#yes Wolfram that is how time works
There's a lot that's frustrating to me about Angel the Series but a major thing is the Gunn and Fred relationship.
Because I love 'em both, but they remind me of Riley and Buffy. Two people who worked in a similar field and should have just stayed friends, because they may have been physically attracted to one another but really they had extremely little in common.
And it's not just that the show was setting up a love triangle, and Fred would have to choose who she loved more (which is also bad and I have never EVER seen a love triangle that didn't frustrate me). It's that the show WAS setting up Wes as Fred's love interest from the getgo. Wesley cared for Fred when she was crazy. He held her in Caritas when Gunn's friends were shooting it up. He was giving her dopey smiles and adoring looks first. They researched together and worked like a well-oiled machine, and the only reason he didn't make a move sooner was because of the whole "Billy" episode, where he was bespelled to be abusive towards her, and Gunn was a little bit, too, but Wesley took it so hard he shut himself up in his apartment for several days until Fred herself asked him to come back. As far as we know Gunn had no such guilt over that spell.
And out of nowhere Gunn decides he likes Fred too, but I think they just don't click. As aformentioned, they don't have a lot in common. He teases her for caring, and barely noticed or paid attention to her when she was dealing with the Pylea aftermath crazies.
Wes confided in Cordy that he wanted to ask Fred out, and she could see it, even. Gunn confided in nobody. In this same episode, "Waiting in the Wings," Fred says she wants to ask Cordy something and Cordy says "I think you two are perfect for each other" and then claims she used her demon powers to know what Fred was talking about when, actually, Fred wasn't talking about Wesley at all. Cordy then takes this false information and tells Wes that Fred is interested. How is this not setting up Wes as the underdog, and the one we should be rooting for, even though we love Gunn as a character, too?
When Wes sees Fred and Gunn kissing, it's a blow that comes out of nowhere for him, because he never suspected and Cordy had hinted that Fred was interested in him. Wes is more shy, he's more careful, he wants to be more sure and he's absolutely still thinking about the abuser stuff between them, but the show decided he took too long and gave her to Gunn instead.
And when he sees it... he steps back. He doesn't say a word. He doesn't discourage them, doesn't act hostile to Gunn, even though we can see how earth shattering this is for him. He has to watch Gunn and Fred be all gooey and sappy in front of him, and he bears his secret. If he'd said something to Fred at the time, I imagine she would have been apologetic, but would have said that Gunn asked her first and he's the one she chooses, and that would have been that. But she would have known, at least. Known she was loved by someone else, known that she didn't have to say yes to the first person who asked her. Wes doesn't put that burden on her, and carries it all himself.
He will have to wait two years before she admits feelings for him. Two years in which he will try to carry on fighting the good fight as before, he will try to protect Connor from being killed and kidnapped, he will have his neck sliced open, he will search tirelessly all summer to dig Angel up out of the ocean, he will deal with all the drama and demons and supernatural every single week as always, he will have his memory tampered with-- twice-- and will start a hate relationship with his enemy, who he will force to dress up as Fred because he's taking everything out on Lilah anyway.
He will watch Gunn and Fred fall apart because they were never going to be sustainable, and still he won't say a thing. Everyone at Wolfram and Hart in S5, including Spike but excluding Angel, will know that Wes is into Fred. And yet Wes will again have to watch Knox (I called him Holden at first, whoops) try to get his foot in the door with her, until finally, finally, Fred expresses her interest, and they get to kiss for the very first time.
That's at the end of "Smile Time." And the next episode, "A Hole in the World," is where Fred gets sick. Right at the start of the episode. Right after Gunn says he's glad Wes and Fred get a chance; he had his with her and he recognizes it's time for her to move on.
Wes and Fred didn't get one episode together. They didn't even get ten minutes of screen time together before she started dying.
They got one of the best love declaration speeches in the history of television... but it was about two minutes before she died, and seven episodes before he died and the show ended.
As I said, there's lots that frustrating about AtS, and I know Cangel also was teased and teased and teased before being snatched away in the most brutal and lazy way possible. But at least their final episode was really a good one. Angel and Cordelia had so much time and history together and were pretty much in a relationship anyway without being official about it. It was even brought up to both of them as a possibilty and both dismissed it, so it's not like they didn't have time and chances.
(And I know none of the BtVs relationships ended well or happily either, but we're not talking about this show right now, lol)
Fred and Gunn got a season and a half, almost, of cutesy smiles and breakfast at the same diner every morning and raising Connor when no one else was around, pretty much only because they were in close proximity and not dating anyone else.
Wesley-- who granted is not without his flaws and dark character arcs-- loved Fred deeply from the start and waiting patiently for years only to have her die in his arms pretty much 24 hours after they started dating.
It would have been better if we'd never had even that, or Wes had confessed his feelings and Fred had truly never been into him. The way it was just shows all the time that was wasted and lost between them.
Of all the cruel and frustrating things that show did, in my opinion this was the worst.
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pain-in-the-butler · 5 months
Hiiii. I have two questions about your story, Coattails!
First of all, I love your fic so much omg. I binge-read it in like 5 days a few weeks ago, and ever since then, it's been the only thing I think about. You write the characters so beautifully. I love how you write Sebastian's descent into Dadbastian, and his relationship with Ciel.
Feel free to not answer any question :)
1. Are we reaching the climax of what Happened to Fairclough in Chapter 1? / Nearing the end of Coattails? 
I'm so excited to know what Fairclough is going to do and for all the Dadbastian moments that will come out of it. At first, I thought Fairclough wasn't human, but I'm pretty sure you confirmed somewhere that he is definitely human. Then I was thinking, What if Fairclough is working with or for something that isn't human? I really don't know; there are so many possibilities! I'm really curious. Oh, and I just know that order that Ciel made where Sebastian can't get within a mile of Fairclough is definitely going to backfire. Now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder how Sebastian is going to save Ciel when Fairclough kidnaps him or something, since it's not like he can get within a mile of Fairclough. Unless Ciel manages to break that order or Sebastian himself breaks it and goes "demon mode," idk. But breaking an order would probably affect their contract, What if the contract breaks?? That would be pretty interesting 🤔 
Oh, and the whole thing with Sebastian being able to feel love and stuff with the magic that's inside him. I wonder, how did that happen? Although Fairclough is obviously the main villain of the story, I don't think he has anything to do with it. Because why would he want Sebastian to become more gentle with Ciel? That would just cause him to become more protective when people like Fairclough are near, right? Affecting Fairclough if he tries to do something. Unless Fairclough did have something to do with it, it might've backfired on him?
Sorry, I just realised I'm rambling, lol. Those are just some of my thoughts/theories.
2. What's going to happen after you finish writing Coattails?
Like, do you plan on stopping writing Dadbastian? I hope not. I love how your writing, so I'd definitely miss it a lot. But I understand if you choose to stop. Coattails is currently at like 350k words (plus, it's probably going to have a lot more than that after you finish), so if you don't want to write any more Dadbastian after that, I understand — it's a lot.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Once again, feel free to not answer any question! I really don't mind. Oh and I just realised I wrote a lot here, lol. I hope I'm not being annoying or anything. Bye :)
Ahhh, what a wonderful message to wake up to in my inbox! 🥰 Thank you so much for binging and enjoying Coattails! These characters are deeply important to me, so I always hope to do them justice. I would be happy to answer your questions, at least without spoiling anything as much as possible!
First of all, are we near the climax? Yes! Are we near the ending? Yes and no. We are probably about eight chapters away from the end, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're close time-wise or word count-wise. I still anticipate that I won't finish this story until late 2025.
Your ideas about Fairclough and the effects of the foreign magic are an interesting read and I thank you for all your predictions, but I can confirm or deny nothing! Just know that the answers are very close now...
And will I keep writing Dadbastian after I finish Coattails? Yes, absolutely! The Coattails universe is one I will come back to, no doubt — for instance, I'd really like for Ciel and Sebastian to meet Sieglinde and Wolfram. I have ideas for other fluffy post-main story scenarios too. And I have other Kuro projects I'd like to get to someday as well! A rewrite of the Weston arc and a humorous modern AU fic where Ciel and Sebastian have a mission on a Disney cruise are just two ideas I'd like to explore. No doubt there will be some Dadbastian influence there as well... and more Dadbastian fics I have yet to think of.
You were certainly not annoying, I'm really grateful you could be so invested in my writing! Thank you so much for your questions, have a wonderful day!
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voidcat-senket · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @hxhhasmysoul and @subdee!! <3 <3 <3 who are both v lovely go like. look at their blogs. anyway
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
520,484 - 27% of that is one fic looool
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now just HxH and SW:Fallen Order series. Sherlock and Star Trek AOS were big ones too
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Closing the Space (Between Us) - again its 27% of my wordcount! It deserves it! the Hunter x Hunter Killugon Reunion fic of my dreams. I am SO PROUD of this one I have handed it to irl friends! On purpose! My partner got me a physical copy for Xmas 2021!
2. Crying Over Yuuri - a Kyou Kara Maou! fic, which is a fandom I am amazed is still being read. It's a Wolfram POV fic where he, you got it, cries over Yuuri. Pretty fluffy ending. I credit the numbers to the fact that not a lot of fic gets written for KKM anymore so it doesn't disappear under all the new stuff
3. Not Unusual - A ST:AO3 Academy Era McKirk. Bones gets a bunch of clues to something going on with Jim... he gets it a little wrong, Jim freaks out because this man has Issues, but it resolves in the end. I wrote this one as a pinch-hit for an exchange back when I was still RPing Jim Kirk @thewinningscenario
4. 5+1: Are They Or Aren't They? - Somehow my Mystrade (Sherlock BBC) still gets hits with fair regularity and I'll never understand why. It's definitely not my best work but it's cute! 5 times people weren't sure if Mycroft and Lestrade are dating, and the time they know (because they receive a wedding invitation!!)
5. One Flew East, One Flew West - a Killugon Modern AU in which Killua and Gon meet at a Psychiatric Recovery Center, with Kurapika as another patient and Leorio as a therapist. written for HxHBB2020. I'm very fond of this one. It makes me cry <3 I'm so happy there's so much fandom diversity in these! (The next 11 are all either HxH or Sherlock, l o l )
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I wish I could say I did! I mean to! Sometimes I am not in a good place so I mean to do it later and then I forget..... whoof. I am so thankful for each and every review, and I want to repay that!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I wrote a LOT of fics in my teens where people died (not all of them are on A03, it didn't exist at the time. I'm not giving you my ff.net ;) ) Surely, one of them! More recently, I wrote a Dragon Age: Inquisition Lavellan/Dorian in response to Dorian preemptively breaking up with me (rude!) that is Pretty Hecking Angsty. It's tagged "hurt no comfort"
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Closing the Space (Between Us) did so much work to get where it was, and they ended up with Everything! My boys <3 (And Alluka)
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Very rarely! I'm pretty lucky in life that I don't get hate generally. Maybe it's because I'm not Out There enough but- who cares! People are nice and sweet and lovely mostly, and I love writing fanfic for/with them :3
9. Do you write smut?
Sometimes it will appear in other fics. I don't really do PWPs, and smut itself is pretty rare because I don't include it unless it's... necessary? Kinda? Like if the story demands it. I personally only read smut in certain moods, so when smut's included I make it easy to skip, but it certainly exists
10. Do you write crossovers?
It depends! In my Sherlock days I had a Sherlock/Stargate Atlantis crossover series and a Sherlock in the HP universe series, but I haven't done any recently.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! I heard people copy fics over to Wattpad sometimes but I've never looked. I'm not usually in MegaFandoms anyway, so I don't think I'm in any real danger.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
YES!! A few different Sherlock ones! (I guess I was pretty well known in the Mystrade sphere?? IDK that was back on livejournal. Anyone else miss KinkMemes?) I think one got translated to Russian and one to Chinese. Both reached out to me and asked for permission first, which I of course granted! It's very flattering <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Way way way back in my teen years I cowrote a few times- one in YuGiOh and one in Fruits Basket with a high school friend. Recently I am technically cowriting a fic with @spyscrapper atm- I say technically because its really an rp l o l (Star Wars: Jedi Survivor Canon Divergent Spyscrapper, it's pretty hecking cool! And painful! :D ) I once cowrote a fic where the other author just like. eliminated my plotline. so. It's not always good, but it's still fun to try!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I refuse to pick One. Killugon (HxH), McShep (Stargate Atlantis), Seishirou/Subaru (Tokyo Babylon & X/1999) and any combination of McSpirk (Star Trek) have probably had the most long-lasting impact on me. And
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
I often feel like I should finish Pulling The Trigger because it's an interesting casefic and I like the thought of a mystery, but... it's 12 years old at this point, so...
16. What are your writing strengths?
Nature-themed metaphors and descriptions! And I feel like I have pretty strong character points of view! Oh, and angst. I'm good at angst. >:)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Planning 🙃 oops what's that. And I use adverbs too much! (but it's fun so I'll keep doing it)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It depends why! If a fic is from the POV of Character A and Character B is talking in a language they don't understand, for example, it's fine to use it (though please provide a translation for your reader!) The language switch has to be for a specific reason, and if the character understands it the reader should too. (In One Flew, Gon and Killua sometimes swap to Japanese to disguise their conversations from everyone else- I show that by changing their conversation to italics in most cases.) I definitely wrote a fic as a teen that had all Japanese because I was a weeb and... lol don't do that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Yugioh, 2001!! It was probably two paragraphs long hahaha
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Closing the Space (Between Us) for sure! God it's so good. I am begging people to read it. If you're going to read One Thing I have written in my entire life-so-far, please let it be that!!
"Tag 20 people:" that seems like a lot hahaha uuhh @spyscrapper @avtorsola @mmuffncakes @nightingalesighs @etoiline @iwishtocountthestars @unicorncoalition @shalnarkonice @missinkylace @thefledglingdm 10 is a reasonable number. but tbh if you wanna do it, do it, I wanna read ur response!
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shiroandblack · 10 months
I don't know if the 07-Ghost fandom is dead or alive, but it's still one of my favourite mangas to this day and I wanna talk about how love is both a blessing and a harbinger of doom in this manga. Let's start with Vanessa Antwort aka Chrom's legal wife and queen (because sadly, Millea Klein was a concubine because she was 'too lowborn' to be the Queen of Raggs).
We know that Vanessa was deeply in love with Chrom, but Chrom was deeply in love with Millea. However, Chrom also didn't treat her badly at all. When Ayanami said that she was granted the greatest consideration, aka having the political power as queen and also having Tiashe/Teito (considering in this era his name was Tiashe, I will be calling him Tiashe here) kept away from her sight, he was correct. While yes, this was definitely for Tiashe's safety because she absolutely did not look fondly upon him, but I think this was considered a concession to Vanessa because Tiashe is basically a living reminder that Vanessa will never be the 'first' in Chrom's eyes. Also I imagine it would be deeply humiliating for a queen, who has yet to have any children yet with the king, to have a concubine's child, who until she and the king have a child is the heir to the throne, be paraded in front of her. So yes, I agree with the notion that she was treated well in Raggs. Especially by Chrom, who despite not loving her the same way he loved Millea, held a degree of fondness or friendship for her and I think treated her with the respect and dignity her status as queen warranted. I think that in another world where Vanessa was not in love with Chrom, this whole political marriage might've worked out well.
Now, we all know Vanessa and Wolfram basically helped start the Raggs war which saw the Raggs kingdom destroyed and its people displaced simply because of . . . Unrequited love. Wolfram, the Emperor of Barsburg, was deeply in love with Millea (who was originally born in Barsburg) while Vanessa was deeply in love with Chrom. Don't get me wrong, these two were manipulated to the high heavens, however it's also important to remember that they did choose to do these things despite knowing it was objectively wrong. So many atrocities in 07-Ghost were done in the name of love, but so many wonderful things as well.
The first example I can think of is Castor and Lazette, who while not a romantic relationship (I don't interpret their relationship as romantic, however if you do then it's your prerogative) is still a relationship full of love. Castor, a young heir to an old and wealthy noble house, died for Lazette, a character whose very species is considered inferior to Castor, nevermind social status. And we see him being moved enough by the depth of Kuroyuri and Haruse's relationship (I'm sorry if I got his name wrong it has been years, it's Haruse right?) to give Haruse another chance at life, instead of the poor, half-life Ayanami was able to grant him. And Labrador's entire past was a tragedy, but he sacrificed himself for love as many characters have done.
Now, let's consider what is arguably one of the most important love stories in 07-Ghost. Verloren and Eve. Of which the entirety of the plot of 07-Ghost wouldn't have happened without them. Verloren and Eve loved one another and when Eve died, it all came apart. It's ironic that despite Verloren acting as if Eve was murdered unjustly, he is in fact her murderer. Her death was unfortunate and dare I say it, almost accidental. She fell back and Verloren touches her to catch her, and we know that as the god of death, his touch kills everything. And because of this, he is obsessed with finding her reincarnation on earth to the point he basically kills people just to see if their soul is truly Eve's and he reincarnates time and time again, just to continue his search for her. And we find out that it's basically all for nothing, because Eve has reincarnated as the light in every human's souls, as the goodness in their hearts. I personally think that it's very fitting that someone as warm and empathetic as Eve had basically become the manifestation of human kindness.
So yeah, I find it beautiful that 07-Ghost shows the duality of love. How love, while generally a positive emotion, can also lead to something terrible. The worst crimes in 07-Ghost are all done in the name of love.
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travllingbunny · 3 months
Do you think Angel became less likeable in season 5?
My answer is based on my own feelings while watching the show for the first time. I really liked Angel as a character in the first 4 seasons- even when he was going very dark and/ being extremely unpleasant to the other characters and doing bad/questionable things in season 2, or almost strangling Wes in season 3, and even in a season which I did not enjoy (season 4) I liked his character and found him sympathetic. But something about how he was written in a lot of season 5 really rubbed me the wrong way. I don't think it's even working for Wolfram and Hart. I think it's how he acted towards Spike when thr latter was incorporeal and had just sacrificed himself to save the world, and how jealous he was about Buffy - which made no sense after he had spent 3 seasons madly in love witt other women, so it came off as a petty pissing contest/ ego driven male rivalry, and how little the loss of Cordelia and Connor were shown to have affected him... basically, it's like they did a big reset of his character to make him look petty amd childish through a lot of the final season -he comes off as pretty annoying.
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machtaholic · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @cinematicnomad
How many works do you have on ao3? Erm … 241
What's your total ao3 word count? 1,072,985
What fandoms do you write for? At the moment? Stranger Things, previously The Witcher, The Magicians, Teen Wolf, Suits and some smaller fandoms as well
Top five fics by kudos
Rule 520.4 (Suits, Mike x Harvey)
Spontaneity's Reward (Suits, Mike x Harvey)
Ink (Suits, Mike x Harvey)
Speaking of Happiness (Suits, Mike x Harvey)
High Speed (Suits, Mike x Harvey)
Do you respond to comments? I do now, I didn't really before. And now I'd fee weird going back to all those comments I didn't reply to.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Whittemore!, because it was Jackson with no happy ending working at Wolfram and Hart in the Angel universe … it was short but not happy.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Oh all of the others except that one. I am a big fan of happy endings.
Do you get hate on fics? At one point I did. I multi-ship in the Teen Wolf fandom and had someone come onto my fic and leave epic amounts of hate. When I locked down my fics, they found me here on tumblr and started sending me anon hate here. But it didn't really make an impact. I'm too old and jaded for that bullshit lol
Do you write smut? Yep! Will happily write smut
Craziest crossover Teen Wolf and The Santa Clause
Have you ever had a fic stolen? To an extent, yes. I have a fic 'A King for Mike's Queen' where Mike goes out in drag and someone found a fic VERY similar to mine out on AO3 … I believe they even took the name I gave Mike and used it too
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yeah, I think I've had a couple translated to Russian before.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? I have, on a couple of occasions.
All time favourite ship? To write or to read? Either way, I can't pick just one, so I'm just pass.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have one from the Criminal Minds fandom that I wish I could finish, but … I don't think I will. I still think about it, though. :)
What are your writing strengths? I think I'm really good at building a scene, building a world.
What are your writing weaknesses? There are words or phrases that I tend to overuse - and I repeat myself sometimes. And I like the elipsis a lot lol
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I'm not totally against it, altbough scrolling between the noteswhere the translation might be and the fic could be daunting. If there's context, sure. But I'm also just fine with 'he said in [language]' in lieu of dialogue in another langauge.
First fandom you wrote in? Buffy: the Vampire Slayer. I wrote so much in that and posted it to sites that no longer exist LOL Thankfully, because they were horrid.
Favorite fic you've written? Favorite?? I don't know that I could pick one - I have a few that I can think of that have a really special place in my heart but they're all my faves because they all helped me grow as an author. Cheesy answer, but there you go LOL
tagging!! Anyone who wants to do this.
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gomacave · 7 months
Lol, it is sooo nice to come across someone who still cares about kkm in 2024 😭 just gonna send as an ask so we aren't tag paragraphing back and forth. (Tried just messaging, but you know the tumblr app's reliabilty...)
I have so many thoughts on wolfram and yuuri as people and how they would work as a couple
Re: your original tags i 100% agree that yuuri would be the one to initiate their actual relationship with a kiss he didn't even put any thought into, body just acted. 
I've had this vague fanfic idea in my head for the past like... 10 years (i can't believe i first watched it so long ago) that after getting used to wolfram being his best friend and enjoying being around him in that way for a couple years yuuri would start to catch feelings without even realizing it. Then he'd kiss wolfram in some dramatic dangerous context (like your comic) and immediately fall through a puddle back to earth once the danger is over, without getting the chance to talk to wolfram about it. 
And then yuuri is just like, stuck on earth for a whole month or 2. Ruminating on the kiss, using 2007 style discussion boards to try to figure out his sexuality (😂 poor kid). Maybe watching some random movie (i genuinely don't have a specific one in mind) and realizing that the 2 male main characters have crazy chemisty, remembering something about shipping from that discussion board, searching male character A x male character B and reading some fanfic/seeing some fanart that makes him go "shit maybe i am into guys." Then he like... reads a real romance novel or something that his mom buys him (a teen book! I should clarify. His mom is quirky but not totally oblivous to what would be appropriate), because she's supportive and knows he'd never buy one on his own. And he talks to her a few times about this realization throughout this 2 months. 
Basically, i like the idea of yuuri being forced away from wolfram and all the normalized queerness of shin makoku and still coming to the conclusion that he likes wolfram and wants to be with him. And "hey, im not even gonna be living on earth much past the age of 18 anyway, so why should i care about any of these cultural norms anymore? And my family gets it, so honestly, fuck it."
And then he finally gets back to shin makoku and word vomits/lays this 2 months worth of soul searching at wolfram's feet.
And wolfram is just like, "well it's actually been 8 months or something for me. Glad you figured all that shit out, even though i still don't get what the big deal was, but i definitely panic spiralled into thinking you weren't coming back ever again because of that kiss. So honestly, i'm pretty happy right now. But ngl, you reciprocating my feelings is a little... off putting? No, maybe more like... completely unexpected. I'm in no way prepared for this."
And then their dynamic switches to wolfram being the one who's kind of uncomfortable with public displays of affection (he still likes it, but is noticeably shy/tense). And yuuri just trying his best to not spook wolfram and understand why he's like this now.
And it all just culminates in them having a talk in bed before the fall asleep a couple months after yuuri comes back where wolfram trys to explain how high up on a pedestel yuuri is in his mind and how, to him, it feels like them actually being together is just dragging yuuri down. And how yes, he loves yuuri romantically, but it's also so much more than that. He loves him as his  untouchable best friend who he was JUST getting used to always being out of romatic reach when yuuri got spirited away to earth for 8 months. He loves yuuri as his king. He loves him as an IDEAL. So being with him as his actual fiancé is going to be a slow process. It's a lot to recontextualize in wolfram's head.
But yuuri is fine with that because he's like 18ish/still a teenager at this point and wasn't ready to get married immediately anyway. 
Thanks for the invite to head canon dump on you. It feels good to share these vague ideas for a story i'll never write with another person who GETS the ship in the same way i do 💞
I'm also eager to hear any head canons/ideas you have about these 2. We're def on the same wavelength in terms of wanting to give the characters in kkm more context and agency outside of it being a silly little fantasy adventure thing (with a weirdly well fleshed out world, to be fair) 😂
REAL....... ur so real for everything here..... i think this is 100% how it would go. love the 2007 forums 😭 hes troubleshooting his homosexuality like its a game bug or smth thats so in-character i also agree w the wolf being startled by the reciprocation thing like he would 100% not be able to handle yuuri becoming "real" to him. like an actual option to date and stuff cuz my hc (bc i love suffering) is that he kind of likes or its convenient? that yuuri doesn't reciprocate cuz its so easy to be devoted when u dont have an actual relationship to talk abt and its one sided. it also gets more fanatical that way (aka yearning is stronger when it is left unfulfilled LOL) i also feel like he doesnt deserve it 2 some degree, not that hes not confident but that it's not his place. i feel like this is common in fanart/fic but where yuuri is like ok so can we kiss now and wolf is like ? kiss? we are a symbolic union between blah blah blah
BUT YEAH...... ALSO I LOVE THEM HAVING TALKS TOGETHER IN BED its just so.... like nice 2me...... the vibe of like having to sleep together.. the heart to hearts in bed is so funny but nice. the 16 year olds having a heart to heart while playing house (as a married couple) like the dissonance between their emotional immaturity and the tension and the closeness between them is so juicyyyy like SLEEPOVER TIME except ur discussing ur divorce arc w a 16 year old boysoldier who wants to die for you So Bad
my personal hcs/pure self indulgent bs under cut
ok first i feel like i have to clarify that i dont think that my hcs are canon i just like to have fun w kkm chars like dolls lmfaoooo..... but here are my self indulgent how-they-get-together-hcs ALSO its been like a solid two or three months since i last thought in depth abt kkm so i might be messing some details up
i kinda like the idea of wolf drifting apart from yuuri (from his constant rejection as well as duty and circumstance) and yuuri never reciprocates during this time (also never realizes) and eventually wolf goes off to bielefelt to do his duties and become the patriarch after everything settles. (i also like greta a lot so this is where she goes off to her own nation and wanders as a knight and alsooooo has a lesbianism with beatrice at around 20? years old..?) ANYWAYS they're in kind of awkward limbo and 2 yuuri wolf is someone he wishes he was closer to like when they were kids but isn't and he also avoids him from the guilt/shame of rejecting his feelings
at this pt yuuri has noticed in hindsight that he was in love w wolf but anyways something happens (like an attack) and wolf and yuuri are stuck living together again, wolf is once again risking his life for yuuri and his actions sort of betray that he's still just as in love w him as he was before they separated, he just decided that it would be better not to burden him with his feelings (at this pt he's self-aware that 16 year old wolf had a lot of baggage and codependency lumped in with love like the deifying stuff) and eventually yuuri reveals that he thinks he was in love with him too and wolf has to confront the fact that he wasn't looking for romance in the first place and also that yuuri is still too bright for him to touch (in his mind) so he's kinda like i do my job and u do urs for the good of this nation. BUT OFC they eventually get together after a lot of awkward divorcedness YAAAYYYYYYYY
OH ALSO unrelated to prev scenario but one thing i love ab ur hc and teen yuuram is the contrast between the world-ending desperation of wolf's love and the teenage first crush sweetness of yuuri's. I LOVE THE IDEA OF WOLF BEING LIKE. "i would die on the cross for you" (wiping the blood from his brow) and yuuri's just like "ok lets take this one step at a time" the part of the ship that's just yuuri getting to be an awkward gay teen and wolf eventually discovering awkward teen crushisms is sooo cute to me. like discovering that holding hands in a romantic context does not at all feel like what they did in the closet!! soo sweet and cute
ok ty for listening THIS IS SO LONG IM SORRRRYYYYYYYYY 😭😭😭😭 feel free 2 throw ur hcs at me anytime...!!! ^^
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xiv-wolfram · 2 years
Saw this on Twitter and thought it was cool, so I answered them for Wolfram. 😁
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1. Favorite Vegetable - Cauliflower. Specifically roasted, fried, or in curries. 😋
2. How many blankets on bed? - One, which he will hog if it's cold.
3. Do they know how to set a table? - He worked at inns, so yes, but also that's really dependant on culture so he would probably adjust depending on where he was and ask questions if he didn't know.
4. If they had to dye their hair another color, what would it be? - Something unnatural - maybe teal or deep purple? But he prefers his natural black hair.
5. Generally how much would they tip at a restaurant? - As long as they didn't do anything majorly wrong? 20% minimum every time.
6. What gas station food do they buy for themselves? - Flaming Hot Cheetos and coconut water.
7. What gas station food do they buy for someone else? - Whatever they ask for? I bet Raubahn likes beef jerky.
8. Least Favorite Smell - Burning flesh, it's kind of a lesser trigger. 😅🥹
9. Is there something distinct about their teeth? - Other than the miracle that they're all still intact? No.
10. What pyramid scheme are they most likely to fall for? - None, he's naturally pretty suspicious of that kind of thing. If someone was begging on the street without needing the money he would definitely fall for that.
11. Favorite Soup - Chili (fight me!) 😈
12. Least Favorite Instrument - Does not exist, he loves music. Favorite is guitar.
13. They buy 5 things at the grocery store. What are they? - Chicken thighs, tomatoes, onions, chilis, garam masala.
14. What temperature so they keep their thermostat at? - IRL would be 69 (winter, laughing as he sets it), 72 (summer). Raubahn turns it up when he's not looking though. 😂
15. In what order do they get dressed? [socks, underwear, pants] - Underwear, shirt, pants, socks, jacket, weapons. ⚔️
16. Favorite Tree - 😏 After that NSFW shoot I have to say Palm trees...
17. Are they good at wrapping presents? - Does putting it in a cute bag count?
18. Do they have any food allergies, or the cilantro gene? - No allergies but he does suffer from the cilantro gene. 😔
19. How do they kiss? [Chaste, too much tongue.] - I guess he's a bit of a lip sucker/nibbler? Often giving forehead, neck, and shoulder kisses as well. Also why is this on the list? 😳
20. How do they handle an awkward moment in front of others? - Cracks a joke, trying to lighten the mood. It is often inappropriate and completely backfires. 😅
21. What is the gross habit they have but no one knows about? - Doesn't sweep up clipped nails. 🤷‍♀️
22. Would they be able to parallel park? - Yes, eventually, but a bit stressful so he avoids it.
23. What is a niche YouTube genre they would enjoy? [asmr, mukbang, etc] - He'd definatley be addicted to recipe videos. Notifications enabled for Epicurious. 👨‍🍳
24. If they were going to make fun of someone, what would it be for? - He's very sarcastic, so just about anything. He likes teasing Raubahn and knows how to make him blush so will often whisper things to him before he has to give a speech. Very amused watching his husband trying to collect his thoughts while addressing a crowd. 🤭
25. Favorite Swear Word - Fuck 👍
26. Least Favorite Book - He doesn't read much. Uh... I guess that old Mhachi tome he read to summon the voidsent that killed his family? 😅🥹
27. An aspect they do not like about their partner but love them anyway for? - Sometimes Rau talks down about himself, which Wolf hates to hear since he disagrees but tries to listen anyway so he can give him some words of affirmation after. 😌
28. Favorite Jewelry - RINGS. He wears multiple on each hand. Good thing he's not a pugilist like his mom was. 🤜
29. Least Favorite Texture/Fabric - That really scratch weaved wool. Also, burlap. 😬
30. If you could describe them only using kinds of fast food what would they be? - I don't know what this means... A burger and fries? 🍔🍟
OP: https://twitter.com/sanquines/status/1593356228100587520?t=0-jPd8c_VISsdXJP4wZxbg&s=19
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larkawolfgirl · 2 years
I Would Like Frosting with That (Cursed KKM Crack!)
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M, M/M Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou! Relationships: Wolfram von Bielefeld/Shibuya Yuuri, Anissina von Karbelnikoff/Gwendal von Voltaire Characters: Shibuya Yuuri, Wolfram von Bielefeld, Anissina von Karbelnikoff, Cecilie von Spitzweg, Gunter von Christ, Dakoskos Additional Tags: Crack, cursed concept, Sexual Content, Blow Jobs, Food Porn, Food Sex, Sexual Humor
Summary:  Now you can have an extra SWEET time without gaining a pound. Eat this SWEET candy and your even SWEETER partner till you're fully SATISFIED.
Read on ao3
Yuuri cried the way a baby scared of the boogeyman appearing under their bed would.
Wolfram gave him a disapproving look. “Seriously? It’s not like it’s going to bite you or anything.”
“So?” Yuuri cried. “Dicks are gross. No way am I putting that thing in my mouth. It probably tastes disgusting, too.”
Wolfram smirked at that. “If that’s what you’re worried about, don’t be. It will taste like cupcake frosting.”
Now Yuuri was the one giving a disapproving look. “I may not know what cum tastes like, but I know it doesn’t taste like frosting.”
Wolfram just gave a gloating look in response. “Well, mine does. Try it and tell me I’m lying.”
The blonde then proceeded to practically shove his fiance’s face into his crotch. Not that Yuuri put up too much of a fight. With Wolfram, it was always a losing battle, and really he wanted to taste just for the sake of proving him wrong.
But he wasn’t! His dick, honest to god, tasted exactly like vanilla cupcake frosting. He wanted to be mad that Wolfram was right all along, but he couldn’t stop sucking him off because of how sweet and addictive it was. Would this be considered a sugar rush or a sex high?
When Wolfram came, Yuuri was so content from the taste of frosting he didn’t even realize he was hard. Wolfram didn’t miss that fact though. His hand crept down to grasp his junk.
“My turn!” the blonde exclaimed excitedly before popping a small candy into Yuuri’s unsuspecting mouth.
Wolfram set to quick work blowing him this time. Yuuri’s mind was hazy, but he didn’t think his cum used to look like frosting. Wolfram was moaning like it was the best meal on the planet. Supposedly, his cum now tasted like frosting, too.
That didn’t make any sense, but hey, Yuuri wasn’t going to complain about it.
A new, brightly colored, eye-catching flyer was posted all throughout the capital of Shin Makoku. "Yes-I-Would-Like-Frosting-with-That-Kun: Now you can have an extra SWEET time without gaining a pound. Eat this SWEET candy and your even SWEETER partner till you're fully SATISFIED. Each candy lasts for 24 hours. 16 years of age required," was written across it in bold text. Smaller text read: One of a kind, revolutionary invention by Anissina von Karbelnikoff. Contact manufacturer for further details.
It did not take long for Cecilie von Spitzweg to spot the flyer while out on one of her love rendezvouses. She was instantly intrigued and went to see her friend.
The redhead was busy mixing viles of solutions when the former Maoh entered her workshop. She looked up, though, at the sound of the door closing. “Oh, Lady Celi, you saw the flyer, I take it? I assume a smart woman such as yourself figured out the meaning of the flyer, but in case not, the candy turns cum into sugar-free, calorie-free frosting.”
Celi’s eyes bulged. “Both sugar-free and calorie-free? You really are a genius!”
Anissina smirked. “Did you ever doubt me? I thought you would be my first customer, but guess who beat you to it?” She hid a laugh behind her hand. “You’re son, Wolfram.”
Celi joined her friend in laughter. “Oh my! What an animal.” After getting her laughter out, she asked, “But do you lose any sweetness without the sugar or calories?”
Anissina shook her head. “No! I figured out how to sweeten it with a special elixir. Although, I have made a full-sugar, double calorie one as well for a select group of clientele.”
Celi giggled at the raunchy suggestion. “Marvelous. I will certainly keep that in mind. What spurred this wonderful invention, if you don’t mind me asking?” She gasped. “This has to do with Gwen, doesn’t it?”
Anissina sat down in her chair. “You caught me.”
Celi laughed. She always knew it would just be a matter of time. “Finally. I’m so happy for you both. Now, how do I get my hands on these candies?”
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but you have got to stop giving me constant blowjobs!" Yuuri complained.
Unperturbed by his words, Wolfram slurped over him until he orgasmed. The fire mazoku opened his mouth but whined when his treat never came.
"Aw, no frosting came out."
"Yeah!" Yuuri panted out the complaint. "Because you've been sucking me dry! You've gotta lay off. Look, I'm chafing!" He was practically shouting, but his voice dropped, hoping the change in tone would get through to his fiance. "Maybe we could take a break and then actually go all the way for once?"
The blonde would not be persuaded, however. He shook his head. "And let that frosting go to waste? No way!"
Yuuri groaned knowing he couldn't reason with his petulant fiance. Wolfram never gave up when sweets were involved. Whoever thought of mixing sweets and sex must be crazy!
Yuuri would have to put an end to this. Otherwise, his dick would probably fall off.
Yuuri stormed into Anissina's laboratory trying to appear as intimidating as possible, which is to say, not all that intimidating. The Maoh could make the most seasoned warrior's skin stand on end, but normal Yuuri Shibuya was as intimidating as a defensive kitten. That isn't to say kittens can't bite–because they can–but people still want to pet them even when their teeth are out.
All this is to say that Anissina only batted an eye at the monarch's rude entrance into her laboratory. "Hello, Your Majesty," she greeted calmly.
Skipping over the pleasantries, he asked in his king voice, "Are you the one making these awful candies?"
Anissina raised her sculpted eyebrow at this. "It says so right on the flyer. And, respectfully, I insist that you take that back. They are not awful, as I'm sure you are aware by now."
Yuuri flustered immediately. Damn it, of course, she knew. She probably handed the candies over to Wolfram personally. "Y-yeah, we'll," stammered, "that's what makes them awful."
The inventor hummed inquisitively.
"Well, Wolfram loves sweets, you know, so…" He trailed off, face surely ablaze. Why was he having to discuss his sex life with this woman? How did he end up in this situation, again?
"I want you to make another candy. I want one that makes it disgusting," he demanded.
Anissina held back a smile and tilted her head with fake innocence. "Makes what disgusting, Your Majesty?"
"You know, my c–cum."
Now the fiery-haired woman smiled openly. "I can certainly do that, but whatever for? Penises already taste like pond scum."
Yuuri made a face imagining what Wolfram's dick would taste like without the candy's interference. Still, he pushed on for his own poor dick's sake. "Because Wolf won't leave me alone."
Anissina giggled. "Why are you complaining about that? Live a little."
"We're living too much! It hurts! At this rate, my dick will probably fall right off, or he'll forget one of these times that it's attached to me and just try to eat the whole thing."
The woman's eyes widened at that. "Oh, my."
"Why did you even think this was a good idea in the first place?" the king asked. Then it dawned on him. "Oh my god! You made it for Gwendal, didn't you?" he asked in a shaky tone.
Anissina tossed her long hair to the side, tone almost unemotional. "I had to do something to make sex with him tolerable. He wouldn’t leave me alone about returning the favors he’s been giving me."
Yuuri nodded. That only made sense. Then the realization fully hit him that this was about his two friends and an image of these "favors" popped into his head without his approval. "Ahh!" he shrieked, shielding his face with his hands as if that would save him from the mental image. It didn't. "I don’t want to know the details, thanks! Anyway, that’s dumb. Normal sex is fine! It’s normal." He said all that with fear still swimming in the back of his mind. Would Wolf's dick really taste like pond scum? "You have to make this counter candy," he insisted. "What are we going to do if everyone turns out like Wolf? No work will ever get done around here. Not to mention that poor Gisela will run out of ointment in no time at all."
Anissina remained unfazed. "Haven’t you heard that you shouldn’t have all work and no play?"
"Yeah, well, you shouldn’t have all play and no work either."
The redhead smirked. "Oh, lighten up. What’s the big deal?"
"We’ll starve if no one tends to the fields, and we’ll be naked if no one makes new clothes."
"With my invention, we won’t need clothes anyway."
"Ewee," Yuuri whined imagining an orgy taking place outside the castle walls. He should probably get his brain checked out when he ever had the time. "Just make the disgusting version, okay?"
Anissina bowed. "As you wish, Your Majesty."
Neither Dacascos nor Gunter appreciated having to test more candies. While Gunter had been pretty compliant during the first trial run, he did not appreciate taste testing this new vomit-inducing concoction. It was hard to refuse, though, when he was already strapped down to a chair and having the vile-looking liquid poured down his throat. Luckily, since they were going for “bad,” they only had to go through a single trial round. This meant that Dacascos (who could barely stand after providing so much fluid before), could actually walk out of the laboratory unaided. This time around, he actually gave Gunter the look of concern since the man was struggling hard to keep the contents of his stomach down.
Anissina just smiled and shooed them both away, pleased with her quick success.
Yuuri received the disgusting candies as requested. He ended up with some nasty burns as a result of "taking Wolf's favorite treat away," but it was worth it to give his dick a much-needed break. Finally, finally, he talked Wolf into letting them go all the way. Blackmailed really, since he refused to eat the frosting candies again until they did, but who could blame him?
Turned out Wolf loved getting dicked down almost as much as he liked sweets, so it worked out in both of their favors. Besides, Wolf still managed to find a way to get his serving of frosting regardless of the position.
Yuuri would shudder in revulsion under normal circumstances, but by all standards, it was just sugar-free, calorie-free frosting, so he couldn't find it in him not to find it cute (because Wolfram's love for sweets was always cute). And hot. That realization was one Yuuri didn't want to dwell too much on, however.
But both of them were now happy and satisfied, so Yuuri could no longer complain. About them at least.
As expected, his fears became a reality. It was sexual chaos. Chaos that only made Anissina, the mad woman, cackle in triumph because she was wracking in endless dough from her sales.
It fell on Yuuri to save his kingdom. Even signing his law into action was difficult with Wolf's mouth firmly covering him. His signature might be messy, but it was still the law.
From this day forward, no person shall be permitted to commit any activities of a sexual nature during working hours. Work must be completed as normal, following a normal time frame. Under absolutely no circumstances are any persons allowed to refrain from work due to sexual desire or sugar cravings. If any person is caught breaking this law, said person (as well as any partners with them at said time), will be immediately subjected to consuming Anissina von Karbelnikoff's candy, Get-that-Disgusting-Stuff-Away-from-Me-kun.
There was almost immediate anarchy, but after a few hundred candies had been dropped, the majority of citizens realized the horny error of their ways.
With time, Anissina invented even more fun bedroom solutions, such as Strawberry-Milk-kun and Honey-Mouth-kun. Each time, short-term chaos ensued before simmering down again.
Since everyone–literally everyone of age–was getting off consistently, no one seemed interested in arguments or fighting any more.  Long-term peace returned to the kingdom, and eventually the world. Everyone lived happy, healthy, and with brilliantly glowing skin for the rest of their days.
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Chapter 9: His Maid, A mother
Chapter Text
The sun's warm rays beamed through the windows of the train illuminating everything. It shined on you and your newborn baby laying on the hay giving the both of you a honey glow. A blush crept its way to Sebastian's cheeks and he smiled. He had his father's significant physical traits; black hair and wine eyes, and unlike Sebastian, he slept.
You looked down at your little bundle of joy the ache of your lower body numbing every time you look at him... your nameless bundle of joy.
"Sebastian, what are we going to name him?"
"I never really thought of that," he did stood there and folded, "Demons are generally void of human names... but he is half-human. What do you think?"
You ignored his little demon drivel lost in your thoughts trying to think of the perfect name. "Corbin?" You breathed out.
"Corbin Michaelis. How suitable."
"Does he need a middle?"
"I think your maiden name should suit just perfectly."
"Corbin L/n Michaelis," you pet his wisps of dark hair as he snoozed on your chest. "How is Wolfram?" You asked looking up at him.
"He will be alright. I want you to rest, you did well. We're almost at our destination I'll come back once we've reached," he kissed your damp sweaty hair leaving you to recuperate in peace and quiet.
You arrived at Lord Diedrich's grand castle and was greeted by his butler.
"Master Diedrich...? Oh dear, you've been in some mischief," he said looking at the lot of you behind him.
"Heinrich call a doctor and prepare a bath," Lord Diedrich said walking in.
"Certainly sir," he bowed. "Oh, this is nostalgic," he turned to Tanaka who greeted him as an old friend.
"So that must be...?" He turned to the young lord gesturing at him with his eyes.
"Ah yes this is Lord Phantomhive's son," Tanaka said in German.
"Oh I see! It's an honour to meet you Earl Phantomhive," he said in English, bowing. "You remind me of your predecessor so."
"Awkward when I'm wearing this," he grabbed the frills of the dress.
"Heh, it seems you like parading in women's clothes my lord," you said remembering the soiree, it was forever etched into your memory.
"Careful Y/n you have a lot of work to make up now that you're not pregnant anymore," he blushed harshly as you grinned.
"It's so large!" Finny said spinning around in the entrance hall.
"This is one of Baron Diedrich's many castles, "Weizsäcker". It's small compared to the main castle."
"SMALL?!" They said, voices echoing alerting other servants.
"Well you're a rich boy aren't you," the young lord said, making the already slightly cross man fold his arms.
Lord Diedrich had several servants to tend to his large castle, you wouldn't be surprised if there were more somewhere in a room far away from where you all stood.
With the help of Sebastian, you slid off your damaged soiled clothes and slid into the piping hot bath. A basin was placed next to you for your tiny son as Sebastian gave him his first bath. It was emotional for you to see him being so gentle with him. You turned around in the tub facing them as the hot water relaxed the aches and pains of your muscles. You rested your arms on the edge putting your face down and smiled gently. He was a quiet baby, eyes darting everywhere as he wiggled in his father's hand. Sebastian held his head so he wouldn't slip under the water, the rest of his body laid on his forearm as he lathered him with very little lavender soap. You made a sound and he looked in your general direction unable to see you properly. "Oh look he recognizes me," a tear fell onto the floor and you sniffed unexpectedly so emotional.
"He's had to listen to you for at least seven or eight months I'd think he'd recognize you," Sebastian said rinsing him off and taking the towel from his shoulder and swaddling Corbin in it. His (mixture of yours and Sebastian's complexion) colour nose glowed red from being so sensitive. "I'll put him in the room, alright?"
You watched him take him into the next room. Taking your own bar of soap you scrubbed harshly at your skin. "You're going to rip your skin off if you continue like that," he said coming back in.
"Yes but all the blood, sweat, tears, and other disgusting bodily fluids has to go you know I hate being dirty," you whined.
"You chose that name on purpose didn't you? Corbin, French for little crow, or raven."
"Haha yes, he reminds me of you," you closed your eyes enjoying the scalp massage that came with him washing your hair. "Dark hair, wine eyes."
"That's funny, he reminded me of you, small and sweet."
"I am NOT sweet," you puffed your cheeks out, "...or small. And he's only a newborn of course he'll be small and sweet."
"This is the ninth time today," you sighed with your sore breast firmly trapped in Corbin's mouth. Sebastian had just come back from taking care of the young lord, he seemed standoff-ish and you could tell something was troubling him deeply. Eyebrows permanently furrowed and eyes narrowed as he did things without actually looking at what he was doing.
Sebastian grabbed the white sheet off the bed and made quick work of making it into a nightshirt for him.
"Show off," you grabbed the nightshirt and dressed him, gently sliding the fabric over his arms. You waited till he was finished feeding to put him down on the bed next to you and button the shirt.
"Oh my God!! He's snoring!" You mouthed to Sebastian only a few barely audible syllables leaving your throat. Corbin fell asleep the instant you put him down, his consistent adorable snores made you excited.
You gushed at your little boy, makes you forget all the pain you went through to bring him in this world. The bed dipped and Sebastian laid behind you as you admired your baby and Sebastian secretly admired you and your reactions.
"Are all new human mothers like this?"
"Wouldn't know," you murmured. A black glossy feather fell on your face, you looked up to see him smiling. You kissed his soft lips closing your eyes and enjoying the moment, taking in his scent.
"Wait, I can't control myself when I sleep, I don't want to suffocate him," you pulled away and pouted.
"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Go to sleep."
"Sebastian," you said laying down as he blew out the candles next to the bed.
"We're parents," you whispered excitedly.
"I know love," he kissed your forehead, "Now go to sleep."
A few seconds of dead silence passed by.
"Sebastian," you whispered again.
"I'll tie you to the bed if you don't go to sleep, what is it?"
"I might like that," you snickered in the dark, "Anyway, what's bothering you?"
"Nothing to concern you right now. Go. To. Sleep. Not another word or I'll gag you."
"I love you."
"Except those words kitten. I love you too~" you could feel his little smile as he kissed the back of your neck. He passed his fingers through your hair soothing you and putting you to sleep.
Chapter 10: His Maid, Lessons
Chapter Text
If the news spread that the Green Witch escaped, the entire German military would be after all of you. To avoid any suspicion Wolfram and Lady Sullivan were disguised. They looked out of place in Germany which was good. A wheelchair for Lady Sullivan was purchased by the station and you all bade farewell to Baron Diedrich who so kindly accompanied you all there. There weren't any direct trains from Germany to London so a day's trip on a steamboat was unavoidable, void of walking corpses this time thankfully, and thankfully no motion sickness.
You were allowed to put off your duties for a little longer and spent the voyage with the servants who were absolutely smitten with Corbin. Especially Finny, the only problem is he was afraid he'd hurt him. You seriously doubted that, Corbin was no ordinary baby but of course Finny doesn't know that. Helping him be comfortable holding him was easy, and soon enough Finny had him in his arms smiling like a maniac. Snake was also hesitant in holding him, as soon as he was in Snake's arms his eyes popped open. Looking up at Snake's face he realized it wasn't yours and tears began to well up in his eyes, tiny whimpers escaping his lips.
"Hey hey," you said getting up and walking over to him. Snake looked terrified unsure whether to hand him back to you or to cry himself. Wilde picked his head up from Snake's shoulders at the noise and stared at Corbin, head bobbing as he stood at attention.
"Come on time to feed him, everyone, out," you said taking him out of Snake's arms and shoving the rest out. Before Snake could leave you pulled him back as the rest went into Bard's room across from yours.
"Don't worry yourself, you're very loveable to those who don't judge. Looking different is nothing to be ashamed about. Nor is having five thousand snakes around you. Scary, with the snakes, sure. But it's not wrong, so chin up," you smiled at him, fluffing his hair. "And he's only a baby, he doesn't know you yet. Give it time, he'll like you," Wilde reared back his head and you grinned. "He'll like you too. Now out!" You pushed him gently and smiled, closing the door. Sighing you looked down at your baby.
"Why do you eat so much?"
He did nothing but blink up at you.
"Ugh, what would I do without you," you plopped down on your bed sighing. Your time to take care of Corbin was finally up.
"You're very lucky I don't sleep, most middle-class women rip their hair out taking care of their baby. No wet nurse or nanny to do their jobs. Apparently, it's a nightmare."
"Now we know why the nobility don't bother," you yawned, stretching your body out.
"Hey he's in my spot," you pouted at the baby snoozing in his father's lap. His low chuckles made your heart smile, getting up he planted himself in the bed silently as to not disturb Corbin. You made your way under his arm, curling up and smiling, you pet Corbin's hair and kissed his head. Sebastian kissed yours and you started to doze off underneath his arm, a picturesque little family.
"This is what Queen Victoria is ruling over... the country that doesn't sink the sun's capital city?" Wolfram said looking up at Big Ben with awe. Him and Lady Sullivan both dropped the disguises as soon as they got off the boat with Wolfram pushing her wheelchair.
"Psst! You two. While we're here you cannot speak German," he held his finger to his mouth.
"Got it!" Lady Sullivan exclaimed happily.
"Huh?! What, she can speak it I can't," Wolfram whispered frantically back to Sebastian in German.
"Then you must do what you can for now. I'll teach you back at the manor."
"First off we have to get you a dress for her Majesty. Sebastian, I want to show my face within a week."
"So soon my lord?" you asked.
"Y/n, I advise you go to the townhouse with them unless you want Nina all over Corbin, besides, I'd rather not have any surprise dinners for me when I get back."
"Of course my lord," you made no fuss, personally you were rather happy to go back instead of standing all over London.
That happiness soon turned to stress as you momentarily forgot who ran the townhouse, but thankfully you were briefed as soon as you stepped foot through the door.
Prince Soma loudly greeted all of you and ushered you all in while Agni smiled at all of you from afar.
"I can't believe it's been so long since- YOU HAD A BABY?!"
You gave Mey-rin Corbin so you could take off your travelling coat and hang it on the coat racks in the kitchen. "Yes, pleaaaase be gentle," you said eyeing his excited hands.
Agni noticed the ornate ring on your finger. "Ah so you and Mister Sebastian are...?"
You giggled a little nodding your head.
"See Agni I told you they would end up together! You owe me one of those heavenly massages every day for a week now!"
"You two bet on whether we'd end up together?" You asked taking back Corbin into your arms.
"Of course! Agni kept saying you two were just coworkers but I knew!"
All of you relayed the events of Germany with Prince Soma and Agni till you heard the door open indicating they arrived. Everyone scrambled to get upstairs while you stayed to prepare the afternoon tea. Your sharp ears heard the bickering from upstairs and something about a concubine. Sebastian had come downstairs to help you prepare while the trio had Corbin. Sebastian didn't like the idea of leaving him alone with them, and you couldn't blame him. But they are who he'll be growing up with, can't separate them indefinitely.
Upstairs, the young lord, Prince Soma, and Lady Sullivan were waiting for the both of you.
"Y/n look!" She had cut her hair catching you off guard a little. "I made it easier for you not to worry about my hair."
Both you and Sebastian whined, "Society rule..." It was tradition for ladies to have their hair in a certain style while being presented to Her Majesty.
"My lady, it wasn't going to be any trouble at all. Your hair was fine as it was," you said trying not to sound ungrateful.
"Do you not like it?" She pouted.
"It's gorgeous, my lady," you and Sebastian both sighed. "Don't worry I'll think of something to do," you whispered to him. Paula, Lady Elizabeth's maid, had taught you some things about hair while you both were on the Campania.
"Today we have Earl Grey with an orange almond cake and berry tart," Sebastian said.
"Ooo this looks yummy," Lady Sullivan said grabbing sugar cubes and dropping them in her tea. She made for the tart but her hand was slapped away by Sebastian making even you jump a little.
"My lady," he retracted his hand, "your beneficial lessons to be presented to the Queen have already begun." He smiled sadistically at her with his glasses on.
"Ooo this looks yummy is poor language and can not be used! You can not touch sugar with your bare hands, and do not touch any cakes without being recommended!"
"Wha-" She looked at him terrified along with Prince Soma.
"If she needs to become a proper lady within a week she will need to learn tea party manners first! Until you can do that this will have to wait," he took her plate of sweets away and displayed a look of horror and sadness on her face.
"Hey the young lady is crying!" Wolfram grabbed Sebastian by his shirt. Instead of getting visibly angry, he laughed instead, "Mister Wolfram, complain in English, then I will listen to you." Wolfram let go of his now wrinkly shirt and buried his nose in his translator either trying to figure out what Sebastian said or how to say what he wanted in English. He took the plate away to the kitchen.
"Ciel say something," cried out Lady Sullivan as he walked away.
"Yes he's being mean to the poor lady," Prince Soma said.
"If he spoils her she will never learn. Do your best~" the young lord said eating his cake in front of her.
"Y/n!" She turned to you looking for help. You stayed quiet. Sebastian's spartan methods of teaching were not for the weak. Thankfully you were never in dire need to learn anything except how to hold your tongue in front of superiors. Then again she didn't have much to eat today. You chased after him hoping to sway his mind a bit.
"Sebastian you can't starve h-"
"Ah," he turned to face you, eyes closed with his finger silencing you.
"I have only a week to teach her to act like a proper young lady, I have to teach both of them proper English, I have to attend to the young lord's every request and as you know by now he purposely adds the most tedious things to my schedule for his pleasure. On top of all that my nightly duties have been reduced considerably so that you can sleep peacefully. Let me do my job, my way," he turned swiftly continuing to walk off with the plate leaving you stunned.
The alarm that is Lady Elizabeth's mouth rang through the halls of the townhouse the next morning. She came unannounced as always, running upstairs with you chasing after her. She burst into the young lord's study greeting her fiancé... who was more in shock? You couldn't tell if it was the young lord, Lady Elizabeth or yourself. The young lord was hovering over Lady Sullivan who laying on her back, grabbed onto his jacket. Both with red dusted cheeks. His shocked face was soon replaced with fear as Lady Elizabeth lunged for the both of them. You felt a fast whoosh beside you as Sebastian materialized next to the young lord blocking her blow.
"I think I hear Corbin," you said in the awkward silence, his soft cries floating up the stairs, music to your ears.
"Be back in time to serve the tea, we have a guest," Sebastian said.
Chapter 11: His Maid, Head Maid
Chapter Text
"You'd leave your master to be assaulted and then feign your child needing you?" He jokingly said folding his arms and crossing his legs in his chair.
"I am not your main caretaker my lord, and my ears pick up what you can't," you placed his cup down in front of him bowing your head, smirking a little. He was a bit more than annoyed and probably preferred that Lady Sullivan's lessons were kept quiet from Lady Elizabeth. She offered the idea that everyone should join in the lessons because everyone was friends and it would be fun. Sebastian sniggered stating that etiquette was not only for women. Soon Lady Elizabeth was smiling again and being friendly to Lady Sullivan and soon the young lord was back to being humiliated by Lady Elizabeth's antics to the point Lady Sullivan was also jeering at him, happy he was failing at being able to walk and bow gracefully like a proper young lady.
The next week arrived and Lady Sullivan as well as Wolfram was nervous to meet Her Majesty. You adorned her hair with white flowers on either side of her head and a white feather, it paired perfectly with her white dress from Nina's shoppe. Sadly you couldn't accompany them to Buckingham Palace because a certain someone needed their mother's attention. You began your duties in the library as always, leaving Corbin halfway leaning forward on a cushion surrounded by other cushions as he just cooed slightly and stared at the air blinking occasionally as if he were deep in thought trying to figure something out. After the library, you checked on breakfast to see how it was going and the kitchen was in one piece giving you your answer before even walking in. You had fed Corbin as soon as he woke up so his breakfast was already taken care of.
In place of Sebastian, you checked on the servants and their duties to make sure they were going as smooth as they could. Other than a few broken dishes and one overcooked pheasant the day went without issue, having Snake there proved to be extremely helpful especially when Sebastian isn't there which was a relief to have someone who doesn't screw up as much as the golden trio themselves.
Although the young lord was away that didn't mean the house was closed for business, he already had a meeting he could afford to not attend in person meaning you and Tanaka had to take care of that around two in the afternoon in the drawing-room. You sorted through the records and made sure everything was in place and added what you needed, and fixed his paperwork up and left it on his desk.
The young lord and Sebastian came back in the early evening without Lady Sullivan and Wolfram, they managed to find a comfortable house in London where they could stay. Dinner was waiting for him when he arrived, and so were his papers from the meeting you attended on his behalf.
Later that night although your curiosity was piqued you left whatever happened in Germany, in Germany. Corbin gave you a run for your money with no Sebastian to help you for the whole day, experiencing only a quarter of what he has to go through daily made you happy for the moments you had to yourself, and even those few moments some little person had to steal the spotlight.
"Do you want to tell me about the other night?" you asked him finding him in a neutral mood which was better than an unpleasant one.
"Hm?" he said folding up Corbin's extra night clothes he graciously bought while out in London today.
"Why I suddenly turned into a nice big black cat?"
"Panther," he corrected, "and I was under the impression you forgot. But-" he said sharply before you could interrupt to disagree, "but, there is a slightly complicated yet simple answer for it. You do know how I can shift forms when I please, my true form, this pitiful form, a raven?"
You shook your head in agreeance, still a bit confused.
"Well it's either the same with you or with Corbin, you were pregnant at the time so it's unknown to me though I do think it's Corbin."
"But why did it happen?"
"What did you feel during that time?" He said putting the clothes in the dresser and coming to sit by you.
"Um," you bit your lip trying to think looking up at the mundane ceiling as the bed dipped from his weight. "I think I felt some sudden urgency to find you? I can't really remember..."
"Then I'm probably right it is Corbin, I know you're not normally in control of all your emotions-" you slapped his arm playfully and he laughed at you, "Well it's the truth kitten. Anyway, sudden normal emotions would set that off in you specifically, however since it was a sudden pull, it wasn't you."
"Oh I see, do we have to worry about him changing into...?"
"Not for now," you both looked at his snoozing figure moving up and down in a steady rhythm, "as he gets older and more curious, we'll worry about it then."
"Come, go sleep, you'll have a busy day ahead of you like always," he kissed your forehead and blew out your candles.
"Y/n... ke up.... Wake up!"
"Hrngh?" you were being shaken awake by Sebastian, you opened one eye slightly. "Come, in the kitchen."
He grabbed your wrist lightly but with urgency and waited for you to slip on your slippers and robe before dragging you down the stairs to where the others were trickling in.
"Sebastian what is it it's three in the bloody mornin' we just went to bed two hours ago," Bard said rubbing his eyes like everyone else and yawning.
"Yes, however, your duties as Phantomhive servants don't only include cleaning and cooking do th-" Sebastian was suddenly cut off.
You heard Corbin crying and your tired eyes popped wide open.
Not any normal hungry cry or tired cry. He sounded scared, like something or someone was interfering with him.
Your eyes flashed fuchsia and as if Sebastian's sensed that would happen he stepped in front of you swiftly so no one could see. The both of you ran to your room and Mey-rin and the others instinctively ran outside via the servant's entrance.
An unknown person was standing above Corbin visibly panicking trying to find something to smother his cries. Without hesitation, you lunged at the person grabbing them by their throat and throwing them against the wall away from Corbin. Sebastian walked to Corbin stunned at your sudden speed, he himself didn't have time to react to the intruder. You were blind to everything at that moment. You grabbed on to the neck of his shirt peeling him off the wall you cracked with his body and growled out, "I would give you a warning never to go near my son again but it's fruitless if you're not going to survive this," you grabbed onto his neck itself squeezing until you heard that crack and he fell limp in your hand. You dropped him and stared at his body on the floor, body as cold as your gaze you were brought back to reality by Mey-rin's gunshots from outside, he wasn't the only one... Standing there to take in what just happened, what you just did... You heard Corbin's soft cries from a new distance, this time it was just a cry for you. You gasped turning on your heel and ended up smack dead with your face in Sebastian's hard chest.
"The both of you are sleeping in my room from now on."
"Wha- it was just on-"
"All it takes is once, end of the discussion," he said coldly.
Chapter 12: His Maid, Suffering
Chapter Text
~February 1889~
Six long months passed...
Human babies grew rapidly, demon hybrid babies... slightly more. He was trying to walk already, and you had just stopped breastfeeding him. His bottom teeth started to poke you and you knew it was time to stop, not to mention he grew a cute fang-like tooth that seemed to appear and disappear when he wanted it to, much like Sebastian's own. But the one problem that comes after you stop breastfeeding that honestly, no woman should go through, and that had completely exited your mind hit you like a brick today while you were cleaning your old room.
You were doubled over in pain, your back was hurting, your stomach, body aches and chills, and you felt nauseous. Pregnant again? You wish, no it was your friendly time of the month you had almost forgotten existed. Your mouth was dry, and you were lightly sweating. Groaning you dragged yourself off the bed and were kneeling on the floor. Drying sobbing you cried out, "I can't do this" and banged your hand on the floor. Mey-rin came in and found you on the verge of tears, "Oh dear Y/n!" she started panicking and it was pissing you off but all you could do was cry and hold your breath in attempt not to scream. "I'll fetch some hot water and tell the young master you can't work today." You were grateful for a fellow female worker to be here no questions to anger you and no embarrassing explanations. You crawled to a corner and whimpered tears coming out the edge of your eyes. It was a good minute before Mey-rin came back with the water.
"Here drink this, the heat'll help and rest this on your stomach." It was a plastic bag with some of the hot water in it. "There, I'll go tell the young master now. Do you need anything else?" She placed her hand on your upper back rubbing it trying to calm you down. You took a large drink from the warm water she brought, it felt nice on the inside but did little for your abdomen immediately, it took a few seconds for anything to happen, and you started tearing up again, slowly bits of relief washed over you even if it didn't stop the pain it helped a little. You shook your head and sniffed trying to steady your breath. "Ah!" A sharp pain came back and you drank more water.
"Do you want me to stay?" The thought of having Mey-rin stay was amazing but knowing it would come out of her pay you didn't want to burden her. "Mey, you have things to do I don't want you to burden yourself with me you've done enough, thank you." You gave her a pained smile. She wiped the tears from your eyes and wiped your forehead and neck with a cool washrag.
"Alright, I'll check on you regularly when I have time." Mey-rin left the room and you took another drink of water. You inhaled and exhaled through your mouth trying to steady yourself with this pain with your eyes squeezed shut you sat there on the floor trying not to scream. Your door opened and you thought it was Mey-rin coming back already but she always knocked. A kiss was planted on your forehead and a gloved hand petted your hair.
Sitting there in pain you couldn't even look at Sebastian, breaking down again he lifted you and placed you stomach down on the bed, breathing quickly in panic you thought the bag of heated water was going to burst but it just felt squishy under your stomach. He lifted your nightgown to expose your back and ran his hand across your skin. Working his magic he kneaded his hands into your back, it relaxed you and took away your back pains. Turning you over gently he placed the makeshift heating pad under your lower back. It relieved the pain from the bleeding more than it being on your stomach.
"You need to eat Y/n" you threw your hand out to lazily slap him. Groaning as he massaged your stomach, "I don't want to".
"Don't be stupid. You'll have worse problems than this if you don't," you looked at him with puppy dog eyes. He kissed you and you bit his lip...hard. "Why must you be so stubborn, I'm here trying to help you." he flicked you on your nose, as equally hard as you bit his lip.
"Owww," you squeezed your eyes shut and he left to get food for you. The pain in your abdomen returned and you tried to massage it as Sebastian did, sadly it didn't work but it gave you something to do. Your door opened again, and Sebastian came back with a tray in his hand. He dragged your chair from your desk to the edge of your bed where your head laid and sat down.
"You'll have to sit up," he pulled you by your waist into a sitting position and you grabbed your blankets in frustration, you were both hot and cold. "Say ah~" you looked over to see Sebastian trying to feed you soup, you loved his soups and wondered what he made this time, so you took it without question.
"Mmm~ cream of mushroom," you smiled at him. "Spot on, now finish this before it gets cold." As he fed you the pain started going away gradually, you burped and covered your mouth looking at Sebastian trying not to giggle you failed and let out a giggly 'excuse me' and he poked your nose playfully. "Mm, Corbin?"
"He's rolling around in our room, now get some rest."
You were calm... too calm, you hadn't realized your stomach pains have completely subsided. He started tucking you in taking the now lukewarm bag of water with him. "Uh Sebastian..." You were timid again. "I'm sorry for earlier, thank you." He smirked at you, "Of course kitten." He walked out the door and you felt sleepy, closing your eyes you were waiting for sleep to take over your body when you heard Mey-rin and Sebastian through the door.
"She's asleep now. You can come back later."
"As long as she's alright, painful things these are."
'Painful indeed' you finally drifted off to sleep.
Black Butler and its characters belong to Yana Toboso, you belong to yourself. The ideas in this story are mine. If you see it anywhere else besides here on Quotev from @TitaniaAyuzawa and on Wattpad from @Sakura1408xdxd please report. :) Enjoy
Series this work belongs to:
← Previous Work Part 2 of SebastianxReader by TitaniaAyuzawa
and this is how they end
(and maybe this is how they begin.) –– A write-out; Joker and his gang. Reincarnation AU, sort of.
Because its 12.30am in the morning and I’ve just finished marathon-ing all ten episodes of Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus wheeee
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Work Text:
He doesn’t even die with the sun on his face.
He can feel his head bleeding, his head hurting. Jumbo tilts his head to the sky and shouts, all bloodied desperation and fear in the night, “Peter, Wendy, run! This mansion isn’t normal!” Around him, the ground runs red with his blood.
That’s all he ever gets out before he dies against the stonewalls.
Peter, Wendy–
Rage makes them run, and soon they are flashing through the night, deadly-delicate dolls flying on silver strings crisscrossing and swinging across the mansion.
They are angry. Their anger twists their faces into harsh ugly things, the expressions disconcertingly adult-like on their pale pixie faces.
Behind them, they hear the sounds of Finnian’s footsteps over the crash of the tree he’d just punched down, and they sped up, arcing over the mansion towers and to beyond, landing neatly on the steps, true trapeze artists in motion.
“What is he, a monster?!” Wendy yells, incredulous, when Finnian punches a hole through the wall as easily as he’d punch through a paper screen. Finnian is a maniac, chanting about love and protection and about this creepy Phantomhive mansion that he says he loves, and his turquoise eyes are wide and relentless and pupil-less as he runs after Peter and Wendy on the steps. A child-like boy, with the strength of a thousand men.
“He’s slower than we are, though!” Peter shouts back, and together Peter and Wendy fire their retractable wires up in the air, and sail through the night.
They are on the roof now, and they jump down to meet Finnian head-on, silver wire a taut tight line between them, sharp-deadly and intended to kill. (Just like them, just like them, just like them.) In the air they feel invincible; they are a team, Peter-and-Wendy and Wendy-and-Peter, and together they could get through this, they could.
(But then Wendy is shot through the head by Mey-Rin on the roof, and barely twenty minutes later, so is Peter. Neither really lives to tell the tale, and the worst part is, they didn’t even die together.)
He is with Beast, beautiful beautiful Beast, when they run through the mansion and meets Bard in their search for the important Phantomhive boy. Despite the obvious danger of their current mission, Dagger glances at Beast every so often as they run and make their way quickly around the mansion.
Her thick dark curls whips around her face as she runs, the ends ghosting at the milky pale white nape of her neck as her dark eyes narrow forward in concentration, and god, Dagger loves her.
He loves her even as they run for their lives away from the chef and the crazy maid with the guns and the gardener with the strength that wasn’t even human, and he loves her even as they search for the Phantomhive boy but only end up in the kitchen where the chef and his motherfucking war machine (– where the hell did he even get that?!) was.
He loves her even as the chef starts shooting at them with the artillery and he dives in front of Beast to save her – because Beast was Beast, and Dagger was Dagger, and first and foremost Dagger had always loved Beast.
Because Dagger knows things, and he’s seen the way Beast looks at Joker when she thinks that Joker isn’t looking. Beast has looked anxious and upset, recently, since Joker had left for Father’s house, and Dagger thinks it might be because Joker was gone. Dagger gets that. Dagger gets how worrying it might be when the person you loved most was away out of your sight.
So he holds Beast close to him for just about one last time as he feels the different bullets burrow themselves into his back like the sharp bite of his knives hitting circus board, and he thinks maybe this might be worth it, in the end. The gunfire noises around them quiets, and he gazes up with hazy eyes to see Beast hovering over him with a face twisted in pain and worry.
Dagger smiles, feeling a bubble of blood pop in the inside of his mouth. “Thank goodness… You’re alright… Run… Tell Joker…” He reaches out weakly, lays a hand on Beast’s forearm. Beast starts, before tears spill from her eyes and splashes onto Dagger’s face.
“Why? Why would you do that for me?”
Dagger closes his eyes, and feels the droplets of water on his face slide down the side of his cheek in a cool gentle arc, like someone tracing a finger gently across his face. “Miss…” He closes his eyes. When he opens them again, he realises that he is crying.
“I wanted to take you… over the hill…”
Dagger dies in Beast’s arms.
Dagger dies, and Beast screams into the sky and wants to rip the Phantomhive mansion’s chef’s throat out. He is standing to the side, rough grin curling over his face, cigarette smoking thinly in the night.
“I’d rather have met a pretty girl like you in a pub over some warm beer.”
Beast flashes up, all vicious fury and howling grief. “I’ll make you pay!” She snarls, the sound of her weapon whip cracking in the air ugly and sharp.
She lashes out at him, but he is a viper, dodging quick and easy that only a man who has looked war in the face could. She destroys tables, kitchen equipment, countless bags of food and flour, so much flour that the air is thick with it, the powder choking everywhere and obscuring Beast’s vision.
By the time it clears, Beast sees that the chef is nowhere to be seen. He’s escaped through the hole in the wall, and was now standing over her as the flour powder swirled and attempted to settle.
He holds out a matchstick and strikes it against his boot. A flame flared, and it looked like a beacon through all the flour. Beast’s eyes widen. She realises.
The flames drop towards her direction.
Doll (the [un]luckiest of them all)–
She sees the mansion in flames like a stinging scarlet bloodied-warning in the night, and the vicious fires were warm on her face and everywhere on the house as she stares at the mansion in front of her with wide, wide eyes.
She doesn’t dare to blink; blinking would make the scene in front her true, and Doll doesn’t want to make it true, because god, it couldn’t be, it couldn’t be it couldn’t be it couldn’t be.
Joker was supposed to be in that house. And so was Father.
Through the hazy tears in her eyes, Doll can make out a silhouette coming out of the burning building. Hope flutters in her chest as bright as a white bird; maybe Joker and Father had survived, after all, and here they were coming out alive.
But who walks out are Smile and Black, and though Doll doesn’t believe it at first, Smile is Ciel Phantomhive, Black is his butler, and Joker and Father were dead in the burning building ablaze in front of him.
Doll can feel her world being ripped apart at the seams. The world spins around her, harsh and confusing and nauseating, and Doll thinks she’s gasping for air to fill her lungs, she was crying so hard. And then she is angry, suddenly, and she charges up at Smil- Ciel, with tears falling crisp-cold down her cheeks like mourning and blurring her vision and with a dagger clutched tight in her hands.
She doesn’t get to Ciel, and in the end is left sobbing in front of a flaming, dying house.
She stays until the house is burned to the ground and nothing of it was left.
(She learns later, when she searches for the others, that they’d all died too, whilst infiltrating the Phantomhive mansion searching for the Phantomhive boy. Doll laughs so hard she cries, after she hears the news. Smile was such a curse. And Smile had gotten to her too; he left her the only one of them alive, and that itself was a cruelty almost worse than death. Doll later hears that Snake has gone to work for Ciel, too.
Doll hasn’t got anything left.)
replay over. fin?
The world is black. He breathes in.
(“Do we get our second chance?”
“Yes. Now close your eyes.”)
He breathes out.
Joker buys a cup of overly-sweetened coffee from the Starbucks counter, and pays for it with a credit card. His scarf flaps around him as he turns around, and Joker calls back a “thank you!” with an easygoing grin and flashing smile as he jogs towards a cluster of tables not far from the counter. It was 2014, in Chicago, winter.
There were six other people seated at the table, and Joker grins at them as wide as the whole sun.
The lines Joker and his gang speak here are the ones I stole off the English subbed version I watched. I can’t understand Japanese so I don’t really know how accurate it is.
Did anybody else cry when all of them died and Doll was left alone because I damn well did.
What do you guys think? I tried playing around with form with this piece. It was supposed to be epic long but I got uninspired. This was a writing-out of the episode where they died, basically, with a reincarnation ending tacked to the end because damniT THEY DESERVE TO BE HAPPY.
Please rate and review! Please tell me what you thought of this story; I’d love to hear it :)
0 notes
stargazer1682 · 11 months
A coda immediately after "Chosen," addressing Buffy's instructions to Angel to set up a second front.
Having survived the fight, the Scoobies get back on the bus and start heading down the road, looking for the next town over; arguing where to stop, especially for those who need medical attention (that ending kind of glosses over some of their very urgent needs for medical attention….). It’s now late, the sun’s gone down. Dawn and Buffy sit near the front of the bus, talking with Giles. Buffy mentions they should locate Angel, to tell him they succeeded, so he knows they can stand down. Dawn wonders what sort of “second front” Angel put together, when Giles hits the brakes, calling Buffy’s attention to the blockade in the road faintly made out through the light of the headlights.
It’s a small army of black-ops soldiers, mystics, and perhaps a few demons crowding the road in front of the bus; and standing at the head of all of this is Angel. Buffy gets off the bus and cautiously approaches Angel first, who likewise begins to walk in her direction. Their pace quickens, until they’re both running towards each other, then dive into an embrace. Angel says, “You made it.” “I did,” Buffy replies. “But Spike, some of the others… and Sunnydale, it’s… gone.” “Gone?” “Yeah.” “As in…?” “Gone. There’s nothing left.” “So, everything’s okay then?” “I think so.” “You’re hurt.” “I’ll be okay. We have other’s on the bus who are worse. We need to get them medical attention.” Angel turns back to the barricade and calls out, “Wes, Fred! They have wounded.” They in turn start calling out orders to their respective teams, sending medics to the bus. Buffy looks past Angel, taking in the size of the force Angel’s assembled. “How?” She asks. “It’s a long story.” “I’ve got all kinds of time.” Cut to Buffy and Angel sitting in a booth in a roadside diner. The Slayers who weren’t seriously wounded, are at other tables, along with Xander, Willow, Dawn and Andrew. Buffy and Angel keep staring a the food, not talking. Buffy’s unsure where to start or how to process the battle. Angel doesn’t know how to talk about how he’s now the head of Wolfram and Hart. Giles and Wesley are standing outside by the bus, arms crossed, not looking at one another; having the conversation Buffy and Angel are awkwardly avoiding the specifics of. “So,” Giles starts, “You’ll be running their LA office, then?” “Yes,” Wesley replies, blankly. “We’ve been given carte blanche. Or at least, so we’ve been told.” “You don’t trust that to be entirely accurate?” “Would you?” “If you don’t trust them to keep their word, why did you accept their offer?” “We each had our reasons. Mine was… personal.” “And it was through this Wolfram and Hart that Angel got the amulet Spike used to collapse the hellmouth?” “That’s correct.” “I take it they didn’t anticipate Spike using it. Which means someone…” “Someone meant for Angel to use it. Yes.” “And that doesn’t concern you?” “It wouldn’t be the first time someone at Wolfram and Hart tried to kill Angel. Or the rest of us, for that matter. We know what we’re walking into.” “Do you? Sounds risky.” “Well,” said Wesley, “That is the nature of our work, isn’t it? But we will make every effort to mitigate that risk and perhaps even use some of these new resources to do some good. Giles isn’t sure what to say to this and lets silence follow for a moment, before adding, "Are you using contacts?” “Yes.” “Do you like them?” “They took some getting used to.” “Hmmm…. I like the beard.” “Thank you.”
0 notes
Part 3 - Chapter 17 - I-Island: Rock The Boat
Blank Canvas Part 3
AO3 - here
Fanfiction.net - here
Hello again, my lovely readers! Thank you for your patience. As I explained on the discord, last week would have been when I posted but my work schedule was way too busy for me to do any editing for this. So I postponed for another week. But! To make up for the wait, this chapter is longer! :D Not exactly planned but that's how the plot points worked out.
A reminder of all who is on I-Island in BC. For our main group we have Izuku, Shouto, Hitoshi, Mei, Present Mic, Hound Dog, and All Might. Then we've got Momo, Jirou, Ochako, Tenya, and Kaminari. And of course Melissa as well. There are a few others but these are the main ones who actually play a part. :)
...I'm sorry.
Linktree to all the things!    
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
Seriously, I'm so sorry. I hate seeing good mom Inko get hurt. The first time I ever read a fic where Inko was killed off I sat for a minute in shock. I never realized before then that someone could do that and I had to mourn for her before continuing to read it. Oof that was rough. But from that tragedy leads to another trope I love so much which is adopted Izuku. Who will actually get that role I won't spoil but have fun theorizing. ;)
Now, I'm still on the fence on actually having Inko die or not. Honestly one of the points leaning towards her dying is to spare her from ever suffering from finding out All For One is Hisashi. Izuku, who will find out eventually, is going to be bad enough. For now she'll be in a sort of limbo. Kind of like Han Solo in Star Wars when he was frozen in carbonite. I just don't know what will work best for the story itself. We'll just have to let time, and my brain, decide what happens with that. And if you have any thoughts I will consider those as well.
For the recipes Inko was using, here is the miso salmon, the fried rice, and the salad dressing (along with a different salad combo) in case anyone was interested. :)
So the attack on I-Island was shorter than the movie. Though that I would think should be expected since they got a warning for it. Yes, there were some plot devices thrown in there but I'm happy with how it turned out. If anything, this gave Hitoshi a time to shine with support of his friends and classmates. All of them working as a team to take down the bad guys together.
Wolfram's English voice actor also does Hawkmoth from Miraculous Ladybug and Deep Sea King from One Punch Man. While writing this I was channeling a mix of the two combining Hawkmoth's whininess and Deep Sea King's cockiness and also both of their tones of frustration. I know some people are sub only for the voices but if you wanted a better idea of what I imagined him sounding like I'd try the dub. :) Also fun fact, the English voice actor for Plagg in Miraculous also is Saitama in One Punch Man! I don't know why but I find that hilarious. XD
That's it this chapter! Next chapter I have some very nice fluff to offset this. Izuku deserves it for all the new drama coming his way. Kekekeke. For now, I leave you with this angst. Cool? Okay, bye! :D
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kyliafanfiction · 2 years
I know that the official narrative of Season 5 is that Team Angel was losing their way at Wolfram and Hart, becoming corrupted, etc, but the writers did a very poor job of showing it.
Like, the worst you can say they did was Gunn helping an antiquity get through customs. Like, yes, that ended up being Illyria’s casket, but helping a guy make some money on illicit smuggled artifacts, all Gunn thought he was doing, in exchange for what he was able to do with the legal upgrade he was re-upping, seemed like a reasonable trade, because it *was*.
In Season 5, we see multiple times the good they could do working on the scale W&H allowed. If not for them, that one kid and his whole school would have been killed to stop the Black Tomorrow. And that bit with the cult leader who was too well-connected to go at directly... if he was too well connected for W&H to go at, do you really think AI would have been able to attack them (and successfully kill them all) without any problem? 
Or that bit where Gunn uses W&H’s resources to open the orphanage for vampire victims kids, banish the fire demons to another dimension and shut down the company dumping demon waste into the water?
The groxlar demons that ate babies? Remember how W&H was trying to get them to stop? We don’t see how the negotiation ended, but they seemed to be on a good start, and W&H has the resources to make that stick better than AI would have.
Without W&H’s resources and access they would have found out about the Smile Time demons far too late to do anything (it was only 7 kids by then)
Like, yes, the heroes made compromises, and as I’ve outlined before, if they really wanted to have the heroes try to take down or actively work to hurt in a big way Wolfram and Hart (a multinational, multidimensional law firm that goes well beyond L.A.) they had options, involving working to bring down the place within.
But it doesn’t mean they lost their way. and I object strong to the burn-down-the-system-all-compromise-is-bad core of the ‘moral’ of Season 5. Especially since it also all but asserts that throwing your life away ineffectively is heroic just because it is.
So yeah. Mutant Enemy can give me the official line on Season 5 all they want. They were wrong then, both in the big picture, and frankly, they were wrong about their own damn show.
Additional reading if someone wants to know more of my (many) thoughts on AtS Season 5:
(They’re all old posts because I don’t really write meta anymore, but I stand by pretty much all of them still)
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gossamerashes · 2 years
Wolfram, when did you learn you had a taste for men?
"When I first grew the capacity to have a taste for anything." The answer comes easily. "I was young, naïve, and drawn towards older men."
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"And now I am an older man. My tastes, as they are, have changed little."
0 notes
buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
a place called home
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© credits to the author, i found it on google. if you own it, send me a message to add your @.
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Request by @dora-wolfram-blog: Hi <3 so happy to see your requests are open! How about ex Avenger reader who can manipulate the forces of nature and she comes to help Sam? (Idk maybe calling fish from the sea so his family can sell and earn enough money for the boat?) There she meets Bucky who she briefly met after endgame and they get to know each other? Domestic stuff is my weak spot so thank you so much luv u <3
word count: 1.206 words.
warnings/tags: none. bucky being a gentleman and sam a pain in the ass as always.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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Saying that Bucky and you were friends wasn’t something exactly. You fought together a couple of times before you retired from superhero life. Like many of them, the war had finished and you chose calm over being a private agent. More or less like the ex-soldier, with the difference that he went to New York and you didn’t be able to find a home until Sam made you a call. He was quite the opposite of Bucky for you, connecting since the very first second you met. After he told you about his sister’s financial trouble, he offered you a roof to sleep under in exchange for your powers to control the tide and promote the movement of fish stocks. Of course, it was a hit, and you finally found peace in Delacroix. A celebration was inevitable, it was part of Wilsons’ DNA, but you weren’t expecting Bucky to show up with Sam; although he told you in your last call that they were working together. Or something like that.
As soon as your eyes laid on him among the crowd, you knew he had changed after more than six months without seeing each other. You couldn't help but feel happy for Bucky when you saw him smiling for the first time. He had a beautiful and innocent smile, seeming like a new man. Renovated, with want to live, enjoying playing with kids and talking to old men about war stories.
You had placed your back against an oak column, away from the crowd but close enough to check on everyone, in case they need help with anything. A beer was resting against your lips, doubting on continuing drinking, lost in your thoughts. There was something about Bucky going from one side to another, laughing unworried, that had fully captivated your attention. You weren't able to stop looking at him, chuckling when you saw one of Sam's nieces putting a magnet with the form of a crab on his left arm.
“I have that teen-in-love's face on camera”.
You frowned at Redwing some inches away from your face. As a response, you tried to slap it down. But your friend was faster than you controlling that thing.
“He looks good, uh?”
“Oh, shut up…” You replied by clicking your tongue and rolling your eyes, having a sip from your drink to put your eyes away to the sea.
“He asked if you'd be here… Just saying”.
“Shut up, Samuel!” You implored, rubbing the bridge of your nose.
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As the night went on and the guests started to leave, Sarah asked you to take Jim and Jody home while she stayed there cleaning with his brother about the business. You were exhausted too, and she noticed it. And after saying your goodbyes, you headed to the parking where your car was stationed, carrying the younger Wilson onto your arms —peacefully sleeping— as his big brother was yawning loudly. At that point, you realized that it was going to be a tough mission to put them in the car.
“Wait! Lemme help”.
The male voice coming from behind you made you turn around and before you could react, Bucky was taking Jody from your arms to his. You smirked softly in response, looking for the key in the right pocket of your jacket to unlock the car. The soldier tucked the younger in the back seat, placing the belt around him as Jim occupied the other side of the SUV.
“It's been good to see you”. You said after closing the door, staying outside in front of him.
“Same”. He replied, not knowing what else to say.
Puckering your lips and clapping the key on your palm, you nodded with your chin, feeling the nerves running through your veins. “Good night, Bucky”.
“Good night, (Y/N)”.
You gave him your back, sighing inappreciably, to open the pilot's place and came in.
“He— Hey, wait”.
“Sam told me… you were tired. I might give you a ride back home. I can wait for him there”. The offering made you glance towards him, already sitting in your car but with a leg rest on the ground. “If you want, I mean…”
Of course he did (...). That son of a bitch had the audacity to push you onto the other. You bit your inner cheek, landing your eyes on the wheel. Yes, you were tired. You woke up at five to sail with Sarah, then you organized the party and cooked for it. You hadn't had a single second of rest during the whole day. And Sam took advantage of it, feeling like he was some kind of Cupido. And you had to recognize that it was also very considerate coming from Bucky.
“I'd appreciate it… actually”. You ended up agreeing, stepping out to give him the keys and ceding your seat.
The ride was silent between the two of you, hearing some quiet indie music playing on the radio while you fought against your brain to stay awake. Luckily, it didn't take him too long to reach Sarah's house —although you were barely keeping your eyes open at this point. Again, he helped you with the kids, walking indoors and following you to their respective rooms. You tucked Jim and Jody on their beds, making sure they were comfy before placing a kiss on their foreheads and wishing them a good night. Bucky had rested his back against the wall, in front of the elder’s room, just waiting for you. And you could swear that you saw him briefly smirking because of the tenderness in your actions.
After closing the last door, you waved your head to urge him to follow you downstairs to the living room. With an exhausted sigh escaping your lips, you let your body fall on the sofa, curling on a side of it to give Bucky some space. You couldn’t help but yawn, turning on the TV by using the control remote.
“It’s good to have a home to come back”.
“Yeah… After all the shitty situations we’ve been through… We deserved a rest, don’t you think?” You replied grabbing a cushion from the floor, using it as a pillow over the armrest. “Sorry, I… I’m deadly tired…”
“Come here, that will hurt when you wake up”.
Bucky didn’t hesitate on beckoning to his arms, taking off his boots heel against heel to place both legs over the coffee table. You didn’t resist, knowing it would be comfier by his way. Sitting up, you lied to the opposite side, being wrapped instantly and snuggled against his warm body. Shameless, you rest your head on his right forearm, practically laying over his lap. But you felt good. You felt like it was a good reward after a long day, rolling down your eyelids and focusing on the caresses in your hair you didn’t know you needed.
For a moment, your mind wandered and fantasized about this last hour being part of your real life. Putting your kids to sleep and then cuddle with your husband till falling asleep. Smell Bucky’s strong and edgy scent. Your hands scratching his back. His fingertips stroking your scalp. Your legs laced (...)
Oh, God, Sam. What did you do?
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it.
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TAG LIST: @mystic-232 @homesicam @theresnoplatypus @i-love-scott-mccall @slutfornat @goldielocks2004 @whatrambles @spidergirla5 @fanofalltheficsx @nocturnalherb16 @valenquei @golden-hoax @hunter-of-baker-street @missusstark @vhscherry @warm-sensations @addictedtofictionalcharacters @sarahsmcu @tinylumpiaa @amelia-song-pond @heartislubbingdubbing @stolenxkissess @clean-and-claire @winchestersgirl222 @virgoroses @marvel-ousnesss @me-a-hopeless-romantic @rvgrsbrns @maccasbeard @haileygarciasunshine @lewd-alien @kait-is-always-late @mckenna @weenersoldierr @mxltifaves @soldierstucky @theboldandthebootyful @arkofblake @isabellamur @kiwisa @spider-man-lover @rosiebrands @stealapizzamyheart @koressecretidentity @asemistablehundredyearoldman @mayans-sauce @petlaufeyson @megapeacelovemusic-blog @phoenixhalliwell
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Omg the wolfram continuation was EVERYTHING!! And since requests are open I’d like to do one more ;) could you do some domestic style fluff with him and reader after the fact? Like— I LOVED that whole “I’m ready for a baby sister” with Sieglinde sm 😭 maybe you could do something like that? Or maybe when they dooooo tell her (and wolfram) that reader is pregnant? I’m such a hoe for this freight train of a man ah ma gad 🐺 please and thank you soooo much 💜
literally send me all the requests ever ok I LOVE THEM so much
here’s something for this, I think it’s cute!!
Wolfram is so damn excited aaaaaaah SWEET BOY
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For the longest time after SIEGLINDE asked you and WOLFRAM when you were going to have a baby, you didn’t know what to say.
Now, following a visit to the doctor, you finally do.
Although you can’t be perfectly sure when you conceived, the physician thinks you’re far along enough that your biggest guess is that it was when you and Wolfram made love for the first time. When Sieglinde asked, the two of you had a talk about it, deciding that you’d both be glad if it happened. So you’ve had sex a few more times since then, but… you think it was that first time that did it.
You’ve not quite known how to tell either of them the news yet. The last few days everyone, including you, has just thought you haven’t been feeling well, just tired. Even through dinner, with both of them asking how you’re doing, you don’t know exactly how to phrase it.
Then, after dinner while you work on mending some of everyone’s clothes, Wolfram comes over to set Sieglinde next to you, almost certainly at her request. She presses into you and smiles, putting her arms around your middle. “Mutti, Wolfram says I have to go to bed soon, but I’m not tired. You will tell me a story so I get sleepy, please?”
“Oh, that would make you sleepy?” you giggle as you pull her into your lap. “Of course, sweetheart. I’ll make one up just for you, let’s see…”
You think for a moment, then an idea pops into your head. “Ah, alright, well. Once upon a time, there was a young princess who lived in a forest, and her name was Sieglinde.”
Your little girl gives you a noise somewhere between a giggle and a scoff. “Is this story about us?”
“Hmm, maybe,” you tease. “It’s a good one, though, I promise. Now, Princess Sieglinde was a very smart, beautiful girl. But, she was unable to walk, so she was trapped in the forest, because there were… a lot of wolves out there among the trees who would attack other living things. And the woods were too thick… even if she could walk, it would have been a long and dangerous journey. So she stayed in her castle, away from the outside world, making inventions and reading. However, she did have one loyal companion by her side ― her loving, attentive father, Wolfram.”
From the corner of your eye, you see Wolfram straighten up in pride; the sight makes you smile. “He took good care of her, and even though they were stuck in the forest, they found some happiness day by day.”
A hand combs gingerly through her hair as she nestles in against you. “But one day… a group of travelers from another land were coming through the forest, and they stumbled upon the castle, where they were given a place to stay. Several of the travelers were inhumanly strong, so after learning that Princess Sieglinde and her father were trapped, they offered to help the two out of the woods.”
Wolfram decides to sit down on your other side, setting a candle in its holder on the table beside him. “Some of the travelers was know-it-alls.”
You snort and lean to give him a kiss. “… Yes, but Wolfram got over it.”
“Pfui! If you say so.”
“Well, I’m the one telling the story, aren’t I?” Things have to be shifted a bit, with you leaning toward him… it’s nice, though. Almost like one big cuddle. “Where was I? Ah… so, they all set out. True to their word, the travelers brought Princess Sieglinde and her father to safety on the other side of the forest. With perhaps a few scrapes here and there, they made it in one piece. Grateful to the travelers and unsure of where to go now that they’d found freedom, Princess Sieglinde and Wolfram followed the travelers back to their homeland.”
Sieglinde blinks a few times, looking as if she’s starting to get tired. “What happened after that? Surely it’s not end there?”
You nod. “You’re right, it doesn’t end there. After settling down, Wolfram fell in love with a woman.”
“(Name), right?” Sieglinde brings her legs up onto the sofa, tucking them under her. “And she married Wolfram and decided to be Princess Sieglinde’s mum?”
You can’t help a laugh from escaping as you give her a squeeze. “You haven’t heard this story before, have you? I thought I made it up just now! Haha… that’s right, though. (Name) married Wolfram and decided to be Princess Sieglinde’s mum. And one day, Princess Sieglinde asked for a little sister. So, (Name) made a wish on a star…”
Your eyes flicker up to Wolfram. Although he’s listening to the story just like Sieglinde is, his eyebrow is raised at you. “A wish on a star?”
Your next words come out in a whisper. “… And it came true.”
Almost immediately, Wolfram’s eyes widen. You can see every single thing he’s feeling reflected in them; joy, fear, relief, he doesn’t seem to know how to feel. For so much of his life he’s lived only feeling one thing or another, with things being simple, and now he’s feeling so many different things at once. When he speaks, his voice trembles like its feet are on the edge of a crumbling precipice. “It came true?”
“It did,” you smile, and you’re… almost prepared for his reaction, but not fully.
Of course, given that his reaction is to hug you tightly and whoop, “Hurra! Hurra! Hurrahurrahurrahurra―!”, it’s a bit hard to anticipate. He buries his face in your neck, laughing, suddenly elated in a way you’ve never seen him express before.
Even when he pulls his face back up, he’s beaming. Though he looks a bit embarrassed about the outburst, he comes in to kiss you, with both of his hands moving to cup your face. “This is… wonderful. So ― so you’re… schwanger?” Oh, dear, that’s so precious… he can’t bring himself to say the word in English. You think he might burst if he did. “Ah, Gott…”
“Schwanger!” Sieglinde chirps, instantly awake. “So, you approved my request! I’m going to have a little sister!! Hurraaaaaaaa!!!”
With that, she practically launches herself into your lap, pressing her head and hand against your stomach. “My little sister is in here! Can she hear me yet? I don’t care if she can’t… I want her to know she’s the best little sister in the whole big world!”
“Sieglinde…!” Wolfram’s still laughing, albeit a bit quieter. “You need to go to bed―”
She shakes her head, staring up at him with big eyes. “Vati!! You can’t expect me to sleep now!”
“You can’t argue with that,” you hum as you nestle in against him. “It’s exciting news.”
Well, at least she grins at you for being on her side. “Mutti, can I give my little sister her name? Pleaaaaase?”
“If you go to bed right now,” is the dry answer she gets, before you even have a chance to open your mouth.
Even though Sieglinde probably isn’t going to be heading to sleep anytime soon, you’re glad about the fact that you told both of them at last. Even though your baby isn’t very big yet, you still put your hand over Sieglinde’s on your stomach.
Everything is going to change. It’s going to be overwhelming. And you can only speak for yourself, but…
You feel like things are, finally, exactly where they’re supposed to be. For all of you.
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