#year ~800 is when things start getting sad tho
paintpaintpaintman · 4 months
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The One Who Waits
I realize I haven't drawn the bishops in bishop form and I have designs for all of them now, so I will have to get on that!
They were lovers back then, too! All those years ago.
Sort of.
It was one-sided; the Lamb desperately in love... and The One Who Waits, simply keeping them "loyal", "devoted", and "motivated".
After Narinder's defeat, The Lamb gave him the cold shoulder for at least 35 years. For a second there, they had a no-strings-attached situationship late year 400. They didn't get back together until year 500, where it was no longer one-sided.
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gsstories · 2 years
Imagine a crossover between RC9NG and MLB.
This AU is my version but you can use it however you want, this ain’t an original idea of mine.
I can imagine First Ninja would not have been 800 years old, he would have been born in modern, ish, times. The NinjaNomicon and Ninja mask don’t exist but he would still be a hero and he would still remember he was one. He would have had the Dragon Miraculous and my friend called him Ryujin. My friend also headcannons him as being called Yoshi Norisu, or Norisu Yoshi. He would have had a partner, a fox heroine, that goes by the name Miss Vixen. An OC of mine, her name is Jennifer, an easily angered woman who takes shit from no one and tolerates very few people. Long brown hair, 6 feet tall and cold blue eyes, she is not someone you should mess with. She and Yoshi would have been met in high school, being in different schools but still being friends. After some time, they would start to fall for each other, find out they are Ryujin and Vixen and eventually start dating. Jenny’s parents would not approve tho so Jenny would argue with them a lot about it. The only people Jenny likes in her family be her younger sisters. Anyway, fast forward a few years later, Jenny would have started her own company and it would be going well while Yoshi be planning to open his own dojo. However, Jenny finds out she has cancer and is afraid she’ll die. Of course, she does not say so, she doesn’t wanna seem weak. But Yoshi knows and is by her side throughout the whole thing. Few more years later and Jenny has finally beaten cancer!
Onto some more stuff! Jenny and Yoshi get married, Jenny gets pregnant and gives birth to a little girl named Genevieve, although they call her Goldie most of the time, and she is just so different from them! Always optimistic, social and obsessed with bows! One time she decorated the whole house in bows and ribbons! 
Anyway, Goldie is not a normal child either, reason being that people don’t notice her, only her parents and other few people. When she was young, she was sad that nobody noticed her, but as she grew older, she realized she had an advantage over others. Finding out the truth and telling Heidi for her to tell the whole school, all the characters of RC9GN be in Dupont, was fun cause those who lie will get the punishment they deserve. After all, the principal there is her aunt anyway and she HATES liars. Goldie is doing them all a favor!
Imagine Randy Cunningham, a normal 9th grade student and new student at Yoshi’s dojo, finding a weird box on his bed. There a note says ‘You are the Dragon’. He opens the box and a light comes out of it. There in front of him is a small, dragon looking creature called a kwami, whose name is Longg.
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Imagine Goldie finding the same box in her nightstand and a note saying ‘You are the fox’. She opens it and a ball of light also comes out. There she meets a kwami with the resemblance of a fox called Trixx.
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That’s all for now, hope ya like it!
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spicysugar019 · 3 years
Alrighty folks here's my pinned post.
About me:
Im 21 years old (born in 2000 baybeeee)
Not comfortable sharing my first name (even tho it's super common and you couldn't find me using it). So on here I'll go by Eugene (my middle name).
Im currently at the highest weight I've ever been at, litterally 100 lbs over my starting weight (when I was either 11 or 12 at 4 foot 2 I think?). So please be cautious when talking to me about numbers at the present moment (Feb 2022).
Gae 💅 though currently dating a nonbinary beast
List of disorders cause I find it funny:
EDNOS, PTSD, chronic MDD, Chronic Insomnia, SAD, Chronic Substance abuse, ADHD, Bipolar (aka manic depressive disorder), (fuck dude im making this at 4am so im forgetting so fucking many), GAD, Panic disorder, dysthymia (I group that in with MDD but it's still a separate diagnosis ig), Social Anxiety disorder, unspecified psychosis, codependency disorder, gender dysphoria, and lastly a thing im not diagnosed with cause I don't bring it up in therapy and I actually don't feel like disclosing because of stigma around it and I'm not in the place to be told I'm faking by random strangers who don't know me or being told I'm doing it on purpose for attention thanks very much assholes.
How am I not permanently in a mental facility? Negligence probably! Stick around to see if that fact changes I suppose.
God what else do I say?
Stats: (again I'm at my highest weight ever, please don't comment on this to me, I just found out about it yesterday legit).
Cw: 270
Hw: 270
Sw: 170 (I was 12 and 4"2)
Ugw: 98
Is it even possible???
Im 5"4 (short kingg)
Things I struggle with due to mental health:
Eating (ok duh?), weight, body image, flashbacks, sleeping too much or too little no in-between, depressive episodes that usually land me in the hospital, hospitalizations (high score: 6 times in one year between December and March), major mood and behavior swings, Panic attacks that can last up to like a full fucking day rendering me completely useless, sometimes I see shit that isn't there, sometimes I hear shit that isn't there (they're thinking these are depression related psychosis mixed with not sleeping for like 4 days solid and not eating. Makes sense to me), I need people. No like I need them like I cannot be independent without trying to k!ll myself every single day, suicidal ideation, self harm, I have to get biweekly IM injections of boy juice into my ass-- and not the fun kind-- so I don't try to die constantly, and then other things I will not disclose ♡ and im poor.
At the moment I see 3 therapists and I'm looking for a fourth. Just therapists, this dosent include physical doctors or psychiatrists or psychologists or anything. One does CBT, another does EMDR, another is a nutritionist, and the one im looking for will be a DBT therapist. Gotta fucking collect them all am I right? (I'm not treating it like a game: I have to make jokes about it).
I am currently restricting and exercising (doing a piss poor job at it if I do say so myself).
Trying to stay below 800 a day currently.
Want to exercise daily but I simply do not have the time to. Will do it on the weekend tho! But right now I wake up I work I come home and scroll through tiktok and tumblr and then I "wake back up" again. I "sleep" when the gym is closed.
Wanna get to know me more? Please send an ask or message me im lonely and very open and honest about what I go through (except the disorder I will not disclose to anyone, thank you in advance for respecting that boundary!).
I love music and deeply enjoy connecting through music with people. I listen to anything I can understand the words to (this excludes country im sorry).
My favorite things to consume? Cigarette smoke and human hearts 💕
and taco bell 🥺
I like playing the cello, doing art (painting, sculpting, throwing, drawing, digital, animation, glass work, and a few lesser ones). I love and adore my partner they are the best thing that has happened to me. I like driving and singing.
I dislike showers (body dismorphia and gender dysphoria and ptsd, MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS), and yeah.
Im getting tired fucking finally after 2 days so I have to act now and sleep or else it'll be 2 more. Please message me if you have any question, need advice, want to talk and chat, ect. Disclaimer: if you are asking for advice I reserve the right to refuse and turn you down. This is not personal. You issues are real and they are valid you're on fucking eddie tumblr for God's sake.
DNI: Pedo/pedo sympathizers, under 18, fat phobic, homophobic, transphbic, or a generally shitty person.
Ok off to bed I go. Thanks for reading even though I know no one did. Thanks for letting me pretend.
Goodnight friends! Good morning? Fuck off dude idk, it's 5am.
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Marcus Álvarez x Reader
Anon asked: Hey, could you do a imagine with Alvarez, in which he's at the scrap yard of Santo Padre with the reader (his s/o) but Angel does not know it and so he flirt with her like all day and Bishop and maybe Taza and Hank tries to make him stop before Marcus notice it?
Word Count: 1.8k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits to: @bai-feng-jiu
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Don' move”. A male voice tenses your whole body, being leaned above the trunk of your car while you're holding a box of beers. Looking at him sideways, a long forefinger goes to your shoulder feeling a light itching. “A ladybug!”
“Oh, sweet Jesus Christ!” Your heart is about to stop, leaving the box down back to place a hand on your chest spitting a sight. 
“Mayans' waitress?” 
“Seems like, just fo' today”.
“That's sad”. He pretends to looks like, supporting his body against your car, before offering you a huge hand filled by golden rings. “Angel”.
“(Y/N)”. Narrowing it, you smirk at the mexican slightly.
“Should we tell him?” Taza rest his forearms on the white wooden railing, turning his face to El Pacificador.
“Maybe he needs a lesson”. The man pursing his lips, raised both eyebrows. The Vice imitates his gesture. Looks like it's going to be a very fun night.
“You have to be fucking kidding me”. Bishop snorts going downstairs, moving fast his legs to your position and placing a hand on your lower back. “Álvarez is asking for you, querida”.
“Good, amma' take thos—”.
“I got it. Go with him”. The president pushes you softly, with one of these smiles he always has ready for you, since the day you met.
Nodding and clapping on air, you turn your feet above the gravel floor after looking to both men, putting your hands inside the pocket of your shorts walking towards the clubhouse.
“Little trouble is back at home”. Che says leaning close to you, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead before Tranq kisses your cheek. 
“Happy to see you here”. The other man says, before continuing with your steps.
“Respect that girl, or you're gonna deserve to be dead”.
“Calm down, prez, I jus' was trying to help'er”.
“You're not gonna try to help her by putting your cock into her legs, you hear me, ah?”
“Jeez, man!”
“You won't be able to complain when Álvarez tears your tongue out”. The mexican says poking his chest with a forefinger. “She's off-limits”.
Sticking your head out the glass colorful door of the Templo you find your husband sitting inside, on the last chair at the table with a thoughtful look. His dark orbs are above the cigar consuming itself resting in the ashtray, not noticing that you're there, immersed in his own things. You know how much he misses the club, even if he doesn't talk about it as you would like. Running the door by the rail until is full closed, you walk towards him. His gaze traveling to yours, smirking at the mexican while he pulls back the chair giving you some space. Sitting on his lap with your hands supported half on yours, and half against his abdomen, your fingers play with the fabric of his shirt. The first time you kissed him, Marcus was sitting on that same chair, long time ago. And at least, he's not wearing one of those suits he uses working with Galindo, or probably you couldn't control yourself.
“Do you think I took the right decision?” Setting apart a soft and shiny bristle of your hair, his hands go down to your waist.
“It doesn't matter if it was the right or not. You can be a Mayan again, whenever you want it”.
“I can't ride my bike like I used to, cariño”.
“Then, I'll be your driver”. 
He chuckles nodding, before resting his forehead on your chest closing his eyes. Sometimes he has his doubts about joining Galindo's Cartel, without caring about the good jack and the stability his new job gives him now. But you will always be by his side, supporting his back.
“Charters are coming, I have to go back”. You say softly letting your fingers tour his nap.
“Okay, mi amor”.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
The crowded yard is flooded by latin music when the night has fallen down, and the delicious smell of barbecue running through the environment. Your hands moving fast above all the beers on the bar, using the opener to take off the bottle caps, while other girls bring them to the guys. You're not sure about what they're celebrating, being the first time you're at one of the famous Mayans' parties, but you're having so much fun.
“Hey, you, mister ladybug!”
Angel turns towards you, directing his steps to the bar placed in a corner of the yard. A smile getting draw on his lips, walking like he's dancing his hips.
“Is everything okay with your leg?” You ask with a laughter on your throat.
“What a sense of humor!” He cheers lifting up his beer on air. “What ya' need, sweetheart?”
“Ice. You know where it is?”
“Yea', com'on”.
Stepping out of the bar as soon as other girl comes to save your place, the man puts an arm on your shoulders guiding you to the metallic warehouse, next to the club. Supporting you the door after turning on the light, both come inside to the big fridge. Opening it to grab some bags.
“Wait, I got it”. 
Angel leans above the fridge to help you out, invading without asking your personal space. He smirks at you holding the bags you took.
“So, what'bout ya'?”
“How I didn' see you before around? To work here ya' must have friends at hell”.
“I'm family”. You just say, putting some more bags on his arms.
“Álvarez and Bishop's?”
“Yea'”. You nod closing the fridge.
“Well, I would be glad to see ya' often”.
“No, you wouldn't”. Obispo is behind you cross-armed, talking firmly without hesitation. “Take the ice to the bar”.
The Mayan doesn't say anything else, passing by El Presidente's side and leaving you alone. Closing the door you raise both eyebrows. Bishop snorts clicking his tongue. He trusts you, of course, but he don't trust the other mexican.
“I can protect my ass without help”.
“I know, little trouble. But I don' need an internally fight for that pretty and beautiful ass”. He laugh surrounding your hips with an arm, accompanying you to your place.
“When you started to be that bored, ah?”
“I keep the good times here”. He answers pointing out one of his temples.
“Shit, you sound like my grandpa'!”
Walking close of your husband, he takes your hand living a smooth and gentle kiss on the back of it. Letting you go from his cousin, you lean towards him placing your lips on his forehead dearly, before following your way back to the bar continuing with your task. Angel is there making your job easier when placing the ice inside the freezer.
“Daddy protects ya' good”. He whispers looking at you for a second.
“Daddy?” You can't help but breaking in laughs, covering your mouth with a hand. “You think 'amma helpless baby girl?”
“I'm sure you can kick me, befo' I can figure it ou'”. 
“Yea', I'm sure you would like't”.
“Well, that's not gonna happen, but you can keep dreaming”. You joke on him, grabbing a bottle of water to drink from it.
Bishop turns to the call, cleaning his mouth with the back of his hand after sipping of his beer. Marcus raises his chin making a gesture to the bar. Taza and Tranq looks at it too. El Presidente rolls his eyes, listening your laughs and watching Angel trying to flirt with you, ignoring the warnings he made to him.
“I told Angel to keep his hands off”. He just say, pretending to get up. But Álvarez stops him by a hand on his chest.
“I know you told him twice. Third is on my own”. He replies pretty calm, scaring Obispo more than if he was angry.
“And sometimes dreams come true”. The Mayan says, resting his body against the freezer.
Shaking your head with a loud laughter, you turn to the fridges checking the beers, before raising your gaze to your husband coming closer. Gawking nailing your elbows on the wooden bar and supporting your chin on your palms, you show him a lovely smile. No matter how many years have passed, you fall more and more everyday for him. Biting your lower lip with your incisors, you lean forward just a little.
“May I help you, señor Álvarez?”
Angel has an eyebrow upped, looking at the scene from the background and maybe understanding Bishop's words.
“I need two beers and my wife”. He says crossing his hands over his abdomen, as soon as he stops his feet.
“Yes, sir”. You just say winking the right eye.
“Having fun, mijo?”
“Yea', Padrino. She is… She…”
“She's more polite than me”. Marcus interrupts him with a calm tone of voice, twisting his head slightly. “Don't shit where you eat, Angel. You're smarter than that”.
“Sounds like he has an option”. You say frowning, passing them away with the beers between your fingers, taking off the opener handling on your neck with the free one, and giving it to other waitress.
And Marcus knows now you feel annoyed because of his words. That's one of the reasons you have never wanted to attend a Mayans' party. They're always marking their own territory over other members, and you're not a piece of meat, nor a trophy, not a bundle of money. Your husband follows your steps to inside the clubhouse in complete silence, not noticing the members who step out of it to give you some intimacy. 
“You know what I meant”.
“Look, I don't need… two pitbulls growling before me. You should know me after nine years”.
“I do”.
“Really? So then, why was tha' fo'?”
“I'm sorry”.
“Yea', you better compensate me later, señor Álvarez”. Walking closer, you offer him one of the beer, but grabbing your wrist to push you into him.
“You know how much I love you, right?”
“Nah, tell me”. You joke on him, placing both hands crossed above his nap, leaving some ephemeral caresses on his head.
“I can't explain”.
Pressing his lips with yours closing the distance between your bodies, until your chest collides with his, Marcus wraps you between his arms. It's true you didn't fall in love at first sight, but you wouldn't change him for anyone. You still feeling the same tickles and the same sparkles in your stomach whenever he's near of you. And you spend every morning, at least five minutes, watching him sleep peacefully above your chest. That is your favorite moment of the day, feeling somewhat blessed since you can do it every single day.
“Com'ere, papi”. You mutter against his lips, guiding him blinded through the only hallway on your steps to the dorms. “Let's remember old times…”
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Abigail Roberts x GN!Reader in: Loving You With All That I Am
From the van der Linde Ladies, With Love 💌 || VDE 2021
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|| ao3 version | event m.list | rdr tag | main blog ||
|| rdr vde (gents) | batboys vde | bnha vde ||
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Hundreds upon hundreds of languages have given us thousands upon thousands of words, and yet I don’t think there’s one that could ever hope to fully explain just how much you mean to me.
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She’s found that loving you is like coming home…
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↠ Requested By: My burning desire to receive a love letter lol ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: SFW fluff ((but my blog’s 18+ if minors want to consume my sfw stuff while still respecting my wishes of them staying out of this space, they can head over to my AO3)) ↠ CWs: None ↠ Betas? Nah, we don’t do that here. ((tho we should, honestly)) ↠ Total WC: ~800
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Abby’s another of those characters that I’m hesitant to write for because she’s got a lot of layers to her. On the surface she can come off as brash and overly confrontational, but when you look at the heart of her and her motivations there’s so much more there to be seen.
One of the things I find most striking about her is just how much she cares, for both her immediate family and the gang as a whole. She doesn’t always show it in the most traditional way, but you can definitely tell that she loves them all deeply (and don’t even get me started on the relationship she fostered with Sadie, I’m not trying to get too in my feels on this gloomy afternoon lol).
Anyways! Here’s to hoping I’ve done her justice…
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|| Loving You With All That I Am
Hey babe,
So it’s Valentine’s Day yet again. Kinda feels like it’s already come and gone, but maybe it’s just all the holiday themed shit that’s been shoved in my face since the turn of the year that makes it seem that way. I’m actually rather fond of the day, but the way the stores carry on is a bit much, you gotta admit. No lie, I went into a gas station not even a week after New Year’s and they were already putting out heart-shaped boxes of candy and little pastel bears and such. Ridiculous, truly. But I’m not writing this letter just to moan about having to endure holidays well before their time, but rather because I want to do something sweet for you this year.
I wanted to avoid indulging in any clichés, but really there are only so many ways to express one’s affections. I’m not a singer or a poet or an artist or anything else fancy like that, so we’re both just gonna have to make do with a simple love letter. But hey, you gotta respect the classics, yeah?
On the surface I know that I can come off as a cliché myself. What’s worse is that those parts are some of what I’m most proud of in myself. The ‘strong and independent’ thing has become a parody at this point, a phrase tossed around with a mocking tone or an upturned lip. And when it’s taken to extremes maybe it is deserving of all that, but my confidence and pride are both hard won. They’re things I had to fight not only the world for, but myself as well.
For so long so much about my life was at the whim of others, and once I broke free of that I swore that I would never endure anything even remotely similar ever again. Still it’s sad to say that it took me a long time to find my worth in truth. Before that it was little more than bravado and bluster, a fierce and brave face put on for the sole purpose of keeping people from thinking I was someone they could take advantage of. I was a loud, brash thing, but my words were ultimately hollow—I was hollow. I’ve since tended to those wounds, while years and experience both have dulled my jagged bits, though I’ve never quite lost my edge and for that I am grateful. I know I’m not everybody’s cup of tea, but I like who I am, and those closest to me don’t seem to mind much either.
You especially, I’ve found, don’t seem to mind at all—in fact I’d even go so far as to say you love those parts of me just as much as I do.
But even so you knew to look beyond that. I’m so much more than just the fighter. I’m a lover of many, the mother of one, a loyal friend, a comforter, a confidant, a supporter… I cry over terrible made for TV movies, sappy poems make me blush, and I cannot walk past a baby or toddler without making weird faces just to get a gummy smile. I am so many silly and odd and wonderful things, and you let me be them all—you let me be me, unmasked and unashamed. Do you know how rare and beautiful of a thing that is?
Do you know how rare and a beautiful thing you are?
Hundreds upon hundreds of languages have given us thousands upon thousands of words, and yet I don’t think there’s one that could ever hope to fully explain just how much you mean to me. I swear sometimes it feels like you’re just a dream, something that my unconscious mind has conjured up to keep itself pleasantly occupied, and then you take my hand or smile at me or just breathe and I realize not only are you real, but you’re mine and I just…
I didn’t know that it was possible for another person to make you feel so full, for a hug to feel like home, for a kiss to convey love and safety and promises of a future that I never allowed myself to wish for.
____, baby, you give me all of that and more, and my god do I love you for it.
You’re more than I ever even thought to ask for, and I’m so happy and honored and proud to walk side-by-side with you through this journey we call life. Thank you for this—thank you for being your wonderful, loving self…
Loving you with all that I am, Abby xo
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2021 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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shadowtongued · 4 years
get  to  know  the  mun  !         repost,  don’t  reblog.
———  BASICS  !  ♡
NAME  :  channy !
PRONOUNS  :  she / her !
TAKEN  OR  SINGLE  :  in a dedicated relationship with 800 boxes of tea. when we breakup and i defeat them, thus unchaining me from the curse, i will let you know.
———  THREE  FACTS  ! ♡
u can make me happy cry very easily. i will tear up at animals and angst like it’s no one’s business. i have to play games w the door closed bc any sappy/sad plot or dialogue will have my hand on my chest going ‘oh.’ and no one needs to see me like that. 
i can recommend you many instrumental songs from game and film scores that i have never seen or played. i just like music. i listen to weird bands too.
please don’t talk abt tea or coffee to me, i won’t shut up i won’t shut up i won’t shut up i won’t shut up i will go on and on and on. unless you want me to. ; u; i will recommend u a tea that reminds me of you. i probably have a caffeine addiction but have come to terms with it. it’s just like that.
———  EXPERIENCE  !  ♡
            i had a personal blog since like... 2008 but it wasn’t until 2009-2010 i made an rp blog and stuck with it. some people prob still remember my alex me.rcer; vindictive-virus/apexpraedator. sometimes i still think abt bringing it back via revamp. i’ve only ever had TWO blogs i stayed active on for like YEEEEEARS. i guess you could say my ‘writing’ ( and learning abt graphics/coding ) started on neopets tho. i wrote an edgy mutant techo with angel wings. i mean, shit, i’ll drink to that, little me. we all start somewhere. after that i wrote on some forums/passed a word doc file around with some friends. then i came here.
            canon comes easier for me. i like to pick really obscure or not fully fleshed out characters so i can kinda..... flesh them out myself. i also lean a lot towards male muses :/c not sure why. but I DO INDEED have ocs. i just don’t have the balls to write them. i do talk abt them a bit with close friends. maybe one day i’ll finish that multi of ocs of mine. 
             i love horror and supernatural muses. usually if i pick up a muse, you can bet i’m going to be hyperfixed on that character for like fuckin 3-6 years and not move anywhere. *looks at how this blog has been a thing since ‘17* jesus i love trashy villains/anti-heroes too. ambiguous morality and wild superpowers/chosen one status? tell me more!!!
———  FLUFF  /  ANGST  /  SMUT  !  ♡    
FLUFF  :  y e s.
ANGST  :  if i don’t do it i’ll die, i live for it.
SMUT  :  i haven’t actually written WRITTEN it in like.. years. i would like to but i also reserve it for close friends/ships. 
PLOT  /  MEMES  :  i could be a lot better with plotting. i like to wing it a lot and can be seen as lazy to some bc i literally can go with the flow and don’t mind doing some wishlist fulfillment for others within reason. spontaneous is in my bones. i DO love memes but i end up getting very detailed on responses bc i love all the possibilities!!! 
tagged by  : i materialized from the void and @extremepath held it out to me  ♥
tagging : do this. it’s your curse now. uwu
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irregulardiaryposts · 3 years
23:28 11/05/2021
sooooo uhhhhh,, its chewsday innit.i have no idea what my life is anymore. like what do i even do?? i have no idea how i would describe myself to someone else and thats sort scary yk. like how am i supposed to like myself if i dont know who i am? n e way enough existentialismmmmmm ice gotten more unconditional uni offers which im dead proud of like who wouldve thought I wouldve been able to do this. if only i couldve seen myself like 4 years ago i would be shocked. i mean most of it would make sense but like i didnt even think id live this long tbh. i dont think about that enough the fact i couldnt see myself getting older and doing 'grown uo things' because i thought i would never get through the present. that sounds real sad wow. 
lets talk about something else, perhaps how i believe myself to be far too impulsive for my own good and never thinking anything through twice. like ive just tried to revamp my whole room coz i was unhappy with it. i tried to chalk it up to just wanting a better desk and suddenly ive thrown away half my furniture and my room looks empty affff. but its ok since it already looks kinda better everything's cleaner now too. 
i went into my backgarden today and i picked all the uhhh my laptop almost died on me there i realised my things at full brightness anyway yes i went and picked the uh dandelions? the yellow chucky ones and some daisies and i made some flower chains and stuff and hung them in my room even though theyre gonna die idrc becuase they still look kinda cute, i keep patching my uni prep class becuase icba going but i still need to set up student loans and shit and actually confirm my choice for uni too omfg so much work and also need to start teaching msyelf the theory sruff for my driving thingytghing 
i was just looking back at another post before i started typing this and i was talking about how i dont really espress myself all too well through my apppearance and things i can personalise to me and i feel like ive gotten a lot better at that coz i recently chucked away a lot of clothes i dont wear and my mum bought me new stuff and im dead chuffed coz im far more confident in them and theyre far more comfy too :) ive also stopped wearing bras with wires and padding in them coz fuck all that shit i no longer care if people see my nipples becuase its not worth the actual pain from and improperly fitting bra which all of them are on me ............................................  
ive been listening to some NEW music lately just from my discover weekly stuff and its been pretty fuckign spot on with the shit i wanna listen to but i wish itd let me save each week as like a diff playlist but ive just been adding my favs to my other playlists feel like ive been piecing myself together bit by bit after not having the right pieces for years. 
anyway future me or whoever listen to 'them changes' by thunder someone or other because i think im a little bit obssesed atm hehehehehhehehehesjnjndkb LJBSCLVJBs jbs c' CKJBDKjkbckj  sh. i feel a bit like a fraud tho ngl like as tho im waiting for the other shoe to drop and find out im actaully lying about being a functioning human being for longer than like 5 days in the past 3/4 years. did that make sense idk im justsaying i feel a bit fake and that next time i feel a bit d y s f u n c t i o n a l its gonna hit really fucking hard and its gonna take a lot to get over it idk maybe im just being pessimistic or smth have a tendency to do that. 
also ive completely given up with school i have less than a month left and i cannot be fucked doing any more work than is necessary to pass ie only doing the test things and pretending to know what im doing in class no studying no homework none of that bs i would rather break my toes ..  
ive wrote like 3800 characters thats like maybe 800 words isssshhh idk man considering ive wrote w shit like wbsihizjbk ziSJNlcjb alknfbv ajn jankbdv. you know , . i dont really know what im rambing about anymore nothing has realliy progressed that much do idk what to say ill come back maybe when im at uni :O beye
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
okay im rewriting tgcf (only in my head im lazy) here are my notes on hua/lian specifically this is long bc fuck it. major spoilers obviously and same trigger warnings as the content of the book
disclaimer disclaimer disclaimer that i dont know anything about the cultural background of anything in tgcf or story tropes etc etc this is just I Think It Would Be Neat If..
there’s not really any reason to keep hc as a kid in the backstory BUT in the story in the intro (which i like narratively) it still says that it was a child who xie lian caught. it’s one of those things that got added to the legend to make xie lian seem even more noble, there are also probably a few other inaccuracies in the intro that get found out as the story progresses. in actuality hc was kind of a known troublemaker to the city guards or whatever or had been in the past. maybe his mother just passed after a long illness and his tumble off the wall was intentional. either way he’s kind of pissed at xie lian for saving him. xie lian is concerned about his health so he has to stay at the palace for a while he recovers and only interacts with xie lian a few times. there is a point where he says out loud all the things about the divide between the rich and the poor that have been illustrated by the scenes with mu qing. feng xin tells him to shut up but mq goes dead silent bc he kind of agrees but can’t say and does have his loyalty to xie lian (its a whole thing) and the resentment begins
also i think young hc’s personality is similar to his personality in the present but a bit more reserved and he’s got like this plucky streak or something. also he is unquestionably gay
anyway hc sneaks out of the palace and xie lian catches him obviously but they have a brief little heart to heart where xie lian is like “look you can go if you want here take this money food” etc and demonstrates that he has actually listened to what hc has to say and hc is like “wow no one other than my mom has ever listened to me in my life so thats what that feels like i kind of like it” and he probably is a bit awestruck by xie lian in different ways and after that is like “okay this kingdom sucks but.. that guys not so bad”
sad ironic sense that if xie lian hadnt ascended until he was older he may have actually be able to do something about the problems in the kindgom but alas we have a cycle to perpetuate
the “take me as the meaning of your life” scene still happens p much the same but xl doesnt recognize hc who is actually now at his lowest point. hc tried to find ways to make things better for people like him but he simply did not succeed (maybe his were efforts quashed by the corrupt authorities? its implied probably) and he’s more disillusioned with the kingdom and life than ever but still is holding on to those memories of xie lian as proof that it doesnt have to be like this but that thread is slipping until!! whose fucking voice is that??? thats right its the one person you ever believed was truly good and went and proved you right by ascending to the heavens at age 17!!! guess its time to stan him forever
anyway hc joins the army but legally or whatever and tbh i would have hated the flower cave scene regardless of anything i just hate any sort of s*x pollen trope or anything so thats gone (they can have a wound tending scene or something tho thats the good shit) and instead we have HL getting overwhelmed by some other demons or something together and xie lian protects hc and they both get injured very badly (maybe hc would lose a limb but im not sure how that would work once hes a ghost so thats on hold for now until i figure it out) and xl is fine but this situation ends up being part of why mq kicks hc out of the army but yes hc still ends up dying on the battlefield anyway </3
the wuming stuff is the same i think but also at some point xl is despairing and says something about that guy he saved from falling and wonders what happened to him and fire ghost wuming is like !!!!! (wait does this happen in canon? honestly it should)
in mount tong’lu i was tempted to actually have hc have a similar moment to the bamboo hat scene with the humans who are trapped in there but im not sure if i just want it to be the same as xie lian’s story... also i like the idea of hc needing to hang onto his devotion to get through his first few centuries of being a ghost so maybe he’s just inspired by xie lian’s sacrifice with the sword and the souls and thats why he claws his own eye out as a sacrifice
so this can go one of two ways from here!!! both are me projecting hardcore so take them with a grain of salt im not saying im right about the way relationships should be these a re just my thoughts <3
1. (the not fun one but it still has a happy ending) the story more or less continues the same as canon. pure and simple devotion is what carries hc through the centuries. we get to see some ghost city antics and its fun but there is nothing complicated about the devotion hc just wants to find xl and protect him. hualian eventually meet. they get along pretty well!! eventually there are cracks. when you hold someone in your mind for so long you have expectations for them that no person can meet consistently. hc thinks that since he’s seen xl during the worst time in his life that he can handle anything but it turns out that as amazing as xl is, he is also just a person and sometimes he is wrong or irrational or annoying. xl is so happy to have someone who will listen to him talk that he kind of neglects to really get to know who hc is as a person and hc is kind of like “huh i didnt expect this but im kind of hurt. i genuinely thought that i just wanted to serve and protect you but actually im my own person and this is weird” but he doesnt say anything he thinks he has to stick to his promise and it gets kind of uncomfortable!! maybe his luck goes haywire bc his faith gets rocked for the first time ever and they end up having to talk it out but their relationship is stronger for it <3
2. (i think this one is fun) hc struggles with waiting. he does it but its hard. he has doubts and when all his efforts to find xl are fruitless he starts to grow bitter and curses the day that xl saved him. his faith burns low but doesnt go out. then ghost city!! hc realizes that he can finally help people like him, even if theyre ghosts now and hes grateful for the chance to do this and grateful to xl and resigns himself to waiting. but its still hard!! he realizes that his luck is tied to his devotion and gets kind of pissed about it!!! he tries to remember all the good things about xl but its hard!!! his search becomes more about repaying a debt so he can be free than anything else, he just wants to help the common people spirits with no strings attached (this actually allows him to keep his luck bc he has the same wish as xl and thats what makes him a true believer!! is this corny? does it make sense? i dont care) and so eventually when he finds xl he’s like okay how quickly can i repay this debt/how can i keep my powers but then xie lian is... so good... and hc actually really likes him he remembers why he swore his devotion in the first place. now hes conflicted!!! dont worry they fall in love tho <3
wow this was really long if you read this hiiiii. anyway when i reread ill try to pay more attention to yin yu and he xuan for hc’s 800 years. hua cheng we’re gonna get you some friends and lore i swear to god
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starryace · 5 years
my personal introduction to vav
so i have a few friends who’ve been wanting to get into vav but dunno where to start so... i’ll just do this lil thing. obviously there’s gonna be my own opinions so don’t take everything i say to heart but like... here we go
vav (very awesome voice -- pronounced vee-ay-vee but i say vav bc im lazy) debuted in 2015, but when they debuted they had a different lineup. zehan, xiao, and gyeoul all left to pursue other activities. ziu, lou, and ayno joined the group in 2017! the fandom is called vampz because of the groups original concept but we don’t talk about that
title tracks/mvs: *under the moonlight | *brotherhood | *no doubt | *here i am | venus (dance with me) | flower (you) | abc (middle of the night) | she’s mine | spotlight | gorgeous | give it to me | senorita | **so in love | **thrilla killa | **i’m sorry | give me more
* = pre-line up switch! | ** = without jacob (due to his participation in a chinese program)
more about the members under the cut!
st van (lee geumhyuk)
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note: during updating i ended up having to redo this entire section bc my computer deleted it all... sigh.
everyone’s dad
kinda gives off party vibes, like a cool club dad, you know?
super duper soft :(( he laughs at everything and he loves gentle things and he may be the oldest but he’s babie
gets really embarrassed really easily and blushes and laughs it off
oh! he also laughs with like... his entire body ekhrbgj
tattoos! on his shoulder and right arm
full sleeve completed
self composed the track “im sorry” off of the thrilla killa album
he lived in china for 13+ years and can speak fluent (if not, almost fluent) chinese
he’s super good cook and he wanted to be a chef before becoming an idol
loves jacob :(( with all his heart
weird but he can drink a lot of water really quickly, that’s his special talent
got a dog with the group! her name is cash and she’s super cute
im sure there’s more but i got mad after my computer deleted everything so i’ll get back to updating this part when things dawn on me
baron (choi chunghyeop)
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dancer extraordinaire! he actually used to be in a dance team before vav
smiley boy ;;;; literally he has the prettiest smile and the nicest teeth
he can play the piano and a lil guitar im p sure!
he’s honestly a lil shit but we love him anyway
he’s very mom like, and loves taking care of the members, but i spy with my lil eye someone a lil more mom-like but that comes later
he choreographed a cover of shape of you!
unfortunately, his mom passed away early this year (may she rest in peace).
his nickname is baby prince (from his mom) and it was because of his mom that he was able to become and idol
baron singing??? yes,,, yeS!! his voice is godsent istg
he loves loves loves music and dance
wont shut up about millennium dance studio
was the pizza delivery boy in minx’s why did you come to my home
has a very intensive skin care routine
he!! loves!! food!! constantly nomming
ace (jang wooyoung)
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remember how i said how i thought there was someone more mom like? meet ace.
literally babies everyone
eSPECIALLY ayno + ziu (sometimes lou, when lou will let him)
sassy, diva, can also be a lil shit -- esp with baron... 92 line is just lil shit line
lil fucking tease, too--
he has an oral fixation-- licks his lips a lot no bueno for me
teal hair? god tier. senorita? also god tier. everything about him? god tier.
plays the guitar... see senorita
“you’re doing wonderful sweetie” but like... a living version of that
abs... abs for days..........
works out with jacob
dimples!! but it’s more prominent on the right cheek.
god he’s??? literally ethereal. like i can’t put into words how pretty he is
he ;;;; has the purest, most sweetest heart
they need to start letting ace have more lines bc omg his voice ;;;;;
really good with kids ;;;;; they love him
he’s a BIG flirt, it’s like when he opens his mouth the only thing he thinks to do is say “i love you” or “you’re mine” or smthn
Prince Wooyoung™
ayno (noh yoonho)
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was on no.mercy -- still kinda keeps in contact with monsta x now (hims was lil babie minhyuk)
yknow how baron is dancer? so is ayno -- aYNO IS GOD TIER DANCER ok he ;;;;; ugh he’s literally so talented
he raps too! also god tier
hims a soundcloud rapper -- dropped zero coke (mixtape) and god that boy is talented
self composed their song touch you (aka one of my fave vav songs)
ace’s baby... really, he’s vav’s baby, but still
fake maknae to the max. it still baffles me that he’s older than the others ima list
hims also pretty shy, but it’s real cute ;;;;
lou has such a big fat crush on him and he’s always embarrassed by it
he zones out a lot and is very mellow & quiet until something inside him switches and then he’s like BAM loud and crackhead
ziu.... brings out... the crackhead in him lbr
former happyface ent trainee w/ ziu
also really good with kids!! prolly bc he is a big kid himself erhbjeg
often writes his own raps for songs
jacob (zhang peng)
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resting bitch face to the max
800% done with everyone’s shit
chinese member!
he was performing in a chinese show called all for one -- his team got eliminated (sad) but that means he’ll be returning to the group (happy!)
that’s why he wasn’t in so in love/thrilla killa/im sorry
hims loves his st van
he also eats... a lot.
ok but like... he works out with ace, right? boy has such chiseled and nicely defined abs, it pains me
he’s a happy lil sunshine boy
savage as fuck
his smile literally adds 5 years to your lifespan
all of the members miss him so much ;;;; its honestly super wholesome and every once in a while they’ll be like “omg cobi would love this” or “jacob....... we miss you”
but then you have shithead lou being like “i mean... its nice having the room to myself” wrehbjehg
he dance too! idk what type of dancing it is but he does it!!!
he was in the chinese movie “the dreamer on the catwalk”
lou (kim hosung)
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my #1, my one and only, my precious sweetheart
tall as fUCK
has a deep ass motherfucking voice
grew up in georgia as a kid (can speak fluent english) and then the philippines when he was a teen!
kinda the more quiet & reserved member
but dont let that fool you......
he too is a lil shit
AND A CHAOTIC GAY -- ziu bothers him a lot but he has a big ol’ crush on ayno and he never shuts up about how pretty he is and how much he loves him
he can be a grouchy lil bitch too tho hkerbjeg
in this interview baron and st van were being cute and he’s just in the corner like “youuuu shouuuld daaaate” -- gay. in the same interview thats one instance where he wouldn’t shut up about ayno
hims a rapper too!! he often writes his own raps for songs (much like ayno)
his own mixtape (goodnight) literally is so nice i listen to it all the time
he has a vlive thing he does called lou-dio and it’s real cute
big ears = the cutest thing ever ehkrbgjeh
he collects a bunch of stuff!! like pop figures and toys, like souvenirs from everywhere they go
he was in the youtube webdrama “lemon car video” (eps 1, 3, 7, and 8)
his stage name is lou (pronounced “low” but i refuse to say that) because his voice is so low
ziu (park heejun)
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chaotic. just chaotic. chaotic gay, chaotic maknae, chaotic man.
he’s the real maknae tho... doesn’t look it, huh?
manly af
literally so charismatic and funny as hell
wants kisses + love + attention from everyone
goes in for a kiss -- everyone else usually backs away but he’s always disappointed that no one gives into him
kisses kisses kisses
did i mention kisses?
he makes a lot of random ass noises all the time
screm... lots of screm. like you know opossums?? think that kinda screm.
his vocals ;;;;; his singing voice is so, so nice ;;; i adore it.
his room is dirty af i could NEVER
he does some really questionable things sometimes... see here.
like i said, i cannot express this enough... he’s so charismatic. so charming. so handsome.
also!! super hyper fluff ball. hims cute.
aegyo up the wazoo too
former happyface ent trainee with ayno
was in the fri.sat.sun teasers by dalshabet
can get p loud & annoying but that doesnt change how much we love him
idk if any of that made sense... but there you go! there’s so much more to vav and everything they do and who they are, so i hope this just kinda gets more people to look into them? it’s a stepping stone, not everything possible to learn.
+ keep in mind, a lot of this stuff comes from both kprofiles, what i’ve seen in videos, and my own personal opinions & inputs. so... yeah. don’t use what i say as truth/fact unless you see stuff to back it up (or you adopt it as your own opinion idk).
thank you for taking your time to read this!!
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ralfstrashcan · 5 years
3x22 Reaction / Commentary
Fair warning: Despite all feelings of nostalgia and melancholy with this being the last episode and all, this contains the usual amount of salt. Just, consider yourself warned XD
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Impressive. Quick question though, why didn't Lilith pull this neat trick before going to Magnus and begging for an opening in the rift? We'll never know. Possibly because she's dumb.
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Why would he give away his element of surprise with that stupid roar? Wtf man.
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Istg if they kill Meliorn off just after I fell in love with him last episode imma riot so hard. Wtf.
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1) Jeliorn Shipper: It's not actually clear who he's addressing XD 2) Am I the only one who feels like Meliorn's feelings for Izzy skyrocketed after they broke off their little mutually beneficial arrangement?? Because I sure do. Very convenient for the plot too.
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This is both hilarious and infuriating XD
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Boo Team Warlock. They can see that Meliorn is lying on the ground, obviously wounded, and all they do is stand around. Why do they all suck at first aid?? I mean, man down! What more do you need to know wtf.
Also what is that? Lorenzo actually being helpful? Wtf haha. Btw I made up my mind, he's lost bits of his character along the way. I don't like it. He's suddenly supposed to be a good lizard baby? Sure. *scoff*
I like that bit where Lorenzo and Magnus pool magic for a more effective attack but I'm doubtful they're perfectly synchronized since they never fought together. Or is this like a standard warlock fight maneuver? Are those a thing? I need answers.
Lilith shooting her fancy fire spit ball five meters to the left is both an overused cliché and ridiculous.
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THIS is their plan of attack? They're all gonna die haha.
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Script: Close up of female shoes with heels so everyone knows this is a woman.
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So did I understand that correctly? Lilith flew right into the line of literal fire? Whyyyy?
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Wtf why isn't Lorenzo loudly objecting??
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That circle reminds me of Guardians of the Galaxy in the worst way. Wow. I can't believe I just watched this. Wtf this was so bad *weeping* Btw note, considerate CGI flames only burn on torso and arms not on legs. Riiiight.
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I mean, yay. All shadowhunters are jobless now. Guess all problems are solved. We just have an entire (slightly racist) race on our hands that's out of an occupation and also, militry. Those things don't mix well. Wtf. I cannot. comprehend. Wtf.
Also wtf. This was supposed to be the boss fight. And they finished it without a plan with one player literally before the opening?? UHHHH???
But, anyway. I guess I should be glad Alec didn't have to make good on his promise of living in Edom with Magnus, because as @intezaarlily so hilariously pointed out
The Alliance rune was temporary and wore off in like 5 hours, and Nephilim can’t survive in Edom because of their blood once the rune wears off, but Alec says he’ll spend the rest of his life with Magnus in Edom … I mean, I love the romantic sentiment! But that will be a very short life.
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Uhhhh yeah, the fact that Sizzy get a sex scene (ugh, could have done without that honestly) Clace get cute cuddling and Malec get................ lying five feet apart even though THEY ARE LEGIT A MARRIED COUPLE WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Honestly, I mostly skirt the negativity that surrounds the issue of how Malec always get shitty kisses and intimacy etc. But this is ridiculous. RI-DIC-U-LOUS. At this point, who knows if they'll even kiss at their wedding? We'll be lucky if they hold hands. Honestly. WTF.
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Yeah agree to disagree. I'm not even sorry for my extra salt. Wtf. Still hung up on Malec. At least Izzy's runes glitter prettily in the morning light.
“I mean like relationships. Everyone that I've been in has magnificently imploded like the Death Star.”
SIGH. This is clearly not true. He stayed good friends with his exes (Clary, Maia) so that's a lie. And Saia was working out really well until the series needed it to stop, so it's not like he's inept. So either he's exaggerating because he's hella unreflected or he says that to get some pity from Izzy, either way I hate it.
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Uuhhhh Izzy, you were never interested in having a relationship. That's not the same as screwing up a relationship wtf.
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...............Does the show want to tell me Magnus is left-handed or what. Wow.
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I guess Canon wants to use this last opportunity to tell us that Magnus is ambidextrous *shrug*
Also why the hell did Lorenzo give them back the loft? Oh right, he's a Good Lizard Baby now. The heck.
Anyway I did a very thorough reaction to this sneak peek scene already for a private correspondence, so enjoy ahaha ;)
- Me being deprived of Malec Morning Cuddles (and LittleSpoon!Alec) is unfair and I'm Not Over It.
+ Magnus excitedly writing their wedding invitation though <3<3<3
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- Cheek kiss wtf man where are my REAL morning smooches WTF
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~ Okay I am conflicted about this. While I can buy both, Magnus wanting to move ahead and Alec wanting to plan (because I think it fits them both in terms of being in character) in this particular matter I kinda headcanon the reverse: Alec not able to wait another minute to Lock Magnus Down and Magnus wanting everything to be absolutely perfect and losing himself in planning.
That being said, Magus being like “Gotta get married while we still can and there's not a disaster on the horizon” is.... idk, isn't that kind of sad? He's all about cherishing things in life so you can remember them. And stumbling through his MARRIAGE, with must mean a real real lot to him, being his first in all his 400/800 years, that's... not really uplifting? He deserves better than that.
+ Magnus's clap tho at “location” XD XD XD
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~ Quick question, how the hell does Magnus want to hold a whole ass marriage ceremony at a public mundane place?? With glamor? Without? Sounds like an unrealistic mess either way
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- Alec's reasoning. Honestly, I don't like it that much. Don't get me wrong, Alec being aware of the political dimension and liking it is 100% ic. But. This is their wedding. Their. Wedding. They do everything else for others, for their people and for the mundanes and the frikking world as a whole (3x20 being a prime example, basically screwing their personal happines to hell and back (pun intended) to close the rift saved the world because those wraiths wouldn't have stopped after Alicante let's be real). And their wedding, this should be just for them. How they like it, how they envision and how they've always dreamed about it. It shouldn't be held so others can benefit from it.
I want the wedding to be at the Instutite. In my mind no other venue even comes into question. But I would have loved if the motivation was differently nuanced. If Alec would have said that he's imagined it there, because yeah, Magnus's loft is his home and his heart, but the Institute must hold sentimental value for him, too. He grew up there. It's basically all he's known his whole life up to like three months ago. It's the embodiment of him being a shadowhunter and he loves being a shadowhunter, it's his identity. And Alec is a traditional guy. He wants his classical shadowhunter wedding and those are held at an Institute. He must have envisioned this after he started dating Magnus: exchanging vows in a ceremony held by a silent brother and with their wedding jewelry, in the chapel of the Institute, simply because this is the only marriage proceedure he's ever known.
Pissing off the clave, or rather, having the clave begrudingly accept him with his true self presented to the world should be a welcome byproduct, but not the main motivation.
From Magnus I would buy this line of reasoning sooner than from Alec because Magnus has hated the clave and its injustice since forever, has suffered far harsher under them than Alec, so he has a lot more personal interest to stick it to the clave than Alec, who, sorry, literally discovered their falseness three months ago. But then again, I don't think thoughts like that would be on the forefront of Magnus's mind and so it makes sense Alec would be the one to bring up this aspect. I just don't like how it was nuanced.
In any case, rewatching that scene I'm amazed at the amount of time Alec flounders before catching Magnus's attention, it's hilarious to watch XD
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Another missing scene waiting to be written, of Magnus wearing a tux around Alec (and Alec drooling over him lol).
“It's just... all these hundreds of years... I can't believe you've never been married.”
Yeah, dito. How about you expand a little more on your personal stance on marriage, Magnus?? It's for science.
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1) Wow this was quick 2) Uh-huh, guess that's why they mentioned them before this episode, oh, never.
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1) Then ralf would quit watching this show and who would make dumb comics then? 2) Lol I guess her poor ex warlock boy toy got dumped
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TMI bro
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Good. At least he's not completely delusional then.
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Gal you said “focus” like once, that's not a lesson wtf.
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Yeah, creepy creepy feelings.
But this is actually interesting since she can't lie, and she says in no uncertain terms that she wants to split her power with him, or at least the rule over earth. Buf if she's so afraid of him she even wants to rule beside him and relinquish part of her might, then I don't get why she didn't just kill him off when he was in his cocoon. Why risk making an enemy of him? Makes no sense. (Except that this would have been anticlimactic lol.) Also my question of what happened to Lucifer still stands.
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Uhhhh apparently they just slept together, turning into a child is majorly creepy wtf dude. Also, where does her changed wardrobe come from? Absorbing clothes during a transformation is a skill werewolves would pay real money for, I can tell you. Market niche. Patent while you still can.
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..................really? *sigh*
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#vulnerability #abandonment issues #give jace wayland (or whatever you want to call him) a hug dammit
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Finally, happy parabatai. What a sight for sore eyes.
Biting back more Sizzy salt, wow I'm impressed at myself.
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(Btw the German Dubbing: “I was just thinking of asking you that!” lol as if the thought had crossed Izzy's mind in that exact second, making that whole thing even more ridiculous.)
“You know, I always thought I never needed a parabatai, that I was at my best when I was on my own.”
No that was because you disliked the weird codependency it produces. And it's fine if you change your mind on that and decide that the benefits outweight that, but please don't do it offscreen during an action screen but like, throughout a whole season? Consider sharing a thought or two about that fundamental change in your world view with the audience? Otherwise people (me) can just laugh their ass of at how ridiculous and ooc this is. Wtf. WtF. Then again she literally changed her stance on relationships in like a week and her stance on Simon in half a day, so I guess it's kind of consistent?? *snort*
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There's a joke about missing hair in here somewhere. These poor, poor men. They were ROBBED. (And so were we XD)
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Since when can Clary order around the Head of Security?? (Also look at her manic face in this shot ahahaha. Was that deliberate on my part?? You can't prove a thing!!)
Also Luke missing Alec's wedding again is history repeating itself.
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Clary, gal, if you keep slinking after the rune like that you'll never catch it. Srsly. And you wonder why you lose track of it all the time? Move your butt, man!!!
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WOW GREATEST DISAPPOINTMENT EVER. Can I skip this scene? Please?
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Wow that was less painful than expected
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Oh damn I knew this was too easy.
Btw apparently they have styling opportunities wherever Jocelyn's soul went after her death, because the clothes she wore when she went west
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and the ones she's wearing now are similar, but decidedly not the same.
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“Btw we'll talk about that creepy ass behavior later, and no supper for you tonight young lady!!”
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Uh-huh, and what, pray tell, is Jocelyn? A zombie?? Just wondering.
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These so-called “angels” are racists and you can quote me on that.
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I mean. “Never draw another new rune or we'll take away your ability to create runes” basically translates to me “You have one last shot.” Right?
(Premonition!Ralf: ..........................you know nothing, Past Ralf.)
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I think the white one is the prettiest <3<3<3 And now I wanna eat cake. Dammit.
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This “beauty” clearly is from his mansion, so he obviously only says this to gloat. What a tool. Or is this like, a different size? And he has the same three pictures of himself plastered over all his homes, but in different sizes??
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LOL this feels like splitting household goods with an ex. And they didn't even date (uagh the mental image *shudder*)
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Mostly for each other, but continue.
Also, is this Lorenzo's formal request to be adopted into that weird ass Protagonist!Family? Because loooool the position of sassy shady uncle is still vacant. I'm sure Peter Hale will teach him some tricks.
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Don't get me wrong, I like the scene itself but...... what happend to the evil lizard baby? It seems that just like Maryse he got a character makeover between one scene and the next. This change of heart comes out of frakkin nowhere. He goes from “good riddance magnus i hate your guts” to “pls love me” in literally half a day. And I don't like that. Wtf.
Also, another thing: Why do they always imply warlocks are completely unable to find a lasting relationship / family / even some level of happiness that isn't “sitting in my plush villa and drinking overpriced alcohol”? As if all warlocks are inapt. Tf.
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I mean, he's been showing that through absence, but I guess that's more because of the same reasons that persistently keep Catarina from showing her face than him actually not caring about his kids, there's no real grounds for this level of desinterest in Show!Robert's character. But anyway, I like the sentiment, that conflicts between the parents don't necessarily inevitably destroy the relationships between one parent and the children. And Maryse was always good at compartmentalizing things, so this is very fitting.
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Wow I had really hoped I wouldn't have to see this particular face again. Guess we can't always get what we want *sigh* also what's the shit with those glasses? *snort*
Also, I mean, I'm by no means an expert, but even I know that you don't actually store a bow with the string attached? You unclip it so it doesn't wear out? But whatever, what do I know about angelic weaponry, right.
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Wtf he was cleared for missions seasons ago. Did they forget? Apparently? Ugh but I don't care so, moving on.
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“You'll be save on this balcony.”
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*SIGH* Honestly I'm wondering what they even learn at their dumb Shadowhunter Academy. Since common sense, first aid, and make sure your frikkin enemy is dead by slitting their throat and !never! turn your back on them are obviously not on the curriculum. SMH.
Ngl though, good riddance on the Max front XD
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Guess I cheered too early. You had one job, Jonathan. One. Job.
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Btw all the people running away, they're screaming their heads off but they're not really like, running? They're barely even jogging lol it's so funny XD
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Let me just....
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Yes. This.
Also that whole “I've never been to Toronto” totally clashes with Izzy asking Clary literally three minutes earlier if she can open her a portal to Los Angeles. I mean, they don't even try and pretend that their portal travel is consistent anymore. Sigh.
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I mean. He. Hehehe.
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Amazing that Magnus has been in this exact street in his exact spot. Luck-y.
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Same, Jonathan. Same.
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Wow she's smart trying the spite approach to get Jonathan to want to prove her wrong.
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.....or not. Wtf Clary. You had him. Even after all this, you could have salvaged this. But there's just No Happy Ending for Jonathan. It's so unfair. Rest in peace, my poor misunderstood murderous incest baby.
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Wing Rune? Death via Crushing Wing Hug??
Btw if the runes are gifts from the angels and they don't approve of her use then why do they keep sending them to her?? Just, don't? Problem solved? No need for a Jocelyn!Scolding?
Edit: As a smart person pointed out to me Clary's ability to create runes isn't a direct gift from the angels that they gave her specifically, it's a result of Valentine's neat experiments. But then I wonder a) why the angels even allowed those blasphemous experiments in the first place (since apparently they can long-distance-derune people no problem, then I guess they could have stopped Valentine too?) and b) if they have the power to long-distance-derune people and they have the power to form some sort of resistance against Clary inventing runes..... how does that add up? Why the heck can't they forge a resistance strong enough against Clary's attempts to create a specific rune? It makes no sense. You can't be ridiculously powerful in one rune-aspect and ridiculously weak in one other rune-aspect. Either the angel has power over the runes (since they were a gift from him) or he doesn't. But this is rubbish. Or, y'know, plot convenience. Ugh.
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Buhuu, they didn't use the stupid ass angelic rune ever so whatever. Until Raziel doesn't come down and exchanges her spinal marrow I'm writing this off as Consequenceless Dramatics.
Malec Wedding Ceremony. Phew. Originally I thought I'd keep this short but I changed my mind. Since this is my last reaction post I might as well go all out (with the salt, among other things), so. Here we go.
Music choice and the general everything-is-muffled-under-the-song was absolutely wonderful. I really love that song and it's very Malec-y.
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The suit suits him (ahahahaha I'm so sorry) but I'm kinda bummed he's not wearing Shadowhunter Gold?! I mean?!
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Whoever that is, she has kickass hair and I love it, and I kept looking for her in the background the whole time. To some success I might add.
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Yeah please show me Lorenzo's face instead of, idk, Jace's wtf haha. Also who invited Meliorn.
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Is it even a real wedding ceremony when the groom is already wearing his ring??
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Cat should have been the one to give Magnus away. Maryse could have given Alec away if she must (honestly, it should have been Jace, not Robert or Maryse, but whatever). But Maryse giving Magnus away? The Fuck? She HATED him two months ago. She literally gave up on him after he SAVED ALL THEIR ASSES AND WAS STUCK IN EDOM after like half a day. Also I kind hate her ridiculous redemption. But sure, have Cat, his best friend for centuries, stand on the sidelines and only show her face for a second. Frikkin Madzie had more screen time than Cat wtf. I hate that Shadowhunters infiltrate every aspect of Magnus's life and force his Downworlder friends out of it. That's the real oppression wtf. I'm so angry at this. The frikkin audacity.
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Awww, the other half second of Cat's screen time. Let me fawn over it. I love her dress, especially the arms, the necklace is a bit much but she rocks it anyway, I love her hairdo and her smile is the sweetest.
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Ngl I laughed my ass off at this. Because, y'know, communication. Is totally their thing, isn't it. They're so good at it. This is sarcastic in case you can't tell.
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I really really loved this line though.
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HAHAHA I LOST IT. I mean, I found their interlaced speaking ridiculous already, but this?? PFFFF HAHAHA. No. Just, no. But I guess the one good thing I can take away from this is that since they both say their “always” together it is in fact the same “always” so thanks for more Immortal Alec Foreshadowing.
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Whoa those are a lot of candles. I approve. Lexa does, too.
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Magnus throwing confetti is too cute for this world.
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And then they just.... leave? Am I the only one finding that weird???? This was so short? Where are they going?? lol????
Okay, apparently Clary's runes are all gonna disappear. Uh. Okay. I don't see where this makes sense, but anyway. Her acting in these last moments was absolutely awesome.
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I really love that Magnus and Raphael got the scene together that they deserved. I just enjoy that Downworlder Dad Magnus and Grumpy Son Raphael aren't treated as a Plot Devices and only interact when some Stupid Plotline requires it, but outside of it too. It's so refreshing.
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Ralf: “Oh God please spare me.”
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........not my lucky day apparently.
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Hahahaha love ya.
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Jace and Maryse dancing in the background tho. Cute.
BTW wtf, I didn't undestand Annoying!Ghost!Jocelyn in the way that Clary was gonna die. Just, she wouldn't have her fancy rune powers anymore. And okay, apparently she won't have any rune powers but... uh, death? That's a whole different dimension we're talking here. And why tf can't anyone be precise on this show for once wtf!
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1) Helen is valid and for probably the first time in her life said something smart. 2) They started dating 3 days ago, wtf gals, I mean I heard of the u-haul cliché but honestly wtf. lol.
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Ralf: *hits pause* NO. Kay, in the same room as Ralf, fully aware that the latter is watching the last half of 3x22 with the Malec Wedding (with headphones, I'm considerate and don't want to spoiler my sister): What is it? Are they adopting a child? Ralf: No, WORSE. Kay: Are they pregnant?? Ralf: NOOOOOOO Kay: Tell me. Ralf: ........no. I want to see the look on your face when you see this.
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You had one job dude. One job. And you failed.
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Ralf: I'm going to be sick.
Honestly. WTF. Sorry, but Lorenzo is probably the un-gayest character on this show. Wtf. No. I refuse. I also refuse to believe that anyone looks at Lorenzo's self-important pompous ass and thinks hnnnngh relationship material. Or worse, one-night stand material. No! No! Punching bag material! Sleek antagonist material! That's all he is dammit!!
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I REALLY AM GOING TO BE SICK WTF. UGH NO. NOOO WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE (aka screen writers) WHO THOUGHT THIS WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA. And also, can I give the biggest anti-compliment to the Max actor for the absolutely shitty delivery of this line? It's as if he's as dead inside as I am, because he says this as if he honestly couldn't give a single shit about Magnus and just ??????????????? wtf
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Yeah, that one time she glanced at him in the Ops Center really gave it away. What the actual ffkk. Alec was preoccupied with other things then, wtf, he wouldn't even notice that on a good day. Sorry, show, but less is more sometimes. Not everyone needs a frikkin significant other and this is just ridiculous. What's next, Max and Madzie? UGH.
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Lol this would be less ridic if apart from 1x05 this wasn't their first interaction.
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NO NO NO NO!!!!!! I hate that I can't stop scanning the background for them! It's like the countdown on a bomb, you can't look away even though you know you should just turn and run. WTF. NO.
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bitch what's alec been doing his whole life huh huh huh????
“Every single cell in my body loves you. And when those cells die and new ones are born those cells love you even more. So Jace, no matter what happens, my love for you will never die.”
Ridiculous Shadowhunter Biology Knowledge striking but I'll let it slide because that was really sweet.
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Also ahahaha shouldn't that rune be gone already???
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Shadowhunter #1 in the Background: *biting back a sob* I'm so crushed I wasn't invited to Malec's wedding and saddled with active duty instead. Shadowhunter #2 in the Background: *wiping away tears* Yeah, me too.... What did we ever do to deserve this </////////3
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Again, how did she understand that from the weird AF scolding??? TF.
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Uh, yeah, blatant contradiction, whatever. Btw since I know how that goes in the books (for Simon) I'm really wondering if they're gonna pull the same thing for Clary now. (Ugh.)
Also, following both a hint and innate curiosity I paused on the letter that Clary supposedly actually wrote AND WTF HAHAHAHA. I CAN'T.
Dear Jace, forgive me for leaving all of a sudden. I came to the realization that it's time for me to move on. I don't know what is motivating me to take this action but I must act on my feelings. From the first day we met we had a connection from ??? my introduction to the Shadow Hunters World. Alec, Simon, Izzy, the institute and all of the Shadow Hunters opened up skills and experiences that I could never imagine I had. You and I spent many years together and have experienced many adventures together which I will never forget. Many times over they have put our lives at risk but we have always managed to survive in the end. You have saved my life on many occasions (screen end, but I guess sth like “you have looked”) after me and taken care of me (same, “which I'll never”) forget. Your love for me I will always (“treasure”?) May our Shadows meet again, Love Clary
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........................I paused here and I was this tempted to just, stop watching. Honestly, Shadowhunters, what have you done to me. Making me honestly consider to ditch the last ten minutes of a show that I dearly, dearly love. Wtf. I just, I can't. Wow.
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Where's the beard, Luke. It's been “a year” so uh you've had time to grow it back.
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1) Magnus “left handed” Bane again writing with his right hand. Mysterious. 2) Honestly I kinda spaced out on this scene after this shot because those blue smears? I was so SURE those would be fingerpaint clumsily smeared on Magnus by Malec's Baby of Horrors. I was so focused on there being any hints of them having adopted a baby already, dreaded anguish kinda making it impossible to taking in anything else. The only thing I really noticed is that they moved with their whole ass loft and I love that.
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Honestly, this and the “High Warlock of Alicante” are the only two acceptable things about this whole terrible fever haze dream I have entered. Not that “High Warlock of Alicante” makes any sense. It just has a nice ring to it, that's all. I really can't put into words how ridiculous and, yeah, almost offensive I find it that they actually pretend that blatant racism can be wiped out of the minds of people in the matter of a single year. Sure. The whole Clave changed their racist beliefs and Alec skipped from being a mere Head of an Insitute over being a Clave Envoy to being an Inquisitor (which doesn't even make sense, since an Inquisitor seems to be going from Institute to Insitute and acting as a judge for Shadowhunters on trial, not negotiating how the Clave treats Downworlders). And which warlocks exactly does Magnus represent in Alicante? It makes no sense for the Clave to allow Downworlders to just, randomly live there? And that's got nothing to do with discrimination, that's just logic if you run a military organization: You don't allow civilians to mingle. They don't belong in the Ops Center of an organization they have no part in? I'm all for Downworlders being allowed to participate in legislative etc. but living in Alicante (as more than the significant other of a Shadowhunter) makes no sense. And sorry, I don't believe that in one year there formed SO MANY Shadowhunter/Warlock relationships that SO MANY warlocks moved to Alicante that they need a HIGH WARLOCK for representation. There's SO MUCH wrong with all of this that I have no choice but to move on.
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Hmmmm it only took Maia one (1) year to realize that carefully painting over blood splatters with yellow (and not even removing pictures while doing so) isn't in fact enough to cover them up and she needs to get a completely new paintjob, prefereably in a dark color.
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Okay that made me laugh at least.
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*rolls eyes so hard* And again with the pointless coupling up of characters. Are singles even a thing in this world? Apparently not. *SIGH*
“The Drevak Demons in Long Island?” “The hunt continues.” “Don't stop until they're gone. Is that clear?”
As much as I love Izzy, I'm not sure this dialogue really assures me of her competence as Head? I mean? “The demons are not dead yet? Kill them until they are, understood? And don’t argue with me on that, I’m super serious!!” It's not as if this isn't literally all that Shadowhunters do all day. I just don't see Izzy working a desk job. She's meant to be out in the field, slaying demons and cracking jokes and her whip while doing that. Sorry, but that's just how it is.
I could even tolerate that Sizzy scene because I was sooooo relieved Underhill didn't mention having a significant other or anything of the sort. Dodged a frakkin bullet there.
Edit: Nope, no, I can't. It's been two weeks and I have regained enough of my strength to be salty about Sizzy. But let me keep it to a minimum because time. 1) Simon not wanting to kiss Izzy in the hall is ridiculous, as if it hasn't been common knowledge since before that whole Downworlder Deputy Stuff started that they are a thing. So obviously this was just to pepper in the fact that he is in fact one of the Downworlder Deputies, whatever that should mean.
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2) Nice to know that Simon continues to exploit his girlfriend's authority. Some things never change I guess, first with Saia and now with Sizzy. 3) I just find it ridiculous that while Simon wasn't able to keep a relationship running for more than two weeks before, suddenly this one works out a whole year without a hitch. Oh right, this was The Endgame Pairing, the other's weren't. *sigh*
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<3<3<3<3<3 The Jimon Friendship we deserve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE CONTENT I WANT TO SEE, NOT WHATEVER THAT OTHER NIGHTMARISH STUFF WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Uh-huh, and what was Simon doing, exactly? Oh right.
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I mean, as much as I love this dynamic and the fact that Jace managed to form a friendship with Simon who he kinda hated / pitied before, and as much as I love this scene itself..... the implications for Jalec are terrible. Jace is obviously not coping. At All. He's one wrong word from having tears running from his eyes in any given situation. And Alec just, effs off to Alicante to sip martinis with Magnus? Thank you for nothing, Alec. Wtf. I'd like some details on when exactly he decided to leave his parabatai alone in New York with all his heartbreak.
A toned down version of events would have been better. Alec still being Head of the Insitute, fighting tooth and nail against the Clave to implement Downworlder Involvement on more levels. Magnus being the High Warlock of Brookyln (because obviously Lorenzo got sacked for misconduct, come on). Simon and Jace growing closer over the shared devastating loss of Clary. Izzy slaying demons like a Queen. Underhill being single.
We could have had it all.
“You know, I pray every day, every day to the angels that they will see that our love is stronger than their spite.”
Lol Jace I'm not sure that's the way to phrase a prayer you want heard.
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Okay, I'm gonna need several explanations here, ranked by importance:
2) How exactly did Clary go from “complete memory loss, homeless, no money, no family, no friends, no nothing, literally just the clothes on her back” to “well-adjusted human being attending school, being super successful with her art, having an appartment and an astounding lack of depression” in a year?
????? ???????? ???????????????
3) I really don't know a lot about either fashion or art, but both differ greatly from what we've seen from Clary so far. Neither her clothes match what she used to wear, nor her art style. She never drew abstract things. It was always portraits of people, or very detailed and realistic looking buildings / demons / sigils. So this doesn't really make sense either. I don't think they intended this to be the opening of a profound philosophical discussion on how much of your personality is laid down in your DNA and how much is just environment and experiences shaping you, so I really REALLY wonder why the f they did that, instead of having Clary draw Shadow World related stuff like before, when Magnus had her memories locked away.
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Love the throwback. Also love Jace's reaction of running away, it's so relatable in this situation of utter emotional overload.
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Okay, the end. I'm trying my best to end this on a slightly positive note okay, because otherwise I'll just make myself sad. First off, I HATE open endings with a passion, so this left me enraged. Second off, I can't believe the Clace Shippers were left with this as the last scene of their OTP. I kind of get it from a meta stance, they wanted there to be a point of contact for a possible pick-up, but still. They didn't even kiss. They didn't even have clarity what exactly Clary remembers. I hate it! Third off, how ridiculous is it that after a year Clary randomly remembers? Uhh? Why does the angel's punishment suddenly not work anymore? “Because love conquers all” etc. Uh-huh. Then why did it take a frakkin year? Huh, Jace?! If this had been the first time Clary and Jace see each other again, fine, I would have bought it. But “random” is such an unsatisfying explanation. Just, don't. So if you'll excuse me, I'll happily pretend none of this happened. Or it happened one month later, not a year wtf. Or I'll just follow through on my rewrite and rectify all the things I didn't like about these last two episodes.
And now that all the rage is out of the way, the good things. I loved both of Clary and Jace's acting in this scene (which lolllll I specifically point out because mostly in their couple scenes one of them fails XD). The careful way Clary touches Jace's rune and the way he almost flinches back, too raw for it, but also his vulnerable helpless smile, and how Clary smiles back. I also really liked the song. And the final shot, of the camera pulling away and into the nightsky, that was nice. It felt like an ending, so at least that gave me some closure.
I love this show. Even with all its infuriating plot holes and ooc-ness. It means a lot to me. It has inspired me to write fic like no other fandom. I plan to stick around for a long time to come, with both fics and tumblr posts. I'll rewatch episodes, obsess over details and grumble about shit I disliked because that's just what I do. It's how I show my appreciation. I guess what I'm trying to say is
Thank you
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24 notes · View notes
trashyslashers · 6 years
If you haven't cut requests off yet, I crave that slowburn Philip Ojomo/survivor content. Can be canon character or a reader, dealer's choice. The slower the burn, and the more intense the one-sided pining, the better tho. Thank you!
Finally after 800 years i finished this……. came out a lot longer than expected.
This is my first time ever writing slowburn/one-sided pining so I hope it came out okay!!!!!! I changed some of the DBD lore around a bit for this. I chose the x reader route because this blog is mainly x reader, and I had the reader be the one to get the feelings. Also I’ll be incredibly honest, I’ve never been in love or had a crush on anyone before so I hope I did an okay job of portraying those feelings.
You hadn’t any idea how much time had passed since you ended up in this…. place. Whether it was a few days, a few weeks, or a few months, you lost count long ago and gave up trying to keep track; the days felt like they were all merged together and there was no discernible time change or variation in weather.
Adjusting to the realm was hard, but you had managed to do so to the best of your abilities. While you still could, there was no need to eat or sleep; most of your time was spent waiting around the endlessly burning campfire mingling with the others or in the small, cabin-like shack that the entity responsible for putting you in this situation provided to you and the others like you as perhaps a sort of solace from everything else.
Since arriving, you’ve met an array of interesting individuals; there was Claudette - a young woman who had been incredibly kind to you since you’d shown up, David - a tough but brotherly guy, Meg - who was friendly but seemed to be full of a fierce, restless energy, and Dwight - a jittery but affable guy - to list only a few.
Along with the others who were given the same goal of survival that you were, over time you met the beings who were partially responsible for your reoccurring demise - a group of killers who were tasked with chasing you and the others down and impaling you on the baleful meathooks that littered the various areas you were dumped in during trials.
Much to your surprise, they seemed to retain a large part of their personalities from their previous life because when they weren’t attempting to kill you they, for the most part, were fairly amiable. On occasion they’d wander over to the campfire that you and the other survivors huddled around and you became somewhat acquainted with the more social of the bunch: Evan - an absolutely massive man who had a thing for bear traps, a group of reckless and rowdy young adults who referred to themselves as the Legion, and a few others.
While they were all nice, no one caught your eye as much as Philip did. Something about the tall, dark man who stood hushed to the side most of the time caught your attention and you found yourself wanting to get to know him and grow closer with him. You never interacted with him much outside of trials as he tended to keep to himself, but whenever you did he was nothing but kind towards you and the others. While in trials he could be downright terrifying, the gentleness and kindness of what little words he spoke and his actions outside always acted as a consolation.
His company became one of the few things that kept you going and you always had him in the back of your mind, wondering how he was, what he was doing, hoping he was alright. You knew he disliked being here - that he didn’t like the killing and harming he was supposed to do - and your heart hurt for him. You wanted to be there for him, be friends with him, give him some sort of comfort.
Soon enough, you found yourself going to him over and over again - finding anything you could to show him or chat with him about - anything was fair game as long as it provided a reason for you to spend time with him. It started off simple with the two of you just taking meandering walks in the woods that surrounded the campfire, talking about this and that or just staying silent. Philip didn’t speak very much - whether it was his own choice or if the Entity ruined his vocal chords you didn’t know - but it didn’t bother you. He seemed to like listening and would watch you intently as you spoke. He appreciated the company.
Over time you both grew closer, physically too. He towered over you but it didn’t stop you from giving him an occasional hug (which he happily reciprocated as best he could), tugging on his cloak to get his attention, and other small but soft touches. Your conversations grew deeper, you’d exchange stories about your lives before you wound up in this hell. You’d tell stories about school, your family, your friends, and he’d tell stories about his life before he came to America, his family, his culture, any past lovers he may have had.
You didn’t know why, but any time he spoke about a past lover (which he admitted he didn’t have many of), you felt a twinge of… jealousy, was it? You really didn’t know why - he was a friend, and that was it, so why you felt envious of anyone he used to be with was a mystery to you.
You began inviting Philip to your little cabin so you two could have more time together, and he even gave you the literal key to go see him - the tiny piece of metal which you’d burn in the campfire outside of trials which granted you access to where he stayed most of the time.
It happened one night (if you could even call it that, there was no real change in time from what you could tell) while you were in your little hut, wanting to rest a bit. The Entity eliminated the need to sleep from you and the others so you never felt physically tired, but you could still rest and get some shut eye whenever you weren’t participating in a trial. Your mind was wandering, weird, random little thoughts and scenarios popping up here and there, some of which memories from your past life, some more recent. Of course, thoughts about Philip came floating in which was nothing unusual at this point; he was almost always on your mind in some way.
You found yourself, or rather your loosely roaming mind, imagining some particularly intimate situations with him - nothing erotic, but wondering not only how it would’ve been to be in a relationship with him when he was a normal man, but what it would be like even now.
Your mind wandered a bit more before it hit you like a truck - a lurch, a flutter in your stomach, your eyes shot open and you realized - you had feelings for Philip. You were surprised but not; for awhile now you’d felt there was more than just platonic feelings of affection for him, but you didn’t dwell on it much. It slowly inched up on you and it explained why you felt jealous when he spoke about past loves and relationships, and why he always ended up on your mind in one way or another.
You’d fallen for him and you’d fallen hard. You were also incredibly unsure of what to do - does Philip even feel things like romantic interest anymore? And if he does, would he even be interested in you? He’s never shown any sort of romantic interest in you or from what you’ve seen, in anyone else. Your mind is plagued by scenarios that leave you with a feeling of sadness, dread, and embarrassment - thoughts of him finding out about your feelings and completely rejecting you.
You realized it was best that you keep your feelings a secret and that’s just what you did, but as time went on it became increasingly difficult. You were utterly infatuated with him and you thought about him all of the time. You didn’t stop spending time with him, no, rather you wanted to spend more time with him. The majority of the time that neither of you were in trials was spent together. You didn’t care if it was just you two alone or with others - as long as you were around Philip it was fine.
Not only was it his personality that you found yourself attracted to, but him physically as well. Even though some of the time you two spent together was because he was hunting you in a trial, you still felt safe around him. He always reciprocated any physical affection you gave - whether it was hugging or even hand holding and you could always feel your heart flutter with every small touch from him.
As things progressed, you could tell you were beginning to feel possessive over him in a sense. While you never acted on it, you couldn’t help but dread the thought of him spending much time with others as you feared he’d start to feel towards them how you do him. Your heart felt heavy whenever you saw him with someone else, and you noticed he was beginning to spend a lot more time with others, which while you figured was good for him… you couldn’t help but feel terribly. You felt inadequate, almost.
You hated these feelings of inadequacy - you knew Philip was friendly with everyone, not just you. And that’s okay… it’s fine. You want him to have friendships. You know he likes having friends, and you want him to be happy. But as things move on and you see him grow closer with some of the other survivors you can’t help but feel desperate. Your feelings haven’t wavered one bit, you were still incredibly besotted with him, wanting nothing more than to be with him.
You couldn’t help yourself and began asking around, subtle questions here and there, to other survivors and even a few of the killers who’d wander over - if they’ve seen any relationships develop while there, if they’re aware of any party’s feelings towards another, and the like. Most answers you got were unsure, “Ah - I’m not aware of anything. Sorry!”, or “I don’t really care much, I don’t pay much attention to that stuff.”, and left you feeling frustrated. Kate did mention that while she doesn’t know for sure, she just had a feeling that Philip was interested in someone. Your heart thumped in your chest but you kept your composure and asked if she had any idea who, to which she just shrugged and added that it wasn’t her business but it sure seemed sweet.
You hatched a plan and decided the one way to find out his feelings was to just ask him - but you had to be subtle about it and play it off as if your curiosity had just gotten the best of you. You’d taken one of the several offering pieces he had given you and fed it to the fire and eventually found yourself side by side with him, just as you both liked. The conversation topics varied from just how you’ve been lately to if anything new in the repetitive world has happened, and you eventually managed to steer the topic back to past relationships and partners.
You meant to wait for better timing, but in the middle of a sentence Philip was speaking you blurt out the question - if he was interested in anyone now. The look he gave you struck something in you; at first he seemed caught off guard, but it changed into a look of confusion and god, you hope that wasn’t a look of discomfort. A sigh, one of which was barely audible, came from him and his gaze moved from your face to the ground in front of him and he remained silent.
You felt a million different emotions; sadness, heartbreak, embarrassment, regret, fear… It really felt like your heart was hurting. He didn’t reject you, you didn’t know if he even knew about your feelings - but his lack of words and the look he gave you could only suggest that your feelings were unrequited.
All of your thoughts and emotions were halted when you felt a warm, albeit rough, hand placed over your own. Phil still wasn’t looking at you, his eyes fixed on the ground below, but the way he tentatively placed his much larger hand over your own filled you with… confusion? Hope? Maybe he felt the same way, or maybe he was trying to think of a way to let you down without upsetting you.
“Philip? Are you alright?” You asked, turning fully towards him, trying to get a better look at his face. He gave no verbal response, his only acknowledgement of your question was the gentle squeeze he gave your hand is it rested under his.
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lovixcore · 6 years
With Clods Like You (Amedot Fic) (Rewrite)
Notes: So originally this was like 800-1000 words. So it was shorter. Originally this was my favorite to write, I think just because I enjoy writing banter (I enjoy banter between them in general tho) and I enjoy writing these two, and enjoy writing comfort fics. I don’t know. I just had fun writing this one. But I like rewriting my stuff so here it is. I have 3 more fics left to rewrite, and then I’m finally finished with this fic rewriting shit for now lol.
Word Count: 1401
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15864399
Even though it was dark outside, Peridot decided that she had needed some fresh air. She would usually be in the bathroom, but it just felt so depressing and cramped. She sat on the shore of the beach. She sat on the shore of the beach, staring off into the ocean, thinking about Lapis Lazuli, the one who left her and took everything she had, because of her fear of the diamonds. Lapis had been on her mind a lot, wondering if and hoping that she would return someday. Everytime she thought about her, it stung. But she couldn't keep her mind off her. She heard something or someone shuffling through the sand, and then she turned around to see a short figure that appeared to be Amethyst.
"Hey P-Pod," Amethyst smiled at her.
"Oh! Amethyst! Hi!" Peridot said, slightly brightening up. For some reason, it always brightened her mood, even just a little bit, everytime she saw Amethyst. There was just something about Amethyst that never failed to make her happy.
Amethyst sat down next to her, "So.. how ar'ya feeling? Ar'ya doing okay?"
"Well.. I was just thinking.."
“About what?”
"Oh.. Yeah.. you still miss her, don't you?" Amethyst asked with a hurt-sounding tone.
"Uh, of course I do! After everything.. why wouldn't I?" Peridot asked.
"I dunno," Amethyst shrugged. She wanted to say 'Dot, you know that you shouldn't spend all of your time beat up over Lapis, right?', but she knew that right now wasn't the best time to say so. "So.. tell me.. What's on your mind, regarding her?"
"That I wasted my time," Peridot quipped. "On Lapis, of course. But.. I spent so much time with her, getting close to her, and she opened up to me. I even opened up to her, because maybe she would've understood my struggles with transitioning lifestyles and homes. We had Camp Pining Hearts, Pumpkin, farming, and the meep morps. I thought that everything was perfect. But aparently, that was just a huge waste of my time, because the amount that she cared about me was not nearly as much of the amount I cared about her, and looking back, deep down, I most likely wasn't happy because of the constant need to go out of my way to make sure she was happy, with no recognition whatsoever."
Amethyst looked at Peridot, straight in the eyes, "Okay.. Look dude.. I know it hurts.. I've lost someone important to me too. Maybe didn't we have the same bond. And maybe it wasn't the same situation. But she was the closest friend I had, other than you and Vidalia. But.. You can't stop living life just because she left. And you can't be sad over her forever. Life goes on."
“I know..."
"And you do know that.. I'm here for ya.. I will always be here for you. So if you ever feel like coming up to me and wanting to cry on m'a shoulder, or wanting vent to me, that's okay, because you're my best friend, Peri, I'm here for you," Amethyst comforted.
Peridot half-smiled at Amethyst, her cheeks now a light blue, "Thank you, Amethyst. You're very important to me too."
Amethyst's purple cheeks turned a few shades darker, smiling back, "I'm glad I am."
After moments of silence, Peridot finally spoke, "...Amethyst?"
"W-what if.. What if you leave me too?" Peridot asked, anxiously.
"Dude. I'd never leaave you. Never ever," Amethyst answered, sounding like she was on the verge of laughing. "Buhsides, I'd be a complete idiot if I did."
"No. You'd be a clod, to be exact," Peridot said, teasingly correcting her.
Amethyst blushed, now smiling again, "You're such a dork, Peridot."
"HEY! Peridot hissed, playfully pushing Amethyst, now giggling. Amethyst started giggling too.
“Oh man.. I miss this.."
“Miss..what..?” Peridot asked, now confused.
"I miss being able to hang out with you!" Amethyst exclaimed. "I missing laughing with you, I miss getting to do things with you, I miss pissing you off, I miss being with you. And.. even though you're right here, I miss you, so much.. Ugh.."
"I've missed you too, Amethyst," Peridot admitted, now blushing herself.
"I feel like.. that we only get to hangout when one of us feels like crap," Amethyst said, pointing out the obvious.
"I'm sorry," Peridot apologized.
“Uh. For what?” Amethyst asked.
"I was so invested in Lapis, so invested in taking care of her and make her happy that I forgot about you and the others.. And even when we did hangout, and Lapis was there, I was more attentative to her then anyone else."
"Peri, don't apologize. It's okay. You were just looking out for your friend," Amethyst reassured. "But on the brighter side, now we can hangout alot more often! There's so much I gotta introduce to ya!"
“Like.. what exactly?” Peridot asked
"Like that.. ocean!" Amethyst pointed out. "I love running through it, barefooted. And I love getting to see m'a hair flow in the water." She then pointed to the boardwalk, "And the awesome food that the Beach City Boardwalk has! And Funland! And the arcade! And the activities! There's so many fun things here."
"Welll.. I do need something else to do other than reside in the bathroom all-day," Peridot said. "But - I do need someone to do it with me."
"I got'cha covered, Dot," Amethyst said. "Buh-sides, I actually need to hangout with ya anyways! It's literally been light years."
"Well actually, Amethyst, it's roughly been a week," Peridot corrected.
"No no no nerd. I mean just the two of us. No Stevo, no Garnet, no Pearl, no Lapis, and definitely no drama. Just fun! And just the two of us, of course!" Amethyst insisted.
"Well, I suppose that we can."
"Yes!" Amethyst bursted out with glee, wrapping her arm around Peridot's shoulder and embracing her, in excitement.
Peridot smiled back at the excited quartz, and then sighed, "Amethyst.. do you think Lapis will ever.. come back?"
"Well.. if ya want me to be honest and not sugarcoat the whole thing, I don't know Dot," Amethyst admitted. Peridot frowned. And Peridot frowning made Amethyst upset because she hated seeing Peridot upset. "But! Uh. Let's hope that she will! But once again, let's not have you spend all your time locked up in the b-room, moping over her. Okay, Peri?"
"Okay," Peridot said. Amethyst then leaned on Peridot's shoulder, making her blush. "So.. you promise that you'll never leave?"
"I promise," Amethyst said. "Buttt, while we're making promises and stuff, can ya promise me somethin?"
“Of course."
"Promise me you'll never fake who you are and your happiness just for someone else's sake ever again. And promise me you won't bend over backwards for someone else's sake either. Okay? It's unhealthy and I definitely like the real you better."
"Wait. You knew that I was being 'overly happy' and 'bubbly' for a reason?" Peridot asked, sort of suprised.
"Uh dude. It was painfully obvious. I literally noticed it whenever I saw you and Lapis near each other," Amethyst said. "But.. I never really said anything just because I thought it was because I was jealous or somethin like that."
“You were jealous?”
"I mean.. a little.. I guess. It's hard not to when your someone who gets jealous easily and your bestfriend devotes all of her time and energy to another gem," Amethyst explained, blushing a little out of embarresment.
"But. I do mean it when I say now that I'll never fake my happiness, and bend over backwards just for her. It's important and good to be selfless, but.. not to the point where it's unhealthy," Peridot promised.
"Thank you, Peridot. I'm glad you realized that," Amethyst smiled. Silence hit them for a moment, or two, then Amethyst finally spoke, "So.. do you ever think about Homeworld at all?"
"Of course I do, Amethyst," Peridot answered, sounding mildly defensive.
"I meant, do you miss it?" Amethyst asked. "Like.. at all?"
"No. I do not."
"So if ya had the oppurtunity to ever go back, you wouldn't?" Amethyst asked.
“Nope. Never.”
“Even though you’re stuck here with clods like me?” Amethyst asked, half-teasingly, half-serious.
"Yes," Peridot smiled, hugging the gem who was still leaning on her shoulder. "With clods like you."
Amethyst blushed, snuggling into the green gem, "Yeah.. I'm actually really happy you're here too Dot."
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harrv · 7 years
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today may not be a good time to post this and im sorry for blowing up ur notifs but what the fuck !!!! i hit 1.1k followers !!!! i usually do my follow forever posts at end of the year but i didn’t do this last year bc i was waiting to hit 1k ! now here i am !
i made this blog on april 21, 2014 and had my first post in may 1st of the same year then abandoned this blog and officially came back after a year and now this blog has been running since july 2015 lmao it took me 2 yrs to get 1k rip me
anyways! my experience here on tumblr is Awesome so far! (i am not being sarcastic) (or am i?) and i met great people thru here and have made a lot of amazing friends and lost quite a few, sadly
of course @ everyone thank you thank you thank you thank you all for making my tumblr experience great! i still don’t even understand why y'all still follow my lame ass trash of a blog but i couldn’t ask for more lol i love y'all for still keeping up
NOW all i wanted to do right now at this very fucking moment is to give my mutuals a Huge Shoutout for being so so fucking lovely and so so fucking awesome and so so fucking nice! (even tho i only every occasionally talked to some of you and wish i had the guts to talk to everyone), my sappy ff starts below! :)
special mentions
the pepito elvis gc (i am only mentioning the ones that talk the most) - amy aka the louie who mistaken this harrie gc for a larrie gc (@given-a-chance), cat (@smolbirds), brenda aka my mom (@sweetcreature-lou), amber aka pure (@skamb3r) , antwahnise (@gilmoregirlsau), and fucking ciarra aka #1 harry hater who also sings like an angel (@larriez)
what the flipping fuck guys i love every single one of you??? thank fuck im in the same gc as y'all and thanks for indulging the shit outta me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even this gc is still a Baby (its only three weeks old) i had so many fun memories with y’all :’) and i think its really cute waking up with like 79 messages <3</p>
henri (@onlyangele) - love even tho we had only talked thru replies u made me laugh so much binch wish we could talk more
vika (@louisosoft) - the sweetest darling!!! every time i see u on my notifs i fucking smile bc i just love ur blog ok??? and i love ur cat even tho i kinda despise cats (dont block me im a dog person)
libby (@angelpolvo) -  girl………………… ur the Gayest and also the Nicest and i just love the shit out of you??? i love that we screamed over josephine vander bc thats what gays do right ??? and bitch??? is she urs already???? I AM DYING TO KNOW PLS UPDATE ME
rachel (@sugarbabykink) - rachel, u cute ok?? ur very fucking cute and i love seeing you on my dash, tw*tter tl, and ig :’) and **** ** ******** forever
liz (@angelharry) - remember when u wanna change your url but you’re scared and i was the one who encouraged you to change it and supported u thru it wow Great Times lol and i love your shitposts???? you’re one of the funniest people i met in my life ??  wow ?????????????
……and of fucking course, the snapchat king, the louis to my harry, the harry to my louis, my moon and stars, the bitch who still puts up with my stupid gay ass and im wondering why he still does that wtf……………………………..
agatha (@lourrious) - bih. what the fuck ??? i would d*e for you???? i never thought we’d be friends until Now??????? such Soulmates we are, aren’t we? the universe really found a way for us to meet again ? wow ? and thank fuck i knew you !!!! thank you for always making my day and making me laugh with ur snaps and making me smile whenever im sad. you are always there to comfort me, and i never met someone like that til you. bih, i would sell my liver just to meet you in person. im getting all sappy bc of u bitch and i love getting sappy. i treasure you very close to my heart. heck i treasure you in my heart. you’re always in my heart bih :3) :3) :3) :3) :3) :3) :3) :3) :3)
that’s it whew okay lets start
(bolded are…well..u know the drill)
# to b
@1-800-garbage @1989rosesxx @19yrs @1dconcertblog @3chic @8walls @acejade @aimhpal @alestiaa @alwaysinmyheartweet @amaerie @anathemaer @anchorliam @andd-all-his-little-things @ange1s @angelbud @angelharry @angelhoney @angeliety @angeltaurus @asterfairy @aurae @avenroger @babeharrie @beauthxrry @beingsoft @bengaligf @beysharrys @bloglaurel711 @blushbae @boringangel @buerella @butimthechosen1 
c to e
@candybisous @catharticphan @cherrielouie @chilllarries @coffeegirlfriend @compasstatt @complementarytatts @constellarry @curlycuelou @dancerharry @dareharry @degenerateharry @doriangrayss @dvinefeminine @eclecticitys @ecliptique @edolouis @elebeard @engjelll @estrelune @etherealnyc @everrsincenewyork @eversincesnlharry @exposealienharry
f to g
@fairydustlou @favoriteirishmember @feminist-tomlinson @fendiontop @filthyt0kyo @fireprocf @flowoury @flufy-louis @fondsmol @fooledangel @foolsgoldkink @forharrys @frickydazzle @fuckboivibes @fuckingastrology @gaysfic @gayymothman @geantle @geminivenus  @gigglelou @gilmoregirlsau @girlov @given-a-chance @glitterrthug @gloomycancer @glowingangel @glowystyle @godgavemelou @goldenharrie @goldvnbby @grapefruitseltzer @grinching @growgardens 
h to k
@h-isforhome @happileeds @happlouis @haroldtwerkin @harrsys @harryandlana @harryfromplanetstyles @harryftariana @harryhugs @harrylouie @harryrs @harrys @harrysgayalbum @harrystyles-mybabyboy @harrystylesisaprettyprincess @harrystylesthealbum @harryz @hazzastop @heckheckk @hershelstyles @hesnlt @highlightharry @holyfucklarrry @homeisharry @homelyrics @homemp3 @horchati @howgreenmetblue @hufflepufsh @hzzs @imafoolforlou @iridescentblooms @itrose @itslovestylinson @jeffsazoff @jennydixon @kalelube @kathrynactually @kingsofpeace @kissharryufool @kitkatp @kiwilivemp3 @knjpeg
l to m
@languidheart @larriekisses @larriez @larrsygettinglarried @larrydagger @latte-louis @laurnts @lhrryonce @liames @lilcurlies @liltinylouis @louiesdarlings @louis2k15 @louisbuttcheek @louisisloved @louislikesboys @louislittletummy @louisosoft @louiswantstomarryharry @lourrious @lovehoperomance @loves2much @loveutae @lthica @lunarosa @magicalhalo @memeharry @menudo @mexicanasapphic @minirose @mitamdemo @mitamhalo @moonblessd @moonsunhl @mounshine @mutualfond
n to r
@notsebastan @oceanoflouis @ofsighs @olivemel @onlyangele @onlyangelharold @oopstatt @organicysl @packersbeanie @pearlgorl @petalful @peterpansexuallarrie @pinkflowerlarrie @pinkflowersharry @pinkhalo @poppunknouis @poptropicaofficial @purerosewaters @rainbowlads @realfalsiane @realytired @redsatin @redyke @rlphlaurn @rose-forces @rosegoldeyelids @rosehoneywater @roseofhalfeti @rosedgirls @roseputa @roseylouie @rosyharry 
@satinmilk @scaryharrybooeylouis @sccorpio @secret-lil-rendez-vous @sherrybomb @shimmersapphic @skamb3r @smolbeanlt @smolbirds @sofharry @some-guys-like-guys @spaannk @spceboystyles @sspookyjimchristmas @strawberrylipg1oss @strawberrypiebaby @styles2017 @stylesandtrash @stylespaceboy @stylespug @stylinsoney @stylishirish @sugarbabykink @sweetcreature-lou @syzygay 
t to z
@t-h-e-q-u-i-e-t @thegayankle @thegaynkle @thekhilla @thelovesclubs @thereylouis @thestyles @tigertat @tomlinfeeling @tomlinfinitys @tomlinsonaoki @toxicsxciety @trianglelouie @tzujs @unf @vanillagloss @vagueangel @vainbitch @vibrantess @victoryjacket @viplourry @virgomtv @warmfringe @waturs @westindia @wildepixie @wwwlouis @xlytherin @yowapeda @yslfond @yvesdidas @yvhes @zarnes @zourrygf
i thought i’d like to add my fave non mutuals bc i usually unfollow non mutuals but here are the ones that made it so hard for me to click on their unfollow button:
@organicstunts @kindofsharethat @dunkirks @domestic-harry @softhie @thedebutsingle @worththewhiletweet @youfuckingloosah @softestswan @birdonahotdog 
224 notes · View notes
oe-r-blog · 7 years
i fell in love w this amazing girl when i was at school, i tried getting her attention by waking past her n trying to get her to look at me, funny bc she tells me that i had her heart at "Hello" we dated and it was an adventure, we made promises to each other i still haven't broken mine, on February the 14th she gave me something to me so special, something she hasn't gave no one b4, as i touch her body and stroke her hair i fall deeper and deeper, her lips are soft that i cry for her lips to be against mine, we dated for 1 year and 5 months, i broke up with her bc i had done some stuff that if people knew who she was and what she meant to me, they would of gone after her💔... that's the most scariest thing in life to think about, i lied to her about being w other woman and had to make it look real by bringing one hoe to my house just to keep company, i never wanted to do anything w that girl while she was at my house, all we did was watch tv n be on the phone, well later on i fix the situation that i was in and i started to talk to her and we started to hang out a lot, since then when i got home from seeing her again i was sooo mad n sad to my self bc wat i had to out her thru in order for her to be safe, March 25 2k17 was her birthday and not sure if it was the weekend after her birthday but she went to a car meet and met a guy, they "talked/dated idk" for a week or so, but i have told her wat i felt and wat happened, why i had to push her away for a while, she believed me, well so i thought she did, i let all my feelings out to her and told her my deepest secrets, i asked her if we could start talking but she did tell me she is scared to hurt someone else's feelings, i told her "Babygirl it's just me n u in this world and only us can be happy and adventures" she decided to come w me, so i thought.., i've felt love b4 w other woman but not w her, this was totally different, and by different i mean i was set to spend the rest of my life w her, anyways it turned out she was playing me and lying to me about things straight to my face when she was the one to say that we have to be honest with everything, i never cheated on her EVER! she to me? idk.., on a sunday i went over to her house and i asked if her and someone she kinda had feelings for were going to date, she told me that he asked her if they could start talking and she said yes, but she also told me she was goin to talk to him bc we were still sexually active, that night she came over was good 😁😁 we fucked till 4 AM🤷🏻‍♂️ On wednesday the 3rd i remember everything so clearly, i went over to her house again and well b4 i left her house we had agreed that we both will put effort on our relationship to get back together bc i did kno she lost feelings for me but still loved me, i got her feelings back 2 weeks ago that sunday i went over, we went to the club and we both had an amazing night, she kept kissing me like if we were alone, anyways well yea we both agreed to work on this for real this time, i go over again that same day but around 11Pm we go and play basketball, "Vroom!" sounds the guys car she said she kinda had feelings, she rushes to them and leaves me w out saying anything, as i see here he comes with his brother, they approach me and say "why are u talking to my girl" of course i didn't kno what they were talking about, well her brother yells and says "who's your boyfriend right now!" i turn and look at her and she looks at me and looks away so quickly and says "He is my boyfriend" as i hear this terrifying words my heart breaks into million of pieces.... it turns out they were dating and she was playing me this whole time, but i was told she wanted both of us...is it true idk bc till this day she still won't give me the chance to talk to her so all this could be explained, the next day i went to her boyfriend and talked things out, it turns out as well everythingg she told me was a lie, ik all the truth that she did and ik for a fact wat was the lies, i went to her house again, and she told me, i still remember these words and they still kill me... y'all ready? 😞 "I NEVER LOVED YOU, GET OUT OF HERE, STFU, I WAS NEVER GOING WITH YOU TO CANCUN OR FL OR THE DATE" oh yea i forgot to tell u y'all, i was going to take her to Cancun Mexico just bc i loved her so much, i told her we weren't going to go anymore bc i wanted it to be a surprise, i already had the flight tickets and rooms booked bc i knew she didnt have enough to pich in, anyways my heart broke ones more by the same girl i loved and i still do, am i wrong for still loving her? well she told everyone to let me kno that she doesn't want anything w me anymore and to leave her alone, as stupid i looked i had to return $800 worth single plane tickets and $700 worth of a hotel and $1,500 of just spending money for when we were at cancun, till this day i love her and will still take her back even tho ik ALLL the truth, why? bc i love her, she doesn't believe me that i love her but I LOVE HER so much that i would do anything to be w her😞 she knos what she did was wrong, in scared that she wants to get back but doesn't want to bc of what she did to me but i forgive her, am i wrong? idc i want her in my life 😞 that's my story of how my only heart was broken and still is just for revenge i would like to believe... idk someone of y'all will kno who and wat i'm talking about and some might not but lmk what y'all think..
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
okay another tgcf lb i powered through and finished book 1 this is kinda long its chapters 43-57
first off i love a lil spy mission. these things never go smooth
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naughty unlucky trespassers get banished to the giant leech chamber
dont know that i care for the inclusion of “scary savage redskinned cannibal tribe” i mean i guess i dont know maybe its got a different cultural context but i just have a hard time with that one hmmmm at least its over quickly
this really seems to be a book of everyone already knows everyone but that makes sense considering how fucking old everyone is
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dope. this whole little armory stand off was fun but also oh no!!! fire in ghost city!!!
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awww i love him. king of not wanting anyone to die :’( also hey he did something cool!!! very competent!!! although it looks like he did get hurt from it god his bad luck never ends
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yeah exactly!!!!! sword in one hand flower in the other!!! thats what its all about!!!!
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mmmmmmm. MMMMMMMMMM. rich fuckers. but also feng xin was the first to show up either way.... im still care him. followed by mu qing who is talking trash but still here as well
also i might back what i said about lang qianqiu im not sure if he knows anything i think he is just like that. although theres still room for him to be involved something. im switching most of my suspicions to wind master qingxuan now because he is popular and rich
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okay if im reading this right this seems pretty in character for lang qianqiu. “i dont like that your family is in power.” “haha what a silly guy :) i have no concerns about you”
but xie lian is admitting to this??? :O curious to find out more about if he did indeed do some slaughter or if he’s protecting someone else. if he is protecting someone i think it could be lang qianqiu himself in some way. genuinely unsure tho he may very well have just done this idk who am i to deny him complexity
theres that interesting little note that most officials have also committed similar crimes but never have to face it bc mortals just die
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pei ming you’re half right but shut the fuck up no one asked you. i feel strong dislike towards him sorry to any potential pei ming stans reading this. maybe im sorry maybe not im not sure yet i feel strongly about this
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i see this happen on cdramas all the time i love it. i point at you in lieu of words
i do think all the politics and gossip and the way that officials will change sides to gain favor/not lose it depending on which way the wind is blowing is pretty interesting i like that its in here
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i love that xie lian is making sure that someone takes care of the people hes taken in and also i love everything about this sentence although i feel like we’re not going to see much of banyue which is a shame bc i liked her
oh is it flashback time? this is fun
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hmm!!! interesting!!! i like this response!! i have nothing funny or smart to say about it i just like it
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this is an understanding that only comes after living through great pain and/or loss. hmm.
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hmmm!!!!!!!! questions!!! presumably thematic ones!!!
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please let us dig into whatever is going on in this little trio. actions speak louder than words mu qing
okay here we go feng xin is here and im not going to screencap the whole thiing but wow these two see each other and half a page later start swinging okay
oh my god hua cheng giving us a jailbreak arc? instant chaos. amazing
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scream everything about this is funny. maximum cunt behavior. everyones reaction fadsjflksdjlk;afsl
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mxtx: all characters other than hualian are straight mxtx: the thing feng xin is most afraid of is a women’s bath also women in general he is afraid of them fajkdjskfslda i mean there could be other reasons for this but its very funny in that context
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stop theyre too much faslfkjasdf im so glad we’re getting this
im not 100% sure how i feel about these swords that. moan? hmm.
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xie lian king of speaking out against stan culture. for real tho i feel like this makes sense with how young he was when he ascended and how much favor he gained only to be banished, as well as with how gods have to be what the people say that they are. this is made interesting bc xie lian is quite literally a god but this is still an issue!!
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this is more less what im currently envisioning on our little side trek except qi rong's vibes are so rancid im retching from behind the screen and im not getting to watch any little creatures dance so its objectively a worse time but at least xie lian is there
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reading this book full of immortals beat the shit out of each other is like watching looney toons
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hua cheng is relentless. also THE DRAMA. lang qianqiu youre back on the list!!! although i doubt any of this will be straightforward also i feel like im playing among us rn im dizzy
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hes awful and probably irredeemably so but hes also funny. imagine being qi rong youre just vibing rancidly in your cave and some fucker shows up using the name of a prince from 800 years ago and turns out its hua cheng and he slams your head into the floor over and dribbles it like a basketball until you lay the blame for said princes death and turns out that fucker youre blaming is also here and just as youre getting into it with him this other fucker says that youre lying and turns out its your cousin. wyd
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bruh they melted qi rong
oh its a clone. okay. aww kind of sad that he once looked up to xie lian. maybe some sympathy for going mad. oh wait actually he was a spoiled and pampered prince? sympathy depleted again. tis a waste but. alas
wind master just told xie lian that he was lucky to have befriended hua cheng... and xie lian agreed.... interesting interesting
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noting that those two are notorious for clashing and yet jun wun is making them work together
i actually got teary at xie lian talking to his parents coffins and wondering for a second if he heard his mom. god. 800 years... :(
QI RONG IM GOING TO FIND YOUR ASHES MYSELF WTF this whole situation with the child sucks :/
oh my god thats where it ends??? wowie. okay damn i was going to take a break after i finished book one but god thats tempting
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hammyfanfic · 6 years
Thine Evermore (Hamlet x Ophelia)
Pairing: Hamlet x Ophelia
Word Count: it is around 800 words. Sorry i got very excited about writing this…. I am just very passionate about writing for Hamlet and Ophelia because they didn’t deserve the ending that they got. They only deserved happiness..
Warnings: flufffffffff!
A/N: Prepare for a long author’s note. It’s about to get real. It’s just so sad that Hamlet and Ophelia don’t get together!! They were definitely meant to be and I wish we got to see more time of them actually in love. All of my legit concerns will be under a keep reading tab if you are interested. This first scene takes place right after the duel in an alternate universe where Ophelia didn’t actually drown. Thank you guys!! I’d love to hear some feedback, so let me know what you think about this fic.
in which Hamlet and Ophelia get a happy ending
“Thine evermore, most dear lady, I have loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you. I have loved you for a thousand years, and I will continue to love you for a thousand more. You possess such a sweet and forgiving soul and the most generous of hearts. I thank you for accepting me as I am and relieving me of my terrible sins. I do not deserve such a gentle woman like you as my queen, but I shall see that the folk of Denmark do. Would you do me the honor of serving as my partner in love and in life?”
Hamlet took Ophelia’s hands in his own and sealed his proposal with a kiss. Nothing was going to stop them from being happily together. They had been through so much together that it only made sense for them to elope.
It had been only a few minutes since King Claudius and Gertrude died during the duel between Hamlet and Laertes. Hamlet and Ophelia were taking an evening walk in the Palace Garden. After so many traumatic deaths had occurred, both of them were taking time to figure out their relationship. This moment allowed them to settle things and talk more directly to each other.
As coronation day approached, Hamlet and Ophelia were preparing for the start of their long reign over the kingdom. With a new king and queen came new festivities to celebrate. The wine was flowing and the guests were mingling as more people piled into the throne room.
As a wedding gift, Hamlet decided that he wanted to premiere a new play that he had written specifically for Ophelia. He thought it was the only gift that could accurately describe the intensity of their relationship. It had their whole love story intertwined into the plot and how they got to be where they are today. There was no talk about death and sadness as they both watched the play.
Hamlet and Ophelia were perched on their big thrones where they watched the children of the kingdom running around and playing in the throne room. All they could do was stare at each other blissfully, happy with the life that they had built with each other.
Cont. A/N
sO Here are SOME OF YA GIRL’S opinions about the whole play: (in bullet points so it’s easy to follow)
Firstly, we are told that hamlet and ophelia are in love but we never actually see it!! What??
From the start, he was just creeping around and randomly sighing in her room so we never got to see them actually in love
Think about how much better this play would have been if the audience got to see them in love
I WOULD BE literally be LIVING MY BEST LIFE!!! It would be great
And then ophelia legitimately dies on us. She dies on us!!!
THE GIRL GOES INSANE NOT ON PURPOSE tho (cough unlike hamlet cough) and then drowns!!!!!
I think it was good that claudius died because that was kind of the main goal from the start
Also he would’ve gotten in the way of Hamlet and Ophelia which would have made this whole story even more complicated
Gertrude is another story…..
I think she is so FAKE, and I literally cannot believe she married her husband’s brother
Especially when we can confirm that they went to bed together and DID all the things that husband and wife do
Gertrude and Claudius are NOT IT
If all of the stuff in this bullet list got fixed, I think all my dreams regarding this play would be fulfilled
I thought it was good to include the whole garden into the story I wrote because I think it is a key part of this
I wish Shakespeare did something like Ophelia didn’t really drown and she shows up during the duel.
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