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wiffhuff · 1 year
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Did a style test for something I'm working on (⌒_⌒;) Can you guys figure out what style I tried to do?
Ngl Frye looks super cursed (prob cuz he looks a decade younger) , but I'll def tweak some stuff once I figure out the fullbody designs
*There's IS a reason why they are younger than their canon ages, but I'll explain it in another post.
I think I like how Yelv is shaping up so far. Just have to adjust the proportions a little bit, so I might reference a different generation for it.
I'll talk more about this thing once I have developed some more worldbuilding and ideas to the plot I'm writing for it ^^ Can't wait to do more studies for the other characters!
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faleve · 9 months
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Me, serious? In this red suit? Sure.
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kingddd17commisson · 2 years
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The Wind Blows hard in December.
The Xenoblade Chronicles X Party Members crew 
Commissioned with @rorah
Inspired by the Fire Emblem awakening cover art.
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calamitaswrath · 2 years
Since it's Xenoblade Chronicles X' 7th (western) anniversary, I'll post a theory that I've had for a while now and never seen anyone else discuss and that likely won't be confirmed or denied for who knows how many years.
Towards the end of the very first trailer that revealed the game, there's a brief shot of a character that never actually makes any appearance in the game, and was never identified or elaborated upon in any pre-release marketing.
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With how the game's actual story plays out, and what we know of its development, it's reasonable to guess that this guy was the original protagonist, bevor the game switched to a player-created avatar with Cross. And in terms of the story, it is also a valid guess that he is Elma's original partner, the lone hero who piloted the original Prog Ares and seemingly died(?) while defending the White Whale in space above Mira.
So, that in itself is already some theorizing. But here's the big one that I've never seen anyone else bring up: I think that the design for this character was slightly altered and reused, in a character for who it's an actual twist slash cliffhanger that he is seemingly an artificial person.
I think Yelv is supposed to be a replica of this guy.
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The two have very similar hair styles and colors, both have green eyes, and seem to be wearing the same outfit, if that bit of orange at that trailer guy's shoulder is anything to by. The only thing that's not really fitting is Yelv's skin tone, though that could just as well have been because the design was adjusted since the 2013 reveal trailer. As for Yelv's tattoos - they are on the right side of his face, the exact half that was obscured by shadows for the trailer guy.
So, that's the theory: Yelv is an attempt duplicating/reviving/mass producing the lone hero, Elma's original partner. And to what end? . . .Maybe Monolith Soft will tell us when they finally make X2 and don't scrap most of X' open questions.
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intrfrncdmn · 1 year
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Yelv Chronicles X
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bihunimeksik · 2 months
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urfavesarequadranted · 11 months
Yelv and Eleonora from Xenoblade Chronicles X are kismesis
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Eleonora and Yelv from Xenoblade Chronicles X are kismesis!
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sunnythanalan · 6 months
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Okay so here's my girlies + Kiht.
My roe has changed so much! Considering the low resolution on the original roes that's to be expected. I personally really like it, though others might not. It's a huge change, that's for sure. She looks more mature now and I really love that for her.
M'peckee and Kiht'Sae look exactly like always except with more detailed skin. Yelve also looks more or less the same, though her face appear a bit less bloated than currently ig, yet more childish somehow? I guess they were going for the ageless thing, but hmm. I hope we get that free fantasia so I can fiddle around with her skintone a bit.
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ultrakatua · 1 year
I don't trust Lao at all cause ominous camera shots asides, he's got the two biggest red flags one can have in a Xenoblade game: nihilism, and pants too tight
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wiffhuff · 1 year
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Drew Mia this time! I drew her in the fashion gear from my game file. She’s matching Yelv with the sheepie horns 😤👍
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faleve · 1 year
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Mission with Yelv!
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Today’s disabled character of the day is Yelv from Xenoblade Chronicles X, who has an unspecified memory disorder
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of a man with short blond hair and blue eyes. He is wearing a brown scarf and metal armor. He has a black spiky tattoo under his right eye.]
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bigboobshaunt · 8 months
Alright then, here's the characters, the weapons they use (that's a contributing factor, I'd say), and some details whenever I consider it necessary.
First off, Gwin Evans, 24 years old who uses long swords and assault rifles:
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Doug Barret, 30 years old, who uses photon sabres (basically light sabres) and rayguns (also, voiced by Patrick Seitz)
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Lao, 31 years old, the Sad™ widower who uses a sniper rifle and javelin (voiced by Matt Mercer)
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L'cirufe, the tallest playable character bar none, who uses shields and psycho launchers (kinda like the orbitars in KIU)
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Kentaro Nagi, 57 years old, who wields longswords and gattlings guns - the resident Dunban-like swordmaster
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Phog Christoph, 24 years old, who uses dual swords and dual guns (also very likely neurodivergent)
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Frye Christoph, 30 years old, older brother of Phog, uses gattling guns and longswords, enjoys drinking about as much as Gregor Fire Emblem
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Hector Bumwhistle Birthwhistle, or H.B. for short, 28 years old, uses shields and assault rifles
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Also of note with H.B. is the Superior Form™:
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Bozé Lowes, 54 years old, uses javelins and sniper rifles. Also derogatory, personally.
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Yelv (just Yelv, really), 22 years old, uses photon sabres and rayguns. Also enthusiastically calls the player avatar "pardner".
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And lastly, Jack Vandham, who's not actually playable and 48 years old.
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This is the second time I am answering this because my workplace wifi died as I was publishing it. These are my ratings, which don't mean anything, followed by short commentary.
Gwin: Very Fuckable, acts like he wants to be friends with benefits but always catches feelings. Would I reciprocate? Who knows?
Doug: HOT, we love a guy with a deep voice and light sabers and big guns. It does not get better than that. Hung and everyone can tell.
Lao: Not My Type, but I can easily see him causing multiple fans some terrible mental illnesses. "How big is that dick?" "Small, leave me alone"-type of guy.
L'cirufe: Attractive, monster fans need their rights respected. His face card is NOT declining.
Nagi: HOT. Resident old man whose cervix is being done crazy things to on twitter (or should be). Hung and don't ask me how I can tell.
Phoggot: Eh. Good for him on the neurodivergence but you can meet multiple twinks who look like him at any nightclub.
Frye: Intriguing, looks like someone who lead an interesting life and could surprise you in bed. Further research is needed.
Hbirthwhistleguy: Not My Type, but I'm sure he has quite a reach with fans. I support his Bayonetta 2 cosplay endeavors.
Bozé: Eh, this man will leave you and pretend the child isn't his. Have I played this game and do I know what this guy is about? No, but it had to be said.
Yelv: No, thank you. We have Shulk at home. That man is not 22.
Jack: I Love Arm. I could see him being a secret softie in bed. Spoils you to make up for feelings of inadequacy.
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Xenoblade X poll answers
Elma is a xeno, a BLADE, and a Xenoblade (Monado)
This is incorrect. Elma is a xeno and a BLADE, but she is not canonically related to the Monado. That said, I really would not be surprised if that was an intended plot twist considering that she shares the same color pallet as the damn thing. Furthermore, interesting how Elma somehow knew the earth would be blown up in a skirmish 30 years in advance. There’s other stuff I could say in evidence to this theory, but this isn’t a post about my crack Elma theories, so we’ll leave it at that.
Some other fun information around this idea. In an early trailer for X, BLADE was referred to as “Beyond the Logos Artificial Destiny Emancipator,” though in the final version the acronym is “Builders of a Legacy After the Destruction of Earth.” Elma also has concept art featuring a Core Crystal. 
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This doesn’t support any theory because it’s concept art, but it’s an interesting piece of trivia. 
there is an enemy type that reproduces by firing its sperm into orbit
it’s these guys. what a meme of an enemy. dudes just stand there and then turn into a palm tree abomination that one-shots you. I think the guy in Cauldros is the funnies of men. Like, imagine you’re just minding your business and then you get sniped from orbit by a palm tree of death. 
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Every enemy type in the game has, like, a multi-paragraph essay, here’s what the Filiavent’s reads.
“The largest of all Miran mollusks, filiavents stay anchored to the ground, feeding on other creatures that come too close. To do so, they contract their lengthy bodies and then swallow their victims whole—along with everything else in the vicinity. All matter then enters the digestive tract, where it is liquefied by powerful acids.
Reproduction also takes place while anchored to the ground. On the night of a full moon, filiavents release a myriad of sperm and eggs into the atmosphere. While most are eaten by other creatures, one in a few thousand survives to be fertilized. Because infants have many predators due to their small size, few of them survive into adulthood—despite the presence of a defensive electrical discharge."
So, yeah, I’m not even exaggerating, these things do canonically reproduce by firing their sperm into orbit.
Samaarians were human, but not the humans you play as; they're functionally gods; this information was revealed during a random sidequest
I wanted to make this one a single option, but character limit. But yeah, Xenoblade X has a weird amount of major plot twists hidden behind random sidequests. This was just the largest one. The sidequest in question was a post-game quest called The Old Gods, where the God of the Zaruboggan is revealed to look like this.
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The lore around the Samaarians is that they appeared when the universe was created and started creating a bunch of life, but they’re not benevolent. There are multiple canon slave races created by the Samaarians for that purpose and the humans we play as are implied to be close relatives to the Samaarians. Perhaps made in their image?
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But yeah, that’s about the amount X actually reveals about the Samaarians. I imagine that the story was meant to tie into the Klaus arc, but there’s no way of knowing whether the original plans for X’s story contradict what the writers instead made for 2 and 3. 
Also, some of the other major plot twists given by random sidequests include: 
the protagonist is heavily implied to secretly not be a human, the term used is J-Body, but we’re never given insight on what that actually means. The party member Yelv is also a J-Body. This is revealed during Yelv’s Partner.
The White Whale was communicating with some other ships during its 2 year voyage. These ships cannot have been human ships because no one is aware of the existence of fellow surviving humans. This is revealed during White Lifehold. 
Once something gets stuck on Mira, it is impossible to leave. This is revealed by Professor B during his sidequest chain and it is also alluded to by Goetia during Chapter 6.
There was a species of Giants that existed in Cauldros but they were wiped out, most likely, by Yggralith Zero and the Ganglion built their fortress over the ruins of that civilization. All information pertaining to the giants is told through item descriptions in the collectopedia.
There’s also this entire sidequest chain around the Definians, which are a race of shape-shifters controlled by a robot that have controlled species since the dawn of the universe where you overthrow their leader. You kind of just kill a god off-screen in a sidequest, very. 
one of the alien races is from Bionis, this species is not the Nopon
True. The Orpheans are reliant on this virus called the Ovah, which guides their decision making and is connected to their reproduction. In the sidequest A Fateful Choice, it’s revealed that the Ovah came from a world predating the Orpheans. That world was shared with the Telethia where “the Ovah existed as a single entity floating in the ocean of another world.” So, while the name “Bionis” is never given, it’s heavily implied. Furthermore the Telethia is referred to as “the Ruler of Fates” and “the Endbringer,” which are both noteworthy. In the sidequest, the Telethia is compared to a God and is feared by the Ovah. 
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The sidequest also involves someone getting eaten by the Telethia and receiving a vision of the past.
The Nopon in X are given zero ties to the Xenoblade universe. The closest we get is a sidequest where two Nopon look for the Sword of Legendaryness, which looks like this.
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This is pretty obviously meant to be a goofy reference rather than a serious piece of lore. The item description reads “A legendary sword left behind by ancient Nopon. When the mysterious lettering on the hilt lights up, it gives one the feeling of being able to use special powers.” But I figured it was noteworthy.
the second strongest enemy is known for destroying worlds; unrelated to Earth
True. This would be Pharsis the Everqueen, which is level 98. The strongest enemy is Telethia the Endbringer, which is level 99. This is the Yggralith enemy index entry.
"Hailing from the depths of outer space, these creatures can strip away the ether from entire regions before storing it in their dorsal spines to facilitate interstellar travel. Any unlucky inhabitants of planets they encounter are also devoured down to the very last organism. When this destructive rampage is finished, they set off in search of the next planet.
Though rare, Yggralith do at times come in contact with one another. The ensuing battles spell doom for any planet unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity."
So, yeah, these guys do destroy worlds. There are three yggraliths in the game. They are no relationship to the Ghosts or Ganglion, which were responsible for blowing up the earth. Pharsis is just vibing. I’m pretty sure it’s an infant.
the Ganglion got stuck on Mira before the humans did
In Chapter 6, we learn from Goetia that the Ganglion were transported to Mira by some light, they are trapped on Mira, and that Luxaar believes the Samaarian homeland could be related to Mira. The protagonists assume the Ganglion followed humans, but they are never corrected. Also, it’s important to note that the aliens responsible for crashing the White Whale onto Mira were the Ghosts, which were the faction that the Ganglion were fighting against.
the Bionis and Mechonis make an appearance in the collectopedia
True. The item in question is called the Privative Colossus Statue. It’s found in Noctilum near the Divine Roost (where the Telethia live). 
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There they are. Beating the shit out of each other. The item description reads:
“A pair of gigantic stone idols locked in combat. No one is sure who sculpted them or gave them their name, but their primal beauty often leaves a deep impression on those who stand before them.”
Also, related to this, there’s a collectible that’s literally just an ether furnace called the Lost Memory Synthesizer.
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“A machine to fuse crystals that conceal some sort of energy. The problem is, said crystals don't seem to exist. Upon realizing its uselessness, the Harrier Sara-Ariel named it in disappointment.”
But yeah, the Bionis and Mechonis do make a cameo.
humans are not classified as humanoids in the enemy index
instead, they’re classified as Mechanoids because everyone’s in a robot body. 
there is a sidequest where you can kill an NPC by telling them to take a shower
true. for some reason all the sidequests around the water plant are fucked up. But yeah, the sidequest is called Lakeside Getaway. An NPC is mad that her coworkers have stopped contacting her and then you learn that they all died because of an enemy that did an Alien. You can kill an NPC by telling them to take a shower because the monsters hatch from water-related things. So, if you let the NPC shower, this happens.
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