#yes we DID get the same pair of shoes 😂
foxsoulcourt · 2 years
Ventura days : grateful for my friend @pomponia who also appreciates s l o w mornings
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tagging @dogintheboiler re: that fabulous Brasilian soap 💜
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Hi! Could we get a Eddie fic where it’s like a timeline throughout their relationship? How they first met, first date, engagement etc? Maybe even the first fight for some angst 👀😂
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AN | Please! This idea is so sweet, but also I couldn’t help myself so this is singledad!eddie as well 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 5.4k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The first time Eddie Munson met you…he didn't exactly like you. You just weren't his type in any sense of the word - not his type of friend, his type of girl, or his type of associate. He never would have thought that the two of you would have any sort of relationship. It would actually have been laughable to him, if someone had told him you’d be anything more than a bi-yearly presence in his life. 
But here you were, the sweet, kind dental assistant that greeted him and his son as they walked into the new dental practice. As soon as Eddie had completed the new patient paperwork and was checked in, you walked up front and called out his son’s name. 
The first thing Eddie had noticed was how pretty you were - he could own up to that but the second thing he noticed was how kind and gentle you were with his little boy. Jamie Munson was a small, shy little boy who had been terrified at the idea of going to the dentist. But you had some sort of magical power because the boy relaxed and came willingly with you, Eddie in tow. He had to hand it to you; you had a way with Jamie…and with him. 
When it turned out that Jamie was having a bit of an issue with some of his permanent teeth that were coming in, he quickly realized that he was going to be seeing more of you. For some odd, unexplainable reason, thrilled and terrified him. There was something so magnetic about you that it made his stomach flutter with butterflies. It didn’t help that Jamie had practically fallen in love with you and thoroughly enjoyed telling anyone and everyone about the nice lady at the dentist.
To top it all off, Eddie found himself drawn to you as well, finding any and every excuse to talk to you whenever he was in the office. And to his surprise - and yours - he asked you out. It was fumbled and awkward and sweet, all Eddie and priceless. When you’d said yes without hesitation, Eddie had been shocked. When you told him that you had thought about asking him out as well, he was sure he was dreaming.
When you showed up to what turned out to be the first date of many, he was convinced he was living in a sweet, lavender haze.
But it was real, and you were real, and before either of you knew it - it had all become a vivid, beautiful reality. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your stomach was in knots as you waited for Eddie to pick you up for your date. Your first date. You never would have thought the metalhead would have one, felt the same as you did and two, actually ask you out. You were almost polar opposites, but you’d developed your attraction to him rather quickly. So quickly that it was almost scary. When he’d shyly asked you out, fumbling over his words and stammering nervously, as he got ready to leave with Jamie, you’d said yes almost instantly. 
And…now you were anxiously waiting for him. You looked yourself over in the full length mirror, wondering if you were dressed too formally and or too casually. Your dress was light and pretty, perfect for the summer and you slipped on your shoes before you could talk yourself into changing. Before you could worry too much you heard a loud knock at the door. 
“Ugh,” you groaned at your reflection before deciding you looked fine enough and quickly padding to the door. You threw it open without even making sure that it really was Eddie and found yourself breathless as you looked up at him. There was a big, nervous smile on his face and a pretty bouquet of wildflowers in his hand, “Eddie.”
“That’s me,” he chuckled nervously as you slowly stopped yourself from freaking out, “these are for you, sweetheart.”
“They’re beautiful,” you gently took them and clutched them to your chest, “thank you so much.”
“O-of course,” he followed you inside as you walked to the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase. He looked around, trying to get a feel for you who were outside of the scrubs and office, “you look really pretty.”
“Thank you,” your cheeks - your entire face - warmed up under his attention and concentrated your efforts on arranging your flowers, “you clean up nicely yourself, handsome.”
“Figured I had to try if I wanted to stand a chance of looking remotely like I should be taking you out,” you snorted in amusement at his silly antics. There was something about that was relaxing and made you feel like you’d already known him for so long. This was definitely something you could get used to, “but I’m glad I hit the mark.”
“More than,” you promised sweetly, “flowers and handsome? It’s coming up cherries already. Where are we headed tonight?”
“That’s a surprise!” he grinned eagerly, “if that’s okay with you.”
“It’s perfect, Eddie. Really,” your reassurance made him already feel like he had an actual chance with you, “let’s go!”
Eddie had been debating on what to do for your first date since he'd asked last week. He wasn't sure what angle he should take - fancy and formal or casual and fun - eventually he settled on just being himself. Being the fun, dorky Eddie that he was. Which turned out to be the best thing possible.
"No way!" Your eyes lit up when he pulled up to the arcade, and you saw all that it had to offer. He'd been watching your face the entire time, trying to gauge your reaction. He hoped you didn't think it was too much of a single dad move, like it was the only thing he could think of, "I am totally kicking your ass at mini-golf!"
That brought a smile to his face, "you wish, princess. I happen to be a mini-golfing pro - I can beat a five-year-old and I'll beat you too!"
"You're so on," you almost jumped out of the car, motioning for him to hurry up, "and you're going down at air hockey too!"
"You're just a dork too," he reached for your hand without having to think about it, worrying for a moment that he was being too bold, but realized when you laced your fingers with his, "I was thinking after this we could go to that new diner for dinner. I-if that sounds okay, of course."
"It's perfect," you couldn't stop yourself from kissing his cheek excitedly, "I couldn't think of anything better!"
And Eddie was positive he fell in love with you then and there.
When he dropped you off later that night, he could barely manage to keep it together. He hadn’t planned on kissing you, not because he didn’t want to because he really did, but because he had been so nervous. He didn’t want to fuck anything up; but then you went and kissed him of your own initiative and he almost melted into a puddle on your doorstep. 
“I had a good time tonight,” you touched his cheek before kissing him one last time, “I…I’d love to do this again, if you’d like.”
“I’ve love to,” his cheeks pinked as he nodded eagerly, “d-definitely.”
“Cool,” you bit the inside of your cheek, butterflies fluttering all around your stomach, “call me?”
“Of course,” he promised softy, “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, sweetheart. Have a good night.”
“You too, Eddie,” you whispered, watching as he reluctantly stepped off your porch and towards his van, “good night.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You’d been with Eddie for just over two years now. It was hard to believe it had been that long already but at the same time it felt like it had been forever. The two of you had fallen into each other’s lives so seamlessly. One of the best parts was that the two of you almost never fought. But, like with everything in life, something had to give. 
Eventually you were going to have your first fight. It was inevitable…right? Right.
“Hey sweetheart,” Eddie came home to find you in the kitchen, singing along to whatever record you’d thrown on the vintage player. The kitchen smelled delicious, clear evidence that you’d been baking which also made his stomach grumble, “something smells good.”
“Hey my love,” you grinned as you walked over to him, putting your hands on his shoulders as you leaned up to kiss him, “missed you today.”
“Missed you too,” he stole a few more kisses before eagerly eyeing the pie you had cooling on the counter, “it smells amazing.”
“Nuh uh,” you teased, “these are for the bake sale at Jamie’s school tomorrow. I’ll make us something later, promise.”
“Fine,” he sighed dramatically as you snorted in amusement, “where is the kiddo, anyway?”
“With the Carlstroms,” you turned back to mixing the brownie batter as Eddie raised an eyebrow, “they were going to the theme park and asked if he could go along so I said yes. He really likes Eric so I figured they’d have fun and I’d be able to get all this baking done. They’ll be back tonight.”
“You just let him go?” Edide asked and you could tell from the tone in his voice that something was off, “without even bothering to ask me?”
“Ummm…yeah?” you answered softly, giving him a sheepish shrug, “you were at work, and Jamie’s over at their house a lot so I figured it was okay. We know them, and I didn’t want to bother you with it.”
“He’s my son,” he said quietly and your entire face fell as you realized what he was saying. You're not his mother, “you can’t just go and make decisions without me.”
“I-I’m sorry,” you stammered nervously, feeling tears already well up in your eyes, “I-I didn’t mean to sidestep you or anything, I really didn’t think it was a big deal. I’m sorry, I should have asked you before just saying yes.”
“Didn’t think it was a big deal?” he scoffed, “what if something happened and I had no clue where he was? He’s just a kid!”
“Don’t,” he shook his head and started to back out of the kitchen, “I’m going to go outside and cool off.”
You watched him go without a word, tears running down your cheeks. You hastily wiped them away with the sleeve of your sweater, trying to hide your sniffle. If you thought, even remotely, that this would have been a big deal, you would have asked Eddie first. It hadn’t seemed like a big deal at all; you loved and adored Jamie as though he was your own son and you’d never do anything to put him even in the smallest bit of danger. You hoped that Eddie would understand that at some point. You loved both of them with your entire heart. 
Eddie came back home a hours later, and while you had been worried, you knew that more than likely he had gone to Wayne’s place. That man could talk sense into him and if nothing else, he often served as a neutral third party.
By the time he got back, Jamie was already home, worn out from playing and being in the warm sun, inadvertently napping on the couch. Eddie relaxed when he saw the small boy, affectionately ruffling his hair before finding you. 
“Hey,” he rapped his knuckles gently against the wall as he found you still baking. You turned to him with a nervous expression, a hesitant smile on your face.
“Hi,” you whispered as you stopped what you were doing and set the tray of cookies down, “listen, Eddie-”
“Hang on,” he gently interrupted you, stepping closer and reached out to gently touch your cheek, “before you say anything else, I want to apologize. I shouldn’t have talked to you the way I did or said what I did. I’m sorry…I hope you can forgive me.”
You softened from his words, leaning into his touch as he brushed his knuckles along your cheek, “I do…of course I do. But I am sorry for not checking in with you. You’re right too, you’re his dad and it wasn’t my place to make that decision.”
“No,” he shook his head, “I shouldn’t have said that either. Not how I did - I am his dad but you’re his mom. And it is your place to make decisions like that. I guess sometimes I still have a little bit of a hard time remembering that I’m not a single dad anymore, especially when I’ve got someone so brilliant and amazing and wonderful by my side.”
“I mean it,” he promised and you knew that he was speaking from the heart, “all of it. I love you, baby.”
“I love you too,” you couldn’t stop yourself from throwing your arms around him and hugging onto him like a koala, “so much. You and Jamie.”
“I know it and so does he,” Eddie sighed softly and pressed a kissed to the side of your head, “thank you.”
“For what?”
“For taking me back,” he chuckled nervously, “not kicking me right to the curb.”
“One little disagreement isn’t going to break us apart,” you insisted gently, “things like this are normal and they’re going to pop up every now and then. But we love each other and we’re a family, so we’re always going to work it out.”
“Of course,” the part of him that worried you would just leave when things got hard was always going to be there, even if just a little bit. But he knew, more than anything, that you were never going anywhere. You were it, you were his forever.
“Daddy? Mama?” Jamie padded into the kitchen and his sweet little voice made you melt. He started calling you that out of his own volition, and it had made you happier than anything. Eddie had panicked and wanted to make sure it was okay, but when you reassured him that it was more than okay, you both knew that this was it. You were a family, “can I have a cookie?”
You exchanged a look with Eddie and you both playfully rolled your eyes. You grabbed one of the peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and broke it in half, handing a piece to both of your boys, “there we are. Good?”
“Mhmm,” Jamie nodded through a mouthful of cookie, crumbs already on his face. The sight was too adorable.
“Perfect,” Eddie whispered as he looked into your eyes, “absolutely perfect.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You’d noticed that Eddie had been acting nervous all day. You wondered if something was wrong, with either him or Jamie, but didn’t say anything. The young boy had seemed fine when Eddie left to drop him off at school in the morning. But Eddie seemed jumpy and off all morning. You’d caught him off guard more than a few times and he looked like he’d committed some sort of crime. When you’d asked him what was wrong, he’d insisted that nothing was wrong but you could tell that he was lying; you knew him well enough by now. Your two-year anniversary was coming up soon and you basically knew him like a book. Which also meant that you knew he would come forward and tell you what was going on eventually. 
But when you got home…things were still off. 
As soon as you walked through the front door you let out a long sigh as you kicked off your shoes and set your purse down. It had been such a long day involving screaming and sick children, irate parents, and malfunctioning tools. All you had been dreaming of doing was coming home and relaxing with your two loves. 
“Eddie?” you softly called out his name as you walked into the kitchen; something smelled delicious already and was practically making your mouth water. You found him standing at the counter, intently cutting up some vegetables. You leaned against the counter and looked at him with starry eyes, as he met your eyes and offered you a small smile in return, “hey handsome.”
“Hey baby,” you could see his shoulders relaxing as he turned to you and leaned in to kiss you. You leaned into his touch, and let him kiss you softly, practically melting into him. When he pulled back, you tenderly took his face in your hands and pressed a few more kisses to his lips. By the time you pulled back he was grinning at you with a pretty pink flush to his cheeks, “missed you today.”
“I missed you too,” you sighed dramatically, causing him to laugh fondly at your silly antics, “lemme take a shower and then I’ll be back to whine all about it.”
“It’s not whining,” he insisted as he often did, “and you know I’ll listen to you talk about anything and everything.”
“You’re a good man,” you bit the inside of your cheek, “hey, where’s Jamie?”
“He’s having a sleepover with Jasmine and Ryan over at the Harrington’s,” he explained and you nodded in understanding. You loved that Eddie and Steve were best friends and that their kids were growing up to be the same, “last minute thing, you know how kids are. It’s just us tonight.”
“Oh?” you raised an amusement as he snorted in amusement, “you know what that means-”
“It means you need to hurry up and shower and come back to me," he flourished his hand, before grabbing the knife and going back to chopping, "because tonight we won't be interrupted by a little visitor."
“I’ll be back in fifteen minutes or less!” you practically ran up the stairs to your bedroom, ripping off your clothes as you grabbed a fresh set of pajamas. It wasn't too late into the evening but you weren't about to put real clothes back on; instead you settled on the most comfy pajamas you had, which were a pair of Eddie's boxers and an old, cozy sweater. Definitely not the sexiest outfit but perfect for a quiet evening in. 
By the time you made your way back downstairs over half an hour had passed and Eddie was dishing up dinner. Your eyes widened at the sweet gesture and it was then that you noticed the pretty vase with all of your favorite flowers on the dining table.
"Oh, my love," you were touched that your sweet, adorable goof of a boyfriend had remembered your favorites and done this for you, "this is amazing. You are amazing."
"I…" he trailed off as he looked you over, big brown eyes growing soft, "wow."
"What?" You looked down at yourself in confusion before turning back to him, "what's wrong?"
"You're so fuckin' beautiful,” your entire face felt like it was on fire from his sweet words. You shook your head, wondering what had gotten into him, but he immediately shook his head as though he could hear the words in your head. He reached over and gently took your chin in his hand and turned your face towards his, “I mean it.”
“I’m wearing ratty old pajamas, my hair is wet, and I’m pretty sure I look like I haven’t slept in two weeks,” you wrapped your fingers around his wrist and brought his hand to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss to his knuckles, “but thank you.”
“You’re always beautiful,” he promised as he took your hand and pulled you towards the table. You sat down and watched as he set a plate full of all your favorites in front of you, followed by a freshly opened bottle of beer. He did the same for himself and sat down next to you, motioned for you to dig in, “I hope it’s okay. I know you’re the chef in the family but I tried.”
“Eddie,” he loved the way you said his name, almost like a prayer, so gentle and reverent, “you could have made boxed mac and cheese and I would have loved it. Thank you for this, seriously.”
“Anything for you, baby,” he insisted softly as you nodded, “you know that.”
“What’s the occasion?” you grabbed a forkful and shoved it into your mouth as he paled. You raised an eyebrow and swallowed it quickly, “for making all of my favorites.”
“N-nothing,” he said quickly, his voice climbing an octave. You knew that whatever had been on his mind earlier was clearly still stuck in there, “just wanted to do something special for my girl. Tell me about your day, baby. I’m guessing from your sigh that it was either bad kids or bad parents.”
“Both,” you groaned before launching into a full rundown of your day. Eddie listened intently, making you laugh when you needed it and otherwise providing a listening ear. When you finally got it all off your chest, feeling so much better than you had throughout the day, you asked Eddie about his day and listened just as he had. 
The two of you just worked so well together, meshing into each other's lives as though it was always meant to be. And, you supposed, that’s exactly what it was.
After dinner, you cleaned up the kitchen before deciding that the whole evening called for some ice cream and a movie. Eddie even let you choose the film, and you settled on a romantic comedy that you’d been wanting to see. You knew it wasn’t his favorite, but he always watched them with you and you knew that deep down it wasn’t too bad for him either. You promised to watch a horror movie of his choosing in return, and he eagerly accepted your offer. 
Throughout the movie you could feel his gaze shift back to you. He clearly wasn't paying too much attention and had something on his mind. Once you were finished with your bowl of ice cream, you set it down on the table and turned to him with a sigh.
"Edward," your use of his full name caught his attention and he turned to you with a sheepish smile, "what's going on? Tell me."
"Bullshit," you groaned, "you've been acting off all day. Is it something I did or said? Are you okay?"
He looked at you for a long moment before letting out a heavy sigh and getting off the couch. You looked at him in confusion, hoping you hadn't said something to upset him. You watched as he quickly ran upstairs and you could hear him fumbling around in the bedroom before coming back downstairs.
"Eddie?" You weren't even sure if you should be worried or confused or…something but you were starting to panic.
"Baby," he stood in front of you and you could see his hand trembling with nerves, "I, ugh, this isn't what I planned at all. Not like this but umm, I gotta do it now or I'll never be able to."
"Are you breaking up with me?"
"W-what? No," he shook his head fervently, curls bouncing around, "the opposite actually. I-I love you so much. I never expected to meet you or fall in love with you or anything. I just assumed I'd see you twice a year at the dentist's office with my kid. But that obviously changed, and now we're here. And you, you've always been so good to me, and you've been so good to Jamie and I never thought I'd meet someone that loved both me and my son. And we love you so much, and you're just…what I've always been missing and wanting…"
"I wasn't planning on doing this tonight but you're just so…everything that I can't not," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, dropping to his knee before he opened it. Oh. This definitely wasn't what you had expected - at all. He opened the blue velvet box and inside sat the prettiest ring you'd ever seen, "will you…will you marry me?"
"Yes," you didn't even hesitate for a moment but then quickly realized the gravity of it all, "wait - you want to marry me? Like for real?"
"For real for real and forever," he grinned as he pulled out the ring and reached for your hand, delicately slipping it on, "the question really is do you want to put up with me forever?"
"It's not putting up with you," you promised, "not with someone you love. And obviously the answer is yes. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you and Jamie."
"Yeah," he admired how the ring on your hand looked before pulling you in and kissing you sweetly, "I love you, so much. I'm sorry this wasn't the most romantic thing in the world."
"This is perfect," you insisted, "I love you more than anything."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You stared at the stick in your hand and then up at your reflection in the mirror. It was almost like you didn’t know if you should trust either the rest or yourself. But a million emotions started swirling up all at once and with all the other signs that had led you to getting the test in the first place made sense. The little stick exclaiming pregnant wasn’t wrong at all. 
“Holy…fuck,” you whispered to yourself, still in disbelief, “how am I going to tell them?”
“How are you going to tell who and what?” Eddie. Of course your husband had to come home and upstairs at that exact moment. Him and his perfect timing; you could practically curse the universe for it. He was grinning, all big and dopey, at you as he leaned against the door, “what’s wrong, baby? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Y-you’re here…”
“I am here…in my home after work,” he held up his hands and waved them around as you swallowed thickly, “alright, out with it. What’s up?”
“Here!” you practically shoved the white plastic stick into his hand, squeezing your eyes shut as you anticipated his reaction. You were almost positive that it wouldn’t be bad, but your stomach still churned with nerves…baby you supposed.
“What the fuck,” he whispered it so softly that you almost didn’t hear it. He looked at you with wide eyes as he held up the test, “you’re pregnant?”
“Uh huh,” you nodded dumbfoundedly as you shrugged your shoulders, “I-I guess so.”
“Wow,” he opened and closed his mouth a few times, looking like a fish out of water, “you’re pregnant.”
“I’m sorry,” it blurted out before you could even think about; it was just your natural instinct.
“Baby, why are you sorry?” his face fell as he wondered if you didn’t want to have this baby at all. Maybe you were upset at the positive test while he felt exactly the opposite way, “do you not want this?”
“No, no, no - I do,” you promised and he relaxed slightly, “yes, god, yes I do. I just…it’s habit? I feel like a kid right now, pregnant and feeling a hundred different emotions right now.”
“Well, princess, I’m happy to tell you that while you are pregnant, which I am very, very excited for, you’re in our home and we’re married and have things kind of figured out.”
And that was enough to make you feel better and relax…but it also made tears well up in your eyes as you studied your husband, “I’m excited too. Nervous, but excited.”
“C’mere,” he set the test down on the counter and pulled you in for a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around you as you melted into his warm, soft body. Eddie could feel your tears soaking the fabric of his shirt, and he responded by pressing soft kisses to the side of your head and rubbing your back in soothing circles, “I love you so much. I can’t even imagine what you’re feeling, but fuck I’m so in love with you. There’s no one else I could ever imagine doing this with.”
“Really?” you looked at him with wide, teary eyes and he nodded softly before pressing a kiss to your lips. 
“You’re already an amazing mother,” he reminded you, causing your heart to swell. You loved Jamie so much, just as though he was your own, which you knew he basically was. At the beginning you worried if the young boy would ever accept you as his stepmother or even tolerate you. But it was so much more than that - you were his mother and he was your son. And now you were adding another little Munson to the mix, “and you will always be.”
“Thank you,” your lip trembled with effort as you tried not to cry and Eddie couldn’t help but kiss away your pout. He didn’t stop until he felt you smiling against his lips, “you’re an amazing dad, best friend, husband…everything.”
“Flatterer,” he teased as you giggled at him, “we’ll figure it all out together. And if you ever want to kick my ass for knocking you up, I give you full permission.”
“I’m sure - no, I know, I’ll take you up on that offer at some point,” you shook your head at your husband’s silly antics, “no we just gotta figure out how to tell Jamie.”
“You can just tell me,” you heard his small voice as he padded into your bedroom and jumped onto the bed. You and Eddie exchanged a look before he shrugged at you as you sighed softly. These Munson men were going to be the death of you. 
“Should we?” you asked him under your breath as Jamie watched the two of you intently.
“It’s up to you, mama,” he kissed your cheek, “he might just explode if we don’t tell him…or he’ll figure it out in a day or two.”
“He’s too smart,” you agreed before sliding past Eddie out of the ensuite and over to Jamie. You crouched down so you were almost eye level with him and tenderly brushed a few rogue curls out of his face, “oh, my love. Daddy and I…we have some news to share with you.”
“Are we getting a dog?” his big, brown eyes practically glittered with excitement as you chuckled softly at him.
“Not quite buddy,” Jamie looked at Eddie in confusion before turning back to you. You were ready to go out and get this sweet boy his new dog and whatever else you wanted. But…you were pretty sure that was just the hormones talking…no need to get too crazy just yet.
“Oh…what is it then, mama?”
“Umm…well,” you swallowed the lump that had welled up, “we’re having…you’re…you’re going to get a little brother or sister soon.”
He was quiet for a moment and your heart started to hammer in your chest as you worried that he was going to be upset. That would definitely have crushed your soul a little bit. But then, you heard him gasp excitedly before he threw his small arms around you in his best attempt to hug you; you didn’t hesitate to tightly hug him back, “finally! When?!”
“It’s going to be a little while bud,” Eddie answered softly, coming over to sit on the bed next to his son. He leaned over and kissed the top of his head, “mama’s gotta grow them first.”
“Wow,” he looked at you with nothing short of awe as you beamed at him, “I’m gonna tell all my friends! I’ve been wishing for a brother or sister for s’long now. Finally!”
You exchanged a look with Eddie, both of you laughing softly. This was everything you could have dreamed of and more.
“Ahh, I love you both so much,” Eddie pulled you both in for a hug, squeezing you until you and Jamie were giggling wildly, “my three favorite people all in my arms.”
And yeah. This was everything.
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
Lacoste & BJYX. 💚
i’m seeing some posts about this so it’s time to share here and archive. since i love wardrobe and brand similarities, it only seems natural to add this too. tho lacoste is more on the common/popular side compared to the other brands we talked about. i’m v happy about wyb having this partnership with the brand because it aligns with his love for certain sports so it’s a perfect cooperation.
in 2019, lacoste really be fulfilling our BJYX dreams by sharing the fact that both of them wore their clothes 💪🏼 at the time they were very popular and it was okay to post about them together ; imagine if this was done now. lol.
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the caption was lovely too:
In the story, they are Lan Wangji, who looks cold but is sincere, and Wei Wuxian, who is extremely intelligent and casual. Off-screen, they picked up the same POLO shirt by chance, handsomely interpreting elegance and unruliness. Fairy friendship, like-minded people!
yep, what a friendship! 😏😏😏
another same wardrobe example:
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yes, these ones are for professional magazine shoots which i would think are chosen by the team overseeing the project and not them personally. not to say they can’t choose and suggest, but that is less likely. wyb’s is vogue me april 2019 issue and zz’s is bella magazine march 2019.
very very close. dude. this is what makes it sus, how close it is. and you have zz posting about it, 3 photos of him wearing that matching lacoste pair. he wore other clothes in that shoot so why did he decide to take photos and share ones with him in lacoste? is he showing off? was it a clue? remember the date, CQL was not yet released. we already know they are gonna be lwj and wwx but the chaos was not that big yet. i’m here thinking that zz was being his usual cheeky self, showing off his clothes that they probably already talked about to be something that they will use. some may also say that this is PR on their side, to sprinkle in some cp flavor for the upcoming drama.
some other instances both of them were mentioned by the brand. i would imagine as soon as wyb is formally announced, their weibo will be filled with mentions of him.
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there is also an additional cpn with what wyb wore at the airport, lacoste-paris. because he is going to lacoste for paris. he is pretty smart with what he wears in public especially if he knows what he will be photographed.
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so does that mean some of our cpns and interpretations of his clothes are true?
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p3, p8 and p11 are not really cpn. only that his shirt says cherry LA when he went to LA. p8 and p11 are more on his love for skateboarding and motorcyles. the rest have a cpn attached to it 😂😂😂
cpn explanations as follows: p2 here. p4 here. p5 he wore a chanel necklace with 31 which is zz’s age and his bday was close. p6 is wyb wearing a mask that says smoking kills, right when bxgs were using the emoji 🚬🚬🚬 when explaining cpns. p7 wyb wearing a helmet with 29 when it was GG’s 29th bday.
p9 the infamous don’t bother me anymore hoodie & gg’s mistranslated/translation error hoodie both spotted on 10/8/2019. i won’t go into detail but that time was disastrous for them. yxh and antis spreading rumors and so wyb was straight up saying to not bother him, and xz was saying whatever it was, it was misunderstood.
p10, i miss you cap. lol this time tho wyb’s cap is still on point cause it says sporty and rich lol. which describes him. where is the lie? he is sporty and rich.
see? this is how we process cpn. with concrete examples. and why, a good number of us keep an eye out for what they wear.
whatever it is, we still win cause we finally get some yibo content! and two pfw shoes! 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
sources: one / two / three
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thru-the-grapevine · 2 years
Like Breathing
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Pairing: Vernon x fem!reader
Summary: Vernon wants to make sure Valentine’s Day is done right. Thankfully, so do you.
Word Count: 1.8k
Tags: fluff, pillow forts, fade-to-black mature content near the end (minors dni just in case)
Author’s note: Happy Valentine’s Day! May we never forget who my OG ult bias is :)
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It was days like this that Vernon was convinced you were perfect for him.
He glanced down at you, flopped on your back across his lap, fidgeting absently as you watched the movie playing on the screen. You glanced up at him, noticing his focus shift to you, and smiled sweetly before looking back at the movie again.
It had been your idea to stay in tonight, something you’d suggested a couple weeks ago.
“Everyone’s always going out and doing stuff on Valentine’s Day,” you’d texted. “Way less exhausting for us if we get takeout and watch like Star Wars or something.”
He’d agreed without extra thought, glad you felt the same. Why bother doing something out of the ordinary when you’d both rather be doing what you usually did?
And he didn’t normally second-guess himself on these things; he didn’t need to. Being with you had always felt as easy as breathing to Vernon. You’d never needed grand gestures or elaborate plans out of him, had always liked him for exactly how he liked to be, unassuming and quietly affectionate. It felt relieving, especially after all the idol pressures at work. Being with you was like taking a deep breath of fresh air after tense, short breaths all day.
But he’d heard his groupmates talking about Valentine’s Day plans as they spent time together in the studio and the practice rooms, workshopping their late spring comeback. His groupmates with partners were taking them places for Valentine’s Day, giving them things, some of them planning the day out with detail.
“I’m not making a habit of it,” Mingyu had said after sharing some of his plans. “But it’s a day specifically made to be special, right? An excuse to get creative, to give them something they haven’t wanted to ask for. So I’m going for it.”
And Vernon had pondered, absently at first, whether you’d want anything like that from him. Something special on a special day. Then he began wondering if there were things you wanted to do or try or have that you hadn’t wanted to ask for before. But that was silly; you’d never implied anything like that, so he was fine.
The closer to the day he’d gotten, the less sure he became of that. The less sure he became of himself. Being with you was easy as breathing…but was it too easy, too effortless? Was he trying hard enough for you?
“Would you be interested in going to this one place tomorrow night?” He’d texted you yesterday night on a whim.
“Oh, did you want to go someplace?” You’d responded.
No. “Yes.”
You’d sent “👀” in response, and he’d given in. You always seemed to be on to him.
“So there isn’t anything different or more interesting you’ve secretly been wanting to do and haven’t told me about?”
“Vernon 😂” you’d texted. “If I wanted to do something else with you I would talk to you about it like a normal person, I promise ❤️”
He’d gone to bed relieved. And then, of course, woken up second-guessing it again.
“Let’s try it out anyway,” he’d texted you around lunchtime, watching some of his groupmates getting plans together and sending partners things. “Just to say we did, and then we can come home and do what we always do.”
And he’d been so busy mentally preparing himself to be around people, to be in a more formal atmosphere, to impress you so much that you’d never doubt that he cared, that he never realized you’d never replied.
He walked into your apartment to find it dark, only to flip the nearest switch and come face to face with a massive blanket fort in the living room.
“Um…babe?” He called, toeing off his shoes and drinking in the fort. It was rather impressive; how long had this taken you?
“Don’t you look nice.”
He looked down to see you sitting at one of the entrances to the fort (because yes, it did look like there was more than one), cross-legged, donned in one of his hoodies.
A sheepish smile played at the corners of his mouth. “So, uh…what’s all this?”
He couldn’t remember the last time you looked this shy. “Um…happy Valentine’s Day?”
He blinked. “Oh?”
“I know it’s not exactly going out somewhere,” you said, words rushing out like you were afraid he’d stop you. “But it just…seemed more us? And look, I even—”
You leaned back through the fort entrance, rustling something plastic, then re-emerged with a stuffed plastic bag in hand. “I got takeout. It’s from that one place you mentioned, since you sounded interested in it.”
He raised his eyebrows, letting the information slowly sink in, a tension he hadn’t noticed in his chest beginning to loosen.
You sighed and set the takeout bag down, standing and approaching him slowly. “I should’ve said something, maybe. It’s just…I dunno, it sounded like you got in your head a little, because I know you sounded happy about just staying in a couple weeks ago, and I thought I’d put together something you might actually like doing, just in case you wanted the option—”
You cut off as he scooped you into a tight hug.
“I fucking love you,” he sighed, and it was like he could breathe again. No going out, no big impressive gestures, no frills or flair. Just getting to be with you, as him.
God, he loved getting to be himself with you.
He felt you sigh and grin against his shoulder before wrapping your arms around him, hugging him back. “Love you too, Vern’.”
He basked in the soft warmth of you for a long, long moment, certain the feeling of you in his arms was his favorite.
“Am I allowed in the fort all fancy?” He mumbled, remembering he’d dressed nicer in anticipation of going out.
You laughed. “You left some practice clothes here last week that I washed, if you want to change.”
“Amazing. You thought of everything.” He leaned back, gazing at you, fond. God, he loved you so bad. He was truly fucked.
Your lopsided smile was a mix of bashful and affectionate. “Wanna eat and watch some Star Wars in my badass blanket fort?”
“Hell yeah I do,” he said, a grin spreading over his face. “How long did that thing even take you?”
“Literally all day. Please love it.”
“It’s the best in the whole world,” he reassured you, pressing a kiss to your forehead before letting you go to find his practice clothes.
There was something truly wonderful, something safe and pleasant, knowing the whole world was outside your apartment, bustling around doing things, and that Vernon could be in here away from all of it with the only person worth being not-alone with on Valentine’s Day. He loved the comfort of his practice clothes that now smelled like you, the coziness of your blanket fort decked out in fairy lights, the ease and interest of trying and swapping bites of the new takeout with you.
It was that it was all you, he thought, not bothering to concentrate on the movie when you’d finished eating, preferring to drink you in, instead. You made all of this the preferable option. You made some of Vernon’s favorite things better. It felt almost too good to be true, that he could have something so wonderful, the happiness of you with him. And now, just sitting together in contented silence, he didn’t see how it could get much better.
You stretched and shifted your hips as you watched the movie, and Vernon kept a steadying hand on your hip, feeling the sliver of skin between your joggers waistband and his hoodie—and something else.
He paused, glancing down at your hip. Gingerly, he moved his hand enough to reveal a small slip of lace.
“What’s this?” He asked, thumbing along the fabric again, fascinated.
“Oh,” you said, and when he glanced up at your face he was met with a cat-like grin. “Nothing. Hardly anything. Here, look.”
He felt his throat go dry when you tucked your thumbs into the waistband of your joggers and lifted your hips, wriggling until the fabric bunched around your knees. You leaned back, resting your hands above your head, the hem of his hoodie riding up to give him a better view. A pair of pretty, sheer lace underwear rode low on your hips, tinted in his favorite color.
“Christ,” he muttered under his breath, reverent. He traced his thumb along the lacy band again and tried to remember how to breathe.
“Nice, right?” Vernon could hear you smiling but couldn’t tear his eyes from the newly exposed sight. “And it may be part of a set.”
He nearly choked on his own tongue. Fuck. He glanced up at you, eyebrows raised.
“…Is that so,” he rasped.
You nodded, looking especially pleased with yourself, then sat up.
“It’s just that, well,” you mused as you maneuvered yourself to straddle his lap, “you sounded like you were interested in some variety today, and I don’t always get a chance to be fancy like this, so I thought, you know, why not?”
Why not, indeed. God. This was variety Vernon could get behind. He settled his hands at your hips, sliding them up beneath his hoodie to rest at your waist.
You grinned, leaning in until you were nose to nose. “If you’re really good I’ll let you take it off of me. You can be good for me, can’t you, Vern’?”
“I fucking love you,” he groaned, tilting his chin up just as you leaned in and kissed him hungrily.
Turns out there was a way tonight could get better, after all.
The movie was long over by the time the two of you relaxed again, piled in a tangle of limbs amongst strewn pillows in the blanket fort. Vernon stroked gently along your bare spine, sighing.
“I really didn’t put in any effort for you tonight, did I.”
You snorted. “Babe, we’re not allowed to have sex like that for you to say you’ve put in no effort for me.”
“No, I mean,” he said, abashed grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Just like, in general today. I was going to impress you, I swear I was, I just…”
You propped your chin on his sternum, frowning at him. “Vernon, you don’t need to impress me. You’ve already got me. You got me without the impressing, to be honest.”
He glanced down at you. “I just don’t want you to think I don’t care enough, or that I’m not willing to make any effort for you, or something awful like that.”
Your face softened into something warm. You leaned up and pressed the gentlest of kisses to his mouth.
“I don’t think that. I could never think that. You were willing to get fancy and go out, things you don’t like doing on your own time, just for me. I’d be stupid not to see that for what it is.”
He smiled then, lifting his hand from your back and stroking his fingers through your hair.
“Love you,” he whispered.
You grinned. “Sap…love you, too.”
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mybiasisexo · 1 year
Entangled - Part 7
Pairing: Chanyeol x f.Reader
Chapter Warnings: Language | Smut
Word Count: 8.2k
Author Notes: 🤠. now I know y'all see the warning lmfao yes we are here 🤷🏾‍♀️. This is the longest chapter so far, which I think is deserved since it took me fifty'leven years to write 😭. This chapter was a bitch, and I am SO GLAD its over!!!
In the time I spent loligagging, I made a series playlist!!!! EXO's Let Me In is like the perfect theme song for both this chapter and the series in general I think. Its what inspired me to finish the chapter. Can't believe we're getting new exo in 2 weeks ❤️!!! They bout to do it again!!!
Also, question, has anyone noticed that Chanyeol has never said Yerim's name? No one has pointed it out and so this is me doing so 😂
This is my first time ever writing smut so I hope it's good. Our couple is still a mess lmfao but I'm still rooting for them and I hope you are too. ENJOYYYYY~ 😉 And I hope I never take this long to update again 😭
(And as always, if youd like to be tagged lmk!)
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Chanyeol’s head snaps up in shock. “You just said yes, right?”
You nod reassuringly, fighting an amused smile. “Yeah. I’ll go.”
He studies your face for a moment, probably searching for any reluctance or doubt. You know there’s nothing of that to find, but you patiently stand there and let him figure it out on his own.
You know when he believes you, because a rather pleased grin lifts a corner of his mouth, revealing the cute dimple in his cheek. In the past, you’d poke it whenever it was in poking range. He’d always make a dramatic show of complaining everytime you did, but you knew he secretly loved it, the overgrown baby.
He draws you back to the present by turning around and leading you to his room, bouncing with each step. You follow tentatively behind, wondering what you just got yourself into.
Your heart races as he scans the key. The little click from the door unlocking sets off your nerves. He opens the door and motions you to enter first. You take a centering breath before crossing the threshold, but your shoulder ends up brushing against Chanyeol’s torso, and the contact ignites sparks of electricity to shoot throughout your body. Chanyeol shivers, as if he feels it too.
Once inside, you don’t really know what to do, so you just stand there. Chanyeol enters after you, walking past your frozen frame, making sure to avoid touching you again. The door closing behind you completely traps you inside, and the room quickly fills with a tension so thick you feel it weigh down your shoulders and lungs like humidity. Breathing becomes a struggle, only made more difficult as Chanyeol decides to pull off his jacket, tossing it over a chair. He starts rolling up the sleeves to his elbow and all you can do is watch, transfixed. Your mouth floods with saliva you can’t swallow back down quick enough, and you’re sure you’re going to start drooling from the show he’s putting on.  
“Are you just going to stand there?” He asks. It snaps you out of your hyper focused stare. You refocus, blinking up at him as if coming out of a daze. He gives you that same dimpled grin from earlier, and it’s enough to knock some sense back into you. He definitely knows what he’s doing.
You purse your lips, but finally bend down to take off your shoes, and lean against the wall by the door, trying to keep as much distance from Chanyeol as the small room allows. You put your hands behind your back, trapping them against the wall with the weight of your body in an attempt to keep them restrained to fight the urge to do something foolish–like reaching out to give into the long overdue temptation of tracing the veins bulging out his exposed arms. In your current situation–stuck in a hotel room with your ex fiance you’re not completely over–you can admit that you miss him. Dear God, you miss him so fucking much. If there is anything this wedding has shown you, anything the past couple days have proven, it’s that you can’t be left alone with him. You can’t escape your past. 
In need of a distraction, you take in Chanyeol’s suite as you slip out of your heels. Unlike Sehun’s and your rooms, Chanyeol’s is small. A standard kitchenette spreads across the right wall, with a dresser beside it, a flatscreen television hovering above it. The left wall has one door that you assume leads to the bathroom, a full length mirror beside it. The back wall, just like the rest of the suites, is made up of windows. A massive king sized bed takes up most of the room in the middle, the headrest leaning against the windows. His room is pretty much your sleeping quarters with a kitchenette in it. 
A silence fills the room as you take it in, still heavy, but not awkward. The tension building between you both has many layers. There’s the  tension of years of separation. You’ve missed so much of each other’s lives, so many milestones and stories you have to share and catch up on. But, that can’t be done until you address another source of tension–the hurt. You’ve both been hurt by the other, and there is nothing–not even friendship–until you unpack that pain. Unfortunately, the last layer of tension is the one you’re finding the most difficult to ignore, and that’s the attraction. Obviously, you still want the man before you. This weekend has tested you, and you failed–numerous times. And now that you are truly alone with him, you know it’s only a matter of time before you completely lose yourself in all the old feelings being near him brings. 
You’re still trying to avoid the man before you, finding his presence extremely overwhelming, but he makes it hard with the heat of his attention warming your cheeks.
Exasperated, you say, “can you stop that?”
“Stop what?” He asks in confusion, voice deeper than his usual bass–a clue to his inner thoughts.
“Staring,” you clarify, finally gaining enough courage to meet his gaze. He holds it, expression intense, reflecting the longing rolling off you in waves.
“I can’t help it,” he reveals. His voice is quiet, but strained, holding back what little control he has left. “I just… can’t believe you’re really here. That….” Now, he grows shy. He ends your staring contest, opting for the lush carpet instead as he tugs on his earlobe, face turning pink. “That you’re in my hotel room. I feel like I’ll blink and you’ll be gone.”
A gentle gasp leaves you, and you have to push harder against the wall in hopes the physical pain will give you some semblance of control, because his words have your resolve crumbling. He notices your stiff form and narrows his eyes. He misinterprets your guard, not realizing that it’s for his sake more than your own. Hurt colors his expression, assuming you want the distance between you both. 
“I won’t keep you for long,” he says, voice dejected. “I just….”
“Just what?” You ask.
“Wanted to apologize. For last night.”
“You remember?” You ask skeptically. He was really drunk and, well, a lot happened in a short amount of time. A lot that definitely needed to be unpacked if you wanted to move on… or forward, or whatever it was you wanted out of this interaction. As of this moment, you aren’t sure. Closure, you suppose. Yeah, being able to say everything on your chest, and being able to understand the choices Chanyeol has made since the break up.
“Trust me, the boys refused to let me forget.” he grumbles. That brings out a rare chuckle from you. They really are Team You, and are incredibly insufferable about it. You can only imagine the things Sehun said to him. You should probably add that to your list of things to apologize for.
“I don’t remember everything,” he says. “But they let me know I made a complete fool of myself. and that I…. That I kissed you?”
The tips of his yoda ears turn an endearing shade of red, letting you know that he’s embarrassed of his actions from the night before. You can’t help but wonder if he knows what he said to you. If he can recall begging you to take him back.
You nod in confirmation and he winces. The red in his ears drag down to his neck.
“I crossed a line. You’ve been very clear on where you stand when it comes to us and I ignored that. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”
Very clear, huh? You aren’t sure yourself where you stand, but it’s obvious Chanyeol has misread a few things if he thinks he knows how you feel about him. Cause right now? Right now, disappointment floods you at the thought of him redrawing that damn line in the sand. Especially since he thinks he’s doing it on your behalf.
It’s a way out, a way to keep things at the distance you’re at now, but you have to be honest–to the both of you.
“Yesterday,” you start. “You told me you were using Yerim as a way to stay away from me.”
He turns away in shame.
“The truth is, so was I.”
He turns back to you in shock, and his whole body visibly zeros in on you with laser focus, not wanting to miss anything that leaves your mouth.
It has your skin prickling,  but it’s not unwelcoming.
“Because the moment you were back in my life it was like you never left, and that terrified me. It still does. It feels wrong.”
He doesn’t say anything. Just takes you in, digesting your words, comparing them to the facts he has deduced for himself.
You shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts, which all seem so silly now. “I don’t know. I’m overwhelmed, I think. With the wedding, seeing you again, hurting Yerim… it’s been a lot.”
A lump starts growing in your throat, and you really don’t want to bawl in front of your ex, but it looks like that’s where you’re headed.
“It’s been hard for me too,” he shares, reciprocating your honesty. “And seeing you today? It nearly killed me.”
“I’m so sorry, Chanyeol,” you push past the thickening ball of tears. And you mean it. Even though you can say that he has made choices that have left you just as broken as yours have made him, there is no denying that you are the catalyst of those decisions. That’s why you fought so hard to not be affected by him bringing Yerim, why you reigned your friends in whenever they started ganging up on him. You know you’re just as much of a villain as you are a victim.
His jaw works. “I was in a wedding, but it wasn’t mine, and you were right there! It felt like the sickest form of torture. Afterwards, I only felt empty, like something was missing and…I’m scared it’s gone forever.”
He takes in the room, as if he’s searching for that piece he’s lost. and he looks just like he did when you first saw him today. You see the despair he feels, the regret, the crushing weight of finality. He’s coming to terms with this reality of his, coming to terms with the fact that he’s lost you for good.
He’s misread you again.
You’re still conflicted, but what you know for sure is that you hate his expression, hate seeing him in any kind of pain. Needing to soothe his suffering, you admit more of your truths, trying to get him to see exactly where you’re at. “I had to leave the reception early because I couldn’t watch them any longer.”
Your voice brings Chanyeol back, melting most of the misery off his face. A wave of relief washes over you and urges you to continue. “I tried, I really did. I wanted to be just as excited as everyone else was, but it seemed the more I wanted to make myself feel joy, the more miserable I felt. I didn’t want to ruin this moment for Junmyeon and the others, so I left. My plan was to just mope in my room, but then you were in the elevator with me, and I realized….” You take a deep encouraging breath and close your eyes before confessing, “I realized I didn’t want to be alone after all.”
The silence comes back, but it’s a bit louder this time with your admission hovering between you. 
You’re dying to see his reaction to your words, but you’re too embarrassed to check. 
You’re not sure how much time passes, but it feels like an eternity when Chanyeol finally speaks. “So, you do feel the same way. I wondered…. Thought I was the only one who felt this…this bitterness.”
His choice of words has your head snapping up in surprise. It’s now that you realize the real reason why you took up Chanyeol’s invitation, why once in his presence you didn’t want to be alone anymore. You came here for comfort. You know that he is the only person who completely understands what you’ve been going through mentally since getting that cursed invitation. You briefly wonder if this is right. If it’s okay to run into the arms of the man whose heart you broke, because it’s a heartache you share. You both understand each other’s pain. It’s a comforting revelation to you, but you’re not sure if it is to him.
All the same, you’re going to relish in it.
“I feel it too,” you reveal. “That could’ve been us, Chanyeol.”
“That should’ve been us,” he corrects.
 And then he’s taking a step towards you.
“But I got cold feet,” you admit, hoping that will stop his advances.
It doesn’t sway him. He takes another step. “You did.”
“And then you took back the ring.”
His face pinches. Still, he takes yet another step. “I did.”
“And then you brought Yerim here,” you continue.
Another step. “And then you told me you hated me.”
Confusion washes over you at that, not remembering what he’s referencing. Although you can think of many reasons why you would tell him that. “I did?”
“You did.”
“Okay, but then you kissed me.”
He’s now a breath away, staring at your lips at the reminder of the intimate act, not an ounce of regret in his features. “I did.”
“And now we’re here,” you let out in a woosh.
“And now we’re here.”
You haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of the problems plaguing your relationship. You have at least five questions for him, and you’re sure he has even more for you. Sehun was right, a talk needs to be had if you want to move forward, but your body has other plans. People always say it’s a battle between the heart and mind, but no one ever brings up the body’s plight. Your body yearns for his. The close proximity is enough proof, with the way you instantly relax against the wall instead of pushing into it. Your hands are finally freed from their cage, falling at your sides.
Half of you, the more logical part of your brain, still wants to put up a fight. You know you should shove him away, create that distance in hopes to clear your mind. But, the truth is, you’re tired of fighting. You’ve been doing that all weekend; it’s exhausting and isn't working. You want to shut your brain off, want to just give into all your urges, and forget. You want to forget the pain of seeing Chanyeol with another woman, forget the way it broke your heart more than you thought it could break, forget your role in all of this. Actually, you want the opposite. You want to remember. Remember all the good times with Chanyeol. Remember everything about him that made you fall so deeply, that even after years of separation, you still haven’t been able to move on from him. 
So, no, you don’t want to fight anymore. Not tonight. You want him, you never stopped wanting him, and that’s a battle you’re willing to lose, especially with the way he seems to be silently urging you to give into the energy surrounding you.
You want to remember.
Chanyeol wants to as well, because he lifts one of his hands to cup the side of your face, thumb gently rubbing the plush of your bottom lip. You always seem to end up like this–asking for distance, yet closing it everytime.
The contact is as much familiar as it is foreign. He’s touched your face a couple times already during this trip, but this time it feels new, like it’s the first time he’s dared to.
His skin on yours throws you back into the past, back to before you ruined everything, when you both were unabashedly in love, and it wasn’t complicated.
He takes you in with wonder. “My Melody.”
My Melody. There it is. His nickname for you in its entirety. It’s so tenderly said, it only further pulls you deeper into nostalgia. You are the melody of his life–that’s what he always said, and that’s why he gave you the name. Even with just Mel, you understood the implications of the name, knew that you still had possession of his heart, no matter how hard you wanted to ignore it. You are his melody, always and forever.
The fire that has been idling within you explodes, becoming a forest fire and burning what little restraint you have left. You want to be his Melody, want to prove to him that you’re still deserving of the title. Damn near desperate, you wrap his tie around your fist and use it to yank him down and press your lips firmly against his.
He yelps in surprise, but is kissing you back with just as much fervor, sighing with the sweet relief of finally having you like this. He lets you pull his lips apart, sliding your tongue into the cavern of his mouth to prod his own. His hands grip your waist almost painfully as he tilts his head to the side to get better access. It doesn’t take long for him to overtake your dominance, shoving your tongue back into your mouth, with his right behind, needing to be inside of you, somehow someway.
A grunt leaves him, the noise putting every inch of your body on high alert. Your nipples stiffen and a warm pool gathers in your panties. The need to have him closer, closer grows stronger with every sound that leaves his sinful lips.
If there is one thing Chanyeol hasn’t seemed to forget, it’s the effect he has on your body. As if to prove just how in sync you are, he cups the back of your knees and lifts you up so that you can wrap your legs around his narrow hips. He pushes you roughly against the wall, using his body to hold you up. Fingers crawl from your knees, up the sides of your thighs, and slither underneath your dress. He stops before he hits your hips, curling his fingers into claws to rack his nails back down the trail they just took, leaving pink lines in their wake. Your head falls back from the dull pain, enjoying it just as much as the pleasure. Chanyeol rewards you with wet messy kisses to the column of your exposed neck.
“Fuck,” he growls against your warm skin. The sound does wonders to your nether regions. You shiver, getting lost in the feeling of your chest rubbing against his with every uneven breath you both take. 
“Missed you so much, My Melody.” Chanyeol groans. “I need to show you. Please, let me show you how much.”
“Yes,” you whimper, tugging at his hair in an attempt to pull him back to your mouth. “Fuck, Chanyeol, yes.”
His lips meet yours again, but this time they’re short, almost playful, pecks. 
His hands run over the land of your body, reacquainting himself with you. His inquisitive fingers discover the zipper at the back of your dress, and he plays with it.
“May I?” He asks, voice now deepened with desire. It takes everything in you not to just tear every article of clothing separating the two of you.
Instead, you settle on a whimpering, “please.”
He smiles into your mouth and takes hold of the zipper, pulling it down at a painstakingly slow pace. Your beautiful gown falls off your shoulders, but you don’t break the kiss or make any move to help him remove it until he has it unzipped completely.
It’s only when he has it zipped as far as it will go that you finally pull away, giving him a full view. He’s already staring at your chest, licking his lips in anticipation. A swell of pride fills you, knowing that you are the reason for the hungry expression on his face. Eager to please him, you shimmy your shoulders, the action causing the fabric to slide off and gather at your lap, exposing your top half fully to him.
“No bra?” He finally breathes after taking a moment to appraise you, transfixed. 
“You couldn’t tell?”
His eyes flicker up to your face in a heatless glare, gaining a victorious smirk from you.
“I was a bit preoccupied by your tongue, I fear.”
“Well,” you lean your face closer to his. “Don’t make that mistake again.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He matches your wicked grin before–not breaking eye contact–placing a tender kiss to one of your breasts. You bite your lip at the sensation, fighting the urge to moan. He leaves another kiss to your other breast before sucking the nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirls around the nub. Your head falls back again, hips circling with want. 
A hiss leaves your swollen mouth as he scrapes his teeth over your rigid nipple, apologizing for the pain with a kitty lick. Never one to play favorites, he cups the other breast not currently in his mouth, rolling your erect nub between his thumb and forefinger.
You poke out your chest for Chanyeol to devour, and dig the heels of your feet into the base of his back, needing to feel the pressure of his want for you against your building heat. You both seem to like that, if your matching moans are any indication. He switches breasts, sucking the other one into his mouth. You cradle the back of his head, holding him against your chest, closing your eyes as you succumb to the pleasure only he’s able to give you properly. As if to confirm this, Chanyeol slips a hand into your dress, over the band of your underwear, to caress the heat between your legs. You jerk in surprise, gasping at the sensation. His answering chuckle is dark, a warning of what is to come.
“So eager,” he murmurs, dripping lips tickling your slippery chest. “So wet. I’ve barely touched you and can tell. Did you miss me that much, Melody?”
Slightly embarrassed, you want to order him to shut up, but the truth is that you did miss him that much, and are damn near desperate to have him fill you up. 
“Don’t tease me,” you beg in a needy breath.
“But I’m so good at it.” He grins against your neck, back to giving sloppy kisses.
“Two can play that game,” you warn before grinding against his growing hard-on. He sharply inhales and is quick to put a stop to it, hands going to your hips, halting your actions. You groan in frustration, needing to get off.
“No.” His voice is shaky with barely contained control. He pulls back, giving you a steady look. “Tonight is all about you.”
You want to ask what the hell he means by that, but then he’s wrapping his arm around your waist and carrying you over to the bed, dropping to his knees on the floor so that you’re able to sit on the edge of the mattress. Your dress is bunched up to your mid-thigh, and Chanyeol takes advantage of that, pulling one of your legs up to rest your calf on his shoulder. He places a tender, lingering kiss right above your knee and gathers the end of your dress, rolling it up to bunch it in his hands at your waist. With every new inch of skin he exposes, he leaves another tender kiss upon your flesh. The sensation has your breath trembling.
Once his lips touch the joint of your hip and thigh, right beside the place you want him most, he yanks your dress back down, dragging your panties down with it.
You don’t even realize what he has done until you feel his breath at your now exposed cunt.
He doesn’t give you enough time to process what is happening before he’s licking a swipe up your center. The feeling of his tongue causes you to gasp so loud, you wince at the sound of your own voice bouncing off the walls.
Chanyeol’s eyes roll to the back of his head as the taste of you coats his tongue. “My memory hasn’t done you justice. You taste so fucking good, Mel. I need more.”
He holds your hips down and dives in for more. You moan and fall back, hands gripping the bed sheets for dear life as Chanyeol proceeds to eat you out like a man starved.
He gives your clit a quick suck and you cry out, hips jerking as the bundle of nerves are activated.
“Oh.” He chuckles to himself. “How could I forget? That always gets you, huh, Baby?”
“Ch–Ch….” You can’t even speak.  You knot one of your hands into his hair. Despite the vice of your grip, you make sure to gently pull his head back to where he was, to finish what he fucking started. 
“Didn’t think you’d give in this quickly,” he murmurs, ignoring your increasingly aggressive pulls as he places a tender kiss onto your swollen clit. You gasp, tender as all hell. “I thought you moved on already? Why you begging me, Baby?”
“Don’t be an ass—" Your sentence turns into a gasped moan as he runs his tongue up your core, briefly slipping his tongue into your hole shutting you up quickly. You tilt your head back, so that you’re staring blankly at the headboard, being transported to a different dimension.
“Please,” is all you can say, desperate enough that you forget Chanyeol’s teasing words, begging as much as you need to get what you need.
“Of course, my love.” He’s so quick to please. “But, you have to watch me make you cum.”
It takes you a moment to gather yourself, but you’re able to pull yourself up by the elbows. As soon as you catch the vast darkness that has become of Chanyeol’s eyes, you feel a fresh batch of arousal pool at your entrance. Chanyeol instantly notices, what with his tongue inside you. He moans in delight, his unwavering gaze flaring with determination.
The vibration of his deep baritone is almost enough to unlock your orgasm. Your mouth falls open, struggling to take in oxygen. Your chest heaves, sweat coating your body in a sheer layer, all signs of an impending explosion.
Both your legs now rest on Chanyeol’s shoulders, and he takes advantage of it, running his hands up and down the face of your thighs as he gives your clit quick teasing sucks. Despite wanting to watch you watch him make you cum, he can’t help but break eye contact, closing his eyes in indulgence as he loses himself in you. 
It’s fucking hot, the pleasure getting you off gives him. He once told you how he could spend hours with his head between your legs, and you know from experience how true that statement is.
Finally, he latches onto your bud completely, and his eyes fly open. It’s his finishing act, and he doesn’t want to miss a moment of you coming undone above him. He sucks hard and relentlessly, humming loudly to get vibrations to tingle and activate your nerves.
You curse. Hands again curling around the poor sheets as your body stiffens, almost painfully, as your orgasm builds, builds, builds. Chanyeol watches, unblinking, determined to see you come undone, and that is enough encouragement to have you combust.
With a loud yell of his name, you come. Your hips roll uncontrollably, and Chanyeol matches them, lips never leaving your center. He rides your wave with you, refusing to let go until you’re at your limit.
Black dots start to obstruct your vision, and you think you might pass out if he doesn’t get off of you, so you tap his shoulder quickly. He understands immediately, and unlatches himself from you with a loud pop, allowing you a respite. He can’t resist giving in one more time, placing a brisk kiss to your entrance, which causes your hips to jerk from the overstimulation. Once he’s retracted himself fully, you go limp, heaving as you try to catch your breath. 
“Fuck,” is all you’re able to get out, wiping sweat off your forehead.
You check on Chanyeol and catch him watching you, biting his lip in an attempt to hide—and fail—his prideful grin. “Oh, fuck off.”
He laughs at that.
“Are you done already, Mel?” He asks, deep voice teasing.
Half of you wants to say yes, to wave your white flag in surrender. This is the hardest you’ve cum in years, since the last time Chanyeol was in your bed.
He may be teasing, but you know that if you tell him that you are, in fact, fucked out now, he wouldn’t protest. You can see it now: he’d clean you up and curl up behind you. You’d feel his raging boner, but he’d assure you not to worry about it, kissing your bare shoulder as he throws the thin sheet under the davul over you both, lulling you to sleep. 
But that’s not how you want the night to end.
You want Chanyeol over you—in you. You want to see his face when he climaxes, watch the way he loses himself from the feel of you, and by the hope in his eyes, you know what he wants you to choose.
“Take off your pants and fuck me,” you order, voice already scratchy from overuse.
His lips curl dangerously. “That’s my girl.”
You expect him to follow your demand and strip, but he surprises you by spreading your legs apart, exposing your drenched private to him.
“What are you doing?” You question suspiciously, not really up for another round of his mouth. You are far too sensitive to go through that again.
“I have a feeling you’re not used to me anymore,” he murmurs. That cocky grin back on his face.
You scoff.
All humor leaves his form as he gazes down at you, and it makes you swallow back the snarky remark on your tongue. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
That vulnerability you saw during the wedding is back, aging him backwards. You know that he’s talking about more than just your long-neglected cunt, and that makes your throat thicken and burn.
“Is that okay?” He asks. You can only nod in confirmation.
His smile turns shy, and he’s glancing down at your core, fingers tickling your entrance. That shyness disappears completely when he slides his index finger into you. 
You shift uncomfortably, always having to adjust to having something inside of you. 
He swallows thickly, watching the way his finger glistens against the light ahead everytime he pulls it out in awe. He adds his thick middle finger into the mix and you gnaw on your bottom lip, legs widening, allowing him more access. Your cursed hips meet his slow thrusts on their own accord.
“You like that?” He asks, voice a whisper. Eyes flicker briefly to yours, catching the seductive way your eyelids hood over, and he curses under his breath. Your expression is enough of an answer for him.
“Kiss me,” you breathlessly demand. Without hesitation, he’s leaning over your shivering body to slot his lips between yours, honoring your request. The new position shoves his fingers deeper, caressing your g-spot, making you moan and groan into his mouth. He swallows each noise greedily, curling his fingers to enhance your pleasure. Your kisses are sloppy, your lips sliding off of each other with how wet they are. You can taste yourself on his tongue and it only makes you more wet.
“Undress me,” he orders into your mouth. His dominance makes you unconsciously clench around his fingers. He smiles, taking great pride in turning you on. You go for his tie again, deciding to discard it first. Sliding it off of him, you toss it quickly out of sight, knowing him well enough to know he’d use it later, and you don’t want to lose any of your senses tonight.
You’re still heavily making out as your hands go to unbutton his dress shirt. Once it’s open, he pulls both away and out of you long enough to yank the opposing fabric off, as well as the undershirt he has on underneath. Completely shirtless, he grabs your hips and tosses you further onto the mattress. You yelp as you’re airborne, landing onto the pile of pillows in a huff. He crawls over to you. Boldly, you observe him. His body is just as sculpted as it always was. Golden collar bones protrude so delicately, you want to sink your teeth into them. Honestly, his whole torso is untouched with any blemishes, and your mouth waters with the urge to disrupt that, to paint his empty canvas with hues of blues and purples and pinks and reds and yellows.
“Eyes up here.” His voice is right above you, closer than you are expecting, and you pull away from his chest, up to those big and bright eyes of his that shine with a mixture of humor and lust. A very alluring combination.
He grins boyishly at you before sinking three fingers slowly into you, filling you up so good you mewl, latching onto his shoulders to keep yourself from falling into the pile of pillows behind you.
The only thing that can be heard is the sound of his fingers entering and re-entering your wet pussy. If it wasn’t so damn pleasurable, you probably would find it in yourself to be embarrassed.
“You’re sucking me in,” he says in awe.  
“Because I want you, Yeol,” you whimper.
“You want me?” He repeats, like he doesn’t believe it. You find his skepticism a bit exasperating, since he has his fingers knuckles deep in you and what not. Part of you knows that you deserve his reluctance. His feelings haven’t really been in question. It’s always been you drawing the boundaries.
Now is the time to break them completely.
“So much.” You reassure, despite barely being able to speak. To further prove yourself, you run a palm over the bulge currently tightening his pants and he hisses, a shudder violently ransacking his frame. Encouraged, you undo his belt, unzip his pants, and pull them down until his dick springs out.  You haven’t seen many penises in your life, but Chanyeol’s is the only one that you have ever deemed beautiful. Everything about it is perfect. Perfect length, perfect girth, perfect shade of pink. Even the way the veins rain down to the base is lovely. The head locks its eye with you and you lean forward, giving into the urge to run your tongue flat over it, licking the pearl of precum sitting precariously on the slit.
He hums in satisfaction, hips unconsciously bucking forward, asking for more. 
You glance up at him, questioning what he wants you to do, but he gives you a quick shake of his head. The hand that’s not knuckles deep in you cups your chin, and he leans down, placing a sweet kiss unto your needy lips.
“I want your pussy more than your mouth right now.”
“God,” is all you can say. He smirks as he pulls away, drawing his hand out of you. You’re quick to snatch his wrist. He gives you a questioning look and now you’re the one to smirk as you bring his soaked fingers to your just as wet mouth, running your tongue along his middle finger before slipping it into your mouth, sucking it clean. You refuse to look away, moaning around his appendage. His mouth falls open at the feeling of you sucking on him. His dick is so close it brushes your arm every time it twitches from you hollowing your cheeks. Once his middle finger is clean, you move onto the others, giving them the same treatment. Chanyeol’s free hand wraps around his member, slowly milking it as he watches you intently with clenched jaws.
Finally, you suck all three fingers clean of your essence and release his index finger with a loud pop.
“Such a nasty girl,” he says, both amazed and turned on.
“You haven’t even seen the half of it, Sweetie.”
“Show me,” he urges.
Eager to please, you flip yourself over onto your hands and knees, poking your ass out to him like a cat in heat. You flip your hair to one side, peeking over your shoulder to see Chanyeol finally strip himself of the rest of his clothing, zeroed in on your drenched pussy, open and ready for him.
He strokes himself as he climbs behind you, preparing to enter you. 
Right as the head of his cock presses against you, he stops and falls back on his knees.
You groan in protest.
“I don’t have a condom,” he reveals, voice dripping in regret.
That’s enough to have you pausing. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Why wouldn’t you?”
“I didn’t plan on having sex during this trip.”
“That’s a relief, I guess,” you grumble. An awkward silence fills the air, neither one of you really knowing what to do now. But then you remember.
“It’s okay,” you reassure, reaching back to run your fingers delicately over the ridges of his stomach. It hardens under your touch, and his dick bounces, brushing against your folds, and you have to bite your lip to hold in a moan. “It really is. I’m on birth control. We’ll be fine.”
He’s still unsure, gazing down at you apologetically, so you lean back a bit, rubbing against the tip of his member. That’s enough to spur him on and he’s back on his knees, lining himself up with you. You shudder in anticipation as the head of his cock rubs against your throbbing entrance. 
“Relax, Baby,” Chanyeol coos. He lays his hand on your back, coaxing you to do as he says. You haven’t even realized how stiff you’ve gotten until you feel his palm. Under his hand, you let go, sink deeper into the mattress, arch your back out. It’s only then that he slowly pushes himself in.
You both groan in unison at the sensation.
When he’s about half way in, he pauses, giving you time to adjust. It stings a bit, and you’re grateful he’s able to read you well enough to know you need a moment. He’s a patient fellow, leaning down to drape himself over you and shower distracting kisses up and down your spine. His hands rub comforting circles on the bones of your hips before languidly trailing up your sides to massage your dangling breasts. You lean into his touch with a satisfied moan. The action has you slipping a few more inches of him deeper into your hot core.
A growl rips from his chest, teeth scraping against your shoulder blade, hands curl into claws at your chest, squeezing your tits so hard you yelp in pain.
“Sorry!” He apologizes in a breathless rush. “Sorry. I just–uuuugh fuck. Just give me a second.”
He goes completely still on top of you, the only thing moving is his chest as he struggles to regain control. 
That’s the last thing you want him to do. 
You want him to lose himself entirely in you. Want him to give in completely to his desires.
“Babe,” you call. 
He doesn’t answer.
You try again. “Yeol, you don’t have to hold back. I want you. I’m ready. Please.”
Your voice is a broken plea by the end and it seems to do the trick. It’s a struggle, but Chanyeol is able to straighten, hands gripping your hips for balance. With a guttural grunt, he snaps forward, shoving the rest of his dick fully inside of you. His thrust jolts you forward, and you fall face first into the pillows. Yes, god, yes. This is what you’ve been missing, this is what you have been so desperate for.
He curses under his breath in what you can only describe as a whine. “Needed you for so long.”
His strokes are aggressive and relentless. He uses your hips to impale you onto his dick over and over again at a hard and steady pace. He hits that spot every time he bottoms out, the head of his cock brushing against you in a way that’s got your eyes rolling and thighs shaking.
Suddenly, he pulls out of you and his name leaves your swollen mouth in whiny protest. He ignores you, simply wrapping his hands around your ankles to yank your legs out from under you, making you rest onto your stomach.
“What are you doing?” You ask.
“What you asked,” he replies, giving your ass a quick smack before maneuvering himself around you. He shifts his legs, moving them so that they’re caging your own. The new position forces you to close your legs, pressing them firmly together. He falls forward, sinking all of his weight on top of you.
“Oh!” Now this is what you’re talking about.
“I thought so.” His voice is a growl in your ear. One of his arms goes around your neck like a necklace. Your head slots perfectly into the dip of his elbow, and you think it’s the perfect pillow. It’s a fleeting thought, what with him sliding his throbbing cock back into you, fucking you like he never stopped. The new angle is actually insane. With your legs closed, you feel even more full of him. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he uses his knees to make the bed bounce, the momentum of the mattress doing most of the work for him. The headlock he has you in adds just enough pressure to get you light headed, cutting your airflow, and adding to your pleasure. Your vision doubles and you’re sure your eyes are crossing, but you don’t even care how crazy you look right now, all that matters is the feeling of Park Chanyeol all in and around you. He whispers the nastiest things into your ear, letting you know how good you feel, how much he likes it, what it’s doing to him. His voice is as much an aphrodisiac as everything else, and with him using it to talk filthy like that, you’re not sure how much longer you will last.
He shoves his dick fully in you and keeps it there, rotating his hips to grind deeply into you. He’s right on your g-spot, the pressure makes your eyes flutter, mouth fall open, so lost in the sauce your brain is short circuiting.  
“I missed being buried inside of you,” He huffs into your ear. “Missed hearing the little noises you make.” His nose goes into your hair. “You take my dick so well, Baby.”
You’re a moaning mess underneath him, taken over by lust, and he can tell. Giving another one of his now signature chuckles, he licks the shell of your ear and blows on it, his unwavering hips still rolling deep into you. 
“I. Want,” you huff between strokes. “To. See. You. Yeol.”
You blink and you’re on your back. Lost in a daze, still stumbling to catch your bearings when his lips are sliding over yours. You gather yourself enough to match him, needy and desperate for more. His tongue sweeps over your lips and you whimper.
Hands cup your face, and he’s breaking off the kiss. A thick string of saliva dangles between you both as he pulls back, breaking off to fall onto your chin. He appraises you, taking in every centimeter of your face with an expression that’s got you dizzy and shaking.
He runs a thumb over your cheek. “I love you like this,” he whispers. “Utterly fucked out. Drunk off my dick–off of me. You’re the most beautiful when you’re a mess like this.”
You get hit with a wave of fondness. Feeling sentimental, you run the tips of your fingers over his jaw, smiling weakly. “Fuck me, Chanyeol.”
The adoration in your tone and expression and touch has Chanyeol chuckling, but he doesn’t deny you. He pulls one of your legs up to his hip, giving him access to enter you again. You’re so slick with arousal that it’s effortless at this point. You don’t think you’ve ever been this wet before, it slides down your buttcrack, coats the inside of your thighs and the patch of hair on Yeol’s pubic bone. It’s all his fault. Park Chanyeol is a sex god, and it’s been so long you forgot, but he is going to remind you right now.
This position is more intimate than the others and immediately you notice the difference. Both his hands and eyes stay on your face, refusing to look anywhere else as he begins to thrust into you at a pace some would probably deem too slow, but is perfect for you. It makes it so that you can feel him, and he can feel all of you in turn. You’re both breathing into each other’s mouths, but don’t kiss. You don’t speak either, the only sounds are heavy breathing and the slick sound of connected sex. Your stomach knots, and at first you assume it’s your next orgasm, but realize in terror that it’s something else entirely. No, it’s the awakening of an old feeling you haven’t felt in years. It builds quickly, overwhelming you with its urgency, smarting your eyes.
Chanyeol groans, finally breaking off the eye contact as his head falls into the crook of your neck. Again, he puts his full weight on you, and you wrap your arms and legs around him, dig your feet into his lower back, encouraging him to go deeper, to go faster. He obliges, and a moan falls from your mouth with every snap of his hips.
The new position brings his body to your attention, and that gorgeous neck of his that you’ve been eyeing since you first saw him is now the pick of the litter. You’re quick to latch onto his shoulder like a leech, sucking up the bone of his clavicles and base of his neck, anywhere your lips can reach. The sensation adds a bit more gas into the fire, making Chanyeol’s movements rougher.
“Mmm, don’t stop doing that,” he purrs. “I want everyone to know what we did tonight.” 
His words only make you suck harder and he swears under his breath, picking up speed.
The new speed is getting the job done.  You growl as you start to feel your actual orgasm bloom to life.
“I’m gonna cum,” you inform him in a breath, hands roaming his body, wandering down to squeeze his plump ass.
Hearing that only urges him to continue what he’s doing. God, he’s such a good listener. 
“That’s right, cum on my dick.” he encourages. “I need you to, Baby.”
He shudders, and you know he’s close as well. He dips his head to rest his forehead against yours, searching deep into your eyes.
“Come with me.”
You latch onto his shoulders, holding on for dear life as he rocks into you. You swear everytime he hits your spot he pierces your heart as well. Over and over, stroking at those dusty heartstrings of yours.
Orgasms are a lot like sneezes. Your chest heaves, mouth falling open to swallow as much oxygen as you can as you brace yourself for your release. Your fingers turn to claws against Chanyeol’s skin and he cries out. For a moment you think he beat you to the chase, but his thrusts are unrelenting. He refuses to break eye contact, taking you in with wonder, not wanting to miss a thing.
That sweet lost look on his face is what does it for you.
You cum hard. Your mind shuts off, overwhelmed with how good you feel as your orgasm hits you, running throughout your body in blissful waves.
“I love you!”
The phrase is thrown out into the room, startling you. It takes you a moment to realize it’s your voice confessing into the night. Tears pool and tumble down the corner of your eyes, pouring down your temples in hot trails. “God, Chanyeol, I love you!”
His thrusts grow sloppy, and then he’s spilling into you. Filling you up with hot bursts of his seed that nearly send you into another orgasm.
Then, he falls on top of you, exhausted, and it’s quiet as you both try to catch your breath. He kisses your tears away and you sniff, closing your eyes at the sweet gesture. Your orgasm takes all your energy with it, and your eyes grow increasingly heavy. It’s an effort to fight your lids. You can’t even move your body, it’s sunken into the sweaty sheets, becoming part of the mattress. 
Chanyeol pulls out of you and you let out a discontent whine, feeling his absence and not liking it. 
“I know, baby,” you think you hear him say, but it’s hard to concentrate on anything right now that’s not trying to stay awake. He gets off the bed. You attempt to speak, but can’t find the energy to move your lips, so your words come out in a discombobulated mumble. He replies, you hear him, but god bless you both, can’t understand a word of it.
The bed dips under Chanyeol’s returned weight and then your legs are being pulled apart and something warm and damp swipes between them. Chanyeol says something that you, again, miss, losing your battle against sleep.
Your eyes are closed by now so you just relax into the pillows and give into slumber….
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spacepiratenemo · 1 year
Main - OC #FashionSheet
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👾 Moonrock, Baby! - R e f. S h e e t
👽I always see people designing an outfit for each ark, I designed outfits for every occasion. Afterall, I don’t think anyone should be restricted to only one outfit per island visited! Nemo’s wardrobe is HUGE! In fact, it is that mindboggingly huge that its mass turned into a singularity! There are some things that girl is hoarding, namely: Fashion, Guns, Tech and Coconuts!
☠ There's 102 versions of Nemo’s favourite matching set #1 ; (fluffy one with the cloud pattern) and don’t ya dare to match one of those skirts with something else! BEN knows! LOL It’s Boss is strict when it comes to her style! Papa Zekka taught her that!
💫 Always remember slogan number 17; "Jackpot Couture is lit!"
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#jackpotspacepiratecrew rules include memetic bragging-rights, parental advisory explıcıt content, you have been warned 101 : “Gotta have style if you wanna be cool!” (Yes, it’s a bullshit rule, don’t take it too seriously!)
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🐭 Nemo is a #nerd ; a #geek and a #fashionista at the same time ! And to make it even better, details, accessoires and so on, are interchangeable! I never need to stick to one design and I can get mega creative, which I find super enjoyable :3 And since it's impossible to draw the whole wardrobe, it's impossible which fashionable treasures can be found! 😂 We all love to mix and match, so why not give an #OC the option to do so, too?! And yes, 30 pairs of shoes ain't enough! 😂💯
Which one’s are yer favourites? Do you like her Pj’s ? What about her wedding dress? 🌙 I love her space-party dress, her number 1 fave and her #spacepirate#captn couture! 🌎
🌟 That being said, these sheets also serve as official references!
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"Where the hell did you get such a bratty attitude from?!", Marco asked, wiping away the green slime Nemo bombarded him with. "Oh, that's easy to answer, birdbrain! Let me tell you the absolutely mindboggling, legendarily famous story of - ", Nemo started, getting interrupted by Whitebeard, finishing the sentence for her. " - the idiot that raised her!"
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"I AM NOT A F*CKING MOUSE!", Nemo yelled from the top of her lungs, trying to make her big brother shut the f*ck up! 
"But you are as small, dainty as and as cute as one!", Alliqui laughed, poking his sister's cheek, ruffling her hair, taking her into a Half-Nelson before putting a booger into her hair. 
"I SWEAR I'M GOING TO  -", Nemo struggled, aggressively trying to get out of the grip. 
"You what? MOUSE?!"
The run of the gun suddenly met the temple of her brothers face, a clacking sound occured and the trigger was pulled swiftly. Alliqui bashed into a nearby hill at full speed and full force, immediately being knocked out. "I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE F*CK UP YOU DAMN STUPID BASTARD! CALL ME A MOUSE ONE MORE TIME AND I'M GONNA SHOOT YOUR SORRY ASS INTO THE NEXT BLACK HOLE, YOU F*CKING DEGENERATED MOONDUST-SNIFFLER!"
.... Siblings in a Nutshell, eh?! 
Alliqui is Nemo's big brother. ( Alliqui/Aliquis - Lat.: Person of Importance, a Somebody!)
Nemo, my main-muse and tearsure <;3 (Nemo - Lat.: No One, No Man, Nothing)
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Nemo's Snail-Phone (Scientific Study #173 *cough* beloved pet *cough*)🤍👽🪐🌙🌟
𝐍𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 // ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞 ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
✨INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/r0tt3n_rabbit_/
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👾Nemo in a Nusthell is this bunny:
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damelucyjo · 2 years
Okay, here we go!
Episode 2 - (I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea
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Oh, I'm digging this remix!
Keeley's office is so cute
Keeley & Ted really are the same person, aren't they 🥰
I have a feeling I'm going to love Barbara
TED!!! That was very enthusiastic, even for this lot 😂
I'm glad we're gonna get more Trent this season
OMG, their collective 'no' for him to just agree. Hilarious
How can he honestly still be so clueless about the Football world? 🫣
"The fumes make me dizzy and I overshare. Please don't print that" Rebecca, you are so real 😂
Rebecca instantly changing her mind once West Ham is mentioned and Trent fully seeing it.... hmm... 👀
Zava dabba doo! OMG, control yourself, woman! 😂
The exact same thing switched between Ted & Rebecca? Brilliant move. And her admitting to it being because of Rupert? Yes!!
'Love that' spoken like a man who knows about shitty exes
Ted & Keeley bonding! I've missed it
Isaac scaring Keeley, amazing. Him wanting a shoe deal but just for shoes, amazing. He's moved on from his Rolos!!
Jamie stuttering around Keeley, boy's still got it bad, huh?
Of course Isaac is a body language boy!
'I use body science' oh Jamie
That pitiful hum. I love you Jamie!
'It's called empathy, you dusty old fart' I think Roy & Jamie are my favourite pairing in this show, after Ted & Rebecca, of course
'I forget how skittish elderly people could be cause of the war' please never change!!
“And don’t you say a fucking word about it either, William” OMG poor Will! 😂
Oooo he's reading a book. Beard, I'm as shocked as you
Beard's screams!!
He's saying football without thinking... he's learning!!
This banter about wishes is just Brendan & Jason doing what they do best. I love to see it
'I just wished for that 30 seconds ago' Dani, please never change 🥰
This confusion about what is going on is my type of comedy
The boys being collectively upset about Roy & Keeley, so true.
And Beard's scream, Ted fainting... I love my boys
The collective 'aww' Poor Roy haha
'What's a CD?' HOW OLD ARE YOU, WILLIAM?! My god 🫠
Of course Beard has a set of keys to Ted's
How many times did they have to film Brendan running back in screaming before they could do it without laughing?? I can't not laugh watching it!
Roy boy is so angry, bless him
I see you Phil, trying your best not to completely crack up in the background 🤪
'Woo! I mean, fuck off, Trent Crimm' we must protect Dani at all costs
Is this us being shown that more people don't trust or believe in Keeley yet? 🤔
She's so precious, still not understanding why people would be proud of her 🥰
Of course Deb doesn't camp. Who do you think she is?!
Ooo, Tish talk 👀
Nothing like being overly sarcastic with your mother. It's my favourite thing to do!
Her own mother telling her she should meet with her psychic because she's in desperate need of maternal guidance? Please never change, Deb! 🫡
This show is so good at the callbacks, Rebecca mentioning something about Rupert that she knows so well which we get to hear about later... more shows need to be like this!
Hannah & Jeremy together are just gorgeous! 'No, it's too late. Jinxed it' I could watch these two banter for hours
Everyone ignoring him, poor Trent 😕
Brett has been amazing in this episode, as with all the others, but a full scene where he doesn't say anything, but you understand everything... ALL THE AWARDS! The balloon popping is the icing on this scene
Babs is showing Keeley exactly what she thinks of her without saying it, that's cruel. Leave her alone!
I can see this relationship becoming something wonderful though
Believe, believe, believe. It's almost like that's what this show is about or something...
Mae & the bar boys are back! 🥳
Is that text foreshadowing that hiring her friend may not work out??? 🤔
I'm with Hannah, I could watch an entire show of just these three at games
'Jinxed it again' Hannah & Jeremy, again, marvellous!
The stadium being behind Roy may have made me tear up a little, not gonna lie 🥹
Rebecca grabbing Keeley's hand 🥹
Lip-reading massage therapists
I love backstories!!
Ted telling Roy like it is and him not blowing up at him?? Love to see it
Also perfect explanation of what a Hallmark movie is 🫡
Roy still being angry because of something written when he was 17? So real.
The boys being relieved they can talk again 😂
Them also not needing Ted to give them their pep talks at games anymore cause they're working it out themselves...I see what's happening... 🤔
Go on Rebeca! Be a boss bitch!!
I will say this everytime we see Rupert, but I fucking love Anthony Head 😍
I can never take my eyes off the screen when Hannah & Tony are on it
HANNAH'S FACE!! Truly a masterclass in showing everything without words
YESS! CHEW HIM OUT, REBECCA!!! We love an angry woman!!
Off Dani's fucking face! 'My face scored a goal' 😂
A sour-yell. Perfect
Her popping back round the corner, Hannah you comedy queen
Twat - Ooo, I do love an angry Rupert 😏
'May I keep the pen' I think I'm gonna like this Zava
Another Beard yell, I'm in love 🥰
Zava and Jamie are gonna clash big time. I'm excited
Jane still finds them threatening 👀👀
Roy's whole speech being basically a parallel for what they're setting up to be Ted's journey this season... interesting 🤔
That's another one done! This was one of my favourites, I think. Got back to the humour of the show a bit more.
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1d1195 · 5 months
STOMACH ISSUES?! bestie WE ARE THE SAME! I sadly have stomach problems too lol But Im glad that it wasn't anything too serious and that you feel better! Let's hope you won't get sick because it's already a bit tragic with the period lol oh don't even get me started on allergies!
I may have a controversial opinion but I feel like we should bring back skinny jeans!! of course people are allowed to wear whatever they want and it shouldn't matter if it's it trendy but I kinda miss seeing it more lol What sports did you play? I don't think you've mentioned that before but if you did im sorry! But it sucks that you did have some form of damage :( But wedges are cute! they are definitely more comfortable! I feel the same way about platform shoes/heels like idk something about it makes me feel so GOOD! If i could even wear a cute little mary jane heel everyday I would be happy lol But i can't do that due to walking way too much and I REFUSE to use an electric scooter on campus lol
Being a dentist is wild bc i could not do what they do 😭
My TA is still hot lol Didn't see him as much this week because our classes were cancelled due to the professor being out of town :( But ugh Sam he's so attractive like he's just existing and walking around lecture when we have to talk in groups and he just looks so 😵‍💫 My friend in that class pointed out that he has a nice nose which i once again DIDNT EVEN NOTICE 😭 so theres more evidence for my nose thing apparently 😔
YES TO SHOPPING!!!! Enjoy your weekend my love, you deserve it and more💗 I love you!-💜
SO I spent $180 and saved $130 which is honestly not that great in my opinion but could have been worse. I once got a pair of American Eagle jeans for $0.01 and I’ve been trying to achieve that high ever since.
I don’t have horrible stomach issues fortunately (my sister took that on for me thankfully 😅) I’m more of a headache girly lol. Every day at 3pm like clockwork. Is it head trauma or from teaching teens all day?? We’ll never know (it’s teaching). But my stomach is very sensitive sometimes (I think it’s hormones). Speaking of, no illness it’s just my period rn right on cue, first day of break ✌🏻
Omg please I hope they come back around I’m not exactly a petite lady so I can’t with the flare/boot cut jeans. They make me look so rectangular (more than I already am), short, and frumpy that’s why I like skinny jeans so much 😂
I love shoes I don’t even care what kind they’re so fun and I think they can pull a whole outfit together. It’s def wedge season now so I’m very excited about that. When I was a child I rocked a tutu and patent leather and Mary Jane’s for about a whole year of my life. It was the last time I wore them and I think cute little Mary Jane’s would be so fun for me now (but seem a little wintry so I’ll wait till the fall) ☺️ I love that for you and don’t blame you at all. There will be time when you get your career and you can wear Mary Jane’s everyday! I can’t imagine the electric scooter I would cry 🤣 I miss that most about college: all the walking. It was so nice (except in the snow/rain) but when it was nice it was cool everything was close by and walkable (I grew up in a rural-ish area so you had to drive to get anywhere).
I wasn’t full blown tomboy but my dad instilled Boston sports in my blood. I played soccer, softball, and volleyball for major periods of time in my life. Soccer was my favorite but ruined my ankles :( I loved fielding but hated batting in softball. Volleyball was by far the most fun but I wasn’t very good. I enjoyed back row. I love watching most sports 💕 I can cheer on any team the bar has a consensus of rooting for when I go out 🤣
I’m dying about the nose. But I love that for you 💕 I hope you get to see him more in the coming week. I think I would swoon if he walked by me during class being attractive AND smart. I used to be a TA actually. I don’t think any of them thought I was hot but to be fair who would ever like the weird math nerd 😂 I used to make them review sheets with math puns (Sum-things to Know was how I reviewed the chapter on summations)
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moonbinscirera · 2 years
I'm back!! Sorry for not replying for a hot second 😭 yess let's get lost together 😂😍🤩
It definitely is so hard and I dislike it greatly 😕 pleaseee racism porn is such a good word 😩 so real that our experiences are not universal and it's weird to expect it as such!!
Angst 🫦🫦🫦🫦 and yess brain itching omg we got to love the feelings becoming real - that oh shit moment is so good + bonus points if there's more angst after that because you know - unnecessary feelings 🥵
Ooh a rare pair! Life is so hard for no reason for rare pair ships 😔 I feel like no ship should be too underrated and yet they are 💔 omg wonhao dynamics!! We need more 95z with their baby 97
Hehe jsjakakak you are so totally normal and super chill about hao I couldn't even tell 😗 hahaha don't worry I am very much the same with my own bias I believe 🫣
*gripping my armchair* no stress no stress no stress hahahahahahahaha -
So true that we're the harshest critics 😩 I will NOT allow you to be too hard on yourself though >:( but it really do be treacherous waters out here... I'm definitely grateful for the support I've received despite it all
Omg!! Health IT seems like a really cool field 💪🏼 wishing you so much luck, I know you got this 🥳🙌🏼🫶🏼
🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ I think I asked you what colors you like to work with BUT what about your favorite colors just in general? I'm gonna guess blue might be one you like 🤭 will you prove me wrong hehe?
omg u accidentally left me on read and then i accidentally left u on read 😭 so lets call it even 😭 i was even gonna say i dont mind but then we got busy tryna drive home and then i slept all yesterday 😮‍💨 so sorry
shsyshsss YES! because then homies all like "no theyd never like me back its all for the act theres no way it isnt" its so 😚😚 whats ur fave fanfic trope? ( im sorry if u already said 😔)
no because when ur a rare pair ho ur archive be less than a thousand deep spread out over 5 years your standards on what u wont read drop like a egg 😮‍💨 and i need more 95 the way cheol folds up into peak bby girl for hao??? joshua is always tryna smooth over his sulking 😭 jeonghan... idk i cant get over that hide n seek game they did for gose when hao was so mad at hannies cheating he hunted him down my mans put on his sonic shoes to get him 😭
well then i wont let u be harsh either!!! 😤😤😤
thank you 😭 its supposed to be a very flexible field that has alot of different types of places i can work for so i hope itll be a good move 😭 idk
i cannot prove you wrong~ blue is in my list of fave colors i like but green is my absolute favorite! it goes like 1. green 2. blue 3. purple 4. pink 5. black 6. Red 7. white 8. orange 9. yellow 10. brown 😌 how bout you 👀
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Missing you
October series: Day 29
Pairing: Osamu Miya x f!reader
Prompt/summary: “I made you a bath, wanna take it together?”
Word count: 749
Warnings/contents: Fluff, light teasing
Notes: I’m still feeling kind of sick, so again I may not be positing much. I’ll try and post a new texting series part if I can, but no promises. I did proofread this just today, but my head feels kinda full and most things aren’t making 100% sense to me, so I hope everything is spelled right and my autocorrect didn’t change any words to anything crazy. With that being said: here’s to hoping you all enjoy this!
@samus-baby​ Come get your man 😂 I hope you like this one even if it’s really short, bestie. I promise I’ll do more stories for him as soon as I can 💛
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A yawn came from you as you walked inside of your shared apartment with your new husband. It was only a week after the two of you had officially married after being engaged for well over a year. The two of you didn’t feel the need to rush even with your families putting pressure on you to move faster. After all, the two of you secretly pined for each other, longed for each other, and craved each other for years before you finally broke down and kissed him. What was waiting a little while longer and taking your time? Besides, you thought it was stupid to rush as big of a thing as a wedding.
“You’re home,” you smiled as you slid your shoes off, looking towards your best friend and the love of your life as he quickly dried his hands off as he walked out of the hall bathroom.
“Yes, finally.” He smiled, bringing you into a hug. You hugged the man back, but he was quick to press a kiss to your lips that made you smile.
“How was work?”
“It was good— it was a long day.” You said, leaning in and pressing your head to his chest while he gave you a light squeeze. “How about your day? Was the store busy?”
“Moderately— we were less busy than yesterday. It was sort of nice to get a small break.” He said with a soft sigh as he tightened his grasp on you. “Listen, I made you a bath.” He said, making you smile as he pulled back to look down at you. “Wanna take it together?” He asked with a little grin that made you smile larger and flush at the same time.
“You know I always love to take baths with you.” You said with a soft hum, leaning close to the man for a soft kiss on his chin. “Alright, let’s go. What are we having for dinner?” You asked the man who gave a soft hum and laced his fingers with yours as the two of you went to the bathroom.
“I hadn’t really thought that far. I wondered if you might want to go out after we finish in the bath?”
“That sounds like it might be nice,” you said, giving his hand a light squeeze. “Going to dinner after getting all cleaned up is always enjoyable.” You followed your husband to the bathroom as he only gave a soft hum in return to your words.
When you stepped inside of the bathroom, you immediately smiled. It smelt nice, bubbles in the tub and the lights dimmed but not too low that you couldn’t see.
You took no time to strip your clothes off when you got into the bathroom, and Osamu quickly followed your actions and stripped his shirt off. The water was emitting steam and you couldn’t help but give a sigh in relief as you put your fingers into the water and felt how warm it was. Osamu walked beside you, stepping into the tub now that he was naked, and giving a relax hum as he moved his legs to the side and sent you a small smirk.
“Come here. It’s nice in here.”
“Well, you are in there,” you flirted, making your husband give a soft chuckle as you stepped a foot in. He offered you a hand that you took to help valance yourself so you didn’t slip as you sat down and comfortably rested back against the man who wrapped his arms around your body. A soft kiss was pressed to your shoulder that made you smile. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you, too.” He said, nuzzling his face against your shoulder and giving a light sigh as he held you. “This is nice. I like moments like this with you.” You couldn’t help the grin that worked its way onto your face as you snuggled back against the man. The room was quiet, but words didn’t need to be spoken now as you reached for his hand beneath the water and closed your eyes as you rested your head against his own.
“I like these moments, too.” You whispered in fear of breaking the peaceful environment. Osamu smiled and pressed one final kiss to your shoulder before speaking again.
“Let me help you start washing off. The quicker we get food, the quicker we can come back home and cuddle. It’s finally the weekend and I can’t wait to hold you again.”
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goldie90 · 3 years
Attending a wedding with the Sawyers 🤵💞👰
Did you knew that Drayton´s got a friend? And no, I don´t talk about his broom, but about an actual human being. I mean, it´s not really a friend, but at least someone he gets along with and whose company he can actually tolerate for longer than just a few minutes, without feeling the urge to beat him up. I know it sounds unbelievable, but this person really exists. It´s a man named George who also lives in Newt and who owns a little diner in the town. Him and Drayton already know each other since they´re were children and even though they don´t have much contact, they really enjoy talking to each other from time to time. I think the reason they get along so well, is that they´re very similar to each other. You should know, George is just as grumpy as Drayton, he´s got absolutely no sense of humor, he loves to complain about really anything (but mostly about taxes🙄) and the most important thing: you would never see him without his broom.🧹 So yes, these two have very much in common, even when it comes to the ladies, cause just like Drayton, George don´t want to have nothing to do with such things. He and Drayton always agreed that they´re don´t need women in their lives, because they only mean trouble and no woman could cook as good as they can anyways. And when it comes to sex (or how they spell it “secx”), then well....they don´t know.😂
So I guess you can imagine how suprised (and yes, shocked) Drayton was, when one day George visited him at the gas station and told him that he´s going to marry. Drayton couldn´t believe it. For a very short moment, he even thought that maybe George was joking, but no that´s not possible because George is never joking, so it must be the truth. And in fact, it was. It turned out that George actually met a woman and fell in love with her and surprisingly she feels the same for him and now they want to marry. And because Drayton is his only friend (even though not really a friend) he wants to invite him to his wedding and he also wants him to be his best man, cause you know, there´s no one else for the job. Also, because George not only got no friends, but also no family, he also asks Drayton to bring his whole family and because George is the only friend who´s not really a friend that Drayton got in this world he agreed (even though he´s got the feeling that this is not going to end well).
So when he comes home that day, he tells us that we all have to accompany him to the wedding and he won´t tolerate any protests. The thing is, neither of us knows George. In fact, until this moment we didn´t even knew that this man even exists, because Drayton never talked about him (Chop even accused him that he simply invented George, to make us believe that he had a friend, which will of course lead to Drayton smacking him with the broom). After this little incident, we simply have to accept that George actually exists and that we´ll all have to attend his wedding, if we want to or not. 
And honestly, neither of us want this. Bubba almost gets an anxiety attack, just by thinking about it. A wedding surely means that there will be many people, people he don´t know and this is something that really scares him. Me and the twins are also not looking forward to this event, cause most likely it will be pretty boring, also it just feels weird to attend the wedding of two strangers. When it comes to grandpa, no one knows how he feels about the matter. He´s currently taking a little nap in his wheelchair💤, but even if he was awake, he wouldn´t be able to share his thoughts with us (most likely, he wouldn´t know what´s going on anyways😟)
The only good thing about this whole matter is that it gives me a reason to buy a new dress👗(and of course a new pair of shoes👠😊). Also, it´s really nice to see my husband in a suit, cause normally Nubbins don´t wear things like that, but okay, the wedding of Drayton´s mysterious friend, who´s not really a friend is of course a special occasion. Unfortunately, Chop sees it the same way and therefore he will try his best to find the best suit possible, which in his case means that he will choose something absolute terrible looking. 
Something like this:
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Meanwhile Bubba would be very disappointed, because he can´t wear his pretty woman mask (which would of course be his first choice for the opportunity) so Drayton have to buy him the most beautiful plastic mask🎭 that he can find and then I would have to help Bubba applying make up on it, cause if he does it by himself, he would most likely go over the top with it and we really don´t need to draw even more attention at us, than we already do.😅
On the drive to George´s place, Drayton will tell us very clearly that he expect everyone of us to be on their best behaviour, otherwise we will get a beating we can´t even imagine. Of course, he gives us this speech everytime we go to some public place together, so neither of us will really listen, because we already know it by heart.🥱
When we arrive at George´ house, it becomes pretty obvious why he wanted that Drayton brings the whole family. It turns out that we are the only guests, except for a very old lady👵, who introduces herself as the bride´s grandmother. She´s by far not as old as grandpa, but still pretty old and speaking of grandpa, it seems like she immediately takes a liking on him, because she starts to flirt with him right away, or at least she tries to. Grandpa seems pretty unfazed by her attemps, which is probably because he´s not even aware of them. Meanwhile Chop laughs hysterically and starts to yell: “GRANDPA`S GOT A GIRLFRIEND” which results in Drayton smacking him with the broom a few times and reminding him to behave, which of course wouldn´t stuck for long. 
Now we got introduced to George and as soon as we meet him, we will understand why Drayton likes him, because they´re so similar that it´s almost scary. Just like Drayton, George is carrying a broom around and he wouldn´t even put him away during the wedding ceremony. No, there he stands, looking at his bride and making his vow, while holding the broom in his hand, which makes it really hard for me and the twins not to laugh, because it looks just too ridiculous. Also, it doesn´t helps that Drayton as his best man is standing next to him and also holding his broom in one hand, while his other hand is holding the casket with the rings.
But beside the fact that the whole scenario looks rather unusual, everything goes pretty well and the bridal couple gets married without any incidents. (Even though, when they´re kissing and George is still holding his broom in one hand, Chop and Nubbins both can´t hold back any longer and bursting out in laugther, while I will try my best to look away from George and his wife, so I don´t have to do the same). Meanwhile the bride´s grandma is sitting on grandpa´s lap, who still seems completely oblivious about her advances.😯 Bubba, who´s sitting next to them, is also not noticing anything, because his eyes are only focused on the bridal couple and if he won´t wear a mask, we could now see a happy little smile on his face. He´s so touched by the whole thing, that he don´t even cares about the fact that the groom is holding a broom while kissing his bride. No, the only thing Bubba can think about is how cute these two look together. Also, due to the fact that we´re the only guests at the wedding, he feels much more comfortable with being here than he thought he would. 
So it really seems like everything is fine, but that´s only until Nubbins notices the photographer that George had engaged to take some pictures of the wedding. Actually, the man was already standing there for quite some time, taking pictures of the ceremony, but my dear husband was too busy laughing about the bride couple, to notice him. Until now. And now Nubbins will be really confused, because he just can´t understand why George engaged a professional photographer, instead of simply asking him to do the job. The fact that he and George didn´t even knew each other until today and therefore George couldn´t possible know how much Nubbins likes to take pictures, doesn´t matter to him. No, my darling simply sees it as a great offend against himself and he knows that he have to do something about it. He can´t just sitting here and let this other guy do his job. No, he have to do something and because him and Chop are always supporting each other, Chop will of course also help him now. 
Before I can say or do anything, the twins will get out of their seats and walk over to the photographer who´s currently busy with taking pictures of the bridal couple and therefore don´t notices the two, until it´s too late. And now everything happens very fast, Chop snatches the camera from the photographer´s hands and just runs away with it and while the photographer is running after him, Nubbins will just casually took his place and start to take pictures of the bridal couple, or better said of the bride, because George also runs after Chop and same does Drayton. (And of course, both have their brooms with them🧹🧹)
When the two broom men finally reach Chop, just when he and the photographer are wrestling for the camera, George gives him a hard smack on the head and that´s when Drayton, who was also just about to hit Chop, will stop dead in his tracks and just stare at his friend who´s not really a friend for a second, completely shocked because of what he have done. Suddenly he feels a burning anger rising inside him, because how dare George to hit Chop? He have no right to do so! No one is allowed to hit a member of his family, except for himself and so Drayton does what every man would do in this situation and gives George a smack on the head. Of course, George can´t accept that and so of course he smacks Drayton back. And now the two of them will get into a broom duel, which looks a bit like a sword fight, except for the fact that they´re fighting with brooms instead of swords. 
Needless to say that the twins will immediately start to cheer Drayton on, while Nubbins also takes pictures of the fight📸. Meanwhile me, Bubba and George´s wife will just standing there, a bit worried and deeply embarassed about the whole situation. The only persons who don´t mind the whole chaos are grandpa and the bride´s grandmother, because these two are too busy with...umm... other things. 
The broom fight will go on for quite some time and George and Drayton will both get some nasty bruises out of it, but neither of them seems to care about it. They will simply keep on fighting, until they´re both too exhausted to do so and when they finally stop there´s no way to tell who´s the winner of the duel, because they both are looking equally beaten up🤕. At this point George will simply tell us to leave and he also tells Drayton that from now on, he don´t want to have  anything do with him anymore, which is completely okay for Drayton, because he feels the same way and so we just get grandpa (whose whole face is now smeared with lipstick💄for some reason and he´s also smiling very weakly, which is something you don´t see often) and heading back home. 
Later Nubbins will show us the pictures he took and when Drayton sees the one which shows him hitting George right in the face with the broom, he can´t hide the smile on his lips and he actually asks Nubbins if he can keep the picture. It is now hanging on the refrigerator and no matter how bad his day was, whenever Drayton looks at it, he immediately feels a bit better.😊
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
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After that fun and tiring SDC finale, it’s time to sit back and enjoy some good old cpn. As always, only for turtles and it’s okay if you don’t believe any of it. It’s not real. this is not all inclusive, i put in ones that are being talked about and a few ones that I enjoyed.
I already made a small post about Web’s apple watch and the cpn here.
Now let’s move on to the others ones.
1. Earlier in the day 10/29, It was announced that Yibo’s solo stage will be called One Love. I can’t help but link this to Guangdian’s lyric with — We are made to Love. They are both so connected to the idea of LOVE, may that be romantic or not. This is why they get along well, having the same value, having so much love to give to the people around them even to those who don’t deserve it sometimes. They are such precious boys. 🤍 Another one is it was posted that he sent egg tarts for people to taste, same with ZZ who loves to give treats to cast and crew.
2. THE UTTER SEXINESS OF 🦴 NECKLACE being displayed on his neck like that. He’s always showing off isn’t he? the relationship is stable. He also matched it with a pair of skeleton shoes. His whole outfit is also giving us flashbacks of the last event they attended together — weibo night. Little Prince in Blue.
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3. Not really CPN, but just all the BXG related IDs/ profile photos sending love in the live broadcast! 🥳There are other incidents/moments related to BXGs during the show but that will require another post. Lol.
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4. Same gesture of fiddling with their rings; but this us actually more sus with XZ because Web can’t sit still and has to do or touch something. Also it’s funny that the night before we were clowning about his apple watch and his ending pose for the freestyle today is him looking at his watch. Funny how these things work. How many coincidences do we need? Lol.
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5. His final outfit with all the Stars in it reminds of GG’s outfit before — but the boy had to take it further and wear star pants too 😂 Yes, we know Yibo, you love stars. You are the lonely star. You are the brightest star in the night Sky for XZ.
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6. Unity, Peace, Love and Having Fun! Yibo’s One Love message was so positive. I think he truly believes it tho, he’s not just someone who preaches it cause it will make him look better. Some gestures observed by fans is 5 2 0 which is kadian for I LOVE YOU. He truly loves his Kadian.
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The message is also about the true Hip-Hop, it usually gets a bad rep, even street dance. Bobo said that before his parents don’t want him to take part in street dance because they see it as negative. I think this is why Yibo did this stage — and why he is so passionate about promoting it. He wants people to change their perception and appreciate it. ✌🏼
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7. I don’t know what to think about this but at the start of Bobo’s stage, a red screen flashed. I mean, 99.9% it’s a glitch but clowns like us were surprised. Out of all the colors, RED? XZ’s color?
FINALLY, let’s talk about his solo stage “One Love” and what we think it could mean. 🏳️‍🌈
Again. This is speculation, that it could be related to it and we don’t know if he saw it and the slogan resonated with him.
It’s called One Love Campaign, which has been making news since it’s connected to FIFA 2022.
The initiative, created by the Netherlands, will also be supported by Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Wales aiming to "send a message against discrimination of any kind as the eyes of the world fall on the global game,"
Qatar was a hugely controversial choice for the finals when it was awarded the 2022 tournament 12 years ago, not least because same sex activity is a criminal offence there with the possibility of a prison sentence of one to three years for adults convicted of consensual gay or lesbian sex. There is no recognition of civil partnerships in the Gulf state, which does not allow people to campaign for LGBT+ rights.
Whether you CPN, BJYX or SZD, I think the thought of Bobo showing some support for the LGBT community is a positive more than a negative. Yibo always had progressive ideas despite all the setbacks and this shouldn’t even be a long shot possibility. This is why a lot of us like him, it’s because he is accepting of everyone. He has so much empathy in him despite the ice prince persona.
Also a coincidence, 10/29 is the day of Taiwan’s Pride March. Then he performs something with this title. I wouldn’t put it past him because last year’s was a clever title wordplay.
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If there will be additional “important” discoveries, I will make a separate post. ✌🏼
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