#yes i have read Butterfly Reign why do you ask
imgoinginsanefr · 6 months
my fav super specific royal family dynamic in fiction
(SORRY FOR TYPOS) The older siblings and parents are these scary and well trained royal members of whatever court they're in and/or experienced warriors and they all are these feared individuals but whenever their youngest child walks into the room they turn into the most golden retrever ass people ever just "so whats your favorite meal? I remembered you like pasta" / "So what do you do in your free time" / "I'm going to an event later (they made this up on the spot as an excuse to spend time with them - and if they say yes they'll scramble to make it happen just so they can sit and talk with their youngest over dinner) I bet people would love it if you joined us!!" and the youngest does not care at all to the point they are trying to avoid it.
The whole fam is so envolved in the youngests life now because after like years they all colectively realized (maybe after an argument or a threat to the youngests life) that they had Fucked Up and had basically been neglecting them for so long and now their all scrambling to get back into the kids life but they haven't realized how much the youngest has changed as a person and just assumed they we're the same as when they were a cheerful little kid. Now all these respected individuals are trying so hard to get their family back together and get their youngest to therapy and they have to face how crappily they treated the kid and how they're not who they used to be.
Bonus if the youngest is now this all powerful warrior (extra points if they could defeat the older and more experienced fighters in the family) or super skilled in smth and only now are the fam finding out about it, and extra extra points if the youngest is a total sunshine character to everyone except for the fam (can be personal to the fam OR it can be that their a people pleaser and then they become exhausted when they get home and just don't keep up apearences anymore)
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cursedcola · 2 years
“A dream is a wish your heart makes,” - {Malleus Draconia x Reader}
Inspired by:
It’s surreal. The way his eyes shine like flawless emeralds. So beautiful. That’s all you could think when staring into them. Beautiful. So, so beautiful.
What would it take to taint them? To take away their depth? They shine with nothing but pure, unfiltered curiosity. Befitting of their owner, considering that Malleus is always eager to learn. You can’t help but wonder if he’s cast a spell. One that makes you fall in love all over again every time you look in his eyes. A mere glance, and your heart travels through all stages of emotion. From giddy butterflies, to panic, to warm love…to grief. Fear.
It must show on your face each time. The burrowed sadness that tries to break free. For a fleeting moment the pain reflects in those tell-tale eyes of his. Malleus has always been an open book, but not many have put in effort to read it.
His brows draw in and he clearly wants to pry, but he can’t bring himself. Not when he already knows the answer.
Malleus POV.
The year’s starsending had passed, with you being the catalyst for it’s success. Malleus admired your ability to charm others. He highly doubts that the other seekers would have gathered nearly half of the wishing stars that they did without you. He understood Dire Crowley’s approach well - very few at NRC had the heart or courage to deny their beloved prefect. Not with your current track record.
Every student made a wish. Except for one. A rare desire twisted within him at the thought. What would you have wished for? What are your deepest desires? Do you desire anything? You always appear accepting of everything and anything. Yet it’s impossible for a person to lack a preference.
The curiosity lingered, and so after the ceremony he casually asked what you would have wished for. His heart throbbed in attempt to ignore your appearance. The starseeker robes were breathtaking on you, and he nearly forgot his intent on conversing. Almost.
Through light conversation, he hoped to mask his true intentions. Yet you seemed to read him easier - quicker- than many, and played the question down. He might have let the matter go in favor of admiring the view. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to linger anymore. One look in your eyes and he saw it. Pain. It frightened him.
The following year, he tried again. No longer a student at the academy, he attended the Starseeker ceremony as a representative of his homeland. Not that he needed to considering that he frequented Night Raven College often. It contained his best friend after all…and his true love.
This time you weren’t a seeker. You were a normal student. A second year in your average uniform, yet he still found himself near flustered. Just barely reigning himself back. Since you were not part of the Ceremony this year, he’d hoped that you would have time to make a wish. Then he could satiate the burning in his chest and unwanted memory from the previous year.
As the stars glittered in the sky and fell, he asks.
“Look, a shooting star. Did you wish?”
He angles his head down, and notes how his hand is merely a brush away from yours. The moment would be perfect, if only….
You avoid his gaze, and instead focus on the sky above,“Oh, I didn’t have time,” you say, a dismissive note in the air.
His heart curls. You won’t look his way or entertain his conversation. Why won’t you see him? Why must you hide away? He can help you. He can give you anything you wish. Why do you deny it-
He turns, and moves to block your view. The stars do not listen, “Then there is something you wish for” it is not a question.
He notes how you quickly advert your gaze to beyond his shoulders. Behind him. Not at him.
“What did you wish?”
He raises a gloved hand to your chin, and gently tilts your head. His eyes dilate for a moment and he attempts to control his emotions. When you finally focus on him, he sees the rainbow. Your face glazes with innocent desire. For him. It bursts within his chest - the realization- that you want him. He can’t help but reflect the emotion. Malleus need not speak it, you know instantly that he returns every ounce of yearning that you bare for him.
Then the pain returns, and he can’t help but reflect it as well. A mistake. His reaction worsens your own, and he senses you recoiling. You turn to dismiss him once again, and he panics at the shell around your heart hardening. He doesn’t want to wait another year. Not when-
“I was wishing….we were two other people. Two people who need not say goodbye”
-his heart cannot stand to lose you.
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creative-kny-fics · 9 days
After reading your recent post, i am now in need of some ler!Sanemi and lee!Muichiro please!!!! Muichiro is always doing something to get on Sanemi's nerves, even at his own expense 🤣 poor Muichiro will probably need Rengoku or Giyuu to come to his rescue because of how pissed off Sanemi is. if you dont want to write this then thats okay too ~
Sanemi puts up with Muichiro, but he only does it for Kagaya and Gyomei (and Giyuu)
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Ler: Sanemi Shinazugawa
Lee: Muichiro Tokito
How could anyone scold Muichiro for his bad behavior? Sanemi understood, he was a child, have to be patient with him and he, as an adult, should try to understand it, but, damn, Sanemi was not a man of patience.
'Don't you think Muichiro is doing it on purpose?'
'Sanemi Shinazugawa, are you jealous of a child?'
'No, I'm not jealous. But it bothers me that he shows up when I want to spend time with you or Genya, it seems like he's spying me', Sanemi complained as he settled into Giyuu's lap.
He wasn't jealous, it wasn't something "worthy" of a mature man like him, was it? Well, he disliked it, first he went to Gyomei, then to Obanai, Kyojuro, Mitsuri, Shinobu, Tengen and Giyuu.
He didn't mind that Giyuu and Muichiro had a brotherly relationship, introverts understood each other, but did he have the nerve to mess with Genya?
Just remembering how Muichiro scoffs when Genya prefers to spend some extra time with him, instead of his own brother, makes him angry.
'Sanemi? Hey? Sanemi? I'm talking to you, are you hearing me?'
'Yes, but I feel like that brat will appear at any moment and ruin the day I had planned with you.'
Giyuu couldn't help it and smiled, it was so cute to see Sanemi being jealous, that he couldn't help but caress his cheeks and close his eyes when Sanemi took his hand and held it close to his face, he liked the feeling.
'Shall I interrupt something?', oh how annoying, that voice was unmistakable.
Sanemi didn't even dare to look at him, if he pretended to fall asleep, Giyuu would probably prefer him lying on his lap because he was tired, but he wasn't good at trying to calm down, so Giyuu knew he was awake. 'No, is something wrong?'
'I went to talk to butterfly girl after a mission, but the button-eyed girls told me she wasn't there, so I came to talk to you.'
'Oh, right. I'd offer you a seat, but, I'm kind of busy, as you can tell hehehe'
If Sanemi had seen Muichiro, they probably would have exchanged angry glances, but this time, Sanemi felt victorious that he was able to stay in the place where he "belonged."
Minutes passed, wow, the silence was comforting and at the same time strange, they seemed to simply speak through telekinesis or something like that, they didn't say anything, but they understood each other.
'Have you had any dangerous missions lately?'
'Yes, no, I don't remember. But, every mission is dangerous, right?'
'It is, well, I'm glad you're safe,' and again, silence reigned.
God, that silence was becoming somewhat uncomfortable for Sanemi, but he still remained alert and even more so when he felt how Muichiro approached Giyuu, extending his arms and asking for a hug, which was reciprocated by the older man, oh but how annoying. 'Why is Sanemi lying on your lap?'
'Well, he's a little tired hehehe. Whenever you are tired, you also fall asleep on my lap or on Gyomei's or Genya's, of course, as long as I trust you.'
'Isn't he too old to fall asleep in other people's laps?', Sanemi cursed inwardly, he wasn't old and if he wanted to, he would act like a child so that Giyuu would fulfill his whims.
Muichiro shook Sanemi, in an attempt to wake him up, but he didn't let it and didn't fall for it, standing his ground and hugging Giyuu closer as he complained about being woken up/taken away from comfort.
'Tokito, don't do that, you wouldn't want someone to bother you while you're sleeping, would you?'
'I'm a heavy sleeper, but I know this guy isn't asleep, he's just pretending to be, I can tell.'
'Well, but still, if you want to be on my lap, you could ask Sanemi for a space to do it.'
Definitely NOT, neither of them were willing to share with the other, even if that was what Giyuu wanted, they wouldn't do it. , in defense of both, "it was their place and nothing more than their place"
Giyuu sighed and shook his head, the atmosphere had become tense, so he caressed Sanemi's cheeks to wake him up, feeling how Muichiro squeezed his uniform tightly.
'Sanemi, wake up, can we talk for a while?' 'Is something wrong honey?'
'Well, would you mind giving Muichiro a little space? You guys can be on my lap, but I don't want you to fight', Sanemi sat up and looked at Muichiro, his look said more than a thousand words.
Giyuu sighed and shook his head again and stood up, that little staring war would last a long time.
'Why do you always interrupt my time with Giyuu?'
'Why? Do you have the nerve to ask? I remind you that you previously treated Giyuu-San badly, and although he seems to have forgotten it, I haven't. I don't want you to make Giyuu-San suffer like you did before, nor will I allow you to do it with Genya, or with anyone.'
Strong words, but he was right and that was what seemed to make Sanemi angry, not even he forgave himself for his actions of the past and now a child was reincriminating him about that
But what could Sanemi do? He couldn't hit him, he couldn't yell at him, he would be signing a death sentence and, probably, his breakup with Giyuu and in a certain part with Genya, and no, he wasn't willing to do that...
But of course! How did it not occur to him before?
'What? Are you left speechless? You know I'm right, right?'
'You surprise me brat, but if I were you, I would be careful, have you forgotten your "little" weakness?'
'Touch me and I'll scream for Tomioka, do you want that?', oh little brat, using dirty games, huh?
Sanemi analyzed his options, Giyuu was the same or perhaps more ticklish than Muichiro, so he could quickly capture him and take him to torment, but Giyuu also knew perfectly his death spot and, well, everything was going to hell, he had to think, what could he do?
But one thing was certain, Muichiro took advantage of those small opportunities and as soon as he realized that Sanemi was thinking, he did not hesitate to approach to make the attack first, it's a shame that he only managed to get Sanemi to take him by the wrists and turn him around, staying on top of him and smiling.
'Giyuu-San is in there and as soon as I shout, he will come. Last warning, Sanemi Shinazugawa...'
'And what makes you think that Giyuu will come to YOUR aid? What if he sees the situation and helps me, hm? You know, I've often thought that you do all that behavior and tantrum just because you want to get torn apart? Am I right?' '...GIYUU-SAN!!'
Sanemi chuckled, so he was right after all! And now, it was the moment of truth, he heard Giyuu's footsteps and when he was staring at them, he threw his head to the side, confused.
'Hey love, can you help me? I know that a few days ago, this little guy tickled you and you wanted revenge, so how about you come and help me?'
'Giyuu-San would be unable to do it!'
'Sorry Muichiro, but I warned you not to let your guard down or you were going to meet a real tickle monster', victory for Sanemi!
Oh Muichiro's expression was charming, his "escape plan" had become his sentence, oh what a huge gift of revenge for Sanemi.
Giyuu approached slowly and after a rock, paper, scissors (jankenpon) tournament, Sanemi had the first turn, maybe it was for the best or not? 'Giyuu-San... Why are you helping Shinazugawa?!'
'Why? I remind you that I asked you for help a few weeks ago and you didn't help me, in fact, you joined in tormenting me and left me almost breathless, I think it's fair, right?' 'NO!'
What a shame, but do you think that was just Giyuu's reason? Or do you think he was also influenced by his love for Sanemi? Well, as Patrick Star said... "we will never know"
But yes, Giyuu advised Sanemi not to be so cruel, and if Giyuu hadn't been with his eyes closed, he would have seen that Sanemi crossed his fingers behind his back when he "promised" to do so. 'Please Giyuu-San, you can't...'
'You're right, I can't. But Shinazugawa does!'
'OH COME ON!!', remember how I told you that you had the battle won if you could get Muichiro to be screaming before you tickled him?
Well, these two knew it and Muichiro knew that they knew it and yet he fell into their games, maybe Sanemi was right and Muichiro provoked it.
'Sto-stohohohop!!' 'Stop? We've barely started! Unless of course you want me to help Sanemi...'
'Nooohohoho! H-hehehe is enohough!!'
'Aaaaw what's wrong Muichiro? This isn't even the beginning and you're already laughing a little hard, is it too much for you? Is it a provocation for us? What is it, you little bastard, huh?', a slap to Sanemi for that last mockery
Muichiro shook his head so insistently that part of his hair fell into his eyes and part of his mouth, did he want to hide?
Oh but we're talking about these two, so that trick didn't last that long and Giyuu carefully took his hair and tucked it behind his ears.
'What's wrong Muichiro? Don't you want to show us your giggle? But she's so cute! Hey nemi, I think it's time...'
'Let's be clear, I didn't think about it!', he had.
Muichiro's cheeks blushed and he denied, he knew what Giyuu meant by "time."
He was one thing and Sanemi was another thing, after seeing countless times how Genya writhed in agony in Sanemi's grip while he was tickling him, he didn't want to be in his place but now... 'Ready~?'
'You have no idea how long I've waited for it!'
'W-wait!! Giyuu-San, please!! I won't do it again, I swear!!'
'And you know exactly what you won't do again?'
Damn, there were so many things these two probably wanted, but wait a second, damn, he should have expected it, IT WAS JUST A TRICK!!
As soon as Muichiro shrugged his shoulders slightly while smiling nervously, he shivered and screamed, Sanemi had just blown, this was not good...
'Oh man, you're even more ticklish than Genya... Hahaha who knew!'
'He's more ticklish than me!'
'Oh really...? LET'S SEE IF IT'S TRUE!!'
And finally, what Muichiro feared (wanted) so much was realized, Sanemi inhaled as much as he could and released a raspberry, right where his navel should be, as if that were not enough, he added another intensity by shaking his head as he did so and continued. poking at his hips, using his fingers to run up his sides and give him a few squeezes as well.
'Mmmm, you want him to stop, but will you let me tickle you?'
'NOOOHOHO!!' 'So I see no reason, yet, to stop it...', oh god...
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shadowqueenjude · 6 months
Feytamsand, Part 5 for @polyacotarweek free day! (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
While Rhysand has clearly done some good, he has also done a lot of bad! I think it would've been neat to see Rhys take responsibility for his actions and have a true redemption arc! That is the main focus of my piece today!
Rhysand abhorred the Summer Court.
Most people loved it here. The glorious sun beaming down on this land, the ocean breeze, the mermaids and hippocampi and all the natural stones. But Rhys sunburned easily, and the heat was NOT being kind to him. He winced as the skin on his face began to peel. “The former High Lord of Night, defeated by a little sunlight,” Feyre teased. Tamlin reigned in his laugh, and Rhysand sighed. “And you would’ve been defeated by the easiest riddle of all time were it not for me,” he countered. Feyre griped, “You know that I couldn’t read because we lost our fortune early, and my sisters never bothered to teach me. Why are you making fun of my poverty?” “Weren’t you 11 when you lost your fortune? I believe that’s old enough even for a human babe to have learned. Or were you too busy chasing butterflies?” Tamlin quickly turned his laugh into a cough. Feyre rounded on him instead. “I hate to say it,” Tamlin muttered, hands up in surrender, “but he has a point.” Rhysand turned to look at Feyre smugly. “See? Even Tamlin agrees with me. That should tell you enough.” “Whatever,” Feyre snapped, storming up ahead. Rhysand cringed at himself but carried forward. “Do you two always argue like that?” Tamlin asked Rhysand, head tilted like a cat’s. Rhysand bit his lip, debating how much to tell Tamlin. Ultimately, he decided to tell him all of it. “Yes, but we usually have makeup sex after and forget about it.” Tamlin shook his head somberly. “Feyre feyre feyre. She always had a tendency to use sex as a coping mechanism; she did that with me too.”
Rhysand blinked. “As a coping mechanism?” Tamlin nodded. “Talk to her about it,” he pressed. “It’ll help her.” Rhysand scanned Tamlin’s face, searching for a trace of insincerity, but finding none. “Thank you,” Rhysand said quietly. Tamlin nodded. As they walked, they reached the entrance to the Summer Court house used for diplomatic meetings. Rhysand opened the door, bowing to Tamlin. “After you.” Tamlin grinned. “We both know you’re no gentleman, Rhys. Best stick to being an insufferable bastard.” “This is how I’m treated when I try to do something nice,” Rhysand complained, but it was lighthearted. He knew Tamlin was joking. Rhysand jolted when Tamlin wrapped an arm across his shoulders. “Thanks, Rhys. Better?” “Yes,” Rhys said. They walked together just as they had centuries ago, like nothing had changed. Tarquin sat there waiting for them. “Hello, Tamlin. I must admit, I am shocked to find out the present company you are keeping.” “They are here to take responsibility for what they did in Spring so that I may convince my people to return home,” Tamlin said. “Or more precisely, I am,” Rhysand cut in. Tamlin and Feyre both whipped around to look at Rhysand. “What do you mean?” Feyre demanded. “This is my mess too.” Rhysand shook his head. “You would’ve never done this if it weren’t for me. I was the one who made you this brutal, this vicious. And while I don’t regret it, because it helped you survive, I regret that it led you to cause harm to countless innocents needlessly. Let me protect your reputation and do this. Please.” “No,” Feyre snapped, pushing out of her chair and grabbing Rhysand by the shoulders. “This is both of our burdens. We will deal with it together.” “No,” Rhys said adamantly, placing a hand on Feyre’s cheek. “Please. I have been so stupid and selfish. I used you, Feyre. For once, let me do something for you. Don’t rob me of this chance.” Feyre blinked at his earnestness, pulling away. Tarquin and Tamlin both had strange looks on their faces. Rhysand ignored them. “Well, do you know what you’re going to say?” Tarquin asked. Rhysand nodded. “Would you mind running it by us first?” Tarquin asked. Rhysand shook his head. “I won’t do that. If I do, I’ll lose the nerve.” Tarquin sighed. “I hope you’re being truthful. Most would call me an idiot for trusting you again. Perhaps I am. What say you, Tamlin? You know him better than I.”
“I say, for the first time in centuries, Rhysand is acting honestly,” Tamlin said. Ironic, since Rhysand was lying to cover up for Feyre. Tarquin nodded. “Go ahead then, Rhys. Wow us with your apology.” Rhysand took a deep breath, ignoring the rising heartbeat of his heart, the blood rushing by his ears, the stiffening of his fingers, the slight trembling of his lips. He mustered a smirk with a confidence he didn’t feel. “You know I will.” Then he found himself facing a riotous crowd. Suddenly, he felt like an outsider watching his body facing the crowd. His mouth wouldn’t move. His body was frozen. Where were the words of acknowledgement he’d planned? He couldn’t remember a lick of the speech he’d planned now. For the first time in centuries, Rhysand is acting honestly. Rhysand ripped off the mask. Stared at the people of Summer. Some people in this crowd wished to return to their home court of Spring but didn’t trust the High Lord because of his wrongdoings. He must change that. He must right this wrong. “People of Summer, there are some of you in this crowd who have taken up residence here because Spring was massacred by Hybern. Your High Lord, Tamlin, has been taking painstaking efforts to rebuild Spring. His court is ready to start accepting your return any day now. I know many of you believe him to be a self-serving git who got his court burned by Hybern, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. You see, Tamlin was playing double agent the whole time, gathering information to help destroy Prythian’s enemy. The destabilization of Spring was unfortunately my doing, as I believed him to be an ally of Hybern, and for my own petty selfish reasons. Do not hate Tamlin. Hate me instead.” Rhysand closed his eyes and waited to be drowned by the riot that was sure to come after his declaration.
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tuesday-teyz · 1 year
Hi, so I literally just got tumbler to see your posts and I love BR so much. So I have a few questions for you that I hope you'd answer. Apologies if it's long.
Would anything change in the story change if BR!Tommy had a younger sibling?
If BR!Tommy had met BR!Ranboo before becoming the crown prince (say in some alternate universe he visited Esempi and met him or something) would he befriend him?
Was there any way that BR!Tommy and BR!Ranboo could have gotten along prior to chapter 26?
Did Kristen usually visit small towns when she was alive, or was it just L'manberg?
How old was BR!Niki when she met BR!Tommy's family?
What was your inspiration for the characters in BR and how they acted?
Does BR!Tommy still love BR!Micheal as a little brother, and come to think of it, does BR!Micheal love BR!Tommy in that way too?
Continuing on from my previous question, does Micheal still have Henry or is he gone?
Do you think BR!Beau and BR!Ranboo could work together and become friends after the events of chapter 26?
Why did BR!Philza like BR!Ranboo out of all the other commoner children?
Did BR!Philza know that BR!Ranboo was a slave?(I'm saying this because in Remarried Empress, Sovieshu had known Rasta was a slave all along, and I know that your fic is based on Remarried Empress)
Come to think of it, where did BR!Philza find BR!Ranboo because BR!Ranboo had lived in Esempi
Also, you don't have to answer a certain question if it'll spoil later chapters
Thank you so much for looking at my questions, considering the fact you even read this post. I think Butterfly Reign is one of (if not the) best fanfics or even stories I've ever read, and I think you're a pretty Poggers writer!
An ask! Haven't done this in a while, but I'll do my best answering your questions! :D
1. Ooooo that's an interesting one. I don't think I've ever thought of it before. In a way, you could say that Tommy did have a younger sibling in the face of Michael (who is his adoptive cousin), but I know that it wouldn't have been the same. There are many factors to how this could play out; whether Tommy is close with that sibling, or how they'd be treated by Phil and Kristin, but I think ultimately Tommy would have all the more reason to push for the crown prince status, and the main storyline would have played out the same with the exception of Tommy being either incessantly harsh towards the youngster (bad example from Phil) or borderline possessive of them in a Wilbur-like manner.
2. Yes! I think I've already speculated on an alternative universe for a scenario where Tommy gets to meet Ranboo on more peaceful terms. I think it would have been a slowburn type of friendship with Tommy learning how not to be an asshole all the time and Ranboo getting to know the ways of court – maybe through becoming Tommy’s attendant.
3. Absolutely! Br!Kristin did a lot of town visits and charity work in her days as an Empress, especially with southern towns that were the most affected by the war in Essempi... and so did Phil, but we are not going to learn about that until later.
4. I think she was anywhere from eleven to fourteen years old, I don't have a very strict timeline for that period, but the way it went was that Niki was sent to be mentored by Kristin. She was fostered in the AE to prepare her for ruling for several years, so that makes her almost a sister to Tommy, Wilbur and Techno.
5. Mostly my own family. I wouldn't call it projection per se, but prior to the start of BR we went through some rough things that made me see a new side to many of my family members – some good, some bad, all very human. BR at large is an exploration of different behaviors I observed in people around me. For example, br!Wilbur is strongly inspired by my cousin, who we were very close with at a young age, and br!Phil definitely has borrowed a lot out of my own father. And of course there were many outside sources from other fics I've read, from my favorite Webtoons and novels, and even random reddit stories I've seen and that stuck with me enough that I wanted to incorporate them into the characters.
6. Yes, Tommy definitely cares about Michael, and Michael about Tommy, but there are certain things in their backstory that make it hard for them to interact. Michael much prefers being around Tubbo because there is less negative emotional package tied to their relationship.
7. Michael still has Henry!
8. No :D
9 & 10. There is a reason for that that I cannot disclose yet.
And the last but not least, I hadn't gotten a chance to make this very clear but Ranboo used to work for Quackity in exchange for him getting him out of Esempi but ultimately ran away when he realized that he's never really gotten free. Which was not thought well though because three days layer he's barely alive in the woods when he stumbles upon Phil's carriage.
I'm really happy you're enjoying the story, and I hope this satisfies your curiosity!
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
Congrats on the 100 Followers !!!!!Soo i saw the Song Lyrics Prompts and ... well duh i would deffo request my all time fave Crosshair and no 14 ! And you know.. Fluffy smut it is all good when it comes to the ones we love :D
Pairing: Crosshair x reader (no y/n)
Warnings: okay so I knOW YOU ASKED FOR SMUT BUT. I didn't remember and I just got this very cute ficlet and completely forgot everything else and this came out being a whole different thing. bUT. i will make it up to you and write another version of this prompt for u. I'm so sorry really. i hope you like this tho.
So no warnings. it's a bit angsty, too, heh.
Prompt: 14. I know that you're scared because hearts get broken. - Golden by Harry Styles
Word count: 900
Saying that love is easy is an understatement, really.
It's hard, and harsh, and merciless. It's unknown and also familiar, because you have experiences to compare it too, from your parents to your friends to your past lovers.
Love is scary, because it's uncharted territory, no matter how much you've read about it, if you've seen it, if you have felt it before. Because every new person that comes, brings new challenges, something you haven't felt before. It brings chaos, too.
It paralyzes you, it had never happened before and it does now, when the sniper even looks your way, you freeze completely. Your breathing stops, for just a second, and your face flushes, and you feel embarrassed and dumb.
It makes you shy away, from conversations that might lead you somewhere else, with him. You have no problem talking with his brothers, or talking with him when around his brothers, but he had approached you once or twice alone and you had babbled and stuttered enough to make you scurry away whenever you have the chance.
But love, mostly, when there's even a single sign, a fleeting chance you might be falling again, makes you protect yourself, it makes you defensive, building walls taller and thicker than what they used to be, shielding yourself with steel doors and a million locks wrapping around chains.
Love is frightening, sure, because it might leave you broken. It can leave you in pieces, destroy you to the very core. It leaves you falling, hard and fast and you can't hold onto anything, onto anyone, and you hit the floor, and you're left there, bleeding out, with just you to stitch yourself up, alone, tired and hurt.
So you do nothing, and wait for it to pass. He'd leave, eventually, to some mission that takes him months to come back, if he ever does, and boy, you might even think he does just to annoy you.
Because he comes back every time, his body carries him with a confidence you sometimes envy, and it always leads him back to you.
It's a knock on the door that pulls you out of your thoughts. He's there, leaning on the frame as if he reigned the space, a king coming so casually to see his people.
"Yes?" You ask, because he doesn't say anything and you don't know what else you could say.
And he enters, as if the cramped office was his, and it's not the first time he's been there, but there is no reason for him to sit in the chair in front.
Your breath hitches when he leans over.
"I have a question," it's all he lets go, his voice sends shivers down your spine and you wonder if he knows what he does to you.
He must, because otherwise he wouldn't be there.
His eyes follow your movements, from the way you turn your datapan off to how you lean back against the back of the chair. The corners of his lips turn upwards just the slightest.
"Alright." You close your eyes a moment to kick yourself mentally, you don't have to be so awkward, you think, but then again, you don't know how not to be awkward around him. "Shoot."
"Would you consider going out with me?"
There's a silence, because with him you always let silences make their way between the two of you. With widened eyes and pated lips, you stare at him, searching for an indication that he might be joking, but his face betrays nothing, so you ask,
"Going out with you?" just to confirm.
He nods, once, a small frown on his face as he takes a paperwork that has been sitting for too long on your desk, disinterested in its contents as his eyes go back to yours.
"As in, a date." Your heart skips a beat and you take in the possibilities, and among all of them where you say yes, you see yourself getting your heart broken.
You shake your head,
"I don't know." You admit, because you really don't.
He shrugs.
"I won't break your heart if that's what you're worried about." His tone is like he's talking about the weather and your eyes snap at him, only to find his amber orbs already searching for yours. "Tech told me that's why you wouldn't speak to me."
You should've known better than to confide Tech such secret.
Crosshair looks at you, really looks at you, as if he could see your soul, grab your heart and hold it tight, kiss it better and patch it's bruises.
"I won't let it break, as long as you don't let mine break either."
And it's such a vulnerable thing to say, you think, to open yourself to someone enough to let them know you feel scared too.
Maybe it's a path you can both walk, a mutual arrangement you can take, holding his hand as you go down.
"Yeah," your voice is a whisper, one that cuts the silence and reaches him softly, the words holding him as he falls and you hope he is there when you fall, too, "sure, I'll go out with you," you say, and he smiles, the action making the butterflies you've been kept caged for so long flutter wildly in your stomach, "as in, a date."
You want to trust him. You'll have to trust him.
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»pairing: Man from the Railroad!Atsuhiro x fem!reader
»word count: 3.2k
»Part 1 | IS IT A GOD INSIDE YOU, GIRL? (1st OGoA AU piece by @get-shiggy-with-it )
»summary: A deal is struck and a desire indulged.
»a/n: part two!! Thanks to my beloved @get-shiggy-with-it for beta reading for me. I hope you enjoy!
»warnings: Appalachian folklore, piv sex, fingering (f receiving), monsterfucking (if you squint), implied tragedy (mine disasters, death of workers/children), some reader backstory, historical AU 1800's mining town, Old Gods of Appalachia podcast AU, 18+ MDNI
The Man from the Railroad was no less intriguing when he returned one evening weeks later to meet with your brother. Just as you'd suspected, he’d practically leaped at the opportunity to cut a potentially lucrative deal without the ever-present gaze of your father looking over his shoulder. For years he had been trying, and failing to make dear old dad believe that he was ready to take over the company. Much to his chagrin however, it was clear that while your father didn’t really trust anyone with the specific ins and outs of the business; the man had seemed in recent years to bristle just a little less when approached by your soft questioning voice, over the harsh cut of his son’s.
This time upon entering the parlor room Atsuhiro took your hand in his own immediately, bringing it once again to the soft plush of his lips in greeting. The heat under your collar seared up the length of your neck, settling once again on your cheeks. “My darling lady! How lovely it is to see your enchanting face. A sight for sore eyes, indeed.”
“Why thank you, Sir. Once again you’re proving to be far too kind.” You brother failed to stifle a huff, clearly irritated that you were distracting his mysterious benefactor. The noise of it shook you back from the daydreams threatening to pull you under.
Pushing from your mind the thoughts of hands at your waist...or how his lips might brush over more of your skin in that same gentle way they caressed your fingers; you guided Atsuhiro’s attention to your brother, finally introducing them. “Henry, this is the Man from the Railroad who asked to see you the other night.”
“Yes, of course!” came your brother’s too jovial attempt at making himself appear likeable. Guiding your guest away without so much as acknowledging your presence. “I was so pleased to hear that you’re interested in our little family affair, kind Sir. Please follow me and we can speak more privately in the office.”
“That sounds just delightful. Lead the way, my friend.” Casting one last glance over the shoulder of his perfectly pressed suit, Atsuhiro winked and followed your brother through the office door.
And just like that, you were once again left standing alone at the desk, consumed by the lingering heat of his lips against your skin. And oh lord above you were hungry for it. It wasn’t an overly familiar feeling, admittedly, but you were no stranger to this kind of desire...to this yearning that threatened to burn you up from the inside whenever you caught wind of him. Which had been often over the last several days.
Since his appearance it seemed as though he was everywhere. Word spread of groups gathering in the large fields just outside town, all to listen to him speak. He promised them purpose, good and honest work that would better not only their own lives but those of all who surrounded them.
Fathers and sons.
Wanderers and vagrants.
All were welcome to join him in working for the Railroad. There was a place for every good, hard-working man among his ranks, and every voice who whispered about this black-suited man with the green bolo tie seemed almost as smitten as you.
Even as all the rumors and the chatter flowed like the streams at the base of the mountain. As the other young women in town flushed and swooned at the sight of the hat sitting proudly above the group of men that surrounded him; you held on to one small thing. The way that his given name tasted on your tongue. It was bitter and sweet, rolling over the plush of your lips with an uncertain kind of hope. For all the tongues that wagged about his sudden and overwhelming appearance in your small hometown, none of them referred to him by any name at all.
Only you had been bestowed the privilege--no, the honor, of having a name to breathe out into the darkest moments of night when every beautiful slope of his face occupied your mind. Those fleeting seconds when all you could hear was the gentle tone of his whispering in your ear, imagining the way that it might deepen and rasp under your kiss. The way it would feel to have your fingers intertwined with his own, or trace them delicately over the sharp line of his jaw and the gentle turn of his grin. All of a sudden the ornate handle behind you turned, startling you once again from your daydreams.
Henry’s voice, followed immediately by the soft floating drone of Atsuhiro’s were just on the other side. You caught just the tail end of their conversation as the door swung open. “Well, Henry my friend, I am simply delighted at the prospect of our future endeavors together. I think that with your manpower, and my connections we can truly turn the tide in this battle. Industry is the path to the future, and we must move along with it. Ever onward and ever forward, as they say, hmm?”
“You’re absolutely right, Sir. I think this is the start of a great partnership.” Henry hadn’t sounded so enthusiastic about anything, aside from maybe a free round of drinks at his favorite watering hole, in years. “We have many who would love to be a part of the kind of thing that you’re offering, and I think that my father especially will be looking forward to seeing all your plans come to fruition.”
Fruition. That was quite the word choice for Henry, and you did your best to stifle a chuckle. Usually by this time he was long inebriated past the point where words with a second syllable became a struggle for him. The attempt was admittedly half-hearted, and the smallest of sounds slipped out before it could be reigned back into the confines of your chest.
Thankfully, Henry was already in the midst of pulling a coat from the rack, and making his way out after a hearty handshake with his new partner. “Wonderful to meet you, and I’m sorry that I have to run out so quickly...I, uh have another meeting to get to.'' He tipped his hat in Atsuhiro’s direction and added a muffled “Sister. I’ll see you in the morning. Please make sure that the good gentleman has all of the information that he needs before you go.”
The both of you murmured farewells in return as he hurried out--no doubt late to boast about his success to the usual crowd of drunkards and fools with whom he spent most evenings. And with his hurried exit, you felt the heat under your skin creep back into its former home. Warming your face in what must have been a world record time. Absently you lifted a hand to brush a stray hair from your eyes, hoping in vain that the action might shake you out whatever state these daydreams had thrust you into. A beat passed in silence, and then another before you felt Atsuhiro’s eyes find you across the small space. He was so much closer just an hour before and still you felt like you’re burning up from the inside out at his attention.
Steeling yourself against your own hesitation, you turned to face him and tried to find your voice among the rabble of butterflies that currently occupied all of the space that used to cradle your lungs. “Henry, seemed to be rather taken with you, Sir--”
“As much as I enjoy hearing you refer to me so formally, my darling girl. You are well aware of my name.”
His hungry stare could have consumed you. In fact, the longer you stood there, with just a few steps holding the rigid distance between you, the more of you became quite certain that it would do just that. Every quip that you might have hoped to throw back sizzled away on the molten heat of your usually sharp tongue. “Y-yes, I am aware of it.”
“Then why,” three smooth strides closed the distance between you, bringing him impossibly close, “my dear, do you seem so insistent on forgetting it just when I want to hear it the most?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that I know a great many things. Things that others do not, and could not know. Like the way that your lips curl so lovely around my name in the stillness of night. It's a tantalizing sound my dear, and I am eager to hear more of it."
He was so close as he spoke, the way his breath danced over your lips was astounding. Being so close to him felt similar to the way you had imagined in the several days since he last filled the space around you, but there was also something altogether unexpected about it. Everything about him seemed to surround you, compressing into a space far too small for any physical being to occupy.
The heady smell of him had you intoxicated, clinging to every inch of skin that lay exposed in the cool autumn air that rolled through the open door. His very presence was heavy, like the blankets of fog that clung for far too long at the mouths of caves, or the last sticky days of summer heat that always lingered on the mountain air.
As a child you could recall the way it felt to taste air like tonight’s on your tongue. The way that it invaded your senses, and bit back as if it had teeth all its own sharp and jagged, in their futile attempts to keep the turning seasons at bay. If it weren’t for the way Atsuhiro’s fingertips burned a path along your cheek as they moved smoothly from temple to jaw, you might have been lost to its chill.
He knew.
He knew everything.
More than just the way you spoke his given name. More than the flicker of hope that melted away at the wax seal surrounding your heart. More than the way you melted into his embrace in the same way now.
The glint in his earthen eyes gave way to something more than human, a sum of parts greater than just the man himself who now pressed his body so close to your own. And in that moment, every story your grandmother shared, every warning weaved intricately into the design of the tales came back to you. Along with one other...
Your grandfather didn’t often indulge in storytelling, but he made sure to tell you one. The one about the man from the company with a green bolo tie and sharp silver tongue, that he had met as a younger man. The man who never shared his name, but worked beside him for years to open the mine. To set your family's legacy on its path, one which would eventually lead to this great reaping of the effort he had sown generations ago. You hadn’t ever figured out if the tale was laced with warning like all the others. Honestly, you couldn’t remember any other details, but now you were quite sure that it would make no difference.
You were certain of just one thing. What he needed, and what you wanted were one and the same.
What he sought from you was an opportunity for indulgence. The shred of his humanity that remained among whatever else made up the mass of him was wavering. Flickering like the prayer candles adorning every window in every home as they mourned the things he and his revolution stole from them. He knew that you understood what he was -- what he wasn't, really, and that you weren’t afraid. The weight of your acceptance seemed to settle on his shoulders, and he crumbled into you.
“Atsuhiro...” You whispered into the lips that ghosted over your own.
He tasted like the first crisp breeze of the season. Sharp, and tinged with inevitability, but heavy with understanding that the death of all things familiar lay in wait at its heels.
Desperation overtook him, painting a new color on his usually monochrome pallet. Teeth and tongue fought hard to remain in control, and he won. Licking into your mouth and sighing beautifully when finally you relented the battle of wills and allowed him to consume you completely.
The hands that moments ago were caging you in, now began to roam. Kneading, sliding, savoring every pliable part of you. Hooking a hand beneath one of your knees, Astuhiro lifted your leg, guiding you so shift backward until you found yourself seated on the desk. You used the leverage to lock your legs around his waist and pull him into you, the action bunching your skirts around your waist. Mewling when your hips were finally pressed fully together, you felt the smirk return to his face. Finally you felt him, hard and hot, even through the few remaining layers of clothing that kept you apart.
He pulled away then, tilting your face to look up at him and relishing in the way you groaned at the loss of his heat. Not to say that he was faring much better, it had been so long since he allowed himself this small pleasure, and you were so willing. He was surprised at himself, really, for managing to hold it together this long already. “This is not the first time you have been touched like this, is it, my pet?” He purred into your ear as fingers traced a soft line up the length of your leg, halting to knead the soft flesh just inches away from where you both wanted him to be.
“No, it’s not--hmmm, please…”
He could practically feel the pulsing, the soft wet heat of your waiting cunt. The pretty sounds you made going straight to his cock, and he wanted more. He needed to hear you cry out his name in strangled ecstasy. “Please what, my darling girl? You’re doing so well for me already. Tell me what it is that you need?” he crooned, relishing in the way you preened at even the smallest bit of praise.
“I think,” you began, once again finding the bravery within yourself that his presence seemed to pull out of you, “that it is you who needs me, Atsuhiro.”
He was, for a split second, shocked at the way you took his face in both hands, pulled him to your level and kissed him hard. It was beautiful, this growing fire in you, and as it overtook his senses, he thought for a moment about how he could have loved it--could have loved you--in another life. Or even in his own, back when he was truly just a man. When his name was his own to give freely and did not come with so steep a price.
But now was not the time to linger on such fantasies.
The hand trapped between your bodies made quick work of your underwear, baring your needy cunt to him at last. And Atsuhiro groaned, an altogether animal sound at the slick he found waiting for him there, and he used its abundance to ease first one long finger, then a second, in time into the heat of you. Stroking gently, he explored the soft velvet of your walls until he found it, the spot that made you keen against him. The dark whimper of his given name that fell from your lips when he began to circle the bundle of nerves in sync, was almost more than he could bear. Never in all his time spent on this wretched earth, had he heard something so beautiful.
Now, you were no sweet spring blossom, innocence was something you left behind long ago. But the delicious way he played your body like a violin was foreign indeed. None of the clumsy hands that rushed to lift your skirts had ever made you feel so good.
"Astu--Ah!" You gasped against his shoulder, feeling for all intents like a spring wound too tightly. One hand wound itself tightly in his silky hair and the other blindly searching for the smooth buckle at his waist. Panting, struggling for words between ragged breaths. "Wait! Wait, I--fuck--I want to feel you."
"Yes, of course my dear."
Sliding from your seat on the desk, you beckoned him to follow and settled back into the plush of the sofa. You barely caught the way that his breath hitched as you finally loosed him from the confinement of his clothes. Taking a moment to admire him, you allowed your fingers to trace the lines. Strong smooth stomach giving way to slender hips and and cock that you might even say was pretty. Impressive, certainly, but not in any way that made you fear pain. Rather he looked as though he was made to fit together with you just right.
And oh, how perfect it was.
Atsuhiro trembled as he sank to the hilt into your warmth, and the both of you sighed as he began to move.
The moment stretched and was reverent in a way, as though the both of you understood its gravity. He angled and nudged that heavenly spot again, and the way you clenched around him forced a low groan into the air between you.
He looked up with wide eyes, struck again by the reality of you.
Never in any of the handful of times that he'd chosen to indulge in his baser instincts had the object of his fixation been anything more than a pretty face and a warm body, in the end. And he had the small handful of marbles in his breast pocket to prove it. Each one a reminder that he was no longer Sako Atsuhiro. He couldn't risk leaving a loose pair of loose lips with something so powerful as his own name.
But you…
You were something altogether different than the rest. Unexpected. Secure.
He could lose himself in you.
And as you came undone around him with a whimper of his given name, he did just that. Vaulting with you over the precipice. He worked you both through the high, and in return you kissed him deeply.
A while later, still entwined on the old velvet sofa, your name, whispered softly in the surrounding stillness pulled you back from the edge of sleep.
"Hmm?" You asked gently, afraid to disturb the peace. You knew that this was borrowed time.
"You know that I cannot--"
You silenced him with lips against his own. "I know."
"Thank you, my dear."
You awoke the next morning to a stack of those shiny cards on the desk, and a note. Scrawled quickly over the surface were just a handful of words.
These are for the men that your brother wishes to send my way. Keep none for yourself. Ever onward and ever forward.
Next to them in the slim vase where you'd left the blue marble, now was only a long white feather. Very much like the one you'd noticed missing from his hat.
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sturchling · 4 years
aft hawkmoth is defeated, paris banned any outside superheroes from entering bc lb and cn said that they had asked the superheroes (e.g justice league, up to u) for help, but all they got was a message saying that they should not be faking this for attention. soon, said superheroes try to come into paris to help aft hawkmoth was alr defeated and theyre arent allowed in. lb and cn show up and the superheroes insult then abit bc they arent allowed in so paris and lb and cn go off at them
Here you go!! Hope you like the story! Let me know what you think!
Ladybug and Chat Noir were very worried when they first became heroes. They had no experience as heroes, nor any idea how to track down Hawkmoth. They knew that people could request aid from the Justice League for their cities if something was wrong. Of course, it was mainly used to ask for just humanitarian help, typically after some kind of natural disaster. But Ladybug and Chat Noir didn’t know what else to do. So, they sent in a request, asking for their help. They never received a response to their initial request. As time went by, they kept trying to reach out to the Justice League. After their fifth message, they received a response, but not the one they were hoping for. When the two young heroes saw a message from the Justice League help line, they felt excited. They thought they would finally get some help and maybe this nightmare would be over soon. But the message didn’t say that help was on the way. Instead all it said was:
This help line is for real emergencies only. You two should not be clogging the line with these ridiculous jokes. This is not the kind of thing to fake to get attention. Please do not contact this help line again. -Justice League Assistance Requests
Ladybug and Chat Noir were disheartened. They had truly hoped that these heroes would help them. How could they think this is fake? It is true that there is no apparent damage, but Ladybug had explained that was only due to her powers.
Ladybug and Chat Noir did not listen to the message and kept sending messages that became more and more desperate as the akumas grew stronger. Eventually though, it became too dangerous to keep asking for help. Ladybug and Chat Noir both realized that if the Justice League came to Paris, they ran the risk of the League becoming akumatized. If any member of the League became akumatized, it would be disastrous. Ladybug realized that they couldn’t risk the heroes coming to Paris anymore. So, her and Chat Noir went to the mayor. After that day, foreign superheroes were banned from entering Paris.
After three years of fighting, Ladybug and Chat Noir had finally defeated Hawkmoth. His capture was international news. Paris was finally telling the full story. The mayor finally told the world all about Hawkmoth and his reign of terror. The world was shocked that they hadn’t known what was happening. None were more shocked than Bruce Wayne. He remembered those messages from all those years ago in Paris. Those kids had been telling the truth? He could hardly believe it; their messages had seemed so ridiculous that they had to be fake. Magic jewelry that is powered by tiny gods did not sound real at all. Batman knew it was time for damage control. He called a meeting with the other founding members of the league and went straight to the Watchtower.
When Bruce arrived, he saw that most of the other members were already present. Several of them were confused and were asking Bruce why they were there. Bruce just played the news clip from this morning. Several of the other leaguers were shocked. Green Lantern spoke up, “These kids again? They were actually telling the truth?” Bruce turned to him, “Yes it appears they were. This is going to look bad on us, that we didn’t help. Whether we believed them or not, it is important that we go to Paris now. Offer our apologies for not helping sooner and help them re-build. I imagine there is a lot left damaged after fighting such a powerful foe.” Bruce had clearly already forgotten that in the original messages Ladybug had said she could fix all the damage. Shows how much he actually listened to the original requests. With that settled, the different members prepared to leave for Paris. They tried using the zeta tube they had set up, but they got an error message saying the tube in Paris was too damaged. The leaguers assumed it had been damaged in one of the fights and decided to zeta to a different location in France and then fly the rest of the way to Paris. They had no idea about the cold greeting they would soon receive.
Marinette had been at home for the day when the news was announced. She may not have revealed her identity to the public, but she did tell her parents finally about her being Ladybug. They were so proud, and had agreed that Marinette deserved the day off from school, considering she had just saved Paris. Marinette was just planning on spending a relaxing day at home when she got a message. She had set up a website with a way to message Ladybug back when Hawkmoth was still active. This was so citizens could inform her of akuma attacks quicker. She wasn’t expecting to get a message on it today, but around noon, there was a new message. This message came from the mayor’s office. It read:
Ladybug, we have spotted different members of the Justice League approaching the city. Since the ban on superheroes is still in effect, we will turn them away. However, we would feel more comfortable doing so if you and Chat Noir were there to help. Please hurry to the Western border of the city.
Marinette was shocked. The Justice League was coming now? Why the sudden interest in Paris? Regardless, she quickly pulled out her phone and called Adrien, who was also staying home for obvious reasons. They had revealed their identities to each other after the final battle, and were ecstatic to find out they had been that close to each other all along. The rest of the miraculous team also revealed their identities, and everyone was shocked to see that Ladybug and Chat Noir were Marinette and Adrien. Adrien picked up quickly, “Marinette? What’s up?” “Can you talk privately right now?” Adrien knew that meant that Marinette needed to talk about superhero stuff, so he made sure the door to his room was locked and then said, “Yeah, I’m good. What’s up?” Marinette replied quickly, “We have guests coming to the city. Apparently, someone spotted members of the Justice League heading this way and are worried they will try to enter the city. The mayor asked both of us to be there to help when they turn them all away. He asked us to meet at the western border of the city as quick as we can.” Adrien was shocked. Why was the League coming? They hadn’t cared before. “I’ll be right there milady. Let the rest of the team know, we may need the back up. See you soon.” With that, he hung up and transformed. Marinette quickly sent a message in the group chat for they had set up for the members of the miraculous team, telling everyone to meet at the western border quickly. She then transformed as well and went to join Chat. He quickly rushed to the border of the city where he saw the police force, the mayor, and Ladybug all waiting. He joined them and watched for the Justice League. They didn’t have to wait long before the Justice League members appeared on the horizon. Officer Raincomprix used a megaphone and ordered all of the heroes to land before they entered the city. Chat Noir got ready to face the Justice League and tell them to get lost.
When the leaguers arrived, they were expecting the citizens of Paris to be glad to see them. But instead, they were glared at and ordered to stop at the border of the city.  The leaguers were confused, this is a very different reception than they were expecting. They stopped and Batman stepped forward, “We heard about your defeat of Hawkmoth and have come to offer our help in rebuilding your city.” Then a younger girl in a ladybug themed outfit and a boy in a cat outfit stepped forward. Batman recognized them as the kids from the videos, what were their names again? Oh right, Ladybug and Chat Noir. Behind them he saw other kids in similar outfits, however he didn’t remember seeing any of them in the videos sent to the league. He was expecting them to thank him and the other heroes for the help, even if they were still upset from the earlier rejection. But that was not what happened at all. The two kids were very calm, but he could tell they were still angry. The girl called Ladybug took the lead, “Your help is not wanted, or even needed. The city is perfectly fine. Regardless, you are not welcome in Paris. None of you are. Foreign superheroes are banned in Paris. Only the miraculous team is allowed to reside in this city.” The Justice League were shocked, to say the least. Batman tried to argue with them, “The city can’t possibly already be prepared. Fights like what was discussed on the news cause massive amounts of damage. They couldn’t possibly be fixed overnight. And how could you ban superheroes?” Chat Noir rolled his eyes, “Shows how much you actually listened to our original request for help. We told you back then that the reason there was no damage to speak of is because Ladybug is able to reverse all damage caused by the akumas and other miraculous. In other words, the damage from the final fight was fixed immediately. And we banned heroes after you all refused to give us any aid. We needed to make sure that you didn’t just storm in later and try to take over or get akumatized. That would have been disastrous. You can’t just suddenly decide to come and help after ignoring us for three years.”
Superman stepped forward at this point, “We didn’t mean to ignore the situation. But you have to admit it sounds pretty far-fetched. Magical jewelry that is powered by ancient gods and evil butterflies possessing people doesn’t sound reasonable.” Ladybug got angry hearing that, “Why doesn’t it? You have several magic users in the Justice League, like Zatanna. You even have Dr. Fate who is a sorcerer that inhabits a magic helmet and possesses people who wear the helmet. That isn’t much different from the miraculous. Are you all seriously so close-minded that you didn’t even consider the possibility?”
That comment made several of the leaguers angry. They didn’t want to admit that they were in the wrong, but Ladybug was right. They had several magic users, and the Helmet of Fate is pretty similar to a miraculous. But these kids couldn’t possibly know what they are doing. The Justice League needed to step in and help get things back to normal. They were sure that they could get the city to listen. Batman turned to the mayor and said, “That ban is hardly necessary anymore. It wasn’t even necessary in the first place. These second-rate heroes just convinced you of it because their pride was hurt. Don’t you think it is time to lift it? I am sure we could help get your city back on track quicker than these children playing at heroes.” Ladybug and Chat Noir’s blood was boiling after hearing that. How dare Batman act all high and mighty and talk above them like he was superior. He had spent the last three years ignoring the problem and now wants to suddenly come in and take over. This is exactly why they put the ban in place. The mayor seemed just as angry as Ladybug and Chat Noir, “Sir, like Ladybug and Chat Noir said, you are not welcome here. They have done a fantastic job in not only dealing with Hawkmoth, but also helping the citizens return to normal.” Batman was furious, they were still going to deny them entry? The Flash stepped forward now, “Surely, with the focus being on Hawkmoth, crime rates have risen. That isn’t the fault of these kids, they wouldn’t know how to juggle dealing with Hawkmoth and also petty crime. But we can help you get that handled.” Mayor Bourgeois shook his head, “Actually, they handled both responsibilities well. Even though we told them not to worry about petty crime, and that the local police would handle it, they still patrolled every night to help. Crime rates are at an all time low here. Now I am not going to tell you again. You are not welcome here. Leave at once.”
The Justice League couldn’t believe it, Batman exploded, “You would seriously leave the security of your city in the hands of these wannabe heroes?” Green Lantern added, “Yeah, they are just little kids with some fancy jewelry playing pretend. You need real heroes!” The mayor and police were furious. How dare these people belittle their heroes. The mayor was now yelling as well, “Do not speak about them so rudely. They are more heroic than you seem to be. Now get out of my city.”
The Justice League still refused to leave. They hurled insults at the young heroes and demanded to be let in to the city. They even tried to force their way past the blockade of police officers. Ladybug turned around and gestured to Pegasus. The leaguers did not see any of this, they just heard someone call “Voyage!” They saw a giant blue portal open and then swallowed them up. When the light faded, they saw that they were in the middle of a field somewhere. Batman used his GPS and saw that they had been moved all the way to a corn field in the middle of Nebraska. He was furious, how dare they force him away through a teleport. Paris needed more competent heroes than a bunch of children playing pretend.
Over the next several weeks, the league continued to try and enter the city. None of their attempts worked though. They tried just flying through, entering covertly as their civilian identities, and a bunch of other plans. Somehow, the leaguers kept getting teleported right back out of the city, in increasingly strange locations. Eventually, the leaguers just decided to abandon Paris completely. They would not help Paris with any situation. Their plan was to watch the city fall to pieces and not offer any help unless they lifted that ridiculous ban. But that never happened. It irritated Batman and the others to no end that those second-rate heroes were doing a good job and that the ban wasn’t lifted. So, the leaguers resumed their attempts to break into the city. They did not count on the young heroes putting their actions in the public eye.
Ladybug and Chat Noir were still furious at how the leaguers behaved. They had thought that the Justice League was full of good and kind people, but the members they had met were certainly not good and kind. They were forceful and insulting. And even once they were told that they were not welcome in Paris, they kept trying to come into the city anyway. Poor Pegasus was exhausted from constantly having to teleport them away. Ladybug knew they had to do something or those leaguers would keep coming back. So, they made a video. This video told the whole world that the Justice League had ignored their calls for help all those years ago and had left young heroes to fend for themselves. It also talked about how the league had shown up after the fact and tried to bully their way into the city they had previously ignored, despite the fact they were told about the superhero ban. The video ended by talking about how they were fed up with the league members having no respect for the laws of Paris and still trying to sneak into the city. The miraculous team posted the video online and sent it to all the major news networks they could get a hold of. The public was outraged when they saw the video. The heroes they trusted were trying to break the laws in Paris? The video and public outcry seem to have worked. It had been several weeks since the video was posted, and no leaguer had tried to break into the city since. The miraculous team was ecstatic; they didn’t have to keep forcing the heroes out of the city. At last, the miraculous team and all of Paris could finally enjoy peace.
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mandowh0re · 3 years
Remember Me
Chapter 2
Summary: While cleaning up the timelines that he broke, Loki meets and inevitably loses the one person that’s understood him in life. But he’s not losing you without a fight.
A/N: Another chapter within a week?? More likely than you think! Beta'd by the ever beautiful @edgyvege. Go show her some love!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2303
Happy Reading!
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Loki’s lying in his bed, clutching the book you had loaned him close to his chest.
He finished the book the first night of having it, and he regrets not pacing himself because he still has six days before he can see you again and isn’t sure how to keep himself sane until then. He doesn’t have much to his name anymore, having missed eleven years of his life and his home having been destroyed. So it’s not like he can turn to his favorite books or activities.
The Avengers had reluctantly agreed, mostly out of guilt because of Thor’s previous loss, to let Loki stay in the compound under the condition that he did not leave, did not use his magic unsupervised, and did not cause chaos. It had been an incredibly difficult adjustment, especially on his part, but he was willing to do whatever it took to see you again. So he did not complain even once.
When Loki had returned from timeline 656, the timeline in which he first met you, he was broken but determined. He was on a mission and refused to get distracted until his job was done. He had to find you again. He didn’t know what he was going to do if he didn’t.
So when Mobius agreed to bring Loki to this point of the timeline, he had given Loki the information to be able to find you.
You were his insurance, a way to make sure Loki stayed in his place.
So after two weeks of near perfect behavior and constant sulking from the trickster, Steve and Tony agreed that Loki could leave the compound, though only under Thor’s supervision.
When he first saw you again in that tiny bookstore, he felt like he had been hit in the chest by Thor’s hammer. He thought he was prepared to see you again. Your bright eyes and soft lips were all he could think about the past several months. But apparently, he wasn’t prepared in the slightest.
But you being you, you gave him a sweet smile and kindly helped him find the book you had told him about when the two of you had first met back in timeline 656. Because no matter the timeline, you were always one to help others.
And then you did something he wasn’t expecting. The possibility wasn’t even on his radar. You gave him your own copy to read, telling him it was so he had to come back and see you. He felt his chest constrict in that moment, yet at the same time a spark of hope exploded inside of him. It was something that he hadn’t felt in a long time.
Then when you asked him for his name, his heart broke again.
He had forgotten to even give you his name, because he had already known yours. Your name, your scent, your favorite laugh, your body.
He knew it all.
Yet you knew nothing about him. And after telling you his name, he was afraid you’d remember what he’d done to your city all those years ago. That you’d be afraid of him and reject him, just like most everyone else in his life. He wouldn’t blame you. He believed himself a monster, just like everyone else did.
But he kept himself from spiraling into his dark thoughts with the sole knowledge that the version of you in timeline 656 wasn’t scared of him. Not even before he explained to you what had really happened.
No, you had accepted him, helped him, and eventually loved him.
He could only hope that this version of you could do the same.
The day you met Loki, you were a bit shell shocked.
He left almost immediately after telling you his name, and you watched as he met up with a much larger blonde man before walking away. It took your brain one too many seconds to realize the blonde was Thor, making Loki the actual Loki. The Loki that reigned chaos and destruction to your beloved city all those years ago.
A few pieces of information struck you throughout the day, startling you each time:
Number one; you had actually hit on a literal god. The God of Mischief, no less.
Number two; he actually flirted back! What the fuck?
Number three; he never asked for your name.
And number four; you weren’t scared of him. More than that, you weren’t even angry with him.
You couldn’t for the life of you figure out why. Why he didn’t intimidate you. Why you felt as if you understood him. Or why you felt like you knew him, more intimately than just having heard of him. You had only spoken to the man once, for crying out loud.
The week passes by incredibly slowly, and every time you think about your interaction or of seeing Loki again, butterflies come to life in your belly and a smile slowly comes across your face.
But today is finally the day.
It’s a quarter past eleven when the door to the shop opens, the small wind chime signaling someone had entered. You look up from your current read and see Loki taking a few short steps to the counter. He’s dressed to the nines again, wearing a dark grey suit with minimal green accents.
He looks positively delicious, and you curse yourself for letting that thought slip. You slide your bookmark into your novel before setting it on a small shelf behind you.
“Hey! You came back!” You say, your voice a few pitches higher than usual. You really weren’t expecting him to actually return the book himself. In fact, you weren’t sure what you expected at all.
He nods, “Of course, darling. I wanted to see you again,” his voice is deep and his eyes are trained on yours, “And discuss the book, obviously,” He lifts the loved copy in his hand, held between his nimble fingers.
Warmth blooms in your chest and you smile shyly. Your eyes flicker to the window where you saw Thor waiting last week.
“Where’s your chaperone?”
Loki raises a brow, glancing to the window next to him.
“I saw Thor meet you when you left last week.”
Realization dawns on Loki’s face, “Ah, yes. I must be accompanied by my brother at all times outside of the Avengers Compound. It is a term of my arrangement.”
“Arrangement?” You ask, cocking your head slightly.
For a moment, Loki falters. He’s said too much, explaining his situation could cause more questions to arise, and he did not need that right now. Because how in the nine realms would he answer them?
So instead of answering, he sets the book on the counter in between the two of you and smiles, “Nothing for you to concern yourself, dear. I would much rather talk about the blatant misinformation contained in this book.”
His tone is light and playful, so you laugh and pull the book closer to you, “Misinformation? You mean to tell me that you didn’t give birth to a horse?”
Loki rolls his eyes, “Gods, no! I did no such thing. Nor am I the father of Fenrir, Jormungandr, or Hela.” He makes a disgusted face.
“That’s a shame,” You fake pout, “You just ruined my favorite book for me.”
He scoffs, “Darling, I am the living, breathing version of the character in your book. How could a novel be more interesting than the real deal?”
You look at him, a mischievous glint in your eye, and Loki feels his heart jump in his throat. He’s seen that look before. The way your nose crinkles just slightly, causing your eyebrows to scrunch, barely noticeable. There’s a sparkle in your eye, one that tells Loki every time that you’re up to no good.
It was one of the many reasons he fell so hard for you.
“You’re very handsome, I’ll give you that. But I just think Book Loki has more layers. Ya know?”
Normally, if you had made a comment like that, Loki would have pinned you against a wall and put you in your place.
But that was another time. One that Loki desperately hoped would come to him once more.
“Well, I think that if you come to know me better, you shall see I am much more… Complex than you humans have made me out to be.” His voice has lowered a few tones, sweet and smooth like honey.
He’s closer now, leaning over with his forearms on the counter, and you feel a warmth spread across your belly. You curse yourself and discreetly press your thighs together.
But unbeknownst to you, Loki knew every single one of your mannerisms, quirks, and habits. And by default, he saw the little movement you made, and had to use his glamour to hide the way his body reacted.
Conversation flowed from there, banter flying back and forth, your quick wit almost matching his.
It somehow felt normal to you. Comfortable. It was bizarre and pleasant at the same time.
But for Loki, it was just a painful reminder of what he lost so many months ago.
Before he knew it, there was a single knock against the front window, signaling that his time was up. The both of you glanced up to see Thor, dressed in jeans and a casual cotton jacket, peeking inside.
Loki sighs, “While I wish I could stay longer and chat, I fear I must take my leave.” He stands from the chair you had pulled up next to you and straightens his jacket.
Your heart drops slightly, not wanting him to leave, and you stand with him.
“Well, how about I give you another book to read?”
“I was already planning on coming back,” He smirks, tilting slightly downward, “But I shan’t turn down a chance to read a book.”
“Good, because I love this one too.” You tell him, grabbing the book from your stash. You rip a piece of receipt paper from the small printer and quickly scribble on it, then tuck it into the front cover.
“And my name is Y/N, by the way. I didn’t get a chance to tell you last week.”
Loki smiles and takes the book from you, walking towards the door.
“Well, Y/N, it has been a pleasure. I shall see you again next week.”
“Brother, I see you have another book.” Thor says as he moves to walk alongside Loki, who was already reading the book summary.
Loki only makes a hum of acknowledgment, but doesn’t say anything.
They walk in silence towards the secluded alley where Loki can transport them back to the compound without curious eyes.
The silence is comfortable, yet eerie. Thor is still recovering from the shock of having Loki back, though it wasn’t the same Loki he lost on that forsaken ship.
And Loki… He’s just trying to wrap his head around everything that has happened. Everything he missed because he jumped from 2012 to 2021. He didn’t get to say goodbye to Frigga. He didn’t get to have a last look at Asgard. And now the one woman Loki is sure he cannot live without, doesn’t remember him.
They get back to the compound without incident, and Loki heads back to his room like he always does, choosing to interact with the Avengers as little as possible, lest there be a fight.
He tilts his head up slightly, eyes screwed shut and fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, “Friday, is it? Where is the spider child?”
“Peter is in the penthouse. Would you like me to relay a message to him?”
Loki bites his lip. Is he really going to do this?
Yes, he supposes he is.
“Can you ask him to come to my quarters?”
“Of course.”
Loki paces, waiting for Peter. After several minutes, there’s a tentative knock at the door.
“Come in.”
It opens slowly, revealing a confused Peter.
“Hey, Friday said you asked for me?”
“Yes.” Loki nods, then hands the boy a small piece of paper.
The same paper you put into the book earlier in the day.
Peter, now fully in the room, takes the paper and shoots a curious glance at Loki, before reading.
I don’t know if you have a cell phone, or even know what one is.
But if you do, feel free to text or call me :)
“If you tell anyone about this, I shall have your head.” Loki hisses, but there’s no heat behind it. Peter is one of the few humans Loki cares about dearly. The little shit had somehow managed to weasel his way into Loki’s notoriously cold heart within the first week.
And Peter knew this.
“Yeah, yeah,” He smirks, “Why are you showing it to me in the first place?”
“While I know what a cell phone is, I am unsure about how to acquire one. That is where you come in.”
Peter’s eyes light up, “Oh, this is going to be so much fun!”
Loki crosses his arms, fearing he may come to regret this.
“What do you want?”
“It’s been a while. Nice hearing your voice.”
“The feeling isn’t mutual.”
“Answer my question.”
“I want you to join us, of course. Thought that was clear by now.”
“Fuck off.”
“Well, figured I’d try... Anyways, I received word that Loki is back on Earth.”
“Not sure why you think I care, or how this concerns me.”
“I would like for you to bring him in.”
“I don’t work for you. Use your own goons.”
“He’s protected by Thor, and the Avengers by default. But you could easily-”
“Like I said. I don’t work for you. Why don’t you try intimidating one of your other experiments?”
“That’s not my name. Goodbye.”
Remember Me Taglist: @idunnomayn @savinasavers @stardust-walker @evelyn-4034 @dazedkrosupreme @sophlubbwriting
Permanent Taglist: @a-place-to-blog-marvel-stuff @yes-iamironman-blog @paradoxicalblueberry @the-regal-warrior @transparentparadiseglitterzombie @marvelgem @propertyofmarvel @avngrsinitiative @my-leg-is-not-a-chew-toy @lyricalstella-blog @just-the-daydreamer @hufflely-puffly
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flightfoot · 3 years
Secrets, Lies, and Hope
AO3 Thanks to pjomlb23 for betaing! ----
Alya hummed to herself as she walked, looking at the newest footage some helpful Parisians had sent her of the latest akuma fight. 
Ladybug almost getting hit by the latest akuma, Chat Noir knocking her out of the way just in time, Ladybug casting her Lucky Charm, and the two of them using their superb teamwork to take out the villain - nothing unusual.
Yet everything had changed.
Because that wasn’t just Ladybug - superhero of Paris, her idol, and part-time teammate. It was also Marinette, rising fashion designer, lovestruck teen, and her full-time best friend.
The revelation of Ladybug’s identity and the true source of Marinette’s troubles hadn’t been as much of a surprise as she was expecting. She’d been involved with Ladybug right from the get-go, filming their very first akuma fight against Stoneheart. Over the course of Hawkmoth's reign of terror she’d gotten to know Ladybug as more than a superhero to film from afar, but as a good friend, one who was kind, caring, and clever.
As for Marinette… well, she’d been involved in many of her crazy schemes. Heck, she helped Marinette come up with Operation Secret Garden! Her taking those same schemes to akuma fights wasn’t that much of a stretch.
Her leadership skills as Ladybug weren’t a shocker either. With how calm and collected she’d been during the Darkblade fight, organizing the rest of the class to try to keep them safe, she’d demonstrated those in spades.
Once Marinette confessed, it all came together.
What could she do but give her friend - her friend twice-over in fact - a hug?
After that they’d talked for awhile, Marinette finally getting everything off her chest, for real this time, as well as telling her about some Guardian-related things she hadn’t known about before.
Her theory about there even BEING Guardians was totally correct! Point one for Alya!
She winced. ...And take away a score for hastily posting her theories on the Ladyblog, where anyone - including Hawkmoth - could read them. 
At least now she could tell Ladybug about her theories directly, and who knew - maybe even help her unmask mister Butterfly Butt! She’d already uncovered one Miraculous wielder after all. (Though she doubted Hawkmoth was quite as obviously… well, HAWKMOTH in his civilian life, as Carapace was obviously Nino).
Alya collided with someone, getting knocked to the ground. She shook her head, dazed. 
When she looked up, a sheathed fencing foil pointed at her face.
Kagami’s eyes widened as she registered Alya’s face, and that she was not a threat. Immediately she put away her foil. “I am sorry, Alya,” she said, turning away from her briskly.
Alya frowned. Kagami could be pretty standoffish, but she’d been opening up more as she spent time around other kids - especially Adrien. 
But now, she seemed as cold and detached as her initial Ice Queen reputation had suggested.
Something was definitely wrong. 
She stopped, turning her head slightly. “What is it?”
Alya walked over to her. “I just wanted to talk. We’ve seen each other on-and-off and I’d like to get to know you better.”
Kagami turned away, facing forward, pointedly not looking at her. “I am not looking for any more friends.”
She said that last word harshly, venomously.
“Everyone needs friends,” Alya told her gently.
Kagami shook her head. “Not me. Mother was right. It only leads to disappointment - and even more when you try to become lovers”.
Marinette was not the only girl suffering from a broken heart it seemed.
“Did something happen with Adrien?” Alya guessed. She hadn’t heard anything about Kagami and Adrien dating, but then again, she hadn’t known that Luka and Marinette were together either until Luka showed up at Marinette’s house during that call. 
Were all her friends dating on the down-low?
Kagami sat down on a nearby bench, staring down at her feet. “I knew he had reservations. He’s pulled away from me before, saying he wasn’t ready yet.”
She clenched her skirt, her fingers tightening. “If he didn’t want to spend time with me - if he’d rather be somewhere else - he could have just told me so. Should have told me, instead of just feeding me LIES!” 
Alya blinked, taken aback by Kagami’s sudden outburst. “Lies? About?”
That explained Kagami’s akumatization the other day at least. Multiple akumas on the same day weren’t exactly unknown, but two of them being her peers was more unusual - usually it was just Mr. Pigeon and some other random Parisian. 
She knew full well why Luka was akumatized of course, but hadn’t had the time or mental capacity to dive into Kagami’s akumatization, though she’d had people send info about it to the Ladyblog. She’d been a little too busy trying to puzzle out why Marinette hadn’t told her about the breakup with Luka, and then reassembling her entire worldview after that earth-shattering conversation where Marinette confessed her secret.
“Mother doesn’t like me associating with other teens for too long. She doesn’t think it’s productive. But I’d sneak around, rearrange schedules, lie so that Adrien and I could spend more time together than normally allowed, could do things besides simply fencing. We’d meet up early so we could hang out in the art room, have our drivers ‘happen’ to sync up cars for a kiss, even sneak out for ice cream! But he ditched me. Constantly. Making up excuses. Not even trying to look at me as he left!” Her voice cracked.
Alya tilted her head. “That doesn’t make sense,” she said slowly, puzzling out Kagami’s words. “Adrien loves spending time with people.”
Kagami turned away. “Not with me it seems. He dropped some bracelet while we were on the Couffaine’s houseboat. I picked it up, intending to return it to him later… after a small test.”
Her voice dropped to nearly a whisper. “Next time I saw him, I asked whether he’d found what he was looking for. He said yes.”
Kagami’s teeth ground. “A moment later he realized it wasn’t on him, and he claimed he must’ve lost it again. If I hadn’t been holding the object in his hand, I would have believed him - he’s that good a liar.”
That- that didn’t fit with the Adrien she knew. But she didn’t think Kagami was lying either.
“Do you have any idea why he’d lie?” 
Kagami shook her head. “I thought about him cheating, I know he has a crush on another girl, but-”
Marinette had told her about the ride back from the museum, how Adrien had talked about the “girl he loved”. They’d both assumed that was Kagami.
But Adrien hadn’t actually said the girl’s name.
Was there someone else in Adrien’s life?
Kagami raised an eyebrow. “Is it really such a surprise? Granted I thought it was Marinette for awhile, what with the way he looks at her-”
Oh, Alya knew. She’d seen the doe eyes Adrien sent at Marinette anytime she did… well, anything really, and that boy needed only the slightest prompting to start waxing lyrical about how amazing Marinette was. 
“-but it quickly became apparent that Adrien had never asked Marinette out, and he had asked out this other girl, so it couldn’t be her,” Kagami concluded.
Alya furrowed her brow. “A girl that even Marinette doesn’t know about?” she wondered out loud. “How is that even possible? Heck, even Nino doesn’t know her!”
Adrien didn’t exactly get a lot of opportunities to talk to other kids - his father made sure of that. And he didn’t seem the type to fall for someone just based on their looks and two minutes of conversation, at least not long-term. 
“I don’t think he was actually cheating,” Kagami said. “He may be a liar, but I couldn’t see him doing that. I still get this sense of sincerity from him, even after that. He sees others as people, and is too empathetic for me to believe he’d do that. I got the sense that he didn’t want to lie, even if he was good at it.”
Alya nodded. “Yeah, I can’t see Adrien doing that. Not that I could see him lying either, but… something just seems off.”
She’d considered that she’d might have totally misjudged what type of person Adrien was in the past, when ‘Adrien’ sent back a nasty video reply on the anniversary of his mother’s death. 
The evidence was right there in front of her, after all.
But she’d been wrong that day. Adrien had been the kind of person he’d been shown to be over the past few months, was kind, sincere, and loved his friends. 
So if she assumed that Adrien had good intentions, that he wasn’t being awful to Kagami, that he had a good reason for always needing to ditch and make up excuses-
She gripped Kagami’s shoulders. “When exactly did he need to ditch? Like, what times?” she said urgently.
Kagami narrowed her eyes, giving Alya a searching look. “It changed from day to day, it was never consistent.”
“Then how about that last day you two were together? When exactly did he leave?”
Kagami hummed for a moment. “I’m not sure of the exact clock time, but… well, you saw him arrive late to that Kitty Section concert. Just a few minutes after we left the boat, we were talking, but he seemed distracted. He kept on looking behind me. I actually checked myself, but I didn’t see anything there. That’s when he made up the lie about the bracelet and raced off.”
Adrien arrived late to the Kitty Section concert… the same one Marinette was late to.
Adrien had to beat a hasty retreat from Kagami a few minutes after he’d left the Couffaine’s houseboat… which was about the time Truth showed up.
Ladybug had turned out to be Alya’s best friend. What were the chances that Chat Noir was also someone she knew?
“Are you going to tell me what you figured out?” Kagami asked her flatly.
Alya blinked, snapping out of her thoughts. “Figured out? Figured what out?”
“Don’t lie.” Kagami said harshly. “I’ve endured enough of that already.”
Alya winced. “Ok, yes, I figured something out. At least I think I did. I haven’t confirmed it, and I’m not sure I’m going to. If I’m right, then Adrien had to lie and ditch and make up those excuses, and couldn’t tell anyone safely. That’s why I’m not sure about digging further. Me knowing would be dangerous too.”
Kagami’s eyes widened in alarm. “Is he in danger?”
Alya mulled that over. “...Sort of? Yes.” Noticing Kagami putting her hand on the hilt of her blade, she hastily added, “but it’s not a danger you can save him from!”
“Do not underestimate me,” Kagami said, her voice low and dangerous. 
Considering that Kagami tried to assault Desperada with a mic stand as soon as she was in range, she might have a point.
“He’s ok for now,” Alya tried to assure her. “He has some solid backup.”
“And that doesn’t include me?” Kagami asked.
Well, actually, it does sometimes, Alya wanted to say. But that would be too much of a giveaway.
Was this what Marinette felt like all those times she had to conceal her Ladybug knowledge? It sucked.
Kagami pulled away. “I can’t do this. I already had one person keeping secrets from me. I don’t need another.”
As Kagami walked away, Alya reached out a hand… and retracted it.
She was right. Kagami had been hurt enough by secrets and lies. As much as Alya would love to be totally honest with Kagami, to bring her into the loop… she just couldn’t. It was too dangerous and not her call anyway.
But Kagami needed someone. She was more alone than anyone else she knew, especially since her relationship with Adrien ended.
Maybe Kagami couldn’t spend that much time with others as Kagami...
But Ryuuko was a different story.
And if Marinette could bring back Rena Rouge even after having her identity exposed… why not? At least getting her occasionally. 
Alya turned to head towards the bakery.
Hopefully soon, the dragon would rejoin the cat and ladybug in protecting Paris, getting to spend time with her friends once again.
This time, at least getting to know why there were secrets between them, even if those secrets had to remain.
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chaoticpuff17 · 4 years
A Dangerous Game
part 12
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Namjoon left in a huff after that leaving both Y/N and Jungkook in shock. Neither of them really knew what to make of his exit as they looked at each other with mirrored looks of confusion.
“Well that was interesting.” She laughed. “Shall we walk around the garden?” She suggested smiling at the younger man. What else were they really supposed to do?
She had the time but not the inclination to stay and contemplate what was going around in Namjoon’s head. That was a twisted mess she had no interest in detangling. If you entered the labyrinth that was his mind you were likely to never come out again. It was not a risk she was willing to take, and so instead they walked around the garden.
Jungkook, she found, was a rather shy young man. He didn’t say much, but he followed her like a shadow as they wandered about the gardens. She was looking for an exit. He was making sure she didn’t do anything Namjoon wouldn’t approve of. At least that was what they were doing before they were accosted by the happiest ball of fluff she had ever seen.
“Who is this cutie?” She asked kneeling down to scratch behind the dog’s ears.
Jungkook kneeled down as well smiling as he gave the dog attention as well. “This is Moni. He’d Namjoon hyung’s dog.”
“Namjoon has a dog?” Jungkook nodded. “That man, the devil himself, has a white fluffy dog?” Again, he nodded. And she couldn’t help but laugh. It just seemed so out of character. Weren’t crime lord’s supposed to keep tough dogs like Rottweilers and Pitbulls? But here was possibly the cutest little ball of fluff she had ever seen.
“Your hyung is a very strange man.” She told Jungkook. “Does he even have time for a dog? You know between the illegal activities and kidnapping women?”
“Moni spends a lot of time with the staff.”
“Well that’s no good. Moni and I will just have to be friends from now on. Won’t we, Moni?” She cooed smooshing the dogs face. It was her dog now.
“Come along, boys!” She smiled standing back up straightening out her skirt ready to continue their walk.  
She found out rather quickly that the gardens were enclosed by a wall, a very tall wall, but there were trees, trees that were very climbable. They could get her close to the top of the wall. The problem was that she didn’t know what was on the other side of that wall or how many goons Namjoon had watching the perimeter of the estate. And then there was her new problem. Jungkook. How was she supposed to get rid of her new shadow? Those would all have to be problems for another time though. She didn’t have the free reign she needed to properly scope out the area and plot.
Her days quickly fell into a new routine. She would wake up and go to her breakfasts with Namjoon in the morning and share a meal with him in the evening. Other than that she would be free to spend the day as she pleased, so long as she remained within the boundaries of the estate. Jungkook would be with her wherever she went or at the very least waiting just outside the door. The only time Jungkook was not with her was when either Namjoon or Jin was, but Jin’s visits could not be as frequent as she would have liked them to be. But she found a great friend in Jungkook.
The young man was like a younger brother to her now, and she no longer minded his constant presence in her life. He also came with the added bonus of sneaking her into activities that were not quite Namjoon approved such as Mario Kart tournaments or movie marathons. Of course the house staff knew of her activities, but no one could begrudge her a few luxuries without the boss’ knowing especially not when there was so little to keep someone occupied when you did the same things day after day. So they kept her secret, and Namjoon never knew of the little indulgences Jungkook allowed her.
It had been maybe three weeks since she’d been released from her rooms, and she was wondering the garden with Moni and Jungkook like she did most days. Her days were an endless cycle of wandering the gardens, playing the piano, and reading books that Namjoon had prepared. She and Jungkook would have tea in the garden. It wasn’t that harsh of a life. Namjoon treated her well in fact. The only real complaint she had, other than being a prisoner, was how monotonous her gilded cage was. If you didn’t know she was a prisoner, you never would have suspected it. She was treated as the lady of the house, Namjoon’s precious wife.
She was grateful for the gardens and for the piano room. She was even grateful for Jungkook, her guard, her shadow. When it was just the two of them and Moni, she could almost forget that she was a prisoner and that Jungkook was her guard. She could almost forget that he wouldn’t hesitate to turn her into Namjoon if she slipped up. But or a few moments at least, she could forget.  
“I’d heard that Namjoon had found himself a woman.” An unfamiliar voice spoke startling her from her reverie.
Looking up she found a man smiling down at her. He was handsome with a lovely smile that normally would have given her butterflies, but nothing was normal about her life these days, and everyone she met was in Namjoon’s pocket.
She stood up straight and smoothed out the fabric of her skirt as Jungkook watched carefully from a few feet away where he had been playing with Moni while she watched the Koi from the bridge. “He hasn’t.”
“Then you’re not the lady of the house I’ve heard so much about?”
“That depends on who you ask.” She scoffed a frown marring her features.
“And what do you say?”
Y/N laughed, the sound bitter. “You must be new. What I say doesn’t matter here. All of Namjoon’s men know who I am and what my position here is. And if you don’t know you’re probably not one of Namjoon’s men.”
“And if I told you I wasn’t one of Namjoon’s men?” He asked curiously.
“Then I’d say you’re an idiot for being here.”
The stranger threw back his head and laughed.  “I can see why Namjoon likes you. I’m Mark.”
“Y/N.” She replied shaking his out stretched hand. “So why hasn’t Jungkook removed you yet? He’s watching us like a hawk.”
“The man staring daggers at you from the lawn.” She shrugged. “He’s here to make sure I don’t do anything stupid like try to hop the fence.”
“A caged bird then.” He hummed.
She narrowed her eyes taking him in. In all her time at the estate she hadn’t once met anyone who wasn’t under Namjoon’s thumb. But this man claimed not to be one of Namjoon’s goons.
“So who are you if you don’t work for Namjoon?”
“I’m an associate of his. I have a few businesses based in Taiwan and America”
“Legitimate business or Namjoon’s kind of business?”
He laughed again showing off a dazzling smile. Why were all these mafiosos so attractive? It was a carefree and happy expression, but there was something sharp lingering in his eyes. “A bit of both, darling.”
“Figures.” She sighed turning back to the pond and leaning on the railing of the bridge. “No one who comes here is anything less than shady.”
Mark gasped placing a hand over his heart. “Are you calling me shady? Darling, I’m offended.”
“I met you two minutes ago in a mob boss’ house.” She deadpanned.
“Point taken.” He shrugged nonplussed by her lack of enthusiasm.
“I suppose since you’re an associate of Namjoon’s I can’t convince you to sneak me back to the states.” She glanced over at him knowing full well he wasn’t going to get her out of this nightmare.
“Plotting your escape, jagi?” Her spine stiffened, and she immediately stood upright again at the sound of his voice.
There he was, sauntering up the bridge towards them as put together as ever in one of his suits. Y/N knew immediately that she was in trouble. Though he was smiling, his eyes were cold and hard.
“Tuan.” He greeted the other man with a curt nod.
“Kim.” Came the equally as curt reply.
“Jagi.” Namjoon beckoned her to his side, and she dutifully went unwilling to make him any angrier than he already seemed. He wrapped an arm round her waist, and pulled her into his side. “I do recall that guests are meant to wait in the parlor, Tuan.”
The other man smiled. “Yes, but you have such beautiful gardens. I couldn’t resist a stroll. And I got to meet the lovely, Y/N.” Namjoon’s hand tightened uncomfortably on her hip.
“Jagi, I believe Miss In has prepared tea for you in your rooms.” He squeezed her hip again flashing her a cold smile as she paled. “Tuan, I believe that you and I have business to discuss.” Namjoon motioned for Jungkook, who had moved closer during the encounter, to come and collect her. “There’s a lovely pavilion we can talk in since you enjoy the garden so much.”
He passed her over to Jungkook all the while maintaining his coldly polite smile. The message was clear. Her time in the garden was finished for today, and Namjoon didn’t want her anywhere near Mark. It probably didn’t help that he had walked right into a conversation about her trying to leave. She would probably be paying for that comment later.
“Until next time, Y/N.” Mark bid her goodbye with a sly smile as Jungkook gently herded her back towards the house, Moni following at their heels.
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For the rest of the day Y/N was confined to her rooms. She wasn’t locked in like she had been before, but Jungkook stood guard outside making it clear that she wasn’t allowed out until Namjoon himself came to release her. As promised, Miss In had provided tea, but that was the last she had seen of anyone.
Boredom had quickly set in. She finished the book she had with her, and had resorted to rereading it when there was nothing else to do.
“Jagiya.” She was startled from her book by Namjoon. He stood in the doorway with his arms folded across his chest his features set in a stern look.
She sighed uncurling herself from the corner of the sofa and setting the book aside. “I wish you wouldn’t call me that. I’m not your sweet heart or honey or whatever.”
“Jagiya.” The endearment was stated more sternly this time.
“Yes, Namjoon?” She asked keeping her eyes on her hands folded neatly in her lap. She knew full well that she was in trouble.
“Oh, jagiya.” He cooed crossing the room. One of his hands came up to cup her jaw forcing her to look at him. “Talking to strange men in the garden? What were you thinking? What if he had hurt you?”
She pushed his hand away. “I doubt that you would allow someone into the house who would cause disruption. You’re far too careful for that. Besides, Jungkook wouldn’t let anything happen.”
“I appreciate the faith you have in me, jagi, but I don’t appreciate you talking to strange men.”
“He was your guest, and we only spoke for a moment.” She scoffed.
He smiled at her, bu the expression was cold and sharp. “Yes, you spoke for a moment, and yet you still managed to ask him for help leaving me.” Suddenly, she found the yellow of her dress very fascinating. “Did you really think that was a good idea, jagi?”
“I didn’t think he’d actually do it.” She murmured plucking at the fabric of her skirts.
He tsked under his breath. “I thought we’d put all those silly thoughts out of your head, jagi. You’ve been so good recently.” One hand snaked up to grasp her hair at the nape of her neck forcing her to look up at him with a gasp of pain. “Don’t you like it here, jagi?”
“I would burn this whole place to the ground with you in it if I could.” She hissed.
He released her with a chuckle moving instead to cage her against the sofa with two hands on either side of her head. “I know you would, jagi.” The smile he sent her made her skin crawl.
They both knew that she didn’t have any power in the relationship, but that only made his condescending attitude worse. He’d kept her here for weeks and weeks neither of them budging. But there wasn’t really anything she could do anyway, not yet anyway. Even if she somehow managed to escape the estate, she would still be in a foreign city with no phone, no passport, no money, and no way to contact the only person she knew here. She didn’t even know if Eun-ho had recovered from their crash. No one would tell her anything.
“I want you to know, jagi, that if you did manage to escape, you wouldn’t get far. I can promise you that nothing would stop me from finding you and dragging you back to me. You are mine, my wife. There is nowhere on this earth you can hide from me.” He smirked cruelly bringing a hand to her cheek in a gesture that was far more gentle than his words. “Not even that little friend of yours bothering the police can help you now. He came all the way from America for you.” She felt her heart drop, plummeting into her stomach. “Anything you’d like to tell me, jagi?”
part 13
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illuminatedquill · 3 years
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Nevertheless, Episode 9 (Preview)
Na Bi’s Choice
It’s almost time.
This will be my last post until after the latest episode drops, I think. I have no more to say; no more speculation to offer. I am actually still undecided as to whether I’m going to watch it tomorrow or binge it with the final episode next week. We’ll see.
So! I am here to offer a recap and a run down of where Na Bi has been and where, maybe, she’s going in this next episode based on everything I’ve seen so far. This is my opinion and if yours differs, I would love to hear about it.
Let’s do a recap:
Na Bi is, somewhat unsuccessfully, trying to move on from her relationship with Park Jae Un. In episode 8, we have two confessions (well, three, but Soljiwan don’t deserve to be a part of this angsty mess): one from Yang Do Hyeok, Na Bi’s childhood best friend, and one from Park Jae Un, local asshole.
Na Bi seems now aware of how messy her personal life is and has decided that now is not the best time to be dating. She turns down Do Hyeok, who only reassures and comforts her that it’s fine; he still likes her no matter what. Do Hyeok, best boy that he is, decides to respect her decision and give her the space she needs to choose what is best for herself.
Jae Un, asshole that he is, hasn’t gotten the memo that Na Bi desires an end to their drama and continues to invade her personal space and cross boundaries where he isn’t wanted. He does his own version of a confession and drops a hefty piece of info: that he was present at the night when Na Bi’s ex revealed his erotic sculpture of her and saw it all went down. He further reveals that he fell in love with her at first sight there.
Na Bi, thankfully, isn’t impressed.
(Not sure if the show is going to expand further on this info but we’ll see.)
At the end of episode 8, it’s evident that Jae Un is increasingly desperate to keep Na Bi by his side. He stalks her to the alleyway where they first talked all those episodes ago and drops that dumbass one liner about butterflies again.
And that’s where we left off.
Let’s break down Na Bi’s choices next. I’m not going to say how likely any of them are to happen; it’s all up in the air.
It’s Na Bi. We won’t know until she says it.
First off:
Park Jae Un
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Let’s talk about it. Chemistry and attraction seem to reign supreme in Nevertheless and his case seems to be further bolstered by the fact that Na Bi seems unable to shut him out permanently (at this point, I’m not sure what exactly would be her breaking point with him). Yes, the two have evident feelings for each other but I’m feeling it more from him, rather than Na Bi.
The tables have certainly turned in this latter half of the drama: now Jae Un is the one desperately in love, whereas Na Bi is not willing to reciprocate. His gestures and advances of “sincerity” towards her come off as entirely self serving; I feel like he enjoys the feeling of being in love with her rather than actually being present in the relationship. It’s one thing to love someone; it’s another thing entirely to put in the work to make the relationship sustainable. And I have yet to see anything from either Jae Un or Na Bi that tells me that they could be a viable couple in the long run.
Also, Na Bi’s decision (if she sticks to it, which I hope she does) to not date anyone currently might have closed the door on this couple already: Jae Un clearly wants to date Na Bi now. There’s an interesting (and increasingly plausible) scenario that could arise from this:
Na Bi gives in and admits her feelings to him but still rejects him because they need to sort themselves out. Jae Un, impatient and wanting nothing short of a hard ‘yes’, takes this as a total rejection and leaves for America. Na Bi is heart broken once again but moves on. They meet again after he returns and it’s up to the viewer to interpret whether or not they give it a second chance.
Here are the factors that work in Jae Un’s favor: first, that damn explosive attraction he has with Na Bi. Although I think it’s wearing off by episode 8, it’s still a potent force. And the fact that Na Bi still has lingering thoughts and feelings towards him also speaks that she isn’t done with him, much to her dismay. Yes, she’s angry, suspicious, sad with him but if she really didn’t care she wouldn’t feel anything at all. And, despite Na Bi’s better judgment, we know he’s the one she keeps turning to.
Other factors? He’s the fucking main lead. Rarely do kdramas have the girl end up with anyone other than the main lead. Our best boy Do Hyeok isn’t even listed as a second lead. So, that’s something to take into consideration.
But don’t count Do Hyeok out just yet. Let’s talk about him.
Yang Do Hyeok
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Best boy. One of three reasons why most of us are watching this mess (the other two being Soljiwan). Do Hyeok, despite all the factors previously mentioned working in favor for Jae Un, continues to represent a strong rival and possible endgame for Na Bi. So, let’s talk about him.
Nevertheless makes the strong case for Jae Un and his type of love but it also makes a strong case for Do Hyeok. He was a bright, yet brief presence in the webtoon and his screen time in the drama has definitely been extended to showcase even more of that sweet, charming smile of his.
I’ve written in a previous post about why Do Hyeok and Na Bi make sense and why their relationship is already so good even though they’re not dating but I’ll simplify for you all here: it’s based on an even playing field and has a strong foundation of friendship already present. Do Hyeok doesn’t leave Na Bi in any doubts about how feels about her; he comforts her when she’s feeling down even after she rejected him; he is attentive and cares for her deeply. And, also, she trusts him implicitly in a way she doesn’t with Jae Un. He makes her smile the most like no one else does. With him, Na Bi is unapologetically happy and carefree that she hasn’t been in a long time.
Do Hyeok’s only flaw is that he has epically bad timing. Which, unfortunately, matters a lot in relationships.
The feelings Na Bi has for Do Hyeok have been complicated by his confession but, in a rare moment of clarity (again something she doesn’t have with Jae Un who only confuses her), she turns him down in order to protect him from herself. So, yes, Do Hyeok is still the childhood best friend but only because Na Bi is keeping him safe. She doesn’t want to disappoint him.
One factor working in Do Hyeok’s favors: he’s still in the drama, for one. Seol-a, Jae Un’s ex, has been absent since episode five (although she’s making her grand return in this next episode). If the show was really done with Do Hyeok, it would have been a done deal by now (well, we’ll see what happens in episode 9) but it tells me that there’s still a plan for him. He’s not merely a distraction or being used for character progression for Na Bi and Jae Un.
The biggest thing going for Do Hyeok right now? He and Na Bi are endgame in the webtoon. There’s been plenty of talk about how they’ve made changes to differentiate the drama from the webtoon but I’ve been talking with others who have read the webtoon and we are in agreement: the changes, while substantial, have been to the characters and not so much the overall narrative. I’m not saying the ending will be exactly the same but I do think it will hit the same beats just in a different, healthier and happy way.
My scenario for Do Hyeok and Na Bi is that she makes the choice to finally ditch Jae Un for good but doesn’t commit to Do Hyeok immediately. She might stay friends with him after asking him to wait for her. We’ll see the set up and consummation for that in episode 10.
(However, since Nevertheless is entirely driven by the characters and their choices you could make the argument that those character changes are enough to warrant a different ending. So, take that as you will.)
Despite all the positive things I have to say about Na Bi and Do Hyeok, I have to stress that nothing is guaranteed here. The preview promises nothing but more pain and angst between Na Bi, Do Hyeok, and Jae Un. That’s the only certainty.
Well. There’s one more certainty. At least, I hope. In fact, it’s the most obvious and clear choice that Na Bi should be making in episode 9 and the one I hope the writers are gearing towards. It’s the only outcome any of us should care about, really.
Yu Na Bi
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Yes, you read that right.
This is the only endgame we should really give a shit about. That Yu Na Bi chooses herself, her well being, her happiness, over anything else. Jae Un vs Do Hyeok - it’s not important and never really should have been.
Yes, we can all differ on the opinion of which of these two guys can best help her achieve this but Na Bi really needs to stand on her own to achieve this. Happiness has to come from within; she needs to fix what’s broken inside before she can be in a good relationship.
Na Bi needs to love herself first before anyone else. She deserves that so much. I want that before anything else and if she can get that, I will forgive the writers for all the BS they’ve put us through. And even if she chooses Jae Un. I’ll be happy for her and wishing her well.
(Although, again, Do Hyeok is the only one who gets that she needs to figure this out for herself, BUT it’s still Na Bi’s choice. It’s not that Do Hyeok deserves Na Bi, but she deserves someone sweet and good like Do Hyeok in her life.)
Best of luck to us all, Na Bi, and Do Hyeok tomorrow. It’s the beginning of the end. We’re almost there. Let’s wish them all happy endings.
I’ll leave you all this as the mind set you should have going into episode 9:
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itsmeevie01 · 3 years
A Moment in Time- Ch 13
has it been...a week? wow.
BUT I have planned a bit of the next few chapters. YAY!
I'm also failing bio but whatever. it's fine. everything is fine. (it's really not but I won't acknowledge it.)
anyways, no warnings for this ch, just Mari and Tim time!
Tim’s hotel room was nice. He really couldn’t complain, but there was something that made the back of his neck prickle. It hadn’t been only at the hotel either, but it was where he had felt it most acutely. There was someone at the hotel watching him.
When he had arrived in Paris the night before, Tim had been shocked at the tense atmosphere. The last time he had visited six months earlier, there hadn’t been this feeling of everyone holding their breath. Now, Tim was tense simply because everyone around him was. He wasn’t sure if it was the feeling of being watched or if it was the way everyone was holding their breath, but Tim’s nerves were frying very quickly.
He was supposed to meet Marinette for coffee in the next hour, and Tim was more than ready to see a face that he wasn’t paying to like him. As he slumped into a chair, the teen debated texting Marinette to ask for somewhere slightly more private to stave off his paranoia. As the clock ticked down, Tim gritted his teeth, caught up in his head. A ding from his phone brought him back to the present. With a glance down Tim jolted.
Marinette- Hey! Just a reminder that we are meeting at that café I gave you the address to. I’ll be there in about 15 minutes, so I’ll see you soon!
Tim- Thanks, Marinette! I’m looking forward to seeing you!
Marinette- Me too 😊
Tim studied his phone before he yelped. It was a five-minute walk to the café, and he still hadn’t changed from his suit from earlier. The teen groaned and shook his head at his forgetfulness.
Marinette was surprisingly nervous when she sat down at the café she had told Tim about. Her hand was shaking, and she had no idea why. In front of her was a plate with a muffin and a coffee cup that had been made the way the staff knew she liked. The truth was this is where she camped out when her room was closing in on her. That meant that the people who worked there knew Marinette well enough to respect her privacy, while also holding a conversation when she had the time.
With a shaking hand, Marinette set her sketchbook on the tables and opened it to the last sketch she had been working on. As she cleaned up the lines and made notes about what specifications she wanted Marinette started to fall into the mental spiral that could trap her for days.
Had she picked the right clothes?
Why was she worried about what she wore?
Would Plagg behave? He was known for causing trouble for her.
Would Tim be nice in person, or would he be like most of the corporate douches that she worked with at Agreste?
Would Hawkmoth attack while they were together?
What if the media caught sight of them? Oh, she should have picked a more private place to meet!
A sharp prick on her thigh had Marinette yipping quietly, but the look Plagg gave her told the teen that he knew what was going through her head.
The Kwamii snuck up to her shoulder and his in her hair. “careful, Red. There are people here but not too many, this kid seems like he has a good head on his shoulders. We can trust him on that. You won’t get a better read on him until you spend time with him in person, so don’t start the spiral just yet. Plus, you know that some of the stress from this week is getting to you. Training three Miracle holders is stressful in the best of times. You are doing it in combat times without the full team the guardians used to use.” the duo could feel the tension leave Marinette’s shoulders at the small god’s words.
The teen whispered “thanks Plagg” as she focused back on the design in front of her.
Tim walked into the café and glanced around as he ordered.
There were only a few patrons there. in one corner was a red-headed boy who was obviously absorbed in his schoolwork. Near the middle was a girl who was typing on her computer with the manic speed of someone who had a paper due in the next day. In the far corner was a dark-haired girl who was working in some kind of notebook. And a few tables away from the register was a duo. A blonde girl whose hair was held in the kind of ponytail that made Tim cringe in sympathy, and a boy with dark hair that looked completely uncomfortable. Hopefully, Tim wasn’t witnessing a date gone wrong.
as he accepted his food, the teen headed for the girl in the back corner. He knew that Marinette had dark hair and that if she was anything like Jason, she would choose the place that would give her the best view of the space. Tim cleared his throat as he approached, breaking her out of focus on what Tim now realized was a sketchbook. “Marinette?”
“Tim! Hi! Come sit with me.” The girl’s enthusiasm made Tim smile, and he easily settled into the chair across from her.
The first few moments were awkward, but soon, Tim and Marinette were laughing and talking together happily. At one point, Tim got Marinette to really laugh. As she was pulling herself together, Tim tilted his head back. A smile danced over his features while he stretched his neck. as he leaned back, Tim noticed the blond girl narrowing her eyes at him, before glaring when she realized that she had been caught. She flipped her hair and whirled back around to face the boy that was laughing at her. Marinette snorted at the flush on the girl's face and rolled her eyes.
“that’s my friend, Chloé, she doesn’t think that I know that she is here with our friend. She’s just a big snoop.” Tim huffed a laugh and shrugged.
“Well, as long as it's just your friend spying on us, we should be fine. Are you interested in perhaps taking a walk?” Marinette giggled before standing. Tim joined her and offered her his hand. She sent him a smile and wiggled her fingers at him, before collecting her stuff and skipping off.
As she turned to smile at him, Tim called out a “hey! Wait up!” before hurrying after her.
After he had caught up with her, Marinette shot Tim a smile and led him off down the streets. He laughed and followed. The ease the girl used to navigate the streets had Tim marveling. The sound of her giggles had him smiling as he followed. Soon, they arrived at a small townhouse on the outskirts of the city. She glanced over her shoulder and inclined her head. Once they were both in the foyer, she guided him through to the sitting room.
“sorry about the…adventure. I know that you had more questions, and there were a few people in the café that I don’t trust.” Tim blinked, before nodding.
“I…ok? How did you know that I had questions? And as much as I liked exploring the city, where are we?” Marinette blushed slightly.
“we-ah. Well, we are at my Nona’s house. She lets me use it when she isn’t here to get some space. And…well…I know that your emails were full of questions, and I realized that anyone who wasn’t Parisian would have questions. And. Well. I saw a girl I don’t get along with in there and I wanted an excuse to get away from her?” Tim studied her for a moment, before bursting out laughing.
“Marinette, that would have been a perfectly fine reason, even without any reasonable justification. But” here, Tim worked to reign in his laughter, “the trip through the labyrinth of Paris, and the who thing…thank you.” A look of confusion crossed the girl’s face. “ever since I’ve landed, I’ve had the feeling that there was something watching me. Not only that, but everyone I’ve met has been holding their breath. I know that there is something going on, but I haven’t asked because I’m afraid of setting someone off. Do you know what’s going on in Paris? And why…why do I feel better here in your Nona’s home than in my hotel or the café?”
Marinette tensed as Tim talked. When he finished, she hesitated before voicing her concern. “Tim…did you say that you don’t feel like you’re being watched anymore?”
“oh my god. Tim! That’s…oh no. No. no. no! Tim…that means that Hawkmoth had decided that you would make a good Akuma. This house is out of the city proper, so he can’t get us here. Oh, this is so bad!”
“Marinette, hey. Stop. Look at me.” The girl, who had started to pace, paused. She glanced over at the older teen, her blue eyes wide in panic. Tim reached out and took her hands in his and gripped them tightly. Once her eyes were focused on him, and not the wall behind him, Tim spoke quietly. “Marinette are you with me?” she nodded. “is the reason that you reacted like that because of panic?” another nod. “talk me through why.” Her eyes went wide, and she looked at him in shock before taking a shaking breath and turning away.
“you could have been akumatized. You could have been akumatized and would have been with me and I would be to blame. Then you would-or still can- turn Jason and Nona against me. Then I could be exiled from Paris, or-“ Tim had squeezed her hands that he still somehow held during her spiral. Marinette spun around to face the older boy in shock.
“Marinette, how would me being akumatized become your fault? If we are going to lay blame on anyone, it would be Hawkmoth. He is the one who is going around possessing people with evil purple butterflies.” She studied him, shocked, before breathing out a sigh of relief.
“I am so sorry, Tim. I shouldn’t have freaked out like that. That was so rude.” Tim shook his head in response as she collapsed onto one of the couches.
“you have nothing to apologize for. I have a feeling that after the time you spent in Gotham, living under a supervillain for four years has been stressful. Maybe during your time in Gotham, if you don’t have the sight of my face by then,” here the younger girl giggled, relief evident in her face at the proposal for other plans, “maybe I can take you around Gotham and give you the time to explore without a psychopath with mind-reading abilities hanging over your head.”
A small smile danced over Marinette’s lips. “I would love that Tim, thank you.”
Later that evening, Marinette sighed in frustration.
Her homework was just one more thing she had to worry about. Beyond that, she really wanted to spend time with Tim. With Hawkmoth watching him, she wasn’t sure how long her friend would last in the city of love.
Another sigh broke its way free from Marinette’s throat, and the girl pushed aside the pile of schoolwork in favor of looking over her sketchbook. There, on the open page, was Tim’s face staring back up at her. She wasn’t sure what prompted her to draw him, but in this case, she was chalking up to her hand having a mind of its own. Looking down at the picture, she felt anger overtake her. Marinette had already given up so much, and yet here she was.
If this ridiculousness from Hawkmoth didn’t stop, the teen knew she would have to sacrifice her friendship with Tim as well, If only to protect him. the seed of anger seemed to burn brighter, and the girl clenched her jaw, trying to remind herself that no, this was not worth an Akumatization.
She looked up, trying to drain her eyes of the tears that had gathered without her permission, and caught sight of a purple butterfly. With trembling hands, the teen pulled out a glass jar that she had been experimenting with. One muttered spell later, the Akuma was sitting inside of the jar, and the glass had clouded over. With an angry shake of the Jar, the girl pulled out her phone and sent one text. They were ending this, tonight.
As Marinette prepared to meet her team, an assuredness settled over her. She knew that they had the ability to take down Adrien’s father. Apate just had to give the signal. And Marinette Dupain Cheng would be damned if she let an emotional terrorist ruin one more day of her life.
It was time to take Gabriel Agreste down.
sooooooo........... who liked Alya, Chloé, and Adrien date crashing. one was unintentional, but the other two totally knew something was happening bc Mari did tell ANYBODY about Tim or meeting him.
side note, yes, I consider this the first date. they don't...yet.
ahhhhhhhhh Hawkmoth is going down. Angry Mari because her friend is being threatened? you bet! no, Chloé is NOT going to be happy.
if anyone has a good suggestion for a Gotham villain who is not the Joker or Riddler PLEASE let me know. I am PLOTTING. yes, my next stop is Google. no, no one is going to be happy.
@moonlitceleste @redscarlet95 @ultimatetornshipper @mochegato @liquid-luck-00 @maskedpainter @trippingovermyfeet @nathleigh @m0chick0furan @susiej1118 @t1dwarrior-of-earth @sassakitty @remy-289 @solangelo252 @corporeal-terrestrial @woe-is-me0 @toodaloo-kangaroo @sizzling-fairy-oil
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favefandomimagines · 4 years
Vanilla & Cherries (f.w.
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Summary: it takes a quidditch accident to make Fred admit he has feelings for you.
AN: i went through like three different plots while writing this lol also soul surfer chapter 10 will be up wednesday!!
request: @teentvimagines Hey! Excited to read you work. Enemies to lovers sort of thing with Fred Weasley? Maybe it’s a slytherin reader in the same year as George and Fred and they’ve always been competitive at quidditch but when they’re paired in class they start flirting???
The first time you knew that Fred Weasley had an undying hatred for you, was your second year at Hogwarts. 
You never had an issue with him or his family before. You actually liked them and they’re family dynamic. It was just you and your dad, your mother having died of a magical illness when you were 12. Everyone knew you were a pureblood wizard but you were the butt of every joke when it came to only have one magical parent.
Of course you scared everyone so no one had the guts to say anything to your face. 
You always thought the Weasley twins were nice people. Until you heard Fred talk about how unfortunate it is for you to be in Slytherin with only one magical parent. He didn’t believe you had the makings of being a powerful witch.
You changed his mind when you jinxed him the next day. It was harmless of course and you made your message clear. 
The second time you were sure Fred Weasley loathed you, George had invited you to the Burrow for Christmas holiday, your father having to go out of town. Just because you were a Slytherin didn’t mean you weren’t a nice person to those who deserved it. Being a Slytherin had nothing to do with being a terrible person but about your ambition and drive. What a witch or wizard did with that was up to them. 
Fred was less than enthused at the fact that you would be infiltrating his holiday at home. When you arrived with them and the Golden Trio, Molly gave you a large, motherly hug that you weren’t used too. 
You forgot what it was like to be hugged by your own mother so Molly Weasley, the definition of what it means to be a mom, hugging you felt good. It meant more to you than you thought it would. 
That was until Fred made a distasteful comment about your mom. How family gatherings like this probably weren’t common in your household. 
Obviously it hurt your feelings. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from crying when you quietly excused yourself. Molly scolded her son for being so rude to you when George got up and followed you out. 
George was more of a gentler person and he never had a problem with you. And he never knew why his twin brother disliked you so much. It was a mystery even to him. 
He found you sitting on the front porch of the house and he sat down next to you. You turned your face so he wouldn’t see you wipe the tears from your face but he saw you anyways. 
“I’m sorry about Fred. He’s not usually like that.” George said softly. “I don’t know why he hates me so much. I’ve never done anything to him that he didn’t deserve.” You replied. “Don’t let what he says get to you.” George told you. 
“It’s hard when I’ve had a crush on him since second year.” You said quietly. “You have a crush on him? Fred of all people?” George questioned. “Yes, but I’m trying to get over it. He despises me, there’s no way I can tell him.” You answered. “You never know. He’s quite the complicated person.” George said. 
After that day, George tried to reign in his brother when it came to comments about your mother and your family. Those two topics remained off limits when the two of you would start the not so friendly banter. 
It then transitioned to the Quidditch pitch. You were the best chaser on the Slytherin team and you somehow became the captain after Marcus Flint graduated. 
Your team needed to be at the top of their game if you were going to beat Gryffindor. You’d never let them hear it but they were good. Sometimes too good for your liking and you strived to be better than them.  
And the amount of times Fred would throw Bludgers at you became too many to count. And the amount of times you wracked up points for Slytherin after effortlessly dodging the Bludgers he threw at you, also became too many to count. 
He made it his mission to knock you off your broom, letting George worry about the other chasers. 
During a Slytherin v. Gryffindor match, Fred would not let up. Every time you got a Quaffle and made your way to Gryffindor’s hoops, there Fred was sending Bludger your way. 
Graham Montague, a fellow chaser, tossed you a Quaffle and you were surprised that Fred was nowhere in sight. You took that as your chance to fly as fast as you could to the other end of the pitch. 
It seemed as if you’d be able to score Slytherin some points until the team’s keeper called your name. 
You turned around and saw a bludger headed straight for you. You knew you should have moved out of the way and disregarded your plan to get points, but you threw the quaffle through the hoop anyways. 
“Ten points to Slytherin!” Lee Jordan announced. Your celebration was short lived when the bludger harshly hit your left side, causing you to go crashing to the ground below. 
At first, every Gryffindor cheered. Slytherin’s best chaser and team captain was out of the game. But when you weren’t moving, however, Madam Hooch paused the game and ran out to where you were on the ground. 
Your teammates as well as the Gryffindor team, huddled around you as Madam Hooch examined you. You had woken up and instantly the pain became too much. Your head was pounding and you were almost certain the pain in your shoulder was so excruciating you almost couldn’t feel it.
No one had ever seen you cry before. Not once has anyone gotten the notoriety for being the person who made Y/F/N Y/L/N cry. Though that changed thanks to Fred Weasley. You were sobbing on the ground due to pain, it being the only thing you could do in that moment. 
“Y/N, are you alright?” Malfoy asked. All you could do was let out another sob as Madam Hooch tried to keep you still. A sound that made Fred’s chest tighten.
“Her shoulder is dislocated and she might have a concussion. We need to get her to Madam Pomfrey immediately.” Madam Hooch instructed. 
Her, along with Malfoy, helped you get off the ground, your good arm being thrown over his shoulder. 
“10 points from Gryffindor.” Madam Hooch snapped at the redheaded Beater as she helped you limp across the pitch. 
It wasn’t Fred’s intention to hurt you. Usually you moved out of the way of every Bludger he threw at you but this time you didn’t. And seeing you get hurt gave him a bad feeling in his stomach. 
George patted him on the shoulder, mostly out of pity. After the game and back in the common room, Hermione was giving the older twin a long lecture about how much you didn’t deserve to get hurt. 
“Does anyone know how she is?” George asked. “Her shoulder is severely dislocated. Madam Pomfrey could only do so much. It has to heal naturally now.” Ron explained. 
Saying Fred felt guilty was a large understatement. He felt terrible for hurting you and he knew he wouldn’t be able to get near you to apologize. 
“I don’t get it, Fred. Y/N is nothing but nice to us. Even for a Slytherin, she doesn’t let Malfoy torment us nearly as much.” Hermione said. Fred remained silent, alone with his thoughts, but he could feel George staring at him. 
That’s when it came to the younger twin. His brother was in love with you. “Merlin, Freddie, you love Y/N.” He said. “What?” Ron questioned. “He’s too afraid of his own feelings so he’s been terrible to Y/N to make that feeling go away.” George explained. 
Everyone looked to Fred for some sort of explanation but they only received him getting off the couch and marching to his room. 
The next morning, Fred looked for you at breakfast. Arriving early to see if he’d be able to apologize for hurting you during the match. You walked in later than usual, Hermione helping you carry your books to your house table. 
Fred watched you thank Hermione as you sat down, adjusting the sling on your arm. As you did so, you winced in pain, Pansy probably asking you if you needed help or if you were okay. Which made him feel even worse that it was all his fault. 
With your own band of guard dogs, making sure no one bumped into you the wrong way, there was no way he’d be able to talk to you alone. 
When he was on his way to potions, however, he saw you walking alone. Struggling to carry your bag, he slid next to your side and took your bag. “Let me help.” He said as he situated it in on his shoulder. 
You glared up at him, but you didn’t stop walking. You couldn’t afford to be late for potions and let Fred Weasley cost you even more than just Quidditch. Due to the anger you were feeling towards him, it caused you to ignore the butterflies in your stomach.
“I think you’ve done enough already.” You snapped, reaching for your bag. “I’m trying to help you, Y/N. After all I’m the reason you got hurt.” Fred said. “Because, for some reason, you hate me so much you threw that Bludger at me. Yeah, I was there.” You replied. “Y/N, I’m sorry-” He started before you snatched your bag back from him. “I don’t want to hear it.” You said sadly before entering the classroom. 
You took your seat at your table, Adrian Pucey usually being your potions partner. That was until Snape decided to have everyone work in random pairs for that day’s lesson. 
One by one, he listed off your classmates until he said your last name. “Anyone but Fred, anyone but Fred.” You muttered to yourself. “Mr. Weasley and Ms. Y/N. Try not to mortally injure her this time, Weasley.” Professor Snape said. 
Adrian gave you a look of pity before Fred took his spot. “It must be fate.” He commented. You hummed, uninterested in the conversation. You opened up your book and followed the recipe for the potion you were making. 
Amorentia was not going to work in your favor that day. Especially since you’re going to have to tell the whole class that you were attracted to the very person who dislocated your shoulder. 
Through out the entirety of class, Fred was not paying attention. At least not to the potion. He was paying more attention to you as you measured out ingredients. A loose piece of hair fell in front of your face as your bit your lip in concentration. 
He knew you were beautiful but now that he got a chance to stare at you without you noticing, he realized it even more. You added the last ingredient and a pink steam floated from the cauldron. 
You let out a sigh of relief, mainly at the fact that you had successfully finished the potion. “That’s it?” Fred questioned. “What do you mean?” You asked. “We finished before everyone else.” He said. “I’m number one in our year in potions. That’s why.” You said with a dry laugh. 
“Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. Weasley. I see you have finished your potion.” Snape started as he stopped at your table. “Weasley, what do you smell?” He asked. “What do I smell?” Fred questioned. “Precisely.” Snape confirmed. 
Fred furrowed his eyebrows and leaned towards the cauldron. “I smell vanilla, cherries and uh, poppies.” He answered. A small smile formed on your face at Fred’s answer. Unbeknownst to him, your perfume was vanilla and cherries and you always had fresh poppies in your room, the scent staining your robes.
“Ms. Y/L/N.” Snape instructed. ‘Great’ You thought to yourself. “Cloves, fireworks and Zonko’s.” You answered. “Write a reflection on your efforts and you’re free to go.” Snape said before leaving the table. 
Fred looked back to you and noticed a smug look on your face. “What are you smiling about?” He asked. “Vanilla, cherries and poppies, huh?” You asked. “Yeah, that’s what I smelled. What does it mean?” Fred questioned. 
“You really don’t pay attention in class.” You muttered. “I tend to let whatever Snape says go in one ear and out the other.” Fred commented. “Amorentia is a love potion. What you smell is what you’re attracted to. Your deepest desire.” You explained. 
Fred’s eyes widened at your words, a blush rising to his cheeks. “Well, you’re not innocent in all this. I’m assuming what you smelled was my dear brother. After all, he’s been nicer to you.” He said, jealousy lacing his words. 
You laughed at him and at the fact that he was oh so oblivious. “No you moron. It was you. Though after you nearly killed me I’m starting to rethink it.” You teased. 
“Wait, so you, Y/F/N Y/L/N, desires me?” He asked flirtatiously. “And you, Fred Weasley, desire me.” You answered. “Who would’ve thought you’d fancy me back?” You asked, mainly to yourself but Fred still heard. “You’ve fancied me this whole time?” He asked. 
“Guilty.” You answered. “And I can’t believe you’ve felt the same way when you literally almost murdered me during Quidditch and said those awful things about me.” You added. “Not my finest moment, I agree. I guess you could say I was scared of how I felt about you so I pretended I didn’t like you. Which was one of the hardest things to do because I never liked hurting you.” Fred said. 
You looked him fondly as he explained his dilemma. “Fred, sometimes not admitting how you feel is worse than actually feeling.” You told him. “That’s rich coming from a Slytherin.” He joked. You nudged him with your good arm as you rolled your eyes. 
“Just because I’m a Slytherin doesn’t mean I’m heartless.” You said. “I know. Otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” He said. 
You smiled up at him, getting lost at how handsome he was. And he was doing the same. This being the first conversation the two of have had without it turning into a screaming match. 
You were both interrupted by George throwing a crumpled up piece of paper at his brother. “We should really write this reflection so we can get out of here.” You said, focusing back on your assignment. 
“When we do, do you wanna maybe hang out?” Fred stammered, stumbling over his words. “I would love that. Just don’t injure me again this time.” You teased. 
Fred smiled down at you as he watched you write on a piece of parchment. Never would he have thought that he would fall in love with the girl who he swore was his enemy. 
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d4gotten · 3 years
Title: Don't Count the Stars
Pairing: Midorima x Takao
Rate/Tags: Teen above, fluff, established relationship
Once Oha-asa declared Scorpio was at the last place, and that the best way to achieve good luck was to go to a place that reaches the stars, Takao knew his weekend plans were done for. Midorima rang him the second the reporter finished, requesting formally that the raven haired be prepared for a hundred- foot journey up a mountain.
"But why the mountains!?" he guffawed, already walking with Midorima to the train station in their hiking apparel with their backpacks on and Midorima still itemless. "I get it, we need to get your lucky item from a souvenir store at the foot of the mountain-"
"A Hannya brimstone is more likely to be effective coming from its original store location."
"Pffft. It's not like luck dimishes with delivery. That's how you get your other items! But seriously, a planetarium is less of a hassle."
"Takao," the ace said, voice reprimanding, "To do the best--"
It was drowned out by the sound of the train that wheezed past them and the two boarded with Takao laughing at how Midorima's legs will always be too long for the accomdating seats. Midorima found nothing funny. He was restless throughout the ride, only comforted once they secured his lucky item to which Takao commented "scarier than any apparition up the mountain peak."
"This is yours." the ace proceeded to hand him a Tengu brimstone charm.
"It's not my lucky item, Shin-chan. It's something about stars, remember?"
"Of course I remember-nandayo. It's a partner of mine, they must not be separated."
"I don't think this will save me getting lost in the mountain, though." he took it gratefully.
"Why do you think you will get lost?" Midorima asked before shooting his boyfriend a devastating look. Of course Midorima knew the reason. Takao only gave his ace-sama a grin.
The trail was dry given the approaching summer. The sky was the bluest with ample clouds that shielded them from the glaring sun. Much to Midorima's chagrin, the hike proved to be challenging, not because of the leg excercise (they have Shutoku training menu that could kill the unfit), but of Takao's innate skill to be care less. Midorima knew Takao was not immune from being, well, Takao. It was like the point guard wanted nothing to do with the safe trail. Once or twice, Midorima had to chastise him from pointing at paths no feet had ever treaded upon with an obvious look of excitement on his face.
"No. Don't forget your rank for today."
"You're right, but wouldn't it be awesome to know if there were hidden lakes or waterfalls in unknown webbed corners?"
"Unlikely. It would have been spotted by aerial cameras for geographic purposes. There are no such things here."
"That's why I said hidden."
"Do not forget our goal here, Takao." Midorima said, pulling Takao by his back collar for trying to casually go off to another path. The ace had kept a careful eye on the pointguard who naturally was pleased with the attention. It was one thing to invite his ever so firm boyfriend to embrace the sense of adventure and live life a little since they rarely hike up mountains, but it was another to convince Shin-chan that with his Hawkeye, he could definitely get them back on the trail in no time.
"Don't you trust me?"
"Let's not tempt fate," Midorima said, running his long taped fingers on Takao's hair and smoothing out a leaf that had gotten stuck there. The flush that rose to the point guard's cheeks was easily covered by his already red and perspiring body after two hours of walking.
Takao behaved after that.
The summit was empty when they reached it. Takao dropped dead on the ground while Midorima proceeded on fixing their tent. Everything was alright when Takao volunteered to get the woods for a bonfire. It seemed what hikers say was true, there is a different energy for when you reach the top of the mountain.
Midorima sighed and went with him anyway.
"You really don't trust me, eh?" Takao said bitingly. Midorima only pushed his glasses back at the bridge of his nose.
"It's not a question of trust, but of ranks."
Takao hummed, then glanced at his ace-sama thoughtfully, "So the best thing is to really stay with Shin-chan after all."
Midorima agreed. His luck would have to help Takao get through it. Plus, they were indeed, near the sky.
Dusk found them outside the tent, Midorina reading a book as he leaned on a tree while Takao chatted animatedly. They did not miss the sunset, the orange orb sinking in the horizon, bringing with it the light of the day, while around it the sky swirled of colours, red and pink then purple as darkness began to reign and consumed everything. The first star appeared just as they were preparing their dinner, cool breeze enveloping their skin as they watched the stars occupy the black veil like glitters. They stayed around the bonfire a few hours after cleaning up dinner, Midorima taking out an extra clean blanket to use as cover for the ground. The best hours to stargazed was between midnight and twilight and that they did not miss. It was a party of stars in the milky way to behold.
"They're all really up there," Takao said in awe, speaking for the first time since Midorima woke him up for the promised starshow. "There's so many no one would notice if one of them dropped out and fall to the ground. I mean look, even if I count-"
"Don't." Midorima said quietly, his glasses reflecting that star light, "It's been said it's bad luck to count the stars. A legend said you'd die when you reach 100."
Takao considered chuckling, only to find his breath taken at the spectacular view.
"Who'd count those anyway,"
"You can with your sharp eyes."
"Oh yeah-"
"You realized you just tempted me to do so?"
"I'd rather not have my long life partner to be haunted by badluck."
"Oh, Shin-chan? Did you just propose to me? Again? " Takao snickered while Midorima only gazed back the sky. It was nothing surprising. Midorima, from the time they became a couple, had been threatening to propose every minute of the day. Takao was baffled at first, but it was just like Midorima... To do everything he can as best as he could once he set his eyes upon something. So Takao could never feel he will ever be unlucky. Not with this, not with what they have. Maybe until Shin-chan gets tired of him, something which Takao didn't have the heart to deal with. As long as Shin-chan was still happy with him.
"Hey, Shinchan-" he pointed up. Midorima quickly wrapped his taped hand around Takao's knuckle.
"Don't count. Takao, know I don't want anything close to badluck when it is about you." Takao pressed his lips at how affected Midorima was about it. He does care about their relationship to the extent of paving the way to even make fate agree.
"I'm not," Takao whispered, gulping at the warm touch that gradually slid off his skin as Shin-chan let go but the lingering feeling remained, "But I was saying... that's Cancer right?" he pointed at the pattern on the sky. The mountain was too dark, the stars were like lamps, they all could be seen like fire.
Midorima was quiet.
"And that's Sagittarius?" there was a pause where Midorima frowned.
"That's not your sign. That's Akashi's."
Takao chuckled. "I know that. We both know all the Generation of Miracles' star signs, we even know their Oha Asa! What I mean is... Look at that? Cancer and Sagittarius are much closer up the sky than say... Scorpio beneath Sagittarius. Even the Zodiacs declares it. It's really not close, yours and mine." then as an after thought, a whisper to himself, "I wish our signs are closer."
The stars twinkled with no care for his melancholy. The world continued to revolved and he remained a tiny speck.
"Where are you looking at, Takao. Your Cancer is right here."
He glanced beside him. Shin-chan's eyes were on him, fiery and firm. The ace reached for his hand again and held it tight, knocking out the air from Takao's lungs as they gazed at each other, long and meaningful.
The stars were there in Shin-chan's eyes.
"It's closer, isn't it?". Midorima demanded quietly. Takao blinked, then brightened a she beamed and drew closer to the warm of his ace-sama, butterflies awoken in his stomach and flapping even to his ears.
"That's right. We didn't really have to go here, Shin-chan. I have all the luck... because Shin-chan is my star."
Midorima's silent agreement could be seen in the crinkle of the corners of his eyes and his soft smile that made Takao feel like stars just exploded in his chest. He entwined their hands together and tugged Midorima closer.
"The tent looks cozy now," he whispered, glad for the darkness that masked the blush of his cheeks. Midorima raised himself on one elbow, leaned to him and captured his lips. It seared hot Takao's body, ridding of any part of his skin that remained cold under the cool twilight breeze. Midorima continued to set fire in his body, crawling on top of him, Takao clutching the front of the shootingguard's shirt as they made a mess under the milkyway with stars as their witness.
"You just dragged me here for the milkyway makeout," Takao accused once Shin-chan pulled him to his feet, his lips still burning from the passionate kiss.
"The weather did say it is the best date for stargazing."
"Well, it is the best date so far." Takao let himself get wrapped around Shin-chan's long arm as they headed to the tent. "But if Shin-chan is my lucky item, even if we really did go off the trails, with you beside me, we're bound to get lucky!"
Midorima grimaced as he prodded Takao into the tent, leaving the zippers open as the bonfire danced outside, helping Takao out of his clothes while the raven haired chased his lips to continue where they left off.
"I would not recommend it. Not after we're done here until dawn." Takao's burst of laughter was music to his ears.
"Oh, Shin-chan, you animal!"
The Hangul and Tengu charms left outside the bonfire reflected the blazing fire, grinning up manically at the night sky.
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tickle-bugs · 4 years
Rumor Has It
Summary: In the process of rediscovering her powers, Allison gets a tad carried away. Thankfully, her siblings are there to keep her in check.
Okay this is so self-indulgent but I’ve been wanting to write a fic about Allison’s powers for forever and I never got around to it. Don’t think too hard about the timeline on this one, I was going to end it with the dinner and then I realized I didn’t want to. Also, Lila is here because I love her. 
Allison could confidently say she was the most patient of the Hargreeves siblings. With the boys, there was no contest—they were all volatile loose cannons with something to prove—and even Ben had fallen prey to the excess testosterone. Years of following Klaus around had brought back out Ben’s snarky side, which he had all-but-smothered in his younger years. A wise person would argue Vanya was patient, and their argument would have merit, but Vanya wasn’t so much patient as she was used to being forcibly subdued. She was kind and sweet, but she would never wait for anything again. She simply acted now. Allison could appreciate the sentiment, but that wasn’t how she operated—no matter how badly she wanted to. 
She was always the moderator—the only one who could reign in six other unruly supers without losing a limb. So, when Reginald invited the seven of them to dinner, she had to call upon every ounce of her patience to keep from strangling one or all of them. 
“I still say we kill him.” Diego stabbed a mango in the fruit bowl and pulled it towards himself. He started carefully peeling the skin, leaving the shavings in a little pile next to his plate. 
“That solves nothing.” Allison sighed.
“It saves the president. I’d call that solving something.” Diego didn’t look up at her, but the aggressive way he sliced a huge chunk of skin off of the mango almost felt personal. 
“I agree with Diego. I think it’d be fun.” Lila pulled Diego’s arm towards her so she could take a bite of the mango. He glared at her and she tweaked his nose, taking another large bite just to piss him off. 
“See?” Diego gestured at Lila.
“No one is killing Dad. Let’s hear what he has to say, then we can figure out a plan.” Allison folded her hands on the table, relieved when everyone else seemed to be in agreement.  Klaus handed her a tiki cup and she took a grateful sip. It’d been a while since she’d had a good piña colada.
“Why? This whole thing could be over so quickly!” 
“Yes, it could, but it won’t be.” She gave him one of her patented fake smiles, taking a pointed sip of her colada. 
“Why? Because you’re in charge? Because you’ve got this under control?” Diego scoffed. He offered Lila a piece of his mango before she could steal another bite. 
“Oh boy, here we go.” Luther muttered.
“Do you want a drink? No? Well, I do. I’m gonna go get a drink.” Klaus stood and stumbled over to the bar, taking his second margarita of the night with him. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” She crossed her arms.
“What authority do you really have, Allison?”
“I would say her powers are a pretty good authority. Plus, Allison’s a good leader.” Vanya piped up, smiling softly at her. Allison gave her hand a quick squeeze.
“Team Zero has no leaders. That’s the whole point.” 
“Kinda hard to be Team Zero when you still want to be number one.” Five took an apple from the fruit bowl and took an innocent bite. Diego pushed his chair out, knife in hand, twirling it between his fingers.
“Diego, sit down! Now.” Allison didn’t stand. She wouldn’t sink to his level. Or, rise, rather.
“Make me.” Diego fixed Allison with a withering stare, but it paled in comparison to the one she gave him. In fact, she relished in the way he shivered when he met her eyes. Good. He should remember his place.
“Diego-” Luther tried, but one glare shut him down.
“Shut up. Allison, you want me to sit and behave? Make me.”
“Come on. Don’t do this,” Vanya whispered, trying to grab Diego’s knife hand. He simply flicked the knife behind his back and into his other hand. For a moment, it looked like Vanya’s pleading eyes would work, but Five chuckled and sealed the deal.
“Dinner and a show! Predictable as always.” Five folded his hands beneath his chin and stole a generous sip of Vanya’s cocktail.
“Shut up, twerp!” Diego pointed at him with the knife.
“Or else what? You’ll stab me?” Five was grinning now, goading Diego on purpose. 
“Five!” Allison growled, and he rolled his eyes, falling quiet. At least he knew not to test her.
“Keep talking. Let’s find out.” Diego flipped the knife once, then twice, and each time it stayed in the air just a little too long. 
“I’ve got ten bucks on Diego,” Lila said, kicking her feet up on the table. She took the liberty of finishing his mango for him, peeling away little bits of skin with her messy nails.
“Guys, stop it!” Vanya latched onto Diego’s arm, trying to force him down into his seat. He pulled away and she ended up jabbing his side. He flinched and glared at her, but did not budge. Allison’s lips quirked into a momentary smile.
“Allison,” Vanya said quietly, gesturing at the brewing fight. Allison rolled her eyes and threw up her hands. 
“Okay! Just remember you asked for this!” Allison smirked, and the room suddenly felt a bit colder. She could feel everyone’s attention on her, but she had Diego’s eyes, and that was all she needed.
“I heard a rumor that you started tickling yourself.” Allison’s voice echoed through the room, the sound waves capturing her brother. Just before his eyes turned white, she could see the look of minute panic, that look of ‘oh shit’ that he always made before being put in his place. Allison smiled, curled her tongue against her teeth, and dropped the winning blow.
“Coochie coo, Diego.” She couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out on the end of her sentence. Diego’s hands raised towards his body as if they didn’t belong to him, fingers wiggling in that way that had always ruined him as a kid—slow, methodical, and teasing. Both hands dug into his sides, just below his ribs, and he yelped, quickly consumed by his own high-pitched laughter. The sight was strange—90% of Diego was squirming up a storm trying to escape himself, but his arms and hands kept him pinned exactly where Allison wanted him.
“How does that work?” Lila laughed, unable to hide her snickers when Diego squealed. She fluttered her fingers over his neck and was delighted to find that he couldn’t fight back—what with his hands being so busy, and all.
“Her power shuts off the sense of self-awareness in the brain, I think. You can’t tickle yourself normally because the laughter is a panic response. Your brain knows it’s you, so you can’t make yourself laugh, unless you’re ridiculously ticklish, or something. Allison’s power is making Diego’s brain think his hands aren’t his, even though he knows they are. It’s really interesting, actually.” Vanya beamed, unable to resist poking him in the ribs a few times. He threw his head back in his chair and somehow found it in himself to giggle louder when his rumored hands found a home underneath his arms, drawing unbearable shapes and driving him up the wall. Everyone, excluding Diego, turned to stare at Vanya.
“What? I like science.” She shrugged.
“It is...creative, I’ll say.” Five crossed his arms, then uncrossed them, as if he didn’t trust his own hands.
“Yeah, I haven’t heard him laugh like that since we were kids. He still sounds like a kettle.” Klaus chuckled.
“Shut up, Klaus!” Diego squeaked out, tossing his head side to side. He puffed his cheeks out, trying to rein in his laughter, but it only lasted until his left hand hit that spot just above his top rib that made him fully cackle.
“Aww, this is cute.” Lila ruffled his hair, knowing full well she wouldn’t have gotten away with it had Diego not been testing the range of his vocal chords. Lila shot Allison a look she couldn’t quite read—something akin to a thoughtful expression, as if she was taking a mental note—and smiled. 
“Diego? I think your legs could use some attention.” Allison watched with delight as Diego’s hands dove for his thighs. One hand started squeezing while the other wiggled up and down, and the rate at which he plummeted into desperate belly laughter was almost alarming. He twisted off of the chair and onto the floor, eyes screwed shut.
“Allison, stohop!” Diego squealed, absolutely hysterical. Jesus Christ, no one had ever been this ruthless with him before. Her powers were hitting spots he didn’t even know he had, and each fresh discovery sent him into a wave of overwhelming, giggly panic. Every time he tried to take command of his hands, something blocked him, like the wires in his brain weren’t quite connected. 
“Nope! Not until you apologize for being an asshole. And agree to be nice.” 
“I can’t—noho!” He arched his back and drummed his heels on the floor. Watching his own hands wreak havoc on his worst spot set off all kinds of butterflies in his stomach. His hands kept digging in infuriating patterns, completely overwhelming his nervous system with tickly sparks. 
“Sure you can! It’s very easy.” Allison winked at him and he growled, but it dissolved very quickly into giggles.
“You’re all a bunch of children,” Five sighed.
“Five, why don’t you join him?” Allison asked sweetly, stirring her drink with the straw. Five’s look of confusion melted into a brief flicker of white eyes, and soon his cackles mingled with Diego’s rich laughter. He hit the floor much quicker than his brother, but that might’ve had something to do with his borrowed hands flying straight for his knees. Five squealed and kicked his legs, rolling around on the ground as he tried and failed to escape.
Watching Five and Diego writhe, so tangled in their laughter that they couldn’t threaten her if they wanted to, her heart skipped a few beats. Sure, the power was going to her head a bit, but it’s not like her brothers didn’t have it coming.  She was doing a public service. Speaking of public service, Diego was starting to turn an interesting color.
“If I let you go, are you going to be nice tonight? I will embarrass you in front of dad, I don’t even care.”
“Y-Yes! Lemme goho!” 
“Fine.” She waved a hand and Diego went limp. He lifted his hands to his face to muffle the last few giggles trickling from his lips. With some difficulty, he pulled himself to his feet, stumbling back into his chair with an arm wrapped around his torso. Sparing Diego brought a softness in Allison, and she smiled at Five.
“You can let your knees go. I always liked your giggles more anyway.” He disappeared in a flash of blue and reappeared behind her, arms outstretched and ready to strangle, but Allison sighed. He was so...predictable. A creature of unfortunate habit.
“I heard a rumor that you tickled your ribs silly.” 
“Noho!” He hit the ground in seconds, tripping over his own feet as he went. 
“Really?” She turned and arched a brow at him. 
“I hate yohou!”
“You’re lucky I didn’t mention your hands.” She scoffed, then flinched when Five shrieked. One of his hands started going to town on the other, scratching so gently that Allison almost couldn’t believe how loud he was. He squirmed so violently that she was sure he’d’ve punched her if she’d been close enough.
“Oopsie.” She grimaced, biting her lip. 
“Allison, hey.” Vanya smiled, obviously amused, but tilted her head towards the elevator. The up arrow was glowing red and, yeah, it was probably, regrettably, time to stop. 
“You can stop, Five,” She murmured, and he wheezed, scrubbing his palms against his jacket to erase sensation. The feeling of the fibers sliding against his palms sent him into another flurry of giggles as he clenched his fists.
Some cruel, playful itch at the back of Allison’s mind had been thoroughly scratched—so much so that when Diego still took a jab at her for not using her powers, she made him punch himself instead of embarrassing him.
She liked using her powers. The force with which they held her was sometimes scary, but for harmless instances like this? It was what she had been missing growing up. Everyone else got to mess around with their powers, but she was never really allowed to. Being the responsible and patient one meant being the buzzkill in her siblings’ eyes, and buzzkills didn’t often get roped into the intense, multi-floor, super-tickle-fights that had dominated what few happy memories that the Hargreeves had as children.
She started slow with reintroducing her powers, not wanting to overwhelm or scare anyone. She was still trying to get past the look on Patrick’s face when he’d caught her rumouring Claire. Allison knew her siblings would never look at her like that—in fact, they were the only people who ever wanted her to use her powers. She started with simple things: convincing Five to get some rest after refusing to sleep, ending an argument between Luther and Diego that was quickly spiraling out of control—even on Klaus, who would not stop fighting with Ben during the night. That last one wasn’t truly necessary, but the walls were thin and their rooms shared an unfortunate border.
“What color are you thinking?” Klaus dumped his armful of nail polish bottles onto her bed, just barely catching a few before they clattered to the floor. 
“Yellow?” She gingerly picked one from the pile. 
“I love it.” He beamed and took a seat in front of her, unscrewing the cap. The brightness and warmth of the polish made her smile. It was the color of her favorite dress from the decade they’d left behind—the dress that Raymond had always loved. Klaus took her foot and laid it on his leg, sticking his tongue out to concentrate.
Someone softly cleared their throat and the two of them looked up to see Vanya hovering in the doorway. Allison smiled and waved her in, and she plopped on the ground next to Klaus. Vanya leaned over to watch Klaus work.
“You like the color?” Allison asked. Things between them were still fragile. 
“It’s lovely. Sissy’s favorite, actually.” Vanya smiled softly, fiddling with her shirt sleeves a bit, and Allison knew things were okay, for the time being. 
Three pairs of stomping footsteps echoed down the hall and Allison looked up, catching her brothers lingering in the doorway, though seemingly not on purpose. Luther and Five had cornered a brooding Diego who looked like he was a few seconds away from impaling one or both of them. 
“Diego, quit being such a grouch.” Luther shoved his shoulder lightly.
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Diego grumbled, arms crossed.
C’mon man, it’s been days. No one likes when you sulk around. Just lighten up a little.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Diego held a knife up to Luther’s throat.
“Five, a little help here?”
“Oh, I don’t care.” Five stuck his hands in his pockets and smiled.
“Diego. Dude.” Luther shook Diego’s shoulder again and he growled, grabbing Luther’s meaty hand and wrenching it backwards.
“I heard a rumor that Luther and Five tickled you until you admit defeat,” Allison piped up, giggling at the look of absolute betrayal on Diego’s face. Five cackled of his own volition, happy as a clam to have a reason to torment his brother.
“Allison, no!” He bolted, Five and Luther hot on his heels.
“Have fun!” She called after them.
“That was mean.” Klaus chided, wiggling his fingers over her sole. She squeaked and tried to pull away, but his grip was tight on her ankle.
“Klaus! I’m gonna mess up the polish!” She whined around a giggle, hiding her face in her hands.
“No you won’t. Just stay still.” Klaus chuckled, continuing to apply the polish with one hand. With the other, he kept scratching gently 
“Yeah, Allison, just stay still.” Vanya took hold of Allison’s ankle and fluttered along her arch, taking note of which spots made her curl in on herself and paying them extra attention. 
It was then that Allison decided they were no longer exempt from her wrath. Everyone was fair game now. Though, maybe she could show them a little mercy, since they definitely could be a lot meaner.
They only stopped once they made her squeal—Klaus scratched his nail repeatedly over her big toe until she nearly fell on the floor—and even after, they wouldn't stop teasing her about the noise she’d made. She filed away her large-scale revenge plan and settled for tickling them both once Klaus had finished her nails. 
There was a lesson in quitting while you’re ahead, but, pinned to the couch and screaming, Allison was starting to think it had gone over her head.
It had started with Lila throwing a movie night—her way of apologizing for, well, everything without having to say the words. Lila had set up a sort of nest situation with pillows and blankets, allowing the siblings to choose their seats freely. Allison and Vanya snuggled on one end of the couch while Luther claimed the other, and the rest of them piled on one another in front of the couch. Lila laid with her head in Diego’s lap, and Klaus and Five were cozy next to them. They hadn’t existed this way in years. It would’ve been nice, had the tension not been so thick.
All of them were almost afraid to relax, as if they’d all simultaneously remembered how long it’d been since they’d properly been together as a family. Five looked like he would explode if anyone touched him, Diego was far too occupied with his box of Thin Mints, and Klaus’s knee was shaking far too much not to be distracting to everyone present. 
A smile tugged at her lips. If any situation called for an intervention, it was this one. Possibly even more than her previous abuses of power. 
“They need to lighten up, don’t you think?” Allison murmured, stealing a pretzel from the bag Vanya was holding.
“They are a bit..tense.” Vanya chuckled. Allison took the pretzels and set them safely aside before gesturing for her to lean close.
“I heard a rumor that you started messing with Klaus,” Allison whispered, munching on another pretzel. Vanya fixed her with a ‘really?’ face and she shrugged in apology. Vanya started nudging Klaus with her foot, waiting just long enough between gentle shoves that it was annoying. After about the eighth time, Klaus whirled around and grabbed Vanya’s ankle, skittering his fingers up her leg.
“Vanya!” He gasped in mock offense, spidering his nails in random circles. Vanya simply slid down the couch cushion like a pile of jello, the fight already drained from her body. Allison had been hoping for a more explosive reaction, but this would do as a start. She leaned forward and put a hand on Diego’s shoulder. 
“I heard a rumor that you started a proper tickle fight.” She finished the command with a quick flutter at the back of his neck. Diego snatched her hand and yanked her forwards, using the change in momentum to grab her foot and go to town. She snorted and shoved at the back of his head, anything to get him to let go.
“Not with me! Nevermind, I heard a rumor you stole Five’s marshmallows.” She shoved him off of her and grinned when he immediately lunged for them. In that moment, Five was indistinguishable from a feral racoon as he dove for the treats. Lila managed to roll out of the way just before she was crushed.
“Give them back!” He screeched, reaching for the bag just out of his grip. Diego took advantage of his long arms and stretched as far away as possible.
“Nah, I don’t think so.” Diego dropped a marshmallow into his mouth, making direct eye contact as he chewed and swallowed. Five trembled with rage.
“You’re dead.” He pounced onto Diego who yelped before dissolving into frantic giggles, arms flailing about as he tried to dislodge Five. He squirmed right into Klaus, who took hold of his legs and dug in wherever he could reach. Vanya made a game of poking Diego’s stomach as many times as possible while dodging his hands. She could see the moment where her rumor dissolved, the four of them effortlessly carrying on the playfulness without aid.
Allison snuck a glance at Luther. He was still crushed into his corner of the couch, looking unbelievably uncomfortable but at least amused at the struggle going on beneath him. He deserved to smile as much as them.
“I heard a rumor-”
“That you were wildly ticklish, all over,” Lila said from behind her, and holy shit, when did she get there? Lila poked her side and a bright giggle bubbled out from her lips before she could stop it. Dread and anticipation tangled in her stomach. She’d never been that sensitive there before.
Uh oh.
“Lila, we can talk about this.” Allison raised her hands in surrender as Lila vaulted over the couch, straddling her before she could escape.
“That’s the problem, Allison. You’re still talking, not laughing.” Lila kneaded her thumbs into the sides of Allison’s stomach and she squealed, trying her damndest to grab the offending hands. 
This was uncharted territory for her. She was used to teasy hands grabbing her neck or for roughhousing to turn into a mad grab for her feet. She knew exactly what it would feel like every time. This was technically the same, but radically different. Her body just didn’t know what to do. It was like being tickled for the first time ever, before her body knew what was going on. Every single part of her was sending up flares of tickly panic as she squirmed underneath Lila.
When someone—Klaus, judging by the cold shock of a few rings—grabbed hold of her feet, it dawned on her how what she’d put Diego through might’ve been a little mean.
“Lehet goho!” 
“Hey, Allison? I think your legs could use some attention,” Diego said in an annoying mockery of her voice, but she was far too indisposed to reprimand him for it.
“I-” She started to plead, but verbal communication flew out the window entirely when Vanya started tickling lightly under her chin and down the column of her throat. It was so gentle and clearly loving, but the contrast between Vanya and the fiends going to town on the rest of her body only doubled her desperation to get away.
Diego hooked his fingers behind Allison’s knee and she nearly launched Lila across the room with how hard she thrashed. Her nervous system whited out for a minute as she squealed louder, doing everything she could to wrench her feet from Klaus’s grasp so she could kick Diego in the face.
“No! Stohop!” Great, she was snorting now. 
“Uh-oh! Bad spot?” Klaus drawled, scribbling over her feet. Lila wormed her fingers into the crevices of Allison’s ribs, making sure to pinch and prod every so often, just to draw out little squeaks and hiccups. Diego found a spot on the side of her thigh where if he wiggled his fingers, Allison’s giggles would turn wheezy, and he was having far too much fun with it.
“Ihit tihickles!”
“Does it? Are you sure?” Lila vibrated a claw into Allison’s stomach and she threw her head back into the couch with a loud cackle. That was definitely new. Vanya giggled somewhere above her, dragging her fingers over the shells of her ears.
“Yes, oh my god-” She clamped her elbows to her sides when Lila tried to sneak her hands under her arms. Her brain sent out about fifty warning signals, essentially begging her not to let this happen, and while she had no clue where the knowledge had come from, she wasn’t about to question it.
“Alright, I’m sorry!” She tried to curl around Lila’s hands but that only made things worse.
“Damn straight.” Diego scoffed, (surprisingly) the first to let her go. After a few other quick pokes, the others released her, watching as she heaved in sweet oxygen. Every inch of her body was fizzling as she came down from her laughter. She covered her face, hiding her recovery, until two very mean hands darted into her exposed armpits. Allison bucked up hard, loud and bright laughter overcoming her as she thrashed on the couch. A few seconds felt like hours, and when Lila finally did stop, Allison wheezed before mustering the energy to glare.
“Sorry! I just wanted to see what would happen.” She smiled, sheepish, but not at all apologetic.
“I hope I didn’t ruin movie night,” Allison murmured, looking up and around at her siblings. 
“Au contraire! I think you made movie night. Everyone, grab your snacks. I want to see this kid fuck up some robbers.” Klaus started the movie without waiting for the others, earning groans of annoyance and panicked scrambling as everyone tried to find their seats. Lila stayed on the couch, pulling Allison’s legs across her lap, while Vanya adjusted so Allison’s head would be more comfy. Klaus laid across Diego’s back and Five propped his legs on top of them, popping marshmallows in his mouth like popcorn. 
A success, if ever there was one.
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