#yep we go a looong way back!
helluva-hazbins · 4 months
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lynzishell · 9 months
✨23 Faves of 2023✨
I've been tagged on a few different versions of this throughout the month. For mine, I've decided to take 23 moments from my story and share them in chorological order. 💖TYSM for tagging me @hannahssimblr, @jarakio, @rebouks, @theosconfessions, @bloomingkyras, @igotsnothing 💖 I'm sorry if I missed anyone... I'm usually better at keeping note of who tagged me but I dropped the ball on this one and had to search through my mentions lol!
Alright... let's dive in shall we?
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✨First up: Looooook at baby Phoenix 🥹 hehe! This was the first time he visited Mt Komorebi and the first time he saw snow... sparking his love affair with both. If you listen carefully, you can hear Wolfgang yelling in the distance, "Yo Penis!" (I miss that nickname. Special thanks to Becca for never letting it die 😅)
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✨Ahhh The Bluffs -- I think this is my favorite lot in game, and look how stunning it is at sunset! This is from Phoenix's 18th birthday... aka that fateful night when [redacted] was [redacted]
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✨Just me being obsessed with San Myshuno... particularly the Spice District. This is from Phoenix and Dawn's movie night... back when they were still just friends/co-workers.
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✨Eeee this moment still gives me all the feels! When these two finally crossed the line from friends to lovers.
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✨This one doesn't need a caption... just look at them... and the vibrant colors... 😍
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✨The moment they became official
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✨Falling in looooooove
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✨I don't know why, but this is actually my favorite pic of them
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✨Greta returns...lol! It was actually unintentional how well these two match the environment, but it made taking screenies so fun!
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✨My second favorite pic of these two... *sigh* just look at them
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✨Enter my Asher obsession... I can't tell you how happy I was when I found this pose because this is exactly how I envisioned him entering the room... against the door frame all leaned over and relaxed... even the way his feet are crossed and his left arm just hangs... it's just sooo HIM.
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✨I mean... ahhh! I love him! and Lex too lol... we don't see much of her in my story, but these two have been BFFs since middle school. She's super sweet and funny.
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✨Atlas and Asher, my loves. There's so much in this scene for me... I had such a clear picture of it in my mind looong before I created it in sims, and I was pretty happy with how it came out. And the song I used was very purposeful (even if I never state why lol) This moment here was actually quite self-indulgent if I'm honest.
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✨Yep, still obsessed with these two lol! I just love this shot... the colors and the way they're holding each other. This is actually the desktop background on my laptop lmao
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✨I had soooo much fun making this post!! Omg this song is so fkin good! I'll probably reblog this post on New Year's just for funzies 😊
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✨Back to Phoenix and Dawn as they prepare to move in together... Had to get a shot of the fountain before saying goodbye to the Spice District
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✨Ahaa and here we are.. beginning the journey up Mt Komorebi! I think this little bridge is my favorite spot along the way. It's really cool, and I got lots of great screenies from all angles. I really like this one.
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✨Love how this shot came out! We all know this moment, yeah? Right before Dawn [redacted]
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✨Yay! Celebrating the fact they made it to the summit... enjoy you two, you earned it!
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✨Me carefully side-stepping the sad posts... love this moment of the two of them reconnecting... with the water and the city in the background... I just think it's nice.
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✨Relaxing in their favorite summer spot... I love all the blues
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✨I really like this shot from Kiyoshi and Kaori's wedding, with only their ceremony in the distance in focus, and the vibrant colors.
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✨This seemed like a nice one to end on. I love the snow falling out the window, and the way Dawn is lit up by the candles. And I know there are mods to get rid of the z's when they sleep, but tbh, I kinda think they're adorable lol
Thank you to anyone who took the time to go on this little journey with me! If you made it to the end, please help yourself to a cookie 🍪 and know that I adore you!
My story will return on Jan 1st yay!! 🎉
I'm not going to tag anyone because a post like this doesn't need a tag! If you haven't done this yet, PLEASE do! Revisit your work from the year and share your favorites with us! Let's all go into 2024 feeling excited and inspired 💖
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bellysoupset · 1 year
Alright, this may or may not be the fic that I thought of waaaay back when I came up with Wendy. It's Vince dealing with lactose intolerance. This is a long fic, the build up is looong.
"You," Wendy grinned, crawling on the bed so she could hug Vince from behind while he put on his socks, "need a fucking break."
He chuckled, turning his head to steal a kiss, while she rested her chin on his naked shoulder, "tell me about it, honey."
Wendy muffled a smile against his shoulder, "no, I'm serious. Let's go on a weekend getaway, take me to meet your family, let's go down to the beach."
"Beach in the middle of September?" Vince raised his eyebrows, but she could tell just by the way his eyes sparkled that he was actually quite interested. Unlike Wendy who wanted to keep Vince as far away from her family as possible, he was actually quite the family guy and was eager to introduce her. She had already spoken with his mom, one time when he answered the phone around her.
Magda was just as extroverted as her son.
"Okay, maybe not the beach," Wendy rolled her eyes, hugging him from behind and leaning fully on his back, stealing a kiss, "but what about the rest? What do you think?"
He though about it for a minute, before nodding, stealing another peck, "I'll let them know we're coming. We're leaving tonight?"
Her heart did a split in her chest, fuck. All her life Wendy had fantasized having the type of love that would be just "let's up and go anywhere" and it was really really jarring to realize she had gotten it.
"Uhm, yep," she grabbed his cheek, kissing him harder and wrapping her arms around his neck, now fully falling onto his lap and no longer on his back, "tonight."
It was a four hours long drive to the teeny tiny town Vince's family lived in and Wendy was regretting already, not because of the distance, but because it was night. She was already sleepy by the time Vince turned up at her apartment after his own work shift was done, with a backpack slung over his shoulder.
"I don't suppose you packed light enough we can take my bike?"
"Yeah, try again," she rolled her eyes, throwing him her baby pink duffle bag. There was no way she was about to meet her boyfriend's family with just one change of clothes, all wrinkled.
She took the first turn of driving, trying to quell the anxiety and the tiredness and then the second one was Vince's, her head lolling against her car window, watching as the lights passed them by.
By the time he entered the city and slowed down, Wendy was blinking to fight against sleep. Only when he turned his block that she started to feel more alert, as Vince squeezed her thigh and said, "we're here, Wen."
"Which one is your parent's?" she asked, gluing her nose to the car window. It was a middle class suburb, with large cheap houses. Vince had grown up in the same house since they had arrived in America when he was 9, which made the place all the more special.
He parked before a terracota house and intertwined their fingers, bringing her knuckles to his mouth and kissing them, "don't be nervous, alright? I got your back."
"Okay," she was almost bouncing with excitement. Just then the front door opened and she heard, even with the car windows closed, as a childish voice yelled "VIIIIIIN!"
His baby sister was only six and she was already in pjs, but that didn't stop her from running across the yard to him. Vince opened the door and got out in time to scoop her up by the armpits, throwing her up in the air and causing a bunch of childish squeals and giggles erupt from her.
"Look at you, you're so big, bambi!"
"I knoow," She gloated, throwing her arms around his neck. She peered over his shoulder curiously, dark eyes pausing on Wendy.
"Oh, is that your garfield?" She whispered, as if Wendy couldn't hear her.
"Girlfriend," Vince corrected her, nodding solemnly. He turned around, raising a had up to pull her closer. Wendy went willingly, whole body on fire at the domesticity of the scene, "Wendy, this is Livia."
"Hi Livia," Wendy smiled, lowering her face so she could look into the girl's eyes. Livia had a lot of her brother's features, same dark frowny brows, round lips and deep, black eyes. Her hair was a chocolate shade of brown, all curly and down to the middle of her back, unlike Vince's each were raven black.
"Hi!" Livia piped up shyly, hiding her face on Vince's shoulder and causing him to roll his eyes.
"Now's that a way to say hi, bug?" he jostled her in his arms, tickling her sides and the little girl squealed and squirmed out of his grasp. He was still laughing as he put her back down on the ground and let his sister take his hand.
Despite the late hour, everyone was awake. Vince's mom, with whom Wendy had talked before, greeted them at the door. She was just as friendly in person, twice more talkative and Wendy didn't even have time to feel awkward or self conscious, as the woman quickly pulled her across the house to introduce her to the rest of the family.
Vince's father, Giuseppe, didn't look a thing like his son. It seemed like the whole family had gotten their features from Magda's side, the raven hair, deep black eyes and thick eyebrows. Giuseppe had very light brown hair, mostly silver at the roots now, and light blue eyes. The only similarity there was the nose and the jaw, as well as the red cheeks, which Vince had inherited.
"Hi Wendy, it's a pleasure to meet you. Did you have a nice trip?"
"Are you hungry?" Magda interrupted before she could answer, "you must be. Vincezo did you eat?"
"We're okay, mamma-"
"You're looking like you've been starved," she scoffed, to which Wendy muffled a chuckle. Vince had definitely lost weight due to the past rough month with him being sick twice and the tension in their friend group, but starving? He was far from that.
"I'm fine," he pouted, while Giuseppe gestured for Livia to move closer, crouching down to pick her up with a grunt.
"Did you say hi to Wendy, Liv?"
"I did," she nodded, while Magda tugged all of them to the kitchen, not before yelling, at the foot of the stairs, "Sophia Maria, your brother is here come greet him!"
"Maggie," Giuseppe chuckled, following them in, "you'll scare the girl."
"No I won't, she's dating Vince," Magda rolled her eyes, "get your daughter down here - Vince said you're a med student, Wendy?"
"I am, yes," Wendy nodded, all the while Vince pulled a chair by the dining table - which was inside the kitchen for some reason unknown to Wendy - and promptly pulled her to sit down, standing behind it as he planted a kiss on top of her head. Wendy's cheeks burned with embarrassment, but none of his parents seemed to pay any mind.
"Your parents must be proud," Magda hummed, turning on the stove and grabbing a huge tupperware of leftovers from the fridge, "you eat pasta, right?" her question didn't really leave any room for denial and Wendy didn't bother even answering it.
"They're both doctors too, so it was more or less expected of me," she explained, to which Giuseppe let out a snort, sitting down with Livia on his lap.
"Children doing what's expecting of them? Ever heard of that Maggie?"
"Never," Vince's mom chuckled, "where is Sophia- Vincenzo sit down, don't just stand there."
Wendy felt like she was in heaven. They were lovely people, but mostly they loved each other. There was none of the weird formality that her family had.
Vince's sister, Sophia, finally emerged from her bedroom about halfway through their semi-forced meal. In true teenage fashion, she had headphones hanging around her neck and was not interested at all in the fact her brother was home from college, until she saw Wendy sitting next to him.
Sophia was sixteen and out of all three kids, she was the one who looked the most like her father, with slightly lighter hair and blue eyes.
"Oh I thought Vince had made you up," Sophia said, her voice filled with amusement, "Wendy this, Wendy that. Wendy is a doctor, Wendy is so badass, she's so pretty. Wendy once invented the wheel-"
"Sophia shut up," Vince cheeks were burning red and Wendy opened a huge smile.
"Sadly the wheel was already around by the time I was born," she retorted, causing both of Vince's parents to chuckle and Sophia's smile to grow even more, while Vince groaned.
"Don't encourage her, she'll be insufferable."
"Not half as much as you are," Sophia wrinkled her nose, sitting down with them, now suddenly interested. Vince quickly decided that his food really needed is undivided attention, completely ignoring his parents and sister's comments and nagging at him.
The only one who didn't make fun of him, much, was Livia, so she got all of his cuddles, feeding him from her plate here and there and Wendy struggled to focus on the conversation, when her boyfriend was being that adorable right next to her.
It was well past eleven when they wrapped it all up and Magda kicked them all out of the kitchen, regardless of Wendy offering to do the dishes and Sophia's preaching that Vince should absolutely be the one to do them.
"Can you tuck me in?" Livia asked sleepily as Vince carried her up and Wendy almost groaned. She wasn't sure how to survive the weekend without exploding from the cuteness.
Much to her surprise, Vince shook his head no.
"Tomorrow I will, okay?" he said, voice sounding a little strained, "I pinky promise."
Livia pouted, but nodded, little head peaking out of his shoulder as she looked at Wendy, "goodnight Wendy!"
"Goodnight, Livia," Wendy couldn't help but reach out to plant a kiss on her brow as Vince planted the little girl down.
He pulled her to his old childhood room and then let out a sigh, falling on the bed, "so?" Vince asked, throwing an arm over his eyes, "are you regretting suggesting coming here yet?"
"What?" Wendy scoffed, getting on the bed and falling almost on top of him, causing him to let out a huff, "I love it. I love them," she told him, removing his arm from his eye and Vince opened a sheepish smile.
"Really," Wendy nodded, kissing him and he reciprocated immediately, grabbing her ass to pull her up on top of him - She felt a gurgle against her own belly and pulled back, frowning, "was that your tummy?"
"Uhm, yeah," Vince paid it no mind, grabbing her chin between his index and thumb, kissing her again. His other hand moved inside her pants, resting on her butt and Wendy chuckled, pulling back.
"We are not fucking when your parents are right next door, give up," she whispered in his ear, only to feel another churn pressed against her stomach, "oh wow, even I felt that... Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am," he pouted, once again trying to kiss her, but there was a loud whine from his belly and Wendy raised an eyebrow, resisting when his hand on her nape pulled her back in. She moved her hands from his neck to his chest, keeping them apart.
"My mom sometimes adds milk to the tomato sauce," he explained, making a little wince, "just a little to counter the acidity..."
"Vince!" Wendy exclaimed, "why didn't you say anything?!"
"It's fine, I didn't eat that much," he rolled his eyes, "my belly will just be a little upset, I'll be fine."
"I really don't think you know what that word means," Wendy scoffed, rolling off of him and pushing his arm, "c'mon, lets get into bed."
She stripped off her clothes and into the silk pajamas, which caused Vince to tease her about where she was going dressed up like that. He, in the other hand just stripped his clothes off and threw it over chair in the corner of his room, next to his teenage years study station.
He didn't bother putting anything else on, brushing his teeth and climbing in bed with her.
Wendy turned off the white lights, but his curtains were open and there was a streetlamp right outside it, so she could actually see him perfectly. She cuddled closer, resting her cheek to his arm and planting a hand over his belly.
Lately his boxers had been loose on him, but not tonight. He was already bloated enough that the elastic was pressing on it, not painfully yet, but inconvenient. She rolled them down and Vince let out a huff.
"I thought you said we weren't fucking."
"Shhhh!" she hissed, cheeks burning, "you want your parents to hear?"
He chuckled, delighted by how embarrassed she was, only to interrupt himself with a surprise burp when she pushed her hand against his belly, "shit- Excuse me."
"It's fine," Wendy rolled her eyes, cheek still burning. She trailed her fingers up and down, pressing them in the soft skin and feeling around for the tightest spot. Vince let out a little groan as she circled his upper belly and she raised her eyebrows, pressing even closer.
"Uhm...Here," he moved her hand further in, right on the middle of his belly, towards the top. Wendy pressed gently, rubbing circles in it and Vince squirmed under her touch, a gurgle going up his throat but dying there.
"No point me giving a belly rub if you're not going to let out the gas, Vin," she rolled her eyes, pressing a kiss to his chest, "I don't mind."
"Gross," Vince sighed and she pressed on again.
"I'll be the judge of that."
He turned his head, muffling a burp against the pillow, "I think it's objectively gro-"
Wendy scoffed and leaned in, shutting him up with a kiss. She pulled back enough to repeat, "I'll be the judge of that, honey."
Vince squinted at her, his own cheeks all red, eyebrows raised and Wendy quickly ducked her face back down to his chest, going back to the belly rub. He was quiet now, thankfully.
She was enthralled by the symphony of noises coming out of his belly. It had been just a splash of milk and yet she could hear it clearly in his tummy, loud gurgles and whines, "you don't feel sick?" she asked, moving her palm to cup where the latest noise had been emitted from and pressing gently. He muffled another burp.
"Not really," Vince shook his head, "a little queasy, but not gonna be sick, sick."
She hummed something to show she had heard him, moving her hand once more to the down part of his tummy, where it was bloated and sticking out enough she could actually cup his belly.
"You're into this, aren't you?" Vince asked, voice thick as he muffled a burp into the question. She froze, didn't dare to look up.
"Yeah, you totally are," he chuckled lightly, his hand that was resting on her hip squeezing her in a teasing manner, "freaky."
"It's hot," she decided to give up any attempt at self defense, "and cute."
"Whatever you say," Vince shrugged, then groaned, "okay, now it's cramping."
Despite her concern her heart leaped up a little and Wendy mentally cursed, unsure if he was teasing her or not, "Vince?"
"No, really, here-" he guided her hand to the side of his belly, "I don't care if you're into this, more belly rubs for me, I guess."
Her whole face was on fire, "Really?"
"Really," he squeezed her again, then his belly interrupted the serious conversation by whining loudly, almost howling. Wendy raised her eyebrows.
"That didn't sound good," she whistled, resuming back to her initial position and trailing her fingers around, pressing on the pockets of air. Vince muffled another burp, then another, groaning lightly.
"It's not feeling so good," he agreed, squirming on the bed and moving from the lying down position to a half sitting up one, planting a hand over his chest and thumping.
His cheeks inflated with an airy burp, which only caused him to grimace, "it's stuck."
Wendy could feel her heart in her ear, "are you playing this up for me?" she blurted out and Vince looked surprised.
"No, but good to know it's doing it for you" he chuckled, still with a painful grimace on, "it's actually stuck, tho."
"Lean forward," she grabbed his wrists and pulled him half lying forward, arms stretched ahead.
"You're gonna make me hurl," Vince warned her, voice thick and she rolled her eyes, digging her fingers into his soft belly.
"Not that much forward, honey-" she held him in place with one hand, the other pushing into his stomach until she found a spot that made him recoil.
"Shh..." she rubbed her thumb in circles and then heard as the gurgle went up an exploded out of his mouth in a burp. He groaned, sitting up correctly and slammed a fist against his mouth, as that one burp pulled with it a bunch of smaller, wetter ones.
Finally Vince slumped back against the pillows, eyes squeezed shut and cheeks on fire, "that was fucking gross."
"That was fucking hot," she corrected, no longer embarrassed at all and curling up against him once more, entangling their legs. He let out a snort.
"At your service," Vince huffed, yawning, "I feel better now."
"Maybe tell your family you're lactose intolerant?" she scoffed, planting a kiss over his belly, "not that I'm not enjoying myself, but this can't feel good, honey."
"Uhm, I'll think about that," he said sleepily and Wendy rolled her eyes, fully resting her face on top of his tummy and closing her eyes as she heard the gurgling going inside.
She couldn't believe her luck.
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melanmelonlemons · 1 year
Always chasing sunsets 💛
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Sunsets are God's way of saying - "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:34.
It's now 3:18 MNL Time on a Sunday and out of nowhere, I just remembered Tumblr and why not I try to write a blog? And here I am right now in front of my laptop while my niece is watching anime on Netflix - yaass! that means a lot of noise, lol.
I almost forgot that this account has been existing for 5 yrs now (based from my 1st ever post). So its been that long and I wasn't able to revisit this website. Random things you remember when you have nothing else to do. Yep, I have nothing else to do for the whole month of May and I'm just enjoying everyday of it! ♥
Short back up story - I resigned from my work for almost 6yrs and decided to take a short break before starting to a new WFH job. It was not an overnight decision and there's a lot of factors I considered before I sent my resignation letter to my boss. It was almost 6 looong years and it brings back all my memories when I was just starting as an Operations Analyst then got 3 promotions in between. It was not an easy road I must say but I'm grateful for all the learnings good or bad, experiences and workmates that became my friends, some even families.
This month, May - is also the time of the year to celebrate my birthday! Yes, I feel lucky to have this month long of birthday leave - lol. But at the same time, I don't want my 31 days relaxation to come into waste so I'm writing a blog now - productive ha? Lol
Sunsets - this part of my life feels like one of the best sunsets I'm about to witness. Taking a break is not bad at all especially when you know to yourself that you need it the most. This "break" may take a day, a week, a month or even a year -- go where your heart feels right. Go to the beach, or stay home and just spend time with your loved ones. You do you. ♥
As I grow older, I always feel the pressure of life. It seems like everything has due dates and I start to cram. It's exhausting, toxic and restless. It could be your work environment, people around you or your relationship. It's okay to pause - it's necessary.
And now, I'm taking my time to realize what I want in life, what I want to be as a person. Sometimes, people barely know themselves so let's not judge and act that we know everything. As long as you are not stepping to anyone, or hurting anyone with your actions and decisions I think you'll be fine. Just do whatever makes you happy with moderation. :)
TY Lord for giving me this month long break to know You. I know I don't need to worry about tomorrow or whatever my future will bring as long as it is what you have in store for me. I know that You have the best plans I could ever imagine to happen in my life here on earth and for that, I trust you. Just like every sunsets, brings the promise of a new dawn. ♥
Melan 🍋
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atinydragon · 2 years
Okay so I will ramble about a concept unprompted 
Basically, a bunch of rats (well fae) that all come from different places end up at this big manor and decide to live there. And hey since they all came in at the same time they might as well stick together for now. 
Shenanigans and found family ensue.
100% wholesome stuff. uh huh. yep no angst at all don’t worry
I’ve actually doodled some designs for some of the characters. I’ll make official like refs at some point but here’s the doodles for now
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sorry about the bad quality lol. I’ll put the rest under a cut because it gets looong
Starting on the left page,
First is the “tinkering rat” 
-is the most experienced one in living in giant dwellings as his family had always lived in such places until a fire separated them
-loves to tinker. 
-becomes the unofficial leader due to being the only one with his own braincell. the others take turns with a shared one.
-stressed all the time rip
Second is the “garden fairy”
-spent most of his life living in a big and safe fairy colony. and while she’s not completely new to living on his own he’s still very inexperienced 
-but when she’s good at something she’s good 
-most notably is his gardening and general plant knowledge. But he has a few other random skills that can come in handy
Then on the bottom of the left page is the “anxiety rat”
-anxious and scared alllll the time
-is terrified of being left behind as that is how they lost their first family.
-very good at sewing and such. Despite this most of their outfits consist of squares of fabric they fold/tie in certain ways.
Onto the right page at the top we have the “trash fairy”
-most chaotic of the bunch. And causes the most trouble as she has the habit of needing to get her claws on whatever catches her fancy
-sometimes it makes sense like shiny coins or jewelry but other times it’s rocks and weird sticks or even something like mold
-hates shirts with a passion. The only things she allows on her chest are scarfs.
-her wings are slightly misshaped so she has trouble flying
-is very cagy about her past. Up until she randomly and nonchalantly brings up the most tragic thing you’ve every heard. And then she’s right back to stealing something shiny from your bag
Under her is the “amnesia rat”
-he comes in later in the story, and is rescued by the others. Either because he had been captured or had been injured.
-either way he had a spell put on him that caused him to forget who he is
-completely out of his element. He ends up mostly just following the others around. Helpful when he’s keeping tinkering rat from getting too stressed unhelpful when he goes along with trash fairy’s latest scheme 
-wears doll pajamas all the time. He gets anxious when he doesn’t have them on and he doesn’t know why.
And finally on the right is the “outdoor rat”
-spent all of her live outside, mostly by herself. She has a hard time working with a group because of that.
-she still cares for the others very much. but just has a hard time showing it sometimes 
-has the most life experience and survival skills. Namely combat, cooking, and basic medical knowledge 
-hella strong. 
-the only one that regularly wears shoes 
Now i haven’t ~super~ fleshed out the giant family. There’s not going to be a ton of focus on them (in fact most of them will never be named because the tinies never find out lol)
But the general gist is that
-There’s four main family members. The father, mother, daughter, and son. They’re humans, and more may show up (like a grandfather, uncle etc.)
-they’re currently living in old family manor that had been somewhat neglected. This is due to the family at large being in a decline. 
-They are a family of mages, and the decline is because of a lack of magic in their recent times. Less magic users being born to the family, no new discoveries or spells made, etc.
-due to this and the fact that their family name sounds like rat (not sure what it is exactly yet) the father is very unhappy at the idea of even a single rat in his house. And is just generally stressed about how others perceive him and his family 
-I should clarify that the rats aren’t actual rats. They are a kind of fae that look like rats. I don’t know what their actual name will be. Maybe Meece? seems silly tho lol
-anyway, regardless they are often treated like rats. Mostly because they tend to live like regular rats so people often never find out they weren’t.
There are also a few staff members that live in the house.
-Right now there’s three or four. Two maids, a mage, and maybe a butler.
-the mage is the only one i’ve actually fleshed out lol. I have a doodle of him too, mostly because he’s a “dragon”
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(why is the pic soo big jeez)
-okay he’s not a dragon he’s a koblod, but he is tall for one. And technically not a mage but a potion maker. Alchemist? I’m not sure what I what him to be referred to as lol
-used to be a traveler, going around and selling potions he made. He’s very skilled at what he does, but sometimes the potions wouldn’t be the safest. Because he’d scam people lmao
-despite this he was hired by the family to basically make bulk potions for them to sell so the father is free to make magic discoveries 
-he also ends up being the one the father sends to deal with the rats most of the time. So he ends up being the main antagonist
-due to koblods being cold blooded, his cloak has magic that keeps his temp regulated. The sun warms and the moon cools, both spread through the stars all over. (oh I just realized I drew suns on both shoulders oops)
-very grumpy. In general but he doesn’t particularly like his current situation but it’s the best he’s had.
And that’s about what I have so far. Hopefully i’ll have the ability to make the official designs/refs for these guys. They are haunting my brain and I want to make them physical lol
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #825: Ninja Power (Sonic)
8:34 p.m. at the Rabbits and Chaotix's Household's Living Room.....
TV Screen: Summoning Justu!!
Espio: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise and Interest at the Sight of a Giant Toad Appearing on Screen) Is this really the Summoning technique?
Blaze: (Happily Nodded) Yep. It summons any animal of your liking once you form it's proper hand seals.
Cream: (Smiles Brightly) I've always wanted to summon one of my own someday. Like a giant, fluffy bunny....(Eyes Starts to Sparkle) That shoots out fire!~
Blaze: (Giggles Softly at How Cute Cream is Being) I love the idea already, Cream. But personally, I prefer having a salamander as my Summoning if anything. I've always find them the most important in all of Amphibia class.
Espio: (Pays Close Attention to the TV) Having a frog as a Summoning companion could be beneficial if trained properly......
Cheese: (Smiles Brightly) Chao ChChao Chao Chao Chao!
Cream: Oooh...That does sound interesting, Cheese.
Silver: (Smiles Brightly) My Summoning choice is a eagle.
Blaze: Silver, couldn't you use your psychokinesis abilities to fly on your own.
Silver: Yeah, but I've always wondered what would it be like to ride on it's back. Plus, their talons can be perfect for offensive combat, so why not?
Charmy: (Smiles Brightly) I wanna summon a giant pickle!
Everyone turns to Charmy with a confused look on each of their faces.
Charmy: What? You can't go wrong with a giant, fighting pickle. Ooh! With wings! A-And a ton of weapons to use!
Blaze: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly at the Young Bee) That....seems like a very interesting choice, Charmy. Well done.
Charmy: (Chuckles Lightly) Thanks!
Espio: ('Sigh') Summoning choices aside....(Smiles a Little) I'm impressed by all of the techniques we've seen so far. Especially the Hidden Mist Jutsu and the Chidori.
Silver: (Turns to Espio) Have your master ever taught you those kinds of moves before, Espio?
Espio: I can't say that he has honestly. The only things he taught me so far was the fundamental basics of ninjutsu: Speed, Stealth, Honor, Hand-to-hand Combat, and being one with your surroundings. Although, I did see him breathe out fire once.....
Charmy: Fire Breather, huh?....(Smiles Brightly) So he's like Vector!
Blaze: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Wait. Vector breathes out fire before!?
Charmy: Yep! It was a looong time ago too! I never knew how he does it though.....(Smiles Brightly Again) Hey, you think him and Sasuke would be a rad duo?
Blaze: ('Sigh') Perhaps.....I highly doubt that they'll get along...
Cream: Yeah. (Puts on a Pouty Look on her Face) Mr. Vector is way more nicer than that meanie-head Sasuke!
Cheese: (Nodded in Agreement) Chao. Chao.
Espio: I also agree. As talented as he is, his cooperation skills needs more improvement....
Silver: (Shrugs) Eh. He isn't too bad. I prefer him over Sakura anyday.
Blaze: Yes.....I was never much a fan of Sakura either. Especially after all the times she mistreated Naruto.
Cream: (Crosses her Arms) She's also a meanie head.
Blaze: (Giggles Softly) She is. But at least she gets slightly better in Shippuden though.
Espio: Shippuden?
Blaze: It's a continuation to the original series. But we're not close to that yet.
Espio: I see....(Smiles Softly) Still, I'm enjoiying this so far. Seeing It kinda reminds me of all times I've spent with master growing up.
Cream: What was he like before you met us?
Espio: He a lot of things, Cream.... Wise, knowledgeable, strict but fair. He was like the father I never had....Besides Vector of course.
Blaze: (Smiles Softly as She Rest her Head onto One of Espio's Shoulders) It would be nice to meet him someday. He seems like a good man.
Espio: He is. We may have our difference from time to time, but we still cherished each other regardless. Though, I do wonder what he will think of me now after all these years.....
Silver: (Smiles Softly as He Yawns a Little) You don't need to worry about that, Espio. (Starts Resting his Head onto Espio's Other Shoulder) I'm sure he'll be proud of you and all the accomplishment you made so far.
Cream: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. Just like how we're proud of you~ (Hugs Espio Lovingly Along With Charmy and Cheese)
Espio: (Sighs While Smiling Again) Thank you.
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soaringeag1e · 4 years
If You’re Reading This {12} Final
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Past Military!Dean x Reader - Sam x Reader?
Warnings: Swearing? Fluff, Tears
Words: 1,624
If You’re Reading This MasterList ~ My MasterList
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So, after stopping this 2 years ago, I had finally finished it earlier this year. Hopefully you all enjoyed the looong ride. Love you all!
Walking up to the white stone, you held your daughters hand while she carried a small bouquet of red, white and blue flowers in the other. She looked up at you with sad, curious eyes and in return you smiled down at her. Letting go of your hand, she knelt down and placed the flowers in front of the stone. Her little white dress fanning out to make the most beautiful, yet heartbreaking picture that will forever be etched in your mind.
“We got these for you, daddy.” she leaned forward, lightly placing a kiss to the stone. “Happy Birthday.” Releasing a shaky breath only made a tear follow suit.
And as if he could sense it, Sam then wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close. You smiled up at him before resting your head against his chest and continuing to watch your four year old talking to her dad.
She never met Dean, but you and Sam have told her countless stories about him, and you both still had millions left.
As she got up on her little feet, she blew another kiss to her dad before turning around and running into Sam’s arms. After letting you go, he kissed your daughters head.
“That was very sweet.”
“Did he hear me?” You rubbed her back, unable to speak, but Sam was able to help you out.
“Yeah. I’m sure he did.” Sam met your eyes briefly before you stepped away from them both and moved towards your husband’s grave marker.
“Happy Birthday, Dean.” your eyes burned as you stared at his name, trying your hardest to picture his smile at that moment. “I love you so much.” Kissing your fingers, you placed them on the cold stone, leaving them there for a moment as you tried to get the strength to pull away.
Once you did, you gave the stone another glance and then you went up to Sam, letting your little girl jump from his arms to yours.
“Can we get something to eat?” You giggled softly, looking up at Sam as he answered.
“Yay!” she threw her arms in the air as you turned to head for the car. Though it was probably one of the warmest days in January so far, it still had a bite in the air, one your little girl didn’t want to acknowledge when she left her sweater in the car.
“I’ll be right there.” Sam said before you got too far. But once he saw you getting your daughter buckled in, he turned to his brother, smiling softly.
“I’m sorry I was such an idiot. But I’m keeping my promise.” Glancing back at you, he caught you just as you shut the rear door and went to climb into your own. But your eyes caught Sam’s before you did, and you both smiled.
“I’m taking care of them as best as I can, and I don’t plan on going anywhere. I uh.....” he knelt down, making sure his jacket fell forward just enough as he pulled out a beautiful engagement ring from his inner pocket. The diamonds shinning bright as the sun hit them.
“I plan on asking her soon.”
“Sam!” His heart racing, Sam’s eyes snapped back to the car, seeing the little one yelling at him from the back seat. “Come on!”
“I’m coming!” he chucked softly, shaking his head before looking back to the stone.
“They’re crazy.......but they’re truly the best, aren’t they?” his head dropped, looking at the flowers in front of him as he laughed a little more.
“Happy Birthday, Dean.” he placed a hand on the top of the stone before standing back up and staring at his brothers name for just a few moments more, and then he made the small trek to the car.
The small American flag flapped in the light breeze as if it were Dean’s way of saying goodbye. Though with his back facing the grave marker, Sam didn’t notice.
But it would only be a few weeks before the three of you would return. His daughter would drop off her yearly rose for him and even a drawing or painting she did of a heart. Some times it be would military themed, just for him. And you would always be back for every holiday after to say hi if nothing else.
Just because Dean was gone didn’t mean you stopped acknowledging him. You and Sam wanted your little one to grow up knowing that was her dad and that you both loved him so much.
As she got older, the longer she would want to stay. She would sit and talk to him for awhile. Some times hours while you and Sam would walk around to give her, her space.
And then of course there were the occasional visits that you would come to see him or just Sam would come to see him. 
Dean never lacked visitors or conversations.
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20 years later
After setting the curling iron down, you carefully ran your fingers through her hair, waving it out against her back and shoulders.
Tears in your eyes hadn’t spilled yet, but you were sure that they would soon enough.
Your daughter turned in her heels, her hair and makeup making her look more like a model than she already did. Her green eyes popped making them and the white dress the main focus, which you thought was perfect.
She looked back at you, studying the light wrinkles under your eyes. Though you had aged, she thought you still looked like you always had.
“How do I look?” The excitement in her eyes made you smile, but the question made your eyes fill with tears.
“You look gorgeous.” you whispered, not able to get your voice to go higher than that.
A light knock came from behind you and your daughter called for the unknown person to enter. You turned just in time to see Sam step in the room. He smiled at you but then his eyes jumped to her, and he was speechless. Just as you were.
“Stop.” your daughter blushed, glancing down at her gown as her hands swiped against the fabric. Sam kept opening his mouth to say something but then it would shut again just as quick. Either he didn’t know what to say or he did and he didn’t want to make you both cry.
“Your uh....your mom and I wanted to give you something before you go out there....” Pulling back his suit jacket, he reached into a secret pocket before digging something out and handing it to you.
Your hand clenched around the object, feeling the tears get heavier as you did, and then you sniffled before looking back to your little girl.
“We all wish your dad was here for this.”
“No, just....” your throat tightened, but you forced a breath through. “He would be just as speechless as I am.”
“He’d be a wreck.” Sam added, making you both giggle.
“But, we thought it would be fitting for you to wear this...” Unclenching your hand, you took a step forward and let the chain dangle in between your fingers.
“Mom....” she cried softly, unable to move at the sight of the chain. “That’s supposed to stay at home.”
“Not today.” Pulling the chain apart, you draped it over her head, letting it rest against her chest. She finally reached for the dog tags, running her fingers over the name etched in them.
“Now he’s able to walk down the isle with you.” Her lips pressed together and you and Sam could both see a tear or two fall to the floor. Not that you both weren’t guilty of crying too.
“Thanks, mom.” she finally looked up, her eyes filled with tears. You let your hands slide against her cheeks before pulling her into you.
“I love you so much, baby.”
“I love you too.” After a good long, tender moment for you both, another knock took to the door and you pulled apart.
“It’s time.” The wedding coordinator smiled as she peeked her head in and you both quickly picked yourselves up and wiped your faces, making a few adjustments to your makeup.
“You ready?” Sam asked as you both turned for the door and your little girl nodded, locking arms with him as you snuck out to go and take your seat.
“You’re beautiful.” She smiled up at him, both of them keeping their eyes locked for a minute as if they were having a silent conversation before she replied.
“Thanks, dad.”
It turned out to be a beautiful wedding. Not that either of you thought it wouldn’t be. But when you both got home that night, you looked around the empty house. It was now officially just you and Sam. 
This house started out with you and Dean, and then you became pregnant with your little angel. Losing Dean was a biggie, but that’s when Sam practically moved in. But then she grew up, graduated high school and went off to college where she ended up falling for her future husband.
This house has been the hub for many smiles and just as many tears, and there is still so much that you and Sam get to look forward to. Like grand-kids and watching them grow up.
Dean’s presence remained in the house too. Between the stories you continued to tell and his belongings that stayed put. He would continue to be around for every new memory you shared, and that made you the happiest woman in the world. 
You and Dean always promised each other that you would spend the rest of your lives together, and in a weird, non conventional way....you both are.
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And there it is. The final part. Sorry it took a few years to get it out, but I hope you enjoyed it none the less.
Forever Babes:
@mrsdeannafuckingwinchester @ricanqueen20 @onethirstyunicorn @in-deans-arms @sandlee44 @hobby27 @catching-up-with-kayla @chances-and-miracles @superfanficnatural @realtrashf1 @thatmotleygirl @sleep-i-ness @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @amandamdiehl @coldmuffinbanditshoe
Dean/Jensen Lovers:
@deans-baby-momma @backseat-of-deans-67chevy @michellethetvaddict  @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @adoptdontshoppets @starsandmidnightblue @lyarr24 @torn-and-frayed @jensengirl83 @idksupernatural @akshi8278 @iamabeautifulperson18 @tatted-trina6
If You’re Reading This Tags:
@lokismistressofmayhem @deanswaywardgirl​
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bruh-haikyuu · 4 years
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A/N: i am once again combining requests 😔👊 here’s that childhood friends au i’ve been dying to write, enjoy!!
lucida. | akaashi keiji
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word count: 3307
warnings: none, just fluff for those bygone days
(n.) the brightest star in a constellation
It had been the night of a full moon the day you’d moved into the apartment building across Akaashi’s.
You were the Sun on that moonlit night. A meteorite hailing all the way from the distant countryside. Bright and unyielding (and adorably chubby at the cheeks). That time, he was a few months older than you, but that hadn’t stopped you from cheerfully befriending him.
It was because your mothers were awfully dear to each other, and that meant that you and Akaashi would spend a lot of time together by some means. But it wasn’t like either of you hated it.
Akaashi’s mother would cook you up some pancakes when you visited, and your mother would scoop him generous helpings of ice cream when Akaashi visited. It was a win-win situation for the both of you, but aside from the cordial feasts your parents offered, you really did enjoy each others’ companies.
“L/N-chan, it’s Akaashi-kun not ‘Kaashi-kun...” he mumbled gloomily as the both of you hiked up the subsided hill only a few meters away from the residential district.
“Ehh... it’s much shorter and easier to say though,” you said, eyes gleaming with wonder as you tugged harder on his jacket sleeve. “C’mon, hurry up, ‘Kaashi-kun! We’ll miss it!”
Reluctantly picking up his pace, he followed you through the spiraling tangle of trees and rocks. Akaashi mused on why he was doing this in the first place, when he could just be laying around in his room playing video games or the sorts. But you were so insistent that he had to accompany you to God-knows-where that he’d immediately rushed out the door before you could catapult more konpeitou* at his window.
Arriving at a barren lawn of grass and wildflowers, you stared up at the sapphire dome that stretched out across the horizon. The night was windless, unexpectedly so, considering it was already teeming into summer. Freckled with ivory motes, your eyes glazed over, reflecting the blue yonder in your childlike pools.
Watching you crane your neck upwards, Akaashi grew tireless at your unjustified antics. He wouldn’t find stag beetles here, might as well go home. “L/N-chan, what—”
You only shushed him briskly, pointing up at the unstirring sky. In a low whisper, you giggled. “It’s starting.”
And like the landscape had come to life, a blazing cascade of stars poured against the deep backdrop. Diamonds, Akaashi had thought when he saw the first one skid past his sight. It’s raining diamonds.
“A-Are the stars falling out of the sky?” Akaashi gulped, gripping your hand tighter.
Like always, you smiled at him kindly. “Nope! Papa said this is called a meteor shower. It happens on a special day each year—something like a birthday, I think.”
‘Like a birthday’. Whose birthday is it? Akaashi thought, his usual pout surfacing. “Why would the meteors need to shower?”
“I don’t know.” You shrugged. “Maybe they’re smelly or something after travelling a long, looong way to get here.”
Why would they need to travel? Where are the meteors going? All his questions made Akaashi dizzy. If he’d asked you, you probably wouldn’t know too much either. Letting go of your knobbly hands to crouch over the grass, the boy observed your marveled expression with sleepy eyes.
You looked so happy to watch the sky rain down on the horizon. He didn’t get why, but seeing your laughter as the heavens twinkled and glittered at you, he felt calm. Not the sluggish kind of calm, where he’d instantly fall asleep at the slightest touch, but sort of like a calmness of “heart”. Like how he felt whenever his parents mended one of his broken toys, or how he felt when he ate his favorite sweets.
And perhaps, like how Akaashi felt every single moment he spent with you.
“Wah!” Your sudden cry of alarm nearly made him flinch. “I forgot!”
Eyes widened as he watched you scramble to kneel amongst the grass, Akaashi timidly followed your actions and clasped his hands together as if he was visiting a shrine on New Years’.
“I thought you only made wishes to shooting stars?” he questioned.
“I’m not making a wish, ‘Kaashi-kun,” you murmured, pressing your knuckles to your forehead. “I’m thanking the sky.”
The boy’s lips flattened into a straight line as he saw you softly mouth your prayers. No wishes, huh? That was new. Awkwardly taking a deep breath, Akaashi tried his hand at expressing his gratitude to the heavens.
Thank you, sky. For being bright and beautiful and everything else. Although, I don’t really like when you rain, I think L/N-chan would want me to thank it too. Thank you for all your hard work. From Akaashi Keiji. Seven years old.
He hoped that would be enough. You were still praying; he wondered what sorts of things you were saying to the sky. You reminded him a bit of the stars. Night would come and Akaashi’s head would drift over to you. Bright and beautiful and everything else. He wondered if he was actually just thanking you.
Averting his gaze towards the fading shower, Akaashi let himself drown in the calmness that overtook his heart. The world was so much bigger to young children, and to you and your best friend, the doors to the great wide Milky Way had just opened up.
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“Konpeitou look a lot like stars, don’t they?”
Eyeing the tiny bullet of candy between your thumb and forefinger, you let out a satisfied hum when you pop it in your mouth. A sweet and sour flavor spreads in your tongue, and you consider eating nothing but star candies for the rest of your life.
“If you eat too much sweets you’ll get cavities,” Akaashi sighs, tapping the side of your bento that you’d barely touched. “Eat your vegetables, L/N-san.”
You stick out your tongue at him yet reluctantly pick up a floppy slice of eggplant. “Geez, you sound like my parents. Can we trade, ‘Kaashi-kun? I’ll give you my carrots and fried eggplants for your sunny side up and three octopus sausages.”
“Just the carrots. And you only get two sausages.”
Promptly piling up your carrots into his lunch box, Akaashi watches your eager smile falter into a sulk. Your best friend sighs, propping his elbows up on your desk to cradle his face.
“You were barely able to focus back there in class. You didn’t stay up all night again, did you?”
“O-Of course not! I’m sleeping fine.” There you go again. Akaashi wonders what face you’ll make if he told you you were bad at lying. He decides not to touch on that today.
“But your bedroom light was on. I saw it through the window.”
“I-I just forgot to turn it off!” you flush. “And what were you doing looking through my bedroom window? ‘Kaashi-kun, don’t tell me you’ve turned to a pervert—Ow! That hurts, ‘Kaashi-kun!”
“Don’t accuse me of ridiculous things if you’re going to lie. Your bedroom window is right across mine, I’d have known even if I wasn’t trying to.”
Holding up your hands to the spot where Akaashi had flicked your forehead, you give him a faux pout of defeat. When Akaashi gets violent, you know you wouldn’t be able to get away with anything. No matter how much konpeitou you bribe him with.
“I was just trying to get a good look at the stars again,” you mumble, the candy in your mouth splitting in half with a roll of your teeth. “Lyra and Aquila are getting pretty noticeable this time around.”
Akaashi racks through his mind to recall the right information you’d mentioned to him from all those late-night talks through your balconies. “Hmm... you mean the Tanabata* constellations? The ones representing Orihime and Hikoboshi, right?”
“Yep~! Vega and Altair are going to be at a spotlight during this year’s festival, so I made myself a promise to track down it’s progress until it’s over.” Dreamily sighing into your palm, you smile. “Orihime-chan and Hikoboshi are finally going to see each other again, what a pain to be separated like that... Aah, I’m super lucky that ‘Kaashi-kun’s balcony is just a reach away...”
Your slip of the tongue doesn’t go unnoticed by your childhood friend as Akaashi’s face burns crimson. You nearly forget that you’re not children anymore—that you’re past the ages of bathing together nude in a flimsy inflatable pool smack in the middle of Akaashi’s living room. That you’re both hormonal teenagers and there’s a very high possibility that you’re very much past the feeling of “just friends”.
“I-I see...” Akaashi clears his throat. “But that doesn’t dismiss the fact that you’re skipping out on sleep! You have to rest up, L/N-san, even if there’s a planetary convergence out in plain sight.”
“A planetary convergence! I’d never miss something like—Ow! Okay, okay, I get it! I’ll try not to miss out on too much sleep next time.”
Leaning back on his chair, Akaashi’s lips wrap around the plastic straw of his strawberry milk. He tries to slurp something up to soothe his mind, but only a crackly noise erupts from the carton. His eyebrows twitch in annoyance; if he doesn’t get your sleeplessness out of your system soon, you’re in worlds of trouble.
Akaashi doesn’t want you to suffer. He hates it when you do. There’s only so much he could do as your best friend, but if there was a chance for him to let your mind off things for just a moment... that would do him ounces of favors. Just a moment for the both of you, like the olden days. A moment away from Bokuto-san and the Volleyball Club. A moment away from your collapsing Astronomy Club. If Orihime and Hikoboshi would listen to his wishes, he hopes they’re listening to him now.
Please let me be with L/N-san. More than anything else.
“Ah,” he perks up. “Your family has confirmed the meet-up point for this year’s Tanabata Festival, right?”
Beaming brightly, you barely notice the faint blush on your classmate’s cheeks. “Yep! Don’t forget to remind your parents, alright? It’s a nice tradition that our families get to hang out every year during festivals~ My grandma said she’s going to come this year!”
“How nice. I haven’t seen your grandmother in a while,” he says. “H-hey, L/N-san... you think that old observatory is still there?”
“Ah, you mean by the hill? I think it is.”
And Akaashi smiles. The softest smile that you think he could ever muster. Just for a spare instant you think you’re seeing another wonder of the skies. A blessing that takes the form of your childhood friend... until the bell rings, signaling the next period.
Akaashi taps your shoulder quietly as he turns towards his own desk. “On the day of the festival. I want to show you something, so... could you ask your parents if you could stay for an extra hour or so?”
You don’t even realize your heart is racing hard enough for someone to hear. And you can only nod at your childhood friend who’s not quite a ‘friend’ anymore at this point.
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When you make a wish upon a star, how much are you willing to share them with another person?
Akaashi can only remember glimpses of what he’d wished for all those years ago. Better grades, a new toy, hope that onigiri would come down raining on him one day. It was always the normal wishes for him (and most of them didn’t really verge on being too weird) which is why he had no problems with sharing them with you.
On the other hand, you were more secretive about your wishes. But that didn’t mean you weren’t going to be so predictable about it...
“So you wished for that new telescope?”
“Aaah, ‘Kaashi-kun! Did you read my tanzaku* or something?! Rude!”
He sighed. “I don’t know. Probably has to do something with how much you’ve been saying ‘telescope’, ‘telescope’, ‘telescope’ in your sleep lately.”
He laughs at the memory of your beautifully flushed face. How old were you then, twelve? It was during this exact same festival too. Packed and stuffy just as always. You were radiant that night. A shooting star lighting up the universe with a simple grin. And Akaashi wonders if any constellation would ever be able to size up to you.
“‘Kaashi-kun! Sorry we’re late!”
Yukata*. A plum blossom-patterned yukata that draped over your body like a silk curtain. Akaashi has only counted two times in his life where he’d seen you wear something like that. One, the funeral for the old ramen shopkeeper in your apartment. Two, the cultural festival in your second year of middle school. Akaashi’s mind goes completely blank and his lips creep up into a smile as he doesn’t even hide his obvious blush anymore.
“‘Kaashi-kun, i-is my yukata okay?” you falter at his gaze. God, did he have to stare so much? “I probably look silly.”
“N-no! Y-you’re...” he shakes his head profusely. Beautiful? An angel? A gift to mankind? The only word good enough to measure up to your splendor was—
“Perfect. You’re perfect.” He twinkles. “I wouldn’t change a single thing.”
If you hadn’t dug your shoes so deep into the ground, you were sure your knees were going to buckle. Friends don’t normally call their friends ‘perfect’ with that expression, right? Particularly Akaashi with that comical poker-face of his. That’s unfair, ‘Kaashi-kun.
Right at the perfect second, your mother calls over to the both of you. “Hey, kids, want to write some tanzaku?”
“That’s alright, Auntie. I’ve already hung mine up when I got here.” Akaashi turns to you, still averting your gaze from him. Cute. “What’re you going to write this year, another wish for a supermoon?”
“Secret~” you wink impishly. “How about you?”
The boy hums quietly before returning your wink. “Secret.”
You grit your teeth. “Oh come on, you usually tell me anyway! Say, tell me? Is it something embarrassing? Where’d you hang it? I want to see!”
Akaashi only chuckles. Gently patting your head, he urges you towards the display of bamboos and streamers arching over the entrance to the festival.
“You’ll find out soon enough. Now let’s go and enjoy Tanabata before the stars decide to give out.”
Taking his hand, you gleefully lead him into the throngs of people. And he’s thankful that you do, because right now, it would be troublesome if you looked back to see the intense blush that covers him head to toe. Right now, he’s going to enjoy the festival with you. And later, well... There is always the perfect moment for everything, and Akaashi wants to make sure of it.  
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It’s a bit ironic, to be fair.
Something nostalgic hits him in the back of his head as he drags you through the trees and rocks towards the moonlit hill. Funny. You had always been the one to take his hand and encourage him to try something new. Stargazing, making friends, even a small push for a taste of volleyball. There are so much things he wanted to thank you for and he hopes whatever he was going to tell you tonight is worth it.
Akaashi’s hand on your wrist is warm as you approach a large clearing. Just overlooking the slope are the luminescent lights of the festival, like crystals that make the night glow even brightly. When he turns back to check on you, your wrist tethers upon scorching, but you make no move to pull your hand away.
“I-is this—?” you gasp.
It’s almost ethereal. No, it is ethereal. Shards of the Milky Way spread beautifully against an azure curtain, presenting itself to the both of you in a manner reminiscent to a dancer in motion. Threads of purple and rose weaves through the stars and wrap together like the hands of Orihime and Hikoboshi, bound together by fate. This is the essence of Tanabata, and you’re here to see it up-close-and-personal.
You don’t even notice Akaashi’s hand slowly creeping down your wrist to entwine his fingers with yours. He watches your features contort into a smile that showers meteors in his stomach—he wonders how amazing it is that he’s lasted this long in your heavenly presence.
“Do you like it?” he murmurs quietly.
‘Kaashi-kun... He must’ve spent so long researching about the timing and the shortest path to get here. “Thank you, ‘Kaashi-kun! Thank you! Oh wow... I can see the sky really clearly from here. You must’ve worked very hard... It’s beautiful.”
Akaashi raises his free hand to slip a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Not as much as you.”
You hold in your breath, the feeling of your best friend’s fingers lingering upon the leaf of your ears burning. It leaves you shaking inside your yukata, and you wonder how long you’ve been reacting like this towards him.
“Don’t tease me like that, ‘Kaashi-kun,” you mutter, looking away from his rain-streaked pools.
“I wasn’t teasing. You really are beautiful.” Akaashi hesitates to bite his lip. Soft and kissable, and smelling sweetly of candied apples. “L/N-san, this entire time... I was jealous.”
The color of your cheeks must’ve been beyond a radiant red by now. Akaashi takes both your hands in his. There’s no stopping the torrent of emotions that overtake him as he continues.
“I was jealous of the stars. That you were always looking at them with amazement and love. I thought I was being stupid, but it’s really not. You’d probably get mad at me for staring at you instead of the sky during those times you took me stargazing. But I can’t help it.”
“I like you, L/N-san. More than a friend.”
A lump grows in your throat, and you croak shakily. “Y-you do?”
Akaashi stutters but his words are as resolute as his gaze. “Of course I do.”
Silence hanging in the air, cold sweat begins to bead on the boy’s forehead. He’s still holding your hands—it’s warm just like you, and he worries if what he’d said might’ve ceased him the opportunity to experience such warmth ever again.
Then you laugh. Bubbly and absolutely pleasant. Resembling the coordinated twinkling of stars in the night sky. And Akaashi goes through a crisis, realizing that you’d finally seen him as a joke.
Clearing your throat, you beam kindly at him. “So do I, ‘Kaashi-kun. More than anything.”
“Ah...” he blushes deeply again and immediately finds interest in your shoes. “S-s-sorry. I thought you were going to reject me, so I didn’t really think of what to do next past this point.”
Sidling up closer to him, you let out a breathy sigh. Peeking down at you through your curled lashes, Akaashi’s chest pounds fervently against his dress shirt. And just upon his arm, he can feel the faint ba-dump of yours. How calming.
“I suppose while we’re here, we can thank the stars,” you say. “Like the old days.”
Akaashi chuckles, the rumble of his laughter buzzing under your skin. “That’d be nice.”
So you look up at the great vaults of heaven and expressed your gratitude. For each other, for konpeitou and boiled rapeseeds, for volleyball and the vast universe. Just for a moment, just for a peek, Akaashi feels the graces of Orihime and Hikoboshi shining upon him—Vega and Altair sparkling brilliantly on their stage.
The secret of your tanzaku isn’t much of a secret after all, you don’t have to admit it to each other either (much to Akaashi’s regard). It resonates within your congruent hearts like a reminder of the infinite sky that will always watch over you.
I want to gaze upon the stars with ‘Kaashi-kun forever.
I want to love L/N-san with all of my heart.
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
konpeito - Japanese sugar candy that look a bit like stars
tanabata - a Japanese festival, usually celebrated on the 7th of July, based on the romantic legend of Orihime and Hikoboshi
tanzaku - a narrow strip of card where wishes are written upon then tied on a bamboo stalk
yukata - a light cotton kimono
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galvanizedfriend · 4 years
The thing about waiting a month for an update is really unfair for the ones that are constantly giving you all the support. I mean, i will support any decisions you'll make for sure but although you didn't ask for opinions I'm gonna say i really don't like the idea of waiting a month. Personally, i tend to forget a lot of things and this happens specially with fics, waiting that long (cause an update once a month is looong) now that we are getting close to the end will kill me. I totally understand your point of view and you are not the first author i see talking about how the things here in tumblr have changed, but for the ones that are really trying to get you no only the recognition you deserve but also tones of love and support with the story, well, is kinda sad. And i get it's not about us (although i make it sound like it is so im sorry lol) cause i know you certainly care for us, but still, waiting a month specially with all those cliffhangers? 😂 Of course i will wait if i had to but i rather not wait that long, i think an update every 15 days if more than perfect, but again, it's your decision and you should do whatever makes you happy and confident with your work.
The thing with the Wolf is that this universe is really important for all of us, this has become huge in our lives and at this point i consider it a masterpiece (yes, masterpiece), honestly this is one of the few stories I'm constantly reading over a over again.
The problem is tumblr? yes, but please don't consider deleting it, for some of us (and i mean me) this is the only way we can make close contact with our favorites author, and in my case is you and it will make me really sad if one day all of that is gone. You have to realized that you are a really important part of our lives now (want it or not lol) cause all the joy and happiness your work bring us, and we want somehow to give you that back, and the way we can make that is thanks to tumblr and the communication it allows us with you. So yep, i will always be grateful for all that you have brought to this fandom, literally all the dreams we had have become true because of your stories and i will be forever in debt with you for that, for all those moments you gave us that i keep really close to my heart ❤
I don't feel like waiting a month either, anon! 😂 Taking almost a whole year to complete this story is something that gives me the chills just thinking about it. Because it is being written as though it were a season of the show, the ideal for me would be to update it once a week, but I understand that I can't expect people to keep up with that and because these chapters are so long, I'd rather give people more time to read than kind of pile up a bunch of chapters on people to the point it would make people uninterested.
But I just want to make it as comfortable as possible for the readers. For me, it doesn't really make much of a difference because the story is written. I might edit the chapters a bit, rewrite one or two paragraphs, but it's basically done. So it's really about the readers. If it turns out people don't want more than a chapter a month, then, you know... 😂 So it's good to know more people prefer the 10 to 15 days time frame, because that's honestly as far as I personally think it can go. More than that and I'm sure I'll start to drift off. lol
So, you know, I didn't ask, but I welcome opinions on that from anybody who feels like sharing. So appreciate your message!
I really do like tumblr as a way to keep in touch with people and there are so many great fandom initiatives all around, I get SUPER DISTRACTED by the pretty gifs (I’m a girl of simple pleasures!), but if I say it doesn't bring me down hard sometimes, I'll be lying. 😂 The anxiety and the pressure is almost kind of inevitable sometimes, and I'm sure many people feel the same way. It's nobody's fault, obviously, it's a personal thing, but if it gets to a point where it becomes too much, I might feel like taking a step back.
It's not the case now, though. I took a day off yesterday and now I'm here distracting myself from elections anxiety in my country, so it's all cool. 😂😂 I’m glad I have some asks to answer.
Thank you so much for this really sweet message, anon. ❤️❤️ I've said it countless times before, but writing this fic has been the thing that kept me sane this year. With so much crap happening and the pandemics and some personal problems, both because of the pandemic and not, I would've definitely flipped if I hadn't found something to keep me grounded and distracted. I plunged into writing this like never before, got SUPER involved with the second season, even more so than the first, so I am both grateful to the people who have read it, who have shared their thoughts with me, who have left me comments, who have showed their appreciation in any way and have followed me here and kept up with this process, because that kept me motivated to keep going and I really, really needed that. So thank you!
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crystalninjaphoenix · 4 years
Guardian Angel
A Horror Septics Story
(Did not mean this to end up so long, but hey, now it’s its own fic instead of a short snippet like all the other horror septics stuff I’ve written! And I’m not kidding, this is looong. But I thought the impact would be lessened if I split it up. Have fun!)
Day One in the New House
The moving truck had vanished, and she’d just gotten done putting all the boxes in the correct rooms, though they weren’t unpacked. She sighed in relief, and went upstairs to check on the kids. The upstairs had two bedrooms, and she’d given them the bigger one. She figured it was only fair, since they would be sharing it. She knocked on the door. “Mathew? Lark? Can I come in?”
A few muffled words of conversation, followed by a giggle and a  “Yeah, Mom!”
She opened the door. The two of them had been busy setting things up in here, though it was still a mess. They’d divided the room in half, a bed against the opposite walls with a window in the middle. “How are you two doing?”
“We’re good, Mom,” Mathew said, in the middle of taping a poster to his side of the room. Larkin nodded in agreement, bouncing where he was sitting on his bed.
“Alright.” She was about to say more, but then she heard the doorbell ring downstairs. “Oh, I gotta get that. Let me know if you need anything.” She left, closing the door behind her.
Back downstairs, she peered through the peephole on the front door. Standing on her front stoop was a woman, probably about the same age as her, with dark skin and curly hair. Deciding the woman wasn’t threatening, she opened the front door.
“Hi!” The woman beamed. She was holding a plate covered in plastic wrap. “I saw you just moved in, and I thought I’d bring you some cookies.”
“Oh.” She hadn’t been expecting that. Even though it was sort of a thing to bring housewarming gifts, she didn’t know people actually did it. “Thank you, um…?”
“Oh! My name’s Janet Rovira.” Janet smiled brighter, if that was possible. “And you are?”
“Stacy. Stacy Allen.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Stacy!” Janet handed over the plate, leaving Stacy to take it. “You’re American, right? What brings you all the way over here?”
“My grandmother lived here,” Stacy explained. “She always spoke highly of it. I just thought that...the kids and I needed a new start, and I thought this would be a good idea.”
“Oh, you have kids?” Janet asked, intrigued. “I have a daughter, she’s eight months old.”
Stacy smiled. “Yeah, I have two sons. Thirteen and seven.” She silently prayed that Janet wouldn’t make any comments about how young she looked, she’d heard enough of those.
Luckily, Janet didn’t even seem to notice. “Ooo! Good luck, I hear thirteen is when things start to get difficult. You and the mister better be prepared.”
Stacy felt a shard in her heart. She smiled through clenched teeth. “Ha ha, yeah, I’ll be prepared.”
Again, luck was on her side, as Janet seemed to pick up on something in her tone. Her smile dropped for the first time. “You know, I was familiar with the last resident in this house. Emily.”
“Oh, really?” Stacy asked. “I, um...heard what happened.”
Janet couldn’t hide her surprise. “You did?”
“Yeah, the realtor was, um...legally obligated to tell me what happened.”
Janet’s expression dropped for the first time, sun overtaken by gray clouds. “It was a sad affair. We all wonder if it could’ve been different. I wasn’t too close, but I wish I could’ve been. Maybe it would’ve helped.”
“No use dwelling on the past,” Stacy sighed. “Just keep them with you.” She was familiar with that. Had some practice with that, in fact, in the last year or so. “Well...thanks for the cookies.”
“Oh, no problem, hun, we had some extra. Hey, if you ever need anything, and I mean anything, just come on over. We live right across the street from you, and I work from home so I’m usually there. If I’m not, feel free to talk to Martín, my husband.”
Stacy managed a small smile. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks.”
“Still no problem.” Janet backed up. “Well, I’ll be seeing you around, then.”
“See you.”
Stacy closed the front door. As she did, she caught a glimpse of someone else on the sidewalk. She peered out the front window at the street. Yes, there was a man walking along the path. But then he stopped. And he looked at her house. Stacy gasped, drawing the curtain closed. Yet she couldn’t help it. She peeked out again. The man was still there. Janet was walking towards him, but she stopped, and then crossed the street, jaywalking across the empty asphalt. The man didn’t seem to notice. Stacy drew the curtains closed again. It was probably nothing.
But when she went to bed that night, it was hard to get to sleep. She felt like she was being watched.
Day Fourteen in the New House
Stacy had been out all day, as she had been every day for the past week. She needed a job. She’d been looking online, and applied for a few but got rejected for all. She was now dropping her resume off at some places with hiring signs in the window, but she doubted she’d get an answer. She’d had exactly three interviews and hadn’t heard back from any of them, but she was sure it hadn’t gone well. She sighed, deeply. This was...this was tiring.
And upon arriving home, she was not excited to look out her car window and see the same man from two weeks ago standing outside and looking at her house.
Her heart shot up into her throat, but she remained calm. She parked her car in the driveway, unlocked her front door, went inside, locked the door behind her, went upstairs, unlocked the special drawer in her dresser, took out her handgun and shoulder holster, put it on under her jacket, went back downstairs, and the guy was still standing outside. Five minutes later. She took a deep breath, and went outside, walking right up to the guy. “Hey,” she said.
The man looked at her. “Hi.”
Stacy laughed. “Sorry, I was just...I saw you outside a few weeks ago, too. Do you...want to talk to me about something?” She figured it was a good idea to confront him about it.
The man looked back at the house. He...well, Stacy wasn’t one to judge, but he looked sketchy as hell. He was wearing a dirty green jacket, fur around the hood, at five o’clock on an August afternoon. The eye patch didn’t help, nor did the stained bandages around his neck. “There’s something in your house,” he said.
“Excuse me?” Stacy asked.
“Something in your house. It moves in the windows sometimes.” The man said this as if it was perfectly reasonable.
“Well...I don’t live alone,” she said slowly.
“No, I know. The kids, right? Two boys? I’ve seen them.” He smiled. “Cute. No, I mean...there’s a thing in your house.”
...okay. This was happening. Stacy’s hand drifted upward, towards the handle of her gun. “There are a lot of things in my house. But you don’t have to stand outside to watch for any of them.”
He looked at her again. And Stacy realized that, despite the streaks of gray in his hair, he was actually pretty young. Probably younger than her. “Right. I don’t have to.”
Stacy swallowed nervously, then smiled. “So...I’d appreciate it if you didn’t.”
Silence. The man kept staring at her. Then he stared at the house again. And he backed up. “It wouldn’t like me,” he muttered, and then turned and slinked off down the street. 
Stacy felt like her house was about to pound out of her chest. She quickly hurried inside, locking the door behind her. And she took out her phone, dialling a number she’d gotten just a few days ago. It didn’t ring for long. “Hello?”
“Hi, Janet? I-It’s Stacy,” she said.
“Oh, hi Stace! What’s up?”
“Yeah, um.” She laughed nervously. And she glanced out the front window. No one was there. “Funny story. There was, uh, a...guy outside my house? Kind of, um, watching it?”
Janet’s tone suddenly sharpened. “What did he look like?”
“Um…” Stacy’s mind went oddly blank for a moment. “I mean, a guy in a green jacket. He had an eye patch.”
“Oh.” Janet sounded a bit relieved. “I know who you mean. That’s John.”
“Well, that’s what everyone calls him. John Doe, you know? Cause nobody really knows his name,” Janet explained. “He’s...well, he lives in a tent in the park. Kind of crazy.”
“Crazy?” Stacy repeated, nerves crawling up her spine.
“But mostly harmless,” Janet hurried to say. “Martín’s seen him in the station a few times for disturbances, but he’s never hurt anyone.”
“What kind of disturbances?”
“You know, noise complaints, loitering, some mild destruction of property, pickpocketing. Why was he outside your house?”
“...I don’t know.” Stacy glanced out the window again. She thought she saw a flicker in the corner of her vision, but it must’ve been nothing, because nobody was there. “He said there was ‘a thing’ in my house. Kept saying it.”
“Yep, I told you, kind of crazy.” Janet sighed. “You tell me if you see him again, I’ll ask Martín to look into it.”
“Thanks, Janet.”
“No problem. See you later, hun.”
Stacy hung up, sighing. She closed her eyes. She didn’t want to have to deal with some crazy guy on top of everything else going on. The boys would be starting school soon, she still needed a job, they were all adjusting to the new place and...well, the other thing. She needed a break.
She opened her eyes, starting to head upstairs so she could take a nap. But as she walked past the kitchen, she paused. And sniffed. There was a smell in the air...one that she better not be smelling in a house with a preteen and a child. She poked her head inside the kitchen. There was a puddle of red liquid on the counter, dripping off the side and onto the floor. Drops led to the closed fridge. She walked forward and opened the refrigerator door. Among the normal groceries were two dark bottles, a few cracks in them, covered in dust. She picked one of them up and sniffed it, then looked at the label. Yep, that was wine. What was it doing here? She didn’t own any alcohol, she was trying to give it up, avoid temptation. She decided she’d ask Mathew about it later that night at dinner. He was thirteen, he’d better not be getting into this.
She did talk to him. But he denied it, even when she explained she wasn’t mad. Mathew wasn’t a liar, but she gave him the talk about alcohol anyway, just in case. Because she didn’t want to think about the idea that someone had broken into her house, even if all they did was drop off bottles of wine. That was...confusing. And terrifying.
Day Thirty-Two in the New House
Stacy arrived at the school a half hour before it let out. Just in case. It was another ten minutes before Mathew exited the building. He spotted her car immediately, heading right towards it. “Hey pumpkin,” she said cheerfully as he got in the car. “So how was ‘secondary school’?”
“Okay, I guess. A little weird.” Mathew stared out the window as the car pulled away. “It’s like Harry Potter.”
“Well, that makes sense. They are British books, after all.” Stacy bit back a yawn. She hadn’t been sleeping well lately. She kept tossing and turning, having this strange feeling...that she wasn’t alone. More than once, she could’ve sworn she heard someone whisper directly in her ear, but when she looked around, the room was empty. And last night, she thought she saw someone sitting in her chair, but when she turned the lamp on, it was just one of her cardigans thrown over the seat. These things must’ve been caused by stress. She’d finally managed to get a temporary job at the pool, but that would be closing at the end of the month, so she was still looking. And there was the whole “new city in a new country” thing. And she was worried about the boys’ new schools. And there was...well. All of these things probably added up. She trusted she’d sleep better once they all got settled. “Did you talk to anyone interesting?” she asked cheerfully.
Mathew shrugged; she could see it in the rear view mirror. “Mom...do we live in a ghost house?”
“Hmm? What makes you say that?”
“Well, there were these two guys in my Math class, they said that the last person who lived there died, and now she haunts the place.”
Stacy nodded sadly. “Well...the last resident did...pass away. That’s why we got such a nice house for so little. Things like that lower the cost. But I don’t think ghosts exist, Matt.”
“Huh.” Mathew stared out the window. “They said she...offed herself.”
Stacy bit her lip. “Don’t use that term, please pumpkin, it’s a little...disrespectful. But...yes, that’s what I was told, too.”
“Do you...think that ghosts can talk to each other?” Mathew asked. “Do they all know each other? You think this lady would know Dad?”
This was a tricky space to navigate. Stacy stayed silent for a bit. “Well...maybe they do, maybe they don’t. They...did live in different countries, but maybe things like that don’t matter to them. We can’t really know.” Her voice was soft. “Are you...you know you can talk to me about anything, right Matt?”
Mathew nodded. He didn’t say anything else on the drive. Ten minutes later, Stacy pulled up to the primary school. Five minutes later, the kids all walked out. She spotted Larkin, and waved at him. He was silent as he walked up to the car and climbed inside, sitting next to Mathew.
“Hey sweetie,” Stacy said, putting enthusiasm in her voice. “How was school?”
“Good.” Larkin joined Mathew in staring out the window.
“Did you talk to anyone? Make any new friends?”
“Yeah, a few people. I don’t know if we’re friends yet.”
“I bet you could be!”
This was...odd. Larkin wasn’t usually this quiet. “How’s your teacher? What’s her name?”
A silent moment. “Ms. Bloomberg. She’s...okay.”
And Larkin continued to give short answers all the way back home. Once inside, he ran upstairs and shut the door to their shared room, leaving Mathew to hang out in the living room. Stacy watched Lark go, not bothering to hide her concern. She made spaghetti for dinner that night. It was Larkin’s favorite, and she hoped to cheer him up. It didn’t work, but when she brought out the ice cream he perked up considerably.
“Hey Lark,” Mathew said, stabbing his bowl of vanilla with the spoon. “Did you know we live in a ghost house?”
Stacy gave Mathew a look, one of the ones that said not to go there. But then Larkin piped up, “Uh-huh. There’s a ghost here.”
She then immediately turned to look at Larkin. “Oh? Have you seen this ghost?”
“A couple times, yeah.” Larkin shoved a spoon of chocolate in his mouth before answering. “He’s a sad ghost, he walks all over the place but then he disappears. I said hi to him, and he said hi back. Then he went away.”
“Interesting.” Stacy filed this under the “to-be-concerned-about-if-something-seems-off” part in her brain. It could just be Larkin’s new imaginary friend. He had one once before, a talking dog named Boots. But he said he went away two years ago to find his family. So, she wouldn’t be worried unless something happened. But she took note of it.
Night Sixty-Five in the New House
Stacy woke up in the middle of the night, for a reason she couldn’t understand. Her initial reaction was to keep her eyes closed and try to go back to sleep. She’d gotten a new job at the grocery store, and its hours were long. She was exhausted, and needed the sleep.
But then she felt something pressing on her chest.
Dimly, she registered this as a problem. Breathing was difficult. In her tired mind, she thought that maybe she should roll over onto her side and that would fix it.
It was one of those whispers in the night, the ones she’d been hearing lately. But this one seemed less like something between the worlds of waking and dreaming, and more like something firmly real.
“i know you’re awake.”
She couldn’t really identify the voice. It wasn’t anyone she knew, so she assumed—hoped—that it was her imagination. If she had to put an age and gender to it, she would guess it was a man her age, but it would be just a guess.
“can you hear me?”
It was definitely a whisper. And it was definitely really there. She struggled to breathe through the weight, as well as the sudden terror that gripped her.
“can you say something? please?” 
Something brushed against her hair. And that convinced her to open her eyes.
There was something in front of her. It was sitting on her chest. It could probably feel her heart beating a mile a minute. She stared frozen at the figure, taking in its reaching hand and the tear tracks trailing down its face. And then she managed to scream.
It vanished, the weight on her chest disappearing. She bolted upright, arms and blankets flailing. Her eyes darted around the room. Where is it? Where is it?! She cast her hand to the side and turned on her lamp. She grabbed her phone from the nightstand where it was charging and dialed a number, panting heavily.
After a long time ringing, it was picked up. “Hello?”
“Janet! I-I-I—” Stacy couldn’t get the words out. Tears were coming to her eyes. “I-I-I—”
“Whoa, Stace, hun, calm down.” Janet’s voice was soothing. “What’s got you so upset?”
After a few more seconds of calming her hyperventilating, Stacy managed to choke out, “I-I think I just saw something.”
“Something?” Janet asked, confused. “What something?”
“I don’t—I don’t know.” Stacy shook her head, even though she knew Janet couldn’t see her. “I-I woke up, and I—and I couldn’t breathe and there was something on my chest. And I heard something whisper, and—and I opened my eyes and there was a thing in front of me—” She broke off, trying to control her breathing again.
“Hey, hey, it’s going to be okay, Stace,” Janet reassured her. “Whatever happened, it’s over now. Sounds like you had a real scare.”
Stacy wiped at her eyes. “Y-yeah...Wh...what was that?”
“I don’t know, hun, but...have you ever heard of sleep paralysis?”
“Isn’t that where you can’t move?”
“Yes, but sometimes people see weird things. You know, hallucinations. They could be really scary. I had sleep paralysis real bad when I was a teenager, and a lot of the time it felt like there was a weight on my chest. Does that sound like what happened?”
“I...I guess.” Stacy nodded. That made sense. That was probably all it was. “Do you think it can be caused by stress?”
“Maybe. If it happens again, maybe you can talk to someone about it. Like, a doctor.”
“Maybe. I’m...I’ll Google it in the morning.” That seemed like the best idea.
“Want me to stay on the line?” Janet offered. “I got up to check on Maggie, but I can stay up.”
“No, no, it’s fine. Get some sleep.”
“You too. Get a good night’s rest. Good night, Stacy.”
“Good night.”
Yet she couldn’t get to sleep until she heard the early morning birds chirping.
Day Seventy-One in the New House
Larkin had been in his room ever since she picked him up from school. It was now almost dinner time, and she was getting worried. She headed upstairs and knocked on the door. “Hey Lark? It’s almost time to eat, what do you want?”
For a moment, there was silence. “I don’t know, Mom.”
Definitely not normal. Larkin always asked for something; usually pasta, it was his favorite. “Do you mind if I come inside, sweetie?”
A long bit of silence. “Okay.”
She gently pushed the door open. Larkin was lying on his bed with his face buried in the pillow. She walked over and sat on the side of the small mattress. “Are you doing okay, sweetie?”
Larkin nodded, keeping his face buried.
“Anything you want to talk about?”
He shook his head.
She quieted for a moment, thinking. “Lark, can you look at me?” He suddenly hunched his shoulders, and she hurried to add, “Only if you want to, of course.”
That seemed to help. Larkin sat up, rubbing at his eyes. They were red. He’d obviously been crying.
“Oh, sweetie, what’s wrong?” she asked quietly. “Is it friends? Or school?”
Larkin suddenly started crying. “Ms. Bloomberg.”
“Your teacher? Do you not like her?”
He shook his head. “She’s mean, Mom.” 
“Hey.” She reached out and squeezed his shoulder. “How is she mean? Did she do something?”
Tears slipped down Larkin’s face. “She calls me L-Landon instead of my name. A-and she won’t stop when I tell her to. Yesterday she...she said she wasn’t gonna call me a for-aim name.”
“What?! A foreign name?” Stacy shook her head, baffled. “That’s ridiculous.”
“And she—she thinks I’m cheating in math.” Larkin hid his face in his mother’s blouse. “Because I-I don’t do good in English.”
“Did she say that?”
“No, b-but she always puts red marks on math questions I know I did right. An-and I asked her why, and she said she’s making my math scores meet my English ones.” He took a shaky breath. “Bec-cause those ones are the ‘right’ ones.”
Stacy patted Larkin’s back. She wasn’t looking at the door, but she knew Mathew was standing there. “That’s awful. Tell you what? I’ll go to talk to her after dinner and get this sorted out. Would that help?”
Larkin nodded.
“Alright, sweetie. Now. What if I made spaghetti for dinner?”
“That sounds good, Mom.”
“Alright.” She planned on staying there a few moments more, to make sure Larkin was okay. But she turned toward the doorway, planning to ask Mathew to leave. But her request died in her throat. Nobody was there. Strange...she could’ve sworn she felt a presence. Like someone was watching her. Maybe Mathew had left.
Stacy did indeed make spaghetti for dinner, then called Janet to ask her to watch the kids. Once Janet came over, leaving her daughter, Maggie, with her husband, Stacy got in the car and drove over to the teacher’s address. It was clearly printed in the school directory, which she found kind of strange, but who was she to tell the school how to run?
It was that strange time of day between sunset and evening when she pulled up to the curb outside Nancy Bloomberg’s house. Stacy got out of her car, locking it behind her, and walked up the path to the front door. She rang the doorbell. After a minute of no response, she rang again. After another minute, she went to knock, and when her knuckles hit the door, it opened. Just a bit. Enough to show it had already been open a little, and the force of the knock caused it to swing inward. Stacy hesitated, then pushed the door open a bit. “Hello? Ms. Bloomberg?”
No answer. There was a car in the driveway, so she assumed Ms. Bloomberg was home. She swallowed, and pushed the door open all the way. “Hello?”
It’s then that she saw the puddle of red liquid.
She was curious enough to step inside the house and head toward it. At first, she thought it was spilled wine, reminiscent of the scene in her own house when she first moved in.
And then she looked into the kitchen and realized it wasn’t wine.
Day Seventy-Two in the New House
She’d called the police, of course. And she’d called Janet, to explain what happened and why she would be late. The cops asked her what she saw, and why she was here, and she replied that she’d been paying her son’s teacher a visit. She told them she’d just found the body once she realized the door was open. They believed her.
It was a Saturday, and the kids were home from school. Mathew was playing some game on his Xbox in the living room while Larkin sat on the floor and colored with crayons. Stacy poked her head inside to check on them. “How’re you guys doing?”
“Good, Mom,” Mathew said.
“Good, Mom,” Larkin said cheerfully.
“What’re you drawing?” Stacy walked over.
“This!” Larkin held up the drawing for her to see.
Stacy stopped, staring. This was...this was impossible. But...no, it was impossible. It would be concerning on its own, but she recognized it. The scribble of red on the crayon floor, the yellow dress and black hair on the lying-down figure...it was exactly what she saw yesterday. “Lark...where did you get the idea for that?”
“The ghost told me about it,” Larkin explained.
“The ghost?”
“The sad ghost who lives in our house!” Larkin explained. “He told me a story last night about a mean lady taking a nap in red paint, so I drew it.”
“...ah.” Stacy looked over at Mathew, who paused the game to look at Larkin, a bit concerned as well. “That’s...that’s interesting.”
“You know the ghost, right, Mom?” Larkin asked. “He goes in your room sometimes. Right through the door.”
Her heart was pumping ice. “I’ve never seen him, sweetie.”
“Aw.” Larkin went back to coloring. “He seems nice.”
Stacy nodded, smiling, and left the room.
She called the police again.
Day Seventy-Three in the New House
“So you’re saying your son killed her?”
“No, of course not! He’s seven! But he did hear about what happened...somehow.”
“What about your other son? How old is he?”
“Thirteen. But he couldn’t have done anything!”
“Would he be protective of his younger brother?”
“W-well, I mean, yes, but it’s impossible! He was with my friend Janet all evening, and before that he was with me.”
“So how do you think your son knew about what happened?”
“I’m not sure. He said the ghost in our house told him about it.”
“Does your son know anyone who could be considered ‘a ghost’? Like an older man?”
“No...not that I know of.”
“...we’ll be looking into this, ma’am.”
Night Ninety in the New House
Stacy was pretending to be asleep, keeping her eyes firmly shut and her breathing even. She wanted to check the time—surely it had to be three a.m. at least. It couldn’t be earlier than that.
There were whispers in her head.
She couldn’t say what they were saying, not exactly. She had the vague sense that they were like fog, filling her brain. A heavy fog dragging her down. Occasionally a memory would flash across her mind. Not good ones. Ones she’d rather forget, actually.
“hey. i know you’re awake.”
The time she’d left the house for work in the morning, trusting the babysitter would arrive on time. But the sitter had been an hour late, and in that time period, five-year-old Larkin had managed to fall off a stool, trying to reach a high-up shelf, and broken his arm. She’d gotten the call from the sitter at the hospital. She’d felt like a failure, staring down at her son’s cast.
“why don’t you ever answer me?”
She rolled over, sticking her arm out in an effort to reach a more comfortable position. In her head, she recalled the night she’d got the news. The night she’d been up late, waiting for him to come home. She stared at the phone, noticing repeated calls from a number, but not the number she was looking for. Then the police officer came to her house, saying something about there being an accident. She should’ve answered the phone. And how was she supposed to tell the kids?
Something grabbed her hand. Something that should’ve felt like a human hand, but it was too cold, a layer of dust covering its palm. She tried not to shudder. If she didn’t react, maybe it would go away.
“i want you to stay with me...” 
“will you stay with me? will all of you stay?”
The memory of the first time she’d tried drowning her tears. A bottle of whiskey, late at night when she thought they’d both be asleep. She thought it had worked. A little bit of a buzz, and she was forgetting what all the fuss was about in the first place. But Mathew was awake. And seeing him had reminded her. She didn’t remember what she said, but she remembered it was in anger. She’d apologized the next morning. But it wasn’t enough. She was never enough.
“you’re going to stay with me. i love company.”
She must’ve fallen asleep eventually. When she woke up, she thought it had been another dream. Another hallucination brought on by sleep paralysis. But then she twitched her fingers, clutching them into a fist. And it felt...off. She opened her eyes, and her hand. There was a layer of gray dust on her palm.
Day Ninety-One in the New House
Stacy called a therapist, made an appointment for Wednesday. She approached it with the idea that this was all in her head. Which would be...difficult enough to deal with on its own. With two kids to take care of, could she worry about losing her mind?
But she kept coming back to the gray dust. It was there. It was definitely there. She’d washed her hand, but not before finding a mason jar in the kitchen and doing her best to wipe the dust into it. She got some of it...and it was definitely there.
Larkin had said there was a ghost in the house. A ghost that went into her room sometimes. A ghost that told him that his teacher was killed, the day after it happened.
The kids were at school. She grabbed her jacket, and a moment later, unlocked the special drawer in her dresser, grabbing her handgun and shoulder holster as well. She threw the jacket on over the holster, and left the house, walking across the street and knocking on the door of the house opposite hers.
Janet opened the door with a smile. “Oh hey, Stace. You okay, hun? You look a little…” She waved her hand in front of her face. “...pale.”
Stacy laughed. “I...you’re gonna think I’m crazy.”
Janet sensed this was a serious matter. Her smile dropped. “Why don’t you come inside, hun?”
The living room was small and cozy, pictures of Janet and Martín’s relatives on the walls. Janet set Stacy down on the sofa, bringing her a plate of cookies—“biscuits,” she called them. Stacy took one, but didn’t eat. Janet sat down in an armchair across from her. “Now. What’s wrong?”
That was all it took for the whole story to come spilling out. The sleep paralysis episodes, the whispers she’d been hearing that she attributed to stress, the stories her son told about a ghost, the times she’d found strange bottles of alcohol in her house that she knew she hadn’t brought there, and all culminating in her waking up, with dust on her hand in the same place she could’ve sworn someone was holding it last night. At the end of it all, Stacy realized she’d started crying. She hurriedly wiped her face. “I-I know it sounds crazy,” she said. “I’m going to see a therapist next week, but...I-I don’t know, I just needed to tell someone else.”
Janet had been silent the whole time. Now, she looked down at her hands in her lap. “It...it does sound strange, hun, but...well, some of this can’t be a coincidence.”
Stacy let out a deep breath. “I-I know, it is a bit weird—”
“No, I mean…” Janet inhaled deeply, and looked back up. “You remember the person who lived in that house before you did?”
“Emily?” Stacy asked.
“Yeah, Emily Kendrik.” Janet nodded. “A week before she...well. A week before it happened, she showed up at Helen’s house—she’s the head of the Homeowner’s Association. Emily complained about there being a lot of dust in her house. Helen said that wasn’t a problem for the HOA, and Emily showed up here.” Janet bit her lip. “She talked about that, and the fact that she kept hearing things at night...and how broken beer bottles were showing up in her fridge.”
Stacy’s eyes widened. “I—I swear I didn’t know this—”
“No, of course you didn’t,” Janet waved away. “Helen might’ve laughed about the dust thing with her friends, but I never told anyone about what Emily said to me. I mean…” she laughed nervously. “H-how could I have? When a week later, Emily was found...like that.” She tried to say it as delicately as possible.
Stacy put the biscuit she was still holding down on the plate. “So...I-I’m not the only one who’s had this...happen?”
“Apparently not.” Janet looked...well, worried was a mild way of putting it. “I think maybe your son’s right. Maybe your house is haunted.”
All Stacy could do was stare at nothing. Her whole world had just been flipped on its head. “What am I supposed to do?” She asked hoarsely. “Call a priest?”
“I mean, I think that’s what people usually do when there’s a thing in their house.”
Stacy suddenly started. “Wait, what did you say?”
Janet blinked, confused. “I said I think that’s what people usually do when there’s a thing in their house.”
That phrase was ringing a bell. Stacy cast her memory back, trying to think of where she’d heard it, and why it seemed so memorable.
There’s a thing in your house. It moves in the windows sometimes.
Stacy suddenly stood up. “I-I just remembered something. I’ll talk to you later, Janet.”
“Oh, uh...alright. Talk to you later, Stace.”
Stacy wasn’t even listening as she left. Quickly, she walked across the street back to her house. Digging in her pocket for her wallet and car keys, she devised a plan. It was still morning, she didn’t have to pick up the kids for a while. Plenty of time to find a guy whose name she didn’t know.
The city had two different parks, but she decided it would be a better bet to search the bigger one first. And it was. In one corner of the park, the one that had a particularly high amount of trees, she found a small green tent set up, vaguely dome-shaped, probably only big enough for one person. She...wasn’t sure how to check if anyone was home. Did you knock on a tent? That seemed like a good idea. She walked right up to the tent, found an area that looked like a door, and hit it a couple times with her fist like she was knocking on a house door. “Hello?” she asked.
There was a sudden yelp, and the walls of the tent moved as someone inside scrambled about. The door area unzipped, and a man climbed out, standing up and looking around wildly. Stacy backed away as she realized the man was holding a pocket knife—and a rather big one, as well. The man’s eyes—or, eye, the other one was covered by a black patch—landed on her, and he relaxed. “Jesus christ, you fucking scared me,” he breathed, folding the pocket knife closed. “Don’t do that. I thought you were coming to take me.”
“I-I’m sorry.” Stacy smiled shakily. “Um, are you...I mean, I don’t know your name, but my friend called you John?”
“Yeah, that works, it’s the closest yet,” the man said, shoving the knife in the pocket of his green jacket.
“Uh...okay. John.” Stacy swallowed nervously. “I...don’t know if you remember me—”
“You’re the lady in the house across from Martín’s, the one with two kids, boys,” John said, as if he was reciting words from a cue card. “Yeah, I remember you.”
“...oh.” Stacy fought the urge to take a step backwards. This guy was really unnerving her. But what was unnerving her more was the thought of what was happening back in her home. “Well. My name is Stacy. You...a couple months ago, you were outside my house, and I talked to you, and you said something about there being ‘a thing’ in my house. I-I was just wondering...why did you say that?”
“Cause there’s a thing in your house,” John stated clearly. “It’s in the windows. But I mean, it kind of disappears when anyone else tries to look at it.”
Stacy realized that sounded insane. She then realized she might be going insane, but decided to keep going anyway. “A thing like a ghost?”
John burst into laughter, doubling over with the force of it. Stacy took a step backwards, waiting for him to finish. After what must’ve been a solid thirty seconds, John managed to stop himself. He straightened, and grinned widely at Stacy. “No, not like a ghost. Ghosts might not even exist. I’ve never seen one. Unless you count the souls of the damned that are trapped in the mist of an Irish forest. No, this is much worse than a ghost.” His grin faded slowly. “...and...you’re actually looking at me seriously. Like, this doesn’t sound like complete bullshit to you.”
“I mean, it does,” Stacy admitted. “But after what’s been happening, I think bullshit is my new reality.”
“...huh.” John blinked, staring at her. One blue eye looked over her, its gaze piercing.
“I think...I need your help?” It came out like a question. “Things have been happening...c-crazy things.” She laughed.
“...well, then.” John grinned. “We can talk. But on one condition.” At Stacy’s sudden wide eyes, he hurried to say, “Nothing too big. I just want to see if you could buy lunch, or something? We can talk at a restaurant...or something. Not like, McDonald’s. I’ve had enough of that.” He smiled a bit.
“Oh. Um, okay. Yeah.” That didn’t sound too bad. If anything happened, she did have a gun. “C’mon, I know a place.”
They ended up at a local diner, fairly crowded. Stacy wondered if that was gonna be a good idea, given what they would be talking about. She didn’t want anyone to overhear. But then again, maybe it would be too loud for anyone to hear anything. And given the looks John was attracting, maybe anyone who did hear would think she was just humoring his crazy ideas.
It would be a while until the food they ordered actually arrived, so Stacy got right to business. “What you were saying back there. What do you mean, worse than a ghost?” she asked, jumping right into the topic. “Like, a demon?”
“Well, to me, the word ‘demon’ kind of...implies something specific.” John was scratching his nails into the wooden table, seemingly not caring about the marks it was leaving. “Like...there’s a specific idea to it, y’know? Maybe that’s ‘cause of religion or something, I don’t know, but even if you’re not religious, you have a sort of concept in your head of what a demon is.” He chuckled. “These things...don’t really fit into a category. They’re more like horror movie monsters come to life.”
“That’s...not encouraging,” Stacy admitted.
John laughed. “Life isn’t as safe as you thiiiink it is!” he said in a singsong voice. “There’s so many different ways you can get fucked up!”
“...okay, then. That’s even less encouraging.” Stacy scooted her chair back a bit.
John’s smile faded. “Sorry.” He paused. “If it’s any consolation, you...you really did just have bad luck. The odds of actually running into one of these things is relatively small. You just...chose the wrong city.”
Stacy looked down at the tabletop. “My grandma grew up here. She never mentioned the...I don’t know, cryptid horror monster.”
“Well, to be fair, most people wouldn’t. Even if they knew, they’d probably say something like, ‘oh it’s not safe to be out on the streets at night’ or some shit like that. I mean, come on. Would you?”
“You talked to me about it,” Stacy pointed out. “Even before I came to you about it.”
“Yeah, and you thought I was insane.” John shrugged. “Which I mean...jury’s still out on that.”
Stacy laughed nervously, and shook her head. “We’re getting off track. Do you know anything about this...this thing in my house?”
John scrunched his brows, thinking. “Well, I know it straight-up disappears when you look at it in the window. And I haven’t seen it outside anywhere. Have you?”
The waiter arrived, bringing over their drinks. Stacy quietly thanked him, and John did too. The waiter ignored him, though, just talking to her to say the food will be coming out soon. Once he walked away, Stacy returned to their conversation.
“Outside anywhere? Like, outside my house? Um…” Stacy cast her mind back over the last three months. “Actually, come to think of it, I haven’t. I-I mean, when I’m in my house I sometimes see shadows in the corner of my eyes. And I hear these...whispers.” She shuddered. “But it’s never when I’m at work, or when I’m picking up the kids from school, or running errands.”
“So it’s probably confined to a single space,” John said. He took a sip of his Coke. “Some of them are like that, but others travel about.”
“Okay…” Stacy nodded. “So...what should I do about it?”
John shrugged. “Well, I don’t know, exactly. I’ve only been here five months, and I didn’t see it until I stopped outside your house the day you moved in. But I can give you a suggestion.”
“Alright. What’s that?”
“Leave. Like, right now.”
“Wh—” Stacy spluttered. “I can’t do that!”
“Why not?” John looked genuinely surprised.
“Because we just moved here! The kids are still adjusting, I’m still adjusting—”
“Perfect, you won’t have anything to miss!” John laughed.
“No! You can’t handle two moves in such a short period! What would that do to the kids? Mathew has a hard enough time making friends already, and Larkin is only eight, he wouldn’t be able to understand.” Not to mention that she didn’t know if she could get another job, or another house. Or any new friends of her own. “Isn’t there anything else we can do? How do we get rid of it?”
John’s face suddenly fell. He leaned across the table, getting closer. “Do you know what it wants with you?”
She felt like the breath was knocked out of her. “I...I don’t know,” she said quietly.
His head tilted. “Have you picked up on anything? Any sort of intentions?”
She paused, thinking about this. “Um...well...th-the last person who lived in the house...she was—I mean, I figured out she was haunted by the thing, too. And she...um, she committed suicide.” She went quiet for a moment. “Do you think it was because of this?”
“Probaby,” John said casually. “Either it drove her to it, or it killed her and framed it.”
Stacy felt her heart stop. “I-I can’t—” She shook her head. “I can’t let that—my kids—”
“I see.” John nodded. His expression softened. “It would be hard for them. And obviously for you, too. So…” He leaned back. “That’s why you gotta leave. As soon as possible.”
“...maybe.” Stacy settled back in her seat. “I...I guess I could start looking for some place to live. Find a new job.”
John sighed. “Look, the longer you stay here, the more at risk you are. You need to get out before it gets to you.”
“I can’t just leave, though. With no support, no way to get income? What would happen then?”
“Um, you wouldn’t die. That seems better than anything else.”
“It’s not just about me, though,” Stacy said quietly. “I’m the only one who can look after Mathew and Larkin. We have no other family, a-and C—my husband, he’s…” She swallows the lump in her throat. “...he’s gone now. They need me.”
John’s expression softened in a way it hadn’t yet. “...I see.” He sighed. “I...I guess that makes sense. Just...just get out. As soon as possible.”
“Isn’t there anything else?” Stacy asked. “Can we get rid of it?”
John laughed, the sound hysterical. “If you find a way to, please tell me! Because I haven’t yet, and I’d love to hear it!” He sighed again. “I’m sorry, but you really just need to leave.”
Stacy felt her heart sink. But she nodded. “...okay, then.” She swallowed nervously. “Maybe we should just move back to the U.S., then we could avoid all this.”
“I mean, they exist in the states, too,” John said, shrugging. “They exist all over the world. But if you want to avoid the one that currently has its eye on you—wait, does it have eyes?”
Stacy blinked, surprised. “Um..well, I’ve seen it crying.”
“That doesn’t help.” John shook his head. “Well, anyway, it’s just a metaphor. If you want to go to the states to avoid this one, go ahead.” He smiled. “But once you’ve gotten involved in things like this, you tend to...see more.”
The waiter arrived with their food. John immediately began eating, tucking into his sandwich like he hadn’t eaten in a while. Which, Stacy realized, he might not have. “How do you know all this stuff?” She asked quietly.
John took a moment to answer, swallowing the bite he’d taken. “Experience,” he said with a dull smile. “I was a lot like you, once. But I wasn’t lucky enough to have someone there to give me advice.” He fell quiet for a moment, eye darkening with shadows. “Just...just get out, okay?”
Stacy nodded, not saying anything else.
Day One Hundred in the New House
It was getting worse. Stacy had decided to ignore it, for the time being, but she could tell it was getting worse. She could hear the whispers whenever she was alone in the house, always in the back of her mind. The shadow of the thing would linger in her peripheral vision, watching her. The longer it stayed, the more details she could make out. And sometimes, she walked past the boys’ room and heard Larkin talking to someone when Mathew was still downstairs.
It seemed like John was right; leaving was starting to look like the best option. Stacy began looking for options online for places to move to. But only outside the house. She didn’t want to risk the thing catching onto what she was planning, so she’d take her laptop and go sit on a bench in the park, browsing houses for sale in nearby cities. She also continued a job search online, looking for openings in those same cities and applying to anything she could find, just in case they moved to the area.
She did tell Janet about her plans. In person, at Janet’s house. Luckily, the other woman was understanding. “If you told me a week ago, I would’ve asked you to reconsider it, after some therapy,” she said. “But with your problems lining up with Emily’s, I...I’m the one who’s reconsidering.” She chuckled nervously.
“I probably should talk to someone anyway,” Stacy sighed. “I did cancel the appointment I made, but I can make a new one in the new city.”
“That sounds like a good idea, hun,” Janet said, patting Stacy’s shoulder. “And if you ever need a friend, you’ll still have my number.”
Stacy smiled softly. “Thanks, Jan. Hey...whoever moves in after I leave, just...look out for them, okay?”
Janet nodded. “I will, don’t worry.”
Day One Hundred Sixteen in the New House
Finally, Stacy found something.
A lovely little house, in a city two hours away. She got the feeling that it was being advertised as being far away from the current town, but it didn’t seem too far to her. The house was cheap, though she’d still have to dip into her savings, and big enough for her and the boys. The realtor offered for her to come and take a look, but she said that she preferred to purchase now, thank you very much. That probably hiked up the price offer a bit, but she didn’t care. They had to get out of here.
She tried to break the news to the boys gently, taking them out to dinner and telling them there. Larkin seemed to accept it, but Mathew kept asking questions.
“Why are we moving? We just got here!”
“It’s complicated, pumpkin. I’ll explain later.”
“Where are we going?”
“It’s a town called Rysbuwich. A little ridiculous sounding, but it’s a good town.”
“Can we come back here?”
“We can come to visit, sure, it’s just a couple hours away.”
Eventually, Mathew seemed satisfied as well. He had his one friend’s number and email saved on his phone, so the two of them could still chat, and he could still come visit for events and such. That must’ve been what convinced him.
But then Larkin piped up with a question: “What about the ghost? Are we gonna leave him?”
Stacy smiled tightly, hoping it didn’t seem too forced. “Well, I suppose we’re gonna have to.”
“Aw…” Larkin looked down at the restaurant table. “He’s a lonely ghost, he’ll be all alone and sad.”
“Well, someone else will move in soon enough, so he won’t be lonely anymore.” Or maybe the house would stay empty. Hopefully that would be the case.
Day One Hundred Twenty in the New House
She knew that once she told the kids, she wouldn’t be able to keep the move a secret from the thing in the house for long. Mathew and Larkin would be talking casually about the move with each other, and she couldn’t tell them to just stop doing that and not explain why. So she waited to tell them only a few days before the moving truck arrived.
And arrive, it did. She’d managed to get the boys to pack up all their stuff the night before, and they spent the morning helping the movers put the boxes and furniture in the truck.
There had been no whispers or shadows that whole morning, or the night before. And though that sounded like a good thing, it put Stacy on edge.
“Alright, that’s everything,” she said cheerfully, trying to hide her worry from the kids. “Say goodbye to the house.”
“Um...yeah,” Mathew said, shifting awkwardly.
“Goodbye house!” Larkin said, waving. “Goodbye ghost!”
Stacy tried not to flinch. “Alright, let’s go.” Stacy slung her purse over her shoulder, reaching inside for her car keys. But there was nothing. She opened it, staring inside and pawing through. They weren’t there. But she was sure they’d just been there…
Her heart froze.
“Shoot.” She looked back at the kids. “You guys go ahead, okay? I misplaced my keys, and I’m gonna look for them.”
Mathew nodded. “Alright, Mom. C’mon, Lark.”
The two of them disappeared through the front door, closing it behind them but not closing it all the way. Stacy didn’t bother to close it the rest of the way. She swallowed nervously, and turned back, into the house.
The rooms were empty now, completely void of any decoration. It looked emptier than when they first moved in, since the house had come pre-furnished. But now, they were taking the furniture with them. And all that was left were faded spots on the walls where there used to be chairs, pressed carpet where beds stood. There weren’t a lot of places for her keys to be. They were nowhere in the living room or the first floor hallway, neither on the floor or hanging from the hooks left where photographs used to hang. She headed towards the kitchen to look next.
Stacy was immediately met with an overwhelming sharp smell. She gagged, covering her mouth. The floor was wet, covered in puddles of pale amber liquid. It was trickling from the water main where the fridge was once plugged in, dripping down the cabinet doors, pooling on the tiles. But she saw her keys sitting on the counter. She took a deep breath and walked forward, trying to step over the worst puddles.
The keys were in the middle of the counter. Somehow, in the thirty minutes since she was last in the kitchen, the faux marble countertop had become incredibly dusty, a layer of gray covering its surface. She picked up the keys, stuffing them in her purse.
And then there was a hand on her shoulder.
“where are you going?”
Stacy stiffened, shrugging off the hand. She could feel it standing right behind her. She couldn’t turn around to look at it, so she headed to the open doorway that connected the kitchen to the dining room. It followed her, staying close behind. It was close enough that she should be able to feel its breath on her neck. But there was nothing. Somehow, that was worse.
“you’re leaving…”
The dining room was completely empty, scuff marks on the wooden floor where the table and chairs had been. There were dust motes flying through the air, suspended in the beams of sunlight drifting through the windows. Stacy coughed, and quickly circled around the perimeter of the room, feeling it close behind her. She headed back towards the kitchen entrance.
“please don’t leave…”
She sidestepped around the puddles on the floor again, heading back towards the hallway.
It grabbed her shoulder again.
She shook it off, and it grabbed her wrist.
She couldn’t help but yelp this time. Deliberately not looking backwards, she pulled her arm away and ran for the entrance again. She was two steps into the hallway when it grabbed her. Its arms wrapped around her torso, pinning her arms to her sides.
“stay with me…” It whispered into her ear. “Forever.”
Stacy didn’t bother to answer. She wriggled against its hold, but it squeezed tighter, choking out her breath. Her foot kicked backwards and connected with something solid, but it didn’t react at all. She struggled to breathe, chest rising and falling. Every time she breathed out, it tightened its hold, giving her less and less room to gasp for air. Black spots were starting to appear before her eyes.
With one last breath, she wrenched her head to the side to look at the thing behind her. She caught sight of a face, liquid trailing down like tears. And then it disappeared. Bending over, she breathed deeply, gulping down as much air as possible. She didn’t even wait to fully recover to run down the hall, back towards the living room and the front door.
She made it to the front room when her vision flickered, and it appeared in front of her. She skidded to a halt, but then it disappeared. It grabbed her from behind again, but this time she shook it off, running for the door.
When she was halfway across the room, the thing started to scream.
No, it wasn’t a scream, it was a wail. A long, keening sound that started on the edge of her hearing and grew to fill her entire mind. She staggered, pressing her hands to her ears. But the sound didn’t lessen. It was like a drill spinning into her brain, a sound that dragged down her heart and filled it with longing.
Stay, it said. Stay, please stay, it said in a voice that wasn’t hers, and it wasn’t the voice of the whispers either. Stay with me, Stacy, it said, mimicking perfectly the voice she’d never thought she’d hear again. Please stay, Stacy, please I’m so lonely, stay, stay—
Stacy turned the knob of the front door and burst outside. The wail suddenly cut off, leaving her strangely breathless. Tears were flowing from her eyes. And for a moment, she still heard that voice, speaking from a place of deep grief. But she knew it wasn’t really him. “You’re gone,” she whispered. “I’m sorry, but I need to stay here. Maybe I’ll see you again one day. But not before it’s time.”
“Mom? What are you doing?”
“What’s happening?”
She took a deep breath, and then straightened. Mathew and Larkin were standing by the car, staring at her with identical wide eyes. “I just had a moment there,” she said softly. “C’mon, let’s go.”
Strangely enough, neither of them pressed the matter. Maybe they didn’t want to think about their mom crying. Stacy promised herself she’d tell them what happened one day. Some time in the future, when they were old enough to understand.
Heading out of the city, they drove past one of the parks. As they did, Stacy suddenly got an impulsive, probably stupid idea. She parked the car, asked Mathew and Larkin to wait, then headed out to the spot she remembered.
The tent was still there. This time the doorway was unzipped. John was laying on the ground, half inside the tent, half outside, turning a small wooden flute over in his hands. He heard her footsteps approaching, and looked up, grinning. “Oh it’s you again. How’re things working out with the thing?”
Stacy walked right up to the tent, stopping a couple feet away. “Pack up your tent and stuff, we’re leaving.”
“Um…” John blinked up at her, suddenly wary. “Are you gonna kill me? Cause if you are, at least tell me beforehand so I can prepare. I mean, I’m not gonna let you, but—”
“What the hell? No!” Stacy shook her head, shocked. “Sorry, my boys are waiting, so I want to hurry instead of leaving them alone. Anyway, we’re leaving. Like you suggested. And I-I mean, if you hadn’t suggested that, I don’t think I would’ve ever...well.” She paused. “So I thought I could, I don’t know, repay you by offering for you to...I don’t know, stay with us? Not in a romantic capacity, of course,” she hurried to add. “You’re not really my type.”
John stared up at her. “You want me...to come live with you.”
“Yeah.” Stacy shrugged. “I mean, only if you want to. It’s the least I can do.”
“You...really don’t want me to come live with you,” John said. “Trust me.”
“Just...you just don’t.”
“Well the new house should have room,” Stacy remembered. “And if you don’t want to stay in a house, you can just put your tent in the yard. Because apparently a lot of places in this country don’t have yards, what do you know? Lots of urban areas, not a lot of suburban ones. But anyway, I figured it would be...nice, to not have to worry about...a lot of things.” She smiled softly.
“I mean, it would,” John admitted. “But there will still be things to worry about. Things that you really, really don’t want to be bothered with.”
“What, you mean like your criminal record?” Stacy asked. “Yeah, I know about that. I just—I think that if—”
“I don’t have any records,” John muttered. “Listen, do you have a computer?”
That was an odd question. “Um, yes, I have my laptop and we have a desktop too.”
“And you have a smart phone? Do your kids have smart phones?”
“I do, yes, but they don’t. Mathew has a flip phone, but I’m not getting him a smart phone until his next birthday. Then Larkin can have the flip phone for emergencies.”
This clearly wasn’t the answer John was looking for. “Look, it’s best for both of us that I don’t go anywhere near you. We had a small visit, but that’s it. Good luck on your...life. I guess.”
Stacy frowned, not one to give up. “Look, I can tell this isn’t...a good situation for you. You don’t even have to interact with me that much if you don’t want to. But you saved my fucking life, so stop being stubborn and let me pay you back.”
John kept staring at her. Then he sighed. “Fine. I’ve been in this town for long enough, anyway. You can give me a ride to wherever you’re going.” He crawled out of the tent and stood up, stretching. “Give me a few minutes to pack up.”
Stacy nodded, smiling brightly. “Great. Thanks, John.”
“‘Thanks’? Shouldn’t I be thanking you?” He chuckled. “Here, hold this.” He tossed the flute at Stacy, and she fumbled to catch it.
“You play the flute?” She asked, examining it.
“I’m trying to. I used to play drums but, you know, it’s not quite portable to have a drum set around.”
“I played bass once. I should take it back up.”
“You do that.”
A few minutes later, Stacy was back in the car, introducing John to Mathew and Larkin, saying he was a friend of hers. Larkin, being the friendly kid he was, cheerfully took to the stranger, but Mathew seemed a bit wary.
“Is your name really John?” Mathew asked, leaning forward from the back seat to talk to John in the passenger’s side.
“No, but you wouldn’t remember my name anyways.”
“What happened to your eye?”
“Ah well you see it’s a long story,” John said grinning. “Starting with both of my eyes bleeding and ending with this one getting sewn shut. And yes, you heard that correctly.”
Mathew glared at him silently for a moment. “Do you like video games?”
“Dude I love video games. I used to play them for a job.”
Mathew considered this. “My favorite’s Breath of the Wild. What’s yours?”
“I like Shadow of the Colossus. You heard of it?”
“Yeah.” Mathew nodded, and settled back. Apparently that had convinced him that this guy was normal enough.
Stacy glanced over at John. “You really think we wouldn’t remember your name?”
“I know you wouldn’t,” John said, staring out the window. “Within a week everyone in this town will forget I was ever here.”
“Surely that’s not tru—”
“It is.”
Stacy fell silent for a moment. “Well, I think you should tell me your name anyway, just in case.”
John sighed a bit, but nodded. “Yeah. Alright.”
The car passed beyond the boundaries of the town. And soon, it wasn’t even visible to the town anymore. The sun set, and life went on as normal, in the small city that hid a secret of its own.
Day One Since She Left
She’d come back.
It was waiting.
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littlemsstark3000 · 5 years
After a while conflicted and jealous Pepper gives Tony and Nat her blessing after she saw them in different situations loving and taking care of each other
Sorry, this one took a looong while.
Timeline: Post-Avengers: Age of Ultron
“Nat! Natasha!”
Pepper turned from reading a book to Tony who suddenly stirred and screamed beside her on the bed.
“Tony,” she started shaking his arm. “Hey, wake up…”
His eyes opened then looked at her; his breathing was heavy.
She lightly wiped her hand over on his forehead then brushed his hair with her fingers. She noticed that he was also sweating cold. “Calm down, it was just a nightmare. You’re okay,” she tried to pacify him.
Her boyfriend sat up, both arms almost hugging his knees to his chest.
“What is it?” she closed the book and placed it on the bedside table, focusing her attention to him.
Tony’s eyes were now staring forward blankly. “I saw them. Dead.”
“The team… They’re all dead, because of me…” he dropped his head to his knees, hiding his face from her. “I couldn’t do anything about it.”
“Hey, no, your team’s fine.” Pepper ran her hand on his back, rubbing gently. “It was just a dream.”
It took a while before he looked up to her again.
“I… I’m sorry, Pep. You should go back to sleep.”
She did not say anymore that she hasn’t slept yet; it was one of the rare nights that he went to bed ahead of her.
“You should, too.”
Tony sighed and forced a smile. “I’ll stay up for a while.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” He kissed her forehead. “Thanks.”
She curled up on her side of the bed, but could not sleep too, even when she felt Tony lied down beside her. After almost half an hour, she felt him got up again. She peeked to see where he was heading, thinking that he might go back to the workshop and spend the night there again with his projects.
He did not though. Instead, he just walked to the glass door overlooking the city with his phone on hand. A few minutes later, he was already on the phone talking with the woman whose name he was screaming earlier in his sleep.
“Nat? Hey… Hi. I was just checking if…”
Pepper barely heard anything more as he walked out of the room to the balcony. She opted to think that Tony would check up with the rest of the team, too.
“JARVIS, where's Tony?” Pepper inquired from Tony’s virtual butler as she entered his penthouse, coming from SI.
“Sir is on the way to the kitchen from the workshop. He is with Ms. Romanoff.” Jarvis promptly responded.
Her eyebrows furrowed. She was not informed that he accepted a work-related meeting at home or that he was seeing the woman this day. “Natasha is here?”
“Yes, Ms. Potts. Ms. Romanoff was called by Sir to come over and she arrived approximately 30 minutes ago.”
She proceeded to their area as informed by JARVIS and before she could get to the kitchen, she stopped as she overheard the on-going conversation.
“It's my second update in three months. You spoil me.”
Pepper recognized Natasha’s voice.
“One step ahead of the rest, so please don't brag yet.” Tony replied. It sounded like he was moving around, preparing food or something.
“Seriously... thanks, Tony.”
“No biggie. Coffee? If you aren't in a hurry.”
“I can stay for a cup.”
“Again, you're getting ahead of everyone else. Nobody in the team has tasted this special brew by yours truly.”
Pepper could almost hear smile from her boyfriend’s tone.
“You flatter me so much for a day.”
“Why not? You're my favourite Russian.”
“Oh, we both know I am not. The actual ones are bottled, lined up at your bar.” Natasha chuckled.
A mug clinked against the marble counter. “Here you go, darling.”
And Pepper knew, Tony was not joking at all. The redhead spy was his favourite Russian… probably favourite Avenger, too.
“You are -” Pepper started when Tony appeared by the door of the VIP area.
“Late for the call time,” the genius billionaire continued. “Of course. It’s not me if I’m not late.”
She just smirked with pure sarcasm.
“I made it! I’m here, Pep. That’s what matters.” He approached her and gave her a kiss on both cheeks.
She crossed her arms to her chest and tried her CEO tone that worked for him sometimes. “Tony, may I just remind you that these are Stark Industries apprentices. Everything we do from this day onward that will be visible to those 50, top-of-their-class, students will either make or break their belief of the organization. For a hundredth time, I am telling you: please don’t screw this up.”
“Agreed. So, let’s go and get this significant activity started.” He smiled his most Tony Stark smile, closed lip, eyes covered with dark glasses, as he offered his arm to her.
Pepper just shook her head while they walked out to the corridor which will lead to the conference hall. Technically, they were still on-time for the start of the program; she was just worried that Tony would not make it to this event. Lately, especially after their break-up, he has been very much occupied with either saving the world being Iron Man or developing his suits plus his teammates' weapons.
She was missing him, yes, but the decision to separate - permanently this time - was theirs both. It was for the best. It was to make sure that their priorities will be attended to. It was to keep their sanity. It was to avoid hurting each other all the more.
Her random musing was interrupted when Tony's secure line rang.
"Cap. Where? Send me the coordinates. I’m going."
Those were the only things she heard as his face spelled instant worry.
"Pep, I’m really, really sorry. I have to go."
Pepper felt her heart sunk in her chest. "What is it this time? And where are you going?"
"Natasha’s been compromised. I… we need to send her back up."
Her expression probably turned grimmer upon hearing the woman's name. But as she stared at her ex-boyfriend's face, anxiety was etched on it, like he could literally fly out of there in seconds even if she did not respond.
"Go." That was all she managed to say. She knew nothing, and no one, can stop him at this point.
"I’ll make it up -"
"Don't promise anything. Just go now, Tony."
True enough, he was gone in seconds.
“Mr. Stark?”
Pepper saw how Tony’s face lit up when he recognized the two people by his hospital suite’s door.
“Hey, Pete.” He greeted as Peter approached him, followed by Natasha. “Tash.”
“Hi, Ms. Potts.” The young man politely acknowledged her presence beside his mentor.
“Hello, Peter, Nat,” she greeted back, too.
Natasha smiled at her.
“I should leave you for now. Also need to respond to some work mails.” Pepper turned to their patient to say goodbye. “Tony.”
“Go ahead, Pep. I already kept you long enough here.” He reached out to grip her hand lightly. “Thanks.”
She stepped to the other side of the suite to gather her things on the couch and table then stuff them in her tote bag. Against the thin wall which divided the area into two, she could still hear their interaction.
“Good to see you, buddy.”
“Ms. Romanoff fetched me after class.”
“I knew he would want to see you so, instead of calling to let him know what happened, I went to pick him up instead.”
“How are you feeling?” Peter checked up.
“Nothing serious. I should be out of here since yesterday if not for some overreacting Avengers.”
“Shut up, Stark.”
Tony chuckled. “See? That's exactly what I mean. They don’t even listen to me!”              
“Oh please.”
Pepper could just imagine Natasha rolling her eyes.
“You hungry? I can have food delivered here. Name what you want.” Tony offered.
“We already stopped by somewhere.”
“Yep! Burger King!” Peter exclaimed.
“Come on... That's not fair.”
Of course, the billionaire had to overreact. She just shook her head.
“Hold it! We got you a cheeseburger, too!”
Natasha made a sound of disapproval. “Peter, I told you we need to check with the doctor first if he can eat greasy food before you take that out.”
“Oh... Yeah. Sorry, I got excited.”
“There's no turning back now, Spiderling. Hand that over to me.”
“Tony.” The spy rebutted again. “You are under medication.”
“Nobody will know. Right?”
Pepper managed to peek at them as she made her way to exit, seeing Tony bit stubbornly on the cheeseburger.
“Seriously, I’m feeling way much better now having this and seeing my favourite spiders – ouch!”
She closed the door as Natasha hit Tony with a throw pillow.
In her head, she could not deny how the three looked much like a family.
It was Tony’s birthday and he opted to hold a charity gala instead of his usual extravagant party.
As Pepper watched him interact with the other Avengers, she realized how much this man has changed from being a self-centred bastard to a selfless hero, and she was more than glad to see that transformation.
Except that she also noticed how his eyes longingly glanced towards Natasha’s way from time to time…
The female Avenger seemed to be avoiding Tony. From afar, she sensed how the two naturally gravitated to each other, but for some reason, Natasha would suddenly move away.
She decided that it was time to ask, and she opted to go to Tony as she still has not developed a closer relationship with the Russian throughout the years.
“Tony, are you okay?” She asked after discreetly pulling him to a corner with less people.
“Yeah, of course. Why would I not be okay?”
Pepper noted how he just forced a smile before drinking from his glass of whisky.
“Because of Nat.”
There was a pause before he attempted to deny her observation. “Pep –“
“I’ve been watching you two.”
He sighed heavily and looked down on the remaining ice in his glass.
“She… she turned me down.”
Did she mishear him?
“She… what?”
“Yeah.” Tony nodded still avoiding her eyes. “Just this week. She said she cannot do it.”
“She cannot do it to you.”
“Are you serious?”
Why, she never expected that!
“Yep. Cannot joke about this.” He forced a smile again and exchanged his empty glass with another from the server who passed by.
The thought rendered Pepper quiet for a few moments. Tony then realized that he made a mistake of telling the matter to her upfront.
“No. Sorry, Pep. I shouldn’t have –”
“I… It’s been months… We’re fine.” She verbalized.
“But, you know, I can’t force it to her if she’s not comfortable. I get it.”
“Tony, no. It should not be the case. We’re long over us, and you deserve to move on.” She emphasized. “I see how much you have always cared for each other. You love her, and I believe she feels the same.”
He shook his head and smiled bitterly. Typical Anthony Edward Stark who did not believe that he deserved to be happy, too…
And she needed to do something about it.
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emily-strange · 5 years
Growing Pains...
Chapter 6! Honestly the feedback has been so kind. Thank you to everyone still giving it a go :)
Summary: Emmy has been with the gang since she was a little girl. Her mother moved on, leaving her to be raised by Dutch, Hosea and Susan. Arthur and John are her brothers (argue and she will fight you). Becoming a woman is hard when everyone still sees you as a child. Since the Blackwater mess she’s trying to find her feet while dealing with her new feelings for the gangs resident douchebag.
Pairing: Slow burn Micah x female OC.
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual Themes
Chapter 6
From a young age Hosea could see that washing and sewing wasn’t going to be my lot in life. I admire Susan for her ability to keep any camp going despite our circumstances and I do help out here and there but no, Hosea decided early on that my talents would lie elsewhere.
When I was 7 he took a considerable amount of money out of the camp funds to purchase me a fountain pen. Only the rich folk had them so without a lavish plan he wasn’t going to be stealing one. “Now I see all those little writings you’ve been doing. You got good penmanship,” he told me. “This, this right here will be your gun. I’ll teach you to write properly and then you’ll help me with a few things”.
I felt so useful! After that I’d spend 5 or 6 hours a day reading and writing with Hosea. He’d have me copy people’s handwriting from Dutch’s cursive to John’s chicken scratch and that’s how I found my place. So along with the general thieving, when something needs forging, like a letter or a bond, they come to me.
Since Blackwater there hasn’t been much of that but Hosea has made sure that I kept on top of my craft so to speak. In Colter I had to use Arthurs pencil and journal since we didn’t have any ink. I’d work from the back of the book as to not see any of his private stuff and he trusts me not to go sneaking through it. We lost pretty much everything in Blackwater but my pen, my pen I kept with me the whole time.
Although despite Hosea’s wish, Arthur decided that an actual gun should be my gun, you know, just in case. He gave me my revolver when I turned 10 and took me out shooting whenever he could. If he couldn’t then John took over although Arthur wasn’t always thrilled about that. He used to say that if I spent too much time practicing with John, I’d probably come away with a few bad habits. I think that was more about their bickering than anything though.
I lost that gun when we fled but was given a new one a few weeks ago. Something that I’m extremely happy about right now as I sit waiting for Micah to return with our drinks. He rode us to a dingey little saloon in the corner of nowhere and told me to grab a table. As I walked through the busy bar, men’s heads turned my way. I have to say, their leers aren’t flattering in the slightest.
“1 beer and a whiskey shot for the lady” Micah says as he puts them down in front of me and I thank him. He sits down across from me and takes a long swig of his bottle. Rum I think.
“Won’t lie Mr Bell, I’ve been to some iffy places but this one probably comes out on top.” I laugh and start on my beer.
“Ah it ain’t so bad” Micah chuckles while looking around “and why we at ‘Mr Bell’ again?”.
I shrug and give him a coy smile “I dunno….kinda like it. Has a nice, authoritative ring to it. Don’tcha think, Mr Bell?” I ask while I lean on the table with my elbow and put my chin in my hand. I have no idea what’s got into me but I kinda like it. So does Micah apparently.
“Oh really now” he smirks “well…” but before he can continue, our eye contact is broken by the appearance of a young woman in his lap. I’m no stranger to working girls, I’m an outlaw for goodness sake, but I’ve never had one try to seduce the man I have a stupid crush on. Urgh, ‘crush’, how old am I!? I like him. I think. This would be the perfect opportunity to find out if there wasn’t a very, very, sexy woman in the way.
“Hey sweetie” she drawls while winding her arms around Micah’s neck “Ain’t seen you in here before.”
My stomach drops when Micah hums and puts his hand on her waist, “We’re just passin’ through” he says smiling that sickening grin men do when they’re feeling flattered. For a moment I consider slumping back into my chair and just downing my beer. Run out to Jett and be home before dinner.
But before I can actually make good on my despair, Micah carries on speaking. I down my shot, and his, while I continue to listen.
“And I’m just having a drink with the lady here so,” he says, patting her waist “be a pal and hop off.” I can’t help the smile that graces my face and when the woman turns to look at me, I take a sip of my beer to try and hide it. I do however frown when she scoffs and glances around at the clientele in the bar. To my disgust, a few men are still looking my way.
“Oh darlin’ there’re plenty of men here that would suit this little doll better. They like the inexperience. Why don’t we..” but before she can finish her sentence Micah tightens his grip on her waist, somewhat painfully if her face tells me anything, and brings her close.
“Well, darlin’,” he mocks “let whoever they are know, that if I even so much as see them looking at her, they’ll die cockless.” he finishes with a growl. Micah roughly shoves the woman off his lap and she almost collapses onto the floor before finding her feet. She just spares me once last glance, fixes her dress and saunters off to her next mark. I watch as Micah takes one of his pistols from his gun belt and slams it down hard onto the table, causing the few leering men to turn back to their drinks.
“Take your gun out” he barks and it almost makes me jump “you show people you won’t be got and they don’t even try it.” He nods towards my satchel and I take out my revolver placing it on the table. He laughs, “Oh sweetheart, we need to work on your poker face.” And I can’t help but laugh along with him.
“Apologies, I don’t have as much experience in intimidating drunken men as you clearly do” I smirk. Micah hums and takes another drink from his bottle.
“You know, you um, could’ve. If you wanted to. Free country. Well, you know what I mean” I say and despite my best efforts it comes out a bit shaky. Micah just watches me for a moment with that look on his face again. The one that makes me feel like I’m speaking a foreign language. Before I can ask why he looks so confused by what I’ve just said, he’s changed the subject.
“So how’d you know you won’t be in trouble with the boss-man once we get back?” and it takes me a second to catch up with the change in topic.
“Oh, well, when Dutch and Hosea go fishin’ they’re gone till dark. Sometimes Hosea likes to stay out even when it’s dark so I figure if I’m back before evening I’m safe.” I explain. Micah nods and finishes his drink. I down the rest of mine and ask if he wants another.
“Why not. We’re on an adventure after all” he says while lighting a cigarette. I get up and walk with my money to the bar. I turn around while waiting for the bartender and see that Micah has shifted to sit more next to my chair than opposite. It’s so nice not to be coddled. I didn’t have to fight to get my own drink and despite the fact that he’s obviously moved to keep an eye on me, it feels more comforting than suffocating.
I get our drinks, I buy us a couple each, and take them back to the table with absolutely no interactions from the men around me. Won’t lie, it was a confidence boost. They all know it’s not worth their life to bother me.
“So” I start when sitting down “I think we should play a game.”
“What kinda game?” Micah asks warily “Roulette?” he says holding up his gun. I roll my eyes, “No, has to be something difficult for you. I know you’d jump at the chance for an adrenaline rush.”
“You know me so well” he laughs and I shake my head.
“Actually Micah, I don’t. But I’d like to.” I reply and really hope he catches onto my attempt at flirting, but all he does is clear his throat and gives me that ingenuine huff of a laugh he does sometimes.
“Ain’t no woman wanna know Micah Bell” he scoffs and takes a long swig of his drink.
“Well” I say cheerfully “this woman does. So, lets play. Ask me anything.”
“That the game? Questions?” he asks and I just smile. “Yep. And if for some reason, we don’t want to answer a question, we have to do a dare.” I explain and with that Micah laughs and holds his hand out to me.
“Alright, game it is. But only the truth.” He whispers and I agree, “Only the truth.”
Micah takes all of 2 seconds to decide his first question for me and as I thought, he’s trying to shock me. I figured out very quickly when he joined the gang that he’s always trying to size people up. What their weak spots are, what makes them retreat. I don’t know why he does it but the only way to find out is to remain unshocked. Well, try to.
“You a virgin?” he asks and I’m not surprised considering our little chat with sexy, working girl not long ago. “No” I say simply. I did promise the truth and he smiles like he’s surprised by my honesty.
“My turn. How many women have you slept with?” I ask figuring I’d stay on topic a bit. I’ve only had 2 beers so I can’t be drunk but that giddiness is back making me feel like I am. Micah pretends to think looong about his answer. “Oh hurry up” I laugh and throw a stray peanut from the table at him.
“I’m just making sure I tell the whole truth and nothin’ but the truth” he says holding his hand up, “Uh I’d say somethin’ liiiiike. I dunno. A lot. 100 odd maybe”. I have no idea if that’s his attempt to shock me again but I just nod and have more of my drink. “Your go” I say after.
“Hmm okaaay” he squints at me like he’s picking a question from somewhere on my face “You happy?” he suddenly asks and my attempt to remain composed is long gone. I was mid sip of my drink and I inhale causing me to cough. Micah laughs and leans forward patting my back a bit too roughly. “There ya go” he laughs when I stop.
“Jesus Micah, in a million years I’d never think you’d ask somethin’ like that” I wheeze out while wiping my mouth. Micah laughs and gestures for me to answer. Why has he asked me that? We went from 100 sexual partners to ‘are you happy’ in the space of a few seconds. Well done Micah, you’ve shocked me.
“Umm, Iiiii, wow,” I laugh humourlessly while looking at my beer bottle “that’s. That’s a question.” Is all I can think of to say in the moment. Micah, again, surprises me by staying quiet. I didn’t know he was capable of not making a comment. I clear my throat and meet his eyes awkwardly. “No” is all I can muster. I shake my head as if I can clear it that way and decide to just get us back on track. Well, on my track. I take a long glug of beer and ask my next question.
“Did Bill really threaten to tell Dutch if you didn’t follow me?” I ask and Micah chuckles.
“You’re quick ain’t ya?” he laughs and the compliment, at least I think it’s a compliment, makes me smile. “No, he didn’t”. I open my mouth to ask why he followed me then but Micah cuts me off.
“Ah ah, my turn.” He reminds me and jumps right in with his next question. “Who do you hate the most in the gang?”. I groan and put my head on the table which I instantly regret. It’s gross. “Come on sweetheart. Gotta be honest now!” he chortles.
“How did I not see this coming!?” I groan but have to laugh along with him. He’s persistent in his need to know that everyone is just as dysfunctional as he his. “Okay, I’ll be honest….at the moment I really don’t like Dutch.” I answer.
Micah opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off, causing him to chuckle louder. “Oh! And Strauss. He’s always kinda creeped me out. And jeez can Pearson wash once in a while. All the other men manage to. Well maybe not Uncle but he’s, ya know, Uncle.” I blurt out and Micah shoves my arm.
“Wow once we get ya started it allll comes out” Micah laughs and honestly, it’s infectious. I clap my hand over my mouth and stifle a snort. Seriously, 3 and a bit drinks in and I’m fine complaining about them all. There’s just something about Micah that makes me feel safe to admit out loud what I only record in my journal. But I really need to be careful. I scold myself internally at my loose mouth.
“Okay,” I shake my head “you can’t tell anyone.” I say and make direct eye contact. He smirks but doesn’t respond. “Please?” I ask more seriously. Micah just gives me one nod. Which I feel is his code for, I promise. We’ll see I suppose. I guess I can always pretend like he’s lying. Stop thinking about it!
“Right, my turn.” I say while starting on my last bottle. I don’t know if it’s because we’re out in the middle of nowhere with no one we know around, but I’m feeling emboldened by the feeling of freedom. I clear my throat and lean into Micah.
“Do you see me as that woman does? Just a young….‘doll’?” I ask quietly and I realise as soon as the words leave my mouth that I’m scared of his answer. Why did I ask that!? God, how stupid can I be. Of course he does. Everyone does.
Micah takes a deep breath and seems to inhale the remains of his last drink before taking mine and having a swig. He clears his throat and leans in close enough that I can feel his breath on my lips. He smells of the smokes he’s had since being here and whiskey. God I want to touch the scar on his chin, I need to know how he got that. Maybe run my tongue over it while sitting in his lap.
I realise I’m staring at his lips when he begins to speak and I’m sure he’s noticed.
He smirks and just utters one word.
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burtlederp · 5 years
Writing Blurb 2
Heyyyy this is actual whump! Got an idea for a thing, decided to write it out and post it for all y'all to enjoy. It's not my best piece of writing, but it's better than nothing.
TW minor gore, violence, blood, knives... uh idk, if I missed something, someone tell me lol. Hope y'all enjoy!
Moe leaned against the wall, huddled in a corner, eyes squeezed shut. His brown, shaggy hair lay in clumps on his bloodied head, his hands bound behind his back, chest rising and falling with shuddered gasps. Broken ribs made every lung of air agony, while his head throbbed, his sore, raw wrists protesting being tied back any longer. But he ignored the pain, just trying to focus.
The demon, the spirit, the ghost, the monster that haunted his mind had been so much louder since the torture had started. It howled and screamed and bellowed constantly, slamming its claws against the mental cage he had put it in. It wanted out. But Moe didn't want to lose his body, not to it. 
The door screeched open, causing Moe to flinch, pressing his cheek against the wall. "N-no…"
"Yep, I'm back," His captor said casually, shutting the door behind himself. "Did you miss me?" He asked sweetly, standing over Moe's weak and huddled form. His face soured when his captive didn't reply.
"Open your eyes and answer me," He growled, a hard slap connecting with Moe's exposed cheek. He gasped, not expecting it, and did as he was told, forcing himself to raise his head and look his captor in the eyes, lip quivering.
"P-please, no more…" He whispered, voice hoarse from screaming. He couldn't take it. Not anymore. He had had enough. One more waterboarding session, one more set of lashes or beatings, and he'd lose control. 
"Yeah, sorry. Not an option." The captor reached down and grabbed a handful of Moe's hair, yanking him to his feet. He whimpered, knees barely able to support himself, muscles weak. His captor smiled at him, turning his head slightly to see all of Moe's face.
"I like how you're looking, Momo." He nodded. "We're not quite there, but close," He suddenly yanked Moe's hair again, knocking Moe's skull against the concrete wall. He gave a choked gasp, sliding to the floor. 
"I just want to make sure, for this next video we send, you," The torturer punctuated his word with a kick to Moe's stomach, knocking the wind out of his chest. "Look," Another kick, right on top of the first. "Like," Yet another. "Hell." The captor hissed with glee, and his kick went higher, into Moe's upper chest. He coughed, gasping for air, curling into a ball, struggling to focus, but it was difficult when your brain wasn't receiving enough oxygen.
Breathe, Moe, Breathe… Don't… You can't let him win… He thought desperately, but the beast disagreed. 
Let me out, and I can save you from him, It tempted. Moe swallowed, peering weakly up at his captor, who was reaching for him.
"No…" He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut again as he was lifted by the shirt and dragged to the middle of the floor.
"Now let's see you, yes," He crouched, turning Moe's head side to side, rough fingers squeezing his bruised jaw. Moe clenched his teeth, trying to bite back tears. What was going to come next? How long would this last? Was anyone coming for him? 
"Oh, come now, you can cry," His captor's voice was full of false kindness, a hand gently brushing hair off of Moe's face. Moe looked up at him, heart pounding, trying to breathe without choking on blood. 
"Please… P-please… No more… I can't…" Moe begged, voice cracking. The captor pulled out a pocket knife, flipping out the blade, smiling as they leaned in close. 
"Y'know, you're rather handsome," He said, wiping blood off his captive's chin, who tried to pull away from his grasp in vain. "Too bad that won't be the case anymore. I want to know what you look like with a scar…" The knife's point pressed against the cheekbone, just below Moe's left eye. He whimpered, trying to jerk away.
"Ah-ah, don't move, or I might put out your eye," The captor warned, and Moe held still, eyes shut, tears beginning to well up, waiting, waiting, waiting for the knife to go in. 
Let me take the reins, A slimy voice said in the back of his mind.
"No…" Moe whispered, and the knife sunk into his flesh, causing Moe to let out a pained cry. 
I will protect you, The voice insisted. 
You won't, you won't, Moe tried to remind himself. "No, no, no…!" He wailed behind his teeth.
"Yes! Very yes," His captor grinned, dragging the knife down his face. Moe shrieked, trying to keep his jaw still. He felt hot, sticky blood, his own blood, flow down his face, pooling in his ear and crawling down to the back of his neck. He could feel his hands being crushed beneath him, bent and twisted in the wrong way, threatening to give at any second. His gasps only made everything worse, forcing broken ribs to expand with his chest, pulling the pieces further apart.
The captor twisted and yanked the knife out from Moe's jaw, prompting another gasp. Tears began to flow down his face. He couldn't help it. 
Let me out! The voice shouted. 
"No…" He moaned, and screamed as suddenly the knife was buried into his arm, and twisted. He arched his back, trying to pull away, but he couldn't, a hand painfully gripping his other arm to keep him in place. His captor was enjoying this, loving every second of Moe's pain. 
"No!" Moe sobbed, and howled as the blade was removed, then was pierced through his ear. He couldn't do this. Moe just couldn't. 
"No! No, I can't, please…" His breathing hitched with every sob, every breath a gasp for air. 
"We're almost done," His captor said softly, and began to drag the knife across Moe's forehead. 
Moe just cried, unable to fight anymore. He drew into himself, eyes stinging as blood flowed into them. 
"There," The captor leaned back, closing the knife. "You look half-dead. Perfect." He got to his feet. "I'll be back in a minute with the camera, you baby. Don't move an inch!" He laughed, exiting the room.
Moe lay on the floor, feeling his grip on the chains of the beast loosening. He couldn't do this. He couldn't. It was too much.
"I yield," He cried to the empty room. "I yield."
Steven hummed to himself, fiddling with the camera as he walked down the hallway. He had washed his hands, he had his cool mask, the tripod was tucked under his arm. He wouldn't film too much, he didn't really feel like editing today, all that was needed was an update, anyway. Keep the buyers aware that every second they weren't here, every moment they spent unable to find him, their friend was closer to death. 
He opened the door to the cell, cheerily calling to his captive. "Moooe, I'm ba--" He stopped. Moe wasn't here. There was blood on the floor, still fresh, where he had just been, but he himself was not in the room. Steven turned, looking down the hallway, feeling anger bubble in his stomach. How?! He thought, about to step back out, when a drop of warm liquid plopped onto his head. He stopped, reaching up to his face to gather the wet on his fingers. Pulling away, he found blood there. 
Steven looked up, and didn't have enough time to scream before a dark body slammed down on him, smashing him into the concrete floor. Teeth sunk into his shoulder, clawed fingers digging into his throat, but he wasn't able to cry out, all the air knocked from his lungs. The attacker yanked back, taking a chunk of Steven's flesh with them in their teeth. Feeling the grip of it loosen slightly, Steven scrambled free, cutting his hands on the sharp pieces of the broken camera as he crawled to the opposite wall, pressing himself against it as he tried to breathe. Finally able to see his attacker, he involuntarily shrieked in fear. 
There was his captive, but it wasn't. Moe sat, or rather crouched, but his eyes were black, glowing yellow rings set on their prey. His back had warped, a couple vertebrae too many now, his limbs seeming longer than before. His fingernails had disappeared, instead his fingers now giant, sharp claws. The bloodied, mutated form of Moe grinned at him with razor-sharp, needle-like teeth, holding his flesh in its mouth.
It suddenly stood--yes, it was definitely taller now, its feet had grown longer and were clawed too--staring down at Steven. The light behind its head, he could only see the yellow circles of its pupils, the rest of its face in shadow. He heard it swallow.
"It's been a looong time since I was in control," Moe's voice came from it as it stretched, but it was drier, raspier, more sinister. "Feels nice, I'll admit. I see why you were enjoying it." Blood dribbled down its face and its neck, from new cuts and from its lips.
Steven stared up at the monster in fear, wishing he could sink into the floor. He hadn't prepared for this. He had no plan. But he wasn't going to die without a fight. He swiped his leg under those of the monster, knocking it off balance. It stumbled to the side as Steven pushed himself off the wall, staggering out of the cell as fast as he could, breathing hard, holding his shoulder with one hand. Blood was already spilled down his front, but he ignored the pain of it. He had to run, he had to get away.
He heard the sound of clawed feet scraping against the ground, heard snarls of something inhuman behind him. He tried to run faster, but it felt like a bad dream, the sounds getting closer no matter how fast he ran. He screamed, panic rising up into his throat. He was silenced abruptly as he was tackled, those awful, wicked clawed hands wrapping around his throat, tight enough to cut off air. He struggled, flailing in the beast's grip, but it was so much stronger now. It turned him over, staring down at him with those terrible eyes, that horrifying grin. It moved its hands, one slipping quickly up to his forehead, and the other pressing down so hard on his chest he could almost feel his ribs snap, leaving his throat exposed. Steven's eyes widened. 
"N-no, no, please, no, NO--!!" The dying wailings were cut short as those sharp teeth ended him. There was no voice now, just the sound of a monster, feasting. 
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aenslem · 5 years
20 Questions!
I was tagged by  @wasaporcupine (thank you ^^)
Do you make your bed: yeah
Favorite number: 6
Your job: getting on everyone’s nerves
If you could go back to school: i would burn that place to hell
Can you parallel park: i don’t even know how to drive
A job you had that would surprise people: none really
Are aliens real: i hope so, because if humanity is the best this universe can produce... 
Can you drive a manual car: nope
Guilty pleasures: i don’t feel guilty for loving/enjoying something
Tattoos: None
Favorite color: black as my soul
Things people do that drive you crazy: telling me what to do, how should i live, how should i behave just because im a woman and god watches and woman should never... shut the fuck up everyone! not accepting my answers as answers because if i don’t want to give a birth to a child and would prefer adoption or some other way where i don’t have to carry a baby for 9 months there should be a reason like ‘if you can’t then it is ok but if you can...’ like why these people can’t just leave me alone, the fact that i don’t want to - should be enough, i should not explain why, nor have any 'acceptable’ reasons to not want something. a lot of other things also, but that would be a looong list.
Phobias: none
Favorite childhood sport: tennis
Do you talk to yourself: me or my cat, there’s no one else to talk to most of the time...
What movies do you adore: sci-fi, comedy, drama, action, adventure... anything that will catch my attention with an interesting plot and well written characters.
Do you like doing puzzles: yep
Favorite kind of music: i kinda listen to everything i like, but if we believe others who are near me when i turn music on than im listening hard rock lmao 
Tea or coffee: tea atm 
The first thing you wanted to be when you grew up: as a kid i wanted to be the ruler of the world, i even had a plan on how to dominate this planet but if nothing would work then a killer it was... and it had everything to do with the fact that i wanted to burn the school and shoot everyone there except maybe a few people. i grew up and i still want to...
tagging: @expelliarmus ; @samosevie ; @buffyrosenbergs ; @stupidape ; @panlyra ; @jimmyhopper ; @blairwitchz ; @luke-skywalker and whoever wants to do it
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spadesinglasses · 4 years
Love Victor (series)
oooh new format for this post let’s get into itttt.
Below are my reaction per episode. I will be writing them as i finish each so its more clear and fresh and all that jazz.
Let’s see if tumblr posts has a word count limit.
lol wrong title earlier X_X
Note, the #glassthoughts tags is a reaction tag. Its never a review, or an intellectual essay about stuff I watch. I dont have the capacity to do all those.
Spoilers below so beware. Episode 1 is posted separately because I intend to make posts for the first and last epsiode only but that did not work out lol.
it took me a looong time to finish this episode. I kept on pausing it because something just feels so wrong about it. I didn’t know what it was when i was going through it, but when it finally ended it finally clicked.
The episode reminds me of the sentiment most homophobes use against gay people. “If you focus on the emotional part of the relationship, you will be happy with the opposite sex.” Growing up ive heard this phrase used against other people so much. Hearing it in my native language has always been a punch in the gut. 
And now this show who is supposed to be something happy and nice, is just having this kind of phrase of mentality just well up there.
I’m sure that its not Victor’s and that he is just exploring his sexuality. But the usual tinge of homophobia whenever he talks that he might be like Simon is honestly grating.
It’s definitely a me issue because other people seem to be enjoying the series immensely, but whenever Victor gets into that headspace, I just hear my child self crying myself to sleep because of internal homophobia.
Also i can see why people say  that for a show that is supposed be about Victor’s sexuality and growth, it does sure show a heck lot of heterosexuality of those who are around him.
Maybe in the future i will rewatch the series again with a more patient mind, but for now, expect me to skip a lot of scenes X_X
Episode 3
Okay the audacity of Victor saying “he tries” to be a good friend. Like dang okay chill with the lies. You’re already lying about your sexuality lmao.
Sorry im being very critical and bitter about this show, but i must persevere for the fanfics and fanarts i will gorge myself into later.
anywho reaction time!
Mia and Victor would’ve been cute if only Victor doesn’t sound like he keeps on enforcing this compulsory heterosexuality he has in mind.  BUT hey he might be Bi people! 
I keep censoring myself because of how bitter and hateful i sound. My apologies for the phrases i forgot to delete above and beyond this line xD.
Anyways im over anything about Andrew. He can go fuck his egotistical self. If the series will show 
Hmm i wonder if the term “Comp Het” will even drop in this series.
Back to reaction,
Honestly Felix is just a lesbian in a man’s body at this point. Making his own shampoo? Like wow give me some of that kind of friend. 
The number of times I rolled my eyes at Andrew is ridiculous. 
Whilst typing this part it was more enforced in my mind that Love Victor is just a “supposedly gayer” Teen Wolf without the wolfing parts.
Lake is Lydia Felix is Stiles Andrew is a walmart Jackson Benji is basically a less grumpy Derek or Danny tbh Victor is Scott
I really hate this idea now.
The parents drama! Honestly, very unnecessary in my opinion. Victor is already dealing with a religious family, now he has to deal with a religious and broken family? Like dang they could’ve just chosen one struggle for him, now everyone will think his sexuality is a consequence for his parents’ sin or sth.
Maybe it’ll play into a bigger plot twist in the future?
Maybe Victor’s mom is cheating with Mia’s father? Seeing as how there was an unnecessary shot of her father with the back of a woman facing on the camera which is weird but okay. 
Im theorizing now X_X
Anyways have y’all seen how poor Felix was so nervous because his goddamn friend isn’t there to supposedly help him?
Sorry im hating on Victor too much but this scene reminds me of how awful Simon’s friends are and like bruuuh is Felix supposed to be the lead character?
He really is like Stiles who is supposed to be the lead for Teen Wolf in my opinion, he’s just a much better written character that Sc/tt
lmao sorry my issues with other series is bleeding into this one X_X
Episode 4
Not much to say without getting too salty so moving onnn.
Episode 5
This series is just showing all the fear and pain i went through and am going through back when I was a teenager and til now. Without getting into any personal stuff, that last bs Victor’s father spewed just hit me so much.
I guess one of the reasons why its hard for me to watch Love Victor is because it shows me the teenager side of me way back when. Minus the girlfriend one because i never really persevered that much to tamper any likes for men. Internal homophobia really hit me back then tho xD
Episode 6
This episode is a mess and I hate it.
We saw yet again Victor literally using Felix’s ignorance and naivety to get himself out of a situation he put himself into. 
AND Felix even got the wrong idea or got fed with the wrong idea that the reason why Victor brought him along is to act as a buffer because he wasn’t ready to give up being a virgin or have sex in general. Yep that is definitely the reason, no other reason at all that involves making latte art with a known barista.
Lake and Felix kissed so there was that. I still am shipping Victor and Felix together despite Victor’s continuous bs with him being a good friend, but that’s just me.
And totally knew Andrew and Mia got a thing. If this blew up and hurt Lake im suing.
Lake and Felix are literally the two people keeping this show intact. Not gonna drop some political statement here no sir.
Again Benji needs to grow a personality out of this whole barista thing. One thing i am grateful for this show is that there was no family drama at all!
I think.
Episode 7
Ive been making a conscious effort to stop saying that heterosexuality is normal. That shit is hard to unlearn because its what ive always heard in my asian household for yeaaaaaaars. And now this twink is just gonna throw the term around like he has no issues with it. TO SIMON EVEN.
Like brooooooh. Im over my 2010 internal homophobia, no need to dig it all up again. Every episode.
Aww the dancing in different clothes is cute but,
Homeboy be doing the most to keep his fucking sexuality from bursting out, with his foot both planted firmly inside the closer AND THEN THE NEXT SECOND would end up as if he is ready to risk it all just to see Benji naked.
I AM FUCKING livid, confused, and just intense emotion everywhere.
Ive seen a couple of dumbo scenes from other shows that got the “closeted” man be doing literally the most obvious shit that could make anyone catch them, BUT THIS, with how VEHEMENT Victor is against being “NOT NORMAL” AND THEN LIE JUST TO STAY IN A MOTEL WITH THE GLORIFIED HOT GUY, takes the goddamn cake.
The fucking hypocrisy man. Ive battled internal homophobia before, AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE ALL DEAL WITH IT DIFFERENTLY but holy fucksticks. I’m not this evil.
The thing is, there is so much a person could do that you could go “ah its because they are in the closet and is afraid to come out” before it goes to the territory of “fucking hell, this is not just about his sexuality, this is just him now doing stuff consciously to take advantage of his supposed fear”. The girlfriend thing is even waaay over the top, but we all went with it because he’s supposed to be figuring things out. BUT most of the time, he literally could not even imagine going beyond the line HE CREATED for their relationship. AND YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT HE WILL LIE JUST TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH A GUY? Now he wants to test the male side of his sexuality? BECAUSE PORN DOESN’T EXIST?  BECAUSE LOOKING AT MALE UNDERWEAR MODELS IN THE UNDERWEAR SECTION IS NOT ENOUGH? HE NEEDS IT TO BE ACTUALLY PHYSICAL TO CONFIRM SOMETHING?
Im ahead too much, real time the scene im in the episode is still them about to leave the shop but holy fucking hell. If this lie ended up becoming something more in this same episode, expect more capslock because jfc.
And people will still claim he’s somewhat attracted to the other gender. 
Also i was very very worried that Pilar and Felix will be a thing BUT THANK GOD THAT DIDN’T BECOME A THING. Still unsure whether i like Lake and Felix together, but i love them individually.
I cant really comment on any of the parents drama because to be honest i skip them whenever its just her and him.
Im tired.
But i hafta finish the show for fanarts and fanfics.
okay Benji has a legitimate reason for lying. I’ll take that.
See people you see me live writing this whole rant thing :D.
Huh I wonder back when I was his age, would I also just kiss the first gay guy i became comfortable with? Despite being so into the closet and battling internal homophobia via punching the walls?
Dang that monologue tho. We as non het doesn’t want our lives to be hard. But at this point, i stopped blaiming my own sexuality and just started blaming heterosexuals for making the world this fucking horrible for us. That’s when my internal homophobia SLOWLY lessen. It’s still there but hey at least every crosshair  is not on me.
Okay i get people saying that Simon is irresponsible for making Victor like put his family on the back burner for a bit etc etc. Also the reaction against Benji getting mad when Victor wanted them to stop being gay while in their house, is reasonable. Victor did calmly told Benji and his beau that his family is stretched thin etc etc. I get that. I get that sometimes hiding your sexuality for other people is what is necessary.
BUT  fucking please recognize how damaging that is to the person you are talking to. Even if you think Victor is in the 100% right about this, AT THE VERY LEAST acknowledge why Benji is mad. Sure he could’ve just left with his boyfriend instead of just staying there. And sure Victor pulled through in the end and put that dusty grandpa motherfucker to his place, but that’ll fucking sting okay.
Also i might be saying all this in a place where I’m not really that close to ANY of my relatives, so ya know, call me ignorant or ungrateful whatever.
Episode 8
Okay uhh Mia and Andrew is still a thing APPARENTLY.
Lol Simon’s “Yay boobs” like please Victor keep the heterosexual drama out of this chatroom lmao.
Also Felix group texting the others is hilarioussss.
If Victor touches or says one bad thing at Bram? its on sight.
Also Im not sure what to feel with Mia getting jealous at Andrew. Like girl you were the one who said he’s nothing, and now this? Issa bad look honey.
Victor is embarassing. Are all extroverts just this i dunno peppy? 
You know what makes me happy in this episode? Keiynan’s attitude bleeding out to Bram’s character. I love it!
Goddd Keiynan is so hot XD
hahahaha this episode is lighter thank god.
“why would they want to help a complete stranger” because they are good people and surprisingly they still exist! 
Ohhh So it seems like Nick Robinson filmed his scenes for this episode on a different day. Ive never seen him be with the main group. That’s weird.
Episode 9
Benji distancing himself because he wants to make his 1 year relationship work? Good guy! Him not saying to his boyfriend about the coworker of his kissing him? Bad move.
Sure we can all talk about how little stuff doesn’t need to be told to your lover if you’re sure its not gonna happen again. The thing is,  communication is key. Y’all will talk about communication being integral in a relationship but keep shit like this in the DL because yOU’RE JUST THAT SURE IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN AGAIN? Fo real?
Also Benji is feeling guilty for a reason.
Vincent is very in the wrong for kissing a taken man just because said taken man is comfortable with him or showed vulnerability. Victor is in the wrong 100% and I’ll never forget that.
Felix and that hug with Victor is adorableeee. Love that coming out scene. Again raising my eyebrows at those who say Victor is Bi.
Felix showing what’s in his apartment is fucking great. No wonder we don’t see his mom or anything. They say that the saddest people are always the one who will do their best to keep everyone happy. Felix is being peppy, have these random phrases he use to just amuse people makes sense.
In this household, we protect Felix no matter what. HOPEFULLY next season we get to fucking know his surname or sth.
Again nothing new with the drama surrounding the parents. I hate them and honestly i am so annoyed by the father’s face and everything. (still have that hatred from One day at  time but we don’t talk about that here)
The letter is stupid and i wonder what Pilar will do about it. Are we gonna get a To All the boys i loved before thing?
OH Felix giving Lake an ultimatum. Wow what a move honestly. On one hand Felix has the right to protect himself. He wants to be free with who he loves, and keeping it a secret stopped being amusing because he knew what it feels like to hide a part of yourself.
Lake’s confidence has been obviously shot and damaged by her mother. Not saying that justifies what she is doing  BUT it came from somewhere. A night with Felix talking to her about his life IS NOT going to just uproot all those thoughts from her mind. As much as i love Felix, he is not a solution.
hmm what else. The father can go die for all i care. Lmao.
Episode 10
Also i cannot get over Andrew’s actor looking like Stromae. They have the same eyes, eyebrows and expressions X_X
YOU BET YOUR ass i skipped the whole confrontation scene. I’ll go back to it maybe or just look at gifs but nope. My cancer rising and moon can’t handle that shit.
Is ... is Mia going to see Victor and Benji together and then theorize? Because god freaking damnit im tired of that plot twist.
Oh Benji. Honey honey honey please don’t do whatever I think you’re about to do.
wait the way the ending was shot is weird. The cliffhanger is weird. Everything is weird.
ILL MAKE A HUNCH that it was actually just Victor in his dream land thinking that coming out is that easy and that you just blurt it out.
Bet you the next season will start with no body but Felix and Mia and Andrew know about his sexuality.
The shot was too much on Victor. There was no sound cue from the family etc etc.  I hate the ending so much. Love Victor could’ve been so much more. Could’ve pioneered a fresh way to show lgbt stories and how coming out is this and that. Even if the show is for Gen Z and this generation, coming out should reflect to how coming out is generally perceived nowadays. But i guess that was too much. Foolish me for having my expectations waay too high.
The End
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nomdeguerreblogs · 5 years
What are your feelings on the Tommy/Lizzie relationship?
Hey anon. This is more about them from a storytelling perspective because I basically feel Tommy/Lizzie should have ended if not in S1 then certainly after S2.
I think it has always been deeply unequal. Since sleeping with Grace in 1.05 it has been implied that in all of the shagging they’ve done he’s thinking about someone else; for Tommy, Lizzie is literally a vessel into whom (sorry) he can pour his fantasies. … have a cut because this got looong…
He’s been clear about that to her. He’s also been clear largely that the experience is a transactional one: he gets release; she gets money (and this applies even when she takes the role as secretary.) Despite misgivings, she has always been pragmatically buyable and I suspect Tommy has seen her that way since the very beginning - and I’m not talking about just sex here. I even think she’s acknowledged that to herself; Lizzie’s scene with John after being put into the situation with Russell is telling - she tells John to get out and there’s the heavy implication that she can’t, it’s just not an option she will consider despite what just happened to her. She came from a precarious financial situation and, via her relationship with Tommy (and skill with the business, granted), has gradually and now in S5 finally clambered her way to some serious wealth. Her affection for him was always misplaced, but it was there nonetheless. She was attracted to him, his ambition and charisma, attracted to his money, found the opportunities he gave her compelling and reasoned perhaps that he kept coming back to her, there must have been something more there than convenience (it’s a moot point).  What happened with Ruby was Lizzie finally being able to exert some control over the situation, and I strongly suspect Tommy resents that. (This is not a conversation about Tommy loving his children or Lizzie deliberately baby-trapping him - he does and she definitely didn’t.) Anyway, as I see it, their most recent scenes haven’t changed the tone of their dynamic, just made it louder as the stakes have risen. It’s (hopefully) the nadir of their trajectories, though, because it has become beyond cruel. I think we were meant to find it appalling in a holy fuck Tommy kind of way, but Lizzie’s compliance was just as appalling albeit for entirely different reasons. I will say this - I think Lizzie’s writing has largely been consistent in its themes, but I don’t think we have focused enough on the character to understand why she just keeps coming back for more and ‘because he’s Tommy’ doesn’t cut it.
Some Grace parallels - just a few random other things. Both Tommy’s children were conceived out of wedlock and led to marriage. With Lizzie, because it was the right thing to do. With Grace, because he loved her and she loved him; Grace had a fallback option and there was no suggestion he married her out of a sense of obligation. Secondly, trust. Tommy trusted Grace with business information in the first series and that trust was misplaced, he learns from this and never really seems to trust her with anything except his affections ever again. Conversely, Lizzie has had a lot of access to confidential information and been trusted like a member of the family even before she became one by name. Tommy has never loved her, but he has valued her in this way. I don’t know where to go with this except that up until now she’s been worthy of the trust and steadfast in her loyalty and I have been wondering since series 3 how much it would take for Lizzie to crack… Lastly, Tommy tried to pull the employment thing on Grace and it didn’t work - remember way back in 1.06 when he reminds her that she has a contract with a real limited company? Yep, she was in a position where she could leave (and had to) despite this. Tangentially, one of the reasons Tommy has had a ‘thing’ for wealthy women is possibly because they aren’t interested in his money and he feels valued for other reasons and this might be informing his reactions to Lizzie.
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