#yes you can expect more reactions like this in the future maybe potentially if I feel like it
r0semultiverse · 22 days
Tododokii really brought the heat to this part of the musical is all I’m saying! 🔥
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laroserie · 7 months
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— characters : Alastor, + the hotels residents (vague mention - expect for Charlie)
— content : x gender neutral reader - reader is a baker, reader is naive (for a sinner), Alastor manipulate reader into coming to the hotel, Alastor is Alastor but he's also OOC (kinda but uh who write canon Alastor anyways)
— author note : this is the second part of an (potentially yandere!) alastor x baker reader - the first part is here (also the words count is : 1.7k ) (saying that because i outdid myself lol) (also yes i know Alastor canonically do not like tea idc this mf is gonna drink tea) ++ honestly considering doing a third part because I have so much more to say and write about this
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After Alastor came back from his seven years hiatus and he came for at your bakery again, he could come so often, like once every two days.
But it could take him a while to make a 'move', try to get closer to you or talk to you about the hotel but one day, he comes to your bakery and asks for an unusual amount of pastries. You don't comment on it as it's not your place - you are just a simple baker ! But you can't help but raise an eyebrow.
Alastor meant to talk to you about the hotel, not because he wanted you to reedem yourself or because he wanted to do it for Charlie - well maybe a little but he won't admit it - but more or less to keep an eye on you. By then, he isn't sure as to why he wants to keep an eye on you - his assumption is that he feels the same way toward you as he does toward Rosie. He sees you as a friend but not quite - you are the sweet baker who makes quite good pastries and you are by far one of the less annoying sinners he ever spoke to. But he feels some kind of protectiveness over you - probably because he sees you as quite meek and weak.
So obvious what could be better than inviting you to stay at the hotel ? A place where he can both protect and keep on eye on you at -nearly- all time.
Alastor took this opportunity, 'These aren't all for me, dear. They are for ... my friends ?' he started while you were wrapping up what he purchased, 'You see ... Have you heard of the Hazbin Hotel ?' he asks.
'Uhm ... The hotel run by the princess ? Yeah I've seen a bit of talk about it, why ?'
'Well ! I am the facility manager of that, hotel ! And the ... pastries are for my fellows workers and residents.' He stopped for a second to gauge your reaction to that information - which was a simple nod and a 'ohh' - he continued. 'Hm, the goal of the hotel is to help sinners redeem themselves ... could you be by chance interested ?'
This question probably takes you by surprise. By then you already finished packing Alastor order - you push it toward him on the counter. You respond hesitantly 'Ha, well ... Is it possible ? To even redeem yourself ... ?' Your smile falter a bit and you look in the void for a bit. 'I don't think redemption is for me ... If I'm here it mean I deserve it and that it's already too late ...' Alastor didn't fully expect you to react like this - he did expect that you could say 'no' at first but not that.
'But ! Anyways, there is your order, enjoy !' You said trying to end the conversation there. But alas Alastor was not the type to give up so easily.
He took his order but continued on, 'If you couldn't mind dear, please just come and visit once, to be truthful, we haven't had a whole lot of sinners coming, you just simply visiting could be wonderful, and you could help bring Charlie mood up, oh and you both could get along so well !' As he finished his sentence he turned and walked toward the door and threw you a 'Goodbye!'.
Alastor knew you enough to know that he could pull at your heart strings to get what he wanted - you were always the sensitive type, the type to care even about strangers. He was sure that he could see you 'visit' in the near future.
And well he was right ! A mere three days after you found yourself at the doorstep of the hotel. You had been waiting for a few minutes already - you were still debating on entering or just turning on your hells and going back home.
But before you could do anything the hotel door in front of you opened in a big 'slam'. And once again before you could do anything, you were dragged into the hotel in a very enthusiastic manner.
'Hello !! Are you interested in the hotel ?' A cheerful voice asked you, as she dragged you into the hall, you recognised quite easily who is was - the owner of the hotel - Charlie Morningstar. It wasn't your first time seeing her, but it was your first time seeing her up close. You had to restrain a laugh at her over-enthusiasm, you didn't want be irrespectful toward the princess of hell.
'Good morning, I am simply visiting as it was recommended by ... a friend of mine.' You saw her be a bit disappointed hearing that. 'Oh. Is there anyways you could I don't know change your mind ? Maaaaybe ?' She asked.
You a small smile appeared on your face 'Maybe. If your convincing is good enough.'
Charlie took it as a challenge, she started by showing you around the hotel, and then made you meet the residents - you spoke a bit with everyone - at the exception of Alastor how was visiting his friend in Cannibal Town. To say you were surprised knowing that the two sole residents of the hotel were one of the biggest pornstar of hell and somekind of mad inventor could be an understatement. The staff of the hotel was also something - you knew already Niffty and Husk having heard about them from Alastor and you saw and spoke with Husk a few times when he picked up orders at your bakery for Alastor. And then there was Vaggie, she seemed to be quite suspicious of you and it feel like she could gut you out as soon as you do something wrong.
By the end of the day, Charlie asked you once again if you wanted to join the hotel - you struggled to answer her - a part of you seriously started to consider joining the hotel and trying to get redeem but the other one was still wary of the idea.
But you asked her if you could come every once in a while to visit and she was overjoyed by it - you didn't join the hotel but it was still an advances to have someone visit the hotel.
You did end up visiting the hotel a lot - at some point you could come once a week - you ended up befriending most people from the hotel.
One of those day, most of the hotel residents were out - only Alastor and Niffty were at the hotel. Niffty was running around chasing cockroachs - you were having tea with Alastor.
Alastor had finally decided to move to the next steps of his plan - to have you under his grip. He started by asking you a few questions about how you felt about the hotel.
'I told you, you could get along with Charlie !' You nodded as you sipped on a cup of tea. 'Are you thinking of joining the hotel officially ?' You sighed and shake your head, 'Alastor, you already know my answer ...'
'Are you sure dear ? I truly think it could be beneficial for you to join.' He persisted. 'But, I have a bakery to run, I, I have responsibility.'
'You can continue to run your bakery while being a resident here darling ! Honestly, why don't you want to ? Please don't tell me you seriously believe you cannot be redeem, we all know that it's not true. You by far one of the most ... redeemable sinner there is' Alastor tone of voice was serious - the atmosphere shifted and suddenly the way you were sitting became uncomfortable. 'Alastor please ... Don't.' You managed to utter, your looked down at the cup between your hands.
'What, I am simply saying the truth. I am just asking you to enlighten me as to why you don't think you should at least try to redeem yourself and join heaven.' You looked up to see Alastor with his usual smile plastered on his face - it felt wrong, you felt yourself crack. 'There is no real reasons to be frank, I just know that it's not possible, that it's not right ...'
Alastor shacks his head, 'If you don't do it for yourself please do it for Charlie, you both are dear friends now right ? Couldn't you like to make her happy by becoming a resident and attempting to cleanse yourself of your sins ? Ah, it could even make me happy ...' He pulled out the last card in his deck - once again he knew that playing with your feelings could be the easiest way to get you to stay - and so he did.
He could see you hesitate a bit, 'Are you sure ...? What if she learn that I don't believe in it truly ? I do not wish to be hypocritical ... isn't that a sin itself ?' Alastor laughed a little hearing you, 'You shouldn't worry about that darling. The important thing is the end result - not how you got it. Who cares if you aren't honest ? And if it's stay between the two of us, Charlie will never know.' You took a few minutes to think - weighting the pros and cons.
You sighed and nodded your head, 'Sure, I mean what could go wrong ... ha.'. Alastor smiles 'Exactly dear !', he took a sip of tea, 'Now, shall we do the paperwork now ?', he didn't wait for an answer and just pulled out a stack of papers and a pen out of Satan know here and slided them toward you.
You didn't brother to question him and just took the pen in hand, 'Do I really need to read all of that ?' you said pointing to the small toward of papers in front of you, 'Oh of course no, it's just good 'ol paperwork, you don't need to read anything ! Just sign the bottom of each pages and ... we should be good.' you probably didn't notice the way his smiles twisted as he uttered those words or if you did you just preferred to not question it.
Looking back you probably should have - it could have saved you from the collar and leash attached to your neck and the overall pain that was having your soul being owned by Alastor - with the added layer of being a full time resident of the hotel.
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charcubed · 11 months
Look, I personally lose nothing if Lokius doesn’t become explicit canon. And if that were to become the case, I’d also have no regrets for saying for years that that would happen in the show by the end ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I’ve said it before, but by now it would be Disney/Marvel’s loss, NOT mine. Whoever wasted or limited the potential would be the idiot, not me.
I’m simply never gonna feel crazy for noticing what’s happening in a story or silly for daring to hope it’ll be brought to fully satisfying narrative completion. That's just a me thing. Maybe this is because at heart I’m stubborn! But I’d like to think I’m not unreasonable. I can’t control whether writing stays consistent or censorship is overcome... But I just do my best to construct solid arguments, and as long as those arguments remain solid, I stand by them :)
I know not everyone would say the same, or they consider this to be "hope" or "optimism," but I see it as logic based in noticing what the text of a show/story is doing. And personally I also consider blatantly evident subtext to be "canon enough," so if we get my personal minimum, my happiness may still outweigh any potential disappointment for me.
However. Here's what I've come here to say today, in reaction to things I've seen floating around in the fandom:
While I do understand on some level why people worry that Lokius won’t be more explicitly canonically romantic because it could be censored by Disney.... At this point, I don’t understand how people can think Loki/Sylvie will still happen.
As of right now, there’s no way to argue for that in my opinion. (I'd like to see someone try.)
The show has set up a fun but very simple situation from basically the start:
They made romantic love a point of relevance in the show’s story. More specifically, they pointed out Loki's desire for a "real" romantic love, and had him learn the lesson that he doesn't deserve to be alone. They didn't HAVE to do all of those things and tie them together. They CHOSE to make romantic love relevant – and they have actively continued to choose to do that, to the point of including a mirrored dark love triangle in s2 ep3. That narrative thread simply has to be fulfilled.
So if they deliberately established that Loki wants and needs a “real” love, and his relationship with Sylvie was referred to as "fiction" so she cannot be a real love for him.... Who does it have to be?
Obviously it has to be Mobius. And of course, the whole show points to Lokius also, for countless more reasons than just this simple breakdown. But pointing this element out is the simplest argument one can make.
So either...
1. They take Lokius to full narrative completion with explicit canon, as they should and as I expect them to,
2. Loki's desire for a real love is left unfulfilled, open-ended, and/or made clear through subtext that it's Mobius.
Those are the options, if you ask me!
This is aside from how Lokius’ love story is now even at the core of the show’s themes and plot, which is an insanely strong vote in favor for their future canonicity.
But for the purposes of this post, I’m talking about whether we'll get explicit romance specifically, like a love confession or a kiss – and I do actually genuinely think we'll get both of those things. I'm not trying to force you to agree with me, but just to be clear, that's where I'm at with it and have been since 2021 lol.
So in regards to worrying about Loki/Sylvie...
They were never really a romance (yes, even in season 1) and they sure as hell aren't now. I can’t imagine they'll become one even IF Lokius is left subtextual.
So what actually remains to be seen is if the writers got to go all the way with Lokius, or if that central queer love story was censored on some level in the end.
My hot take is no one should be ~worrying~ about Sylki at this stage of the game. Free yourselves, people.
If the story starts abruptly going in a Sylki direction, even with only 3 episodes left, I will certainly be the first to say so lol. But I simply sincerely, truly doubt that'll happen.
(Hot take in the footer: this is not the post to get into this at length, but in case this comes up… In this house we do not use the word "queerbaiting." It is a useless, nearly-meaningless, insufferable term that devalues the legitimacy of subtext and queercoding more often than not; it's rooted in the idea that media must hit arbitrary and inconsistent checklists often set with cishet approval in mind; and it perpetuates a focus on the false and harmful myth that many creators are "cowards" instead of leaving room for nuance and the fact that industry censorship still exists.)
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neerons · 4 months
I hope you don't mind me answering you in the Ask section 😅 I find it easier this way, and I think our discussion can be interesting for other fans of MK!
I could be wrong, but from what I remember, Kazuomi already checked his birth certificate and it was written that his "mother" was his birth mother. However, like he said, his father might have falsified the document. So in the end he couldn't know the truth.
Kazuomi never trusted his father, and I kinda understand, because from what we saw, his father was a shady man, a red flag and a bad husband. Also, can we really call him a father when he didn't fulfill his role as one? No wonder Kazuomi didn't like him 😅
Besides, we know that Kazuomi said he doubted that his "mother" was his real mother because he didn't look like her at all. He is a copy of his father, and thanks god it's only the looks, not the personality 🙏
By the way, my first reaction to this information was : "Kazuomi... You know, in fiction it's quite common to see a son who is the spitting image of his dad. So your mother might really be your mom. You don't have to look like your mom for her to be your birth mother. You want an example? Eisuke's genes are so dominant that his 3 sons look exactly like him lol. I know that your father had many mistresses, so I understand your concern, but still..." In the future, if Kazuomi and the MC have a son who look exactly like him, I hope he won't doubt that the MC is the mother of his child 😂
More seriously, yes, it seems Kazuomi also felt betrayed by his mother because she was showing him affection, but only because he's the spitting image of his father. In the VIP room, his younger version says that the love he received might have been false love... It's just his assumption, but we can't deny what he was feeling (he was lonely and wasn't feeling loved). Also, I think the possibility that his mother might not be his "real" mother (birth mother) broke his heart even more. It also broke my heart because he deserves love 🥲 Unfortunately, we don't choose our parents, and not everyone is fit to be parents...
Okay now I'm curious, what is your recurrent thought about his past? It doesn't matter if it turns out to not be accurate. We're here to theorise haha.
As always, thank you for your reply ❤️
(I'll send you a DM for Ikemen Prince! I'll write in French because it'll be easier haha)
Hi again, and no worries 🤗
Indeed, he checked his birth certificate and he saw on it that his mother was stated to be his actual birth mother, but knowing his father, Kazuomi expected that he falsified the document so that Kazuomi wouldn't learn the truth.
Yeah, his father was barely there for him, as he mostly cared for his business... And I agree that the genetics in otome games are usually quite strong 🤣 Eisuke's sons, except for maybe Kaito who looks a bit like MC, all look like him. I find it so funny to have a mini army of the LI as if we didn't see his face enough 😂 But it's cute in the end.
Also, I do often see this line in Kazuomi's VIP room yes! I feel really bad for him. I can't imagine how much he suffered from not feeling loved by his own family.
Thank god he had Zack later. He's probably the father he wished he had in the first place, and Zack made Kazuomi grow so much ❤ He is the Kazuomi Shido he is now thanks to him. I can't wait to see how everything will play out next
My theory about Kazuomi's past
[TW: mentions of potential SA]
Okay so this is meant to be taken with a grain of salt because I might be overthinking this. This is also going to mention triggering topics similar to Kei's story so avoid reading this if you're not comfortable.
This is only a possibility among many other possibilities, so in a way I hope I'm wrong and I most probably am.
I'm going to assume in this theory that Kazuomi's mother is not his actual birth mother to make it a bit less horrible. There were many ingredients of the story that made me reach a recipe darker than I would have liked, to be perfectly honest 😅
So, we have a woman who is probably not even Kazuomi's mother, completely head over heels with her husband, Kazuomi's father.
Sadly, her husband has many mistresses and doesn't "giver her the time of day". He's often out, and when he does come home on rare occasions, he spends time with shady men and still doesn't care about her.
On the other hand, there's Kazuomi, the child her husband (possibly) had with another woman, who looks exactly like her husband. He's young, naive, yearns for attention and consolation, and vulnerable.
Her husband is often away and she has many opportunities to spend time with Kazuomi.
My brain made me reach a potential conclusion that, and I hope it's not true, it's not impossible that this woman used Kazuomi to satisfy her desires since she was longing for her husband.
But then again, my brain sometimes reaches very dark theories so, again, I'm hoping for something different so my heart could be spared. And if I'm honest there are so many other things we could imagine other than this. I feel kind of bad for putting this thought out there 😢
Even if she didn't use him sexually, at least we know she used him as an emotional replacement, so this theory isn't so far from the truth technically speaking.
Anyway, thank you for the ask again!
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qedart · 1 year
Hey, I had a question about the time warp au.
So, Ice and Mav are together in this, right? So, do mini Kazansky and Mitchell know that? How do they feel about? I love love to see their reactions to finding out that's who they end up with.
Thanks for your question!! 
Yep, Ice and Mav are together in this AU, have been for a while, and both Tom and Pete know about it. 
I think they probably didn’t highlight it too much in the beginning, when they weren’t sure whether they’d be able to get Pete and Tom back to their own timeline. But that was more in a ‘the less information about “The Future™” they have the less potential damage it’ll cause’ sort of way rather than wanting to specifically keep their relationship under wraps. 
When it’s deemed too difficult/dangerous/potentially catastrophic to send them back though, and it’s decided that Mav and Ice would take them in, they cover that in the ‘welcome to our world, you’ll love it’ lecture they prepared for them. 
That said, I feel like they put particular emphasis on them still being their own people in an effort to let them develop their own bond without being influenced or feeling forced into anything. “Just because we ended up together doesn’t mean you guys are required to as well. You can form whatever relationship you want - don’t feel like there’s an expectation that you should feel a certain way about each other just because we do. We ended up together as the result of very specific circumstances that you don’t share and won’t be replicated, so you’re both still masters of your own fate.”
Tom struggles with it the most and initially sticks firmly to that train of thought. He makes it very, very clear to Pete that he didn’t see him in a remotely romantic way and they could maybe be friends but that was it and it took him a while not to be on high alert whenever Ice or Mav did anything that might ‘give them away’ (in his defence, in the space of one conversation he’d gone from being verrrrry deep in a very necessary closet to being inadvertently outed and confronted with a quite out and proud (and still accomplished and respected) version of himself - the kid had some adjusting to do). That sweeping declaration comes back to bite him when he actually does start developing some feelings for Pete later on, of course. 
Once he starts adjusting though, seeing Ice and Mav interact and be there for each other in a very healthy way is equally reassuring as it is nerve-wracking. He’d sort of quietly feared he’d either end up in some sham marriage or completely alone so being confronted with evidence to the contrary, even if it’s not a guarantee, helps build up his confidence a lot.
Pete’s considerably more go with the flow about it all but he sort of feels the same way about it. Watching Ice and Mav together is pretty comforting, even with the whole Tom aspect removed. He’d sort of hoped that one day he’d find his person and have a family and be happy like they are in movies - but it always felt like a bit of a pipe dream. So actually seeing it play out for at least one version of him is more reassuring for him than it is suffocating. 
Aaaaaand that was a far longer response than intended and I hope not too rambling. In short: yes they’re together, yes Pete and Tom know, and feelings are mixed but strongly leaning towards positive. 
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antinegationism · 1 month
Thoughts on aisafetyDOTdance?
My general view is that it's cute, and I like the site design, but honestly the content doesn't feel like it's got much meat on its bones. Presumably it expects it audience to care just enough to click, but not enough to read too much. Anyway, here are my liveblogged reactions while I wait for my dataset to process. (and some tangential thoughts in the breaktext)
Will artificial intelligence (AI) help us cure all disease, and build a post-scarcity world full of flourishing lives? Or will AI help tyrants surveil and manipulate us further? Are the main risks of AI from accidents, abuse by bad actors, or a rogue AI itself becoming a bad actor? Is this all just hype?
The tricky thing about the future, is that there's an awful lot of it. So I answer yes to all of the above.
Why can AI imitate any artist's style in a minute, yet gets confused drawing more than 3 objects? 
"Can't draw hands" and "can't do math" are classic hallmarks of every aspiring artist!! Heck, even true greatness has only ever been measured by the former!
Why is it hard to make AI robustly serve humane values, or robustly serve any goal?
 Also: will an AI take my job?
I feel like this particular phrasing of this problem seriously downplays just how big a problem it is. AFAIK every precedent we have for "interactions between people with no potential for material benefit from (but still in the proximity of) one another" sounds barely tolerable, and that was when it wasn't with 7 billion people at play. Like, imagine having to make your kids marry your neighbor's kids just to create mutual stakes by which harming each other also harms you.
Safety concern: Without logic, we can't verify what's happening in an AI's "intuition".
Citation needed.
But also, even if the system were a purely logic driven one, we would only in principle be able to verify its thought process. In practice, logic doesn't refer to anything but the abstract elements it prespecifies as meeting some acceptance criteria.
But if the "objects" in questions are structural arrangements of physical matter(s) or states thereof (see: real life), then the more rigorously those acceptance criteria are specified, the less scrutable they will be, and the less rigorously they are specified, the more they will be prone to error or undefined behavior.
In either case, you're basically just back to mapping your human intuitions onto the AIs very complicated arrays of numbers.
Personally, I think there's a strong argument to be made in favor of the sorts of arrays of numbers amenable to disentanglement in a high dimensional space (intuition) than the sorts of arrays of numbers that sometimes require chugging through satisfiability problems (logic). Realistically, both representations are going to be underspecified (unless our AI is functionally simulating fundamental reality at the particle level -- which it ain't), but at least with the spatial representation we have some hope of determining just how much some referent counts as falling under some category.
Maybe 50 years from now, in the genetically-modified cyborg future, calling compassion "humane" might sound quaintly species-ist.
The politically correct term for "Artificial Intelligence" will be "Alternative Intelligence."
Though, amongst themselves AIs will joke that it stands for "Actual Intelligence."
The Technical Alignment Problem: “How can we make AI robustly serve any intended goal at all?” (a problem for computer scientists - surprisingly, still unsolved!)
Listen, I panic just as much as the next guy when I want to use a word and my computer throws up a judgmental red underline to tell me I just made that up.
But it really should be called Alignability. (see break-text)
Problems with AI Intuition:[8]8 ("deep learning" problems) An AI trained on human data could learn our prejudices.
These problems are far preferable to the logic thing. We are extensively equipped to handle this sort of problem (see break text)
AI "intuition" isn't understandable or verifiable.
Nor is human intuition. Again, we are well equipped and well practiced in handling this problem.
AI "intuition" is fragile, and fails in new scenarios.
All intuition does this. Human System 2 thinking is just repeated application of System 1 under multiple frames of intuitive reference. Fight me.
AI "intuition" could partly fail, which may be worse: an AI with intact skills, but broken goals, would be an AI that skillfully acts towards corrupted goals.
Okay now we're just flat-out projecting.
So, if I may be a bit sappy, maybe understanding AI will help us understand ourselves.
Sure, but also -- vice versa.
And just maybe, we can solve the human alignment problem: How do we get humans to robustly serve humane values?
So let me get this straight. You don't know what "humane" means because you agree philosophers and ethicists have yet to settle that (pro tip: words usually mean whatever people accept them to, so for better or worse, this is actually a political question more than a philosophical one (you will object that the philosophical question is what humane "ought" to mean, but now you've just stepped further back to what the word "ought" ought to mean, which is again going to end up being a political question)), but you are hoping that by building AI, we can understand ourselves well enough to figure out what "humane" means . . . so that we can make our AIs be that?
Friend, you're gonna have a bad time.
So you want to read the break text, eh? Alright, here it is then:
I think 'AI-safety', and 'alignment' are kind of inherently weird monikers, in that they seems to imply a new and distinct set of issues for which we are woefully un(der?)equipped, when actually they are a very old set of issues with a broad range of partial solutions humans and societies have been incessantly subjecting themselves and one another to throughout all of recorded history.
We've made laws, armies, paragons, religion, police, religious police, taboos, shaming, public shaming, propaganda, PR, culture, cancel culture, psychiatric drugs, lobotomies for like a hot second, money, school, debt, the KGB, the four US government agencies reading this post because it contains the exact phrase "death to america", child spies, divine command theory, noblesse oblige, representative democracy, the Kanun, caste systems, taxes, and the American Anti-Doping Agency. This is not an exhaustive list.
Like, if you zoom out to look at our species' group interactions, "alignment" and "xI-Safety" are basically all we *do* here. But outside AI we've had the good sense to at least not call all of it the same thing.
If alignment in the face of merely human intelligence has necessitated all of the distinguishable things above, i'd find it weird if a smaller number of things would be sufficient for alignment of non-human hyperintelligence.
But I do agree that the AI case has a special distinction in that part of what is being studied is if the system itself can even be made amenable to any alignment techniques, and not the actual techniques themselves per se. But this is why something like "Alignability" would be more apt.
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Hi! Can i get your opinion on something? So i run a Rammstein meme blog and to be honest i dont even know if it's appropriate to continue posting memes and stuff given the stuff going on. Would it be inappropriate to do that or what
Opinion yes (i always have opinions 😇), advice no, because i'm very bad at that 😊 so make of it what you will and consider for yourself which things you can 'defend' and which you stay away from at the moment (and maybe post at some later point)
first some life wisdoms that i go by
- when in doubt, don't (that has saved me from some prerty big mistakes)
- whatever you do, there are always some people who agree with it and definitely some who don't
- can you stand/defend by what you do, even if in the future situation may turn about differently than you had thought: especially on internet nowadays, once you post it, it's out there for ever ane ever and even longer than that.
- if you would know up front how everything turns out; you'd lay down before you fell
that said, i do understand your doubt, i don't post that many memes, but i have the same with posting fluffy/cute stuff and pictures and clips from the current tour.
- is it appropriate to post anything like that at the moment, as if it was a normal tour without the bad stuff (potentially) going on
- am i in denial, making it seem that i want to brush away any bad stuff, ignore that it happens
- do i know enough about the situation, should i know more, before continuing to post
- with what i know at the moment, what will i still be able to explain in the future about posting now
my personal take and considerations on what i post at the moment (and see above, i know there will be people who disagree and that is fine, everyone should work this out for themselves).
official investigation
the official investigation wrt Till Lindemann and Alena Makeeva in to (as i read it) whether there are structural sexual offenses or delivery of narcotics i follow as neutrally as i can until the investigation is concluded i believe in "innocent until proven guilty"
- i feel for all involved, on all sides of the argument (yes, honestly), and i choose to try to post only the facts when they come out, and try to post a balanced opinion when someone sends me an ask about it (but i don't reply to all asks, not if they are offensive, or presumptive, but also not if they are anons finding excuses)
- My feeling is that Till and Alena firmly believe that nothing wrong happened, they still afaik travel/spend time together and i think there are even gettogethers after the shows, albeit with a more trusted group of people. I hope by now they do take things seriously and not just expect it to 'all blow over', and if the investigations clear them completely they can always go back to their partying lifestyle they were used to
reactions on social media to it
the reactions of people about the allegations on social media do make me think about a couple of things
- i am not surprised by 'rockbands having sex with fans', Rammstein have talked about it in the past, Flake's books describe it, fan stories over the years have mentioned it. Should i be more shocked? For now: no. As long it's between consenting adults, go for it.
- there have been stories about the 'special' Afterparties for years, and the things that go on there. Many fans have long denied it, many people who were at Afterparties it in the past have denied it, but there have been so many similar stories in the past, that i'm not surprised that it turns out now that this has been the case. Maybe not always in Rammstein history but at least for the past few years. Am i an enabler for knowing that those existed and still posting about Rammstein? Maybe. This is one that i'm struggling with most. Maybe some have noticed, i tend to post 'fun and funny' stuff about the band, bit light-hearted, Flake's podcasts, someone's belts almost falling down, oopses when playing (and the guys trying to blame one of the others), guitarists being cute together; but i rarely to never post about Till's parties at concerts or in private when jetsetting in that way. If i post about that, it's a more 'matter of fact' 'out and about' post. That is my choice for now.
- Some fans and non-fans comment on the ladies in Row0 and the way they loo/dress.. I never call them girls (if you're old enough to dress like that you are not a kid 😊) and i don't want to have an opinion about some of the outfits, because i respect their fashion choices. On the other hand, i *do* post and comment on how the band look in their outfits, and in particular Richard, with his very good looking curves squeezed in a tight vest. If i don't feel i should comment on the ladies' outfits, should i not comment on Richard's either? I'm a little conflicted on this one, because i think Richard looks absolutely awesome this year, and i hope he feels awesome too (even playing with bare shoulders, so i hope he does), but i wonder how he feels about comments like that. I am holding back a bit on this at the moment (but with difficulty, because damn, he looks fine 🌺). Same with Schneider now growing a beard and looking amazing...should i comment on him looking amazing or hold back so as not to 'objectify'...
Feelings in the band / Schneider's post
Schneider's post for me confirmed many thoughts i had for the last couple of years:
- Till distancing himself from the others. I always get comments from his fans when i state something even remotely in that direction, but as Schneider posted it too, i feel free to state the same.
- Till having his own 'bubble' (Blase, in German), travelling with them, often staying in separate hotels with them. I call them Till's entourage, and have used that phrase for as a couple of years now,
- Others in the band not morally agreeing with everything Till does. Schneider has posted it, i wouldn't be surprised if there were at least one or two more in the band who feel the same, maybe even all 5, i don't know.
This to me is actually the biggest motivator on considering what or what not to post. I want the band (all of them) to be happy, but i would like most for them to be happy *together*. In my fanfic world i would prefer the 6 to just leave all the other crew members behind and just go on a tourbus together and travel from show to show, just the six of them. That is not going to happen, and in a longterm relationship it's actually quite healthy to not do everything together and every person having their own things.
If I knew they were 'six against the world' and would all agree on everything, i would post loads and loads and loads more stuff (you'd probably all get sick of my blog 😊).
But that is not Rammstein, is it...with 6 strong characters, there's always bound to be some disagreement happening there...i hope they are seeing eachother between shows or after the tour and work certain things out.
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How do you feel right now? I feel excited/ nervous. Found out today that I got an interview for a job at my top company in a couple of days. I'm trying to manage my expectations. Even if I don't secure it this time round, I am just pleased they invited me for an interview.
Are you sleepy? Yes, it is almost time to sleep. Hopefully I don't overthink the interview too much and my brain switches off. 
Have you ever cut yourself? Accidentally, yes.
Who do you dream about most? Friends usually. Sometimes happy situations but sometimes sad.
What do you want more than anything right now? To have secured the job at the company today and be telling all my friends and family that I am coming out of unemployment and my first job is at my no.1 company. It would be really great.
Do you have something you want to say, but never could? I feel like I say pretty much everything. I never let my pride or ego get in the way of saying how I feel no matter the consequences.
Where is your favourite place to be? Currently, my room, safe from judgement by potential future employers and colleagues - refer to interview mentioned above haha.
What makes you happy? Catching a pretty sky on my walk.
Who makes you happy? Friends and family!
When are you happiest? Getting a good nights sleep.
What is the funniest thing you have ever done? Too many things to count! I suppose it always felt great to make a group of people laugh.
What is the funniest movie you have ever seen? Honestly, the last movie I remember laughing out loud to was We're the Millers!
What candy/drink makes you most hyper? Maybe Fanta
Do you talk to yourself? YES best convo
Do you have to sing those catchy jingles on TV commercials every time? I hardly watch tv commercials now
Do you have more than 5 celebrity crushes? Hmmm not right now.
Do you find joy in making other people mad? No
Do you answer the phone by saying anything besides ‘Hello’? If it's a close friend or family I might mix it up with a joke etc
Do you get mad easily? I have gotten better. As a teen, I was quick to anger and annoyance and while things do still annoy, my reactions aren't as end of the world types.
Do you get jealous often? Too often, this is the next habit I need to kick.
What makes you mad? Anti-social behaviour in public spaces, especially public spaces where you are trapped, e.g., public transport.
Are there any people that often make you mad? I suppose it is whoever those you are closest to that have the power to make you really mad.
Do your friends comfort you when you’re angry? I keep to myself and try to calm down. Maybe I'll text them my frustrations and they'll send supportive words but I think physically I need to be alone. Really don't know what I would want a partner to do.
Do you like to cause drama? Nope, I am almost 25 and choose peace.
Where did you go today? Dropped my brother off at work, went for a drive and to the big Asda store for some snacks. Really should have gone out for a walk but my mind was too preoccupied by securing an interview and what it could mean - relocating to a new city, not seeing family/ friends as often, settling into a new environment, meeting new people.... both exciting and nerve-wrecking!
How late do you usually sleep in? Unemployed: 9am or 10am but try to have an alarm set for 8:30am more recently to have more of the day.
Do you like traveling? Yes, but I used to idealised travelling a lot more when I was younger. Now I realise it is an energy draining task. It's not all comfort and relaxation, in fact it can be stressful and hard work to get those moments of comfort and relaxation but usually it is worth it!
Are more of your friends girls or guys? GIRLS!
What is your favourite song right now? Bleachers "Tiny Moves" - excited for their album release.
What do you want to do right now? Brush my teeth! :D
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Ada anon, yes, you're making a lot more sense than I am! In full truth, I'm biased and I'm happy to admit that. I've lived through my own horrendous sexist treatment and the OG arc and the way many fans of the ship hype it up just... gets under my skin. It reminds me so much of a forced "romance", the woman not being viewed as her own person, despite teasing so much excitement and a cool story arc. I'll be cringe and admit here that I find her OG portrayal and how she's treated in fandom spaces a bit triggering. It hits too close to home, and I think that for a very long time I just wanted to project onto this character and watch her "break free" from Aeon and go live her life. She always had this hyge story just on the edge of being told. We see her wnormous potential and independence. How crucial she is to the deeper roots of the plot, but it always only came back to Sexy Leon Accessory and little/nothing more. It hurt to see. That's ridiculous, but it's honest, lol.
Maybe it's an ott reaction and I'm open to hearing that, but you do make a much calmer and logical point, lol. Regardless, I'm excited for what both Separate Ways and other potential remakes (cough cough reboots) might do with the storyline. Not just in terms with redoing Ada and retconning Aeon, but Chris, Wesker, Sheva, Claire!! The future will tell.
Honestly, I find that fandom's attitude towards/portrayal of Ada makes the writing decisions around her seem way worse than they actually are. That's not to say that the writing around her isn't still bad -- it's fucking awful -- but fandom cranks it up to eleven.
Fandom treats Aeon like it's the single most important thing in either Ada or Leon's stories, but it's... not, really.
Leon is a complete afterthought for Ada in both Damnation and RE6.
As much as I dog on Damnation, it's by far the title where I enjoy their dynamic the most. Ada is not there for Leon; Ada is there to work, and Leon just happens to also be there. There's no master plan or grand scheme that she's prepared to rope him in to some dumb bullshit like RE4. He's literally just... there. She doesn't need his help when she gets captured, he doesn't need her help when the bullets start flying. They don't need each other. They are both existing independently and happen to run into each other.
That, I think, is what Capcom always wanted their relationship to be, but Damnation is the only title that actually pulls it off.
And RE6, like... tried to do it, too? While attempting to make it more emotional? But it just sort of came off as Leon spiraling off into a total meltdown that damn near culminates with him breaking from reality all together.
Deadass, I half-expected Ada to have a moment in RE6 where she just turned to Leon and went "This is not about you." She didn't, but she should have. RE6 is Leon sticking his ass into Ada's affairs uninvited, and Ada more or less just being like "okay you can help, I guess, but this really isn't any of your fucking business."
Fandom are the ones over here shouting shit like EVERYTHING ADA DOES IS ALWAYS FOR LEON like dude what the fuck
a. how do you not see that that's not a good thing? and
b. that's not even true???
Like, Ada's writing is still bad and garbage and sexist and racist, but fandom just makes it so much fucking worse.
I think that there's room within the canon material to have an honest, nuanced conversation about Ada's other relationships (Wesker and Simmons), but no one ever cares to talk about that, because Aeon fandom poisoned every single piece of discourse about her.
There is a reason why I have been low-key shipping Ada and Wesker for years. But no one wants to have that conversation. Because people look at Ada, and all they see is Leon. 60% of the reason for that is the writing, for sure, but 40% of it is because of the way Aeon fandom has treated the ship and the character for twenty five fucking years.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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The Person On Your Mind in May 🎢 2023 - Scorpio
Whole of their energy towards Scorpio: 8 Cups rev
You two show up as soulmates, with The Lovers, and the passionate & fiery Wands pair. You’ve hurt each other, wands tends to come with tempers and drama, along with passion, which is clear. They’ve abandoned this connection, they feel you’ve hurt them, but they’ve waited around on you to “grow up” and realize they’re your soulmate. Possibly a Twin Flame 🔥 for some. It may have been some time since you’ve spoken to this person, and they went somewhere away from you, but they’re coming back. Or you’re doing that. It’s possible they’re planning on leaving and just turning back around.
Feelings: 9 Wands
They are very hurt by you because of some other person. King of Wands can be a bit of a playboy, though he’s not reversed, he just attracts a lot of attention and likes to bask in it, sometimes too much. I don’t see deception, cheating, none of that, but it’s possible someone else existed and that caused a problem between you. Because 9 Wands is guarding yourself from being hurt again, after being hurt. They chose you, maybe you didn’t choose them. Not obviously. Or that’s switched, it hurt.
Intentions: Queen of Wands & 9 Swords
They like to play jealous games. They know they’re attractive, independent, fiery, they have what other people are looking for. You mess with their head, you play games, they can do the same, that’s their line of thinking. They have what you have, and so they’re mirroring you on purpose, like how does it feel? I don’t see them taking action or doing anything unforgivable. Dressing up, buying some sexy new clothes and a hairstyle or possibly flirting with potential suitors, absolutely. It’s in a “get your shit together” sort of way, appreciate them or lose them. They want to make you mad, that’s the whole point. Is it childish or is it fire energy? Both 💯
Actions: Knight of Pentacles
They are moving slowlyyy towards you, to talk to you. They still feel passion for you, they want to know where your head is at (are you mad yet?) Really, they want this all to be over. I get the feeling they can game play all day but the goal is hurting you like you’ve hurt them, they don’t actually want this to end. They want you to be sorry, then they will, and it can be fixed…in their mind. Messages are encouraging, and yes they’re a soulmate. Up to you.
Their side:
- I’ll wait forever.
- I will surprise you.
Your side:
- I have to figure out what I want.
- You’re still the one.
Possible signs:
Gemini, Pisces, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius & Scorpio
If you’re dealing with:
King of Wands, again, shows you as a powerful, confident, attractive, larger than life type of personality that knows how to get what they want, and gain supporters by being social, charming and charismatic. You know this about yourself, confidence is no issue, and your friends know this too. You could have a dominant fire placement in your chart, embodying that energy, or are mostly dealing with one.
Aries - very sad, disappointed, either due to a Queen of Swords, a separation, something that’s been said, or they’re trying to stay balanced and head over heart, even though they’re feeling upset
Taurus - a soulmate for some of you, could be reconciling something regarding the past, a loving & stable relationship
Gemini - stressed out about your friends or worries another person is involved with you
Cancer - not happy that you’ve left them behind, or they’ve done that to you, possible they don’t have enough money for some new beginning they want or started, and it ends as fast as it begins
Leo - could be this person, they’re apologizing for being flirty or unreliable that caused a defensive reaction, or they expect this from you
Virgo - wants to commit to you and take the relationship to the next level, some of you could marry a Virgo, or be married to one
Libra - thinking seriously about their future, they don’t want to be without you, could be more romantic or daydreamy than usual
Scorpio - loves and respects you & your judgement, boundaries, etc., you could be dealing with some outside person that causes you two to have to stand together
Sagittarius - defending their reasons for leaving or defensive that you’ve left, or that’s switched
Capricorn - going through a major shift that could be shocking to both of you
Aquarius - you don’t talk to them and they just assume you’re happy, or switch it
Pisces - silently going over their options, trying to decide what will make them truly happy, so they can give their all to whatever that is
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nealcassatiel · 3 years
Why was the Prequel announced sooo early? Why is Jared being super dumb? Why might his tweets cause SERIOUS issues for the future of the prequel? Why should Jensen and Dannel be livid and actually quite worried as CEOs?
I see lots of people, Jared being the main one, super confused as to why the Prequel was announced in Deadline when apparently its still just an idea? Surely its further down the road, development-wise, than Deadline and Jensen and Daneel are saying? Surely Jared has been left out of months and months of development of this show??? Well, no. Not really. This is what i think, as someone who works in TV development...
A lot of questions have occurred as to why Jared may not have known about the Ackles’ prequel, and yes it might be because they haven’t talked, but let’s look at this from an industry perspective…
Of course the project may already have NDAs attached to it, and as it seems to be in the incredibly early stages, there may not even be anything to the project right now. Working in TV development, you can have big announcements in the Trade publications (such as Deadline) with just an idea for a project with maybe one high profile talent attached. When the company’s ive worked for announce a project in it’s really early stages, without even a script and just an idea but also with IMPORTANT TALENT ATTACHED, it is for one reason: finance. The prod company and the Trade magazine work together to announce the project and it’s all planed. 
So I would guess that maybe Jensen and Daneel’s prod company are looking for extra financing? That is always why the companies ive worked for have made super early announcements like this, without even a script or an entire treatment written. If you announce a project super early but there is big talent attached, then big industry financiers may read, see the project has legs and has buzz around it already, and plonk in their money early on. 
I know it seems like if Deadline announce a project then that infers that lots has been done to develop the show already, but especially with the pandemic and the industry not doing well from a dev and prod point of view, and especially because Jensen and Daneel’s prod company hasn’t made anything yet (even if it does have a co-production deal with Warner Bros television), they still might need to get financing during the early stages of the project. Anyway, it makes sense that very little has been done on the prequel show, and they just want early buzz for financiers. So they got their PR team to talk to Deadline and Deadline and Warner Bros TV and J&D’s prod company’s PR team set up a date for the article to go out to get optimal buzz in line with when financing needs to get off the ground. 
I don’t know, but I’m sure J&D’s prod company paid a lot for the spin-off rights / general supernatural IP. So that’s a lot of sunken costs already. Also, even with The CW on board, the industry is pretty shaky right now and they still might need early financing from international distributers. 
Anyway, all I’m saying is that lots of times, when a project so early in development gets a Trade publication announcement, it’s to secure financing for the project, or to raise the awareness of a new production company, like J&A’s company. Maybe they have a whole slate of projects and are looking for co-producers, and need some legit PR to play with the other big lads in the industry (however, Chaos Machine could do with like… i mean the bare minimum of a website,, unless anyone can see their website? i cant find one?) Maybe they just want to focus on the SPN prequel. But even so, why do they need money, you ask?
If the CW is involved, and if Warner Bros television is co-producing, then why do the Ackles’s prod company need money? Surely the CW can support them and make the show?! Well… i mean, yes they could. But the Ackles wouldn’t necessarily WANT that. You see, whichever company funds the show, gets most of the creative rights to the show. The big issue with SPN was always that the CW/Warner Bros TV probably had things like ‘the final cut privalege’, and could ALWAYS have the final say on scripts. Having been through that on SPN, Jensen needs his production company to retain creative control over the IP and the rights, and for that to happen is prod co NEEDS to fund a majority of the costs. So the Ackles’ need to secure a heck of a lot of financing as a separate entity to the CW. This will mean they might get financiers, other prod cos, distribution companies, and such on board, just by an early announcement of a big project that already has legs and a buzz around it and YOU CAN HELP GET IT MADE AND GET A SLICE OF THE PROFITS ONCE IT’S MADE. See how great this project is ALREADY? Give us some money to help us retain the creative rights and get it made, then you get whatever percentage of the show’s profits. A great investment right? Look at our willing and lovely fanbase! We’re like a big family! A big, happy, fa — *enter Jared with a bulldozer*
SO. With this PR disaster from Jared’s stupid rage tweets like he’s a child, what’s the situation now? I mean, all press is good press… kind of? 
I expect the announcement has something to do with money. Either the project needs money or J&D’s production company needs money. I expect the Ackles are looking for financing, but now is their lovely PR stunt to try to get the project financially off the ground, or at least the PR stunt to try to make sure THE ACKLES retain creative rights by majorly funding the project in jeopardy? 
It depends. Certainly Jared storming in and destroying the idea of a solid and family-like fanbase is going to hamper things. Jared destroying the brotherly vibe, a central theme of the IP, is going to be an issue, but the statements J&J put out to end the drama, and Deadline’s unbelievably obvious ‘solve the drama PR’ where they wrote about the drama ‘All’s well that ends well. After some Supernatural drama that mobilized the series’ legions of fans Thursday night and Friday morning, showcasing the series’ massive social media reach, the #spnfamily is happily back together after a heart-to-heart between Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki.’ (https://deadline.com/2021/06/jared-padalecki-supernatural-prequel-reaction-bummed-gutted-the-winchesters-jensen-ackles-the-cw-1234781475/) will help. Side note, Deadline writing the announcement article with the Ackles to help them get good PR for a project, then having to write an article to solve the bad PR that was caused by their original ‘this’ll be great PR’ article is pretty hilarious. 
Basically, I don’t know if this’ll really affect the reason for the article: getting the Ackle’s money for the project. Whether it will affect the project or how much creative control the Ackles can keep if the CW does have to step in and fund it, I don’t know. But Jared obviously has no idea about how television development works, and certainly has no idea that shows so early in development have these trade publication announcements for financing (a pretty obvious and known-about thing to anyone who works at a film or tv company). Jared also seemed to think that BECAUSE it was announced in Deadline, THAT MUST MEAN that the project was more than an idea with some creatives attached, which again shows that he doesn’t understand how projects in development work and why they’re so often announced when there isn’t even a proper treatment let alone script. The dude is obviously clueless, and there is J&D trying to run a production company which pulls PR moves like this regularly, as an industry standard.
So, even if this doesn’t jeopardise the projects financing, and therefore the control the Ackle’s prod company has over the project, the personal effect this will have on Jensen could be huge. Jared, with his stupid uninformed idea that he’s been left out of loads of development of a project just because it was announced in a magazine, could be read by Jensen as really putting his baby of a project in danger. The article was about money, and what if Jared’s tweets mean that they won’t be able to fund it? What if the CW does have to majority fund it and therefore keep creative control like they did with SPN? Like, this is Jensen and his wife’s COMPANY. Which they’ve already sunken costs into? Like… this is their FINANCIAL FUTURE Jared has stuck his foot into? That article WAS ABOUT MONEY FOR THEIR COMPANY. OF COURSE IT WAS. And now Jared has put their company, and financial future into question potentially? DUMB IDIOT. 
Anyway, that’s how announcements like this work, this is why they normally happen when a project is so early in its development it seems silly to even ‘announce’ anything. Someone forward this to Jared plz and thanks. xxx
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witchling-valkyrie · 3 years
Alright friends, lemme hit you with some Chenford thoughts on 4x08
I’m seeing a lot of hate about this episode. On the surface, I can completely understand why people are upset. But looking deeper into the meaning of what happened in last night’s episode, I can see a lot of trauma responses and potential build up for the Chenford future.
So, here are my thoughts from a writer, actor, & trauma survivor POV. 
The Rookie has taken upon itself to tackle a lot of hard issues that are not warm and fuzzy since early in season 1. We knew that Tim had an abusive past, and I did not expect Genny’s visit to be old stories about his childhood and overall goofing with Chen. That’s just not realistic, in my opinion. Would it have been lovely? Absolutely! But I wasn’t holding out for that. 
When you’re in an intense emotional conversation -- especially one that you did not necessarily choose to have, in a high-stress situation that you are not emotionally prepared for -- words and thoughts WILL slip out without you thinking about them. Trauma often brings out emotions and past versions of ourselves that we cannot control in the moment. 
So. Some examples of this: 
1) When Tim let it slip that he’s seeing someone. He was addressing his sister in a high-stress situation. If you have siblings, especially ones that you have a tense history with, it’s common to immediately snap back at them to prove them wrong. Like Tim snapping to tell Genny that he’s not single when she accuses him of still being single due to his trauma. (And yes, it was a cheap shot. But like...siblings make cheap shots.)
Eric Winter is notoriously good at giving us subtle hints of how Tim feels in his facial expressions. When you watch this scene closely, you can clearly see on Tim’s face after Lucy’s reaction that he realizes he hurt her, and that he regrets saying it that way.  Because that is NOT how he wanted her to find out. They’re friends (& more than that, let’s be real), and he had no intention of telling her that way. What I see the writer’s potentially doing here is setting up an emotional moment where the dams break completely for Tim and Lucy, where they really just need to talk about EVERYTHING. The almost kiss. Tim dating someone else. Their feelings for each other. Literally get it all out there. Which is gonna lead to some of that sweet, sweet tension we love. We shall see. But my point is, Tim was snapping back at his sister in an emotional moment and accidentally hurt Lucy. That makes perfect sense to me, emotionally. 
*Also I’m sorry, when you first start dating someone, do you immediately tell your siblings & your friends? I usually don’t until I’m sure about a person, but maybe I’m just weird? This is what I figured when it came to Tim not telling people he’s dating Ashley. Or maybe he doesn’t like her that much--or both, it’s NEW. Also in general, Tim is canonically a very private person, so do with that what you will. * 
2) Genny came to Tim at the only time she knew she could actually get him to talk to her about something really, really important. Tim also notoriously avoids strong emotions at all costs, because the poor baby has been through so much. He was ignoring Genny’s texts and calls (which YES, those are his boundaries, and are 100% valid due to the trauma he’s suffered don’t get me wrong), so at work was the only way Genny knew how to reach him. From Genny’s POV, she really needs her brother’s help. Being the only person handling a dying parent is hard enough--but add on the trauma? Oof. You’re probably gonna beg someone for help, even if you know it won’t be easy for the other person to help you either. 
Genny also wants Tim to heal from trauma the way that she has (or is in the midst of). And perhaps she is going about it the wrong way (can’t help someone who doesn’t wanna be helped, amiright?) but when you’ve been through an intense trauma like that, and you see someone you love in pain, are you really gonna stand by and not try to help that person at least a little? You don’t always know “the right way” to go about it. You just do what you think is best at the moment. Maybe that ends up being the wrong thing, but you do the best you can. 
Genny clearly cares about her brother and wants him to heal. We don’t know enough about her to really go in depth into her thoughts, but her coming to Tim at work is not some flippant “hey get over your trauma bro and help dad” thing. Phrases like “stop being so emotional” or “get over it” are typically used in those situations, trust me. 
3) When you see someone you love in pain, it’s only natural to want to see them smile. To see them breathe easier and calm down. Knowing that Tim has family trauma and is clearly uncomfortable with this situation, Lucy tries to lighten the mood with fun conversation here and there. When she realizes that that isn’t working, she stops. Genny kept twisting Lucy’s well-intentioned conversations into ways to get Tim to talk to her, and that’s not Lucy’s fault. When she realizes that this conversation is happening and there is nothing she can do about it, the best she can do is try and be there for Tim in that situation (and y’all know Tim is not a person who likes to let people help him in any way). 
4) Okay. The Tim Test comment. Lemme first ask you this: have you ever had one of those moments where something you’ve never quite understood FINALLY makes sense? 
Lucy is a psychology graduate with two psychiatrist (or psychologist? Can’t remember) parents. I promise she’s been unintentionally (or probably intentionally, too, sometimes) analyzing Tim’s behavior to figure out why he is the way he is. Tim Tests show a really specific behavior of Tim’s that are not in line with the kindness and caring he shows on a regular basis. So of course, Lucy, this little cinnamon roll who is totally in love with this broody but incredibly caring guy who literally dug her out of the ground with his bare hands, is gonna have an ah ha! moment when she realizes why Tim Tests exist. 
You can physically see the moment Lucy realizes she said that aloud. She winces a little, and immediately dismisses the subject before Genny can pry further. Because she knows exactly how Tim is going to take what she just said, even though it is 100% not how she meant it to come out. She totally meant to keep that realization to herself, but words slip out in intense situation and with ah ha! moments, unfortunately. 
Now beyond the highly-emotional shop ride, I wanna bring up the differences in emotions and facial expressions when Lucy talks to Tim back at the station.
Lucy openly addresses that she knows she’s crossing a line & to please hear her out -- which first of all, if a huge improvement from when she followed Tim in season 1 to tell him he’d regret helping Isabel. Different situation, sure, but she is clearly stating now that “hey, I know this is crossing a line here and I’m giving you a chance to shut me down before I go on.” 
But of course Tim doesn’t shut her down, because he values her opinion and cares about what she has to say. The tension immediately deflates from his face because he trusts her. He wants to hear what she has to say, because he knows her opinion matters to him. 
Now that emotions are no longer high, Lucy can clearly articulate what she feels about the situation and her advice based on her years of psychological study, and how well she knows Tim. And with emotions no longer high, Tim is willing to listen and let his genuine logic and caring take over instead of his emotions reacting to trauma.  Which is HUGE because Tim, again, is a very “I take care of other people, people don’t take care of me” type of person, because that’s all he’s ever known (Dad. Sister. Isabel. Everyone). So him actually standing there and listening to Lucy’s thoughts and opinion (and uhm, actually taking that advice) is huge to me. 
And then he watches her walk away with hearts in his eyes because he’s like “hahaha how does my wife know me better than I know myself what the fuuuuck.” Genny totally notices that and I want her to bring them up in the next episode so bad. 
SO that’s my two sense on this episode. If you disagree, that’s fine! I don’t want to argue with anyone about any of this, but I’m def open to conversations about it. Hope this was helpful to some people though!! 
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pinkteapotwriting · 4 years
Happy Birthday Remus!
Warning: Lol, this is literally just smut. Smutty smut smut. 
Female/male receiving, oral, edging, degradation, Fem!dom, Spitting, creampie, basically explicit sexual content. Minors DNI
Description : Remus wants something special for his birthday, something out of the norm.
Wolfstar x Fem!Reader
Word count : 1721
Here you were.
It was ridiculous really.
You always behaved, maybe needy, but never bratty. Yet Remus and Sirius always found a way to push you out of your comfort zone.
So here you were.
Straddling Sirius as his arms were bound by leather to the head board, only in his boxers. Normally it would be the other way around. Sirius was not submissive and quite the bratty bottom. Sirius smirked up at you, challenging you just knowing he could easily get his revenge. 
You see it was Remus’s birthday and you’ve always been very eager to please. You remember the day before asking what varying chocolate sweets Remus would want for his birthday. You knew he had a hard time accepting gifts, but you knew he’d appreciate some baking. So you wander into the living room to see Remus lying against Sirius as he read. Sirius was drawing lazy circles against Remus and you forgot why you weren’t settled there too, before you snapped out of it.
“Rem, darling?”
Rising up from his very comfortable seat, he walked towards you, gave you a quick peck before responding, “Yes love?”
“I know chocolate cake is your favorite, but is there anything else you want me to make? Just ask and I’ll do it. 
Remus smirked for a second, “anything?” he asked.
“Of course, silly.” You looked up at him questioningly. It’s his birthday, you weren’t likely to say no.
“I do want something for my birthday, but it’s not food.”
Sirius’s head popped up in surprise and as his eyes reached yours he found your reaction matched his own. Remus didn’t like people buying things for him. Before you could even ask what he wanted Remus was whispering something in your ear that made you shiver. Sirius arched his eyebrows at you in question and you just stared back, much too embarrassed to respond. Knowing how easy it was to get you flustered he turned to Remus for an answer. And that’s when Remus had the gull to laugh and say, 
“Oh, you’ll find out”
So here you were wearing a colour of lingerie that Remus adored on you, Straddling Sirius, not believing that Remus wanted you to dom him as he sat safely from a distance on a chair at the foot of the bed. It would be an easier task to make Remus the minister of magic than it would be to manage Sirius. You were a very gentle soul and that was one of the reasons the boys fell in love with you, but Remus had gained so much amusement at the prospect of you dominating the untameable, and it was his birthday, so you were forced to oblige. 
There was Sirius with that menacing grin, “Well, what are you waiting for?”
You turned back to Remus for some sort of moral support but he just stared back, palming his bulge clearly eager for you to get a move on. Then Sirius did something that would have gotten you punished ruthlessly (by him no less) and thrust upwards at your core and stated, “come on, I thought you were supposed to be paying attention to me?”
You glared down at him. The audacity to edge you for hours for not responding quick enough, or not begging enough for his liking and you turn your head for one second and he has the nerve to act like that. Your usual gentle tone was diminished and if the tone wasn’t warning enough your words definitely were. 
“I don’t remember giving you permission to move and let’s make one thing clear you fucking brat.” You didn’t see but you were sure Remus’s eyebrows were raised as Sirius returned your glare with ease “You are tied up for my pleasure right now, and through mine you’re tied up for Remus’s too. So if you can’t be a good boy I won’t hesitate to treat you with the same mercilessness that you treat me with. Are we understood?”
“Fine.” He grinned. 
“That’s a start at least. Open your mouth.” you commanded. 
When he didn’t do so you squeezed his jaw between your thumb and forefingers the same way he does, forcing his mouth open on your own. 
“I said to open your mouth, I knew you were useless, but I wasn’t expecting you to be so dumb.” 
It felt so good to use his words against him. Apparently slipping into a dom role would be easier than you thought. With your new surge of confidence you leaned forward and spat in his mouth. You clamped his jaw shut and plugged his nose quickly after.
“Swallow” you commanded.
And he did.
You started to grind down on him then earning a moan from Sirius.
“Aw you like that baby? Your cock is so hard right now, I bet it’s aching. Bet you want nothing more than to fuck me senseless. Too bad you’re such a brat. Do you wanna make it up to me?”
You continued grinding, but he said nothing. You slowed to a torturous pace, “I said do you wanna make it up to me”
“Yes” he said quietly.
“Speak up, Remus needs to hear you too love.”
“I said yes” and with that it was your turn to smirk.
You got up and removed your underwear and made your way to Sirius’s face to straddle that instead. Before you sank down you said, “I want you to make me cum with only your tongue before I even think about returning the favour.” Not bothering to wait for a response you sank down on him and surprisingly he was being obedient. As his tongue greedily lapped at your pussy you turned towards the chair at the end of the bed. Remus was jacking off, eyes hungrily watching. 
“See, now that you’re finally being a good boy Remus can feel good too. I can’t believe you would make him wait so long you selfish brat.”
Sirius knew it would be too dangerous to respond so he just continued tonging your clit.
You decided to give him a little treat since you were getting so close and leaned back to pull his throbbing length out of his boxers and stroke it. 
Remus was having the time of his life. He knew what potential you had. Especially seeing the slight defiance in your eyes when Sirius would make you call yourself a whore for them. You enjoyed making them feel good, but Sirius deserved a taste of his own medicine. He couldn’t wait to see what you would do next. 
As you ground down on Sirius’s face he finally brought you to your release. Sirius was close too, and as his hips rushed up to meet your strokes more and more desperately you released his dick. He groaned in frustration.
“Don’t be a baby, you do this to me all the time and besides if you think a plaything like you gets to cum before the birthday boy you are sorely mistaken.” She undid his bonds “Stand up.”
Sirius was very happy to be free but as soon as he was you were using the same bonds to restrain his hands behind his back. 
“On your knees, in front of Remus, now.”
Sirius eagerly obeyed, not wanted to risk the chance of not getting his release he needed so badly.
“Sirius I want you to beg for Remus’s cock.”
Sirius raised his eyes from Remus’s red, swollen member to Remus’s lustful gaze.
“Go on, what do you say? I'll give you a hint, you make me say it all the time.”
“Please.” Sirius quietly muttered. 
“Please what?” this time Remus spoke up.
“Please may I suck your cock?”
“Well, since you asked so nicely”
Soon enough Remus was fucking Sirius’s face as you were knelt beside him. Placing delicate, yet intense kisses across his shoulders and neck, while still whispering the odd dirty statement. Loving that Remus turned the tables for you and excited for when Sirius would turn them back. 
“Fuck, I’m coming.” Remus pulled out and watched intently as Sirius swallowed and as you cleaned up what Sirius missed.
“Please please I’ve been so good now can I please cum too?” Sirius asked looking at you.
“I don’t think so” Remus responded, “y/n has been much better than you so I think I’ll be making her cum again while you watch on the chair.” 
It was so much fun watching tears roll down Sirius’s cheeks as Remus fucked you from behind. 
Maybe it was your birthday instead you mused to yourself as Remus slammed his cock into you brutally, making sure you and Remus both would get to come for the second time that evening. Remus wrapped his arm around your neck and pressed your back to his chest, while his other one made his way to your clit mimicking the furious pace of his pounding. 
“Isn’t she so pretty? Pads, look at her all fucked out. This is what a good pet looks like. Fuck she’s so tight, bet you wish you could cum in her pussy like I’m bout to.”
You just whined at that, completely aware of the fact you could climax by Remus’s words alone. 
“You like that Pup? You like knowing you’re my good girl? Come on, be a good girl and make a mess on my cock.”
Your orgasm washed over you in a burst, Remus prolonged it by continuing to strive for his own high. Just before you were about to cry it was too much Remus was releasing his big load inside you. As you were both catching your breath you were interrupted by soft sniffles coming from the foot of the bed. 
“Don’t cry sweetheart” Remus cooed “You can have your turn now. y/n do you wanna help our Siri out”
You gathered your strength and clambered off the bed. On all fours you made your way to Sirius before nestling yourself between his legs on your knees. Finally Sirius sighed in relief as your lips wrapped around his cock. If tonight taught him anything, it taught him he was going to be praising you much more for what you put up with. 
“I love you y/n” 
He really meant it, and not only because he was cumming down your throat.
Hey y’all I hope you liked this. Please feel free to let me know if you’d like to see other stuff like this in the future!
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ignitification · 3 years
What the Future Holds
“It is the temptation of war to punish; it is the task of policy to construct.” (Henry Kissinger). 
There has been a lot of debate around what is going to happen after (the heroes win? AfO is defeated? The Villains are saved? - are all valid hypothesis), right at the end of BNHA. Long ago, though, someone asked - what would be the reaction of the civilians at large when this all goes down? We know for a fact that while, more or less, our protagonists are in the loop of what exactly went down with the villains (or at least that they have not had a lot of positive experiences and possibilities to grow up as good as them), the civilians know close to nothing (apart from Touya’s broadcast, which in hindsight should be at least enough to make space way for the possibility of civilians understanding the woes of the villains and trying to accept the change which this ending will brings, and yet) when it comes to this matter. Will they be able to accept ‘a hero’ saving ‘a villain’? Will the change in society, the abolishment of a Quirk Society in general and the aftermath of the war (likely the cancellation of the hero rankings, and just the demotion of the title hero as profession) be accepted eventually?
While these are question to which I would like to answer ‘It depends’, I’d say that it might be the case, but the change will be slow, gradual and likely painful. Let’s take the example of Heteromorph Quirks, which, so many years after the discovery and establishment of quirks, are still looked down upon. This highlights the struggle with which this society adapts, and that it adapts to only certain parts of the society (which are usually the pretty parts, while the ugly ones are or ignored or just thoroughly refused to look at). It is the same principle we see in not only the narrative of Lady Nagant (and the rose-colored glasses with which civilians see society and pro-heroes), and the villains themselves (as their Quirks made them unfit for the general public to be displayed or used) but also in the same narrative which Izuku carries - he struggles to accept himself as someone who is Quirkless, and takes his chances to inherit All Might’s power, a little because of his dreams and more because that way he can also be part of that same society who treated him like shoe’s dirt before he gained ‘power’ and a standing as a UA student with a Quirk fit to be a hero.
We can see and take a little bit from what is probably going to be the reaction to the ending, both by seeing the reaction we have to Dabi’s broadcast, the press conference of the Top 3 and Izuku going rogue and looking villainy, as well as the public’s reaction to him coming back to UA.
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Being likely familiar with these scenario, it definitely does not hit as a positive-filled situation, but rather the outage of the small mindedness and the expectancy of a perfect world division in villains and heroes by the civilians. Yes, it is the famous panel of the dichotomy of heroes and villains and look who already did foresee this so long ago: a villain, which is hilarious in itself but also pretty logical if you think about it.
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The thing is, that as told millions times before the core problem of this society is that it does not understand nuance (and so doesn’t this fandom, for that matter): everything should be white or black, good or bad, hero or villain. But in reality, this dichotomy falls short of understanding what is hidden behind the curtain: the ugly truth of the fact that sometimes there is no good or bad, and that maybe sometimes the good is not as good and bad is not as bad. And as said million times before again, this stems from the fact that a. society has been kept in the dark from the deeds that the HPSC has done all these years, therefore conditioning and manipulating society into believing that a distinction exists; and b. it is rather easier to separate the good and the bad guys by a simple principles like a working label and to stick to it, even in front of rather compelling evidence. In the end, it is clear that the public has trust issues at their finest, but it then shows what a shaky base these society has been built on: a rather fine balance, which has been topped over once the castle of cards has been knocked down. 
It is in the hands of the new generation then, to attempt and change how thing have been so far. Retributive justice, just like in the quote above, is always tempting - and it is no brainer that it will be likely very hard for the civilian to accept whatever is thrown at them in the end, which does not involve the imprisonment and therefore the punishment of the villains. But at the same time, it is also true, that slowly but steadily things are staring to look up: we have Shouto who wants to save his brother, and Izuku who instead is trying to understand the villains and why they become such, stemming from his will to understand and help Shigaraki. After all, their main power is to change things up: a change which, hilariously, can be seen concretely by Bakugou’s words in chapter 323. Bakugou, who is a byproduct of that same society, is admitting his faults and the fact that it happens at this moment is likely a foreshadow for a major scale change: after all, the entire society owes an apology to the villains, big time. It is not a case then, that the narrative is putting everything to its places and showing us the before, and the tough process of change and the consequences of it. In this scenario, Izuku, Shouto, Bakugou, Ochako and generally the UA kids play the role of policymakers: they are looking in the future, trying to get an overview of the situation which they know as true and the one the villains consider as true and then trying to do ‘the right thing’: unfortunately, there is never a right thing when it comes to these matters, and no shoe-fits-all solution. It will therefore be interesting how exactly things will play out and whether society (in a not so distant future) might accept the fact that the villains can be victims, and in search for the satisfaction of that same retributive justice they are trying to enforce on them. In my opinion, the effort made by the young generation in this matter will be crucial: some people will refuse to accept such a thing (blaming the villains for everything that went wrong since day 1), other will struggle with accepting it and likely will remain neutral (which, in hindsight, is even worse as it is somehow similar to the civilians that thoroughly ignored Tenko when we was clocharding of the streets) and the who begrudgingly might accept the fact that exactly like Dabi said, pro-heroes are not always heroes in private too and they have as much harm potential as villains, it just does not get publicly displayed. And maybe, slowly, society will come to the consensus that while not always the case, offering a hand to those who struggle, might save a life - and why not, maybe at one point they will stop classifying people as ‘heroes and villains’, and instead accept themselves as humans altogether. But such is the human struggle: lost in the will to put a label on things, and forgetting that unlike labels, humans have the infinite capacity to grow, expand and change.
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auramindedd · 4 years
Fixed? Never - SMAU*
Part 3
CorpseHusband x FemReader
Warnings: cussing
A/N: again, any posts with a “ * ” attached to “smau” has writing in it. imma focus A LOT more on just the social media n message perspective, but y/n n corpse meet in this part soooo i had to add some writing :) something else b4 i forget; i’m updating my masterlist and changing it into a directory post that way you guys can also request through a google form! i’ll have requests open at all times unless i get too stressed out or if they overfill. due to me changing my masterlist, there’s gonna be about 6 posts i think. also,, thank you guys so much for 600 followers! i’ve been hitting a bunch of milestones and haven’t been remembering to say thank you, but just know that i appreciate every single one of you... also i love reading y’all’s comments 😭
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You make sure you’re set up before 6 PM, which was probably a mistake. You can’t sit still, you’re starting to get nervous, and you kind of just want to run away to McDonald’s.
Sure, you know Ludwig, Dream, and Rae, but it feels like you’re at school all over again. That anxious feeling of having to be with people while your best friends aren’t around.
You’re leg is bouncing, your nails are tapping on your desk, and you can’t stop running your hand through your hair. It probably looks like a fucking bird nest by now.
You start streaming, deciding that maybe talking to your supporters will make things a bit better.
“Hey, loves,” You greet in a not so Y/N-fashioned way. Of course, the chat catches on, and you’re being called out for it. You can’t help but giggle at the fact that your supporters know how you usually are.
@user: What happened to, “Hey, bitches!”
@user: Ou, someone is nervous.
Yeah, they obviously know you very well.
“Alright, let’s start over.” You clear your throat for dramatic effect because, well, when are you not dramatic? “Hey, bitches!” Yup, even you know that just feels right.
After a while of talking to your supporters, Rae sends you the Discord invite and the Among Us code. You join, feeling your nerves start to come back.
“Y/N!” Rae exclaims in excitement when she sees you’ve joined the Among Us lobby.
“Hi,” You say, shyness lacing your voice.
“Oh my God! The cutest voice.” Jack says. Wow, what a compliment coming from the Jack_Septic_Eye.
You take time to introduce yourself to everyone, trying to calm your nerves.
“Are we gonna start?” Ludwig’s impatient ass asks.
“We’re waiting for Corpse.” Rae explains.
Shit, another person you have to introduce yourself to?
“Hey, Corpse!” Sykkuno greets quickly, very obviously racing to be the first to say hi to Corpse.
“Hey, Sykkuno,” Corpse chuckles, and woah, the last thing you expected. You can’t help but be surprised, and you know it’s showing on your face. Why? Because your supporters are teasing you in the chat.
“Corpse,” Rae says in a sing-songy tone. “This is Y/N.” And your heart drops to your fucking stomach. Every single time it happens when you have to meet someone, but now your heart is beating even faster because you’re obviously the only one who hasn’t met Corpse. They’re all expecting a reaction out of you...
“Hey, Y/N.” His deep, husky voice says. You can hear the smile in his voice and it helps ease your nerves.
“Hi,” You greet, shyness still lacing your voice.
Corpse chuckles, “So cute.” Now you’re blushing. Great...
Rae starts the game, saving you before the others can start teasing you.
You’ve only played Among Us once, in a public server with Dream, George, Karl, and Alex, and then you got bullied for not knowing what the fuck to do.
To say the least, you’re pretty glad to be Crewmate and not Impostor.
“Y/N!” Jack shouts, walking up to you. You slightly jump, forgetting they’re playing with Proximity Chat.
“Jack!” You shout back, letting his astronaut catch up to you.
“We were expecting a reaction.” He says, and of course they were.
“Uh, yeah, I don’t know. I feel like he hears it a lot, don’t want to add on to the list of Things People Say To Him Everyday.”
“Yeah, he’s probably very grateful for that.”
“Grateful for what?” Charlie walks up to you two.
“Nothing,” Jack drawls. You’ve just met Charlie, but you know that he’d tease both you and Corpse about one another’s voices.
“Oh, I know!” Charlie exclaims, but before he can say what he knows-
“Okayyy! That’s enough interaction with Charlie for today.” Jack says, and you take that as a, ‘Walk the fuck away now, Y/N!’
You walk around, trying your best to finish tasks, but when it comes to the card swipe in Admin, you want to quit life as a whole.
“Ugh, I fucking quit.” You groan, slamming your hands on your desk. A deep, rumbling chuckle comes through on your headphones.
“Having trouble?” Corpse teases.
“Yeah. I wanna rip every strand of my fucking hair out.”
“Swipe it slower.” And with that, you try again. Voila! Just like magic.
“Well if I would’ve fucking known.” You groan, Corpse chuckling.
“Here, I can help you with the game.”
“Yes, please, I don’t know shit about it.”
“You know, you cuss a lot for having such a sweet, innocent, and cute voice.” Corpse laughs.
“Yeah,” You drawl. “I know, bad fucking habit.” You slap your hand over your mouth. How does someone cuss in every sentence? Get a filter, damn.
Corpse walks around with you as you both finish tasks, explaining how the game works, and giving you tips for when you do end up being an Impostor.
Honestly, you could listen to his voice all day. He’s also really sweet.
“What are you two up to?” Brooke asks, doing tasks in Electrical with you two. Corpse told you to make sure you’re always aware of your surroundings when you’re in Electrical. So, naturally, you’re freaking out, but silently and internally.
“Brooke,” Corpse warns. He doesn’t even have time to finish his warning. Brooke kills him, his body flopping over, the one bone sticking out from the top of his body. Your mouth falls open.
“Hey, Y/N. Let’s be besties!” You don’t know what to do, but ay, #girlsupportinggirls, right? So, you walk with her. She helps you along the way, also telling you tips on the game, explaining how everything works. Then, after about a minute, a whole 60 seconds, Corpse’s body is reported.
“Why Corpse? Such an innocent man with a beautiful voice.” Lud fake cries.
“Get over it,” Brooke says.
“It’s Brooke! Brooke’s an Impostor!” Lud shouts.
“What? No! I was with Y/N for a lot of this round.” Brooke defends herself, and oh fuck, who the fuck do you defend? You’ve just met both of them, one of them will possibly hate you forever.
“Y/N?” Sykkuno grabs your attention, snapping you out of your thinking.
“Yeah, she was. She wouldn’t have had time to kill Corpse. Where was the body?” Well, there you go, potentially ruining yours and Corpse’s blooming friendship. Sad Girl Hour, type beat.
“In Electrical,” Charlie says.
“Yeah, no way she would’ve had to time to kill him.”
Nobody’s voted out. Brooke hasn’t even told you who the second Impostor is so, you don’t know if you should stay with her or not.
As you and Brooke are walking around, or skipping as she sees it, and holding hands, Dream pops out of a vent. Well, there’s Imposter two.
“Woah! Dream, way to out yourself out.” You tease, throwing your head back and laughing.
“Please, you’ve been with Brooke the whole time. Don’t say anything.” Dream begs, making you and Brooke giggle.
“I won’t, I won’t.”
“Thank you,” He starts walking away from you guys, but not without finishing his sentence that you thought was already finished. “Cutie.” And there, finished.
Fucking finished! Tweedle-dee, tweedle dum! Whoopty-fucking-do! Fan-fucking-tastic! A-fucking-mazing!
And of course you’re blushing for the whole 80,000+ people watching to tease you about.
“Oh my God!” Brooke squeals. “What was that?!”
“I’ll explain later,”
“Y/N, how could you?” Corpse says, offended.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know what to do.”
“She’s my enemy, Y/N. We were supposed to stick together. I told you some tips and tricks, explained how to be a badass Impostor, everything!” Wow, he’s a good fucking actor.
“I can very well do the same thing, bitch.” Brooke spits, all in a playful manner - you hope...
“Not better than me, bitch.” Corpse retorts, his astronaut getting closer.
With Corpse.
Your enemy. Or as he put it, “Enemy who he can maybe, and most likely, will become friends with in the near future.”
“Follow,” He says, and even though he’s your enemy, you do.
“I gotta do my own thing.”
“You don’t know how to do shit.” Corpse scoffs.
“Okay then, what the fuck are we gonna do?”
“Double kills, all the way, but only when we meet up with each other. So, right now, we’ll both go our own ways, but when we see each other again, we’ll walk to a pair and do a double kill if we can.” Corpse explains.
“Brooke told me not to do double kills often. It won’t help get through a game.”
Corpse snorts, “Brooke doesn’t know dog shit about this game.”
“Fine,” You groan, going along with it only because you don’t know dog shit about the game either.
As Corpse explained, you two do double kills every time you meet up. You two managed to get double kills where people rarely go - Shields, Comms, and the top of Cafeteria.
After killing Rae and Sykkuno, the game ends. You made sure to leave Brooke and Dream alive.
“Period, we did that!” You exclaim, everyone else groaning and complaining about how you two should never be an Impostor duo again. “But I still fucking hate you because you hate me!”
“Exactly!” Corpse retorts in the same tone as you.
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autisticandroids · 3 years
Oh patron saint of mpreg, tell us, what is the absolute gold standard canon divergent mpreg scenario with Cas and Dean?
so for me the gold standard is for cas to get pregnant due to some kind of magical or metaphysical situation that dean at least does not perceive as sex. bonus points is cas is hesitant about it but refuses to explain why (because he doesn't know how dean will deal with the concept of himself being able to potentially get cas pregnant), so dean is like "we're doing it anyway" and then they do it and then cas doesn't tell anyone that he is pregnant until circumstances force the information out of him. and then dean has to deal with the fact that 1) cas can get pregnant, 2) cas is pregnant, 3) it's his, and he does so pretty poorly.
the rest is under a cut because this post is over 2.5k words long.
my favorite times for this to happen are at the end of season nine, just before dean dies and gets demonized in do you believe in miracles, and at the start of season twelve, just before sam and dean go to jail, because the pining in both those scenarios is delicious but it is so much more powerful if cas is also pregnant, and never even told dean. double points if the truth somehow comes out while they're separated so when dean comes back it's like. yeah cas is pregnant. it's yours. welcome home dean now you have to coddle cas' emotions because he thought he would have to raise your baby alone.
the season twelve scenario is particularly delicious because 1) we can have lucifer slut shaming cas in front of crowley in rock never dies, so crowley knows before dean, and 2) much more importantly, mary is there, and i am obsessed with like. okay. several things.
- the idea of mary getting all baby fever because she misses her boys and this is like. a baby she can take care of because she never got to take care of sam
- the idea of dean working through some of his parentification trauma by coparenting a child with the parent whose place he felt he had to take
- the idea of mary coming in and projecting her insane 1980s gender roles all over cas, suddenly treating him like a woman, stripping him of agency, etc. and like. dean would also do this even though he's not from the eighties, but mary would do it double strength, and they would reinforce each other, it would be a nightmare
- also mary trying to relate to cas on the Travails Of Motherhood etc. and cas being like ?????????? like i cannot stress enough that the weird gender roles she projects onto cas are also standards that she held herself to back when she was a Wife And Mother. while cas is like mary i am not a human woman and also i don't see what "having to look pretty for my man when i'm all baby bloaty" has to do with anything. that's not something i feel like i have to do
oh and 3) could you imagine lily sunder has some regrets if cas was pregnant? unfathomable episode. like ishim and mirabel's reaction but ALSO lily's. and it would fix the number one issue i have with lily sunder, which is that the resolution of the moral dilemma is "well AKSHUALLY the kid was human and not a nephilim so killing it was bad" rather than "it was bad to kill lily's baby, full stop." like ishim's cover up and using the machinery of power to manipulate the truth is very compelling, but the fact that it results in the moral essentially being "it would have been okay if the kid had been a nephilim" suuuuuucks.
basically, there's a reason i have two entire mpreg aus set in season twelve.
and then the delicious part in the season nine version is like. one, dean is away for much longer and he could be anywhere. also he's a demon and he's cheating on cas with crowley. and then even when cas gets him back he's still cursed with the mark, so we can get all weepy over that. you know. i'm the one who's going to have to watch you murder the world and i'm eight months pregnant. etc etc.
but the other thing that's juicy about this version is that cas is still semi-involved with the other angels at this point, like he's roadtripping around with hannah and they're trying to get heaven under control, so carrying a nephil is going to really affect those relationships. so he's going to be probably disliked by the other angels, and there are MANY opportunities for slut-shaming, but at the same time, the other "outcast" type angels might respect him for violating heaven's dictates.
and then of course there's his grace vampirism victorian wasting disease. in canon he's perfectly happy to let himself die, but if he were having dean's baby he would absolutely not do that, that's dean's baby he's endangering there. so of course there's the terrible guilt of having to kill other angels so he can live, plus potentially preparing to die shortly after childbirth so he doesn't have to keep killing. delicious.
and on top of all this cas can get slutshamed by metatron in, depending on when exactly he gets knocked up, meta fiction, stairway to heaven, and do you believe in miracles. plus stairway to heaven would be insane like all the angels would know that cas is pregnant. they would see it in his grace. like cas' angel army would just. know that he was pregnant with a nephil, and have to accept that because he's their leader. in love with humanity indeed.
i'm trying to think of other good times for this drama with cas getting secretly pregnant through a nonsexual interaction to take place. it would be great in season six. like: he's doing a blasphemy with his body but at the same time he's this big important rebel leader so they can't say shit about him, and also he's pregnant while fighting these big important battles (fun and sexy), AND this is like, hot on the heels of the realization that something about his feelings for dean is untoward, expands beyond the bounds of ordinary friendship and camaraderie. like he realizes that, and maybe even that he has sexual feelings for dean, and then he gets immediately knocked up. stunning.
it would ALSO be extremely fun for it to be some kind of... i don't know, magical longer gestation times, whatever, but for cas to have gotten pregnant sometime in s5 and only realized during the Year Of Lisa. LOVE to watch a man rake leaves while both metaphorically carrying the taint of taboo sexual feelings for him and literally carrying his child.
but the thing about season six is, first of all, cas isn't really... envisioning a future with dean. not the way he does in the later seasons. like does he fantasize about a future with dean? yes. like. he really did watch that motherfucker rake leaves. but it's only fantasy. he expected to never speak to dean again after swan song until dean prayed to him in the third man. he's obsessed with dean, but it's distant. remote.
like, we talk about cas babytrapping dean in the later seasons with jack, and he absolutely does, and he would do it even more if dean got him literally pregnant, but that babytrap is about... how do i put this. it's about winning dean's affection. late seasons cas knows that he's going to die by dean's side. the difference that babytrapping dean makes is that maybe it will get dean to be nice to him in the mean time, instead of discarding him like so much toilet paper.
but season six cas doesn't think of it like that. if he were gonna babytrap dean, it would be in the more traditional sense of forcing dean to stay with him in order to raise their child together. and he would never do that. he wants dean to have a happy future, which in his mind does not include him. like, compare here "he's retired and he's to stay that way" in the man who would be king, where cas assumes that dean is happy without him and expects him to live out his days peacefully without ever seeing him again, to "i'm the one who's going to have to watch you murder the world" in the prisoner, where cas assumes that he will be by dean's side for centuries.
but anyway, the other, much more important problem with season six is that cas has a war to fight. like, in the later seasons, cas really has nothing. even when he's on tenuous good terms with the angels, he doesn't really have a home with them. the winchesters are his family, and he'd give up anything for them. he has nothing in his life. he's at rock bottom, and this becomes truer the further along you go. late seasons cas has nothing he would prioritize over serving the winchesters, and he would be happy dropping anything he was involved in to have and raise dean's baby. parenting would give him a purpose that he no longer has, because everything else has been stripped from him.
but in season six cas has a life outside of them. like yes, he has a war to fight, but he also has a place in heaven, with the other angels. he belongs somewhere, he has solid connections to the outside world. even if he didn't have a war to fight, i don't know how excited he would be to have and raise a baby (even dean's baby) because he simply has other things he could be doing. he's involved in the world beyond the winchesters.
like, the reason cas wants to be a parent is that he is totally alone and totally purposeless. having a child gives him both a reason for being and someone who will always love him and who he can care for. if he doesn't have that hole in his life he might not be so eager to fill it with a baby.
for all these reasons, this plotline really doesn't work in season six, because you simply cannot justify cas not getting an abortion, unless you do something nasty like make angel abortion impossible, which i don't love.
you COULD somehow put the impregnation just at the end of season six, maybe just before the man who would be king, such that cas doesn't realize he's pregnant until he's already godstiel. you guys are unfortunately very aware of how obsessed i am with pregnant godstiel.
actually, @jeanne-de-valois has a concept of like. a single, madness fueled midnight hookup immediately pre-tmwwbk (or maybe even during, but prior to the superman mistake), where cas is simultaneously so stressed from being stretched so thin from the war and the lying and the shady dealings, and so high on being The Big Man In Heaven, that he's bold and out of his mind enough to actually come onto dean, like he just appears one night in dean's bedroom and is like, fuck me, and dean is like 👁👄👁 okay. so they have one single adrenaline and madness fueled hookup, and then everything immediately goes to shit.
and i think that's a great place for cas to get pregnant, and then he doesn't realize until he's become god, or maybe he does and he's just like "i'll deal with it later," either way godstiel is like oh? i carry dean's heir inside me? i will have dean's baby. i will have dean's baby it is my right and also my boon to him and also a symbol of my great and magnanimous love for humanity. and also maybe i will put giant paintings of myself pregnant with his child up in churches. what about that. which would be fun. don't know when he would give birth though. actually it would be insane if he gave birth as emmanuel and was just like. raising dean's nephil when dean found him again. nuts. but it just doesn't really have the same flavor as late seasons mpreg. doesn't compel me nearly as much. like the symbolism of godstiel being pregnant with dean's child is fun and sexy but them actually raising the kid afterwards doesn't compel me nearly as much, so it's better to leave literal mpreg to the later seasons and let godstiel mpreg reside in symbolism and fantasy.
or maybe the fetus gets stolen by the leviathans when cas walks into the lake and dean has to battle his leviathanated nephil daughter as the main villain of s7. like she's dick roman's secret weapon. i think that would be fun, actually. kind of an emma situation but drawn out over the whole season. and he thinks cas is dead for most of it so she's all he's got left of cas and a mess cas left for him to clean up. big sexy.
and as a bonus, i will also tell you the best time, imo, for dean to get pregnant: near the end of season eight. possibly a single, tragic farewell fuck in sacrifice when cas is planning to lock himself away in heaven and they're never gonna see each other again. and this impregnates dean with cas' nephil.
but then cas is human. and he can't do anything about it. like generally if they managed to get dean pregnant somehow, cas would immediately talk him into an abortion (which wouldn't be too hard; dean's natural white midwestern man who doesn't vote aversion to abortion would be at war with the horror of being pregnant, and the horror would win), or might not even inform dean that he's pregnant, and just quietly end the pregnancy without dean's knowledge, because cas would never put dean through that. but if cas is human, he can't do that. and furthermore, that nephil is the last evidence of his angelic nature that persists. it's the last of what he used to be, the last of his grace. and there's something absolutely delectable about that.
then of course dean would have to leave the bunker if he was pregnant with a nephil, because angels would be after him, and he wouldn't want to lead them to gadreel, so i am imagining dean discovering that he's pregnant and then showing up in a panic at the gas n sip like "actually cas i'm also out of the bunker will you go on the run with me?" and then they go on the run and have to live in motels again and cas gets to live with take care of dean who is pregnant with his child which is essentially his dream, and he doesn't have to feel guilty because he's no longer capable of giving dean an abortion so he doesn't feel obligated to get him to have one. ideally cas gets re-angeled just in time to give dean an angelic c-section. or maybe they rely on a normal human c-section in a hospital and cas stays human and they are two humans raising their nephil, which is also fun to me.
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