I don't think enough fanders are aware of this little piece of evidence, so I'm going to post about it. (Also pardon my nearly 2 months long hiatus, been mentally shitty)
Ever wondered why Janus has that pink blemish around his eye?
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So, according to Joan in a past Livestream in late 2019, they confirmed that the pink was actually a scar. Yep. A scar. It makes sense since snakes and no other reptiles have that marking naturally. Apparently, it was added to make it more menacing and scary which honestly it did work at the time of his introduction, if you remember how scared people were of him then.
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Initially, they weren't going to explain why he has the scar, since it would have been "too intense" to do so. To be fair, at the time it would have been, but now, do we really care how intense it could've happened? Also, I feel it's a bit messed up to make people with scars out to be intimidating, especially since that scar must've been a traumatic experience. I do think that they should go back on their statement and confirm that scar canonically in an understandable, less insulting way.
Now like I said in a previous post, I know Joan isn't much apart of the team anymore however, some of Joan's influence has still carried on in recent canon. Not to mention that Joan literally created Janus as a character. Another thing Joan did mention in their statement was that the scar..has a connection to the next side which is Orange. Which got me thinking-
Does that mean that Orange will be scarred too? Or..did Orange do it to him? Honestly, it does make sense. If you look at the pink hue enough, it does resemble that of a burn scar. Orange has been associated with that of fire.🔥
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A character Janus has been connected to is Harvey Dent or Two Face due to Virgil's retort in Embarrassing Phases. According to the comics, Two Face is an ex lawyer who uses his studies in criminology and Law to commit his villainous crimes. He was chemically burned at a court trial, however some alternate versions suggest a more gruesome torture. And, it also happens to be on the same side of his body as Janus' scales and scar. This reference was made the episode right before SvS, where Janus was a lawyer. Definitely foreshadowing.
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Another connection is to that of Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender. We know Thomas loves this series and the character is notable here for having a very similar burn scar on the same eye. Coincidence? I think not!
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Now, if it is answered, was it truly Orange who did it? What if it was Remus? And was it on purpose or accident? With Remus, it's more likely to be an accident but Orange we have yet to know but it's more likely purposeful. Unless, Virgil caused it and that could be something he's guilty of but who knows. I just feel bad for Janus in the sense that his snake vision must already suck and then he was nearly blinded a second time? Damn man.
But yeah..that pink is a scar..from some injury..from someone...for some reason or motive. What do you think about this?
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beauty-and-passion · 8 months
FSS3: Season 2 finale - Part 2
This is the second part of my take on Sanders Sides season 3 (affectionately called Fanders Sides season 3).
Updates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
HERE is the explanation of the project
HERE is the introductory post
HERE is the previous part
HERE the AO3 link to read this part
As said in the introductory post, Fanders Sides Season 3 (season 2 finale included) could have triggering themes/scenes. Please keep that in mind before reading.
It’s the day after part 1, Thomas is on the date with Nico and they are talking about themselves, while walking in a park.
Roman, who walks alongside them, listens very carefully to everything they say. Virgil, behind them, is monitoring the situation and the surroundings for potential dangers.
Nico tells Thomas about the songs he wrote, how much he gained, the loyal customers and the occasional ones. His numbers are not particularly high, but he’s proud of what he did and he smiles every time he mentions a new customer.
Then, it’s Thomas’ turn. So he starts talking about his past career on Vine and what he did back then. Nico admits he probably saw a couple of his videos, but he didn’t recognize Thomas as the same guy. Thomas is a bit embarrassed but he confirms that yep, that was him. And that was how he started his career. It was a fun time - even though some of the stuff he did in the past makes him cringe today. They laugh, then Nico asks how good it was.
Very good, Thomas admits, I had a lot of followers.
Tell him it was 15 million, Roman prompts him. Before he can stop and question the suggestion, Thomas follows it and says he had 15 million followers.
Thomas’ reply gets Virgil’s attention. He’s a bit perplexed: 15 million followers on Vine? It was 8 million, right? Did Roman forget?
Roman reassures him:  that’s okay, he just added a couple more followers, nothing to worry about. It’s just to prove how good Thomas is - and look!, Nico is impressed!
Nico is impressed indeed and he compliments Thomas. Too bad Vine closed, he was pretty famous. But hey, Thomas still managed to get famous through other social media!
Yes, Thomas confirms. He moved to other platforms now and he still tries to give good products to his followers.
While Thomas talks, Roman keeps upping his numbers. So Thomas tells Nico he has millions of followers everywhere, his Youtube channel has 10 million followers, and he definitely won a couple more awards than the ones he already won.
Every time Thomas adds another number, another award and another lie, Virgil yanks Roman harder, until he finally manages to stop Roman and force him to turn around.
Virgil is scared and shocked: what the fuck is Roman doing? Thomas doesn’t have these numbers! Nor these awards!
Not yet, Roman replies. But he is a public figure and his numbers are growing: he will reach these results soon.
Soon doesn’t mean he has them now! You are lying!, Virgil accuses him, but Roman dismisses his words. He’s not lying! Thomas is a public figure, he’s an actor, he has jobs and auditions to attend: he is famous! And famous people have growing numbers.
Virgil tries to protest, but Roman insists: isn’t Thomas famous?
Virgil admits that yes, he is. But what…?
Then I am not lying, Roman replies, interrupting him. I am just looking forward. And look at how impressed Nico is!
Nico is even more impressed and he gently teases Thomas: he didn’t know Thomas was such a famous guy, now he feels a little bad for not knowing/following him before. Should he start hiding from the paparazzi too?
They laugh together, Thomas says he’s not that famous: he’s just the same guy he was years ago when he started on Vine. He will never let fame blind him.
Nico tilts his head with a gentle smile: it’s nice to know he has such a good, mature mindset. He’s full of surprises…
And you haven’t seen what I can do in bed, Remus adds, by appearing all of a sudden.
Roman jolts, Virgil hisses, but Remus just crouches with a huge smile like the gremlin he is.
Virgil tells him to go away, while Roman replaces Remus’ thought with a more family-friendly “And you haven’t seen what I can do while editing videos”, which makes Nico smile and laugh.
Once the situation is saved, Roman turns to his brother and chases him away: things are going so smoothly, he won’t let Remus ruin them!
Remus pouts: it’s not fair, he wants to have a word too! If Roman can magnify Thomas’ results to feel better about himself, why can’t he do the same to have some fun?
Roman is embarrassed and sends him away. Remus had just admitted the real reason why Roman was upping these numbers and the harsh truth hits him hard. But instead of explaining himself and his feelings, he focuses back on Thomas and Nico: they stop walking, Nico takes Thomas’ hand, their faces are closer.
Roman pushes Thomas to kiss Nico. Virgil freaks out and tries to stop Thomas, only to be blocked by Roman.
Virgil protests, but Roman ignores him: while Thomas gets closer, Roman orders him to say “I love you”.
And so, Thomas does. He whispers “I love you” and kisses Nico. The kiss is nice and soft: Virgil’s anxiety quiets down and he calms down as well, Roman takes a long breath and slowly exhales. Time itself slows a little.
The two men break apart. They are still smiling, as Nico puts a hand on Thomas’ face.
Then, with a soft laugh, Nico tells Thomas that, hey, easy there, tiger. Slow down. They are just starting to know each other. Let’s not rush things, okay?
Nico’s words are like a cold shower for Roman. He’s speechless, shocked, his mouth open. Everything was perfect and yet, Nico asked him to slow down?!
Thomas laughs, a little embarrassed. But still, he agrees, takes Nico’s hand and they resume walking.
Virgil follows them, still checking their surroundings. Roman walks behind Virgil, in silence, his expression a mix of shock, desperation and need.
Once Thomas comes back home, Logan pops up first and immediately scolds Roman. They decided the day before, less than 24 hours ago, to take their time with Nico and what did Roman do today? He dropped a love confession! Right after they decided to spend more time knowing Nico, his merits and flaws!
Patton pops up and scolds Roman as well, but with a gentler tone: he understands Roman’s need for love, but these things need time to properly grow. They all want Thomas to be happy with Nico, but they cannot rush their relationship. Especially since there is still no love between them. They just like each other.
Virgil scolds Roman too, he also uses a gentle tone: he understands Roman, he knows all of this makes him happy and he’s happy as well. This relationship can only bring good things to them, he knows that. And this is why they should be extra careful: they cannot lose a special guy like Nico for a stupid mistake like that.
But then Janus appears and he’s livid. He talks with a harsh tone, even harsher than Logan: Roman has been too impetuous and impulsive. They know nothing about this guy and yet he talks about love? The same love that a) Thomas doesn’t feel and b) is not Roman’s area of expertise? Feelings are Patton’s area of expertise, not Roman’s. And it’s not Roman’s job to speak on behalf of Patton. Therefore, he should apologize to Patton for disrespecting him.
Roman’s expression is a mix of shock and outrage, he immediately opens his mouth to react. But Janus keeps talking.
And that’s not all, he says. Roman should apologize to him too, for using lies in such a stupid way. He did everything wrong, lies should be well-reasoned and pondered, not dropped so carelessly! What if Nico searches on the Internet this evening? He will find out in minutes that Thomas lied about a lot of stuff. As a result, Thomas will lose his credibility, while Nico will think twice before trusting everything Thomas says in the future.
So, thanks to Roman’s stupid gimmick, not only he hurt Thomas, but he also put in jeopardy the love he wants so much.
Roman’s expression slowly shifts from rage to fear, to terror.
Patton tries to calm Janus down: he’s a bit too harsh, things won’t go this bad.
Janus dismisses him: that’s nothing, he says. If his boys made such a big mistake and disrespected him like that, he would’ve been even more strict. They are Sides, their job is to help Thomas, not to make his life more difficult.
Roman lowers his gaze, the fear in his eyes becomes anger again. He clenches his hands into fists, then sinks without a word.
Patton tries to call him back, but Roman does not reply. He sighs: this won’t help at all. Janus should’ve let him do things his way and let him talk some sense into Roman.
Janus shrugs: Roman is an adult and he’s old enough to face the consequences of his actions, instead of running away. Pampering him will only spoil him more. He needed to be scolded, for once in his life.
Logan agrees: Janus has been very harsh, fine, but Roman made a big mistake. And now that he ran away, it’s up to them to try their best and solve the problem. But first, they all need a good night’s sleep. They should be ready for tomorrow.
Virgil agrees that, sure, Roman made a mistake and they will do their best to solve it. But still, he wants to check on him. It wasn’t fair to treat Roman like that.
(Janus just glances at him, before Virgil sinks.)
Then, one by one, all Sides disappear. Thomas sighs and goes to bed with a heavy heart, fearing the consequences.
Thomas wakes up, because the sun is shining on his face. He lifts a hand to cover his face: that’s weird, is it already so late? He searches for his phone, but his hand touches something thin, soft, a bit wet.
He opens his eyes: he is not in his bed, but he is lying on a patch of grass, surrounded by trees, alone.
Roman is a famous liar. Not just because, as he said, lying is part of his job, but also because he lied, even in the most recent episodes. Just look at how FWSA ended: he literally said “Oh yes, sure, we’re ready for this relationship!” with the tone of a liar who knows is lying.
So Roman lying to impress Nico is something he would definitely do. And that would make Janus even more livid because I’m the liar expert and yet, you use lies in such a careless way?!
Also, considering the kind of character Janus is, I have no doubt he would demand respect from the other Sides. Think of POF: as soon as Roman insulted him, he bit back. He’s not the kind of guy who would say “Oh, no worries!” and keep going with his life. He would attack.
And his verbal attack raised the stakes even more. Now Roman is offended, angry, alone, no one sides with him, everyone scolded him, he’s embarrassed by what he did and he’s terrified of losing Nico. He’s ready to snap.
One last thing: I started dropping stuff that will be useful later. As I said in the introduction, I cannot afford any waste of time. Everything should be connected. Sure, we have some connections in canon too, but this season 3 will be packed with connections and references. So get ready for them ;)
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vinbee631 · 1 year
you know what? ao3 is down and my wips are silently judging me so I'm gonna talk about Patton Sanders and my autistic headcanon for him
within the fander community, from what I've seen, Logan being autistic is the most common of the headcanons, Remus probably second, which, like, fair. ok? fair.
they both get overstimulated in social situations but Remus gets Louder and Logan shuts down, i see you, ok? I see Logan having comfort objects and Remus having vocal stims I see you!! and i do love these headcanons HOWEVER
Patton. Sanders. ok?
let me explain, hear me out, yada yada, let's fucking go-
if we take the time to closely examine Patton and his responses to social situations (which I did for the most part), there are a Lot of things to take into consideration with this headcanon. for the sake of why not, I am going to be focusing on my strongest arguments i guess? the events in Moving On, SVS, and SVS Redux.
Moving On displays Patton's almost desperation to preserve some of Thomas' fondest memories, to find comfort in the past instead of confronting the present.
oh, what's that? fear of change? fucking yes, write that down write that down !
additionally, going off of the trolley track I just set for myself, there are many, many moments in the series where jokes fly over Patton's head, dismissed because he's the most "innocent" side. yeah, no. more recent events have proved that Patton's emotional knowledge is like through the roof, and he may be silly goofy on purpose sometimes but I'm willing to bet you the exact 26 cents in my jeans pocket that it's the Autism (headcanon) and that the jokes are flying over his head, in a similar way to Logan
social cues are a motherfucker and patton has never agreed to conform to them literally ever, shouting things out in the middle of episodes, saying things that don't make sense to the others but make sense in his brain, etc.
i hate that I don't have specific examples but if you filled in my ramble with specific examples, good!!! you understand what I'm getting at and are helping prove my point, so thanks for that buddy!
ok fuck finally, the other main point I wanted to touch on was Patton's emotional responses in SVS and the Redux. mainly the fact that he's trying so desperately to figure out the morals of this situation, but that is nearly impossible when you're stuck in black-and-white thinking, like he and yeah ok also the other sides too i guess, are. another point towards my goal
basically, the point was, branch out! after I post this I'm gonna stare at a wip that features Patton with the same overwhelming sensory issues I have experienced and continue to experience, along with a moral dilemma also based on myself, as a treat.
and you can too, my friends.
Patton Sanders (handshake emoji cuz i'm writing this on my laptop) Autism
thank you for your time.
(also take with a grain of salt because I'm tired, self-diagnosed with a ton of research i would literally pay you to let me talk about, and this is fueled on nothing but my pure, unabashed, special interest. if there's something I've written that is potentially a super harmful stereotype or borderline offensive to the community, i encourage you to call me out because nobody's perfect but we can become better. have a good day! stay safe, stay informed <3)
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x-chubby-reader · 3 years
Oh MY GOD what about Bakugou, kirishima, and sero who get hit by a quirk who turns them into a lil toddler or whatever and they’ve got the biggest crush on their chubby/plus size classmate 🥺🥺
A/N - I literally love this idea so much, thanks to @fandom-fander for helping out with this headcannon.
Not Prof Read
Lowercase Intentional
Toddler!Bakugo, Kirishima, and Sero x Plus size reader
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aizawa sure as hell didn't feel like dealing with the angry pomeranian in minature form
he decided to leave the boy with the class and let them decide among themselves on who should watch the little firecracker for the day
extra credit anyone?
everyone immediately pinned the responsibility on you
kirishima, he didn't feel like getting screeched at by a small bakugo and needed to apparently go study
he also knew that bakugo had a fondness for you in his teenage form, so why not see if he still has it
fr little bakugo pretends to hate your guts
somehow this little toddler has the most hurtful insults
“you can't even get a boyfriend? that's pretty sad.”
suddenly choking out a child is okay
do it… no one has to know how it happened
even though he had pretended to hate you, he still kept trying to show off to you 
you decided to take him out on a little bike/tricycle ride? homeboy flipped it trying to show off how fast he could go and then proceeded to complain about scraping his knee
hey at least he got your attention
he is a literal leash kid fight me oh my god
bakugo will simply run away
you expected him to listen? oh you're in for a surprise
the only option that you give him is to either wear the embarrassing monkey pack or to hold your hand
he immediately grabs your hand and is literally so giddy and its adorable my lord-
smiles for days my heart i can’t-
he may seem all happy and nice, but that can flip in a minute
he’s the biggest brat sometimes and you are literally this close to punting him across the room
you don't get him something that he wants? little pomeranian boy will turn into a velociraptor child in an instant
the decimals that that kids voice can reach up to is kind of impressive not going to lie
“no bakugo, you can't have that right now maybe later-”
thankfully he tires himself out quick enough to set him down for a nap
but nothing is ever simple, is it?
he wont go to sleep without you though, claiming that there are monsters and he needs to know where you are so he can protect you
no matter how many times you had explained to him that there weren't any monsters around, you slowly succumbed to his pleas
almost feeling bad for him, he just looked so serious about how you could get hurt that it made you feel bad
you didn't notice how much taking care of a kid took out of you until now
you had made a mental note to apologize to your mom for having to deal with you when you were younger later
As soon as you settled down on the couch with the toddler laying on top of you, you almost instantaneously passed out
oh boy were you in for a surprise when you woke up to a teen bakugo, still curled into your torso
he looked up to you after feeling you stir, he almost had a smirk on his face before burying his head back  into you 
mostly to hide the redness spreading over his face, he wasn’t going to admit that he was blushing
no way in hell
he just mumbled a “later” before his breaths softened into a steady pace
yeah, you may be stuck here for a bit
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you were there for the whole thing
red-top had pushed you out of the way of an incoming quirk blast and suffered the consequences
he became young again, almost too young
you felt bad
and who wouldn’t
so of course you took it upon yourself to watch him until the effects wore off
the thing you learned about him was that he was an even touchy-er child
homeboy just wanted to be held all the time
just climbing up and latching himself onto your calf
it was adorable but hard to walk with
If you pick him up, you’ve basically sworn an oath with the devil himself
you cannot put him down 
he gives the most pitiful looks when you do and drags his feet when you walk
he also wont leave you alone
so curious in whatever your doing at that exact moment
and he is impressed by everything you do
“what are you doing?”
“wow so cool!”
a bug came in through the window and he screamed
you walked in all nonchalant, grabbed your shoe, and smacked that some of a bitch into a next dimension
he lit up omfg
“wow y/n, that was so manly!”
you brought him in to class since it had been a school day and were too afraid to tell aizawa about the incident
the girls were literally all over him
i mean, who wouldn’t be all over an adorable and friendly (looking at you bakugo) kid?
and the pebble boy was lapping up the attention like a thirsty dog on a hot day
you never expected him to act like this
shy maybe, but then again he was pretty outgoing in his teenage form
he was grinning from ear to ear
literally posing like a mini body builder and making little huffing noises
even you couldn’t help it, letting a little aww out like most of the other girls
this had been causing a slight disturbance to the class
so the whole going to school thing was pointless as aizawa sent the two of you home anyways
he is already a tired dad, he dosen’t need to be dealing with a toddler right now
putting the little strongman on your back you began to walk
you had been hoping that the effects would wear off in a few more hours 
but nothing ever goes to plan dose it?
while you had been walking, you noticed a significant weight increase, but just decided to ignore it
hey you were more sturdy and thicc, you wern’t no pussy, why stop all of a sudden because of the extra weight?
the only single thing that had alerted you to kiri being fully back was the whisper in your ear
instead of a sqeaky and mousy voice, you heart a more smooth and even comment
“hey stranger”
girl you dropped him and ran, him having to catch up to you
he has the audacity to give you a heart attack, he better suck it up
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this was the same situation as bakugo, aizawa just didn’t want to deal with the kid
and especially a kid who kept mixing up two languages
he really was just so one
aizawa gave him the option to go to anyone
of course he ran straight to you, clinging onto your calf, as that was as high as he could reach
hey you looked the most inviting and least scary
he was literally terrified of bakugo and almost started to bawl is eyes out when he went near him
though he calm down slightly when he went down to get to a similar height as him. 
why wouldn’t you take the opportunity to watch a cute little kid and skip class
hey, aizawa said whoever watched him got extra credit
but there soon was a slight problem that you noticed
well not really a problem, but more of a hurdle
with sero being raised in a household that spoke both english and spanish, he started to mix the two, not knowing any better
he would be asking for “leche” and you would just stand there trying to understand with your limited vocab
just the loading circle above your head whenever he started to talk
but you managed with google translate and going off of the vast amount of spanish soap operas you watched at 3 am once a week
surprisingly, he was a very artistic kid
at least every ten minutes he would walk over to you and hand you a squiggly picture of a flower, you, or him and you holding hands
and he would just giggle before running away to make another
bro heart go melt 
being pre occupied with some papers that the father teacher had sent home with you, sero couldn’t get your attention
he might of forgotten your name and got stuck in a predicament
then the most rational thing popped into his head
well his dad called his mom “mi amor” and you and his mom were both pretty ladies
it made total sense to him so he went with it
nothing again
“hey... mi amor~”
your head shot up immediately
since he noticed that the name had gotten your attention, he just started using it
when he had shifted to being a teen again, the two of you never mentioned the name again
until a few days later when he was back to normal in class
homeboy was trying to get your attention and the multiple taps on the shoulder weren't cutting it
he got an idea
“hey... mi amor~”
yep that got you immediately
and he still uses that nickname for you
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masud57 · 4 years
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killing-all-joy · 4 years
There was a mention of a sequel and a mention of “what would happen when they woke up” for Dancing at 2 a.m. in our Pajamas which came from a prompt by @sanderssides-prompts so here. I wrote it. this is plotless fluffy roceit, part one is here. like I said, no plot. just fluff.
Janus' eyes crept open. He had always been thankful he had quite a dark room so that his eyes wouldn't be violated by the sun first thing in the morning. His eyes adjusted to the gray hue that covered his room. Soon enough, his mind was assaulted by memories of the events that occurred in the middle of the night that he could now remember with complete clarity.
He groaned, slapping his face with his right hand. Roman (his crush, mind you) had seen him being that stupid and vulnerable? Then they danced?! Sure, Janus started blushing when he remembered Roman's kindness and delicacy when handling Janus, but he still couldn't get over just how dull and pathetic Properly Out Of It Janus allowed himself to be. Janus, usually so closed off and invulnerable, mumbling nonsense at two in the morning to his crush? He was appalled.
It was then that he remembered that Roman hadn't gone back to his room the night before, and Janus had kissed his cheek, and now there was this weight against Janus' side that he hadn't noticed until now and that weight seemed to be breathing deeply...
Janus turned his head to see Roman, in all his princely glory, curled up into Janus' side with his arm draped across Janus' torso.
Janus couldn't believe himself. He forced Roman into...
...but that wasn't right. No. Roman had kissed his hair and walked into his room with him. Janus may have closed the door, but Roman was the one to walk to bed first, and he was the one who snuggled into Janus that night, and maybe Janus had a chance with him after all...
So Janus smiled at his prince, moving his arm that he just now realized was around Roman so he could run his hands through his hair.
Janus figured that since Roman hadn't gotten any sleep before their dance downstairs, Roman would sleep for a couple more hours. He pondered getting up for breakfast or whatnot, but immediately dismissed the thought. He wanted to be with Roman when we woke. Besides, Roman’s left arm was lying across Janus’ stomach, preventing him from moving without disturbing Roman.
He summoned a book and a glass of water (remembering bitterly how he could've avoided mountains of embarrassment if his sleepy self had any scrape of mental strength and summoned a glass of water instead of trekking downstairs to get one from the kitchen, but alas, he had been too tired). He sipped the water carefully before setting it on his nightstand. He started to read, only using one hand to do so (which was quite hard but having his hand carding through Roman's hair was worth it). Reading would pass the time nicely, so he could be here when Roman woke up and they could converse.
Roman woke to silence. This confused him, a little bit, considering that he had designed his room to have birds start chirping outside the windows when he woke since it reminded him of Cinderella. The silence was noticeable, and a bit concerning, since it told him he was not in his room.
The second concerning realization came when he opened his eyes. He opened his eyes to black. He couldn't see anything, no matter how hard he tried to focus.
What was up with that?
He frowned, trying to figure out what could have happened. During this time, he heard what sounded like paper...the turning of a page? Someone appeared to be reading. Nearby him, too.
If he summoned his sword silently, he could catch them off-guard so they'd surrender immediately.
Then, he remembered the night before.
He couldn't fall asleep with all the exciting thoughts dancing around in his head, so he had spent some time in the living room, knowing that overthinking in bed would only make his brain associate his bed with overthinking, which was bad for future Roman.
Janus had come downstairs in all his half-asleep, clumsy glory. He wasn't in his hat or his normal outfit, so his only identifiable feature was his scales and that no other side's hair was that fluffy oh my god Roman wanted to bury his hands in Janus' hair for all eternity it looked so cute-. Janus hadn’t noticed Roman at first, and when he did, he couldn't articulate anything properly (which was absolutely adorable). Roman convinced Janus to dance with him, figuring the activity would serve as an outlet for his active thoughts. It worked, and the two went back to bed afterwards. Except...Roman didn't really want to be left alone to his thoughts since being with another person was a sure way to calm his mind (and since Janus occupied a lot of Roman's thoughts, having him near would prove daydreaming about his presence unnecessary, calming his mind further).
This was when he finally noticed the hand in his hair.
Janus was awake, still in bed (for some reason), and running his hand through Roman's hair, probably because he thought Roman was still asleep. (The question of why Janus hadn't gotten up yet was answered when Roman noticed that one of his arms was draped across his torso.)
Roman figured his lack of sight could be attributed to being curled into Janus' side. So, he lifted his head slightly.
His eyes adjusted to the low amount of light. The curtains were yellow, so light still got in, but not a lot of it. He focused not on the curtains, but on the real light of the room: Janus. He was reading a book, but his head had turned when he felt Roman move.
The smile he gave Roman was perhaps the most beautiful thing Roman had ever laid his eyes upon. He looked at him with all the love in the world, and Roman could only hope he was returning it.
"Good morning, Roman," greeted Janus, setting his book down on his nightstand.
"Mornin', Janus," Roman replied, smiling lazily. "Sleep well?"
"Wonderfully, with you by my side." Roman could swear Janus was flirting. "And you?"
"Hmm, same," answered Roman, moving his arm from Janus' torso to his hair. "I shouldn't be surprised, though, since you make everything better. It follows that you can calm my mind too."
Janus flushed, glancing away from Roman's intense gaze. Roman started to sit up—not fully, but the hand in Janus' hair was at a weird angle that he wanted to fix.
"I love your hair, it's very fluffy," said Roman, isolating a lock between his index and middle finger. "I often wonder why you wear a hat."
"The hat makes it crazy, Ro, so I cover it," muttered Janus, still not meeting Roman's eyes.
Roman hummed. "When did you wake up this morning? I see you've been reading."
"A couple of hours ago."
Roman gasped silently, lips parting. "Oh, darling, you could've woken me. I don't want to trap you in bed for too long."
Janus chuckled, returning his eyes to Roman's. "Nonsense, my prince. I wanted to stay and be here when you woke. Besides, I slept before our 2 a.m. meeting. You did not. Your sleeping in makes sense."
"Ugh, but you've probably been up since-"
"Nine. It's eleven now. But that's fine, Roman. I enjoy reading, especially if I'm next to you. You beside me is something I will never forget."
"You'll be able to forget without any consequence, considering that I'm positive this will happen again," said Roman, trying his best to be nonchalant.
Janus raised an eyebrow, a playful smile on his face. "It will?"
Roman nodded. He slept so peacefully last night. Even if he wasn't in love with Janus, he would never go back.
"I can get on board with that."
Roman grinned and leaned up to kiss Janus' nose. He laughed when Janus covered his human half so Roman wouldn't see his blush.
Janus slowly uncovered his blushing human cheek and used that hand to cup Roman's jaw.
"So, this...we're together?" Roman asked quietly, the gentle touch making him bashful.
"Oh, certainly," replied Janus. He leaned closer to Roman. "And darling, I think you missed earlier."
Roman giggled and kissed Janus' lips.
"Should we get breakfast?" Roman asked when they parted.
"I don't want to."
Janus sighed, thumb ghosting across Roman's lips. "Neither do I. However, Patton will kill us if we don't."
"Mm hmm."
A short silence fell between them.
Janus sighed. "You're keeping me here, aren't you?"
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account @justanotherhumanstuff @fander-fic-recs
I know it's short I was just bored after I woke up, so here! I'm always down for prompts and requests so making a part two was fun! I hope you liked it!
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aquamarineicecream · 4 years
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God damn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control?
Tag list: (let me know if you want to be added or removed)
@milomeepit , @captainhadeslover , @yep-another-fander , @pattson , @lala-the-rebel , @artistictaurean , @ironwoman359 , @ab-artist , @wicked-rosie , @starsinger , @superarrowholockian , @shapoodle , @virgil-the-virgin , @fun-with-colors , @theloveliestsweetspongy , @anastasialestina , @inferablossom , @confused-pat , @midnighteclipse98 , @silversmith-91 , @pattons-second-cookie , @harboring-hatred , @thepoolofthedead , @creativenostalgiastuff , @sadb0tt , @today-only-happens-once , @thelogicalloganipus , @the-shark-boi , @mantha-has-fallen , @averaillisa , @emochechirecat , @camillenicole , @thedukeofdeodorant-main , @time-out-for-thee , @sandersstuffsblog , @letsmoonkid , @iampengwing , @5150brotherbear , @ainseltheangel , @approximately12lbs-of-ducks , @bexxbeauty , @elvis-has-been-dug , @ollyollyoxinfree , @magsnine , @littlewolf432 , @logical-princey
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ambersky0319 · 4 years
Fic idea: Everyone finds out that Remus isn't as bad as they think he is, he's actually really nice, he just can't help saying whatever comes to mind. He'd never actually act on it. But Roman? The Prince everyone believed was Netflix Kids and Family? He has his own spot in the imagination simply to taste out the ideas Remus blurts out.
Basically, this is that one AU where they’re all friends, things are exaggerated for videos and they all actually get along okay? Okay (also no pairings hope you don’t mind)
Warnings: Mentions of violence, mention of corpses and bones, there’s nothing graphic in this one but lmk if I need to add anything!
Patton needed to find Roman, wanting to ask him if Roman could help him bake. None of the other sides wanted to/were busy with other tasks. So after checking the entire mind palace and not finding Roman, he left to the one place Roman could be.
The Imagination.
The door to the Imagination opened up on two paths. One was towards Roman’s land, a magnificent castle standing in the distance(Patton found it odd it was black, but it did make the castle look more dramatic, so he guessed that’s what Roman was going for) and the other was Remus’s land, which made Patton shudder even glancing at it, seeing the piles of either corpses or bones.
He walked along the path to Roman’s castle. The path finally shifted away from Remus’s domain, the ground becoming littered with vibrant flowers being tended to by villagers. A few did a double-take when Patton strolled by, before shaking their heads and getting back to work. No one made an attempt to stop or talk to Patton, and he didn’t want to disrupt their concentration.
Finally, Patton arrived at the castle. One of the guards stopped Patton on his way, briefly giving Patton a once over and frowning at the other guard. The other shrugged.
“His Majesty said this one was the bubbly dad of them. I doubt he’d mind.”
“You don’t have weapons, do you?”
Patton shook his head. The guards exchanged another glance, before stepping out of Patton’s way.
“Make sure to get all the mud off your shoes before you go too far in though, his Majesty doesn’t like the floors being dirty.”
Patton beamed. “Alright! Um, where can I find his uh… His Majesty?” Patton asked just as he passed them. The first guard that had stopped him pointed down the long, seemingly never-ending hallway. “Should be in the throne room, it’s the tenth door down this hallway and on the right.”
“Thank you!” Patton chirped before walking further into the castle(after wiping his shoes- it made sense Roman wouldn’t want mud in his beautiful castle). He followed the guard’s instructions, counting the doors as he walked by. Patton was surprised by the paintings on the wall though- all depicted battlefields or executions or weird creatures he had never seen. Patton shook his head. Roman did enjoy a good dramatic final battle. Maybe that’s what all those were.
Patton pushed open the tenth door on his left, and it swung open easily. He stopped in his tracks though when he saw Remus on the throne, not Roman, and the Dragon Witch sitting on the floor nearby reading some scrolls to Remus, reports or sounded like.
Remus looked away from his advisor at the sound of the door and his face lit up. “Patton! I didn’t expect to see you here!” Remus jumped out of his seat and the dragon witch rolled her eyes. “What brings you here anyway?”
“Um- I was looking for Roman? Why are you here and not him?”
Remus tilted his head. “This is my kingdom, I kinda need to run it.”
Patton furrowed his brow. “What?”
“Yeah! It’s my kingdom! Roman rules the other land.” Remus suddenly gasped. “Oh my God! I need to show you around! You’ve never been to the Imagination, have you? Well, when Roman and I are in our separate kingdoms at least. I should check up on what he’s doing- Hey Hope!”
Remus turned back to the dragon witch as she finished cleaning up her scrolls. She raised a brow. “Can you let Roman know I’m bringing Patton over after I show him my kingdom, or maybe send Kyle over if you have other things? I know he can handle the stuff Roman’s been playing with.”
Hope grimaced slightly. “I think I’ll send Kyle.” As she left, she smiled warmly at Patton and Remus. “Have fun touring the kingdom.” And then she was gone down the hall.
“Wait- you’re telling me- so that… Um. How do I not be mean about the other land?” Patton asks, growing very hesitant and nervous. He didn’t want to insult the other land.
Remus shrugged. “I don’t think you can be mean. Roman works very hard over there! We had a sort of agreement that if I gave him ideas he’d leave my kingdom alone, and it gave me an outlet for my thoughts.”
Patton nearly sighed in relief. Nearly. “So those are your ideas?”
“Yep! Well, most of them. I know Roman comes up with a few by himself when he’s frustrated. I don’t like acting on them though.”
“Why not?” Patton followed Remus out of the throne room, taking in how Remus looked a bit more regal here than he did in the mind palace. “I mean, I don’t want to be rude, but uh… I figured you would be all for torturing and murdering creatures?”
Remus shook his head, opening a door further down the hall and waiting for Patton to go inside first. He did, and Remus closed the door to the garden once he entered.
“I would never harm anything! Not intentionally. I can’t help my intrusive thoughts. I had to accept that.” He let Patton explore the massive garden as he spoke. “Plus, the people here are my creations! My children! It’d be as if you murdered one of us sides!”
Patton shuddered at the thought. “My point exactly,” Remus said, before shrugging. “Besides, Ronan is still Roman. You finding out that his kingdom is actually the more gruesome of us two shouldn’t change your opinion of him.”
“I don’t think of him differently!” Patton whipped his head around at the slight accusation. “I just…”
“Didn’t think Roman had it in him?”
Patton hummed, nodding. “I didn’t expect it. He was always so…. So… Harmless, I think? Like, he wouldn’t actually hurt one of us? Or Thomas.”
Remus frowned, leaning on a hedge. “He wouldn’t hurt either of you. Sure, sometimes he’ll grind up a figment that looks like one of us other sides into a smoothie or toss us in a wood chipper, but those are all figments of the imagination to relieve his stress. He still comes up with his normal, boring as fuck fairy tales, but he can like testing out my ideas if he wants.”
Patton took a moment to soak in Remus’s words.
“You’re certain he won’t hurt us? Even if you say something about us getting hurt?”
“Absolutely. You’re talking to the pure honest side, Patton. I wouldn’t lie to you about Roman.” Remus glanced up at the few storm clouds starting to form. “Maybe I should get Kyle and tell him to let Roman know another day. I don’t think you could actually handle seeing the stuff in there just yet.”
Patton hugged himself. “Not really.”
“Okay one sec.”
Remus summoned what appeared to be another scroll, as well as a normal pen and scribbled something onto the paper before making it vanish.
“What were you doing here anyway? I don’t think I asked.”
“Oh, uh…” Patton raked his brain. Why had he come here again? “Oh! Right! I wanted to ask Roman if he would help me bake. But if he’s busy I can always do it by myself. Unless you wanna help?”
Remus laughed. “Dee banned me from cooking anything for the next century. But if you want help decorating whatever it is you’re making, I can help!”
Patton smiled slightly. “So… Do we sink out or do we have to walk all the way back to the Imagination door?”
Remus grinned. “Sink out!” And he flopped backwards, where a hole appeared in the ground and he disappeared. Patton yelped as Remus vanished out of sight, until he heard him call up, “just jump!”
“… Maybe I shouldn’t have asked.” Patton mumbled, but he jumped anyway. The hole sealed up above his head and he popped back up into the mind palace, his head spinning. Remus was perched on the table already, leaning forward to watch Patton.
“Well chef! Take it away!”
Just ask if you wish to be added, removed, or tagged/not tagged in certain content!
TS Taglist
@treasureofpriam @theloveliestsweetspongy @tacochippy @anderswrites @romanknite @0beansprout0 @random-fandom-dragon @daflangstlairde @princerhubarb @that-one-ts-artist @heyitsmeimjustkindahere @aromanticandaromatic @deliciouslycrookedme @batpinkstudentpersona @avocados26 @fandomloverangel @red-eyes88 @adarkgreensoul @analogicallythinking @thatreallyawkwardpotato @insanegoldie2 @gothams-lil-sweet-potato-pie​ @alexkittycat1 @len-art-trash @faithyfander @an-absolute-failure @lexilucacia @o-hello-its-me @fearthesmolpotato @moxiety-my-love @thatonenerdphotographer @diadems-arewornon-capita @morrogirl9024 @thefandomnerd15 @sulphur-and-honey @aroaceagenderfluid @yalltookmyurlideas @brain-iak @theoneandonlydork @sidesareathing​ @surohsopsisofclouds @dissappropriation @demigodbookdragon @too-many-fandoms89 @a-soul-among-the-stars @croftersgamer @thenaiads @theyluna-womoon @logic-with-a-pinch-of-deceit @willowaudreykeyes @nafsbluebery @stopitanxiety @shipper-devil @underthesea73 @jackscareington @askrae-the-fander 
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justgayangelthingz · 4 years
The Parent Trap - Chapter 1
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This lovely art piece was done by @sanderssidestrash27 !!! You guys should definitely give them a good compliment for it, I love it!!!
So here's the first chapter, sorry it took so long adjjaajasndj but I really hope you guys like it! Lemme know what you think!!!!! Also lemme know if you wanna be added or removed from the taglist!! (There are probably a lot of editing mistakes sorry bout those!!!!)
They didn't mean to fall in love. It just sort of happened.
Patton James was all alone, perched over the side of the large cruise boat watching the dark waves below him pass by. He thought it was beautiful, the way the waves were able to reflect the bright moon lingering above him in the clouy sky. By day, the view from the boat was absolutely gorgeous. But at night, it was stunning. Awfully hypnotic, even. He kept getting lost in the view, barely able to keep his eyes off of it.
A certain other man was also having trouble keeping his eyes off a rather beautiful view.
Janus Parker was all alone, perched awkwardly a feet away from a particularly quiet sir. He thought the man was beautiful. Golden locks of fluffy hair tucked behind his ears. A flowy, pastel blue button down tucked into pastel yellow pants with thin white vertical stripes. He certainly looked out of place. Every other man on the cruise had black slacks with a black overcoat and a normal button down, or at least something of the sort. Janus himself was dawned on black slacls, a yellow button down and a black overcoat. Janus had noticed the man wearing a white overcoat through small glances at him in the party hall but looking around now he couldn't seem to spot it. And with the cold water coming up the side of the boat in sprays in the chilly breeze all around, the lack of attire seemed to leave the other man rubbing his arms. The flowy material of his shirt couldn't have been much help, either. Still, with the odd sense of fashion and the state the other man was in, Janus thought he was stunning. Hypnotic, even.
Yet there he stood, watching the other man shivering in his shoes. He didn't even know what the man's name was that he had been watching all night. Hell, the man he was watching didn't know Jamie's either, let alone that he had been watching him! Oh boy, any unlucky person to walk by would think he was some creep or something! But he just couldn't being himself to make a move, to walk over and at least say hello. He felt like a coward the way he had been staring from afar all this time. Usually Janus was suave and charming, flirtatious even. But looking at this man, this gorgeous, lovely man, Janus was at a loss for words. No matter how hard he willed his legs to me forward, his feet to just go one after another, he just couldn't do it. He was just so nervous. No, no, scratch that. He wasn't just nervous, no, Janus was scared shitless. Now that was to say the least. This gorgeous man stood only a few feet away from him, shi Bering and alone, yet he was scared shitless.
Janus sighed. If he wasn't going to even try and go up to the man, what was the point of standing around like some creep all night? It's not like he had anything better to do, he was here in the cruise all by himself. But still, he should do something better with his time, at least try to enjoy the few days on the boat. He was sure he could find something to do with himself that didn't involve stalking after some stranger. He lingered for only a minute longer before deciding that it was time to go. But just as he we about to turn and walk off, a small voice cracked through the quiet of the night.
"Are you just going to stand there staring at me while I freeze to death or are you going to offer me that jacket of yours? I mean I'm not getting any younger over here, " the man asked with a smirk. Janus startled at the unexpected question, even more so at how sly the man sounded when he asked it. But would you look at that, despite the obvious open invitation, Janus just stood there like a bumbling idiot. His cheeks were most definitely flushed a dark red and his eyes were blown wide as he continued to stand stiff in his place. When the other didn't hear a response from the flustered man, he turned his head to look over his shoulder and directly into Janus' s eyes.
God. Damn.
If Janus thought this man was gorgeous from a few glances and a side profile, then whooo boy. The man just had a certain look to him. There was a mischievous glint deep in his eyes, in his big, gorgeous blue eyes, that paired nicely with his little smirk. His hair was completely out of his face, giving Janus a full view.Even with only the moonlight to shine upon the other, Janus could tell he was drop dead gorgeous. And with the way Janus looked at the moment, the other thought he just about might drop dead right there. He looked like a fish with his mouth hanging open like that, a bright red fish apparently with his flushed red cheeks.
He shook his head in an attempt to regain his composure. Soon his red cheeks were only slightly tinted pink, along with the tips of his ears. His lips formed into a smirk.
"Where are my manners?" Janus said, walking over to the side of the man. He shrugged his overcoat off of his shoulders and was met with a chilled breeze.
Janus leaned down to the shorter man to place the overcoat on his shoulders, but not before stealing a closer glance into his bright, sky colored eyes. He almost melted the second the piece of attire was layed on him.
"That cold now, are we?" Janus chuckled. He adjusted himself to match the other's position, with his forearms laying on the edge of the boat and leaning forward. He tried his hardest to look cool and charming as he turned his head to look at the other.
"Well, I've been standing out here waiting for this jacket of yours for God knows how long, actually I'm surprised I'm not a popsicle yet, " he laughed. He turned towards Janus, who looked utterly baffled by the man's words.
"But-but you has a jacket inside, in the ballroom, I saw it. I mean not in a creepy way, I mean it's not like I was watching you I was just-I mean yeah technically I was but it's just because you're so awfully cute-no wait I didn't mean to say that! Not that you're not cute because wow you're really cute and where's your jacket?" Janus stumbled , eventually getting out at least something close to comprehensible. He looked everywhere but at the man, who he could hear laughing beside him. When he finally looked over at the amused man, he saw him with one hand covering his beaming grin and the other pointing downwards. Slowly, Janus turned his head and peered over the side of the cruise. And would you look at that, floating right there in the water was the white overcoat. Realization of hit him all at once and busted out laughing.
"You did not throw your jacket overboard just so that I would give you mine," Janus snorted.
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Guess we'll never know." The two laughed together for a little while longer before falling into a short quiet.
"Sooooo," the man started, "What's the "J" on this jacket of yours stand for?" Janus looked over to see the other man fiddling with the sewed on letter.
"Janus. Janus Parker," he said. "and who may be the lovely man wearing my jacket? " he inched just slightly closer to the man, trying to look charming as ever.
"Patton. Patton James."
"My, what a lovely name you've got there Patton."
"Thank you, Janus. I got it for my birthday. " The joke left Janus giggling with Patton soon f following the action.
"Handsome and funny. Well, Mr. James, would you care to join me for a bottle of wine?"
"What kind?" Patton asked, ever the tease.
"Only the finest chardonnay."
"It's a date."
"How about we make it a little more than a date?" Janus asked nervously.
That's how it all started, in the side of the Queen Elizabeth the 2 on a rather chilly night. With two secret love birds. With a midnight black jacket on pastel clad shoulders. With a bottle of wine. With a paper and pen. With two signatures. With two "I do's". With a kiss.
They didn't mean to fall in love. It just sort of happened. But you can be certain that it wouldn't be the last time.
Tag list: @eggrollsandfandoms @sanderssidestrash27 @ab-artist @yep-another-fander @safesandersides
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crankywhenprovoked · 5 years
Spicy Sanders Stocking Stuffers. Day 19. Moxiety.
Note: This is the spicy set of Christmas stories (Which will all be a pick up line, and not safe for Sanders).  Also will all be done in advance, so I will not be taking ship requests.  Though I will try my best to give a good mix.
Pick up line: “Hey baby, nice sugar plums.”
Shutting the water off in the shower, Patton reached out to find the towel rack, grabbing his towel and bring it into the stall.  Slowing running the towel over his body before stepping out onto the mat, sliding his feet back and forth to dry them.  Dropping the towel into the hamper, he grabbed another smaller towel and ran it over his hair and stepping out of the bathroom.
“Hey baby, nice sugar plums.”  Virgil’s voice made Patton jump, pulling the towel to hang around his shoulders.
“You scared me,”  Patton tsked at him, before letting out a small laugh.  “Sugar plums?”
“Yep, nice plump sugar plums, can I have a taste?”
Patton shivered as Virgil stepped closer, wrapping his hands around his sides, before pulling him closer.  Tilting his head Virgil bit his lip softly, making Patton groan softly, leaning in and pressing their lips together.  Wrapping his arms around the back of Virgil’s neck, he kissed him deeper, moaning softly into his mouth.
“Get on the bed for me, yea?”  Virgil asked, his hand sliding between them, groping Patton’s balls.
Pressing another kiss to his lips, Patton tossed the towel on the nightstand before climbing onto the bed, spreading his legs.  Virgil pulled his hoodie and shirt off, dropping them on the floor before crawling onto the bed and lying between his legs.  Wrapping his arms around Patton’s legs, Virgil pressed kisses and nips to his inner thighs.
“Oh, my.”  Patton breathed, shivering as Virgil pressed a kiss to his balls.
“Feel good?”  Virgil smirked, pressing more kisses to them, watching his balls bounce.
“Y-yes, so good.”
Letting his head fall back more into the pillows, Patton moaned as Virgil sucked one of his balls into his mouth, then the other.  Rubbing his hands over Patton’s hips, Virgil hummed softly as he continued his mistrations, making Patton shiver.  Patton’s hand slid down, playing softly with Virgil’s hair as he trailed his kisses up Patton’s cock.
“Virgil, please, stop teasing.”
“Me?  Teasing?”
Virgil’s tongue slipped out, teasing the tip right under the head of Patton’s cock, dipping into the slit.  Patton groaned softly, sliding his hand down and grasping his cock, pressing it out slightly, making Virgil chuckle softly.
“Someone’s needy.”  Pressing more kisses to the head.
“Please, please, Virge?”
Caressing the bottom of the head with his tongue, Virgil slipped his mouth over the head, sucking softly.  Running his tongue over the head, he started bobbing his head slowly, taking more of his cock each time.  Patton’s fingers slid into Virgil’s hair, holding on as Virgil’s head moved faster, hollowing out his cheeks each time.
Patton’s chest hitched each time the head of his cock pressed against Virgil’s throat, his hips moving in small thrusts.  Grasping at the pillows under his head, Patton’s fingers slid more spread out on the back of Virgil’s head.
“So close.”  Patton whined, mouth open in a silent moan as Virgil’s mouth sped up.
Virgil’s fingers pressed into Patton’s hips more, holding them down as he hummed nonsense notes.  With a long moan, Patton’s hips pressed against Virgil’s hold as he started coming, squirming slightly as Virgil swallowed all he had to give.  Pulling back, Virgil pressed a soft kiss to Patton’s stomach, before groaning as Patton gave a small tug to his hair.
“Come here.”  Patton growled softly, leading Virgil up to lay on the pillows.
Scrambling slightly, Patton moved between Virgil’s legs, pulling him free from his pajama pants, before leaning down.  Virgil let out a small curse as Patton’s mouth slid down his cock, wrapping his fingers around the base.  Working the circle of his fingers in the same timing as his mouth moving, it didn’t take long for Virgil to fall over the edge.
Pulling back once he swallowed, Patton licked his lips as he tucked Virgil back into his pants, before lying next to him.  Wrapping his arms around Virgil’s waist, Patton pressed a soft kiss to his lips as Virgil pulled him close.
“Well hi there.”  Patton smiled, as Virgil slid his arm under his head.
“Hi there yourself.”
“You know, you could have joined me in the shower if you were so horny.”
“Maybe I was on my way to do so, when you got out.”  Virgil smiled, Patton laughing softly, pressing their foreheads together.
“I love you.”  He sighed happily, holding Virgil closer.
“I love you too, sugar plums,”  He smirked, as Patton turned red.  “Oh this is going to be fun.”
Tag list:
@sanders-sides-thuri @migraine-marathon @hanramz-the-fander @thestoryofme13 @a-blog-just-for-sanders @digitally-analog @just-another-transblog @deep-ocean-blues @musicsavedmefromdeath @prplzorua @randomslasher @thenerdycube @thepusheenqueen @artistictaurean @funsizedgremlin @thecrimsoncodex @trashypansexual @princeofdespair @rptheturk @shadow-walker-1201 @milomeepit @ill-interested @ansfwcollection @ruuworld @pearls-of-patton @jade-dragon226-fan @nyxwordsmith @thesilentbluesparrow @angered-turtle @louisthewarlock @bekkyboo2003 @logically-alone @nightlovechild @divinemammal @starry-eyed-haiku-dreamer @reba-andthesides @crankywhenprovoked @greenbryn
@deitywithablog @sanderssidesstuffs001
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lacrimosathedark · 5 years
As I said before, I have a big AU I’ve been working on for a while. It’s a fantasy story focused on Virgil being cursed. So everyone has new designs! Here are my uncolored sketches of the Sides. (under the cut I’m gonna tag those on my writing taglist since this is for a writing project)
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@rose-raindrop @a-valorous-choice @demonvirgil @xxfangirlanonymousxx @milomeepit @yep-another-fander @captainhadeslover @royallyanxious @asofterfan @thecrimsoncodex @mirror2thespirit @pastel-patton123 @anony-phangirl @today-only-happens-once @madly-handsome @cryingovermyfandoms @bitchwannatryme @rollingaroundin-bread
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Another fander who likes P!ATD? Have a nice day, friendo-
Yep! Thanks! You too! :D
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Meet Sleep!
Another Player Has Joined The Team
Fanders: mAkE sLeEp a sIDe
After quite some time after meeting Remus, he really did think that’d be the end of it. Not really. But he expected to meet another side no less. Not this strange predicament he found himself in. Seriously, how many other things doesn’t Thomas know about himself?
It was late at night when Thomas decided to keep editing a new upcoming video for his channel. In front of him standing at the front of the bed was a man who looked similar with him. Thick leather jacket and sunglasses covering his eyes. The most prominent features Thomas could make out through his slightly dazed state.
Laptop long forgotten and Thomas sitting up now, he listened to the new side introduce himself for a minute.
“Wait- so, who are you again?”
He gestures to himself in an obvious manner. He looked way to optimistic right now for someone who just came so suddenly unannounced.
“Sleep?” Thomas sat there confused. He only has aspects that represents his personality. That really should be the only case.
“Uh, yeah!”
Oh boy, this is gonna be complicated. He’s definitely gonna need to ask Logan about this later.
Sleep sat across from him on the bed watching as Thomas rubbed his eyes, hopping he was imaging everything and that this is just a terrible dream.
“Sorry to burst your bubble but this is completely real. Denial will get you nowhere babes.”
A low growl can be heard from deep in Thomas’ throat. His irritation slowly rising. A small smirk began to curve upwards on Sleeps lips from knowing that he’s getting to him, and stuff like that always gets his pride going.
Thomas opens his eyes and... Sleep, is still in front of him. Meaning that yep- this is really happening.
“Okay, okay. So you are real.”
The other was tempted to comment but remained silent.
“So how is this even possible?”
Sleep stood, pacing back and forth a bit around Thomas’ room. Thomas’ eyes trailed him like a security camera.
Even the way Sleep simply stood up looked proud, like a wave of confidence just embedded itself in the Side himself. Not Side but... something for sure. He still didn’t really know and was hoping to get some answers soon.
“I’m just another part of you who wanted to introduce himself.” Sleep calmly says.
“And listen-”
He sat back down on the bed, closer to Thomas this time with an arm casually resting around his shoulders. The formers eyes widening slightly in confusion.
“I’m different from the other Sides. Not really a personality trait or anything. I am what I am.”
Now it makes sense. Thomas thought.
He slowly nods his head. Taking in the information and slowly processing it.
Sleep pulled away and went back to casually sitting across from the dazed man in front of him.
This means that Sleep must know who the others are right?
“So you know who The Sides are?”
Sleep agrees confidently.
“How come they never told me about you?”
It makes sense that they would try to keep him away from Deceit and Remus. There’s no doubt in that, but Sleep? He doesn’t seem that bad, so far at least.
He’s so different. It’s either the exact reason they hid him away or... he’s not as he seems. Thomas puts a mental note in the back of his head and keeps up his guard.
Sleeps expression fell for a split second.
“They uh... don’t really know I’m around.”
He rubs the back of his neck.
“They dont? Why’s that?”
“I like keeping a low profile. I prefer working alone with little to no distractions. So I’d prefer if you didn’t say anything about our little meeting.”
He’s guesses that makes sense.
“So how do you even know about The Sides? How do you even exist?”
“Basically, however you guys,” Sleep gestures to Thomas with one hand, implying him and his traits. “-Influence each other. It goes into your own sleeping patterns which leads to me.”
He remembers the night before Remus showed up, way back when. He barely got any sort of rest because of his constantly racing thoughts.
“Whether that influence is good or bad, it’s gonna put some work on me.”
Thomas nods. His face blank. Hard to read but from Sleeps point of view it could be from processing to amazement.
He soon changes the topic, breaking the silence.
“And uh... the anxious one- Virgil I think, he’s seen me around before. But not enough to completely discover me.”
“You seem... to be pretty sure of that.”
Sleep shrugs.
“Like I said, I’m a lone wolf. I prefer working in the shadows of my own realm.” He shows a crooked smile.
“I have my own room of sorts. But that doesn’t really matter!”
He sat still fidgeting with the zipper of his jacket.
Upon observing Sleep he’s not really that bad. Sassy for sure and definitely witty. With mentioning how much he prefers his isolation in whatever he does, Thomas wonders if he ever gets lonely sometimes.
His shoulders relax and suddenly he’s not so suspicious of Sleep anymore. Now knowing what his purpose is, helps.
“What is your name anyway?”
He can see him smirk with a smugness that would drive anyone up the wall. Specifically Thomas in this moment, who let out an annoyed groan.
“Woah, first name basis already? You just met me hun. No need to get excited.”
He rolls his eyes, clearly unamused.
“Well aren’t you confident?”
And suddenly Thomas begins questioning how gay he really is, if he’s actually teasing himself right now.
“I am what I am.”
“Got it.”
“Now that im here.” Sleep continues standing now. “From now on whenever your done with- you know, dealing with your shit with the other sides and stuff. I’ll pop up every once in a while, see how things are going. So I’ll be around when you need me.”
He shifts his sunglasses to the bridge of his nose, tilting his head down.
“And trust me, your definitely gonna need me.”
And as soon as Thomas still sees him, in an instant, he’s gone.
Gosh Sleep really is something.
He lays back down. He mind seemed to wonder. He won’t lie, he’s pretty curious about the aspect himself. For now, things are really gonna start getting interesting aren’t they?
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stormcrawler75 · 5 years
Platonic Anceit you say? What about: One or the other of them being afraid of storms and going to the other for comfort? (I'd say Virgil was the one afraid but like. Picture it being Deceit? Because Virgil is good at handling fear since he is the literal embodiment of it? And he gently talks Deceit through his panic? I dunno Either way could work XD )
It was raining again.
Virgil was sitting on his bed, with his headphones off for once, listening to the sounds of the thunder and rain that was being reflected in the Mindscape. The others were all in their own rooms, probably fast asleep. It was rather late and Virgil knew that he was going to regret staying up so late the next morning. But, how could he sleep when there was a thunderstorm going on?
There was a sudden crash of thunder and Virgil closed his eyes. As surprising as it may seem, Virgil loved storms. Yes they could be unpredictable and startling. But, well, over the years Virgil had sorta gotten fond of them. They were loud and a lot of people either hated them or were afraid of them.
Virgil could relate.
Frantic knocking on his door pulled Virgil out of the peaceful state he was in. Virgil pushed himself up and flicked his fingers, opening the door. “Yeah?”
Of all the Sides he expected to be standing there, Deceit was not one of them. Especially since the two of them had a big fight months back that had really damaged their relationship. But there Deceit was, in his snake pajamas and eyes red and puffy from tears.  
Virgil frowned and turned to face Deceit. “Dee? What’s up? Is something wrong?”
Deceit swallowed and hunched his shoulders. His fingers were tangled in his pajamas, shaking a little. Virgil narrowed his eyes and thought of why Deceit would be up at this hour, let alone come to him. Why something happening? Were the other Dark Sides attacking or bothering him? Did he need Virgil’s help? He and Deceit may have had a bit of a falling out but Virgil would be damned if anyone thought that someone could hurt his noodle and get away with it.
There was another crash of thunder that echoed through the Mindscape and Deceit cringed. He stepped into Virgil’s room instinctively and Virgil finally understood. Deceit was afraid of the storm happening outside and came to the only other Side that he had a semi-good relationship with for comfort.
Right, comfort. Something that Virgil was obviously known for.
He stood up and walked to Deceit. Virgil nudged him into the room and closed the door behind him. “C’mon,” Virgil muttered. “I got some noise cancelling headphones you can use while we wait out the storm.””
“And if lightning strikes?” Deceit asked. He had a firm hold now on the sleeve of Virgil’s hoodie and Virgil could feel him shaking. “You really think that we could survive being hit by lightning?”
“Nope,” Virgil said bluntly. Deceit’s breath caught at Virgil’s answer but the Anxious Side wasn’t done. “But, it’s not gonna happen. The Mindscape only reflects what happening outside with Thomas.”
“And if the lightning hits him,” Deceit hissed. “What then?”
Virgil bit his lip and he could almost feel his heart beat faster at Deceit’s words. He took a deep breath and slowly release it. Thomas was safe, everything was fine. He pushed Deceit gently down on the bed and pulled out one of his dress drawers. Thankfully, the book he was looking for was right where he had left it.
Deceit jumped when the book landed in his lap and he stared down blankly at it. He read the cover, “Storms by Seymour Simon.” He looked up and frowned at Virgil. “Are you making fun of me? Thomas got this book when he was seven.”
“Yep,” Virgil said, digging through his drawers to find his second pair of headphones. “His parents got it for him because he was terrified of storms and wasn’t sleeping whenever there was one. Me and Logan read that so many times when we were younger.”
Before Virgil was cast out, before everyone hated him, before he had lost a good friend, before he almost ducked out. Before.
Virgil shoved those thoughts aside and managed to get out, “It explains storms and stuff and you don’t need to be afraid of them.” He smirked. “Well, it explains how you don’t need to be afraid of them as long as you’re inside. And since Thomas is inside we have nothing to worry about.”
Neither of them spoke for a few minutes. Virgil knelt down to see if he had dropped the headphones beneath his bed and he heard the soft sounds of pages turning as Deceit started on the book. Virgil finally managed to find the headphones and fished them out from under the bed.
“Here,” he said, tossing them next to Deceit on the bed. “You can stay here as long as you like. I should be getting to sleep soon though.”
Deceit nodded and made to stand up. “So I’ll be leaving.”
Virgil rolled his eyes and and pushed Deceit back down. “Or, you’ll keep to your own side of the bed.” He met Deceit’s startled gaze with his own nervous one. “I mean, if you want to stay. You don’t look good, Noodle.”
Maybe it was the old nickname that did it but Deceit finally caved and crawled under the covers. Virgil went into the bathroom to change and thought about what the others would say if they found Deceit in his room in the morning. Patton had made no secret of his dislike of the Deceitful Side and Logan’s feeling for Deceit didn’t differ from the Moral Side’s. The only one that wouldn’t immediately freak would be Roman but Virgil didn’t really want to handle the teasing that would come with Roman finding them.
Oh well. As hard as it was, Virgil pushed those worries aside for later. He’d cross that bridge down when he got to it.
When he came back, Deceit had the headphones on and was completely focused on the book. Virgil got in bed, keeping a good distance between him and Deceit to make sure no one got uncomfortable, and laid down with his back to Deceit. He curled up in a ball and lightly smacked Deceit’ thigh. Deceit moved the headphones a little so he could hear and Virgil muttered, “Turn off the light when you’re done, kay?”
He barely processed Deceit’s answer of agreement as he fell asleep. When he woke up, it was to the feel of someone wrapped tight around him. He instinctively tensed and slowly looked down trepidatiously. He relaxed and huffed in fond amusement at what he saw.
He was lying spread out on his back. Deceit’s arms were wrapped around his middle and his cheek was resting on Virgil’s stomach. His scales were reflecting in the light of Virgil’s Blue-Fairy nightlight and he looked happy and relaxed. He was even bleeping, the cute dork.
“Fucking, I told you to stick to your side,” Virgil mumbled, not meaning it in the slightest. He had known of course that Deceit was a cuddler when he had offered the bed to his bed. How could he not with the amount of times the two of them had napped together?
He pulled the headphones off of Deceit’ head, messing up his hair in the process, and placed them gently on the bedside dresser. The book was been dropped on the floor and Virgil made a mental note to pick it up later so that he wouldn’t lose it. 
For now, he wrapped his arms around his friend, because no matter how intense their stupid argument had gotten, the argument that Virgil couldn’t even remember what was about now, that’s what Deceit was. He was his friend and he would gladly hold him and get him through the stormy night.
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purplepatton · 5 years
happily ever after
description: patton plans a trip to disney for roman’s birthday. but patton has one more surprise in store for him. 
relationship: romantic royality
notes: this was supposed to be for roman’s birthday yesterday but i hit a wall and ended up finishing it late lol,,, but it’s also for week one of @fander-pride-meetup !!!! i actually have another fic with royality at disney world but this one is less angsty lol, so i hope you like it!!
Lacing his fingers in between Patton’s Roman bounced up and down excitedly on the balls of his feet as they waited on line to get into the park.
As a surprise gift for his birthday, Patton booked a week long trip to Disney World. There were few things Roman loved more than Disney (one of things of course being Patton) and when he found out Roman burst into tears for a good ten minutes.
And now they were actually there, right outside the Magic Kingdom. Upbeat, cheerful music surrounded them, tunes that Roman knew by heart. Next to him, Patton was humming underneath his breath and swaying in time to the beat. He looked just as excited to be there as Roman, a giant smile stretched across his face.  
Roman swung their connected hands back and forth, smiling as Patton glanced up at him. “What do you want to do first?” He asked. “Space Mountain or Small World?”
Patton considered the question for a moment before saying, “Small World!” R
Roman beamed. “I was thinking the same thing.”
The line began to move forward, and then they were standing in the front, handing their bags over to be checked. They were quickly waved through, and then they were in the actual park.
People were walking all around them, some even bumping directly into Roman as they rushed into the park, but Roman hardly noticed. Instead, his attention was taken by the front of Main Street that was sprawled in front of him. The stores, each painted a bright color, boasted all sorts of clothes and toys in their window fronts. The music was louder here, floating up and over the heads of the crowds.
Next to him, Patton let out a gasp. “Oh my gosh, Roman, look!”
Roman opened his eyes and followed Patton’s outstretched arm. He was pointing up at Cinderella’s castle that loomed up ahead, bouncing up and down excitedly. Patton had never actually been to Disney, and the castle was the thing he was most excited to see; he spent hours talking about it whenever he could, eyes lighting up whenever it was mentioned.
“It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it?” Roman said. He still remembered the first time he saw the castle. He was younger then, and had never seen anything like it. It was like he had walked into his very own fairy tale right then and there.
“Let’s go get a picture!” Patton said, tugging on Roman’s hand and pulling him down Main Street. Roman laughed and let Patton drag him along.
They worked their way down Main Street, avoiding strollers and groups of people of people standing stationary outside the different stores. They finally stopped by a photographer who stood rather close to the base of the castle. There was no one waiting for their picture, so Patton and Roman made a bee-line over to him.
The photographer, who was chatting with another cast member, when they approached, straightened up when he saw them. “Hey guys!” He said with a smile. “How are you doing?”
“We’re good, how about you?” Patton asked.
“I’m good! You guys can leave your bags over here by me if you want, and then you can stand over there so I can take your picture.” The photographer said, pointing to a spot in front of the castle.
“Here, Ro, let me take your bag.” Patton said, reaching for the bag that was slung over Roman’s shoulder.
“Oh, okay.” Roman said, pulling off the bag and handing it to Patton, pressing a quick kiss to Patton’s cheek before heading over to where the photographer had told them to go.
He was standing in the shadow of the castle, it’s spires reaching up towards the sky. No matter how many times he saw the castle, it still managed to take his breath away.
He looked over his shoulder for Patton, ready to gush about the castle to him, but Patton wasn’t there. For a moment Roman panicked, thinking that he somehow managed to lose Patton, but then he saw Patton standing next to the photographer, talking animatedly about something. The photographer looked pretty excited about whatever it was. Finally Patton came over with a bounce in his step, grinning at Roman.
“Is everything okay?” Roman asked as Patton stood next to him.
“Yep!” Patton said. “I was just asking him about his favorite rides here!”
“Alright, guys!” The photographer said, picking up his camera and pointing it at them. “First thing I want you to do is cup your hands together, look down at your hands and pretend to look surprised!”
“What’s the point of this?” Patton whispered.
“They edit Tinkerbell into our hands after they take they picture.” Roman whispered back.
Patton let out a small squeal. “That’s so cool!”
They did a few more poses after that; Roman’s favorite was definitely when he lifted Patton into his arms, sweeping his boyfriend off his feet.
Finally the photographer paused and said, “For the last one you guys can do whatever you want.”
Roman turned to Patton, ready to ask him what he wanted to do, but Patton was distracted, looking for something in his pocket. “Patton, what are you looking for?” He started to ask, but the words died on his lips when Patton pulled a small black box out his pocket and knelt down on the ground.
“Roman,” Patton said, staring up at Roman. Roman blinked hard, vision suddenly blurred by tears. “We’ve known each other for four years, and every day I just fall in love with you even more. You light up my life, you’re my perfect match. You’re passionate, you’re sweet, you always laugh at my puns and I can’t imagine life without you. So, will you marry me?”
For a moment Roman couldn’t speak, too shocked and caught up in the moment to actually form any words. He just nodded his head quickly, hands clamped over his mouth and tears running down his face.
“Oh my gosh, Ro, are you okay?” Patton scrambled up to his feet. “I’m sorry, did I say something -”
“Patton, don’t you dare apologize.” Roman said. He let out a watery laugh and grabbed Patton, dragging him into a hug. “Of course I want to marry you!”
Patton rested his head on Roman’s shoulder and smiled. “Good, I was worried there for a second.”
“Pat, I could never say no to you.”
The couple stood like that for a few more minutes, Roman’s arms wrapped around Patton as they swayed back and forth slightly under the shadow of the castle, ready to start the next chapter of their lives.
@notveryglittery some royality for you!! :DD
tag list: @basilstorm@artistfromthestars@storytellerofuntoldlegends@romananalogicality@verymuchanidiot @istolelittleredshoodie @dont-cry-croft @speechless-angel@thefamouszombiebouquet @wolfwalker100 @datonerougecookeh@virgilient @virgil-is-verge@impatentpending@zaisling@trixie85592 @sillysandersides @hamster-corn @adventurousplatypus @unring-this-bell@mymiddlenameisunderscore @evilmuffin 
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aquamarineicecream · 5 years
Tumblr media
Roman | Logan | Patton | Deceit | Remus
Tag list: (let me know if you want to be added or removed)
@milomeepit , @captainhadeslover , @yep-another-fander , @pattson , @lala-the-rebel , @artistictaurean , @ironwoman359 , @ab-artist , @ghost-rat-town , @wicked-rosie , @starsinger , @superarrowholockian , @shapoodle , @virgil-the-virgin , @fun-with-colors , @theloveliestsweetspongy , @anastasialestina , @inferablossom , @confused-pat , @midnighteclipse98 , @silversmith-91 , @pattons-second-cookie , @harboring-hatred , @thepoolofthedead , @creativenostalgiastuff , @sadb0tt , @today-only-happens-once , @thelogicalloganipus , @the-shark-boi , @mantha-has-fallen , @averaillisa , @emochechirecat @camillenicole , @thedukeofdeodorant-main
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