#yes my full time job IS being gay and sad
mergrl · 2 years
top 15 songs
omg okay picking only 15 songs was so hard, i’ve been listening to so much lately 😭 but thank you so much @wardingoffevil for tagging me ❤️ i’m loving seeing everyones posts of these so much 
anywhere with you - maggie rogers
night shift - lucy dacus
complex (demo) - katie gregson-macleod
smoke signals - phoebe bridgers
dream girl evil - florence & the machine
talking to yourself - carly rae jepsen
what i want - MUNA
let us die - king princess
stick season - noah kahan
halley’s comet - billie eilish
piece of shit - wet leg 
keep driving - harry styles
for real this time - gracie abrams
afterglow - taylor swift
this is why - paramore
also this song isn’t out yet but i would like to add #16 not another rockstar - maisie peters to the list because as soon as it comes out tonight i WILL be going feral, thank you for asking 
i would like to tag @ellegreenwxy @csmicletters @crimswnred @ariendiel @kiwi-tai @tammyisobsessedwith @beesandfigsblog & literally anyone else who would like to do this. i feel like i’ve seen so many ppl tagged in this idk who to tag but i want to see literally everyone’s music tastes its so fun!!! 
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bengiyo · 2 months
Don't Care for an Old Man's Underwear Ep 11 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
This watch made possible by @isaksbestpillow.
Last time, Daichi's dad came back into the picture and dumped a heaping pile of homophobia right on top of our favorite boy. Daichi, despite all his courage and conviction, balked before his father. No one was able to say much to Daichi; not Madoka, not Makoto. Makoto wasn't sure how to interject himself in this situation, and hesitated because he wanted to move properly. At work, there was discussion about people being downsized and laid off, and how that ruined relationships once a man could no longer provide. Meanwhile, Kakeru is struggling with the ethics of makeup after he helped his friend pretend to be a kind of girl she isn't. Finally, when no one else seemed like they could talk to Daichi, Kakeru reminded us that he's Makoto's son and meddled directly. We left at Daichi's dad being horrible to Kakeru, and Makoto stormed off to confront the man once he found out.
I really like how vile this final villain is with his presentation as reasonable and principled. He uses a soft tone, but he's constantly turning things around to be cruel. He made his son suffer, and he was rude to Kakeru. I almost wonder if he provoked Kakeru just so he had the leverage to demand the Okita family stay away from Daichi. He's an excellent villain, because you have to use all the empathy and compassion the show brought out of you to resist this man's flawed logic.
Wow, Makoto gets it. I am gonna cry because I'm so proud of him for not losing his conviction.
Madoka, my guy, what are you doing? This is a big problem you should face together.
Oh, Kakeru, you were so harsh to everyone all season about how they talked to you. It's hard to talk to people isn't it?
OOF Mor is also dealing with the expectations of society at large. We're really building to a finale.
And now Mika might be losing her job!
My family is in crisis!
Truly so special that Makoto has finally reached an understanding with his family that he realized what was wrong with each of them.
No! Don't ruin the sanctity of the park!! Gays, get it together!!
"Why are there so many obstacles to overcome if you're gay?" Bitch, me too, the fuck!!
It did feel like a barrier had formed between Daichi and Makoto. I'm sad and frustrated.
Y'all are gonna kill this old man.
Okay, what bad news did Furuike get, because my man just reiterated that when you grow up your heart dies?
Oh, Furuike, you've come along as well. Responding to the info that Shimura realized what was going on with him that she should be promoted is excellent growth. I also love him reminding Makoto that he's not dead yet. Life is still worth living.
I love Makoto recognizing that he was asked to be the matchmaker. He needs to know that the rules of the society can be turned for the betterment of people even in the modern age.
"Making noise to help you forget is also what friends are for." Y'all I'm overwhelmed.
"If I'm ever unsure of myself, I'll ask Kakeru-tan to do my makeup." STOP MAKING ME CRY.
Actually so important that this show reiterates that even straight people get rejected constantly by others for failing to be what others want them to be
Of course Moe's full pen name is Pectoralis Major Huge Melons. I love her.
I'm so happy to see Makoto and Mika talking about things over chores together. I'm so proud of Mika, too.
Save us, Carlos!!!
Wow, this is the best show I've ever seen. The Okita family showed up exactly as themselves, with their passions plain, and stood before Daichi in front of this cruel man. Makoto demolished that man entirely, and said plainly that he is cruel to his son.
Daichi said it! If I change myself like that then I won't be myself!
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!!
So thankful that this show gave us that scene between Mihoko and Daichi. Sometimes we have to accept that people important to us won't accept us, but we must remember that we have those who will.
Way to release the tension with an old man's underwear and his kids dunking on him.
Of course Makoto is a crying, sloppy mess during the wedding. I love him.
What a beautiful finish.
Final Verdict: 11, Television Can Still Be Good. Truly, I don't know how else to describe this other than as one of the most important things I've ever watched in the last 20 years of engaging with stories about queer people. Seeing the Okita family reveal their passions and blast Daichi's dad like Care Bears as Makoto tells him he's a cruel asshole jumping to the front of the line to beat him up. This show earned every single beat it hit, and it was so lovely to watch a show where every character had goals and challenges. It wasn't just about making sure two guys have sex. This was a story about friendship and community, and it had strong ideas about how we make ourselves suffer for the betterment of others and yet no one is happy. This is one of the best things I've ever seen. Please go watch it.
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saltofmercury · 1 year
what do you think könig would be like as a dad? 😇
God… I would like to explore this more, but I wrote some things off the top of my head?? Also I don’t think König would be into having a family. He’s a solo relationship type of guy? Dad!Soap probably.
Wasn’t sure of having kids at first. Especially because he’s so scared of his kids going through things he went through. In addition to this, his job is CRAZY so if he were to start a family, he would probably need to retire/take easier jobs. (As if)
He grew up in a toxic household, his dad was very machismo, called him gay for crying, told him to suck it up, had a lot of emotional/verbal abuse from his dad while his mom would coddle him and baby him. So there’s a whole spectrum of emotions from him. (Also my König goes to therapy)
He sort of liked the idea of you two together, growing old, and dying together. (If his job would let him)
When you tell him you’re pregnant he's terrified but he remembers he really pushed through the army, after constantly being bullied in high school, he forced himself to get out there. Once he was in the army, killing people came like riding a bike— knew he needed to go to therapy, (HES SELF AWARE!) ((I love him)) so he goes to fix things from his past/his social anxiety/army related things too. He never thought of being in a healthy relationship especially with you so he feels like this is where he comes full circle, breaking trauma from his past.
He’s still numb from seeing ultrasounds you being home, it hasn’t really hit him yet. He’s set up a nursery for the lil bean but it still doesn’t feel real yet. Until he sees you in pain, and you realize you gotta go to the hospital.
Labor + delivery is CRAZY. He had to push aside his feelings because holy shit this is real, this is happening.
Sees the little bean in his hands and he’s so scared to hold them, sad that the same hands that killed many men are now holding something so pure & innocent
Is paranoid for the first time home, locking the doors and checking the windows of the house because of crazy men out there that he’s taunted + tortured. Thinks about taking Horangi on a mission with him to kill those men once and for all.
He seems relaxed with his kid. Shows him new things, tries to be as patient as he can because his dad never showed him patience.
It isn’t until terrible twos that he realizes oh shit I have a kid who is JUST like me. Impatient, wild, reckless, and can’t sit still.
He tries to get his kids into hobbies + exercise.
He’s the kind of dad that if the kid can’t sleep he’ll go and talk to them about missions he’s been on, (PG RATED) and will listen to them babble about a lot of things that make no sense
“But dad, Sonic could run fast and fast and never get tired”
“Just like me, I’m not even tired not even right now”
“I know that. What other character are you like?”
“I think tomorrow we can have cereal for breakfast, mom said she would get me some purple boots for outside too.”
“What? Oh okay.”
Wants to show them everything and let them try ANYTHING they want. If he’s going to be any kind of dad it’s supportive because he never had that support from his dad so he wants to be there 110% for his kids.
Is the one who wakes up the kids, makes lunches for them, does drop off and pick up with the kids, asks them about their day to make sure nothing is going on at school— because if there’s even ONE kid out of line he’s going to volunteer the very next day and scare them. (He needs to work on it.)
That’s all I really have tbh.
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meraki-yao · 1 year
Hi! Thank you for reflagging my little rwrb ask game. Here are some numbers as another thank you and because I’m a little bit curious :)
1, 2, 11, 12 and 16 💜
Feel free to ignore the ones you don’t feel like answering, if there are some! 
First and foremost thank you so much for making this ask game!!! and also thank you for asking me!!! Writing this was really fun :D
What was your introduction to Red, White and Royal Blue? How did you become aware of it, what was your first impression of it?
It was completely coincidental. The day the trailer came out it popped up on my recommendation, and I was intrigued so I watched it, and then I couldn't stop watching it. I swear, within like, three days, I watched it at least 30 times, and I ran to get the book two days later
My first impression after watching the trailer for the first time was that it looks a little cliche, like something I'd find on Ao3, but it also looks like a genuinely fun and delightful movie, and I think I would have a really good time watching it. And I did!
2. Team Alex or Team Henry? (I know you love them both equally but choose anyway. OR choose depending of the circumstances. Like, "I’d go shopping with Alex but I’d marry Henry. Or I’d hug Alex but I’d go karaoke with Henry. I don’t know. Try something.)
I love both boys in both universes/mediums in different ways, but I'd say I personally relate a lot more to Henry, particularly movie Henry
11. Choose your prison. Would you rather live in a royal palace or in the White House? 
If we're talking about the buildings themselves, I'd say the palace, mostly because I grew up with fairy tales and I like that regal, medieval/classical/romantic aesthetic.
12. Share one of your unpopular opinions about the book and/or the movie.
Ooo, this is gonna be a slightly longer one. I was thinking about making a full post on this but I might as well just answer it here.
This has to do with the bonus chapter: I didn't really like it? Or more accurately, it made me feel kind of... disappointed or sad. With all due respect to Casey of course.
It took some time but I came to terms with Alex wanting to work in smaller law firms, especially after talking to my law student friends. My issue is Henry's abdication.
It's just, so much of the original book is about making history, about being in a prominent position AND being gay. Henry keeps track of gay monarchs, and they tend to have to hide or give up something one way or another: King James I had to commission the translation of the bible and sort of... lie about his relationship (I'm technically not religious, but I did read the bible a lot as a kid, and I really don't think the relationship between Jesus Christ and John, namely teacher and disciple is comparable to a very, very homoerotic relationship), and King Edward II (Yes there are two gay kings in Henry's name) had to exile his lover. So to have Henry finally be a royal who can keep both his title and his love would be historical, just as they said they wanted. Henry can step back from royal duties without stepping down: irl Princess Beatrice while still a working royal, had a full-time job in 2017 and split her time between New York and London. Henry could have done something like that. I understand that in the book the royal family is a lot stricter, rigid, and overall awful than in both real life and the portrayal of the movie, but I thought that with Princess Catherine coming back to take charge at the end, things would improve, fixing the system instead of going "fuck the system". Also this might be because of certain things happening in my life right now, but I'm kind of sick of seeing stories where you have to choose one, instead of coming to a compromise. You don't get all the good, you don't get all the bad, you find somewhere in between, and that's okay.
Plus given the more benevolent portrayal of Henry's family, especially his grandfather in the movie (I wrote a whole essay about it), if we get a movie sequel, I really don't want Henry to abdicate, and it also makes less sense.
But then Casey posted a story about their thoughts when writing the bonus chapter, about the boys taking a break from making history, not giving up; preserving their flame instead of letting it burn so hard that it burns out. That made me wonder if my perspective and opinion on the bonus chapter are affected by me being young.
16- Pick a line and/or a quote for each:
-You have to sell the book/movie to someone who doesn't know anything about it.
Bith "But you're the one who decided to put your dick into the heir of the British throne!"
yeah I think that summarizing the initial selling point pretty well
-The quote that makes you the most emotional.
Romance/ Love wise:
Book: the entire fucking list, but also "give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you." (I started sobbing when I read it)
Movie: "I'll break the sound barrier for you. "
Lines that make me emotional for personal reasons:
Book: "I honestly have never thought I deserved to choose. But you treat me like I do."
Movie: "But Henry, Nothing will ever happen to you."
(I feel like just from that you could tell what my personal issue is lmao)
-A quote/line that could be a life lesson to you.
Both: "Sometimes you just gotta jump, and hope you're not standing on a cliff."
This was so much fun! Again thank you for sending in the numbers, and if anyone else wants to ask me (the list is here!) please do!
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bigmilk-13 · 4 months
Introducing my Carmen Sandiego OC's: Part 1
Florian Lafayette-Meadows
CS x Alex Rider AU
They have heterochromia (ironic) so they have different eye colours. One eye is a mix of grey and blue with a dark brown around the outside- while the other is grey mixed with forest green.
Character info-
Black (dyed- he used to have blonde hair) hair with purple highlights, 28 years old, 6'0, he/him and they/them pronouns
V.I.L.E Agent who then leaves and creates their own squad. Their codename was the Purple Guy, since they had purple and black hair, and a bit based on William Afton who was also a conman, trickster and murderer. Also, purple was his signature colour.
gay, asexual and transmasc: has been on T ever since he left CSIS, thanks to V.I L.E. Always knew they were trans- has identified as so ever since he was 11. They also knew they were aroace since 11.
Has a boyfriend- Alex Rider (he's two years younger than him)
At first wanted to be a Lawyer or Attorney but changed their mind and instead got a psychology PhD at Harvard University. He also studied political science, criminology and french but only got another PhD in pol-sci.
Insanely smart- like they are a genius. Has an IQ of around 247 and also has photographic memory- meaning if he reads or see's something, he'll remember it vividly.
Their main skill is being a conman and trickster, not loyal to anyone other than themselves. They're also insanely agile, being so fast that no one could ever catch up to them. Blame his parents for making him run track competitively in school. They were the fastest runner in their school's history and won county championships, becoming one of the fastest kids in Canada. He has insane stamina and quick ass reflexes too.
Mother: Raquel Lafayette (later changed to Meadowes)
French but had some Italian and Spanish in-laws.
Sister: Fleur Lafayette (married a Spanish man)
Brother: Blaise Lafayette (Married an Italian man) (yes he's gay)
27 when she gave birth to Florian
32 when she died
Cause of death: Suicide
Fluent in French, English, Italian and Spanish (she learnt the last two while young- she was really smart too)
Father: Christopher Meadowes
Half Swedish-Half Portuguese (mother was Portuguese and father was Swedish, learnt both languages growing up. Moved to Canada and learnt French and English there)
Brother: August Meadowes
Lived in Canada
CSIS agent
28 when Florian was born
32 when he died
Cause of death: V.I.L.E
Fluent in English, French, Portuguese, Latin and Swedish
Backstory- tw: suicide
Well, let's start of at his birth. Florian Lafayette-Meadows, born Florence Meadowes but changed it legally after to include their mother's name and change it to their chosen name, was always a really fucking smart kid. Knew the ABC's, started saying full sentences, started walking, at a really early age. As he grew up, his parents decided that he will be homeschooled by tutors (they were really rich, but tragic ofc)
At the age of 7, Florian's father died because he was killed by a V.I.L.E operative on a mission to stop a caper. We don't know who it was, and what happened for it to lead to his death. Florian never knew that it was V.I.L.E that killed him.
Fast forward a year, Florian's mother is still heartbroken about her husband's death (they were actually a loving family, would you believe it) and her sister, Fleur, was scared about what might happen to Florian if she continued to be so depressed and sad all the time. She barely payed attention to him and just stayed in bed the entire day and cried. She lost her job and everything was falling apart. So Fleur called Blaise, who was living in Italy, and asked him to take Florian, basically adopt him, while she helps her sister get better.
Unfortunately, Raquel doesn't get better and on Florian's 8th birthday hangs herself in the bathroom, tired of it all, just wanting to see Chris again.
Florian doesn't celebrate their birthday anymore after that, in fact, they dread the day and use it as the only day were they can relax, break down, and just cry.
Fast forward, Florian's 11 years old. Using the good old internet they finally find out why they've been feeling as if they were a male the whole time. Looking at everything from the male perspective, dressing masculine, and even cutting their hair to look more like a boy.
They were transgender.
During this time, they were still living in Italy with Blaise and his husband, Raphael. They told him about the LGBT community and kept him educated on all that kind of stuff. Pretty wholesome. But ofc it doesn't last long-
At age 14, turns out CSIS wanted Florian to join them as an teen spy to help with missions that required smaller people. I mean- big ass buff agents wouldn't be able to infiltrate through vents but smaller and younger also buff agents can, right?
And his father was basically training him up for joining CSIS his whole life so in the end he accepted their offer and decided to join, maybe not officially but on contract. They'll use him when necessary.
Florian worked for them till he was -- before being sent undercover to V.I.L.E. They made it look like he stole a hard-drive filled with classified information and used it to their advantage.
He sent it to an important, high classed black-market auction and got an invite as a auctioneer. That's when he met V.I.L.E, who was trying to buy the drive. He bid against them, undercover, to try get them to pay more, and in the end got around £3 million.
Countess Cleo, who was there at the time bidding for the drive, realised that she had been tricked and instead of being angry, invited Florian to join V.I.L.E, to which they gladly accepted. When he joined, Carmen was doing her do-over year and they basically became "enemies at first sight". He was 14 years older than her.
After a year, V.I.L.E wanted them to apply for university, since he was by far their smartest, strongest and most skilled student (broke all the records that Black Sheep set) so they wanted them to have a PhD, which lasted 4 years.
Got into Harvard at --, then got bachelor's in criminology and french. At age --, decided to go for two PhD's in pol-sci and psych, which lasted 4 years. So at --, officially came back to V.I.L.E and worked for two years against his mortal enemy, Carmen Sandiego...
Who then told him that V.I.L.E killed his dad...
Yupppp, your "family" didn't tell you they killed your biological dad so your mortal enemy did. It was like this whole dramatic scene, where Florian had a mental breakdown and left V.I.L.E without saying a word, and disappeared of the face of the Earth.
After a few months, no one can find them, not even Team Red, not even V.I.L.E. Until they contact Carmen and send her a secret address. Turns out that it's a hidden manor, in the middle of nowhere in Austria. Carmen went and everything was explained, this was Florian's home and they had a new team now, called Team Purple, because that was his signature colour. It was similar to Team Red, just definitely filled with older people and a bit more organised. They all lived in the manor together and it seemed like the Purple Guy finally had found a family. Carmen and Florian sorted out their indifferences and became great friends, Florian saying that if she ever needed help, a place to stay or some manpower, that he, his team and the manor was always available for her use.
*Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown starts playing*
Anyyywhooo, welcome to the end!If you've read this far, you deserve a cookie (🍪) and a pat on the back because HOLY SHIT THIS TOOK A WHILE (legit like two weeks). Thank you so much for reading Florian's backstory and I'm sorry if stuff isn't written coherently cos this is NOT BETA READ. I tried making this as realistic as possible, eventhough this dude is essentially a genius. Anyway I won't bore you with my writing anymore, be ready for part 2 and 3- part 2 being my main oc who has her own account btw @official-florence-meadowes
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Mrs. Petty.
Nicki Minaj, over the years has been a controversial figure, things that are quite out there kind of like Wendy Williams but with more anger and more force behind it, that is terrible Virgo of her which can make her a bully, kind people with earth moons can’t have this tendency for cruelty I have noticed, not all of you if it doesn’t apply let it slide, obviously not Darkside if that, particularly Virgo means, and let’s talk about how she ripped pieces and she lied about her husband raping someone who was a white woman supposedly when it was actually a black woman.
The girl was so humiliated she wanted to put this part of her life behind her, she they just wouldn’t stop and wouldn’t stop and they kept bribing her and trying to tip her off with money, let’s not forget Nicki Minaj protected her brother Jelani, who raped a 10-year-old girl repeatedly his stepdaughter I, like that is disgusting. I know when you love your family it’s a bit different and we don’t know how to react to situations because does that love disappear? Does it go instantly? Do we, and she had a go at Wendy for like talking about this situation
She has every right to that is her job, her husband did go to prison for manslaughter and rape? What did she expect? One of the worlds? Most beautiful women still marries a deadbeat man?.
I’m sorry for my hatred of man. It’s not very nice is it? I know and I apologise for that but if you’d lived my life you would feel the same for many many years. I didn’t have any animosity towards the men for what they had done to me, but after so long it happening you start to have this big fear of men and have no respect for them, this is why thought for the longest time now that I probably am gay because I have more respect for women and we have higher expectations for women and that can be a double edge short because then we think oh if she’s a woman she shouldn’t do that. I always use the comparison of John Lennon Kurt Cobain and vicious Hated but their women were so that is my view on that but then at the same time they expect more of us because we can give more than a man I guess and in this modern day age like a man isn’t actually needed a lot of the time which can cause self-esteem problem For men and this is why a lot of men themselves because they feel worthless so you have to be really careful?
This is I think the last few years has had some real jealousy problems herself and anger and using the white ski slopes doesn’t help, I believe that’s what she uses and pills allegedly because she had all that Megan Thee Stallion and made her big to protect loyalty to deadbeat men who are horrible but this woman who’s like a black woman like you you treat like shit then make a song called Bigfoot and you made yourself look a fool, but it was sad because you were almost doing a Whitney Houston at the end of her life just not the end of her life but I midlife where she was like saying crack is whack and stuff like that she dug herself a grave.
I said that Virgo moon would be haunting her along with that Sagittarian son and Venus wanting to or rANT rant rant.
So when she used to go off on Queen radio that’s what it was all about and she hated her mum being spoken to her about that but she did tell her a lot of lies and they saved Jupiter. Sagittarian was the truth bullshit does it a lot of Sagittarians? I know the biggest lies going, so I know you still have a big fan,, but I was never a big fan of yours, my fan , is Courtney Love, spudgen, full sexy goths m, black women of the 2000s, such as Whitney and Mariah, and Lil Kim. These people don’t have problematic bases well yes Courtney Love do but yeah..
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pholiabanna · 1 year
Sloppy seconds byler aren’t endgame angels with a nightmare is a fool a 25+ year old women with fantasies about teen boys being gay how’s that any different to men’s fantasies about lesbians?
Y’all are so caught up in you’re echo chambers you can’t see it and it’s gonna crash and burn so badly it’s not the byler show either it’s stranger things
Omg I feel so honored to get my first real hate ask!
There's so many things to unpack here, so I think Im gonna go one by one.
First of all, I assume you either ship Mleven or at least you despise byler, but my last post was only tagged as byler so there was no reason for you to see it unless you were stalking the byler tag, which in that case I'm glad you're such a dedicated fan!
Second of all, I'm assuming you're the same anon who has been sending around other anon asks the past couple of weeks always mentioned the words "sloppy seconds". Now, I know nothing about you or about your life enough to tell you what you should or shouldn't do, but I think I'd should let you know how disgusting of a term that is, and what it implies. I'm assuming if you like Mileleven you like Mike too, since he's one half of the ship. That's why it's shocking to me how you seem so adamant of thinking of him as nothing but El's leftovers, as if he wasn't his own person with his self worth! Also, someone's worth doesn't lessen just because they've already been kissed or touched by someone else. That's a sad outlook on life, and I'm not telling you to be mean, but because I think you'll live happier if you leave such toxic mentalities behind. They really do no good to someone's self esteem.
About the women fantasies about gay men, please notice how most people in this tag are underage people of all genders. This is not a sexual fantasy, as these characters aren't even portrayed sexually in the show to begin with. This is people who want to see good stories about themselves being written, and I think that's a really valid thing to wish for. Even if you've seen a couple weirdos out there on the internet, that's not the case for almost the whole of the fanbase. There's creepy people everywhere in every fandom. Also may I add that if you prefer Mike and El (which is completely valid if you do, you're allowed to have your preferences!) they are the same age as Mike and Will. Wouldn't you be predatory as well if you ship them? No you wouldn't, because they're kids and their relationship has never been sexual. Just like with Will and Mike. Assuming that every gay romance is automatically sexual is a very homophobic mindset ingrained in our society. If you really see gay people this way, probably you've been conditioned by society to do so, in that case it's not your fault but it's never too late to educate yourself. You'll be happier, seriously.
Finally, I wouldn't say an echo chamber is a ship community that has more Billions of wievs on TikTok that the other ship and surpasses it on every other platform, and that has general audience filmmakers and professional writers say themselves that they also understand how it's set up to happen in the final season. But again, it is not my job to convince you and you're not forced to change your mind. We will all have to wait until the final season to see who was actually right, only the Duffer brothers know what will happen.
Finally, Stranger Things is obviously not the byler show. However, one of the most important rules of storytelling is writing personal arcs and relationships for the characters to serve as subplots to the main story, so that the characters become full fleshed and realistic. The fact that you can relate to fictional characters, even though you've probably never time travelled done magic, lived in a post apocalyptic time or wathever you wanna imagine, is because you relate to their personal stories. A story isn't good without personal arcs, every professional writer you ask will tell you this. So yes, relationships are an episode aspect of stranger things that people can discuss if they want to. And the byler tag, or any other ship tags exists precisely to focus on those relationships. It doesn't mean that people don't like any other aspects of the show.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my little rant anon. I wish you have a great day!
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armydreamerr · 3 months
just found this in my drafts and I do Not remember writing it
 School lets out for the summer and all is right with the world again. Don't ever let anyone tell you that high school students don't spend every waking hour of the school year counting down the seconds until summer vacation. Glenn Stanton is no exception to this fact. It's a universal trait that all high schoolers share.
 Allow me to set the scene: June, 2019. Glenn Stanton, a hippie, exhibitionist, freelance critic, soon-to-be high school senior, film buff, artist extraordinaire sets his sights on Nancy Dunne, an angry, horny, Limp Bizkit-listening, punk-ass, bastard kid with a girl's name despite the fact that he is most definitely a guy. Nobody quite knows what attracted sweet, beautiful, popular Glenn, with about twenty girls falling over themselves to date him, to Nancy, who's certainly destined to be a garbage man in the future, but let's just say that Dunne rhymes with fun and leave it at that. 
 I speak in run-on sentences. You'll have to forgive me, it's been a long time since I told a story from scratch like this. Nancy Dunne gets a job at the boardwalk for the summer, so he can, I don't know, glare at the customers? He leans over the counter of the food stand, giving everyone the nastiest look he can muster up. His scowls are wasted on the beach crowd, who don't care that the 5'4 high school kid with shitty dyed blue hair is giving them the stink eye. Glenn is so totally smitten. 'Splain that if you can, Lucy.
 Glenn spends his afternoons at the boardwalk with his best friends, Sheila E and Telephone Newandyke. (Yes, that Telephone Newandyke. Brother to Beach, son to Fred. Never had money for parking. Maybe you know him? He's got blue eyes like the ocean. Strawberry blonde hair falling in delicate swoops over his forehead. Coffee-cake coloured freckles dotting his milky pale face. That Telephone Newandyke.) Telephone is totally wrapped up in his own fantasies about China and pen-pals and Innsmouth and meteors, so he doesn't pay any attention to Glenn. Sheila E pays closer attention to Glenn, but she still doesn't pay enough attention. Everything he says to her seems to go in one ear out the other. How are these the perfect Glenn Stanton's best friends? And how is the one and only object of Glenn's affections Nancy Dunne? I guess we really do accept the love we think we deserve.
 Nancy is kind of cute, in the way Fred Durst is. He has kind of a soft, sweet voice, but the things he says are always very angry. He has light blue eyes, but there's an endless storm behind them. He feels like he got betrayed. Like the apathy that enraptures his soul is somehow a fault of the world around him. The great slacker pageant is funded by the same church that protests it. Oh, go bomb an abortion clinic. Nancy wants to join the Church of Satan. Feel free to read that in a mocking tone. The thing Nancy hates is that he feels apathetic to the things that used to make him happy, but when things make him sad or angry he feels them in full force.
 People will tell you you're a manic pixie dream girl if you dye your hair pink and sing about being gay and sad but Kurt Cobain did it all the time and look at how we remember him. Glenn and Telephone kissed behind the bleachers in ninth grade when Glenn was still figuring out the extent of his gayness, and he still feels bad about it sometimes. Like he made Telephone do something he didn't want to do. He's pretty sure Telephone is aromantic or something. He never talks about girls. He certainly never talks about guys. Glenn still feels guilty about it sometimes. Telephone gives Sheila E a poem he wrote about China, or rather not, and Sheila E reads it and laughs and Glenn feels even worse. Glenn kind of wants to stop hanging out with them because they make him really sad and he has spent his whole life trying to not be sad. He masturbates to the thought of Nancy, and indulges in his tennis skirt fetish. Then he cries himself to sleep. Isn't it getting cold down there under the weather?
 Nancy jerks off behind the counter at work because it's raining and no one is around. This is a story about teenage boys. When he's done he knocks off work early because NO ONE IS AROUND. He rides around the mostly empty town on his bike in the light, chilly rain until he gets to the cinema and sees they're showing The Tingler. Despite attempting to build his "I hate everything" persona, Nancy accidentally loves sci-fi B movies. Adores them, actually. He loves science fiction, writes it in his free time. He pushes his red glasses up his nose and marches inside.
 I'll make a long story short: he sees the movie and runs into Glenn on his way home completely by accident. Glenn is pretty, in the way Winona Ryder is pretty. Big, dark eyes and luminous pale skin. Nancy kind of finds himself hot for Glenn all of a sudden. Plot twist? Or maybe I'm a shit writer. I like to tell stories about very sad people who have absolutely nothing happen to them. Glenn and Nancy sort of talk for a minute and then they both go home and I mention masturbation for the third time in this story. I am a very frustrated person, in more ways than one. Glenn jacks off the thought of Nancy, but it isn't sexy like it was last time. He just thinks of them going on a date, maybe holding hands or kissing a little. He's all shaky and sad when he comes, and it's kind of pathetic. He starts wondering if maybe he's just really lonely. He listens to Boiler by Limp Bizkit and texts Telephone but gets left on delivered. Telephone Newandyke is busy, busy, busy. Busy visiting Citronella, busy biking around town in the rain, busy spending all his parking money on hookers or some shit like that. Glenn cries and feels like shit because I'm crying and I feel like shit. Maybe when I'm feeling happier Glenn will feel happier too. Maybe I'll give him a date with Nancy.
 Nancy Dunne dies his fading blue hair again with four dollar box dye from CVS. Is that an aesthetic? He thinks about church and Billy Joel and setting fire to something. Angry teenage boy thoughts. His parents are in Las Vegas for the week. Maybe. That's where they said they were going, anyway. But Nancy doesn't know. He's all alone. Alone, alone, alone. He punches his walls and stays out late at night and then he comes home and bawls his eyes out while listening to ABBA and trying to convince himself his life isn't falling apart. He feels like he's just waiting for something that's never going to come. He reads Kurt Cobain's suicide note and wonders what his will be like. He thinks about the kombucha fermenting in the back of his closet, which he made when everything felt alright. He wonders if he'll live to drink it. 
 I wish this was the kind of story where two people are hurting and then they find each other and everything's okay again, but it isn't, because that's not happening to me and I feel like I'm losing all control, like my life's coming apart. It's a very nihilistic way to see things. And I'm tired of writing the word beauty. Nancy is pretty sure he's decaying, and his life is spiralling away from him, getting further and further out of his grasp with every breath he takes and every stumbling step forward. Glenn feels like he's all alone. Sheila E and Telephone don't talk to him anymore, which happened so fast, and now he's all alone. Trapped inside his house where he crawls from room to room because he can't reach the kitchen. They're both crawling around like horny tuberculosis patients. I'm at a bad point in my life, so they are too. It's getting cold down here under the weather.
 (So lend me your umbrella?)
 Nancy and Glenn find each other somehow. Natural selection, I guess. There's a point where being miserable doesn't feel righteous anymore, and you just feel trapped. I think I hit that point. I want to just forget why I'm sad and angry but then I'd be selling myself out and telling the people who hurt me that it's okay to hurt me; I'll forgive them like that because I'm so lonely. Lonely lonely. All alone. Glenn and Nancy aren't alone, though. They have each other. They meet at the boardwalk and they see a sci-fi B movie together because that's all the damn theatre ever shows. They emerge into the starry night and Glenn thinks about how Nancy is kind of a tortured artist. It makes him really sad and then he kind of feels nice, because it's a sliver of hope. A hint that the apathy hasn't overtaken him yet and that he still kind of cares. Nancy and Glenn aren't exactly a love match. They're both just lonely and horny. Longing for the touch of another person, the closeness. There's an undeniable emotional chasm between them, but it doesn't matter because they're lying in the field next to the trailer park and Nancy's hands are in Glenn's hair and Glenn forgets how to breathe so Nancy gives him mouth-to-mouth. Maybe there's no real love, just undeniable loneliness, but none of it matters when Nancy's mouth is wide open against Glenn's, and finally, finally they don't have to be alone anymore.
 "I think I hate Sheila E and Telephone," Glenn tells Nancy one afternoon as they stroll around town. It's raining again, oh surprise, surprise. 
 "Don't shit where you eat," Nancy replies, blowing a strand of blue hair out of his blue eyes. He kind of just told Glenn not to abandon the friends he has, even if he hates them, because then he'll be all alone again. Glenn doesn't want to be all alone anymore. He doesn't think he can handle it. No matter how many people like him, or how many people know him, he is alone on a desert island. Nancy lives in the dark, and he can handle it. Glenn is a creature of the sun, and he can't. Nancy feels like throwing himself into the stormy seas. Glenn wants to climb up and live in the lighthouse so he never has to see the darkness again.
 Nancy gets really sick, and his eyes go all puffy and red. He sniffles and cries all the time. Glenn thinks he's having a nervous breakdown. Teenage boys are some of the most fragile creatures on the planet. Nancy cries himself to sleep every night and remembers when he was young and he used to cry because he was so lonely even when his parents were in the next room. They've been in Las Vegas for a month now. Nancy is so so lonely and no amount of words I ever write can illustrate how sad he is. Glenn starts sleeping over at Nancy's house. I said they weren't a love match but I think I might have been wrong. Glenn accidentally loves Nancy a little bit, like misery loves company. Nancy just loves not being alone. He cries himself to sleep in Glenn's arms. He feels so sad that he thinks the only way to not feel like this is to just kill himself. Just kill himself. Kurt Cobain did it, and look at how we remember him. Except Nancy doesn't care how he's remembered, he just doesn't want to feel so sad all the time. Can I still get into heaven if I kill myself?
 Glenn finds Nancy's suicide note which he wrote just in case and feels like he's going to crack and crumble, because as much as Nancy he needs him he also needs Nancy so that he doesn't have to be alone either. If Nancy kills himself Glenn will be all alone again, and he can't. He can't he can't he can't. There's no foreseeable end in sight, just an empty void. I thought being passionate was one of the best things about me, but now I'm not passionate anymore and there's nothing good about me. I feel like I'm losing myself.
 Sometimes I feel like I've been waiting at a train station all my life. And I want to end this story on a hopeful note, but I think I've lost my voice.
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londonfoginacup · 2 years
So I finally finished Grimmy’s book.
And like, first of all I have to clarify that I LOVE Grimmy. I am here today as a One Direction stan only because I started listening to Radio 1 with a veritable obsession as I walked from class to class at my local college in the middle of Ohio in 2012. When I started listening to Radio 1, it was through the Scott Mills podcast during the Olympics, and then as Scott and Chris filled in on the breakfast show for the week between Moyles and Grimmy.
This was how I was introduced to Grimmy.
I didn’t even get into One Direction until two years later, when I heard the world premiere of Steal My Girl on Radio 1 and I realised they were 🔥
So the point is, I’m a Grimmy stan first. Scott, Chris and Grimmy were my first loves, and I already owned and loved Scott’s autobiography (clearly ghostwritten in large part, not that I blame him), so Grimmy’s book was a must to add to my collection.
(And yes, of course I got it signed. I’m getting Jordan and William’s signed too, ordered that one this week. I am a SLUT for BBC DJ books).
So there’s my credentials. I love Grimmy. I feel a deep hatred in my gut when I witness Grimmy slander. Fuck off, he is full of happiness and life.
ANYWAY. His book is incredible. Delightful. I’m very sad it’s over (I HAD been reading a chapter a week, but I got greedy today). It’s loosely chronological, but each chapter is based around a theme so it jumps around a bit. Plus, it feels very clear from the introduction and onward that he wrote it himself (complaining about how excruciating it was to try to just sit down and WRITE 70k? Nothing is more relatable).
So much of it is about his childhood, about growing up with almost grown siblings and loving but older parents. About realising he’s just a little odd, and then realising he’s very odd, and realising that he’s gay and then embracing that gayness. He talks about his deep anxiety and his passions and finding the love of his life. I read a ridiculous amount of memoirs in my free time but this one did feel exceptionally like I was listening to a bestie over drinks. I love him and I want to read it again. Parts of reading about his childhood feel like sitting in sunshine.
And now that I’ve bored most people into skipping back out of this readmore and onto the next post, here’s my controversial take:
Grimmy spends about thirty pages on his time working Radio 1. Like you’re 7/8th through the book before it happens. And that portion is all about him and his own feelings and also his bestie Annie Mac. And I just want to say, Jesus Christ of course he didn’t talk about Harry. I can’t even think of a place in the book where that would have made sense.
Celebrities Grimmy mentions, that I remember:
- Amy Winehouse, because she’s one of the first people he really gets to know in That London
- Lady GaGa, because his dad loves her
- Adele, because she made him cry while his dad was dying
That’s it. That’s the list. This wasn’t a tell-all about his party days with celebrities. This was a book about GRIMMY. The more celebs in the book, the less people are going to be reading it for him. This was a book about growing up and becoming himself, and a book about finding himself after the radio. He knows that everyone knows what his life on the radio was like. This book was about the rest of him. About how he became him.
Really, out of the very few paragraphs devoted to radio 1, this is the one that stuck out to me;
Big Boss Ben told me this was his strategy, that Radio 1 had a job to do: appeal to the kids, hey them hooked into the BBC from an early age. They wanted to shake it up, chop the age range, lost listeners who were not relevant. […] They said I was surely the only DJ in history who was employed to make audiences smaller.”
Like, Christ. Imagine the toll on your self esteem.
Also, one last thought back on the rant;
Grimmy spends this whole book writing about accepting himself, and being so deep in his anxiety because of his initial rejection of self. He speaks about being a small scared gay boy to being a large, proud gay man. This book is about his acceptance of that part of him, as much as it is about anything else. I can’t imagine that he would even want to include Harry or Louis anywhere in this book. Not when they’re closeted as they are, and he wouldn’t be able to really touch on their friendship without leaving large chunks out. I’m sure their shared queer lives is a lot of what their friendship is based on. Why put a flattened, pale imitation of that in his book?
So anyway. No, Harry did not silence him or whatever. This book was about Grimmy. It wasn’t about Grimmy-name dropping-celeb-besties.
…plus, one direction was in there. Obviously.
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Wait if Glenn dies in this Au does Morgan go on trail ?! More importantly Mommy Jodie?!
OH ANON . YOUVE UNLOCKED MY TRAP CARD . yes! yes she does!! this is actually the part of the au i started with on tumblr, and its my FAVORITE part of this au (except for the lesbianisms XD), so im just gonna link you to that! though as a note, the designs are a lil out of date! except morgans. ive always known her. ill reiterate some of that here below, but ill try to be briefer LOL and also talk A Lot More about jodie/his and morgan's relationship in this au!
there is NOT a fifth mom. i did not particularly feel like making a wlw cop character. theres enough of those in the world, theres a reason why ive never genderbent jodie even though hes my baby girl. instead, i twisted the punishment so that jodie is still married to morgan! essentially, morgan is made to retroactively be married to a "safer" parent, who in this case, is jodie. hes as protective as she is but without the paranoia, he has a "safe" job (according to copaganda, at least, im not gonna go into a full spiel but Never Marry A Fucking Cop. please love yourself), hes an all around very cheerful and loving man who is very capable of keeping morgan and nicholas safe. the opposite of glenn, really, minus the cheerful and loving part.
(as a side note: jodie does quit the force in this au - on earth, while the moms are trapped in the forgotten realms, their missing persons case is waved off repeatedly by the police. jodie very strongly insists, a lot, on trying to push the case, but once the dads team up to try and save their wives, ala the moms in normal canon teaming up, henry just. goes on a whole rant many times about how cops dont actually care and it starts really settling in with jodie. so he quits the force to focus full time on helping their wives! post season 1, he works as a mall security guard and is pathetic about it <3 my wet cat)
morgan does not take this well, understandably. jodie does not take his loving wife suddenly not knowing him anymore very well, either! theyre both really fucking sad! i am like, seriously obsessed with their dynamic, theres so many different ways i could take it and i spin them in my head endlessly. currently, im very fond of them just like... trying to make it work? not necessarily as a couple, but as co-parents who are married. despite her apprehensions about everything jodie has going on, morgan finds him interesting and in a more sympathetic sense, feels for him in the sense that he lost his wife due to the timeline jump. jodie is just... in love with her. even though she isnt his morgan anymore, he still loves her, and hes willing to learn about this new her. even if she makes him really sad constantly. they settle into being like, weird half-friends, half-lovers, full-time parents to the world's silliest little guy (a deeply serious 13-year-old boy).
im not gonna draw anything new for this, but i will toss in a VERY ROUGH sketch i did a few days ago and sent to my dear friend cereal because i was thinking about them gfhjbdghdfj post-s1 morgan and jodie, you are sooo so funny to me
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i will throw you a bone for mommy jodie, though. there in an au of this au where mercedes goes on trial instead, and so henry and jodie are gay married. jodie does count as a mom in that. hes a man mom. cereal is obsessed with it so i will likely draw out some stuff for that at some point LMAOOOO theyre so silly <3 jodie oak you mean everything to me actually
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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does this mean we can kiss or.....?
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yeah yosuke, if you get under my umbrella (ella) we're practically a couple
(kanji, baby, play it cool, let me wingman for you)
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every once in a while i love yosuke's instigating lil bastardly nature and this one one of those times
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lmao i love this game sometimes. i def picked to go with naoto and kanji got Extremely Flustered and ran all the way to school. just ask them out, kanji, good lord.
sorry kanji i lied, i'm a terrible wingman. this is why i needed Junpei.
so anyway. the cultural festival.
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So there's a beauty pageant because the weird sexy teacher, who.... is a contestant. (I swear to fucking god this shit wouldn't fly at Gekkoukan.)
Yosuke, my beloved instigating lil bastardly boy, enters all the gals and Naoto as a joke.
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The weird sexy teacher is barring people from dropping out which. THIS SHIT WOULD NOT FLY AT GEKKOUKAN. MITSURU WOULD WHOOP SOME ASSES. SHE'D END CAREERS.
So in return, Chie signs all the guys up for the crossdressing pageant. Which, honestly? I fully support her. Good for you, Chie.
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I am never not serious about the art of drag, Yosuke.
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SPOILER: Yukiko is lying and owes Kanji an apology. She did not play to his strengths and its a rotten shame and a crime.
Teddie shows up and is allowed to enter the drag contest. Because of course he is, we're letting a teacher in the other pageant, this is a lawless world.
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Naoto is doing Teddie's outfit and make-up, interesting to note for later.
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Rise did Kanji's look and I'm big mad at her, she knows better, she could have done a MUCH be-- oh. oh right rise has a weirdly antagonist relationship with Kanji. GOD I JUST PUT THAT TOGETHER. KANJI I'M SORRY I SHOULD HAVE SAVED YOU. She didn't even give him any pointers on his posture, which alone would have done a lot.
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Chie did this purposefully for revenge, you cannot convince me otherwise. Again: she has my full support. But with Yosuke, she had to put in some effort, it would have been very easy to make him a very good drag look. I'd wet his hair and put curling stuff in it, zzuzh it up a bit and give him a smoky eye. Totally could have worked.
Sadly we don't get a close-up on Reverie. I am sad. I wanted to examine the Look.
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anyway OBVIOUSLY Teddie wins. Naoto did a great job. Don't fuck with what's already working and accentuate what you already have. Naoto knows what's up! I would have punched up Teddie's eyes but Naoto apparently doesn't even own a make-up kit so maybe that's not their skillset.
Because Teddie wins, he gets to be a judge for the other pageant and he declares it has to have a swimsuit portion. Are sure Teddie is not also the Devil?
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i love you naoto
ALSO WEIRDLY. Hamuko the token fat girl is in this and like. it's not NEARLY the horrorshow that the Spring Camping Trip was. small mercies.
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Kanji continues to be a good dude. YES it was brave enough of Naoto to show up at all. Bailing on the swimsuit part is also brave of them. Good for you, Naoto! (It's also funny, Kanji is flustered by Chie and Yukiko and Naoto but not at ALL by Rise. Rise is like the least attractive person int he world to him. Not that he finds her ugly but just there's no spark there. lmao. is that why she dislikes him? I cannot figure out the source of Rise being kind of a dick to Kanji.)
Aaaaaand Naoto wins the pageant anyway.
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also in the middle of all this, class 2-2 was doing a like.... weird... speed... dating... thing. that no one was interested in obviously.
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OF COURSE I AM GONNA SIT ON THE GIRLS' SIDE. man i have beef with this game but I cannot lie, it DOES offer me a lot of options I genuinely want.
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So here's the interesting bit. Because, again, the game likes to indulge me, Reverie gets asked who he wants to date. And I can pick Kanji, Yosuke, or a girl. I'm playing Reverie as gay, so OF COURSE I pick Kanji. Because I have eyes and a sense of taste, okay.
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Which leads directly to Yosuke goading Kanji and almost getting punched again. THE USUAL.
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Yosuke actually gives you approval points for picking him, unlike Kanji. Kanji doesn't not (and here I just have to accept in my tired broken heart that Reverie is not Kanji's type, and y'all KNOW it's just shattering to me, just so sad) but YOSUKE DOES.
Yosuke is the most repressed bisexual I have seen in a LONG fucking time. Holy shit.
anyway overall 5 out of 10. this could have been much worse but it was still not fun like the beach.
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Inspired by @bisexualnathanyoung and @merrilark I'm here to give my opinions (that nobody asked for) about every single thing Rob has been in.
The Umbrella Academy: really good adaptation, Klaus is a work of art. I wish there were a billion seasons
The Last Bus: I mean... way too little Rob in it, but it was fun
Angel Dust: nice voice, bruh
Robot Chicken: nice voice, bruh. But also kinda gross
Trailer Park Boys: anyone please hook me up, I wanna watch the whole thing. I've only seen clips, love his observations about Canadian pizza
Young Offenders: love how he pulled this off even when he was sick. I live for the part about being gay and the protest scene is perfect
Mortal Engines: I like the movie even though it was way longer than it needed to be, but what the hell was that hair? Where does it say Tom needs to have 2005 pop punk hair?
Genius Picasso: Amazing, heartbreaking. Really shows the importance of oral sex. Also, please never paint a beard on Rob ever again, that was weird af
Bad Samaritan: PERFECT MOVIE, I have nothing bad to say about it
Mute: needed more Luba. This movie made me hate Paul Rudd lol we need to know what happened to Luba!!!
Song of Sway Lake: Ye old granny fucker! Love this movie, although it's a bit pretentious (sorry, Ari Gold! I love you, but you know you make things too poetic sometimes and that can rub me the wrong way)
Dicky: that was weird... that was a bit odd... love it
Geostorm: the three minutes Rob is in are masterful (I don't care what anyone says, the accent was good), the rest of it is pure shit
Three Summers: LOVE IT, but what an annoying protagonist. I'm talking about Keevy. Roland is awesome and deserves the world. Also, it did sound like Smells Like Teen Spirit!
Fortitude: what the fuck was that? This show sucks balls, why is Dennis Quaid involved in this? Vladek is hot though and I'm grateful for the full frontal nudity. Lots of people seem very disturbed by the scene, but I like it
Banshee Betty: represents very well the moment Rob was living love wise lol
Jet Trash: ugggggggggggh Lee is sexy, everyone else in this movie is fucking horrible. I hate every single character, especially Vix. Girl, get a personality. And someone please give Rob a burger, he's so thin
The Bigger Picture: it was good, nothing too special, but nice
Rideshare: CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE, does anyone know where I can find it?
The Messenger: Literally traumatized
Moonwalkers: really good, extremely funny. Love the cast, love the story, love the fake moon landing scene, love the tiger pigs
The Exchange: That was kinda cute, not gonna lie
The Road Within: PERFECT, as a person with mental health issues, I cry every single time I watch it. Fuck you, Marie, you're manipulative af. Rob did such a good and respectful job, I love it
Randumb - The Adventures of an Irish Guy in LA: omfg that was disturbing, but represents LA quite well
Anita B: love it, my Jewish heart swells with joy, especially during the Purim scene. Rob speaking Yiddish? UGH, SO HOT! He should've gotten the role of Max for The Book Thief
Love/Hate: overrated
Mortal Instruments: the only thing wrong with this movie is that there is no second one. I wanna see Simon as a vampire so bad! Iconic lines such as "I don't remember anything she'd want me to forget"
Push It: um... interesting. Lots of visuals and stuff.
Rituals: hippie fantasy and I'm living for it
In Love With...: it was cool, don't get exactly what the hell that was, but I was vibing
Immaturity For Charity: HILARIOUS! Very few times I laughed this hard
Me and Mrs. Jones: I don't care what anyone says, I love this show. Criminal what Rob did to his hair after the pilot, and Gemma is way too stupid to be a functional human, but Inca is our queen. Billy is way too charming and I can't cope
Accused: well, that was sad
The Borrowers: this movie has no business being that sexy. The scene with the motorbike? The scene with the bed? The scene in the plane? Spiller could get it and he's only five inches tall
Demons Never Die: very bad horror movie with a very bad name, but Rob was good in it
Misfits: PERFECTION! Nathan Young is the king of my heart. He can do anything to me, I wouldn't stop loving him even after he trippled himself.
Killing Bono: love the movie, love the cast, the soundtrack is immaculate (SPOTIFY, GET THE FUCKING SONGS IN THERE!), way funnier than I expected. Who tf gave Rob such a low harmony? His voice nearly disappeared.
Season of the Witch: average Nicolas Cage movie lol Kay is nice, love to see him on a horse. The ending was fucking wild. I wonder who we have to exorcise to end COVID
Coming Up - Dip: that was really good! The social commentary was actually kinda deep and relevant. I like the ending
A Turtle's Tale: Who the hell looked at Rob and thought he was the right fit for this role? I like it, but it was weird.
Red Riding Trilogy: HEARTBREAKING, I wanna give BJ a hug
Cherrybomb: love it, love the accents, very much early 2000s vibe and it makes me feel things. Luke's dad deserved better. Love the way Rob says the word tape in this
Ghostwood: um, what? Pop off I guess, baby Rob. Cool accent. Tim is how I imagine Nathan in the high school arc @seanfalco
Lowland Fell: what the hell did I just watch? What was the meaning of all that? Not a single person I know has a reasonable explanation for anything that happens in this
Rock Rivals: Guilty pleasure. Addison deserved better, they did him so wrong! I wish I could see Rob singing in this, but the boyband dances and outfits were really good
BitterSweet: needed more Rob. The neck kisses are just *chef's kiss*. Liam is such a good guy
The Summer of the Flying Saucer: I will do anything to watch this movie. I will suck any cock, fuck any ass, lick any pair of balls! PLEASE SOMEONE GET ME A COPY OF THIS MOVIE
An Créatúr: Bruh... what the fuck? Good job acting in another language and seeing Rob act as a little kid was so sweet. The big baby scene was at the same time terrifying and strangely alluring, don't know what that says about me. For legal reasons I'm not gonna comment on the scene where he's fed cake
Bel's Boys: pretty funny, love the clothes Max wears lol evil genius got defeated
The Clinic: Robbie, baby, why did you do this to your hair? At first, this looked like the beginning of a porno. Love the vulnerability of Shane and that tummy close-up was gold. They really violated his mouth there
Young Blades: King Louie is so underrated! I love him. Every scene with him is just gold. We really needed a spin-off about him finding a wife and all. Wish there was a ballet scene.
Foreign Exchange: Really good! First thing I ever saw Rob in when I was 9. You can blame this show for everything. So many good memories, it makes me feel hugged.
An Cuainín: does this short film actually exist? I never found any evidence of it lol if anyone has it, send it my way
A Dublin Story: wow, just wow. The subjects this short film touches on and the way it handles them are amazing, Rob was so young and his acting was already so powerful. He also managed to make Clocker very funny, I like it a lot.
Song For a Raggy Boy: what a pile of bricks, this movie is very very hard to watch. But it's a fun game of Spot the Rob. Lefties rise up!
The Tudors: I know his bit was cut, but boy did I spend hours watching over and over to see if I could spot him.
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daguerreopher · 11 months
hii! i was wondering if i could ask what is your take on josephs values. like how old fashioned do you believe he would be or how heavily do you believe he would hold values of the past? ive seen in other your other posts youve said hes a man of this time so i was wondering what your take on this would be. my apologies if you dont take random questions but i appreciate your interpretation of joseph and was curious about what you think ab joseph outside his experiences and all that stuff.. thanks!
My take on his values is a bit all over. Admittedly I don't know the most about 1800s French & English culture, so this is based on what I do know. As well as my own personal head canons about just how long he's been at the manor.
Since this got long, I'll put them under a read more.
Joseph cares a considerable amount about gentleman's honor. He doesn't care much about being called a madman anymore, but if you call him uncouth or weak, or insult his family, he will give you a gentleman's duel. Which is to the death. And unless you're a hunter like Hastur or the Wu Chang, Joseph will win. He grew up fencing, and he has the ability to manipulate spacetime.
And yes, by the way, there's a good chance he'll throw a white glove at you. He does still have a pair.
To go with that, leaders shouldn't show pain. Especially nobles. He was taught that things like pain, sadness, regret, and grief are weakness, and a noble leader should never show weakness in front of others. It's pathetic. People will either break and shatter when their leader shows weakness, or take advantage of it.
I believe Joseph would think women are more frail, and need to be treated more gently than men. Small things like men should pay for a woman's portion of a meal, men should be the ones to walk closer to the road. He still considers science more of a men's profession, but he no longer thinks women shouldn't be in science at all.
He wouldn't consider women less capable anymore, given how some of the strongest hunters Yihdra are women and things like how the survivors who beat him up half the time are women.
Joseph does respect nobility and royalty more than the common folk, even if the nobles are from a very different country. He think their opinions are more important and will hold them in higher regard until they prove him otherwise. While Joseph doesn't socialize much at the manor to begin with outside of drinking, he's far more likely to socialize with those of status.
And the inventors, but that's not a belief of his time period.
He also considers marriage exclusively for status. Marriage between noble houses was to raise their own house's status, and Joseph kept his friend circle full of nobility until he left for the manor. You marry someone to improve your social standing. So he doesn't believe people marry for love, and believes most marriages if not all are loveless. As well as he believes most people, like the nobles he knew, cheat on their spouses and just keep it under wraps.
Joseph does believe cheating is horrible, though.
He disagrees with prostitution and brothels, and people sleeping with others for things like better jobs. As well as being sexual in public in general. Of course, both whores and the people who pay for them are distasteful.
To go off of that, while I don't think he condemns homosexuality, Joseph does think it a bit strange and unnatural (at the moment). But his main concern would be being sexual about it in public. Gay or straight, Joseph's views are that you should stick to gentle hand holding and barely even kiss in public.
Joseph doesn't have much of a concept about femininity versus masculinity, I mean look at how he dresses. It's perfectly fine in his eyes for men to wear high heels, bright colors, wigs, hair ties and bows, makeup, even to use perfume. The flowier and fancier to clothing, in fact, the better. Robes are perfectly fine as well, but they're night clothing.
He does think it distasteful for a man to wear a dress, though, as dresses were specifically for women. And he was probably baffled the first time he saw Lucky Guy in the maid dress.
To go with that, Joseph also finds it incredibly distasteful when people show more than their hands and face. Men and women should dress modestly to him. If you don't, you're either poor as dirt, or a prostitute.
I believe Joseph doesn't actually have a concept for trans people. He might have heard of cases like "a lady lives as a man for 20 years", but he'd see that as a case of a woman just pretending to be a man to keep a job or have a certain life style. Not that someone was born in the wrong body, or that their gender wasn't their body. Much like mental trauma, the concepts of body and gender dysphoria don't even exist for Joseph. The concept of gender isn't the same as sex doesn't exist to him. The concept of there's more than two genders doesn't exist.
As far as Joseph knows, the only option is you're your sex from birth. Present him with a challenge to that idea, and expect a lot of "but why?/but how" in response.
He does believe children should be quieter and entertain themselves, and they shouldn't annoy adults around them. Hilariously enough, I head canon that Claude and him were quite the pranksters as children.
My Joseph doesn't think corporal punishment is a good thing due to a few incidents after Claude's death where he was actually injured from it, but he does consider it normal. As much as he wants to keep children safe, he's been quite tempted to slap a few before.
He tolerates Robbie since Robbie's easy to distract/entertain.
He was probably a protestant when he lived in his own estate, but there's at least four literal gods at the manor, so that was thrown at the window.
Also, it's my personal head canon that the manor taught Joseph the concept of lesbians, because England sure didn't think women could be sexual toward each other.
Admittedly, most of these ideas and values can be changed. Joseph has his thoughts, but at the end of the day, he just wants to keep people alive and get his brother back. He's not very adamant on anything but keeping his image honorable, and that one is because it's been instilled in him since birth.
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ran-orimoto · 2 years
I wanna know if possible: sexuality headcanons for the Uncle Frontier adults in your stories ? Izumi and Junpei are straight. The others? I want to know what they are like to the Kourantoto too. As uncles.
Hello, Anon! I don’t usually reply to these kinds of asks because I’m always afraid to be disrespectful about certain matters. Still, at the same time I don’t want to be rude and ignore an ask ahahha. So, I’ll try being very dry (a bit hard🤣q), but whatever….!
I’ll first talk about the sexualities!
• Takuya: Gay
I have been headcanoning he likes dudes since I watched the second Frontier episode and my thoughts intensified with the Tomoki’s nightmare episode. During these days I’ve been reminded writers didn’t keep themselves from giving both Takouji and Takunpei ✨ fantastic moments (yes, I ship both so hard, I’m not even sorry). They tried making him straight but they failed and it never worked before my eyes.
• Kouji: Bi
I believe he developed a preference over boys during the years, after having experimented dating girls (because in the drama it does sound like both him and Kouichi are popular among girls?). Like I’ve said many times, even if nowadays I ship Takunpei harder, I like headcanoning Kouji will get a little crush on Junpei in high school and it kinda lingers even after Kouji marries Takuya, then divorces him. Yet, Junpei only sees Kouji as a friend and also a brother at a certain extent, so…
• Tomoki: Ace
I used to see him as totally gay, but I frankly struggle to see Tomoki in any relationship somehow. Like, my most random ship ever is older Tomoki x Kouichi. It’s all due to some fanfictions really making it so nice to read about. Yet, I’ve landed on the ace territory for Tomoki, making him single and focused on his politician job like I think he would absolutely be.
• Kouichi: Het
Unlike Kouji, I headcanon him to absolutely prefer women over men, though. I’m not sure if he had a wife in my head before he died. Kouichi just gives me the vibes of someone who would get a perfect life as an adult, building his future very smoothly.
Yeah, maybe he definitely had a wife when he died.
-Switching to them as uncles (🤣🤣🤣 help me)
• Takuya is the cool uncle being a football star and making Kou get sparkles in his eyes. Kou wants to watch every football match featuring him and can get really sad whenever the teams Takuya is in lose. Takuya makes sure to send Kou lot of football gadgets whenever he can, from t-shirts to photos too, and I actually always draw Kou’s room to be full of football stuff. Not to forget Kou also plays football at school to be like Zio Takuya.
Still, I don’t think Takuya is the cool Uncle to Ran’s fantasies too. Ran can’t stand it when people treat Junpei badly, and let’s say Takuya and Junpei never lost their tendency to have intense brawls (now using italian swearing, why not🤣). Both have got their faults in the varied occasions, but Ran will always be convinced Papà has done nothing wrong and once she will also cry and shout at Takuya to leave Papà alone.
• Passing to Kouji, Ran is actually more affectionate to him than Kou, because Kou considers Kouji “lamer than Zio Takuya” , since he’s much calmer and isn’t that sociable at a first impact. Ran, instead, really loves listening to Kouji’s tales about his travels and Kouji will take a while to get used to her bursting curiousity. In truth, Kouji won’t find getting used to the kids that easy at first, despite having been a parent in the *cough* past (my Takouji having experiences🤣). He gets flustered at the kids being so excitable, so lively, so touchy, but Junpei and Izumi adore seeing Kouji melting a bit when it comes to them.
Junpei wants Kouji to understand they all are his family loving him despite him being such a free spirit. Kouji………….Kouji eventually gets attached to his uncle role in the depth of his heart. He just knows that if someone dares to touch the kids they will be doomed. Samurai Uncle🤣💕.
• Tomoki is kinda the too caring and fussy single uncle always coming up with pep-talks, and let’s say the kids aren’t that fond of that side of his, his baby homonymous, either. When Kou moves to Japan along with Izumi and Toto, Tomoki, who still lives there, starts visiting the family more often to get to know about how school is going for Kou. Since in his politician carreer he still deals with the issue of bully in Japan, he’s aware returnees have got no easy life. So, he wants to know everything about Kou’s new school experience, any detail, sometimes also instilling doubts in both Junpei’s and Izumi’s minds, making them wonder if Kou is really feeling that comfortable about the changes in his life.
When Kou gets involved with a circle of bullies, the kid gets so scared of the idea of just running into Tomoki. He knows what a calculating intelligence Uncle has got and it wouldn’t be nice, at all, if he got spotted pulling his pranks by him.
• Kouichi………… Kouichi dies of heart attack after having overworked himself during Covid period. He doesn’t get to know any kid, but Izumi and Junpei take the children to the cemetery sometimes, often telling them about their Kouichi uncle who has died as an unsung hero.
PSA: To me…Junpei could be bi, but the fact is that he has never got t explore his sexuality because of his crush on Izumi.
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ryansjane · 2 years
kind of related to the fetishization anon.
my unpopular opinion as a gay guy who's been watching and reading bl for a Long time is that one of the worst things the fetishizing part of the audience does is get the actors involved in their little game of who's fucking who. don't get me wrong, there's other uncomfortable stuff that makes my skin crawl but that is also relatively fair. It's inevitable that, if you like men, watching two men make out or have sex on screen is going to make you feel some type of way. I get it and it's normal and absolutely not my business how they react to it. but the actors are just doing their job.
It drives me insane when conversations about an actor's skill get twisted into like "yeah he was good in that role because his on screen boyfriend is actually his secret irl boyfriend and they're in love", it's both fetishizing and offensive to the actors themselves. Imagine putting effort into a performance and someone goes "he looks in love because he actually is in love and they're fucking tonight🥰".
The fact that is is such a widespread thing that some companies actively exploit it with fanservice makes me sick because they always fall for it. Then when an actor has a life outside the role he played it's all "bl ships we failed to protect" and "[actor] said he has a girlfriend I'm so sad". That hot and steamy bl show is not real life, let the fucking actors do their job.
I've literally made a full video on this exact topic so I'll just leave it here lol, but yes to everything you said! the bl industry is very special compared to practically all others bc it capitalizes on blurring the lines between acting & real life: the more people believe the ship they see on screen also exists irl, the more followers the actors will get, which will result in ads, events, lives, fanmeets, etc. in a way, these actors are selling their privacy & their right to a public love life in exchange for fame & money, and only very few have succeeded in transitioning away from that. and those who have all have entirely left bl so that's why the toxicity didn't follow them as much. ultimately, though, this inherent feeling that bl actors BELONG to their fans & also only to their one true pairing must be incredibly emotionally taxing. I also think these implications get worse if you're a closeted actor who's facing pressures to keep it under wraps yet still is being sexualized from their on-screen queer roles. that type of cognitive dissonance where people love gay you but they don't really LOVE the real gay you, just the puppet version that they can control, is so fucked up in my opinion. and I'm sure one day the bl industry will have to cut down on that shit bc there will be one incident where it WILL end badly.
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petraforgedyke · 1 year
so yesterday we visited a family reunion for sophie’s mum’s side of the family, and we told some folks “oh yeah, getting married, yada yada” and like
so many of them were like “oh, nice, what’s next, kids?” and
first of all: we are gay and disabled over here and idk i feel like maybe not being able to care for your kid cause of The Agonies, while sad and not anyone’s fault, is not great for a kid. it’s that and Just Not Wanting Any, kids are cute, but i like being able to return them at the end of the day
and secondly: even outside of T, considering how my cycle has always, all these 23 years, been irregular as hell, i’m pretty sure i Can’t Actually Have Them (and yes there’s two of us but maybe the partner with a full time job providing for you both isn’t the best choice for carrying Babby)
so in conclusion: stop asking people if they’re gonna have kids. it’s weird and builds an expectation of people to have them
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