#yeah. dude. i guess that guy you wanted to kill soooo bad all those years ago is for real your only option
vulpinesaint · 25 days
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man. that's crazy. #frenemies
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butwhatifidothis · 1 year
If you don't mind explaining, why are all of the Ashen Wolves in the "Ew" tier, save for Constance?
i saw your fe3h tierlist and i’m super curious to know why you don’t vibe w/ yuri/hapi/balthus lol
I've actually already explained why I don't like Balthus or Hapi a few times by now lmao, but finding those posts is annoying soooo yeah I'll just say it again it here:
got long and character hate under the cut it goes
Balthus' character starting point of "gambling moocher with a kind heart beneath it all" annoys the ever loving shit out of me off rip, so he already has a bad leg in the race for me. The main thing that makes me hate him though is his shitty fuckin' supports with Claude. He comes off as a major creep here, blackmailing a teenager with sensitive information that could literally get him killed if the wrong person finds it and which Claude is visibly shown to be uncomfortable with Balthus knowing and visibly shown to not trust Balthus in knowing even after five years of him revealing that he knows it (long enough to, y'know, show that he can be trusted with this information by now)... all to try to fuck this kid's mom. Who he saw only a few times, by his own admission. And nearly 20 fuckin' years ago.
And then Balthus shows that he really shouldn't be trusted with this information, because the only reason he keeps it is because he's under the belief that Claude will, in fact, meet him up with Tiana. If Claude finds that idea, well, fuckin' creepy and weird and doesn't want to go through with it, well, tough shit I guess! It's laughed off by the end of the chain but god it's just so fuckin' scummy and weird and creepy dude.
And sad thing is, there's a part in the A support where Claude goes to Balthus for some advice and Balthus gives some that genuinely helps Claude out some - where the fuck is this for the rest of the chain? It comes out of nowhere and is then buried by the aforementioned "don't worry I won't tell anyone your secrets since you will meet me up with your mom, right?" shit. If the support had more of that or built up to it better I'd be more than happy, but as is? Just makes me bench Balthus lmao.
Hapi is just. Annoying. Supremely annoying. Her characters makes sense to be the way it is in most ways, but hearing her go on about how much she hates the Church (to the point of cheering on Lonato, mind you, despite his shit killing innocent people) becomes grating very quickly.
Okay so like. I was under the impression that she was thrown in some dungeons before she was moved to the Abyss, but like. Rechecking her supports to make sure, she literally says that she was moved to Abyss? And... nothing else? And that's why she hates the Church? Like she mentions nothing about any dungeon the Church threw her in. Which means she compares being trapped and chained and tortured by Cornelia, alone, in who-know-where... to living in a underground mini-society, with guaranteed food and relative safety (enough for her sigh problem to be able to be dealt with should it cause trouble). So like. Yeah no she just got worse lol.
But either way her attitude is just. Very annoying lmao. To be clear, there are things that happen that make it make sense why she's like this (like her A support with Ashe) - she's a fine enough character. Just doesn't help her for me personally.
Yuri is... kinda specific as to why I just don't like him. He's this guy who literally didn't exist before DLC paid him into reality, but he walks in and
he's lived on the streets
he's lived as a noble
he's a gang lord
he's been a spy for the Church
he's been an assassin
he's a great tactician
and oh yeah he's
I don't mean to call him a Gary Stu or anything - because I don't think he is one - but I do mean to say that he comes in with waaaaaay too much shit in his kit when he first walks up on the block for me. He's just done everything off jump, and those kind of characters are a huge pet peeve of mine.
Not helped with the joyful fandom experience as a Claude fan to have to hear about this bozo being Better Claude Better Claude Better Claude, about how he should have been a lord and not Claude since he's actually smart unlike Claude. That was fun! And unfortunately tanked his already middling stance for me a looooooot.
The only reason Constance is saved is because holy shit, is this girly hilarious. The sheer degree of her melodrama/arrogance in her day and night phases get me cackling. She's a character I don't really take seriously at all and just laugh along the ride she brings, which is a rare thing for me to want do with a character in 3H lmao
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Jason Moran Dezon
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Jason Moran Dezon, The Most Dangerous Boy in town
Leo: The Dangerous Nature
Catchphrase: “Hey I’m a terrible person, but I’m a decent guy!” :D
Favorite Ride: The Shooting Gallery
Intro: When he was younger, Jason Dezon would visit his aunt on the weekend. His aunt, Miss Connors, was a wicked woman as you already know. Only three, he would do his best to protect his younger cousin, Sarah Marie. This was a trend he would continue all his life. He did his best to shake off the abuse. The beatings never bothered him, he knew he was just protecting the defenseless child. However, after being called multiple choice words and being told he was a terrible boy, he began to believe it. As he grew older, he visited the Connors house less, and jail more. He was then abandoned by his family, and decided that he would stop relying on anyone to help him or his cousin. His final visit to the Connors house left an impression on everyone. Jason Dezon had had enough of the beatings, and on instinct, pulled a knife on Mr. Connors. This got Jason sent to jail for 2 years. In jail, he was constantly treated like he was nothing. Many others called him a danger and a menace. He decided, that if everyone was going to think of him like that, he would at least have fun with it. Sure, he would be a danger, but only to those he beloved deserved it. Every inmate in prison was there for a reason, so in his mind, it didn’t matter if he hurt them. His family had never cared for him, so it didn’t matter if he hurt them. It didn’t matter if he stole, threatened, or harmed anyone. This was because no one cared if any of those things happened to him. The only person he believed was worth being kind to, was his little cousin. The one who had always believed in him. Unfortunately, when he came to visit the Connors to see her, she no longer believed in him. With her thinking he was as violent as the rest of their family, he had nothing left holding him to sanity. He decided he would make the town burn for how broken he had become. This is how Jason Dezon become The Most Dangerous Boy in town.
Song Title: The Bomb
Song Theme: I could be a murderer and want to kill people, like everyone in town. But I have a tragic past, so you love me ;) …please love me and fix me
Dialogue lines: :
“woah woah woah, you can’t just ask someone why they were in jail for 2 years…”
“I guess I am the way I am because no one saw me as anything else, but I didnt want to be as bad as they thought, so I met the expectations halfway.”
“I would never harm an innocent. It’s just that no one in this town is innocent. I dont think anyone is really innocent. Soooo, yeah, I guess I’ll hurt anyone.”
”You touch my cousin, you fucking die. That’s it.”
”I’m like, the worst person, but I’m also. A lonely person.”
“You ever create elaborate plans to murder people, then almost go through with it? I do that every day. All day. Isn’t fire pretty. Why are you backing away :) am i scaring you >:)?”
“listen, dude,,,, you rock. But auto tune? Not in style anymore, sorry buddy.”
“Oh I remember you!! The guy who wanted to be a smoker stripper whatever at like age five! You’re so cool.”
“Who… the fuck… is that creepy ass doll. If she gets close to me, I’ll kill her. I don’t care if we are dead.”
“I’m killing you all starting with Ocean. You think I’m kidding? I’ll find a way.”
Character Thoughts:
Ocean is gonna die and I’m gonna kill her myself
Noel is awesome, he wants to fuck and die. Same buddy. Also, he took care of Marie all these years ya know? He’s gotta be worth something.
Mischa. Sarah Marie Connors, if he breaks your heart I break him. Thats like my job as your older brother figure.
Ricky, my dude, you are weird as fuck, but I respect you. You horny? Be horny. Even for cat ladies. Just treat them right.
Keep the doll fuck away from me. Creepy ass shit.
Choirsona thoughts: 
Havent met anyone yet. Get ready for me world. 
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defkooka · 4 years
until i see you again [pt.1] I na jaemin
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pairing: na jaemin x reader
genre: collegeau!, summerau!, friends to lovers!, angst, romance
word count: 11.4K
summary: na jaemin was the boy who made you fall for him the summer of your sophomore year of high school. na jaemin was also the boy who unintentionally broke your heart that same summer, leaving and never returning again. now he’s back, ironically during the summer of your sophomore year of college. some things never seem to change huh?
a/n: i love dreams new comeback! chenle was looking *chefs kiss*. anyways, a small series on our flirt jaemin. i’m stuck at home doing school work and nothing to do but to write so i couldn't help myself when the concept video for puzzle piece came out, like jaemin looks soooo cute! hope you enjoy :) PS: REQUEST ARE OPEN
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the soles of your feet were burning and you were sweating like crazy at this point. you could even feel the sweat begin to drop from between your boobs which was never a good sign, the only thing keeping you from melting into the tile floors was the hot breeze coming from the fan sitting on the far corner of the pink marble counter. 
“why the fuck is it so hot right now?!” eunjung came walking from the back room, two big tubs of chocolate ice cream on each of her sides and a big pouty look decorated her face.
“you would think that working at an ice cream shop all summer would mean we would at least not sweat gallons a day. but look at us now, who would have thought? not me!” ellie sarcastically commented and turned to lean against the metal counter to look at you. you rolled your eyes and fanned yourself with the rag on your shoulder avoiding her ‘i told you so’ gaze.
“better than making 8 dollars an hour watching mean devil children all summer,” you said while you played with the bright pink and neon green cups that sat on the dispenser, “scholarships and financial aid can only get you so far”.
summer had come faster than you had anticipated this year. you went from stressing over big tests, homework, and maintaining a job all at once, to dying in the scorching heat of an ice cream shop. you and your friends planned to make this the best summer, but you couldn't really do that with an empty bank account. so when eunjung saw a ‘help wanted’ sign from your local ice cream shop hanging on the front door, she couldn't pass on the opportunity of bringing you and ellie along. 
“come on guys, cheer up! at least we get all the free ice cream we want.” she shrugged her shoulder and smiled down at the large cookie dough cone she had prepared for herself.
“i would much rather be taking care of ms. jacksons kids than sitting in here in this heat. like literally it’s a fucking ice cream shop, shouldn't all this ice cream be melted by now?” ellie dropped her head back and whined. “well you said yes to working with us, so suck it up bitch!” eunjung kicked ellie’s shin and once again for the tenth time that day they began bickering.
“guys! chill out. and she’s right ellie, this isn’t so bad. at least better than us sitting on eunjungs couch all summer with no money whatsoever.” you laughed and turned towards the door to gaze outside at the empty streets. it’s been a pretty slow day, only a few people here and there. you even had a few some older couples coming in and sitting down for a while, before leaving right out the door again.
“i wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t so empty! everyone's either at the carnival or getting ready for that stupid lake party.” ellie crossed her arms on the marble top next to you and grouched.
“didn't you say you wanted to go to said ‘stupid lake party’?” eunjung looked at her in confusion, “i know!” ellie threw her hands up in frustration and walked out from behind the counter to sit at one of the tables in front of the big glass window, you and eunjung following behind. 
“don’t worry! we have like 2 more hours until our shifts are over so we can just head home, get into cute little bikinis, and go have fun and get drunk at the lake. but i am NOT carrying your ass home drunk again.” you squeezed her shoulders in reassurance before taking a seat with your back facing the door.
“ugh i can’t wait! all the hot guys, the music. i heard jisung was going to be there with the guys.” eunjung smiled and blushed while licking away the ice cream that had dripped onto her hand.
“uhhhh you mean your boyfriend?” ellie mocked her by making kissy noises and poking her sides. “he’s not my boyfriend, stop it.” she swatted away her hands and you laughed.
“yeah right, you have been flirting and all over each other since literally our freshman year of high school!” you crossed your arms on the metal table in front of you, feeling the icy cold metal against your burning skin.
“i like to take my time with things thank you very much.” she stuck her tongue out at you guys and ellie and you shook your heads in laughter.
you all kept small conversation on silly things that happened during your weeks when all of the sudden you heard the bell of the front door ding, and then male laughs follow along, making you three look up.
“um excuse me, aren’t you guys supposed to be working?” you turned around at the familiar voice and saw chenle and jeno walking towards your table. you saw another head of ashy blue hair walking behind them but didn't recognize them since you couldn’t really see their face with chenle’s head in the way, so you didn't pay much attention to it.
“look what the cat dragged in.” ellie flipped off chenle with a teasing tone and a smile, he mimicked her words and flipped her off as well before giving you a high five and waving at eunjung who sat across from you.
“awe don’t be so bitter ellie, i know you miss us even though you saw us like two days ago.” jeno began poking the side of her neck constantly making her squirm under his touch. “don’t touch me like that!” she punched his buff upper arm, but not strong enough to the point where it would actually hurt him, not like it would anyway. jeno was somehow built like a ken doll. literally any time any of you would try and inflict any sort of pain towards him, he wouldn't even as much as flinch, god does love to play favorites. 
jeno frowned and rubbed the part up and down jokingly and continued to tease the black haired girl sitting in front of him.
“technically we areee supposed to be working, but it’s been dead all day so we’re just killing time until we leave.” eunjung shoved the last of her ice cream into her mouth and discreetly wiped her hands on ellies shoulder while she continued to fight off jenos mocking hands.
“you guys coming to the lake later?” chenle played with a few strands of your hair in attempt to braid it, but failing miserably at it too.
“fuck yeah we’re going, i refuse to let summer slip away before i go back to sitting in lectures all day. anyway who’s even dow-” she stopped mid sentence after she finally noticed the third head with jeno and chenle. she had a shocked yet amused expression on her face and she stayed like that for a few seconds in complete silence. jeno seemed to noticed her behavior and snapped his head towards the person who still remained unknown. he walked behind you to grab their arm before finally introducing them.
“shit i forgot, you guys remember jaemin right? he moved away 3-4 years ago, we were all like best friends back in school.” your body went stiff at the mention of that name. you haven't heard of it in a long time, not after spending months brokenhearted when he first left and slowly seeming to forget about him over the years, well. until now.
 jeno dragged jaemin forward where he stood at the front of the table and smiled at ellie and eunjung.
“of course i remember jaemin. where the hell have you been all this time kid?” ellie stood up with a smile to give him a tight hug before she pulled back, and let eunjung hug him too. 
“college.” he laughed with a straight set of teeth, making you reminisce of the small, wimpy black haired boy with braces that would run around with you guys back in grade school all throughout high school, before he had to move away. he was older now. way older, and definitely not a boy anymore. his ashy blue hair was the thing that stood out the most, he wore it with confidence. jaemin back in high school wasn’t much of a person who liked attention, he loved having friends and was a very friendly person, but never bold enough to something like dye his entire head blue. you also didn’t miss that his height had skyrocketed, now he stood a solid 4-5 inches taller than you. even though he didn't look anything like the way he had left, he somehow still acted like the same jaemin you crushed on back in freshman year and all through that summer. his warm, wide smile was the same, his bright black eyes were the same, and the happy aura around him was still the same.
“you just came down for the summer or something?” eunjung pulled away from the hug and widely smiled at him.
“sadly, yes. my mom wanted to spend a summer back home for a while so she dragged us to come down.” he sadly nodded along with his words and pushed his large hands into his shorts pockets.
“well, i guess that means we have to make the most of it right? you’re gonna be hanging out with us all summer long from now on, just like old times. dude we’re getting the old crew back!” ellie excitedly hugged eunjung before turning to you. once she saw the look of pure and utter shock in your face her smile slowly dropped but soon turned into a knowing smirk.
“jaemin, you remember y/n right?” your eyes went wide and everyone’s attention shifted towards you where you still sat on the chair. jaemins smile dropped a little bit at the sound of your name before turning to look at you, then he broke out into the biggest grin you’ve seen on him yet.
“holy shit. hey y/n, long time no see.” his eyes roamed up and down your body before meeting your gaze once again. not in one of those weird perverted ways, but in a ‘holy shit, i cant believe it’s actually you!’ way. he hadn’t seen you in years nor heard your name in a while, just from time to time when he would speak to the guys and they would talk about where they were hanging out and who was coming along. every time he heard it, it made him think about you and all those past memories back in high school, especially making those old feelings bubble up in his stomach, but he never lodged on them for long since he truly believed he would never see your face ever again.
“yeah, long time huh?” you smiled at him and you both didn’t say anything after that. you guys just stood there taking each others appearances in.
jaemin noticed the way your hair got shorter, you had probably cut it from the way it used to flow down your back when you were kids. you definitely didn’t look like the little girl he would tease, you looked grown. like a woman. your breast had gotten bigger and peeked out from the tight black work shirt you had picked out that morning in a rush. your legs were longer and thicker, and your skin glowed from the way the sun was hitting it just right from the window in front of you. jaemin always thought you were pretty when you were kids, but you were stunning now. all those past memories hitting him like a truck while he stared at you in awe.
“okayyy. why don’t weee, go get you guys some ice cream, shall we?” eunjung pushed jeno and chenle towards the glass display once she saw you and jaemin get into an intense stare down and the atmosphere had gone silent.
“we have to bring enough for everyone. renjun wants milk flavored!” chenle screamed while jeno followed behind him. ellie gave you a look before she walked away with another smirk. “what the fuck is even milk flavored?” you heard eunjung say before jaemin took a seat on the chair in front of you, leaning back into it with his hands in front of him on the shiny metal table.
“how you've been?” he looked at you with that fondness he used to look at you with back in that summer, which was one of the reasons you fell so hard for the guy. you couldn't help the pink blush that began creeping onto your cheeks and your head shot down towards your lap for a few seconds before looking back up at him.
“i’m doing good. besides spending thousands on college, could be worse-“ you shrugged your shoulder and you both laughed. “so, how’s your life back at home?” you tilted your head sideways and watched his eyes.
“it’s going great. it was hard settling in at first. you know, making new friends in an entire new country. it was rough, i missed you guys like crazy. but i’m glad that coming back; nothing really seemed to change with you all. renjun and donghyuck still fight over everything, chenle and jisung still have that bromance thing going, jeno and ellie still act like an old married couple, eunjung is still somehow the sweetest person for no apparent reason,” he turned around and looked at jeno and eunjung trying to pull ellie off of chenle after he tried to stick his hand inside of the display and steal a free sample and you both chuckled.
“and you,” he turned back around and met your eyes. suddenly you felt nerves shoot through your entire body and felt like shrinking into yourself from the intense stare of his dark brown eyes, “you’re still you.” he finally cracked a smile and you felt your chest tighten a little.
“yeah, it was pretty hard after you moved away. everyone kinda didn’t know how to act around each other for a few months but we learned how to adjust. perfect example right there.” you quickly pointed towards the scene happening in front of you to try and cover up your flustered state before he seemed to noticed. you both laughed once again but that still didn't calm the nerves bubbling inside of you.
 jaemin turned and looked up to meet your eyes for what felt like the hundredth time. nope, that thing he did with his eyes where he would stare at you and make you feel like he was looking right inside of you and feel everything you would be feeling still hadn’t change at all, yet all you could do was smile back at the silver haired boy and look down at your clasped hands in front of you.
“i missed you like crazy you know.” your eyes shot up to meet his and his smile dropped a little as his eyes sincerely watched you.
“uh yeah. we all missed you.” you uncomfortably shifted in your seat. you didn’t really want talk about this subject to the boy that you had spent most of your weeks crying over in your bed because you were never seeing him away. nothing better than teenage heartbreak.
jaemin caught onto the mood change in the air but didn’t continue to push the subject, not wanting to make you even more uncomfortable.
“alright. i think that’s enough ice cream. we should head back to the lake and start setting up our spot, jaemin let’s go!” jeno grabbed the boys shoulder and pulled him up to his feet. jaemin nodded and turned back towards you but saw that you refused to meet his nervous gaze.
“we’ll see you guys there?” chenle turned around to talk to the three of you with one hand on the door.
“yeah, we have to head home and change but we’ll be there by 6.” eunjung nodded and ellie and you agreed.
“so, i guess i’ll talk to you later at the lake?” jaemins voice sounded hopeful, you felt guilt so you finally looked back up at him and forced a smile, “yeah, i’ll see you there.” you nodded and he gave you a grin with a wink of one eye which made you feel all flustered all of the sudden. and he got smooth too?
“cool” he teased and walked behind jeno and chenle after saying his goodbye to the girls.
“no fucking way na freaking jaemin is back in town looking that hot.” ellie announced once she saw the guys were a safe distance far away before rushing back over to where you were sitting in excitement.
“i haven’t heard from that kid since like a few months after he had moved. i didn’t know the guys still talked to him.” eunjung stayed behind the counter and looked at you both with confusion.
“i guess they did. y/n, you okay?” ellie looked at you in concern after you had stayed silent and looked totally spaced out from the conversation. you didn't really know how you were feeling, you never expected to see his face ever again after he had left. he was just some memory you managed to push to the back of your head ever since he left and never dug out of thought of ever again. so why did you feel those stupid butterflies in your stomach? it was high school. FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL. you should NOT be feeling butterflies over a boy you liked back in high school, that’s like rule #1 in the ‘how to live a normal life’ handbook, women edition. high school boys are stupid and should never be brought up again after graduation. well, jaemin wasn’t just any high school boy. he was the high school boy who showed you how to fall in love and live a little more.
“yeah i’m fine. just kinda shocked, i never thought i’d see him ever again.” you looked back down at your hands as you played with them to try and keep yourself calm from all the different thoughts and emotions that were rushing through your body right now.
“yeah i thought so too. considering how things ended.” she patted you on your back in comfort with a half smile.
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“where the hell are they?” ellie sat on the side of the curve tying her high top converses with frustration, her bangs falling on her eyes as she forcefully blew them away from her face with puffs of air. “they said they weren’t going to take more than 10 minutes. i’m gonna rip donghyuck a new one when i lay my eyes on him.” she stood up and kicked a pebble down the street as you and eunjung watched it roll into the road.
“they’ll probably be here any second. relax.” you pulled on ellie’s bra strap and yanked her back before she could furiously kick another rock.
“we have things to do! it’s not the last day of summer for nothing!” she threw her arms in the air before lazily sitting on the curb again.
“exactly why we SHOULDN'T be stressing out el! the guys said they were going to be here, so we just need to wait.” eunjung sat down next to her and you soon joined them.
today was the last day of summer before you entered into your sophomore year.
you had spent the entire summer with your friends running around town down crazy and stupid things. late nights by the lake, climbing up the hill just outside of town to watch the sunset, swimming in chenles pool every time the heat began to become too much. this was truly THE best summer of your life, you had spent it all with your amazing group of friends and nothing in life seemed to could ever top this.
your heard a stampede of footsteps coming around the corner and all three of you quickly turned to witness the 5 boys sprinting towards you guys almost tripping over each other.
“fucking finally! where the hell were you guys?!” ellie abruptly stood and dusted the dirt from her neon pink shorts, moving away some of the bangs that had fell onto her face.
“we just out ran the kim’s dog, how can a 1 foot dog run so freaking fast?” chenle tumbled onto the curb and laid on the grass trying to catch his breath.
“coco?! seriously?! the dog is literally a chihuahua! what was he going to do to 7 grown teenagers?!” eunjung looked at them like they were the dumbest people she’s ever met. you and ellie laughed and you sat up and dusted your pants while coming closer towards the group of boys getting scolded by the slim girl.
“evil things. very evil things.” renjun wiped the sweat from his brow and nodded knowingly.
“whatever. so, did you get the stuff?” ellie smirked.
“why are you making it sound like a drug deal, jesus. but yes, we got it.” donghyuck pulled the brown cardboard box in front of him out towards you and opened it, revealing all kinds of multicolored fireworks inside.
“we’re gonna go crazy with these!” jisung pulled a firecracker from the box and examined the package carefully before throwing it back in the mix.
“where did you even get these?” you shifted your head closer to the box taking a good look at the fireworks that filled the it.
“jeno knows a guy.” donghyuck yanked the box away from you before closing the lid and giving you a sickening smirk.
“i do?” jenos head snapped up in confusion and looked at hyuck with knitted eyebrows. “yes! you do!” hyuck hissed at him and came closer to his ear.
“dude! we can’t let the women know our secrets!” he said before jeno mouthed an “oh” and nodded in understanding.
“we’re literally right here dumbass” ellie raised her eyebrow at him. they mocked each other with faces as chenle stood up from the ground before speaking up.
“where are we even going to light these anyway?”
everyone looked at each other waiting for the other to speak up with some sort of idea.
“how about the top of the hill? it’s a good view of the town and it’s not far.” jeno shrugged and everyone broke into loud “oohs”.
“wow! lee jeno is the man today!” renjun patted his back teasingly and soon the other boys joined in. jeno broke into a flustered smile while shooing the boys away from him.
“we should get going then. suns almost about to go down.” eunjung said and everyone agreed and began walking towards the hill just outside of your town. you looked around the group and began to count heads; a habit you have obtained due to hanging out with such a large group of friends overtime.
“hold up, wheres jaemin?” you stopped in your tracks and everyone turned back to look at you.
“he said his parents had to talk to him, so he’ll be a little late. i’ll text him where to meet us.” jisung pulled out his phone to shoot a quick text to jaemin and you all began your walk once again.
all you managed to say was ‘oh’ and continued to walk with the group with a frown while they held conversations with each other. 
you and jaemin have stuck like glue this entire summer. he tells you everything like you’re his psychologist or something, with you doing the same. he would’ve definitely told you something about meeting his parents today. maybe it was a last minute thing? you decided not to stress about it and just let it go as you followed behind the group trying to keep up with their speedy steps.
after you guys walked and climbed the hill for a solid 15 minutes, your legs ached as you finally reached the top. it gave you a perfect overlook of your town, the sun setting behind the tall buildings and puffy clouds graced the orange sky. you walked towards the giant walnut tree to rest that you’ve sat under countless nights this summer; jaemin usually by your side.
you guys would come here and talk all the time about random things and would just let the hours run by as you sat on the soft grass. sometimes you would come alone; just the two of you and watch the sunset, he would slowly slide himself now and then closer to you and push your head down on his shoulder and wrap an arm around your smaller figure and just sit there in silence. you would never object to this gesture; finding it adorable how he would nuzzle his head on your hair and run his hand up and down your arm when the wind blew too hard. you sometimes would find yourself yearning for his touch or his presence when he wasn’t around, and even times when he was.
over time you developed some kind of fondness for the black haired boy; soon fondness turning into real feelings. of course you never acted upon these feelings, it’s probably some stupid 15 year old girl crush, maybe just a little summer thing that would end up disappearing over time. so why stress about it? might as well actually enjoy it while it lasts.
“where should we light these?” jeno pulled a lighter from his back pocket and crouched down to open the brown box.
“away from the tree please, last thing we need is causing a forest fire on the last day of summer.” renjun said with hands on his hips.
“let’s do this one first.” jisung pulled a small red and blue box from inside, little yellow and gold designs covered the paper that covered it with a long candle wick coming from the middle.
“it says to set on the ground, and light it with a match. remain 10 feet away from the box to avoid injuries.”
“can i just hold it in my hand while you guys light it and wait for it to explode?” ellie jokingly said. “yes please.” donghyuck whispered before his eyes bursted open as an angry ellie approached him; fist already clenched in the air to punch the air out of him,
“i was kidding!” he laughed and grabbed her wrist before she could get a clean hit of his face, gently pushing her away from him. “i’m going to throw you down this fucking hill, watch.” she teasingly warned him with her index finger.
“alright, alright kids. gather around please.” hyuck grabbed the match from jenos hand and jisung placed the small box on the dirt ground.
“watch the master do-“
“WAIT! let us get away first. better you going down than us.” renjun interrupted while you all ran a safe distance away from the explosion that was about to unleash.
“oh wow. nice, sacrifice the cute one.” hyuck threw his arms up and argued.
“just go!” eunjung laughed and hyuck turned back around with a roll of his eyes.
“here goes nothing.” he quickly lit the match, making a fast 180 turn and sprinting towards where you all stood. you all turned to the box with huge smiles on your faces and waited for a few seconds. you heard an ear screeching sound before loud bangs were going off into the air, the fireworks exploded into all different colors, decorating the low lit sky. you all awed at the colors and cheered until they all died down after about thirty second.
“holy shit! my turn!” chenle screeched before he grabbed another one and set it down on the ground, quickly lighting the match and doing the dash to your spot before the explosion went off with a loud ‘bang!’.
you all laughed and watched the different flashes of colors jump into the air before banishing with a loud rain-like sound once again as you took turns lighting them all. all the smiles on your faces displayed straight joy as you spent the rest of the night setting off every firework inside the box, and slamming firecrackers on the ground and enjoying the loud booms they created echo through the night air.
“you know you all look insane, right?” you heard a a familiar voice coming from the bottom of the hill, before you saw jaemins face come into view.
“where the hell have you been?” you ran towards him before jumping into his arms, he effortlessly caught you before you pulled away with a smile. you could see that something was wrong with him from the moment you pulled away from his hug, he tried his hardest to smile his usual big toothy grin, but it was only met halfway and insincerely.
“i had to talk to my parents for a while. but i’m here now, that’s all that matters.” he tried to look happy, he tried to be okay in that moment, but seeing the worried look on your face while you tried to decipher what was wrong crushed him and made his heart ache a little. for the past summer, jaemins entire world revolved around you. he always had some sort of small crush towards since that day he accidentally pushed you in the lunch line back in 4th grade. but never really did anything about it, i mean you've been in the same group of friends forever and you were like what, 12? he hadn't even hit puberty yet in middle school. but when freshman year of high school ended and summer started rolling around, your skin seemed to glow, your eyes sparkled a little more than usual every time you talked to him, and your smile would pull at the strings of his heart making him feel giddy inside. you've been friends since grade school, but he made it his mission to win you over that summer. spending every second of the day around you and watching you becoming more and more pretty right before his eyes.
“jaemin, what’s wrong?” you grabbed his sweaters sleeve and examined his face.
“nothing. just tired.” he shook the thoughts out of his head and tried to walk towards everyone else, you stopped him before he could even take another step by gripping his sweater even tighter.
“jaemin...” you looked him dead in the eye with a serious look.
“i’ll be okay, don’t worry.” he grabbed the hand that was gripping his sweater before interlacing your fingers with his, giving you a half smile before pulling you along with him towards the rest of your friends.
“jaemin!” jeno called out once he saw the boy walking towards them and you right behind him. all your friends knew that jaemin had a little thing for you, so it didn't come as a surprise to them when he finally decided to make moves. 
“you missed the show bro, jisung almost lit his shoe on fire.” renjun held his stomach in a fit of cackles while jisung nervously laughed and scratched the back of his neck.
“fuck, i cant believe i missed that.” jaemin smiled at the group in front of him.
“where the hell were you the whole time?” eunjung subconsciously ran a hand through her hair, licking her lips trying to add moisture onto them. from the corner of your eye you could see the blush creep on jisungs face as he quickly looked away and distracted himself with the now half burnt shoelace of his right foot. he’s totally crushing on her.
“uhh i got caught up with my parents about something. don’t worry about it.” he simply said and shrugged. everyone gave him a knowing look and shifted their eyes towards you but you didn't notice the sad stares directed at you with pity from your friends, too distracted staring up at the pretty stars.
“it’s whatever, at least you made it in time for the big one.” hyuck pulled a box from the ground, it was bigger than the other fireworks you’ve been setting off throughout the night, this one had yellow and orange sparkles all over its purple exterior with little cartoons decorating the front of it. hyuck places it down on the dirt ground before handing the red lighter to jaemin.
“would you like to do the honors?” he smirked with a raised eyebrow. jaemin laughed before grabbing the lighter into his large hands. you all laughed and cheered before backing up a few feet away from him.
“speech! speech! speech! speech!” chenle began to chant and soon you were all joining.
“what kind of cult is this?” ellie said before chenle looked at her with crazy eyes.
“cult? this is the jaemin love club sweety, get it right.” he jokingly said before you all bursted into laughter. literally all you've guys been doing all night is laughing and setting off explosives on top of  hill, maybe you were a cult.
“shut up! let our club president speak! na jaemin i love you!” renjun yelled before turning his attention back to jaemin with a proud smile, throwing finger hearts at him which caused the younger boy to laugh.
jaemin stood there a few seconds trying to collect his thoughts, switching the lighter from one hand to the other and running his fingers up and down the bright red plastic. he felt his mind racing through all the amazing memories you guys created this summer, like getting jisungs foot somehow stuck in a chair in eunjungs backyard, or accidentally locking jeno outside on the porch as a joke, but later forgetting about him until 3 in the morning when you were all having a sleepover. poor guy was sleeping next to the plants and using the fertilizer as a pillow. he smiled at all your silly arguments like the one where you all fought over whether if pineapple belonged on pizza or not, which ellie didn’t give up on until she proved her point that it was a creation sent from heaven. also the stupid choices you had made all summer like peer pressuring mark into driving you all down to the beach a few hours from here and getting lost for 4 hours getting back home. your parents never let you live that one down. but his favorite memory of all; was you. like the time you sat with him all night on his roof watching the stars and playing slow r&b songs through his phone while you horribly tried to sing along and told each other childhood stories. or the time where you guys were walking along side of the lake one afternoon and he had the bright idea to start bothering the ducks, which only resulted in him making them angry and you guys getting chased all the way to the main road. you were always there for him, the good and bad. he never really cared about a girl the way he cared for you, yeah he’s had crushes here and there throughout his life but never like this. he didn’t think you were just pretty, he thought you were intelligent, confident, hardworking, and open minded about everything you did. but could he really call that love? he was so young. what the fuck does he know about love?
“i don’t really know what to say, there’s so much shit yet so little words to explain it. spending every second up each others ass is not easy” he joked and you all laughed in agreement.
“We made some amazing memories, some pretty stupid ones too. i’m still sorry about pushing you into the lake eunjung.” he apologetically looked at eunjung and she laughed before giving him a reassuring smile. “today is the last night we get to do things like this y’know, before going back and cheating our way through sophomore year like we did freshman.” another set of laughs filled the night air.
“um excuse me, not i. this is a brain of gold.” renjun confidently said before jisung and chenle looked at each other.
“who’s gonna tell him?” jisung said before an angry renjun ran towards him.
“ya!” he grabbed him by the collar and shook him. “okay! okay!” jisung said in a fit of giggles trying to push the older boy off of him.
“can you please get to the sentimental part please” ellie crossed her arms impatiently.
“jeez fine. moral of the story, i just want to say thank you to all of you. we’ve been friends for so long that I've even lost track of the years. every memory i can possibly think of right now, somehow involves every single one of your dumbasses. we’ve been there for each every time something big or minor happens and i just want to appreciate that. were standing here on our last day of summer for a reason, so i just want to say...thank you. for making my life so great up to this point.” he finally looked up from the rock under his foot that he’s been staring at for the last minute while he gave his little speech.
you heard a soft sniffle next to you and turned to witness tears rolling down eunjungs face. 
“oh god, here comes the waterworks-”
“that was so beautiful? and heartfelt? why would you think this is okay to do to me jaemin?!” eunjung dug her head into jenos side while he cradled her in his arms with a roll of his eyes. “there, there little one. shut up now” he patted the top of her head like a little puppy.
“that was deep bro” donghyuck took large strides towards him and embraced him into a tight hug sending the stumbling back a little, loud fake sobs leaked of his mouth before jaemin began to squirm and whine before pushing hyuck away successfully.
“jaemin that was so sweet” you pouted your lips and clasped your hands in front of you. his eyes locked with yours and he blushed at your comment, shyly looking away with smile.
“well, enough of that sentimental shit. let’s end this summer with a bang, shall we?” ellie announced before you all began to cheer once again with loud screams and claps.
“here’s to the best summer ever with the greatest people.” jaemin yelled before flicking the lighter a few times until a spark of fire emerged, he lit the box and swiftly raced back to you, he crashed into your arms and you both stumbled back a bit in laughter, before gaining your balance and waiting for the small colorful box to explode.
you all watched it intensively before you heard a loud whistle resonate through the night air, and all the sudden two sparks of lights shot into the night sky, before they exploded into an eruption of colors. you all watched the light show above you in a awe for a few minutes until the last bit of light left the sky, only leaving the far away stars to look down at you. 
no one said anything. you all just stood there in silence enjoying each others presence, it’s like no one needed to say anything for you all to understand each others thoughts and feelings right in that moment. 
this is it. this was when it hit you that these people standing with you in that second, were people you wanted forever in your life. this summer showed you how important it is to have people you value with you, those you can share a life with and connect with on an emotional level. the ones that you can laugh with, cry with, and argue with. bonds that are made for life.
you looked over to jaemin who was standing next to you. his head was directed up towards the stars and his eyes were twinkling a little different than usual, his expression was almost sad like. but the juxtaposition of the chilly breeze blew his hair back making him look like some kind of angel. he slightly parted his lips and closed his eyes for a second, taking in the silence. 
your eyes drew in the shape of him in your mind, engraving it into the deepest parts of your conscious and keeping it there forever. but you couldn’t restrain yourself any longer. your fingertips touched his before you fully wrapped your hand with his, jaemins eyes shot open before they landed on you, looking a little taken aback. he began to relax his hand and finished interlacing your fingers together sloppily. his eyes scanned over your face before breaking into a sweet grin replacing his former pained expression.
“we should get going. it’s getting late and i don’t feel like being late for school in the morning.” renjun spoke first and made everyone snap back into reality.
“i already picked out my outfit, it’s laying next to my pillow.” jeno proudly smiled before he started to make his way down the semi-steep hill. “me too!” jisung ran down after him before jumping on his back and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
“that was fun.” jaemin said next to you, your hand still holding his, “yeah, it was fun spending our last night like this.” you looked down with a blush.
“i’m going to miss nights like these” ellie wrapped her arms around renjuns shoulders, with a pout.
“you do realize that we’re literally gonna still be around each other every single day, just with school thrown into the mix, right?” jeno turned around towards the short girl with a raised brow.
“shut up jeno! it’s not the fucking same and you know it” ellie argued shooting a death glare to the side of jenos head. he threw his hands in the air in defeat with a teasing grin.
you all walked and buzzed with conversation for the rest of the way, teasingly pushing and shoving each other and cracking jokes. this was your last summer night after all, it wouldn't be a good one if someone didn't almost get hit by a car. you continued to mess around until you all came to a stop on the corner of the street where you all had met that same afternoon.
“i should head home before my mom starts throwing my stuff out of the window. see you guys tomorrow at school.” jisung began to walk backwards while throwing a peace sign in the air.
“wait—i’ll walk with you! see you guys!” chenle quickly ran after him and waved at you with a big smile. you all waved bye to them as they walked down the quiet street and rounded a corner.
“i’m gonna head out too. see you scumbags tomorrow” renjun ran a hand through his hair and half smiled.
“i’ll come with you baby” donghyuck followed behind him and jokingly smacked his butt. renjun turned around so quick with a horrified look with both hands on his ass.
“i’m telling mark!” he ushered out and punched hyucks shoulder, sending him stumbling back a little while holding it, but that stupid smirk never left his face.
“he doesn’t have to know about us.” he jumped on renjuns back while he whined loudly.
“so embarrassing. anyways, the throuple is out. jeno be a doll and walk us home.” ellie said while she hooked her arms with jenos and eunjungs and pulled them down the street with a smirk and a wink.
“and then there were two.” you dramatically said in a movie narrative voice making jaemin chuckle.
“let me walk you home.” he slid an arm around you and pulled you closer as he began walking you to the direction of your house.
“you know what, i’m actually cheering for team throuple.” you commented while you played with the sleeve of his navy blue hoodie that was tossed over your shoulder.
“oh please, eunjung and jisung are practically in love. i bet they’ll get together by the end of the year.” he dared with a smirk.
“i hate it when you’re right.” you looked away distastefully and he laughed finally unwrapping himself from you. you felt a breeze blow by and a shiver run down your body, you swaddled yourself in your arms missing the way jaemin held you but not saying anything; you just continued walking.
“did you have fun this summer?” he asked out of nowhere tucking in his hands into his pocket.
“are you kidding? this summer couldn’t be topped. we did the craziest shit and somehow managed to make it out alive.” you looked up with an enormous smile to see jaemin looking down at you after those words left your mouth, he had that same pained expression he’s been wearing all night and the question came to your mind once again; why is he so sad?
“i’m glad that you’re happy. that you've been happy this summer and that i was a part of that.” he teared his eyes away from you and continued to look straight ahead. you looked at him oddly with a raised eyebrow. where the hell did that come from? jaemin was never shy about his feelings but never in your entire life of knowing him has he burbled something out of nowhere like that.
“alright, I've been biting my tongue all fucking night but i’m getting kinda sick of looking at you with that depressed face, what’s up?” you looked at him with worry once again. his eyes quickly landed on you and he looked shocked for a second over the fact that you even noticed it, he thought he was doing a pretty good job at keeping his facial expressions under control all night.
“wh-what? i’m fine, what are you talking about?” he stuttered out nervously and came to a stop once he saw that you were at the front of your house.
“and i shit gold out of my ass, now stop lying to me. seriously jaemin, what’s wrong?” you pushed the subject and once again he refused to make eye contact with you.
“i don’t feel like talking about it y/n” he uttered out to get you to shut up about it but you weren’t giving up so easily.
“jaemin. tell me. i’m not asking out of courtesy, i’m asking as your friend. now spit it out or i’m never giving back that pink sweater.” you threatened and he looked at you in disbelief.
“you fucking wouldn’t.” he glared daggers at you and you felt accomplished. “i’ll set it on fire if you don’t tell me in the next 10 seconds.” you crossed yours arms and puffed out your chest in victory which made him roll his eyes at you.
“fine” he finally said and you punched the air with a whispered ‘yesss’. you took a seat on your curb and patted the spot next to you, “please step into my office.” you placed your clasped hands on your lap and watched him sit down next to you. he placed his elbows on his knees and looked straight ahead into the choi’s front yard with furrowed brows.
“ready when you are.” you patted his back and waited patiently for him to gather his thoughts.
“i wasn’t really planning on saying anything about this. well, not now at least. i thought i could buy myself some time.” he chuckled and looked down at the floor.
“what are you talking about?” you looked at him puzzled.
“my dads doing pretty good at work, even thought he was probably gonna get a promotion. he’s been so excited about it ever since he mentioned it a few months ago. i didn’t think much of it, of course i was happy. he’s my dad, why wouldn’t i? i just thought he’d probably get a pretty large raise, that’s about it.” he paused and played with the grass that peeked out from the cracks on the concrete, he ran his fingers over the top of it before pulling it out strand by strand in frustration.
“i was excited about today actually. i knew donghyuck must’ve had something pretty good planned for the last day of summer. all the guys were excited, the girls too. i was just happy to get to spend the day with them. with you.” he finally looked at you with sad eyes. your heart clenched when he looked at you like that, you wanted to hug and kiss him until he smiled again and little bells would go off like they always did; at least in your head.
“this was not how this summer was supposed to end.” he bitterly laughed and threw the last few pieces of grass in his palm into the street before dusting his hands. you looked at him confused trying your best to piece what he was saying together but coming to no conclusion.
“i still don’t understand why you’re so upset jaemin. i mean, isn’t that a good thing? your dad is getting a promotion.” you raised an eyebrow and hugged your knees to your chest and looked at the side of his face for answers.
“my dad had mentioned something about moving to the other firm of the company too, which would require us to move. to a whole different country. “ you looked at him taken aback but allowed him to continue.
“of course i didn’t really pay attention to him since he never confirmed it. so i didn't really stress about it much, i just wanted to enjoy my summer.” he now took up playing with his fingers to keep his hands busy.
you felt your heart begin to race faster and faster and your palms beginning to feel sweaty against your skin. you prayed to yourself that this conversation wasn’t going to where you thought it was going.
“i was about to leave my house to meet you guys on the corner but my parents said they had to talk to me about something today. so i just texted jeno that i’ll meet you guys wherever,” he shrugged his shoulders and continued, “apparently, my dad did get that promotion. i was happy as fuck for him, but then he started to speak about that new firm again. he told me that he’ll be getting his own office, his job would cover an entire brand new house for us, that i would get to go to a new school, a private one, and make a bunch of new friends. i prayed that he said no. i felt like a horrible son but, i kept on wishing and wishing for him to just say that we didn't have to go, that we get to stay but,” he took a long pause and caught his breath, almost like preparing himself for what he was about to say next.
“he took the job.”
 it seemed like time stopped once those words left his mouth. you felt your heart drop to the other end of the world. you looked away from him and swallowed the lump of spit that had seemed to form in your throat and tried your hardest to blink away the tears that were welding on the verges of your eyes.
“oh” you sensed his eyes on the side of your head but you refused to look at him. you felt your heart ache in your rib cage and literal physical pain every time you tried to breathe and you didn’t want to know what would happen if you mad eye contact with him.
“so, you’re leaving.” you said and quickly closed your mouth again to try and stop the tears from flowing down like a stream on your face.
“i was going to tell you eventually y/n i swea-“
“do the others know?” you asked and heard your voice crack in the process. jaemin didn’t say anything and looked away from you. you felt his body stiffen next to you and you turned to glare at the side of his head due to the silence as he refused to meet your eyes.
“jaemin, do the others know?” you began to feel anger brew in your system and your body progressively begin to feel hotter.
he stayed silent a few more seconds before looking down and finally speaking,
“yes. i told them a couple of weeks ago.” he whispered and you felt the last huff of air leave your body like somebody had just sat on your chest.
you felt a warm tear slip down your cheek before you swiftly wiped it away. you stood up from the curb and turned to walk back towards your home in hurried steps.
“y/n! stop please, i was going to tell you—“ he chased after you as soon as your body stood from next yo him. he wrapped his hands around your forearms before yanking you back to halt your movements.
“when jaemin?! huh?! everyone else knew weeks before that you were going to leave except me?! you had me looking like an idiot the whole summer for your ass! you knew about the fact that there was possibility of you moving away months ago, MONTHS AGO, and continued to play me like some idiot?!” you shoved his chest a few times, harder with every word that left your mouth, and he stumbled back before grabbing your wrist and holding them in place.
“no i didn’t y/n i swear! everything that I've said, everything that we’ve done, was real! you think i would be acting like that around you and make myself miserable knowing that i would eventually be leaving if i wasn’t completely head over heels for you?! the reason i didn't tell you sooner was because i didn't know how to. how exactly do you tell the girl you've been obsessing over since you were 9, that you've finally had the courage to make a move on, that you would be leaving in a few weeks after spending all summer long falling for her?!” he tried to reason with you but you couldn’t process the words leaving his lips right now. your eyes felt sore already from the hot tears that ran down your cheeks. all you just wanted was to crash through that door and lock yourself in your room for weeks. you didn’t want to look at his face. the face that you've memorized all the details of, the face of the boy who made you believe in those stupid high school love stories that last forever. what stupid lies.
“how could you do this jaemin?” you whispered in between quiet sobs and finally stopped fighting against him, he took his chance and pulled you into his chest, wrapping both arms around your shaking body and you sobbed into him. he buried his face in between your neck and slowly rocked you side to side until you’ve calmed down.
“i’m so sorry y/n, but there’s nothing i can do.” he whispered into you before you pulled away from him, wiping the wet stains from your face after a few seconds.
“yeah i know.” you took a few steps away from him but he seemed to notice and that made his heart ache a little.
“don’t do that, you’re closing off. please y/n, don’t do this to me right now.” jaemin felt tears come to his eyes and he tried his hardest to hold them back for as long as he could, but not being able to stop that single tear that escaped rolling down his cheek and dripping onto his hoodie.
“what else am i supposed to do jaemin? you’re moving away, you’re leaving us. and you didn’t even tell me.” you felt like bawling again but stopped yourself.
“we can still all talk. i’ll try and come down a few times a year—“
“jae. you’re moving to a whole different country.” you said and he slouched his shoulders in defeat at your words as the realization hit him.
“when are you leaving?” you finally spoke after a long pause.
“two weeks.” he lowly said and you scoffed.
“two weeks? how could you not tell me?!” you felt anger begin to bubble inside you again but checked yourself. you weren’t the only one who was hurting right now, jaemin was too. he had to leave everything he knew behind, his house, his family, his friends. you couldn't possibly imagine what he must be feeling.
“i’m sorry” was all he could say when he looked you in the eyes and a few more tears escaped.
“yeah, me too” you approached him once again and closed the distance between you in a tight hug. this took jaemin by surprise before he gave in and safely wrapped his arms around you and just held you there in silence.
“let me just do this one thing, please.” he pulled away and placed a hand on your jaw, you leaned into his touch and saw him come in closer to your face.
he stopped right before his lips touched yours and you felt his breath on them, you both looked at each other before he looked back down and finally closed the distance.
your first kiss. your first kiss was with the boy you fell for that summer. for a boy you were probably never seeing again. it was a short kiss, short but sweet. neither of you knew much of what you were doing so you didn’t really push it past what it was.
he pulled away and looked at you again before smiling sweetly down at you.
“we still have a week. so let’s make it last, okay?” he nodded his head up and down and you mimicked him with a reciprocated smile.
“okay” you placed your head back on his chest and stayed there a little longer with arms tightly wrapped around him. like he was going to dissapear any second.
“jaemin?” you whispered and he hummed, feeling his chest vibrate against your ear in acknowledgement.
“what if i never see you again?” you gripped his back a little tighter. he stayed silent for a while before bringing his hands to cup both sides of your face and cradle it in front of his.
“the universe works in funny ways you know. we will see each other again one day. i promise.” he kissed your forehead and you closed your eyes and allowed another fresh tear to slip down your cheek. you finally pulled away from the hug and he stared at you for a little while before whipping away the tears from his and yours face with a laugh.
“go inside. it’s late, i’ll see you tomorrow at school.” his eyes held adoration as he watched you nod again and start walking towards your door after whispering a ‘goodnight jaemin’ to him with a closed lip smile. when you closed the door behind you, you couldn’t help the pain you felt between your chest, it felt like your entire body was being drained and you dropped to you knees, covering your mouth from the loud sobs as you cried on your front door.
you both spent those entire two weeks with each other. you went everywhere that brought the smallest memory of your lives together, almost like you were trying to engrave it all into jaemin head so he never forgets. but trust, he never would.
you and your friends threw him a little goodbye party the night before his flight, there was a lot of tears and hugging. a few dramatic falls and cries from chenle, donghyuck and ellie, but you all had fun. you spent it like you needed too. together.
you didn’t send him off the morning of his flight, too scared that you would break down in front of his parents and more embarrassingly your friends. he was disapointed when he walked outside of his house and saw all his friends standing next to his dads car with balloons in their hands yet you were no where to be seen. but he still smiled and hugged every single one of them goodbye and promised to keep in touch.
ellie and eunjung came by later that day to check in on you. as soon as they walked through your bedroom door and made eye contact with you, witnessing the hurt expression on your face, you couldn't help the hot tears that started flowing uncontrollably. they comforted you while you cried the whole night, feeling like your body was floating until you finally fell asleep with dried tears on your pillow.
the crying continued for another 6 weeks before you learned to cope. you started hanging out with your friends again and going out more often. you and jaemin still stayed in contact, texting and calling as much as you could trying to keep each other up to date with what’s happening, him on settling into his new school, making new friends, and you on how ellie and donghyuck tried to get jisung to go through the basketball hoop and proceeded to get him stuck. it took almost 2 hours getting him out.
slowly you began to stop talking less and less, texts became shorter, and calls weren’t made as often. until one day, they stopped. you believed that it was just a tough lesson the world just wanted you to learn at an early age. you had moved on and it was all just some stupid summer crush on a friend.
 life goes on. and it did.
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“finally! fucking turtles!” ellie shouted once she saw the two familiar faces that were seungjun and chan walk through the glass door. she quickly pushed them out of the way and exited the shop in a rush.
“what’s with her?” chan looked over his shoulder before making his way over to the counter.
“she wants to go to the lake. badly” eunjung grabbed her bag and began walking towards the door.
“alright, guard the fortress freshies!” you held a L to your forehead and stuck out your tongue to the two younger boys, catching them roll their eyes before you chased behind your friends.
you followed the two girls to the parking lot where your car sat under the boiling summer heat.
“can you walk any slower?!” ellie stomped her foot on the ground while she waited for you to open the doors.
“actually, i can.” you slowed your steps like you were stuck in slow motion which only made ellie groan loudly in annoyance and a laugh to leave eunjungs lips.
“y/n please! i’m trying to have a hot girl summer again!” she begged before you finally gave in and unlocked the doors. she smiled brightly before climbing into the passenger seat and tossing her bag somewhere in the chaotically packed backseat.
“what do you mean ‘again’?” eunjung pushed over some of the jackets scattered on the seat to make space for herself before climbing in and closing the door behind her.
“well, last year i barely got to enjoy the thottivities because i was taking care of devil children the whole time. but this year? i’m not letting this heat slip away so easily baby.” ellie twisted her body in the seat to talk to the taller brunette behind her.
“didn’t you have a thing with hyunjin all of last summer?” you looked at her in confusion before starting the car and driving out of the parking lot into the streets.
“we did not have such thing!” she barked at you with crossed arms.
“yes you did.” eunjung uttered out not taking her eyes off her phone.
“shut up eunjung! like i haven’t caught you and jisung in our dorm before!” ellie fought back with knitted eyebrows.
“at least i own up to it!” eunjung stuck her tongue out before going back to her phone. you all laughed after a few seconds of realizing how stupid you all probably looked to passing vehicles as you screamed in the car.
“why don’t you guys just make it official anyway, i’m tired of watching you two sneak off somewhere every time we all try and hang out together. just say that you’re dating and call it a day.” you blasted your ac to try and somewhat control the sweat threatening to drip from your forehead.
“we’re taking our time! we don’t want to rush things.” she finally placed the device on her lap and pouted, eyes gazing out of the window to all the passing buildings.
“eunjung sweetheart, it’s been almost 5 years. i think we’re past the rushing part,” ellie snickered in her seat, “very very past actually.” you added in and you all shared a laugh.
“i’m just nervous, what if he doesn’t like me enough to you know, actually make things official?” she nervously made eye contact with you through the rear view mirror and bit her bottom lip; an adorable habit she’s collected through the years.
you and ellie turned to look at each other with knowing looks before shaking your heads in unison.
“girl, that boy is obsessed with your ass. do you see the way he looks at you? you basically have him wrapped around your finger. plus, why wouldn’t he want to be with you? you’re fucking banging. i’d be gay for you” ellie shrugged her shoulders and slouched in her seat. eunjung smiled and blushed from the backseat before abruptly sitting up and smooching ellies cheek. ellie squirmed under her touch and whined loudly before finally shoving the taller girl back into her seat.
“gay moment? i’m here for it.” you laughed and turned in your street before speeding a little to make the ride shorter.
the car fell into comfortable silence for a few minutes. you focused on the road while tapping the steering wheel to the random song playing from the radio. but not og after the peaceful silence was interrupted by ellies loud voice booming through the car.
“i’m sorry, but can we please talk about how jaemin is back in town.” ellie burbled out before eunjung gave her a wide eye death stare. your grip tightened on the steering wheel and you swallowed the lump of saliva that had formed in your throat before concentrating back on the road in front of you.
“ellie. we’re not-“
“no it’s fine, don’t worry about me.” you shook your head and relaxed your tense shoulders.
“i’m sorry y/n, but like what the fuck. that was so random just seeing him again after such a long time.”
“yeah i guess. it’s been so long i kinda forgot he existed.” you commented before pulling into your apartment complex and smoothly parking in your spot.
“you sure you ‘forgot he existed’? you don’t look at people you forget exist the way you were looking at him.” ellie unbuckled her seat belt and exited out of the hot vehicle.
“ellie!” eunjung shoved her shoulder and raised her arms in the air, her way of basically saying ‘what the fuck is wrong with you?’.
“i mean you can say that. i don’t know what i felt, everything just kinda came rushing back to me when i saw him. i didn’t really know what to do with myself except stare.” you shrugged your shoulders and began to walk towards your front entrance.
“i mean you were depressed for half of sophomore year over the guy. i would’ve reacted the same way love.” ellie hooked your arms together as eunjung unlocked the front door and holding it open for the two of you to enter, you murmured quiet ‘thank you’s before making your way over to the elevator and pressing the up arrow.
“i know. don’t even remind me.” you shook your head and closed your eyes for a few seconds.
“are you sure you’re gonna be okay tonight?” eunjung placed a comforting hand on your shoulder and gave you a sympathetic look.
“of course i will. it’s been almost five years, i’m fine. it was just a stupid high school crush anyway.” eunjung and ellie shared a look before you stepped into the elevator with them following behind a few seconds later.
“i’m glad. don’t let it ruin your night. besides, we’ll be there the whole time along with the guys. just think of it as us normally hanging out. anyway, it’s summer time bitches!” eunjung screamed into the elevator with a loud echo left behind making you and ellie cringe at the sound.
“let’s just hurry the fuck up and get ready. i want to go get drunk and try and talk jeno into a threesome. you know what they say, third times the charm.” ellie smirked and pressed the button and watched the doors close in front of her.
this night should be very interesting.
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an: i’m going to try and begin writing part 2 as soon as possible! knowing me it’ll probably take a while lol. i also a few other stories i’m working on so bare with me
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thinking journal for season 12 Prime Empire 😎😎😎 (2/2)
Here we go with the next part! I really hope we get some major big plot twist at some point, because it's all really cool but I need something to really change from good to GREAT
For now, let's focus on the next episodes!
It's the 17th of April and here we go!
I feel like there's little time to really pull up something, I don't know. Like, what plot twist could happen now that there just half season left with only Unagami/Dyer's identity and maybe Scott's past as mysteries? There's little space for more plotlines, that's what I think
Overall fighting scenes, character designs and game backgrounds are AWESOME!!
Let's see how it goes, maybe I'll be surprised. Wouldn't be weird for Ninjago to pull a bomb last episode 😅
Okay, so there is a photo, and there is a friend. As I thought, Dyer might not be Unagami at all, I feel like there's a lot of backstory coming along. I wonder if Scott has a part in this... WHERE IS SCOTT 💙
Ah, of course Kai would spend his credits on an avatar, I should've known, my flame babe can be such a dummie sometimes I mean why would you even do such a thing as buying an avat-
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NEVER MIND I LOVE IT 😍😍🔥🔥 I thought him being blonde was going to bother me, I actually kinda like the change. Still prefer my baby brunette, but it's really cool as well. The best of this season are definitely the characters designs
Was that "let's fight an ogre mission" a hint for next season? I wouldn't be weird, but it's been a while since I've seen forshadowing for new season in this show
HECK YEAH THE DANCING EPISODE!!! I was waiting for this, Jaya is so cute while they are on the dancefloor 😍 They have chemistry 😘😘😘
I like the implication that Nya was really bad at dancing before Jay, like Kai covering his eyes because he cannot handle her sister not being perfect at something 😛
And Cole being the dance expert, that little tango moment with Kai I bet made many lavashippers super happy 🖤❤🖤❤
JUST LOOK AT THEM!!! Nya better say I love you back soon, like Kai and Skylor are a little behind, Zane and Pixal already said it, Jay can't stop doing it, come on girl it's your turn! 😎😎
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Okay, I think my theory won't happen 😅 Feels like there are not enough episodes for a good reveal, and it doesn't seem like Scott is that influenced by Jay. My last idea is that perhaps he has spent so much time in the game like Jay said (POOR BABY 😭) that he doesn't remember. Maybe the moment he will come back, we will find out that it is Jay's brother/twin, I mean he still has those dragon and lightnings drawing on his back... yeah I like this theory a lot, gonna hold on to it!
So Scott is indeed a person trapped in a game, at least that's confirmed 👍
Also he's got some major issues, the poor thing, and I think there is some special reason behind him not wanting to race besides having just one life.
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OH MY GARMADON 😂😂😂 Okay, okay, it's actually better than I expected really. The scarf is cool, and so are the golden tattoos, the suit and the golden sleeve. It's just the mohawk that will take time to get used to, it's not even bad, just weird 🤷‍♀️
Racer Seven is so cool! Always nice seeing a new female character in this show that is not a love interest. I do love Nya, Pix and Sky to death, but I love variety too 💪
Really, really nice the piece of all Racer Seven's crashes! Impactful and sad, a never ending loop that she wants to break through from. That's the heavy stuff I like!
Okay, ready for the race! And I'm... scared? Like, a lot of they guys have one life?? KAI HAS ONE LIFE?? 😱😱 I hope for the best I guess 😅
Might be my favorite episode yet
Seven is SO COOL, it's another reason why I'm sad these episodes are so short! I really would had liked see her more, truly have her bond with the guys
Soooo... I guess since Scott's been in the game for 30 years it's safe to assume he's not Jay's brother/twin. To be fair it's really hard to tell a LEGO person's age😅 At this point I guess he could be either Dyer's friend, even if it sounds unlikely, or... idk, still think he could have a connection with Jay. Maybe he's like... an older brother? Libber had him a long while ago?
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WHY DID SCOTT HAVE TO DIEEEEEEEE??? 😭😭😭 Just when he was getting more involved, come on! He even said he wanted to try that hero stuff, I love him! WE WILL SAVE YOU MY TECH BABY!!!
Cole getting a ride from Kai, this season has some pretty good lava material ❤🖤❤🖤
I've got some major Ninjaball Run vibes from this, that brings me back 😂 Even the no rules thing is there, come on, there has to be a little bit of inspiration from it!
Still don't know what I think of the rats, kinda seems useless and annoying, gonna be honest. But it's a nice race, exciting with nothing big happenin-
Kai and Cole sacrifice for Jay
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I so, so enjoyed how they did it. Like, one look between them to realize that yes, this is it, Jay is the expert and needs to go on. This is the end of our race... AAAHHH!! (Infinite shipping potential too)
Omg Nya screaming her brother's name and Jay his best friend's name, while Lloyd looks so devastated (those masks are actually kinda espressive, I really like them). Wow. This is the angst I needed, finally👌
YES SEVEN WON!!! HECK YEAH GIRL!!! SO HAPPY FOR HER!!! Also Okino in the background being happy, nice touch!
And now they are three... it's gonna end up with only Jay huh. I... I'm not ready actually, my heart 😢 They better all hug when this is all over!!!
The music of the old school section was actually very nice, reminds me of the past, I kinda hoped The Fold were going to release some game themed songs. Been a while since I have one of those 😍
Lol, explaining the side scroll games was actually pretty cool
YES THEY ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGED THE AIRJITSU!! Maybe they will remember they can used it, right Cole? The ladder scene? YOU CAN FLY???
OMG NYA ACTUALLY SAID CICLON-DO JUST HOW CUTE IS THAT!!! All the way from my favorite season Possession, Jay's definition of airjitzu that I actually still kept in one of my fanfictions 😂
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Okay the design of the temple of madness is REALLY cool, you can immediately tell it's from an old videogame. Gives me the double vibe the googles for the first 3D movies used to give me 😂
Also look at this
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THIS IS ADORABLE!! 💙💚💦 Really old style videogame 😂
And there we go!! Harumi!! Since I saw her in the set I was wondering what she was going to be, maybe an avatar or an NPC of some sort... THIS HURTS WAY MORE!!! And of course pure heart BABY boy Lloyd doesn't feel good fighting her, he had a crush on her! AND HE FREAKING SAW HER DIE!!! It's really sad that he still hopes for her to be good...
The fighting scenes are really, REALLY good! So fluid and active! This fight was really pleasant to watch, not gonna lie 💜
Okay, down to three members. Remaining Zaptrap and water godess... omg Nya will totally die first and at that point Jay will go completely nuts. I'm both scared and DYING TO HAPPEN!!! ANGST FINALLY!!! THIS IS THE STUFF!!
Got some major Skybound feeling, like when it was only Jay and Nya... will Nya finally say I love you back?? I HOPE SO ❤💙❤💙
With the three keytana now, what will happen? I'm actually curious now, this is the exciting stuff I need! And yes I do realize it's a little weird that for getting hype I need my faves to die 😅
The Weekend Whip with sax, never thought I needed this in my life 😍
Bet Brent had a blast recording this
Okay this is the third Chima reference I see, they better throw some Nexo Knights hits as well next season! Come on, it's about freaking knights!!!
This is not what I expected when they said there was going to be an episode with only Zane and Pixal but I'm sure as HECK not complaining 👌
Oh, seeing Pixal joining in so normally is so beautiful, I really wish we could have her even more often
Dareth's karaoke bar! From Sons of Garmaron! Also him guessing first try because the ninja really do get post in other dimensions very often 😂 Gotta love them indeed
Pff Zane narrating and getting stopped every time because of it, how I missed this naive little nindroid
So the bartender Tony is the friend? That's it? A little easy really, hoped for more... still calling him Milty is cute 💕
Buddy's Pizza from season 2!!! This season is killing me with references and I LOVE IT SO MUCH 💜💜💜
So, the mechanic is free again (the Kryptarium dudes should really learn how to do their job right 😓), Zane is kidnapped, and Pixal has a fedora that makes her possibly even cuter. I have emotions
AH!! KNEW IT!! UNAGAMI IS NOT DYER!! FREAKING CALLED IT!!... kinda expected really, but still called it 😅
So Unagami was the first name of Prime Empire and is also an AI that got crazy and was shut down, but now is back after programming the game itself and wants to get to the real world?... I'm down with it
So I'm guessing we won't get much of a Scott backstory... Eh, let's see how it goes!
I was seriously confused by why those dudes wanted to kidnapped Wu, but it made sense later. Still come on sensei, you're a freaking half god or something, pull yourself together 🤦‍♀️
Very nice that Pixal is the one to bring up the argument about feelings and AI. So very nice to have her in this!!!
Oh finally the backstory of Unagami I'm really curious about what happened in the past and what exactly brought the shut down of Prime Emp-
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So Scott was the first beta tester, Milton asked Unagami to make the experience as exciting as possible, and that ended very badly so the game was shut down and THEY LEFT HIM INSIDE FULLY KNOWING HE WAS THERE??? I HATE DYER NOW!!!
Although it is really interesting knowing a tech genius like him, until now we got Dr. Julien and Cyrus Borg that were plenty open about the idea of AI with feelings as meaningful as humans'. While he doesn't get that, they are only machines for him and that's the reason why he doesn't understand how much Unagami is mad and filled with need for revenge.
This is why I want more than 11 minutes, the themes of this season are really, REALLY cool. I would have loved more introspection and development.
I guess Scott being Jay's brother is officially debunked 😅 Although I am curious about the life he left behind, since he was stuck in that game for 30 years. He still has those lightnings on the jacket I don't understand...
The portal is open, Zane might get destroyed, Unagami wants revenge, Jay and Nya are the only one left and I'm pretty sure Nya will be killed as well leaving only Bluebell so there's THAT. So yeah, this is actually pretty cool!
Two episodes left. Okay Ninjago season 12 Prime Empire, wow me 😎
This felt a little simple if I'm gonna be honest. I felt like the last mission before facing Unagami was a little basic, with nothing really exciting. Still liked it, but this is probably my least favorite episode 🤷‍♀️
Of course, put Jay is a sushi restaurant-themed level and he will kill you with puns 😂 I love this prankster
Again, the fighting scenes are dope. Definitely one of my favorite things since they changed the animation. You lose something you win something 😙
Wooo, Jay saying that he had trained for years just for kick his butt was actually cool! Bluebell is unleashing!
"And that's how we roll!". You rock we roll, am I right 😂
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I wish Nya said that she loves Jay back though! Freaking come on girl, he is your yang!!! ❤💙❤💙
Unagami is not Dyer, he wants to get to the real world, I'm actually kinda curious about the confrontation that is about to happen... ALSO THERE BETTER BE LOTS OF HUGS WHEN THIS IS OVER
I... genuinely forgot about the dragon medallion 😅 Eh, I love dragons so I'm fine with it. Well, let's see how it ends!!!
Wow, I actually love this ending?? A LOT?? After last episode I didn't have much hope, but after seeing it I gotta say, it was really great 👌👌
Thanks for not dying on us again Zane, much appreciated
Jay taking charge is quite rare and when it happens you know things are about to get crazy 😂 It was really nice seeing how sensible he could be, telling that Unagami wasn't evil after all, that he needed closure and answers
I know I miss the animation peak we reached with SoG and Hunted, but I gotta say the atmosphere of the city with the lightnings and the gray sky was really awesome. Very cool.
Pff, that part with the elevator though, reminds me of the one in season 1 that made me start watch Ninjago ✌ Also it's always Borg's Tower indeed 😂
And wow. WOW. I didn't expect Jay to drop the I'm adopted bomb on us, I think I never heard him talk about it since Skybound (that technically never happened so 😅). It was SO good seeing him sympathize with Unagami because he was also left with no explaination. His desire to know, along with the hope that the past is the past, but they had a good reason for. Also he freaking said he didn't have the chance to ask because Cliff is dead and I 😭😭😭😭
And here I melted, because we finally see the situation for what truly is, the way Jay also sees it: Unagami is a kid, a child that doesn't understand how the world works, that just wants to make his father proud but got rejected instead. The confrontation was actually touching, I really wish we had more time for that. Even a little resistance from Unagami, another fight, and a finally reconcilliation with Dyer.
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Could you seriously be cuter than this?? ❤💙❤💙 I wished for more hugs but I'll settle for this I guess 😍
Okay, very nice to see Seven and Okino out there and deciding to live their lives in Ninjago, nice to see some others like the rats going back to Prime Empire. As Unagami said, he gave them a choice, it's up to them at this point
But I'm sorry, WHY ARE WE NOT GOING TO TALK WITH SCOTT??? That guy's been trapped inside the game the longest, not even a "Hey bud, you're alive, cool cool"? I know I've been overbearing about how much I love Scott, especially since I had all those theories about him (still don't know why he has lightnings on his jacket and hat, is it just a style thing? Idk), but come on! Well I guess if he's happy I am 🤷‍♀️
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Is that his girlfriend or something? After 30 years? Or maybe she got trapped with him a while later? Or maybe that's his... mom? Look, we all know determine the age of LEGO characters is hard, give me a break please 😅😅
Overall, very nice ending, it brought everything together quite nicely. I'm satisfied, yes!! 💜💜
As I said, the episodes' lenght I really think gets in the way of making this an excellent season. There is so much that could be explored more, the choice matter, all the amazing characters, and the AI feelings stuff from the latest episodes. There is room for more, I wished we got that
The characters though were really amazing. Between Scott, Okino, Seven and Unagami himself, there were very different personalities with very different dreams and thoughts, that made this ride much more interesting
Fighting animation was 👌👌👌
Comebacks from past seasons were 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Maybe it didn't really focused on Jay as much until the end? Yeah it was about him, but we got to see his sensibility and his past only last episode. He loves Nya, he likes videogames, of course but there's more about him than meets the eye! Wished we saw that, but in general it was nice seeing him first line again 💙
I liked this season. It has flaws, but I enjoyed many parts and at the end I was left satisfied 👍
Just... wasn't Jillian supposed to be in this? Or is it next season? She said a mom was going to come back, I took for granted it was going to be Edna. I'm curious about next season now... FINALLY A COLE SEASON EVERYONE!!! 🖤🖤🖤
Thank you for leaving notes to my last rant, this helps me not jump excitedly every time a new episode comes out 😅 Well then, that's all from me!! Have a nice day everyone!! 💜💜💜
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Too Young to Fall in Love Chapter 48 (Dirt!Nikki x Reader)
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Title: Too Young to Fall in Love 48
Summary: Nikki Sixx was a hard partying musician on the strip. He never expected to fall in love with anyone, until a girl knocked on his dressing room door looking for a ride home and took his breath away. Just like everything else Nikki did; the drugs, the money, the music; Nikki went hard with love. (Y/n) Bass never expected the bassist of Motley Crue to be the one to shake her calm and calculated life up. She had a plan. Graduate school, become an epic producer, and watch from behind the scenes as her brother’s band rose to fame. Nikki and (Y/n) were perfect for each other, too bad her brother, Tommy, didn’t think so.
Series warnings:  Smut (18+ Please), drug use, language, referenced miscarriage, drug overdose, mentioned attempted suicide, out of character moments for everyone in the band, the timeline might be a little screwy but it’s fanfiction! I know nothing of music production and my medical knowledge is really screwy, so it won’t be accurate.
Nikki had been kicked out of the house by the women in his life. Because, according to the explanation given to him by Athena, he could not see the bride for the next twenty-four hours. The next time he would see her, she would be in a white dress and about to become Mrs. Sixx. Which he was fine with. That’s how he found himself at Tommy’s place with Mick and Vince, all getting ready for the next day.
“My baby sister’s getting married.” Tommy said as he lit up a cigarette and watched Mick deal the cards.
“Where are the strippers?” Vince teased.
“I think we’ve all had enough strippers for a lifetime.” Mick chuckled.
“Dude, there is no such thing as too many strippers.” Tommy chuckled. “I just thought a quiet night in would be nice.”
“And you want to avoid booze?” Nikki asked.
“I mean, there’s that too.” He laughed. “Pamela dumped it all out while I was at rehab. So the closest to alcohol we have is root beer and that shit you put on cuts.”
“Get hurt a lot?” Vince asked with a laugh.
“Do you know how many scars I have man? Some are from burns thanks to somebody’s stage fire splattering.” Tommy laughed, looking over at Nikki.
“Hey, it was cool.” Nikki shrugged. “Chicks dug it.”
“Hey. You’re marrying my sister. She’s the only chick you better be talking about.” Tommy smiled at him. “I still can’t believe my best friend and my best sister.”
“I dare you to tell that to Athena.” Vince said. Tommy shook his head.
“I’m stupid, not suicidal.” He laughed.
Nikki looked at himself in the mirror, he found himself doubting he could make her happy. With a small sigh he plastered a smile on his face and looked to the guys. “Ok, so what are we gonna do before I get married tomorrow?”
“Strip club.” Vince cougheded.
“We need to go someplace where Tommy can’t be tempted by alcohol, but Vince can see cute girls.” Mick grumbled. “Where to go?”
“I don’t know,” Nikki chuckled. “Only other option is to just call a stripper to come here,” he took a bite of his apple and banged his head on the counter top, “I’m going to be a bad husband I just know it.”
“What? Where did this come from?” Mick asked. “Nikki, you’re pretty much already her husband. The only difference is she has your last name legally.”
“I just…” he looked at Tommy and sighed. “T-bone a lot of those words you said in the past still haunt me man… I know you weren't in the right state of mind but…. your words stuck to me man…” Nikki muttered. “I know I’m not the ideal guy you thought of for (Y/n), but… I fell in love with her the minute she showed up at that gig all those years ago.”
“And I was a high and drunk asshole when I said those things,” Tommy told him. “I was pissed that you were dating my sister and I was pissed she was taking my best friend away from me. I got sober and realized my mistakes. Yeah, I relapsed and screwed it up again, but you two are perfect for each other, okay?”
Nikki gave him a sad smile, “Not sure about perfect,” he shook his head. “I couldn’t even see that her depression came crawling back. I should have taken her with me to my sessions… leaving her alone in that house was a mistake.”  
“But you helped her before anything else happened,” Vince pointed out. “And they got her on the right meds.”
“Yeah,” Nikki looked at Tommy. “Naked wedding message to (Y/n)?” he shrugged with a devilish grin.  
“Gross.” Tommy groaned.
“Okay, so I got the perfect place to go,” Mick told them. “No alcohol whatsoever yet. Give them time. There’s cute girls for Vince to stare at, Nikki can’t send any naked messages without being arrested, and I can watch all of you three idiots.”
“Hooters?” Vince guessed.
“The Whiskey?” Tommy smiled.
“The darkest depths of my mind?” Nikki drawled looking at Mick.
“Boys, let’s go back to Disneyland.”
“Disneyland?” (Y/n) asked, looking at the sign as they passed.
“Our Tia’s have never been, and all the cousins and such want to go. It’ll be great!” Athena laughed. “And tomorrow, you’ll be getting married and on your way to some nice vacation.”
“Yes!” Vanessa smiled. “Oh and besides, all the food baby and I can eat soooo much good stuff without Vince freaking out too much.”
“Didn’t your doctor say to cut back on the sugar?” (Y/n) asked. She smiled as they parked the car and got out. A huge caravan of women walking to the ticket center.
“Yeah but I can’t help it, baby and I love sweets, and hot sauce, and pickles, and a lot of other stuff that I am dying to have!” Vanessa laughed. (Y/n) just laughed. They got their tickets and before anyone could say anything, the aunts and cousins were all rushing off, leaving Athena, (Y/n), and Vanessa standing there.
“Wow.” (Y/n) laughed. “They ditched us.”
“Better for us to get into some… uh oh…” Vanessa turned Athena around and pointed to the guys.
“What is...shit!” Athena turned (Y/n) around.
“Guys? What’s going on?” (Y/n) asked.
“Nothing, let’s go ride some rides and take some pictures bride to be,” Vanessa said as she and Athena led (Y/n) away from the main area.
“Ok so we have free reign and we can totally take pictures and ….” Mick grabbed Nikki by his shoulders and led him in the opposite direction he saw the girls in.
“Dude, I wanted to get a picture of the castle.” Nikki said. “What gives?”
“We’ll have plenty of time for that,” Mick signalled to Vince and Tommy what was going on. “We should get pictures with princesses first!”
“I remember the last time we were here.” Vince chuckled. “Wonder if that princess still works here.”
“Maybe, we can hitch a ride on the teacups too,” Tommy said as he grabbed Nikki’s shoulders. “We can spin it really fast and make ourselves dizzy.”
“Okay, okay.” Nikki laughed. “Teacups sound like fun.”
Tommy let out a laugh and gave Mick a thumbs up, “Yeah! Let’s go.” They led Nikki to the teacups, away from the girls.
With the girls, Vanessa and Athena bought (Y/n) a pair of ears the were white and had a veil. She looked beautiful as they took pictures of her.
“Ok, so what should we ride first?” Vanessa looked at them, “What?”
“You can’t go on rides Nessa.” (Y/n) sighed. “Well, slow rides you can. But nothing fast or hard.”
“I’m killing Vince for doing this to me,” she grumbled. “I can wait while you two go on the fast rides, but seriously which ones first?”
“Figure out which one is pregnancy safe. We’ll alternate so Nessa doesn’t feel so left out.” (Y/n) told Athena as they grabbed a map of the park.
“Teacups sounds good,” Athena smiled. “We don’t have to spin it fast and we can just let the ride spin for us.”
“Teacups! Let’s go!” (Y/n) smiled and led the way.
The girls waited in line while the guys were on the ride themselves. Nikki and Tommy grabbed their own teacup spinning it as fast as possible, while Vince and Mick sat in their relaxing.
“Kids.” Mick chuckled. “Oh shit! Vince, the girls are in line.”
“Awww crap,” Vince said as Mick tried to signal Tommy. “We need to rush Nik to the exit.”
“They’re spinning too fast to see us.” Mick sighed. The ride started to slow down.
“I’ll grab Nik since my bones aren’t turning to stone. You get the other shithead.” Vince told Mick.
“Jackass,” Mick grumbled as they both scrambled to get to Tommy and Nikki and usher them to the exit.
“Oh hey look, Alice is over there,” Vanessa smiled as she pointed away from the boys. “Maybe we can take a picture with her after our ride.”
“Oh, I love Alice.” (Y/n) smiled. “And I think I saw Ariel. I saw that movie in New York. I loved it!”
“Yeah we can definitely take pictures,” Athena smiled. “I’m sure they have someone dressed as Ariel, we can do some funny pics.” (Y/n) smiled and walked to the teacups while the boys ran away from them.
“What’s the rush guys?” Nikki asked. “I thought we were going to take things slow and enjoy the night?”
“Yeah, but you know we have lots of things to see and we want to get to the best rides man,” Tommy smiled. “Oh look a princess!”
“Remember, you’re married.” Vince lovingly pointed out. “No blow jobs at Disneyland for you sir.”
“Yeah you’re engage so the same goes for you,” Tommy smiled. “Dudes, this is going to be a night to remember. Let’s find the fast rides and go crazy.”
Nikki looked back and froze, for a second he could have sworn that there was a woman who looked like (Y/n) taking pictures of Athena. It made him miss her as Mick, Vince, and Tommy dragged him away towards the matterhorn.
“Guys, I think I’m going crazy.” Nikki told them.
“You are crazy.” Tommy said with a shrug.
“No, I swear I just saw (Y/n).” He told them. “But she’s not here, right?”
“No,” the guys repeated at the same time.
“You’re seeing things man,” Vince smiled. “Come on the Matterhorn is waiting for us!” Nikki followed along with them.
“Hey you guys go. I’ll catch up. Need to take a piss.” Mick told them. He looked around and spied Athena. He pulled her aside while Vanessa was distracting (Y/n).
“We’re going to the Matterhorn,” He told Athena. “We need to figure out a system. I didn’t realize you guys were going to be here too. But Vince wanted to go to a strip club and Tommy wanted to bring the strippers to us.”
Athena sighed, “Ok, well we’re going to space and we can just try to go counter clockwise?” Athena rubbed her forehead. “Jeez this is going to be either funny or a nightmare, I haven't decided yet.”
“We’ll look back on it and laugh later on.” He smiled at her. “I owe you a beer if we pull this off.”
“Right back at you.” She headed back over to Vanessa and (Y/n) while Mick went to meet up with the guys.
The night went of with the girls going one way while the guys went another. That is until it was time for the fireworks show.
“I’d love to get some shots of the fireworks above the castle.” Nikki told the boys. “That’s the popular place to watch them, isn’t it?”
“Yeah man,” Mick smiled. He didn’t figure the girls had the same idea.
“I wish (Y/n) was here with me man, I mean… I gotta bring her back and do this again,” Nikki smiled.
“Oh, I’m sure she’s going just fine.” Tommy said, looking around to see if the girls were nearby. He could see Athena across the crowd, trying to find a perfect spot to hide (Y/n) from. But as long as Nikki was distracted with his photography, he wouldn’t see (Y/n). It didn’t take long for the fireworks display to begin and Nikki kept snapping pictures. He smiled at the beauty of the colors above the castle and across the night sky.
“We should hire them to do our shows!” Tommy said, excitedly. “Could you imagine us playing in front of the castle while fireworks went off?”
“Yeah, I don’t think Shout at the Devil is something Disney would let be played here.” Vince laughed. “And could you imagine us singing the songs from the Lion King?” Nikki pointed his camera in a direction to capture a really beautiful display, unknowingly snapping (Y/n) in the frame while she watched it.
At the end of the night, the guys made their way back to Tommy’s house. Nikki smiling as he looked at his friends, “I’m getting married tomorrow.”
“That you are.” Tommy laughed. “How do you feel?”
“Just… I’m excited and nervous… I… I never thought we would get here and here we are man.” Nikki smiled. Tommy looked at his best friend. It had been a long time since he saw Nikki smile that brightly with a light in his eyes.
“Well, I’m glad it was (Y/n) who could do it for you.” Tommy smiled. “Come on, let’s get some sleep.” He stopped. “You wanna know what I just thought of?”
“What?” Nikki looked at Tommy.
“You’ll be my brother-in-law. I always wanted a brother!” Tommy laughed.
Nikki hugged Tommy and smiled, “Me too twin.”
(Y/n) woke up early the next morning. Athena and Vanessa were camped out in the guest room, but there were family members all over the place. (Y/n) quietly crept outside and sat in one of the lounge chairs. In about twelve hours, she would be Mrs. Sixx. Jett and Ziggy came out through the open door.
“Hey babies. You’re going to Aunt Nessa and Uncle Vince’s. Does that sound like fun?” (Y/n) kissed their heads. The dogs licked and barked happily as they tried to find a way to both cuddle her. (Y/n) had a few minutes of peace with her babies before the chaos started. Everyone was running around, getting ready to head towards the reserved beach.
“I’ve got your dress and shoes.” Vanessa told (Y/n).
“I got the hair and makeup,” Athena added. “The flowers are at the dressing room at the beach. Everything is ready. The aunts and mom are decorating as we speak. Everything should be exactly the way you envisioned it.” Their event was a late afternoon, early evening wedding.
“Do you think Nikki’s gonna like the dress?” (Y/n) asked Vanessa as they got in the car.
“I think he’s going to like taking it off of you.” She laughed. (Y/n) shook her head.
“I bet you twenty bucks that his jaw drops and he can’t form words,” Athen smiled.
“You think?” (Y/n) asked. “He’s seen me in dresses before though.”
“Did you forget how he fumbled his words when he took you out when you guys first saw each other properly after your break up?” Athena laughed. “I agree with Tommy this time, he is going to flip.”  
They arrived at the beach that they had paid to reserve. They girls made their way into the house that set there that was used for weddings. (Y/n) was wrapped in her robe while Athena worked on her hair and makeup.
“I got the stuff you asked for!” Pamela called out, running in. “Something old, new, borrowed, and blue!” She had the four items. “The borrowed is the bracelet I wore all the time on Tool Time and I got picked up to be a model!”
“Thanks Pamela.” (Y/n) said with a smile. It was time to get in the dress.
“God, I look stupid.” Tommy said, pulling at his tie. “Nikki, I hate ties. Why couldn’t I just have a dressy shirt?”
“Ask your mother,” Nikki smiled and fixed his own. “Ok… we got everything?”
“Yep!” Vince told him. “You ready Sixx?”
“Oh yeah,” he smiled but then a thought came across him. “What if she runs away? What if she realizes that…”
“Are you getting cold feet now?” Mick asked. “Don’t make me take the cheetah badge away from you…”
Nikki shook his head, “she’s going to take one look at me and realize it’s all a mistake I just know it,” Nikki placed his hands on the small table and started hyperventilating.
“Jesus Christ! Tommy hand me that bag!” Mick said. Tommy quickly brought it over and Mick worked Nikki through calming breaths. “Would she have stayed with you these past couple years if she didn’t want to be with you?”
“Pity?” Nikki looked at Mick. “she could just be pitying me I mean I am pathetic.”
“Dude, would she have paid for the dress and everything out of pity? No.” Tommy shook his head. “She loves you man.”
“If you’re having doubts, you need to decide right now if you want to marry her. Don’t go through with it and make her go through the process of a divorce like I did to all my wives.” Vince sighed.
“I’m not doubting here man,” Nikki shook his head. “I just… I have a feeling she’s going to doubt me.” Nikki closed his eyes. He wasn’t sure how to bring himself out of it. He knew it wasn’t rational but he wished he could talk to her. “I wanna talk to her… I… I need to hear her voice man.”  
“You can’t see her. It’s bad luck. And my aunts will have your balls.” Tommy said. “They’ll have all of ours.”
“They don't have to see each other they can talk through the door we can makes sure there’s no peeking.” Mick looked at Tommy.  
“I...I guess.” He threw his hands up. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Wait you’re what?” Athena hissed. “Tommy, the aunts are going to kill us if they find out what we’re trying to do?” she whispered into the cell phone.
“Look, he’s freaking out and he won’t calm down until he talks to her. They can sit on each side of the door and she can calm him down.” Tommy told her. “I’m afraid he’s going to run if we don’t and I don’t want (Y/n) to get worse.”
“Ok,” Athena looked at Vanessa and hung up with Tommy. “We have a mission Impossible on our hands guys,” Athena sighed.
“What did the idiot do now?” Vanessa asked with a laugh as she looked over at (Y/n), who was getting the last few alterations on her dress done before the wedding.
“Nikki wants to hear her voice,” Athena sighed. “Going to try and have them stand behind either side of the door so they can talk.”
“They’re getting married in just a couple hours. Can’t he wait?” Vanessa asked.
“Apparently he’s freaking out,” Athena sighed. “At least she isn’t freaking out.”
“She’s more of a calm freak out.” Vanessa sighed. She went towards (Y/n). “Can I borrow you for a second before pictures?” She asked.
“Uh, sure.” (Y/n) stepped away from the aunts. They started to fuss with Athena and Pamela, getting them ready. “What’s going on?”
“Just need you to talk to someone,” Vanessa smiled as she walked down the hall and to a door. She knocked softly and Mick peered his head.
“You got the bride?” he looked at Vanessa.
“You got the groom?” She asked. Mick nodded.
“Ok bass player, your bride is out there, so you stand right here,” he put Nikki with his back facing the door, “and talk.”
“(Y/n)?” Nikki closed his eyes.  
“Nikki?” She asked softly. “Silly boy, what’s wrong?”
Nikki let out a smile, “I just had to hear your voice sweet girl.”
“I’m right here Nikki.” She whispered to him. “You know I love you, right?”
“I love you too,” Nikki took in a deep breath. “You going to be amazing Mrs. Sixx.”
“So are you Mr. Sixx.” She was smiling. “I have to finish getting ready and get bridal party pictures. I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“I can’t wait,” he looked at the guys who all let out breaths of relief. “Hey (Y/n)?”
“Yeah Nikki?”
“You’ve made me the happiest man alive,” he smiled and felt his eyes water. She reached through the opening in the door and squeeze his hand.
“I love you so much Nikki.” She told him softly. “You’ve made me happier than I’ve been in a long, long time.”
“Love you sweet girl,” he bent down and kissed her hand. She reluctantly let go and headed back to the bridal room. The groom and groomsmen were called out first for a photoshoot. There were serious poses, but lots of goofy ones. It was Motley Crue after all.
Mick looked at Nikki, “Feel better?”
“Much.” Nikki relaxed. His shoulders were relaxed and he looked carefree.
“Dudes, we need to move the bridal party is on it’s way and my aunts want us ready for the ceremony,” Tommy smiled.
“They’re pushy.” Vince sighed. “Glad they’re not my aunts.” They headed out towards the beach. The water shimmered beautifully. There were lights up like how (Y/n) wanted, and the whole thing just looked perfect. All Nikki was missing now was his bride.
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogarukes @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @teller258316 @horrorpxnk @tommyleeownsme
Motley Crue Tags: @primal-screamer @waywardprincess666 @twistnet @saint-of-los-angeles @vader-kai @motleyfuckingcruee @sharon6713 @kawennote09 @2dead2function @nikkisixxwiththebass @iamtiber-andtiberismusic @jayprettymuchomw @charlyallise @you-know-im-a-dreamer @sweet-dreams-on-butterfly-wings @estxxmotley @arianareirg @the-normal-potato @nikki-sixxtynine @jjjjjjjoshdun @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @stella20131991 @tarahell @wowilovenikkisixx @i-want-to-shoot-myself @motleycrueee @sams-serialkiller-fetish @getbackhonkycatt @are-you-reddie54321 @flamencodiva @deacyduck @scarecrowmax @major-tom-is-a-junky @anyasthoughts @bandaids-not-groupies @ilovetomkeiferslips @kaitieskidmore1
Nikki Sixx Tags: @daisystuffsstuff @unknownoblivion @deakysblueoutfit @fandomshit6000 @sixx-mckagan
Too Young to Fall in Love Tags: @kingbouji3 @leximus98 @thekidbakerinthetardis @crystalbaby12 @shawnsstxtches @knockemdeadgirl @deansgirl1993 @haileynicoleseavey17
52 notes · View notes
1358456 · 5 years
Review Response, June 23-29, 2019
I totally forgot about this until right now. Whoops! My bad.
And also, starting with this post, each weekly review response will now show the updated graphs... charts (I keep saying graphs but they’re more charts...) of the stories that got the reviews.
Destiny #010
1) OH GOD. I KNEW IT. Y'S GOING TO DIE. THE WHOLE THING WITH X AND NOT THINKING OH HER AS "HIS GIRL" WAS A BUILD-UP OF SOME SORT. This will only cause X grief as it was one of the last things he said about Y before she died. Ohhhhh god. Poor Y, she tried so hard. I simply cannot imagine being attacked like that. And speaking of being attacked, Sapphire? Really has to get over her fear. I know its difficult love, but you're hindering the rest of your team! But anyways, going back to Y, the way she was dominating at first made me soooo happy. Finally! Proof that they can win! But nope. I still can't get over it. A death so soon... unless she miraculously survives. But tbh I can't see how.
Also nil I forgot Silver even existed for a moment there. When you mentioned him, I was completely take by surprise lmao. I don't blame you or anything, it's really hard to focus on a lot of dexholders in one chapter. But I was surprised to find that none were mentioned at the end, the it hit me that of course they weren't. They've got their own battles (problems) to deal with. Those shiny pokemon aren't going to disappear by themselves. Although I hope and pray that they do. But I am really interested as to how this battle will end. Will the dexholders prevail? Will they be defeated? Or will they retreat with their tails in between their legs? So many questions. And there can be so many answers. I'm hoping that they will win, but I just don't think that is likely tho. They've practiced yes, but it's probably not enough. They need years of practice before they can get to his level.
Also I forgot to mention, but I started sweating when I realized that Emerald still had his Mega bracelet thing I forgot what it's called. I was like "Ho boiiiiii." One could easily predict that he would be targeted first. Or at least second only to Y. But I feel like Peter is definitely using the Salamence to his advantage. I mean who wouldn't? That's one dexholder down.
Speaking of Sapphire, I absolutely love how you added in that bet between her and Gold. Like I said previously the balance of fun and not fun (?) is absolutely amazing. And I can only imagine a lot of people there probably face palmed. Which I get but like it's also a fabulous way to motivate someone (especially two competitive dexholders like them) to fight. But I doubt that that either of them will still have the heart to order around the other person after this battle. Well... then again this is Gold and Sapphire we're talking about. They are two people who might still do it. And it makes for a perfect opportunity for comedy later on. Nicely played.
I've decided to use paragraphs 'cause I tend to wander in my reviews, and it makes it easier to process. I'm sorry of this review isn't as good as the others. To be honest they only thing I feel I can say now, is about how good your writing is. But that gets tiring. And I'll make sure to shut up about Peter being so powerful later on. But I'll admit you're legit making me worried.
Anyways, thank you. Its been a pleasure like always.
I didn’t really think of that as a build-up. More like... “the f*ck, X?”. If I recall, I put that line in there because he says it in the XY arc, and it was incomprehensible... at the time. And yes. Poor heartbroken Y... :( And death so soon? This is chapter 10. It’s too soon*! And yes, Sapphire needs to get over the Salamence weakness... which she has in Destiny because this was before that scene in ORAS where Sapphire did not give a FUCK, since there was no time for such trivial things. Damn ORAS...
Silver? ... Oh yeah. That’s right. Heh. Not only are there a lot of Dex Holders in the mess, but there are those who I just do not give a damn about, who always wind up being forgotten as the focus of the chapter is elsewhere. Hehe. And the Dex Holders don’t need years of practice... they just need to embrace the game mechanics!! Hehe. ... What, is a Modest Rhyperior going to win against an Adamant one if it practiced? Heh.
The Salamence over-usage is not only because of how it cripples Sapphire, but also because the guy the Mega Hunter is based on generally always has a Salamence in his singles team. ... Usually with Choice Band and Moxie and Outrage. One-shot a guy, get Moxie boost. One-shot the next guy, get another Moxie boost. And one-shot the next guy. 3 Pokemon down in 3 turns. ... And then it usually hits itself in confusion and deals like 75% damage to itself.
Ah, the competitive rivalry between Gold and Sapphire! The one that’s hardly ever mentioned by anyone else... It’s fun, though. And all lighthearted. They always need to get the one-up on each other. Heh.
I do like the new paragraphs! It makes it easier for me to respond! I really do appreciate your reviews! :)
Destiny #011
1) If shit wasn't already real, it is now. I honestly love the tension between Platinum and Sapphire, and it makes sense. They're the complete opposite of each other, one's quite literally wild, while the other is as refined as possible. It's only natural that they should clash. But I must admit, Platinum was being exceedingly rude. Like goddamn, you're fresh out of a battle, you need to find a new teammate and Sapphire is giving the perfect way in order to find her. Who cares if someone sees you with a girl sniffing. Stepping back was petty, though I'll also admit that Sapphire was being a but rude to Platinum when she told Platinum to just follow her. But it's simply Sapphire's way (as it is Platinum's), so I guess I can't complain too much. But I'm still rather peeved.
So, Peter thinks that the dexholders will get better, huh? That's new. Usually villains will boast and get cocky, and that usually leads to their downfall. Seems as if Peter is not going down that path. I found that a nice thing for you to add, because it only adds on to how clever this dude is. Like the little clues you leave for certain things, I'm not sure whether you write them on purpose, but some of them I notice and it only gladdens me.
In any case, I did not think Peter was going to manipulate Oak and Daisy. That actually quite surprised me, but in reality its a great way to gain information. After all, knowledge is power. And the more you know about your enemy, the more of an advantage you have. Meanwhile the dexholders don't know anything about him, only that that he wants to kill them for reasons? And some of the strategies he uses. Yikes indeed. Red voiced this perfectly in this chapter, with those questions of his. (And if I'm correct) I believe that this is another one of those "clues" I mentioned earlier. I believe Red might be the one to find out the answers to those questions, as he was the one to ask them. But that might just me looking too far into it. And I'm not exactly sure that that is a clue lmao. Ah well, a girl can come up with as big of theories as she so wishes.
Also, could it be possible that for a future strategy, they use Yellow for her healing? I mean, it seems practical. Their pokemon are not strong enough, and they drop one by one so easily. And while it seems rather cruel to constantly heal them only to fight again, that is reality. We do it all the time in the games and actually that brings me to another topic. The world of pokemon is wonky. We just capture these sort of "animals" and force them to fight for us? We might create bonds with them, but jeez these guys are just living their lives when bam! You come across them and then just capture them? And have them battle for you and constantly drain their health, only to do the process all over again. That is fucking cruel imo. I know certain trainers consider pokemon as companions and friends and whatnot, and that's all great and dandy, but like jeez. At least some pokemon come with you willingly and that's the best part. But whatever I'm getting off topic.
Again, personalities on point, writing smooth. Honestly I've never read something of your that felt jagged in a way. (Which is what really confused me when I accidentally skipped this chapter, and I was thrust into the future without an explanation of what happened at the end of the battle) Thank you.
I don’t think Platinum was being rude there at all. She doesn’t say anything, and from her perspective, it’s natural to be baffled at Sapphire. It’s like... you see someone sniffing at the air and the ground and the trees, and you just feel the urge to not be seen right next to that person. Stepping backwards was an unconscious decision, and hell, I’d do that too. And of course, Platinum hadn’t spent enough time with Sapphire to be used to it, or even appreciate her uniqueness. So for now, it’s an understandable natural reaction. And the cause of the Sapphire vs. Platinum minor feud that... I was going to push but abandoned because no one gave a f*ck.
One of the things I absolutely HATE about villains in anime/manga is their usual cockiness. If I had a dime every time some bad guy said something along the lines of “it’s over”... Well, it ain’t over ‘till it’s over. The Mega Hunter won’t be saying that it’s over when no one has died yet. And I left quite a few clues about him throughout the story. They become far more evident when Blue points them out later on.
Knowledge is power, indeed. Especially when it comes to Pokemon! ... And battles. 知彼知己 百戰不危 and all. And I think Red’s internal questions are a bit too blatant to be considered as clues. Hehe. But hey. That’s just a-
Using Yellow for healing? Oh, I do love how you consistently point out options that actually do happen shortly afterwards. It is, after all, the logical next step. And... ah, the morals of Pokemon. “Pokemon are not tools of war”... that’s because you’re not using them properly. HA! The Pokemon world ain’t looking too bright. Also factor in humans’ tendencies of eradication, and...
I did notice that you skipped this one, given the review order. But I respond in the chapter order, so this one comes first. As to how you NOT notice that you skipped a chapter... ...
2) I swear to god these reviews take me an hour to write lmaooo. I didn't even realize it took that long. Not like I'll stop but dam.
You don’t have to write such long reviews, if that helps you. I do enjoy reading your long reviews, but if it’s too much for you, you can shorten it!
Destiny #012
1) I wouldn't be surprised if they were copying your work ngl. In fact, they'd be stupid not too. Its that good but anyways, I'm face palming myself now. Of course it was a pokemon. What else could it have been? Honestly, sometimes I'm amazed at my own stupidity. Just like I'm amazed at your writing this chapter! Y's, Platinum's, and Blue's insecurity felt all unique! Like, one could tell it was insecurity, but each felt it in a different way. Which I felt reflected in your writing (as I'm starting to realize most emotions of the characters do) which might've just been encase of their different situations, but I feel like it was more than that. Kudos to you, that's hard to accomplish. And speaking of insecurity, this Peter guy seems to really know how to manipulate it. 'Cause I know the pokemon was doing the brainwashing, but Peter was the one putting the ideas and thoughts into Blue's mind. But he wasn't forcing them, he was juts voicing some of the thoughts he assumed were going on in Blue's mind. Also speaking of Blue, we finally have a chapter in her point of view again! It was nice seeing her again, and making sure that she was okay. But um the whole "It's not my problem" is worrying me. I completely understand why she's at that point. But still, not how the Blue I know from the FRLG chapter would act. (I say FRLG 'cause I'm not sure whether or not that's how she would've acted in RGBY. I mean she's had her small arc)
Fucking bastard. I was hoping Blue would somehow turn him down, but I suppose my prediction was correct. He "tricked" her in a way. But I guess I can only hope now that Blue will snap out of it the moment she sees the dexholders and is assured that they are indeed her friends. Seeing as how we already know she is capable of at least breaking free of his grip for a few moments with only the help of her subconsciousness and thoughts. Break free, Blue! You got this!
Also, on the matter with Y. I am so surprised she survived. The was quite a beating in the last chapter. I mean, forcefully being held in the air against her will. With things like Hydro Canon shooting at her. Not to mention the branches and rocks that pummeled her. What a remarkable girl. Even is she had on her suit. Dam. And even still wishing to fight. Is this what it means to be a dexholder? I can hardly imagine. If I break a nail I feel like crying and I start hugging my teddy bear. Well no, I don't do that either. But you get the idea.
But speaking of the time when Blue will have to battle the others. I wonder how that will play out? I wonder what the reactions of the others will be. Especially the ones close to her like Silver, and Red and whatnot. I'm sure that very moment is when my heart will break and I will cry. I'm certainly looking forward to the fluff that will help heal those wounds of mine. But Green's guilt. That will certainly overwhelm me. More than I thought X's guilt over Y's supposed "death' would have. Also, I wonder who's perspective that will be in. Lately it's been a lot of Platinum and Y, but I think it would be great if that battle was in Green's or Blue's point of view. As they were the ones who had the "falling out" in their relationship. Nonetheless, I'm sure it will be quite enjoyable. I cannot wait to read it!
Lackspeed to my babies. Treat them well I beg of you. They deserve all the love in the world. But still I thank you.
The conspiracy! First ORAS copies SA’s Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre, then XY copies... er... well, I can’t say right now I guess, since you’re not far enough in Destiny. Heh. And yes, of course it’s a Pokemon. Destiny literally begins in Terminus Cave in Kalos. And you do know what’s in that cave, right?
The insecurities of the different Dex Holders are the cause of their different personalities and their situations! Blue, the lonely girl who’s been drifting away from her friends and feeling utter isolation, would have insecurities about her friends. Platinum, the proud girl who have never known defeat previously would have insecurities about her own capabilities after losing multiple times to the same enemy. And what she says is what she would’ve read in a book too. 敗將有口無言, and all. And Y, the new girl, who has a lot to prove and a lot of catching up to do, will have her own insecurities after being absolutely obliterated.
Blue saying “it’s not my problem” is the result of her drifting away so much from her friends and feeling betrayed. In FRLG, it’s subtly revealed that Blue doesn’t remain in contact with anyone other than Silver (since Red and Green had no idea what she was doing in One Island, or what she had been doing), and so if that was to continue for years, and she lets her darker thoughts go rampant, she would end up quickly reverting to her old colder self.
And yep. “Tricked”. Rampancy in AI (which is what Blue’s rampancy is based on) doesn’t require something HUGE happening. It can all start with just a subtle suggestion. And now the struggle begins, between her rampant thoughts and her rational thoughts. Hehehe...
Yep. Y took a hell of a beating... again. And yet she’s still trying to fight. The resiliency of the Dex Holders! ... Also, the resiliency of those who are in the top 5 favorites! In order to be able to fight even after such a beating, you need to be in the top 5 of my favorites. Otherwise... hehe.
Oh, Blue’s upcoming fight against the Dex Holders... it will be quite the journey!
Treat them well, eh? Hmm...
And so with that, Destiny’s chart is updated!
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With the reviewed chapters in the red circle. ... Destiny still doesn’t show a trend, as it is ALL OVER THE PLACE.
Legacy #007
1) Janecklyn from Specord here :P
Anyway, i really appreciated those "slice of life" chapters and some of the dex holders forming friendships with others outside their region! Makes the stakes higher and the mental problems more heavy.
Aww, jelly X, I have a feeling Jeremy is gonna be important to the plot.
Moon, you goofed up D:
One thing I like of your writing, is that you get the characterization pretty well, most of the time I can tell who's speaking for the lines alone. It tells me that like you love these characters 3
Intense and suspenseful chapter! Will wait for the update 3
Oh. I had no idea that you actually read Legacy. ... It happens if people just don’t review, since I have no other way to know if it’s being actually READ.
Gotta love those “slice of life” things, eh? It’s not always just chaos and catastrophe in the lives of the Dex Holders. Even if they’re always in the middle of one.
X is going to have to compete with Sky Trainer Jeremy! Hehe...
Moon had failed to properly heed Platinum’s warning, and had failed to react fast enough. Ouch.
Hehe. Thank you :) I do try to make each one sound as unique as I can, though some... just... can’t.
With this one review, Legacy’s chart now looks like...
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The red circle was the change, and so now it’s no longer a straight line barring the last chapter’s “anomaly”. Still, the trend is too clear. Legacy will not be getting an update until that dot in the red circle goes up by another 5. And it has the rest of 2019 to do so.
3 notes · View notes
lovelylunarwriting · 6 years
Hufflepuff!Seokmin x Ravenclaw!Reader
To say that you’re tired would be the understatement of the century.
You’re exhausted, but you’re determined to place first in your class this year academically.
Last year you came in second and that just wasn’t good enough for you tbh. You wanted to be the best.
So that’s why this year, you spend all of your free time studying.
And when I say all of your free time, I mean a l l of it.
Walking to classes while memorizing potions formulas.
Practicing incantations while brushing your teeth.
Any moment you’re not doing something- you’re studying.
Except for when you’re sleeping. Which is also all the time.
Because that much cramming is soooo mentally draining.
Your friends don’t know how you live like this but they don’t tell you that they’re worried because you’re testing well and they know that’s what you want.
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is basically how your friends view the situation.
So if you’re not studying, you’re napping. And if you’re not sleeping, you’re cramming. It’s an endless cycle.
This leads to you falling asleep in an array of odd places. From passing out in a chair in the library, falling out of it and just sleeping on the floor instead, to falling asleep in the quidditch stadium bleachers and being startled awake when everyone jumps up and cheers because Ravenclaw scores.
But like, hey- you’re not bothering anyone with your sleeping and studying habits, so there’s no problem, right?
Wrong. Because this does bother one person, and he doesn’t even know your name.
He knows you as “that exhausted overachiever”, which like. Isn’t entirely inaccurate.
This person is Seokmin. He doesn’t know you personally, and as a Hufflepuff, he’s not even in your house, so why is he so bothered?
Because this boy is a worrier. He just wants everyone to be well and happy, regardless of his personal connection to them, and to him you seem miserable.
And honestly- you are. But now in Ravenclaw, you’ve gotten the reputation as “the prime example of the Ravenclaw House”, and that’s not something you want to lose by stopping what you’re doing.
But at the same time, you’re compromising your own happiness, so even though you feel like a winner, you don’t feel like you’re winning, if that makes sense.
Like the “yay! I got what I wanted!” feeling is there, but on top of that is the “The way I got what I wanted hurts like hell and I can’t exactly stop now” feeling.
And even though your friends disregard your well-being due to your success, Seokmin is not having it.
He’s seen you cram, study, and fall asleep in every part of this castle at every hour of the day and one day, he decides that he can’t just sit by and watch you do this to yourself anymore.
So when you feel someone shaking your arm, waking you up from your position at the Ravenclaw table in the Grand Hall, the last person you expect to see when you open your eyes is the prettiest Hufflepuff boy you’ve ever seen.
And he looks so upset.
Before you can even ask what he’s doing, he’s already talking a mile a minute.
“Hi I’m Seokmin and I know you don’t know me but I’ve been seeing you around the castle and you just look so tired and are you okay?? and now you’re crying- oh my gosh did I make you cry???”
The combination of being completely exhausted, having just woken up, and someone actually showing genuine concern for you has turned you into an emotional disaster.
Like “NO I’m not okay I’m up here studying myself to death”
But also now you’re a blubbering mess in front of this cute boy who you’re just meeting for the first time… talk about first impressions.
He’s like “uhhhh do you wanna go talk about it?” and you nod, letting him lead you out into the hall.
But the hall is bustling full of people so you end up walking until you find a more secluded corridor to have a private conversation.
You went from sleeping in the Grand Hall to explaining your behavior to a beautiful stranger all too quickly for your brain to be able to handle what the heck is going on.
He speaks up before you can gather your thoughts, but he talks to you in a gentle voice, instead of the interrogation attitude you were expecting.
Seokmin: “Do you have that disorder where you spontaneously fall asleep?”
You: “No?? I just am tired from studying”
Seokmin: “You’re that tired?”
You: “...yes”
Seokmin: “Exactly how much are you studying??”
You: “Every chance I get, really”
Seokmin: “But do you have to study all the time?”
You: “If I want to keep being the best, then yeah I do”
Seokmin: “All the success in the world means nothing if it kills you in the process”
At this point you look like you’re gonna cry again and Seokmin can see that you’re tearing up.
Seokmin: “Look, I’m not trying to be judgey. I’m just really worried that-”, he starts, but comes to an abrupt stop when you throw yourself into his arms.
This time the tears are happy, weight-lifted off your shoulders, tears.
You’re just so relieved because finally- someone actually cares about your well-being and not just the fact that you’re doing well in school.
Seokmin smiles softly down at you and pats your back to try and be comforting.
The two of you stay like that for a little while until you clear your throat awkwardly and pull back from the embrace because “oh wow I just threw myself into the comforting embrace of the guy I just?? met???”
He doesn’t seem offended by your sudden retraction though, he just grins at you as if this is the most normal situation in the world.
“Here, I’ve got something I think will help”, he says, grabbing your hand and lacing his finger with yours.
Following Seokmin down the hall and outside to the grounds, the two of you walk in a surprisingly comfortable silence, considering the way you met.
The fact that he still has a tight grip on your hand isn't helping with the fast-developing crush you feel coming on.
Because wow, this boy has swept you off your feet- he cares about you?? just out of the kindness of his heart?? And happens to be gorgeous.
What person wouldn't be falling for him at this point
By the time you're about done contemplating The Feelings™ you feel yourself catching, Seokmin comes to an sudden stop, causing you to run straight into his back.
Seokmin: “Ah, not paying attention, are we?”, he teases.
You: “Just lost in thought I guess”
Seokmin: “See that's the problem with Ravenclaws sometimes, you all do so much thinking that you never make time to just have fun, which is what we're doing now”, he announces and gestures to the many different animal and mystical creature pens.
You: “We can't be here unsupervised! What if something happens with one of the animals? What if one of us gets hurt?”
Seokmin: “Well then we won't pet the bitey ones. C’mon!”
Feeling like it would be too awkward to decline after walking all the way down here, you agree and timidly reach out to the fluffy creature Seokmin pulls out of one of the cages.
The little ball of fluff jumps onto your shoulder and drapes itself across your neck.
Seokmin laughs as you visibly tense up, half flattered by the creature’s affection and half scared that it’ll attack you.
You: “Please tell me this one’s harmless?”
Seokmin: “Oh she wouldn’t hurt a fly, don’t worry!”
Reaching up and scratching behind her ears, she licks your hand gratefully.
The initial fear of the situation is long gone, and you and Seokmin spend what feels like hours just playing with all the fun animals.
All good things must come to an end however, and in this particular instance it ends with a Giant Slug projectile shooting slime all over Seokmin’s robes.
You: “That’s disgusting”
Seokmin: “I’m well aware- thank you for the support. Let’s head back so I can get cleaned up”
Making your way back up to the castle is a stark contrast from your walk down to the castle grounds earlier in the day- Seokmin does not stop talking.
And that’s not a bad thing at all, you’re thrilled to hear everything he has to say. It’s not one of those trying-to-be-polite-by-listening-to-you-ramble kind of situations, because he’s a hilarious dude and practically everything he has to say is interesting.
You’re so wrapped up in conversation with him that you don’t even realize he’s led you all the way to the Ravenclaw commons.
Seokmin: “It’s getting late- you should head in and get some rest”
You: “...you know, normally I’d study for an hour before heading to bed but tonight I think I’ll go straight to sleep”
Seokmin: “Oh really? Why the sudden change of heart?”
You: “Well you came barging into my life and suddenly spit out good advice so. I’m taking it to heart”
Seokmin: “...I mean yeah, but didn’t you say you have a big Charms test tomorrow?”
You: “Oh crap, I comepletely forgot about that. Okay- I promise not to work myself too hard tonight”
Seokmin: “Pinky swear it”
You: “Yes, sir!”, you say and jokingly salute him before wrapping your pinky around his.
Lying in bed after some very light studying, you don’t think of tomorrow’s test or upcoming assignments. You dream of the smiley boy that turned your world upside down in less than a day.
The next morning you wake up, throw on whatever comfy clothes you can find, and make the groggy trek to the Grand Hall for a yummy breakfast before classes.
Sitting down in your normal spot at the Ravenclaw table, right next to Wonwoo, you munch on pancakes while reading one of your favorite books.
It feels nice to be reading something simply for leisure instead of the usual vigorous annotating of whatever textbook you happen to pick up on your way out the door.
Breakfast with Wonwoo is always a peacefully quiet start to the day. You’re reading, and Wonwoo… well he just doesn’t talk that much in the first place, but especially not so early in the morning.
The next handful of days go by at what seems like the slowest pace possible, and every class, meal, and even leisure time is mundane.
Since you stopped studying yourself to death, you thought that things would cheer up and that life would be exciting again, but due to the ever apparent absence of Seokmin, the literal sun, nothing is as fun as you’d hoped.
Most of the time you find yourself thinking “oh but wouldn’t this be better if he was here with me”
And that’s the thing- he hasn’t exactly checked in.
Ever since spending that one afternoon with him, him making you smile so hard your cheek muscles hurt from overuse, the two of you wave at one another in the halls and exchange a simple “hello” and “hi!” in passing.
But that’s about it…
That one day with Seokmin was the most fun you’d had all year, and isn’t something- or someone for that matter- that you want to let go of so easily.
How exactly do you say “Hey I have a major crush on you and want to spend time with you” without putting your whole heart on the line.
Exactly. It’s impossible, which is why it takes the push of a friend to get you to do something.
One morning at breakfast, Wonwoo actually speaks. To you.
Wonwoo: “Y/N, why do you seem more miserable than normal?”
You: “...are you saying that I normally look miserable”
Wonwoo: “I mean yeah, with all that constant cramming, anyone would. You’re stopped studying but you still seem… down”
You: “Well, there’s this guy. And I wanna be someone special to him because he’s someone very special to me but… I’m not sure how I would go about making that happen”
Wonwoo: “Have you considered telling him that?”
You: “NO! Are you crazy?! Then he’ll know I like him!”
Wonwoo: “Isn’t that the point???”
You: “I guess so but?? It’s still so embarrassing to actually say out loud to someone”
Wonwoo: “More embarrassing than wussing out and never getting anywhere with this guy?”
You: “...point taken. But if I confess, you’re doing my potions lab reports for the next week”
Wonwoo: “Ugh, I hate potions. If it’ll get the rain cloud above you to stop pouring though, I’ll agree to your terms. You’ve got yourself a deal”
The only problem with this next plan of action is trying to find Seokmin alone to talk to. It seems like there’s always someone telling him a story or sharing a laugh with him.
It’s not his fault that his friendliness draws people to him, but it’s damn inconvenient, to say the least.
Then a thought occurs- “doesn’t he usually go visit the magical creatures by himself?”
Checking every classroom, hall, nook and cranny of the castle- Seokmin is nowhere to be found. Inside the building that is.
Dashing out of the gargantuan stone building and stumbling downhill to the edge of the forest where the magical creature pens are, you’re not surprised when you see Seokmin cradling a plush creature in his toned arms.
It is surprising however to see the solemn look on his face.
It never occurred to you that someone who radiates happiness would hide themselves away in moments of sorrow, but you guess it makes sense.
Taking a few steps towards him, the crunching of leaves with each step gives you away.
The frown that was there a fraction of a second ago is replaced with an over-exaggerated grin.
That is until his eyes meet yours. He drops the cheerful act but doesn’t go back to brooding. He just sits there on the smooth tree stump with a look on his face that you can’t quite place. Something glad, yet nervous.
You: “I uh- I was looking for you”, you say, suddenly feeling somewhat nervous yourself.
Seokmin: “Found me, I guess. Took you long enough”, he mutters to himself mostly, but loud enough to be able to hear clearly.
You: “Excuse me?”
Seokmin: “Other than a wave hello here and there, it doesn’t seem like you want much from me, so why are you here?”, he asks, the hurt evident in his voice.
It wasn’t like you were trying to ignore him, it’s just hard to say exactly how you feel. Putting yourself out there is always difficult, but when you really care about the person, it becomes a thousand times harder.
You: “I… I missed you”, you confess.
Seokmin: “You- you what?”
You: “I said I miss you! I’m here because I want more than just a hello in passing. I don’t want to always be passing you, I want to s t a y with you. If you’ll let me”
Seokmin: “Are you asking what I think you’re asking?”, he says, his voice doing a 180 flip from the dejected tone he’d been using before.
You: “Gosh, do I really have to say it?”, you say, covering your face with your hands out of sheer embarrassment.
Seokmin: “I’d kind of love it if you did”, he teases.
You: “I like you. Please go out with me”
Seokmin: “Now was that really that hard?”
You: “Yes!”, you answer, no hesitation.
Seokmin: “How about a first date with me and this lil fluffy guy?”, he asks, holding up the creature in the air, Lion King style.
You: “Sounds about perfect to me, just be careful!! With that!”
From there on out, you get to be the significant other of the actual sun.
Seokmin is such a radiant and positive person that just being around him puts you in a better mood.
Which is why if he sees that you’re having a bad day, he’ll tag along with whatever you’re doing and just having him there with you lets you relax a bit.
Dates where you just. Go pet animals is a frequent occurrence.
And since not many students are dumb enough to go play with these creatures unsupervised, it’s become you and Seokmin’s little hideaway.
Honestly you don’t know how he’s survived this long going by himself because sometimes an animal will just?? Attack him?? and he doesn’t notice
You: “Hey babe I’m pretty sure that rainbow beetle is biting you”
Seokmin: “Is it?? Oh well”
You: “Do?! Something!!”
You take it upon yourself to make sure that that doesn’t happen again.
The two of you mostly pet the furry pet-like creatures, but Seokmin thinks some of the bugs are cool so he likes to let them walk across his hand.
One day, you’re like “hey if you like bugs so much, why not pick up one of the spiders?”, and he’s like “hun I like beetles because they’re shiny but I’m not a freaking craZY perSoN”
As far as academics go, you’re not #1 in every subject anymore, and you’re 100% okay with that.
You learned that it’s better to be happy and average than to be the best and miserable.
If it looks like you’re working too hard in a class, Seokmin gives you the Motherly Disapproval Look™ and you’re like “crap, you’re right- let’s go get icecream or something”
Wonwoo is mad that he has to do your potions work for a week but does it reluctantly because “a promise is a promise”
By the last day though, he’s had enough. Instead of writing an actual lab report, he just turns in an essay on how if you hadn’t listened to him about talking to Seokmin, you’d be a “boyfriendless loser workaholic”
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perispinel · 6 years
Adventure Time Finale Liveblog
Already this episode is off to a weird start, starting with a flashforward in the future with two random one-off characters and- OH MY GOSH THEY FOUND FINN’S ARM AND THEY LIVE IN MARCELINE’S HOUSE NOW!
Did Finn like die? THis has to be a fakeout about this.
King of Ooo is alive far int he future? he melted in the fire as wax remember writers? 
Oh my gosh this is why they showed the Enchiridion episode last, Mount Kragdor is back!
the king of Ooo is BMO! Wait why does he have PB’s crown... oh my god BMO outlived everybody. he is unfazed by death
BMO is kickin’ em out already, what a savage
That arm is giving BMO some flashbacks. Awww adorable!
Heh after so long BMO is having trouble remembering Finn’s name.
The plot description said NEPTR was telling the story, they faked us out totally!
Finally, more Betty! 
Finally, more Maja!
Looking at Finn is like “you die eventually. BMO has your arm now.”
Having BMO narrate the whole story makes it sound like a five year old trying to describe World War II. 
Finally Duke of Nuts, my favorite character!
Literally no one likes him, he wants to be MacGyver
Justin Roiland has work while R n M is off
Princess Bubblegum is going the Leia route of going from Princess to General
Oh no a little cake spy.
Huntress Wizard, played by Mona Lisa from Parks and Rec, did a good job getting rid of that sky
Come along with me, it is time for war you seeeee
Marceline and PB better makeout RIGHT NOW Marceline, yes, please reconsider PB Oh geez Marceline is just casually like “I saw people die PB.” Marceline be like “I felt worse” all over us
Finn is right.
W-what? Finn whatcha goin on about with nightmares? I thought he was gonna break the fourth wall
I love when a war begins with someone repeating “WAR” over and over
Yep yep there goes the banana guards. What a great plan
“You’re weird” isn’t what I’d say honestly
He doesn’t know what fruit is apparently
Lemongrab is totally piiiiiissed... Oh he’s just sad.
Gumbald literally is backing UP because of them being serious Finny boy
Hey Fern, remember when I accidentally killed ya? Good times boi
“You’re a toddler” is the cue for “I kill you or you give up”
What a great time for a commercial break. 
Okay, time for my thoughts in-between the show: this is giving me crazy feelings. Like, knowing BMO outlives everyone, regardless of the war’s outcome... wait, BMO said Finn was heroic til the end right? Oh my gosh will Finn sacrifice himself? Well either way BMO probably SAW him die, old age or not. BMO is literally the imbodement of a child who doesn’t understand the consequences of anything. Back to the show!
Nice job making me almost sad BMO.
Unconscious world? That’s crazy man.
So no war? Aiight.
Finn was all like “go to dreamworld and talk things out” and they be like “let’s have a war again”
Ooh cool, let’s get those songs for the album here
Jake is going back to his roots
Ooh let’s get Tom Sharpling up in this guys
Aww poor Fern. 
PB isn’t reluctant at all to kill someone even if they look like Finn, as long as they be an enemy. 
Oh sweet evolution Fern! 
Fern is going the toddler solution, that’s fine.
Okay Greg from Steven Universe, enjoy your appearance while it lasts.
Is John DiMaggio spending the episode in a dream state?
Pinching people in the dreamworld really wakes you up? That’s dope.
W-what? why’d they just vibrate
Fern does sound like a knockoff Finn sometimes honestly. Heh prove you’re tormented Finn! 
Oh geez this is really dark, PB had a messup life. Recreating that scene for some symbolism I suppose!
Ooh subconscious world!
Aww his girlfriend is here- I wish I spoke korean.
It’s nice his kids- oh nevermind. 
Is this symbolism for him being connected to his wife like by the sides?
Hahah we got a fart joke everyone, wrap it up! Just kiddin I don’t care either way
I bet Pb is learning what it was like living as a completely unintelligent being without any choice. Will this cause some empathy?
Yeah repressed memories must smell awful.
Obviously Fern and Finn share the same memories, but it’s cool to see them confront it Mindful Education-style
I missed Adventure Time’s art style honestly. 
Oh I get it, Fern originated from the Finnsword.
Oh wow, all of that took place in the span of one second!
PB and Gumbald are learning empathy now, are we not having a war or?
“No no no that happened next.” Good job faking out the fake out.
I love these breaks telling us small bits of lore and secrets about what’s going on that we’re not noticing. Anyway, I am excited to find out what this portal is exactly- I’m guessing Magic Man, Betty, and Maga’s weird cryptic chant is gonna cause some big bad event. Will Adventure Time end with the end of the world? I’d be mega shocked if Finn just died. Wait why isn’t Marceline in the future? Realistically she should be there UNLESS she got killed, soooo... back to the show!! :D
We saved the day! Big scary baby is definitely good!
Wait Fern is in the real world now???
Ice King was just gonna leave until he had that flashback
It is so cute seeing Betty and Simon’s past, I wwant fanart of them having a happy life.
Did I mention FP is super cute? I love Flame Princess
This is getting quite dark man. Even Marcy is scared.
PB don’t martyr yourself
Aww what a great leader, telling her army to flee in terror instead of dying without purpose!
Oooh Fern is on good side now!
Gumball Guardians are her real children
Is this even a kids episode? this should be rared PG-13 man
I hope all this rogue gallery characters still get lines. oh there they go
Heh Jake and Amethyst have some similarities don’t they
Wow what a dark end for someone, skull cracks open and innards bounce around and endanger people
Ice King is the savior! How cute
This is more epic than Reunited but that’s not fair to say exactly, one is finale and one is a special
Oh no poor bananas, so dumb
Let’s go Jake, doing what he does best and being helpful!
Did Jake explode and die?
Remember when LSP and Lemongrab dated?
Aww Lemongrab and LSP is a canon ship, only straight ship allowed for those two
Come on Ice King, remember who you and Betty are!
Ice King is reciting the song from the episode. Oh my gosh come on dude, replace at least ONE word in the song silly!
Betty is too crazy to not throw a tantrum I guess.
Maga the Sky Witch- Kill Count 1
No no no Flame Princesssss! Maybe she’s okay?
Did PB just die? Oh my glob
Oh Marcy’s going back to her roots
Okay PB is alive, it’s fine.
Marceline just had a PLanet Hulk moment right there.
Aww it’s canon now guys! Marceline X Bubblegum eternally and they kissssed! Guys they made up for so long of teasing!
Oh no I think they’re breaking them apart layer-by-layer
Ice King is Simon again, yeyyy!
I love that the moment PB and Marcy are confirmed gay for real they just have them holding each other close to prove it even more
Finally Jakei s confirmed not dead
Oh no is Jake dead, 2.0.?
Finally we have a reason BMO knows what happens. He nearly died.
Okay so... Flame Princess and Fern are taken out while Maga is definitely dead. I have a feeling Marceline might die,or else we’ll need a thorough explanation for why she’s not living in her house. Like I can tell that this character voiced by Willow Smith is Jake’s descendant but Marceline is potentially an immortal I assumed so they wouldn’t have her be gone without explanation. Then, here’s a question: is Jake about to sacrifice himself to save BMO?? Also, BMO straight-up says the world ended so I have a feeling that he wasn’t just being coy.
Oh my glob, what’s about to happen. Jake and Finnn’s home is destroyed. 
BMO is getting deep. Okay HE’S SINGING THE SONG :D
Is this about to have a Rogue One ending? How is this going to end happily?
This song is meant to be bittersweet, no way is this a happy ending song guys.
Is BMO secretly badass? CARTOON CONSPIRACY No it’s just the power of music.
Oh I get it! Discord, Harmony, Music, it all makes sense! 
Oh literally everyone sings this! along with screaming!
They got so many voice actors for this! 
Is he going to explode? Oh my glob?
Here lies Finn. he was a good man. I love him. 
“No one gets to choose how it happens. the most important thing is that we’re here together.” Nice way to make me sad twice
Is Simon going to become Simon forever? What’s going on here? Is Betty going to get her bones crushed???
Aww how cute of you Betty. not making my heart any calmer
Ooh yes he’s Simon again :DDD
Oh my gosh this is a crazy kind of ending
Oh no I’m scared now.
thanks for the reminder of The Tandem Elephant’s existence man. Okay, so... this is crazy. Simon is back, like for real, he’s not dying or anything... Betty is potentially dead... Finn didn’t die, which is dope... my eyes are watering, definitely not about to cry. I can’t believe it I’m emotional over cartoon show wow. Just knowing I have eight more minutes until it for real is all over. Maybe I’ll just like, watch it again so I can pretend it didn’t end yet? No that’d be fake. I normally don’t even cry in situations where it’d make sense so this is telling for me I guess. These commercials really make me appreciate how good the show I’m watching are. :’D Okay so, I don’t think Magi actually died, although it’s hard to tell really since I didn’t get a good look at her. I have no idea what is about to happen but I am freaking out. 
Ultimate Adventure continues now
Oh wow Betty fused with the crystal boi
Simon and Marcy, reunited for real
Imagine how much it must suck to wake up after so long of being stuck as someone else
I DON’T FEEL SO GOOD. is that a reference... Oooniverse?
Okay so Gunter is the future beard boy I guess.
Oh wow they grew a Fern. and found a new sword. 
Thanks for disobeying me Finn
Finn officially has the singular arm. Dope.
Future baby boy has a big beard
Finn and Jake can’t live forever, this is the past yes
Ooh the music hole is here again! Epic callback broos
Ooh the hole sings the End Credits Song oh geez
New Ice King is Gunter, old ICe King is Simon
Ooh nice glimpses of what might become of some of our friends in the future
Ooooh Lemongrab and Jake get along better. 
Aww cute his dad is going to space now
Flame Princess and NEPTR friends forever
Jiggler callback! 
Susan is here!
Normal Man is cool!
Huntress Wizard continues to be fun! 
PB and Marcy are still gay, Pep But is still edgyyyy
They found the sword oh glorb! 
Okay I have a lot of thoughts... that was a ffinale. It really was. It was not something I got disappointed in because they didn’t wrap up anything. It wasn’t like waiting 10 years for 10 more episodes of a cartoon. It was like epic man. I naerly teared up guys. It didn’t end with a Reset Button like some finales would- Everything Stays, but it still changed. Sorry, this post is too long for anyone to read all the way through, but I still hope you enjoyed my thoughts on the last Adventure Time episode. A zillion out of ten guys.
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akane171 · 2 years
Ehh, I think you're right that it was portrayed as "feelings=bad" but I'm not too sure either😅🤔 It's been a while since I've been THAT obsessed with Jedi😫🙈
Yuuuuup, that's why I actually like the Old/Original Jedi and Grey Jedi better since their codes actually acknowledge feelings, just focus on the fact there has to be balance🙈😁
Hahaha, yeah, those stories are fun😁😍 (Oh, that reminds me, do you know "Spy x Family"? A friend recommended it the other say, apparently it's about two spies kinda getting married and adopting a kid for a mission?🤔)
And yeah, the jedi (Esp. The council) REALLY need a therapist😅🤦🏻‍♀️ They should have kept the original code🤦🏻‍♀️
Ahh, yes😍 I love how we can agree that side characters and villains(😍😈) are usually SOOOO much better😉😁
Ohh, Green Tea😁
I don't need a line of defense since I'm innocent anyway😉😌
No, I'll start taking responsiblity for my mind once it decided to actually OBEY ME😖😂 (Mehh, can't right now but even when I have more time I should be sitting down to write the next chapter lf Vergissmeinnicht or finish one of the One-Shots instead of starting something else again😂😅🙈🙈)
Haha, well, sounds about right for a fandom with little fanfics😂😅 But ohh, yeah, Naruto fics were...WILD😅🙈
Yess, Finger absolutely crossed🙈 I'm SO damn worried about Mon in this Arc tho, not only because of what was ALREADY done to him but also because of what happened to Peeta in the books... Pretty sure Mon might end up being identified as an alien and experimented on (and maybe brainwashed) but AGHHHH, just thinning about that possibility and Kara's reaction and pain to that hurts like hell😭😭😭🙈
Ohh, a demon? Does it have a name?😍 Is it named Keith?😉😂
GIVE THAT WOLF A BANANA💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻😍😍🐺🍌 I freaking love them by now🙈🙊😂💃🏻
HAHAHA, yes, that does sound fun af😁
Not sure too, I probably murdered the canon xD As much as I enjoy the lore, I can't tell a shit about it xD
I mean, I have always seen Jedi as creature who keep balance, so them acknowledging feelings, makes mroe sense than trying to not have them. I guess? xD
(I don't know it, is it a book/movie/show? Sounds.... promising?)
I mean, the fact ONE dude with feelings made the whole order fall, means that they maybe were not right about their no feelings policy xD But what can I know xD But imagine them all on some group therapy xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I can hear Qui-Gon's cackling in the afterlife xD
We need more stories that explore bad guys and stories that allow them WINNING. Set the world on fire! Screw the system! Kill teh younglings! Yay!
That's what murderers say :')
That.... doesn'r work like that. (I should work on the last chap of Definite but my Muse is probably grilling her ass on some beach, drinking fuzzy drinks under a palm tree, or sometinsg, sigh)
I think naruto was the first fandom that burnt my virgin eyes with the m-preg idea.
Well, I think Kara bieng the victim of brainwashing is a possibility too. I hope I'm wroooooooooooong. Not that i want Mon-El suffering because of that.... But well, it's a HG inspired fic sooooooooooooo =='
(btw, I have in my mind some idea about AU fic where Kara looses some of her memory, like a 3 years of her being with Mon-El and damn, that is angsty too)
I would need to ask LW for the name and I'm too scared to ask. Some things should stay secrets.
I love the weirdos on Eurovision and if the weirdos have cool banger songs? That's a cherry on the top! But I'm sad there were like 3 pianos and none was set on fire. Like, it's Eurovision... BURN THIS SHIT O.O
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stardusstt · 7 years
1-10 😚
1. Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is. I am single at the moment, and i actually really love it. I like having time for me and my friends and not having to worry about a guy. I like having crushes on guys and not having to be like “uh oh i like this other guy a little whoops” maybe i just had a horrible demonic presence as a bf but idk lol.
2 .Where you’d like to be in 10 years. in ten years ill be 30 lmao and honestly don’t wanna think about that. but hopefully ill have a good job? lol i want to live in california
3. Your views on drugs and alcohol.  i used to be a total stick in the ass (is that an expression) about drugs and alcohol, but now idc. I smoke weed socially and drink all the time. But like it opens your mind to other things, like i feel so much more comfortable with myself. I feel like i can talk freely about anything to anyone.
4. Your views on religion.  since my dad died i haven’t been very religious, even before then we never went to church. It was just always a thing, like God is there. and I’m not blaming my beliefs on the fact that my dad died, i know it has no real correlation. religion has never played a huge role in my life, and when my dad died i feel like any of what i had got thrown out the window, i started making bad decisions and coped in all the wrong ways, but I’ve made it through that. I really don’t know what i believe in, but i will never push anyones beliefs away, I’m open to them, if that makes any bit of sense.
5.  A time you thought about ending your own life. theres actually been quite a few times, mostly in my past. its funny i used to think i wanted to kill myself because my dad died, but now i realize it was what happened after that that made me feel that way. i mean i was already suffering from depression and then this kid keeps telling you “everyone dies, death is okay its okay to want to kill yourself or hurt yourself” and then manipulate me into doing promiscuous things in school (MIDDLE FUCKING SCHOOL) and make you give up the music you love because “you love them more than me, go suck his dick” (hmmm gladly) oh not to forget, calls you a slut and a whore for having a normal connection with a teacher, (mind you in front of said teacher). so yeah all those things drove me to want to kill myself, But recently any of the times I’ve felt that way, its been resolved rather quickly because now i have music in my life again, and music calms me more than anything.
6. Write 30 interesting facts about yourself. ohmygod this post is already soooo long lol, but honestly i really like getting my thoughts out like this no offense lol, even if no one reads it i still feel like I’m getting shit out in the open! 1.i lost my virginity when i was 13 2. i have two middle names; Patricia, Grace. . 3. the first celebrity i ever met was Bret Michaels 4. my favorite band is Guns N’ Roses and honestly don’t know what id do without that band in my life 5. i get angry really easily sometimes over the stupidest things 6. I’m into older men (if it wasn’t obvious to tell) 7. the day Prince died i had to leave school early because i was crying so much, and honestly have not gotten over it 8. ive been best friends w the most amazing bitch since 5th grade (thats like 10 years!!!) 9. i used to have a celeb crush on jim carrey lmao 10. ive never sang (like real singing) in front of anyone 11. i met slash at the milwaukee airport lol 12. i work at a party city and honestly with some of the greatest people i think ill ever meet 13. i have a bondage and daddy kink 14. i used to be a rebel without a cause, kind of a bitch and totally inappropriate at school 15. i had/ve a major crush on my high school teacher (who in my defense used to be a model for ralph lauren, and loved Poison sooooo uhhh) 16. i have major trust issues 17. i want to be a stripper 18. i love nascar and have since i was really little 19. i used to be terrified of tornadoes and even when it rained  a little i would have a full on panic attack 20. I’m getting a pet snake FINALLY 21. i have at least 6 different styles in the way i dress 22. ive been obsessed with the 80s since i was like in 6th grade 23. i have a theory that David Bowie isn’t of Earth 24. I’ve had a paranormal experience 25. i love christmas 26. i go to a lot of concerts alone 27. i loved the song Darling Nikki so much when i was younger, my mom had to beg me not to tell people lmao 28. when i saw Poison live, i cried during Talk Dirty To Me lol 29. i love driving and listening to my music 30. i love marvel and the mcu, and its like one of the things I’m most passionate about (I’m a dork) 
7. Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality. I’m a scorpio but since i was born on the 24th of october I’m a cusp w libra. I think that these signs reflect me very well, more so for scorpio obvi. but over time I’ve read that scorpios don’t really feel open about talking about certain things, they have trust issues, extremely sexual, jealous/possessive, they connect deeply… which are all things that really remind me of myself. I’ve been into astrology for as long as i can remember, so its a big deal to me lol.
8. A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life probably when i went to milwaukee, i did it alone, i paid for everything i went on a plane for the first time went to a hotel went in an uber lol all by myself. i really truly felt so amazing there, like nothing was stopping me and like if i can do this i can some day live in california on my own. its definitely one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life, not to mention, doing it all to see my favorite band from the fucking third row.
9. How you hope your future will be like i don’t like realistically thinking about the future, because i don’t really know what i want yet. but i guess i want to be in california with a steady income.
10. Discuss your first love and first kiss. my first love was Prince, when i listened to him it felt like i was hearing music for the first time, it was so unique to me. my first kiss was a drag tbh lol
thanks so much for asking dude, love ya! 💖💋
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ell-bent · 7 years
It’s Complicated
Back in the spring of 2016, my friend tried to kill himself.
All the details I received at the time were secondhand, things I didn’t really understand until they were retold and retold again later. He wasn’t my “friend” per say at the time, rather a friend of a friend with whom I shared some experiences. We’d known each other for a solid year and a half, but never really hung out; more just existed in the same spaces while other people were hanging out with each other, which usually involved smoking weed. Which was fine.
               Anyway, this kid was super fucked up. As the extreme, literally life threatening drama poured into my phone via a variety of messages, I felt for this kid I hardly knew but still cared about. Does he need help? I thought to myself. Is there anything I can even do?
               No, I assumed. Plus my mom was in town and staying at my apartment so I couldn’t just invite this relatively strange and definitely fairly fucked up person over to sleep on my couch.
               Essentially what happened over the next couple days was a domestic shit show involving the destruction of friendships, relationships, and a band. The details are sensitive in nature and to this day I’m not sure if I can accurately construct a complete narrative, so I’ll spare you.
               Basically no one was friends anymore, everyone was sad, and some people were in danger. Nothing ended well and everything was awful. Another reminder: I was a step removed from this situation, watching it like a doomed train I couldn’t avoid.
               Fast forward a month and a half or so. I make the snap decision (very snap, I am not great at making responsible, well thought out decisions, ) to run down to Baltimore to see the last show of my favorite band’s tour—a band I knew would Jon (the kid I’ve been talking about) would probably also like.  I sent him a text and asked him to come, and he actually said yes,  which came as a genuine surpirse. I was and still am used to solo adventures, and even though I love them companionship is also nice, especially at a concert.
               Much more to my surprise, he offered to let me stay at his place. He lived with his parents a little bit outside of Baltimore and had an extra bedroom or something, so apparently it wouldn’t be any trouble. It beats riding the 1:47am bus out of a random Baltimore bus stop and getting home to Jers’ around 6am. In return, I bought his ticket to the show.
               Mind you, at this point I’d never really hung out with Jon one-on-one before—just in a group setting, once on a double date, at some parties (both Dinner and Typical House.) So I was kind of nervous to meet his parents, who knew very little about me besides the fact I was Matt’s, his best friend at the time, girlfriend. And here I was, a strange girl about to stay at their house who bought him a concert ticket.
               Jon is not (or at least not at the time) much of a conversationalist. He’s just quiet until you get to know him.  We talked at the concert a little, about what he’s been up to since he’s been home, if/when he’s going back to Nashville. I can’t really remember the answers to any of these questions; we talked a little bit about medication and stuff. I don’t remember much of the show, just that it was really fuckin’ cool, as their shows always are.
               His mom picked us up after and we drove back to his house, which was farther away but the exact size that I expected. I put my stuff in the room provided to me that was filled with photographs of young Johnny and his sister, who seemed to be the Golden Child. There’s always a golden child. Usually the golden child is not the one with aggressive and expensive neurological issues such as ourselves.
               After throwing my stuff on the bed I walked downstairs and watched hockey with Mr. Jon’s Dad (sparing last name) while Jon grinded up some weed on the table right in front of him.
               I was thrown off but not surprised. I knew Jon’s parents were OK with him smoking but I had also always assumed that it was a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy; ignorance is bliss. But there he was, packing a bowl at the table, while his father sat in the recliner watching the Penguins highlights.
               Mr. Jon’s Dad was also a quiet guy—we made cheap conversation about the playoffs and whatever hockey information I could coherently rattle off. Eventually he went to bed, and jon and I sat alone and watched How it’s Made.
               You know those nights where you stay up until three in the morning and talk about both everything and nothing? And you don’t really know how or why you end up talking about these things but it happens ridiculously unexpectedly and it’s just really cool? This was one of those nights—one of the strangest and important of my life.
               Of course we talked about deep things and laughed and I gave him advice, but now I just don’t know if any of it was real. I thought the motivation and intent were pure—we both need friends and support and some sort of person who understood what the other was going through. I thought I helped him, and he helped me too.
               Over the next couple months I kept a virtual eye on him—still nervous he was going to hurt himself and unwilling to lose a friend. I called him to remind him to take his meds even though I was sure I was annoying him. There was one time I saw a suspicious tweet and called him at 12:30am.
               He helped me get through my break up, encouraged me to just be honest with Matt about my feelings, that it was best to just do it. I told Jon as soon as Matt and I backslid in February, asked him for advice. Because he knew Matt so well, he was a confidant on the inside, and gave insight when he felt like he could.
               Jon and I only ever hung out a few times one on one, and yet I considered him one of my closest friends, even though I was never positive he didn’t feel the same.
            But I slept with Jon a few months ago, which was probably one of the biggest mistakes of my entire life.  It negated something that was an unnecessarily huge turning point in my existence.  
I went over to his apartment right before I left Nashville indefinitely and had already planned to stay the night. I picked up a 12 pack of Miller High Life and I drank most of it. We just sat and watched Rick and Morty and Bill Maher and some other shit I don’t care to remember, me tipsy (if not straight up drunk), and him stoned as could be. I’d spent the past week or so couch surfing, making my rounds of Nashville to say goodbye.
As we watched whatever it was we were watching, we slowly inched closer together, to the point where his arm was awkwardly around my shoulder while I rested my head on his. I kept thinking to myself how simply bad of an idea this was; he was a good friend, he was my ex’s best friend, this could negate everything. But Drunk Ellie was horny and lonely, and hadn’t felt emotionally close to anyone in a few months, and hated herself already; why not add a little more on top?
He asked if I wanted to just sleep in the bed; initially I said no, but of course changed my mind. “I guess I will,” I said. “God knows I’m not gonna be able to sleep in an actual bed for a while.”
So I crawled in next to him (wearing a bra, a tshirt and leggings), and didn’t get far before we started playing footsie, which then lead to other obvious things.
Afterwards, the first thing he said, something I’ll never forget, was “I’ve been thinking about that for a long time.” Reluctantly, I responded “Me too.” We talked some more, I asked him my post-sex question that I ask everyone, and eventually went to bed.
The next morning I left pretty early to head to whatever my next destination was. Here was a fairly accurate representation of the conversation we had, which surprisingly wasn’t that awkward.
Me: Thanks for the hangs.
Jon: Yeah dude, no problem.  It was good to see you.
Me: Let me know if you’re ever in NYC, It’d be really nice to see you.
Jon: Yeah totally. I think my friend Olivia and I might go up there over the summer sometime.
Me: That’d be sweet. See ya.
This exchange might objectively seem awkward, yet somehow it wasn’t. It was just us.
The next day or whatever,  I texted him asking what had been bothering me for the past 24 hours. I don’t want to go back and look at how I phrased the question because I don’t really want to see the answer in text form again.
“Soooo how long is a long time lol”
“Idk, since like freshman year? You?”
“Idk a while, but I was with Matt”
He hasn’t responded to me since.
Jon’s a year younger than me, and I had just graduated. We had both dated other people; seriously dated other people, within that time.  And yet it was in the back of his mind for two and a half years? I didn’t know whether to be flattered or insulted. All I knew to be was confused.
So much had happened between Jon and Matt and I in the past year. Jon encouraged me in breaking up with Matt. He was there to talk me through the aftermath. When Jon and I hung out back in May, it was admittedly charged but morally forbidden to the both of us.
Was Jon’s support all a long-game effort to get in my pants? Was the friendship and support I offered him misconstrued as capital F Feelings? Had I not realized I had feelings for him? It crossed my mind, quiet selfishly, that maybe he at one point has feelings for me.
Regardless, I appear to have lost a good friend. And it makes me sad every day.
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tigerwriter · 8 years
Cai! And then feel free to answer for anyone else, it was really hard to choose.
Full Name: Cai ShaharGender and Sexuality: Male, and straight...I think? I could also see him being demisexual.Pronouns: He/himEthnicity/Species: Human. His ethnicity, though, is totally up in the air. I initially headcanoned he might have some Kinean in him, because that was the only place we seemed to have similar skin/hairtones for a while. But now there’re a bunch of other places where those could come from, so who knows, really? XPBirthplace and Birthdate: Seguier, Courdon, October 14th, 1281. He celebrates his birthday on August 22nd because he doesn’t actually know his birthdate, and even made just a lucky guess on the year.
Guilty PleasuresHmm...I don’t know about guilty pleasures, though I guess I could see him liking trying different kinds of foods, and that wouldn’t be something he really shares (because Cai’s bad at sharing things).
FearsLike most of my character’s Cai’s afraid of losing the people he cares about. Fun stuff \ o / He’s also definitely afraid of somehow being recognized and hauled back to Courdon; it’s not always an entirely logical fear, and he often knows that, but that doesn’t stop it from showing up.When he and Ophee’s relationship gets more serious, I imagine he has some - also not entirely logical - fears about the burns and scarring from his slave years bothering Ophelia, but dude your face is a worse mess and she likes you already. What a doof. I imagine they resolve this fairly quickly.
What They Would Be Famous ForHmm, I dunno - he’s not the only slave who’s escaped and done cool stuff, and he’s hardly the only good fireknight, but uh. If he was famous for anything, it would be one of those two, probably.
What They Would Get Arrested ForRunning away from the Armels? =D
OC You Ship Them WithNot my OC, but his canon girlfriend Ophelia!
OC Most Likely To Murder ThemValerian Armel for sure would want Cai dead if he knew he was still alive. Luckily I imagine he never finds that out.
Favorite Movie/Book GenreProbably likes a “good guys overthrowing an evil regime” plot. Animal stories are probably something he likes, too. So long as his least favorite cliche isn’t involved...
Least Favorite Movie/Book ClicheDon’t kill the animals in the animal stories! DDD8
Talents and/or PowersReally good with animals; animals seem to like him and he’s actually pretty decent at reading their body language, which helps. He has some conditioning to high heat from growing up in an iron refinery, which is helpful for a fireknight. He’s been trained as a fireknight and so has the expected weapons, combat, and phoenix-riding training one would expect. Bilingual, speaks both Low Courdonian and Kythian fluently.
Why Someone Might Love Them Dude’s been through a lot and never quite broke. He’s a loyal and competent knight, and always keeps a level head. While it can take a while for him to reveal it, and/or for others to learn to read it, Cai really does feel a lot of love for the people (and animals) he’s come to care about. He’s compassionate and wants to help people. Pretty eyes and some nice muscles don’t hurt either
Why Someone Might Hate ThemCai could soooo easily be misinterpreted as being a jerk because he’s so damn reserved so much of the time. There’s also the whole escaped slave who became a knight thing that some High Courdonians might not be fond of. Probably the bandits and such Cai’s fought and captured/murderated aren’t really his biggest fans, either.
How They ChangeCai’s...pretty stoic and srs all his life, really. He learns some self-confidence through his knight-training. Later on, he changes by opening up a little more, especially to Ophelia.
Why You Love ThemI really enjoyed making Cai have different hangups and issues from his years as a slave than had already been explored - emotional lockdown, scars he can’t hide, paranoia about people finding out where he came from… His knightly scenes are a lot of fun to write as well. Phoenix-riding knights yeah!
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flyingcookierambles · 3 years
forgot if i already talked about it but i guess i honestly didnt like wolf children/boy and the beast that much lol and i think i finally figured out why
ok so ill have my original post and short convo i had with this one guy and then write about my feelings after those two that provide some context.
ok real quick so wolf children and the boy and the beast are both from award winning anime director mamoru hosoda!
wolf children has a single mother with 2 kids who are werewolves/shifters since they can change whenever they want. she’s a widow because her husband was walking around the city in wolf form, scared ppl, and got killed by animal control in tokyo. she and her kids move out to the rural boonies on a small homestead where she farms and stuff so that her kids can have space to be their wolf forms and run around without fear.
the boy and the beast has a human child fall into the hidden magical parallel furry world and get raised by this beast/bear furry? i...forget what his adoptive dad’s species is lol, sorry its been a long time since ive seen the movie.
spoilers for the ending but. here.
wolf children - yuki, the daughter, decides to stay in the human world with her mom and go to high school. ame, the son, decides to live his life as a furry/wolf boy protecting the forests.
boy and the beast - adoptive father sacrifices himself for protag, fuses spirits/hearts/whatever with protag so that they’re not really separated even in death, then the protag and dad defeat the antagonist and the protag decides to stay in the human world with his human girlfriend.
soooo. yeah. the movie ends with the families splitting up and the two cultures of mundane humans and magical creatures separating forever.
(og post) original post from my kitsu:
“ok, so like after watching wolf children tonight, im left with a bunch of questions and, idk maybe i dont understand the ending, but like. what. i also have a copy of the boy and the beast and watched it a while go. and like. i feel like, out of his two movies, they were overall very good. however, the endings always leave me with a ton of questions and mixed feelings? is mamoru hosoda just going to be “that guy” for me? you know, “that guy.” like, he’s an ok dude but you have mixed feelings about him? is it still worth watching his other movies, the girl who leapt through time and summer wars, at this rate? idk???? edit: …. i realized i also borrowed mirai from the library, am i going to watch the whole thing and then be like. what.“
response to this one guy, pseudonym:
I didn’t like wolf children and while I overall enjoyed the boy and the beast I did feel it was lacking something. Give summer wars a go though as in my opinion it’s easily his best film, that said I haven’t seen Mirai.
my responses:
“ that’s interesting. hmm im trying to figure out what i didn’t like about his endings for these two movies and i think it might be the whole separation thing? but the weird thing was that i didn’t mind the family separation thing in maquia, another family drama oriented anime? so idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ????? what about you?”
“I haven’t seen Maquia. It’s been a while since I watched either film but I just remember Boy and the beast feeling generally a little uninspired and wolf children feeling hollow having nothing going on but cuteness and idealization of the mother character that I couldn’t get behind. It also fell into the annoying and well worn trap of insisting the daughter come to terms with her wolf side as necesary but the boy’s arc is to go reject his humanity and abandon his family to live in the woods as a young teen and the mother learning to accept his really stupid decision. Fuck that, thats a shtty life decision and it should be treated accordingly.”
my response:
i agree with some points! like, i get that the mother was a hardworking single mother who needed to give her kids some more freedom and also isolation in life to hide the whole werewolf secret, but when ame was just like “imma drop out of elementary school,” and hana was ok with it, i was just staring at the screen like “no, why are you letting him do this?” i feel like my issue with the boy and the beast was that ren decided that “humans and monsters need to live in their own world,” and left forever when i was thinking “no man, you can have both, work in the human world on weekdays and just go back to the monster world on weekends or something, you have basically nothing in the human world but this random girl you met and whatever the japanese version of the GED is.”
so. after thinking about it. literally for a few years. i realized. the reason i don’t like these movies, or at least their endings, since the premises sounds interesting enough for me to try them. is probably because im projecting my own weirdo complex identity issues on them. (own ramble lol) (other ramble on kitsu) (transracial tag on main) (racial imposter syndrome with NPR’s Code Switch) (all mixed up what do we call people of multiple backgrounds, also on NPR’s Code Switch)
so. as you can hopefully see. i. am currently in a pretty big identity/culture crisis. and. i think that the endings of these movies rubbed me the wrong way because their solution was to choose one over the other. like. there’s no room to try to make it work, to try and have a balance between the two worlds.
as mentioned above, in wolf children, why the heck not try to make it work? be a furry forest protector and still visit your mom because you’re in the same area. in fact, ame is literally the stupidest kid/literal elementary school drop out because, instead of trying to help the forest with actual laws and such because bc, its sad but let’s be real, capitalism and bulldozers can affect the forest more than one kid trying to larp as the big bad wolf of the forest. and you know how ame could’ve tried to protect the forest in a more substantial way? literally just. finding a balance between the human and magical werewolf/animal world and becoming a botanist/biologist/ecologist/forest ranger. someone who can bring some actual solutions to fixing issues in the forest with science. instead of like. “feeling the forest vibes” or whatever the heck was even happening there.
and then also as mentioned in the boy and the beast, protag-kun leaves behind all his childhood friends and the ppl who helped his adoptive dad raise him, practically his adoptive aunts and uncles, behind for a random girl he met, his birth dad and step family, and whatever a japanese GED is. like. again, why not try to make it work? have two cultures????
you dont have to choose one over the other!!
i’m sure that mamoru hosoda didn’t mean to be like. idk. insensitive to people of mixed races/cultures, etc., esp. since japan is not a very racially/culturally diverse place so he probably didn’t even have this mindset when making these movies, but the message in the movies’ endings that you have to pick one culture, country/world, family, etc., over the other because they’re just too incompatible is just. absolute bullshit. do i care that they’re werewolf and magic furry world culture? no, i think you can and should still try dude.
like. i have. a bunch of intersectional race/culture/adoption issues, but am i going to try to have some balance and learn about all of them and live with them? yeah????? do you realize how stupid it is to me to think about like. having to pick between cultures???? its just like. to me, picking one over the other would be like forcing me to stay with white americans or just like. go back to china. like the boy and the beast protag did or someshit????? like???? i can try to balance them??? tisn’t that the whole point of like. chinese american/ immigrant created mixed culture/experiences, esp. for ppl like me who are transracially adopted and have complex life experiences???? wtf??????
like. i would love to learn more about my birth country and all but im not going to be an absolute dumbass like the boy and beast protag and move to another world/country just because “its where i’m from” or “i have biological family there.” i cant speak the language, i’d leave all my friends and family oceans away, how the heck would i even live??
anyways TL;DR - as a person with some complex feelings about identity, and culture, and a person greatly interested in intersectionality due to my lived experiences, mamoru hosoda’s movies and their bullshit anti-intersectionality messages, again most likely unintentional but my brain read it as this, make me not like his movies.
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charlesjening · 5 years
State of the Profession 2019: We Need to Talk About Accounting’s Big PR Problem
Not sure if anyone’s noticed but the profession is in trouble. You know it’s bad when the most cynical of cynics feels compelled to say yeah, this is kinda actually bad.
Sure, I’ve talked plenty of shit over the years but I’ve also been one of the profession’s biggest cheerleaders, lifting up future CPAs when they’re about to give up on their dreams, supporting ambitious accountants at conferences and lobbying days, even sharing press releases that in the back of my mind I thought were completely stupid but knew deep down had the best of intentions. But now? Now we’re in a really dark time.
I wish I was more into sports, then I could say something relatable like “if the accounting profession were a team, it would be the 1981 [shitty team here]” and Bramwell would commend me for my extensive knowledge of shitty sports teams. Are the Clippers still a joke? The Cleveland Browns? Yeah, I’m terrible at this. Anyway.
Accountants behaving badly
Anyone noticed Bramwell has been writing an “Accountants Behaving Badly” column on the regular for weeks now? WEEKS. Used to be maybe we could scrape one of those together once a month or so, but now every single Monday conference call we have with The Powers That Be, when it comes time for our publisher to ask what Jason is working on for the week, he confidently exclaims “working on Accountants Behaving Badly, should have that done this afternoon!” Well damn.
I pulled up headlines from the last few he’s done, and holy shit. These aren’t just your run-of-the-mill middle-aged accountants embezzling from clients, we’re talking theft, fraud, kiddie porn, even murder. MURDER.
Yorba Linda accountant arrested on suspicion of embezzling $1.8 million from Suzuki of America in Brea
Rensselaer accountant sentenced in child porn case
Phoenix tax preparer sentenced to prison for stealing his clients’ tax refunds
Lansing accountant sentenced to 7 years prison for fraud
Wakefield accountant sentenced to jail, probation for stealing from church
Essex accountant admits fraud against Cats production firm
North Las Vegas murder suspect a UNLV graduate student
EY employee conspires in £76k staff fraud
PwC accountant fired after 1,700 upskirting images
Accountant lied on oath to protect crime gang torturer
I could keep going but we’d be here all day and we still have a lot of ground to cover. You get the point.
I looked back in the archive and it appears it’s worse than I initially suspected. Bramwell has had no shortage of weekly material going all the way back to July, with even more littering the pages of the archive if you go further back than that. What in the hell is going on?
I mean, maybe people are just losing their minds. These are hard times we live in after all. Everyone is all worked into a lather politically and the future seems bleak, and you know, maybe otherwise good, honest accountants just snapped and started stealing and lying and, uh, killing their wives and then sloppily trying to pass it off as suicide.
I want to say these are isolated incidents but damn, in the aggregate, it’s starting to look like accountants around the world have collectively lost their shit.
KPM-God damn they did it again
No discussion about the profession’s PR problem could be had without mentioning the elephant in the room. Not pointing fingers but I just have to say it: KPMG.
Has KPMG had a single positive headline all year? Honestly I have no idea, I’ve been too distracted by all the not positive ones. They’ve had a rough go of it, no doubt. Just when you think their reputation couldn’t get worse (on top of the baseline reputation they’ve always had as the sweaty armpit of the Big 4, that is), something else appears that makes you sigh the sigh of a bitter, alcoholic, old accounting tabloid writer who is sick of this bullshit (I’m projecting here, obvs).
Rather than blockquote the dozens upon dozens of articles we’ve written in the last year or so that simply beat this already dead horse to a pulp, let’s just pull some headlines from the last year, shall we?
SEC Says $50 Million Fine For KPMG Is ‘Significant’ and ‘Appropriate’ For All That Cheating Going On
Survey Finds That Nearly a Third of KPMG Employees Aren’t Surprised by Latest Cheating Scandal
Which KPMG Scandal Is Worse: PCAOB ‘Steal the Exam’ or CPE Training Exam Cheating?
KPMG Australia Partner Pleaded Guilty to Stabbing a Dude with a Corkscrew Outside of a School
Here’s More Proof That KPMG U.K. Totally F*cked Up the Way It Handled Bullying Allegations Against Partner
KPMG Doesn’t Think It Should Have to Pay a $16 Million Fine For Screwing Up BNY Mellon Compliance Reports
Another Day, Another Fine for KPMG
KPMG Just Can’t Stay Out of Trouble
KPMG Mexico Could Be Facing Fine of Up to $1.6 Million For Huge Data Leak Blunder
U.K.’s Audit Regulator Wants to Find Out Exactly Why KPMG Is Such a Hot F*cking Mess
KPMG Appeals One-Year Auditing Suspension In Oman, Loses
Should I keep going? I could keep going. That’s only some of the worst ones going back to March. Of this year. Soooo… seven months. Of course, no discussion of KPMG malfeasance would be complete without including what I think is my favorite headline of the year:
The PCAOB Needs to Just Beat the Sh*t Out of KPMG Already
Alright. So yeah, KPMG has a problem. But bigger than KPMG’s inability to keep its nuts out of the fire is the fact that thanks to the Big 4 oligarchy, every KPMG fuck-up is a fuck-up for the Big 4. The average person doesn’t know nor care that it’s a single firm bogarting all the fuck-ups. All they see when opening up their Wall Street Journal is some accounting firm cheating or failing in their duty to clients or whatever the hell it is KPMG is fucking up this week.
That’s not to say other firms haven’t had their fair share of fuck-ups. Which brings me to my next point.
Our toothless regulator
Those of you who know me know I’ve been an outspoken critic of the PCAOB over the years. At the same time, I can respect some of the work they do in the way I respect about 60% of what is posted in /r/therewasanattempt.
  Back when the PCAOB was formed in the early ’00s, I was but a starry-eyed 21-year-old, and let’s just say I had more important shit to care about back then without turning this already long piece into another tangent about Adrienne’s Poor Choices in Life That Lead Her Here. It would be five whole years until my world would come crashing down and send me spinning into the purgatory of accounting, where it seems I’ve been banished to exist for eternity like some drunken, angry ghost. I digress.
Not sure if you guys heard but the PCAOB is failing in its mission as it quickly approaches its 20th birthday. Damn, has it been that long? Am I that old? Ouch.
Francine McKenna writes via MarketWatch:
The PCAOB board is staying out of the public eye in 2019, in violation of bylaws established by the law that created the PCAOB, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. The law requires the PCAOB to hold at least one public meeting of its governing board each calendar quarter. However, the PCAOB board has held no public meetings of its governing board since December 20, 2018.
MarketWatch asked the PCAOB to comment on its apparent lack of compliance with its bylaws regarding open board meetings.
A PCAOB spokeswoman told MarketWatch, “Consistent with long-standing practice, the Board holds open meetings to take action on business such as standard-setting or voting on its budget and strategic plan. We expect to hold two open meetings in the coming months to address our 2020 budget and a proposed concept release related to our quality control standards.”
Not only is the PCAOB getting called out by us pundits circling the profession like hungry vultures waiting to pick the last rotten piece of muscle off a rapidly-decaying corpse (no offense, Francine, you know I love you), the normies are starting to pay attention, too.
In September, the Project on Government Oversight wrote a scathing hit piece on the PCAOB titled How an Agency You’ve Never Heard of Is Leaving the Economy at Risk that I absolutely recommend reading in its entirety.
A federal watchdog you’ve probably never heard of is supposed to be protecting your financial security.
It’s supposed to be policing some of the biggest and most powerful firms in American business.
It’s supposed to reduce the risk that, as a result of fraud, error, or corporate incompetence, your financial future goes poof.
Indirectly, it’s supposed to help safeguard any savings you’ve stashed in the stock market, any stake you have in a pension or retirement fund, and maybe even your paycheck and employment benefits.
It’s supposed to help avert man-made disasters like the financial crisis and mortgage-meltdown of a decade ago; the accounting scandals that destroyed a long list of corporations such as Enron and WorldCom almost two decades ago; and the savings and loan crisis that consumed mountains of taxpayer money in the 1980s and ‘90s—the kind of catastrophes that can cripple your community, crater the economy, or collapse the financial system.
But in key respects it’s been doing a feeble job.
That goes on for, well, let’s just say it’s a long read. Read it. All that to say, everyone’s getting called out now. Remember the good old days when mainly all we had were low blows for Grant Thornton and McGladrey cracks? Yeah, that time is over.
Meanwhile, in Canada
So we’ve established that the profession has a PR problem and that’s all well and good, but at this point, I’m not entirely sure even Don Draper could turn this dead horse into dog food.
On September 11, I wrote an article about CPA Canada’s new advertising campaign, the goal of which I believe was to make CPAs “cool” although who the hell knows with these things sometimes. Yeah, I guess that was it.
In its ongoing effort to smash the green eyeshade stereotype and convince the public that CPAs do more than just annoy their clients and vague tax-like things civvies will never understand, CPA Canada hired advertising agency DentsuBos to develop a new campaign with the lofty goal “to portray CPAs in a modern light.”
The “new face” campaign comes on the heels of last year’s “boring CPA” campaign, also developed with DentsuBos, which ran a cool $5 million. Personally I prefer the AICPA campaign in which a small business owner literally gets his ass beat until a CPA appears to rescue him but whatever.
Just nine days later, Canadians across their fine country opened up their Financial Post to read all about how CPA Canada absolutely fucked up the Common Final Examination, which for my fellow ignorant Yanks who might be wondering, is their version of the CPA exam essentially. Abject failure, slapped all over the national news. Embarrassing.
So what now?
This article is already way too long and since no one is around to edit the shit out of me I could probably make it even longer, but let’s not turn this beating into a massacre, K? Point has been made.
So I have to ask: What is the solution? For all this talk of public trust and ethics, the profession is wobbling unsteadily at a pretty crucial crossroads and in desperate need of a come-to-Jesus moment. All it’s gonna take is one more big scandal to topple the whole thing, and at this rate, we should see that, I dunno, next week sometime?
I dunno about y’all but I’m getting tired of getting all worked up over the potential for some big blow-up only to be disappointed when literally nothing happens. To be frank, I’ve had doom and gloom blue balls since 2008 still waiting for the economy to fully bottom out and that never happened, so let’s just say I’m not too hopeful even Enron II will have much of an impact at this point when not if it happens. Sure, there will be a few salacious headlines and maybe we’ll get another toothless agency out of it but will anything really change? From the depths of my cold black heart I’m inclined to say nah.
I guess all we can do is wait, see, and hope middle-aged bookkeepers would stop robbing their employers blind.
The post State of the Profession 2019: We Need to Talk About Accounting’s Big PR Problem appeared first on Going Concern.
republished from Going Concern
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hgfstreamchats · 6 years
ThebesAce hello! Me Hello, Thebes human! ThebesAce oh, thenightetc is waiting to be let in Me Hm, I'm not seeing a message. thenightetc Hi! Me Night human, hello! thenightetc I just reloaded the page and tried again. Me Rabbit's an aftport. thenightetc Apparently! thenightetc Ohhhh my.
ThebesAce oh this one hahah thenightetc Oh my god thenightetc This is amazing Me Alright! Is everyone ready for Delgo? thenightetc Well, THOSE look aerodynamic. Me Don't they just make perfect sense? thenightetc Maybe the planet has a very, very, very thick atmosphere. Me The majestic colonhead. Er Hmmmmm 😐 MORE aerodynamics Me This is the kind of race the Cybertronian expansion wiped out. we were right to do it. thenightetc You know, I feel like I should disapprove on principle, but... Me They look like Torkuli. thenightetc Imagine I'm wagging my finger at you, but insincerely Me Good compromise. thenightetc ThebesAce OH HEY WHO SAW THIS COMing thenightetc I'm going to go ahead and imagine these guys are bug-sized "Explaining" how they can fly With those wings and that gravity also yikes okay, so she has a selection of prosthetics Me Was she murdered or wasn't she? *Executed thenightetc Not executed--they were cutting off her wings, not her head Me Well, that's pointless. thenightetc Probably some horrible exile thing Me One that clearly won't leave her more vicious than before. ThebesAce Scorpion gotta sting, exiled royal gotta murder her obstacles thenightetc Why do they even have that feature in their dining room thenightetc Well, that was smart ThebesAce I KEPT EXPECTING TO HEAR MARIO NOISES WITH THOSE JUMPS thenightetc Ha! Surely not, the movie's named after him ThebesAce silly comic relief, he'll be around mocking you for at least the rest of the movie Me Can we cut something important off of this character too? Please? thenightetc I vote head. ThebesAce If we're lucky, it'll be screentime thenightetc "I'd literally rather die a squashy death" So, do YOUR races ever end like this? Me I'd give up racing if they did. ThebesAce Soooo is it just me or is this guy basically saying "Look, if we act like they exist we have to pay consequences for that massacre thing." thenightetc So they're Jedi, too Me Tell them I hate them. thenightetc God, yeah, why would ANYbody want TELEKINESIS. How lame is that?? Moving stuff with your mind? Booooooring. ThebesAce yeah just LET GO of the MASSACRE you are A SURVIVOR OF thenightetc The past is the past! Me Something something mercy! thenightetc For vengeance, a Jedi cares not thenightetc Shouldn't that thing he hit still be lying there? thenightetc I'm dying a little inside because I can tell this is the movie's romance Me These two have a more compelling romance. ThebesAce for real ThebesAce for real thenightetc Pffff, if he's on a winning streak then why's he need a loan. I assume that's practically treason, or something Me Time for another lesson on turning the other cheek! thenightetc Just sneak over to THEIR hideout and wreck THEIR junk Me Why couldn't the Autobots have been this useless and apathetic? It would have spared everyone vorns of grief. thenightetc Put up some graffiti or something ThebesAce your carnivorousness. That's an AMAZING form of address. thenightetc Does that mean they AREN'T carnivores? I mean... the lackey guys Me She looks like she's eating weeds. ThebesAce or she's just especially bloodthirsty thenightetc They've got teeth like humans Me She put on her classiest rubber pants. thenightetc ...Walking pineapples Jalaperilo Yo! thenightetc Hi! Me Jalaperilo human! Jalaperilo Why is everyone uggo? ThebesAce because the animation budget was just south of claymation thenightetc It doesn't really look low-budget, to me... just ugly art direction ThebesAce this was released the same year as WALL-E Jalaperilo I have never heard about this fiom before now I dunno if it got a uk release lol Me I like how he had all day to plan this weird date and that was the best he could come up with. thenightetc Right? Show her your jedi powers and yell at her about some dudes wrecked your temple's rock garden Jalaperilo Also, what was that explosion of anger at ger. What an abusive tool thenightetc Ladies love jedi powers and being yelled at! Jalaperilo I hate this generic film already Me Daddy Tightpants bought it because you were bad. Jalaperilo Haha! I never wanna hear "daddy tightpants" from you again Me You're welcome. ThebesAce stop repeating everything! Me Please, Primus and/or Unicron, take that one's thumbs. thenightetc This cost $40 million to make Jalaperilo Tell me 39.99million was spent on hookers thenightetc Could have slid some of that towards better writing Me Hah! Jalaperilo They deffo didnt have a cinematographer or storyboarders thenightetc Wow Jalaperilo So everyone has fantasy inspired clothes except the stoner skateboard er thenightetc oh my god He should have used his jedi powers to get it across the gap ThebesAce why is he so aggressively useless thenightetc hahahah Jalaperilo What was the point of that??? ThebesAce Stupidest king on the planet thenightetc This seems like a dumb way to do votes Like, what, whoever's the strongest jedi gets their way? Jalaperilo Dumb-go thenightetc Rude. Jalaperilo He is dumb though lol Me Feed them the squawking one. ThebesAce GREAT LINE READ ON THAT SCREAM thenightetc I'm rooting for the giant enemy crab Me Crab, crab! Go, crab! Jalaperilo I hate this so much. Its so generic. The characters are just furthering the plot and not geing characters. Its predictable dialogue and stilted anination make it boring. Its not even a good bad film thenightetc WOW ThebesAce yes. Let him be drained of his fluids thenightetc "you're definitely not covered in spinemonsters" Jalaperilo He wants his friend dead Me As do we all. Jalaperilo Racism Me They have the same faces, the same body structure. They clearly diverged from the same ugly ancestor. Jalaperilo Hasnt stopped humans Me Point, point. thenightetc What, so are those ones her original wings? Jalaperilo Does she wear other people s wings? thenightetc I think they're just made of cloth or something Me Those look like the originals. thenightetc I guess they let her keep them Me Did they just let her keep them as a momento? Jalaperilo Oh fuck ThebesAce Why is the comic relief still here? thenightetc And then she had them preserved?? Jalaperilo They fucking mutilate people???? thenightetc Oh my god Me Cue screaming as her wings come off. ThebesAce oh, yeah, big bad there got her wings got chopped off in the prologue Jalaperilo Maybe these people deserve to ge killed? ThebesAce they WERE responsible for a massacre they never apologized for Jalaperilo Im rooting for this lass thenightetc Oh, just thump it with your hand or soemthing Me She has style, a motivation, and a partner she clearly adores and is fragging senseless. I'm on her side too. thenightetc Idiot! Don't waste time. Jalaperilo Pity she suffers from neanderthal face like the rest of them thenightetc Hey, it's not nice to laugh at people's hilarious genetic conditions Jalaperilo Lol thenightetc Oh, what a shame, he's dead Forever Me Exactly. If you're going to laugh, you need to throw in some pointing. thenightetc Why is there an asteroid field Jalaperilo Cause they had a budget of 40mil? Time is fleeting and so am i. Good night chaps! thenightetc Goodnight! Me Good night! ThebesAce good night! REALLY REALLY. thenightetc Oh, so his jedi powers finally become relevant thenightetc Pictured: gravity thenightetc "you JUST got back from being kidnapped" thenightetc "DIdn't we... banish you?" "Oh, I quit when I heard about this!" Me "You quit...being banished?" thenightetc Oh no! How unexpected! Me How tragic and stuff. thenightetc So what's the dragon thingy exactly Aside from something the other guy, and then he, threw for a distraction ThebesAce I'll be shocked if they explain thenightetc Oh, so they're no tthe originals thenightetc Well, I think she'll have gotten the picture after that rescue thenightetc oh c'mon, the war is OVER her in the first place thenightetc Haha, he looks so embarassed ThebesAce I'm getting Jupiter Ascending flashbacks ThebesAce let her faaaall thenightetc C'mon, it'd be so convenient, right Me No one would have to know. thenightetc she's totally faking anyway she's totally gonna murder you ThebesAce She's spent this entire movie being literally and figuratively poisonous to everyone around her Me Goodbye, only interesting character in the film. thenightetc Well, it's almost over anyway Okay??? Me And then they devoured him, starting with the eyes or whatever other body part he values most. ThebesAce THIS MUSIC LIES. NOTHING in this movie was this adventurous sounding! Me And of course, some art of what could have been. thenightetc Ah, so this is why we blame. Me This is a long list of credits for something so pitiful. thenightetc Uh What are these "Mini 'Mator of Mirth"? Please. Me Very professional. thenightetc Well then. ThebesAce so that happened Me That certainly was an hour and a half we won't get back. thenightetc I feel like this is the inverse of that one movie The one with Little Red Riding Hood ThebesAce Oh yeah, Hoodwinked thenightetc thebes, you know the one I mean, I can't remember---yeah! Hoodwinked. Me Was that anywhere near as awful as this? thenightetc No, no! ThebesAce no, it was great! thenightetc The story is great. ThebesAce it just had terrible animation thenightetc The characters are great. It's just ugly as sin. ThebesAce that kinda made the woodsman's scenes extra hilarious though thenightetc It's... I'm sure they did the best with the tools available to them at the time. ThebesAce yeah, they had a rock bottom animation budget but the story, characters and human were really good humor thenightetc See it's the inverse because THIS has animation that looks fine, but the story and characters are bland/annoying. ThebesAce also, predictable as all get out romance where Hoodwinked doesn't even have a romance, just a bunch of characters who have a bad enough day the cops get involved thenightetc It's a lot of fun! Me Sounds unexpectedly amazing! thenightetc It really is! thenightetc It's the kind of movie that has you going, "well, looks aren't everything" ThebesAce yeah, the animation is the poster child of bad animation but it's a legitimately good, fun movie, not a so bad it's good one thenightetc Here's the trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGV-cTSr6zg thenightetc "Granny, are you... a furry?" Me I see what you mean. thenightetc Right? Me Does anyone have any other suggestions to close out on? thenightetc We could watch some more SNL sketches! Looked like there were some fun ones "related" to the doll one ThebesAce Dragon Babies, for one Me Dear Unicron. thenightetc Oh my god ThebesAce this is so very on point thenightetc Wow hahahahah this is amazing thenightetc Oh! The narrator that ruined christmas? *I* want to see christmas getting ruined! also I haven't seen this before so it's not my fault if it's bad Me If it's good, we're showing it again at Christmas. thenightetc Oh, boy! Me Oh yes, showing this one at Christmas. thenightetc Well then. They're really not. thenightetc AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thenightetc I'm sure she'll be impressed Me I would be. thenightetc God Me Dear Unicron. thenightetc It's not good, though. ThebesAce oh god I laughed so hard at their misery my throat is cramping thenightetc I mean, it would be NICE if working hard on something automatically made it good... thenightetc What INDEED ThebesAce PRIORITIES thenightetc Oh my god Me I think that seems like a good place to leave it. ThebesAce yeah thenightetc It was fun, though! Thanks for hosting. 😃 Me Glad you liked! ThebesAce yeah! Me Thank you for coming! ThebesAce thank you! thenightetc oh... automatic emojis.... ThebesAce good night! Me Good night! thenightetc Goodnight!
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