#yes this is mysme yes i am in a dark place currently
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jollymalt · 10 months ago
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jumin han professional set up
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apenapaperandadoofus · 4 years ago
Reverse Big Bang
This was a work for the reverse big bang ( @mysme-rbb ) and acollaboration with the lovely @sapphireicecream ! She made a beautiful piece that I am in LOVE with!
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Life and death are one thread, The same line viewed from different sides.
-Lao Tzu
Some say life and death are on the opposite ends of a spectrum. But are they actually?
Some reply yes, they are enemies and loathe each other. Others claim that no, they are both the same thing in the end. 
One part is true, though. Life and death had been enemies for a while, with both of them trying to best each other. Life created humans, who were immortal until Death came to take them away from the Earth. Life wouldn’t stand for that, and so she kept trying to find someone who could live eternally, that could cheat death 
Death was trying to overpower her by trying to wipe out everything he could touch. 
Death was on a rampage. Everywhere you turned a life would be taken away. Meanwhile, Life kept trying her best to keep humans alive. 
This rivalry kept going for years and years, each generation of Life and Death trying to cheat each other, to be the most powerful one, to be the winner.
However, that would come to a change.
She quickly made her way through the garden, a plate on her hands filled with cheese, figs, and olives dripped in honey. 
No matter how much she abhorred him, she wasn’t heartless enough to leave him without eating. 
The gazebo where she held him prisoner coming into view. She grasped the plate tighter as she made her way closer. 
He had his back to her, looking at some flowers, but he rapidly spun around when he heard her clear her throat.
 “Here’s your food.” She said, still not meeting his gaze.
“...thank you.” He replied and sat down to enjoy his meal. 
While he was focused on eating, she stole a glance towards him and then felt her face burn. She had to admit he was very handsome, even if he was the god of Death. 
Even if his hair was messy, he still looked like a perfect statue, made by one of the finest artist in the world. 
She immediately cringed at the thought. Gosh, this guy was really making her think weird things, wasn’t he? Still….she wanted to touch him. To feel his soft skin, to run her fingers through his hair, and to even touch his horns. She would have if he hadn’t looked up at her at that exact moment. 
She immediately pulled her hand behind her back. 
Jumin stood up and handed her the plate. “Thank you for the food.” 
“No problem.”
There was a bit of awkward silence, and she thought about making an excuse and leaving, but Jumin opened his mouth to speak at that same moment.
"I have to-"
They both said at the same time. She felt her face flush.
“Sorry, sorry, you go first.”
“No, I apologize, you were saying something, I’m sorry for interrupting,” Jumin said.
She shook her head. “It’s fine, it is nothing! What did you want to say?” 
Gosh, she was being way too polite to a guy she was supposed to hate. She assumed it was because of the unfair advantage that he was really cute.  
Jumin stared at her for a moment before clearing his throat. 
“I just wanted to say that...this is a beautiful garden.”
 She glanced up at him and nodded. “It is.”
“Did you grow it yourself?” 
“No. Life made it..the original one, I mean. The one from the very beginning. Throughout time, all the other generations have been taking care of it.”
“I see. It must be a very important place.”
She nodded. “It is. This is the garden that was made of Life’s tears as she mourned the death of humans. They were her proudest creations, and to see them being taken by death crushed her.” She said those last words with a hint of spite in her tone. 
Jumin looked the other way, but he could still feel her glare on him. He sighed. “I’m... I’m sorr-“
“Don’t apologize. Especially when you don’t mean it. You clearly don’t care about humans. You don’t care about anyone but yourself, just like the Death before you, and the Death before him, and so on and so forth. All you care is about destruction.”
Jumin clenched his fists, looking ashamed. “I am very sorry for what my ancestors did, I truly am. But let me assure you, I don’t share any of their beliefs. I don’t want to be anything like the-“
"Yeah right." She scoffed. How could he say that after taking...taking her away? He was trying to make her feel guilty, to trick her so he could leave this prison and go back to killing and destroying. And she wasn't going to let that happen.
She spun around and walked away, glancing back only to say she was going to bring him food later. She didn’t wait for his reply as she left the garden.
The god of Death paced around the small gazebo, every once in a while stopping to marvel at the flowers growing around him. He’d love to touch them, but he knew if he did they would immediately wither away. 
He closed his eyes as he tried to distract himself from the current situation. He had to admit; it was nice to take a break every once in a while, from the dark depths of the underworld, the only sound being the screams of the souls coming down. It wasn’t exactly a job he liked. 
It was kind of ironic; he thought. To be the god of death, but want to have the power to do the exact opposite. Instead of taking lives away, to create them. 
He wanted to escape that hellish place no matter what. So, when he found an opening in the cave, small rays of light streaming in, he left his throne and walked over to investigate. He should’ve known it was a trap. That it wouldn’t end well. 
Still, he wanted to leave so badly, he’d use any excuse, no matter how dumb. And so what if he suddenly got kidnapped by the goddess of life in her beautiful garden? He wasn’t complaining.
He didn’t know why the goddess would want to imprison him, but, he thought, why wouldn’t she? No one likes the god of death. They all despise him.
Still...he had to admit he wasn’t having an awful time. It was...interesting in a way.
He thought Life was a bit...confusing. Sometimes she would be so terrible to him, glowering and snapping at every small thing he did. But then other times she’d show this...this kindness that would make his chest feel warm. 
He’d never felt that way before, but he had to admit he didn’t mind.
At first, their relationship comprised only small conversations, saying here’s your food, and thank you for the food, and no problem. 
She was always stiff around him, not meeting his gaze. No matter how many times he’d tried to apologize, she still seemed to think of him as Death, destruction, chaos, everything he didn’t want to be seen as. 
At one point he had truly given up. It was obvious Life would not change her view of him, no matter what he did, so why bother?
He gazed at the chrysanthemums growing beside the gazebo. They were beautiful. He had only seen one part of the garden, and he couldn’t help but yearn to see all of it. The essence of life, all around him, without death hovering over his shoulder. 
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” A familiar voice said from behind him. Jumin jumped a bit and then turned to see….see her.  
He cleared his throat. “They are. This entire garden is. I’d love to see more of it.” 
She scoffed but then bit her lip as if debating whether to indulge him for a bit. She sighed. 
“Why are you so interested in flowers and plants? Shouldn’t you be focused on something else?” 
His mouth formed a thin smile. “I have always loved flowers. I love seeing them...grow and bloom. It’s amazing how full of life they are, how something so beautiful could exist.”
They stood in silence for a few seconds until the surrounding air seemed to change. When Jumin looked up, he noticed something. The door was open. He looked at her in confusion. 
“Well, c’mon. Get out of there. You said you wanted to see the rest of the garden, right?” She gestured for him to come over, and he strolled down the steps, feeling the grass beneath his feet and the sun hit his skin, hearing the birds sing, a gust of wind tangling his hair. 
And then….then he smiled and let out a small laugh. 
She couldn’t help but stare in awe at the beautiful sight. 
For the first time in weeks, she had seen him smile. An actual smile, one that lit up his entire face. And his laugh, god his laugh. She felt her heartbeat quicken once she heard that beautiful sound. 
She shook her head. What was with her?? He’s supposed to be her enemy, a man she despises, the one who took everything she loved. But...right now, he seemed like the exact opposite. 
Instead of the god of Death, something that everyone despised and feared, he appeared like a normal person….
Well, in reality, he looked like a kid who loves sweets that was just brought to a place full of candy, or like a puppy when you tell them you’re going on a walk, but he was so different from what she expected. 
Maybe...when he apologized, he truly meant it. Maybe he wasn’t the scary, cold god that everyone thought he was. 
She should give him a chance. 
She knows that’s what...what she would have wanted. Not for them to become enemies, but for them to slowly understand each other. 
Well….better late than never, right?
Their walks around the garden became a daily activity. She would come and open the door, letting Jumin out, and then they’d walk around the place. She’d tell him the meanings of each flower, and eventually, as she became more comfortable, she’d tell him stories about the names and how they came to be. 
As time passed, they became more comfortable around each other.
They’d have a pleasant picnic and talk about their lives, what they liked to do. The goddess of life found that Jumin had a very lonely life. He didn’t have many friends, just one that he had known since he was a kid, but wasn’t able to talk with much now. 
He never went out and always stayed at home. He knew no one really wanted to be with him, anyway. And so, the goddess of life felt her icy heart thawing the more time she spent with him. 
He could tell there was something bothering her, but whenever she asked she would brush it off. He had made it his personal goal, that if he wasn’t able to find out what was bothering her, then he’d try to at least make her feel better.
He wasn’t good at it, however. He had never really comforted someone before. 
Every once in a while, whenever Jumin found her smile falter a bit and her gaze shift down, he’d try to tell a joke.
He’d try.
The first time she looked at him as if he had spawned a third head. 
In the second one, she was a bit confused but seemed to calm down for a bit. 
Eventually, he made her laugh. 
He, of course, thought his joke-telling skills were getting better, so whenever he could he’d try to make up some in the gazebo instead of sleeping. 
He loved her laugh, her smile. It made his heart jump, and it couldn’t help but make him smile too.
He was...falling for her.
And what sealed the deal was one day as she was escorting him back to the gazebo, and after he told some other silly joke, she giggled and poked his nose.
“Haha, Jumin! I would’ve never thought the god of death could be so...so adorable. If you keep this up, I think I’m really going to fall for you.”
They both stopped in their tracks and looked at each other. Jumin felt his heart beat fast, and she blushed, her entire face, even her ears, turning red.
“Uh- uhmm... I’m...uh...well...goodnight!!” She quickly said and turned around on her heel as she walked away from the gazebo. 
A smile slowly spread out on Jumin’s face, becoming bigger and bigger every second.
Her words echoed in his head. 
If you keep this up, I think I’m really going to fall for you.
She was falling….for him.
Did she...did she feel the same way? 
He couldn’t stop shifting the entire night, unable to sleep. He was far too giddy and happy to do that. 
She might love him, just as much as he loves her.
Jumin couldn’t keep his dorkish smile off his face that night. And the morning after. 
He had to stop himself from kissing her right there as soon as he saw her.
He wanted to take things slow. If he wanted her to fall for him, then he’d gave to show her how much she mattered to him. 
A few days later, as the two of them ate in an unknown part of the garden that hadn’t been explored, Jumin noticed something. At the end of the garden, there was a small sort of...fountain. It had different flowers all around them, some he didn’t even think could grow this time of the year. 
She caught him staring, and when he noticed he flushed and cleared his throat, embarrassed.
“Sorry. Uhm, those flowers are very beautiful. I haven’t seen them in the garden before.”
She gave a small smile. “Yeah. I had them especially made for this place.”
This place? Jumin felt confused. What was different about this place from the others?
She let out an uncomfortable as she fidgeted with a flower in her braid, adjusting the ones that had become crooked or were about to fall. 
“This place was somewhere I used to go with a friend every day. A...very dear friend...I’ve known her since we were children. She...uhm...she passed away at the beginning of the year.” 
Jumin felt a chill run down his spine. 
Now it all made sense.
Why she kidnapped him. Why she was always so cold to him, why she loathed him. 
But….that was before. And now look at her, showing him places around the garden, bringing him food, telling him things about herself that no one else knew.
The only sound that could be heard was their breathing. The birds had stopped singing, and the wind had stopped blowing, making the air still around them.
Jumin eventually met her gaze, and as soon as he did, he felt his heartbreak.
She was crying. 
And that made him want to cry too. 
He hadn’t realized just how much he had cared about her, and this new wave of feelings to want to protect her, to hug her, and make all her problems go away. But then there was also this crushing guilt. It was his fault. The woman he loved was heartbroken, and it was because of him.
He could barely breathe.
In fact...he wasn’t really breathing at all. He couldn’t seem to.
A lot of things happened at once.
He felt a sort of darkness surrounding him, clouding his view. And then the next thing he remembers is her beautiful voice calling for him, and her warm arms wrap around his body. 
Even after what he did, she still cared about him. But why? 
He didn’t deserve any of her kindness.
He woke up in a familiar field of flowers. The sky was darker now, the sun about to set. He looked up and felt his heart stop at the sight. She had laid him on her lap and was gently running her fingers through his hair. She looked beautiful, with the remaining rays of sun appearing to make a halo in her hair. Well, she was definitely an angel. 
He slowly sat up and kept his gaze on the ground. A small hand touched his shoulder, but he tensed up and moved it away. 
“Jumin...I’m... I’m…”
“You don’t have to say anything. It’s me who should apologize….why….why didn’t you tell me?” He looked up at her, finally, an icy glare in his eyes.
“I...well...I didn’t...it wasn’t supposed to go this way.” She whispered.
“You should have told me. All this time, the thing that was making you sad, that was causing you pain, was me. Me. Why have you even kept me around? Wait...no. I understand now. All of this...it was a lie, wasn’t it?”
“Jumin, it wasn’t I-“
“I took away someone very dear from you, of course, you’d be mad. Of course, you would never forgive me...not after that. You...you made me care about you, grow fond of you, to...to love you. Just so at the end, you could crush my heart as I crushed yours…”
“That was not what I wanted to do, believe me-“ she sobbed.
He stood up and gave a dry laugh. “It makes sense. Why would you even care about me? I am the god of death, I destroy things, I am someone that takes things away from people. I am a...a monster. And who could ever love a monster?” He whispered.
“Jumin, you are not a monster! Listen to me!” She stood up and tried to grab his hands, but he pulled away. “Jumin…”
It had become nighttime now. Fireflies were flying around them, and the only source of light was the full moon in the sky. 
She took one step forward. And then another. And another, until she was close to him. She slowly moved her hands and touched his cheek, now wet from tears. He was crying. And to be honest, she was probably crying too.
She cupped his cheek and leaned closer.
“You are not a monster, Jumin. You are...you are the most caring, amazing, intelligent, beautiful man that I have ever met. I’m...I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you. I never thought it’d end like this. Gods, by now you should be... never mind....but...I am happy that...that I got to know you better, that I saw the real you. I had filled my heart with hate and wanted to take it out on you, which is something I should have never done. Jumin...I care about you so much and..and I’m so sorry I was so...so heatless towards you. I was cold and mean when you didn’t deserve any of it. It’s you who should be mad at me.”
They were now both sobbing, gripping each other’s hands tightly. Jumin gently took one hand and lead it towards her chest. She looked up at him, confused. 
“You are not heartless. Out of everyone in the world, I am sure you’re the one that has the biggest heart. You always bring love with you wherever you go. You’re kind, brave, compassionate, and beautiful. How could I ever be mad at you?” He gently lifted her chin to make her look up at him. “You are the first person who has shown me this amount of kindness...of love, even if I don’t deserve it.” 
She moved her face closer. “You deserve it, Jumin. More than anyone in the world.” 
He smiled as he caressed her cheek. Slowly, they closed the distance between each other with a gentle kiss. 
Their lips were soft against each other, and Jumin couldn’t help but yearn for her touch more. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer.
When they pulled away, leaning their foreheads against each other, they couldn’t help the big smile on their faces.
“I love you.” He whispered.
“I love you too.”
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew against them, and when they looked around them, they found fireflies dancing all around them. 
She laughed, and then gently pulled a very awed Jumin towards her. She placed both his hands on her waist and then wrapped her arms around his neck.
She giggled when he raised an eyebrow. 
“Have you never danced?” She asked.
He shook his head. “Isn’t there supposed to be music to dance?”
“No, not really. You can sometimes dance with the person you love with no music.”
They both blushed at her words, and Jumin smiled. 
“Then…let’s dance, my love.” 
And so they danced. 
Eventually, as the night ended, she led him to a small bed of flowers. They spent the rest of the night in each other’s heated embrace, whispering words of love to each other.
And that was how life and death became one.
She woke up early. The sun wasn’t out yet. She couldn’t help but smile as she saw him sleeping beside her, his hair messy from the night before.
She slowly slipped from the bed and summoned a small robe, so she wouldn’t feel as cold. 
As she walked through the garden, she knew like the back of her hand, she couldn’t help but feel a shiver run down her spine. And this time it wasn’t because of the cold.
When she finally made it to a small clearing, she bit her lip and looked around. There was no one.
“Rika!!!” She called out. “Rika!! I know you’re here! Come out!!” 
She heard a bubbly laugh from behind her, and she spun around.
“That’s not a pleasant way to call someone over my dear~ I thought they had taught you better than that.” 
She bit her lip as she watched Rika slowly come out from the darkness, her cold green eyes making the hairs on the back of her neck stand. 
“Cut the crap. I’m here to call the deal off.” She seized out a large dagger and threw it at Rika’s feet. “You can have this back.”
Rika chuckled and walked towards the dagger, picking it up and then twirling it around her fingers. “How rude~ I’m guessing you weren’t able to kill him then? A shame, really, that would’ve made things easier for me. I thought you were perfect for the job, so I can’t say I’m not disappointed.”
“I want nothing to do with you or your stupid plan anymore. Don’t come here ever again, I want this to be the last time I see you.”
“Oh, dear. You have really fallen for him, haven’t you?” 
She felt a blush creep up her face as Rika walked closer to her. 
“Dear, let me give you a piece of advice, from someone who’s been in love before. Never give yourself to anyone. They will all betray you in the end.”
“Jumin is not like that.”
“Oh trust me, that’s what you think now. You will think his love is the most wonderful thing in the world, and you’ll want to be surrounded by it all the time. Although eventually, that love becomes too much and you’ll start suffocating, and no matter how much you try to let go, he will only drag you deeper and deeper, until you aren’t able to breathe, to think, to live.”
Rika was now closer, their noses about to touch. Her eyes filled with madness, and her grip on Life’s arms had become so tight, that blood was coming out. Life found at that moment, what genuine fear was like. 
She tried to pull away and took in a deep breath of air as Rika let go. 
“Rika, go! Away! I’m serious! It won’t be like that, it’ll never be like that. Our love is pure, it’s real. Jumin would do nothing to harm me, and I would never do anything to harm him. And...and I swear that if you ever lay so much as a finger on him, I will make you regret the day that you were born.” She said through gritted teeth.
Rika raised an eyebrow, her smile disappearing from her face. She quickly grabbed Life’s hand and slashed her palm open, making her let out a pained gasp.
“You will not threaten me,” Rika whispered. “You will help me with my plan, and you will get rid of Jumin. I command you to, and if you don’t, then I have a perfect spot for your dead body once I’m done ripping you to shreds.”
Life felt her blood run cold and she couldn’t move. She couldn’t do anything.
“Now then, I do have to get going. These things will not get done by themselves, and I don’t think Ray is...capable enough to do the next step. I will come in two weeks and by then I hope you’ll have gotten over your silly crush and get me Death’s heart. I’m not asking, by the way, this is an order that you will carry out, one way or another. It’s up to you if you choose to do it the easy way or the hard way. Toodle-oo!”
 She laughed and vanished, leaving as quick as she came. 
Life panted, falling to her knees, the dagger still in her hand. Not only that, but a big, black scar had formed where Rika had cut her, sending the dark magic that came from it.
What was she going to do now?
“Is everything alright love?” Jumin’s sleepy voice called out to her as she walked back to the flower bed. She felt her worries disappear for a second as she heard his nickname for her.
“I’m... I’m fine. I just... thought I heard something over there. It was just a snake though, nothing to worry about.”
Jumin hummed and motioned for her to come and lay down next to him. She took off her robe and laid beside him, their bare chests touching.
He hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head, sighing happily. 
“I love you so much.” He whispered.
“I love you too, Jumin.” 
Eventually, he fell back asleep, his chest rising and falling with every breath and a small smile on his face.
Life, however, couldn’t seem to fall asleep. Her mind was repeating over and over what Rika had said. What in the world was she going to do now?
One thing she decided about though, as she hugged him tighter. She promised that no matter what, she would let no one come near the one she loved.
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cafedanslanuit · 5 years ago
Mysme, Jumin x MC with 38 28 and 26? From the songs lyric please? Congrats!!
Hiii! I only use one song per request, so I decided to go with #38~ Hope you like it, I could see myself writing about this scenario again <3
series: 500 followers event
pairing: Jumin x MC [Mystic Messenger]
song: Crowded Room - Selena Gomez
Baby, it’s just me and you, just us two, even in a crowded room, baby it’s just me and you
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Being a heiress in Korea was tiring. Once MC turned eighteen, her mother started introducing her to other wealthy young man, whose families owned companies that could benefits hers. Even if at first she hadn't been in board with the idea of her mother choosing her husband, a vain hope of actually falling in love with one of those men crossed her mind, so she agreed to the first date.
The blonde young man had been a true gentleman, paying for dinner and holding her chair for her. She went on to a second and third date with him where she only managed to fall even deeper for him. Maybe her mother was right, maybe she knew what was best for her.
A few weeks later, while on a drive, she lowered the car windows and managed to see him getting out from a motel. He was alone, but MC knew there was no way he was by himself in a motel room. That same night, she confronted him. Instead of denying it, he agreed he actually had a girlfriend that he met regularly. While he apologized for letting himself be seen getting out of that place and promised be would be more careful the next time.
That was the first time MC got her heart broken.
She gave it two more tries. Third time's the charm, she repeated herself. But between the automobile company heir who pulled her arm harshly just because she refused to go to his place and the heir of an airline company that was gay and needed a cover up, MC decided love wasn't made for an heiress and that she would have to settle for a lonely life. She would maybe adopt later in life as she did want to be a mother, but she got tired of finding decent men in her social circle. MC once thought about going to a bar and meeting someone normal, but the warning her mother gave her about normal people taking advantage of her money and social position scared her off.
She was twenty three the last time she got her heart broken. It had been six years since then and she had refused to date again. Her mother had protested at first, but after all those years, she had finally accepted her daughter wasn't getting married at all.
"Men don't like powerful women. They react better to a wife than a heiress that rules her own company" she had reminded MC.
"Well, I'll make them respect me" MC had answered.
She was a natural at doing business. MC used the perfect balance between flirty mannerisms and strong arguments to close deals. Knowing it wasn't enough, she studied a MBA which helped her take her family's company to a whole other level.
Even if she had lost all hope in meeting someone, MC loved social gatherings. She used them to meet new business partners, positioning herself and her company as a new and interesting investment option. She was an extrovert by default, so she could always be found laughing or posing for the paparazzi as she left the venue for her car.
One night, she was invited to a small event in a penthouse. She knew the owner, as she had done business with him before, so she was happy to attend. She had introduced herself to a good amount of new people and laughed at their jokes, so she felt she had met her goal for the night. Excusing herself, she went to the bar and asked for a drink. As MC waited, she felt a hand on her shoulder. When she turned around, she saw Jihyun Kim smiling softly at her. She hugged him, a a huge smile on her face.
"I hadn't seen you in ages! I think last time I saw you was in this bar mitzvah when we were thirteen" MC remembered, returning to her spot by the bar. Jihyun laughed softly.
"I remember. I stopped going to these events shortly after"
"Yeah, can’t say I’ve seen you in these gatherings recently. Oh, I stopped by your exhibition the other day, actually. I really liked it. Maybe you'll hear from my assistant in regard of buying one of your pictures" she said, a mischievous smile on her face.
"Now you're just flattering me"
"Am not"
"Well then, thank y--- wow" he suddenly set his eyes to the side, focusing on a couple on the other side of the room. "I think my friend needs me".
MC turned around and saw a tall man with dark hair and gray eyes, accompanying an equally tall blonde woman. They looked like one of those rich, successful couples her mother always wanted her to be a part of.
"He seems fine. That's Jumin Han, right?" she asked. Jihyun nodded.
"He's not fine" Jihyun corrected her with a chuckle. "He doesn't really like when women try to seduce him at these events"
"Yeah, I can get that" she agreed with a shrug. The bartender handed her a martini and she thanked him with a smile before taking a sip. "So, you're just going to barge in and rescue him?"
"Do you have a better plan?" Jihyun asked. MC pursed her lips, her mind going through different options.
"Can I try?" she asked.
"I don't think he remembers you. You two didn't really talk back then"
"That just makes it more fun" she grinned as she gave her glass to Jihyun. MC fixed her hair and walked towards Jumin with a slight away on her hips, shoulders back and emanating confidence, just as she had been doing her whole life.
She put her hand softly on Jumin's arm, making him turn and look at her with a questioning look.
"Oh dear, I'm sorry to interrupt but you asked me to remind you about the Mr. Kim's proposal?" she innocently asked. Jumin looked at her confused, so she tilted her head towards Jihyun, who waved at Jumin from the bar. He visibly relaxed. "I'm sure you don't mind I take him away for a second" she smiled at the woman, who looked like she wanted to hit her. MC kept faking her smile, not expecting to enjoy this. She just wanted to have some fun now that she had met with Jihyun after all those years, but it was like she couldn't stop herself anymore. "Thank you for keeping him company" MC added as she linked her arm with Jumin and guided him towards Jihyun.
Once they reached Jihyun, MC let Jumin's arm go and laughed softly. She positioned herself on Jihyun’s right side as Jumin took his left.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help but tease her" MC apologized as she let out her hand for Jumin to take. "I'm MC Belmont, from Belmont Enterprises"
"Ah, the ones that have all those clinics and medical equipment, yes. I'm Jumin Han---"
"From C&R, yeah, I know" MC interrupted him with a smile. She shook his hand firmly and then went back to her drink.
"Oh, you know about us then. Did she want to make a deal?" he asked Jihyun.
Before he could reply, MC chided in. "No, I don't really like C&R"
Jumin's neck turned to her direction so fast he was surprised when didn't get whiplash.
"I'm sorry?"
"I don't like its seriousness. We've currently working with a more organic and creative mood to our workplace and I've seen great results. The employees are really happy. I'm not saying C&R is a bad company, I really admire your work; it's clearly distinctive from your father's. I just rather not do business with your company as I can’t see your company working in sync with mine" she explained.
Jumin looked at MC with an arched eyebrow.
"So, which studies have proven your kind of work environment--"
"Mr. Han, please, I'm not here to discuss business" MC excused herself. "But please, have a drink with us. I was just telling Jihyun how it has been ages since I last saw him at one of these events.
It took a while before Jumin could rejoin the conversation. He ordered a glass of wine and then listened to their friend’s conversation with MC. While he did his best to not let his mind wander, he couldn't stop thinking about what MC had said. While he knew other companies made their employees wear casual clothes, had tennis tables, and all that jazz, he had always avoided that line of thought. He thought it was nothing but an excuse to slack off. He clearly must have been misguided, because in front of her was this woman, who he had seen in events before, and she had managed to make her company crawl to the top while using that method.
The waiter gave him his drink and he took a sip. Impressive.
"Also, let me say sorry again for introducing myself that way back there" MC said, making him put his attention on her. "But I know how stressful it can be to deal with people that are on the lookout of relationships and marriages just for the sake of business".
MC pulled out the tip of her tongue, making an disgusted face. Jumin couldn't help but chuckle, finding her facial expression adorable.
"I assume you've had experiences of your own"
"Yes" she sighed, twirling the contents of her glass as she pouted. "It's a cruel world out there, Mr. Han. There is very little hope in finding a suitable partner that doesn't have their eyes on your company"
"Now, that's a very sad way of looking at it, isn't it?" Jihyun commented with a concerned look.
"But she's right" Jumin said, nodding. "You know what I've been through, Jihyun. Also..." he looked at the woman, for the first time taking notice of her pearl necklace. It gave her a nice, classy look. "Jumin is fine" he said.
MC smiled at him, a sharp contrast of the hopeless words that had just fallen from her mouth.
"Thank you, Jumin. You can call me MC as well"
Once they had that exchange, their conversation flowed naturally. They didn't intend to exclude Jihyun, but suddenly it seemed they were the only ones in the penthouse the gathering was at. They shared stories, debated about recent political events and even took part in a little bit of gossip. Jumin couldn't help but be fascinated at how sophisticated that woman looked. She was wearing an off shoulder black dress that made some men turn their heads when they passed by, yet her eyes were fixated on his as he talked. She commented on everything he said, challenged him to find an argument for his opinions and even managed to laugh at one of the jokes he cracked.
After an hour of chatting, Jihyun cleared his throat, making both of them notice how he hadn't been participating before.
"I'm sorry, I got riled up with Jumin's anecdote" MC apologized. Jihyun shook his head with a kind smile.
"It's okay. I'm glad you both get along. I actually should get going, I promised Haneul I wouldn't be home late"
"Haneul?" she asked.
"Jihyun's girlfriend" Jumin clarified. "She's an opera singer". MC opened her mouth in surprise.
"That's amazing! Please, don't let us stop you. Go be with her" she encouraged him.
Jihyun smiled and said his goodbyes. After he left the penthouse, both MC and Jumin kept their eyes on the door in silence, a small smile playing on their lips.
"He seems happy" MC commented, looking at Jumin.
"He is" he agreed. "I don't want to share more than I should, but I'm sure you already know about his ex fiancée"
MC pursed her lips and nodded. She knew about her. Gossips travelled fast in her social circles and even if Jihyun didn't make his presence known in the past years, his father still did, so it was understandable people still talked about him. MC had heard about Jihyun falling into depression after ending his engagement. She didn't know the details but figured they weren't important. She was happy he was feeling better already and had met someone new. It gave her a little bit of hope. That maybe... maybe her love life wasn't doomed at all.
She looked at Jumin from the corner of her eye. It had been years since she had felt a true connection with someone else. Jumin was ravishingly handsome, smart, and had a sense of humour that stroke her as funny. He had made pretty clear he wasn't interested in relationships based on economic interest or deals in between companies. Even if there was a chance he might have been lying, MC would have lied if she didn't slightly hope he was telling the truth.
It would be complicated, that she was sure of. He could be afraid of the same thing, he could think her actions from that night were nothing but an act to get him to trust her. And MC wouldn't blame him. It was sadly natural to get paranoid when you had a background like theirs.
"I should get going too" MC suddenly said. She cursed herself for letting her fears take over her mouth. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay a little longer getting to know him. She would hate herself if Jumin ended under the impression she was only talking to him because he was an acquaintance of Jihyun.
"Sure, then have a g--"
"Wait" MC interrupted him. Taking up courage, she opened her purse and took out one of her contact cards and a pen. She put them on the bar and quickly scribbled down something. Before Jumin could ask, she handed the card to him. "Uhm... this is my personal number. So, if you ever want to talk… you know, anything but business, call me. I... I'd like to talk again".
Jumin looked at her blushed cheeks and her tense position as she held a white card between her fingers. He was surprised to say the least, as he was half expecting her to say goodbye and never look back. He nodded as he took the card and put it in his pocket.
"I will" Jumin said, and he really meant it. MC gave him a final smile before she put her pen back in her purse and turned around to leave.
As he watched her go away, he felt the strangest of feelings on his chest. Is this what Jihyun always talked about? He wasn’t sure. The only thing Jumin Han knew was that he was definitely calling her the next day.
a/n: Did Jumin ever text MC? You can look at MC’s phone here.
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marveloussupernerd · 5 years ago
hi! i was wondering if i could get a mysme matchup!! i’m a very introverted person, and am very shy and quiet. i’m currently in school, and i love writing and reading. i also want to go into nursing. i own a cat (sorry zen) who is the light of my life, and just love animals in general. i play piano and flute, and i love cooking and baking. i’m an INFP, and a weird thing about me is that i still use kids toothpaste. i also love love love star gazing.
Yes ofc! Sorry for the delay love! High key I’m writing this in class rn ooops
I ship you with Yoosung!
Yoosung thinks that you being shy is so cute!
He’s always nervous about your relationship that things are too fast or too slow or something
You have to reassure him that it’s fine!!
He prefers staying in with you when you hang out
Laying around and watching Netflix
If you go out, maybe go see a movie
He doesn’t want to overwhelm you
Yoosung really loves reading, especially anything you like!
Uh, if he has time for it
He is not the best at writing
You take on the job of proofreading his papers for class
He knows how hard it is to go into nursing
Like even harder than what he’s doing
So he gets if you don’t have time to hang out!!
But he prefers when you come over and do your homework together. Even if it’s not the same work, he likes being around you
Keeps him disciplined
You try to get him to do his work first, then play games
Cat “play dates”!
As in, you have a cat, he has a kitten, and sometimes you bring them together
Truth be told they don’t play around that much
But as cat mom and dad you guys think it’s cute
He’s amazed by how talented you are
The fact that you can write and play instruments and bake and yet still get a nursing degree!?
Time management icon
He likes listening to you play
Encourages you to practice
Honestly... it soothes him
Literally wants to buy a piano and put it in his place so you can play while he does work or plays games :’)
No big deal, but like, if you could teach him how to cook....
He wants to cook for you
Doesn’t feel like he’s doing enough if you cook for him
But your food is so good
He especially likes it when you make brownies for him
He likes taking them to class :)
“My S/O made these for me :) they’re so good. I’m so lucky”
He’s a lovesick puppy
Yoosung 100% uses kids toothpaste as well
He likes the dark blue “flavor” I don’t remember what it’s called but
Yes that kind
When I tell you y’all are made for each other
Heart eyes
He can’t stop looking at you
When you fall asleep on his shoulder when watching shows with him
That’s the best moment of his life
He wants to be with you forever and ever 🥺
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rebsrebsrebsrebs · 5 years ago
Q&A Answers
Thanks everyone for participating! I’m so glad y’all are here. Thanks for sending in questions for the Q&A and letting me talk gratuitously about myself lol. Questions and answers below!
show me a meme that describes Emil! - nerieda
Tumblr media
Congratulations on all your followers! I'm curious because you mentioned it, have you had lots of different hair colors? - makeapactwithme
Yeah! I’ve been dying my hair for 10 years. I’ve done full white, platinum blonde, electric pink, fuchsia, at least 5 shades of purple, teal, pastel blue, bright green,  teal-green ombre, bright red, dark red, naturalish red, half teal half pink, half blonde half pink, and currently I’ve got a deep sea green. 
What's your opinion on the Lucifer x Diavolo ship? Yay or nay? - impastaz309
I like DiaLuci but I’m picky about it. I think there’s a lot there to explore in the interplay between each of their personal feelings, Lucifer’s oath of allegiance to Diavolo, how the incident with Belphie affected them… There’s so much playground for angst with a happy ending. Yes the happy ending is obligatory, I want my husbands to love each other and also me, thanks. 
what if any other otome/ dating games have you played? - winter-rose-wolf
have you ever played Mystic Messenger, if so, what was your fav route? (rip to the Vanderwood stans, still waiting for his route 😔😔😔) - peachykindalovesyou
Mystic Messenger, The Arcana, Ikemen Sengoku (briefly), Dramatical Murder, Cinders, Doki Doki Literature Club, Katawa Shoujo, Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet, Corruption of Champions (yes I’m counting it). In the ‘not strictly dating games/VNs but games where you can kiss people’ category, I’ve played all the Mass Effect and Dragon Age games.
I have played MysMe, but I stopped a few years ago. I played I think uh, one or two routes from Yoosung and Zen, and then the Jaehee friendship route. Cheritz let me kiss Jaehee you fucking COWARDS. Zen was one of my faves, but I have a thing for white-haired anime boys. Zen, Clear, Mammon, Solomon, and my own MC Emil.... Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Speaking of,
YOU LIKE DRAGON AGE, TOO?! Eep, so many questions so little space. Okay, favorite DA game out of the three we have currently? Also, who's your favorite romance option (If you have one) and why? Favorite race, class? My favorite is probably Origins, my favorite romance is Cullen (because I'm a simp). Although Alistair and Fenris are WONDERFUL as well. I also like Dorian, but I haven't made a male inquisitor to romance him with yet. I'm scared to romance Solas. I'm a sucker for Elven mages. - valkyrie-1369
OH YES HOMIES I LOVE DRAGON AGE. Inquisition is my fave game. I like Iron Bull, Cullen, Josephine, and Dorian’s romances the most. Save yourself the trouble of romancing Solas, you’ll get either really sad or really angry or both. My most played race/class combos are Elf Mage, Human Rogue, and Qunari Rogue. Fun bonus fact, five of my eight MCs were originally Dragon Age OCs because I am a dirty, dirty recycler.
Hey! Congrats on the milestone! Can you tell me about your favorite fanfic? Fandom doesn't matter, just something you liked a lot! - tatsukohime
I have two favorites that come to mind. The Obey Me! one that comes to mind is feels like I'm losing my mind (feels like a dream of me all the time) by Take_Me_To_My_Fragile_Dreams. Do you like getting punched in the gut metaphorically? Do you like vivid descriptions of smells and emotions? Do you like demon fucking? This fic is for you. The plot rocks. The characterization rocks. The original characters (more than one!!!) rock. All around a wonderful investment of your time. Author is also a friend and a sweetie.
For a not-Obey Me! rec, The Tricky Business of Disclosing the Greed of a Martyr by ActuallyAndroid. Breath of the Wild slow burn featuring lots of cooking and mutual pining. 
Any suggestions for digital art? - cakenpiewhyohmy
This is really vague and IDK what to tell you, so I’m just gonna spout some stream of consciousness advice I guess. If you’re interested, give it a shot. It’s kinda like any other art in that you gotta practice and try different things. The computer doesn’t make it easier, it’s just a different set of tools. That said, I like that I only had to invest in the tablet and it doesn’t take up a lot of physical space, since I don’t have much space. Be sure to do your stretches. Always put your tablet pen in the same place. Keep your desk clear if at all possible, I say, looking at my three cups that I need to clear away. 
Thanks everyone again! I’ll probably do another one of these at 300 or so, so I’ll see u then <3
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tarotdeckshuffle · 6 years ago
Half Astral Series: Prompto
I think that this piece turned out very well! I hope you all enjoy! 😊
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
If you like what you read, please consider supporting me on Patreon or buying me a Ko-fi!
In the city, the air was just starting to chill. The once colorful leaves laid dry on the ground, serenading passers-by with the sound of late fall. But here, far above the city, deep snow sat comfortably in its mountain home. 
Prompto had brought you to a cabin in the clouds. He said that a friend’s family owned it, but all you cared about was that it would be a weekend alone for the two of you. 
Days spent in the thin atmosphere seemed dreamlike. The silence of the mountain forest was cut by the sounds of your giggles as you learned to snowshoe and ski. The only thing more beautiful than the clear night sky was the pink blush across Prompto’s glowing face as he smiled at you. 
Today, you had taken a snowmobile out to explore. Prompto knew about some “special place” he wanted you to see. You held onto him tightly as your motorized sled sped over the frozen landscape.
What your love had been so excited to show you was the sort of scene that inspired great paintings: a lake literally frozen in time. You didn’t think it possible, but everything about the massive feature was pure ice! What had once been water now sparkled in the sunlight. There was no snow on the surface, leaving it’s beautiful teal features exposed for all to admire. Even the waterfall looked frozen in time.
As the sun was high in the sky, you and Prompto found yourself stopping, once again, to admire the blue jewel of water before you. 
Your sunshine took a deep breath, soaking in everything about the mountain, as he stared out over the ice. He began to say something, but what it was, you would never know. 
If there was a god of mischief, they had gifted you with a wonderful idea!
Your cold hands still threw with amazing accuracy!
Prompto stood in shock as remnants of a snowball slid from his cap. You gasped to regain the breath your fits of laughter stole from you. 
Your laughter also obscounded with your attention. 
Before you knew what had happened, you were faced with the catastrophe of icy crystals sliding down your back from the snowball that hit you in the head. 
And with the first casualty of your warmth, the snowball fight was on!
The two of you ran and slid through the white wonderland around you, throwing hastily formed snowballs like your life depended on it. Prompto had an amazing aim, but very little muscle to speak of, so his throws never went far. You had gotten the drop on him from above, heaving an armful of snow down on him. 
Now, he sought revenge! You hid behind a drift as he advanced, unaware of your position. This would be the moment of truth!
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” he sang, tossing and catching a snowball as he walked. 
You peeped over the embankment, waiting for your opportunity. Suddenly, it struck! 
Prompto was distracted by something in the trees to his left! Every muscle in your legs sprang to life, lifting you from your hiding place to face your darling adversary! 
But the shot was never to be yours.  
In a slowed moment, you watched as Prompto’s head turned to lock eyes with you. Before you had a chance to pitch, the snow around you came alive with magic!
A dozen perfectly formed orbs of cold magic hurtled towards your love with sublime accuracy. 
Time resumed it’s running pace as you watched Prompto become bombarded in white. He fell to the ground as both of you stared at each other in shock. 
“Not fair,” he cried indignantly. 
“That wasn’t me!” You threw up your hands to prove innocence, hastily dropping the snowball in the process. 
“Really? Then who was it?” Prompto was starting to brush himself off. You dashed over to help him to his feet. 
Soon enough, he had his answer. You had just gotten him to his feet when you heard small giggles echo through the trees around you. 
Prompto grabbed onto your arm, panic written across his face. “Is that a...a ghost,” he whimpered. 
But you didn’t share in his fright. Your mouth contorted into an exaggerated frown as twelve scantily clad fairly like figures made their way out of the trees and rocks around you. 
“For the last time, mom, would you PLEASE put some clothes on!” 
The twelve fairies smiled as they converged into a blinding light. From the light emerged Gentiana. 
The elusive woman strode towards you, her eyes half closed, looking at her feet. As she reached you, she looked up and placed one icey hand on your cheek. 
“Greetings, darling.” She opened her eyes to gaze into yours. Her smile spoke tales of fondness, joy, and warmth that others who new the Glaceon would never know. 
Knowing everything was in good fun, you smiled back at her. “Hello, mother.” You had missed her. Her cool touch felt welcoming on your skin. In your heart, you knew it had been far too long. 
“MOTHER?!?” Prompto had returned to his senses, now crying out in confusion. He looked between the two of you, thoroughly distraught by what had just happened. 
Giantiana turned towards him, a smile of warm recognition mixed with a hint of mischief graced her perfect face. “Hello, Prompto.” Her voice was distinct against the sounds of the forest, yet still soft on the ears. 
And in a single moment, your darling sunflower lost all of his composure. 
He started blubbering, pointing to places Shiva had hidden in her diamond dust form, then at Giantiana, then at you. The only distinguishable words were “Shiva,” “Giantiana,” and “mom”. His face turned redder by the second. 
Finally, he stopped. His cheeks were crimson and his mouth hung open as he stared at you. Silence fell over the world. 
Before you and your mother turned to each other and started giggling. Prompto looked exasperated in his confusion at the whole situation. 
Finally, you regained your breath. With love filled words, you decided to straighten out the situation. 
“Darling, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” You paused to make sure he was listening. He nodded, open mouthed. You took a deep breath. “Meet my mother, Shiva.” 
It took many explanations mixed with frantic moments trying to calm Prompto as he hyperventilated, before you were able to fully explain the situation. As per usual, your mother was little help: she stood by silently, nodding and smiling whenever the moment suited her. 
Yes, Giantiana and Shiva were one in the same. And you?
You were a demi-god. Not by birth, but by blood adoption. You had been abandoned as a baby, too young to fend for yourself. Against the wishes of all other gods, Shiva took pity on you. She opted to adopt you and care for you as one of her own. When Bahamut threatened to destroy her newfound tiny mortal, she found ways to circumvent him. 
All it took was a single drop of her blood. 
She had fed you one drop of her blood, hoping with all of her godly might, that it would make you strong enough to stand against Bahamut’s rage and time’s fury. 
And it worked. 
You were now of her blood. You shared her powers and her grace. It allowed your life to continue seemingly without end and gave you the ability to move through time and space without a sound. 
After a mere 300 years of living with your mother, you decided to venture out on your own. For the last century, you had been wandering through the eras and landscapes of Eos. You had seen empires rise and fall, families be born and tear apart, and watched the trials of love. 
But this was different...
You had sent Prompto off, allowing Shiva a moment alone with you. 
“Is he worth it?” She asked in a soft tone, watching your love walk away beside you. 
You smiled. Your heart had always known the answer to that question but this was the first time you ever voiced it. 
Your mother looked into your eyes to test the truth of them. She smiled in satisfaction at the answer. 
“Then you have my blessing.” Her dark hair disappeared into a flurry of crystalline snowflakes before you. 
The sun made its way across the sky. Back in the cabin, you and Prompto snuggled by the fire to warm up. The time had passed in silence, with him simply staring into the flames. 
“Why?” He suddenly blurted. He was warming his hands on a mug of hot chocolate.
“Tell me why...this!” Chocolate spilled from his cup as he threw his hands up. HIs eyes looked fearful as he turned towards you. 
“This?” “Why me? Why are you here? Am I just your...current toy? What am I to you? I mean, I can’t be much! Look at you! You’re part god! You practically ARE a god! I don’t getwhyyou’dbewithmeand…”
With a single finger to his pink lips, you hushed your love’s panic. You held it there for a long moment, until he exhaled and allowed himself to relax.  
You removed your finger from his lips before giving yourself a moment to collect your thoughts. “I’m here because with you...with you everything is new again. With you, everything is beautiful and...filled with love.” You looked up to see him staring at you with a childlike awe. “With you, I don’t just see life, I EXPERIENCE it!” You searched his eyes, “Do you get that?” 
He shook his head, but wore a warm smile. “No, but if it makes sense to you, that’s good enough for me.” 
But his answer wasn’t good enough for you!
You grabbed his hand as you threw away the blanket over his lap. Your empty mugs lay discarded on the ground as you drug him to the front porch. 
In the cold outside, the sun was setting. The sky was painted with brilliant hues against the dark clouds. 
“Do you see that?” You asked blatantly, still holding onto Prompto, pointing towards the sky. He nodded in fearful shock. 
“Ofcourseyoudohowdoyoumissthefigginsunset...Ok, but have you ever thought about WHY?” The words seemed to spill from your mouth. 
“Why? Why the sun?” Prompto asked, not understanding. 
“No! Why the sunset is so beautiful! Why the sunset is so special to lovers…” You felt victorious in your discovery in the right words. 
“...no,” Prompto slowly began to shake his head. 
You pointed back to the colorful scene. “Just look at it! You helped me to see why! Look at those colors! You see the pink on the clouds? And the orange closest to the ground? And how the blue looks a bit more purplish in some spots than in others? Well, it’s different! Different from yesterday’s sunset!” 
You had to catch your breath from your last rant. Prompto slowly looked away from you to fix his gaze on the sunset. 
“Yesterday’s sunset wasn’t as purplish and it had more orange to it! It’s like love! It’s different each day, it’s different depending on where you are or how cold it is and...and a ton of other factors! But it’s always beautiful!”
“Love is different everyday, too! Sometimes you’re mad at each other, sometimes you’re so in love you feel like you’re going to burst, sometimes you’re scared FOR the other person, but you are ALWAYS in love!” You paused, out of breath from this marathon of explanation. Prompto stood beside you in contemplative silence. 
“Prom,” you paused for him to look at you. “I never knew that. Four hundred years and I never learned that. It took you to teach me that. And I love you for it...and so much more. I choose you, I want to be with you because...because you’ve taught me what love means.” 
He stared into your eyes with a look of realization in his eyes.
The kiss you shared in that moment was one of the most sublime things you had ever encountered. It was one of the purest and oldest forms of love, one the gods themselves would envy. But in that moment, none were present to witness it. For it was just the two of you, wrapped up in passion under a watercolor sky.
Stars started to peek out from the blue sky before you were able to return to your senses.
“Do you get it now?” You whispered towards the sky, wrapped up in Prompto’s arms. 
“I think so…” He began, staring out still. 
“Let’s do this, watch sunsets together, from now on! Just you and me! Let’s never miss a sunset! Or.. or anything else!” He burst, gazing down at you. “I love you, [Y/N]! And I want to see everything you see and learn everything you do! From now on!”
His outburst caught you by surprise for a moment, before you committed it to a loving memory. 
You smiled up at him. The future would come all to quickly, but for now, you would make the most of every moment. 
“That sounds...perfect.”
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choisgirls · 6 years ago
Spring items survive the winter.
I love you v much and I cannot describe how much I appreciate you and everything that you do but hopefully this sickly sweet, rot-your-teeth-out hurt/comfort piece can tell you at least a little bit but if it doesn’t, don’t shoot me I’m just ur grandma ���
Now this isn’t mysme, but it certainly is my first piece I’ve done for Food Fantasy, and I wasn’t gonna let that stop me from attempting nor was I gonna let it stop me from posting it here for you(Yuu) so here we are. Did I do Sakuramochi justice? Probably not. Am I gonna scream yolo and post this anyway? Yes I am, with all my dumb bitch energy 👀
Pairing: (Self-insert) Yuu x Sakuramochi Fandom: Food Fantasy Words: 1,750 Genre: Sickly sweet fluff with some hurt sprinkled in there but not the normal level of angst so pls Yuu do not kill me
Sakuramochi disliked seeing anyone with their spirits low. One would argue that any decent person, human or otherwise, disliked seeing people sad but the soft-hearted girl actually took those emotions to heart. She was soft, emotional- an empath, if you will; She could sense others emotions and take those feelings and work through them as though they were her own, and honestly, it could take its toll. Despite this, however, she devoted every bit of her energy on making others happy, making sure they’re hearts, minds, and souls were at peace- strangers around her and previous Master Attendants, her newest one being no exception.
“Master Attendant Yuu!” she called out, skipping her way across the yard, “Master Attendant!”
The young master had been sitting beneath a barren tree for hours, staring at an open book in her lap yet reading no pages. Sakuramochi had watched just as long, waiting for the right moment to approach; What had been going through her master’s head? Had her head been in the clouds- maybe she would tell her all about a story she had spent her time dreaming up, those certainly were her favourites. Or maybe she had darker thoughts on her mind- Sakuramochi did recognize her slumped, empty appearance all too well after all.
“Master Attendant!” she called a third time before gracefully sitting on her heels beside her company, “You’ve been sitting here a while... aren’t you getting chilly? There is a cold breeze travelling through. Look, it’s so chilly that the leaves had to go inside for some warm tea!”  
Her sweet giggle was swept with the wind and had fallen on deaf ears as Yuu took a few moments to turn and realize her loyal food soul had been sitting beside her.
“Oh,” she closed the book in her lap and turned slightly to address the pink-haired girl fully, “Sakuramochi, what are you doing here?”
“I asked if you were cold,” she shyly rubbed at one of her wrists, using the fluidity of her sleeves to hide the nervous action, “You haven’t read a single page. Was it a boring book? Or had your head been in the clouds?”
“Ah, more of the latter, I suppose.”
“Were they the good clouds? The light and fluffy ones- the ones where you’re able to breathe and think? Oh! Have you thought of another adventure story while you were up there?” Sakuramochi leaned towards her in anticipation, keeping her excitement contained with her soft voice, “I’d love to hear it- your stories are my favourites!”
“Unfortunately, a story wasn’t on my mind this time,” Yuu gave her a soft smile, “Maybe I’ll have one for you next time.”
“Master Attendant Yuu, it seems like you may have some worries. Can you tell me about them?” Sakuramochi flinched at how sudden her master had sat up and immediately averted her eyes to the hem of her dress, “I’m sorry for intruding, I... It just seemed as though you held an abundance of sadness behind that smile. Your speech seems...”
“Stand-offish?” Yuu finished, allowing the sadness in her smile to seep through, “I know, I’m sorry. It’s just... I’ve just been thinking about my family, is all.”
Sakuramochi’s pink eyes grew wide and her master seemed far out of her reach in an instance. Family- that's a word that causes hurtful memories to spring back to life for the young food soul, the wounds from the past still stinging as her fingertips graze against her cheek in remembrance. The sounds of her first master screaming flooded her ears- the harsh words, the scratchy sound that came from their screams, the warmth of their hand as it glided against her skin. She became so lost in her memories that she had forgotten where and when she was, and she certainly had forgotten how different her current master attendant was in comparison.
“Sakuramochi?” Yuu’s voice echoed within her mind, “Sakuramochi, are you alright?”  
“Hmm?” she hummed and gave a gentle smile before lowering her hand back down to her lap, “I’m alright. Please, go on. I’d love to listen and make your troubles disappear.”
Yuu took a moment to study her company’s expression, taking note of the sadness, hurt, and fear that flashed in front of her eyes and hid behind the comfort of her smile. It was hurtful, knowing that such a bright, calming presence could have hidden such darkness beneath- it hurt more that she was always willing to hear others troubles instead of ever addressing her own, but it called to who she truly was and it certainly was someone with a gentle heart.
The corners of her mouth tugged upwards slightly, before turning her eyes up to the skies above. It was overcast, dark clouds scattered about as they intermingled with the lesser grey ones- they seemed too close, too smothering- they paired well with the changing of the seasons, but sat unsettling to those swept up in it. This weather further reminded her of her family, and took the opportunity to let down her walls and confide in the one person she grew to trust the most.
“...I was just thinking about my family. They’re troublesome, you know?” Yuu started, feeling such an intense gaze on her that she couldn’t pick which emotion was hitting her most, “You’ve seen how I live here alone. I... prefer to be alone. Not... alone- I enjoy yours and the other food soul’s presence, of course, but... alone in the sense that I’m away from my family. My siblings... I’m sure they’re normal siblings- I think? They’ve been through similar things but... deal with it differently, and see mine as abnormal, I suppose. But I... I didn’t think much about them.” She turned to Sakuramochi once again with a distant look in her eyes, “I thought about my parents, instead.”
“Your parents?” She tilted her head, “What about them? Are they as nice as you?”
“Ha,” Yuu genuinely started to laugh, the action caused a blush across Sakuramochi’s skin, “No, definitely not. That’s why the weather reminded me of them today.”
“Master Attendant Yuu... may I ask why you associate them with this weather?” Sakuramochi spoke slowly, as though she were walking on eggshells. “If you don’t wish to tell me, that’s alright, of course. I only want to help.”
“I don’t mind. This weather... dark, cold, solemn- that's what they come off as. They’re demanding and controlling like the clouds; The clouds dictate your every move after all, they tease you into thinking it’ll rain, therefore controlling your plans for the day- your outfit, your activities, even your mood. The winter... the winter is just a storage place for the items the spring has produced, and they’re only met with the harsh breeze and the emptiness that surrounds it. I love the rain; I hate feeling these clouds.”
“...I wish for clear skies, every day.”  
Sakuramochi’s attention turned to the sky, and Yuu’s stayed fixated on the gentle soul in front of her. Something within the space between the two of them felt warm, inviting- safe; Something else sparked between the two of them, something... special, foreign, something neither of them could explain with the use of words, but knew in their hearts that it felt right. Sakuramochi had a glaze over her eyes for a moment before a soft sigh passed her lips; The corners of her mouth curled up to an equally gentle smile to match the rest of her delicate features as her eyes fell closed.  
Yuu’s heartbeat felt sporadic and irrational at the sight- she was so caught up in watching the breeze brush pink hair away from an equally pink-dusted, cold skin and the faint scent of red bean paste circulating between them. She was so preoccupied by the sight in front of her, she hadn’t realized the soft, pink petals piling up on her shoulder; As one grazed her cheek, she looked to find several of the sweet-smelling petals gently floating down to the earth, some getting swept away by the wind.
“Cherry blossom petals? In winter?”
A soft brush of fingertips against her cheek turned her to meet mellow pink eyes.
“The cherry blossoms constantly tell me to thank you... I understand what you mean- my first Master Attendant was... grey, like the clouds. I loved them, but when they needed me the most I... didn’t live up to what they needed. I would provide these petals to try and make them smile- they're so fascinating and sweet. They make me happy- spring is one of the most beautiful times, isn’t it? I’d like to use my gentle friends to help brighten your day- and every day- if you’d allow me, Master Attendant.”
The air was no longer sweet due to the cherry blossoms, but of the unspoken bond between the two of them. Love was a strong word, and an emotion the two of them certainly hadn’t experienced, but the intimacy between them was so obvious and charming that they were blind to one another’s feelings. The oblivious duo had unconsciously leaned towards each other, Yuu leaning against Sakuramochi’s hand and turning to place a light, uncertain kiss to her palm. As they exchanged bashful glances, the blush across their faces grew darker than the petals around them before Sakuramochi begrudgingly dropped her hand to hold onto the now embarrassed master in front of her- a part of her said she should hold back to avoid driving the other away, but another part of her surprisingly told her how it felt right.
“Master Attendant Yuu? I’d like to be closer to you, so you may feel free to share your troubles with me- I want to be the one to bring the smile back to your face in times like these,” she started, running her thumb across Yuu’s skin, “Um... Perhaps we should change the way we address one another? I’d very much like to call you just Yuu. It feels more... intimate. ”
“Alright, you can call me ‘Just Yuu’.”
“That isn’t what I meant!” Sakuramochi cried, embarrassment creeping up across her skin; Her outburst caused her MA to laugh- it was such a sweet sound, she would never get used to the way it made her heart flutter.
“I know, I was joking. I think we should change it, too.” Yuu’s eyes slowly closed, a small smile gracing the features Sakuramochi had already found absolutely heavenly, “I’d be honoured if you’d call me Yuu, my mochi.”
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