#yes he enjoys the fame in the three strikes job BUT it's short lived and he doesn't want to be famous long term
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I feel like there is an alignment here...
nate- does not want to be famous, does not become famous
sophie- kind of wants to be famous, does not become widely famous (exception: becoming beloved first lady of san lorenzo and gets her face on a bill). knows that becoming famous would hinder her ability to con
hardison- wants to be famous for the meme, does not become famous (though not for lack of trying)
parker- does not want to be famous, does not become famous
eliot- does NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE want to be famous, frequently becomes famous
I've seen people talk about it before on here, about how eliot is good at virtually everything and that would be tired really quick if not for the fact that he doesn't show off about it (for the most part) and VEHEMENTLY does not want to be famous or acknowledged for those skills. he very much wants to stay under the radar, which is why it is funnier and a better running gag that he keeps getting famous against his will
bonus: parker and hardison continually use whatever power they have to make eliot's aliases famous. they keep entering his various aliases in cooking shows and stuff like that because they think it is funny when he gets all huffy about it (and they know despite his moaning and groaning he likes being able to do things he's good at that doesn't involve violence!)
so i'm re-binging Leverage and is it just me or does it seem like whenever they have to be celebrities for a con none of them actually become mildly famous except for Eliot
#yes he enjoys the fame in the three strikes job BUT it's short lived and he doesn't want to be famous long term#remember in the one ep when he's like i'm wanted by X states and govts I can't have my picture floating around#that right there is why it's even better when he DOES become famous#leverage#eliot spencer#alec hardison#parker#nate ford#sophie devereaux#running gags#eliot spencer headcanons#parker headcanons#alec hardison headcanons#nate ford headcanons#sophie devereaux headcanons#humor#my additions#leverage ot3#parker x hardison x eliot#leverage: let’s go steal a queue
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Could you tell us a bit more about Mariana Rivera? I’m curious about how such an awful mother could have come from such a loving family.
Mari’s essentially a whole bunch of good (if mostly selfish) intentions served up in a terrible package.
She’s the youngest Rivera sister and has always been very pretty, very charming, and had grand dreams for her future. Joining the shop was literally the worst thing she could imagine, so when she was eighteen, she set out travel through Mexico to try her hand at fame. The problem was, she wasn’t sure exactly how she was going to get famous. Being the baby of the family, she was used to getting her way with little work, so she figured she’d be discovered easily enough.
The first five years of her striking out on her own involve a lot of side jobs and becoming a groupie–there’s a lot of up and coming bands out there, and if one of them strike it big, then she wants to be a part of that. She’s not big on commitment, but rather on living in the moment and enjoying her time with men who she could feel would be famous. (And, once they were, maybe they could pick things up again.)
Despite that, she never once planned on getting pregnant, and, despite what several people said when they found out, she was not doing it to get a man. Partially…because she couldn’t remember who the father was. There was that wild violinist with such soulful eyes…the gentle bass player with the sweetest dimples…the pianist with beautiful manners and even more beautiful hair…hm. But he was definitely a great musician, and from the moment her darling son was born, she told him that.
She made the trip back to Santa Cecilia for the first time in years for Hector’s baptism, and after a long talk with Elena (her favorite sister; she and Victoria had never gotten along), she was determined to be a good, responsible mother. And for two years, she was. She found a good job as a receptionist with a modeling agency in Monterrey, she had plenty of time to spend with her pre-ci-oooo-so Teto, and she showed off her adorable baby to whoever asked. She sent plenty of letters back to Elena to let her know how things were going, and things were good.
Until they weren’t.
As much as Mari loved her son, she felt trapped. This wasn’t the life she’d wanted. At this rate, she’d die without a single scrap of the fame she’d wanted her whole life. So it was time to start travelling again, this time with Teto in tow.
It’s hard for the first year, but she manages. Hector, she figures, likes the fun of having a new room every few nights, and he’s a remarkably unfussy toddler on the train rides–provided that she pops her Walkman headphones on him and gives him something to scribble on. She can always find a kind person in the hotel to watch him as she goes from audition to audition–anything from bit parts in telenovelas to modeling gigs. And…well, she’d never tell Elena, but there’s a few nights where she puts him to bed before going out for a few drinks with some friends she knew pre-baby. But he’s always fine, and that’s what’s important.
When he’s four, Mari got the chance of a lifetime–she’s asked to be the lead model on a photoshoot campaign through Mexico. And she said yes, of course, before remembering that she had a toddler that’s started whining and getting bored on train rides and cried hysterically the one time they took a plane down to Cancun. He’d never be able to make the trip.
But. She does have two sisters who live in a big house. And Elena had three kids already; she could take care of Teto without a problem.
And she does, after Mari cheerfully shows up on her doorstep with Teto in tow, talking about how this is going to be her big break, and, if she’ll just watch him for a couple weeks, she’ll have enough money to get them nice and settled somewhere in Mexico City.
The job was outrageous fun, but it didn’t pay nearly as much as she’d hoped. So, when she picked up Teto (just a few weeks later than planned), it was back to hotel hopping. Another gig, another announcement to Teto that he’d be staying with Tia Elena. Hotel hopping. Repeat.
Eventually, Hector’s eyes would light up at the mere mention of Tia Elena, along with several questions about when he was going to stay with her again, and could he maybe call Quique to let him know he was coming? Initially, Mari was hurt that her son was so happy to be with someone besides his mother, but…hm. She still hadn’t found her break, and he’d need to start school soon–she’d started lessons with him while they traveled, but if she was working, she wouldn’t be able to keep them up. And it wasn’t like they could afford a tutor.
The next visit is a test run. She pulls both her sisters aside to say that she wants Hector to go to school, and she’s already enrolled him in Santa Cecilia’s primaria. The argument goes in typical Rivera sister fashion: Elena shouts, Victoria disapproves, Mari wheedles–and eventually gets her way. Elena, once her temper’s subsided, eventually agrees to take him in while he’s in school. Mari comes back to take him for Christmas break, and then he’s back in Santa Cecilia come January.
The summer before Teto turns seven, she’s at a crossroads. On one hand, she’s aware that she’ll be seen as a bad mother if she leaves him with her. But she’s not a bad mother. She just has goals–goals that will make her and Teto’s life so much better–but she can’t reach them if she’s got a kid with her, not to mention how much it would hurt him to not have a steady life with school. So, ultimately, it’s for the best if she leaves Teto with Elena until she’s able to finally make it big and provide for him.
She visits, of course, unless she’s too busy to make the long train ride–then she sends letters and gifts from all over Mexico, telling him about the wonderful adventures his mother is having and how he’ll join her when she makes it big. She feels a little bad for the stretches between visits, but considering the letters she gets back from Teto are dwindling, he must be busy, too. No doubt becoming an excellent musician like his father.
Long story short, Mari does love her son a lot, and she convinces herself that what she’s doing is for him. But, of course, that doesn’t necessarily add up to being a good mother.
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Summary: What do you get when you mix a tight-knit art community, young, hot-blooded twenty-something university students and good old-fashioned British Rock & Roll? Probably the next best hope for art and music that generation has to offer. With her friends’ band skyrocketing to fame, what exactly does a girl do when she suddenly finds herself sitting in the lap of the gods? The answer: do the only thing she can do, rise to the occasion of course!
Pairing: Gwilym Lee!Brian May x Original Female Character [chill guys, this WILL be a Bri fic…eventually].
Warnings: swearing, a very dramatic Freddie, Rog has a bit of a moment with a pastry...
Words: 2.2k +
Author’s Note: Chapter 2, Baby! I hope you guys enjoy it, and pls feel free to comment, reblog or leave a like if ya feel like it!
Kind of AU, contains both elements from real life and the Bo Rhap universe, so imagine whoever you prefer whether they be the real thing or the Bo Rhap Boys–be free.
Link to the Ao3 fic!
Chapter Playlist:

Chapter Two - That One Time When Fred Went Out for Coffee Or, Why Being a Young Entrepreneur is Harder than You Think
Kensington, 1969.
Out of breath and flushed pink, a young woman strode inside a musty little stall in Kensington Market, the shop bell giving a faint sort of ding upon her entrance. Freddie, who was quietly cataloguing their inventory in a faded blue balance book, smiled when he looked up to greet his friend.
“Wyn Clemens! You’ve come to visit me.” Fred said, ecstatically skipping his way to her from behind the counter before hugging her shoulders.
The girl made quick work of untangling the woolen scarf she had wrapped several times around her neck and mouth, placing that and her coat on the hook by the door.
“I swear I’ve gone up and down the place twice and both times I’ve managed to miss you entirely! Blimey, I didn’t think it was this small.” Her eyes scanned the darkened interior.
Currently their stall was nondescript, tucked away in between a carpet wholesaler and a shoe repair place, hidden away amongst the plethora of other stalls just like it. Cozy was one word for it, cramped was another, more accurate descriptor. Really, it was more of a booth. There they sold various garments and accessories to clothe the young bohemians, rockers, mods, punks, hippies and everyone in between who seemed to frequent the market there. Their shop was manned and looked after by Freddie and his friend Roger, and only by them, which was why, while their inventory was not exactly vast, it did quite literally seem to swallow the entire place in velvet, faux fur, leather, and brocade.
“Hey!” someone yelled in indignation, “This is a very fine establishment we run here, I’ll have you know!” A blonde head emerged from the back of the shop, a little area sectioned off by a dark curtain. It hid a tall, narrow mirror and served as both their stock room and fitting room.
The girl raised her eyebrows, feeling slightly sheepish at having offended this new person. “Wyn, this is Roger, the friend of mine I’ve been telling you about. He runs this dismal dispensary with me.” He said, not looking behind him as he gestured his head towards the blonde’s general direction. “Rog, this lovely creature you see before you is my new friend, Wyn.”
“Ah, the Ealing bird. Well, I suppose I could let that slight go for your pretty face. The name’s Roger Taylor, very nice to meet you, love.” He gave her his hand to shake, his lips upturned in a smirk.
“Careful there, Rog.” Freddie reminded him, which earned him a mischievous look from the blonde.
“Wyn,” the girl announced, unfazed by Roger’s cheesy smile, “I’ve come bearing gifts!”
“Ooh! Gimme! Gimme!” Freddie cried happily, his hands making grabbing motions all the while.
Wyn tutted at his antics shortly before presenting him a brown paper bag. “I thought it would cheer you up, while you’re stuck here.”
Freddie opened the bag and what he found there nearly brought him to tears. The bag was filled with fresh pastries still warm to the touch as he poked his nose inside and took a long whiff. He placed it on the counter before examining the goodies one by one, a hungry Roger joining his side. “You do care, Wyn! It’s just like Christmas! And here I thought everyone had forgotten about me. It feels like I haven’t seen the sunlight in days.”
“Weeks, really,” Roger added mournfully, before stuffing his mouth full of pastry. They had both been cooped inside their store trying to peddle their wares since the weekend and it was now Tuesday afternoon.
Freddie had a dramatic faraway look in his eye, his mouth shaped in a forlorn ‘O’ before finally snapping out of it. God, Wyn thought, he really should have been in theatre.
“C’mon then Wyn, tell us about all the changes in the outside world,” Fred was prattling away again, “Is dear old Liz still on the throne? How about Coronation Street, is it still playing? And what about tie-dye? Are people still wearing tie-dye?”
There was a quiet moan of “Oh Jesus, that’s the spot.” that came from Roger as he polished off an apricot danish.
Wyn gave the two of them a fond chuckle, trying to ignore the ridiculous sounds of ecstasy from the blonde as he delved into a croissant. “Let’s see,” the girl gave a pause for dramatic effect, “Yes, God forbid anyone else who’s set their eyes on that chair. Everybody knows Coronation Street is for ever. And it brings me to tears just thinking about it, but yes, unfortunately, the tie-dye lives on.”
“I knew it! It’s useless, Rog.” Freddie shouted, calling Roger’s attention. “Just bury me in these fur stoles. Even if they’re not real at least I’ll be kept warm and they haven’t assaulted anyone’s retinas.” He had trudged over to a rack of miscellaneous animal coats and stoles and buried his face in them. His further rant became muffled and unintelligible as he cried into the mass of faux fur.
“How long has he been like this?” The girl turned to the blonde with a worried look.
“On and off since Saturday,” he informed her, brushing stray crumbs from his mouth. “We’ve hardly sold anything.”
“This is no good, come on Fred. You just sit down, I’ll go out and grab us a couple of coffees and come straight back.”
Freddie perked up upon hearing this and was almost back to his usual spirits. “I have an idea, can I go get the coffees instead, darling? I want to go outside, I want to hear the birds chirping and smell that London smog. Maybe that old lady from the fruit and veg stall could yell at me, that would really get me going.”
“Alright Fred,” she said with a comforting smile, pouring into his open palm a handful of coins. “Happy hunting.”
Freddie had taken off so fast he had forgotten to bring his jacket which he left still hung up on the door.
“That’s probably the happiest I’ve seen him all weekend,” Roger said, wistful.
“If he’s happy, then I’ve done my job.”
Wyn had started to look the clothing racks, her fingers stroking the garments in fascination. She also took out two or three items she had liked, inspecting them fully before shaking her head and putting them away, Roger meanwhile stood beside her giving his opinion on them. Soon he was entertaining her by spinning little yarns about several pieces, how they acquired them, whom they were worn by, all made up but increasingly fantastic.
“You looking for anything in particular, love?”
“Not really, whatever catches my fancy, I suppose.”
“How about now,” he said as he had stood in front of her, hands on his waist and a twinkle in his eye, “Do I catch your fancy?”
“I’m in the market for clothes today, Roger, not a boyfriend.”
“Who said anything about a boyfriend?”
“Uh-huh. Maybe some other time, Taylor.”
“Alright, alright.” he said, pacifying her. “Something to wear then. Something that will work for your figure?”
“I’d never be opposed to looking good.”
Roger was still flirting with her, but he also appeared to have a clear focus now, he was a man on a mission to find her something she could be persuaded into buying. “Do you like wearing patterns?”
“I’d give it a go.”
“How about colour?”
“Love them.”
“Any you’re partial to?”
“Every colour of the rainbow!”
Roger scoffed playfully in exasperation, she really was no help, but he enjoyed her company. “I think I have just the thing for you,” Rog said with a snap of his fingers before darting behind their makeshift stock room/ fitting area. He came back about a minute later with a frock on a plastic hanger.
What he presented her with was a white and green houndstooth dress in the mod style which had a black peter-pan collar and a short mini-skirt. Wyn let out a pleased hum, “I like the way you think, Taylor.”
Roger barked a laugh though he seemed to glow in praise, “That might be the first time a woman has said that to me.” He reached into his pocket and fished out a packet of smokes and a lighter. “Go on, then. Try it on.” He urged her, pushing her behind the curtain and sticking a cigarette between his lips.
Roger sported a boyish charm, all buoyancy and pent-up energy. Wyn thought it was ironic the way that he was blessed with the looks of a cherub by Raphael, yet flirted like a devil. It was little wonder Freddie had warned her about him when the topic of his friends came into conversation. Before she could wrestle the corduroy off her legs Roger’s hand had slipped in between the partition, throwing a pair of shoes at her.
“Black gogos? Oh, you really must be out to get me. I’m going to freeze out there.”
“You’re just fitting them on!” The voice behind the curtain replied. “You don’t have to wear them out…You don’t have to wear anything at all.”
“Just saying.”
A couple of minutes later she stepped out from behind the curtains, smoothing down the dress where it wrinkled a bit in her midsection. “What do you think?” she asked, striking a pose.
Roger took another large puff from his half-finished cigarette before putting it down on the ashtray on the counter. He began to sing lowly as he drew near to her, “Is there anybody going to listen to my story, all about the girl who came to stay?” There was another cheesy grin on his face as he took Wyn’s hand abruptly and led her into an impromptu slow-dance. “She’s the kind of girl you want so much it makes you sorry. Still, you don’t regret a single day. Ah, girl,” he sung as he spun her.
Wyn smiled, “I’m going to take that answer as a ‘yes’, but I wouldn’t know how I’d wear it though, my hair…”
“You could wear it swept back, or up.” Roger suggested, now extremely close. He removed his left hand from her hip and used it to gather her thick hair up and away from her face, fingers grazing the back of her neck.
Wyn cleared her throat, her cheeks and neck heating. “You think Fred will let me have this for cheap if I asked nicely?”
“I think if you asked nicely, he’d let you have the whole shop.”
“It’s probably costing him more to run it at this point.”
“Us both.”
The two broke out into a fit of laughter, not even acknowledging the customer who had just walked into the shop.
“Okay, Rubber Soul. So these are the kinds of guerilla tactics you’d stoop to for a sale?” Blushing furiously, Wyn pushed away from him when they finished their dance, choosing to hoist herself up onto the counter next to her bag of sweets.
“Only the best service to our most important clientele.” he said through half-lidded eyes.
“How much for this?” a voice said from behind them.
Roger groaned in annoyance having forgotten the presence of this third person. It was a shame Fred still hadn’t come back, that way he could have dealt with this new nuisance while Roger turned his attention to the girl in front of him. Rog barely spared him a glance as the man held up the garment in question. “Seven pounds.”
Wyn watched the interaction with great amusement.
“Five quid.” the man tried to haggle.
“This button’s loose, five and five pence.”
“Six if you leave here now.”
“You’re fleecing me.” the man whined handing Roger the money with reluctance.
“Actually, that’s crushed velvet.” said Roger with a cool, impassive grace, plucking his cigarette from the ashtray and taking a puff.
Slipping on his new jacket, the man set off grumbling, nearly bumping into Freddie who narrowly avoided him, carrying a tray of hot coffees in styro cups.
“Took you awhile Fred,” Roger called, leaning against the counter and smoking casually.
Freddie placed the coffees down on a bench by the window. “Roger,” he began slowly with a disgruntled look in his eye. “Was that man just now, wearing my coat?”
“Huh?” this alerted Roger somewhat, he had stopped what he was doing. His eyes grew large as he looked to Freddie and back down at the crumpled note and small coin in his palm.
“Rog, you absolute pillock, did you sell my coat?”
As quick as a bolt Fred had crossed the room in two strides, snatched the money right out of Roger’s grasp and ran back out the door. Freddie ran after the man who bought his beloved jacket, shouting and swearing like a madman all the way.
At the end of the day, Wyn had felt so guilty she ended up paying for her things in full. She had no regrets though. Sure she was down a couple of pounds, but she had managed to get herself a great fitting dress, and a killer pair of boots, not to mention the favour of the infamous Roger Taylor -- a feat she hoped she had managed with all her dignity intact. Or at least she hoped.
#queen#bo rhap#bohemian rhapsody#brian may#brian may x original character#gwilym lee#freddie mercury#roger taylor#rami malek#ben hardy#in the lap of the gods#itlotg fic#bohemian rhapsody movie
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David’s Memories: The Day the Gems Invaded
David Memories 01: The Day the Gems Invaded
Author’s Note: This is going to be a bit of a departure from my other stories involving David. These are basically flashback episodes, a window into life on David’s world before he got transported into Steven’s universe. These are called “memories” but they’re not being told in first-person like real memories are. Any of you guys ever played “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild?” Having to go around Hyrule to specific locations where you could play a cutscene showing Link’s past life before the Calamity? Those scenes weren’t being told exclusively from Link’s perspective, and in one case the scene kept playing even after Link was unconscious, plus the Zelda and the Master Sword memory in which Link wasn’t even present! Anyway, this is the memory of the starting point of David’s adventure; the day Gems destroyed his hometown along with every other human settlement and enslaved humanity. You may notice some differences in the events here and the ones that transpired in David’s nightmares in Redemption from a Dark World. Those were nightmares, not David’s exact recollection of the time. Therefore, these flashback episodes can be considered officially canon to the RFADW universe, or at least more exactly canon compared to the nightmares. Enjoy. Oh, one last thing! Since this is David’s world we’re talking about, these stories are going to be much darker than the rest of the series. This is basically an apocalypse world, after all, so expect lots of death and destruction, and a few very emotionally gripping scenes.
Waitress: Here’s your meatloaf, David. (Sets a plate down on the table)
David: Thanks, Emily. (Begins to eat)
In the background, the sky begins to darken, but nobody seems to notice. David’s phone lights up and vibrates. He looks at the text message from his mother.
SMS>> Mom: How did you do at your new job, David?
SMS>> Me: Fine. Clocked out. Having dinner at Maxwell’s now.
` ……………………
SMS>> Mom: OK then. Come home soon, it looks like there’s a storm kicking up.
SMS>> Me: Got it.
David puts his phone to sleep and slips it into his pocket. He continues to eat. A faint rumbling can be heard outside. Some people out the window in the front of the restaurant are running past.
Random Citizen: What is that thing!?
David looks up from his meal. Seeing people running past, David begins to suspect something’s wrong. At that moment, a colossal explosion shakes the entire building. Everyone screams and David, his food forgotten, stands up, and runs for the exit. Outside, the sky is dark red, and David looks up. The camera dramatically zooms out behind David to show the sky. Hanging in midair are two gigantic metal hands, green in color. Suddenly, the hands begin to shoot things at the town.
David: Oh, shi-- (Runs for his house)
Panicking citizens are running away from the invading forces, the entire town’s population creating a tide that David must swim upstream through to reach his mother. A laser blast hits a house nearby, causing it to explode into a cloud of smoke and splinters. David begins to search for his mother in the crowd.
David: MOOMMM!!!
He can’t find his mom. More buildings explode, and fires can be seen raging all around; the famed Henleaf Woods are now engulfed in an inferno. As David runs, he sees that some people are lying on the ground, bloody stab wounds visible on their backs and necks, awash in pools of their own blood.
David reaches his home street, and he continues to run until he sees something that makes his heart stop for a second. A gigantic, red-bodied being with five red gems set into its body, is cloaked in flame and is setting homes on fire.
David: (Panicked voice) What the hell is that thing!?
Then he sees his house. It is completely engulfed in flames.
David: Oh no! Mom!! (Takes off for the house)
Thankfully the creature doesn’t notice him as he races for the front door of his house, and throws it open. Inside, the burning home is showing signs of beginning to collapse.
David: MOM!!
David’s Mom: David!! Over here!!
David grabs a fire extinguisher from the kitchen and makes his way through the flames, shooting as he goes to the living room, where his mother is pinned underneath a bookcase.
David: Mom!! (Puts down the extinguisher and struggles to lift the heavy shelves)
The bookshelf is too heavy.
David’s Mom: David… It’s okay. Save yourself, get out of here!
David: No, mom! I’m not leaving you behind! (Pushes himself past his limits, but to no avail)
David’s Mom: David, this house has gas appliances; it’s going to blow any second! Go, David, NOW!
David: (Soot and tears staining his face) Mom…
David’s Mom: It’s okay, David. You’ll be just fine. I’ll always watch over you, but you need to go now!
David: (Gives up on lifting the bookcase, gets up, and turns to his mother one last time) Goodbye, mom… (Tears are freely flowing down his face)
David races through the flames for the door. He makes it near the sidewalk when the house he grew up in explodes violently. David is knocked off his feet, and he flies straight into his mom’s car parked on the curb, cracking the side window where he crashed into it. On impact, David blacks out.
The camera vision fades in and out, flickering a bit. A heartbeat and the sound of ears ringing is audible. The view focuses in to show David laying on his back, buried in a coating of ash. His eyes flutter and he slowly wakes up, raising himself into a sitting position. He checks his surroundings. Everything is gray. Ashes are slowly falling from the sky. Nothing is left, Henleaf Town had been replaced with an endless and bleak landscape, completely devoid of life, punctuated with the charred skeletons of buildings and the jagged tips of tree trunks.
David: Everything’s… Gone… …………………. ...Mom! (Scrambles to his feet)
David runs down the ashen sidewalk to where his house used to stand.
David: Mom! Mom!! Mo--
He sees a bone jutting out of the ashes and rubble, in the middle of what must have been the living room. David immediately has a flashback.
Child David: Mommy, where’s daddy?
They’re in a hospital. Doctors and nurses are bustling about. David’s mother, visibly distressed and on the verge of tears, looks at the young David, around the age of three, and runs over to him, her face awash with tears and sadness. She picks up David and locks him in a tight, sobbing hug, her whole body shaking.
Child David: Where’s daddy?
David’s Mom: Daddy’s not with us anymore, David. I-It’s just us now… (Sobs)
Child David: Where’s daddy!? (Begins to panic and cry) WHERE’S DADDY!?!?
The camera zooms out to show mother and son locked in grief and mourning, and the flashback ends, bringing us back to the ruins of Henleaf Town, showing a closeup of the bones in the rubble, which are being pelted with teardrops from above. David falls to his knees, tears beginning to fall from his eyes in droves, his body shaking with sorrow.
David: No… Nononono… MOM!!!!! (His anguished cry echoes around the area)
David sits there sobbing his eyes out for what felt like forever, and when he has run out of tears to cry, he gets up. With an empty look in his eyes, he strolls down what used to be the street. With no clear destination in mind, he wanders the wasteland, his limping, ash-covered body making him look like a ghost. He passes what’s left of Maxwell’s, the restaurant he had ate at just hours ago. Nothing is left of it, except for the skeletons of the cooks and waiters littered around the foundation.
David: That’s it then, everyone’s gone… Everyone I know is dead…
He continues walking…
David: T-This has to be a dream, no, a nightmare! (Stops) That’s it! I’ll just pinch myself, I’ll wake up, and everything will be OK again!
David pinches himself multiple times. Nothing happens.
David: W-Why isn’t this working!?
About half an hour later, David reaches the site of the Forest Guardian’s Shrine. With all the trees now gone, the charred but still standing monument now sits atop a hill overlooking the ruined landscape. A gem of some sort, resembling a Pearl, lay in pieces at the foot of the statue. Suddenly, David has flashes of vision, seemingly from another being’s viewpoint. For a few brief moments, David is a wolf, running for his (Or her?) life through the burning forest, pursued by a group of mysterious humanoids with crystals on various parts of their bodies, all carrying weapons like swords and spears. The vision abruptly cuts out.
David: (Holding his head) What… was that? I better get out of here.
As David walks down the trail, he begins to have a feeling he’s being watched.
David: H-Hello? Anyone there?
A shadow appears above him. He turns around, to face a large, muscular gem-being wearing a crash helmet looming over him.
???: You lost, little boy?
David: W-Who are you!? What did you do to my town!?
???: (Chuckles) The name’s Jasper. And you’re coming with me. I know just the place for you.
Jasper strikes David in the head with her helmet, barely avoiding cracking David’s skull but still instantly knocking him out. She chuckles again and hefts the limp human over her shoulder as she made her way to the landed hand-ship.
End memory.
Author’s note: In the Gem invasion of Earth in David’s timeline, hundreds of millions of human lives were cut short. And yes, the Jasper who captures David is indeed the same Jasper we all know from Steven’s Universe. In David’s world, Jasper is one of the lead generals leading the invasion of Earth. Her forces were responsible for the total destruction of Empire City and all the surrounding area, including Henleaf Town.
#RFADW#steven universe#steven auniverse#steven universe fanfic#steven universe fanfiction#the one where davids mom dies#apocalypse#post-apocalyptic#jasper
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March 28, 2018
Songs about Preachers and possums...
Record Publisher
There are several photographs on page 2 of this issue of The Record about a quarterly music event which is held in the fellowship hall of the Arbor Grove United Methodist Church in Purlear.
Arbor Music, as it is called, is a treat like no other when a random group of very talented musicians come together to put on a show for what is rapidly becoming a packed house.
No rehearsals. No practice. No nothing, But I have bought many a ticket for shows that weren't even in the neighborhood of being as good as Arbor Music was this past Thursday.
As always, different things are more special to different people, and I want to take a few minutes to share a little with you about two persons in particular I enjoyed this past Thursday. One is Herb Key, who I have known and respected for many years. The other is an older gentleman named Fred Watkins, who I had never seen or heard of before.
Herb Key is a well known musician and luthier who is a member of the Blue Ridge Music Hall of Fame. He has played for many events The Record has hosted, as well as at countless other venues far and wide, including even Carnegie Hall. Through the years of our association during many venues, Herb found out that my mother, Cary, when I was a small child, sang a song to me as a lullaby called "The Preacher and the Bear." I had always thought it was just something she had learned on the farm in Surry County, never thinking it was a record produced by several people beginning as early as 1905. When I mentioned the song to Herb one day, I learned that he knew the song well, and he has been kind enough to sing it several times through the years at events I attended.
This past Thursday was no exception. When Herb took his turn in front, he sang "The Preacher and the Bear" once again, and I was able to relive one of my favorite memories of childhood--and the song I sang to all my children as well. That night's rendition of the song was made even more special because my, brother, T. A. was sitting right behind me, and he knows the song by heart at well.
And then there is Fred Watkins. When I arrived at Arbor Grove on Thursday, one of the first people I saw was Jane Brady. She had kindly found me a seat near the front and pointed out Mr. Watkins. He was seated, had his own oxygen supply with him, and had a harmonica in his hand. Jane then told me about what she called the "possum song" that she hoped he would do. As the evening went on, he played the harmonica along with the guitars, banjos, fiddles and other instruments during the various songs which were performed. Then, well into the program, David Johnson introduced Fred Watkins to a huge ovation. He took his spot and promptly stole the show by singing' "Five Pounds of Possum."
All in all it was a wonderful evening. David Johnson as emcee was perfect; seamlessly mixing the wide variety music with an Easter message, and occassionally just having fun. He spoke of his childhood and how Eugene Canter taught him how to catch a baseball. He went on talking about Gene and his love of hunting and fishing, and ended with a story about there being a newborn baby in the neighborhood who was taken to Gene's house because the family didn't have a scale to weigh the child. David said when they put the baby on the set of fish scales on Gene's back porch, that the infant came in at just over 38 pounds.
When the folks at Arbor Music began to ask Gene about that story, I'm told he would only say, that "..well, it was a big baby."
The Preacher and the Bear
The preacher went out hunting,
it was on a Sunday morn,
He knew it was against his religion,
but he took his gun along.
He shot himself three fine quail,
and one little measly hare,
And on his way returning home,
he met a great big grizzly bear.
The bear walked up in the middle of the road,
he walked up to the preacher you see,
The Preacher got so excited,
that he climbed a persimmon tree.
The bear sat down underneath the tree,
and the preacher climbed out on a limb.
Then he cast his eyes to the Lord in the skies,
and these words he prayed to him.
Now Lord, didn't you deliver Daniel from the lions den,
and Jonah, from the belly of the whale, and then,
Three Hebrew children from the fiery furnace,
Yes, the Good Book does declare.
So, oh Lord, if you can't help me,
for Heaven's sake, don't you help that bear.
Five Pounds of Possum
My Children are hungry, my dog needs a bone.
I ain't got no job now, so I'm just driving home.
An hour after sundown, and much to my delight,
There's 5 pounds of possum in my headlights tonight.
There's 5 pounds of possum in my headlights tonight,
If I can just run him over, everything will be all right.
We'll have some possum gravy, oh what a wonderful sight,
There's 5 pounds of possum in my headlights tonight.
Won't have to clean me no chicken, won't have to open no cans,
Just a little it closer, and I'll have it in my hand.
I think the time has come now, to go from dim to bright,
There's 5pounds of possum in my headlights tonight.
There's 5 pounds of possum in my headlights tonight,
If I can just run him over, everything will be all right.
We'll have some possum gravy, oh what a wonderful sight,
There's 5 pounds of possum in my headlights tonight.
Won't have to clean me no chicken, won't have to open no cans,
Just a little it closer, and I'll have it in my hand.
I think the time has come now, to go from dim to bright,
There's 5 pounds of possum in my headlights tonight.
There's 5 pounds of possum in my headlights tonight,
If I can just run him over, everything will be all right.
We'll have some possum gravy, oh what a wonderful sight,
There's 5 pounds of possum in my headlights tonight.
Are we really foresaken?
Palm Sunday is one of my favorite services. I am not sure if I love its pageantry or the fact that it’s the start of Easter with new beginnings.
Then I think of Jesus on the cross asking “…my God, my God why have you forsaken me?”
And then I wonder how we feel forsaken when things don’t go our way. We all get frustrated when things don’t play out the way we expect them to, and people don’t behave like they’re “supposed” to. I tend to get frustrated with myself when things don’t go right, but maybe I am judging myself against the wrong measure of success and not looking into the deeper meaning of what is “supposed to be.” Maybe I haven’t been forsaken, and maybe I am successful in a different way. I was challenged by a friend to look deeper and find my own personal measure of success. When I did look deeper I saw my life in a different way.
So how do we “reprogram” our brain to look beyond what is facing us to see the deeper purpose and celebrate our impact on the world.
One way would be to not imagine the worst when you encounter a little drama. When someone is acting irrationally, don’t join them by rushing to make a negative judgment call. Instead, pause. Take a deep breath…When you feel like things are about to blow, take a long deep breath. Deep breathing releases tension, calms down our fight or flight reactions, and allows us to quiet our anxious nerves so we choose more considerate and constructive responses, no matter the situation.
Sometimes good people behave poorly under stress. When you pause, it gives you space to collect your thoughts and it also allows the other person the space to take a deep breath with you. In most cases, that extra time and space is all we need.
In the busyness of today’s world people tend to be worried, fearful, hurting and distracted about everything. The word compassion means “to suffer with.” When you can put yourself in the other person’s shoes, you give them the space to regroup, without putting any extra pressure on them. We never know what’s really going on in someone’s life. When you interact with others in stressful environments, set an intention to be supportive by leaving the expectations, judgments and demands at the door.
Keeping “the positive” in mind helps you move beyond the negativity around you. At the end of the day, reflect on your small daily wins and all the little things that are going well. Count three small events on your fingers that happened during the day that you’re undoubtedly grateful for.
And pay it forward when you get a chance to. Let your positivity empower you to think kindly of others, speak kindly to others, and do kind things for others. Kindness always makes a difference. Create the outcomes others might be grateful for at the end of their day. Be a bigger part of what’s right in this world.
I challenge you to try this—start small with just three deep breaths and three minutes of meditation a day. Do this for 30 days. After 30 days, if this daily ritual becomes easy, add another two breaths and another two minutes to your ritual. When you begin a day mindfully, you lay the foundation for your day being calm and centered -focused on your strengths giving way for you to positively impact your world.
“Do or Do not, there is no try”
Record Reporter
So were the words of Jedi Master Yoda when a young Luke Skywalker was in Jedi boot camp.
You see, Luke was from a rural farming community, a small town boy, living in a lonely galaxy far, far, away and had no reason to ever think danger would strike there. Until one fateful day, the bad guys attacked and he found his friends and family massacred in what should have been his safe zone.
But what could he do? He was just a kid. The Empire had military grade weapons, political backing, and he was “just a dumb teenager” on a farm. He was angry and frustrated, feeling powerless when Master Yoda uttered the words that would be his turning point: “Do or Do not, there is no try.”
Long story short, he found a mentor in Obi Wan Kinobi and a trainer of the force in Yoda. He joined The Resistance, becoming one of the most widely known and powerful forces to be reckoned with in the galaxy.
He was a Jedi.
A Rebel with a cause.
And he had a twin sister who didn’t back down in the face of adversity, even though she too was only a teenager.
A Padawan, or Jedi apprentice, is a trainee who receives one-on-one instruction. When a Padawans training is completed, they must pass certain trials. (Padawan means “learner” in Sanskrit)
"As a parent, haven’t we all said that we want to raise good humans, kind and compassionate, yet independent and be able to critically think for themselves? That we don’t want our child to conform to a societal norm, to think out of the box? To teach them to be brave enough to stand up in the face of adversity when they see something wrong? (i.e. bullying)
So now the kids we have raised are doing just that, adults on social media are losing their minds. “Adults” are attacking the youth, threatening, bullying, shaming, spouting nonsense like “These stupid dumb teenagers eating Tide pods are trying to tell adults what to do when they can't even vote yet? What idiots.”
(Brace yourselves. A lot of them are seniors, and the voting registration of kids 18-21 just went through the roof.)
Perhaps the problem is the “adults” that are ignorant, lacking compassion and empathy.
Sadly, most of these same “adults” are part of Generation X, my generation, parents of the generation rising up. Need I remind you, what we did back in school? I sat and watched classmates sniff glue, markers, computer duster, whippets, helium… Not to mention our generation thought mullets were cool. But you're going to call these kids stupid? Please.
Unlike the war against the Empire that spanned for generations, leading the Rebel Princess to say “A lot of good people died to get this information” our young Padawans have faced their trials, and said “Enough is Enough!” And so begins The Resistance in our day. Teenagers are leading the charge for change, standing in solidarity across the nation.
When you strip away the entire partisan knee jerking on both sides, the simple fact is that kids are dying at school, and they’d rather not. They are asking for help from adults. That’s it.
May the Force be with you young Jedi, always.
Snake in the Grass
Special to The Record
Danger comes in many forms and it’s what we fail to see or detect that can harm us the most. I’m not talking about terrorism but rather about silver-tongued deception.
Some are attempting to capitalize on the division that exists in America today between blacks, whites, and others. Hatred and violence are fomented by evil design to stir up political unrest. If enough seeds of discord are scattered and take root, minority voters become easy prey for the liberal, leftist agenda. We must take note of those who are sowing such seeds and carefully warn others not to be deceived.
Louis Farrakhan, known as the leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI), is one such figure. Formed in 1930 for the purpose of targeting African Americans in what was a majority Caucasian society, the NOI is hard at work today under Farrakhan’s leadership stirring up hatred against whites and Jews. Clothed in a form of religion, the organization has great appeal to its target audience.
Farrakhan emerged in 1977 as a masterful orator. He became widely recognized for his outspoken vitriol against white society and his extremist views are unchanged today. Often he refers to whites as the devil and blacks as the chosen race of Allah refuting that the Jews are God’s chosen people. While his fiery speeches draw many followers, his messages are not meant to unify but rather divide.
Farrakhan’s hatred is not limited to whites. He also rails against Jews and against Israel. Recently he delivered a speech at his annual Saviors’ Day 2018 Address which was peppered with anti-Semitic statements. He blames the Jews for whatever comes out of Hollywood and claims Israel is an imperialist country wreaking havoc on the Palestinians. Of course he has no facts to support his slanderous claims yet his message hits a home run with his audiences. Referring to the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians as a master–slave type of relationship, he masterfully takes command of his audience enticing them to buy into his false narrative. By making this correlation, his audience responds in sympathetic and predictable fashion.
Louis Farrakhan is a snake in the grass and he has friends and associates in high places. He’s been seen with members of Congress and reportedly with the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Furthermore, he is no stranger to former President Barak Obama or the Congressional Black Caucus. Practiced in the art of persuasive double-speak and confusion, Farrakhan is a dangerous man not in and of himself but because he has influence.
Fox news reported on “links with seven members of the Congressional Black Caucus” and Tamika Mallory, co-president of the Women’s March. The seven members were named, and several have since condemned Farrakhan’s vile racist and bigoted views but some of the same members who denounced Farrakhan’s bigotry also praised him as a person. Any elected official who would associate with a man who calls Jews “satanic” and publicly praises Hitler as a “very great man” should be forced to resign from office.
While everyone should denounce such incendiary acrimony coming from Farrakhan and the NOI, there are others like him living in Israel’s neighborhood. They can be just as outrageously deceitful, turning truth into a lie and a lie into a truth, and show a face that speaks of a separatist attitude challenging everyone they consider enemies.
Dolley and the Easter Egg Roll
Life in the Carolinas
Did you know that Dolley Payne was born May 20, 1768 in North Carolina? Her father was John Payne from and her Quaker mother was Mary Coles Payne. John became a Quaker after he married Mary. It was a tough life for them as plantation farmers in Virginia or North Carolina. When Dolley was 15 she, her seven siblings and parents moved to Philadelphia. John went into the starch making business which also fell on hard times.
At the age of 22 Dolley married John Todd, a promising young Quaker lawyer. It was only three years before Dolley became a young widow and buried both her husband and one of their three children due to a yellow-fever epidemic.
Within 11 months, Dolley would say "I do" to James Madison, a well-established Virginia congressman who was 17 years her senior and was also a Founding Father of the United States. Over time James would make his way up the political ladder. It was in 1801 that President Thomas Jefferson asked him to serve as Secretary of State. Upon acceptance the Madison family moved to Washington and this would be the start of Dolley Madison’s rise to becoming a popular figure in our nations history. Her husband became President James Madison on March 4, 1809 and served till March 4, 1817.
We often talk about the state of birth for our U.S. Presidents, however we don’t talk a lot about the state of birth for our First Ladies. While it is not an elected office, they are expected to serve and Dolley Madison certainly did that.
On resent visit to The Inn of the Patriots Bed and Breakfast in Grover, N.C. I visited with the owners Marti and Stormy Mongiello, both are U.S. Veterans and Marti has served as a Presidential Chef and director at Camp David. So, they do know more then just a few things about White House and Camp David History.
From the opening of the Inn and the US Presidential Culinary Museum the Mongiello’s have hosted an Easter Monday Egg Roll to coincides with the official White House Egg Roll. Hundreds of children show up at 11am in the little town of Grover, N.C. for the fun filled official egg roll event at which each child nine and under receive one official White House Egg representing the White House and the President at the time of Easter Egg Roll. The 2018 Eggs are signed by President Trump and the First Lady.
Marti shared a bit of the historic legend. As the story goes John Payne Todd also known as Payne Todd, was Dolly’s son from her first marriage and was adopted by James Madison when Payne was two years old. While he did not have to worry about a good meal at home, Payne did not have a simple or easy life, reportedly he was troubled as an alcoholic most of his life and he never seemed to make traction for doing much good with any aspect of his life.
However, He did share a story with his mother about a game where children were rolling colored eggs in the sand with a stick at the pyramids of Giza. He suggested to his mother that they share the custom on or near the grounds of the U.S. Capital. Soon after, that’s exactly what happened.
While the origins of the Easter Egg Roll are still debated we know that over the years the tradition would evolve and move to the White House Lawn during the Rutherford B. Hayes administration and take on different aspects. However, the basic attributes remained the same. Having fun while rolling decorated eggs, some simple and some more complex. Just like all of us.
As we celebrate the Holy Day of Easter and have fun with some of our secular traditions may we always remember where we come from and the contributions of the dirt we played in as kids.
You can email Carl at [email protected]
Carl White is the executive producer and host of the award winning syndicated TV show Carl White’s Life In the Carolinas. The weekly show is now in its seventh year of syndication and can be seen in the Charlotte viewing market on WJZY Fox 46 Saturdays at noon. For more on the show visit www.lifeinthecarolinas.com
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#yes he enjoys the fame in the three strikes job BUT it's short lived and he doesn't want to be famous long term#remember in the one ep when he's like i'm wanted by X states and govts I can't have my picture floating around#that right there is why it's even better when he DOES become famous
Hardison: despite what you people think I do not control the internet.
Also Hardison: I'm making a commercial to sell Eliot as a baseball player
so i'm re-binging Leverage and is it just me or does it seem like whenever they have to be celebrities for a con none of them actually become mildly famous except for Eliot
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