#yeah; i've read this more times than i can count and it never made sense to me ...
fideidefenswhore · 2 years
It is sometimes imagined that, in consigning a heretic's body to the fire, authorities hoped to rescue the heretic's soul from the eternal flames of hell. This is, however, far from the truth. Rather, it was believed-- a belief based on particular interpretations of St Augustine of Hippo and of words attributed to Jesus in the Gospel according to St Matthew ("And these shall go into everlasting pain")-- that the soul of an unrepentant heretic would be damned for all eternity. (It is worth noting, however, that these words attributed to Jesus actually come at the end of his disquisition on the nature of the kingdom of heaven and, though they do refer to a division between 'the sheep and the goats', the 'goats' in question are those who did not give food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, or clothes to the naked, and did not visit those in prison; all this has nothing, ostensibly, to do with heretics-- unless heresy is choosing not to love.)
The Burning Time: Henry VIII, Bloody Mary, and the Protestant Martyrs of London
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sincerelybubbles · 4 months
i've noticed you
pairing: spencer reid x profiler!reader
warnings: fluff, not proof read (as is the usual oops), slightly slightly suggestive
word count: 2.6k
it's a late night in the office. dim light casts shadows across the bull pen. you squint your tired eyes to focus them on the document in your hand. hours have passed since everyone else went home but you stayed behind. something about pushing into the early hours of the weekend to finish off a long week is better for your mental health than leaving the documents for monday. the totality of closing the folder, marking it complete, and filing it away allows you to push the details of your cases to the back of your mind. you can't forget them entirely, of course, and nightmares still haunt you, but this is the best system you've found to make yourself feel better, even if only marginally.
a call of your name, soft and familiar, startles you. you jump, chair pushing back a few inches. you look up to see spencer standing in the doorway, giving you a confused look. his bag is strapped across his chest, hands clutching it, eyebrows raised. he's dressed more casually than you're used to: a plain blue shirt, khaki pants, his usual dress shoes. his hair is messy and his eyes look sleepy behind the confusion, like he'd only just woken up.
"hey, reid," you say, catching a yawn in the middle of saying his name. "you scared me."
"i could say the same to you. what are you doing here at," he checks his watch, flicking his wrist to right it in a movement that has your chest tightening. "3:46 in the morning on a saturday?"
"i could say the same to you," you mimic him, sending him a wide smile. you lift up your documents when he sends you an unamused look, waving the folder. "just finishing up before the weekend."
"you have over two weeks to have those reports filed, though?"
"helps me sleep better to have them done, i guess. you never answered me, though -- why are you here?"
"ironically, to help myself sleep," spencer answers, crossing the room in swift, long strides to reach his desk behind yours. he deposits his bag and turns to you, running a hand through his hair to push it out of his eyes. "i get nightmares and sometimes the best thing to do is try to get some work done. helps my conscious, i guess. or, at least keeps me busy."
you nod and watch him make his way to the kitchen. "that makes sense."
"i'll be back," he calls to you over his shoulder.
you hear his return a few minutes later, eyes trained on your file again. you don't look up this time, now that you know who it is. you're too focused on finishing these last few documents and fully aware that it's sort of hard to stop looking at spencer once you start.
the gentle click of a mug hitting your desk grabs your attention, though, and you tear your eyes from the page to look up.
spencer is leaning across your desk, nudging a yellow mug toward you, smiling widely. your throat tightens, a quick flash of pleasant awareness of him, and you swallow it away.
"what's this?" you ask, reaching for the mug. he doesn't let go as you expected and your fingers brush against each other. he shrugs instead of answering, leaning back against the desk next to yours and taking a sip from his own mug.
you take a sip, surprised to find it made exactly how you like. you can't remember ever telling him what you like and your cheeks heat at the gesture. you're grateful that the only lamp on is yours, hiding the heat from him.
"how'd you know how i like it?" you ask, taking a sip.
"i pay attention," he says, eyes trained on yours.
"to people's coffee preferences?"
"to yours, sure."
before you can properly allow that to sink into your exhausted mind, spencer sets his mug on your desk before grabbing his own files. "mind if i join you?" he asks, dragging the nearest chair over. "at least until you go home for the night."
"yeah, sure, i could use the company," you say, clearing space for him.
5:53 AM
you: [attached image]
you: i promise i'm on the way, just having the worst morning. once i get this tire fixed, i'll let you know
you sigh, throwing your phone in your bag and squatting down to examine your blown tire. you don't know what you hit but you do know it's the start to an already sour morning.
you slept with your window propped open, despite how many times you've seen that go poorly for victims, and it rained, drenching your curtains. you didn't get to pack a lunch after dealing with that and usually, you eat breakfast at the office, so now you're on the side of the wet road, blown tire, and late for the first time in years.
your phone buzzes twice and you stand to dig it out of your bag.
5:55 AM
morgan: bad morning, pretty girl?
hotchner: don't worry about it, stay safe.
you roll your eyes at morgan, chest feeling lighter at hotch's reply. you hadn't expected him to be angry, this wasn't something anyone could foresee, but his answer still lessens the anxiety in your chest.
you climb into your car, turning on the heat and holding your hands to the vent for a few moments. you sit there for a few minutes past when you've thawed, dreading reentering the wet morning to change the tire.
the sound of a car door opening and shutting grabs your attention and you look in the rearview to see spencer walking toward you, hitting the button to lock one of the company vans. he's holding a bag in his hands, walking briskly to avoid getting too wet in the morning mist.
you throw open the passenger door when he gets close enough and watch as he folds himself in the car, shutting the door and adjusting his jacket.
"hello," you say, amused, "fancy seeing you here. did hotch send you?"
"i volunteered, here." he hands you the bag. you look at him for a moment longer, watching as he fixes his hair. you return your focus to the bag when he looks over at you, embarrassed to be caught.
you find one of the kitchen muffins and a banana in the bag. you stare at it for a moment, fully aware that this is exactly what you eat most mornings at work.
"i know you usually eat at work and didn't know if you had anything here," spencer explains.
"you noticed that?"
"i noticed you," he says. your eyes snap up to meet his, heart fluttering in your chest. he doesn't look embarrassed, eyes meeting yours steadily.
you struggle to find words, heart beyond touched by the gesture. you end up muttering, "thank you, spencer."
"you're welcome." there's a moment's pause while you come to terms with the fact that this can no longer be considered one of your worst mornings. "also, there was betting about if you could change a tire."
"ah, so you're here because you didn't believe in me?"
"well," he says, cheeky, smiling over at you. "you are just sitting in your car, decidedly not changing your tire."
"i was working myself up to it!" you say in defense. it's insane to you how quickly he has shifted your mood in just a few minutes.
he shakes his head at you, smiling slightly, and pops his door open, "open the back," he says, stepping out.
you do as he says, opening the trunk and getting out after him.
"i really was going to do it, you don't have to," you say, following him around the back of the car and watching him shift the things around to find your spare tire.
"i got it. go sit in the car, it's cold." he rolls his sleeves up, sending you a look.
you watch his hands as he moves the fabric up, exposing his forearms. you swallow, mouth dry, as he moves to the other arm, wrists flexing and bringing his veins into focus.
"i'm not sitting in my car while you do all the work," you refute, voice wavering, tearing your eyes away from his hands. you feel like a silly schoolgirl, ogling at her crush. or, better yet, like a scandalized victorian man seeing a hint of ankle for the first time, entranced by the barest hint of innocent skin. still, under the heat of embarrassment, you can't stop yourself from shifting your weight from foot to foot watching him lift the tire from your trunk.
"why not?" he asks, carrying the donut under one arm and walking over to the flat tire. you watch him, entranced, as he crouches down to examine the flat.
"it feels wrong! really, spence," you say, walking over to him and leaning down to catch his forearm and get his attention. "you don't have to change it for me, i'm more than capable."
"i know," he says, turning to look up at you from under his lashes. he smiles, still just a hint at the corner of his lips, and nods toward the car. "still, go sit, it's cold."
"spence-" you start and he rolls his eyes, standing up so he can look down at you and crossing his arms.
he says your name lowly, leaning back against the car and raising an eyebrow. "get in the car, this will only take me a minute."
he doesn't wait for your answer, pushing himself off of the car and walking to the trunk to grab the tool kit. stunned and slightly turned on, you slowly walk back to the drivers side of the car.
"good, now eat, too," he calls.
you grab the bag of food when you sit down, letting your legs hang down outside of the car. he stands up straighter to see you over the hood of the car and grins at you, "thank you."
hands sweating and heart racing, you press the button on the elevator and watch the door close. you clutch the little bag between two of your hands, rolling your head back to stretch it and stare at the ceiling.
you're a profiler, you know people, you know that your ever-growing crush on spencer is reciprocated. his face as he said "i noticed you" is the last thing you see before you sleep and you know you aren't misinterpreting the signs. still, anxiety pools when the elevator dings and you step off.
you roll out your shoulders and step into the bull pen with confidence you have to fake, putting a smile on your face and holding the little bag behind your back slightly.
"morning angel," penelope calls to you, swinging around the corner and linking her arm with yours. "did you have any fun hot dates this weekend? please say yes, i am in desperate need of someone to live vicariously through -- my love life is dry in all definitions of the word."
"sorry love," you say, patting her arm and sending her a sympathetic look. "still working on that plan i mentioned a few weeks ago."
"wait," she says, suddenly stopping and forcing you to as well. "really? because you were all gung-ho about maintaining a sense of workplace appropriate behavior and all of that other blah hr speak."
"well," you say with a shrug, smiling at the ground, "i don't know, can't a girl change her mind?"
"she most certainly can. in fact, i have right now!" you look up at her suddenly ultra cheerful voice and see spencer walking into the room, hands in his pockets and heading right for you with a smile as a greeting. "i have decided that i'm not walking you to your desk and we'll chat over lunch instead. bye!"
just as quickly as she arrived, penelope left, scampering away to her office with a grin stretching across her face. she's your best friend, the one person you tell everything, and also the source of your greatest annoyance, leaving you alone in the hallway.
"what was that about?" spencer asks, reaching you and stopping only half a step away.
"just garcia being garcia," you say, shrugging.
"well, goodmorning," spencer says, tucking his chin down to look at you better. "have a good weekend?"
"i did," you say, swallowing in a deep breath to steel your nerves. "i actually managed to go to that bookstore you told me about."
"oh really?" spencer asks, excitement animating his face. "did you talk to the store owner? she's super cool, i actually learned a lot from her about book binding last time i visited. she has a little workshop in the back."
"i did, actually. i had to get her help finding a specific book," you say, holding the bag out to him.
"oh, which one?"
"open it and see."
"it's for me?" spencer asks, looking genuinely caught off-guard. he takes the bag slowly, as if expecting you to rip it away. you nod encouragingly and he takes the cue to lift the paper out of the bag and then the book. "wait, no way. this is so cool! i've been searching for it for ages."
you watch as he opens the book and his eyes widen finding it signed. he slowly, reverently, flips the pages to look at the publication date and his eyes flick to meet yours.
"this is a first edition?"
"this is- how did you know?"
"i noticed you, too," you say, voice soft and hesitant. you take the half step forward so your toes are touching. surprisingly, your anxiety is nowhere to be found as you look up at him, smiling, chest warm and fingertips tingling. "i hope that's okay."
"beyond, actually," spencer answers, voice softer. the hand holding the bag and book falls, his other one lifting to your cheek, hesitant. he brushes his fingers across your cheekbone gently before moving his hand to cup the back of your neck and bringing you in for a hug. .
it's exactly how you expected hugging spencer to be, warm and all-consuming. he laughs, gentle, a vibration you can feel through his chest and into yours.
"what?" you ask, face buried in his chest.
"it's amazing how hard i'm fighting to not kiss you right now. i always thought i would be too nervous - i mean, obviously, i've kissed people before. not that that's what i should be talking about right now, but, i just mean, it's different with you. you make me happy in a way that makes me nervous, you know?"
"i know," you say, softly, cutting off his rambling with a hidden smile. he's still holding you in the empty hallway and you would love nothing more than to hear his rambling but you're also very aware that someone could walk in any moment.
you just hope that whatever this is leads to more of his thoughtless rambles - you've missed them, noticed how he's held himself back more, and you think nothing will make you happier than being the person he turns to with them.
"yeah. um, thank you. but now i'm not nervous, i'm just annoyed we're at work."
you laugh, pushing away from him, fixing his tie. "we have plenty of time, it's okay."
he doesn't say anything, his hand still on the back of your neck. instead, he slowly leans down to press his lips to your forehead. it's gentle, as if he's afraid the wrong move will break you or send you running, and you melt from it.
part two of it's a date will come soon!! i hope!!!! please take this as a peace offering <3 i got the idea of spencer changing a tire on my head and could NOT LET IT GO !!!! like i'm ngl, i made myself blush w this so i hope u all enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it :)
also also!! i usually like to keep my notes short but this is a reminder that my asks/inbox are always open!! and i read every reblog and comment and smile and giggle like a little kid when i see them. you all make my day every day and ily u all
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nerdy-novelist017 · 2 months
Apologies (Benny Cross x Shy!Reader pt 6)
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Ahhh don't come at me for the lack of updates lately! 😅 I've been so distracted with watching the Olympics and my job. I'm not meant to work a ful-time job, your honor. I just wanna write silly fanfics all day and read all night pls and thanks ! Anyway, enjoy! 🩷
Benny x Bunny Masterlist
Word Count- 3.4k+
Summary- The last person you expect to be there to dry your tears is that stubbornly persistent biker of yours.
Pete never showed up to your fundraiser. You had waited the whole afternoon in the hopes that you’d see him, but he wasn’t there for your event. He wasn’t there for the bake sale, or the picnic. He didn’t even show up for the auction which you were sure he’d be interested in that since one of the items to be sold was an expensive golf club set. He must have had other plans, you tried to tell yourself. He must have been too busy. 
You hadn’t seen Benny after that either, but you tried to find that as more of a relief than disappointment, after all, he was the reason you and Pete had a bit of a disagreement anyway. Part of you wondered if he only showed up for your tent since you hadn’t seen him anywhere else at the charity afterwards. Regardless, the hours passed at the picnic and you eventually helped everyone pack up before you left too, riding home on your bicycle. You tried to call Pete when you made it home, but his mother answered and told you he wasn’t home. You asked her to have him call you when he could. You ate dinner with your family and tried to not look too hopeful every time the phone rang because it was never Pete calling you back. You expected to go to bed with a sense of dejection, but instead you were surprised to feel something closer to  . . . relief. 
So the next two days went by quickly. You were too busy with work and household chores to notice that Pete hadn’t called you back. It was only when you had gotten up early to start on breakfast on the third day that he finally did ring you. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t seen you much,” he told you over the phone. “I miss you.”
“It’s okay, I’m sure you were busy,” you mumbled as you stirred the pancake batter, phone receiver balancing precariously between your cheek and shoulder. 
“I want to see you this weekend. I can pick you up around noon on Saturday if you’re free.” 
You agreed a bit reluctantly, but he didn’t seem to catch it. 
“Oh, are you going to teach me to golf?” you asked excitedly as Pete pulled into the country club parking lot. He’d been quiet to tell you where it was that he was taking you today, but you wanted to trust the spontaneity of the moment so you let him drive you to the mystery location. Out of all the places he could have surprised you with, this certainly wasn’t what you were expecting. Part of you was confused because you hadn’t expressed a particular fondness for the sport, but another part of you felt warmth that he wanted to share his hobby with you. 
“Yeah, I thought you’d like to join me and the boys today.” He smiled at you as you both exited the car. “Sit in the cart and look pretty while you cheer us on.”
Oh. So he wasn’t even teaching you his hobby. You wanted to say something back, to tell him that you were willing to learn if he taught you, but his friends came over then, interrupting your chance to speak. Pete introduced you to them, five in total and you struggled to remember their names. But it didn’t matter much since all chances of you speaking were thrown out the window when they bear hugged each other, and turned to go out onto the field. You followed behind, quietly trying to find a place in their obviously-tight friend group. And that’s how you spent the next three hours: awkwardly existing in their world, sitting on the cart and watching them play. You were the only girl, and it was clear that they didn’t know how to involve you much in their conversations. And when you were able to pull Pete to the side for a moment, you asked if he could let you take a swing once, just to try it out. He nodded but said, “Well, maybe in the next game, this one I’ve got a bet on and every shot counts.” You didn’t ask again. 
Even though you were still technically spending time with him, this didn’t feel in any way fun or exciting. You tried not to, but your mind drifted to your night spent at the bar with Benny and how fun that was, despite it being a bar full of bikers – a scenario you would have never thought you’d be in, let alone enjoy. As you sat in the golf cart, having nothing better to do than to watch Pete with his friends, you wondered if this was all he wanted you for. Were you really just a doll to him? A trophy? You didn’t get to play? 
After the next game ended, you asked Pete if he could take you somewhere for lunch and he seemed almost reluctant to leave his friends. But in the end, he did agree, and you said goodbye to the band of golfers. You walked back to the parking lot together and when you spotted his car in the distance, you figured this was your chance to actually talk with him, not just listen to him speak. 
“What do you want out of life, Pete?” you asked quietly as you slowed to a stop on the sidewalk.
“What?” He paused a few paces ahead of you, glancing back. “What kind of question is that?” 
“I mean,” you struggled to gather your jumbled thoughts. “What kind of life do you want?”
His brows pinched together in confusion. “Well, I’m going to school for engineering so I’m going to do that.”
You waited for him to continue, but he just shrugged and motioned for the car. “You coming?”
Not seeing the conversation over quite yet, your feet remained firmly planted in your spot. “But what do you want out of life? What do you want for me in your life?” 
“Geez, (Y/N),” he laughed humorlessly. “Where is this coming from?” His expression darkened suddenly. “Is this because of that dirty biker?”
It was your turn to look confused as you opened your mouth to speak, but he cut you off. “Have you seen him again, hmm?”
“I . . . he was at the fundraiser–”
“What did I tell you?” He asked rhetorically as he closed the distance between you. “I don’t want you around that deadbeat again.”
“It wasn’t like I sought him out,” you defended, trying to ignore the rush of agitation at his choice of description. “I had no clue he would be there. I thought you were going to be there.”
“Well, I couldn’t be. You can’t just expect me to drop everything for you at such a late notice.”
“What was more important that you needed to be at?” You frowned.
He rolled his eyes, turning back to the car. “I have my own life.”
That’s when you realized that he was so . . . disconnected, uninterested. He may have wanted you but not in the way of getting to know you. His want was selfish, only born out of lust. He didn’t care about your hobbies or interests. You weren’t even listened to when you spoke to him. The realization was painfully obvious and you felt like a fool, like he had played you. And maybe he wasn’t even aware of it himself, but you could see it now: he didn’t care for you, not in the way you longed for. 
You wrapped your arms around yourself, shaking your head as you watched him approach the driver’s side door. “I know that, but . . . I was just hoping to spend time with you.”
He turned back and threw his arms out dramatically. “I’m spending time with you now, aren't I? Will you just get in the car?” 
You took a deep breath, looking down at your shoes. “I think I’m gonna walk home.”
“Are you serious?” His voice grew colder as he yanked open his door. “Because I didn’t go to your bake sale?”
You shook your head. “No, I like walkin’ and I just want some time to think–”
“You’re going off to find that biker, aren’t you?” 
“What?” Your gaze shot back up to his. “No, I–”
“I knew this would happen.” He shook his head, an unamused smile flashing on his face. “He’s filling your head with all these dangerous ideas. He’s poisoning you against me. Me.”
“I’m not–” 
“Get in the car.” You didn’t realize that it wasn’t a request anymore. 
“Pete, I just don’t–”
“Get in the fucking car, (Y/N)!” He shouted, slamming his hand on the roof, and you jumped at the sound. 
You stared at him, wide-eyed like a deer in headlights. You’d never seen any man act like this, especially not Pete. Panic turned the blood in your veins to ice and you were suddenly painfully aware of just how fast your heart was beating in your chest. Seconds ticked by, and he finally reacted to your speechlessness by rubbing a hand over his face, sighing loudly. 
“Look, just get in the car,” he tried again, his voice barely controlled. “We came here together and I don’t want people to talk about how I’m leaving without you, okay?”
No, it wasn’t okay, you wanted to say, but your throat was suddenly too tight to speak. All you could do was stare at this man who you thought you had a pretty good understanding of, who you never thought would raise his voice at you, who would never command you to do something you very obviously denied. You shook your head, hand holding over your chest in an attempt to even out your heart rate.
He called your name, but you turned and forced your legs to walk, to move away from him. You just wanted to get home to the safety of your bedroom. Behind you, you could hear his car door slam shut and the engine whine as it fired up. He drove over to you, nearly hitting the curb as he weaved.
“Fine, walk home then!” he yelled and revved the engine, tires peeling out on the blacktop as he zoomed away. 
That’s when the tears started falling. You sucked in a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding and a sob choked into it. The sidewalk blurred from the stream of tears but you trudged on, wanting nothing more than to escape the prying eyes of the neighborhood. The action of Pete slamming his hand against the metal proof of his car replayed in your mind and something unpleasant gripped your heart at the realization that what you saw was his reaction to not getting what he wanted the first time. This was supposed to be the exciting moments of you relationship, the time when you were still discovering who each other were. If he could be so easily angered by you now, what would 5 years of marriage look like? What would 10? 
And as you approached the intersection, a thought came to you and you felt sick at the possibility that maybe this is what your mother felt before she married your father. And your grandmother before she married your grandmother. Like a chain, these women with hearts and ambitions and dreams all just got married and became something their husbands wanted, lived a dream their husbands had. And maybe that was their dream, but what if it wasn’t yours?
The revving of an engine broke you free from your all-consuming thoughts and fresh fear spiked through you. Was it Pete coming back? But no, you realized. The engine was coming from the gas station you were passing on the corner, and it wasn’t a car, but a motorcycle. The rider pulled up to one of the free parking spots, cutting the engine and kicking out the kickstand. His back was turned to you, but you knew who it was already by the messy blonde hair and signature blue jacket lettered “Vandals” across the shoulder blades. You groaned because he was the last person you wanted to see right now but you needed to walk right by him to continue on your way home. And as ridiculous as it was, you wanted to cry harder at the thought of him seeing you crying. 
When he dismounted, you quickened your pace, putting your head down in the hopes that he wouldn’t notice you. But of course, you heard him call out, “Hey, Little Bunny.”
You sniffed hard, quickly swiping your fingers across your cheeks as you heard him approach. Even though you didn’t slow your pace, he caught up to you quickly. 
“You walkin’ home again?” His voice was light, teasing but you didn’t dare to look up at him. “You must really like–”
But he must have seen your tear-soaked face because he stopped, his hand gently grasping your upper arm. “What’s wrong?”
You bit your lip, and against your better judgment, you glanced up at him. That was all it took before his shoulders visibly stiffened, and his jaw locked tightly. “Who did this?”
“Nobody,” you muttered softly, voice cracking. “I’m fine.”
“Was it Pete?” his grip remained firm on your arm.
“Please, just leave it alone, Benny,” you whispered desperately, and his eyes softened as he released you. A painfully long beat played out between you as you watched him decide if he wanted to press you further for details. But to your surprise, he dropped it, instead, reaching out, his calloused thumb brushing away a solitary tear from the apple of your cheek. You flinched at the contact, not expecting him to touch you so intimately. As quick as he was to make contact, so was he able to let his hand fall back to his side, leaving you wide-eyed at the act. 
“Let me give you a ride home, please,” he asked, his voice so quiet, so compassionate that you were honestly dumbfounded that this was a biker in a notoriously revered club standing before you. “I don’t want you to have to walk back when you’re upset like this.”
You glanced down the sidewalk, knowing you still had a few miles to go before you’d see your house in the distance. You sniffed again, “You won’t try to propose to me again, will you?”
“No strings attached, I promise,” he replied quietly. 
You relented, nodding slightly, and you didn’t protest when he slid his hand into yours, lacing your fingers together and gently tugged you back to his bike. 
Benny drove slowly back to your house, and you just buried your face against his jacket the entire ride, focusing on the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat. It gave you time to settle your breathing, to dry your tears, and when he finally did pull up to your house, a disappointed wave surfaced over you. He put both feet down to balance you both, but he didn’t cut the engine, and you didn’t release your arms from around his torso.
“Can we . . . keep going?” you asked hesitantly, unsure of just how patient he was willing to be with you.
“You wanna keep going?” he questioned over his shoulder, and you responded with a brief nod. “Where?”
“Anywhere, just not here.”
He pushed off the ground, revving the engine slightly and the bike picked up speed as you left your neighborhood. You tightened your grip as he drove you out of the city, down the long country roads, past barns and farms, out by the lake and through the winding back roads which cut the woods. He drove until the sun began to make its descent over the far wheat fields, the last warmth of those golden rays catching the two of you like a spotlight, like you were the only two people on stage. And you realized that’s what riding with Benny felt like: solidarity together. You’ve felt a strange sense of loneliness most of your life, even when you were surrounded by others who loved you, but with Benny . . . it was like you were finally being seen. No, not just seen, it was like you were finally being heard. 
But reality came back too quickly when Benny pulled up to a stop light, hand moving to brush across yours as he asked, “You ready to go back now or d’you wanna keep going?”
Keep going, your heart wanted to shout, keep going and let’s drive until we hit the sandy beaches of California. But your head always won the battle in the end, and you only nodded mutely. 
When Benny pulled up in front of your house again, he cut the engine, but remained seated. He held his hand out for you as you dismounted, and he wanted to say something – anything– to make sure that you were okay, to help you. But Benny’s not known for his good communication skills so he clenched his jaw tightly, frustration building in his chest. You needed him, you needed to be consoled, and he was so pathetic that he wasn’t even sure how. 
Sure, he knew how to have someone’s back, especially in a fight. He knew how to throw punches and get back to his feet after getting knocked down. He could do that all day. But you staring at him with your Bambi eyes and heartbroken expression, he couldn’t take it. He just wanted to pull your tiny frame to him and kiss away the tears, to tell you that everything would be okay because he’s got your back. Then a horrible thought clouded his mind because what if he was the reason you were crying? A bitter taste filled his mouth at the possibility. And my god, how stupid could he be because of course he had to dig himself deeper into that hole when he had told you that he wouldn’t apologize for his conversation with your date. At the time he said it, he had no guilt or shame for his actions because he saw nothing wrong with it. He wanted you more than Pete did, he was sure of that. But now as he glanced at your sweet face, he realized that his actions could have hurt you. And all for what – his pride? That seemed so insignificant now.
“Thank you for the ride,” you said ever-so-politely. 
Before you could turn to walk to your front porch, Benny’s hand reached out to lightly touch your own, and he blurted out, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I did to Pete. That was wrong, and I see that now. I’m sorry if what I did has hurt you in any way, that was never my intention.”
Your frown deepened, and Benny’s heart sank. But then you said, “I’m not upset with you, Benny, but thank you. That . . . that means a lot to me.”
He was at a loss for words, struck by your angelic voice and unwavering benevolence. He could only watch as you slipped from his grasp and turned away. You were walking away from him, but Benny couldn’t help but feel it meant something more than just putting physical distance between you. His mind raced with thoughts, trying to find something he could say to get you to stop, to be able to see your face again. 
However, it seemed that fate had other plans because you halted in your tracks, hesitating a moment before spinning back around and approaching him again. He opened his mouth to ask if you were okay, but you cut him off as you leaned up and planted a quick kiss to his cheek. His heart skipped a beat at the gentle touch of your soft lips, and he widened his eyes as you pulled back, a shy smile on your face. He grinned because every time he thought he had you figured out, you continued to pull stunts on him. You were the most entertaining thing he knew. 
You took a few steps backwards, but maintained his eye contact as you spoke, “Maybe . . . next time we could go a little faster?”
He knew you were referring to the bike, but God help him because heat burned in his lower belly, and he wanted to pick you up over his shoulder and carry you into your house where he’d show you just what speed he was capable of. He wasn’t sure you even knew what effect your words had on him, or if you even knew the sexual implications, but he felt himself losing a battle of will. “You want there to be a next time?”
You nodded and that adorable rosy color tinted your cheeks. “Yeah, if-if you do.”
He shook his head in disbelief that you were finally giving him a chance. Though looking at your sweet smile now, he didn’t seem to mind the extra effort he had to put in. “You wanna go fast? Look who’s the trouble now.”
You fought to control your smile. “Goodnight, Benny.”
“Night,” he replied as he watched you walk back up the steps to your house, his fingers ghosting over the spot on his cheek that you kissed, wondering if apologies were really that easy. 
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msmk11 · 2 months
Best Friend's Mom Part Four
MILF!Wanda Maximoff x college age!fem!reader (Billy and Tommy's best friend)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Word count: 5.5k
CW: Age gap (legal), best friends' mom, MILF!Wanda, fluff, mentions of food, angst, smut, cursing
Summary: You've finally confessed your feelings to Wanda. Will she reciprocate them? If so, what happens next? And what'll happen if she rejects you? Anything could happen.
A/n: Fourth and FINAL part is here! (I lowkey wrote most of this today so I hope it's good lol!) Anywho, I'd just like to thank y'all for loving this story as much as I have. And, if you're sad that it's over, never fear! Because of all your love and support, I've decided to do something special that you can check out here. Happy reading!
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“Well, do you?”
The question hangs in the air between you and time has completely stopped. You hold your breath and your heart beats so rapidly in your chest that you’re certain Wanda can hear it. 
Your instincts tell you to run, to avoid what you fear most.
But for once, you’re brave. You stay put and hold eye contact with Wanda. It’s her that breaks first. 
“My simple answer is yes.”
All of the air rushes back into your lungs and you dispel a long sigh of relief.
“But,” she adds, “I’m hesitant to say anything else because we both know that nothing about this situation is simple.”
You nod, and this time your sigh is a little more dejected. 
“Yeah, I know.”
You pull your knees up to your chest and wrap your arms around your legs, “It sucks. This whole situation is shitty. If only you weren’t my best friends’ mom, and I wasn’t in college, and we didn’t have to hide.”
The silence is thick, weighty with the words left unsaid- the words that neither of you want to vocalize. To vocalize them would be to admit to reality, and the small glimmer of hope still left would be shattered. To put it all into words would also force you to call this thing between you and Wanda what it is- a fling. A word that, right now, disgusts you to your core. A fling- the concept and word itself so casual when nothing about what’s happened between you two has been casual at all. You and Wanda had not casually fucked, casually cuddled, or casually made out. In every interaction with Wanda, there was always something deeper simmering just below the surface. There was an understanding of each other’s lives and struggles, tenderness, only found in a familiarity by association, and a deep love for each other, not even in the romantic sense, though you guess a hint of that existed as well, but in a sense of gratitude. Your shared compassion for the twins, and the undoubted affect you’d each had on them brought you two together in an indescribable way. Though you hadn’t known it yet, you and Wanda’s souls had been intertwined by destiny, forever attached by the two who brought you together in the first place. 
Therefore, to treat this connection between you two as so much less than it deserves makes you not just just angry or sad but bitter. Nothing about it is fair. You deserve more, sure, but it’s Wanda that deserves everything good. After all that she’s been through, she’s maintained a heart of gold, and your heart aches to know the pain she’s being put through yet again.
But you can’t hide forever, and Wanda finally admits what you can’t. Won’t. 
“I think,” Wanda says, hesitating, “that we have to accept that this is as good as it gets.”
It stings, Wanda’s confession, the truth smacking you square in the face. Housed within these walls is a beautiful utopia that you and Wanda have escaped to. It’s been sweet, and raw, and vulnerable, and now it’s all crumbling down. In no world would you and Wanda ever have been able to be together in the way you both wanted. There were the boys to think of, and your future, and the life Wanda had created for herself. Neither of you wanted to risk the happiness of the other for a potential shared happiness. 
“I’m afraid that if we tried to continue what we have going now, everything would fall apart, and I’d come to resent you. And I don’t want that, Detka. For me, or you, or Billy and Tommy,” Wanda adds softly, “So let’s just enjoy this while we have it, and make the most of our time left.”
Tears sting your eyes and so much pressure has built in your throat that you can’t speak. You only nod at Wanda and her gaze, somehow, softens even more. 
“Baby,” she whispers hoarsely. In seconds she’s pulled you into her arms, wrapping you so tightly in her warm embrace that you couldn’t move even if you wanted to. You nuzzle your face into her neck and try to take deep breaths, hoping that her scent will calm the raging storm in your head. She rocks the two of you back and forth slowly, and you can’t tell if it’s more for her or for you. 
“Wanda,” you call out, and your voice cracks pitifully.
“Shhh, don’t” the redhead answers, her voice similarly thick with emotion. 
You bury your hands in her shirt and grip it tightly, trying to hold on to something when everything else around you is slipping away. Despite your best efforts, you can’t stop the sob that racks your body. 
Wanda doesn’t say anything, she just presses a tender kiss to your head. And when you feel a few teardrops fall onto your hair, you don’t mention it. 
“I know it’d be hard, but what do you think about pretending, for just a little longer? I mean, we’ve been doing it this long, so what’s one more day?” she murmurs into your hair. 
You pull away a little, craning your neck up towards Wanda with wide, tear-brimmed eyes, “Yeah, yes. Please. I’d really like that.”
She smiles fondly at you, “Good. Now let’s wipe away these tears.”
She ever so gently untangles an arm from around you and thumbs away the residual wetness on your cheeks, “There we go, all better.”
Her hand traces down your cheek and cups your jaw. She pulls you in and places a tender kiss to your lips. It’s sweet and tastes a little of the salty tears you’d both just shed. Instead of the hot spark that usually shoots through your body when you kiss Wanda, an overall warmth spreads through your body from your head all the way down to your toes. It makes your stomach ache, not with sadness but rather an all consuming happiness. You’re sure that any moment you’ll burst into a kaleidoscope of butterflies. 
The last day and a half of your spring break trip is bittersweet. Though you try to stay present, any time Wanda is around you can’t help but think about how each interaction with her may be your last- your last kiss, your last secret glance, or your last inside joke. To know that the end of something is coming before it ever actually happens is maddening, and you swear that you can hear a clock slowly ticking down to zero as each minute passes. Around the boys especially you don a mask of joviality even though internally you’re floundering. As you go about your day there’s a perpetual ache in your chest and a lump that never seems to leave your throat. 
Maybe it’s because you’re desperate to slow down, or maybe it’s because you’re so caught up in your head that it passes quickly, but before you know it, time has slipped through your fingers and it’s already Friday evening. It’s late, and the boys are off in their room packing their bags. Desperate to hold on to the last little bit of your trip left, you decide to leave the packing for tomorrow morning and instead lay on the couch listlessly scrolling through channels on tv. You can’t help wondering where Wanda has wandered off to, but you know that if you go looking for her, you’ll only end up in a puddle of tears. 
At some point in your scrolling you end up on an old sitcom- The Dick Van Dyke Show. You’ve never really watched it before, but something about it instantly catches your attention. The simplicity and domesticity of it all soothes you and your brain finally begins to quiet down. 
“Did you know that was my favorite show as a kid?” 
You look up at Wanda in her long gray tee shirt and leggings, hair pulled back into a low pony, “Really?”
She joins you, sitting on the arm of the couch, “Mhmm. When things would get bad back home in Sokovia, my mom and dad would always put on old sitcom tapes to distract my brother and I. I liked all the ones they showed me, but The Dick Van Dyke Show was always my favorite. Still is.”
A warm smile graces Wanda’s pretty features as she reminisces to you about her childhood and your heart feels so full that she’s chosen to share parts of herself with you. 
“I’ve actually never seen it,” you say, “but I just came across it now, and I instantly felt…”
You both silently watch the show for a few minutes, and though you’re tempted, you don’t once glance at Wanda. It’s a true demonstration of your willpower because Wanda is so, so tempting. You desperately wish to pull her closer, to hold her, touch her, and kiss her. But if you let yourself give in, you’re not sure you’ll be able to stop. Being around Wanda is addicting and you long to taste her over and over again, to get drunk on her, even if you’re bound to waste away after. 
You’re so lost in your own head that you don’t notice Wanda slowly slipping off the arm of the couch onto the seat next to you. It’s only when she basically crawls into your lap that you look away from the tv, startled. She’s on her knees, legs tucked beneath her, and she rests her hands on your thighs. Her face is so incredibly close to yours that with even the slightest movement, your lips would touch.
Her green eyes search yours intently, “Detka, I was thinking…”
She pauses, and you can’t help but quickly peck her lips to encourage her to keep talking. The embarrassed smile that forms on her face also makes you scream internally. 
“I’d really like to take you out on a date, baby. Just one. Before everything… ends.”
You squeal quietly and jump onto her, knocking her backwards onto the couch. You pepper kisses all over her face and she grabs your hips, giggling quietly. 
“I’ll take that as a yes?”
“Oh my god Wanda, duh!”
And then more quietly and seriously you say, “I’d really, really like that.”
A hand moves from your waist to the back of your head and she guides you to her lips, kissing you sweetly. You suck gently on her bottom lip and try to ingrain into your mind the pretty little sighs she releases. When you pull away, you watch as her long eyelashes flutter open and admire the soft look in her green eyes. 
She squeezes your side playfully, “let’s go Detka, we have a date to go on.”
You sit back on your heels to give Wanda room to sit up, “where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise. Now go get your shoes.”
You obey her immediately, plopping down onto the hardwood and slipping on your tennis shoes. When you’re ready to go, she grabs her keys off the kitchen table and quietly ushers you out to her small black sedan. You’ve yet to ride in Wanda’s car, the boys usually driving, and it’s nice. With black leather seats and wood trimming, you feel like you’re living in luxury. The car, somehow, smells like her too, and you feel blissfully pampered and mindless strapped into the passenger seat of her car. 
She starts the car and rolls down the windows. You pull out of the driveway and speed off down the coastal highway, the radio softly playing in the background. The air is warm, but the wind is cool on your skin and you can smell the salt in the air. Your hair whips around wildly in the breeze, and you know that it’ll look a mess the rest of the night, but you can’t find it in you to care. Though you still have no idea where Wanda is taking you, by the direction you’re going you can at least guess that it’ll be somewhere in town.
While you’d be happy to go anywhere with Wanda, you’re extra thrilled when she pulls up to the local ice cream shop. Your sweet tooth aches with excitement and you quickly unbuckle your seatbelt. You go to open your door but Wanda reaches out to stop you, “Wait! I wanna get it for you.”
Heat rises to your cheeks and you’re so awestruck by how sweet and wonderful she is. She hops out of the car and comes around to your side, opening the door for you. When you climb out you give her a peck on the cheek, “what a lady you are, Wanda. I guess chivalry isn’t dead.”
The redhead wraps her arm around your waist and tucks you into her side. It’s the most public you two have ever been and the thrill secretly excites you. 
She presses a soft kiss to the top of your head, “You deserve only the best, Detka. I hope you always know that.”
She’s being too sweet to you, and it’s making you all shy, so you tuck your head further into her side to hide your face. She chuckles lightly and squeezes your waist, guiding you two over to the counter to order. 
Wanda orders two scoops of strawberry ice cream in a cup and you do the same, though with chocolate ice cream. All of the seating at the shop is outdoors, so you two find a table off to the side in a secluded corner. You cuddle up on one bench, legs tangled together and shoulders touching. The treat is sweet on your tongue and you moan softly at the taste.
“Good?” Wanda asks in between bites of her own ice cream.
You nod, “Very. Yours?”
She scoops a bit of the ice cream onto her spoon and lifts it towards you, “try?”
You eagerly accept her invitation and wrap your lips around the spoon. It’s tangier than your chocolate, but still good. You swirl it around your tongue, savoring the flavor as Wanda watches you with curious eyes.
“Mhmm, I like that too. Still prefer mine though,” you say with a small smile. 
“Well good, because you’re not getting any more of mine anyways,” the redhead answers with a wink. 
You roll your eyes teasingly and happily take another bite of your own ice cream.
“Oh, wait? Do you want to try mine?”
Before you can offer Wanda a spoonful of the chocolate, she reaches out and swipes her thumb across your lips. When she pulls away there’s a little chocolate on her skin and she slowly sucks it off, “Mhmm, tastes good, baby.”
This alone causes your brain to turn to mush and so you just stare at her, lips slightly parted and cheeks flushed. 
Wanda doesn’t attempt to hide her smirk at your dumbfounded expression, “love when you get all dazed and pretty like this, Detka.”
Your gaze drops to your ice cream and you mumble about how she’s a tease. 
She lifts your chin so that you look at her again, “You know you love it.”
“Not when we’re in public!”
Wanda hesitates for a moment, the wheels in her brain turning, before she asks, “wanna go make strawberry-chocolate ice cream in the car?”
You're outside the door to the house and you and Wanda are giggling like schoolgirls as she fumbles with the keys. 
“Shhh, Wanda, be careful. We don’t want to get caught!”
“Sorry, I just can’t get my hands to work,” she answers, giggling again. 
You grab her hands and still them, looking at her gently, “here, let me do it.”
You take the keys from her and easily insert it into the lock. It clicks open softly and you motion for Wanda to go inside first, you following close behind her. Wanda stands by the door slipping off her shoes and grabs your shoulder as she nearly falls over. You grab her waist, steadying her, “careful, love.”
She smiles at you sheepishly while she casts her other shoe aside and you take a moment to admire her windblown cheeks and messy hair. You brush a strand behind her ear and her eyes flutter close at your touch.
“What the hell are you two doing?”
You and Wanda freeze, and a rock settles in your stomach. When you turn around, there stands Billy and Tommy in the living room, mixed expressions of confusion, anger, disbelief and betrayal written all over their faces. 
“Guys, it’s-” you begin, your voice shaking.
“Not what it looks like?” Billy scoffs, “because it looks like you can’t keep your hands off my mom.”
“Billy, wait,”
“Tell us what the fuck is going on right now,” Tommy interrupts. 
You barely spare Wanda a glance as you make your way into the living room. She hesitantly follows behind you. 
“Uhm me and Wan- your mom- we’ve been…” 
What are you supposed to call this thing you and Wanda have been doing?
“Seeing each other,” she finishes. 
Billy eyes you two’s disheveled appearances with disgust, “seems more like you’ve been fucking each other!”
“Billy!” Wanda says sharply.
“What, Mom? I’m gonna call it as I see it, since you two don’t seem inclined to tell the truth.”
You can already feel your lip beginning to quiver but you ignore it, “That’s not fair. Please, just listen for a second.”
“Not fair?!” Tommy protests, “What I think is unfair is that my mom and best friend have been lying to my face so that they can sneak around and fuck. I mean, god. That’s disgusting. Mom- she’s our best friend and you,” he points his finger aggressively towards you, “going after our mom? That’s really fucking shitty.”
A tear unwillingly escapes your eye, “But it wasn’t- it’s not like that. I didn’t intend for it to happen. It just did.”
“So you just fell into each other’s beds?” Billy asks, sarcasm thick in his voice. 
“That’s not what she means, Billy,” Wanda answers solemnly. 
“What she means is that it all just happened so suddenly, so organically. We were just drawn to each other, and that’s not in our control.”
“But your actions are. You could’ve resisted. Instead, you were selfish.” 
You’re entirely sympathetic to the twins’ pain and anger. This comment, however, riles you from your sorrowful stupor. 
“Selfish? You’re calling us selfish? You don’t even know what you’re talking about, Billy! Wanda and I have done nothing but think about you both the entire time. You want to know what we did yesterday? We decided to completely end things after this trip because we wanted to protect you two from our dumb decisions. Wanda and I agreed that even though we both have feelings for each other, your lives and feelings are far more important. This is one of the first really good things that’s happened to both of us in a really long time, and we gave it up for you. So you can sit here and call us stupid, or liars, or traitors, but don’t sit here and call us selfish.”
After your outburst, the room goes completely and utterly silent. Your panting hard and your hands are shaking as you watch so many emotions play out on your best friends’ faces. You glance at Wanda and the sight before you breaks your heart. At this moment, she looks so totally and utterly miserable. Silent tears are streaming down her face and her eyes dart anxiously between her two boys. Guilt pools in your stomach and you can’t help but feel that everything is your fault. Had you never been a part of their lives, nothing would be ruined and Wanda, Billy, and Tommy could’ve been a perfect, happy little family.
You sigh heavily and look at the three people you care about most, “Look, I’m sorry. I-”
“Just, stop talking,” Tommy says, interrupting you again, though this time his voice is a little less harsh.
“You, you said that you have feelings for my mom?”
“Yeah, yeah” you answer, vigorously nodding, “I care about her so much.”
Billy looks at Wanda hesitantly, “And you feel the same way?”
Although she’d just confessed her feelings yesterday, a small part of you fears that she’s changed her mind, or maybe even lied. You chew on your lip anxiously, awaiting her response with bated breath. 
Instead of answering Billy and Tommy directly, she turns and looks straight at you, “Yes. I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life.”
You know your eyes are shining thick with tears and you give her a great big wobbly smile. 
Billy sighs, rubbing his face roughly, “And you make each other happy?”
Simultaneously you and Wanda answer yes. 
“Then who are we to get in your way?” Tommy replies, shaking his head.
You gasp quietly and turn towards the twins, hope bubbling up in your chest. They still don’t look totally okay, but the small, tired smiles on each of their faces tells you that they will be in time.
Wanda makes the first move, walking towards them both and cupping each of their faces, “You really mean it moya lubov? Because I stand by what I said, the happiness of you two will always be the most important thing to me.”
Any residual tension in the faces of your two friends fade under their mother’s touch.
“Yeah, mom. We mean it. We just want you to be happy.”
Tommy looks at you then and raises his eyebrows sternly, “And I swear to god, if you hurt her.”
You let out a watery chuckle, “I won’t. I promise.”
“And you,” Billy says, looking to his mom, “if you hurt her?”
Wanda turns and looks at you softly, “I could never.”
Then at the same time Billy and Tommy say, “okay.”
When everything has settled, you and Wanda find yourselves alone yet again. Though there’s still so much new ground to navigate between you, Wanda, and the boys, you can’t ignore the unbridled happiness overwhelming your senses. You and Wanda look at each other with the biggest, goofiest smiles on your faces and you jump into her arms.
Reminded once again how strong she is, Wanda catches you easily and you wrap your legs around her waist. She presses a heated kiss to your lips and you encourage her, arms circling her neck. Somehow while still kissing you, she makes her way down the hall to her room. When she steps inside she kicks the door closed and carries you to the bed. Wanda throws you down on your back gently and then climbs on top of you. She kisses you a few times on the lips, and then the neck, before trailing her hands lower to the hem of your shirt. She makes eye contact with you, seemingly asking if she can take it off, and you nod aggressively. She chuckles lowly and grabs your shirt. You stick your arms out as she pulls it over your head and tosses it somewhere across the room. You shiver, and you’re not sure if it’s from the cold air, Wanda’s gaze, or her burning touch across your stomach- probably all three. 
“So beautiful, baby,” she mumbles, placing kisses at your collarbone and then slowly trailing down to the valley of your breasts.
You moan at her featherlight touches, but you still need more. Wanda seems to read your mind as she slides her hands underneath you and unclips your bra. Your nipples are hard from arousal and the cold air and Wanda moans at the sight. She surges forward and takes your left nipple into her mouth, sucking softly at the bud and letting her tongue roll casually over it. Her hand stimulates your other tit, groping and pinching it lightly. She alternates, so that both get their fair share. When she pulls away she plants a kiss on your panting lips before moving downward to the lower half of your body. She pushes your knees up, so that your feet lay flat on the bed, and your legs spread for her. You look down at her, her eyes full of lust and cleavage on display as she bends towards your pussy, and you moan. She places kisses and bites across your calves and then thighs before tugging off your shorts and then grabbing your underwear, pulling it tantalizingly slow down your legs. 
All of it’s painfully hot, and you're desperate to tell Wanda to move faster- but you know better than to rush her.
Wanda gasps as she throws your panties aside and eyes your pink, glistening folds, “such a pretty pussy, and all for me.”
You hum, “yes, only you Wanda.”
“Good,” she answers, patting your thigh. She moves back up your body and kisses you, though  one hand travels down between your thighs. Lightly, she places pressure on your clit and rubs slow, soft circles. The only way to describe the sensation is white, hot pleasure and you cry out- luckily into her mouth. As her mouth migrates down your body, so do her fingers. They dip into your outer folds and tease your hole with your gathered wetness. As she sucks on your nipple yet again, one finger slides slowly into you and you let out a loud moan, “Oh Wanda, that- that feels so good. Please.”
“You’re doing so good for me Detka”, Wanda praises, “So tight and warm.”
“Th- thank you Wanda. Thank you, thank you, thank you,” you repeat as she thrusts her finger in and out of you slowly. 
Wanda then inserts a second finger, stretching you wider. It’s a little painful, but it feels so good you don’t mind.
As you writhe in pleasure, you watch Wanda. Her long, red hair falls over her shoulder as she bends down to suck a hickey onto your neck. Her face is flushed and her green eyes are lust-blown. As Wanda’s hand continues to pound into you, you reach out and pull Wanda away from your neck. 
“Wanna touch you Wanda,” you say breathlessly. You pull her in and kiss her lips roughly again. One hand stays in her hair and tugs at her red locks while the other wanders down to grope her tits. She moans into your mouth and her fingers falter for a second at your touch. As you continue your ministrations on her clothed breasts, Wanda adds a third finger and you nearly see stars. Desperate for her own release, she begins to hump your thigh as she fingers you. Observing her pleasure nearly sends you over the edge. 
You beg Wanda to stop for just a moment so that you can slip off her shirt. You unclasp her bra and grunt at the sight of her naked tits. Wanda continues to pound into you and your legs tighten around her hand. As she humps your leg, you watch her beautiful tits bounce and the way her head is thrown back in a fit of pleasure. The image of Wanda before you sends you over the edge, finally, and your stomach muscles clench. You cry out loudly and moan Wanda’s name over and over as you finally come. Your body shakes with pleasure and you really do see stars this time. When you come down from your high, you are panting heavily. Wanda is still chasing her own, and you can tell she’s getting close. You grip her hips and stop her, “Don’t want you to cum on my thigh, Wanda.”
Suddenly, you flip her onto her back and straddle her.
“Drawer, Detka, look in my drawer,” Wanda breathes out desperately. You reach over her and open the top drawer on the left. Inside is a pink strap-on.
“You want me to use this, Wanda?” You ask seriously. 
“Please, please fuck me baby,” she answers huskily. 
You stand from the bed, Wanda groaning at the loss of your touch, as you step into the harness and tighten it against your skin so that it bumps your clit a little. When you crawl back onto the bed, you grab the hem of Wanda’s pants and yank them down. Then, you grab her lacy black underwear and pull that down too, revealing her pussy to you. You moan loudly and instantly surge forward, licking a line up her slit. She tastes so sweet, and you want to eat her out so badly, but you decide to save that for later. 
“Please, Detka. Don’t tease me,” Wanda orders. 
You nod and do as she says. You line the tip of the dildo up to her entrance and tease her folds. She moans softly and grabs your waist. Then, slowly, you slide inside her. She’s wet enough that there’s not much resistance, and when your hips meet hers you pause. 
Wanda sighs out, “So big. Feels so good, baby. So full of you.”
“Anything for you Wanda. Your pretty pussy deserves everything,” you whisper in her ear as you thrust your hips for the first time. The squeal she lets out sends you into a frenzy, and quickly you are pounding into Wanda at a rapid pace. She’s only letting out a series of moans, whines and squeals and it’s so incredibly hot. You suck on one of her nipples and play with the other till she is writhing underneath you. When you get her close, you move down a little and throw her legs over your shoulders, allowing you to lift her hips off the bed and drill into her at a deeper angle. You know you’ve found her g-spot by the way she lets out long, loud moans, and you muffle her mouth with your lips so that Billy and Tommy don’t hear. With one final thrust, Wanda’s eyes roll into the back of her head and her back arches into you, tits touching. The moans of your name light a fire in your stomach, and the added stimulation of the strap on your throbbing clit sends you over the edge a second time. You both cum together before slowly coming down from your high. You’re left panting as you collapse on top of her, the dildo still inside.
As you start to recover, Wanda slowly starts stroking your sweaty hair away from your face. You smile against her chest and place a soft kiss there. 
“That was really good, Wanda. Thank you.”
Wanda only lifts your chin and smiles at you before she locks your lips in another kiss- this time more sweet and tender. 
The time you’d been dreading the entire week- saying goodbye- has finally arrived. While it once left you sick with dread, now it doesn’t seem so bad. The fact that you and Wanda aren’t saying goodbye forever certainly helps. Wanda’s in the kitchen sweeping out the sand and you and the twins are packing up their car with your bags. You were nervous this morning that they’d act weird around you now that you’re with Wanda, but they’ve been fairly normal besides the occasional dark jokes here or there. 
When the last of your stuff is loaded into the car, the three of you make your way back into the house. 
“Mom? Want us to take your bags out to your car?” Tommy asks, swiping a banana off the counter. 
She smiles sweetly at him, “yes, please. Thank you.”
You give Wanda a wink and begin to follow after the boys when she calls out, “wait, Detka. I need your help.”
Billy mockingly gags and you roll your eyes at him before trotting obediently back to Wanda. 
“What’d you need help with?” You ask her eagerly.
She peers over your shoulder, making sure the boys aren’t in sight, and then grabs you by the shirt, pulling you in for a kiss. 
You can’t help but smile against her lips, and when you pull away you chuckle.
“Was that it?”
She hums contentedly, “though I think I need one more for good measure.”
“I’m here to serve,” you tell her teasingly, kissing her again. 
“Nope! No! Okay, that’s enough you two,” Tommy declares as he comes back into the kitchen, “Jesus, I’m gonna throw up.”
You both have the decency to look sheepish and say, “sorry!”
He sighs, feigning annoyance, “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Now come on, we gotta get back to school.”
Billy joins you all in the kitchen, “Yep, we gotta go, so no more public indecency, please.”
You snort a little and slap his arm lightly, “shut up.”
He gives you a pointed look and then goes up to hug Wanda, “Bye Mom. I’ll call you next week, okay?”
She hugs him tightly and kisses him tenderly on the forehead before taking Tommy into her arms, “Goodbye, moya lubov.”
Then she says to both of them, “You let me know when you get back safe. I love you!”
“Love you too,��� they both say at the same time, heading towards the door.
Tommy looks at you, “you coming?”
You nod, “Yep, be right out in a second.”
When they’re gone you don’t say anything to Wanda, you just pull her into a tight embrace. 
“We’ll see each other soon, okay?” she tells you.
You pull away and admire her pretty features one final time before you have to say goodbye.
“Okay, Wanda. I’ll see you soon.”
She smiles warmly at you and kisses goodbye, but not, you happily note, for forever.
Tag list: @xenaizogie @alexawynters @eclipse727 @idkwhatever580 @opp-jumpscare @starynn @alessiaswifey @noturlondonboy @chickenlittlsblog @lizzieolsen89 @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @wandasdove @unity-rae @traveler-at-heart @wandasreallover
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thevoidstaredback · 2 months
How To Balance Your Daytime and Nighttime Activities So That You Don't Burn Yourself Out More Than You Already Have
"Hey, Babs,"
"Dick? It's late, what's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong!"
"I'm about to go on patrol, D, can this wait?"
A sigh. "No."
"What's wrong?"
"Blockbuster's after Oracle."
Gotham Proper is a thirty-three minute drive from Bludhaven. The drive to Bristol from Bludhaven is a fifty-one minute drive through Drescher, Burnside, Sumerset, Victoria Place, and Little Stockton before crossing the bridge over Gotham River into Bristol. Gotham Proper is made of four islands connected to each other and the mainland via several bridges. Technically, all of those cities and towns - as well as Charon and Brentwood - are sister cities like Bludhaven, but everyone counts them as a part of Gotham anyway.
Dick spent the entire drive alternating between sulking and panicking.
Danny would know. Ghosts, as he's come to understand, are beings made of emotion, meaning that he can sense emotions better than living beings. Though, he didn't need an empth ability to read the air around Dick.
'What if something happens while we're gone?" Dick asked for the nth time in the past few minutes, "What if Brutale decides to blow something up while I'm gone? What if Blockbuster starts something big?"
"Bigger than what he's already doing?" Danny didn't bother to look up from his conversation with Tim. "The fact that you can't even name specific examples proves that you're not actually worried about Blockbuster or Brutale."
"I'm worried about Brutale blowing something up, thank you very much."
"Yeah, 'something'. Who even is Brutale anyway? I don't think I know that name."
"No one you need to worry about." He moved into the right lane.
Danny turned his phone off and set it face down on his leg. "What are you really worried about, Dick? I've known you for five weeks now, and I've never seen you this worried about anything."
"You've known me for three weeks."
"No, you've known me for three weeks. I've known you for five weeks. And don't change the subject."
Dick sighed, running his left hand through his hair before dropping it back onto the steering wheel.
"Is it Bruce?"
"You know he's at work, right?"
"Yeah, I- How do you know that?"
He waved his phone a bit. "I checked with Tim. So, it's just going to be Tim and Alfred at the Manor when we get there."
"You know Alfred?"
"I know of Alfred." Danny slapped his right shoulder, "Stop trying to change the subject!"
"I can't help it! Deflecting has worked pretty damn well for me up until this point!"
"Oh, yeah? Against who?"
"Literally everyone!"
A beat. "Okay, so maybe only most people, but that's not the point!"
"Doesn't matter what your point is because we're going back to talking about mine!" He huffed. "If you don't want to go straight to Wayne Manor, then stop by somewhere else. You had to have gained at least one friend in Gotham before you moved to Bludhaven."
Dick paused for a moment, eyeing the signs. They'd only been driving for twenty minutes. He could hang a right just before Sumerset to cross the New Trigate Bridge into Arkham Island, take another right onto Midtown and drive to Old Gotham to meet Babs/. Yeah, that'd be nice. But, the detour would increase the chance of running into Bruce later on in the day. Maybe he could have Bab's drive to the Manor?
"Is it too late to turn around?"
"Why are you even so insistent on going? You don't know anyone in Gotham!"
"I know Tim!" He argued. "Besides, healthy relationships are good in this kind of work."
Dick raised his eyebrow, glancing at Danny from the corner of his eye. "You wanna second to rethink that or..?"
Danny clicked his tongue. "Look, I know you don't want to talk to Bruce, and I'm not asking you to. I'm asking you to apologize to Tim for snapping at him. If you end up with better relations here in Gotham, then that only works in your favor."
Dick groaned, ditching the turn onto New Trigate and continuing on through Sumerset. "Fine! But we're leaving before Bruce gets back. I can't stand him right now."
Danny smiled, a sad look in his eye. "Alright."
He knew very well that Dick's relationship was near irreparable. From what he'd gathered, from either overhearing or snooping, Bruce had been a pretty good dad and boss to Dick up until he'd turned seventeen. He hung up the Robin mantle when he was eighteen, appearing as Nightwing when he was nineteen. Bruce, apparently, hadn't taken this very well, but copped, adopint ong Jason Todd when Dick was twenty years old, giving him the Robin mantle a few months later.
According to Dick, when Jason was killed, he'd been off world. Bruce hadn't even called him to inform him, let alone tell him about the funeral. And, when Dick got back and heard what happened from Batgirl, he'd confronted Batman in the Batcave. Batman, apparently, though he's inclined to Dick's side, punched him the face and shifted the blame.
Danny doesn't blame Dick for being angry. Not for a second. He can't really relate, but he understands.
Entering Bristol, there was a shift in the air. Outside was stuffy and smelled like money. Inside the car, however, was tense. Dick's attitude shifted to his work smile. It was plastic.
This was going to be a long day.
He didn't say anything. Quietly, Danny messaged Tim, letting him know about the shift. Tim was quick to respond, letting Danny know that he was fully prepared for whatever was coming. Danny didn't think he was.
Danny knew that something was going to happen. The air was suddenly suffocating, the world fake manufactured to perfection.
"You alright there, bud?" Dick asked, his voice perfectly professional.
"Yeah, fine. I-I'm fine." Danny wanted this car to turn around.
Part 10 Part 12
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crdteezv · 8 months
Frat House - Yangyang Ver.
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DISCLAIMER (important): This is a continuation of a fratboy series I’m doing for all the Wayv members! I recommend you read the prologue here first so everything can make more sense. You can also choose the other members here or at the end if you are interested in seeing someone else!
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Paring:  !fratboy! yangyang x afab! reader
Genre: college! au, frat! au, smut
Synopsis: You continue playing an interesting game of Spin the Bottle/Truth or Dare with Ten and his friends. You were dared to spend the night with one of them. When the bottle was spun, it landed on Yangyang. You wondered what type of things you and him were about to get into tonight…
Warnings: smut. !possessive/jealous! yangyang, DUB-CON, toxic…, also somewhat dark and not for the faint of heart, dirty talk, teasing, kissing, fingering, hair pulling, oral (giving/receiving(69)), throat fucking, manhandling, masochism, spanking, video recording (consensual), edging, o.denial/control overstimulation, unprotected sex
Word Count: 3.2k words
A/N: I know it’s been some time since I last updated this series. But, I would like to say that it is hopefully coming to an end very soon! Next, I will work on Xiaojun and then finish off with Winwin. Now I hope you all enjoy the Yangyang ver!
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After Hendery spun the bottle, it landed on Yangyang.
You felt a bit surprised but relieved that it didn't point to a certain someone. Plus, you kinda know Yangyang so this wouldn’t be too awkward for you. 
"Looks like you're staying with me tonight!"
"Yeah, sounds good. I'm pretty tired anyway, let's head up now."
He agreed and took your hand, leading you upstairs to his room.
Meanwhile, Hendery was still processing what happened. He felt a bit upset because he wanted the bottle to land on him. Others understood his feelings but moved on eventually. Everyone went to their rooms to sleep for the night.
You have arrived at Yangyang's room.
It was nice and simple with a lot of grey undertones. His bed was facing the TV and was accompanied by his gaming setup.
"Hey, you can take the bed, and I'll crash on the floor or something–"
"No, it's okay. I'd feel bad making you sleep on the floor. Come here."
You gently pulled him towards the bed, feeling surprisingly at ease together.
"Your gaming setup looks pretty cool. So, you game a lot I assume?"
"Yeah, I do! I usually play with Winwin or Hendery. Lately, we've been hooked on Apex."
Seeing him talking about something he is passionate about, made him have this sparkle in his eye. You were so focused on what he was saying, you started to notice how attractive he was.
"I've never really played it before. I'm usually swamped with schoolwork."
"Wait, we could play now! I'll teach you."
Agreeing nervously, you watched as Yangyang set up the game. With a controller in hand, he guided you through the basics, his excitement contagious. Soon, you were immersed in the game together.
Laughter filled the room as you navigated the game alongside him. Gradually, you found yourself enjoying his company, feeling a growing connection. As the night wore on, you sensed a subtle shift in the air, the space between you started to heat up with tension. Sitting closely against the bedframe, your thighs would occasionally brush with each other, which was distracting you from the game.
"Hey, are you alright? You're playing slower than usual."
"I'm fine, just not used to this controller."
Yangyang paused the game, intertwining his arms with yours, hands still on the controller as if to offer comfort and support.
"You see, this is how you do it–" 
Yangyang's hands covered yours, skillfully maneuvering the controller to control your character. It was as if he was playing the game for you. You couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and heightened nervousness at his intimate gesture.
As you and Yangyang continued playing the game, the close proximity between you felt both exciting and nerve-wracking. His subtle breath on your neck sent shivers down your spine, a sensation you hadn't experienced before. It was hard to concentrate, and Yangyang noticed.
"Do I make you nervous? You've been squirming since we started playing again. We can stop if–"
"No, don't stop," you interrupted, feeling emboldened by the moment.
Leaning back into him, you gave him a seductive look, feeling a rush of adrenaline at the intimate exchange.
Throughout the night, Yangyang couldn't keep his eyes off of you, feeling a growing desire. He couldn't resist any longer. Slowly, he began to kiss the back of your neck, which sent tingles throughout your body. His hands found their way to your waist, his whispers in your ear
“You should keep on playing the game sweetheart. If you win, I’ll do whatever you want...”
Shivers crawled down your spine as he said that to you. But, who are you to deny such an offer? You nodded your head and he leaned back onto the bedframe and your backside was facing against him. You felt at ease and started to play the game again.
But Yangyang had other plans.
As you focused on the game, his teasing escalated. His hands roamed under your shirt, causing you to squirm and struggle to concentrate.
"Please stop, I can't focus–" you pleaded, feeling overwhelmed.
But Yangyang's actions only intensified, his playful bites on your neck were sending waves of pleasure all over your body.
"I never said this was going to be easy," he smirked against your skin, his touch was driving you to the brink of ecstasy.
Determined to win, you bit your lip, trying to block out the sensations and focus. This will all be over once you beat the game. 
Feeling Yangyang's hand inching lower, your breath caught in your throat as anticipation mingled with excitement. His touch through your clothed pussy sent a jolt of pleasure surging through you, and you couldn't suppress the moan that escaped your lips.
"Seems like you don't want me to stop either," he whispered huskily, his voice dripping with lust as he felt the dampness soaking through your panties.
His words only fueled the desire raging within you, and you didn’t want him to stop at all.
His words alone were making you feel more aroused for him and you don’t know how long you could take it anymore. 
He pulled your panties to the side and shoved his middle finger into your wetness. You let out a moan that was quickly covered up with one of his hands.
“Shh, you don’t want the others to find out what we are doing do you?”
You shook your head no and weren’t even focused on the game anymore. You were too immersed in all the things Yangyang was doing to you. Each thrust was pushing you closer to the edge. As waves of pleasure crashed over you, your moans became so out of control that you couldn't contain them anymore. But luckily Yangyang's hand muffled all the sinful noises you were making. Your body felt limp as you surrendered to the overwhelming sensations, losing control over yourself. Tears started to dwell down your face from all the stimulation you were feeling.
When Yangyang's thumb found its way to your clit, a primal scream tore from your throat, your body shuddering with pleasure.
He finds this all amusing and starts laughing at you.
“God, you can’t be this desperate for me, right? You’re not even playing the game for me anymore-”
He feels you squeeze and clench around his finger.
“Mhmm, you’re getting close sweetie? Then cum for me.”
He started shoving his fingers into you at a faster pace than ever before. And just when you were on the brink of climax, he stopped and pulled out his fingers immediately. You felt a sense of discomfort from being unsatisfied by his actions.
“Hey, why did you do that?”
His smirk only widened as he pointed to the TV, explaining his motive with a mischievous look in his eyes.
“It’s because you didn’t win love. I told you I will give you anything you want if you win.”
“Are you serious? It’s not even fair you, kept on distracting me.”
“Oh I know, and I don’t plan on making any of this easy for you. But I'll give you one more chance since I'm feeling generous tonight."
“YES! Now what’s the catch this time?”
He grabs the controller and switches the game to a simple racing game.
“Now, this should be easier for you to play and I will just be down here-”
He switches positions now between your legs while you lean against the bedframe.
You rolled your eyes out of annoyance. This is just going to be harder than before. But you were determined to win, fed up with his teasing. You agreed and focused on the game.
He started slow by kissing all over your thighs and squeezing them firmly with his hands. You stayed focused, he was not distracting you this time. He admired your determination but knew he could break you soon. His kisses turned into bites, making you tense. He let out a little smirk and continued marking up your thighs. 
You were more focused on the game than before. You knew for a fact he was going to do everything in his power to make you fall for him. But, you are standing your ground and not making any moves. He couldn’t wait any longer and started to lick up your drenched pussy. He put your legs over his shoulders and started to devour you like he was hungry.
You bite your lip hard and start to lose focus. You were almost done with the game and just needed to hold out a little longer. He didn’t care anymore and shoved your core into his face. He started lapping up all of your juices and even started sucking on your clit. 
You finished the game just in time and ended up in first place and you can fully let yourself go for him. You threw your head back in pleasure and started moaning even louder than before. You didn’t care if the whole house could hear you at this point, you just wanted Yangyang to keep going.
You pulled onto his hair and pushed him hard against you. You feel him start to whimper into you. The vibrations of all of the sounds he was making made you start to wince around him. You squeeze your thighs around his head and he starts to gasp for air. 
“Fuck baby, this is not enough for me come here-”
He lays down on his back and places you on top of him. He made you face away from him.
“Back that ass into me sweetie.”
You were taken aback as he grabbed your waist and pushed your pussy onto his face, causing you to let out a moan. No one had ever made you feel this aroused before, and he was practically driving you wild. He practically making you see stars. You grind your core onto his face and he was loving every second of this. 
As you were going at it, you started to notice that his cock was right in front of you. With a sinful idea in mind, you pulled down his shorts and boxers, stroking him with your hand. He moaned in pleasure, too focused on you to fully comprehend your actions. He couldn’t help but grind up into your hand. Pumping him faster, you reveled in his needy desire.
"You enjoy this, don't you?" you teased, slowing your pace as he begged for more.
“Mhm f-fuck yes, don’t stop-”
You started to slow down your pace and let out a playful laugh.
“I don’t know if you earned it yet. You teased me so much tonight and -”
“P-please, I won’t tease you anymore..”
You looked back at him and gave him a smirk. 
“You promise?”
He nodded his head you decided enough was enough. You took him into your mouth, and he threw his head back. He had already forgotten that he had a job to do too.
“Hey this don’t get too comfortable, you better get back to-”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. He went back to devouring your pussy and with more vigor than before. You let out a loud moan and decided to suppress all your noises by shoving your throat down his cock. You began to bob your head up and down wasn’t planning on stopping anytime soon. You were both overwhelmed by each other. Just a moment ago you were playing a spin-the-bottle game and now his face is deep into your pussy.
Who would’ve known this all happening because of Hendery's little dare?
Yangyang couldn't resist thrusting into your mouth, causing you to gag. Tears streamed down your face as you wondered if you could take this anymore.
The both of you were reaching your breaking point.
You felt his cock start to twitch in your mouth, and you clenched around his tongue in response. With increasing urgency, you both intensified your pace, driving each other to climax simultaneously, not wasting a single drop. You got off of him and almost fell back but he grabbed you in time. 
“Oh baby, we're not done just yet.”
You gave him a confused look and he grabbed you and pushed you down into the mattress on your back. He pinned your hands over and proceeded to take off the rest of his and your clothes. 
"You're so beautiful. I've always wanted to do this," he confessed, his words a mix of desperation and lust, unsettling you slightly.
"Every day in class, I'd stare at you, wanting to be closer," he admitted, his voice tinged with longing. "But Ten or Hendery would always get in the way..."
He slowly brought your legs up his shoulders and positioned himself into you.
“But now… I have you all to myself.”
You started to feel a little intimidated by him. He seemed so possessive all of a sudden. Before you could even say anything, he slips his cock into your pussy, eliciting a loud moan from you as pleasure surged through your body. Your eyes started to roll in the back of your head. 
He began to pound into you with rough, deep strokes, his pace relentless and unforgiving. It was as if he was consumed by an insatiable hunger for you, a side of him you had never seen before.
“F-fuck Yangyang s-slow down-“
“No, I can’t anymore. I’ve wanted this for too long, princess. Besides just a moment ago you were practically begging me to fuck you.”
His words were starting to get to you. You did ask for this but you didn’t expect him to be so feral for you. Apart of you didn’t mind it though. You almost like the feeling of being wanted and almost felt selfish for it. It’s been a while since someone wanted to be inside of you this bad. 
So you gave in and started to make out with him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him closer to you.  He gripped on the headboard with one of his hands and started fucking deeper into you. His strokes started to become more sharp and precise. 
“F-fuck p-please keep going… right there-“
“Ah you’re liking this a lot more now huh sweetheart? You look so pretty for me.”
He caressed your cheek gently before deciding to change things up. Flipping you onto your stomach, he positioned you with your ass in the air and pushed your head into the pillow.
"Now, I'm not holding back anymore. I want you to be loud for me so everyone in this house can hear you, sweetheart," he whispered in your ear, delivering a loud smack to your ass that elicited a whimper from you.
“Especially Hendery and Ten.”
Your eyes widened as you realized Yangyang had planned this all along. He had been jealous since you kissed Ten in front of everyone
Little did you know, he and Winwin were in on it the whole time.
 When he was whispering to Winwin when you kissed Ten, he was telling him that he wanted to find a way to separate you and Ten. Yangyang thought if he could somehow convince Hendery to come up with such a dare, there was a chance he could have you to himself tonight. That's why he didn't object when Hendery first proposed the dare.
Yangyang was jealous.
You looked back at Yangyang with such anger "You wanted this to happen, didn't you? How long have you been planning this?"
“Since we first met in math class. I always saw you and Hendery going against each other and how close you were with Ten-“
He pulled you up by your hair and brought you closer to his face.
“Now here you are all alone with me. Begging for me to fuck you. Isn't it crazy how things have turned out?" 
“Oh you’re literally insane you know that?”
He pushes you back onto the bed and slips himself back into you.
“And you love that about me don’t you princess?”
With each powerful thrust, you moaned his name, torn between fear and lust. Despite your conflicting emotions, you couldn't deny how good he was making you feel. You felt like you were losing yourself to him and you didn’t want to let go of that feeling.
You were enjoying this and so was he.
He slowed his pace slightly, still inside you, and reached for his phone. He started to record you.
"Now, baby, look into the camera and tell me who makes you feel this good," he demanded.
"You... you do," you managed to gasp out.
He gave a harsh slap on your ass again and you let out a loud moan.
He delivered another harsh slap to your ass, eliciting a loud moan from you. "What was that, sweetie? I didn't quite catch that," he teased
"YOU DO!" you exclaimed, feeling the pleasure intensify as he pounded you deeper into the mattress.
"That's right, pretty girl. Only I can make you feel this good," he affirmed before stopping the recording and tossing his phone aside.
"Now that I've got what I wanted tonight, I think it's time to wrap this up, don't you think?" he suggested, his actions leaving you too overwhelmed to respond with words. All you could do was nod your head. You were too preoccupied to be able to let out any words at the moment. He was bringing you so much pleasure that all you could do was scream and moan in ecstasy.
He grabbed your waist with both of his hands and started to fuck you into the mattress. He gripped your waist so tight that it was starting to become a little painful to bear. You both eventually climax at the same time and he was riding out all of your orgasms. He wouldn’t stop until you were fully satisfied.
He fell back into the bed and brought you to his chest. You were both panting for air, trying to catch your breath. It felt a little awkward afterward and you both didn’t know what to say to each other.
“Hey look I’m sorry for the way I acted tonight. It’s just I’ve liked you for a very long time now and I just got carried away. I can’t help myself when it comes to you-“
You kissed him on his cheek. 
“It's fine, Yangyang. You just caught me off guard is all. I just didn’t know you were this crazy for me-“
"Hey, I'm not that crazy for you," he joked, attempting to lighten the mood after everything that happened between the two of you.
“Oh come on. You kept on going on and on about how much you wanted me and was being really possessive. I think that’s what you call crazy.” you teased, noting his surprised expression as he realized your point.
"Look, I'm sorry again, and we can forget about this happening, and I'll even delete the video–" he started, but you interrupted him by grabbing his wrist.
"Oh, but I don't want to forget what happened tonight. It was just getting fun, don't you think?" you said playfully, causing him to feel drawn to you once more.
"You don't have to delete the video if you don't want to. I know you want to show all the other guys what went on with me and you tonight," you added, observing his surprised reaction.
"Especially Hendery and Ten, right?" 
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**AUTHOR NOTES**: If you want to see what would happen if the bottle landed on a different member, choose here: [KUN] [TEN] [WINWIN] [XIAOJUN] [HENDERY]
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actuallysaiyan · 11 months
Kinktober Day 18: Roleplay(I've thought about us for long long time...)
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warnings/kinks: vaginal fingering, roleplay, roughhousing/manhandling, mentions of terrorism, reader is a Turk word count: 0.9k pairings: Reno Sinclair x Fem!Reader teaser: “I know you like me…” He mumbles against your skin. taglist: @beneathstarryskies. @loki-love. @witchofcustom. @dreadsuitsamus. @pyrofanatic. @butterflieskeepcominback
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Reno and you instantly clicked when you first met. Something about this rambunctious and mischievous redhead really turned you on. And as he continued to train you into a Turk, the more you found yourself falling in love with him. You’d never ever confess it to him, but you and him had a lot of fun toeing the line. Reno does what he can to keep you interested and you do the same for him.
One boring day at the office, you and Reno are practically ripping out your hair due to the frustrations of being so bored. You’re both trying so hard to figure out something to do instead of just waiting around for a new mission. 
Suddenly, he pipes up and he’s got this smug smirk on his face and a mischievous glint in his eyes. You know nothing good could ever come from this. But you also know you’d rather get up to the no good that he’s planning than to stay bored here alone.
“I’ve got such a good idea,” Reno declares, tenting his fingers. You let out a nervous chuckle.
“Is that right?” You ask, looking up from the magazine you were flipping through.
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Reno then flops himself onto the couch next to you, wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder. He pulls you in close and takes a moment to look at the magazine you’re reading. It’s got an article about the terrorist group AVALANCHE. He smirks when he notices how much you seem to be paying attention to them.
“Yeah, let’s play a little game of pretend.”
You roll your eyes at his suggestion. This has to be the dumbest idea he’s ever gotten. He looks at your reaction and he pouts a little when he realizes you’re not game to play pretend with him. He crosses his arms over his chest and pouts even more.
“Come on, it’ll be fun! You can pretend to be a terrorist and I’ll be the loyal Turk who’s trying to get you to confess! It’ll be the best learning exercise!”
You had to admit that now that he explained it a bit more, it made a lot more sense. You smirk at him, toying around with the idea of playing the role of your enemy. Reno seems to perk up when he notices the way you’re considering it.
“Alright, let’s do it.”
He cheers happily, pumping his fist in the air. Then he’s quick to get into his role, grabbing you by the wrists and holding them behind your back. You grunt at the force, but you can’t deny it turns you on whenever he manhandles you in this way. It’s not very often he does things like this to you, but whenever it happens you know you’re going to find yourself excited.
“You have every right to remain silent,” he mutters against your ear. “But if you were to maybe praise me…maybe I’d be a little more gentle with you.
You laugh, “Fuck you, you’re not a cop.”
He tugs you even closer to him, holding your wrists even harder. You let out a moan, and this makes his cock throb in his pants.
“Tch, you should know that I’m better than any cop that will come to arrest you.”
You laugh again and this causes him to push you up against the wall. Your cheek is pressed up against the cool wallpaper, and Reno grabs your hair harshly. He pulls your head back and you feel his warm breath on your neck.
“Listen to me, little girl, you’re going to confess your crimes.”
You shake your head, “No!”
He smirks and presses you even harder against the wall. But that’s when you feel something hard poking you from the back, and you look over your shoulder at him.
“I know you like me…” He mumbles against your skin.
You gasp when you feel him kissing your neck. It feels so good for him to finally show you a little affection. You press back against him, noticing his erection even more now.
“What if I do like you?” You ask him, a little breathless now.
This is when he turns you around and pins your wrists over your hair on the wall. He’s so close, using his height to tower over you. Then you feel his lips on yours, and your heart skips a beat.
“Then I think I’ll have to make sure you know your place…”
Without warning, he helps you wrap your legs around his slender form. You moan as he presses his hardened cock against your crotch. Your kisses are even more heated now. His tongue feels so velvety and smooth against yours. 
Reno is so quick to begin undressing you from the waist down, making you so aroused. Your cheeks burn when he takes your panties up to his nose and sniffs them.
“Damn, I’ve always thought you’d smell this good.” Reno praises you.
You have no words to reply with. Your brain is almost blank. When his long fingers begin penetrating you, it gets even worse. He leans in to kiss you, his tongue once again slipping into your mouth. You begin bucking your hips, moving against his fingers.
“Hmm, I knew I could make you confess,” Reno says with a smirk on his face.
“I never said I liked you!” You try to defend yourself, but it’s much too late.
“You didn’t even need to say a thing…”
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bella-rose29 · 1 year
Request from anon:
hiiiii, first I wanna say that I enjoy reading your works, they're wonderful. <3
Now, I've seen you post about wanting Lockwood requests and I might have an idea. Lockwood and reader are in long-term relationship (they know each other since childhood, the reader is talentless but Lockwood comes to her when he need to relax/help with a plan/whatever), and no-one knows about the relationship besides them. And after some rough case when kipss crew had to help out, Lockwood and co and kipss crew are drinking in a bar to ease up (the reader works in the bar as part-time job) and in the drunken state Lockwood is even more confident than normally so someone makes a bet with him that he won be able to get a kiss out of the bartender (the reader) by the end of the night... I don't really know what after but maybe you'll be able to find a fluffy/funny ending to it?
I hope I'm making sense.
Have a nice day! :)))
First of all, thank you for the love anon, and I hope you have a nice day too!! <3
Second, I am completely in love with this idea (it's totally something Lockwood would do let's face it) and I had so much fun writing this!!!
Hopefully this lives up to expectations my lovely <3
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: descriptions of injury, fight scenes (with dead people), swearing, suggestive comments, drunken activities (mostly Lockwood), everybody is over 18 so they can legally drink in the pub
Tag list: @anathemaloren, @augustisintheair, @avdiobliss, @dangelnleif, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @karensirkobabes, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @ran23sblog, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @wandamaximoffbae, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife
As always, if you'd like to be added to/removed from the tag list, let me know here <3
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(not my gif <3)
Lockwood was tired.
He'd barely slept the night before, despite not having a case, and he'd barely eaten the whole day. It was nearing 7pm now, the sun having set over an hour ago and leaving the city in almost darkness. There would be no sleeping tonight, either, since he and his company had to tackle a Type One in an old lady's house. All Lockwood really wanted was to see her, and have her tell him stories about her day until he fell asleep in her arms, but he couldn't do that right now. Hopefully this would be done quickly, this job, so that he could get to hers before she went to sleep.
Lockwood and Co had been in the kitchen of Mrs Lovey's house for a while now, cups of tea left empty on the counter and the packet of biscuits finished off. Initial readings had been low, giving Lockwood hope that they really would be done quickly, and they'd made note of the likely places for the Source.
"Lockwood? You're staring into space again. You alright?"
He blinked back into reality, pulling himself out of his thoughts of warm rooms and soft kisses.
"Huh? Oh, right. Yeah, I'm alright. Just surprised this Visitor hasn't turned up yet." He checked his watch. "Time for another reading in the living room?"
George nodded. "I'll go first."
The three of them headed in, rapiers at the ready.
"One degree. And a feeling of unease. It's definitely getting close to being here."
"Never mind close, I can see it," Lockwood whispered, taking up a defensive position.
"Yeah, I can hear it, too. Sounds like someone crying. I don't think this is a Type One either," Lucy added, and Lockwood couldn't help but agree.
"Any murders or anything happen here, George?"
"Not that I'm aware of, and I researched for days for this one. Didn't find anything out of the ordinary."
"Male or female, Luce? The voice."
"Uh, hang on, shut up a minute." She closed her eyes, focusing her efforts on Listening. "Male. Definitely. Sounds older, and like he's got some sort of trauma."
"Right. George, you figure out where the Source is. Lucy and I will watch it, make sure it doesn't go for you. Can either of you see it yet?"
"Not really. There's a sort of shiny mist over by that armchair, though," George said, pointing in the direction of the ratty old seat.
"Yeah, okay. That's where it is. Lucy?"
"Same as George. Getting stronger though. Maybe the chair is the Source?"
"Could be. George?"
"You're sure you've got my back, yeah? Because I really can't see it that well right now and I'd rather not die tonight."
"We're sure. Go on, have a poke around."
George did so, hesitantly getting closer to the chair and holding the scanner up. "Yeah, the Source is here somewhere." He prodded the side, and Lockwood saw Lucy flinch.
"It didn't like that at all. God, that was awful. Wait, George, don't-"
She slammed her hands over her ears, trying to block out the scream that even Lockwood could hear now.
"George, get the net," he cried out, rapier moving swiftly as the Visitor grew brighter and aimed for the head of the company.
"Incredibly clear visual, Lockwood! Lucy was right, it's definitely a Type Two!"
Lockwood had been backed into a corner, arm starting to ache from the continuous motion of the rapier holding off the ghost in front of him. Lucy had recovered (just about), and was picking up her rapier to help him. Sensing a second opponent, the ghost turned, and targeted Lockwood's coworker. The two of them spent the next few minutes sending the Visitor between them while George repeatedly chucked the net over various parts of the chair, expression growing more frantic each time.
"George, what's going on?!" Lucy shouted.
"It's not working! I don't think the chair is the Source! Or if it is, it's inside the chair!"
"Then get searching! Rip the whole bloody thing apart if you have to! But get on with it!" Lockwood gritted his teeth, fighting off the cold unease he felt flooding through his body. He thought of her, and her smile, and her laugh, and pushed back twice as hard against the Visitor. At some point he'd injured himself, the cut on his upper left arm bleeding slightly, but he couldn't think about that until the ghost was dealt with.
"GOT IT!" George shouted, voice triumphant. He slung the net around the object he'd found, and all at once the living room went silent apart from the heavy breaths of the three agents. The ghost disappeared, and the temperature started rising. George sat back on his knees and held the swaddled object up, bits of foam stuffing caught in his curls. "Knife, it's got blood on it. I'd wager she killed her husband. There was a cut already made in the back, made it easier to find." He looked vaguely manic, what with his wide grin and foam-covered hair, but Lockwood couldn't deny his gratitude for his weird friend.
"I reckon we need to have a chat with DEPRAC, then. Mrs. Lovey clearly doesn't live up to her name," he replied, smile matching George's.
Half an hour later, Lockwood was on his way to hers. He'd left George and Lucy in the taxi, telling them he had something to sort out and he'd be back later, and to not wait up for him, and had caught his own cab to his destination.
He dragged himself up the front steps, knocking on the front door, and couldn't help the smile that appeared when it swung open to reveal his girlfriend.
"Jesus Christ, you look like shit."
"Charming as ever, love. Can I come in?"
Y/n stepped to the side, giving him a peck on the lips as he went past. "Shoes off, then up to my room. I'll be there in a sec. Gimme your coat, I'll hang it up for you."
He pulled himself up to her room, trying to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake her siblings, and collapsed on her bed.
"Look at you. You're like a puppy, all cute and cuddly."
He lifted his head as Y/n walked in, closing the door behind her with a soft click as she balanced a tray in her hands.
"Jacket off. And shirt."
"If you wanted me naked you could have just said so, darling." He wriggled his eyebrows suggestively, revelling in her blush.
"Shut up and strip, Anthony," she mumbled.
He complied, smirk turning into smile as he saw the medical supplies on the tray, right next to a pot of tea and a plate of biscuits.
"What even happened?"
"Honestly? No clue. Type One turned out to be a Type Two murder victim though, so that was fun."
"You know, there are times I wish I had Talent. Then you come here looking like this and saying things like that and I wonder why I ever wanted it in the first place. Easy on the shirt, I think it's stuck." He'd winced trying to peel the fabric away from the wound, and Y/n immediately replaced his fingers with hers, touch gentle as she attempted to prise his shirt off. Sucking in air through her teeth as she got it off, Lockwood knew it was bad. It had been a dull throb the whole time he'd been travelling over, too exhausted to think about it more, but now that he had nothing else to think about the pain sharpened.
"This is gonna hurt, okay? I'm just gonna sterilise it, so try not to move. Three, two..." He waited for one, but before she got there, Y/n had placed the cotton wool on his arm, dabbing the alcohol on the wound. He gritted his teeth, asking her about her day. She spoke while she worked, cleaning it out and covering it in protective wrapping. Her voice distracted him, letting him lose himself in her words, and she was done before he knew it, pouring a cup of tea and offering it out to him. "Put this on," she said, passing over an old shirt of his that he left at hers specifically for times like this.
"Do you really want me to?"
"No, but if it means that when my parents inevitably walk in they don't kick you out forever, I'll live with it." He laughed slightly, placing the tea down and pulling the top on, careful not to disturb his wound.
"You know you don't have to do that, right? I'm perfectly capable of looking after my own injuries."
"I know," she shrugged, sitting down next to him on the bed. "But I don't mind. Just another excuse to be close to you, I guess."
"You don't need an excuse for that, love. You know I'll happily give you anything you like."
He nodded.
"Alright," she said, leaning up to plant a kiss on his lips, breaking away when their smiles got too wide.
"I thought you were going to make me dance naked in the street or something." Her eyes went wide as she took in his words.
"Oh my god, I am totally making you do that sometime."
He groaned, unable to fight the smile on his face as she peppered his cheeks with kisses, finally pressing one to his mouth.
"Remind me why I love you?"
"Because I'm amazing, and the most incredible person ever?"
He chuckled, kissing her again. "Yeah. You are."
"Where the hell have you been, Tony? We've been waiting for you!"
"Just had some last minute things to sort out, don't get your knickers in a twist, Kipps. Oh, thanks Luce," he said, smiling at the girl as she handed him a flask of tea. He'd actually been at Y/n's, spending time with her before her shift at the pub. He'd almost been late, her parents wanting him to stay for dinner (he had politely declined, reminding them that he had a job to go to as well as their daughter), and her younger siblings wanting him to play with them. Lockwood and Y/n's parents had been friends since before either of them were born, at one point the two families living next to each other on Portland Row, and it was only the arrival of the fourth baby five years ago that had made the L/n family move. It had only been natural that Anthony and Y/n started dating, having been childhood friends, and her parents were delighted at the pairing. Unfortunately that now meant that they wanted him to spend every spare minute at their house, which more often than not made him slightly late for work.
"I'm not wearing knickers," the older boy muttered indignantly, clearly unable to come up with a good enough retort.
"Oh, are these the files? Thanks George."
"Wait, have you not even read these?" Kipps said, eyebrows rising.
"Of course I have, just not the whole compiled thing. I'm not stupid." Kipps scoffed at that.
"Yeah, sure you're not, Tony. C'mon. Hurry up and read, we're late because of you and we need to set everything up before it gets dark."
Three hours later, the two teams were close to death.
Both in the sense that they were run ragged, energy severely depleted and bodies aching, and also in that they were completely surrounded by ghosts, Type Ones and Types Twos blocking every exit. The report had said that there were only meant to be two Spectres in the whole abandoned department store, but before it had even been properly dark Lucy had heard voices crying out and shouting, and Lockwood had seen death glows so bright he'd needed his sunglasses.
"Tony, what the hell are you doing?!"
He was taking a break, eyes aching from the brightness surrounding them and arm protesting the weight of his rapier. He scanned the area, sure that Lucy would have his back for a moment, and spotted something through a gap in the Visitors.
"I need you to not kill me and cover me with flares."
"Because I'm going to run through the ghosts."
"You're WHAT?!"
"What? What's he saying?" Kipps was trying to get closer to them, rapier cutting arcs into the air and not giving him much headway.
"You're impossible, you know that?" Lucy glared at him, grabbing some flares from her belt.
"Yep. Ready?" She threw, the magnesium creating a break in the swarm of ghosts large enough for Lockwood to cut through. He made it to the other side (although a near miss from a badly aimed flare made him think that Lucy was trying to hit him and not the Visitors), trying to block out the sounds of his team mates yelling as they fought swathes of the undead. He ducked under a chair that a poltergeist had thrown, dodging the knives hurled afterwards. Skidding to a halt in front of a large iron box filled with objects, the lid hanging open, Lockwood slammed it shut, throwing a net over the top for good measure and securing the edges. Within seconds the majority of the Visitors disappeared. A few still remained, including the two poltergeists, but the number was much better.
The two teams spent the next thirty minutes finding the various Sources of the remaining ghosts, all the while trying to not get hit by the items the poltergeists were throwing, and by the end of it when Kipps suggested going to the pub, nobody disagreed.
Lockwood and Co were in the taxi on their way to the pub when George piped up.
"Why'd you agree to going to the pub with Kipps? I would have thought you'd rather eat your own foot than spend more time with him."
"I need a drink, and he said he'd buy the first round. If it's free, I'll take it. I don't really care who's buying it, even if it's Kipps."
They clambered out the taxi, Lockwood paying the driver and jogging to catch up with the other two just as they entered the pub. Spotting Kipps' team already sat down, the three of them headed over, taking seats and giving their order to the older agent. Lockwood looked around, certain he recognised the building but unsure why, when his gaze caught on the girl behind the bar.
Of course the pub Kipps picked was the one that Y/n worked at. Lockwood had been here before, which is why he thought it was familiar, but nobody knew about his relationship with the bartender. Kipps came back with the drinks then, one of the other servers following with the rest and asking for ID. Taking his first sip, Lockwood felt himself relax a little more, happy to not be going anywhere for a while after the gruelling job earlier.
"You," Lucy pointed at him, "are so drunk right now."
"Seriously, you cannot hold your alcohol, can you Tony?"
"Don't call me Tony, you prick." It was true that Lockwood was a lightweight, and he knew it, but he grumbled about the accusation anyway. Kipps only laughed, not doing much better than his rival in terms of handling alcohol, and took another swig of his beer.
"You're probably rubbish at picking up girls, too. Y'know, you're probably rubbish at every normal guy thing."
"Shut up, I can so pick up girls." He wasn't going to let Kipps tell him he was bad at anything.
"Oh really?"
"Yep. Amazing at it."
"Bet you can't get a kiss out the bartender though."
"Which one," he said, hoping Kipps would pick the right one.
"The one in the blue top, about your age. In fact, I am so confident you'll be shit at this, I'll bet ten quid you can't do it."
"Oh you're on," Lockwood said, knowing already he'd win the bet. Kipps had unknowingly picked Lockwood's girlfriend, and this would be the easiest ten pounds of his life.
"I'll bet a tenner too. I'm looking forward to watching you fail dramatically," Kat Godwin added, smirk on her face. Bobby placed his own bet, and soon enough there was fifty quid on the line, with George and Lucy agreeing with Kipps.
"Off you go, Lockwood," Lucy smiled, giving him a pat on the back. "Try not to traumatise the poor girl."
"Oh, just you all wait," he slurred, pointing a finger at them. "This is gonna be easyyyy." He headed for the bar, confidence filling him and giving him the ability to walk a lot straighter than he would otherwise have. He leaned forward on the wooden surface, fingers drumming against it. "Heyyy," he said, smiling up at his girlfriend as he slid (unsuccessfully) onto a stool.
"Hi... you okay?"
"Oh, yeah, I'm great, and you," he wagged his finger at her, pausing for effect, "are gorgeous." He winked, and she suppressed a laugh, making him pout. "Why're you laughing? It's true!"
"Ant, honey, you are very drunk right now. Please go home," she said, pressing a hand to her mouth to stop the giggles bursting out.
"But I can't go home," he said, suddenly very serious.
"Oh really? Why's that?"
"Because I need a kiss if I'm gonna go home." He puckered up immediately, leaning forward over the bar and closing his eyes.
"Oh my god, Anthony, stop it!"
"Aw, do you not wanna kiss me?" He pouted again, and Y/n couldn't stop her laughter anymore. Lockwood sat back, crossing his arms over his chest and huffing. "Well, I'm not going away until I get a kiss from the prettiest bartender person lady that I've ever seen, so you'll have to get used to me being here."
"Okay, alright! Lemme serve this customer, yeah?" She turned away, leaving Lockwood to stew in his seat at her lack of kisses. Waiting for her to come back to him felt like an eternity, and when she came around the bar to stand next to him, he perked up, half launching himself at her. "Woah! Hold on, Ant! Jesus!" He was still sat on the stool, Y/n being only slightly taller than him despite being stood up, and he pulled her between his legs, arms wrapping around her waist. "Wait, what about your friends? I thought they didn't know?"
"Don't care, jus' wanna kiss you. There's a share of fifty pounds in it for you," he said suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows like he had a few weeks ago when she'd patched him up.
"Oh wow, you really love me, huh? Kissing me for money?" she asked sarcastically, but her eyes were warm. He nodded, dopey look on his face.
"Please? 'Cause Kipps said I can't pick up girls, and he bet money that I couldn't get a kiss out of you, and then the others bet money too, and mostly I wanna prove him wrong, but also I want the money so I can take you on the most amazing date in your life and get you ice cream."
"You are such a golden retriever puppy of a boyfriend, aren't you? Come here." She took his face in her hands, placing a few soft kisses on his mouth. His arms tightened around her waist, holding her closer to him, and Y/n had to brace a hand on the bar so that she didn't fall over from the awkward angle. When she pulled back, he chased her lips for a moment, opening his eyes slowly. His gaze was full of love, and he had a gentle smile on his face.
"I love you, Y/n/n."
"Love you too, Ant. Now get your fifty pounds and drink some water."
"Ugh, but water's boringgg," he complained, frown forming on his face. Y/n chuckled, kissing the crease between his eyebrows.
"I'll give you more than kisses when you come over on Saturday if you sober up." Lockwood stopped frowning immediately, and Y/n could practically feel the happiness radiating off of him.
"Where's the water?"
"Shit, how'd you do that, Tony?"
Lockwood shrugged. "I'm just really good at picking up girls."
"Sure, is that vodka?"
"Nope, water."
"Why have you got that?" Kipps wrinkled his nose, handing over his portion of Lockwood's winnings.
"Because she told me to drink it," he said, sipping the liquid through the straw he'd asked for (it made drinking boring things more fun, he'd told Y/n).
"Uh... okay?"
"Yeah. I feel like- hang on, Lucy, where's your tenner? Thanks. I feel like it's a little bit unfair, the bet, 'cause she is actually my girlfriend, but- no, you can't take the money back! You made a bet! No take-backs! But thanks anyway."
"So you can't pick up girls!" Kipps shouted, thinking he'd finally found something Anthony Lockwood couldn't do.
"Well technically I can, 'cause I had to pick her up in the first place to get her to be my girlfriend, and also she's not that heavy, so I can definitely pick her up if she doesn't wriggle too much. I know 'cause I've done it before."
Kipps groaned. "Wait... she just told you to drink water, so you are?"
"Yep. She's very persuasive. Basically said that if I drink it all then when I go to her house on Saturday we're gonna have sex," he said casually.
Everybody around the table choked on their drinks.
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latelyanobsession · 2 years
Gossip Swap
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summary rumors can be nasty. especially when straight out of your boyfriend’s mouth. kind words however, can make a world of difference when offered up by a kind soul.
warnings cursing, rumors/gossiping, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, smut, TW: use of fat-shaming slurs
word count 2,737
note based on a request by @harringtonfan4: "eddie x steve x plus size female reader…reader has been dating Steve he told reader he was sick he goes to party instead someone gets him on video all over Nancy and telling her and the others how unhappy he has been with reader because of how she looks and what he’s used too whole school sees it …eddie steps in to pick up the pieces (smut preferred) maybe eddie has a squirting kink or breeding kink (regular smut is fine if you don’t do those) and Steve decides he made a mistake..reader chooses eddie ….sorry my asks are long winded I have specific ideas I’m just not good at writing them lol. If it’s too much let me know I’ll tone down my explanations"
i've changed your request a bit by having the reader and steve's break up be based on the spread of a rumor through the school rather than a video. using a video would've taken a lot of effort back then, (ie. filming and then copying multiple VHS tapes or having to pass a single tape around to multiple people would've taken a lot of time). so using word of mouth to spread a nasty rumor would make better sense to spread something like that from a weekend party faster in the 80s.
also a couple lil tweaks to the smut and setting just to make it flow. a full disclosure as well that i've never read any existing smut for eddie so this is just my interpretation of how i think he would align in sexual interactions based on my interpretation of his character.
As always any feedback is much appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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You pursed your lips, eyes zeroed in on the dial as you twirled the tumbler on your locker.
35 - 11 - 27
Hooking your finger in the latch, you opened the door. It's hinges squeaking.
"That her?" a voice asked, walking past.
"Yeah, I feel so bad for her..." another answered.
You peered past your locker door, eyebrows creased in curiosity.
The pair of upperclassmen quickly turning their heads away as they wandered further down the hallway.
You shrugged it off. They must've been talking about somebody else. There was nothing going on with you.
Sinking into your seat in first period, the low rumble of whispers slithered its way through the room, snaking its way up your spine and settling beneath your skin.
"I can't believe he said that...!"
"Well... I would want someone more... y'know..."
"Can you blame him?"
Clenching your fists, you tried to ignore their words as they coiled around you. Constricting you with each breath. Your chest pulling tight.
"What the hell are you talking about?!" you burst out loud, throwing your pen gruffly against your notebook, bouncing it to the floor.
Your classmates paused, quieting. Their faces mixed with looks of pity and guilt.
But none of them answered you.
The remainder of the period passed in relative silence, with you leaving the room in frustration.
It felt like the whole school's eyes were on you.
And you didn't know why.
The next period was no better. Nor the one after that.
The day was unraveling into an uncontrolled nightmare. And you wanted to get away from it as soon as possible.
Taking a deep breath, you latched the sliding bolt on the bathroom stall and sat down.
You didn't even need to pee. You just wanted a quiet moment alone.
You took another deep breath, closing your eyes.
The door to the bathroom swung open, the back slamming loudly against the tile wall as girls entered.
"I still can't believe Steve said that!" one girl hummed excitedly.
"Well you should, I was there. I heard the whole thing!" replied the other.
"He was seriously with Nancy?" asked a third.
"Of course!" answered the second, as if this were obvious. "They were all over each other... Steve was practically sobbing about wanting her back."
They giggled amongst themselves.
"But... what about the part... about... Y/N?" asked the first.
"Oh..." the second clucked, "Yeah, he wouldn't stop whining about how sick he is being stuck with a cow like her..."
They shrieked with laughter, the shrill sound clattering off the walls.
"He really called her a cow?" the third snorted ungraciously.
"...Like a pillow that's already too stuffed to stuff... if you get it..." the second mused.
They laughed again.
You swallowed thickly, trying to remain as collected as possible. You didn't want them to know you were there.
Your eyes were brimming over with tears as you clapped a hand over your mouth to stifle a shaky exhale.
"I mean why'd he ever trade Nancy for that whale anyhow?" the second complained.
"It's a complete downgrade..." agreed the third.
"There's no way a fatso like her could ever satisfy him... she's too busy stuffing her face." the first stated.
They all made varying sounds of agreement, washing their hands. The door slamming back open, and coming to with a soft thud.
You threw the stall door open, letting out a long-held sob. How could any of this be true?
But it had to be... "I was there. I heard the whole thing!"
Steve had bailed on you over the weekend. He called, coughing and whining pathetically through the phoneline of how ill he felt. And you bought it like an absolute sucker.
How stupid you truly were. Planning on bringing him homemade soup after school this afternoon, when he was already wrapping himself up soundly ... in Nancy Wheeler's lap.
Fleeing the bathroom, you quit the school building entirely. Not wanting to deal with another single pair of eyes on you.
You cut out across the football field and into the woods, just looking for a quiet place to walk. To seeth. To hide.
A few yards in you found a clearing with a weathered picnic table, empty beer cans scattered across its top.
This place didn't seem familiar to you, but it was close yet far enough away from school grounds that it seemed like a good place to settle.
Dropping onto the bench, tears began trickling out in steady rivulets down your heated cheeks. Your shoulders shaking with heavy sobs as the conversation you overheard began to replay in your mind.
Steve wouldn't have gone back to Nancy if I wasn't fat.
The voice in your head began...
Steve wouldn't have lied to me and gone to that party on his own if he wasn't embarrassed to be seen with me.
The voice pressed.
Steve doesn't love me. I'm too fat to be with Steve.
Too fat...
You crumbled.
Your hands coming up and hiding your face. Tears quickly turning bitter as your chest felt fit to shatter.
Every sweet thing he had ever told you must have been a lie. Why else would he be able to pivot so quickly? Turn back to Nancy so smoothly?
So thoroughly enveloped in your sorrow, you didn't notice someone enter the glade.
"Uhhhh?" the voice hemmed, cutting through a bout of your sobs, startling you.
"You doin' ok? I mean you're obviously not... but... Are you?"
You peered up through your fingers, snuffling horribly, your nose stuffed with snot.
A lanky boy with ratty hair and torn jeans was standing at the edge of the clearing.
He stood there awkwardly scratching his cheek, a black lunchbox in his other hand.
"I- I'm sorry... -'ll leave..." you sniveled getting up, not realizing you were intruding on someone's coveted lunch spot.
He tossed up his hands lightly, "don't worry about it... it's cool. Y/N right?"
You nodded slowly, he seemed familiar but you couldn't really place him.
"Do I know you?" you sniffed, wiping a sleeve at your eyes.
He shrugged, lips puckered thoughtfully as he clasped his hands behind his back.
"Well, you should... You and your boytoy bought weed from me a few times..." he stated dryly.
"He's not my -!" you clipped spitefully, snapping your jaw shut in realization.
"Oh?" he said, sitting down next to you. "My mistake... thought you were a thing."
"Not anymore..." you whispered.
You looked over at him, "I'm sorry..." you apologized again, "you don't need to hear about my shit."
Kicking his feet to and fro childishly, his heels tossed up leaves all around you. His eyes focused on the trees.
"Well sounds like someone should hear it... It's Eddie by the way..." he smiled at you gently, nudging your shoulder with his own to go on.
You smiled coyly, eyes dodging to your toes.
"It's just..." you sputtered, fingers wrapping around the bench tensely, "he said I'm too fat for him."
Tears were threatening to fall yet again.
He let off an obnoxious laugh, you wanted to punch him.
"I'm sorry..." his brows knitting together, as if in deep thought before they shot high, "Is he mental!?" Eddie shouted, hopping to his feet.
You blinked at him, dumbfounded, "What?"
"Boytoy. Is he completely certifiable?" Eddie pointed at his head, index finger swirling counterclockwise.
Your eyebrows furrowed, "I don't... think... no?"
He tossed his hands dramatically skyward, "Y/N!"
You jumped.
"He has to be!" he reasoned, arms still thrust high.
"You're just so .... kind. And so genuine. And smart. And beautiful and so –" he spoke rapidly, listing your qualities off each finger. Pacing himself into a small tight circle.
"You think I'm beautiful?" you interrupted him.
He stopped, looking up from his fingers, bringing his hand bashfully to his lips.
His eyes darting around the grove, before answering.
"Yeah. But you're so much more than that," he added.
Coming back to the table he straddled the bench, a leg on each side, looking you square in the eyes.
"He's a dumbass for cheating on you." Eddie declared. "I mean he couldn't be more of an idiot! Total dick move!" He waved his arms in an axing motion.
You laughed, "Thanks."
"Yeah, no problem! If you were my -" his words fell short as your lips collided with his.
"Eddie?" you hummed, pulling away, your foreheads resting together.
"Yah?" he breathed.
"Please shut up." you giggled.
"Yes ma'am," he replied enthusiastically.
Yoking a hand around his shoulders, you pulled him back in. Lips ghosting over his, your tongue playfully laving at his bottom lip.
He groaned loudly, lips parting in invitation. His hands swiftly seizing you and pulling you in.
His grasp was greedy. Desperate. Wanton. Tugging your sweater out of place, his chilled fingers pricking up goosebumps in their wake along every inch of newly discovered skin.
Small gasps tumbling from your tongue to his as those long fingers crawled lower, twiddling with the button of your jeans.
"You sure you want this?" he asked breaking from you, his eyes shimmering with sincerity.
"Wouldn't want Boytoy to miss you or anything..." he chuffed with a somber smile.
You placed your palm on his cheek. "Eddie, he's already missed me..." you leaned in kissing him chastely, "by a long shot."
A brilliant smile lit up his features, warm brown eyes shining.
"Really?" he was shocked.
"Yes," you replied, crawling into his lap. "I want you. I need... this." You emphasized with a searing kiss, grinding your weight against him.
His hands gripped your sides, digging in and holding you close as he whimpered at the feeling. Even through layers of denim, you could feel a thick bulge burgeoning against your inner thigh.
Sitting up momentarily you wrapped your hand around his belt, yanking him forward, manhandling him. Pressing him back gruffly against the picnic table, he planted both feet back in front of the bench, letting off a slight wince of surprise.
"What you got planned sweety?" he asked cutely.
Propping a knee on the bench you towered over him, hands undoing his belt buckle. Fingers nimbly unfastening his fly.
"You'll see." you teased, a finger tracing up the length of his clothed erection, his neck straining.
"Oh .... ooooh, that's not fair," he whined, a foot kicking in protest. Your hand slyly enveloping his length and pulling him out into the open.
You kissed him, lingering to pull at his tongue. "You're gonna get yours don't worry about it." you hummed, hand pumping smoothly up his length as you admired his pained expression.
Backing off, you unclasped your jeans shimmying them down just below the swell of your ass. A sharp inhale reaching your ear, "fuck."
Peering over your shoulder, you regarded him with heavily lidded eyes. "Like?"
He swallowed thickly, nodding as his gaze washed over you. "Y-yah."
You smirked your cheeks heating.
"You'll like this better..." you challenged as you reversed, placing yourself between his legs.
You lowered yourself onto his lap, grinding your bare cunt against his cock. The evidence of your arousal coating him from base to tip.
"Shit babe," he whined hands clamped onto your hips more so for his own sanity than for yours.
Reaching back you gave him a couple short strokes before lining him against your entrance, the bulging head already pressed between your pussy lips in anticipation.
Sinking down onto his length, you cried out. The stretch making your knees weak, your hands gripping his thighs to ground yourself.
"God Eddie!" you exhaled, eyes blinking widely.
"Babe you gotta move..." Eddie complained, voice straining. "I'm not gonna make it!" His grip was becoming harsh, almost biting. His hips trying to thrust, heels pressing against the ground for purchase.
"Eddie please..." you warned pathetically, "don't do that." He was already so deep. Your walls wrapped snuggly around him. Each small movement lighting up nerve endings you didn't even know you had.
Roping his arms around your middle, he hauled you back, knocking you off balance. Gaining leverage and driving himself deeper.
"Eddie!" you whimpered, pressed flush against him. "Eddie I can't...I'll –"
His pace was gaining, thrusting deeper. The sounds of your pussy beginning to fill the air. The sopping wet clap between your bodies with each stroke.
"Eddie please!" you begged nearly sobbing. You could feel it. That tingle. It was growing with every thrust of his hips.
"Babe I promise. I'm so close." he warbled, his pace growing erratic and hurried.
You were trying so hard to hold back, trying to focus. Trying to clamp down on your muscles. Pulling your legs together snugly. But everything you were doing made the feeling more intense and made him respond more aggressively.
"Fuuuuuuck babe. That's amazing. Just like that!" he encouraged with your last attempt, curling himself up and pistoning his cock into you even harder.
Tears were at the corners of your eyes, you couldn't hold it back. The pleasure was unbearable. Your walls starting to spasm, shaking the pitiful attempt at self-control that you had.
"Eddie... I'm gonna cum!" you wailed brokenly.
"Cum babe...!" he panted, slamming against your cunt. "Cum on my cock!"
"No Eddie ... I'll –" you cut off keening as he connected. Your head tilted back and your legs shook as it struck, warm fluid gushing out.
You thought for certain he'd come to a screeching halt. Toss you off for that. But he kept going, hips stuttering as his lips found your ear.
"Babe can I... can I cum insi –..." his breath faltering, as you dropped your hips back, grinding into him.
"Yes..." you exhaled shakily, continuing to ride him through his high.
The forest became quiet again as you both panted. Eddie beneath you.
You pulled off, trying to gather yourself up. The embarrassment was already suffocating you.
"Eddie I'm so so sorry." you looked at him miserably.
Sitting up, he looked at you casually, "Sorry? Sweets that was so fucking hot!" Tucking himself in, he stood up coming over to you.
Pulling a black bandana from his back pocket he offered it to you.
"Y'know..." he started, as you gratefully took the cloth, cleaning yourself off as best you could. "I'd love to do that with you again sometime..."
You blushed, handing him the bandana.
Looking up at him you nodded. "Yeah... but maybe not outside..."
He smiled coyly, laughing. "Yeah."
You looked at his pants, your face falling into a frown. "God... I'm–."
He laughed tossing up his hands, "Don't worry about it. Was gonna skip after this anyhow."
"You sure?" you looked at him guiltily.
"–'m sure." he soothed.
The warning bell echoed through the trees. How many periods had you missed?
You checked your watch.
"Shit," you cursed, "I gotta motor, but find me tomorrow?"
You grabbed your things and scooted from the grove.
Sliding in late to your last period of the day, the eyes and murmurings from your classmates was no longer as bothersome.
When the day ended you actually had a smile on your face as you headed toward the parking lot. That was until you saw your boyfriend.
"Hey Y/N!" Steve waved you over from his beamer.
You walked wide, heading off to the opposite sidewalk.
"Y/N?" Confusion was settling into Steve's features as he jogged after you. "Hey what gives I'm here to take you home. Y'know..." He reached for your hand flirtatiously.
You jerked yourself away.
"What gives?!" your eyebrows shot high. "Why don't you go ask Nancy!"
You turned on your heels to walk away, as he wrapped a hand around your wrist.
"Guess you found out huh?" he said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck with his other hand.
"Yeah I guess so..." you spat venomously trying to wriggle free.
Stepping into your space Steve stroked a thumb over your cheek.
"Ya know I didn't mean it right? I was drunk." he gave you a lopsided grin. "You're my girl. Always will be."
You gave him a rough shove sending him shuffling back.
"No, I'm not!" you shouted. "You chose her! And I'm dumping you!"
He was stunned, his arms hanging limply at his side.
"You what?" he spoke each word as if carefully chewed, his mouth running dry.
"I'm...dumping...you" you enunciated each word. "Don't call me."
Readjusting your backpack you walked away, leaving him standing there.
The next day, you were back at your new lunch spot.
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just you
pairing: itadori yuji x gn!reader
genre + warnings: - FLUFF !!
word count: 856
summary: so, this a song fic, inspired by the song, "nothing" by bruno major. listen while reading this for the full experience!
enjoyyy <3
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“Long day today, huh?”
You open your door as you enter, followed by your pink-haired boyfriend. Opening your shoes and leaving them by the door you fall back on your cloud-like bed, hearing a sigh and feeling a familiar weight fall next to you. 
“Tell me ‘bout it,” Yuji stretches his arms and pulls you closer to his side. You turn your body and breathe in his scent, resting an arm over his abdomen. Feeling his hand stroke your hair, you feel the stress of the day's rigorous training melt off of you like the rain washing away the dust off leaves. 
“So, what do you wanna do?” He asks as his hand stops its movements, causing you to whine and nudge his chest with your chin, urging him to continue. He chuckles and continues stroking your crown. 
“I dunno… We can play Mario Kart?” You tangle your legs with his and feel the sweet embrace of an incoming sleep clouding your senses.
Yuji groans half-playfully, half-seriously, “Please, I can't deal with getting my ass beat right now.”
You let out a giggle and hug him a bit tighter, “You’re not that bad.”
You feel his smile against your forehead as he leaves a feather-light kiss, “I am, but it’s fine.”
Exhaling, you hum, “Well, we can watch a movie?”
Yuji hums as he untangles his legs from yours and retracts his hand from your hair, proceeding to stand up to shed his uniform jacket. You lean up on your forearms and watch him carry your laptop back to bed. As he opens it and turns on the power, you get up off the bed to finally change your clothes and wear something more comfortable and loose. You open your designated 'Yuji' drawer, full of clothes you'd previously stolen from him, and fling a baggy t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants toward your distracted boyfriend. 
“Hey, I've been looking everywhere for these!”
You get up on the bed and sit next to him, lifting his arm and bringing it around your shoulder, “Everywhere but here weirdly.” You look at him and grin as he narrows his eyes at you, albeit playfully.
“How many of my clothes do you have here?” 
You shrug, “So what movie do you wanna watch?” 
Yuji looks at you with deadpan eyes as you try to hold back your smile, “Oh, really? So I can choose this time?”
You gasp dramatically, “You always get to choose.”
At that, he barks a laugh, “Yeah sure.” He removes his arm from its permanent spot around your shoulder to type in the name of the movie. He sets the laptop down on the center of the bed and moves back to lean against you, resting his arm back over your shoulder.
You can't control the smile that overtakes your features as you watch “The Notebook” play for the billionth time. Squishing his cheeks you give him a loud kiss on his jaw, “You love this movie, babe. Don't lie.”
Yuji pulls you to his chest and breathes in your scent as his hand returns to your hair and you know he’s smiling from the sound of his voice, “No I don't. It’s stupid.”
Life was unpredictable for you both. There was a lot of death, a lot of pain, suffering, and very little time to step back and just live. So, falling in love was the last thing on Yuji’s mind; with Sukuna constantly chattering about and destroying his mental peace, Yuji had no time to think about anything other than simply surviving and getting through the day, to see the sunrise. Then, he fell in love with you, and somehow, the noises in his head seemed to dim down. They were still there, of course, Sukuna made sure to never give Yuji a moment’s rest, yet all he could ever think about was you. Thoughts of you flooded his mind from day to night; whether you were safe, how your mission went, how he’d like to bring you to the new cafe he discovered with Nobara and Megumi, how your eyes would light up seeing the little bouquet he’d made for you full of wildflowers he'd collected, how your cheeks would turn red when he’d give you a sly kiss on the nape of your neck when Gojo-sensei wasn’t looking, how you’d sing whatever song is in your mind and do a little shoulder dance to accompany it. When he’s fighting curses, he thinks of how quickly he can kill the curse so he can rush back home to find you and lay around doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. You saved him from sinking into the depths of his mind. Saved him from being dragged down by the claws of the king of curses and the expectations of the world. With you, he’s just Yuji. With you, doing nothing is a luxury. 
A soft poke to his cheek snaps him back to reality, “Hey, what’s on your mind?”
He sighs and gazes down at you, smiling and leaning down to gently kiss the little pout on your curious face. 
a/n: i had to write smth for the greenest flag the world has ever seen <3 also, this is my first official attempt at writing a song fic so if you liked it and wanna see more, feel free to hmu in the asks or messages!
taglist: @thepup356, @porridgesblog, @stray-npc, @daisy-the-quake, @reignsaway, @ainetx, @icarusignite, @mariapierce789
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draftsandrecs · 1 year
It's a bad idea, right?
Chapter 1: Soap and Suds
Pairing: Best-friends dad!Dark!Ari Levinson x College!Reader
Summary: Reader settles in at the lake house. And Ari is a panty stealer.
Word Count: 2,170
Warnings: 18+ (of course), age gap, non con voyeurism, masturbation, mention of dollplay and rape, eventual smut
Authors Note: I know it's been almost a month since I've updated. I apologize. I should be on schedule soon. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and series. Thank you to everyone who is reading!
The lake house reminds you of an Airbnb rather than a cozy quaint type that you’re used to. The house has a wrap around porch on both levels with multiple places to eat, tan, or relax. Tall and large windows create an open space complimenting the view. The two-story property sits on a few acres of land with beautiful trees surrounding it. Of course, a lake accompanies the house not too far from its front steps. Surprisingly the water isn’t as murky and green as you thought it would be. Instead, it’s clearer than most lakes and you can actually see what you’re stepping in.
Your bag hangs on your shoulder as you and Mia walk towards the house. You remind yourself to thank her with dinner or something for making this trip happen. You can’t remember the last time you gave yourself a break. Summers meant either working for any extra money or becoming a homebody until school started again.
“I told my dad to get us some mixers and wine so we wouldn’t have to go out much. I also gave him a list of food and snacks we like. But knowing him, he probably just grabbed whatever he thought we would like without looking at the list,” Mia looks at you as she rolls her eyes playfully. You tell her that you don’t care what’s in the kitchen as long as you have drinks on standby.
As you walk into the house with her, you’re greeted by her dad, Ari. You’ve always thought he was a handsome man, but it’s never been anything more than a passing thought. But now that you’re seeing him again, you begin to feel heat forming. Not just from your cheeks either. While you’ve had a few boyfriends and hook ups, Ari makes you feel different. His aura exudes a certain energy. You couldn’t figure out if was just because he’s an older man or if it was just his presence that made it seem that way. He seemed more rugged now but considering his past divorce and older age, it would make sense. His age and maturity, let alone experience, makes you wonder what it would be like with him.
“I’m glad that you guys made it safe. I know it’s a little out of the way,” said Ari said pulling you out of your thoughts. He was dressed in a casual manner, a grey cotton shirt paired with jeans.
“It was no problem, we made here in one piece, didn’t we Mi?” You look at Mia, both smiling at the small remark.
He gave you a small nod in appreciation as Mia spoke up.
“Yeah, it was okay. Though I wish you would’ve told me the driveway up here was hell. I was afraid of how steep it was.” You and Mia laugh at her comment. It was true though; the driveway is sort of steep since it sits on a hill. You had to remind her multiple times that her car wasn’t going to roll backwards as long as she kept driving forward.
Ari flashed a small smile replying, “I didn’t think to mention it, I apologize for that.” His eyes scanned over your figure. You felt somewhat out of place now that you’re in his presence with no bra. You’re sure that he could see the outline of your breasts even through the baggy t shirt. Depending on if he looked straight at your chest he might could even see your nipples.
And he could. Right as you walked through the door, he was able to see your breasts. It didn’t help that the house was cold and not too long into welcoming that your nipples became hard. Just like how his dick was about to be if he didn’t leave the conversation soon.
“Why don’t you show her to the guest room yeah? Take her to the one closest to my room, the ventilation system isn’t running properly in the other one, don’t know when I can get around to fixing it just yet.”  Ari’s comment made your heartbeat faster. Maybe you’d get a chance to play out your fantasy if you played your cards right. After all, no ones every turned you down before why would he be any different?
While it may seem like a coincidence or an innocent mishap that your rooms are beside one another, it was entirely fabricated for Ari’s plan. He patted himself on the back for the quick lie. There was no messed up air conditioning system. He just wanted to be closer to you so he could indulge on his desires and perversions without getting caught. The second he saw you he knew he had to have you. The kind innocent freshman now turned woman was creating a hunger inside him. He was already creating a mental list of things he was going to do to you. But for now, he would wait, even if it meant he had to endure an aching cock.
Mia shows you around the place, getting you used to the area. The first floor that you’re on is the main floor. Two bedrooms are closer to the kitchen while on the other side of the house, the other two bedrooms are adjacent to a large porch area. The second floor is used for a studio. It’s just a bedroom, bathroom, and washer and dryer. Mia mentions that Ari is planning to renovate it soon. Maybe into a work shop or something.
You and Mia arrive at the guest room after the tour is over. The bedroom is cozy with a dresser, large bed, nightstand, and of course an attached bathroom. You make a note that you’re glad to have brought your laptop since there was no tv in the bedroom.
“I hope you don’t mind being close to my dad. I didn’t know the air conditioner stopped working but I can sleep in the guest room, and you can take my room” Mia says happily.
“No, it’s all fine, I don’t mind anyway. I kind of look forward to being near a porch. You know me being a night owl, I will probably find myself out there more than in the actual bedroom.” You shoot her offer down as you put your bag onto the bed to unpack.
“Great then! I’ll let you unpack, and I’ll do the same. Let me know when you’re done so we can do something together then.” Says Mia as she happily walks out of the room.
A small sigh escapes your lips as you unzip your bag. You rummage through the duffel as you take out your laptop first. You place it on the nightstand to move it out of the way. You’re glad you brought the laptop even if it is a vacation. While you may not be on it a lot, considering there is not tv in the bedroom, it’ll do just fine when you need it.
 You gather your pajamas, toiletries, and hair products and sprawl them out on the bed. As you take your swimsuits out you thank yourself for picking out cute ones instead of just throwing your old ones in. You also thank yourself for the cute panties and (limited) bras you brought. You weren’t a huge bra wearer in the first place, especially in the summer, but a cute matching set never hurt anyone. Especially if it meant Ari could take if off you.
Throwing the pieces and other clothes in a drawer you move everything else to other compartments or in the bathroom. You debate if you should take a shower considering it is nighttime now and the drive made you feel tired. Maybe a shower will give you the energy you need.
Turning the faucet on and letting it run, you take off your clothes throwing them by your bag as a reminder to keep a dirty pile separate from clean clothes. You find a towel and hang it nearby as you get in with your body wash and other products in hand.
Ari was nearby. He kept his door open to make sure he knew when you came and went. He saw Mia go down for a nap not too long ago. Car drives always made her sleepy. This would give him time to check on you. But of course, nothing is ever an innocent gesture when it comes to Ari.
As if luck was on his side, he heard the shower begin to run. He waited a few minutes before he crept into your room. He looked around the area, analyzing the things you set up or put on the furniture. It wasn’t too long before his eyes landed on a pile of luck. More specifically your panties. Ari made sure to keep an ear out for you as he picked up the panties. Without hesitation he pressed the panties to his face. Breathing in your smell and a hint of laundry detergent you used made him harder than he already was. He began to rub himself from the outside of his jeans, imagining how pretty your pussy must look. Feel. Taste.
He found himself right outside the bathroom. Due to the layout, the shower was in the middle of the bathroom with the shower head facing away from the door. But even with the door cracked anyone could see in.  To Ari’s advantage it gave him a great view of your backside. The water cascaded down your shoulders and back creating soapy suds. It made him wonder how soft your ass would feel against his hardness. Combined with your wetness, the friction would make it easy to stick himself between your ass. Hands gripping your hips, back arching into him, his cock rubbing over both holes until it just slips in. He couldn’t wait any longer, he needed relief.
Ari began to unbutton his jeans. He didn’t waste time before he placed a hand into his underwear and tug at his hard cock. Precum had already stained his underwear and now made it easy to act as lube and pump himself. He started with slow strokes but with tight squeezes trying to replicate as close as possible what you might feel like. His breathing became a little harder as he watched you turn around and give him a full view of your body. Your breasts had a glistening look to them from the water that made him want to suck and pull at them as he pounded into you. Your nipples were just asking for attention that he would take care of when the time is right, he thought to himself.
He wrapped your panties around his cock continuing to pump into his hand. The feeling of your wetness was slick on his upper shaft and tip. Along with the soft material it began to drive him over the edge. He watched as your hands made their way down to your pussy. While he knew you were just washing yourself, he wanted to see you touch yourself. How you would play with your wet cunt, how many fingers you used. If you rubbed your little swollen clit or if you ignored the aching bud. With how wet your panties were already; he couldn’t imagine how wet you’d feel. How easy it would be to slip inside you. He was sure that your walls would grip him so perfectly unlike anyone before.
His strokes became more erratic as his thoughts became more perverse. You bent over to grab a product and your ass was in perfect line that he could see both holes. Your cunt looked inviting and just begging to be fucked. He wanted to stretch you out until you couldn’t take him anymore. He knew just from his size that he was bigger than most, but he’d make sure that you take all of him. He knew you could even if he had to force it to make it happen. He wouldn’t care if you wanted, needed him to stop. He wouldn’t anyways, not once he got a feel of you. Your pleads would fall on deaf ears. It would encourage him if anything. You would be his doll. His perfect doll that he would make a mold into being nothing more than his devoted cock slut. Your whimpers and moans would be hymns to him. Your body would be something he worshipped. You would be his to wreck beyond means.
That’s all he needed to cum. His semen painted the inside of the panties while some fell onto the floor. He couldn’t remember the last time he had cum so hard or fast. Without even catching his breath he rubbed the remaining cum into the floor, a small smile form as he imagined your bare feet walking over the sticky mess.
He was already in his room when he heard the shower turn off. He placed the panties in a random drawer as a trophy and for future use. He was just getting started.
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springbudeyes · 2 months
I hope this doesn't embarrass them too much.
If you're wondering how this is even remotely relevant to Mianite, read to the end.
@robotmothpie is the most wonderful person I've ever met. They say I'm biased, but I wasn't biased when I was first getting to know them several years back—and fell head over heels.
This is just an inky dinky appreciation post for Moth because a proper one would fill a bookshelf. (And somehow, I've never made one until now.)
Moth has saved my life in more ways than I can count. They have often been the fiber that holds our friend group together. They're always going out of their way to be kind, even when the world doesn't seem to give much back.
Moth's example has taught me that love is always worth it. When you choose love and the rewards don't appear, you can be sure that life is preparing something better for you. Keep looking. Keep waiting. Keep doing what’s right. By not giving up, you're turning yourself into a person who's ready for the best life has to offer.
I wish I could give the world to Moth. It's hard sometimes, being long distance and having the financial / career struggles I have, because there's so much I can imagine doing that's just out of reach.
Anyway, Moth reads like a maniac and has become an even better writer than they were when we first met. They ramble passionately (but coherently) about super fascinating fandom lore. They only recommend good media (Wolf's Rain, Transformers, Legally Blonde, Tuca & Bertie, etc...). Their common sense is astounding at times. They make me laugh out loud when I least expect it. They scam me in pet sim games as a love language. They listen to all of my over-wrought ideas and pick out the gems. They've personally lifted my main project, Selah, out of the garbage, dusted it off, and given it new life more times than I can count. And there are so many irl things I want to rattle off, but we ain't about that on Tungl.
Anyway, yeah, if you're glad the Chimalus Mianite of today is still kicking around and making stuff, you have Moth to thank for a big part of that. Maybe someday we'll tell the story of how Mianite brought us together, but that's a whooole other thing.
Thank you, Moth, for everything you are, and I hope you're okay with me using my small internet presence to shout you out, tee hee.
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dearanakin · 11 months
Hi darling!! Thank you soooo much for the soft biker!Eddie fic, that’s exactly what I was imagining 💖💖
I cant help but feel so soft at the fact that Eddie would definitely take whatever is important to you seriously (school, your career, etc) but he would always always find a way to make you laugh and feel loved amidst all the stress and potential chaos. And the fact that he could match you intellectually and in weirdness so you can talk about anything and everything under the sun and never get bored.
Like just imagine the late night talks you could have as he lays next to you in your bed, it’s 2AM and your parents dont even know he snuck in through your window - like that just????? Makes me 💖💖💖💖 if that makes sense 🥹
Thank you so much again, I really appreciate your efforts luvie and I wish you a beautiful start to the week 💕💗💕💗💕💗💕 (I hope this is correct fingers crossed 🤞🏼 but)
espero que tenha um dia lindo ☀️
Hiii!! That's so sweet of you and yes it's correct, I hope you have a beautiful day as well!! ♥♥♥ Thank you so much for always spending time reading my ramblings and always requesting a new one!! Did you say intellectual and weird? But also, nerdy. Because he's so nerdy it's too cute!!
Warning: Fluff and that's about it. Word count: 1.1k
It was only a few minutes past midnight, and you were sitting on your bed reading a book. You had a long day at school, and it was Friday. You spent the night with your friends and Eddie.
You couldn't help but smile at the thought of him, your heart fluttered, and your cheeks flushed hard. 
It's been only a few weeks since you started seeing each other, and it's been great. He's been really good to you, he liked how you were so interested in anything. He feels so fascinated about you, it's ridiculous. He likes to take care of you and listen to you intently.
Eddie parked his van a block away from your house, so he wouldn't look suspicious. If anything, he would definitely be seen as a murderer or a robber in action. He climbed the trellis to the balcony and slightly snuck into the window, watching as you were peacefully reading your book. 
He tapped a few times on the balcony door, and the sound made you snap out of your distraction. He was crouching on the floor, holding a playful grin on his face. His wavy hair was kind of messy and his bangs were falling over his eyes. 
You chuckled at the sight, he would sneak into your bedroom every once in a while. Walking up slowly to the window, you open the balcony door.
“Eddie, what are you doing here?” You whispered, a smile still playing on your lips.
He made his way inside your bedroom and quickly cupped your face, giving you a soft kiss. 
He tasted like mint toothpaste, and it felt like heaven for you. His growing beard tickled your chin. 
He shrugged his shoulders. “Been missing you already” He said simply, spreading kisses over your jawline and your neck. “But also, I made a discovery.”
“Yeah? And what is it?” You ask as you walk backward, stumbling over your bed, and falling into the mattress. He leaned his body above yours.
“I found out you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in this world” His lips rubbed your soft skin, sending shivers through your body. 
You let out a muffled laugh. So fucking cute. 
Your mouth found his in a tender moment, tongues barely touching. He was being too soft on you. 
“Oh Eddie, you are so sweet, aren't you?”
“That's what they say” He jokes, while resting his chin on your chest. You tangle a few strands of his hair between your fingers, playing with them.
Eddie reaches over for your book, looking at the cover. “What's this about?”
“Oh, it's like a drama story with a mix of thriller” You explain, while he skimmed through the book, careful to not miss the page you were on. 
“Boring. You know which story is cool?” He taunts. You raise a brow out of curiosity. “The Lord of the Rings!” 
“You're saying the book of a Wizard and the Elves is more fun than this?” You ask, his face slowly turning into a scrunch. 
“Baby… They’re Hobbits” He explains, sitting up straight before leaning down next to you, fixing your pillow under his head. 
“Is there a difference?” You know you’re only mocking him, even though you didn’t care enough to know if they were elves or not. He places both hands under his head, crossing his legs. 
He makes himself comfortable after taking his shoes off.
“So, uh, a Hobbit is a mortal Halfling inhabitant of Middle Earth, whereas an Elf is an immortal tall warrior” Eddie states, and you hum in agreement. 
“Okay, so. Which one is more relevant? Wouldn’t it be better if they were elves and not Hobbits?” You watch him lay on his side, looking at you. “I mean, they’re immortal and taller.”
“That’s exactly the point, baby. There are elves and Hobbits in the story. Legolas is an elf, and Frodo is a Hobbit. They both have their qualities, but an Elf’s life is duller. And the Hobbits get to live in The Shire” His tone is gentle while explaining such a random subject to you.
But that is what you really loved about being around him. 
Your face turned into a confused one. “The Shire? What kinda place is that?”
Eddie softly chuckles and drops his left arm around your waist. “It's a small but beautiful, green rolling, forested and fruitful land. I think we would’ve loved to live there.”
You could spend the entire night talking to him like that. 
“Would you like to be a Hobbit?” You asked him, rolling your body to be face to face with him. 
Smiling, he shrugs his shoulders. “Only if I got to have my regular-size dick.” 
You almost choked on your spit from laughing too hard, covering your mouth, so your parents wouldn’t listen to you. You slapped him on his chest and he laughed along with you. 
“God, Eddie. My parents are going to kill me if they see you here.”
He was still chuckling at his own joke. “What? You asked me and I gave you my answer. What would I do with a dick the size of a small pickle?”
You hold back a snort, trying to not laugh at his words. “You are the worst.”
He wraps his arm around your neck, bringing you closer to him. He smells like soap and shampoo. 
“Who do you like the most, Legolas or Frodo?” You ask, your head is still leaned over his chest. 
Eddie thinks for a few seconds before sharing his preference. “You” The metalhead pinches your nose carefully, giving you a soft peck on your forehead. 
You roll your eyes at the corny response. It’s too adorable, but also provocative. “I’m being serious, you nerd.”
“Uh, I’d have to think about it. Deep inside I like both, I like that Legolas can fight. But Frodo is good and wise, and I dig that about him.” 
“So, I’m more like Frodo” You state, pinching his nose back, and he smiles at you. 
“You’re definitely like him. Too wise and too good for this world, princess” He agrees, bringing your lips to find his halfway. 
You spent the next couple of hours debating which Hobbit was better, and you learned a lot about Gandalf as well. You weren’t the biggest fan of fantasy, but the way Eddie always seemed to be deep into his thoughts when he explained things was too sweet. 
He always finds a way to make you laugh when you’re nervous, or worried. He’s weird in such a good way, it actually aches your heart, because you like him too much. 
And honestly, just spending time snuggling around his arms, listening to him speak, was enough for you. 
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inkameswetrust · 22 days
The Window Sill (Pt. 3)
Tumblr media
Pairing: James Diamond x Kendall Knight
Characters: Kendall Knight, James Diamond, Logan Hortense Mitchell, Carlos Garcia, (The Mention Of) Jenny Tinkler
Content Warnings: Fluff, BL, SFW
Word Count: 2,213
After many failed attempts at confronting James, the final bell chimed, alerting students and teachers alike of the school day's conclusion. Kendall scuttled out of his classroom and made his way to his locker. He reaches for his earbuds and plugs them into his MP3 player, fastening one earbud into each ear and shuffling an All Time Low album.
Amidst the shuffling of his books and nodding to the rhythm, James strode to Kendall's side, each step lighter and more lively than the last. "Hey there, songbird, I haven't seen you all day!" James proclaimed with open arms. His lips curved into a bright, exuberant smile as he leaned his arm onto Kendall's shoulder.
"You're not hiding from me, are you?" James teased, raising his brow to compliment that signature flashy look in his eyes.
Kendall chuckled passively, pressing pause on his MP3 player and closing the door to his locker. He shook his head, a reluctant grin lighting up his face from the inevitable excitement Kendall felt from hearing James' voice.
"Nice to see you, too, James," Kendall replied while hoisting his backpack up by one strap.
James hummed with satisfaction, retracting his arm and leaning against the locker next to Kendall's. "So what happened last night? You never called me."
"Right. Sorry about that." Kendall muttered, "Things got kinda hectic after you left."
"Really? What happened?" James inquired as the two began making their way through the school corridor.
"Three words, James," Kendall began, walking alongside James, "Mac. And. Cheese."
James, puzzled and confused, knit his brows and struggled to form a proper response. His lips parted as if to say something, but he had more questions than statements.
"You don't wanna know," Kendall advised.
After a brief awkward silence, Kendall reflected on his previous conversation with Katie and how he wanted to address the status of his and James' relationship. It frightened him to bring it up despite how much he enjoyed the thought of dating James.
It would only make sense for them to start going out because of their undeniable chemistry. They exchange loving gestures, James frequently sneaks into Kendall's house to see him, they've kissed, and they're constantly flirting.
Why weren't they going out? Was Kendall reading into everything too much? Perhaps it was all an elaborate ruse. What about the custom-made guitar pick James saved up his money to buy for Kendall? Was that the gesture that made their relationship official? Had Kendall overlooked that fact this whole time?
Kendall began to sweat and tremble as the myriad of conflicting thoughts circling his brain triggered a downward spiral. His gaze was intently focused on his feet as he kept walking alongside James. He almost couldn't hear James calling his name from two feet away.
"Kendall...?" James called out warily, "Kendall, can you hear me?"
James continued to call out Kendall's name to no avail. Frustrated and annoyed, James waved his hand in Kendall's face to catch his attention.
"Kendall!" James cried, desperately trying to elicit any response from him.
Kendall jumped back, unaware he was spiraling or even zoning out. He quickly cocked his head in James' direction, his voice dropping before he could form a coherent sentence.
"Kendall, are you okay?" James queried as he reached for Kendall's hand, his gaze softening as he gently interlocked their fingers.
Kendall gulped nervously, reluctantly returning the gesture and meeting James' gaze with an uneasy gaze of his own.
"Yeah, sorry, I guess I'm just distracted." Kendall declared admittedly, "I just... there's something I've been meaning to ask you."
"Sure, what's up?" James replied, bringing his other hand to Kendall's shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Kendall released a shaky sigh, his bangs billowing before his eyes and his lips nervously tucked inward.
"Well..." Kendall began, his voice hesitant and uncertain, "I was just wondering if you'd maybe... well... erm—"
"Hey, there you guys are!" Carlos exclaimed as he rushed through the corridor to meet them.
"Carlos, wait up!" Logan cried as he desperately tried to catch up.
James and Kendall immediately pulled away from each other, their faces sheepish from the surprise of Logan and Carlos joining them so unexpectedly.
"Hey, man, where ya been?" Carlos cheered, his smile as bright as the joyous glint in his eyes.
"Carlos, you've got to stop running away from me when I'm trying to explain something to you!" Logan whined.
"And I told you not to correct me with some lame science fact when I'm explaining something to you!" Carlos retorted.
Rolling his eyes and slumping over where he stood, Logan groaned, replying, "It's not my fault you don't know the basics of gravity. Newton's first law of motion is that an object in motion stays in motion."
"Oh, yeah? Well, a Carlos in motion stays... awesome!" Carlos proclaimed, almost shocked by his genius mind, "I should get that on a t-shirt."
While Kendall and James share a mutual chuckle, Logan brings his palm to his forehead and withdraws from the conversation. Carlos turned to James and Kendall, remembering why he sought to find them.
"So, what are you guys doing right now?" Carlos inquired, "You wanna go prank the girls' hockey team again?"
"Can't." Kendall replied, "I gotta get to work."
"Great. We're in." Logan and Carlos declared simultaneously.
"I don't know, my manager's still pretty upset about last time." Kendall admitted, reluctant in his decision to let his friends join him, "We've gotta stop shoving shopping carts into peoples' cars."
"Don't worry, I've been practicing!" Carlos assured, "I'm such a good shot now."
Logan glanced at Kendall, shaking his head in protest with a disappointed expression to paint the picture of Carlos' nonexistent progress. Kendall made peace with the fact that no matter what his decision would be, his friends would always find a way to join him.
"Alright, let's go," Kendall sighed.
Logan and Carlos cheered in unison, hurrying to flee the school building. James looked back at Kendall, giving his hand one final squeeze before sprinting away to catch up.
"Hey guys, wait up!" James called out from the corridor.
Kendall watched as his friends dashed ahead, thoughts of regret keeping him in place. It frustrated him greatly to still struggle with confronting James. Kendall mentally reprimanded himself for not speaking up as he jogged out of the school building.
The boys laughed, bickered, and cheered on their way to the grocery store. Amidst their lively conversations, it was clear a unique dynamic was blossoming between Kendall and James. Though they attempted to be subtle and, hopefully, discreet, Carlos and Logan couldn't help sharing a few inquisitive glances. Carlos felt it was imperative to speak up on the matter as soon as questions and suspicions arose. Logan felt otherwise and forcibly silenced Carlos any time he opened his mouth.
Kendall and James were too caught up in their own little world to notice Logan and Carlos trying to decipher the dynamic between them. They shared a confused look as if Logan and Carlos were the ones acting out of the ordinary without even recognizing how they were the ones arousing suspicion.
The boys eventually arrived at the grocery store where Kendall briefly left to clock in. In retrieving his uniform apron and nametag, James retreated to the restroom, and Logan and Carlos waited patiently in the parking lot. Kendall followed suit and hurried to the parking lot while tying the apron around his waist. He noticed Logan and Carlos whispering to each other in distress, almost as if they were keeping secrets.
"You guys wanna tell me what's going on?" Kendall inquired, oblivious to Logan's and Carlos' suspicions.
The two inquisitive boys cocked their brows and shared one final stoic glance before agreeing to finally speak up.
"I don't know, Kendall." Logan began, "How about you tell us what's going on!"
"Yeah!" Carlos reaffirmed with crossed arms, "We know something's up with you and James, so spill it!"
"I..." Kendall began, desperately trying to muster up any false confidence he had, "...have no idea what you're talking about!"
Logan and Carlos stared Kendall down with narrowing eyes and firm stances. They saw right through his forced grin and nervous voice—telltale signs of Kendall's dishonesty. The awkward silence and uneasy gazes began breaking Kendall's walls down. His eyes widened and his stance weakened before Logan and Carlos, alerting them of the impending truth.
"Okay, fine!" Kendall choked as he slumped over and groaned defeatedly, "There may be something going on."
Logan and Carlos looked at each other in understanding, their lips curving upward into eager grins as they leaned forward. "We're listening, " they said in unison.
Kendall gave the two an unpleased look to combat their pleading eyes and curious minds. He caved in with a grimace to preface his explanation.
"The other day James... he gave me this really expensive and personal gift," Kendall began, the slightest crack of a grin etching its way onto his face as his memories of yesterday trigger a warm and fuzzy feeling, "And I think that gift may have meant that we're supposed to go out now, but I'm not sure."
"Why would that mean you'd start dating?" Logan questioned.
"Because when he gave me the gift," Kendall continued with a nervous chuckle, "...well, he kissed me."
Logan and Carlos, while pleasantly surprised, wore very different facial expressions. Logan wore an expression of shock, silence overcoming him as he raised his brows. Carlos' jaw dropped with the outline of a cheery grin as he audibly rejoiced.
"Oh my gosh, that's so sweet!" Carlos cried, immediately sinking into the confusion of his second thoughts afterward. He leaned to the side, looking to Logan for reassurance as he spoke while keeping direct eye contact with Kendall, "That's sweet, right?"
"Yes, Carlos," Logan assured with a heavy sigh.
After a couple of congratulative grins and a brief rejoice, a vital question still remained. Logan turned to Kendall, his gaze comparatively more earnest, asking, "So what happens now?"
"I don't know," Kendall replied, "I've tried asking James about this all day, but when I try to get the words out I kinda fumble and miss my chance."
Logan and Carlos understood Kendall had a lot of difficult and confusing feelings he needed to sort through. Confronting James was no easy task and it understandably frightened Kendall. It was clear there was only one course of action to take now.
"Well, you know what you have to do, right?" Logan queried.
Kendall nodded silently, not wanting to admit he had to face his problem head-on instead of continuously avoiding it.
"Good." Logan replied, "Then it's time for some love science!"
"What?!" Kendall and Carlos cried in unison.
"You're clearly unable to confront James yourself," Logan began, "So instead of asking him, why don't we just scan his brainwaves to see if he's interested in dating you?"
Logan retrieves an EKG machine to which he's attached a makeshift helmet, a heart monitor, and several electrodes. He wears a sinister grin, the aspiring scientist in him eliciting a lapse in judgment and potential irrationality.
"How did you—?" Carlos managed to question, the shock of Logan retrieving such heavy and complex medical equipment carrying his voice before being cut off.
"No way!" Kendall refused, "Remember when you used your 'love science' to find out whether or not Carlos was crushing on Jenny Tinkler from homeroom?"
"Yeah, I had to get a metal plate installed in my head to avoid aftershock!" Carlos replied, removing his helmet and giving the side of his head a double-knock.
"Then you better make up your mind 'cause James is coming back right now," Logan informed.
"What?!?" Kendall squawked, darting his head in every direction until he located James. He panicked in due time, unsure what path to take or what words to say. Kendall stunned himself into silence while Logan and Carlos wore brave faces in his stead.
"Hey, the mirrors in that bathroom are terrible. Someone should really clean those!" James jested as he strode into view.
Kendall turned around to reveal an awkward grin matching that of the rest of the group. They stood with stiff shoulders and silent voices, arousing suspicion from James and eliciting a confused look.
"Is there something you guys wanna tell me...?" James asked awkwardly.
"Actually," Logan began as he and Carlos gave Kendall a gentle push forward, "Kendall has something he'd like to ask you."
James gave Kendall his full attention, paying no mind to the way he stammered and stuttered before managing to say anything.
"I was just wondering if you... well, erm...," Kendall began sheepishly, "I mean, only if you want to... uh..."
Logan and Carlos leaned forward, hoping to elicit some kind of coherent response as they egged him on. They gestured with their hands in hopes anything would come out.
"...get us some snacks and sodies!" Kendall proclaimed with false confidence and awkward finger guns.
"Uh, yeah, sure," James replied neutrally as he turned away to re-enter the store.
Logan and Carlos groaned defeatedly and brought their palms to their foreheads in protest. Kendall shrunk his posture and buried his face in his hands to whine his embarrassment into oblivion. This would surely be a long and uneventful afternoon.
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insertsparkleshere · 2 years
Speak Now - Rosa Diaz x Reader
Summary: Rosa's wedding to Pimento doesn't go as planned. (Inspired by the Taylor Swift song of the same name, the bridge of which makes me absolutely feral).
Word Count: 902
Pronouns: None, but she/her reader intended
Published: 12/18/2022
Note: I totally didn't accidentally post this on my main what are you talking about
Gina is the only one who knows that you're in love with Rosa Diaz.
Frankly, you're surprised that she hasn't told anyone yet, but she kept your secret. Mostly because you didn't tell anyone when you found out that her and Charles had sex, but it counted.
Rosa's romance with Pimento had been...Interesting, to say the least. To you, it came out of nowhere, but you did your best not to pay attention to Rosa's love life. You wanted to stay sane and not-jealous, thank you very much.
But Pimento...They made sense together, you had to admit. You just hated him.
Jake and Charles still didn't get why, and neither did Hitchcock or Scully. You were pretty sure Amy had an idea, and Terry definitely had his suspicions. Holt had figured it out ages ago - you could tell - but he didn't say anything, which you were grateful for.
Until he did.
"(Y/L/N), see me in my office."
"Yes, Sir."
Rosa snickered. "Someone's in trouble."
"I'm sure it's nothing. Know Holt, I put a period when there should be a semicolon somewhere in my most recent bout of paperwork."
You step into Holt's office. "You wanted to see me?"
Holt stares at you, for a long moment. "Close the door."
"Okay..." You shut it.
"And the blinds. Santiago can read lips."
You frown, but do as he asks. "Is something wrong, Sir?"
"Are you okay?"
"Diaz and Pimento's wedding is next week. Your feelings for Diaz are...obvious. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Sir. Whatever makes Rosa happy. And, right now, that's Pimento."
"Have you considered telling her?"
"Once. But it's not meant to be. I've accepted that."
"You're a detective - act like it."
That was the moment that Rosa Diaz fell in love with you.
It was the third Halloween heist. And you were explaining your plan.
"I planted the idea of a Halloween Heist in your head three years ago. I wanted to have one, and I wanted to win. None of you have ever seen me get competitive, and I knew that Jake would obsess over this. Especially if he thought it was his idea.
"So, I gave you the idea for the Halloween Heist. And I waited, because I knew you'd take it into the many years to come. I didn't want to win the first one. And I considered winning the second, but the third seemed more poetic.
"All of you adore my baking, so, I decided that I would make a cake. For whoever won the third Halloween Heist. And then I said...What was it? 'It's not done yet, I wanted to make sure it was perfect.' And then I set myself up in the break room, already on Jake's team. He would want the cake, and he'd tell me to work on it while Charles guarded the briefcase, and Rosa went in to get it."
"What about Rosa?" Jake asked. "You could never betray her."
"You're right, Peralta, I couldn't. So, what do you think we did? You're a detective - act like it."
It was teasing, and off-handed, and you were riding on the high of victory, but it felt like Rosa's world had stopped.
"You were working together."
"Exactly. We made a great pair, don't you think, Rosa?"
And you smiled, and Holt had looked over at Rosa, and she knew that he knew that she was completely screwed.
But Rosa knew that you didn't like her. So, she left it alone. And she met Pimento. And they got together. And it was stressful, and crazy, and every time he left, she found that she only ever wanted to talk to you.
But she ignored it, because emotions are for babies.
Or so Rosa told herself.
The day of the wedding came. You sat near the front, but behind someone, praying that no one would be able to see if you cried.
Your heart was shattering. But Rosa's happiness was more important than any pain you were feeling.
So, you tuned out for most of the ceremony. You didn't know if you could stand it.
"Speak now, or forever hold your peace."
There was a moment of silence.
There's my last chance. Your heart whispered.
You stood, hands shaking.
Hitchcock and Scully looked equally confused.
Realization was dawning on Charles's face.
Amy's eyes were wide.
Gina was smiling. She looked like she was about to laugh.
Terry looked worried.
Jake's eyes were bouncing from you to Pimento to Rosa and back again.
And Holt was neutral. You glanced over at him, and he nodded.
"This kind of wasn't what I thought was supposed to happen." You say quietly. "Right, um...I'm sorry. I just...I can't let you marry Pimento knowing that I could have said something and told you how I feel. And I didn't want to do this here, but I chickened out before, and...And now I'm here."
Rosa stepped off the pew, walking down the aisle towards you. You stepped into the aisle yourself, swallowing hard. The worst possible options raced through your mind.
Instead, she stopped inches away from you. "Hi."
"Hi." You whispered. "Sorry."
"Don't be." She leaned forward, kissing you softly. You froze, short-circuiting. Out of everything that could've happened, you hadn't expected this. "Let's go."
You nodded, and she took your hand, and you ran.
So glad you were around
When they said, "Speak Now."
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fandomcrazy6226 · 5 months
Liveblogging Dracula Daily - May 3
So... apparently today is a tumblr holiday considering how much this particular tag is skyrocketing to trending, so I decided to subscribe to Dracula Daily and experience the story for the first time this way.
Yeah, I've never read Dracula, and basically all I know about it is vampires and Transylvania (spelling?) and that MatPat went viral for a... chair scene I probably don't need to go into detail about (only because I'm sure the venn diagram of people who read DD and people who follow MatPat already know about it).
So... enjoy this girl's first look into this 127-year-old book. First entry, let's go!
First off, I don't think I'll be able to read this without picturing MatPat as Jonathan so that is just going to stick around. Late trains are a plague on the world, one time my dad and I were up until about 3 in the morning waiting for a layover train in Chicago. Fun times.
OK one thing I do know about this is that there's a weird amount of recipe-tracking and apparently paprika so just for funsies I'm gonna keep a count of both. Recipe count: 1 (chicken w/ red pepper) ; Paprika: 1 (name of chicken).
Ooh, the British Museum! *insert joke about stolen artifacts here* Yeah, big brain moment to actually look into the country you're traveling to. I feel like that's something I would fail to do tbh.
I should probably keep track of all this. Carpathian mountains contain Transylvania, Moldavia, Bukovina. And the castle isn't on any maps which nowadays would probably be suspicious but I guess back in 1897 it wouldn't have turned so many heads. Oh this next section is all geography isn't it
Ok. Saxons and Wallachs in the South, and Wallachs are descended from Dacians. Magyars in the West, and Szekelys in East and North. ...no disrespect to any of these groups if they're real (I'm not sure) but these names look a bit like someone trying to scoot around the rules with a word in scrabble. Oh and apparently the Szekelys are descended from the Huns (Let's get down to business!!!). And all of the superstitions in the world are written down in one place in these mountains? Logistics?
"I did not sleep well, though my bed was comfortable enough" literally me every night this past week. Might be time to go back on the melatonin. Paprika count: 2 (cause of weird dreams? Can paprika give you weird dreams? *google* doesn't look like it) Ohhhh the paprika made him thirsty so he was up all night drinking water. That makes more sense.
Oh my god Paprika count: 3. Part of his breakfast. Incidentally, Recipe count: 2 (corn flour porridge and eggplant stuffed with... whatever forcemeat is. Mixture of meat and vegetables. Okay then) Ha! And again with the late trains. It really sucks when you do so much to be on time for something and then the something decides to make itself late.
Well now I wanna see this scenery out the train cause it's described super pretty. Alright these are some very interesting-looking outfits being described here. Cowboy hats? Were those even a thing when this book came out? I mean obviously yes they were if they're in this but like... what.
OK Bistritz is the town near the castle, yes? And apparently this town has been through some stuff. 13,000 death count, yikes!
I love how this guy is so happy his hotel is old-fashioned. Like that's such a definite eager history nerd moment. I can see why tumblr likes this guy.
Well that letter is a lot more friendly than I'm aware this turns out. I guess I'll see how it turns batshit crazy in the next couple days? I don't actually know how this story is really paced, but hopefully the next update happens tomorrow cause I really like this.
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