#yeesh that was a lot
2aceofspades · 3 months
Me to Two:
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Gaw hopefully they make up, yeah...
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Fingers crossed 🤞🤞
Perfect opportunity for a lil Acey ramble sesh tho~
Spoilers for anyone who hasn't read EMD! Also this is gonna be long cuz I like to ramble sometimes. All of this is just me rambling my own thoughts and perspectives (:
In all honesty, I know I'm personally expecting there to be a lot of unresolved tension between the both of them if they get an opportunity to talk. I mean, I doubt their childhood was filled with apologies and making up and such. Their childhood must have been filled with them being pitted against one another in some ways. Their strengths have been both used and somewhat strained by Draxum to benefit the mission he placed on them. This has probably negatively affected their egos quite a bit, thus exacerbating that brutal sibling rivalry.
From the start, One hasn't been all too kind or honest with Two either. Although, it could be argued that Two's betrayal just stings more because One had spent every little mission making sure Two stayed safe, one way or another. That much is seen through One's internal monologue throughout the story. Two's betrayal also definitely hits more to One's autonomy, which is its own can of worms, of course.
But One also spent his time jeopardizing Draxum's orders for One's own personal goal of taking out Raph and Mikey...thus jeopardizing his and Two's success with their given mission. This must have been a pretty heavy blow to Two, who chose to do and not to do things for One because Two was under the impression that their mission was their sole focus. Thus, their perspectives play a big role in both sides of this broken trust and strain in their relationship as experimental child soldiers and brothers (in arms).
So, maybe Two had a similar perspective and goal. And I think this has been discussed that, on the surface, Two did what he did for the sake of the mission. In his eyes, his betrayal was justified and almost necessary for success. One was threatening their sole mission because of One's personal fears. So, in Two's eyes, shutting down One would thus secure their success. Right? Cuz, at the end of the day, isn't that what they're both going after? Success? It looks different for the two of them, but Two is following orders and One is taking out the experiments that he perceives as threats in order to secure his and Two's ranks in Draxum's command. They're both trying to succeed, both in the things they choose to do and not to do.
Additionally, maybe Two didn't expect One to take it so personally. Both of them were hurt by one another, betrayed by each other. I don't think it was ever one-sided. Cuz how could it be? One was trying to protect Two, but I think the same can be said for Two. He isn't the total bad guy. Their perceptions of each other and of themselves are skewed, off...and it makes sense. That's a major reason why I love this story so much. At least, for me, it's relatable in that way. Because when someone who raises you and is supposedly trying to protect you does things out of fear instead of love, your perception is off. Maybe it looks like love, but it doesn't feel like it.
For both One and Two, they do things out of fear. They were raised to be useful tools; that's how they're perceived by Draxum. Their strengths are useful, even their fear is useful at times. The things they can do are useful and they can be replaced if they are not 'good' tools. So, when something or someone threatens that perception, they do things out of fear of being useless, unsuccessful. It's difficult to not see yourself or others in that same way. That has been very relatable for me, in all honesty. And it's a repeating theme for both One and Two AND Draxum in the story, which makes sense.
Does all of this make what Two did okay? No. It just puts a possible explanation to why he did what he did.
Small circle back, One and Two would both need to take responsibility for the things they did and failed to do and rebuild their trust. Will that happen? I don't know, but I hope so :)
I love thinking up the possible timeline between them though. Both of them have certainly said and done some rather hurtful things to each other. Is that going to be acknowledged by either one or both of them? Mm...I dunno. I hope so, but they'd only really have that modeled from Raph and Mikey. It would be AMAZING if they have that finally modeled by Draxum though. I think that would open a door for all three of them that could introduce some real, nice healing. Will that happen? Again, I don't know, but damn do I hope so.
All in all, I am hopeful for both One and Two. They deserve to just be themselves, not just used as helpful tools, ya know? That's my two cents tho (:
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danizbunbunz · 3 months
- AU AND ART BY @danizmomota -
TW/CW: Blood, Implied Cannibalism, Graphic Injuries, (in the form of writing and imagery) Basic Danganronpa stuff
Main Concept: Hopes Calamity (or AKA Remnant of Despair AU) is a "What If" universe of what if everyone had been captured and brainwashed by Junko and turned into her personal despair subjects? However, despite them being brainwashed, these remnants still have their own feelings and weaknesses. Unfortunately Junko completely ignores that and treats them like crap anyway.
Inspiration: Danganronpa 2, Goodbye Despair & Danganronpa 3, The End of Hope's Peak High School.
^^Does this AU follow the canon story?: Sort of, it follows Danganronpa's concept of Remnants of Despair, but doesn't go with canon (of D2) since it's everyone being turned into ROD'S, again it's a "What if" AU.
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Characters//Remnants: (Please note these are only characters that have been drawn, so only a few are here and not EVERYBODY is on here srry srry)
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"Subject is very hot-headed, yet very cooperative. He seems to enjoy jewelry, punk music, and overly decorated clothing. Reports say his Head and Wrist injury seem to be somewhat healed the fall. Although, subject has been acting suspicious with SUBJECT_YH lately.. reports have been known that they hang out, but sometimes for a little too long..."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
Leon was escaping Hopes Peak Academy along Yasuhiro as it was collapsing around them, only for the ground to crack underneath Leon's feet and make him fall into a giant pit. Fortunately he had survived the high fall, but he unlucky to have a terrible injury to his head and wrists, and to have fallen right where Junko wanted him.
Whenever he was taken in to be subjected to Junko's experiments, she didn't care to fix Leon's injuries, and claims she rather just "let them heal on their own."
When Leon was given his bat, he didn't like how it was just a regular baseball bat, so he forged his own spiked baseball bat, kind of like a mace! (He also changed it so it's easier to bash peoples heads in)
Leon canonically (In this AU) has gotten an ear infection because he tried to make his own jewelry from metal scraps and apparently didn't clean them well.
Leon's weak spot is his goatee, it hurts like hell whenever it's pulled.
Leon was planned to be executed as a sacrifice for Yasuhiro, mainly because Junko was breathing down their necks when they had unfortunately failed a mission, and Yasuhiro had no more strikes before he's executed, and Leon decided to take that fate for him, however this sacrifice would take a massive mental toll on poor Hiro.
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"This Monokuma is known to act a lot like their owner, just as chaotic, but has a redeeming quality of being able to carry a heavy spiked bat. (which was also its owners.) Although this Mono also seems to be... very decorated. its owner must of had fun adding all of that useless jewelry."
☆ Extra Facts/Info
One of the first few Monokuma's to be made, hence why his subject name is "MONO3_LK."
The Tongue piercing is actually its Off & On button, which is convenient, but not whenever your talking.
Sometimes Leon and his Monokuma sing like as if they are in Karaoke. (They do NOT sound good.)
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☆ SUBJECT_YH (Remnant of Despair Yasuhiro Hagakure)
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"Subject was originally apart of Makoto's little "Hope Group." so this subject should know more about how to finally wipe hope from existence... However reports say he hangs out with SUBJECT_LK for a suspiciously long time.. Also, he himself had mentioned about having constant bleeding from the forehead. Along with reoccurring nightmares..."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
After successfully fleeing Hope's Peak, Yasuhiro managed to hold out along with Makoto, Kirigiri, Togami, Toko and Aoi to defend what was left of "Hope." However the tables turned when they were taken off guard and Junko was able to get hands on Yasuhiro, Toko and Aoi, Hence making them the first subjects of Junkos experiments. And since they the first, the went through the worst.
Yasuhiro wears his blindfold constantly, he only rarely takes it off whenever it gets too dirty. (or drenched in blood that is...) However he risks letting the Enhancement Drug activate. And speaking of his blindfold, it's worn to conceal his dry blooded slit eyes that are a result from Junko's "Remnant Transformation process." And he only gets his eyes changed in surgery later in the story. But more off of Yasuhiro's injuries, on his forehead he has an eye carved into his forehead that was very loosely stitched back on, so whenever he is really stressed, he tends to bleed from there often.
He's normally seen hanging out with Leon, but that's only because Leon is the only person who actually treats him decently. They are pretty much best friends. Until Leon is executed, that is.. in fact, whenever Leon is deceased, Yasuhiro buries him so he didn't die in vain. (He kept a couple rings too.)
Yasuhiro was actually one of the first remnants I had designed, and a lot was taken in and out from his design. Mainly because at the time he was one of my biggest favorites and the favoritism was going so hard.. one of the few first concepts of Yasuhiro is that he wasn't actually blind (despite his eyes being slit almost in half) and that he can see with his "third eye" and or his crystal ball that he carries with him. But this was quickly scrapped since it seemed "unrealistic and pretty much impossible, so Yasuhiro relies more on sound then visuals, yet he is one of the most feared Remnants.
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“Subject is very energetic and out there. seems to enjoy hanging out with SUBJECT_MH, stargazing and using his trusty brass knuckles we provided him. The Robotic eye seems to be functioning properly. No malfunctions have been recorded. however, I'm thinking of replacing some limbs... Oh, and before I forget, be sure to separate KM away from SUBJECT_KO after missions, they seem to have a record of fighting each other... and almost killing each other in the process."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
Kaito was fleeing along with Maki and Shuichi to safety, only to be caught in the crossfire of the other remnants. Kaito had been left behind, but Maki couldn't bare to lose him, so she ran back and joined him as together they sealed their fates.
It isn't really shown in the picture, but Kaito was planned to have a purple star mark/tattoo on his left eye, mainly to indicate where his "robotic" eye would be. Speaking of, Junko had basically had removed his left eye then replaced it with an eye that has a laser sights on it, that way he can see enemies from afar, and assess them, Also, Kaito was actually planned to be given a robotic arm and leg to help with movability and strength, but I had never officially made a reference for it.
^^More on his robotic eye, if his eye is damaged, the Enhancement Drug will activate.
He also wears a giant fur cape, similar to his regular jacket, he has space patterns inside the coat. it's not the "Ultimate Astronaut" without it!
SUBJECT_MH is Maki, and he loves to hang out with her because he feels superior, like a king. (She's his bodyguard, and she secretly likes doing it, but hates when he's so full of himself.) Speaking of other friends of his, He's also good friends with SUBJECT_GG, Which is Gonta! He helped Gonta to walk once he gained his insect-like legs, and Gonta has appreciated him ever since.
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☆ SUBJECT_KO (Remnant of Despair, Kokichi Ouma)
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"Subject has been injected with small doses of the “Enhancement Drug.” Although it probably wasn’t a good idea…. Eh, he’ll be fine, he consented with it anyways. Subject has been reported to shake and laugh hysterically often. He also seems to love seeing objects, buildings and people explode. Oh, and SUBJECT_KM seems to hate SUBJECT_KO…. Subject_KO even tried to blow SUBJECT_KM’s head off…."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
Whenever Kokichi was captured by Junko, he tried to lie his way though, but in his attempt of bluffing, backfired heavily. he ended up being one of the most unstable remnants there was.
Kokichi absolutely wants to see Kaito's demise, constantly helping the enemy (ex: Makoto) by giving them tips and or giving them classified information about Junko. Oh, and since he's a professional liar, sometimes even Junko can't tell if he's telling the truth or not. Not behind that clown mask, So she has trouble figuring out if he doxxed her new hideout location again.
Speaking of the mask, it's actually stuck to his face... Literally. If you try to pull it off, you better be ready for an unpleasant sight... Plus, he's already been on the Enhancement Drug for so long that keeping him from putting dynamite in your mouth.. is gonna be pretty difficult.
Kokichi doesn't really care about SUBJECT_MH, (Maki) but he finds her slight crush on SUBJECT_KM (Kaito) to be stupid. But while on the topic of "Friends," he's actually quite good buddies with SUBJECT_GG! (Gonta) They do normal friend stuff like telling jokes, blowing up buildings, doing dynamite tricks, all that good stuff! He's totally not manipulating Gonta at all... Right?
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☆ SUBJECT_GG (Remnant of Despair, Gonta Gokuhara)
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"Subject was...quite the challenge to contain, but now I have him all to myself... I have been wondering about something though. According to his records, he's the Ultimate Entomologist," going by that logic he must really love bugs huh? Well in case, I wanna try something new this time..."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
Gonta had put up a good fight against Junko and her other subjects, however, he was quickly out numbered and defeated. Junko then had made sure he was contained, because she wanted to try something else with this Entomologist. she decided to conduct a series of experiments to test out if she can give someone the properties of an insect, such as limbs, wings, antae, etc. And thus, Gonta was strapped down, and given new body parts. (which technically does imply that Junko had to.. saw some things off.. ouch.)
Once given his new limbs, he could barely walk in them, And Junko didn't seem to care about him anyways, So she let him suffer on his own. That was until SUBJECT_KM (Kaito) had noticed his struggle, and decided to help out a fellow man in need. Kaito was astonished on how cool he looked, which reminded him of a king and a dragon, so Kaito decided to befriend Gonta and help him out with his new body. Ever since, Gonta has been close to Kaito. But when it comes to other people, one person he dislikes heavily is SUBJECT_KO. (Kokichi) But he can't do anything about it. Kokichi is constantly treating Gonta like nothing but an object, Hurting him with his dynamite, constantly insulting him, any sort of insult or bullying you an think of. (Which in most cases Kaito interferes and makes Kokichi stop, but worst case is Kaito is out doing a mission, and Gonta can't do anything but listen to what Kokichi says.)
Since now Gonta is like an insect, he needs certain types of food to survive, he mainly enjoys meat, but due to food being so scarce in his AU, Kaito usually has to feed him human meat. (Which by the way, Gonta HATES eating, but will eat anything to survive. Poor guy.)
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...And that's all I have for now! I'll be making some more posts about this AU soon! Hope you enjoyed my endless yapping :} - Dani
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doomed-era · 10 months
not "they did nothing wrong" or "they are a horrible bastard" but a secret third thing: they did things wrong and I like that about them but everyone over-exaggerates their negative impact on the story
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
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Jake?! 👀
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Finn's kid on the right looks a lot like the more human version of Huntress Wizard shown in the series trailer. 👀
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mifflebat · 9 months
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@normal-sea-urchin @albaqae for raph(s) and casey/cassandra !!
this was my first time drawing both rise!raphael and cassandra, so i hope it’s not too bad-
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downtofragglerock · 2 months
So Godzilla, being film franchise that dates back to the 20th century, understandably lacks a large female cast, I wanted to see how many female kaiju the series actually has, but while thinking this over an interesting thought occurred
Japanese, as a language, has some differences regarding pronouns compared to English, and a lot of Kaiju get referred to in much more gender neutral language in original Japanese than they do in English, this has resulted in some interesting fan interpretations over the years regarding the genders of kaiju, and you bet I'm going to catalogue the ones I've encountered
Starting off, the explicitly canon female kaiju of the Godzilla cast:
Zilla (I think the movie tried to deny it, but the cartoon confirmed it, although final wars zilla is another question)
Monsterverse actually brings a number of explicitly female kaiju into the fold including:
The female Muto from 2k14
Barb, the other female Muto
Na Kika (formerly Kraken)
Some of the other unseen titans from King of the Monsters might also be ladies, but given as they are still unseen, that's just blind speculation
Now we get to the interesting part, the fan interpretations
Manda, Kumonga, and Destoroyah all being female is a pretty common and old fan interpretation, I know from firsthand experience that it at least dates back to the 2000s, but it could even be older
Baragon by comparison is far more recent, and I know for a fact this interpretation can be sourced primarily to the fact that in GMK, Baragon's performer was Rie Ota, and a behind the scenes clip of her doing the roars in the suit made waves around the fandom and even outside it in the 2010s
Hedorah is another more recent one, but interestingly enough I've also seen enby, bigender, and genderfluid interpretations of Hedorah as well. I guess there's something about the smog monster that screams gender to fans
Titanosaurus is again a newer interpretation, but fascinatingly a even newer idea has popped up in the past couple years that Titanosaurus is the kaiju equivalent of a femboy twink
Rodan being female is a very interesting case, both in origin and mainly due to the fact it only really applies to the Showa continuity and various fan continuities that desire. Basically the origin of this is that in the original 1956 film Rodan, there are two Rodans, a mating pair. At the end they both fall into Mt. Aso. When Rodan reemerges from Mt. Aso in Ghidorah the Three-Headed Monster, there's only one. There's been speculation for years as to the origin of this Rodan, but for the longest time it was either assumed to be the male or somehow the child of the pair from the original movie. But in 2010s a new idea rose to greater prominence: What if the Rodan that survived and subsequently appeared in the rest of the Showa films was the female of the pair?
Battra is an uncommon interpretation, but I have observed it
@lydiathespiderqueen did some fanart of a female version of Toho's Frankenstein, as well as the Gargantuas, and it's really good
and @thesilkenlair did a compelling analysis of Spacegodzilla being female due to possessing physical characteristics of Biollante, as well as their behavior in the movie lining up disturbingly well with a phenomenon in nature where an animal will kill or try to kill the extant children of a prospective mate so undivided attention can be given to it and any potential offspring it may have
And that's all I've encountered, please do tell if I've missed some
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i don't really love this but it's fine. might as well share it here
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idk why i did this honestly. i was gonna make it my bg but i don't like it enough to do that for long so here. tumblr can look at this i guess
i was gonna add mephone but. drawing mephone is a struggle for me for some reason. so. only these guys
just the individual hosts under the cut cause i like the drawings :/ and the whole thing. including the mediocre bg
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i'm not the beast at screenshotting things. but. uh. it's fine.
yeag. i'm. kinda tired. been a little unmotivated lately but this was kinda fun (till i got to the background. anyway.)
oh yeah. here's the full thing. i just don't like the rest of it as much
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superfruitland · 1 year
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doodledump for tonight
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hannahwdraws · 10 days
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Just a couple of girls from The Free Marches
"I can't believe the girl I taught to weave flowers at the Arlathvhen grew up to be the 'fearsome' Inquisitor."
"I can't believe Varric didn't put two and two together sooner that we might have already known each other."
"Try not to blame him, you're so different from the girl I knew from back then."
"I'm still just a Dalish girl from The Marches"
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jeschalynn · 4 days
omg.. “Like Father, Like Son” was a topic I never considered before and now I am in desperate need to hear more about this. jes, your mind works in amazing ways 😭🫶
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This is something that I've been thinking about since before NB released. We had so little info about the Demon King or his relationship with Diavolo. A lot of their issues stem from the death of Diavolo's mother and grief is a complicated thing - my interpretation of the Demon King is that he never fully recovered from that loss and it impacted how he treated his son.
(I personally subscribe to the headcanon that Diavolo's mother was a fallen angel, but perhaps she was also human - she wasn't originally a demon, in either case.)
One thing I like to explore are the subtle ways Diavolo and his father are alike, even though neither of them probably realize it. I imagine that the Demon King was a loving and doting partner, unashamed by his affections for his spouse and willing to do anything necessary for them to be happy and safe. Diavolo has probably heard stories about his parents but never got to witness that side of his father before, so it probably seems unbelievable at times if people remark how similar they are.
This one-shot explores Diavolo's relationship with Reader/MC shown in a snapshot of a particularly romantic moment together. Their encounter is interspersed with glimpses of the past that show how Diavolo unknowingly mirrors his father's own lust-driven deeds in similar circumstances.
ask me about a WIP
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hitwiththetmnt · 13 days
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*weeze* 104 pieces of art
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stoopidbeanz · 21 days
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art dump + PUCCA headcanon!
Thank GOD I didn’t go through artblock LOL
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bamthefox · 3 months
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Well howdy dare and welcome to the grand reopening of ice-e p”e”zza with new friends,games, and songs you will never want to leave.
“Theres no I in pezza”
(Timetraveler uses caps lock, the timeline)
Cold nights at ice-e’s fnaf if it was undertale that uhh kinda it
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 months
yyh sillies
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withering-heights · 2 months
I don’t know what it says about me that I hear that a meal is 250 calories and I’m go ‘wow that’s a lot’. Like that is a normal amount of calories for a meal (a small amount for a meal even) my disordered ass just has a fucked sense of how much something is.
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timothylawrence · 5 months
i dont even consider myself a 'veteran' wyll fan considering i just played the game on release and not EA but so many fans of bg3 didn't even consider or look Wyll's way until Wyll fans got loud enough but like. the way he's acknowledged now (even as minimal as it is) vs the first few months post release really is jarring
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