#yeeted into the digital world
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mo-gxn · 2 years ago
yeet and killa.
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my main shitwads. i love them. they are me i am them. we are one and yet we are none. 🫡
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jasluminary · 7 months ago
So.. ahem.. heres the run down. *Flips though a couple pages* I thought the previous art would be it and I'd move on from dandys world, somthing happened and oops! My hands slipped. Ahahah! Oh me and my delsusion... *sighs* what have I done.
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kuax · 1 year ago
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Spearmaster, my beloved
(just some sketches)
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Just hangin' there (after like 8 creatures fell on me from above and started biting me and each other)
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sovenasark · 2 years ago
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22 - Jump The first time one of these jumped at me I panicked.
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gikairan · 4 months ago
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Would you care to dance?
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in1-nutshell · 1 year ago
Fearless buddy being sent to the tfp universe at first made me want the tfp team prime to see mtmte Megs interact with buddy and have a crisis over the fact that Megs became a dad, to a human no less.
and then I realized, no. no I dont want team prime to just react to mtmte megs, I want these fuckers to get yeeted into the portal one by one and suffer through the general chaos of the lost light.
Arcee - What was that?
Swerve - oh thats just Skids, you can tell cause when Buddys' in the vents it sounds more like a pitter patter.
Drifts gets double to Ratchets to simp for
Optimus curls into a ball and cries when he sees Megatron with an autobot badge and being a decent person
Tailgate fanboys and asked for an autograph, yes he knows that its not their Optimus Prime but he's cool none the less
Miko quickly finds Buddy and Whirl and Rodimus quickly grabs Bumblebee and Smokescreen. Ultra Magnus has his back turned for for ten minutes and suddenly the Lost light has been turned into a race track with Swerve handling the betting's and a small world has declared war on the lost light, stating the instigators was a human and two mechs, one of which kinda sounds like the Apex armor.
Brainstorm finds Raf and gets into a custody battle for him with Ratchet.
Optimus and Megatron both have a conversation and get some kinda closure from it.
Ultra Magnus nearly cries over Jack being responsible and polite. he loves buddy but why did they get the well mannered human
plus the rest of the autobots being fucking flabbergasted at how Megatron is with his tiny organic child
In short: C H A O S !
There simply would have been way too much to cover with just this request alone. So, I've tried to condense everything down to 4 key highlights of events that defiantly happened during the trip. This would also be assuming that this is also the same universe as Old Predacon Buddy.
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy gets a visit from TFP Bots
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
4 Conversations and confrontations that have defiantly happened during the visit
Meeting the Co- captains
The bots had just arrived at the Lost Light via portal and met Buddy once again.
Buddy wanted to bring them to the med bay just to make sure everything was okay with their systems.
Optimus was the one to have Buddy on his servo as they pointed the way to get to the med bay.
How did they not come across any other crewmember?
That is beyond them.
But just before the team made it to the med bay a streak of black came in front of the bots.
“Who are you and what are you doing on board?”--Ravage
Buddy waving from Prime’s servo.
“Hi Ravage!”--Buddy
Ravage takes notice of Buddy and pins his audials back.
“Let them go now!”--Ravage
Ravage tries swiping at the Prime, but Arcee fires a warning shot.
“Don’t even think about it.”--Arcee
“Wait can’t we all calm down—"--Buddy
Multiple heavy pede steps are heard.
“And now he’s coming…”--Buddy
Megatron and Rodimus come running from the corner and stop behind Ravage.
Megatron has his fusion cannon ready and Rodimus is powering up.
Everyone is tense.
“All right Fake Optimus, put Buddy down and no one gets hurt too badly.”--Rodimus
“Fake Prime? This is Optimus Prime.”--Smokescreen
“Yeah, and Megatron isn’t Buddy’s dad. That’s not Optimus.”--Rodimus
“Excuse did you say that bucket head there was Buddy’s dad?!”--Miko
Buddy nods and pats Prime’s digits.
“Just pass me to Rodimus while I explain everything.”--Buddy
Optimus hesitates a minute before handing Buddy to Rodimus.
Buddy Jumps from Rodimus’s servo start onto Megatron’s arm, which freaks everyone out for a minute as the ex war lord does catch them.
“Buddy we’ve talked about this.”--Megatron
Buddy stick’s out their tongue.
“Can someone please explain what in Primus’s name is going on?!”--Magnus
“In a bit Magnus.”--Buddy
“Wait, wait wait, this is Magnus?”--Rodimus
Rodimus looks at him amused.
“Just wait til Minimus finds out.”--Rodimus
“Who’s Minimus?”--Wheeljack
“In a minute, now to the med bay. Ratchet should take a look at them before anything else.”--Buddy
“Ratchet?”—Team Prime
Rodimus and Buddy turn to each other with a mischievous smile.
Megatron just sighs tiredly.
This was going to be a long day… or week even…
2. Ratchet confrontation and some honorable mentions
Both Ratchet’s nearly have a stroke when they see each other.
The team gets checked out by every medic available.
Buddy manages to catch everyone up overall on the ‘alternative universe’ fiasco. Everyone manages to understand for the most part.
Megatron watches Buddy like a hawk while also sending a message to Minimus on the situation.
He could practically hear the stroke happening from here.
MTMTE Ratchet taking a double look at everyone’s energon levels.
“How are any of you even functioning?! Your energon levels are so low you shouldn’t even be standing up right?!”—MTMTE Ratchet
TFP Ratchet huffs.
“Unlike this universe, energon is not a common thing to run by. Naturally the levels are going to be low.”—TFP Ratchet
“I’m not saying that it is, but what I am is astounded on how any of you are still even talking. And you especially.”
Optimus looks curious.
“What are you referring to?”--Optimus
MTMTE Ratchet takes a deep vent and lets it out.
“Your Ratchet has the lowest energon levels out of your entire team combined! Miracle that he is even with us.”--ratchet
Bee buzzes angrily.
All MTMTE bots look at him worriedly.
First Aid comes over to him.
“What happened to your voice?”—First Aid
MTMTE Ratchet, Ambulon and Velocity join in crowding Bee.
“His voice box was damaged in the war on Cybertron. Our Megatron damaged it.”—Raf
Bumblebee looks down a bit.
The medics are all looking at one another.
“We can see what we can do here, if you’d like Bumblebee.”—MTMTE Ratchet
Bee buzzes happily as Raf hugs his digit.
Drift enters the med bay.
“Hey Ratchet, I heard you yelling in here, is everything—”--Drift
Drift looks at the scene in front of him stopping dead in his tracks.
His optics land on TFP Ratchet.
Buddy looks at him mouthing ‘No!’
“Who’s this guy?”--Smokescreen
“I finally made it to the Afterspark.”--Drift
“What?”—TFP Ratchet
“That’s just Drift just ignore him.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Ratchet I don’t think that’s going to be possible.”--Buddy
Drift pulls them both into a hug.
TFP Ratchet is struggling to get out of his grip while MTMTE Ratchet just goes along with it.
“Buddy, who’s that?”--Wheeljack
“And why is he hugging Ratchet?”--Bulkhead
“That’s Drift, he’s Ratchet’s Conjunx.”--Buddy
All TFP Bots nearly have whiplash at how fast they move their helms.
“HIS CONJUNX?!”—Team Prime
“MY WHAT?!”—TFP Ratchet
“Not yours.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Aww Ratty! You do care.”--Drift
“RATTY?!”—Team Prime
Several members of Team Prime laughing on the med slab so hard the medics are on standby.
3. Kids custody
Tfp team goes to the bar.
Kids stay with Buddy in the human safe portion of the bar to get some food.
Everyone is staring at them.
But to be fair they did have way different frame types than everyone else in this dimension.
Buddy yells at them for being rude.
That they help them in their time of need.
Suddenly everyone is in a much better mood.
Swerve serving Team Prime some engex.
“Any friend of Buddy is a friend of ours. Drink up fellow bots!”--Swerve
“Thank you Swerve.”--Optimus
Prime feels something poking his side
He looks at a white minibot poking his side holding a data pad.
“Hi! I know your not this universes Optimus, but can I still have your autography!”--Tailgate
Prime looks a bit surprised but he gives in.
“Thank you!”--Tailgate
“And what may be your name?”--Optimus
“I’m Tailgate!”--Tailgate
Arcee spits out her engex, Bulkhead calms her down.
“Is she okay? I didn’t upset her right?”--Tailgate
Arcee walks up to Tailgate, who is roughly around her size.
Cyclonus walks up behind Tailgate as if daring her to do something dumb.
She eventually holds her servo out.
“I’m Arcee.”--Arcee
Tailgate hugs Arcee instead.
“Thank you and your team for taking care of Buddy while they were away!”--Tailgate
Arcee is holding back tears as she gives into the hug.
“SHE’S ARCEE!”--Rodimus
Many bots look over with curiosity and some with fear.
Bulkhead looked over at the human table to find it empty.
“Hey where are the kids?”--Bulkhead
“Oh! Whirl took them around the bar when you weren’t looking.”--Swerve
“Whirl? Who’s Whirl?”--Magnus
Swerve points to the helicopter bot with his cockpit open.
“That one who’s trying to fight with Getaway.”--Swerve
Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Ultra Magnus navigate their way to Whirl.
He turns to show Buddy and Miko laughing in the pit.
“So, you’re this little monsters guardians?”--Whirl
“Well, TOO BAD!”--Whirl
Whirl places a protective claw over both of the giggling humans.
“They are not your Amica—”--Magnus
“Actually I’m his.”--Buddy
“And that’s something we’re going to talk about later. Miko—”--Wheeljack
“Miko no!”--Bulkhead
“MIKO YES!”--Miko
Meanwhile with Arcee…
Arcee stares at MTMTE Magnus, Cyclonus, Tailgate and Pipes.
Pipes and Tailgate are asking him all sorts of questions.
“Ultra Magnus. Cyclonus.”--Arcee
“Arcee.”—Magnus and Cyclonus
All three of them look over at the other three who are happily laughing at a joke.
All three mentally promise to destroy anyone who harms Jack.
Meanwhile with Ratchet…
Brainstorm holding Raf high above his helm.
“I HAVE FOUND MY CHILD!”--Brainstorm
“HE IS NOT YOUR CHILD!”--Perceptor
“Fine! Percy and Nautica we need to schedule visiting time—”--Brainstorm
MTMTE Ratchet taking Raf out of his servo.
“Leave the poor boy alone.”—MTMTE Ratchet
Drift looks over at MTMTE Ratchet and Raf and smiles teasingly.
“AAAAWWWW Ratty!”--Drift
Ratchet suddenly getting the hint.
“No…”—MTMTE Ratchet
Drift no.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Drift yes?”--Drift
“…”--MTMTE Ratchet
Ratchet hands Raf back to his counterpart.
“I think its best to keep him in check.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Will do—HEY!”—TFP Ratchet
Brainstorm once again nabbing Raf from him.
“Mine child! Now Rafael. Would you like to see my lab? It has all sorts of inventions in it.”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm starts heading to the exit faster before Skids tackles him down letting Raf to get thrown up in the air.
He gets caught by Swerve, who just puts him down next to him.
“…Do you like Bill Nye?”--Swerve
Meanwhile with Rodimus…
Has Smokescreen and Bumblebee both thrown over his shoulder looking at Megatron and Magnus.
“Too bad.”--Rodimus
Confused car noises intensify.
Later on, Optimus and Megatron are found in one of the booth having some whispered conversation.
No one knows what they talked about, but both came back from it looking tired yet somewhat happy.
4. Promise to meet each other one day in the future
A couple days pass, the portal comes back.
Tfp team says their goodbyes.
Buddy wishes them good luck and to say hi to their alternative.
Portal closes.
“Wait you said, ‘other Buddy’, there was another Buddy?”--Megatron
“Oh yeah, but they’re an old Predacon.”--Buddy
“AN OLD WHAT?!”--Whirl
Meanwhile back in TFP…
The team comes out of the portal groaning at the semi harsh landing.
June and Agent Fowler came running in.
June nearly tackles the kids asking so many questions their heads are spinning.
The team explains what happened.
“Would have guessed that after Buddy’s explanation.”—Agent Fowler
“Heh, hey where is Buddy anyways?”--Bulkhead
“Bet their taking a nap.”--Miko
“Nope. After four hours of you guys ‘disappearing to the other dimension’ they’ve been trying to keep everything under control. They’ve been increasing patrols and energon digs.”—Agent Fowler
“They should be coming in soon.”--June
Heavy wing flaps are heard from the main entrance.
“June! I think another rocks stuck in my—”--Buddy
Buddy stops to take a good look at the team before going in for a group hug, spreading their wings as much as possible.
“Thank the Primes your all safe.”--Buddy
“Woah! Buddy, your…umm…”--Smokescreen
Buddy looking down at their dented and dusty self.
“Someone had to pick up on the patrols. The Decepticon’s couldn’t know that you were gone.”--Buddy
Optimus places his servo on Buddy’s shoulder.
“Rest old friend. We can take it from here.”--Optimus
Buddy just yawns and moves to their spot near the human area and slumps down hard and falls asleep.
The kids go over to Buddy to see if they are still awake.
They were out.
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maehwajuuuu-chu · 19 days ago
ough got overwhelmed asf and just yeeted out the Natlan rewrite plans I've been doing the past few months and put it in a scrap bin, I— (a long ass vent abt Natlan below - I really don't like complaining at all, but man) (also personal thoughts ig - if you disagree, please just ignore lol)
Asides from the colourism and whitewashing, the really modern high-tech stuff the playables use really makes me feel iffy. The problem isn't that its high-tech, its just poorly designed and doesn't fit in with Teyvat in a sense. Fantasy can be advanced in tech, but it's usually made to fit in the world and also seem quite seperate from reality (e.g Sending stones in dnd — they're kinda like phones, but in a fantasy setting and definitely do not look like an irl phone, they're a pair of stones that can be used to call someone — the Akasha is another example of advanced tech done well). Mavuika's bike, Chasca's flying gun and etc are often explained with the availability of Phlogiston and the inability of the Natlan people to leave Natlan, which is why its contained inside Natlan. But, there's still people from other nations visiting? There's still trade and merchants, which would cause tech like a motorbike or flying guns to expand across Teyvat — you'd only need a blueprint and instructions on how to make it. Natlan is not a contained nation at all - in fact, they're regularly welcoming people from other nations. Which brings up the problem of this tech not being spread across Teyvat. Then there's the issue of Xilonen being able to make pretty much everything, but there's nearly none of this tech shown anywhere else in Natlan other than the playable characters. Which makes it even more jarring — it causes the playable characters to be unable to fit in their own nation (specifically pointed at Mavuika and Varesa's designs).
Moreover, if she could make a flying gun, why isn't there a plane already? If there is a motorbike, why are there no cars speeding around Teyvat already? Sure, it's knowledge from the dragons that used to be around Natlan — but if they have access to that, this kind of tech would have more variety as well. Honestly, they could have made the aesthetic of the tech be less immersion breaking and made it fit inside the Fantasy genre more. My point is that Natlan's tech can be 'explained' by lore, but it was still executed poorly.
Another design issue that I came across was how little the Natlan characters had any of their relevant lore or daily jobs reflect in their designs and playstyles. I get told Xilonen is a blacksmith, but she just looks like an average DJ girl to me - she just skates and pulls out a DJ board - there's nothing that tells me who she is or what she does. I mistook Mavuika as a commentator for the pilgrimage in the first Natlan trailer, because of her underwhelming design, and I wouldn't have known Citlali was a shaman unless I read her lore, because of how she only floats around her pillows in her playstyle (I'd be honest, the pillows suit Mizuki a lot more). Natlan was a nation where I'd have expected to see designs and playstyles that were a lot more serious and heavily leaning to fantasy, and honestly, super cool - but it feels like its rather corporate and made to just sell in a sense?
Another issue I came across was the multitudes of cultures just mixed into one nation in a way that's considered quite lazy (a problem that Genshin has in nations that are not Liyue). It reminds me of China, Japan and South Korea being mashed into one country cause 'eh, they look similar enough,' but the thing is they are actually really different? It's also just plain damn difficult when I'm trying to do a rewrite and end up having to research 30 different cultures at the same time by myself (I look at everything from traditional clothing, food, traditions, languages, history, music, people and etc — I generally adore doing this, it's my favourite thing to do, but not when its in the double digits, cause it's a lot). It's also a bit sad, cause all of the cultures they used are really beautiful and awesome — I often paused just to admire and appreciate ngl. But, they lost a lot of potential by not focusing on one or two and not going really in-depth — like they chose quantity over quality. Honestly, the whole nation turned out to be a lot more difficult with each update in terms of doing a rewrite and it's quite frustrating, cause I had planned quite a lot ngl — but, oh well. I'm still gonna yap about my Natlan ocs in the future and do redesigns cause those are super fun — but a rewrite is definitely off the table now KJHDKJHDKJ (and besides I have more time to focus on my own oc fics hehe)
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thescarletnargacuga · 7 months ago
I know you are currently working on two angsty fics right now, but I'd like to request a zoomni fic! (Zooble x Pomni)
A/N: wholesome beans
WARNING: none!
Pomni and Zooble laid side by side on the grassy grounds, looking up at the shifting sky. Digital clouds slowly moved from the day side to night, changing color and shape. Zooble rested their head in their hands listening to Pomni rant about how today's adventure. Another they themselves skipped.
"-and then he threw me off the boat! Seriously, what is it with Jax throwing me off of moving vehicles!? Is it because I'm short?? I bet it's because I'm short! And of course Caine doesn't give a rat's behind about that. All he ever says is BUt DId yOu HaVe fUn? Like, NO!! I got waterboarded by a seagull!! AFTER I got yeeted to the sea lions! And don't even get me started on the talking lighthouse. Ugh....they were so rude." Pomni picked at the grass, none of it came apart but it was nice to pull at.
"Sounds like quite the adventure." Zooble droned, side eyeing Pomni.
"Oh, You don't know the half of it! You should have seen what happened to Ragatha. First, Gangle had to suspend her from the bridge. Then Kinger blah blah blah..."
Zooble zoned out staring at Pomni. They watched the way she spoke so animatedly. The way Pomni's face would scrunch and contort with emotion fascinated them. They had almost forgotten what real human expression could look like. She was beautiful. So very beautiful.
Pomni kept on, oblivious to the growing thirst in Zooble's eyes. "Honestly, I don't know why we even had it with us. None of us had pocket space for fifteen pineapples. I guess we just- oh!"
Zooble rolled over on top of Pomni, supporting themselves on their elbows and knees. "There it is...my favorite expression."
Pomni flustered, a bright blush coloring her cheeks all the way to her ears. "Oh- um- you wanted to-"
"To see you like this." Zooble's eyes moved slowly, taking in all of Pomni's face.
"You could've told me." Pomni giggled nervously.
"It's better as a surprise. More authentic. God, I want to kiss that face." Zooble leaned close.
Pomni smiled. "Please do." She held Zooble's head to her lips, kissing the lower edge between their eyes. It was like kissing a smooth block of plastic, but Zooble subtly pressing against her made it feel so real.
Zooble had accepted themselves a long time ago, but sometimes...in moments like this, they wished they could do more. It meant the world to them that Pomni not only returned their affection, but reveled in it.
They pulled back but Pomni wanted more, she held Zooble close and kissed them passionately. Zooble quietly melted. They were grateful to have such a loving partner.
When Pomni finally let go, she was breathless. A small string of saliva connected to where she had snogged Zooble. Her eyes were hungrily half lidded, still wanting more.
Zooble needed a moment to compose themselves. The expressions of longing from Pomni were almost too much. They could explode with happiness. "You're an eager little kitten today."
"Only when you look at me like that." Pomni gave a breathy laugh. "I like being wanted by you."
Zooble's heart skipped a beat. "There's nothing more in this world I could want." They touched foreheads, feeling the love between them.
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streamdotpng · 2 years ago
Au's are listed from light to dark (in tone):
Blanket = Wednesday is a solitary prickly raven, it doesn't stop the nightshades from wanting to be friends though. When finally allowed to see the apartment, nightshades meet the hulking beast of Wednesday's roommate who isn't afraid to curl up in their murderous friend's space to sleep. It wouldn't be too surprising if Wednesday didn't just as easily initiate and reciprocate the affection.
Fluffy asf, Enid walks around in a blanket in the mornings and set in college with nosy nightshades.
Streamer Enid - Wenclair are married! Wednesday is a world renown horror author and actress. Enid is known as Endespair, an outcast streamer who simps over Wednesday Addams.
Post canon! Usually fluff with secret identity + social media shenanigans
Coffee (started by @theblackwolfalpha) - Enid's the owner of a coffee shop nearby. Lowkey looks like a front for a drug shop and Wednesday is the ceo enamored with the owner coffee. But being enamored doesn't stop the fact that Wednesday always looks ready to kill someone and now Enid's a worried worker.
Fluffy asf, theyre adults and Wednesday is awkward to hell and back. Enid's just vibing and working, wondering if weds is a serial killer
Demon Baby - Enid finds a demon baby in college, gets bonded with said Baby and Wednesday is the demon out to kill the baby. Somehow they end up living together and playing house.
Fluffy asf with suggestive works bc they're adults and lowkey married
She's the man - Enid is a sheltered teen who has to crossdress as her brother for reasons and attends nevermore for senior year. She figures herself out and ends up growing closer to how she is in canon! Wednesday has a crush on Enid, actually everybody has a crush on enid because she's nice. Wenclair is endgame though.
Has omegaverse themes for werewolf lore. Crack treated seriously
Hockey Enid - Wenclair meet one time as children in the winter. They grow close until Enid has to skeddadle away. Wednesday teaches Enid how to ice skate and now they're both grown ups pining over their childhood sweethearts. Enid thinks Wednesday hates her for leaving, Wednesday is simply awkward and really loves Enid. She loves her enough that she writes hockey RPF about a self insert and Enid. Enid finds this out and tries to court Wednesday with the fic as a reference.
Wednesday is a figure skater with Divina and Enid is hockey player with Yoko, they meet again because Yokovina are dating
crack treated seriously + mutual pining with misunderstandings
Jericho Online - Wenclair are childhood friends who met in this mmorpg game. Enid ghosts Wednesday for reasons as a preteen and in basic Wednesday fashion, grows a grudge because her digital wife straight up abandoned her. Adult Enid is a college student studying criminology and ends up logging in after so long. Wednesday is a streamer who was live when this happens and the two reunite in game after years.
Mutual pining and petty Wednesday, featuring a downbad chat.
Addams Twins - S1 except Wednesday has a twin, Cairo! Except she's a normie and oop, isn't that cute? they both seem to have an interest for one silly werewolf. Too bad a serial killer is on the loose but when has that ever stopped them?
Rather silly right now, mostly fluff and lowkey not taken seriously
Isekai - Enid gets yeeted into an isekai world as a preteen, she has characteristics of a werewolf similar to canon and fucks up the storyline by making the addams family more socially aware. Enid is a little shit of a butler and wednesday is an spoilt princess who wants her to herself.
Lowkey crack treated seriously with mutual pining wenclair
Parasyte - its a damn au, idk how to explain this. Enid gets smacked with a curse where her wolf instincts/negative feelings get manifested as this little symbiote-esque creature named Nine. She has to play impulse control while having a crush on Wednesday.
Spider Enid - Enid is spiderman. She goes by Beast to enemies or Fluffy to children. Wendesday is black cat stealing addams artifacts to make sure it doesn't land in bad hands. Enid has a crush on wednesday since they were children and Wednesday knows that Enid is spider man, she takes that opportunity to tease her with the mask.
Pining wenclair set in highschool with secret identity shenanigans.
PJO- Being a demigod is damn tiring but surprisingly Enid is alive at the ripe age of 30 smth. She has a lil found family and a cafe, so she's happy and oh? Whats a goddess doing here? Wednesday is the goddess of death and Enid is the reincarnation of her first love.
Slice of life, found family and a fuck ton of angst in Enid's backstory but overall pretty chill
Reincarnation - Wenclair are reincarnations of Goody and her beau Rosaline. Enid is haunted by nightmares and Wednesday keeps getting way too fluffy dreams of a smiling werewolf. Enid is all the more clingy to wednesday because she helps her sleep better.
fluffy, bother to lover wenclair with dark undertones but nothing too big
Military School - Post canon, Enid gets sent to a military school after imprinting on Wednesday during the hug. It takes a year or so until they get a chance to reunite but both are different. Wednesday is all the more open to make up for enid's absence and Enid wilting into a shadow of herself at the loss of Wednesday.
They meet again at an international outcast school tournament and Enid is distressed because Wednesday looks like she forgot about her. So she's bitter and plans to win the tournament to prove a point. Wednesday is lovestruck and simply happy to see Enid.
Friends to enemies? (more bitter rivals on enid's end) to lovers wenclair. Omegaverse (non sexual), dehumanizing and violent themes with focus more on werewolf lore
Tongues & Teeth - Post canon, takes place in the second semester after the nevermore break. Something happened to Enid during the winter and she's different when she comes back. All you need to know is that Enid wants Wednesday and she'll do anything for that.
Mutual pining wenclair but neither of them know. Dark themes are more prominent here.
Bodyguard Enid - Wednesday doesn't come back after season 1 and Enid is distraught because they're mates + separation anxiety. A decade passes and Enid is given the opportunity to guard Author Wednesday. Alot of pining, longing and pretty angsty in Enid's end.
Adult themes like violent thoughts, horrible coping mechanisms and more are here
Streamer Wednesday - same nevermore years as streamer enid. Wednesday streams herself writing and outcasts are more feared so now chat is worried about the werewolf lurking around in the back.
Wenclair are in a codependent relationship so there are adult + serious themes
Eldritch Farm - Enid and yoko are women set in medieval times who wake up to a life where they have wives. It freaks them out but they're rolling with it. Enid is a farmer, yoko is a winemaker.
Adult themes here because eldritch beings are terrifying. Usually hidden by fluff and slice of life.
Devotion - Enid is stuck at home, Wednesday is an eldritch being tethered to enid. Enid is going insane with every ritual she has to do but she's in love so likeee
Adult and dark themes, Wednesday is crazy
Stalker Enid - Enid admires wednesday alot, enough to start taking pictures to appreciate this new addition to her life. Enid is lowkey insane but wednesday is surprisingly into it. Enid is also a touch delusional.
dark themes for obsessive behavior but wholesome for some reason. Delves into how Enid didn't mean for it to escalate but it does bc that's just how stalkers are.
Scent Blind - College wenclair set in omegaverse. Enid is a beta built like an alpha. She has the equipment but she can't leave the marks nor has the same amount of virility. Wednesday is an omega with too sensitive of a nose. They're friends with benefits because wednesday says she wants the heat to pass faster, Enid agrees because its better to be intimate with wednesday then nothing.
sexual acts and themes, set in omegaverse but alot of feels and sentimental thoughts
Priest - Enid is a holy apprentice/priest and Wednesday is a demon. Wendesday wants to corrupt Enid and Enid wants to hold hands with the new pretty girl in town
not that dark, but it sure is sexual because wednesday is using lust as her main form of temptation before changing tactics the closer they get
Ortegaverse, otherwise known as Enid x... Ships are in order from when it happened:
Can also include just content with Enid x character!
Enid x phoebe - in junior year during winter break, Enid stays in nevermore due to straining family relations and meets phoebe a year before babysitter: the killer queen happens. They get close and Enid gets her first girlfriend and first heartbreak because phoebe leaves without warning by the time the new year comes.
Enid x tara - in the first semester break of senior year, Enid spends the time in new York where she gets decked by Tara after being confused for one of the ghostfaces tailing her. Short yet intense romance that lasts about a week or two where Enid goes through the shit in scream 6 with Tara. They couldn't work out because Tara had things to sort out and she didn't think it would be fair for Enid.
There's like, a whole debacle nearing the end of senior year where phoebe and Tara goes to Nevermore to see if they can have a chance with Enid but we're ignoring that so i can explain the rest of the ships.
Enid x Wednesday - after graduation, Enid spends the summer with the Addams in their manor. It's there that she gets really close with Wednesday, however feeling guilty because she's free loading, she runs away to gather as much money she could to pay them back. Wednesday is not happy with that and thus starts a chase that Enid is not even aware off.
Enid x vada - a few years after Enid decides to skedaddle from the Addams, she stumbles across a coffee shop and meets Vada. They end up rooming with each other for a bit but they both had their own issues and Enid is still sore about free loading and thinking that she isn't worthy to basically barge in someone's life like this.
Enid x lorraine - after the whole Vada fiasco, Enid is running low on money and stops by the day farm to recuperate for a bit before leaving. She somehow gets roped into being their farm hand and she ends up growing closer to the Day family's daughter, Lorraine. Except... This is in nowhere of Houston and outcasts are still seen as demons to most normies. After the events of X, Enid is once again on the run after she turns to save Lorraine
Enid x Mabel - twenty five and on the run, enid stumbles across drug dealer Mabel. On the run from the darker sides of life, the two get married!! they're very very healthy and actually have a child named May!
Everything is totally okay from here onward
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todisturbtheuniverse · 3 months ago
i've finished The Game, and now i'm going to go on a weird tangent. here are some thoughts. the Veilguard spoilers are vague. this is also about the book Somewhere Beyond the Sea, for some reason, so spoilers for that, too.
i finished reading Somewhere Beyond the Sea last week. honestly, 10% in i did not think i was going to keep going. i pushed through because i rarely DNF a book, and i figured it was just taking me a minute to get from one fictional place (the last book i'd read) to another (this one).
that was probably part of it. the other part was this book was so relentlessly positive. against impossible odds, our main cast of characters triumphs. i don't think there was ever any doubt in my mind that that was how it would go. i knew enough about this author and this particular story to know that.
and by the time i closed the book (or whatever it is you do with an ebook, yeet it into the digital void or whatever), i thought, well, that was nice, but it would never happen.
my own brain kind of took me aback, in that moment. it's...a fantasy story. there are many layers of it would never happen, here. what the hell does that matter?
i just kept mulling it over and over until i went to bed. it would never happen. everyone was too nice. too many people stood up for the right thing. good triumphed over evil. the government was beaten back, at least for now. the heroes are safe, and loved, and fed, and housed, and unafraid.
on the one hand, i understand my reaction. i need a lot of salt in my sweet. i want to see the heroes get bloodied (physically or metaphorically, not picky). i want them to lose something to make the eventual victory feel earned. i don't think that's what this book was intending to do, and that's completely fine--it's subjective, whether that's what you'd like at the moment or not. i do think the characters certainly go through a lot, it just wasn't enough for me.
on the other hand, it feels a little like i've allowed the general state of things to twist me into a more cynical version of my usual self, one who doesn't believe good things happen. i'm definitely talking about the world at large here (climate change, AI, american politics, many more things). though personally, i've also had a...dip...these last few years. and this is even though, personally, lots of good things have happened to me! it's just that some bad stuff has happened, too, and it's definitely been a trial working my way out. to some extent, every time i get some breathing room, something else happens. it's exhausting. but it's like i sort of expect that now, for me and everybody else, to be continually ground down. i don't exactly like that, but it is where i am. i see the angle i'm approaching everything from, at least.
so. Veilguard. i thought a lot while i played about how everyone in the group is too nice to each other. the friction is limited and short-lived. i wanted a lot more of it. there were parts of the game that really hit for me, to the point that i'd probably call it a 7/10, but i kept coming back to how nice everyone was. i've always liked Hawke's messy Kirkwall crew best, so it's understandable that i'm annoyed about the lack of drawn-out hissy fits amongst the Veilguard.
but i also get wanting that. wanting people to be nice, kind, understanding, empathetic. to have their own shit together enough to understand your shit. it's not necessarily for me, for whatever reason, but it's not inherently bad. i can make up more friction for fanfiction.
i also think that, first time through, i probably missed some muted friction that comes through in party banter. is it a dragon age game if all the banter just doesn't trigger often enough and you miss half of it? a good example is Harding and Lucanis. early in my second run i heard some banter from them that i just did not get the first time, Harding being so suspicious of him, reserving a special arrow for him, etc. i saved Minrathous the first time through, so i didn't even get the quest where Spite takes Rook into Lucanis's head and a version of Harding is there, suspiciously looking out. it's not super overt, her suspicions and concerns are reasonable, but i hadn't seen that distrust in my first run of the game, so their later conversation over coffee didn't hit the same. that's going to be a feature of a game in this style and this size, that there is so much content and sometimes you miss some of it, especially when most of the folks on the team seem to be real adult-adults and are more muted about their issues with each other.
i said this was going to be a tangent. anyway. loved pretty much all the Solas stuff. the moment-to-moment gameplay was fun in both classes i've played so far. i'm midway through my second run and have been able to take my time and explore more, since i'm not co-piloting with my husband and i'm not driven by the frantic urge to know how it ends, and the bits and pieces you find out in the world are pretty cool. the lore drops, also largely fascinating. i get a little deflated by those answers to huge, long-time worldbuilding questions, but only because i love the journey and hate that it's over, lol. that in some way, some possibilities have ceased to be.
i definitely wanted more romance content, but i'm liking the Harding romance a lot more than i liked Neve (sorry, Neve) and looking forward to romancing some others on the team in the future.
it wasn't my favorite dragon age game, but i'm glad we got it, finally. and i hope it's good enough that they'll get to make another one, whatever that looks like.
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justhereforagoodtime01 · 2 months ago
For the digital oddyssey au, I was thinking about giving Odysseus either Dorumon because he digivolves into Alphamon(leader of the royal knights), Dexmon(the dark digivolution line), or Dorugoramon(alternate evolution to Alphamon) because Odysseus is the king of Ithaca who was away at war, and then became the monster later in Epic and the Odyssey. Another digimon possibility would be Salamon because Salamon can go into BlackGatmon which can go into LadyDevimon, who can go into Minervamon, aka Athena. Loogamon bc wolf and also has the possibility for dark digivolving and Gabumon another wolf which can dark digivolve. I am open to suggestions
For shits and giggles(trauma), it'd be really freaking funny if when Odysseus gets yeeted into the digital world, it's when he dies the first time, but comes back in the Illiad Server in his prime with all the memories intact....but another funny thing would also make this a digimon-oddyssey-pjo crossover
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legitimatesatanspawn · 5 months ago
Things that always make me laugh in spite of the plot-related headaches:
Auron in Kingdom Hearts being literally FFX Auron, meanwhile the rest of FFX's known cast are split across Destiny Island (as kids) and Radiant Garden (as Tinker Bell-like fairies, in spite of them having a subplot with Maleficent).
Cloud Strife in Final Fantasy Tactics being literally FF7 Cloud, in spite of The Planet and FFT!Ivalice presumably being different worlds altogether.
Ryo from Digimon Adventure (games, and film cameos) being yeeted into Tamers' parallel Digital World where in the human world Adventure is a work of fiction.
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otakween · 10 months ago
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 33
Yaaay, this episode was really good! Lots of character bonding and some added backstory PLUS new spirits. Pretty jam packed now that I think about it.
Koichi's storyline feels a LOT like Ken's (and wait a minute, KAISERLeomon...), but the vibes are different since he's one of the main squad's siblings. Kinda a remix of Ken's plot. Glad they're giving the characters time to transition instead of insta-redemption (not that Koichi really did anything wrong).
So Koichi says he's "jealous" of Koji, but I'm not positive why. It could be because Koji has a father and mother figure living with him (most likely). Is it also a financial thing though? Like Koji lives in a nicer house? (I should have paid closer attention lol). We know Koichi's mom is overworking herself so times must be tough.
Koji has a German shepherd! (Or one of those other breeds that looks like a German shepherd). I feel like there haven't been many pets in the digimon franchis (cept for that cat in Adventure). Hey, what's with the German theme? Koichi's new spirits have German names lol. (The writers were just in a mood that day).
New big mystery: how the heck did Koichi get to the digital world? Did Cherubimon just come out of one of the monitors at the train station or something? I'm not sure if this is something that's going to be revealed later or just something we're supposed to ignore lol.
The whole sequence on the train was really good. The awkwardness of Koji and Koichi sitting far apart, the other kids not sure how to handle the situation and walking on egg shells, and Koji being appreciative when Takuya gently approaches him. Very sweet and realistic. I also really liked the mini debate outside the train when Junpei said "If it was me, I would want to be left alone."
I don't think Koichi's spirits really needed to change to show that he's fighting on the good side now, but oh well. Lowemon is kinda boring but KaiserLeomon is straight up gorgeous. He's got that Umbreon color palette. Very regal. It's also just neat that Koji's line is wolf based and Koichi's is lion based. Nice contrast.
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From the side, Cherubimon kinda looks kangaroo shaped lol. I like his design because it's so...unorthodox. He sorta has a creepy jester vibe, but his body sorta looks like that of a mascot character or something? Like things that shouldn't be creepy/intimidating. He's got the same great, deep voice in both sub and dub.
Koji protecting his brother during the fight and calling him nii-san 😭❤️
Trailmon just getting yeeted into oblivion was pretty hilarious ngl. I guess they just walkin now.
Seeing Koichi's digivolution sequence for the first time was hype. Hope we get to see it in full a few more times. (Will Koichi be getting a double spirit evolution? Maybe he'll combine with Koji?)
When Koichi defeated Cherubimon and Junpei was like "this isn't right" I half expected him to end his sentence with "it's only episode 33!" lol
Wonder why the American DVD has Duskmon next to Koichi as the disc image instead of Lowemon?
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batsyforyou · 1 year ago
What is Worth?
Pairing: Finrod x reader 
Warnings: Unedited 
Author’s Note: I wrote this today because the winter weather has me depressed like you cannot believe. Because this is unedited and written approximately five minutes ago I will resist deleting and yeeting this digital 500 something word story into the fires of Mordor. This is a part of the up and coming Blanket Series btw.
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It was a dark night and the stars twinkled up in the sky like a quartet timed as perfectly as they were. The King of the Noldor sat beside you in the grass as he played gentle music. Normally his presence alone would inspire you and bring joy and peace to your spirit, but your heart was troubled. 
Finrod strummed his harp while the crickets helped to play into the tune. He frowned at you, “Why do you seem so upset? Is the evening displeasing to you?” 
You gave him a teary look, “Why do you ask me such difficult questions? Nothing and everything is wrong with the world. But it is I who is out of place this time.” He tilted his head at you, his hair that was spun with the light of the Two Trees, spilled over his shoulder. “What do you mean?” 
“Unlike the elves who are so beautiful and fair and skilled in many arts and are so wise. I am afraid that I lack a skill of my own. My youth leaves me every moment I draw breath and what wisdom I have is learned from you. I add nothing to the people, and I am afraid.” You blinked back the tears watering your eyes as you counted the blades of grass beneath you. “I am afraid that I am worthless.”
Finrod threw aside his instrument and grasped your hands. 
“Nay! You are not such a thing! And I will not hear these words from you again! You are beautiful, Y/n! You have taught me many things of the world that I had not known before. How could you think such things of yourself when all I can think about from dawn to dusk is your warmth beside me and your wisdom to guide me? Has someone told you that you are so undeserving?” 
You shook your head, “No, it is me and the monsters that sleep in my head.” 
“What is worth? Then the breath of life that is already given? While some wish to define worth by what others see in them. It is mostly your influence and interactions with others that mean more. You affect people in ways that you cannot understand because it cannot be seen by your eyes but by the eyes of those whose heart you touched. It is by your existence alone that brings joy to some but not to others.” 
He kissed the back of your hands, his lips pillowy soft against your skin. “Which is why you must decide for yourself whose opinion matters and if you care to listen to their words. Do you understand?” 
You nodded the tears you tried so hard to keep trapped behind your eyes falling down your cheeks. 
He beckoned you closer to him tugging softy on your hands. “Come here.” 
When you scooted closer to him, he gripped you tightly in his arms. Strong arms that held you tight and secure and you allowed yourself to cry and feel comforted.
That night when you had cried yourself to sleep the King kissed your brow and tucked you into your bed and pulled the covers over you. 
“Sweet dreams Melda.”
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sovenasark · 2 years ago
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26 - Yeek
They make funky noises.
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scornedserendipity · 6 months ago
6. The Magic Emporium (Winchester x Younger siblings oc)
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yeet so I finally found a face claim for Jamie but you can image her however you want. This is just pretty close to how i see her. but enjoy this chapter. lots is revealed lol. let me know what ya think (yes ik this is actually riley from hellrasier, ignore that lol)
about 6k words some some change
Sam and Dean were gone for a while, they decided just to get a motel room so they didn’t have to plan around visiting hours to see Jamie, not that she minded. She liked being separated from her brothers sometimes. It made her feel like more of an individual than just a Winchester.
Of course, she loved her family and would die for them in a heartbeat but she still enjoyed her own time and secrets. Sam and Dean raised her as far back as she could remember. Dean was more of a parent than her actual Dad ever was. She always knew she was grateful that Sam and Dean wanted her, likely more than Dad ever did. They could have easily left her to be someone else’s problem instead. 
“Don’t worry Jamie. Just because you are our half-sister by blood doesn’t make you any less our sister. You are a Winchester and always will be, we will always be your annoying older brothers.” 
Sam had said that to her many years ago when she was first starting school and got bullied for not looking like her brothers, just because of her curly hair and tan skin. Kids were cruel but not everyone can chop heads off as a source of anger management. 
Jamie sighed as she sipped on her apple juice. She had been staring at her new laptop for hours. She told Sam and Dean that she was going to try and find some more information on Dad’s notes and see if there was anything behind them. Which she did for a short period. Finding a few footnotes and built a reading list of lore that she could correlate to what her Dad was talking about but after a while, she had gone through every piece of paper and it made even less sense to her.
“Okay, so we have angels and demons. Celestial beings that can predate mankind, beings that are a corrupted version of mankind. Different monsters that are only seen in certain parts of America coordinates to multiple locations, and a whole lot of nothing.” She sighed. She couldn’t help but stare at the paperwork. All this time and nothing about her mother, nothing about the woman who brought her into this godforsaken world. Just more monsters.
She sighed and picked up her phone. She scrolled through her contacts till she got to Dean. She dialed and it rang a couple of times.
“Hey, what’s up?” Dean’s voice came from the other side. 
“The sky.” Jamie joked. “Any luck on the hunt?” She asked. 
“No, we’ve been looking everywhere and asking just about every Jake, Kyle, and Crystal we see every question we can but nothing.” 
“Well, I may have found something in Dad’s notes. I found a couple of sets of coordinates and some information on more of our kind of weird. The first set was the road in Jericho where we faced the woman in white, the next place is in Colorado.” Jamie said as she pulled up her digital map where she marked all the coordinates. 
“I’ve charted them down but without Dad’s journal, I can’t connect them to anything. It’s all bits and pieces.”
“You did all of that in two days?” Dean asked. There was a pause, she could hear him talking to someone else, probably Sam. “Hang on, I’m going to put you on speaker,” Dean said. There was a beep
“Hey June Bug,” Sam said from the other side. It never failed to make her feel better to hear her brother’s voice. 
“Hey, how are you holding up?” Jamie asked. She peeked out her window when she saw someone coming by. The door knob never turned so she continued.
“We’re okay, just doing our jobs,” Dean interjected with a scoff.
“So am I went through Dad’s notes and found coordinates, but I need his journal to fact-check.” She summarized. 
“Oh okay, well, we are just about done here, we were heading your way anyway,” Sam said. 
“Okay. Can you try to get me checked out of here? I feel fine. I even walked around.” Jamie pleaded.
Her brothers scoffed and the line cut off. Jamie threw her hands up in frustration. She hated hospitals. Just like the rest of her family. It was a Winchester curse to have bad experiences with hospitals.
She was already wary of them as a child when her brother had confessed hospitals creep him out. Sam didn’t like them too much because of the smell. It was all to comfort her as she waited for her flu shot, but the real reason she didn’t like them was because the only time she ever got her father to pick her up from school. 
Her stomach had been bugging her all week. her brothers knew it, her teachers knew it, and even her Dad knew it, but she always refused the doctors, until the Friday of that week when she couldn’t take it anymore and went to the school nurse. The phone call to her father was terrifying but when the lady explained all of her symptoms and that it could be an infection, he rushed over. 
Her Dad was more gentle with her, she always knew it, but he also wanted her to tough it out. At the time it had been a while since her Dad had spoken so gently to her, but was apologetic without even saying it, but the stomach ache wasn’t the reason Jamie hated hospitals. It was that day, at 9 years old, she learned that wraiths love hospitals.
She ended up just having a gnarly stomach infection but it wasn’t anything serious.
Her brothers didn’t believe her till her Dad told them to put their shoes on and follow him. They knew not to question their father and subsequently Jamie. She remembered sticking her tongue out at them as they marched outside with their father leading the way.
“Hey, June Bug.” Dean’s voice broke Jamie’s train of thought. He took off his jacket and hung it on the back of his chair, kicking his feet up onto her bed and sighing. Sam rolled his eyes and took the other side.
“Did you talk to the doctors?” She asked, scratching her brow.
“We did. They said they want to run some tests and make sure you don’t need any more in-house treatment before they discharge you.” Sam said with a smile. 
“Nice!” Jamie fist-pumped the air. She was still sore but she wasn’t going to get any more limber sitting in bed. Especially when they might have another case.
“So what did you find in Dad’s stuff?” Dean asked.
“Well, it’s a lot and it’s a lot of nothing at the same time…if that makes sense,” Jamie said, raising her eyebrows and picking up a stack of the papers. So there are only a few coordinates for Colorado, Wisconsin, and Pennsilveiya.” 
Sam grabbed the journal from the duffle bag he carried in, flipping through the pages until he found what he was looking for.
“Right here. it said Blackwater, Manitoc, Catasauqua.” Sam said, pointing at the page in the book that listed the sites. 
“Looks about right. What are we going to do?” Jamie asked. The younger siblings looked at their older brother. he thought for a moment. 
“Well, the only way too Dad, is to follow him and hope we catch up. We can stick around for another day or two, see if we can find out anything else about Jess’s death and then we hit the road.”
It sounded easy, but things never were.
When her brothers left it was just her again. Jamie stared at her new laptop, she wondered if she would even find anything. It started with simple name and location searches. Research on psychics and what they did. She found a website that told all the secrets of fake psychics and magicians, a page dedicated to some kind of weird mind-reading role-play.
“Hmm, maybe if I narrow down the search to Texas?” She asked herself, aimlessly scratching at her neck.
-time break-
“Finally, fresh air!” Jamie said as she walked out of the hospital. The doctors cleared her to leave and she was out faster than a worm in a pickle. 
“Calm down, we still have to get back to the motel,” Sam said as he watched his sister. 
“yeah, yeah whatever. Say that after you spend a week in bed.” Jamie said, stretching her arms. Sam and Dean watched for any kind of wince or limp in their sister as she stretched.
“Guys, I am fine! One little tumble isn’t enough to keep me down! Relax a little.” She joked. “I want to do some shopping before we go. I need a few things.” She said approaching her brothers. They were still outside the hospital but when she stopped they did. A terrible habit they had. 
“Why?” Dean asked. Jamie could tell he was still upset about the money, but there was nothing she could do about that. The majority of it was made after they dropped her off at Bobby’s.
“Well, I need a laptop bag and I’m in California! I want to get a pin from every state for the bag.” She said, which was mostly true but she figured she would have more time to do what she wanted before they went to Colorado.
“I don’t see the problem. We can drop you off downtown, that’s a good shopping area.” Sam said, shrugging. 
“Whatever,” Dean said, walking past them and to the car. 
“He’s mad at me isn’t he Sammy?” Jamie asked as they followed shortly behind Dean. 
“No, he isn’t mad. Don’t worry.” Sam said. Jamie sighed. The drove was silent, just Black Sabbath 
“We will be back in a couple of hours. We have one more place to check out.” Dean said, looking up at his baby sister.
“Okay, is there anything you guys need?” She asked, leaning down to look at both of them. Sam and Dean looked at each other, she always knew that life on the road wasn’t easy and packing light was always rule number one.
“Toothpaste.” Dean huffed.
“Toothpaste, okay. Anything you need Sam, never mind, I’ll just get you the basics.” Jamie said. She had completely forgotten his apartment burned down. He probably didn’t have anything but the clothes he packed. 
Sam nodded, he was still very upset and was trying to stay strong. 
“We’ll be back at 7. So we can avoid traffic.” Dean said, taking a quick look at this watch. Jamie nodded and stepped away from the curb. Dean saluted and pulled off the curb. Jamie watched them for a moment before turning to the mall. 
“Alrighty Jamie. Here’s to a 4-hour adventure.” She said to herself. All she had was her backpack, 800 dollars, and high hopes. As Jamie walked she made a mental checklist. 
‘toothpaste, deodorant, toothbrush, comb, shampoo, conditioner, body spray.’ All things she had to buy but not the reason she wanted to have some alone time. She was on a hunt.
“Okay, let me get their stuff first so I don’t forget. Gotta find somewhere with pie before 6:45.” Jamie continued to mutter to herself as she walked down the street. Looking for a store that wasn’t her entire budget for a cardigan.
She found a small grocery outlet and grabbed a hand basket, most of it was pretty cheap, it was just a few things here and there. She handed the cashier thirty dollars and looked around, seeing some candy and lottery tickets. Nothing she could concern herself with right now. She still needed her alibi receipt. 
Jamie thanked the clerk and left, looking around again. There were lots of outlets, lots to choose from, where she got the bag didn’t matter, so long as it would fit her laptop without letting anything slip out. 
Having to run for your life is usually part of the job. 
She found herself in a small boutique, it had a very barnyard aesthetic, star hats, and flannel. Flannel was okay, it kept you warm but she preferred something a little less, lumberjack. She browsed for a moment, walking around the shopping area once and assessing where the cameras were. There wasn’t a sensor on the door so in theory, she could walk out with just about anything she wanted. 
“Do you have laptop bags or pins?” She asked the woman at the desk. It was just the two of them.
“We have pins but for bags we mostly sell purses.” The woman answered not looking up from her newspaper. The front page was the fire that killed one and demolished an old apartment building. 
Jamie looked away and walked out. There wasn’t anything there that matched her style. Plus expensive things are more likely to be stolen if you live on the road.
She found a California Bear pin she liked, only five bucks. She purchased it and kept her receipt.
While she was in the hospital, she was doing more research than just scouring through her Dad’s notes. She had her own hunt to worry about as much as she wanted to find their Dad and whatever killed Jess, she had to focus on herself now.
Sure, her Dad being missing and possibly dead should be a top priority, and it is but she just needed some information. Luckily there was a psychic that worked nearby, only a few blocks due east. 
When she was researching, she couldn’t help but use her new laptop to search for her Mom, she had done it before with little results and this time was an even less fruitful search. Her next guess was that another psychic knew her and she was sure this one did. 
Histor De la Croix. A 50-year-old fortune teller, mind reader, and magic practitioner. Who was based out of Texas the year Jamie was born. How she got so lucky to find him in the same town her brother was in was nothing short of a miracle.
“I hope he knows something about her, even a picture would help.” She muttered to herself and she read the shop names. She had mapped it all out while in the hospital.
Did Jamie know why she was looking for her mother? Yes and No. Her family was her family and she didn’t consider her mother's family, she would be okay if her Mother still wanted nothing to do with her, at least that’s how her father and Dean made it seem, but at the same time, she couldn’t ignore the facts.
She had some kind of power and it was making things worse. Waking up in fields, feeling like she didn’t know who she was, losing time, all things that happened once she turned 17 and Sam left. She never told her brothers, they barely talked. Bobby knew he was the one who found her in the junkyard at six am. 
It wasn’t just a few weird occurrences. She never liked violence and only killed when she had to, she has only killed a handful of monsters but it never stopped making her sad. They have to eat just like she does. When she killed her very first vampire, she was 12. It was out of necessity since Sam had refused to go again. When she faced him, and swung her machete like her father taught her, she felt the fear he felt. The way his body reacted to the swing of death she delivered. How she felt it for several minutes after his head had rolled to her Father’s feet. 
Despite the experience, it was one of the few times her father had patted her on the back with a smile.
“Good job, June Bug. Let’s not wait around next time though.” 
The way Dean bragged to Sam about her when they got home, claiming he knew she was always the better hunter, even Dad had piped in when Sam started digging back at Dean.
“Boys. Watch TV or sleep, Jamie still has homework to finish since someone chickened out.”
Jamie stopped in front of a small shop, barely decorated with blacked-out windows. It sat alone on the corner of the block. minimally decorated compared to the other magic shops she had seen online. 
“The Magic Emporium.” She said to herself. It was the right place, but it didn’t look to be occupied. Compared to the rest of the shops, this one looked abandoned.
She tried to open the door but it was locked. Closed. Jamie tried to peek into the windows but the shades were too dark. She sighed and went around the back of the shop, looking around in case anyone saw her or her brothers managed to tail her. 
There was a small window that wasn’t covered, about two feet by two feet in size. She could easily fit through it if she left her backpack. She grabbed her pocket knife and carefully slid the lock out of place, using the gap between the sill and the seal. It took a few tries but she managed to move it enough to open the window. 
“Here goes a misdemeanor.” She muttered to herself as she peered her head in. There wasn’t anything blocking the window. She went in feet first, holding her backpack in one hand as she entered the building, shutting the window behind her. 
She took a moment to listen for any sound. The lights were off but the window provided just enough for her to see the silo of small statues and large plants. Jamie walked around for a moment, heading towards the door she had seen earlier, doing her best to make as little noise as possible.
Jamie was about to flip some kind of switch when she heard the familiar sound of a gun cocking. She froze in her place, in the dark.
“Who a’e ya?” A male voice asked from behind her.
“Uhm, nobody.” She said, turning around with her hands up. She moved slowly, just like her father had told her. She didn’t bring any weapons except for her pocket knife, but what good was a knife in a gunfight, in the dark?
“What a’e ya doi 'n in my shop?”
“I’m here for Histor De la Croix and I’m a student. Are you him?” She said. A partial truth but she couldn’t help but want to avoid an unnecessary risk. A man is less likely to shoot an innocent with no name, versus a burglar with a name he may not like. If he truly knew her Mom, there is a chance he knows her Dad.
“Well if nob’dy askin why would I be tell’n?” The man shuffled to the side, not taking his eyes off Jamie, he flipped the light switch on and the space illuminated. Jamie looked around the statues, shaman masks, paintings, and framed documents scattered on the walls. Copious amounts of plants and miscellaneous supplies. Histor was a lanky man, looked like one gust of wind would knock him over. Dark, messy hair and ungroomed facial hair.
Jamie had no choice at this point. If he wanted to shoot her he would have done it already. Called the police and said someone had broken in, what’s an old man’s word to a dead girl? She had to gamble that the truth would set her free this time. It was her last chance.
“My name is Jamie Winchester. I’m a hunter and I need your help.” She said, hands still in the air. She watched the man like a hawk. He stepped closer, rifle still aimed right at Jamie.
“Why should I help a hun’er?” He asked suspiciously.
“Because I am also the daughter of Frida, did you know her?” Histor’s expression changed when he heard Frida’s name. He slowly lowered the gun, furrowing his brows as if to look at her face. Jamie could tell he was getting overwhelmed just at the mention of her mother’s name. 
“You are the baby arem’t ya? That ole’ hun’ers bastard” The man asked, he was still holding the gun but it was lowered enough for Jamie to lower her hands as well.
“If you mean, John Winchester, then yes. I need your help, I just need information.” Jamie said, taking a step. Histor sighed and looked Jamie up and down. He wasn’t impressed.
“She warned me this would hap’pn s’mes day. Come on with me child.” The man beckoned as he walked deeper into the building. Jamie couldn’t help but be taken aback by his sudden calmness.
“What kind of magic practitioner are you?” Jamie asked as she took a few steps forward. The hallway Histor was heading towards seemed menacing, deeper than it should be. Like it almost wasn’t supposed to be there.
“Spells and material magic. I study magic that can be car’id in objects. But cha mama, she was in a diff’ernt league. She was magic all on ‘er own.” Histor explained as they walked, not even bothering to look back at Jamie as she watched the walls around her. They weren’t moving, but they weren’t solitary either. She felt like she was about to enter a room that was the love child of a fun house and a house of mirrors but as Histor spoke about her Mom, the feelings of unease and fear drifted away as she latched onto whatever positive emotion she was feeling from Histor.
“Uhm yeah, so I’m looking for her and I was wondering if you knew anything else about her?” Jamie said as they walked. They seemed to be going much deeper than the building allowed.
“You won’t fin’ her I can tell you that. The night she left you she only did it for you’s and those pesky hun’er boys safe.” He said with an irritated tone. “All yous woulda been mince if she hadn’t. I havn’t the faintest how she had a soft spot fo’ dem boys.”
“For real, they are douche bags. But you said she was trying to keep me safe? Safe from what?” Jamie asked.
“Ya mama was one of the last of an ancient bloodline. Do you know wha’ a Witness is?” Histor asked. They entered an even smaller room, just a table and a few chairs with a chest of drawers and a TV stacked on some boxes. 
“A witness? Like at a crime scene?” Jamie asked. Histor took a seat in the rolling chair and got comfortable. 
“No, more in the biblical sense. A witness is a mem’er of a powe’ful bloodline datin’ back to the time of Jesus and the disciples.” Histor said. “Come sit. We have much to talk about.” Histor waved at her. Jamie grabbed one of the chairs and sat on the other side of the table.
“Is that why I have Empathy?” Jamie asked. For a moment Histor seemed to pause before speaking up.
“Yes, being a witness does have its perks. Let me guess, it seems like you can pick up just about any skill like you’ve master’ed it?” Jamie considered for a moment. To think about being good at everything made her feel vain. For a moment she looked back on all the new things she had tried and how they were never as difficult as people made them out to be. Reluctantly she nodded. Histor scoffed.
“Just like ya mama, ya is. ya get visions of the to be o’e the al’eady been?” Jamie nodded. “It will just get wo’se ya see. Ya will get strong but that’s not the only thing. Throughout hist’ry, there have always been two witnesses. When one dies, the next ones powe’s awaken. A continuous, cosmic cycle. Your powe’s will grow as your mind does because of ya soul.” Histor explained. 
“Wait, so what I’m a reincarnation?” Jamie asked.
“No clue. But, when ya born, Frida and the second witness, a fool they called Marshall. They was in a bad way when you came along ya see. So the night ya born Frida placed a spell over ya. Protection from the witness’s eyes. So he couldn’t find ya.”
“Wait so, is he going to come after me?” Jamie asked. 
“Yes. It is a fate very few are destined for. You are a protector of sorts.” Histor was staring at her intently. How her eyes shifted and her expression changed ever so slightly as he spoke. “The man, Marshal came and asked me about ya, he was convinced yous were his blood.”
“Wait, my dad might not be my dad?” Jamie asked. This was the moment her world started rocking. John might not be her dad, then Sam and Dean aren’t her brothers… she was reeling. “Am I? of his blood?” She gulped. Her hands were starting to sweat.
“Oh, baby child, no yous is ya Daddy’s. There is no question about that. Ya, mama would neva lie about something as se’rious as family..”
“What was Marshal?” She asked. 
“He and Frida used to be thick as thieves till he was corrupted by a bunch of old dark magic. Frida managed to get away from him, ya came along and she had to do something. That’s why she made that spell of hers. She told me when ya pow’rs full awaken one of em would be dead but she couldn’t take the risk that it wouldn’t be him. So she cast the spell that night in Texas. She said it would suppress your soul’s power so he couldn’t find ya.”
They sat in silence for a moment. Jamie was absorbing all the information, she felt like she had just been tossed into a grain mill and her brain was being milled to mush.
“ya think i’m ly’in to ya dont ya child.” histor said, leaning back with some kind of smirking smile on his face.
“I’ve heard a lot of crazy and this takes the cake but no, Histor. I know you aren’t lying to me.” Jamie said, blowing air out of her cheeks. “I can feel it. I always say Lady Luck has a crush on me, but now I don’t even know what to think.” She shrugged.
“It’s like turmoil isn’t it. In ya heart. It’s the call of the witness. The way Frida explained ‘er powers. It was like being connected to eve’ythin’. But she knew she had a greater purpouse, she met Marshal and learned even more. Her abilites grew and grew and I bet yous will too but listen to me now child. This is as true as the sky is blue. I may be an old fart but you broke into my home looking for answers. you think that’s just chance?”
Jamie considered it for a moment. She felt no malice or deceit from Histor, he had no reason to lie to her at this point. Either of them could have made a move. Jamie sighed. She definitely couldn’t tell her brothers about this, if her Dad knew this whole time was he ever going to tell her?
“You said my abilities will grow? How are we talkin?” Jamie asked. If it was real, she had to take it seriously. It’s her only lead after all. She had to treat it just like she did the Shapeshifter, leaving no stone unturned. She would interview every psychic, medium, or shaman that was in Texas at the time whether they were dead or alive if she had to.
“Yes, they will. What they will be I have not the faintest of clues. Ya Mama could move objects and people with her mind sometimes, compelling them to tell her the truth. I know that as your powe’s grow, the spell she cast will try to fight them and there will be negative side effects until the spell is eventually broken.” Histor explained. He turned around in his chair and opened one of the trunks. 
“Negative effects like… sleepwalking?” Jamie asked, leaning forward and trying to see what he was doing. 
“No clue, ya might get sick, might experience prophetic nightmares, explode, might explode people around you. Ya might just flat-out drop dead. The spells Frida used were ‘er own. This is all I have left of ‘er.” Histor said as he placed a metal box on the table. he undid the latches and opened it. “I knew ya mama since we was youngins. She was always talented and very grown up for her age, but when she turned 18 things started to change. She had nightmares and would often completely forget where she was. It may be the same for ya. Frida neva explained er’thing to me, but by the time we par’ted ways, she was as strong as a demon.”
Jamie was on the edge of her seat. This was the closest she had ever been and she had no idea where she could go from here. What could it be? A letter, a photo, some kind of book, or a clue? What exactly was Frida getting at? Histor said she knew Jamie would come looking for him in search of her. How much does he know?
Millions of questions ran through Jamie’s head like a high school mile as she watched Histor. Everything felt like a dream, she tried to take in every detail she could, not miss a single thing the man had said. 
Histor reached into the box and pulled out a small gem, strung on twine. He looked at it deeply before placing it on the table.
“I know how this all must seem to ya but ya mama was only doin’ what was best for ya given ya’lls situation. She left me this and told me to “give it to my gal when she finds you.” and I ain’t seen ‘er since. You are the only gal who has come to see me since 1999.” he confessed. 
“I am in way over my head…” She muttered, reaching for the gem. “I need two more favors and I will pay and be on my way, Histor,” Jamie said, pulling out the bills she kept in her pocket. Histor was shocked for a moment but when he saw the amount he couldn’t help but accept. 
“Ya Frida child, I give ya the discount.” Histor winked and nodded for her to continue.
“The spell. How do I break it?”
“I haven’t the foggiest. I do know a spell that could undo any spell. It’s not easy though and you could die. When spells like the ones ya mama cast are broken, often they take somethin’ to remember ya by.” 
Histor was watching Jamie intently the entire time. He knew this day would come because Frida told him. He stared at Jamie and she stared back. She had the same thick curls and tan skin Frida had, even her freckles matched. He felt like he was staring at a time machine.
“Ya look just like ya mama ya know that?” Histor said. Jamie looked up, surprised and then sad.
“Really?” She asked as she fiddled with the gemstone. It was probably a jade if she had to guess but now it was so much more than just a jade, or just a pendant. She put it around her neck.
“I was in love with her since we was babes. I could never forget her face.” Histor stood up and walked to the other side of the room. Jamie watched as he shuffled through old files. 
“You were in love with my Mom? What was she like?” Jamie asked from her seat.
“Oh, she was like a breath of fresh air and a burning fire at the same time. Ya Daddy didn’t get to know er too well before he beat it but she was one of a kind, and loved ya very much. Thats why she did what she did.” Histor said, pausing from his tasks and looking up, as if reflecting on a momemory.
“Here, I drew this the year ya mama vanished. This is ya mama.” He said, bringing over a piece of parchment. It was a drawing of a woman. Jamie was shocked at how much she looked like the photo, just a younger version. 
“That’s my Mom?” She asked. She cautsiouly took the photo in her hand, hoping she would experience some kind of vision but nothing happened. Her mother was a pretty woman, A strong jaw line and nose, deep eyes and dark, unruly curls. In the photo she looked about thirty. 
Histor reclaimed his seat on the other side of the table.
“Her Daddy was a black guy from over the train tracks, her mama was immigrant hunter who moved to America to live a normal life. When ya mama’s powers came along and her parents found out, they kicked her to the curb and she stayed with my family for a long time. Then she met Marshal and he told her about this ‘great purpose’ she served in a Holy War. A load of bullshit if you ask me but that’s how it happened. After she met Marshal we talked less and less. He tried to indoctrinate her but it was a whole mess when ya Daddy came along and accused him of being some kinda witch. Not to far of the reservation if ya ask me.” 
Jamie nodded as she stared at the photo. She was learning things even her father didn’t know. She actually had no idea how her parents met or how long they knew each other. 
“Life is weird.” She muttered, shrugging her shoulders. 
“Say that you won’t go looking for ya mama.” Jamie looked up with furrowed brows. Her sadness quickly turned into anger when she heard his words. “Lis’en to me, Jamie Winchester. If ya go looking for ya mama, Marshal will come looking for ya and that man is fa’ more powe’ful. I will help ya break the spell but if somethin goes wrong don’t blame me.”
“Histor. I can’t even begin to thank you for everything you’ve shared with me. I’ve spent half my life searching for her. For answers. If someone wants to come after me, they can try, if they try to stop me, I will kill them first.” She said, her gaze was hard and bore into Histor’s soul like a drill. 
Histor’s gaze remained steadfast. Beady blue eyes were hidden behind a heavy brow and messy hair. he wore a heavy frown but he never looked away from Jamie.
“Very well. I warn’d ya. To break the spell you need to be in the same place it was created. Likely in that house in Texas. You will need Ague Root, the ash of a Holy Object like a cross that has been dipped in Holy Water, and the caster’s DNA.”
Jamie nodded as she listened. Writing everything down on of of her receipts. 
“After you have all ya ingredients. On the night of a full moon, you must be in the exact location the spell was casted to reverse it. Grind and mix all your ingredients, and chat the following.” Histor instructed, motioning for her to pass the paper and pen. As he wrote he continued to explain the spell. 
“When you cast this spell, there is no way of knowing it will work. There may be more consequence than gain when you do this, nothing may happen.” He explained. 
“You just told me if I don’t break this spell I might drop dead, I can deal with the consequences later. I refuse to leave my brothers alone in this world but I will be careful. Thank you Histor.” Jamie said as he passed the paper back. She stuffed it into her pocket and got up. She stood by his side and crouched, looking up at the old man with tears in her eyes.
“It’s a possibility. Unless you’ve already started experiencing the side effects?’ Histor questioned. Jamie nodded, she didn’t want to admit it but deep down she knew he had been telling the truth and what’s been happening to her for the past year was because of her mother.
“I can never truly repay you for your help today. You have given me things that my family has tried to keep away from me for years. Here is my number, if you ever need help, call me, for anything” She said, giving him a quick peck and the cheek and standing up. Holding a smaller piece of paper to him. 
Histor smiled at her and accepted the paper. “I think I have one more thing that might help ya.” Histor stood up again. Jamie was worried he’d lose his footing but he managed just fine. “When ya mama came and saw me that night, she left me with more than just that pendant. I don’t think she wanted me to give to ya, but I’ve never been good at following rules.” He chuckled, walking to the same chest he grabbed the picture from. he pulled out a small book-sized box.
“Here, I got no clue what that is. She said to protect it with my life though. It’s probably safer in your hands than mine.” Jamie accepted the box. She looked at it, there were some runes on it but nothing that looked too serious.
“To get out, just walk straight and pass through the front door this time. It’s illusion magic ya mama woulda seen it” he said with a scoff. Jamie shrugged and waved before making her way out.
“You did it, Jamie.” She muttered to herself as she passed right through the front door, coming out onto the street. Jamie looked back at the box that she stashed under her arm, using her free hand she wiped the tears that peaked from her eyes.
“Maybe I’m psycing myself out but if I touch this and get a vision I’m going to look very weird just falling on my ass.” She muttered to herself before placing the box in her backpack, making sure to put it at the bottom, under everything else she had bought. A shoplifting trick she learned in high school. 
She her hand through her hair and sighed as her fingers got caught in the naps of her curls. 
“Dammit. I thought I was doing pretty good keeping it untangled.” She muttered to herself before making her way down the road.
a/n there it is. honestly i am way to lazy to make these look nice like the other authors so enjoy the bare minimum for presentation lol. let me know what ya though and thank u for all the likes. it feeds me.
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