#yes this is about wisdom fangs
In Heat! 4/7
They're in heat, and you smell so hot...
Warning: 18+ smut, noncon, hybrid!bts, snake-hybrid!jimin x human!reader, dark yandere, Jimin is a stalker, and kinda a psycho, corruption, somnophilia, biting, paralysis, technically its not tentacles but I meannnn 👀 lemme just warn you in advance YOU CAN'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU, Jimin has two penises because snake???
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Slithering, he moves closer.
The snake watches as you sleep, inching towards your bed. He lifts his head up, tilting it curiously towards your outstretched arm, right by your hand lying over the edge of your bed as you sleep peacefully. The snake hybrid moves closer, slithering back and forth, left and right until he's wrapped himself around your slender fingers, closer, closer, around your wrist, forked tongue licking the faint outline of the vein in your arm, he's so tempted to pierce his fangs into you.
He slithers under your blanket, into your sheets, moving across your body as you shift in your slumber.
His cold snake form enjoys the warmth of your bed, of your heat. He moves across your thighs, curiously exploring his surroundings, over and under, until he settles himself right under your night shirt, in between your breasts, resting his head on your clavicle.
As you breathe in, he moves slowly across your chest, until he's comfortably wrapped around you and satisfied.
The snake hybrid has done this every night since he first met you, getting comfortable with your body, learning what you like most.
It is your luck, or perhaps your unluck that he's patient and enjoys the slow exploration into your world.
"Hey Jimin."
"Hey, y/n."
Your neighbor smiles wide, holding the door to your apartment building open. "Let me help."
"Oh! Thank you!" you stumble into him as he lifts the heavy weight in your hands, taking your grocery bags.
You stutter out your apologies as your body knocks into his frame clumsily. Jimin laughs heartily, only making you fluster even more.
Ever since you've moved into this area, your new neighbor has been so helpful and kind to you. Yet however many times it's been now, his attention continues to make your legs buckle.
What is it about your next door neighbor Jimin that makes you a stuttering mess? Is it his charming smile? His silky voice? His beautiful features? The way he steadies you with the softest touch while he manages to hold your bags easily?
He's just so...perfect.
"You okay?" He looks towards you, a smile curling up at the way you stare at him entranced.
"Huh? What? Yes, right, I'm f-fine," you stutter, jumping into action and rushing towards the elevator.
You stand in awkward silence as the elevator doors close. "Let me help," you felt bad having Jimin carry all your groceries. You try to grab at least a couple bags to lessen his load, but Jimin moves gracefully to the side and out of your reach, tsking.
"It'ss okay, I'm stronger than I look," he teases.
"You look strong. I think you look strong! I mean, you are strong, that’s obvious..." you laugh nervously.
“Obviousss?” His smile widens. “You have to pussh the floor number.”
“Right!” You press it a couple times out of your nervousness.
What is wrong with you? Why do you always have to embarrass yourself in front of Jimin? Why must you always act so stupid in front of your crushes?
Ever since you were a kid it's been like this, you would have hoped with age you would have gained some wisdom on the matter, and you had gotten better at overcoming your awkwardness, but there's something about your neighbor that makes you so jittery, makes your heart race and palms sweat and your body react in the most mortifying ways...
You wipe your forehead, looking away as the elevator rises higher and higher. It's hot in here, isn't it? It's stuffy. You're sweating like you're under the sun when you're only under Jimin's gaze. You fear you might even pass out if he keeps looking at you like that.
You rush forward, pulling out your keys and racing to your apartment door. "Thank y-you-" Jimin walks in, right into the kitchen and sets the bags on the counter. "You don't have to do that!" But Jimin is already opening your fridge and putting away your groceries for you.
"Sssoooo...what are you making for dinner?" he asks.
"Oh! I was thinking pasta?" You grab one of the tomato cans before he puts it away, smiling shyly. Jimin shuffles closer to you, reaching behind you to open the cabinet and putting your coffee away on the highest shelf.
You try to move away to give him space, but you're trapped against his body, trying unsuccessfully to steady your heartrate the closer he moves.
"I looove passta!" he chirps in his soft melodious voice so suited to him, enthralling like everything else about him. He is seemingly unaware of the affect of his body pressing up against yours as he moves the pantry food around to better organize your cans.
"I'll make extra and bring you some! If you wanted me to, I mean."
You wait, unable to decide if this sweet torture is worth it. Sure, you have Jimin so close you can smell him, the muscles of his body rubbing against you with each movement, but the ache of his presence was almost too much to bear.
For the second time today you fear you might pass out as you pretend not to be wholly besotted by your naive neighbor.
Once he's done, instead of moving away, Jimin rests his hands on the counter behind you, caging you in and escalating your heartrate even more.
"Okay, but this time, you have to eat with me, promise?"
"Eat with you?" you repeat, "Eat dinner together?"
"Yess! Y/n! C'mon, you never eat with me," he whines, moving forward so close you have to lean backward, too shy to get any closer, your head knocking into the cabinet door in the process.
The idea of getting ready to eat dinner with Jimin seems like an impossible feat. The last time you agreed you took so long trying to find the perfect dress, redoing your make up over and over again that dinner time had long passed, and you pathetically packed his food and left it on his doorstep, hiding away in shame.
"Okay, yeah...yes!"
"Promise me."
"I promise!"
He smiles wide and wraps his arms around you, hugging you tightly. "You're the beessst, y/n!"
Dinner with Jimin was perfect, just like him. He came over instead, probably worried you were going to stand him up again, and surprised you with flowers from his favorite garden. It felt like a date, was this a date? It didn't feel real, it felt like a dream.
A dream that turned into a nightmare.
"Y/n? What happened?!" Jimin opened the door, pulling you into his apartment.
You tried to stop crying, but you were a blubbering mess. Yet somehow you were able to explain to him what had happened to you.
There was a snake in your house! The largest snake you've ever seen. You couldn't stop shaking. Snakes terrified you, and to wake up and have one...in your bed...
You were frozen in fright, unable to do anything while it moved and constricted around your body. You don't know how long it had been, the minutes stretched to hours, and you couldn't do anything but lie there while it slithered on top of you! Under your clothes! It tightened around your stomach every time you tried to escape, making you terrified you were going to die if you moved too much.
Jimin held you delicately until you calmed down, then he made some tea for you. "Are you hurt?"
"The snake..." You couldn't explain everything to him, it was too shameful. You just nod, unable to speak, pushing the edge of your left short leg up slightly to show Jimin.
Jimin looked down at the rope-like bruise across your thigh, chest tightening at the sight.
He took a deep breath, calming himself down.
"Do you want to sleep here tonight? And I can check your apartment in the morning."
You nod again, covering your face before tears escape once more. Jimin wouldn't let you sleep on the couch, offering you his bed instead.
You tried to rest, but your dreams were consumed with snakes. Horrible slimey snakes. You dreamed you were in a pit full of them, slithering over you like that snake had done. You woke up crying again.
It had felt so real...
"Well, he's gone now," Jimin sighed after looking through our apartment one last time.
"What if it comes back?" you mutter, eyes tearing up, worried he didn't really believe you, you barely could believe what happened yourself. "Jimin...I'm scared."
"Do you want me to stay with you?"
Your sweet next door neighbor Jimin spent the night.
He wouldn't let you sleep on the couch, and you couldn't let him either, so you shared the bed. Even if your heart was jumping to have him so close to you, it felt comforting to have Jimin in your bedroom, you didn't want to be alone at all.
Jimin reached for you in his sleep and you were able to finally shut your eyes, letting his embrace lull you to sleep.
Jimin watched your chest rise and fall as you slept in his arms. His finger ran along your collar bone, trailing down, between your breasts, over your belly button, stopping when his fingertip hit the fabric of your shorts.
He pushed the band down, revealing a bit of your skin, humming delightfully at the sight.
'So soft,' he thinks. He felt bad for you, you were so terrified, even now he could tell you were afraid, he could smell your fear...
Even if your fear smelled sweet, he didn't want you to be afraid...
Jimin dipped his fingers under the band of your shorts, lower and lower until he could feel wetness.
Jimin held his breath, biting his lip.
He can't help but smile, to feel you so wet.
He resists pressing inside, happy to feel you shudder as he runs his digit left and right across your mound, softly, slowly.
And like always, the slow rubbing heated you from within, until you were gushing, shaking, whimpering from Jimin's touches.
Jimin didn't like when you were gone, but he could explore and learn more about you in your absence. He looked through your photo albums, took note of your favorite music, went through your closet and found the clothes you were too shy to wear yet bought on a whim. He went through your drawers, picked out his favorite panties and placed them on the top of your pile in hopes you would choose to wear the pair for tonight.
He took his time going through every corner of your bedroom, until he heard the door to your apartment open.
You sigh, undoing the buttons of your blouse, pulling the tight fabric off you, and pulling off your bra, heading for the bathroom. Work was stressful today, you need a nice long bath first and then you'll invite Jimin over to watch a movie.
Your smiled, thinking of him.
Jimin and you had gotten so close now, and even though you knew he was just being nice, it felt like maybe he was starting to think of you as more than just a neighbor. At least you hoped. It was what you longed for, cuddled into his embrace on nights alone together. And you were hoping tonight maybe his soft touches would become something more. Maybe, maybe, tonight Jimin will kiss you.
You texted him your plans and relaxed into the warm bath. The hot water felt so good on your tired muscles and you felt yourself drifting asleep…
You woke up suddenly.
The water was cold now, your neck ached. You stretched and sat up.
And then you screamed.
Over the edge of the tub, the head of a large snake peered up at you, forked tongue poking out.
You reached for your cell and knocked it over onto the floor as the snake slithered curiously closer.
Should you scream for Jimin? He was right next door, but would he hear you? Was he even home?
You jump up, backed into the farthest corner away when the snake plops itself into the water. But before you can escape it slithers quickly around your ankle and you panic, falling over and banging your head-
You groan as you stir awake. The tub was only half full of water now, and you shivered wet and cold, realizing your predicament.
The snake was wound tightly around the lower half of your body, and tighter around your wrists, your arms stuck under you as you kicked and splashed.
This is not real, this is not real. It's all you could tell yourself, all you could hope for.
You had almost believed that night was a lie, a horrible apparition when it never returned.
Jimin and you had taken turns sleeping over at each other's places until you were comfortable enough to sleep on your own. Yet at that point, Jimin was always over, never leaving your side, so even when you had those bad dreams, you woke to him beside you and never worried.
But tonight you were all alone, reliving your nightmare.
You began to cry.
The water made it easier for the snake to slither it’s body around, it seemed quicker, it seemed rougher.
You trembled, in cold and in fright. You shivered. You wept, unable to lift yourself out of your tub.
You whimpered, please, please, please, please, repeating the phrase, unable to articulate anything more.
The snake moved up higher around your wet body. It's head was now right above yours and you finally found your voice and screamed.
You screamed for Jimin.
The snake hissed and wrapped around your neck, silencing you almost instantly.
You couldn't move.
You couldn't scream.
You couldn't call for help.
You could barely breathe, but at least you could still do that.
The snake had you caught.
It was wrapped around you like a rope, like it knew exactly where to place it's body so you couldn't escape. And it was tightening around you, around your wrists, around your stomach, around your legs…
Jimin wished you would just love him!
Of course he treasured those moments when you would embrace his human form, of course.
But why couldn't you love all sides of him! The real him!
He had watched you so longingly from his garden when you moved to the city. When you would visit and watch the flowers, he watched you. You were more beautiful to gaze upon, you were like a flower to him, just bloomed and unfurling in front of him. He picked you, you were going to be his.
But you screamed when you noticed him in the rose bushes, leaving before he even introduced himself!
So he had to find another way, a better way. Something about you, there was something about you that changed...altered something in him, like a chemical reaction. He changed for you, because he loved you. He changed so you could love him.
He found you cute, the way you would react to his human form like a timid mouse.
It delighted him, the way he could entrance you. Jimin was always very skilled in charming his conquests.
When you were asleep, you were such a sweet treat for him, he could gaze upon your whimpering face all night, embrace you in his favorite way, run his whole body along your curves and watch you unfurl again and again, his own beautiful flower, he only wished to pluck your petals until you loved him.
But you loved him not.
Then after he had finally slithered his way into your day to day life using his human form, he began to feel more confident. After such a successful dinner date he visited you that night again. He rested his head against your heart and tightened himself around you, the urge to get closer to you overwhelming him. Jimin had woken you up, and your fear was another overwhelming.
Jimin tried to calm you, do all the things he knew you liked, slowly and steady tickle your body until you were shuddering, until you were tightening your legs around him.
Yet you only looked more horrified after, so Jimin sulked away. But you went to him once again, found comfort in him, and it only confirmed what Jimin already believed, that you were meant for him.
Jimin enjoyed you, pleasured you, treasured his time with you, but he knew it could be better than this. You just needed to accept him.
If you could just love him how he loved you, everything would be perfect, it would be sssssssooo much better.
Your muscles ached, you were starting to feel the coldness travel into your nose and in the back of your throat, you started to feel sick.
Jimin followed the familar track along your slick body again and again, touching every part of you.
You grunted tiredly. You couldn't do it again.
You knew what this terror seemed to want from you, the way it slithered in between your legs over and over again. The very first time, that night long ago, you had thought it was a freak accident, something so shameful for you to have reacted in such a way, something wrong with you. But no, it was the wish of this monster wrapped around you, controlling you.
You had no way to escape, you had no way to hold it inside, you couldn't ignore the rolling pressure against your most sensitive parts, the rubbing across your clit nonstop and precise, the kneading of your flesh, the way your breasts were pressed together, how it tightened around each one, torturing you until the friction against your core became too much and you writhed along. It kept going, even when you thought you couldn't any longer, you somehow came harder.
But now you really really couldn't, you felt yourself slipping away, exhausted, your temperature dropping.
You whispered meekly, "No more. I can't. Please." Before darkness settled in.
"Jimin?" Your voice was hoarse from the pressure around your throat for so long. You tried to sit up, but you couldn't. Your muscles were too tired, and the way your neighbor had his body wrapped around yours, you couldn't have moved anyways.
Jimin sighed, relaxing more against you. "You're finally awake."
"What...what happened...there was...the snake...help..."
Jimin had received your last invitation to come over just before he was about to slither away back home. Listening to the soft rumbling of water as you started your bath while he was hidden away in the darkness of your bedroom peaked his curiosity. He decided to go to you then, he decided it was the perfect time. "It'sss okay, don't worry. I'm here now, and I'll never leave you."
You grunt, dizzy, looking around, you notice the familiar bedroom was Jimin's instead.
Jimin sighs lazily.
You're dry now, but your clothes...
And Jimin's clothes, where are his clothes?
Jimin feels you tense in his embrace, he shushes you softly, nose nudging your neck as he kisses your shoulder.
"I don't understand." You want to cry. "What's happening?" you ask him.
Jimin lifted his head, staring down at you, at your lips. And he slowly lowered his head again, softly kissing you.
For so long you had wanted this, you had longed for a kiss from your beautiful next door neighbor Jimin.
His lips were just as soft as you imagined…but they were cold.
Jimin deepened the kiss, licking across your mouth and forcing you open. His tongue roamed your mouth, invading inside and stealing your air. It felt like his tongue never ended, filling your mouth and down your throat until you begin to gag.
You cried against his lips.
Jimin cradled the back of your head, he didn't want to do this, but it was the only way! Eventually, you'll learn to accept him. This time, to make things easier, he will indulge in his primal instincts, since it's been so long since he's used his fangs anyways.
They were part of him, meant to be used, so you should accept them too!
You whimpered as he opened his mouth wide and you saw the length of his teeth. Jimin mouth clamped down on your throat, right under your ear, fangs piercing deep into your skin. The pain was quick and then it was gone, and you felt no pain as his venom coursed through you. You felt nothing at all actually, you couldn't move.
Jimin's venom had paralyzed you.
Your breathing slowed down, you were no longer hyperventilating.
Jimin smile brightened, his fangs now showing, his long forked tongue darting in and out reminding you of...
No no no no!
"Oh y/n, you're sssooo beautiful." He pulls the sheet away from your body to admire your curves, the marks of his constricting love across your skin.
Jimin wanted to claim all of you, and in his human form he could do even more to you.
He pulled your leg open, frowning when he touched your center. You were usually wet. He smirked as he moved your leg open wider. This time, he wanted to try something new just for you.
Jimin settled between your legs, pulling you to his mouth.
You felt his slippery tongue enter you, going deeper than even his fingers. You let out a shuddering breath. Jimin hummed happily, lapping your growing wetness up. You couldn't tighten around him, but that was okay, his venom would began to wear off eventually, and you would be able to clench around his tongue soon enough, you would be able to moan out his name.
Jimin had been too eager and given you too much venom, now he knew and could give you the appropriate amount to calm you down just enough next time. For now he could enjoy you as much as he wanted, Jimin had all the time in the world and the patience of a saint.
The patience of a saint, and the tongue of a devil. What kind of twisted nirvana had you found yourself in?
This was a different kind of torture, Jimin putting you right on the precipice of orgasm and you unable to climax. Tears began to fill your eyes as he continued to wiggle his tongue around your insides for hours, massaging you until you were begging, screaming in your mind to come. Jimin happily continued as you gushed more wetness for him to lick up, until finally your muscles deep inside started to tense as the pressure built.
You let out a quiet broken moan as you clenched over and over around Jimin's tongue.
Jimin's tongue finally slithered out of you, and you finally met his gaze, his face glistening with your wetness and his eyes sparkling down at you.
"Oh, you're sssssoooo fucking perfect." Jimin groaned as he slipped his cock in easily.
You inhaled sharply when you felt another pressure further down, against your second hole. He pulled away, watching with glee as the sudden realization washed over you like cold water, because you realize the snake hybrid had a second cock. He pumped both cocks in his hands, both thick and long and intimidating.
He pressed into your slick again with the head of his first cock. You tried to plead with him with your eyes, but he looked back excitedly, rubbing his second cock against your hole, ecstatic to feel your body wrapped around him another way. He smiled wickedly, features shinning so beautifully your mind reeled and you wished to cry out in frustration.
Your slick helped as his other cock pierced into you, Jimin now inside both your holes. He settled down on top of you with a deep groan. He kissed you, tongue prodding to make a point, that you were his inside and out, and there was no place he wouldn’t reach.
He was so long you didn't believe he could fit himself all the way in, but Jimin was determined to mold you to him, his skilled hips rolling against your sex, pressing himself in deeper and deeper, and though you couldn't voice your grievances, his venom thankfully dulled the pain at the very least as you grunted the softest whine.
"Yesssssss, fuck yesssssssss." Jimin was lost inside you, feeling the most euphoria he's ever felt in his human form. "Ssssssoo fucking good."
Jimin hugged you tight, pistoning into your heat, faster and faster, both cocks growing thicker and thicker until he burst. You eyes rolled back, you were fuller than you've felt before, the tightness was overwhelming. He used you, fucked you and made sure to stay secure and suffocatingly tight around you as his long cocks throbbed and filled your cunt and ass full of his cum.
You were still paralyzed when he dismounted, kissed you and transformed back.
You were still paralyzed when he wrapped his snake form around your neck and shoulders and fell asleep across your chest.
Thankfully, you were still paralyzed, because who knows what Jimin would have done if you had started screaming.
this took such a turn IDK WHAT HAPPENED I mean I hope you liked it, hopefully I left the appropriate amount of warnings cause a whole lotta shit went down t-t KNJ | KSJ | MYG | JHS | PJM | KTH | JJK | BTS
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randoimago · 7 months
How would Astarion & Gale each react to Tav just being Sherlock Holmes levels of observant and just casually revealing, in a one-on-one conversation, that they have clocked in on his secret (being a vampire/the magic orb) by going, "Let me know when you need some blood/a magic item, okay?" then genuinely going, "Wait, was that supposed to be a secret? Dang it, this always happens. Your secret's safe with me." & offering to reveal a secret of their own (even offering to let him invade their mind with the tadpoles to find a secret) if it would make him feel better or on more even footing.
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Astarion, Gale
Note(s): Tav's Wisdom is maxed the fuck out
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He has seen you staring at him. He's made overly flirty comments about it in hopes of either making you uncomfortable and leave him alone or taking the bait for him to manipulate you. But you just ignore them. Like you're just taking notes mentally and it's frustrating not knowing what's on your mind.
It was the night after he snuck off to drink from a boar. You hadn't even stumbled upon the boar when you ask about him sneaking off. Astarion makes up some excuse, but you don't buy it. And that's when you start laying out your suspicions.
Mentioning his paleness (a bit rude, in his opinion), him squinting in the sunlight as if unused to the brightness (the sun is very bright, in his defense), him sneaking off in the night (he already made an excuse for that one), and finally the fact that when he smiles and laughs, he has fangs.
Astarion ends up pouting when you call him out on being a vampire. The fact that you just threw this knowledge in his face makes him a bit annoyed. But his response is to laugh it off and call you silly before finally admitting to it when you're still not buying the lies.
He had hoped to have his chance to explain things when he was ready (which would've been never if he had that option). And so he just asks you what you plan on doing now. Is he going to be cast off for being a monster? Are you going to stab him with a stake? Astarion won't beg for his life, but he will say it'd be a mistake to have him leave.
But that's how he'd react to your observation skills. And now he waits to see how you react to his admittance and if you keep him around or not.
You figuring out Gale's "affliction" isn't as easy as Astarion's vampirism. It isn't until Gale's magic sickness kicks in that he notices how curious you are for whatever knowledge he has. All he can ask is that you trust him to open up when he's ready.
You had already asked him about the type of magic causing it and his silence on the issue seems to cause you to notice more, much to his chagrin.
He must've made a face or chuckled a bit too nervously when you ask if divine magic is involved with his sickness. You seemed to have an "aha!" moment and Gale sighs.
You don't need to say anything for him to know that you're very close to figuring things out. So he decides to just admit it.
I mean, Gale doubts you've figured out the exact contexts, but he does fill in the gaps that you might have with your conclusion. He just asks that you keep this knowledge to yourself.
Yes he knows he has a ticking time bomb in his body, but just supply him with those magical items and stop being so curious. It killed the cat, you know! And he prefers his cats alive. And with wings.
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@reo-the-leo @unhelpfulnpc
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writingfool001 · 1 year
Male S/O With Fangs
Authors Note: I tried to make it male, but I always just end up using You/your in the end so I made sure to try to add snippets of male reader in it
Request: Yes by @ghostsquid666
Pairing: Riddle, Kalim, and Deuce x Male!reader 
Warning: Male Reader, established relationship, Other version: S/O with Fangs
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He noticed that his boyfriend was being quieter than usual and occasionally groaning/hissing a little in pain. 
It would eat at him before asking if you were okay or he would be patient before you tell him
That or eventually see them when you eat something.
Would offer if you wanted a face mask to hide them.
Would make sure your fangs weren't knocking the inside of your mouth.
Delivered a toothbrush set from Trey because Riddle tried asking him for suggestions of how to make your situation easier.
He would give you gum or something to chew on if you had the urge to bite something.
Tried not to stare whenever you would expose your fangs whenever you ate or yawned.
He’s broken if you give him a full on smile.
Red tomato, long time to recover.
Apologizing for being part of the reason why you had them in the first place.
He comforted you if you felt insecure about them.
He would fight anyone who picked on you for your temporary fangs.
Low-key admitting how badass his boyfriend looked with them.
Internally panicking whenever you give him a little fanged smile.
Would ask if you’re okay or you’ve nicked your mouth.
He always had some gum or something for you to chew on.
Low key scared when you tore through your food so easily.
Would kick Ace’s ass if he made fun of you for having to wear a muzzle so then you wouldn’t bite anyone.
Also would deliver a toothbrush set from Trey because he respects and takes wisdom from an upperclassman he trusts.
He would still want kisses and would pout a bit when you denied making out to not knick his lip. (Also to not piss Jamil off)
He would accept all the cheek kisses and regular pecks.
Didn't understand why some students ran off occasionally.
That was when you would flash them to tell people to go away silently which gave Jamil some peace.
His brightness goes up when you smile.
Competition with the sun ngl
Make sure you ate and would understand if you wanted privacy while eating.
He would eat with you so then you were not completely lonely.
Tell you that your fangs reminded him of a venomous snake.
Also told you that you look like a tiger whenever you yawn.
He’s trying here.
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Since New Orleans has a lot of vampire legends and myths, I'm highly certain that our dear sweet Gambit is aware of all of those legends. Especially since vampires are real in the Marvel universe. So how about something with Gambit/Gender-Neutral!Vampire.
The myths are true
New Orleans was a city steeped in legends. It was part of its charm—the whispered stories about voodoo, ghosts, and dark magic lingering in the streets like the scent of beignets and coffee. Gambit had grown up with these tales, hearing them from old-timers and street vendors, and over time, he’d learned to take them with a grain of salt. But nothing prepared him for the night he met you.
He had been out on one of his usual strolls through the French Quarter, the air thick with humidity and the distant sound of jazz floating from a nearby club. The night was alive, but Remy felt strangely disconnected from it, like something was off. And then, he saw you.
You were standing in the shadows of a narrow alley, the flicker of a gaslight casting just enough light to catch the glint of your eyes as they locked onto his. At first, Remy’s instincts flared—something about you was different, something that made his skin tingle in a way that wasn’t quite fear, but close. You had an otherworldly presence, a quiet intensity that wrapped around you like the cloak of night.
“You lost, mon ami?” he called out, the playful drawl in his voice masking the curiosity creeping up his spine.
You stepped forward, your movements almost too smooth, too silent for his liking. But you didn’t feel threatening—just... other. “Not lost,” you said, your voice calm and cool, but with an underlying edge that made him pause. “Just observing.”
He tilted his head, taking in your sharp features, the way your eyes seemed to pierce through the dark. “Observin’ what?”
You smiled then, and that’s when he saw them—your fangs, gleaming ever so slightly under the dim light. It wasn’t like the myths had painted it; there was no horror, no sudden lunge. Just a quiet confirmation of something Remy had thought to be mere fantasy.
“You,” you answered simply, your voice smooth like silk.
For the first time in a long while, Gambit was speechless. He’d heard of vampires, of course, in the same way everyone had. But to stand face-to-face with one? To see the myth alive, breathing, and real? He didn’t quite know how to react.
But what surprised him even more was the way you intrigued him. There was no fear in his chest, no instinct to run or fight. Instead, there was curiosity—and, though he wouldn’t admit it right away, a growing attraction.
From that night on, you seemed to cross paths more often. Remy, always the charmer, found himself drawn to you in ways he didn’t expect. At first, he tried to play it cool, telling himself it was just fascination with something he didn’t understand. But the more you spoke, the more he realized it wasn’t just your mystery that held him—it was you. The way you carried yourself, the way you spoke with centuries of wisdom but with a warmth that surprised him.
You weren’t like the cold, predatory creatures of legend. You were sharp, yes, but there was a depth to you that Remy found himself falling into faster than he thought possible.
One night, after one of your usual moonlit meetings, Remy leaned against a railing, watching you with that half-smile of his, his red-on-black eyes glinting in the shadows. “Gotta admit, chérie, never thought I’d fall for a legend.”
You raised an eyebrow, stepping closer until you were standing right in front of him, your gaze unwavering. “You’re not scared?” you asked, your tone curious rather than teasing.
Remy chuckled, his hand coming up to brush a strand of hair from your face. “Non. You’d think a boy from New Orleans would be used to strange things by now. But you? You somethin’ else.” His fingers lingered on your cheek for a moment longer, his touch warm against your cold skin.
He wasn’t lying. Remy had been through his share of wild experiences—fighting alongside the X-Men, facing down world-ending threats—but you were different. He wasn’t just fascinated by what you were, but who you were. There was a quiet strength in you, a grace, but also a loneliness that he recognized all too well. And somehow, in your presence, he didn’t feel so alone.
“I didn’t think someone like you would be interested in... well, someone like me,” you admitted, your voice soft, vulnerable in a way you hadn’t shown before.
Remy grinned, his thumb gently tracing your jawline. “Ain’t every day a man gets to fall for a vampire, non?”
You let out a quiet laugh, the sound almost lost in the wind. “I suppose not.”
But in that moment, it didn’t matter that you were from different worlds, that you carried centuries of history and he was just a man with a deck of cards and a lot of charm. What mattered was that, somehow, you had found each other.
And just like that, Remy LeBeau, a man who had seen it all, found himself falling quicker and deeper than he ever had before—for a vampire he never thought he’d meet, in a city full of myths and legends that suddenly felt all too real.
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unnervinglyferal · 18 days
Holy shit, I could've sworn that I had sent an ask like 2 days ago but it has been 10 fucking days.
So, had mouth surgery. Removal of wisdom teeth. I kid you not, I hadnt been in this situation since I was like 12 - but alas, I've been here before.
I dont know if I ever told you my story about how I ended up having a weird fascination with blood, I probably have but just a lot of time ago. Its not even just an edgy teen average blood fascination, I mean yes, it is, but that shit was a wild way to ciment my eternal bond to blood (which in my opinion is a thing all things similar to us have, since blood is the currency of all vertebrates I know, but yknow, spiritually).
Long story short, my fangs had to be pulled down from my literal gums because they wouldnt come out when I was like 11/12, and what they basically do in that surgery is to take the skin off the fangs when theyre inside your gums, expose them, and then pull them down using some special braces once the space to acomodate them inside your mouth has already been made, which is very painful both because of the punctures and because of the braces themselves, but thats besides the point, surprisingly. The thing is that when I was mid surgery (obviously under anesthesia, mind you) my eyes were wandering while the surgeon and his student did their thing, and my mind decided to focus into and follow a red tube that eventually led me to discover two things:
1-The tube was NOT red. It was transparent.
2-The container it led to had a shit ton of blood drenched saliva in it. The other end was inside my mouth.
So yeah! What a way to reconnect to my roots than by reuniting with the acid and pungent smell that flesh and bone make when a little saw-ish machine cuts through your gums to take a Gxd abandoned molar out from your body. Wonderful stuff.
My recovery is going well all in all. Painful but well as most things currently. Di is going through it, but he's doing everything he can and I hope he doesn't overwork or blame himself (which is what I'm here for, amongst other stuff).
Things are looking fairly good in general. We have 6 months dating officially (a year and a half extraofficially) and although the plan is to get married after dating for at least 5 or 6 years, man do I smell the wedding. Obviously you're invited if that happens on the next 5-ish years. Idk how but I hope we can have you and your family here then.
Damn that was vivid. Glad recovery is going well, and you seem to be doing better than ever. I told you that you'll get to see how good life can get, and not throw it away before you can. The hardest part is to keep going when you have no hope and no faith that there's anything to go towards. You made it. The hardest part is over.
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streaminn · 1 year
Let's expand a Lil bit more on the stalker Enid au
She meets Wednesday in camp chippewa as children. While it's a camp for rich kids, it's also an under the table werewolf conversion camp in the nights.
Esther is definitely a lot of extreme here, so Enid has the habit of being a Lil bit more withdrawn and skittish. She has alot of repressed aggression tho, just to keep that emotional part of her character.
Is she lowkey rabid if someone other than her mom keeps prodding? Yeah. Does she learn to act and fit in with the rich kids as to not get a letter sent to her mom? Also yeah.
Enid already went to the camp a year before and came back alot more physically active, so with high hopes, Esther sends her back a second time.
Wednesday notes of while Enid easily talks and chats with the rich kids, she doesn't sit with them on the tables nor does she chitter about gossip. Enid is just there, trailing. Then there are times, in the dark of nights Wednesday will feel the familiar chill of danger and wake up to yellow eyes opening the door.
She knows it's Enid.
Can you blame her for prodding? It's not like Wednesday has much to do and so she questions Enid's existence. She wonders why she doesn't go to the front of the group or where does she go out at night.
Enid, frustrated at her lack of progress gets into an arguement abt how it's none of Wednesday's business and they get sent to the shack.
Wabam, Wednesday who's an nerd abt werewolves points that Enid is one when she sees a fang poking out from her teeth.
She also basically states the obvious that bc Enid is a werewolf, wtf is she doin playing nice to girls who don't value her: don't you just want to go apeshit?
Enid who is already done with the weird girl, mentions the self preservation in her: I don't want an ass whooping from my mom
Wednesday, with the wisdom of a troublemaker: don't get caught then, coward
Enid, a competitive mfka: BET
So that's how a friendship came to be. The two being Lil shits to the people in camp chippewa. Enid and pugsley meet, they shake hands and proceed to start brawling against each other.
Fun times.
Until Wednesday needs to leave in the dark of night for her uncle and Enid has always craved freedom, can you blame her for tearing open the bars with her claws? Just for the girl that takes her breath and lightens the load on her shoulders?
Sadly they don't get too far and gets caught.
It's not just the normie camp leaders there, but the werewolf ones too.
So Enid gets dragged away to be interrogated because they saw the damage to the wires and no normie can do that. Enid expects scorn, to be sent home, instead she sees the bright grins and encouragement.
"yes!" one would cheer. "this is what a wolf is, to do anything for pack."
A hand on is on her shoulder and the girl is tight when they speak. "she is the one, I'm telling you. Do not let her out of your sights Enid, else you will become nothing."
Here's the thing, while camp chippewa is an under the table werewolf camp, it's lowkey a scam. Yes there are werewolves but their blood is so diluted that they couldn't even shift. The only thing that makes them a werewolf is the fangs and that's it.
The two leaders? Fanatics. They do not have the traits that Enid wish but they hear the call for more. For the moon and the grass and to run amongst the trees. To see Enid embracing this part of her is amazing in their eyes and so they start nurting this bud of possession.
"to think that you're finally becoming the werewolf you should be. " they call out happily. "it's that Wednesday girl that brought this out right?"
" it's almost like she's your moon," they swoon.
Anyways that's my brain rot for now
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ok, loving the vampire au so much rn. obsessed with the world building and i love me some riddlers
but now i'm thinking,,, can we have jervises (jervi??) as vampires???
"Vampire Backgrounds" Mad Hatter Party
YEAAAAA LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO. Lol sorry these got long! I went into a lot more detail on backgrounds for these. Please feel free to ask if I left out something you wanted to know. Also please reference this post for base lore for the au!
Tw: Discussions of mental asylums, ableist and inhumane treatment of the mentally ill, fires, suicide, vampirism, blood, violence, animal dissection and brain experimentation
- Mid 1800s around the actual release of The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland. His colleagues find it frivolous and ridiculous a man of his standing and intelligence should like a nonsense children's book.
- You see, Jervis Tetch is what would now be known as a neuroscientist. Unfortunately, it's several decades before several major discoveries in the field and certain... closed-minded beliefs are rampant. He insists phrenology is a fad that will pass as the Humours have in medical treatment. He was right, but it wasn't a popular opinion.
- He finds himself disappearing into that whimsical world as he dissects animals to study the nervous system. Ah, yes, Alice and the Mad Hatter... tea parties and unbirthdays and...
- Jervis holds a lecture on brain dissection and anatomy. He theorizes that it may even be possible to control the movements of other people if certain parts of the nervous system could be isolated- once they figure out what effects what, of course. That's when he meets... her. She introduces herself as Alice. Dark blue eyes and straw blonde hair. A wisdom that he couldn't place. And she wanted to talk to HIM of all people after the lecture!
- It isn't long until she shows her true nature. Alice is a centuries old vampire and she's chosen Jervis with all his intelligence to be her mate. She believes he will give eternal life meaning with his research.
- You see, Alice believes humans are lower beings, a feeling Jervis does not share. She thinks humans should all be controlled, rather like cattle. But, quite frankly, Jervis becomes so enamored with her, particularly after the change... all red flags just look like flags when you're wearing rose-colored glasses.
- ironically, his powers end up allowing him to control people's nervous system for a short duration of time. Together, the two of them drain several cities of blood. Him guiding victims into their hands and Alice trapping them in her weaving web.
- Essentially what happens is she tricks him into luring children to her because she believes "youthful, virgin" blood will sustain her better and increase her powers. "It's not like they matter if no one will miss them." When he sees her gorging herself on the wee babes until they only have droplets of blood left... he sees the horror of it.
- When she offers to turn the children so they can have a "family", it's the last straw. He realizes how much he's been manipulated over decades. He leaves her as shes begging him to stay.
- He continues his research on his own while fully indulging in his more whimsical interests. At one point or another he even took up sewing as well to help with that! He creates a device that magnifies the control he has over someone. There's a whole room of neurology textbooks he's kept track of over the years.
- Still obsessed with the idea of meeting the Alice to his Mad Hatter.
- When he feeds, he's actually a little clumsy because he has large fangs. In his world vampires are out and about. He wants to ask for direct consent for feeding as if its part of an obscure courting ritual. Usually drinks not fresh.
Powers: mind control/puppeteering (enhanced w/ technology), some shapeshifting (rabbit), invisibility.
- A true mad hatter in the late 1700s. Unable to get an education to become a neuroscientist here, Jervis went to his second love: clothing and hat making. He had always been an eccentric fellow, but it had made his art flourish and popular. Then the shakes began. The vomiting, the loss of sensation in his fingers. Ever the hard worker, smoothing over pelts for felt, he would not seek treatment.
- The mercury poisoning just got worse, he became irritable and unpredictable in personality. His neighbors reported him as unwell- and he attempted to fight officers. Mr. Tetch was sent to a local overcrowded and understaffed asylum for the mentally ill.
- it was the "treatments" at the asylum that made his mind truly "break." Hours sitting in a freezing bath, isolation in straight jackets, bleeding, mistreatment/abuse by guards, forced sedation and feedings- With each one, his symptoms grew in severity. He began to babble in rhyme and at times acted feral. The only one to provide him true serenity was a night nurse named Alice.
- She was kind. She was sweet. If she had lived longer, she might have even served as a beacon for asylum reform. Alas, there was another patient she showed kindness to, one that spoke of vampirism and madness. He tore the poor girl's throat out. Jervis was turned on accident after attacking the vampire, spilling and mixing their blood.
- Staff attempted to experiment on the brains of both. His master died when the surgery did not work and they attempted daylight therapy. Jervis broke through his bonds with new strength and hunger, massacreing everyone in the room. An escape into the night.
- He would live in the abandoned building where his hattery once was, feeding on stragglers who passed him by. After some time, he found his voice very Suggestive to victims, merely having to look in their eyes and tell them to come to him. He would end up finding a copy of The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland on one of them. He proceeded to make that his entire personality.
- Years passed. The building would be demolished. He was forced to blend in with humans. Using the book, it serves as his blueprint on how to interact with the world.
- yes to this day. No the rhyming never stopped. Most people put him as being really eccentric, thankfully. Even when he talks about Alice and wanting to find them.
- Searching for his Alice has led him to Gotham. It's so difficult trying to find an Alice. So many naughty, wicked creatures posing as Alice. He'll just have to use them to satiate his hunger until he finds the real one...
- Tends to be a little more vicious with feeding. Unless he's actively trying not to hurt someone, it's usually a kill as he drinks deeply.
Powers: Not as strong as he could be because he was not nutured properly. Suggestion/hypnosis, vampire strength, he can float a couple inches off the ground.
- technically the youngest- Late 1920s/early 1930s. Life is difficult, particularly when both your parents pass at a young age and you have a sickly younger sister. There was a little money left behind... but not enough to live.
- He runs a hypnosis and magic show to try and make a living for them both. Because of natural talent and skill, he gains a moderate amount of popularity. One night after a show, he was turned by a devoted fan. Alice was allowed to be turned as well due to her illness progressing.
- Their master wasn't unkind, but had an odd sense of... morality. So many people suffering. Starving. Even children. Wouldn't it be better to ease their suffering? Between their hunting and Jervis's hypnosis, there was plenty of blood to go around. Easy enough to justify killing.
- Over the course of several years, Alice would become more and more disillusioned with being a vampire. She attempted to not feed for a while, only sustaining on rats and other small animals. It didn't take long until she became ravenous and killed someone because of her hunger. She came to hate her master and Jervis for turning her into a monster.
- Yet it would be her love for her brother that saved him the night she threw a lit oil lantern into their masters coffin. Jervis pulled them both out of the home when the flames began to spread. He reassured her they would be together forever.
- It was then Alice made an important decision.
- As the fire burned, Alice told her brother goodbye and walked back into the building. She didn't scream as the flames licked her nightgown and then her skin. She smiled and closed her eyes. Peace at last.
- Needless to say, that was all deeply traumatizing for him. He still vividly remembers the smell of her hair burning all this time later. The only thing he has left of hers that wasn't lost is a slightly singed, battered copy of The Adventures of Alice and Wonderland, their favorite. He remembers long distant afternoons where they'd pretend to be in that world when they were hungry and alone. All ash, now.
- He would return to his work, this time traveling with a carnival to avoid too much suspicion before he was already gone in the night.
- When his time went on too long, he'd simply change his name and move to a different group. It isn't until shows like that fell out of popular favor that he branches out on his own. Not allowing anyone too close to keep his secret. It's this isolation from a "normal" life that he realizes how dearly he misses company. His sister had always been with him from the moment she was born.
- Jervis would simply have to find a new Alice. Not his sister, no... a companion. Someone he would protect forever.
- Rather romantic when feeding. Soft kisses and a bite you barely feel. He's dangerous in that you won't know how much trouble you're in until it's too late.
Powers: while his hypnosis is a prior skill rather than a power, he gained the power of Telepathy which just made it that much stronger. Reading minds is a bit of a challenge but he can speak into someone's mind and hear their responses from great distances. Extrasensory perception, mild animal control (they act as familiars).
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password-door-lock · 1 year
Mystictober Day 18-- Coffin/Bat
Content warnings: typical vampire possessiveness and lots of talk of biting
Unknown has barely gotten back to Magenta after fleeing the apartment when he notices that you've been bombarding him with messages. He had to leave his phone in the intelligence room for this mission; it's too big and bulky for him to lug around in bat form. Now that he's transformed back, though, he can indulge in a bit of idle conversation.
MC: If you're really a vampire MC: Do you like MC: Sleep in a coffin?
Unknown rolls his eyes. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? He'd been about to bite you when Luciel had arrived to ward him off, brandishing a vial of holy water like it couldn't very well burn him, too. In retrospect, Unknown should have taken his chances and tipped the vial the other way, but it had been too much hassle over just some human— he had simply turned into a bat and flown away. He figured that in doing so, he would force Luciel to explain the particulars of their situation to you, and you would be so disgusted with the monster sharing your apartment that you'd beg Unknown to come and save you. At least the Mint Eye vampires don't toy with humans the way Luciel does, pretending to be normal and then presenting their fangs. Unknown, unlike that redhead, came in with his fangs already out, entirely prepared to show you his true colors and mark you as his own in one fell swoop.
Unknown: yes Unknown: so does your boyfriend MC: He's not my boyfriend MC: He won't even talk to me MC: And he says he's not gonna sleep MC: I’m really worried MC: Should I try to find a coffin for him?  MC: Would he be more comfortable?  MC: Is there like a coffin website that you order them from?
It's certainly not a testament to your wisdom that you're volunteering such sensitive information— but if vampire lore is what it takes to gain your trust, then so be it. All that Unknown needs to do is get you close enough to bite, and then all this will be over. At the apartment, you brushed your hair away, offering him your neck— trusting him, foolishly, and not even thinking about the how the RFA members might respond to such a betrayal. Luciel interrupted something that was none of his business, in keeping with the beastly nature that he tries so hard to hide. Vampires are possessive creatures, after all, and that redhead clearly sees both you and the apartment as his territory. 
Unknown: We don't have to sleep very often, prince(ss) Unknown: And he'll be watching you like a hawk from now on Unknown: In case I try to come back and claim you MC: You should have bitten me faster MC: And then we wouldn't have this problem Unknown: Careful with that attitude Unknown: You want me to save you, don't you? Unknown: So you should be respectful MC: Okay, listen here, bat boy
Unknown can't help but chuckle. It was one thing when you challenged him without knowing what he was, but now, it's clear you're well aware, so why are you playing around? You must really trust him, then. Good.
Unknown: Careful
He already knows very well that you’re not going to heed his warning, but he figures he may as well offer it anyway. After all, if you had any sense, you would stop challenging strange vampires and start thinking about your own self-preservation.
MC: I know Seven means well MC: But he won't let me out of his sight MC: And he moves so fast? Unknown: Mhm Unknown: I can move a lot faster MC: Not fast enough to bite me though MC: Lol Unknown: You'll be mine soon enough MC: Ok  MC: If you say so MC: Anyway  MC: Can you go out in the sun? MC: Seven isn't answering any of my vampire questions
Of course— that redhead is obviously ashamed of what he is. He wears a crucifix that can never touch his skin, a perpetual reminder of his guilt and an open denial of his vampire nature. Judging by your messages, he hasn’t even shown you his bat form yet, and probably never will. Luciel is playing at being human, though he’s doing a shit job of it, if he can’t even stop himself from moving at his natural speed. Unknown, on the other hand, has embraced his monstrosity. He doesn't care who knows what he's become: he’s a creature of the night, which means that he’s entitled to as much snarling, biting, and flying as he sees fit.
Unknown: And he never will Unknown: If you want answers, then you have to come to me
You leave him on read; from what Unknown can see on the security camera feed, you've been caught fraternizing with the enemy— Luciel is obviously lecturing you, and Unknown can see why. Vampires are possessive, after all, and no matter how much he denies his nature, Luciel is as much a vampire as Unknown is. V made sure of that, didn't he, when he took that redhead under his wing? After some consideration, Unknown elects to offer you a promise, though it's not a very romantic one:
Unknown: soon, prince(ss)
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akuaya-eng · 3 months
(Main story) Chapter 3 - Episode 9
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… Who's there?
No one comes here except me. Did you think someone would come to rescue you?
Hmph… What do you want?
I brought food.
…! Ugh…!
Just a lowly soldier. You've given me a worthless soul.
In that case, you can starve to death. No one will mourn a dead devil.
Captive Devil
… I didn't say I wouldn't eat. I'll remove his gag. I want to hear the screams while I eat.
Suit yourself.
… Huh! Captain Claude! Why are you doing this…!
Captive Devil
You've been chosen as "meal." Now, writhe in fear and agony…! (fleshy sounds)
Gaaaaah…! No, it hurts, it hurts…! Help…! Please help me! Captain… Claude… Captain…!
……… (blade sound)
(time passes)
Captive Devil
Satisfied? Then, it's time for you to talk. The only reason you're still alive, despite causing a minor calamity in the capital, is to provide information. If you can't do that, there's no reason to keep you alive. Do you understand that?
Captive Devil
… What do you want to know?
About the "Devil's Mark."
Captive Devil
Heh… hehehe. That again? I told you, I know nothing about it.
There's nothing less trustworthy than a devil's word.
Captive Devil
In that case, you must already be a devil yourself. No one lies as skillfully as you do.
… You said you're part of the "Fangs of Chagran." Didn't your organization have any information on it?
Captive Devil
We… do not concern ourselves with such trivial matters.
Trivial matters, you say…?
Captive Devil
Yes. Small, insignificant problems. In the grand scheme of the world…
… It seems you know more than an ordinary devil. You were an angel before you fell, weren't you?
Captive Devil
As a fallen angel, you must have knowledge of both the infernal and celestial realms. Don't tell me you never had the opportunity to learn about the Devil's Mark. There must be a way to break the curse. You won't leave here until you provide a clue.
Captive Devil
Ugh… Fine. If you want information, I'll give you something. But it's not about the Devil's Mark.
What is it?
Captive Devil
Another calamity is coming. A bigger one… a true calamity.
Captive Devil
… What? By any chance, did you already know?
Who's behind it? Is it Rosé Belladonna? Where will the calamity occur?
Captive Devil
Belladonna? Heh… I've already told you all I can for the low amount mana I've been given. This conversation is over.
… Fine. Then we'll "negotiate" again later.
Captive Devil
Preparing the next meal, huh? You're absolutely the devil.
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Hey, Claude…!?
… It's you. What are you doing here?
I heard a scream coming from the basement... so I followed it and ended up here. What were you doing, Claude?
It's my job to maintain the capital's security. Is there a problem with me inspecting the clock tower?
… Claude, you're acting strange. Do you know anything about those screams?
If I did, I would have told you. I heard the screams too, and I was investigating.
Then it's fine if I go further in with you, right?
I've already checked. There was nothing there. You should search elsewhere.
… The screams reminded me of the soldier Oscar took away.
What happened to him? Could those screams be--
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Spirit of Wisdom
That's enough.
(thinking) …! I can't speak!!
Spirit of Wisdom
Interfering with their actions any further is not allowed. It would go against the laws of the world. Your role is to be a tuner… a mere observer of the world.
(thinking) No… Someone might have died right in front of me. I need to confirm with Claude…!
Spirit of Wisdom
You should stop resisting. Did I mention that your life is at stake?
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… Are you alright? You suddenly went quiet, so I was worried.
If you have no more questions, I'll be going… Avoid unnecessary scrutiny.
(thinking) My life is in the hands of the Spirit of Wisdom. If I don't find a way to escape the spell of the spirits, I won't be able to act freely…
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crqstalite · 1 year
now tell me some about your bg3 blorbo kallista!! 👀👀
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oooo thank you!! similar warnings for minor (act 1?) spoilers below :) im not actually super well-versed in baldur's gate lore, so some of its vague for the sole reason i have zero idea what i'm talking about lmao
her full name is kallista fortuna raeburn. she prefers the name kalli though usually. or 'the caster'. or 'the artisan'. or 'that tiefling down the road with the weird magical abilities'
she's about 27, turning 28 mid-campaign. 5'6", asmodeous tiefling sorc with a penchant for electricity and of course -- fire <3
( the wild magic bit doesn't help much )
grew up in a semi-major town outside baldur's gate. she worked primarily as an artisan at the request of her house mother after leaving the orphanage she grew up in. she loves to make things with her hands.
on that thought, she ended up in an orphanage shortly after her parents disappeared. kallista has never found out what happened to them, but it is part of her sub-story. her parents were adventurers, not unlike who she'd eventually become, and often took off on long trips. however it was unusual when her father didn't return after a particular excursion, and her mother went after him -- never to return again. kallista believes them dead, but has never really stopped looking. they left her with a pendant that would direct her back to the matching one her father wore, but finding it crushed and buried at seventeen certainly didn't help matters. her mother's is still out there, keeping the pendant warm, but she's never had the means to find it when it lead out to open ocean.
her father was a seldarine drow while her mother was a tiefling.
with the others often not-so-well-veiled distrust of her because of her tiefling background, kallista became a bit of a wily one early on. she's a little too dexterous for her own good (her claws allow her to attempt lock picking), and a bit of a charismatic smooth talker. it allowed her to sneak in and out of the orphanage, lie and often persuade others to give her what she wanted. usually she was rather benevolent, it just could get destructive if she forgot details (like what she told whom or how she had gotten in/left the night prior). high dex/charisma score v. low wisdom/int score troubles
very much a 'react first, ask questions later' person. easily spooked. not a good idea to sneak up on her. however not so easily grossed out (collects specimen off battlefields like it's nothing. likely is always covered in...someone's blood. not always her's.)
she's actually incredibly smart in the arcana, even with her avg. intelligence score. she has a crazy photographic memory, and if she's experienced the spell firsthand, it's way easier to remember the history attached to it and the grimoire it was in.
very chaotic good! she's always down to help someone...but that doesn't mean she'll do it right. or legally. but you lived right? stop getting bogged down in the details.
her closest party members are likely halsin (her RO), lae'zel (she has a weird amount of respect for her...and is terrified of her), shadowheart (similar reasons), karlach (she had a major crush on her early on before it waned into 'no, i just really respect and like you around' ) and astarion (the only person she organically got to know without being scared of him)
not so much a fan of gale, and largely academically curious about wyll. of course, he's her friend, but she's never met a warlock prior to him. she likes to learn, even if she's a little nosy. actually, yeah, she's similarly academically fascinated by gale and his problems with mystra. she just thinks he's a little odd (and perhaps pretentious...he's a proper wizard to her wild magic sorcery)
( sorry weird amount of astarion & kallista content...ivelina's run will be romancing him bc im not normal about him )
astarion is a weird case for her because unlike the others, she didn't immediately clock him as a threat. yes, he did try to sink his fangs into her and suck her dry, but after the initial 'holy shit youre so very very lucky i did not fireball you into next week' wore off, oh boy astarion got bombarded with so many questions. he thinks he would've been better off had she tried to stab him.
( she's a sciency gal at heart )
still, she likes his sarcastic nature and his willingness to be vulnerable with her later on. they become rather quick friends (well, she calls him a friend the day after he bites her, it takes him a while to get past 'pest-like woman who won't leave me be')
she regularly lets him drink from her, it takes him a while to come around to actually, well, even coming close to enjoying it, but somewhere after kallista stops flinching everytime he does it they have a nice amount of comradery. there's some fleeting romantic interest that isn't reciprocated by either party, but it isn't unusual to find them sitting by the fire later, the pair of them discussing the days events...and maybe astarion making sure the all-too-nice tiefling doesn't pass out from blood loss.
they nitpick at each other quite a lot. usually in good fun, in the wiity, dramatical way he does and the sarcastic, innocent-but-not really way she does. if astarion wasn't incredibly pale and kallista did without the horns and tail, it wouldn't be all that bad of a guess that they were half siblings in another life.
on that note, she is...not good with boundaries. unlike koda this appears more as her inserting herself into everyone's problems and lives. mostly because her own is such a mystery and her feeling like she's never belonged turned her into a social chameleon. she needs people to like her. after all, if she's all-knowing, it means she can control what others think of her...and if she stays in their good graces, they won't leave her, right? if she becomes a fixture in their lives, they have to stick around. right? yeah. yeah...
( her parents disappearing + her rough childhood in the orphanage did...wonders for her self-perception )
in the "best" sense of the word, she doesn't really know when no means no. and it takes just about everyone (but especially lae'zel post vlaakith reveal) to get her to back off and relax. she struggles immensely with the lack of stability in her life, and getting tadpole-napped did not help matters. on the outside it shows more as her just wanting to be "helpful", but in reality she subconsciously wants to give you a reason to stay around her. to need her for something. it's manipulative -- she doesn't know it, but i do.
is learning how to navigate her new relationship with halsin. while she is monogamous, she respects that he is not, but perhaps gets a little forlorn thinking about the after...and how he may not always be around. or that her little tadpole family may not be either. it keeps her up at night.
living in the here and now is hard with so many emotional loose ends for her. but halsin does his best to sooth her worries, and peppers her with enough affection to garner attention from the others. kallista never minds this. wyll has not slept peacefully in a minute.
their dynamic is very much that she's the spitfire short girlfriend who has to remind the barkeep her beloved teddy bear of a boyfriend did not want pickles and so help her hells if they didn't take it off his sandwich--
has been to baldur's gate a few times on trips for the business she used to work for. however in-game, it's her first time going by herself...and so much has changed.
has a scar on her face after accidentally slicing open a part of her face with a paring knife when she was practicing telekinesis as a teenager.
thank you for asking im incapable of shutting up <3333
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God of Cowboys and Fools - Chapter Five
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“I’m a coward,” he finally says. “So I owe this courage. Suppose I’ve owed it all along.”
I huff. “You don’t seem like a coward to me.”
“Not now, maybe,” he says, looking down. “But I am. I ran away when I shouldn’t have. But some doors, John… some doors only swing one way.”
Written for the @malevolentmadnessmixup event! Art by @futuresoon.
Chapter Five
We skirt the town. I thought we’d go through it again, but nope: we do not, and now he’s leading back the way I came in the first place.
He’s deeply worried. It’s put lines in his face, and his eyes squint though they’re shaded under his hat.
“Why are we going back?” I say.
“Because we have to get some of the King in your body, or your soul will try to become fully human to adapt. You’ll die.”
Oh, no. Oh, no! “There wasn’t anything left!”
“We’d better hope you’re wrong.”
“I don’t want to die!” My voice breaks.
He sighs and looks over at me. “I know, John. I know. I’ll take care of you.”
You should find out why he’s so willing to help you out.
“Why?” I say, not obeying the voice, but because that’s just wisdom.
“I…” He stops.
“I’m a coward,” he finally says. “So I owe this courage. Suppose I’ve owed it all along.”
I huff. “You don’t seem like a coward to me.”
“Not now, maybe,” he says, looking down. “But I am. I ran away when I shouldn’t have. But some doors, John… some doors only swing one way.”
I stare at him.
Bella whickers nervously, her ears flicking back. Smoke seeps from her nostrils.
He shakes it off. “I’m all right, old girl.”
“I want to know more,” I say.
“Maybe in time. I’m not proud of what I’ve done, John.”
To not be proud of a thing sounds dreadful. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” he says, not looking at me.
“For something that makes you feel bad. I don’t want you to feel bad.”
He looks at me. “You want my happiness, do you?”
Why does the way he said that… Something about the way he said that… I can’t find it. “Yes.”
He looks ahead again, eyes shaded by his hood.
The horses clearly like it darker and colder. They’re trotting, content. Stars like I never imagined spread above us, familiar and not at the same time, though I know that all of them were once familiar to me.
I could have named them. Once upon a time. I can’t now. Maybe he’s right. Maybe I am losing myself. “What if there’s nothing of the King left there?”
“There will be.”
There might not. The vultures have been pretty busy. And the voice laughs.
I don’t like that laugh at all. I shiver.
Arthur glances over. “Cold?”
“No. The voice is being creepy.”
Why in hell are you telling him this?
Because I want Arthur Lester to trust me.
I don’t know why! Why would I have to know why? I feel it, and I am King, and that means I get to do what I want!
Of course, Your Greatness, the voice mutters, perfunctory. However you wish. So you shall bend reality to your will.
“We’ll be there soon,” says Arthur.
Good. Because while the stars are beautiful, I don’t really like riding in the dark. I can’t see like I know I should be able to. These human eyes are awful. “Can I get his eyes?” I say.
Arthur jumps a little. “What the fuck what?”
“His eyes.” Wait. “My eyes. So I can see in the dark.”
Arthur stares. “If they’re left, I guess so?”
I will place my hope in that. Because this? Darkness? No. Do not like.
I will have those eyes.
The place of my birth is pretty noticeable.
It’s like a bomb went off, or a meteor landed. There is a crater, and burnt-black ground, and the remains of bodies I didn’t bother to harvest.
It doesn’t smell great. Arthur pulls his scarf over his nose.
I wish I had a scarf. I don’t remember it smelling this bad.
“Shit,” he says.
“Impressive, huh?” I say.
“Sure.” He slides off Bella. “Stay here, okay, girl?”
She doesn’t like that idea and snaps her fangs at him.
He just stares her down.
She whickers, shakes her mane, and settles.
I slide off Boring. “Stay here, okay?”
He says nothing. Good old Boring.
The place of my birth is ruined. I can feel the soil is dead here; nothing will ever grow again, down to the bedrock. I wish I remembered why.
“They really went all out,” Arthur whispers, kneeling and feeling the burned sand between his fingers.
“Do you know what happened?”
“Something terrible. It takes a lot to kill a god, and someone of Hastur’s level…”
“Hastur?” The name latches me, grips me, bites deep with teeth. “Hastur?”
He looks at me.
I shake. The voice did not say Hastur. The voice called me King, not Hastur. “That’s his true name.”
“Yes.” Arthur watches me.
Why didn’t the voice tell me? I don’t know, but I do know this: my name is John. Not Hastur. “I…”
“Yes?” Arthur prompts.
“I’m John.”
His expression is too quick for me to read. “If you want to be.”
I look back at him. I need him to understand, and I don’t know how to do it. “I’m John.”
He sighs. “A chosen name is more important than a given one.”
He’s right. My shoulders relax.
“Let’s look,” Arthur says, and carefully slides down into the pit.
“I died here.” It just slips out of me, not by my choice.
Arthur looks up from the heart of the crater. He’s sweating; dust and dirt have stained his skin, his clothes, but he’s still looking for me. For parts of him.
I haven’t done anything to help him. I stand here, staring. Because I am afraid. “I died here.”
“I know,” he says gently, and resumes his search.
It’s a mess. Human parts and machine parts, pieces of stone I know will hurt me if I come too close, black stains I think came from me (from him) when it happened, some kind of globby goo that was torn out of reality like insulation chiseled out of a wall.
I can’t move. I can’t get closer. The echo of forgotten pain keeps me still.
Athur doesn’t seem surprised. He works, looking, not judging me, digging, turning things over, checking under tubes, scratching bits of soil a couple of inches down.
“Should…” I don’t like this place. “Should we have found something by now?”
“We will,” he says. “I feel it. Something of yours is still here.”
I’m afraid. “Will it take much longer?”
He stands and looks me in the eye. Somehow, the dirt smudges have not taken away from who he is; the grandeur, the power, the immortal wizard is all still there, strong and steady, and he holds my gaze. “I swear I will keep you safe, John. I swear it.”
As if his word means anything. The voice hissed that. Furious.
“I don’t think the voice likes you,” I say.
He tilts his head. “Out of curiosity. what does it sound like?”
Don’t tell him.
Of course I’m going to tell him. “Male?”
“Uh-huh. And?” prompts Arthur Lester, wizard.
“Sort of…” My brain recalls something. “Southern?”
He goes very still. “Southern? Like Georgia, or something?”
He’s right. “Yes. Lengthens his vowels. Has a twang.”
Arthur Lester goes dead pale.
The voice in my head laughs. Laughs, cruel, a deep and terrible chortle.
“Right. We are in a trap,” says Arthur Lester, and looks around. His eyes glow; his hands burn red internally so bright that it’s like his flesh is burning underneath his skin. “No more time to waste.” And he wills the sand to move.
Dirt flies, sand rising like some wild storm, but it’s just him, just Arthur Lester, fulfilling his promise, teeth bared, eyes lambent, digging a hole that was not there. He suddenly leaps out of the hole he dug in the crater of my birth (leaps so high, so graceful) to land before me with some kind of—
With a black, squirming, power-ridden—
With a long black thing that he shoves right into my mouth.
It is a tentacle, thick, muscled, moving, and it chokes down my throat before I can even breathe. I gag.
“Gotta go!” he says, pulling me out of the crater.
The tentacle is wider than my esophagus, and it tears going down, and I hadn’t realized unable to breathe would be so frightening.
“Go!” Arthur cries again, and somehow shoves me onto my horse.
Bella looks furious. She lets out scream, this sound that isn’t remotely right, remotely horse, remotely anything, and then Arthur is mounted, too. “Ride!” he commands.
And somehow, Boring understands, and takes off.
I almost fall. I still can’t quite breathe; the tentacle is down in my gullet now, compressing, crushing my lungs by expanding my stomach, but it is… it is…
It is joining me.
It feels so good. It feels like shade after walking in the sun. It feels like cold water on cracked lips. It feels so fucking good!
We are being attacked.
I almost didn’t… I’m so busy feeling this that I barely noticed, barely registered. Spells crash into the ground on either side of us, spraying sand, blinding with green flashes. Shouts chase us from behind, angry, weaving curses that Arthur Lester, wizard, somehow defrays without even looking twice. And I…
I feel… power.
The tentacle is almost completely absorbed. No more pain. No more shock. I remember… things.
These fools dare to chase the King in Yellow?
I pull Boring up.
“John! No!” Arthur cries ahead, trying to stop Bella, who has no intention of turning around.
They’re trying to catch me. Oh, no. No, these fools don’t get to do this. They will pay for their arrogance. I turn Boring, who is trotting and whinnying and his eyes are wide and wild, and I face eight wizards on horses who gallop at us like arrows shot straight and true, wielding wands and spells and human magic.
And I destroy them all.
I don’t even have to think. It isn’t a consideration, something to doubt, something to question. They have come at me, and they have come at what is mine, and they do not get to live after that.
There is no word for the spell I use because true gods do not need words. I simply will it to be, and my power rises from the earth and the air and all the places it scattered and bends to my will.
I cast a golden wave like the sweep of a broom, beautiful, and merciless, and utterly unavoidable.
They scream. They disintegrate, exploding into chunks of foolish matter and meaty pride. Their horses are not spared, but go mad in honor to me, giving me insanity, feeding me, and scream and run in all directions, wildly uncontrolled.
Our enemies are dead. I am victorious. I am…
“John,” Arthur breathes, pulling up next to me, staring at me with wonder, with awe, with (fear, desire, regret, relief, hope) too many things to read.
I don’t…
I feel…
“John!” he shouts as I fall from my horse, and my last thought is that this stupid human body breaks so easily that I think I truly hate it.
[chapter six] [masterpost]
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whumpy-writings · 6 months
Do vampire infants drink milk? Do they require less or more care than humans? Are they utterly defenceless like human babies starting out? What is the timeline for development?
CW: breastfeeding, child development, me being an anthropology nerd
Yes, vampire infants drink milk from their mothers. Vampires are biologically in the same genus as humans, so they have a lot of similarities in terms of anatomy and physiology. Vampire infants require about the same level of care as human infants. They wean off mother's milk at about 2 years old, which is a little earlier than humans, who typically wean at about 2 and a half. The major difference between human and vampire babies is when their teeth start coming in. Humans typically start to get their first teeth between 4 and 7 months old. Vampires don't get their teeth until they are 1 and a half years old. This developed evolutionarily because fangs are not conductive to breastfeeding (*wincing at the thought*).
Vampire infants are definently just as helpless as human infants at the beginning. Throughout childhood, they're basically the same as human kids. The vampires are stronger and have improved senses, but besides that their brains work the same and they go through the same developmental stages as humans. One of the major differences is when the adult teeth come in. In humans, adult teeth usually erupt between the ages of 6 and 12 (besides wisdom teeth, which come in during the later teens). But in vampires, their teeth don't start coming in until about 10. The full set of adult teeth, fangs and all, are usually present before the child is 13. This is also the age that the venom glands finish developing and are fully functional. That's why the age of 13 tends to include important coming of age rituals in vampire culture, such as feeding from a human for the first time. (Also most vampires don't have wisdom teeth, since they don't need them to eat) Vampire development slows down a bit in the teens, vampires developing slightly slower than humans (ie one month of human development = two months of vampire development). The vampire brain doesn't fully mature till about 35, which is about 10 years later than humans.
Vampires have a longer lifespan than humans, with most vampires living into their 180s or even 200s.
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
Vampire Gary HCS cause we cool
He wasn’t born a vampire. He was turned into one by his older brother, Leo.
Process was very scary and very painful. Like he was conscious as he was dying. Turning into a vampire is like reverse drowning almost.
He is able to handle human food, but it’s like lactose intolerance unless it’s raw meat.
He’s able to digest red meats pretty well, vegetables and fruits just cause his body hell.
Oh yeah he’s not abiding by the human diet laws. If vampires live purely off a human diet, they will die from either starvation, malnutrition, or go insane from bloodlust.
Ima just say it: yes he sparkles.
Can go out in the day, he’s able to disguise as a human.
Has stealth and flight abilities, as well as shape shifting.
So far, Gary has been able to shapeshift into a cat and bat. And ofc he’s making it his life mission to be able to shift into a horse.
Who could blame him I’d do that shit to. Avoid responsibility, run free, and drink the blood of my enemies. Slay.
Gary has six pairs of fangs. They work like sippy straws. When they come in they’re extremely painful. Like beyond getting braces/wisdom teeth removed painful.
His nails are thickened talons now. They will always grow in sharp and pointed, and are a bitch to file/cut. However they are very durable and make holding onto stuff easier.
He doesn’t have a pulse, and is very cold to the touch.
He also lacks blood, so around areas like his fingertips, nose, and ears they will look contused from the lack of blood flow. His lips are also pale and blue in color.
Gary can quite literally play dead.
He’s done so before and scared the shit out of Pete.
Nocturnal, but for the school schedule he had to fuck up his sleep schedule. Smh.
When Gary feeds he unhinges his jaw and rolls his eyes back.
He’s also really fucking strong. Not to mention his ungodly amount of endurance and refusal to take fall damage.
He can also turn invisible. He’s used that to his advantage so many times. It also helps that his steps can’t be heard.
Gary’s kryptonite is holy water.
That being said Jimmy and Pete both have a spray bottle full of it at the ready.
“Bad Gary!” *spritz spritz*
*violent painful hissing*
His personal juice box is indeed Jimmy.
He is extremely picky about his blood- so much so that he will only feed from one or two sources. In this case, Jimmy.
That being said he is very territorial of Jimmy and will be on sight with any other vampire who tries to take a bite.
Jimmy is a -O. Gary describes him as savory, with a touch of sweet and saltiness sometimes. And in some days it tastes like red wine.
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About your Wingfeather kittens, did you notice that their coats match their characters' hair colors? Also if you've seen it, how do you feel about the Wingfeather saga tv series?
May God bless you and keep you!
Ah, haha, you're right they do! I hadn't really noticed that except with Kalmar, when I named them it was because their purrsonalities matched the characters. (well, except for Leeli being shy, but she was unexpectedly fiesty considering how innocent looking she is, and that is very Leeli)
I love the tv show! Well, most of it. I have a beef with the last few minutes of episode 6 specifically for leaving out a bunch of extremely important information from the book and also Janner and Peet's hug, but besides that I love it! I think that the changes they've made when translating it from a book make sense and I love all the actors and actresses they've recruited for it (which isn't exclusive to the big name ones, the kids are *flips table* SO CUTE and I think they're doing a PERFECT job with their characters).
*spoilers follow*
Also I say I have issues with episode 6, but it really is just those last few minutes I SCREAMED when Peet and Nugget showed up and were fighting the Fangs. Also when Peet's talons got revealed, I was really just screaming a lot the last two episodes. xD
Okay and now that I'm thinking about it again I do not understand why most of episode 5 was Like That. The first half felt largely unnecessary when the kids could literally just have been captured with Nia and Podo like in the book (and yes they wanted to have the kids see earlier that Zouzab was a traitor to really drive that home to them, but there were easier ways to have done that) and they could have used the extra time for episode 6 and explaining the whole flight from Anniera/why Podo hates Peet/letting Peet have the panic attack he did in the book why would you not have him react to Esben's name I'm-
*cough* Anyway, I don't know if they're on this blog or my main blog but somewhere I have a bunch of posts about how I LOVE what they're doing visually to really SHOW the story and that they're building parallels for things later. Like, for example, making the Sea Dragons able to loom RIGHT over the cliff the kids are on instead of being far below when they react to Leeli's song and how that visually is going to parallel the scene in book 2 where Leeli calms Yurgen down with his song and then touches him. Like I deeply hope there are Wingfeather people capable of making gifs because when that scene from book 2 drops I'm gonna lose my mind.
I love Peet in the show. ;-; He's my favorite character and they are doing him SO fantastically well and also affirming a bunch of my headcanons so that's exciting. :D "Escape to Peet's Castle" is just *chef's kiss* perfection. I have every scene of the kids and Peet screenshotted and saved on my computer almost second by second.
And on that note I am SO excited to finally have all these characters visualized and to be able to take screenshots of them and this show is just so PRETTY my gosh. I love the character designs and the places and the lovely backgrounds.
All this being said I am waiting in fear and trepidation for season 2. Them leaving out some very important things at the end of season 1 has made me very anxious to see if they'll be able to keep doing this well. I'm worried that they're trying to go too fast and that some of the quality is gonna get sacrificed. But a lot of that is because I've been burned before by tv shows that started out AMAZING and rapidly deteriorated. But I pray for everyone involved with the show every night to have wisdom/guidance so I'm trying to trust God with it.
So, overall, I really love the show and I hope they can keep doing it well, I just have a few concerns. I'll stop now because this got long and kind of rambly. Thanks for asking!
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mewintheflesh-2 · 10 months
Question- if a subject fused with a Pokemon that isn't fully evolved survives long enough in the lab, can their Pokemon features "evolve" and grow with them? Like, for example, the Slugma girl you made- could she become a Magcargo girl eventually? Or the Wartortle, A Blastoise?
Admittedly, I hadn’t thought about this much yet! Please excuse the ramble-y brainstorming 😭
My first instinct is to say that Fusion Subjects would need to go out of their way to be evolved, or Fuse would need to go out of their way to evolve them.
For friendship evolution fusions like an Eevee (not canon… maybe), it be easy for their features to evolve since most of the people in the lab are decently tight with eachother, kind of like a pack of wolves. Scared wolves.
I think Fuse, if given the option to decide, would prefer it to be solely in his control whether a patient evolves or not. He’s very particular about a lot of the things he does and how everything’s round him needs to be.
Taking that into account, I think he’d purposely seperate and isolate any friendship evolution fusions, which is extra fucked up when you consider the fact that they would be mostly all be children.
I think the evolutions could go two ways. Either their features evolve/grow in more subtly over time, or we go more of the anime route with the fancy big blue glowing silhouette. I think i’d prefer the former! I think the new features growing in could account for more pain to be endured from being fused with a Pokémon. Kind of like wisdom teeth pains, but like… a million times worse (you got canons growing out of your back, like, how could that not hurt?)
I think I’m more in favour of, yes they do evolve, but it’s subtly over time, rather than they stay the same forever.
I think even if a Pokémon is fully evolved already, their features will still grow and such, as do normal Pokémon/animals. Mutt, for example, would probably have his fangs needing to be filed down as he gets older, his fur would grow longer and more matted, and his claws would likely chip at the ends from getting too long. I think a subtle evolution for the Slugma girl would start off with the magma on her back beginning to cool slightly, as parts of it eventually turn into solid rock, which eventually becomes the big rock shell we see on Macargo’s back. I feel like she would be happy to have a place on her body that other people could make contact with without being burned/hurt. Well, mostly happy about it. I don’t think she’d be happy about Fuse being able to touch her without being hurt.
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qtcomicsblog · 11 months
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There is a secret organization that monitors cryptids all around the world. I got this idea for a yokai yakuza group from kill bill and wanted to make something like this for the cryptid series. This yakuza group is make up of japanese yokai, they have been taking out different yakuza groups across asia conquering those territories. So henry, hiyori, and the C.C.C had to get involved. the group consists of; An "Ice" Kitsune: are from Japanese folklore and are Japanese foxes. A kitsune can have up to nine tails, depending on its age, wisdom and power. A kitsune is a shapeshifter and a trickster to humans, they are also one of the more powerful yokai even stronger then oni. This Kitsune is the leader of the group and can control ice, she also has six tails. An Oni: one the greatest icons of Japanese folklore. They are large and scary, standing taller than the tallest man, and sometimes taller than trees. They come in many varieties, but are most commonly depicted with red or blue skin, wild hair, two or more horns, and fang-like tusks. He carries a massive spiked club as his main weapon and has extreme strength.  A Teke teke: a ghost like yokai who appears in a number of urban legends. Teke teke are almost always women (though in a few versions of the urban legend, the ghost is male). She has no lower half; she runs about on her arms, creating the distinctive “teke teke” sound from which she gets her name. Teke teke chases its victims down dark roads. Despite having no legs, a teke teke can run incredibly fast—so fast, that it can even catch up to victims who are speeding away in cars. When it catches them she slices her victims in half at the waist and steals their legs. A Tengu: are a type of legendary creature found in Japanese folk religion. They are traditionally depicted with both human and avian characteristics. The earliest tengu were pictured with beaks, but this feature has often been humanized as an unnaturally long nose. Tengu love combat and battles sometimes tengu disguised themselves as human soldiers so they can fight in wars.  A Kuchisake onna: is the yokai of a woman who was mutilated and has come back to wreak vengeance on the world. Her name comes from the deep, bloody gash which runs across her face, grinning from ear to ear. She appears at night to lone travelers on the road, covering her grizzly mouth with a face mask, a fan, or a handkerchief. She sneaks up on her victims in the dark and asks them if they think she is beautiful, If the victim answers yes, she pulls off her mask and reveals a red, blood-dripping, grotesque mouth. Then she asks in a grisly voice if they still think she is beautiful. If her victim answers no or screams in terror, she brutally kills him, If he lies and answers yes a second time she slashes him from ear to ear in an imitation of her own mutilation.
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