#yes,i draw my stars like galileo
ongnable · 7 years
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hyung line x zodiac signs // phone wallpapers i promise you all the stars of the night sky
jisung x pisces | sungwoon x aries  minhyun x leo | seongwu x virgo jaehwan x gemini | daniel x sagittarius
like or reblog if used. please do not edit or repost.
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borhap-au · 3 years
Stargazing with Ben. 
“So what’s that one?” Ben pointed at the sky, showing you a random set of stars. It was well into the night, you were lying on a blanket, on a hill. You wanted to show him everything uncle Brian taught you about cosmos when you were a little girl.
“You’re looking at it all wrong,” you chuckled quietly, shaking your head. “Those are two different constellations. They’re called Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Look, there is its head, and the rest is its body.” You got closer to him and pointed with your finger exactly where the stars were. He nodded his head, understanding more or less where they were located.
“What’s an Ursa?” he asked, looking at you. He smiled, but it was one of those smiles reserved only for people whose view makes one’s heart skip a beat. His eyes were full of love and devotion.
“It’s a Latin word for a bear. They’re basically two bears, a small one and a bigger one,” you explained and Ben looked at you shocked.
“Bears?” he asked, the way he’d normally say ‘are you joking?’ and looked at the sky once more, trying to figure it out. “They don’t have any legs!” You chuckled at his remark. He was in fact right, but it was still adorable how little he knew about the sky that he could observe every single night.
“You have to use a little imagination, Benny. They’re stars, not one of these connect the dots worksheets,” you got closer to him and rested your head on his chest. He put his arm around you and pet your back. “Plus, some people say those smaller stars can be viewed as the legs of Ursa Major. One way or another, you have to know they were named centuries ago. People used to draw a few lines on the walls of a cave and called it art. Things have changed,” you explained, moving your hand slowly on the side of his body.
“Alright, alright, I get it now,” he nodded his head. “But you have to admit, it takes a lot of faith and imagination to believe they are in fact two bears,” he chuckled and you agreed.
“Maybe it was easier for me to understand and accept it because I was a little girl then. Children have more imagination than adults, or at least they’re more skillful at using it. I just looked and believed.” You looked at his face smiling. He put his hand under his head to get it higher and see you better. Then he smiled as well.
“So Brian taught you, huh? I guess that’s like the best thing ever. Being taught about stars by an astrophysicist who’s also a rock legend,” he chuckled softly, and then he added, “second best, of course. After being taught by you.” He leaned towards you and kissed your forehead. You blushed a little and looked down, being surprised by such a sweet and unexpected compliment.
“Well, thank you, but trust me, he explained it much better. He’s the one that got me hooked on the topic. Did you know my old room had the Solar System stickers on the ceiling? They glowed in the dark. He bought me them,” you smiled under your breath remembering that. You didn’t know uncle Freddie personally and you didn’t remember uncle John. So Brian was the closest to your heart from the band, apart from your dad of course.
“That’s so cool. And now you can share your knowledge with an ignorant like me,” his smile uncovered a little embarrassment he must’ve felt because of it.
“Can you see that one? Those stars form sort of a snake, do you know which ones I mean?” You asked, trying to point him in the right direction.
“Yeah, yeah, I think I know what you mean,” he squinted his eyes, examining the sky.
“That’s called Draco. Do you know what Draco means?” You asked, kind of already expecting the answer.
“Of course I do. I grew up in the 1990s in England, everybody knows Harry Potter,” he smiled proudly. “By the end of the 90s I already knew how to read and it was my favorite book. Draco means a dragon. And these stars kinda look like one… Just slightly malnourished,” he joked and you chuckled with him.
“I just love how judgmental you are towards the people who named these constellations,” you chuckled some more.
“I can totally be judgmental, I know so much about the universe already,” it was obviously a joke, but on second thought, he was right.
“Much more than the people who named them, for sure. For example, what’s in the center of the Solar System?”
“The Sun. And the Earth circles around the Sun, not the other way around. I’m so knowledgeable I cannot deal with myself,” he laughed and then kissed your head.
“And what’s the name of the Polish astronomer who discovered that?” This question was met with silence, so you smiled under your breath and answered it yourself. “Nicolaus Copernicus. His work was titled ‘On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres.’ And you should at least know Galileo!”
“I do, I do! But I cannot sing that high, for the life of me,” his laugh once again filled up the quiet atmosphere.
“Well, can you at least sing that low?” You asked, and he, of course, had to try it. It was quite funny, hearing his attempt, but also quite cute. He tried so hard to impress you. “Very well. Almost like the original.” He smiled proudly when he heard that compliment and hugged you.
“Thank you,” he kissed your head again. Maybe he liked the smell of your shampoo.
“So, what’s our galaxy called? You know, the one Solar System is in,” you asked, not giving up on the plan to teach him about the universe. He hesitated, trying to remember.
“Bloody hell… I didn’t expect a test, I might’ve prepared better,” he smiled apologetically.
“There’s a chocolate bar named like that… It’s a very good one, and it looks completely different in the US and in the rest of the world. You probably know it in the blue version…,” you tried to direct him to the right answer.
“Milky Way! Man, I used to love them as a kid,” he smiled remembering. “I’d love to eat one now. Damn, the list is getting bigger and bigger,” he chuckled, and you looked at him curiously.
“The list? What list?” you asked him, looking him in the eyes, interested.
“Of things I dream of. Something I’d love to do, you know,” he shrugged, smiling. You raised your brow.
“So, what else do you dream of? Anything I could help with?” You asked him, smiling.
“Well… I always wanted to be kissed under the stars,” you smiled widely hearing that. “You know, I’m not very romantic, but that’s just something that seems like fun-“ he wasn’t able to finish, because before he did, you kissed him. He smiled kissing you back. Ben leaned in your direction and put his hand on your cheek. You prolonged the kiss as long as you could because secretly you dreamt of being kissed under the night sky too. Or just of being kissed by Ben. When you stopped kissing, he softly kissed your forehead.
“That was nice,” he said, smiling at you. You smiled back, as he brought you closer to himself. You rested your head on his chest. “We should do that more often,” he added.
“Yes, I also think you need many more lessons,” you smirked, looking at him.
“I meant the kissing,” he explained and winked to you.
“Oh, I know,” you muttered under your breath and looked at the sky again, being grateful for that one shooting star you made a wish to. It certainly came true that night.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from "Only Lovers Left Alive"
"I have something special for you."
"I need a bullet. A very special bullet."
"Anything else weird or interesting you might need?"
"Please feel free to piss in the garden."
"There's only an hour before sunrise."
"Is that the really good stuff?"
"I've told you a thousand times, never call me that name in public."
"I can keep a secret. You should know that."
"You've been wearing that waistcoat for four centuries."
"So, are you saying that we're never gonna let the cat out of the bag? Can't we drop the odd hint here and there? It would cause such thrilling chaos."
"You scared the shit out of me!"
"You know, this whole set-up is a bit unnerving for me."
"I like to come to the source."
"I don't have any spare time."
"Is that you scrabbling about with all your wires and knobs, my old pack rat?"
"Any supply problems?"
"I just feel like all the sand's at the bottom of the hourglass or something."
"I seem to be writing a lot of funeral music."
"Oh, my darling, why don't you just come here and kiss me?"
"You used to love Tangier. You loved the music."
"It's just the travelling that's such a drag."
"You know, for a zombie, you're all right."
"You bought my car and everything."
"There were some rock 'n' roll kids here last night, ringing my doorbell."
"How do they know where you live?"
"No one fucking lives out here."
"I'm gonna spread some rumours, very cautiously, about where you might live and I'll just throw 'em way off track."
"Whatever you need to do, please do it. Just take care of it."
"Was he painfully good-looking?"
"Look, I know I don't have to say this to you, but please be cautious.
"I couldn't bear it if--I couldn't bear it if something happened to you."
"Mephitis mephitis."
"I love what you've done with the place."
"What about all your heroes?"
"I don't have heroes."
"What about your blessed scientists?"
"Pythagoras, slaughtered. Galileo, imprisoned. Copernicus, ridiculed. Poor old Newton pushed into secrecy and alchemy. Tesla, destroyed. His beautiful possibilities completely ignored. And they're still bitching about Darwin. Still. So much for the scientists."
"So this is your wilderness?"
"You're trying to distract me."
"Now, no more talking."
"You love telling me these things and I love to hear them."
"Frankly, he was a pompous arse."
"You're brutal."
"I'm a survivor, baby."
"Oh, what a lovely place!"
"It's so antiquated. I mean, what century is this?"
"Oh! What a hidden treasure, my darling."
"Did you make that?"
"Oh, this might need a recalibration."
"Just goes to show, we don't know shit about fungi. Even though life on this planet couldn't exist without them."
"Are we playing doctors?"
"Well, I suppose it could have been worse."
"Maybe you need to get a little more sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency can have serious consequences."
"Fresh blood, baby."
"How can you have lived for so long and still not get it?"
"This self-obsession, it's a waste of living that could be spent on surviving things, appreciating nature, nurturing kindness and friendship, and dancing."
"You've been pretty lucky in love, though, if I may say so."
"Did you know that there's a diamond up there the size of a planet? It's a white dwarf. It's the compressed heart of a star. And it's not only a radiant diamond, but it also emits the music of a gigantic gong."
"A diamond? That emits the music of a gigantic gong?"
"Well, we are related by blood."
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
"You're still so beautiful."
"You do know it's very bad luck to cross a threshold without being invited."
"Can I get a download?"
"Are you alone?"
"No fucking way, not after last time."
"I'm really, really, really hungry. Do you maybe have something?"
"I just want to see where you keep it."
"We're gonna have so much fun together."
"It's always a bit weird with family."
"Don't worry. Go to sleep now."
"Darling, can't we sleep a little longer?"
"Isn't it time to get up?"
"Oh, this is from French television, 1975."
"Why did you turn it off? I love that! I found it on YouTube."
"It's probably blood poisoning."
"Are you taking care of your nutrition?"
"You have to be very careful. There's a lot of contamination around."
"My God, that is good! I want more."
"This is pure shit."
"You're gonna drain our whole fucking supply, so take it easy."
"I might have been born at night but I wasn't born last night."
"I wanna hear some music."
"You're so fucking boring!"
"That was like some martial-arts type shit, man."
"Are you gonna dance with me, rock star?"
"Don't draw attention to yourself."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just getting excited."
"I'm just really thirsty."
"I think it's time to retire."
"I need you all to myself again."
"What the fuck? That's my stuff!"
"Get the fuck out of my house."
"You know what you guys are? You're condescending snobs!"
"Go fuck each other!"
"So much for that confidentiality agreement."
"How beautifully made it is inside."
"Canis latrans. How lovely."
"That certainly was visual."
"Yes, I'm sorry, I know it's complicated."
"Is there another connection?"
"What about all my instruments?"
"Do you need something?"
"I have something very special for you."
"Not far to go now."
"Ow! What was that for?"
"You've gotta get up. Come on."
"I have what you need."
"This is a very, very bad situation."
"Look what the cat dragged in."
"This is the very last of the good stuff."
"Avoid the hospital here."
"I got some bad stuff."
"Humility gets you nowhere."
"Illiterate zombie philistine!"
"It was all so political."
"Anyway, I was supposed to be dead. And now at last I shall be."
"Give me all your money, baby."
"I'm gonna get you that present."
"And no funny business."
"Have the water wars started yet? Or is it still about the oil?"
"I'm barely still here."
"We're finished, aren't we?"
"So fucking 15th century."
"They are deliciously beautiful, though, aren't they?"
"What choice do we have, really?"
"How romantic of you."
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ivyaugustetc · 3 years
hi there:) just came across your blog and loved your stuff already <3 may i ask for a romantic (and if possible friendship) pairing please?
here's a bit about me: my pronouns are she/her, i have dark green eyes and brown long/medium-lenght wavy/curly 3a type hair. im a enfj-t/infj-t. i love to make ppl laugh, im a bit stubborn sometimes, i always try to be funny and love being creative. my fav hobbies are drawing traditionally and digitally, painting, playing video games, singing, dancing, writing and playing my electric guitar (i usually play it unplugged tho, since im kinda lazy to grab my guitar amplifier lol) . my fav aesthetics are cottage core and light/dark academia, i love looking at the moon and stars and i absolutely adore old spacial studies like galileo stuff and also leonardo davinci stuff, i love vintage stuff like typewriters and old books, and i'm a hopelessful romantic.
thank you so much ! have a great day/night:)
ah yes of course i love all of this!! just a lil psa: i will do a romantic ship and a friendship pairing or two on every post unless you ask for something different! i hope you enjoy this!
also random note: the hopelessful romantic is my favorite thing ever now. do i have permission to use it in my bio HAHAHA
ship: i'm going to ship you with my baby neil + i believe you would be friends with knox and charlie!!
so 3a hair is so freaking gorgeous in my opinion, like i love it so so much, and i really imagine neil playing with your hair and twirling the curls around his fingers and letting them go NDISAOFJE IT WOUL DBE ADORABLE
i truly believe you would meet because you would be helping painting the sets for A Midsummer Nights Dream and he would be like oooo pretty art girl who is she
he'd strike up conversation with you while you were intricately painting vines on the set pieces. like you're paying attention to the conversation of course, but your focus is prioritized on the art and he is simply admiring your dedication
then he would have to leave for blocking or sumn but afterwards he'd IMMEDIATELY COME BACK TO TALK TO YOU
"sorry if i'm bothering you, i just...you're pretty incredible. at art, i mean."
lots of flirting going on throughout the play and stuff
this is so random but i imagine you going to a cool art school that he is SO ENVIOUS OF OMG
but after the play he introduces you to all of the poets and you vibe with charlie and knox immediately
knox is similar to you in the hope(less/ful) romantic way, so i feel like you two would meet up somewhere and spend hours people watching and talking about things you love
and knox would so fall for you if he knew neil's heart wasn't already set on you
you and charlie vibe because you are literal comedians who both love making people laugh and will go to great length to make others laugh. i can see you guys playing try not to laugh and just absolutely failing at it because you have the same sense of humor and it just. fits.
back to neil! he would visit you at school and you'd sneak him into acting classes and stuff
he'd love watching you draw and paint, and oh BOY does he love it when you play guitar
and since it's unplugged it's all quiet and stuff (i do the same thing bestie i never plug it in) he sits very close to listen
and something he just about dies over is how all your sweaters have little streaks of paint of them and occasionally you have paint and marker on your hands UGH he would love that so much
you would mindlessly draw on his hands and he would cherish those drawings like they were golden trophies
he could listen to you talking about galileo and da vinci for hours, and he will
he fits that dark academia and vintage aesthetic you love, adn he fits the artsy aesthetic he loves. it all works out :)
you'd be the super cute art kid/theatre kid couple that everyone loves and secretly wants to be
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killervibe · 5 years
Written in Your Heart
A Killervibe & Frost/Ronnie Princess and the Pauper AU!
Summary: Once upon a time, in a village high on the mountaintop, two identical baby girls were born. One, into royalty and was named Princess Caitlin. The other, to a poor family working under a harsh dressmaker. They named her Frosteline. With lives so different, it wasn’t surprising that the Princess and the Pauper never met. But fate decreed they would.
Chapter One
Long ago, and far away, in a central village high on a mountaintop, something amazing happened. At the very same moment, two identical baby girls were born. One, a baby Princess. The King and Queen were overjoyed, for they had been longing for a child all their lives. Princess Caitlin would have only the finest. The second baby girl was named Frosteline. Her parents loved her every bit as much as the King and Queen loved Princess Caitlin. But they worried, fighting to make ends meet under the employment of a compassionless dressmaker.
 Many years passed and the Princess learned her royal duties, while Frosteline worked long and hard as a seamstress for the spiteful Miss Amunet. Frosteline's parents were long gone, resting in the cemetery under the grass. They had died in the same accident that took the life of King Thomas when Princess Caitlin and Frosteline were only twelve.
 With lives so different, it wasn’t surprising that the Princess and the Pauper never met. But fate decreed they would.
It all started at the Royal Mine, when the miners informed the Queen the gold had run out. The widowed Queen was shocked. The Kingdom would now surely go bankrupt. People would starve, find no work and will perish under these conditions. How was she going to take care of them with no more resources? If only she could call on her trusted advisor Hunter Zolomon, but he was away on a long journey to Star Kingdom. She needed to do something quickly to save the kingdom before they’d turn against the monarchy, or worse, each other.
 But what?
 And then it struck her. Nearby lived a rich young King who was seeking a wife.
 “Damn it,” Frosteline groaned, nursing her bleeding thumb at her hundredth prick of the day. “I just want a day to myself!”
 “I hear you, sister,” Ralph, her only friend chimed in from his own stitching across the room. After hours upon hours of labour in the dreary basement of Miss Amunet’s Dress Emporium, it often felt as though Ralph were the only other person on the planet. “You think the woman would hire more help.”
 “Hire more help?” Frosteline repeated incredulously. “We’re only here because we’re indentured servants, Ralph. Nobody in their right minds would willingly work here.”
 “Yeah, well. Nobody but our dear old dead parents, right?” Ralph stood up, cracking his back from lack of exercise. He walked across the room to inspect Frosteline’s injury. “Let me look at it. You’re bleeding.”
 Frosteline waved him off. “I’ll be fine.” She closed her eyes and hummed her mother’s old nursery rhyme as the cut stitched itself back together.
 Ralph didn’t like how her eyes glowed when she used her power. He made a noise of consternation, returning to his pile of fabric. “You’re lucky that Miss Amunet hasn’t yet accused you of witchcraft.”
 Frosteline froze over the wedding gown she had just crocheted. “Don’t call it that. I told you—I was born like this.”
 “It’s where you got your name, right, yes, I heard the story before. I just worry about your safety, Frost. Don’t think I don’t know you do magic shows in the village at noon.”
 “I make some snow for extra change. So what? The people like it.”
 Footsteps went thundering down the stairs. The two ran back to their workstations.
 “It’s not the people I’m scared of,” Ralph muttered under his breath.
 “I’m hearing whispers. What is this? A gossip club?”
 “I would’ve said a debtor’s prison,” Frosteline replied automatically. Ralph gaped at her from across the room. She too realized her mistake. She tended to talk before she used her brain. It was something she needed to work on.
 “Keep laughing, my lovely!” Amunet surveyed their work. She beamed, at the finished gown on Frosteline’s desk, showing all her teeth. “You’ll be working for me for another thirty-seven years!”
 “But I already paid off more than half!”
 Amunet hummed, undisturbed. “Oh, but haven’t you heard? The kingdom is going into a recession. So I’ve decided to remember....What was it again?" She drummed her fingertips against her face, pretending to ponder, then clapped her hands suddenly. " oh yes! There’s an interest, isn’t there? Your parents should’ve thought of that before they borrowed so much.”
 “They did it to feed her!” Ralph snapped. Amunet glared as he shrunk back in his wooden seat.  
  “Their mistake.”  She took the finished wedding gown and stuffed it in a box without so much of another word.
 Ralph mimed sticking a finger down his throat. Frosteline’s mouth twisted in disgust. She hated her too.
 Cisco turned the page of his leather-bound book. “That concludes your lesson in chemistry. Not that you needed it.”  
 The princess gave a reluctant sigh, looking up at him through her long eyelashes. “Already?”
 “Afraid so, Your Highness. Any questions?”
 All too well he knew Princess Caitlin mastered the subject. Still, the question posed became his favourite part of their scheduled time together, when the role of tutor and student bled into two best friends enjoying each other’s company.
 “Yes,” she said, poking at his tunic. “Do you believe it possible to discover more elements that would expand the periodic table?”
 ”Absolutely!” He nodded enthusiastically. “But not more likely than reaching the heavens, Caitlin.”
 The princess scooted her chair closer, leaning into her best friend’s side. Her cat, Bart, scratched his head against her leg. “You mean...” she lowered her voice before glancing aside, wary of her maidservants’ eavesdropping. “Extrapolating from the theories of Galileo and travelling to space?”
 Cisco grinned at her. “Precisely.” He laughed at her scandalized gasp. “Calm down, I’m jesting—”
  “Cisco! That’s not funny!”   
 Ah, his heart stuttered in his chest. He’d never tire of hearing his name from her lips. She placed her hand over his arm and urged him to share his latest study.
 A knock on the door interrupted their moment, and Caitlin immediately removed her touch, leaning away.
 Harrison Wells, or Harry, as the royal family has grown accustomed to calling him, marched in with a long list and adjusted his spectacles. “We’re late! Late, late, late!”
 “Good morning Harry,” Caitlin greeted, hiding her dismay. Cisco rolled his eyes. It wasn’t that they disliked him. He was always to the point with his messages, and delivered them rather gruffly, but not unkind. Their annoyance had more to do with the fact every time Harry came to interrupt Caitlin’s lesson with Cisco, it meant the tutor had to go.  
 “Yes, yes. Good day, Your Highness,” he nodded at Cisco. “Greetings Ramon. Enough with the pleasantries. It is now time for your royal fitting, Princess. The gown just arrived this morning.”
 Princess Caitlin’s joy soured immediately, but she did not let her emotions show. “Yes, of course.”  
 “—It must last twenty, maximum twenty-two minutes, and then you have to rush, and I mean rush to your horticultural society tea. Then—”
 Caitlin tuned Harry out as Cisco shot her an apologetic smile.
 He packed his books hastily, “I best be on my leave.”
 “Oh no, Cisco. Please stay.”
 He hesitated, fiddling with the strap of his worn satchel, but could not ever deny the Princess anything. He nodded, watching as two maidservants ushered Caitlin behind the dresser to make alterations for her gown. “Maybe a few minutes more.”
 When she stepped out in silks and white tulle, his eyes lingered only on her face.
 She turned around on the step stool where the seamstresses fussed over the ribbons and bows when he called her name.
 “You’ll make a lovely bride.” His fingers twisted deep in the leather of the strap across his chest. Caitlin felt tears well up in her eyes, so many complicated words stuck in her throat. She could only manage to nod as Cisco suddenly left.
 She couldn’t blame him for not wanting to stay, she thought, as she watched him through her window. He was smelling the roses to record in his field journal in her palace gardens. As if he could sense her, he lifted his eyes from the flower he had to his nose up to her wing of the palace. The corners of his mouth tugged into a gentle smile as his hair blew in the breeze. Cisco waved at Caitlin. Her fingertips pressed against the glass as her heart sighed.
 Harry came back with a large box, clearing his throat. Her mother, the Queen, strolled behind. “Look, another engagement gift!”
 The Princess didn’t reply. The Queen bit her lip as she caught her daughter watch the tutor make his way out the royal gates and into the village. “You know it is vital you marry King Ronald. It’s the only way to take care of the kingdom.”
 Caitlin didn’t reply for some time, drawing strength from within and distanced herself from the window. She shot Harry and her mother a shaky grin and exhaled. “I know, and I will. It’s my duty.”
 In the deep dark caves of the Royal Mine, Hunter Zolomon celebrated his homecoming. 
 “It’s great to see you back boss,” Eddie Slick told him, wiping the grime off his forehead. “But you’re...early.” His accomplice, Sterling Brooks, popped out of their cart holding up a small black nugget. 
 Hunter snatched it out of Sterling’s hand. “What idiot put this here!?” 
 Sterling grinned as Eddie smacked his forehead from second-hand embarrassment. “Uh. Me?” 
 “We’re stealing gold. This is coal.” He knocked the worthless rock against Sterling’s skull as if in an attempt to knock some wit into it. He turned to Eddie. “Where’s the rest?” 
 Eddie pointed to a bag in the dirt. “That’s the last of ‘em.” He watched eagerly as his boss inspected the bag of gold. “So, what’s our cut?” 
 Hunter laughed. “You think you’re getting any of this?” 
 Eddie frowned. “While you were off frolicking in Star Kingdom, we were here doing all your dirty work. You told us we’d get paid.” 
 Hunter glared. It was not frolicking. For over ten years Hunter had to play lapdog to the King and Queen as the royal advisor. Forced to do this, demanded to do that. It was hard, tedious work that never went appreciated. Nor should it be. The work given to him was insulting. Hunter Zolomon was not born to serve people or follow orders like cattle. No. Every minute spent under the directives of the Queen made his blood curdle ever since his plan ten years ago went awry and he only managed to kill a third of the Royal Family he needed out of his way to ascend the throne.
 “And you will.” He leaned against the cart and rattled it along the tracks, urging Sterling to climb out and pay attention. “When I become King.” 
 “Right, right,” said Sterling, but he was clearly lost. “And how exactly is that related to us getting all this gold again?” 
  “Because,” Hunter said through gritted teeth, regretting his hasty choice of picking two desperate miners to do work for him. He’d fire Sterling if he could, but he knew too much now and was simply not worth the effort to kill. “Now I have all the wealth in the kingdom and the Queen will have no choice but to wed her only daughter to me. How could she refuse?”  
 “Easily! Princess Caitlin treats you so coldly!” Sterling blurted. “She’d never agree to that.” 
 “Who said the nitwit had any agency to make that decision?” he shot back. “She has to follow her mother’s orders. And who’s her mother’s advisor? Me.” 
 Eddie and Sterling shared a look. 
 Hunter narrowed his eyes. “What?” 
 Eddie looked anywhere but his boss’ steely gaze. “It’s just that….The Queen had decided to marry off Princess Caitlin to the King of Dulcinea.” 
 In a fit of rage, Hunter knocked the cart over with Sterling in it. “She what?!” 
 “Yeah…” Eddie said, wringing his hands. “You were gone a long time. She didn’t know what to do.” 
 “I guess the gig’s up, huh boss?” said Sterling, crawling from the rocks.
 “Hardly.” Hunter yanked the bag of gold from Eddie’s arms. He needed to visit the Queen immediately to fix this. “And if you ruin this for me neither of you will be making it out of this mine alive.” 
 “Cisco!” Caitlin lit up as her favourite person walked into her bedroom. “Perfect timing." She lifted up her latest discovery from her walk behind the palace kitchens. "I classified this as iron pyrite. Pretty, but not considered valuable. Commonly known as ‘fool’s gold, as you taught me last Spring, isn’t that correct?”
 Cisco smiled. “Very good, Your Highness.”
 Caitlin frowned, brushing her hair back behind her ear. “Your Highness?  Why the sudden formality.” He only ever called her that in the presence of other palace workers. She looked around to see if they had company, but they were all alone. “It’s just me.”
 “Your mother sent me. Apparently, the Ambassador has arrived with a gift for you.”
 Caitlin felt lightheaded. The iron pyrite fell to the floor. “The Ambassador? He’s here already?”
 Cisco nodded and went to grab her tiara from the pillow next to her bed. He placed it carefully upon her head, smoothing down the stray curls around it. “There,” he said. “No fool’s gold here.”
 “No,” the Princess agreed faintly, distracted by the warmth of her tutor’s brown eyes. He looped her hand around his arm and escorted her to the throne room.
 The Ambassador was a lot younger than the Queen, Harry or The Advisor thought. Tall, dark and handsome, with a dashing smile, he bent low at the waist upon the royals’ arrival and introduced himself with his gift. His travelling companion was an old fellow with crow’s feet and stood several steps away.
 “On behalf of King Ronald, I present to you this engagement gift.”
 The Queen took it graciously, promising the Princess would love it. She glanced at the grandfather clock mounted by the wall. Surely the tutor would’ve brought the Princess in already. 
 "Harry," she said. "Didn't I send the tutor to go tell the Princess about the Ambassador?"
 "You did, Your Highness," Harry confirmed. He adjusted his spectacles and looked down at his parchments. "I don't see them taking much more time, but the schedule of the Princess is already packed enough, we better not delay." 
 "No," said the Advisor, agreeing with the Messenger even though he couldn't stand him either. "We better not." 
 The travelling companion cleared his throat. “May I enquire, your Excellency, if you’ve set a date for the wedding?”
 The Queen paused to mull it over. “Will two weeks from today do?”
 Hunter nearly fell out of his chair but recovered quickly. “Two weeks! Fast and diligent, what a wonderful decision, Your Majesty.”
 “Excellent!” said the companion, sharing a glance with the Ambassador. He nudged his shoulder when the Ambassador didn't say anything. “Excellent, isn't it, Ambassador Stein?”
 The Ambassador’s eyes widened as if he had just remembered his position. “I will…uh. I’ll send for King Ronald right away so that he may meet his new bride.” His gaze drifted to the portrait of Caitlin mounted next to the windowpane.
 "I apologize for my daughter's absence," The Queen said. "If you stay for tea, I'm sure she'll be here shortly."
 The Queen gestured at Harry to escort them to the tea rooms. "Come, Hunter. There's much we have to discuss." 
 Like clockwork, Frosteline slipped out the front door at noon. It was when Miss Amunet took her lunch break in the tea shop across the village, which meant she had a whole hour to herself to sneak out. Ralph followed closely behind. 
 “What Ralph?” 
 “You forgot your cape,” he said, waving the old blue thing in the doorway. It was the nicest piece of clothing she owned. Probably because she barely ever got to leave the Dress Emporium, so it never had the chance to soil. 
 “Thank you, mother,” she grumbled under her breath but accepted it as Ralph put it over her shoulders. She snapped her fingers at Iridescence to get her to come, the cat Ralph had found in the street a few months ago. They’ve been hiding her from Miss Amunet for a while. 
 “Be safe out there,” he called out. “And don’t do that scary voice thing in front of any children!” 
 Frosteline rolled her eyes. 
“Cisco.” Caitlin's hand tightened on his elbow. “I can’t go in.” Her eyes darted down the long corridor and her heart pounded up in her ears. “I’m not ready,” she panicked. “I can’t go in.”
 Cisco was about to reassure the princess that it’ll be alright, but one look at her was all he needed to realize how Caitlin was spiralling. 
 “Okay,” he soothed, running his hands up and down the sleeves of her gown. “It’s okay, my sweet. You’re here. I’m with you. You’re— shaking?”
 “This is all too fast! Five days ago I was being told I’d get married and now the Ambassador is here? Cisco, I can’t—”
 ”Then we won’t. We won’t go.” Her breath hitched, and he could tell her tight corset could not possibly be helping. Three halls down was the old library with a balcony window. It used to belong to the King. They’d sometimes study there when they needed a peaceful moment alone. Perhaps, she needed some fresh air. 
 Cisco brought her to the balcony, sitting against the ledge as the Princess paced, pressing her palms over her eyes. 
 “I do everything!” she wailed. “Everything for my mother and the memory of my father. Everything for Hunter and Harry but this…” she let out a weak huff, sliding her hands into her hair and digging her fingers into the combs of her tiara. 
  “I know.”
  Cisco, I’m scared, she almost said. But somehow she felt he already knew. Instead, she sucked in a deep breath and wiped the stray tear from her flushed cheek. She kicked off her shoes, padding barefoot until she sank to the floor in her pink dress, looking out the balcony. She turned to Cisco, who had been watching her with careful concern. 
 “What do you think King Ronald will be like?” 
 It took a while for him to say anything. “I’m sure he’ll be…suitable.”
 “I know I have to marry him, but sometimes I wish…Well.” Caitlin clasped her hands together behind her back and sighed.
 She thought about her panic in the palace hall. My sweet, he’d called her. Did Cisco really mean that? Caitlin’s heart picked up speed. It wasn’t the first time he’d slipped and given her an affectionate name either. She’d always chalked it up to his joyous personality, or that maybe he considered her as a sister, but what with the way he’d been talking to her lately, she wondered if there was something...more. 
 Cisco’s brown riding boots swung leisurely as he waited for her to say something. When she didn’t, he continued to awkwardly carry on the conversation. “I heard he’s a lover of flatbread and cheese!”
 Caitlin wrinkled her nose. “What’s that?”
 “A type of food, I’m sure.” Cisco looked out, following Caitlin’s wistful gaze out at the kids playing in the garden. 
 Reality settled back into Caitlin’s bones. The little treasure chest in her heart full of her love for Cisco would have to lock away. There was no use, wondering. Cisco’s pay for her tutoring barely covered his own expenses. The Princess had to look out for the entire kingdom. 
 “I know it’s selfish, but it feels like the beginning of the end of my life,” she admitted in a whisper.
 “Caitlin….” Cisco slid down from his seat on the ledge, kneeling in front of her. 
 He offered her his hand. She took it without hesitation. 
 “You’re going to need your cape.”
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
Kasumi looked slightly disappointed at Stan’s lack of garden. “Lilium is nice, though.”  He was very excited at the idea of having his own tiny garden.  He’d helped out in the garden back home, and had always loved nature.                “Oh, sure thing, I can help you draw the graphs! But I am not good at drawing much else,” he said, shoulders slumping. “I’m afraid my artistic abilities lie in other forms of art.”         
   “I’ve never been to space, unfortunately, It’s a dream of mine to go someday, but it’s very impractical. It’s very cold, there’s no air, which makes flying rather difficult since wings don’t work, and breaking through Earth’s gravitational pull takes thrust power that my wings simply don’t have.” Kasumi said, listing all the reasons why it was very difficult to have been to space before.  He’d looked it up many times, trying to find a way to break free of his earth-bound home to reach the stars that he so longed for.          
  “As for aliens... I’m sure there’s life out there somewhere. Surely in such a large universe, we can’t be the only ones. That’s just too depressing.”  The angel giggled. “Befriending an alien would indeed be cool.”
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  “Yes...lilium was a lovely flower. I wouldn’t have purchased it, if Kiki hadn’t made the selection.” Though he spoke in his usual monotone voice, there was a subtle fondness towards the wiccan hidden beneath his words.
       Continuing to type away, responding to various emails from the Vampire Council and other such affairs; Stanislav was virtually expressionless aside from an aura of focus that radiated from him. Without his paperwork nearby, the vampire king knew he’d finish quite soon, though he felt much better after tending to business that required his attention.
            It wasn’t until Kiki mentioned his home being a garden wherein he shot her a look that said; Don’t you dare. And what was that about inviting Kasumi over to his residence? “You don’t even know my address.” The vampire scoffed, before rolling his eyes and attuning back to his screen. “And no, I do not intend to invite anyone anytime soon. No one has ever been allowed in...” He side-eyed to Kiki, knowing full-well that their relationship was entering much more serious, yet romantic, territory. Eventually she would be allowed into his sanctuary, one of the only places he could truly be unbothered.
          Despite Kasumi’s obliviousness, if there was one thing the vampire king could commend, it was the angel’s penchant for space. His knowledge was vast, and though elementary in which he spoke, articulate. It impressed Stanislav, but he would never say such a thing aloud. Not yet, at least.
             He couldn’t quite understand why Kiki and Kasumi were so invested when it came to discussing extra-terrestrial life, though the existence of supernaturals could be speculated, at least they were tangible. Then again, Stanislav recalled that he had lived during Galileo’s lifetime; and the outcries of new information regarding space. Discard the thought; he had no reason to question the existence of “aliens”.
               Once finished responding to yet another email, Stanislav put his phone away, as without paperwork, he had completed necessary tasks for the evening. 
          “...you two have the most interesting of conversations.”
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The glimmer of mischief in her eyes as Stan gave her such a stern look, she got a thrill out of pushing Stans patience. “I don’t know it yet....but when I do I’m redecorating!” She kept the playful tone in her voice but her gaze softened. She knew that Stan was a very closed off person, the fact that he’d already told her that he was trans was big. The wiccan knew to let Stan open up about things at his own pace and she was fine waiting.
A small frown formed on her lips as Kasumi listed off reasons why angels couldn’t go to space. “What a shame...I thought if any creature that angels would be able to make it....” is that why Kasumi took such interest in space? Since it was one place he was unable to reach? Or because of how vast and unknown it all was. “I wonder how others live their lives on other planets....are their technology more advanced? What do they look like?....hopefully one day we find out, though I doubt I’ll be alive when it is.”
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thatbangtanbloom · 5 years
lost stars || jjk
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Jeon Jungkook | lost stars 
mostly angst, dash of fluff towards the end | jungkook x you
idol!jungkook, videographer!reader
Word Count: 2,728 (I got a bit carried away with this)
 - “He wants the galaxy with her, but he is no bigger than a small star in the universe to her.” 
 She doesn't know how or why - maybe it is because the leaves crunch against the ground and gravity in the autumn or because the way he skips the sad parts in books, but she knows that the end is near and that Jeon Jungkook was not someone that her future forecasted.
She knows that when he learns the news that she has to move on, he won't understand, but it was easy to say that he rarely ever understood her. Maybe that was why she found it so hard to leave. The sun couldn't know what it meant to be the moon.
She could almost laugh, knowing that all of their actions together would be the last and he doesn't know. Silly Jungkook, barely knowing his right from left. How many lasts did she count that he did not even realize?
Their last time holding hands as he spoke animatedly about his new editing software he discovered; how he learned several new English words from his older brother, Namjoon, how for one last time he would be able to send her a cheeky bunny smile before the storm began. She knows that each second is one closer to despair and he is none the wiser. Perhaps ignorance was bliss.
She knows that this will be the last time he laughs at her as she tries to learn a new Korean word; the last time his eyes will crinkle into half-moon crescents that only Galileo could have known and she has to swallow the way her heartstrings pull. That wasn't how it was supposed to be. That wasn't what he was supposed to be.
She remembers the first time she saw him - in a mere stroke of fate from behind a screen to seeing him by mere luck a year later. She doesn't know why she is so lucky and why she is able to love a boy adored by so many but she does so happily. She is happy. She likes the way he laughs at her terrible jokes; how confused he becomes when she mentions something other than banana milk, Overwatch, or some athletic tournament.  
And then she knows - she knows that something as imperfect as him and her is like a butterfly with its wings touched - a flower plucked too soon. Can't he realize how terribly imperfect they are?
“What are you thinking about?” He asks with a goofy smile as the two of them stand beside each other at the edge of the boat - only them two alone while the whole world slept - just to talk. Jungkook can not dare ignore the way his heart beats in triple time by just being near her and he knows that she is the one he wants forever with. Who else would give him the love and support he needed?
She sends him a lazy smile as she leans against the railing and shakes her head. He always asked her such simple questions - how are you? Did you eat breakfast? Were the hyungs too rough on you? You know I can take care of them if you ever ask. Questions that made her wonder if the phrase 'just friends’ applied to them.
Spoiler: It didn't.
It's something he will never admit, but it irked to him to no end that she never acknowledged him for what he was to her. He knows there is something more to them than her just informing him of his comings and goings - more than just purposely sharing food with her when he doesn't do it with anyone else -  and more to them than just friends.
“I was just thinking about what I will remember when I grow older,” She replies as she taps her fingers against her cheek. She can't bare to look at him knowing that she will take the last look of him soon - to move on, not necessarily happy, but satisfied with herself for being able to leave just because she could.
“Just 'I’?” He whispers as he tucks away the camera he had been recording her with and bites on the inside of his lip. For years it had been just him in her focus, more than anything he wanted to capture every fleeting moment with her. When she talked like this - like she was moving on with no space for him to take beside her - he gripped the camera case closer.
She nods, not looking away from the moon high in the sky. She notes the way that the sun is tucked away, nowhere to be seen and she instantly wonders why Jungkook is there with her. Didn't he know better?
Jungkook bites the inside of his lip before he moves closer to her, letting his arm brush against her own as they stand side by side one another. “Do you have to be so indifferent towards me?” His intonation changes with each word and he is flustered to no end. Could she not feel the love that radiates from him?
“I'm not being indifferent… I'm being smart.” She replies as she watches the moon hover over the ocean, as though enticing the waves to pull them closer than what was gravitationally allowed. “Jungkook.. whatever this is… it isn't what is best for us. I don't want to lose myself while waiting for you to come back to me.”
Jungkook turns his head to look at her and bites down on his lip. “Are you breaking up with me?”
“Is there anything to break up?” She retorts, not able to look at him. She knows if she looks at him any longer that she will give in to his gentle gaze and soft words.
Jungkook doesn't hesitate to respond. “Yes. Ye,s there is.” He places his hand on her elbow to turn her to him and bites his lip. “I don't want you to run away from me the second I try to love you.”
Love? She nearly chokes on his words. “Jungkook..”
“I know that I'm lacking what you want.. I know I'm not brooding or strong or good with words like the guys you desire… but I love you with all my heart.” Jungkook's heart rattles against his ribcage and he wonders if he ever knew heartbreak than the look in her eyes. He hates how she could tell him to leave with tears in her eyes and his broken heart in her back pocket. “I am in love with you.. my heart bleeds just to be by your side and you pretend as though I do not understand how disappointed you look in me.” He bites down on his lip to try to settle his voice that rises in every octave.
The gentle sounds of the waves crashing against the boat is the only thing that fills the silence between the two of them. He wants her to say something - anything to reassure him that this is some cruel dream that he can wake up from.
“You don't love me.. you love the idea of me.” She  replies as she bites down her lip. “You love the idea of someone loving you.” She whispers before closing her eyes.
“Answer me..” he whispers as he squeezes her arm gently.
She glances at him and shakes her head. “Jungkook, you can't feel that way.” She replies, ignoring his large eyes that bore into her own.
“Why not?” He asks. Jeon Jungkook hated to be told what to do, especially when it came to his emotions.
“For starters, you’re an idol.. Do you have any idea how hard it is to bounce back after a dating scandal?” She tries to reason with him, in efforts to mask her true feelings. She decides to continue, but the second reason is less effective than the first. “You only love me because I fill in the empty space of her.” She replies as she bites down on her lip. “Don't you think I realize I have feelings for someone who only likes the idea of me?” She takes in a deep breath. “You never cared about me. You only like the idea of me-”
“Isn't that the same thing as loving you? Seeing you for who you are?” Jungkook replies, feeling desperate. His lungs constricting as more time passes.
She laughed cynically and shakes her head. “That's just it… Jungkook,” She bites her lip so hard that she draws blood, tears welling up in her eyes the more time she spends with him. She hates it so much. She wants to erase. “I have always seen the way you look at her.. how happy you are just being with her.” She swallows hard, a lump filling her throat and her hands shake. She's doing it. She's pushing him away. She's moving on. “You love her so much that you never had any room for me.. so who are we kidding when I could never be her?”
Jungkook's eyes narrow at her words and his mouth falls ajar at her words. “W-what?” He stutters.
“I hope you find what you're looking in for her.” She replies in a tone barely above a whisper. “Because whatever it is.. it isn't me.” She replies - her voice barely above a whisper.
Jungkook pauses as he looks at her, eyes widening. Where was she going with this? “You're not understanding-”
“Why can't you say my name then?” She replies before raising her brows. “Why can’t you ever acknowledge me for who I am? Because you can’t. You don’t want to, and I’m not going to play second best when the guy I love is fawning over someone else. That’s not me, Jungkook, and I don’t want it to.”
And just like that, Jungkook experiences his heart break for the first time in his life. He sees it in her eyes, how tired she is of pushing away her emotions just to protect herself. He hates that he is selfish when it comes to her - that he wants her and her alone and no one else. He does not want to own her - never, that was not who Jeon Jungkook was - but he wanted her for who she was as a person in all her imperfections. He loved her for who she was, who she could be, and what she would be.
“Why is it that you make up excuses when I try to love you, Y/N? She doesn’t matter. She never did. She isn’t the one who I plan on spending the rest of my life with… she is not the one who cheers me up when I feel like the world is falling apart… She is not the one I can run to and tell my troubles. She is not the person that I trust, because the person that I trust is you, Y/N. ” He asks, glancing out to the waves that crash against the yacht. His elder members in the group now sleeping or staying late into the night to write music just as they always have. How very different their tracks of lives were, them finding their heart between the lines of sheet music and Jungkook about to have his town apart by the girl who has been by his side for the better part of five years. “Are you afraid to let me love you? Is that it?”
She looks down at her hands, how they tremble ever so slightly under the moonlight, how cold they feel against the metal railing. She contemplates what it would mean if she did listen to Jungkook, if she did consider what it meant to make that life changing cross from friendship to lovers. She wonders what it would mean to fall in love and to be loved.
But then she remembers that it will never happen, because Jungkook and her were so different. She was nothing more than a mere videographer, tasked by BigHit to record the seven members. She was meant to be behind the camera, isolated behind the lens when he was meant to be in front of it. She had plan to know her place and stay in it, but of course, it was a given that Jungkook did not care.
He dared to linger beside her as she edited videos. He asks questions, subtly staying in the contents department of BigHit for hours long after the other members have gone just to catch a glimpse of how she pouts when the editing software freezes or laughs when she adds the squeaky sound effect to Jimin when he does the slightest thing.
And Jungkook is desperate, because he is so in love with her that he can not breathe. He wants to hear her talk about her struggles after a long day of work, or how a particular class is giving her problems. He wants to be able to hold her hand when she feels like she is alone. He wants her to be the one he arm wrestles with at one in the morning just so that he can be the big spoon and nuzzle his face into the crevice of her neck. He wants the galaxy with her, but he is no bigger than a small star in the universe to her.
But he wants to be more than just the focus of a camera lens. He wants to be a part of the focus of her life, wanting to embed himself in every crevice of her life. He finds her breathtaking under the Malta moonlight, how the curve of her lips gives the slightest hint of a pout as he stares down at her. He wants to make that jump.
“Are you even listening to me?” She asks as she notices the gleam in his doe eyes. He looks hopeful, charming, every positive adjective in the English language that could illustrate his perfect simplicity.
Jungkook shakes his head. He was honest through and through. He had not been listening to her. He did not want to hear how they could not be together, a mere mess of words along the lines that he had once loved someone else, that he was an idol, and that she worked for BigHit. He wanted to risk it all if it meant being with her.
To put it simply, he was whipped.
“I want you by my side for the rest of my life. I want to wake up in the morning before you and cook you breakfast. I want to wake you up with kisses and slightly burned toast. I want to be able to kiss away all your troubles when the world seems like it is crumbling. I want to be able to run to you when I’m tired. Hell, I want you to stroke my hair and tell me I am doing okay after a long day.” Jungkook’s voice is strained, but he does not care. He feels like he is on trial and this is his last resort. He wonders if it would be too much if he dropped to his knees. He was not too proud to beg. “I want to be able to ask you to be my wife one day. I want us to have a house full of children where they all have your eyes on little me. I want us to garden together, and do scrapbooks or some shit where we look back fondly on who we used to be and smile because we never changed.Y/N… I want forever with you, by any means…. You see me for who I am, just some boy from Busan who likes banana milk and anime too much.. Please accept my love for you… because when I say I love you, I mean it.”
She is silent throughout his entire confession. She considers the fallout this could have - how she could be risking it all for a mere boy with a bunny smile and a banana milk addiction to match… but it is hard to deny how his words and lopsided smile pull at her heartstrings. After all, everyone knows that the sun can not know what it means to be the moon. But what harm is it in trying?
Would you accept his confession? Feel free to send your reactions! Don’t be a silent reader~ :)
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celilasart · 6 years
Describe yourself with 10 pictures or photos that are already on your phone 📱
No need to write an essay. That's just me... 😁
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1) a painting which i started in 1998 and finally sat down and finished in 2001. ~~ i love space ~~ my favourite non-fiction books in my very early teens were about the life and death of planets & stars, biographies of keppler, galileo, einstein, space travel etc. most of those we had at home, for the rest i had my library card. oh and my dad has a telescope, unfortunately my eyes are too bad nowadays to be able to use it 😢 ... my favourite documentary when i grew up was about chaos theory and many interesting prototypes, like a fusion reactor, (and back then it was still only a theory) a particle accelerator etc. and of course about the phenomenon of fractals (gorgeous). i watched it religiously ... over and over!! ... i was 6 😁
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2) a master piece of digital art i made with my bf, on a train somewhere in france 🤣 if i ever manage to write & draw the children book series that's jumping around in my head, it'll feature Doggie ❤
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3) that's Doggie in real life, he belongs to my bf 🐶 (very first thing I ever gave him ❤)
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4) that's one of the questions, I don't really know how to answer 😁 the illustration is still valid, except that I'm working on an LGBT+ webcomic instead of my childrens book idea right now 😊
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5) some of the fandoms i love, all in one neat package. some say this picture was made to drive nerds crazy. i think it's awesome 👽
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6) My #1 fandom is of course HP with Drarry 💕 it was StarWars without any shippity ship when i was growing up (HP didn't exist yet!! i'm old!!) 😄
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7) two more boys and an artist i'm currently obsessed with. meet abel & cain, the main characters of the absolutely gorgeous webcomic Starfighter by @hamletmachine 💕💕💕 seriously, those are my art goals. (careful, the webcomic is NSFW).
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8) our fridge with souvenirs. there's more stuff on the lower part. like tiny stuffed animals with magnets on their feet 🐯🐴 and most of europe because the bf loves those fruity yogurts & cakes for kids, they come with country magnets at the moment 🌍
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9) this sums me up quite nicely. i always travel with a lot of tech. not always with my pc (which you can see in the upper left corner. that's only coming with me during the summer holidays). drawing stuff, pens, notebooks. slytherin scarf 🐍 and ... Horsey 🐎 horsey is older than me, he's been with me since i was born and follows me everywhere. he's my cushion - either horsey or my bf's shoulder 😍 my bf calls Horsey pizza since he's so flat now ... 🍕
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10) Hi 😊 that's me! Nice to meet you 👋 and yes, I love sushi 🍲🍚🍣
Sorry for that novel 😂 You don't need to write anything if you want to take part 😍
I was tagged by @maesterchill 😘 thank you, lovely!
and i'll tag @erin-riwen @lettersbyelise @sassy-cissa @dewitty1 @jet-playin @camael-fanart @gracie137blogs @hamletmachine @jackofallplagues @jostaart @l0vegl0wsinthedark @ohsodraco @parkkate @pukingpastilles @queenofthyme @skarhead @unadulteratedstorycollector @writcraft @xx-thedarklord-xx @yarn-yogi
and anybody else who wants to play. oh if you've already taken part, sorry for tagging you 💕💕💕
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marias-studyblr · 7 years
What should I do when I want to go explore the world and make art and write and meet people and learn new things but instead I'm stuck in a basement in a small town writing a paper on the Roman empire because I'm not old enough to live by myself?
You gotta be patient.
Young people have to be patient.
I understand what you’re saying and I feel it myself, we’ve all felt it. The answer is there are a lot of good reasons young people stay at home, in school. I’m not saying the whole educational system is perfect at all, but the basic thing is there - learning how to think for yourself, learn how to live in a society, with people around you, how to speak, interact with each other, learn the basic sciences, history, literature and political principles. It’s basically an introduction to what we have built our life as a society to be.
Writing a paper in history sucks for the people who were never taught how to appreciate history because of the educational system or because of bad teachers, basically (it’s not your fault!! - by the way watch this video maybe you’ll find the Roman empire more interesting).
The school system in the hard periods gives us those very well known existential crisis. It’s building your character. A lot give up, a lot persevere. There are examples of people who live happily and unhappily on both sides. A lot of people talk about how the educational system has to be completely reformed and how there are so many things wrong with it.
I give thanks that we have one, with a quality much higher compared to the ones that teach millions of children in less developed countries.
That I, has a girl, can now go to the same school and learn the same things as boys. If I was born 70 years ago or in some parts of the world today, I wouldn’t be able to. I recognize this privilege and I want to honour it for the millions of women who were discriminated through history and the ones who still are today.
We are so privileged. So privileged. So that’s my short take on the educational system. Yes, a lot can be improved, but a lot is right and we should appreciate and take care of such an important part of our society, and yes, I find writing essays about Shakespeare important for our development as a society and as a human being.
This is the greatest time to be alive. We’ve improved so much in terms of knowledge in all the areas of mankind that could’ve possibly be improved, and at such a phenomenal speed. We are living longer, the world has become less violent through the decades, the internet is a freaking miracle.
And the educational system is the one and only reason for that. So please don’t underestimate or take for granted staying in school. Please don’t underestimate those essays.
All of the things you said you wanted to do you can do now: you can do art, you can write, you can meet new people, you can explore the world, you can learn new things. Starting right now. Yes… in your basement. What stops you from learning german or french or getting a piece of paper and draw an abstract painting and put up a bunch in your wall, or write a novel, or go for a run in the nearest park, explore the trees, or look at the stars at night…. (And you started a conversation with a complete stranger, me!) You can start doing those things NOW. RIGHT NOW. Do the things you love now. Why wait till you live alone? Makes no sense, right?
When you follow a career you prefer and become an adult (which just means you’re older, have more responsibilities in life and are more mature about society) you can take bigger adventures. It’s like an upgrade.
So, don’t be cocky. Be humble. You’re in the position millions of young people are in. And it’s privileged. You’re learning things in your classes Aristotle, Newton, Curie, Galileo, Darwin and Einstein would KILL to know. You have a roof over your head. Many children are homeless as we speak. Stop to appreciate your life. Just because you’re not old enough to live by yourself doesn’t mean your life automatically sucks. Be patient because you’ll get there eventually. There’s nothing wrong with starting to be happy right now. Don’t wait till you’re an adult to start living your life. Start those drawings. Start that reading. 
I love travelling but I also love studying and feeling useful for society. So I do both. I will love in the future to have my job and travel on the weekends and holidays, go to concerts, do art, be a proper adult, have my own apartment, make my adult plans come true. But for now, I love my young person life. I love university. I love my home. I love my room. Each period of our lives is temporary and I choose to appreciate mine and make the most of it. For now, we have to take care of ourselves through these young years. Learn from our parents while we still have them active with us.
Start planning and saving money for future big trips. I’ve thought of some myself. But please don’t think for a second being older is going to change your life or it’s magical and an aesthetic perfect existence. It’s still the present. Chips still taste like chips. The wind feels the exact same way in your face. Crying too. Everything is the same. The present moment never changes. It always feels like this… right now, while you’re reading this? That’s how it’s going to be forever. So if you keep waiting to have your life figured out to start doing things you love… you’ll wait and wait until you wake up one day and you’re 75.
I urge you. Appreciate your life. Start now. Life is beautiful.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer this for you and I hope the advice reaches you. ♡ ♡ ♡ lots of love!
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Oct 16 Dancitron Movie Night - Star Trek: The Doomsday Machine, Galileo Seven, The Enterprise Incident
Prowl spent the entire night Focused Very Intently on Spock, which prevented him from being able to interact with either the earthling robot baseball player or the attractive doctor that randomly showed up. There IS such a thing as too much of a good thing.
After the shows were over, they tried to figure out how the earthling had stumbled onto Cybertron, and sent him home.
Today ItsyBitsySpyers 7:54 pm *Snacks are out, with extras to cover Laserbeak's bottomless pit of a stomach. Seats are in the usual configuration. Music's ready. Soundwave's comfortable. Guests are coming. Let's do this.* Swoop 7:55 pm *walks for once into Dancitron, sporting a decidedly T-Rex chomp shaped set of new repairs on one of his wings* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:56 pm *ZOOM in comes worried Bird. She hovers close to Swoop's wings and chatters angrily*
{{Who bite? Him Grimlock?}} Guest 7:56 pm *trots in with multiple plates of snacks, including a plate with tiny scorpion-shaped energon bites with mercury centers* Swoop 7:56 pm *looks over his shoulder as if he didn't know what she was clearly looking at* YAH grimlock ItsyBitsySpyers 7:57 pm *Soundwave stretches a feeler out to help the dragon balance the plates. Little Zoris... best not let his deployer see anyone eating those. Heh.* Swoop 7:57 pm Grimlock CATCH Swoop ItsyBitsySpyers 7:58 pm {{With MOUTH?}} Swoop 7:58 pm Ya ItsyBitsySpyers 7:58 pm {{What him hands for then!}} Swoop 7:58 pm *pantomimes tiny t-rex arms* Bevel 7:58 pm *trundles in happily* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:59 pm {{Him got root mode. Bah!}} *She continues fussing all the way to her seat.* Swoop 7:59 pm Him Grimlock like bite better than robot mode Guest 7:59 pm Thank you! *places plates with the other treats, except the scorpions* I made these for Zori, I heard that he needed something special... Swoop 8:00 pm *might maybe a little teeny tiny bit like the fussing >.> * ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm {{Bird gonna biting HIM, pinch good with feelers, yes.}} Snap snap.
[[He is certain Zori will adore these.]] Bevel 8:01 pm *oh yes that reminds Bevel* Is Zori gonna be here tonight? Swoop 8:01 pm *cackles* You bite pinch, Him SURPRISE! Guest 8:01 pm Then I've done my job! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm [[As soon as Buzzsaw finishes polishing him up.]] Bevel 8:02 pm *claps her hands together and grins* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:04 pm ((will probably start in 10)) ((15 at latest)) Swoop 8:06 pm *scoops up two bowls of treats on his way over to join Bird, flopping down with one wing taking up as much space as possible while the other stays a bit closer to his side. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm *Laserbeak's got her feelers in the snack bowl before Swoop even finishes sitting down. Munch munch.* Clarance 8:08 pm //it's clayton but this is my google😀 ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm ((Welcome. Please be advised that this is an IC stream for the most part, so if you wish to participate, you'll need to either stick to OOC comments in (( )) marks or be playing some kind of character. If they're organic, they must be able to breathe Cybertron's toxic atmosphere, be shielded by some type of magic, or a hologram.)) Clarance 8:10 pm //Ebba's an oc of mine that's stuck in her holoform. Swoop 8:10 pm *expects nothing less* Clarance 8:10 pm (())* Swoop 8:10 pm >.> <.< *sets a treat on Laserbeak's wingtip* Magnum Ace 8:10 pm ((don't worry, Magnum's PROBABLY not going to be showing off ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm ((You're good to go then 🙂 Welcome! And hi to you too Magnum Ace mun)) Bevel 8:11 pm ((Bevel is jelly of all these holoforms everywhere ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm *Laserbeak DOES A BARREL ROLL or whatever you wanna call it and deftly catches the treat in her beak before finishing the move.* Swoop 8:11 pm !!!!!! *CLAPS* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm *She cackles and dips low in her version of a bow. Soundwave just shakes his helm.* Clarance 8:12 pm *You hear some befuddled cursing as then a thud.* Magnum Ace 8:12 pm -is it strange, that he's almost gotten used to doorways not leading him to the right place anymore?- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm *Not at all. Doors are tricky business.*
*Soundwave sits up slightly and stretches a feeler toward the thud. What was that?* *...This is a whole song about bananas. Who put this in here. What evil is this.* Swoop 8:13 pm You Bird GOOD at tricks! Clarance 8:13 pm *It's a human-like femme but you can tell it's a holo form. maybe stuck..?* Oh.. sorry Swoop 8:13 pm Goodie tricks! Magnum Ace 8:13 pm -He'd appreciate it if the doors would stop that- ...Hello, again, I guess... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm [[Greetings. He sees you made it home intact.]] Pause. [[Or didn't and repaired yourself before arriving. Still.]] *The feeler claws move to pluck the holoform up and set it upright.*
[[Do be careful.]] Clarance 8:14 pm *Her frame gets up with a grunt, her weapon attached to her back* So, I am. Ebba. Means Strong. Magnum Ace 8:15 pm -shakes his head- Don't worry, I made it home in one piece, thank you. Bevel 8:15 pm *Bevel waves to Magnum Ace* Magnum Ace 8:15 pm -waves back. He recognizes this one, thankfully- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm ((WE START AFTER THIS. Warnings: Doomsday Machine - depictions of post-event trauma; Galileo Seven - death, violence, species-ism is the best word I have for it; Enterprise Incident - a little bit of 60s sensibilities)) Clarance 8:16 pm ((goottachaa Magnum Ace 8:16 pm ((oh fun Bevel 8:16 pm ((all around 60s warnings for everything tonight mkay Your name was Magnum right? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm To Ebba. [[Soundwave.]]
To Magnum Ace. [[Good. Do get comfortable. It should be less frightening than the last time. And one of our guests might like to meet you, when they arrive.]] Magnum Ace 8:17 pm Magnum Ace, that is correct. FakeProwl 8:18 pm *just barely arrives in time.* Bevel 8:18 pm Magnum Ace. Got it! Magnum Ace 8:18 pm And who are you talking about? Swoop 8:19 pm This fighting movie? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm *And there they are. Soundwave pings Prowl hello and motions to the spot by himself.*
[[This mech.]] *Gesture.* FakeProwl 8:19 pm *Glances at his seat to make sure it's clear before sitting and focusing on the screen. It's Spock!* *greeting/permission ping to Soundwave* Clarance 8:19 pm *Ebba sat down as she watches intently with curiosity.* Oh.. I remember this. Back on earth, i used to watch this when my friend Clay was sick. Magnum Ace 8:19 pm -he'd also like to be able to find a seat he can reach- Swoop 8:19 pm This ANOTHER talky movie : < *sad kicky feets* Bevel 8:20 pm Space fights? Swoop 8:20 pm Me Swoop never fight in space before! Want to No fire.... but lots flying! Want to try Me Swoop want to fight in space : > ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm *Permission! He is thrilled. Prowl receives a wordless hint of satisfaction.*
[[Next week there will be plenty of fights.]] Magnum Ace 8:21 pm -glances over to Prowl, at Soundwave's gesture- Whirl 8:21 pm *slinks on over to his usual table. or what used to be his usual table* Bevel 8:21 pm Space fights are really quiet. It is weird. FakeProwl 8:21 pm *Soundwave receives a vague sense of muted pleasure/anticipation, thanks to Spock's presence.* Clarance 8:22 pm Soundwave, I don't understand.. is.. this.. an off world movie? Swoop 8:22 pm Me Swoop want to see grounders floating fighting keheheh Funny ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm *Rumble comes skidding down the stairs with a very shiny Bug in his arms and runs for the seats. He waves his elbow at Whirl.* Bevel 8:22 pm Flailing around in space. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm [[It is Earth material, yes.]] Looks at Magnum Ace. [[Do you require assistance being seated again?]] Whirl 8:23 pm *bobs his helm in greeting* Swoop 8:23 pm Keheheh Magnum Ace 8:23 pm -Are any of the seats made for someone his height?- Swoop 8:23 pm OH WHIRL Purgatori 8:23 pm [walks in] Swoop 8:23 pm Whirl Clarance 8:23 pm *She nodded holding her jaw. she sighed softly as she then noted dually* Sound as is it noted. Purgatori 8:23 pm Oh Swoop 8:23 pm Whirl ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm *The seats are different heights AND adjustable, in fact.* FakeProwl 8:23 pm *Spock's in command! How nice.* Purgatori 8:23 pm Look at that. Guest 8:23 pm *the dragon waves at Whirl* Hello! Bevel 8:23 pm *gleeful wave to the shiniest bug* Swoop 8:24 pm Whiiiiiiiiirrrrllll Purgatori 8:24 pm This is slightly disorentating ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm *And now, the loudest tiny voice you've ever heard:*
#I'M SMAAAAAAAALL Swoop 8:24 pm whirlwhirlwhirlwhirlwhirl ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm *Rumble holds Zori up Simba style* Bevel 8:24 pm You are! Perfect sized. Purgatori 8:24 pm [hes going to linger in the doorway...where will he sit?] Swoop 8:24 pm *chucks a goodie at Whirl* FakeProwl 8:24 pm *Glances at the noisy deployer. So he is.* Guest 8:24 pm *the dragon cheers, flapping her wings and chirruping gleefully* You're small! Clarance 8:25 pm *Ebba couldn't help but gawk over how cute she/he is!* Magnum Ace 8:25 pm -Then he'll try to find a way. For a bit- Bevel 8:25 pm *hadn't really sat down at this point, will sit wherever Rumble and Zori settle* Whirl 8:25 pm *zoops his neck forward to observe this* Well, I'll be damned. You did it, Professor Z. Congrats. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm *Then Bevel will probably be sitting near Whirl.*
*Zori waves his claws and settles onto the back of the couch with a happy chitter, waving his claws. He'll calm down in a second.* Whirl 8:26 pm *and he is so preoccupied by Zori that the goodie bounces off his head and skids onto the table* ... *stares. Swivels his helm over towards Swoop* What the hell am I supposed to do with this? Swoop 8:26 pm Hi : > Purgatori 8:26 pm [slides into a seat] Clarance 8:26 pm *She nudges soundwave for a snack.* Please, sir. Guest 8:26 pm *the dragon glides over to perch next to Zori on the couch* I heard that something had happened, but wow! You're small! KnockOot 8:27 pm Hello! *nods to Soundwave and the minicons* Purgatori 8:27 pm Knockout ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm *Soundwave draws his arm away from the nudge, not one for random contact. He points to the bar. There are plenty over there.* Swoop 8:27 pm You Whirl tell Me Swoop what fighting in space like! Grounders funny? Kehehhehh. Wiggle float? Whirl 8:27 pm *he'll carefully pluck it up and turn to offer it to the excitable scorpion* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [[Greetings, Knock Out.]] KnockOot 8:27 pm Ohhh, a space story! FakeProwl 8:27 pm *Oh, it's the very attractive doctor.* KnockOot 8:28 pm *winks at Prowl* Hello Ratchet! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm #Shockwave fixed! #...and spider #I am tiny! #and flexy #and they said um #they said I change size now #but I want to be small #yes
*Zori snatches the snack from Whirl's claws and nibbles it, chirring contently* FakeProwl 8:28 pm *STRAIGHTENS UP* Purgatori 8:28 pm [is there suddenly a very large Doctor McCoy where Ratchet was sitting? Yes, yes there is] Knockout Bevel 8:28 pm *Bevel doesn't mind sitting near Whirl. Whirl is cool* Purgatori 8:28 pm How are you fairing ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm *Soundwave huffs in amusement at Prowl's reaction to the wink and glances over at the new - is that???* Swoop 8:29 pm SLAG HI SLAG *blows raspberries at the other DInobot* *as you do* KnockOot 8:29 pm Well, I haven't been teleported to a third planet yet, ha ha! Slag 8:29 pm what you swoop want Guest 8:29 pm *the dragon chirrups* I made you some treats! One moment, let me grab one! *she flies off, and returns with one of the scorpion treats* Here! For you! Whirl 8:29 pm *likewise doesn't mind; he is in good company, with Zori, Rumble, and Shovel. Shovel's cool* Hot damn! What else have you lot been up to while I was gone? Any other big surprises? Clarance 8:29 pm *She said softly, she stands and jumped from the place she was, she satarted to fly along the way and she grabbed a bag, she was also nick named Angel and she flew over and folded her bird-like wings* Sorry. *She said as she takes her weapon and puts a notch in the bag placing it back and she reaches inside taking little peices* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm *Zori gasps and grabs that snack in his other claw. He now nibbles both.*
#thank youuuuu~ #not yet! Bevel 8:30 pm I am looking for work? *is that a big surprise? probably not but it is news and everyone else seems to have news today* Swoop 8:30 pm You Slag laaaaaaaaaaaaaaate Purgatori 8:30 pm [pulls out datapad] Slag 8:30 pm so? Swoop 8:30 pm *RASPBERRIES* Slag 8:30 pm [so this is basically the unicron episode?] Purgatori 8:30 pm Unicron? Guest 8:30 pm Always happy to make snacks for my friends! *the dragon settles in to watch the movie, gaping a grin over at Zori* FakeProwl 8:31 pm *Sounds like Unicron to Prowl.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm *Soundwave stretches a feeler towards the McCoy, looking it up and down. What is...?* Whirl 8:31 pm Well. Looks like you've had excitement enough. He'll nudge Zori once, gently, with the curve of his claw, and let him get snacking* Hey to you, too. *nods to the dragon, who is also good company* Slag 8:31 pm *lays head on Swoop to squish him* Tarantulas 8:31 pm *is not present, but sends Prowl a ping* KnockOot 8:31 pm Hello Zori. *gives him a smile* Swoop 8:31 pm What a Unicro-- *is squish* FakeProwl 8:31 pm *Hah, look at Spock, calculating its trajectory. Exactly what Prowl did when he first heard about Unicron.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm *And it sounds like Unicron to Soundwave too. Which is why he's focusing on the stranger.* Clarance 8:31 pm Soundwave..? Sorry for that *She said braking off some snacks and nibbling on them.* Purgatori 8:31 pm [laughs] What if you are both, Bones ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm *He flicks a hand. Ebba doesn't need to apologize.* Slag 8:32 pm What you swoop do to wing KnockOot 8:32 pm ((I"ve never seen the original series before, I'm invested)) Purgatori 8:33 pm [[my friend its FANTASTICAL]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm {{Unicron big planet, bad god, eat all everything.}} Clarance 8:33 pm *She nodded in compliance. she then offered some. in case it was a tad hungry* Bevel 8:33 pm Aw, poor Commodore. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm ((which KO are ya btw?)) KnockOot 8:33 pm ((I loved TNG though)) ((totally-an-autobot-clone)) Bevel 8:33 pm ((TNG is da bomb Slag 8:33 pm (( Picard is best captain )) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm ((roger! yo 🙂 )) Purgatori 8:33 pm [[ EXCUSE YOU]] Whirl 8:33 pm Yeah, let me know if you get a good gig, Shovel. I'm sort of in the market, myself. *shrugs tiredly* More or less. *and now it's Rumble's turn to be nudged* Sorry for disappearing, mech. Wasn't planned. FakeProwl 8:33 pm *Wonders if maybe Kirk's theory explains why Unicron exists, too.* KnockOot 8:33 pm ((I love Picard)) Bevel 8:33 pm Space worm. Slag 8:33 pm (( Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat looks like a flesh light )) KnockOot 8:33 pm ((and Data)) Whirl 8:33 pm It's a killer cornucopia... Tarantulas 8:33 pm (( omfg it does.... Whirl 8:33 pm No! it's a giant malevolent bugle. FakeProwl 8:33 pm ((DO NOT FUCK THE PLANET EATER)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm ((DO NOT)) Guest 8:33 pm ((is anyone else lagging out noticeably? I'm wondering if I should restart my browser)) KnockOot 8:34 pm ((Pfffft Bevel 8:34 pm I got to write a resume and advertise. That is what the Datanet said to do. Slag 8:34 pm (( WELL DON'T ZOOM IN ON IT )) KnockOot 8:34 pm ((I'm not lagging Whirl 8:34 pm ((i am not!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm ((a restart might be good)) Swoop 8:34 pm *stuffs goodies in his face* Guest 8:34 pm It looks like a worm. Except inedible. ((BRB then!)) Clarance 8:34 pm ((IT LOOKS LIKE ONE MOUTH. FakeProwl 8:34 pm *Oh—he's got a pending ping. Pings back.* Swoop 8:34 pm It fish Slag 8:34 pm *nudge nudge* What you swoop do to wing Magnum Ace 8:34 pm -don't mind him, he managed to get into a seat, finally- Swoop 8:34 pm GRIMLOCK bite wing Catch swoop Slag 8:34 pm (( *squish the little baseball bot omg* )) KnockOot 8:34 pm Because robots are awesome. Magnum Ace 8:34 pm ((HALP Clarance 8:35 pm //i have to go see ya sometime 😀 Slag 8:35 pm (( Angsty ex soldier baseball baby *squish squeeze* )) Whirl 8:35 pm ((seeya dude!)) Bevel 8:35 pm ((seeya Purgatori 8:35 pm This reminds me too much of the Lost Light Tarantulas 8:35 pm @Prowl: ::Are you currently at Soundwave's movie night?:: Specs 8:35 pm ((seeya!)) KnockOot 8:35 pm Oh, are you from the Lost Light? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm *Rumble nods at Whirl and nudges back.* No prob. Boss shared the message thing, the, uh. From the other guy? *Grin.* We were gonna come getcha if you wasn't back soon. Specs 8:35 pm ((okay yeah that fixed it)) FakeProwl 8:35 pm @Tarantulas «I am. Spock's on.» Purgatori 8:35 pm ITs...complicated Clarance 8:36 pm //before i go to bed- tumblr: @claytonsparrow Magnum Ace 8:36 pm ((-flails- nuuuuu Slag 8:36 pm Him Grimlock dumb. You swoop fly? KnockOot 8:36 pm ((Yay Spock Swoop 8:36 pm What dumb???????? Purgatori 8:37 pm [[god i can see where all of my gifs come from this is amazing]] Slag 8:37 pm Him Grimlock dumb. Swoop 8:37 pm how come Slag 8:37 pm Cuz him Grimlock ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm [[Damned fool.]] Swoop 8:38 pm *blows raspberries* Purgatori 8:38 pm Ah, yes, the shoot it policy FakeProwl 8:38 pm Indeed. KnockOot 8:38 pm This is intense. Slag 8:38 pm *nibbles Swoop's plating* Tarantulas 8:38 pm @Prowl: ::Ssspock? Oh, Star Trek. I see.:: *pause* ::...Are you potentially interested in my presence there? And - I crafted that request very carefully, by the way, I just want you to appreciate my word choice.:: Swoop 8:39 pm *is a nibble Whirl 8:39 pm *snorts through his vents, cycling a weary sigh* I wouldn't have argued with you, mech. I was ready to get out of there after four days or so. And, glad to see that dog came through. Didn't punctuate it or anything, just like I asked. *drapes a claw over his spark* Slag 8:39 pm (( Couldn't they just say he's too traumatized and emotional to take command? )) (( Bones step up )) Purgatori 8:39 pm [[poses]] [[damnit prowl let me kick him out of the ship]] Magnum Ace 8:40 pm -settles into his seat, what are they watching now?- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm //Dog? How come you got stuck anyhow?// FakeProwl 8:40 pm @Tarantulas «... I do not appreciate being constantly questioned about how I feel about your presence.» Slag 8:40 pm Me slag no like him. Swoop 8:40 pm How come Bevel 8:40 pm Mutiny! Slag 8:40 pm him look drunk. Specs 8:40 pm I see we're fighting a glacier with a shovel. Whirl 8:40 pm Yeah. Fellow that sent my message. Name of Cotter--I think he was a monoformer...? I only ever saw him as a cyber-hound. And the station went on some kind of lockdown. I probably technically could've gotten a message out, but, uh... not without alerting the authorities. As it were. Swoop 8:41 pm Him Ratchet look drunk sometimes kehhhehhehhe You Slag like Ratchet! Purgatori 8:41 pm Swoop. Rude. FakeProwl 8:41 pm *Feels for Spock. To have rank pulled on you by an idiot that you know is going to get everyone killed...* Slag 8:41 pm Him Ratchet not steering ship into monster mouth. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm *Soundwave nods, pleased to see Magnum finally got into a seat. Space adventures, of a sort. You might even call it a star trek.* Swoop 8:41 pm Rude??? *headtilt* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm #glacier with shovel? #what is that? Purgatori 8:41 pm *soundwave im going to glare at you for that* Swoop 8:41 pm *bounces* Him ratchet KICK monster mouth! Purgatori 8:41 pm *rolls eyes at swoop* Slag 8:42 pm Him monster too big. Him Ratchet teeny. Tarantulas 8:42 pm @Prowl: ::Hmm. Am I supposed to disregard your desires then? How do I know what you want without asking?:: Swoop 8:42 pm Kick with SHIP Slag 8:42 pm You Swoop dumb. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm //What'd authorities want with you?// Specs 8:43 pm Shovels are pieces of metal that we attach to our forefeet if we need to dig. Only one of the cousins is any good at digging, and even they prefer to have tools. *the dragon shows her paws* And I have soft, fuzzy forefeet. Good for cooking, bad for heavy lifting. FakeProwl 8:43 pm «I am capable of telling you what I want you to know about my desires.» Swoop 8:43 pm Me Swoop not dumb! You SLAG dumb! Bevel 8:43 pm They are going to die if he stays in charge. FakeProwl 8:43 pm They are. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm \\SOMEBODY OUGHTA HIT HIM.\\ Pause. \\DECK DECKER.\\ Whirl 8:43 pm To take me to jail, probably. I've got a hell of a bounty on my head out there. Officially I--*makes giant air quotes with his claws* "assassinated" someone but really it was just another night at the bar. ...among other things. Bevel 8:44 pm *laughs* FakeProwl 8:44 pm *Snort.* Bevel 8:44 pm Deck Decker! Slag 8:44 pm You Swoop dumb. Whirl 8:44 pm *snrk* Y'know. I wonder if that's what Killer will look like when it grows up. KnockOot 8:44 pm You read my mind, Frenzy. Purgatori 8:44 pm Killer...? Swoop 8:44 pm NUH UH ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm *Rumble's optics brighten. Holy frag, Whirl has a BOUNTY? Like, outside of their planet?* //Who was it?// Swoop 8:44 pm Me Swoop am junior medic You Slag headbutt rocks FakeProwl 8:44 pm What possible effect does he think that's going to have? He's already seen it doesn't work. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm \\NAW, NAW. THE BOSS READS MINDS, NOT ME.\\ KnockOot 8:44 pm Heh! True! Tarantulas 8:44 pm @Prowl: ::Does that mean I ought to assume you don't care or are ambivalent unless told otherwise? I - I don't know what to think, Prowl.:: Whirl 8:45 pm My barnacle. it's a therapy pet. ...and, so, question. As someone who IS from a Lost Light, are you, or aren't you, mech? FakeProwl 8:45 pm «Try "May I come see you".» Purgatori 8:45 pm Are you asking me? Swoop 8:45 pm Ratchet Ratchet Whirl 8:45 pm Yep. Swoop 8:46 pm Ratchet Ratchet Ratchet Ratchet Ratchet Ratchet Purgatori 8:46 pm yES, sWOOP Whirl 8:46 pm *to Rumble* Some guy called Imperius Drax. Apparently he was... much beloved by the galactic community. Leader of the heroic terradores. Or something. Specs 8:46 pm Eaten by a giant worm. What a way to go. Swoop 8:46 pm You Ratchet tell Him Slag that Swoop not dumb ItsyBitsySpyers 8:46 pm //Drax, huh? Not that galaxy guardin' guy, right? Cause I like him.// Slag 8:46 pm Him Swoop dumb Swoop 8:47 pm You Slag dumb Whirl 8:47 pm Nah, not him. This was another mechanoid. Like the ammonites--they were at war at the time. That OTHER Drax guy sounds like a laugh and a half. KnockOot 8:47 pm Now boys, you're both pretty. Slag 8:47 pm you Swoop more dumb. Purgatori 8:47 pm Why does Slag think you are dumb? Tarantulas 8:47 pm *hold on prowl, tarantulas is trying to find some flaw in that* Slag 8:47 pm Cuz him dumb. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm *As much as he doesn't want to mind the Unicron-ish episode much, he finds himself drawn to it anyway. All the tension...* Magnum Ace 8:48 pm -honestly has no idea what is going on anymore in the movie or room- Swoop 8:48 pm *stares at Ratchet and points at Slag* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm ((the room is SUPER FAST tonight i'm sorry)) Swoop 8:48 pm *see? see what he says?* FakeProwl 8:48 pm ((it is)) Specs 8:48 pm *the dragon looks over at the beleaguered ratchet and confirms that she never wants to be a docent in her life* Bevel 8:48 pm ((so fast KnockOot 8:48 pm ((Man, for the 70s those are good special effects tbh Slag 8:49 pm *nips at Swoop's finger* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm ((oh, nah, these are remastered FX)) FakeProwl 8:49 pm ((these might be the remastered episodes)) KnockOot 8:49 pm ((ohhhh FakeProwl 8:49 pm ((YEAH WHAT CRO SAID)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm ((the originals were still pretty ok)) Swoop 8:49 pm :V Ratchet Ratchet Him Slag bite Swoop finger Ratchet ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm ((you can look them up on the episode's individual entry in the Memory Alpha wiki if you wanna see, they're near the bottom)) Purgatori 8:49 pm I am not the one that deals with violence in this room, Swoop Tarantulas 8:49 pm @Prowl: ::...Mmmmay I come see you, then?:: ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm [[Slag, if you bite Swoop again, you will be bridged away. Is that clear?]] Purgatori 8:50 pm But Slag should know that biting people is a very bad move. FakeProwl 8:50 pm @Tarantulas «You may.» Swoop 8:50 pm KEHEHEHEHHHEHHEHHH KnockOot 8:50 pm Commodore Jackass. Bevel 8:50 pm ((Kirk/Enterprise OTP ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm \\HA!\\ Slag 8:50 pm Him put finger in me Slag face Whirl 8:50 pm Commodork. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm [[Swoop, keep your limbs to yourself.]] Purgatori 8:51 pm Do not make me seperate you two Bevel 8:51 pm *claps* Go Spock! Slag 8:51 pm how you do that Specs 8:51 pm *the dragon looks over at Rachet* My docents used to bribe us with food to leave each other alone at this point. KnockOot 8:51 pm Do it, Spock. Do the thing. Reagan 8:52 pm (i'm making a return fkers. meet the other half of my duol Swoop 8:52 pm Him Slag LAY on Me Swoop. SQUISH! FakeProwl 8:52 pm *Is expecting Prowl to get punched.* Swoop 8:52 pm Me Swoop haaaaaaaaaave to touch Because FakeProwl 8:52 pm (SOKLSDJFLK)) Swoop 8:52 pm SQUISH FakeProwl 8:52 pm ((I MEANT SPOCK)) Purgatori 8:52 pm [[suuuuure]] Whirl 8:52 pm ((BUT I MEAN. U RIGHT)) Tarantulas 8:52 pm (( omg gj puff ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm ((LMFAO)) Bevel 8:52 pm ((omg FakeProwl 8:52 pm ((HAHAHAHA)) Reagan 8:52 pm (er.. nevermind settings need changed ) Slag 8:52 pm *licks Swoop* Shaddup Purgatori 8:52 pm [[SICKBAY, THE SONG OF MY PEOPLE]] Bevel 8:52 pm ((perfect slip is perfect FakeProwl 8:52 pm ((Prowl is projecting, it's canon)) KnockOot 8:52 pm ((hee hee Specs 8:53 pm ((you're a wonderful person prowlmun)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm ((i'm DYING here lmfao)) Swoop 8:53 pm *cackles and shoves Slag's DUMB giant head* Purgatori 8:53 pm Boys ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm *BWOOP. Out goes Swoop.* Tarantulas 8:53 pm (( u better get that documented in the logs puff. it's official Slag 8:53 pm Me Slag not boy Me Slag am Dinobot FakeProwl 8:53 pm ((it will be on the logs)) Bevel 8:53 pm Noooooooo Purgatori 8:53 pm You are a Dinobot who is about to be in a lot of trouble Slag 8:54 pm *blinks when Swoop disappears what hapn* Swoop 8:54 pm :V Tarantulas 8:54 pm *is itching to ask if prowl actually WANTS him there but then prowl might say no. maybe prowl does want him there though. maybe he doesn't. schrodinger's prowl. in the end he just sends prowl a ping to end the comm* FakeProwl 8:54 pm *Well, he attacked someone all right.* Swoop 8:54 pm *is booped away* Slag 8:54 pm You not me slag mom Swoop 8:54 pm *gross slag spit and all* Specs 8:54 pm I feel like assaulting someone else's crew is worse form than not going for a suicide mission. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm [[He should be in either sickbay or the brig.]] KnockOot 8:54 pm I concur. Purgatori 8:54 pm I may not be your 'mom', but what makes you so sure I do not talk to him? KnockOot 8:55 pm If he were my patient he'd be unconscious by now. Jetstream 8:55 pm (what does it say my name is) FakeProwl 8:55 pm He WAS illegally removed from command. If he tried to defend the attack, he might have a case. Bevel 8:55 pm ((Reagan KnockOot 8:55 pm . . . maybe dead, depending on if there were witnesses. Specs 8:55 pm ((reagan)) Tarantulas 8:55 pm @Soundwave: ::Is there space near you and Prowl at the moment?:: Jetstream 8:55 pm (fk) Whirl 8:55 pm *going to shift a bit and hunker down until he can cross his arms over the surface of the table and lay his head on them, like some big horrid gargoyle* Good thing you're not MY doctor. Specs 8:55 pm *shoots a look at Knock Out, but says nothing* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm @Tarantulas: (txt): Prowl's opposite side. Bevel 8:55 pm ((now it says Whirlwind Slag 8:55 pm Me Slag no care you talk to Him Ratchet *confused* Jetstream 8:55 pm (better.) KnockOot 8:56 pm Yes, it is a good thing, you look like the type who gets banged up a lot. Swoop 8:56 pm ((what's the count up to for Swoop getting kicked out? XD)) Jetstream 8:56 pm (wait no. i'm not using him. ffffff) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:56 pm ((three? i think)) FakeProwl 8:56 pm ((this is at least the third time)) Jetstream 8:56 pm (last time) Slag 8:56 pm Him Ratchet beat up him Thundercracker. Him Ratchet beat up you. Bevel 8:56 pm ((jetstream Swoop 8:56 pm ((Def at least 3)) Whirl 8:56 pm I mean. Fair. But it's nothing I can't handle. *which is to say, he gets banged up and then avoids the medbay* Jetstream 8:56 pm (ok i'm satisfied) Purgatori 8:57 pm *Yes, yes you do Whirl. Making me chase after your sorry carcass* KnockOot 8:57 pm Good, gooood. FakeProwl 8:57 pm ... He's just giving the doomsday machine a snack. What use does he think that is? KnockOot 8:57 pm *exactly the kind of patient Knock Out likes, the kind that doesn't come to him* Whirl 8:57 pm *we have never met, my good Ratchet; you can blame your universe's Whirl* FakeProwl 8:57 pm If he's so determined to commit suicide, he'd be better off smashing himself against the side. Purgatori 8:57 pm [[ which whirl ar you friend]] Whirl 8:57 pm ((chronosmith!)) Specs 8:58 pm Maybe he hopes to give the worm indigestion? Purgatori 8:58 pm [[yeah, we did meet, a while ago]] Bevel 8:58 pm *hasn't actually really met any of these doctors in the room and is kind of ok with that* Swoop 8:58 pm ((has it only been 3 times though... I thought this was 4? Maybe.... Idk. I don't keep track and neither does he lol)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm [[With all of its abilities, he does not see how the shuttle could give it... indigestion.]] Specs 8:58 pm ((I've been here for two and saw another in a log)) Purgatori 8:58 pm [[oh my god he is prowl my god]] Whirl 8:58 pm ((did we? I haven't interacted with an IDW ratchet in like... a year or more so nobody's chased whirl around for a long time!)) Jetstream 8:58 pm (right here we go.) *Jetstream enters the room and glances at the bots therein* ^hm^ Purgatori 8:58 pm [[yeah, i used to interact with you on a lost light]] Swoop 8:59 pm ((how many bridge removals until swoop and i get a punch card?)) Purgatori 8:59 pm [[roughly two years ago i wanna say]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:59 pm ((on the fifth bridge removal you get a free pin that says "Bad Bot")) FakeProwl 8:59 pm *... Prowl's saving that "condolences" line. It was very compact and it didn't offend the recipient, exactly what Prowl needs.* Swoop 8:59 pm ((pff I'll have that next week)) Whirl 8:59 pm *lifts his head and swivels his helm to stare at Knock Out, peering* Why is that--*imitates Knock Out's tone very closely* 'goooood?' Bevel 8:59 pm *have a wave new bot* KnockOot 9:00 pm ((Oh Spock)) Jetstream 9:00 pm *He notices and gives a small wave back* Purgatori 9:00 pm *shifts in his seat* Whirl 9:00 pm ((there ya go, then! Whirl's not even living on the LL any longer. Much has happened since then!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm *Frenzy sniggers at Scotty's comments. Rumble just throws snacks at him.* Specs 9:00 pm ((whirl has a barnacle now, which is a very important development)) KnockOot 9:00 pm Because it means you're not bothering your ship's medic, of course. Slag 9:00 pm Where Him Swoop go FakeProwl 9:01 pm *"May I offer my condolences on the death of your ____, it is most regrettable." Very good.* Purgatori 9:01 pm [[yeah, ratchet isnt on a lost light anymore either]] Magnum Ace 9:01 pm ((this one's not even Cybertronian Whirl 9:01 pm ((Killer has also had two broods of babies. Spreading joy throughout the multiverse)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm (("Joy")) Bevel 9:01 pm I thought you were supposed to bother the medic? Purgatori 9:01 pm [[m y god ]] Tarantulas 9:01 pm *there's an awkward fuzzy mech with too many legs sneaking in the door and over to sw and prowl's couch now. said mech is awful at sneaking. alas* Slag 9:01 pm (( *squish lil sportsbot ex soldier boii* )) Specs 9:01 pm I'm only an organic, but when you're hurt, bothering the medic does sound like the thing to do. Purgatori 9:01 pm *Oh, look, a new one. Who is that?* Magnum Ace 9:01 pm ((-more flailing- Whirl 9:01 pm Ha! The joke's on you, little red, I'm always bothering everybody, /all the time./ KnockOot 9:01 pm Ha ha! No, absolutely not. Unless it's actually important. Like . . . you know . . . a contagion. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm *Soundwave glances at Tarantulas and nods. Then looks back at the screen. He wants to see if they can pull this off.* Bevel 9:02 pm And injuries and stuff, yeah? Slag 9:02 pm You Soundwave. Where him swoop go? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm [[Home, for breaking rules.]] Magnum Ace 9:03 pm -he's also beginning to feel really small now- Specs 9:03 pm ((swoop is in baby jail now)) Slag 9:03 pm Oh. =T FakeProwl 9:03 pm *Aside from the danger of the faulty transporter causing a death, they have little to lose from this plan.* Slag 9:03 pm Me Slag go home too. FakeProwl 9:03 pm *And it has an actual possibility of success.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm *Zori starts moving toward the other Very Tiny Bot. It'll take him a while, but he's going.* KnockOot 9:03 pm Most ships have one medic per hundreds of bots, obviously you can't have that many bots going to sick bay every time they get hurt. Tarantulas 9:03 pm *oh boy, movie tension going on here. tarantulas is just gonna slide in next to prowl, put an arm over the back of the couch, and stay quiet* Purgatori 9:03 pm *oh, look, a teeny thing* KnockOot 9:04 pm I mean, we have lives to you know. Specs 9:04 pm *the dragon gets up and follows her friend. she needs to make sure he gets as many scorpion-shaped snacks as he wants* Jetstream 9:04 pm *jetstream feels something shudder on his back. he looks and says something quietly before retuening his gaze to the screen * Purgatori 9:04 pm Are you sure, Knockout Magnum Ace 9:04 pm ...oh. Hello. Who are you? FakeProwl 9:04 pm ... THAT'S not a good sign. KnockOot 9:04 pm *chuckles at Whirl 'bothering everyone all the time'* Fair enough. Bevel 9:05 pm Yeah but... but medics are supposed to be around to help hurt bots. Whirl 9:05 pm *looks briefly triumphant before setting his head down again* Purgatori 9:05 pm Why sleep when you can patch up mechs instead Magnum Ace 9:05 pm -okay, many just followed after the other small mech- Whirl 9:05 pm *looks down at Zori and Magnum* You two want a better seat? Got a whole table I'm not using. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm *Zori waves once he gets to Magnum Ace's feet - and stretches out his brand new eye stalk to peer over his back at the dragon and Whirl* Whirl 9:05 pm Well. Except the parts I AM using. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm #can we? KnockOot 9:06 pm *tsks and shakes head pityingly at Ratchet* Magnum Ace 9:06 pm If you don't mind? Whirl 9:06 pm *blinks at that eye stalk, and then gives a little startled laugh* Yeah, sure thing. *shifts and bends down, offering a claw* Bevel 9:06 pm What Ratchet said. Specs 9:07 pm *the dragon scoots out of the way so that Zori and Magnum can get to the claw* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm *Zori motions to the dragon. Come up there!* [[...He wonders how many ships it would take to terminate a living planet.]] Magnum Ace 9:07 pm -and he's following after the other two- Whirl 9:07 pm *he will ferry everyone to the tabletop, dragons included, if it is needed* *Whirl is surrounded by mechs of varying degrees of tininess. How does it always happen like this* Specs 9:08 pm *well, who can resist a Zori invitation? here she comes! although she's going to fly, to make it easier on Whirl* Purgatori 9:08 pm I unfortunately need to leave Please enjoy more Star Trek. Whirl 9:08 pm Seeya, doc. Bevel 9:08 pm Bye, Ratchet KnockOot 9:08 pm See you, Ratchet! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm [[Understood. Goodnight - and he has enjoyed your holoform.]] FakeProwl 9:09 pm It's easy to calculate. Each one is capable of producing a 97.385 megaton explosion. Purgatori 9:09 pm *is that a smile? the world will never know* Jetstream 9:09 pm *Jetstream sighs and nods at another shudder on his back. suddenly a small Spider minicon disengages and looks for things its size.* Specs 9:09 pm Bye, doctor! *the dragon waves* KnockOot 9:09 pm Kirk: Quasar Investigator. Bevel 9:09 pm *so many tinies today* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm [[Ah. No - our ships. Not theirs.]] Looks over to Tarantulas. (txt): Welcome. FakeProwl 9:10 pm You just need to know the size of the planet, how much of the surface is covered by population centers, and the average strength of their civilization's building techn— oh. ... One. Whirl 9:11 pm We can do better that one ship. All we need is one Brainstorm, really. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:12 pm [[...That's terrifying.]] But useful. Potentially. Magnum Ace 9:12 pm ...... -why are they talking about blowing up planets?- FakeProwl 9:12 pm If the planet's small enough, all we need is one gun. Jetstream 9:12 pm *The spider minicon spots other small bots and skitters over.* Tarantulas 9:13 pm *ping to sw. he's not going to reject a touch if sw reaches toward him somehow* FakeProwl 9:13 pm *... Oh. Hey. Tarantulas is here.* *Nods to Tarantulas.* Specs 9:13 pm *the dragon tilts her head to look at the spider mech* Hello there! Whirl 9:13 pm *he'll watch the spider, but doesn't say or do anything unless he is approached first* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm *Will stretch his feeler behind himself to curl around the arm that's on the couch back... if only behind Prowl's head.* FakeProwl 9:14 pm ((... murasaki means purple.)) ((that thing is green)) Specs 9:14 pm ((I know!)) FakeProwl 9:14 pm ((who named it)) Specs 9:14 pm ((colorblind white dude)) Bevel 9:14 pm *oh wait Tara hi don't mind Bevel is her new root/alt mode nothing to see here yep* FakeProwl 9:14 pm ((haaa)) Magnum Ace 9:14 pm -well, more mechs about his size around him now, that's good. Right?- Jetstream 9:14 pm *it clicks it's frontmost legs together in morse code* #Hi! I'm Wijix!# Tarantulas 9:14 pm *it's chill bevel, tara has no idea you're bevel rn* Specs 9:15 pm ((actually, it's probably the last name of someone, murasaki isn't a COMMON last name but it wasn't uncommon way back when, if jisho.org is correct)) KnockOot 9:15 pm ((Are you the Bevel who does blacksmithing? FakeProwl 9:15 pm ((oh well there u go)) Specs 9:15 pm *the dragon does not understand morse code. the dragon offers a snack. this is clearly the right approach.* Bevel 9:15 pm ((I think I'm the only Bevel but yes she does do blacksmithing ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm @P: [[What one gun?]] KnockOot 9:16 pm ((Ahhh, cool! I did a thread with you way back, Knock Out got some smith puzzles from Bevel. Tarantulas 9:16 pm *slightly nudges sw's feeler, then leans sideways to bump his helm against prowl's* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm *Rumble prods Whirl.* //Say you was facin' that doomsday thing. How'd you go do it?// Bevel 9:17 pm ((Ah yes! I remember that :3 Whirl 9:17 pm *swivels his head to look at Rumble without lifting his head* You mean the big worm thing? KnockOot 9:17 pm *doesn't notice the nudging or bumping, but does find Tarantulas' robot mode interesting* Magnum Ace 9:17 pm -he is worried now. Hypothetical or not, the topic he's hearing is worrisome- Bevel 9:17 pm *will continue to be here without Tara's knowledge mwahaha* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm *He's welcome to ask. They'll clarify.* FakeProwl 9:17 pm The "moongun." Designed and wielded by Killmaster, one of the Decepticon Warriors Elite. KnockOot 9:17 pm Heh, "Killmaster." Bevel 9:17 pm Moongun? Magnum Ace 9:17 pm Moongun? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm //Yeah, the - the horn lookin' thing.// Whirl 9:18 pm Oh, yeah. Killmaster. My nemesis. Tarantulas 9:18 pm *feels those optics on him, knockout, but he's used to being stared at* Bevel 9:18 pm *sudden talk of weapons, you have her attention, Prowl* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm *Soundwave vents softly. He did intend that to be private so everyone else wouldn't hear.* KnockOot 9:18 pm I think I recognize you from that other video history. The one with the cheetah and dinobots. Jetstream 9:18 pm *Wijix accepts the snack and will try to think up a way to bridge the obvious language barrier.* Whirl 9:18 pm Well, if I had the ordinance, I guess blowing it up would be fine. But, if i was working with what I had now... *tilts his head, considering* I'd probably need some serious tech to make a bridge big enough, but shadowzone that sucker. Keep it there indefinitely or until you find a way to shut it down for good. FakeProwl 9:19 pm *The thing isn't classified.* *Heck, even the Galactic Council has a copy of it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm *Soundwave shifts in his space at the subject of this episode. Frenzy oh-so-casually stretches and heads upstairs.* Tarantulas 9:19 pm (( was KO talking to tarantulas? 😮 FakeProwl 9:20 pm *Well said, Spock.* KnockOot 9:20 pm ((Yep :) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm *Rumble's visor flickers in a blink*
//I - wouldnt'a never thought of that.// Whirl 9:22 pm *flicks his stabilizers in a shrug* Useful thing, brides. Or--you could probably bridge it into a star. if a bomb will disable it, a star sure would. KnockOot 9:22 pm Spock reminds me of Shockwave. Only less annoying. Tarantulas 9:22 pm *huffs in knock out's direction* I'm afraid you've mistaken me for one of my alternates. One I wish I weren't associated with. FakeProwl 9:22 pm *On the one hand, the other people on the ship need to get the hell over themselves. If three people need to die so that four can live, then that's how it is.* Specs 9:22 pm *the dragon giggles at Whirl's statement* You could say that. Whirl 9:22 pm It's more FUN to fight things like that ead-on, even if it looks hopeless--hell, ESPECIALLY if it looks hopeless, can you imagine the glory? But, if I had to, y'know. SOLVE the problem... that's what i'd do. Bevel 9:23 pm Bridge it into a really big smelter. FakeProwl 9:23 pm *On the other hand, he doesn't know why they didn't propose removing those heavy-looking chairs first.* KnockOot 9:23 pm Well, now they only have to choose two of the crew. Whirl 9:23 pm *nods to the dragon* I do, in fact. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm [[That only worked on Airachnid.]]
//...Wonder how big a bridge gotta be to do a whole planet like that.// ((THANK YOU PUFF that's bothered me FOREVER)) Bevel 9:24 pm Is that what happened to her here? KnockOot 9:24 pm Oh, I see. Got a lot of alternates? Whirl 9:24 pm *cheeky look* Bigger than the planet. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm *Ah. And Soundwave is reminded. He pings Prowl.* Whirl 9:24 pm ((n-netflix u don't... know folsom......)) FakeProwl 9:24 pm ... So is that's how they're going to do it? They're going to kill off three of the crew in order to avoid having to show Spock choosing who to die. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm //Pfff. Guess that's out.// FakeProwl 9:25 pm ((excuse you, xxxx is exactly how you spell folsom)) Tarantulas 9:25 pm I've got a few alternates, yes, though we do tend to keep to ourselves. Hyeh. FakeProwl 9:25 pm *glances toward Soundwave?* Whirl 9:25 pm ((PFFT)) Bevel 9:25 pm Why is everyone being so mean to Spock? KnockOot 9:25 pm Really? I quite enjoy socializing with mine. FakeProwl 9:25 pm *PROWL LIKES BEVEL.* Specs 9:26 pm How do spacebridges scale with size? I had to get materials for one, but I never built it, and I don't quite know how it works. Hopefully it never breaks. Whirl 9:26 pm I dunno. You might be able to manage it. I mean--it's an issue of power, right? *Whirl's been working on miniaturizing the bridge process, not super-sizing it* Bevel 9:26 pm *YAY* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm *Soundwave lifts his arm just enough to point at the baseball mech.*
[[Tonight is a night of many good things. Company included.]] Tarantulas 9:26 pm (( bevel gained one (1) prowl brownie point Whirl 9:26 pm *but as far as he can tell there's no real limit* Jetstream 9:26 pm (ok so it's clear. ^Jetstream^ #Wijix#) Bevel 9:26 pm ((considering she probably started in the negatives she's doing pretty good 😄 Magnum Ace 9:26 pm -baseball mech is watching the show- FakeProwl 9:26 pm *Glances where Soundwave's pointing. SITS UP STRAIGHTER.* Whirl 9:27 pm I have no idea, dragon. Sorry. *100% lying he has some idea, but that's a secret project* *sorry specs* KnockOot 9:27 pm ((Man, good point about the chairs Specs 9:27 pm *the dragon shrugs her wings* Well, that makes two of us. Thank you. Jetstream 9:28 pm ^Couldn't they just make a return trip?^ FakeProwl 9:28 pm ......... Magnum Ace? Jetstream 9:28 pm ^I mean why is it that every human space investigation goes about this well Tarantulas 9:29 pm You do seem amiable enough, so your alternates would be equally decent company, I imagine. Is it Knock Out? I don't think I've properly met you before...? Bevel 9:29 pm Blue is for science right? Magnum Ace 9:29 pm -heard his name- Hmn? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm *He wants to side with Spock on this matter. They are being ridiculous with this business of holding funerals while under attack and possibly not getting off the planet.*
*But he also knows how long he spent searching the asteroid field for Rumble and Frenzy.*
*...He opts not to say anything.* FakeProwl 9:29 pm *!!!* Specs 9:29 pm ((that would be a band, according to anthropology class!)) Whirl 9:30 pm *you shan't be accosted if you approach the Whirl Table, prowl, come and see ya baseball boy* FakeProwl 9:30 pm Hello. We spoke on the comm. Magnum Ace 9:30 pm ..oh! You must be Prowl. Hello! FakeProwl 9:30 pm *... Okay he can't talk, the episode is too distracting.* Jetstream 9:30 pm ^Fifty shanix says pointy ears gets captured^ FakeProwl 9:30 pm *To be continued.* KnockOot 9:30 pm Why, thank you! No, I don't believe I've had the pleasure. Magnum Ace 9:31 pm -it is, he kinda wants to know what's going to happen- KnockOot 9:31 pm But you know Smokescreen, don't you? Are you another one of his fathers? He has so many. FakeProwl 9:31 pm *Please, TV show, please let Spock be shown to be in the right. Please don't make a mockery of him for being rational.* Specs 9:31 pm *the dragon blinks and tries not to stare over at Knock Out again. how many docents does one charge need?* Tarantulas 9:31 pm Hyeheh, no, I'm no father of his, I'm his "best science spider friend" KnockOot 9:32 pm . . . that sounds like a Smokescreen nickname, all right. Tarantulas 9:32 pm Though you may call me Tarantulas. Whirl 9:32 pm *scoots his head back over to regard Rumble* What about you? Same question. *SUPER delayed response there. Whirl doesn't even explain* KnockOot 9:32 pm Sounds good, best science friend spider. Tarantulas 9:33 pm *snickers* KnockOot 9:34 pm Can't they just . . . stay in the ship for a while? Jetstream 9:34 pm ^I know! right?^ KnockOot 9:35 pm I doubt the spear-throwers could break into it. Specs 9:35 pm There's no visible water. How long can you hydrate that many humans? KnockOot 9:35 pm Well. true. Jetstream 9:36 pm ^...yeah^ KnockOot 9:36 pm Yeah, leaving that guy out there wasn't that logical in my opinion. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm //Wha- me? Uhh.// He scratches his helm. //I never - I'm good fightin' up close, but strategerizin' a whole thing like that's--// Frown. //Gimme a sec.// Whirl 9:36 pm Death by Ikea Rug. FakeProwl 9:36 pm WHY is he out there at all? Specs 9:36 pm It's easier to wait outside a den long term than it is to live in one. Also the matter of food... Although technically... Bevel 9:36 pm Spock told him to stay on guard. Whirl 9:36 pm *he'll simply nod at Rumble, and wait patiently* FakeProwl 9:36 pm Ah. Missed that. ... They're both idiots. Magnum Ace 9:37 pm ..... FakeProwl 9:38 pm They're willfully ignoring the rationality behind Spock's decisions. Jetstream 9:38 pm ^well he's dead^ Whirl 9:38 pm Looks like bait to me. Jetstream 9:38 pm ^Good job pointy ears^ FakeProwl 9:38 pm Of course he won't order the crewman to stay behind, because there's no NEED for him to stay behind so long as the ship has enough power to lift everyone. Bevel 9:38 pm ((i can never deal with his little fists on hip thing it's just so like "well now what am i supposed to do?" and I love it Magnum Ace 9:38 pm -definitely bait- Whirl 9:39 pm They really suck at throwing spears. Jetstream 9:39 pm *Wijix nods* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm //...Make it eat itself, I guess?// Whirl 9:39 pm It's not HARD. I can do it with my claws, and they got more'n that. Really? How so? Jetstream 9:40 pm ^that was brutal^ ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm //Like. Shoot itself up. You was talkin' bridges, 'n... shots go through 'em.// Whirl 9:40 pm I dunno, it's a question of like... those spear guys are clearly not very advanced. They're stupid. KnockOot 9:40 pm Even the Yeoman is turning on yoy *you Whirl 9:40 pm it's not about LOGIC or anything, it's about expecting them to behave like smart things. Specs 9:40 pm *the dragon stifles a grin* Crack a shell with a rock, crack a ship with a rock. Whirl 9:41 pm Whole different other mistake. Windchill 9:41 pm *Appears whether you like it or not.* Whirl 9:41 pm Ohh, yeah. heh. Effective AND hilarious. Nice. KnockOot 9:41 pm The doctor is remarkably calm. FakeProwl 9:41 pm *Leans forward, plants elbows on his knees, laces hands, and quietly grits dentae. Windchill 9:41 pm *The GREEN.* Whirl 9:41 pm *he'll lift his head long enough to bob it at Windchill before letting it flop back down on his arms. He's surrounded by little mechs right now. And Bevel.* *well, Rumble's only half-little. He's not ZORI small but he's small* Windchill 9:42 pm Whirl! My friend! You're not dead! Whirl 9:42 pm Incredibly, no. I came close to dying of boredom, though. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm @Tara: (txt): Tarantulas: quiet. Reason? Bevel 9:42 pm *Bevel is in a good place, all the minicons* Windchill 9:42 pm *Walks over real slow, better hope nobody's set up camp by Whirl's feet.* Jetstream 9:43 pm *Jetstream smirks at the boredom comment, not that he'll let Whirl see.* Bevel 9:43 pm *Bevel is on the floor, probably in the vicinity of Whirl's feet* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:43 pm *He wonders if this is upsetting Tarantulas somehow. A logical figure potentially deciding on the deaths of his coworkers, and all.* Magnum Ace 9:43 pm -many small mechs around you, Whirl. This one included- Whirl 9:43 pm *sit with Shovel, Windchill, Shovel's cool* Specs 9:43 pm *squints at the screen* Is he using a roast fork? Windchill 9:43 pm *NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND.* Whirl 9:43 pm *oh yes and also a small dragon. Whirl's part of a flock now* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm [[Take a memento and leave the frame.]] Windchill 9:44 pm *This is what he gets for being late.* Whirl 9:44 pm Lord, what an idiot. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm *He would have settled for that, back then.* Bevel 9:44 pm That was really rude. Whirl 9:44 pm He's dead--who cares? Tarantulas 9:44 pm *glances* @Soundwave: ::Not feeling terribly talkative, I suppose. I DID introduce myself to Knock Out though. That counts as socialization, no?:: KnockOot 9:44 pm Can't they incinerate him? Specs 9:44 pm That's not an electrical tool. Is it? *the dragon would preen herself if she was privy to Whirl's thoughts, but alas, she is no telepath* Whirl 9:44 pm Just throw him in the trash., Windchill 9:44 pm *Sits down...somewhere.* Tarantulas 9:45 pm *but no, sw, tara's not really paying too much attention to the episode* KnockOot 9:45 pm Good ol' Astral Anthropology. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm @Tara: (txt): Affirmative. Concern source: sudden silence afterward. Windchill 9:45 pm I wanna see the creatures. Bevel 9:45 pm *join the floor crew, it's nice down here* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm *Light feeler tap tap. As long as Tarantulas is only feeling less talkative than usual.* Whirl 9:45 pm They look like they're made entirely of shag carpet. Windchill 9:45 pm I'll bet they look dumb. Tarantulas 9:45 pm @Soundwave: ::Aww, someone's concerned about me, hyeh.:: Specs 9:46 pm Organics tend to be a little pickier about dead bodies, Whirl. *huffs a little* At the very least, if we threw them in the trash, the corpses would attract predators. Windchill 9:46 pm *Fine...he can share the floor.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm *Slowly turns his helm to look at Tarantulas. Must you.*
@T: (txt): Tarantulas preference: Soundwave ignores? Bevel 9:46 pm They already attracted predators. Jetstream 9:46 pm *Jetstream sneaks a glance at the "floor crew"* KnockOot 9:46 pm The search . . . for Spock Windchill 9:46 pm *Whispers* Are they flying through a fart? Specs 9:46 pm They attracted hostiles. No one's been eaten yet. Bevel 9:47 pm *snickers* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm [[No, no. That's a separate film, Knock Out.]] KnockOot 9:47 pm Heh! Bevel 9:47 pm ...Does Spock get lost a lot? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm *Huff* [[In some ways.]] Bevel 9:47 pm *huffs* He should get a map. Tarantulas 9:48 pm *squints at sw* @Soundwave: ::I never said that, dear Soundwave. Let's just say the general subject is a bit... touchy.:: ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm #I CAN MAKE ONE Whirl 9:48 pm He really can. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm *Zori puts his claws over his mouth. oops.* Whirl 9:48 pm That's his thing. Jetstream 9:48 pm #That so?# Bevel 9:48 pm *grins at Zori* Whirl 9:48 pm *too late you have an endorsement now* Specs 9:48 pm Zori is the best at maps! *the dragon has never seen one of his maps, but her faith is strong* Bevel 9:48 pm All the maps. Windchill 9:48 pm Maps...of what? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm #it is true! #all maps #lots of things Magnum Ace 9:48 pm You make maps? Jetstream 9:48 pm #treasure maps?# KnockOot 9:48 pm All sensors to the aft, huh? Whirl 9:48 pm *waves a claw* Whatever your spark desires. ...probably. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm @Tarantulas: (txt):...Understood. Windchill 9:49 pm HMMM. *Taps his chin.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm #...I do not know spark desires Tarantulas 9:49 pm *slips his arm off the couch and pets prowl's back* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm #but I know buildings #and lands #...and a leg Bevel 9:49 pm Has Zori made a map of New Praxus? Whirl 9:49 pm Well, they've gotta tell you what it is. it's different for each person, probably. FakeProwl 9:49 pm *Starts.* Windchill 9:50 pm What about...a map of Whirl's feet? *Paws at Whirl's feet.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm #kay Whirl 9:50 pm ... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Scoot scoot toward Whirl leg.* KnockOot 9:50 pm How I feel talking to Shockwave. Whirl 9:50 pm Only because it's you, Professor Z. KnockOot 9:50 pm Or rather, having Shockwave talk at me. Jetstream 9:50 pm #So like if I were to ask for like... a map of the tunnels beneath Iacon? # Windchill 9:50 pm *He didn't say it HAD to be done, it was just a bad idea.* Whirl 9:50 pm *will shft position so he can lean abck and stick one leg out, dramatically, for Zori's inspection* Specs 9:50 pm I don't have a spark, but if I did, I'd say mine was pretty happy. *the dragon snickers, and settles in to watch Zori* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Zori sends Bevel the tourist-version map of New Praxus* Whirl 9:50 pm Anyone else want a map of my foot while he's down there? Yes? No? Specs 9:51 pm I trust that Zori will construct the best map. Windchill 9:51 pm Best map of the best foot. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm [[No map of those tunnels.]] Jetstream 9:51 pm *Jetstream almost chuckles* Bevel 9:51 pm *tourist version maps are fun Bevel will gladly study this later* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm *Zori hopes Whirl isn't ticklish somehow. He's going to be crawling circles around that foot for the next handful of minutes.* [[....Why would he...?]] Tarantulas 9:52 pm *hums and keeps gently petting prowl, no ulterior motive for once* FakeProwl 9:52 pm ... Not now. *He's focused on this show, don't distract him.* Tarantulas 9:52 pm *unhappy hum, but his arm goes back up onto the couch's back* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm [[...Ah. How clever.]] FakeProwl 9:53 pm *He cannot focus on anyone or anything else until he knows whether Spock has saved them.* Jetstream 9:53 pm *Wijix is tempted. he won't. but he's tempted* FakeProwl 9:53 pm ... Indeed. Whirl 9:54 pm *he is not, at least not on his foot. Zori is allowed to crawl all up on it* Oh! hey, Professor, you'll never guess what I did. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm #what what? FakeProwl 9:54 pm ... It was PERFECTLY logical. That was an entirely logical decision. Magnum Ace 9:54 pm ..... Bevel 9:54 pm They were gonna fall back to the planet no matter what. Whirl 9:55 pm So. Windchill here--*nods to Windchill* and his conjunx propagated. He's got a little grub back home. Can't talk yet, but y'know what she can do, courtesy of yours truly? Beep. Magnum Ace 9:55 pm Ah! He did it! Whirl 9:55 pm I think she's catching on, too. Bevel 9:55 pm Yay! Jetstream 9:55 pm ^ ok. so the structure of this show is: start. bad thing. adjust. more bad. explosions.^ ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm *Pause mapping. Gasp!*
[[Perhaps he does not understand his own choice?]] FakeProwl 9:55 pm Save the fuel for a guaranteed death in forty-five minutes or expend the fuel for a NEARLY guaranteed death in a couple of minutes. Jetstream 9:55 pm ^that sound right?^ FakeProwl 9:55 pm I don't believe he doesn't understand his choice. Windchill 9:56 pm *Ears perk up. He might just behave for a few minutes.* FakeProwl 9:56 pm *THANK you, Mr. Spock.* That was NO emotional outburst. KnockOot 9:56 pm I ship them. Bevel 9:57 pm He was thinking really hard about it before he did it. FakeProwl 9:57 pm And they are mocking him for being completely reasonable, because THEY don't understand his reasoning. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm #what does she say? [[The others *are* only human.]] Jetstream 9:57 pm ^Whirlwind would have a field day with this show... i wonder why he didn't come.^ FakeProwl 9:58 pm Hmph. Tarantulas 9:58 pm It's possible he's not explaining himself in order to have them continue to believe that he can be emotionally swayed...? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm [[That was not a defense.]] FakeProwl 9:58 pm As though that excuses it. He DID explain himself. They didn't accept the explanation. Jetstream 9:58 pm ^Yeah that was a bit unfair^ ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm ((hold on netflix is acting up)) FakeProwl 9:59 pm *Glances at Tarantulas.* ... All right. You can... *Gestures vaguely toward his back.* Tarantulas 9:59 pm *smol purr - he'll return to petting immediately, then* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm [[As he said. They are only human. Their perceptions are limited.]] Specs 10:00 pm Other sapient organics seem less disposed to just smack each other in lieu of discussion. KnockOot 10:00 pm Wow, now Kirk is turning into Megatron. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm *He wanted to say inferior. There are too many Autobots in this room. He'd rather not be lectured.* KnockOot 10:00 pm Except snippier. FakeProwl 10:00 pm Everyone's perception is limited. The most logical entity in the universe has limited perception. Jetstream 10:00 pm ^And this is why I don't miss Earth.^ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm [[He is being... polite.]] Windchill 10:00 pm *Chinhands.* FakeProwl 10:01 pm The fact that their perceptions are limited does not mean they are incapable of processing a plainly and thoroughly explained logical argument—unless they're willfully ignoring it because they don't like it. KnockOot 10:01 pm You know one time Megatron dumped Dark Energon into the ship's engine? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm [[Of course they're willfully ignoring it.]] Bevel 10:02 pm He did? Jetstream 10:02 pm ^it's what humans do slaggit^ FakeProwl 10:02 pm And I'm annoyed about it. Magnum Ace 10:02 pm . . . Bevel 10:02 pm *Bevel has never seen the historical records from her timeline so this is brand new information* Specs 10:02 pm *blinks at Knock Out* Isn't that poison? Magnum Ace 10:02 pm -he's not going to comment- KnockOot 10:02 pm Mmm, more like a drug. Bevel 10:02 pm Dark Energon is evil. Jetstream 10:03 pm *jetstream wouldn't hear it anyway* KnockOot 10:03 pm That will damn your spark. Whirl 10:03 pm ((sorry, went momentarily afk) Windchill 10:03 pm (( U were dead but it's okay. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm *Soundwave makes a tiny waving motion with one hand. He wasn't trying to cancel Prowl's annoyance. He was just trying to politely say "Humans are stupid and self-centered organics".* KnockOot 10:03 pm My point is, a captain should listen to their crew and not be an aft. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm *Obviously, that didn't work.* Bevel 10:03 pm It is purple though. *so much hate* Whirl 10:03 pm I'm pretty sure she knows "hello." Windchill 10:03 pm *Windchill nods.* Whirl 10:04 pm And she knows the--*makes the interrogative beeping noise* The question. Tarantulas 10:04 pm @Prowl: ::Some humans - and mechs - are egocentric enough that they prefer to believe interpretations of others that parallel their own experience closest. That mmmight have something to do with it.:: Jetstream 10:04 pm ^that looks like a dark Spock. FakeProwl 10:04 pm *Prowl noticed. It didn't help.* KnockOot 10:04 pm SG Spock FakeProwl 10:04 pm @Tarantulas «I know damn well why they're doing it, Tarantulas.» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[That is because Vulcans and Romulans are related species.]] FakeProwl 10:04 pm @Tarantulas «I know because I DEAL with it every day of my life.» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm [[One highly logical, the other proudly emotional.]] [[And neither fond of the other.]] FakeProwl 10:05 pm *AND ANOTHER THING. To Soundwave:* You speak of it like it's a human problem. Whirl 10:05 pm Oh, and of course--*he makes the beep that gradually turns into a warble, which is the curse word Zori taught him* THAT one. But I don't know how well she understands it just yet. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm [[...Usually.]] Whirl 10:05 pm ((whop brb again)) Windchill 10:05 pm I'm not sure how well I understand that one... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm *Glance to Prowl.* [[We are watching humans.]] FakeProwl 10:05 pm Nearly every person on this planet would behave the exact same way. Tarantulas 10:06 pm *hums again and adds a little weight to his pettings. soothe soothe soothe* Jetstream 10:06 pm ^Unfortunately true^ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm *Zori GIGGLES and leaves Whirl's foot - ping, there's a map - to go to Windchill and whisper the INCREDIBLY VULGAR thing that last one means.* Specs 10:07 pm *the dragon tilts her head, and attempts to imitate that last beep* Windchill 10:07 pm *...* KnockOot 10:07 pm "He thinks you're hot." ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm [[They would. And he does not like most of them. But we were not watching them. Were it our kind on the screen, he would acknowledge it about them as well - or now, as you speak of us.]] Windchill 10:08 pm I'm so proud....*Wipes away an imaginary tear.* Baby's first swear word...that I know of. Jetstream 10:08 pm ^hrm..^ Tarantulas 10:09 pm *strangely attracted to her dress* Whirl 10:10 pm *snickers and lowers his leg* Bevel 10:10 pm No one taught me swears when I was little. I had to learn them by myself. Whirl 10:10 pm And I think she knows "goodbye." Either way, I'm doing the good work on your behalf, Professor. Windchill 10:10 pm Very good work... Whirl 10:10 pm Well, Shovel, you need a good... *pauses* ...u-uncle? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm //Bullscrap. Ain't nobody lives with Ratchet 'n don't learn swears.//
#I will teach more soon #then you can teach! Specs 10:11 pm The docents made us eat bitter food if we swore. Whirl 10:11 pm *looks questioningly to Windchill; does that term fit?* Jetstream 10:11 pm #Can I learn?# Bevel 10:11 pm Ratchet said I could not say scrap until I had gone through scrap. 😐 Slag too. KnockOot 10:11 pm You wouldn't understand genetics, Captain. Bevel 10:11 pm *not the dinobot* Whirl 10:11 pm *salutes Zori* You got it. Windchill 10:11 pm *Shrugs up at Whirl. That's the word he's been working with.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm #...no #I do not know you
*Zori scoots close to Whirl's side.* *Strangers. Scary.* Magnum Ace 10:12 pm -what is going on anymore- Whirl 10:13 pm *feel free to scuttle up a shoulder if you need to, Zori* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm *Will* Whirl 10:13 pm I learned all the good ones in the aerial corps. Windchill 10:14 pm I learned all of my good ones from aliens. Jetstream 10:14 pm ^what.. the slag.^ Specs 10:14 pm *blinks* Ah. Well. That's something new. Jetstream 10:15 pm *Jetstream's tuning into the show now. * FakeProwl 10:15 pm *... Hm. Very curious.* KnockOot 10:15 pm Well! That's very reasonable of the Romulans! Whirl 10:15 pm (9daingit i walked out what happened....)) FakeProwl 10:15 pm ((spock snitched)) Whirl 10:15 pm ((im runnin all around this episode 6u9)) Tarantulas 10:16 pm *feels for kirk and doesn't know why* Jetstream 10:16 pm ((full on snitch. it was interesting)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm ((spock told her that kirk is not in his right mind, wanted glory, and told them to invade romulan space)) Whirl 10:16 pm ((THANK Y'ALL)) FakeProwl 10:17 pm ... Theory: Spock CAN lie, Spock and Kirk schemed this up behind the scenes. KnockOot 10:17 pm The same way I feel about Autobots and humans. Tarantulas 10:17 pm ...I hope that's true, Prowl. Jetstream 10:17 pm ^ me too^ Bevel 10:17 pm Yeah. Whirl 10:18 pm *settles back in and once again goes into Full Horrid Gargoyle Hunker; his optic is somewhat dim, and he looks close to dozing* Bevel 10:19 pm *sits forward to watch this episode* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm *Zori gently pats Whirl. Poor snoozy helicopter.* Specs 10:19 pm ((why the sax music)) Bevel 10:19 pm ((aesthetic Windchill 10:19 pm *Beware, Whirl, Chill is still on the floor and can access your FEETS.* FakeProwl 10:19 pm ((it was a very saxy scene)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm ((PFFF)) Bevel 10:19 pm ((lol Whirl 10:19 pm *blinks and lifts his head* Mm? Yep? Specs 10:19 pm ((puff no)) Whirl 10:19 pm ((PUFF YES)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm #sleeeeep Whirl 10:19 pm *lays his head back down with a snort* You trying to hypnotize me? Tarantulas 10:19 pm *belatedly realizes why he feels for kirk. makes a tiny noise* Windchill 10:20 pm *Glossa extends slowly.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm #no! #you look sleepy #you should sleep #we will stay here #to guard Specs 10:20 pm Oh, is she going to feed him, or eat him? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm [[...The second.]] *Small huff.* Tarantulas 10:21 pm ...Her hair doesn't move when she moves her head. That - bothers me, for some reason. Whirl 10:21 pm Pfft. I will, in a little bit. Sorry. I'm not bored with the company-- *gesturesa to his possee* Just been sleeping on the wing the past few weeks. *he is blissfully unaware of the Dreaded Tongue* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm #that is okay! #rest here Windchill 10:21 pm *Ignorance is not bliss, my friend.* *If Whirl feels a sudden, wet tickle on the underside of his foot, there's a reason.* Specs 10:22 pm *the dragon DOES preen herself now* Zori is the best guard, too. But I can act as snack delivery. Whirl 10:22 pm *REFLEXIVELY KICKS* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm #snaaaaacks Whirl 10:22 pm The frag?! Specs 10:22 pm *passes a treat to Zori* Whirl 10:22 pm This message has been removed. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm *nibble nibble* Bevel 10:23 pm *it was not her promise* Windchill 10:23 pm *Tongue = bruised, but it's long so his face narrowly escaped.* Me tongue hurty. Whirl 10:23 pm *twists himself like a pretzel to look under the table* ... I should have expected that. You tongue deservey. Magnum Ace 10:23 pm -reflexively DUCKS when Whirl kicks- Jetstream 10:24 pm ^I'm sorry. the what?^ KnockOot 10:24 pm ohhh Windchill 10:24 pm *Bats his lashes coyly.* FakeProwl 10:24 pm ... The captain is definitely not dead. Is the doctor in on it, too? Specs 10:24 pm His chest is moving. KnockOot 10:24 pm Maybe they resurrect him with Dark Energon. Windchill 10:24 pm This has to be a trick. *He's kind of watching the show, barely.* Magnum Ace 10:24 pm -What just happened?- Whirl 10:24 pm *sternly points a claw* No licking. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm [[No dark energon.]] KnockOot 10:24 pm I mean, humans do live on Unicron, that basically makes them zombies, right? Windchill 10:24 pm No licking? Specs 10:24 pm I don't think one typically uses narcotics to revive people. Whirl 10:24 pm Nope. Windchill 10:24 pm Aw.... Magnum Ace 10:24 pm Wait. Unicron? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm *Soundwave nods to Prowl. Smart mech.* [[Unicron. A corrupt devourer of worlds.]] KnockOot 10:25 pm Yes, in my universe Earth and Unicron are one and the same. Windchill 10:25 pm Okay...no licking... Whirl 10:25 pm You'll live, mech. *more amused than actually stern at this point* Jetstream 10:25 pm ^ok so it WAS as fake as it sounded^ Windchill 10:25 pm I guess...but my spark is broken... How will I go on? *Hand over spark* Magnum Ace 10:26 pm He does what now? Whirl 10:26 pm There are so many wonderful things and wonderful other people for you to lick. Go forth, and find them. Windchill 10:26 pm Whirl please, not in front of Zori. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm [[He consumes worlds.]] KnockOot 10:26 pm *snickers* Whirl 10:26 pm ....I hope that's not intended to be a disguise. FakeProwl 10:27 pm ... Pfff. Jetstream 10:27 pm ^it is.^ Whirl 10:27 pm Hilarious. Jetstream 10:27 pm ^primus help us it is^ Windchill 10:27 pm Man. KnockOot 10:27 pm Needs a sassy mustache. Windchill 10:27 pm I wish I had eyebrows like that. Specs 10:27 pm The fake fur is hilarious. Did they shave a Romulan to get that? Magnum Ace 10:27 pm Should I be worried? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm [[Doubtful. He has never seen your kind in a timeline where that is the case.]] KnockOot 10:27 pm Oh myyyy ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm *Soundwave tilts his helm.* Whirl 10:28 pm Booze is a pretty good inducement, I gotta say. FakeProwl 10:28 pm It's not logical to switch sides because you like their food better. That isn't even a good lie. Jetstream 10:28 pm ^moron. why'd you drink that?^ KnockOot 10:28 pm And fun company~ Magnum Ace 10:28 pm ...right then... Windchill 10:28 pm Nah. FakeProwl 10:28 pm Spock was only half telling the truth. Vulcans CAN lie, but they probably shouldn't. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm [[She is also offering him a ship, and understanding. Which some clearly do not give him, as of the last episode.]] Windchill 10:28 pm *Aw shit. He owes Rumble a drink. He forgot.* Magnum Ace 10:28 pm -making a note to ask more about it later, though- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm [[...But you are right.]] Whirl 10:29 pm Well, he's half vulcan, so a half-truth'd fit, eh? Heh. FakeProwl 10:29 pm THOSE are logical reasons to switch sides. Not food. KnockOot 10:29 pm What's illogical about food? Windchill 10:29 pm I like food... FakeProwl 10:29 pm ... I'd worry that she might pick up on that, but Spock is the only person in this show with a full brain, so. Jetstream 10:29 pm ^would you switch from bot to con or vice versa for it?^ Windchill 10:30 pm *When you have to scavenge for scraps though, food is a pretty high selling point.* Specs 10:30 pm I like to think that I could make cuisine that would be a recruitment incentive. *the dragon shakes her fur and cranes her neck archly, before gaping a grin and settling back down* But giving it to my friends is better, I think. Tarantulas 10:30 pm *squints hard at screen* Whirl 10:30 pm Ohh. She's not just offering him booze. KnockOot 10:30 pm Yeeessss, stay with this lady. Whirl 10:30 pm She's trying to boink him. FakeProwl 10:30 pm *why does she say "Romulan women aren't dedicated to logic and the sterility of non-emotion" like that's a selling point? that sounds dreadful.* Windchill 10:30 pm This is the worst attempt at flirting I've seen in a while. Whirl 10:31 pm It really is. KnockOot 10:31 pm She's saying that Romulan organics like to get it on more than Vulcan organics. FakeProwl 10:31 pm @Soundwave «... This IS flirting, right?» Specs 10:31 pm Or to get it on more creatively. Whirl 10:31 pm *with faint amusement* She's hasn't even killed anything dangerous yet. And brought him the corpse. Specs 10:31 pm Or both. Jetstream 10:31 pm ^...ok. I like this guy. he's unpredictable^ *pointing at Whirl.* Windchill 10:31 pm Right? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm @Prowl: [[It is.]] Windchill 10:31 pm No puns either. FakeProwl 10:31 pm @Soundwave «Right. Thought so. It's dreadful.» Whirl 10:32 pm *bobs his head at Jetstream* The MOST unpredictable. Windchill 10:32 pm I for one, *he rest his hand on his chest again,* cannot be seduced without puns. Specs 10:32 pm *nods at Whirl* She should at least have brought him something by now. Maybe multiple, or something impressive. Windchill 10:32 pm Really bad ones. Tarantulas 10:32 pm (( they should have played the saxy music now FakeProwl 10:32 pm ((*careless whisper plays*)) Whirl 10:32 pm Is that how Gigantor landed you? Specs 10:32 pm ((PUFF NO)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm *Soundwave huffs and nods. It is terrible, but he finds it amusing.* Windchill 10:32 pm Among other things, bucko. Consider me seduced. KnockOot 10:33 pm *makes the transforming sound* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm //Pfff!// Specs 10:33 pm *cackles* Good one! Jetstream 10:33 pm *wijix 'claps'* Tarantulas 10:33 pm I'd much rather see her transform into an alt mode than whatever she's likely to do at the moment, honestly. Whirl 10:33 pm *to the dragon* I know, right? Her game's weak. *all right, Knock Out, you might have gotten a snrk from him, too* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm [[Still. It does prove what the Dax Trill said - that there are many who find him attractive.]] Tarantulas 10:34 pm ...Well, that's not an AWFUL dress. Specs 10:34 pm *blinks* That's not a prey item. Windchill 10:34 pm Her hair still doesn't move. Jetstream 10:34 pm ^not impressed.^ FakeProwl 10:34 pm ((git it)) Whirl 10:34 pm ((VULCAN MAKIN OUT)) Specs 10:34 pm She took that long, and she didn't bring anything back? For shame. KnockOot 10:34 pm Maybe she's wearing a helm. Bevel 10:34 pm ((sexy hand touching aw yeah KnockOot 10:34 pm Heh. Whirl 10:34 pm Why're they making claws with their fingers? FakeProwl 10:35 pm @Soundwave «Do other people think "we're not as logical as your people" is an attractive trait, or is the audience intended to think that's as silly as it is?» *Prowl supposes that's a rhetorical question more than anything. But it still strikes him as bizarre.* Specs 10:35 pm Maybe they have reproductive organs on their hands? Windchill 10:35 pm *SNICKERS.* Whirl 10:35 pm Talk about inconvenient, pfft. Windchill 10:35 pm I don't know. Jetstream 10:35 pm #tons of tiny ones?# KnockOot 10:35 pm Don't need reproductive organs to have a good time. Windchill 10:36 pm I like hands as much as the next mech, but that was...weird. Jetstream 10:36 pm #and you know this how?# ^Wijix!^ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm [[Vulcans are... sparing with physical contact. It is a restrained form of affectionate touch.]] Pause. [[And they are also somewhat telepathic.]] KnockOot 10:36 pm Maybe they have sensitive hands like medics. Whirl 10:36 pm Huh. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm @Prowl: [[There are others who believe that is an attractive trait. We, obviously, are not of their number.]] FakeProwl 10:37 pm @Soundwave «Obviously.» *And that was what he was actually hoping to hear.* Jetstream 10:37 pm ^she's still in the dress.^ Whirl 10:38 pm A heist. Nice. Windchill 10:38 pm I'm just glad that...'sensual' scene is over. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm *That others find a lack of logic attractive?* FakeProwl 10:38 pm *That Soundwave is not of their number.* Specs 10:38 pm *snrk* Whirl 10:38 pm Weak. That deserved a punch. Specs 10:39 pm At least. Or a disembowelment! Or perhaps biting his face off. Windchill 10:39 pm Phew, that's why you don't make out with your enemies. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm //I think bitin' his face off's what she was GONNA do.// Whirl 10:39 pm A nice chomp would do, if you've got the mouth for it. PFFT. FakeProwl 10:40 pm @Soundwave «... You noted that was a form of affection for those who are physically sparing and telepathic. Should I be holding your hand more?» Windchill 10:40 pm *He's gonna look real coy, there.* Specs 10:40 pm *doesn't even bother stifling a snicker* Whirl 10:41 pm *don't you look coy, whirl ain't made out with any of HIS enemies* *only his friends* Windchill 10:41 pm *TECHNICALLY SPEAKING.* Whirl 10:41 pm *YOU'RE A NAIL AND YOU KNOW IT* Windchill 10:41 pm *TECHNICALLY NO.* Tarantulas 10:42 pm *is starting to get antsy, leans on prowl* KnockOot 10:42 pm Those brows. Whirl 10:42 pm *officially classified as a neutral in whirl's filing system* FakeProwl 10:42 pm *leans into Tarantulas's weight* Windchill 10:43 pm *Darn, you, Whirl's Filing System. Thwarted again!* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:43 pm @Prowl: [[...It is not required, or specific to his timeline's version of our species.]] Slight shift. [[But he would find it enjoyable, if you wished to do it. Physical contact with you is pleasant.]]
Prowl might remember that Soundwave mentioned it before inquiring about a relationship, roughly a year ago. Whirl 10:44 pm *you've been re-categorized, Rumble* Magnum Ace 10:44 pm ...they weren't prepared for that? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm *Oh, oh, did he get moved up to Total Badass?* Windchill 10:44 pm *Sighs.* Whirl 10:44 pm *Rumble was always that. He's officially 1.5 friend. More than friend* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm *An honor* Tarantulas 10:45 pm *snrk* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm [[...Fascinating.]] Jetstream 10:45 pm #sorcery!# Specs 10:45 pm *the dragon keeps trying not to giggle at the eyebrows, they look so weird! they don't look right on the naked organics!* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm [[And more efficient than our own was. For once.]] Bevel 10:45 pm That cloaking device is really cool. Whirl 10:46 pm Kinda takes the fun out of it, if you ask me. KnockOot 10:46 pm Wow, Kirk. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm //Pfff!// ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm //Takes the fun out how?// Windchill 10:46 pm Pfft. I don't need to be invisible. Whirl 10:46 pm Makes the fight too easy. And, more importantly--it makes showing off WAY harder. Jetstream 10:47 pm can confirm. had one once. ^ Windchill 10:47 pm *As much as people might be spared from having to look at him, this is sadly not the case.* Jetstream 10:47 pm *twas Jetstream* Whirl 10:47 pm *not even invisibility could hide windchill's huge butt* Windchill 10:47 pm *Nothing can hide that huge butt.* FakeProwl 10:47 pm *... This is a very poor time to flirt, Spock.* Windchill 10:47 pm *The Twerkinator.* FakeProwl 10:48 pm @Soundwave «I would find it enjoyable as well.» Whirl 10:49 pm *blinks very slowly; dozing off again* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm *Soundwave turns his hand over, then.*
[[They do look better on Spock, in as much as any organic feature does.]] Windchill 10:49 pm Whirl. Whirl. Whirl. Wub. Whirl 10:49 pm *blinks* mm? Wh--PFFT. Wub. Windchill 10:49 pm Wub. Specs 10:50 pm *the dragon stretches and yawns* I can't doze off here. Best be heading back before I fall asleep too. Thanks for having me, Soundwave. See you all next time? Whirl 10:50 pm *to his gathered friends, gravely* His little one calls me Wub. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:50 pm [[You are welcome, dragon. Return as you will.]] Whirl 10:50 pm Seeya, dragon. Windchill 10:50 pm *Beams proudly.* Specs 10:50 pm *the dragon shakes herself and trots off* FakeProwl 10:50 pm *... Prowl meant AFTER everyone was gone. But you know what, he'll take the hand.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:50 pm *And that will mean all the more. Now, is Tarantulas asleep over there...?* Jetstream 10:50 pm *cue Wijix dancing* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm *Soundwave slowly stretches a feeler toward his face and moves to tap a mandible with a tendril* FakeProwl 10:51 pm *As long as they don't start swinging it around or touching each other's faces in front of everyone.* Windchill 10:51 pm *Pokes Whirl's foot.* Whirl 10:51 pm All right, you losers. I gotta get a good night's sleep in. ugh, I did nothing for three weeks and I'm STILL tired, this is lame. *pokes back* Windchill 10:51 pm You're lame. Bevel 10:51 pm Night, Whirl! Whirl 10:51 pm You're objectively wrong. Tarantulas 10:51 pm *no, just leaning on prowl still. a mandible flicks out at the feeler* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm //Kay. Seeya next time, huh? Don't get trapped again, heh.// Windchill 10:51 pm I'm always wrong. Jetstream 10:51 pm ^Wijix. Whirlwind'll have my hide if we don't get back. Whirl it was a pleasure.^ Whirl 10:51 pm I'll be here if I can. And, pfft, believe me--I don't plan on it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:52 pm *The feeler darts back and... imitates a spider cleaning its face. As he learned when Prowl was in the hospital.* Whirl 10:52 pm *salutes Jetstream, and, with n o small amount of smugness* Of course it was, mech. Magnum Ace 10:52 pm Good night? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:52 pm ((*touches spide face*, three seconds before prowl goes "as long as nobody's touching faces)) Whirl 10:52 pm ((HEHHEE)) Tarantulas 10:52 pm *snickers* I'm not about to mimic you back at the moment, Soundwave. (( l m a o Jetstream 10:53 pm ^uh and... ^ *never caught Prowl's name* ^ .. you. was interesting commenting on that show with you.^ Whirl 10:53 pm ((sorry to duck out so soon but for the next three weeks my schedule requires me to be up at 5am so i must sleep :') )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:53 pm ((oh my gosh GET REST)) FakeProwl 10:53 pm ... Huh? Bevel 10:53 pm *stretches her back* Tarantulas 10:53 pm (( sleeeeeeep Windchill 10:53 pm (( Good luck my frien )) Bevel 10:53 pm ((ewww sleep is very important for 5am work yes FakeProwl 10:53 pm *He didn't actually realize they were conversing together. He was talking to his own couch.* Er. Sure. Whirl 10:53 pm *bobs his head to the room* Unless i get trapped by the dark and mysterious forces of... *shudders* bureaucracy again, see you next week. I'll try and make Teach's night, too, if I can. Windchill 10:54 pm Bye, Sucker. Jetstream 10:54 pm * they weren't. more saying similar things through the show* Whirl 10:54 pm Bye, loser. Windchill 10:54 pm That's me! Jetstream 10:54 pm *he wasn't saying it was nice talking with him. he didn't talk with him* *and we out!* Magnum Ace 10:55 pm .... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm //Blurr'll like that. Seeya// Salute. Whirl 10:55 pm *pauses long enough to call through the doorway* La Mer! Next time, Soundwave! *and he will salute Rumble back* Hell, I will too. Windchill 10:55 pm *He knows this one.* Whirl 10:55 pm *now off to scout out a place to crash* Tarantulas 10:56 pm *waves lazily with a spide leg at whirl* Windchill 10:56 pm *Spreads out on the floor, humming.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm *Disappointed feeler withdrawal. Ah well. If he'd kept Tarantulas busy, he might've been able to ask Bevel something.* Tarantulas 10:57 pm *get creative, sw* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm *...To Pit with it. There are such things as secure lines.* Bevel 10:57 pm *secure lines are totally creative* Tarantulas 10:57 pm *heh, that also works. tarantulas isn't in a hacking mood at the moment* Magnum Ace 10:58 pm -so, he's just...going to move away from the sprawling large mech- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm @Bevel: [[He did not have the chance to ask you his question last time. Would you find it rude if he - or others - were to ask you questions about your shape-changing abilities?]] Tarantulas 10:58 pm @Prowl: Were you "huh"-ing at me, dear? FakeProwl 10:59 pm What? Tarantulas 10:59 pm Oh, just a moment ago. Nevermind if it's of no concern. *pets doors* FakeProwl 10:59 pm Oh. No. Someone over... *gestures vaguely* There said something toward me. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm *Zori does a little dance to the music on the table where Whirl had been, happy that he can actually move a little more now with all these segments* *Rumble snorts and joins him without leaving his seat. It's not really his jam, but the Bug seems to be having a good time, so why not? Bevel 11:00 pm *perk up slightly at the sudden private comm* @Soundwave: Oh! I forgot to remind you. I do not mind questions! Windchill 11:01 pm *Spreads out more, like melted butter but less savoury.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:02 pm @Bevel: [[Then both he and Prowl have some to ask soon. Curiosity, for each, and historical records for himself.]] Bevel 11:02 pm *moves slightly away from the butter bot* Windchill 11:02 pm *He might get his stink on you WATCH OUT.* *COOTIES BEWARE.* Magnum Ace 11:02 pm -trying to find a higher surface he can reach- Bevel 11:03 pm @Soundwave: Prowl too? *she thinks about this for a half moment and nods* Yeah ok. *ew cooties* Windchill 11:03 pm *Gross sobbing sounds.* Whirl's gone..he...left me. All alone... Bevel 11:03 pm I think he was tired. Windchill 11:03 pm *Surrounded by people.* He looked really tired. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm *Soundwave watches Magnum Ace curiously. Does he mean to touch the ceiling tonight?* Windchill 11:04 pm But I have to be dramatic, doesn't matter if I understand. It's obligatory. Tarantulas 11:04 pm I quite sympathize with you, Windchill. Windchill 11:04 pm Oh yeah? Magnum Ace 11:04 pm -no, he was back on the floor, he wants back up now- Bevel 11:05 pm You have to be? Windchill 11:05 pm Yes. Bevel 11:05 pm *Bevel is happy to help Magnum Ace back up if they need it* Windchill 11:05 pm I wouldn't be ME if I wasn't dramatic. Magnum Ace 11:05 pm -If he was up that high, it meant he was about to pull some stupidly overpowered strike that shouldn't be done indoors- Windchill 11:05 pm Unnecessary drama makes up the bulk of my decisions and personality, after all. KnockOot 11:06 pm That's the spirit! Go big or go home. Windchill 11:06 pm And... I have a lot of bulk. *GASPS.* FakeProwl 11:06 pm *... Sneaks glance at rest of the room.* Bevel 11:06 pm I guess. Tarantulas 11:06 pm *squints amusedly at the giant-ass mech on the floor. yes* Windchill 11:07 pm *He likes this movie and this song.* *There's only one way to cheer himself after Whirl's leaving.* FakeProwl 11:07 pm *Look at that. The attractive doctor AND a star baseball pitcher, both on the same night. And Prowl wasn't even able to enjoy them because he had to focus all of his attention on Spock.* Windchill 11:07 pm *That is* *To Sing.* FakeProwl 11:08 pm *Maybe they'll come back next week.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm *Oh, he remembers this song. And Windchill's singing? Record record.*
*Prowl -could- go speak to them now.* Windchill 11:08 pm *It doesn't sound the same as the original, he only sings Soprano so far as anyone knows.* Tarantulas 11:08 pm *...how's windchill's singing. is it decent* KnockOot 11:08 pm *hums along* Bevel 11:08 pm *this is too high for her to sing even if she likes it quite a bit* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm *Soundwave, obviously, will not be singing a damned thing.* FakeProwl 11:09 pm *Nope. Can't do. He used up his One (1) icebreaker on the pitcher.* Magnum Ace 11:09 pm -well, he's not going anywhere. He still has no idea how he is getting home- Windchill 11:09 pm *It's decent when he wants it to be. Often, though, he finds singing poorly is more fun and hilarious.* Tarantulas 11:09 pm *fairfair* Bevel 11:09 pm *ok technically she could mimic him perfectly but that's only fun sometimes* Windchill 11:09 pm *For now, there's some effort put into it, albeit not more than necessary to carry the tune.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm *A little vocalized request for assistance never hurts, little baseball star* Tarantulas 11:10 pm *so long as windchill's not screeching off-tune, we're good* KnockOot 11:10 pm ((They used milk for this scene ((And he had a hellishly high fever Magnum Ace 11:10 pm ((damn Windchill 11:10 pm (( That's both fascinating and terrifying.)) *Not tonight, you've all been spared.* FakeProwl 11:10 pm ((I knew about the fever. all that milk, tho. that's horrible)) Tarantulas 11:10 pm (( at least he was probably cooling off in the rain ??? Magnum Ace 11:10 pm -once he's done watching this, it's interesting- KnockOot 11:11 pm ((I know right?? Windchill 11:11 pm *Hmm, this doesn't sound overly familiar.* Magnum Ace 11:11 pm -okay, song over, time to get help. Again- KnockOot 11:11 pm *looks over at Prowl* Bevel 11:12 pm ((I love Good Morning so much more because OT3 but Singin' in the Rain is suc a fun song Magnum Ace 11:12 pm ...Soundwave, was it? Windchill 11:13 pm *Opens his mouth to retort with an ominous, 'Soundwave isn't here,' but shuts it.* *He's kind of behaving.* FakeProwl 11:13 pm *loOKS AWAY* Magnum Ace 11:13 pm Do you mind helping me get home, again? Tarantulas 11:13 pm *notices the look/look away, hmm* FakeProwl 11:14 pm *Oh look a way for him to insert himself into the conversation!* You've helped him get home before? KnockOot 11:14 pm *oh well, Knock Out is used to being looked at* *looks back at the screen* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm [[Wednesday. But if you'd like the honor...]] Magnum Ace 11:14 pm ...? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm [[He did bridge Swoop, himself.]] *Rumble hops up and goes to prod Knock Out with a claw* FakeProwl 11:15 pm ... Hold on. KnockOot 11:15 pm ((Wow, right now the music is PERFECTLY syncing with the Dracula gif on Astrotrain's blog. ((It is hilarious ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((LOL)) KnockOot 11:15 pm Hey Rumble! How goes it? FakeProwl 11:16 pm *Looks at Magnum Ace.* If you need help getting home—how did you even get here? Before I talked to you you'd never made contact with an alien before, now under a week later you're exploring Cybertron? KnockOot 11:16 pm You're one of those sports bots, right? I watched your exploits in Smokescreen's stream! Magnum Ace 11:16 pm I have no idea. I was supposed to be going to the rec room. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm //It goes. Listen - you got good cleanin' stuff, right?// Windchill 11:17 pm You guys... KnockOot 11:17 pm Sure do. What's up? Windchill 11:17 pm I'm covered in... GERMS. Bevel 11:17 pm *since no further questions are forthcoming tonight, Bevel is going to go. She has to write a resume. Very important.* Windchill 11:17 pm *Wiggles on the floor to spread more germs.* FakeProwl 11:17 pm ... The rec room. On what planet? KnockOot 11:17 pm *daintily pulls his legs up* Magnum Ace 11:17 pm Earth. Like last time. Tarantulas 11:18 pm Earth? KnockOot 11:18 pm Bye, Bevel! Windchill 11:18 pm *Did he hear Earth?* Tarantulas 11:18 pm *is suddenly in this convo now, don't mind him* Magnum Ace 11:18 pm Yes, Earth. FakeProwl 11:18 pm ... You were walking to a rec room on Earth and you ended up on Cybertron. Magnum Ace 11:18 pm Bevel said it was something that the multiverse pulls sometimes? Windchill 11:18 pm Hey, man, that could happen. *Nods sagely from the floor, butting in.* Happens to me all the time. KnockOot 11:19 pm Sounds about right for the multiverse. Windchill 11:19 pm It's how I officially met Whirl, even. He'll tell you. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm //Good polish. We kinda stole Ravage's t' shine the Bug up tonight. He's gonna flip.// FakeProwl 11:20 pm *Opens mouth. ... Shuts mouth.* Right. Well. Welcome to Cybertron. Magnum Ace 11:20 pm ...so it is a common thing? KnockOot 11:20 pm *tsks, but looks pretty amused* FakeProwl 11:20 pm You should maybe avoid that door. And tell others to avoid it. If a human walks through next time, they'll suffocate. Windchill 11:20 pm I think so? Magnum Ace 11:20 pm Thank you? KnockOot 11:20 pm Got anything to trade? Magnum Ace 11:20 pm The last time it was the door to the workroom, though ItsyBitsySpyers 11:21 pm //Almost anythin' this joint got in storage, I got. Whatcha lookin' for?// KnockOot 11:21 pm Some really high class high grade. FakeProwl 11:21 pm ... *Glances at Soundwave.* That's a problem. Some kind of wormhole, it sounds like. Any way to close it? Windchill 11:22 pm *Block the hole with Windchill's fat ass.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm *Rumble leans close to whisper conspiratorially.* //Now, I dunno if you noticed, but...// *Waves a hand at the bar.* Magnum Ace 11:22 pm I would appreciate it. We don't need any of the humans coming here on accident KnockOot 11:23 pm *grins, also leaning close* 'S why I asked. I'll leave it to you to choose the kind. Trusting your judgement here, Rumble. *reaches in his subspace for polish, because of course he has some on hand* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:23 pm [[...Perhaps, but he would ask Tarantulas first. It took us over a year to discover how to undo the overlapped territories we accidentally created, and his notes are only partial ones. Part of being forced off the ship without all of his files.]] Magnum Ace 11:24 pm So...for now just check the doors before a human goes through them? FakeProwl 11:24 pm Especially when your world hasn't made official first contact yet. *So much for steering the situation in a way that could be advantageous to the leaguers, if this progresses.* Tarantulas 11:24 pm You created what how where?? *tarantulas has heard neither hide nor hair of this, sw, pls explain* FakeProwl 11:25 pm Unless there's something better that can be done? *Glances at Soundwave again.* I don't have experience with this. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:26 pm *Rumble hops over to the bar to dig through bottles.* //Where's Ratbat when you need'im...// *Mumble mumble.* KnockOot 11:26 pm *vaguely* Thought you booted him out or something. Windchill 11:27 pm *Dozes a little: a practice round before going home to sleep for real.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm //Well, yeah.// *Dig dig.* //...You like Crystal City stuff?//
*Soundwave leans around Prowl to look at Tarantulas for a moment.* [[Overlapped territories. One human land mass temporarily shared space with another.]] KnockOot 11:28 pm Damn right I do. Magnum Ace 11:28 pm Ah...so...I guess for now I have to be careful? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm *And now back to Magnum Ace and Prowl.* [[He supposes an effort could be made to try to contain it, but...]] KnockOot 11:29 pm *nudges Windchill with his foot* Still covered in germs? Windchill 11:29 pm *Opens an optic. Luckily, he doesn't startle easily unless he wants to, for drama.* Always. I'm a dirty boy. Magnum Ace 11:29 pm So far it has only been on the lower level, if that helps? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:29 pm [[Until the actual stabilization, sending some sort of probe through before arriving and banning human access would be best.]] KnockOot 11:30 pm *leans his chin on his hand* You know Shrapnelle, don't you? I can tell from your large lovely hand. *hands Tarantulas 11:30 pm @SW: You mean spacetime coexistence of multiversal land masses, or? And when? I'm confused by your wording, I think. Windchill 11:30 pm ...I assume you're talking to me, as I do know a Shrapnelle. KnockOot 11:30 pm Mmhm, mmhm. FakeProwl 11:30 pm Have you heard of any other similar incidents elsewhere on your world? Or is what you're experiencing the only such trouble you know of? Windchill 11:30 pm One eye, sings bass, says 'fuck' a lot? KnockOot 11:31 pm Bless her Windchill 11:31 pm She grabbed my dick once. *TMI? NEVER.* KnockOot 11:31 pm Did she give it back? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:31 pm @Tarantulas: [[Are you familiar with Earth and its individual territories?]] Magnum Ace 11:31 pm So far, only myself. Windchill 11:31 pm Yeah. Tarantulas 11:31 pm @SW: Yes, quite. What of them? Windchill 11:31 pm I... Don't know what my hands have to do with her. KnockOot 11:33 pm Let's compare! *holds up his own hand* Windchill 11:33 pm *He's gonna squint, and try to figure that one out.* 'Kay. FakeProwl 11:33 pm Hm. I suppose that makes sense... I haven't even been able to access your planet's Internet, yet I've managed to make contact with you and one of your teammates—suggesting that whatever... spacetime phenomenon is connecting your universe into the broader multiverse is localized, physically, where you are. Windchill 11:33 pm *Holds up a hand for comparison.* KnockOot 11:33 pm *Vulcan / Romulan hand make-outs* FakeProwl 11:33 pm *Pokes Tarantulas* Does that sound reasonable? Windchill 11:33 pm *Gasps.* Her germs..Are on our hands... KnockOot 11:34 pm *gasps too* Windchill 11:34 pm *Wiggles his giant fingers.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:34 pm @Tarantulas: [[The one known as... Louisiana, he believes, temporarily shared space with the one labeled Texas. Humans and mechs flying or driving through the first would find that their navigational systems registered them as flying or driving through the second. And then back on the correct path when they exited it.]] KnockOot 11:34 pm ((*chortles* Windchill 11:34 pm (( Good lort. )) Tarantulas 11:34 pm @Prowl: Yes, of course. It hasn't happened to any of his associates, has it? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:34 pm @Tarantulas: [[We lost several Vehicons for over a year because of that.]] KnockOot 11:34 pm See? Only the largest and loveliest. Windchill 11:35 pm ..You mean to tell me she has a large hand fetish? I feel so scandalized. KnockOot 11:35 pm Do you feel used? Windchill 11:35 pm I should have known... She only wanted me for my large hands... And not my body. Tarantulas 11:36 pm @SW: Oh goodness. You said notes - do you still have any? KnockOot 11:36 pm Well, not all of your body. Windchill 11:36 pm *Priorities.* *Covers his optics with his other hand and fakes dramatic giggle-sobs.* Betrayal... FakeProwl 11:36 pm ... One of his associates made comm contact with me, but—Magnum Ace, you said that you're the only one who's had such an experience yet, right? Have you told anyone back on Earth about it? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:37 pm @Tarantulas: [[Partial. But only for use helping this being.]] *Subtle hand motion toward Magnum Ace.* [[And only with Prowl's permission.]] KnockOot 11:37 pm *fake sympathetically pats his back* Windchill 11:37 pm I can never love again... KnockOot 11:37 pm What about lust? FakeProwl 11:38 pm What? *Heard his name. ... In his head heard his name.* Magnum Ace 11:38 pm As far as I know, and no, I have not told anyone else FakeProwl 11:38 pm It's possible your teammates have had similar experiences and not told anyone else. Have any of them, leaguer or human, disappeared recently and not reappeared? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:39 pm *Belatedly, Rumble hands Knock Out a good big cube of The Good Slag. Because the mun forgot.* Windchill 11:39 pm Lust? Magnum Ace 11:39 pm Not recently. Tarantulas 11:39 pm *hums and waits for prowl/magnum ace to finish* KnockOot 11:39 pm Why thank you~ *hands him the polish* Windchill 11:39 pm *Lowers his crying hand to scratch his chin.* *As fake as his act might have been, actual tears smear his cheeks.* Hmm. I'm gonna say... FakeProwl 11:40 pm "Not RECENTLY"? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:40 pm *Rumble subspaces it and shoots KO a thumbs up before jogging back to Zori* Windchill 11:40 pm HELL YEAH. Magnum Ace 11:42 pm -trying to figure out how to explain compulsory retirement, and if he wants to- Windchill 11:42 pm *Wipes his gross face.* Tarantulas 11:43 pm Was it in any way seemingly quote-unquote supernatural or without explanation otherwise? Because you DID say you've never made alien contact before on your Earth. Magnum Ace 11:43 pm There are...other reasons for a Leaguer to go missing and never appear again.. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:43 pm *That's got his attention.*
[[What other reasons.]] FakeProwl 11:43 pm ... I meant "disappear" and you DON'T know where they went. Magnum Ace 11:44 pm -phew- Then, no, none have done that, Prowl. Windchill 11:44 pm *RAISES HAND.* FakeProwl 11:44 pm I'm trying to establish a pattern of random teleportation on your planet. THAT problem, we're going to deal with later. Windchill 11:44 pm *Whirl isn't here to use his teacher voice but he's gonna try anyway.* Magnum Ace 11:45 pm -he's beginning to feel like he got in over his head- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:47 pm //Whatcha raisin' hands for?// Magnum Ace 11:47 pm Right. No, nothing else like this has happened before. Windchill 11:47 pm For attention... FakeProwl 11:48 pm Then it might still be containable. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:48 pm //Well, ya got it. Whatcha need it for?// Tarantulas 11:48 pm Certainly. And - the last location you jumped to was here, correct? Or was it Blurr's...? Windchill 11:48 pm I don't. Magnum Ace 11:49 pm Blurr's. He was the one with the...fangs and claws, right? Windchill 11:49 pm *Well, maybe he has a question for teleportation guy, but seeing as they're probably feeling interrogated already, it's not important.* Tarantulas 11:49 pm Hyeheh, yes, that's him. Magnum Ace 11:50 pm Then, yes, his place. FakeProwl 11:50 pm *Winces. THAT'S unfortunate.* Tarantulas 11:50 pm Soundwave, who was there last week and also here this week? Windchill 11:50 pm *Puts his hand down, having gained 0.02 seconds of attention. About average.* Magnum Ace 11:51 pm -It was. He felt like Blurr was going to try and eat him. But it was only a joke...right?- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:52 pm ((makin me do RESEARCH just a sec)) Tarantulas 11:52 pm (( IM SORRY Magnum Ace 11:52 pm ((-pats- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm [[Bevel, Magnum Ace, himself, Ravage, and Rumble.]] [[He believes Windchill has something to ask as well.]] *Point.* FakeProwl 11:53 pm ... Magnum Ace, you have my comm line, correct? If you find yourself lost again and need help getting home—or just somewhere safe—you can comm me at any time. Windchill 11:53 pm *Looks around stupidly.* Magnum Ace 11:54 pm ...thank you I hope I don't have to take you up on that, though. FakeProwl 11:54 pm *Turns toward Soundwave* My avatar was there as well. Bonecrusher was piloting it, but it was from my generator. I don't know if that makes a difference, since it was only passed over comm data. But I HAVE also made comm contact with both leaguers known to have made contact with Cybertron. Tarantulas 11:55 pm ...You know, that IS probably it, I suspect. KnockOot 11:55 pm *is dozing off* FakeProwl 11:55 pm Really? Do you think comm units can do that? Magnum Ace 11:55 pm It can be something like that? Windchill 11:55 pm *How can you doze off when Elvis' hair looks that ridiculous.* FakeProwl 11:55 pm How? KnockOot 11:55 pm *his hair has hypnotized him* Windchill 11:56 pm *That explains it.* Tarantulas 11:58 pm *is squinting off* ...Give me a moment. Yesterday Windchill 11:58 pm *Stretches.* Windchill 12:00 am I should start thinking about heading out. Tarantulas 12:00 am (( magnum-mun! i should get in contact with you 😮 a few of us have to leave soon but ideas are afoot Magnum Ace 12:01 am ((sounds fun KnockOot 12:01 am Night, Windchill. FakeProwl 12:01 am ((yeh we need to talk out How it is he keeps accidentally showing up, and whether we want to solve the problem and/or make up a way for him to start voluntarily coming)) Magnum Ace 12:01 am ((we do need to do that, because there is only so many times he can pull this Windchill 12:02 am (( I don't even bother explaining how Windchill is here ever. )) Tarantulas 12:02 am (( i think tarantulas can fix it and then give him access to either a person or manner in which he can commute, but i'd like to talk it out first Windchill 12:02 am Goodnight, Not-Sucker. Magnum Ace 12:02 am (('chill just pops up ((and that would be awesome Windchill 12:02 am (( It's the will of the multiverse. )) Magnum Ace 12:03 am Good night ((it is Windchill 12:03 am (( Actually I do have an explanation but it's stupid. )) (( And it's basically the above pfft.)) (( But anyway. )) *He might ask questions...later, if he remembers and still deems them relevant.* *For now, he Hungers.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:05 am *Don't eat any of the minicons out back. Soundwave will throw a fit.* Windchill 12:06 am *The minicons aren't corpses and haven't slighted his mate, they're probably safe.* Tarantulas 12:06 am @Prowl: ....If you allow me access to Soundwave's notes - because apparently I have to ask for that - I could read up and tell you more. And possibly I'll have questions for Bonecrusher. Has your comm unit been behaving in any way erratically lately? Windchill 12:08 am *Gets up with some exaggerated groaning.* FakeProwl 12:08 am ... I recently picked up a large burst of new comm frequencies. That's not "erratic behavior" so much as "an unusual occurrence," though. But if maybe I'd suddenly gained access to several universes I wasn't able to access before, that might explain it. Magnum Ace was among that burst of new frequencies. *To Soundwave* Why is Tarantulas asking me to grant him permission to access your notes? Tarantulas 12:09 am *nods. good evidence for his hypothesis* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:09 am @Prowl: [[Because he did not know if you would trust Tarantulas with notes on how to compress and decompress spaces, given that he idolizes Shockwave.]] Magnum Ace 12:10 am ...my comms. are short-ranged only, if that helps. About the length of typical stadiums. Windchill 12:10 am *Walks for the door, slowly, dramatically, like a lethargic zombie.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:10 am [[Mind the doors, Windchill.]] [[He's filled enough broken walls from Astrotrain.]] Windchill 12:10 am The only thing I've ever broken here... Is my spark... *Gross sobbing.* FakeProwl 12:10 am @Soundwave «... If he someday decides he feels like imploding the universe I think like there are more efficient ways for him to pull it off than that.» Windchill 12:11 am *He does TRY to be careful and not actually damage things.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:11 am *Very well. But if it comes to that, he's taking the I Told You So moment.* Magnum Ace 12:11 am ...? -he'd like to know what a spark is, but later he'll ask- ItsyBitsySpyers 12:11 am [[He will deliver the notes later.]] Tarantulas 12:12 am Hyeh, much appreciated. FakeProwl 12:12 am My comms use subspace channels—they can stretch nearly indefinitely. So that doesn't prove much. Windchill 12:12 am *Stops suddenly, standing up straight.* KnockOot 12:12 am Well, I'm off . . . good night, all. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:12 am //Seeya, Doc.// Windchill 12:12 am Shitknuckles. FakeProwl 12:12 am At least, I don't think so. *Looks to Soundwave. You know more about comms.* Tarantulas 12:12 am ...Could I have your comm frequency, Magnum Ace? Windchill 12:12 am *Raises hand* Magnum Ace 12:12 am Sure. Tarantulas 12:13 am (( idk just pretend he pings it to him or smth Magnum Ace 12:13 am ...yes? ((just gonna go with that Windchill 12:13 am I still owe Rumble a drink, I forgot this time because I'm stupid or something. *Or something.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:13 am //Gimme next time. I ain't forgot.// Windchill 12:14 am I'm not promising it'll be any good, mech. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am //Still want it. Could pawn it off on somebody else.// Windchill 12:15 am I GUESS that's a plan. I'll remember better...next time. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:17 am *Soundwave refrains from rubbing his crest. Too expressive in public. But this is asking too much of him without enough data. He needs to observe it in action, or test it with different comms, or -something-.*
[[He requires additional information before he can give an opinion. At the moment, he does not even have concrete locations for these 'doors', or have complete specifications for both models of comm unit.]] [[Once he has those - at the VERY least - he can begin researching.]] FakeProwl 12:17 am *Nods. Valid answer.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:18 am //You better. I got a Ravage 'n I ain't afraid to feed 'em.// ItsyBitsySpyers 12:18 am *Rumble snickers. It's an empty threat, but it sounds good.* Windchill 12:18 am ...You gonna feed Ravage an entire me? Magnum Ace 12:18 am Ah. Locations as in where they're located in the building or global coordinates? Tarantulas 12:18 am Needless to say, we'll have to be in touch, Soundwave. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:18 am [[Both. And we will.]] FakeProwl 12:19 am One set of coordinates leads to the other. Magnum Ace 12:19 am -he can get those, thankfully- ItsyBitsySpyers 12:19 am [[Providing things haven't overlapped.]] *If all doors are somehow sharing the same space as one door, he'd like to know about it.* FakeProwl 12:20 am ... If they've overlapped then they just have MORE coordinates, don't they? Magnum Ace 12:22 am -he's just...going to sit down now. He does sports, not science- ItsyBitsySpyers 12:22 am [[It will be a mess. That is all he can say.]] Tarantulas 12:22 am *it's alright, tara's got the science for you, soundwave's got the comms, and prowl's got the coordination skills* FakeProwl 12:22 am ......... Do we have any more pressing questions at the moment, or can we let him go home now? He's supposed to be training for the upcoming season. Silver Castle is the defending champion team. Tarantulas 12:23 am I've got his comm now, so no, hyeh, no more questions at the moment. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:23 am [[He has no questions as long as data is received in a timely manner.]] FakeProwl 12:23 am *PROWL'S SO PROUD OF THEM prowl's never seen them play a game.* Magnum Ace 12:23 am -Prowl will get to see last season as soon as he can get hold of Ms. Island- Windchill 12:24 am *He'll assume that yes, an entire him is intended to be consumed.* Bye, suckerrrrs. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:24 am ((i missed it 😧 yes an entire windchill consumed over time)) Windchill 12:24 am *Vanishes, probably literally once out the door.* Magnum Ace 12:24 am -because right now he's about to nod off where he's seated- Windchill 12:24 am (( I just gotta go lol no worries. )) Tarantulas 12:24 am (( *waves!* Magnum Ace 12:24 am ((g'night! FakeProwl 12:25 am Then, with your coordinates, I can send you home. *He can get to do that this time, right?* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:26 am *Yes.* Magnum Ace 12:26 am -Back to his feet- That would be appriciated FakeProwl 12:27 am Coordinates? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:27 am *If Mags here doesn't have them, Soundwave will send them.* Tarantulas 12:28 am *suddenly* Should we call you Magnum, or Ace, or the full Magnum Ace? Magnum Ace 12:30 am Hmn? I don't mind, most of my team calls me Magnum anyway. -and he still has the star chart, if Prowl wants that?- Tarantulas 12:31 am Very well then, Magnum. A pleasure to meet you. FakeProwl 12:31 am *That will require a lot more questions in order to yield actual universe coordinates, he'll take already-calculated coordinates from Soundwave.* Magnum Ace 12:32 am -it's what he used to get home. Was a very interesting trip- ItsyBitsySpyers 12:33 am *They're sent. As is the star chart he got the other night that was just offered. Just in case Prowl decides to visit some day.* FakeProwl 12:34 am *Not until he's ready to blow some humans' minds.* Magnum Ace 12:34 am -Just don't scare Owner. She's a really nice human- FakeProwl 12:34 am *you call her Owner.* *Right then. Bridge open next to Magnum.* There's your ride. Ping me when you get through so I know you reached the correct location. *Just in case. Planets move, Prowl didn't see how Soundwave did his math.* Magnum Ace 12:36 am -She owns Silver Castle, and he joined willingly- Magnum Ace 12:37 am Thank you. I'll do that. -And off he goes- Tarantulas 12:37 am (( night!! Magnum Ace 12:39 am ((mun is coming off a caffeine rush. whooo, it be bedtime for this dingus. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:39 am ((night!)) Magnum Ace 12:39 am ((g'night! Tarantulas 12:40 am *nuzzles the top of prowl's helm* FakeProwl 12:44 am *Leans into the nuzzle on one side, squeezes Soundwave's hand on the other.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:45 am *It seems business is done for the night, and light piling up has commenced, so he'll squeeze the hand back and make himself comfortable with a lean of his own.* FakeProwl 12:48 am ((And then they lightly cuddled until they went home, the end.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:48 am ((PFF)) Tarantulas 12:48 am (( <3
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ms-anne-xia · 7 years
Pirates of the Caribbean: Heaven’s Diamonds
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Carina, on the other hand, was having the time of her life. For all her life, she was called a witch. Someone not worthy of studying the stars. Someone who should not know such knowledge. But that all changed when her father came along.
He offered her the chance to come aboard the Revenge, and become his first mate. She immediately accepted. At that very moment, her life changed. The first thing she did, was ask her father the ways of pirating. While she wasn’t taught how to handle a sword, she was taught how to handle a gun. Which was quite useful.
Carina would be going on new adventures almost every day with her father. And if anyone dared called her a witch, it wouldn’t be promising.
The Queen Anne’s Revenge sailed at sea after just completing another attack. The crew went about, making sure the ship was in order. In the captains cabin, in his golden chair, sat Hector Barbossa. Commander of the Sea. He sat at his desk, writing on a large black book. Next to him, sat Carina on a chaise lounge.
She no longer sported fancy dresses. She now wore a nice red and black outfit befitting of a first mate. She sat in her seat, writing in the diary of Galileo Galilei, a Spanish treasure that her father had retrieved for her many years ago.
A string quartet played, making the room more lively than what it needed to be.
Carina wrote in her diary, making dozens of calculations. Apparently, in about three days, there was going to be a very rare occurrence known as the Blue Moon. The 3rd Full Moon in an astronomical season with 4 Full Moons. She hardly heard about it, but all she knew was that it was rarer than a blood moon. And she definitely wasn’t gonna miss it. So, she was calculating where it was going to be, so she could see it clearly.
“Carina, come ‘ere” Barbossa called from his desk.
Carina stood from her seat and walked up next to her father.
“Yes, Father?” She asked
“Make sure the crew be doin’ their jobs. Or they’ll be hell t'pay” Barbossa said, never taking his eyes of the book he was writing in.
“Of course, Father” Carina said,about to walk towards the exit. But before she could however, she felt her fathers hand reach for her diary, and snatch it from her.
“Hey!” She yelped
But Barbossa payed no attention. He was too busy reading what his daughter had written in her diary. He read through the scribblings and writings, furrowing his eyes.
“Hmm,” He began “A Blue Moon, you say?” He said, raising his head so he could be staring at Carina.
Carina looked at her father, trying to find at least some words to say. “Um,yes,” she said “In three days”.
Barbossa looked at Carina and smirked. Her love for the heavens was never ending.
“Darlin’, I understand you want to see the moon, but we’ve talked 'bout this. We’re pirates. The sea cannot tame just fer us” he said
Carina frowned. I wish it did.
“I know but,” she said, pointing at a drawing she had made on of the pages “,the Blue Moon only happens every nineteen years. It’s incredibly rare! While it may not really be a blue moon, it’s still an astronomical event! We don’t even have to go far, it’ll be visible to everyone!”
Barbossa understood she wanted to see the Blue Moon. And it would be visible to everyone. They just didn’t have the time. But he hated to see his daughter upset. It’s not like they haven’t spent times 'minding the heavens’. He was a pirate, but he wasn’t stupid.
Carina waited for her father to say something, hoping he would say yes.
Barbossa then sighed and turned to Carina. “Carina, I love yer adoration for stars. I really do. But we can’t control the world”
“But we don’t need to control the world” Carina said, grabbing her diary and smirking “Just the heavens. I thought you knew that already, Father”. And just like that, she walked away and out the door.
Barbossa sat there, shaking his head and proceeding to write in his book.
Why did she have to inherit my sass?
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fapangel · 7 years
What are your thoughts regarding Elon Musk?
A great question. Long story short, I alternate between wanting to love Elon Musk as one of the few venture capitalists on Earth with a fucking brain, and wanting to drown him in a scummy pond for being such a fucking West-coast weenie retard. 
Elon’s Genius
Waitbutwhy.com got a series of exclusive interviews with Elon, and while the star-struck explorations of the author might be of questionable objectivity, he did a great job of summarizing how Elon thinks. And the single most important thing about Elon was expressed in a verbatim quote from the man himself:  
Like look at Galileo. He engineered the telescope—that’s what allowed him to see that Jupiter had moons. The limiting factor, if you will, is the engineering. And if you want to advance civilization, you must address the limiting factor. Therefore, you must address the engineering.
Yeah. You’re sitting there saying “no shit, Sherlock, who doesn’t understand that?” But the shit some journalists say will just blow your fucking mind. Yes, this is an actual journalist, in one of the few semi-respectable, mostly-sane publications left on earth (by dint of catering to people who have to make sums add up at the end of the day,) saying that Trump should make space-based solar power satellites a priority. Not talking it up as a nice theoretical tech, not wondering about it, but pushing this as a serious short-term policy priority. 
Incidentally, this is how Elon Musk feels about that bullshit. Yes. Being a sane, intelligent human fucking being, he’s capable of understanding basic opportunity costs, and since he’s aware that hair-brained pie-in-the-literal-sky schemes must be constrained by the actual ability to fucking build this shit (i.e. engineering,) he’s capable of stopping long enough to realize that building and orbiting a vast fleet of satellites designed to blast the Earth with microwave lasers is fucking retarded compared to just building more solar panels right here on Earth. 
This ties into the second massive, massive thing that makes Elon Musk unique - he’s a venture capitalist that knows what the fuck a BUSINESS CASE is. Despite being a save-the-world-I-want-to-build-unicorns idealist, he actually understands the basic principles of economics and markets. To wit, nobody’s going to give him eleventy trillion dollars for free to do decades of R&D to realize his Big Dream, so it has to fund itself, and furthermore, major advances in technology and the human condition don’t spring from individual genius companies, but from entire industries. This nice diagram produced by Waitbutwhy’s eloquently fawning author expresses the same with more colored boxes and less exasperated fucking invective, if that’s your thing. 
What you’re looking at - especially the box at the very bottom that says SUSTAINABLE FUCKING BUSINESS MODEL - is the concept that any gormless asshole on the street can grasp (business gotta make money) but the multi-millionaire masters of the universe that gave Juicero ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY MOTHERFUCKING MILLION DOLLARS TO BUILD A WI-FI ENABLED JUICER COULDN’T FIGURE OUT. 
Yeah. Some of his businesses don’t make money, like Tesla. They release glowing reports that retards eat up, while anyone who worked in the actual 100+ year old auto industry look at these sillicon valley nerds who think they know fucking everything after a few years of research and just wait for the inevitable explosion. (Despite their cheery PR, people who know what they’re looking at see nothing but trouble in their business. To say nothing of how the Ultimate Dream of Everyone Driving Electric is flawed by the basic resource limitations of PLANET FUCKING EARTH. And then there’s shady shit. When they discovered that the established automakers have hundreds of acres and tens of millions of dollars worth of suspension torture-testing facilities for a goddamn reason, instead of repairing their janky suspensions under warranty, they offered to pay half the repair cost if the customer would sign a fucking nondisclosure agreement. Tucker Torpedo this motherfucker ain’t, is all I’m saying.)
But ya know what? I can forgive that, because SpaceX. SpaceX forgives a lot. And there is a business case there - there’s enough rich virtue signalling fuckheads to support a small car company, at the very least - so the premise itself isn’t just pissing up a suspension bridge cable on a bridge to nowhere, like most venture capital bullshit. Even the Hyperloop isn’t that bad, because even though it’s fucking retarded, Elon’s probably only looking at it because of his “Boring Company” project. He looked at the ongoing clusterfucked abortion of a high-speed rail line that California’s doggedly carrying to term, and correctly surmised that digging fucking tunnels the length of a huge earthquake zone would be cheaper, in the long run, than trying to navigate the political clusterfuck of buying contiguous right-of-way for the whole damn length. A tunnel is a tube, and as long as it’s a tube, you may as well use the damn Hyperloop thingy, right? There is thinking, there. A brain, is working. And hey, at one point SpaceX was an idea just like this - the Great Ones of industry often leave a trail of dead and dying projects behind them while the One Great Success just climbs higher and higher. It’s worth it, and it’s why Trump’s “six bankruptcies” don’t mean jack shit compared to his dozens and dozens of successful businesses.
And yet - despite that amazing presence of a god damned brain in his skull - he still manages to go full fucking retard sometimes to a degree that makes me want to catch his tongue with a vise-grip to make the stupid noises stop. 
Elon’s dumb-fuck bullshit
This slashdot article neatly sums up the problem. The short version is that lots of very rich people in Sillicon Valley were going around acting very serious about the possibility that our entire world and universe is just a huge computer simulation and we gotta try to break out of it somehow. 
Billionaires. These people are fucking billionaires. And this is how they spend their time. This quote from Business Insider sums up the reason why: 
The piece doesn’t give any clue as to who those two billionaires are – although it’s easy to hazard a few guesses at who they might be, like Musk himself or Altman’s friend Peter Thiel – but it’s fascinating to see how seriously people are taking this theory. According to Musk, it’s the most popular topic of conversation right now.
“The most popular topic of conversation right now.” If ever you doubted that there’s a vast wealth discrepency in the United States, look no further - not only is the West Coast rolling in economic opportunity for the right people - especially with the right connections - but there’s so many multi-zillionares out there that their entire social circle can consist of nothing but. This is some zany philosophical fad that caught on and percolated around, like memes and fads do, via usual social interaction - except for these people, their friends consist mainly or only of multimillionare tech CEOs. 
And that, in a nutshell, is why obviously intelligent people who’s words can make stock prices in multiple huge companies employing many thousands of people do a damn jig feel no reservations at all about saying things in public that make them sound like fucking idiots. When you contemplate the sheer distance between the world of us ordinary humans and these privileged Coastal Gods, it’s enough to fill you with an almost instinctive rage. As a good seal-clubbing communist-hating rabid frothing conservative bigot bastard from Soviet Mordor, I wouldn’t give a shit if these Masters of Industry at least bore passing resemblance to the Randian ideal. I’d be down with that. Even if their huge underwater cities did spring a leak and a massacre or two, that’s life, you know? 
But this shit? This!? No. I draw the fucking line here, pal. There’s some floof-ass hair-brained bullshit I’m not going to stomach. 
But entirely aside from my impassioned-downtrodden-country-boy-rage-at-the-coasties-grapes-of-ree, there is the simple fact that people idolize, hero-worship and generally LISTEN to this man, and that imparts some level of responsibility on him to not say fucking stupid shit. The reason I’ve resisted making a Paetron for so long (aside from my crippling depression, self-doubt and general talent for self-sabotage) is that it’d impinge, ever so slightly, on my total freedom to say any stupid shit I want, because I’m not beholden to anyone, at all, to sound sane or coherent. (My fiction writing is a testament to this.) So I’m keenly aware of the decorum and care a public speaker ought to have - it relates directly to how big an impact his words are liable to have on people, and for Musk, that’s a lot.
Elon’s latest shtick - which is also popular with all his millionaire friends - is screaming and crying about how AI is going to replace all of us. Well, no, that’s just the luddite screeching of Sillicon Valley in general now, Musk is actually claiming that AI will rise up and fucking kill us or some bullshit. His newest company, OpenAI, has a great business model and all - developing mind-machine interfaces, which is a thing and will be a much bigger thing in short order - but he’s still going around telling everyone that AI is some evil terrible scary thing, and that’s causing actual goddamn harm. It’s all fine and good to loathe “science deniers” if they’re arguing against climate change, food pasteurization, the Health Dangers of GMO Crops and childhood vaccinations, but when it’s bullshit like the health effects of radio waves and the coming AI apocalypse, suddenly these fucking geeks are all ears. And here they have a successful CEO who’s Made Science Things Fly and has half the world sucking him off repeating this chicken-little fear-mongering bullshit. In ten to twenty years the anti-vaccers are gonna be screaming NO AI NO DRIVERLESS WHATEVERS REEEEE AND IT’S GOING TO BE THE FAULT OF PEOPLE LIKE ELON FUCKING MUSK. 
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vileart · 7 years
The Dramaturgy behind the Crone: Alison Skilbeck @ Edfringe 2017
Jacqui Garbett for Hint of LIME Productions Presents THE POWER BEHIND THE CRONEA play celebrating Shakespeare's older women written & performed by Alison Skilbeck ASSEMBLY GEORGE SQUARE 3 – 28 August 12pm (60mins) " One of the inequities of Shakespeare is once you get to my age there are few great women's roles,"Dame Helen Mirren 1983
Professor Artemis Turret thinks otherwise. The enthusiastic Shakespearean scholar is on a mission to correct the assumption that women of a certain age are not served well by The Bard. As she embarks on her final illustrated lecture to Enfield U3A, the professor hopes against hope that her old chum national treasure Dame Bunti Smart will make her entrance to perform the characters and help her prove her point.
What was the inspiration for this performance?I think Helen Mirren said 'there are no good parts in Shakespeare for older women', and I thought I'd see if I could refute that. I know that suddenly women, quite rightly, are taking the men's roles - the wonderful all-female company led by Harriet Walter, Glenda J doing Lear, Tamsin Greig, 'Malvolia', Gillian Bevan, Cymbeline - but I wanted to look at the actual older female roles.  Which of course were played by men! Is performance still a good space for the public discussion of ideas? Well yes; but I think there's a distinction to be made between more openly polemical theatre and theatre where ideas creep in; you might suddenly realise you've seen a play with only women in it , but no-one was tub-thumping.  My play certainly isn't a 'public discussion'... you make of it what you will, in terms of ideas...
But the theatre does have a vital role, maybe particularly now, and is unique as a present-moment experience and place where people come together, to tell and hear stories. How did you become interested in making performance?I'm not sure what this terminology means. I have been an actor for over 40 years; I have also directed, particularly students at many drama schools, and latterly I have written too. This play is directed by Tim Hardy, and between us I suppose we've 'made performance'. 
If you mean the joy of creating something from scratch, well,  I set myself a challenge to write 4 linked monologues some years ago with my first one-woman show 'Are There More Of You?', and I have sort of gone on from there, with an amazing real-life character in 'Mrs Roosevelt Flies To London' ( Edinburgh 2016 and still touring) and now 'The Power Behind The Crone'. Is there any particular approach to the making of the show?I did the research, deciding which Shakespearean characters - older ladies - most appealed; in this case I also hit on the idea of a framing character, Prof Artemis Turret, passionate academic and one-time student actress, and blended the two.  
Then I learnt the lines. And got directed - remembering that less is more all the time. And the speeches got cut a bit, and shaped, and I decided how to play the main women and also the people they are talking to, if need be... It grows, and then you prune. You cut some of the jokes..! Does the show fit with your usual productions?It is simpler than 'Mrs Roosevelt'; I have deliberately kept the production to a minimum - hardy any lighting and sound effects, and only such 'costume' as the Professor would have with her, when her chum, Dame Bunti Smart, who was supposed to come along and do all the speeches in her lecture, lets her down. 
Obviously it's similar, in that it's just me and I play lots of people, turning on a sixpence to do so: in my first show, 4 characters, in Mrs Roosevelt about 27 as well as her!...It's different obviously in that half of it is Shakespeare's words. Oh, and it's just a bit shorter, an hour. What do you hope that the audience will experience?Oh - the sheer brilliance of Shakespeare: the way the words show us who people are; the way he can mix comedy and tragedy in an instant, the way the words tell an actor how to do it...
I'd also love them to see that theatre, at best, IS 'two planks and a passion' and that all you need is the actor and the writer's words -  and that to create character you do not have to go away and look at your navel in a cupboard, but can, as I say 'turn on a sixpence', using the words, and your body, voice, and imagination in an instant, in full view. 
Also I hope they'll laugh, cry, and in particular have fun with Artemis and the imagined group she's talking to - the keen students of the U3A..  What strategies did you consider towards shaping this audience experience? I am not sure what this means - sounds like plotting! If any 'strategy' I suppose - creating the frame of Artemis and the evening class..but that emerged anyway, as I said, and was not a conscious ploy.  
There is one tiny technical, theatrical trick, which I won't give away here, which I have permitted myself..but even that is not essential to the whole. I really want people to make up their own minds, and hearts. The Power Behind The Crone is a new solo show written and performed by acclaimed actress Alison Skilbeck. Taking the audience on an often comic but always absorbing adventure through some of the best roles for older women in classic drama, Alison illuminates and celebrates seven of Shakespeare’s older women characters, from the vengeful Queen Margaret in Richard III, to the outrageous Mistress Quickly in Henry IV and V, and the outspoken Paulina in The Winter's Tale. Drawing upon her experience both as an actress touring Shakespeare in the USA with Actors From the London Stage, and as a director specialising in Shakespeare as an Associate Teacher at RADA, Silbeck sets out to show that, for women, there is often ‘the benefit of seniory’ when it comes to The Bard.  
"A consummate performer weaving her way effortlessly through her own finely woven web of fascinating material." Alan Ayckbourn
Alison Skilbeck's enormously varied stage career has taken her to the West End and all over the UK, and on tour to the USA and Europe: early on she created roles in six Ayckbourn premieres at Scarborough. Her solo play Are There More of You? received 5 star reviews, and has been acclaimed in Ireland, Sri Lanka and the US. Alison's television work includes Sherlock Homes, The Beiderbecke Affair, Miss Marple, Head Over Heels, Doctor Who, Soldier Soldier, New Tricks, and Midsomer Murders. On radio she has worked with Simon Brett, the late Don Taylor, and Ellen Dryden. She was also Polly Perks in The Archers, until the character was killed off! Two recent projects have been Wimpole Street, the award winning web series, and the pod cast sitcom series Wooden Overcoats. She completed an extremely successful run of her acclaimed production Mrs Roosevelt Flies to London at Assembly on the 2016 Edinburgh Fringe, and will tour it this year. Director Tim Hardy trained at RADA, where he has been an Associate Teacher for 20 years, directing Shakespeare on summer courses and on courses for American actors, and serving on the audition panel. He has directed extensively for the English Theatres in Vienna and Frankfurt, and at many American universities, notably Notre Dame and Illinois Wesleyan. 
His long and varied acting career includes seasons at the RSC, including Peter Brook's Marat/Sade in London and New York, Simon Gray'sMelon at the Haymarket Theatre, and Peter Hall's Lysistrata in the West End and Athens, as well as many tours of the US in Shakespeare with Actors From The London Stage. His two one-man shows, The Trials of Galileo by Nic Young, and At the Mountains of Madness by H.P Lovecraft tour extensively throughout the UK, Eire, and America. His TV work includes Jesus in The Son of Man for American television, Galileo in Days that Shook The World, Eastenders, Midsomer Murders, and Casualty 1909. Films include Captain Corelli's Mandolin. Edinburgh Fringe THEATRETHE POWER BEHIND THE CRONEA play celebrating Shakespeare's older women Written & performed by Alison Skilbeck VenueASSEMBLY GEORGE SQUARE STUDIO 4 Dates3 – 28 August (not 14th) Time12pm (60mins) TicketsPreview £6.00(full) Weekday £10.00(full) / £9.00(conc) Weekend £12.00(full) / £11.00(conc)
from the vileblog http://ift.tt/2eTOSG7
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MiniPost: Time traveling wizard pijamas
A couple of months ago I had a blog post about Iron Man fighting an evil sorcerer from Ancient Egypt who pretended to be dead and was buried by his enemies, only to be woken up in the future when archaeologists opened his sarcophagus.
Today I have a blog post about Thor fighting an evil sorcerer from the early Middle Ages who pretended to be dead and was buried by his enemies, only to be woken up in the future when archaeologists opened his sarcophagus.
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Yes, instead of the magic-wielding pharaoh Hatap we have the slightly less fictional Merlin (in that he wasn’t completely made up for the issue). The wizard’s actually a mutant in the Marvel ‘Verse, capable of telepathy, levitation, and teleportation.* He used his powers to make King Arthur and Co. absolutely dependent on him (making him “the real power behind the country’s leader”), and he wants to do it, again. He tries to get the world’s attention by making a US missile test fail, but Thor stops it from crashing/blowing up. Undeterred, Merlin goes to a random police station in Washington, DC to demand they contact Thor; the officers laugh the wizard out of the building so he wanders around the White House trying to find the President.
He actually finds him, but doesn’t know what Kennedy looks like so he thinks he’s too young to be the ‘ruler’ of the nation. (This is of course a man who’s used to political systems where power passes down hereditary lines and a king could technically be as young as an infant. But a 45-year old Kennedy? Nope, too young.)
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Thor tracks Merlin down and they begin a battle at the National Mall, and we learn exactly how little the writer of this comic knew about the monuments there. For example, the Lincoln Statue is randomly made out of “bronze”, instead of Georgia white marble, and bigger than it is in real life (19 feet high sitting, corresponding to 28′ if Abe were standing):
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There’s also the fact that Merlin drops the entire Pentagon on Thor as they both stand next to the Washington Monument; the Pentagon’s a few miles away as the crow flies, yet is levitated over Thor’s head so quickly he has no time to get out of the way. Our hero escapes death by hammering the ground to create a crack large enough to hide inside.
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Thor ultimately defeats the wizard by bluffing - he turns into Donald Blake and claims this is just one of a thousand forms he can assume, and his “magic is ten times more powerful” than the wizard’s. Merlin surrenders immediately, and Thor commands he must put himself back to sleep for an unspecified number of centuries.
None of this, of course, is commentary on any science goings on. So what am I going to talk about this issue?
Something truly background. Maybe the most background I’ve gotten since the very first post I ever made.
Merlin’s wardrobe.
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Merlin hasn’t been conscious for the past 1,000 years. His flashbacks show him wearing those exact same robes.
Said robes have many stars, waning crescent moons (Why no other phases, man?), and - in a few panels only - Saturn.**
While the planet has been visible to the naked eye since antiquity, Saturn’s rings weren’t discovered until 1610. Galileo called them “ears”,*** and became confused when they vanished for a bit a few years later, then reappeared. (This is because Saturn’s orientation relative to Earth changes, so sometimes the rings are perfectly parallel to our line of sight, and therefore invisible.) 
Here’s an excerpt from a letter to his patron on the original discovery: 
I discovered another very strange wonder, which I should like to make known to their Highnesses...keeping it secret, however, until the time when my work is published...the star of Saturn is not a single star, but is a composite of three, which almost touch each other, never change or move relative to each other, and are arranged in a row along the zodiac, the middle one being three times larger than the lateral ones, and they are situated in this form: oOo.
This is the drawing he made:
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Six years later he observed this (which is basically what you can see for yourself with a low-powered backyard telescope, assuming the planet’s at the correct orientation):
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It took another several decades for astronomer Christiaan Huygens to first suggest the planet was surrounded by a ring. (Turns out, there are several...)
As a mere mind-reading, teleporting, and levitating mutant - not a man with otherworldly knowledge - Merlin couldn’t possibly know what Saturn looked like beyond a point of light that wandered**** across the sky.
Unless, of course, he was visited by aliens or time travelers who did know about Saturn’s rings and randomly told that useless piece of trivia to him. If that’s the case, commentary rescinded. 
* But he is apparently capable of at least using magic to put himself in suspended animation for 1,000 years.
** To anyone arguing it could be Uranus on its side: Uranus’s rings weren’t definitely discovered until 1977...14 years after this comic was created.
*** The Vatican librarian Leo Allatius wrote (but never published) a minor essay De Praeputio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Diatriba ("Discussion concerning the Prepuce of our Lord Jesus Christ"), in which he purportedly proposes that Christ’s foreskin ascended into the heavens and became Saturn’s rings.
**** The word planet comes from the Greek for “wanderer”
Journey Into Mystery #96 - Writers: Stan Lee & Robert Bernstein, Art: Joe Sinnott
Photo Credit:
Lincoln Memorial By The U.S. National Archives
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thebugwhisperer · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://creepycrawlyzoo.com/why-i-will-march-for-science-whyimarch/
Why I Will March for Science. #whyimarch
Why I March for Science.
“No matter what you look at, if you look at it closely enough, you are involved in the entire universe.” ― Michael Faraday
As an entomologist and traveling educator/entertainer, I am not a career scientist. My life’s mission has been to create them! I can’t even say that I am concerned about insects either in any way, other than their value as a tool to excite and inspire. However, in that regard, they are THE greatest tool I know of for just that reason. Entomology is a gateway science! Insects are everywhere and affect everything. Just about any science you can think of can be connected to insects, including astronomy. Children are absolutely fascinated by them and they are as accessible as the outdoors. Just by introducing them to something that accessible, it inspires their curiosity to be pursued on their own terms. Curiosity inspires questions. Question seekers honed by the scientific method = scientists.
  I have always been inspired by the stories of the great questions that scientists have pursued and answered. How many stories are there of a child on the bottom step of social hierarchies, who because of an act of kindness were given an opportunity to be educated? Children who went on to pay their debts by using the power of science and their minds, making discoveries that elevated the whole of humankind. Great discoveries that started with a great question. Great questions that started as a simple curiosity.
  As a species, we stand on the shoulders of the generations that have come before us. My personal philosophy has always been that if I can leave this life knowing the next generation can reach a little higher because of what I do, then it was a life well spent. The last 20 years of my life were occupied traveling the country with the Creepy Crawly Zoo in a pursuit that has been anything but financially lucrative. “Why”, you ask? Well, I did it for science… and I did it for me. No matter how many times I’ve been down over the years, all the letters and emails from both students and parents alike have made me stand up again. Made me realize that I have to keep on keeping on. There’s inspiring that needs doing! Science needs me! – Ha!
  I have stood before over a million faces over the last two decades. Every time I do my shtick, I make them laugh, I make them scream and I see the excitement on their faces. Every time I wonder, which one of them is going to be the next Faraday, Fraunhofer, Fleming, Curie or Lamarr? Which one of them will go on to ask the next great question that will lift all of humanity because of what I do here today in my sphere of influence on a fraction of a fraction of a fraction….of a fraction of a pale blue dot?
I march for science for the questions not yet asked. I March because of how much science has enriched my life with an understanding of what life really is. I look at the sun and I see back in time 8 minutes. I feel its rays on my face and I know these photons landing on my skin started in the center of the sun 100,000 years ago;  a sun that hovers in the arm of a large spiral galaxy. A galaxy filled with another 200 billion suns that formed around a black hole in a universe that began nearly 14 billion years ago! I look at my hands and I know that nearly every atom that makes me who I am, who we all are, was forged in the heart of a dying star. We are the reincarnation of long dead stars. We are the cosmos made conscious. Science has given me this knowledge and understanding and filled me with wonder and awe at my own existence. A wonder and awe based on evidence, reason and grounded in what is real. Like every seeker before me, I just want to know more!
  Science is FULL of questions that have yet to be answered, and in many cases, we don’t even know what the questions are yet. From our ancestor’s first questions like, “how do we not get eaten my saber tooth cats?” to our questions of “how do we travel through interstellar space?” The evolution of our species and the elevation of our minds has been guided by the pursuit of answers to great questions. Science is simply the mechanism by which we find the correct answers to great questions. So is that really such a big deal?
  The history of humankind says, “yes!” We don’t have to look back far to see how a world with questions that you have yet to answer is a far better world than one with answers you cannot question. There is a reason the latter is known as the “Dark ages.” The pursuit of questions has lead us from the cave to exploring the solar system. It has elevated our understanding of our existence. We went from believing natural disasters were the wrath of angry gods to understanding the forces of nature by which our world is shaped. That is to say, we went from just accepting made up stuff up to explain what we don’t know, to mastering this evolutionary gift of intellect and reason, by way of the scientific method, to solve the very mysteries of the universe! This is no small feat. This is the collective effort of an entire species on a quest to find answers to questions through science.
  From the moment our ancestors used sounds to communicate a thought or draw on a cave wall to record a story we have been freely sharing knowledge with each other. To the best of our knowledge, we are the only species in the 4.5 BILLION year history of our planet to take these steps. Stop a moment to take that in. 
  Since those first moments we, as a species, have not stopped! Because of this, we went from instinctive thoughts of pure survival to the absolute joy of kicking back on our lazy boys with a cold beer in our hands, running water and stored food in our refrigerators, and flipping channels to enjoy mindless entertainment. A well-earned gift to ourselves for using science to answer questions. Ahh.
  Now suddenly and unexpectedly, ignorance has reared it’s ugly head once again to stop the pursuit of knowledge. We find ourselves at the doorstep of a new Dark Age, the Orange Age. The accumulated knowledge of decades of scientists being erased and stolen from us because it interferes with greed and profit. Dark age remnants threatening to silence the pursuit of truth in order to hang on to power through superstition. Not since Galileo has there been a greater need to stand up for science. For the sake of all of humanity science must stand against the darkness once again. I will march with those who seek knowledge and truth through science. I march for the right to question everything, seek answers and create positive change. I will march for the right to a well funded and unobstructed scientific education for all those faces of nascent Faradays, Flemings, Fraunhofers, Curies and Lamarrs whom I have stood before. I march so they can all reach a little higher.
      Antonio Gustin (The Bug Whisperer™)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScienceMarchMKE/
Twitter: @ScienceMarchMKE
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarchForScience/
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