#yes these are the dino band-aids
uncanny-tranny · 2 years
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I had to share for very obvious reasons
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peronica · 2 years
The First Thing I'll Do....
Spoilers for season 5, remember in season 1 on the monorail the kids were talking about what they missed at home and what they'd do when they got back? Well, I wrote a quick story about it.
This is the first time I've tried to write a story involving texting as a main plot point, so just bear with me. And you can probably figure out who's who. Enjoy!
. . .
The first one came a week after the gang got home, not to Costa Rica, but once the doctors deemed them healthy enough to leave for their real homes. Jurassic World had provided each teen with a new phone as an “I’m sorry for leaving you for dead on the island” gift.
It was so random, no one knew what to think of it:
Track Star: Um, Sammy? Why are you hugging a cow? 
In the group chat Sammy had sent out a picture of her hugging a brown cow with a black face. 
Farm Girl: Remember when we were on the monorail? Yall said what yall’d do first when yall got home… Well, this is what I did! 🐮
Dino Nerd: me too.
Jungle Boy: How do you even remember that?
Mr. VIP: Hey, is that Bessie?
Farm Girl: Yes it is! I’ve missed her so much, I went straight for the pasture before dad pulled me back to the house to see mom and the others. 😁
Mr. VIP: Only you, Sammy… 
Farm Girl: Ok, now yall have one week to send your pictures, or I’ll come take them myself!
Another picture popped up, this time, Brooklyn was hugging her coffee machine, smiling like a lunatic.
Super Star: Done! Who’s next?
Over the next week, the gang kept sending their pictures, the next one being Darius, his V.R. Headset pulled above his eyes as he held the controllers and smiled at the camera. 
Dino Nerd: turns out the jurassic world video game isn’t as scary as it used to be.
Jungle Boy: Yeah, running from real ones will do that to you.
The next day, Ben held his fanny pack, now clean, up. On the table in front of him sat a small water bottle, an open first aid kit, a small flashlight, a carob bar and juice, a small pad of paper with some crayons, and some folded paper towels.
Track Star: Ben… do those band-aids have dinosaurs on them?
Jungle Boy: They glow in the dark, providing another source of light!
Mr. VIP: Of course they do.
A few days later, Yaz sent a picture of her in her new running gear, lined up with a few other kids on a track. On her face was a smile, her eyes full of determination.
Track Star: Mom and the doctors won’t let me run very far, but a few of my track buddies let me sneak into their 100 yard race earlier.
Mr. VIP: Did you win?
Dino Nerd: just be careful of that leg.
Track Star: Yeah, I know. And yes, I won.
“Hey, what's got you so happy?”
Darius looked up to see his brother, Brand, walk into his room. “The gang and I are sending pictures of  the first thing we said we’d do when we got home, it’s nice to see everyone so happy even though we’re so far apart.”
“That’s great Darius, but then why does Kenji look so sad?”
“What?” Kenji asked.
“Well, all week you’ve had this look that, I can’t really explain it other than you look sad.” Brand explained.
“Yeah Kenj, I’ve noticed it too; You ok?”
Kenji looked between the two brothers, and faked a smile: “Oh yeah, I’m fine! It’s just that, I said the first thing I’d do was go bowling in the basement. But I can’t do that now, so I have nothing to show the others.”
Darius and Brand shared a look, “Kenji-”
“Really dude, I’m fine.” He stood up to leave the room, “I’m just getting a snack, you want anything?”
“No thank you,” Darius sighed as his new brother left the room.
Once he was out of hearing range, the remaining brothers began to make a plan.
. . . .
“Ok, where are you taking me?” It was the next day, and Darius and Brand had practically pushed Kenji into the family’s car.
“You’ll see when we get there,” Darius said mysteriously. 
“Or, you could tell me now?” Kenji suggested, “Seriously guys, this feels suspiciously like kidnapping.”
“How do you know what that feels like?” Brand asked from the driver’s seat.
“What? Didn’t you guys go through anti-kidnapping classes when you were little?” He asked sarcastically.
“Uh, no.”
Kenji seemed shocked, “really? Then how did you avoid being kidnapped?” 
“Stranger Danger?”
“Common Sense?” Brand looked up, “we’re here.”
Kenji still couldn’t see where he was, until he opened the door and read the sign. “You brought me to a Mexican restaurant?”
“What? No,” Darius turned Kenji around.
Kenji’s entire face lit up, “no way…”
“I know it’s not as fancy as your private one, and no way are we going to let you win, but-”
Kenji interrupted Darius by pulling him and Brand into a hug. “It’s perfect!”
A few minutes later the group chat updated, this time Kenji was holding a blue bowling ball in front of their bowling lane, he was smiling like a ninny and looked so proud.
Farm Girl: Good for you Kenji!
Track Star: I was wondering when you’d post.
Super Star: That's so sweet!
Jungle Boy: Why’d you pick an 8 pound ball?
Mr. VIP: Shut up Ben!
About half an hour later another picture showed up, this one was a scoreboard reading: Capt: 98, Dino: 104, B-man: 90. And then Darius’s phone said:
Dino Nerd: Brandon here, I totally let them win, just so you know.
Mr. VIP: Is that why you keep changing balls and yelling at the pins?
Dino Nerd: Shut up Kenji!
. . . .
I hope you liked the story, I wrote it in like 15 minutes, so it might seem a little sloppy. Also, I am still working on my other story, if anyone here knows that one, writer's block stinks.
I hope you have a great day!
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lostxndbroken · 1 year
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@letsbreakhearts​ || Plotted starter in Modern AU
“This might sting a little, but if you stay as brave as you have been so far. I’ll give you a lollipop,” Alucard said with a little wink before he applied some iodine on a cotton pad before gently padding it against the abrasions on the child’s knees. He yelped as it stung, but bit on the bottom of his lip. “You’re doing great,” he encouraged.
Once done, Alucard took out a couple of band aids and showed the colorful printed collection. “Which one would you like?” He asked gently. The young boy took one with the dinos and then Alucard applied them on the wounds. “There is one more thing for us to do and that is to protect you from getting ill.”
“Getting ill from scratches?” The boy asked as he looked up at the man who wore light colored blue scrubs.
“Oh yes, you see. The streets are dirty, and when they stay in our body, they can make us sick. But don’t worry. A little shot will protect you from that.”
Once Alucard finished up with the young patient, he walked him out of the room and guided him to his parents with a lollipop in his hand. “He was a brave boy,” he smiled at them and nodded them goodbye.
His golden eyes quickly fell on someone else, a man sitting with a bunch of wounds and, by the look of it, it wasn’t because he fell down to the streets. “Mr. Belmont? Please, come in.” He was holding some documents. He kept his eyes on him, studied him and not just his injuries, but he also noticed how handsome he was behind all those bruises and probably filth.
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someone1348 · 2 years
Your little space and caregiver headcannons are adorable! Could you do little sapnap headcannons please?
Absolutely my friend! Thank you for the ask! Im so sorry this is coming out so late! My schedule has been Jam packed but here we goo!! @elliot-tword
Little!Sapnap! :]
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-Sapnap here in little space is just full of giggles!
-Almost every sentence contains some form of giggles
-He is pretty active as a little too so he's always looking to play with someone, wether it's sword fighting, playing pretend, hide and seek, tag, running around! He is always doing something!
-He ranges from the ages of 4-6 normally when he slips into little space
-He doesn't really have a specific caregiver, it's really whoever is around and is willing to take care of him but personally I think he should get one
-most of the time its dream (when dreams not also in little space) but if anyone where to be a caregiver for him permanently it would be his s/o
-Little Dream and Little Sapnap LOVE to have playdates with each other, it's so chaotic! Honestly good luck, you look away for one second and Sapnap is stuck in a tree!
-They're best friends! When they are together choas and them are a package deal
-Little Sapnap loves nap time! Especially with Little Dream! It's so cozy, he likes relaxing too and getting some well deserved rest after a fun day
-With that as well he LOVES the park!
-Whenever Big Q is taking care of him he will always beg Quackity to take him to the park!
-He's always showing off to try and impress the people he cares about the most so at the park He'll get Quackity and Karl to watch him be awesome at the monkey bars and other stuff like that!
-If he gets a boo boo he'll try to be a big boy about it but he will silently cry a bit until there's a band-aid on it
-He's very picky about his band aids too! He likes fun things so fun colors and themed bandages are the way to go!
-He doesn't like the cleaning process of a boo boo but Karl will always be right there to hold his hand and distract him while Quackity gets it on
-There's a first aid Kit with Sapnaps name and stickers on it that they bring everywhere just for him! It's adorable
-He likes the nicknames "Baby boy" "Sappy" "Giggles" and "Cool dude!" Alot he's just happy to be acknowledged
-Little Sapnaps love languages are Quality time and Words of affirmation
-There is really no specific thing that makes sapnap slip into the little headspace it just happens! He's not complaining though! No one is, little sapnap is adorable!
-Always wants to help out no matter what it is! Some tasks are too big for his little state though so the boys will always give him smaller things to do to help him feel included!
-Stickers are his favorite things ever!
-His favorite colors are red and orange!
-He has a small stuffed giraffe that he can't sleep without, it's name is George the giraffe (and yes George did buy it for him!)
-His favorite food I'd Dino nuggets and Mac and cheese!
-Going back to the giggle thing I mentioned earlier! Giggly sapnap plus his Playful personality equals a whole lot of wrecking!
-His favorite lers to mess with in order to get tickles are Quackity, Dream and Punz!
-As far as punishments go Karl is normally the one to use tickles as a way for sapnap to "learn his lesson" he never does but Karl just can't bring himself to do anything else!
-Quackity is the opposite, although he would never enforce anything bad on his kiddo! He will give him time out, but if what he did was really bad he will take away his Pokémon cards for the day and have a serious talk with him about what he did, why it was wrong and why he shouldn't do it again
-Contrary to popular belief Quackity is a very responsible Caregiver
-He is an unapologetic tatle tail sometimes though! Only when ABSOLUTELY necessary or when he's trying to get tickled
-He where's his heart on his sleeve so you will be able to tell whatever he is feeling immediately
-He's so sweet!!! I can't!
-If he ever does cry though, Just hold him until he's done and give him loves of love and attention because sometimes the poor thing just needs to release
-In a way Sapnap gets even more ticklish when he's in little space so be prepared for even more giggles!
-"Nohoho! Ihihihit Tihihihickless!!"
-He isn't too ticklish on his stomach but when he's in little space that spot is a gold mine!
-He will gently kick but wiggle a lot!
-so so cute!
-his neck is his melt spot!
-He loves onzies in the winter time! And hot coco!
-bubbles are a must have in everyday life!
-He's just so precious! Protect and Stan little Sapnap!
I hope you enjoyed! Precious Little Sapnap!
My headcannons for this and my lee/ler headcannons are always open so feel free to send anyone you want in my ask box and I will get to it asap!
^^ this is a message for everyone! :]
But I hope you enjoyed! Thank you again so much for the ask @elliot-tword I loved writing this!
-K :]
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kuroosweakness · 4 years
oikawa, iwaizumi, kuroo, bokuto, akaashi, tendou, and ushijima as part-time workers
how i imagine them as part-time workers :DD please like and reblog !! <3
karasuno version here !!
oikawa: starbucks barista
- i’m sorry but he just fits perfectly with starbucks lmaoo
- he’ll be a nice worker half the time but if he doesn’t like the vibe a customer gives off, he’ll purposely write their name wrong 
- he will CONSTANTLY be posting about the job on his social media. if you’re on his close friends, the things you see will be quite concerning ( in a funny way though lmaooo )
- he’ll definitely fake a british accent in the drive-through
- if his friends pulled up to starbucks, the chances of him switching the salt and sugar is kinda high ... but he often gives out free cakepops which is one of the reasons why his boss is always trying to have a talk with him 
- but mostly everyone loves barista oikawa and no one can get rid of him, not even the boss. he’s one of those people who you just can’t help but love :)) 
iwaizumi: a movie theater worker 
- all i’m imaging right now is iwaizumi in a all-black movie theater crew uniform... 
- the gays and girls don’t go to the movie theater just to see movies, they’re there to see him too- 
- the main reason why iwaizumi likes working in a movie theater is because the bond between the employees is tight and he just loves film in the first place
- iwaizumi glares at the people who don’t clean up after themselves in the theater. he doesn’t understand why throwing away a popcorn bucket is so hard. 
- he’ll always scoop the perfect amount of popcorn in the buckets and his candy recommendations are on point. however, if he sees people sneaking snacks in, he’ll ask what they’re sneaking in and if the snacks fits his taste, he’ll smile and let it slide :) 
- the movie theater is probably right next to the starbucks that oikawa works at 
kuroo: tutor or target worker
- i bet you saw “tutor” coming but TARGET WORKER ( target is a grocery store that also sells a good selection of toys and plants and furniture and clothes. the amount of teachers i’ve seen shop at target is uncountable ) 
- kuroo would definitely be the chill tutor who explains things so lightly and easily it’ll make you wonder how you didn’t understand in the first place 
- his handwriting is ... doctor’s handwriting... reading off of his paper is not easy and students have to ask him to explain what he’s writing all the time 
- students are intimidated by him at first but later he just turns into the “smart one” in the friend group :)
target worker: 
- okay but kuroo in that classic red shirt ...
- again, he’ll be the chill one who lowkey dances when shelving items. if a customer doesn’t know where something is, they automatically go to him because he will know EXACTLY what they’re talking about 
- the toilet paper with the cartoon bears on the packaging? it’s on the right side in aisle 4 on the third shelf level
- the grandmas who shops at target loves him. idk why they just do :D
bokuto: uber driver/ uber eats 
- yes. bokuto would definitely be the FUN UBER DRIVER. he’ll offer mints, water, snacks before he even asks for the destination 
- people will definitely find candy wrappers over the back seat and empty water bottles ... and spare chargers... (his car probably smells like a mix of chicken and the smell of brand new clothing)
- the songs he plays? YES, TURN IT UP. when bokuto listens to music while driving, he gets IMMERSED into the songs. he sings his heart out, he dances, he does everything except put both of his hands on the steering wheel ....
- but no worries !! bokuto’s driving is surprisingly stable and his memory of the roads is outstanding 
- he’ll lend a ear to the people who are big on conversations. bokuto is AMAZING at talking. he has conversations like strangers as if they’ve been friends since three. if you have drama you want to let out on your uber driver, bokuto’s your guy 
- as a uber eats driver, he’ll probably steal a fry... and sniff the food sometimes
- however, he’ll always grab extra sauce and napkins and sometimes even buys a random food item he likes and gives it to the customer for free lmao 
- “oh yeah i know you didn’t order cheese bagels but i thought you’d like them so i got them” 
akaashi:  medical assistant/ EMT worker
- akaashi is quiet and doesn’t speak his mind often but his mind is AMAZING and he has a passion for helping others 
- the people of the community loves akaashi ( as they should ) 
- he’s helped people with broken arms, kids who fell off of slides, etc etc. he also specializes in protecting the children he sees. the kids that akaashi aids LOVES him and feels so comfortable with him which is why akaashi always gets the tea that the kids tells him :)
- “akaashi-san, my mom almost fed me blueberries yesterday so i put legos on her bed :D. also can i have the dino band-aids this time?”
- when akaashi hears things like this, it makes his day :) he’ll smile and nod along. “what happened next?”  
tendou: life-guard
- not only is he a fun life-guard, but he’s also a hot one :D <33
- the kids at the pool LOVES HIM. tendou always throws the pool rings into the pool for the kids to dive for. he brings floaty toys too!! when the kids don’t know how to blow the floaties, he’ll teach them
- if it’s especially hot one day, ice cream is on him. 
- even with his fun side, tendou takes life-guarding really seriously and never looks away from the pool when he’s on duty
- there’s never a dull, boring moment with tendou at the pool :))
ushijima: florist
- yes. ushijima as a florist? yes. 
- flowers have a special place in ushijima’s heart. they’re his safe place. he has a really good eye when it comes to matching flowers to decor. 
- he makes flower wristbands, corsages, flower headbands, bouquets, all that. he has his favorite flowers and is always trying to recommend customers to buy his personal favorites :) 
- there’s small scars and cuts over his hands due to the thorns and pricks that some flowers have. his coworkers keep telling him to put gloves on but he insists on treating all the flowers gently and equal
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Now you know
Summary: Tony Stark has a daughter and she’s dating Peter Parker but he doesn’t know that.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark! fem! reader
Warning: fluff 
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It’s not a secret everyone knows but it’s a secret if the one person who shouldn’t know doesn’t know. At least that was the logic (Y/n) Stark was using as everyone knew she was dating Peter Parker expect her father. At First they tried to hide it from everybody but secrets were hand to have when you lived with spies, assassins, mind readers, and generally nosey people. It wasn’t long before just about everyone knew. Everyone but but her clueless father. 
Peter and (Y/n) were never intimate in front of others but it was still very clear they were more than friends but apparently this all went over his head. And honestly he wasn’t a very observant person when it came to his kids. Such as right now.
(Y/n) was on the couch sitting on Peter’s lap and Tony was in the kitchen making a sandwich.” You think he noticed”
“Yeah, he definitely noticed” (Y/n) said smiling over his shoulder at her father and waved he winked and smiled. Both Peter and (Y/n) watched as Tony left back to the lab not paying them any mind.
“Remember my last boyfriend”
“Hmmmm Nope”
“Yes you do. I couldn’t even sit within four feet of him without him freaking out. I needed constant supervision. Hell he gave even less space to my lab partner “
“To be fair it was brad”
“And here I am literally in you lap and he says nothing. Is he really that clueless?” she asked moving so she was more so straddling him he wrapped his arms around her waist. 
“I think he just isn’t ready to accept it so he pretends not to see it.” Peter says
“He loves you both sees you both as his children.” Wanda days coming in and sitting on the couch with Natasha not even looking at them. 
“He’s probably has to figured out which of you get the’ if you hurt them you’re dead talk’ or he’s still weirded out by his son figure and daughter dating”
“Or he’s an idiot who is clueless to what is obviously happening around him” Wanda says snatching the remote from Natasha “You guys should just go and tell him because  at this rate he won’t find out for a long time and when he does he’ll be butt hurt”
“Being the last to find out I can already see him butt hurt” Natasha said hitting wanda with a pillow. This begins a pillow fight for the remote. 
“Come on” (Y/n) says standing and holding out her hand to Peter ignoring the women play fighting in front og them. “Let’s go rip off this band-aid”
“is it going to hurt?” Peter asks taking her hand and standing up 
“Him more than us”
“Hi daddy” (Y/n) says bouncing into his lab Peter coming slowly behind her. 
“Hey sweetheart” he calls over his shoulder still tinkering
“I have something important to tell you daddy” he puts his tolls down and turns around giving her his full attention “ I have a boyfriend”
“not another one” Tony whines and (Y/n) was quite offended she only had two relationships including Peter.
“Mr. Stark, I have a girlfriend”
“Hey that’s my-...that’s good” Tony corrects his response as he saw the look (y/n) was giving him.
“Mr. Stark “ Peter says holding up his hand which was holding (Y/n)’s. They watched as Tony’s face silently turned into realization and disbelieve. Seeing her father struggling to understand she rolled her eyes and pulled Peter into a quick kiss.
“That should clear everything up. Peter and I are going for ice cream. We’ll let you process this. Okay bye.” 
They quickly turned and ran from the lab “ that went well” Peter said as they run down the hall hand in hand.
“Yeah, just what until he figures out how long we’ve been dating.”
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@lovely-lollipops-blog @totallyweirdsam @sexysamsungl @lilylovelyxo @iamwarrenspeace @geeksareunique @that-random-emu @supreme-leader-jazlo-ren @stone2576 @lil-dino-trash @metal-armed-dino @dylanobrienmoviekid @theshortegg @dontevenblink-badwolf-tardis @mandylove1000  @isnotashtonstan @broitsmydick @onceaballeralwaysaballer1213 @mypage-myfandoms @jordynhartley2001 @midnightdream83 @cookies186 @i-am-marvel-trash-forever @marvels-queen-bee @aebeessun @gabriels-gumdrop @the-best-alchemist @smile-my-bean @valeriae2903 @cassiopeia-barrow​ @uberduber-loulou​ @spideyboiiiiiii @lookinsidemyhead​ @actors-hot​ @lokilvrr​ @rororo06​ @pet2576 @5aftermidnight @uhhh-idk-dude​ @theshortegg​
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Seventeen as Daycare Teachers please!!
treats every single kid as if they were his own
teaches them about the importance of teamwork and friendship
loses on purpose when kids challenge him to arm wrestling
“woah!!! you’re so strong!!!”
one kid accidentally called him dad and then the other kids followed
also takes a nap during naptime, usually the kids are the ones who have to wake him up
sometimes he pretends he’s asleep because he finds it so cute how they all jump on him and excitedly try to get him to wake up
brings back “whose baby are you?” to which all the kids reply “teacher jeonghan’s baby!!”
gives everyone a hug before they go home
a pro at getting kids to stop crying
teaches them basic english
the kids are always trying to catch his attention because they love him so much
“teacher joshua, look what i made!!” “teacher joshua, over here!!” “teacher joshua—”
“hi, i’m teacher jun, but you can call me handsome.”
the kids actually believed him and called him teacher handsome for a while until he had to correct them when parents started calling him teacher handsome too
lets the kids tie his hair into pigtails
every kid wants to hold his hand or sit on his lap
crawls into the little playhouses and indoor playgrounds and gets stuck
the kids all have to work together to pull him out
great acting, pretends to be hurt when kids shoot imaginary lasers at him
really good at getting the shy kids to open up
learns simple magic tricks to impress them
daily story time with the kids
the kids like to nuzzle him while he reads them books
hangs their drawings up on the walls
gives them stickers when they do a good job
music time twice a week
takes song requests and plays the guitar/piano while the kids all sing along with him
loves them all so much, but doesn’t show it
thinks the kids don’t like him, but they all want to stay even when it’s time to go home
started giving them hugs after a few weeks, which made them so happy
the kids always tell him how much they love his smile
makes the kids laugh because of the little dance he does when peeling oranges for them
also makes them laugh when he imitates animals
does that thing he did in knowing bros to catch their attention
daily cooking lessons ranging from simple sandwiches to cake pops
the kids are always asking him to pick them up because he’s so tall
bakes cookies or cupcakes for every kid’s birthday
the kids are always asking him to draw things for them
a total klutz, trips over the little chairs and tables
comes up with new games to play with the kids every day
somehow knows exactly what each kid wants
“abwabwuwu” “oh you’re hungry? don’t worry, it’s almost lunchtime”
lots of arts and crafts projects
the kids always compliment his paintings, which make him blush
tells the kids how much he loves them daily
always cupping their cheeks and calling them cute
makes them laugh all the time with his tsunami skits
loves to sing for them
so excited about everything they do
“teacher seungkwan, look!! i tied my shoelaces all by myself!!” “(dramatic gasp) YOU DID??? I’M SO PROUD OF YOU, KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK!!!”
messed up by telling the kids they can call him either vernon or hansol and they all got confused and mixed both names up
“teacher versol?” “(sigh) yes?” “teacher hannon, look!” “…what have i done”
gives them plenty of high-fives, pats on the head, hugs
makes up special handshakes with the kids
impresses the kids with his amazing building blocks skills
smiles fondly at how excited the kids get when he blows bubbles in the room
teaches them simple dance moves
has cute band-aids ready for when a kid gets hurt
makes up special days like “stripes day” or “blue day” every friday so that they can all match clothes
thank you for your request!!
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irenerei · 4 years
The MV killed me in so many ways and I loved all the details and symbolism that tally with the lyric. It will be long so...
I did an short analysis of the lyric, can be found here 
The MV killed me in so many ways and I loved all the details and symbolism that tally with the lyric. Too bad I dont have good pausing skills so please play the MV while reading this if you like.
The chains that holding back Hoshi and Minghao tally to lyric about hardship endured during summer and rainy days. Or, i personally would think the chains are actually roots. I mean trees are rooted right?
Minghao and Hoshi’s intimate dance, notice that Hoshi is stretching out like a branch while Minghao’s twisting upwards to signify growth
A flash of Minghao and Hoshi’s dance that they are on the ground look like struggling it maybe symbolise bud growing out from the soil.
Wonwoo chained, i will express this further in the wonhui moment later
Woozi with Color stripes? looks like he is an artist struggling to express what it is his ideal of beautiful. It tally to lyrics and his life as producer and songwriter (PS : Black hair woozi majestic af)
Also I noticed that they Woozi 2 items, paintbrush and camera. Both are art producing tools, does it signifies Woozi capable to play instrument, songwriting and dance and sing? I think so.
Joshua being caved in a room. And Joshua have band aid on his face with small flower stick to his cheek. I have 2 ideas on this.
1. Hoshi’s lyrics “Wound will heal and bud will grow”
2.  If the MV is an AU of SVT, Joshua’s appearance might considered an mutant and then he locked himself away. Noticed how the room was all pieces that got shattered, he must have broken them to express his anger. To elaborate further, Joshua is the one of the foreigner in the group his culture is definitely different, who knows it tally to him struggling to fit in and worrying about if he is the weird one. In short, self doubt making oneself ignoring own beauty wtihhin  (Chinaline are foreigner too but I am talking about East and West Culture)
Seungcheol one was *deep breath. Idk I resonated alot. I do know this MV was filmed before he took rest from his activities, but him with white cloths surrounding and covering him from surroundings symbolise his hardships as a leader so much to me. It’s kinda like packaging up yourself so that others does not see the fragile side or yours. Just because being fragile/ having mental illness/ being weak is not mainstream enough. Also SeungCheol with his lines tally to SVT enduring trainee hardships so that they could debut and meet us Carats.
DK’s scene. I am not sure about this, but notice he is standing at center and globes are circulating around him. I hope I am wrong it signifies loneliness alot to me. Yes i do have friends or people around me but they dont really understand me and does not see me through aka does not really see the beauty. Or what if the globe are not friends, rather than those online backlashing  and evil commenting people?
Also DK scene seems to be the same set as Dino’s. what if globe are the hyungs? lmao. BUT in Dino’s scene we did not see globe 
Or if we wanna bring it deeper SVT, DK = SVT = idol and the globe orbiting are normal civilians/netizen.
Vernon’s scene somewhat reminds me of Thanks MV when they are in a room doing makeup lol. Maybe its the color scheme. Notice that Vernon also have flower growing from his hand. Tally to Vernon’s Korean-American blood in him. So for now English speaking line have flower growing from their body parts. ALSO THEIR ROOMS ARE CONNECTED!!!! (Camera work or editing  but omg)
Jun scene again i will express it during the wonhui scene. But to mention a bit, I am sure Jun = flower at this point. welp he is beauty he is grace XD.
Jeonghan being the angel chained was ommfph!!! I cannot wait for From of Therapy to react to this lol. I am think Jeonghan’s role in here is truly a fallen angel with his wings got vanished for some reason or whatever. So Angel without wings, still beautiful mainstreamly? Not quite. But still beautiful.
Mingyu on a plank with flowers around him. He is visual of the group after all do we need more elaboration?? lmao. But notice that the plank have noting to support on, its floating. So to me it kinda felt like South korea boy band industry rapid growth and such. His good looks of course is not going to stay or being talked as a topic forever. Visuals are not necessarily everything. OF course I am overeading on this but discussion are welcome.
Seungkwan scene, omg I cannot believe how simple yet beautiful it is. The message that I resonated was simple. As Seungkwan went through diet and exercise and health control with vitamins, I think he is admiring and has his own ideals of “beautiful”. He is holding the flowers dearly and also tightly, signifies his stubborn and dedication to be like the “beautiful= flower”
Ah mirror/reflecting glass, this is why I felt it is an aftermath of Fear MV. From Fear lyrics of fearing what I am, to embracing own beauty as flaw makes a part of it too. But the mirror thingy then turns to things for them to step. So, stepping your ownself/accepting your own self? i guess??
Mingyu having a flower shower is soft but rude af, also title callback
ALAS THE WONHUI MOMENT. So I mentioned Jun = falling flower/petals of sakura or other , so in my opinion Wonwoo = soil/ground. Notice that Wonwoo in earlier scene is holding to some dusts. For me it symbolise sakura/petals rot and turns to dust while the ground could only watch it fades away. Hence the whole Wonwoo’s angst acting on earlier scenes but when he saw Jun his expression got gentler. It is kinda like an annual rendezvous thing, “Hi! its been a year~!”  “I told you I will be back again *smiles”
That is why i felt it is a lowkey Wonhui fic, well played.
Them boys all gathering as one symbolise they got out of their shell (their respective scene = shell) and embrace beauty, making a LARGER PICTURE OF BEAUTIFUL.  yes I am implying SVT = BEAUTY here.
In short our boys are all beautiful entities, and thank you destiny making them gathered together to be as one group. 
I hope I did not miss anything, but if I do, its open for discuss.
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seriestrash · 6 years
Jackson Street Gym
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Summary: AU where Cyrus doesn’t know where TJ works and stumbles across him there by chance. Requested by anon [x]
Time frame of this AU: Same as the actual scene, whilst Buffy is away.
Read on Ao3
Word Count: 1979
It’s Saturday morning and after staying up until the early AM working on a science project, Cyrus is not thrilled to be waking up only a few hours later. He’s even less enthused about his wakeup call being delivered by a five year old jumping on top of him. 
“Hi, Cy, Hi, Cy, Hi, Cy!” The young boy chants as he bounces on his knees on Cyrus’s bed. 
“Hi, Mason.” Cyrus sleepily greets his step brother. “When did you get here?” 
“Mommy just dropped me off.” Mason finally stops his jumping. 
Cyrus looks at the digital clock on his nightstand and groans at it only being a few minutes after six in the morning, meaning he barely got three hours sleep.  
“Dad and Leslie said we get to spend the day together and it’s going to be so much fun!” Mason excitedly hits Cyrus in the arm. 
“Yay.” Cyrus’s fake enthusiasm was not winning him any awards. 
Cyrus sleepily drags himself out of bed and into the kitchen where Leslie gives him a sympathetic smile as she pours him cereal. 
“I didn’t know Mase was coming over this weekend.” Cyrus was so tired that he missed his mouth after trying to take a mouthful of his breakfast. 
“Kelly’s sister went into labour early so she dropped him here.” Leslie explains why Mason is here on a weekend that he’d normally be with his mother.
“I’m getting a new baby cousin.” Mason is enthusiastic as he bounces around the kitchen. 
“Yeah you are, buddy,” Todd picks up Mason and spins him around, “Why don’t we put your bag in your room and let Cyrus have a chance to wake up properly?” 
“Okay.” Mason seems disappointed as Todd carries him out fo the room. 
“I know you were up late last night, Cookie but-” Leslie begins but Cyrus cuts in. 
“Nooo.” Cyrus groans. 
“Honey, I know but Todd and I both have patients all day.” Leslie looks apologetic. 
“I love Mason but he’s so exhausting,” Cyrus sighs, “And I’m already so exhausted.” 
“You could take him to the park or that kids gym on Jackson Street and he’ll tire himself out by lunch.” Leslie suggests. 
“That is some optimistic thinking.” Cyrus yawns knowing full well the chances of tiring out that pure energy ball were slim.
Cyrus gets dressed for the day as Mason was already eagerly nagging him about doing something fun. Cyrus had nothing against his energetic step brother it was just that they had very little in common - with him being five and all - and Mason was known to be spritely and considering Cyrus’s lack of sleep, the full on day did not sound ideal. 
Cyrus decides to take Mason to the Jackson Street Gym as it was a controlled environment and therefore easier to keep track of the bouncy kid. The two are walking down the street together when Mason spots the sign and runs ahead. 
“Be careful of the road!” Cyrus chases after him but is uncoordinated with his efforts and trips over, scraping both his palms up in his attempts to catch himself from falling.  
Cyrus picks himself up just as Mason barrels into the gym. Cyrus stops to assess his tender hands that were scraped pretty badly and beginning to bleed. Although his injuries stung, Cyrus has little time to stand around and think about them as he had to catch up with Mason. 
Once inside the gym, Cyrus freezes when he spots Mason bouncing up and down - nothing out of the ordinary there - what actually surprises Cyrus is the person bouncing along excitedly with him. It’s none other than TJ Kippen. Scary turned not-so-scary basketball guy. Or, super-kind-to-me-but-not-always-to-Buffy basketball guy. A concept which leaves Cyrus conflicted about their friendship now that Buffy has moved away. 
In a panic Cyrus takes a purposeful dive behind a stack of safety mats. Once crouched behind them, Cyrus begins to wonder just what his plan was, what was next? He’d hide there forever and abandon Mason? Hope TJ leaves before Mason questions where he is? Cyrus is dwelling over his lack of viable choices when two familiar faces peek around the mats to look at him. 
“Hey, Underdog.” TJ says with a crooked smirk. 
“Whatcha doing, Cy?” Mason questions. 
“Hi,” Cyrus says still in his crouched position with a little wave, “I was just playing hide and seek. Mase, you win..” He offers up unconvincingly. 
“Hey, did you hurt yourself?” TJ asks concerned after noticing Cyrus’s injury when he waved. 
Cyrus faces his palms towards himself, both of which were still bleeding. “Oh,” Cyrus says as he gets to his feet, “I just tripped over outside, it’s nothing.”
“Hey, Mason, why don’t you go play with some of the other kids and I’ll help your clumsy brother here clean up?” TJ says with a smirk meant for Cyrus although it was pointed at the younger boy. 
Mason happily joins in with the other younglings and TJ leads Cyrus to the back after telling one of the older workers he was helping a friend out. The two teens are inside the staff room where TJ wets some paper towel and helps Cyrus clean his palms gently. 
“So what’s the verdict, am I going to make it?” Cyrus asks. 
“I think you’ll survive.” TJ says with a chuckle as he throws away the damp paper towel. He then takes Cyrus’s hands and looks over his palms again. “We have some decorative band-aids if that will make you feel better?”
“I wouldn’t say no to something with dinosaurs on it...” Cyrus jokingly fakes being sheepish. 
TJ wears a knowing look as he reaches for the first aid kit. Then he rather excitedly reveals a box of band-aids. Cyrus’s mouth hangs agape and he takes the small box in his hands, “They’re shaped like little tyrannosaurus rexes.” 
“For your dino-sores.” TJ laughs softly as he takes the box and points to the pun on the label. 
“Well I’d hate to bleed out.” Cyrus says goofily and he holds out his palms. TJ obliges and places a green dinosaur band-aid on each of Cyrus’s scrapes. 
“There, all better.” TJ says with a grin. 
Cyrus is smiling at the decorative dino on each palm when TJ continues, “I didn’t know you had a little brother?” 
“Step brother technically,” Cyrus explains, “But yeah, we’ve been brothers since he was one.” 
“So you two must be pretty close then?” TJ asks.
“Not exactly.” Cyrus frowns. “We don’t have much in common.” 
TJ laughs at this, “Cyrus, he’s five, you’re not supposed to have stuff in common, you’re supposed to have fun.” 
“I suppose working at a kids gym makes you the expert?” Cyrus folds his arms. 
“It helps,” TJ laughs, “And so does having younger siblings myself.” 
“You do?” Cyrus asks. 
“Yep, twins, a boy and a girl, making for the most hyperactive duo. I also have an older sister so I have experience being the younger sibling too.” TJ explains. 
“I did not know you came from a big family.” Cyrus says, “I also didn’t know you worked here.” 
“And here I was thinking you were stalking me.” TJ jokes. 
“You’re full of surprises, TJ.” Cyrus says with a titled head and fixed gaze causing TJ to look away nervously. 
“Mason seemed pretty excited when he first got here.” TJ tries to shift focus off himself. 
“Mason is excited about everything.” Cyrus states with a laugh.
“Maybe so, but he was particularly excited about having- how did he put it?” TJ pauses for a second and smiles, “Super mega fun time with his big brother.”
“He said that?” Cyrus asks with a smile.
“In his eyes, you’re the coolest person he knows.” TJ pats Cyrus on the shoulder. 
“He clearly doesn’t know a lot of people.” Cyrus scoffs and TJ rolls his eyes at Cyrus’s negativity.  
“From one big brother to another, they all think we’re the coolest.” TJ leans in closer like he was letting Cyrus in on a secret. 
“You’re also a little brother too.” Cyrus highlights with a raised brow, “Is your sister the coolest person you know?”
“God no,” TJ scoffs, “I’m old enough to know better,” He laughs, “She takes way too long in the bathroom.”
Cyrus chuckles along at this.
“So.” TJ says nervously after the room falls silent, “I should get back to work.” 
“You probably should.” Cyrus laughs with a nod. 
“There’s a parents room out the back where the mom’s and dad’s all sit around and read magazines or talk about their kids,” TJ explains with a look of boredom, “But you’re welcome to hang out the front with me and Mason and about a dozen other kids.” 
“Is that allowed?” Cyrus questions. 
“Of course.” TJ nods. “You could maybe finish that game of hide and seek?” 
Cyrus’s cheek burn red under TJ’s knowing look. 
“If I was an insecure guy I might have thought you were avoiding me.” TJ adds more sheepishly. 
“What, why would I be avoiding you?” Cyrus scoffs dramatically although he intended for it to be casual.
TJ and Cyrus make their way back out into the gym where Mason pounces on Cyrus. With TJ’s comment about not having to have things in common rather just have fun in Cyrus’s mind, he lets himself enjoy the quality time with his brother. It also wasn’t terrible spending the day with TJ either, more so very enjoyable and any guilt Cyrus felt about Buffy was lost in the moment. 
After some fun and games - and a whole lot of chasing Mason around - Cyrus is beginning to feel his three hours of sleep catch up with him. 
“Does this place have a nap time?” Cyrus asks with a yawn. 
“It’s a gym, Underdog, not a daycare.” TJ laughs, “Why are you so tired?”
“I stayed up late working on my science project.” Cyrus explains. 
“But that’s due on Monday?” TJ wears a quizzical look. “You stayed up all night on a Friday to work on an assignment that isn’t due until Monday?” 
“Yes?” Cyrus is confused over what the big deal was. “I’ve been working on it all week, I just put the finishing touches on it last night.. Or this morning depending how you look at at...” 
“I haven't even started mine.” TJ shrugs nonchalantly with a laugh. 
Cyrus winces at this, it hurt his academic achieving ways. 
“Going by the look on your face I’d say I better start it tonight and not leave it until tomorrow like I had planned?” TJ chuckles. 
“I think that’s a good plan.” Cyrus nods with a smile. 
Mason joins the pair of teens and tugs on Cyrus’s arm. 
“Hey, Mason, are you getting tired yet, you maybe want to go home?” Cyrus looks at the boy hopefully. 
“No!” Mason runs a circle around TJ and Cyrus. 
“Yeah, I didn’t think so.” Cyrus frowns sleepily. “I think I might just sit down for a little bit and watch.” 
Cyrus walks over to one of the foam cubes in the room and sits down, tucking his head up on his arms on top of the cube, “You have fun, Mase.” 
“Ni, ni, Cy.” Mason gently pats Cyrus’s hair before returning to play. 
TJ watches and lets out a quiet laugh at the very tired Cyrus. “Dork.” He says to himself before addressing the children running around, “Who wants to play the sneaky, creepy, quiet game?” 
Various shouts of expressed interest to play come from all the children. TJ wears a wide smile as he places his index finger over his mouth. All the kids quiet down and TJ invents a new game for everyone to play, one that just so happens to allow Cyrus to comfortably snooze in the corner of the room. 
End Notes: Hope you liked it anon! I hope it was incredible enough for you ;) 
My new one shot tag list! 
|| @andi-shackk || @duderrific || @human-shitpost || @cyrushgoodman || @castle-byers-all-friends-welcome || @the-greatt-perhaps || @stupidlambforever || @dont-judge-me-im-a-fangirl || @gusandimack || @tjhasacrushgoodman || @1302dillywomps || @cheesystars || @i-am-beyoutiful || @koimy || @phinallyjackie || @angelstr343 || @you-get-to-exhale-now-cyrus || @back-to-this || @spookytyrus || @smol28louis || @tyrusmagocious || @editscenes || @happy-pinkpanda || @tj-goodman-bittersweet-boy || @idk-i-stan-things || @lisastae || @wizard-dragontamer || @thinkingabouttyrus || @spacejellyyfish || @traderjoesmitten || @hopeandbelieve5 || @avatarrey42 || @shipperstories || @rbf-lesbian || @itsgalaxy29 || @cxrus-kippen || @janky-snorpion ||
If you would like to be tagged in future one shots let me know! Same foes for anyone wanting to be removed from the list :) 
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nostalgiaispeace · 3 years
Is there a necklace that you wear all the time? No.
How often do you wear skirts? Never. Do you enjoy baking? sure Do you have a large kitchen? No, it’s really small. Is anything sore on your body at the moment? yes
Do you like 3D movies? No. Where were you 3 hours ago? here Have you ever heard of Hot Chelle Rae? no Do you know where Poland is? sure Are you afraid of dying? a bit Are you wearing socks right now? no Do you speak your mind? sometimes If you found a wounded bird, what would you do? idk Ever rode on an elephant? No. Have you ever had braces? yes
Have you ever eaten a crayon? No. Do you like strawberries? yesss Wrestling or boxing? Neither. When’s the last time you went to the mall? idk Have you ever gone Christmas Caroling? no What song do you never get tired of? lana’s music Do you have a favorite chef? No. Do you know who Travis Pastrana is? no What song pumps you up and makes you feel good? so many
What’s bothering you right now? my ankles
Favorite flavor of gum? peppermint. Does your school have air conditioning? -
How many mirrors do you have in your home? 2 What does your wrapping paper look like for presents this year? - Do you like Jay-Z? sure
What time was it 14 hours ago? i’m not doing math rn What’s the craizest thing that happens in your hometown? protests Have any of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? Yes. What’s your favorite city? nyc Have you ever laid on a hammock? yes
Who’s the most famous person you met? tom felton Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend stolen from you? No. Where do you want to live someday? on some land Do you like your eyes? sure Do you wear a watch? Nope. Do you like peanut butter? yeah Do you tan easily? kinda Do you have sensitive skin? no Do you care if people smoke/drink? no Has anyone ever gives you roses? Nope.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? never enough Do you hate it when babies cry? well yeah Would you like to get snake bites? (the piercing) i’ve had them before Would you move to a new state/country to be with the one you love? i did What is your name? ashley What do you plan on buying in the future? idk Who is your favorite “That ‘70 Show” character? none There is a mummy behind you. What do you do? scream What do you think of Miley Cyrus? i don’t have any thoughts Do you tend to think you are always right? i’m a capricorn so yeah What was your favorite toy as a child? my nanny frog Do you think more about your funeral or wedding? neither Dinosaurs or unicorns? dinos You need new jeans. Where do you go? i wouldn’t buy jeans What do you think about Maroon 5? they’re okay
Have you ever snuck into an R-rated movie when you weren’t old enough? no How many Emily’s do you know? 2 Have you ever slept in a tent outside? yes What’s your favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie? the coconut ones What do you hear at the moment? tv Why do you think a lot of people left Myspace for Facebook? facebook was  new and easier Do you watch the Olympics? yes Have you ever been to Minnesota? No. What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen on TV? idk What do you miss most about elementary school? being young and innocent Anything funny happen to you while you were at Wendy’s? yeah actually lol
When’s the last time you picked up a stick? idk
How often do you have camp fires? like never
How long has your computer been on? Hours. Do you like chips and salsa? yes Do you have any pictures of the guy you like? well yeah Ever touched a fish? ahhh yes When’s the last time you uploaded pictures onto Facebook or Myspace? today Do you have any band-aids on right now? Nope. Ever had a blister? no Do you watch the show The Hard Times or RJ Berger? No. Have you ever voted for anything? well yes Do you like high top shoes? yes Do you think those nerd glasses are cool? sure?
Do you own any t-shirts of your favorite band/singer? Yes. Have you ever worn a tie? No. Have you ever made dinner for someone? yes Do you only listen to your muisc loud? yes
Have you ever taken drama class? yes. Have you ever rode a mechanical bull? no Have you ever played on a basketball team? No. Ever stayed in a motel? yes What number was your jersey in high school? - Have you ever choked on something? Yes. 
Do you wear a belt? no Do you have a rug in your room? no Do you go camping during the summer? no Do you carry a purse everywhere you go? yes Where’s your favorite place to get coffee? my house. What’s the last time you searched on Google? idk Which of these singers have the best voice: Katy Perry or Usher? they both have nice voices What food is your weakness? pizza How many unread emails do you have right now? none
0 notes
lil-brioche · 7 years
All the numbers on the ask game!!!!!!!!
OMG OK 1- What is your name?Kiara 2- Your nicknames?I think Kiih and Kiarinha ( I can not remember :c )3- Favorite petnames?Baby girl, Pudding, Angel, sweethear, princess, Honey, Cutie, Love and Darling4- What is your age?165- What is your regressed age range?5-86- What do you like to do while teenietime?I like to color, draw, play video games, watch a lot of cartoons, play with my caregiver, listen to stories, read, listen to music and play with my dog 7- Do you have a caregiver or a big sib?I have a caregiver!!! @ednaldo-pereira 8- If you have one (caregiver/big sib) how do you call them?Daddy, Dada and Love9- Frilly socks or knee socks?Knee Socks10- What is your favorite cartoon/anime while teenietime?Star vs the forces of evil 11- Sippy cups or bottles?Sippy Cups12- What is the name of your favorite plushie?Agent Panda, Jeremias and Barry 13- Are you a quiet baby or a loud baby?Loud Baby14- Chocolate or strawberry milk?Strawberry Milk15- Do you wear diapers?No16- Are you afraid of dark?A little bit17- Disney or studio ghibli?Both, but if I have to choose… I think Disney…?18- Halloween or christimas?Halloween19- Do you pet regress?Sometimes20- If you pet regress, as what animal do you regress?Kittens21- Which carebear is your favorite?Grumpy Bear22- What is your favorite princess?Mulan23- Are you a princet or a knight?Knights are awesome24- Do you have a bedtime?Yes, but i don’t like it  >:c25- Does your caregiver give you rules?Yes26- If you have rules, what are your rules?I have to be very respectful with Daddy all the times, repect other people and sleep on the corect time. I also have to do my homework, eat everything Daddy asks me to and never say bad things about myself. I think that’s it27- Do you like to use pacifiers?Yeeeeees28- Do people irl know you age regress?Yes29- Do you like superheroes? What is your favorite one?I LOVE SUPERHEROES!!! My favorite is Batman, but i like Spider man as well30- What is your favorite color?Blue blue blue31- Do you have a crib? Would you like to have one?No, i don’t have… And i don’t want to have one32- What is your favorite juice flavor?Strawberry!! But I like apple too 33- Do you eat a lot of candies?No, I prefer salty foods 34- Do you age regress in public?Yes35- Do you prefer to color or draw?Color36- Crayons or markers?Crayons37- How long do you age regress?About 2+ years38- Do you tell your secrets to your plushies?Yeeees39- How many plushies do you have?A lot, like a looooot40- What are your favorites teenietot/age regression blog?@pinkspoiled, @babysippycup, @strawberryandsugarybaby41- What’s your favorite season?Fall42- Are you also a caregiver?No, sad sad sad :c43- Post a picture of all your pacifiersOne day :^)44- How many sippy cups/bottles do you have?3 or 4, something like that45- What’s your favorite dinosaur?Dinossaurão ( It’s a biiig dinosaur that makes RAAAAWR, like a T-Rex ) 46- What is your favorite teeniesnack?Dino Nuggets47- What’s your favorite dessert?Strawberry cake48- Do you like stickers?I luuuuv stickers49- One thing you love about yourselfMy eyes…?50- Random fact about youLittle Brioche has a lot of photos of herself eating different types of foods51- What’s your favorite animal?Dinosaurs and dogs52- What’s your gender?Female53- How did you realize you age regress?I think it was like… “I like a lot of kids stuff, I feel like a child… I act just like a child… Um… I think I’m regressing …” (  I do not remember how it was ) 54- Why do you age regress?To deal with my anxiety, my depression and my daily problems … And because it makes me happy! 55- Do you like bedtime stories?I luv luv luv luv Bedtime Stories56- Are you sensitive when teenie?Yeeeeeees57- Do you prefer to spoil yourself or when someone spoil you?I like to be spoiled by someone else58- How often do you get into teenietime?Once or twice a day, especially at night 59- What do you do that always cheer you up?A lot of kisses kisses and hugs hugs60- What do you usually do in teenietime?I usually listen to stories, draw, and watch a lot of movies 61- Do you have any hobbies?I like to sing, draw, color and play drama62- Does your guardian know you age regress?I think so63- In what other age regression communities (but teenietots) are you in?Carekids64- What do you usually wear?Blouses, dresses, skirts, overalls, pajamas 65- Do you prefer being big or being teenie?Teenie66- Are you a big sib to other teenietots?No no no, sad sad sad :c67- When is your birthday?21/0368- Do you prefer having a caregiver or age regressing alone?I’d rather have a caregiver 69- Do you like playdates? Have you ever been in one?I loooooooove playdates, I have been in one with @pinkspoiled ( my precious babyyyy )70- What do you think you can do to change the world?I can be a good person with everyone I can be! 71- Do you like to cuddle?I love love love~~72- Are you more dependent while teenietime or can you do things by yourself?I’m very dependent :c73- Plushies or dolls?Plushies74- Tiara or pet ears?Tiara75- Bubble bath or bath bomb?Bubble bath!!!76- What is your favorite toy?My plushies77- Do you prefer using a pacifier or sucking your thumb?Paciiiiis78- What’s your favorite candy?Lollipops79- Do you have an adult pacifier?No :c80- Are there monsters under your bed?No, but there are monsters in my closet :c81- What do you usually do to make your caregiver/big sib happy?I sing, drawn and give a lot of kisses and huggies on Daddy82- How would your perfect teenietime be like?My perfect Teenietime would be to play with Daddy, draw a lot, watch a lot of movies with Daddy under the blanket, eat Dino Nuggets, listen to stories and sleepy with Daddy83- Do you have a nursery? Would you like to have one?No, I don’t have, but I would like to have one84- Aquarium or zoo?Aquarium85- Do you stim?Yes86- Do you have a comfort item?Yes87- What color is your hair?It’s a mix of green, blue, pink, purple and other faded colors88- What are your dreams?Be happy forever with Daddy89- Are you a more like a big baby or like a small baby?A big baby90- What’s the color of your toothbrush?Blue91- Do you have any mental illness?I do not know if depression and anxiety qualify like this, but if so, then yes( I do not know much about this, I’m a failure :c )92- If you have rules, what’s your favorite?My favorite rule is the one that says that I Can not say bad things about myself93- Do you like tea parties with your stuffies?Of course94- Do you crawl while teenietime?I only crawl when I am playing on the ground95- Do you like band-aids? What are your favorite themes?I love band-aids!!  My favorites are my Star Wars band-aids 96- Do you watch big kid shows? (ex: icarly, adventure time…)A loooot, and I love!!97- Cake or cookie?Hum… Cake?98- How many coloring books do you have?Many99- Do you play dress up?Yesss100- What music do you usually listen while teenietime?I listen to soundtracks of anime and games101- Are you a mermaid or a fairy?A mermaid fairy102- Chocolate or vanilla?Chocolate103- Are you a lazy or an energetic baby?A lazy lazy baby :c104- Are you a non-verbal age regressor?No, I speak a lot… Like…. A LOT 105- If you could have one superpower, what would it be?I wanted to have the power of the hug! ( Like, I wish I could hug all the people who felt sad and make them happy )106- Do you have any kintypes?I don’t think so107- What’s your favorite video game?Undertale and Ib108- Milk or juice?Juice109- Do you prefer playing in the sun or in the snow?Snowww110- Talk about your favorite plushie!Agent Panda is a secret agent, who fight against the crime and protect the world!Jeremias is a party entertainer! He lives in Bangu ( A Rio de Janeiro’s Neightbourhood ) and make all the children happy!!!Barry is a baker, the best baker ever! He is Worldwide known because of his delicious brioches!111- Do you have friends that also age regress?Yeeeeeeeees!! @pinkspoiled and @strawberryandsugarybaby112- Ponytail or pigtail?Pigtail!!!113- Is your room messy or tidy?really really messy, sad sad114- Do you like playmats? Do you have one?I like playmats a lot, but i don’t have one :c115- Do you cry easily or do you never cry?I’m a cry baby :c( Sorry for taking so long, I needed Daddy’s help to answer all of them :c )
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cerisepcy · 8 years
karlee i'm such a doorknob that i haven't followed you yet WHOOPS TIME 2 CHANGE THAT. anyways i'm actually a lil bit obsessed with your writing and if i could get number 32 for junhui that would be gr8. thanks!!
↳ hanahaki  au
◇ pairing: jun | reader
◇ genre: 
◇ word count: 1,398
◇ disclaimer: I do not own thehanahaki disease concept.
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The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes after vomitingwasn’t at all what she had expected, what was once simply Jonquil flowerstaunting her they were now covered with blood, as suffering from it was enoughit was going to kill her.  She rememberedrolling her eyes when one of her friends told her about the disease scoffingthat it wasn’t really a thing and that her friend had just skipped a week ofschool because she felt like it, oh how irony worked. The next week when sherealized she was hopelessly in love with her very best friend. She realized itwhen he was up on stage kissing another girl for a show, it was then that sherealized she wanted everything with him. She wanted the hand holding and makingout somewhere in the university library, she wanted to wake up next to himafter a night of making love, she wanted him and it was fucking terrifying.
She slowly got up from squatting on her knees and made herway to the sink, she eyed her appearance, her once pinned back locks nowfrazzled with sweat and her once perfected winged liner smudged from the tearsthat fell. She washed her hands and made sure to leave no trace of flowersanywhere where her best friend could find, she wasn’t going to confess to him,being his friend was simply enough.  Shealso knew that this was killing her and she was letting it, for getting the surgeryto remove them and remove her feelings for the boy outside the bathroom doorwas unacceptable.
“Are you feeling okay?” She jumped when she was met with hisbody after shutting the door, she was expecting him to still be sitting on thecouch in the living room where their textbooks lay and some random anime playin the background; she should have known he would’ve been outside the lockedbathroom door when she stopped laughing at one of his jokes and nearly brokedown the door as she lost the contents once settled in her stomach.
“I’m fine Junhui, it was probably a bad batch” she whisperedher throat lingered with petals causing a tickle to induce her to coughing. Hesimply nodded his head and wrapped an arm around her waist.
She couldn’t help but think of telling him right then andthere as they cuddled on his couch and cracked more jokes as they studied, ifanything she’s read about this was also true wouldn’t she peal of the Band-Aidsooner than allow herself to die? But then if he didn’t like her back wouldn’tshe die anyway? She looked up from the crook of his neck and saw him completelyenchanted by the movie on the tv, she had forgotten he had even put the moviein. She loved him when he was bare faced, his skin showing the results ofwearing stage make-up for the shows he was a part of, she loved how his skinshowed off his dedication to being an actor, he was one of the very best ontheir campus, she was positive he was going to end up going to Hollywood oneday and she hoped that she would be there with him. His coffee colored locksparted down the middle, she remembers when he snapped his new color to her whenshe was in the library with Wonwoo. Their close friend Mingyu had colored andcut it due to Jun’s request and it was then that she decided there wasabsolutely nothing more ethereal than Wen Junhui.  
She slowly got out of his embrace and cleaned up her trashmaking sure to return the room how she entered it, completely clean but stillwith a Junhui touch. She was crashing in his apartment due to her dorm beingpre-occupied with lust from her roommate and a willing and completely eagerSeungcheol, that same friend who told her about the disease had confessed andher feelings were reciprocated and nothing was going to stop them from provingit to one another. It made her absolutely sick.
She grabbed her keys and made her way back to the sleepingboy and dipped her head to his cheek where she lingered a bit before peckinghim goodbye.
The next morning and another night of flowers later theyfinally met up again, he was with his dance team now and the members adoredher.
“You look like shit noona,” Minghao said as he greeted herwith a hug
“Wow thanks Minghao you sure do know how to make a girl feelstunning” she retorted as she playfully punched him in the shoulder after they separated.
“In all seriousness what happened? Did you and Jun finallyconfess to one another and you two had a laugh because of how idiotic thiswhole thing was?” she was stunned at the sophomore dance majors exclamation asif she forgot how the boys talked, it meant a chance with him but she couldn’thelp but assume he was teasing her, knowing very well that she was sick, sickand afraid of unrequited love.
Meanwhile across the studio Jun and Soonyoung watched thetwo playfully interact, Soonyoung couldn’t help but look at his friend indisappointment.
“You should tell her you know”
“Oh yes, I should say I’m completely and utterly in lovewith you and I’m fucking terrified you don’t feel the same!”
“What’s wrong with confessing?”
“Rejection and three years of friendship down the drain”
“You know what’s not worth it?” Soonyoung spoke quietly,startling Jun from the contrast of the conversation beforehand
“What is it?”
“Losing her altogether, Seungcheol texted me earlier duringclass and said Rose found her kneeled over in the rest room coughing upflowers, she has the disease, she loves someone and doesn’t realize he lovesher just as much”
“She could love anyone, she’s close with Jeonghan for all weknow it’s him”
“Junhui get your head out of your ass and confess!”
Soonyoung pushed the male towards where she was stilltalking with Minghao and an eager freshman who went by the name Dino.
“Hao, Chan can I steal her for a minute?” she stoppedexplaining her disease when he pulled her by her arm, as if she was going to bescolded.
“Listen, Hosh said something and I need to know okay so don’tlie to me” she simply nodded, her head down as if she were counting thescratches that littered the wooden floor.
“Are you spitting up bloodied flowers?”
“Who told you” her voice was now small, she wrapped her armsaround her body as if she were now naked in front of him, she suddenly feltinsecure, yes she was puking up her feelings but he didn’t need to know aboutit, she was taking care of it well she was.
“I am”
“Junhui don’t bullshit me you know why” she respondedfinally looking up from the ground and looking straight into his gorgeous honeyeyes. His eyes were painted with so much concern and a look she couldn’t decipher.
“Tell me a secret”
“I’m in love with you and I’m terrified, I’m terrified youdon’t love me back and I’m going to die by the power of Jonquil flowerstaunting me and tearing me apart”
“What if I told you I loved you back? I loved you just asmuch and I’m also terrified I’m going to lose you?”
“You do?”
“I’ve loved you since the first day of class, you walked inwith a know it all attitude and you had the guts to talk back to me when Iassumed I had it all figured out, how could I not love you”
He was suddenly closer now, she noted how his body wasnearly pressing up against hers, his leg between her thighs, If she were tokiss him now she could. His lips were up against her ear and if she turned justslightly she could meet him halfway.
As if he read her mind he wrapped a strong arm around herwaist and pulled her to his welcoming lips.
“I love you I love you I love you”
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Purple (4/?)
Summary: Can you write a bnha story where the reader is an experiment like a Nomu and is the twin sister of Shinso and she went missing years ago at like 5years old. She has a bunch of different quirks but her body can’t handle them so she is always hurt or bandaged. Maybe Aizawa takes her under his wing with Shinso and she falls for Kirishima? She kind of acts like a five-year-old but flinches at sudden noises and movements and has PTSD similar to that of an abused child. Thank you and lots of love! -BC 
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 
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“WAIT, WAIT, PLEASE WAIT”  Aizawa heard screaming as he walked out of the building he was a bit slow as he was going to a meeting with Shinso family to inform them of the finding of their daughter. He really didn’t want to but he had to go. So this distraction right here was very welcoming until it wasn’t.
“Please don’t go,” Shinso said as he stopped in front of his sensei. Aizawa was shocked at the amount of distress Shinso seemed to be in he was on the verge of tears he looked like he was holding on to the very last of himself. “ You can’t go please don’t.” Aizawa has seen more emotions in Shinso in the last three days than ...ever. 
“What’s wrong? what are you talking about?” 
“You’re going to have a home conference with my parents. A few of my lass mates heard and told me. Please don’t go”
“Why not? I have to tell them about your sister. Don’t you want your sister back?”
“Yes but...they aren’t good,” Shinso said looking down at his shoes. Aizawa stepped forward Shinso stepped back “ you can’t let them know about her.”
“Why?” he didn’t say anything “ but do you mean they aren’t good, Shinso?” Aizawa sighed stepping forward he wrapped his arms Shinso shoulders and led him into the building and an empty classroom. 
“Please, tell me what’s wrong” 
“...My parents, they aren’t ... nice.”
“ Nice?” Aizawa asked as he leaned against a desk. Shinso took a deep breath and took a seat folding his hands in front of him.
“When ...when she went missing they blamed me. I know it was my fault-”
“it wasn’t -”
“YES it was it I paid attention better I would have never lost her. As her twin brother I failed to protect her. They knew that and they hated me for that they blamed me, rightfully so. Then my quirk came and they just felt like life cheated them taking their precious daughter and leaving them with me a villain son. My sister went missing and my parents hated me my quirk appeared and they stopped talking to me over time they just ignored me. Pretended I was there I haven’t heard my parents voice since I was 5 and half. But then again I don’t need to hear them I can see the way they look at me. They hate me. They do everything in their power to get rid of me. 
Not buying food in hopes of starving me, not paying bills in hopes I’ll find somewhere else to live. Calling the police on me for random things. Getting rid of my belongings. I had to fend for myself for a very long time. 
That’s why they were so eager to put me in the dorms to finally get rid of me.”
“It they ever hurt you physically?”
“Yes but once I got my quirk they stopped. They beat me for a good seven months.”
“You didn’t tell anyone.”
“There was nothing to tell.” 
Aizawa sighed as he rubbed his face. He knew something was wrong with Shinso’s parents unlike all the other parents they were way to eager to put him in the dorms didn’t even hear Aizawa proposal they said yes as soon as he mentioned living at the school.
But he never imagined this. 
Getting up he walked over to Shinso not looking at him but placing a hand on his shoulder and giving him a gentle squeeze. “ It’s going to be okay” he said walking away. 
Child services was contacted and Shinso was interviewed so were his parents. They were informed of the finding of their daughter but they weren’t allowed to see her as both their children were removed from their care due to the major neglect that Shinso received. The neglect was far worse than what he had told Aizawa the two were luck not to be charged and imprisoned instead just losing their children, being forbidden to adopted, foster, or care of any child and to be put on child services watch list in case they had birth children. 
Aizawa managed to pull some strings and was now Shinso mentor and foster father. (That is until he was allowed to adopt him).
All this happened within a day. 
(Y/n) was unaware.
“ (Y/n) can you stay behind for a moment, I need to talk to you.” Aizawa said as he dismissed the rest of the class. 
“Did I do something wrong?” (y/n) whispered as tears started gathering in her eyes as she thought she was going to be punished for something but didn’t know what. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart, you’re not in trouble. I just wanted to talk to you.” Aizawa spoke gently showing her his hands as he got down on her level. “Do you remember the purple haired boy from the day before?” she nodded “ He’s... would you like to meet him again? I promise he won’t yell this time.” 
“Who is he?” 
“He’s someone important right now ... I thing it’d be best if he explained.”
“When do I have to see him?”
“Is now okay?” (Y/n) eyes went wide as the full moon as she heard the classroom door slide open. He meant now as in right now. 
As Aizawa straighten up (Y/n) quickly moved to stand behind him as the purpled haired boy stepped into the classroom.
“H...hello” he said as he shyly stood by the classroom door. He really didn’t know what to do or say at the moment which was strange because he was use to being able to read and manipulate people easily. Right now (Y/n) was very easy to read, scared, but he simply didn’t know what to do with that information. He was unsettling to see his own sister scared of him. 
“(Y/n) this is Shinso, Shinso this shy one here in hiding is (Y/n).” Aizawa introduced each other. 
“What’s with the band-aids?” Shinso asked he didn’t mean to say that out loud but he was curious. Instead of answering him (Y/n) hides further behind Aizawa. He sighed he expected this to happen.
“Her body isn’t completely compatible with her quirks.” Aizawa explained he could see that this interact was going nowhere. “ I think this is enough for today. I’ll see you later Shinso. Let me walk you back to your dorm, Sweetheart.” he waved his student off as he led his daughter out of this class room she clung to his shirt afraid he’d leave her behind. And didn’t make any eye contact with Shinso. 
“Why was he important?” (Y/n) asked as they walked down the hall. 
“Because I’m going to adopted him he’s going to be apart of our family. He’s going to be your brother. I think it’d be important for you to get to know your brother. “
“really?! He’s going to be my brother?”
“Yes ma’am”
“...woah” Aizawa bites back a laugh as he watched her eyes go wide she looks shocked and joyful. “ I’m .... I’m going to tell Kirishima.” she said quickly rushing off towards the doors without him. 
“ You left out the part where he’s already her brother by blood.” Mic and Midnight appeared sudden walking up to stand with Aizawa and watch (y/n) run off in the distance. 
“are you going to tell her?” Mic asked 
“No, she’s been traumatized enough knowing that she had a family before this could damage her progress and set us back. Maybe when she become older when she’s better. Right now it would just be too much. She’s still healing.
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Coping Problems
warning: angst, language, alcoholic, sad
Summary: Avengers helping male or nb!reader through a rough time (drugs, drinking, divorce, etc.)? You can ignore if this is too dark for you 
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The Super Hero life wasn’t for everyone.
When people said that they weren’t kidding and they weren’t talking about just the heroes but those close to them such as (y/n)’s wife. (y/n)’s wife couldn’t handle the hero life which he lived before he was an Avenger he was an FBI agent he did field assignments every blue moon but even that had her on edge. As an Avenger there was never any real warning for when they left for a mission or to save the world when it came he went and she could not handle that she couldn’t bear it. Sitting at home anxiously waiting for her lover to return. She just couldn’t anymore.
(y/n)’s wife had greet as usual when he returned with worry and love. She pampered him it lasted for three days and he felt so loved in those three days. But then those three days were up. 
The day he came back from his medical check-up at the compound he bought flowers for his love on the way home. He was smiling like an idiot when he walked in but it fell instantly when he saw her suitcases by the door he walked further in the house to find her sitting at the kitchen table looking at a piece of paper. He didn’t even get to say hello as the words fell from her mouth.
“I want a divorce” his heart fell into his stomach and his breath escaped him “ I can’t do it, I can’t worry about you, day in and day out. Last week My period came late I thought I was pregnant at first and I was terrified. You were out on a mission and I didn’t know if you were going to come back. I want kids but I don’t want to be a single mother... I don’t want to live every day scared wondering if you're going to come home or not. And I won’t. Please sign the papers”
He didn’t say anything he didn’t protest he didn’t put up a fight. He signed she thanked him and tried to leave.
“no” he stopped her standing in her way “ I’ll pack, I’ll leave, you stay”
That day he gave his wife ex-wife the house and moved into the Avenger compound. It took him a while but he explained to the others what happened and they all understood opening hug their arms and home to him. But he didn’t want any of that he wanted his wife. So instead of falling into their arms, he fell into the bottle. 
His nights were spent somewhere with a bottle while his days were spent working with a hangover. It was a very destructive behavior which everyone had noticed and tried to confront him about his behavior individual in their own ways but nothing really worked. Eventually, his habit got so bad he was put on desk duty until further notice and that didn’t help at all. He just hit the bottle harder.
The straw that broke the camels back was when Tony went looking for him going into his room he dozens of bottles decorating the dresser and floor. It was just too much. Tony couldn’t, he liked drinking absolutely but this, this was alcoholic this was a problem. He walked further in the room and Found (y/n) pasted out on the floor of his bathroom. That was it.
It was late and (Y/n) was just stumbling into the compound smelling heavily of alcohol. The others were waiting in the common room for him.
“Hey, what are you guys doing up so late?” he said as he stumbled towards the small bar in the corner of the room. The others watch as he looks through all the cabinets looking for some booze. He became more frustrated as he found none. “ We’re out of booze but I could swear we had some earlier today. Did someone do some spring cleaning?” He laughed nervously but he was being died seriously.
“We need to talk, “ Steve said in his serious voice
“And we can once I get a drink”
“NO...no, you are going to sit down and listen to what we have to say.”  Steve was not one to raise his voice at someone when he did it meant business and it always sent shivers down their spines. (Y/n) but did as he was asked taking a seat farthest away from everybody. 
“Alright, let just rip off the band-aid. Dude, you got a drinking problem.” Tony went straight for it no sugar coating it. You know (Y/n) would appreciate some sugar coating because no one has been giving him any for a while now.
“So I drink regularly so do you”
“Yeah, a little scotch of day keeps the nightmares away. You on the other hand down at least a bottle or two a day you’re either constantly drunk or hungover. The other day I found you past out on your bathroom floor I thought you were dead.”
“wait...is this an intervention? This is an intervention, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it's a fucking intervention because you’re spiraling downhill and we want to help you” Tony huffed, now he needed a drink.
“We understand that you’re going through something,” Sam said stepping forward with a more softer approach. “ We need you to know that we’re all here for you. We can help you we want to help you.”
“What are you going to do? Convince my wife to love me again? Oh, is Ms. Scarlet going to erase her memories and bring her back to me?” he laughed bitterly but they could see the tears in his eyes “No... I don’t want help I want my wife back and none of you can bring her back to me.”
“I don’t want to hear it. I just don’t” he got up and headed for the door but Bucky stops him taking hold of his wrist and Vision floats over blocking the door.
“You’re hurt,”  Vision says
“hurt?... I AM BROKEN” He screams 
“And you shall hurt yourself further the more time you spend in that bottle,” Thor said
“We’re not saying your pain will go away not in the least but the way you’re coping and handling this will just prolong it. Take it from someone who has tried to cope themselves with destructive means you're just making it worse” Bucky said placing a hand on his shoulder. Clint pulled him down to sit next to him and rubbed his shoulders in comfort.
“I thought to help people was a good thing I was ready to lose my life for it but not my wife. She was my everything and now I have nothing... She made it look so easy walking away from me. To leave me.”
“I’m sorry, man”
“I know, I know I just I can’t believe it. I don’t want to” tears began to silent slide down his face.  “ It... It shouldn’t have been that easy and if it was that means she was thinking about it for a long time and I didn’t even notice. Where did I go wrong?”
“Come here “ Natasha pulled him into a big tight hug that he really really need from the very beginning. she kissed his forehead.
“Don’t worry. We’ll help, we’ll take care of you. The pain won’t always be there forever, I promise. We’ll help you.”
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best friend seventeen | dino/chan
- you met chan in your teens - you were a broke high school student who was looking for a part-time summer job - you couldn’t even go out with your friends or anything because all you had in your wallet was like 75 cents what have you done - while looking for a job online, you just so happened to come across this ad of a family saying they were looking for a babysitter to watch over their two sons on certain occasions - they were offering to pay 15$ an hour and so you were like I FOUND MY JOB - so you call up the family and after a quick interview with the parents over the phone, they ask you if you could come over to have an in-person interview and you say yes while striking a victory pose - you tell them that you’re available this saturday and luckily they are too so you make sure to polish up your resume and wear nice clothes to show that you’re responsible and clean lol - saturday comes around and you NAIL the interview man, you were hired on the spot - the adults call down their sons to meet you, and two boys come rushing down the stairs immediately - one is about five years younger than you but the other….. is literally only a year younger than you?? - you’re like ??? uhhh he can’t watch over his little brother himself ??? - the little brother just shyly waves hi to you but the older one grins widely and runs up to you and exclaims “hi i’m chan!! it’s really nice to meet you!!” and he takes your hand and shakes it excitedly - your first impression of him?? YOU LOVED HIM ALREADY YOU WERE LIKE WOW MY SON I WANT TO PROTECT YOU FOREVER - on your first day of babysitting, you discover that chan’s parents hired a babysitter because all he can cook is instant ramen and he’s actually pretty accident-prone lmao - so you’re cooking dinner for the two boys, and while preparing the table, you hear a crash in the living room and you’re like no nO DID WHAT I THINK JUST HAPPENED REALLY HAPPEN - you sprint to the living room to find a broken vase and two little boys looking down at it with dropped jaws - your jaw drops too when you see the mess and it’s silent - until chan’s little brother points at him and yells “HE DID IT” and chan looks so betrayed that his brother sold him out - but you don’t get mad and tbh you’re more concerned about their parents’ reactions and how you might actually get FIRED - you quickly pick up the pieces of the vase and ask chan “DO YOU HAVE SUPER GLUE” and he stutters “uh i think we have some in the cupboard!!” and you’re like “OKAY LOOK THEY’RE NOT GOING TO FIND OUT ABOUT THIS. WE HAVE THREE HOURS TO WORK LET’S GO” - so you and chan get straight to work while his little brother eats dinner at the table peacefully - you both carefully put the vase back together and you both succeed in finishing it LITERALLY ten minutes before his parents get home - both you and chan sweat when they walk through the living room, and you both let out a sigh of relief when they walk past the vase - you both high-five each because GOOD JOB - but after the high-five, you notice something red on your hand and you’re BLEEDING you actually cut yourself while putting the vase together without even realizing it - and chan notices and he says “OH MY GOSH ARE YOU OKAY?? THIS IS ALL MY FAULT I’M SO SORRY WAIT HERE” and he zooms out of the room - he returns shortly after with a first-aid kit in hand and he takes out a band-aid with dinosaurs on them and rips it open and sticks it onto your cut - he exclaims “there!! i hope it heals fast” and you’re like…. why. are. you. so. CUTE. - and every time you or his little brother gets hurt, chan takes out his dinosaur band-aids, and because of this you give him the nickname dino and he loves it so much - you end up babysitting the two boys for the next few weeks of summer and chan is always looking forward to your visits, like he always has something new to tell you or a new dance to show off to you - and when summer finally ends…. you feel so…. sad….. - you never wanted it to end - on your last day, you ruffle chan’s hair while his little brother is hugging you and crying for you not to leave - you say “hey don’t be like this, you’ll still see me around, i promise” - and you know what?? YOU KEEP YOUR PROMISE - chan and his little brother literally wouldn’t shut up about you so his parents invite you over for dinner one night and they invite you again and again and again - and through this, you and chan get really close and become BEST FRIENDS - but the big question is did he force you to learn all the michael jackson dances?? - yes. yes he did - tries way too hard just to make you happy because his best friend “deserves the best of the best” - like once he went all out for your surprise birthday party and when things didn’t go exactly as planned he cried and then got sick for over-working himself then cried again because he felt like he ruined your birthday - you ended up having to take care of him and you laughed “chan just seeing you today is good enough for me” - on his graduation day, you cried when he went to pick up his diploma like the proud mother you are - you screamed louder than anyone when they said he graduated with honors like “YES THAT’S MY BOY DO YOU SEE HIM THAT’S MY CHAN” - hugs you all the time. if he can, he will - compliments all day every day - “you’re amazing!!” “you’re so cool!!” “ohhh i like what you’re wearing!!” - constantly over-exaggerates his actions for no reason at all like you’d lightly push him and he’d fall to the floor and you’re like….. get the frick up chan - you’re always telling him how cute he is and he gets so offended - “cute?? i am a MAN” - used to call himself the little giant and you’d make fun of him for it until he outgrew you and you were like how dare you - the type to make you do pinky swears when making a promise - scolds you when you prank him and suddenly the roles are reversed - “how dare you speak to your mother this way” - signs up for talent shows with the stage name dino - made everyone believe it’s because he “dominates the stage” but really it’s a shout-out to you and you guys’ precious summer memories - you’re usually the one taking care of him, but when you’re sad, chan suddenly becomes super protective and goes to great lengths just to make you smile again - and it’s because he loves you with every fiber of his being and he isn’t shy when it comes to expressing it, he wants you to KNOW - chan normally hates being called and treated like a baby but when it’s you - he doesn’t mind at all - “chan whose baby are you?” - “(name)’s baby!!”
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