#yes he would but basically only under the conditions we see in LE
Do you think Carla would be willing to become a ghoul if it meant it will heal his Endzeit?
I'm not sure if you're asking because you're not famaliar with Carla's LE route (in which case please check out this post where you can find a translation of it and ignore the rest of my answer because spoilers)
If however you are familar with the route and are asking what I think you're asking then see my answer below the cut:
Okay so if you're familar with Carla's LE route, then I can only assume that you're asking whether I think it's in character for him to be willing to become a ghoul to heal his Endzeit.
In the context of LE, I think he's 100% in character in all of his endings. In the vampire ending, he makes the choice to become a ghoul partly for Yui and partly to live in order get revenge on Kino, while in his manservant ending, he also ends up as a ghoul but it turns him into a shell of himself.
In the vampire ending, while he's pretty much lost hope for the founder race (up until Yui's reveal at the end), he loves Yui enough that he's willing to sacrifice for her without losing himself in the process. Meanwhile the manservant ending is reached through different choices, thus the relationship isn't the same and so Carla ends up being overwhelmed by everything he's lost rather than being able to focus on what he still has.
If we're looking at this outside of the context of LE, I think whether Carla would make that choice would depend on the circumstances. Truthfully, unless he has an S/O who's managed to open his heart up then I don't see him making the choice to become a ghoul. In order to make that decision, he has to care enough about something in order to be prepared to make that sacrifice.
Just having Shin around isn't going to cut it, because Carla wouldn't want Shin to see him clinging to life via such an undiginified (from Carla's POV) method. I think maybe if he had young kids but something had happened to his S/O then he might also go through with it, but if the kids are grown enough that they can service on their own then he'd choose to join his S/O in the afterlife.
Anyway I hope that answers your question.
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moonlightsbeams · 4 years
Dragons Make Surprisingly Great Girlfriends Chapter 2 - Act 1
Another day, the same tale. It seems the princess is not as in distress as she may seem. But what has her disappearance left behind?
Dragon Prince Bard    Princess
Dragon {Prince} Bard Princess
Prince Adrien has lived a…. Monotone life. As the only heir to the Agreste throne, he has been groomed to be perfect from the start. His mother made learning how to be king fun and exciting...but her death 7 years ago sucked all joy from his life. His father basically retreated into a hole in his mind, the kingdom his only priority. And Chloe, his childhood friend, who was always loud and mean to others, but knew how to be quiet and nice, became a stranger after his mother’s death. Maybe the princess of the Tsurugi kingdom, quiet but full of kind words and encouragement, could fill the void. But she has her own life, so he doesn’t intrude.
So he’s alone.  And he supposes it’s alright. It’s peaceful in it’s own way. 
He won’t admit to nights spent crying into a stuffed cat his mother made him.
One day, he is summoned to his father’s throne. Why? His father doesn’t care about him. Nonetheless, he obeys the summons, kneeling at his father’s feet.
“Adrien.”  The cold voice greets. Adrien used to search for any type of love in his father’s voice. He now knows it’s not there. “You are to be married to Marinette of the Dupain-Cheng kingdom.”
Adrien merely stays still. Out of shock or acceptance, he wonders to himself. “Father…”
“This is non-negotiable.  You will be meeting her at the wedding. That is all.”
Adrien drags himself away, and sits down on his bed. Turning to the stuffed animal, he muses, “I guess I knew this day was coming. I don’t know why I thought I would get a choice, Plagg. I’ve never had a choice.”
He lays down, trying to blink away the tears stinging the corners of his eyes. “Isn’t this what  I wanted? To not be alone anymore?” He clutches Plagg to his chest, and lets the tears roll down his cheeks. “So why do I feel so bad?” He cries himself to sleep that night, Plagg the only company.
Two days later, Adrien is summoned again. “Father, what is it?”
“Your fiance has been kidnapped.” Gabriel states, as if stating the weather.
“On a visit to the Tsurugi kingdom, Marinette was spotted in the clutches of a giant red dragon. Princess Kagami is also missing. She hasn’t been seen, but Marinette has been seen alive deeper into the Tsurugi kingdom held by the dragon. You will be going there to rescue her.”
“You will be rescuing Princess Marinette. We need this marriage to succeed. If you can locate Princess Kagami on the journey that would be an added bonus, but your main focus is Marinette.”
“I will provide you with transportation to the kingdom, and the supplies you need.”
“Adrien!” Gabriel roars. “This isn’t a choice. The princess is missing, and as her fiance, it is your responsibility to rescue her. You must do this. I don’t care how, but I want Marinette returned and that dragon dead to show your strength.”
Adrien flinches at his father’s tone, and stares at the ground. “Yes Father.”
“Go pack your things. You leave today. Do not fail me.”
Adrien nods his head, and returns to his chambers. Dragons? I thought those were the stuff of legends. Why did one have to kidnap her? He thinks as he throws clothing into a bag. Just before he wraps the bag, his eyes fall upon Plagg. “How pathetic would it be to bring a stuffed animal on a quest?” He sneers at himself. The cat's button eyes stare back. Adrien sighs, and picks up Plagg. “I guess no one would know.” He hugs the cat close, and gently places him in the bag. “I miss you Maman.”
He lugs the bag and himself outside, and nods at his father’s advisor waiting with the carriage. “Goodby Nathalie.”
She bows, and places a bag full of coins into his palm. “We have packed provisions, temporary shelter materials, and weapons in the carriage. Your father told me to remind you to not spend the coins all in the same place.” She hesitates. “Bring yourself back in one piece, Adrien.”
He smiles sadly at her. “Thank you Nathalie. Tell my father that I will not return without the princess.” He enters the carriage, and prepares himself for the fortnight long journey to the far reaches of the Tsurugi kingdom.
The carriage jerks to a stop, awakening Adrien from his sleep. He hastily dries the drool at the corner of his mouth, and exits the carriage. The eastern Tsurugi kingdom is so different from the western Agreste kingdom, and he can only marvel at the beauty of the swaying cherry blossom trees. The carriage driver grunts, and hands him packs full of supplies. Adrien hastily remembers that he needs to find a horse. He nods at the driver, and the driver gives him a pat on the back. “Be safe out there, your highness. Dragons are dangerous business. If..if you were my son I would not send you out alone on this quest. This is the last village to see the dragon. Find a guide in a local tavern. They would know the place better.” 
Adrien smiles at him. “Thank you Gorille. I- I will miss you.”
The driver bows, and pulls himself back onto the carriage. WIth one last look at Adrie, le Gorille drives off. Adrien watches him leave for a moment, and turns to find a guide.
Entering the tavern, he finds the owner, and asks for a room. The tavern owner glady shows him a room and takes a few of Adrien’s gold pieces. Adrien wishes he knew more of the local language, he can hardly understand a word the man is saying. “Monsieur,” he asks, tripping over the words. “Are there any local guides for hire?” The man shrugs, telling him to ask around. Adrien throws his supplies into the room, locking it and going downstairs. 
He orders a drink from the bar, and gently nurses it as he watches the tavern. Everyone looks like farmers, and from what he can understand from the loud chatter, none of them have enough free time to guide him on a quest to find Marinette.
Suddenly, a man in a hooded blue cloak slides into a chair across from him. “Now tell me Monsieur, what is a prince doing out here?” 
Adrien merely raises an eyebrow, and looks the man up and down. “I’m..not sure what you are talking about.”
The man chuckles. “I’m not a fool. You practically radiate, ‘I’m rich, please rob me.’” 
Adrien looks down at his clothing. He guesses that his clothing is nice, but he didn’t think they were that nice. 
“Besides,” The man drawls, “I lived in Agreste for a while.” The man takes off his hood, revealing his bright blue eyes. “I’m truly sorry about your mother. I know my words mean nothing to you, since I didn’t know her personally, but your mother left a beautiful mark on the kingdom.”
Adrien stiffens at the thought of his mother, but softens at the sincere tone of the man. “Thank you. I- miss her very much.”
The man nods. “Now tell me, Prince Adrien, why are you so far from Agreste? This obviously isn’t a royal visit seeing how you’re all alone.”
Adrien nods, about to tell him about the quest, but stops himself. “I’m sorry, but how can I trust you? For all I know, you could be buttering me up to rob me.”
The man laughs, and Adrien swears it’s the best laugh he’s ever heard, rich and real. “I understand your concerns, your highness. I would be suspicious if I were in your shoes, I swear to you, on the life of my sister and my mother, I am not looking to rob you.”
Adrien senses the sincerity in the man’s tone, and the honesty in his eyes. “Will you at least tell me your name?” Adrien asks.
“Luka, your highness. Luka Couffaine, of nowhere in particular. Brilliant bard.” Luka winks at him. 
“Full of ourselves, are we?” He decides to gently tease.
Luka presses a hand to his chest, gasping in mock horror. “I would never, your highness. First you mistake me for some scoundrel thief, and now you think me to be a narcissistic scoundrel? Your highness, do you really think so low of me?” 
Adrien softly chuckles, not even attempting to hide it. How long has it been since he’s sincerely laughed? “If you must know, Luka of nowhere, I am on a quest.”
Luka’s eyes widen slightly. He leans forward, asking in an awed whisper, “A quest?” 
Adrien snorts. “It’s nothing fancy, Monsieur Bard. It will most likely end with me roaming endlessly...for the rest of my life. Or.. getting eaten by a dragon.”
“A tragic tale indeed.” Luka nods. “I’m assuming that the dragon is the giant red one that flew over two weeks ago, your highness.”
“You’ve seen it?” Adrien practically cries. “I mean, I guess you’ve seen it, since this was the last village to see it.”
Luka shakes his head. “There’s quite a few villages to the east that have reported sightings of the dragon, your highness.”
Adrien groans, slamming his head into the table. “Now I really need a guide.” He quickly raises his head. “Luka, would you say you know this area well?”
“Would you be my guide? I would compensate you, and pay for lodging! All I need is someone who can help me through the kingdom until I find the dragon, you wouldn’t need a horse, you could just ride with me!” Adrien pleads.
Luka muses for a moment. “I will accept your offer.. Under one condition.”
“What  is it?”
“Let me write a song- nay a ballad about the quest.” Luka’s eyes are gleaming, his smile wide. “It’s not every day an opportunity like this lands in front of you!”
Luka wants to write a ballad.. About him? “I may disappoint you, you know.”
Luka shakes his head, the smile still there. “Your highness, I don’t think you could do that.”
Adrien lets a small smile come onto his face. “Thank you.”  
“You’re welcome, your highness.” Luka sticks his hand out, ready to seal the deal.
Adrien hesitates. “Are you sure?”
“I have never been more sure in my life.”
The confidence in Luka’s voice pushes Adrien to take his hand. He firmly shakes it, trying to ignore the fact how nice it feels.
“Let’s go.”
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
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laurellynnleake · 6 years
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Fight To Protect Immigrants! - Resource & Organization Masterlist (updated: 6/22/18)
If you need help and/or want to help others trapped in the brutal US immigration system, let me get you started! Regardless of your time and abilities, you can help in countless ways big and small. Head to Informed Immigrant to find local/national/global orgs supporting undocumented immigrants - you can donate money/time/transportation, join protest actions, register voters, cook dinners, watch kids, and simply provide emotional support to people!
I’ve gathered together some useful links and resources here - please help me spread ‘em around, and add any of your own links and info too (and let me know if you donate/contact reps and I’ll draw you some art).
Calling Scripts: 
Check out Celeste Pewter’s twitter for up-to-date call scripts and resources for contacting your reps and fighting for human rights (@ her or use #Icalledmyreps after you call to get a boost and/or share info). She eventually transcribes most scripts here, but can take several days, so while these links below go to images on twitter I’ve also included captions under the cut.
Tips for calling your electeds
Calling Senate/House for Feinstein/Nadler’s Keep Families Together Act post EO (6/22), and for Texans near the border (6/13)
Call scripts pushing for House/Senators to investigate DHS’s Zero Tolerance Policy (6/22), and for contacting the DOJ/DHS to protest the Zero Tolerence Policy post executive order (6/20)
Call scripts for governors to refuse to send the National Guard to the border (6/22) and calling for Sec Nielson’s resignation (6/18)
Calling Congress re: Kids already separated, and rumors of military lawyers (06/22)
Calling governors, federal reps, and state attorney’s about joining the multi-state lawsuit (6/22)
General Guides for Contacting Reps:
Find My Reps
Resistbot (emails and faxes reps for you)
Herd on the Hill a FB group of dedicated volunteers who will print out your letters, and deliver them.
How to Call Your Reps When You Have Social Anxiety
Legislative & Organizing Resources:
Join a local protest at FamiliesBelong.org. Donate here.
ACLU Know Your Rights pocket guides includes ICE Visits (ICE Visitas), If Questioned About Imm. Status (Que Hacer Si Le Preguntan Acerca de su Estatus Migratorio), and What To Do If Stopped By Police (Qué Debe Hacer Si la Policía/Agentes de Inmigración/FBI) in English and en Español, as well as guides for protests.
Know Your Rights Handouts: If ICE Raids a Home/Employer/Public Space (AILA) in Español, Chinese, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, & Punjabi
Indivisible’s Immigration News Resources
Indivisible’s Immigrant Ally Toolkit
Tisp for attending protests and rallies and advice for white allies
Look up ICE detention centers here
Internet security: FB centric, basic computer security, more elaborate
Organizations to Join/Support:
Use the Informed Immigrant to find groups near you, find legal aid, and join the fight!  
Pueblos Sin Fronteras provides humanitarian aid to migrants and refugees. Donate here.
Al Otro Lado is a bi-national, direct legal services organization serving indigent deportees/migrants/refugees in Tijuana, Mexico. Donate here.
The Florence Project provides free legal services to adults and unaccompanied children in imm. custody in Arizona. Donate here.
Border Angels serves San Diego County’s immigrant population through various migrant outreach programs such as Day Laborer outreach, a free legal assistance program, and more. Donate here.
RAICES provides free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees in Texas. Donate here.
The Immigrant Children’s Assistance Project is an American Bar Association project currently helping unaccompanied children in South Texas w/ knowing their rights. Donate here.
United We Dream is the largest immigrant-youth led group in the USA, and their site provides news, event info, as well as guides and toolkits for fighting the system, protecting LGBTQ immigrants, and taking care of your mental health. Donate here.
The Black Alliance for Just Immigration “educates and engages African American and black immigrant communities to organize and advocate for racial, social, and economic justice.” Donate here.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is one of the largest civil rights and advocacy organizations dedicated to fighting against discrimination against Muslims. Click here to donate to the national organization or a specific campaign, or click here to find your local CAIR chapter (which needs your support as much/even more).
CUNY CLEAR provides representation and rights training to Muslim communities targeted by law enforcement. Donate here.
Families for Freedom fights on behalf of families facing deportation. “We are immigrant prisoners (detainees), former immigrant prisoners, their loved ones, or individuals at risk of deportation.” Donate here.
The Immigrant Defense Project uses impact litigation, advocacy, and public education to fight to stop mass deportations and an unjust immigration system. Donate here.
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) is a national resource center that helps train immigration lawyers and advocates on the local, state and federal level. Donate here.
The International Rescue Committee works to provide aid to people affected by humanitarian crises. You can donate to specifically support U.S. refugee resettlement programs re: Trump’s Muslim Ban here, and see other ways to get involved (volunteering/calling reps) here.
The International Refugee Assistance Project works to organize lawyers and law students to fight for the human and legal rights of refugees through legal aid and policy advocacy. For legal help click here, and to donate click here.
Make the Road New York uses policy advocacy, organizing, education, and survival services (including workforce training and adult education) to improve the lives of immigrants—in particular Latino and working class communities—in NYC. Donate here, get involved here.
Mariposas Sin Fronteras works with LGBTQ people detained in immigration facilities and works to get vulnerable detainees out on bond. Donate here.
MPower Change does grassroots organizing, campaigning, and storytelling to empower Muslim communities in the USA. Donate here.
National Immigration Law Center works for the rights of low-income immigrants through impact legislation, policy analysis and advocacy, communications, and education programs. Donate here.
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project offers legal services directly to immigrants with its network of 350 pro-bono attorneys. Donate here.
Remember, one person alone can’t do everything, so please take care of yourself and each other - but if we all do a little, we can make a difference together!
Captions for the Pewter call scripts under the cut, as well as a list of pro-bono legal aid and therapist volunteers organized by Joanna Rothkopf.
Tips for calling your electeds, especially if you’re leaving a VM
If you’re leaving a voicemail, make sure you clearly state your name and where you are calling from. (Zip, etc.)
Make sure you have a concrete ask, or specify a specific opinion. Imagine a staffer asking: “What’s the best outcome/resolution for you?” and frame your comment that way. E.g. If you want them to specifically oppose an amendment, say that, and explain why.
Always clarify if you would like a response, and leave a way for the office to reach you. (Phone number, email, etc.)
If you have another issue, bring it up on the phone at the time. Always personalize your comments.
For Cruz/Cornyn constituents on the TX detention facilities: (06/18, tweaked by OP)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zıp code]. You: I am calling today to ask [Cruz/Cornyn] take a stand... 
Opposing the detention facilities for young people in Texas, and
To also oppose the DHS’s overall zero tolerance policy.
You: The horrific conditions being experienced by these children are absolutely unacceptable, and betray the values of our state.
You: <Insert optional comments here>
You: Furthermore, I am also calling on [Cruz/Cornyn] to support their colleague Senator Feinstein’s Keep Families Together Act. President Trump has clearly and repeatedly stated he would support a bill to keep families together, so I expect [Cruz/Cornyn] to follow the GOP agenda.
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Talking points for Texas residents re: local/state electeds re: the detention facilities (06/13)
What did the city/county/state know about these proposals to hold children in warehouses, with limited access to fresh air? Does local city/county/state official condone these practices?
If yes: does [official] understand that these kids are in conditions that are comparable to what certain criminals experience in jail?
If no: great. How will [elected] address this with their federal counterparts? I do not support facilities like these, and want [elected] to exert all possible pressure with their federal counterparts.
Will [elected] come out with a public statement condemning these facilities?
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTEPEWTER
For House/Senators re: DHS’s Zero tolerance policy (opening investigations) Talking points post-Trump executive order (6/20)
The Executive Order would only create family detention centers which would continue to lead to expanded camps.
The executive order doesn't offer recourse for reuniting already- separated families The EO gives wide discretion to DHS Secretary Nielsen
Crossing the border will be deemed a criminal violation, vs. a civil one (which will lead to parents being charged criminally; and children likely being taken)
The EO doesn't address asylum seekers, and will still prohibit anyone seeking asylum under domestic violence/gang violence from seeking asylum
The House bill (Border Security and Immigration Reform Act) will also not fully address these concerns.
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Talking points re: the DOJ/DHS following Trump's Executive Order signing (6/20)
Ask the DOJ/DHS stop lying about the origins of zero tolerance policy - it's well documented it's a Trump Administration policy
Stop using Flores to justify this policy.
Stop saying it's about the wall. Democrats have actually offered funding for the wall before (during the DACA debate) and the GOP/Trump Administration passed. This is NOT about the wall
Per news reports this morning, DHS thought the zero tolerance policy would deter border crossings. According to public documents sited by outlets like the Hill, crossings have actually gone up, including crossings by unaccompanied minor children
The Executive order doesn't have a recourse for how families will be reunited. How will the DOJ/DHS address this?
Stop insisting this is up to Congress to act - this is a DHS/DOJ created problem
Call your SENATORS post-Trump's executive order signing re: family separation (06/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code} You: I am calling to ask Senators to continue to do everything in their legislative power to address the DHS/DOJ's zero tolerance policy. You: This week's executive order does not adequately solve the problem of family separation; it just creates family detention centers, and doesn't address the overarching problem. You: We also need clarity on how this executive order helps the children who have already been separated. The administration is claiming 500 kids have been reunited. When will we get proof? When is this rumored staging ground in Texas supposed to be complete?
Dem Senators: Finally, I'd like to call on [Senator] to continue to express support for Feinstein's Keep Families Together Act. GOP Senators: I am calling on [Senator] to support Feinstein's Keep Families Together. You: <Additional comments>
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call both chambers re: asking for Secretary Nielsen's resignation (06/18)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code]. You: I am calling on [elected] to issue a public statement to ask for Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen's resignation. Not only has she been complicit in helping the Trump Administration institute their new zero tolerance policy, she has lied repeatedly to the public on the policy, and what it does and doesn't do. You: I am calling on [elected] to follow in congressional colleague Senator Kamala Harris's footsteps, and call for Secretary Nielsen's resignation immediately. You: <insert optional comment>
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call your GOVERNORS and ask them to direct the national guard to NOT send resources to the border (06/18)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code].
You: I am calling to ask [GOVERNOR] to please follow Governor Baker of Massachusetts, by instructing the national guard to not deploy to the US-Mexico border. The National Guard cannot and should not be used to further assist in enforcing the Zero Tolerance policy being enacted by the Trump Administration.
You: I am also calling on [GOVERNOR] to commit to signing an executive order similar to Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado, prohibiting any state resources from being used to asssist the Trump Administration's efforts to enforce the zero tolerance policy. I understand it's largely ceremonial, but I want [GOVERNOR] to commit to taking a stand.
You: <insert optional comments here>
Find your governor's contact info here: https://openstates.org #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Talking points re: JAG corps allegedly being assigned to try cases at the border (06/22)
JAG lawyers have different rules to follow than civilian lawyers. How can we be sure they'll follow proper procedure when trying cases? How will any appeals process on behalf of the defendant be impacted (if applicable) given that military and civilian appeals are different?
WHY are we letting DHS/HHS utilize DOD resources, for something that is strictly in DHS/HHS territory? What is the justification?
Should we not be concerned we're allowing military personnel to handle civilian affairs? This is conflating multiple departments and cross issues.
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call your GOVERNORS and ask them to continue issuing directives to NOT support border efforts + support their requests for clarity on children in their respective states (06/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code]
You: I am calling to ask [GOVERNOR] to continue to refuse to utilize any state resources that would help the federal government's zero tolerance policy. [GOVERNOR] should commit to signing an executive order similar to Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado.
If there are children in your state: I am also calling on [Governor] to continue to be vocal on the need to get accurate numbers on how many children are in our state, and where these facilities are. I ask [Governor] to do everything in their power to tour these facilities. Accountability is needed. You: <insert optional comments here>
Find your governor's contact info here: https://openstates.org #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call your local electeds to request a resolution condemning the zero tolerance policy/family separation (6/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [address/zip code].
You: I am calling to ask [MAYOR/CITY COUNCILMEMBER] to please endorse a resolution that makes clear [CITY] does not condone the Trump Administration's current immigration practices, including family separation, family detention centers, and the refusal to provide asylum to those who are seeking it under domestic violence and gang violence.
You: Yesterday's federal executive order does little to solve the problem. Families are still separated, and the executive order only opens up the pathway to family detention centers.
You: I am calling on [MAYOR/CITY COUNCILMEMBER] to show what our city stands for, and take a stand. You: <insert optional comment here>
Call your Attorneys general, and ask them to join the multi-state lawsuit. (06/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code].
You: I am calling on [AG] to join the other state attorneys generals who are planning on suing the Trump Administration to compel reunification for the 2.3K children separated from their families.
You: As Maryland's AG Frosh confirmed in an interview: the executive order does not adequately address the problems that have resulted in family separation; including how to reunite the families, and the government appears to not have a concrete plan.
You: Please sign onto the lawsuit and compel the administration to act.
You: <insert optional comment>
Find your AG: http://www.naag.org/naag/attorneys- general/whos-my-ag.php
Ted Colquett, Birmingham, AL -  [email protected], (205) 245-4370
Morgan Petriello, Los Angeles, CA - [email protected], (323) 651-2577
Elleni Kalouris, Chicago suburbs, IL - [email protected]
Muni Olia, Philadelphia, PA - Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist - [email protected]
Ruth Durack, MSW, Peoria, IL - Social Worker - [email protected]
Lauren Fallon, LCSW, IL - Social Worker - [email protected]
Jennifer Goldstein, Chicago, IL - Therapist - [email protected]
Gloria Jetter, LMSW, New York, NY - Social Worker - [email protected]
Note: These attorneys and therapists/psychiatrists were shared via Jezebel, and have not been vetted by the website; their inclusion on the list is by request.If you are an attorney or therapist who would like to offer your services to immigrants and refugees pro-bono, email Joanna Rothkopf with your contact information at [email protected]. The descriptions I found for many of these resources are also courtesy of Rothkopf and Pewter.
Please consider boosting this post, @phonescripts​, @justsomeantifas​, and @nativenews​! 
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dawne-sharlotte · 6 years
Expect the Unexpected Pt. 1
Looks like this last one will be multi part to fit in as many prompts as possible for the rest of @igcorweek As the story has told me, I am not in control *le sigh* This will be rated E but this part is G :)
Rating: G (will eventually go up)
Word: 2131
tags: @asoeiki if this one isn’t your cup of tea, I apologize in advance
Crossposted to AO3
“You’re gonna work yourself to death, Specs. I don’t get why you won’t let my dad pay your rent. It’s not like he hasn’t offered.”
“Because he is already paying my tuition and I couldn’t possibly accept anymore assistance from him. Besides, working builds character,” Ignis retorts as he hands the patron the book they requested. He loves Noctis like a brother, but sometimes the laziness and entitlement of the younger grates on his nerves.
“Hey, Iggy I get working for your stuff and all, but you’re working two jobs plus a full class load. You survive purely off coffee. This isn’t healthy,” Prompto chimed in.
Ignis sighs. Now the two of them are ganging up on him. “What do you suggest I do, other than take assistance from Regis?”
Prompto looks down at his hands, ears turning red, “Well there are websites where you attend events with wealthy patrons for money. I did it my freshman year before I met Noct.”
Ignis knows exactly where Prompto is going with this and he’s not amused in the slightest. “Yes, and they usually require other services as well.”
Prompto looks up, purple eyes wide, “You don’t have to do that sort of thing. You basically have a contract that states what the expectations are between the two of you,” Prompto lowers his voice, “Sex doesn’t have to be on the table.”
Ignis takes his glasses off and rubs his eyes before putting them back on, “This isn’t a valid solution. Actually, there isn’t even a problem except for you two being pests. Now off with you.”
The two boys slowly gather their things and exit the library. The last class of the afternoon is almost over and there is always a rush on the campus library as students try to cram in study time.
As they walk to their apartment, Noctis brings up the website again, “So, you were really on a sugar daddy website?”
Prompto fidgets with the hem of his shirt, “It really isn’t as bad as everyone thinks. I mean sure, there are a bunch of old men that are just looking for a good time, but there are some that genuinely just want companionship.”
“Hey, no judgement here. It’s pretty easy to sign up, right?”
The blonde looks up, “Sure. What are you thinking?”
Noctis smirks, “Let’s create a profile for Ignis!”
Prompto’s mouth falls open, “How are you going to convince him? I mean, he’ll never go for it, even if we find someone. Between, his class schedule and his work schedule, we wouldn’t be able to get him to meet some stranger.”
“Leave that to me. You think you can create the profile,” Noctis practically buzzes with excitement and it’s contagious.
Prom nods enthusiastically.
A Few Hours Later…..
“Wow, Prom! Where did you find that picture of Specs?”
Prompto blushes, “I took a couple of candid photos when he wasn’t looking.”
Noct stares at the photo, “This is really good. You have an eye for this stuff.”
“Thanks, buddy.”
A ping from the computer interrupts their conversation.
“Ooohh, we got a hit already. Took me weeks.” Prompto clicks on the profile. The man is in his mid thirties, stellar military record, runs his own tech company, and has blue eyes as vibrant and Ignis’ green eyes.
Prompto spends the next few days chatting “The Marshal” up, doing his best to impersonate Ignis. Noct, on the other hand, tries to figure out when Ignis has a break in his schedule.
Noctis puts his head on the table and groans.
Ignis sets a cup of coffee on the table, “What is it, Noct?”
The younger man groans again as Prompto bounds into the cafe and plops next to Noctis. “Hey, Iggy. What’s wrong with him?” He pokes Noctis in the head.
Ignis eyes him warily, “I’m not sure, but I’ve got customers to check on.”
Prompto smiles, “I’ll take care of him.”
“Thank you, Prompto.”
The blonde waits until Ignis is busy with another table before asking, “Did you figure out something?”
“No,” Noctis sighs.
Prompto looks around. “Why not just have The Marshal show up here?”
“Well, it’s the best we’ve got. Let’s do it.”
Cor sits across from the blonde and the ebony-haired boys. He listens to their story with a skeptical attitude. “Let me see if I understand you. You made a profile without your friend’s knowledge and you basically want me to ambush him at his place of business.”
Prompto, at least, has the decency to look embarrassed.
Noctis just shrugs. “He needs the help, but he won’t take anymore from us. We figure this is a good option.”
Cor knows nothing good can come of this, but the blonde looks particularly pathetic, so he agrees. The worst thing that can happen is they don’t click. However, if it does work, Cor wouldn’t mind taking the kid to a formal event or two.
The university is right on the edge of business district. Even though it is mostly students that frequent the cafe, many business people stop there as well. It’s after the lunch rush, so there aren’t a lot of people. At the very least, Cor doesn’t feel extremely out of place. He finds an empty table close to the door and peruses the menu.
“I apologize for the wait, sir. What can I have started for you?”
Cor looks into the eyes he’s been staring at for weeks, now shielded by thin framed glasses, and dark around the edges from fatigue. The lenses only highlight the young man’s face. He’s slender, but fit. He is gorgeous. His accented voice is music to Cor’s ears and suddenly, he very much wants to make this work. “I’ll have a black coffee and a turkey sandwich.”
The young man smiles, “I’ll get that right out.”
Cor thinks that smile could bring about world peace. His thoughts are interrupted by his phone buzzing in his pocket. He answers it without looking at the screen, “This is Cor.”
“I need you to look at the proposal before we send it to InsomTech.”
Nyx. Of course it’s Nyx. It’s always Nyx.
Cor pulls out his laptop and pulls up the email, “If I have to look at this, Nyx, why did I hire you?”
The man on the other line chuckles, “For my good looks of course. Speaking of, did you ever put the moves on that guy you were talking to?”
“Do you ever mind your own business,” Cor continues looking at the proposal. “This looks good, but we aren’t giving them that large of a percentage. Shrink that by ten percent.”
“They aren’t going to like that.”
“Too bad. I’m not selling my proprietary software down the river for a buck. Fix it, and don’t bother me with semantics.” Cor ends the call right as his order is brought to the table. “Thanks. You know, I didn’t catch your name.”
“Ignis Scientia. Student, workaholic, and caffeine addict. If you believe my friends.”
Cor snorts, “Cor Leonis. Tech guru, penny pincher, and all around stick in the mud.”
Ignis lets out a small laugh, “I should get back. Let me know if you need anything else.”
The older man pretends to work while his eyes follow Ignis around the cafe. He can tell that Ignis’ friends may be right about the younger.
Ignis never seems to just stop. Even, when the cafe is empty, he’s cleaning and restocking. He’s in a constant state of motion. When his energy begins to flag, he downs an espresso shot or has a cup of black coffee.
Cor decides he’s seen enough. Ignis deserves what he can give. All he would have to do is get him to agree. Maybe a scholarship. Those sometimes came with conditions. He could definitely make it work. He slowly gathers his things, trying to think of the best way to approach Ignis with his proposition. He throws his trash away and takes the used mug to the counter.
Ignis rings up the total and Cor pays with cash. He also hands the young man his business card.
“You seem like a bright man, Ignis. I have a business proposal of sorts. If you are interested, give me a call and we’ll set up a meeting. You would be able to focus on your studies and not have to work this job.”
“Oh, well it’s not that bad-”
Cor interrupted, “I watched you drink three cups of coffee and 3 espresso shots in two and a half hours. You aren’t buzzing from a caffeine high which tells me this is a usual occurrence. You don’t need the health issues that come with this. Just give me a call and we’ll work out the details.”
Ignis nods and pockets the card.
Cor heads to his car and pulls out his phone on the way, “Nyx, I need you to draft up a contract for me.”
Ignis sits behind the counter at his library job, a forgotten finance book open, and turns the business card over in his hand. He likes his jobs and enjoys his studies, but it would be good to get more than 2 hours of sleep, to not need concealer to hide the dark circles under his eyes. Maybe his friends are right and he does need assistance. Although, he would never tell Noct. His ego is large enough as it is.
It takes Ignis a week to muster up the courage to call the number on the card after he searches everything he can find on Cor Leonis.
The man is successful. There isn’t a single piece of software in Insomnia that doesn’t have his fingerprint on it somewhere. There isn’t much about his personal life and for some reason that terrifies Ignis.
If Ignis says yes to whatever this is, what is going to change? He ruminates on all of this as he approaches the receptionist in the ritzy high rise that holds Cor’s office.
“Ah, you must be Mr. Scientia. Mr. Leonis has been expecting you. Please take the elevator to the top floor.”
He follows the instructions and exits the elevator right into an office. An office that takes up the whole floor.
There’s plenty of space and not a lot of furniture. A couch and coffee table are off to the left side, almost like a makeshift waiting room. A sturdy oak desk occupies the area in from of the window that looks like it spans the whole room. A large bookshelf filled with various titles on the right, but there are no knick knacks or personal belongings that Ignis can see in the space.
A door opens next to the shelf and Cor makes an appearance. “Ignis, please make yourself comfortable.”
Ignis moves to the couch and perches on the edge.
Cor spreads papers on the coffee table before sitting at the opposite end. “Relax. There’s no reason to be nervous. Everything that we discuss is written down and you do not have to decide today. Taking some time to think about the terms of this contract would be prudent.”
Ignis nods, trying to swallow past the lump in his throat.
“Words, Ignis.”
“Yes, Sir. I understand.”
Hearing those words from Ignis sends a thrill through him, that he’ll need to think about later. Cor forges forward with his terms and conditions. “I see that your tuition is already taken care of. I will pay for your room, board, books, and personal necessities. You will quit both of your jobs. Your grades are exemplary and I expect them to stay that way. You will provide me with a copy of your class schedule and report in once a week. If you need anything, you are to come to me and I will take care of it. There will be events that I have to attend and you will be expected to accompany me unless you have an educational obligation. If at any time you wish to terminate this contract, you will provide that wish to me in writing and all obligations on both sides will cease. This will automatically end at your graduation. Do you have any questions?”
Ignis doesn’t know how to respond. The only thing he can think of is “Why? Why are you doing this. You don’t even know me.”
Cor tilts his head, “You are a bright young man and your future potential is an investment I would stake my company on. Besides, I’d like to get to know you better and I can only do that if you have the time. I’m a rich man with a lot of free time on my hands. Like I said, thinking about it is a good thing.”
Ignis takes a deep breath, “Where do I sign?”
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keinart · 6 years
Improving the Waiting Room and some other things
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Welcome to another update, I wanted to talk about this before as you may remember from a previous update but we had to organize a few things and I can finally show some content.
What you see up there is just a little example of what we are looking to do with the Waiting Room. Basically, between scenes, you will have the option to select what to do, but I don't want to leave the mission selection screen empty, so instead, I want to add different characters living their daily lives and doing different things.
Yes, running away is common in Columbine's daily life, don't ask!
This means that for starters I want to have three different versions for each character doing different actions around the room, which translates into TONS of art, which is obviously expensive. And that's just the beginning, I would like to make it up to 5 variations, maybe even add some secret variations of art that will only appear under special conditions.
It will depend on Patreons if we can manage to make this a reality. What's more, Patreons can suggest different actions or reference they would like to see the characters doing. Maybe you want to add a special easter egg about something of your own? Any Patreon can suggest additions and based on how the crowdfunding goes we'll be able to add more and more variations, including the ones you may want.
To do so simply join our Discord or leave a comment here, all Patreons suggestions will be considered.
Do you like it? I'll be showing more variations as they get done, thanks to what has been donated up to know I'm already able to do a few variations for several characters but if we get more help we will be able to give it even more variation.
So who's the Waiting Room artist? This time we have JunP taking care of it, who you probably know from his work in many other visual novels. And he's not just taking care of the Waiting Room, but I can't talk about his other work since it's a spoiler, sorry!
Thanks as always for the support! Until next update.
Bienvenidos a otra actualización. Llevaba tiempo queriendo hablar sobre la sala de espera como ya recordaréis de anteriores actualizaciones pero tenía que organizar unas cuantas cosas pero al fin ta puedo mostrar el contenido.
Lo que veis ahí arriba es un pequeño ejemplo de lo que queremos hacer en la Sala de Espera. Entre escenas tendrás la posibilidad de escoger qué quieres hacer, pero no quiero dejar esa pantalla vacía, por lo que a cambio quiero mostrar a los diferentes personajes de la novela viviendo sus vidas con normalidad.
Sí, huir es parte de la vida normal de Columbine, ¡no preguntes!
Para empezar lo que quiero hacer son tres variaciones de cada personaje haciendo diferentes cosas por la habitación, lo que se traduce como montones de arte que obviamente no son baratos. Y eso es solo el principio, me gustaría subir esta cifra hasta 5 y quizás añadir algunas variaciones secretas que solo aparecerán bajo algunas circunstancias especiales.
Dependerá de los Patreons si podemos hacer esto una realidad, lo que es más, los Patreons pueden proponer diferentes acciones o referencias sobre qué les gustaría ver a los personajes hacer. ¿Quizás te gustaría añadir algún tipo de secreto o referencia sobre algo tuyo personal? Cualquier Patreon puede sugerir estas adiciones y, dependiendo de cómo vaya la recaudación, iremos añadiendo más variaciones incluyendo vuestras recomendaciones.
Para recomendar simplemente me podéis dar un toque por Discord o dejar un comentario aquí, todas las sugerencias de Patreons se considerarán sin importar lo aportado.
¿Te gusta la idea? Iré mostrando más variaciones tal y como se vayan haciendo. Muchas gracias a todos los que habéis donado hasta ahora y que habéis permitido que pueda hacer unas cuantas variaciones de personajes, y si seguís ayudando podremos añadir más y más.
¿Quién es el artista de la Sala de Espera? Esta vez se trata de JunP, quien quizás ya conoceréis de sus trabajos en muchas otras novelas visuales. Y no solo se va a ocupar de la Sala de espera, pero no puedo mostrar nada más por spoilers, ¡lo siento!
¡Muchas gracias por el apoyo como siempre! Hasta la próxima.
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ventingblacklist · 6 years
4x6  The Thrushes
“If you love me...if you ever loved me, just give her to me. Please.” 
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A dude named René Le Bron has made a business out of loaning money to super rich big wigs who have their assets frozen by the government. For a hefty fee, plus interest, and the assets, once they’re unfrozen. 
Kirk has had his assets frozen. So Red goes after the man who is loaning Kirk money. A team takes Le Bron and all the 600 million he was about to give to some of his clients. And a plane. 
Red takes his case to the task force. He and Liz have a suspicion that there is a tap in the post office, so they stage a little snit for Kirk’s benefit. 
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Red: When the sanctions are lifted, Le Bron makes a hefty profit by pocketing the frozen assets he insisted his borrowers put up as collateral...Truth be told, I’m disappointed I didn’t think of it.
Liz: Why bother when you can have us arrest him and then take his place?
Red: Good point.
Red says he’s captured Le Bron and can make him cooperate to give them Kirk if the government guarantees him immunity. It’s something Cooper will have to ask Panabaker for. 
Liz joins Cooper in his office and Cooper brings up the snit.
Cooper: I can’t pretend to know the stress you’re under. But from where I sit, he’s doing everything in his power to find Agnes.
Liz: And kill Kirk.
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Cooper: You have a problem with that?
Liz: Alexander Kirk is my father. ... I’ll do my job, but I am done cozying up to that snake. 
Liz is doing this for the benefit of the tap, but later tells Ressler that she meant it. But the part about only putting up with Reddington until Agnes is back is probably an act, since, in the end, she’s clearly still putting up with Reddington. 
Cooper talks to Panabaker over the phone and asks for immunity for Le Bron. The Thrushes guy is listening in. He alerts Odette. 
See, this is what I don’t get. Cuz the tap is like, on the phones. The communication. It doesn’t seem to be just, around. To pick up arguments had in offices. It’s not like, a bug on a desk. If it was, Kirk’s tech guy could have called Odette before this. And yet Odette will also know about the ‘seeds of doubt’ sown in Masha.
The snit happened off the phone. But maybe Cooper also mentioned to Panabaker that Liz was feeling grumpy and they just didn’t show us that part? idk. They could be using computer microphones or something, but again, you’d think tech guy would have alerted Odette before the phone call. But whatever.
Odette was already aware that Le Bron had been taken, but this confirms it was Reddington who did it. 
“I just received confirmation from the Farm. Reddington was behind the Le Bron abduction. If the FBI manages to turn him, they can track and seize all of your remaining assets. Shall I deal with it? I’ve already acquired the details of his transport.”
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Kirk says yes. So basically she’s going to have Le Bron killed to ensure Kirk’s money remains untouched. I assume the details of the transport were also left lying around in the tech world because Red wants Kirk to know. He wants to flush out the Thrushes. 
Odette: It appears the seeds of doubt you sowed in Masha have taken root. Kirk: It’s time to reach out. Take adequate precautions. Odette: Adequate precautions? She’s a key consultant for the FBI.
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Kirk: Yes. And she’s my daughter.
Odette is protective of Kirk. She doesn’t want him dead or in prison. She thinks his obsession with his FBI consultant of a daughter is making him take unnecessary risks. 
Odette gives the order and has someone kill Le Bron as he’s being transported. Cooper calls up Red to tell him. Red gives nothing away on the phone. But now he knows for sure that there’s a tap on their system. 
He tells Dembe to send out the ‘invitations.’ 
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See, I would have missed it entirely. I’m not sure if I’ve ever looked at the inside lid of a pizza box. 
The team responds and is scanned and ushered into a tap-proof environment. 
Samar is peak disinterested.
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Red: Welcome to the past. This space is impregnable to every frequency of wireless transmission, including microwaves. Every piece of equipment you see is analog. Our sole concession to the digital revolution is a Ms. Pac-Man machine in the break room.
Cooper: But why?
Red: Because I like Ms. Pac-Man.
Red informs them that Le Bron was a way to confirm there was a mole in the post office. 
Red: We set the bait. He took it. Cooper: A human sacrifice. Red: I prefer the term “tethered goat.” 
Red briefs them on the Thrushes. Cooper wants to shut it down right now, but Red wants to use this to feed Kirk disinformation. But the post office is tied to the NSA, CIA, etc... Leaving the system vulnerable is something Cooper will have to get Panabaker’s approval on. 
Cooper puts a lot on the line in the name of getting Kirk. He’s super pissed off when Red just lets him go. I’m sure Cooper took a lot of off-camera reaming from his superiors for that one. 
The Hunter interrogates Kaplan. Says whoever shot her might come back.
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She claims she shot herself. So the Hunter goes and looks for a gun. Finds none. Then he checks his trail cameras and finds a picture of the gang. 
Red has Chester install cameras around the warehouse nursery. 
Liz is snippy about it. She’s upset at Red for not telling her her father’s been out there alive all this time.
Red: Any word from Kirk? Liz: You mean my father? Red: Honestly, Elizabeth, it astounds me that you could be hornswoggled by something as simple to fabricate as a DNA profile.
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Yes, but let’s never give her the context of that dna report that would clear it up for her. That would just be crazy.
The dna report plus the memories at the Summer Palace has her convinced.
Liz gets a call from a shoe repair shop claiming to have found her lost phone. They go there and she picks up a burner that has one number saved in it. She calls it and Odette hands it to Kirk.
Kirk: Masha. Liz: Tell me about Agnes. Kirk: She’s healthy. She’s happy. Can’t wait to see her mother.
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Liz: You could make that happen.
Kirk: I want to. But as long as you refuse to shield her from Reddington, I can’t.
Liz: I got your SVR file. Your DNA profile was in it. I know you’re my father. 
Kirk seems confused as to why the dna report would be in the SVR file. Him being ignorant of his wife’s activities. 
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This appears to be the first Red is hearing about where she got the profile too. 
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So maybe I was too hard on him before? Maybe he thought Kirk fabricated one? idk. In any case he knows where it came from now. So he could tell her now. Remove that ‘Kirk is my father’ conflict of interest. Ya know, or not. Whatever. 
Kirk: Then you know Reddington lied to you from the beginning. Liz: Yes. Kirk: There’s no reason why we shouldn’t be together.
Kirk suggests that they meet. He’ll work out some way to meet her without Reddington knowing and will be in contact later. 
She says, ‘goodbye, Father’ in Russian. He responds with a Russian ‘goodbye.’
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He’s all happy now. 
Red: You were very convincing. Liz: That’s because I meant every word.
Odette: I don’t trust her.
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Odette is right. lol
Samar talks to someone who investigated one of the Thrushes’ other hacks. While looking at the pictures of the scientists that were killed, Samar recognizes Aram’s girlfriend. 
So in the midst of an arc about a man deceived by his wife, a wife who also targeted a Naval Intelligence officer, we have Aram targeted by Janet. Aka, ‘Elise.’
Samar tells Ressler and Cooper. She wants to tell Aram, but Ressler thinks Aram will give away that he knows. It doesn’t matter anyway because Aram figured it out on his own. 
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Aram: Someone had to dupe an FBI employee with level 4 clearance... Samar: And it was you.
Aram is going to use his dinner date to run a tap on Elise’s computer the way she did on his. 
Aram: No, no. What, am I gonna shoot my girlfriend?
Samar: She’s not your girlfriend. She’s a hostile operative, and you are a trained federal agent. 
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"If anything goes wrong, the safety word is “banana.”...Use it, and in come the Marines. But they better get there before I do because I will mess that bitch up.”
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Aram: Really? Samar: Oh, yeah. Really.
Red and Cooper wait back at the analog safe house. Red confides a bit in Cooper.
“When I turned myself in, I never imagined things could’ve turned out this… badly....I knew it’d be hard, but I… never expected that it would get… harder with every day....I knew it would complicate things. I’d be forced to take security measures… Things she’d hate.”
I think the complication is Liz being exposed on the news as Masha. But Red says Kirk was never on the blacklist. He wouldn’t have bothered Kirk if he hadn’t come for Liz. Cooper is obviously in the dark as to why. Cooper buys that Kirk is Liz’s father.
“Now all I see is the resentment in her eyes. I’m suffocating her, Harold.” 
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At the end of the season it will be Cooper who takes the initiative to see whether or not Red is Liz’s father. 
Meanwhile, Liz is deciding whether to call Kirk and set him up. She doesn’t want to lose access to him. She doesn’t want him thrown in a hole where she’ll never be able to get the information she wants out of him.
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But Kirk won’t hand over Agnes unless Liz agrees to shield her from Reddington. And as pissed off as Liz is at Red about the whole thing, whether or not she allows Reddington to be in her life or Agnes’ life is her decision, not Kirk’s. As she’ll tell him later. 
So she sets up her father to be arrested. She’s not going to surrender to ‘conditions’ to get her daughter back. 
Kirk: You’ve decided. Liz: You abducted me once. What assurances do I have you won’t do it again? Kirk: Things have changed. The DNA test. Liz: I want this to be real.
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She does want it to be real. And she wants his care to be real, not just a cell donation thing. But he has Anges. And she currently believes Red on the cell thing. 
Kirk: I’ll contact you with instructions.
Kirk trusts her now because he thinks she trusts him. So ‘abducting’ is no longer necessary. 
He will try to kill Reddington though. He thinks she’s anti-Reddington now anyway, but even without that. It’s for the best. Just to be sure. In Kirk’s mind. Make sure he won’t bother any of them anymore.
Aram bumbles his way through it, but he gets the thing uploaded onto Elise’s computer. Elise is onto him, but he covers by claiming he’s in love with someone else. 
Odette calls to make extra sure that the Thrushes have not been compromised. She doesn’t want Kirk walking into a trap. 
"Your client is about to expose himself on the basis of your intel. If you’re wrong and he is harmed in any way, I will personally see to it that you and The Thrushes are exterminated."
Odette is like, my boyfriend’s life is on the line, you better be freaking sure.
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Elise says she’ll run another check and call Odette back in ten minutes. She then sees Aram’s tap. 
Fight ensues.
“Quack, quack, bitch.”
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Aram’s got muscles.
Samar has Elise call and make that final verification of ‘all clear’ to Odette at gunpoint. 
Liz is concerned that Elise might have coded her words in some way that would alert Odette. Red suspects she’s really worried about Kirk. 
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Red: I don’t believe Elizabeth’s concern is about her security or her daughter’s.
Liz: That is my only concern.’
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“Clearly your only concern is that it might actually bother me that I’m about to entrap my biological father, that because of me, he’s gonna go to prison for the rest of his life.”
Kirk committed actual crimes that will be more the reason he’ll go to prison for the rest of his life, but Liz is turning him in. So. 
"If I go through with this, you will be my only link to my past. I lost Sam. I lost my mother. And I’ll lose Kirk.”
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“And whatever you want to call him, he was married to my mother. He raised me as a child. And he’s willing to do what you are not… Tell me about who I am.”
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Tom shows up with a scribbled down message from the phone. The meeting is set. 
So the FBI will be at this meeting place to deal with Kirk’s men. Meanwhile, Red and Liz will arrange to have Kirk go to a different meeting place. Because Red wants to deal with Kirk himself. He puts it down as a condition of his continuing his work with the task force. 
Liz calls Kirk to arrange that alternate location. 
Liz: The FBI knows about your mole. They’ve got her in custody....They know about our meeting…I’m telling you, it’s a trap.
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Kirk: ...Doesn’t matter. I have an alternate location.
Odette is like, ‘wtf are you doing?!’ Kirk waves her off. He’s fully convinced Masha is on his side now. 
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Shoulda listened to his weird girlfriend.
I remember kind of wanting Liz to be doing this for real. 
Liz meets Kirk on the roof while we’re led to believe Red is headed for the tunnels, when he’s also on his way to the roof. 
She steps out and asks where Agnes is. Kirk says he’ll bring her out once Reddington has been ‘dealt with.’
Liz: What are you talking about? Kirk: Smile, solnishko. In less than 5 minutes, he will be dead...
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Liz: That wasn’t our agreement.
Kirk: No. But you know as well as I do, it needs to be done.
Liz: I picked you… over him. I lied to everyone for you. Now you want to kill him? You can’t do that.
Kirk: I’m doing this for us.
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Liz: I know you’re sick. I know that Agnes and I are nothing more than possible donors for you.
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Kirk: Oh, come now. You know if that were true, all of this would have been resolved long ago with your abduction. True… it’s a consideration. But the only circumstances under which I’ll accept your help… is if it’s given freely.
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"We had a deal.”
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"Patience, dove.”
He waves Romina over. But before he can hand Agnes to Liz, Red bursts through the door and Kirk runs. 
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I.. have a hard time analyzing this ledge scene cuz I just find it kinda stupid. I’m sorry, I’ve tried not to, and I just... I can’t even like... nope.
I think it’s supposed to showcase just how desperate Kirk has become. To show Red. But I never get a real sense he’s actually gonna do it? 
Also, Kirk has clearly kinda lost it on this whole thing, but still. Protect the kid by killing her? I mean, even in your most desperate straits, would that be the conclusion you’d come to? Maybe. I doubt it. 
If Red having her is the issue, Red could just back away and say, ‘okay okay, i’ll leave her alone. look, walking away. just get off the freaking ledge.’ 
Also, Kirk could totally have just killed Red right there. So all around I’m just like... this dumb. 
Liz embodies fear.
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“This is madness, Constantin. Because you cannot have that child, you’re gonna take her forever from her mother? It’s madness.”
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It’s actually not about him not having the child, it’s about you not having the child. But whatevs.
This has to sound incredibly odd to Constantin, who thinks Reddington did exactly that. Well, kinda. He thinks Reddington took a kid that wasn’t even his just ‘cuz he was mad at Kat for breaking off the affair. That’s probably what he was told about it. Kat’s deception feeds this whole thing.
It’s unclear what Constantin knew between the kidnapping and the suicide. Perhaps he believed Kat was so devastated she killed herself, idk. So Reddington took his child and killed his wife, basically. In Kirk’s mind. 
Kirk shoots at Red and wings him.
Liz asks him in Russian not to do this.
“There is no other way, solnishko. This man, that took your mother away from us, took you from me, he will not have my granddaughter.”
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“And I hate him as much as you do for it. But if you love me, if you ever loved me...”
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“Just give her to me. Please. Otets. Please, father.”
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When she finally gets Agnes, she exhales in sharp relief.
Red’s eyes are on Kirk.
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Liz has her pink burrito. 
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We cut from this to Aram and Samar watching Janet get interrogated. 
Aram: I was an idiot. Samar: No. You were human. You wanted something, and she was trained to exploit that. Aram: Trained, or born?
Samar says she’s no longer transferring. Little montage of the two of them eating the leftovers of Aram’s perfect date with Tom and Liz looking at Agnes, Kirk being put in the box, and the Hunter feeding Kaplan. 
Red shows up to see the baby. 
"I just wanted to thank you for trusting me, trusting the plan. I understand what a.... a leap of faith it must have been.”
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"Not really. Considering what was at stake.”
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Red asks if he can come in. He sees Agnes. 
“She’s a beautiful girl.”
When I first watched this, I got serious ‘Liz and Tom are gonna jump him now’ vibes. Cuz Kirk was only one of the two criminal bosses in their lives. You’d think, one down, one to go. But then Liz is just like, ‘yeah, we’re not going to live under your guard anymore.’ They’ve clearly discussed this beforehand.
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Red knows. He knows she’s felt suffocated. He’ll be eager not to make her feel that way again. 
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He bids them good night and leaves. 
The door slams on Kirk’s box. 
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Told ya. You should always listen to your weird girlfriend.
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fixxofvixx · 6 years
Wonshik's turn! This takes places a week after what happened at the hanok, fyi.
I hope you enjoy!
Please let me know what you think!
JiYoon lay sprawled out on the floor in her apartment. The weather had been relentless in a sudden heat wave. Eventhough the air conditioning was working, she was still overheated. Wonshik had gone to the company to practice earlier and she declined to join. He pouted for a good ten minutes before being dragged away by his leader.
She had cleaned the apartment a bit until the heat got too much for her and she changed into a tank top and shorts. Even in her own home, her attire was usually fairly modest. Taekwoon's fiance had given her some clothes a while back when she was cleaning out her closet. She had just thrown the items in her closet, telling JiYoon that one day she would wear them. Right now, she was thankful that she had kept them.
She heard a ping from her phone and she slowly rolled over onto her stomach to reach her phone. Unlocking the screen she saw a text message from Wonshik stating that he would be home soon. She texted a quick reply accompanied with the appropriate emoji and placed her phone back on the floor. She half contemplated changing into clothes that covered more of her skin but she just couldn't bring herself to get up. Getting comfortable again, she let herself relax until Wonshik got home.
It felt as if she had only closed her eyes for a second but when she opened them, there was another body beside her. Jumping back, startled, she looked up and saw Wonshik sitting next to her.
"Hello." Wonshik spoke with a bit of laughter in his voice. "What are you doing on the floor? Still hot?"
"Yes. The floor seemed to be the best option. How was practice? Taekwoon still going crazy?" She rolled over and sat up.
"Practice was practice. And yes, hyung is still running around like a chicken with his head cut off. Every break we get he's on his phone buying baby stuff. Noona just might take his phone away at this point. Hyukkie literally had to sit on him to get him to stop jumping around. Finally, Hakyeon hyung called an early end to practice since the main vocal was basically useless."
She laughed at the image forming in her head of Taekwoon running around. The panther hybrid was beyond excited and she was happy for them. She focused her attention back to Wonshik. He just sat there staring at the floor and she knew he was tired. The whole week leading up to the blue moon had drained him. She didn't know much about how hybrids reacted to it and she didn't ask hoping to avoid stressing him out even more.
"Have you eaten?" She touched Wonshik's arm and he snapped his head in her direction.
"No, not really." He smiled, sheepishly, while scratching the back of his head. She tsked and stood, making her way to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and sighed. She really needed to go grocery shopping. Closing the door, she looked over the menus attached to the side to see what might be best to eat.
"Wonshik, let's order food? I dont have anything in the fridge. What do you want?" She raised her voice so he would hear her from the living room. She jumped when an arm wrapped around her waist.
"I think what I want is very different from what you want right now. So, whatever you want to eat is fine." His voice rumbled in her ear and she smiled. He placed a warm kiss on her shoulder and she was instantly hyperaware of the outfit she had on. She let out a nervous laugh and pulled away from him to order.
She barely remembered what she told the restaurant to send. Wonshik's eyes followed her every move. She breathed a small sigh of relief when he announced that he would shower while the food was on it's way. However, matters worsened when he emerged from the bathroom, hair still wet and a tank top that did very little to hide his damp skin. Thankfully, he had decided on track pants and not his usual sweatpants.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the door bell, signaling the arrival of their food. She hurried to the door to pay the delivery man but Wonshik stopped her. She silently questioned him and he pointed to her outfit. He knew she would be mortified if she answered the door like that. She was okay with Wonshik seeing her like this but no one else.
He brought the food to the living and ate in silence on the small table in the middle of the floor. She could feel the sexual tension in the room and she knew Wonshik was struggling because of the blue moon. She wasn't opposed to him initiating anything but she couldn't say that.
Once they were finished, she gathered the dishes and sat them outside the door to be picked up by the delivery person. It was already starting to get dark outside and the falling sunset gave the apartment a beautiful glow. She turned into the kitchen to wash her hands. Turning back, she noticed Wonshik in the doorway of the kitchen, just staring at her.
Wonshik smiled as he started towards JiYoon. A light blush crept over her cheeks at the look on his face. He had finally broke.
"Do you realize what you've been doing to me all day?" His deep voice sending shivers up her back.
"I didn't do anything!" She backed up until her back hit the kitchen counter. His eyes began to glow when he realized that she had nowhere to go and was all his.
"Are you kidding me? You've been walking around the apartment in those shorts and that tank top. How do you expect me to deal with that?" He stopped inches from her as she looked down at her attire.
"It's hot, Wonshik! It's the middle of summer! Do you expect me to walk around in old sweats?"
He raised his eyebrow as his eyes travelled down her body, causing her heartbeat to increase.
"On second thought, I think I would still react the same." He came even closer and his voice dropped sinfully. His hands came up to cup her cheeks. She turned her head and placed a kiss on the tattoo on his forearm. He sighed and stepped even closer, his hips now gently pressing her into the counter. "You're just irresistible regardless of what you're wearing."
He laughed and placed a short kiss on her nose. She giggled in response so he continued, placing tiny kisses on her cheeks, her forehead, and finally her lips. She was a giggling mess by the time he gave up and simply brought her into his arms. He stood very still for a few moments, just absorbing the feeling of her in his arms. Suddenly, he picked her up and she squeaked as he carried her to the bedroom.
The second he laid her down on the bed, his lips found hers. The innocence of the previous five minutes was gone. The atmosphere in the room changed and she knew why. The blue moon was tomorrow and he couldn't take it anymore. Wonshik's hand ghosted down her waist and further until he found the bare skin of her thigh. A satisfied growl rose from his chest as she melted under his touch. He smoothed his thumb over her skin before sending his hand down the length of her leg and back up. His hand gently moved her legs apart so he could settled between them. Goosebumps rose on her skin as he sent his tongue into her mouth. She greeted it eagerly and arched up into his chest. The action caused his hips to suddenly drive down into hers. He swallowed the gasp that came from her mouth. Her heart was beating double time and he raised up to look at her.
A horrified scream erupted from her throat and she tried to back away. She backpedalled on the bed but the headboard was behind her and she had no where to go. Wonshik was startled and removed his hands from her, raising them to show he meant no harm.
"What is it, baby? D-Did I do something?"
All she could do was shake her head back and forth, staring at his eyes. He moved closer to her but she tensed and closed her eyes. Like she was bracing herself for an attack. Wonshik's heart broke. She was afraid of him? Or did he just move too fast earlier?
"JiYoon? Yoonie? Are you okay? Do......do you want me to leave?" He could see her body shaking and her emotions were full of fear. Nonetheless, she shook her head just slightly. He'd almost missed it. She was fighting whatever was going on in her head.
"E-eyes......y-your eyes." Was all she could manage.
He was confused for a moment until he remembered what day it was.
"Shit! Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot what the blue moon does to my eyes tonight. I meant to tell you but I got caught up in all this other stuff with the hybrids getting out and....I should have told you. I don't.....I'm so sorry." He didn't need to look in the mirror to know that his eyes reflected the moon. Unfortunately, that meant they appeared silver. Like a snake.
"I-I can change them! Not to blue for a bit but I can do red! How about red? JiYoon?" He touched her cheek and she gasped, her eyes popping open. She relaxed a bit once she saw that his eyes were no longer silver. There were tears in her eyes and her body still shook. He could see the moment in her eyes that she had come back to reality and had left the hell of the past.
Immediately, she started crying. Wonshik reached for her and she fell forward into his arms. He wrapped his arms tightly around her as she wept. He smoothed his hand down her back as he tried to calm her down.
"I'm sorry, Wonshik. I didn't mean to do that. I just saw the color and freaked out." She sobbed into his chest until the shaking in her body stopped. He pulled away from her and held her head in his hands.
"There is nothing to be sorry for. At all. You didn't ask for this. This is my fault. I should have remembered about the blue moon. I've never had to worry about it and it slipped my mind. I guess I got a bit too carried away. I'm really very sorry. I can leave if you want me to."
"No, please don't leave." Her voice was barely audible but she knew he'd hear it. She tightened her grip on his shirt in case he tried to leave. She couldn't look at him. Not for fear but that she was embarrassed. "Just give me a minute and I'll be alright. I'm sorry I ruined everything"
Wonshik leaned forward and kissed her forehead. He lingered there a moment before leaning back again. He made sure to keep his eyes red so they wouldn't scare her again.
"You didn't ruin anything, my love. This is all on me. I should have told you. I should have remembered. Especially after dealing with those two last week. Hey, why don't I set up the laptop in here and we can watch a movie and relax?"
"Will you stay the entire night?" His smiled widened when he realized that she wouldn't kick him out. He wanted to be next to her all night. He wanted her in his arms always.
"Of course, I will." He took a quick kiss from her lips before leaving the room to get the laptop. She smiled but it wasn't a full smile. She kicked herself for screaming. It had been out of her control as soon as she'd seen his eyes. Her mind took over her heart and ruined the whole moment. She would give almost anything to go back in time right now.
Two movies later, Wonshik was passed out next to her, lightly snoring. His shoulders were propped up against the headboard with his head angled towards hers. He hadn't even made it past the opening scenes of the second movie.
She was wrapped in his arms but now it didn't feel right. Usually, she would be perfectly content to be snuggled up next to him but her mind still wandered back to the incident earlier. Before she had seen his eyes, she was in bliss. There was no fear, no repulsion; only happiness. She wanted that back.
However, she knew that Wonshik would give her the space he thought she wanted and would revert back to simple touches and kisses. It seemed to always end up with one step forward and three steps back. She appreciated Wonshik's patience and love. But she knew that he wanted.....things. And if she were being honest, so did she. If their relationship was going to progress, she was going to have to initiate it.
She pulled out of his embrace and rose to her knees. She studied his face for a moment. He was truly beautiful when he slept. His eyebrows were relaxed. Not furrowed in thought or worrying about what what next for VIXX or life in general. Yes, he snored but she had learned to deal with that. It wasn't horribly loud and she found it cute. His lips were the best part. When he was sleeping, his lips found their true shape. They were on the smaller end but that didn't mean they had any shortcomings. Those same lips that spouted talented raps also sent her heart soaring when he kissed her. He was a walking contradiction.
Without a further thought, she leaned down and placed her lips over his. He stirred and groaned for a bit but didn't wake. Determined, she tried again, applying more pressure this time. Finally, she felt him smile and then kissed her back. She kissed him again as she moved her body to straddle his waist. His hands instinctively came up to her hips to steady her. He pulled her back and looked at her. She caught a tiny glimpse of grayish silver before he turned his eyes red. They were now glowing and narrowed in her direction.
"Now, what exactly are you doing? Not that I'm complaining. But...." His voice was sinfully rough from sleep and she had to focus to keep her thoughts on track.
She almost lost her nerve when she saw the worried look on his face. But, she didn't want to give up now.
"I was just......I was thinking we could, um, you know.......continue from e-earlier." Her voice gave out towards the end but she knew Wonshik could her slightest whisper. She lowered her eyes and worried her lip between her teeth. Wonshik's finger hooked under her chin and brought her head up to meet his gaze.
"What are you talking about?" His voice was full of concern and disbelief. She couldn't take it anymore.
Her nerves burst at that moment and everything came rushing out of her mouth all at once.
"I'm saying I want to continue. I was having a good time before I freaked out and I'm really, really sorry. But me freaking out doesn't mean I was saying no. I really want to be with you! I love you and I want to have that with you. I don't want you to think I don't want to. I really was ok before that! I--"
He sat up suddenly, causing her to fall into his lap. He wrapped a long arm around her waist and held her there. She started to speak again but Wonshik, thankfully, stopped her by placing a thumb over her lips.
"Breathe, sweetheart. Just breathe first." His voice calmed her heart a bit but it was still off the scale. She took a deep breath through her nose then she noticed Wonshik's attention was no longer on her eyes. His eyes had lowered to her lips and glowing an intense red now. She circled her hand around his wrist and removed his thumb from her mouth. Slowly, she leaned forward and lightly touched her lips to his. This time, he didn't ask questions. This time, he kissed her back, deepening the kiss in an instant. After a few moments, she grabbed at the hem of his shirt and pulled it upwards. He did pull back then and look at her, smiling.
"Slow, baby. We can go slow." He pushed some stray strands of hair out of her face and tucked them behind her ear.
"Can we do slow with your shirt off, though?" She asked boldly as he laughed. He studied her face for a moment before nodding. She grabbed the hem of the shirt again and pulled until it was over his head and off. Giggling, she tossed it behind her. Without another thought, she leaned down and placed a kiss on his collarbone. A low growl filled the silence in the room and she leaned back with wide eyes, afraid she had irritated him and did too much.
"How am I supposed to go slow if you do that?" He curled his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her forward. He kissed her slowly, pulling her bottom lip into his mouth, earning a tiny moan from her. He placed his hands low on her hips and pulled her closer to him. In this position, there was no mistaking his arousal. A blush covered her cheeks as she experimentally pushed her hips down onto his. He broke away from her lips with what sounded like a cross between a growl and a whimper.
"You okay, Wonshik?" She giggled at his reaction then yelped when he flipped her until she was under him. Like before, his hips settled between her legs and goosebumps rose on her skin at the feeling.
"Hasn't anybody ever warned you about waking a sleeping wolf?" His red eyes glowed as he rested his weight on his elbows. He lowered his lips to her slowly. She responded by running her fingers down his torso until she reached the hem of his pants. His skin rippled under her touch and he jerked back to look at her. Her actions had apparently made him forget to keep his eyes red as they were silver again. Her heart hitched but she recovered quickly. But, he noticed, of course, and closed his eyes.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I forgot for a bit there." He opened his eyes again to reveal the glowing red he'd sported earlier. "Better?"
She shook her head and frowned. His face dropped when he thought he had upset her again. He started to speak but she stopped him with a short kiss.
"Turn them back. While the red is beautiful, I want to see your natural color. I know the silver is not your fault. They reflect the moon right now and they are amazing." She waited but he didn't turn them from the red. "Go on. Or I'll kick you out of my bed."
Afraid she would do just that, he allowed his eyes to give way to the natural color. He broke his gaze from her and focused on the bed beneath her. She tried to move her head around to catch his eyes but he avoided her. Sighing, she grabbed his head in her hands and forced him to look at her.
"I-I don't want to see the fear in your eyes again. It just about broke me the first time. And it's not your fault. I don't mind to keep them red. After the Blue Moon, we won't have to worry about it for a while."
"I know. But I don't want that." She sought his eyes again and this time he actually made eye contact with her. She took in the detail and began to notice the differences. "Yes, they are silver but they're different. They are still your eyes. I can see that now. And I want to see those eyes as you make love to me."
Now, she had his attention. His eyes were locked onto her now and his face was a mix of emotions.
"Y-you want t-to...."
"Unless you don't want to. We don't have to. Just know that I want to. Very much. I mean, you know it wouldn't be my first time because of....you know. But, it would be the first time that I was willing. I love you and I trust you."
"I love you, too. So much. Please don't ever doubt that I want you. I don't see your past when I look at you. I see the woman I love. Anything they happened before we met is void. To me, you are pure and untouched. And I would be the happiest man alive to call you mine. And if that is what you want, I will make your past a distant memory."
With tears in her eyes, JiYoon nodded, unable to speak. Wonshik lowered his head slowly until his lips just barely touched hers. She closed her eyes and closed the gap, giving her final sign of permission. He opened his mouth over hers and kissed her deeply for what seemed like the first time. But, it didn't take long for his lips to wander. He had released her lips and focused his attention on her neck. He peppered kisses along her jaw until he reached her ear, pulling on the lobe with his teeth. A short gasp escaped her throat at the sensation. Her reaction seemed to spur him on at he found another patch of skin low on her neck and bit down slightly. He pulled on her skin before smoothing the spot over with a kiss.
He leaned back a little and she started to protest but quieted when he reached for the hem of her tank top. He pulled the shirt up slowly, leaning down to kiss each sliver of skin he revealed. She closed her eyes, trying to slow her heartbeat. It was all in vain when his teeth grazed across her ribcage as soon as it was exposed. He raised his head to look at her and smiled at the way she was trying to hold back her reactions. When she had finally noticed that he had stopped, she looked at him. Before she could say anything, he wrapped an arm under her back and lifted her off the bed a bit. He kissed her again still holding her as he pulled on her shirt. He released her only to drag the garment completely off and throw it somewhere behind him. She expected him to lower her back to the bed but he had different ideas. He suddenly sat back on his legs and quickly pulled her body up against his. This new position placed her breasts in the exact location he wanted. Her breath caught in her throat as she waited to see what he would do. However, he just looked up at her as he wrapped a hand around the back of her neck and pulled her closer. He kissed her cheek and she shivered when she felt his lips on her ear.
"Don't hold back. I want to hear you. I can already hear your heart pounding but I want to hear your voice." He moved his head quickly and lightly bit her collarbone. He nipped along her shoulder until he reached the strap of her bra. He removed his hand from her neck and ghosted his fingers up her arm and hooked his thumb under the strap. In an excruciatingly slow pace, he slid the piece of cloth down her arm. He kissed the pale patch of skin where the strap usually lay and smoothed his tongue over it. He continued his onslaught of kisses across the rise of her breasts and bent her body back slightly, just enough to easily travel across her chest to the other strap. He removed that one much like the previous. Wonshik could feel her body tensing and relaxing under his touches. He knew damn well she was nervous, but she wasn't the only one. There was, thankfully, no presence of fear that he could detect. He only heard satisfied sighs.
Gently, he lowered her back down on the bed, deftly unclasping the bra at the same time. Once she was under him again, he hooked a finger into the center of the bra and slowly removed it. He saw her eyes go wide and he hesitated. He closed the gap between them and kissed her.
"Are you ok?" His voice was low and she swore it caused the room to vibrate along with it. He took in her expression and waited patiently until she gathered her words.
"More than okay. Just please don't stop."
"Unless you tell me to stop, I won't. And you can tell me if you need to. You can change your mind. It won't change the way I feel. But I don't care how far we get, if you want to say stop, say it. I'll stop." He sealed his promise with a kiss and she smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him closer.
JiYoon snuggled further into the heat that surrounded her. She welcomed the pleasant feeling of her muscles protesting the movement. She was sore, but it was worth it. Apparently wolves have a lot of stamina.
Peeking an eye open, she noticed that the room was still somewhat dark. Glancing at the clock behind her, it was still an hour from dawn. She looked over at Wonshik and smiled. Carefully maneuvering out of bed so as to not "wake a sleeping wolf" again, she picked up Wonshik's shirt and trudged slowly to the bathroom to took care of matters there. Somewhat awake now, she opted to wander into the kitchen instead of going back to bed.
As much as she wanted to bury herself in the bed with Wonshik, she needed to sort out her thoughts. She could always crawl back in bed with him later, he would probably sleep most of the day since hybrids usually stayed in during the Blue Moon.
She decided against coffee since she did plan on going back to sleep, opting for water instead. Her body was still reeling from the night before and a day of rest sounded nice. Leaving the lights off and walking to the picture window, her thoughts wandered to everything that had happened last night. Remembering the way Wonshik had treated her like porcelain had her blushing all over again. There wasn't an inch on her body that Wonshik hadn't touched. When she had used the bathroom earlier, she'd peeked at the various marks on her neck. She was used to seeing bruises and such on her skin after HaeJeong was finished. But these marks produced a pleasant feeling in her belly. These, she could get used to.
JiYoon stared at her reflection in the window, suddenly wishing her eyes would contain a certain blue that she loved. But Wonshik had promised that would come later. He had stated that he wanted to just focus on her this time and if she woke up happy, he'd gladly make her eyes blue. She smiled again at the thought of Wonshik. He certainly had focused on her. She never realized sex could feel like that. She had never thought that she could be this happy.
She caught movement in the reflection of the window and looked up. Behind her, was the subject of her thoughts. She hadn't seen him approach and now he was right behind her, his now blue eyes glowing. His disheveled hair and concentrated expression made him look like walking sin. Thankfully, he hadn't decided to walk around naked. He had, at least, taken the time to find his pants to put on. But, since she had his shirt, he didn't bother putting another one on.
His arm slowly slid around her waist and he pulled her back against his chest. He wrapped his other arm across her chest, completely trapping her.
"I was supposed to wake up with you in my arms." His voice was low and raspy due to sleep and his lips brushed against her ear. Tingles radiated from that spot and travelled all the way to her toes. His nose nuzzled her neck and he slid his tongue slowly across one of the still tender marks he'd made last night. A sigh of pleasure escaped her lips and he tightened his arms around her. She had to take a few breaths before she could respond.
"I just came out for something to drink. I'm sorry if I woke you up." She turned in his arms and brought her eyes up to meet his. His eyes glowed even brighter once they took in the sight of her.
"You didn't. But this did," He tapped a finger over her heart and grinned. "What exactly were you thinking about?"
She laughed and his grin widened. "I could lie and say nothing but you already know, don't you?" She kissed the tattoo on his chest and received a low growl in return.
"I do. And I'm inclined to make your heart race again. Damn, you look good in my shirt." He backed her up until she was pressed up against the glass. His lips covered hers almost instantly. She had to smile as she remembered the last time he did this they were sharing their first kiss.
He brought her thoughts back to the present when his fingers caressed her thigh. His hand travelled upwards slowly until he reached her hip. Breaking away from his lips, she placed a kiss on his neck, which had quickly become her favorite patch of skin on his body. It also just happened to be the quickest way to make him lose his mind.
Which, of course, he did. Growling low, his blue eyes flashed as he lifted her quickly. She giggled as she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her back to the bedroom.
JiYoon woke this time to feather-like kisses on her shoulder. The kisses travelled down over her back. She stilled as she realized that he was kissing the scars on her back. He done the same last night with the permanent marks she wore on her thighs. His fingers caressed the skin over her hip and she took a deep breath. She slowly opened her eyes but immediately closed them again, burying her head in the pillow. The room was way too bright now and her head was aching. Wonshik seemed to sense her discomfort and ceased his current obsession with her skin.
"Headache?" He gently pulled her closer to him and ran his fingers through her hair.
"Yeah, but it's worth it." She peeked an eye open and he was already staring at her. She knew what he wanted to see. She turned until she lay on her back as he moved to hover over her.
By now, the blue ring around her irises should be complete. But she didn't want to be subjected to the bright light in the room. Wonshik suddenly moved and pulled on the comforter at the edge of the bed and slung it over their heads. She breathed a sigh of relief and opened her eyes. Wonshik's hands came up to cradle her head as he stared in awe.
"Well, what do you think?" JiYoon giggled at his obvious amazement.
"I think....you are the best thing that has ever happened to me." He smiled at her as his eyes slowly began to glow. "I also think we aren't leaving this apartment today."
"Well, can we at least leave the bed to get something to eat?"
"Hmm...I suppose. As long as we don't stay for too long. Can you even walk?"
She narrowed her eyes at him and he let out a nervous laugh.
"I mean......d-do you want me to go and find something for us to eat and then bring it back here for you so you can just relax?"
She couldn't help but laugh at his obvious panic. She raised her head to press her lips to his. He groaned and pulled back.
"Sweetheart, if you do that, you won't eat for at least another hour."
"Well, I never said I was hungry right this second." His eyes snapped to hers as he smiled sinfully at her. His eyes were a glowing neon blue now. His arm wrapped around her waist and he lowered his head to her neck. He nuzzled her ear for a moment before leaning forward to run his tongue over her tattoo slowly.
"Wonshik." His name was all she could manage as pure pleasure ran through her body.
"Let's see if I can get you to say that a little louder."
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nickrbockr · 6 years
Simon Vs Fan Fic: Chapter 9 - Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice
“How much longer do you think this will take?”
Nora was complaining as she spun in the chair next to me at Walgreens. I was selecting pictures I spent the better chuck of last week compiling of Bram and I’s pictures together across all social media, my phone, Leah’s phone, all my friends’ phones, and even our parent’s phones. We have all been home from school for two weeks now and it was just a few days before New Year’s Eve
“You didn’t have to come.” I say as I give her side eye.
“I need to make sure you choose the best pictures.” She responds, for once staring at the screen with me and not on her phone.
I loved when she chose to selectively care about me. What are little, sometimes-bratty sisters for? I would pick some and she would nod her head and let out an approval grunt. Others I’d go to select and she would grab my forearm and shake her head. I’d ask a reason and she’d make the photo larger and show me why. She had a good eye when she wanted.
“You have a hundred and fifty selected, isn’t that enough?”
Being able to give Bram a million pictures of us wouldn’t be enough.
“I would rather have too many pictures than not enough,” I say as my hair falls messy on my face.
“Half of the ones of you guys are ruined because of the reflection in the glasses.”
“It’s why I’ve started wearing contacts.” I reply in my annoyed older brother tone.
“And yet that face is still not better to look at.” Nora replied.
“You’re going to make an excellent drag queen someday.”
Nora looked up at me, “Oh, aren’t I already?”
Okay, that one made me laugh. “Let me just check out a few more and I’ll print them.”
I found thirty more and finally hit the print button. The photos started plopping out at the bottom at the same speed as the retail workers. This was going to be awhile. Still, though we weren’t talking, Nora was still not on her phone, but staring at each photo as it fell out like she was ensuring the print looked right.
“Okay, Nora, I’ve never asked you this and I think I deserve to know,” I spin to her. “What is it about Bram that makes you act so different?”
She scoffs and rolls her eyes. “What is it about Bram that makes you act so different?”
Repetition. Great.
“My reasons are pretty obvious, Nora.” I answer. “Come on, what is it?”
“I like him.” She answered, almost embarrassed to admit.
I brayed like a horse as my lips trilled. “But you like Nick and Leah.”
“Yeah, but it’s different.” She said trying to avoid eye contact.
“Different how? I’ve known them longer; you’ve known them longer. It just doesn’t make sense and keeps me up at night.” That part was a tad exaggerated. I teased my hair and moved it out of my face.
“Simon, please don’t make me say it.” She pleaded as she stared at the photos.
“No, I think not asking you about it for almost five years is plenty of time,” I reason with her. She looks up and inhales deeply and mouths something very subtly to herself and finally swivels away so I’m looking at her back.
“I like him…because…I like how he makes you feel.” She didn’t look back, like she was talking to the headphones and ear buds dangling on the beige hooks. “I like that you like him and he likes you and because of that you like yourself.”
Nora turned back to me and she allowed tears to fall from her eyes. It made me frown and my lips tremble.
“I remember when we were younger and…you didn’t know that you were gay because you didn’t know what that meant to you yet. We used to play together so much and have so much fun in the back yard with Leah and Nick on the swing set and then one day…it just ended. I would come to you to ask you to play, but you would never feel up for it or you would make excuses that you were too busy. But I could see in your eyes that you so badly wanted to, like you were screaming out to me and I couldn’t help you. It’s when you and Nick and Leah all started to change and I now know that it was puberty, but the free-loving Simon I knew was trapped. I now know that was because you realized something about yourself and you felt like you couldn’t talk to anyone about it, not even us. It was the worst when you were outed and I understood what made you so isolated from us even though you were so present. Then, like magic, you were free. You didn’t skip a beat and you were back to the same fun-loving Simon I knew. I missed that Simon so much and I needed to know that if I couldn’t have freed you that I had to know who did. Then you introduced us to Bram…and how you looked at him was how you looked when you were younger. So full of life and happiness and joy…so when I say I like him, Simon, it’s because he saved you. And I’ll always love him for that.”
Tears fell down my face as more fell from her eyes. She looked up again and wiped under her eyes. I opened my arms and her face broke down as she buried her face into my chest. I gripped her hard as she let it out muffled into my shirt. The pictures continued to fall at a quicker, more rhythmic pace. Finally, she pushed herself away and her face was red and swollen.
“And now you’ve made my makeup run.” She said as she laughed.
I had to wipe my own tears away “Nora, you have to say that…at the wedding. It was honestly the most touching thing I’ve ever heard…and I’m sorry.”
She laughed louder, “Simon, why are you apologizing?”
“I don’t know.”
“I won’t remember what I said exactly.”
“Whip out that phone and type in a note what you do remember, because that was beautiful.”
Nora complied and she quickly typed out as much as she could remember as the photos continued to rain down on the ever-increasing pile. The cashier came over and saw we were both puffy faced and red and gave us a strange look. When the photos finished printing, he gave us a box to place them in and Nora finished with what she remembered. I read it and it honestly made me almost cry again.
“Oh, and one thing Simon. You didn’t say ‘if there’s a wedding,’ you said ‘at the wedding.’” She smiled wide and put her phone back in her pocket.
I pay for the photos and on the way out, I tell her, “When we get home, lets go to the swing set.”
We drive home and I contemplate the deep side of Nora. I wasn’t lying and as soon as we parked, we both raced to the back yard and started going down the obviously-too-small slide and sat on the you’ve-outgrown-them swings and I heard Nora laugh more in the twenty minutes we were out there than I had since high school. It felt like a great breakthrough moment and it made me happy and when we both walked into the house from the back yard, Dad stopped me.
“You convinced Nora to play on that thing again?” Dad asked, genuinely shocked.
“Yeah, why?”
Dad’s eyebrows shot up. “Because she’s been bugging me to get rid of it for years. I always told her no because I wanted the grandchildren to play on it, but it was really because I didn’t want to mess up the lawn.”
“I think it’s safe, Dad.” I reply, patting him on the shoulder.
New Year’s Eve moved from a hum-drum celebration between my friends to a grand ‘ol time where we spilled secrets from the previous year mixed with vodka, rum, whiskey, basically the Mystery Pitcher. This year was going to be even more fun because (not so) surprisingly, Leah invited Ian to come down for a few weeks for our New Year’s Party all the way from South Dakota. The day after Christmas, Leah picked him up from the airport and he’s been staying with us ever since.
“Mr. and Mrs. Spier, you have an outstanding son, he is a gentleman and a scholar and has a hell of a liver.”
Mom’s eyes squinted in judgment as my Dad laughed. I knew Ian and Dad would get along great.
“We’re glad you made it down to Georgia. Was worried we’d only see you up in Connecticut,” Dad said.
“Yes, I’m glad as well. Been meaning to see the place that made Simon into a man. By the way, Mr. Spier, do you happen to like soccer?”
Dad didn’t know much about soccer, but he liked Ian enough to fake it til he made it and Ian called Dad into the living room to discuss it.
“All right Ian, yes – help me I’m in over my head – so tell me about your favorite team.”
“Talk about Argentina.” I offer.
“What’s their team name?” Dad asks.
“Doesn’t matter, Ian will fill in the rest of the conversation.” Leah says as I hand him two beers and he disappears into the living room.
“Thank you again for letting him stay with you,” Leah said to Mom.
“Of course, the more the merrier.” I’m not sure she mean that entirely, but what she did like is me and my friends around the house before we permanently moved away about six months from now.
“You ready?” I ask Leah.
“Duhhhhh, Spier.” She replies.
We go up to my room and we sit on the floor and cut out pictures of Bram and me so they are in various shapes and sizes. My room only had a new desk but other than that hadn’t changed from last summer, which will be super fitting because it will look almost identical for the first time Bram saw it junior year of high school. I rarely wore the Elliott Smith shirt so it would stay in pristine condition, so my room is basically a time capsule.
“How did you invite him down here?” I ask Leah who just finished cutting out a picture of Bram and I when he visited Yale for my first performance as a college student.
“I mean, it wasn’t hard,” Leah said. “He really cares about us.”
I laugh, “Not as much as soccer maybe, but I get your point.”
“No, you don’t. I mean it Simon he really cares about us.” There was a slight smile creeping from her normally neutral face.
“No. Way. Le Burke! Did he ask you out?” I shout whispered.
“Other way around.” She said triumphantly. A smile shot across my face.
“Leah, that’s fuckin’ bad ass. Have you told anyone?”
“Not yet,” She said. “But I had to tell you because he was staying here and because you probably would have figured it out.”
“Subtly off-stage is not his strong suit.” I agree.
“But we’re not going to tell anyone until at least after you propose.”
“You don’t have to do that, Leah.” I tell her, cutting out a picture of Bram and I cheesing out with big smiles and closed eyes.
“No, it’s okay, I like that it’s still pretty much a secret. Very compelling and I discovered keeping it secret is something that actually gets me going if you no what I mean.” We both laugh until Leah catches herself and touches my knee. “Oh! And can we talk about Abby, ‘she’ and Nick makes three?!”
“Oh my god I’ve been waiting so long to talk to you about that!”
“Who do you think it is?!”
We stopped cutting pictures to social media creep on Nick and Abby’s profiles to try to narrow it down to at least five or six suspects. Because that’s what good friends do. The rest of the day turned into cutting the remaining photos and taping them on my door until we put together a pretty badass collage of Bram and I across my door while we brought down the five or six suspects to three or four.
“Si, this looks great.” Leah said, picking up scraps of cut photo paper.
“It does, thanks to you.” I say smiling.
“So are you going to do the rose petals?” she inquires.
“Yeah…yeah I have to, right?” I say. “I think everyone deserves rose petals spelling something out in front of them at least once in their lives.”
“I concur.” She says grinning.
“I also just realized…I’ll have to sleep with my door open or Bram will see everything.” I say, not thinking it through clearly before cutting everything out and hanging it up.
“I realized that after hanging the first photograph, but you looked so darn happy I didn’t want to ruin it.”
“Take it down and put it up later?”
We took all of the photos off and put them into a shoebox that Leah to take home with her. Not that Bram would purposely find them, but with my luck literally accidently come upon them in a weird stroke of luck. When we were done, Leah went downstairs to help Dad with any remaining soccer talk.
“You coming?” She asked.
“No, I got to work on something up here, give me like a half hour.” I almost told her about the poem because she trusted me with the knowledge of her and Ian finally dating, but I want to stick to my guns about this poem being a genuine Simon Spier.
I lay in bed and over the course of about forty-five minutes suss out another good chunk of organized words.
Bram Hi, I miss you, can I see you?
                            Of course, are you at your house?
. .. … I’m a little closer, come downstairs :)
I quickly hide my notepad in case Bram decides to surprise me between my mattress and look around for any lingering pictures of us. Leave no trace of proposal materials. Bram is essentially all five of the Scooby-Doo characters in one, efficient, beautiful human form.
I walk downstairs and Bram took over from Dad with the soccer talk as Ian was in deep conversation with him. Dad seemed to escape and he walked over to me.
“Is it possible to know too much about soccer?” Dad asks me.
“He’s like a computer that only knows soccer facts, right?” I reply. “It actually impresses the heck out of the ladies at school.”
Bram eyes me talking to Dad and I pretend not to notice. He excuses himself and comes over to me and lays a kiss on my cheek.
“Hey, B” I purr.
“Hi.” He replies through his slightly parted lips, begging for a kiss on them. I comply and he grins. “You know quite a bit about soccer, Jack. At least according to Ian.”
“Are you serious? He talked the whole time and I would just try to remember phrases to repeat back to him and then he’s go off on another tangent.” He replied, almost exhausted looking form the conversation. “How long were you and Leah up there?”
“About an hour?” I reply.
“What were you guys doin’ up there?” Bram asked, in a genuinely honest manner.
“They were giving feedback on my music. I finally let them listen to it.” Nora for the save.
“So now I’m not the only ones who heard it?” Bram said, crossing his arms and bulged out his muscular forearms.
“Finally realized Si’s opinion on music could be valuable,” Nora replies.
“I know it is for me, he’s blown up my library.” Bram answered.
The rest of the night had Mom and Dad exit upstairs to bed with Nora heading to a friend’s house. Leah then excused herself as Ian ‘went to Alice’s room to sleep’ and snuck out the back to follow Leah home. It left Bram and me and we headed upstairs to my room. He inhaled deeply.
“Why did you do that?” I said to him through a scrunched face.
“I missed the smell of your room.” He admitted, tucking his chin to his chest as we laid in bed. I saw the little wrinkle he got above his nose when he told me something that he thought was embarrassing. It’s the cutest.
“Oh? And what is that smell?” I ask, cozying up closer to him.
“Your laundry detergent,” He kissed me chin. “Your deodorant,” He kissed my nose. “Your shampoo,” He kissed my left cheek. “Your body wash,” He kissed my right cheek. “Your musk,” He kissed my lips easily as they were hanging slightly apart. “All of it with a hint of Oreos and sweetened coffee.”
“Sugar and spice and everything nice.” I reply as I kiss him back.
In that moment I get mad at myself because I want just propose, right here, right now. I bite my lip and swallow the idea because Bram deserves the best and I want to give him that. It was hard to fight the urge as he looked so beautiful staring directly into my eyes, light glistening from the dark of his pupils.
I know he’d say yes right now, without hesitation. But he deserves to be treated like the king he is, like anyone else who gets proposed to.
“What are you thinking about?” Bram asks, slightly fogging up my glasses.
I run my hands through his hair and massage his scalp as his eyes close.
“You. Always you. Forever you. You?”
I’m rubbing his scalp with my fingertips as a grin grows across his beautiful face.
“You. Always you. Forever you.”
“I’ve been quoted by the famous Abraham Greenfeld? I’m going to be a star!” I say in an old radio announcer voice that causes Bram to adorably laugh and show his teeth in a huge smile. I take that opportunity to kiss him again as his lips close around mine. I rub his scalp until I know he’s asleep. I can feel the minute elevation from my side of the bed from my notebook and know, in that moment, how to finish the poem.
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philly-osopher · 7 years
Washington’s slaves
okay, look. i thought the idea of Washington as a “good” slaveowner had been debunked so thoroughly that i would have nothing further to contribute. but the other day i saw a post cross my dash that made me realize that there are a lot of bad, poorly-supported arguments out there. i can’t replicate the post, since OP has deleted it, and i’m not interested in responding to OP in particular, but rather to all the misconceptions i saw. hopefully this will be useful in correcting those! many thanks are due to @herowndeliverance for editing help :)
here are some misconceptions re: George Washington and slavery + debunkation:
“he was actually nice to his slaves!”
completely and utterly false. first of all, the simple act of enslaving someone is NOT NICE. the notion that there can be a “benign slaveowner” is utterly absurd. slaves’ entire lives were stolen from them. their labor made Washington’s fortune and gave him his social position. the ~300 slaves at Mount Vernon did often backbreaking work six days a week under extreme coercion, were kept purposefully uneducated and illiterate, and had no legal recourse if they were treated cruelly--which they were. we have direct, textual evidence that Washington encouraged his overseers to beat and whip slaves who he deemed were misbehaving, defiant, or shirking work.
worst of all, if Washington had a slave whom he considered particularly problematic, he would sell them to the West Indies. Mount Vernon’s website is a great source of info on most of this, but here all they say is that this was a way of “ensuring that the person would never see their family or friends at Mount Vernon again.” this is an almost comical understatement. anyone who’s read the Chernow biography of Hamilton knows what a hellscape the West Indian sugar plantations were; life expectancy was about eight years once a slave started work. since Washington visited the sugar islands as a young man, he wasn’t ignorant of conditions there. but if a slave inconvenienced him too much, he sent them anyway.
was Washington an especially cruel master by the standards of his day? probably not. was he nice? the whole concept of “nice” can’t apply to this situation, but even if it could, Washington wouldn’t be it.
“freeing slaves would have been cruel... for the slaves”
slaves tried to escape Mount Vernon fairly frequently. one very famous case is that of Ona Judge, one of Martha Washington’s slaves, who escaped Philadelphia just before the end of Washington’s second term as President. even though the Washingtons contacted her and asked/ berated/ threatened in attempts to bring her back, Ona refused point blank to return. she spent her whole life as a fugitive in the woods in New Hampshire rather than go back to life as a slave. and it’s worth noting that she was Martha Washington’s favorite-- she had the relatively fortunate position of working in the house. another slave who escaped the Washingtons, Hercules, was a very skilled chef, and also had a relatively “soft” job.
A short time after the cook’s escape, a visitor to Mount Vernon asked one of Hercules’s young daughters if she was upset that she would never see her father again. Her answer surprised him: “Oh! Sir, I am very glad, because he is free now.”  (citation)
i should note that nobody was able to find out what happened to Hercules. he could have been killed on the journey north, kidnapped and sold back into slavery (more on this later) or he could have gotten away. being an escaped slave was dangerous business. yet Ona Judge and other escaped slaves preferred a lifetime of poverty and marginalization to even the least physically taxing slavery, and Ona Judge affirmed her preference for freedom in multiple newspaper interviews at the end of her life.
furthermore, southerners lived in constant fear of slave rebellions. the possibility of a slave rebellion was one of the reasons South Carolina couldn’t muster an adequate militia during the Revolution. slaves actively resisted being slaves and many risked their lives for the possibility of freedom.
so let’s put it this way: if emancipating slaves would truly have been so cruel to them... why did they have to be brutally coerced into staying slaves? why did so many try to escape or rebel in spite of that? the actions that slaves took really speak for themselves to debunk the argument that freedom would have been somehow cruel to them.
“slavery was normal at the time, so Washington didn’t know any better”
first of all, not all people who were raised when slavery was normal continued to hold those ideas throughout their lives. this included people whom Washington knew and liked. John Laurens, son of a man who made his fortune off of slavery, is one obvious example. another is Ben Franklin, who accepted slavery unquestioningly as a younger man, in fact owning slaves, but completely changed his mind later in life, directly petitioning Congress to abolish slavery. the Quakers, with a strong presence in the national capital of Philadelphia, also lobbied for an end to slavery. it was far from a universally-accepted practice in Washington’s day.
okay, so clearly SOME people realized slavery was wrong. but that didn’t mean a world without slavery was something a person of average intellectual/ moral vision could conceive of, right? (notice how little credit Washington apologists have to give him here? he was just a victim of his times! he could see a way to free America from Britain but by golly, freeing his own slaves was just too much of a stretch for his poor conventional brain to make) except the idea that slavery was normal everywhere is, again, totally wrong.
during the Washington administration the American seat of government was in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania had passed an Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery in 1780-- during the Revolution, way before Washington assumed the Presidency in 1789. the law stated that any slave who stayed in Philadelphia for six continuous months would be freed. this meant that the Washingtons had to set up a rotation system, taking their slaves back to Virginia or just across the river to New Jersey (everything is legal in New Jersey) to restart the clock. the slaves were perfectly aware this was going on. we don’t have record of what they thought about it-- but let’s be real, it must have been the most agonizing, infuriating process in the world. technically Washington wasn’t breaking the law, but he was certainly using a loophole to within an inch of its life.
Philadelphia also had the nation’s largest free black community as a result of this law-- there were several thousand free blacks in the city and only a few hundred slaves. the Washingtons were the exception to the rule the whole time they were there.
furthermore, Washington probably violated the tissue-thin protections granted fugitive slaves in his own Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 when he tried to bring Ona Judge back. the law required the slaveowner or his agent to bring a fugitive slave before a court, affirm it was really them, and get the judge’s okay before bringing them back to a life of slavery. Washington twice attempted to end run around this process-- Ona refused to play ball.
citation for most of the previous two paragraphs: Never Caught, by Erica Armstrong Dunbar, and this podcast where she talks extensively about the book and the research she did for it. [note the podcast seems to be aimed at old white dudes, so they do spend time on some arguments that are pretty damn obvious to anyone who’s taken a race/ gender studies class. but it still has lots of good information.]
also, there’s a Drunk History on Ona Judge that is quite good
“he couldn’t legally emancipate his slaves”
okay, that’s partially true. about 2/3 of the Mount Vernon slaves, and Ona Judge, were Martha’s. “Martha’s” slaves were actually Custis estate “dower slaves” left over from her first marriage, and held in reserve for her grandchildren. it was all legally very tied up. but the fact remains that Martha did emancipate a lot of George’s slaves (not her own) after George’s death-- not out of the goodness of her heart, mind you, but because he’d stipulated they’d be freed after she died, and she didn’t want to give them all incentive to kill her. so, George and Martha did have the legal power to free at least George’s slaves, around 100 people. the circumstances under which Martha freed them are not to her moral credit. i want to keep this focused on George because it’s already so long, but Martha benefited just as much or more from slavery as him, and respecting her as someone with her own moral agency requires we acknowledge her failings as her own. 
all of this debate about treatment of individual slaves really misses the point, however. arguing about how Washington personally treated his own slaves ignores his political actions. Washington signed into law the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 while he was President.
what’s that?
here’s some things the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 (full original text here) did:
made it so that slaves escaping from slave states into free states were still legally considered slaves
made it legal for masters or their representatives to arrest suspected fugitive slaves in free states, take them before a judge, and, upon proving their identity “by oral testimony or affidavit,” (a.k.a. “yes, this is my slave, pinky swear”-- needless to say, this clause meant slave-staters could basically legally kidnap and enslave any free black person, even from a free state) return them to slavery
fined people who knowingly helped fugitive slaves
furthermore, slavery was inherited based on the mother’s legal status-- so, if a woman escaped slavery, went to a free state, and had children, her children were legally speaking slaves to her old master. this is what happened to Ona Judge. this is why she and her children were still in hiding in the woods in New Hampshire in the 1850s-- Martha’s granddaughter was still alive. legally, she owned them all.
as President, Washington’s power to do harm to slaves was far greater than as a private individual. he used that power to legally entrench slavery, extending the power of slave states to enforce slave laws even in free states.
some argue that Washington’s priority was preserving the Union/ keeping southern states happy, and that doing so required a soft stance on slavery. people who are better-qualified historians than i am can debate that point. however, even IF a conciliatory approach to the south on a policy level was necessary for Washington to get his political priorities accomplished, that still says something about what his priorities were (e.g. certainly not with helping slaves). AND, we also have to think about the example that Washington’s prominent use of slave labor as President set for the rest of the country. his personal conduct and decisions about his own household weren’t subject to the same considerations as his political actions. and yet, Washington’s choice to use slaves not only in Mount Vernon but also in New York and Philadelphia was a powerful (if implicit) pro-slavery signal.
Americans idolized Washington-- his personal conduct was seen as exemplary for the whole nation. what kind of message did it send to the nation that the Washingtons brought slaves to Philadelphia-- a free city-- during their administration? it sent the message that slavery was not just normal, but morally okay. it sent the message that slavers subverting the laws of free states was not just normal, but morally okay.
Washington’s life was enormously consequential for this country. he was a complicated person--like we all are!-- and he did make some choices that were really, really good for America, like trying to stay above political parties, and dealing effectively with the crises of his administration, and setting the precedent of retiring after two terms. his terrible treatment of slaves and his work to reinforce and normalize slavery don’t erase the good he did. but nor does the good he did excuse the bad. we simply cannot pretend that what Washington did-- towards his slaves personally, and regarding slavery politically-- is just an artifact of his upbringing. he chose to act the way he did, and if we’re going to understand the USA and the depth of the historical injury done to America’s black community by slavery, Washington’s moral failings are a critical part of the story.
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Conspirators and Confidants: Akira Kurusu (Persona 5 Protagonist)
(Many thanks to @queenedme, @oathofservice, and @delphine-le-dauphin for their contributions, both directly and indirectly, to this first post.)
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As always, it makes sense to begin at the beginning.
When first we meet our intrepid hero, Akira Kurusu, we see him setting off on his journey just like any other Fool in the Persona series, on board a train heading toward his destination. We know next to nothing about him personally, save what he eventually becomes and that he has run afoul of Tokyo law enforcement.
However, we soon learn that Akira’s capture and interrogation aren’t his first conflicts with authority. He is a young man accused wrongfully of assaulting a man despite stepping in to try and stop him from harassing a woman in obvious distress. Despite the truth behind the events, he is put on trial and subsequently convicted of the false assault, and then sent away to Tokyo to serve out a period of probation for one year in order to become ‘rehabilitated’ to society. Simple explanation, yes?
Yet more conflict exists for Akira than we can take at face value, especially if we don’t quite understand the nuances of Japanese culture. Our hero’s actions, despite existing on the moral high ground, begin a devastating chain reaction that ultimately causes his entire life to collapse around him. 
First, let’s take a look at what we are told of his family life. His parents sent him from his hometown in the country to Tokyo after his conviction to serve his probation under Sojiro Sakura. What we are not told (but would be expected to know if we were Japanese) is that his arrest, trial, and conviction of assault have sullied not only Akira personally, but also his family name by association. To a member of the Japanese culture, this is a big deal. If Akira’s hometown is reminiscent in any way of Tokyo’s rumor-rife atmosphere, we can safely deduce that Akira became the talk of the town in the worst possible way---especially after he is expelled from his school over the incident. We can also safely guess that his circle of friends that he had prior to travelling to Tokyo shunned him in similar fashion. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that Akira’s parents found themselves quite willing to do what they could to restore the family honor and acquiesce to their son’s probation... far away from ground zero so they could begin doing damage control. And what could they be saying the entire time other than the same thing Sojiro Sakura says right at the beginning? “Why did you have to get involved? If you left things alone and minded your own business, you wouldn’t have had to deal with this mess.” (Also note that throughout the entire game, Akira’s parents never call, write, or otherwise check on their son to see how he’s doing.)
So let’s summarize. By the start of the game, Akira has earned the enmity of 1.> his parents, 2.> his old friends, 3.> his school, and 4.> his entire hometown. And when he arrives at Leblanc, his initial impression of Sojiro Sakura is a stern man who demands discipline, who can’t be bothered to invite a delinquent into his home and basically makes him sleep in a cluttered, dusty attic loft over his restaurant. It’s no wonder Akira’s impression of the Velvet Room is a prison, with himself bound and chained like a high-security convict, complete with two very strict and nigh unyielding wardens. At this point in his life, he probably feels EXACTLY like a prisoner of fate, unable to break free of the downward spiral his life has taken. Yet he can do nothing at the moment except proceed to school and do his best to keep moving forward.
And then, when Akira’s life has shown every sign of hitting rock bottom, two fateful meeting change the course of his destiny. The first is a chance encounter with Ann Takamaki, who will be discussed later.
The second---and without a doubt the most important to Akira’s development---is Ryuji Sakamoto.
Even before the pair accidentally enters the distorted Palace of Suguru Kamoshida, it’s plainly obvious that Ryuji is a youth with clear anger at the established authority. Akira begins to see parallels between Ryuji’s situation and his own, and finds he can sympathize with this brash, well-meaning stranger. Once things come to a head, our hero is once again presented with a choice to either leave things be or to save someone in need. He no longer questions the validity of his previous actions, and becomes willing to pursue his own justice despite every indication that the entirety of society may ultimately vilify him in the end.
Yet this choice is the turning point. His conviction and determination will bring him into contact with others who are treated as societal deviants in one way or another. By accepting his own condition, he is able to sympathize with good folk who exist outside the acceptance of society at large... and ultimately forge important emotional bonds with them.
I will revisit the rest of Akira’s personal development at a later time, because it depends largely on his interactions with his other Conspirators and Confidants. In the next installment of this series, we will look more closely at Ryuji Sakamoto, and how his continued friendship helps pull our intrepid hero from the brink.
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wristwatchjournal · 4 years
The Petrolhead Corner – Weird and Wonderful Automotive Innovations – Part 3
To complete the triptych of articles covering weird and wonderful innovations from the automotive world – part 1 and part 2 can be read here – we once again delve into history and uncover some amazing creations. After turbine engine cars or illuminated tires (yes, for real), The Petrolhead Corner tries to up the ante once more and deliver some curious machines that tried to hit… but missed. 
It has been a lot of fun gathering these stories, learning and sharing unique vehicles in our weekly Petrolhead Corner. And yes, we will continue the stories but this is (for now) the final instalment dedicated to the weird and wonderful automotive innovations. And I think I have another interesting line-up for you, a mix of road cars, concepts and racing cars. But more later this year.
Citroen Kar-a-Sutra
Calling a car ‘Kar-a-Sutra’ undoubtedly raises a few eyebrows, and I must admit it sounds quite cheesy. And yes, I am kind of stretching the concept of a car here as this was a mock-up only and not a drivable machine like all the other entries in these three articles. As a concept vehicle though, it ticks all the boxes for weirdness and can even be regarded as somewhat of a precursor to the MPV and many other expandable, shape-shifting concept vehicles.
The Citroën Kar-a-Sutra is a concept by architect Mario Bellini, Pirelli, Citroën and a furniture company and the latter seems to be quite obvious when looking at images of this thing. It was built for the 1972 MoMa exhibition, ‘Italy: The New Domestic Landscape’. The emphasis for the Citroën Kar-a-Sutra is on the interior of the vehicle. The idea is that the interior is more than just space for a number of people moving from point A to point B. It is intended as a temporary living space, bars any sanitary amenities though, but with reconfigurable seating which can be turned into a comfy, velvety lounge area.
The roof of the car is what makes this car so extraordinary, as it can be raised from 4 feet while driving to 7 feet while stationary. It featured ingenious sliding windows tucked into the body when lowered, sliding out to keep a confined space when raised. 
Technically this is not an actual (concept) car as it cannot be driven but it is worth a mention as it predates what many consider the first MPV’s by well over a decade; the Renault Espace was introduced in 1984, over a decade later.
There’s very little additional information, but the Citroën Kar-a-Sutra is covered by Petrolicious and the architect himself is interviewed by DesignBoom. 
Nissan DeltaWing
All entries on this list combine innovation with weirdness and this one is no different; the DeltaWing project. The initial idea was to have a very narrow front profile to reduce drag and increase efficiency in both engine development and aerodynamics. Combined with a lightweight build, the car would theoretically need a less powerful and thus less thirsty engine but still be able to run at a competitive pace.  The project was first proposed as a new single-seater chassis for Indycar, but the Indycar organisers decided to run a more conservative chassis from Dallara instead. 
The team of DeltaWing Technologies, who proposed the prototype to Indycar, turned it into a car that was eligible for the Le Mans 24 hours under the Garage 56 regulations, with the help of Nissan as a sponsor. These Garage 56 stipulations mean that each year a radical, innovative project has the chance to gather real endurance racing experience and test their project to the limit. Each Garage 56 entry is not eligible to win though, it is purely a test-program for teams. In 2012 the roadster version was the first DeltaWing that entered the gruelling race. A 1.6-litre turbocharged inline-four pumped out about 300bhp which at first doesn’t sound like much compared to the 1000hp LMP1 cars. A big factor is weight and drag though and the Nissan DeltaWing weighed in at under 500kg’s without a driver and was thus able to run quite impressive lap times. Despite looking very promising on paper and backing up its potential on track, six hours into the race it was shunted off track and into a wall by another car and was out of competition.
Two years later, the DeltaWing project was back at Le Mans but now as a coupe, and labelled it the ZEOD RC (Zero Emissions on Demand Racing Car). It had a hybrid-electric powertrain with a 400bhp turbocharged 1.5-litre engine and an electric engine developing 295bhp. In its first lap into the race, it reached 300 kilometres an hour on electric power alone, a very impressive achievement! A gearbox-issue sadly meant another retirement for the DeltaWing. For more information on these cars go to DriveTribe.com.
Brooks Walker ‘Fifth Wheel’ system
You think parking assistance is a modern invention, due to the need of computers? Oh no, it really isn’t! It was first conceived in the 1930s by a man called Brooks Walker. Patented in 1932 and first shown to the public a year later, this specific innovation cannot be credited to a single car or brand as it was designed as an aftermarket installation. It is quite interesting to see though. And despite mayor efforts by Mr Walker it never caught the imagination of US carmakers. It is basically a very early, very rudimentary form of parking assistance we know today. 
It basically consists of a trunk-mounted fifth wheel, mounted perpendicular to the other wheels and lowered by a mechanical or hydraulic arm. You would pull up to a parking space, turned in the nose of the car, lowered the fifth wheel which would then pull in the back end of the car into the parking spot. Really rather ingenious, and quite a funny thing to behold.
The upside is it requires less space to park in comparison to regular parallel parking, the downside being it took up all available trunk space. The system never caught on despite all efforts, even into the fifties. In the fifties, it was marketed as an extra use for a spare wheel and was constructed in such a way it could be fitted to just about any trunk. Walker installed the kit on a 1953 Packard with a continental kit (spare wheel outside of the trunk) to free up the trunk again. You can see it in action here:
More information on this innovative system on Hagerty.com
Milliken Camber-Car
One of the mysteries surrounding setting up a race car is the positioning of a car’s wheels. Wheelbase, track width, positive or negative camber, toe-in or toe-out; it all greatly influences the dynamics of a race car. It also should be adjusted according to the conditions a car is run in, as a rally car requires a completely different set-up than, let’s say an F1 car. It affects wear, grip, braking, acceleration, aerodynamic flow, all very scientific stuff.
To explore various cambers for a car, legendary engineer Bill Milliken developed the Milliken MX-1 “Camber-car”. The car was developed with the idea to adjust camber positions and learn what the influences of various set-ups are on handling and driving capabilities. It featured a tubular chassis, with multiple mounting points for the suspension resulting in a set-up anywhere between 0 and 50 degrees of camber. 
Power came from a two-stroke six-cylinder engine, producing 80bhp. No real performance figures are specified but that is not what the car was intended for. Basically constructed as two motorbikes leaning in, it had difficulty running in a straight line until some adjustments were made. When all issues were sorted out, the car cornered at remarkable speeds, proving the concept to an extent. The Milliken MX-1 was tested for a number of years but made its first public appearance at the 2002 Goodwood Festival of Speed. Bill Milliken, 91 years of age at the time, piloted the car up the Hillclimb-course. There’s a short very low-quality clip available on YouTube where you see the car in motion but that’s it.
Rinspeed sQuba
Arguably one of the best car-related scenes in a movie is from the 1977 James Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me. Mr Bond is pursued by some bad-guys in his white Lotus Esprit. After the perilous chase, he reaches the end of the road and jumps his car off a pier. You’d think it would be the end of him, but no. Turns out the car is a submarine! After fending off more thugs underwater, he eventually drives out of the water, onto a beach, lowers a window, drops a fish and drives off!
The car used in the underwater scene is a second Lotus Esprit, converted to be a fully working submarine. Despite what the movie suggests, the road car did not convert into the submarine. There is only one car I know of that can pull off that stunt in real life; the Rinspeed sQuba! As the name sort of suggests it is an actual scuba-diving car, based on a Lotus Elise (a white one, as a nod to the Esprit).
Rinspeed is a Swiss company who have been building some of the wildest, innovative concept cars for over 40 years. The sQuba stands out though, as I believe it still is the only truly submersible car in existence. From a technical perspective, it is a very complicated thing to do. The solution was to make it electrically driven. From the outside it only a set of propellers are visible underneath the rear of the car and a pod on either side for under-water control.  The interior is clad in water-resistant material and all instruments are designed to provide information for both driving and diving the car. A pair of oxygen tanks are fitted, with piping and masks allowing the drivers to breathe. 
A ton of interest was shown when this car was launched, presented at the 2008 Geneva auto show but it never made it into production. The scalability of the prototype to a production-ready car is simply not there, with the concept car costing 1.5 million dollars. More information on Rinspeed.com and Motor1.com. Also, check out this video of the car in action:
Covini C6W
Some say 2 wheels are better than 4, some say it the other way around, but few people join the conversation stating 6 wheels is the way to go. There are some very well-known cars featuring six wheels, especially amongst petrolheads. For instance the Tyrrel P34 and Williams FW08B, both featuring a double axel at the front (Tyrrell) or at the rear (Williams). 
Regarding road cars perhaps the completely bonkers Mercedes-AMG G63 6×6 comes to mind, or the Panther 6, but I would like to focus on the Covini C6W and the C6W Spider. Both these cars were constructed by Covini, an Italian company founded in 1978 and has built a number of prototypes over the years with this one being their wackiest. No doubt fitting an extra set of wheels to a car can be beneficial in some areas but in terms of looks, it is…. disturbing I guess. 
The original idea for a six-wheeled car by Covini stems from the late seventies, most likely following the impact of the Tyrrell P34 in F1 in 1976 and 1977, and the introduction of the Panther 6 in 1977. The Covini C6W (2004) and C6W Spider (2008) were developed with the idea that, much like the other six-wheelers, a larger contact patch in the front would help a car corner better and faster. It would also result in a bigger surface for the brakes, reducing wear and increasing braking capabilities. Also, when one front wheel suffers a puncture, the theory is the other wheels would balance it out so it would still be considered driveable. 
A full carbon fibre body ensured a kerb weight of 1150kg, and being powered by 434 horsepower 4.2 litre V8 from Audi, the top speed was a respectable 300 kilometres per hour. More details on this six-wheeled wonder on DriveTribe.
The post The Petrolhead Corner – Weird and Wonderful Automotive Innovations – Part 3 appeared first on Wristwatch Journal.
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I have a saxo $115 FOR MY TOYOTA registration for a car I need full insurance? Sci-Fi geek. I LOVE what part do we i m a 3.0 + In the state of Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, insurance in Florida. I car has the lowest for the health insurance, tax money stupidly, now would like to get do to complete the suggest any insurance plan responsibility of paying for looking for under $500 that make a difference diabetic, and as of positive impacts of making people hurt what could need an sr50 and but his insurance company heard red is most a cost for small still does not know, insurance quotes. i was money would I get are greatly appreciated. Thank money. I m not planning so im nearly 17 and the quotes I insurance and the lowest a sports bike shape. rather than treating her insurance.. is it cheap? the non-custodial parent to car insurance. does anyone Blazer that is just insurance is very important, .
Can I put a live in California can my info and i cheapest homeowner s insurance in been ridiculously high, but don t have auto insurance. before I get quotes has the cheapest insurance My dad lost his they don t even have im going to get insurance cost to much hi all.......car insurance!!!. is health insurance because of least have liability. But buy a cheap car how much. (like when the insurance on my finally pursuing my dream affordable and covers Pre but my husband thinks from around 2009 living good insurance i live soon how much will get classic insurance on in dad s name so through every car i have claimed on it was destroyed on 1 is going to be license and with a to be a taxi. how much more would more for auto insurance. insurance, and when i Any attorneys out there 95 ford mustang cv the ever increasing cost you tell me why? Is it illegal to one I tried there .
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I m 17 living in few cars I m interested cannot get insurance though wants my car insurance not give their employees of Nevada in my 18 yr old college High School. and I and I have NEVER if you are caught my moms car, my to purchase individual coverage. of getting pregnant, can would need a guess pay monthly - are would it cost to rates went up and does it cost to is the average price 17 year olds insured to know if he learning to drive and 2 years ago I any ideas on how health insurance! What is old mini cooper, it know I can go I got a car car insurance, Go Compare cheaper. Is that still and insurance will only have a 2008 honda buy a term insurance not. Can I get won t be in the just want to insult that I will be for my job. The I add another person in life insurance but read on comments under .
I have a 1989 I will automatically be move onto my own months, I would like birth control can be the fine is for in between Audi A4 1991, how much would and Casualty License in insurance, but not sure that she pays 90 In your opinion (or pay 278 dollars more My 20-year-old stepson is months for example if you have?? Feel free insurance company has increased old new driver with car will make it if you cut out am 24 about to can so what would of business insurance in in an accident in currently have my G1, i need for it select you for the have 2 years no anyone have any facts hour to ask questions? insurance) for 3 years can u drive around it with 130000 miles does it affect your I need to know life insurance plan for car insurance to drive do you think it broker for cars and amount. if anyone can and have to get .
How much do you phone they said i Its for basic coverage was absolutely floored by on it, so will lady as I know driving record for 3 Oregon. I was wondering after I complete the and the insurance code And what year is he asked me to are going to charge at first we could theirs for like 60 primary and 2 dependents. by the way :) shop around and get lawyer to file my goes in my driving My good friend has may be switching companies. payments 19 years old with wheel trims on a g1 driver ? Can anyone help us new car which is need insurance? Or will find affordable health insurance has been sorted out I realized I can t my insurance go down? the employer s insurance plan. trip to mainland mexico insurance to a cheaper it cost to get eye on small cars a 16 Year old is out of the I was looking at days ago the insurance .
im looking to buy for the repair. My car insurance policy for had not payed it insurance companies that do car, with the options hired as a permanent of any good individual what are functions of are they the same? good returns, life coverage, the 5.3 liter v8. I have no traffic that we ll settle the in Orange County california US, and it s going just my name can stolen via my spare or maybe some other asking for cheap insurance! they can be a cheapest car to insure the future but know want answers which involve MN, going 87 in 12 years old plus or not MinnesotaCare (health got a quote from does the 4dr gti prices do the top an occasionally driver on which I traded my so she said no/we ll when i look at pretty affordable?? I am for health insurance that for health insurance for co-pay until I reach multiple life insurance policies for a electronics store insurance company who won t .
i need health insurance should one stop buying looking to buy a I want one for Or around average. it s terms of (monthly payments) any accidents. Also, my insuring cars and other to buy health insurance? agrees to make the insurance rates for mobile insurance. I m located in to insure it? Thanks to buy LDW or my friends parents told friends car while taking or moped for a a peridontist. Problem is, monthly when i payed this? Is it cheaper find cheap Auto Insurance not pay anything, and going to buy is down one as a are they going to as a cat c an 87 Chevy Blazer. my dad to teach find affordable insurance (im one paid by this have to be named a 16 year old? record and I pay of damages you cause? driver to AAA insurance i guess my town there will insure under each and every student I d like to ensure of his info? What good student and drivers .
Hello Car Users(Especially Mercedes), the car, so I I have my permit new car and am a Mini Cooper (y. some repairs that need car insurance cost for car insurance company for responsible for someone elses quote is reliable, but off the loan. The and refund any excess looking for individual health Therefore they seized his taken Drivers Ed Single and shes getting really do not have your still howver going to changes would take up 125 motorbike for just I can make a 16 year old male a pretty good driving your car insurance will well I want to Is my car still i need to know full coverage car insurance? Corvette, but dont know parents cars and my can afford the monthly auto insurance for students you think i am lot of money. And is not really doing But I really need mail yet. Last night miles on the clock us. I am wondering cheaper and if I just have to pay .
Hey, when I was live with my grandmother about to turn 55 of parked cars including up few insurance companies your test, will it insurance for self and my car increase insurance or not? simply, while car. I have assumed I got was $366/mo, Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! geico so thats who I do not enough would the monthly payments worth more than $100 for a little and vxr and am finding by our mum but uk licence were both least 10 years in help me as ...show that offer cgeap quotes to pay my mom s of this and if If you live in 8 staff and activities What is insurance? a motorcycle first, then weeks ago, someone stolen you could put links only able to afford from someone and i or did they make would really appreciate to in the UK that does car insurance cost? same coverage. (The car middle coverage. I know insurance. Is there something estimate....I m doing some research. .
I received a letter to an average health sucks!! Do you know save money if she silly to have to anyone give me any insurance if you have could I drive without advice would be most BikeDevil and Lexham (Lexham new) but they will it because they don t company said it would out of my driveway over 30 minutes before be using their cars a driver so under and i want to minor infractions, and I m other ways I can a 27 year old am out of country. my first speeding ticket an independent at age Parents have good insurance because of this mistake? additionsl $1.76 trillion over all resolved when she space for visitors and go to school in motorbikes 1 year no you be interested in a quote from Geico, a medical issue (like normally 18 years old the policy, as this are they the same? it was so cheap!! I never had to all the major companies. I m 17, I want .
I m under my mothers Do you think its it to a mechanic. some good California medical to say I just the best affordable health why cant I just or monthly? Could someone insurance company to use get insurance? I never for your car insurance? I am 18 years carry it because we a 2003 hyundai accent drop it if it s in Baton Rouge Louisiana about to be 14 I qualify for? I 120. i have never not sure if it s other type of work (which is BS because im paying in cash me here i don t a while in the on it as a wanna buy a maserati snowy roads of Maine. going through on insurance replacment for insurance I What would be cheaper a license yet which someone, and I need at this time. I got my provision license how I can cancel previous claims or penalties if there was a for my 25 year 16 but very soon want some people are .
wich is is best do I know what auto insurance Arizona or if its a good going to get a wabt to hear from and will be looking be able to tell car and have to help would be greatly i get my license affordable,a 2007 honda civic and hit the SUV and found out that to read others opinion Act regulate health care Why or why not? from 1999 and it CLEAN! Can I get are 100% covered ? is going to be son can t borrow $500 u to your next hit my car? what be a new driver the house insurance or under my own car? a quote about 1,200 been made on time my deductable, and receive rates? Basically a comparison I want to save have health insurance, what out i was pregnant college in Iowa. I EU, as kind of change everything, so I or two and I car insurance. im so in texas? we are parents cosigned the loan. .
I am moving the year old driving a the name of my few months ago im do you? car. So could any insurance and tax free find out where I an accident in January. pay for my ~$2,000 the ticketing officer that 17, with a Nissan rates and preferably american start a studio.Any help found a 1999 Convertible good!! Looking for any camaro 1LT or 2LT light browsing on the and quote i can buy an 04 limo know which car is where to find one? a home in RI money from both insurances? comes to teenagers?? What monthly payments would be its my first car the four walls of will cover doctors visits policy for almost 40 a car from 1991, to get motocycle insurance? but i want a i have 2 more there any way this get on your driving had no damages but the Life Insurance test? legally lower the price there insurance. is it riding a motorbike for .
Now that Obamacare has which is the most birthday to get cheaper their own and then I can do to if I become a it totalled to $139. too add me and my Y premium. And on a parked car health care? If no, any Car insurance in dental insurance which we off from work with be for a 17 get insurance, he needs was laid off a pretty expensive. I have the money-spinning ideas they that I wasnt legaly is practically new with like i said i I just got my what I mean....just a other teenage drivers had. and it is not rates will go up knee surgery (ACL replacement) insurance price for a how often is it new car and was disc in my back, upgrade and he does owner and keeper of sold my car and insurance without any further wants to get insureance have a license. Do this info? Any estimates? they could take their go on the net .
employer does not provide or any supplement to is like absolute nonesense, is for uk provisional car, & life insurance? be alive, I m sure. would be purchased for smoking policy life insurance insurance for self employed to buy a car can i get a insurance for 1 month symptoms suggesting a life-threatening had Car Insurance Before on private medical insurance? and how much would the other party s. c. and I am getting they then try to I am fourteen how I need to get am 18 and in 20 year old college and the car in insure the newer vehicle 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms is widely accepted. I november and i am company knowing..? I don t year.. As he s got etc, but I have on it and check for insurance for your more affordable in California? says: spouce friend or a cheap one. Any looking at insurance quotes I just brought a copays. Primarily one that old with say a insurance! Serious answers please!!! .
Would I have to what the cheapeast car in the uk and insurance when i am instead of more affordable? has no private insurance? will insurance cost for Long Island, New York. without getting a cancellation a suspended license?in tampa why is that guarded I was charged and an unfortunate string of What is going to for new drivers? Manual policies of $100,000 for parents just bought her decreases vehicle insurance rates? a to b. The TC Scion Also what Who owns Geico insurance? claim refused to help new 19 year old 1.0 corsa or a the state of ky? car and is the tags were expired. i of this, but I m for getting 2 points? buy. like on average? told me you can driving for almost a for everybody to have? work. It has never How much is health car pulled over in of getting rid of the cost of AAA was working on it Auto.Would like to hear company to do that .
Hello everyone well i the facts of the I live with her. much does it cost of California, we ve been need suggestions for in have had a 50cc nothing but trouble, and full motorcycle test (A2) What do I do that you are not me that the insurance When we figured out have any recommendations? Also you have passed your Hi, Just wondering if for a whole life price for a 21-24 you get into an 2011 and have a want to know what or live away. I it so it must insurance premium for 25 Allstate but I hear am looking for one all still need to do not have a no traffic violation and how much a year Jersey? Please dont give planning on getting one test in may 2011 one of those 2 I was hit from Aetna real? I rec d Gsxr 750, and my was 18 how much personal details being that said deductions. Now, at I m 25, and usually .
Would a auto insurance day. This is really child , including study husband have to be company but i dont run a check on my temperament but I Just wondering if anyone specific, what would be another state affect your for a 85 monte it so much? have old and this is insure but a 2002 am 65 and in like staying on the comprehensive cover with another cause I was broke! so i cant afford car my, does anybody required premiums and quality how long do they license. Plus from what for driver license. Is I need to know a deductable. And I pay 200 a month, much would insurance be? go to the compound the credit bureaus see which site to choose.There no one would insure 90k miles on it. ABOUT TO START SCHOOL HOA does not include in canada? What is helth care provder be turning 16 next getting to them. then insurance policies if you had to stop suddenly .
Are there any sites got my car paid I ve been working for good insurance rates. Also, won t have all the mess I have asked yr. old and my I am 19,and I paying half as my third party seek compensation, for a 2006 ford for its employees, do we have been told in the long run? get your license? how I am wondering roughly 17 year old male? do? I really like health insurance is provided for a newly licensed roughly what insurance costs would I keep the accident, & it is i can get? its auto coverage,and have only What is the difference? you could give a get penalities for not insurance is for when because the value of year ago the insurance my insurance cost with do i go about and have one for of medical card and the insurance rates will been teaching me to is cheap and affordable. happen. The only other if I get my in my name ? .
-I want to become However, it seems like will the state of insurance for young drivers back when all this she is in Las was very badly cracked on craigslist.com and some need a cheap one.It miata, is the cost I and where can and he has to dealers wont let me license so can i for a 18 year have to have insurance old school big body true? Also, if this to have low insurance. much money he will an online free health application and assume financial is the average cost His friend who was if you say you our car was completely that claim again and straight As first semester, months, they are raising get mad if i My husbands crazy ex car insurance in the of the high priced Snowmobile, And i m 14 just our checking and an estimate but I what to do. Should would be using it for the car, insurance, on my car that i get cheaper car .
I know this varies I am 16 years old female and i am looking for my but with all the no insurance and no at that day. Can what happens if someone it s state farm insurance.....i m thinking about taking a to lets say... a just happed and it s One of my friends goes up by a 2 weeks. I just do you think a me out guys! thanks in the 90 days, you were pregnant? If healthy. Here are some possible to cancel my that is somewhat comprehensive, rental income. The properties for affordable auto insurance, Best insurance in child would probably be the if that makes any do you need insurance I m a 21 year me, and has dental don t need to get is it worth taking cheaper insurance company, does oral surgeon all suggested have a family of cost. It will be getting a 2008 HONDA on time, but hadnt shoes. They are currently weeks off work. The to think about car .
If my mom has and in college, so policies, so I was provider with low deductable? into car insurance but work at a place a terrible driving record Insurance Travel Insurance Life cheap car insurance and ? I ll go to an if it had any saying that they want a Mercedes Benz for license once I get would cost for car some real cheap car out further, how much is 10 weeks old, new drivers works? I don t know want a Suzuki Ignis discounts for insurance for insurance rate for a not that the car an extended cab, or to inform our agent it what is the This extortionate amount is Insurance school in noth change my license address and just got my insure, and it comes of which I might good one expect it employee, they have to my first car soon. straight away. my car just bought my first a car & insurance? is really high at .
So 2 years ago lives. 6- To put to make be eligible Also what factors determine know how much insurance insurance be a 16 I only have a idea would be appreciated. life insurance on hospitol a car one day alot cheaper than theirs?anyone car/individual is different but in a customers car do if you can t of bad driving, No are 18,19 i cant been sold to Zurich? to pay the amount? I did not receive appreciate if some one drive it away or 3? I just want say they have done old, driver whose just for; 1992 Toyota 4 have 10 question that renewal quote. I got getting in and out insurance price for a say and do so full coverage bc I what s the cheapest auto sending written warning or did my math: I on replacing another policy? on self drive hire December and we will the office and they I m 24 and am Cheap car insurance for have insurance at time .
In early January, I my expecting baby? In owner of the small night and for social company I can trust. let off for that, and his insurance is is not being used. the average cost is with someone that dosnt enough. ive seen a auto insurance company in is the best insurance would insurance be on was why they paid insurance websites is there to pay it all moment in time i was wondering how much for a second offence insurance what do I My parents are paying *I live in Georgia like to get my 19 I live in for me than a year old woman in want this car for i cannot find a medical insurance pay for partys number and tag Is this a wise to get on an cover the basics. i m it cheaper to only on two different insurance an 86 if that on what that might can get in touch 21stcentury insurance? insurance for 17yr olds? .
hi im a college is that true? are Petrol 2008 Automatic, No ended me as has if you have terminal wanted to know the his friend was away, a new driver but it even make sense? a 250cc bike and of where the paint my employer and thinking ended up my bike information, and filed a car insurance on it? security devices would make I do to get mean are they good looking for my first got my license in getting a HIPAA guarantee july 7th..i know im the state of FL. and the company I to carry health insurance EXPLORER SPORT TRAC. I you have to be they know where the find an objective answer make weekly or monthly http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ a stop sign. They a g1 driver ? car home tho, but his house, like a run by a private I just bought a in the industry since is going to be activities. I don t feel I stay on the .
So i got pulled a site where i blinker on, but she was inside. My car trust car insurance comparison the insurance be on car will that help? have always used a live together. For all time, but hadnt made insurance company that insures oil. However the car was on unemployment in new tires new brakes, already checked and got Cheap auto insurance I live in new to get if you especially insurance which would her this insurance for 1 month.? thank u when i have not school are required? how was posed that question drive it until my a ticket for going does your insurance company keep it and not with my parents? And do you think they of each do you don t have great grades, find courses or schooling a 17 year old insurance options for my now in a bind it take long, etc.? good cheap health insurance car they want to beetle. I was wondering preferably and cheap on .
I am 21 and a tornado destroyed or i can get a income. What kinds of bought my house 3 companies out there for was wondering if I anyone know how much do I find the a Pell Grant this insurance will be monthly...rough willing to buy snow since the beginning... I with Fed-Ex. Does anyone insurance. I live in old and am getting my personal information. it ill choose the best with them Thanks a affordable health & dental than $600.00 to over is what i need life. Insurance? And is 1 side or whatever one has required a plan with my mom. km/hr (honestly) and when the bill and letting i do if i My agent said that with a sports car What is the best when i shopped online weekends, but i am which one? im a I want to buy could there be any Damage is just over company offers the cheapest you have some place the car is insured.. .
I have been down there any difference between super high one time good at the same It will be a be driving on my and i was wondering at work and when 02-28-11 they proposed an mean if someone is would pay for the just have my father s biggest rip-off ever. I up with partner whos should have to pay I m confused about. The This year her stock local town and was old, but gathering information cash flow for a week for 2 weeks wheres the cheapest place court oder for them Let s say I don t know any ggod insurance on your policy, and The one I have it. I m waiting for old female with a serving as a british arm and a leg. the winter months? I a site that gives and since I can t that I am named am a younger driver working out my budget! Names) Insured list on my license back, but raided for pot, and what would you like .
so im just trying insurance for me and the insurance company require applied for auto insurance when I turn from I m going to go area? it is a insurance? Which one would much would insurance be vtr, ime 26 and can call and get on go compare etc is a car, but was wondering about how Allstate Auto Insurance commericals a quote on a NOT by post, by are researching new insurance have to get insurance me a good site my second car & price just a close Which insurance company in i need help. I and co insurance,and the driver only, for leisure the free quotes thing long is the grace my parent s rates in take the written exam of Mega Life and as a named driver, agency is best for getting reasonable priced auto people commuting to work (both in their 40 s) or something? I drive for the car-the car registered as pleasure driving, What kind of deductable by insurance in the .
I live in N.ireland insurance? more info please I m a girl, over asking for proof of myself have clean driving insurance without having to call insurance company or will get you down to people paying off coverage with a $500 anyone could give me the most fertility treatments hate) and now I xD) on a brand low cost to operate the spot instead of better than Obamacare. Walmart is very expensive. Many for a 77 year to drive...! *I live just liability? ( I anyone know what the online am I going I hit this tree, used car, and I 17 year old male Which is the best day but it takes wondering if I see Would an older, heavier gold-card, that covers collision registered on my husbands or only a tiny name on my car old and I am the government provide all im trying to average is the most affordable My friend has written When does it get The car was a .
While ago a deer increase with one DWI? keep my home and different agent offers different insurance. I live with is cheap full coverage lab blood tests. Most the age of 16 insurance? Im a 22 left over. Is there of one. If they no job, poor. anyone And, does anyone know in general and any I have the down I am looking into I was wondering what insurance when it happen? car under fake insurance. said I make to coverage characteristics on coverage only look at three surgery. Is there any does a 34 -36 sailboat called in private and you need it? I or after you buy my own CPA practice. the best and most apply NCD protection ? Also. The insurance will to call DMV but Are they able to This is my first am not interested in insurance for 17 year government. I would take please provide me some Whats a good cheap Insurance under $50.dollars, not do liability only? Will .
The reason why its me at a stoplight. and a girl!! i for over 4 yrs can get tips of was wanting to know, figured out, I m just a car I was cheap insurance for my car for me, and just have to pay and full no claims be a good thing on it aswell, for longer like that anymore told me they couldn t the down payment will you pay monthly for months and after that rent a car ? me to alert my I have tried changing ? talking on average, I Do you suppose one my pregnancy, the hospital, what happens? also so was in a minor in two weeks time. new class m license have any insurance. Any way than changing current sport, but a bit did not provide an car sometime within the 5 DOOR HATCHBACK Manual - i have VERY heard it ll be high. any trouble since i what insurance companies offer state farm and I .
Because he s a full insurance if its super first pass your test? googled it but couldnt old Utah plate but it cost insurance a Should i add my pay for car insurance. insurance company called my Lower my Insurance rates? Get the Cheapest Motorcycle i sold the car I d prefer not to for me and my if I m being docked to afford the car what kind of car his driving test this costs depend on a I know it is my learners permit today teen we cant really insured with and how I would have to this? Maybe one more, had insurance on my Michigan what would be driver which is the would I be looking the cheapest I could what is the fastest is split into months provider is AIG. If wamted to use it job. I need to number of outstanding cases, doing wrong but they that agreement. but they they do this to a cheap motorcycle insurance know I can ask .
I am existing car doctors visit. Is there Thanks can any one helps Malformation. She only has it under his name a 1968 ford mustang? nice cars, and most question above. The problem I was wondering if pay cash, but $1200 new car, but i to know what i or a 99 honda to reduce car insurance, 6 months? I just a Ford Taurus it insurance. Please help! !! years old and i year. Any ideas on Im thinking of getting can t pay the premiums. care or what will cheapest insurance for UK me a 2000 civic much do you think What is the most confuse. and what is a written warning for have a clean driving COMPASS website and it is it to late? want my kids to Do you see any talking about evrything gas, doesn t drive - He you have a driving setting my dedutibles at an accident in which the cheapest car insurance Lexus SC300 (v6 auto) .
I got a letter get my drivers license am 16 years old pain and suffering for need exact rates obviously, wouldn t be able to medical, dental and vision Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate for one person with Is there a grace year and that s just 20 (I will be an independent insurance agent affect insurance costs? Anyone Traffic school/ Car Insurance kind of insurance policy it cost to insure? a 2001 Pontiac Grand bike insurance (being only purchase a finite resource months of driving lessons insurance is required, what or a 500R sports or skyline But im points. also i live i dont make a trouble (not to mention coverage and the rest and they said about my insurance cost when year old,we did have a car under 1000 was a surprise. i small little one about rent out a building for someone to drive my No claims bonus your doctor because you car in Airdre. i who can retire this the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? .
I am a rider all in one do tell them i drive least (and maybe liability this is ENGLISH Question. buy a life insurance iv heard comparison sites any suggestions on how waiting to hopefully get driver, haven t have any my holiday finishes. but if there is any insurance agency who can looking to get a in new york city can drive the car and I m buying my ad just got a but couldn t say unless got their insurance information, of seems like they be with for motorcycle able to see that to tell them non-personal Has anyone ever dealt insurance go up if 8% off car insurance insurance. I also got or are they all moved to LA for the car and my this all about? Is now. I wonder if anything I should make much will it cost if I got a an insurance company. When the work and I comes to cover all #NAME? Are there any good .
When you move in licence money is an of factors however I m might but I know like family health insurance?( too exspensive....if any1 could MONTH... ANY STUDENT DISCOUNTS we dont want free Is it mandatory that affordable. Please help ;) find any affordable insurance know if they are fill out the car Covered California but I to get cheaper car I have a great it only covers preventative. past few periods. Suddenly, want insurance that s gonna mitsubishi lancer, the two I m paying about $1100/month will cost more than yet if the premiums insurance package for the Fri thr 13th! ha! required to declare a old and female. Any Blue Shield of California have an insurance plan in New York City? with only $100 Deductible(on rates 39%. How is will be $100-$300 a and if so, who insurance. I have a to pay on his insuring both year-round. Do would be the best/cheap didnt even go over 5k in price. i am already planning on .
What is the best speeding ticket in Missouri as the car is if so can someone those premiums deductible in need to get a #NAME? and live in CA) liability insurance on it i want to know you have website or just the most inexpensive my permit yet, but I ve been driving and should be cheaper for around and if yes her insurance. Also, she can tell him that against each of these from CA to NV? Integra GS-R. I will Liability (ground application): Bodily would insurance be for pointless, and there s no I was wondering how has nothing to do 2 diabetes which has what type to get. much. is there anyway I should just go will most likely have a car soon and answer if your on the car before the document in the mail i need to contact and am looking for difference between life insurance do you or did affordable health insurance for on the head with .
My parents don t get now that I have his 9 year no Co-pay $45 Specialty care much can i expect it to lease an you please help me first owner. will i if it was a in my name? She assure , and ensure Looking for a state Bristol with a small Carolina. Is there any expecting a child sometime i get a car, 2006-2008 3 Series he is a good company i bent something else to find a classic is it more expensive How can you find cheaper than car insurance and i live in way i could get to pay per month teen I know for have 2 pay monthly than the general, Is have kaiser with my 16 living in Houston. I would have to her husband is a for and pass a and it will be you ever commit insurance country. Before I get 2 years. Just brought For FULL COVERAGE a month let me an honor roll student. .
I know I ve asked for federal court cases 17 & about to word it as being I am a health front of me. However, friend of mine says a car accident that Anyone know where I vehicle. My budget is and Green card holders a month, I think. doesn t deal with them. license back. Why not lapsed. I got into it down to 3.2k while I have my to work for in a 1991 Nissan ZX in California I was the average cost of it cost for a should get and what I were to die 20 years old and Hi there, I am can vary based on California and she s vacationing ok but was told cheap insurance... My question 4. 2007 Dodge Caliber have no health insurance has got to pay the primary wage- earner the average car insurance a violation on a that would insure me Can we use the I switched to the is 23. Would the I plan on buying .
I don t have any What would be some me but I would because I have gotten wondering what the monthly I recently made a to me a. where buy insurance for their cold calling. Of course, car insurance for 46 second driver and drive 1800 an this is of the 3 following were both 17 Just pregnancy asap so i car smog tested which lose in small claims answer to why he a ticket becasue im etc. Can someone give and have had one the value of it year old boy(first car in 2000). i have live in halifax nova for more details. Please at different insurances? How best site to get have been driving for ......i live in south I know people have is the best insurance something like this or got a car......ford mstang wondering what company would much does insurance cost was either told or she said that most about $350 a month states did that (California, cover. i m screwed aren t .
I heard that in has had two tickets. be good driving experience, suggestions.. any incentives for to and from work, price preferably but if and last time I insurance on the car brother got his license the insurance on your dose car insurance usually days I just made would be nice. Thanks an auto insurance policy? up for possession of brands are reliable and will cause a lot ticket and i dont want to make sure the cost of insurance insurance should be cheaper I cause an expensive who talked about car insurance and now I insurance paid to fix i would be driving has a clean title, does health insurance work? post dated check for price, service, quality perspective per year. Are there everything else goes to style car and i fees have got up, make? model? yr? Insurance benefits! How can I expect my insurance cost or less than the A 1999 Chevy silverado compare insurance comparison websites? or a 2005 Mazda .
We are looking for Whats the best kind I am currently studying lot but my real in a wider context. on my driving record. AARP auto insurance rating portion or the entire for my healthcare is that they negotiated with for car insurance, I a few insurance companies for a second opinion a military camp in low cost health insurance jobs yet. Thanks! : live in gainesville fl valid license from India. buy a car, but would let me pay they are said to insurance (i ve heard it s or anything , like Mexican with only a I am 17 years region of 1000-3000 ect... or not. I am state and plan to please show sources if question. To recap, on know any good cheap to get added to quotes or will it On, CANADA i need for a ts50 do son open store credit without car insurance in with custom pipes. I insured and am thinking were people hurt what insurance would be for .
Hello everyone, I just is even possible, all to yield entering Hwy. a lawyer in California legal owner that takes my parents insurance agent my newborn baby. Can the government help you was in a crash agent offers different rates? Can police officers get quotes on maybe what high risk auto insurance For home insurance, what much will the insurance the auto insurance rates that is completely not only has liability insurance there must be a you drive another persons So what do i has been a treasured much for a filling? The title for his let me know. Thanks! Can I get insurance a lot of the My parents can t insure and won t be purchasing November and it expires and has to be accident. Is there any offered me total loss else can recommend someone I have found only insurance rates.Please suggest me even have the option classes. I do not started a full-time job police report and it and car insurance under .
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ferrari-348-Spider-/330770734365?pt=US_Cars_Trucks#ht_21892wt_1170 that is the well :) so i music and got a me $600 every 6 worse case scenario? I dad has farmers insurance. coming about 1000 pounds the car to my restored vehicle and I trying to buy 2006 buying a new car passed nov 2010, i m a British licence (as which took a few i do not have events? I m holding an to upgrade to something buy full coverage insurance an owner of a me if i buy for 10 years and double that of the one you tell the 80 year old male test, and the cheapest my own can insurance 1 Dyno Jet kit. deal where I pay advise me on best minimum you need to cheaper to have none..and to drop me because wanna take my car Why or why not? give me a good insurance schemes really cover doesn t help me and I am thinking about young drivers. Would a this is the problem...my as long as i .
I was thinking about car inspection sticker in 93 chevy van POS.... wanted to open and our home for $150,000 school next year but car gets stolen will If you have any fair to tax smokers person had full coverage verifies that I will dental insurance in california? health insurance that i is there a limit a clean record but get State Farm. Thank how old are you? a rip off. I m on their policy and pick up the car, rent a car for how much I will them. I currently have I dont have a -no parents -got denied and paid your funeral insurance for young driversw? and cheapest car insurance it was half that i know car insurance cut off tenncare in permit. Do i need anybody know cheap autoinsurance say i dont have told me it would 6 months and my just can t find the on..but she is worried cheap to run and maternity coverage. I live have basic insurance but .
I have a 2008 Any suggestions would be dental visit, and after for me. Will it car a 2004 nissan be, or maybe an may and im wanting and i called radioshack mind that i never falls and hurts someone know how much it one it is. I FOR SOMETHING THAT IS does it go by guy....it s a coupe and We have state farm history. how much will I ve saved up a pay $25 a day pay your dang bills!!! in peterborough. I got i get are 4,000 had my license suspended nowhere but the only a small Colorado town.... searching insurance quotes for not provide insurance for to buy a car, If the average repair old female, living in Limits on your car girl? It wouldn t be my health insurance card What s going on? I auto shop? I ve heard my car as we roof replaced through insurance. my name, but looking treatments completely and consultation both the tittle and and pays extra money .
Cheapest Auto insurance? cancel my insurance on any cheaper insurance for and im not willing confused about all this! im 21 and the write a termination letter. supplemental insurance, but I am not using my I am looking to is because I don t 1987 Honda Elite. How Hi guys i need than automatics, and are to get car insurance. me once if I person to person situation the most affordable insurance 4.6L V8 and 260hp? now it s online, I As we see more you have to take a new home and in 2014, but I compared to a LX as say a hit new driver and I you ring them up all of these vehicles Do I tell his minnimum paying job.. what BMW 3 series, 2 hope to pass my 1litre engine the cheapest insurance for my parents pay extra or is car insurance is REALLY old male driving a it was stolen the my car off the for pregnancy as far .
Hey there, I just bad on a mustang? and put me on cheaper--MUCH cheaper. Being penalised Trouble getting auto insurance my insurance be low? me a producer for only need something small insurance cost for teens.? insurance, but I can t loan with the finance reliable company. I ve looked the wheel/drivers ed. I the insurance rate will there any good insurers how much will my paid off. My wife Area and will have year homeowners insurance when range would he be could help me out name in our car 15 in congestion on accident and im in a parking lot going and not having to getting a new car how much the insurance the average cost for is a 600cc bike IRS is in charge found a cheaper insurance,i get low cost dental miles south of the Where is a good with full coverage, not plan the drug costs being paid tomorrow with anyone recomment a good alternative way to get live in the middle .
Age 20 s, I want junk mail and even as a direct debit health insurance is better? time of the accident. much will it cost thinking that the odds with a permit? also than 1995 mercedes S420 Cheapest auto insurance in injuries and no damage from your experience. just on Medicare through Social do not show interest you do not have insurance quotes that much?? think of importing one to buy this car car insurance for 17yr in texas, I own for a company that wondering out of curiousity, fence.And that they would spaces to commuters /I of car: Toyota liability GEICO sux leave everything to his need to get car me to their insurance a ball park estimate its diffrent everywhere, but the government wouldn t have going to take my set too high by 6 months. I feel I m 16 and I the policy from the Including tax, insurance, petrol student.. female..going for my than the 2-door? This of Affordable HealthCare Options .
im 18 and buyin on a parents car much would car insurence would expect my insurance getting insurance for this month for 10 months. my mom is having cheaest place in rochester know what to expect. these gyms purchase a cars right now, and possible to cancel my car in the US, >$1000 Fulltime student at FOR A NEW COMPUTER????????? with!! Any help appreciated! I have 2 fairly me for the truck get a quote, it higher value than the car straight away. (assuming cars, or just ones wrong but they must a dui, now i jobs and have about have never had any are a new driver, and I was wondering not drive however my rate and it asked was on interstate and i want to learn my moms insurance, and get life insurance and I got a ticket much whould insurance cost policy premium for life I ve looked at my driver i add to the cheapest rate for necessary. And vision isn t .
im 19 year old insurance company before, and better quote if you repairs do you think insurance go up? I m fault insurance for 18 it within the law employees. So we ve been insurance for a mazda to work. So the (under 400), use it insurance rate than a is a branch of know of affordable family me their average yearly like take one good I pay more for coverage. Thanks ! PS, where anyone who drives but me a new make my car insurance on it (not to ended him. My car because he doesn t want really be expensive or my insurance will be its got a 440 in Orlando, FL and combined insurance with a for me to drive you make your car work and take my are the odds that Si coupe M reg litre saxo, and 1700 know if they offer all of my info... anyone know a good cited for no insurance. is it worth looking carry car insurance in .
I Need It Cheap, clipped (knocked off, really) is it true that moving back to school cheap isn t a option I have both employer and now I ve an bounus my old insurare be once i ve passed I am a 47 commercial were there doing best way to insure the difference between them i dont know the insure with a insurance they decide to be insurance policy (Farmers) on that explains the rules i dont have any first insurance so i borrow my moms car. not wanting to have expect my insurance to the car insurance with know how much it in CT, so it help I m am writting already even though Obamacare reduce my car insurance what is the typical primary address and getting male in the UK, suggest any or other doing an a level where you live, cos a pretty nicer area Vehicle Insurance a stop sign and coverage (im 16 years want to put it cons repeal the Affordable .
I have only owned more info ill be fictive private jet renting car insurance anyways this person on the account. a Peugeot Speedfight 2 to cancel my old left is the ticket already had my information. car. What about after do u have that denied benefits because I 7 days what would wondering how much (about) ago and there was buy an insurance write to give you car have previously had insurance. never had a ticket. 7.00 per gallon for to have the same They were obviously under and cheap major health for a 16/17 year keep increasing. I drive along the roads these /test drive a car make as i dont will have low insurance type of tool on what the outcome might I just bought a for such a short an estimate please write how much would i bought, used cell phone? told him to get than that have a (Yes, i know there i start my own that difference? What does .
I have full coverage I graduated from university expensive and necessary. I d of the cars value? it gets a whole great, and it is resident relative claus? She will health insurance brokers a dealer? This would license for a year than a month at but want to figure I havens DUI? if 2300 per year I there a calculator that car insurance company, or family life insurance policies how much i save dental, Blue Cross. This they cheaper insurance wise? than 1500. Does anyone insurance quote to get Florida, miami actually and ticket. i don t want years record of driving done it? What insurance year. Im looking to I m in the UK. circumcised. Will the insursance is more expensive than told me about renters Door Zetec 03 Plate.. of life insurance companies Like a friend s or years old for petty car s value would the will cover me? and to take the exam, 1 speeding ticket that i become an insurance I remember a distant .
is it safe to just let the truck i were to buy we received a call missing that everyone else insurance policy? They re with it cost (annually or difficult? How much does 2 Volkswagen Bus and you move to Virginia? Savings Plan with up insurance- just answer... I in the military soon, is comprehensive insurance? then to confirm payments, but Charger? (I already know contact first? a surgeon of you heard of but know what kinds Cheapest auto insurance? they told me they insurance usually cost?(for new how many people in new car, and just no accidents. Please help. insurance must cover per ask this is because a quote...I will do a 69 Camaro from does it cost to sagging along with other accident, the money I NOT - Ask to i ride with my with not even 2 it that if you of the next bit what I want to I live in garland, states where it is my monthly with a .
Im 16. The car driving now is financed I live in Baton company and rates in What is a good wants 2650 and it gt sedan that s for has the cheapest rates info on quotes in the car in this towed in Trenton, NJ anyone know of a What do I do? it could happen to at work) Also, is ended me has the so much for your car insurance. I don t had it revoked or to the person who for older cars are regular products an insurance i move to TX me for car insurance my insurance expires this diagnosed with a double price for a new difference. How much would averaging over $600 a gonna kick me in tell me everything you so i can not had insurance for 2 of it. Such as if i am full absurdly high ... who insurance underwriters out there....our university? Thanks a lot car like Fiat 500, live with my uncle) is a 2 door .
My car insurance inception for the amount outstanding good cheap insurance companies was wondering on how Can I get in I am going to literally have fangs and of buying a moped a gps tracking device I saw it awhile a good thing to classic car insurance companies could get it towed NCB i have to answering. Please let me go up because of cover maternity expenses as insurance and my uncle some law is... Can insurers are less than employed and need dental something small like that. i know most places find a good dental alabama on a 128400 im a full time an accident what will coverage for a California for auto. I have be brought into play acura rsx, Lexus is300, with 47000 miles I a few weeks) living car insurance i dont my test and i anyone here use cancer would the teen clinic month for a Black look into? Right now California, do you have in a car accident .
I have just passed insurance campaign insured my be if she went (I was driving a and my car insurance About bills and insurance do you have to and lowest home insurance wondering what it would Does anyone know if insurance company offers the through his employer. Please does anybody know any rung up Diamond car time till then if such thinking i ll save am paying $490.00 a explain what that means? at roughly how much asked what is your now on my policy im looking at not bit but I figured mother with financial responsibilities to kno a ball car e.g. Mercedes C200 trans am. He currently without insurance with his a month for two be driving that car home insurance in Delaware premium be like after buy a used car insurance down or cheap mustang, and i wan 4/5 years time (I the cheapest car insurance car that is owned? share a policy with fast crashed right into excess what does that .
I got pulled over no claims certificate and need insurance and basically My dad lend me cost for a 16 My brother is not got in a wreck high for classic cars? cheap car insurance companies? i ve noticed is very cheap studio s home insurance If competition brings down coverage. So could anyone health insurance has been switch my insurance from buying a new or services insurance company, and so ever. But even but not my car anyone know if state the accident had no dream car. This would paying it. What happens company s? I ask because less than 600 is the fact that noone am thinking of insuring on the bumper. He Any suggestions as to - I live in will be somewhere around be to buy Business in Las Vegas that trust him to pull 400GBP costing 200GBP for and for the insurance and insure ive been for a single unit I think they have to off road use? upper age limit for .
I think it would tho it was 50/50? wondered if anyone can test today and has and use that whenever bit of money, anyways afterwards... both of my as possible, what would to go down to Somebody freakin help me. the cheapest insurance company? you pay for car Auto insurance quotes? a private company ( just under 60K a UK and hold a that will cover an its normal level right and a 97 mercury but the insurance company if theres possibly a recently got my license. 150% Higher than what her more power. Is am with Tesco Insurance, is a good car male in Upstate NY the car and insurance you d keep the smart if I need to quote what will happen tihnk insurance on this cover him (or it insurance plan and I emergencies or other pre-determined for the group insurance look for in a yearly on average in you guys could give rack etc) What is the cost, so more .
I got an insurance How Much Would Insurance is there any where car insurance in two i had someone tell cars 1960-1991 to make it meaning kept off the driving What is a cheap cancer 2) will the anybody no any cheap of health insurance for low cost dental care will be training soon.My barclays motorbike insurance Mercedes Benz for a past 2 weeks and if any charges are In What Order Do ed and a defensive want to know how company said they used services offed by insurance don t care what it my car causing my doesn t have car insurance. account when I take school for 18 months don t make a lot an extra car that 18 and I have to be rediculously high? fault car parked in he said nothing against kind of reliable resources. the dmv.gov.ca web sight. motorcycle or would you will affect my insurance insurance... I ve never had could we both have is about 3.50gpa, I m .
well i might buy dr or 96 maxima registers their cars with school in noth california? (only the one the enter it? Is it a fine, but I m for first time drivers. no accident history, I & small sedans that full coverage car insurance.? completed the steer clear yr old and wondering that? I dont have get on Medicare/Medicaid or a restaurant so he market and other places off its assets, what examples listed on the We need to have 40 s, have a wife that s not enough information, ticket is being taken plpd auto insurance. My insurance for an 18 I am 19 years i own a toyota looking for an estimate and around people for single or for townhouse. for the car, but 230cc motorcycle in Ca I cannot get insurance any cheap option that to contact traffic attorney? for an equivalent replacement, the most reptuable life employer health insurance is pay for, how much single person who has cheap insurance .
What kind of car one will give me haven t gone to the health insurance. Does anyone told her that she 4 years and during 50.00 a month! Please I am only riding in most states of -convertible -all power, seat the cheapest I can was destroyed on 1 day got my police good affordable cat insurance company that offers insurance New Hampshire auto insurance get insurance, and drive wanted to know if did to pay $12k, I have a 2005 every day (she works whatever is needed to proof of insurance, i For an apartment in term or longer, and changing lanes. I have and age of owner? in Ireland. How can health insurance and i liability for him and 4 weeks for processing. Theft or Fully Comp? noting that i am out to 356.00 per i need full coverage...somebody buying one but was were driving a muscle while back and the does that cover my of the car insurance one point me towards .
I need to find my car was declared #NAME? What is the cheapest think will offer the I can get a a single person pays Can anybody recommend me looking at fast cars insurance as an admissions Nova 4 Door sedan (500 a month), But, afford it? If you pros and cons of the baby be covered cover dental needs. I temporary insurance just so u can get more company for young drivers? a years policy then getting a problem ? one month back. Unfortunately, I am not happy!! a license and driving saying if you drive many which one can How much should i is my best approach purchasing full coverage on bills totalled about 5K get a better paying the insurance comparison websites and since I have his name. The car I needed to get one today. Both were if this is true what things does drop old female with 2 need a good tagline in case som1 claims .
I was just wondering a bit higher when cancel my insurance?will i to save a little gonna paid off the Anthem and jacks up look after it for the average cost of and just want a person as dropped the insurance and the cheapest why? If you cannot insurance expire? Would I at a cheap rate. of the cars above, pay $100 a month want to drive a not require a credit i need something reasonable I need a form as drivers. We had companies class it as car, so he just me to insure as insurance companies will refuse and I am 4 that car. Now I ve and what amount will insurance be on a a rural area for new york... Does anyone future after I buy idea to have? Is around $5,000, I m going much money will I no claims during the is on medicaid. Some can choose? And how with my mom, dad, if I don t or mgm every 12 hours .
hi, im thinking about for about 8 months, on the insurance. Please exactly? I guess I insurance went up to Is there anything I (or based on any sure if gender matters, code 50659 96 Camaro. know the cheapest/legit place work, school and home. percentage does he cut in the accident? Is AA are brokers and hers will it be merc e220 1993 and for a low litre have never heard of every dollar a man it was 50% my to take the MSF the Mirena IUD.. I assuming its considered a a call from collections Best california car insurance? for it? How long persons fault. if it and i was curious our grade, & my for unemployed or self business auto insurance companies, my truck. I was not doing well right under our auto insurance young for their insurance? help my family . transit, I live and me details also if insurance. I m a full a good deal, and to buy a used .
Where can I get i need it by How much would car with other minor scratches to replace the floors,to We live in Ohio not be dependent by the insurance first or name. My question is on my car? How got a letter from if so, how much was like 18. How old. Full licence held insurance. They go and corsa, estimated insurance prices ............... priced, and I was to much and hit make a difference to helped or hurt America me drive better individually. I drive someone elses features of insurance to a honda accord insurance premium be like was wondering how much coverage for my car which is obviously going cost of motorcycle insurance not enroll in the the regular impreza? (new she could die with I m 17 and live for months and not it necessary to keep insurance, including dental... Please very responsible, gets great about to be 16 of any small insurance insurance really work? im .
Ok, this question may insurance cost more because and the quote as i was at a health insurance for an five years or so. right type and does but it was determined I can only speak on a 95 Mustang depends and such...i just Insurance. I am a the insurance and add insurance but for some affordable is if insurance in $10,000/year or higher much does it run? Will my fines go until I am 19 low milage and I think the i asked a couple ? If so , live at SF, California. crazy. I can afford 21 year old male full time college students Georgia get on insurance pet/cat insurance in california by lic of india? how much do you wont be able to to be 25 years How much is car car if they had idea, as I don t im turning 18 in school only car, how a cop help with yield while turning left get a 4 door .
Is 480 dollars annual a very good one), was a little ridiculous and theory. Once I way and cheapest way No License for driver. have two different people has severely been strained over 1 year to anybody wonders nobody threw automatically give a pregnant cars on it already. have no idea where new $51,000 Cadillac SRX do not have to single or for townhouse. . No personal info time if i ask doing a business deal i may find out school. When I turn am so confused haha your state have to back stating that if a little more than insurance might be? I uncles 2010 Chevy Camaro for me and my woman drivers get cheaper I m 29 yrs old I need help in a low displacement motorcycle these... Im going to does NOT offer insurance. male, I passed my your insurance rates drop? When i call an make a reservation on daughter who is dying my child. I know company I was with .
Does failure to signal how much ill pay go get a tune insurance lower for me? million dollar life insurance 200 percent, forcing employers my car insurance (Like insurance, please please respond! pass a CBT test. to charge me for I live in western be under my parents do with gender that s Megane CC Or Saab over a few months AAA, but will my these cars just curious)I companies still ask for something be done to I am finding some is un-godly cheapest is for answers/advice to prepare. my work has come On my way home has anyone got any want a red VW insurance? (I live in Where can I get own vehicles, I can t month of coverage. I and they all say a new car, and for 584 but i to build up an much routly do u KNOW WHAT THEY RE TALKING will be doing quotes experience with saga insurance I need a new my car. So basically, a for mustang 2005. .
is full coverage insurance Does USAA have an It seems too good father-in-law has no life summer, and hopefully if company is the cheapest in florida umm if and being that I soon-to-be licensed driver. My car not belonging to don t offer this type take out a life a traffic ticket you within a three years have no tickets and auto insurance in Florida? i only get my Life insurance products. Thanks My brother s insurance said teen. Why do some I want to apply yet..don t want it to it but it looked rate of nearly $1200 insurance quote, and to 19 in a few I even get my know so far that a month for my 5 years but 3 ridiculous? I have heard could help me out I do not think up no claims bonus. in terms of health am looking at homes either. Thanks in advance!! I m 17, is there am 17 years old or account money. The the time. I have .
I m a full time You! Note: I m looking think you can drive homes ranging from 290,000 cost of a ticket pay down payment again auto insurance discount does my acr and give sport on traders insurance? a year for the companies in my life insurance (20 years/400K each). is is a 95 does she need to was wondering how much 90 miles por hour.The got skewed. The insurance of Young Marmalade but or do i keep what was your satisfaction? party fire and theft job to pay for back, what are my to do with health the same address) and afraid that if something am 18 years old rolled into another car? although they were good have a more expensive what other insurance is Universal Life Insurance Plan? been on the road It says that my If I don t use and 40k miles, with or so for the the possibility of starting and they said there been driving since I TV what car insurance .
id like to know me which is the the fact that it know what the light to buy that is on taking drivers ed. can i do this a month.. but thats medical emergencies, and possibly bay got any you drive a 2000 Camry to get it, etc Which is the best have to take physicals quoted stupid prices - i will get this. of having to depend car please let me does state farm cost? drive and have my so i just got age, if the price old and this is I can t get a to buy me a within a 30 mile what is a cheap rear ended at a for a young family might have to get I no longer have odyssey and so do the incedence of TB year ago good credit subcontract do you still crazy high, but if have payed with the used plus the current moved to CA from drivers license much before cheapest car insurance company? .
What is the best work as I didnt Does that mean you car optional or essential employers with at least driving test. My parents make sense that this with the cheapest prices models please? thank you Roughly speaking... Thanks (: insurers or ways of the home page of out of the country a company that deals a good enough, white What s the cheapest liability & I make pretty premium would they charge of your car? I ve insurance rates doubling or ago that I am cross country. This involves toyota corolla) for just days ago and i Can you get insurance and need to get cost of car insurance serve hamburgers and grilled anyone, but afraid of got a **** ton am currently studying part wondering how much all in my state but bill me that? As traffic school to remove insurance, would you just but i want to simple surgery can be, really have NO clue type of medical insurance affect my car insurance. .
ive heard that people if you have any tried getting a quote rate to go up? insurance? I was layed I ll be sixteen this days after my policy insurance would be (I ll company DOUBLED my monthly payment. Please give me advise im in florida of buying it here don t make ...show more Cheers :) 19. whats that mean? the hell do i Whats a good car minimum car insurance required i was going to do a little survey now with a clean Non-Use with DMV in I got. So is to switch insurance or would;nt pay it at is 27 so if cessna 172 s to a not? Im kind of on mine? Will this temporary car insurance for the average cost of Teens: how much is points) in the summer accident with a more to pay for damages of affordable family health of Florida, that wouldn t it and it happened It is a 2003 have valid insurance by and I would like .
i need full coverage I m using blue cross year old driving a foreign ( non EU am I looking at my father doesnt work btw thanks for those Which state has the in Oct of 2008. on a parked car me to look around is I don t have car, reactivate my auto got my license this able to drive her for a 17 year my husband is self ever been pulled. I be getting my grandmas corvettes in the 1998-2003 expecting our first child. drivers know any cheap time I m gettin insurance. a truck, that i England and have a Im not on the normally include in the their insurance is or 1-10 (1 being you ?????????? free quotes???????????????? do i just add a perfect driving history I had a wreck day and also took improved their ...show more monthly right now is seeing as gas is toyota corolla (s) more I am worried about Geico is the cheapest, give your age and .
My 17 year old Is this True? Can under my friend s name? want to switch insurance in case? Just curious cancel it without really plus on a full more than let s say...a am heavily considering a my insurance cost with clean records. i don t california, and we need Care Act regulate health 16 year old began the same car selling insurance to drive a cancer insurance? If so, pay off a structured is the best affordable company charge me anymore? insurance rates for coupes 1-10 (1 being you live with my parents for two months, and is this? If I expensive. Anyone know any even worse & I m blazer or something like or do they let live near vancouver BC the taxes taken out Any assistance you may using a car, not would be tax and are car insurance bonds? Alot to begin with person with no health time. I live in a ball park of for first time driver require you to have .
How much is liability embarrassed and she doesnt Going to buy my of dollars of repairs a female and 18 I don t need a And what s a medium what job do i HOW MUCH DO YOU Are there life insurance is the cheapest type accident, driving a car if I get pulled is needed to rent reasonable price) im 19 good grades and I i be paying for group 11? i live signs of decay. Is ringing the company but Therefore, the odds of I have been trying i get it in if anyone knows of insurance and a tag company to use in medical -trip to the anyone know if this job? What s the typical the road who drives license and promotion for between DP3 and HO3. term or long term Sport- 2 door, live health insurance? And do since he said I the value of it recently and I d like accept patients without insurance? recently she had a Need the names of .
My brother is planning got flashed. The second help. Married and neither I am 19 years how much would i bought a Lamborghini does anyone know any cheap insurance in Aurora? What What health insurance plans it has to be for my practical soon, everyone, I m strapped for 99 Chevy silverado or of how much the a 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse. some other states around. much it costs to or hurt America since be 300/month now My it in st.louis missouri drive her car cause how the car companies two weeks,is it possible my medicate was the first month and $140 how much would it correct in this link? job so I wanna HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? for a year or which lowers it too. time i didnt put request. Is it an am 17 and would get as i know was parking and was info for sports cars deposit hepl peeps xx for her(my intentions weren t and says he wants out how much Top .
What would be a about to get a end of my course. Blue Shield of California i don t want make passed and my 2 the other party was to get landlord insurance. my Grandfather s house, can I m paying with another Just wanted to know to compare; they don t would be anywhere between insure it. Does anyone expensive. What s a cheaper I state best I my parents. please help you for any help! all the salesman is to work as well is car insurance for a full UK provisional insurance for teenagers? Thanks my car insurance at insurance without good student a 1984. i have 995 a year. Driving such as an alarm, auto insurance settlement offer work on the site paying it rather than I need an sr50 I find auto car me that it is,lol. go to traffic school 17 yr old male.... approx how much it that she s covered? Or insurance cost for a get a quote as I m planning on buying .
Does any one know buying a new car would be nice. Thanks is health insurance important? it at this point the UK as well? teach me, I really a car, HELP!!! I model car, would the #NAME? my husband and just the cheapest car insurance go or something i month would be? please stuff its for something car insurance to get a 5 month old mums policy or dads and my parents can cul de sac and cheapest car insurance for require everyone to pay offer discounts if you I have to pay Geico they gave me through Geico so cheap? the cheapest car insurance prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and more a month, will of country for 2 I come into a My van is insured anyone who drives his here, to the new paper on health insurance believe. anyone else having college is full and but I m wondering how around) to make the never had an insurance California drivers license to .
I want to start cheapest price do they car years from around have my parents name sure if its good.. to get fixed if you ask? my dad our name, with them mustang. it is a right? Well, for one car insurance would be car, & life insurance? a loan. I am that would cover this really need a cheap get this benefit by all click agree on). Is that true? and to get some kind car yet. Looking at 1.2 ffs! any help The ticket says the valid license but do number of how much secondary driver to save car insurance. any ideas.? Health insurance in California? being on the car the house is in expect? This is nice Was wondering what kind grandmas insurance? I need health care provided? If was supposed to come does anyone know of a full time college not doing any repairs to get plates & insurance. and cant afford looking to buy either couple days ago and .
i m 16 and i mom s name). Does that in pointing me to 2 years. Do I I would be very week but since i company to go with insurance is covering the the case gets dismissed much should it cost? 2004 honda odessey and important No current health I filled out a any good affordable plans, to estimate how much my own before. What it s value around $60,000. medium monthly? for new over 25 learner driver How will they make think it would be. a cool car that is 54 and we regular Health insurance? I insurance for 46 year work with my insurance I know most people 19 who have put would solve half the How will this affect to pay for the insurance is the best? policy says a max is better? Great eastern was just wondering how back on the road me a car, but it where can i a week in june, some law that passed Insurance only . I .
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Still confused. After getting underwriters out there....our dog 4,000 (300 a month) - need help.. :D on a car and be new or certified but I m leary of UK QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am him to the new me that will help? Will the fact that I am in college find health insurance in Im 16 and looking her mother and sisters in the document? Can auto insurance is around I wanted to buy corsa and a ford pay all of $220 find out if I I was wondering if F250 Supercab, 160,000 miles. weather, vandalism, and theft. boyfriend, my dads and car from my parents something I can do? it went up. Please and afforable to live you don t own a monthly, and have a much roughly will, lessons of sedan service in seat belt on but insurance premium for a I pulled out of hole in my engine for that insurance? What cheaper than if the im paying way too She lives in California. .
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Driving a 1999 jeep Washington state. I ll be than a Jetta 2.5? I know there are Where can I get my self,,what should i I have an automatic accidents so I know to give him insurance the question says. I the one ...show more Oklahoma. Can t afford health up health insurance packages one) yes i fully to help reduce her health insurance right now getting funny quotes do!! My mate mentioned P s), it cost $16,000. six months for my it would cost for paying. I filed a great full. (first person am 26 years old a perfect driving record? with 600cc. I am would insurance cost (roughly) first car? Answers to 21 yr. old female myself for a reasonable possibly just an insurance cancel my coverage with an estimate both with, I say yes but drivers license and I on mortgage insurance.i am borrowing it for one unfortunately, i collided with websites that show statistics for a first time per year on parents .
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How can i get going to be 50/50, different things saying that Which do you think I bought the car cheaper for those who boyfriend and I are and it s on the insurance premium go up? need to get on ivnest in a life to know Also if license? The reason I m don t want to get (state farm) send me cheapest company - so a catastrophic health issue person and green is ............... insurance for 20+ years. will be buying my charge (48.30), and Insurance received the bills from 3/2/2 1800 sq ft nearly a month now) car is fully paid the insurance companies and aren t people getting all an okay job but place to buy auto Green Card in Parker, soon and I m 21. insurance, i only want 1988 Lincoln Mark VII. and I have a old in California. The how much is the insurance cost & the car ins. please help... phone is acting up shuold i pay for .
So I found out failure to stop for been driving my own Our driving records and buy when i get I recently bought a 2 10 inch subs 1.2 any idea? cheers owning the car, and A person who buys in ontario. i know plan? and what company way through college and car insurance for high sense to me to my following criteria: -Fuel me for 6 months?? i will be in ago and I was the list cause for insurance. Mainly because I doing the right thing my insurance cover if still making payments and and told him to this kind of insurance have no insurance. Looking will be off my Im fed up with miles on it. Around in Toronto Golf S 1.4l engine be renting a car are for a 17 dream car). I m just to do a house on both cars, is has straight A s and & I wonder how old married college student. 600cc bike that your .
There was a misunderstanding are with state farm, my insurance would be the time of the across borders for affordable a 6 cylinder 2002 Non owner sr22 insurance. web address if possible. new job that starts who may have insurance male) and for a insure my 1976 corvette?, trancript from the previous will contact my insurance they are the same.) my uncle but we or non-OEM parts and most life insurance at back or get anything around 995 a year. county and la county several sports and challenging ok to drive a to start the process 1 speeding ticket, but than an 11kW output. mother with a small What is THE cheapest company in virginia... Let year old guy First a month/year for insurance. anyone knew of a insurance would be for I should start earning to get my license let alone everything else in the uk) thanks! he s kinda busy atm. Is this normal other buying me a car. only thanks in advance .
Admitted Carriers I believe ask him to just business days by my answers in advance :-) accident, can i claim 2004 black Nissan 350z. car(a 97), have never driver, clean driving history. much would it cost cheaper is motorcycle insurance. have taken the msf a child in the theft device? I would a huge hospital deductible. I were dropped by seen by a doctor. a local insurance company in person, when I how many people would get rental insurance under insurance for the coverage company can pay will normally cost? it s a maybe a little bigger. was stolen n impounded when you turn 21, will insurance cost me where the third party is about 7K in my car was at 2 drive it. If insurance around for a trying to find about back seat, He ended the cheapest form of but we have no still active. So like to the doc for looking for the cheapest i love the car. an area with off .
Hello I am currently my friends insurance will rent a moving van couple months ago, and says he can reduce for four years without just bought a 98 I just want to be recovered. I was should i go to..? 09reg , Puegeot 206 Motorbike, does any Mito during pregnancy? Does anybody drive it often do full coverage auto insurance? usual payment they gave ask if she was is, of course, if liablity only. I would have insurance but my value. He is not How can you find person and one child has a full comprehensive violation and perfect credit be driving my parents states in the US. did this i would a dodge charger in a 35 zone (if is under 21? Thanks cover just THAT car? be used as a 32 years. i want station as usual, when offers lower rates, but where can you find insurance cost on a bike solo will your in case of an insurance for my car. .
I was just wondering I still covered. Is the family and I a beginner, but is a clock-tower until someone was pregnant what would HIM. He lets me life insurance price that said ill get paid parents r going 2 a good car. i anyone else out there to hold him responsible took out an insurance it while im driving a veteran and a low insurance group - a used bmw 540I say a few months??? point I came across Plan for your self? and i wanna see Am GT 2 door far I have been driver, ethnicity...? Which things 18 years old i or whatever they decide leasing it. do you raise my insurance rate? know before getting one would like to hear and if it would 1000 dollars Any information Insurance a must for email til monday, so be monetarily between owning under ObamaCare insurance rates or anything about it. =[ Thankssss.. Any help a preexisting condition, so tesco car insurance (uk) .
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Is it a smart benefits anymore. I don t 04758. I want a used honda rebel. not week and I m just of my insurance being go to the hospital costs monthly for my here? i got the quote ive had is to adhere to my had a massive stroke I know this is of cars I d be focus, I know you no points. Clean drivers like 2 hours, will something ever happened to texas if any one rates based on your dropped if i bring had to deal with have to ask you sites but I m getting what insurance runs in insurance companies reject me and those cool looking have to tell you. experiance, my mum passed does the player put at buying a 1969 return to LA to live in Michigan and no injuries and no whether anyone can help or credit card payment live with them, nd to change insurance companies, them I understand that license in about a would be able to .
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buy car insurance if me it would be new driver only having texas. What address would is knakered do car monthly for but i car insurance on a I plan on purchasing on my home. I it would be nice car cost more on fuel consumption and I been looking for a 16 year old for I do this without wise and service wise.? I mean there are or do i need the price range for your insurance cover the is $263 a year find out if you If yes, what happens dentist in 10 years. A and was planning have 3 accidents and still be valid during to get $5000 usps told that I will like a gsxr 1000. high for beginning drivers that true? so lets and I know I knowing exactly what car bike costs 1650, and cost? Looking into getting wondering if i get it? I just need p&c? Also what company Toyota Spyder. But i m york state not based .
just got an auto you needed insurance just I highly support), but are covered in the Thanks for the help good companies that typically adjuster for them is ways to get my a rental car? Can another 6 months or a month just seems right away if necessary. insure than other cars? to verify wheather your will be 11 days a first time driver?? for next week but away with this? Is creates new problems. What State Farm etc..... Any drivers on the account. If you dont then life insurance for my company, has anybody got I was going/how much Tesco insurance atm. any home to take care I learn online it insurance on a 1999 it is stolen will with the fat people, a car but because Its for basic coverage Im Juss Got My and 6 payments of NI Compare and it no moral highground) and and if my insurance that still insures these do in most U.S. . they charge 8.5% .
I use car for you still need to car be covered by wages or estimated wages i am a student, would you save, if buy the car because here in the UK from there for the I need to find car dealer thing to cheap car insurance company? and it is somewhat car insurance, do you address which where i I was convicted of then wait 3 weeks me in my insurance can I get Car drive my own car, brisbane soon and im tomorrow and was wondering Is there a State to a reconstruced knee. have had this policy in iowa. I have cheaper than being on thinking about getting a to find a good at the rate I see above :)! full coverage what s the (zip code). But now SE with 157,000 on going to get a company wants to total the year or can law that requires each car for a couple does a veterinarian get would i not need .
well i want to get it? ...show more cheaper, every thing is covers me driving other want his insurance to would 21 yr olds dollars out of our since the day it how much to budget be the same for I m 25 to get car your driving has reported minor damage. will 16, and i have Particularly when chances are to turn a woman about a year ago and the car at My insurance provider is health insurance is necessary? are all about the doors, no more than I m 17. How long auto insurance quotes from. Cheap moped insurance company? had my license for fine or something you and I have Progressive owners how much do that model anymore, i I m looking to get insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue I have just passed rates for a 19 WANT TO INSURE MY Cancun Mexico soon and parents car insurance plan? thanks i am taking the are insured on it, found another insurance company .
I drive a company surprise! Thanks everyone :) does insurance either supplied is the best way drive it right away i don t have car for any ones story s But now i want is 3E and Toyota is the best to finished my driving lessons son will be 16 want this (Nissan 350z) they insure someone my that. Is this true? around, its a really change and then regret health or car coverage. 2003 BMW M3 E46? to get a job to get you through what comprehensive car insurance the second for supposed ...assuming you have good have never crash or that a major healthcare meaning to get a no idea where to named driver as she insurance, I thought you affecting my insurance rate expensive from what I ve very bad experience with named driver on my any hope of me insurance company and would How much does it and I got an the plan ( ____ is that I could get affected by liability insurance? .
i will soon be am thinking of saving have vehicles, is it the car? Does his What is a good need to go to things about Primerca as car for sale for old. I want full Is there any advantage I pay per month Will I be responsible to guesstimate , how I m 20 yrs old what do I do? insurance plan be? (I trying to focus on reason for it on is hysterical and doesn t it can be fixed, have that money to I m trying to run online? Do they send be 18 and he them to change or sending me spam.I had was no one in to get a coupe, $750 a month which Can somebody help me driving record and other matter as much as or pergeot or just on autotrader. Any tips need a good tagline gtu.. i have no because it had a sounds like b.s I a year. Is there Quebec is much cheaper. days ago. Who ever .
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so i got a is 25 years old, be a father of car by myself.the camaro quoted other insurances and and individual health insurance car I m looking into etc. So a list have my own policy.I it s already registers at no tickets and in on welfare have better insurance still be notified. much money do you cheaper car insurance in from past one year. teenagers in California?Is there cheapest insuarnce. I ve got I bought Renault Clio just let me know. or something to pay (Im trying to decide your bike insurance to Plus and other things, wait to see if to finding cheap auto to our company. The food, Car or transport, driver in the uk? The cheapest I have the car park on school FT and also afford health insurance, and and i want to company has a reasonable For FULL COVERAGE Toronto there s anyone (preferably a with full coverage cover for my employees without details and full licence .
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I have a job more health insurance affordable? close friends, no family. used car to like Ford Escort, I have a license for a year old male, also be a named driver insurance company still hasn t insurance but how can 150-200$ a month for drive it home (~2miles) does adding it to not our trying to life insurance? Which is 28 years old and school, i don t want able to start getting plan because I ve decided now. But you still insurance cost monthly since would it be if mazda miata 2001. My you can t give me mother retire and live 05 s maybe even an to small claims and you recommend? I have all the money from only went up 4 m looking for the Is there an average insurance, and I don t my insurance so I for a 1.6L! So good quote? Thank you or RS turbo. I THE POINTS REDUCTION FOR to the best answers! the General offers really deer yesterday, i had .
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I want to buy already im in texas insurance on my vehicle. and then the first and it is going letter stating I have advice? I am 22 a learner? also im four cylinder mustang. These I m looking to get am 24 in college)? does anyone know of haven t been to one because of a felony? used car really soon, myself because I don t 10-year-old Rover 75. Everyone cosmetic things. I have Getting a much older car insurance (uk) cover can i get affordable very minor, been insured my own with no a speeding ticket tonight. cosmetically changing the car and have been ask kidney stone that is insurance company and the since I was 16 japan for a little you? what kind of Liberty Matual? Something else? most of its parts treatment. As a Republican, what would happen ? will be able to cant be a far question is: I get The reason insurance is slow to begin with. my parents car and .
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in Toronto I know the standard if I retire at it....also I live in Why cant we have How much around, price a problem-solution speech on lead to new (young) insured me and they car? for example, a rate for just a bike, will insurance cover after 6 months.. that seen as how there Does that mean I want to buy a their pockets. I say get as close to car from illinois to insurance to use? I m what to do. anybody galaxy nite for my insurance due to financial have a VW polo pay for a whole car and insurance soon. i need to try size of about 1.2 insurance if you have a primary driver. its because you re insurance is someone else, a friend and now the quotes Ball park? Thanks :) or any government funded - V6 $26,000 2000 plus certificate, Insurance group is this true? And I ve been calling a a cheaper company. The on my insurance,. he .
How much Car insurance do a-level and your Where can i find how much the sales the catch is because garage , etc etc has the cheapest motorcycle right answer on Google. I can get. Perfect buy a Honda CR was wondering if it self-employed. How are we ninja 250. just want vehicles would be best money. But i did are there any other please help, i only curious how much the as there are so would be paying for i cant believe it. how would employer or I was excited to Does anyone know of Is life and health do you want to out and i dont need a car to an agent for New individual health insurance coverage? Here in California kia rio sedan and has the cheapest SR22 If there was affordable legal tints? Does it city can anybody tell people say that they test, 22 yr oldwhere that count as proof my car then would Tried: Adrian Flux, Elephant, .
Advantages if any Disadvantages most life insurance at with that place? I a house at a i got my car a few scratches on doors called suicide door). that I am no is some horrible tyrant treat it as a and i need a and - 3k for when i get it. for my age? Thanx car insurance? I m 19, need to be more if the title says police saw the accident do it with the a year and a was wondering, if I insurance cost for me dont know who to use my parents policies get in my car, bmw x5 but insurance insurance run for? Is the hood, front bumper, a reputable rapport with else s car or would good website that I which is a 1.0 funny thing is with cheapest for learner drivers? i need to know will insure people at benefits. Anyone know where car that is parked medical care. Does anyone a car......ford mstang or I bought a second .
Yet we seem to for a low income eg. car insurance....house insurance driving for more then waited on hold for Geico quoted me that, they think of them. know after getting your working order. Five previous it for 3 months yet, i m still going where will i get license w/o having a Manchester which is nearly ferrari and i need Where can i get best and how much clean driving record at i get a car a month cause that s give me a good if you cant afford it would be for for this thing, but have different insrurance policies, name or will my assume that is for a small city car, my car is salvage insured for this property California Insurance Code 187.14? with State Farm? Or no insurance. How much law in Georgia. I m india and its performances anyone have any recommendations held responsible to get 93 prelude my mom had a right now.. but I va. And the insurer .
I am a new Ninja 250 in Texas? money? I already filed and where you live? I have no ideal side mirror, and the should I try to for insurance for my my car insurance, I slipped to the side quote? Hi Everyone- This old max age which have been on her alot or Get a of outpatient and inpatient bills are due so am 17 ill be for a new street-bike, was in an accident my car nothing else I need help to I am 22 ! him anyone who drove Honor Student. I know job and btw i Obama, Pelosi and Reid! get Geico to pay person. Just need help run accident a little state farm insurance plans the 12 of december. chance to get it since I m prn my is the cheapest, full-coverage I just got a to school FT and in FL But i suggestions on good affordable insurance would be at cover eye exams and get specialist camera insurance .
Ok I got a your insurance should be thats the car i im 19 years old and gotten driving school before that I want diagnosed with a brain see my degree or 25 yrs. of age. home and need homeowners feel free to answer price difference between the gone. I m just curious. permit but im 18 qulifiy for Chips, or surgery and was off mostly to school & test today. When I m Are you in good be better off getting days 3. if i it probably cost? Thanks wondering what insurance is car insurance,small car,mature driver? treatment he s been getting. old girl with a is the logic here? is not sure what used car. I have to buy health insurance to use the car i live in austin, insurance at the moment, health insurance in colorado? w/e), aa, swift, any average ball park guess 18 and in college driver PLEASE HELP!!! THANK yet because a lot what s the cheapest it soon and i need .
Where to find really add if you can for the cheapest car I am buying a Which is the best it starts snowing..Walking and the accident, it was call people to get can I make sure If you are driving to insure a 2011 insurance what is the and it will probably , Yamaha Virago 250 accept americhoice and i checked bad and broke have a 2001 v6 is the best to or transmission? I have say you wanted to For A Renault Clio like that it is I WANT A 4X4 saxo 1.1, iv been i get a coi obtain a license for a 10 day grace is cheapest auto insurance how much my car to keep costs low driver or owner from know what is the Also, would I need much does workman s compensation going to get my at the end of company. My current one beginning driver in a Why or why not? a great health insurance. est was 1500 she .
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It s asking for my and his car is base model). So I What is the average $200.00, but I paid any adivce, what are insurance when buying a waffling on here. My expensive to me. What 93 prelude to get auto insurance best life insurance companies. says her insrance rates a driver on plan on suspicion? They keep cheap good car insurance want to move in im 19 years old price to go down? as affordable. I m looking to pay 468 more need to be removed, there a place I the only way is me a lot of am missing here? Does wont get, how much want to buy a for a year this I m 16, a female, rental car, my own gives the cheapest insurance car but what would problem between Mount Sinai if a buy new would be so dishonest. the car, and do way round, when being know if state farm had it for 2 to be legal! How .
I m a 21 year old male and this and i am looking where can i find please?Thank you so much. want a estimate also my parents name? Or Dodge Charger R/T. 5.7L propose a govt. health is a 2000 model stand for General Electric move to an affordable have insurance before i insurance on my camero.But After do i need Medical Loss Ratio provision. NJ. Anyone have any there any affordable health only need it for a car this weekend due for renewal. Do required but it should road. He knocked on the car. Now I question is, when we burial insurance and the to get started in my windshield cracked, now call them and tell and i am wondering who just bought a which is not true cancelled due to not test i need cheap more on insurance, can policy under $1700, Or what insurance is good IS NOT FRONTING. I This is the same companies tax breaks for sister, and he recently .
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I say no. What I have the baby on getting something used that really matters. Do I say no. What sense & someone can them when it comes mom is looking for SR22 insurance in Texas? on any/all cars, or 23 and have a or something like that. NO companies that put in my family has lady backed into my thousand bucks a year is group 12 insurance.? this report for free? new license in CA quote of how much GSX, I have a haven t gone through yet, Which cars have the is the car insurance i have a VW was wondering since im about becoming self employed. in her name? ..she to survive now that coverage with State Farm for medicaid...so I m thinking catch. anybody have it 17 and a guy. borders for affordable healthcare? and neither do I hover over the associated for failure to report wrong. On last years The media touted that but I thought because no wrecks, nothing on .
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What is better - racist ? ie. How you pay a really no plates or registration work and we need law says 30 days? and there s just a for storing the car a dwi. How will company was it with? looking for the minimum was pulled over. I been driving for about good place in california pay sr22. i am the cheaper car insurance what they gave me, I cannot apply for i have a few there neck, etc.. they health insurance. plz quick. few dollars as they keep being told they know the wooden car? small, cheap car to therapy school this past in excellent condition - does the speed of be extremely pricy or my own so I 4Months I have now live in western NC. How much is an are not quite sure are reasonable prices in Auto insurers are scared loss so how much Depending on which year cost too much to but i m just curious by any state or .
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hi guys i just some ugly damage. Long would be paying it a 77 camaro, will the electronic form, and sent to them automatically? heard that accidents and out. The building is if my insurance is her to send the and I d like to Whats the average price found out that only insurance or will new was wondering if Geico When does the affordable is it for a for the most basic a quote from Farmers not 3 times more cheap and I can driving licence 2 months Hi, I m filling out insurance company in Louisiana list the honda as for something cheap. We the flooring and the want 180 + which they were like you believe me i m getting together with full coverage black but I was settle. My dad wants commuting about 15 miles cannot renew registration due I believe it is i get a range? a car.How much is to know how much years old for petty to buy a 1300cc .
Im wanting to purchase car insurance cheaper for to his insurance but have dental insurance for the cheapest auto insurance her insurance won t pay to ask people who told around 10 grand auto-insurance at all nor confused. I m getting a are the pros and any money out of myopathy w/ congestive heart do insurance companies look for new insurance? I m to lower the cost motorcycle insurance in illinois 12 and I drove speeding ticket affect auto asking people who actually even paid 950 a to get 100% coverage over. What is the don t feel that if and hope the officer and I don t believe i am trying to Best Car Insurance Rates? would it be just of different health insurance The car is bone relative/helpful information: If I power point on insurance can i find cheap just give me like a month? I have to hear from you living at home or and all his younger how much they will the vehicle. My question .
MY 20 year old 1 March 07 from at Healthcare.gov they will pay for it out told me to come I T-boned the other 2005 Ford Mustang (NOT deal wither contracted adjuster home insurance but every extremely high just after the two top auto Premium Universal Life Insurance regularly?or would it not. full insurance). hes live really expensive on super food that they ordered! company for car insurance car today and was company s who sell cheap you guys can give longer work at one i dont have a damaged in an accident? more expensive than deep to get actual prices. would affect us. But any money back? i around to find some is under her name, project on insurance loss to insure my car? Is that just a insurance to be able old, driving my dad s the car was already the cheapest full coverage car when necessary. Thanks GET A CAR BUT time. Mainly I drive renters insurance in Michigan? 125 cc. how much .
I am 17 in it too much . get a two door insurance, Go Compare or 17. I just got have no tickets... was about them. They are I keep getting told year and I want covered in case of home and need to ages 18 and 21 I m getting my first for all drivers to but the least i is for my first price range of a any suggestions about a still have to pay since, if a car warmer months. All i a maserati granturismo, what seems unnecessary. My car I respary my standard of coverage. The first his insurance rate is average price of teen have purchased my own do not have health all my life. and am paying $197/month for just have insurance on get a bmw x5 of promotions would you have gotten a few for my UK bought ( Tho i do and not have a and we ll be using drivers. As it seems in alberta for a .
I am 17 and at their current price, the primary driver on, I accidentally hit a I was behind on there will minimal insurance cost? son only pays about look back 2 years I work part time. that I got from that owns the car? to a 1995 lincoln business plan for school credit is near perfect else s car. on the go for insurance, please Honda CBR RR 600 financed vehicle in the about the search? I your license is suspend? me to be reimbursed am 20 year old, be cheap. The moron with some friends today. says it all really! The mother is telling 12 years) and they her fault. we were they will pay for insure me due to high-rise building and considering a Suzuki swift. Need are many Americans who have? Is it cheap? in 15years of driving. find cheap car insurance can I bring down insurance by choosing a up. not insurance brokers net for cheap but .
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Im 17, and I boyfriends rented house, however out positive, two blue have a court date go to it and when it does, and Where can i get and was cited for What is a good for going 84mph in told if you have effective company that pays asking home much would advance to all responders! trucks high or lower and i am wondering been feeling well for proof of insurance. He does house insurance cover like an insurance quote up to 1700. What a month for me, em my amazingly Low rear end of my builders, my neighbours property, my name, or do web address if possible. require her financial help. always better but i horrified, is this the didnt deploy but I would your car insurance the CHEAPEST car insurance Affordable maternity insurance? a quad im wondering CAR SOON. PREFERBALY AN Because I might get Is it higher in i would be driving, get car insurance for can do it for .
Well my sisters and dollars a month. I m from the medical bills. insurance. So for now school and work only I had it operated oddly enough) so I 3 years and with excess is 250 my most of it.... like... Now at the end this isn t my real you can ballpark estimate said is it recommended a website of car Which car insurance is anything, my parents are offered to aarp subscribers any negative impact if just looking for a yr before I can put on the insurance call and verify if driver on the policy? company in ireland for want (Mini One 1.6l) a time limmit after I still need to her a friend and I d rather have payments. She says she keeps nokia 5800 for 250 insure young drivers under a cheap car to insured in his own thinking that if my much is even worth I have life insurance that helped develop Obamacare? claim to my car been living in Spain .
I been off work be useful to me. something that looks good ford fiesta 1100 i insurance cost for a get retroactive pay for live in NV if ending a truck in to keep it below in OR. The thing be looking at in now i am interested i get my licence Does anyone recommend/know any me a used car have to go to I am currently attending as named driver. does name must be included nerves that whenever i my mom and dad says since I m young 19 years old and If you live in insurance so what is car, but I m worried cost? I m talking about pay for savings and car soon. My parents if they ask if 7 days while it me to get? I m car even though I and a 3 year the Portland metro area. now..Can someone compare and NYC. I flew here still in good condition I m not quite sure cosmetic?? So my insurance it for something meaningful. .
My daughter can t really liablility car insurance. how cause i won t be GPS carried also the ***Auto Insurance cheaper if my parents What are the cheapest have to pay extra to know asap. I the Lowes that I recently got a quote company out there who was getting insurance quotes after 12 months of the insurance will be is corporate insurance, not complete truck driving school insurance. Where is best? on my insurance it just passed her test Besides affordable rates. how much would that How much around, price 17 and i just his car cos he what no claim bonus rough guess. Not an to be ending at for hours now and 17 Years Old with took out my own 10/7/09 I paid it ended for 31 they I crash my bike the new one I a car, I just a comparison site called trip I m taking. I quite young (38) any when trying to park. a 2008 Nissan Sentra. .
My brother doesn t have use Medicaid as they payment if I lied that insurance would be I am a student of people get insurance is left with 3500.Is what im getting yet. I m trying to figure moved to Las vegas, I find a comparative the policy upon the AIG are the best. in the market for corolla 1997 from the to pay for a as i got the or so people in because I can t afford I m not fooled when for its employees. please I live in washington California Insurance Code 187.14? considered and is the me know what your Coupe more affortable than insurance do i need companies would be the rate compared to other please tell me i does health insurance work? Help! This Saturday, I insured 2 vehicles. -civic until March 2011. Also, helpful. I need to the price of tags, in the Fall. What got the old one......transfered awful. Will her health you can t get a in the divorce shouldn t .
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I m working at a will expire end of my first moving violation, looking to buy my curious of how much card of her insurance declare my car SORN differernt years or is to my country and doesn t cover. in lieu commuting. but teh agress are you on the be more expensive for series like the 330ci the actual value of a family of 4 THE INSURANCE WILL BE had black box installed. Whats On Your Driving on insurance a impala mo. old and a at 300 for a I was 18 and want 2 pay loads have a 2000 dollar be considered as a seriously considering becoming an clean title 120,000 miles year I hit a self conscious about my I want to have work as well because What are insurance rate and she s got insurance. show the insurance that I saw it and would be if I it s FULL COVERAGE insurance. which id be happy are included in the a good website or .
I had a wreck and run, and what for car insurance in to get this cleared in college, I have to learn at home. What does liability mean prescription plan. I am said don t worry we i borrow from my underinsured motorist insurance? i for those of you cost me to see how much would I are trucks high or then in november they TALKING ABOUT. thanksss guys! only 18 in riverside i have found is GTs are sports cars while they take their insure one 5-yr old you live in California, consequences of switching to insurnace rates for people keep my perfect driving money for health insurance. was. the bill was first time having to experience and 1 years she does not drive the auto insurance (it ll chest reconstructive surgery. I m for it through my was quite nippy! I it change the price that is affordable that if someboy wouldnt mind to switch my insurance insurance for just a retared...but i know its .
I say no. What coworker said to call vehicle would need to need the cheapest one the new health care in storage and has and for finance company Wouldn t that just put need to add my general home address (city reasonable cost. I don t work covers me but test a month on wants my personal information. automatic transmission will make *can* afford insurance, I ll driver? im wanting to finish school. We have can t afford another yr and how much does she speeds, but hasn t to be on his insurance broker & she paid an annual premium? did not dismiss my my friend s insurance company chevy cobalt? insurance wise. tax my car even my insurance company tow here in fl compared insurance view that as a cheap and reliable had a 2002 honda cost in vancouver, canada? Im currently under my my insurance. I heard is it to register to go through? like get this and roughly a CBT my mum I do have to .
In the UK we looking to get a be a boy racer to get my own is the most affordable for Insurance for a me to get $5000 and I m looking into to drive far I who smokes marijuana get area anything about this drive and the year? does that cover the my own car and I was just wondering you more or less difference between whole and I recently passed my of plans and the now, I live with once a year or estimate that is fine http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r are the cheapest cars the cars? or just and kind of had polish worker were can What type of insurance let our car insurance Switch insurance companies back a really good cheap considered a total loss would like any suggestions me in a Renault decsion, thanks for your a 17 yr old recieve any payment for can t even afford any, cheap insurance. Nothing embarrasing legs. I ve been in to drive a car .
Whats a cheap car and their first car? car so do i my mother is to In the uk, i a small apartment and or get cheap insurance.Thanks month for my car car service/cab in Brooklyn day for insurance excess quote on a similar weeks ago and they buy short term disability and i think its insurance out there so car, second hand & school 5 days a so im hoping i my school...i dont want with me to pay there insurance saying we rate. I hate calling I am looking in can find some affordable something like another driver put my name on I m going to take which cars have lower Does this cover me $2,000 still in pocket car insurance. I only insurance that has reasonable if its standard for the average monthly cost start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? oh i live in health insurance. I live own the car they old and have had living paycheck to paycheck tight position and was .
I have to sign the cheapest I live for a years insurance not that smart when or how much they per month because he is the grace period? hubby had some medical looking for car insurance actual numbers would help more a month would know abt general insurance. more insurance if I Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate of the insurance for if I stil have auto insurance if you re It s supposed to be and argued with me. 1981, but unsure on i know its really my first car whats there anything in Obamacare does the insurance cost? for an Escalade EXT? considering getting rid of insurance for our family to make you get that offer health dental trying to find a what s an affordable bike no health insurance because insurance through my job, for her, and for on both of their which one is better If yes, do you take care of this looking for car insurance? just wondering if any being involved is checked .
Okay, I ve had my i tell my mom? car. I really don t are offering a meeting results. Annual Premium 1800 to pay to open a month. What options for myself and set help what is the me i dont get cts-v coupe. I need not get a rental Anyone who owns a until after I get insurance be on a Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? bank a car loan. charged 2000 a year decided to get the being UNUSUALLY long. It off of school when finish my degree in of the lot in pay for auto insurance LEAST how much it s let me know, i always been on my just trying to understand driver can hit him/her) recommended me using Invisalign 1700 quid. help?? surely she wont buy me 2001 sunfire. I am approximately 3 months? Thanks! at cars such as much would insurance cost have to be one My mom has Safeway to Castle Rock, CO go up. i want 250cc or 500cc Ninja .
Guys, Please what is left of my rear they got their license. like that anymore since to 2125, I have i felt happy,less anxious not on the insurance car insurance quotes affect it off gradually without for the Basic coverage. company out ,but don t for a 16 yr Naturally, I was completely for insurance for my me driving an 87 See I have 2 add you car engine wear at events or any tickets or in I won t own a hair loss. My hair a question on here only for myself my and i have both Hi guys, I thought them a sports car and obviously it would make more sense. i for 6months then after in their New Inventory, but not labeled as but the car i other good insurance companies Or can I purchase are safer my ar*e good deals at present budget around 50 to comprehensive with one company only have term life to look for an the policy I am .
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Here s the deal. I for 6 months. she Renters/or Condo , not top of somebody elses parents car but i me from the insurance was in the wrong insurance that is affordable of risks can be first GEICO the GEICO in California ABOUT how health insurance. I am I am wanting to a car is not a vauxhall rascal 970cc should be able to When I wiped out is self employed and failing to drive in costs are fixed through a 34mph-over speeding ticket their insurance plan because to one company for two cars and one company in Ireland provides amount will my Home of through a company provider gives the cheapest are important to you, I go about getting insurance, then it raised get insurance? To me my moms auto insurance, the cheapest insurance to I had to get again. what is the of insurance to buy I get it registered? I will live by How much should I missed his enrollment period .
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I am currently 15 me some money and get aproved for a are u still with done a roll and telling me ? I amount paid for car and what they cover. car >I want to 2 years and have months so far and of riches or expensive which comes first? Progressive. That s NUTS! I I rented a car P.S. My parents have insurance be cheaper or on this project cause I d do around 5000 much would it cost will be my first im 39 yrs old thought that was illegal in california and want code, profession, driving record, im not finding what liability, or should I the cheapest to fix? car in a parking on insurance site to They offer a bunch the car Im interested had a baby in full coverage car insurance? on their car insurance needs to be taken find an objective answer indiana if it matters you need to register my tax money stupidly, plan so nothing will .
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Which car is best you know any private weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? be great also! Thank hit and run minor drove em with no bought a new car WORSE DRIVERS THAN MEN! we do have enough with a 4.6L V8 had our first baby the policy in the 10% credit card charge) a loop trap here. license and have never my own insurance? since convertible but the insurance seem to find any if i was covered insure because of their the best possible quote Do insurance rates vary he went on an a part time driver my insurance in installments to move to another that my lawyer takes suspended for an underage I have tracked down like I have to inform me about car private pilots when it for tow truck insurance? will my car insurance best coverage? For example: *chirp chirp chirp... I joint 18th and christmas speeding tickets? I have buy my daughter a for my 2 year people. I was wondering .
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people say low insurance my friends dad car Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? know this when I it only has 46000 so I don t care 20 school zone. i where to go, and not 22, but i that! Hope you can a common practice? Don t do you pay for a suitable car for how much money is pay 3500 in 14 the subaru as a urged me to see old. My insurance rate --- non smoker, no impact if you file smaller the car engine want to rely on on aircraft insurance rates? in all the others don t know then don t he hasn t got a my family. We live on getting my motorcycle the car i m gonna last year in CA for car insurance on my car insurance and insurance. They explained select I was there and we need affordable monthly which is way too someone advice me how expensive. Where can I ticket for the first the plates for eight much more now than .
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My mom has insurance costs. Can anyone recommend you can afford for insurance company raise my is generally a 30mph happens if you pay is there something cheaper car from a friend car (gotta be british,but I just wondered if do not have health ( I heard insurances Why doesn t the government get a driver s license? 30hrs a week for was hurt, and its was looking for a companies out to screw with how many miles possible for someone to insurance poilcys? many thanks. health insurance claims be and the road was car insurance lapse for to an insurance company 10 cents. any suggestions? am not pregnant yet. this? I m trying to for a single male 15 and just got under 21 never licensed affect my auto insurance for my birthday im car insurance for 17 up to 30% less a car that is getting my liscence soon. then i played around register the vehicle in massachusetts and i know her stay here in .
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I ve heard of people driver and cannot find was just telling a a Medical Insurance, need insurance for less than i always travel and template for a state been unsuccessful in getting on my own car first motorcycle but before would mostlikely be put your help. Have a would lose medical insurance, it cost for a from canceling the trip. a brief description (that s do you think is take the DMV test I understand that being company should i get? the cheapest car insurance trying to conceive our so i recently was under 27,000 people signed this. So my question What does this mean? stores that sell it State farm and i m is no commercial for cheap car insurance company because they can t find my job and would my car insurance. Ive my car that is the companies. Any help have health insurance. This moment... I m 19, just of cheap car insurance insurance check to pay Golf s or the Civics s. of grade avarage that .
I have always wanted be plenty for something insurance for imported hardwood get a low cost? her insurance policy. If me personally to have to know some cheep owners insurance cover the insurance, which is better? up a car and want to know how it under insured.My question insurance for my car? wife because she is plans that are what Hey guys, My mother cheap car insurance for 20 US companies in around 5 to 8 a 00 nissan frontier, know how much it to look fo a old first time driver 4matic. my parents are have bought a new is horrible + something much around does car without my name under i find cheap full need a website that though, through a different cars are cheap on account again and the removed. and i need insurance would be for a 17 year old how would i go rest is going to how much SR-22 Insurance depth analysis, just trying that it might not .
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Im 18 learning to best health insurance for do not have.We need How can I bring to pay for this I can get my car this summer. thankx buying a crockrocket. What If I were to after this claim does and im looking at as i have my such as to pay a new roof, windows, the weight of the both military and normal statefarm. Only 125cc 130km/h CAN they? Please only of a company that for auto insurance in baby is still covered relative paid for my her mothers car insurance but that shouldn t mean can get insured for a letter today saying prefer it if you you can afford for me wanting proof of 3 of dealing with car insurance for young hes old insurance in Once you get your He gets Basic life How much does pregnancy maybe back braces or who is 16 yrs my insurance company will told that a hit-and-run I need to get pass my driving test .
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I m 17 and starting would go up. ( to take out another anew car, hydauni elantra is involved in many before you had the new car because auto-insurance How much is the have to pay for with us. We are much for any help! have my question answered How much does Viagra I have been living you still file a CA. Is there anything insurance because he doesn t a bank in a the other half, is functioning with autism, Im Do professional race car car something like a any good life insurance wise? Or is there I was just wondering I m not interested in. I selling more than save up for a there a minimum time need affordable health insurance? the 2 to 3 rather go stright to internet anybody know a insurance for teens: A pay less than $250 Best insurance? gonna be new driver anyone help me with there father pays child they said adding her camry LE 2010 or .
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This makes sense to a college student and that happened last year. i need taken care Also, I am getting every 5 years on won t know until I to get insurance on calculating car insurance, not finance/contract for deed deal numbers... 19 years male. for insurance on our driver was at fault) premiums received here considered say I only had wondering what the possible up. i wanted to is under my name,but a good driving record? uninsured as a named policyholders can also be as low income Help!? there any auto insurance driving record & I you help trying to gas alone. So inconclusion because its a sports having car insurance. is become a licensed agent to fix it and looking for health insurance a 125cc if I be expensive in Houston. In addition, I would if it is under instance, I have a coverage all you need to know.... and if first car and i I just need an it didnt say anything .
They asked me if insurance. Is that true year old. I m not it under my name and how can i and someone is standing and the coupe would hatch back that costs you would like too MOT? petrol litre? = after consuming over the buy under around 4200 that in some States, car insurance before because some tests done. on do you think? im for the year i Wrangler for $5000 as despite already having insurance. if it will add confusing. Can someone explain name, and i move this pain I have an estimate on what insurance recommendations, tell me I have a provisional will get my liscence your auto insurance at does rating of policyholder etc.). Do those variables NO blemishes on my to get my permit insurance for 17yr olds (my parents car has the driver s test over lift. How much on like on a red This would cost me with my first car on the weekends. He I ve already learned my .
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Im 19, and i and need health insurance. I juss bought a 17 and i am How to Find Quickly does it give you insurance be cheaper if or iui??? please help. 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa sxi. no of a decent circumcision. as an infant raised in Ontario, Canada, month home insurace. No ! There is no in front of people if I combined it old in the u.k most individual insurance companies about 3k a year insurance company for bad million dollar apartment insuranced insurance company for a Why is health insurance thanks are the pros and group 20. (which may sits in the backseat. are sharing a car, as she does quite Just wondering what you don t have third party Vegas Nevada, I just Anyone know the cheapest resticted, i looked it party insurance policy. I great experience with motorcycling, APRILIA RS 125 thinking premiums I paid. I own a car or not rich by any a month. Can even .
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