#yes he's a leader and cares about his people sure but its his kids man......
streamafterlaughter · 4 months
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summary: a night out with your friends turns sour, but you’re rescued by an unexpected hero
A/N: i wrote a chapter based on this post for my main fic, but feel a desperate need to write it again putting more detail into it bc i love a fictional man covered in blood idk what to tell you!!! let me know if you want a part II, im feeling a miniverse comin’ on (dw, chapter 23 of FD is in the works, i promise!) reblogs and comments always appreciated!
tags/tw: friends to lovers, mentions of sexual harassment, blood, violence (eddie gets in a fight), swearing, slut shaming, confessions, drunkish!eddie. (lmk if i missed something!) fluff, angst, slight hurt/comfort. reader and eddie are about 22-23, out of high school, happy etc etc. best friend!robin and best friend!steve feature, of course.
Your friendship had been simple, at first. You and Eddie had met as kids, before boys had cooties and girls were lame. Eddie had been cornered on the playground, by some giants in the grade above you. They'd shoved him against the chain link fence, their greasy leader demanding he hand over his lunch money. When Eddie blubbered that he didn’t have any, that he hadn’t eaten lunch in weeks, the goons cackled at him, shoving him to the ground while calling him things like “trailer trash.” You couldn’t stand it, even at eleven years old. The poor kid, with hair buzzed closely to his scalp, dressed in all black, carrying around a battered notebook with doodles of dragons on its cover. Your face had warmed with anger, hands balled into fists ready to swing on the group that would outnumber you five to two, or five to one if you were being realistic. This kid clearly wasn’t a fighter.
“Hey!” You had shouted, stomping your worn out converse against the mulch of the playground. “What the hell are you doing, Jared?” You hadn’t been afraid to get in the kid’s face, brows furrowed together as you jabbed your tiny finger into his puffed out chest. “What’s he ever done to you, huh? I don’t think it’s his fault your mother left.” You know now, it wasn’t the nicest thing to say, but it had worked. Jared’s goons had gone silent, anticipating his retort, but all he’d done was cry. What a bitch.
When he’d run, tail tucked between his legs, you’d turned to the cowering boy behind you, offering your hand. “You okay?”
He’d nodded, clearly still shaken up but trying to be brave. “I can take care of myself.” Of course, it had been embarrassing. Not because you were a girl, or younger than him, but you were braver. You didn’t give a shit what people thought of you. Even then, he could tell. You were fucking cool.
”Yeah, sure looked like it. Whatever. I’m Y/n.” You held out your hand to him again, this time to shake, like you were a seasoned lawyer, or something.
“Eddie.” He’d taken your hand, given it a brief shake, but you could tell he was nervous by the way your palm stuck to his.
”Hi, Eddie. You wanna walk to Benny’s with me? Get some burgers?”
He’d shaken his head. “I don’t have money.”
You’d only shrugged. “I got it.” You didn’t think mentioning that Benny was your uncle, or that you and your friends could always eat free, was worth mentioning. From that day on, you and Eddie had been inseparable.
The Hideout is loud. You’re wrapped around your best friend’s arm as he leads you through the bar. It’s the only time you’ve seen this place busy, let alone filled with people that don’t qualify for a discount at Denny’s.
The crowd must be the fault of the band. They're full of life on the tiny stage in the back of the bar, somehow convincing patrons to take to the sticky wooden floor to dance.
“You wanna drink, sweets?” You hear him even over the loud music, like a siren call meant only for you.
“Yes, please!” You look up at Eddie, who’s already staring at you. His rich brown eyes sparkle in the dancing stage lights, and you find your tongue in knots at the sight of him.
He nods, sliding his jacket from your shoulders before seating you at a table. “I’ll be right back!” He promises before skipping off to the bar. You keep your eyes trained on him, hypnotized by the way he glided towards the bar, weaving between the mass of gyrating bodies.
You can’t exactly pinpoint when your feelings for him started changing. You assume it had to have been high school. He started growing his hair out, dressing in leather and denim, and listening to a lot of heavy metal. Something about it was attractive to you, watching your best friend become the man he is now, at twenty three years old.
Even with an exterior most find scary, Eddie is still the kindest soul you know. That’s what really pulled you in. He’s always treated you with kindness and care, never once letting you leave his house angry, and knowing just what to say to calm you down. He always makes sure you’re home safe after a night drinking, sometimes even willing to forfeit his own fun to drive you to your place, or crash at his trailer.
Of course, these feelings have stayed stuffed deep, deep down. You can’t bring yourself to ruin what you have with him, risking your closest friendship to maybe be told what you want to hear.
“Hey! You still in there?” Eddie waves his decorated hand a few inches from your face, and you’re dragged back to earth. He places your drink on the table in front of you.
“Yeah, sorry.”
“Penny for your thoughts?” He rests his chin on his knuckles, full attention on you, and you feel your face warm.
“Just happy to be out with you is all.” Not a lie, but not exactly the truth. Safe.
“Alright.” He’s never been one to pry. “You wanna dance?” The song has changed to something slower, and you try not to read into his timing as you nod your head cautiously, taking Eddie’s hand as he leads you to the floor.
Eddie places his hands on either of your hips, and you can’t help but stiffen. “This alright?” He must have felt it too.
“Yes, yeah,” You stumble to reassure him, nervous you’ll scare him off. He’s always been such a gentleman, so careful with you.
You drape your arms around his neck loosely, casually. Safely. Still just two friends, swaying to some angst ridden tune you can’t understand the words to.
It’s later when Steve and Robin arrive, already drunk from spending the night at a concert in the city. You’re still not down for the count, and Eddie’s nursing his sixth drink of the night as the music has switched from guitar driven to computer beats coming from a turntable.
“Since when does The Hideout hire DJs?” Robin shouts over the bass driven music, eyes squinting in the bright lights.
“Ever since the place sold to some big wig in Indy, they’ve been doing this shit on weekends!” Eddie informs her as Steve starts talking about how “this is actually a great business tactic.” You decide now is a good time to slip back to the bar for a refill.
Unfortunately, you are one of about fifty people to have that idea, and you groan as you fight to find an open space along the counter. You mumble “excuse me” after “sorry” after “move, please!” until you’ve almost reached the front. As you’re about to order, you feel a hand squeeze your ass.
You whip your head around, and come face to face with a large, muscular man in a tight t-shirt and even tighter jeans.
“Hey, baby,” He winks, the disgusting smirk on his face sending a chill through your body. “You here all by yourself, gorgeous?” Your throat tightens. This is what it’s like, you know that. You shouldn’t be by yourself, that was your mistake. Your throat tightens, impossibly dry, before looking back up at this man. He is seemingly a foot and a half taller than you, likely able to break you in half using only his bicep, and he’s is standing way too close. You can even smell the whiskey on his tongue. “Uh, well,”
“Cmon, let’s go dance, huh?” He interrupts, snatching your wrist with an iron grip, and you squeeze your eyes shut as he leads you towards the dance floor, already formulating an escape route. You’ll say you need to use the bathroom, then you’ll find your friends and leave. Easy enough, right? Unfortunately as you reach the dance floor, the song slows again and you find yourself flush against this beast of a man, his big arms caging you into his chest. You feel the tears start to well in your eyes, blurring your already obscured vision. Your heart drops into your stomach when you realize you are completely, fully, and hopelessly trapped.
“Sooo,” Robin turns to Eddie, who’s been staring across into space, daydreaming about you for the last five minutes. “Where’s your girl?”
“What?” He’d heard her, but he wants to hear it again. And again and again.
“Your baby, dingus! You’re one true-“
“Would you shut up?” He interrupts her slurring of teasing, aching jabs, feeling his face heat up with every syllable. “She’s not my- y’know, she’s not mine.”
“Oh, please!” Steve snorts, causing Eddie to whip his head to look at him. “We all know she’s yours, and you’re hers, and all that romantic bullshit, okay? No use trying to squirm out of it. Be grateful you got that much. We all know she loves you.”
He rolls his eyes, but his heart is skipping with each word. He wants to believe them, desperately. He can’t bring himself to have those hopes, though, not about you. He’d only disappoint you, or scare you off when he got too close. It’s better, keeping you at a distance. Safer.
“Is that… No,” Robin looks beyond Eddie, and he turns to follow her gaze. He finds you easily, the only figure he’d recognize in such a loud, multicolored environment. You’re squished against a boulder of a man as you sway to the music, but he can’t see your face. Eddie feels his heart catch in his throat as he turns back to his friends.
“See? I told you she’s not mine.” He clears his throat when he hears his own voice crack. Not fucking now.
“Who is that guy?” Steve asks, craning his neck to get a better view.
“Probably just some club sleaze, she’s probably not even having fun.” Robin shrugs. Her comment clicks in Eddie’s brain before it clicks in her own, though.
“I gotta go.” He shoves himself from the table.
“Should I go with him?”
Robin shrugs. “That dude is gigantic. Maybe watch his back.”
“Hey, um,” The song has ended, and you need to get the fuck out of here. “I’ll be right back, I gotta use the ladies’ room,” You peel yourself away from him, but he grabs your arm before you can.
“Nuh uh, you can use the bathroom at my place. C’mon.” There will be no talking yourself out of this. Usually you can confuse a man into leaving you alone, but this guy’s different. You can sense the danger, the complete lack of empathy, like it’s a scent he’s giving off. You have to make a scene.
You twist your arm, writhing to get out of his grip, when you feel the cooling rings of a familiar hand on your shoulder. “Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie’s voice is low, so this man/monster can’t hear him. “I’m gonna get you out of here. Hang on.” He moves in front of you, between you and the giant causing him to drop your arm. There’s an angry red ring of his lasting grip around your wrist. “You gotta problem, buddy?” The guy puffs his chest out at Eddie, like some weird, animalistic instinct to seem bigger. Like he needs that advantage.
“Yeah, I do. Why were your hands on my girl?”
You try not to think about the words too much. Despite the situation though, you feel your heart skip. Steve joins him beside you, placing his hand on your other shoulder protectively.
“Your girl, huh? Well your girl’s a fuckin’ slut then, she’s been dancing with me for the last ten minutes.”
“What the fuck did you just call her, you prick?”
“You heard me bitch boy, she’s a slut! And I like my girls dirty.” Before Eddie can respond, the guy swings his arm into Eddie’s unsuspecting face as you watch, frozen and helpless. Your hands fly to your mouth to muffle the shriek, but you catch the attention of some nearby patrons.
Eddie doesn’t go down, though. The adrenaline keeps him on his feet. “Oh, we’re doin’ this now?” Eddie smirks as he wipes the blood from his split lip. “Cmon, I know you got more in ya than that. You’re massive!” Eddie taunts him before launching at the guy, managing to double him over with a punch to the gut. “You’ll have to do more than that if you want her, big guy. I’ll lay down my fuckin’ life in this bar for that woman.”
The crowd has now turned their attention to where Eddie’s got the brute in a headlock. He gets one more punch in before his opponent breaks out of his grasp, sending his elbow straight into Eddie’s nose. “Oh, ho, ho,” Eddie cackles maniacally as he lifts away from the counter, blood now dripping from his nostrils into his mouth, staining his skin and his shirt. “Look at you, tough guy.” He spits a mouthful of blood onto the bar floor. “Real big of you beatin’ on someone a quarter your size.”
Before anyone else can make a move, the bouncers are rushing up behind them, escorting both men out the front entrance while you follow behind with Steve and Robin. It takes six guys to move the giant, leaving Eddie to comply with the disgruntled manager. You watch as your adversary curses at Eddie before walking into the night, disappearing before anyone could think to call the cops.
“Oh my god, what the fuck?!” Robin is laughing nervously as she looks between you and Eddie, then to Steve with that annoying, know-it-all glint in her eyes.
“Eddie, he could have fuckin’ killed you!” Steve, ever the babysitter, scolds his friend with an elbow to his ribs, causing Eddie to wince in pain.
“Yeah, maybe, but if it meant keeping her safe-,” He cuts himself off as he meets your teary eyes. “Oh, no. Sweets, what’s wrong?”
You shake your head, barely able to look at the bloody boy in front of you. He’s hurt because of you. You were supposed to keep him safe.
“I’m so sorry, Eddie.” You whisper, afraid your voice will betray you for speaking at full volume. “You shouldn’t have done that, I shouldn’t have let you.” The tears are warm on your cheeks when they spill, and as quickly as they do, you have six arms wrapped around you.
“Get some rest, we’ll see you guys tomorrow.” You shut the cab door behind you before following Eddie into his trailer. You don’t want to be alone tonight, and Eddie has graciously offered a sleepover at his place.
“How’s your face?” You ask, already on your way to the freezer for an ice pack.
“I’m fine, honey, I promise.” His voice says otherwise, low and scratchy from a night of straining it. “How are you doing, though?”
It’s a loaded question. How are you supposed to feel, watching your best friend risk his life for you? You’re grateful, sure, but the guilt eats at you still. “I’m just so, so sorry Eddie,” You carefully lift your hand to caress his swollen cheek. “You really didn't have to do that.”
“What was I supposed to do? Let him hurt you? I couldn’t live with myself.” He shakes his head, wincing in pain. “I meant what I said. I’d risk my life to keep you safe.”
You shake your head, not accepting his answer. “Why?” It’s meek, barely a whisper as you blot the remaining blood from his lip.
“What do you mean why?” His words are muffled by the tissue.
You huff, getting upset despite yourself. “You’re telling me you’d put yourself in danger if it meant keeping me out of it? What’s the point? Why do that to yourself because I’m too stupid to make the right decisions? What do you gain from that?”
He shakes his head, clearly frustrated. “Do I have to gain something from it? I do it because I love you, y/n. Simple as that.” You gape at him, and he rolls his eyes, the beginning of a smirk twitching on his face. “Do I have to spell it out for you?”
“It would be helpful, yes.” You’re just about begging now, the nervous sweat causing your shirt to stick to you.
“Sweets, I accepted that I would die for you a long fuckin’ time ago. If it meant keeping you happy, I would tie myself to the train tracks. Or, in this case, let some fucker twice my size beat the living shit out of me.”
You can’t accept it, logically. Your brain won’t let you believe any of his claims. “But I don’t-“
“No.” His voice is stern, almost scolding. “No more of that ‘I don’t deserve you’ shit. Okay? Absolutely not. Because you do. You saved my life all those years ago, and I promised myself I’d make sure to protect yours, too. You are my best friend, and the absolute love of my life, so I’m gonna give you everything I’ve got.” He laces his fingers with yours, and you watch as his rings catch the light.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel that way about me, I’ll never ask you for that, it wouldn’t be fair. But I can’t stand by when you’re in trouble, it’s not what I do.”
Your heart is fighting to free itself from your ribcage. It wants to jump from your skin, straight into Eddie’s open palms. Though the ever present coward in you wishes to curl up inside yourself and hide from him, everything else in your body is being pulled towards him, compelled as if by nature.
Before you even notice you’re crying again, Eddie wraps himself around your shaking frame, rubbing soothing patterns on your back as you sob, open mouthed and ugly, into his t-shirt. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m right here.” He coos, and you focus on his breathing, matching the pace to calm the stutter of your cries.
You claw at his jacket, inhaling his scent of cigarettes and pine soap. You need him closer. He tightens his grip on you, and you look up to face him. His own cheeks are wet with tears, his eyes screwed shut trying to stifle the bite of the wracking sobs you know the strength of well. This is the only chance you’re getting, so you move with calculation. Despite the anxious pounding of your heart, and everything in your head telling you that he’s not yours and never could be, you crane your neck to reach Eddie’s split and swollen lips, squeezing your eyes shut as you place your mouth on his, ever so gently.
Before Eddie can react, you’re gone, face inches away from him as his eyes flutter open. “Whoa. Uh, w-what… what are you doing?” He sputters, face now bright red, and you feel your own cheeks blush.
“I’m- I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed… ” You cover your mouth with your hand to hide the shame, feeling the fire in your stomach. You have just ruined years of friendship, and for one stupid kiss! But Eddie’s beaming, and he’s still gripping you close to him. “I've just wanted to do that for so long.” You admit shyly, shifting against his grip, ready to retreat, but he holds you tighter.
“Can you do it again?” His voice is more confident now. You’re not sure you’ve heard him correctly, but when you look at him, it’s undeniable.
You mirror his smile, nodding before leaning into him again. He makes the connection, taking the lead as your body contorts around his, lips locking together as he holds you flush against him. His lips are so soft, and he’s so gentle with you, even though you can tell he’s eager, like maybe he’s also wanted to do this for a while. The thought causes you to smile against his lips, and you feel his own lips stretch against yours as your hands move from his shoulders to his hair.
One of his hands moves from your waist to caress your face, holding your jaw like a precious pearl he’s discovered after years at sea. Your tears fall freely now, ones of overwhelming love for Eddie, ones you never could have hoped to shed, content letting them simmer in the pit of your throat if it meant keeping your best friend. You’re breathless when he lets you go, fighting the urge to chase after his lips. After almost a decade of wondering what Eddie would taste like, what kissing him would feel like, now you get to know. “I have been in love with you since that day on the playground,” He confesses, tightening his arms around your waist to keep you close. “But I’m such a chicken shit, I didn’t wanna ruin anything. You were so sweet to me, I couldn’t risk losing that, losing you.” The words seem to spill from him now, like he’s been craving to tell you. You suppose he has.
You take in the sight of your best friend, battered and bruised for the sake of your honor, like a knight thrown into battle without armor. He’s beautiful, even in black and blue. You bring your hand to his cheek, rubbing small circles on his skin as he leans into your touch. You could stay here forever, you think. “I love you too, Eds. I have for as long as I can remember.” He smiles at you, lip splitting again but he doesn’t even flinch. You return the grin, feeling your cheeks ache from how wide you’ve stretched your mouth. “Thank you for keeping me safe.” You kiss him again, letting yourself taste the blood he’d spilled for you, a silent promise that you’ll make sure he never has to again.
taglist @children-of-the-grave :p
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You know the whole being single for too long and not married talk falls back on Chris and his team if that was the push for this weirdness. They literally used him wanting to be a family man as PR during Marvels days. Like its been said numerous times they made his personal life part of his PR image which is probably the biggest mistake. It doesn't make sense. If him and his team thought he needed a certain image to get good roles then they're dumb and not good at their jobs. How many A-list men have been dating around or single but gotten serious good movies. The biggest example being Leo, the man has never been married, never dates women his own age, has had numerous girlfriends over the years yet he literally gets the best roles, works with the biggest directors, and is a box office success. It's because he didn't rely on his personal life and nor did he care about what the media says about him, and he never talks about his personal life even if everyone around him is, There's always articles written about his age gap relationships and he gets comments from the public but he hasnt changed to look wholesome or like a family man.
Other than a few media publications no one gave a shit about Chris being single for too long or dating around. That was something him and his team brought attention to with saying things like he wants a wife and kids, a wife to take care of, wants to carve pumpkins, etc. Yes celebrities do use their personal life as PR but they also have other things to offer in terms of PR. For Chris it was calling out Trump and the good guy/family man image thats pretty much it, and both backfired on him because they took it over the top to the point he couldn't live up to it because thats truly not, 100% who he is. Sure he could have those interests and qualities but he also loved to party taking his past partying proof into account, going out, getting high, being a bro, loves sports, Marvel PR made him into the wholesome, being a homebody, dog lovin guy. Before Marvel and even in the early years of Marvel he went out a lot and partied a lot. I think that is one of the reasons why he moved back to MA, because he could get away with a lot of things there that would otherwise be all over entertainment news in LA.
This whole RL cap and family guy image was going to be hard on anyone since not many people are actually like that. In his own words his first time voting was in 2016, so he isn't someone who had vast experience or understanding in politics but because of Trump. He called out Trump, people started associating him with real life cap and making him trend, him and his team used that to their advantage but then he goes on associating with racists, pulls back from actively calling out more politicians as if they weren't anymore trump like leaders left and people don't care anymore about his website or his thoughts.
If him and his team based all these recent actions on wanting a career change and better offers then theyre furthering the mistake they made years ago. Theyre still using his personal life as PR instead of just having him prefect his craft and go out for better roles. I can guarantee you audiences don't give a crap about an actor's personal life unless it's something major like racism, sexual assault, things in that nature. Most people arent wasting over $30 on a trip to the movies because of an actors personal relationship status. no production company/house or directors do not care about an actor's personal life otherwise many actors wouldn't have jobs of that were the case.
you make some good points but i think many times we forget that these types of stunts, whether they be based in a celeb's real-life situation or entirely fabricated just like a film role, are not necessarily constructed for advancing the image a celeb has with his/her fans. even their public image to the gp isn't a big concern in my opinion. these things (i think) are drummed up to increase analytics and to appeal to film executives.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Meet "Boss" (aka another Welcome Home OC from my stories/AU)
They have a lot more dark topics, so I'ma just put some trigger warnings in case. Most are only lightly touched on or hinted at, though some are more in-depth.
TW: Cult Recruitment/Activities, Manipulation, Brief Mention of Grooming through Media (with the purpose being to make individuals join a cult), Mysterious Disappearances, Narcissism/Narcissistic Behavior, Obsessive Behavior
👔Basic info, like the first one. He is a young man named William Dorelaine. He is the younger brother of Ronald Dorelaine, who first came up with the idea for Welcome Home alongside Caesar Jones. William took over as boss, in place of his brother, after just a few episodes. He did so because Ronald went missing under mysterious circumstances. He doesn't have a partner or kids, but people have noted how he complains about being single.
👔 If you couldn't already tell by the tags, William is a part of a cult. Specifically, a spiritual/religious based one. He actually works as a recruiter for his cult. When he took over as boss, he quickly got to work on changing the show up a little. He made it so that the whole dynamic between the characters was more like a cult, with the intention being to groom children into thinking that these behaviors are normal. Wally works as the cult leader, being at the center of the neighborhood both socially and physically. The neighbors represent other members of the cult and Home is meant to loosely represent a divine power, being the only living house in the neighborhood and having a tight bond with Wally. Everyone acts so nice and makes a tight bond with the viewer. It's meant to teach kids that, if a kind person (even a stranger) wants to talk to you or even ask you to join them in a fun, interesting group/community, it is okay to say yes! They will treat you well!
👔 William actually hates kids. Like, he actively hates kids. If he sees one on the street while walking somewhere with someone (probably a fellow cultist), he will turn to his friend and whisper something like "look at that snot-nosed brat... I'm glad our group doesn't allow kids. It's disgusting..."
👔 He can and WILL make you disappear. How do you think Ronald went missing? He has friends (cultists) who care very deeply about their group (cult), so he can just say you are a risk to their plans (ascension). Then... POOF! You're gone! No one knows what really happens to them besides William and his friends, but no one's been found, yet.
👔 William doesn't like anyone at the studio, really. He can pretend to like them VERY well, though. He can even pretend to be their friends, although, he will never see them that way. He only considers his fellow cult members friends. In fact, he feels closer to them than his own family. Caesar is the most annoying, though. He constantly questions him, but he also feels as though he can't just have him disappear. He is essential to the show, due to being the last remaining person from its conception. If he got rid of Caesar, there would probably be controversy. Then, controversy starts investigations. Then investigations could result in William being exposed.
👔 Not much is known about the cult William is a part of, but it is known that it has a lot to do with night and day cycles, as well as time in general. Drawings of Suns and Moons happen to litter the walls of the studio and Welcome Home never seems to openly show nighttime in any episode. Clocks seem very important, too, as his house and office are full of them. He claims to just collect them.
👔 He is a somatic narcissist, meaning that he specifically takes narcissistic pride in his appearance. He will spend hours obsessing over the smallest of things, from his hair to his skin, to make sure he looks perfect and better than everyone else. It is one of the reasons why he is so distraught over being a single man. In his eyes, people should be ADORING him left and right. He wants, no, NEEDS compliments about his everything. His hair, his eyes, his skin, even his teeth are all perfect, so why hasn't anybody asked him out, yet? He doesn't understand that, although he might look nice, live isn't just about looking handsome. Needless to say, he wouldn't be the best partner to a lover, so it is good that most people seem to stay away from a romantic relationship with him.
👔 If he were to ever find someone who embodies the values of the cult, as in they act and follow the values without being a part of the cult or knowing anything about it, he would go nuts for them. It would most likely be the only time that he would EVER treat someone as if they were above him. He most likely wouldn't even see them as a human being, instead claiming that they might be something above human. The problem is, with his narcissistic tendencies, he would feel as if he DESERVES them, so he would pursue them relentlessly. Due to the mysterious nature surrounding the cult, though, no one but the members know why someone simply embodying the values of the cult would be so important.
👔 If he were to ever figure out that something was up with the puppets, he would be soaring over both the Sun and Moon! He would take it as a sign that the cult's plans (ascension) is coming soon! Or maybe, it is a sign that his prayers are being answered! While in many cases Wally would worship/love the whoever controls him or helps him (which, William fits the first category in his own way), William would worship the puppets. He would believe that the life given to these inanimate objects are the possible embodiment of his cult's deities and/or ideals, which should be worshipped.
(Bruh I am going to write about this guy and Caesar Jones SO MUCH so I'm sorry if it makes my other writings for the Canon Welcome Home Characters x Readers a bit slower. I'll answer any questions about my Welcome Home OCs, too. Y'all don't have to, but I think it might help some people understand my current and future writings a bit more. OwO)
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baby-xemnas · 1 year
thought abt my law (bepo related ofc, but mostly abt law)
i respect subby law enjoyers and i get that law is the type of character that people like to have "relax"/"let go" but i have to reject the notion of him being high strung - i think him being surrounded by his family really beats those allegations imo.
(this is honestly my classic refusal to pile on negative mental effects on characters thats just a thing that i do - disagree with other fans)
and it really doesnt work with bepo because while i LOVE bepo taking care of law (like bringing him breakfast and making sure he doesnt stay up working all night) bepo will always look up to law to tell him what to do its just the roles they've had established since they were kids that really didnt change - and while as i said i love caretaker bepo, law as the leader: of the crew ofc and bepo in particular - is also a protector - again a role thats been established all the way back when they met, i dont think it should change, i love it.
I love them both being very comfortable with those roles - i keep repeating myself - theyve been like that for so many years! It's how they work and its good and full of love and understanding between them AND THIS IS WHY i think that law having bepo who is all starry eyes and gentle words and looking up to him is already his most comfortable and relaxed state of being - its reassuring having somebody be so confident and trusting and believing in your judgement - yes leadership is typically associated with stress and pressure But law can and does share with bepo if he is unsure about something, he is not a leader that keeps it all on the inside just to then explode - hes smarter and healthier than that
anyway i just wanted to let out thoughts about law being a surprisingly balanced character. im glad hes gone done with his revenge and past demons and all that good for you man live your life love the family youve made xoxo
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amethystpath-writes · 2 years
You Weren’t the Criminal
“I’m happy to announce” -Hero took a breath, a smirk tugging at his lips- “that Villain has been vanquished.”
A crowd interrupted in cheer on the television, then the news cut to a video clip of a body being pulled from the rubble of a fallen building. Villain, supposedly.
When the audience out of frame quieted, Hero’s face became solemn. “Our team wasn’t without casualties. We lost one of our bests.”
The people gasped. Hero swallowed.
“Leader. He was found dead at the scene- we decided…” Hero shook his head. “The footage will be shared when Leader’s family has had time to grieve.”
Leader was dead- that much was true, but only because Villain, who watched his tv in awe, was responsible for the collapsed building. Villain sure as hell wasn’t dead, and that body on the news certainly wasn’t his own. Hero wasn’t sharing the footage because the footage already shown was Leader.
Villain didn’t typically care about the people, but now, seeing that Hero was clearly up to something...he couldn’t do nothing, could he? Maybe he should embrace it. If the people thought him dead, maybe it was a sign to do differently. He wouldn’t get this chance again- to start another life.
Oh, who was he kidding? Villain enjoyed this life. He enjoyed sneaking through shadows, at seeing how much he could get away with, how long he could go without getting caught. There was an otherwise unachievable amount of pride in being the country’s, maybe even the world’s, most successful criminal- to go so long without being caught that the greatest heroes of all time simply fake your death in hopes of taming you. Truly, what did Hero think Villain would do with this news?
“Explain yourself.” Villain was curious, having not wasted another moment before taking off to Hero’s home. And yes, he knew where it was. He wasn’t a clumsy criminal, one so naïve to not know where his enemies’ bases laid. And a base could mean anything, whether it was the team of heroes’ homes, secondary jobs, childrens’ schools, partners’ jobs, etc.. 
Hero walked to his refrigerator. After scanning its contents, he decided on a steady beer. It was either that or water, and as Villain knew, Hero didn’t like tasteless things; it was what made Hero’s betrayal against Leader so shocking.
“Hey. I’m talking to you.”
Still ignoring him, Hero parked himself on the couch. No one would bother the two. Hero didn’t make friends and he didn’t have any partners, kids, or- if he had family, Villain’s research couldn’t find them.
“What was all that shit on tv about?”
Villain might have sworn Hero chuckled if he didn’t bare a pair of straight lips.
“You killed Leader.” Hero met his eyes now, and something about that gaze, empty and soulless, unsettled Villain.  He was unsure at first; the building had been destroyed by Villain, but that didn’t mean he was responsible for Leader’s death. Hero found Leader alive, and then...“Why?”
Drawing in a heavy breath, Hero allowed himself a smirk. He shrugged.
“I’ll tell everyone.”
“You’re going to go to the media?” Hero’s tone was bored, like he knew how this would play out, and knew everything Villain would say. Was it possible that he knew Villain just as well as Villain knew him? “After you’re finally free?”
With that, Villain scoffed. Free? He wasn’t a prisoner of anything.
“You are really going to make me spell it out for you?” All this time and Hero only just now looked to Villain for the second time. “You’re trapped. You think you have to prove yourself capable of self-sustainability and you found that trait in crime. I wouldn’t care”- Hero shrugged and leaned forward to grab his tv remote- “but you’re getting in the way of things, and frankly, I have an image to uphold. On the other hand, I felt merciful.”
“Merciful?” Villain scoffed. “You dragged the man I would have claimed I killed- your teammate- out of the rubble I caused, and you took credit, for not only the destruction, but my death as well. Where’s your mercy?” In other words, What the hell are you up to?
The sound of buttons clicking on the remote made Villain grit his teeth. Hero didn’t care at all.
“Bothered?” the hero asked. “Can’t wrap your mind around my motives?”
“I don’t think you have one,” Villain admitted. “I think you’re as curious as me.”
Hero’s lips split to form an amused smile, one glittering like a white wine beneath a fancy chandelier. It frightened Villain. “Maybe. Maybe it was entertaining to figure you would show up, only to find I was right. Maybe it was confirmation, seeing how quickly a crowd’s joy could be diminished by another death.” His smile vanished. “I was curious,” he said, “about the dullness in the peoples’ eyes, hearing about Leader’s death, as if they ever knew him to begin with. I was happier to get rid of him than to chase you around.” His lip curled. “You’re a dog abandoned in the freezing rain. Whining, and whimpering, and annoying.”
Villain still couldn’t understand. “You knew Leader.”
“What made it easier to kill him rather than tracking me?”
Hero answered easily, “You weren’t the criminal. You’re just a waste of time, so I killed two birds with one stone. Take out the actual shitbag, and give you redemption, or whatever the hell you want to call it.” He sipped on his beer, then nodded his head at the tv. A video was playing on the news, a tribute to the fallen Leader- images of him and his family, a young girl, an even younger boy, and his wife appeared on screen. “His wife hated him, you know?”
“She had two kids with him; couldn’t have been that bad.”
The news paused and Hero set the remote down. The still image on the tv was of Leader and his wife, smiling in front of a great oak tree. Someone stood in the background and Villain assumed this was an image of a friendly gathering of some sort.
“Look beneath her eyes. Cheap foundation to cover sleepless bags. Her cheek,” Hero noted, “has just as much color, you see? Her skin was always yellowed in the oddest places, and her voice was so quiet on the seldom occurrence she spoke.”
“He abused her.” Villain felt a knot in his chest, but nevertheless said, “But I buried Leader beneath a building. I could have killed him.” Didn’t Villain deserve death as much as Leader for his violent acts?
“Call it a difference in morals.” Hero’s eyes never left the image on tv; he stared, eyes sharp like a knife and simultaneously smooth like butter. “Leader was evil,” he said. “You are just lost.”
What compelled Villain to sit beside Hero, he was unsure, but he found himself sinking in the cushion, and staring at the same image as his once-enemy. For once, he didn’t want to destroy a random building, or rob some bank in a big-city. He swallowed. “What now, then?”
“We find another Leader”- Hero’s nostrils flared- “and we kill him, too.”
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ghoul-bonez · 1 year
~Through the Wind and Rain~
Chapter 4 (Promise Not to Leave)
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OC x OC set in the “Avatar: The Way of Water” universe…
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Summary: Jake Sully has always been an intimidating man, so when he asked Niri’te to talk with him she feared the worst.
Word count: 1.2k
Author's note: Life has been crazy so this took 2 days to edit…
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Chapter 4 (Promise Not to Leave)
I knew the Sullys enough to call them by a first name basis. Jake's attempts to get his kids to be friends with me had failed because I refused to let them in, but for some reason they still seemed to like me.
They would call us friends, even after the many times I would try to correct them, denying our friendship. I had always liked Kiri more than the rest, but saw a lot of myself in Lo’ak which I think is why I fought so hard against their attempts at being friendly. I was already a troublemaker. I would not turn the Olo’eyktan’s son into one like myself.
Walking towards the Sully’s marui I knew Jake wouldn’t do anything to harm me, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t extremely worried about what would lay past the doorway, many outcomes came to mind, only about half seeming good. As soon as I entered their home Neytiri immediately stood in front of me, she hissed frustratedly while Jake rubbed her arm, “How could you abandon your own kind!?”
Jake seemed just about as upset and I finally had my first real doubt about my choice to come, I was so screwed if I messed absolutely anything up, “Yeah, what sort of idea wormed its way into your head that made you want to leave the Omatikaya people.”
I didn’t want to explain my whole story to the Metkayina who I barely knew, but I felt I owed Neytiri and Jake an explanation, “It didn’t feel like I was among my own kind.” I sighed, almost just as frustrated as Neytiri, “My parents died alongside you fighting the Sky People, and after they passed I had my aunt who basically counts as nobody. Nobody came to my side. I was essentially the clan’s pet, you should know that of all people. I know you tried your best to help, but I was stubborn and didn’t accept it, but when you left I truly had nobody. So I left the forest. Here I won’t just be “the orphan” that people feel the need to be kind to. I won’t have to mostly fend for myself. I will be my own person here.”
It was once the Sully children started to really stare at us that Jake sighed and spoke again, “Let’s go have a conversation outside.” I knew I didn’t want to be a part of the conversation that was about to happen, but I accepted it.
Whatever he had to say to me had to be better than the tongue lashing Neytiri would give me. We walked outside, him guiding me to the edge of the pathway and sitting down. I awkwardly sat next to him, making sure to keep my distance.
Jake sighed, “I want you to realize no matter how much you hated your aunt, or how little she did to show her love for you, your decision hurt her. I have felt the pain of losing a family member, I know how you feel with your parents, how long the grief sticks with you. I have promised the clan leaders that I will take care of you. I want you to succeed here, I want you to grow. I don’t want to watch you go back home with your tail between your legs. I know you don’t want to go back either. You will follow the same rules as my kids, you will adapt, and learn fast. You will pull your weight, and stay out of trouble. Got it?”
I let out a relieved sigh, happy that this was an accepting conversation, not a “go back home” one, “Yes sir. I know she is upset, but I did this for myself, and you of all people should know sometimes you have to be selfish for yourself to thrive.”
Jake placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing slightly to reassure me, “I get that kid, but you need to learn that you can’t run from your problems. I need you to promise me one thing.”
I frowned, I was never great at keeping promises, “I’ll try.”
He smiled at me, “Alright, I need you to promise me that you will not leave. No matter what happens, no matter how much you struggle to learn or adapt. You will stay.”
I smiled back at him, that was a promise I could keep, “I can promise you that. Also you do know you don’t have to feel obligated to watch out for me, right?”
“But I do, I was your Olo’eyktan. My job was to watch over my people and keep them safe. I may not be Olo’eyktan anymore, not with the Omatikaya, and definitely not with the Metkayina, but that spirit still resides in me. To care for my people, you are still one of my people.” He seemed a lot more relaxed now, “Alright, back inside. It's time to eat.” He ruffled my hair before heading back inside with me following behind.
When we got inside Neytiri was still visibly upset, but she seemed to not want to skin me alive anymore. I quietly took a seat between Lo’ak and Tuk, trying to not draw much attention, and after a couple minutes the food was served.
I ate happily, except for having to smack both Tuk and Lo’ak’s hands away from my food which they were trying to steal. Eventually they gave up though after Kiri pestered them.
It felt a bit empty without Neteyam, but I silently worked through the feelings I was having on my own. It led to me being quieter than usual, which I’m sure everyone noticed, but thankfully nobody brought it up although I would easily be able to pass it off as exhaustion after my trip.
Eventually we split ways and I found my way to my own marui which Leyra had shown me to earlier. I was exhausted so I quickly set up my hammock, hanging it from two support beams across from one another. I sat down in it but before laying down and going to sleep I decided to pray to Eywa as I added a bead to my song chord.
A bead for my new life in Awa’atlu. I felt this was a big enough occasion to add to the song of my life. I gathered my song chord and rifled through my things looking for the perfect bead, but as I came up short I looked around my marui.
Hung on one of the walls was a net with little shells weaved into it. I slowly went to it, exhaustion weighing down my bones, and used my knife to snag the net, cutting it and releasing the shell into my hand. It was perfect.
As I sat down to tie the shell into my song chord I spoke, “Eywa, if you are listening, I would love a sign that I am truly meant to be here, I don’t really have the choice to leave now, but I would like to get confirmation I made the right decision. I want to make sure I am on the right path. I will be watching for your sign, Great Mother. Thank you.”
Once I was done praying I heard a noise, once, twice, then more times than I could count. The rain had come once again. I knew that was some sort of sign, it had to be, but it wasn’t enough for me.
The rain will never be enough for me, and someday that will be my downfall.
After the rain began I felt at peace, and laid back, falling into a peaceful sleep. I will be looking for her sign.
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Word Bank:
Olo’eyktan (Clan leader)
Marui (Metkayina homes)
Omatikaya (Forest Na’vi)
Metkayina (Ocean Na’vi)
Sky People (Humans)
Awa’atlu (Metkayina village)
Eywa (Na’vi goddess)
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karolinevassalor · 2 years
The Primarch consorts
So, i just read @relax-and-read-on hc about the primarch kids, and it gave me some funny headcanon idea about their their wife/mate/consort whatever their title is.
Sanguinius: The opposites almost attract to each other. Or in Sanguinius case his wife have a quite a short temperament and not afraid to bicker with her husband brothers *cough*mostly Fulgrim*cought*and Konrad*cough*, but mostly because she is a kind and caring soul too who cannot stand this two psychos and their actions. Luckly for her, amazing birdboy always at the rescue. Im sure he have some gray hair because of her, but Sanguinius love her all with his heart. This is also a reason why he extra cautious with his other brothers whose actually want to steal her from him (mostly Leman, he love the fierce ones)
Fulgrim: His poor darling is kinda a nervous wreck. She always want to give her best to please her husband, and strangely Fulgrim love his wife, but its more like to love a fancy accessory than a real people. And when she realise this, she have a breakdown. Sanguinius wife was one who is in charge to help her recovery (and also want to kill the fancy Primarch, ofc it failed). Deep down, Fulgrim know he is bad about thinking his wife like this, but the refuse to go therapy out of pride. I think he never visit her, but always send someone to gather information about her condition and he is a little bit happy if he hear good news.
Angron: He met his consort an anger issue session and you cant change my mind about it. She is an expert if it comes to help her husband ruts and thanks to her advise, his legion somehow able to understand their leader true condition. Angron eternally greatful to his wife love and support and give his best in the relationship. Nobody (not even Horus) dare to even think about hurt her, because...ye know....angry Angron is not funny...sayin politely.
Lorgar: I think he met with his wife during one of his heretic hunt and she happened to be  a sacrifice in a pagan ritual. Lorgar saved her and she immediatly saw him as her “god”. He is a busy man but he always have time for his equally religious darling (maybe he groomed her to be like this, but who knows) and she totally devoted to him. And Lorgar love this aspect of his darling and trust her with all his might. Because he KNOW she never gonna betray him.
Ookay, who will be the next 4? :3
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luchicm04 · 6 months
lost in the forest - part 22
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Summary: A formal meeting is called upon and Karen comes face to face with her guests' long lasting enemies.
Pairing: Senju Tobirama/Original Female Character
Tag: #lost in the forest fic
posted on ao3
Word Count: 3.1k
So, as some might've noticed, I changed the title of the fic because I realized that accent in the original title was a mistake. The author probably made an error and mistook the words 'pérdida' and 'perdida', meaning loss and lost, respectively.
Also, there are many errors like that during all the fic, so that's why I trying to be careful when translating. Otherwise, many sentences would make no sense and the story would lose its charm. I bet that's happened to more than one who has read a google-translated fic.
I remind you that English is just my second language, not my mother language. If there are any mistakes in the words, pls notify me so I can change it.
Overall warnings: canon-typical violence, adult content, time skips, angst, kidnapping
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A demure white yukata with a delicate braided hairstyle that highlights her foreign features. The clothing is completely different from all the ones she has owned since she began participating in the affairs of this clan, simple and modest that radiates the main plan they are about to sign before the eyes of the nobles and lords of these lands. 
Karen feels out of place, but there she is, looking up at the exit door where she can notice a Hashirama talking to the insurance council giving warnings to eb careful, a common thing for fear that this is a trap. 
Nobody believes that it is that simple to formalize peace, which makes her sigh. 
“Be very careful.” Mikami has gone to see her off with a sleeping Matsuo. Her eyes are fearful. 
“I’ll be fine, I’ll just be a witness,” she says with the excitement of being out for the second time... she has a nasty taste in her mouth about it, but she thinks it’s too positive to think it will be different. Karen has faith in it. 
“Are you sure?” 
“I’ll go alone with Tobirama and Hashirama,” she reminds her friend in an attempt to divert her own fear. She gives a needed hug almost waking up the kid. “Remember that I’ll be back soon... for Matsuo-kun's future, right?” 
“Fine.” She looks doubtful but accepts. “Tobirama-sama,” she greets the austere young man who blinks slower than usual in their direction to accept the greeting with slight seconds of distance. 
“Are you ready?” Oblivious and firm, the leader’s brother comments, accepting the greeting while Mikami leaves with a slow stammering, more so because the child began to cry and there are many people around anxious about this income.  
“Yes,” she sighs, looking at her own clothes. Just like her, he is wearing something simple in white colors. “I guess transportation for me is too much to ask, right?” 
“We do not have time to waste... on your type of transportation,” he frowns with the ‘you’re stupid’ to which she doesn’t retaliate. 
“I was hoping you had some kind of carriage,” she sighs, disappointed with the type of response she gets. “Tamamo-san, Jenshi-san,” she greets two of the councilors who approach. 
“Greetings, young Karen-san... Tobirama-sama. Can we talk?” He asks her partner, who raises his eyebrow firmly. 
“You already talked to Hashirama, you do not have to talk to me,” he says, noticing that there is some tension in this regard. She supposes these are things that remain after several days of internal hostility for what peace meant. 
Letting the death of others be in vain, according to them. 
“Yes, but we would like to cover some topics with you,” Tamamo comments with an arch, looking at her. “If you would excuse us.” 
“Alright... I’ll go with Hashirama.” Karen is almost about to leave but her head is slightly stopped by a rough movement from her partner, with those firm red eyes that she doesn’t dare move. 
“As I told you, you already spoke with Hashirama,” he comments more seriously than normal looking at the two elderly people who look irritated. “The war will end with this. A step forward for the future.” 
“You know what we think about it.” Jenshi looks annoyed, but lets out some venom, not caring if she listens. She looks at Tobirama with slight doubt, without letting her go completely. What does he want her to do? It’s not like she can do anything. 
“The blood has already been spilled. It is not necessary for new generations to grow up with a war whose beginning we do not understand,” Tobirama replies in his own way what she already said before, which surprises her, and she does not avoid looking at him with her eyes slightly open. “Is that not right, Karen?” 
“War has always been this complicated, for those who do not forget, for those who lost a lot... leaving all that behind so that the future is promising is difficult,” the civilian states, doubtfully adding to this conversation in which she did not want to participate. She hates her position, but she clings to her spot despite the bad faces of the elders. “But that does not mean it is impossible,” she sighs slightly. “Trust Hashirama, with the fact that achieving this has been a success.” 
“A civilian would not understand,” one of the elders responds bitterly and confidently. 
“A civilian who knows about wars,” Tobirama adds without missing a beat. 
Karen remains in her place without knowing what else to add in this peak of severe wills. She gulps, staying put out of pride and foolishness. She has the need to run, which itches down her back... however, there she is, in the middle of three men who could easily kill her and throw away her body. 
Ironic. Where are her self-preservation instincts? …ah yes, she forgot about that for a long time. 
“I just hope this does not turn out worse, that those Uchihas do not bite our hand,” Jenshin spits arrogantly, as if that clan wasn’t more important than them... a different class. 
“They are shinobi, humans like all of us. I am sure they have also given in to this because they have lost a lot too, right? So, do not discredit that.” Karen is a little bitter about the way he said it. This is how internal conflicts start. “And I would like to make something clear... when the council begins to plan something behind the leader’s back, I assure you that it will be the certain fall of its power.” 
“A threat?” Tamamo frowns. 
“I am a civilian. I cannot threaten but indicate what I know from the experience of other nations,” Karen raises her gaze. “And it would be sad if the Senju clan became lost due to your own arrogance... due to your own pride in leaving things behind to work together for a better future, something that both Hashirama and Tobirama have worked so hard for. Do not make it ruin itself just because a few do not want to leave the past, to build a future without stopping learning from it.” 
The two old men look at each other and then turn around without any comment. Tobirama doesn’t say anything. 
“I think they both no longer want their grandchildren to propose to me,” she says sarcastically, without a hint of joy. 
“Did you want to marry them?” 
“It’s sarcasm,” she sighs as she rolls her eyes, because the joke is lost on its own. 
“...” The albino looks at her for a long time. 
“Ask away,” she insists before the silence between them. 
“Is what you said true?” 
“What part?” 
“About... the fall of nations?” 
“Somewhat,” she explains with a light sigh. “But I think it can be worked on. If it’s achieved, this will be an advance for the future.” 
“You sound so confident.” 
“I have seen you work. Although stupid and difficult to understand, you have a good head... you are born leaders.” 
“You do not fall behind.” 
“Even if I’m a civilian?” The woman mocks. 
“Even if you are,” he quickly accepts, without noticing the tone implied. Seriously, this man cannot take anything as a joke. 
“Alright, it’s time to go,” Hashirama interrupts them when he looks at them with amused doubt. “Well?” 
“Nothing is wrong,” his brother assures coldly. Karen feels she’s missing something and doubts seeing a strange gesture in the always shining man, that she falters when she’s swiftly carried as a princess. 
“Warn before!” She complains when she is accommodated. Karen frowns at the distant man who ignores her, not avoiding screaming from the excitement of the speed of this technique. She closes her eyes and clings to the yukata with a chaotic thought of doing something about the transportation system. 
This is not suitable for everyone. 
She has vertigo. 
The nobles are notable and now she sees why many doubt the invented title that Hashirama himself said when introducing her. The Fire Daimyo looks interested, with a pensative gesture. “Shinji-sama,” Karen says with neat etiquette reviewed by an ephemeral Mikami, who insisted on explaining to her in detail the type of environment that she would be surrounded with. 
These nobles, as witnesses of this important step between chinobi clans, are an important piece to formalize the pact. 
“Karen-san... strange name,” the man assures with a curious glow. 
“Yes, a curious name,” the woman accepts without missing a beat. The place is spacious, with light traditional monuments and well-kept gardens. As they explained to her, it is one of the many houses of the young lord of these lands, located at some neutral point of the two shinobi families. 
An agreement that they managed to obtain after so much push and pull. 
“Do you have a last name? ...or your father’s name.” 
“You know, the house you belong to.” 
“Ah,” she sees the point that she frankly missed, which makes her think about it. “Saucedo.” 
“No, it is pronounced Saucedo,” she sighs at the error of her own town. The man blinks to laugh. 
“It is not from around here.” 
“No... it is not,” she states strangely. Karen had spent a long time without mentioning her last name, something that was lost among all the drama that has happened since her arrival. 
“It sounds important.” 
“Oh... well.” 
“Hashirama says that you are a prominent noble. I mean, to be so hand in hand and get both clans to take a step for this.” 
“He gave me a lot of credit.” 
“It is remarkable. Do not discredit your work out of modesty,” the man says with a flirtatious smile. “So, do not despite yourself.” 
“I do not, it is just that... well, many of the pacts and contacts were made by them, I only helped with some things.” 
“Even so,��� the nobleman gives her a discreet gesture. His clothes up close look soft, expensive and quite decorated, differentiating themselves from them, who come in white clothes. “I am surprised that a noble like you, being a civilian, would still help them. A notable step for the Saucedo house.” 
“Uh...” She doesn’t know what to say because of the formality, it sounds different. “It is a step... that it had to do to achieve this... for its future.” 
“You have a point. However, many do not take the time to do this, you know?” 
“I imagine. You are all busy people.” 
“I am not just saying this because of the time. Girls do not do this,” he points out amusingly. “But that makes the flower more interesting, you know?” He takes a step forward. “One that I would like to add to my harem,” the man says direct and sure of what he wants, almost making her cough loudly, but she holds back for seconds and smiles with an uncertain shine. 
“I am sorry to hear that, but the Saucedo house is in disgrace. I do not think my father is looking for any kind of outside help at the moment, it is not customary,” she quickly invents, letting herself be carried away by her lie. 
“Are you sure? ...I can give a dowry for adding you.” 
“Not at all. We do not manage ourselves by dowry, but by the ability of the child.” 
“You are skilled. You would be a very good woman in my domains, and I assure you the Saucedo house will greatly improve its status by relating to the Shinji house, of the Fire Daimyo.” 
Finding herself in trouble, Karen sighs. “I apologize... I appreciate the gesture, but the truth is... this is more complicated than I want to explain.” 
“Oh, I see.” The man looks understanding. She doesn’t know what kind of story is drawn in his mind, as if he understood why a noblewoman stays with the shinobi. “Whatever you wish. If you accept and are not defiled by any of them,” he says with a slightly contemptuous tone towards the shinobis. “I would like you to consider me,” he adds smiling. 
Karen wants to leave already... she wants to hit this man, but thank all the gods, the missing clan arrived. 
The Uchihas are more imposing and wilder than the Senju family, she is sure of it when she sees their leader, whose mane is abnormally spiked and explosive, along with another young man with a dead look. Both look at each other to go where the Senju were waiting with their flag. 
The beginning of this formality. 
Peace is a difficult thing to reach, maintain and manage... which she can notice upon approaching as one of the not-so-neutral witnesses. Karen is glad to be away from the gaze of a terrible Daimyo, who continues to insist that her family must consider marrying her. 
Hashirama looks worried but has placed her next to him with a worried gesture. “Are you alright?” He questions in English noticing how Mr. Shinji now is with the leader of the Uchiha clan. 
“Yes,” she answers with a sigh. “I just finished tightening the rope on the figurative neck with your ‘noble’ lie... you know?” She huffs tired of socializing so much. She sees the man’s doubt, that is clearly reflected in his face. “Apparently, I am a noblewoman from the Saucedo house, that is in disgrace. Don’t ask why... the point is that the man thinks that adding me as a concubine will fix this.” 
“Yeah... but don’t worry, I invented other things about my family and why my father can’t talk to him,” she points out, proud of getting at least a little out of this mess. 
“I’m sorry I left you with him.” 
“You have better things to deal with,” the woman dismisses to look around. “He looks imposing... more than Mikami told me.” 
“Yes,” she accepts with a curious look. “Although, I think his hair is to be envied. Just like you, you have lots of it.” 
“Out of everything that happened and the exchange... you are interested in the hair?” Hashirama mocks slightly, less tense than at the start. 
“Of course, it’s remarkable,” she shrugs, not at all guilty. “I’m glad this turned out alright,” she says, looking at the man next to her. “That your dream, or at least a part of it, was achieved.” 
“If you hadn’t been here... I assure you it wouldn’t be possible,” he declares firmly, with an emotional sparkle in his eyes. 
“Not at all. I’m sure you’d manage to do it some way,” the woman declares and then looks at a bitter Tobirama, who doesn’t take his eyes off the other Uchiha. Both look noticeable hostile, but with no intention of throwing the first kunai. “They don’t get along, do they?” 
“They are natural enemies. Unlike Madara and I, they... it’s complicated.” 
“I see,” she sighs to focus again. “Can we go now?” 
Hashirama laughs and then looks at Madara, who stares at them from his place. The Daimyo looks proud for a few seconds, stating again how important this will be for his nation, and how it would trigger more clans to follow their example. 
Making Karen learn that it’s not just the Senjus and the Uchihas in this world. 
A noticeable and fearful thing for the simple civilian, who only lets herself go with the flow. 
Great... right? 
The celebration would take place in a week, which has turned the clan into chaos between arrangements, security and more. Karen sighs with a basket of vegetables that she just helped collect, because they are all taken aback in an unprecedented event. The Uchiha clan would come, as part of an important exchange that has everyone anxious. 
To the point that even she has been put to work. 
Tobirama watches her from his spot, organizing some little ones to clean an old room in the main house, catching up with her with a slight frown. “I told you not to participate.” 
“It’s not like I had asked for this,” she sighs, the basket that was too heavy for her taste being snatched away. She huffs embarrassingly for such a careless appearance, but maybe Granma Kaori forgot in her haste that she doesn’t have the same stamina as the other women. 
“You are weak.” 
“Thank you for reminding me...” She snorts indignantly, wanting to take the basket back. “Kaori-san needs them for the stew.” 
“You are weak and clumsy,” the man adds bitterly, rasing said instrument. “As a woman of the Saucedo house, it is not convenient for you.” 
“Are you mocking me?” Karen frowns at the impudence of using her last name in that tone. Tobirama ignores her to snort. 
“There are too many things to do to deal with another bothersome civilian woman.” 
“I am not a bother.” 
“You are.” 
“Are you seriously fighting with me instead of going to organize clan stuff?!” 
The man stops in that passageway that goes to the main house. The garden is a little behind them and there are people coming and going with different activities. “I do not want you to come to the covenant dinner.” 
“You do not have to participate. You are not from the clan.” 
“I’m sorry, but I think there is no negotiation in this. Hashirama said it was okay for me to go.” 
“You are a civilian.” 
“Yeah, and?” 
“There will be drinks.” 
“Alright, I see your point,” she bites bitterly, remembering that the last event didn’t go so well. She still feels the sting in her jaw and the anxiety of nightmares at night, which are calmed by knowing that she’s fine for now. “Couldn’t you say it nicer?” 
“You are stubborn.” 
“We both are,” she frowns indignantly to sigh and see that the basket would not be returned. “As part of the nobles, the Daimyo requested for me to be present at this event.” 
“Hashirama must have told you.” 
“It is not negotiable.” 
“Tobirama, I’m not asking,” she frowns. “It’s the peace that’s at stake and I know I’m a fundamental part of it, although I don’t want to witness this going out of context being used for something bad...” 
“Mr. Shinji is sure that with me present, you will remember that it is a peace treaty,” she snorts, remembering that annoying favor that Daimyo asked of her. “At least he didn’t send one of his servants or notaries to confirm that this dinner will take place.” 
Tobirama looks upset. “You say Hashirama knew.” 
“Yes, he was present when he gave the warning, along with Madara-san.” 
“Mmmm...” He doesn’t look happy, and he disappears with her basket. She growls because at least she hopes that he remembers where that basket goes, and that Kaori doesn’t scold her for not arriving with said vegetables for the stew. She sighs, not understanding what exactly happened but she’s so tired of pretending she’s not, as she’s been working so hard since dawn. 
She needs a vacation, she’s sure of it. 
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A/N: A chapter to say present!! …and that this is opening the way to a certain foundation. As you will see, our dear OC has just invented a whole affair and an important family in disgrace that will bring her many problems as a noblewoman, something that perhaps will explode on her later.
Poor girl.
Still, peace has finally arrived. What will happen next? …that’s a good question, since now they need to organize themselves as an allied clan. The first step is trust and this was demonstrated by the Senju in giving them instructions to go to their clan for dinner, something that was not well received by many of the councilors... but they complied due to the tremendous imposingness of their leader.
Hashirama was firm and fearsome when he instructed that there was no turning back, so they reluctantly accepted. She still doesn’t know the Uchihas that well, our Karen only had a first impression. What will happen?
We will find out soon.
Author-chan out! 
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rizavi-m · 11 months
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~ Flowers of My Heart ~
In which an exchange of flowers amuses Aster so much.
If Vil has to describe Aster in one word, he'd say that he's insufferable.
The man has no regard for rules nor does he adhere to it for long. He dances to the beat of his own drums without much of a care for the world around him. He may be intellectual and charming, but his habit of getting on people's nerves makes you forget about those initial traits quite often.
Vil still cannot comprehend how Aster is blood related to his former dorm leader. Ryllis is so organized and well-mannered, the complete opposite of his long haired brother.
" What are you doing?" The dorm leader sighs, shaking his head in disbelief at the sight.
Aster peeks an eye open upon hearing Vil's voice, a smirk gracing his lips when he sees his royal purple gaze staring down at him. He remains on the grass, comfortable under the glass dome of the Botanical Garden. The sunlight peering through the glass illuminates his amber eyes that hold a mischievous gaze.
" Relaxing. You should try it"
" I'd gladly do so if it does not involve me laying down on the dirty grass"
Vil rolls his eyes at the chuckle at Aster lets out. The Scarabian male grunts as he sits, his body turning to directly look at Vil.
" Well, I guess I'm not really relaxing, more like waiting" He says.
" For what?" Vil asks, quite curious, to which Aster responds with a smirk. He moves his knee up and rests his elbow on it
" How do you know it's not a who?" He grins as he lets his chin rest on his palm.
" I'm waiting for you"
Vil rolls his eyes again, which makes Aster laugh once more.
" I'm kidding. I'm waiting for my rose to bloom" Aster says as he stands up, brushing off any dust or grass that clung to him.
" As they say, a watched pot never boils" Vil starts to say as he watches Aster adjust his lab coat.
" Plus, knowing you, you're one to get bored easily" He adds.
" Aww, you know me well" Aster teases with a smirk, and yet again, Vil rolls his eyes.
" Keep rolling those pretty eyes and you'll lose them, Schoenheit" He snickers.
Pretty, he said.
At least he knows what's true, Vil thinks to himself.
" Anyway, it's not a normal rose. It ain't the kind you see blossoming in Heartslabyul. Or at least, it was" The young detective starts to explain.
" I did some experiments, and if I did them right, then I'll be rewarded with a pleasant sight" He grins.
It's almost contagious how Aster grins. His enthusiasm for experiments, whether they may be scientific or sometimes even psychological, never ceases to exist. Through the three years that Vil had known Aster, not once had he seen the man's passion for testing hypotheses die down.
" Why don't you come see it? I'm sure you'll be able to put in a good critique given your expertise" Aster offers with a smile.
" I fear for what's to come" Vil mutters, eliciting a soft chuckle from his fellow third year student.
" Relax, I didn't do anything drastic" The male reassures.
" Heck, I'm sure you'll even like what you see" At that statement, Vil raises a brow.
" May I remind you that I have standards for things, Aster" He says.
" Yes yes, not many can meet them, I know" Aster shrugs, but then he winks.
" But it doesn't hurt to try now, does it?"
Vil huffs, but nonetheless, he finds it quite amusing. He crosses his arms over his chest, looking at Aster with a stern expression.
" Alright then, I'll indulge in your curiosities for now"
Aster grins widely at Vil's words. He rests his hands behind his neck, turning around to face a path that leads further into the garden.
" Well then, fairest queen, follow my lead"
As they walk, Aster grins at the sound of Vil's heels clicking against the stone path. The male finds it relaxing, but not as much as its wearer's presence.
It's odd and ironic, he thinks. Weren't they acting like enemies days ago? Aster still remembers he dislikes how much Vil likes to take control like his older brother does, but doesn't it come and go? At least, right now, Vil doesn't act that way...
" Keep visiting dreamland and you'll trip, Aster" He hears Vil sigh, snapping him out of his thoughts. Aster huffs, but then smirks.
" I knew it, you're worried about me~"
Aster laughs as Vil clicks his tongue.
" It was ingrained upon me to do just that. Your brother left me with no choice but to do so" Vil tells him.
" So? Ryllis isn't here anymore, and it's not like I like having you around me like a vulture either" Aster sighs, which earns him a look from the dorm leader.
" You are a hazard to others, as if I can let you off like a wild dog"
" Ouch, a wild dog out of all things?" Aster turns back to look at Vil with a pout.
" I would've gone with something nicer if you hadn't compared me to a vulture" The blond retorts.
" Ah" Aster mutters. He then shrugs, smiling as he does.
" Fair point I suppose" He chuckles.
" Seriously though. You don't need to keep watching over me like Ryllis wanted you to do. Even if I still struggle sometimes, I'm fine on my own. Besides, you don't want this either, right?"
Does he?
Vil can't help but ponder upon it.
There was never a dull moment with him around, was there?
" Anyway, we're here!" Before Vil could even reach to a conclusion, Aster stops in front of a clearing.
" Isn't this area only to be utilized by Science Club members?" Vil asks Aster, his gaze turning serious as the Scarabian male laughs.
" Professor Crewel gave me a pass" Aster tells him as he motions the Pomefiore dorm leader to follow him.
Soon, Vil finds himself standing in front of a table with a flower vase on top. Indeed, there was a rose that have yet to bloom, it's petals still closed in a bud. Aster was right too, this was no ordinary rose.
The entire structure of the flower appear to be made of crystals.
" This rose looks far too fragile to be a Rosa Chrysalis. What is it?" Vil leans down to look at the plant up close.
" I told you, it was an ordinary rose. Yet with a little science and magic, it turned into something more than that" Aster explains with a grin. He grabs a chair and sits beside the table, watching as Vil examines the flower.
" If you're going to sit, at least do it properly" Vil reprimands, not even glancing at the male.
" Eh~? Come on..." Aster whines.
" How did you even do this?" The dorm leader asks as he gently touches a leaf, now looking at the male with him.
" Figure it out yourself" Aster smirks, which earns him a frown from Vil.
" Come now~ don't go getting frown lines on that beautiful face now"
" In the case I do get frown lines, you are all to blame"
Aster can't help but laugh at that, even as Vil sends him a stern look. In his fit of laughter, Aster doesn't notice the way the dorm leader's expression softens just a little when the afternoon sunlight shines on his face.
" Oh?" Aster tilts his head, looking at the rose.
" Now there's two beautiful things in here"
Vil turns back at the rose, and his eyes widen when he finds that it's blooming. As the crystal petals slowly start to unfurl, the afternoon sun greets it's awakening with its shine that the petals reflect so beautifully. A myriad of colors fill the surface of the table where the pot sits, illuminating the space before Vil.
" See? I told you you'd like it"
Aster smiles when he sees Vil's expression. Of course, the fairest queen would have a penchant for beauty. His royal purple eyes hold awe for the flower, it's obvious and undeniable.
" It's... Beautiful..."
" Like me?"
" As if"
As insulting as it was, it's comical to Aster how quick Vil's response was, he can't help but laugh loudly.
" You know you can have that, right?" He tells the dorm leader, who looks at him.
" What kind of a trick is this?" Vil mutters.
" Don't paint me to be a bad guy all the time now" The long haired male sighs.
" Look, I only wanted to see if the combination of potions and spells I used would yield me the results I wanted, and it did. However, because of that, this flower's fragility has increased, but so has its life span" Aster begins to explain.
" Such beautiful result of curiosity would wither in the extreme heat if I take it back to Scarabia with me, and who knows what kind of force would disturb the plant and possibly ruin its elegance?" He ends with a shrug.
Aster takes a glance at the rose before his gaze rests on Vil once more.
" Pomefiore has a decent environment where the flower will undoubtedly thrive in. Other than that, I'm sure your fellows would do more gawking than touching when they see this"
He's not entirely wrong, Vil thinks to himself as he looks back at the plant.
" And before you compare me to those Octavinelle folks!" Aster huffs loudly.
" No, I'm not expecting something in return" He sighs.
" Don't go putting words on my mouth now" Vil says as he straightens his posture, looking down at Aster who remains in his seat, looking up at the blond with a blank expression.
" I will admit, it is indeed beautiful" He confesses, his tone now soft.
" I will also say I did not expect such a thing from you. You truly unpredictable, Aster"
" In a good way?" Aster asks as he quirks a brow, now smiling. At that, Vil scoffs playfully.
" Perhaps"
Aster couldn't help but chuckle at that.
" Well, good or bad, that's not gonna stop me from making more experiments" He says as he stands up, stretching his arms as he looks at Vil.
" Seems like I'll just have to impress you more to get you to look at me in a positive light then" He snickers, which makes the Pomefiore student smirk.
" Oh? I see you like to challenge yourself too. Go on then, do what you like"
" I will, I always do"
" Monsieur Fleur, bonjour!"
" Not now Rook" Aster grumbles as he slumps in his seat. A book rests on top of his head, covering his eyes from the bright golden light of the morning sun. More grumbles erupt from his throat when Rook removes the book.
" I come bearing gifts, monsieur" The archer smiles eagerly, and in a way, teasingly.
" I swear to the Sevens, if it's another carcass, I am not in the mood for dissection" Aster sighs, resting his scarred cheek on his palm.
" Non non, tis not from moi" Rook grins.
This catches Aster's attention, who finally sits up straight. He looks at his friend expectantly, now curious of the gift.
Rook can't help but chuckle at Aster's expression. He's just as excited as the detective is, perhaps even more giddy than he is. The blond takes a step to the side, revealing the gift to the long haired male.
" I'm sure you know who sent it~" Rook grins.
Aster's eyes widen at the sight. There on the ground lies a square flower pot that contains aster and iris flowers. They're not the ordinary ones like the ones in his mother's garden, no, they were made of crystal, just like the rose he made days ago.
If not for the flowers itself, then it's the purple ribbon that wrapped around the pot that contained a familiar scent that gave Aster an idea of who the sender was.
" That bastard..." Aster laughs, hoisting the pot up in his arms as he examines the flowers with glee.
" He did figure it out!"
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nami-lvr · 1 year
Correct OP Headcannons
Ft: Luffy, Usopp, Nami, Robin, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Brook, and Franky!
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
A/N: Hey guys! First post YAYAYAYYAYAY 🔥🔥 I love love love the silly show smsmsm and the next part will include Mihawk, Doffy, Cora, Buggy, and Crocodile!
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Erm I don’t have much for him
Bro smells
Does not wash his ass
Has those back pimple thingys and lets you pop them (GROSS!!!)
Band kid
For sure
100% a band kid
iPad kid as well
Can’t do anything without entertainment
Has autism
If you disagree you don’t like autistic ppl :/ (JOKING OFC!!)
I think his special interest would be pirates bc he thinks they’re cool
Has greasy hair
Smells bad (knows) doesn’t care
Doesn’t floss his damn teeth
Needs braces
Doesn’t get them bc this fool won’t take care of them
Paints his nails
Extremely ugly and bright colors
Cat shit green
Dog puke brown
Effervescent Shitstain
Whatever he can find
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My bbg would also be a band kid
Would not do anything with his hair.
At all.
Not even pick through it.
I swear
He just lets that shit grow
Won’t even loc up.
Only pulls bitches in his late teens/early adulthood because he doesn’t look 5 anymore
I’m convinced he has a gyatdayum uhhh
Fat ass
Im positive that if he was real he would have that THANG just THANGin up back there
Grabbable asf
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Popular pretty nice girl
Pick me (sorry!)
Would smell like strawberries for sure
Would be the girl to always have lotion on her
Would willingly take Spanish and be invested in it
Would always have gum on her
Lie about having gum on her so people won’t ask
People ask anyways
Definitelyyyy is the girl who only hangs out with guys (no shade to girls who do)
Not bc she gets along better
But because of Sanji 🙁
Literally they’re there to protect her from him (can you tell I hate Sanji yet 😛)
Basic white girl BUT I STILL LOVE HER
Stan Nami ong
She would be so proud of her friends
“Nami I got a 90% on my tes-“
So supportive
Very erm
Tough love kinda gal
You definitely have to WORK to be her friend
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I heavily headcannon that she speaks Russian. (I’m projecting 😊)
She would teach you Russian for sure
And be like
Super nice about it
I love Robin
She is so
Guys hear me out
She is a cat person
Would always wear fuzzy socks
Prefers the cold
She is allergic to grass fight me
Does yoga I can feel it in my bones
Would do yoga with you
Definitely bakes
Her favorite show is something true crime related
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Cmon man
This guy is so likeable
Dyes his hair a different color every month depending on what the awareness for that month is
As in blue for child abuse awareness month and green for mental health awareness month and so on
But no one knows that that’s why
They just think its cool
But he knows
He knows.
And I just think he would be the kind of guy to help the teachers clean the classroom
Straight C student
Sleeps in class
Has neck problems
Complains about said neck problems
Cycle repeats
Everyones friend
Natural born leader fr
Every tía would pass him the baby
He’s incredibly good with kids and wants some of his own
He is asexual
Makes fun one people to their face (me for real)
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I fucking hate Sanji. Not sorry! He is weird 😁🫶🏻
Would probably grab my ass
Would probably stare at my boobs
(I’m a well built gal)
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My son
I adopted him back in erm
Mexicans existed in the 1800’s and I adopted him then so
Everything I say from now on is cannon bc he is my son :p
Paints his nails
Bites his nails
Has autism
Bc I said so
Definitely loves plain pasta
Like thats his favorite food
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I don’t really like him either-
Bro is a stoner
No more questions
Tokes it up in the back of class
Gives no fucks if he gets caught
The kinda guy you wanna smoke your first joint with
Extremely good trip sitter
I feel like
I really feel like
I hope hope hope
He would dislike Sanji for being perverted and see that its bad and change his ways
Brook recovery arc bc i say so
#brook redemption arc
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The fun uncle
Everyone loves Franky
Loud drunk
Extremely loud drunk
Noise complaint loud kinda drunk
Still funny as shit thought
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societyintact-blog · 6 years
stop forgetting about dad rick..
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weirdsht · 2 years
Imagine Cale falling for someone the opposite of him. They're poor, live alone, and have never told a lie. They have a shack in the woods with a garden and some animals, pretty much self-sustaining and living in peace. But, unlike him, they may look like an average person yet have the strength of ten men. They have a bad reputation, because they kinda fit the whole "evil witch that lives in the woods" vibe. And even though they're honest(blunt), they can't get a long with people. Just imagining their dynamic is hilarious and amazing.
1) i went overboard, 2) cale is ooc in some parts, me thinks, 3) messy asf. im sorry
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Cale's thought upon the first meeting is probably "oh wow they have my dream life"
except for the poor part. we all know Cale doesn't speak broke
s/o not being able to lie is good for him. he wont need to play the guessing game all the time unlike with other people
but at the same time he thinks they wont make it far in life with that
but not that it matters much. he has confidence he'll be able to protect them for they are one of his people
speaking of s/o becoming one of his people. i really think that's the only way for Cale to fall in love
the man is closed off so if you aren't in his circle you wont stand a chance
luckily for s/o Cale saw their strength and deemed that it would be beneficial
and the rest after that is history
now them as a couple!
one word: intimidating
they're that power couple everyone admires but are to scared to approach
how can you when you're dealing with a natural intimidating aura and a leader aura fueled by an ancient power purely for domination?
so when they look at each other and then proceed to whisper everyone doesn't know if they find the scene hot or scary
what they don't know is that s/o is actually super anxious
"Cale i think they're looking at me weirdly... I want to go home"
"if i ask one more golden plaque from hyung-nim you can use it to blind them"
"why are you asking for another one? dont you still have 20 more?"
"but thats for shopping with you and the kids"
yes Cale is the type to spoil their s/o openly, i will take this hc with me even after u get buried 6ft underground
as i said cale doesn't speak broke so ofc his s/o have to get the best of the best
meanwhile s/o likes to live a simple life
cue many arguments that occurs everyday while everyone else in the villa watch with popcorn
dont get me wrong, Cale admires their self-sustaining, simple life and he supports it
but he also thinks you can't be wealthy enough yknow
the more riches the better
thats cale's motto
meanwhile s/o is probably
the simpler the better
ofc we have the fact that if cale loves them then the whole fam will also love them as long as they dont have bad intentions
but the kids love them for
is it because of their natural affinity with animals? are they really just that good with kids? is it both?
Cale honestly doesn't want to think about it
all this man knows is that while they make look ethereal while interacting with kids and animals, it annoys the hell out of him when they go bother him early in the morning
the villa doesn't even have pets
most of the time its just random animals (specially birds) knocking on his bedroom window wanting to see his s/o early in the morning
but grumble as much as he want he wont rlly do about it when they see how happy they are playing with those annoying little things
moments like that makes Cale think how you dont get along with other people outside your circle much
but then again outside Cale's safe clutches is the filthy world of high society
and he knows how they dont like hearing the truth, something s/o always deliver, but instead prefer empty praises
oh well, Cale could care less about those greedy nobles. he also make sure to remind his s/o that they are trash and its not worth it getting along with them
cue more argument about how this is why Cale would probably die friendless
overall its safe to say they are intimidating in public and act like an old married couple in private
they may have different values and morals from Cale but he wouldn't trade them for anything
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saatorubby · 3 years
Hi! Can I request for dorm leaders and Jamil when they saw s/o in a wedding dress. If it's not difficult for you, thank you in advance and good luck. (Sorry for my English is it not my native language) 😅
hi @cathrie, thank you for the request! dont worry about your english, its alright. I had my exams so sorry if the request was a bit late :)
request: dorm leaders + jamil when they see there s/o in a wedding dress
a/n: I am sorry, I got lazy so this only has dorm leaders. this turned out more to be their wedding hcs, (I regret nothing) but yes, this does have the part where they react to seeing their s/o in a wedding dress.
pairings: dorm leaders x f!reader (separate)
warnings: wedding dress (for all the people who don't like dresses)
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Riddle Rosehearts
two of you getting married was a dream for him, the one he belived would never come true
you had met riddle's mother and safe to say that you two did not like each other
she didn't like you because how dismissive you were of her rules and you because of what she did to riddle.
riddle had a pretty hard time convincing his mother but still reassured you that even if she doesn't give her blessings, both of you will still get married
so when it was finally the day he was very nervous but he was determined to make this day best day of your life
so he along with trey, who was the best man, were making sure that everything is perfect and no one breaks any of the 810 rules of Queen of Hearts
the groomsmen were chen'ya and cater and your bridesmaid were epel, jack and sebek and your maid of honor being A-deuce combo, who were also ordered by riddle to make the wedding perfect
the wedding was red, black and golden themed, of course, decorated with red and white roses, black table cloth and red candles on each table.
when the door opened and the music started he immiadiatly look at you with anticipation but his breath caught and eyes widened
you had chosen the most perfect dress with a tiara to match his crown, and you had the anticipated result~
he shut down
Riddle face turned red
and not the angry red he gets when he gets, well, angry but sight pinkish one
he was speechless, he couldn't stop staring
"you are looking beautiful, my rose."
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Leona Kingscholar
getting married to the second prince of afterglow savannah was not a small feat
farena and rest of Kingscholar family has probably met you before you even got together
that was probably because cheka mentioned the friend he made during magift tournament
so they invited you over for the summer holidays
when both of you got engaged farena was probably more excited than both of you combined
and don't get me started on cheka, he is so excited that oji-tan and oba-tan are getting married!
he is also the flower boy if anyone is wondering
the best man and groomsmen were farena and ruggie respectively.
it is a very big event, managed by the staff of the palace, so you didn't have to do much except tell them your preference here and there
even it being a big event, the dress code was semi-formal to compensate for melting heat of savannah.
so when it was time for you to walk down the aisle, you were not nervous because you and surprisingly Leona had practiced the ceremony many times because cheka wanted to play
he saw you in that dress
he smirked, he's smug
he is a blessed man and he knows it, he is probably enjoying showing you off
but don't let that tough guy exterior fool you, his red cheeks and a slight wag of his tail didn't go unnoticed by you
"for a herbivore, you sure do clean up well."
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Azul Ashengrotto
azul's and your wedding was..interesting to say at least
he was panicking, he's had body image and insecurity issues since he was a kid so he is constant phrase of what if they don't love me anymore and won't show up through out the preparations and the wedding itself
pls reassure him that you aren't gonna leave
azul's mom was pretty happy that her son finally has someone who cares about him, so she welcomed you in the family pretty easily
so back to the wedding, it was organised mostly by you, azul, azul's mom, floyd and jade and their mom.
leech family and ashengrotto family were heavily invested in their little octo's wedding who has grown up so much~
mama ashengrotto and mama leech had plenty of embarrassing stories of Azul to tell you, much to his chargin, and they seem to be enjoying a little too much
papa leech who a looked lot like mafia were best friends with mama ashengrotto, taught you a lot about their boys and what ticks them off in case you need it in blackmail an argument against them
his best man and groomsmen were obviously the twins.
okay so back to wedding, the venue was this fancy hotel, and i mean fancy fancy, inside the coral sea ran by azul's mother and grandmother
when you stepped in the room to walk down the aisle with a sweet smile but a nervous look on your facs, you made eye contact with azul and you nervousness immediately faded
you gave him brightest smile possible
you swore you saw line of tears in azul's eyes
he couldn't believe that he was getting married to someone, much less you.
my baby was bullied pls cut him some slack :( he definitely started crying halfway through the vows though
he can feel his cheeks on fire, you are possibly the most beautiful and rare pearl in the world
"you look gorgeous, angelfish."
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim's wedding was a huge thing and festivities were to start multiple days before the wedding
like azul, kalim's parents were also heavily invested in your wedding.
all of his siblings were also pretty excited for the wedding as they are a big deal in the land of the hot sands
the wedding itself was pretty big with over hundred guests, even with Al-Asim's not being royalty they were still treated as such
the actual king of the country was also present
the venue was Al-Asim residence, it is big enough to host many people and they had their servants to decorate the place
his best man was jamil, obviously and his groomsmen were many of younger brothers.
you were pretty nervous since you never had worn a dress this elaborate.
when you walked into the banquet hall, your eyes immediately fell on kalim, who was wearing a shewani.
kalim's eyes widened for a second then he gave you the brightest smile you had ever seen on him
the tears were pretty blatantly present on both of your eyes
he looked so pretty in sherwani istg
"you look really pretty, y/n!"
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Vil Schoenheit
his wedding will be a very public event weather you like it or not.
will probably have to provide special kinds of invites so that some of the more rabid fans won't be able to sneak in.
the wedding is managed by you him and his dad, speaking of his dad, he is his only family member
Also the president of your ship
Seriously Vil's dad is so supportive of him in everything he does, including his decision to marry you
his dad is pretty chill but he does grill you about everything, from your grades, background to your relationship.
even with Vil's constant complaint about your decision to choose your wedding dress by yourself, you didn't give in
since it's vil, his wedding would be absolutely beautiful
rook, who was his best man, was quite vocal about it.
when you walked in wearing your dress with a confident smile on your face
needless to say that he was surprised? shocked? amazed? impressed?
I mean you look so good?!?
his first reaction would be wow with a jaw dropped
then he'll realize what he so doing, he would collect himself and look at you with that smirk
"your beauty could challage that of the beautiful queen, darling."
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Idia Shroud
unlike others his wedding will be very private obviously
it took him a lot and I mean a lot of courage to propose to you, he did it because he had ortho's moral support
he knows that without ortho, you two wouldn't even have gotten together.
his family wasn't very present at the wedding so everything was ordered online and arranged by idia's servants.
not only idia's nervous but he was dying because of overthinking
idia was panicking the whole time, he was scared okay?
what if you run away? what if you decide that you don't love him anymore and leave? what if-
"big brother stop! they aren't going to leave, big sis loves you okay?"
thanks ortho
ortho was the best man of course, both figuratively and literally
Your wedding dress was very pretty with a lot of shade of blue with matching bouquet of blue roses yes I am aware they don't exit but in twst they do because magic
when you came in wearing that
idia.exe has stopped working
his hair had gone completely red along with his face, his eyes wide as saucers, he was so glad that there aren't any people there to see him except for his immediate family
"yo-you look stun-stunning !" he squeaked
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Malleus Draconia
being with Malleus isn't easy, you have to overcome many challenges
first is Lilia (who already shipped you two
second is silver ( who doesn't care much about who Malleus is dating as long as he is safe)
then Sebek, this level is gonna be pretty hard to pass but but once you do, he'll treat you like he does his WaKaSaMa (meaning you'll be called young mistress. Or my queen, when two of you get married.)
and the boss level is his grandmother, who has very high standard for her grandson but once you pass she's gonna become vice president of your ship.
but becoming the queen of valley of thorns means even more challenges
you'll have to take etiquette lessons and fae history lessons, which is pretty long concering fae's life span.
but do not worry! you have your own personal Dragon fiancé to help you through the stress with cuddles and kisses.
the organization will be done by palace staff so you don't have to worry about all that stuff except for giving your preference here and there like leona's
as per custom, you'll be wearing a black dress chosen by his grandmother but trust me she has an amazing fashion sense so you don't have to worry about it
when you entered ball room, you immediatly fixated your gaze on floor, feeling nervous as you felt hundreds of eyes on you
when you looked up, you saw malleus gaping at you which made you chuckle.
he would quickly neutralize his expression and won't compliment you in the scrutinizing gaze of nobles
but as soon as you are alone, be ready to be drowned in complements
" My love, you truly are my most beautiful and precious treasure."
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
Snotlout has the most development throughout all the franchise and im so so so grateful. Dreamworks gave us this little prick of a kid and said "actuallywe are going to make him so likeable". Httyd has always been on some kevel about defying expectation and exploration and Thawfest (although apparently people dont like it) is sooo interesting to me. I rant abt it so much literally they DID that. Snotlout could so easily have been the annoying, sarcy comedic relief but hes NOT!!! Thawfest comes around and you realise, this kids not even insecure, hes just scared. Hes scared of the dad who he clearly admires so much. and thats so interesting?????? And they reiderate time and time again that Spitelout is not going to get better. Everytime we see him its a back and forth, maybe this time we'll see him redeemed! it is a kids franchise, after all! and Although apparently in the end it isnt handled very well, for the most part, he doesnt get better. Snotlout learns the lesson that he can be whatever HE wants to be, and NOT what his dad wants him to be - and he forgets it. and thats so important to me. Its not cut and dry. its NEVER been cut and dry. Yes spitelout's a bad person, but Snotlout still loves him, he still admires him, he still pines for his attention. Theres never ONE moment where he cuts him off (although I would of liked to see a final moment where he does), its constant. Stoick apologised to Hiccup, they made ammends. But Spitelout is not Stoick, and they do not have to make up. Its so importsnt to me that httyd (for the most part) never made a statement that forgiveness is neccessary because theyre family. You can tell Snotlout does not like his dads company, but wants it when he doesnt have it. Hes a character that has so much more depth than you would expect for a dreamworks kids show and it all links back together. Hes a cocky bastard -> because his dad doesnt let him show weakness. He is neglective to hookfang -> because thats all he knows. He prioritises masculinity over health and safety -> because his dad says he has to. And he never fully grows out of it, either. He still glances to see if anyone catches him crying when hes 20. He still has a big mouth and flirts with anything that moves and freezes up when they flirt back. He still pines for the approval of people he considers to be above him, but he continues to be everything that his dad isnt.
And we're given this, a treat, by the people up at dreamworks. People who clearly care about the character they are presenting here. People that werent even necessarily at the time getting positive feedback from this character. And they said, "Now that hes likeable, lets make him relateable." And they gave us the Thor Bonecrusher episode. I will never get over mlm Snotlout Jorgenson. I have to take a step back and look at these characters Ive known for all my life to the point they feel as tangible as I am myself, and I get to say, "Hes just like me." Hes queer and its wonderful. like thats canon. And theres never a MOMENT where he gets made fun of for it in universe. they make fun of him for being a simp, sure, but never for liking men? It has its flaws of course, but I can never NOT gush about how lovely httyd is. they put so much care into all of their characters (except heather 420 blaze it no one cares anyway). Idk i just. they really did everything with Snotlout huh. <3
(TLDR its 1am and I watched Not Lout yesterday)
He has such significant character development across so much time, like he starts out as this very insecure, cocky bully, and we get to see him change into a mature, caring leader and a good friend and it’s????? Totally believable?? We watch him go on this incredible journey and grow up so much. Even the episodes he doesn’t change in (like big man on berk) expand on the different sides of his character that we don’t always get to see. They have so much time to expand on him and let him grow and they do and I literally love him so much, he was handled so well in the shows.
(noooo bc I feel that)
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chifuyuzu · 3 years
leap of faith — sano manjiro x reader.
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word count — 1.3k.
genre — fluff fluff fluff, i love sweet mikey.
contains — cursing, timeskip SPOILERS present, reader is gender neutral.
description — sano manjiro is in love with you, and he realizes how much he loves you at the ass crack of fuckin' dawn.
author's note — hey besties, this is my first published fic here, kinda short but mikey brain rot is heavy. i hope you enjoy this cute fic before i rip your hearts out with some angst in a few days :^) reblogs and likes are always appreciated! and please give me feedback in my inbox! hehe, enjoy.
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“it’s late.”
you know. but you still wanted to hear the sound of his voice before bed.
“mm… i missed ya’, is that a crime?” your voice echos through the receiver, the sound of your duvet crinkling in the background as you shift in place. sano manjiro was a busy man. always has been, always will be. being the leader of a biker gang was never easy—let alone some “new age” criminal organization.
you didn’t understand why manjiro persisted to play this game of russian roulette with his life. but it was never your place to overstep, especially since this was his life. it was all he knew, all he understood. you’re not sure what he’s doing, or if he’s even allowed to talk on the phone at this hour, but you still wanted to hear him. just so you know he’s alive and well.
you hear him chuckle, the sound of his feet scurrying against whatever floor his sandals were clacking against. the background noise that accompanied him earlier has dissipated; you realized he probably went outside to hear you better.
“your crime is loving a fool like me way too much. don’t think you’re sane.” he’s right. you’re actually crazy for even pursuing him. there was a lot of push and shove in the beginning, both parties scared of being hurt and getting hurt. but you were always there, even when manjiro went through whatever darkness was eating at his soul.
“crazy for you.”
“you love me.”
a pause. eerie enough to send shivers down your spine. why wasn’t he responding? did something happen? did you smother him too much? is he regretting—
“marry me.”
… not what you were expecting. especially not over the phone.
“sano manjiro, did you just propose over the phone? what kind of shitty rom-com are we in?”
“is that a no?”
“... never said that.” you wanted to marry him. but you wanted him to put that lifestyle behind, for the sake of the family you might have in the future. kids, dogs, cats, etcetera. you wanted him to be in, one hundred percent. but you knew he was too deep into this world to run now—especially since he’s so well-known as the ‘invincible mikey.’ you still longed for a happy home with manjiro, and a normal life.
“maybe you’re right. it’s not my style to ask you this over the phone.”
“try again later. when you’re really ready.”
the gag is, he is ready.
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manjiro hurries home, blond locks hidden underneath a thin, black hoodie. he’s shaking, like a pomeranian in the presence of fireworks. his hand meets the left side of his chest, back pressed up against the grey colored wall of your shared apartment as he slides down to sit on the floor. it was four in the morning, and manjiro was about to shit himself.
he gulps, eyes peering around for you, double checking that you were fast asleep before he makes a phone call. his fingers tapped the back of his iphone, impatiently waiting for the other caller to answer. though it was the crack of dawn, he still needed some moral support.
“mikey? fuck you callin’ for at this hour? haven’t heard from you in mo—”
“ken-chin. i’m proposing.”
a loud ‘flop’ rang through the receiver, accompanied by the bedsheets seemingly slipping underneath draken’s feet. it was a huge bomb to drop, especially when the duo has been separated for months on end. manjiro hears more shuffling, followed by a few curses. “you’re fucking lying. the one you’ve been one since—?”
“yeah. i’m crazy as hell. but i love them. head over heels. i’m a goddamn simp.”
“why the hell am i the first to know, man?”
“you’re m’best friend, even if i need to stay away from you. and, also… you’re not the first to know. i asked them already.”
“you WHAT? don’t fuckin’ tell me you did it some dumb way like over the pho— you did. you’re impulsive enough to do it like that, too.” regardless of how long it’s been, draken still knows and understands manjiro like nothing ever happened.
“yeah… not romantic. but i can’t see myself with anyone else. i trust no one else. but i… am…”
“scared? man, you’re the head of a criminal organization. ‘course you’re scared. you don’t want the love of your life… to get hurt…” his voice trails off and manjiro’s heart tenses even more. the memories of the past still felt fresh. all the people they lost in tokyo manji… could never be replaced. not in a million years.
but the living must live.
“i love y/n. never felt like this before. i’d quit everything. but i would have to make sure they’re safe and whatever future we have together is secure. i know i promised takemichi that i’d protect everyone and that future he worked so hard to save… but what about mine?”
manjiro really did sacrifice everything for his friends. being the type of person who carries everyone else’s burdens takes a toll on his mental. he felt selfish for wanting to leave it all behind. but maybe being selfish was beneficial once in a while.
“do you think i’m stupid?”
“mikey. you’re not stupid,” draken sighs, shuffling again in place. “you just want to love someone and be loved in return. nothin’ stupid about that. what is stupid though, is you proposing over the damn phone.”
he’s not wrong. it was a spur of the moment decision that could drastically change his life forever. but with you, he doesn’t care. as long as you’re his, forever.
“how do you think i should do it?”
“well. i guess, tell me some sappy shit. how do you feel about them, and whatnot.”
“i don’t think i could ever imagine me with anyone else. a lot of people have tried to grab my attention but i only have eyes for y/n. sometimes when shit gets real hard…” manjiro takes a deep sigh, fingers threading through his hair, tilting back the hood to let it fall onto his back. “i think of y/n and i remember that even in this shit world, someone is here for me. someone cares about me. they make me feel like i’m not alone anymore.
i have dreams ‘bout us, y’know? me and y/n… kids running around. a little mikey clone. pissin’ them off because we want little flags on our meals. going to the park and letting kids be kids. maybe i’ll teach ‘em at a dojo like gramps did for me and my siblings. maybe i’ll teach ‘em about bikes—with your help, of course.”
draken laughs, letting his friend continue his little speech as he gets comfortable in bed again. don’t think i’ve ever seen mikey like this, ever, draken muses.
“man, we can own a whole zoo if we wanted. chifuyu could hook us up, in secret, of course. still have to protect everyone,” manjiro is grinning from ear to ear, head resting against the wall. “i wanna grow old with them. honestly, i didn’t think i’d make it to my twenties. more so, i didn’t want to live past twenty-something. but now… things are different. wanna be old and gray. see grandkids terrorize our children. die together.”
the tension in manjiro’s chest has faded away, only left with warmth that only you could bring him. his free hand reaches into his pocket to fumble with a small box, snapping it open to reveal the engagement ring his grandfather handed down to him.
he wasn’t the marrying type. but for you, he was.
“that all? you sound good like that, man. make an exception and let us come to the wedding.”
manjiro wants that more than anything. his friends, you... all safe. all happy. but again, the fear creeps up. he doesn’t know what to do with himself if any of you get hurt.
“... how do i tell y/n that?”
“you already have.” your voice makes him jump, knocking the velvet box out of his fingers and onto the hardwood floor. his face pales, followed by a huge lump forming at his throat when he sees your figure emerge from your shared bedroom.
“i-uh… i thought you were a-asleep.” manjiro mumbles, earning a huge laugh from draken on the other side. he hears him say something along the lines of ‘my cue to leave. good luck. send me an invite.’
“i was waiting for you.” 
he’s sweating now, a small bead forming at the base of his neck. his phone is now at his side, the screen flashing from draken’s caller id to the lockscreen photo of you on your first date together, a few years back. your eyes zone into the box, though.
“i was going to do this… better. god, i fucked up, huh?”
you’re laughing now, rubbing your tired eyes before you join him near the wall, picking up the box. “what makes you think that, dummy?”
now he’s confused. you wanted him to ask when he was serious, but in his head, serious meant rose petals, candles, someone singing celine dion in the distance.
without a word, you slip the ring onto its appropriate finger, holding up to the small rays of sunlight that peaked through the window from the approaching sunrise. manjiro’s hands fly up to your face, holding his whole world in his hands. his eyes are shiny, on the brink of tears. you nudge your noses together, foreheads connecting tenderly. your hands hooked onto the hem of his hoodie, bringing his frame closer as you whisper a soft ‘yes.’
“yes, i’ll marry you.”
manjiro’s lips curl up into the silliest grin you’ve ever seen him sport, before he presses a soft kiss to your lips. now he’s kissing you quite desperately. as if he’s trying to make sure you’re real, that this isn’t a dream. you feel his words vibrate against your lips, “gonna make you so happy, i promise. i love you. i love you so, so much.”
“forever yours.”
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theheraldsrest · 3 years
“Inquisitor bringing back a dragon egg and claiming it as their own child”
Yeeeaaahh It’s been a bit since we’ve made any posts. Our schedules have cleared up a bit and we should be able to post more, and this time on an actual schedule. I’ll be posting on Mondays-Tuesdays and Cabot will be posting on Wednesdays. Here you go, our first ask back!
-Lord Lex
-”No no no NO! Absolutely not! We are not going to be raising a DRAGON in Skyhold! A dragon destroyed Haven, and that one wasn’t even on our side! How in the name of the Maker are you going to train that thing?! This is absolutely ridiculous, what are you thinking?! How-”
-You have to survive his rant first but, to be fair, he has good reason to worry
-If you keep it, he doesn’t argue with your decision, but you have noticed that Skyhold is being more fortified, people are being the taught on how to “take care” of a dragon, while others are being taught how to actually take care of a dragon
-Cullen sees this turning out two ways: One, this could actually be a great benefit to the Inquisition or Two, the Inquisitor has finally gone insane and this is just the Maker’s way of punishing Cullen for existing
-”Haha, very clever joke, Inquisitor! You actually had me there for a moment! Hahaha...ha...he...you’re not joking, are you? Oh Maker…”
-Takes a lot of convincing to get her to actually allow you to keep it. Is even a little proud that you made a list of pros and cons
-Tries to even change your mind with other “pet” ideas. Just do what Leliana’s done and get pet nugs. They’re vicious enough if you train them. Or mabari, mabari are good pets, love cuddles. Or how about-?
-Is ever so slightly curious about how this will turn out though, even hires people who are dragon experts to help make sure it’s safe and well taken care of
-”A dragon? That...actually could be very resourceful.”
-Unlike her co-workers, she finds this to be a rather interesting and fun idea that could really help the inquisition
-Does pass along notes about its growth to researchers and caregivers. Kinda wants to help in the process of raising and training it. How different can it be from nugs?
-Very. Very different. Nugs don’t breathe fire, for one.
-”Put it back, dear. We don’t need to add on another dangerous creature with horrible, destructive capabilities to our little group. We already have Cassandra.”
-It’s like a very tired mother telling their child to put back the puppy. The fire breathing, 200 ton puppy.
-Keeps talking about your image, trying to raise such a thing after the several encounters you’ve had with dragons ended with you almost dead
-Actually, no, go right ahead. She’d love to see what’d happen. Don’t worry, you’ll do fiiiine.
-*Currently having Vietnam flashbacks* “Please no.”
-He’s kinda split. On one hand, he doesn’t want to deal with this. On the other, imagine the stories he could write
-He thinks he needs to stop telling dragon jokes because the first time he said he had expected Corypheus to pull a dragon out of his ass and he did. Made the same joke about the Inquisitor…
-Comes to like the idea when he sees the Inquisitor treating it like a mabari. Who’s a good, man-eating, electricity-breathing dragon? Yes it’s you!
-”Your child? But...it’s a dragon? How do you make it your child? It’s rather big. Warm and happy, it doesn’t know about the outside yet or what’s waiting for it...I think you’d make a great mother dragon.”
-He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit. (Get it? No? Ok, I’ll see myself out) He has no problems with this
-It actually helps a lot that Cole can tell you if he's upset or not happy. Gives you an idea of the mood swings it has
-Cole is confused on why you keep calling it ‘one’ of your children. Who are the rest? Varric puts emphasis on Kid when he’s talking to Cole.
-*Solas Disapproves*
-What could go wrong? He has a list. What if it doesn’t listen? What if it’s uncontrollable? How do you expect to raise it? What are you even going to feed it? People? Your enemies? Where are you going to keep it? What if it causes more damage than the one Corypheus had? What if-?
-If he can’t convince you to put it back, he does try to help you with it. Hell, (if your inquisitor drank from the Well) you were able to control the ancient dragon, this one shouldn’t be much harder
-He gives it pet names, favors calling it names associated to the type it is. For example, a fire one would be nicknamed Little Burner or Little Light, a cold one would be Frost or Snowflake.
-*Cassandra Greatly Disapproves*
-Makes you put it back, she doesn’t even want to hear the ridiculous reasoning for why you want it as a ‘child’. You already have destructive children and their names are Varric, Sera, Bull, and Cole.
-There is absolutely no way in whatever realms that exist is she going to allow this to happen, the absolute absurdity of the whole idea is- Somehow you got it to Skyhold and it’s name is now Fluffy.
-Maker, give her strength to put up with you. She might see you as a great leader, but sometimes you can make some really stupid decisions.
The Iron Bull
-”This is one of the most dangerous ideas I’ve ever heard. Can I help raise it?”
-You don’t even have to ask, he’s helping to carry the egg, talking about different ways it could be used whether for battle or for intimidation
-He’s dedicating his time to this creature and has actually done some reading up on how to properly care for it
-If you’re not careful, it starts to think Bull’s it’s mother, following him around and chirping. The Chargers have taken to calling him Mama Bull. 
-”That’s a brilliant idea, Inquisitor! And after that, we’ll go raise Corypheus from the dead and ask him to join us for afternoon tea! Oh, why not invite my mother as well! Why not just summon Andraste herself?!”
-Safe to say, he thinks this is one of your worst ideas. But he’s not gonna stop you. What? It’s gonna be funny watching you try and raise this creature
-Said he wanted nothing to do with it, but still comes around to make sure you haven’t killed it. And that it’s properly being covered. And that you’re not breaking it.
-He adores it, though, once it’s born. Won’t admit it, but the baby talk gives it away
-”This. Is going to be. The BEST joke. Ever!”
-Keep Sera away from it, she’s almost broke it several times, either by trying to carry it or rapping her knuckles against it
-It’s like a little kid waiting for their baby sibling to be born: she’s drawn pictures of it eating people and taking a shit on nobles, she keeps talking about what all they can do with a dragon on their side including blowing stuff up
-Has nicknamed it PeeWee. No reason whatsoever.
-*very deep sigh* “Please, please say you’re joking.”
-You’re not joking? Andraste, he’s too old for this. It’s like the Inquisitor is trying to give him a heart attack wherever he goes
-He doesn’t really give his opinion but you do see him give the egg a weary look every once in awhile
-Comes to actually enjoy the little thing, feeding it bits of food because ‘it gave me the look’ or petting it and telling it that it’s very handsome/beautiful
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