#yeah. yeah i am my own worst enemy. one bad thing and i'll just keep thinking abt it for the next month or so
bixiaoshi ยท 2 years
ah my friend was right i did keep thinking abt it.
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aita-blorbos ยท 11 months
wibta for manipulating the mechanics of my world?
Hi, I'm a builder. I don't know much about myself, but I know I seriously love building things. I just woke up in this beautiful world with limitless materials and nothing else to do. I don't remember anything about who I am or how I got here, just my name (you can call me S) and that I really, really, really love to build things.
It was morning when I woke up here, and I was pretty excited to start making this world my own. I worked all day, cutting down trees, making tools, and earning a real sense of achievement. When night came around, I wasn't even tired! I was going to just keep working and sleep when I can build myself a bed.
Exceptโ€ฆ night is really weird here. All of these monsters show up - skeletons that shoot at you, zombies that chase you down, slimy blobs that try to smother you, and these weird walking bush things that go all kamikaze on you. It's the worst! How am I supposed to construct my dream home in these conditions?
So, yeah, I died on my first night. It was a horrifying experience. I thought it was all over for me, but then I justโ€ฆ woke up again! That was almost worse, if I'm being honest. It was like all my wounds had disappeared, but that lingering sensation of deathโ€ฆ eugh. I'll never forget that feeling.
I picked up all my stuff from before - I guess my body teleported away when I got un-death'd? - and just hid in a hole until morning. It was the worst night of my life! You'd think things would be better now that I have a house, but life is still really difficult. I keep getting shot, and then this tall thing tried to kill me for literally no reason, and I'm just so sick of it. I'm not good at combat, I mean, I almost died while I was trying to craft a new sword last night!
I don't want to give up, though. Maybe justโ€ฆ make a quick change. There's this sort of thing I can do, I'm not sure how it works, but I can make life easier by changing how the world operates. I can make myself heal faster, I can make my hunger go away, and I can make my enemies weaker (or even disappear altogether). It's a pretty sick deal.
Things don't feel quite as rewarding this way, but I'm really only interested in building a house anyway. I mean, one of those zombies knocked down my door last night. I don't want to mess with their agency or anything, but like, again, how am I supposed to build in these conditions?? I don't think it's too rude to justโ€ฆ make them weaker. I'm not getting rid of them, just making them easier to kill. That's not too bad, right?
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sturnsbae ยท 5 months
PROMPT LIST! โ€” โ˜†
disclaimer: you are MORE than welcome to suggest your own ideas as well! also, please do not combine more than 3 prompts! and donโ€™t forget to please clarify the prompts when you request!! <3
1. "you're the only one who can calm him down"
2. โ€œyour fans don't like me"
3. โ€œiโ€™m here baby, don't worry"
4. "i love you more than anyone"
5. โ€œcome cuddle me"
6. โ€œi want attention"
7. โ€œquit stealing all the pillows!โ€
8. โ€œyouโ€™re my new pillowโ€
9. โ€œiโ€™m so drunk i think i love youโ€
10. โ€œthereโ€™s room for two!โ€
11. โ€œstop being grumpyโ€
12. "aww you're blushing!"
13. โ€œyou make me feel safeโ€
14. โ€œcan i get your number?"
15. โ€œiโ€™m scared to meet your family"
16. โ€œi love your family, they make me feel so welcome"
17. โ€œi like showing you offโ€
18. โ€œi miss you"
19. โ€œi need you right now"
20. "that's the prettiest fan i've ever seen"
21. โ€œiโ€™m so stressed outโ€
22. "lets have a movie night"
23. โ€œcan i do your makeup?"
24. "dance with me"
25. โ€œit's a tiktok trend i'm sorry!"
26. โ€œdo this tiktok with me"
27. โ€œlet's go on a drive"
28. โ€œyou're drunk, i'll help you"
29. โ€œi like that nickname"
30. "i like that outfit on you
31. โ€œmy clothes look better on you anyways"
32. โ€œbake with meโ€
33. "let's go shopping"
34. โ€œiโ€™m sick"
35. โ€œyou're ticklish?!"
36. โ€œlet me teach you how to ice skate"
37. โ€œtake me to get my wisdom teeth out"
38. โ€œhave you seen my hoodie?"
39. โ€œstop video taping me this isn't funny!"
40. โ€œdon't you dare post that"
41. โ€œi look uglyโ€
42. โ€œhe won't stop talking about youโ€
1. โ€œwas this all just a joke to you?โ€
2. "we're just hooking up, it's nothing serious"
3. "why don't you ever post me?"
4. "iโ€™ll change for you, i promise"
5. "i got in a fight because of you"
6. "i thought you cheated, i'm sorry"
7. "no need for attitude!"
8. "yeah, i'm jealous"
9. "forgive me?"
10. "theyโ€™re my ex, we broke up for a reason donโ€™t worryโ€
11. โ€œare you really that oblivious?โ€
12. โ€œi want this to be real, not fake anymoreโ€
13. โ€œyeah i like you, dipshitโ€
14. โ€œi want you, not them.โ€
15. โ€œcanโ€™t you make some time for me?โ€
16. โ€œi donโ€™t even know who you are anymore!โ€
17. โ€œforget it, youโ€™re a fucking asshole.โ€
18. โ€œdonโ€™t ever do that again!โ€
19. โ€œdo you even love me anymore?โ€
20. โ€œcan you shut up and listen to someone other than yourself for once in your life?โ€
21. โ€œi told you not to fall in love with me.โ€
22. โ€œthe worst thing is, that even after all of that, iโ€™m still in love with you.โ€
23. โ€œwhy are you even here?โ€
24. โ€œare you even listening to me?!โ€
25. โ€œif you love me, youโ€™ll let me goโ€
26. โ€œi cant keep doing this to myself!โ€
27. โ€œyou donโ€™t know me, so donโ€™t act like you do.โ€
1. โ€œyouโ€™re my tutor? absolutely not.โ€
2. โ€œyou havenโ€™t called me an asshole yet today, everything okay?โ€
3. โ€œi guess were partners for thisโ€ฆโ€ โ€œoh please someone kill me now.โ€
4. โ€œjust cause our parents are friends doesnโ€™t mean we areโ€
5. โ€œstop following me around like a lost puppy!โ€ โ€ฆ โ€œmaybe you being around isnโ€™t so bad.โ€
6. โ€œcongratulations, i guess.โ€ โ€œoh, are you done being an asshole now?โ€
7. โ€œdonโ€™t feel special that iโ€™m here, my mom made me come.โ€ โ€œmhm, sure.โ€
8. โ€œare they fighting again?โ€ โ€œworse, theyโ€™re kissingโ€
9. โ€œdid i just hear a โ€˜thank youโ€™?โ€ โ€œdo not get used to hearing that.โ€
10. โ€œi am not getting in that car with you, are you crazy?โ€
11. โ€œdo you ever stop complaining?โ€ โ€œyou ever think that if you stopped being an idiot i wouldnโ€™t need to complain?โ€
12. โ€œwhy do you hate me?โ€ โ€œyou think i hate you?โ€
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sturnsbaebackup ยท 10 months
disclaimer: you are MORE than welcome to suggest your own ideas as well! also, please do not combine more than 3 prompts! and donโ€™t forget to please clarify the prompts when you request!! <3
1. "you're the only one who can calm him down"
2. โ€œyour fans don't like me"
3. โ€œiโ€™m here baby, don't worry"
4. "i love you more than anyone"
5. โ€œcome cuddle me"
6. โ€œi want attention"
7. โ€œquit stealing all the pillows!โ€
8. โ€œyouโ€™re my new pillowโ€
9. โ€œwhy are your feet so cold?โ€
10. โ€œthereโ€™s room for two!โ€
11. โ€œstop being grumpyโ€
12. "aww you're blushing!"
13. โ€œyou make me feel safeโ€
14. โ€œcan i get your number?"
15. โ€œiโ€™m scared to meet your family"
16. โ€œi love your family, they make me feel so welcome"
17. โ€œi like showing you offโ€
18. โ€œi miss you"
19. โ€œi need you right now"
20. "that's the prettiest fan i've ever seen"
21. โ€œiโ€™m so stressed outโ€
22. "lets have a movie night"
23. โ€œcan i do your makeup?"
24. "dance with me"
25. โ€œit's a tiktok trend i'm sorry!"
26. โ€œdo this tiktok with me"
27. โ€œlet's go on a drive"
28. โ€œyou're drunk, i'll help you"
29. โ€œi like that nickname"
30. "i like that outfit on you
31. โ€œmy clothes look better on you anyways"
32. โ€œbake with meโ€
33. "let's go shopping"
34. โ€œiโ€™m sick"
35. โ€œyou're ticklish?!"
36. โ€œlet me teach you how to ice skate"
37. โ€œtake me to get my wisdom teeth out"
38. โ€œhave you seen my hoodie?"
39. โ€œstop video taping me this isn't funny!"
40. โ€œdon't you dare post that"
41. โ€œi look uglyโ€
42. โ€œhe won't stop talking about youโ€
1. โ€œwas this all just a joke to you?โ€
2. "we're just hooking up, it's nothing serious"
3. "why don't you ever post me?"
4. "iโ€™ll change for you, i promise"
5. "i got in a fight because of you"
6. "i thought you cheated, i'm sorry"
7. "no need for attitude!"
8. "yeah, i'm jealous"
9. "forgive me?"
10. "he/sheโ€™s my ex, we broke up for a reason"
11. โ€œare you really that oblivious?โ€
12. โ€œi want this to be real, not fake anymoreโ€
13. โ€œyeah i like you, dipshitโ€
14. โ€œi want you, not them.โ€
15. โ€œcanโ€™t you make some time for me?โ€
16. โ€œi donโ€™t even know who you are anymore!โ€
17. โ€œforget it, youโ€™re a fucking asshole.โ€
18. โ€œdonโ€™t ever do that again!โ€
19. โ€œdo you even love me anymore?โ€
20. โ€œcan you shut up and listen to someone other than yourself for once in your life?โ€
21. โ€œi told you not to fall in love with me.โ€
22. โ€œthe worst thing is, that even after all of that, iโ€™m still in love with you.โ€
23. โ€œwhy are you even here?โ€
24. โ€œare you even listening to me?!โ€
25. โ€œif you love me, youโ€™ll let me goโ€
26. โ€œi cant keep doing this to myself!โ€
27. โ€œyou donโ€™t know me, so donโ€™t act like you do.โ€
1. โ€œyouโ€™re my tutor? absolutely not.โ€
2. โ€œyou havenโ€™t called me an asshole yet today, everything okay?โ€
3. โ€œi guess were partners for thisโ€ฆโ€ โ€œoh please someone kill me now.โ€
4. โ€œjust cause our parents are friends doesnโ€™t mean we areโ€
5. โ€œstop following me around like a lost puppy!โ€ โ€ฆ โ€œmaybe you being around isnโ€™t so bad.โ€
6. โ€œcongratulations, i guess.โ€ โ€œoh, are you done being an asshole now?โ€
7. โ€œdonโ€™t feel special that iโ€™m here, my mom made me come.โ€ โ€œmhm, sure.โ€
8. โ€œare they fighting again?โ€ โ€œworse, theyโ€™re kissingโ€
9. โ€œdid i just hear a โ€˜thank youโ€™?โ€ โ€œdo not get used to hearing that.โ€
10. โ€œi am not getting in that car with you, are you crazy?โ€
11. โ€œdo you ever stop complaining?โ€ โ€œyou ever think that if you stopped being an idiot i wouldnโ€™t need to complain?โ€
12. โ€œwhy do you hate me?โ€ โ€œyou think i hate you?โ€
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temsikfates ยท 1 year
โฅ๐Ÿ“ ๐’๐Ž๐๐†๐’ ๐“๐‡๐€๐“ ๐‘๐„๐Œ๐ˆ๐๐ƒ ๐˜๐Ž๐” ๐Ž๐… ๐˜๐Ž๐”๐‘ ๐Œ๐”๐’๐„.
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โ˜„๏ธ i.ย  i didn't ask for this - beth crowley (shard) Strike first / Make it hurt / When everyone assumes the worst / I never have to say I'm sorry / Spiteful / Ruinous / I'm all things you feared I was / Another villain in your story / You think that I'm a spitfire? You should / Afraid you're on my bad side? That's good / If I wanted to end you, I could, I could / I'm sinking down / If you only knew how hard it is for me to climb out / I'm kicking and screaming, but no one can hear me / So what happens now? / The shadows are creeping in / I didn't ask for / I didn't ask for this
๐Ÿ˜Ž ii.ย  lost - linkin park (shades) Just a scar somewhere down inside of me / Something I can not repair / Even though it will always be / I pretend it isn't there (this is how I feel) / I'm trapped in yesterday (just a memory) / Where the pain is all I know (this is all I know) / And I'll never break away (can't break free) / 'Cause when I'm alone I'm lost in these memories / Living behind my own illusion / Lost all my dignity / Living inside my own confusion
โ˜„๏ธ iii. cold blooded - beth crowley (shard) I tried my best at playing nice / But it's a cutthroat world, so I'm guarding mine / Weakness is as weakness does / To stay alive is not good enough / I've seen things that would break most people / But I'm not most people / On my own, my power uncontrolled / It's intoxicating / And I can't satisfy this craving / I watch as my enemies are reduced to nothing / And I love it / 'Cause I'm that cold-blooded / I live by one simple truth / That if you dare cross me, I'm doing worse to you / So if my hands are stained with blood / It's worth it to be victorious
๐Ÿ˜Ž iv.ย  supposed to be - icon for hire (shades) Tell me who I'm supposed to be now / Make me better / I can't stay halfway dead forever / Oh oh, oh oh / Can you fix this, am I too far gone? / I've never done this before / Don't know if I'm ready but I wanna move on / And I've never said that before / I don't wanna be stuck, I don't wanna be crazy / This is the way that my sadness made me / Better come quick, yeah better come save me / I don't wanna be stuck, I don't wanna be crazy / This is the way that my sadness made me / Better come quick, yeah better come save me / Tell me, tell me / Tell me who I'm supposed to be now / Make me better / I can't stay halfway dead forever / I fear now / There's not much left of me / When you take the sick away / Who am I supposed to be?
โ˜„๏ธ v.ย  wanna be twisted - tryhardninja (shard) Look me in the eyes / And tell me honestly / What kind of monster you see? /An angry ghost? A mask? / The symptoms of my disease / Is that all that you think of me? / But what about, What about broken, scarred, betrayed, alone? / What about the real me that I want you to know? / I don't want, wanna be, wanna be twisted / I don't want, wanna be, wanna be cold / This world's forcing my hand / Can you just understand? / I don't want, wanna be, wanna be twisted / But I am / The one you see today / It's not like I had a choice / When my life was dragged to the dark / For years my heart in chains / Like trying to scream without a voice / No wonder my mind came apart / But what about, What about broken, scarred, betrayed, alone? / What about the real me that I want you to know? /I don't want, wanna be, wanna be twisted / I don't want, wanna be, wanna be cold / This world's forcing my hand / Can you just understand? / I don't want, wanna be, wanna be twisted / But I am
๐Ÿ˜Ž bonus. 1x1 - bring me the horizon (shades) Disconnected from the world again / And no, the sun don't shine in the place I've been / So why you keep acting like I don't exist? / Yeah, feel like I'm ready to die, but I can't commit / So I ask myself, when will I learn? / I'd set myself on fire to feel the burn / I'm scared that I'm never gonna be repaired / Put me out of my misery / My mind feels like an archenemy / Can't look me in the eyes / I don't know what hurts the most, holding on or letting go / Reliving my memories, and they're killing me one by one / And I'm staring into the void again, no one knows what a mess I'm in / The voices in my head say, "I'm just being paranoid" / But it's bad for my health, how much I hate myself / I suffocate, the weight, it pulls me underneath
tagged by: @chimonai (thank you!!! โค) tagging: @silenthcwl / @guardiiadorata @legalbrats and anyone else who wants to do this!
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sirleviackerman ยท 4 years
hc | aot characters as 90s alt/rock songs
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genre: headcanon // SFW
warnings: none // this shit is kind of emo
a/n: you can listen to a playlist of these songs here. some of these songs ended up being more on the pop punk spectrum but I tried to keep it grunge/alt/soft rock. iโ€™d love to do this with different genres so send me some suggestions and iโ€™ll get to writing (bitch iโ€™ll even do country try me nothing is off the table)
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flagpole sitta // harvey danger
โ€œi was looking into the mirror to see a little bit clearer- the rottenness and evil in meโ€
basket case // green day
โ€œi am one of those melodramatic fools, neurotic to the bone no doubt about itโ€
everlong // foo fighters
โ€œthe only thing I'll ever ask of you- you've got to promise not to stop when I say whenโ€
zombie // the cranberries
โ€œthe violence caused such silence who are we mistaken?โ€
jumper // third eye blind
โ€œeveryone's got to face down the demons- maybe today, we can put the past awayโ€
losing my religion // r.e.m.
โ€œevery whisper, of every waking hour- i'm choosing my confessionsโ€
self esteem // the offspring
โ€œthe more you suffer the more it shows you really care - right? yeahโ€
freak on a leash // korn
โ€œcanโ€™t i take away all this pain? i try to every night- all in vainโ€
my own worst enemy // lit
โ€œevery now and then i kick the living shit out of meโ€
loser // beck
โ€œiโ€™m a loser baby- so why donโ€™t you kill me?โ€
learn to fly // foo fighters
โ€œiโ€™d give it all away if you give me one last tryโ€
all the small things // blink 182
โ€œthe night will go on- my little windmillโ€
only happy when it rains // garbage
โ€œi only smile in the dark, my only comfort is the night gone black- i didn't accidentally tell you thatโ€
kool thing // sonic youth
โ€œwhen you're a star, I know that you'll fix everythingโ€
champagne supernova // oasis
โ€œwake up the dawn and ask her why- a dreamer dreams she never diesโ€
iris // goo goo dolls
โ€œyouโ€™re the closest to heaven that iโ€™ll ever beโ€
black hole sun // sound garden
โ€œin disguises no one knows, hides the face, lies the snake- and the sun in my disgraceโ€
sorrow // bad religion
โ€œwill you guide me now, for I can't see a reason for the suffering and this long miseryโ€
creep // radiohead
โ€œi want you to notice when iโ€™m not aroundโ€
bittersweet symphony // the verve
โ€œi feel free now, but the airwaves are clean- and there's nobody singin' to me nowโ€
just a girl // no doubt
โ€œdon't you think I know exactly where I stand? this world is forcing me to hold your handโ€
celebrity skin // hole
โ€œhave you ever felt so used up as this?โ€
bullet with butterfly wings // the smashing pumpkins
โ€œand what do I get for my pain? betrayed desires and a piece of the gameโ€
killing in the name // rage against the machine
โ€œfuck you, I won't do what you tell meโ€
drive // incubus
โ€œwhatever tomorrow brings i'll be there- with open arms and open eyesโ€
californication // red hot chili peppers
โ€œdestruction leads to a very rough road, but it also breeds creationโ€
kryptonite // 3 doors down
โ€œyou took for granted all the times i never let you downโ€
smells like teen spirit // nirvana
โ€œour little group has always been, and always will until the endโ€
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mlbpotter ยท 3 years
Sole Crusher and why I hated it.
Ahh, one of the most prodigious episode for Zoe-fans.
You see, we see Zoe in a car touring Paris as she came from New York. She entered a bakery to get something for her family (A.K.A Audrey) Marinette entered, and slipped on the floor, but Zoe being who she is, clever perfectionist, nimble, quick blah blah blah, whatever the directors want to show us, caught Marinette in a blink of an eye.
In irl, I think if somebody did slip, in front of me, Iโ€™d be too shocked to react in seconds. Iโ€™d be gaping, mouth open, too shocked to catch anyone.
Ahh, well, Marinette then talked to her a little, learnt how she only had one friend, made some of us feel pity for her (eh, Thomas). So, NOW THE NEXT PART REALLY GETS ME! Marinette didnโ€™t know who this unknown Zoe girl was (could be a thief, murderer, kidnapper idk) yet she gave away her phone number, free pastries, and invited her to HER FRIENDโ€™S CONCERT! OMG you dumass, you donโ€™t just give away these things to unknown people!
Well, still, moving on, zoe went back to the car, and to the bourgeois hotel. She gave away the pastries to the driver saying her family preferred sour from sweet, meaning they were not exactly caring. Just showing what a bad mother Audrey is, Zoe, like Chloe tried to act all snobbish and mean to get her motherโ€™s attention.
To keep it short, Zoe met Chloe and they had a very meaningful conversation. But the thing that bugged me the most was that what Chloe said. 'Your father exists only to do whatever you want, whenever you want.'
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Huh? Forgot this, in origins pt.2? This shows that chloe actually loves her father.
Also, Chloe was shown locking Sabrina in a locker, and forcing her to do her homework.
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So how do u explain this?โ˜๏ธ
Chloe cares about Sabrina. Thomas really ruined Chloe's character her smh, in sole crusher.
Anyways, Chloe took Zoe to the school in a limousine, with Sabrina running behind them!
BrUh, thomas? R u serious? This is a kids show, no? You are supposed to show how to be considerate, not treating ur friend as slaves!
After some more uneccessary chloe-being-cruel moment, Chloe introduces everyone to Zoe.
She says, that Zoe needs a guy to pamper, who is preferably rich....wow, Thomas you already destroyed Adrien's friendship with Chloe, what more do u want?
When Zoe pretended to hate Marinette's macaroons, Sabrina started idiolizing her immediately. SABRINA ALSO NEEDS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!!
Obviously, Chloe 'tried' to teach Zoe some mean habits, and Marinette was confused about the way she acted so differently at school.
Being Marinette, she texted Zoe about the the confusion, and obviously blamed Chloe. When Chloe found out that her sister was texting her arch-enemy Marinette, she became furious.
Zoe lied and said that she was planning to humiliate Marinette. One of the worst things about Zoe is that she tries to change her nature just to meet up the needs for others. Chloe only does that to impress her mother.
Zoe went up the blacony, and was met by Andre, Chloe's father, who tried to console her, by telling her his own dream. Ok, listen up, how come Andre is only nice to his step-daughter, in a fatherly way??? And treats Chloe like a spoilt queen?? What kind of a father u r, even though u know that's wrong? Ugh
Anyways, the part where Andre wanted to be a film director was pretty cool. Again, we get some background history about the character. And yes, he listened to Audrey, about being rich, not a film director, blah blah blah, showing again how bad of a wife Audrey is.
Then, we discovered that Zoe wanted to be an actress for no good reason, and yest, admittedly she is pretty good a hiding her emotions and 'acting'.
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This is how Andre tried to cheer up Zoe, but obviously made the situation worse, as she only thought about the way Chloe, treated her, and not her mother. So yeah, She only has a grudge against Chloe, again showing how horrible and cruel Chloe could be, right?
Just because Chloe said, 'You either step on other people, or I step on you!' This is so out-of-character for, Chloe. She would never say that, I reckon this much.
And there we go, Zoe reluctantly wears the diamond shoes, and becomes akumatized by shadow moth.
So, her power was touching other people with her shoes, and she became bigger.
Sole crusher, found Chloe in her room taking selfies of herself, to shoe how vain she was and how much she admired herself. Ummm..when did Chloe have an obsession with taking her photos? Except maybe in the episode where Marc was akumatized.
Chloe caught a glimpse of Sole Crusher, on her mobile's photo.
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She said, 'How come you are using my image without my authorization?' Old Chloe loved to be idolized, so out-of-character.
So, when Chole discovered that it was Zoe, she began running like she was in a marathon, which was again out of character, as she wouldn't run, it'd be too much of work for her.
I think the running was just to show how bad of a character Chloe was, as she pushed Marinette's parents and Marinette herself towards Zoe, to show how cruel, evil and selfish she really is.
Another thing, I think that the kwamis shouldn't be allowed outside the box very long, as someone might catch them, like Chloe almost did.
So, the reason Sole crusher didn't step on Marinette, was because Marinette is the main character of the show, and she just can't be in a dangerous situation (Thomas logic). It'd made a great plot if Marinette was crushed by sole crusher. It would keep the viewers on their toes.
Eh, well, To make look Chloe worse, they made her run further, and order Zoe to literally step on the 'losers'. AKA rest of Marinette's classmates. (Do students really meet each other like this irl?)
So Marinette discovered that Zoe was Sole crusher, and gave some advice.
Marinette: That's not true, you don't need to crush on anyone. The 'winner' and 'loser' thing doesn't exist. It's just people, each one with your differences and unique features. (after Chat Noir interrupted) Zoe, no one will judge you here. You can be yourself! You can trip, you can fall, there's always going to be someone to help you stand up. I will always support you!
Shadow moth manipulated Zoe again, So Chat Noir tripped sole crusher giving Marinette the chance to run away and transform in a place that no one can see (totally). Since Tikki followed Marinette, and Kaalki alerted Adrien about the akuma, they both were able to transform.
Since I am no good at writing battle scenes, I'll tell the main points. Ladybug used her lucky charm, and got a shoe horn. So basically, Chat Noir and ladybug both destroyed the heels of Zoe's shoes, but the akuma didn't come out. Chloe insulted sole crusher, and got crushed.
Chloe : Look at how you're treating ur very expensive shoes! Go back to wearing you hideous and plain sneakers.
So ladybug figured out that the Akuma must be in those sneakers Chloe mentioned.
So the team tried to find out those sneakers in Chloe's house. Ladybug saw Sabrina in the closet, yet asked her about the sneakers, and ignored her. Wow, shoe some empathy ladybug, or even Chat Noir!
They saw Andre, and he told them where the Akuma went. So basically Andre showed them the box, and was so scared of Audrey, that her had hid those directories a secret from her. Since that box was not opening, ladybug used her shoehorn to open that box thingy. Long story short, ladybug repaired everything, and gave Zoe the lucky charm, and left.
Skip to the noon, where Zoe went to the concert she was invited in, and Chloe still believed Zoe's lame story about humiliating Marinette, and was super pissed off when Zoe ate the macaroons.
So yeah, Zoe apologized about her akumatizatidon, and told her 'tragic' backstory. She didn't want to disappoint her family's expectation, so she pretended to be mean.
In her boarding school, she was being bullied, and pretended to be someone she was not.
And since er...the miraculous fandom characters are so 'different' and tried to be nice to her, which was pretty cool of them....
Chloe demanded that Zoe leave for New York, but Andre was pretty cool about it, and made a lame yet nice excuse for her, to be enrolled in anther boarding school. So she had a different room. Obviously, the creators showed how err..awesome Zoe is as she said to Andre, 'Promise me that you are not going to give up on your dreams for too long.' But Andre's dream was very irrelevant, as nothing of that sort was mentioned after that.
Zoe's new found friends helped her become a better person, and there were some ending pics of her.
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Zoe's message to Marinette was pretty cheesy ngl. But if only Zoe was introduced as a character who didn't out smart her sister, I would honestly love her so much!
(If my dumb shit post doesn't get famous, I will quit. I literally worked so hard for this post, and also had to rewrite it multiple times)
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punkscowardschampions ยท 4 years
Janis & Jimmy
Janis: Hey Janis: you alright? Jimmy: Are you? Janis: Obviously stressing over what to wear for community service ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Janis: nah, just the standard bullshit though, nothing unexpected or that I can't handle Jimmy: that's a good shout, I heard there's gonna be a dickhead there with a ๐Ÿ“ท and nowt to do cos he's too ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿšฌ to do what he's told Janis: Oh God, sounds like the worst Janis: ๐Ÿ‘ for the warning, mate Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Janis: Go on then, answer for an answer Jimmy: what are you asking? Janis: I've already asked, are you alright? Jimmy: I ain't ๐Ÿ˜ญ over picking up litter, clean tables every day, me Janis: 'course Janis: ๐Ÿ’• it so much you wanna do it for free, right Jimmy: The CG's wage ain't nowt to write up north about Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’ฐ๐ŸŽป Janis: I'm glad you've not got a family back home you're tryna support with coffee beans Janis: might make me almost feel bad, and I can't give my family the satisfaction so fuck you, like Jimmy: that you know of Jimmy: could have a ๐Ÿ‘ถ in every mine Jimmy: fit as well as mysterious, like Janis: No one is fit enough they need to reproduce on an already overpopulated planet Janis: not even you, new boy ๐Ÿคท Jimmy: never said they were wanted ๐Ÿ‘ถ Jimmy: in that part of the country, who isn't an unloved bastard Jimmy: ๐Ÿ—ฌ๐Ÿ–‹ Janis: obviously Janis: in this country we had to go to yours to really do fuck all about it for 50 odd years Janis: and who wants to go to Liverpool, honestly ๐Ÿคข Janis: least if you drag it up might contribute to your funds eventually Jimmy: You don't wanna go dig up that one band they're a bit famous for then? Jimmy: proper pissed on my #datenight plans that Janis: had enough โœŒ & ๐Ÿ’• to last a lifetime, soz Janis: photoshop me in Jimmy: but have you had enough ๐Ÿ‘ป๐ŸฅŠ? Jimmy: think on, dickhead Janis: plenty 'round here for that Janis: though too many memebers of my family are still unfortunately living so Jimmy: UGH you NEVER wanna do the things I WANNA DO!! ๐Ÿ˜ฃ๐Ÿ˜ฃ Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ fine, jump bail with me and smuggle aboard the next ferry Janis: if you're gonna be a nag, like Jimmy: now you're ๐Ÿ—จ Jimmy: won't have to swap you for Asia for a bit Janis: Get her to guess the band, that'd be insightful Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jimmy: Get her to do your community service, might get hit by a car or kidnapped by the twat driving long as he's got ๐Ÿฌ Janis: Your attempt to get to spend more time with her is blatant Janis: ๐Ÿ’” she didn't show to your party, Gatsby? Jimmy: I'm just so ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ soz mate Jimmy: and yeah tah for the salt in my wounds Janis: Poor boy Janis: 'least her boyfriend didn't shoot you, swings and roundabouts Jimmy: why you saying that like it's a good thing? Jimmy: born ready to โšฐ Janis: he'd not shoot me Janis: ๐Ÿ˜‡ that I am Janis: wouldn't be fair Jimmy: he'd probably miss, any road Jimmy: leave me with a scar that does nowt but make me more fit and more mysterious Janis: ๐Ÿ™„ see, a good thing Janis: no one needs that, least of all you, so shy and retiring really, yeah Jimmy: โœ” Janis: don't you leave me on read, dickead Jimmy: or what? Janis: I won't send you a postcard when I get to where I'm really going Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’” Jimmy: but gonna be I'm #living for the picture on the front Janis: Wish you were here has never been faker Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’• Janis: Wonder who grassed Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’ฐ on ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘‘ Janis: Not a bet I'd take on 'cos probably Jimmy: that or your ๐Ÿคต๐Ÿ’ wasn't as into ๐Ÿ’” as he reckoned he would be Jimmy: soz sir Janis: married to the job Janis: shoulda known Janis: not his school, like Jimmy: not like I fucked you on his desk, he got off way easier than he were ๐Ÿ—ฌ๐Ÿคค Janis: All talk Janis: like all lads Jimmy: Oi Janis: Would you like me to tell you you're different Janis: you don't say much so it isn't untrue, on that count Jimmy: you've only got the one job, rich girl, do you seriously need me to tell you how to do it? Janis: I shouldn't put community service on my LinkedIn? ๐Ÿค” Janis: damn Jimmy: gutting I know Jimmy: you'll look proper fit in the jumpsuit an' all, all that possible promo just pissed up the wall Janis: shut up Janis: shit, I didn't ask Janis: what is gonna happen with your actual job? Janis: could you make the hours work without needing to let on to them or what Jimmy: it'll get out Jimmy: more ๐Ÿ’ฐ on ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘‘ Janis: Time how long it takes her to be in your inbox with the ๐Ÿ–คmail Janis: make you her personal bitchboy for life Janis: ugh Jimmy: I'll just tell 'em, either they'll want me to do my shifts round it or they won't Janis: yeah Janis: sorry Jimmy: for what? Janis: if you get sacked Jimmy: dickheads need lattes all over town Janis: true Janis: shame if you don't even get a reference out of the experience though Jimmy: not sure I want one from a knobhead who's never there and reckons my name's Jamie though Janis: still devastated Janis: but not about me, being supportive Jimmy: he could be my fall guy, weren't me it were all him, shady twat Jimmy: never even set foot in a school, me Janis: Get your coworker to alibi Jimmy: he'd obvs only do it if you asked him Jimmy: like owt else Janis: don't do yourself down, babe Janis: he specifically said you seem like 'a chill guy' Jimmy: I were dragging you down if I were doing owt, babe Jimmy: but alright Janis: yeah well you've called me a slag before Janis: not news Jimmy: Have I? Jimmy: don't sound like me that Jimmy: always keep it #goals Janis: yeah, you weren't being very 'chill' either Janis: but he don't have to know Jimmy: #whenshekeepsyoursecrets Janis: every battered wife knows the drill Jimmy: @iantaylor8 Jimmy: ๐Ÿคž lad Janis: wouldn't worry, ๐Ÿท do fuck all 'cept protect one of their own Janis: #ladsladslads Jimmy: @ my other co-workers Jimmy: been busted lads Janis: brothers in brews Janis: such a strong bond Janis: ๐Ÿคž Jimmy: making me emotional tbh Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿš”๐Ÿ’• Janis: gotta beat real siblings, like Jimmy: speaking of, you reckon they'll let me take the ๐Ÿ• with me? Save me a job Janis: Worth asking Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Janis: I've gotta beg the speakers back from 'em so Janis: class first impressions Jimmy: I'll do it, soft lad is obvs the first impression I make as standard Janis: you saying you can bat your eyelashes better than me? Jimmy: duh Jimmy: mine are well longer than yours Janis: fuck off Jimmy: ๐Ÿ“ matters, Janet Janis: you'd know, fat bitch Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Jimmy: just 'cause I've got better tits than you, no need to start a scrap Janis: Tits don't count if you only got 'em 'cos you're obese Janis: ask your girlfriend Jimmy: I will Jimmy: properly miss her so any excuse for a ๐Ÿ—จ Janis: you deserve each other, truly Jimmy: Tah, my dear Janis: so you'll be pleased to know you'll be spending less time with me from now on Jimmy: why? Janis: my parents have really leaned into the narrative and have decided you're the enemy Jimmy: Bill's ๐Ÿ‘ป must've had a word Janis: Yeah Janis: might've mentioned the joyride just to really fuck 'em off and all Jimmy: You wanna call things off then? Jimmy: it weren't part of the plan, them getting Shakespearean about it Janis: nah, fuck that Janis: they'd be doing it regardless, decided they should finally give the whole parenting thing a go Janis: just saying the story can be we're being cruelly kept apart Janis: not that I'm planning to stay locked in my fucking tower actually, already made my first break so Jimmy: Alright Janis: sound more buzzing you don't have to see me, could you Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜„ Jimmy: there you go Janis: ๐Ÿ’• Janis: so sweet Janis: I won't shout about my MIA status, wouldn't be #goals for you to not know where I am Jimmy: do owt for you, you know it and it's obvs vice versa Jimmy: you just proved it there Janis: 'course Janis: will say it was me and hot barista that planned it all if you need Jimmy: bollocks are you taking credit for my idea Janis: I did the heavy work Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: that's the fakest thing you've ever tried to make sound real Janis: excuse me Jimmy: you heard Janis: don't chat shit Janis: We both pulled it off but we can throw him under the ๐ŸšŽ Janis: you've already taken Jamie away from me Janis: what's the point now Janis: save yourself Jimmy: shut up Janis: do you love him? Jimmy: Do you? Janis: yeah Janis: one convo and bam Janis: actually that ๐Ÿ˜ bitch Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’” Jimmy: I'll see myself out Janis: 'til ๐Ÿ’€ do us part, dickhead Jimmy: that'll be you and Mr Lucas Jimmy: I'd remember if I'd been down on one knee Janis: me too Janis: so hard done by Janis: ๐Ÿ’” Jimmy: ๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽป Janis: you cool with being done that dirty Janis: ๐Ÿ“ counts for shit when you lack enthusiasm Jimmy: ain't the first time Janis: shh Janis: don't need to know how often you were down on your knees, tah Jimmy: that don't bode well for our insta q&a Janis: fake rock my world some more then Janis: selfish Jimmy: I'll climb to the top of your white tower any time, girl Jimmy: you're the one MIA Janis: Only at night Janis: gotta be up bright and early for our date ๐Ÿ’• Jimmy: I don't think fucking on a pile of rubbish we've just collected would be considered very #goals but I'll give it a ๐Ÿฅ‡ spin Janis: there's no way 'round how unapproved all this criminal activity is Janis: still worth it Jimmy: Dunno about you but I'm ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ† in every DM Jimmy: that ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿšฌ rep been set proper in stone now Janis: Lucky you Janis: I've been too busy getting lectured Jimmy: poor baby Janis: I know Jimmy: What can I do to make you feel better? Janis: down you go Jimmy: Alright Janis: I don't know though Jimmy: โฒ Janis: You in a rush too? Jimmy: Got loads of other girlfriends to ๐Ÿ‘€ Janis: how many fakes one though Jimmy: That'd be telling Janis: so go on Jimmy: Why would I? Janis: have multiple fake girlfriends or tell me about the others Jimmy: Well? Janis: you could get them all to do different shit for you Janis: potential there Janis: idk why you wouldn't tell me if you did though, not like it'd fake break my heart Jimmy: There's your answer then Jimmy: not gonna give away secrets you don't give a shit about hearing Jimmy: what kind of power move Janis: You want to fake break my heart Jimmy: Why would I wanna go off script? Jimmy: The plan is you break mine Janis: I know Janis: not likely to forget what we're doing here Jimmy: Don't forget to tell me how to make you feel better then Jimmy: it's obvs all I'm breathing for Janis: just as obvs I don't really care about any of the Dramaโ„ข Janis: as long as I've got you Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’• Janis: just as obvs that I wanna know where you are 'cos I'm bored and dunno where to go or what to do Jimmy: [sends her a pic of him at the park by his house like oh hey] Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: obvious, if the dog isn't with you then I'm not really interested Jimmy: [a pic of Twix because of course] Janis: colour me convinced Janis: we should probably show the fans a united front anyway right Janis: not turned on each other soon as the law got involved, like Jimmy: ๐Ÿ–Œโ˜ป Jimmy: not racist if it's your happy colour, right? Janis: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Janis: it's NOT a free pass but Janis: not mad about it, don't tell Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… Janis: it was alright though Janis: the party Janis: aside from doing what we set out to achieve Jimmy: Yeah Jimmy: I might throw another one Jimmy: maybe it'll be my rep next place I end up Janis: ๐Ÿฆ‹ Jimmy: ๐Ÿคก probably getting closer Janis: no fit and mysterious but Janis: maybe the next place will have less cunts Jimmy: could be fit and murderous Jimmy: ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿ”ช๐Ÿ”ช Janis: ๐Ÿ™ Janis: keep my ๐Ÿ‘€ on the news Jimmy: I'll give you a shoutout, baby Jimmy: write your name in blood or something Janis: Carve it in a victim so I know you remember it ๐Ÿ’˜ Janis: ๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค Jimmy: like I said, owt for you, Jules Janis: Thanks Janis: just tell me when you're gonna murder-suicide Janis: can't stay dying here forever Jimmy: I promise Janis: Good Janis: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’• Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ’• Janis: gonna have to get as far out of this place as I can before I go Janis: refuse to be stuck haunting this shithole for eternity Jimmy: #same Jimmy: though I dunno where's gonna be any different Janis: anywhere you don't know anyone and they don't know you Janis: I reckon Jimmy: that's here for me Jimmy: still don't ๐Ÿ’• it Janis: you'll have to go back home then? Janis: don't know how you're getting through customs as a wanted man but you'll make it happen Jimmy: fuck that Jimmy: if that's where my heart's meant to be you can actually ๐Ÿ”ช it out Janis: would LOVE to have your heart Janis: ultimate goals amirite Jimmy: you can take it then Janis: hot Janis: seeing as everywhere on earth is shit then, shall we just go straight to hell? Jimmy: You said you were going ๐Ÿ˜‡โ˜ Janis: hold onto your ๐Ÿ˜Ž 'cos it's the same place Janis: truth is, just a fucking bummer if you're ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Jimmy: What? Janis: heaven and hell are the same place, some people reckon Janis: what could be more torturous than constant classical music and having to wear white for someone so fit and mysterious? Janis: you're gonna be ๐Ÿ’” baby Jimmy: How could you!? Jimmy: pissed on my afterlife Janis: So soz Janis: can always subscribe to reincarnation, might be a laugh Jimmy: ๐Ÿฆ actually Jimmy: Dan would be so ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Janis: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Janis: Ahh Dan Jimmy: OMG you can be a ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿท #fated Janis: Shut up Janis: I'm not being breakfast Jimmy: Or a ๐Ÿฆ‡!!! Janis: That's more appealing Janis: I'd do that Janis: give fuckers rabies amongst other awful diseases Jimmy: such a romantic, you Janis: you just need to avoid hunters Janis: you can be chilling up trees, when you're not kidnapping ladies Jimmy: protect me when I'm ๐Ÿ’ค babe Janis: Cute Janis: how am I gonna know it's you though? Jimmy: What kind of signal do you want? Jimmy: ๐Ÿšฌโ˜? Janis: where are you getting ๐Ÿ˜Ž from and all Janis: I'll just have to bite a lot of gorilla necks 'til one of 'em is into it Jimmy: Duh the lasses I've kidnapped Jimmy: what else are they good for? Janis: I don't know if they really discussed that in king kong Janis: I hope not Jimmy: Date night 2 after we've dug up Lennon and Co Jimmy: I've never seen it Janis: Me either Janis: I assume it's not a classic about Beastiality but Janis: might get ๐Ÿ€ Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Janis: can liveblog Dan Jimmy: ๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿ’ก Jimmy: in his DMs til his lass leaves him Janis: love that rep for me Janis: homewrecking then peacing out Jimmy: you have got form Janis: what are friends for Janis: free to tap that now, you're welcome Jimmy: if I wanted to ๐Ÿธ lad wouldn't have stopped me Jimmy: but tah very much Janis: yeah? Jimmy: What's your question? Janis: never mind Janis: his resemblance to pond life is uncanny Jimmy: ๐ŸŽฏ Janis: ๐Ÿ™Š Janis: I hope they're not all single now Janis: they get even more demonic when there's no dick around to distract them even for a sec, like Jimmy: Do you want me to do a poll? They'll tell me Janis: They'd lie to bone you Janis: Only Asia is stupid enough to not, God bless Jimmy: lucky me Janis: you don't have medical level BO and you can form basic sentences Janis: makes you a ๐Ÿคด to them but not special, you feel me Janis: the bar is underground Jimmy: SUCH a sweet talker, you ๐Ÿ˜ณ Janis: I know Janis: just feeling #inspired by you Jimmy: you're meant to inspire me, dickhead Jimmy: gotta do everything myself round here Janis: I'll distract you Janis: make you do the wrong thing Janis: just ๐Ÿ˜‡ things Jimmy: I'l see the paint coming this time, Judith Jimmy: it's the sober light of day Janis: Unfortunately Janis: my shower looked like a Pollock painting this AM Janis: and I can feel just how unsober last night was Jimmy: where's the ๐Ÿ“ท you rookie? Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ฐ Jimmy: this is where us being #starcrossed falls down Jimmy: useless without me Janis: I wasn't feeling very inspired Janis: after the bollocking from the police, then from my parents, all whilst I could barely stand or ๐Ÿ‘€ Jimmy: you're ๐Ÿ’” me, girl Janis: I didn't even know where you were Janis: so dramatic, lowkey a stampede when garda showed Jimmy: I get it, you had your ๐Ÿคž they'd already sent me back to the grim north Janis: of course Janis: fake prison boyf Jimmy: fuck every other ldr that's the one Janis: could send you the good treats and nudes and shit Janis: so much more manageable Jimmy: you'd never be that nice to me Janis: once ๐Ÿ‘ you ๐Ÿ‘ kill ๐Ÿ‘ for ๐Ÿ‘ me ๐Ÿ‘ Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: not got nowt else on Janis: won't even make it awkward and ask you to kill my sister Janis: pick whoever you wanna, got no preference here Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘‘ first Jimmy: the rest of 'em would feel it Janis: they are the flea to her rat Janis: gotta have that host body Jimmy: and I'd only have to touch her and she'd crumble to dust, an easy ๐Ÿ† Janis: How she's fucked as many lads as she has is beyond me Jimmy: ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข shh Janis: I know, it's disturbing and baffling on so many levels Janis: she doesn't even look like a good ride, who went there first and found out Janis: so many questions Jimmy: where's that q&a #content Mia? Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: we should do one, not about the mystery of her skeletal vag Jimmy: the fans will have loads about the party and all that bollocks Jimmy: she'll have to wait Janis: gotta let the people know we made up Jimmy: can do it when you get here Jimmy: my brother's about but so's the ๐Ÿ• they're alright Janis: can keep the #content family-friendly Janis: read between the lines, lads Jimmy: yeah the ๐Ÿ• is more distracting than you Janis: Charming Janis: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Janis: if I didn't feel like microwaved shit Jimmy: if you were ๐Ÿฅ‡ like me that wouldn't matter Janis: I didn't ๐Ÿ“ท you don't know what I look like, twat Jimmy: you said feel Jimmy: nowt's been mentioned about how either of us look Janis: you sent me a pic Jimmy: and? Jimmy: you can either fake it or you can't 'cause you're either ๐Ÿฅ‡ or nowt Janis: 'course I can fake it Janis: just not gonna go that hard in front of your brother, obviously Janis: not ๐Ÿฅ‰ behaviour, that, just weird Jimmy: convenient that Jimmy: your excuse is non-existent 'cause as I said he's only got ๐Ÿ‘€ for the ๐Ÿ• Jimmy: bit like you Janis: ๐Ÿ™„ fine Janis: you're feeling unloved Jimmy: steady on, we're not having a therapy session on the 'gram Janis: just ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: I know Jimmy: Go on then Jimmy: what do you look like? Janis: I've really got to send you a picture so you can tell me I look like shit? Janis: How about we get there and I just listen to all those fake compliments, like Jimmy: If I say please, will you give in? Janis: depends Jimmy: on how I say it or on something else? Janis: if you limit yourself to a word after you've seen it as well Jimmy: I can do that Janis: [we all know you look good you always do bitch] Jimmy: unfair Jimmy: there's my word Janis: okay Janis: I can deal with that Janis: more ? than ! Jimmy: I dunno if I can deal with you setting me up Janis: huh? Jimmy: I just thought you were gonna look Jimmy: and then you're Janis: well you don't look bad either so Janis: it's fair Jimmy: bollocks is it Jimmy: you heard me, I said unfair Janis: well alright Janis: but you're just as unfair then Jimmy: Nah I weren't faking I were ๐ŸงŸ when I'm actually a hot ๐Ÿง› Janis: you're a ๐Ÿ‘ป Janis: if you don't get to come back as the peak hottest version of yourself, that's some bullshit Jimmy: Duh I actually were ๐Ÿ‘ด when I โšฐ you just ๐Ÿ‘€ me as ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿšฌ Janis: Best of both worlds Jimmy: that'll be why I'm such an optimist Janis: โ˜€ Janis: exactly what comes to mind tbh Jimmy: obvs Janis: think I might've accidentally got on a ghost bus though Janis: it's taking longer than usual, maybe I've been on here forever? Janis: who can say Jimmy: I should've offered to pick you up in Ian's car Jimmy: what kind of fake boyfriend Janis: fake boyfriend who wants to clock up all those hours scrubbing graffiti Jimmy: only 'cause date night 3 I'm planning to take you to put it all back Jimmy: if you're inspiring enough, that is Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: keep doubting #hatersaremymotivatorsbabe Jimmy: prove it then I can't Jimmy: job done โœ” Janis: you want another picture with a ๐Ÿ“ฐ๐Ÿ—ž to prove I'm not lying, yeah Jimmy: You, lie? Bollocks would you Janis: know, it's what you ๐Ÿ’• best about me Jimmy: Yeah Janis: how is the actual loml today then? Jimmy: What the fuck does that mean? Janis: BABE!!! Janis: love of my life, OMG Jimmy: have you just made that up? Janis: don't be ridiculous Janis: start # me as such like RN Jimmy: [cue extra socials flirting] Janis: shit just got real, lads Jimmy: must be why I miss you Jimmy: nowt to do with how shit this park is Janis: obviously not Janis: everything's just more shit when I ain't about Jimmy: You're not wrong, bighead Jimmy: Love being bollocked by paddy ๐Ÿ‘ฎ me Janis: ๐Ÿคค was pretty blatant to me but don't reckon they noticed Jimmy: lads in uniform are just so ๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค Jimmy: if I were american I could ๐Ÿคž Ian would send me to military school but ๐Ÿ’” Janis: only get your institutionalized abuse if you're rich enough to afford it Janis: or Catholic Janis: and there's a surprising amount of hoops to jump through there Janis: gutting Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’” about that an' all Jimmy: tah for being a pair of heathens mum and dad Janis: you could get confirmed but they'll ๐Ÿ‘€ you for being a right weirdo from the off Janis: no one JOINS Catholicism by choice, you're born to it and run away ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Jimmy: brb gonna have my quick ๐Ÿ˜ญ before you get here Janis: Baby Jimmy: ๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽป Janis: [showing up finally and pretending you checking his face for ๐Ÿ˜ญ and wiping 'em away like 'you can calm down now'] Jimmy: [pretending that you're checking her for bits of paint she missed behind her ears and everywhere but we know you just wanna touch her face and hair always] Janis: [the standard get off moment but loling and loving it secretly] Jimmy: [just leaning on her and sighing dramatically like ugh what a day but it's more to annoy her and be close to her than an actual genuine fml because god forbid you're real about it] Janis: ['that bad, yeah?' and doing an even bigger dramatic sigh '#relatable, mate' we're all loving life lollollol] Jimmy: [when you're competitive af so you wanna do an even bigger sigh yourself but you can't because you've got that secret rib injury and it hurts to breathe in thanks so much Ian #gotta reclaim it from April and Steve] Janis: [simply must] Jimmy: [thank god yet again that ๐Ÿ˜’ is his default cos you gotta get on the swing for the #aesthetic of this q&a and that means she's gotta sit on you, suffer for your art boy] Janis: [definitely gonna notice though at some point you can't stop me lol] Jimmy: [she always notices things it's a blessing and a curse] Janis: [thank your mother and grandmother for that girl; getting up like ? 'did you actually get stampeded or was it garda?'] Jimmy: ['I get that you're my biggest fan but the q&a weren't planned for you' because especially can't answer that question moreso than any other] Janis: [frowns but as per makes more of a thing out of it so it's fake] Jimmy: [squish her face like she does to you like cheer up] Janis: ['I won't turn it into a game, you can just tell me' 'cos we all remember truth or dare and how well that went] Jimmy: [shrugs 'being a northern 45 has it's downs on top of the massive upsides' when you're acting like you're ๐Ÿ‘ด and did it by falling or coughing too hard from ๐Ÿšฌ either of which could've happened but didn't] Janis: [๐Ÿ™„ 'so you're alright then?'] Jimmy: ['it ain't part of the job for you to worry about me'] Janis: [shrugs like give a shit, boy 'not an answer also, not sneaky'] Jimmy: ['I know how to fake it, that's the only answer you need to hear'] Janis: [๐Ÿ˜’] Jimmy: [goes to check on Bobby and Twix like look how fine I am bye] Janis: [just chilling on the bench like you're so unphased but clearly not and he's clearly not fine otherwise he wouldn't have needed to fake it at all if it was nbd] Jimmy: [Twix jumping up him cos she's so full of love and he's just in casual agony like this is fine] Janis: [just shooting up like nope and coming over to distract Twix and throw her ball for her] Jimmy: [nhs direct be like DON'T smoke so of course that's what he's gonna do, when it's a habit and you don't think about how much it's gonna hurt but you've committed yourself to the ๐Ÿšฌ now] Janis: [just gesturing like lemme share that when you can see the wincing so at least he can only have half] Jimmy: [blatantly knows what she's doing and why but letting it happen cos ouch] Janis: [just doing overtime on that cig lmao] Jimmy: [just giving her a look like calm down as if you remotely have followed your own advice there] Janis: ['never know where the fans are hiding' looking 'round the park as if anyone is about 'cept families and tweens] Jimmy: ['You already looked hot, no need to go overboard'] Janis: ['what's your excuse then?'] Jimmy: ['For what?' you know perfectly well boyy] Janis: [a look that says as much 'you know'] Jimmy: [shakes his head like no I don't] Janis: ['you just want me to say it' tapping her head like not thick] Jimmy: ['so go on'] Janis: ['will you let me help you out if I do? I could walk the dog for you, at least'] Jimmy: [I've said before you can have her' gestures like take that dog away please and thank] Janis: [gestures at Bobby who's probably loving upon her like case in point] Jimmy: [shrugs like he'll get over it] Janis: ['she won't' ๐Ÿ’”] Jimmy: [๐ŸŽป mime] Janis: [shakes head] Jimmy: [๐Ÿ™„] Janis: ['what did you dad say, like?'] Jimmy: ['I get it, you're trying to work out how up for committing crimes he is, you being underage and all, be a better shout if you faked it as yummy mummy though'] Janis: [tuts, 'runs in the family then'] Jimmy: [shakes his head really OTT because he likes his women ๐Ÿ‘ต 'one of a kind, me'] Janis: [flexes muscle IRL] Jimmy: [๐Ÿ˜] Janis: [going back to the swing] Jimmy: [pushing her, don't hurt yourself boy] Janis: [just enjoying this but thinking the same, peeping back at him occasionally] Jimmy: [just looking at her like I'm alright cos downplaying it 5ever] Janis: ['alright, you're well hard, we get it'] Jimmy: ['I'm just such a lad, nowt I can do about it, like'] Janis: ['gift and a curse, sure'] Jimmy: [holds the swing to keep it still for a sec 'you alright?' cos even though he's only pushing her gently gotta take the piss that she might ๐Ÿคข cos so hungover] Janis: [shakes her head, dramatically 'I'm off the rails, babe and you're meant to be ride or die and you're not telling me nothing' big pout] Jimmy: [comes round the front of the swing so he can look at her dramatically like he's so OTT sorry and forlorn 'making me get on my knees'd be a bit cruel, but name owt else, baby'] Janis: ['yeah, don't' look like you better not with this mystery injury, boy 'tell me what the gameplan is, how are we doing this, how are we getting back at her for this?'] Jimmy: [sits on the swing next to her and is thinking like a winnie because hasn't had chance to even consider any of that with everything else that's going on] Janis: [nods like exactly 'obviously we wanted to get in trouble but that doesn't mean she gets away with being a snitch'] Jimmy: [nods back cos yeah fuck her 'what does she care about?'] Janis: [shrugs 'fuck all but controlling her calories and her minions'] Jimmy: ['Alright, how can we take the control off her?'] Janis: ['if you've still got your job, start melting butter into her coffees' ๐Ÿ˜ but also seriously thinking 'not hard to get that lot having an argument...you reckon you could get her chatting shit on them to you? that'd work, love their #receipts, like'] Jimmy: [gets his phone out like let's see and gestures for her to come here even though they are only a swing apart anyway #blatant] Janis: [leaning over his shoulder like ๐Ÿ‘€] Jimmy: [imagine having to try and chat to Mia, good lord] Janis: [and god knows how you're gonna have to play this to get decent fallout fuel from her, she's not an idiot] Jimmy: [yeah we should say it doesn't work because realistically wouldn't and he'd be so fuming that he hasn't been able to do it] Janis: ['back to the drawing board' and back to her swing to ponder] Jimmy: [๐Ÿ˜’ af and such a frustrated sigh which is then like OUCH but trying not to show that 'What about that co-worker of mine you were proper willing to throw under the bus and reckon is so well fit?' Hey Pete hey] Janis: [instincitvely reaching to squeeze his hand like hey but then Pete gets mentioned and you casually have to drop it like a hot potato without being that obvious lol 'Does Mia reckon he's well fit enough too?' like I've not been there 'she harass him and all, like?'] Jimmy: ['You said none of 'em have got high standards, what were it, no BO and basic grasp of how to put words together?' shrugs and looks at her like yeah well I'm not trying to say it's a good idea just an idea and another sigh that you can't help because you hate that she cares about Pete and you're reading too much into what that means] Janis: ['might work, might be a bit weird to put across to him though' 'cos can you imagine, like hello, us again... 'she was pretty pissed off when we gatecrashed her sleepover, it'd be worse than community service but we could do more of that? get them on side so she looks as mental as she is, like'] Jimmy: ['Alright' because that's a much better and easier idea you have to admit boy] Janis: ['yeah?' makes a face 'cos what did you just sign yourself up for, you cannot stand these girls lmao] Jimmy: ['I just said it were, must be' because this is all so casual and fine] Janis: ['Remember when we couldn't do a school project with the bitch? Imagine what they're like with no parameters or focus...' rolls eyes like Lord help us all 'definitely gonna be Oscar-winning fakery'] Jimmy: ['first place or nowt, baby, it's what Mia's owed, keep that in your head and you'll rise to the challenge, right piece of piss'] Janis: ['she's not my muse, fuck off' but kicking him in a bants manner with your swingy feet] Jimmy: [raises an eyebrow like oh isn't she and is ๐Ÿ˜ 'I'll keep that to myself, case it fucks with your master plan, don't worry'] Janis: [stops his swing abruptly by yanking on the chain like how dare you 'arsehole' ๐Ÿ˜’] Jimmy: [OTT like OW even though he's as fine as he's been this whole time] Janis: [when you then have to stop yourself now to check like oh no, so then you're even more ๐Ÿ˜’ 'don't do that!'] Jimmy: [holds his hands up like soz but his ๐Ÿ‘€s genuinely are we know 'you know I didn't mean owt, be my mate again'] Janis: [standing inbetween his legs and tilting his chin up with your index finger so he's gotta look at you, as if you can work out what happened to him just by staring into his ๐Ÿ‘€ really hard] Jimmy: [some amazing eye contact as per and hitting her with a 'what?' even though you know cos you always know] Janis: ['we can be mates' like okay do you wanna be any closer though] Jimmy: ['good' likewise not moving like boy if you lean in right now I'm gonna kill you] Janis: [when there's nowhere to hide but you also cannot be the first to break, torn much] Jimmy: [at least we can have Twix or Bobby or both interrupt as he's just moving her hair out of her face/needlessly touching her yet again but before he does or says something we're not ready for because seriously about to here] Janis: [this is true, you aren't alone so you can't have a total bench moment here] Jimmy: [and you defs can't be revealing your secrets or feels rn thank you sir] Janis: [just turning so fast and acting like that never happened like oh hi Twix whilst he deals with Bobby] Jimmy: [do them big brother duties because he can't know you're hurt so you gotta fake it even more] Janis: [the joys] Jimmy: [he's gonna have a ball cleaning up and working ILY Ian you're a star] Janis: [make that punishment even more punishing, we see you] Jimmy: [I also like to imagine his phone going off throughout like you better not be with that girl, try and stop me bitch] Janis: [likewise 'cos you've done a bunk so they're like where are you, you have to go community service blah blah blah] Jimmy: [sharing a look but not a LOOK like] Janis: [actual solidarity, like y'all have no idea yet] Jimmy: [Taking a selfie with Twix and Bobby to send to him like fuck you Ian I'm doing your jobs and then letting Bobby take some cos mini me] Janis: [can't help but smiling 'cos that's cute] Jimmy: [takes her phone to take a coupley selfie so she doesn't feel left out and no other reason] Janis: ['won't tag you, like'[ Jimmy: ['tag Jamie'] Janis: [lols 'start framing him now, alright'] Jimmy: [a genuine smile] Janis: ['gonna look insane when everyone realizes you were never here the whole time but I'll cope'] Jimmy: ['gutted that Bruce Willis beat us to that plot twist' and such a pouty face] Janis: [squishing it forever like ๐Ÿ˜] Jimmy: [leaning on her like I'M SO SAD THO] Janis: ['how can I cheer you up?'] Jimmy: [looking around like we could make a run for it and start a new life, as if he's capable of running rn or ever] Janis: ['my bags are packed, like'] Jimmy: [gestures like come on then but is looking at Bobby and Twix like] Janis: [looks at 'em as well and shrugs like yep 'easier leaving kids that are yours, init'] Jimmy: ['obvs' but now he's thinking about his mum so is actually sad not fake sad #awks] Janis: [is thinking about Drew and Edie so we're all having a lil moment here] Jimmy: [drags her over to the slide like go on, cos he'd die if he had a go so can't] Janis: [looking at Bobby then back at him like 'got your duties mixed up' but obvs has a go not gonna be a spoilsport] Jimmy: [then Bobby has a go and then Twix wants a go so you gotta go again girl] Janis: [like a babby] Jimmy: [you know he's getting all the adorable pics] Janis: [putting Twix on Bobby's lap at the top of the slide 'cos she's a pup so small] Jimmy: [he's falling in love again y'all] Janis: [put twix in a baby swing, that would be hilarious] Jimmy: [they gotta so he can be ๐Ÿ˜ instead of ๐Ÿ˜ because you're not kissing her rn boy I forbid it] Janis: [there's just no fake rn and we all know it] Jimmy: [he doesn't have it in him rn despite what he said] Janis: [mhmm, we won't be infiltrating the flat whites any time soon lmao] Jimmy: [gotta give that more than a hot sec but I do think at some point they should run into Asia and her sisters again for the lol because] Janis: [that would be good 'cos the mood that day lolllll] Jimmy: [they can get Bobby in on the fake niceness by bribing him or something lol] Janis: [#playdate!] Jimmy: [exactly dr phil] Janis: [god bless] Jimmy: [should probably get that kid and dog back so come and chill at his gaff again girl] Janis: [your parents will be delighted hahahaha suck it lads] Jimmy: [hooray for Ian being at work so you don't actually have to see him though] Janis: [that's a blessing] Jimmy: [make tea and food for everyone Jimothy we know that's your life] Janis: don't need to tell you how to make it Janis: handy Jimmy: You gonna give me a hand though? Jimmy: I get that there's no promise of an apron but you already look ๐Ÿฅ‡ we've covered that Janis: and run the risk of you thinking I'm not a spoilt brat? ๐Ÿค” Janis: I guess I could Janis: as you're full of compliments as currency today Jimmy: ๐Ÿคž they won't take your ๐Ÿด away for mucking in like the common lads and lasses do, rich girl Janis: Better not Janis: love mucking out SO much Janis: [does come to help like bonjour] Jimmy: and it would muck up the stable boy fantasy before we've had a go at it ๐Ÿ’” Janis: [lols] Janis: that's exactly what your accent is Jimmy: [says something like a cliche stable boy would idk I'm not a horse girl] Janis: [reminds me of that classic book baby mama was in with game of thrones, though he's like gameskeeper or whatever the fuck anyway, loling harder and fake swooning] Jimmy: [when you pretend to catch her fainting, shameless touching even if it hurts you is your real ultimate kink boy] Janis: [the tea, saying something stereotypically posh in a stereotypically posh voice to break the tension that is just always there now] Jimmy: [does the posh little finger thing while drinking his and loling] Janis: [making nerd glasses with her fingers at him like ๐Ÿ˜] Jimmy: ['Oi, be nice to me' making a face like I'm so injured excuse you] Janis: ['yeah, you gone shy or you gonna show me?' gestures like kit off boy] Jimmy: [is awks af obvs because we know it's bad but does take off his top because can't admit it #challengealwaysaccepted] Janis: [breathing in through her teeth like ouch and really gently touching them, like barely, speaking just as softly 'you should take an ice bath, it'd take down this swelling'] Jimmy: ['always trying to get me in the bath, you' but his voice is as soft as hers is 'but no pictures this time, a cute filter ain't gonna make this look goals'] Janis: ['Who could blame me' but said more as a throwaway comment just to keep this feeling normal and not like you're worried about him in any way nope, a look like obviously, who am I? before moving him, gently, out the way 'I'll finish up here, yeah'] Jimmy: [a shrug like I can do it because god forbid you actually take it easy lad] Janis: ['I can make-' (fill in the blank of whatever he's feeding Bobby, lol fish fingers or whatever we know the vibe here) 'if you don't wanna get in without me, wait, like'] Jimmy: ['Calm down, no dickhead's ready for how wife goals you are' and some fake ๐Ÿ˜ 'if you're that about trying to work your magic work out how we're gonna fill the tub with the one ice tray, what would your mate Jesus do?'] Janis: [less fake ๐Ÿ™„ back 'fine, I'll go buy a couple bags, prepare yourself' and chucking her shoes and whatnot back on like brb, least you don't live in the middle of nowhere] Jimmy: [irl ๐Ÿ‘] Janis: won't let you ๐Ÿฅถ Jimmy: not how you wanna ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€? Jimmy: I get it, nowt massively ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿšฌ about that Janis: In terms of murder, pretty good idea but nah Janis: I've done 'em before so I'm not ๐Ÿ™€ Jimmy: knew you had loads of bodies in your freezer Jimmy: bit rude to make me think our ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ pact were the first Jimmy: bit ruder that you never went through with your end all the other times Janis: just waiting to meet the one, babes Janis: ๐Ÿคท can't be killing myself for every lad that comes through Jimmy: proper heartbreaker you Jimmy: knew that an' all Janis: You won't get chance to tweet that Janis: s'fine Janis: ๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™ˆ Jimmy: didn't break none of my fingers Janis: you're really gonna do it whilst I'm out running errands? Janis: ungrateful Jimmy: stop begging, I'll be a good boy Jimmy: for a bit Janis: It's you with the kink for being told what to do, apparently Janis: stop complaining Jimmy: don't sound like me that Jimmy: ray of fucking โ˜€ or nowt Janis: wrong chat then Janis: my bad Jimmy: sort it out, girl Janis: be more memorable, boy Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ you too quick if I were Janis: exactly Janis: letdown no. ??? Jimmy: piss off Janis: Calm down Janis: can't be letdown by something that ain't real Janis: only have myself to blame then and not about that Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘Œ Janis: ๐Ÿ™„ Jimmy: ๐Ÿ™„ Janis: ugh Jimmy: It's a hard life, Jasmine Jimmy: crack on, we don't have all day Janis: excuse me Janis: as long as you do it within the first three days, it'll still work Janis: and you're on chef duties so you shut up and concentrate Jimmy: I can't concentrate if you're gonna chat to me like that Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค๐Ÿ˜ Janis: blame the burning on me then Janis: we all know you're just ๐Ÿฅ‰ Jimmy: Oi, I'll be a top wife Jimmy: know how to take a punch and everything Janis: Shh Janis: busy Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’” Janis: Meant to be helping, so let me Jimmy: why you trying to make me ๐Ÿ˜ญ then? that won't help Jimmy: bloody hurt if owt Janis: Obviously not Janis: you know I'm not good at words, it's not a surprise Jimmy: duh it's the only thing we've got in common Janis: is it cheering you to make me try and fail then? Janis: 'cos have at it but you will end up ๐Ÿ˜ญ by the end of t Jimmy: I just Jimmy: wanna chat to someone who ain't 6 Jimmy: or a ๐Ÿ• Janis: 2/2 Janis: take that victory Jimmy: ๐Ÿ† Jimmy: there you go Janis: I will fill it with ice Jimmy: and a drink of your choice Jimmy: I ๐Ÿ‘€ you, pisshead Janis: just prepping myself for having to ๐Ÿ‘€ you in the tub again Jimmy: I can get in by myself, I were ๐Ÿ‘ด but ๐Ÿ‘ป me is in his prime, remember Jimmy: near as much an athlete as you at this rate Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฅ‡ Janis: let's not get carried away Jimmy: spoilsport Jimmy: might wanna carry you about Janis: when you're recovered Jimmy: takes weeks ๐Ÿคž I'll be long gone Janis: about as reliable as ๐Ÿ™ Janis: take from that whatever you want, heathen Jimmy: Tah Jimmy: or I'll just get another girlfriend who ain't as heavy as you Janis: fuck off Janis: I'm not heavy Jimmy: depends Janis: on how weak you are? yeah Jimmy: on who we're comparing you to Jimmy: but you can piss off, I'm not weak, I'm injured Janis: Know you're used to puppies and 6 year olds, obvs Jimmy: you're not the first lass I've lugged about, soz to melt your โ„ babe Janis: ๐Ÿ’” Janis: I'm not anorexic or otherwise as easily deluded, I know I'm skinny Jimmy: never said you weren't Jimmy: have said before that you're a ๐Ÿฆ’ Janis: thanks Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Janis: need anything else whilst I'm here Jimmy: You're my nurse, you tell me Janis: get you some drugs Janis: don't take 'em all at once ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ Jimmy: What if I promise to split 'em right down the middle? Janis: I'm not dying for you today Jimmy: Baby please Janis: Nah Janis: find some tiny girlfriend who'll need half the tabs Jimmy: been there, done that Janis: plenty more midgets either side of the sea Jimmy: I don't have time to go ๐ŸŽฃ but tah for that Janis: Busy busy Jimmy: hardworking kink ain't nowt but a curse ๐ŸŽป Janis: don't need to tell me Janis: I'm rich Janis: the less you see your missus and fam the better ๐Ÿคค Jimmy: wouldn't dream of telling you nowt of the sort, not very #goals that Janis: so needy ๐Ÿ˜ Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: so mean today you Janis: just today? Jimmy: not thick enough to start digging myself down into that big of an hole Jimmy: and obvs too weak any road so Jimmy: ๐Ÿค Janis: more like it Janis: though implying I was gonna get pissy about it was a dick move that did not go unnoticed Jimmy: I said what I said Jimmy: there's nowt you don't get pissy about when that's what you wanna do Janis: Maybe you're just really fucking annoying Janis: that's more than a distinct possibility Jimmy: only maybe? Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’• Janis: So optimistic too Janis: ๐Ÿคข Jimmy: you need to get back on it, pisshead, that'll sort you out Janis: You like me better when I'm drunk Janis: spread that around Janis: though frankly, lil rapey is their type Jimmy: I don't like you however much you drink, not a paddy Janis: Try drinking some more yourself Janis: looking for common sense at the bottom of a bottle ain't a noble pursuit but you know Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: [a selfie of him posing with Ian's stash like oh hey] Janis: and you were gonna let me buy more Janis: who's the shit host now Jimmy: I never said you should buy owt Jimmy: you went off on your own #mission Janis: you'll be grateful later Jimmy: yeah 'cause that's how you like me, I know Janis: Don't you start #kinkassuming thank you Jimmy: no need to assume it, I've ๐Ÿ”“ it Jimmy: got the ๐ŸŽŸ Janis: ๐Ÿค” Janis: Must've been wasted Janis: as per Jimmy: Or I've got the wrong girlfriend Jimmy: might do Janis: It happens Janis: what's my name again Jimmy: what kind of fish do you wanna be? that'd help me out Jimmy: I've voted already Janis: ๐Ÿฆˆ Jimmy: #fated Janis: if you said ๐Ÿฌ I'd delete and block you Jimmy: I can't, that's Asia's Jimmy: nowt I can do when she's just SO SMART Janis: can't wait 'til some screaming kid covers her blowhole and suffocates her Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Janis: shame you ain't a starfish Janis: cut your legs off see if they grow back Jimmy: What am I then? Janis: one of those lurky bastards at the bottom of the ocean Janis: just been sitting there for 10000000s of years Jimmy: that's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me Jimmy: brb need to dry my eyes Janis: I know Janis: ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ Jimmy: that what's taking you so long? Janis: yeah Janis: am I not allowed any privacy? Jimmy: You've heard ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘‘'s stance on that Janis: you invited her over already? Janis: keen Jimmy: you wish, Jennifer Jimmy: can't have her around in my weakened state Janis: fuck off and stop being a baby Jimmy: you fuck off Janis: come get your stuff then Jimmy: you're alright Janis: it'll melt out here Jimmy: I get that I'm such a โ˜€ but outside ain't competing that hard Janis: Don't be awkward Jimmy: gotta teach the ๐Ÿ• fetch some time Janis: for fuck's sake Jimmy: What? Janis: I've got to go put it in your bath myself, have I Jimmy: You haven't gotta do nowt Janis: are you coming to get it? Jimmy: Am I on a โฒ? Janis: would you like me to work out how long it takes to melt a bag of ice Janis: like I said, awkward Jimmy: ๐Ÿค“ Janis: I'm going to smack you upside the head with it in a second Jimmy: [comes to get it like go on then] Janis: [obviously will not lol, just shoving it at him like there you go] Jimmy: [takes it and walks off leaving her with Twix who has come like hey girl] Janis: [tryna get her in the house 'cos you were tryna leave on the low but Twix says no] Jimmy: [puts some ice in whatever bottle he's stolen off Ian and offers it to her like] Janis: ['only 'cos it'll get watered down now otherwise'] Jimmy: ['duh, that's the trick, then he dunno I've nicked it'] Janis: [๐Ÿ™„ @ Ian 'Amateur, I would know'] Jimmy: ['you ain't thick and northern' said over his shoulder as he's going upstairs to get in his ice bath with the stolen booze casually] Janis: [just downstairs like what am I meant to do now excuse me but definitely not going to ask] Janis: try not to go into shock or get hypothermia please Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Jimmy: how long have I gotta sit here like a dickhead? Janis: do 5 minutes, if you can hack it Janis: no longer than 10 Jimmy: say when Janis: Get in and then I'll come in and supervise Janis: I'm not gonna accidentally kill you Jimmy: don't get none of this #drama with a bag of peas Jimmy: but alright Janis: it'll be more effective Janis: trust me Jimmy: if you've gotta say it, I probably shouldn't Jimmy: well suspicious Janis: it's not gonna be nice but it'll stop the damage getting worse and kickstart the healing Jimmy: ๐Ÿฅถ๐Ÿฅถ๐Ÿฅถ๐Ÿฅถ๐Ÿฅถ Janis: yeah, that's why you're getting in before I come up Janis: I'll listen for the scream, like Jimmy: did you ๐Ÿ‘‚ or do you want me to get out and back in? Janis: Okay Janis: so tough, I get it Janis: [comes up and puts her hand to his forehead to check his temp] Jimmy: [imagine his little face please just like fuck me this is #fun] Janis: [puts a timer on her phone and is looking for the biggest, softest towel for when he gets out] Jimmy: [when you're the most caring ever on the low] Janis: ['I'm sorry' and taking the drink from him] Jimmy: [a look like ? because not gonna try and talk atm] Janis: [gestures like for all of it, I don't know but then doesn't wanna be that bitch so sucks it up and actually says why 'I didn't mean to call you a baby'] Jimmy: [puts a finger to his lips like shut up it's fine] Janis: [shrugs an alright and sits down on the side of the bath] Jimmy: [splashes but so the water just comes up and doesn't actually touch her because not that rude and also he's too cold to do a really big splash movement] Janis: [reaching in, whey but not, to get his feet out 'cos apparently your toes will be most sensitive so they don't need to be under, neither do his hands, just rubbing some life back into them with said towel like there we go] Jimmy: [saying a sincere thanks with his ๐Ÿ‘€ but then having to look away because who ever looks after him #emotions] Janis: ['I'll make you a cuppa when you get out'] Jimmy: you just want one, I ๐Ÿ‘€ you Janis: [takes another swig from the bottle like yes, blatantly ๐Ÿ˜] Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: then you can get in bed for a bit Janis: can't get straight in a hot shower, though you wanna Jimmy: how many of these have you done? Janis: enough Janis: plus I do sports science and all that shit so Jimmy: take your ๐Ÿ† Janis: will when those bruises fade, like Janis: not jealous or nothing but it is a bit rude Jimmy: don't be, nobody does 'em like you, baby Janis: might have to tweet it Janis: don't want a repeat Jimmy: [cue flirty af tweets to distract her because we can't tell her what happened] Janis: [with that we can probably get you out, to your great relief] Jimmy: [help him like the ๐Ÿ‘ด he is, girl] Janis: [get him wrapped up in that towel and in his room asap] Jimmy: [you have to snuggle him it's basically the law] Janis: [would literally be rude not to, least you can do it and be rubbing his arms like just warming you up nothing else going on nope] Jimmy: [the amount of things I have to stop him from saying or doing rn, boy no] Janis: ['do you still own a hoodie? you need to wrap up warm'] Jimmy: [a lil lol but goes to get his warmest one cos wouldn't have had that out in april so she hasn't stolen it] Janis: [control your ๐Ÿ˜ at his cute you've got a job to do 'do you want your tea now?'] Jimmy: [when you shake your head before you can stop yourself or do your trick of not answering a q because you just don't want her to go] Janis: [just patting the bed like get back in then] Jimmy: [does] Janis: [when you have to snuggle really hard for warmth also single bed moment again] Jimmy: [god bless, what makes it even better is knowing how fuming Ian would be but it's literally your fault sir, you've done this] Janis: [you did this bitch] Jimmy: [thanks for bringing them closer together hoe] Janis: [nice try, universe] Jimmy: ['Am I gonna die if I fall asleep?' from within the snuggle] Janis: [tiniest lol 'only if you also feel a sudden urge to take your clothes off too' accidentally saucy like ๐Ÿ˜ณ] Jimmy: ['well now you've told me not to, I obvs do' playing it like you're such a rebel but we know why you wanna] Janis: ['then I'd have to keep you awake, it's your choice'] Jimmy: [such a LOOK] Janis: [closing his eyes like no looking 'cos literally can't handle it] Jimmy: [opening them again because 1. he's that dickhead but more importantly 2. he can give her a look like even if I fall asleep don't leave] Janis: ['you can go to sleep' in response 'but-' and not finishing that sentence] Jimmy: ['what?' because I have to every single time] Janis: [non-committal noises like idk doesn't matter forget it etc] Jimmy: ['go on' because can't and won't drop anything unless he wants to] Janis: [shrugs without smacking him in the face hopefully 'cos you are that close rn 'you don't have to'] Jimmy: [nods like alright like it's so casual but not breathing because it isn't even remotely casual bye] Janis: ['We could-' stopping to correct yourself to make it sound more fake as if we're even remotely believing that now '-I could make you feel even better, if you want'] Jimmy: ['I get it, you reckon you're a better nurse than me, eh?' throwback to that school trip moment and how hot it was 'crack on then, but nowt'll top that ice bath' such sarcasm, such wit] Janis: [smiles 'not that that's much to brag about, yeah' rolls her eyes and sighs like oh, if I must, as if she didn't suggest it, TOTALLY unprompted 'still my idea, that, so your turn for a good one again, when you're all healed, of course' doing the poor baby pout at him whilst sitting herself up and maneuvering VERY carefully so she's sat on top of him, facing away so he's looking at the back of her 'obviously, that shit about not poking bruises is true, but if we sort the rest of your muscles out, you'll feel less fucked in general' and starting a full-body-but-his-abdomen-area massage with his calves/feet and working her way up 'cos lord knows the boy is tense and she already has a decent idea of what she's doing here] Jimmy: [when that feels so good literally immediately that you have to take the piss because you can't cope 'what the fuck else are they teaching you in sports science, girl?' I can only imagine the kind of teacher they'd have for that so I'm loling] Janis: ['gutted you didn't take it now, yeah?' shaking her head like ๐Ÿ˜ and moving up to the thighs] Jimmy: ['more inspiring than art by the looks of it, like, not that that's much to brag about either'] Janis: ['your stuff was alright' like casually bringing up that night like how much do we remember, we'll never know] Jimmy: [thank god she can't see him blushing rn 'you're a decent canvas' bringing up the paint fight because yolo and downplaying the rest of his art because thanks Ian for making him think he's not good at anything] Janis: [likewise but you are gonna have to turn 'round now 'cos you've run out of body lmao 'you too' then and now, obvs] Jimmy: [we all just dying here] Janis: [take a sec to compose yourself before turning 'cos now you're gonna be onto hands and that's like the most intimate somehow] Jimmy: [it seriously is though] Janis: [think it's 'cos you have to sit and face each other and hold hands in a sensual manner, at least he is laying down though so he could avoid the eye contact if he chose to] Jimmy: [I REFUSE to allow you to make eye contact during this sir] Janis: [awkward when it'll be shoulders after and you're gonna be so up in his face like hello, stay strong lads] Jimmy: [oh lord I'll just be screaming DON'T YOU DARE KISS the whole time] Janis: [hohaha this is just mean] Jimmy: [she'll have her work cut out though because nobody's carried this much tension in their body since teenage Tess Vickers] Janis: [since me honey] Jimmy: [the tea] Janis: [least you can really concentrate on doing a good job 'cos yeah wants to kiss him so bad[ Jimmy: [there's no denying what a good job she is doing though ๐Ÿฅ‡ legit] Janis: [fuck you Ian] Jimmy: [forever the mood] Janis: [though will be leaving before you get back, don't need you fucking up all this hard work tah] Jimmy: [bye felicia] Janis: [though not going anywhere really you'll have to deal] Jimmy: [we should say one of the flat whites are doing something so they can start their plan] Janis: [yeah, maybe Grace is forcing Mia or one of the others to have a party 'cos obvs she doesn't want everyone at Cali gaff really] Jimmy: [and she'd be hoping it'd stop everyone talking about Janis and their party but it sadly won't babe] Janis: [when y'all can't hang and we all know it] Jimmy: [I vote it's ๐Ÿ’€#2 cos mad at her for bathgate tbh] Janis: [and she's probably got the most impressive house in a basic rich way so it's a plus to getting people to show] Jimmy: [agreed] Janis: [along with Mia obvs but we know the vibe, what a joy this will be lol] Jimmy: [I feel like Mia would never have parties at her house because such a daddy's girl and that's why you have minions] Jimmy: [at least you can kiss when you get there cos DYING to] Janis: [exactly, not gonna trash your own house, like, plus bet her mum is a cringe] Jimmy: [I just picture Regina's mum in mean girls basically lol] Janis: [tryna cry about your cheating mans with your daughter and her friends, no one needs that do they Mia, at least Ali would never lmao] Jimmy: [Ali's only cringe cos of how hot everyone thinks she is] Janis: [Mia probably does, secret gay] Jimmy: [oh girl] Janis: [will we ever know your damage truly lol] Jimmy: [we should probably figure it out one day so when we're famous everyone's not like wtf casually an Amber from Get Even situation on our hands] Janis: [true true, but sometimes people are in your life as a cunt and you don't consider why, esp as a teen so it's real that the characters don't know, even if we do] Jimmy: [yeah agreed the whole point is she knows everything about Grace and she knows barely anything about Mia because power moves] Janis: [keep them secrets] Jimmy: [it's that poor little rich girl stereotype and we all know it] Janis: [god bless, we have been distracted though, shall we skip as we are not letting anything happen now or?] Jimmy: [we can do because we very much know the vibe and like realistically they could show up to this function way early like even while the flat whites were all getting ready if they wanted because they have a plan to start] Janis: [oh yeah, like let us help you set up!!!!1 mega friendly so not suspect lol] Jimmy: [we all know they'd be ??? but still let them because Mia thinks she's so smart and in control] Janis: [this would be so painful and funny like try not to die holding in lols at them] Jimmy: [#bondingexperiences] Janis: [they should also be wearing more basic approved clothes, like not too wildly obvs but more girly for her, less alternative for him] Jimmy: [yasss and Grace can do her make up because she's actually good at it for all her other cringe so it would look good] Janis: [gotta get her on side too, keep your suspicions in the chat and not in front of your friends] Jimmy: [you're not touching her hair though, Jimmy would be devastated beyond belief] Janis: [we have to draw the line somewhere] Jimmy: [also Asia should have a new bf she's showing off for the lols] Janis: [what a delight, all the single flat whites crying in the club] Jimmy: [omg if he shows up early too and tries to make awkward #ladsladslads small talk with Jimothy the most unsocial egg in the world] Janis: [good idea ladeh] Janis: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ Jimmy: after I've done him Jimmy: can't be lasses first this once, soz Janis: getting on that well, are you? Jimmy: don't ๐Ÿ˜˜ and tell, me Janis: Bullshit Janis: all you do ๐Ÿ—จโค๐Ÿ“ท๐Ÿ“ฑ Jimmy: Alright, 'cause you untwisted my arm, I'll ๐Ÿ—จ Janis: You giving each other chinese burns? Janis: you wanted that peak homoerotic bullying moment Janis: so happy for you babes!!! ๐Ÿ’– Jimmy: I wish but I do reckon I proper LOVE him Jimmy: summer wedding ๐Ÿคž Janis: sending you colour-palettes as we speak OMG Janis: gonna have to let Asia down really gently or you'll all turn up at the altar by the sounds of ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ Jimmy: You'll do it for me though, yeah? call it first duty as maid of honour Janis: take great pleasure when I have to stop playing dress up and nice, yeah Jimmy: let's swap, I'd be about playing dress up Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ EWWW Janis: such a perv Jimmy: be more jealous that I'm prettier than you, babes Janis: you be more that you'd NEVER fit in this dress she's letting me borrow ๐Ÿ˜˜ Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ find me in the kitchen with your sister eating my feelings Janis: yeah you stay away from my sister creep Janis: focus on making Janis: Declan? Janis: Dave Janis: your bestie for the night/forever and ever ๐Ÿ’– Jimmy: fuck that, please come and rescue me Janis: alright Janis: as he's as bad as he looks Janis: just got to finish being tortured here without dropping that he was in my DMs a few ago, like Janis: when will she meet her ๐Ÿคด eh Jimmy: when she stops fucking ๐Ÿธ? Jimmy: though he looks bit more like ๐ŸฆŽ Janis: More exotic? Janis: upgrade ๐Ÿ™Œ Jimmy: more like he's shedding his skin about Jimmy: what did he ๐Ÿ—จ then? Janis: eurgh Janis: least you forgo'd the black for just one night Janis: asking me my skincare routine, obvs Janis: all adds up now Jimmy: ๐Ÿ™Œ Jimmy: adds up that he's all over me, that's all any dickhead knows of your skincare routine Janis: You can't be taking credit for my skin now Janis: already feel like a barbie up here without you turning it Frankenstein Jimmy: Poor baby Jimmy: I can save you, just ๐Ÿ’ช my way in, hang on Janis: Can hear the hysteria already Janis: if the octaves get any higher, only your dog gonna be able to understand 'em, like Jimmy: you're worth the risk to my one good ear ๐Ÿ’• Jimmy: [does bowl in and pull her away but not far because ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿฟ like I need you to be with me soz] Janis: [Grace just like HER MAKEUP 'cos we know the lipstick is going everywhere] Jimmy: [soz not soz gals] Janis: [lowkey tryna make him leave 'cos this is girl's time 'cos that's always a thing like we all know you're just jelly and sad about your own lack of love ladies] Jimmy: [Mia like no boys and JJ just ignoring her so hard rn because only got ๐Ÿ‘€ for each other and it's not even fake] Janis: [cannot sacrifice him to this boy rn imagine the 'bants' good lord] Jimmy: [literally he could not be further from that #lad vibe he'd be so over it and tbh fuck you Mia we know you're the only one who actually cares if he stays] Janis: [tbh, just chilling on ๐Ÿ’€#2 bed like you're abso besties rn] Jimmy: [god imagine her room, he'd feel so uncomfortable lowkey but we never showing it] Janis: [all white everything like no one spill anything christ] Jimmy: [I hope Grace drops some makeup like Sammi is always doing, my beloved clumsy babe] Janis: [you two try not to piss yourselves like] Jimmy: [when you have to turn it into a cough and that hurts you but at least it stops the lols] Janis: [asking if yous can smoke in here when you so clearly cannot lmao but an excuse for an actual break like brb, he clearly needs it] Jimmy: [run lads run] Janis: [a look when you're outside like Jesus fucking Christ before having the lols you've been holding back this whole time 'God, I actually NEED that cigarette, hurry up, like'] Jimmy: [100% shared and obvs he does hurry up and light hers because whipped and then his because likewise needed] Janis: [just discussing how pissed off Mia is already like lollollol] Jimmy: [and plotting how to piss her off more whilst getting the others on side] Janis: ['hope her birthday is soon, love to fuck that up' when you should know by rights but take no interest so do not lol] Jimmy: [checks her socials because there'd be a shit load of posts from last year and he'd be able to work out the date holds his phone up to her like] Janis: [๐Ÿค” then ๐Ÿ˜’ 'nah fuck it, can't be around them that long' and ๐Ÿ˜ on the exhale at him] Jimmy: ['And you can't do it without me' because still running with that narrative he'll be gone soon] Janis: ['I'd have time to audition replacements before then, come on'] Jimmy: [๐Ÿ˜’ that we're pretending is fake but isn't] Janis: [nudges him in the side with hers 'One and only, I remember'] Jimmy: [nudges her back like be careful with me even though she already is being] Janis: ['my delicate little baby' and cupping his cheeks instead of squashing 'em] Jimmy: [looks down at whatever outfit they've put her in 'dunno what I'm gonna call you'] Janis: ['but your list of J names is endless'] Jimmy: ['but those are for you, who the fuck is she?' gestures at the look like who would wear this but OTT because we know she looks good still really and we're not trying to slag her off] Janis: [looks down like yeah, ikr 'sadly their names don't all rhyme or begin with the same letter or something as appropriately cultish so' shrugs like who knows] Jimmy: [dramatic sigh/ exhale of smoke like what a let down] Janis: ['How many continents and virtues still up for grabs?'] Jimmy: [๐Ÿ˜] Janis: [shakes head to self thinking on how many levels Grace is an inappropriate name for her 'Not Chastity, like, or Antarctica, both so not goals for the same reason'] Jimmy: ['Whatever the hottest country is, go with that one' when you're not even joking rn you just think she's that hot blatantly] Janis: [trying not to ๐Ÿ˜ณ with limited success 'yeah, such a flex, could go with a vice for a name too but be a bit on the nose, I reckon'] Jimmy: 'Depends, probably don't choose gluttony or owt but' shrugs] Janis: ['Exactly, get sexier names or get out'] Jimmy: [looking over his shoulder like you can feel Mia lurking 'about time we got back in' even though that's the last thing either of them wants] Janis: [sighs not even a bit fake 'yeah' then doesn't move] Jimmy: [puts his arm around her waist like come on but doesn't move either] Janis: [puts hers around his neck 'but I just wanna be with you' and we're pretending that's fake but it's just tea] Jimmy: ['I won't leave you with 'em again' when you 100% mean that] Janis: ['Good' resting your head on his shoulder instead of moving] Jimmy: [stroking her hair nbd] Janis: [can't stay here forever lads, maybe people are actually starting to show up] Jimmy: [get back in lads and find you have a drink waiting because Mia is trying to be #fake nice too so draw the poison symbol on her arm with your fingertip and do an IRL ๐Ÿคž before downing it] Janis: [when you look for reactions with almost genuine concern she's such a snek then you down yours, cheersing at her from across the room] Jimmy: [kiss her for the romeo and juliet ref but also just cos you wanna] Janis: [we know the vibe, this could also be the party Mia bangs Pablo maybe? jussayin] Jimmy: [that's such a good idea actually because she's so mad that the squad are team jj and Asia's got a new bf and she's losing her control honey] Janis: [mhmm, that's what I thought, it's a fuck you in the bag, like] Jimmy: [I had the hilarious mental image of JJ doing whatever this era's equivalent of tiktok is with tall tammy like that's her thingโ„ข cos Grace has youtube] Janis: [that's so funny lmao yes must] Jimmy: [hence Mia be fuming cos ๐Ÿ’€#2 is the only one giving her the time of day rn] Janis: [truly the Lorraine of this situation] Jimmy: [and Grace is probably trying to get with someone Mia doesn't want her to because she's jealous of jj's love] Janis: [oh what a night] Jimmy: [such fun, but they should 'accidentally' fuck up the borrowed dress in some way by the end of this] Janis: [that's also an idea, plenty of ways that could happen, soz gal lol] Jimmy: [yeah they'll enjoy that and rich girl should have a heated indoor pool they can piss about with] Janis: [such a rich teen mood to jump in in your underwear, the other guests will, the flat whites just like nooooo] Jimmy: [Asia might but the rest of them would NEVER] Janis: [oh Asia, you fun loving gal] Jimmy: [get on that ๐ŸฆŽ bf in the pool like] Janis: [i'm loling, what other hijinks could happen] Jimmy: [I wish they could 'accidentally' push Mia in like oh soz we were playfighting and just happened to get in the way babes] Janis: [they should, 'cos then she'd also make them all go comfort her so it'd be like 1 point them but also 1 to her] Jimmy: [give jj a flat white break for a bit cos they'd all have to help her get ready all over again too] Janis: [exactly, oh how uncool of you, play it off girl, so extra] Jimmy: [if Jimmy chucked Janis in it'd be a different story, look listen and learn gal] Janis: [at least they didn't push Grace in, the actual meltdown of it all] Jimmy: [I could never, as much as she annoys me] Janis: [we all know Janis would but we're playing nice rn so no, hmm, they could commandeer her room and go through her shit lmao no shame, obvs pretending they're banging not just like 'scuse me nosy person coming through] Jimmy: [a nice throwback to school trip when they were meant to be punished but it was just fun] Janis: [exactly dr phil...bitch probably has a diary like be cliche about it] Jimmy: [take all the pics of that #goss in case you need it later, cos she'd know the most about Mia ๐Ÿ’€ pact and all] Janis: [mhmm mhmm, you're obviously gonna find her binge stash but that's not news] Jimmy: [fatty boy gonna eat some of it though] Janis: [think Mia's helped herself lollll] Jimmy: [you're welcome for that little domestic ladies] Janis: [death pact drama, just sow all these seeds on the low] Jimmy: [just chucking her on the bed even though you're not meant to pick her up rn and tickling her/all that good messing about because you've GOTTA mess the bed up and no other reason] Janis: [we all know the show is getting put on as if people can see lowkey] Jimmy: [can't even blame them cos even if they shamelessly didn't want to, it's what they are so used to doing by now too] Janis: [we all know you do though and that ain't getting any easier lads] Jimmy: [tea] Janis: [like to think you're fresh out the pool now too 1. for max hotness 2. so her bed is soaked lol thanks] Jimmy: [100% approved] Janis: [just pondering what else can be done and said...Harry is probably here, 'cos of the Mia of it all, do we wanna do anything with that?] Jimmy: [she would 100% invite him so yeah we definitely should do something but what? hmmmm] Janis: [we could have Mia forcing a convo moment 'cos that bitch] Jimmy: [that's real because she so would] Janis: [then it's gonna be awkward between them 'cos he's gonna be mad and she'll wanna die] Jimmy: [cheers for making tomorrow's community service even more fun Mia] Janis: [just getting y'all out of that convo as fast as you can without giving Mia too much satisfaction with it, going to the garden to smoke after but being like 'I'll leave you to it'] Jimmy: [so awkward so moody] Janis: [always ending up hiding in a bathroom or spare room or some bullshit so you can have a moment] Jimmy: [at least it would be a massive house so she can] Janis: soz Jimmy: yeah I know Janis: everyone at this party is a cunt Janis: not surprising, I know Jimmy: hang on, gonna take ages for me to @ them all Janis: you gonna turn on me then Jimmy: why would I give her owt she wants? Janis: I'm not gonna dob you in to her, like Jimmy: you wanna have a scrap? Janis: Not with you Jimmy: leave it out then Janis: Alright Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Janis: take your own advice yeah Jimmy: meaning what? Janis: don't need to do a passive-aggressive ๐Ÿ‘ just shh Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘Œ Jimmy: that better? Janis: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Janis: that much better Jimmy: ๐Ÿ™„ Janis: if you've got nothing nice to say, don't emoji at me, dickhead Jimmy: how about you tell me how you reckoned this were gonna go and I'll fake the proper ๐Ÿ—จ for you Janis: Like I said, you don't need to say anything Janis: fake or otherwise Janis: I was just saying what I had to Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: Okay, come find me when you wanna or whatever Jimmy: come find me when you need owt Janis: Fine Jimmy: โœ” Janis: If I could undo it, I would Janis: I know it makes this shit needlessly more difficult Jimmy: don't worry, this is my piss easy job Janis: easier than serving them lattes? Jimmy: make it more obvious that you've never had to Janis: At least you don't have to spend this long fully focused on them at CG though Janis: is what I mean Jimmy: I ain't focused on 'em now Janis: only for as long as you can make a ๐Ÿšฌ last Jimmy: nah, they don't matter that much, is what I mean Jimmy: it's just bollocks Janis: yeah Janis: but we're still doing it Janis: so it must matter a bit Jimmy: the reasons I'm doing this is nowt to do with any of them Janis: I know the main reason Janis: but we don't need to be here for that Jimmy: the main reason were not making my life any harder, her dobbing us in has done that, so yeah, we do Janis: Yeah, it's payback Janis: so it is about her Janis: her getting some of her bullshit back won't unfuck what she's already done but might make us feel better about it Jimmy: it's about us, you just said it Jimmy: feeling better Janis: Alright Janis: it doesn't matter either way to me how you slice it Jimmy: if it doesn't matter, why are we ๐Ÿ—จ about it? Janis: I was asking how you found it easy Jimmy: Alright Janis: You didn't exactly answer but yeah Jimmy: you dunno 'cause you dunno nowt about me or what my life's like, there's your answer Janis: It's not that deep Janis: asking how partying with them could be easier than serving them isn't a crazy question Janis: if you don't want to answer, don't, it's fine Jimmy: like I said, if you'd ever done it you'd get that it's a bollocks question Janis: Well you know I haven't Jimmy: she ain't gonna treat me how she does there, she can't unless I were here to hand round the drinks Janis: she's a cunt Janis: I'm aware Jimmy: ๐Ÿ† Janis: she's incapable of not treating people like shit, no matter who you are to her Janis: she has them, her best friends, running 'round after her as much as she does you whenever she comes in Janis: that's what she is, I know that Jimmy: me an' all Janis: yeah, so no need to talk to me like I'm thick just 'cos I've never had to clean up after her Janis: known and been around the bitch much longer, I've had my fair share, don't worry Jimmy: I don't wanna talk about her, that's what I'm trying to get into your head Janis: We're at her party, we're doing this whole thing Janis: what else could we talk about Jimmy: nowt obvs Janis: right Jimmy: ๐Ÿ”ˆ Janis: ๐Ÿ‘ loud and clear Jimmy: [come back in and get more drinks boy you can't ๐Ÿšฌ forever] Janis: [just hiding forever though] Jimmy: ? Janis: yes? Jimmy: I've got you a drink, where do you want it? Janis: Eh Janis: I'll come down Jimmy: leave all that enthusiasm up there, can't even handle how #extra that response were, my dear Janis: I'll be suitably gracious by the time I arrive, don't worry Jimmy: weren't about to lose any sleep Janis: sure, what's another fight at another party Janis: not counterintuitive at all Jimmy: I'm not gonna fight with you Jimmy: just come here Janis: Maybe I don't feel like not fighting Jimmy: I'm a dickhead, don't mean you've gotta be an' all Janis: you definitely don't get to own being a dickhead, tah very much Jimmy: I don't wanna fight with you, alright? Janis: [comes to get her drink in response] Jimmy: [hugs her in response because she knows that's a thing he genuinely does lately not a fake thing like kissing her or something would be] Janis: [hugs back of course] Jimmy: [gets her to dance with him because what better way to pretend that there's nobody else here just you two] Janis: ['mates?' when you'd have to whisper that in his ear and it's low-key the only reason you did it 'cos any excuse to be unreasonably close] Jimmy: [whispers back 'best mates' but it's said in such a flirty manner obvs] Janis: [๐Ÿ˜ but ๐Ÿ˜ on the low 'cos we can pretend they fake thanks party people, holds her pinky out like promise] Jimmy: [does promise of course and then just holding her hand doing some of the massage stuff from earlier on it so once again she knows it's real but it looks just like they being saucy and fake] Janis: ['I wish we were still in your bed' when you can just say it 'cos it sounds right but y'all don't even know] Jimmy: ['we can go back to mine whenever you're ready' because they have community service together in the AM anyway so it's believable that she would just stay because such a goals couple who are together 24 7 clearly] Janis: ['good' but your face on the low is like yeah right/I wish 'cos Ian hates you] Jimmy: [when you read her mind so you cup that adorable little face in your hands and you're like 'my dad's nowt to worry about' because you genuinely don't give a fuck but luckily it also sounds very romeo and juliet fuck our parents vibes so #goals] Janis: ['I don't care if you don't, but are you sure?' when you can just say what you mean and have it fit, this is so useful lmao] Jimmy: ['I just wanna be with you' because she literally said it earlier and meant it so I have to because #same] Janis: [soz gonna make out with you] Jimmy: [not soz because clearly so into it] Janis: [blurred lines remix] Jimmy: [mhmmm] Janis: [so glad your plan backfired, Mia] Jimmy: [I hope you and Harry both see this cos fuck y'all] Janis: [she's always watching lmao] Jimmy: [enjoy their love bitch] Janis: [the levels of get a room they are at rn has never been higher] Jimmy: [god bless, love that for you especially because as far as everyone knows you literally did get a room earlier but you were just snooping lol] Janis: [just like they insatiable, which is true but not yet lol Jimmy: [you know nobody's ever been that into any of the flat whites, sucks to suck ladies] Janis: [when parties make you sad 'cos people being ๐Ÿ˜] Jimmy: [the realest] Janis: [you two gonna have to tone it down 'fore you alienate them totally rn] Jimmy: [I'm trying to think what else they could do to annoy Mia/win the rest over within this party setting] Janis: [hmm maybe some kind of game moment or similar vibe where they can just be really cute about each other with their answers so the rest are like awh idk] Jimmy: [yeah drinking games are always real and they could do some cute teamwork too but also pick a flat white to team up with maybe so Mia will be fuming] Janis: [basically be up for a laugh 'cos Mia is NEVER and discourages it like no, that's lame etc] Jimmy: [exactly they'd be living their best lives, except ๐Ÿ’€#2] Jimmy: [they gonna win you over too though girl cos nothing will annoy Mia more] Janis: [gotta get her nearest and dearest, like but gonna have to play the long game with that one] Jimmy: [when he's gonna end up having fun even though he hates everyone but Janis highkey] Janis: [the mood] Jimmy: [you deserve it boy after all that bullshit with Ian and the like] Janis: [community service in the AM baby] Jimmy: [at least they're not drunk af this time so they won't have to do it really hungover] Janis: [and it's gonna lowkey be fun we know anyway even if they don't yet] Jimmy: [you're gonna love it lads] Janis: [again, they have not thought your punishment through here and I'm about it] Jimmy: [how real is that though, oh adults] Janis: [at least Grace can tell Cali she's at his and they will be suitably fuming, get the parental hate rolling on both sides] Jimmy: [yeah we gotta] Janis: [like you don't know safer than what her actual plan was, 'scuse you] Jimmy: [Yeah Grace would be happy that she's there like thank god] Janis: [least you're not dead vibes] Jimmy: [or gone forever who knows where] Janis: [like tomorrow night is anyone's guess lads] Jimmy: [just stay with him always girl we know you wanna] Janis: [obvs but how long can you fake stay with someone hmm] Jimmy: [how long can you guys share a bed and nothing happens more like lol] Janis: [exactly dr phil, can't exactly be on his sofa can you] Jimmy: [I was thinking for tonight we could cockblock them by saying Bobby and Twix are in his bed asleep when they get back cos miss him #adorable so he wakes up when they come in and Jimmy has to go sleep with him in his room because we all know if they share a bed rn we won't be able to stop something real happening even if that's only a kiss or something] Janis: [I accept that, we can always do online messages then too so] Jimmy: [soz about the levels of frustration though lads] Janis: [we're just cockblocking 'til it's silly we all know it] Jimmy: [you've brought this on yourselves, just say how you really feel or do something undeniable when you're alone] Janis: [my boo say say it you cowards] Jimmy: [I do, I'm mad which makes no sense because fake dating is my fave and that ends it junie you silly goose] Janis: [we don't/won't push it 'til it makes no sense lol, but we can move it to a place of 'we can just be fuck buddies and carry on the fake' as if that's not even more of a headfuck guys] Jimmy: [god bless, that'll be fun and games so we simply must make that more of a thing than we did before] Janis: ['cos it's a way to admit some shit, like yeah, obvs this chemistry is real but still be like, we don't LIKE each other though] Jimmy: [a very them thing to do we all know it] Janis: [see 'let's be mates' baby steps] Jimmy: [we are sneaky gals and I'm about it] Janis: [still, not tonight sweaties] Jimmy: [we could maybe have something happen at the rave/festival whichever that we've still gotta do though] Janis: [that is a good idea, and maybe they invite the flat whites to that so they have their tent near each other whatever and it's another thing Mia would HATE] Jimmy: [yaaaaas] Janis: [hohaha its a plan, you probably can leave this party now though and skip] Jimmy: [going hard because your tent is next to theirs but then it's less and less about that we ๐Ÿ‘€ you, but yeah for now you can go lads and have your night not end at all like how you want because we're rude like that] Janis: [shameless, but Imma just say night 'cos see above lol] Janis: ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ’ค Jimmy: chuck the ๐Ÿ• out if it does your head in Janis: she's alright Janis: passed out ages ago Jimmy: bit of a lightweight Janis: just my magic touch, like Jimmy: give her a massage an' all? Jimmy: know how to make a lad feel special you ๐Ÿ’” Janis: ๐Ÿ’” Janis: nah, if you'd settle for head pats my life would be easier but here we are Jimmy: I've never said I wouldn't Jimmy: be proper goals any road, they don't want a lad, they want a pet Jimmy: ๐Ÿธ or ๐ŸฆŽ Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: well I'm with PETA on this one Janis: rather it was a lad than some totally defenseless creature, like Jimmy: must be pissed if you're admitting how ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ† I am Janis: Hardly Janis: but every lad they ever get their hands on at least gets a few punches in themselves Janis: if the ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’” is anything to go by, even if you halved it to account for dramatics Jimmy: must be ๐Ÿ’• then Janis: Clearly Janis: ๐Ÿ™„ Jimmy: what were it you said, if you ain't got nowt nice to say, don't emoji at me, dickhead Janis: you wouldn't complain if it were a ๐Ÿ’˜ Jimmy: so go on Janis: ๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿฅ‡ Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: try harder Janis: those are your favourites, like Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Jimmy: Alright? Janis: I'll take it Jimmy: [sends her a pic of Bobby asleep all over him in this tiny bed like an adorable sos] Janis: Aww Janis: crazy night here too, obvs Jimmy: if you had socks on you'd wake up without 'em Jimmy: hardened criminal that ๐Ÿ• Janis: Sounds like a dubious cover for some #kinkunlocked behaviour tbh Janis: but I'll take your word for it Janis: even if she looks like an ๐Ÿ˜‡ Jimmy: might be one of hers but I've ๐Ÿ‘€ and ๐Ÿ– your feet and you're alright, tah Janis: When you broke 'em, you mean Janis: hm Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: it were your own fault Janis: You wanna go to bed on an argument then, alright Jimmy: you know I don't Janis: yeah Janis: feel a bit rude cussing you out when I know there's a kid like ๐Ÿ˜ด on your shoulder anyway Jimmy: you can always go through my shit if you're well mardy at me Jimmy: my diary's hidden proper Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: wouldn't even be surprised if you had a diary Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: you know I can't read or write, Jenna Janis: picture book then Janis: even artier Jimmy: ๐Ÿฅ” prints Jimmy: get me in a northern gallery that Janis: don't be pissing about with ๐Ÿฅ” Janis: sacrilege Jimmy: coal then Janis: long as you keep it off your face Janis: know what you're like Jimmy: Oi Janis: I should be oing you Jimmy: we're playing nice, you agreed Janis: Don't you think I'm being nice? Jimmy: Don't make me come in there Janis: Or what Jimmy: I'll sort you out, girl Jimmy: bed time or nah Janis: yeah right Jimmy: Challenge accepted Jimmy: keep going, see if I don't Janis: You've never sorted me out before Janis: no reason to be ๐Ÿ™€ that tonight is any different Jimmy: [cue him going in for the flirtiest but quietest playfight they've EVER had because I have to] Janis: [what a moment bye] Jimmy: [the TENSION I cannot] Janis: [we dying boys] Jimmy: [like what are you gonna do now boy just leave like it never happened or are you gonna try and stay? I'd love to know] Janis: [lmao please tell] Jimmy: [can we let him or is that too dangerous oh the dilemma] Janis: you have slept with each other before like that but is either of you that sleepy rn hmm] Jimmy: [we know they're not tired we ๐Ÿ‘€ you] Janis: [mhmm, I'm like bitch don't you ask him to stay either] Jimmy: [I'll make him go back, we must be strong] Janis: [okay hehe] Jimmy: [unless something did happen and then it makes community service awkward oh ho] Janis: [that's an idea] Jimmy: [like if one of them freaks out somehow how they do and we've done before in other situations idk] Janis: [yeah, or is shamelessly ignoring lowkey tomorrow like that never happened, either one of them could, like] Jimmy: [yeah because y'all ain't even drunk so you can't use the don't remember excuse] Janis: [we all know you remember and there was no pretense of having a phone nearby or whatever] Jimmy: [the question is how far are we gonna let them go and who's taking the plunge] Janis: [hmm, we can save all the way for later, I think he should 'cos blatantly egging him like the whole time they're 'fighting' it's not subtext] Jimmy: [I agree with that and he's not gonna back down because the whole challenge and 'you've never sorted me out before' comment so he's clearly gotta in all the ways Harry has never] Janis: [Exactly, we know what she was saying there and so do they] Jimmy: [when he makes you feel amazing and then leaves like a sexy ๐Ÿ‘ป because the flimsy excuse of hearing someone and thinking your brother is awake again or something] Janis: [who's ignoring who tomorrow or are we both, what's the vibe of it] Jimmy: [I feel like he should ignore her because he did it so how real but how shady] Janis: [I vibe, then she can be mad and initiate the awkward convo/argument like 'scuse me] Jimmy: [yeah because she probably didn't get chance to do much to him because he was on a #mission with a point to prove so she's probably thinking it's a mmfd to be continued kind of situation like IOU boy and then he's so rude] Janis: [that's a plan, will post this one now though]
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