#yes that image is from the official splatoon 2 artbook
glassesfreekjr · 1 year
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IMG: candid photo of Red Flare District's (alleged) bassist, Deryn Doe. Wanted for illegal data brokering as of 09/10/122023.
Excerpt from interview with two three members of Red Flare District, Inkopolis News Network; 6 September 122023:
Q: So, i take it the band's second single was composed and arranged primarily by... Haddock, was it? Hiddock (he/him), guitarist: Hiddock. Deryn (presumed she/her), bassist: [incoherent] St. Tuna Piano (he/him), frontman & drummer: Yeah, no input from me at all, man. Real inspiring stuff. Shame Petr coul'n't sing vocals again. Q: ... What was the reason this time? St. Tuna Piano: Cuz 'e choked on a bell pepper, that's wot. Irrevokably out o' commission. Deryn: [incoherent] Hiddock: Truth be told, I was initially inspired after our day trip to Um'ami — er, before it flooded last week, that is — but it wasn't until Shipshape Cargo Co. broke into the whole Turf War shtick that this idea just... arose through spontaneous generation; Squid Athena being birthed, fully formed, from her own skull. I mean, like, this new battleground floats through the remains of the polar ice caps — in essence, the impetus of both humanity's extinction and the Great Turf War, now used for a mundane cargo route and commercialized inkspewing. Don't you think that's oddly messed up? Q: Couldn't say. Anyway: there seems to be some degree of curiousity regarding a sample used around the one-minute mark. Any remarks? Hiddock: From a demo tape we found. Lost media; fit the theme. You wouldn't believe if we told you how we got it. Deryn: [fervent babble; no less comprensible] Q: I... don't believe she was even invited to this interview. How, uh... why is your bassist present? Hiddock: Well, "present" isn't... the word I would use. She's here, certainly. St. Tuna Piano: She comes n' goes as she pleases. Sorry if she touches anythin', 'er hands get all sticky. Q: Yes, but where did she come from? St. Tuna Piano: Same place anyone does, I 'xpect. Hiddock: Under a bridge. St. Tuna Piano (abruptly): Don't worry about it. We, eh, take care of her. Or somethin'.
(sample source list can be found on my Youtube)
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clannfearrunt · 6 years
Weird question time, sorry for bothering you. "The Splatoon 2 Art Book states that Marie’s kimono has the Kensaki family emblem embroidered upon it. It is unknown whether or not she is related to Toni Kensa, known as Tataki Kensaki in Japan." (from Inkipedia) Do you know the source of this? Is there an image of it that you know of? I can't find anything about it online! I don't know what the fanily crest looks like either. I was also wondering if it is talked about in the Octo Expansion artbook.
I do know the source! It’s in the notes for the concept art for Marie’s outfit in the Splat2 Artbook, page 97. I will say upfront though, that this is not talked about at all in the Octo Expansion artbook. Anyhow the emblems:
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Excuse the quality, I don’t have a way to get scans of this book.
There’s absolutely nothing actually mentioned officially about Toni Kensa (yes, Tataki Kensaki in JP), mind. That’s just speculation notes from the wiki yes. What we can tell from this corner, though, is just a little bit about the Cuttlefish family’s history.
So, this little corner of Marie’s Kimono Design Concept Box is talking about ideas for the family emblem that they wanted to put on the back of Marie’s haori. The two emblems with the “?” under them seem to be completely scrapped, or otherwise deemed irrelevant to the Craig/Callie/Marie family; they do not have families assigned to them. 
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This emblem is called “Circle and net tentacles”, and is the family emblem of the Atarime, or Cuttlefish, family (Atarime is Craig’s family name in JPN). 
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This emblem is called “Waves and Squid”, and is the family emblem of the Kensaki family. This is the emblem they decided to put on Marie’s haori. 
The notes beside the emblems talk about the following:
Fukuoka is well known for its Kensaki squid (I’ll keep saying kensaki so I don’t get confused, but the english common name is Swordtip Squid).
this is fitting, as Marie speaks in the Hakata dialect, which originates in the Hakata district in Fukuoka.
Kensaki squid are prized for its use in making surume (dried squid) because of their good flavor. Surume made from kensaki squid are considered to be some of the highest quality ones around. Note, surume is just a more common name for atarime. 
The Atarime family might have branched off of the Kensaki family (the reasoning being that atarime are made from kensaki squid. Or any squid really). 
To elaborate a bit on that bolded bit right there. I couldn’t find specific equivalent words (that seemed accurate) in English. But from a little bit of poking around, the wording of the JPN here can imply either
Our boy Craig comes from a family that originated when a second or later son of the Kensaki family went off to found his own family (traditionally in Japan, only the eldest son could inherit authority over the main family).
Craig Cuttlefish himself might be a second or third son that Did That
Anyhow, either way the Kensaki family is considered the roots of our boy Craig’s family, and is considered important/relevant enough in their family history for Marie to use their family emblem rather than her grandfather’s. 
If you wanted to tie this in with Toni Kensa, though, personally I think it’d be pretty plausible to think that both they and the Cuttlefish family just can trace roots to a Kensaki family. Doesn’t necessarily have to be the same Kensaki family, ‘course, we don’t know how common that name might be. Either way, maybe Toni Kensa comes from the line that was allowed to keep the main family’s name, and Cuttlefish comes from a line that didn’t. 
EDIT: I made some Really Great Diagrams to try to explain what the hell I’ve been trying to say here
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I am starting to confuse myself and I don’t know if anything I’ve said makes sense, so I’m going to shut up.
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