck and him pulling me closer. I let out a small sigh. Oh my god.. Best decision ever.
Chris pulled away slowly, his forehead pressed against mine. His thumb gently caressed my cheek once more. His eyes were full of hunger and could pierce through my soul. “I knew the day that I caught you in that hotel that I needed you in my life. I knew that I needed to know who you were. What if I told you that I planned seeing you that night? When we saw you and Rose going to the pool. There was something about you.. I had to see you again. I didn’t know, was just how badly I needed you,” he said lustfully. “I want to be the one you think of each day when you wake up and the one you think about before you fall asleep. I want to be the one who is always there for you through the good and bad. I want to be the one protecting you and loving you. You are so amazing and I don’t think you even see it.” He bit his lip softly and my breath caught in my throat, “I want to be the one loving you. I want to hold you at night, and wake up next to you. I want you to be mine. I want to be the one that you share everything with. You’re all I can think of, you consume my every thought. I was terrified to say something because I didn’t want you to think that I just wanted you for a night of fun. I want everything about you,” Chris breathed before leaning down and softly kissing me. I kissed him back, pressing into him. Chris pressed me into the cabinets behind me and I could feel his length against my leg. I could tell how bad he wanted me, but he pulled away after a moment. He brushed my hair behind my ears and looked down at me as he gently took my hand and placed it back on his chest above his heart. I could feel his heart beating fast, “Persephone, would you please be mine?” “Of course,” I said softly. Chris smiled before leaning down to kiss me, pulling me against him once more. He lightly bit my lip as he pulled away, burying his face into my neck. I could feel him smile, “Is this the part where I give you a pomegranate so you can’t leave me forever?” I giggled.
After we managed to tear away from each other long enough to make breakfast, we decided we were going to go to the aquarium. I walked to the room I was supposed to be in while I was here and dug around my suitcase for a change of clothes. My head was still spinning from this morning and I felt like I was floating through space. Chris was my boyfriend now! And the way he asked me, I smiled just thinking about it. God, he was so intense when he was kissing me. I almost wish it went further than what it did. But I suppose that’s a bit much on the first day here. Giggling to myself, I made my way into his bathroom and got changed. Pulling my hair back, I did my makeup quickly. Some black eyeshadow smudged just right with eyeliner wings so sharp I could cut my enemies with them. I smeared burgundy eyeshadow just under my waterline to make my eyes pop. Mascara made my eyelashes look fake almost but in just the right way. I lined my lips with a blackish red liner and then applied my favorite Limecrime lipstick-Bloodmoon. Chris knocked on the door, “When did you want to go Seph?” he said. I opened the door and his eyes widened a bit before he smiled at me, “Wow.” “What?” I said with a nervous laugh. “You are so bewitching,” he said as he strode over to me. Wrapping an arm around my waist, he placed a hand against my cheek. My breath caught in my throat as I felt the same excitement from earlier. He gently kissed me, teasing almost with his lips just barely brushing against mine. “Are you ready?” I pouted and Chris looked at me amused, “Yes?” “You’re a tease Cerulli,” I huffed as I grabbed my jacket. He grinned, “I’ll be downstairs waiting.” As he turned and walked down the stairs I couldn’t help but smile.
Ten minutes later, we were in his car, on the way to the aquarium. I was excited to look at all the fish and reptiles. Chris was purely amused by my excitement. “Do not underestimate my love for aquariums. I could spend the rest of my life in one. And zoos! Ugh, I love them but I wish they had more room and freedom.” He chuckled as he pulled into a parking spot. He got out of the car and came to open my door for me but I was too quick for him. Chris held his hand out for mine and we walked inside hand in hand. He paid for our tickets and we walked over to the first area we saw. I couldn’t contain my excitement. Ever since I was a child, I had loved looking at fish and watching them swim. I was terrified of them being near me when swimming in a lake, but I loved looking at them from a distance or in tanks. Some where so colorful and beautiful, and others were so creepy and interesting. As soon as we turned I saw the jellyfish. I inhaled sharply, “Chris!! Can we go over there please?!” I asked excitedly. Chris grinned and nodded as we hurried over. I stared in awe of their beauty. They had always been my favorite. I was barely aware of Chris smiling at me as I watched them move about the tube like tank they were in. “So safe to say you really like jellyfish?” he questioned. I turned and nodded shyly, “They are so beautiful! Fragile looking yet dangerous.  Like me when I’m ignored,” I joked. Chris chuckled. “They are beautiful, but nothing comes close to you,” he said as he pulled me into him by my hips.
After about an hour, we had made our way through the whole building and took lots of pictures of the fish and of each other. As we climbed in the car I giggled, “I can’t believe we got photobombed by an octopus! That was awesome!” He grinned, “It came down from the top of the tank so gracefully!” We picked up food on the way back to his house and debated on what movie we were going to watch tonight.
“Sweeney Todd?” I suggested, “Hmm… I don’t know…” he pondered. “Please,” I said like a child begging to stay up past their bedtime. He smirked, “I suppose, but only if you’re good.” I beamed at him and sat back in the seat. Chris parked the car, and led me inside. We got some blankets and plates and sat on the couch to eat and watch Sweeney Todd.
“I feel you, Johanna. I feel you. Do they think that walls could hide you? Even now, I’m at your window, I am in the dark beside you. Buried sweetly in your yellow hair, Johanna.”
I lay snuggled into Chris with a hand on his chest and he rest one arm over my side and held his other hand over mine on his chest. He was warm and smelt like cinnamon with a hint of freshly baked pumpkin pie. Breathing him in reminded me of walking through my grandmothers house during fall. I smiled to myself as I thought of fall approaching and all the things Chris and I would get to do when he wasn’t touring like carving pumpkins, going for late night walks and getting lost together. I wanted to swim in the scent of him. I snuggled closer and felt Chris slightly grab just above my hip. It sent a shudder of desire through me. Fuck, not even one day and he found one of my spots! A little sigh escaped my lips and I snuck a glance up at Chris who was smirking down at me, “Did I find something?” he asked as he squeezed the area again. I lightly grabbed his shirt and he chuckled. He turned back to the movie, but not before I could lean up and kiss him. I quickly moved so I was straddling him and reached behind him as his tongue slid in my mouth. I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled lightly, smirking as a small moan escaped his mouth. He reached down and grabbed my hips, pushed me down on him as he moved up. “Is this ok?” he asked between kisses. “Yes,” I whispered slightly out of breath from how needy our kisses were. Chris picked me up like I was nothing and held me against him. He carefully set me down near the stairs. “Shall we continue this upstairs?” he asked looking down at me. His eyes were hungry like a lion stalking its prey. I grinned and bit my lip, “What’s the safe word?” I quickly turned and booked it up the stairs. I could hear Chris laughing as he slowly followed. Something about that turned me on even more.
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Survey #211
"i was told when i get older all my fears would shrink, but now i'm insecure and i care what people think."
What is your favorite time of day? Morning. What is your third favorite color? Ummm maybe peach. Do you care what others think of you? In most contexts, very much so. How would you dress, if you were the opposite sex? Same style I do now, really. Though not tank tops and dance pants; I'm sure I'd mostly wear loose band or graphic tees and sweatpants. Can you remember your first phone? If so, what kind was it? I think I might? I believe it was a blue one where the keyboard slides out from the bottom. Small and square-ish. What do you do to maintain your eyebrows? Nothing. What was the naughtiest thing you did when you were a child? I bit my sister's back so hard that I made her bleed, lmao. Sorry Ash. What, in your opinion, is the most thirst-quenching drink? COLD WATER. Who is your favorite character from Alice in Wonderland? Cheshire cat. Name the closest body of water to where you live: Atlantic Ocean. What do you like to put on toast? Light layer of butter and then cinnamon and sugar. The true cinnamon toast. Do you like art? Of course. How about theater? I don't have too much of an opinion... other than it has potential to be incredibly cheesy. Have you ever made breakfast for someone? Yes. Do you talk to your crush? If you have one. She's way more than that, and we talk every day. If yes, what do you usually talk about? Loads of stuff. What was the last thing you bought? With my own money, I don't have a clue. Have you ever been considered popular? No. Your signature perfume? I don't have one. Favorite undersea creature? Sea turtles, seahorses, jellyfish... Describe your room with just 5 words. Small, crowded, zoo, artsy, and... idk. Favorite type of chocolate? Milk. What types of things would you plant in a garden? If I actually wanted one, lots of flowers. Maybe tomatoes because fresh tomatoes + bacon and mayonnaise sandwiches are fucking incredible. Favorite attraction at a carnival? Ferris wheel. What toys did you play with as a child? Plastic animals, Pokemon figures, and stuffed animals were common. Oh yeah, I loved Lincoln Logs too. What types of music do you listen to? Various kinds of metal and rock as well as indie. What, without fail, makes you cry? Mufasa dying lmao. What makes a movie really enjoyable for you? A cool plot. Usually fantasy elements. Favorite way to decorate a cake? *shrugs* What gift(s) did you get for your birthday last year? I don't remember. What do you daydream about the most? My future. Name a game you are really good at. Shadow of the Colossus probably, but considering how infrequently I play games now, I'm sure I'm nowhere near as good as I used to be. Whenever I get a PS4 and the remake tho, I'm getting that goddamn white Agro. I never did the timed challenges before, but I think I could do it. What kinds of snacks do you munch on? I don't really have snacks anymore; I try to keep them out of the house so I'm not tempted. If anything though, it'll probably be some kind of chip. What emotionally exhausts you? Socializing. What accessories would come with a doll version of you? A laptop, iPod, and medication lmao. Favorite thing to do when it’s night time? Sleep? I've sure grown into a fun person. How do you like to bathe/shower? With hot-ish water. The most childish part of your personality? I absolutely hate chores. Favorite type of fantasy creature? Dragons. Do your arms move when you walk? I... actually don't know and can't even visualize how I walk right now. Favorite photo search engine? Google. Are there such things as stupid questions? Depends on your age and some other factors, I guess. Do you celebrate April Fools Day? No. I hate it, honestly. Do you doggie paddle or actually swim in a pool? Both. How do you cure boredom? I'd love to fucking know. I'm always bored. Ankle socks or knee-highs? Ankle socks. Do you know how military time works? Yes, but I can't comprehend the time immediately if it's passed 12. What’s your daily routine? Wake up, check the time, use the bathroom, have breakfast, feed my cat, sit on the laptop doing nothing, maybe or maybe not have a nap at some point, shower if I need to whatever time I feel like, also brush my teeth at some random point during the day (unless I have to go somewhere; then I'll do it before I leave), eat dinner, feed the other pets, and go to bed. Did you get in trouble for cussing on accident when you were a kid? I literally yelled "HOLY SHIT, I THINK I SEE A SHARK!" when we were all in the car driving over a bridge and I swear I saw a fin in the water, lmao. Mom was. Not happy. Ever made a snow angel? Yes. Are you short or tall for your age? I'm average. At what age did you learn the Pledge of Allegiance? Idk, early elementary school. What’s the longest you’ve gone without food? When my appetite was like non-existent and I lost a shitload of weight, I think I almost went a full 24 hours. What do you think about most? What's stressing me out. Are you honestly a good person? I don't think I'm a bad one. Where would you like to be buried? I'd rather be cremated. Do you use Bing or Google? Google. Last song you listened to? "Damage" by Fit For Rivals. Last movie you watched ALL the way through? The Shining. Howwww had I not seen it sooner. Last thing you wrote down? The time I was meeting with my job coach on the calendar. What was the last movie you saw in theaters? Detective Pikachu. What is ONE thing your fridge or pantry ALWAYS needs? My day will feel so off if I don't have one Mtn. Dew Voltage. Do you believe more in luck or hard work? That's a good question. Sometimes you can work your ass off and yet reap inadequate - or any - rewards, while some people pick up a lottery ticket once in their life and are suddenly a millionaire. Life's not fair, kids. But I like to think hard work usually prevails. Do you have any metal on or in your body right now? Piercings. What is your favorite thing to eat with dip? Plain chips with sour cream dip... yum. Do you consider yourself a heartbreaker? Nope. Who was the last person to tag a picture of you? Who even knows. I don't get tagged in pictures because I'm never with people to take and tag me in any lmao. Have you ever liked someone much older than you? No. Is there someone you always, secretly hope will talk to you? It's not a secret that I want to talk to Jason ONE last time to apologize on MY end. What was your first favorite band? Backstreet Boys. Are you friends with any bands? A local band, yeah; their guitarist is an old friend. Do you stay up ridiculously late for no reason? Very very rarely now. What’s your life motto? Idk, I've never really thought about it. Last year for school, we had an assignment where we had to choose a popular song to write a story based on. What song would you’ve picked? A popular song? Oh boy, idk. I don't really know what's popular that I like... Well, guess I'll think of old songs I know were. Um... Oh well I love writing sad shit, so maybe "Runaway Love" by Ludacris ft. Mary J. Blige. I already had an RP plot that was kinda inspired by it lmao. Do you like 3OH!3? If I said I wouldn't belt "'CUZ I'M A VEGETARIAN AND I AIN'T FUCKIN' SCARED'A HIM" at a club at 2 in the morning I'd be lying. Did the vacuum scare you as a child? No. Do you have a long driveway? No. Anyone’s grave you visit, regularly? No. Who was your first kiss? First person who kissed me was Juan, first mutual kiss (which I consider my "real" first) was with Jason. What was it like? Were you disappointed? Juan's kiss I didn't want, and it made me confused at the time. I had no clue how I felt about him back then. With Jason, it was incredibly sweet. I was lucky to get like a fairy tale one and not a horribly awkward memory lmao. Do you have an older brother? If so, what’s he like? Yeah. He's super super intelligent and a deep thinker. Very mature and has a great sense of humor. Are you confident? hunty- Have you ever begged someone to stay with you? Yes. Who do you want around you when you’re afraid? More than anyone, Mom. Had separation anxiety as a kid, obviously grew out of it, but if I'm seriously scared, I want my mom's presence. Like if I'm sick (I'm petrified of vomiting alskdfjaowie) or we're having risky weather, stuff like that, I want her with me. Have you ever mistaken something’s shadow for something else? Probably at some point. Indie, rock, electronic, techno, dubstep, or ‘crunk’? The hell is "crunk" music. Rock. Do you know how to read a map? I have no clue 'cuz I've never actually used a real one. Have a friend that looks JUST like a celeb? Not off the top of my head. Are you good at basketball? I used to be, but I haven't played in forever. It was probably my favorite sport that I ever played. Or softball. Are you friends with anyone missing one of their five senses? Not that I know of. How many times have you moved in your lifetime? Three. Are you good at Pac-Man? I was never exceptional. I haven't played it in yeeeaaars. Have you ever been called 'jail bate’? No. Have you ever been seriously addicted to anything? Technology oops like I barely know how to function without it, sadly. Ever lied to get out of going somewhere with someone? Yes. Where did you meet your current or last significant other? YouTube. Do you like to eat pasta? Yes. Do you enjoy wine? Most bitter shit in the world. Noooooooot a fan. How long have you been driving? I've had my permit since senior year of high school (I think senior???), but I still don't have my license. What’s your lawyer’s name? N/A What’s the last thing you watched on Netflix? Good question. Do you play any video games? The only one I play regularly is World of Warcraft; it's the only "ongoing" game I play. Why were you last in the hospital? My sister got into a wreck. Would you ever get a face tattoo? Possibly something small and subtle, but I doubt it. Have you ever gambled? No. What has been your most epic cooking failure? I split a hot dog entirely in half in the microwave because I thought it'd take much longer to warm up than it actually did. Do you read other people’s survey answers on here? Sometimes. Do you agree with the saying ‘distance makes the heart grow fonder?’ With my experience with Sara, yes. Do you know any transgender people? I knew someone who like... swapped back and forth five thousand times. Then one of my friends had a transgender "phase," if it's appropriate to call it that. Have you ever had a parrot sit on your shoulder? Don't think so. In the morning, do you eat breakfast first or brush your teeth first? Eat. Why would you eat RIGHT AFTER brushing your teeth. What sort of window coverings do you have in your living room? Blinds. Has anyone in your life ever treated you abusively? No. How long has it been since your last breakup? A year and a half. What’s the name of the amusement park closest to your house? Uhhh I think Busch Gardens in Virginia? Do you like The Rolling Stones? Yeah. What was the last single item you spent over $100 on? A plane ticket. Can you read tarot cards? No. What is the last non-fiction book that you read? I have zero clue. Do you prefer lemons or limes? Lemons. Do you prefer peppermint or spearmint? I don't think I even taste the difference. Have you ever written a special note in a book? Yeah, I did in a book Jason lent me. Turns out it's a bad idea to write in pen a lil love letter on the back of the front cover to a book that was also for collection purposes lmao, but he wasn't mad. Would you rather have a house exterior made from wood, brick, or stucco? I like wood aesthetically, but I think eliminating wood housing would be a good idea, so brick. Brick also makes me feel safer. What is your favorite candy bar? Those big rectangle Reese's ones with individual blocks. I fucking love them. Have you ever thrown up in public? I know at least one occasion in I believe kindergarten where I did on the classroom floor, oof. Pepsi or Sprite? I hate Pepsi and I'm not a Sprite fan either, but if I had to, I'd drink the latter. How many video games do you own? We have an old CD case just about full of them. Have you ever stripped? No. Even if you are not Christian or never celebrated Christmas, do you think you will raise your (possible future) children to believe in Santa Clause? Why or why not? I don't want kids, but if I did, I probably would. It's just a magical, fun thing as a kid. Who has the most interesting phone cover you know or what was the most interesting one you have come across (in store or online)? Sara has a really cute chameleon one. Would you rather play a game such as World of Warcraft, League of Legends, or an app/Facebook game (Candy Crush, Bejeweled)? Y'all know. What’s the most amount of messages you either woke up to on a social media site or your phone? Idk, not a lot. When you have nightmares, do they normally have the same theme (ex. always being killed) or do they just relate to something going on in your life at the moment/random? They're very commonly either with me dying or about to be raped. Some surveys ask if you ever stepped in dog poop. However, have you ever stepped in animal pee? Yup. When’s the last time you or someone else has overstayed their visit? Whenever Girt last came over forever ago. He always does lmao. Have you ever consumed a full bottle of liquid medicine in one shot? Is there ANY medication you can actually do that with and not die???? Have you ever had a hamster? Yes. If you had a choice, would you rather eat chicken or beef? Chicken. What was your favorite birthday cake like? I don't remember any specifically. Would you prefer bacon or sausage? Tough call, but probably bacon. How many books have you read in the past YEAR? Zero. Do you type with all of your fingers, like you are taught in school? Yes. Have you ever put gum on the bottom of your desk/chair? No, grosses me the hell out. At what age were you the most physically attractive? The least? During high school; 2016. If you intend to get married, what are you looking forward to/dreading about wedding planning? I think planning the vows will be fun (I don't want references to God, fuck saying my dad has to "give me away," etc.) as well as the theme, and then I don't think I'm dreading anything about planning. Who are you most nervous about introducing potential significant others to? Mom. What is the craziest thing you have done to lose weight? I haven't done anything "crazy." Which parent do you most resemble? Idk. What is the best job you’ve ever had? Never had one I liked. How do you feel about monogamy as a whole? It's definitely what I find to be the better option. You're minimizing the risk of spreading STDs, and plus I personally see love as a one-on-one thing, not open to multiple. What is the most exciting thing about your life right now? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL What was the most important non-academic thing you learned in high school? Probably some life lessons from my favorite teacher. Have you ever lived alone? Do you prefer living by yourself or with someone else? No. I never want to live alone. Do you and your friends ever talk about your sex lives? I don't have a friend to discuss that with, but I also don't have a sex life. Has anyone ever criticized your appearance? What did they say and how did you take it? Yeah. It was typically about my piercings or how I dressed (particularly ripped skinny jeans), and neither of those ever got to me. I love my piercings and style. How common is it for you to get jealous in romantic or platonic relationships? It's rare. When someone asks you about your number of sexual partners, do you include oral sex partners? I probably would if there was anyone who fit that criteria but I wasn't "fully" sexual with. It's still sexual. Have you ever had a job that deeply affected your personal life? How so and do you still work there? No. What is the most serious injury you’ve ever sustained? When I passed out onto my chin and ended up with a really deep cut, broke multiple teeth, and got a concussion. What were the best and worst interviews you’ve ever had? What made them so good/bad? None stand out for either end of the spectrum. List three people you’ve had crushes on. Just to make it interesting, I'll name people I had crushes on but never dated. Sebastian, Kyle, and Mini. How old were you when you were first head over heels in love? 16. Has loving someone ever made you miserable? Boy, have you heard about my Historical Breakup? How bad are your worst cramps on a scale of 1-10? They used to be easy 10s, but now that BC helps me, I'd say the worst are like... rarely 7-8s. Have you ever thrown up from cramps? No. What is the most physically painful thing you’ve ever experienced? I 110% should've been under anesthesia when I got an infected cyst drained. I wanted to fucking die to get it over with. Do you have an embarrassing period story? If so, what is it? No. Did your school allow you to have pain medicine on you? I think so? I do know you couldn't share it, though. Do you ever comfort eat? I get the urge to when I'm depressed, but I stopped doing it. If applicable, what form of birth control do you use? Pills and not being with a man. What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual. Have you ever questioned your sexuality? Yes. What gender do you identify as? Female. What gender were you born as? Female. Have you ever gotten high off a prescription medication? No. Can you still wear clothes from the children’s section? Pf, hell no. Are you lonely? Very. Do you have allergies? Yes. How old were you when your parents talked to you about puberty? However old I was in 5th grade when we had family life class. Do you take vitamins? Only one I'm prescribed for for vitamin D. Do you like fantasy better than reality? Yep. Have you ever contemplated suicide? Yeah. Have you ever self-harmed? Yes. How many people have you known who were suicidal? Multiple, sadly. What’s your favorite pain reliever? Advil. Who has the cutest baby/babies you know? My acquaintance has an absolutely beautiful daughter. What’s the most expensive thing your car needed to get done? N/A If you had a thousand dollars to spend on a pricey brand you like but can’t really afford (until now of course), which ONE brand would you chose? I have no clue. I don't really know pricey brands that don't have the ugliest shit. How many pairs of flip flops do you own? One. Do you still talk to any of your old teachers? One, yes. She's a family friend now. What color was the dress you wore to your senior prom? Black. Ever go to another school’s prom? No. Ever take Melatonin supplements to help you go to sleep? When I used to have AWFUL insomnia, it was the only way I could sleep. Do you like burning candles or incense? Incense especially. Ever throw a pair of your shoes in the washing machine? How did they come out? Not that I remember. Do you ever venture into the woods? What do you normally do in there? No. Do you like to wear shorts or capris in the summer? No. I hate my legs, nor do I regularly shave. Does your phone have a keyboard, touch screen, or neither? Touch screen. How did you dress your freshman year of high school? Emo. Were you obsessed with the Spice Girls back in the day? Obsessed, no, but I liked them. Have you ever had an encounter with the paranormal? Yes. Would you do your own surgery so keep yourself alive? (ex. stitches) I mean yeah, if I had no choice. Would you rather read poetry or write poetry? Write. Have you ever had any really infected injuries? An ear piercing got an infection once. Is there any band out there that you like every song by them? No. Would you ever work for Google? I mean, I don't see why not? Do people that are ungrateful for everything bother you? Immensely. Are you popular on any websites? No, not really. If you ruled the world, what is the first law that you would make? Probablyyyy the banning of at least single-use plastics, but hopefully plastics as a whole if doable. When was the last time you played jump rope? Not since being a kid, probably. Do you hate it when people look over your shoulder? I can't do ANYTHING if someone is. Do you know anyone who has had a heart attack under 30 years of age? No. If you were starving would you eat food out of a garbage can? If I found something that didn't look dangerous, yeah, in order to survive. When is the last time you had your vision checked? Like two months ago. When is the last time you had your hearing checked? Some time last year when I had that whole ordeal with my ears. Do you know your blood type? It's A-. Do you donate blood/platelets/plasma/etc.? No, I don't drink enough water. Ever been in the emergency room? Way more times than I like. Have you ever been robbed? No, thankfully. Ever kiss someone on the first date? No. Do you own any Burt’s Bees products? No. Dr. Pepper or Root Beer? Dr. Pepper. What’s your favorite picture of your mom? Dad? I have one of Mom I took for a photography course of her laughing, and I fucking love it. She rarely laughs. Dad, I'm not sure. Are you subscribed to anything (Magazines, monthly boxes, streaming sites, etc.)? No. Favorite flavor of cream cheese? ... It has flavors? Do you have any board games? If so, where do you keep them? Yeah; they're at the top of a cabinet in the living room. Is there an ice cream flavor you don’t like? Of ones I've tried (I'm not very adventurous with food), I loathe strawberry. What’s the raunchiest thing you’ve ever stumbled upon? I don't know, don't wanna know. I steer clear of that side of the Internet. Hm, it was probably something on dA that had a mature content filter that I looked at anyway because it had an intriguing name. That site can have some wild-ass shit. How rude is it to snap your fingers at a waiter or waitress? Have you done it before? That is incredibly rude. They're not dogs. I've never done that. Best way for someone to bond with you? Let's talk about deep shit and philosophy. Discuss interesting, unorthodox topics. Show me you have an open mind. What is the first meme you remember seeing? BOY, I don't know. Maybe Overly-Attached Girlfriend? Suitcase, duffel bag, or backpack? Duffel bag. Sci-fi, fantasy, or superheroes? Fantasy. Favorite font? Out of the default options, Garamond. Favorite fairy tale? Fucking FIGHT ME if you say Shrek isn't one. Forget the memes and such, I genuinely love the movies. Favorite tradition? By this point in my life, we don't really follow any traditions... but I do know as a kid I would NEVER let Mom forget we had to make "reindeer food." When a Christmas light show was still here, we would also go there and grab hot chocolate and chocolate-covered peanuts. I miss that. Talent you’re proud of having? I think I'm an above-average writer. Favorite website from your childhood? Webkinz. :') Any good luck charms? Nope. Least favorite flavor of food or drink? Cranberry. Least favorite pattern? Uhhh... I'm not big on animal print. Favorite potato food? Fries my man. Do you call them fireflies or lightning bugs? Fireflies. Lamps, overhead lights, fairy lights, or sunlight? FAIRY LIGHTS. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? Two lmao. Favorite historical era? The Renaissance. What are some must-have Google Chrome extensions? If you don’t use Chrome, how about on other internet browsers? AdBlock. What piece of stand up comedy (10 minutes or less) has successfully made you cry with laughter? Oh boy, a lot. I love stand-up. What little “Easter Eggs” on websites do you love? If you don’t have one on a website, how about in a game, TV show, or movie? Boy, got plenty in games. The secret Silent Hill 4 replica room in Silent Hill: Downpour I especially love; I had no idea it was in the game 'til I played it and found it myself. Then the butterfly barrel in the PS4 remake of Shadow of the Colossus in reference to The Last Guardian is awesome. World of Warcraft's Robin Williams genie tribute is lovely as well. Besides pornography, what is a website you frequent and don’t want anyone to know? Nothing. What GIF reduces you to hysterical laughter every time? Don't know about every time. What things that are legal do you think shouldn’t be? Smoking, but I understand why we can't do that now. What is the closest you have ever been to a major historical event? Idk. What is a skill someone can learn in 6 months that will impress employers on a resume? Microsoft Office programs. What are some meals that are simple to make, but easy to impress people with? Idk. I know nothing of cooking. What bizarre celebrity encounters have you had? None. What is your favorite picture on the whole internet? Oh don't make me go through my Pinterest of Mark pictures. What is a “dirty little (or big) secret” about an industry that you have worked in, that people outside the industry really should know? N/A What is the most outlandish (hilarious, surprising) thing you have ever seen go down in public? OKAY SO one day otw home from my psychiatrist appointment, there was a man dressed in horrid drag walking on the side of the highway in the middle of winter. It was. An experience. If you met someone who has never heard music before (born deaf or what have you), what music would you introduce to them first? Gentle, soothing instrumental things. Like let's listen to the soft SotC pieces, please. What’s a little-known site you think everyone should know about? I don't really know of any. What is a MUST SEE movie that is highly overlooked and is on Netflix? If you don’t have a Netflix, just say in general. Johnny Got His Gun. What quote gives you chills every time you hear or read it? From Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs: "I have stood knee-deep in mud and bone and filled my lungs with mustard gas. I have seen two brothers fall. I have lain with holy wars and copulated with the autumnal fallout. I have dug trenches for the refugees; I have murdered dissidents where the ground never thaws and starved the masses into faith. A child's shadow burnt into the brickwork. A house of skulls in the jungle. The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century! They will eat them, Mandus, they will make pigs of you all and they will bury their snouts into your ribs and they will eat your hearts!" Not even mildly exaggerating, I get coooovered in goosebumps every time I come to that point in the game. I just read it twice lmao. When was the last time you bitched someone out? A while back I lost it on Mom about Dad and his wife. Have you ever given a lap dance? No. Are you afraid of plane rides? No, not really. Do you like unique or common names? Unique. Have you ever made a turkey dinner all by yourself? As if. Do you prefer running or yoga? Yoga. What continent would you most like to visit? Africa. Who do you wish you were dating? I'm happy with who I'm dating. What did you always want to do as a kid but were never allowed to do? Hm. I'm sure there's something... What is your favorite ice cream topping? Hot fudge. Is your Bible falling apart? I don't have one. Would you rather have a tail, fin, or wings? Wings. If you live in an apartment, is your landlord mean? N/A What products do you sell, if applicable? None. Is abuse in your past? No. Is there trauma in your past? Yes. Do you know anyone who’s been raped? I don't believe so, thankfully. Of the many different American accents, which one is your favorite? New Yorker. What was the last thing you watched on Youtube? Watched and not just listened to, it was an 8-BitRyan gaming vid. Do you know anyone who had a kid before they were financially stable? Probably half the people I know or more. But I think that goes for everyone. What’s your phone’s wallpaper picture? Darkiplier rip. Have you read any of Shakespeare’s works other than Romeo and Juliet? Yeah - Beowulf and Macbeth. Maybe Hamlet? Is there anything hanging from the doorknob in your room? My purse. Why did you move to where you’re living now? We got evicted and had to find something cheaper. What’s your opinion on wearing pajamas in public? Do you yourself do that? I sincerely don't care, especially if there is damage on the person's state. Like if you're suicidally depressed or very sick in another way and have to go out, don't be a fucking ass and force them to do something that can legitimately be hard for people just to appease the standards society set. A basic rule to me is never make assumptions or ask why they're in their pj's. I do it a lot, depending on where I'm going. Like you have clothes on at least, why the hell does it matter. What’s something you’re really bad at compared to others? Math. Knowing the names of cars. Giving directions and knowing where I even am in comparison to everything else. Do you know anyone who treats retail/restaurant employees poorly? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BOY DO I but she's been removed from my life. When was the last time someone betrayed your trust? What happened? Idk. But I can say with near certainty aforementioned friend posted our entire last convo on Facebook as she'd done previously, so there's that. Do you usually fill up at the same gas station? Mom usually does. What are some odd habits you have relating to food/eating? I hate eating biscuits in front of new people because I dissect mine to parts, lol. Like I open it and eat what's in it individually, the bread being the last. Do you like Oregon Trail? I love that shit. As an adult, do you want to live in an apartment or a house? A house. Do you like the stem or leafy part of the broccoli? Stem. Do you believe in the “innocent until proven guilty” idea? Depends. Not always. Do bats frighten you? No, I love bats!!! What’s a song that reminds you of your special someone? THERE'S SO MANY!!!! Does Paris appeal to you? Yeah. Are you a KPOP fan? No. Do you believe in the phrase “if it’s meant to be, it’ll be”? Nope, bullshit. First time you kissed the last person you kissed? June 2018. Do you have to really know someone to kiss them? Absolutely. I have to actually be romantically interested in you. Well, to kiss you on the lips. Kissing family on the cheek and such is different. Were you anyone’s first kiss? No. Will you keep your last name when you get married? No, please take that shit away. Where was the last place you held hands at? I'm not sure. If you could live in any home on television what would it be? BITCH take me to the Addams' Family home. Do you think morals are universal or relative to the beliefs, traditions, or practices of individuals or groups? Mostly universal. Like just to give an example, some Christian religions forbid eating shellfish, so while avoiding shellfish is moral to you, is it really immoral to eat it? Is torture ever a good option? If no, why not? If yes, when? No. It's just... so inhuman. Regardless of what one has done, never lose your grip on being one. Be a moral human being. Don't succumb to that evil. What do you think is one one of the most undervalued professions right now? Teaching. Have you ever seen anyone have a heart attack? No, thank Christ. Have you personalized your answering machine/voicemail? No. What’s your favorite horror movie? I really love both The Blair Witch Project films, The Shining definitely joined the top tier when I watched it recently, and The Crazies is great, too. Would you say you have a high sex drive or not so much? I'd say it's normal. What was the worst thing a friend has either done or said to you? Oh boy, who knows. One of the billion things Colleen said and did. Something you feared as a kid but don’t fear anymore? Taking the last answer because it's like the #1 thing: death. It's inevitable, and immortality seems horrible. I just hope I go with the least pain possible. What is your opinion on girls who become obsessed with their boyfriends? lmaooooo been there sweetie, don't do it. Are you biracial? No. What’s the most unique pet you’ve owned? My champagne ball python. Do you have a fence? On either side and at the back of the house. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Just my psychiatrist. I feel bad for not including Dad, but nightmares fucked me up hard. Does your family use coasters? Is anyone in your family excessively tidy? No. Do you still have your tonsils? Yep. Do you think making out is slutty? ... No...? Well, at least if you're in a relationship and love the person. Just casually doing it, quite honestly yes, I think it's slutty.
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pinknerdpanda · 7 years
Word Count: 494
Characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel, y/n
Warnings: None, it’s all fluff
A/N: This was written for Jess’ Daring Drabbles Challenge. My prompt was Castiel + Zesty and now here we are. Congrats on your milestone, darling! I hope you enjoy this - I’ve never drabbled before and this was indeed a challenge. Love you @trexrambling!
Beta: @hannahindie - you lovely human - oh how I adore thee. Thanks for your unwavering support! :)
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“Soup’s on, boys!” I yell in the direction of the kitchen door. Several seconds pass before I hear the sound of approaching footsteps.
“What the hell, y/n. I thought you said we were having real food, not soup!” Dean’s voice fills the kitchen before he does.
“It’s just a saying,” Sam chides from behind his brother as they enter. “Right y/n?” Sam throws me a hesitant glance and I laugh.
“To be fair, soup is real food too, but yes, in this instance, it’s just a phrase,” I gesture towards the food and plates and Sam begins assembling his own sandwich. “You’re just lucky we even have real food to eat, Dean.”
Dean pulls a beer from the fridge and slams the door. “Hey, don’t pin that on me. I got everything on your damn list.”
“Well it would have helped if you’d actually read the list,” I jab a dirty fork in his direction before tossing it in the sink and wiping my hands on a towel. “I have like three meals that I can make from scratch and I either make them right or not at all.”
“They're the same thing, y/n. It’s all just a marketing ploy to get you to spend more money,” Dean takes a sip of his beer.
“Ok, well before you go and use all the tin foil for your fancy headgear, can you make sure I have enough to wrap up these leftovers, later?” I flip the dishtowel over my shoulder.
“Y/n is right, Dean. There is an obvious difference between them,” Cas appears suddenly and his raspy voice is startling. I’ve yet to get used to his unexpected arrivals.
Sam, however, is unaffected and grins at him. “Oh yeah, Cas? And what’s that?”
“Well, one is simply Italian Dressing, while the other is,” Castiel glances around almost nervously, “Zesty.”
“See! Cas gets it. I should have known better than to have sent a man to do an angel’s job. You really came through earlier, zapping out to get the right one. Thanks again!” I kiss the angel lightly on the cheek. He freezes.
“Oh he wishes he could get something, that’s for sure.” Dean mumbles around his sandwich.
“What’s that supposed mean?” I frown, glancing between the three men, two of which are giggling as food falls from their lips.
Cas’ eyes widen, the redness in his face deepening. “I, uh, have to go. The angels...they...I hear them…” the sound of flapping wings finishes his sentence as he vanishes.
I jerk the towel from my shoulder and whip Dean in the arm with it. “You embarrassed him, you ass!”
“Hey! He’s the one making up angel-radio chatter and disappearing!” Dean holds up his hands in surrender. “You two need to talk things out, soon.”
“Seriously. Do us all a favor, y/n,” Sam agrees.
I ignore them. “How’s the food?”
Dean grins around another mouthful.
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My Forever Tags (I love ya’ll - stay weird!): @wheresthekillswitch @arryn-nyxx @emilywritesaboutdean @fandommaniacx @cookie-dough-lova @spnfanficpond @impandagrl @maddieburcham1 @trexrambling @27bmm @beachballsizeladyballs @hannahindie @rosie-winchester @winchesterprincessbride @that-writer-one @amionthetumbler @abbessolute @deansdirtyduchess @fandomismyspiritanimal @angelsandwinchesters @cfordwrites @zenia3 @charliebradbury1104 @9769997118 @mogaruke @luulaachops @supernaturaldean67  @barbedwireandbubblegum @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @muliermalefici @galaxy-jellyfish-queen @canadianjelly @kathaswings @almusanzug @feelmyroarrrr @captainradicalpassion @bethbabybaby @thinkwritexpress-official @akshi8278 @hexparker @emoryhemsworth @boxywrites @justanotherdeangirl @atc74 @anticipate1003 @super100012 @lovesj2m  @easelweasel @masksandtruths @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
Pond Tags (Castiel + Fluff): @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @whispersandwhiskerburn @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @deathtonormalcy56 @samsgoddess @for-the-love-of-dean @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @fiveleaf @deansleather @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @mrswhozeewhatsis @idreamofhazel @ilovedean-spn2  @babypieandwhiskey @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @writingbeautifulmen @revwinchester @your-average-distracted-waffle @drarina1737 @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @mysaintsasinner @ohwritever @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @clueless-gold @melbelle45 @4401lnc @teamfreewill92
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theubfamily · 7 years
Chapter One-The icicle fair
"Mmph..." A rather small foot stomped on the fluffy carpeted floor. "Dad!! Get uuuup!" The bossy voice came from young Tony Verdana the Kartana Who was in the process of waking up his dozing adopted father, Xander Morrison the Xurkitree. "DAD!! Get up or I'm having Granpa fart on you!" tony threatned his yellow eyes flashing with determination. A deep and gentle chuckle sounded from the messy bed. "Ok ok i'm up, i'm up!" Xander rose, his blue hair falling in his good eye. "You didn't need to threaten me with your grandfather's noxious gas." he said with a smile. Tony triumphantly grinned, folding his arms. "Well maybe you should have gotten up when i said so!" he teased. Xander laughed, ruffling Tony's hair. "Smart alec!" he chided, standing up and streching. "We're still going to the icicle fair today right?" Tony asked, excitement in the young kartana's voice. Xander grabbed his clothes. "Of course! I told you we were right? Sides it's my day off so what better way to spend it! Now head downstairs so i can get dressed." Tony obeyed and Xander shut his door. He streched some more then went to his window and opened the curtain. He smiled as he saw the veiw before him. It was bright outside but there was snow everywhere. The suns winter rays reflected off the snow making it seem like powdered diamonds. Xander looked at the clock. 11:00 AM. He heaved a tired sigh and took off his pajama shirt. He looked in the mirror and gave a tired smile. "You look like shit old boy." Xander teased himself, patting the bit of Dad belly he had. His tan skin was decorated in scars. Showing the battles he had been in. Meanwhile, Downstairs Casa Derlina, the Celesteela was making everyone Brunch. Tony trampled down the stairs excitedly, the steps catching Casa's Attention. "Did you wake up Dad, Tony?" she asked. "Yep! The big lug was almost sound asleep but i threatened him with grampa's farts." Tony replied giggling. "Eww..." spoke up another. Perry Caldira the Pheromosa. "Anyway i can't wait to get to the Fair today!" she said blinking her odd pink and blue eyes. "Dad said we're still going right?" she asked Tony. "Yeah!" Neesa Hardy the Nihiligo gave a soft chuckle from across the table. "I bet Perry's just excited to see all the cute girls." she teased. The fighting bug blushed embaressed at her adopted sister's remark. "Neesa shut up!" Under the long bangs was a pair of smiling bright blue eyes. "Make me~" the Jellyfish UB giggled. "Maybe i'll just...take back the cute winter hat i was making you then!" Perry said. "Oi." came a new voice. Deep and of latino origin. George Hernandez the Guzzlord. "Silencio. O al menos dejar discutir." The tired old man huffed as he walked into the kitchen. George was the one that built the home they all live in. The UB Refugee house. The kids knew a little spanish since both Xander and George talked in it alot. They knew enough to know what George had told them. "Sorry Grampa." Perry said. The large man gave his grandchild a smile. "It's ok kiddo. At least wait for the squabbles until i have my coffee." he said. Casa gave a light giggle. "It's by the fridge Abeulo!" Casa was usualy the main voice of reason in the household. She was the big sister. Then the sound of a door opening reached everyones ears. "Guys i'm home!" "Brake!!" Tony cried happily. He jumped from his seat at the table and rushed to give his big Buzzwole brother a hug. "Welcome home Brake!" Neesa smiled. Brake Denton was a delivery boy. "My last delivery just got finished so i'm off for the next few days!" Brake said cheerfully. "What's cookin Casa?" he asked. "I'm wondering the same thing." Xander Chortled as he entered the kitchen. "Dad! Good morning!" Brake said. Xander went around giving his kids hugs and kisses as Casa explained what she was making. "Eggs, bacon, sasuage, biscuits and hashbrowns." she smiled sweetly.
"Everythings done but the biscuits and the bacon." George smiled as he sipped his coffee. "Best cook in the house." he said. Perry snickered. "Hey dad remember when you tried to make lasagna for dinner?" Xanders face flushed a light blue. "Perry darling i love you but PLEASE don't remind me of that diaster...." Xander groaned. After awhile everyone sat down as casa dished out the food. "Mmph. God Casa this is great." Tony said, his mouth full of bacon. The celesteela smiled. "Thanks little brother but careful on talking with a full mouth." Neesa giggled. "Hey dad you sure are getting chubby. Are you trying to be chubby so Mr.Ob will like you more~?" The electric UB flushed a dark blue and started lowkey choking on his eggs. Ob. Vincent the toucannon or Ob as he preferred to go by, was Xander's ten year best freind. And Xander was in love with him. "Neesa that...that's not...No." he stammered. George snorted as he forked a sasuage. "Mijo i love you but your as gay as a Ho-oh." the guzzlord chuckled. Xander groaned. Soon everyone finished eating and started getting ready to go to the fair. "Dad?" Brake asked, "I think i'm gonna stay home if that's ok?" he asked nervously. Xander hugged his grown son. "That's fine brake. Your Abuelo is staying too. Besides, your old enough you have a right to make your own choices. The bashful buzzwole fiddled with his sleeve a lil. "I know i just sometimes feel better when you tell me what to do.." Xander kissed the 20 year olds forehead. "I understand son." George carefully sat in his chair proping his cane beside him. "Damn snow messes with my arthirits." ------ At the Gardela fairgrounds it was lively. There was winter games, Warm booths, attractions, every thing. Xander looked at his kids. "You all have your cellphones right?" he asked looking them over. Everyone nodded. "Ok! Then call me or one another if you get lost or need help ok?" "Yes dad!" the children answered in sync. Then at that they were off. "You got dragged here too i see eh Morrison?" Xander turned to see a smaller african american male with darkened freckles. Xander smiled as happy as a dog getting a treat. "Good to see you old freind~" xander smiled. He then reached into his big bag he was carrying and pulled out a warm blanket. "Here. I brought an extra. I heard they have buildings where its warm for those that got dragged here like us if you wanna go check it out?" Ob looked at the blanket then took it with a small smile. "Thanks. Yeah that'd be nice. Thanks Xander." Xander smiled sweetly and they started walking. "So who all came?" he asked. Ob was already wrapped up in the blanket. He grumbled. "Lyric,Diva and Rj." he said. "Mimya stayed home with Flitter." he said. "What about you?" "Casa, Tony, Perry and Neesa. My dad and brake stayed home." Xander replied. They found a warm building and slipped inside. There was hot coco and other warm treats waiting. "Ah coffee. I definetly need more coffee." the tired old toucannon said. The two old men got their cups and sat down to relax on a nice couch that was there. It was going to be quite an interesting day.
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iheartsurveys · 8 years
What’s your favorite cereal? None I hate cereal Is there a bus stop near your house? The grade school bus stop is around the corner but otherwise, no Do you prefer red wine or white wine? White, though I do love me some red moscato. But I definitely drink more of a variety of white What’s the last airport you were at? Why were you there? Dulles, dropping off my stepdad's mom and boyfriend like the helpful little gal I am Who do you live with? Mom and stepdad and the pets Do you read reddit? If so, how often and what subreddits do you like? Nah not regularly. Every once in a while if I google something and it takes me to Reddit I'll read that but I don't go out of my way to read it Have you recently broken up with a significant other or even just a friend? No What’s the weather like today? Is it nice enough to go outside? It snowed about an inch this morning and then it was chilly the rest of the day. I went out to scrape off the car but had to bundle since the high was like 20 something. Then on Friday its going to be in the 60s....oh Virginia weather. Oh global warming. Do you know anyone who’s had a baby recently? Stepsister had baby #3 a few days ago Have you used a pen or pencil today? What did you write down? No What does your last text message say and who is from? Nite, from my mother, one room away from me. She had to vent real quick lol Can you count how many times you’ve seen your favourite film? Not an extreme amount for it being my favorite movie. Maybe 4 or 5? When was the last time you ate marshmallows? I never eat them on their own. Probably had a smore sometime over the summer Do you listen to any podcasts? How do you listen to them? Nah not really. Sophomore of college my roomie and I got into nightvale but then we kinda fell off the wagon. How old will you be in the year 2030? 36...... Wow. 2030 sounds like a while away so I won't get too worried just yet. But also damn. Does your skin bruise easily? Do you have any bruises right now? What from? Yes anytime I accidentally bang into things I'll get a bruise. Or if the dogs stand on me which Daisy loves to do because she has no concept of personal space and just sits/stands in my lap. And she's not even small like she's a decently sized lab. Dogs are funny. Buuuut I don't have any currently actually, at least not that I know of What was the last thing you spent $150 or more on? Loans woo Do you prefer yes or no questions or more open-ended questions? Open-ended, for surveys at least What brand of toilet paper do you usually buy? My parents buy Scott and have forever but when I lived by campus I think I bought charmin If I knocked on your door right now, would you be acceptable dressed? Not wearing pants so no, not a good look for answering the door to a stranger, or anyone at all really lol Why did you leave your last job? At first I was just going to do it in the summer but then I tried to maintain it while doing my last year of college and I only lasted about 2 months until I decided I couldn't do both and school/having time to study/just time to myself was more important than a job that was just to fill the time/make some extra money What colour were the last socks you wore? Blue green and pink Are you studying currently? What level of education and what do you study? Just graduated, I have a BS in criminology Have you ever eaten at a restaurant and left without paying? No What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud? The text from my mom What’s your favourite scent of air freshener? I use candles more than I use air fresheners... I buy my candles based off the seasons/what I like at bath and body. I like fruity/floral scents but like not too too sweet. Like I'll never buy sugar cookie or anything like that How many weddings have you ever been to? At least 4... I haven't been to a wedding in like 10 years. I have a bunch of older cousins so that's where most came from. Oh jk 5 my mom got remarried duh Do you know anyone named Nora? No Are your hands and feet in good condition or could you do with a mani-pedi? Definitely could use a pedi though I hate going to the nail salon. And my nails could be repainted When was the last time you played a board game? What did you play? Christmas Eve we played scrabble How old were you when you first became sexually active? 18 Have you ever been to a festival for beer or other type of alcohol? Yessss I've been to a cider fest which was awesome. And then another festival that had a mix of beer cider and wine Do you own a record player and/or vinyls? Nooo I wanted a record player for Christmas but then I rethought it because I don't really have room for it currently, so maybe some day when I have my own place/feel like spending money on that When was the last time you went out for drinks? Like two weeks ago Have you ever been to a strip club? No Do you know anyone with a ‘virtue name’? I know a Faith and a Grace Would you ever wear real authentic leather? I have a leather purse from Italy so yes Have you taken out the trash today? No How often do you wear make-up? I don't really have a schedule for wearing makeup. I'll wear it if I'm going out or doing something fun with friends where I know we'll take pictures. And I'll wear it to work. But a lot of times at home I don't, even if we go out to dinner or run errands or something I don't. And yet my skin is still kinda meh, go figure What’s your opinion on The Simpsons? Never really watched it Do you prefer horizontal or vertical stripes? Horizontal Do you know anyone who has been through a divorce? Yes If you had the money, would you take taxis everywhere instead of driving? Nope I like to drive tbh Have you ever done a juice cleanse? Nah not for me Do you have any friends who you can’t decide if they’re attractive or not? Omg what a weird and kinda mean thing to think about friends...wondering if they're attractive or not like wtf who does that. No Is the inside of your fridge clean right now or does it need a clean out? It could probably use a clean out When was the last time you washed the dishes? Earlier today Are there any magazines that you read on a regular basis? We just started getting hgtv magazine which comes monthly so that Do you have to pay for parking in most places in the town/city you live in? No What’s the first thing you tend to do when you have a headache? I swear I never get regular headaches anymore they're almost always migraines. I take medicine daily for migraines but I also have medicine to take when I get one because Advil/excedrin doesn't do shit for me Tell me about your responsibilities at work. Ask me laterrrrr Can you hear lots of traffic from your house? Does it bother you? We live a little ways off a main road, sometimes if people drive like assholes and speed or if an ambulance goes by on the main road you can hear it here. We're in a cul-de-sac so there's no real traffic on our road, but what is annoying is the guy diagonally across the street has a motorcycle and its loud and obnoxious Have you ever had proper Canadian poutine with the squeaky cheese? I have not. I've even been to Canada but we didn't get poutine Do your parents know how to operate smartphones and/or computers? They're decent. They definitely ask me for assistance with things How old are your parents, anyway? Both 51. And my stepdad is like 49 I wanna say Are you allergic to anything? What do you have to do to prevent them? Allergies. I'll take an Allegra or something if they're really bad but I mainly just deal What song is stuck in your head at the moment? This is mildly embarrassing...So you know the episode of spongebob where he has the pet jellyfish that likes to dance and then the speakers get fucked up after some things happen so all the jellyfish are pissed and then Gary starts hitting his eyeballs together and then they make a song out of random sounds? That song of random sounds is stuck in my head lolololllll. Since today was snowy and blah I napped and my fav thing to nap to is spongebob and that episode was on and yeah. It's stuck in my head What’s your boss’ first name? Do you call him/her by that name? My work has different divisions and teams and I'm not sure yet what specific team I'll be on so tbd When was the last time you wore a uniform of any kind? What colour was it? When I worked at a restaurant early in college we wore black shirts jeans and black shoes. Or a red shirt if I was hosting Did you complete a survey before taking this one? Will you take one after? No and no Have you ever lost enough weight to drop a dress size? Maybe? Idk I don't wear a lot of dresses. I've dropped pant sizes so maybe I'm not sure What’s your favourite kind of bread? Every kind I love bread When was the last time you got pizza? What toppings did you get? We had pizza a few days ago, just cheese Do you own Monopoly? Is it the original or a special version? I don't actually What was the last thing you said out loud? Goodnight You have to choose one: cats or dogs? Dogs How do you travel to and from work? I'll be driving Do you primarily use cash or card for your purchases? Why? Card because I don't carry cash unless I got some for a holiday. Or sometimes I'll take out a 20 for when I go out Have you ever been to a stadium concert? Yes, the last two times I saw one direction were at stadiums. And I've seen a bunch of other artists at indoor arena/stadium things like Ed Sheeran, fall out boy, backstreet boys, etc
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houseofbrij · 5 years
As many of you may have already guessed from my recent horde of posts, I went to Australia a little while back. To say that this was the best trip of my life would be an understatement, because in reality I feel as if I have come back part Australian myself. So, settle in and grab some Tim Tams (Walmart in Canada sells them you can thank me later) as I take you through all the things I saw, did, and most importantly, what I ATE.
Now I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t apprehensive about the trip from the beginning, mainly because I feel like everyone did such a great job of terrifying me about every living creature that could possibly kill me. In reality I did not see a single snake, crocodile, spider, shark, or jellyfish. So, if anyone tries to describe Australia as some sort of zoo gone wild, I think that’s rubbish (that’s Australian for garbage).
I was also apprehensive about meeting my family after what had been over 14 years. And I know it sounds funny to be scared of seeing one’s own family, but I felt that so much time had passed since we had been together that they no longer knew who I was, and the memory of the sweet child they once knew was far from the reality of the crazy parade that you all know (and hopefully love) today.
Anyways, here I was, on a continuous 16-hour flight from Vancouver to Sydney, then on to Melbourne.
Day 1: I land in Melbourne in the afternoon, and am picked up by my parents and my cousin (a Melbourne local). Sadly, due to the tight schedule of my trip, I did not get to explore the city as we drove right from the airport and began on our road trip (I’ll come back Melbourne I promise!). We headed straight towards the historic Great Ocean Road (See photos below). If you are ever fortunate enough to visit Australia, this drive is a MUST. The coastal villages nestled between seaside cliffs and white sandy beaches are one of the most spectacular sights I have laid my eyes upon. For dinner, we stopped at Lorne where I had a life changing laksa and green coconut curry at a place called Chopstix.
What do you mean standing in the middle of a highway isn’t safe?
After witnessing a sunset that I assumed was painted by Bob Ross, we headed into the Great Otway National park where we had a cabin booked for the night. The drive through this pitch-black jungle was more eventful than you would assume as we were visited by many kangaroos hopping along, baby koalas just sitting on the road, and the cleansing smell of eucalyptus following you throughout the journey.
Day 2:  We continued along the Great ocean road, stopping at the 12 Apostles. The apostles are a series of limestone stacks formed by years or erosion. The place was bustling with tourists and children on school trips but no one seemed to mind the crowd as everyone was affiliated on the stunning views of the limestone cliffs and the sound of waves crashing below. We continued along the scenic drive towards Robe, where we would be meeting my aunt and uncle. For dinner we had Pizza (not like Dominos, but GOOD pizza) at The Project.
Day 3: Spent the day just exploring the town of Robe. The town is essentially a quaint seaside village filled with cute little shops and restaurants. It kind of gave off a Hamptons vibe except much smaller and with less real housewives starting fights inside artisan cheese shops (although they may have just been hiding in a bush somewhere along with all the snakes, crocodiles, and sharks I was warned about). Lunch and dinner were made at home (our Air B&B). While in Robe, we also went cheese tasting at a family owned dairy right outside of town and did a little wine tasting at a small booth set up on the sidewalk (I know that sounds sketchy but it was actually really cute). Lunch and dinner were cooked at home.
Day 4: After breakfast (more like brunch), we started driving towards Adelaide where my family lives. We stopped along the drive once or twice however it was 42 C that day so I don’t think anyone could handle being outside for more than 5 mins. Went for a sunset walk to the beach once things cooled down slightly.
We even saw Natalie Portman in her iconic role as Black Swan
Day 5-6: Explored the beautiful city of Adelaide. Went to Cleland Wildlife Park where I got to pet a koala and feed kangaroos by hand. It took all my self control to not grab one of these adorable animals and run. Adelaide is also known for its great wine country and so we went wine tasting at D’Arenberg. The winery is absolutely stunning and features a Salvador Dali museum inside the building. The wine was great too but after glass number 3 it was all a little hazy to be quite honest. For the meals, we had great Chinese food (thanks Groupon), and Pies. No, not dessert pies, but savoury meat (and vegetarian) pies that can be found everywhere in little shops called bakeries. I miss the pies.
Cute little balls of fluff. DONT try to hug one, they seem to not like that.
His name is Jay and he is my son and I would die for him.
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Dali inspired winery with a surrealist museum inside.
Day 7: Left Adelaide early in the morning and flew to Cairns. Cairns is along the Northeast coast of Australia (or as I like to call it, the cat ear. Yes, Australia is shaped like a cat’s head. I refuse to believe otherwise), and it is also labelled the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef. We actually stayed in Port Douglas which is a 30-minute drive north of Cairns and even closer to the reefs. This whole area is reminiscent of something you would see on Survivor or Castaway.  White sandy beaches met with dense tropical rainforests, and the water a vibrant turquoise. Oh, did I mention the temperature was 30 C the whole time? (someone please take me back, I’m begging…)
Day 8: Started the morning by going to the local farmers market (which is a great place to find souvenirs made by local artists), followed by a full day tour of the Great Barrier Reef with Quicksilver. Now I know these tours are expensive BUT let me just tell you that they are absolutely worth every penny. It was one of the most surreal moments of my life to be snorkeling in 25-degree water among schools of thousands of fish and delicate coral. There is a reason the Great Barrier Reef is considered one of the natural wonders of the world, and I am fortunate enough to have experienced it in all its glory. Lunch was served aboard the ship. For dinner we had Thai food at Star of Siam (best Tom Yum Soup I’ve had). Something else I noticed was that Australia’s proximity to Southeast Asia meant that there was amazing Southeast Asian food (also seafood, LOTS of seafood!).
Disclaimer: not my photo. I was too busy enjoying the day, also iphone+saltwater=no.
Day 9: Spent the day exploring Daintree Rainforest. I hiked through a tropical rainforest and did not see a single snake or spider (although I did have anxiety that I would see one. To all those who scared me with stories of terrifying snakes in AUS, please message me… I just wanna talk…). Although I did really want to see a crocodile since they are really prevalent in this area (I love crocodiles I think they are very cute no I’m not crazy). For dinner we had Indian food at Sabi’s Kitchen. (Here’s a riddle for you: what do you call an Indian family that goes on vacation and doesn’t eat Indian food? They’re probably not Indian.) (I’m not complaining, I love Indian food!)
Day 10: Left Port Douglas for Cairns and stopped along the Palm Cove area where we went swimming. Later, In Cairns we had dinner at Bayleaf Balinese Restaurant. After dinner we ventured into the Cairn’s night market. I really suggest you go to this night market because you can get all your souvenir shopping done! (I may or may not have bought 10 fridge magnets and multiple t-shirts.)
Day 11: We had booked a train journey on the historic Kuranda Rail. The train ride was over two hours, and takes you up the mountain while offering sweeping views of the coastline below. At the top of the mountain is the Kuranda village which is filled with art galleries, shops, and restaurants. On the way down, we opted to take the cable car, and stopped at each of the three stops. Each stop has small hiking trails that take you deeper into the dense world heritage listed rainforest and offer spectacular views. Fun fact: this is the same rainforest that inspired the setting from James Cameron’s Avatar.
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Day 12: In the morning we explored the Cairns Botanical Gardens which feature the wonders of the natural rainforest found in the area. In the afternoon we arrived for our flight to Sydney. We landed in Sydney and were met by more members of our family. Dinner at home.
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Day 13: This was my only day in Sydney, and so I wanted to explore as much as I could! Started the day off at the Harbour Bridge, followed by a tour of the Sydney Opera House. I really recommend taking this tour as it is the only way to get inside the Opera House, plus it offers an insight into the history and architecture of the building. Later we took a ferry from the harbour to Manly Beach where we went swimming (this beach is absolutely amazing, please put it on your list. You’ve been keeping a list, right?!?) For dinner, our family took us to the Indian neighborhood in Sydney where I got to experience the best Indian street food outside of India (maybe it was just as good, who knows? I was busy stuffing my face)
The Dragon Ball Z shirt IS a fashion statment, no I will not be taking questions at this time. Thank you.
Day 14: Woke up, had brunch with the family, and then headed for the airport to return home. I did strongly consider just sneaking out of the airport and starting my life as an Australian surfer dude named Joey. Flight back home was horrible mainly because I was returning to -15C weather.
Anyways, if you’re still reading this, I owe you a beer. Let’s catch up sometime! (preferably in Australia) Till then, G’day mate!
Australian to English Translator:
AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH G’Day Hello. How ya goin’? They’re not asking what mode of transportation you’re using, probably just asking how are you. Thong Flip flops. If someone asks for these, do NOT give them your underwear. Barbie Barbecue, not the doll. Bathers Swimsuit. Beauty! Great! Perfect! Crikey An expression of surprise. Not an invitation to play cricket, although they might like that too. The “C” word Used when exchanging pleasantries between close friends and family. If someone calls you this, you’ve most likely entered the mate zone. (unless they’re angry then run) Lollies Sweets.
  Australia As many of you may have already guessed from my recent horde of posts, I went to Australia a little while back.
0 notes
i am very much enjoying my vague void! it's currently blasting hozier at full volume and that's almost louder than my internal screaming (don't worry, everything is fine, i just saw a spider)
i've never once in my life have followed a recipe correctly. all of my measurements are completely random and whatever happens happens. it is no longer in my hands. whatever eldritch entities exist take the wheel. and i absolutely refuse to spell anything in english without autocorrect because y'all have way too many double letters and random vowel placement
thank you! sadly, i won't have a break right now, because we just had christmas vacations, but the start of the new semester is always pretty chill. and you're absolutely right, i should take up necromancy! the snow and the cold will add to my mysterious vibes. i just need to get a big black cape with a hood to complete the aesthetic
i definitely picture everything above 5'6 feet as the same height. 5'7 and 6'2? the exact same thing. no difference here
how is morepork a real bird name. it's just... more pork? but the bird is magnificent. i completely approve of your first order as bird queen, not that you need approval from mere peasants like me, but it's a great order. ohhh salps look really cool, and it does look a lot like it! when you said boob implant i thought of mermaids and them using salps as boob implants but then i realised wait wouldn't jellyfish be better for that? because of their shape? ignoring their little leggies they're quite boob shaped, no? and then i realised that i was thinking about mermaids and alive boob implants... if i had to think it, you have to read it. i'm sorry
i was sold before but now i'm even more sure that i want to hire you. and I'll make sure to have lactose free cheese for the backflips (unless you want the lactose version? i'm not judging). will the biting of ankles cost extra?
that sounds like a brilliant set-up for a horror movie where they kill off all the children one by one. it's absolutely horrifying. if something like that would've happened to me i would've most likely just passed out. whatever happens afterwards is not my problem. and now i really don't want to know what the hell your leg was caught on because that seems like knowledge that would get me killed
ah so you're a fellow dirt eater? according to my mom my favourite thing to do outside when i was a little kid used to be eating sand. just shovelling handfuls of it into my mouth and crying when my mom made me spit it out. which i refuse to believe. if there are no photos it didn't happen
you warm climate people are starting to make me think that i'm better adjusted to the cold than i thought i am! it's either that or our buildings are better heated. i definitely don't know if anyone else calls hot water bottled hotties but i like it so from now on i'm using it
that's so cute! i was clearly a way more selfish child because when i found any amount of money i just kept it and bought candy as soon as i could. i clearly couldn't save money then and i can't now. we have stores like that (or i'm assuming that they're like that solely based on how they sell lollies) and they used to be my favourite thing because you could get so many lollies for such a small price!! and my mom even used to let me order for myself sometimes so i always felt like a very big girl jsjshsbsjk
also the fact that i can't send pictures on anon is a crime (yes i know why and it's good that that's not possible because can you imagine anons being able to send pictures? oh no is all i have to say about it) but anyways. because i have this one super cursed photo that reminded me of you and now i can't share it :((
duuuuude, sick void bro. sounds like a vibing void. I feel like I haven’t seen a spider in awhile. Other than daddy long legs. But they’re chill. They mind their own business. 
I nearly always follow recipes exactly. My mum is like oh cook this for about 7 minutes? Yeah sure. I’ll take a wild guess. I’m like they say exactly 7 minutes so I’ll set a timer for 7 minutes and start a stopwatch so if it does seem to need more than 7 I can keep an eye on the extra time and be aware of exactly how long it takes me for next time. Other people are like oh let's see I have [lists 5-10 things in their fridge], hmm...oh I know what I could make with that! I’m like I have beans in my freezer because one recipe required them and no other recipes I know how to make do so what am I supposed to do with these now,,, this is stressful,,, basically I barely know how to cook and recipes are the only things saving me in that area. That is entirely fair. Except for the fuck duck, and murder is not the word you want surely, situations, it’s pretty helpful.
Ohhh I see. At least the start is chill! For a little! Before your entire situation spirals out of hand and you’re behind in every class and it’s taken you a whole day to read 10 pages and you’re exhausted and it’s only week 2. Just me? ok. fair. anyway. I want a cloak so bad. One of my uni friends tempted me to class because she said she was wearing a cloak so my depressed ass honest to god dragged myself out of bed and to said class just to see it. It was worth it. They’re incredible. Everyone should own a big cloak for the aesthetic.
I’m glad it isn’t just me hahaha. I can visualise my own height in feet but everything else is just the same size that is a vague amount taller than me, mentally.
It’s also known as the ruru. But the name morepork amuses me. It’s named after the call it makes haha. It does sound like it’s asking for more pork if you know to listen for that. thank u for ur approval, it means a lot, turns out becoming bird queen didn’t ACTUALLY get rid of my anxiety disorder weirdly enough so validation is great! lmaooo. What if the jellyfish stung them tho? At least salps wouldn’t do you dirty like that. The mermaids would just look like there are hundreds of bugs crawling around in their boobs, flesh shifting as they float around. Which is a vibe. If you’re into that. Jellyfish WOULD make a more solid, single, implant, some of them are definitely boob shaped. But that’s kinda boring no one’s gonna be traumatised by that. Salps on the other hand...yeah, that sight will DEFINITELY traumatise someone.
To be PERFECTLY honest I haven’t done a backflip in years but for lactose-free cheese? Dude. I’ll be going back to training. Gonna be the best backflip you’ve ever seen. As long as it’s not Tasty cheese I am content, but lactose free IS better. The biting of ankles will not cost extra, it is a pleasure to be allowed to do that.
Oh it absolutely would be. It’d be very funny if it reached the wider world bc people would probably be like ok but who would send kids into the bush like that,, it’s an odd concept. meanwhile everyone who grew up in nz is gonna be like y’all, you’re not gonna fuckin BELIEVE what i experienced growing up, it’s real dude. On one hand, I feel like murdering kids in a movie is questionable, on the other hand, It exists, so maybe people would be down for it. I feel like it’d be a good concept even if it wasn’t murdery tho. Like psychological horror? I’m not sure if I’m using that category correctly I don’t watch much horror. A kid following the rope but then being shifted into a different horror dimension but they never take the blindfold off because their teachers said not to and they’d probably have to let go of the rope to do it...I feel like this could work super well as a short film. The viewers see everything. The child just knows something is off and no one is coming when they call for help. I am so down for this. I also do not want to know what my leg was caught on. Some things I am better off not knowing.
yes! I am a fellow dirt eater! We had a sandpit at home (that’s a little bold. It was a large plastic shell that my parents filled with sand. technically a sandpit. but not fancy sdflsdkfsdf) but I don’t think I ever tried to eat it. Then again, I possibly did and just don’t remember because there’s no photo evidence of that one. I’d have to ask my parents sdfhsjdfs, I would however fully believe them if they said yes. it’s very characteristic of me. I don’t doubt it for a second. muuuum that’s my emotional support sand don’t make me spit it out smh the disrespect these days.
Oh I’m absolutely terrible even by most people’s standards around here when it comes to cold and hot temperatures. I remember sitting in the sun in my school shirt and school jersey in summer on a blazing day like it’s a bit chilly, isn’t it? Meanwhile my friends were in the shade absolutely dying from the heat. Likewise in winter I’d be shivering, teeth chattering, dying with my long sleeve thermal, my school shirt, my school jersey, my school jacket, my longs, warm socks and sneakers and gloves and school scarf while ppl would be walking around in a shirt and shorts like it’s a bit warm this winter huh? my body didn’t learn how to thermoregulate and it shows. But yeah NZ does also have a reputation for shittily insulated buildings and such. It shows. skhdfsfs if it’s not common use maybe don’t say can i have a hotty to someone without context but otherwise go ahead lmao. it’s a fun shortened version.
I was typically a very good saver, to the point where my extended family started gifting me gift cards and vouchers for Christmas and my birthday because if they just gave me money I’d put it in my bank account to save towards uni once I hit like, 12 years old. Which I think was a smart move. But apparently, I’m supposed to buy myself ‘something nice’ with it. I think I’m still an okay saver but I’m not as strict anymore. I’m aware of how much I can spare and I’m not just like you can never get anything for yourself ever, so I do get lil things for myself sometimes. oooo yay! At least you know what I mean. But yes. They were the gold mine for lollies. Absolutely terrific stores. My mum would be like hey lindsey how about you order? And I’d be like mother, I am 7 years old and I have an undiagnosed anxiety disorder everyone assumes is child shyness why would you think I would want to do that. Instead I will whisper my choices to you. After therapy tho I felt pretty rad for picking my own lollies by myself. I was like 13 at that point but sdfkjhsdf listen I got there in the end.
sdfkjsdfkjhsdf I like that a cursed photo reminded you of me. That’s all I need to hear. Tumblr said no anon dick pics but they also said no anon cursed photos either,,, very sad. for the latter part. the first part thank god. If I could turn on photos on anon I absolutely would just to see this but I don’t think I can :(
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