#yeet the clone
The Clone Wars 2x5 'Landing at Point Rain' Reaction
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Gif from this post by @elivanto
Is this the first instance that we see of Yeet the Clone? I’m pretty sure it is. If so, then what a beautiful introduction to one of the Jedi’s favourite pastimes: Yeeting their Clones. Poor Rex. I also loved the part before this where he just appears behind the Droideka that Ahsoka was fighting on the top of the wall, smoothly and silently steps through its shield and then puts a blaster bolt through the back of its head a la Trinity to Agent Smith in The Matrix. Certified Rex Is A Badass moment and it was a really well shot and framed moment that emphasised just how highly skilled the clones are. I did wonder how he got up to the top of the giant wall that quickly though. Rex, did you yeet yourself up there? Do you secretly want to be yeeted? 
I hadn’t really clocked onto this until this episode but it’s reminder that Rex is also an ARC, along with being the absolute BAMF that he is and The Captain to everyone. I was watching episodes 2x6 and 2x7 (more to come on those later) and was wondering why Cody didn’t have a kama. Surely Marshal Commander Cody has a kama? Is Cody not an ARC? Wookieepedia doesn’t list him as one so I’m guessing he mustn’t be, which seems decidedly odd seeing as he, along with Rex, are basically held up as examples of the ultimate clone. Though The Bad Batch aren’t ARCs but then they are a special category of genetically enhanced commandos in a spec ops squad of their own. Does this mean kama’s are purely an ARC thing? Either way, Rex looks suitably badass in his kama and Cody should get one too, as a treat. More clones in kamas pls.
Just after poor Rex gets yeeted off the wall by both of his jedis’, we very clearly see that Jedi are able to safely slow and stop the descent of a clone who is falling from a great height. They can even do this while falling from a great height themselves. So where is The Bad Batch’s jedi to stop Tech’s fall? Hmmmmmm?! I have Thoughts about this that I may cobble together into a post at a later date.
Hello to Trapper, who we’re introduced to as the only other survivor along with Obi-Wan from when their troop transport (I think they’re LAAT/i’s?) was shot down and crashed. I’m always slightly worried when we’re introduced to a new named clone. I thought Wooley was absolute Red Shirt material (to mix metaphors with the two main sci-fi franchises that start with Star) when he was introduced in 1x20 ‘Innocents of Ryloth’. The setup did not seem like it bode well for his survival. Four clones go off on their own on a dangerous mission to scout ahead. Wooley, the only clone out of the group without paint on their armour, is paired up with Cody (who has plot armour) and the other two clones, Waxer and Boil, have both been introduced and characterised at the start of this episode. Wooley was set up to be the obvious Red Shirt of the group, doomed to be blasted by the first droid they encounter while the main characters are left to struggle on in a desperate bid to complete their mission. Don’t get me wrong, I was very glad it didn’t happen! Subverting expectations like that worked well in this situation and the entire narrative focus was on Waxer and Boil anyway. More clones need to live. 
That was one thing that stood out to me in this episode, the sheer number of clones that were killed right in front of us. There were so many. It was a constant pattern throughout the episode. Clone after clone after clone dying, and for what? I’m assuming this is the writers making a point about the futility of war and the utterly pointless loss of life. On top of all this, the clones are just expected to keep going, always moving forward, nothing else mattering apart from following orders (*sobs*) and completing the mission. It was a very sobering way of emphasising the lot of the clones and the way they’re treated and viewed. Just the sheer number of LAAT/i’s alone that were shot down was so stark, and each of those carries 35 troops. Or at least that’s what Wookieepedia says. I didn’t think they looked large enough to carry that many troops in the episode, probably closer to around 10 or so clones.
On a lighter note, I really enjoyed how a number of the LAAT/i’s had custom nose art! There was one with what looked like a nexu that I think appeared twice and another with a very cool looking clone trooper helmet that drawn to look like a skull. I love little in-universe touches like that. Ok I’ve done a little bit more digging and omg the LAAT/i with the nexu nose art is called the Bad Kitty! I am crying, this is hilarious, I love it. 
Also, Cody can you come and get your husband. He’s all dusty and dirty and slumped against some boxes in the middle of a battlefield pretending not to be injured. Somewhere in the background is the decidedly miffed countenance of the 212th’s medic. Do we ever discover who the medic of the 212th is? Does Ghost Company have a medic? The only medic I know of is Kix and he hasn’t been introduced yet, plus he’s with the 501st anyway. 
This is all further confirmation that I am entirely here for the clones. Sure the jedi with their fancy laser swords are cool and all that and I will admit that I’m growing rather fond of Ahsoka. But the clones. The Clones. Give me everything about the clones. 
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ominouspuff · 7 months
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Continuing this fix-it AU where Commander Fox springboards off the deep end into a full-on rebellion, featuring unlikely allies belatedly finding out they are allies far too late to stop being allies but then again it’s never too late not to throw a terrifyingly destructive fit about it (Maul)
Close-up’s under the cut
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youare7567 · 3 months
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Commander Cody's Top Battle Tips
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hobbitinthetardis · 1 year
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Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano 22BBY – 11ABY
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clonemando · 4 months
Please hear me out on something: Fox drinks his caff from a sippy cup. He is too busy to deal with things like spills and the cup is covered in little cartoon foxes and was a gag gift from someone but he unironically loves that cup. Plus sippy cups are near indestructible. He can use it as a weapon in a heartbeat and still drink warm caff from it after.
Thank you for your time on this important announcement.
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blood-red-ocean · 9 months
It is 1am, I am half asleep, here's some thoughts about Alcina that have me in a goddamn chokehold
- Alcina tensing up when her mortal touches her on the cheek for the first time and it's the first soft and gentle touch she's gotten for over a hundred years or maybe ever
- Alcina being confused at how someone so small and fragile could possibly feel safe around her considering she could break their arm with one hand
- Alcina getting restless when her mortal isn't around and then becoming agitated when she realises that for the first time she misses someone and how could she possibly miss a mortal when she's killed so many
- Alcina looking into a mirror and frowning at her reflection as she tries to see in herself what her mortal sees in her
- Alcina silently panicking because she can't figure out if that was her mortal on the balcony last time she mutated or if it was just her imagination
- Alcina panicking even more when she finds out it WAS her mortal and what was her mortal doing out in the cold like that anyway
- Alcina mentally preparing for her mortal to request to leave the Castle and trying to learn to be okay with that because why wouldn't her mortal want to leave after seeing her like that
- Alcina not moving for hours after her mortal climbs into her lap and falls asleep against her, the ultimate form of trust, after telling Alcina that she's beautiful in every form and context
- Alcina putting her hand V E R Y gently on her mortal's back as she sleeps and silently vowing to protect this one
- Alcina realising that she loves her mortal and throwing her desk across her room (again) in a rage because she can't possibly love someone, she's never loved someone in all her 100+ years
- Alcina spending weeks coming up with the best way to tell her mortal while also sending herself into an overthinking spiral because oh god what if someone else gets their hands on her mortal before she has a chance to tell them
- Alcina spending weeks coming up with the perfect way to tell her mortal and before she even gets a word out her mortal just kisses her and says 'I know. I'm in love with you, as well.'
- Alcina gets her happily ever after in the most unexpected way and her daughters have never seen her genuinely smile as much as they have after that moment
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twinterrors29 · 1 year
(on a solo mission) Cody: General, my legs hurt Obi-Wan, fully aware of what Cody's doing: oh? Cody, leaning on Obi-Wan: yes, you'll need to use your Jedi strength to get me back to camp again
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mercisnm · 1 year
3b for 2 tissaias( 2 Myannas or show vs book, your choice) OR 2a tissaia/yen
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im sorry 2a was already taken so i drew two tissaias instead
if i have a cent for every time i draw something that looks selfcest between gwent!ssaia and show!ssaia i will have two cents which doesnt mean fuck all but it is very weird that it has happened twice
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Can I hug EG, please
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(She is not the biggest fan of physical touch, and I wouldn't recommend it anyways; Eg is sometimes a little slimy, her stank will rub off on you, and there is a 90% chance she will yeet you (example and example)
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kalza · 11 months
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I finally watched Helluva Boss recently, so of course I had to draw crossover fan art of Striker and Cad Bane, because of all the joke comparisons I've made of the two.....
and considering I've never seen anyone else draw these two in the same pic, I took it upon myself to do so.
trying to draw Striker in my style was a bit of a challenge, since Viv's style is so different from mine. Hope I did him some justice!
would these two duel against each other over who's the better cowboy? Or would they have a mutual respect for each other?
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crazy-concubine · 4 months
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brainrotparsecsaway · 6 months
When your future boyfriend decides to shoot his shot at the end of your professional call and ask if he can jump on the ship
Instead of "You look lonely, I can fix that" Leyc probably said "Ey you lonely fucker, want me to join ya this time?" but does it really matter what he says, it's gay anyway
Leyc with a little baby mohawk has me both in a chokehold and dying from laughter
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 2 months
What SAMS character aside from Monty would yeet a baby off a tower
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beansayshi · 2 years
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I call them the eyestrain crew right now, 90s nightmares who would definitely be great at party’s (at least in my opinion)
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Clone reader
Ahsoka: hey Y/n!
Y/n: yes Commander?
Ashoka: can you help me with something?
Y/n: anything you want Sir.
*Rex and Anakin talking*
Ashoka: Master! Help!
*Anakin and Rex run to Ahsoka and saw nothing*
Anakin: Snips? What happened?
Ahsoka, shyly looking up at the ceiling: Y/n helped me with my training and we run into a problem.
*them looking up*
*Y/n on the ceiling, looking like a scared tooka cat*
Rex, nervously: please Sir. Get him down.
Anakin: Y/n! Are you okay up there? I'm gonna help don't worry! *Anakin using the force, messing it up, Y/n hits the floor* oh force...
Y/n, standing up: I think I'm done for today. *passes out*
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mwolf0epsilon · 7 months
WIP - Tulpa gets a VERY BAD idea...
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@lost-on-kamino 's Rhythm sometimes forgets Tulpa never went through cadet training, so he doesn't have that great of a grasp when it comes to things like the repercussions of disobedience. Tulpa meanwhile is a smart kid, but he's also stupidly bold like any child his age...
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