#yes Elena Gilbert isn’t at fault for Abby protecting her. i know that lol.
cancerian-woman · 1 year
How do you think Bonnie's life could've played out if 1) Abby actually decided to make up for being a deadbeat mother and 2) the dynamic with Abby/Bonnie/Rudy being a healing family unit (after Grams death especially). Like even with the whole being a witch thing and all... cause Abby didn't like it and Rudy said he lost Abby to it. It's an interesting dynamic.
❤️ reading all your YVD/TO insights and having these discussions with you.
Stay easy and safe 😘
oooh nice!
As I said in my post with Lucy I think one huge factor that would be eliminated is A LOT Bonnie’s grand sacrifices. Yes, how loyal, protective and maternal (in a sense) Bonnie is amazing. It’s great, but what is she getting in return from her friends? Nothing.…
Abby and Rudy would both have to show not tell Bonnie that they care and will be there for her. It has to be consistent. Rudy’s job was mentioned that he was a traveling Pharmaceutical Rep. Abby was absentee. Bonnie went so long without parental guidance we can assume after Grams. Therefore neither Abby or Rudy can’t just show up and force control over Bonnie when it’s defined uncontrollable for them. Rudy, Abby and Bonnie would need to communicate more. Abby’s presence makes Bonnie uncomfortable and the only way to get over that is by being there physically. Abby’s “my daughter is done helping Elena Gilbert” will hold weight. If she’s around.
The Bennett-Hopkins needs to be honest with each other. Tbh, I don’t think Rudy liked any of the Gilbert’s. None of them. Not for Abby and certainly not for Bonnie. He could explain why he disliked the Gilbert’s and that could lead into how the Petrovas x Bennett’s are tied together but it’s never as beneficial for the Bennett’s as it is the Petrovas well-being. Now Abby needs to admit she doesn’t like the burden of being a witch. It’s hard, Bonnie said so herself. Abby ran from it to protective herself but in doing so she forgot to protect Bonnie. Bonnie could benefit from hearing Abby’s struggles as a witch. I’m sure if they gave the story some room Abby and Miranda could’ve been just as similar to Bonlena’s friendship. Bc how do you ask your friend to drop everything to help save your child…like whut. Well, we know where Elena gets that from lmao. Abby could explain why twice she tried to strip Bonnie of her magic. Did Grams do it to her when she was “out of line?” Lastly, Bonnie NEEDS to call them out. They can’t separate Bonnie from her magic. It’s who she is they have to love her for who she is. No matter who came into town Bonnie was always going to be a Bennett witch. They can’t love her on terms and conditions. Grams was the only one who loved both Bonnie as a witch and Bonnie as her grandchild. Bonnie has to be vulnerable and let them in. Lessen some of her independence to be dependent on her parents. Open up room for separation from her friends.
I think Bonnie would still make plenty of mistakes. She was 17-23/24 throughout the series. She’ll still give more for people who don’t do the same for her. Mess up with magic. I just think they’ll be more self reflection before she jumps into things for her friends. In a healed life for the Bennett-Hopkins, Rudy won’t let things get swept under the rug. He’ll call out would’ve called out how he thinks something was off with Bonnie like here. You can tell in his face something was off with Bonnie. Abby would call out the repetitive patterns in Bonnie’s friendships. Imagine Bonnie telling Abby, Elena tried to kill her. She’d have to work to break this cycle that Abby set her up for since she wasn’t around as a child. She could start with helping Bonnie get ready for prom, being there for graduation. The Bennett-Hopkins working on healing I don’t see Bonnie being able to die for a summer and going unnoticed by everyone, she wouldn’t have been left in the prison world so long, Rudy wouldn’t have died in front of her and by Silas. The anchor plot would’ve been different. While Abby/Rudy plays more of an emotional role in Bonnie life’s she could learn that she doesn’t need the MFG, she shouldn’t give so much into people who give very little into her. Or demand that they start caring for her and doing something own their own for once. I could see the Bennett-Hopkins moving in together to undo that 17 years worth of trauma.
Thank you! I love reading your thoughts and metas too! Bonnie fans are so small compared to most of the fandom and we’re always ignored. But I just love our little fandom ❤️.
Thank you for the ask!
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