#yes she still has carbuncle
xfand0mfr34kx · 3 months
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working on some refs, starting with my Fantasy AU design of Arle. she usually has her wings hidden under her cloak to look less conspicuous.
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sleeplesssmoll · 4 months
Imagine if, somehow, Vertin got turned into pre-Breakaway Smoltin. Would chaos unfold in the Suitcase?
At first I was going to say "yes" but after really thinking about it...
Vertin's team is soooo protective of her. She'd be in safe hands. Also, Smoltin was a menace because she was forbidden from being true to herself. I think the team would be happy to show her new places, help her catch Critters, and tell her stories about their adventures. They'd give her the childhood she was robbed of. Even the little ones like Erik, Eagle, and the others would be happy to play the role of "Big Sister".
I'm sure she'd still get into shenanigans but everyone is in on it!
Also, maybe this could be an important time of healing for Sonetto. She gets to hug Smoltin. It's something she wish she did more of when they were younger instead of breaking her little heart. She'll be the one giving Smoltin toffees and sweets this time.
However, she is also unwilling to share Smoltin which means that the team is actively fighting over her. While Vertin was the black sheep at the Foundation, here she's the apple of everyone's eye 🍎
Regulus wants to show her all her favorite records.
Sotheby wants to show her potions and talk her ear-off about crazy ideas.
Druvis makes a swing out of tree branches in the Wilderness for Smoltin.
Blonney and Desert Flannel want to dress her up like a little doll.
Jessica introduces her Critter friends to Smoltin and the little one curls up between the fluffy Carbuncles.
Click is following her around and taking pictures of these precious moments.
Smoltin is in awe at how big Matilda and Sonetto are now! Matilda acts normal but admits to Sonetto in private that seeing Smoltin like this hurts. This is the life Vertin deserve; one full of happiness and belonging. She also remembers the day she thought Vertin was Reversed like the others which is something she never talks about, not even to Sonetto.
Smoltin befriends Pavia's dogs, who recognize her scent as the person who gives them treats. Pavia acts annoyed but makes no attempt to stop Smoltin from playing with his puppies. He even offers her some of his precious Gelato and is pleased by her excited reactions when she eats it. He tells her to smile like that more often because he's sick of her stoic face (referring to Vertin as the Timekeeper).
Oliver Fog wanted no part of this. He's only concerned about getting her back to normal, but X thinks the whole thing is hilarious. He is in no rush and takes his time showing her his inventions. He likes that Smoltin and Vertin are always curious and listen intently to his explanations, even if he can tell they don't quite get it.
Mesmer Jr. gave her exactly one head pat. She has a lot of baggage too, but in that moment seeing Vertin reminded her of their childhood before the Break-away event and the Parade. She and Smoltin were friends at one point. Part of her misses how things used to be and the other reminds her not to dwell on these things. Its easier to not care.
As fun as it is spoiling Smoltin, the team begins to miss their Timekeeper. Without Vertin leading them, there is a noticeable hole in their lives. She was a friend, leader, parent, and everything else they needed her to be. They develop a deeper appreciation toward her. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder.
There are so many fun possibilities with this idea I'm sure other people have many. Feel free to share!
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eikonoklast · 17 days
Day 11 (Surrogate): The Mirage
   The emerald carbuncle chased its three tails around and around, little sparkling traces of aether in its wake. The arcane creature was vibrant and full of life as it rolled around on the ground, tussling with itself. Chiteni called his familiar Chesan, but Gosetsu had once misheard him, thinking he had said cheese. Of all things. The surly warrior had been annoyed by the misunderstanding more than Chesan's owner had - who was just as disgruntled - but the name had caught the interest of the twins, who decided a new name was in order. 
   So it was that Cheese the carbuncle trundled amicably from table to table, pawing at legs and begging for scraps and introducing itself with a cute little flourish. The Meyhane was fairly busy this afternoon, so there were plenty of victims to fall prey to the familiar's puissant charms. Chiteni watched his charge carefully in case the aetherial kit caused any trouble. The two certainly couldn't be further in disposition. 
   “Thank you for waiting.” Chiteni's ears pricked at the sound of a familiar voice. The miqo'te was a powerful mage, but fairly pedestrian when it came to controlling his vast reserves of aether with any sort of precision. And with the bustling crowd and vibrant colors of the Meyhane, he knew it would stimulate his vision overmuch. Everything too bright, too layered - the physical and aetherial. To amend this, he often wore a blindfold while using magicks, especially ones that required more focus. Thus did he see his companion's unique aether, bright as a warm sun underneath even the darkness of his covering. The luminous smaragdine hue swirling about the form of a young boy.
   “Varshahn,” he got up from his chair, offering a small bow. The colorful outlines of the people in the Meyhane shimmered out of the corner of his vision, but none burned so fiercely nor so beautifully as the great wyrm's. Even in his simulacrum - a vessel for his will - his aether was too unique to conceal perfectly. 
   “Please, sit. I hope I am not interrupting your meal.”
   Chiteni had been sitting alone at the table. He hadn't come to eat in the first place: his presence was simply requested by the satrap. But the friendly server Mihleel wasn't one to listen, especially not to those who had saved her beloved city. She had first come out from the back with water. Then again with some fragrant and warm reddish tsai. Upon her third visit she seemed disgruntled that Chiteni had not ordered anything - enough so that she had returned with some simple slices of the Meyhane's honeyed dragonfruit; the snow white flesh covered in a sweet, lemony coating. He had eaten a bit simply to satisfy her - and Cheese had as well though not necessarily for the same reason.
   “This? No, no; your people just have more hospitality than I can handle.” He smiled. “You had need of me?”
   “Yes, there has been some trouble of a more…arcane nature. My alchemists are perplexed - it is not a chemical reaction. Perhaps it is best I show you.” Varshahn's voice was commanding but still gentle at the same time. Chiteni couldn't see the finer details but he imagined those vibrant red eyes staring back into his own with a measured intensity. “There is no need for concern, I do not detect any problems arising. But we would have peace of mind if you would visit and give your opinion.”
   “Chesan,” the little creature turned from the table where it had been nibbling bits of food a dissatisfied child had generously donated. Quickly running up to him it pounced into the air, morphing into a blueish corvid and alighting on his shoulder. Chiteni followed the satrap out of the Meyhane, happy to be away from the heat and press of bodies - alongside the noise that accompanied them.
   “I was not aware you used familiars in your spellcasting,” the great wyrm said as they flew over the violet hills of Thavnair; the sun sinking below the waters of the coastline and setting the sky on fire with vibrant reds, lavenders, and turquoise. 
   “Not normally, no. But they help with focus. And you mentioned this wasn't a very dangerous situation, so I simply imagined explosions weren't necessary.” 
   “Indeed,” the great wyrm shook his head gently. “I have need of your sight.”
   The two flew over the Shroud of the Samgha, its tropical trees waving calmly in the faint ocean breeze. There was a hush over the dark forest below; the sound of Vrtra's great wingbeats pounding in gentle rhythm with the distant crash of the surf. As they approached their destination, Vrtra gently landed in an open stretch of grass, his wingbeats causing animals to scatter back into their trees and holes, their eyes lighting up the shadowy forest with myriad shining reflections as they watched curiously.
   Chiteni recognized the stone structure that lay before them. A large rectangular pool stretched out for several yalms, its waters emerald yet clear. In the fading light he could make out the bottom as well as the surrounding gaja statues that lined the sides, their tops covered with soft green moss, the stones weathered and smooth. The statue of a gaja-headed deity Chiteni did not know adorned the far side of the pool; its six arms both raised and lowered, stern visage watching over. The Font of Maya, the people called it. A place of illusions. 
   Vrtra bade Chiteni go to the water with a gesture. The miqo'te approached calmly, his familiar still perched upon his shoulder and bobbing its head curiously to and fro. 
   “What doest thou see? In the pool?” Vrtra's voice was…unknowable. His intention difficult to ascertain.
   Chiteni looked down into the water. With his blindfold on, all other things fell away into an inky darkness. But the surface of the water was as it had ever been: tranquil.
   “Nothing, at present.” 
   “Soon, then. Let us wait a moment.” 
   Vrtra beckoned Chiteni to come sit beside him for a time while the sun continued to dip beneath the waves. The stars began to appear in the sky, twinkling through the descending darkness like pinholes in its dark mantle. Out of his peripheral vision, Chiteni noticed something around the water. A strange aura began to emanate from it, the air above awash in soft shades of mauve and cobalt. It was hard to see in his mask while looking directly at it, so he kept turning his eyes away while he sat, cocking his head to the side. 
   “You see it, yes?”
   “Yes…I guess I do. One moment.” Chiteni got up, approaching the water as the air shimmered above it, dancing with all the colors of a rainbow. The light rippled as though it were water in the sun; streaks of white interlacing greens, reds, yellows, blues, purples…It shimmered in an intangible way. As if the colors themselves were liquid. Looking down into the water below, Chiteni saw no such activity. Nothing arcane of any sort, nor any living thing that might be causing the strange phenomenon. 
   “I can't say I understand what is causing this,” he admitted, perplexed. “I see no lingering enchantment - nor any evidence of an object of arcane origin nearby.”
   “What would you see if you removed your blindfold?” Vrtra asked simply. “I do not mean to pry, if it is of a personal nature. I have heard that you have need of it to dampen your senses. What if you did not do so?”
   “No that's…a reasonable observation,” Chiteni reassured him. “Generally everything is too bright. I cannot channel my aether properly when it comes to many things - my sight included. When I am using magicks everything becomes overlayed with energy. Like…staring at the sun.”
   “What if you used your energy to see through my eyes?” Vrtra asked. 
   “I don't understand.”
   “Channel your energies and I will do the same. We will act as one. I will show thee.” Vrtra walked over to the waterside, the air above still shimmering beautifully. He lowered his head. “Place thy hands.”
   Chiteni placed a palm on Vrtra's horned snout gently. He could feel the hum of the wyrm's incredible power beneath his fingertips - like a wave barely suppressed before breaking onto the shore. 
   “Now. Feel me. Reach for my mind with your own. I shall help thee.” 
   Chiteni considered this carefully, and he opened his mind to the possibility. He felt Vrtra's massive, powerful wings, his senses guiding him down the length of his body. His mighty tail swished with calm restraint that belied a formidable power, and his strong legs led down to wicked talons. Chiteni felt their grip on the ground as if the grass was under his own bare feet. Vrtra's chest rumbled with each breath and Chiteni could feel his own breaths syncing - the two in time with one another. As if they both breathed through these great bones. He could feel the spark of the fire deep within as they exhaled, and Chiteni opened his eyes.
   They were many feet off the ground, head pressed into a small human hand. They lifted their neck with some effort, gently swinging their mighty head towards the waterside. Through the great wyrm's eyes - their eyes - with the arcane abilities of his human form: they saw. The light was no longer blinding. The colors were visible even without the contrast of darkness. The lights swam and spiraled through the air, forming into shapes for the briefest of moments before fading away; too quick to grasp their true meaning. 
   Shocked by the strange sensation, Chiteni fell back into himself with a rush, tumbling onto the ground and panting like he'd been running for his life. “What- how did you do that?” he gasped.
   Vrtra turned his head towards the man at his feet. His eyes shone with amusement. “What did you see?” asked the great wyrm, ignoring the question.
   Chiteni slowly sat up, thinking deeply. “I saw-”
Author's Note: As much as I'd like to ACTUALLY put something here, that's gotta be it for the night. I'm tired and there's sleep to be had! The prompt is pretty obvious in this one, so I'll just leave it up to your imagination for now :)
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ffxiv-swarm · 6 days
prompt 21: shade
The land under the dome—what was once Yyasulani—is twisted and unnatural in so many ways. Tiber’s only been in Tural for a week, but he knows that this land should be much the same as the sun-soaked Shaaloani mountains in terms of climate and geography. He expected to see scrubby cacti, towering bluffs, roaming herds of rroneek he’d likely have to stop Miss Gan from taking home. He expected sunlight, even if it was weak by the time it fought its way through the levin.
Instead, the Scions and Vow Wuk Lamat walk through dust and scattered stone under a darkened sky. A sky so dark, in fact, that several members of their party, himself and Alan among them, can barely see where they’re going. Miss Rita summons a glowing aqua carbuncle to light their way so nobody breaks an ankle. It should boost his mood—it’s very hard to feel nervous when there’s a carbuncle snuffling around you, silky-soft and fluffy and sparkly—but it doesn’t help as much as he’d have liked.
The place feels like a corpse. No, like a tomb. Corpses, after all, were once alive. This is a shell over something dead. Every unexpected sound makes him twitch, expecting a ghost or a monster to coalesce out of the shadows.
“’S just a little lightning-y,” Gan says, clearly trying to be encouraging if the elbow to his plate-clad ribs is any indication. But her tail is switching back and forth, and she keeps looking at the sky.
G’raha Tia says nothing. Since leaving the dome, his tail has been lashing behind him like a whip, ears swiveling this way and that as though trying to catch distant sounds. It makes the whole thing worse; if G’raha Tia, the eldest of them all, who has—to hear Miss Ritanelle and Master Mordeterre tell it—crossed time and space in order to save two worlds...if that man is nervous, Tiber thinks the rest of them are right to be afraid.
To the southwest, a monstrous wall—twice or three times the height of Baelsar’s—stretches into the distance. Ahead of them lie the twisted remains of elevated train tracks. If they follow them, they should reach Yyasulani Station and answers.
Tiber forges forward to keep pace with Wuk Lamat. Between his shield and her axe, they’ll be more than equipped for anything this land might throw at them. She glances at him and throws him a smile that he’s almost certain doesn’t reach her eyes. “It’s not so bad, right...? Nice, even ground. The road’s not too bad. We should reach the station in a few hours!”
He exhales heavily and wishes he still had cigarettes. They’re not as popular in Tural, where most people prefer pipes or cigars, and he smoked all of his by the time they made it through that fortress and fought a man who’d refused to die the first time. “Your optimism gives me hope, my lady.”
“Lamaty’i,” she huffs.
“...Lamaty’i,” he mutters, feeling himself flush. He’s trying to be polite. Such familiarity sits uneasily with him.
But ruminating on his own embarrassment only keeps his mind off the oppressive gloom for so long. When they start to see signs of civilization in the distance, it’s a relief.
Yes, the lights are out at Yyasulani Station, but the aetheryte continues to turn slowly. Surely that means something. Surely that means there is life in this tomb yet.
He tries not to think about the sort of life one usually finds in tombs.
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eorzean-tale · 15 days
FFxivWrite2024 - Prompt #9: Lend an ear
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“Who the flat purse is Milo..?”
The second the question left Vivira’s lips, her brain caught up. Milo. M. Obviously! She hadn’t even opened the letter yet, had only taken a peek at the sender, and she already needed a moment to collect herself. Shame and embarrassment, two emotions that were as foreign to her as Turali tacos, coursed through her. Was this the Fog again, or had she just been a careless twat, forgetting about the charge she was sponsoring through an education in Limsa Lominsa with the same carelessness that her adoptive stepdaughter used to forget her pet rocks with?
She groaned to give voice to her discomfort as she stroked the enormous amethyst adorning a ring on her hand. The magic stored there released, and her carbuncle Chubby appeared in a flash of white-blue light. Vivira has summoned them so often she didn’t even need her grimoire, keeping the formula in her mind combined with the attunement of the ring was enough. 
Or it should have been. Chubby didn’t come out right, not even for their doing. They were always a little wonky, as Vivira has never managed to correct the mistakes she made when she had first summoned the carbuncle as a little girl. Not because she couldn’t, but because the Lalafell had gotten attached to the oversized cat-like creature. Changing them seemed wrong. Like forcing a glamour onto an unwilling party. 
That made it extra painful to see Chubby looking so misty. Like they were made of vapour instead of Aether. Of Fog, she found herself thinking, feeling it again. The shadow. The colour was off, too. Desaturated. More grey than blue.
“Look Chubby, we have a letter from Milo,” she told the Carbuncle, who jumped on the sofa to sniff at the parchment. The behaviour was as expected then, at least. Vivira told herself she’d dismiss and resummon them later, this time with her Grimoire for reference. For now, she had correspondence from her charge to share with her oldest friend. And current problems she didn't want to think about.
The Carbuncle settled on her lap, their girth blocking her legs from view. It was a good thing their Aether didn’t weigh much, or Vivira would have struggled. They peeked as she opened it, as if Chubby could read it by themselves. She read it out loud anyway, just in case.
To Vivira,
I hope you have been in good health and Chubby has kept you company according to your needs. I have been well.
“Yes, yes, good health,” she muttered bitterly. “We’re glad he’s been well though, aren’t we Chubbers?” Vivira planted a small kiss on the Buncle’s head for emphasis. “Whatever the gil that means.” 
I’ve continued studying at the Arcanists’ Guild. I still haven’t mastered the technique for summoning a carbuncle, but otherwise, it seems like I am doing adequately according to my grades. 
“Pauper's grave, of course you are. What else would you be doing there,” she muttered. “Oh, no little Carbuncle for you to teach the ropes to yet, Chubby,” Vivira told her companion as they chimed in response. It was just noise, but the Lalafell nodded like they had just conveyed something profound. “I’m sure he’ll get it soon enough. Took me forever, as well.”
I have also found three friends at the lessons: C’leyne, a male miqo’te, Loetbluom, a female Roegadyn, and Joku, a male Lalafell. I’m not yet fully sure why they like to spend time with me, but they seem like interesting people.
She just chuckled at that, endlessly bemused by the thought of someone with even less social grace as herself. 
As per your request, I haven’t been actively seeking work. I encountered some people at the docks who would have been eager to recruit me, however, despite the fact that I obviously did not meet their requirements. Maybe locals of Limsa Lominsa have a different definition for ‘sister’.
Vivira repeated that last sentence three times, and still couldn’t make much sense of it. She eyed Chubby, but the Carbuncle had no chimes of wisdom to offer either, so she eventually shrugged it off and continued reading. 
I’ve spent my free time doing additional reading and getting familiar with my surroundings, instead. I have also visited the Bismarck twice since our last meeting. Their finger sandwiches taste very good.
“They are.” Her lemon cakes suddenly didn’t seem all that appetising anymore. Kukusito had hired the best chef gil could afford, of course, but there was something special about the Bismarck. Probably the sauce of reputation and the seasoning of status involved with going there, and being seen there. A part of her still cared about those things. A small part, she would argue. But then again, she was small all around. Did that circle back and make it big again?
I understand that your duties and familial ties keep you busy, but if you find yourself having the time, I would appreciate it if you can visit Limsa Lominsa at some point. I am grateful for how you have taken care of me so far, and my offer for assistance still stands. Even if my skills don’t meet your needs right, it would be pleasant to have a conversation with you again.
“My duties as the world’s most bored and apparently useless levescribe, you mean,” the woman scoffed as she offered Chubby some scritches underneath their washed-out chin. “Do you think he’s in trouble? That’s why he wants me there? To help him out?” 
Chubby chimed, and Vivira could swear that the mana sparkles flying from them were scolding her. “You’re right, it’s me that’s been too busy feeling sorry for myself to check in with him, not the other way around. This is why I never wanted children.” 
I’m leaving this letter to the white furry creature with clear instructions to deliver it to you as swiftly as possible. Hopefully, it complies, and perhaps I will hear from you as well in the near future.
She reached for a little golden bell, ringing it once to summon her Heckler. “Please prepare for travel arrangements,” she ordered, ignoring the worried glance he hid behind a polite bow. “What destination, my lady?” 
“Limsa Lominsa. And reserve a table for me and a guest at the Bismarck, will you?”  Part One Part Two Part Three
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duckapus · 1 year
Had a story idea.
It's Halloween in Primp Town, and Schezo does not give a shit, but everyone else does. So, instead of staying in his cave and failing to fall asleep with all the noise from town, he's off chasing rumors of a magical artifact inside some nearby ruins that only appear on nights when the veil between life and death is thinner than usual. He finds the artifact, which I haven't decided what exactly it is...and it of course turns out to be sentient and cursed, and with a Halloween-themed curse at that because why the hell wouldn't it?
It turns him into the Headless Horseman for obvious reasons, pushes his spirit into the pumpkin head, hijacks the rest of his body, then rides out of the ruins and uses its full strength, summoning a small army of spirits and causing chaos by making the costumes of everyone in town real. Just how real, and whether or not it affects their mind along with their body, depends on the quality of the costume.
The ones I've figured out include:
Arle and Carbuncle as a Pokemon Trainer and a Pikachu. She still has her memories because her costume's just made up of normal clothes she got in Suzuran.
Klug as Strange Klug. So now there's two Ayashis and it is very awkward for both of them.
Accord and Popoi as each-other. There is no change, but a process has occurred.
Lidelle as Satan. This is of course incredibly awkward for Arle.
Amitie as a pirate. She actually ends up as a secondary villain because she's convinced she's a real pirate and considers the artifact Treasure so she wants it for herself.
Sig in his vampire alt. He's decided to do Pirate Amitie's bidding and it's clear from how dramatic and stereotypical he's being that he's also not in his right mind.
Raffina as Vivian from Paper Mario.
Ringo as a ghost. She thought the classic bedsheet look would be funny, and yes she is absolutely terrified of herself.
Maguro as Meta Knight, because why not.
Risukuma as a mad scientist. The curse ends up not even affecting him.
Draco as a genie. Specifically Witch's genie, for some reason. (you know why...)
The only way to get things back to normal is to destroy the artifact.
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diamondangelkitten · 6 months
Alinea Skylark
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A.K.A: Linea, Ali 
Age: Somewhere in her early 30’s after the whole of Endwalker 
Nameday: 18th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Race: Wildwood Elezen
Gender: Female
Orientation: Tall men who deal out witty, sarcastic remarks like their life depends on it
Profession: Adventurer, (Wannabe Retired) Warrior of Light 
Physical Aspects-
Hair: Medium long brown hair with purple tips that’s pulled back into a high ponytail to avoid getting in her way during fights. She rarely leaves it down and only does so when she’s completely relaxed.
Eyes: A rich purple color, than have an otherworldly glow to them
Skin: She’s fair skinned, but is able to get a nice tan without burning too much. 
Tattoos/Scars: She doesn’t have any major scars after her battle at Ultima Thule and being covered in starlight across her body, which she essentially counts as a tattoo and would never cover up. Before that, she did have an array of faded cuts and scars across her body from her fights, but none that she deemed particularly worthy of attention.
Parents: She unfortunately has no memory of her parents, or any family. 
Siblings: None that she is aware of. The twins are essentially her surrogate siblings and she is fiercely protective of them. 
Grandparents: Unfortunately, still no memory, and no one has ever tried to claim relation to her, which she is grateful for. 
In-Laws/Other: Unfortunately Estinien’s family has also passed away, but there is Alberic that they’re both close with. 
Alinea does share a very close relationship with the de Fortemps family, and views Edmont as a father figure. He’s delighted to finally have a girl in the family and loves the fact that she can keep all his boys in line. 
Alinea is in a romantic relationship with Estinien. They spend a lot of time between Radz at Han, Alinea’s home in the Mist ward, and her island. They normally go the latter when they want to be alone and undisturbed by anyone. Alphinaud and Alisae have full access to Alinea’s home in Mist, so they often stop by.
Yes (just yes haha)
Notable mentions however:
Lumen her Chocobo and faithful companion. He’s extremely well trained, but Alinea is still terrified he’ll get hurt in battle, so she tries to make him mainly heal from a safe distance away.  
She has many animals in her care that she absolutely loves. She tries to not choose favorites, but she has a very special place in her heart for her fox. 
She has two carbuncles that are summoned at all times. The pink one is called Sephy while the purple one is called Demetri. They are very protective of both each other and Alinea. Estinien knows to never be on their bad side and has been seen giving them extra treats to butter them up. 
Hand and Land: She’s a pretty deft hand at most of the jobs she sets her mind to, but she enjoys weaving and cooking the most. She finds them both extremely therapeutic and she also likes that she can make gifts for those closest to her. She’s fascinated by alchemy, but she has to really focus to not mix-up ingredients when she has to make concoctions. She also enjoys being out in the land, but finds more joy in botany, though she doesn’t have the greenest thumb around. She knows how to cultivate the land though and how to set things up to thrive on her own. 
Combat: She is a Paladin first and foremost and will always love protecting others. She’s more in tune with the teachings of a Dark Knight though, so she’ll often switch between the two. She turned to being a summoner after coming back from the First with high anxiety, but she also finds dancing to be enjoyable. After striking up a deal with an Amaro back on the first, she sets herself the goal of mastering every fighting job she hears about, and aims to get the highest she can. She can do some healing, but prefers to either be in the front lines as a tank, or be in a ranged position, to call out mechanics to those in front and be able to help out with shields and resing. 
Hobbies: She loves swimming and with the Kojin’s blessing enjoys it even more now. She loves long baths and pampering herself after her travels. She collects tea blends and dried flowers from the places she’s gone. She’s trying to get into drawing and painting from Alphinaud, but she’s still got a long way to go. She enjoys braiding and playing with people’s hair. 
Most Positive: She has a strong sense of right and wrong and once she’s set her mind on something being the best course of action, she will continue through with it until completion. (Or someone physically stops her from achieving it).
Most Negative: She cannot control her facial expressions. She has to work so hard on keeping a neutral face in important meetings that half the time she misses what was discussed. She also is very passionate, so has to be careful to not speak her mind. 
Colors: Purple, Silver, Black, and White
Smells: Fresh Bread, Jasmine, Ocean, Moss/Damp Forest 
Textures: Silk and satin dresses/sheets, Pumice stone, Animal Fur, Hair 
Drinks: Hot tea, Cocoa, Milk
Foods: Bread, Pastries (scones of her own making are her favorite), Breakfast Foods, Fresh Fruit 
Vices: None, except sometimes being a bit stingy on money when it comes to teleportation. 
Mount Issuance: Lumen was her Mount from the Maelstrom when she joined and who she loves dearly. 
Been Arrested: None that she can at least remember. She’s amazed she was never arrested in Ishgard just for being in association with Alphinaud and Tataru, but she’s glad things worked out that way. She’s sure she would have been arrested if she actually did punch Fourchenault, but she wouldn’t have cared a bit.  
Tagged by @halikyon
Not going to tag anyone, but if you see this and want to do it, please do so!!! It's a lot of fun!
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shummashum · 7 months
Klaus Goldstein Ch9 [1~5]
Previously on Ch8! As the teacup theft case came to an end, Liz received some experienced advice on love from Luci. Well I don't think anything will happen! At least now.
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but well… let's attach significance to the fact that a minor twig was cut off
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ehe that too is definitely a crime
by the way, how should the case be resolved in a situation like this they can't wait for the criminal to make another move there must be a clue…
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I have a question though isn't the Ministry supposed to cooperate with them? what are those bunch of incompetent idiots doing now they're not planning on leaving everything to the students and chilling behind, right? …right? oi Klaus there's no support or anything? for real?
At that time, Remb called Liz.
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oh…… at least she had a shred of conscience
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heh there really was a symbolic punishment yes! at least there has to be something like this I'm pretty satisfied with this
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so Klaus suggested it, huh well I really don't think this is a matter of sympathy though… still he used his head a little more flexibly than usual
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but please I don't know why they keep trying to glorify her actions~? okay, Fanda reflected. good empathize with emotions. good but just because her feelings are relatable doesn't mean her actions aren't wrong I'd like them to please separate these or maybe I'm just acting picky,,,
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oh… right Liz has to give the lecture too eh… but she hadn't even decided on a class topic yet this is quite an emergency ! !
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huh those words make me feel a little repulsed shouldn't she at least be better at conducting classes than him if she cannot do better than him, it's a huge shame
But she was unable to argue with him, finding herself not having any confidence.
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but you should do this I guess you still aren't fully aware of the meaning of the clothes you're wearing, but you're not wearing them for nothing if you're not going to do this, take off your clothes and go back to being a normal student!
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nod nod let's prepare thoroughly and create a decent class well it's true that she's not ready, but she can't use the newbie excuse forever we have to get out of the newbie zone someday!
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look look look look this guy is relatively easy to please unlike that you-know-who blue-haired nocturnal idiot, his difficulty level is just fucking hard, but it doesn't require anything unusual or exhilarating
So Liz declared to Remb that she would give a try. But…
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let's decide on the topic first is there a curriculum that can be used as a reference?
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"I hope he gets fucked up for using his mouth wrong" blabla but well I'm serious the people around him are too kind and good for him…
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why are you talking like that if you're going to say something like that, don't help her and just get some extra manpower from the Ministry tch!!
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yeah he does,,, Mr. Stickuphisass
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he was scratched he was scratched he was scratched
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if that's what Al said, then that's it. period!
but you know seeing him smiling brightly like this makes me more and more afraid how depressed and pitiful will this guy appear a story where you feel like you're going to explode from the frustration…
Anyway, Cae and Al were happy to give her their hand.
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you get out your very existence is a minus
And well, Hiro also jumped into this in the name of keeping an eye on Zeus.
S6 comrades became together again not trustworthy at all…… I hope the brake named Hiro work well,,,
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well it's right to choose magical creatures carbuncle wing rabbit unicorn Eress let's go
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Hiro!!!!! shut that guy's mouth
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erm… maybe a secret meeting with the Headmaster? or did he really go to the Ministry to request additional manpower
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there he was well share some information then
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Then he pulled out a pen and drew a line through two of the entries, which were stolen.
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amememightywarrior · 2 years
Mom's Adventures in Eorzea I
Since Twitter is imploding, I'm preserving my play by plays of my mom adventuring with me in Eorzea and her reaction to MSQ.
Let's begin! Go to part 2
Aug. 31, 2019
So I've gotten my mom to try FFXIV and she is level 14 right now and practicing her targeting/killing moves!
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Current skills we are working on: the basic archer rotation, targeting, switching targets when more than one critter is aggroed...and noticing when things are dead/she's being attacked.
She likes that chocobo porter thing
Cue eyerolls at Beatin's name
"Yeah, that's pretty creepy" - my mom about the Monoa mask
"Why are they all just standing there?"
"Small budget."
This just in, we made it to Limsa Lominsa! Next up: Ul'dah!
She is now roaming around Ul'dah, ignoring all unsolicited FC invites from strangers
*stares at Ifrit-egi* "What's the flaming thing?"
Level 16!
She thought the aesthetician was hilarious. We're done for the day, just before unlocking Sastasha. Not sure if she'll survive her first dungeon experience...I will have to conscript my friends into helping her!
Dec. 8, 2019
Okay, got a trial account set up for my mom so I could actually help her in-game...
...she went max-height max-muscle femroe this time.
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7'3'' of pure power, smacks ladybugs with books
Dec. 15, 2019
weewooweewoo my mom's femroe is loose in eorzea again
eventually within the next hour this laptop will get it together and I will be able to follow her around in-game maybe
my fps is low so I'm running super slow my mom is now making fun of my short legs
I just took her for the laggiest ride in eorzea
She's doing the orange harvesting quest and whenever the flower wesp spawns I'm just yelling "BEES BEEEEEES BEEEEEEEEEEEES" the look on her face tells me this is not helpful
i'm so proud look at her go
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she put on the level 5 caster gear and yelled "I LOOK LIKE SOMETHING OUT OF THE HOBBIT"
Feb. 16, 2020
Mom's femroe made it to level 12...lots of 'why am i getting hit???' 'oh my god' 'okay wait i remember how to do this' 'no i don't' meanwhile, I just cast a regen as she panics, get all the aggro, and Gravity everything to death once she's done beating up a couple mobs.
Apr. 19, 2020
*puts together a 'running around with mom' glam that looks like normal IRL clothes* LET'S SEE IF SHE NOTICES
Me: "Is it easier to tell what's going on with the voices [instead of reading the fairly small text]"
Mom: "....maybe...even if the voice acting is..." ARR voice acting gets a negative mark from my mom, officially
May 3, 2020
my mom just fell asleep listening to ARR Minfilia like...mid button press
Jul 4, 2020
My mom has named her chocobo Kweh.
"What do you want to name it?" "Hmmmm.....that sound it makes." "'Kweh'?" "Yes!"
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Jul 7, 2020
Mom: "What's that blue thing following you" Me: "that's my friend he keeps me company" Mom: "that reminds me I should summon mine" *summons carbuncle*
Jul 19, 2020 (DragonQuest collab)
My mom's reaction to getting 'ze puff-puff' was a mix of '???' and 'wtf' and ' :O ' when the puff-puff was revealed XD
I also showed her my Cells at Work! cosplays and she thought they were pretty good although she was totally groaning at yet another reference to Cells at Work
Jul 28, 2020 (moonfire faire)
okay my mom is level 27 i can get her to get to 30 before the event and we can fend off giant muscle shark TOGETHER
Aug 15, 2020
doing the seasonal event at last with my mom~
she ran from the giant bomb at the very end and didn't get credit RIP
hmm she still didn't get credit, gonna have to try doing it for her...
okay she was not getting close enough to do the first dance...just imagine wild flailing and button smashing
her pride was injured since she got partial credit so she has gone back to do it again by herself
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"I didn't realize she was so green, can I change that" rip she'll have to get that free fantasia
Aug 22, 2020
Me as my mom is logging in: Eeeey look at you, in your summer outfit Mom: That's right, and I'm gonna wear it all summer!!
Wilred: "and sorry for trying to kill you" Mom: Lame she dislikes him already
Aug 23, 2020
My mom quickly formed a low opinion of Trachtoum and then laughed when the miller put him in his place. Then she lost the rock competition and said her ego would kill her if she didn’t beat him on normal
My mom did not like that her new upgrade did not disguise itself as her summer flame pareo immediately
Her max height Roegadame reeling at the smell of Brayflox's cheese was priceless, she practically vaulted out of camera view
Sept. 19, 2020
Mom: *sees someone on Midgardsormr* I want a dragon... Me: You'll get one Mom: Hmm...still not as cool as the sparkle lightning horse. Me: Oh that...I have that Mom: =_= Oh? Then why are we riding your flea-bitten chocobo instead?? Me: ...it's...not a 2-seater... Mom: figures
Sept 26, 2020
My mom is taller than Haurchefant
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Oct 11, 2020
My mom was deeply offended by the professor's students who kept giving us the wrong kind of corrupted crystal, so when the third one tried to joke that we had gotten earth-aspected her face was like =_=
She's made it past Garuda in MSQ, right now I'm just unsyncing the trials to help her with mechanics
She has 4 whole minions now and decided to change it from her brickman...however she discovered she hates the goobbue sprout, called it a mushroom and went 'ew' when it sneezed XD She really likes the airship though
Oct 17, 2020
Your daily sploot as my mom plays through MSQ
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mom just called Minfilia 'pink bustier'
my dog totally chewed up my second gaming mouse rip
I don't care about the teeth marks but I DO care that she deformed the rubber portion of the scroll wheel so I can't scroll...
Made it to Mor Dhona! yaaay
she's like half an inch taller than Biggs
Oct 27, 2020
it's getting to the point where I should probably learn how to play SMN so I can help my mom out I've programmed her crossbar for future and was like "THERE ARE SO MANY BUTTONS WHERE DO I PUT THEM ALL" Last time she played I set up the WXHB but I don't know how this will go
Our latest adventure involved the Gold Saucer, also. She got to do Air Force One and said it was fun XD She also enjoyed the Haunted Manor illusions although she had limited options due to being in ARR.
Fingers crossed I can show her leap of faith although the floating city is kinda rough, we might wanna aim for the other one...I think that's on a schedule, right?
oh good the catboy at the counter in GC gives me the schedule
ANYWAY she's getting close to the end of ARR now, so I have to make her do leveling dungeon once each play session XD fun times. I will most likely unsync castrum and prae so she doesn't have to deal with buttheads potentially
Nov 7, 2020
My mom hit level 49 today! I eagerly took her into leveling, thinking we'd get a good chunk in, but... ...fucking Garuda twice in a row =\
Anyway she should hit 50 tomorrow! Then I'll take her through Castrum and Prae (unsynced for Prae for sure, otherwise the usual PUG speed means she'll be running through in utter confusion and not processing anything)
I'm kinda on the fence about castrum unsynced. It's a bit less annoying with a full group so I don't have to do e v e r y t h i n g but I also don't like salty people near my mom so...hm.
also she was like "So when do I get to see the fanzine you contributed to?" and I was like "*NERVOUS SIDE-EYING* uh when you're caught up with me" the struggles of spoiler territory
Nov 8, 2020
Well mom and I were gearing up to hit castrum but then my dad called from the grocery store because he forgot his wallet
And then the internet died
made it through castrum! But with all the delays, no Prae today...ah well
Nov 14, 2020
it's time time to take my mom through prae
mom, in old creaking voice while watching Gaius: it is your destiny, Luke
ground targeting on controller is tough :X
mom, watching Nero: so...a jealous classmate?
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so in cutscenes she takes up the entire side of the screen she's on for me, while in her cutscenes Ameme is either hidden behind her or is just a little face staring in a corner
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Mom: that was fun she likes dodging lasers???
The Praetorium completion time: 68:19
sorry lalas and lala fans, my mom still thinks lalafells walk like toddlers carrying a full load in the diapers
Well she unlocked flying but can't seem to fly with her company chocobo, not sure what we have to do to fix that...
Nov 15, 2020
mom used her free fantasia to make her roegadame less green
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mom has just discovered minfilia's butt window
'is that her butt hanging out of a hole?' 'yep' 'whyyyy'
Nov 20, 2020
Nov 22, 2020
Nov 23, 2020
Nov 24, 2020
me: so the theme for this primal sounds just like This Is Halloween mom: *after a few measures* you know I'm pretty sure it IS This Is Halloween
elidibus is so small compared to her
on Teledji Adeledji: "A toddler with a goatee"
Nov 27, 2020
Mom back on MSQ, aka the rise and fall of alphinaud’s ego
So far most of playtime has been spent terrorizing her by asking her to find places on her own
Her sense of direction in games is a travesty because she does not look for landmarks ever
Mom was like “THEY STOLE THAT FROM TRUE LIES!! Is he going to pee his pants next??” after we got to Trachtuom
Leviathan vanquished~
She has found post ARR story much more interesting so far and I have promised her it gets better
Nov 28, 2020
and we are back at it again, time to watch my mom get lost in limsa
i will eventually get my mom to call mor dhona 'more donuts'
i drew a terrible map to show her what's going on with the refugees and Ala Mhigo in the hopes that she will remember somewhat in the future
Nov 29, 2020
last day of vacation, how far can we get my mom through MSQ...? maybe she will meet Ysayle!
mor dhona currently pronounced 'more dunna' after I said 'more donuts' she said 'didn't you promise me sprinkles' but she actually meant sparkly gear so she could see herself better
mom on urianger: "he sounds like a pompous preacher"
"Why do they call her Antecedent?" I had to look the word up, it means 'precursor', mom was like 'maybe she founded the organization' and I was like 'yep'
I'm waiting for her to get locked out because we haven't done the hard ARR primal modes yet XD
All right so we ended up finishing When the Cold Sets In because the cold has indeed set in so we have to walk Brie at a certain time every day so it's not too cold/dark. I think next session I'll have her do the primals since that's coming up soon anyway...
Dec 5, 2020
and we're back at it! Watching my mom run around the Toll trying to find the crystal brave recruits now
she's gotten more self-sufficient so I'm not leading her around by the hand anymore in small areas XD
"It says to talk to Tataru in Rising Stones" "and where is that" *excited* "WAIT IT'S OVER HERE :D"
I also showed her Yoshi-P showing off the snowman mount, the momora mora minion, and the giant beaver she asked where the beaver's tail was and I was like 'I dunno I'm pretty sure it's a vampiric hamster'
must...restrain...hatred...of ilberd...
she's really navigating eorzea all on her own...i'm so proud...
eeey she passed the 'find the rising stones after I dump you in a random spot in the Toll's aetheryte plaza' test
she failed the 'go to the waking sands' pop quiz, sadly
Ifrit hard down, and done for the day!
Dec 6, 2020
time to terrorize my mom with the 'how do you get to the waking sands' game
she hates titan once more
she just went 'eh *handwiggle*' at aymeric's voice the judgment has been passed
'you know what his voice reminds me of? those 17th century lords and ladies with their lace and their snuff. bleah'
her reaction to Lucia was just 'who's blondie?' and then a heavy sigh when I refused to tell her
upon seeing me riding the great serpent of ronka pot: 'are you riding a wine cask?!'
okay, quit just before snowcloak, we'll do that dungeon next weekend ran around the gold saucer for a bit at the end XD
verdict on the senor sabotender weapons: "No."
Dec 12, 2020
Mom just called Varis "Mr Discontent"
Ilberd: let's be sneaky Mom, sarcastically: Oh yeah I'll be very unnoticeable wherever I go
she just got her evenstar coat, I told her to put it on
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*5 minutes later* "So when do I get to stop looking like a circus clown?" XD she doesn't like the skirt on it
Oooo we're about to meet Moenbryda!
She's taller than Moenbryda ahahaha
on Urianger and Moenbryda: "...he doesn't like her?" me: oh he likes her... *Moen picks Uri up* ...she just does that.
her current feelings: voice acting is better, story is more interesting, but there is a LOT of talking at least Minfilia isn't instantly putting her to sleep anymore.
Dec 13, 2020
Mom: "Alphinaud causing problems yet again..."
Mom, to Roaille: *muttering* gonna smack you with my book Me: your book with two ipads attached? Mom: yeah
Mom: *watching Teledji Adeledji be evil* ...is he about to bump [the sultana] off? I hope she keeps a blade in her bodice
"I can't imagine what my shirt would look like if I had chosen big boobs" ahahahahaha
NPC: "So she was a double agent!" Mom: "Sounds more like triple" Me: "...IT WAS THE ASCIANS WHO HAD HER FUNDING HERETICS!! A QUADRUPLE AGENT!!"
Yuyuhase casting aspersions on Riol's spy ability HOW DARE
keeper of the lake unlocked and ready for the next play session~
Dec 19, 2020
Mom and I successfully cleared Keeper of the Lake! No wipes even on Midgardsormr!
she's making fun of how slow Midgardsormr speaks ahaha
she promptly summoned him as a minion
"So now I've lost the protection I didn't even know I had?"
Middy: I REMEMBER, HYDAELYN...AND I CONSENT Me: Consent is important! Mom: What is he talking about???
It's Starlight time with Mom~
"I feel like we just finished watching a Hallmark movie" "...and not enough vaccines to go around...WHEN DID THEY WRITE THIS?? =\ "
she actually started wheezing at the snowman mount as we bounced around central shroud
when it was time to log out, she specifically went out of the Rising Stones so she could log out as a snowman
Dec 20, 2020
Mom: I liked her, it's a pity they killed her off RIP Moenbryda next up: HILDIBRAND for some whiplash
"It's very slapstick/vaudeville" after snorting with laughter at Hildy on top of the tower posing
"So...he's not a zombie?" "No...but he survived all of that..." "Including the burial..." "Yeah. We don't know what he's made of." "I'm going with 'mostly ego'."
sighs of annoyance as she gets lost in Ul'dah
I asked her if she liked it so far and she said 'Yeah, it's pretty funny!'
during the salamander oil section when hildy's getting all orgasmic: "At this point I would've knocked him in and held his head under the water"
"So...we didn't find anything." "I mean Nashu got the hair ointment"
her roe is so fucking tall the card went flying half-hidden at the bottom of the screen omg
Dec 24, 2020
here we go again
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We are on Mask of Grief. Closing in on HW!!
Dragons fly overhead. “Where are they going??” “Ishgard!” “Well that’s not good”
Brostinien spotted
“Why can’t I ride my snowman indoors!!?? :( “
Alphinaud was such a terrible negotiator back then
Hahaha watching him get slapped down by Merlwyb...still funny
“You would entrust the future of Eorzea to a bunch of sellswords??” Alphinaud we are right here how DARE
Pranks mom by photobombing with snowman any time she talks to an NPC
Steps of Faith here we come! *sits in queue*
Success. Much easier nowadays I have to say.
Mom when Minfilia gets an invite to a banquet: “is this a trap”
I showed her Thancred and all his girlfriends and she shook her head
She wanted to log out on her snowman
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Dec 25, 2020
it's time fingers crossed we can get to the end of post-ARR...
mom laughing at Tataru's arcanist mishaps
when WoL just nods: "well I'm certainly supportive =\ "
she loves the beach when there's no sand to torture her, like the real beach she was stuck at the other day
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after Tataru glances back fondly in cutscene: "WHAT was that look. It PORTENDS something TERRIBLE. She's going to TURN INTO SOMETHING--"
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Whenever my mom goes into the rising stones, she just smashes her character's face into the door before selecting the entrance
Minfilia talking about how she'd rather stay home than go to the party and I feel that
Riol briefing us, I remind my mom that Mirage Trust is owned by Teledji and she said "I had a feeling" he's one of the few characters she can remember XD
mom when she's flying to the place to meet Alianne: "Another chance to use my snowman :D"
just got the long cutscene warning, here it comes
mom as nanamo lifts cup to her lips: "She's being poisoned!!" as nanamo falls: "that wasn't obvious at all"
When the vial is revealed: "So that's what it was for!"
Ilberd: "The poison did its work swiftly. Her handmaiden can attest to that." Mom, pretending to be handmaiden: "Yes, I made the batch myself!"
Teledji Adeledji bisected: "*nod* I like it."
Raubahn's arm removed: "Gross!"
Other alliance members leave: "Abandon ship!"
Raubahn frees WoL: "All right! I'm gonna whip out my book and wave it!"
"They killed everyone off for the new thingy? And just when I started getting used to their names..."
Me: "Alphinaud's having a crisis" Mom: "~it's all my faaaault~" Me: "It IS his fault!!" Mom: "Yeah, it is..."
lord, post-ARR Midgardsormr voice acting
And we are done!! Next session: Heavensward!
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gren-arlio · 1 year
Finally, Welcome to Part 2 of Episode 1 of Arle's Route.
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(Ah, Kikimora. Oddly sweet in this game and manga. Why did you tell me your sizes in your bio?)
Heya, Gren here, and after so long (aka a week), we get a new part. Wasn't done last week so that's why I made that special Witch episode (which has become one of my most viewed posts, ironically,) and now we can finally finish...Episode 1. Trust me, these take a while.
Before I put timestamps, I want to say this: I will not be translating shop menus... this time. Thought it'd be better to make that into a single Extras post sometime so it's easy to get for people rather than just telling people to come to Part 2 of Episode 1 of Route 2 of a Niche Video Game. (Is that too many unnecessary labels? Yeah.)
Anywho, The video:
No Way. A Store is a Store: (10:45)
Schezo Gives a Death Threat: (11:25)
Skeleton-T Boss: (13:55, defeat is on 16:21)
Ticket/Door Stuff: (17:05)
Mysterious Voice Moments: (18:19)
Shopping: (19:19)
Rulue 1: (22:45)
Schezo Vs The Allegations: (23:27)
We can finally go onto episode TWO...After the next Extras Episode. Maybe. Perhaps. Perchance.
With that, hope you enjoy.
No Way. A Shop is a Shop: (10:45)
Oh, so this is a shop! (Yes Arle. A shop is a shop.
Momomo, welcome to the shop.
Ah, hello there.
There's a lot of danger inside of the attractions.
If you buy a lot of items, you'll be safer, so be sure to do so.
Aren't you some merchant...
(Menu pop up saying:
Sell <-
What do you want to sell?
(Nothing. Arle leaves.)
Hope to see you again.
Schezo Gives a Death Threat: (11:25)
Oh, it's Schezo!
Ah, Arle...are you here for the attraction too?
Well, yeah.
Well...that's fine. Just don't get in my way.
If you interfere with me, I'll make you disappear for good!
??? Schezo...
Why are you so wokred up? I thought you were here to have fun?
Skeleton-T Boss: (13:55)
Hello? Are you a visitor?
Yeah, hello! What're you doing here?
I'm having a cup of tea. You want a cup?
(Menu that says Yes or No appears. Arle says no)
What! You won't drink my tea!
I won't you forgive you for taking advantage over my goodwill!
Um...I don't think this is needed.
I don't even think you're human...
Gah! Ochaaaaa! Why would you even care!
I knew it...you're not human...
Ochaaa! Come on then!
(His defeat is him saying "Ochooo..." with Arle saying "It's my victory! Yay!")
Tickets/Door stuff: (17:05)
Eh? What's written here...
(He who has 3 orbs, raise them.)
...Do I really have the orbs to proceed?
[Fast forward a bit and she goes to a chest with tickets.]
Oh, there's tickets here! Huh...
(Arle got tickets to Fire Mountain, Water Paradise, and Starlight Stage.)
...This means I can enter more attractions! Yay!
[Text prompt to leave]
Mysterious Voice Moments: (18:19)
(For this I'll be calling them MV.)
So, you cleared the first attraction.
Eh? What?
Well, let's say you did complete it.
...Let's just call it the "Exciting Course".
...Hm, yes! A perfect name!
I feel like I've heard this voice before...
Collect 3 orbs and a new path will open up.
Yes...a door to the new attractions await you...
Oh? ...I don't even know you!
Fufufu, we'll meet sooner or later...
Wow! Carbuncle!
... ... ...Are you by any chance?
Uh oh! And so, farewell!
Oh dear...I don't know about you, but I think I'll collect these orbs...
Shopping: (19:19)
Welcome to the shop.
Smells good in here.
Oh, we do food service also.
The attractions get really hard without food, so be sure to bring a lot.
Still a salesman, I see...
[I'm...gonna skip all the shop menus for an Extras episodes. When? Maybe 2 or so Extra episodes later, I got one planned already.
Anyways, Arle plans to leave the shop.]
There's no reason to not know how to identify items.
Identifying items...it would be useful to have that ability.
...Actually, how do I do that?
I can teach you.
[Arle gained the ability to identify items!
You can now identify items you find in the dungeon.]
Wow, thanks! ...By the way-
If I can identify stuff on my own, I don't need to be here anymore, right?
People who aren't good at identifying won't get any better.
Momomo never fails to identify, so keep up the good work.
Aha, I see...well, I look forward to working with you!
Rulue 1: (22:45)
That Said Arle:
Oh, hi Rulue! Have you done this attracrion yet?
...I don't care about that.
I see...Least not yet...
No one said anything about a "Not Yet."
So you did do it?
Oh-hohoho! Of course!
Oh, right! I completed it also!
Well, I'm in a hurry, so please excuse me.
That's weird, Rulue...Why is she in a hurry?
Schezo VS The Allegations: (23:27)
That Said Arle Again:
Hey, what's Schezo doing here?
Hmpf. None of your business.
Are you here to get women again?
I mean, you always chase women around saying "I want you."
Wha...I don't do that!
You can say that again...I mean, "The Dark Mage" is a boy...
You know what! I'm...
I'm tired. I'm going on ahead.
Assuming you're not here to get just girls...
No way, Schezo...you're here to get men too...
I'm glad. Next Extras Episode might be revolving around Kikimora, IDK fully.
Episode 2 might be a lot smaller, or at least I hope. Thank you for standing by with me, and hope you enjoyed.
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aerialsquid · 1 year
FFXIVWrite Day 6: Ring
And yes it's the same set as the last 5 days minus the Ran'jit one. I do what I want.
If anything, Charlemend seemed a bit miffed that the glory of death in bloody combat had been denied to him after all that build-up.He sat with his back against the mast, sulking, refusing to let Edmont tend to any of his cuts. Edmont wanted to both comfort and smack him for it. 
Anyone of a mindset to try climbing the rigging to come get them took one look at the Sahagin casually dangling his legs over the crosstree and immediately scuttled back down again, almost apologetic about it. It was strange to be so close to the battle and yet so utterly safe.
The frantic ringing of a ship's bell barely carried over the fray. It was followed by the captain's rough, desperate voice screaming, "Yield! Yield!"
Reluctantly the pirates turned to listen, scowling and backing away into a wary knot at the front end of the ship.
Peering over the side, Edmont could see the tattooed man with a blade to the captain's throat. His back was to Edmont but his mask had been torn away during the fight. He leaned in to say something to the captain, who nearly spat in his face before calling out, "We're surrenderin', aye! Vessel and cargo both yours, y'blueblood scalliwag, and I hope you shove it–"
The exact location was blotted out by a roar of victory from the half-naked assailants, a chaotic cheer that soon turned to an uneven chant of "Hold 'em fast, drag 'em under!". Keeping with the kraken theme, Edmont supposed. 
Novv stood and stretched, the fin on his back leisurely rising. One arm was given to each lord and he took them both down to the deck with a single leap, landing as light as a feather before allowing them their feet. 
Gerald trickled by them, rotating out his books to replace his carbuncle with a pale yellow fairy. 
"Thought you'd be stayin' out of the fight, Novv," he said, still just as jovial as before, though his shirt was stained in blood. "Not that we ain't grateful for your presence!" The summon flitted around him to inspect the other Krakens, a healing glow following in its wake.
"Pssh? Fight? Was this a fight?" Novv tilted his head in overexaggerated confusion, scratching one of his crests. "So new am I to your strange finless ways, I thought this was some form of festival and came to visit my good friends Duraindaire and Fortempts. I would not dare raise my weapon at such a delicate time with your people, especially to intervene in some petty conflict between shorewalkers that has nothing to do with Novv and his sons." He proudly held up both claws, empty. "And as you can see, I carry no blade and I have spilled no blood."
"Rightly so, Master Novv, rightly so!" Gerald chirped. "And come to think of it, I've been at festivals that ended more bloody than this."
"Gerald, would you bloody tell me what's going on?" Charlemend cut in. "I've had enough of bloody pirate dealings and you're the closest thing to civilized I've laid eyes on today."
"Of course, of course, your lordship!" Gerald offered a bow that only seemed slightly ironic, as Novv moved off into the crowd. Edmont strained to keep sight of him, but it was hard with this many broad-backed Roegedayn milling about. "Y'see, back in the old days before Admiral Merlwyb and the Galadion Accords brought us disassociated rabble to heel, it weren't uncommon to pluck up your rival's business partners and hold them to some sort of ransom to gain an edge on 'em. We've all moved on from such practices and it's practically unheard of these days, but the Shark's Teeth here are a bit hung up on tradition."
"Which is why we made sure to hit 'em enough that no one else'll try this kind of shite for another century or two," Blutwyn said as she passed by, gore-streaked oar over her shoulder. 
"You're telling me two of Ishgard's high house lords were drugged, bound, abused, and threatened with mutilation over a matter of business?" The irate purple in Charlemend's skin was showing under the edges of his sunburn. "This is an international incident! An insult tantamount to a declaration of war!"
Gerald smiled with the sort of sweetness that made you want to deck him. "Didn't say we pirates were smart, your lordship. But the Kraken's Arms is happy to reimburse you for your lost time, don't you worry, and we'll do so out of the coffers of the men what caused you the trouble. You can even take a few licks with the cat at the captain if it pleases you to do so. "
"Reimburse--" Charlemend's voice stopped in his throat. His lips moved silently, his head shaking side to side ever so slightly, as if what he saw defied all reason. Edmont's eyes followed his, to where the crowd had parted just right to allow a clear line of sight across the length of the ship. 
To where the man with the kraken tattoo was taking Novv and the Sharks' leader into the captain's quarters, ax hanging loose in his hand, and his scowling face finally bared to the sun. Another of his crew was settling a red coat across his bare shoulders.
Jumbles of words seemed to struggle for priority in Charlemend's throat. A haggard breath escaped him, then a muttered "It can't…how… but he…", and then a growing cry of "Wait. Wait! Come back!" 
"Put him down," Blutwyn hissed. Gerald's fingers skittered frantically over the pages of his tome, tracing the lines of arcane geometry.
"Car–!" The Repose spell struck Charlemend mid-shout, deadening his muscles. He struggled for breath, struggled to move his foot just one more step, hand reaching out before him in desperation as his treacherous body slowly dragged him down. Edmont caught him around the shoulders as he fell with a helpless sob, his bad leg screaming as he lowered his friend gently to the deck. 
If anyone else noticed the commotion, they'd turned their faces away and deliberately ignored it.
"I'll be good," Edmont said, raising one surrendering hand in the face of Gerald's glaring fairy. Edmont swallowed down the rage that came up in his throat at yet another pirate playing havoc with Charlemend. "And you don't need two dead weights to carry around. The stress must have just…gotten to him."
"Supposing you're right, your lordship. I'm sure a brief rest'll do him a world of good regardless, and in the meantime we'll see about getting you back to Costa del Sol before the dancing girls go on." The sweet smile was back on Gerald's face just as it was before. Edmont stayed kneeling on the deck, Charlemend's limp body in his arms, and closed his eyes against the piercing sunlight above.
All the pieces were here. It was child's play to put them together. The question was what to do about them.
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wildstar25 · 1 year
I am ask about your warrior of light.
I will ask for no other information as I know nothing else and will assume the rest from your answers.
Favorite color?
If estinien and alphinaud were hanging off a cliff above tautaru infested waters, which would they save from their unrulely demise?
What is their Scion head pat priority (least needed to pat to most needed)
One aetherite is free, which?
What flavor of sauce would they put on chicken wings (any flavor)
Would they keep bees?
What reason would they most likely bite someone?
How long would they survive on a deserted island (assuming there is proper materials to survive you just need the survival skills)
Is this a cool cat?
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Answer wisely my friend
These are.... fantastic questions!! o(*°▽°*)o
Favorite color? Dalamud Red! She's always got a bit of red in her outfits!
If estinien and alphinaud were hanging off a cliff above tautaru infested waters, which would they save from their unrulely demise? Arsay would run to Alphinaud without a second thought. She might poke fun at him for whatever he did to earn Tataru's wrath, but his safety is the number one priority. Plus bullying Estinien is very fun. She trusts he can manage to get himself out of any mess he put himself in at this point.
What is their Scion head pat priority (least needed to pat to most needed) In order: C/B tier scions (Hoary and the like), Tataru, Krile, Estinien, Thancred, Urianger (he'd be higher on the list but she couldn't reach him), Lyse, Y'shtola, G'raha, Arsay (yes she put herself on the list. please give her head pats), Ryne (Arsay still considers her a scion family member), Alphinaud, Alisaie
One aetherite is free, which? Limsa! It has been my return point since I started the game and never changed it. In terms of in character reasons: It's the closest place in Eorzea to Arsay's home, its where her guild buddies are, it's where her grand company is, who her free company is set up with, and it's a port town with ships, ferries, and airships to anywhere she'd feasibly need to go to! Arsay is really not a big fan of teleporting directly to an aetherite if she doesn't have to; she much prefers taking the scenic (and cheaper) route!
What flavor of sauce would they put on chicken wings (any flavor) HMMM Arsay would probably eat any flavour, especially if its something she's never had before..... but if she could choose herself.... maybe something like a hot honey mustard? Something tangy, spicy, and sweet!
Would they keep bees? Arsay would not keep bees. Not because she wouldn't like to, but because she'd worry that her adventuring lifestyle would directly impact the level of care the bees receive.
What reason would they most likely bite someone? Got too excited while messing around and had to chomp U.U'' unfortunate since her fangs are quite sharp.
How long would they survive on a deserted island (assuming there is proper materials to survive you just need the survival skills) Arsay grew up on an island and spent a lot of time as a kid going off on her own, so she could probably survive indefinitely. She knows exactly one healing spell so as long as she doesn't completely fuck herself up, she wouldnt have to worry about cuts or infections. Though Arsay's not the best at crafting... but could probably get away with what skills she has now and get better as time goes on! She's very resilient and will not give up!! The only thing that would really get to her is being alone for a long period of time. She could manage for a week or so by herself but the loneliness would catch up to her. Her carbuncle could keep her company, but she'd miss talking to her friends.
Is this a cool cat? Yes. Absolutely. 100%. 1000/10.
Thank you for asking all those question!! It was so fun to answer!
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elissaria-ffxiv · 2 years
Sneaking for Information
“Right this way sir.”
The maitre d’ led me through the entryway to the rooms of the club proper. Gentlemen of various ages lounged about the room. None paid me or the maitre d’ any mind.
Such was the way of the nobles with the “help”. Never paying attention to us or our movements around us, but expecting us to be there no matter what.
My father had instilled in me long ago that such was the lot of the Muldoon’s. I could trace my lineage all the way back to the founding of Ishgard. At least one male in each generation had served. It was an honorable calling. Even my own son was now well established with a notable family.
“This is the secure room, do you know how much space your master wants?”
His question drew me from my thoughts. I made a great show of looking about the room as I answered his question. Testing locks by pulling draws and in turn questioning him about break ins.
“Oh no, sir. We’re quite secure here. Why in all my time here we’ve only had one bit of trouble and that has been seen to with our new wards. No trickster will be able to pull off such a scheme again.”
At my questioning look, he went on to describe how someone had conjured nixies and carbuncles filling the entire place with the magical creatures.
I pushed for more information, showing my disdain for the magical interference. All in the guise of securing a lock box for my lord. That had been my idea. The viera had wanted me to pretend to be a noble. One does not pretend to be a noble and just meander into an establishment like this. I’d rolled my eyes at her preposterous idea.
Instead, I’d explained how I would get the information she sought. She’d agreed though a bit skeptically. But I would show her. This is how one gathered information without trouble. We servants worked behind the scenes and none would be the wiser or suspicious of the questions I asked in this ruse.
“And I promise you sir, after the ruckus Brother Drausair and his friends raised about our security, the owners were not about to let such an occurrence happen twice.”
Drausair, that was the name she told me to listen for. I asked if they were still using the club’s services since the theft.
“Oh yes sir. That box right behind you that you tested a moment ago, that one is Brother Drausair’s. As you can see, its locked up tight. And if it were to be opened without the wards being lowered, this whole place locks up tight until the guards arrive.” the man scratched at his cheek, “Though I’ve not seen the man in some time, must be out of the city on business. He was a right regular visitor up until a few weeks ago.” he paused, “Begging your pardon, didn’t mean to ramble off, as I was saying security here is top notch.”
I let him finish the tour and promised my “lord” would be by within the month to secure his membership. With that I left the establishment, none the wiser to my ruse.
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As I resumed my post within the house, I sent one of the maids to find Miss Elissaria to notify her of my successful return. My employers were not of the nobility and a rather rough lot that still had much to learn on owning such a prestigious estate. But none of them would ever be able to say that I, Claude-Henri Muldoon - third of that name, shirked an assigned task.
Part 1 | Part 2
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stargazer-brynne · 2 years
Missing Cargo
“Miss Thorush?”
Brynne turned from her massive folders of incoming cargo and ship ledgers to face the young miqo'te girl. The small member of the Arcanist Guild shifted her weight back and forth, stroking a strand of her light pink hair.
“Yes, Mi’haila, what can I help you with?” Brynne responded, putting down her notes.
“Th-There’s an invoice from one-one of the ships that came in… They’re missing a lot of crates fro-from their ledger- I don’t know what happened!” Mi’haila answered, fingers quaking as she handed over the slip of paper.
Brynne took it and started reading each item, line by line. Imports consisted of basic materials; blacksmithing metals and tools for the most part, sent over by the various artisans of Ul’dah. However, circled in red were the more useful and expensive materials: iron, steel, mythrill, and other precious metals needed for weapon smithing. Not surprisingly, those materials were missing.
Brynne narrowed her eyes and looked over at Mi’haila, who jumped at the sudden attention. “Are they still in port? Have there been any reports of pirate activity or the like nearby?” She asked.
The miqo'te nodded.
“They’re still in port, Miss. As far as we know, there has been limited pirate activity in the normal places. The Rhotano Sea has been mostly quiet, with minor activity in the Strait of Merthor. But-but that’s been happening for the past few months!”
Brynne leaned back in her chair, playing with a brown to blue curl along the side of her face. 
Merthor had been a hot spot for some minor, harmless pirating activity. It was mostly to scare off potential threats to their territories. A small monetary fee here, a warning shot from cannons there. But if they were starting to plunder cargo ships and affect their ledgers, then they'd have stepped out of bounds.
Brynne stood up,  long ears slicked back in annoyance. She grabbed her pen and started writing down the report for the Guild’s records. Once satisfied with it, she stood up and beckoned for Mi’haila to follow. Brynne grabbed her coat and strapped her grimoire to her side. A small, Emerald Carbuncle followed along, sniffing her master’s coattails. Brynne paused, patting her on the head.
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“Who else knows of this incident?” She asked.
“Just you for now. Should I report to the Guildmaster?” Mi’haila replied.
“Not yet, I have some sway, so I’ll reach out first before getting her involved.”
The two traveled over to the docks and down the way, reaching where the ship who reported the missing cargo was moored.. It wasn’t the largest ship she’s ever seen, little more than a rowboat compared to Merlwyb’s impressive vessel, but it was a decent size for transport nonetheless. 
She waved down one of the crewmembers, asking for the captain. The deckhand rushed to what Brynne assumed was the captain’s quarters, and soon a small Lalafell man walked out on deck.
The man had a big bushy mustache and a hat that looked like it could completely hide him should he be so inclined. The hat was then removed and placed against his chest as he bowed. 
“What can I do for you, Miss?” He asked in a particularly high voice.
Mi’haila hid behind Brynne, who rolled her eyes. “Captain Kalale, I presume?”
“The one and only. What can I do for you two lovely ladies?” He smiled, replacing his hat.
“I understand there was an incident with missing cargo, and as a member of the Arcanist’s Guild, I came to investigate. Do you have a moment for a few questions?” Brynne said, taking out a pen and notebook.
“Anything for the Arcanist’s Guild, my lady. This opportunity to get in good graces with you lot is a good business practice. I make your life easier, you make mine easier.” Captain Kalale explained, rubbing his hands together.
“Were all items accounted for before leaving the ports in Ul’dah?”
“All were present and accounted for," he said, his hands searching for something in his breast pocket.
“Around what area did you discover the goods were missing?”
“After we finished getting through the Strait of Merthor. We were approached by a vessel after stopping for a time. They demanded compensation for safe passage, or there’d be dire consequences. I’ve lived long enough to know when I’m up against someone who’ll actually carry out those threats, so I gave them the metals they wanted. They left our ship, and we went on our way with our lives,” Captain Kalale explained, lighting a cigar. He offered one to the ladies who shook their heads no.
“Were there any identifying features of the ship? Noticeable crew members?” Mi’haila asked.
“Now that you mention it, one was a big Roegadyn. Two full yalms taller than yourself, green skin, and a big ol’ scar that ran from his right eye all the way down his collar. Nasty lookin’ thing!” He leapt into the air, flailing his arms to show just how big. Though, it really didn’t help his case-- the two were already much taller than him.
“Any flags of note or crests?” Brynne asked.
“I think it was a dark red flag with yellow symbols… Like a dragon eating a moon?”
Brynne groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Alright, thank you, Captain. As you were…” She turned on her heel and stormed off the deck, Mi’haila running after her.
There was only one ship with that flag and one captain with those features. And Brynne knew them all too well. In fact, they’d just landed in port not too long ago. She stormed past the guild’s crystal and through the marketplace, where it was jam packed with merchants and buyers from all over the country. Mi’haila tried to keep pace, having to hurry a few steps every so often to stay beside her.
“M-Miss, where are we going?” She asked, clutching her notes to her chest and fixing her glasses.
“To the lower decks, where most underground dealings are made. I have a bone to pick with a certain pirate…” Brynne replied, bringing a hand to her ear. 
She barked a few orders into her linkpearl before hanging up. Her Emerald Carbuncle bounded after her, staring up in confusion before nodding and vanishing, her ruby counterpart replacing her with a scowl on her face and her tails twitching in anticipation. 
Hopefully it wouldn’t come to using her, but Brynne didn’t hold her breath. These guys were notorious for being unpredictable.
They reached the docks by the fishermen’s guild, sun beginning to set for the day. On a good day, this would mark the end of her work and she’d have a lovely dinner prepared with her father. And she was looking forward to the new recipe that came in from the Bismark too. Her father wasn’t going to like the next report she sends to the Marauders Guild.
The ship was massive in comparison to Captain Kalale’s vessel, but still not large enough to warrant more than two inspectors, minus her carbuncle.
Out of the corner of Brynne’s eye, she could’ve sworn she saw a head full of red braids, but when she turned to get a better look, there wasn’t anyone there. 
Damn rogues, always in the shadows, Brynne thought.
However they always did their job well, so she couldn’t complain too much.
The two ladies boarded the ship and were greeted by accordion and drums, followed by drunken laughter and shouts. Brynne thought she heard giggles mixed in there, but she wasn’t certain until she saw the Roegadyn in question drinking from what she could only assume was his sixth ale, given the five empty tankards beside him. Two young women, a Midlander and a Raen, clung to each arm as he poured his drink into their waiting mouths.
Brynne sighed and stomped her foot. The music and laughter stopped from all but the captain, who looked the Viera up and down before handing his drink to one of the girls. They greedily drank the rest on her own.
“Captain Fraedoen.” Brynne narrowed her eyes.
The captain grinned from ear to ear, standing tall in front of her. He was exactly as the Lalafell described, though he’d forgotten to mention the reek of alcohol. Some drops had missed his mouth and dribbled down his chin and onto his ripped red coat.
“That be I, lassie. Ye and yer friend here to join in the party? T’is a celebration!” He exclaimed, throwing his arms out. His crew cheered and resumed their laughter and playing, some calling for another round. “There be plenty o’ room fer ye lovely lassies to join us.”
“Actually no, we’ve come to collect the stolen cargo from one of our import vessels,” Brynne responded, puffing her chest out. The captain barked out a laugh and got right up in her face, coming close enough to touch. She could smell the salty sea and sweat mixed in with the strong alcohol.
“And what makes ye think we stole cargo? We’re just humble pirates, followin’ the same rules as anyone else! You can’t prove shite,” he said, his voice getting gruff and low.
Brynne stared this man straight in the eye, refusing to back down. 
He scoffed and threw up a hand. The rest of the crew put their drinks down and began drawing their swords. “So what are ye gonna do about it, eh?”
Brynne slowly reached for her grimoire, Mi’haila backing away slowly but was suddenly blocked from behind by two more pirates. She gripped onto Brynne’s coat, trying to hide.
One of the crew members froze, a glint of recognition in his eye. “C-Captain. We-we really sh-sho-”
“What is it, ye blubberin’ oaf! I’m gonna toss this bitch inte the sea fer tresspassin’ on my ship!” He shouted, turning to him. Brynne glanced over, seeing the recognition in his eye, and the quake in his knees. She grinned.
“You should listen to your crew, Captain,” she taunted, opening her book to a seemingly random page.
“Th-That’s no ordinary inspector, sir!” He stuttered, backing up and clutching his knife to his chest.
“Out with it, man! Spit it out or ye’ll be next!”
Another piped up “Th-That’s Brynne Thorush, sir!” He shouted. The captain froze on the  spot, slowly turning back towards the Viera. Brynne witnessed the color drain from his face and his jaw go slack.
“Th-Thorush? Ye-Ye mean THE Thorush?” He asked, voice suddenly quiet.
Brynne licked her fingers, flipping through the pages before slamming her grimoire shut. Every member of the crew jumped.
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“The only daughter o’ the notorious Captain Nycolas of the Indigo Deep?” Captain Fraedoen asked, backing away as slow as he possibly could. There was more sweat beading down his face now, and his eyes were wide. “Th-The one who sa-sailed with the Knights of the Barracuda and is a General of the Maelstrom?”
“The one and only,” she replied, examining her nails. Slowly, she began to walk forward towards him, eyebrow raised and grinning from ear to ear. “Now, about that missing cargo.”
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theherosreturn · 10 months
Athena: Very well. My dear beast will be no doubt thrilled at the feast it shall soon be having, no doubt.
Proto-Carbuncle(?): Hungry…food near…
Yes, the Proro-Carbuncle has the ability to talk. It’s…limited, but still, it can speak. With that, it starts clambering into position, as Athena just teleported to hers. Meanwhile, with the heroes…well…
Sena: This is almost feeling like she’s trying to stall…
Emir: Giyas…
…yeah. Eunie lost her patience.
Salem, as her voice echoed through the entire castle: Haven't you ever heard of the term "You can't rush art"? I'm simply getting ready, I will be there in a minute! But to tide you impatient mortals for now, I shall give you a true challenge as I prepare~...*A group of three Hound Grimms had revealed themselves within the long corridor that reached the throne room* Who knows, maybe one of you will actually die-!
*She had been interrupted as the seer she was using to both speak and watch had been crushed by an absolutely massive object that also crushed the Hounds with its weight!...The object wasn't even tossed by the heroes, it had just suddenly broke through the castle ceiling....What it even was...A cat...?*
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Pete, while trying to recover from the fall: Ugh...That Sally lady's gotta get better roofs...Wait...*He soon noticed that the main threats were right in front of him* Ah shoot! Gotta deal with you chumps already!!
Serial designation J: Excuse me what-?! *The cat had immediately thrown multiple bombs in rapid succession at the rebels* At least say hello a**hole!!
0 notes
cerezawrites · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 #1: Envoy
Spoilers: Post-Endwalker, spoilers possible
In a field of flowers, Cereza stood dreaming.  
She knew in the back of her mind - or perhaps in the front of Ardbert’s - that this wasn’t where she fell asleep, but merely a dream projection of Il Mheg.  But the glamour of faeries is tangible, even in dreams, and it wasn’t so easy to tell the difference.  The flowers smelled as real; the sun, no longer obscured by the blinding light, shone down as bright as when she’d visited last, after turning Anden back into his proper self.  
But she wasn’t there now.  No, this was her mind being called from afar, and only one person here had the power - and the right - to do so.  “Feo Ul!  My beautiful branch!  Why did you call for me?”  
She heard a giggle, and a red light appeared and spun around her before taking the diminutive avatar form of a crimson pixie.  Though not the full Feo Ul, they were in all ways Cereza’s companion.  “Ah, caught me well, ye did, my sapling!  Alas, it’s not so easy for me to reach you on that side of the Rift in other ways.  And, while I can visit you anywhere on this world when you visit, and I’m grateful for the visits ye’ve made, I can’t call you too far from the center of my being.”  
Cereza smiled.  She was glad the pixie was in a good mood, and not calling out of bitterness for not visiting - but then, she HAD made it a point to visit the First, and to call to her “branch” on each such visit, when time permitted.  But often, it was to visit places other than Il Mheg, to let Feo Ul see more of the world.  “Well, it IS a lovely place,” she said honestly.  “But I am a bit curious as to why you would call me at all in this way?  Is something the matter?”  
Feo Ul faked a pout.  “Ah, down to business, is it then?”  But they sighed and shrugged and smiled again.  “Ah, that’s you to a tee, and I wouldn’t change it.  And your perception is accurate again - I’m actually repaying a favor to someone.  The mayor of the ocean city asked to see you.”  
“I’m frankly wondering how he managed to earn a favor from you,” Cereza said, and not entirely in jest.  It was rare that the pixies made themselves known to mortals, and rarer still that they would earn such a deal.  
“Well, strictly speaking, the favor was… kind of a chain of them.  It was actually called in by Ryne, who had heard something from Lue-Reeq, who in turn heard something from one of the Honeybees, who… oh, it doesn’t matter.  The mayor has something going on - I did look into it, don’t worry, it’s a real thing worthy of your attention - and he was wishing he could have the aid of Alphinaud and his friends.  And while most of them can’t jump the gap…”  
Cereza put two and two together.  “Ah, I can.  What’s the issue - or rather, what would I KNOW the issue was, from that chain of rumours?”  
Feo Ul laughed.  “It’s something about a visitor.  A foreign dignitary - to use the words my bigger self knows as king - from someplace that apparently hasn’t been heard from in a while since the flood.”  
That caught Cereza’s full attention.  “Interesting.  From what I recall, there wasn’t a lot left to the world - mostly just the equivalent of Aldenard on the Source.”  She looked around the “Dream” and said, “Would I be able make things… materialize here?  I’ve done that before in Cid’s dream…”  
Feo Ul nodded.  “It’s like summoning that carbuncle of yours… but less mathy and more poof-y.”  
Cereza sighed at the lack of advice, but took what little she got to heart and considered it.  She closed her eyes, reached out her hand, and imagined the map and board, letting the shapes take form and channeling aether through them.  Whether or not it moved the aether in reality, in this space, it appeared in front of her - a map of Eorzea, on a chalkboard like the ones in Sharlayan.  “So… Eulmore is where Limsa is.  Lakeland is Mor Dhona.  Ahm Araeng is Ul’dah and Thanalan, and Rak’tika is the Shroud…”  She imagined some pins and marked the map, considering.  “And Voebert is equivalent to Ishgard… and from what the Qitari mentioned, there’s nothing like a nation out where Ala Mhigo would be.  So that leaves….”  She checked the map again, and nodded.  “Something in Dravania?  North and west of Voebert?”  
Feo Ul danced around the map and considered the conjecture.  “That seems right enough from what they said.  What kind of place is that in this world?”  
Cereza considered the question.  “One part is the remnants of a Sharlayan colony., over on the west coast… but that part is covered by the Flood, from what I can recall.  That leaves the Forelands,” she said, pointing to a wooded area, “which aren’t really occupied except by bug people and hunters… oh, and dragons.  Or it leaves the Churning mists above that, which is again mostly Dragons but also Moogles…”  
Except, she thought, that hadn’t always been the case, now had it?  
“But there WERE people there before.  In the most recent times, there were ancestors to the Ishgardians.  The “Landlords,” the Moogles called them.  They were allies with the Dragons.  Even without the dragons, there may have been something similar in the First…”  She turned to Feo Ul.  “Do you know anything about that?”  
Feo Ul shook their head.  “Not my wheelhouse unfortunately.  The Crown comes with knowledge aplenty, but not on such things as were before the Fae took over the empty castles in this land.”  
Cereza nodded.  “How urgent was the request?  Do I have time to visit someone before I come over to the First?”  
Feo Ul shrieked in delight before composing themselves.  “Ah… yes.  I think the envoy is a few days out.  I suppose a day or two delay wouldn’t hurt.”  
Cereza nodded.  “Well then, I need to speak to a few friends.  Then I’ll probably head to Bookman’s Shelves.  But… I suppose I should visit you in the castle first, as is proper?”  
Feo Ul’s shout was even happier than before. “Of course!  I’d be glad to be your escort.”  It was harder for them to compose themselves as they asked, “Should I let Ryne know when you’re coming and have her meet you?”  
Cereza nodded as she felt the sleep come to an end.  “Please.  I could use a hand looking through the books when I get there.”  
Feo Ul smiled.  “Good to hear!  I cannot wait for you, my sapling.  Waken now, and I’ll see you soon!”  
Cereza opened her eyes slowly as she stretched out of the sheets on the island cabin cot.  The mammets were already at work on the farm, managing everything, but otherwise, she was alone.  She yawned and called over the caretaker, leaving instructions as she dressed and readied herself.  Once she was sure her instructions would be followed, she turned her gaze upwards towards the moon, locking on to a spot just north of the largest crater and feeling the flow of aether that twirled around the spinning crystal built into the structure there. 
Once she’d isolate the currents, she closed her eyes, and felt the aether lift her up as her body slipped into the shallowest parts of the Lifestream, blinking out in a burst of light to go visit an old friend.         
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