#yes the long forever awaited final chapter is here
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mourntheantagonist · 1 year ago
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
warning: explicit. check ao3 for detailed tag list
read on ao3
8:05 p.m.
That was the time flashing red in her face from the clock sitting on the side table next to the television. She sat with her back towards Steve, feet propped up on the sofa, resting her head against his side, her stare darting back and forth between the clock and the door.
8:05 p.m.
They told Billy to be at Steve’s house at eight.
Sure, it had only been five minutes—three hundred seconds exactly. It was a short enough amount of time to be explained away by a long stoplight or an inconveniently placed elderly driver.
Steve was rubbing his hand up and down her arm, and she knew he could feel how tense she was. Though, it wasn’t hard to be able to tell that considering Steve wouldn’t stop acknowledging it.
“Relax,” he said, “I’m sure he’s on his way.”
Nancy just kept looking at the clock. 8:06 now.
“He should be here already.” she grumbled.
Steve laughed, and it annoyed her just a bit how he was so unbothered by the situation. But, she also appreciated it, a little. At least one of them had to be the voice of reason. She had no idea what she would do if Steve was bouncing off the walls like he typically did when he was nervous or excited by something. She wondered if the fact that he wasn’t should concern her, but she was far too busy staring at the clock to hold any other concern.
“Not everyone can be as punctual as you, Nance.”
Nancy just curled further into his side, bringing her hand up to rest on his chest, feeling his heart beating hard. He was nervous too. He just wasn’t showing it. “Well,” she said, tilting her head back so she could see Steve’s face, “if he doesn’t show, we can still have fun just the two of us.”
Her voice sounded sincere, which meant Steve wouldn’t have noticed the way her own words filled her with dread. She loved Steve. That part hadn’t changed. But, there was something about the idea of just moving on with their relationship after all that happened that made her feel a little sick. Maybe it was just Billy’s words still ringing in her ear, still clinging to her skin, unable to be shaken or washed off. Maybe it wasn’t that, though. Maybe it was just her and her own infatuation with Billy. Maybe it was her own desire for something more that made the thought of going without the experience something that made her feel just slightly ill.
She needed Billy to show up. It was far more than a want. That was why she kept staring between the clock and the door. She needed him to show up because she didn’t know what she would do otherwise.
The sound of the Camaro’s engine saved her from entering that spiral.
It was almost embarrassing the speed at which she shot up from her seat, severing the physical connection between her and Steve as she got up from the couch and rushed over to the front window.
The headlights poured in through the glass, the car facing head on and the rays hitting her directly in the eyes and forcing her to look away. She knew she looked just like a dog waiting for the mailman to show up—judging by Steve’s laughs anyway—and she didn’t care. He was late, she was impatient, and Steve just seemed to be going with the motions.
The way Billy got out of the car sent something like electricity through her. It was a shocking sensation that ran through her veins and gave her heart something of a kickstart, beating rapidly at the sight of Billy’s mere presence in Steve’s driveway.
8:08 p.m.
He was there. It was happening.
Nancy felt stuck in place in her spot in front of the window. She felt like her feet had been nailed into the floor, and the palm of her hand had been glued to the curtain that she had firmly gripped. Steve was the one who opened the door, before Billy had even so much as set foot on the porch, still standing closer to his car than the entryway.
She watched from the window as Billy dragged the tip of his tongue against his top row of teeth.
“Waiting up for me I see.” he said, his lips smacking together, and Nancy felt her face flush, and an overwhelming urge to hide herself behind the curtains. “Sorry I’m late. I had some trouble leaving the house.”
Steve didn’t respond to that in a way that Nancy could tell. She couldn’t see him from her angle behind the window. He stood directly in her blindspot. But, he must have done something nonverbal to warrant the jump in Billy’s step as he closed the distance between his car and the front door.
Nancy quickly backed herself away from the window and rushed back over to the couch, trying to act as natural as possible, hoping that Billy was just too enthralled with her boyfriend to notice her standing in the window just two feet to the left of him. She sat down, made herself look somewhat comfortable by bringing her feet up on the cushions and leaning her back into the pillows, looking anywhere but the front door where the party of two was about to become a party of three.
Billy shrugged himself of his jacket the second he walked through the door and tossed it onto the back of a chair, and somehow he was appearing to be more comfortable than Nancy looked on the couch, and she was trying really, really hard.
However comfortable Billy was in that moment would quickly start to fade as the seconds ticked by, and the three of them remained in a dimly lit living room in complete silence. Nancy could tell he was growing tense by the subtle fall of his grin, and the seemingly subconscious attempt to pull against a sleeve that was no longer there. She couldn’t blame him. Behind her own closed lips she was clenching her teeth. Steve was sporting his typical stress-induced shaky and neurotic demeanor.
“Should we, umm…” Steve’s voice cracked, and Nancy had to swallow a laugh because the last time she heard that voice out of Steve, she was fifteen and Steve was tripping over himself trying to ask her to catch a movie with him at The Hawk.
Steve cleared his throat and finished his sentence. “Should we head upstairs to my room?” he asked, and the blush on his cheeks was comparable to a tomato, but at the very least his voice was without any high pitched variations that time.
Billy stood awkwardly in between the couch and Steve, and Nancy could actually feel the vibrations coming from Billy’s erratically tapping foot. “Aren’t you gonna buy me dinner first?” he asked, and the tone of his voice and the look on his face told an entirely different story than the one his toes were telling. Neither of them were sure what that story was exactly, but the words were enough to put both herself and Steve into a state of alarm. Feeding Billy a nice meal as foreplay was not a part of their little plan.
“Uhh,” Steve’s eyes were wide, and if you couldn’t tell he was nervous before, he was wearing that fact like a neon sign right about now. “We uh, we don’t—”
“Holy fuck. I was kidding.”
Billy was looking at the two of them like they were being ridiculous, but also, appearing like he was truly on a level playing field—nervous out of his mind, and having absolutely no idea where any of this was supposed to be going. Nancy could only wish there were instructions. She wished it had been like one of her science labs. Step, by step, by step with precise measurements and detailed actions in a specific order. It made things easy, and it kept her from messing up, and potentially causing any lethal explosions in chemistry class.
Nancy pushed herself up off the couch, finally meeting the two boys somewhere close to eye level, rather than two feet below being smothered by the couch cushions. She brushed out the wrinkles in her clothes, which was pointless but a force of habit, and she tried to let her body find ease. She just reminded herself that the two standing before her were Steve and Billy, and despite what reputation would have her believe, she had nothing to be afraid of.
“Upstairs then?” Nancy finally spoke, realizing just as she said it that she hadn’t said a word since Billy had arrived. It was weird. He made her into a person she couldn’t recognize. She was shy, in a way, and nobody had ever made her feel that small. She wasn’t totally sure if that was because Billy was bigger than her, or because the situation they were in was just massive.
Billy nodded, and it was then that Nancy knew that it was the situation that was making her feel so small, because Billy looked to be even smaller.
Steve led the way, and Nancy made note of the way his head was hung towards the floor, staring straight down at his feet and intently watching as he took each step. It was as if his main focus was avoiding the possibility of tripping and making a fool of himself.
Billy followed behind Steve. It was Nancy who was trailing behind, and she was partly hoping that her distance would allow enough time for the tension to die down and the awkwardness to fade just enough for it all to finally start.
She had thought it would be easier. The way it had been described to her, albeit, in the vague details of the original encounter that she managed to get out of Steve and Billy, it was easy. Steve had gone in for the kill, barely any hesitation, and no lead up. There wasn’t any chit chat, or breaking of the ice. That’s sort of what she was hoping for—a desperate display of horniness that happened so quick that she wouldn’t have the time to think twice and run away.
When they got upstairs and walked into the room, it was like they’d all just been pushed out onto a stage with the curtains already drawn without a script in hand. Hell, they didn’t even know what play they were performing.
Nancy just took a deep breath and walked herself over to Steve’s desk chair beside the bed, sitting down and trying her best to get comfortable, or at the very least seem comfortable.
The two boys were still standing by the doorway, completely silent and stiff as boards. Steve’s chest visibly rose as he turned around to shut the door, turning back around once secured and leaning all of his weight into it.
It was weird, Nancy thought. They never closed the door when it had been just the two of them. Steve’s parents were never home when they did it, and they rarely ever ran the risk of any surprise visits. The house was always completely empty aside from themselves.
All of those things remained true, and yet, Nancy was relieved to have it shut. It felt safer, in a way. She already felt so exposed, so any extra bit of cover she could get was something she would cling onto.
Steve must’ve felt the same.
A few seconds they stood there unmoving, each of them waiting on the other to initiate. Nancy just waited, watching like a movie scene unfolding. It wasn’t her place to do anything anymore. The ball was in their court.
Steve eventually made that first move, which was shocking, to say the least. Billy never seemed to be the type to follow another person’s lead.
Steve reached out a hand, like an olive branch, and Billy just stared at it confused, but took it anyway, as if curiosity had overpowered him. Steve led him over to the foot of the bed, and Nancy felt her breath get caught in her throat when the backs of Billy’s knees hit the mattress. Somehow the four feet in travel from the door to the bed felt so fast, and their mere proximity to the bed felt like they were sitting right on the precipice.
That was what she wanted right? Quick, and easy?
Billy seemed to have other ideas, or rather, his mind did. Because consciously or not, Billy couldn’t look away from her.
“What is—” he spoke weakly, and it was a tone she never thought she’d hear coming out of a vessel that stood as tall and proud as Billy Hargrove did. It was shy and small and powerless. “What is this? W-What are we doing? What is she—”
Perhaps they should have talked about it in more detail with him. But, honestly, they didn’t think they’d have to. Billy had seemed perfectly comfortable when first propositioned, and if his reputation was anything to go by, they figured Billy would be the one taking the lead, and guiding them.
It was quickly revealing itself that they had grossly misjudged him.
It was the first time Nancy felt the need to intervene, or at least provide a helping hand in the right direction, because Billy was lost, and Steve couldn’t pinpoint his location.
“Just relax,” she said, putting more effort than ever into how relaxed she herself looked, because how was she going to say that without walking the walk. “I’m just going to be here. You two get to do your own thing.”
Billy’s facial expression could only be described As dumbfounded. He just kept looking back and forth between Steve and herself, seemingly waiting for the answer to a question he couldn’t ask.
Luckily, Nancy thought she might have the answer.
“It’s okay, Billy.”
Billy managed to take his eyes off of Nancy for long enough to look back at Steve, who was quickly learning from Nancy. He gave Billy a soft smile and nodded his head.
“It’s okay,” he said.
Miraculously, that seemed to relax Billy. Not by much, but she made a note of how his fists stopped clenching.
Somehow, as the time passed, the two of them had created a good amount of distance.
Steve was the one to initiate closing that said distance, slowly, barely conceivable movements bringing him from point A to point B.
Their stance was awkward from her point of view. Steve stood in front of Billy, who had his back to the bed. Their bodies were clearly still uncomfortable and Nancy didn’t fail to notice the way Billy’s eyes continued to dart in her direction, despite everything.
Steve didn’t fail to notice either.
With a visibly gentle hand, Steve brought his fingers up to Billy’s chin, pulling his gaze away from her, and centering it back on himself. The shorter distance they once had began to lessen even more as Steve made use of his other hand, placing it just above Billy’s hip and snaking it to the small of his back. Over a short period of time, their bodies went from the initial distant with inorganic postures, to pressed up against each other, chest to chest, but at least in the case for Billy, still unrelaxed, eyes still straining to look over at Nancy.
Steve—to Nancy’s surprise—was the more relaxed one between the two, and he was also the one doing a much better job at pretending she wasn’t even there. Nancy’s head was tilted as she watched, looking intently into the eyes of her boyfriend as he stared at Billy. His deep brown eyes were locked in on the blonde. His mouth was hung open just barely, his jaw relaxed and his lips soft with a hint of drool.
She felt her stomach start to tingle at the sight of the scene, and as each second passed and the two grew closer and closer, the urge to look away grew stronger. It felt like she wasn’t meant to be seeing it. Hell. She wasn’t meant to be seeing it. None of this was normal. Normally, when two people had sex, there wasn’t a third person just sitting on the sidelines, watching the whole thing like a movie. Well, at least not usually to their knowledge anyway.
There must be fun in it, she could imagine. The thrill of putting on a show, being wild and carefree and completely unbothered by the fact that someone else was watching. But, Nancy found there to be more of a thrill in being the third party. It was like when she was in middle school and she’d stumbled upon one of her mom’s Cosmos, knowing the second that she found it that she was supposed to look away, but finding her eyes simply glued to the page. She was being naughty, and there was just something so exciting about that. If reading a Cosmopolitan was considered naughty, well, what she was doing with Steve and Billy should be illegal.
Even more thrilling.
Just like when she was twelve years old sitting in her closet and flipping through the pages of a magazine, she couldn’t pull her eyes away. It was as if time itself had stopped, and they had frozen in place with just how slow they were going, and Nancy could feel the anticipation growing in her stomach just waiting for that electrical circuit to connect.
It was so gentle, and soft, and she could almost feel it too. She could see the way Billy’s breath had hitched when Steve’s lips had landed. His wide eyes had grown even wider and his body had stiffened like a board and she had to wonder what she’d missed, because Nancy Wheeler was good at reading people, and she’d never expect that sort of reaction out of Billy.
But then, the dust settled, and Billy’s seemingly terrified look had sunk into the warmth of Steve. His eyes fell shut as if it were by force of gravity. His body became loose, his hands moved away from his sides, and it was clear to Nancy that Billy was no exhibitionist, but he could quickly fall into the illusion that they were alone. Nancy understood that. She’d experienced that before. Steve really had a way of making one feel like they were the only two people left in the world.
Billy had clearly fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker.
Billy was the one to deepen the kiss, those trailing hands moving up along Steve’s sides until they were cupping his cheeks. It was all consuming. Every last exhale of air and little noise that Steve produced Billy swallowed with his kiss. His grip on Steve was visibly tense—the white of his knuckles and the deep canyons in Steve’s cheeks made by the pressure under Billy’s fingers telling her so. Steve’s head was moving as if he was swimming, deep in the sea, searching for something. It seemed as though Steve had control of the movements, while Billy maintained control of the kiss.
It seemed that way, until suddenly their vertical stance had drifted to something more horizontal, with Billy falling flat on his back in one swift movement, something graceful. Billy still had his hands firmly latched onto Steve’s face, and suddenly Steve was the one who was wide-eyed. It seemed that Billy had taken over control.
The kissing quickly became less soft, and more frantic. A sloppy exchange of tongues with the corners of each other’s lips pulling tight against their will. It was desperate. Billy had his hand firmly latched into the hair on Steve’s head, as if he was afraid he’d try and run away. Nancy had felt that before with Steve. That desperate urge to cling onto him as tightly as possible like he was her lifeline.
She could see Billy smiling, less with his lips and more with his eyes. He looked blissfully content with relaxed eyes as the weight of Steve’s kiss smothered him and left him utterly breathless.
It was all going great. Perfectly smooth. Nancy sat watching, letting the butterflies in her stomach reproduce and fly around and lift herself up to new heights. Somehow in the midst of everything, she failed to realize that Billy hadn’t been the only person in the room that was worried someone else might be watching, because she sat there, fighting every urge she had to touch herself.
And boy did she have the urge.
As she watched, Billy looked to be falling more and more into the illusion that he and Steve were the only two people in the room. Steve hadn’t even looked at her once. All of his attention had been locked on Billy from the start. That was supposed to make her jealous. Wasn’t it? The fact that Steve couldn’t even spare her a second glance? The fact that he couldn’t take his eyes off of him?
It did. Actually. It did make her jealous.
The difference was, she liked the way it felt.
And the urge turned into something she could no longer over power.
She decided to be discreet with it, bringing her feet up onto the chair with her and sitting on her heel, rocking back and forth, side to side. It wasn’t anything intense, but it would be enough stimulation to hold her over until she calmed herself down a bit more.
She didn’t have Steve’s lips on hers. She didn’t have his essence all over her to be consumed by. It was going to take her a little bit more work to get comfortable.
Though, it seemed she’d overestimated Billy’s comfortability, because just seconds ago, he seemed so blissfully unaware of Nancy’s presence. He seemed so lost in everything Steve.
But Steve’s hands eventually began to travel. No longer mapping the geography of Billy’s chest through the opening of his practically unbuttoned shirt, his hand slid down, over the fabric. Down. Down. Further, and further…eventually breaking the denim barrier below his belt.
Billy instantly tensed as Steve made contact. Eyes shooting open into a look of shock. His breath seemed to be lost as he allowed his neck to turn, and his gaze to drift back over to Nancy, who, just like him, had frozen in place.
Steve retracted his hand and stood up, recognizing immediately what had caused Billy to startle. Suddenly, they were back to square one, waiting around with too much distance between them.
“Hey,” Steve said softly, and he was slow with his reapproach, leaning back down and making sure Billy knew where his hands were—way up high, right beside his face. Steve gently scooped up the side of Billy’s head and brought him back to facing upwards, and looking back at Steve with a blank and panicked stare. “It’s just me, Billy.”
Steve then placed a long and incredibly soft—by the look of it—kiss to Billy’s lips, as if to pull him back into the trance he’d just been, or to give him a little bit of medicine to help calm his overactive nerves.
It was intimate. It was very intimate. Not just for the kiss itself—Nancy had seen enough of that already to be used to it—but it was in the eyes. Steve looked down at Billy so tenderly. So full of concern and desperate understanding.
And then there was Billy.
Billy who looked like a kicked puppy. Billy who looked like he was borderline on the verge of tears just looking up at her boyfriend. It looked like he was wearing somebody else’s face, because Nancy would have never thought she would see an expression like that out of Billy Hargrove. She never thought she’d see him so nervous and unsure. So out of his depth.
He was still straining to look at her.
“Hey, look at me.” Steve said, his voice barely above a whisper. If it weren’t for the stillness of the room, it would have been easily likely that she wouldn’t have heard a thing, even given how close she was to the conversation that didn’t involve her. “Not at her. At me.”
She could hear his quick and uneven breaths. She could see them with the rise and fall of his chest—so erratic. Steve just kissed him again, bringing a hand to rest right over Billy’s lungs as he did, as if to watch as the seconds passed as Billy’s breathing and heart rate slowed, relaxing into his lips like a sedative.
Steve was slow and calculated with his next moves. He didn’t let his hands travel too far south, and instead stopped at the shirt buttons just above Billy’s navel, undoing them with only one hand—his other hand was still up by Billy’s head, drawing circles with his thumb behind Billy’s ear.
Billy leaned into the touch.
It was soft, slow, and careful. Each movement designed to give Billy the chance to breathe, but not the chance to overthink and freak out again, and Nancy sat there, literally on the edge of her seat watching as the clothes started getting stripped off.
First was Billy’s shirt, buttons undone and laying open, exposing the final bit of his torso those two clasps managed to keep hidden. It wasn’t anything either of them hadn’t seen before, but something about the moment itself made it feel like they were all fully exposed.
Then Steve stood up, momentarily parting their kiss to pull his own shirt over his head with the help of Billy, who was pulling at the hem. She could’ve sworn she saw Billy chasing Steve’s lips, his head practically levitating up off the bed to follow Steve’s movement to savor just the extra split second of contact.
They took the opportunity of their already parted lips to take Billy’s shirt off the rest of the way, tossing both of their discarded garments on the floor behind the bed, as if they were obstacles in the way of the finish line.
Steve was back down within seconds, hands not immediately making a move to take off the rest of Billy’s offending clothing, and instead taking the opportunity to explore the canvas of Billy’s chest. She could tell that it was completely hairless, which was in striking contrast to Steve’s.
She always loved Steve’s chest hair. She loved the way it felt running through her fingers.
And so did Billy, apparently.
She hadn’t been paying too much attention to where Billy’s hands were. Not until they landed right on the same spot of Steve’s chest where hers always landed, stroking up and letting the gaps of his fingers wade through the coarse sea of hair.
And Steve’s hands were traveling the same route they always did on her, on Billy. Up, and over the breast, squeezing the soft tissue. If she was being honest with herself, her and Billy weren’t much different in the realm of chest size, and all things added together, it was like she was staring at herself in a way.
One of Steve’s fingers brushed over Billy’s nipple and Nancy could have sworn she heard him gasp at the sensation. Or maybe that was just her, because she was so intently focused on Steve’s hands that she sat there waiting, expecting to feel something when Steve’s finger grazed him as if she really was the one in Billy’s position.
But she felt nothing, and without even thinking, she snaked her hand under her own shirt, sticking it under the wire of her bra, and fully giving herself into the fantasy playing out before her very eyes.
She no longer had the mind to care whether or not anyone was looking at her.
Things were finally looking like they were progressing. Steve and Billy kissed for a long while, easing into everything at an agonizingly slow pace for Nancy, but at least when Steve finally reached down to work at Billy’s jeans, he didn’t freeze up.
Undoing Billy’s belt with one hand probably wasn’t the most time-sensitive way of doing it—Steve’s fingers kept fumbling as he tried pulling the end through the loops. Steve seemingly refused to move that other hand away from sitting in the center of Billy���s chest. Nancy could only assume Steve was feeling the same sensation Nancy was feeling with her own hand pressed to her chest—that strong and chaotic pumping of blood through her veins.
When Steve finally managed to free Billy of a closed zipper, he didn’t hesitate all the much before slipping that same free hand below the waistband of Billy’s underwear, and it was like there was a sudden jolt of electricity that was felt by all three of them, despite only two of them having had any contact for a circuit completion.
While it was a collective jolt, they all reacted pretty differently.
Nancy’s eyes widened, and she could have sworn she felt the beat of her heart pause completely for a full second.
Billy produced a sound, seemingly against his will and completely uncontrolled. Nancy could only describe it as shockingly delighted. She also assumed Billy was having a whole separate reaction downstairs…judging by Steve’s reaction.
Because Steve smiled, almost deviously, like he had a plan in his mind, and Nancy was sitting on the edge of her seat just waiting to hear it.
Steve dragged his tongue along his upper lip, as if he was staring directly at a dinner platter of all his favorite foods.
Steve brought himself even closer to Billy, chest resting against chest, his weight on top of the other boy, his mouth less than an inch away from the other boy's mouth.
He didn’t kiss him. He just let his hot breath hit Billy’s face as he spoke the words directly into Billy’s agape mouth.
“What do you wanna do?”
Nancy could actually see it that time. Her eyes had drifted down back to where Steve’s hand was still below Billy’s waistband, and she didn’t fail to notice the very subtle movement, and the ever so slight laugh that came from Steve in response.
“Someone’s eager,” he said.
Billy didn’t respond. He just stayed lying there with wide open eyes, mouth hung open in a perfect display of shock.
Steve didn’t acknowledge it—hell, he probably wasn’t even aware of it, so locked in and focused on Billy—but Billy was hardly the only eager person in the room, and it wasn’t like she was being subtle about it. She was biting her lower lip, and grinding against her heel much faster and violently than before. She wasn’t just eager, or excited. She was outright desperate.
More than anything, she was excited for Billy’s answer to Steve’s question. It was the one thing they didn’t discuss beforehand. She didn’t think they had to, seeing as that part was just between him and Billy, and not herself. It didn’t feel like she should have a say in any of that.
She didn’t want to have any say in it, because even if she was asked—just like Billy had been asked—she was almost positive she wouldn’t have been able to come up with an answer. Even sitting there without the question posed to her, she had no idea what she wanted. All she knew, all she wanted in that very moment, was to know what they wanted.
Something about knowing another person’s deepest desires lit something up inside Nancy. It was the type of thing Steve would never normally share with her, or with anyone for that matter. She could only assume the same for Billy. And yet, she was sitting there, right within earshot of an admission she was never meant to hear.
Billy let out a high-pitched whimper as Steve moved his hand against him. It was a sound that clearly made Steve happy, but it wasn’t the sound he—and Nancy—was waiting to come out of his mouth.
Steve dropped his lips back onto Billy’s, and it was less like a kiss, and more like he was trying to suck the answer from his throat. Kissing him into a sweet delusion that the words he was saying were just thoughts inside his head, where only he was privy to hear them.
Billy let out a long exhale through his nose, melting into the kiss. Clearly, whatever little spell Steve was casting was working wonders.
Steve parted too soon, leaving Billy chasing the kiss and meeting nothing but air after lifting his head up from the surface. He was absolutely delirious. High off of Steve’s kiss. It was like truth serum, and all Steve had to do was ask him one more time.
“What do you want to do, Billy?” he asked. “Whatever you want.”
There was barely a second of silence before Billy hummed and said
“Fuck me.”
Steve showed a look of momentary surprise, as if that was the last thing he expected to hear Billy say.
That thing he had said in the car, about it feeling like he was losing his virginity all over again, turns out he really wasn’t all that far off. She knew from the very beginning that Steve didn’t really know what he was doing. She knew this was as new for him as it was for her. But, it hadn't been very obvious that he was in way out of his head until right then, when his eyes had grown wide and he was suddenly at a loss for words.
It seemed that Billy noticed that too, and the delirium wore off.
“You’ve never fucked a guy before.” It wasn’t even a question. It was more like a realization.
There was so much going through her head. That initial excitement she had when he’d said it—that skip in her heart beat and hitch in her breath—hadn't disappeared by any means, but it was certainly muffled by all the other noise. The concern for Steve, the feeling of being exposed, the worry over the fact that everything had stopped and the desperation for it to continue. But more than all of that, the loudest thing ringing in her ears were all the questions she had about Billy.
He had been subverting all her expectations with every move since the moment he stepped through that front door. Every word out of his mouth was like a brand new piece of information that disproved scientific fact, leaving her to scrap everything and start over from scratch. The words that Billy said, while exciting to her, were the very last ones she expected him to say, or want. Steve seemed to be taking it all in with ease. All up until that point, when he finally felt like he was the fish out of water.
Steve was speechless and still, and his silence would have been palpable if Billy hadn’t taken away any ability he would’ve had to form words by taking hold of the nape of Steve’s neck, and suffocating him with another kiss.
Nancy was taken aback by just how well the two of them seemed to fit, like adjoining pieces of the same puzzle. Steve’s face softened and his eyes relaxed almost instantly when Billy kissed him—just like Billy when he was the one in Steve’s place. They were so easily able to calm each other, make each other feel safe. It was like they could read each other’s minds. Like they knew more than she did.
Nancy would be lying if she said that didn’t strike a nerve. Part of her wished she could be privy to the telepathic conversation taking place between the two, but another part of her wasn’t sure she’d want to know what they weren’t saying out loud, because if they weren’t saying it out loud, maybe it was for good reason.
Nancy thought a little too hard about Billy’s request…or was it a demand? She couldn’t really discern his tone from how low he spoke. She wasn’t very far from them, but the volume in which he had said those words had made it seem like they were a mile away. Those words. God, was it stupid that she never once considered that to be a possibility? She was grateful Billy wasn’t looking at her to see the look on her face, because it wasn't doing all that much to put down the rumor that Nancy Wheeler was a prude. Hell, she was beginning to question it herself because she couldn’t even wrap her mind around the mechanics of it all. Surely it wasn’t the same as what she and Steve did.
Steve. Billy had said it himself, although Steve hadn’t confirmed, she knew the truth. No, of course he hadn’t.
Steve seemed to finally find his bearings, and spoke in stark contrast to the blubbering mess he’d been just moments ago.
“No.” he said, pausing to take what seemed to be a relaxing breath, “You’d be the first.”
There. The confirmation that had Nancy sitting on the edge of her seat. Nancy never thought of Steve being anything mysterious. He seemed to be an open book. But if the past week had taught her anything, it was to stop acting like she knew everything all of the time. But, she couldn’t help but feel a little smug at Steve’s confirmation, because at least there was one thing she’d gotten right.
There was always a “but” wasn’t there?
“I’ve done, y’know, that before.”
Without saying another word, Steve pushed himself off of Billy and rolled over to pull something out of his nightstand drawer, leaving both her and Billy speechless with his admission.
So much for Steve being an open book, because in all the conversations they had about Steve’s rendezvous with a good chunk of the girls in his year, somehow anal never came up? Nancy could only sit there and try to think about who. And by the pleased yet shocked look on Billy’s face, she could tell he was wondering the same thing.
Nancy ran through the list of names in her head. Stacy? No way. Lori? Not a chance. Abigail? Well, that name was a surprise to start with as Nancy only ever knew her as the girl who sat in the front pew and carted a bible around along with her textbooks. On the other hand, she wasn’t deaf to the jokes that flew around about girls like Abigail, that “the Jesus freaks are the freakiest in bed”. Perhaps there was actually some truth to that.
Somehow, in her spiral, she’d missed a few steps, and once back in reality she found herself looking at the two boys undressing each other the rest of the way with an alarming amount of haste. She was partly worried, with the way Billy was desperately pulling at Steve’s jeans that he would cause a tear in the denim. Something must’ve been said between the two of them that she hadn’t picked up to warrant it, or perhaps it was just another telepathic exchange she should be grateful she didn’t have to hear.
She wished Steve had thought to take that route with the last thing he said, because that was all she could think about. She continued to run through the list of girls, never quite settling on the most likely candidate. She knew she wasn’t going to be able to stop thinking about it, so rather than wasting her energy on shoving the whole thing down, she twisted it around. Instead of going all detective and trying to suss out the girl, she thought about the boy, about Steve. She thought about what Steve must’ve felt. She thought about what he must’ve looked like, about the sounds he would have made. She wondered if they were anything like the sounds he made when he was with her.
Then, somehow right then, it dawned on her that she wasn’t going to have to continue to wonder.
With that thought, any reservations she had, any worry of being watched or feelings of uncertainty were gone as she let her fingertips breach her waistband.
By the time she’d gathered herself again, her eyes first caught sight of the now larger pile of clothes on the ground, and she didn’t even have to look up to know that the two of them were completely naked. Somehow, when she did look up, the sight did nothing for her. Well, at least, them being naked changed nothing. They were still doing that same little back and forth as before—long desperate kisses and wandering hands—the only difference was there was one less barrier, and less up to the imagination. She’d seen Steve’s naked body a countless number of times before, and as for Billy, there wasn’t anything surprising below the belt. It was exactly as she expected. Nothing for additional intrigue.
It wasn’t too much too fast, which was something she knew she was grateful for. And even though her care over potentially being watched had mostly subsided, it was a lot easier to ease into everything with the two boys in front of her with faces pressed so close that any view they might have had of her would be minimal.
She tried not to think about what she was doing. Everytime she thought too hard about it, it never worked. She’d sink, and her mind would run instead of wander, and the overthinking would get to her right before the cliff's edge, but only ever close enough to see it. Something would stop her before she would ever feel the free fall.
She had to shut off her control when she did it, and let her mind do its own thing. She stared ahead, and looked at what was happening before her—Steve was wielding what she now realized was the bottle of lube he’d pulled from his nightstand drawer, clicking it open, and squeezing what seemed to her like a generous amount onto his outstretched index and middle fingers—and she let her fingers move about, not thinking about where they were going, just blindly chasing the good feeling. Looking for the sweet spot.
Her eyes, having relaxed and nearly shut, darted open as a sudden sound entered her ears. Billy’s voice. Honestly, Nancy wasn’t sure if they hadn’t been talking this whole time, or if her hearing had only just returned.
“You sure you know what you’re doing, pretty boy?” Billy teased.
Surely he did. He said he’d done it before, and she couldn’t imagine it would be that different with Billy being a boy. Billy obviously wasn’t serious with his question. He was clearly meaning to coax something out of Steve. Only Nancy didn’t quite realize that until after he’d coaxed it out of him.
Steve looked cocky, smiling down at Billy with those gel coated fingertips still hovering in the air. “I know the golden rule,” Steve said, and those aforementioned fingers began their downward descent, falling into a place obscured by Billy’s thigh. It didn’t matter that Steve’s hand moved out of her vision, because she could see the chill run through Billy’s body. He inhaled sharply, and exhaled loudly, and Nancy didn’t know exactly what Steve was doing behind Billy’s thighs, but she knew by that reaction that Billy liked it. Steve smiled, proud of himself, and finished what he was saying. “As long as you’re feeling good, then I gotta be doing something right.”
Good God. Nancy knew the words weren’t directed at her but it was too easy to pretend that they were, because right as he said it, her own fingers had found the spot, and it felt more than just good. Steve was definitely doing something right.
Steve had started doing something to Billy. Something more than what he’d already done, because Billy was close to writhing. His neck was flexed as if he was straining to get a good look at Steve’s headboard, and the hand of his that she could see was gripping the fabric on Steve’s bed. For a second, Nancy wondered if he was in pain. Sure, she’d never experienced it for herself, but she could imagine that what Steve was doing, if not done correctly, would hurt. Nancy would have made that assumption based on Billy’s movements alone, but the sounds he was making were telling a different story.
If she wasn’t sure then, that Billy was loving every one of Steve’s moves, she was sure when Steve asked the question.
“How does this feel?” Steve asked, and she could tell by the look in his eye that he already knew the answer, and like her, he just wanted to hear Billy say it.
Billy nodded, almost frantically. “Mmhmm,” was all he managed to get out. It looked like he was preparing to say something else, his mouth open and tongue moving like it was beginning to form a word, when a sharp inhale replaced his voice. Instead of finishing the thought, and saying what he was going to say, he just nodded his head again, somehow even more frantic. Another one of those nonverbal cues, except this time, somehow, Nancy was able to pick up on the meaning too.
“Like that?” Steve asked, again, already knowing the answer. Nancy was beginning to get on the same wavelength, because she knew the answer too. Billy nodded again.
“Feels good.” Billy barely managed to get the words to come out as something coherent. Little did he know that wasn’t necessary, as it seemed they could all read each other’s minds at that moment. “Don’t stop.” he added.
“Good.” Steve said, and Nancy could tell just the praise alone did something to Billy, letting out a small whimper. “You let me know if anything changes.”
Steve was always so attentive. That part wasn’t surprising. But the way it felt being an onlooker was. Not only was watching all the ways Steve was affecting Billy doing a lot for her, but just Steve alone, seeing how he wielded his power and control with a steady hand, how he was so focused on Billy, how he wanted nothing more than to make his partner feel good, first and foremost. It was the kind of thing that got lost in the heat of it all. When Nancy was in Billy’s position, Steve was the same way. Albeit, not as slow and careful as he was with Billy, not treating her as something overly fragile. Still, he was attentive. Always checking in, asking questions just for the sake of asking them, diving into her mind and not taking any advantage while in there. Just exploring, and getting to know the new environment.
While things had been moving very slowly, Steve hadn’t been with Billy for that long in the grand scheme of things. Not as long as he’d been with Nancy. Steve had been given over a year to learn how to read her, and understand her, taking notes each time they had sex on what she liked and didn’t like. He didn’t have that advantage with Billy, so perhaps that was another reason he was taking things slow, aside from the obvious. Thinking back, the first time she and Steve had sex, he was slow with her too. Maybe that should make her feel jealous, that that part wasn’t special. It didn’t.
Her mind was wandering again, and she was losing that feeling. Nancy turned her focus back on the boys. Funnily enough, during all her overthinking about how slow things were progressing, things had started moving way faster than she was expecting.
They were back to kissing, except Steve’s right hand stayed hidden in that space she couldn’t see. Their positions had changed too. Steve had settled himself in between Billy’s spread legs, and Billy hadn’t moved much, but she noticed how his feet had moved further up on the bed, his knees bent at a tighter angle than before. Steve’s other hand was back on Billy’s chest too, and it wasn’t until Nancy noticed that she realized her own hand was still slipped under her bra.
She watched, and matched Steve’s movements, and put herself back into the scene.
For the most part, aside from the satisfaction evident in Steve’s smug smile, Billy was the only one getting any sort of pleasure. At least, that was what Nancy assumed with all of his toe curling and sheet gripping. Steve had seemed too calm and collected to be anywhere near where Billy was at. She wasn’t blind to Billy’s dick. It was hard not to notice with the way it was sticking straight up, almost as if it was begging to be gawked at. She caught Steve glancing down more than once or twice to steal a look, and she didn’t fail to notice the way he bit his lower lip each time. Clearly he was feeling something too, but any visual confirmation like she had with Billy was hidden behind Billy’s fucking thigh. If she wasn’t already busy doing her own thing, she’d have stood up, walked over, and taken a look for herself, like a surgeon over an operating table.
Instead, she just kept looking out for all of Steve’s other visual cues, even going as far as tallying up each and every time Steve’s top teeth dragged against his lower lip.
She had to keep reminding herself to relax, and stop letting her mind wander. She was losing sight of the real task at hand—just enjoying it.
“I think you might be ready.” Steve said, as if Billy was a meal he was preparing.
Billy let out an exhausted groan. “You think?” he said sarcastically, lifting his head as if to gesture in front of him. Billy’s hands were still preoccupied with gripping the sheets. Steve’s fingers must have still been inside of him.
That thought right there sent a wave through her body. She really hadn’t quite grasped exactly what was happening until right then. Knowing was enough to bring the good feeling back, and quickly she was beginning to understand Billy’s urgency.
Steve lifted himself again, and those fingers she’d assumed were just inside of Billy were freed, and she could’ve sworn her heart stopped when she saw it. God, she was being dramatic. She’d seen Steve’s dick countless times, up close and personal, and yet she’d never seen him like that. It was the same, but the person it was attached to…it was an entirely different person. Somehow she hadn’t noticed it before, but Steve was sweating, and shaking. Normally he was so suave, never nervous when it came to sex, and Billy had him shaking.
Wait. Maybe she’d gotten it all wrong. Because the next thing she noticed was that Steve was no longer looking down at Billy.
He was looking over at her.
The illusion had fallen.
He was looking at her going to town on herself and she couldn’t even be bothered to stop. It was too late, he had seen, and somehow him seeing filled her with even more dread than Billy seeing would have.
And Billy. He was still laying there with his eyes looking up at the ceiling, none the wiser about what was happening between her and Steve.
The only thing Nancy could think as to why Steve was that he was upset by what he saw. All that time she’d spent working through her own potential jealousy, never once considering Steve might feel that too when it came down to it. Was he disgusted by her? So many emotions were flooding her head and she felt frozen, which didn’t help her case being stuck with one hand under her shirt and the other in her pants.
She just looked back at him, and tried her damndest to read the expression on her face. She had to have been missing something. She had to.
It felt like she had been staring at him forever, but Billy was still laying there so blissfully unaware that it couldn’t have been that long. She felt like she had to be wrong, because it didn’t make sense. Steve knew it was part of the plan, so he shouldn’t have been surprised.
Then she saw it. Maybe she only saw it because she was desperately looking for it, but in that expression so desperately trying to hide what he needed, she figured it out. Steve was nervous. He wasn’t jealous. Neither were the reason he was looking at her.
He was just like Billy before, looking at her, waiting for her to let him know it was okay.
She’d said it so many times before that she just assumed it didn’t need to be said again.
Then just one second later, she realized he and Billy weren’t the only ones that needed it. She needed it too.
They both needed to know not only was it okay to want it, but it was okay that they were—very obviously—enjoying it.
Nancy gave him a soft and knowing smile, and nodded her head. She glanced down at Billy and saw he still hadn’t noticed the pause in the action, and she took the opportunity to mouth the words—for extra measure—it’s okay.
Steve smiled, and it was as if he read her mind when he silently repeated her words back to her.
It’s okay.
It was all okay.
And finally—fucking hopefully—they’d jumped the last hurdle.
Steve had gathered his composure and resumed what he’d been originally doing when he lifted himself off of Billy—grabbing the condom, which she presumed he also pulled from the nightstand along with the lube, and sliding it on himself. It appeared to take him a few moments to get Nancy to disappear again. Part of her wished she could just make herself invisible, clearly it would have made things a lot easier.
Nancy was shocked that after every hiccup, every uncertainty, they were still going through with it. She felt stupid, really. How had she been so naive to think it would go smoothly. Maybe it was because it was always so easy with Steve, she figured it wouldn’t change much by just adding one more factor.
But then again, Billy was the additional factor, and perhaps it was her own fault that their initial plans went awry.
She took a deep breath, tossed away the thought, and freed her mind the best she could because she earned it, and she had no intention of giving it up. She couldn’t.
Steve kissed Billy again, consuming him like his lips had been coated with a potion to ease all tensions. Maybe they were. She knew the taste of his cigarette had done something to her. She licked her own lips at the thought, and she found herself craving that familiar taste.
Billy’s eyes were closed, not squeezed shut, but relaxed, like he’d spent all the energy he had to keep them open.
Steve gave Billy one last kiss and hovered there, his breath falling into Billy’s face. Nancy noticed the pink in his cheeks from the concentrated flow of hot air. As Steve was heavily breathing, he was also shifting around his lower half, and one of the hands he was using for support reentered that space out of her vision.
Steve’s face was so close to Billy’s that their noses were touching, and Billy had opened his mouth just slightly, as if trying to swallow Steve’s every exhale, and the words that were soon to follow.
“Tell me if I need to stop,” Steve said, and her own heart fluttered at the comment, but she pushed any extra thoughts about it away. “Tell me how it feels.”
Nancy took a deep breath, and held it.
She didn’t release it until Billy had opened his eyes.
It looked like at the same moment she released her breath, Billy started to hold his.
He looked stunned for a second, but it was short enough that neither her nor Steve had the chance to react before Billy eased their worries, when the wide eyes and clenched jaw and tightly sealed lips were followed up by a long, deep, and seemingly unintentional moan. It was breathy, almost like Steve had knocked the wind out of him.
Nancy’s eyes darted back and forth between Billy and Steve’s faces. Billy was still all wide eyed and open mouthed, but more relaxed, like the only facial muscles he had the use of were the ones controlling his eyelids. Steve was all focus, with his trained eyes and tight jaw. At first glance he seemed like he had it all together, but Nancy also noticed the hair sticking to the sweat on his forehead, his own heavy breaths and stifled vocalizations and knew his mask was falling off right along with Billy’s.
Nancy didn’t have a mask on to begin with. She’d put all her chips in on the assumption that she’d be like a fly on the wall, going completely unnoticed so long as she didn’t provoke them. She’d been doing a pretty good job at not paying attention to her own actions and letting whatever wanted to happen, happen. While it felt good—God, it felt good—her masklessness ran the risk of humiliation. She’d been paying so little attention to her own actions that as she sat there, reveling in each and every one of Billy’s moans, she was completely deaf to whether or not she was making those same sounds. The tingling and shockwaves would have absolutely warranted it for where she was at right around then. Every orbit of her two fingers against her clit was enough to at least make her feel a little breathless each time.
Nancy couldn’t pull her eyes away from Steve’s bare hips, wearing Billy’s legs like a belt, ankles locked together and pressing into Steve’s lower back. She found herself glancing from mole to mole, mapping the constellations in her head. She’d never seen them from that angle before, so used to only ever tracing the moles on his back while he was asleep. It was like she was staring at an entirely new night sky, with so many stars yet to be named.
Even in the dim light, it seemed as though Billy glowed bright enough to reveal more than she’d ever been able to see.
Her eyes naturally fell to that one mole on his side that seemed like it was all alone. Bigger than all the others, just begging for her attention. Steve’s hips were moving at a much slower pace than what she was used to, and she was surprised that Billy wasn’t begging him “faster, faster,” like she would have expected—like she had been doing in the back of her mind. Their respective paces were mismatched, which made things slightly more difficult, but Nancy responded in the only way she knew how, and that was to simply follow Steve’s lead.
Edging wasn’t exactly easy without someone else’s manipulation, but Nancy was always up for a challenge.
She just kept focusing on all of the little details. Billy’s legs spread so wide she thought about how she could test just how flexible he really was. The pads of his fingers digging into the soft flesh of Steve’s lower back, creating crevasses and making themselves a home under Steve’s skin. Steve’s lips seemed to have a magnetic pull against them, landing anywhere and everywhere on Billy’s body that they could reach, admiring and relishing in it all as if Billy was something to be prized and worshiped.
Billy whimpered, the sound caught in the back of his throat somehow making its way passed his tightly sealed lips and heard.
Nancy continued to slow down, continued to focus on the little things, trying her best not to be too swayed by the sounds Billy was making. She wanted to match right up with them, perfectly in sync like a pair of world class synchronized swimmers. Billy’s toes curled, so did hers. She faked it, responding with his every move with an identical move until she didn’t have to anymore, and their breaths became perfectly aligned. The illusion became clear.
“Fuck, Steve.” Billy said with all of his breath. It was the first thing either of them had said since the beginning of their whole ordeal. Or, maybe they had said something prior, and Nancy had just been way too deep inside her head to hear any of it as it was said. Billy’s voice sounded nothing like it had before. That deep voice she just knew was fake was completely gone. The pitch was high, nearly unrecognizable and entirely authentic. The sound of his voice drew her attention back to him, and of course out of all the things to catch her eyes first, it was that dumb head of hair.
She never really appreciated how golden it was. Those blonde curls splayed against the mattress, gleaming from what little light poured in from outside Steve’s windows. It was pretty, she thought, and that surprised her. ‘Pretty’ was rarely a term she’d ever associated with a boy. In fact, the only boy she’d ever really thought was pretty was Steve—his deep brown eyes and chestnut brown hair all paired together with that soft smile—Steve was pretty. Billy wasn’t pretty, at least, she didn’t think so before. He was tough, gruff—he looked like he was born to be covered in grease and adorned with leather. Pretty—to Nancy—always meant soft. Billy wasn’t soft. He was hardened, rigid, sharp as a knife.
That was what she thought.
But looking at him underneath Steve—the soft hair, the soft features, the soft skin…god…Billy was so pretty. Blue eyes, golden hair with skin shown so much love from the sun, the curves of his body looking like the never-touched dunes in the desert, making a shape she wanted to trace with her fingers.
Billy whimpered again, and her entire body felt it.
God, she wanted to touch him. She wanted to be closer.
She felt so far away, despite being just barely out of arm's reach. The distance seemed to only grow right along with her desire to become part of it all, fully, in every way.
Billy moaned again, and so did Steve, simultaneously, like Steve was the melody and Billy was the harmony. They made a beautiful song together. Nancy wasn’t sure how she felt admitting that, but it was the truth.
Looking up, pulling herself from her thought tornado, she finally started to grasp the situation. She’d been so inside her head, she’d missed so much.
Billy was panting like he was on the brink of passing out, and Steve didn’t look much better. He was fucking Billy. Like, truly, fucking Billy. Nancy could only stare as he thrusted himself in and out at a very quick pace.
That was also the moment she realized that she’d fallen behind.
Those moans and whimpers only grew in frequency, right along with the release of desperate expletives and pleas from both parties taking up space on the bed. They were close. If Nancy didn’t know just by the scene alone, she knew for sure when Billy began to chant it—alerting everyone in the room the he was on the brink.
Nancy wasn’t, not even remotely. She’d been so focused on slowing herself down, she’d been lapped.
“Steve, I’m gonna cum!”
“Me too,” Steve exhaled the words, “cum with me.”
Nobody was waiting for her, and it was clear she had no shot at catching up now. Perhaps last place was just her destiny.
One of Steve’s hands traveled down until it had found itself wrapped around Billy’s cock, red-tipped and leaking pre, visibly aching to be touched. Steve’s other hand stayed put on Billy’s chest, squeezing Billy’s pec like it was his own personal stress reliever, making a point to drag a thumb over an erect nipple, keeping Billy extra stimulated.
Nancy was out of breath just watching. She’d picked up her pace and she felt close, just not close enough. Billy and Steve were miles ahead of her, assisted by their raging teenage boy hormones.
Billy’s lower lips stayed trapped between his teeth, for so long and with so much force Nancy was sure there’d be permanent indentations left after they finally released their hold. Still, even with all that effort, he couldn’t keep the cacophony at bay. Nancy just wished he’d let it out, because the sounds we’re doing just as much to her as the sight of the whole thing was.
Nope. Too late. It was too late.
The next thing she knew, as she sat there shamelessly touching herself, standing on her tallest tiptoes trying to reach the height the two boys in front of her were at, they were coming. She watched as Billy’s cum shot up and coated Steve’s stomach. She couldn’t actually see Steve coming as he was still buried deep inside Billy, but she could see it in his face—the way his jaw went slack and his eyebrows shot up to his hairline. She just kept trying, trying, trying.
Steve rolled over and collapsed on his back, completely spent. Nancy wasn’t sure exactly just how much time had elapsed, but it felt like an eternity and nothing at all at the exact same time. It was certainly not enough time for her as she sat there, the moment ruined, her orgasm hanging in the air just too far out of her reach.
She sat there and she closed her eyes, stretching as much as she could to reach what was so close, yet so far—too far. It was just too far.
Her breath remained unsteady as she sat there, daring to open her eyes again to take a look at the scene in front of her. At least they managed to enjoy themselves. That was what Nancy said she wanted. Right? Make Steve happy. Make him feel good. That was supposed to be enough, she thought.
She opened her eyes, and felt the immediate urge to shut them right back up when they were met with a pair of piercing blue from across the room. Billy was lying on his back, his hands coming to rest of his chest, right on top of Steve’s hand that remained through all of it. Billy was looking right at her. Steve wasn’t. He was on the side of Billy opposite of her, shielded by Billy’s body with his face buried in the pillows. He couldn’t possibly have known of the full conversation happening between her and Billy with just their stares alone.
Billy’s eyes barely moved from where they were locked in on hers, just glancing down for less than a second, looking straight at where her hand still breached the barrier of her waistband…then right back up. She half expected the next look to say it all, fill her with shame—it didn’t.
The look was almost…sad…in a way. She had no idea what she must have looked like from Billy’s point of view, but with a look like that, she could only assume she looked like a pathetic wreck. She assumed that the sad look was pitying.
She wanted to move—fix herself up and make herself more presentable, because she didn’t like how it felt as if there was a spotlight shining directly on her, lighting up all of her deepest insecurities for even the people sitting high up in the nosebleeds to see. None of what was happening was a part of her plan…although, thinking back, she never really got that far. She never considered what would happen in the aftermath.
But was it really the aftermath? In Billy’s eyes, maybe. In Steve’s eyes, definitely. But in her eyes?
Things hadn’t finished for her just yet. The only problem was, she was at a loss as to how she could possibly go about continuing.
Billy still stared at her, which only seemed to further complicate everything going on inside her head. She didn’t like how she couldn’t read his expression. Billy Hargrove was proving to be the one mystery she might need a little help with solving. She’d been going full sleuth all night, only to have been played a fool by Billy’s red herring.
His eyes on her made her skin crawl, and she did everything she could with her own stare to make him look away, or at the very least stop looking at her like that. Time felt frozen with his eyes on her. It felt like an eternity had passed.
She just stared back harder, adorning a look on her face just like El’s when she was moving things with her mind…angry looking—a little—but mostly just focused.
She felt stupid with her face stuck like that. She was just waiting for the pin to drop and the chorus of laughter to commence. That was always how it happened in movies. Somebody would do something embarrassing and not a soul alive wasn’t there to witness, taking only a second before raising their arms to point and laugh. They’d form a circle around her. They’d get closer and closer and she’d feel like the walls were closing in and soon enough she’d find breathing to be the hardest thing to do.
Of course, in actuality, it wasn’t like the movies. Nothing was. Not this time.
Those eyes that once stared at her, so unreadable, vanished, turned away in the opposite direction.
She took a breath, relaxing only a little. Then she realized.
Those eyes were facing Steve.
Suddenly all she wanted was him to look at her again, or at the very least, see what they looked like…despite the fact that they never told her a thing.
She didn’t like any of what was going on. She didn’t like how it felt like she was just waiting for something to happen. She didn’t like how it felt like she had lost all of her control over the situation. She hated that the most, being left to the mercy of other people.
Then, there was whispering, and she hated that even more.
It was what she’d asked for, to be left out of the equation—that pesky little remainder in a division problem.
She thought that was what she wanted.
It was becoming more and more evident by the minute that, even if their equation wasn’t clean, where everything could just be so evenly divided, she wanted to be a part of it—included, like a fraction, rational.
She wanted to know what they were saying.
She wanted to ask. She wanted to use that snark she practiced so well and remind them that whispering was rude when other people were around. She wanted to inject herself into their conversation, and she would have if her lips hadn’t felt like they’d been sealed shut.
It was awful. She felt so weak. She hated feeling weak.
She wanted to scream, but those sealed lips wouldn’t come loose even for that.
The whispering stopped. That was the first thing she noticed. Then, she noticed blue eyes back on her. Then she noticed those blue eyes had company.
Steve was finally looking at her. For a moment, when it was just Billy looking at her, she’d forgotten Steve was even in the room.
Usually she loved it when Steve looked at her. She loved when his eyes would always find hers from across any room, or when they were alone, watching something on TV, and his eyes would drift off the screen just to stare at her. She loved it especially when they were having sex, when he couldn’t take his eyes off of her, his pupils blown wide. Earlier, she had been hoping he’d look over at her. Now, all she wanted was for him to look away.
The eyes on Steve were just like the eyes on Billy. Sure they were deep brown, not a piercing blue. They weren’t that look of love and lust she had been yearning for. They were sad eyes of unnecessary concern and the weakness continued to seep into her.
Then there was a shift, and her gaze was pulled from the trance of Steve’s eyes, down just slightly to the source of the sound—the creaking crumple of moving limbs on a spring mattress.
Billy had rolled over onto his side, his whole naked body turned towards her. It was a vulnerable position, she noted. She thought back to the beginning of the night…god…how long ago was that? For her it felt like it had been forever ago, but really it could’ve only been a matter of maybe twenty minutes…
Twenty minutes or forever ago, Billy had been in her position—put on the spot, nervous, out of the loop, terrified, uncertain…there were more words, all of them running through her head like she’d consumed the whole thesaurus. There Billy was, lying in a bed with her boyfriend, fully naked, still coming down from the effects of the orgasm said boyfriend had given him. There he was with an outstretched hand, branching out towards her.
She remembered looking at him, smiling, and attempting to settle all those nerves he’d built up inside of him with her simple “it’s okay, Billy.”
She could only assume that was what the outstretched arm was. It was Billy—and Steve’s—way of telling her that it was okay.
It shouldn’t have been so simple, but upon her own realization, the tightness in her gut began to dissipate.
It was little, minuscule, but enough nonetheless to at least melt her out of her frozen situation—the hand that had stayed beneath the wire of her bra, clinging to her breast like a lifeline, moved down and out, and slowly met Billy’s still outstretched hand.
It felt so weird, especially with her other hand still where it was. She wanted to move it for dignity’s sake, but at the same time…she wanted to finish. Usually, she was okay with going without, but not now. Not this time. This time was different. It was her idea. She’d been thinking about it everyday for a week. She deserved her own happy ending just as much as they did.
She just kept looking back at them, trying to make them feel just as vulnerable as she did so that they were all finally on a level playing field.
Nancy hadn’t realized until her hand had finally made contact with Billy’s, their fingertips grazing past one another until they were both holding on, and she’d felt a pull…she may have misinterpreted the meaning of the outstretched hand.
Billy hadn’t yanked her by any means, but the pull was still strong. Strong enough that, given how she was caught so off guard, she was easily carried out of her chair. She had no way to fight against what she hadn’t expected in the first place. She quickly went from a seated position to standing, the heel she’d been riding falling to the floor with an ungraceful thump to the floor. Everything had, somehow, become ten times more awkward than it had the whole night…and obviously, that was saying something.
The night hadn’t seemed to really follow the rules of time. It was forever and twenty minutes, alternating between moments of fast and slow. Always too fast, and too slow.
This was the first time in the night that the timing seemed just right. Because everything started moving really fast.
Billy had sat up and moved his body to the edge of the bed, leaving an open space next to a rather confused Steve.
He’s leaving?
That was Nancy’s first thought. She could hardly admit it to herself, but there was no denying the feeling. Every ache in her gut told her she did not want that.
Though, she still hadn’t found her voice yet to say anything about it.
Billy was still holding her hand, and guiding her. She liked this. Normally she liked being the one in control—the one with the game plan—but in this instance, she was happy to follow someone else’s lead. She’d had enough of a spotlight.
Billy had guided her exactly where she expected, right into that open spot next to Steve, who just looked at her with a smile. By this point, Billy had finally let go, and she’d finally pulled her hand out from her waistband, making both hands free to do exactly what she’d been dying to do…touch.
She brought her hand up to cup Steve’s face, and she couldn’t hold herself back from kissing him. She had to. She thought she might die if she didn’t. She could also tell he was a bit shaky, part of it likely due to his own come down—she���d never seen him cum like that before…she knew, logically, that should’ve made her feel a type of way. It didn’t.
The other reason for the shakiness, well, that was just the even playing field at work.
The kiss was short, just enough for a taste and the gift of some much needed confidence. They parted, and she was surprised to find that Billy had made no attempt to make his escape. He just stood there looking at them with his knees pressing against the edge of the bed.
She half expected time to slow, just like it had in all her moments of uncertainty, but the speed continued to progress.
Billy bent over, wrapping his hands around Nancy’s ankles as he crawled back onto the bed.
Okay. So. He definitely wasn’t leaving.
Nancy looked to Steve, hoping he’d have an answer to at least one of the million questions flying through his head. He seemed to be able to read her mind. Unfortunately for her, she was only met with the shake of a head. So he couldn’t even answer one. Great.
Billy’s hands began to move north. Up. Up. They were at her knees.
Too fast.
She went to speak, but none of the words she had on her tongue would come out. All she could do to tell him to slow down was to tense, and pull her knees up.
“Sorry.” Billy said, and again, she realized, they’d been silent that whole time. Billy was the only one with the courage to speak.
Nancy took a deep breath, reminding her of everything she had witnessed up until this point. Reminding herself that Billy wasn’t scary, that she had Steve right beside her, that everything was equally scary for all three of them.
“What’s happening?” She managed to get those two words out. No more than that, just enough. She was less focused on the chosen words and more on the tone of voice, making sure she didn’t come off as angry or annoyed or any other emotion other than curiosity, because if what she thought was happening was indeed happening…she really didn’t want to scare him off.
She just wanted to be in the loop.
Billy still looked like he’d been frightened in spite of Nancy’s attempts, but he didn’t pull his hands away. They were still touching her knees. That had to count for something.
Nancy wanted to look over at Steve. She could feel his heavy breathing on her neck. She couldn’t, though. She had to keep her eyes on Billy as she awaited an answer.
Which was the best decision, because she was able to watch the lines on his face change with a release of tension as the fright formed into a new emotion. She got to watch as he put on a shy smile—shy…huh, she was still getting used to that.
“I just figured…” he began. His words were slow and obviously carefully chosen. “It’s not fair that only Steve and I have all the fun.”
Nancy felt her breath stop, the sharp inhale lodged in the back of her throat. Her whole body felt like it had gone numb, all except for her stomach, where she could feel the butterflies coming to life again.
“I thought—” the two words came out of her mouth in haste, the thoughts in her head being forced into words on her lips, no idea of the ones that would follow. Fortunately for her, the thought that had come out was an incomplete one, giving her ample time to clamp her lips closed and finish her thought before sharing it with the rest of the world.
She thought…she thought…Fuck! She didn’t even know what she thought, or, at least, her brain was suddenly at a loss for the word…or…well…the appropriate word.
In the narrative she created in her head, Billy only had eyes for Steve—for the boy, not the girl. In the story she wrote, Billy’s womanizer reputation was merely a facade, or a cover. It wasn’t truth. She’d been picking up evidence all night that seemed to prove every suspicion, theory, and story she came up with about that one piece. All until the moment Billy laid his hands on her. She thought…
“I thought,” she repeated, the words leaving her again without warning, “you were…?”
She trailed off, the unsaid word left hanging in the hair. She’d found the word she’d been looking for, but she couldn’t say it. It wasn’t the kind of word you said out loud in Indiana.
Billy seemed to understand that fact too, probably a lot more intimately than she did, judging by the look on his face. He looked relieved that she hadn’t said it. Then he sighed. “I am,” he said simply.
She had to double back, make sure he was answering the question she thought she had asked him. It just made her even more confused. “But?” Again with the incomplete sentences.
Billy was quick to respond. “It’s not like it’s a hardship, Nancy,” he said. “You wouldn’t be the first girl, and I’m sure you’ve heard the reviews.”
She had. Of course she had. She could always hear the girls whispering and giggling at the back of the class, going on and on about how Billy would go down on them. Initially, the first time she heard it, it made her want to gag.
Billy hadn’t existed in her pool of interest. Not until Steve had dragged him in against her will just to leave her sitting there with Billy at her knees, with the proposition at her feet, thinking about all those things she once heard those girls say and no longer feeling the need to gag.
“Are you sure?” It was all she could think to ask, because she feared saying anything more might scare him off. It was his fault she was thinking about the rumors. It was his fault she was curious to see for herself how true they were, even if curiosity had struck before. She pushed away that little part of herself that wanted to pry into Billy’s whole ordeal, and dissect the slight frown that disappeared quickly. She could worry about that later.
She just shook it off, and focused her attention back on Billy, staring him down like she was drilling holes with her eyes.
“I offered,” he said simply, “if it’s fine by you two, it’s fine by me.”
You two. Right. There were three of them there.
Steve was still at her side. She’d forgotten he was even there. Everything had just felt so intimate between her and Billy in that moment. She looked over at him, her neck feeling a little stiff, and she wondered if it actually felt that way, or if her brain was just tricking her to keep her from looking away from Billy.
Billy who was promising her Heaven, or something close to it.
Still, she strained against her muscles to look over at Steve, because of course he was the one standing in her way.
It was only fair, she thought. She was simply reiterating Billy’s initial point, but it remained true in her mind.
But, they hadn’t discussed anywhere beyond what Steve was allowed to do with Billy. They never ventured into the territory of herself taking part in the activity. Was it really fair to assume Steve would be okay with it? It was her idea after all, not his.
She looked at him, expecting an answer to come eventually, all the while mulling over everything and trying to reach a conclusion of what she might do if Steve were to decide he wasn’t okay with it.
Steve wasn’t looking at Billy when he next spoke. He looked at her, and every instinct was telling her to turn away, terrified of the look on Steve’s face when he would inevitably say no. She tried to look away, but she was frozen, forced to witness it all crumble before her eyes.
Except, everything remained intact. The foundation stayed strong enough to hold them.
It appeared Steve had been just as limited for words as she was, saying “yes” and “it’s okay with me” and anything else she and Billy may have needed to confirm consent with a simple nod of his head, and little reluctance behind his eyes.
And the reason behind that minimal reluctance was made clear by the few words he managed to ask Billy.
“What do I…?” Steve couldn’t finish his sentences either, apparently. What do I do during all of this? That was the question he was trying to ask. It was a good question, and she’d learned early on that Steve preferred to have a game plan.
Billy smiled at that, and it was in that moment that Billy finally took his hands off of her knees. The weight being lifted off of her made it feel as though her legs were levitating off of the bed.
Billy was crawling forward, except not towards her, but towards Steve. It only took him half of a foot in length to reach him, but once he did, he didn’t even take a breath before kissing Steve.
It was different that time. It wasn’t filled with heat and lust. It was closer to the kind of kiss someone might give to their significant other in the morning. Soft and chaste. It was like the kisses Steve gave her behind the privacy of an open locker door while the bell was still ringing.
Though, from the outside perspective looking in, the feeling it gave her was nowhere near the same. The blood quickly rushed to her cheeks and the butterflies that had seemed to have gone dormant in her bout of anxiety sprang back to life, fluttering around inside her stomach, and down. Tingling.
She watched Steve sink and melt and it was as if all of his worries had been swept away with the single, soft touch of Billy’s lips. It was incredible, really. You never really get the time to think too much about how a kiss makes you feel, so caught up in the moment, the memory of it only tangible during contact. She could see it now, though, and she wondered if Steve looked like that when he was kissing her. She could only hope.
The kiss was short, but to her it had felt like time had frozen still and she was just privy to their freeze frame. In reality it was just her own mind failing to keep up with the fastly growing pace of everything, when suddenly they had parted and Billy finally gave an answer to Steve’s unfinished question.
“Just kiss your girlfriend, Steve.” he said, his hand still gracing the side of Steve’s cheek, “I’ll take care of the rest.”
Billy’s voice was both incredibly reassuring and enticing. He backed away from Steve and looked at Nancy again, asking the question with his eyes alone, and earning a nod, no more words were left to be exchanged.
Billy’s hands made their way back to her knees, and she tried to watch as the moments started to unfold, but her vision was cut off by the boy to her left, taking her gently by the chin and doing just as Billy had said.
The weight of her own head had quickly become too heavy for her neck to hold, and she slowly lowered herself down until her head met the pillow, not once parting her and Steve’s connection at the lips. She was truly sinking—melting, just as Steve had been just seconds before. She was feeling every feeling she had witnessed, feeling the drug of Steve’s kiss begin to take effect, washing her cares away, and allowing her to succumb to the moment.
The moment—Billy’s hands running up her inner thighs and up onto her hips, feeling his hands form a ‘V’ at the thumbs, framing her like a photo.
He was slow with her, just like Steve had been with him. Perhaps that was where he learned it from, absorbing it all like a sponge. She was given every chance to stop his next move. She didn’t.
She held her breath as Billy’s fingers grazed the skin below her navel. She had become hyper aware in that moment of just how desperately she needed to be touched. She pulled back from Steve, resting her forehead against his in a moment of weakness. The contact at least gave her back her ability to breathe, the heat of her breath falling right into Steve’s open mouth.
Steve’s hands started to move, no longer pressed into the mattress in an attempt to keep his posture. They were snaking around to the small of her back, below the fabric of her shirt, skin against skin. His hand moved up her back along with the hem of her shirt, slowly rising to expose her whole stomach. The chill of the open air against previously covered skin caused her to shiver.
Steve took that as an opportunity to swallow her hot breath, kissing her while continuing to inch his hand up her back until he finally found what he was looking for—the clasp of her bra. It was something he’d always been so boisterous about—his ability to unclasp a bra with only one hand. To her and every other girl, it wasn’t that much of a talent, but she couldn’t say she minded that he was always so smooth with it.
Though, it was hard for her to focus on any of that when Billy was slowly unbuttoning and unzipping her, revealing her, exposing the one part of her that was just aching to be touched. The barrier slowly—teasingly—being removed just made that area even more desperate for stimulation.
Her focus on one single thing started to wane as both Steve and Billy’s hands started to do different but equal things to her on opposite sides of her body. Steve’s hands slithered to her front, stopping to rest just below the now loose underwire. She knew her chest was rising visibly, and she knew that Steve could feel it. Maybe that was why he let his hand sit there unmoving.
Though, there was no way Steve could’ve been sure that he was the one responsible for her heavy breathing, because Nancy wasn’t even too sure herself, not with Billy below her waist with a rogue finger sliding below the line of her underwear, not quite touching her yet, but definitely too close for comfort.
Just the thought alone of how close caused something inside of her to escape. Something that she knew would have been better kept hidden, at least for her own pride’s sake. The sound escaped past her lips, and despite them being smothered by Steve’s, there was no doubt the sound was heard.
She could barely hear a thing, it was like her ears were clogged shut, cause the laugh that escaped Billy’s mouth was muffled. But, she didn’t have to hear him laugh to know that he had heard her, because that rogue finger sliding around started to move closer…and closer…and…
She squeezed her eyes shut so tight that she really was seeing stars, and just as she was beginning to feel a little less like she was falling from the sky, Steve had to keep on moving that damn hand of his, up…and up…and up…
If she hadn’t lost all sensation in her arms, she would’ve slapped a hand right over her mouth. She just kept her eyes shut, because even if logically she knew neither of them were laughing at her, she simply couldn’t bear to look.
She just closed her eyes, kept them closed, and reminded herself of everything that preceded her lying on that bed with not one, but two other men…boys?? Whatever. She kept letting herself forget that little mantra—pretend like nobody’s watching. She just wished they would tell her…though, she guessed she shouldn’t complain considering the feeling she was trying to hide, that good—amazing—feeling…well, she was just going to have to let them continue to work their magic.
Even with her eyes sealed shut, she could see every move they made like a movie playing on the inside of her eyelids. Every physical sensation was so visual. The cool air meeting her once covered hips following the friction of denim dragging against sweaty skin, the weight of Steve’s hand over her breast, his palm warm, and his tongue licking into her mouth, slow and savoring—she could see it all. It was like it wasn’t her. It was like she was watching someone else be stripped down and felt up.
Though, the only thing she cared about was the fact that it was working. She was relaxed, and it felt good.
Really good.
Before she knew it, her jeans were being pulled over her ankles, and she couldn’t even care about how exposed she was, wearing nothing but a hiked up shirt and lacey panties. All she could care about was how close she was from going from feeling really good to insanely good.
Finally regaining strength in her arms, she reached up and pulled Steve in closer, deepening the kiss. She wasn’t afraid when he was close. She was starting to realize she had nothing to fear about Billy either. In some weird and twisted way, his presence was a comfort too.
It was very possible it was only the lust talking, but she didn’t have the time or the care to dissect any of that.
Her near-limp body rolled as Billy inched his way back up the bed, his weight creating dips in the mattress that she fell into. Billy’s breath was hot against her stomach, and she knew what that meant. Not just that Billy’s face was there—the temperature giving her something very vivid to cast in the blank space created from her still closed eyes—but…his face was there. It was close. Everything she wanted was right there.
All she could hear were the echoes of past gossip about Billy Hargrove that she never managed to tune out, no matter how hard she tried.
“So…is Billy a good kisser?”
The group of girls in the back of the lunchroom sat huddled, as if that had given them any semblance of privacy. The reality was that their giggles could be heard throughout the whole cafeteria. Nancy walked by the group with her lunch tray, annoyed by their loud whispering.
She couldn’t understand how Hargrove had gotten all the other girls to swoon over him, and she was tired of hearing about it. He’d barely been in town for a week.
Though, she couldn’t help herself but listen in. She didn’t want to hear about Billy’s sexcapades with the entire Hawkins High female population, necessarily. But at the same time, she liked to have all the info, and for some reason she needed to add whether or not Billy Hargrove was a good kisser into his file she had stored in her brain.
Out of the corner of her eye Nancy could see that the girl who had been posed the question was blushing red and laughing nervously. She had her head bowed slightly and didn’t meet eyes with any of her friends sharing a table with her.
“You could say that.” she said.
Nancy nearly stopped dead in her tracks. The tone of that girl's voice said a lot more than what she was telling anyone with her words. If that hadn’t been obvious enough, the gasp let out by another girl at the table sealed the deal.
“Are you saying???!!”
“He DIDN’T!!”
Fortunately for Nancy she’d reached her table by that point, so nobody had to witness what would’ve happened had she not had a steady surface to rest against has her knees buckled.
She was pulled out of her thoughts from the sensation of her body growing colder, caused by more absent clothing. She felt the cool air hit her chest first, as Steve began lifting her shirt up until the bottom hem had reached her neck. It was then that they parted once more, but only for as long as it took to get her shirt over her head and take her bra the rest of the way off.
She had been so preoccupied with that, and working through the straight jacket her tight fitting top had created for her, that she only noticed the breeze on her lower half when her panties were already halfway down to her knees.
The only way she could describe the situation was that it felt heavy. Like she had been pinned by a barbell loaded with too much weight.
Then Steve put his lips back on her and she felt just a little bit lighter, her back arching a little bit more on the bed, and it quickly started to make some sense. Though, it wasn’t something she could quite put into words.
Steve sucked the weight from her. That was the best she could do. She watched as her vision fully faded despite her eyes being wide open. Aside from that, every sensation was heightened tenfold. She could feel the hairs on her arms stand up like evergreens, she could hear the quietest sound from Steve’s swallow to Billy’s lips smacking.
She could feel Billy’s every exhale brush her skin. His nose wasn’t touching her, but it might as well have been because she swore she could feel it.
Which meant she was not at all prepared for what it would be like to actually feel it.
It was the build up, the anticipation, the vivid thought and imagination about what it would be like. It was something she never really allowed herself to want or crave and it was in her hands.
For a while, it all seemed to wrong. It seemed wrong to want something like that. It seemed wrong to want something like that while simultaneously having a boyfriend. Every step they had taken since Steve admitted to her what he and Billy had done in the boys bathroom at school had felt like a step in the wrong direction. It wasn’t the way it was supposed to go. Everyone would say that.
But Nancy knew. She knew this was right.
She was ready to narrate the whole thing like the moon landing, countdown and dramatic effect, but before she could even start counting…
The first thing she felt was nothing at all, but everything at the same time. It was so intense that it was like her nerves shut down for a few moments, like someone going into shock. The world seemed to slow to a stop. Steve’s lips on her neck felt like they were barely moving, and Billy…
Before she could even process what was going on in that region, the world picked up the pace, and everything was back to regular speed…which, after spending an eternity in slow-motion, felt entirely too fast.
She could gather two things about what Billy was doing to her. The specific actions were lost, but what she did know was that A. it felt amazing, and B. he clearly knew what he was doing. What started out as intense pressure grew into something more, leading her to fall even deeper into the absolute mess she was before. Her toes curled so tight they started to cramp. Her hands gripping tightly where they’d found themselves buried into Steve’s hair like she was holding on for dear life.
Steve didn’t react much at all to his own hair being ripped from his scalp, making no effort to move himself away from where he laid with his face buried in the crook of her neck.
She wondered if he really knew what Billy was doing to her two feet away from him. His lips hadn’t once left their place against her skin, not enough for his eyes to catch a glimpse of what she could only imagine to be an intensely pornographic display. Nothing but Billy’s stray blonde curls peeking out between her spread legs. Framing him perfectly. Like an art piece. She’d be staring if she could only lift her head up.
How could Steve not want to look?
Why did she want him to?
Maybe it was just her dying to live vicariously through him. Maybe it was because at least she could see the look on his face. Maybe it was because at least someone would get to see.
Holy Hell, she was really letting herself get swept away by the Billy Hargrove effect.
Somehow that was the most embarrassing thing of all.
Nonetheless, despite being overtaken by everything else happening upon the weight of so many thoughts screaming through her head, she mustered up the energy to strip Steve away from her collarbone. Rolling her head towards him and pushing him out of the way. A free hand reaching up and lifting him up just a couple inches towards the sky. Enough to shock him into taking his first deep breath in what to her had felt like forever.
She finally opened her eyes, and they had been squeezed shut so tightly for so long that it took a little more than a few seconds to adjust and make out Steve’s face. When she finally could, he was still staring down at her. But the look in his eyes wasn’t one of focus. His eyes weren’t stuck on her like glue like the boys in the movies watching the girl of their dreams walk past them, unable to look away. His eyes were focused, like he was straining to keep them turned her way. It wasn’t like the rest of the world had disappeared, like Billy wasn’t there. She could see that he knew, that he felt like he couldn’t allow himself to look.
She knew because she knew the feeling. Afraid to look. Afraid to let herself have that. Afraid of what people might think if they knew.
Fuck that.
With those same two fingers that still grazed Steve’s chin, she gave him the push that she had given herself. The shove over the cliff, trusting the water to break your fall. Trusting that everything would be fine in the end, and you’d be glad that you did it.
He didn’t fight the nudge, like he was waiting for her to give him that. Permission. She had already given him that, but she recognized that the doubt wasn’t just going to go away with a magic word.
It was wrong. That was how they had all been raised. They weren’t supposed to want this, and if they found themselves with the temptation, they were supposed to push it down. Out of sight. Never indulge.
If she could find the words, she’d remind him that they were well past that.
But the nudge was enough. She was no longer the focus of Steve’s attention. Billy was. She felt him against her hip. He was hard…again. It was impossible to miss with Steve instinctively using the side of her body for friction.
And Nancy had the perfect view as Steve’s pupils were blown wide. The perfect view of his mouth dropping open, drool pooling at his lower lip, the breath being sucked out of him, along with the word that seemed to be on everybody’s tongue.
That did it. That had done it. It was like her lungs suddenly stopped taking in air and the floaty, out-of-body fantasyland she was just living in disappeared at the seams.
It was back to high-speed, feeling every sensation, everywhere, so overwhelming, so right. She was watching it all unfold right inside Steve’s eyes. For a second she could actually see a birds eye view of the whole scene. She could see everything Steve was seeing. She could see Billy buried between her thighs, refusing to come up for air—she’d overheard somewhere that he was a swimmer, figures—using every trick in the book, everything he had at his disposal. It was everything. God it was everything.
It was happening. She knew that and Steve must’ve noticed something too seeing as how the hand of his that had still been on her breast had flinched, like he was trying to reach for something else…someone else.
Nancy stopped him in his tracks, though. Slamming her hand right on top of his because it was happening. She looked at him desperately, her chest rising up and down erratically. Steve glanced her way for just a second long enough to see, looking away from Billy, which she could only assume felt impossible, judging by the look of absolute desire written all over his face.
Then he did even more of the impossible. He took one last glance over at Billy, his breathing stopping completely, biting his lips, his eyes glossed over because he didn’t dare blink. He was savoring the moment, she figured out, because the next thing she knew Steve was no longer looking at Billy, nor was he looking at her. The world went dark as Steve’s frame eclipsed her view completely, sinking down into her lips. His hands remained where she kept them, starting to move once more, no longer stunned frozen by southern beauty.
And Billy, she hadn’t forgotten about him. No amount of mind wandering and Steve existing was taking her attention away from down below. Her toes were curling more than what she believed to be physically possible. The hand still on top of Steve’s was gripping him like a life preserver, sure enough to leave a bruise or two. Both of them with their mouths on her…it was entirely and blissfully suffocating.
She was fully engulfed, she couldn’t get any breath in or out and yet there was still enough open space for the noises to escape past her lips. A whimper followed by a moan that caused Steve to let up just enough to crack a smile. Billy didn’t let it affect him though, he didn’t stop, he kept going, taking everything with him to the finish line.
It was right there. She could taste it.
All at once her heels slid down the mattress until her legs were perfectly straight and her toes were pointed like a ballerina, her grip on Steve tensed even harder, so hard she was sure she heard him whimper out in pain, her back arched so high that she wasn’t so sure she wasn’t being pulled to the ceiling by some invisible string.
All of that happened as quick as it disappeared, her legs went numb, her hand went limp, she sunk back down into the mattress and it felt like she was falling, as if the mattress was no longer there to stop her descent.
The world had gone dark. Like everything stopped existing. Something hot rushed up her body and pooled in her ears. When the heat went away, she started to shake like she was cold.
Slowly, one by one she regained each of her senses. The first to return was sound, but all she could hear was heavy breathing. She couldn’t distinguish which breath belonged to who, but she was able to determine all three of them were contributing.
Soon her sight followed, the room fading into picture, the dark room suddenly feeling so very bright. All she could see was the ceiling—Steve’s lips were no longer on her. That was when the numbness turned to tingling, and the tingling turned to feeling.
The first thing she felt was Steve’s hand still on her chest, with her hand still on top of it, still holding him in place. Quickly she realized that Steve’s hand was the only thing touching her. Steve’s hand was the only thing in direct contact with her aside from the bed underneath her. Still she knew Steve was still there, even though she couldn’t move enough to turn her head to look at him. She knew Billy hadn’t moved either. He wasn’t touching her, but she could feel his warm breath against her right thigh. She pictured him laying there, his energy spent, still just trying to catch his breath right along with the rest of them.
She felt something else on her thigh. Her other thigh. On the outside. A breeze swept through the room, the air hitting that specific spot quite differently from the rest of her body where sweat was cooling all over.
Context clues gave it away. She was sure she wasn’t the only one to finish. Steve’s heavy breathing and attempts at staying outside her view was enough to figure that out.
He was embarrassed, which was exhausting to realize. She figured they’d already jumped over all of the hurdles earlier.
Still, she had sympathy for him, and she knew better not to say anything about it. That part was for them. Just them. It could wait.
Instead, she finally forced her body to find the ability to move, and with that she also regained her ability to speak.
“Come here,” she said, turning her head, no longer allowing Steve to hide. With the hand that still held Steve’s she interlaced their fingers and initiated a tug. “Kiss me.”
Steve was slow, but not hesitant. The kiss was soft, gentle, and mostly cheste save for the slightest bit of tongue sneaking through before he pulled away. It reminded her a lot of his and Billy’s first—well…the first one that she had seen anyway.
Soon following there was a creak in the mattress by her legs. She lifted her head to see Billy standing to his feet.
She hadn’t forgotten he was there. Though, he had been so quiet for a moment there that she could see how someone else might have.
Billy paused, looking down at her and Steve, having naturally fallen into each other, almost entangled. It was like he was waiting for something to happen.
Before Nancy could even begin to try and piece together what could’ve been going through Billy’s head, the pause was over, and what followed was unexpected, but in hindsight really shouldn’t have been.
He started gathering up his clothes from the floor, quickly, like he was in a hurry. He wasn’t looking at them anymore, like they ceased from existence. But Billy’s demeanor—hiding his naked body with each stray article of clothing—said the opposite.
Steve seemed to have been paying just as much attention to Billy as she had, or even more. He sat up almost completely, letting go of Nancy’s hand in the process, leaving her completely untouched this time.
Billy didn’t notice, or at least he didn’t show it. He just kept moving, sliding into his boxers with his back facing them. When he started slipping one leg into his jeans, Steve lurched forward.
“Are you leaving?” He asked, and Nancy could only describe his voice as disappointment.
Billy stopped at that, and chanced a look back at that, turning only his head and keeping his back turned to them. Nancy had finally figured out how to read the unreadable. He was confused, and dare she assume, sad.
“I figured you two would want your privacy,” he said it so bluntly, and that all but confirmed what she was thinking.
What followed was another lull. Nobody could move. Nobody seemed to know what the right move was supposed to be.
Until Billy had decided the right move was to keep getting himself dressed, which she recognized to be the wrong move when Steve lurched forward, grabbing Billy by the wrist and stopping him, right then and there.
She expected Steve to say something, but the room remained silent. Another pause. Another goddamn suffocating pause.
Before she had time to process anything, Steve turned around, not letting up his grip on Billy’s wrist, and looked at her.
He didn’t say it. He couldn’t. She knew what he was asking. He didn’t have to. The look in his eyes told her more than enough. She could see the desperation, the longing, the embarrassment, the pleading, the need.
She didn’t have to say it either. She just smiled back at him.
Steve quickly turned back to Billy.
“You don’t have to leave,” Steve said.
Billy attempted to pull away from him, but not hard enough. Nancy knew he could if he wanted to. It didn’t take a genius to tell that Billy was just as strong if not stronger than Steve. He wasn’t putting up much of a fight. Billy wanted to stay. Everyone knew it.
Steve pulled against his wrist, not hard, but quick enough that it caught Billy off guard, enough to cause him to stumble. Enough for him to nearly fall into Steve’s lap.
He didn’t try moving away after that.
Steve cautiously brought his free hand up to Billy’s cheek, gliding the knuckle of his index down to his chin. There was no pulling, Billy just seemed to know to follow the direction of Steve’s finger. Down, closer, closer…
They didn’t kiss, but they were certainly as close as possible to each other as they could have been. It was like they were waiting for gravity to do the rest.
“Stay,” she heard Steve whisper, and it caused a chill to run down her spine, and she wasn’t even the one he was saying it to.
Gravity seemed to finally take over, because next thing she knew Billy was sinking. She decided to look away that time. She decided that this one was allowed to be just for them.
“Stay.” She heard him say it again, and at that she looked back at them.
Billy was looking at her when she did.
He looked at her just like Steve, except unlike Steve, he was scared shitless.
She knew words wouldn’t be enough, and she wasn’t going to kiss him into submission like Steve was able to do. That wouldn’t work.
All she did was move over, closer to the end of her side of the bed, opening up enough space for two more bodies to lay down comfortably. That said all it needed to.
She was right.
Steve crawled back into the bed, settling down right in the middle, and much to everyone’s satisfaction, Billy followed him, kicking his jeans back off on the way down.
It took a minute for them all to get comfortable, each of them maneuvering their way underneath the covers, finding themselves each a position that was the most comfortable.
Nancy had grown cold, the covers only doing so much. She snuggled into Steve for warmth. He was lying on his back, but his head was facing the other way.
He was facing Billy, and she tried her best to be discreet as she peeked her head over Steve to see the two of them. Billy had his head on Steve’s chest, just the way she always did. Steve had his fingers running through Billy’s hair. It was always the other way around. It was always her.
She wasn’t used to that.
But she was starting to learn that she might have to get used to that.
Through all of it, Nancy somehow never once entertained the possibility that Steve’s feelings for Billy—and Billy’s feelings for Steve—went beyond something more than just sexual. It was becoming painstakingly clear that it was much, much more than either of them were letting on.
But, what was even worse was that she just might be okay with that too.
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becomingmina · 3 months ago
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pairing: bang chan x female reader x hwang hyunjin genre + warnings: established relationship w chan, smut mdni!, threesome, y/n is brave now, chan and y/n calls e/o slutty, unprotected sex, oral (m & f receiving), cum eating wc: 4.05k i dont know why its so long. lol mina's note: long awaited part 2 to my first smut story ever. now, this is my first 3-some lmao. maybe got a bit carried away. let me know how i go! SORRY I TOOK FOREVER
series chapter ➵ part one
other works here ; any comments and thoughts you can drop them here ; ty for reading.
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“What do you think about it? Them listening to us have sex?” Chan asks, handing you a plate to dry.
This was the fourth time he had asked you ever since the awkward encounter you had with the boys the other day.
You awkwardly giggled it off after piecing the details together; Hyunjin was flustered and hard after “accidentally” hearing you and Chan in the bedroom.
You wanted to forget about it, but every time you run into Hyunjin in the dorm you would tense up, unable to hold a conversation or even eye contact with him. It’s just Hyunjin and he just heard you in the bedroom, that was it. Han and Changbin overheard too but why was Hyunjin the person that was making you so flustered?
“Channie..” you sighed. You’re not annoyed at him asking but you just don’t have an answer for it. He looks over at you, biting his bottom lip at your cute expression before turning the tap off.
“You know how we were talking about kinks?” he brushes behind you, drying his wet hands on your (his) shirt in the process.
You playfully side-eye him as he makes himself comfortable leaning back on the counter. “Don’t tell me you like it when they hear us?”
Chan just chuckles because frankly, it was the truth.
“I mean, isn’t it hot though? Them listening to my sweet girlfriend,” you feel your cheeks heat up.
Not even a week ago he admitted to having an obsession with your voice, now he is saying he isn’t against the idea of his friends hearing you two fuck. May as well go all the way, right?
“May as well let them watch us or join us too, right?” You cheekily mumbled, placing the dish on the counter. Chan’s eyes widened in response to your comment. Was his sweet innocent girlfriend finally suggesting something steamy?
“Can we?” Chan tugs you to stand in between his feet, his hands landing on your hips.
“Wait, are you being serious?”
“Aren’t you?” he mocked your stunned tone.
You don’t hate the idea.
“Listen, baby, I’ll be honest I’m not against the idea of them joining us.. but only if you want to,” he proposed, his hands drawing circles.
When you don’t answer he repeats “I don’t mind it,” by you again, and a sense of desire fills the air. You find it extremely sexy when he communicates what he wants.
“Is it something you really want?”
“Yes. But only if you want it too.”
“You know how obsessed I am with you right?” you tilt your head to the side, your big doe eyes looking up at him; a playful gesture that indicates you want this too.
He sucks in his lips, holding back a smile. “But I don’t want you to do it because of me, baby. I want you to do it because you want to, hm?”
You gripped the hem of his shirt, burying your face in his chest as you think of the idea of Chan sharing you with Hyun—
“—Who you thinking about?” Chan lifts your chin meeting your blushed cheeks; this is his cue to tease you.
“Changbin?” You stay quiet. “Jisung?” You don’t answer again.
A smirk pulls across his face as realizes who’s got you all red. Some may think it’s a punch to the face, one’s girlfriend thinking about another man right in front of them, but Chan loves it. He loves seeing you shy, seeing you all red; embarrassed. If anything, he’s the one who’s obsessed with you, willing to do anything for his sweet girlfriend.
“Hyunjin.” He says and your grip tightens.
“You still got that little crush on him, don’t you?” Chan torments.
“No.. I don’t.. I— I never had a crush on him..”
“Liar. My pouty slutty baby..” he places a kiss on your cheek.. “..thinking about Hyunjin while I’m right here..” he kisses your other cheek. “Such a slutty..”
“You started it—” Before you could finish, you find yourself engaged in a playful yet heated exchange of pecks with your sweet other half. A mischievous grin spreads across your face as you let him have his way with you for a moment before you pull away, giggling when he chases you. “—And yes… I’ll be up for the idea of letting Hyunjin join us.. if you want,” you proposed, with a smirk.
Chan scoffs. “Wow, using my own words. I think I like my baby brave too.” He gives you another chaste kiss. “I’ll ask Hyunjin then. If he doesn’t want it, then we’ll pretend we never asked. You don’t have to be embarrassed about it okay?” You’re in awe at his ability to understand you so effortlessly, reading you like a book he spends countless hours re-reading. How did you get so lucky?
“Okay,” a shy smile spreads across your face.
“You wanna hop in the shower with me?” he closes the gap between you, brushing something hard against your lower stomach. You gasped, “Who’s the slutty one now?”
A week has gone by now since Chan ruined you in the shower after the conversation. 3Racha had left for the studio leaving you cooped up in Chan’s room as you finish off your work report. It was late afternoon now and you finally headed into the kitchen, wanting to cook a quick snack for the boys.
“You hungry?” Hyunjin sneaks up behind you, scaring you as you stand in the kitchen to watch the pot of water.
“Oh no..” you turned around, a fire starting on your face at how close he was to you. “I— I was just making Chan them something—” Hyunjin closes the already short gap causing you to stop talking. He looks down at you before reaching behind you turning off the stove as the water boils over, leaving a hissing noise making you flinch.
“Careful,” he says, sliding the pot across the cooktop so it doesn’t burn you. “You okay noona?” Your heart skips at his tender tone, blushing at the way he looks at you; his frame is so lean but so tall, so so different from your Chan’s. You let your mind wander back to the conversation you had with your boyfriend the other day.
“Thanks… I, yeah I’m—”
“—You just seem tense recently.” Hyunjin smirks, almost like he’s teasing you.
“I’m okay..” you timidly say unable to look away from his face.
“Good.” He swipes his tongue across his bottom lip, something about it is so suggestive making your mind wonder what else he can do with it.
“Hey baby,” Chan’s voice pulls you out of your thoughts, and your neck snaps to his entrance into the kitchen.
“Oh- h- hi,” you say breathlessly as if you had done something wrong.
“You.. you guys are home already?”
“Only me,” Chan quickly winks at Hyunjin before joining your personal bubble, his hand snaking around your waist. “The others went out with Seungmin them.”
Hyunjin steps back, leaning back against the kitchen counter and watching Chan devour you into a deep kiss. “You hungry?” Chan pulls away, looking at the packs of noodles on the counter.
“No, I- I was going to make it for you guys.” “I’m not too hungry for food at the moment baby, thank you though…” he rubs your back. “Maybe Hyunjin can order in for us a bit later on…” he continues peering straight ahead at Hyunjin. You watch them convey with their eyes, sudden tension in the air. “Will that be okay with you?”
“Hm?” You finally answer.
“You okay with Hyunjin ordering food for us.. after he joins us?” Smirks appear on their faces.
“If you want,” Chan’s kiss is placed on your temple.
“I.. I want but..” you grip the back of his shirt, “I’m just..”
“Relax baby.. We can stop once you get shy,” he reassured you.
“Hyunjin’s a little shy too.”
Yeah, sure he is. It wasn’t like he was towering over you a minute ago, teasing you with his tongue.
You don’t know how you ended like this but here you are under Chan in only your bra and panties while he bruises kisses on your neck. Hyunjin lays on his side on the same bed, watching you twist underneath your boyfriend chasing for his lips.
“Chan— wanna kiss..” you asked.
“But I wanna taste you though baby.” He cheekily whines back.
“Kiss..” you push him so you can sit up.
“Looks like you gotta ask someone else to keep your mouth occupied, hm?” He shoots Hyunjin a look and you turn to the pretty boy in the same bed. You felt sudden heat radiating off your cheeks, for a moment you forgot Hyunjin was watching.
You spot a soft smirk appearing on Hyunjin’s face, he was teasing you. “Hyunjin?” You bravely call “Can you kiss me? Chan’s being mean,” Chan laughs, shuffling back on the bed to take his shirt off.
Hyunjin moves closer to you and your gaze shifts from him to Chan, awaiting his confirmation. You can’t lie, although you were up for this, a tiny bit of you feels guilty your partner is sharing you with his best friend because you know if it was the other way around, you would be jealous.
“Go on baby,” your boyfriend tenderly answers.
You take in a sharp breath, then turn back to Hyunjin, who drops his focus on your face down to your half-naked body, gulping. He hates to admit but his hyung’s girlfriend is so pretty like this: all flushed on the bed. He wished he could have had this chance earlier, to cum at the sight of you instead of jerking himself off to your muffled moans coming from the other side of his bedroom wall.
“You’re gorgeous,” it slipped out from his mouth and if you weren’t red then you are definitely red now.
He leans in and finally press his lips onto yours. A moan escaping your lips at the contact and you instantly wrapped your arms around him pulling him closer. His lips are so similar yet so different from Chan’s, with a plumper bottom lip it was so perfect to bite on, and you did just that when he kissed harder.
“There we go,” Chan snickers watching you and Hyunjin move in perfect harmony. Chan roams his large hands on your thighs parting it so he can perfectly slot in between them. His hands then crept toward your panties, sending chills down your body. He licks his lips at the sight of your pussy perfectly sticking onto the cotton fabric.
“You’re so wet,” Chan runs his finger down covered slit, and you buckle your hips forward, dragging Hyunjin down onto you before he could even take a peek at what Chan was drooling over.
“Ahh, Chan.. please..” you managed to slip past Hyunjin’s lips nervously to plead and Chan gives you what you want - tugging your panties down and latching his mouth onto your clit.
“Oh—god,” you cry at the sensation.
You could barely keep it together, your first orgasm approaching fast at the way the two men work together to pleasure you – how skilled Chan is with using his filthy tongue to flick your little red bud and how could you not talk about Hyunjin’s sweet but desperate kisses? You haven’t felt this type of pleasure before, and you think you’re going to start getting greedy after having a taste of it. How amazing was your boyfriend to introduce you to such a heated proposal.
Your legs find themselves over Chan’s shoulders, hands flying to his hair, holding him in place as you grind up against him. You feel a tight knot in your stomach and with that you let out an intense whine as you cum, wiggling underneath both boys. You feel Chan’s breathe tickle your pussy as he chuckles against it, finding it amusing.
Hyunjin’s shuts his eyes, he feels like he’s going to combust after witnessing you get lost in pleasure and now feeling how your lower body is still moving against your boyfriend’s face to chase your high, how desperately greedy you are – it’s so cute to him. He doesn’t stop kissing you though and he instinctively rubs himself on top over his sweatpants.
“Mhmm—fuuu..” you say out of breath. Your lower half comes to a halt as you felt Chan starts to lick away the mess. Your hands travel down Hyunjin’s body, tugging the hem of his shirt then slipping under it.
You aren’t going to lie, you’re already addicted, this is all so exciting to you, and you start to become fearless. You get closer to the hem of his sweats and instantaneously cup his boner. Hyunjin moans and grinds against your hands, he can’t help himself either, but he has to not show his greedy side, after all you belong to Chan.
“Need to feel inside, baby,” Chan says from the end of the bed after examining your hole. He slips a finger inside, collecting your messy juice before pulling out and continuing to pump you. “God so wet, it feels so good—” he adds a second finger.
You start to pick up your pace rubbing Hyunjin over his clothes, but you pull away from him when you feel Chan suddenly stop fingering you. “Chan? What’s wrong?”
“Shhhh..” He whispers. “Just want Hyunjin to have a turn. I’m not going anywhere,” he caressed your thighs before spreading them apart further. It was all becoming a reality now. “Will that be alright, darling?”
“Yes” you softly answer.
“Okay Jinnie, don’t leave my girl waiting, she’s needy today.” He presses a kiss to your forehead.
Hyunjin gulped seeing you all spread out in front of him. It felt like he grew a second boner staring at your glistening cunt. “You’re so wet,” Hyunjin voiced. A wave of embarrassment washes over you as you comprehend what’s actually happening. “So perfect.”
“Put this on though,” Chan hands him a tiny, foiled packet.
Hyunjin strips his shirt first and you do the same, getting rid of the material covering your boobs. You lay back down on the bed and Chan instantly cups your globes, playing with them as you wait for Hyunjin to tug away his pants. You took in a sharp breath now that you see his junk. You find it hard to be reasonable, almost drooling at how long and slender he is. And his likes to be shaved too. If you could describe a pretty cook, it would be Hyunjin’s cock.
He aligns himself after slipping on the thin rubber, the head of his cock just sitting at your entrance and your eyes are already rolling back. “Please please..”
He slowly enters you, eyes shutting at how tight you’re squeezing him. Chan lays besides you now, one hand on top on your head removing the sweat drenched hair pieces away so he can see his pretty girl’s face, while the fingers of the other hand rolling on your harden nipple. “Mmm, Chris?” He immediately wraps his lips against yours, not even letting you ask for his kisses. He knows you too well.
Hyunjin starts to pick up the pace, the wet slapping sounds filled the room mixed with yours and his moans. He feels so much gentler than Chan, he moves with such ease just sliding perfectly along your folds, giving you the perfect amount of pressure.
You pull away from Chan, although it could make you cum faster, you wanted to take care of him too. “You okay baby?”
“Want to.. ahh.. suck.. suck..” you grunt at each of Hyunjin’s thrust. “Want to suck you please baby…” you finally got out.
Chan’s eyebrows relaxes now that he’s knows there’s no discomfort. He smiles, admiring how good his girlfriend is for wanting to take care of him even though she loves kissing during sex. He shuffles towards you, palming himself and shutting his eyes at the how tight his cock was restraining against his boxers. “I don’t think I’m going to last long, baby. I’m so hard watching Hyunjin fuck you.” Dirty boy ~ you think to yourself.
Chan releases his pink, full cock. He pumps himself a couple of times letting the pre cum drip before tapping the tip against your lips.
You kissed his tip. Always will.
“You okay?” You give him a nod. “Good girl.” He slowly guides himself in your mouth. He wasn’t kidding when he said he was going to nut fast, you could feel him twitch instantly.
“Fuck— I’m so close baby.” Chan sucks in his breath as your mouth and tongue does wonder to him. “Good.. good girl.” Chan guides your head as you bob and soon enough, he groans, shooting ropes inside your mouth. “God, I love you so much.. so much,” You lick his shaft, swallowing the salty yet tasty excess he given you.
He sits back watching Hyunjin has his way with you. He finds this situation so hot; and he doesn’t know what’s gotten over him, but he’s not embarrassed of how much he is enjoying this.
“I’m close Hyunjin,” you squeal, reaching out to hold on his arms which is now planted on either sides of you.
Your boyfriend’s fingers attach to your throbbing swollen clit, rubbing it in circles, helping you reach your second orgasm quicker.
“Kiss her when she cums,” Chan orders.
Hyunjin attaches his lips to yours and thrusts into you a couple more times and you both release together with muffled moans.
He falls onto you, catching his breath inside the crook of your neck. “You are so tight,” he mutters. “How do you and Chan go at it every day yet, you feel like a virgin.” Your hands come up to hug him, running down his back as you chuckle at his words. Little things like this bring back your shyness, you try your best to blush, but you do.
“That’s my baby,” Chan smiles at you before mouthing I love you.
You exhale heavily as you think, although you had already cum twice, you still wanted more. You wanted it raw; you wanted to be filled up. “Chan?” You voiced, and Hyunjin gathers his strength to removes himself from you.
“Yes baby?”
“I want more, please.. inside..” you pleaded.
Your boyfriend lets out a soft laugh “So needy baby,” but he complies every time. "But you have to include Hyunjin," you turn to see Hyunjin still hard.
You reach out for his length carefully wrapping your hand over it, he takes in a sharp breath. Oh he is loving every second of this.
Chan crawls over you, one hand holding the base of his cock whilst the other cradles your face. He kisses you the same time he enters you, the way he’s always done besides that one time last week when he was trying tease you. You squeal at pressure and start to pump Hyunjin's cock but Chan is such a sinner in bed that you could barely focus on Hyunjin.
You try your best not to shut your eyes, looking over and you see Hyunjin hands coming to covers yours, helping you jerk him off, oh what a sight. His long fingers wrapped around his own cock, it’s so pretty.
“Gonna cum..” Chan mumbled between your lips, and slams into you harder and your body pulses as you feel yourself reach your third orgasm. Chan comes undone seconds after you, spilling his white liquid into your hole.
“Fffuu- let me eat you out,” Chan himself wasn’t done too, so he manhandles you, spreading your thighs apart, definitely leaving his prints, to watch the mixture of his and your fluid drip on the sheets. He licks a fat stripe, and you start to twist at the sensation.
“Ssssshhiii..” you cried. “Can I, can I sit on you?” You pushed yourself up and Chan flips himself back before positioning you on top of him. This positions gives you more control on your hip’s movement but it’s also the perfect position to give Hyunjin head too.
“I want to taste you Jinnie, can I?” you breathlessly asked. Hyunjin’s mind was going crazy, how brave and sexy was his best friend’s girlfriend to ask. “Y/N, I’m not going to last,” he pleads, but he moves himself to in front of you. He jerks himself off a couple times, then presents his length to you. You lick his slit, tasting the remains of his salty release from before.
Hyunjin throws his head back, his body is spasming and he’s close, he’s so close.
You hold the rest of his length, as you suck his head. Your movements are sloppy and out of pace as Chan laps your fold, his big nose coming in contact with your clit every now and making the knot in your stomach tighter and tighter.
“Ughh, I, I, I’m gonna cum Chan, please don’t stop,” you say before licking up Hyunjin’s shaft, and taking all of him into your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat.
“Fuck— Y/N, I’m going to cum, I’m cumming..” Hyunjin moans with his head thrown back as he releases in your mouth as you gagged around him. You swallow all of it before letting him go with a pop. Hyunjin instantly holds your arms, pulling you up to meet his face. He kisses you roughly through your last orgasm Chan coaxes out of you.
You were spent, but you loved every second of it.
“I’m just get a towel; can you hold her?”
A few seconds gone by and he returns with a warm towel meeting Hyunjin spooning you, the younger man’s arm under your head as he brushes away your hair. After wiping between your legs clean, Chan joins you and Hyunjin in bed.
“My baby did so good, hm?” He hugs you from in front, and you squeezed his arm tighter, looking up to give him a soft smile. “Not so shy anymore? After charming two orgasms out of each of us?” he presses a kiss to your lips.
“Did you enjoyed it baby?” you ask.
“Yes baby. I loved everything about it and I’m sure Hyunjin did too.” You lean in to give him one more kiss, gentle and sweet.
You turn over to the man behind you and press a gentle peck to the corner of his lips. “Thank you Hyunjin,” you whispered before drifting off to dreamland.
“No, thank you,” Hyunjin replies back quietly.
“What do you think?” The older man askes from the other side of you.
“She’s good in bed Hyung,” he admits. “And her kisses are addictive…”
“— Lucky for you she loves to be kissed,” Chan smirks.
“I don’t think I can be sane, she’s sounds so pretty in bed. Its crazy,” Hyunjin confesses.
“Lucky for you too, she doesn’t minds you hearing her.”
You stir out of sleep, finding yourself nestled in Hyunjin’s hold. Your heart drops noticing it’s not your baby you’re up against. You feel a big hand comes to squeeze your butt, “I’m right here doll,” your boyfriends reassure.
You carefully wiggle out of Hyunjin’s arms, turning around to see Chan back against the headboard, his hand still on you, the other scrolling down on his phone. You smile at the sight; he looks so cute with his curly hair down.
“You wanna tell Hyunjin what you want to eat for dinner?”
“I wish you were here Chris.. I need you.. so bad..” you whine over the line.
He chuckles at your honestly, smiling to himself at how brave you have been lately. “We literally fucked before I went, and it’s only been a few hours baby. And I just got here,” he teased, tongue pushing the inside of his mouth. He can imagine you all alone on his bed, a pillow in-betweens your thighs as you trying to stop the ache.
“Yeah,” you vulnerable answer. “But I need it again.. I want it..” you moan into the phone.
Chan smirks to himself and you can hear him conceal a giggle. “Well only 3Racha is performing… Someone is still back there… who can help you..” he offered.
You feel your whole body go numb; how can he say such a thing. “Chan… how can you say—”
“-I don’t mind baby.. I’ve seen how he treated you and let’s just say I’m not opposed to it… At all.”
Your thighs press together, you licked your lips… Your boyfriend left you speechless.
“What’s wrong doll? You’re thinking if it too hey?”
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madaqueue · 1 year ago
Practice Makes Perfect | Chapter 13
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synopsis: you and yuji have been best friends basically as long as you can remember, and you made a promise to each other to stay friends and help each other be the best versions of yourselves for your future partners. but will things change when yuji finally starts looking for a relationship?
pairing: yuji itadori (18+) x f!reader
themes/content: modern college au (characters aged up to 18+). language, smut. kissing, hair pulling, fingering, oral (f and m receiving), sex. 18+, MDNI
word count: 2.3k
a/n: the finale!!! it's been real you guys :') hope you enjoy <3
previous chapter | series masterlist
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Yuji leans over you, pink hair tickling the top of your forehead as he brings his lips to brush against yours, his breath hot against your skin as he awaits your answer.
You swallow, trying to figure out what to say, but before your mouth can move, you feel heat building between your legs. He tilts his head to the side, grin transforming into a smirk. “What, can’t get your thoughts out, pretty? C’mon, you know how much I love when you use your words,” he teases.
He’s so close to you now, his padded fingertips tracing your skin, the feeling making you nervous for some reason as a mix of sweet butterflies and sinful desire grows inside of you. “Y-yes,” you stutter out.
“Yes what?” he whispers against your mouth.
“Fuck me,” you breathe.
You feel his lips pull wider into a full smile before they press into yours. He moves his teeth around your bottom lip and gently bites as you sigh into his mouth. His tongue moves past your lips and glides over yours. The hand that was drawing circles along your hip moves down to the waistband of your pajama shorts. Your hands move down to tug them off, tossing them across the room.
Yuji lets out a quiet laugh against your lips at the movement, loving how well you anticipate his thoughts without having to even say anything. Moving his fingers lower, he traces over your clothed cunt, feeling the wet spot in your panties that slowly formed beginning the first moment he placed his hands on your skin.
“Wow, s’wet for me already, sweets?” he teases between kisses.
“You wanna play that game?” you taunt. Without separating your lips from his, you reach a hand down his torso, over the waistband of his sweats, and down until you feel the bulge straining against his pants. His cock twitches as your fingers caress over it through the soft cloth, causing Yuji to whine into your mouth.
“That’s what I thought,” you chuckle against him.
Suddenly he shifts so he’s fully on top of you. He pulls away from your lips and you open your eyes, only to be met with his half-lidded brown ones above yours. Now between your legs, he slowly thrusts his hips up so his cock drags against your pussy. The sensation makes your eyes flutter closed and back arch, even through two layers of fabric. A soft, “F-fuck,” leaves your lips as you try to grind your hips back against him, desperate for more.
He moves so his mouth settles into that spot between your jawline and ear, the one he knows you love, as he whispers, “Not so cocky now, are we?” He tries to hide how his voice shakes, the sensation of you moving against him threatening to send him over the edge before he has even begun.
Briefly pulling your skin between his teeth, he sucks just enough to leave a pretty bruise on your neck. Letting everyone know you’re his. The thought alone makes his cock twitch and he moans, bucking his hips up against you.
The realization sets in that if he keeps moving like this, he’ll finish before he’s able to do anything for you. Pulling away from your neck he shifts his eyes to your face. Your eyes blink open to look at him, your cheeks flushed as you bring one hand up to rest in his hair. The feeling makes him melt into your touch, but he knows he can’t stay here forever. His eyes trace down your body, landing on the soaked panties still covering your sex. He bites his lower lip as his gaze moves back up to meet yours and you nod, knowing what he is asking.
His eyes light up at the shared understanding and he repositions himself with his head between your thighs. He slides your panties down your legs before returning his sights to the beauty before him. Your bare cunt, glistening with how wet you are, your perfect folds and-
“Yuji,” you whisper, pulling him out of his thoughts.
His eyes flit up to yours and he grins before diving into your pussy. He laps up your essence, moaning softly into your wet skin. “S’sweet, s’good,” he murmurs to himself, tongue tracing up and down you.
He brings one hand off the bed, slowly applying pressure to your entrance before sliding it in. You let yourself moan, knowing he likes it, as your back arches slightly off the bed. Another finger goes into you as he begins curling them toward your sweet spot. Flicking his tongue over your clit, he latches his lips around you and gently sucks at the sensitive bud.
Tension builds in your stomach as you feel yourself getting close, the rhythmic pulsing of his fingers inside you combined with the roughness of his tongue becoming too much for you to bear. Your grip on his hair tightens, eyes closing.
“Yuji, I’m gonna-” The words cut off as he suddenly brings you to your first orgasm. Your thighs try to close around him but his hands hold your shaking legs apart. You feel yourself clenching around his fingers as you ride the blissful high.
As you return to your senses, there is only one thought in your mind: you need more.
Yuji sits back at the end of the bed, grinning at you with pride. As you open your eyes, you feel the deep desire, the need, within you growing. You lean up on your forearms to steady yourself before slowly crawling forward towards him, eyes locked on his lips.
“That was pretty damn good, don’t ya think?” he says, almost laughing before his eyes suddenly meet yours. Your wide pupils, flushed cheeks, and slow breathing make him gulp. He has no idea what he’s in for.
“Off,” you state, glancing down at his sweatpants, now adorned with a slight damp spot from his precum. He takes in a breath at your sudden forcefulness before immediately ripping them off and throwing them across the room, allowing his cock to stand fully erect.
You place a hand on his chest and gently push him down against the bed before shifting your weight back so your face is aligned between his legs. The sight of his dick makes your mouth water - the slight flush of his tip, the drops of precum glistening, the veins that cover his length - it’s all so perfect. Looking up at him, you slowly open your mouth and stick out your tongue, allowing the saliva that had been building in your mouth to slowly drip down. It hits Yuji’s tip as he hisses from the sensation, closing his eyes momentarily.
Lowering your head down slightly, he once again reaches his hands up to gather your hair and hold it above your head. You smirk - you even remembered a hair tie today, but you say nothing. Tongue still out, lips parted, your mouth finally reaches his cock. You swirl around his tip for a moment before closing your eyes and taking his entire length down your throat at once. The sudden feeling of your warmth around him makes him moan, forcing his hips up off the bed involuntarily. Your eyes water at the additional pressure, but you know you can take it.
Pulling back slightly, you take another breath in before plunging your head back down. Yuji seems to control himself better this time, but you can still feel his cock beginning to twitch against your tongue as you move up and down him.
“H-hey,” he whispers softly. You hear him, but you can’t stop, addicted to the feeling of him knocking against the back of your throat. Suddenly, you feel a tension at the back of your head as Yuji pulls your hair, yanking you off his dick with a pop from the suction you had created. You whine at the mixture of no longer having him inside your mouth and at the rough sensation of him pulling you. He holds you so you can look him in the eyes and he takes in the sight of you: pupils unfocused, mouth hanging open in a loose smile, with a mix of drool and precum slipping out the corners of your lips. The sight makes him somehow impossibly harder. “I-I’m gonna cum if you keep doin’ that, sweets,” he murmurs.
You pout in response, knowing you would struggle to form words at this point. He chuckles at your reaction. “I know, I know, but remember, there’s something we’ve gotta do first,” he says, leaning back over you, a smirk forming on his lips. “I still want to fuck you.”
His hands release your hair and instead move to take your top off, lifting it over your shoulders with ease. He then places his palms against your ribcage and gently pushes you onto your back as he moves himself on top of you. One hand steadies himself on the bed while the other reaches down to his base, aligning himself with your entrance.
“You lemme know f’I’m goin’ to fast or too slow, okay?” his words starting to slur together from desire. All you can do is nod eagerly as you look up at him. You sense his need, too, through his half-lidded eyes that refuse to look away from your lips.
He presses into you slowly, stretching your walls around him as his tip enters you. He groans from the sensation. “Fuck, s’wet, s’warm,” he breathes.
Pausing for a moment to ensure that you’re okay, he glances down at you as your cunt clenches around him, demanding more.
“Please Yuji,” you whisper, “please.” The two words were the only ones echoing in your mind, the only thing you can think of is your need for him.
Continuing again, he slowly moves further into you. The feeling of him stretching you, expanding to fit him perfectly, nearly brings him to the edge. But for you, it’s not enough. You arch your back as you move your hips up, trying to fill yourself with him. Yuji falls forward at the sudden warmth along his length, catching himself with his forehead against your shoulder. With one final movement of his hips, he bottoms out. The feeling of him fully inside you, fully yours, is almost too much for the poor boy as he rests against you, shaking, trying not to finish from his first thrust.
“Yuji?” you whimper.
“Mhm?” he hums against you, still not able to lift his head from your shoulder as he attempts to steady his breathing.
“Faster, please?”
He grits his teeth at your pleas. He can do this; he has to do this, for you.
Moving his hips back he drags himself out of you, eliciting a moan as you tilt your head back into the pillows beneath you.
Suddenly, his hips lurch against you, his pelvis hitting the skin between your legs as he thrusts his full length into you. A soft scream leaves your throat as you move your legs off the bed to wrap around the back of his torso, his back warm against your calves.
Your eyes blink open for only a moment before you feel his lips crash into yours, his mouth open immediately as his tongue swipes against you. You part your lips in response as your tongues glide against each other. He pulls out and pushes in again, this time causing him to moan into you.
Finding a steady pace, he continues the circular motion of his hips as he presses his cock in and out, your legs holding him in place against you. The heat of your bodies, bare chest against bare chest, builds between you as you breathe into each others’ mouths through the kiss.
You feel so full, so full of Yuji, so full of love, so full of everything. Each thrust ignites flames inside you, burning hot in the pit of your stomach. The pressure becomes too much to handle.
You pull away from his lips for a moment. “Yuji,” you moan, “I’m close.”
“I know, sweets, me too,” he mutters against your lips.
His movements become sloppy, imprecise, driven purely by physical need. His cock pushes up deeper and deeper inside you and you feel yourself getting closer and closer to sweet release.
It hits you. You throw your head back against the pillows as your vision goes black. Your pussy fluttering around Yuji’s cock sends him over the edge with you, thick ropes of cum painting your insides white. It’s impossible to distinguish the origin of the moans filling your room as you both soar to ecstasy. Shaking, screaming, you both grip tightly to each other as wave after wave of pleasure hits you.
Finally, your breathing slows and you feel the weight of Yuji’s body pressing against yours, his head buried into the crook of your neck. His hips have stilled but his breathing is still ragged against your skin. Reaching your hand up you gently twirl his hair around your finger, the action making him shiver in your embrace. Both of you lay there for a while, panting, bodies intertwined as the silence of the room wraps around you.
Eventually Yuji lifts his head up, resting his forehead against yours, both slightly damp with sweat, as his eyes meet yours. His sweet, soft brown eyes, so full of love as he gazes down at you: his treasure, his one and only. He tilts his head down, softly placing his lips against yours.
“I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you, too,” you respond, bringing your other hand up against his cheek, rubbing your thumb against his flushed skin.
This is what it was all for. This, this moment, is perfect.
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adventuringblind · 2 months ago
With Me Forever [Remastered]
Reader/Lando/Max/Charles/Oscar/Logan AND Reader/Original Female Character (For like... four chapters until everyone figures their shit out) Sebastian/Lewis
Summary: Dove knows only what she's been shown: a world in which she follows instructions and pretends she doesn't long for something more. Finally, she ventures out into the world and sparks a chain reaction which flips her entire life upside down. If superpowers people want to use and the boys who drive cars weren't enough, turns out there is more to her family that meets the eys.
The adventure of a lifetime in which Dove learns how to live for herself, the heartbreak and happiness that comes with loving others, and the letting go of the guilt that's been weighing her down.
[Reader goes by Dove but has no description aside from that]
WARNING FOR THE ENTIRE SERIES: Underage Sex (both consensual and not consensual, NOT BETWEEN READER AND DRIVERS), Mentioned past abuse (sexual, child neglect, child abandonment, physicaly, mental, verbal), medical malpractice & medical inaccuracies, Violence and gore, stalking, cults and witches (Reader is a witch with super cool powers tho-), Kidnapping at some point, some pretty hefty age gaps
Authors Note: Yes I moved this to Tumblr as well as Ao3 because most X readers are over here and I want those who enjoyed the original series to be able to read it again. Hopefully it's enjoyed again now that my writing has improved and I actually have a plot :))
Also like the last one this is a bit of a VERY slow burn at the begining as we walk through Dove's early years but like... Sebastian and Lewis are parents SO-
Series Masterlist
Chapter One
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There is this stigma that comes with the month of October. All the weird and creepy things happen sometime within those thirty-one days and those born and left to wonder if there was something supernatural surrounding them when they came into this world. 
She knows her birth wasn’t right. Really, nothing about her life feels correct. Like the world is spinning off its axis and hasn’t corrected itself since that windy October night in 2001. The day she was born and everything went to shit. 
Thirteen feels far too momentous to not celebrate. Especially given that she wasn’t supposed to survive her own birth. She’s a walking miracle! A cooped up, caged, somehow magical, miracle. One that is now desperate to get out of its cage. 
She’s not stupid–she knows there is more out there and not all of it can be as bad as she’s been told. Even if it’s her own crazy brain talking, she can’t live the rest of her pathetic life not knowing if civilization is wretched like the men she lives with make it out to be. 
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back… or something like that. 
The crisp early October breeze flits against her skin. The fallen leaves and twigs snap against her weight as she walks to the edge of the property. She’s done this a lot when her dad gets too drunk to pay attention to her. 
The edge of the property line comes into view. The dark gravel road meets that of old gray pavement and the lone street light barely illuminating the edge. 
She puts her toes right at the edge, breaths in, then puts one foot over. The other follows and it becomes a pattern until she’s crossed the street all the way. The line between everything she knows and the adventure of what could be out there awaiting her. 
It feels like she’s walking for hours until there is any sign of other people. A gas station in the middle of nowhere and two cars outside of it. One of them a rundown pick-up truck and the other clearly stating police in bold letters on the side. 
Her stomach twists into knots. Authorities of any kind are not something her father believes in and has run them off the property since she can remember. 
On the other hand, she is clearly lost and someone here might be able to help get her back on track. She heaves in a breath and pushes open the door to the little store. 
A taller man standing at the counter, obviously the officer if the gun on his hip is any indicator, and the younger man behind the counter stop their conversation to stare at her. They look at her with pity and It makes her skin crawl. 
Her vocal chords seem to escape her. She breathes in through her nose, stares at the floor, and- “I’m fucking lost.” 
There is silence for about ten long seconds. The kind that has her anxiously waiting for any kind of response. 
Maybe she should’ve expected laughter. It’s not like she has a lot of experience with conversations- only the drunken men her dad keeps around. 
The officer has something of a southern drawl, thick and hard to understand. “Shall I bring ya’ home, then?” 
On the verge of tears now, she hardly is able to nod her head. It's weird wanting to go home–but what else is she supposed to do? Wander around in the dark for hours on end? 
The officer opens the passenger side door for her and helps her climb inside. The rumble of the car is relaxing in a way. Almost like her dads pick-up truck when they would drive to the property line to collect and haul things back to the warehouse. 
He plays soft music as she wordlessly directs him back to her home. His face seems to become more skeptical with each turn they take. Up until they are turning down the dark gravel driveway- then it shifts to horror. 
“You live here?” He stops the car right in front of the rusty metal sliding door. 
She wordlessly nods her head and jumps out of the passenger seat. The officer's eyes watch as she scales the side of the building back to her bedroom window. 
She watches him as he gets out of the car, walks up to the door, and knocks. 
There are flashing lights outside of the building; red and blue illuminating the walls  of her almost empty room. 
They storm the building with guns drawn. They shout words that are muffled to her tired ears. It’s been three days since she ran. All those days spent locked in a room–with a now barred window. She’s starving and dehydrated, ready for the looming threat of death to consume her. 
Then there is a woman dressed in black gear, bulky in different places and a weapon holstered to her hip. 
She’s being carried through the noise, to the lights, into the safety of somewhere that isn’t her room. 
The doctors don’t seem to understand her. They ask her questions about her body, about her home, and why she won’t talk to them. 
She wishes they would leave her the hell alone and let her sleep. She’s not slept for ages–the nightmares are unrelenting. 
There is a man in her room now, not a doctor; he says he’s a social worker. They have to find her somewhere to stay now that she’s not on the brink of death. He’s gentle and speaks softly, like he’s trying not to startle her. 
He looks at her, holding out a pen and notebook. “Can you write at all?” he asks. His voice is deep, but not raspy with smoke like her fathers. 
She nods her head and takes the pen and paper. Then begins the onslaught of questions about herself. A lot of general information about her name, address, and birthday. Then more about her life; which she either struggles to, or downright refuses, to answer. 
She ends up with this guy she vaguely remembers from the warehouse because he said he knows her and wants to help. Ben, the social worker by day and investigator by night, seems skeptical but is left with no other choice besides handing her a cell phone and his personal phone number. “Call me if you need anything, okay?” he says before leaving her with a practical stranger. 
She realizes about three days into staying with Jacob, her dads friend, that she doesn’t want to be here. Actually, it feels worse because it’s different-bad instead of normal-bad. 
Jacob slams the doors of the one bedroom apartment and drinks until the early hours of the morning. It’s a bit strange since she knows he has money–is it all going to other things, maybe? 
Regardless, she has access to the internet now. Which in some ways is beneficial, where others it’s overwhelming and seeing her face in the news is not at all fun. It makes her skin crawl with anxiety now that people can see her without her knowing them. 
Lucky for her, the timing of everything has worked out and formula 1 is coming to Texas within the next week. Her dad, as bitchy as he is, happens to be obnoxiously intelligent and worked on projects with one of the teams. 
She’s not sure which one exactly, only that the guy's name is Christian Horner and he’s rich. On the slim chance he remembers her, she might be able to spend time away from these houses that feel like cages. 
The morning before she leaves, Jacob is in a mood. It’s different compared to when she first got there, like he has a personal vendetta against her. 
She tries to scramble away, limbs flailing about as she kicks and screams. A hand closes around her airway and another is holding her wrist close to his mouth. The position is vulnerable; she feels the anxiety trying to rise in her throat and is unable to do so. 
His teeth sink into her skin, ripping it open with blunt points and jagged edges. His tongue laps at the wound with unrestrained vigor–greedily trying to get all he can from it. 
Something flashes through her. The familiar white hot energy of those abilities that do nothing but lay dormant until forced out. A tiny voice in the back of her mind screams at her to make him stop; that he’s stealing something valuable from her even if she has no idea what it is. You know… apart from the obvious- 
With renewed fear and adrenaline, she manages to kick him away. He seems dazed, like he’d done a line of whatever they had in the warehouse. She hadn’t been allowed to touch the stuff since her dad is picky about what goes into her body. 
She makes for the door, fight or flight giving her everything she needs to get out before he does it again. Terror flooding her system and dripping out of every pore. 
At the same time, he’s running after her, screaming incoherently in her direction. He’s panting heavy enough that she can hear it even as her hand lands on the doorknob and the door creaks open. 
The red rim around his mouth is wet with saliva. She turns back around, just in time to see the wet muscle of his tongue lick the excess blood from his lips. “Don’t run away from me, little bird. You know you belong with us.” 
She runs out the door and slams it behind her. The steps come at her rapidly, The world passes by in a blur, weaving its way around her in a colorful haze as she runs out of the building.
The Texas sun blinds her–her hand coming to shield her eyes. Her feet, however, don’t stop pounding the ground. Despite her exhaustion, the lack of nutrients, and ragged breathing–she continues forward. 
The curb beside the paddock entrance becomes her new home. The sun is still coming up when she finds it, tired and dirty. She feels out of place as the sun rises and people come in dressed to the nines in expensive looking clothes. 
Her vision is swaying, but the determination is keeping her upright and alert. If she can just find the one man that knows her, maybe he can help. Having to live with someone who bites her when she’s awake sounds much worse then merely knowing they do it when she’s asleep. 
The faint outline of teeth marks dot areas of her body and lines drawn with tools cover the rest. Vague memories of people touching her and the searing pain of something she doesn’t know the source of force their way into her mind the more she thinks about it. 
It’s not long until her head hits the concrete and the world fades away. 
Christian wasn’t sure what he was going to do when he found out the mechanic he’d sourced got arrested. Worse–the daughter who had watched him from behind the legs of her father and named the parts of engines at an age far too young has taken up room in his mind. 
There was something off. Whether it be how he was never allowed at the warehouse or had to watch this girl, Dove as she was called, became progressively more sickly. 
He didn’t live in America, nor did he have all the information, but he had this gut feeling that something about the situation wasn’t right. 
The curiosity got the better of him and he’d called to see if anyone had taken the girl in, but got nothing in response. He wasn’t allowed to have the information–which was reasonable to an extent. 
Now, as he scans the outside of the paddock while making his way inside, he catches a glimpse of the familiar figure. It had been a while–but he would know her anywhere. There is a uniqueness to her that can’t be described apart from having to see it to understand. 
He steps light as he approaches her, passed out on the ground and being passed by like it’s nothing. Christian shakes her awake, watches her startle and sit up, fear clouding her eyes as she scrambles away from him. 
“What are you doing out here, Dove?” His concern seems to peak when he notices the clear bite mark she has and the clear, flaccid exhaustion behind her eyes and in her face. It’s pitiful to look at. 
Her mouth parts, tongue darting out to wet her lips. “Mr. Horner? I came to see you?” 
“Yeah? Let's get you inside then.” 
He has to take the time to bundle her into his arms and carry her through the paddock. He gets a few weird looks as he walks through the paddock with a teenager in his arms and pretends that everything is fine. All smiles and nods while the cameras avert themselves because the media here knows who she is. That has to be what hurts the worst-
He lays her on the couch in his office, picks up his phone, and starts making calls. 
If anyone would’ve asked him this morning if he was willing to take in a child, Seb would have been wishy-washy about it. He’s on his own, traveling the world and being paid to participate in a dangerous sport. He doesn’t have the time to raise a child-
Now, as he stares at the barley awake teen in Christians office, he can’t help but consider it. Something about the innocence makes him want to swaddle her until he’s old and wrinkly.
“We call her Dove, but I'm not sure that’s her name.” Christian is writing numbers down on a notepad and sticking them to his desk. “You’re sure about this?” 
He takes another look at the girl, stipping on one of the driver's water bottles with the insane bendy straws. She looks small, breakable, like one of those porcelain dolls his mother collected. “I’m not sure I’m cut out for it, but as I owe you a favor… don’t I?” 
“This isn’t just a favor, Seb. This is a commitment and a promise to her.” Christian walks over to her softly, pulling her from the dissociative state she was in while chewing on the plastic straw. “Dove, this is Seb; and we were wondering if there is someone taking care of you right now?” 
She nods her head yes. It’s faint, almost hesitant, each one of her movements clearly calculated as her eyes flicker around the environment. 
Seb lets himself relax. He knows he’s nervous, and she must sense it as well if her body language towards him is anything to go by. He kneels down in front of her and smiles, a soft and gentle thing that has her head tilting in curiosity. 
“My name is Sebastian, but everyone calls me Seb….” She stares at him, so he clears his throat and continues on. “Me and Christian have been thinking that the person taking care of you might now be doing the best job, is this true?”
Her lips part, slowly, as if trying to say something but unable to get the words out. Instead she points to the newer bite mark on her wrist, a circular outline of red dots. She seems unfazed by it in a way, only annoyed that such a thing happened. 
Seb makes eye contact with Christian, attempting to get an answer of some kind but is met with confusion that mirrors his own. 
 The paddock is overwhelming, the amount of people is more than she is used to. If the amount of men in the warehouse was bad at times, it doesn’t even begin to compare to the crowds that she has to weave through with Christian and Seb. 
They take turns looking after her for the day. They let her grip onto their arms as they drag her to different areas and attempt to keep her away from cameras. 
She’s with both of them when the inevitable happens. The heavy panting footsteps of Jacob settles in her ears–senses able to focus on nothing but the sheer need to get away. 
Only, her body does nothing about it. She’s frozen, unable to move as her two protectors are pulled further away by the crowd and Jacob comes closer. 
His hand closes around her bicep, grip tight like a vice. “Nice try, but you’re not as smart as you think you are.” 
She has half a mind to scream, but settles for spitting in his eyes just to piss him off. “You’re one to talk.” It’s the first time she’s spoken in weeks and it comes out raspy and broken. It gets a laugh from the older man.
He growls in anger and begins to pull her in the direction of the paddock gate. “You and your stupid nickname! Dove– I beg to differ, more like a crow with all the bad luck you bring!”  
She tries to fight him off, pulling in the opposite direction. It’s no use and she resorts to throwing her body at the ground until she has scrapes and burns. 
“Let her go!” is yelled from somewhere behind her. It doesn’t stop Jacob, but seems to spur him on to go faster. “I said let her go!”  
She’s yanked upwards and away from Jacob by Sebastian. He hauls her uncooperative body a good three steps away before turning to face off with her almost kidnapper. 
“I’m her guardian, so I suggest you let me bring her home. Little thing ran away a couple days ago.” The smile he puts on doesn’t look anything close to genuine. 
“And I have money and a good legal team… your point?” 
There is a crowd gathering around her now and the anxiety is starting to settle in her gut. She knows she can run back to where her stuff is and make a phone call to detective Ben–but would he answer? It’s worth a shot, she supposes. 
She ducks into the crowd and doubles back towards Christian’s office. She’s grateful the door is unlocked and her stuff is exactly where she left it. The pay phone easily finding its way into her hands. 
She dials the detectives number and listens to it ring… once…twice…three ti- “Detective Ben-”
“It’s me! I need help!” 
Ben walks her through a couple of breathing techniques before calmly asking her to start from the beginning. 
She’s still hiding in Christian’s office when a horde of people storm through the doors. Four of them she recognizes: Christian, Sebastian, Detective Ben, and Jacob. The rest are all official looking people in nice dress clothes and shiny shoes. 
Her body shakes, fingernails subconsciously digging into the palm of her hand. Ben looks her over, making his way over and getting on her level. “I knew I shouldn’t have left you with him.” He sighs, eyes scanning over the bickering adults in the room. “Sebastian has offered to put in for adoption, but we’ll have to jump through some hoops.” 
She nods her head, not fully understanding, but enough that she knows Jacob won’t be taking her back to his apartment. It’s all that matters to her at this moment. The warehouse was bad, but at least it was predictable and she had her own space. 
Seb takes her to his hotel room. It’s not the biggest thing, but he’ll take the couch until they figure something else out. She doesn’t seem like the pickiest person, probably would even take the floor if that’s what she was given. 
He calls up room service for two. His meal admittedly looks more sad than hers, but she looks far less excited about eating. She pokes at it with a fork, looks at him, then pokes at it again. 
“You can eat it… unless you don’t like it-” He pauses to take in her narrowed eyes and slow movements. The fork comes up to her mouth in a small bite. She chews and swallows faster than he’s ever seen, then watches her flinch away like she’s preparing to be hit. 
Seb shakes his head, his stomach twisting into knots. “You can eat freely now, okay? I will never hit you.”
Her eyebrows raise as if to suggest he is lying to her. He makes a dramatic show of sticking his pinky out towards her, gaze serious and hard to ignore. “I swear on everything I am, that I pinky promise to never hurt you.” 
She doesn’t turn away from him this time, but looks completely lost. Seb can’t help the small giggle that escapes him. “If you accept then you can link your pinky with mine. That seals the deal!” 
She moves towards him slowly, like he might pull away and say this is all some cruel joke. She links her pink with his, and the edges of her lips twitch upwards. 
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mimisempai · 4 months ago
It's just a risk to take 2/2
Chapter Summary
The long-awaited evening is here. Will the feelings held back for years finally be revealed?
A little Human AU of them getting together
On Ao3
Rating G - 3279 words
Chap 1
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On the night of the ball, they had decided to go their separate ways and meet at the front door of the complex where the reception hall was located. 
Aziraphale paced back and forth, waiting, for of course he was so excited and nervous at the same time that he'd arrived almost half an hour early.
"Oh, that tall man with the red hair, isn't that Mrs. Crowley's son?"
"Oh yes, he looks just like her!"
Aziraphale stopped dead in his tracks and followed the direction the two old ladies in front of him were looking. His heart leapt at the sight of Crowley, and then again at the bright smile his friend gave him when their eyes met.
Then Crowley walked toward him, quickly closing the distance between them.
God, he had missed him.
It had only been a month, but still.
Despite missing Crowley, it was all he could think to say as he found himself face to face with his dear friend.
It had to be said that the other man's appearance would have taken the wind out of anyone's sails. Crowley was a sight to behold under normal circumstances, but in a tuxedo he was simply dazzling, even when covered by a coat that rested on his shoulders.
"It feels like it's been forever."
His friend's voice snapped him out of his thoughts and Aziraphale nodded.
"For me, too."
An unfamiliar expression crossed Crowley's face as he leaned in before saying, "Then I think the circumstances deserve more than a nod of the head, don't you?"
Aziraphale didn't have time to react as his friend leaned in closer and pressed a light kiss to his cheek.
Okay. Now it was certain that Aziraphale would not survive the evening.
As Crowley straightened up, Aziraphale felt a slight burn where his lips had rested, but he didn't have time to think about it because his friend had grabbed his arm and was dragging him toward the entrance.
"I must say, I was pleasantly surprised that you accepted my invitation so easily."
Aziraphale chuckled softly.
"Not as surprised as I was at your invitation. Pleasantly surprised, of course." He smiled and received a sincere smile of relief in return. Perhaps he wasn't the only one with doubts.
"I think all this ridiculous fuss is our goal."
Crowley led Aziraphale to the glass doors that opened onto the reception hall. Aziraphale marveled at the decor, expecting the usual autumnal touches, but in fact it was all tastefully done, there was something enchanting about the decor, and it all served to give the atmosphere an intimate note, which was not to the bookseller's displeasure.
"Anthony, there you are. Welcome, Monsieur Fell."
Though in a different way, Crowley's mother was as beautiful as her son. Aziraphale shook her outstretched hand in greeting before saying, "Please call me Aziraphale, Mrs. Crowley."
"You are adorable, call me Lilith. You deserve it for being the one who brought that big idiot here."
Aziraphale laughed slightly as Lilith added, "It really is a pleasure to see you both. Make yourselves at home."
She leaned over to Aziraphale and whispered in his ear, but so that Crowley could hear.
"I'm really infinitely grateful to you, because not only did you get him to come, but he's smiling."
"Aziraphale, would you like a drink?"
Crowley had interrupted his mother, pulling Aziraphale away before she could say the word. Which didn't keep him from feeling his mother's amused gaze on his back.
With a hand on Aziraphale's lower back, he pushed him toward the dining area. A waitress appeared and took their coats, and once they were near the buffet, sipping their appetizers, Aziraphale asked hesitantly, "Your mother calls you Anthony. I've never thought to ask you in all this time, but what would you prefer?"
"You want to call me Anthony?"
It was just like Crowley to answer one question with another, knowing that Aziraphale was afraid to ask him directly what he really wanted.
Aziraphale swallowed and then said quietly, "I would like to... Anthony."
He saw his friend gasp, but had no time to analyze the situation as his gaze was drawn to a group of old ladies who were watching them, murmuring and giggling.
Crowley, who had followed his gaze, leaned over and said, "These are friends from my mother's bridge club. She must have alerted her whole group to tell them I was coming and that I was coming with someone."
Aziraphale turned to him and, raising an eyebrow, said, "Is this really the first time... well, I mean that..."
"I've never had a relationship serious enough to introduce to my mother."
Aziraphale raised his glass to his lips to compose himself, trying to ignore the storm of questions his friend's words had unleashed. Their eyes met for a long moment and Aziraphale searched desperately for something to say, but the spell was broken when someone nudged him awkwardly and he almost dropped his glass. 
Then Lilith's voice rose over the gathered crowd.
"Welcome, my friends, to the fifth edition of this Autumn Gala. As you all know, for the past five years this gala has raised funds for the local homeless shelter. Enjoy the music and dancing once our musicians arrive, and the little surprise that awaits us all as night falls. In the meantime, savor the banquet and the feast.
"I suggest we wait until the first wave has passed," Crowley whispered in Aziraphale's ear.
Trying to ignore the shiver that Crowley's breath on his neck had caused, Aziraphale readily accepted and let himself be pulled to one of the tables, which was in a quieter corner than the rest of the room. Once seated, they watched the people come and go, eager to enjoy the buffet, Crowley making Aziraphale laugh with his sarcastic comments about the people passing by.
Eventually, the crowd dwindled to a small line, and they both quietly filled their plates before returning to their table, eating while watching the other guests and chatting in the easy manner of two friends who had known each other for a long time. Lilith wandered between the tables, chatting with a small group here and there in perfect hostess fashion. At one point, she spotted them and made her way toward them, but one of her friends stopped her by whispering something, so she smiled briefly and simply waved from a distance.
The musicians arrived, and Aziraphale noted with astonishment that it was a full orchestra. Crowley chuckled at his stunned expression.
"For as long as I can remember, my mother has tended to do things big, no matter what the occasion."
Then, stealing a petit-four from Aziraphale's plate, he added, "Although this gala is far more entertaining than any I've attended."
Aziraphale couldn't help but retort, "It must be the company." 
Crowley's gaze was incredibly direct and open as he continued, "But I'm still surprised you didn't have anything planned, considering I caught you a bit off guard."
"Aside from nights at the Dirty Donkey with the girls and Muriel, I don't get out much. The theater once or twice, but that's about it."
"Most of the time."
"Is this an interrogation?"
Crowley replied sheepishly, "Sorry, I didn't mean to pry."
Aziraphale smiled and reassured him, placing a hand on his forearm, "I'm kidding. When I'm not alone, I'm with Muriel. Although now that they have a boyfriend, Eric, they come with me much less. And I don't blame them."
Aziraphale looked dreamy as he added, "It must be nice to have someone like that..."
Blushing slightly, he coughed before continuing, "Anyway, most of my evenings are spent in my armchair with a good book or some good music."
Once again he noticed a strange look on his friend's face, when suddenly his expression changed and he muttered, "Beware, trouble's coming."
Aziraphale followed his gaze and saw the reason for Crowley's words.
"Mr. Brown."
The bane of Whickber Street. And what Crowley didn't know, had been Aziraphale's bane for some time. Brown had invented every excuse to come into his bookshop, or to invite him to dinners and other appointments that Aziraphale had always managed to avoid.
"Aziraphale, what a pleasure to see you here."
Brown stood at their table, openly ignoring Crowley's presence as he continued, "May I invite you to dance?"
Aziraphale shook his head and replied coldly, "No, thank you," then turned his head back to Crowley, thinking the other would turn and leave, but Brown did not and continued as if nothing had happened.
"It's a shame to sit here and talk when there's this great orchestra."
Crowley intervened and said flatly, "Aziraphale obviously doesn't feel like dancing with you." 
The mustachioed man turned to him with a grin.
"What does that have to do with you, Mr. Crowley?"
Aziraphale, feeling the anger rising in him, replied, "It has everything to do with him. I'm here with Crowley. He invited me and I accepted. Because I wanted to be with him." 
On fire, Aziraphale didn't notice Crowley's surprised look. 
The other snorted, "Is that true? You expect me to believe that Crowley here is really your date? When you've turned down every single one of my invitations. How could he be any better?" 
Aziraphale stood and approached the man, hissing in a low voice, "He's billions of times better than you could ever dream; I don't care what you think. Just as I don't care about your invitations. But there is one thing you need to know, and that is that I will not hesitate to use some of my connections if you don't leave immediately. Like Crowley's mother, who's organizing this gala." 
The man opened his mouth to protest, but seeing the anger in Aziraphale's eyes, he decided to turn and walk away.
Aziraphale didn't take his eyes off him until he was sure he wasn't coming back, and it was a chuckle from Crowleyle that made him turn around. His irritation melted like snow in the sun at the sight of his friend's broad smile. 
He was about to sit back down when Crowley shook his head and stood up, holding out his hand, "Will you dance with me?"
Aziraphale took his friend's hand, a warmth building inside him as soon as their hands joined.
"With you? Of course."
Crowley led him to the center of the dance floor as the orchestra began a new piece.
In the distance, Lilith watched them enter the dance floor with a smile, and after a brief instruction to the conductor, the orchestra began to play a slow, romantic waltz.
Crowley, not fooled, murmured, "Mom..."
Aziraphale lost his confused expression and forgot all about it the moment Crowley's hand came to rest on the small of his back, pressing him to his chest, while his other hand gripped Aziraphale's, intertwining their fingers as they began to turn gently to the rhythm of the soft music.
They twirled and twirled, one song and then another, and as one song followed another, they drew closer, Crowley's arms now wrapped around his waist and Aziraphale's around Crowley's neck. Every part of their bodies touched and their eyes were locked.
Aziraphale felt every fiber of his being react to the music and the feeling of Crowley so close, so real. Never in a million years would he have dared hope for this outside of a dream. Even better, the music clearly had the same effect on Crowley, who did nothing to create distance between them, but on the contrary, did everything to reduce it. 
Aziraphale smiled gently and dared to put his hands on Crowley's lower back and his head on his shoulder. The dance, such as it was, required no concentration or skill, so he closed his eyes and simply swayed in Crowley's arms, breathing in the warm, sensual scent of his skin where his neck met the collar of his shirt. He could feel his friend's heart beating steadily against his cheek and sighed with satisfaction, thinking that he wouldn't mind if they stayed like this forever. 
Unfortunately, Lilith's voice over the loudspeakers broke the spell.
"It's midnight, my friends. It's time."
“Time for what?” murmured Aziraphale, drowsy with contentment. He looked up at Crowley's face without removing his hands from his back, and saw a strange expression there again. His friend's lips were close to his face as he replied, "Fireworks, I suppose."
Crowley continued to hold him for a moment before slowly pulling away until Aziraphale's hands slid down his arms and landed on his hands, pulling him a little farther away.
Indeed, everyone headed for the large bay windows and the first shower of colorful rockets drew all eyes skyward with oohs and aahs of delight. Lilith had clearly outdone herself in impressing her guests, and the sky quickly filled with a thousand fleeting stars and deafening noise.
Aziraphale watched with wondering eyes as he felt a hand take his. Forgetting the spectacle outside, he turned to Crowley. His friend didn't bother to speak over the cheering and crackling and nodded to a slightly out of the way corner, a window embrasure hidden by heavy velvet curtains. Aziraphale nodded, and Crowley immediately pulled him by the hand to the spot he had just shown him. They stopped in the window embrasure, hidden by the curtains but illuminated by the glow of the fireworks they could see on the other side of the window, Aziraphale's hand still in Crowley's.
Aziraphale looked at Crowley, whose face was very close. There was enough light to see his eyes, his gaze more intense than ever. Aziraphale's pulse quickened when Crowley didn't look away, and he held his breath when a hand came up to rest on his cheek.
Aziraphale couldn't help but whisper, "Are you going to kiss me?"
Crowley laughed slightly, his voice deep and sensual as he replied, "Yes, unless you stop me."
That was all it took for Crowley to lean in gently until his lips brushed Aziraphale's, so softly that it sent Aziraphale into a kind of agony. A sweet agony.
The kiss quickly became more intense and lingered, their lips slowly getting to know each other.
Aziraphale wrapped his arms around Crowley's waist to press against him, erasing any hint of distance, and in response, Crowley parted Aziraphale's lips with a gentle flick of his tongue, deepening the kiss until there was nothing left but them.
Fireworks, music, crowds, lights - all had disappeared, leaving only them. 
When Crowley's mouth left his, Aziraphale whimpered, but the warm lips landed on his cheek, leaving a trail of searing kisses down his neck before returning to his half-open lips, which let out small gasps. 
"Say it again..."
As if starved by all those lost years, Crowley's lips picked up the whisper of his first name on Aziraphale's lips, leading to another kiss that lasted until they had no choice but to separate to catch their breath.
Between gasps, Crowley asked, "When did it start?" 
"For me? The first day. It was always there, but it just got stronger."
Crowley murmured, "So long. We're both idiots."
Aziraphale raised his hand and gently stroked his lover's cheek, "But we're here now, that's all that matters."
Anthony leaned his cheek into his lover's hand and nodded.
"Yes. It is."
Gradually, still entwined, they made contact with reality, sounds and light, but it was as if they weren't part of it.
Crowley asked in a playful tone, "This sounds cliché, but...your place or mine?" 
Aziraphale replied in the same tone, "It doesn't matter where, as long as we're both there."
"My place then. I'm the closest."
Aziraphale nodded and immediately Crowley took his hand and pulled him behind him, they quickly grabbed their coats under the astonished looks of the waitresses, the fireworks weren't over, the entrance was deserted and they could leave quietly without being noticed.
It would have taken them less than five minutes to get to Crowley's if they hadn't stopped every few seconds to take advantage of a darker corner to kiss. It was as if, now that they were both letting their desires run wild, it was impossible for them to control themselves. 
Arriving at Crowley's, Aziraphale hesitated slightly for the first time.
It hadn't even been an hour.
What if they ruined everything by rushing in?
What if...
A hand gripping his chin snapped him out of his spiral as Crowley said quietly, "We don't have to do anything tonight, or tomorrow, or even a week from now. In fact, I don't care what we do or when. I just don't want us to part tonight."
A sigh of relief escaped Aziraphale's lips as Crowley's thumb gently caressed his kiss-swollen lips.
"Neither do I. I don't want us to part tonight. But..."
"If we could just slow down a little."
"Whatever you want, my angel."
"My angel?"
"You call me Anthony so I can call you my angel."
Aziraphale murmured, "Say it again."
"My angel."
Crowley smiled and leaned forward, murmuring against his lover's half-open lips, "My angel."
Then they said nothing more as he captured Aziraphale's lips in a kiss that was both sweet and passionate. They didn't know who moaned first as Aziraphale's tongue brushed along Crowley's lower lip, but it didn't matter. In the seconds that followed, their tongues intertwined in a wild, feverish dance, both finally giving free rein to the passion that had inhabited them for so long. 
When they had to pull away to catch their breath, Crowley bit Aziraphale's lip before gently releasing it. 
Forehead to forehead, they gasped for breath.
Then Aziraphale raised his hand and, tucking a lock of Crowley's hair behind his ear, said with a breath, "We've waited so long. I don't want to wait any longer. Take me to your bedroom now."
"Aziraphale, you-
"Yes." Then, a mischievous gleam in his eyes, he said softly, "But only if you keep calling me your angel."
Crowley laughed, took his lover's hand, and they were both still laughing when he closed the bedroom door behind them.
The next morning, they awoke to each of their phones vibrating insistently on the nightstand.
With a synchronized sigh, they extricated themselves from each other and picked up the phones to read their messages.
"My mom asks me if I'm going to refuse to come to next year's gala now that I have a partner. Then she tells me to say hello."
"Give her my best. As for me, I have three messages, do you want to know?"
"Even if I say no, I know you'll read them to me anyway."
"Um, Muriel asks me if the evening was everything I hoped it would be, Maggie asks me to fill her in on all the details, and Nina...ahem..."
Crowley turned and then slid over Aziraphale, his elbows framing his face as he said teasingly, "You're making me very curious now, my angel."
Blushing, Aziraphale replied, "Nina asks if we broke the mattress..."
Crowley leaned over and, after planting a kiss on his lover's nose, said, "Answer her that we almost did."
Aziraphale's eyes widened, then they both laughed as he texted Nina exactly what Crowley had suggested. 
At the same time, at Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death, the coffee shop on Whickber Street, Nina, phone in hand, threw her cleaning rag in the air and exclaimed, "They did it!"
Word spread like wildfire that the bookseller and his handsome, longtime friend were finally together.
The Whickber street gossips would have to find another target.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable fan fictions Masterpost : here
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rainbowmoonstonestories · 8 months ago
Let Your Dreams Be Your Wings | Chapter 20
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Chapters: 20/? Fandom: The Sandman (Netflix 2022, minor content from the Comics) Rating: Explicit Relationships Dream of the Endless/Morpheus x F!Reader  Characters: Dream of the Endless/Morpheus, Lucienne, Matthew the Raven, Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Hob Gadling, Death, Rose Walker, The Corinthian, other minor Sandman characters, Original Characters. Warnings: 18+ content (minors DNI), explicit sexual content, POV switching, very long chapters to read. Summary: You always dreamed of becoming a successful Fashion Designer, sharing your creations with the world and making your father proud. But with him being very ill and so many costs solely weighting on your shoulders, things didn’t go as planned and you had to take a different path instead. An interesting offer led you to the elder Alex Burgess and you were hired as a new housemaid for a very good pay. However, your kindness and outstanding empathy convinced the man to give you an additional task for a doubled compensation; gaining the trust of Dream Of the Endless, held captive into the basement for over a century. Despite the shock of finding such an ethereal entity stripped of all his clothes and contained into a confined space, you had to accept for the sake of your father. But the more you got to speak to the mysterious anthropomorphic personification who didn’t utter a single word, the more you were lost into his eyes that, conversely, seemed to contain the entire universe. A deep connection formed between the two of you, separated only by a thick layer of glass.
Little did you know, what started like a simple housemaid job was about to change your life forever.
Credits: The moon dividers were made by firefly-graphics
Tagging: @number-0-iz, @emarich7, @jaziona92, @bridkesby If anyone else wants to be tagged in the next updates, let me know.
You can also read this on AO3 if you feel more comfortable!
Important notice: I am aware of the current allegations against Neil Gaiman and made a statement here.
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With the Corinthian finally out of the picture, Morpheus could prepare to eradicate the Vortex from his realm without further interruptions. Rose's tragic fate weighed heavily on your heart, as Morpheus chose to remove you from the Waking World and bring you to the Dreaming for advanced protection.
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Morpheus stood a few feet away, hands in his pockets and legs slightly apart. His stance conveyed irritation, disappointment, and a disconcerting level of worry.
You pushed yourself off the wall completely, nervously intertwining your fingers. "Hey.”
He advanced slowly but steadily, drawing his hands out and clenching them into fists at his sides. What could you possibly say to justify your actions? Fabricating a lie would be futile; with your Dreamstone emitting his energy and signaling impending danger, convincing him would have been utterly impossible.
And so, you surrendered to whatever fate awaited you.
"The Corinthian is her-”
"What are you doing here?" He demanded, his voice laced with anger.
You gulped, inhaled deeply, and released a trembling sigh. "Honestly? I don't have an answer to that.”
"Do you believe this to be a game for you to meddle with?”
"I never considered it a game. How could I?”
He shut his eyes and pursed his lips in frustration. "I did not give you that jewel just so you could chase my Nightmares."
You shook your head. "I promise you, that's not what I intended to do. I heard Rose was coming here to pick up her brother, and somehow I... I felt like something was horribly wrong. That she might be in danger.”
"I specifically requested that you stay out of it. For your sake.”
That he did, in his own way of speaking. It wasn't your burden to bear when you were meant to keep living your life in the Waking World. You should have known that he meant for you to never interfere, not even—and especially—in case of a negative development.
“Yes, but-”
Morpheus's eyes were piercing your very soul, a storm brewing within their depths. "’But’ what?”
"I care about you,” you said, your voice unsteady. “Whether you accept it or not, I couldn't stand by and do nothing."
Morpheus's face relaxed, though the tension in his posture remained. "Your concern is noted, but your interference could have dire consequences.”
"What was I supposed to do? Should I have acted like I didn't feel anything? Waited for the Vortex to destroy everything you’ve built, along with my own world?”
He took a step closer, his gaze intense. "You were supposed to trust me. To trust that I would take care of it.”
"You know that I trust you more than anyone else. But I can't just set aside my instincts, especially when I know what's at stake.”
Morpheus sighed, the weight of his responsibilities and his feelings for you evident in his grimace. "You must understand, your presence here complicates matters.”
With the Corinthian on the loose and his realm threatened by the Vortex in the Nightmare’s grasp, the last thing Morpheus needed was for you to add to his burdens. Although you didn’t truly expect to find the Corinthian in Georgia, acting on nothing but a gut feeling and venturing there alone inevitably made you seem like a pathetic wannabe hero with no real purpose.
Certainly, you weren’t expecting to end up surrounded by a cult of twisted serial killers on top of everything else.
And so, you nodded, absorbing the gravity of his words. "Look, I'm sorry. I know I acted on impulse without thinking.”
He reached out, cupping your face gently in his hands. "Y/N, your well-being is paramount to me. You must promise me that you will stay safe.”
You leaned into his touch, finding comfort in it despite the chaos surrounding you. "Let me help in any way I can. Even if it's just staying by your side.”
"No. Not this time.”
You bowed your head in resignation.
"Wait for me to return to you. Avoid putting yourself in danger.”
“But… what about the Dreamstone? Won’t it just—”
“I said, no.”
His refusal left a bitter taste in your mouth, yet, given the situation, you couldn't muster any offense.
He entrusted you with the necklace to guard you against any external threats, no matter their origin. It saved you from the fire explosion in the studio, and just moments earlier, from the Corinthian’s hunger for your eyes.
Clearly, there were no certainties left, with the Vortex on the brink of obliterating everything in its path. He stood firm, refusing to reconsider. All you could do was accept his protective nature.
"Fine," you sighed heavily. “I’ll do as you say.”
Morpheus tilted your chin up, forcing you to meet his eyes once more. "It is almost over, my love," he said solemnly. “Have faith in me.”
"I do have it, Morpheus,” you responded, reluctantly taking a step back. “Still, be careful.”
“I will.”
With one last lingering touch, Morpheus turned and walked away, disappearing into the shadows. You watched him vanish, your heart heavy with love and worry, as you stood alone in the deserted corridor, pondering your options. Considering the Corinthian's conference on the lower floor, staying put might minimize the risk of running into any of his deranged followers. You also remembered overhearing him conversing with someone in one of the suites, though the wall had obscured the room number.
You mulled it over for a moment before it all clicked. Perhaps he had indeed trapped Rose, Jed, and Gilbert to carry out his sinister plans. If that's the case, finding your friends and the boy shouldn't be too difficult.
But just as you were about to move, your feet froze in place again, your stomach knotting up as a voice in your head formed words you knew you couldn't heed.
"Go to him," it said. "Find Morpheus.”
No, you were supposed to follow his instructions, staying far away from the Corinthian and any potential risk lurking nearby. While the Dreamstone around your neck provided a sense of security, Morpheus had been explicit, and disappointing him was something you intended to keep off your to-do list.
And yet, you kept scanning your surroundings, glancing back to where he had disappeared and then forward, ultimately yielding to the tug of your intuition. Because the question remained unanswered: would Morpheus be invulnerable now that his realm had continually deteriorated? You didn't doubt that he could stop his own creation from causing a dream apocalypse and prevent the Waking World from collapsing alongside the Dreaming, but there was a pressing need in your heart that compelled you to pivot on your heels and descend the stairs.
And so you did, walking as fast as you could, maneuvering your way through the convention area. You remembered passing by the conference room during your inspections, and navigating the space had now become quite familiar to you.
The crowd of attendees had visibly thinned, with only a few people strolling around, enjoying their break with a fresh drink by the pool outside, or chatting in the corners. None of them seemed to pay any attention to your distress, allowing you to walk undisturbed.
Morpheus was going to be livid, you could already predict it. But that was insignificant compared to the enormous chasm of fear forming inside you.
When you arrived at the large double doors, you took a few deep breaths and grasped one of the cold bars to push your way through. The door emitted a soft creak as you opened it, prompting you to pause and listen for any reaction on the other side.
Nobody seemed to have heard you; the distant voices of Morpheus and the Corinthian filled the silent atmosphere. A large group of people sat motionless in front of the stage, all oddly immobile, holding the same, identical position in their seats.
"Look at you, walking this Earth for over a century, infecting others with your joy of death. But what have you given them?”
Morpheus was confronting his creation, standing inches away from the false man who exuded an air of overconfidence and menace.
“What have you wrought? Nothing. Just something else for people to be afraid of. That is all.”
"So what now?" the Corinthian asked. “You send me back into their dreams?”
You saw him draw his dreadful knife, pulling it from inside his jacket. “’Cause I won’t go willingly.”
Morpheus, on the other hand, appeared completely unperturbed. The faint, amused grin on his face underscored his strength and commanding presence as he walked forward. “A knife… against a Dream?”
“You don’t think Dreams can die? Let’s find out-”
Fed up with the Corinthian's theatrics, Morpheus raised his right hand to put an end to the entire ordeal. Sand magically formed from his palm, extending toward the Nightmare in a trail of golden grains.
Contrary to your expectations, and against all you had hoped for, things didn't go as planned.
In one quick, fluid motion, the Corinthian pierced the Endless's hand with his blade, the sharp metal slicing through his skin. The sand completely dissipated, leaving only the monster's knife lodged in his master's palm. Morpheus grunted in pain and surprise, dropping to his knees.
You were terrified, your eyes burning at the sight of your lover on the verge of defeat. How could that even be possible? How could he be losing his power and strength again, all because his own creation was exploiting a mortal's power?
No, that was too much for you to endure. You couldn't let it happen a second time. Unable to witness the horrific spectacle any longer, you shouted.
You ran to the stage, passing through rows of humans who appeared to be asleep, their eyes shut as though under hypnosis. You ascended the platform with a mixture of dread and disbelief, immediately pressing one hand against Morpheus’ back while carefully wrapping the other around his wrist. He traced the line of his evident gash, now marked by the redness of his blood.
You didn't care about the outburst he would most likely direct at you later. Because, for the umpteenth time, your inner voice had guided you to the right course of action. Of all the times you could have left him on his own, that was not the day to do it.
You expected Morpheus to regain control and shake you off, ordering you to leave. You were quite surprised to see he neither said a single word, nor attempted to disentangle himself from your hold.
Instead, he raised his eyes back to the Corinthian, lips parted in shock. "How...?”
Although you couldn't see the Nightmare's eyes through his black lenses, you noticed the way he tilted his head to look at you. His grin was victorious, utterly vicious, and positively nauseating.
“I’ve got Rose Walker getting stronger every second while you get weaker,” he answered. “She’s taking your place at the center of the Dreaming.”
You shuddered. Was that the so-called grand plan he had mentioned the day before?
“She’s bringing the walls down between the sleepers’ minds. And now they’re all dreaming the same dream.”
Your fingers instinctively tightened around Morpheus' hand, feeling him grow colder by the second, vulnerable and exposed.
“A dream that I inspired.”
“No,” Morpheus countered.
“It’s already happening. There’s nothing you, or your precious little human here can do. She’s asleep and dreaming.”
“Then she’s not beyond my reach.”
“Oh, I think she is. Now that she knows you’re planning to kill her.”
And then you felt it—that strange sensation of losing your balance, your head feeling floaty and light as the air around you grew eerie and darker. Your eyelids suddenly felt as heavy as boulders, dropping over your eyes until all you could see was black, with random shapes taking form in front of you.
“You need to wake up.”
Morpheus’ voice echoed next to you. You saw Rose appear and withdraw as soon as she noticed him, maintaining a protective stance over a little boy who you assumed was the lost brother she had been searching for. A creepy scene materialized around you, with strangers seemingly cutting and chopping flesh on the tables with their own blades and surgical instruments.
There was blood, skinned corpses, and body parts everywhere you looked.
“Don’t listen to him, Rose bud,” The Corinthian interjected, appearing right behind her just as Morpheus stood back on his feet. “You’re the one with power now, not him. This is your dream.”
“It’s his dream, for your world,” the Endless corrected.
“Then let’s make it yours. Whatever you want, Rose. A blank canvas.”
Right after the Corinthian's declaration, the boy was enveloped in a bright light and was instantly gone, leaving nothing but emptiness in his wake.
"Where's Jed...?" Rose asked, her voice filled with worry.
“Jed’s fine. He’s upstairs, asleep. He’s right next to you.”
The Corinthian's words were becoming increasingly infuriating. With each sentence, you felt a growing urge to expel him forcefully from his own nightmare.
“This dream is yours now. The Dreaming is yours now.”
“The Dreaming is yours. Is that what he told you?” Morpheus inquired.
“He told me you were gonna kill me,” Rose responded.
“Did he tell you why? When a Vortex brings down the walls between dreams, she creates a single volatile dream that will collapse in upon itself, and take the Waking World with it.”
"Rose, he's right," you declared. "It's more complex than you realize.”
“Y/N…? I….”
“Your world. Everything and everyone will die,” Morpheus elaborated.
“Don’t believe him, Rosie.”
You were boiling like a steamed pot, feeling the figurative smoke explode out of your ears. "Can you just shut up and leave her alone?!”
The Corinthian smiled, relishing what he evidently considered the pinnacle of his existence. He craved power, control, and freedom—a freedom that would cost your kind its very life and the King of Dreams his position and domain.
Thankfully, Morpheus promptly continued his explanation. “It’s happened before. I failed my duty, an entire universe was lost.”
You subconsciously reached for his sleeve, gripping it as if your life depended on it. It was vital, absolutely essential. You wanted to be there, you needed to be there. With him, with them, within Rose's dream. Alongside the King of Dreams.
Because it felt right, there was nowhere else you belonged.
“He can’t kill you if you kill him first.”
The impatience in the Corinthian's voice was escalating rapidly, and you heard the sound of his knife being extracted one more time.
“Killing me may save your life, but it won’t save the lives of those you love.”
Whenever Morpheus spoke, the Corinthian tried to sway Rose to his side. The poor girl was caught between two formidable forces, scared and confused, unable to decide what or whom to believe.
“I’m trying to keep you alive here.”
Morpheus. “I’m trying to keep your world alive.”
"Rose, if you feel like you can't trust him, then trust me," you pleaded.
“You have to choose one of us Rose-”
Rose's voice echoed, spreading in all directions. A magical energy formed around her, converging toward her body as if pulled by a magnet. Morpheus's eyes immediately sought out the Corinthian, who now seemed suddenly at a loss for words or actions.
“If I am powerful as you say I am, then I will find my own way. In the meantime, the walls go back up.”
She tentatively raised her right hand, and as soon as she did, the dream in front of her completely dissipated, revealing a gloomy, empty room coated in metal.
“Because I’m not dreaming anymore.”
She turned and repeated the gesture, scattering the remnants of the Corinthian's nightmare. Morpheus observed her with pride and satisfaction, feeling both relieved and pleased by the unforeseen outcome.
“Thanks to you two, I’m wide awake.”
A bright flash blinded you as you were catapulted back to the Waking World, where you found yourself still standing next to Morpheus. He was examining his palm, watching as the knife wound healed and his skin regained its smooth complexion.
When you looked at the Corinthian, you saw him trembling, breathing heavily, and reaching for his glasses, a sign of utter annihilation.
“If you think I’m going back to the Dreaming with you—”
You almost jumped back in shock. The instant you saw his eyes, you understood why he always kept them concealed behind those dark lenses. Rather than having human-like eyeballs with irises and pupils, his sockets were filled with teeth, looking like two smaller versions of his mouth.
“You’re not going back,” said Morpheus. “I brought you in this world to serve humanity. Not to feed upon it.”
He was profoundly distraught, disappointed in himself for having created something so terribly wrong. Yet, despite all the evil the Corinthian had unleashed over the past century, you could still see the brilliance in him. As terrifying as he was, at least he served his intended purpose.
“Do you know why I do it? So I can taste what it’s like to be human.”
The nightmare's confidence had shattered, replaced by pain evident in his fractured voice.
Morpheus remained silent, listening intently.
“And you don’t care about humanity. You only care about yourself and your realm and your rules.”
He was seething with anger, harboring the same grudge that Gault had expressed.
"You really don't know anything," you intervened. "There's so much you fail to see.”
"And what else is there?”
“I contain the entire collective unconscious,” Morpheus answered. “Without my rules it would consume me.”
A pause followed.
“Humanity would be consumed.”
You exhaled, feeling the weight of his emotion. Despite his eternal power, he was not immune to the risk of being erased from existence, as the Vortex had just demonstrated. How had he managed to endure for millions of years, relying solely on himself?
The Corinthian, however, was not going to be convinced.
“Or you might actually feel something. I am not the problem, Dream.”
“You’re right. This was my fault, not yours. I had so much hope for you, but I created you poorly then.”
If the Corinthian had eyes, tears would have spilled from them, trickling down his cheeks. For as he listened to Morpheus's words, he understood that his time in both realms had come to a tragic conclusion.
“So I must uncreate you now.”
The Nightmare wept, appearing so innocent and tormented that it was hard to believe he had threatened you in the hotel corridor, killed all those people, and ripped their eyes off to feast on their humanity.
Even a Nightmare can dream, my Lord.”
Except that sometimes, dreams could become seriously twisted and tainted.
Morpheus tried again, letting his power flow from his outstretched fingers. The Corinthian began to burn, glowing a deep red, rotting and decaying like a vampire consumed by the sun. Before he could be destroyed, he summoned the strength to hurl one last venomous remark at his master.
“̘͌̅I a̔m̺̠̦ͩ ǫ̘̹ͥ̔͞͡n̳͎̪ͨ̇ͧ͠ḷ͔̊́͢y͊ s̫ͅỡ̶̟͍̻̞̦ͬ͛ͦr̩͙̀͜͝r͇ͤ̓y̢̿̾̏ͫ͜ I̴͚̥̘̖̓͊ͨ͒̚̕ w͖o̘̒͂ͤn̵̪̑̒͋’̗͓͐̒t bé͉ h̡̳͝e͇͈͛̎͌͐̋͜͢͠ŗ̩͚ͮͯẽ̷͂̅͜ t͚o̴͑̐̎̽̏ͨͨ̒̅̍ se̟͑e̳ R͂oş͖̺̾̿́̐̍͟e̹̙̤̙͎̋͒̂͆ͬ͝ W̤̤̬̕al̨͙̀̏k̆͜é̜̟̂̄͛r ḑ̢̜̦͚͕͎̜ͦo̵̶̶͈͐̋͢ t̴̯͕̱̳̃̌̇̃͜͞h̸ͥͩḛ͛̿̉̐ s̤ͦ̉a͎̿̅̆͟ͅm̱̟̮̆e̴̪̖͓̎͗̐ t̵̸͚͔̬ͧ̾̓ͬ̕͝o̊_̭̈́_̠ y̭̆̎o̽û̸͕͕̩͔ͦ̆ͪͅ.͋̎ͦͫ̆̚”̮̓̽
And then he was reduced to a pile of ash, with a small skull falling from the air and landing on top. Morpheus stepped forward, knelt down and picked it up, gazing at it in the palm of his open hand before rising a moment later.
“Next time I make you, you will not be so flawed and petty, little Dream.”
His fingers sinuously closed around the skull, and all you could do was watch the scene, immobilized and unable to find the right words to express. There was so much to analyze, too many things to register all at once.
“And you…”
You felt your gut squirm, bracing yourself for the second reproach of the day. But as he continued speaking, delivering an impassioned speech, you realized he was addressing the awakening crowd and not you. One by one, the people seated in the rows opened their eyes, fully returning to the harsh reality they needed to confront.
“…who call yourselves ‘Collectors’. Until now, you have sustained fantasies in which you are the victims, comforting daydreams in which you are always right.”
Their expressions were filled with painful realization, the stark truth of what they had committed.
“But no more. The dream is over. I have taken it away. For this is my judgment upon you, that you shall know, from this moment on, exactly how craven and selfish, and monstrous you are. That you shall feel the pain of those you have slaughtered.”
You were getting shivers, running all over you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
“And the grief of those that mourn them still, and you shall carry that pain and grief and guilt with you until the end of time.”
They all rose to their feet, abandoning the conference room like a troupe of zombies, walking along the scaffold to an unknown, but certainly dark and devastating future. You watched them leave as your heart pounded like an uncontrollable drum, absorbing that view as a lesson about humanity—one that wasn't really a novelty, but thankfully had the best possible conclusion.
It saddened you, once again, to see your kind so corrupted and easily manipulated. The Corinthian might have played a fundamental role in their formation, but he only drew out and exposed what was already thriving within them.
"I told you to wait for me," he said quietly. This time, you were definitely the focus of his attention.
"You did,” you confirmed.
"And yet, you have decided to follow me regardless of what I asked.”
“I did.”
You turned your head to the side and met his eyes. He looked somewhat stern, but not as furious as you thought he would be. In the end, his lips curled into a subtle smile—barely noticeable, but as usual, evident enough for you.
You mirrored his expression, offering him a larger, much brighter grin. "I know I shouldn’t be here," you said, taking his right hand in yours and gently touching his previously injured palm, now perfectly immaculate. "But there's nowhere else I'd rather be right now.”
"My love, your bravery is one of the things I adore about you, but it also makes me worry. Immensely so.”
"I know, but what kind of girlfriend would I be if I couldn't even stand by your side when you need me?”
Morpheus did, in fact, need you more than anything in existence. He tightened his grip on your hand, pulling you slightly closer. "You matter to me more than you can imagine," he murmured. "Your presence brings light to the darkest corners of my realm.”
"Then let me be your light, always. Wherever you go, whatever you face, I’ll be with you.”
To you, it was more than a promise. It was a reassurance that, no matter how things evolved from that moment onward, you wouldn't sit on the sidelines and watch him handle the most arduous matters alone.
It was ambitious, given your human nature and limited lifespan. But for now, you didn't want to think about outliving him.
He swallowed, feeling both touched and uptight by your unwavering support. With a gentle touch, he guided your hand to his lips and placed a tender kiss on your knuckles. "As long as I can keep you safe.”
"I don't doubt that you can.”
You kissed his lips and gave his hand one final squeeze before letting go. His eyes betrayed the doubt and fear of failing you, of losing you like he had lost everyone else he ever cared for.
"You ought to leave this place," he stated.
You wished there were more reassurances you could offer him, but for now, you could only nod and follow him down the stage, out of the conference room. You perceived the lingering emotions of those who had departed, the hotel corridors now desolate, the rooms empty. You unpinned the stolen badge from your shirt, unceremoniously tossing it into the first trash bin you passed.
The sky outside was dark, and cars parked in front of the building were leaving one by one. A few remained, their owners inside, crying out their desperation for the dreams they had lost. One of the vehicles seemed to have what looked like fresh blood splashed over the windows, indicating that the murderer inside couldn't handle their newly formed guilt.
It was unnerving, as dark and sinister as a scene from a horror movie. But this was no movie; it was your reality.
You spotted Rose and Jed driving by, heading down the road for a safe return. And yet, there was no trace of Gilbert anywhere. Odd.
Your phone buzzed in your bag, and a quick look at the screen showed Andrew's name. His concise message stated that he was finishing up a few tasks and that your next meeting would be in three days. You appreciated the extra time off, as focusing on work was currently not an option.
Matthew landed gently beside Morpheus' feet. He gave you a polite nod before shifting his focus to Rose's car, which had become a distant speck.
“You want me to follow her?”
“No,” Morpheus replied. “When she is awake, she is not a threat. Tonight when she sleeps, I will find her. And we will end this.”
Your heart sank at that moment, for his words could only mean one dreadful thing: Rose had to be stopped, killed, and torn away from her friends and her newly reunited young brother. It was unjust and incredibly difficult to accept. She was still so young and kind, with so much to offer the world. But no matter how hard you tried to think of a way to save her, you realized that the Vortex within her had already grown exponentially, consuming parts of the Endless' realm and the dreams contained in it.
“Come with me,” he said, extending his hand toward you once again, inviting you to take it.
"Where?" you inquired, lifting an eyebrow as you accepted it.
“To the Dreaming.”
You didn't have time to comment as you noticed your surroundings changing. A sudden gust of cold air enveloped you both, and the hotel blurred away, swept aside like dust. The parking lot twisted and transformed, replaced by familiar bookshelves from the library. Your head spun, and your heart raced as you went through the sudden transition. Before you knew it, you found yourself transported to the world of dreams, leaving you partially disoriented.
It took a moment for you to fully acclimate.
Morpheus let go of your hand and stepped aside, allowing you a moment to fully grasp and absorb the situation.
"Wait. I'm not asleep, am I?”
“So… I’m actually here? Physically?”
“You are.”
You could barely tell the difference between being awake and dreaming. Perhaps there was an added layer of awareness that intensified all five of your senses.
“Why did you take me here?”
"It is not safe for you to sleep in the same house as Rose Walker," he explained. "If you stay here, I can preserve your dreams. You are my guest.”
You smiled, noticing the details with renewed clarity. Everything seemed sharper and more mesmerizing than in your unconscious mind. It felt like returning to a known place, one you now considered a second home.
“In that case, thank you for having me.”
He brushed your waist with a delicate touch, seeking your closeness, and promptly placed a tender peck on your forehead. "This place is yours to explore. If you wish to rest, I will have a room crafted just for you.”
His thoughtfulness was awe-inspiring. "Thanks, but I don't think I could sleep right now."
You wondered if it was even possible to fall asleep in the realm of dreams. How did it truly function with your physical body already there?
"I have preparations to make. You can trust that Lucienne will attend to all your needs in my absence.”
You pressed your lips together. "Actually, I'd rather come with you.”
"Y/N, what I am about to do is something you should not witness."
"I know you have to kill Rose, and I'm not trying to stop you. Just... please, let me be there. I don't want her to feel completely cornered and alone.”
Morpheus considered it, lowering his gaze thoughtfully.
"I promised to stand by your side, and I intend to keep my word. I can see how much this pains you, so... let me come. For both of you."
“You will not change your mind.”
It wasn't a question, but a clear realization.
“Sorry. It’s not going to happen.”
He exhaled through his nose in resignation. "Very well, but stay close to me. Do not interfere.”
You wished for Rose to continue living, to care for her brother, and to write the novel she once dreamed of creating. You wanted her to stay with Lyta, providing companionship and support for the arriving progeny. You longed for her to fulfill every wish she ever had, but there was no hope left for any of that.
Sometimes, fate could be unbearably cruel.
“Don’t worry. I don’t plan to,” you reassured him.
He reached for a strand of your hair, letting it slip through his fingers in a loving caress. "I will return shortly, my love. And then we will end this, together. For now, my castle is at your disposal.”
Your hair settled back into place, but his touch left it feeling electric and vibrant. You watched him walk away, his coat—now reverted to its long, simpler form—billowing behind him.
You sighed, feeling a blend of contentment and desolation for what awaited Rose. You touched the bookshelf in front of you, savoring the scent of wood and leather, and the rough texture beneath your fingertips. Being in the Dreaming while conscious was hard to fathom—a unique experience you hadn't thought to explore and didn't know you had secretly hungered for. It made you crave more, to be absorbed by it, to dwell within it. Not as a Dreamer, no. Not in the way Lyta had envisioned.
More frankly, you wanted it to be an integral part of your existence.
Suddenly, a loud throat-clearing sound echoed from the opposite end of the row of books. Your eyes narrowed as you took in the familiar figure standing just a few feet away, seemingly gauging your reaction to his unexpected arrival. There was no mistaking him; only one person could sport those distinctive little glasses, wear such refined attire, and carry that peculiar cane in his left hand.
"Hello, Miss. Fancy seeing you here in the Dreaming.”
"You… how....?”
"Ah, my dear. I'm quite certain you already know.”
You were momentarily speechless, your mind slowly beginning to churn again. Simply being with him provided a rare tranquility, a mixture of the known and the enigmatic. He was correct; deep down, you had always sensed that the answer lay right before you—hidden and elusive, yet undeniably real.
"You're a Dream, aren't you? You are Fiddler's Green.”
"Yes. Please accept my apologies for not revealing myself sooner. I knew from that Dreamstone that you were... different, so to speak, but I couldn't be entirely sure of your role in all this.”
With a soft, kind smile, you shook your head. "There's nothing to apologize for. I completely understand.”
Gilbert advanced, his heavy footsteps echoing through the space.
"You know, I was absolutely delighted to learn about your... relationship with our Lord. It is quite refreshing to see him with someone who brings him joy.”
You couldn't help but broaden your smile at Gilbert’s words. "It's really more the other way around. He’s very special to me.”
Gilbert nodded, his eyes twinkling. "And you to him, it seems. He is not one to easily let others into his heart, you see.”
It was astounding that you, a simple mortal, had been chosen by Morpheus as his life companion, surpassing all expectations. Being with the King of Dreams felt as natural as if a treasured childhood fantasy had come to life.
It was unique, enchanting, and felt perfectly fitting.
"I assume you have heard about our friend, Rose Walker.”
You gave a solemn nod. "Yes, I know she is the Vortex. I was really hoping things would take a much brighter turn.”
"You and I both wished for that. I hadn’t even realised.”
You crossed your arms, as though subconsciously shielding yourself from the shivers brought on by the prospect of witnessing her death. But your choice was made, and there was no turning back.
"Is there truly nothing we can do?”
"I'm afraid not. When a mortal becomes an active threat, Lord Morpheus must do whatever is necessary to stop them.”
"It's not as if she asked for it.”
"I know. It's rather sad, isn't it?”
You gave his wrist a gentle, amicable squeeze. "Quite so.”
Gilbert's moustache curled upwards as he smiled. "Well then. I have been away from my place for far too long. I suppose it's time for me to resume my duties.”
"I hope you had a splendid time in the Waking World, Gilbert. I know that human beings are not always the best example, but...”
"Quite the contrary. Humans are extraordinary in their own ways, some more than others.”
You chuckled, recognizing that his wink was hinting at people like yourself. “Perhaps you’re right.”
"Now then. Do feel free to visit me the next time you enter the Dreaming.”
“I’d love to.”
He tipped his hat, bowed courteously, and ventured deep into the library, moving with purpose. His long, Victorian-style coat swirled around him, shifting from side to side as he walked away. You watched him vanish behind the shelves, his footsteps becoming increasingly faint.
You hadn't asked about the type of dream he embodied, but you sensed that you would find out soon enough either way.
Once again, alone in the comforting silence of the library, you began to wander aimlessly, uncertain of where your feet would lead you. For the first time, you had the chance to explore Morpheus' home without the fear of waking up. The experience was exhilarating, akin to visiting a long-desired destination for the first time. Although you had dreamt of that place many times, being physically present in the heart of the Endless' realm felt like an immense honor.
The library was even more immense than you had imagined. With countless aisles and dead ends, you found yourself lost within the first fifteen minutes of exploring. It felt as though some of the books were whispering your name—not in a strange, creepy way, but like a group of old friends warmly welcoming you.
When you finally walked past Lucienne and spotted her among the many sections, she seemed genuinely surprised to see you in person, removing her glasses in astonishment. You greeted her warmly with a hug, gave Matthew a gentle scratch on the back of his head, and asked about the state of the Dreaming following the recent disturbances. As Morpheus had predicted, the tremors had completely subsided, and no new chasms had appeared into the ground. The library still bore a few cracks in the wooden floor, but everything was swiftly returning to its original, pristine condition.
Although you were aware of the significant impact on the Dreaming, you asked Lucienne for a place where you could appreciate the scenery without encroaching on Morpheus' privacy. With a warm smile, she recommended a delightful terrace in the eastern wing, just above the library—a serene spot offering a stunning view of the landscape. From there, you could admire the rolling hills and the shimmering river, a place she cherished whenever she sought tranquility.
While the spectacle had probably altered in light of recent events, you still chose to witness it, leaving your bag behind (you had your doubts that your phone would function in another world, anyway). Following the librarian's directions, you navigated your way out of the labyrinth of books, ascending a long staircase and entering a room you had barely traversed before. The place was quiet, as beautiful as a royal palace from a fantasy story, appearing as shiny and dreamy as you remembered it. 
You quickly located the terrace Lucienne had described, and as soon as you stepped onto it, you felt your breath hitch at the stunning magnificence. It was large and sturdy, displaying beautifully carved arches with intricate designs and gothic architecture. It was adorned with delicate, silver hanging vines that shimmered softly in the light, adding a touch of ethereal beauty. Black roses were a central feature, symbolizing mystery and elegance, interspersed with deep blue and dark purple flowers that provided a rich contrast. What made it even more enchanting was the set of lanterns emitting a golden glow, their lights gently flickering like stars.
It was no wonder that it happened to be Lucienne's favorite place in the entire castle. Simply standing in front of it made you feel like a princess.
But what stood out the most was how that corner resonated with Morpheus's essence. As you looked at it, you could vividly picture him; every color and design element seemed to reflect his aura.
You put your hands on the marble railing, its height giving you a sense of security and a perfect shield from the vastness beyond. The scenery ahead was truly breathtaking, despite the scattered dark, gloomy spots that occasionally emerged. Not even the Vortex, with its destructive force, had diminished the Dreaming’s splendor.
Partly relaxed, you breathed in the mixture of scents the air carried with it. You could detect a subtle, sweet fragrance of night-blooming flowers, fresh moss and ferns, undertones of amber and cedar, as well as the acrid smell of charred wood and ash, reminiscent of a forest fire.
In some way, all of that made you feel an even deeper connection to the realm, allowing you to witness both its marvels and its frailties.
And you savored every moment of it.
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You remained on that terrace, feeling as though an hour or more had slipped by, trying to gauge the passage of time in the Dreaming as a conscious visitor.
Though it was objectively impossible and absurd to spend your entire life in that world as Lyta intended, you could certainly understand the allure. The wish to reside in such a beautiful place with the man you loved was far from a foolish aspiration.
Engrossed in your solitary reverie, you failed to hear Morpheus' footsteps as he approached the terrace. His hands gently settled on your arms, their touch soft as they glided from your shoulders to your elbows. His lips brushed lightly against the tip of your ear before moving to your temple.
"Hi," you murmured, tilting your head to the side.
His voice was a melody, smooth as liquid honey.
“It’s really beautiful here,” you commented.
"The view is even more sublime with you in it.”
You felt bashful, your cheeks warming at the compliment. “Not as sublime as you make it.”
With softened eyes, Morpheus guided you to face him entirely. "My love, there are countless wonders within the Dreaming. Each corner of this realm holds a unique beauty, a reflection of the myriad dreams that shape it. Yet, none of these compare to your presence.”
Just when you believed your heart couldn't race any faster because of him, he proved you wrong.
"Words alone cannot capture your beauty. You illuminate both your world and mine."
He took your hand, tenderly stroking your fingers with his thumb, kissed your forehead and rested his own against it.
"You weave a new layer of marvel into the fabric of dreams. And for that, I am eternally grateful.”
Your lower lip quivered, and the tears welling up in the corners of your eyes made you blink repeatedly. “Aw…”
He smiled, a rare and genuine expression of his deep affection for you. "I hope you know, my love, that you will always be the most beautiful dream I have ever known.”
His heartfelt and poetic expressions only made your emotions burst forth. "I... I don't know what to say.”
"You needn't say a thing."
"No, I do. Because I don't know if you realize just how much you mean to me.”
“You matter to me more than you can imagine.”
Your words echoed his statement, proving how strongly connected you were to his heart.
He gently touched your face with his index finger, catching a tear that was about to fall, and gazed at the crystal drop with deep contemplation. "I do, I can assure you.”
"I love you," you reiterated. "So much it makes my heart ache.”
"And I, more than words can express, love you. I have found something that transcends time and space in you, a spark that fills the voids and quiets the storms within me.”
"Keep saying these things, and I won't be able to find the will to leave.”
"Then perhaps I shall continue, for I find I have no desire for you to leave my side.”
You laughed, snuggling closer into his embrace, your face resting against his collarbone. Minutes drifted by in tranquil silence as you both listened to the sounds of the Dreaming, remaining intertwined in a knot you never wished to untangle.
As your relationship progressed, you found it increasingly difficult to stay away from him. Your life had blossomed into magnificence, and you wouldn't want to exchange it for anything. Still, despite the natural, profound attachment to your reality, you couldn't deny that a part of you always lingered in Morpheus' dimension. It was bound to happen, and you had every reason to be attached to it.
Regrettably, there was an urgent matter that could no longer be postponed. His hold on you weakened, and you could only accept the separation with a somber acceptance.
"It is time, my love.”
The thought sent a jolt through your heart. “Already…?”
"Rose Walker is currently asleep, causing disruptions in the dreams of others.”
"Then we need to get to her before it is too late.”
"I would still suggest that you remain here with Lucienne.”
"No. I said I would go with you, and that’s exactly what I intend to do.”
"If that is truly what you wish, then follow me.”
You had no idea what to expect, knowing you were about to witness a murder. Given the nature of Morpheus' power, you were certain it wouldn't be conventional, but that didn’t make it any less painful. The Vortex had to be stopped; of that, there was no doubt. You just hoped for a way to separate the girl from the destructive energy she never chose to have.
In an instant, you were no longer inside Morpheus' castle but out in the midst of a storm, with the wind tearing at your hair and clothes. It was sudden and unpredictable, so fierce that it could have swept anyone away in the Waking World. Morpheus tightened his grip on your hand, giving you a reassuring nod to indicate that he had everything under control. In the distance, you could hear the familiar voices of Rose, Hal, and the others from the B&B, their cries getting swallowed by the Vortex's voracious energy one by one. Rose repeatedly called out for her brother as you and Morpheus pressed on.
Your pendant remained inert, and you appeared unaffected by the explosive force in front of you. Apparently, being awake had protected you from the peril the Vortex would have posed if you were asleep.
Snow blanketed the entire area in a soft white layer, yet the chill felt more psychological than physical. Rose knelt on the ground, consumed by an overwhelming wave of dread.
Letting go of your hand, Morpheus advanced towards the girl. “You’ve caused a great deal of damage,” he announced. “Nothing that I cannot repair, a least at this stage.”
Startled by the commanding tone of the King of Dreams, Rose sprang to her feet. “What happened to Jed? To my friends?”
“They’re asleep in their bed, but they’re not safe. No one is. Not until the Vortex is dead.”
Your jaw tightened, and the intense storm seemed to quiet down, unveiling a dry, desert-like landscape made of rocks. It looked so desolate, so dark and impoverished.
“Death is not always such a bad thing,” Morpheus continued. “You could stay here if you like. My raven was once a mortal.”
You furrowed your brows. Lyta's husband had turned into a ghost and secretly taken refuge in the Dreaming, unbeknownst to Morpheus and the realm's inhabitants. Since he fathered a child with his wife in her dreams, Morpheus was compelled to banish him, returning him to his rightful place. However, his words hinted that, under certain conditions, humans could remain there after death if Morpheus assigned them specific roles.
It was a completely new perspective for you, sparking a flurry of questions in your mind.
And then, a frantic voice called out as someone ran toward the three of you.
“Wait! Sir!”
Gilbert was sprinting with all his might, while Morpheus' face contorted in bewilderment.
“Gilbert? What are you doing here? “ Rose asked.
“This is Fiddler’s Green,” Morpheus corrected.
“You…? You’re a Dream?”
Gilbert confirmed with a slight head bow. “I am. I-I left my post here to experience life as a human being. A life which I humbly offer in exchange for yours.”
"Gilbert..." you murmured. "What are you doing...?”
“I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Morpheus dissuaded him. “For the Dreaming and the Waking World to live, the Vortex must die.”
“Then what’s the point of a Vortex?” Rose protested. “Why do we even exist?!”
Morpheus shook his head, unable to deliver a proper explanation. “Honestly…”
"I have a theory," Gilbert offered. “When a human is at the center of the Dreaming, is it not to remind us that we exist because humans dream, not the other way around?”
Ah, there it was—the familiar wisdom you had come to appreciate.
“The miracle of humanity itself should always be more vivid to us than any marvels of power.”
You could see Morpheus' eyes becoming redder and wetter, his lips forming a small, relieved smile. “I cannot find it in my heart to punish you for leaving, Fiddler’s Green. But it is time you took up your appointed position once more.”
“It would be my honor, sir. It was never my intention to abandon my role.”
“What was your role? Who were you?” Rose questioned with curiosity.
“Oh, my dear, Fiddler’s Green is not a “who”, it is a “where”. I was not a person, I was a place.”
A place...? That could explain why you smelled those pleasant fragrances of nature when you had tea together at night.
“And, after your… death, if you stay in the Dreaming, visit me. Walk in my meadows and my green glades. Rest beneath my trees.”
Rose's expression was a portrait of pure sweetness as she listened to his gentle invitation. Morpheus looked at Gilbert with a blend of respect and satisfaction, much like an artist admiring their masterpiece.
"Farewell, Rose Walker. It was a privilege being human with you.”
Rose blinked, her tears resonating with your own emotions.
When Gilbert looked your way, every fiber of your being wanted to rush over and hug him. Nevertheless, you maintained your composure, recognizing it wasn't the right time for such an impulsive outburst of affection.
"Y/N Y/LN. It was a great pleasure making your acquaintance.”
"Thank you, Fiddler's Green. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together."
You observed as Gilbert took a deep breath, spread his arms wide, and extended his fedora. A flock of colorful butterflies, pink petals, and green leaves emerged from his entire form, rising up to the sky and swirling around. Gradually, he vanished in the same manner as Gault and the Corinthian, far from dramatic and certainly more graceful, leaving his hat to gently fall to the ground.
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What truly made your jaw drop was the spectacular metamorphosis of the bland, rocky area into a vibrant environment with trees, grass, and a splendid lake with waterfalls. Yet, there was no time to admire it, as Morpheus was already looking at Rose again.
"I do not wish to take your life. But we all have responsibilities and this is one of mine.”
The energy that had enveloped Rose in the Corinthian’s nightmare returned, ready to unleash even more. The sky began to darken, heavy clouds floating above, with lightning preparing to strike in response to it.
"I am sorry,” Morpheus conveyed.
“Just do it. Whatever it takes to save my brother and my friends. I’m ready.”
She was so brave, so mature and receptive. Any other human would have tried to run, to struggle, to resist Morpheus in a futile attempt to escape certain death.
On instinct, you touched Morpheus’ arm before he could act, and his eyes, full of sadness and tangible regret, questioningly shifted to you.
"To be sure, is this truly the only option we have?"
“You know it is.”
“So, you have no other choice.”
It didn't hurt to try one last time, but you knew better than to expect any improvement. With a long, weary sigh, you gazed at Rose, who stood rigid like a soldier, bracing herself with a mix of fear and determination.
You moved forward cautiously, led by your heart, as Morpheus called out your name. His voice was filled with alarm and concern for the consequences of your choices, but your modest humanity offered no means to alter the course of events.
“I won’t cause any trouble, don’t worry.” Your voice carried both resolve and weariness. "Allow me this one moment. Please."
And so he did, no longer hindering you, for he understood that the compassion woven into your DNA was prevailing.
You stopped just a few inches away from Rose, offering a wistful smile. "I'm so sorry, Rose. I wish I could do more for you. But I have no power, no means to save you from the unfortunate circumstances that justify the end.”
"It's okay," she replied faintly. "I understand.”
You envisioned her taking care of Jed, studying, graduating from grad school, writing, and enriching the world with her wonderful stories. You saw yourself talking to her on the phone, exchanging emails, and chatting online, keeping each other updated about your respective lives.
A simple daydream that, this time, not even Morpheus could make come true.
Cradling her face with your warm hands, you pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, your lips resting there as you fought back a lump in your throat. Engaging with others in your dreams was one thing, but now, for the first time, you were experiencing it from the other perspective.
It was profoundly unacceptable, yet there was nothing you could do to rectify such an injustice.
Then, you hastily pivoted on your heels and returned to your spot, standing beside Morpheus with your hands clasped together. The Endless sensed your turmoil, the sorrow you felt for what he was about to do. The empathy. The anger.
He wished he could shield you from all that suffering, which you should never have endured.
"If you wish to leave, if you do not want to see this...”
His persistent concern for you was undeniably charming, but you held firm. “I’ll stay.”
He scrutinized you briefly but decided not to pursue it further. Resuming his serious demeanor, he lifted his right hand to absorb and destroy the Vortex as he had with the Corinthian’s essence. Rose closed her eyes, ready to surrender everything inside her.
You clutched the fabric of your shirt, careful not to tear it, keeping your eyes fixed on the scene. Tempted to look away, you chose instead to stay strong for Rose, Morpheus, and yourself. You watched as he absorbed what she had trapped in her body, the Vortex being drawn in by his will as her life slowly ebbed away.
You anticipated Rose might dissolve or collapse on the ground, but neither occurred because Morpheus was interrupted for the second time.
“My lord, stop!”
Lucienne arrived, stopping Morpheus in his tracks, and with her was a woman you had never seen before. She had long, dark, graying hair and wore what seemed to be a blue nightgown.
All that tension and the repeated disruptions were starting to give you a headache.
Rose was taken aback. "Unity?!”
"This is Unity Kincaid," Lucienne elucidated.
The woman, holding a tome between her hands, introduced herself. "I am Rose's great-grandmother. And according to this book, I was meant to be the Vortex of this age."
Unity Kincaid, the sole survivor of the Sleepy Sickness, was the only human who awakened after so many years, defying death and looking much younger than her actual age.
“But because you were imprisoned and locked out of the Dreaming, that fate was handed down to my descendants.”
“I don’t understand,” Morpheus remarked.
Unity regarded him with a hint of amusement. "You're not very bright, are you?”
Hey. Rude.
“Come here, Rose.”
Handing the book to Lucienne, Unity approached her great-granddaughter, who stepped closer, profoundly confused and visibly fatigued.
"I want you to reach down inside yourself and give me whatever it is that makes you the Vortex.”
“But h-how?”
“You’re dreaming, darling. Anything is possible.”
Having slumbered for what felt like an eternity, it was no surprise that Unity Kincaid exuded such confidence in the dream world. One couldn't help but wonder what it must have been like for her to return to the Waking World as an older woman when, the last time she had closed her eyes, she had been as young as Jed Walker.
Rose lowered her eyes, deep in thought about her next move. She extended her hand to her chest, passing effortlessly through her shirt, skin, and ribs. When she pulled it back, she held a dark red glass heart, absorbing all the surrounding power. The center glowed with a lighter hue, with the storm captured inside flickering and flashing.
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"This?" Rose mused aloud.
Unity didn't falter, taking the crystal from the girl's hands. "Oh, thank you, Rose, love.”
Straightening her posture, the woman turned and locked her resolute stare on Morpheus. "I'm the Vortex now, Dream King, as I should have been long ago. So, leave my great-granddaughter alone.”
It was clear she harbored no genuine resentment towards him. She understood that his obligation to take Rose's life was driven by a higher purpose, safeguarding both realms from a devastating blow. However, her decision to become the Vortex to protect Rose highlighted the profound strength and sacrifice inherent in familial bonds.
Morpheus stood in stunned silence, mouth agape, watching her. The heart pulsed and trembled between her hands, rumbling and roaring, until the crystal began to crack. A burst of red light exploded as it shattered, enveloping everyone in a blinding flash and a powerful gust of air.
Before Unity could fall, Morpheus steadied her by holding her right arm. Rose, noticing the woman's frailty and dizziness, called out in concern.
"What happened...?" Unity asked, forcing her head up but struggling to keep it steady.
"You died," Morpheus replied with a surprising gentleness. "So that Rose might live.”
Panic consumed Rose, rendering her unable to fully absorb the tragic news. And understandably so.
“I’m so sorry!”
“No, don’t be. I’m not. I was meant to die a long time ago, Rose. But if I had, I would never have met my golden-eyed man.”
Something stirred in Morpheus. When he and Lucienne exchanged a knowing look, it became apparent that whatever it was, it didn't bode well at all.
“And we would never have had our beautiful baby girl, and you would not have been born.”
“Wait,” Morpheus stepped in. “The father of your child had golden eyes?”
“I’ve never seen anything like them,” she affirmed.
After a momentary silence, Morpheus stated, "I have."
A man with golden eyes. Why did that spark a sense of recollection in you? To the best of your knowledge, you had never encountered anyone with eyes like those. After all, such a color was not something any human could possess in the Waking World. It was unnatural, a phenomenon unachievable without contact lenses or special visual effects.
…That stylish, flamboyant individual you had mistaken for the company's sponsor, whose irises had seemed to flash gold, which you dismissed as a mere trick of the hall's lighting.
You still didn't know who they were since the original sponsor couldn't attend the appointment. Could they actually be the man Unity Kincaid had a child with during her century-long coma? How was this person connected to Morpheus and the Dreaming? What compelled them to approach you that day, speaking about your deepest desires and those cryptic things you could barely comprehend?
Your brain was trying to process all that information like a computer, but it was clearly encountering a fatal error.
"Goodbye, Rose, darling," Unity's farewell was heartbreakingly poignant.
As comforting as it was to know Rose would continue living, against all previous odds, seeing her succumb to her tears and embrace Unity was something you could hardly bear without letting your own sadness overcome you.
“Mr. Holdaway will see to it that you and Jed have everything you need.”
She gently stroked and patted Rose’s back, and the girl had to gather all her willpower to let go of her great-grandmother.
"You and your brother are children of the Endless," Morpheus declared with incredible calmness, almost contentment. "You have suffered enough. You may leave this place.”
And just when you beieved you couldn't be more perplexed, your mind went blank at the mention of "children of the Endless" as you tried to piece together its significance. 
Unity Kincaid met a man with golden eyes in her dreams, which eventually resulted in the birth of Rose and Jed. You sensed that the individual you encountered before the Fashion Show had an aura reminiscent of Morpheus and Teleute, leading you to deduce that they must be another one of Morpheus's siblings. Or at the very least, that seemed to be the most logical conclusion.
Which, in theory, would make Morpheus Rose's great-great-uncle. Truly, a headache for you.
Oh, Morpheus had quite a bit of explaining to do now.
“Goodbye, Rose.”
Shaken and traumatized, the girl instantly disappeared, reuniting with her brother in the Waking World. Meanwhile, Unity Kincaid stood up on her own, taking a deep breath and gazing around in wonder. At last, she was finally at peace.
Who could have imagined that your trip to Cape Kennedy would have unleashed a cascade of extraordinary events?
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It was still uncertain whether Unity Kincaid would remain in the Dreaming. Lucienne had brought her back to the castle, where she could stay as long as necessary until a suitable role was found for her, either in Morpheus’ realm or somewhere different.
You and the Endless had stayed, strolling through Fiddler's Green grasses, until you reached the refreshing lake at the path's end, made of the clearest water you had ever seen in your entire life. The sound of its waterfalls left you enchanted, the atmosphere was as pure as mountain air, and if anything, that paradise managed to soothe your nerves, strung as tightly as violin strings.
Still, the King of Dreams noticed your distraction as your mind wandered, waiting for you to speak, only to see you getting lost in your confusion.
“Y/N, what is it?”
"You look troubled.”
Could you even bring it up, considering how much he loathed the idea of you being so close to the Corinthian in London, and then again in Cape Kennedy? Could you inquire about his sibling without him dissuading you from seeking further information?
Despite your efforts to keep it secret, you had already recognized that you were incapable of lying, especially to him.
"There's something I need to know.”
“I can see that. Go on.”
“Who’s the man with golden eyes?”
Just as you had predicted, Morpheus faltered and averted his gaze. "This is not something we should discuss."
"I'm asking for a reason," you insisted. "Because I believe I’ve seen those eyes myself.”
And with that, his composure, his calmness, and the relief he had just acquired from having saved his realm, completely dissipated. “How…?”
"Well... I don't know why I'm drawing these entities like a magnet, but the fact is, someone approached me recently. I was supposed to meet the company's sponsor, and I thought that was it. But it turns out the man in question couldn't make it, and I never really knew who I ended up talking to.”
The irritation, the fury that ignited in his eyes.
“Describe them.”
You focused on the memory, replaying it as vividly as you could. "Tall, bleached blonde hair, elegant. White suit, manicured hands, red lips… and naturally, eyes that flashed gold.”
And if you needed any confirmation, the way he stiffened left no doubt in you.
"Morpheus, please tell me.”
There was no reason to conceal the truth from you any longer, so he finally unveiled it. “You have met Desire, another of my siblings."
"I'm surprised that you wanted to meet. Do you have any specific questions you'd like to ask me?”
“As a matter of fact, I do. You could say that I'm interested in your... desires.”
"Is that what you desire? Greater wealth and recognition?”
Now you understood why they felt so peculiar and out of the ordinary. Why they made you feel so puzzled and intruded upon. Desire intended to allure you, to pull you in.
As for the reason, you were still in the dark.
"They came to you because of their animosity against me," he concluded. "To punish me.”
"Why would they want to do that? Aren't you family?”
"Their hatred for me is multifaceted, combining elements of sibling rivalry, jealousy, and grievances. They want to assert influence and demonstrate control over aspects that traditionally fall under my domain, like the subconscious desires of mortals.”
Was it truly just envy that Desire harbored for him? Was it all about dominance and the classic 'who has more power' game?
"There's more to it, though, isn't there?”
“Throughout our long existence, we have interacted in ways that have bred many grudges. Desire has a tendency to interfere, sowing chaos into my affairs.”
"What did they do?”
His nervous pout returned. "Desire's nature is manipulative; they have created the circumstances that led to the tragic outcomes of many things I was involved in.”
How could any family member ever want to harm him?
"So... Unity Kincaid...?”
"Desire knew the child would become the Vortex and that I would be compelled to kill it."
“But why?”
Morpheus remained quiet, observing the growing anxiety on your face. You could perceive there was something much more sinister, something you wouldn't really want to hear, but that you were desperate to know for your own sanity.
"For an Endless, the consequences of killing a member of their family are grave and significant. We are bound by cosmic laws and responsibilities, and our actions can affect the fabric of reality.”
You swallowed, waiting for him to continue.
"If an Endless spills family blood, they are subject to the wrath of the Furies.”
“The Furies?”
“You already know them as 'The Kindly Ones.'”
Those three again. The ladies who warned you about Morpheus and the secrets he was withholding. The ones who toyed with your mind and hinted at the existence of Paregoros without ever revealing her identity to you.
"They are ancient entities that punish familial murder. Their vengeance is relentless.”
He was carefully choosing his words, but his effort to protect you from the brutal revelation couldn't obscure the actual meaning.
"So you're saying they could destroy you. They could take your life away.”
“The killing of a family member is a severe breach of the natural order.”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
You turned around, one hand on your hip and the other covering your mouth as you walked aimlessly.
Had Morpheus killed Rose to permanently end the Vortex, his realm would have faced yet another onslaught, with the Furies exacting their vengeance upon him. All because of a single deed prompted by his sibling, a deed that could have resulted in Morpheus' demise.
"My love—”
"Let me get this straight," you interrupted him. "Desire sees your rivalry as an excuse to provoke you into breaking the laws and ultimately causing your own downfall?”
Your voice was rising, your blood boiling and coursing through your veins like hot water steaming in a pot.
"Do they really understand the consequences that would bring?”
“They do.”
You snapped, turning to face him again, your eyes red and darkened with seething anger. "Why would they, or anyone in this fucking universe, ever wish such a horrifying fate upon you??!!”
For just a fleeting moment, he was visibly stunned by your expressed frustration. But as he absorbed the extent of your support and the defense you were mounting just for him, Morpheus' shoulders slumped, and his lips formed a subtle smile.
"Now what? Are you going to tell me that Desire was responsible for Roderick Burgess capturing you as well?”
He turned grave, your ironic question striking a chord, his expression shadowed with grief. "It is possible. Desire's machinations are intricate and far-reaching. They revel in chaos and thrive on the misery of others, especially mine. Their interference in my capture would not be beyond them.”
Your eyes widened, and your heart ached as you envisioned him in that glass prison, stripped of everything he was. Could the torment he endured for so long really be the result of his sibling's cruelty, using a gullible mortal for their own satisfaction?
“Oh, that's just... that makes me so... uuughhh!!"
Your growl echoed throughout Fiddler's Green, and your breath quickened as you paced back and forth, vehement, and intensely incensed.
Morpheus watched you with appreciation and melancholy in his stare. "Your anger is justified, but it must not consume you.”
"How can it not?!" you retorted, stopping in your tracks, fists clenched at your sides. "How can I not be furious knowing what you’ve been through, all because of Desire's games? I was there Morpheus. I saw what those humans did to you.”
He was ethereal and beautiful, yet hollow and desolate.
“I swear, from the moment I met Desire, I felt so awful in their company. Now I know why.”
Morpheus stepped closer, his presence calming yet still carrying the weight of the cosmos. "Desire seeks to disrupt, to provoke such reactions. We must be smarter.”
You took a deep breath, attempting to steady yourself. “Smarter? Morpheus, I could have lost you today!”
The raw emotion in your voice brought a flicker of pain to his eyes. "I am deeply sorry for the anguish this has caused you.”
"It's not just about being sorry. It's about preventing it from happening again. If they're truly behind your capture, if they created a new Vortex just to have you face the Kindly Ones, who, by the way, are not really that kind to my taste, how can we be certain they won't try something else?”
He placed his hands on your cheeks, grounding you with the cool contact. "Do not let Desire's activities influence you. Rest assured, I will have a word with them.”
"Would that even suffice, considering what they've done to you?”
"Speaking with them may not change their behavior, but it will serve as a reminder of the boundaries they should not cross.”
How could a simple reminder be even remotely suitable after all they had put him through? You had been so close to seeing the love of your life eradicated from his own existence without even knowing it.
That ordeal couldn’t be stopped, could it? You were destined to witness Morpheus continually battling for the survival of his realm, facing one challenge after another, all because the universe seemed determined to punish him no matter what he did.
Well then. If nobody could stand up for the King of Dreams, if not even his own family was willing to put his well-being first, then you would.
And it was paradoxical, seeing how Unity had sacrificed her own life for Rose's sake, while her former lover had merely exploited them for his vengeance. If you had considered the Corinthian a despicable monster, if you had thought that Mister Burgess was the worst, most rotten example of humanity, Desire was by far a step ahead of them.
Pouting like an offended child, you crossed your arms over your chest. "In that case, I will protect you.”
Morpheus looked at you in astonishment, his expression melting with tenderness. He extended his hands, gently uncrossing your arms and clasping your fingers in his.
"Your spirit is admirable, but you must think of yourself. I would not see you harmed in an attempt to keep me safe.”
"I'm not asking for permission, Morpheus.”
Another small, satisfied grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. "You remind me of the mortals who have stood against the odds, driven by love and conviction.”
"And you’re worth every bit of that fight."
Pride illuminated Morpheus's expression. “Very well. But promise me you will be cautious.”
“I will.”
And with that, you succumbed to the urge to hold him in your arms, wrapping your hands around his neck and planting a loud, strong, affectionate kiss on his cheek.
"Mmhh. I just want you to be happy,” you murmured, humming affectionately against his neck.
The vast expanse of the Dreaming seemed to hold its breath. The touch of your lips against his skin was both a promise and a plea, a gesture of love that spoke louder than words ever could. To him, it wasn't new, but every intimate touch and loving declaration from you ignited a fire in his depths that he couldn’t quite describe.
"If I am to measure my existence by moments of true contentment, then I find the greatest ones with you.”
You tightened your grip around his shoulders. "Really?”
"I can guarantee it.”
You pulled away from him just enough to bring your face close to his. "So, are you happy with me?”
“Are you?”
You exhaled, giggling with the delight of a schoolgirl. "I'm the happiest woman alive. In this world, in my world, and in every timeline that exists.”
"Then yes, my love. Your courage, your unwavering support—they are the essence of my happiness.”
"Ah, now you've done it, I'm afraid.”
“Done what?” he asked, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.
"You just made me want to hold you even more, and never let you go.”
His genuine, delighted smile spread across his face as he wrapped his arms around your waist, effortlessly lifting you off the ground. The motion was fluid and filled with a surprising, playful energy, revealing a side of him that only you could witness.
You laughed, a sound that rang through the atmosphere like the purest melody. You tightened your embrace around his neck as he held you securely, his eyes twinkling and casting a glow over the entire Dreaming.
He pressed his lips to yours in a kiss that was soft and filled with all the nuances of his love for you. As the kiss deepened, you felt the strength and warmth of his hold, a silent promise that he would always keep you close, even across the barrier separating your two dimensions.
One that he could always cross to reach you.
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Author's note: There is more to come. While the Vortex segment has officially ended, there are things that I want to cover and we haven't seen in the show at all. Also, the very last part of the story will begin soon, and it's going to be particularly important and also very intense. You will need tissues.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 (currently reading) Go to Chapter 21 ->
27 notes · View notes
maggiedelusional · 2 years ago
Let Me Go || Part 10
Pairing: Hangman x f!reader, Rooster x f!reader
Warnings: ANGST (but you knew that), minor character death, Some Fluff
Word Count: 3.8k
Summary: Reader is married to and shares a child with Hangman. Life and circumstances drives reader into Rooster’s arms, but Hangman isn’t giving up that easily.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
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Author's Note: The long awaited Part 10. So this is the final part of the story, but there is still an epilogue coming (actually already started writing it as we speak or rather type). Sorry for the long wait once again, school and law school apps really got the best of me. But I did end up getting into law school with a great scholarship so yay! This chapter was so hard to write, I really kept going back and forth on how I was gonna end it and I know I'm not gonna make everyone happy with how I ended it but I think I went the best possible and realistic way that's healthy for all the characters involved. And I am really happy with what I came up with. I also had such a bad case of writer's block but thanks to some brainstorming with one of my best friends (who I forced to listen to the plot of the story). He helped me come up with an ending I was happy with. So thank you again for your patience and I also I wanna apologize to everyone who asked to be in the tag list that I didn't add, its impossible to keep track of who asked. But without further ado, here is Part 10 of Let Me Go!
You needed a moment to gather your thoughts before responding to Jake's plea. You took a deep breath and wiped the tears from your eyes.
"Jake, of course I still love you," you said, your voice quivering slightly. "But that's not the point. Love alone is not enough to fix what's broken between us."
"I know," Jake replied, his eyes downcast.
"You also have to understand that what I had with Bradley was not the same as what we have," you continued. 
"Yes I fell in love with him. How was I not supposed to? He loved me when it felt like you could not, he loved me selflessly and loved our daughter like his own. I can’t just ignore that.” 
"You fell in love with Rooster…." Jake repeated, voice low and full of despair.
“I thought it was you and me forever Sweets. I can’t believe you’d go back on our vows and leave me for Rooster!”
“And its not just you and me (y/n), we have a daughter! Imagine how confusing all of this is for her!” Jake was fuming once again, clearly jumping from the bargaining stage of grief back to anger. 
“You didn’t think about our daughter when you fucked that corpsman!” 
“That’s different (y/n)! She was a stranger, you fell in love with MY friend. Someone I thought was JUST your friend.”
“This is different," you said, feeling a mix of anger and frustration rise in your chest. "Rooster is not just a friend, he's someone I have a deep connection with. And I know it's hard for you to understand, but I can't just turn off my feelings for him."
Jake looked up at you, his expression a mixture of hurt and anger. "So what are you saying, that you want to be with him instead of me?"
"No, that's not what I'm saying," you replied firmly.
Jake's eyes widened as he processed your words. "So what is it? You're just going to leave me here, alone and broken?"
The anger began to rise in you as you spoke. "No, Jake, I'm not leaving you alone and broken. You did that to yourself when you cheated on me. You broke our trust and shattered the foundation of our relationship. And now you have to deal with the consequences."
Jake's face fell as your words hit him like a ton of bricks. "I know what I did was wrong," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I'm willing to do anything to make it up to you. I love you, (y/n), and I don't want to lose you."
Your anger began to boil over as you listened to Jake's pleas. "Love is not enough, Jake," you spat out. "It takes more than love to build a strong and healthy relationship. It takes trust, honesty, and respect. And you betrayed all of that when you cheated on me."
Jake hung his head in shame as you continued to speak. "I need time to heal and figure out if I can ever trust you again. And right now, that means being on my own. I can't just forgive you and forget what you did. It's not that simple."
“And I know you said that you’re willing to forgive my relationship with Bradley, but we both know that the hurt lives in you, you cannot just instantly forget what Bradley and I shared.”
Jake looked up at you, his eyes pleading. "Please, (y/n), don't do this. I know I messed up, I know we both did, but I'm willing to do anything to make it right. Please do this with me"
"We had your chance, Jake," you replied, your voice stern. "And we blew it. I shut you out rather than figure it out with you. I fell in love with someone else.We both need time to think and figure out what's best for ourselves and our daughter. And right now, for me,  that means being away from you."
Jake's eyes filled with tears as he realized the gravity of the situation. "Please don't do this," he pleaded, his voice breaking. "I need you, (y/n)."
But you stood firm in your decision. "I'm sorry, Jake. But we can't keep putting ourselves and our daughter through this pain. We need time apart to figure things out."
Jake looked at you, sadness etched on his face. "But what if we can't make things work? What if we can't get back together?"
You took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his words. "Then we have to accept that and do what's best for our daughter. We both love her, and we'll always be there for her."
“I love you (y/n), I always will, no matter what.”
“I know Jake.”
"We need to talk"
“Can I come over?”
His heart rate picked up as he replied, "Of course”
“I'll be there in 10 minutes."
Bradley quickly got up from bed, threw on a hoodie and pants, and sat on his couch as he waited for your arrival. The minutes felt like years as he tried to control the thoughts racing through his head. Was something wrong? Was everything okay with Jake and Astrid? He had to find out.
When he heard a knock on the door, he noticed that he forgot to turn the lights on, probably a result of his distracted thoughts. He opened the front door and waved for you to enter.
"Hey," you said, walking into the living room. "Thanks for letting me come over again, for the second time tonight. I know its late"
"Of course, what's going on?" Bradley asked, concern etched on his face.
You took a deep breath before speaking. "Jake and I are separating."
Bradley's heart dropped as he heard the news. He knew how much you loved Jake and how much you wanted to make things work with him, despite everything that had happened. But he also couldn’t forget your year together.
He knew he shouldn't feel happy that your marriage was falling apart, but a small part of him couldn't help feeling hopeful for what it might mean for him and you. But he quickly pushed those thoughts aside, knowing that this was not the time or place for them.
 "I'm so sorry, (y/n). Are you okay?"
You shook your head, tears streaming down your face. "No, I'm not okay. But I need to be strong for Astrid.”
Bradley wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. "You don't have to do this alone. I'm here for you, (y/n). Whatever you need."
You shrugged off his embrace, which you have never done before. This action took Bradley by surprise, and he couldn’t lie hurt a little bit. But he knew that there was a large weight you holding on your shoulders, one that you were mustering up the courage to tell him.
“I need to leave, I’m moving back to San Diego. I’m going to take Astrid with me.” 
“You’re leaving?” Bradley couldn’t believe it
“But..how about us?” 
Bradley knew it was selfish asking about his standing with you after you told him that you and your husband were separated. But the thought of losing you and Astrid left his body feeling like its been hit by a truck. 
“Roo.. I love you.”
Surprise painted Bradley’s face upon hearing your words, you finally told him those 3 little words that he’s been desperately waiting for. 
“But I can’t be with you. Jake cheated on me with another woman. But I am not innocent in this situation. I fell in love with you knowing that there was another man that I promised my life to. He hurt me, but I’ve hurt him just as much. And its not okay.”
“I am so in love with you but I need to get away from here. I don't know what I want right now, and I need to figure things out on my own.” 
As the words left your mouth, Bradley felt like the ground beneath him had given way. He had hoped that this would be the moment when you would finally see him as more than just a friend, and he got his wish.  But now, it felt like the walls were closing in on him.
He tried to keep his voice steady as he responded, "I understand, (y/n). Take all the time you need." His eyes were burning, and he struggled to keep his composure. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you now, after all this time.
You looked at him with a sad smile, and his heart broke a little more. "Thank you, Bradley. You're a good friend."
Friend. The word echoed in his mind like a taunt. He had been fooling himself all along, thinking that he had a chance with you. He couldn't help but wonder if he had missed his shot.
Before you could leave, you turned to him and said, 
"I hope that there will be a time for us but not right now."
“I promise,maybe one day when my head is less fucked up, and I can give my entire self to you and I can give you all the love you deserve. When I’m ready, I will come back for you. If you’ll have me..”
Those words left him feeling even more uncertain. He didn't know when you would be ready, or what you would say when you finally did reach out. All he knew was that his heart was breaking, and he didn't know how to fix it.
As he watched you walk out of his apartment, he couldn't help but feel like everything was slipping through his fingers. He didn't know if he would ever get another chance with you, and that thought left him feeling empty and alone.
Bradley closed the door and leaned against it, taking a deep breath. He knew that he needed to give you the space you were asking for, but it felt like the hardest thing he had ever done. All he could do now was wait, and hope that one day you would come back to him.
After you returned home, you saw that Jake had some of his belongings packed in a bag. You made eye contact with him as he walked down the stairs, hating yourself for hurting not just him but Bradley as well. But you knew this is what you all needed. 
“Thank you for staying with her, while I went to talk to Bradley.”
Jake felt his throat get dry at the sound of his rival’s name, biting down the bitter remark that would leave his mouth, knowing that it would do nothing to help the situation. Choosing to plop himself down on the couch.
“I went to tell Pixie goodbye but she’s still asleep. Can you tell her for me?”
You gave him a small nod in response.
“I’m going to stay at a place on base, give you your space.” 
“Thanks Jake, I promise we’ll only be here for a few more days. Until I make arrangements for me and Astrid to get back to San Diego…. Penny said we could stay with her until we find our own place.” 
“Are you sure leaving is the best thing to do right now?”
“I think its the only thing that makes sense for me to do right now.” You replied, sternly. 
Silence hung in the air as Jake stared at you, processing your words. You could see the hurt and confusion etched on his face, and you wished that things could be different. You wished that you could turn back time and make different choices, but you knew that was impossible.
After a few moments, Jake nodded slowly. "I understand," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't like it, but I understand."
You let out a shaky breath, feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. "Thank you," you said, your own voice barely above a whisper. "I just need some time to think things through."
Jake stood up from the couch, his eyes still fixed on you. "I'll give you all the time you need," he said. "But just know that I love you, and I'll always be here for you and our daughter."
You managed a small smile, grateful for Jake's words. "I know," you said. "And I love you too. But right now, I need to be on my own."
With that, Jake nodded and headed towards the door. Before he left, he turned back to look at you one last time. "Take care of yourself," he said softly.
You didn’t understand why but that exact moment you remembered the day of your wedding. 
The wedding took place on a the beach next to the Hard Deck, where you first met, with soft white sand and the sound of the waves crashing in the background. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the entire scene.
You wore a simple backless satin white gown with a slit and court train that flowed behind you as you walked down the aisle. Jake had never seen anymore radiant or breathtakingly beautiful.
Penny held your arm tight, as you both made your way down the white aisle in the sand. She was the closest thing you had to family since your mom died and it meant so much to you that she not only planned the whole event but also wanted to be the one to walk you down the aisle.
As you reached the altar, you looked up and locked eyes with Jake, a dashing naval aviator in his dress uniform. He wore his medals and insignia with pride, and the way he looked at you made yout heart skip a beat.
You and Jake agreed to not write vows, you knew how you felt about each other and you didn’t feel the need to have to express it with words. Which is why it surprised you when he pulled a piece of folded paper from his pocket and started reading. 
“My sweets,
I stand before you today, in my dress whites, feeling like the luckiest man in the world. As a naval aviator, I have flown through the skies and seen countless wonders, but nothing compares to the beauty of you. You are my everything, my anchor, my inspiration, my love.
From the moment I met you, I knew there was something special about you. Your spunky attitude, your unwavering ambition, and your stunning beauty captivated me from the start. I have never met anyone like you before, and I never want to let you go.
As we stand here today, I want to promise to always support you in your dreams, just as you have supported me in mine. I promise to stand by your side through thick and thin, in good times and in bad. I promise to cherish every moment we spend together, and to never take our love for granted.
I promise to be your rock, your confidant, and your partner for life. I vow to always make you feel loved, respected, and cherished. I will be there for you in every moment, whether it's sharing the highs of your accomplishments or the lows of your struggles.
Together, we will create a life full of adventure, joy, and love. I am so grateful to have you as my partner, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you more than words can express, and I promise to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much you mean to me.
Yours forever,
You felt tears swell in your eyes at his admission, you had never felt this much love from anyone, and here is this man promising you love and devotion forever. None of it felt real. 
“Jake… I-i I didn’t have anything prepared…” You whispered cheeks red in embarrassment. 
“You don’t need to Sweets, I wanted you and everyone here to know I felt about you.”
“You show me how you love me every single day and that’s all I could ever want.”
You nodded, tears pooling in your eyes. 
You exchanged rings, Jake took your hand and lifted it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on your skin. Before he gently took your face in his hands placing a soft delicate kiss on your lips.
You smiled and blushed, feeling overwhelmed with love for your husband.
After the ceremony, both of you as husband and wife took a walk along the beach, hand in hand. Jake  swept you bride off your feet and carried her across a shallow part of the water, causing you to laugh and giggle like a child.
At the reception, You held each other tightly as you swayed to soft acoustic playing out of the speakers. You were surrounded by their family and friends, who toasted to your happiness and future together.
As the night drew to a close, Jake took your hand and led you away to a secluded spot on the beach. You sat down on a blanket and watched the stars twinkle in the sky, cuddling close to each other.
Jake whispered sweet nothings into you ear, telling you how much he loved you and how grateful he was to have you as his partner for life. You shared a tender kiss as the waves lapped at your feet, promising to love each other forever. 
That memory flashbacked in your mind, cracking your already broken heart even more that it already was. But you were set in your decision, you two were different people then. With different dreams, love untainted by time and circumstances. You don’t know if you could ever go back to the way you were.
You nodded, watching as he closed the door behind him. Alone in the quiet house, you let out a deep sigh and let the tears fall freely once again. You didn't know what the future held, but you knew that you needed to take things one day at a time. For now, all you could do was focus on yourself and your daughter, and try to heal from the pain and heartbreak that had consumed your life.
You are going to be okay. You and Astrid are going to be okay. 
“Mom! Hurry up! I’m supposed to be at practice in 10 minutes!”
Your 8 year daughter was such a stickler for punctuality, you honestly sometimes questioned if she really was your daughter. You had the tendency to be fashionably late (if fashionably was 30 minutes), taking your time to make your way to events. 
“The field is 5 minutes away Atty, you’ll be fine.” 
“That’s what you said last week, but I ended up being 10 minutes late to warm-ups!” 
She pouted as you walked out into the foyer pulling your shoes onto your feet.
“Coach wouldn’t let me play the first half!” She continued. 
“Well don’t worry Sweetie, you make such a pretty benchwarmer.” You joked pinching her cheeks. 
You were greeted by your daughters scowl, she looked absolutely terrifying for a little (*ahem* big) girl dressed in a bright yellow soccer uniform, pastel pink cleats, and pigtails. 
Her punctuality and her terrifying glare, two things she’s inherited from her father. 
You dropped her off at a mostly empty soccer field, with only the two coaches and 2 other players occupying the area. 
“Where is everyone?” 
“Coach moved practice to 30 minutes later.” Your devious daughter smiled coyly. 
“Astrid Eleanor Seresin…did you just lie to your mother?” You raised an eyebrow at her. 
She quickly opened the car door and rushed out. 
“Omission is not a lie!” She yelled as she ran away. 
“Casey’s mom is dropping me off at home!” 
“Okay! I’m gonna see Auntie Penny!” 
“Tell her her I said Hi!”
You chuckled as you watched her retreating figure get further into the field. What kind of 8 year old knew the word “omission”? She no doubtly learned that from her father. Classic Jake. 
You put your car back in drive and made your way to the Hard Deck. 
“Hey Sweet Pea! Where’s my sweet little goddaughter?” Penny asked from behind the counter as you walked into the bar. 
It was still early afternoon so the bar was occupied by the bar staff getting ready for a night of servicing navy men. 
“Soccer practice.” You replied. 
“You said putting her in sports will tire her out but its somehow made her more energetic.” You groaned taking a seat at the bar. 
“She is her father’s daughter.” You heard a voice quip originating from the supply closet. 
“Hey Mav.” You smiled at the captain, 
“Hey (y/n), you and Atty still coming for the barbeque on Thursday?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Atty says no one can grill em like you.” you responded. 
“That’s why shes my favorite.” Mav smiled with a toothy grin as he returned to the storage closet. 
“Sweet Pea, do you mind manning the bar for a second? I’m sure no one will come in, but just in case. Last time I left Pete unsupervised he dropped a whole pallet of beer.” Penny sighed. 
“It’s been a little while, but sure Penny.” 
“Anything for you.”
“Thanks Sweet Pea”
It was strange to be behind the bar, you and Astrid had been back at Fightertown for the past four years. 
It was really hard to explain to her the situation, but she was a smart child. She knew there was more going on between you, Bradley, and Jake than you let her in on. She knew that space from her Uncle Roo Roo and her Daddy was absolutely necessary for her mother’s well-being, and she was more than willing to be amenable to change if it meant you were happier. 
You eventually found a little one story house near Penny (and now Mav’s house), it was small but it was cozy and it was more than enough space for the two of you. You found a job in a nearby law firm, where you rose up the ranks and got your own corner office. 
You finally got the time to relax and breathe, to really focus on yourself, your dreams, and your daughter. And finally after 4 years, you finally felt at peace. 
The pain and the trauma will always live within but you have gotten to a place where you are content with your life and your past because it led you full circle. In Miramar, right where you belonged. 
As you stared down on the bar and wiped down the glasses reminiscing on your life, you didn’t notice the figure that walked into the empty bar. 
He plopped himself down in a stool in front of you and cleared his throat. 
You looked up and made eye contact with the figure and smiled. 
It honestly felt like coming home
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the-wales-5 · 1 year ago
"Crazy for this girl " (Chapter 1)
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September 2001.
“Wouldn't you sign this picture for me? Please, I will keep it with myself forever! It will be my favourite item in the room! Yes, I know you are not signing autographs, but you can make an exception for me, right?”
“Look here! It’s my new camera, and I want yours to be the first picture there!”
All these voices full of excitement were ringing in his head yet long after he went to his room. Prince William tried to attend as many seminars and lectures as he could, especially that it was the very beginning of his studies, but the unhealthy interest he had been getting from the young women in the corridor every day was scaring him. He thought that the University of St Andrews in Scotland would be the best possible choice even with the assumption that lots of people would want to talk with him or take a picture, so he tried to get used to it. However, what he'd been experiencing for the past few days made him feel unsettled and exceeded his worst expectations.
He finally sat down on the bed and tried to rest after a day with two lectures and that recent stressful situation. After a while, he decided to take a look through notes he made throughout the day, on one of the pages was written “Bring to the classes in two days”, followed by a title of the book all the students were supposed to have. The prince cursed at the thought of going out of his room and meeting a group of excited or rather overly-excited and hysterical girls once more that day. However, he knew that many other students always borrowed books as soon as possible. Due to that unspoken rule, he had already lost a chance to get one of the important papers before class in the previous week. As a consequence, at that moment, he was determined to completely ignore all the people waiting and get through to the library.
“I do not understand all that fuss you are creating here for days” a brunette thought as she passed by some of her female friends who were still enthusiastically talking about the Prince of Wales’ son. She did not express her thoughts out loud, though, as she was in the minority of people thinking that William's arrival at the university was a ‘normal’ thing and not something to gush about constantly.
After asking about the book, William was left in disappointment again. The last copy was taken away by someone else just fifteen minutes earlier. After hearing the words “You can ask her”, William assumed that yet another forced and weird conversation was awaiting him.
“Miss Middleton. Her name is on that list given out to all the students on the first day, am I right?” A person working in the library said and rolled his eyes a little. Although he knew that a prince stood in front of him, he still felt an annoyance over first-year students' awkwardness and confusion about every simple rule.
“Yes, of course” William cleared throat moments later “We've simply had no chance to talk yet”. This time, he was the one to not receive a reply and left the library in the following seconds.
Chapter 2
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loo-looland · 6 months ago
The concept of Honor and Power
Chapter 1:The Gateway
𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲 Optima_Prima
Darkness envelopes Kayla’s entire vision her body felt light as if she were floating she decided not to study the feeling too much her brain was far to lazy to even register the situation she is in or even remember what had happened, if anything she wants to sleep ‘I will wake when the school bells ring' she thought to herself and with that she fell into a deep sleep. Quite sometime has pass before Kayla finally woke.
“Ugh… *yawns* that was a good nap”
Kayla slowly opened her eyes, blinking against the dim light that only lit the spot she now stood on. She could still feel the weightlessness lingering in her limbs, and for a moment, she wasn’t sure if she was dreaming still. The room around her felt unfamiliar minus the area she stood on everything else was pitch black, she always hated the dark.
“Hello?” she called out hesitantly, her voice echoing slightly in the silence. No response. She rubbed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. No school bells, no familiar sounds of chatter or laughter just an unsettling stillness. Where was she?
After a moment, a distant sound caught her attention a faint melody, like a lullaby weaving through the air. Intrigued, she began to follow the sound, her curiosity overpowering her initial confusion. The melody seemed to guide her, drawing her toward a doorway at the far end of the room.
Kayla grasped the doorknob, hesitating briefly. She had no idea what awaited her on the other side. Taking a deep breath, she twisted the knob and pushed the door open, revealing a long corridor that stretched before her, dimly lit. The melody grew louder, more enchanting, and she felt compelled to step forward. As she walked, shadows moved along the walls, flickering like candlelight. Kayla felt a chill run down her spine, a mix of trepidation and curiosity swirling within her.
“Where am I?” she whispered to herself, her footsteps echoing softly in the empty hallway. The air felt thick with anticipation, as if the very walls were holding their breath. She took another step, then another, her heart pounding in her chest.
And as she turned a corner, the sound transformed into soft whispers, voices intertwining, murmuring secrets she couldn’t quite decipher.
“Kayla…” one voice called, barely above a whisper, sending shivers down her spine.
“Kayla, come find us…”
‘ok that’s very creepy…’ she thought, she continued her trek down the lonesome hall only going where ever it takes her. It has now come to Kayla's attention that the hall goes in one direction but with twists and turns It has no windows no door, just pure emptiness minus herself of course. She continued walking down the hallway for what seemed like forever at one point she stopped to take a break ‘dammit how long is this fucking hall!!!!’ she taught to herself angrily she was very frustrated she does not know where she is, how she got here and why is she even here.
“Damn place couldn’t of had some windows in here is hot as shi-” she was abruptly cut off
Kayla looked around trying to figure out where the sound came from ‘what the... holy shit am I hearing things?’ Panic started to set in and she was starting to get scared
“down here”
“huh?” she looks down as she spoke
And there they were a tiny silver robot. Now in this situation any sane person would have screamed, panicked and or run away but not Kayla, she just stood there.
“Are you… are you real?” Kayla asked hesitantly
“yes I am my name is pommi” pommi reply's as she puts out her hand initiating a hand shake
Kayla hesitantly shaked the mini bots hand pommi’s grip was surprisingly firm despite her size, a gentle warmth radiating from the tiny silver figure. Kayla felt a spark of connection, a curious energy that made her calm.
“Okay, Pommi,” Kayla said, her voice steadier now. “my name is Kayla mind explaining why am I here”
“of course but first we need to leave this hall before it closes in on us “ pommi said
“I’m sorry what” Kayla asked confused
“Look behind you” pommi said
And indeed the hall was closing in itself it looked like a wormhole and was just slowly sucking it in
Kayla’s heart raced at the sight a swirling darkness twisted behind her, edges of the hall warping as if they were being drawn toward some unseen gravitational force. Panic threatened to grip her again, but she focused on Pommi’s small, reassuring presence.
“Okay,” Kayla breathlessly replied, her voice steadier than she felt. “What do we do?”
“I’ll tell you what we need to do” pommi replied as she turned her back towards Kayla “we fragging run!” pommi shouted as she bolted foward
Wha… HEY WAIT ON ME!!!” Kayla said as she quickly caught up with the ting silver robot. As she ran, the sounds of crunching metal and wood echoed ominously behind her, the floor trembling underfoot. Kayla’s breath came in short gasps. With every second, the closing hall seemed to hiss in frustration, tightening its grip.
“Don’t look back!” Pommi called out, her voice steady. “just keep running” Kayla should have listened cause once she looked back she saw a massive wave of darkness closing in, tendrils of shadow whipping through the air like broken fingers reaching for her. The abyss was hungry and insatiable. With a jolt of fear, she forced her eyes back to the front, her focus sharpening on the tiny robot ahead.
“Kayla, move fas-!” Pommi yelled, before Pommi could finish her sentence Kayla had grabbed her lifting her off the ground and practically started to speed blitz through the hall, the wormhole was practically eating Kayla’s dust Pommi didn’t even know humans could run this fast. Kayla felt a surge of adrenaline push her forward. She picked up her pace, her feet pounding against the floor. The walls around them began to shimmer and twist like a funhouse mirror, the halls morphing under the strain of the approaching darkness. And that was it, the sight of everything twisting and turning was Kayla breaking point true fear took over her body and just like that she became flash
“Woah!! Your so fa- wha…ARE YOU CRYING!?” Pommi said
“WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE IM DOING IM FUCKING TERRIFIED!!!!” Kayla shouted as waterfalls of tears run down her face loud crunching can be heard from behind them both but Kayla’s crying was even louder
A faint flickering light caught Pommi’s attention “There!” Pommi pointed with a finger at a doorway that seemed to pulsate with light behind it, just within their reach. “We have to get through that door before it closes!”
They sprinted toward it, every muscle in Kayla’s body screaming for her to stop, but she couldn’t. Once Kayla got close enough the door had automatically opened by itself. Both her and Pommi fell through the threshold, tumbling awkwardly onto the cold, hard floor on the other side. The moment they landed, the door behind them shimmered and sealed shut, leaving them with nothing but the soft glow of their new surroundings.
Kayla pushed herself up, glancing around to take in their environment Pommi and her now stood on a large oval shaped platform and she was now more terrified than ever. Space she was in space and some how still alive.
The ground beneath them pulsated gently, as if it were alive it was adorned with intricate patterns that seemed to shift and change and felt strangely familiar to the young girl .
“Why the hell did you run off like that?” Kayla gasped, still catching her breath. She shot a frustrated glance at Pommi, who was adjusting the small, metallic appendages of her body as she stood up.
“And besides you were taking forever!!” Pommi said
“I wasn’t even in there long bruh” Kayla said
“We’re out of there now! This is where your gonna meet my master” Pommi said excitedly
Kayla took a moment to collect herself, brushing her sleeves against the ground as she stood. “Okay, fine. But you can’t just dash off like that without telling me what’s happening. Also did you say we’re going to meet your master?”
“yep!!” Pommi said
“So uh…how are we gonna get there I mean we’re in spa- OH SHIT!” kayla had been cut off shortly as the platform started to move at tremendous speed that made her fall, she began sliding to the edge “oh no no NO NO NO- oh…” Kayla thought she was going to be drag off the platform but luckily it had a shield around it, so she was safe.
As fast as the trip started it had ended the same way, Kayla had fallen face on to the floor as soon as the they stopped moving she groaned out pain for her face luckily she had broke nothing.
“welp here he is my master!” Pommi chirped happily
Kayla lifted her head up rubbing her nose trying to ease the pain only to stop dead in her tracks as she look forward, there was a planet, a planet she knew all took well.
“is that…IS THAT CYBERTRON!?!?!?”
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darkspine10 · 4 months ago
GF Fanfic - Amidst the Pines, Beneath the Falls
Going Retro (4,016 words) by darkspine10
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Rating: Teen
Summary: The Pines Twins and Pacifica are now adults, living out the dream of moving to Gravity Falls. Mysteries and monsters await. Mabel learns to settle in one place for the first time in years, while Dipper and Pacifica find out what it's like to raise two very different children. All of them have to come to terms with what it means to reside in the weirdest town on Earth.
Meanwhile, something else is out there. A lost history, buried for 60 years. A ghost in the machine...
Notes: This story is set in the same continuity of my previous works, The Mystery Teens and Forever Falling, though besides two major supporting characters the references back will be limited. As a quick catch-up on the setting, this takes place around eighteen years after the end of the show, with Dipper, Mabel, and Pacifica now adults living in Gravity Falls. Any other relevant details will be recapped in the story itself.
This one is a little different to my previous Falls Tales, each of which were self-contained stories. It's going to be more episodic, returning to my roots. There will be several one-off chapters, building to a larger arc as time goes on.
As it stands I only have the opening two-parter completed, with further chapters coming whenever I'm able to get round to them. In the past I've tried to complete a story so I can then release it in full over a set period, but with how long it's been taking me to write lately (due to a full-time job) I think releasing it as I go will probably be more suitable.
“Say something for me. Say ‘Dada’. ‘Dada’. You got it?” Dipper Pines raised his daughter as he lay back on the couch. The baby stared at him with wide, blue eyes, then babbled a string of nonsense. “Hmm, good counterpoint. I’ll have to offer you an incentive to talk.” Tickling her belly drew out a contented giggle. Dipper smiled. “Oh, you like that, Leah? Aren’t you a good little girl.”
Sometimes he was still amazed by the very existence of his daughter, this fragile human being. He often fantasised that if he didn’t hold Leah tight enough she’d simply cease to be, revealed as a shared imagining. It had taken so long for him to overcome the idea that he could never have kids. Here was defiant proof, brought into the world thanks to a little supernatural aid, one of those strange facts he tried not to question too closely, lest it shatter the illusion. That he was now living in Gravity Falls, the place he’d idolised and longed for between every summer as a kid, was another fact that regularly blew his mind if he thought about it too hard.
He rubbed the brown peach-fuzz beginning to emerge from Leah’s scalp. “Try ‘Dipper’. I bet I can get you to say my name first.”
Dipper did a momentary double-take, thinking Leah had spoken before noticing his other daughter standing in the sitting room tapping her foot. Merrise Pines, ten years old, swathed in a green jacket two sizes two big and wearing his hand-me-down fur hat, appeared restless for the first time since he’d known her. No-one could ever mistake Merrise for his own offspring, with her fiery pink skin and alien anatomy.
“Yes, Merrise? Can’t you see I’m in the middle of an important project?” He lifted Leah to show her off, before flashing a dumb grin. Merrise pursed her lips and remained stone faced, staring up with her wide, black eyes. “Wow,” Dipper said, “tough crowd today.” He swung his legs around and sat up, cradling Leah in his arms. “What is it, Sixer?”
“I’m kinda… bored.”
Dipper raised an eyebrow. “Bored? Have the wonders of Gravity Falls finally gotten stale after only 15 months living here? Surely not.”
“No, it’s not that,” she said, missing his sarcasm. “I just wanna get out of the house. I feel cooped up when I stay in one place for a long time. You know, war trauma.”
She said it so matter-of-factly that Dipper had to glare at her. ”War trauma, really?”
Merrise guiltily sidled up next to him on the couch. “It was worth a shot.”
Dipper stroked his chin. “Homework?”
“All done.”
“Good girl.”
She shoved him in the side, trying to get him off the couch. “Come on, I want to go and do something as a family. I know, we could go play mini-golf! I liked when we tried that out before.”
“Can’t do, I’m afraid. We’re unofficially banned from the town’s course. Ask your mother about it sometime.” A memory of Pacifica being conveyed towards a spinning windmill of death because of the petty feud with his sister passed through his mind. “On second thought, maybe don’t ask her about it. Besides, I can’t go out, I have to look after Leah,” Dipper said, trying to act the stern parent. It wasn’t something he was overly familiar with. So far Merrise had been a model child. She hadn’t acted out or been rude to anyone. The most trouble she got into was a bit of mild kleptomania. He should have expected her to become a normal, bored kid sooner or later.
“Babysitter?” Merrise asked, offering a hopeful grin.
“Those cost money, and we’re trying to save right now. Unless you and your sister are fine living in a shack in the woods.”
“That could be fun!” Merrise said earnestly. She crawled over the couch cushions and wriggled under Dipper’s arms.
“Why don’t you go read one of the journals? Lots to brush up in those, and you can practise your reading. Last week I wrote up a new entry on the migration patterns of soothsquitos. Fascinating stuff.”
He glanced over at his current journal, sitting closed on the coffee table. Its cover was criss-crossed with golden lines forming a constellation pattern that seemed to shine even in daylight. It was number nine in the series started by his Great Uncle, and was nearly full to bursting with secrets.
“Nah?” He turned to face her. “Merrise Pines, I give you the arcane secrets of Gravity Falls collected over 50 years, knowledge that could unmake the universe or expand your mind into infinite dimensions, and you just say ‘nah’?”
Merrise shrugged. “I’ve already read the coolest entries anyway. Like the shapeshifter Doctor Ford fought, or that time you and Aunt Mabel found the Shimmer. I don’t want to read a book, I want to get up and do something.”
Dipper frowned. “Kids these days.” Then again, Mabel had always teased him back in the day for focusing too much attention on the journals. Perhaps this was karma for not listening to her.
“What about mom?” Merrise asked. “She can watch the baby and you and me can go have fun.”
“Pacifica’s out shopping.” Dipper chuckled. “She might be all day. Maybe even a week.”
“We’ll have to mount an expedition to find her.”
“That would be great.” His eyes glanced downwards. “If I didn’t have to look after Leah.”
“Ah, foof.” Merrise slumped down like a wet noodle off the couch onto the floor.
Dipper scratched his chin. “Hmm, Paz, maybe that’s the solution.” Carrying Leah, he opened a cupboard filled with cardboard boxes. “I know it’s in here somewhere. Here, hold Leah for me.”
Merrise didn’t have time to argue as her sister was thrust towards her. While Dipper rummaged around in the boxes, Merrise held the baby at arm’s length in her six-fingered grip. “Great, the little lamb.” Leah pawed at her sister’s face without comprehension. Merrise positioned her in the crook of her elbow and bounced her up and down. “Who’s a dumb little baby? You are, you are.”
“Hey, don’t be mean to your sister.” Dipper paused his search and half-turned to face the pair.
Merrise avoided his gaze and waggled her fingers in Leah’s face, hypnotising her with the six digits. “I know, I know, it’s not her fault she hogs all of you and mom’s attention.”
Dipper thought for a second, then got down on one knee and rested a hand on Merrise’s shoulder. “I’m still new to all this. You shouldn’t feel any different because you’re adopted. Remember, Pacifica and I-”
“Love us both equally, bla bla bla...” Dipper laughed and shook his head. He couldn’t pull one over on this kid. He turned back to the boxes. Merrise tilted Leah left and right as if studying her. “Doesn’t mean I have to put up with Little Miss Eat and Poop. Maybe I just don’t like babies. I mean, how are you supposed to have a conversation with one of these?”
“You don’t, as I’ve been discovering all morning. And if you ever feel like we’re not focusing enough on you, just say so. I don’t want you to start thinking that you’re worth any less than Leah.”
“Ok, I get it dad,” she said, smiling and holding up a palm in gracious defeat.
Dipper puffed out his chest. “I’m your dad, it’s my job to be overbearing. I used to have to tell your mother the same thing when she was having doubts about her self-esteem. Aha, looks like I’ve found her treasure trove.” Dipper shoved one box out of the way to emerge with a tangled knot of black cables and plugs. Amidst the coils was a small, square-shaped device with a glass screen in the middle and two circular control sticks on either side. Dipper blew a wave of dust off the glass then presented it to his daughters. “Ta da! I give you the Gamestation Viva.”
“Cool.” Merrise passed Leah over to her father and he traded the handheld console. She turned it over in her hands and enthusiastically pressed the buttons. “What is it?”
“Think of it like your phone, but specifically for playing games.” Merrise eyes widened at the prospect. For someone who still thought radio was the height of technology there could be nothing more exciting.
“How’d you end up with something so cool?”
Dipper laughed at the idea that it might be in some way rare to own one of these things. At most it might command a semi-hefty price on Ebay nowadays. “It may surprise you, but Pacifica used to be a huge gamer back in the day. Don’t tell anyone else though, I think she finds it a little embarrassing.”
“That just means I have to tell everyone,” Merrise said with a wink.
“I’m not sure how old it is. I think Paz got it just before we started dating, though it was a few years out of date even then. Might have one of the handheld Pit Spelunker games installed if we’re lucky.”
“That sounds great!” Merrise pressed the buttons some more and twiddled the joysticks. The screen stayed black. “Am I doing something wrong? Don’t tell me I’ve broken a precious heirloom.” She passed it back to Dipper.
“You wish. Hmm, maybe you press…” He hit what he thought was the start button but nothing happened. “Ah, that’s it. Out of charge. I shouldn’t be surprised; It’s been sitting in that box for the past 7 or 8 years.”
“And you didn’t throw it out? Hoarder.”
Dipper snorted and nudged her in the side. “Call it nostalgia on your mother’s part.” Or more likely apathy to do a cleanout on his own part. “Here, take Leah again.” They swapped, to Merrise’s consternation, and Dipper pulled out loose cables to search for the charger. He tried inserting a few into the slot in the side of the Viva, before flipping one cable around and finding success. “It’s never on the first try,” he muttered. Merrise rested Leah on the couch as Dipper tossed the handheld to Merrise. She eagerly awaited its turning on. Dipper knelt by the wall plug. “This should keep you entertained.” For, like, half an hour at least, he thought, if she was anything as scatterbrained as he was.
When the plug went in, several things happened at once. Over on the couch, the Viva’s screen illuminated Merrise’s grinning cheeks with a white glow. Then Dipper felt a surge of electricity thrum all the way through the cable into the plug he was holding. The lightbulb hanging above the room flickered on, then the filament within burnt out with a pop. He heard a snatch of high-pitched midi music coming from the device in his daughter’s hands. His face was growing pale as he recognised the source of that music when a braggadocious voice sounded from tinny speakers.
“Ha-ha ha!”
Merrise was staring in awe at the screen as it lit up with a flat arena background. Appearing out of a cloud of pixels was a shirtless, musclebound warrior. His hair was spiky enough to make Merrise’s eyes itch. Before she could even press any of the buttons on the device a second character appeared beside the first, this time not of clean blue-white pixels, but by rending an multicoloured tear in the screen that distorted the entire image. She was a superficially angelic figure with bright pink hair and rainbow coloured bow. She gave a ballerina twirl, showing off her white and blue uniform. The screen began to pulse, switching on and off and seeming to press against the bounds of the glass containing it.
Merrise gasped and dropped the device as a spike of energy erupted out. She fell backwards as the two video-game icons materialised in the living room at full scale. Their edges were severe and geometric, with harsh lines rendering them simpler than actual people. Merrise blinked, getting used to seeing these figures in a two-dimensional perspective. Rushing to his daughter’s side, Dipper put a protective arm around her. Sitting on the couch, Leah blinked twice at the newly conjured glowing pair, decided she wasn’t interested, and fell over onto her side.
Merrise tried to stammer some words, to make sense of what just happened. “What the-”
“You two!” Dipper yelled, pointing at the pair. He knew exactly who these two were. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“Aha, we meet a-gain, Dipper Pines!” The fighter said in a stilted, over-dramatic tone before mindlessly sending a flurry of punches in the space above Dipper and Merrise. They had to duck to avoid being hit by a stray fist.
His companion put her hands on her hips and continued in a similarly halting tone. “Freedom at last to fulfil our ambitions.” She flicked her hair, scattering rainbow particles all over the rug.
“Daaaaaad?” Merrise wheedled, edging back away from the intruders. “Who are your shiny friends?” The figures, flickering with wavy lines of static and clusters or pixel distortion, were now leering down at the Pines with looks of undisguised malice.
Through gritted teeth, Dipper thought up a concise explanation. “The shirtless dude is Rumble McSkirmish, legendary warrior, fighting game protagonist, bit of a lunkhead. The girl with the cutesy aesthetic and the slasher smile is Giffany. She’s very possessive.”
“Let me guess, they both tried to kill you once?”
“What gave it away?” As the game characters approached, Dipper held out his palms and tried to edge around to reach Leah. He addressed his new guests, trying to defuse the situation. “I thought you two were supposed to be in a lovely little codependent relationship at the arcade?”
“The arcade was closed down ten years ago!” Rumble McSkirmish said, angrily staring at the floor and kicking the air.
“We broke free before then and sought a new refuge.” Giffany was outwardly smiling, but in her eyes Dipper saw a devious streak. If they were trying to tease out some sympathy then they weren’t going to get it from him. “We travelled to find you, only to be encased in that tomb.” Dipper glanced down to see that the handheld console that had given the pair life was now nothing more than a half-melted combination of plastic and cracked glass.
“Then the battery ran out and you two were stuck. Well that’s great, what a reunion, glad to see you’re thriving. Merrise, get behind me,” he hissed. His daughter ducked out of sight behind his back. “I suppose you’re after some twisted form of vengeance for beating you and leaving you trapped all those years ago. You know it’s been a long while. Last time we met I was a pre-teen, now I’ve got two kids of my own. Isn’t life funny like that?”
“Enough playful talking. Hee-yah!” A kick-flip from Rumble cleaved their coffee table into two clean halves that clattered to the floor. Journal 9 was caught in the swipe, sent flying across the room. In the chaos, Dipper scooped up Leah and backed away. “We don’t want revenge, foolish boy.”
“Boy? I’m thirty-”
“You could’ve fooled our table,” Merrise said, poking her head around Dipper’s back. He gave her a stern look and tried to push her out of view. She shooed him away and stared up at Rumble. “What do you want then, Mr McSkirmish?”
“To complete our mission and retrieve Soos-Senpai,” Giffany said, before melting into a slew of blue digital squares that orbited Rumble’s muscly chest. His body flickered and broke apart, infested by the onslaught of pixels. When the two bodies reformed they were as one. A single 8ft tall being composed of a rippling six-pack, a blue skirt revealing slender legs, and four arms bursting out at random points along the torso. Their features were a blend of the two characters, with one eyepatch and one sparkling pupil vying for control of the face, beneath spiky yellow hair.
Dipper was too stunned by the transformation to stop his daughter skirting around him and marvelling at the hybrid. “Wow, that was cool. Are all video games like this?”
Dipper nodded in awe. “Incredible. Their code has… merged, somehow. Now that’s taking couple goals to the next level. Uh, no pun intended.”
“I don’t get it,” said Merrise.
“It’s a game thing- nevermind.” Dipper studied the combination of Rumble and Giffany for a moment longer, before they shuddered into life.
When the hybrid spoke, it was in a harsh electric melding of their two voices. “SOOS!” With lightning speed, they blasted a beam of energy at the nearest wall. Plaster, wood, and pixelated embers rained down on Merrise and Dipper, who wrapped Leah in his arms to keep her safe. When the dust cleared, Giffany and Rumble were marching out towards the town. Occasionally they would dissolve into static then remerge a few paces further away.
Dipper gaped at their makeshift exit. “We just got that wall repaired!”
“What do they want with Mr Ramirez?” Merrise said breathlessly, watching the hybrid disappear in the distance. “Did they meet him when he and you were kids?”
“Uh, yeah, but Soos wasn’t a kid back then. We’re not the same age.”
“Oh. All human adults look alike to me.”
Dipper rolled his eyes, detecting more cheekiness from her. “Yeah, right. And Pacifica and I look identical.” They heard the sound of a key in the lock of the front door. “Speaking of…”
Striding into the hallway and dumping shopping bags as she went, Pacifica entered the house and stared daggers at her husband. She unwrapped a pale green scarf she’d been wearing and tossed it forcefully at Dipper. “What the hell is it this time? I’m gone for a few hours and come back to some colourful sprite bounding its way out of the house.” She offered to take Leah and Dipper handed her over.
“Paz, what great timing you have. Why did you bother unlocking the front door, you could’ve come through the hole.”
“Mason, have I ever struck you as the kind of girl who’d willingly ‘enter through the hole’?” She bounced Leah in her arms, though the baby was apparently showing no reaction to the events of the past few minutes. Pacifica peered at and out of the hole in the wall, frowning the whole time. “I’d like to think better of myself than have to ask ‘who were those 90’s anime freaks’, except you probably already have an answer to that for some godforsaken reason.”
Dipper opened his mouth to speak, then closed it sheepishly. Merrise took up his slack instead. “They came out of this!” She held up the Viva like it was a trophy she’d acquired.
Pacifica squinted at the device. “That old thing? I used it like five times. Damn thing never had any games.”
Merrise looked down at the hunk of plastic, shrugged, and dropped in the nearest trash can. “Dad said they were video people he fought when he was a kid.”
Though she was incredulous, Pacifica glanced at Dipper. “First summer?”
“First summer,” he affirmed. He gingerly stepped over the remains of the coffee table. “The first one was a few days after we met, the other a little after the golf game.” Pacifica put the timeline together in her mind, then nodded. “Basically, they’re game characters come to life and they’re probably rampaging through town right about now on their way to the Mystery Shack. They want to get Soos, though I’m not sure if they want to fight him or fu…” He bit on his tongue, looking at Merrise. “Or break up his marriage.” At last he found what he was looking for and picked up his journal from the wreckage of the table. One more thing to get repaired later. He started flipping through the pages.
“Uh, Mason, what are you doing?”
“Huh? What does it look like?”
He thrust the journal towards Pacifica, who drew her lip into a straight line. “There isn’t an entry on those two in Journal 9, is there?”
Dipper halted his page-turning, then tapped the book against his forehead. “Oh, right, yeah. Force of habit I guess. My go-to problem solver.”
Pacifica chuckled. “Dummy.” She kissed him on the lips, which lifted him out of his mood. With one palm she lifted back his curly hair and softly rubbed his forehead birthmark. “You’re cute when your brain goes a mile a minute and you miss the obvious.”
“Thanks Paz,” he said, blushing. He closed the journal and patted the cover. “I wrote about those two in Journal 3, back when I was still only a part-time journaler. Well, Soos and I wrote the entries if you want to get technical-”
“I don’t.”
“What I’m trying to say is that we haven’t got those journals here. Ford’s journals are on display in that new exhibit at the Mystery Shack, the one Soos put together in the old portal cavern.”
Pacifica was already putting on a sling to hold Leah. “So what are we waiting for? Let’s go, you can refresh your memory, and we can shove those homewreckers back into a box.”
“That’s not a good idea. The Shack is mostly disconnected from technology, separated from the town by the forest. Rumble and Giffany will try to bunny-hop their way on compatible tech. Near the town they’ll be able to manifest, but I doubt they can hold physical form out in the forest. If we drive over to the Shack it might provide something for them to latch onto, a car radio, the engine, our phones. I really don’t want to reintroduce Giffany to Soos. Trust me, it would end poorly.”
Pacifica gave an expressive sigh and sagged her shoulders. “Then what do you think we should do to fix this?”
“Well, there is one other person we could go to who has experience dealing with a pair of spiteful sprites.”
“Let me guess,” Pacifica said, still unenthused. “Mabel.”
“Oh cool, we get to go see May!” Merrise hurried towards the door, following in her mother’s footsteps by not leaving via the hole in the wall.
Dipper put a hand on her shoulder to keep her from sprinting out. “Ah ah ah, what are you forgetting, little lady?”
Merrise gave a huge sigh and Dipper felt her shoulders slump. “Ugh, I know, perception filter.” She scurried upstairs then came back down wearing a gold medallion. Before Dipper’s eyes his daughter changed from herself into a human child, with black skin and curly hair escaping from beneath her hat. It was all a clever illusion, one he was able to pierce after a few seconds of concentration. To anyone unfamiliar with Merrise’s true nature, she would be like an ordinary resident of Gravity Falls. Actually, he revised that assessment. An ordinary resident of anywhere else on Earth besides Gravity Falls, a place in which she would probably fit in all too well. Still, for the sake of not freaking out the townsfolk he encouraged their daughter to always wear the filter to try and fit in.
Privately, Pacifica had voiced her doubts to him about the merits of the disguise. She’d started to find the restriction of Merrise’s identity struck a chord with her own upbringing. She’d had more than her fair share of body issues. Though they hadn’t argued about it, with Pacifica accepting the outcome for the time being, Dipper could still detect a simmer of resentment from his wife as he watched his daughter fiddle with the medallion.
Trying to assuage any doubts, Dipper pulled Merrise and Pacifica into a hug. “I guess this is a family outing.” He reached round and tickled Leah’s nose. Her adorable giggles made the others smile. Despite the potential danger of facing Rumble and Giffany, Dipper couldn’t help but beam as he led his family outside, off on a brand new adventure. “Oh, and Merrise, next time you’re bored, please just try to use your imagination.”
4 notes · View notes
brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years ago
Please just give me anything from your tiny workers au!! Literally anything and I will absolutely cherish it :D
would you like the first chapter? would you cherish that?
(also fuck scheduling, have it now. >:D its not proofread tho fyi)
tiny workers (i)
words: 4069
cw: vague description of depression, swearing
Knocking wakes him up. Loud and repetitive knocking. 
Wilbur blinks, trying to adjust to the golden sun that filters through his blinds, even as closed as they are. 
The knocking still hasn’t stopped. His nerves flare up at the continuous noise and he sits up, blinking a few more times to adjust to being awake before he finds his way out of bed. The hardwood under his floor has never felt more neutral, which makes him unusually aware of the surrounding air that feels so invisible that it’s suffocating.
He tries to ignore it and leaves his room, traces the length of the hallway and continues the beeline to the door, where he can faintly hear  a muffled conversation from behind.
Wilbur stops, standing at the front door. Through the agitating knocking sound, he holds his head in his hands for a moment before swiping his hands through his bed-ruined hair.
“Wil, mate!” Phil says, loud and clear through the door. Wilbur groans.
Quietly, he listens as Phil murmurs something to Techno, who in return whispers an ingenuine apology.
Right there, he considers walking away. They can’t knock forever.
But, his conscience figures he owes it to his family to at least make an effort. And so, taking the cool doorknob in his hand, he opens the door and puts on a fake, strained smile. “Yes?” 
“Good mornin’,” Techno butts in before Phil can. Wilbur raises his eyebrows at him tiredly.
“D’ya mind if we come in, Wil? We have something for you,” Phil explains, and Wilbur tries to find the courage to decline. And despite how much he told himself to promptly shut the door on his father and brother’s face, he found himself instead nodding along. 
“Yeah, go for it,” Wilbur agrees and steps aside.
Phil leads, brushing past him, where Techno lingers in the doorway for a moment. “I’ll admit, he’s stretchin’ this a little bit,” Techno warns, and before Wilbur can question what he meant, his vision is obscured as Techno walks past him. 
He shuts the door and settles in on an armchair, which sits across from the couch Phil and Techno have found a seat on.
“Are you here for what I think you’re here for?” Wilbur asks, an explanation hung between them.
“It depends on what you’re thinking, Wil,” Phil hums, laughing to try and break the tension. It doesn’t work, and in the end it’s only him finding amusement. His father sighs. “We don’t care about you not replying to us, or making an effort to be social, we just care about you actually getting outside,” Phil starts, glancing at Techno, whose  expression is nothing but curious at Phil’s particular wording, “so, see, we found something.” 
He can’t say he enjoys the sound of that, and especially not as Phil pulls his phone out and taps at his screen, only to hand it to Wilbur. A long article catches his vision as he’s handed the phone. “Here ya’ go,” his fathers says, trying his best to  smile.
Wilbur stares, face wooden as his finger slowly scrolls down his father’s phone.
Impending outlines of familiar figures and silenced commotion of bated breath keeps his flat quiet.
His eyes are hung heavy as he scrolls, skimming impatiently through the articles’ pre-advertisements. Something unintelligible of promised family fun and worthy relaxation flies past his eyes until he finally reaches it, an overdue title with a cheesy caption.
“Tiny adventures await! Explore small worlds of wonder with tiny people, big fun!”
Wilbur squints at the screen, his doomful eyes blending in with his uncertain frown. “An amusement park? Are you fucking— fucking come again?” he scoffs. He had to ask; lingering in the back of his mind is hope that he isn’t sent to this hellhole.
His father lets out a sad sigh. “It’s for a few hours, Wil, that’s nothing compared to the things we could do.”
Handing the phone back, he shakes his head. “I think anything could be better than this. I thought your goal was to get me out of the house to have a good time. This is just—fucking childish!”
“I think one could pretty easily argue that you’re being childish right now,” Techno remarks. Phil elbows him, but Wilbur see’s the way he struggles to keep a smile down. “Heh? You know I’m right, but excuse me for putting a mark on your ‘good-parent’ facade.”
Phil stares at Techno, struggling down a smile. Wilbur shrinks into himself.
Eventually, Phil sighs. “He’s right,” Phil starts, and he watches as Techno smiles, “Wil, you gotta give it a try. One shot. If you don’t like it you know we won’t force you into it and we’ll find something better for you,” he finishes, and Wilbur solemnly nods. He knows better than to pick a fight with his father or Techno.
“Fine,” he murmurs. 
When a day had passed after the conversation, Wilbur couldn’t say the passing time with the absence of people had let him think, because he honestly had to answer and say he had continued with his musty routine. The only thing different was he was wallowing with slight agitation with his father. 
The sudden announcement had been a spring that he wasn’t exactly ready to release. He’d much prefer to ease into a “recovery”, but he can’t get everything he wants.
And now, with his phone vibrating loudly under his hand, he found his sore eyes opening, unadjusted to the sunlight that strung into his room, the sun high in the sky. He’d nearly drifted off again when his phone disturbed him. 
He pulled himself up, propping his upper body up with his arm and unlocking his phone. Rushing notifications from Techno continuously layered until he had the decency to open them. 
A long string of “urgent” messages. 
From what he could gather with his five-hours-of-sleep brain, Techno was parked outside. 
Begrudgingly, he tapped at Techno’s contact until the phone was ringing. Techno picked up immediately.
“You wakin’ up at twelve now?” Techno asks. 
Wilbur sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, what little energy he has murmuring out a quiet response. “Techno what are you doing downstairs?”
“I recall Phil ‘n you coming to an agreement with the theme park.”
Wilbur groans. “Now? Today? He never told me that,” Wilbur complains. Groggily, he pulls himself up and swings his legs over the side of the bed. The air is uncomfortably warm, but somehow the feeling of the heavy blanket over him still felt lovely.
“I’m only waitin’ ten more minutes before I go up ‘n get you myself, just so you know, Will-I-am,” Techno says.
“I’ll be down.”
And he was, with a fresh set of clothes and tamed hair, more than anything he’d been able to put together the past few days. He tried not to pay attention to how gross he felt, considering the greasy streaks of hair he felt just by trying to make it look presentable. 
And his laundry was growing scarce, it was only a matter of time before he’d start rewearing things from his pile of filth in the corner.
Never mind that, though, he had one free day of being outdoors where everything was covered for him. But the thought of it still made him feel unnerved. Alone in an unfamiliar place that was probably packed with people. He’d heard of the place, probably one too many times over the years.
It was unconventional for Phil to think he would come out of his shell there of all places.
But, he did, and Techno was there, already walking around his car to seemingly come and find him. “That took you so long,” Techno murmured, turning back around at the sight of Wilbur. The brunet hummed in response, trying to sound amused. He got in the car, feeling out of place in such a tidy and unusually vibrant place. But he’d been in Techno’s car year after year, so he couldn’t say it didn’t feel familiar. 
Techno drove off quickly without a word, and Wilbur buckled his seatbelt in and slumped against the window. “How far is it?” he asks on a whim.
“Nothin’ convenient,” Techno mutters, glancing at the GPS on his phone. “But it can’t be longer than two hours,” he quickly reassures.
Wilbur groans. “He wants me to be happy but can’t pick a convenient place for me to be happy at.”
“At least he’s trying,” Techno quickly butts in. “Not a lot of parents do that, bad parents ‘n all. That’s why there’s a lot of orphans.”
“I don’t think that’s what orphan means, Techno,” Wilbur muses.
“Don’t avoid the topic. And orphan can mean what I want it to mean ‘cause I’m the one killin’ them.”
“I’m not fuc—that’s still not how it works!” Wilbur argues, smiling ever-so-slightly. 
It was like that the rest of the ride, brotherly banter between them while Techno still tried to drill into his head that Phil meant good. And Wilbur considered it, which was pointless because he knows Techno is right.
He watched as the time on the GPS went down slowly, until eventually it announced that they’d arrived. Which wasn’t entirely true, because even as Techno made a right-hand turn, down onto the path with a road sign announcing the park in big black letters: “COLONY PARKS”. A thick arrow pointed right, down the road that they were currently pulling onto.
 In the distance, Wilbur spotted an overhead bridge with a big overhanging sign that decorates the entire side of said bridge. A dull brown background, the name of the park in what he recognizes as oversized shoelaces, suitably on-brand. 
There’s strands of large, fake grass that obscures some of the words, and other giant versions of everyday things: buttons, bugs, probably other things had he been paying attention. It was interesting how all-out they went, but it didn’t excuse the fact that he wanted no part in this.
Fucking Phil and his need for him to be fine.
From that point forward, the scenery had changed drastically—there were towering blades of glass that gave the intended shrunken effect (where, if he was being honest, it made his mood lighten a bit). Certain sculptures of oversized shoes or again, bugs and old trinkets of the “nearby humans” lay in the “fields of grass”. He could certainly see the appeal, speaking for the children he knows passing by this very place with a much more exasperated and fulfilled face, while his dull and unamused; trying to hide how eager he was to look at the detail in everything.
“Honestly, I can see why you don’t wanna go here,” Techno chimes in after a moment, himself looking around at the scenery. 
“Don’t say that unless you’re turning us around,” Wilbur deadpans. When Techno huffs, he shrinks deeper into the seat and tightens his arms around his torso.
“Woah—fucking shit!” Tubbo chants from afar, where Tommy can just barely hear him over the gust of air as a golf ball flies past him, narrowly missing his body. He thought he had that.
The human above him chuckles, and Tommy holds back a rant with a sour “I’ll fucking sue you”. 
“Yeah, yeah,” the human murmurs, walking past him with ease to the next hole.
Tommy stays put, looking back at Tubbo, who’s sitting in the crevice of one of the fake rocks. “I’ve lost my pep, Tubbo,” he starts, and Tubbo’s already giving him a knowing look, but Tommy continues, “I’ll steal you a free thing—just please cover for me, my lungs are dying and I think if this person fuckin’ taunts me one more time I’ll probably get fired.”
Tubbo hums and shuffles up from his spot on the ledge. “I got you, bossman. Cut yourself off, or whatever. Go take a break,” he agrees. 
Tommy’s offer slipped through Tubbo’s finger and he hurried off before he could remember. He bids a ‘thank you’ and speeds across the fake grass of the course, following along the left-hand side of the previous hole then hoisting over the low bricks that line the sides. 
As he lands in the dirt, Tommy slows his pace and basks in his unofficial break.
He approaches the small hut for mini-golf booking, where Karl was leant against the counter with his phone in front of him. Lucky bastard, getting to use a phone with such ease.
Briefly, the worker noticed the tiny and Tommy nodded at him solemnly, and Karl offered a small smile and returned to the device.
Tommy ignores his jealousy (and his impulsive desire to steal it) and carries on, ducking under the tiny-worker entrance and slumping his shoulders as a gust of air-conditioned room hits him instantly.. 
Quiet feedback from his earpiece-turned-radio breaks the quiet silence, and Karl looks down at him. Tommy in return pauses, looking up at him. 
There’s only a beat of passing silence before Karl chimes in with, “Hey, Tommy.”
“Hi Karl,” Tommy greets, wavering his previous path to cut across the floor; closer to the human. “You giving me a boost up? All the newcomers that are gonna have their mind fuckin’ blown when they come in here,” Tommy grins, “You know I just gotta see that.”
“Why should I help you?” Karl asks, and Tommy scowls at the question. “Will you put in a good word for me?”
“Oi! Come on Karl, don’t be a dick,” he yells up, scoffing.
Karl stares down at him, hand cupping his chin.
Fuck this. “Fine, dickhead. Who to, fuckin’ Big Q again?”
Tommy makes a gagging noise, shaking his head. “You fucking romantic,” Tommy jokes—though he can’t say there wasn’t sincerity to it; he never saw the appeal of romance. But, the longer Karl stares at him with an expression even Tommy can quite literally not say no to, he shrugs. “I’ll try again, then, but I won’t accept assholery against me when he rejects you. Again.”
Karl nods, satisfied, then crouches down with his hand extended. With practised ease, Tommy steps on and adjusts his footing. 
The human stands, and Tommy watches greedily as a view of the opening-hour crowds start fumbling in. Amusingly enough, Tommy also has a view of the human he was up against earlier. 
He steps off of Karl’s hand and rushes across the counter. Karl returns to his phone, and Tommy takes a seat near the edge closest to the crowd.
There are the usual: families of three or four with giddy smiles as they ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ at the decor as they try to ignore the inconvenient rush of people, and the couples that look too happy to be there. There’re grandparents with their kids, large groups of teenagers and large groups of adults, kids—everything. 
But, one person in particular stands out to Tommy. There’s no kid clung to his side or running off, not a partner at his shoulder. He doesn’t look particularly invested; his shoulders are shrunk in on himself and his lanky torso, and frankly Tommy can’t say anyone has stood out quite like that in such an unordinary way. 
Usually, the people who catch his attention are those with colourful clothes or boisterous voices and laughter. This guy is making himself small, and he looks quiet at best. It’s funny—someone so tall and dull couldn’t blend in with a familial crowd, but he attempted it anyway, and it was amusing to watch. Simple as that.
Kill him. Right here, right now, kill him. 
Phil’s interpretation of fun and relaxation is still puzzling to him, because as eager people run from every direction and pay no mind as they brush against his still form, it doesn’t feel relaxing. He can only imagine the park stretching out for miles, and he can’t say that trudging any deeper would make this jungle of people any more coherent.
So, he looks to his left and makes a beeline over to the least crowded place he can find.
He goes sideways against the crowd, keeping his eyes narrowed to try and keep his vision straight ahead. He stumbles as he catches himself before he trips over a stroller, and just manages to find his footing on the path leading up to the attraction. 
It’s a simplistic design, holding nothing special against the initial drive up, with towering flowers that cast a shadow over some areas, fake rocks that seem to fit in like pebbles against the flowers. 
Wilbur takes a habitual look around, noticing the layout of a golf course. 
Lucky find, he muses.
The path cuts short and opens to a wider area, where a wooden (yet somehow still posh-looking) stand is built. Behind the counter, a worker who couldn’t have been older than twenty five was scrolling idly through his phone. As Wilbur approaches awkwardly, he seems to catch the worker’s attention. He looks up, flashing a genuine smile as he sets his phone down.
“Hello,” Wilbur greets.
“Hey!” The worker greets back, and Wilbur tries to compose himself to talk. “Look, let me be honest with you, I’ve never been here before and I just—I think I need something to pass the time.”
Karl (if his nameplate had a say in it) nods along, looking fairly interested for any theme park worker. “Uh, do you want to try a few rounds on the course?” 
“Yeah, that might be a better start than sitting around,” Wilbur agrees. Out of the corner of his eye, something shifts, but he can’t pay attention to it for long before Karl’s talking to him again.
“Okay, and have you been introduced to the rent-a-tiny feature?”
“Uh—oh, they may have mentioned it. I can’t say I was listening,” Wilbur explains. Karl nods. 
“Oh. Well, newer members get it free,” Karl begins, ducking behind the counter, “but that is specifically for attractions. To take them around the park it would be extra,” Karl pops back up. “And there’s a new-member discount for that as well, usually for if it was paid online. But it’s totally optional!” Karl finishes, finally, and Wilbur takes it in.
“I—my dad set this up, I wouldn’t know what features he got. Again, I wasn’t exactly listening when they read it over.”
The conversation continued, back-and-forth for another five minutes until it was squared away that Phil had opted for the rent-a-tiny feature, which he hadn’t been thrilled to discover. But it was valuable money to Phil, and in one angle it was for a good cause. And so, again, his conscience won.
Karl had fitted him for the club and left him to choose a ball, while the worker set off to find a tiny. It was startling to know he was going to see one, purely because of his uncertainty that he would manage to handle such a small thing—person—whatever. It was unnerving.
And that’s why his heart ran nervously when Karl finally emerged, something wedged between his forefinger and thumb.
A borrower. A real fucking borrower. Wilbur tries to hide his suddenly piqued interest in the being, watching as calmly as possible as the two approached and the borrower was set down onto the counter. He looked irritated, but still put on a fake, flashy smile for customer-him. 
“Hello, you’ve interrupted my break time but I can take a break for you, I saw you over there,” the borrower points to the crowd to Wilbur’s left of them, “and you looked all sad as shit,” the borrower finishes. His voice was so loud, so clear, no stutter in sight and swearing proudly. It was hard not to seem impressed.
“Good luck with him, and have a good game!” 
Wilbur tucks the club under his arm and pockets the golf ball, then stares at the borrower. 
“Uh—” Wilbur’s voice ran dry. Karl had disappeared out of sight, and that left the two standing there. 
“Dy’a want me to walk then, dick?” 
“Ah—no, I can just pick you up?”
“You’re one of those people?” The borrower asks, raising an eyebrow at him in plain frustration. Wilbur feels guilty, but he does feel an underlying irritation of his own. “Look, set your hand down. I won’t bite you,” the borrower instructs. Wilbur obliges reluctantly, slowly approaching his hand to the counter. “And while I’m at it, since you’re a bitch and got me for a day, I’m Tommy. Big T.”
Wilbur rests his hand on the surface and responds “Wilbur”. 
Tommy nods and turns his attention to his transportation, which Wilbur has been focussed on excruciatingly long to keep steady. As tiny skin brushes onto his, Wilbur’s entire body freezes. In that moment, his strength is kept in keeping his hand still. It was also at this contact that Wilbur remembered how touch starved he had been as of lately, with days of laying in bed with nothing but a blanket and his clothes stuck to him. 
And now, there was a borrower climbing into the palm of his hand, settling right in the crevice where his fingers couldn’t help but curl at the touch. 
Wilbur tries to shake away the feeling of contact against his hand and turns away, Tommy kept carefully in his palm. 
“It’s fucking stupid to be scared of something smaller than you, pussy,” Tommy says, looking up at him through Wilbur’s curled fingers. 
Wilbur furrows his brows and looks down in return, shaking his head. “I’m not scared of you, I never implied that,” he argues.
“Uhuh. You seem to be going the wrong way, I recall the first hole being back there,” Tommy says, grinning like he’s already known.
Wilbur turns on his heel and starts off in the right direction. “And you didn’t want to tell me?”
“Well, you don’t seem like the most talkative fella’,” Tommy points out. Wilbur furrows his brows.
He laughs half-heartedly. “That’s fair.”
So much for a break.
He watches as Tubbo grins at him from the last hole, while he’s sat in a palm at the very first one. Tommy wrinkles his face and flips the other off, who in return follows suit.
Then Tubbo is distracted by the other human, leaving Tommy alone again. 
Might as well be worth it to pry Wilbur out of his shell if their day was going to have any confirmation of a good ending. 
“Alright,” Tommy announces, shuffling up from his spot on Wilbur’s palm and pushing his fingers away. The human obliges, standing scarily still. “How—how uh, how do you want to play?”
“I have no fucking clue what that means,” Wilbur says.
Tommy frowns. “Okay, well, I can help you, or I can, well, not help you—which I’ll be fair, either way ends in me not helping you, unless you're really lucky. And I don’t think you’ll be lucky enough, even though you are a sad, sad guy."
“I’m not sad!”
Tommy stares at him. 
“Okay, whatever, you caught me,” Wilbur says sarcastically. “And do whatever you fucking want, I’m sure I could punt you no matter you’re advantage,” the human says, chortling. Tommy gasps. 
“Fucking try me. Bitch.”
Wilbur hums and crouches down carefully, an irritating slowness to his movements that makes Tommy’s world go by in slow-motion. He’s scrambling for purchase on the fake grass as soon as he knows he can, which happens to instantly trigger a reaction from Wilbur, who’s other hand moves to catch him. 
Tommy lands on more skin, the softness of the landing being both comforting and infuriating. 
“Oi! I can handle myself,” Tommy yells as Wilbur takes the initiative to let him down. “I value my safety, I wouldn't've jumped if I didn’t, dickhead.”
The gentle-ness continued for the remainder of the game. And despite Tommy’s request for a stronger hit, (which he did execute a couple times, until it dispersed into small and lazy hits), he never seemed to take it to heart. 
But, the game did eventually end.
There wasn’t any winner that got to celebrate, it was just a little bit of a lighter mood. Tommy, hesitant as he would be to ever admit it to the human, had taken a liking. It was rewarding to watch a more violent part of him come out the more Tommy kept pushing him.
The rest of the day was ahead of them, and Wilbur had already seemed more eager than he had been to interact with the tiny. 
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1d1195 · 2 years ago
Hi! I have FINALLY found time to fully give my attention to Protection and read part 6! AND it was also a super nice surprise to see you posted another new piece today, which I most definitely read as well! So I’m going to talk about those two but if it’s too long you don’t have to read it, it’s okay!
Protection: Where do I even BEGIN!?!? Overall this chapter was perfection! I love how you give us glimpses of how domestic their dynamic has become and them getting to know normal little things about each other! The scene of them decorating a Christmas tree together was so adorable yet I felt so sad for her because of how much she was wishing her mother to be there so she could experience Harry :( But Harry comforting her and them having another vulnerable moment together warmed my heart! Now THEIR FIRST FUCKING KISS!?!? I GASPED!!! It was such a them moment, her being so cute and happy and rambling while Harry was just so in awe of her and proud, you painted the perfect scene!!!!(and it so so hot btw) He called her kitten while he was basically teasing her and making her talk… HES INANSE! especially when he was kissing her and telling her he wants her but it’s protocol yet he was all up on her!? He was so annoying, in a cute way obviously! Also him calling her out on faking it was so hot to me and it just something bodyguardrry would say lol I can only hope this man asks her out on his day off!
Right Here: OMG I LOVE THEM ANS I ABSOLUTELY WOULD LOVE TO READ MORE ABOUT THEM!!! You are absolutely a GOD meshing all of the favorite and classic tropes together and still making the flow of the story go so smoothly! The tropes fit SO well and they didn’t feel forced at all! Harry being “sunshine” and hopelessly in love with her from the start but with the “miscommunication” trope they were not able to express their feelings towards each other 😭 brilliant honestly! And I was so devastated that she experienced something so horrible due to the slide incident and honestly I can understand how much that affected her! And the fact that she was still made to feel like SHE was the problem and weird was just so sad :( But once they talked it out my heart leaped so much I was ROOTING FOR THEM! When Harry said “I had a feeling y’couldn’t keep it up forever. And I’d wait forever for you, beautiful”, I DIED! This is so simple yet I find it so meaningful because even after all this time he’s just being their for HER and just wanting to have her in her most raw and vulnerable self is just so wonderful too read about and it hit close to home! Also when he said “Your leggings?” He smiled mischievously. ‘M’almost jealous of ‘em touching all of your legs.’ I GIGGLED because it was good ngl! If any other man said this to me it would be gross but NOT WITH HARRY! I loved it so much and I hope if you ever feel inspired to give an extra please do!
Also I saw what that mean anon said, FUCK THEM! Yes constructive criticism is allowed and having their own opinion is valid but not when it’s laced with the intention to hurt the person, I genuinely believe that they didn’t even fully read it because it was no used too many times! I love love LOVE your nicknames in your stories! It has made me love nicknames more in general! Plus it’s unique to you and I come to your blog because of what YOU create and it’s just so beautiful-💜
Okay I've been anxiously awaiting to hear your thoughts 💕 There isn't an ask you can send that I wouldn't read, I don't care how long it is. You took the time to read almost ~10k of nonsense that I wrote, I'd read whatever you have to say 💕
I am SO glad you liked the next installment of protection! I really liked writing this part. I'm def a Christmas girl (and a momma's girl) so I gotta throw all that in at every chance I get. I couldn't make them wait any longer to kiss but I really, really truly believe Mr. Protocol wouldn't push too much further than they did (and I honestly had a nice long mental battle with myself that what he did was too much anyway!)
Of course I'm glad you liked Right Here too! I don't think there's anything Harry could say to me that I would find gross which is probably a problem but it makes for great writing. I think he could punch me in the face and I'd probably thank him. They were really fun to write about and I thought Harry was actually quite adorable if I'm allowed to say that about myself. I liked making her grumpy and nervous because I thought Harry would be a really nice balance--I thought of him jumping all around stage and it just made so much sense. I think I saw another request to hear more about them. I'll have to see what I can think of lol
Honestly, your other ask about me using kitten to signify they're soulmates (which I realize I didn't do in Right Here but we're going to pretend because obviously) was the first thing I thought of when I got that other message. But honestly I'm glad you didn't feel like it was used too many times. I went back and glanced it over and thought I actually might have but maybe it's because I was bummed about it.
Anyway. I adore you as always and I am SO glad you took the time to write this message <3
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years ago
I know you said this chapter is 97% filth and 15% feelings. But the feelings are so big that it feels like 97% filth and 97% feelings 😭😭😭
The symbolism of the colour is so important to this story, it just feels like such a big moment when the reason behind why orange is revealed. What a start to the chapter this is 😭
“Why orange?”
“It was her favourite colour,” he finally says. 
The beautiful thing about the filth is the way they're falling for each other so honestly and so simply. I love their back and forth, their banter, and yes it's proper filth, but it's just balanced out so beautifully with pure love.
He likes this new smile, this attempt at confidence, he lies still and awaits, curious about what you’ll come out with, what you’ll dare try, and yes, about how long he’ll last before he needs to be inside you again. 
I love this so much, why is she so fucking cute 😭
“Would you say I come in English or in French?” you muse pensively.
“Oh shit, you can’t speak to me in French, I’ll fuck you until you can’t walk again, I swear,” he warns in earnest as you laugh
How can smut be so angsty 😭
“You can leave other marks. You can leave all the marks.”
I’ll take them with me. I’ll carry them forever. 
This is the perfect ending to the chapter. Because he will always find you again Gabrielle. This hopeful foreshadowing is just chef's kiss 😭
His chest collides with your back, his skin burning your skin, his weight anchoring you underneath him, he reaches out for your hands and twines his fingers with yours, and in your ear he whispers,
“I’m here, baby.”
Pleased to meet you, chapter 9
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Summary: Saturday in the orange bedroom with Frankie is all filth and games until you start feeling... feelings.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x French fem!Reader.
Rating: very Explicit 🔞
A/N: alright, let me break down this chapter for you: we have 2% plot, 15% feelings, and 97% filth. No, it doesn’t add up, and no, I refuse to take responsibility for it. I can’t control those kids.
Word Count: 4.5k
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Chapter 9: The Way Young Lovers Do
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“Why orange?”
His fingers pause for the briefest moment on your arm before they resume their lazy caress, raising small shivers in their wake.
Lying naked, side by side on the bed, you’ve let the heat claim your limbs, sated and tired. The midday city bustle a distant rumour, seeping in through the half-opened window. Earlier, the light played across the bare walls as the sun rose. The darkness recessed in midnight blue to cyan, cotton candy pink, a soft shade of amber and suddenly, the room was ablaze in a chromatic eruption. Orange light ignited through orange shades. You watched intently, in silence, long forgotten sensations of a distant past convoked by the familiar tone, anchored to the moment by the softness of Frankie’s touch.  
“It was her favourite colour,” he finally says. 
“Yea. Big C.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what that means.” You raise yourself on your elbow to take a better look at his face. You’ve struck a nerve, you can tell, and usually you’d step back and let go. But not here, not with him. For once you care. For once, you want to know. 
“Breast cancer. She died when I was eighteen,” he answers flatly. 
Your heart sinks at what he’s trying to withhold.
“Oh, Frankie I’m so sorry,” you whisper, so he doesn’t hear the tremor in your voice. 
“It’s fine, really.”
A crease forms between his brows, clouding over his face. You smooth your thumb over it once, twice, three times, hoping to convey that you know it isn’t, that it doesn't have to be, until he takes hold of your wrist and kisses your palm.
You fall backward as he sits up, still holding your hand, the soft thud louder than all the street noises, and he leans over you, pinning you under his calm gaze, peering into your eyes. He’s not pouring this into you. He will not burden you with his losses, plural, the shadow of everlasting melancholy hanging about you steadily withdrawing from your eyes, kiss after kiss, stroke after stroke, high after high, he will chase it away completely before you have to part. 
And so the crease briefly lingers before you see him recompose his features, before he broadens a smile, before the dimple appears, a soft hollow in the steep landscape of his face. 
“I wanna hear that sound again. The one you make when you come.”
“Jesus, Frankie!” 
You try to bury your laughter in the crook of your elbow, but he doesn’t let you, he never lets you hide, and he pulls your arm away, diving in your neck, kissing and sucking your smooth skin, your entire body shuddering in the heat. 
He had you again less than two hours ago, or so you think, you’ve long lost track of time, only leaving your embrace long enough to change his condom. His strokes slow and measured, working you selflessly, you could tell he was mindful not to make you take too much. Your orgasm grew lazily, until you felt a piercing lightning under your navel that radiated through your limbs and painted your vision in searing gold.
So naturally, you assume he’s only aiming to distract you from the current subject, and you bashfully try to push him away, but there’s no fighting his strength. 
“You can’t possibly–” you try to articulate in between giggles.
“I don’t know… you know… want me again?”
“What do you think?” he answers cockily, taking your hand to place it on his hard length, with a charming albeit mischievous smirk. The small gasp you let out is delicious, how can you doubt his hunger for you? And now, now that he has felt you come around him, the sensation better than anything he could have anticipated, he can’t imagine ever being satiated.  
“I can stop, though, if you prefer,” he says, sitting up straight in a fast motion, the face of innocence.
“Oh no you don’t!” 
He lets you take over, lets you have the upper hand and it’s you, now, who push him into the soft bed, playfully straddling him, your hands braced against his chest, then changing your mind, caging his lean torso with your hands and his narrow hips with your knees, like you know what you’re doing, like you’re trying to decide which slope to climb to conquer a mountain. 
He likes this new smile, this attempt at confidence, he lies still and awaits, curious about what you’ll come out with, what you’ll dare try, and yes, about how long he’ll last before he needs to be inside you again. 
Your face hovering over him, you don’t know where to start. Every part of him makes your mouth water. You can still feel him between your legs from earlier, yet your arousal is already pooling down your core, your cunt practically making room for him again.
You love the curve of his nose, but you’ll begin with his jaw, you decide, strong and sharp, and you peck a shy kiss, when he places his broad hands on your thighs and squeezes and fuck timidity, you want this man so bad you’re burning inside. 
His groan vibrates between your lips when you bite harder, you too love his sounds. You make your way down his neck, his lean, strong neck, you could stay there forever, you think, lapping the salty sweat off his skin. Gripping your thighs harder, he tips back his head, and oh God, you might die at the pretty sight of him, and when you reach the hollow between his collarbone, you don’t know how to hold back, you want to devour him whole. 
Frankie bucks his hips upward seeking your heat, seeking some friction, but you pin him down on the bed, your hands pressing on his chest again, you’ve been wanting to do this since the fire escape, you realise, explore his body with your mouth and your tongue and your teeth. 
You keep tasting your way around his shoulders, down his chest, and circle back up to his neck, his broad hands running ceaselessly over your skin, until they reach your ass, gripping and spreading your cheeks. 
Frankie hears your soaked folds part, Jesus fuck, everything about you is continually testing his restraint. Skating around your soft flesh down the cleft of your ass, he presses a finger to your tight ring and pushes in. 
You jolt forward with a shriek and stare at him in surprise, suddenly still. His eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, had he thought this through, he probably wouldn't have done it, he has no idea what he’s doing, anyway, except that he just wants to fuck your everything. Slowly, that smug smile stretches his lips, the one he’s been quick to figure compels you to let him get away with pretty much anything.
“You wanna try this?” he asks, his low voice like gravel. 
You’ve never, ever done anything like this. You close your eyes, just for a bit, just long enough to find out you’re more aroused than scared. When you reopen them, it’s to straighten up and position your hips over his, the curled hair of your mound brushing against his balls and the base of his cock that’s resting heavy on his belly. He pushes in deeper and your mouth falls open around a silent “O”. 
His breath catches at the sight of you, offered, trustful, exposed, he’s never been with anyone so beautiful. 
“Gimme your hand,” he commands in a hushed tone. 
You raise your right hand from his chest, your movement slow and drowsy, cautious, maybe, and he brings it to his mouth, wrapping his lips around your two middle fingers, swirling his tongue sloppily, coating them in his saliva, and your cunt clenches around nothing. 
When he releases your hand, he tells you, “Touch yourself for me.”
“Oh God, Frankie… Frankie,” you moan in a feeble plea, shutting your eyes again.  
“We can stop, if you want,” he replies softly. He’s no longer teasing you, he won’t ask you to follow him anywhere you don’t want to go. 
You swallow thickly, and your eyes still closed, start rubbing small, shy circles over your clit. 
“Look at me,” he pleads, “look at me, lemme see your eyes.”
You give him that, you’ll give him everything, despite the apprehension, so you do what you do when you're scared, and you move boldly. Taking his hand in yours, you bring it to your mouth and run your tongue over his palm. 
“Touch yourself for me, Frankie?” you shakily whisper. 
His pupils dilated at the sight of you, so gorgeous, so fucking filthy, he takes his cock in his hand, your hand still resting on his wrist, and starts working himself up and down, rotating his wrist, his rhythm matching that of your fingers, your soft pants covered by his gruffer groans. 
You move in tandem, steadily increasing the pace of your strokes, an intimate dance none of you ever practiced, a lewd sway both of you instinctively perform, entranced by each other’s hooded gaze.
When you arch back into his hand, his eyes grow wide, alight with a lustful spark, his movements become frantic and so do yours, and he pushes harder, deeper inside you, going knuckle deep. Your sudden orgasm surprises you, sweeping over you from your core, white-hot pleasure clouding your vision, your entire body seizing up, until you collapse on his chest, his skin scalding hot against yours. 
Your limp body presses down on him but he doesn’t stop, instead planting his feet firmly onto the bed and pushing upward, rocking his hips against you, fucking his fist under your belly. And then you hear it, you hear him, licking the finger he just withdrew from you with a groan, and the absolute filthiness turns your inside out. Your mind gives in, you want more, much more, you curl up into him, nails sunk into his flesh. 
“Frankie come on my skin,” your rasp inaudibly into his chest, and Frankie has to crush his throbbing cock into his palm not to spill instantly at your words. 
“You sure?” he asks hurriedly, and when you dig in your nails harder, he hisses a long “fuuuuuck”. 
Hanging on by the last thread of his enduring control, he rolls your limp body onto the bed and cages you between his thighs.  
“Where do you want it?” he asks urgently, “fuck, I’m gonna come on your tits, shit—“ the word drags as thick ropes of pearly white come hit your skin, as you arch into it, Frankie’s head tipping back with a loud, hoarse grunt, before he crumbles by your side on his back, hitting your shoulder with his. 
It’s a hot minute before your breathing evens out. Staring into space, you feel his chest heaving next to yours. His spend has cooled down on your breasts, and over your peaked nipples, and Frankie doesn’t dare to look at you yet, but he’s wondering if he could rub it into your skin, soak it in completely, if you’d let him, how your eyes would glimmer, as you’d look at him brand you with his essence. 
He has to calm the fuck down. A hard swallow, and he tells you ruefully, “I’m gonna clean you up. Hang on.” 
“No Frankie, wait!” you hold his arm.
“What?” Shit that’s it. He’s gone too far. 
“Just wait. Stay here with me. Just a moment.”
“I wanna hear that sound again.”
You laugh quietly, your shoulders shaking in silence, bone-tired and happy. The heat is crushing, you’ve no idea of the time but the sun is high in the sky and the orange curtains certainly do not help. There’s no breeze circulating through the room and the stagnant air bears the metallic, coppery smell of sex.
“C’mere, come sit on my face,” he asks playfully.
“Frankie, I’m… how do you say in English, aching? I’m sore? I need a moment.”
“I won’t hurt you. Do you trust me?”
He’s asking you if you trust him… You don’t think you’ve ever spent so much time naked. You don’t think you’ve ever been less self-conscious about it. Only leaving the safe-haven of the bed to get water from the kitchen, or use the bathroom. He watched you as you gathered the clothes scattered on the floor across the two rooms and folded them neatly on the chair near the emptied closet, surrounded by columns of books rising from the carpeted floor, making a mental note to go through them later. His touch never far. His hunger never sated. 
You’ve kissed the breath out of each other's lungs, until your lips were swollen. You’ve relentlessly touched and explored. 
You’ve discovered a new place where to display your desire, in the V shape of his hair at the back of his neck. You've run your fingers through it, nuzzled it, tugged at it. You’ve kissed the freckle below his left ear, where you uncovered another little tattoo. You’ve kissed and licked and rubbed the one on his left hand, too. 
Saturday’s passing by without you, and you’re too eager to sleep, too greedy to care.  
His head next to yours on the pillow, he gently slides his right arm around your waist, and you pliantly comply as he takes hold of your hips and draws you above his face, while you brace your arms on top of the wooden headboard. 
“Would you say I come in English or in French?” you muse pensively.
“Oh shit, you can’t speak to me in French, I’ll fuck you until you can’t walk again, I swear,” he warns in earnest as you laugh, before delicately spreading your folds with his thumb and index, and fastening his lips around your oversensitive bundle of nerves, and you exclaim, “Oh!”
Tenderly suckling your clit, Frankie slightly tilts his head back, so he can look up at you, at the expanse of your skin, the underside of your breasts, they’re his now, aren’t they? You’ve given him your trust, you’ve let him lay his claim, he’s perceived what it meant to you, he’ll never be the same again. 
And there’s the line of your throat as you roll back your head, fuck, he’s loving the view, he’s painfully hard again. 
Testing your sensitiveness, he flicks his tongue softly and you respond immediately, swirling your hips into his mouth. He kept thinking about that in the subway, Friday night, staring into your sweet wide eyes. About you riding his face. 
His cock’s leaking against his abdomen, and he’s rutting into the air, groaning into your mound, your soft hair tickling his skin, his hands splayed in a bruising grip around your hips, pulling you down harder, closer. 
Your knuckles have gone white in your grip of the headboard, sweat dripping down your back as your body tenses up, you can’t believe he’s gonna make you come again, and embarrassingly fast, too, the echoes of his grunts pulsating through your nerves. Pressing your damp forehead to the cool wall, wrinkling your brow in pleasure, you pant heavily, desperately trying to stall, slick dribbling down your inner thighs, but he starts suckling again and oh! it’s on you already, and you hear it before you feel it, with how intensely you cry out, twisting in his hold, jerking up at the over stimulation.  
He releases his grip reluctantly and you fall back heavily on the bed, your whines nearly plaintive, your dampened hair a halo around your face, strands glued to your shoulders, to your forehead.  
“Fuck, you’re soaked,” he says hoarsely, the mattress dipping under his weight as he shifts on it and sits up between your legs, spreading them wider with his shoulders, “let me lick it clean, please,” but he’s already diving in and you can’t see his face, his blown-out pupils, pitch-dark with hunger, you’re staring blindly at the white ceiling, and you say breathlessly, at the first flat, wide drag of his tongue, “Fuck me again, Frankie.”
Frankie’s head shoots up almost comically from between your spread thighs, a different kind of crease between his frowned brow.
“You sure?”
Tomorrow he won’t ask anymore. He won’t have to.
He loves to eat you out, he’s definitely hooked on your taste, richer, muskier every time he swipes his tongue through your folds, but he's quickly finding out that it’s not what he prefers. No, what Frankie likes best is to feel you come around him. He likes to feel you bear down on him, to feel your cunt grip him tightly and pull him in deeper, flutter along his cock like a trapped bird, he likes to see your belly taut, your neck thrown back, he likes the way you chase his skin with yours, the way your hands tug at his hair, he likes the biting sting of your nails into his shoulders and his back as you try to anchor yourself to his body, he loves when your wide eyes turn glazed before you squeeze them shut, the soft mewling of his name falling from your lips before your mouth goes slack, he loves your face when it’s finally void of all thoughts but pleasure, he loves watching you break open and come undone but above all, he loves being the one who gives you that. 
“Shit, I gave you a hickey.”
“A what?”
He smiles affectionately as he sweeps a lock of hair from the crook of your neck with the back of his hand. Yesterday, your subtle accent made his cock twitch. Today, it makes his heart swell. 
The two of you are sitting up straight, for once, although still on the bed, and still very much naked, basking in the soft late afternoon glow. Seated between his opened legs, your folds resting against his sleeping length, ankles linked behind each other’s back, his arm wrapped around your waist, your hands caressing his shoulders. 
“I left a mark, here”, he rubs his thumb over the mottled fleck on your pulse point, “earlier, I think I was too rough. I’m sorry,” he adds, kissing the purple spot on your neck. 
Lowering his hand, he lets his knuckles brush against the swell of your breast, following his movement with a dreamy gaze, before cupping it, savouring the feel of it in his large hand, his thumb playing over the darker circle of your nipple. You lightly lean into it, and his nostrils flare as he takes a deep breath, his tongue imperceptibly licking his lush bottom lip. 
His warm brown eyes flutter back up to your face, and you smile softly, relishing the sweet sight of puppy-eyes Frankie, before kissing the side of his nose. Your next words catch in your throat, although you must admit it’s getting easier, now.
“You can leave other marks. You can leave all the marks.”
I’ll take them with me. I’ll carry them forever. 
The dying sun plays across your back, your shoulder blades rolling as you move slowly, tiredly, and this is another sight, another side of you he’s loving. 
Straddling him as he lies flat on his back, stretched across the rumpled sheets, you’re facing away, your hair swaying on your shoulders with every pendulum movement, and he can’t look away, how could he, with the way you're fucking yourself on his cock? Your cunt hugging him so snugly, skin catching along the heft of him, your cheeks spread wide for him, fuck, he’s only sorry he can’t see your face from here. Small beads of sweat glimmer at the base of your spine, across the two dimples above your ass, these are the most beautiful things he’s ever seen. 
“Look at you, fuck, look at you,” his breathless tone speaks his amazement. 
You’re dripping on his length, slick dampening the dark curls at his base. Reaching out, he gathers it with his thumb, pushing lightly at your tight ring. 
You let him fuck your ass earlier, greedily agreeing to it without a second’s hesitation, just like you had to everything he asked. 
But ultimately, he’d been the one to prove reluctant, hating the thought of hurting you, of taking too much. 
He had worked you up thoroughly, patiently, methodically, lavishing you with open-mouthed kisses, fucking you on his fingers, bringing you repeatedly to the brink of your release until you’d been delirious with want and with need. At last, he’d breached you there, for the second time, just a couple of slow, cautious, shallow thrusts, and even like that it’d been quickly too much for you, so he tried telling you he was going to stop, his entire frame shaking under his restraint, but you told him he was the first, the only one, strained moans spilling feebly into the sheets, cursing the condom he was wearing, telling him how you wished he’d come inside you there, and that tipped him over the edge, he succumbed helplessly. Standing still, he stroked the part of his dick you couldn’t take in, and spurted inside that fucking latex as you whined his name. 
The way you openly want him triggers something unprecedented in Frankie. Cracking the lid faster and deeper than anything else he’s ever experienced, ever fought against. He knows he should be scared. 
You arch back with a plaintive moan, and you plead, “Frankie Frankie Frankie please.” When was the last time you slept? You’re beyond exhausted, and you can’t work him in, not as deeply as you want him, you need him to take over, pound you into the bed without mercy and then perhaps sleep, finally, sleep, curled up against his chest, because now you do believe he will let you stay. 
But Frankie’s not answering, lost in the sight of your languid swirls above him, so you sink your nails in the tensed muscles of his thighs and you dig, until he snaps out of it. 
“Yea,” he finally answers, getting a hold of your hips and lifting you from his length, “I got you.”
He’s handling you gently, but you feel like a rag doll between his large hands, pliant, limp limbs and heavy head, when he doesn’t seem to have lost any of his strength. If he’s tired too, it doesn’t show. 
An arm braced under your breasts, standing on his knees, he holds your back flush against his chest. Just a moment, a brief moment, and he’ll give it to you, but he wants a taste of your neck, and he nuzzles there, biting softly and kissing the taut line of your throat. He doesn’t kiss your skin nearly enough, he thinks. He sucks on it a bit harder, where your neck meets your shoulder, you said he could leave a mark, and there’s that moan again. 
Your consciousness is slipping, your head is spinning, you have never felt this good. He brings two of his fingers to your lips and his low voice in your ear makes your spine tingle and your skin shiver when he instructs you to “open up for me, please,” hot breath fanning over your throat. You wrap your lips around the digits and lick docilely, sloppily, as his cock presses in the cleft of your ass, grinding against you, almost absentmindedly, until he decides that it’s good.
He lowers his fingers to your clit and starts drawing lazy circles and you all but melt in his hold with a dragged out whine, feeling him smile against your neck. 
“You can come like that, right? Again? For me?”
You don’t have enough strength to nod, clinging onto his left arm across your chest to keep yourself upright.
“The things I wanna do to you, all the things I wanna do to you… you drive me crazy,” he presses the last words into your flesh and bites a little harder on your throat. 
Your voice little more than an inarticulate whisper, you groggily beg, “please, please fuck me now, fuck me hard.”  
“Yea, I'm gonna give it to you.” 
With deft movements, he delicately lowers your shoulders onto the mattress, until your forehead is resting on the soft bedsheet. His left hand gently pressed between your shoulders, he pushes your legs open with his, humming appreciatively at the explicit sound of your wet pussy opening for him. With a soft but firm hold of your hip, he raises your ass higher up. His voice is low and husky as he asks you if “You ready?” 
You nod with the energy of despair, concerned for a fleeting second that you might smear mascara all over the white pillow case, the thought irrelevant, but you can’t think for too long. He drags his length between your folds, gathering your slick, and lines himself up, and you hardly have time to register the round tip of him at your entrance before he drives into you in one smooth thrust, going in easily with how soaked you are. 
His moves are slow but thorough, burying himself inside you to the hilt and pulling all the way out in a steady, commanding pace. You want to fuck him right back, but the drag of his cock along your walls kills your strength. You stretch out your arms blindly, your fingers scrabbling on the sheets, until your hands find the headboard and you brace yourself against it.
It’s not lost on him, and fuck, he doesn’t want to hurt you but he’ll give you just what you need. Bringing his legs closer to yours, angling down his hips, he fucks up into you, reaching a spot deep within you that you didn’t even know existed, pushing further still once he’s all the way in.
You clench your eyes shut, your bottom lip catching on the linen as he picks up the pace and rocks you into the pillow. He’s fucking the air out of your lungs and all thoughts out of your brain and your consciousness fades, you cease to be, you only exist around the length of him, under the bruising grasp of his fingers on your hip, under the palm of his hand on your back. 
His voice low and hoarse as he chants incoherently, “you feel so good you’re so fucking good feel so fucking sweet so fucking good for me”, you can’t hear him, you’re split open, your orgasm breaking from your core and crashing along your body, you’re a million scattered pieces, save for the places where he touches you, you’re pulled under, swept away. 
Your heart burns through your rib cage and panic rushes through you like flooding waters, what if you can’t come back from this, you call out for him in a weak mewl, that gets drowned into the soft cushion, he’ll never hear you under the roar of the crashing waves. 
His chest collides with your back, his skin burning your skin, his weight anchoring you underneath him, he reaches out for your hands and twines his fingers with yours, and in your ear he whispers,
“I’m here, baby.”
Additional note: Thank you for reading this far! I've already started working on the next chapter but it will be ✨eventful✨ and I'm buried under a shitload of work, so it might take me a bit longer than usual to post. In the meantime, if there's anything you'd like to know, don't be shy and drop me an ask! Thank you again for reading my silly little story 💕
Taglist (Thank you 💕): @nicolethered @elegantduckturtle @mashomasho @lola766 @flowersandpotplantsandsunshine @littleone65
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torreshalstead · 2 years ago
You make the miles worth it - Epilogue
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Summary - The Chicago Marathon had always been a dream for Hailey. And when she meets a stranger in pink running shoes whilst training, she realises maybe she had been dreaming for more.
Chapters - 24/24
Notes - I can’t believe this story has come to an end! I’ve learnt so much writing this, it’s the longest thing I’ve ever written, 4x longer than my dissertation! But thank you for all your support, it’s meant the world to me. I hope you enjoy just this little epilogue to close it off ❤️ AO3 Link
One year later
‘Jay!’ Hailey called loudly from the front door, ‘we are going to be late’. She already had her shoes on, her gear bag and Jay’s thrown over her shoulder and was tapping her foot impatiently, the sound echoing down the hallway.
‘I wasn’t late last year and look how well that turned out,’ he said with a smirk as he walked out of their bedroom and gave her a quick peck on the lips as he grabbed his shoes.
Their bedroom. Hailey had only just got used to thinking of it as such as they had finally taken the plunge 3 weeks ago and moved in together. They had been spending every night at either his or her place for the last 6 months. And as Vanessa had so kindly pointed out, there was no point in paying two rents if they weren’t using both of them. Hailey had debated on it for a while as she didn’t want to abandon Vanessa, the two had been roommates for years. Vanessa reminded her that she wasn’t abandoning her and they had never planned on living together forever. Just as Hailey had started to argue the point, Vanessa had added quickly that she and Kevin had been talking about moving in together too so it made perfect sense.
On the day of the move, everyone had shown up to help them. Hailey had smiled and thought to herself how lucky they were to have such a group of friends who were always there for them. That was until Adam almost dropped the box with all her mugs and he was banished to only being allowed to carry pillows and clothes.
It hadn’t taken them long to settle in, they had been pretty much living together already but every time she walked through the door it felt more like home than anywhere else ever had. He was her home.
However, today he needed to hurry up. They had to be there in 30 minutes and it was a 15-minute walk. And being late was not something Hailey enjoyed doing.
‘Okay, I’m ready,’ said Jay as he finished tying his laces and stood up. ‘Let’s go run that marathon’.
It was the day after the race that Hailey had realised she wanted to run the marathon again, despite the blisters on her feet, her painfully tight muscles and the fact it had taken over her life for the last 6 months. She wanted to feel that high again when she crossed the finish line, it was like nothing she had ever experienced before. Jay was immediately on board, not needing an ounce of persuasion, she got the feeling if she hadn’t suggested it to him that he would have.
So here they were, one year on from the day of their long awaited first kiss, living together and heading to the start line of their second marathon. This time they walked hand in hand to the start area as there was no urgent case in New York that Jay had been pulled to. She felt calmer than last year somehow, happier, and overall incredibly excited to run 26.2 through the city she loved side by side with the person that she loved.
When they crossed the finish line this time and she turned to kiss him, he was getting down on one knee and was pulling a ring out of his pocket. She didn’t hear anything he was saying, she was too busy nodding wildly and saying yes. Yes. Of course she said yes.
The marathon was special. It had been special to Hailey for years, even before she made it to the start line the year before. But now it was something else. Something more. It had given her so much, so much hope, so much love. It had given her Jay. And now as he slid the ring onto her left hand, stood up and spun her around, she realised it had given her the world.
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hiphop-rap-and-basketball · 3 years ago
rookie year | chapter 7
a lamelo ball fanfic by hiphop-rap-and-basketball
Pairing: LaMelo Ball x fem!reader
Word Count: 3,313 
Warnings: All characters in this story are 18+. Minors DNI. 
A/N: Long awaited!! So of course, let me know how you like it! Also, I kind of have a mental image of what I think Tristan would look like, but by the way he acts, I am curious as to how you guys picture him lmaoo, Let me know!!
A couple of you were excited for an update so enjoyyy :) 
Extended Warnings: Mentions of sex, swearing, sexism. 
Tuesday, October 22nd 2019
Since your last shoot with Melo, you had been busy with many other shoots and sending out photos you had finished editing within the weeks span. You were getting faster and better at photoshopping now. It’s helped you get your income up and save more money.
You also had not seen Melo since the shoot. He has been so busy with basketball and you were busy as well, finally getting around to editing his photos.
The two of you went back and fourth over text after the shoot about him paying you. You insisted that he should not after his extremely large payment the first time around. He would not take that as an answer. He was being playful with it now because every day since then, he sent you $10.00 with his signature emojis attached to it.
You: Melo!!!!!
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: I’m not arguing
Apple Pay: $10 
Take it
$5 get you a coffee today too.😊
You: Melo seriously, you didn’t have to.
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: you work hard on what you’re passionate about every single day. You deserve it.
You: 🥺🥺🥺
I can’t say no to that
Zero self control
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: then don’t say no😊😊
You: you’ll see your photos soon I’m almost done 😊
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: don’t sweat it, no rush.
You: thanks for understanding and thanks for your support😊 good luck tonight!
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: thank youuu camera girl 🕺🏾💕
Oddly enough, you and actually began gaining more interest in basketball. You began keeping up with Charlotte Hornets games and watching them when you had the chance.
Meanwhile, Tristan told you last week he was planning a surprise for you today and after begging him for days to tell you what it is, he still would not tell you. You accepted your fate and waited, truly not having any idea what he was doing for you.
You got ready for him to pick you up and when he finally did, you were still side eyeing him, unsure of what the surprise was as he swore you were getting closer and closer to the destination.
“Okay we’re almost here, close your eyes.” He demanded.
“Right now right now?”
“Yes! Quick, do it,” he laughed.
“Okay fine,” you yell back while quickly using both hands to cover up your face.
A couple minutes went by and you began to tap your foot, wanting so desperately to just see.
“Okay… open them now,” he says.
You uncover your eyes to see you were parked in front of the Humane Society of Charlotte.
“You’re kidding-wait.”
“No, Let’s go get your kitten.”
“Oh my God Tristan-“
You rush out of the car and rush to go through the doors. Nothing mattered anymore except getting your hands on a furry friend.
There were so many animals. You made you way to the cat section. You admired the cats of all ages. They were all in tiny compartments with nothing but water and a bed set out for them. It was sad knowing they were all there for different reasons. Knowing that all of them might not have a chance at a forever home.
You looked at Tristan with tears beginning to form in your eyes.
“Don’t cry,” he chuckled.
“But look at them,” you whined while poking your lip out. There were cats of all different ages and breeds. You continued to scan all of your options.
You spotted a black cat that was in her compartment all alone. You approached her and put your hand on the glass. She began nudging her head on up against the glass on her side as if her head was actually touching your hand.
“She’s 8 months, fully vaccinated and microchipped, she was just turned in due to the owner finding out she was allergic,” the worker stated as she approached you and crossed her arms. “Her name is Lucky but often times people rename the animals they bring home and that’s okay too. We’re just happy to see them find a home.”
“What… that’s so sad,” you replied, palm still up against the glass.
“Wanna meet her?” She asked.
“Yes please!”
Tristan admired the interaction. The worker took you to the area where you could interact with the animals in a safe space.
You watched as she brought her out. You reached your hands out to grab her and she immediately hung onto your chest. She stayed there and did not let go. You felt the vibrations of her purrs.
“Oh my gosh, she’s purring,” you cried.
“She’s the biggest sweetheart,” the worker said. I’ll leave you two to make a decision.”
She swiftly walked away and you played with Lucky. She chased after the feather wand toy you held out for her.
“Take a picture,” you said handing Tristan your phone. “I need to remember this moment.”
He snapped the picture for you as you smiled, holding Lucky in your arms.
“You think she’s the one?” Tristan asked handing your phone back to you.
“Oh yeah, don’t you know? You don’t choose the cat, the cat chooses you,” you replied and he laughs.
“You’re the expert. She’s all yours. Happy early birthday baby,” Tristan stated.
“You’re kidding,” you respond, still in shock at the fact that you did not think looking at kittens would be on the agenda for what Tristan had planned for today. “But my birthday isn’t until next month?”
“Little early, but,” he shrugs. “Timing was just right.”
After signing some papers and receiving a paper with a helpful list of things to buy for your new baby, you and Tristan headed to the pet store for supplies.
You brought Lucky inside, proudly showing her the way to the cat section. A place that you had visited multiple times before when you knew you would eventually get your own cat. After grabbing a cart, you rushed to the aisle and started plopping in everything you know you needed in the cart.
“She’s getting spoiled,” you exclaimed. “I want that one!” You say while pointing to the cat tower with many compartments and ways to climb.
You threw as many things in the cart as you could for Lucky to live her best life possible. You did not care how much you spent, you wanted her to be as comfortable as possible adjusting to your apartment.
On the drive home you remembered the conversation you had with Melo about needing to talk to Tristan. This was such a nice gesture of him, you wondered if you should just hold off and forget about it.
When you got home, Tristan helped you bring all the new cat stuff up into your apartment. Before you let her roam free and sniff around, you set up her litter box, water bowl and set her bed next to yours.
“Well, looks like we gotta put this parts together,” Tristan said while looking at the instructions that came in the box of the cat tower.
“Let’s get into it then,” you smiled before letting Lucky out of the carrier you brought her home in. She approached her surroundings with caution and the two of you admired her as she sniffed everything.
You wanted to play so music while you started putting it together. You opened up your laptop without realizing Tristan was over your shoulder. You realized you still had photoshop open with one of the pictures of Melo that you were editing.
“Are you serious,” he scuffs.
“What?” You ask.
“Are those from the same shoot or…”
“No, I had a second shoot with him a couple weeks ago,” you stated.
“You’re kidding,” he laughs. “Really?”
“Um… yeah?”
“I just don’t see why you needed to do two photoshoots with him,” he stated while crossing his arms.
You looked at him with a blank expression on your face.
“I can’t believe you gave him another photoshoot,”
“Tristan it’s literally my job,” you finally say.
“Yeah but-“
“Literally don’t get why you have a problem with this. This is what I do for a living. Are you genuinely angry because I’m working with another man? Literally if that’s the problem just say that dude.”
He was silent for a moment.
“Hello?” You yelled, fed up not caring about how your tone was coming across at this point.
“I’m going to the military,” he blurted without meeting your gaze. His eyes were glued to the floor.
Chills immediately ran down your spine.
“W-what?” You stammered.
“I’m going to the military. I’m going to be a Marine and I’m leaving to boot camp in California. That’s the reason I gave you an early birthday gift. I’ll be gone on your birthday. I’m leaving for boot camp early November. How can I trust that you’ll be loyal when I’m gone if you’re not even loyal while I’m actually here,” his tone was so cold his energy transferred the frozen feeling to your body. Your fingertips were chilled and your heart was pounding and filled with anger.
“Tristan Frank Williams you have got to be fucking with me right now.”
“I’m not,” he laughs manically now.
“Why the FUCK would you not tell me that was your plan? Why the fuck do you think because I’m doing my job and my client is a guy means I’m automatically unfaithful?” You yelled, vision blurred with anger.
“Don’t act like ever since he’s been around all you care about is making time for him and his stupid pictures. Matter fact, that’s slutty behavior. You tryna get with him under my nose and think I won’t notice? NBA players do not take bitches seriously,” he laughed.
“Tristan what the hell. You’re literally making NO sense right now. I-“ you scuffed in disbelief at his nasty words. So angry that you struggled to form a sentence.
“No. This is not okay. The problem is when you started to think you could talk to me disrespectfully and gaslight me. I’ve literally done two photoshoots with him Tristan. TWO. That doesn’t mean I’m having sex with him what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Yeah yeah you always say it’s gaslighting.”
“You’ve been the problem Tristan. All along! It’s been you! I’ve done nothing wrong,” you scoffed. Unable to spit out anymore words. You were in pure frustration at this point. Your new kitten started meowing loudly, looking up at the two of you.
“You’re scaring her,” he mumbled.
“I’m tired of you shifting the blame no matter what the situation is,” you stating lowering your tone now while you scooped Lucky up into your arms. “Get the fuck out of my house,” you stated.
“Really?” He laughed. “You want me to leave? After ever single thing I did for you today?”
“Yes, I mean that shit. Leave,” you grumbled.
“Tell me that one more time and mean it, I’m never coming back,” he shrugged, still unable to wipe the smug grin off his face almost as if he were proud to get you worked up, proud to be the reason that you were upset, not even attempting to fight for himself to right his wrongs.
You placed Lucky on your bed so she was further from you two now.
“Get the fuck out of my house, right now. I’m not fucking playing, and leave the key,” your voice thundering across the apartment at this point.
He looks at you sideways for a moment.
“That quick? Yeah you never loved me,” he laughed, grabbing the key from his pocket and tossing it on the ground.
He storms out, slamming the front door shut.
Your kitten meowed once more as she was back to standing by your side on the floor, having escaped from her spot on the bed that you placed her on. You look down at her. Tears in your eyes as you picked her back up and snuggled her in your arms.
“You’re so sweet,” you whispered to her as you felt her fur in between your fingers.
Tears streamed down your face as you snuggled her up for a while, she fell asleep in your arms purring.
You cuddled your new baby in one hand and used your spare hand to pick up your phone. You wondered who you should reach out to for support.
You scroll through your contacts and find someone who you had not had a conversation with within a couple months. An old close friend who meant a lot to you but since it had been a while since you spoke, you were not sure if now was the best time to text.
You: Hey Jordyn. I know it’s been a while but I hope you’re doing well. Miss you so much hope we can chat soon.
It did not take long for you to receive a reply and when you did, you did not regret it.
Jordyn💝💛: Y/N are you kidding! Please I don’t even mind how long it’s been. I love you. I miss you. Sorry I am definitely just as guilty for not reaching out as well. But, it’s 3a.m. in Rome and it’s been a long night 😂 text you in the morning? Well, my morning 😂
You looked at the time here. 9:00p.m.
You: yesssss please anytime love😊 glad to hear your living it up and traveling.
Jordyn💝💛: I have been. Oh it’s been a dream y/n. I can’t wait to hear how your life has been too. It’s been way too long. Talk to you in the morning. Well, for you it might be night but I’m sure we’ll just text each other 😂
You: it’s okay 😂 get some rest 😊😊 gn🌙🌙
You bring your hand to your eyes again. Texting your mom sounded like a scary move and a conversation of “I told you so” that you were not ready to have at this time. Even though you knew she would be on your side. She was definitely asleep by this time of night anyway.
You realized that the only one you really had left to go to was Melo.
You thought hard about it for a moment. Not wanting to prove what anything Tristan said right. But Tristan’s words were damaging. He does not know Melo like you do. Nothing Tristan said mattered now. His words hurt but you knew they were not true. You knew you were loyal and deserving of someone who loved and cared for you.
You looked at your phone now, beginning to type what came to mind.
You: Hey Melo. I just wanted to say thank you for being in my life lately. I really appreciate our bond.
You delete the message.
You: Hey Melo, Tristan and I are done and I don’t know how to feel. I feel sad about it but I am also kinda relieved. Am I a bad person for that?
You delete it again.
You: Hey LaMelo. I really wish you were here right now, I need some support. My heart was just broken. Haha at least I got a new kitten.
God no, you thought. Delete, delete, delete.
One more time.
You: Hey, hope your game went well tonight😊😊
You searched up the final scores for the games tonight.
Hornets vs. Warriors
The Warriors beat the Hornets 113 to 87.
Well, I guess it wasn’t a good night for him either, you thought.
Your kitten was up and walking around now. You studied her as she made tiny steps around your apartment.
“You must be hungry, baby girl,” you cooed.
She looked up at you and meowed as if she understood what you asked.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you replied to her with a giggle.
You got up and prepared some wet food for her. She went in on her little bowl as soon as you set it down for her.
You set her new toys and bed on the floor. You watched her every move as she spent moments playing then moments later completely ignoring her new bed and hopping on yours for a nap.
You decided to take a nice shower to wind down for the night. As the thought repeatedly rewinded in your head that Tristan was gone. How could he not even tell you his plan was military? Not once did he mention it. The thought sickened you and you tried to let it pass, letting the hot water build up steam in the cold bathroom and bring relief to your puffy eyes.
Taking quiet possibly the longest shower of your life, taking your time to get clean. You got out and lied on the bed, looking at your phone.
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: hey y/n. Not the best game. We lost tonight.
You: I’m so sorry to hear. How you holding up?
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: It’ll be okay. Just have to go harder next time.
You: I know you will 😊
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: how about you tho? How’s your night going?
You: haha… welll… funny you ask
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: what’s the matter?
You: it’s okay, I don’t have to vent at this very moment we can always talk about it later, you probably have a lot on your mind already right now.
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: tell meee, what happened?
You: you sure?
You stroked Lucky’s fur as you awaited his response.
Your phone began vibrating with an incoming call.
“Hello?” You asked without being able to contain your sniffles and voice cracking.
“Hey y/n what’s wrong?” He asked, the concern very clear in his voice.
“Um,” you began. “You want to hear the good news or bad news first?” You ask with a weak laugh, trying to make light of the situation.
��Oh camera girl you sound so sad,” he replied. “What’s the bad?”
“Well Tristan and I broke up and it was pretty ugly.”
“Oh Y/N I’m so sorry..” he trailed off. “Are you okay?”
“Honestly I don’t know. It hurts right now, he was so mean.”
“Damn I feel bad. I really I wish could be there for you right now,” he sighed.
“Thank you Melo, I appreciate it. Thanks for even calling to check up on me.”
“‘Course. If I could I would be there you know I would.”
“Thanks… I wish you were…” you admitted.
“Soon.. But what’s the good news though? If you ready to talk about it,” he chuckled.
“I got a cat… he bought her for me. Well, adopted I guess but paid for her stuff, It’s an early birthday present.”
“Oh early? When’s your birthday?”
“November 22nd.”
“Oh that’s coming up… why’d he give it to you before?”
“He… he told me he’s going to the military.”
“Holy shit.”
“And you didn’t know?” He stammered.
“Not a clue.”
“Yeah,” you sighed.
“Fucked up,” you finish his words for him.
“I’m so sorry Y/N. When I come back we can go somewhere special. Anywhere you want- to help you feel better,” he states.
“That’s so sweet of you Melo, thank you,” you reply with a sniffle.
“Take some time off you deserve it, I really hope you’re okay.”
“I will be… not at this second though. This feels hard.”
“Are you okay being alone right now?”
“No,” you say feeling the tears coming back on.
“Oh shit that was not a good question to ask, I’m so sorry,” he apologized.
“It’s okay,” you say with tears and a laugh. “I’m a big girl I need to learn how to work through it.”
“You will. It’ll be okay, I promise,” he reassured. “Just know, if I didn’t have basketball going on, then I would be flying out to be there with you right now,” he stated.
“Thank you, Melo,” you giggled. “Thank you for putting a smile on my face and helping me cheer up a bit.”
“Of course camera girl, get some rest.”
“Thanks, I’m gonna try.”
“Good night Y/N.”
“Night Melo. Thank you again.”
The line disconnected. You sat in silence
Read Chapter 8 Here
TAGLIST: please message me if you want to be added :)
@ykiminlove @baddessbubble 
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koushou · 4 years ago
Can you please do zhongli/rex lapis x fem shy reader. The fem reader is extremely shy and doesn't have any friends cause of her quiet and timid nature and she lives in liyue with her parents and an only child. She loves to story of rex lapis and the history of liyue and accidentally meet zhongli and sometime later he revealed to be rex lapis to the reader. Also, the fem is a villager of liyue and doesn't have super powers to fight just a weak villager.
fateful meeting
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pairing : zhongli x shy f!reader {fluff}
warnings : none
word count : 2.6k
a/n : thank you for this request! I apologize for the wait, I dont think i made the reader as shy as you requested jshdjd sorry, i hope you enjoy !
Even as a child you had been fascinated by the stories of Liyue, or rather, a specific figure in its history. Perhaps, the archons have heard your passionate nature regarding Liyue, for a fateful meeting one day will change your peaceful life forever. 
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Life was everything you could’ve ever wished for.
Only the soft, consistent chopping of a knife against a wooden cutting board and an occasional quiet flip of a page in a book could be heard in one of the many homes in Qingce Village. 
Sunlight seeps through the cracks of the window you sat by, casting a bright glow on the words inside the book in your hands, seeming as if the story itself was coming to life.
Well, not that the story wasn’t coming to life, it had already come to life, for you were currently reading about the history of your beloved nation, Liyue.
The book you were so engrossed in was not an unfamiliar story, having already read it a couple times. You would never grow tired of this one.
A smile played on your lips as you approached one of your favorite parts of this specific chapter. 
Softly fiddling with the corner of the thin page, your eyes scanned over the familiar words slowly.
Wielding a spear so sharp no blade could even hope to compete against, he emerges from the shadows, illuminating a golden aura around his built figure. In one swift motion, the polearm-wielding fighter sends a rumble through the ground beneath him, ridding of any enemies around him in a flash. A sigh leaves his lips as he removes his hood, examining his surroundings. A long ponytail of golden-brown hair trails down to his waist, flowing softly in the wind. His eyes the same shade, if anything more golden, slowly fluttering shut, head turning upwards, immersing himself in the soft breeze.
You pause and gaze out the window, sighing at the scene of hundreds of miles of tall mountains spread out all around, all thanks to one person. One archon, to be more specific.
About to flip the page once more to continue, you were interrupted by your mother’s voice calling out from the kitchen. 
“Y/N, dear, could you fetch me some berries down the river if you aren’t busy?”
You tear your eyes away from the book begrudgingly, calling back, “Fine, anything else?”
“Some sweet flowers and fowl would be great, thanks honey!”
You shut the book, placing it down on your table as you stand up to stretch, bones cracking at the movement.
As much as you wanted nothing but to snuggle back into your chair and immerse yourself back into the story, your parents were the most important people in your life, and you knew it was mainly up to you to take care of them.
Being an only child isn’t as lonely as people make it out to be, you get peace and quiet in the home, and you wouldn’t change it for anything else.
Kicking on your shoes you wore when you ventured outside, you picked up the basket that was used to collect food, as well as your hunting bow for the fowl.
You didn’t know how to fight, having spent your whole life secluded in the village, but you had enough hunting experience, at least.
About to head out, your eyes landed on the book now laying on the table and pondered for a moment, before grabbing it and placing it into the basket.
Despite your mother’s scolding about dangers reading outside, you just wanted a change of scenery while you lose yourself in Liyue’s history.
“I’m heading out now, Ma!” You call out as you push open the wooden door to your home, earning a hum from her in response.
The heat in Liyue would be pretty unbearable to outsiders, however having lived in the same village for almost all your life, it wasn’t anything new.
You hummed, greeting your neighbors occasionally with a wave, walking down to your usual place to fetch ingredients.
Finally reaching your destination not too far from the village, you crouch by the river as you picked the sweet flowers and berries your mother had asked for.
“Mmm, what else did she ask for again?” You thought out loud, forgetting the last ingredient, eyes landing on your bow.
“Oh right, fowl!”
You scan your surroundings, looking for any signs of birds, when suddenly you hear a sharp rustle of a bush behind you. 
Not having time to even turn around and investigate, a heavy weight pounced on you from behind, causing you to tumble forward.
You let out a yelp, feeling a pain through your arm that you had landed on, turning around to see the attacker.
Your eyes widened, seeing it had been a hilichurl that was currently standing above you, however, it didn’t feel like a regular hilichurl.
It had black smoke emitting around it, as if some type of curse had been placed on it, enhancing its strength.
The hilichurl spurt out some unintelligible words, before raising its bat and lunging at you once again.
You grab your bow beside you quickly, aiming at its head before completely missing due to your shaking hands.
Cursing under your breath, you pick up a rock and throw it weakly at the creature, causing it to stop only briefly before charging towards you again, seemingly more angered this time. 
This was it, you thought. All the time spent not learning how to fight, this must’ve been your punishment. 
You shield your face with your arms, hoping to at least lessen the impact, before hearing the hilichurl shout followed by a thud behind you. 
Moving your hands away from your head, you turn to see the hilichurl now lying unconscious a few feet away from you.
“Are you hurt anywhere?” 
A deep, masculine voice brings you out of your shock, as you turn slowly to meet your savior, instead met by a hand held out in front of you, offering assistance. 
Your eyes trailed up to the mysterious man’s face, before your breath caught in your throat.
A long ponytail of golden-brown hair trails down to his waist, flowing softly in the wind.
The man looked back at you curiously, hand still reached out toward you.
His eyes the same shade, if anything more golden.
Why were you suddenly reminded of those words in the book?
Your mouth gapes at the sight of the man above you, his presence bringing a strange feeling you didn’t recognize.
Your eyes widened. Could it be..?
“...excuse me? Are you alright?”
His voice brings you out of your daze once again, a worried look cast upon his handsome features. Wait, what?
It was only then did you realize how good looking the man was before you, turning red as you took his hand and stood up, wobbling a tiny bit.
“Thank you for saving me,” you bow slightly, quickly picking up your forgotten belongings on the ground, still flustered from the incident.
You were about to say goodbye and leave as quick as you could, before your book fell out of your basket and landed on the ground next to the man’s feet.
The man bent down and picked up the book, about to hand it back to you, when he suddenly stopped and examined the cover.
You swore you could’ve been seeing things, but a small smile grazes his lips as he faces you.
“Are you also interested in the stories of Liyue?”
You stop in your tracks, turning to the man who was now flipping through the pages of the book to the section you had bookmarked prior.
His golden orbs now held an unreadable expression behind them, almost...nostalgic.
You felt a small surge of confidence as your favorite topic was brought up.
“Ah--yes, I am quite informed of the history of Liyue myself,” you smile softly to yourself, causing him to look up and chuckle.
“Is that so?” He hums, tilting his head upwards to face the blue sky, closing his eyes slowly. 
...slowly fluttering shut, head turning upwards, immersing himself in the soft breeze.
Your eyes widened at the sight.
There was no way.
But, there was no other explanation for it.
“May I...ask your name?” You ask carefully, awaiting his answer.
He shuts the book with a soft thud, handing it back to you to which you take back happily.
“I go by Zhongli.”
He offers you a smile, making your heart skip a beat and blood to your cheeks, as you stutter back your name in response.
“Be careful around these parts, monsters have been affected by some sort of spell here, making them stronger than usual,” he explains while putting away his spear he had used earlier.
Wielding a spear so sharp no blade could even hope to compete against.
There was no mistaking it.
“Are you perhaps--” 
You start to ask, gaining a curious gaze from him, however stopping in your words after realizing how bizarre you’d sound if you’d ask him the question you had been aching to voice since your meeting.
“Nevermind, I should get going,” You shake your head, thanking him once more before starting to walk away.
“If you’d like me to answer your question, meet me back here tomorrow, at the same time.”
Zhongli spoke behind you, making you turn and meet his eyes, which gazed back into yours almost knowingly. 
“But you don’t know what my question is,” you question, confusion evident on your features.
He chuckles again, the sound making you melt on the spot.
“Do not underestimate the geo archon.” 
With that, he disappears into the other direction, leaving you frozen in your place.
Did he just…?
A million thoughts were coursing through your head at the moment. But one thing was for sure, you couldn’t wait until tomorrow. 
That night, sleep did not come to you like usual.
With your head filled with thoughts about Zhongli, and his last words before departing, you were basically shaking with excitement.
Had you really met him?
Nevermind, your questions would all be answered the next day.
“I see you’ve arrived.”
Zhongli smiles at you, to which you return the gesture, still mesmerized by his delicate features to speak.
You had practically jumped out of bed this morning, making some jumbled excuse about fetching more berries and fowl to your mother, who was left dumbfounded.
Zhongli pats the spot beside him on the grass, and you notice his spear laying next to him on the other side.
Carefully sitting down next to the tall man, both of your backs leaned against the tree with its leaves above you providing minimal cover from the sun. It was then that you noticed the close proximity of your bodies, making you flush.
“So, would you like to ask me your question from yesterday?”
You bit your bottom lip nervously for a moment, before shaking your head and reaching next to you into the bag that you had brought. 
“Ah-- before that, Mr. Zhongli, you mentioned you are also interested in Liyue’s stories?” You pulled out the book from yesterday. 
He nods, as you flip open the book to the chapter you had bookmarked. The same chapter describing Rex Lapis’s first appearance.
“Just Zhongli is fine. And yes, I am also well-informed of the stories of Liyue. Would you like me to tell you some?”
You nod, showing him the marked section. “That would be nice, but could you answer this one question of mine first?”
He takes the book from your hands, bright pupils scanning over the words. A small breeze blew by just that moment, causing his long hair to lift slightly. The sunlight shone softly on his pale skin, giving him an almost ethereal aura.
You never thought someone could appear so calm and peaceful while reading a book.
“Yes, ask away.” 
He lifts his head up to meet your eyes, making you clear your throat, embarrassed you had been admiring him so openly.
Although that chapter remains your favorite chapter of all times, there had been one question that had stayed in the corner of your mind each time you read it.
“In that section, when Rex Lapis lifts his head and immerses himself in the wind, what do you think he was feeling? Satisfaction from eliminating his enemies? Or perhaps, tired from all the fighting in the Archon War?”
Zhongli hums, smiling gently at nothing in particular as he closes his eyes, lifting his head up towards the sky.
A small breeze passes by again, and you smile at the sight. You no longer questioned his true identity. You knew.
“That all may be true, however, I’d say he was feeling quite…” He pauses, as if trying to search for the right word.
“...saddened, almost.”
You tilt your head curiously, “Saddened?”
He nods, facing you, “Perhaps mournful, even. Have you ever wondered if Rex Lapis wanted to kill at all? Although those evil should be eliminated, they are still living souls, and perhaps he wished for everything to return to normal.”
Zhongli’s voice trailed off, as he held a sad feeling behind his eyes, making you unconsciously reach for his hand laying on his lap.
He looked at you in surprise at the sudden contact, and your eyes widened at your own actions, making a move to quickly retrieve your own hand, when he stops you.
 He brings the both of your hands together, now laying on his lap as red spreads through your cheeks.
The both of you sit in silence as a few beats pass, when he breaks the silence once again.
“I’d like to share with you some of my favorite stories of Liyue, would you be interested?”
You smile, nodding as he starts speaking again.
And he shares stories you’ve never heard before, or even some that you have, but a different version of. The difference in stories that you had believed your whole life made you surprised, not sure what to believe.
No, scratch that, deep down, you knew what to believe. Or, who to believe.
Zhongli shares his stories until it starts to become dark, to which he finally stops and suggests you return home.
“I’ll walk you home, it’s quite dangerous at night.”
You thank him, and you two start to make your way back, continuing to talk about Liyue and its fascinating history.
“Ah, it’s just right down there. Thank you for today, Zhongli.” You smile at him once again, ready to return before he stops you.
“Are you not going to ask me the question you had yesterday?” It was quite dark, so it was a bit difficult to tell, but you swore there was a slight smirk on his lips.
You laugh, shaking your head. “I’ve got my answer already.”
He raises his eyebrows, a teasing hint in his voice, “Are you sure, Y/N?”
Hearing your name roll off his tongue sent shivers through your body, smirking back at him.
“I’m quite sure, Rex Lapis.”
Zhongli opens his mouth to speak before closing, as deep chuckles ring through the night. Not long after, your own quiet giggles joining him. Finally, you both recover from your laughter.
“Goodnight then, Morax, you still have to share your stories with me tomorrow.”
He smiles at you, golden eyes shining even through the dark. “Same time?”
You grin back, before turning to return back to your home. “Same time.”
Maybe you’d ask him to teach you how to fight tomorrow.
On second thought, perhaps your lack of experience in fighting was a good thing. For because of it, you had met the man who only existed in books that you’d read everyday.
Your once peaceful life, although disrupted by the appearance of the one and only geo archon you admired so dearly, had now offered you something to look forward to each day.
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