#yes theyre watching lotr :-)))))
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cabinette · 3 months ago
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uncomfy night at the archives <3
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castlebyersafterdark · 2 months ago
omg you're an actual star wars fanboy? wow cool! never met one haha. ok so ive got some questions...
could you explain what it is you love about the stories? i find sci fi to be really divisive, and often the hugest franchises like this draw many people in because theyre popular rather than because those people are actual sci fi nerds. from a critical viewpoint, i read a lot that its famously an opera set in space, with more of a focus on relationships than actual science. so im always interested to hear whats the draw because if you look at it like this, star wars fans are not guaranteed sci fi fans. i think the relationships must be what compelled me as a casual viewer too, because i wouldnt say i nerd out on the fact its set in future or in space. the story is kind of a fairytale in a way, it could have been set in a forest or a medieval era and work just as well.
i would also say its very camp and cheesy in comparison to other sci fi like arrival or even space odyssey or something. and i didnt realise it was meant to be until i was older and talked to my parents about what it was like when it first hit cinemas in the 70s.
so yeah... do you love the geeky aspects like the alien designs and the made up science bits? or do you love the relationships and drama and camp? or something else? thanks!
HAHA YEAH THAT'S ME!! 🫣 That's why I'll always always stand true and proud of my nerdery roots - it all goes back to Star Wars. I don't know why I was so cagey about my former fandoms early on, they're literally so common and I come from the thick of it. That's where I came from before where it was so contentious and disheartening - Star Wars fandom on Twitter/Reddit. Boooo we don't like those places now, I am just a normal nerdy fan again, hello hello. And I'm nice - I do not align myself with the awful side of Star Wars fanboys, that was the issue. Batting my big now sometimes-mascara'd eyelashes at yall saying "but I'm not like the other boys" in a Scarlett O'Hara voice.
What I love about SW is just what you said - the genre confusion. But it knows exactly what it is. Space opera. The perfect marriage of fantasy and sci-fi. I tend to view it as a fairytale set in space YES, fantasy with spaceships. This is the divisive point from a lot of fans I clash with. It's always been kinda it's own thing? The archetypes and settings and themes are sooooo fantasy aligned. That's what I love about it. I'm more of a fantasy fan than scifi. My other love is LOTR so we can see the correlation.
The camp and cheesiness is a big appeal to me. It's... familiar and cozy. I grew up with it. Such formative media. SW always just kinda was instead of something I found. I didn't have a lot of commonality with my dad growing up, but we could always sit there in companionable moments watching the movies and chatting about stuff. So, it's always been meaningful to me. I like that in the early movies, they just... go for it. I appreciate them for the world building that's settled and you're thrown right into it. We don't need to know how the science works and when they do talk about it - it's nonsense. Which is so fun. The more the "franchise" tries to explain and fill in the gaps and corners of the SW galaxy the less I'm interested in it to be honest. I don't need to know how lightsabers work. I don't need to know why they can travel at the speed of light - they just can and these things just exist.
I love the characters??? Luke and Han and Leia are my idols, my deities. They are perfection. They are everything. This is why I am so bristled by the new trilogy - the way they destroyed their happiness and hope and made them characters of cynicism instead of HOPE. The entire OG trilogy and supplemental prequels are about hope. Love that.
Obsessed with your suggestion that the setting could have taken place in a forest or medieval setting YESSS this is so inspired you are so right!!! Big brain moment.
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philtstone · 1 year ago
I don't know much about LOTR but I know Aragorn's weird. He's a weirdo. He doesn't fit in. Have you ever seen him without that stupid helmet? Wait no don't kick that
my great hope is that everyone who has not yet watched lotr now observing my unhinged posts will be compelled to watch lotr. i feel this way not only because i think its a beautiful story but also and more pragmatically because i genuinely think that for whatever flaws it may have its a very special phenomenon in filmmaking history.
(i would never presume to insist anyone has to read the books. theyre bangers though)
that said if you, gentle reader, never do watch lotr. and ur seeing my crazy posts. yes. the biggest takeaway from all of this is indeed that aragorn, prophesied king of the realm and the best dude you will ever meet, is a weirdo
many tolkien characters are weirdos in out-of-story-context. and then several tolkien characters are weirdos in in-story-context, too, which makes them great fun. in fact, it could be argued that there's so much cross-cultural race and power-level mixing in the proverbial dnd party (and all subsequent side quests), that every single character is at one point perceived as a massive weirdo by any other given character in the story.
and theyre all the good guys <3
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grossillygirl · 9 months ago
Guys i did not realise that i will have to uber back home from every lotr movie i watch at the cinema. Cus theyre gonna end around 11pm 😭 night time is scary. I'll just try to be prepared with a battery pack. Yes
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rarepairnation · 9 months ago
20 questions for writers!
tagged by @emyn-arnens literally over a month ago and im finally getting to it now lol much love thank you for continuing to tag me in things even though im the worst at doing them sometimes.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 65 (15 of them are under my archive pseud though lol)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 265,381
3. What fandoms do you write for? actively writing for lotr, pacific rim, my secret little marvel rarepair
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? these are so funny they're all my avatar work from before i remade on this blog. well throwback i guess. they're still dear to me.
open arms, atla sokka coming out to his dad
earth system history, atla sokka/zuko college au where zuko is an earth scientist
[redacted h*rry p*tter work from 2016]
love's not for show, atla bato/hakoda sokka creates a master plan to get his dad and bato to admit that theyre dating but they're NOT
knife loves heart, human loves human, james bond 007/q post-spectre fixit fic (my Only 00q and possibly also my only fixit fic?)
5. Do you respond to comments? i try so so so hard but the executive function that allows me to say anything coherent only comes around every so often lol
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? a couple contenders for this one but if we're talking strictly the ending probably i'm not leaving (til we make it home) (exu calamity patia & laerryn / patia & the ring of brass exploring her relationship with love and loneliness and finally being free to express how much she loves her friends only in the last hours of her life and dying happy for it).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? also a couple contenders for this one but i feel like many of them are tinged with not a small amount of melancholy. so we are going with a big throwback to sun through open windows (atlok mako/wu plotless little morning routines fic that is about nothing in particular but also about realizing you have everything your younger self thought you would never have).
8. Do you get hate on fics? not in a long long time (like probably 7-8 years) thank god!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes although none of it is published (yet). what kind? idk man whatever im horny about this month. ok but for serious. really been into character developing smut. do u know what i mean. i’m telling you something about who each of these people are and how they view each other through the way they fuck. this probably says quite a lot about me
10. Do you write crossovers? i'm not much for the kind where characters from different franchises Interact, but i am partial to taking some guys and translating them to a different setting. ah to put characters in a situation and watch as the fundamental core of their being stays the same....
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? hope not lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? not that i'm aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? yes! we have not finished it but it's absolutely CORE thesis-level influential on my entire psyche. even if we never get back to it i'll think about it until the day i die and that is not an exaggeration.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? of ALL TIME? i straight up dont know if i can answer this one. ALL TIME???? my long-term emotional permanence is NOT good enough and my recency bias is too strong for this. ok i think the only way i can answer this is with the ship that has gotten the deepest into my psyche and my soul. which is yancytendo pacific rim. they. affect me. on a level i will probably never be able to fully explain. the 'giving a guy built only to be a thematic device a personality and a history and deep gut-wrenching grief' of it all. the 'you are in love with a guy who is doomed by the narrative and despite your best efforts it means that he is a personification of all the grief you carry inside of you' of it all. yancy becket you will live forever in my heart tendo choi you will ALWAYS be famous. augh. yeah i picked right
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hmm probably something about the way you look tonight, my mallorytanner thesis statement fic, the genesis of which was genuinely a life-altering event to me. i was listening to the titular elton john song walking home from a general chemistry exam in the snow and i was struck so violently with An Image for truly the first time in my life. truly not ONCE before that moment had that happened to me. this was in my freshman year of college this fic has existed in various forms for going on FIVE YEARS. will it ever be done. GOD i fucking hope so. i actually do hold out hope for that one.
the one i am actually hopeless on ever finishing is orogenesis, the sprawling expanded stemverse pianjeong backstory au fic. the whole structure of it is quite clear in my head actually. i just didn't have the life experience to create the plot structure to go with the emotional beats when it generated itself in my mind in 2020-21 and now that i DO have it the problem is that the inciting event is incredibly clear to me and yet bears too close of a resemblance to. personal events and horrors. for me to ever finish it! i'll think about it forever though. creating and writing that au changed my life for real it was the longest thing i'd ever written and the best when i wrote it and it's still very close to my heart.
16. What are your writing strengths? characterization and character development baby. evocative use of metaphor in descriptions of both character and setting. lavish description.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? PLOT. cant create that from my brain and i rarely attempt it. i have plenty of stuff to write about that does not require it. relatedly not great at worldbuilding.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? generally don't do it much except for a stray word or two. i don't mind reading it though! tolkien fic writers who translate full sentences you are god's strongest soldiers.
19. First fandom you wrote for? ough this one will be embarrassing. entering the archive pseud. wait is it also tolkien that's funny. life is a circle in some ways. this is first fandom on my ao3 account btw. the VERY first one i wrote for...i will take that knowledge to the grave.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
ah i feel like my answer for this one changes every time but i can't help it, i love many of my darlings equally. this time im giving the spotlight to life holds onto you, my chris pike & jim kirk post-star trek 2009 fic that is a few thousand words of 'what if your sort of son feared that you thought he was taking everything you ever wanted from you and he is right that you have thought that but you are learning how wrong you are.' i cried in the university library writing it and reread it recently and remembered it was good. recency bias baby
tagging the usual suspects @potatoesandsunshine @aaronstveit
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jupiter-reimagined · 5 months ago
I was watching Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Version as I ate and I then got to thinking, Sarabi 100% made Stone watch the unextended movies with him. And Stone loved the entire trilogy that he ended up getting the books and they're the only fictional books he reads.
Yes, I am projecting LOTR love onto Stone and Sarabi.
good for them..?? idk, ive never read any of the source material outside of like. 1 chapter for my english classes hfdkgdsdsk
at least theyre bonding. yay?
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t4tprinzzy · 2 years ago
As someone who struggles w/ hard w/ focusing (+ reading & reading comprehension), i recommend starting slow :P books r soo important & i support ur want 2 start
Once u find books u like & genres u like. It feels less forceful & a chore & more like u Want 2 & r having fun :3c (i hyperfixated on reading which... really helped unsurprisingly)
U could start w/ novellas, since those r usually around 100 pages! Theyre very short. (I love All Systems Red by Martha Wells!! Silly anticapitalist robot that wants 2 watch tv)
+ if the drive 2 the library is Too Much u can always pirate them. I have a few websites 2 do so if u need!!
- @transfemlogan (<- loves 2 read)
it’s actually funny, i also hyperfixated on reading, that was when i was in elementary and middle school tho. can’t remember a single thing i read </3 (i remember pjo being important to me, i just can’t remember any of the words skdjdkdj). it’s so ironic that as a kid i couldn’t put books down, and now as an adult i can barely pick them up jajdjdjfk
as for genres i like, id say im into fantasy! like lord of the rings (something else i wanna read cos i love the movies)
i also love like,,, modern day with a twist (such as pjo. modern day plus greek mythology really spoke to me as a kid and i still love that idea)
oh!!! i remember one thing i read!!! it’s called my 100 adventures by polly horvath!! this kid lives in a beach house and has a ton of adventures one summer (i dont remember the details but i loved it)
so like, i enjoy high fantasy (primarily when it’s lotr), modern day stuff that has fantasy elements, but also like. simpler things. like just a little girl having the summer of her life. and i do know characters are important to me. i love a colorful cast of characters, especially when they genuinely want to be part of each others stories (why yes found family is my favorite trope, how’d you know? /lh)
and id love to read some novellas! anti capitalist robot sounds very intriguing 👀 ill make a note of that
and honestly i think it’s a matter of driving to the library enough times to get used to the drive. cos i used to get so freaked out driving in town in general (these roads are not. great ksjdjdfj) but now it’s easier. i could also go to the thrift store where i know they have a ton of books for a quarter each so that’d be worth looking into 👀
im rambling a lot KAJDDKFK
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youssefguedira · 3 years ago
I just think Andy and Quynh in the lotr au would have the time of their lives by absolutely embarrassing Joe and Nicky. They make it too easy
they really really do bc yes they profess to hate each other but also the SECOND the other's back is turned theyre just watching them with heart eyes. (the hobbits also tease joe endlessly over this) the way andy and quynh see it they're on a very dangerous quest to save middle earth but honestly when nothing's actively trying to kill them it's just a lot of travelling from place to place so they've got to find some way to amuse themselves and watching joe and nicky dance around each other is incredibly funny
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ceilingfan5 · 4 years ago
if your still doing the AU thing, may I suggest one where some kind of enormous godly war/ demonic incursion/ theft of an artifact, gets Istus and RQ embroiled in some kind of story that could span a LOTR sized trilogy. Meanwhile Takko works for Istus, and Kravitz works for RQ, and they are put in charge of making sure everything stays functional in their respective gods absence. Then hijinks ensue and they fall in love, and their both have very different responses to the huge tasks they have.
taako: When The Cats Are Away The Mice Will party and make out and shit
kravitz:          yeah?
taako: it’s called yes and bitch try it sometime
listen we like to say that compared to taako, kravitz has a stick up his ass and is very serious about his job but this fucker was down to play uno for three of the worst death criminals he has ever met to get off scot free, he is not only loosey goosey but the Whole Honk
he cares a lot about the job and RQ and stresses out about getting her back to her job and Doing It Right but also this is the man that adopted different accents to confuse his prey and missed while they were paralyzed he’s a Goober and he’s going to do all sorts of dumb shit while he’s in charge. he just has the air of someone who has his shit together despite all evidence to the contrary 
and then we have TAAKO
taako i think gets surprisingly stressed out about doing shit right and it comes off as him being lazy and uninvolved but secretly he cares So Much and it’s a front so if he fails he can just be like psshh i would have done well if i cared, i just didnt, so shut up
1. the Inciting Event begins and our two loveable idiots are thrown into a position of power both directly against and in support of one another
2. they immediately have chemistry and assume it’s a rivalry because theyre stupid
3. they go to bizarre ends to Compete with each other despite the fact that their jobs are complementary
4. they end up in an argument at the scene of the crime and get wildly into it to the point of making out while their criminals are fuckin’ hogtied and forced to watch
5. they realize oh, we could make this extremely hard job way so easier if we like, you know, worked together, and also deputized some folks, and planned out things in advance, and had support, and also got some cuddles in once in a while
they are still MAD competitive tho of course despite again the fact that their jobs go together
rq and istus come back and theyre like thanks but what the fuck
both of them: oh thank god youre back we’re going to go make out and then sleep for 17 hours
and they DO
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brunhiddensmusings · 5 years ago
an issue i have with movies
or, rather, that the movie industry has and im calling them out on it that the movie industry makes stupid assumptions about what does or does not work while ignoring the real reasons why a movie succeeds or fails because that would take too much effort and thought despite ‘filmography’ being a legitimate course of study that i would really hope that people paid tens of millions of dollars to make movies have some understanding of and/or hire people with the relevant degrees because i KNOW when a movie like ‘midway’ flops hard  the reaction of the movie industry is ‘i guess people dont like historical war recreation dramas’ instead of looking a bit harder and realizing ‘i guess people dont like a movie with no main characters, nothing to tie the existing cardboard cutout characters together beyond a vague setting, and a strange inability to make anything its showing on screen relevant as a plot rather then just listing things that happened with no explanation, narrative, or point of reference character’..... although im okay with ‘WW2 movies’ being put back into dormancy because theres more then enough of those and they have kind of messed up how every other war movie made after saving private ryan functions ive seen this time and time again that a movie that is badly made flops because its badly made, and the film industry then acts like some other element is why people avoided it its kind of crazy to think now but before LOTR came out the film industry had considered fantasy movies to be toxic for years, despite the 80s and 90s having some very well loved fantasy movies like ‘willow’, ‘neverending story’, and ‘labyrinth’ because of the number of really shit fantasy movies produced in that time. or if not shit then at least movies that didnt do well until much later when people started enjoying it for different reasons like ‘legend’.... but the sheer number of fantasy movies at the time that were given mediocre budget, garbage writing, and the only saving graces were how much effort the lead actors tried to give their inarticulate screams as the stabbening commenced made the industry think ‘i guess people dont like fantasy movies’ instead of ‘i guess people are not impressed by corny stories with no setup and are ultimately destined to be reviewed by drunk youtubers who heckle B-movies’. yall remember ‘deathstalker’? cause there were like 40 of that movie, conan was a rare gem in a sea of halfassery and then AFTER lord of the rings they try a fit of fantasy movies trying to cash in on this ‘hip new trend’ and while a few of them are okay, most of them are pretty blatantly trying to copy what LOTR did by the numbers as shamelessly as possible, then theres also quite a few that limply flop over the line of mediocrity until movies like ‘your highness’ where the drunk prince wears a minotaur wang around his neck as a battle trophy and ignores sexual molestation by a wizard (ah yes, great comedy recounting those times a wizard touched you when you were a young boy, hilarious for the whole family) ultimately bring people back to square 1 instead of asking ‘maybe if we made a -good- fantasy movie again instead of throwing larger piles of money at bad ones’ and so have movie genres been thrown under the bus for the failings of individual film studios making openly shitty decisions instead of acnowleging that a movie lives or dies on if its GOOD rather then by ‘i guess people dont like full costume period movies anymore’ and its the death of so much potential on the example of costume period movies you may have heard Lindsay Ellis talk about pirates of the carribean on this exact kind of concept, if you hadnt i will gladly add a link to her video on it upon request, but the point is that the assumption at the time was ‘people dont like pirate movies anymore’ because of the dearth of mediocre low budget and shit writing pirate movies made in the 60s-80s, and building on that people kept assuming that what we today would consider the ‘interesting bits’ about pirates of the carribean such as the zombies and jack being a loon the filmmakers at the time were considering ‘ruining the movie’. now i have many complaints about the pirates of the carribean franchise but the first movie is a cinematic classic that fully stands on its own merits, yet i would have been bored to tears trying to watch the version that would have been made if the cut out the zombies, curses, crazy people, and.... really what would be left of that movie? and yet still it happens time and again like clockwork when a robin hood movie is made once a decade, its either only alright or a complete flop, and then nobody wants to make that movie again for eight years then they make another robin hood movie copy/paste that last paragraph but replace ‘robin hood’ with ‘king arthur’ because holy damn are there a lot of bad robin hood/king arthur movies out there. granted theyre public domain so nothing to stop them but when will people learn? literally only two king arthur movies were unanimously good and one of those was monty python and the other was a disney animated classic. literally only three robin hood movies were any good and again one was a disney animated classic and one of the others was Mel Brooks making fun of the Kevin Costner one if public domain was the key element there then you would expect them to keep pumping out..... oh yeah, i forgot the movie where the frankensteins monster does parkour in modern cities to kill gargoyles was a thing, and the beauty and the beast remake where ‘the beast’ is a rich kid in suburban america who is ripped but bald and covered in tattoos and theres some shit about prom.... uuuuuuuugh, theres actually a lot of these ‘reimaginings’ that while the idea of reimagining a timeless classic is cool, they ultimately handle like a steaming turd and then, again, claim its that it failed not because they made a moist cowpat but rather it failed because nobody today likes the frankenstein monster- i for one would argue that an audience today would LOVE a faithful reimagining of frankenstein that really digs into the meat of that premise instead of making him a large green zombie that goes ‘fire bad’ and lets people get dug into the byronic shenanigans of that time im losing my train of thought but moral of the story is that people who make movies will always blame them failing on the -type- of movie it is rather then that they made a bad movie or draged something on way longer then it should be (just because one well written gritty retelling of batman did well does not mean every superhero movie must be dark and gritty without the well written, just because some of the marvel movies put the ‘fun’ back into comic movies doesnt mean we need 34 of them) blegh, i should have used visual aids for this but its too late to figure out what to use now discussion encouraged
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tuonentytar · 4 years ago
i was tagged by @metsienkuiske , kiitos ❣️
rules: answer the questions and tag people you’d like to get to know better
when is your birthday: september 23rd
where do you live: joensuu, finland
three things you are doing right now: writing this, watching my bf streaming GTA in twitch and drinking beer
four fandoms that have piqued your interest: GoT, Vikings, LotR, ???
how has the pandemic been treating you: quite ok, in march i was "unemployed" for a month or so but after that i've been working normally
beside that the biggest negative thing has been that there has been no gigs or festivals almost at all in this year. i love going to concerts etc mainly because they have a big impact to my mental health. for example if my depression has been worse, the gigs have usually cheered me up and kept me going. so you can only imagine how has it been without any events...
also i haven't been able to met my grandparents so often as usually which has been kinda sad 'cause they are old already and it feels like i should see them as much as possible when i still can. but hopefully the next year is better for all of us 🤷🏻‍♀️
a song you can’t stop listening to right now: Within Temptation - The Purge
recommend a movie: Joker
how old are you: 25
school, university, occupation, other: i've been in rehabilitative work since 2018 when i quite my school and was wondering what to do next. and i'm still lol. my future plans are going to study again because i don't have any occupation yet and i want a real job. but first i need to figure out what i want. until then i guess i'll continue this. my current work place is at art gallery.
do you prefer heat or cold: heat, i'm the biggest "vilukissa" in the world
name one fact others may not know about you: i'm talking with myself all the time when i'm alone. like with a friend. i'm pretty sure my neighbors think i'm crazy. well can't deny that lol
are you shy: yes, especially with new people
pronouns: she/her
biggest pet peeves: smacking, scratching against plate.. these might be little ones for someone but for me they're huge 🤯
what’s your favourite “dere” type: idk what that means sry
rate your life from 1 to 10 (1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be): maybe something like 6-7, i mean i have basic life things alright but sometimes my mental health fucks me up so
what’s your main blog: this one nowadays, my og blog is @ajattarat but i use that only for fangirling every now and then
list your sideblogs and what theyre used for: @ajattarat , fangirling as i said
is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends: well i might be very shy at first; i don't get people very close to me immediately and i need time for that. but after that i'm much more open. so basically i'm very typical finnish haha
i'm tagging @d0llmouth & @nautintonarkki ✨
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strangeradventuresofp · 4 years ago
LOTR HOBBIT ASK POST! - Q 4, 37 & 43.
I’d love to know your answers friend!💖 I love your blog it always makes me smile!
thank you so much, im so glad it does!! your blog always makes me so happy and i know if i need a laugh to go to your blog cus you have me crying :,)<3
4- which lotr movie is your favourite and why?
hmmmmm honestly probably two towers and idk why its just the one i can watch over and over and over again without getting bored (i can do it with all of them but i think two towers is my fav plus the battle is fuckin ace)
37- do you like the fandom?
honestly i cannot explain how much i love the fandom. everyone i have met/interacted with since watching the movies and becoming infatuated with them has been so lovely and supportive and just incredibly kind. its so refreshing cus a lot of the fandoms im included in are super toxic so it makes me fall out of love with the thing itself but everyone has been so nice and loving so YES I LOVE THE FANDOM AND EVERYONE IVE MET BC OF it
43- what is the one thing you never get tired of?
honestly i hate to be super basic but legolas saying theyre taking the hobbits to isengard. i will replay that shit at least 5 times while watching it and then im like okay good. i listened to the song years ago without even knowing what it was or what it was about lol
thanks so much for the ask!!<333
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yelloskello · 6 years ago
Saw a post on twitter talkin abt how reviews 4 detective pikachu keep saying it sucks cause u have to have knowledge of the pokemon franchise for it (which is stupid, but thats another can of worms) and comparing it to avengers endgame's 20 movie homework assignment - which isnt hyperbole. And i was thinking of all the folks who are like 'stop crying why dont you understand how sequels work'. And it got me musing on what marvel and disney have done here to basically guarantee that they not only garner huge profits from their new movies, but that they continue to garner huge profits on basically every mcu movie theyve made since 2008.
Like. MCU movies whether i like it or not are a huge part of being... social, basically. I dont give a shit about them, but i also have almost no friends and dont give a shit about communicating with people in a general sense. But every time a new marvel movie comes out, its fuckin all people talk about. It permeates everything. Ive seen the societal pressure to continue seeing these movies even if you dont care about them, *just* so you can be part of everyday conversation for a good few months. People RUN to see the movie as soon as humanly possible because people want to avoid spoilers so desperately they completely isolate themselves from the world. And, yeah, you can apply this to literally any movie in a popular franchise or any standalone heavy hitter - what sets mcu apart is that 20 movie homework assignment.
In looking up what movies are essential to watch before endgame, the absolute shortest list i could find was 8, and that was like, bare bones. Watching those 8 movies, if youre a newbie to the franchise, you still wouldnt know who the fuck most of the heroes popping up are or why the fuck theyre there. (I have general knowledge of marvel, but i never saw ant man, so even being marginally aware of the hero when i saw civil war and he popped up, i was like 'what the fuck, whyd they kidnap celebrity paul rudd?') In order to fully understand who everybody is, i'd say you have to watch at least the first movie of every individual hero's movie line. In order to have perspective on the inner workings of characters and what has happened to them so you can see where theyre coming from, youd have to watch *all* of it. Which, i mean, if people wanna do that, u do u booboo. Some people are in love with this shit. Some people wanna be able to, like, be part of greater society and talk to their friends. I get it. Youre not gonna be able to keep up with conversation as well if you dont know who a third of the characters even are. If your friends are big fans, you better be able to talk shop, too.
What im musing on is that, like, theres no way this wasnt fully intentional. Theres no way that disney and marvel arent aware of the social influence their franchise has, and no way they werent aware of how it would be from the beginning, just by watching social trends when huge movies come out. I mean, thats what your marketing team is there for, yknow. Its literally their job. The entire mcu line was carefully crafted to make sure youre not just giving money to their new movies, but to all their old movies, since its required watching and youll experience some level of social isolation if you dont. Yeah, other franchises have done this stuff too, having multiple sequals or breaking up their sequals into several parts to make more money. But - and i might be wrong, if theres another quite this huge, im just not remembering - not to the extent the mcu has. Not *20 fucking movies*, spanning several different storylines with their own sequels that are only intermingled juuuuust enough to be important. Imagine if all the disney princess movies were intermingled. Imagine if, in order to watch moana, you had to watch everything from, oh, little mermaid on, to understand whats going on.
And then, like the big bright maraschino cherry on top, if you complain about it being inaccessible, you get social backlash. Youre socially isolated and out of the popular loop if you dont see it, but if you take issue with everything you have to do just to get there, youre chastised by your peers. The only way to win is to give marvel lots of money, and thats entirely intentional on their part.
And yes, i know, ppl can pirate movies or read summaries. I am one of the ppl who basically live by doing that, so ofc i know. But i think we can all agree that reading summaries is absolutely not the same as seeing the movie first hand, leaves out a ton of details, and gives you none of the emotional impact of the situation, so youre still socially stunted - and theres absolutely a societal trend to some people to just experience the whole thing because it just feels right. Basically as a ritual. (See: people rewatching the LOTR trilogy before going to see the hobbit movies, just to hype themselves up and turn seeing the movie into a much bigger personal event, as ONE example among mmmaaannnyyy.) And pirating? Tons of folks are vehemently morally opposed to that. (I am not, but like, doesnt mean there aint a significant number of ppl who are.)
Its clever. And also kinda horrifying, in a 'capitalism is highly manipulative and insidious' kinda way.
Im 100% sure this musing is not new or groundbreaking in any way, shape, or form, and that tons of people have been well aware of it for ages. Its just interesting to think about.
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otteroflore · 2 years ago
A fascinating dichotomy has emerged, largely btwn tumblr and twitter but sometimes within the platforms, wherein on twitter i see people being like “meh the new lotr show was just ok/fine/seems fine and ill watch it at some point” and/or “wow people are being really racist abt the lotr show” and on tumblr its all ppl being like “i would never give one cent to am*zon, even one metaphorical thought to their shows, pirating watching or talking about their shows makes them money too” with a dash of “this is so disrespectful to tolkeins memory”
I dont really feel strongly about it one way or another but its an interesting contrast i guess. I think i tend to follow more public figure type people on twitter like in the movie industry and theyll openly talk about and watch mainstream stuff and be like “its just OK nothing special”. I feel tho like the main contrast is a lot of people on tumblr seem to consider not watching the show a boycott thats gonna like… matter to am*zon. The same info bounces around this social sphere with everybody being like yes we are DOING something by not watching!! (Its… theyre not lol)
It definitely helps that 1. The lotr movies are so important to ppl 2. Were done well and 3. The show looks like it was… underfunded or smth. In comparison to the lotr show, the wheel of time amazon show had absolutely beautiful costumes and some stunning sets and even decent cgi; its clearly loosely based on the first book. Even though the changes made some people made i think some were just happy to see a show get made- even if it was by am*zon, people focused on like the cast and designs so i think that didnt overshadow it.
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aemiron-main · 2 years ago
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YES YES YES IM SO GLAD YOU ARE SEEING THE VISION NOW I AM AN AVID LOTR ENTHUSIAST AND I HAVE AN ABSURD NUMBER OF THOUGHTS ABOUT ST AND LOTR OK OK SO YES YES YES SAMFRODO PARALLELS I COMPLETELY AGREE AND I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT ANALYSIS (and btw did you know that ian mckellen, the guy who plays gandalf, is gay irl and literally told peter jackson to add affectionate/gay vibes moments between frodo and sam bc he knew the viewers would be looking for it bc they have the gay vibes in the books) so its like. the gay vibes in the movies are 100% gay vibes from a literal gay dude being like “dont forget the gay bc people Will be looking for it”  and omg omg omg im SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO WATCH THE OTHER MOVIES BC SAM AND FRODO HAVE HUGE BYLER IN THE UPSIDE DOWN VIBES WHEN THEYRE IN MORDOR AND GOD I JUST LOVE THE LOTR MOVIES SO MUCH  and oh my god YES MIKE IS 100% SAM HES 100% SAM ESPECIALLY since imo mike is gonna get his hero moment in s5 despite will and el typically being portrayed closer to ‘hero’ characters, because it’s widely felt, including by tolkien himself, AND by frodo in the book, that sam was the real hero. just like mike!!!!!  and omg omg “frodo wouldn’t have gotten very far without sam” THAT SCENE?? IN THE MOVIE??? HUGE BYLER VIBES WITH WILL TALKING ABOUT HOW HE WOULDNT HAVE GOTTEN FAR WITHOUT MIKE BY HIS SIDE OVER THE YEARS LIKE COME ON  and okay this post (i hope the link worked) has spoilers for the other movies so tread carefully but in addition to the byler samfrodo vision i NEED to know if you see the mike-arwen parallels vision. i Need To Know 
So I finally got around to watching the first LOTR movie and BRO
Okay not only is it so fucking good, but Mike and and Will are sooo SamFrodo coded it’s insane omfg
There’s also a lot of plot similarities to stranger things in general, I can tell the duffers were really inspired by it.
And idk this may be a hot take? But I actually think Will is definitely Frodo, not Mike. Mike is Sam through and through.
There’s a scene at the end of the first movie where Frodo tries to go off to Mordor completely on his own but Sam runs after him and insists on coming with him. He’s like “I made a promise not to let you go on your own.” It’s such a sweet scene and I’m like 95% sure we’re gonna get a byler scene where Will tries to go into the UD by himself that parallels that. And Mike would be like “we promised we’d go crazy together” and then just like Frodo, Will would say “Hey, I’m glad you’re here with me.”
Y’all see the vision right 👀👀
Anyways I might do a full analysis on Byler SamFrodo parallels and similarities after I watch the rest of the series bc they are. So fucking similar. Mike and Will are definitely partially based off of Samfrodo, who btw I think most everyone agrees are really fucking gay.
But go watch LOTR if you haven’t, it’s perfect for Stranger Things (and particularly byler) fans. I didn’t watch it for so long bc I could never make myself read the book bc of my adhd 💀 so I just didn’t watch the movies either, but it’s worth ittttt and the first one at least (haven’t watched the others yet) is so good.
Tagging some of my moots bc for some reason tumblr is only showing ppl my reblogs and not my OG posts and it’s getting rlly annoying 🙄 @significant-ace-nnoyance @heheidks @messrsbyler @aemiron-main @runninguplenorahills @sorry-i-panicked @zinthoes
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backhurtyy · 3 years ago
I’m watching a new Hope now, Luke is such a funky little twink I love him. Also about the order, I watched my friend play through all the kingdom heart games and he chose to play the game where we got the backstory for a character before the game where that character dies to make a bigger impact, but the games came out in the order that he died and Then we got the backstory. If I had watched it the other way where he died and then we see his backstory and everything I would’ve liked it better tbh because the whole time would have known what happens and the inevitability of it all, same as what you said about the Star Wars movies so I get it 100%. Even now thinking back on him making friends and then dying I ache my chest fucking hurts. I don’t wanna spoil things for anyone so I won’t go into detail but yeah mood. Also was obi wans first introduction him screaming to scare off the sand dudes looting Luke? That’s literally so funny he’s just a goofy wizard to the town I love that. I also need to watch the lotr movies that’ll be next as well with xmen, there’s a lot of movies I haven’t seen I need to get to. - 🤍
After they blow up the Death Star, Luke, Leia and Han all hugging and laughing and complimenting each other 🥺 I love them so much. Also I forgot Luke and Leia had a like almost thing going on before they knew they were siblings, I hate it yuck. I love that Leia was like “my planet is peaceful we don’t have weapons don’t destroy it” and then has the snarkiest mouth of the trio, it’s perfect. Han and Leia are the blueprint. We’re starting empire strikes back now
Luke scratching Chewies neck and then Chewie grabbing him in a hug 😩 they all care about each other I love them. Also I hope you feel better then you did this morning, I’m sorry it took me so long to say so. I hope me talking about blorbos is somewhat of a distraction for you or that you have something else. I’m also like spamming your box so I’m gonna try to make longer messages instead of a bunch of small ones so it’s easier
hi hi hi!!!! okay i don’t know much about kingdom hearts but. oof yeah i can imagine playing a game while knowing what’s ultimately going to happen is just like. so painful 😭😭😭 also YES that is obi wans first introduction…. crazy old ben hanging out by himself in the desert, yelling at the tusken raiders. absolute king shit. i love him. and SAME my movie list is twenty thousand years long. so many things to watch so little time
THE ORIGINAL TRIO THEY ARE MY BEST FRIENDS I LOVE THEM THEYRE ALL SO HAPPY TO BE ALIVE AND BE TOGETHER AND!!!!! yeeeeaaaaaaaah the luke and leia storyline is so… hm. it’s uh. something. leia is such a badass i absolutely love her. the way she’s so regal and elegant but also won’t hesitate to jump down the trash chute or tear into tarkin and vader is such a wonderful combo. the hotheadness and the determination and the desire to negotiate before anything else… i’m so emotional because of Things That I’ll Talk About Later
LUKE AND CHEWIE BEST DUO NEXT QUESTION! also thank you!!! i’m doing better now, i spent some quality time with my heating pad and then went out w my friends so. we’re all good here 🥰🥰🥰
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