#yes I'm still peeved at myself for that last one but it did make my mother laugh when I told her
topazadine · 28 days
Ah I feel like I should reintroduce myself
Mostly because I kinda forgot what I said in my last one.
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Look it's my dog Clark and my giant stuffed duck Ahiru-san (of Bizenverse fame, yes I bought the stupid fictional duck)
Anyway, basic points:
Ohioan (most important identity)
She/her pronouns
Fantasy author
Pit bull mom
SEO writer
But wait there's more
My hobbies other than writing, in order of how much I manage to do them
Staying up really late
Fighting with people on the internet
Walking my dogs (is that a hobby?)
Yelling at my plants to grow faster
Horseback riding
Rock climbing (new! I am still bby)
Traveling to underappreciated places
Activities I am fascinated by but do not understand whatsoever (if you have tips or do these things tell me pls)
Mounted archery
Spinning yarn
Things that I am deeply curious about
Human psychology
International conflict
Comparative mythology
Cryptids/ghost stories
Cults (but not joining them)
Bizarre deaths (especially stuff like cave diving deaths)
Stuff I have written that you should read
9 Years Yearning
The Lucretia Cycle
A lot of stuff on AO3
My sorta defunct blog (I moved back to Tumblr lmao)
Medium posts
Random facts about me that no one cares about
I have double eyelashes and a chest tattoo that says "Death to Rapists" in Latin Additionally, I have dyscalculia, which makes it almost impossible to learn languages or play a musical instrument because Brain Don't Work That Way. So it is annoying when people screech about monolinguals and say we're all lazy or whatever. I've tried multiple times to learn multiple languages and it simply does not work. Get off my back pls (random pet peeve) I studied abroad in Scotland on the prestigious Gilman scholarship and it radicalized me against England The main reason I did my Master's degree in International Relations is because they offered me a free year of tuition. This radicalized me against becoming a politician. As an aside, I did my Master's thesis on international human trafficking. Multiple people have told me I'm like a herding dog because I need to be doing something and get sad if I don't have a task My greatest fear is being electrocuted by stepping into a puddle after a rainstorm I get anxious going to the grocery store but have no problem with public speaking (strange) My favorite job I've ever done was an internship working with refugees (love) My dream vacation would be visiting the lava tube caves under Aokigahara, climbing through Buddha's Nostril in Nara, and then petting all the nice deer at Nara Deer Park I would also like to visit Mongolia and eat all their yummy snacks My most hated household chore is laundry Last year, when I went to Blood Prison, I cried because I didn't get scared and it's supposed to be one of the scariest haunted houses - I have a bizarre immunity to haunted houses because I can't suspend my disbelief Whenever I am in pain, I completely forget about the existence of NSAIDs and instead bitch about being uncomfortable until someone (usually my mom) reminds me that modern medicine is real and may in fact have solutions One time I stapled through my hand with a staple gun because I was trying to repurpose a cabinet drawer into a scratching post for my (now deceased) ferrets I am terrified of amusement park rides where you go up in the air but you don't have your feet on anything, like Windseeker at Cedar Point. My primal lizard brain craves the ground. But rock climbing is fine.
Yeah so that's it thanks
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spurious · 4 months
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @audioletter 🧡 who did hers here
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? m a r r i e d
02) What was your dream growing up? i wanted to be a vet until i realized i would have to deal with animals in pain lol
03) What talent do you wish you had? not to steal audioletter's answer here but also drawing tbh.
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? one of those fancy starbucks iced lime drinks with the green coffee beans
05) Favorite vegetable? oooooh hm. broccoli?
06) What was the last book you read? poking at a reread of Catch-22
07) What zodiac sign are you? scorpio sun, gemini moon, cancer rising
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? several tattoos and 2 ear piercings
09) Worst Habit? according to @audioletter, sleeping diagonally on the bed. according to Lemon, forgetting to refill her automatic feeder
10) What is your favorite sport? i like watching basketball
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? uh. i don't really think of myself as an optimist but i think i kind of am a bit of one.
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. two of my chromosomes are stuck together
13) Do you have any pets? cat & borbs
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? if i had to choose one of those adjectives I'd go with scary but i'm not, like, super scared of clowns?
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? i would give myself an ass so that i can sit on hard surfaces in greater comfort
16) What color eyes do you have? blue
17) Ever been arrested? no
18) Bottle or can soda? can
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? we haven't left the country since before covid so. plane tickets
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? home tbh
21) Do you believe in ghosts? not actively but like. i wouldn't be surprised if there were.
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? video games, crochet, watching tv, going for meandering walks
23) Do you swear a lot? i don't know what constitutes a lot? i feel like i do.
24) Biggest pet peeve? people who get on a crowded train and stand around by the doors instead of moving into the far less crowded aisles
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? ummmmmmmm. odd
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? yes! i'm weird at it but i like it.
27) Favourite and least favourite food? fave: probably cheese. least fave: shrimp
28) Do you believe in God? probably?
29) What makes you happy: sound of the cat purring. sitting in bed with my wife and playing our games and talking. sour candy.
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: The Mountain Goats - Jenny from Thebes
31) Favourite place to spend time: i like! to be! at home!
32) Favourite lyric:
And I am this great, unstable mass of blood and foam / And no emotion that’s worth having could call my heart its home
33) Recommend a film: Clue!
34) Recommend a book: Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: have you heard of the mountain goats :)
36) Recommend a TV show: Freaks and Geeks
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? I'm from metro Detroit, Michigan, and I've lived there, in Ohio for school, and then in Ibaraki, Japan, followed by Osaka where I've lived forrrrrrrr. 13 years or so?
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? Lemon was found after a typhoon when I lived in Ibaraki. Niles and Nesmith came from the bird store where everyone wanted the fancy baby budgies and they were being ignored for being too Standard lol
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? WELL. If you don't know, some regions of Japan eat whale meat, and some regions of Japan use whale meat in their school lunch. So uh. One day when I worked at an elementary school I was blithely eating my school lunch only to be asked by one of the kids how I was liking the whale meat. 😐 (it's not even good)
40) How did you 'find' fandom? i actually don't totally remember? my first fic reading experience was cardcaptor sakura, and i think it was on a fansite or something rather than ff.net....and then i found my way to LJ and HP fandom.
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. I'm at my desk at work so: rainbow glitter fountain pen, ps5 devkit, photo from our wedding, coworkers, "everything is fine" 10 of swords card from the modern witch tarot deck
42) How do you style your hair? currently a bob with bangs. i have started carrying a little comb in my handbag for this
I'm gonna tag people!
@alienfuckeronmain @sga-owns-my-soul @stargatebarbie @texasdreamer01 @acrowbyanyothername
@colonelshepparrrrd @queen-x-ishtar @hearteyesmcgarrett
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 1
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Warnings: 18+ readers only, mentions of smut
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖜𝖆𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 the dishes while I listened to Dad and Trang in the living room. Dad was trying to catch Trang up to the spells she needed to know between her first and sixth year for Charms, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.
It was a nice surprise that Dumbledore had let Trang come to Hogwarts though she was five years late, now six, and even more of a surprise that her parents had finally given in, considering they were the ones who stopped her from going in the first place.
'Dumbledore is the only Professor who would've done so' Dad had said when we'd arrived home from the train a few weeks ago, talking about Trang. 'He let me come to Hogwarts when no other Professor would'.
Dad, being a werewolf, would normally not have been allowed near children or any people for that matter. However, Dumbledore had great faith in him and had made the necessary precautions so that he could attend.
In order to catch Trang up so that she could come in as a 'third-year', Dad was teaching her a number of spells and making sure she could actually do them and also giving her lessons in Potions, Herbology, and Astronomy. Being a third-year, she could take two electives and she'd chosen Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes.
As I was going to be a sixth-year this year, I'd had to change my classes to only the necessities. So, I was taking Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, and Charms. Those were my necessary classes. I'd thankfully dropped Astronomy- the bane of my existence- and also History of Magic. However, I'd made a difficult decision where I had to choose between Divination, Ancient Runes, Magical Theory, and Care of Magical Creatures.
I'd dropped Divination and then decided that it didn't matter about choosing between Ancient Runes, Magical Theory, and Care of Magical Creatures because I had my time-turner. So I still had a schedule that didn't match that of other students.
Trang had wanted to take every class, but we'd smashed the time-turner cabinet at the Ministry last summer. . . but I wasn't going to think about the Ministry.
I couldn't even be mad at Severus for what he'd said to Bellatrix because I knew he had to keep up pretenses and if he was going to congratulate Bellatrix on killing Sirius. . . but I wasn't going to think about the Ministry.
And of course, it wasn't my fault that Sirius had died, something I'd finally come to terms with. I'd gone to save Trang and I couldn't hate myself for that. And Hagrid was right, Sirius wanted to go out fighting. That was the way anyone wanted to die. If I wanted to die, I would've done it by fighting. That or jumping in front of someone I loved. But I hadn't jumped in front of Sirius, had I? BUT I WASN'T GOING TO THINK ABOUT THE MINISTRY!
I sobbed, breaking a dish as I dropped it into the sink, and pressed a hand to my mouth. The voices went quiet in the living room and I quickly repaired the dish with my wand and then washed it again, setting it aside. Tears were flowing down my face and I couldn't wipe them away because I didn't want to get soap in my eyes.
I heard footsteps in the kitchen and I closed my eyes, hoping dad wasn't going to try and get me to talk to him or something.
But he wrapped his arms around me and whispered, "I'm sorry."
Yes, because it was his fault now, was it? Of course not! Why did people always apologize for things that weren't their fault! Was it really a way to express sympathy, or a way to get sympathy! Well, if anything, it was maddening and a pet peeve of mine, which he fully knew.
"It's fine." I said softly. "I just need to stop thinking about him- it."
"There's nothing wrong with grief." He said softly.
"There's nothing wrong with love either." I said in a biting voice. He recoiled. I sighed and gritted my teeth. "I didn't mean that, I'm sorry, I know you're not pushing her away because you don't love her damnit."
"I know." he said, putting a hand on my shoulder. We weren't looking at each other. He left to go back to the living room. Feeling like crap, I waved my wand and finished the dishes in a second. Then I trumped up the stairs and collapsed on my bed. I could hear Trang shouting below me in frustration.
Tonks was in love with Dad. Dad was in love with Tonks. But Dad said he wouldn't endanger Tonks like that. He said that Tonks deserved better. He said that Tonks life would be abnormal if she married him. He kept pushing her away.
She'd gone to me and I'd gone to him and he'd stayed his ground. He wasn't marrying anyone. He wasn't endangering anyone. I pointed out that I'd lived with him for nearly fifteen years and his face grew red and he'd said that a daughter was different than a wife. Well!
I was very emotional recently, and there had been an increase in emotions since last time I'd been at Severus' house.
I drew in a shuddering breath and heaved myself up from the bed, beginning to pack. Dumbledore had sent a letter only a few days back from Hogwarts. He wanted to pick me up on Friday at 10:45 PM and then spend the rest of the summer at the Burrow.
After much discussion with not only dad, but also Severus, I'd sent back a replying owl saying: Yes.
Dad had found it a lovely idea. He hated leaving me alone for long stretches of time and since he was still trying to be a spy for the underground werewolves, he was underground quite often. And that was on top of teaching Trang, so I wasn't going to spend much time with him anyways.
Severus had been less enthusiastic because it meant I wouldn't see him for nearly two months until school started. We'd gotten used to having a lot of alone time for days on end. I usually spent time at his house when dad was underground and Trang was at her house.
It was so silly, when I thought back to last year and how upset I'd been when I thought I wouldn't see Trang for nearly two or three years, possibly more. Now, we'd be going to school together.
Of course, we weren't going to be in the same house. As I'd predicted, she'd been sorted into Ravenclaw and I was in Hufflepuff. Of course, I figured that this meant I was going to be able to explore the Ravenclaw common room now. I'd always wanted to know what it looked like.
It was Wednesday now and Dad was going to go into the underground on Thursday. I'd have time to slip back to Severus' house. . .
I twisted the ring on my left hand. It'd become a bit of a habit. My eyes barely glanced at the red words on the back of my hand, 'As a Werewolf brat, I must learn to keep my mouth shut'.
I hadn't had to write those lines for nearly two months now, giving my hand time to heal. It no longer started bleeding randomly and had healed some. The letters were thinner now, looking more like quill marks than charcoal. They also weren't purple red anymore but rather, a light pinky red color. Dad, at least, didn't flinch every time when he saw my hand anymore.
Someone knocked on my door and I got up from where I was cleaning out my trunk. It was Trang.
"Hey!" I said in a thick voice and cleared my throat and crouched back down to clean out the trunk. "Scourgify." The trunk looked good as new.
I started stacking my books in neat stacks on the right side of the trunk and then packed my quills, artbooks, and robes on the other side. My pajamas and toiletries on top of that. I went to close it but Trang's hand darted out and brought out a small box. She held it up, raising her eyebrow, "What is this for?"
I blushed, grabbing it back and throwing it in. "I'm married, Trang! I might need it."
"You're having-" Her eyes flashed and her face paled and then it returned to normal, "You really ought to have told me sooner."
I rolled my eyes. "How's Oliver?"
Oliver Wood was one of the guys I'd met at school. He'd been in Gryffindor and a huge Quidditch fanatic. He'd been captain and keeper and was playing on the Puddlemere team. I followed it briefly in the Quidditch magazines but Trang had him as a bit of a pen pal.
She blushed and said, "Oh, well, we er- met a few weeks ago. A bit like a-er date- I suppose."
I glared at her. "And you get on me about keeping secrets!"
She grinned reluctantly. "Well, I was trying to keep it a bit of a secret because I try not to tell my parents anything now."
Yes, her parents. Now that she knew about magic, they'd started being more open about the magic that they'd been part of and used it at home. She was still very irate with them and they were still very angry with my dad and I for teaching her magic. They were also mad at Dumbledore for letting Trang into the school. I don't know how he persuaded them to let her come. I also wasn't so sure why they were mad about it. Surely, they knew that Hogwarts was one of the safest places in the world.
They were extremely irate when they found out that she had a broom, an owl, and a thousand different books hidden in her room. I guess they weren't like other parents- going in and snooping around. Then again, Dad wasn't like that either.
We both had Firebolt brooms. (I'd bought a Firebolt in my fifth-year when I became Quidditch Captain). That'd been expensive but the mysterious conundrum was that it looked as though my gold vault barely had a dent in it.
And then, Trang's parents had introduced her to their family Gringotts vault. They had quite a bit of money in there, which I wasn't surprised about. They had made themselves rather rich in the Muggle world, and as they wouldn't be using wizarding gold, it had probably increased over the many years of leaving it there because of interest.
Trang would be going to the burrow sometime after me, I think about a month or so. She'd be taking the floo network. Dumbledore had said he'd be taking me somewhere. I figured, considering I'd foreseen a bit of the summer, that he'd be taking me to Harry's house. That would be weird.
Trang picked up a newspaper by my bed. I'd started getting the Daily Prophet and- much to her parents frustration- so was Trang.
"Do you think he's good?" Trang asked, turning the paper around and pointing at Rufus Scrimgeour. He had succeeded Fudge as Minister of Magic which I'd seen way before it'd actually happened.
"Sure." I said with a bit of a shrug. I welcomed conversations that would take my mind of. . . well anything. "He'll take Voldemort much more seriously than Fudge did. He's an Auror too so you know he's smart."
"I thought you said Kingsley was going to be Minister of Magic." Trang said fondly. I think she'd developed a bit of a romantic fashion for Kingsley, as he was the one who'd come to her rescue at- NO!
"He's the next one after the one that takes over after Scrimgeour." I said quickly, cleaning out Sadie's cage, leaving the cage door open.
"Well what happens to Scrimgeour?" Trang asked, turning the newspaper back to stare at the wild, lion-like man.
"Think he dies." I said, frowning a bit.
Trang looked at me sharply. "What?"
"Well I don't know for a fact." I said blandly. "I haven't foreseen it. It's just a feeling."
"Your feelings are usually really good. . ." Trang sounded nervous.
"Don't worry about it Trang." I said. "Sometimes I'm wrong. How's training going?"
She tossed the newspaper aside and said, "It's going okay. Your dad's a really good teacher. I wish I'd been at school when he'd taught. Why doesn't he teach anymore?"
"He took up the Defense Against the Dark Arts post." I said, grabbing my Firebolt and polishing it quickly before attaching it to my trunk. "It's a cursed position, has a new teacher every year."
"Oh." Trang said. "Is it. . . usually hard for wizards and witches to get jobs?"
"Oh no." I said, waving my hand. "It's only dad and other werewolves because the magical world has such a hateful bias towards them. I mean, there's a book called Why werewolves shouldn't be allowed to live or something to that affect. Most wizards and witches get jobs fairly easily."
"Wonder what job I'll get." Trang said thoughtfully.
"Well what did you want to do when you were a Muggle?" I asked.
She stuck her tongue out at me and said thoughtfully. "Mum and dad were always pushing me towards the medical field, but I always wanted to be a teacher. Of course, I'm sure there are a large amount of possibilities for jobs now that the magical world is open to me."
We talked for a long time before she went home and dad came into see me, sitting down on the bed next to me.
"I haven't spent any time with you this week." He said, echoing my thoughts from a few hours ago. He put his arm around me, pulling me in. "How're you keeping up?"
"I'm going okay." I said honestly. "You know, sometimes I can forget and be happy and sometimes I'm so filled with grief I can't stop crying. And of course, I promised myself I wouldn't take anything for granted anymore so I'm keeping busy, ya know? And anyways. . . well you're doing important work."
Dad grimaced, "Doesn't matter."
"What do you mean?" I asked, upset. "You've been working so hard!"
"Yeah but Greyback's undone a lot of my work." Dad said with another grimace and self-consciously touched the scar on his face.
"Greyback?" I asked blankly. "The one grandfather offended?"
"Yes." Dad said in a sour voice. "You stay away from him, you understand?"
"Of course." I said, frowning. I'd stay away from all Death Eaters. "Are you sure you're okay with me leaving the house so early?"
"Of course." Dad said, putting a second arm around me and I hugged him back so tightly he fell back on the bed. I nestled my head onto his chest and he kept an arm around me. I loved these moments with dad. "Besides, I have to go back underground for most of August. I'm only staying out for a bit of July so that I can get Trang up to speed and even that's rough. So you might as well go ahead and hang out with your friends. I'll see you during Christmas break if you come back."
"Yeah, I'll come back." I said, feeling a bit guilty. Severus' and mine first year anniversary was Christmas Eave. Then I scolded myself- we weren't married yet. "Of course I will."
He sighed. "God I love you Lizzy, you know that right?"
I felt tears spring up, mostly from affection. He hadn't called me Lizzy since I was eight. Then I felt frustration at my feminine hormones because I really hated crying in front of him. "Yeah Dad, I know. I love you too."
He kissed the side of my head and I thought that maybe he was crying too. Sirius had been his friend too after all. And he'd watched me be tortured in front of his eyes. He'd watched Bellatrix break my back in front of his eyes. He'd thought I would never be able to walk again. He was probably relieved that I was going to be able to go to the Weasleys this summer and be able to fly and walk and run and that I was alive.
"Dad." I whispered, having to get the question that was weighing most heavily on my heart out. "Do you think. . . do you think if I hadn't gone to save Trang. . . that Sirius would still be alive?"
"No." Dad said softly. "In fact, I think if you hadn't gone to save Trang, I think more of us would've died."
"R-really?" I asked in surprise, tears flowing down my face, "H-how do you f-figure that?"
Dad was silent for a moment and said, "We didn't know where you guys were Elizabeth. And if it hadn't been for the fact that you'd left the door open when we came in, well I don't think we would've found you for a bit longer. But we would've been searching that place forever and then when we finally found the Death Eaters. . . well no doubt they would have seen us before we'd seen them. We probably would've split up to cover more ground. I think we might've all have died that night if you hadn't gone for Trang."
I hadn't thought about this and I realized with a bit of surprise that he was right. I hadn't told Kingsley where we were. And after all, would they have even gone into the Ministry to get Trang in the first place?
"But Sirius wouldn't have gone because it wasn't Harry or me." I whispered.
"No, I think he would have." Dad said. "I've known Sirius since I was a kid Elizabeth. He was never going to have stayed behind. Not when it was you, not when it was Harry, not when it was your best friend. He might not have cared for Trang as much as he cared about. . . about you or Harry, but he cared about Trang the way that he cared about Ron or Hermione."
I nodded, feeling better but still crying, "So who's fault was it?" I asked.
"Voldemort's." Dad said firmly. "It's always been his fault and it will always be his fault."
I let out a small sob and said, "Madam Bones is dead too."
Dad's arm tightened. "Yes, that was a shame. And we lost Emmeline Vance- you knew her too."
I nodded. "It's so. . . strange. . ." I said. "I only met her once and I feel so wrecked about it. . . or maybe that's just Sirius's death bleeding into the others."
"Get some sleep." Dad said softly, kissing my forehead. "I'll be gone in the morning."
"Will you stay?" I asked softly, my fingers clutched around the front of his shabby robes. "Please? Just till I fall asleep?"
"Of course sweetheart." Dad said, sitting up a little so that I could get under the covers. He reached for the throw blanket and laid it over me. In only a few moments, I was fast asleep.
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 up, Dad was already gone. The house was completely empty and I wasted no time in going to the fireplace and grabbing some floo powder and throwing it down and shouting "Spinner's End 37"
Then, turning into a cat, I stuck my head in and quickly looked around. Not a soul in sight. I stepped through and jumped up onto the armchair that Severus had been sitting on when Bellatrix and Narcissa had come over.
I draped a paw over the side of the chair, become as cat like as possible. I'd been practicing for a long time. I'd fooled dad a couple of times when he came home tired. It was funny watching him trying to struggle and figure out when he'd let a cat in. Even Severus said that he sometimes forgot I was human.
"Ah, you're here." His voice filled the room. I perked an ear up and opened one large eye and then purred, closing my eye again. "Humorous." He said warmly, picking me up in his arms.
He carried me through the house to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him and locking it. I turned back into a human, surprising him and pulled him down on the floor.
"Don't you want the bed?" He murmured, sounding giddy for some reason.
"Not particularly." I murmured back, locking my legs around his waist to pull him down onto me.
"Fuck Elizabeth." He muttered, his hands slipping down to the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. I felt an electric shock go through me every time he said that. His fingers clasped behind my back for my bra strap, and pulled that off too.
"Something wrong?" My voice sounded a bit unsure.
"Just don't want you to get cold." He muttered in my ear.
"Good point." I whispered against his neck.
He got up and lifted me into his arms and then walked a few steps and then we were on the bed. He pulled me on top of him, taking off his own shirt. I always felt an electric shock go through me because he always looked so different underneath. The abs, the muscles, the pecs. He chuckled, brushing a couple fingers across my cheeks.
"So lovely," He murmured before rolling on top of me, pressing his lips to mine. I closed my eyes as a reflex, feeling his fingers moving down my hips and pulling off my shorts. I shivered a bit at the tickling sensation and pressed my lips to his jawline.
And then there was that feeling that was shocking and lovely and pleasant and a bit painful all at the same time as he slid into me. But it got easier each time, and felt more lovely and more pleasant than ever.
"Sev. . ." I moaned softly. He buried his face into my neck. I turned my head slightly so that my lips grazed his throat. I loved doing this because he shivered, and he never shivered at anything else. His fingers trailed up my thigh to my breasts and I pushed myself into him as we rolled over. "Oh Sev. . ."
The blankets tangled around our bodies as we started becoming more and more just one person. He swept my hair out of my eyes, still moving furiously. I moved with him, small pains in my breasts as they bounced slightly till he reached up to cup them before pulling me down to kiss me. I melted into him.
This was our little world. This was my life. And it was all that I could ask for. 
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webbymom · 2 years
Picking it back up at the bookstore...
I ranted too long to make sense of the last post's title, which referenced going to the bookstore.
Yes. The bookstore in Sunset Valley in THE SIMS 3.
I was so disillusioned by TS4's newest and brightest crap that I said to myself, "What the hell! Let's open TS3 and see what I can do there!"
Oh. My. Goodness.
Dudes. Do you know they have a COLOUR WHEEL?? For like, EVERYTHING???
And do you remember that sims can literally travel down a street and go to the bookstore WITH NO LOADING SCREENS?
And do you remember CARS???? * faints *
Seriously, while the game takes longer to load on the front end, while EA has lost the fact that I do actually own some more worlds and store stuff than what they give me credit for, and while I don't have ALL the stuff I DO still "own" turned on to keep "performance" specs up (not even sure that's needed on this machine, but what-evs)...
This. Game. Is. Fabulous.
And it's HARDER. I have a much harder time keeping ONE SIM fully up on all their needs than I do in TS4. And I LIKE that. Seriously, TS4 is so easy. It's too easy to make money, too easy to keep everyone happy all the time, too easy to advance at work...
Maybe I'm just a freakin' good player and other folks may find it harder in TS4, for whatever reason. I mean, I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I've been playing "perfect lives" sims since the day TS2 came out... so there's that. ;) They don't call me "The Controller" for nuthin'!!!
But honestly, I found this more challenging. I decided to create a single sim, get them into a house they could afford at first, get them a career, and make it to the top of that career (it was a life wish to become CEO... which I did. :) ). Let's call her Rita - since that's her name. ;)
Oh, the things that broke and clogged and rotted! Oh, the horrible (but funny!) bad passes that Thornton Wolfe (the boss!) made to my poor sim! Oh, the fun in the park on days off of work, and the meetings Rita had to squish into times when she was not working and also not dying - just for that one... last... promotion...
It was fun. I even re-built Rita's house, and bought her some better stuff and let her learn handiness and a bit of fishing and painting...
I could pick an outfit - shirt with sweater-vest and belt, skirt, and shoes - and COLOUR COORDINATE them! I could make her doors match her windows and her walls coordinate with the carpet and the sheets match the bedspread...
I know it's been a few years since I've played, so I'm a bit rusty, BUT - - - I found it more challenging to keep one single sim going and really happy in TS3 than raising an entire family (mom, dad, 2 kids) in TS4. So there's that.
Sure, the sims walk around like they have sticks up their butts (a long-time pet peeve of mine re: the TS3 sims LOL) and the UI is old-fashioned and the build-mode tools are SO much less than what we have now in TS4. But to be honest, I found the UI to be direct, precise, and intuitive. While I re-built her a house and was AGHAST that I could not lower the roof more than "X" amount, I really didn't care, because it was the GAMEPLAY that was really engaging me again.
Rita made it to the top of her career (apparently, Level 8 was the top back then!) which was yesterday in my time. I'm going to start another sim off in Sunset Valley with a new goal. Maybe even make a couple! Kick it up a notch, look after TWO sims and get them to the top of their careers as fast as I can, or their lifetime wishes fulfilled or whatever. Maybe they will be Rita's neighbours! Wouldn't that be cool? Since there are no loading screens?????
Sims 5 needs to be better. With offerings coming our way like "Life by You" and "Paralives", they seriously have to up their game at EA with this genre. I'm rather doubtful that I will buy ANY more EA kits, packs, or EP's for TS4. I will dip back into my currently-working family now and then to keep them going and make a few more TS4 memories, but they have strung this thing out far too long and it's at the point where they will lose players to the boredom and mediocrity that they are currently asking money for. It's time to move on to the new and better stuff.
As for me, I'm moving back to old and better stuff and finding the joy there once again. My TS3 adventures will continue while I wait the rest out. I have pre-ordered Life by You, and I'm following the progress of Paralives. I'm dabbling pretty much daily in Disney Dreamlight Valley, and I have tons of those crazy little casual games that keep me entertained when my brain is too taxed to decide what to do next with my little sims' live. ;) Sad to say, I don't need or want TS4 to be part of my evening entertainment on a daily basis anymore.
Nothing has been as funny or quirky as TS2 since TS2. Nothing has been as open - both in world terms and in creative/pattern/colour terms - as TS3 since TS3. TS4 started on a flat note (no pools and no toddlers) and has tried to play catch-up ever since. NINE YEARS of catching up. And I'm feeling, sorry to say, that they've not actually succeeded in catching up.
Honestly, I'm just not that invested anymore. I'm hoping that new games will bring back that old TS2 "oh-my-gosh-this-is-so-cool-and-fun" thing for me, but I will wait and see. Maybe I'm just done with life simulation games. But maybe - just maybe - Rod Humble/Paradox or Alex/Paralives People will surprise me. Maybe they have something up their sleeves that will delight life sim fans all over again.
Remember that crazy gold helmet you could get in TS2 to wear when you learned stuff to make you learn faster? But if you used it too long, it could make you die?
Yeah. Quirks like that. Silly things that make no real sense, but give you a laugh - or even a game-based panic-attack where you have to quit without saving... that's the kind of thing I want. I don't need reality TV in a sims game. I need more of a "are you kidding me, you want to do WHAT right now???" kind of a game. Something that gives me a laugh, lets me be creative when I feel the urge, lets me escape from some of the harsher realities of life, and lets me control virtual little people to the Nth degree, because I can't do that in real life and doing it in virtuality is OK.😛
That's it. That's all I have to say about it for the moment. If I get the urge again, I'll be sure to post. Ha! Love to all!
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babybattips · 2 years
(Rant) Criticisms of goth community, based on personal experiences
CW/TW: last paragraph touches on antisemitism and extreme right wing people, second last is about animal abuse.
I'm starting my 11th year in this subculture. English is not my first language. This post starts with unimportant pet peeves and ends on basically a hate crime :,)
This is a bit different to my usual tips posts. I was never too keen on dance parties in clubs, I mostly attended festivals or live shows when it comes to goth events. In September 2022 I wanted to change that. I'm in Lower Silesia / Southwestern Poland and most of these particular adventures happened in Wrocław or in the Lower Silesian voivodeship, but some of these things apply to the wider goth community I feel like.
First of all, this might piss people off, but of we look up a definition of a poser - most goths are posers. They don't pose as goths - that seems to be the no. 1 crime in this subculture, but I don't mean it in that way - they pose as these intellectual academics, "I'm smarter than you" people. (It's not like I'm not guilty of that myself, but I'm trying my best to not be a megalomaniac lol) To add some context, I work in a museum that is ran by one of Poland's biggest archival institutes - my specialty is culture and fashion of the Polish Sarmatian Nobility, but I also work with let's just say history of literature and culture in 19th century Poland. And holy shit for some reason goths LOVE to flex knowledge they just don't have - the Victorian era often being the main focus. The easiest example is Black Friday's "Historical Black & Red Fashion from Punk Rave" video, in which she says that massive puffy sleeves were a popular fashion choice in the "begginning of the Victorian Era, the early 1800s". The era started in 1837 and yes, you'd find some puffy sleeves in 1830s-40s, but the puff starts lower on the arm, not at the shoulder - Black Friday was complaining about the puffs on the shoulders and how they could potentially not fit her figure. She's referring to the 1890s dresses. Her mistake is just an example, she's not a historian and I generally like her, not trying to be mean here. She's just a massive public figure, and referring to some people with no internet presences who I've met at some point would make a shit example.
Other thing about posing is this whole "we're the aristocracy of the night" - no hun, you're a hoe for capitalism, wearing a polyester vampire dress from Party City Punk Rave, drinking goth club vodka and happily listening to insanely pretentious, fast food for the brain kinda songs, like "We're the Children of the Dark" (if you don't know that song, good, you're blessed). Obviously not all goths are like this, but my local community is packed with these folks. Before someone accuses me of anything related to finances when it comes to clothes - thrifting a silk, linen or wool in Poland requires literally $5 on the most expensive thrift store day, $1,50 on the cheapest. Punk Rave is so much more expensive than thrifting organic, very high end clothing. You know why people still buy these plastic garments? It's tacky, and they love it. The pseudo-brocade fabric with pseudo-baroque ornaments, neon purple prints slapped on a synthetic satin black dresses, it's just horrible, but it sells for some awful reason. (For context - I'm a design student, currently doing a master's degree, so at least I'd like to think this whole argument is not only based on my personal taste.) I'm not saying you can't enjoy these things, but enjoy them for what they are - and they're everything but high quality, aristocrat worthy pieces.
Now we're moving onto music yay! So, seems like every goth I meet is a metalhead who listens to one post punk song per 100 metal songs. And I'm not talking about babybats here! Not about casuals either, but about people who claim to be elders with massive knowledge. I've met a guy once (sadly) who claimed to be an elder goth at the very young age of 29. Sure. Did he have knowledge? Lol obviously he didn't. Not about goth music, but he was crazy about screamo. Nothing against screamo, but it's kinda *cough* cringe *cough* to claim yourself as a trad elder while you're not even 30 and don't really listen to goth stuff. Also he defended racist bands, so that's fun.
Another thing that I mentioned is the popularity of fast food songs as I call them. I'm not fully against that kind of music, but it bothers me when people only listen to that and act like it's peak music taste. Examples (please don't get upset if you like these artists or songs, I'm just some person on the internet after all) are, again, Children of the dark by Mono Inc ft. Chris Harms, Joachim Witt and Tilo Wolff, whatever tf Lacrimosa is doing these days, Lord of the Lost, Die Kreatur, Deathstars. But "Children..." is the worst offender, with such subtle, not at all middle school lyrics like:
"We're nothing like you A wall in black We're nothing like you And you don't get who we are, who we are"
"We're nothing like you, we're true and free We're nothing like you but you can't see We're nothing like you and all the rest We're nothing like you We're the children of the dark"
LIKE ARE WE ALL 12 YEARS OLD. TELL ME. This is so cringe in the worst way possible. It's so bad. How does this pass as something of value? My local community just adores this trash. And like what happened to Tilo's music? It used to be good, and now it's this edgelord shadow the hedgehog shit. Tbh I do history classes for 12 y.o. kids and they'd laugh at this. I can understand that this might be someone's guilty pleasure, but something you brag about? Even if you genuinely like songs like these (if they make you happy, don't stop listening to them! I might find it cringe, but like idk people may be drawn to these for a variety of reasons), I feel like it's important to anyone, goth or not, to consume high quality music from time to time, even to just learn about music in general.
Another thing is lack of originality. Goths often are like "normies all look the same haha". Honey goths look like clones. Don't come at me with these "there are victorian, trad and hippie and many other types of goths" argument, because it only means that people choose from 20 established looks. Trad goths look extremely similar to each other. Same with "victorian" goths. Same with hippie goths, romantic goths, vampire goths, whatever. I stopped wearing distinctly gothic outfits some time ago. I still dress in all black everyday, but the style of pieces is more, uhh, just 60s mod inspired? Or very formal. Just personal taste, it kinda happened by accident.
TW animal abuse
Last crime is a more significant one, very present in my local community, as well as uh, everywhere really - bigotry, ignorance, racism, sexism, lack of maturity. I have two very clear examples taken from my personal life. The first one happened on the last Castle Party - a dude had a pet owl and was smoking cigs, while the bird was on his shoulder, inhaling the smoke. Some girls tried to act up, but the dude refused to listen. One of them posted a photo of him with the owl to a facebook group, and the responses were mixed. Most women in the comments were rightfully infuriated, but most men (the whole comment section was weirdly divided by genders) only typed "poka sowe" (pol. show owl), a reference to a very stupid Polish meme rap songs about, well, pp. Because why care about animal abuse when you can be silly and goofy!
TW antisemitism
Another example is from Castle Party 2019, me and my friend had a very funky tent from the 80s, it looked like a small circus, but was difficult to put up. Some men in their 40s asked (very politely) if we need help, so we said yes and thanked them. They helped us with the tent... while shouting antisemitic slurs and statements such as "this party isn't for the lefties". The friend I was with is Jewish (she doesn't look Jewish tho, so they probably had no idea), so that was just. Yea. Sorry about this being so negative, but all of these experiences made me almost leave the subculture. At the end of the day, I'm a bit too attached to many parts of it, but the local community is not one of them. I'd rather just listen to my CDs by myself at this point.
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erstwhles · 1 year
get to know the author!
name: bridge
pronouns:  she/they
preference of communication: discord! i don't mind ims here, but i'm not usually logged into this blog, and most of the time, i have notifications turned off so i don't always see them right away like i do on discord
most active muse: it depends. as a rule of thumb, always the mirandoniaverse characters. usually, always raleigh. as of late, finley and nathaniel
experience/how many years: i did write off and on on other platforms, but on here? about nine years. i wrote canon characters for a while, but i've had this multi situation for six years
best experience: you know i love an incorporated/affiliated oc situation! i enjoy having set people i can go to about plots and ideas. it makes it less stressful to be here, knowing that either of us can drop a half-thought-out idea and make it into something together. but you need that kind of chemistry with the other person, you know? someone who gets you creatively. it also makes it easier to build a connection outside of writing, which helps with inspiration. there are people that i talk to nearly every day about writing and nonwriting to the point that my day feels empty without it
rp pet peeves: i'm sure i have them. my blocked list is too broad not to, but nothing comes to mind? there are definitely writing styles that i don't blend with and aesthetic choices that i wouldn't make. in general, i guess i don't love when plotting feels one-sided
fluff, angst, or smut: well. the order goes angst > fluff > smut. i feel like angst and fluff work best together. either one too long in isolation gets kinda repetitive
plots or memes: plots! i don't always have the time or energy to write here all the time, but i can plot and headcanon back and forth all day
long or short replies: also depends! whatever is needed to get your point across while still yes and-ing. it also depends on what the other person's style is. some people respond to everything in the last reply. some people keep their response limited to moving the thread forward. i tend to match what they do, but i don't limit my reply or force myself to write more just because
time to write: usually, i have the most muse when i have the least time to write/when i have few drafts left to write. it really depends more on that than a specific time of day
are you like your muses: *breaking myself into pieces and distributing them equally across my muse list*
tagged by: the lovely @wintcrstcrfall tagging: you! i don't know who's done this already, but if you haven't, please tag me in your answers so i can see <3
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after i sent you that asl i realized how much more fun it would be if Oralie was alive during this whole thing, the plot mainly focused on forkle completely losing his mind to obsession over his brother and in turn finding Josie but i’m starting to think also having it be about both girls bonding with Oralie and having Oralie build a relationship with Josie’s (the twin) mom Regaila.
another thing about Josie her is actually kinda curly, identical twins  having a slightly different hair texture can happen with identical twins i’ve seen it before.
pros of Oralie being alive
i was originally making a pros and cons list but convinced myself in the process
Sophie and Josie having opposing parallels with Josie’s genuinely trusting afterlife finding out Oralie is their bio mom while sophie hated her afterwards
the drama that would caused by Josie’s mom being a pyrokintic, who BTW doesn’t have a problem with Josie building a relationship with her bio mom because she’s not worried about Josie loving Oralie more (that’s a genuine worry that some adoptive parents have but it’s SO overused, your kid can have more than one set of parents that they love)
dramatic scenes when it’s much more obvious that she’s their bio mom and the drama that would ensue from that, people wondering if the general public will figure it out (Oralie is forced to step down?)
Josie having doubts about Oralie even caring about her because she was an accident on the black swans end (her abilities are wonky because of it) and thinking that Oralie wouldn’t have done it i’d she had know that there would be twins
i can write a bio parent bonding with their bio child the way i’ve always wanted it to be written. keeping the adoptive parents still the parents and not having the relationship with the bio parent seen as more important (it’s a pet peeve of mine i’ll save the rant for another time)
i want Fintan to be their Bio dad and Josie knows and let’s it slip, cue drama, angery bronte yelling at Josie because she should have known it would upset Oralie because of Kenric, Josie loses control of her inflicting (which is highly unstable), and says she doesn’t even know who Kenric is (she grew up in the neutral territories) and that’s a whole thing because Bronte feels bad.
Keefe Sophie Joise and Oralie confront Frokle about something (Fintan?) and he has another breakdown (he’s slowly losing it throughout this fic) and ends up attacking sophie Oralie defends her and takes all three kids back to her castle in a panic
the last scene having Oralie protecting both girls from the everblaze (it’s important to the story ALSO parallels) possibly sacrificing herself? Forkle also dies in that scene so maybe to much?
most of the people in my family are adopted while i’m not one of them i still have STRONG feelings about how adoption is written, Shannon did amazingly and i will forever adore her ability to write adoption well without having the plot centered around adoption. i would honestly want to expand on that.
Just... yes to every single word
First off, Forkle losing his mind to obsession? And Oralie defending her kids? Okay YES. And then her sacrificing herself to save them from the Everblaze is also YES- and something that I really actually think might happen in the book.
This sounds amazing backwards and forwards. I LOVE the Fintan-is-Sophie's-dad theory (if anyone wants to hear it I could go into heavy detail on why I think he's the only possibility that really makes sense, but I know that's a topic that's been discussed a lot). So even if it's not canon I would love it in this AU. And Josie being a pyrokinetic? And Oralie having to deal with that after what happened with Kenric? Yes!
And I love what you said about adoption! I also love the way Shannon handled it. But since you're someone who has adopted family members I'm glad it is handled well from your perspective.
Any questions you have or things you want to work out (especially characterization/development surrounding Oralie) send them my way! I love when people talk about their AUs so anyone else that has one/any other AUs you end up having feel free to invade my inbox at any time!
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captainmarsupial · 11 days
surveys cause i'm booooored.
i did two. haha
[One] Who is your last text from? toni.
[Two] Where was your default picture taken? lol none of my default pictures are of myself.
[Three] What's your middle name? secrettttt.
[Four] Your current relationship status(married or not)? unmarried.
[Five] Does your crush like you back? i don’t have a crush on anybody…that knows me anyway. HAHAHAH
[Six] What is your current mood? neutral? i guess i have the sunday scaries though. =(
[Seven] What's your mom's name? secret~
[Eight] What color shirt are you wearing? gray.
[Ten] If you could go back in time and change something, would you? sigh i guess yeah.
[Eleven] Do you like drinking tea? yes.
[Twelve] Ever had a near death experience? kinda.
[Thirteen] Something you do a lot? be on that damn phone!!
[Fifteen] Who can you tell anything to? i guess toni? i don’t think i tell her everrryyyything though.
[Sixteen] Name someone with the same birthday as you? macaulay culkin. lmao. and queen keke palmer!
[Seventeen] When was the last time you cried? i cried explaining the lore of one of my choral pieces for our next concert.
[Eighteen] How many people have you kissed? four? maybe five??
[Nineteen] If you could be one super hero, who would it be? the one that has the most chill job. hahah
[Twenty] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex? Opposite- hair. Same- smile :P.
[Twenty-one] What do you usually order from starbucks? i haven’t been to starbucks in hella long. i think the last thing i got from there was a pumpkin drink.
[Twenty-two] What's your biggest secret? I’M NOT TELLING YOU!
[Twenty-three] Favorite color? i’ve been more into green lately.
[Twenty-five] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? sometimes. i still watch a lot of spongebob clips lol.
[Twenty-six] What are you eating or drinking at the moment? nothing.
[Twenty-seven] Do you speak any other language? not fluently.
[Twenty-eight] What's your favorite smell? i really like autumn scents, like cinnamon, pumpkin, apple. also eucalyptus!
[Twenty-nine] Describe your life in one word what would it be? boring.
[Thirty] Have you ever kissed in the rain? uhhh, idr.
[Thirty-two] What are you thinking about right now? trying to remember if i’ve ever kissed anyone in the rain LMAO.
[Thirty-three] What should you be doing? this is fine.
[Thirty-four] Who was the last person that made you upset/angry? probably some comment online.. -_- i’m working on that.
[Thirty-five]Who was the last person you kissed? some guy i don’t talk to anymore. lmao
[Thirty-six] Do you like working in the yard? ehh, depends on my mood.
[Thirty-seven] If you could have any last name in the world, what would it be? LOL…mine is fine.
[Thirty-eight] Do you act differently around the person you like? i don’t like anybody.
[Thirty-nine] What is your natural hair color? dark brown.
[Forty] Who was the last person to make you cry? not anyone directly.
1) How old do you look? i think lately i look my age.
2) Where do you live? california.
3) Are you waiting for something? waiting for next weekend!
4) What's one pet peeve of yours that is not common? when i’m eating with someone and i hear the silverware hitting their teeth.
5) Last myspace message you received, what'd it say? I MISS MYSPACE.
6) Can you handle the truth? if i have to, yeah.
7) Did you cry today? almost, while watching spring camp lmao.
8) Do you hate the last person you had a conversation with? no.
9) Do you have kids? no.
10) Have you ever thought about converting your religion? yes.
11) Last shocking news you heard? probably politics-related.
12) What was the last thing you drank? water.
13) Last person you hugged? niki!
14) Who do you most look like in your family? people say i’m a 50/50 mix, but i think i look more like my dad.
15) Did you dream last night? yes but i forgot what about.
16) How many piercings do you have? seven.
17) If you could have something right now, anything, what would it be? not saying my first answer, but my realistic answer is more money.
18) Does anyone call you babe? a few of my friends.
19) Where does most of your family live? california & the philippines.
20) Where did you grow up? the bay bay bay!
21) Where do you want to go on vacation? lots of places in asia. japan, south korea, taiwan, the philippines, singapore…
22) Have you broken a bone? apparently when i was really young i broke my collarbone.
23) What did you receive for Valentine's Day? nothing, but i did go to dinner with a couple of my fellow single ladies. lol
24) Have you ever had a panic attack? yes.
25) Can you sleep in jeans? bleeehhh, no.
26) What can't you wait for? camping next weekend!
27) When's the last time you told someone you loved them and meant it? either yesterday or the day before.
28) Have your parents ever smoked pot? i know for sure my dad has tried an edible & prrrobably smoked pot. my mom, definitely not. hahah
29) Want someone back in your life? yeah.
30) Do you live near your most recent ex? kind of?
31) Are you good at giving directions? i’d like to think so lmao.
32) What do you order at the bar? coke & hennessy or pineapple & hennessy lol
33) When was the last time you cried really, really hard? definitely recently.
34) Who was your last text from? toni, telling me the quality of braggs apple cider vinegar got worse.
35) Ever licked someone's cheek? not sure.
36) what is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? bread!
37) Where were you on July 4th, 2007? probably in my room on my computer LOL.
38) What body part(s) do you wash first in the shower? hair.
39) Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with a D? yes.
40) Do you prefer warm or cold weather? cold~
41) What do you currently hear right now? my ceiling fan.
42) Does someone like you right now? i don’t think so.
43) Could you go out in public looking like you do now? no lol.
44) What are your nicknames? dom is my nickname.
45) On the opposite sex where do you like them to have piercings? ears is fine, but i kind of prefer none. hahah
46) If you could go any place in the world right now where would you go? anywhere the weather is fine.
47) Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something? no.
48) Have you ever kissed someone and hated it? not in the moment!
49) What is your favorite color? green lately, & marigold!
50) If you could go back in time, how far back would you go? i’d go back to the mid/late 2000s so i could use myspace & aim again.
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lonita · 17 years
I used to have this as a randomly loading thing, where each time you loaded it you'd get a different item from the list below. I decided to ditch it from the front of my site and make way for something else. But, since I can't bear to throw anything away, here it is.
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?: - Something dark and green with a tint of blue, a nice spruce perhaps.
Have you ever dyed your hair?: - Yes, once; I was trying for auburn, but it went orange. Oh such a fine copper.
What were your favourite toys as a kid?: - Lego! Still love Lego.
What is your favourite, Fall or Spring? - I'm an autumn girl; temperate weather, nice colours, no bugs.
What is on the floor of your closet? - Stuff I haven't seen in years, because I keep piling more stuff on top of it.
My super power would be… - Eidetic memory and universal translator.
Are you a country mouse or a city mouse? - City mouse.
If I had a time machine, I'd… - Go back in time and not do what I did.
What's your favourite kids' cereal? - I don't eat cereal.
Fame or Fortune? - Fortune. All the way. I don't crave the public eye. And, if I did somehow want it, enough fortune could buy it for me.
I've always wanted… - 20/20 vision.
My friends would shocked if they knew… - I don't think there's a single thing I've done or would do, that would shock anyone I know. As one friend once put it, even when I do something surprising, he's not surprised by it because of the kind of person I am.
Five star hotel or a tent in the woods? - The five-star, but only because I despise camping in tent fashion.
The best things in life are… - The simple, ephemeral things.
What's your earliest memory? - Sitting on the knee of my uncle's father on the day my aunt married him (the uncle, not the father), when I was about a year old.
I could really live without… - My poor eyesight.
If you were famous, what would you be famous for? - Probably for something ridiculous like hitting myself in the face with a spoon.
What advice would you give your younger self? - Never turn away from any sort of education or learning. Take it all in, notice everything, shun nothing as potentially useful.
I will never tell anyone… - That they're stupid.
When the aliens arrive, I hope they bring… - Milk for my tea.
What's the first frivolous thing you'll buy when you're rich and famous? - There was this handbag at Harrod's that was all sparklies and such, that looked like a Dairy Milk chocolate bar wrapper. I want that.
Are you more likely to watch a sunset or the sunrise? - I will watch both with equal appreciation, but tend to prefer the colour of sunset, and the mood of sunrise.
What's the last thing that made you scream? - I've never screamed.
Can you cook? - Frankly, not particularly well, no. I keep myself from starving, but I'm no chef, nor do I care to be.
Favorite vegetable? - Peas and carrots.
What zodiac sign are you? - Virgo.
Worst Habit? - Procrastination.
One weird fact about you: - I still have a pencil lead mark under my knee where Linda G. stuck a pencil in grade five.
Do you think clowns are funny or scary? - Neither, they're creepy, like perverts. I loathe them.
Would you be my crime partner or my conscience? - Both.
What color eyes do you have? - Blue.
Do you swear a lot? - Sometimes. I can be very creative about it, too.
Biggest pet peeve? - Poor spelling and grammar in situations that don't warrant it and from people that should know better.
In one word, how would you describe yourself? - Unfulfilled.
I wish my parents had named me… - I'm happy with my name. I'm just glad they didn't name me Elizabeth. Because if I'd taken the last name Taylor, Elizabeth was an option.
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? - Tea, more tea, and perhaps a little more tea.
Favourite place to be? - Home.
Favourite colour? - Green.
Would you like to be a pirate? - Only if I can be the sort that doesn't swab decks or wear peg legs. I want the parrot.
Describe the last time you were injured? - I had too much beer and the sidewalk came up and bit my finger.
What is the wallpaper of your mobile phone? - Cape Breton tartan,
What's your favourite fruit? - Navel oranges, seedless grapes.
What curse word do you use the most? - Fuck. What else is there?
What movie do you know every line to? - There's more than one, sadly (or not). The Princess Bride, Pretty In Pink, The Breakfast Club, Star Trek IV, to name a few.
If you ran a store, what would you sell/have? - Stuff'n'nonsense, and lots of it.
What was the first single you ever bought? - It was either Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall or the B-52s' Rock Lobster.
Have you any allergies? - No, but I do have chemical sensitivity, which culminates in my being really sensitive to certain smells.
What is your favourite poem? - Robert Frost The Road Not Taken.
Quote a film. - "Of course it hurts; but the trick is not minding that it does."
What is your favourite smell? - Lemon.
What is your favourite book? - Oxford English Dictionary
What's your favourite Christmas song? - O Holy Night
Two truths: - There are three sides to every story; your side, my side, and the truth. There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
Do you have a favourite type of pen? - Sanford Uni-ball Onyx Micro, in black.
A million bucks.. what would you do with it? - Spend it. Duh.
What is your worst fear? - Being mocked or belittled (in serious fashion) by someone in whom I've placed my trust.
What foods do you dislike? - Liver, yam, kiwi, breakfast cereals, brussel sprouts.
Where were you born? - Sydney, Cape Breton
Favourite Day of the week? - Friday; maybe I'm jaded, because I was born on a Friday.
Favourite Flower? - Gladiolus, tiger lily, tulip.
What errand/chore do you despise? - I loathe doing laundry. It's such a timesuck.
What do you do when you can't fall asleep? - Watch movies and/or play around on the 'net and/or clean house and/or go for a walk and/or make things of an artistic or crafty nature.
Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? - Hearing.
Favourite/lucky number? - Pi, 3.
Do you smile often? - No, I'm actually rather expressionless, which leads a lot of people to always assume something's wrong, when nothing's amiss at all.
Do you do things you know you shouldn't? - Good heavens; isn't that most of the point at times?
What are you dependent on? - Caffeine, in the form of a nice, hot cuppa. I get right some cranky without me tay. Also, air. Dirty habit, but what the hell. I'm entitled to at least one vice.
Do you enjoy acting like a little kid? - When the time is right for it, I adore doing so.
Have you ever shoplifted, and if so did you get caught? - Yes, and no. I was eight, and I stole a pack of gum from the grocery store. I felt so guilty about it, that I left the pack of gum on the store's windowsill, and never stole again.
Do you still believe in Santa Claus? - No, but I won't let my grandmother stop writing "From Santa" on my presents.
What's your favourite time of the day? - Evening, because it is the truest hour of anticipation.
What's your happiest childhood memory? - Oh, I don't know that I could pick just the one; but, I do remember my grandfather waking me up in the middle of the night in winter to take me driving around to look at Christmas lights.
What are your initials? - LAF: I always thought was funny; no pun intended.
If you were invisible, where would you go? - The documents rooms at the Vatican and the Pentagon. Wouldn't you like to know what they're hiding?
If there is a hell, where is it? - Someone once said, and I think it's true, that hell is other people.
What language would you like to master? - Well, it's more a family of languages than one specific tongue: Goidelic languages; which includes forms of Gaelic, Manx, et cetera.
What is the saddest movie you have ever seen? - A Taste of Honey. It was so frustratingly affecting, so tragic, that I have not been able to watch it since the first time I saw it.
My comfort food is… - Split pea soup.
If you saw wet cement, what word would you write in it? - Pi symbol, the year, my initials, a leaf.
What was the best advice you ever received? - Don't sweat the small stuff.
When I want to be alone, I… - Go out for a walk, or sit in silence.
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #156
What are three of your favorite things to photograph? Details in nature, animals, and I REALLY wish I could shoot more vast, impressive landscapes. I also had an incredible amount of fun the one time I shot boudoir for my then-best friend, it was so fucking fun and amazing to help her feel attractive and beautiful in her body, especially as a more plus-sized woman. She loved them and it was the most fun shoot I've ever done.
In your opinion, what are three of the most relatable songs ever? Uh, jeez, idk. Too much to pick from, lol.
When was the last time you took a selfie you thought you looked beautiful in? By pure coincidence, it was somewhat semi-recently; I almost never, EVER take selfies, and even less often do I think I look okay in them, but I took two I thought looked pretty good like, a month or two ago?
Do you play many online games? No; the only one I ever play is World of Warcraft, but I've been barely playing it at all for a while now; I seem to go through phases of logging on more often and then not at all.
Have you ever forged a note for something at school? No.
Do you know anyone who's been adopted? I have at least one old friend that I know was adopted.
Have you ever broken a rib? No, that sounds so fucking miserable.
Where did you last bleed from? My bottom right gum area because I had a tooth extracted. I am so glad I'm no longer tasting solely blood, ugh yesterday was ROUGH. Doing it aaaall over again in a month...
When I go to a new restaurant and have no idea what to order I… I go for a sort of food that I generally always like, like chicken tenders and fries.
If you knew me well, you’d gift me… Money for a tattoo lmao
Does anyone else know who your first crush was besides you? The Internet haha bc I've identified him in past surveys asking about first crushes, but I don't think anyone who might know both of us knows.
Do you feel shy around someone when you are first getting to know them? Oh absolutely, I am extremely, excruciatingly shy.
Have you ever fallen asleep in class? No.
Have you ever been afraid of the world ending? No, I don't at all believe that's predictable.
What is unfair about your life? Mental illness. It's not like I make a conscious decision to become abysmally depressed or so anxious I can barely function.
[TW: SELF-HARM] Have you ever self-harmed? Yes, primarily in high school. It's not something I've done in a long time, all it ever did was make me hate myself more than I already did.
Have you ever shoplifted? Nah.
Do you know who your father is? Yeah, thankfully he's been in my life since I was born.
Have you ever had an emergency surgery? No. When I had my cyst I went into the hospital wanting that because of how much pain I was in, but instead they cut and drained the cyst, but oh boy was I conscious and SCREAMING, there is no fucking way in hell they numbed me enough for that procedure, even morphine wasn't calming me down at all.
Do you think you are fat? I factually am, it's not unknown to me.
Have you ever dated a guy after your friend did? No.
Is your mom your best friend? I would definitely consider her such, after Girt. The amount of shit this woman has done for me is unreal.
Do you find any of your friends hot? Yeah, mostly female friends I have, but it's in a platonic sort of way.
Can you go to an actual beach in the state you live in? Yeah, go east and you're hitting the Atlantic. People tend to prefer South Carolina for their beaches, though, but they're of course still crowded here too.
What animals have you ridden? Just like, horses and ponies at fair-like things.
Ever been brought home by the cops? No.
Describe your natural hair? It's brown and extremely thick, healthy too. It will sometimes get lighter highlights in hotter months if I see the sun enough.
What's a pet peeve you have about guys? This does NOT apply to every guy, at all, but in general I don't think it's debatable that they're generally more sex-driven than women, and that often leads to problems.
If you could change something(s) about your outer appearance, it would be: I'd be a healthy weight.
Are you against animal testing? I am VEHEMENTLY against animal testing, the fact that it's still practiced is barbaric to me. We're "alpha species" my fuckin' ass, by using other forms of life as goddamn guinea pigs, we're nothing but animals.
Where do you wish to live as an adult? Well, I am an adult, but in terms of where I settle down when independent, I'm not certain, but in complete realism it's probably going to still be in this general area, despite how badly I want to move to the mountains of western NC; it's just a very long drive from where we're at, and it's important to me and Girt that we keep touch with our families. I don't want it to be a massive, lengthy drive to see our loved ones.
Where is your favourite place to get fries? Bojangle's or McDonald's, depending on my mood. Bojangle's fries are a fuckin' delicacy if you're in the mood for something really seasoned, but a lot of the time, really just classic McD's fries are great.
Do you know anyone who was raised by their grandparents? Uhhhh I don't THINK so.
Are there any waterfalls nearby? No big, even remotely impressive ones, no. The best you get around here are dams, but those aren't like, real, natural waterfalls at all.
Do you prefer coffee or tea? I hate both; I've never had any of either that I liked. I THINK I'm most likely to discover a sort of coffee product I like though, there's such a serious variety. I think with enough sweetness to it I'd be fine. The taste of tea has always made me cringe with how much I dislike it, which is basically an alien reaction here in the south, where "we" are fucking insane over sweet tea, lol.
Have you taken a painkiller today? Yeah, I'm not rawdogging getting a fuckin' tooth yeeted out lmao
Have you had a nap today? No, but I went to bed very early last night, and though it took a long time to fall asleep, I definitely got some good hours after yesterday.
Who cooks most of the meals in your household? My mom. I never cook-cook, I'll just use the microwave or air fryer if I want to make something myself.
Do you have gluten intolerance or know anyone who does? I don't, but I know Sara was open about having it, though I don't "know" her anymore. I know at least one cousin and her mother also have it.
Your favorite store as a teen? Hot Topic.
You get 2 pizza toppings, what are they? Pepperoni and sausage, ig.
Ever dipped your pizza in ranch? I feel like I've tried this before? I don't remember what I thought, though.
Ever order a lobster for yourself at a restaurant? No; I hate crab and have heard lobster is similar, so I'm not interested in trying it.
Have you had Apple Jacks cereal? Yeah, that's a fave.
Most famous person from your town/state? lol I googled it and apparently Michael Jordan is from NC, I think that's a name most people in at least the USA know. There's a few other big names.
Does your best friend wear glasses? Yeah, he and I are both blind as shit without our glasses, haha.
Who is closest to you in your family? My mom.
Have you listened to a Britney Spears song today? No, but I do like her well enough. Every now and again I'll listen to a couple classic songs by her.
Do you have a pet turtle? Nah, turtles as pets have never interested me much. They're great animals, just not for me as a pet.
French fries or onion rings? Fries, for sure. I don't really like onion rings.
Have you ever had a storage locker? If so, what is/was stored in it? No.
Do you have a gas, electric or induction cooktop? Uh... I've never used the stove since living here lol, but I'm quite sure it's electric.
Are you interested in plants? Oh for sure, at least as an observer and not a caretaker; I enjoy looking at them, lightly learning about the ones I'm very attracted to, and I mostly take photos of some sort of plant, be it a flower, tree, or whatever, so I value them a lot. There's a pretty big part of me that wants to start taking care of indoor plants, especially for my room remodel, but I just have an honest feeling I won't stick to it so I don't wanna take in a plant and kill it.
How far away is the nearest capital city? Raleigh is about an hour away from us by car.
What was the last movie trailer you watched? The Five Nights at Freddy's one, god I lost my shit when it was IMMEDIATELY pointed out just how fuckin stoned the animatronics look, omg please fix it 😭😭😭 I do plan on seeing it though, I really don't understand the franchise's lore very well, but it's a fun series.
Are you expecting anything in the mail? No. Well I mean Mom said she's ordering some final plugs for my earlobes at some point, but it's been a while. I'm just glad the gauges aren't falling out all the time now that they're healed better, I think.
Do you hate cars with loud exhausts? Yes, it's annoying.
What's the altitude of your town or city? I feel weird giving exact numbers, but it ranges from quite below 100ft to not even 200ft.
Do you like movies with vampires in them? Vampires are cool, but I'm not gonna automatically be more drawn to a film just because it has one.
If you have a pet, what is its favourite treat? If you don't have a pet, what's one of your favourite treats? :) GOD Cookie is a spoiled brat when it comes to food; if you have any, she wants to try it, and it's gotten bad because Mom has trouble telling her no unless the food just straight-up isn't okay for dogs. I'm not certain what her favorite ever is, however I do know she's crazy for fries; Mom can't ever have fries from anywhere without sharing some with her. Roman's not big on treats, and he's also VERY weird with being offered food that's not in his bowl, like he doesn't know if he's supposed to eat it and will generally just sniff his a treat given to him to where he pushes it across the floor, like you cannot watch this cat examine a treat without laughing, it's so strange. He even comes to Mom when she gets a treat out for Cookie, like he wants one, and then acts like he never learned how to fuckin eat lmao. Venus has only ever been fed originally f/t mice and now f/t rats; I'd like to let her try a pre-killed chick one day because variety IS good for them and certainly stimulating for them, but it's not something I'm going to go out of my way to buy; ball pythons are notoriously picky and she's been on a major hunger strike before, so I don't want to buy food she's not going to eat. It's one of those things I'd just offer her if the opportunity presented itself.
Do you remember the first house you lived in? No; we moved into what I fully consider my "real" childhood home when I was literally just a baby, I have zero memories of the house I was born into.
When was the last time you threw up, and do you know why? Maybe close to a month ago and we're not going into why lol
Who was the last person you said "I love you" to? My mom, before she left to clean the church she volunteers at.
Have you ever worn a tiara? Haha yeah, I'm sure I did in my childhood at some point, and I remember on one of my teenage birthdays, I wanna say my 17th, my then-best friend Summer got a tiara with my age on it and made me wear it out to dinner, lol. I'm sure I still have it, probably in my treasure box.
If you plan to have kids, what will you tell them about Santa Clause? IF I have kids I'm most likely going to keep the tradition going, like it's just fun and exciting for kids; you're doing no real psychological harm with something like that, it's innocent and I've never seen a kid NOT excited about Santa.
Do you think that pet stores are cruel for keeping animals in small cages? lol oh hunny, there are problems even bigger than tiny cages going on in chain pet stores. Yes, it's cruel. I fucking hate places like PetSmart or Petco, where it's about just pulling money in, corporate doesn't give a microscopic shit about the quality of life of its animals while there.
If you have ever been employed, have you ever been attracted to your boss? What about a co-worker? No.
Do [would] you avoid kissing your [possibly hypothetical] significant other when you or they are ill? Yes, at least on the lips. I'm the one that's dumb about it, if you're sick *I* don't mind simple kisses, however I shouldn't be that way; for right now though, since we don't live together, we don't really deal with this, if one of us is sick we tend to stay apart for both of our benefits.
Does it annoy you when people make their default of them kissing someone? No, why the hell should it????? People are allowed to love each other and be happy about it???????
If ambidextrous, do you prefer writing with your right or left hand? I'm not ambidextrous; I only write with my right hand.
Do you enjoy trolling? No, it's not something I get pleasure out of or anything, I've got better shit to do. And when *I*, an extremely non-busy person, says that, it means shit REALLY is not important.
Have you ever had a close encounter with a shark? Not knowingly, but it's possible. I'm going into their home when I decide to swim in the ocean, so.
What is a song you heard long before it became popular and everyone liked it? I can't think of a song, just a band: Train. I grew up hearing them because my mom's a fan, so I also became one as a kid, then "Hey Soul Sister" came out and they were big with other hits following. I have no idea how big they are now, but I still like them. "If It's Love" is even one of my top picks for a wedding song, lol.
What do you think of excessively long names? What about their shortenings? No opinion, I really just don't like making anyone feel bad about their name. Plenty of longer names are beautiful.
Can you learn the lyrics of a song by ear, or do you have to search them up? Both, but I almost always need to see the lyrics first; my auditory processing disorder makes me really bad at figuring out lyrics, ESPECIALLY for things like death metal and stuff (hell I think most people struggle with that one), I've got no fuckin' clue what you're saying. This happens regularly even with songs where the lyrics of performed quite clearly.
Do you like the name Amy? It's not high on my list of favorites or anything at all, but I think I like the name because I always associate it with Markiplier's literal gem of a girlfriend haha.
Have you ever got an x-ray? How about a brain scan? Multiple x-rays, and I got I think a CT scan when I got a concussion; it was that or an MRI, don't recall. I know CT scans are shorter though, and mine WAS very brief if I remember right, but I mean I was concussed, I don't remember things that well with a bruised brain lol.
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ieatsurveys · 2 years
What would you say is your favorite food? Pizza and burritos.
What was the first television show you were obsessed with? Sesame street. Do you like Mexican food or any other foreign foods? Yes'm. What color is the keyboard you are currently using? Black. Do you own any of those 'chunky' and cute rings? Sure don't.
What are you planning on eating for dinner tonight if you haven't already? Chicken. I actually remembered to take it out to thaw. Do you own an iPod or MP3 player? If so, when did you get it? I do not. When was the last time someone took your picture? A few weeks ago? I don't know. Would you rather write a report or type it on a computer? Type it on the computer. What color was the last jacket or hoodie you wore? I'm wearing a black and grey hoody. Do you receive more compliments or insults on a daily basis? Compliments. Who is the lead actress/actor from your absolute favorite movie? Drew Barrymore. Can you recite the alphabet backward? If I think about it. Do you eat chili when you get a hotdog, or do you like it plain? I like it plain. Would you say it's easy for people to make you smile or laugh? Yes. What would you say is your favorite cereal, if you even like it? Cheerios, Reeses Puffs. When was the last time you went on vacation? November. Where was it? Kentucky. How many states have you been to in your lifetime? A lot. Do you and your friends normally say you love one another? Yes. Have you ever been an outcast at your school or anywhere else? In middle and high school, yes. Do you own any dresses? If so, what colors are they? I wear so many sundresses during the summer. Would you say you drink more pop/soda than you should? I do not. Would you rather have orange juice or milk with your breakfast? Hmmmm, both. How many different colors has your bedroom been painted? I have no idea. Do you cuss? If so, do you ever cuss in front of your parents? No and yes. Would you ever tell your mom about the things you've done sexually? Dude, if I did that, I'd probably be disowned hahaha. My family is very conservative. Is there anyone out there who can make you cry very easily? Nope. What was the worst news you've heard this entire week? None. Have you ever been in a car wreck? Yes. RIP Toyota Corolla
Do you have your ears pierced? If not, what do you have pierced? I don't have any piercings. Has anyone ever told you that they think you have ADHD? Not ADHD, but ADD. What is your biggest pet peeve? I have a lot. Do a lot of people understand you completely? No.
Who does exactly? My parents, my brothers. Jeff. Greg.
Would you say you're really good at cooking and baking things? Yes, but I don't bake often. How is the weather outside right this second? Haven't been outside yet. Do you have a lot of trees around your house? I don't live in a house. What about buildings? I mean, yes, but not tall ones. Would you say either one of your parents are 'pack-rats? No, my mom is so clean. Have you ever disowned anyone in your family? For what reasons? Yes. Because my dad was still an abusive prick when I was 27. I took a break for a year and came back after a meeting with my mediator. Have you ever seen That 70's Show? Do you watch it regularly? I've never seen it. I wasn't interested in watching it when it was airing. But, today, I did want to see it because I want to check out The 90s Show. If you could choose, what decade would you rather live in? 90s. How often would you say you get sick? Hm, i mean, I have stuff I need to get checked on regularly. But, sick? I'm not really sick. Is there anyone out there who has hurt you so much, you wish they'd die? No. Has anyone ever called you a socio-path before? HA, no. When was the last time you watched a movie in theaters? A few weeks ago. I went to see Avatar by myself and it was the best date I've been on :P
Have you ever moved to a completely different state before? No, but I will.
Do you mind it when surveys ask you really personal questions? I don't really like it, no. When was the last time you told someone you love them? Hm, not sure. Which one would you like more: kiss on cheek / kiss on neck? Cheek is cute. I also like kisses on neck. Does it bother you when people steal your stuff on MySpace? Do people use MySpace still? Do you have freckles? Do you like/dislike them? I have freckles sporadically. Who would you say is the best actor / or actress in your opinion? Robin Williams, Will Smith. How many times have you been drunk in your life? A lot in my 20s. What would you do if the last person you kissed said they hated you? I wouldn't care. Do you ever think you might be pregnant? No. When was the last time you acted really immature? Haha, I don't know. Do you enjoy watching comedies or horror movies more? Horror. As a child, did you ever have an imaginary friend? No. Does anyone call you baby? No. Who would that be? Can you rely on one or more people to take up for you? Yes.
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gottagobuycheese · 4 years
one thing that I’m very glad never fails to turn into a type 2 funny (i.e. very Not Fun in the moment, but hilarious afterward) is when you’re being asked about something perfectly reasonable and but can’t remember a single relevant thing about it. just like, total mind blank. favorite character? impossible, you’ve never consumed any media with characters in it, ever, or any media at all for that matter. write whatever you want for the next 60 seconds? ridiculous, you’ve never strung a sentence together before in your life. a word that starts with “i”? I, THE SUBJECT OF THIS SENTENCE, DO NOT KNOW A SINGLE WORD THAT BEGINS WITH THE LETTER I. INCREDIBLE. 
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helloalycia · 3 years
a bitch [one] // leigh shaw
summary: you're used to leigh's constant mood swings and unpredictability, but didn't expect she'd ever do something to hurt you like she did.
warning/s: cheating
author's note: an angsty leigh shaw imagine was requested, so here we are! there's one more part to this so enjoy 😊
part two | masterlist | wattpad
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Leigh Shaw could be a very unpredictable woman.
Ever since the unfortunate death of her husband, Matt, she'd become very erratic. It was hard to remember what she was like before he died, but then she'd flash me a smile and say something adorable and I remembered. Other times though, she could be as explosive as they came. If you ever got swept up in her mood swings, you'd be screwed.
Despite this, I remained by her side. That's what best friends did. Even when she yelled at me or gave me the cold shoulder or treated me like dirt, I stayed because I knew that was what she needed.
One time, a few months after Matt's death, I was stopping by to see how she was. A prime example of the cold effect she could have on people.
I raised my hand to knock, but the door suddenly swung open, revealing a peeved Jules and a pissed Leigh further behind her in the hallway.
"Hey," I greeted her sister with a smile, but she moved past me moodily. I glanced at Leigh before catching Jules' arm, stopping her. "What happened?"
Jules smiled bitterly. "You know, you should reconsider where you put your care, Y/N. Some people just aren't worth it."
At that last part, she glared over my shoulder, no doubt at Leigh. I turned to look at Leigh, who merely stuck a middle finger up at her sister before storming towards to the kitchen.
"What a bitch," Jules mumbled, making me wince because it was such a horrible word.
Jules shook me off before marching to her car to leave. I sighed and turned around to let myself in to their house. Closing the door behind me, I followed after Leigh and found her making toast in the kitchen angrily.
"Hey," I began softly, not wanting to give her another reason to get pissed off. Sitting on a stool at the island, I asked, "What happened?"
She forced a smile as she grabbed her toast from the toaster and dropped it on a plate. "My sister can't respect my space is all."
I pursed my lips awkwardly, watching as she grabbed butter from the fridge. Noticing my silence, she glanced up at me through her eyelashes.
"What?" she deadpanned, pausing from her actions.
"I don't think Jules is trying to upset you," I began, knowing I'd probably regret it. "I'm sure she understands you want space, but she loves you. And when you see someone you love hurting, you feel like you have to do something."
A sour smile broke out on her face as she scoffed. "Wow. Could you have your head stuck any further up Jules' arse?"
"Leigh, that's not what I'm–"
"What the hell are you even doing here?" she snapped. "I didn't invite you, Y/N."
Tensing my jaw, I refrained from getting annoyed. "Believe it or not, I actually wanted to check on you."
She curled her lips into a frown. "Well, I'm fine."
As if to prove that she was, she continued to butter her toast, but when she set her knife down, it slipped off the edge of the table and clattered to the floor. Frustrated, she slammed a fist on the countertop.
"It's okay, I'll–"
"Just get out," she cut me off when I was making a move to help her. I paused, wondering if she meant it, then her deadly green glare settled on my face. "Leave."
Sighing with defeat, I nodded and wordlessly left.
Sometimes Leigh wouldn't apologise. She'd act like nothing had happened and we'd move on. Other times, she actually would, surprisingly recognising that she'd done something wrong.
There was this one time when I'd invited her over for the evening to eat dinner and watch some films. The dinner went perfectly fine – we talked, we laughed, we spent time together – but then when we settled in the living room to watch a film, things started to unravel.
I can't remember exactly what she'd said. One second we were choosing a film on Netflix, then she was trying to make plans with me on the weekend. Unfortunately, I already had plans with my girlfriend, Alex, and Leigh didn't seem to like this. She'd made a comment under her breath and though I don't remember it specifically, I knew it wasn't polite.
Before I knew it, we were screaming at each other, arguing over the dumbest things. It started off being about my girlfriend and then the most unrelated stuff was being brought up on both of our ends. Sometimes she could be so aggravating, managing to rile me up and bring the worst out in me. The argument lasted a few minutes before she left, leaving me seething and full of hurt.
It was the following day at work when she came to see me next. I owned a café a few doors down from her mother's dance studio and was working a shift when her sister came through the front door.
I smiled at her when she approached the counter dressed in gym gear, her usual getup when at work with her family.
"Hey, how're you doing, Jules?" I asked.
"I'm good," she greeted with a smile, before it faded. "Just a warning, Y/N, Leigh is incoming in one minute. She wants to apologise."
Eyes rolling with mild annoyance, I let out a sigh. As dreadful as our spat was last night, I knew I had to also apologise to her. I'd said some hurtful things that made me feel all icky inside. Going to sleep after a fight was never a nice feeling.
"I don't know how you've put up with her for this long," Jules commented, picking up a cupcake from the display. "She can be so horrible to you."
I frowned, not feeling comfortable talking badly of Leigh behind her back. "That's not fair, Jules. You know what she's going through."
Jules gave me a knowing look. "I do, but that doesn't give her a free pass to treat you like she does."
Shrugging, I busied myself with cleaning up the crumbs from Jules' cupcake and giving her a plate.
"I take it you're going to forgive her then," she stated, though she definitely knew the answer judging from her expression.
"We both said some things we shouldn't have," I tried to explain so it didn't seem like I was giving in so easily, which deep down, I definitely knew I was, but Leigh was worth it.
Jules chuckled. "Yep, you're forgiving her. Looks like it's Leigh's lucky day."
I didn't say anything as she picked up the plate, ready to take a seat at one of the tables. Just as she was about to leave, she paused thoughtfully.
"You know, if you didn't have a girlfriend already, I'd say you were whipped," she said casually.
Ignoring her words, I watched her take her a seat on one of the spare tables. She made jokes like that a lot, but the truth was that I would probably do anything for Leigh. We'd been best friends since university – that was way too long to simply throw away our friendship because she was going through a tough time. And yes, the girlfriend talk threw me off at times... by the time I'd realised I liked Leigh as more than a friend, she was engaged. And I got over it, but Jules continued with the jokes and I continued to dismiss it.
As Jules warned, Leigh entered the café and caught my eyes with a nervous smile. I returned it, just as nervous as she looked, before watching her approach the counter. She was dressed in gym gear, like her sister, but a fine layer of sweat coated her skin which made me think she may have just finished teaching a class.
"Hey," she said with a rare gentleness to her voice. Her hands rested on the counter, fumbling slightly, before she put them by her sides instead. "How are you?"
Uncomfortably, I played with a loose thread on my apron. "I've been better, not gonna lie."
She exhaled regretfully. "I want to apologise, Y/N. Last night... it wasn't fair what I did. Just snapping at you like that."
I didn't know what to say, so I stayed quiet and avoided her eyes.
"I just get so angry sometimes," she admitted, noticing I wouldn't speak. She sounded exhausted and I looked up to see her running a hand through her hair. "I can't explain it. My anger at you wasn't about Alex or the plans, it was just me."
"It's because you're still hurting," I told her what I'd observed, shoulders relaxing. "And you're not very good at expressing that."
She shook her head, eyes drifting to the till distractedly. "I should be because I keep hurting the people I love."
My heart ached at the devastation in her voice and I put my hand out, motioning for her to take it. Thankfully, she did and I squeezed hers gently.
"Look, let's just forget it happened," I said with a small smile. "I... I didn't exactly say the nicest of things either."
She grimaced, letting go of my hand. "No, I get why you said it. It wasn't fair of me to just start on you like that. You were just defending your girlfriend... God, I can be such a bitch sometimes."
I winced at the word, it grating my ears. "That's not true, Leigh."
"It is." She nodded slowly, rolling her eyes. "Everybody thinks it. Including you."
"I don't think that," I said with creased brows, meeting her saddened eyes. "You're not a bitch. I've never once thought that."
"Really?" She raised a brow, smiling with defeat. "Not even that time when I stole your doughnuts after that fight we had two weeks ago?"
I shook my head. "Nope."
"Not even when I snapped at you for no reason the other day when you tried to help me write my article?"
"Not even then."
Her expression softened with guilt. "Not even when I called you a selfish jerk last night for not wanting to spend time with me even though you have a life of your own?"
I rounded the counter and stopped before her, looking between her guilt-ridden eyes. "Especially not then, Leigh."
She breathed out quietly and I pulled her in for a hug, glad when I felt her relax beneath me. Her arms clasped around my waist and I was glad we were good again.
It was a year later when Leigh and I eventually got together as a couple. It was a long time after I broke up with my girlfriend and it was completely unexpected.
I'd invited Leigh to be my 'date' to my mum's birthday party, since the two had gotten on so well in the past. She was happy to oblige, but as soon as we arrived, her mood changed.
I was helping collect the pizzas from the delivery guy when he started to flirt with me. At the time, I didn't even realise, but I knew that Leigh had acted different since it happened. When I finally confronted her about her sudden mood swing, she proceeded to make out with me completely unexpectedly and then admitted she was in love with me.
I'm not gonna lie, it was a good time. Since breaking up with my girlfriend, I'd been single and falling for my best friend all over again. Leigh making the first move was all I'd needed to finally share how I felt, too.
That was six months ago, and since then, we'd been going strong. Of course, there were still times when she had her mood swings and took it out on me (and literally everyone else) without realising, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I was used to it, used to her. So much that I should have trusted her even when presented with conflicting evidence.
We were at her workplace, Basically News, where she wrote columns part-time. It was a work party she'd been invited to and she'd asked me to be her date, which of course I said yes to. At the moment, we may or may not have been a little tipsy as we stood in the corner, drinking from flutes of champagne.
"Thank you again for coming here tonight as my date," Leigh said with a grin, arms laced around my neck as she held me close.
Pressing a kiss to my lips briefly, she pulled away and left my head spinning, and not just because of the alcohol.
"Any excuse to not be on the closing shift at work is good enough for me," I said playfully, resting my hands behind her waist.
She gasped. "Oh? So it wasn't me who persuaded you to come tonight?"
I pulled a face, feigning forgetfulness. "Hmm, I'm not too sure. Maybe you'll have to remind me why I agreed to come."
She bit her lip to contain her grin, eyes flickering to my lips. Leaning in, her lips met mine and I closed my eyes, enjoying the way she combed her hand through my hair and tilted my head towards her so she could get better access. She was a really good kisser and she knew the effect she had on me as I felt her smirk into it, catching her breath, before chasing down my lips and nibbling on them temptingly.
Remembering where we were, I gently pushed her back and tried to contain my smile. "Make it PG, Leigh. You're at work."
She licked her lips and began to laugh, green eyes darting between mine. "You're just so cute."
I rolled my eyes playfully. "I don't want everyone here knowing how irresistible you are or they might try to steal you away."
Her laughter filled the air, making my stomach flip at the sound.
"Though I think they may already know that because of how sexy you look tonight," I added, eyes fluttering down her body to appreciate just how well she pulled off her fitted black dress.
She raised her brows with surprise, making me mirror her expression comically.
Leaning close to my ear, she said above a whisper, "D'you wanna know something not-so-sexy?"
Her breath tickled my ear and sent shivers down my spine, making me tense up slightly. Judging from the expression on her face, she was very much aware of what she was doing to me.
"What?" I asked with amusement.
"I really need to pee," she said, and I began to laugh because she did, too, and I knew she wasn't kidding. Pressing a kiss to my cheek, she added, "I'll be right back."
Letting go of me, she waved goodbye before going to the toilets. I busied myself with getting to know her colleagues whilst I waited, until five minutes had passed and I realised she still hadn't returned. Deciding to check on her, I headed in the direction of the toilets, only to freeze when I saw something I definitely wasn't expecting.
Leigh was kissing another girl outside of them.
It was her colleague, Abby, that was the first thing I noticed. But I didn't stay to make out anything more as I immediately turned around and walked away, trying to make my brain catch up to what I'd just seen.
Leigh was kissing somebody else. Somebody that wasn't me. Somebody who I had always suspected had a thing for her, but I never considered that maybe Leigh had a thing for her, too.
Definitely not tipsy anymore, I found the nearest table and took a seat, trying not to assume the worst. But how else could I perceive what I'd just seen? It could have been a mistake, though I was so shocked and hurt and angry that I couldn't imagine how. Maybe she'd explain herself to me. Or maybe she'd tell me what actually happened. Maybe.
Leigh returned not long after, finding me at the table. Smiling like nothing had happened, she pulled me up and led me to dance. Not once, for the remainder of the evening, did she suggest that anything was out of the ordinary, nor did she explain herself. And I couldn't help but wonder how I had the worst luck with women.
This one hurt way more than the last time because it wasn't just anyone – it was Leigh.
A year and a half ago:
"Danny mentioned the breakdown you had last week because they didn't have doughnuts, so I, er, brought you these just in case."
Leigh cracked a small smile in the passenger's seat before accepting the box I held out to her. I'd just parked up outside the place where she went to her grief counselling group, having offered to drop her off. It had only been a few months since Matt died, but sometimes, the old Leigh shone back through and it made me feel hopeful that she'd make it through this.
"Thank you," she said genuinely, fingers wavering on top of the box, before she lifted her gaze to meet mine. "And thanks for the ride. You didn't have to."
I shrugged, thumb tapping the steering wheel mindlessly. "I don't mind. I just wanna make sure you get here okay."
She sighed, shaking her head, though a ghost of a smile was on her lips.
"Text me when you're done and I'll be happy to pick you up, too," I added casually.
"Thanks," she repeated, though didn't make a move to leave my car just yet. I didn't rush her.
Sadly, the silence was broken when my phone began to ring and my girlfriend's name flashed on the screen in my car where my phone was connected to. Glancing at Leigh, I just about made out the eye-roll she did.
"Sorry," I apologised, before declining the call instantly.
"Why d'you do that? Could've been urgent," she said with a clipped tone.
Oh, no, I thought. Whenever she used that tone, it meant she was picking a fight.
"I'm here with you," I said like it was obvious, hoping that one thing didn't ruin the moment.
She tensed her jaw, looking down as her hair fell around her face. "Whatever."
Before I could think of a way to make her feel better, the screen lit up again and my ringtone echoed through the car. I winced at the glare Leigh sent to the screen. If looks could kill, my car would be toast.
Declining the call, I looked to her worriedly. "What's wrong, Leigh?"
Her glare fell to me. "Why the hell do you keep declining it? She's calling you for a reason."
I raised my eyebrows. "Because I'm here with you? Alex can wait. I'm taking you to grief group."
"Well, I'm here at grief group," she mocked, turning to face me with an unexplainable frustration.
I didn't understand why she was so touchy all of a sudden. The car ride here, she'd been fine. Just a moment ago, she'd been fine. But now... now she was acting unreasonable.
My phone buzzed in my pocket suddenly, followed by a tone that signalled I had a text. Leigh smiled bitterly, rolling her eyes.
"Let me guess," she muttered. "It's her."
Still very much unable to keep up with her mood swings, I didn't answer. Her gaze snapped to mine as she stared at me with disbelief.
"Why the fuck aren't you checking it?!"
I grimaced, my own exasperation slipping out when I blurted, "I'm a little confused to what you want from me right now, Leigh!" Breathing out slowly, I said, "I'm sorry if this is bothering you. I'll turn off my phone next time."
As if I'd deeply offended her, she raised a brow incredulously. "Are you kidding me? Why would this bother me?"
Okay, I was extremely confused now.
"I don't know," I admitted, bewildered.
"Is that what you think of me? Some clingy bitch who won't let you live your life?"
I widened my eyes. "What?! Leigh! I never said–"
"Sorry if taking me is such a task," she said abruptly, moving to put the box of doughnuts on the dashboard.
"I never said that," I told her sternly.
"You didn't have to. I know already. I'm just a burden on everyone."
She got out of the car and slammed the door shut behind her. Meanwhile, my confusion was still trying to make out what the hell just happened.
"Don't bother picking me up," she said through the open window of the passenger's door. A scowl was on her face as she added, "You should go spend time with Alex. She's probably missing you."
Breathing out, I leaned back into my seat and watched her walk away and to the entrance of the building. When she acted like this – so push and pull with her emotions – I was so conflicted. What could possibly be going on in her mind that she managed to flip everything that just happened? A complete 180?
Knowing she'd just need some time to cool off, I shook my head and focused on leaving. But then I remembered my phone went off and pulled it out to see what was so important. Aside from two missed calls from Alex, I saw I had a voicemail, too, not a text.
Grumbling fo myself, still disgruntled by Leigh's attitude, I raised the phone to my ear to have a listen, whilst hoping it wasn't actually anything life-threatening.
At first, all I could hear was some very faint laughing and vague noises, kind of like material rubbing together and breathing. I assumed Alex had left me a voicemail without even realising since I'd done that countless of times to other people, having dropped my phone in my bag without realising it was still on. But then the noises became more distinct and I made out words.
"Jake, stop messing about," a voice said, whom I instantly recognised as my girlfriend.
I furrowed my brows. Jake? Jake as in the guy she worked with Jake?
"If you stop teasing me then maybe I will," a gravelly yet devious voice responded.
My throat went dry when I heard more laughter before it went quiet. It didn't take a genius to understand what was happening, especially when the moans that followed echoed in my ear, begging me not to forget.
Unable to listen anymore, I hung up and threw my phone onto the passenger's seat. Tears welled in my eyes as I glanced over at it hesitantly, almost wishing it hadn't even existed. And as much as I didn't want to accept the glaring fact, it hit me like a ton of bricks.
She was cheating on me.
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Midnight Quidditch Games | Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter x Gryffindor!Reader (written with a female reader in mind, though the gender is not stated)
Wordcount: 3800 words
Warnings: none, just fluff and friends-to-lovers
Summary: Fred and George come up with the idea of hosting illegal Quidditch Games for all four houses every Friday night. Harry convinces Reader to play with him and they end up on the same broom.
a/n: No Voldemort Au, set in Harry's fifth year. English is not my native language, so there might be spelling/grammar mistakes. (Based on a headcanon by @/ murphcooper on tumblr)
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Friday was my favourite day of the week, and there were two reasons for that: One, it was the start of the weekend, and two, we played Quidditch.
Up until fifth year, the most I had to do with the popular wizarding sport was cheering at the official school games for the Gryffindor team and attending the Quidditch World Cup in 1994. Then Fred and George came up with a very illegal, yet very exciting and fun idea, which was to host unofficial Quidditch games in the middle of the night that any student could attend. Whether it were First Years who could barely fly, or simple people that never made it onto their house's team, anyone was welcome.
The twins had planned it the first two months of their sixth year together with Quidditch fans from the other houses and had created lists for every common room, which wouldn't be readable by the teachers or Filch.
“It's illegal! What if something happens? What if someone gets hurt, how do you want to explain that to Dumbledore, or worse, to Professor McGonagall,” Hermione argued as soon as Fred and George had prompted their idea to us one Sunday evening.
“I'm disappointed. Do you really think we would work that sloppy?”, Fred asked.
“The house elves are in,” George explained. “Which means free food and free healthcare, all in one!”
“Awesome,” Ron said, and he should be proven right.
The only rules to attend were the duty to remain silent and to come in your pyjamas, just for the sake of it. Gryffindors and Ravenclaws would be playing against Hufflepuffs and Slytherins, Lee Jordan would be commenting as always and because Madam Hooch wasn't available, Hermione would be our judge. This was decided unanimously.
The first two games had occurred at the end of November, and they had been a complete mess. We had to raise the number of players on each team so everyone who wanted to play fit in, which led to three Keepers, six Chasers, four Beaters and two Seekers for each house. Furthermore, there had been a dozen of first years who couldn't fly yet and who had to be taught by voluntaries.
Those first two Friday nights I had spent with Lee, Hermione, Luna and Dobby on the commentary stand, cheering and eating chocolate biscuits. Once in a while, I had thrown a biscuit in the air for Harry to catch.
Because of the bone-chilling cold and pitch-black darkness brought by the Scottish winter, Fred and George had invented glass bulbs which carried bright orange, warm fire and hovered over the Quidditch pitch.
With the first Friday of December approaching, the excitement grew bigger and it was basically the only topic during every meal. Now that the rules and positions had set and the First Years could fly, we were awaiting the first serious game – as serious as playing Quidditch in pyjamas with Hermione as a judge could be.
“You have to play, too,” Harry said to me during lunch on Friday. My friends had tried all week to persuade me to play instead of only keeping Hermione company, while I had constantly declined.
“Yes, come on,” Ron agreed. “We know you can fly, you played with us this summer.”
“No, no way.” I shook my head and pulled the pumpkin juice jug closer.
“Why not?”, Harry asked, covering my glass with his hand. I raised my eyebrows, but he only grinned, which made my stomach tingle. But I glossed over the unwanted feeling and shoved his hand away.
“Because all positions are filled. And besides that, I would be a terrible Chaser,” I answered. “Or a terrible anything, really.”
“You could play as a Seeker,” Hermione suggested and poured herself a drink. “You're good at noticing details.”
“But Harry and that boy from third year are playing as Gryffindor Seeker,” I reminded her, cutting my toast in half.
“You could fly with Harry,” She said plainly. I stared at her with wide eyes. I should had known the moment I had told Hermione about my not-so-tiny crush on Harry that it had been a bad idea. Now she did what I should had expected: Trying to set me up with him.
“No, I – no.”
“But I wouldn’t mind,” Harry said. “And if you don't like it, I can drop you off at the stands again. Come on Y/N, say yes.” He nudged my shoulder, looking at me with sweetest puppy eyes. I couldn't say no to him, he knew that. I sighed.
A content smile lit up on his face. “Brilliant.”
Around half past nine, we made our way out of the castle and down to the Quidditch pitch. Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George, as well as a dozen other Gryffindor students had their brooms shouldered, following me and Hermione through the dimly lit corridors.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” I whispered, tapping the Marauders Map, which soon revealed Hogwarts’ grounds, ink lines flowing over the parchment. Filch was strolling around in his office, and so was Snape. McGonagall’s ink dot hovered in the East tower of the Fourth Floor. “Everything’s clear, but keep quiet,” I informed the others.
Hermione linked her arms with me.
“How are you?”, She asked, a knowing smile on her lips.
“Shut up. What was that at lunch?”
“Oh, come on, I just said what you were thinking. Everybody knows you have a thing for each other,” She said, and I quickly turned to make sure Harry was still talking to Dean and Ginny. Hermione chuckled. “I made a bet with Ginny that you will kiss after catching the Snitch together,” She added.
I swirled back around. “You what?”
“But Ginny thinks you'll snog in a broom closet afterwards.”
Before I could reply anything, Harry had caught up with us.
“What are you two whispering about?”, He asked, leaning closer so I could smell his deodorant.
“Nothing,” I said and was glad that the darkness hid my tinted cheeks. Hermione let herself fall back, leaving Harry and me alone at the front of the group.
“You're a terrible liar,” He said.
“Says you. Remember last year when we had detention with Snape –”
Harry wrapped his left arm around my shoulders, pulling me unintentionally closer, and placed his hand over my mouth to stop me from talking any further.
“You promised you'd take that to the grave.”
I grinned and pulled his hand away, though his arm stayed around me.
We made it out of the castle without any inconveniences, thanks to Peeves, who – on orders from the twins – created some chaos in the trophy room and distracted McGonagall.
We were the first to reach the pitch, and Harry unlocked the door under the stands with the key on the necklace around his neck, which led to the changing rooms and the spare brooms. Fred and George had stored the fire bulbs under a loose floorboard and were now freeing them so they could fly over the pitch. Hermione directed her wand towards the sky, sending out a Muffliato Charm, then winked at me and climbed up to the commentary stand with Lee.
In the meantime, the other houses arrived; the Hufflepuffs were followed by a tiny body of house elves carrying fast food on tablets over their heads. They spread over the stands, consorting with the students watching the game and providing them with hot meals and drinks.
“Welcome back everyone!”, Lee's voice echoed over the pitch and the crowd cheered. “And also welcome to everyone new here who wants to play or just likes to break the rules.”
“Hello from me too. We have some new players I want to introduce,” Hermione continued. “Marina Florence playing Keeper for Slytherpuff, Arthur Mitchell deputizing for Gryffinclaw’s Chaser Demelza Robbins, who is currently stationed in the hospital wing, and Y/N playing Seeker for Gryffinclaw together with Harry Potter.”
“That's ridiculous! Since when are we playing in pairs?!”, Draco yelled out of the crowd of Slytherin players.
“Since I'm making the rules, you daft idiot!”, Hermione called back, and laughing echoed over the field. Ron's language was clearly leaving a mark on her. “Now get on your brooms, everyone!”
“Make sure you don't slip off your broom in those silk pyjamas, Malfoy, ” Fred snickered loudly, and Draco held up his middle finger.
Slowly, the huge crowd of players on the pitch flew up into the air, positioning themselves on the right spots. I turned to Harry, who climbed on his broom. That was the part I had avoided to think about all afternoon: How would we fly on that thing together?
My heart drummed so loudly against my ribcage it was a miracle he couldn't hear it. We were friends, I reminded myself. And I would not ruin this friendship for the sake of some stupid feelings.
“Come on, Y/N,” Harry said, stretching out his hand. I grabbed it, and he helped me to climb onto his Firebolt, so that I was sitting in front of him. His fingers gripped around the broom stick, not very far from where I had placed my hands.
“You alright?”, He asked and I nodded.
“Brilliant,” I said, and he chuckled. He then wrapped his left arm around my waist before he kicked us off the ground and the Firebolt shot through the cold night air. My back got pressed against his chest, his knees squeezing my thighs, and out of shock, I held onto his arm around me.
I hadn't flown since last summer, and even then it had only been on Ron's old broomstick a few feet above the earth. This here was the complete opposite: Harry's Firebolt was a hundred times faster, and it barely took us three seconds to be the ones flying the highest over the stadium.
“I got you, everything's fine,” Harry said somewhere close to my ear as he had noticed my hand clenched around his arm, and a warm shiver ran down my spin. I looked down on the Quidditch pitch.
“It never looks that high when I’m down there,” I said.
“Are you afraid of heights?”, He asked, but I shook my head.
“No.” Not with you. I could feel his heart beating against my back and absently stroked over his hand on my waist, until Hermione's voice ripped me out of my thoughts.
“Okay, I want a fair game and no injuries, is that clear? And show some respect to the youngest players! Now ready, steady, GO!” With a wave of her wand, the trunk with the Quidditch balls snapped open and the Quaffle flew high into the air, followed by two Bludgers. For a short moment, I saw the Golden Snitch, then it rushed off into the darkness.
“So, what do we do now? Any secret strategies?”, I asked.
“No,” Harry answered, placing his chin on my shoulder. “We just wait and watch.”
A tingling warmth spread through my body at the subtle touch. Gently, Harry steered the broom around the pitch, while the others beneath us played.
“Katie wins the Quaffle – passes to Montgomery – Rick close to score, come on – YES, Gryffinclaw scores 10 points!”, Lee bellowed and loud applause erupted. “And Slytherpuff in possession – Blaise with the Quaffle – Josephine Gordon from Hufflepuff takes over, excellent Chaser that girl, and rather attractive – OW, I'm just stating facts!”
Hermione had smacked Lee on the back of his head.
“Anyways, Blaise in possession once again – now First Year Conan Ivory – Smith overtakes – and he scores. Ron, look at the Quaffle, not at Hermione – OW! – But Gryffinclaw still leads – Ginny overtakes – fights off some Slytherins – hey, careful Harry, Bludger coming your way –”
Harry quickly leaned over me and the Firebolt dropped a few meters, dodging the Bludger rushing over our heads. George (or Fred?) darted after the ball, calling a quick “Watch it, lovebirds!” at us, and hit the Bludger towards a Slytherin Chaser.
The other twin was close behind, shouting “Less snogging, more seeking!”
“Shut it!”, I yelled. For Merlin's sake, did everyone knew about my crush? Was it really that obvious for everyone except Harry? Not that I wanted him to find out – he would be embarrassed, he didn't think of us as anything other than friends.
Harry's arm slipped from my waist and he cleared his throat, but a broomstick did not provide much space, wherefore his chest was still pressed against my back and I could feel his rather fast heartbeat.
“Do you, uhm... want me to drop you off?”, He asked.
“Oh. Uh, no,” I said, trying to turn so I could face him, “I like it, but if you want to –”
“No! No, I just thought...” Harry’s eyes danced over my face like they had never before and we were quite close.
“ – Applebee has the Quaffle - and that's a score! Sixty to sixty!”, Lee called, and Hermione blew her silver whistle. I ripped my eyes off of Harry and looked down to the commentary stand. “Now, we’re gonna have a short break, because Dobby thinks you're gonna starve otherwise. All the first and second years are asked to go back to their dorms, because it's almost midnight – don't complain to me –”
Harry carefully steered his Firebolt back to the ground where he landed near Ron and Ginny. I climbed off and was glad to be spared an awkward conversation, because Ginny grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side of the pitch. The sudden loss of Harry's warm chest made me shiver.
“Now, have you ever thought about making out in a broom closet?”, She asked, a mischievous grin on her reddened face. I rolled my eyes at her.
“Hermione told me about the bet, so don't even try! No one's gonna make out in a broom closet,” I said.
“Except you and Harry,” Ginny replied. I opened my mouth to talk back, but was interrupted.
“What’s going on with you and Harry?” Cho had caught up to us, snatching a plate with fish and chips from a tablet an house elf carried through the crowd. “I have watched you, it's adorable, honestly.”
“First off, there's nothing to be adorable,” I said and stole a fry from her plate, “and second, you are supposed to watch the Snitch, not us.”
“So is Harry, but he only has eyes for you.” Cho smiled and tapped my nose with her finger. Ginny giggled and ate a piece of fried fish. In the same moment, Hermione breathlessly jogged up to us.
“What – were – you – waiting – for?”, She panted. I furrowed my brows.
“Huh?” Hermione sighed and shook her head.
“You were this close to kiss him, why didn't you do anything?”
“Is my love life this much more interesting the Quidditch game?!”
All three girls answered “Yes” in union.
“But he doesn't feel the same way for me!”, I argued. “We are friends –”
Ginny grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around. “Do friends look at each other that way? I don’t think so.”
Harry stood a few feet away with Ron, Seamus and Dean, though he seemed not to listen to their conversations and instead stared over at us. At me. When he realised he had been caught, he waved shyly and almost spilled his pumpkin juice. I waved back at him before turning to the girls again, all of whom were looking temporising at me.
“Oh, I – I don't know. Even if you're right, I can't just kiss him out of nowhere on his broom.”
“No, you gotta snog him in a broom closet so I get my Galleon,” Ginny said smugly, and Hermione nudged her with her elbow and looked at her watch, before blowing her whistle again.
“Everyone back on their positions, break's over!” Then Hermione shot me a serious look. “Get the boy, we're all done of you pining over one another. Ron can get the other boys to crash somewhere else, if you need the dorm.”
“Hermione!”, I gasped, but she was already rushing back to the commentary stand.
“Good luck,” Cho said, and Ginny winked. I glared at them before making my way over to where the Gryffindor boys stood. I saw how Ron said something to Harry, patted his shoulder and flew off.
Harry turned to me, smiling. His hair was even messier than usual due to the wind, and he had put on a black hoodie over his pyjamas. He looked cute and hot at the same time, and I couldn't quite believe that he was supposed to like me back.
“Do you want to – or?”, He asked.
“Yeah,” I smiled and he got on his Firebolt, making space in front of him for me.
“Good. I mean –” He cleared his throat as I climbed on his broom. The next second, we were high up in the air, his chest against my back again.
“Okay, guys, game's on again! Go!”, Hermione shouted and waved her wand at the Quaffle, which flew upwards and was caught by Ginny instantly.
“And we're back – Katie passes the Quaffle to Valentina – She flawlessly dodges a Bludger – Back to Peters, almost made it onto the Ravenclaw team – and he scores! SEVENTY TO SIXTY.”
I took a deep breath and leaned back against Harry, watching the game unfold. He propped his chin back onto my right shoulder, like an unspoken routine.
“I think I'm gonna play again next Friday,” I said out of the blue.
“Really?”, He asked, sounding surprised. I smiled. The crowd underneath us cheered.
“Yes. If you save me a place on your broomstick.” I turned to look at him, and he smiled brightly at me. We were as close as earlier, maybe even closer. I held my breath, until I noticed something small and golden buzzing through the air behind Harry, illuminated by one of the fire bulbs.
“There!” I pointed at the Golden Snitch, and Harry's head spun around to assure himself.
“Do you trust me?”, He asked.
“Of course,” I replied. Instantly, his hand was back around my waist and he yanked the Firebolt around.
“ – Seamus throws the Quaffle to Dean – Dean passes Nott – and he scores! NINTHY TO EIGHTY FOR GRYFFINCLAW! And Potter seems to have spotted the Snitch, Draco, Cedric and Cho close behind – Come on, show them what that Firebolt can do!”, Lee's voice roared from somewhere deep down, but my eyes were glued onto the Snitch: It whirred through the ice cold December air and up to the left ring of the Slytherpuff team.
Malfoy had almost caught up to us; even though the Firebolt was the fastest broomstick on the market, it was obviously slower when carrying two people instead of one.
The Snitch twirled around the pole, then dropped down and headed for the floor. Harry followed, and now we where almost vertically flying downwards. Because of the sudden shift of direction, I swore loudly and clenched my hands tighter around the broom.
“I won't let you fall, I promise,” Harry called over air rushing past us.
“I know, but a warning would have been nice!”, I yelled back, and he chuckled.
The weight of two people on one broomstick also meant that we got dragged downwards way faster, which meant we were outdistancing Malfoy. The Golden Snitch took a sharp right turn and now buzzed two meters above the ground to the other side of the pitch.
“You have to catch it!”, Harry yelled.
“WHAT? No, I can't –”
“Yes, you can! I have to steer!” And hold you. But he did not say that. I swore under my breath and carefully loosened one hand from the broomstick, stretching it forward. The Snitch was inches away from my fingertips and I pushed myself up, Harry's grip around my mid tightening. The silver wings touched my fingers, I stretched my arm further and in the same moment my hands clasped around the tiny, golden ball, we fell forward.
“ – And that doesn't look – Oh, Potter and Y/L/N are on the ground. I can't really see, if someone caught the Snitch –”
As one tangled mess, we landed on the frozen lawn, rolling over one another and stopping with Harry half on top of me. My whole body ached and I would definitely get bruises from the fall, but that was something I could worry about later. I caught the Snitch!
“Shit, sorry, fuck. Y/N, are you alright?” Harry's face hovered over me, a bloody scratch on his cheek. I grinned happily and held up the golden ball.
“Yeah, more than alright.”
“Y/N caught the Snitch! TWOHUNDRED AND FORTY TO EIGHTY! Gryffinclaw wins!”, Lee bellowed and the crowd cheered and applauded loudly. Harry held out one hand to help me up, and I took it.
“I'm sorry, I know I promised, but I couldn't hold you any longer and –”
“Shut up.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him full on the lips. My hands found their way into his raven hair, and he hugged my waist, pulling me so tightly his fingers almost touched his own rips with the opposite hand. I kissed him, and he was kissing me back; it felt like someone had lit a firework in my heart, and for one marvellous moment, we were the only two people in the whole wide world.
Then the other players landed on the field, and we broke apart, catching our breaths. We were both grinning, and I felt drunk from the cold night and catching the Snitch and kissing Harry.
The raven haired boy bent down to kiss me once more, this time softer, and he intertwined our fingers before leading us over to our friends, where Ginny flicked a Galleon into Hermione's open hand.
“Took you long enough,” Ron said, who had both his and Harry's broomstick shouldered.
“Well, they got around in the end,” Cho added, leaning against Cedric, his chin propped on her head. “Sleepover at the Ravenclaw dorm?”, She added, and we all nodded in agreement.
While Fred, George and Lee collected the fire bulbs and Quidditch balls, and the house elves cleaned up the dirt with a snap of their fingers, we made our way back to the Hogwarts castle:
Ron alongside Hermione, followed by Seamus and Dean arm-in-arm, Cho with Cedric, one arm around her waist, Ginny carrying a tired Luna on her back, and lastly, Harry and me, holding hands.
“You know, I'm glad I agreed to play with you,” I said. Harry smiled.
“Yeah, me too.” He pressed a kiss on my cheek. In spite of the shivering cold, I had never felt more warm and comfortable than in this moment.
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bilbopaggins · 2 years
What’s your favorite sandwich and where did you eat it? A grilled Swiss and pesto. I got it at a local restaurant.
What’s your favorite place on earth? I love the Japanese garden/park near me
What’s one place you've visited that you never want to return? Kentucky
What’s the best show on TV right now? On tv now.. I'd have to say One piece
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Potatoes 🥔
What’s the worst movie you ever saw? Bee Movie
What’s the best thing you've read in the last five years? Cursed Bunny
What’s the one item of clothing you couldn't live without? My favorite shirt
If you could only bring three things with you on a deserted island, what would you pick?
2 books and a lighter
If you could save one material thing from a fire, what would you save? My my kitties' ashes
What’s your biggest pet peeve? When people act entitled
What is your favorite movie of all time? terminator 2 or clueless
What is the best concert you have ever been to? Radiohead
What’s the worst date you've ever been on?
I was still broken up about my ex and while on the date, something reminded me of him (my ex) and I started c r y i n g. 😱
Would you rather be hot or cold?
Cold. I hate being hot
What’s your favorite karaoke song?
Baby, one more time
What is on your bucket list?
Visit japan
What are you most thankful for?
My family
What is your biggest regret in life?
What are you most afraid of?
What do you feel most passionate about?
Human rights
How do you like to spend your free time?
Playing a game or watching Netflix with my kitties and my partner
What would your perfect day be like?
Lots of drugs, live music, and sex. good food, good friends, and a bonfire
What does your dream life look like?
Married to my partner with a kid or 2 and a couple cats. I'd like to own a home and have stable income. I'd like to be able to travel a lot. I'd like to move away from the Midwest. Maybe somewhere overseas.
What is your favorite urban legend that you believe is true? If you hear an owl hooting, death will come soon (not necessarily for you but someone you know)
Would you rather live without the internet, or without bathing?shit bruh, I've got depression. I barely bathe now. Lol.I'd rather live without bathing.
What was the best decade for music?
Late 90s, early 2000s
Is it ever OK to lie?
Yeah, depending on the situation.
Who’s the most overrated celebrity?
Jack black. Dude, you're not funny. Just stop.
What’s the worst seat on a plane?
Anywhere that's not a window seat in the middle of the place.
What’s the most annoying thing people do in public? Exist
Are avocados overrated? They're eh, ok
Who’s your dream dinner party guest, living or dead? Sylvia plath
What would you do tomorrow if you won a million dollars today? Buy myself a house. Buy a house for my mom. Pay off all the debt collectors and people who've loaned me money.
Is a hot dog a sandwich?
No, are you kidding me?
Are you a dog person or a cat person and why? I'm a cat person because dogs are slobbery and gross and like to jump all over you. Ew. I love them but no.
Were Ross and Rachel really on a break?
Dude, I never watched that show and I never will.
Who is the most important person in your life and why? My partner or my mom. My partner is my best friend. He is the sweetest, funniest person and I feel safe with him. My mom is supportive of me and is one of my closest friends.
Who in your life most makes you feel a sense of home? My partner ❤️
Do you have a mentor? Nah
Have you ever broken up with a friend, and why?
Yes, because she was a raging bitch. She was mean and didn't accept me for I am and liked to put me down.
How many close friends is ideal?
Like 3
Do you believe in soulmates?
Yeah, I do
What is the best compliment that you’ve ever received? I like when people call me creative or compliment my sense of style.
What do you want people to say about you at your funeral? She was one bad bitch.
What is something people would never guess just by looking at you? I'm into some kinky shit.
What makes you laugh the most? My partner makes me laugh all the time.
Have you ever made a decision that changed your life? Dude, like lots.
What was the happiest day of your life?
Probably when I picked up the first Borderlands game with my partner. It had come out like the day after my bday and we both took a few days off to stay up late and play it and eat junk food. It was amazing ❤️
What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
My sense of style probably
What did teachers used to say about you on your report card—and is it still true?
Depends on the year. From grade school to junior high, I was great. I was really good and really quiet and got excellent grades. Teachers all liked me and said I was really smart, quiet, and creative. In high school though, I was terrible. I skipped all the time to get high and would show up to class drunk or high. I did that til I decided to drop out. My teachers said I was smart and creative but disruptive, rarely attends class, and I needed to apply myself more. I don't drink anymore but I'd say the rest is still true.
What’s something you wish you could change about yourself? My weight
What’s the most exciting part of your job?
I'm currently unemployed 🙃
What would you want people to say about you at your retirement party? That I worked hard, did a great job, and everyone loved me.
What’s the most important thing you've ever done at work? Stayed with someone as they were dying.
What’s your ideal work-life balance?
Ideally I want to be my own boss and set my own hours.
What’s the best piece of career advice you ever got? Interviews aren't just about potential employers interviewing you. You are interviewing them as well.
What was something you thought was a career setback that actually turned out to be an opportunity?
I got nothing for this one 🤣
What are the most important qualities in a leader? Integrity and honesty
What was your first job?
Server/ hostess at Steak n shake
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missnight0wl · 3 years
Ask time xD I got myself thinking, why Rowan's Imperius attack happened the way it did?
I don't know all about the Imperius curse, but I would assume the person doing it, somehow, was watching them. And let's assume MC would undoubtedly say they don't want them to hurt neither of her friends at the question which is a stupid question because by trying to kill MC, the objective was not to send a warning.
So I was wondering why do in front of all those friends? If they wanted that to work why not influence Rowan to be alone with MC then turn rogue? Because MC cares enough about Rowan that just a threat to their safety would leave them shaken up. Were the friends present there, the ones the attacker wanted to be there? Barnaby AND Ben are both people prone to protect MC and I guess Jae would too had the situation gotten dyer.
Idk just the way everything happened and why it happened... I know it brings a sense of uncertainty - I guess they could control any of my friends at any moment -, but then... it never happens again. Unless I'm reading this all wrong and the intent was to prompt MC into a duel with Rowan.
Please enlighten me with your theories if you'd like x)
In short, I don’t believe that Rowan was Imperiused by R back then, not really. And it actually has quite a lot to do with our old discussion about Pettigrew, so I’ll just link it here. Now, to the proper explanation.
First things first. Yes, you’re right about the Imperius Curse. I mean, I believe that you can control people even with bigger distances (Draco controlling Madam Rosmerta, Death Eaters controlling people at the Ministry). However, when you cast the curse, the distance matters. I’m pretty sure both Rakepick and Snape mentioned that: “Time and space matter in magic” a couple of times around Rowan’s incident.
It was also pretty heavily implied that it was Pettigrew who was behind the curse. Percy was lurking in the background with Scabbers, Rakepick was asking us about our surroundings later as well:
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The only correct option here is Percy. Bill was with Rakepick in the Training Grounds at the time, and Charlie with Snape. In the last part of Y5Ch19, we learn that Patricia actually got deeper into the case:
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So yeah, I think it’s pretty safe to say that it was indeed Pettigrew. The thing is that I doubt he did it on R’s order– and that’s mainly because, as you pointed out, this whole situation didn’t really make sense.
At the beginning of Y5, we were attacked by the Red Cloak who told us:
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By the end of the year, we found out that R needed MC because of the Legilimency door. I still believe that MC is also needed for the final Vault and the Legilimency thing is kind of a bonus, but either way, the point is that Rowan’s attack happened before the Portrait Vault. It’d be incredibly stupid from R’s point of view to put MC in danger then. But that's what they did:
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Moreover, I absolutely agree with your point about all of the witnesses present at the scene. In Y4, R forged the note from Kettleburn and attacked us when we were alone in the Courtyard. At the beginning of Y5, we were only with Ben. In both cases, it was evening and the attacker was wearing the Red Cloak. R cares about secrecy. So, what the hell happened with Rowan? Well, here’s what I’m thinking.
First of all, I believe that Pettigrew’s only connection with R is that he was supposed to deliver the vault portrait to Hogwarts. That's it. I imagine that they somehow learnt that he’s alive, and they were like: “Hey, get that portrait to Hogwarts or we’ll reveal your secret about being alive and hiding as an Animagus”. Let’s remember that at that point, R wanted MC to reach the Portrait Vault, and MC needed the portrait for that. Also, look at what Pettigrew himself told us:
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Maybe it’s just me, but he doesn’t seem particularly upset about losing the portrait. Also, he technically didn’t say that Peeves stole it from him. I think it’s possible that Peter left the portrait somewhere for MC to find, and Peeves stole it from there. Pettigrew simply witnessed it.
Back to Rowan’s attack, though. We know that Rakepick was on Pettigrew’s trail back then already, right? So, I assume that by making that whole scene, Pettigrew wanted to draw Rakepick’s attention to MC and R instead. Like, he knew that she’s after him:
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Unfortunately for him, it backfired and helped Rakepick connect the dots.
I mean, to be fair, I guess it did work in a way, just not exactly how Pettigrew wanted. Because Rakepick’s words in Knockturn Alley suggest that thanks to the attack, she figured out that Percy’s rat is very suspicious. On the other hand, Rakepick herself was mysteriously missing after we returned from Knockturn Alley, and she came back only after Pettigrew Obliviated us. So, I believe that that’s when she started some kind of negotiations with R. In other words: yes, she knew about Pettigrew, but at the same time, she got occupied with more important things, and so she dropped Pettigrew’s case.
Anyway, the important thing here is that Pettigrew didn’t know everything because R didn’t tell him to do anything beyond delivering the vault portrait. Therefore, he thought it wouldn’t matter if he tried to hurt MC. But then, how he’d know that R threatened in the past that they’ll hurt one of our friends? I mean, judging by Rowan’s words:
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… he had to know something. Well, perhaps he was told some limited information, or he learnt about it through eavesdropping or something. Either way, in my opinion, the fact that Rowan attacks MC (if we don’t choose anyone) proves that Pettigrew wasn’t told the most important thing: that MC is very valuable. And it’d make sense if Pettigrew was simply a puppet, just a delivery boy.
And yeah, I think that’s it. If I wasn’t clear about something or you’d like me to elaborate, let me know!
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