#yes i have an undying hatred for love triangles
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snowthornes · 2 years ago
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@yuuugay tagged me to do a Thing 🦖 thank you for the tag, it was fun!!! As usual, I spent way too much time on this shdgjsd
Tagging @hampsdesu @amyreads and @snail-of-fire — I'm curious about your trope preferences, but no need to do it if you'd prefer not to 🥰💐
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yujateaandpi · 5 months ago
OP THANK YOU for saying this yes this is the exact thought I’ve had as well. Like I totally get Billford and the sensation of it, please carry on, but Ford is so clearly aroace coded (plansexual? Come on) and I just find any overt romantic or sexual advances on his part funny but out of character. I firmly believe that Ford’s half of the relationship was a zealous religious passion— he saw Bill as a deity to worship and fill the void left by his worsening insecurity complex. I also think Ford’s delicate ego at the time would have stung at the thought of this elevated being taking an interest in him in regards to anything other than his genius. His ENTIRE arc was shaped by him not receiving the recognition he craved when he didn’t get to attend his dream school. Earning the praise of a powerful god was exactly the euphoric high he needed to overwrite the innately kind good person he was into a paranoid selfish devotee. Also, it’s important to stress that Ford never stopped being that sweet boy with a deep vein of compassion and love. This is fundamental to his character and so evident with how tender he is with Dipper and Mabel. Bill didn’t just deceive him, he aggravated the worst parts of his character until Ford was literally unrecognizable as a person. Any levity from a romantic or sexual relationship would have spoiled the potency of that level of manipulation.
BILL on the other hand— yeah man. Ford’s starry-eyed wonder paired with his undying loyalty, followed immediately with decades of passionate obsessive hatred absolutely did something to that emotionally stunted triangle. Good luck in therapy, bud.
I know a lot of the fandom is enjoying the thought of “Ford fucked the triangle” (I’m not here to sink your ship or anything. Keep having fun.) but I kinda think it’s hilarious if, yes, he did put Bill on a pedestal and pretty much worshipped him but he was also so oblivious (Ace? Aro? “Plansexual”? All of the above?) that he brushed off all of Bill’s advances without even realizing it. That leaves one frustrated and humiliated Bill and one Ford who has to have his family explain to him that the triangle wanted to fuck him and somehow he said no without even noticing.
Mabel jokes that he god-zoned Bill…
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dansantcaparet · 4 years ago
In 1997, it was obvious to me that Cloud loved Aerith more than Tifa.
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Not until I went online all these years later did I discover (shockingly) that the American FFVII fanbase had been purposely misled by egotistical, pompous, self-righteous nerd boys (who now have egg on their face in-light of the Remake). 
If you notice, Cloti’s have been working double-time since the Remake came out. Why is that? Well, it’s because the Remake is confirming what we have always known since the OG: despite technically being a love triangle, SE wanted most gamers to play their first playthrough the Clerith way. Aerith automatically starts off with more love points than Tifa, and the Clerith date is the “normally occurring” date. 
Clerith is the “normally occurring” couple. 
So why did Cloti’s decide to launch a campaign to delegitimize Clerith? And how did they do it? 
When FFVII first came out in 1997, many western gamers didn’t understand Aerith. She was (literally) foreign to them. Japanese animation was still very niche back then.
Though the Japanese adored Aerith’s spunky personality & pink dress (and saw her as the obvious romantic interest for Cloud), many men in the United States thought her hair was “ugly,” and that her personality was “annoying.” Far too “anime” for their taste. They preferred Tifa — the loyal, more American looking childhood friend — the “girl-next-door.” Plus, her big boobs didn’t hurt, either.
Of course, since FFVII inherently revolves around a love triangle, there is an OPTION to play it the Tifa way.
However, as a kid in 1997, I never saw Tifa as a threat. I saw her as the secondary, optional way to play the game. The girl you would pick on your second playthrough.  
When you consider...
Official Yoshitaka Amano artwork depicting Cloud x Aerith
Beginning love point totals (you have to make counterintuitive choices to catch Tifa up to Aerith’s automatic 1st place position)
The non-optional bodyguard agreement
The “normally” occurring CxA Gold Saucer date
Numerous flirtatious moments & obvious hints
Tifa’s constant jealousy
Promised Land scene non-optionally occurring *AFTER* the inherently variable Highwind scene
Frequent CxA cameos
Aerith being the first & last image we see in the entire game
…it is clear Tifa never held a candle to Aerith as the heroine, or as the primary love interest for Cloud.  
To put it simply — Aerith was created first by SE. Tifa was created second. Aerith is the primary love interest. Tifa is the secondary love interest. Obvious common sense.
Unfortunately, fueled by their unyielding, irrational hatred of all things Aerith, they successfully sold the myth (for years) that Cloud x Tifa is the official canon couple of FFVII, thereby brainwashing the entire American fandom against Cloud x Aerith.
They reduced & twisted Cloud’s “undying” love for Aerith as “guilt.”
Saying that even though Cloud chooses to live in Aerith’s Church, has his heart broken every time he visits her grave, reconnects with her in Flower Fields (and cameos), and seeks to find her in the Promised Land, it is somehow all due to guilt over the death of a mere friend. Saying that anything romantic shown in the OG is all a result of Zack (ie: attempted delegitimization).
I guess the symbolism of Cloud’s continued love for Aerith, and all the nuances that entails, is too cultured & sophisticated for them to comprehend. Or maybe they are purposely not comprehending the obvious?
Thankfully, the Japanese understand what all of this means. So why don’t western fans?
The only logical conclusion is because of their deep, burning, irrational hatred of Aerith as a character. Always minimizing & downplaying her role as the first & true heroine & love interest to Cloud.
But now, with the Remake perfecting Aerith’s look & personality, and making it crystal clear that these are Cloud’s REAL feelings, and that Aerith wants to move FORWARD from Zack, you are now seeing a significant swing within the fandom towards Cloud x Aerith.
The myth has finally been exposed & debunked. 
Due to this, Cloti’s are currently working double-time to try to convince us that their ship is a “slow-burn.” 
Sadly, the other side has spent years using Crisis Core & Advent Children to their advantage by manipulating & brainwashing those new to the FFVII fanbase. Pretending as if Disc 1 of the OG never happened. Saying Crisis Core makes Zerith canon, and Advent Children makes Cloti canon. Simple & easy for the masses to understand, right? 
So how, exactly, did they convince millions to believe their great myth?
1. Cloud & Aerith only liked each other because of Zack.  Response:
The relationship between Zack & Aerith in CC is officially described as a minor infatuation between two juveniles, much like Cloud’s childhood crush on Tifa.  
In the OG, Aerith says her and Zack were NEVER serious, that their relationship is “in the past now,” and that he probably moved on to someone else because he’s a “real lady’s man.”  
On the “normally occurring” CxA Gold Saucer date, Aerith confirms that although she initially liked Cloud because of Zack, she has grown to like Cloud for Cloud.
Within the lifestream, Aerith tells Zack that she prefers Cloud’s personality over his, and that she will only call Zack if she gets “really lonely.”
In the Remake, Aerith states she wants to move FORWARD with her life in regards to Zack.
In official sources, Aerith is stated as saying she loves Cloud MORE than Zack.
Cloud is stated to be Aerith’s “koibito” (“lover” in Japanese).  
Yes — Cloud adopted some memories & mannerisms from Zack, but he never transformed 100% into Zack.
It is a myth that Cloud & Aerith’s love is null-and-void because of Zack. CC is a retcon.  Don’t let them use Zack to erase Clerith. 
2. Tifa wins by default due to being alive.
Tifa winning by default due to being alive is why the other side hopes to god Aerith doesn’t live in the Remake.
You may personally prefer Tifa, but in the OG, Cloud himself clearly prefers Aerith over Tifa, and the other side knows it (just look at the Shinra jail cell moment). When Tifa observes Cloud and Aerith falling in love, she flips out in a jealous rage. 
Tifa only has a chance once Aerith is out of the picture. If Aerith lives, it is all but over for Tifa. 
Even in death, Cloud has an “undying” love for Aerith that will never go away. Tifa knows this to be true and is stated to be jealous of Cloud’s continued feelings for Aerith.
In the AC credits, Tactics cameo, and the Dissidia cameo, it is clear Cloud still wants to meet and be with Aerith in the Promised Land. Denying the common sense symbolism of this is a sign of someone who has a deep-rooted bias against Aerith.    
Furthermore, Cloud and Tifa are in an established “family of friends,” share zero romantic moments, have tons of continued jealousy, fighting, and sleep in separate rooms. Plus, Barret returns to living with them in DoC. Tifa is never upgraded to anything beyond “childhood friend.” 
Cloud & Tifa only have the possibility of being a thing if Aerith is out of the picture. Aerith is #1. Tifa is #2. The other side better pray to god Aerith doesn’t live in the Remake.  
And even if Aerith dies, Cloud & Aerith will always remain a tragic star-crossed love story where Cloud forever wants to meet her in the Promised Land. Tifa’s continued jealousy confirms this to be true.
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sifeng · 5 years ago
Review: Ashes of Love
I’ve watched this show twice and that still doesn’t stop the emotions from getting out. Despite having a rather large fanbase, I really think this show is underrated.
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The Flower Deity dies after giving birth to a daughter, Jin Mi. She has a premonition that her daughter will suffer a great love trial, thus before dying, she gives her a magical pill that prevents her from feeling and expressing romantic love. This causes Jin Mi to become the brunt of many jokes when she gets tangled in a love triangle with Fire Immortal Xufeng and the ambitious Night Immortal Runyu.
Cast & Characters:
Yang Zi (杨紫) as Jin Mi (锦觅)
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Deng Lun (邓伦) as Xu Feng (旭凤)
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Luo Yunxi (罗云熙) as Run Yu (润玉)
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Chen Yuqi (陈钰琪) as Liu Ying (鎏英)
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Wang Yifei (王一菲) as Sui He (穗禾)
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Zou Tingwei (邹廷威) as Mu Ci (暮辞)
My Thoughts:
The show starts out very light and innocent, as does our protagonist Jin Mi. Everything moves at a rather fast pace, so the show is rarely ever boring. There are only two complaints I have for the plot: 1, Xu Feng and Jin Mi are only ever “together” in like five episodes, and we never get more than a few episodes of the two of them in love and happy without any obstacles; and 2, there were a lot of sub storylines. For example, Liu Ying and Mu Ci took up a lot of time, as did Run Yu and his mother. However, I would say the latter plot was actually very interesting, while the former kind of lagged on, since it always followed the same pattern. My favorite part was probably the human realm, that was so cute and a breath of fresh air from the many politics in the heavenly realm. 
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I have very few complaints on this aspect of the show. Everybody acted really well, and really brought their characters to life. Yang Zi, particularly, did very good with Jin Mi. She was able to play the innocent and childish Jin Mi, and yet also persuade us of Jin Mi’s darker side, and her sorrow in loosing her father and Xu Feng. I would say her acting during the later episodes are even better than her acting earlier on, even though the human realm episodes were a highlight.
Deng Lun also did really good as Xu Feng, especially as the Demon Lord, when he was struggling to trust anybody, and didn’t know whether Jin Mi was being real about her confessions of love. His sorrow and hatred as the Demon Lord was brought out wonderfully. His love-rival, Luo Yunxi as Run Yu also did very good. Especially in the arc in which he found out about Su Li, and then lost her due to schemes by the Heavenly Empress. 
Shoutout to Wang Yifei as Sui He. She did really good, and I honestly think people weren’t really acknowledging this since she’s supposed to be the like the “mega-villain”. Her acting during the Demon Realm wedding was very good, and you could just see the love disappear from her eyes when Xu Feng said he loved Jin Mi. 
Obviously my fav Chen Yuqi did very good as Liu Ying, especially in the scene where Mu Ci died, that was pretty depressing and she brought out the type of sadness in which you almost don’t believe it. Zou Tingwei’s Mu Ci didn’t really get a lot of scenes, and I wasn’t particularly impressed by him. I also wasn’t that impressed by veteran actress Kathy Chow, since she always made the same expression as the Heavenly Empress. But I guess she did good enough since I really hated the role.
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I also really have to applaud the chemistry between Yang Zi and Deng Lun. Man, those two really tugged at my heartstrings. Also, their real-life friendship and chemistry off-screen is so heartwarming!
Alright, some of these characters I didn’t love so much. First off, Jin Mi could be really idiotic sometimes, like to a point where it didn’t even make sense. However, I do like how she is very kind (usually), and was willing to [spoiler] sacrifice herself for peace between the two realms.
Xu Feng was definitely one of the more likable characters, Deng Lun is really charismatic honestly and even though Xu Feng was kind of a boastful brat who was used to getting things his way in the beginning, you never got annoyed at him. Also his love for Jin Mi, which never quavers, really made his character. He really didn’t deserve all the things that happened to him...
I really liked badass Liu Ying too. Especially when she was willing to fight Xu Feng in one of the earlier episodes. Jin Mi is kind of weak, until she officially becomes an immortal, but Liu Ying is strong, and independent, she doesn’t need protection. I really liked that, and her straightforward attitude. Also her friendship with Xu Feng was nice, I’m glad she wasn’t one of those basic second leads. And even though Sui He was one of those basic second leads in ways, her undying love for Xu Feng was also a redeemable quality. Sure, she did a lot of bad things, but the Heavenly Empress was really just using Sui He as a puppet. Okay, that doesn’t make Sui He a good person, but she really didn’t deserve that ending. After all, sure she killed Jin Mi’s mother and father because of love and her devotion to the Heavenly Empress, but Jin Mi killed Xu Feng (the person who loved her the most in the entire six realms) because she wasn’t thinking. 
A lot of people really loved Run Yu, but I’m not part of his fan club. He was so possessive over Jin Mi, to a point where it didn't matter of she was happy, it only mattered that she was with her. Sure, he had a sad backstory, and was always in isolation, but if Jin Mi doesn’t want to be with him, living a depressing life in a depressing place, he should not be forcing the person he “loves” to stay there.
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The OTP:
Oh yes! I love the OTP here, and I love how they actually end up together! As I said before, their chemistry is off the charts, and honestly while I wasn’t totally sold on the OTP in earlier episodes, by episode 10, I already hopped on the ship and was only hoping for the best. The two of them go through so much, and it’s good to see it finally pay off when they finally end up together. 
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Their interactions during the human realm and the episodes following, as well as the demon realm were so CUTE! 
Music: The music was also beautiful. One of the theme songs, called "Love Frost (情霜)" really fit the show so well. And Yang Zi sings it very good too.
Costumes: The costumes were simply sublime! It was to be expected, obviously, seeing as the show had a huge budget. Honestly, I feel like Sui He had some of the best dresses, even though they kind of made her look like a bird.
Cinematography: If you’re someone who really likes the natural scenes, this show might not look so appealing, since a good amount of it takes place on the Heavens, and in the Demon Realm. 
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Overall Rating: A
Recommend For: People looking for a really well-done, well-acted, and well-written show and don’t mind some melodrama and tragedy here and there. (Honestly, everybody go watch it!) It’s one of the best idol dramas out there. 
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wisdomsfromeast · 5 years ago
Namaste 🙏
Welcome back guys! I was literally out for 2 months searching Fanfics which can compete my or replace my Azuko ship for the reasons I will tell you. Firstly some part of my morality and culture etiquette where I live in and traditions which are dear to me were heavily conflicting in my mind that should I support this Incest shipping or not. Some said should and other said shouldn't. The other one overwhelmed plus having a sibling elder sister made me more conflicted that how could I? it's so taboo? If I write one what my public image would be? So I stopped supporting Zucest uninstalled the app and started searching good Fanfics of Other shipping which can counter Azuko. I literally read 5 to 7 fanfics a day just to have Zuko or Azula have peace in their life with their partners and you know what I got unnatural hatred or bashing of either Sibs which made either of their life miserable which I hated the most. Zuko centric ones got Azula either dead or made her total maniac. Azula centric ones made Zuko's future miserable or nearly made him small as if he was weak and Idiot from birth and Ozai was right. So let's start with shippings with their fanfics which could have countered Azuko
The most celebrated pairing will ever find in ATLA fandom. Every day you will find thousands of writers write for this pair in FF.NET . Even though I hated this pair so much because of three main reasons. First Mutual distrust from the beginning. Second Opposite mindset. Third Impatient Katara.
I gave in through I read one of the best ones My Heart Burns for you
Sometimes it's just only beginning
Around the Sun
Fall of the White Lotus
AU ones like The Undying Fire Series
The Palace etc.
All of these are literally lack the most important thing attraction through sight even though writers force it its still not appealing. The dangerous thing which writers miss is suspicion my lord even though they are friends and Zuko sacrifice everything for stubborn Katara she always suspects and can't even read him. Zutara whatever you call it. It's failed creation just to feel love life for Zuko.
Reverse Zutara really. Sokka has brains and can control strong girls like Toph and Mai but Azula is too much for him to bear I series he outright fear her. Only in The Day of The Black Sun episode had some courage because she didn't had her bending when she got back he screams literally screams. I read
Gladiator 107 chapters
Airship Down with its sequel
Smoke Demon Series of MadameAtomic Bomb
Opposite Elements AU
Gentlemen of Weapons AU
These are the best ones but what found the worst is they are not at all commited to each other especially Sokka is shown so reluctant and Azula is as casual as Ty Lee which both of them aren't. Sokka either cheats or leads himself in love triangle which I hate the most because one of the life either gets destroyed or damage.
The worst one for me I really feel sorry for Mai but she should have encourage herself to be with Zuko in his childhood days if Zuko could have spoke in War room out of turn she could have been with him in banishment. She could have shown the courage which she have show in Boiling Rock I liked that. Zuko could have known more If Mai led herself open up more. Zuko even left her this show only one side love or to say infatuation Zuko is so cold in Maiko which he isn't. Even though few writers really focus them like.
Miscalculation and Equivalent Exchange by Ablaster86 (I read them)
They are literally used as side couple for Tyzula or Kataang which doesn't show how their relationship can develop and become one. Either their Marriage fails or they breakup which hurts me the most.
Yes most popular even though why I don't know. No Offence to LGBT community neither in the show both of them are shown homosexuals Ty Lee is flirty with cute boys as she claims and Azula is bitchy and frustrated that how boys hover around Ty Lee not me even though she so beautiful as jewel but boys fear her. No signs of romantic feelings for each other rather Ty Lee is bullied by Azula every time as a servant to keep her under her feet. Dominant love relationships exists I like those but Azula and Ty Lee's relationship is like Lion and Cheetah. Once got a chance strike back and free yourself. Just because Korrasami was promoted by creators bring Tyzula in counter. Just because Zuko has Mai and boys fear Azula bring Ty Lee with her who is most terrified from her. Somehow I read some
Restraint and Aphelion it's sequel
Broken Dragon and Fireflight by Nikipinz
Both in them Ty Lee acts like a friend in need but again Ty Lee is OOC a girl who freed herself from a Psychotic girl may help her in future but not sacrifice herself for friend she hated inwardly.
Really they are Bros and thanks to Zuko he got his trust from a guy called him in names Angry Jerkbender before.
Seriously I don't get just pair Zuko with everyone. I read
Foxfire and The Viper lizard tales
I couldn't get it what those writers wrote. How could Jet tolerate Firebenders or Fire Nation citizens. It will require whole character arc for Jet to understand Fire Nation like Zhao to believe in balance and harmony amongst nations in Rufftoon's Water Tribe.
The Palace
Again you know it will so hard for Azula even redeem one to have a peasant as a partner for life same goes to Jet to accept a Firebender.
To much 😧😧 Zuko and Aang are friends please for God's sake bring characters those are ingrained with same sex attraction. I can't stand this ship didn't even bother to read any of its fanfics.
Enemies till last breath and one killed one's last hope. One lost by one in her day of coronation anytime each see one another either of one will die. This pairing can't be supported because each caused huge pain which can't be relieved they can be distant friends but can't lovers. Even though I read one
Measure Each Step to Infinity
This one made me sad of Aang and Katara is too much selfish which she isn't. She likes to be concubine of her former enemy but hates to like live with a man whom she had all hopes of world peace and gave her life to save him. This is impossible! Writer didn't gave good reasons sudden changes.
This is a very interesting pairing Toph knows Zuko very well and in future they can understand each other as couple but one flaw which only limits them just to be friends is that Toph is a freedom loving girl and Zuko is honour bound to traditions and destined to be a good Fire Lord.
Lava and it's sequel
Just a Girl I recommend this one
Toph made Zuko to come out of his turmoil and become a master I just didn't like Azula being killed that was extreme.
I read Ashes to Ashes but Zuko and Jin again I must say infatuation from Jin side. Zuko is really dork.
Lost cause what can I say just to counter Zucest these ships are being made
Lost and Found by Tubendo
Addicted to Love
First one writer didn't knew when to start where both start to like each other. Second is just nonsense a Lord of a Nation started having crush on a Guard who has a love in her life more stronger than other's attraction come on Zuko isn't that kind of guy.
Ty luko
"I know you" "You don't know me" Those are heavy words Ty Lee used for Zuko she knows his depression and messed up life give by his parents. Even though show doesn't show any direct interaction between them except "I know you" Zuko acts as a moral support for Ty Lee. Boiling Rock is another big example Zuko's freedom gave Ty Lee hope to be free.
I know you
Good Fanfic I recommend.
One remained (Azulaang) I will give my detail analysis of mine in a next post because I read 10 of them and it's huge and I am not satisfied.
After whole lot of reading, self introspection and guidance from which I believe Scriptures. I literally fought a battle inside me and tried to find out which will win and Honestly Zucest won seriously just because it was incest I dropped it by societal norms. I was writing a Fic but stopped because what people will say? Crazy, deranged? But I can't resist it's too hot for them to be siblings and not to be intimate other wise I find that if they really wished to repair their relationship stop their all hatred of all those years they need love which will break those barriers and too much love always brings eros. So what's the big deal.
The Fire Royals allow Females to be Fire Lords so how come line continues if Female becomes Firelord and marries a noble even a sage which are below the rank. Household norms in every medieval culture is patriarchal. Which means child first belongs to man and to his family which results child to be a noble and not royal from his mother's line and that child will become the Fire Lord from that line of Family and the Royal line will end. Could it be possible for Princesses of Fire Nation got married with nobles or aristocrats and not to loose their claims to the throne are the Fire Royals that stupid that this will end their line if their females get the throne. Inbreeding is persistent among royals only just keep their divine status
As Azula says "Power is something you are born with" will her child get that power if she marry noble which are below the rank. Big No
Timeout !!!
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dansantcaparet · 4 years ago
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In 1997, it was obvious to me that Cloud loved Aerith more than Tifa.
Not until I went online all these years later did I discover (shockingly) that the American FFVII fanbase had been purposely misled by egotistical, pompous, self-righteous nerd boys (who now have egg on their face in-light of the Remake).
If you notice, Cloti’s have been working double-time since the Remake came out. Why is that? Well, it’s because the Remake is confirming what we have always known since the OG: despite technically being a love triangle, SE wanted most gamers to play their first playthrough the Clerith way. Aerith automatically starts off with more love points than Tifa, and the Clerith date is the “normally occurring” date.
Clerith is the “normally occurring” couple.
So why did Cloti’s decide to launch a campaign to delegitimize Clerith? And how did they do it?
When FFVII first came out in 1997, many western gamers didn’t understand Aerith. She was (literally) foreign to them. Japanese animation was still very niche back then.
Though the Japanese adored Aerith’s spunky personality & pink dress (and saw her as the obvious romantic interest for Cloud), many men in the United States thought her hair was “ugly,” and that her personality was “annoying.” Far too “anime” for their taste. They preferred Tifa — the loyal, more American looking childhood friend — the “girl-next-door.” Plus, her big boobs didn’t hurt, either.
Of course, since FFVII inherently revolves around a love triangle, there is an OPTION to play it the Tifa way.
However, as a kid in 1997, I never saw Tifa as a threat. I saw her as the secondary, optional way to play the game. The girl you would pick on your second playthrough.  
When you consider...
Official Yoshitaka Amano artwork depicting Cloud x Aerith
Beginning love point totals (you have to make counterintuitive choices to catch Tifa up to Aerith’s automatic 1st place position) 
The non-optional bodyguard agreement
The “normally” occurring CxA Gold Saucer date
Numerous flirtatious moments & obvious hints
Tifa’s constant jealousy
Promised Land scene non-optionally occurring *AFTER* the inherently variable Highwind scene
Frequent CxA cameos
Aerith being the first & last image we see in the entire game
…it is clear Tifa never held a candle to Aerith as the heroine, or as the primary love interest for Cloud.  
To put it simply — Aerith was created first by SE. Tifa was created second. Aerith is the primary love interest. Tifa is the secondary love interest. Obvious common sense.
Unfortunately, fueled by their unyielding, irrational hatred of all things Aerith, they successfully sold the myth (for years) that Cloud x Tifa is the official canon couple of FFVII, thereby brainwashing the entire American fandom against Cloud x Aerith.
They reduced & twisted Cloud’s “undying” love for Aerith as “guilt.”
Saying that even though Cloud chooses to live in Aerith’s Church, has his heart broken every time he visits her grave, reconnects with her in Flower Fields (and cameos), and seeks to find her in the Promised Land, it is somehow all due to guilt over the death of a mere friend. Saying that anything romantic shown in the OG is all a result of Zack (ie: attempted delegitimization).
I guess the symbolism of Cloud’s continued love for Aerith, and all the nuances that entails, is too cultured & sophisticated for them to comprehend. Or maybe they are purposely not comprehending the obvious?
Thankfully, the Japanese understand what all of this means. So why don’t western fans?
The only logical conclusion is because of their deep, burning, irrational hatred of Aerith as a character. Always minimizing & downplaying her role as the first & true heroine & love interest to Cloud.
But now, with the Remake perfecting Aerith’s look & personality, and making it crystal clear that these are Cloud’s REAL feelings, and that Aerith wants to move FORWARD from Zack, you are now seeing a significant swing within the fandom towards Cloud x Aerith.
The myth has finally been exposed & debunked.
Due to this, Cloti’s are currently working double-time to try to convince us that their ship is a “slow-burn.”
Sadly, the other side has spent years using Crisis Core & Advent Children to their advantage by manipulating & brainwashing those new to the FFVII fanbase. Pretending as if Disc 1 of the OG never happened. Saying Crisis Core makes Zerith canon, and Advent Children makes Cloti canon. Simple & easy for the masses to understand, right?
So how, exactly, did they convince millions to believe their great myth?
1. Cloud & Aerith only liked each other because of Zack. Response:
The relationship between Zack & Aerith in CC is officially described as a minor infatuation between two juveniles, much like Cloud’s childhood crush on Tifa.  
In the OG, Aerith says her and Zack were NEVER serious, that their relationship is “in the past now,” and that he probably moved on to someone else because he’s a “real lady’s man.”  
On the “normally occurring” CxA Gold Saucer date, Aerith confirms that although she initially liked Cloud because of Zack, she has grown to like Cloud for Cloud.
Within the lifestream, Aerith tells Zack that she prefers Cloud’s personality over his, and that she will only call Zack if she gets “really lonely.”
In the Remake, Aerith states she wants to move FORWARD with her life in regards to Zack.
In official sources, Aerith is stated as saying she loves Cloud MORE than Zack.
Cloud is stated to be Aerith’s “koibito” (“lover” in Japanese).  
Yes — Cloud adopted some memories & mannerisms from Zack, but he never transformed 100% into Zack.
It is a myth that Cloud & Aerith’s love is null-and-void because of Zack. CC is a retcon. Don’t let them use Zack to erase Clerith.
2. Tifa wins by default due to being alive.
Tifa winning by default due to being alive is why the other side hopes to god Aerith doesn’t live in the Remake.
You may personally prefer Tifa, but in the OG, Cloud himself clearly prefers Aerith over Tifa, and the other side knows it (just look at the Shinra jail cell moment). When Tifa observes Cloud and Aerith falling in love, she flips out in a jealous rage.
Tifa only has a chance once Aerith is out of the picture. If Aerith lives, it is all but over for Tifa.
Even in death, Cloud has an “undying” love for Aerith that will never go away. Tifa knows this to be true and is stated to be jealous of Cloud’s continued feelings for Aerith.
In the AC credits, Tactics cameo, and the Dissidia cameo, it is clear Cloud still wants to meet and be with Aerith in the Promised Land. Denying the common sense symbolism of this is a sign of someone who has a deep-rooted bias against Aerith.    
Furthermore, Cloud and Tifa are in an established “family of friends,” share zero romantic moments, have tons of continued jealousy, fighting, and sleep in separate rooms. Plus, Barret returns to living with them in DoC. Tifa is never upgraded to anything beyond “childhood friend.”
Cloud & Tifa only have the possibility of being a thing if Aerith is out of the picture. Aerith is #1. Tifa is #2. The other side better pray to god Aerith doesn’t live in the Remake.  
And even if Aerith dies, Cloud & Aerith will always remain a tragic star-crossed love story where Cloud forever wants to meet her in the Promised Land. Tifa’s continued jealousy confirms this to be true.
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dansantcaparet · 5 years ago
Clerith was canon in 1997. Clerith is canon (again) in 2020.
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Due to the scene being in reference to "If you know what happens to Aerith later in the story, it's a line that strikes emotionally," we know this scene is referring to Aerith's death.
In the Remake, Aerith knows she dies. Aerith also knows REAL Cloud falls in love with her in the OG. Aerith tells Cloud not to fall in love with her this time because she knows she dies.
In the Remake, Aerith is trying to protect Cloud from falling in love with her due to her death.
Clerith is confirmed as the canon OG pairing.
The MOST OBVIOUS transformation of Cloud’s “frosty exterior” in the Remake is when he starts doing high-five’s with Aerith on the reg.
At first Cloud rejects them. Then, he is about to give one but stops short. Then, you have to hold the triangle button down so he gives Aerith a high-five. Then, he gives Aerith an automatic high-five at the battle arena. The crowd chants:
“Cloud and Aerith! – Cloud and Aerith! – Cloud and Aerith!”
The high-five’s is a clear-cut, distinct transformation of Cloud’s personality. Intentionally designed by SE to show Aerith slowly melting Cloud’s “frosty exterior.”
Given Cloud’s earlier reluctance, I got chills when Cloud & Aerith high-five’d in the battle arena.
Then, when Cloud has to remind everyone that rescuing Aerith from Shinra HQ is the #1 priority, it cemented to me that Cloud had significantly changed from the very beginning of the game.
Aerith is evoking the REAL Cloud to the surface.
Cloud’s love for Aerith is giving us glimpses of who he truly is.
Not only are the high-five’s and quest to save Aerith from Shinra HQ significant, clear-cut examples of Cloud’s transformation, but Cloud also has a REAL memory of his mother telling him to have an “older girlfriend” – someone who will call him a “silly goose” when he needs to hear it (Aerith calls Cloud “silly” in FF7R). Aerith shows us the REAL Cloud's personality and triggers him into having a REAL memory of his Mom telling him to pick Aerith as his girlfriend (ie: "older" -- "silly goose").
Cloud and Aerith dominate once Cloud falls to her flower bed.
Just as in the OG, when both women are present, Cloud's preference is Aerith (something that continues even in death and makes Tifa jealous).
As a kid in 1997, it was obvious to me that Cloud loved Aerith more than Tifa.
Not until I went online all these years later did I discover (shockingly) that the American FFVII fanbase had been misled by some in the FFVII fandom.
So why did they decide to launch a campaign to delegitimize Clerith?
Well, when FFVII first came out in 1997, many western gamers didn’t understand Aerith. She was (literally) foreign to them. Japanese animation was still very niche back then.
Though the Japanese adored Aerith’s spunky personality & pink dress (and saw her as the obvious romantic interest for Cloud), many men in the United States thought her hair was “ugly” and that her personality was “annoying.” Far too “anime” for their tastes. They preferred Tifa -- the loyal, more American looking childhood friend -- the “girl-next-door.” Plus, her big boobs didn’t hurt, either.
Of course, since FFVII inherently revolves around a love triangle, there is obviously an option to play it the Tifa way.
However, as a kid in 1997, I never saw Tifa as a threat. I saw her as the secondary, optional way to play the game. The girl you would pick on your second playthrough.
When you consider:
The official Amano artwork
Beginning love point totals (you have to make counterintuitive choices to catch Tifa up to Aerith’s automatic 1st place position)
The non-optional bodyguard agreement
The “normally” occurring CxA Gold Saucer date
Numerous flirtatious moments & obvious hints
Tifa’s constant jealousy
The Promised Land scene non-optionally occurring *AFTER* the inherently variable Highwind scene
Frequent CxA cameos
Aerith being the first & last image we see in the entire game
…it is clear Tifa never held a candle to Aerith as the heroine, or as the primary love interest for Cloud.
To put it simply -- Aerith was created first by SE. Tifa was created second. Aerith is the primary love interest. Tifa is the secondary love interest. Obvious common sense.
Unfortunately, fueled by their unyielding, irrational hatred of all things Aerith, they successfully sold the myth (for years) that Cloud x Tifa is the official canon couple of FFVII, thereby brainwashing the entire American fandom against Cloud x Aerith.
They reduced & twisted Cloud’s love for Aerith as “guilt.”
Saying that even though the Real Cloud chooses to live in Aerith’s Church, has his heart broken every time he visits her grave, reconnects with her in Flower Fields (and cameos), and seeks to find her in the Promised Land, is all due to guilt over the death of a mere friend. Saying that anything romantic shown in the OG is all a result of Zack (ie: attempted delegitimization).
I guess the symbolism of Cloud’s continued love for Aerith, and all the nuances that entails, is too cultured & sophisticated for them to comprehend. Or maybe they are purposely not comprehending the obvious?
Thankfully, the Japanese understand what all of this means. So why don’t western fans?
The only logical conclusion is because of their deep, burning, irrational hatred of Aerith as a character. Always minimizing & downplaying her role as the first & true heroine & love interest to Cloud.
But now, with the Remake perfecting Aerith’s look & personality, and making it crystal clear that these are Cloud’s REAL feelings, and that Aerith wants to move FORWARD from Zack, you are now seeing a significant swing within the fandom towards Cloud x Aerith.
The other side has spent years using Crisis Core & Advent Children to their advantage:
Essentially saying Crisis Core makes Zerith canon, and Advent Children makes Cloti canon. Simple & easy for the masses to understand, right?
So how, exactly, did they convince millions to believe their great myth?
1. Cloud & Aerith only liked each other because of Zack.
The relationship between Zack & Aerith in CC is officially described as a minor infatuation between two juveniles, much like Cloud’s childhood crush on Tifa.
In the OG, Aerith says her and Zack were NEVER serious, that their relationship is “in the past now,” and that he probably moved on to someone else because he’s a “real lady’s man.”
On the normally occurring CxA Gold Saucer date, Aerith confirms that although she initially liked Cloud because of Zack, she has grown to like Cloud for Cloud.
Within the lifestream, Aerith tells Zack that she prefers Cloud’s personality over his, and that she will only call Zack if she gets “really lonely.”
In the Remake, Aerith states she wants to move FORWARD with her life in regards to Zack.
Aerith triggers Cloud into a REAL memory of his mother suggesting he have an “older girlfriend.” This REAL memory proves the REAL Cloud was present during his interactions with Aerith. She is bringing the REAL Cloud back to the surface.
In official sources, Aerith is stated as saying she loves Cloud MORE than Zack.
Cloud is stated to be Aerith’s “koibito” (“lover” in Japanese).
Yes -- Cloud adopted some memories & mannerisms from Zack, but he never transformed 100% into Zack.
It is a myth that Cloud & Aerith’s love is null-and-void because of Zack.
2. Tifa wins by default due to being alive.
Tifa winning by default due to being alive is why they hope to god Aerith doesn’t live in the Remake.
You may personally prefer Tifa, but in the OG, Cloud himself clearly prefers Aerith over Tifa, and the other side knows it (just look at the Shinra jail cell moment).
Tifa only has a chance once Aerith is out of the picture. If Aerith lives, it is all but over for Tifa.
Even in death, Cloud has an “undying” love for Aerith that will never go away. Tifa knows this to be true and is stated to be jealous of Cloud’s continued feelings for Aerith.
In the AC credits, Tactics cameo, and the Dissidia cameo, it is clear Cloud still wants to meet and be with Aerith in the Promised Land. Denying the common sense symbolism of this is a sign of someone who has a deep-rooted bias against Aerith.
Furthermore, Cloud and Tifa are in an established “family of friends,” share zero romantic moments, have tons of continued jealousy, fighting, and sleep in separate rooms. Plus, Barret returns to living with them in DoC.
Cloud & Tifa only have the possibility of being a thing if Aerith is out of the picture. The other side better pray to god Aerith doesn’t live in the Remake.
And even if Aerith dies, Cloud & Aerith will always remain a tragic star-crossed love story where Cloud forever wants to meet her in the Promised Land. Tifa’s continued jealousy confirms this to be true.
In the Remake, Cloud cries when he thinks of Aerith facing her inevitable demise. True love.
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