#yes i am baiting everyone. yes spike does make a cameo in this chapter.
jennycalendar · 1 year
“Huh?” Faith followed Spike’s vaguely gesticulating hand to the far side of the room. Sure enough, Giles was standing in the corner, handing a plate of fancy dessert to a cute little dark-haired lady that Faith didn’t know. “Holy shit. I haven’t seen him at one of these since, what, 2004?”
“Think the bird has anything to do with it?”
“I’m gonna find out,” said Faith, hopping off of her stool. 
it's the end! i wanna say something really profound here, but quite honestly, i have never finished a project like this one. ever. i am floored that it's done. there are so many plans (the jenny-centric sequel! the fics that bridge that time jump! the stuff after and before and in between!!!) so it's not like i am LEAVING this world per se, but this is still big and insane and i'm truly still processing it.
i would like to first of all say -- if you read this, kept up with this, commented, bugged me on tumblr about it, thank you so much. this has been from the very start a project that i was writing because it was something i really wanted to read and do, and as such it is NICHE AS ALL HELL, so getting all the nice words really sustained me and kept the chapters going! which is why i am OFFICIALLY extending this offer -- leave me a little prompt, here or on ao3, with any characters in this 'verse and/or specific situations that you might like to see (and i mean any. maybe it's more oc nonsense. maybe it's some other canon character who was not part of this fic. i wanna say thanks), and there is a non-zero chance i will scoop up your prompt and create a small collection of thank-you fics set in this particular world! especially since there is a very cozy collection of people reading this so i know this is a reasonable amount of writing to assign myself.
second -- keep your ear to the ground <3 though this installment is complete, there is very much another one on its way! not sure WHEN that will happen, because i think i'm going to force myself to take a break for a LITTLE while, but it will probably be sooner than we all expect. or later. who knows.
third -- thank you all again! this fic meant the world to write. crafting and sharing it was such a joy. having it be a whole complete entity is a little insane and i might have to lie down for a minute.
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