#yes. look on the bright side
superbattrash · 9 months
Gods and mutuals (same thing mwah), please send me strength to not only survive through the Christmas days but also not to kill any of my own family members
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tinyclowndancer · 6 months
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Once it's over there is kind of a melancholy that sets in, you know what I mean? This last year, 2023, was just fantastic. There was just so much work and so many different places that we went, and then finally we ended it off with The Game Awards performance. There was a launch party in Finland and then I came back and I was like... where is everybody??
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
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Sharing some goofy, happy reos cause we all could use a smiling reo in these trying times
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sialater18 · 2 months
You’re cheering…they managed to further ruin a character they already made inconsistent in the first season but you’re cheering because you got a stupidly written scene that fuels your ship?
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shootingstarpilot · 2 months
fuck me with a rusty rake, i guess
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mumblesplash · 3 months
offering other people art help feels like a saw trap sometimes ngl. love helping out, Really love having opinions, hate having to figure out which opinions are actually important
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vroomvroomvroommf · 3 months
if I’m doing my math right Max only has 1 more podium finish than Lando so far this year….
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allay-uxini · 6 months
Pearl and Martyn’s Iron Song: Bright Side Of The Life Series Piece
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My piece for the @brightsideoflifeseries event, based of episode 1 of double life where pearl and Martyn sing a song about iron (artist ramblings under the cut)
so…… I might be a tad late. It may not look it but this piece was REALLY difficult for me to make with the perspectives of the bodies and surprisingly the facial expressions (how do you not make them not look disgusting). I actually had surprisingly a lot of fun with doing the background and shading (though that doesn’t mean it’s gonna be good, I’m letting myself take small victories).
Even though this was really hard for me I’m still glad I decided to participate in this event. Also I want to give a HUGE shoutout to Kait (@uy8hg-art) for being so INCREDIBLY lovely to me by willingly going along with my weekly check-ins, giving me really good feedback and just being so wonderfully patient with me! So please follow them they are great (I’m mean you should everyone who participated in this event cause they are amazing but I feel that the organiser should get a special shout out)!
Speaking of people you should follow: here’s everyone who participated in the event and all there piece’s (FOLLOW THEM, FOLLOW THEM NOW, I pale in comparison to them they are AMAZING):
Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got several art studies I need to do cause this project made me realise I was way too in over my head.
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slytherinshua · 2 months
guys instead of crying over enlistment (well feel free to cry cause it’s valid but) imagine all the military performances we could get instead. and if ur a multistan look at what other idols are in the military rn too ☝️ a lot of these idols collab in stages during their enlistment and that’s how we ended up w the viral military hype boy performance or performances like nflying x victon x woodz. also military musicals!!! those are a thing too and if some svt members decide to do that it’ll be super fun to watch (dk plsplspls get the opportunity)
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missmako-chan · 10 months
Yea I can sun-and-moon code these characters if I try hard enough
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telomirage · 4 months
I was already not a fan of this carnival but now I'm even more concerned!
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victorluvsalice · 4 months
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-->And so the group returned home, where the weather was actually halfway decent. I had Smiler and Victor resume their interrupted flirting, with Smiler getting frisky and going in for the kiss before getting a drink from Victor’s wrist (as they were QUITE thirsty at this point). Alice went and collected some of the wild chrysanthemums growing by the path to the barn while I pulled her photos and her and Victor’s paintings out of their inventories – the paintings went up into the attic rec room, to be framed and put on the wall next to the couch and the microphone, while I ended up selling most of the pictures, keeping just one small one to put in the digital picture frame. Seriously, that thing is useful when it comes to small picture storage... Anyway, I sent her upstairs to look at her own painting while Smiler finished their dinner and Victor went to have his (some more pumpkin spice waffles, as I’d shoved all the food back in the fridge once they got home) –
And then I looked at the back porch, and saw NPC Ericka Wada heading to the grill to do some herbalism. O.o Uh – when did you get here and why are you using the grill? I quickly had Victor send her home, then had him clean up the herbalism pot with his own dishes once he was done with his dinner. The fuck, game – at least require me to invite people in before they start using my grill and nearly burn my house down again!
-->Anyway – Smiler ended up heading to the attic to have a chat with Alice, and I figured while they were up there, that they could practice their comedy and tell a few jokes on the microphone. I had Victor transportalate up there to join them, and he and Alice watched and enjoyed Smiler’s performance (they both got the moodlet “Briefly Amused,” so it wasn’t a real WINNER, but they did laugh, so...). I ended the impromptu comedy hour around 10 PM, after which Smiler went back to their robotics station in the barn to make a computer chip; Alice went to the kitchen to have some more focaccia for dinner; amd Victor went to the second floor blue-and-white bathroom to mop a slime creature before using the toilet. I happened to notice at this point Victor was VERY close to getting a Talent Point from his magic usage, so I had him transportalate down to the greenhouse and cast Floralorial on that troublesome dahlia plant. Which – did actually seem to finally clear the glitch-weeds, when not even shift-clicking would. O.o Fingers crossed people! It also got him the Talent Point, which I promptly spent on “Hexproof” to protect him from all curses. :) I then pulled all of Alice’s super-vitality fertilizers out of her inventory (she didn't notice, she was busy playing laser pointer with Kelly in the back entrance mudroom) and put them into Victor’s so he could sprinkle them on all the oversized crops (though admittedly it looks like they’re all gonna be normal-sized crops this time), before noticing another specter outside the greenhouse and sending him over to give them a Potion of Good Fortune. They appreciated it and left Victor a forbidden candy jar, but as we already have three (one in the kitchen, one on the back porch, and Alice has the third in her inventory), I had Victor just straight-up sell that to an oddity collector. There's only so many oddities these three can collect after all!
-->And then – okay, I didn't get any pictures of this, but you'll see why I didn't in a second. After selling the candy jar, Shadow ran up to Victor whining about a ball – I figured “okay, let’s play fetch with the dog, I already have Alice playing laser pointer with the cats” (she'd moved onto entertaining I think Shock on the front porch by this point) and had Victor grab the ball in his inventory –
Only for Shadow to run away as another NPC showed upon the front porch for no good reason. *sigh* I had Alice send the person on the porch (Maya, I think her name was) away once she was done with the laser pointer, and waited for Shadow to finish her business so I could try to get the game of fetch back on. She headed upstairs and into Smiler’s room and approached their desk –
And then did that horrific glitch thing where pets try to stand up like Sims but their legs get all thin and distorted and their heads end up going backwards. O.o It only lasted for a moment, but as you might imagine, it triggered another MCCC error. (I think the dog was trying to play with one of the chatterbots on Smiler’s desk – maybe the NPC wanted to do that and the game got confused?) And kind of killed my desire for fetch. XD Fortunately, at that point I realized that it was actually after midnight in the game and decided it was a good time to wrap things up with the trio, saving and closing.
And that was the gang's Summer Tuesday! Nice, productive day for them – I’m glad to see that their snack business is doing pretty well. :D And I have to admit, it’s a little more fun to take the food stand around all the different worlds than just do the same thing over and over at the grocery store. But I still want to sell everything in their store before I do anything different with it. :p Next time we hit this save, though, the trio will be heading to Chestnut Ridge for SimCity Founding! We'll see you then!
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widevibratobitch · 2 years
thinking about Athos standing under that scaffold and getting drenched in the king's blood Carrie-style... truly one of the most scenes ever. Dumas served absolute cunt in 20 Years After.
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lamarie-artsy · 1 year
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I call this the Unfridged AU because of the trope, and because saying "Alpheus' parents and Hammerhead's Wife are still alive" takes too long.
But yeah, that's the premise.
I love Alpheus' concept art and I've already made his dad and honorary grandad goth so of course that comes through in this version, while the little sister who only exists in this AU is sort of borrowing from what I wore at her age and what my cousin wears now, being that age herself and the daughter of two former goths.
The crash I mentioned is my version of Alpheus' parents deaths, orchestrated by Proteus by the way of him just T-boning their car in a deathproof-style Jeep or something. Here, however, Keda didn't get knocked out, and that lead to her and Chander's survival and then Kai's conception a few weeks later. She did, however, end up with her right leg broken in three places and her hip needing reconstruction, while Chander survived with a concussion that lead to contact aphasia and then selective mutism resulting from anxiety about talking.
Kai was a c-section baby because of the reconstructed hip.
Alpheus wanted the basement bedroom because he was sixteen and wanted to put as much distance between himself and his parents as possible, as one does when one's parents refuse to let you leave the house, ever, in case you get kidnapped. Tallulah got it because Alpheus already had a perfectly good bedroom on the floor below his parents and sister, and Tom wanted to keep a guest room open for other visiting family so he was finishing the basement as a bedroom whether she chose it or not. Of course, Alpheus ends up sleeping there more often than she does because of their deal, and really only uses his room to keep his clothes in. He gets the bed when she's at school, and usually sleeps on her couch when she's there anyway.
I haven't gotten around to drawing the Unfridged AU of Hammerhead's family, but there are some differences there too.
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anthonycfell · 9 months
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Not smut but the fic it's based on is soo..
i mean, It's only dancing, what's the worst that can happen?
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
{Syo} ~ [Rai Rai All * R i g h t]
#koushirouizumi utapuri#koushirouizumi syo#koushirouizumi utapuri ref#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi no rb#a: syo kurusu#s: rai rai all right#maji love starish tours spoilers#(In Other News)#(Guess What Ive Been Rewatching Since Yesterday)#(Warning it DOES Get Flashy at minimal points Id recommend turning brightness down if youre prone to episodes!!)#(At least its much easier for me to watch this way than in fullscreen H.D.)#('UUUU' has similar Issues and HIGHLY recommend brightness turned down on that one in comparison to this one b U T)#: im me#(h E L P)#(THEY WERE WATCHING HIM PERFORM FROM THE SIDE AND WAVING AND SYO POINTS IN THE DIRECTION OF)#(WHAT LOOKS LIKE {NATSUKI}S SIDE)#(Ive rewatched UUUU few more times too I Admit bUT THIS WAS VERY FUN ACTUALLY IM SO PROUD OF SYO HHHHEHEHE)#(SYO... YOURE ACTUALLY PERFORMING... ON A STAGE... IN ANI-VERSE... WITH THE HEIGHTS ISSUE BC)#(THEY STILL CANT GET YOU A PROPER ARC BUT KEEP IMPLYING HEART ISSUETM IN SMALL BITS + ANGLES ANYWAY.....)#(LIKE AT THE END Syos . panting. really heavily and they EMPHASIZE It and like yes Effort but also)#(hE HAS A HEART CONDITION IN OG LORE AND THIS IS WHAT THEY GET HIM DO IN THIS CANON BUT IT *WORKS* HHHHH)#(HOW IS THIS SILLY SERIES LIKE THIS)#(WHY CANT WE GET A FULL SEASON WITH THIS KIND OF EFFORT LIKE YES THESE ARE FUN!!! BUT FULL SEASONS TOO!!!!)#(THIS WOULD BE LIKE PERFECT LEAD INS TO A SYO SEASON AND THEY KEEP REFUSING TO TAKE IT L I K E)#(WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED!!!! JUST DO IT ALREADY SMOOTH OUT THE LOOSE ENDS FROM LEAVING OUT ALL OF)#(SYOS REPEAT ROUTE STUFF)#(OK Anyway im LAUGHING at it too but its fUN thE PART WHERE HE CATCHES THE THING + TWIRLS IT ETC G O O D)#flashing lights
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