#yes he's named after nikola tesla
chloedoesart · 2 months
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"Dr. Nickolas Juniper, but please, call me Nick."
With all of the Gravity Falls hype, I figured there would be no better time then the present to introduce my Ford Pines expy that I play in Toonkind D&D!
He is an Order of the Awakened Monk with strange hands (that have 5 fingers so that it's not a direct rip-off, I know I know, tragic) that seem to be made of toon ink, despite the rest of him being genetically Reelkind. He has claws can use to defend himself, as well as to write in his journal, since they're made of ink!
His journal often gives him hints about his current situation and seems to almost predict the future, although he isn't quite sure how. His life goal is to investigate the Toonkind race and the unique abilities they possess that make them unlike any other race in the world. Along the way, he finds himself drawn to odd creatures and anomalies at every turn. He has too many PhDs to count and I love him with my whole heart.
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nerdykeppie · 1 year
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Launching Tuesday - Historically Queer, our next enamel pin collection!
We Have Always Been Here.
Ten pins - two pairs, five single pins, and the La Maupin mega pin (she needed extra room for her headdress) - each with multiple unlockable colorways.
We launch Tuesday, 9/12, at 3PM Eastern, noon Pacific. Follow us on Kickstarter to be notified when we launch -- or just to help out! The visibility to Kickstarter from having followers on our campaign helps a lot. :D
Featured in this campaign:
Enheduanna, oldest named author. Incorporating trans themes into writing thousands of years old.
David & Jonathan, king & prince whose love surpassed the love of women.
Sappho, Lesbian poet. She should need no other introduction.
La Maupin, also known as Julie d'Aubigny. The original disaster bisexual. Opera singer, swordswoman. May have burned down a convent.
Publick Universal Friend, American religious figure. Going by gender-neutral pronouns since the year the Declaration of Independence was written.
Anne Lister & Ann Walker, the Gentleman Jack & her wife. Acknowledged as the first same-gender marriage in modern Britain.
Dr. James Barry, British surgeon. A transgender man, Dr. Barry performed the first C-section done by a European in Africa in which both mother & child survived. He is also credited with vastly improving conditions for wounded soldiers in the British military.
Nikola Tesla, Serbian-American genius. Listing Tesla's inventions would take a series of posts. Liked pigeons better than people.
If you don't see your favorite historical figure, don't fret! We've planned multiple sets of Historically Queer figures. We can't use them all up at once. :) Help ensure we can make future sets by helping us create this one!
Frequently Asked Questions under the cut.
Hey, what flag is that on Sappho?
That's the Sapphic flag, created by @tepkunset. NerdyKeppie's owner, Spider, is a butch lesbian who uses that flag for their art.
Hey - what about [historical figure]? How could you forget [historical figure]? This is erasure!
We didn't forget, we promise - this is the first of several installments of this project. After the absolute stress of the last Kickstarter when we had 300+ different SKUs by the end of the project, we decided to take a more focused approach to Historically Queer. We attempted to provide a good cross-section of identities, and will continue to expand in future projects. Spider has a huge folder on his computer full of planned pins and reference images.  
But historically...
Yes, we know that it isn't totally proper to use today's terms to discuss people who lived a long time ago. But also, how else do we talk about our community history in a way that's understood, and celebrate our shared queerness, other than to use the words and iconography which are understandable to us now? We celebrate our shared history with the words and understandings most accessible to all of us, and we hope that by providing not just the pins but a few elementary facts about these historical figures, we'll encourage people to read more about them in their original context.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello can I ask for a Male!reader(if your fine with that!)
that is the first ever emperor/king in human history.
like there the secret Back up in case the God's try anything sneaky.
and after his reveal how would the God's and human's react to his reveal and his fight
His weapon: would be a synth or syth (i forgot how spell it lol) pure red and a lot of details
His outfit: would be kinda like Qin shi Huang's but a lot more red and a lot more details,he would also have claws but longer and on all of his fingers and would use them to claw his opponent
He also has a tattoo on his face but it's red snake 🐍
And yes he is Very VERY arrogant and confident.
(I wish I can add photos but it won't let me🥲)
For the one's i like to see:
Humans:Qin shi Huang, Nikola Tesla and jack the ripper
God's:Hades,buddha, poseidon
(and if you do this I want to say thank you!♡︎)
-Throughout history, many have argued who in fact was the first true king. This age-old question had led to bitter wars and numerous arguments and debates throughout the world.
-Only a few, the earliest inhabitants of earth, knew the truth of the true first king of the world. A fierce warrior and even greater leader, he led his people from the brink of destruction to flourish and live without any suffering.
-His name was Y/N, and if you were an avid history buff, you might have seen his name a few times, but as he existed before pre-recorded history, not much is known about him or that he was even a king.
-Handsome and imposing, he looked intimidating, but it was the aura of a king, of a leader, one who would defend and lead his people himself.
-His most recognizable feature was a tattoo on his face, of a red snake, intricately detailed, but instead of hiding his beauty, it enhanced it, highlighting his features.
-Y/N was one of the first humans to be brought back to Valhalla, dying a hero’s death, protecting a child from a bandit and has since lived in the lap of luxury ever since.
-You enjoyed surprising others, mainly kings, who came to Valhalla, proving that you were the first king and you lorded that over them, your arrogance being fueled by their rage as they weren’t able to refute it.
-Qin Shi Huang became a good friend to you, being the first emperor and the two of you were very similar in personality, both being very confident and arrogant, but you both had the skills and experience to back it up with.
-If anyone were to compare the clothes you wear, they would say it’s similar to Qin Shi Huang’s own clothes, only red in color and more ornate, with fine intricate details, but to the trained eye, they were very different.
-Pairing your fine clothes with long claw fingertip rings made you look like Qin Shi Huang’s ancestor, but there was no connection, you weren’t even from the same part of the world!
-Brunnhilde disliked dealing with you, as you could be a pain in the ass at times, but when Ragnarok was announced, you were one of the first she approached, because your strength and skills were unmatched, something she told you.
-You agreed to fight, and she told you that you were a secret back up fighter, just in case if the gods tried to do anything sneaky, which she knew they would try, and you agreed to her terms, keeping quiet about your position, mainly because you wanted to surprise everyone when you got to fight, because you knew that you would get to fight.
-Chernabog, a deity of evil was suddenly announced as the next fighter and Brunnhilde was scrambling, looking for a fighter before laughter filled her ears.
-She turned with a slight scowl as you were walking towards her, holding your weapon of choice, a massive red scythe, over your shoulder, “Yo Brunnhilde! Looks to me like you need a hand!” she sighed softly in relief as she agreed, knowing you could handle yourself as you walked by, putting a hand on the top of her head, petting affectionately like she was a child which earned you a small pout, but you could sense her elation.
-When you were being introduced as the first king of the world, many who knew you cheered, knowing what a warrior you were, while others who didn’t know about you got a quick history lesson that you were indeed the first king of the world but because you lived before recorded history, nobody knew this but it was true!!
-You spun your scythe easily around your neck, facing off against the massive hulking demon god who looked furious, but you had a feeling he always looked like that.
-You made it look easy, not getting a single scratch on you, and you weren’t even taking things seriously! You looked like you were playing a cat and mouse game with one of the strongest gods out there!! Pairing your scythe with your claws, you were easily tearing Chernabog to shreds!!
-Many of the gods were furious, seeing your strength before you spun your scythe, pointing up at them, “Unlike you lot who have been sitting on your asses for the past millennia- I’ve been training and working hard!”
-Your arrogance was irritating but you were showing that you could back it up and you had the gods quickly eating their words, much to your glee.
-Qin Shi Huang- Was holding his stomach in pain because he had been laughing so hard, seeing you enter and playing around with your opponent- you weren’t even fighting seriously!! Could only watch in amusement as his good friend easily beat his own opponent, leaving you walking out the victor, not a hair out of place as you whistled happily as you headed backstage. When you met up with him a short while later, you pouted, annoyed, “He wasn’t even that strong!” which made your friend laugh again as you leaned into him, your pout increasing, “At least you can give me what I want!” He heard the flirt in your words, as you were a shameless flirt, but then again, so was he, “I’ll always give you want you want~” Brunnhilde couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she passed, hearing the two of you being flirty.
-Nikola- Had sparkly eyes, seeing you using your weapons with such delicate grace, using momentum to make your attacks stronger. Was amazed at how easily you defeated your opponent, walking out the victor while Chernabog was wheeled out on a stretcher. Nikola had difficulties with his own fight, almost winning himself, but in the end, he lost. Once you got backstage you were surprised to see Nikola charging towards you and he skidded to a halt in front of you, having huge sparkling eyes and began to rapidly fire questions about your technique, asking about the science behind your style. He amused you and was appealing to the eye as well, and you cupped his chin, a grin on your face, “Quite the looker aren’t you? Come with me, I’ll answer your questions while we have some tea together.” Nikola turned bright red at your shameless flirting, which you thought was cute before he followed after you as you began to answer his questions.
-Jack- Was impressed with your skills in your fight, you looked like you were born to be a warrior and he couldn’t help but smile, seeing the color of your soul, it was such a beautiful blend of joy and annoyance. He could tell you were disappointed in your match, you wanted a challenge, but you were having fun. You literally ran into each other backstage, both of you rounding the corner at the same time. You were more solid, so Jack was the one to fall back but you quickly lunged and caught him, arm going around his waist as your other hand caught his own, minding your claws. He was stunned before his face quickly went red, trying to pull away from you and you grinned, giving him a wink, “Can’t say I blame you for falling for me!” Jack was quickly standing, trying to regain control of himself but you couldn’t help but smile at his lingering blush, “Thank you for preventing me from falling, sir. I apologize for bumping into you.” You just grinned, flirting a bit more, taking his hand and pecking the back of it, “I’m not bothered, but I won’t say no to learning your name.” Jack was completely tomato red, which made you want to tease him even more- he was so cute!
-Hades- Was very impressed with your skills, you made it look so easy and it made him wonder how powerful you really were. He was still aching from his own match with Qin Shi Huang, who was by no means a pushover. Hades knew firsthand that humans were way stronger than they looked and you were no exception. You made him curious and not many humans were able to grab and keep his attention. When he sought you out after your match, he wasn’t expecting you to be such a gremlin, teasing him about losing to Qin Shi Huang. He surprised you by pinning you to the wall, telling you to watch your mouth and you immediately grinned, “Oh~ I didn’t know the king of the underworld was so bold~ careful now- I just might have to call for help~” you were so shameless- openly flirting with him as he stepped back from you, going to leave and you instantly grin, going after him, now that you had a taste, “Aww don’t be shy- I’m sure Qin Shi Huang wouldn’t mind sharing with me~” Hades didn’t know what he got himself into with the two of you, already feeling a headache coming on.
-Buddha- The two of you have met before, long ago as you were in Valhalla before he arrived, something you liked to tease him about, and the two of you got along well over your fondness for hating gods and eating snacks. There were many who also thought the two of you were dating, with how openly and shambles you both flirted with each other, but whenever anyone asked, the both of you just said you were friends. He couldn’t help but grin, watching you fight- he knew you were extremely strong as you sparred with him all the time and you could hold your own against Buddha, so Chernabog was going to be a cake walk for you. When you entered the waiting room you were sharing with Buddha you beamed, “I’m back darling!” and he grinned from his spot on the couch in the room, “Welcome back love~” you dove into his arms as Brunnhilde rolled her eyes, seeing the nauseating display of affection, “You sure you two aren’t dating?” Buddha grinned, sending her a wink, “Aww~ are you jealous Bru-chan? I’ll always have room in my heart for you~ but no we’re not dating.” she sent him a small glare, crossing her arms over her chest, speaking sarcastically, “And I’m the Queen of Valhalla.” Instantly both you and Buddha bowed to her, speaking in unison, “‘Your majesty!’” she left you both with a large steaming lump on your heads as you two roared with laughter before she left, giving you a small nod, thanking you for winning, which made you beam.
-Poseidon- As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Poseidon no longer underestimated humans, especially after suffering such a humiliating defeat at the hands of ‘history’s greatest loser’ who had never won a fight before. Watching you fight was more proof of humanity’s strength as you were easily beating a god who was notoriously powerful. He leaned his cheek on his hand, a bored look on his face as he watched the match, a little curious about how strong you actually were. After your match he sought you out, wanting to ask for a match, wanting to test your skills against his own as he spoke, “I want to have a round with you.” You looked over and instantly grinned, seeing the sea god, “Oh~ so bold~ at least buy me dinner first.” His trident was instantly against your neck, a dark glare on his face, shadows covering everything except for his glaring eyes, as he hadn’t meant it in that way, but boy you were having fun, “Oooh~ so kinky I didn’t know that gods we- GURK!!” he grabbed you by your throat, going to end you here and now for your disrespectful and shameless flirting before you managed to wheeze out, while sending him a wink, “Harder~” he dropped you on your ass before turning and you were quick to scramble to your fee, chasing after him, “Wait don’t leave! You can’t tease me like that then leave me hanging!” Poseidon has no idea what he has started.
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gabelesimp · 11 months
Okay, This is some hardcore shit but-
TW: Drinking, Alcohol
But, how high is their alcohol tolerance?
Both Humans and Gods!!
Norse Pantheon!
Valkyries: Brunhilde, Hrist, Geirölul and Thrud may have a high tolerance for alcohol, only Wine and Spirit.
Thor and Odin: Yes.
Loki: Can only handle Wine(Idk, there's not many stories of him drinking in Norse mythology)
Seigfried: (How the fuck do you spell his name- I keep forgetting-) Yes.
Greek Pantheon!!
Zeus: Yes, but he'd throw up after.
Poseidon: Prefers Wine.
Hades: Same as Poseidon, but likes Champagne and sometimes likes gin.
Hermes: Just Wine.
Ares: He has a bit of a weak tolerance, and would totally black out.
Aphrodite: Same as Hermes.
Heracles: He doesn't drink (I mean, just look at him, does he drink??)
Apollo: Yes. He has a high tolerance, but only drinks during occasions.
Leonidas: Yes, Wine is at its finest. He would probably like Beer, Vodka and Margaritas once he tried them.
Hindu Pantheon!!
Shiva, Indra and Rudra: Fucking High. And of course, they like Mahua or rice beer or wine.
Shiva's wives(yes the three of them.): Take it lightly, and just drink for fun! Rice wine or if they want to take it to the next, Rum.
Seven Lucky Gods: Yes, except the young one (I forgot who they are-) Benzaiten loves to get drunk, while Bishamonten would scold her.
Zerofuku: No. The Innocent boy doesn't drink.
Buddha: kinda? Lol, drunk after two glasses
Kojiro Sasaki: Maybe? Gramps likes Sake or Amazake.
Okita: No.
Kintoki: Yes. Likes Awamori.
Qin Shi Huang: Yes. There's nothing that a king can't handle! Loves Osmanthus wine, Huangjiu and Baijiu.
Raiden: Yes, but doesn't drink often. Sake is his to go.
Lu Bu: Idk, He's like the type to likes to drink but doesn't at the same time-
Jack the Ripper: No, I don't think he drinks.
Nikola Tesla: Kinda? Often busy to drink.
Science crew: Newton has a high Tolerance, Marie and Noble do too. Galileo would take it easy, Einstein would too. But, Edison. He's a party animal-
Adam: No. He doesn't know what Alcohol is. (Including his family.)
Beelzebub: Maybe? Hades would invite him over for some wine.
Lilith: Yes, Wine Momma.
Lucifer: Lol, Yes. He loves Rum.
Honorary Mentions: @average-lovejoy-listener, @kushii-huang, @riseofamoonycake ❣️❣️
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jarognieva · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Archibald working for School of Mensis? This is implied quite strongly! Did Archibald have no choice, or School of Mensis simply offered more opportunities and freedom for his "weird" research, or he genuinely thought Micolash was better leader in general? Or was it Micolash himself that bribed Archibald to work with him instead, since his research provided weapons extremely effective against those blue Choir toddlers? Or maybe School of Mensis simply vulture'd his weapons and inventions for themselves after Archibald was gone?
I just think that he is the underrated Mensis Squad's fourth girl fsdfdds
These are more my thoughts and headcanons than serious theories:
1. My first thoughts were that Archie was imprisoned from start to finish, was there and had to create weapons against his will. He finally dug a tunnel to escape from prison. He encountered the closed gate of Old Yharnam, and there was no one to open it for it was already a dead city. Archie transformed into Dark Beast.
This theory also assumes that Archie and Paarl are the same person. But on the other hand, if Archie and Paarl are the same person, why are they two different names? Even if he didn't turn into this particular beast, it's still possible that he ended up as a beast, because that's what the cut dialogue suggests.
2. It is possible that he came to Yahar'gul because Mico encouraged him with his freedom of action. And everything was fine until some conflict occurred between them. That's why he was imprisoned.
3. I like to think that Archie is the evil version of Nikola Tesla :D After all, he is described as "infamous". Btw, Tonitrus is similar to a Tesla transformer! And fun fact, tonitrus means lightning in Latin. Archie was a foreigner (according to the cut dialogue) and of course a madman doing crazy and dangerous experiments with electricity. First he experimented on darkbeasts, then he learned to generate electricity himself. Both were extremely dangerous.
In this version of my theories, Archibald was never imprisoned, but Paarl, the escaped experiment subject, was imprisoned and eventually escaped.
The hunters were afraid of both electricity and Archie. He was madman and eccentric and they were never sure if he was going to do something dangerous around them. He even looked strange and suspicious. He looked as if he had just been electrocuted. All his hair was sticking out in a different direction and on top of that his strange, creepy smile made people around him (except Mico xD) feel uncomfortable.
Mico allowed him to work without restrictions in exchange for weapons. I like to think they worked very well together. They understood each other well as madmen :D Although they argued sometimes. Archie had some ideas that seemed useless to the School. He wanted to create certain inventions, such as an engine or a radio, but in such a rotten city as Yharnam, only blood and religious fanaticism mattered (and cosmic shit if we're talking about School of Mensis and Choir), not civilization progress (in the technical sense). Mico was only interested in weapons that could effectively harm the Choir. To be honest, Archibald didn't care about civilization progress either. He was simply very curious which of his ideas and inventions would work. That's why Mico had to remind him every now and then "hey, you were supposed to do something else!"
I like to think that Archie died in some pathetic way, e.g. he was eaten by some beast or electrocuted to death xD Or some experimental subject escaped and mortally wounded him as revenge. Anyway, I imagine how the scholars found Archie's corpse:
Micolash: Yeah, that's sad. Anyway...
Damian: Heaven gained another angel today 😭💔
Archibald in hell: WHERE'S LAURENCE
So yes, I can say he's Mensis Squad fourth girl xD
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r-sevendreamyzz · 11 months
Nikola Tesla (RoR) x OC
- ♡ Pestilence ♡ (NSFW)
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⚠️ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 ♡*⁠.⁠✧🎀
- 𝑶𝒄 𝒙 𝑪𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 ‼️
- 𝑵𝑺𝑭𝑾 🔞
💌[ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴏᴄ x ᴄᴀɴᴏɴ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ, ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴄʟᴏsᴇ ɪᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ɪᴛ]💭
[This smut is inspired by a JAV movie,SHKD-964 starring - Ninomiya Hikari, from Attackers movie studio, I took the topic of the way that it has pandemic in this movie turned it into my Short Smut...]
My English is still in the process of being polished. If there is a sentence that is strange or using incorrect grammar I'm sorry for that.
____________⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆____________
Right now our world has a new epidemic. It happens to both women and men. Woman who were infected with this disease Would Die If they Didn't Inject Fresh Sperm Into their Vagina Within 48 Hours....And after they receive the semen...they also have to inject fresh sperm into their vaginas in every thirty hours. Otherwise, the symptoms will recur and eventually death...
And for the men, Sperm blockage disease is plaguing them. They will not be able to secrete sperm if they are infected with this disease.... Everyone in the world wears a mask. and keep themselves clean.
However, The number of people infected with these two diseases is increasing steadily. Including the number of deaths itself has increased as well.
Reporter : Now the number of deaths and infected people is increasing quite a bit....
The reporter say and reported a new about the epidemics
Nikola Tesla, a single man who sit on the couch and eat the snack grab a remote and close the TV and he sigh...
Tesla : that's terrible....
Tesla sigh as he get up, wearing a mask and get out from his house since he is hungry right now...
Maybe he should check something to eat at the convenience store...
Tesla saw a lot of people on the street wearing a mask and walk quickly to avoid other people.
Tesla sigh again... What happen to this world ?
Tesla start walking until he reach a convenience store. He enter inside and look around for some food.
After he got all the food, he get out and walk
Back home... gladly that he didn't infected the Sperm blockage disease yet... Or else he will die without knowing what happened to this world.
Tesla entered the house and go inside his room.
He took off his mask and got into bed... He sleeps right away after that
But suddenly, He hear someone... knocking crazily at his door...he can't sleep by this so he get up and walk to the door
He open it ...and now he saw one girl with her long brown hair and bangs... crying out loud in front him..
RT : I- I want you to help me! P-Please...
She had a white shirt and black skirt and looked like a pure virgins...
Tesla: what do you need?....*Tesla confused *
RT : Please... please help me!!!!
Tesla : okay,okay calm down...Tell me what happened and what's your name?
RT : My name is RT...i..i...i..
Rt sobbing and her face are full with her tears
Tesla : Okay,I'll help you...tell me everything......what happened ?...
RT : *Crying* I have been infected....
Tesla : oh....damn....the woman's...epidemic...
The disease that you would Die If you Didn't Inject Fresh Sperm Into Vagina Within 48 Hours?....
Tesla tlit his head...he can touch or being near her since she is a woman. Men's and women's diseases are different, and he cannot be infected by her.... So he is safe....
Then,Rt say...
RT : .....you see...I don't have any man in my life...
Tesla : What do you mean?....
RT : I am alone, and I haven't found any man that I....can....
She go silent and look up at him with a puppy eyes...
Tesla sigh and stare at her...
Tesla : You serious?
RT : Yes...please...
Tesla : .... you want me to..fuck you?
RT : ...... *Rt become silent but Tesla know that it's a yes*
Tesla stand still staring at her, then he think for a while.
What should he do?...
Should he just let her suffer and die?...
Or should he use her?...
Because for a woman, sex is the only thing that can cure the disease.
Tesla then ask her,
Tesla : How many hours have you been infected?...
Rt : f- for a 25 hours now...*She sobbed*
Tesla : 25 hours?
That means she needs to inject fresh sperm into her vagina within 23 hours....If she doesn't do that, then she will die.
*Tesla thinks in his mind*
Rt : Yes...yes please...please...
*Rt kneel down and beg for him at his front door*
Tesla : Listen Rt, I want you to understand something first...
Then....the go silent and Start to saying again
Tesla : Do you really want me to fuck you?
RT : I-I don't care!!
RT : I....I want any men right now!!...j-just...do it !! ...or else i will die!! Please!!...Mr.Nikola!!!!
*She bow and bow, Begging for Nikola*
Tesla frown and calm her down with his kind deeds.
Tesla : "Don't worry, everything going to be alright, okay?"
Rt : *Rt hold his hand and look at him with her teary eyes*
Tesla : Ok, here we go...come in my house,Rt
Tesla smile and open his front door, Rt enter and she look around..
Tesla : There is no one here. Just me... i'm a single guy...
Tesla led her to his bedroom and the door closes. Then he lock it.
Tesla : I never had sex with any girls before.. so understand me..
Tesla sigh as now he slowly pick Rt up and place her on to his bed... But seem Rt is still sobbing and crying
Tesla : A fresh sperm into your vagina....i understand.....now....stop crying, okay?
Rt : m...mhm...
Rt is try to smile up and calm down...but Tesla still see her face covered with tears
Tesla hold her tight and put her down on his bed.
Tesla remove his clothes and then he lay down on his back.
Rt looking at him with her big eyes...
Tesla : You need to relax and enjoy this...
He move closer to her face with his arm....
Tesla : You have to make sure that you really want this...because this is the only way to save your life....
Tesla look at Rt again and start to unbottoning her shirt.... and Remove her skirt...
Rt : Mmmmn...
Rt look down at herself because she is now naked...and blush
Of course, who doesn't being shy when they are in front of the Strangers?...
Tesla : Are you ready?...
Rt nod and trying not to cry anymore.
Rt : Y-Yes...
Tesla : heh....you are so cute and beautiful...you know that?
Tesla unbuttoned his pants and took his dick and put it in his hand and He stroke his cock until it is fully erect...
Tesla : why don't you try touching it? *He smile*
Rt stare at his penis and touching it with her small hands...
Tesla : Mmm....ah yeah....like that
*Tesla Moaning as Rt stroke his shaft*
Tesla : Ah....you don't need to be shy or nervous...okay?
Rt : ...i....i understand.....
*Rt continue to stroke his cock*
Rt : Mm... I-it's so big, Mr.Nikola..mmm
Tesla : ah...mmm really? you like what you see,Rt?
Rt : m-mhm... *She nod*
Tesla : Now... Let me spread your legs...
Rt : Mm...
He push her legs apart and look at her pussy.
It looks clean and pretty to him. He can see her pussy lips and they are very soft and wet.
Rt : I-I'm so nervous....*blushes*
Tesla : Don't worry, this won't hurt, i promise...
Nikola leaning forward to line his cock up with her entrance....And then he entering her in one swift motion, insert his penis into her pussy and feel how tight it is...
Rt : mm!!!...
Tesla : oohhh....~~~
The girl and The lonely scientist are becoming once now, His Thick cock Break and push it deep in her pussy....thrust in and out in a slowly pace now...
Tesla : Ah....Rt...you are so tight...
Tesla Feeling her pussy clenching around his cock, he picks up the pace, start to fucking her hard and more fast
Tesla : Ah....So...you are a virgin like me huh~~
Rt : i...i...i ..um.....Yes....
*She break and speak again*
Rt : I...i never thought of having sex 'till i got infected from this damn deceased..
Tesla : Ah....I see>>
Tesla move his hips forward and thrust his penis inside her pussy. His thrusts become more forceful, hitting her gspot with precision...
Rt: Mmm!! Ahh~~!!!!!!
Tesla moves his cock in and out of her pussy roughly.
Tesla : and why you choose to come to my room and begging me for sex huh?...
Tesla said as he continues to pounding her.
Rt : Every man in this apartment seem to has been infected the Sperm blockage disease. You're the only one left who can give me fresh sperm right now, N-Nikola....*make a puppy eyes*
Tesla : ha..I see~
Tesla smiled and continue to pound her.
Tesla : Oooh~ you like that huh?
*He reaches back and begins to gently massage her clit while continuing his deep penetration*
Rt : Mmm... AHHH!!!...AHHHH!!
Rt moan softly as he thrusts his cock inside her.
Tesla continues to fuck Rt while she lies on the bed .
Tesla : This is what you wanted, isn't it?
Rt : Ah..A-ah.....Y-yes...yes...N-ngh!~~
Tesla : so that's why you want me to fuck you?
Rt : M-Mhm... *She nodded*
Tesla continue to pound her pussy.
Tesla : You know what,Rt?
Rt : w-what?
Tesla : You trigger the instinct in me.....
After Tesla say, He bucks his more fast and pounding her so fast
Rt : uwaaaaa!?!?! *She widen her eyes and look up at Nikola*
Tesla : Fuck!!! So tight,Rt!!!
Rt : Ahh~ N-Nikola..*she moaned and moan*
Tesla : Good girl!! Keep moaning like that!
Rt : Mm...ahhhh~
Tesla : I love the sound of your voice,Rt...
Tesla begin to moan and groan loudly too.
Rt : AH!!! N-Nikola!!?? Ah....ah...Mmm!!!!
Tesla : Ah Fuck....You're so eager for my cock, aren't you?
*Rt moaning and screaming, Her breasts shaking and jiggle from Tesla force that pounding her hard*
Tesla: Fuuuck!! I'm gonna cum!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tesla pounding her more fast, Make sure he could ejaculate as much semen inside her womb as he could. To save this Girl's life Let her survive because of his semen.
Rt : ...Ahhhhh~! *She moans and scream as Tesla pounding her so damn hard*
Tesla: AHHH!!! RT!!! I...I..I..AGHH!!
Tesla bucking his cock harder than ever before.
Rt: H-how did you...how did you get this skill?!
*she break and gasping some air*
Rt : Y-you said you never ever had sex before i-isn't it!? *Rt's voice cracks she She said while also gasping for breath*
Tesla: Yeah,but this is my first time fucking a girl since I was born....
Tesla: I..i just don't know how to control myself when I'm with you now Rt...
Tesla begins to buck his cock faster and faster, and make sure his orgasm came out as soon as
Tesla : but... yeah~ a single guy watch a lot of porn videos isn't it? *Smirks* i just learned from that...
Tesla continue to pound Rt's pussy and he cry loudly.
His orgasm is so intense that his body will shake and twitch.
Tesla: A-AHH!!!!!!!
With a loud cry, he spurts his hot sticky seed inside her pussy. his body shakes with the force of his orgasm.
Tesla: RT!!! I...I...I... *He gasp for breath*
The room got silent, Leave only the sound of gasping of both of them
Then,Tesla say again...
Tesla: I...I...JUST....C-CUM!!!!
Tesla scream out loud as he climax
Tesla: M-Mmmmhh....
Tesla Feel the warm of his semen inside Rt's pussy, the way he filled her womb with his sperm...
Tesla : There you go....The fresh hot sperm that you need....
*Tesla say as he smile and gasp for an air*
*Then he look down at Rt again and say*
Tesla: This is all for you,Rt...
He Slowly pulls out of her pussy, let his fresh cum leaking out from her womb, Tesla still rocked by the intense orgasm ...
Rt: O-Oh....i...i don't know ... What i want to say right now....
*She lie down on the bed and rub her stomach*
Rt : Th-Thank you,Nikola..
Tesla : ah...
Tesla lie down next to her and kiss her forehead.
Tesla : I'm glad that i can help you,Rt...
Rt : Y-Yes...thank you...again.....i...i owe you so much....
*Rt cover her mouth with her palm*
Tesla : it's nothing, it's my pleasure... *hug her tightly*
Tesla : but.....You know what Rt?
Rt : Y-Yes?
Tesla : This virus will comeback and effect on you again in next thirty hours....
Rt look down and nod slightly...
Rt : i...i..know that....Nikola...
Tesla: So if you are willing...then we can do it again in 30 hours from now....what...do you say?
Seem someone addict to Rt now... Isn't it?...
Rt : Y-Yes...i'll, N-Nikola...*say as she gasp*
Tesla : good...
Tesla hug her tighter and kiss her forehead.
Tesla : *Whisper* I won't let anything happen to you again, okay?
Rt : A...Ah....N-Nikola...Th-thank you *she smile*
Tesla: you are welcome...
*Tesla said as he pat her head*
Tesla : Good night,Rt~ Let me take care of you...
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taocc-updates · 2 months
TAOCC but it’s 14 by Peter Clines because I am NOT NORMAL ABOUT 14
After all being offered what might be the lowest apartment rent in LA, a group of mismatched tenants start noticing some weird stuff about their new home. Bright green cockroaches with too many legs, a wall that’s freezing cold, apartments that are huge or have weird layouts, complex population calculations and circuitry below the painted walls, a massive geothermal generator miles below the ground, and whatever’s going on with the completely blocked off Apartment number 14.
(If you’re wondering why they’re all so random, that was on purpose)
Nathan “Nate” Tucker: Caleb A very normal guy with a very boring job in Data Entry in LA. After being offered an apartment for a ridiculously low rate, he moves into the Kavach Building. He ends up as the impromptu leader of the tenants, who slowly shift from a vaguely acquainted group of random people to a makeshift apocalypse prevention team.
Malavika "Veek" Vishwanath: Felicia A woman who works from home as a “call center employee”. In actuality, hacking and web investigation pays the bills. She’s closed-off and snarky, but does care for the group. She ends up with Caleb by the end.
Xela (Zeila?? Literally what is this girl’s name): Conny A bubbly, blue-haired Artist with massive social anxiety and a liking for the Greek Mythos. Has a large snarky streak, meaning she tends to bicker with Felicia.
Roger: Starro A outgoing wannabe actor who is stuck in set design. He does like his job, even if it isn’t his dream. Says “dude” a lot and has a hopeless crush on Conny.
Tim Farr: Charles A “retired publisher” who knows way too much about survival and has an arsenal of weapons big and varied enough to rival a police station. Turns out, his “publishing job” was probably the CIA. He’s being tracked by a PI because of his past.
Debbie: Elysia A very quiet ballet dancer who’s getting a degree in biology. She’s a good baker and very sweet, although she doesn’t handle the dangers of the Kavach building very well. At least she has her husband around.
Clive: Blaze A self-employed carpenter and the third guy who knows how to use power tools in the building. He’s upbeat and a bit dumb, but beloved by and super supportive of everyone.
Mandy: Umbra A nervous wreck who wants NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to do with the group’s investigations. Period. She ends up getting dragged into it anyways.
Ms. Linda(?) Knight: Sun The oldest tenant and everyone’s favorite snarky grandma. Nobody is spared. She also gets thrown into space. No, you don’t get context for that.
Oskar: Jacob The kind but a bit intimidating manager for the Kavach building. Very German. He knows both more and less than he’s letting on. Keeps telling everyone to stop investigating the horrors, to literally no success.
Andrew: Vamp A cleanly dressed member of some congregation. Everyone assumes she’s hardcore Mormon or something. But it gets more and more apparent as time goes on that whatever she worships, it sure isn’t a god we’re familiar with.
-The Cool Old People-
Alexander Kotorovich (please tell me I spelled that right): Dusk Saw beyond the veil, single-handedly figuring out the interdimensional threat to the world. She was called crazy, but she was right, and with her colleagues, she created the Kavach building. She died brutally inside the machine that she adored in the 1800’s.
Nikola Tesla yes that Nikola Tesla: Dialtone Dusk’s business partner and one of the people who helped turn her ideas into a physical reality.
W.P. (I can’t remember his name help): Uhhhhh like freaking Abayomi or smth Funded the Kavach building. He told his grandson (H.P. Lovecraft, yes THAT H.P. Lovecraft) the stories of Dusk’s theories after being minorly traumatized. Poor guy.
-the Horrors-
The Great Old One (“The Squale”): Clown Termed “the Squale (squid-whale)” by Conny in an attempt to make it less threatening. Whatever it is, it really wants worship and to eat all of humanity. The Kavach building is the only thing standing in its way.
The Kavach Building: It’d be really silly if it was House A huge machine created by Dusk, Dialtone, and Abayomi. Not alive in the original, buuuut heck why not make it House. It is benevolent, and saves the world every second that it exists. It is studied closely by the government and the manager. The control center is in Blaze and Elysia’s room, and apartment 14 just straight up leads to deep space as a counterweight for all of the dimension shifting that the control room does.
Anne: Niko Caleb’s coworker. Likes pizza. Thinks he’s pretty cool.
Eddie: Zachariah Caleb’s boss. Not too good at his job but goodness is he trying. Eddie sucks in the original but Zach in this version is a seriously cool guy.
Carmichael: Calamity Investigating Charles at the behest of the government. May or may not be dead by the end of the novel. Oops.
uhhh tags I guess because I used y’all’s sillies
@sh4tt3rg1rl @star-on-a-beach @feiar @silhouette-anon
Read 14.
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karnaca78 · 1 year
I'm looking forward to see your exploration of the Dishonored scientific lore! Roseburrow's an intriguing soul, considering he had his best intentions, had difficult time and lived in poverty and then... he's famous innovator with guilt conscience. I see your Esmond on the edge of the discovery - not yet enough resources and support, but he feels he might soon bring great changes in the society. Any natural philosopher is remarkable, the developers really made the game's lore worth of interest, Sokolov from the first Dishonored is my absolute favorite. Renaissance man with many talents and complex character. Perhaps, Dr. Galvani is another interesting scientist. He's as well passionate about his work; marks the day he had a conversation with Sokolov as the greatest day in his entire lifetime; once was Granny Rags' doctor; studied the rat plague, kept a bunch of rats in his house for that case (there was an incident which resulted with a severed arm that can be found near the rat pantry); he can be robbed by the protagonist at least thrice after which he becomes understandably paranoid (I also loved his notes, he seems like an ardent man, maybe choleric). I even find some similarities with Piero. I'm curious what people imagine him look like. Oh, and you can think of the parallels with scientists from the real world! I'm certain there's a lot. P.s. I have no idea if I made any spelling mistakes, but I hope my rant is somehow coherent. I wish you luck :)
Hello! First and foremost, I thank you kindly for your interest and your support, it's very much appreciated!! :)
Your message is very interesting, and there's a lot to say about all of these scientists.
Starting with Roseburrow, I think that's an unjustly forgotten character. Probably because we barely hear of him at all in the games, and not everyone has seen the beautiful Tales of Dunwall shorts. But without his breakthrough, who knows what the Empire would have looked like at the time of Corvo and Emily's story? He's a truly pivotal figure and I think it right to pay him tribute somehow. So yes, I wanted to depict him as he was in his younger years; idealistic, full of good intentions and gifted with a true belief in science despite the hardships thrown his way.
Sokolov, too, is a man of many faces! By 1837 and the Rat Plague outbreak, he has completely eclipsed Roseburrow (whose death is still recent!) with his deadly contributions to natural philosophy. On the other hand, he is the Royal Physician and an accomplished artist. Although his methods aren't always the most commendable, he's also a fascinating character.
As for Galvani! That's a good idea. I don't envision him as a genius, and not really as a pivotal scientist in the grand scheme of things, but I agree that his works and his character in general are very interesting too. He's a bit of a shape-shifter as far as I'm concerned: almost menacing in Dishonored, because his apartment anx experiments are honestly very creepy; less so in Dishonored 2, where robbing him is played more as comic relief and there isn't a mission that features him extensively like in the previous game. Representing him would be an interesting challenge, so thank you for the idea!
Researching real scientists and their artistic representations is also a great inspiration, of course! It's pretty clear that Sokolov is heavily inspired by Da Vinci, whereas Jindosh is something of an "evil" rendition of Nikola Tesla. Hypatia, too, is named after a very real Greek philosopher! I'm not sure about the others, but perhaps someone else can provide insight on them.
Forgive me for rambling! I'm very happy to share my thoughts on Dishonored lore and your contribution is very thought-provoking.
Thank you again for your message and have a great day! :)
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historical figures i blorbofied aka was obsesssed with as a child
by age to the best of my ability the ones in italics where special interests
Sally Ride (5-6)
Squanto (age 6-10)
Johnny Appleseed (6-7)
Galileo Galilei (6-12)
Robin Hood aka Robin of Loxley (7-12) he was a real person fight me
Joan of arc (7-8)
Leif Erikson (7-8)
Blackbeard (8)
Leonardo da Vinci (8-12) he’s like me for real for real - tiny frizzle
Harriet Tubman (8-10?)
Martin Luther King Jr. (8+) my siblings are black hes the reason my family can be a family nuff said 
Deborah Sampson (9)
Benjamin Franklin (9-11) 
Lewis and Clark (10-11)
Sacajawea (10-12)
Copernicus (11-12?)
the Wright brothers (10-11)
Harry Houdini (10ish)
Amelia Earhart (9-11)
Marie Curie (10ish)
Mozart and Beethoven (under 10)
Helen Keller (under 12)
Nikola Tesla (11 +) yes i know enuginsist. he also built a death ray and thought women would rule world you win some you lose some
Abigail Adams (9-now)
Irena sendler (12-now) im naming my future child after kinda thing
history AntiBlorbos aka the ones i hate with a passion
Thomas Edison's sexist invention stealer
Henry the Eighth murdered his wives
Christopher Columbus, do i even need to say it
Emperor Nero set fire to Rome
@tw-5 heres the list feel free to rate them
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blnk338 · 1 year
If he uses twitter to help build the ai this will be undoubtedly the most unfathomable right wing shit I've ever seen. The racism homophobia sexism *caugh* neoliberalism *caugh* unmatched... you don't even have to dig deep into twitter to see the most brain dead opinions humankind has ever seen. This will be absolutely unbearable (part of me is curious just how bad it will be)
This just in! White South African billionaire Elon Musk denies being benefitted by his father's emerald mine and the apartheid! *crowd gasps* He claims not only to have made Tesla himself, but also, to have designed the cars! *crowd yells in rage* but wait, dear listeners, sit tight, quiet up and listen down-- he actually faked his degree! *crowd gasps once more, this time, with less shock* that is correct, dear listeners! Elon Musk not only used Papa's money to buy Nikola Tesla's company, cars, and team but then whined and cried when people found out! Oh, merry fellows and fraulines, and those either-or or neither in between, did you not hear? *the crowd yells no* Why-- Elon hasn't actually made anything ever! He steals designs from his engineers and claims them as his own, then cries and cries when people bring it up! *the crowd is beginning to see a pattern* but wait! There's more! with a history of SA, he attempted to pay off a woman with a pony! yes! A pony! oh but don't worry, his endless trifles seemed yet to wane-- his factories are well known for being rampant with racism and-- hark?-- it appears monsieur Musk indulges in the topic himself! dost thou remember in the early days (oh, we were so tender then, weren't we?) when he originally purchased the blue bird's centre for a mere FORTY-FOUR BILLION GOLD PIECES, that he actually, in his effort to "make humor legal again" pumped the use of the n-slur up by 500%? *the crowd screams in horror!* oh, but don't worry, he has even more under his belt! *the crowd begins to shift uncomfortably* dear listeners and watchers from the beyond, have you no mercy for this poor fellow? he only named his child an incomprehensible name, and deadnames and misgenders his children to the point of where they don't want to contact him-- but happy father's day, right? oh yes, yes, he is the greatest father of them all! *the crowd continues to be uneased* Lest I am boring you, there do be more. have you heard of him removing likes from his bird app *the crowd whines, sick of his shit* yes! yes! yes! its true! after renaming it to a stupid letter (one of which he attempted to do to several other brands he has owned, but was actually kicked out of 'paypal' for such a stupid idea), he intends to remove the ability to see likes so the users don't know he's liking tweets of eugenics, pedophillia, racism, and-- you guessed it-- conservative politicians gloating about their oppressive laws! *the crowd screams* yes! yes! yes!
so, dear listeners, the time is nigh for change, but perhaps, you may realize, that he is actually quite killing himself! years and years of him hiding himself behind mummy and daddy (which it was actually noted that elon himself was quite the devil in his childhood, bullying other children then playing the victim) have failed him, and his disgusting ichor is bubbling to the surface. once he finally runs himself out of money, do not pity the man who burned your village, but instead, throw him in the fire.
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patchesproblem · 2 years
hey its the brick cocaine anon again no pressure whatsoever to respond. I'm just a beta male and can't interact publicly on twt Your mini Einstein/Tesla historical facts thread inspired me to add that Einsteins irl wife was also serbian(Mileva Marić) and that she was also a scientist much like Tesla himself I KNOW ITS A FAR FETCHED REACH but its a silly coincidence to me how in every universe (irl lame beta male Einstein + cute anime lesbian Einstein) Einstein has a thing for. serbian scientists specifically Its meant to be anyway sorry for atism
I want it to be known that I'm going to refer to you as the brick cocaine anon now. I'm sorry for it being your new name, but it's law now /lh/j/nm
FUN FACT!!! Writing this after AFTER the fact but Frederica Nikola Tesla shares MORE SIMILARITIES WITH MILEVA THAN TESLA HIMSELF
SO I started looking into her more and I've learned some very interesting things! I'm shoving this in after the fact before posting this and I can't be bothered to rewrite the next few paragraphs so sorry about that.
Welcome to history lessons with Tes! I'm your host, a mentally ill person who likes history and gets way too invested in dumbass things.
IRL Deadmen / Dead woman under the cut / similarities between Mileva and HI3 Tesla.
So this got me looking into her more out of curiosity, and I've learned a few interesting things.
So when writing Einstein, Planck, Karl, Schrodinger, and Edison they based their relationships off of how they actually viewed each other in real life.
Emma Planck = Max Planck
Karl Gustav = Carl Jung
etc. etc.
HOWEVER.. Tesla's a huge exception to this. Yes she was inspired partly by Nikola Tesla, however she actually takes way more inspiration from Mileva Marić than Tesla himself. Tesla was actually a very.. Interesting man.
Actually for the most part the main things they really took from irl dead man Tesla was his engineering skills, relationship with Edison, and the fact he felt humiliated and insulted by humanity, though that's a HEAVY stretch. I only bring that up since she's often clowned on for her experimentation, which will come up later because she shares that trait with Mileva.
I spoke about this on twitter, however the real Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein actually did not care for each other. Tesla was a hater and was critical of EVERYONE. While Einstein had met with the others on multiple occasions, there's zero recording of Einstein and Tesla ever meeting. They didn't care about each others existence At All. It's possible they met due to the short distance between them, however again it was never recorded. I doubt they'd go out of their way to meet each other either honestly.
So in HI3 Tesla and Einstein met through Emma Planck, this is paralleled with Mileva and Einstein meeting through their schooling as well.
The two met and became Extremely Close Extremely Fast. She'd often study with him in private since he didn't particularly like attending lectures. They were inseparable as well. And well we know how Tesla and Einstein in HI3 are. In their letters there's a constant theme between them missing each other and them working better together.
Mileva excelled in experimental work, similar to Tesla. Einstein was also the only one to get his degree. Mileva never got hers just like Tesla. Even their ages line up (Mileva being 20 and Einstein being 17).
However, their similarities really end there for both HI3 Tesla and Einstein. The rest of the story is just. Depressing and fucked up, similarly to how every woman in history was treated. She got fucked over by him and was erased from history while he took the credit for her work. It's sad, honestly...
TLDR; Frederica Nikola Tesla shares more in common with Einsteins wife than Nikola Tesla himself. This is more than likely because they're HEAVILY implied to be in love (VN lines, as well as lines from IN GAME)
Idk I just find this interesting honestly.. It's funny how they took more inspiration from Einsteins first wife than the man she's named after. Especially with how they refuse to confirm them in game and prefer to make continue the implication that she's dating the child she raised since he was 8 lmao..
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texeoghea · 3 years
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made mockup refs for my main exploration team because i love my boys so much
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varyathevillain · 3 years
to everyone who is just wandering into RQG tag after we're trending: hi! we're fans of an actual play podcast by Rusty Quill, based on the TTRPG system Pathfinder, and which is named Rusty Quill Gaming! you might've seen us trending before, as well as our fellow RQ podcasts, such as the fantastic improv satirical comedy based on a capitalistic sci fi nightmare, Stellar Firma, or the heartbreaking and oftentimes terrifying in its emotional core and worldbuilding horror by name of The Magnus Archives!
we're coming to the finale of its first and longest running (6 and a half years in progress!) campaign, Erasing the Line, finishing next week on 1st of December, on 218 episode.
the campaign itself revolves around the alternate universe Earth, in 18(mumblemumble), where magic and fantastical concepts exist in everyday life, and most of the world is ruled by a dragon Meritocracy. all of this is built by its Game Master Alexander J Newall, with the players being Bryn Monroe, Lydia Nicholas, Ben Meredith, James Ross, and (a later, but not the least important addition) Helen Gould, who together have created an incredibly compelling story full of amazing characters, some of which being alternate versions of real historical figures, such as Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and many more!.. yes, Oscar Wilde is also there. no, don't ask me why he's so important. yes, I cried about him on podcast at least three times, but that's irrelevant.
it's one of the AP podcasts that I can, and do, recommend on par with such giants like The Adventure Zone and Critical Role, and for me personally? it's even better.
yesterday, I have written a thread on Twitter, giving my thanks to everyone involved in the podcast's creation, and to the people within fandom who have created the wiki, many fandom events, and participated in the community in every way possible while I was being a part of it. and I would greatly appreciate if you, reader of this post, if not retweeted the beginning of the thread, then at least looked at all these names, at the tags I've mentioned, at the creations we've done, and maybe, just maybe, decided to look into what sort of creation RQG is.
if you are one of the fans of our fellow Rusty Quill fandoms, checking it out is so much worth your time. I came into it from The Magnus Archives, and, honestly? it's my favourite RQ podcast. and just my most favourite podcast ever, period.
thank you to everyone in the fandom for being here with me. see you next week.
we've got this.
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
🛑Nazis, racists, TERFs/TEHMs, SWERFs, Comicsgaters, MRAs, Anti-LGBT & Anti-Kink Dumbasses & Christo-Pagans🛑
Do Not Interact
About Me
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I cannot read tone, online or offline.
Please, please, PLEASE consider using tone indicators and/or emojis when interacting with me.
Lokean Heathen
Godspouse since Jan. 2021
Booklr: @the-thrifty-bookworm
Fur Babes
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The void babe is Shuri & the floofer is her lil sister Tesla.
Tesla was name after the scientist Nikola Tesla. Not the car. Shuri is named after the Black Panther character cause they’re both mini panthers.
“Salem as in the witch trials?”
No, Salem as in Salem the cat.
Before Netflix ruined it Sabrina the Teenage Witch was an incredibly popular 90s family sitcom and my childhood gateway to gothitude. And Salem Saberhagen was and is the best part. He’s basically Loki as a cat.
Yes, I know the Netflix series was based off the comics.
I am a huge booklover and a huge supporter of public libraries, and extremely anti-capitalism. If you’re ever curious about what I’m reading you can check out my Goodreads profile here —
Pics are not mine unless stated otherwise.
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thewanderingace · 3 years
Hey, can you tell me a bit more about the murdoch mysteries? i am considering watching it but it seems to be a long running show and i just kinda wanted to know what i’m getting into
(i wrote up something a lot more detailed and well written but tumblr deleted it for me before I could save it)
Ooooh my god yes!!! I'd love to tell you all about Murdoch Mysteries.
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Okay so this is a murder mystery show set in Toronto Canada and is set in the year 1895 (well it starts in the year 1895 and then moves forward one year per season. It's been 15 seasons now so the show is currently set in about 1909/1910).
It stars William Murdoch, a police detective who solves crimes using his intellect and love of science. It's full of history with lots of real historical figures making appearances like Teddy Roosevelt, Alexander Graham Bell, Arthur Conon Doyle, Annie Oakley, Nikola Tesla, Emma Goldman, HP Lovecraft, Harry Houdini, and Helen Keller. It's equal parts drama/emotion and insanity/comedy, has got fantastic characters including some awesome women, and some really great story lines and villains.
It's the perfect mix of period drama and crime show and I cannot get enough of it. 15 years and I'm not the least bit ready to be done with it. It certainly has its moments of "what the fuck" but overall it's so good.
Let me tell you about the characters!
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William Murdoch is the star. He's logical, stiff, loves modern science, a devout Roman Catholic, and believes in rules both societal and law but over the years, his friendship with Brackenreid, Julia, and George loosen him up.
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Julia Ogden is the city coroner. She's a badass doctor who kicks ass in whatever field of study she tries. City coroner, medical doctor, psychologist, etc.
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Thomas Brackenreid is the police inspector. He’s a traditional copper who loves a good drink and is quick to anger but he’s loyal to a fault and is much more open to the modern world than others think he is.
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George Crabtree is Murdoch's right hand man. He's sweet, funny, brave, and creative. He has a penchant for writing and thinking of new inventions or giving Murdochs inventions proper names. He also believes in all things supernatural. Things like vampires, martians, venutions, werewolves, krampus, etc.
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Henry Higgins is George's best friend and fellow constable. He’s a pretty big slack off and a lady chaser but is a good friend and tries his best. We love him.
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And in season 10 we get the absolutely amazing Llewellyn Watts whom I adore. He's also a detective who transferred to Station House 1 because he didn’t get along with anyone in his previous Station House. He's socially awkward, much more philosophical than Murdoch, enjoys a good glass of wine, prefers the foot on the street version of police work, and oh yeah he’s gay and Jewish.
Then there are the other coroners throughout the years: Emily Grace, Rebecca James, and Violet Hart.
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Emily Grace who was Julia’s first protege. She’s strong willed, intelligent, and very modern. She fights for women’s suffrage, advocates for women’s rights and loves being a pathologist. She dates George for a while and then falls in love with a woman.
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Rebecca is Julia’s next protege. She’s was a medical student before losing her patronage so Julia takes her on as her assistant. She grows into a wonderful medical examiner and doctor. Rebecca is kind, brave and hungry for knowledge.
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Violet Hart is the current medical examiner. She’s highly intelligent and goes after what she wants and what she believes she deserves no matter the cost. She has ambitions.
There are so many other characters to love as well like Terrence Meyers, Constable Jackson, Louise Cherry, Nina Bloom, James Pendrick, James Gillies, Eva Pearce, The Newsomes and more.
The show is amazing and full of mystery, fun, emotion, and history. I highly recommend it.  Feel free to explore my #murdoch mysteries tag to see more!
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lovelylogans · 3 years
puppy love
roger: do you want another cup of marriage? anita: excuse me? roger: tea? another cup of tea? anita: you said marriage. roger: uh, marriage? anita: yes, that’s what you said. i—i mean, you meant to say tea... but it—it came out marriage. roger: oh, i’m sorry. uh—do you want another cup of... tea?
—101 dalmatians
warnings: misbehaving dog, misunderstanding that might cause secondhand embarrassment, please let me know if i’ve missed any!
pairing: virgil/logan, offscreen patton/janus
word count: 2,732
notes: this is for day four of @analogicalweek! the prompt of the day is “alternate universe” and i have decided to write a "i think my dog likes your dog” au, based off the introduction of anita and roger in 101 dalmatians! please enjoy!
Logan would have named his dog Tesla if the name had not already become popular due to the brand and if he did not have a deep-seated dislike of Elon Musk, but as it has, and as he does, his dog’s name is Nikola instead. He had finally given in and adopted her after his brother, Patton, had been wheedling him to adopt or foster one of the animals for years from the shelter he serves as veterinarian.
Nikola is a very intelligent dog. In the two-and-a-half years he has had her since she was a puppy, he has taught her a variety of tricks—the usual things, like sit, shake, stay, but also more unusual tricks like fetching him water bottles or tissues or any number of things that she knows the name of and is within her reach. She is a mix of two intelligent breeds—rottweiler and German shepherd—and as such learning and practicing tricks helps keep her from being bored. 
She has a surplus of enrichment toys. She never rips up shoes or furniture. She keeps an obedient trot at his side on hikes and runs ahead if he tells her to. She waits after he throws something for her to fetch until he says to run, and she has learned to sit before they cross the street. She is a very well-trained dog. 
Which is why it is so surprising when, as soon as he crouches to unleash her at the dog park they go to on Sundays, weather permitting, she snatches his baseball cap meant to keep the spring sun out of his eyes, and goes running off as if he has told her to fetch a tennis ball.
“Nikola!” He calls, out of being startled more than anything, before he starts to jog after her.
Nikola runs, just a black-and-brown streak of fur with the navy blue of his cap clamped between her teeth, and Logan is really quite fortunate that he spends most Saturdays, weather permitting, hiking, and weekday mornings on jogs besides. This habit has kept him in shape, however, it has also contributed to keeping Nikola in shape, and as such she is a very fast and athletic dog. He wonders briefly if he’ll catch her before he makes too much a fool of himself.
But just as suddenly as she’d started running, she stops at one of the benches installed around the dog park, dropping his cap on the bench and then immediately moving to the dog sitting beside her owner, Nikola wagging her tail and panting and looking quite pleased with herself, with eyes only for the other dog. The other dog, all black excepting the white splotch on her chest, looks at Nikola curiously, but does not crouch in a playful posture or otherwise react.
“Nikola, really,” he scolds, picking up his cap and jamming it back on his head. Then he looks to the man sitting on the bench with the dog that Nikola now seems enamored with, intent on apologizing for disturbing him or his dog, but his mouth goes dry almost immediately.
The man with the dog sitting calmly at his side is very handsome. 
He’s brown-skinned and black-haired—he’s Latino, Logan thinks—and in the middle of reading a book. Logan isn’t sure what book, based on the way his hands are placed, his long, elegant fingers covering the title. He’s also listening to music, as evidenced by the white wireless earbuds placed in his ears.
It’s likely that Nikola’s tomfoolery hasn’t disturbed him at all. The man only gives Logan a look—his eyes, which are a stunning shade of brown so dark they’re practically black—and returns his attention to his novel.
Logan clears his throat awkwardly, jams his cap back on his head, and turns to Nikola, who is still trotting around them, seeming very pleased with herself, wagging her tail, looking every inch a pompous showdog.
Sometime in the middle of watching Nikola, the exceptionally handsome man has closed his book and stood up, and Logan tries his best not to pay him any mind as he walks away.
“Helena, come,” he says, with a deep, lovely voice that hits Logan somewhere in the sternum. He has an accent—Spanish, maybe? Portuguese? Logan isn’t very familiar with romantic languages outside of English, other than the Latin he took throughout high school and college. Nikola is still looking very excited, but the black dog—Helena—stands and follows after the man.
“Nikola, really,” he repeats weakly, and crouches before her, gathering her leash in hand and preparing to let her loose so they can, perhaps, play a game of fetch, or something that does not involve Logan running after her like a madman.
But of course not. Whatever mood Nikola’s in persists, as she suddenly pulls forward, forcing Logan to get up off the ground lest he be dragged in her wake, and he really does not want to be dragged along the ground at the dog park, so he does, scrambling after her and trying to regain his balance.
He doesn’t notice she’s looping her leash around the man’s knees until it’s too late.
Which brings him to notice that she is also backtracking to loop around his knees.
He cannot help but notice when Nikola pulls tight and it brings Logan and the man colliding forcefully, chest-to-chest.
“Oh!” The man grunts. His chest is warm and broad. Logan would quite like to curl up under a nearby rock and never come out and also, if Nikola understood human terms, she would be so grounded. As it is he is absolutely revoking treats for her behavior today, even if the man is now putting a hand on Logan’s shoulder and it radiates warmth through his shirt.
“I beg your pardon,” Logan splutters, “I’m so sorry, please excuse me, I’ve no idea what’s gotten into her—”
At the same time, the man is saying “What the hell, oh my God, what—” and trying to push them apart, Logan stumbling with it.
Which makes the man stumble, which makes Logan stumble a little more, and very suddenly, they’re overbalancing, and Logan lands on top of him, the man wheezing as his back meets the ground, surely knocking the wind out of him. Even with that, he puts a hand at Logan’s waist to keep him from falling off of him into the dirt.
“I’m so sorry,” Logan gasps, and looks over—Nikola and Helena are side by side, Helena still haughty, Nikola still seeming very self-congratulatory.
“Nikola, bad girl,” he scolds. She doesn’t even have the decency to look chastened. “I swear she’s never like this, I really am so sorry—”
Logan manages to loosen the leash from around their knees and rolls off the man, apologizing all the while.
The man manages to sit up, eyes wide, and promptly Helena comes trotting over to him, leaning heavily into his side. 
“Uh, that’s,” the man coughs, “that’s okay. It—it wasn’t your fault. Um.”
He threads his fingers throughout Helena’s long fur, and Logan whistles sharply. Nikola at least has the good sense to return to his side.
“I am very sorry,” he repeats and stands, offering a hand to the man. The man hesitates before he releases Helena and takes it, allowing Logan to pull him to his feet.
Logan picks up the book—oh, he’s handsome and he has good taste, too, he’s reading On Beauty by Zaydie Smith, of course he had to go and look like an absolute buffoon in front of him—and holding it out for him.
The man takes his book back, eyes wide, before he looks to the dogs.
And then, of all the things to do, he starts to laugh.
Logan looks, too, and he feels his face crack into a grin.
Nikola is wagging her tail eagerly, staring at Helena, and Helena, at last, seems to look back at her. Her tail, almost grudgingly, starts to wag, too.
“I think your dog has a crush on my dog,” the man says, amused.
“I can’t deny that observation,” Logan admits. Sure, Nikola will play with other dogs, but she’s never been so sweet to another dog before. Even if he is irritated with her for running off, he can’t quite hold onto his sense of annoyance as Nikola makes doe-eyes at Helena.
“Like a regular Romeo,” the man says, then makes a face. “No, scratch that. Um—”
“She’d be a Juliet, regardless,” Logan interrupts.
He relaxes his shoulders. “Good. Romeo’s overused.”
He catches Logan’s confused eye, and explains, “My brother’s name is Roman. He crushes on people a lot. It was an easy joke growing up.”
“Ah,” Logan says, waits a beat, before he says, “It’s odd I know your dog’s name and your brother’s name before I know yours?”
“I have another brother named Remus,” he offers. “And, now that you know my family tree except me, I’m Virgil.”
“Well, I have a brother named Patton, and a brother-in-law named Janus,” Logan says. “I’m Logan.”
Virgil’s brow crinkles up. “Not Janus Ophidian?”
“The same,” Logan says.
“Small world,” Virgil says thoughtfully. “He’s a pain in my ass.”
He immediately blushes, as if he did not mean to say that, but Logan laughs before he can stop himself. Virgil blushes deeper.
“Uh, sorry,” Virgil says. “Sorry, he’s your—”
“No, you’re quite right,” Logan says affably. “He is a pain in the ass, he’d be proud to hear you say it. How do you know him?”
“Coworkers, of a sort,” Virgil says.
“So you’re a lawyer?” Logan says curiously.
“No,” Virgil says. “He’s in immigration law, right?”
“I’m a translator,” Virgil says. “They hire me on retainer, sometimes, for clients who speak Spanish or Portuguese and not as much English. Or Catalan, or Aromanian, or Asturian, but those are way less common.”
“Interesting,” Logan says. “You’re a polyglot?”
“Six languages fluently, and three enough to make conversation,” Virgil says, then, “Aw, look at that.”
Nikola is nosing at Helena, and, after waiting a moment, Helena noses her back, their muzzles pressing together in a facsimile of a kiss.
“Well,” Logan says, unsure of what to really say to that, because it really is quite adorable. Then, “I suppose they’d like to spend time together. Would you like to sit back down on the bench to talk?”
Virgil smiles at him, more a quirk of his mouth than anything, and Logan’s heart flutters in his chest.
Please be single, please be single, he prays to no one in particular as they sit down together.
“So, what do you do for a living?” Virgil asks, ensuring that he has marked the page (his bookmark advertises for a small, local independent bookshop) and closing it, setting it aside.
“Oh,” Logan says, then, because his actual job title is quite long and unwieldy, he says, “I’m an astrochemist.”
“An astrochemist,” Virgil repeats, sounding intrigued. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that. What do you do all day?”
Logan brightens. “Well,” he begins, and off he goes.
He knows he can be something of a rambler, especially when it comes to topics he’s passionate about, and especially when it comes to astrochemistry, a combination of his two most favorite scientific disciplines of study. It only takes someone five minutes of listening to him ramble to discover he’s passionate about his work and the discoveries they make.
But he can’t help it. It’s the best thing in the universe, what he gets to do—use radio telescopes to detect the electromagnetic radiation that’s given off by objects in space, establishing what substances are in space and in what quantities, which can potentially come to tell the story of how the universe was made. 
He gestures frequently with his hands, his voice rising in volume as he talks about the significance of his work, the knowledge he’s helped discover, the theories they have. He sweeps a wide, expansive gesture to the sky, and points in the approximate direction of the various planets and stars of study. All the while, Helena and Nikola move to chase each other in circles, and all the while, Virgil alternates between watching the dogs with a soft look, and then looking back to Logan with genuine interest shining in his eyes, along with something Logan can’t quite name—well, he did just meet this man, he supposes that isn’t unreasonable.
Whatever the look is, though, it increases the excitement of lecturing about something he loves to someone who wants to learn, something in his stomach fluttering, his heart beating loud in his ears.
He’s about to start explaining the use use theoretical models as well as computer visualizations to help them explain their observations in terms of known physical and chemical principles, and how it helps them study the origins of extraterrestrial bodies and the chemical processes that have shaped their present forms when he stops, abruptly aware of how long he has been talking.
“Goodness,” Logan says, suddenly shy, pushing his glasses up his nose. “I’m so sorry, I’ve just talked away a good portion of your afternoon. Um. That’s the—that’s the sum of what I do on a daily basis. Which is what you asked.”
Virgil has that same quirk to his mouth as before, and that look in his eyes that had made Logan so eager in the first place.
“I don’t mind,” he says, and scratches at the back of his neck. “Um, I don’t drink coffee, ‘cause I have anxiety—Helena’s my emotional support dog, actually—”
Her stillness and calmness at the start of the whole debacle makes sense, then.
“—but, um. There’s a café nearby with outdoor seating, would you wanna maybe go... get a cup of marriage?”
Logan blinks at him, mouth agape.
“Excuse me?” He manages to squeak out.
Virgil blinks right back.
“Tea?” He clarifies, as if he was unsure if Logan heard him over the sound of other dogs and humans in the park. Goodness, there’s other dogs and people in the park, when did that happen? When did it get so crowded? “Would you want to maybe go get a cup of tea?”
“You,” Logan says, certain that his face is flaming red. “You said marriage.”
Virgil blushes then. He opens and closes his mouth a couple times, and at last he says, “Marriage?”
“Yes,” Logan says. “You—you said marriage. I mean, you meant to say tea, but it—it came out marriage.”
Virgil’s brow furrows. He thinks for a few moments. Then it seems to click, and he buries his face into his hands.
“Oh, God, I’m so sorry,” Virgil groans. “It was nice to meet you and you’re very attractive and also you were so excited about your work so I have started liking you in a friendly way but also in a I’d like to date you way but I just proposed marriage barely an hour after we met, so I’m going to go fling myself into the creek so I never have to see you again, I can’t believe I said that.”
Helena has untangled herself from Nikola and is currently butting up against Virgil’s shins, seemingly in an attempt to get him to calm down.
“No! No,” Logan says hastily. “No. Oh, please don’t do that, um. Tea sounds great. Tea sounds lovely. I also think you’re very attractive and like you in both a friendly and romantic sense!”
Virgil peeks out from between his fingers. “Really?”
“Really,” Logan promises. “In fact, would you like to go get a cup of tea with me? Right now? As a date?”
Virgil grins at him weakly. “I guess a date sounds more reasonable than marriage right off the bat, doesn’t it?”
Logan smiles back at him, as encouragingly as he can. “It does. I’d like to go on a date with you.”
Virgil’s grin strengthens. “Great! Okay. Okay. Um—follow me, then?”
They both pause to leash their dogs, sharing a bashful smile with each other, and Logan follows Virgil and Helena to the gate of the dog park.
Nikola’s strange sense of mischief has worn off; she’s trotting obediently at his side again. To think, he’d thought Nikola had just caused all this trouble for nothing, and now he’s going on a date with a handsome, intelligent man. 
He sneaks her a treat as they exit the park, on the way to the café just down the street.
logan’s dog, nikola virgil’s dog, helena
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