#yeah the ex was being annoying coming here but neither did he cheat on his sick gf nor did he abandon her while she was recovering
have said it before and i'll say it again your child doesn't need to go through a life-threatening illness for you to go easy on them. yeah what her ex said to her back then was hurtful but taking care of someone for so long putting your own life on hold does take its toll eventually esp if you are not the main love interest. she did start working again so soon she did take up more work than others and things like that are all her parents' fault. all those expectations only from her because their other kid was sick long ago just made it even worse for her. the fact that she knew they go easy on her brother because he used to have a hole in his heart but still couldn't tell them that's how heavy the weight of their hopes and their dreams was for her
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vettelinyourarea · 1 year
all of the girls you loved before - carlos sainz
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genre: fluff, friends-to-lovers
word count: 1,051
inspired by all of the girls you loved before by taylor swift
warning: english is not my first language, otherwise none i think
feel free to give me any feedback!
When you think of all the late nights
Lame fights over the phone
Wake up in the morning with someone
But feeling alone
Your past relationships were not like the one you currently have with Carlos. When you first spend the night with him, you thought it would just be the same as waking up alone, because that’s how you feel when you dated other men. But you were surprised when you woke up feeling comfortable, being hugged by someone who you have come to know since you were just a child.
Really, no one was surprised when you started dating your childhood friend. You and Carlos on the other hand, were very very surprise when you learn about each others feelings for the first time. Your thoughts got abruptly cut off when you feel a kiss being pressed on your temple by a pair of lips you have come to be familiar with.
“Good morning, hermosa.”
Your past and mine are parallel lines
Stars all aligned and they intertwined
You first met Carlos when you both went to the same kindergarten. You remember you were playing with fake fruits all alone when he first came to you and stuck out his hand. “My name is Carlos!” he said with a toothy grin. And both of you are inseparable from then on.
All of the girls you loved before
Made you the one I’ve fallen for
Every dead-end street
Led you straight to me
You were crying in your dorm room alone when you suddenly hear a knock on the door. Trying to wipe off your tears, you immediately started to break down again after seeing who it was.
Carlos, standing in your doorway holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers and boxes of takeout from your favorite restaurant down the street. You had not expect him to come to you immediately when you texted him about your relationship.
I broke up with him. He cheated on me with my fucking friend.
But here he is, hugging you while you cried your eyes off. You were surprised he came to you not even 30 minutes after you texted him, especially because he just finished training, preparing for the upcoming season. But he was always like this, always putting you first, even above himself.
Now you’re all I need
I’m so thankful for
All of the girls you loved before
“I should definitely thank your exes for this,” you said jokingly after feeling a little bit better. “What?” he said, quite surprised by what you had just said. It was not a secret between both of you that neither of you two have ever like each other’s exes.
“Yeah, she really taught you how to comfort someone. Remember when I broke up with my ex and you asked me to go fishing?” you said with a little smile on your face, remembering his panicked face when you started crying more hysterically after he asked you to go fishing with him.
“Please don’t bring it up again,” he said with a soft smile, trying to act annoyed even though all he could feel at that moment is happiness in seeing your smile.
“By the way, I can definitely treat you better than your exes,” he said.
“I know you can.”
When i think of all the makeup
Fake love out on the town
Cryin’ in the bathroom for some dude
Whose name I cannot remember now
You were at your backyard when he talked about your high school years together. “Remember when you cried over your crush when we were 16? I remember you were crying in your bathroom and didn’t want to go to school,” he said while laughing. And you can’t help but laugh at it too. Partly because of hearing his laugh, and partly because of how random it was.
“Of course I did! I was so sad because he posted a picture with his girlfriend back then, and I have always thought I would have a chance with him even though I’ve never even talked to him, I don’t even remember his name now!” you said with a big smile after hearing Carlos laughed once again at the story.
“Well, good thing I still stick around you even after you went to school with mascara all over your face.”
Your mother brought you up loyal and kind
Teenage love taught you there’s good in goodbye
Every woman that you knew brought you here
I wanna teach you how forever feels
It was no secret that Carlos is a gentleman. He never raised his voice at anyone even when he was frustrated, he always tells you about his problems so there is no miscommunication between you two, and he also always treats you like a queen. But one dinner though, he made a quite shocking revelation to you.
“You know, I got scolded by my mom after our first dinner as a couple together,” he said while eating his slice of pizza. You were having a movie night and dinner together to celebrate your second anniversary. “Huh? Why did she scold you?” you asked because you didn’t remember seeing him getting scold by his mom.
“Yeah, she scolded me because I forgot to pull the chair for you.”
“Ooohh, so that’s why you scolded me when I pull the chair myself?”
I’m so thankful for
All of the girls you loved before
But I love you more
“You know, I think I really need to thank the girls you dated before,” you said suddenly. Of course it makes Carlos shocked, you just got married and it was the first thing you said to him right after the ceremony. Not even I love you or I’m so happy or other romantic things.
“They made you become the man I’ve come to love, you know?” you said after seeing his confused look. Thankfully, it was quickly replaced by a soft smile on his face, mirroring yourself. “Well, I also become the current Carlos because of you, hermosa.” He said while looking at you.
“Well, I know that. I just want to thank them, you know? Although, I know that I love you more than they have ever loved you. That’s why I married to you now.”
“Oh, I also know that.”
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Minho / Seungmin x Reader Female
Word count: 2.1k
Summary: You have just split up with your cheating EX-Boyfriend, how could you possible every fall in love again
Trigger warning: please remember this is a fiction and the characters are just that fictional. If you are sensitive to swearing or sexual content please do not read my stories…… some of my story’s do hold scenes from kdarams Sorry in advance if you don’t like it but I though they were cute, other than that please enjoy. 
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Minho Masterlist
Minho gets closer to you "so what would have happened had I walked you home" he smirked.
 "Hmmmmmm, well, up until this point, you've been really well behaved…… and I probably would have given you a good night kiss," you said with your cheeky grin. 
 "Oh, so something like this?" He's said, leaning in and kissing you. Then we hear a knock on the door. Minho goes and grabs it. 
 "Seungmin, what are you doing here," Minho said 
 "Chan texted me to come and take you home," he said, looking past Minho at you.
 Minho just looked at you, and you waved goodbye to him. He huffed and walked out with Seungmin. 
 "Chan?" you could hear him fumbling around in the room. 
 "Yeah?" He said in the same tone as yours
 "Can you come out here for a second"
 "Uhhhh Yep…. coming," he said, opening the door.
 "Why did you tell Seungmin to come over?" 
 "Well…. I……uhhhh" 
 "Chan, why did you call Seungmin." 
 "I don't think you would be good with Minho, okay," he said with his head down. 
 "What, why?" 
 "Because what, Chris, you're getting annoying." 
 "Because Seungmin is in love with you, okay…. And Minho just wants to fuck you." 
  "Soo and maybe I want to fuck Minho…. Did that ever occur to you?" you snapped back. 
 "You and V need to stay out of my love life…… I'm sick of guys telling me who I can be with," you continued. 
 "I'm sorry…. but there, my boys…. I don't want them fighting over some chick they just met" 
 You got annoyed, and you just walked into your room and slammed the door. You were really upset with him. How fucken dare he, you took out your phone and sent a text to meet you outside in 20minutes. 
 Okay, you are standing out front waiting, and then you see him.
 "So, you did get my text" you couldn't help but smile.
 "Why are you texting me so late," V said.
 You didn't say anything. You just started kissing him. He picked you up, and you wrapped your legs around him. 
 "Shut up, V. This changes nothing…. we are still broken up…. I'm just "before you could finish the sentence, he walked you towards his car. 
 "Let's continue this at home," he said, strapping you in. 
 We got back to your old house. V was being gentle and loving. He stopped to look at you and touched your face before kissing you again. 
 "I love you," he said. "I always have and always will… I was a real dick to you," he said in-between kisses.
 One thing led to another, and your no sex streak ended. You were okay with it. Honestly, V was very comfortable for you. He knew what you liked. It was so hard to see him with Madison because we never had problems in the sex department. 
 So, the following day, you walked back into Jamie's apartment, and Chan was making a coffee as you entered.
 "So, which one did you sleep with," Chan said, sipping his coffee.
 "Huh, who do you mean" trying to act like nothing happened.
 "Seungmin or Minho…. you snuck out last night after our fight. Who did you sleep with.”? 
 "Neither" is the truth.
 Jamie came out of her room "she left with V." 
 Chan spat his coffee out into the sink "what V?" 
 "Yeah, well, shit happens, bahahahaha" Jamie and you just laughed.
 "I'm fucken telling Alex," he said, whipping out his phone.
 "Do it…. I don't give a fuck, Chris" you go in to take a shower. 
 When you came out of your room after getting ready to head to the studio, Alex was sitting at the breakfast bar.
 "I'm not angry…. I'm just disappointed," Alex said, shaking her head.
 "Chris, you told them?" you couldn't help but laugh.
 "This is serious, Y/N," Chris said, folding his arms.
 "Christopher…. I cannot make this clearer to you than now… STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY BUSINESS" you picked up your bag and jumper and walked out the door. 
 Jamie was like to Chris, "I told you to leave her alone" Chris was mortified that you would speak to him like that guess he's no use to being put in his place. 
 You looked at Alex. She got her stuff off the bar and headed towards the door. That whole day you ignored Chan. You acted normal to everyone but him.
 You decided to stay at Alex's house the night. Jamie was a bit pissed off with Chan for the way he acted, so she said she would sort him out for you. 
 You and Alex thought it would be funny because Jake was away. We did a photoshoot of us in a shirt and undies, and Alex would send hers to Jake to see what he would do. Bro, we couldn't stop laughing. We both  looked perfect. Jake was like, "Alex fuck off, this is so unfair."
 We were joking around "omg, let me send one to Minho", you laughed.
 So you sent the photo, and Alex was like, "how funny should it be if you sent it to someone else." You both laughed like there was some random guy who now has the first semi-naked photo you've ever sent because in the 7years you were with V, you've never sent one. 
 Then you get a text from Seungmin "😳ummmmm y/n was this meant for me?" We see it on the screen. You look at Alex. Your face goes red, "I FUCKING SENT IT TO MIN."
 Alex started to scream and laugh, and you just were freaking out. 
 "How holy fuck” you couldn't believe it.
 "Flirt…. You like him, anyway, don't you?" Alex replied.
 "I don't know…. It was meant for Minho…… Seungmin is so innocent" you were freaking out even more "omg, what if he shows Minho." 
 "Relax, he's not going to show anyone as far as he's aware you sent them to him and only him…. ON PURPOSE, SO FLIRT NOW" 
"of course…. You like?" 
"I mean wrong time…. Because I'm out with Minho… but you look good." 
"Did anyone else see?" I was now freaking out because he said Minho was with him. 
"Not just me😉…. but can I ask why?" 
"Why what" 
"Well, why did you send them to me…. I thought you were more interested in Minho…. not that I don't love your ass in this photo, but it seems like more of a Minho thing." 
"Oh wow…. Seungmin, do you not like receiving naked photos of girls." 
"Ummmm, well, if I'm being honest…. not really…. this is so awkward because now I am in a restaurant…. With Minho, who also likes you…. Receiving naked pictures of a girl we both like."
"Well…. I can send them to Minho if you like… even out the playing field." 
"NO…. just don't do it again, okay" 
"Jesus, okay... never thought I would be told off for sending nudes to a guy" you left it at that. 
“I’m outside Alex’s.” 
“What? Why?” 
“I want to talk to you.” 
“Okay, I’ll just get dressed” you got dressed into your robe and walked down to the apartment entrance.
 “Seungmin, what’s up,” you said, wrapping your robe around your body.
 “I’ve been thinking…. I don’t want to be second best to Minho anymore,” he said, looking down.
 “What are you talking about?” you were shivering in the cold air.
 “I’ve told you how I feel… I’m always the one making the first move…. Now it’s your turn…. I would appreciate you not talking to me until you figure out what you want with Minho.” 
 “Seungmin, don’t be like that…. I’m sorry…. I’m confused. I just got out of a relationship.” 
 “Exactly…. I don’t want to be anybody’s rebound,” he said with his head down. “I better go. You better go inside. It’s cold,” he said. 
 “Seungmin, why are you doing this” your heart was breaking. Did he not even want to be friends.
 “Because those pictures were for Minho and not me,” he said, walking away. 
 You walked inside and started to cry. You have no idea why it felt like you were just broken up. You walk in and slam the door waking Alex up.
 “Y/N? Where did you go” Alex said in a sleepy voice?
 “Seungmin…. just fucken gave me an ultimatum” 
 “What was it?” 
 “he told me to pick… he’s doesn’t want to be a rebound. “ 
 Over the next two months, you saw Minho on and off. You couldn’t bring yourself to kiss him after Seungmin said to you, you really did like Minho, but something was missing with him. 
 He wanted to take you on a date up to where we had our first date. You had a feeling he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend you wanted to be…… you think you did anyway. 
 The whole time he talked to you, all you could think about was Seungmin and what he might be doing and thinking. It’s been two fucking months, and he has spoken a god damn word to you. 
 “Y/N are you listening to what I’m saying,” Minho said, interrupting your thoughts. 
 “Huh?” you came back to reality.
 “What’s wrong? Why are you off with the fairies tonight” he said, grabbing your hand?
 “He hasn’t spoken to me in two fucken months…. Who the fuck does he think he is” you were angry.
 “Seungmin?” Minho said 
 “Yeah…. I fucken send him my nudes, and he tells me off… then shows up to my house tells me off again, and doesn’t talk to me for two months,” Minho chokes. 
 “You sent him nudes?” he was still choking on his drink.
 “Yeah, by accident, they were meant for you” you were not paying attention to what you had just confessed.
 “Wow…. You must really like him,” Minho said
 “No…. I hate his guts for ignoring me like this” 
 “No… I think you really like him and here’s why… right now, I just told you I loved you and you know what you said…… I sent nudes to Seungmin, and he hasn’t spoken to me in two months,” Minho said, looking down.
 “I’m so sorry, Minho…. I don’t know what,” and before you could finish, he said.
 “Go be happy with Seungmin…. He is a good guy who genuinely will love you till the day you die… he deserves you, not me,” Minho said, standing up. “Come on, I’ll take you to see him.” 
 He pulled you to his car and drove you to the JYP STUDIO halfway across town. 
 “He’ll be in with Chan… room109” 
 “Huh? Aren’t you coming?” 
 “Nuh, I don’t really want to see the girl I’m in love with tell another man she loves him” he smiled. 
 “I’m so sorry, Minho” you kissed his cheek and left. You ran to the reception and asked where room 109 was. She said, " Level 4, you ran up the stairs because the elevator was taking too long. Once you got to the top of level 4 and had to take a breather. 
 “Holy shit…. why am I so unfit fuck me”, one of the members of day 6 walked by. He giggled at your comment.
 “Are you okay?” He said, concerned.
 “Oh yeah, I’m fine…. just catching my breath before I tell a man I love him,” you said, hunched over. You hadn’t really realised what you just confessed to this stranger.
 “Well, good luck, “he said, walking away.
 You were literally breathing so heavy walking up to that door you took a deep breath in and opened it chan was sitting the mixing Seungmin’s vocals. He turned around.
 “Y/N, what are you doing? We are in a session.” 
 “Chan…. SHUT UP” You pushed the door open, walked in and standing there confused was Seungmin, so innocent, so pure. 
 “Wha” before he could say anything, you kissed him deep and hard. You pulled away “okay…. Your move” he pulled you in by your waist, kissing you softly. Just like the first time you kissed, the world around you stopped. 
 Pulling back once more, “It was always you.” 
 “I knew you would choose me”, he laughed.
 “Oh, did you” you smirked. 
 “Yeah…. I’m kind of hard to resist” you just laughed and looked at him and said.
 “I think I love you….is that weird” he just began to kiss you again, and then we had to stop because Chan was crying his eyes out. 
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Trope Mashup For @suzy-queued who wanted Fake Boyfriends/There Was Only One Bed
God I love these two tropes.
“Ian! It’s so good to see you! So glad you were able to make it, and with a date it seems?” Caleb’s condescension was stronger than ever as he looked Ian and Mickey up and down.
Ian could see Mickey’ eyebrows shoot up in surprise at the blatant assholery that was coming out of Caleb’s mouth.
“Yes,” Ian said slipping an arm around Mickey’s shoulders, which tensed at first but then relaxed.
“This is my boyfriend Mickey, Mickey, this is my ex Caleb, he’s the groom at this event.”
Mickey was all bravado as he stuck a tatted hand out to Caleb, Ian smirked noticing that it was the FUCK hand, Caleb eyed the hand as if he would get tetanus just by looking at it.
After a beat he held his own hand out to Mickey, but a split second before making contact to shake Mickey’s hand Mickey moved his hand to grab a flower decorating a passing tray with champagne flutes and tucked it into the breast pocket of Ian’s suit.
“A flower for my flower.” Mickey murmured with a little grin as he wiggled the rose stem into the pocket.
Ian couldn’t help the smile that slipped over his lips, his eyes meeting Mickey’s blue ones that danced with mirth.
Caleb cleared his throat bringing them back to the conversation, “Well Ian, I’m glad you were able to make it and with Mikey. It’s good that you aren’t alone for this, I know how that can trigger different things. Being alone at a wedding.”
“His name is Mickey.” Ian corrected tersely, annoyed that Caleb could still bring out the agitations that he did.
“My mistake.” Caleb said, his bride came away from who she was talking to and joined them grabbing Caleb’s hand and squeezing it.
Ian noticed Mickey thumbing his nose as Caleb looked to his new wife, “Hi honey, these friends of yours?” She asked smiling.
“Yes, Ian and his boyfriend Mickey, guys this is-”
“You must be Helene, heard loads about you, so nice to finally meet you.” Mickey offered a hand to the bride whose eyes widened almost cartoonishly and she spun on her heel and stalked away.
“Babe!” Caleb called in a faux cheerful voice as he turned to catch up with her, shooting Ian and Mickey a dirty look before he was out of sight.
Ian burst into laughter, “His wife’s name is Marion.” he said turning to Mickey.
“Yeah but Helene was the bitch he cheated on you with when you were together right?” Mickey asked cocking an eyebrow.
Ian’s smile grew wider, “You remember that?” He asked his voice soft.
“Yeah man, you came into work all broken up about it remember? Fuck that guy. Let’s go get shit faced on his booze and eat all their free food.” Mickey said waggling his eyebrows and smirking.
Ian nodded and let his hand fall into Mickey’s as he led the way to the bar.
Mickey was a coworker at his job as an EMT, they had befriended early in Ian’s career there and worked well together.
When Ian had gotten an invitation to Caleb’s wedding he had begged Mickey to pretend to be his boyfriend and go with him so he wouldn’t be there by himself. 
Read on Ao3 here
He looked at Mickey as they sat at the table they were assigned, a couple strands of hair were falling into his face as he took another bite of wedding cake. His blue eyes were brought out by the lights around them in the reception hall, his pale skin illuminated. 
Ian felt his heart flutter and before he could talk himself out of it he reached for Mickey’s hand resting on the table.
Mickey looked up at him with slight surprise on his face, but with a smile as well.
“Want to dance?” Ian asked softly, unable to keep from grinning.
Mickey’s smile grew, “Sure”
They rose from the table and made their way to the dance floor. Ian and Mickey looked at each other a moment, unsure of where to put what, neither of them had ever been to a wedding before, or even a dance.
They caught each other’s eyes and laughed nervously.
Ian looked around at the other couples and moved to mimic their stances, his hands fluttered at Mickey’s waist and Mickey raised his hands to Ian’s shoulders. They began to move side to side in a gentle swaying as the beginning chords of a new song started.
“This is nice Gallagher.” Mickey murmured, leaning a little closer so Ian could hear him.
Ian opened his mouth to respond just as Ed Sheeran’s voice started drifting through the air.
“I found a love, for me;”
Ian’s heart stuttered as the lyrics rang out, but he grinned and lowered his head, his lips right at Mickey’s ears, “This is real nice, thank you for coming with me.”
Ian heard Mickey chuckle, “Anytime man.”
Ian’s eyes caught movement from across the dance hall and he noticed Caleb studying him closely.
“Mickey, can I, can I kiss you?” Ian whispered softly.
Mickey pulled away slightly, just to look up at Ian and give him a small nod, Ian’s hand slid from Mickey’s waist and cupped his cheek, his thumb caressed his face as he brought his lips closer to Mickey’s.
When their lips met Ian felt everything inside of him tremble, his heart was beating and bounding in his chest, his stomach was overrun with butterflies fluttering around inside, his pulse was thrumming beneath his skin, behind his eyelids he was seeing fireworks bursting in sparking sizzling colors.
He could taste the wine and the chocolate cake on Mickey’s lips as he pressed them to his, Mickey’s lips much more plush and velvet soft.
Ian was beginning to feel lightheaded and then he remembered he needed air to breathe.
Mickey must have had the same realization because they broke apart simultaneously a gasp on each of their tongues.
Ian searched Mickey’s face, his flush skin, glimmering eyes, plump pink lips that were pulled into a grin. Ian’s lips ticked upwards.
This is just pretend, this is a favor from a friend.
The reminder chimed in Ian’s mind like a blaring alarm clock.
“Th-thank you Mick, for coming to this with me and pretending to be my boyfriend.” Ian said.
Mickey’s eyes went wide for a moment and then his gaze dropped a bit, his smile flickering, “Yeah man,” he took a half step back, thumbing the tip of his nose, “No problem.”
Ian’s hands hovered up off of Mickey and fell to his sides, “I really appreciate it.” He finished lamely.
“That’s what friends are for man. No big deal.” Mickey’s voice was a little hard emphasizing the word friends. Ian felt his brow furrow and he opened his mouth to say something.
A siren sound came over the speakers and everyone turned to the DJ booth, “Ladies and gentlemen I am obligated to announce a thunderstorm watch for the area that could lead to flash floods. They don’t recommend anyone driving more than they have to because the roads out here will flood. Now that I’ve warned you adequately do what you want!”
Ian looked to Mickey who was biting his lower lip.
“I saw a hotel on our way into the area, we can crash there for the night.” Ian said softly not wanting someone else to hear and get the same idea.
“Good idea, let’s book it.” Mickey nodded.
They slipped out of the wedding venue and into Ian’s car, the rain already falling as they hurried between the building.
“Fuck I’m already soaked.” Mickey muttered as he slammed the car door behind him.
Ian wiped the water from his face as he turned the key, “I have a gym bag I keep in the trunk that has some clean clothes, we’ll take it inside with us and you can wear something dry.” He said as he threw the car into drive and headed the direction of the hotel.
“Fuck me.” Mickey groaned seeing the crowd of cars at the hotel.
“C’mon let’s get inside, you run ahead in and I’ll grab the gym bag.” Ian said pushing the door open.
“Don’t gotta tell me twice Red.” Mickey shouted over the pouring rain.
Mickey ran towards the entrance and Ian ran around to the back of the car popping the trunk and grabbing the gym bag and slamming the trunk down behind him.
The bag thumped against him as he ran inside, the rain pelting him, every step he took was a puddle that splashed him. His clothes were already sticking to his skin. He finally reached the entrance and shoved the hotel doors open. The staff at the desk and Mickey all turned to look at him as he stood there dripping on the mat by the door.
He stood there a moment and then made his way to the desk next to Mickey while the staff member typed on the computer.
“You’re in luck sir, we have one room left available for the night.” She said smiling.
“Awesome, we’ll take it.” Mickey said.
Ian nodded his head in agreement.
Ian and Mickey split the charge for the room and as the employee magnetized their room keys she told them about the continental breakfast, vending machines, pool, and mini golf courses they had.
“You two have a good night.” She called out as they took they keys and headed to their room.
They wordlessly made their way to the door and Mickey slotted the key into the chip reader and unlocked the door, and shoved it open, “You care if I shower first? Wanna try and warm up.” Mickey said as he stepped into the room.
“No that’s fine, you can have the sweats I have in here, they’re warm.” Ian grinned at him, but Mickey’s face didn’t return the smile, instead he had a look that was a mix of different things, his blue eyes flickering.
“What is it?” Ian asked stepping inside behind him.
Mickey raised an eyebrow and jerked his head prompting Ian to look around the room. 
Then he saw it.
“Oh.” he murmured feeling the smile slip from his face.
“Yeah oh.” Mickey huffed.
Ian’s mind went blank for a minute as he comprehended what he saw, there was only one bed.
He took a deep breath and shrugged, “I can sleep on the floor, you go ahead and take a shower and I’ll unpack the bag to see what we got.” 
Ian was speaking and moving fast, trying not to let his nerves show. 
Mickey snorted and headed toward the bathroom before shutting the door behind him rather sharply.
Ian heard the water turn on and he sighed, he already had been pushing the bounds of his friendship with Mickey, already having mingling feelings that he probably shouldn’t have, now this fucking bed.
Ian busied himself by taking the clean clothes out of the bag, a pair of gray sweats, a t-shirt and basketball shorts, a hoodie, and a couple pairs of socks. Hopefully Mickey didn’t mind going commando.
Ian screwed up his face, trying to get the thought of Mickey going commando out of his head.
Ian folded the sweats and clean socks and put them in a neat pile at the foot of the bed for Mickey, then he dug around some more in the bag. There were toiletries like soap and a toothbrush, but there was also a big box of granola bars.
The bathroom door opened and Ian grinned waiting to show Mickey the clothes he had found, when Mickey strode out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.
Ian felt like his brain was short firing as he tried to absorb everything about the vision in front of him, as well as look away and not stare.
Mickey’s skin was a creamy porcelain that was smooth and soft looking. His body looked strong and soft, muscular with a layer of thickness over it. Ian wanted to nestle his face in his chest and caress and linger his touch on every source of flesh that Mickey had.
“Forgot the clothes were out here with you.” Mickey muttered coming over and grabbing the sweats beginning to sit on the side of the bed.
“My bad, I should have reminded you.” Ian grinned to himself as he let the duffel bag drop back to the floor.
Mickey shrugged, Ian looked away to give him some slight privacy to get dressed. When he noticed Mickey heading back to the bathroom to hang up his towel Ian tried not to think about the fact that he KNEW that Mickey wasn’t wearing underwear beneath the gray sweats.
“There are some granola bars if you’re hungry.” Ian said nodding toward the bag. 
“Thanks, I’m uh. I’ll raid the vending machines to get some food or something to drink, you like anything in particular?” Mickey asked tugging the door knob.
“Um, just nothing diet I guess, or grape.” Ian added with a wrinkled nose.
Mickey chuckled and left the room shutting the door behind him.
Ian quickly stripped off his wet clothes and headed into the bathroom deciding to hang the wet clothes from the shower rod, leaving a couple of towels on the floor to absorb the drippings.
After climbing into the shower and letting the warm water beat down on him for a few moments he thought back to the dance he and Mickey had shared, the kiss, how he had felt against his skin.
When the water ran cold he shut it off and reached for a towel only to come up with a washcloth.
“Fuck.” He muttered.
He had used the last of the clean towels to soak up water drippings from his clothes. Ian stood there a moment and let the air dry his skin while he listened closely to see if he could hear Mickey on the other side of the bathroom door. He hadn’t been in the shower long Mickey could still be getting stuff from the vending machine.
He carefully opened the bathroom door and peeked around the edge, Mickey wasn’t in the room.
Ian exhaled relieved and quickly stepped out of the bathroom to go to his duffel bag on the floor at the side of the bed.
As he strode across the room he heard a beeping and looked around confused until the door opened with Mickey saying, “I grabbed as many as I could carry so we wouldn’t have to JESUS-”
His voice cut off and a couple cans clanked to the floor as Ian yelped and bolted to the duffel bag and fumbled for the clothes inside. He felt his skin burning in embarrassment as he tried to find the fucking shorts. He could hear Mickey busying himself with gathering the cans that had rolled away from him.
Finally locating the shorts he shoved his feet into the holes and yanked them up, only to find he had shoved both feet into the same hole.
“Fuck.” Ian muttered trying to hurriedly pull the shorts down and get his foot out from the wrong hole and in his haste his foot caught on the material and he felt himself falling losing his balance and falling.
“Goddammit.” He snapped in frustrated embarrassment as he flailed around trying to get everything straight.
“Need a hand man?” Mickey’s voice was thick as if he were crying.
Ian looked up confused and then felt his face flame when he saw that Mickey wasn’t crying he was suppressing laughter, his eyes flitting to Ian’s face and his eyebrows arched in glee.
“There weren’t any clean towels.” Ian muttered in explanation as he figured out which way to switch his shorts around before finally being able to pull them up over himself.
He used the bed to help pull himself off the floor and then rubbed the back of his neck, “um, so...” He trailed off not knowing what to say, he looked up at Mickey whose eyes were wide and tailing up and down his naked torso.
Ian raised an eyebrow intrigued that Mickey was so enraptured by his bare chest. When Mickey’s eyes met Ian’s his cheeks blushed a deep shade of pink and he cleared his throat, “I grabbed some cokes, hope that’s okay.” Mickey said shrugged.
Ian nodded reaching into the duffel for the tank top he had in there as well, pulling it on and then looked around the room trying to avoid Mickey’s gaze.
“Wonder if we get any decent channels.” Ian muttered nodding towards the television.
Mickey shrugged.
“Well let’s find out Ian said reaching for the remote on the bedside table.
He flipped the tv on and looked through the channels they got.
“Hey Double Impact.” Mickey said showing interest in something flickering on screen. 
Ian flipped back to the movie and stood there watching it for a moment.
“Who do you think would win?” Mickey asked moving to sit at the head of the bed, bouncing slightly as he scooted around until he was leaning against the headrest.
“What?” Ian asked confused.
“Between Segal and Van Damme.” Mickey prompted raising an eyebrow.
Ian gestured to the screen, “Van Damme.”
“You’re out of your mind,” Mickey scoffed tsking and looking from Ian to the screen, “Have you seen that ponytail? That’s a powerful ponytail. Segal could totally kick Van Damme’s ass.”
Ian felt a grin pull on his face and he moved to sit on the bed also nearly brushing against Mickey as he sat, “Unless, it’s Double Impact Van Damme, then it’s some Van double Damme.” Ian nodded at the television with a laugh.
Mickey rolled his eyes, “Fucking dork.” He said offering Ian a coke can.
Ian popped the top and took a sip, as Mickey looked at the television, “Wanna fuck Van Damme.” he muttered.
Ian bumped his shoulder against Mickey’s with a laugh, the tension eased between them.
Throughout the movie Ian could feel his eyes growing bleary and a wave of sleepiness covering him.
Once the screen rolled the credits he was barely able to keep his eyes open, waking with a start at a little nudge, “Yo Red, your neck is gonna kink like that, let’s lay down.” Mickey’s voice hummed low by Ian’s ear.
Ian’s eyes fluttered open and he realized he was leaning against Mickey, his face nuzzled into his shoulder.
“Mm sorry.” Ian murmured sliding his face off of Mickey’s firm rounded shoulder and groggily moving to get off the bed.
“No problem man, here, let’s go to sleep.” Mickey said rising on the other side and tugging the blankets back.
“I’ll take the floor.” Ian yawned reaching for a pillow to put on the floor.
“That’s not,” Mickey started with a huff.
Ian looked up at him, “You don’t have to sleep on the floor, the bed’s big enough for both of us.” Mickey said, his cheeks swirling with pink.
Ian’s eyes widened, but he nodded at the suggestion.
They pulled the blankets back and each of them slid under the covers on their sides of the bed, moving the pillows around until they were comfortable. The light from the moon streaming into the window.
“Do you have enough blanket?” Ian asked turning to Mickey, facing him in the dark, able to see him wetting his lower lip as he lied there on his back.
Mickey turned facing Ian, who was laying on his side, looking up at Mickey with a small smile fluttering on his lips.
“I’m good.” Mickey grinned softly, then slid a bit further down on the pillows and turned on his side, facing Ian.
Ian was suddenly wide awake as Mickey’s cool blue eyes traced over his face in the moonlit room, his lower lip threaded between his teeth.
“Hey Mickey?” Ian asked softly, almost incomprehensibly.
Mickey looked up searching Ian’s face, “Yeah?” 
Ian gulped, “Thank you for coming today.” he whispered softly.
A smile slid onto Mickey’s lips, “No problem, I had, fun.” He said with a slight pause.
“I did too.” Ian whispered not wanting to break the trance they were in his eyes meeting Mickey’s in the moonlight.
Mickey bit his lower lip again, his eyes looking away from Ian, “As friends?” He asked with a small crack in his voice.
Ian’s eyes widened and he looked over Mickey’s face, he wanted to kiss him again. 
Ian’s hand slid from under the covers and he watched Mickey’s expression as his hand moved. His eyes stayed on Ian’s hand as he reached over and cupped the side of his face, his hand cradling him, his thumb tracing his cheek.
When Mickey didn’t protest Ian leaned closer, until his lips were a hairsbreadth away from Mickey’s. 
“Mickey,” His name came from Ian’s lips with a low him, “Can- Can I kiss you?” Ian murmured, repeating the question he had asked before at the wedding reception.
Mickey’s lips slid into a smile and he nodded an almost imperceptible nod.
Ian’s lips grazed against Mickey’s and he felt the same fireworks that he did before when their lips touched.
The only thing that made their lips part was the need for oxygen, gasping as they pulled apart their eyes searched each other. Mickey’s hand reached up and traced Ian’s cheek, before giving it a small pat, “Bout time you get your head out of your ass Gallagher.”
Ian laughed, his fingers weaving into Mickey’s soft hair, Mickey’s hand sliding down to grip Ian’s shirt in his fist and pulled him closer pressing his lips to Ian’s again. Ian could feel Mickey smile into the kiss, his own lips matching his grin as they slid closer together their kiss unbreaking as their bodies melded together under the sheets of their shared bed.
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nalgenewhore · 3 years
what's the harm
elide x lorcan, modern au, fluff/fake dating, word count: 4475
Every single molecule in her body hurt. No matter how slowly she moved, how careful she was, her body protested against anything that wasn’t lying still, in her bed, buried under layers upon layers of quilts.
Elide sighed in exhaustion, her eyes shut. It took far too much energy to keep them open, energy that her flu-ridden being could not procure. She slowly turned onto her stomach and rested her cheek against one of her pillows, hoping that sleep would find her easier. Of course, like everything else she had tried over the course of the day, it was an effort made in vain.
She focused on her breathing, inhaling through her stuffed nose for four seconds, holding it for seven, and then exhaling for eight. For a while, she continued like so, lulling herself into a state of deep rest. It wasn’t quite true slumber. Elide could still hear her parents moving about in their house and her diffuser, dispensing a citrus oil blend around her room.
She simply refused to budge, hoping that if she stayed still long enough that she could trick herself into falling asleep.
The true problem was her fever. No matter how many blankets she had, nearly suffocating her, she was still wracked with chills.
Elide’s room was silent, save for the quiet hissing of her diffuser, for a short while more.
The peace was ruined when the doorbell rang. Unwillingly, her eyes opened and the seventeen year-old cursed into her pillow, blaming the deities above and below for her horrid condition. She huffed as she rolled onto her side, facing away from her bedroom door. Elide could hear one of her parents moving towards the door and opening it. The sound of muffled conversation drifted up to her bedroom, but Elide still didn’t know who it was.
A few minutes later, she heard a familiar sound – the sound of someone crashing up the staircase.
“Lochan! C’mon, I told you to be ready when I got here! I already warmed the car up for your anemic-ass,” Lorcan called, his footsteps growing louder and louder.
Elide made a pitiful noise and pulled the edge of her softest blanket over her face, hoping her fake-boyfriend would leave her the fuck alone when he saw her. Bitterly, she wondered why neither of her parents told him she was indisposed.
Only a couple moments passed before Lorcan had burst through her bedroom door, not even bothering to remember to knock as he usually did. “Lochan, are- wait, Lee? Lee?” He ventured in, his steps padding over her carpet. “What’s wrong? You didn’t forget about the thing at the twin’s place, right?”
“No,” she said, her words congested and even more muffled from her pillow. “I’m sick.”
The mattress shifted as Lorcan sat. Elide could feel the heat coming from him and resisted the urge to turn around to seek his warmth. “What’d’ya say? I didn’t hear,” he said, his voice low and impossibly gentle. “Turn around, so I can see you. Please?”
Turning around was a significant drain on her already low energy, but Elide did as Lorcan asked. She still frowned up at him, her brows knitted together. “I have the flu,” she told him, tossing an irate glance towards her bedroom door. “I can’t go to a party, I can barely walk myself to the bathroom without shaking to take a piss.”
He huffed a laugh. His eyes roved over her, though there wasn’t much he could even see. “How d’ya feel?”
Lorcan gave her a look and Elide rolled her eyes before elaborating. “Fine. I’m sore, I have a fever, and I haven’t been able to really sleep since I got this stupid flu.” He hummed and lifted his hand, pressing the backs of his fingers against her forehead. She blushed, loathing how pathetically obsessed she was with his casual affection. Elide hoped she could blame her shaking voice on her illness. “I- I’ll probably just, um, watch a stupid… movie.” She swallowed. “I think that I’ll, um… pass out.” Lorcan gave her a concerned look and she elaborated, “From the medicine and stuff.”
He hummed and finally dropped his hand, a slight frown creasing his brow. “You feel pretty warm, Lee. You’ve been keeping yourself hydrated, right?” Before she could answer, Lorcan was already turning towards her nightstand and grabbing the glass of water her father had placed there at some point in the afternoon. “Sit up and drink this.”
She frowned at him, annoyed that not even two minutes had passed before he decided to order her about. As she pushed her aching body up, Elide muttered something rude and Lorcan ignored her.
“There you go,” he said once she was in an upright position. He handed her the glass, which she grasped between both hands.
Elide raised the cup to her chapped lips and drank some of the cool water. She felt marginally better and took a few more sips before handing the glass back to Lorcan. He put it on her nightstand and turned back to her, that crease of worry still marking his brow. “What else do you need?”
“You sure are fussy,” commented Elide, eyeing the way he fixed her blanket. Lorcan merely returned her comment with a blank stare until she rolled her eyes. Almost immediately, she regretted her sass as it hurt, the pressure in her sinus pulsing. “Gods, I’m fine – really,” she lied. “I’ll get over this. Anyway, you need to go.”
Lorcan made an incredulous noise and pulled back slightly, as if offended by her words. “What? Why?”
She lifted a brow, “Um… the party? If I’m not there, Maeve’ll come and talk to you.” Her words turned bitter, “That’s the whole point of our thing.”
He frowned, looking down at his lap. “But I don’t wanna go if you won’t be there. I wanna stay with you.”
Elide’s dismissive scoff quickly turned into a coughing fit, deep coughs that came from the base of her chest. It made her ribs and stomach ache. Lorcan simply wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back until she’d calmed. Her face was hidden in his chest and she turned her head to press her cheek against the worn cotton of his shirt. “Just go,” she whispered, hating that she was all but throwing him at his psychotic ex-girlfriend. “You don’t have to lie, I won’t be upset.”
“I’m not lying, Elide.” Lorcan was silent for a moment. “Do you want me to leave?”
“It’s not up to me,” she answered weakly.
“Lochan,” he said, one of his hands moving to the back of her head. “It’s up to you. You decide if you want me to stay or,” he paused, his voice noticeably quieter when he continued, “if you want me to leave.”
Somewhat reluctantly, Elide pulled away from him, forcing herself to look in his eyes. “Stay,” she breathed, “stay with me.”
His full lips pressed together slightly, like he was trying to hide a smile. It didn’t matter much, Elide could already see it in his gaze. “Ok. I’ll stay. Just let me lock my car real quick.”
She nodded, a small grin twisting her lips, and before Lorcan left, he brushed a kiss against her feverish skin, whispering, “Don’t miss me too much, sweetheart.”
Elide couldn’t form words and watched him leave in a stunned silence. The name of endearment had been crafted for their scheme which was to convince his former girlfriend, Maeve, that she had made the worst mistake of her life when she cheated on Lorcan. At the start of the school year, only a couple weeks after he’d found her in bed with some other guy, Lorcan had hounded Elide for days on end, begging her to pretend to date him. Just long enough to make her jealous, two weeks tops, he’d said.
She’d agreed because she could never quite say no to him. For a year or so, Elide had been tutoring him in his math and science courses. It didn’t help that she was so inconveniently head-over-heels, goo-goo eyes in love with the boy.
A soft knock on the door pulled Elide from her bleak thoughts. She looked up as her mother stepped in, carrying a tray. “He’s a loud one,” Marion said by way of greeting. “I see why you like him so much.”
“Ma,” Elide groaned, flinging an arm over her burning face. “Stop saying that.”
“Oh, I’m just teasing,” her mother replied, walking in further. She set what she had been carrying down on Elide’s desk and then took a seat on the edge of the mattress. “Sit up for a moment, honey.” Slowly, Elide pushed herself up and took the mug her mother handed to her. “Drink your tea, it’ll make you feel better.”
Elide sipped delicately, her sinus so blocked she could hardly taste it. “Mmm, it’s good,” she said, her eyes closing when Marion wiped her hand over her brow to check her temperature.
“Is the boy staying with you tonight?”
Her cheeks reddened and she nodded, staring into her tea. “Yes, he is. I told him he didn’t have to.”
Marion smiled, leaning forward to kiss the top of her daughter’s head. “Well, good. I’ll leave you to it. He can spend the night, if you want,” she mentioned, oh-so casually.
As she got to her feet, a large shadow filled the doorway. Marion turned, spying Lorcan with his gym bag over his shoulder. “I texted Rowan that we weren’t- oh, Mrs. Lochan. Sorry, um, hi.” The large boy shifted on his feet, nodding his head once and then twice.
Marion merely dipped her chin, “Hello, Lorcan. Do come in, and don’t mind me. And please, call me Marion. I insist.”
He nodded, “Ok, Mrs- Marion. Sorry.”
She chuckled and waved him in as she slipped past him. Just as Lorcan reached Elide’s side, their attentions were both caught by her mother. “Oh, enjoy yourselves, you two. Your dad and I are going out for dinner.” Marion closed the door and called to Cal, “Cal, we’re going for dinner!”
Lorcan looked at Elide with wide eyes and she waved her hand, “Ignore her.”
“All right.” He shrugged and put his bag down, crouching low to unzip it.
“So… you just keep that bag in your car?”
He pulled out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, “Yeah. I have physio appointments after school and practice, so it just stays in my car.” He stood up, his clothes in one hand. With the other, Lorcan gripped the hem of his shirt. He lifted it up, exposing his stomach.
Elide’s jaw dropped a bit, her eyes suddenly wide open. They were stuck on the line of hair from the dip of his belly button that disappeared beneath his waistband. Idly, she wondered how it would feel to run her hands down his torso, tracing the grooves of muscle, the line of his hip bone. Maybe his skin would be like silk, of the richest amber.
“Oh,” Lorcan let out a curse, dropping his shirt. “Sorry. Um… I’ll just use your closet?” His cheeks were stained with pink, bringing out the light freckles Elide seldom saw.
She nodded, knowing her cheeks were just as, if not more, red. “Yeah, that’s… um, that’s a good idea.” Elide couldn’t make herself look up while he crossed her room to the closet.
The sound of the door shutting behind him was deafening in the silence of her room. She dropped her head in her hands, the warmth of her skin having nothing to do with her fever. She could hear him rustling about inside her closet and scooched herself to the edge of her bed. Elide stayed still for a long moment as she gathered the necessary strength to stand up and grab her laptop from where it was charging by her bookcase.
Just as she took her first step, Lorcan came out, his clothes bundled in his hands. “Hey, what’re you doing?”
“Getting my laptop,” Elide said, gesturing weakly towards it.
His eyes followed to where she had pointed to and he put his clothes down on the chair next to her closet. “I’ll get it, get back in bed.”
“I,” she sniffed, giving him an imperious look, “am not an invalid. I can do things myself.”
“Sure ya can. Back in bed.”
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. Still, Elide returned to her cosy nest of blankets, quilts, and pillows. “You’re infuriating, did you know that?”
He chuckled, bending down to pick up the computer. “You might’ve mentioned it once or twice.”
Elide muttered something about loathsome boys and frowned at him as she waited for him to join her in bed. Lorcan set the laptop down and eased himself down, staying as close as he could to the edge of the mattress without falling off. She looked at him and sighed, flipping the blankets back. Elide patted the mattress beside her, “C’mere, Lor. I’m cold and you can’t keep me warm from all the way over there.” A slight pout twisted her plush lips.
Lorcan conceded, his heart hammering in his chest as he moved into the space Elide indicated. She moved closer, resting against him. After a second, she froze, flicking her eyes up to his. “You don’t mind, right? I can get a hot water bottle or something.”
“No,” he said, easing his arms around her. “This is fine. You don’t need a hot water bottle.” Lorcan cupped the back of her head and coaxed her to lay it against the soft spot between his shoulder and chest. He smoothed her hair back from her forehead and the other arm was around her waist, keeping her snug next to him. “I got you.”
She hummed in content and stretched her own arm across his stomach, shifting her hips until she could slot one leg between his knees. “You won’t let go?” she murmured, her cheek cushioned against his chest.
“I won’t,” he replied, a small smile playing on his full lips. Lorcan managed to hold her against him as he rose to grab her laptop. He reclined again and handed it to Elide.
She opened it and unlocked it, navigating to Netflix. Exhaling a puff of air, she moved her hand back to his stomach. “You choose,” Elide whispered. “I’ll watch whatever you wanna watch.”
“Hmm.” He pulled one arm out to be able to scroll through their wide array of options. “Movie, or show?”
“Movie.” Lorcan was silent for a few minutes and Elide dozed off, her eyes shut. She opened them again when the movie began to play. “What’re we watching,” she asked him, craning her head up to see him.
“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.”
She snorted before putting her head back down, “How fitting.”
Lorcan idly twisted her hair around his fingers, marvelling at how comfortable she seemed. It had never been this simple with anyone else, certainly not Maeve. A frown came over his face as he became frustrated, the comparison to his ex unwanted and unhelpful. The last thing he wanted on his mind when he was with Elide was Maeve. Unconsciously, he held the girl in his arms a bit tighter.
Elide made a soft noise, her brow knit together. “‘m not going anywhere,” she teased, her voice quieter than it had been before.
He eased his jaw, which he’d clenched tightly, and smoothed his hand down to her hip. “I know.” Lorcan moved his body further down, closer to her. He couldn’t help but kiss her forehead.
She was smiling when Lorcan pulled away and gazed up at him, seeming like her tongue was leaden with words she wouldn’t speak. Pink stole across her abnormally pale cheeks and Elide hastily put her head back, eyes on the movie. “I love this movie.”
“Yeah,” Lorcan whispered, mind reeling from the change in topics. “It’s good.”
After a long five minutes, Elide relaxed completely, melting over him. He rubbed his hand up and down her back, tilting his head to look at her face. “You asleep?”
She hummed, blowing out a small puff of air. “No… not yet,” she mumbled, squinting her eyes open. “No more movie. Too bright.”
He nodded, “‘kay.” Reaching out, Lorcan stopped the movie and shut the lid before picking it up. He carefully stretched his arm out and placed it on her desk. “Light off?”
Lorcan tugged on the lantern’s string, plunging her room into darkness. The only source of light was from the moon shining through the window. Elide turned onto her side, extracting her limbs from him. His mind, so clouded with drowsiness and gentle affection, told him to follow her, so he did. She inhaled quickly, moving her head to the side. Lorcan dropped a kiss onto the curve of her shoulder, “Wanna sleep?”
She nodded, relaxing down into the mattress. He slipped his arm beneath her head, cushioning it beneath the pillow. Elide stretched her own arm out, her fingers slipping between his. Lorcan curled their arms towards him and hugged his left arm over her hip. Again, Elide’s same arm folded over his own, holding his hand. His chin rested on the top of her head, so he had her completely covered.
“G’night,” Elide breathed. She smiled faintly at Lorcan’s response, which was to squeeze her tighter.
“Sweet dreams, Lochan.”
Lorcan woke up in the middle of the night, holding onto a shaking, sweating girl. He sat up, holding her tightly. “Lee? Lee, Elide,” he said, knowing that he shouldn’t shake her. “Elide, please, wake up.”
Carefully, he got up, keeping her on the bed. He smoothed his hand over her brow, feeling how hot she was. “Elide, wake up, sweetheart.”
She mumbled something, her eyes screwed shut. “N...no, sleep.”
“Get up,” he told her. “We have to cool you down, now.”
“Lorcan?” she asked, slowly opening her eyes. “Lor, where’d you go? Don’t go, please.”
“I’m here,” Lorcan promised, “I’m right here.” He slowly scooped her up, telling her soothing nothings as he carried her to the bathroom. “We’re just gonna cool you down, Lochan, I’m not going anywhere.”
She made a weak noise of pain, discomfort. Lorcan stepped into the tiled room and set her down on the floor. He crouched in front of the cabinet and opened the door, searching for a washcloth. Luckily, there was a stack of them right in front of him. He grabbed a couple and stood, glancing down at the girl. “You good there?”
“Warm,” Elide whispered, “too warm.” She babbled about something, no doubt a fever-induced hallucination.
His heart was beating far too quickly, but he needed to remain focused. Elide’s temperature needed to come down. If he could just get her fever to break, or lessen, Elide would be all right. Lorcan ran the tap and wetted the cloths, wringing them out so that they wouldn’t drip on her. Then, he lowered himself to her level, sitting next to her. “C’mere,” he said, cradling her head and pulling her towards him. Lorcan pressed the cloth against her forehead, then her cheeks.
She sighed, tilting her face into the cool touch. “Oh,” Elide relaxed. “Oh.”
“Yeah, there you go,” Lorcan patted her face some more, stretching his legs out. His back was against the side of the bathtub. Elide’s were curled beneath her, but she slowly began to unbend them and lay down. She rested her head in his lap and stared up at him, her hand weakly grasping his wrist.
“More, gimme more.”
In one hand, Lorcan gathered her thick hair away in a twist so it wouldn’t bother her and with the other, he dabbed her face. Her eyes slipped shut in bliss. He grinned, glad that he could bring her this small amount of relief.
Neither of them said a word for a while. Lorcan gently played with her hair and pressed the cloth to her pink skin until it wasn’t cold anymore. He dropped it in the empty bath and Elide slowly pushed herself up, her eyes more focused than they had been when he woke her up. “I need your shirt,” she said, her voice raspy and hoarse.
“Your shirt,” Elide repeated. She picked at her big hoodie. “I’m too hot, give me your shirt.”
Lorcan prayed to every god that had ever existed that Elide couldn’t see his red cheeks. “Um… ok.” He sat up and reached behind his head, pulling his shirt off in one motion. He handed it to her, refusing to meet her gaze. “Here ya go.”
He looked up, staring at the ceiling like he had never seen a more interesting thing. Elide moved to the side, just enough to take her hoodie off and let it fall. The tips of his ears burned bright red as he saw a flash of pale, smooth skin in his peripheral vision. Lorcan turned his head to the side, his nails cutting into his palms.
She laughed softly, poking her finger into his side. “I’m all done.”
Lorcan relaxed and looked back, almost choking when he saw her bare legs. His eyes snapped to her sweatpants, neatly folded alongside her hoodie. “Uh… water. You should have some water.” He rose onto his knees and took the glass beside the sink, running the water until it was cold. Lorcan filled the glass, then sat back down. “C’mere, sweetheart.”
“You keep calling me that,” she murmured, leaning against him once more. “You keep checking on me, making sure I don’t die of the flu…”
“Mm-hmm… so, what?”
“You like me,” Elide teased, taking the glass from him. “You’re so into me.”
“Oh, yeah? I am?” He was trying to play it off as a joke, desperate to keep it a secret. Even if everyone else knew, Elide didn’t. And he liked her, he liked having her as his tutor, so he wouldn’t do anything to mess it up. “I think you’ve got some brain damage from the fever, Lee.”
She took the glass, drinking deeply. Elide put the water down, shaking her head as she tipped herself down again. “Mnh-mnh, nope, you like me.”
Since she was laying on her side, Lorcan rested his hand on her waist. “You’re a cocky one, aren’t’cha?” He grabbed the other cloth and half-twisted towards the bath. Lorcan squeezed the last drops of water out before dabbing her face again.
Elide grabbed his wrist again, but instead of pulling it closer like the last time, she pushed it away. “Lorcan.”
“Why are you here?”
He frowned, slowly putting the washcloth down. “What do you mean? You’re sick. I’m taking care of you.”
“Like you’re my boyfriend,” Elide said, utterly no emotion in her voice. “And you aren’t. This isn’t real, you know.”
His heart dropped faster than it ever had. He answered oh-so carefully, “I know. We’re just… I know, Elide.”
“So. Why are you here?”
“Because it is real.”
She scoffed, pushing herself up. “Lor—”
“No, I need to tell you,” he cut her off, his wrist still caught in her grasp. Lorcan searched Elide’s eyes, “Elide, this isn’t- I don’t like Maeve, ok? I don’t like her, I have no interest in ever being in any kind of relationship with her ever again.” He continued, hoping that the gleam in her eyes wasn’t the shine of tears. “Elide, I like you. I want to be with you, I want to be your—”
Elide surged forward, dropping his arm in favour of resting her hand on the side of his neck as she kissed him.
For a moment, just a split-second, Lorcan froze. He responded quickly after, shifting closer to her.
“Shit,” she mumbled, pulling away. She was panting slightly, her eyes wide open. “Oh, fuck, I’m sorry. I- I’m sick and- and I really like you too.”
“You do? Really?”
Elide nodded, laughing a bit. “Yeah. A lot, actually.”
He smiled widely, his face bright. “That’s- that’s good. Um, and, don’t worry. About the kiss. It was nice.”
“Oh, good.” She grinned, then looked down at her lap. “What happens now?” Lorcan stood up and bent down, scooping her up once more. Elide gasped through her nose, automatically clutching his shoulder.
He chuckled and carried her into the hallway. “Well, now what happens is you get better and you let me take care of you without an interrogation.” She snorted and nodded, her head laying against him. “And then, when you’re all better, I’ll take you out on a date. A real one, nice restaurant, maybe some flowers. You like lilies, right?” Elide nodded again, her smile growing. She tilted her face up, eyes on him. “You’ll wear something cute, I’ll wear something cute. It’ll be nice.”
“Yeah? Are you going to kiss me at the end of the night?”
Lorcan shouldered her door open, then gently kicked it shut. “I might.”
“Are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend, for real?”
“What, I can’t tell you everything,” he reasoned while putting her down in bed. “I have to keep some of the mystery alive, sweetheart.”
She rolled her eyes, scooting over so that there would be space for him. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
Lorcan took his spot next to her and folded her into his chest. “Oh, you can’t fool me.” She hummed in question as she draped herself across him. “You’re so into me, Lochan.”
Elide laughed against his warm skin, conceding. “Yeah, yeah, maybe I am.” She looked up at him. “Just a little bit.”
“Nah, nah, s’more than a little bit, sweetheart.” He dipped his head, his nose bumping into her cheek. “Gimme a kiss.”
“No, you’ll get sick,” she laughed, her hand cupping his jaw. “I mean, how shitty of a girlfriend would I be if I got you sick within ten minutes of our relationship starting?”
“Sweetheart, you know none of it was fake, right? All that stuff, all those dates and going to parties and dinner with your family and that stuff,” he said. “It wasn’t for Maeve. It was for you. Well, us. But mainly for you.” Slowly, Lorcan rolled them, making sure that he wouldn’t crush her with his full body weight. “So technically, we’ve been dating for a month and a bit now. Besides, I got my flu shots, so my chances of contracting the virus are significantly lowered.”
Elide strung her arms around his neck, her hands twisting in the air above his head. “Oh, you did?” She tilted her chin up, brushing her lips against his. “Well, since you got your flu shots…” Elide kissed him more fully, carding one hand through his hair.
Lorcan melted into her, closing his eyes. “What’s the harm,” he mumbled.
dumb boy ❤
Elide: sugar-boo where are you Elide: mr. perrington’s doing attendance he’ll be pissed if you're skipping
Lorcan: One (1) Photo Attachment
Elide saved One (1) Photo Attachment from Lorcan Elide: YOU LOOK CUTE BUT YOU'RE STILL IN BED GET UP Elide: WTF ARE YOU DOING WE HAVE A TEST TODAY
Lorcan: ur gonna laugh at me
Elide: why would i laugh at you im WORRIED for your ACADEMIC CAREER
Lorcan: 🙄 Lorcan: i got the flu
Elide: i Elide: ur joking right
Lorcan: no im rlly sick Lorcan: i have a fever and im tired and this is the worst thing ever Lorcan: i thought the hallucinations would b fun but they’re just weird and creepy Lorcan: im the dumbest boy in school :(
Elide: lmao honey you aren’t the dumbest boy in school
Lorcan: i just wanted a kiss and now im being punished for it Lorcan: the gods are anti-young love
Elide: ohhh you’ll be fine i’ll come by at lunch Elide: i’ll bring you soup and skip my afternoon classes
Lorcan: nope i’ll be dead by then Lorcan: straight up im not living through this the gods need to take me now
Elide: wow you’re dramatic aren’t you Elide: and to think you could’ve avoided all of this if you listened to me Elide: you’re regretting that kiss rn
Lorcan: nahhh nah i’m not taking it back sweetheart Lorcan: i’d do it again
Elide: omg that’s so cheesy ew barf Elide: say something you actually mean
Lorcan: oh wooowwwww i’m cute asf and ur just a hater
Elide: gods you baby Elide: stay alive for two more hours pls i want to see u one last time b4 u die </3
Lorcan: i’ll try my heart Lorcan: pray for me
Elide: <3
an: uhhhh hehe enjoy ? thats like the first thing ive finished in a month so. yay. elide and lorcan cuteness ! my fave <3
also i am not doing tag lists anymore cause they take too long + i do not post enough to need one i think
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jamie-leah · 3 years
MYC Part 1
Bucky x Reader
Summary: Life gets complicated when your ex comes back from the dead. How the story goes is up to you...
Word Count: 2115
Warnings: angst, swearing, mentions of alcohol
A/N: I lied in the promo, this is going to be a mini-series but released in 2 day intervals so you won't have long to wait. This is something new I'm trying. This used to be a one-shot that you can find in my masterlist that I had so many requests to carry on and also lots of angry people wanting to make different choices. While I always try to write for myself, this one is for you. Enjoy Lovelies <3
Special Mention: My best friend, Jay, has drawn all the pictures you will see in this series. He is amazing and incredibly talented in lots of styles. He is super friendly so please check him out here! And show some love <3 He is also taking requests!!!
MYC Masterlist
“You know I could kick your ass any day of the week, Buck", you say with a smirk and a sideways glance in the elevator down.
Bucky chuckles and turns to you, “only because you cheat".
You look at him, jaw slack in mock offense, “I do not cheat!”.
“Oh please! Last week you started crying and you know I hate seeing you cry! You knew I had you and you took advantage of the fact I’m your boyfriend”, Bucky says, the smirk never leaving his face.
You toss him one of your own and say, “that’s just good tactics, baby. Use your opponent’s weakness against them".
Bucky tips his head back to laugh and it has you grinning when the doors slide open into the lobby of the avengers building. People are milling about like ants but it’s the commotion at the front desk that has you pausing.
A guy with sandy hair that brushes the tops of his shoulders is shouting at the receptionist, “you need to let me see her!”.
Adrenaline starts to flood your veins and you find yourself approaching without thought as you notice his ripped clothes. His voice scratching familiarly at a door you thought you closed years ago.
He shouts again, “you need to get Y/N down here now, you don’t understand”.
The way your name falls off his tongue is like a sucker punch and it takes everything not to double over from shock. You’re vaguely aware of Bucky murmuring, “is he asking for you?”.
But it’s only you and the guy in the whole of the room right now as you say, “Charlie?”.
Charlie, your ex of 4 years, whips around at the sound of your voice. You take each other in for a full minute before he makes his way towards you.
Instinctively, you take a step back. Your ex was dead. You were there when he died. You went to his funeral. This man in front of you is a ghost.
Charlie doesn’t flinch at your reaction, instead taking another step and talking to you like you’re a frightened animal, “Y/N, it’s okay, it’s me, Charlie. Please baby, you’ve got to believe me. I’ve been trying to get back to you all this time and I’ve finally found you".
You shake your head but don’t move away from him, “h-how?”.
Charlie stretches his arms out towards you, “does it matter?”.
The room rushes back as you see Bucky’s metal arm come between you and Charlie, his voice comes out hard and guarded, “actually, yes it does matter. You’re supposed to be dead".
Your head was spinning far too fast to register the switch in Charlie as he replies with equal wariness and steel, “yes, I realise that. Can I have a moment with my girlfriend”. It was a statement, not a request despite the wording.
Bucky doesn’t budge, “I’m not sure, you’ll have to ask her". Neither of them takes their eyes off each other and you can feel the air get so thick with tension you wonder when the lightning is going to strike.
You shake your head like you can clear away the cobweb of memories. You lay a hand on Bucky’s arm but look to Charlie, “I guess you should come upstairs then”.
It doesn’t take long before you’re standing in the kitchen, a fresh pot of coffee made and silence to settle. You stand leaning against the counter, Charlie sits at the island nursing a mug, and Bucky leans against the entryway watching Charlie’s every move.
After Charlie takes a sip of his coffee, he looks to you with an annoyed but desperate look, “why does he have to be here? This isn’t how I imagined our reunion”.
You look from Bucky to Charlie before saying, “he’s staying, Charlie. Bucky is, well, he’s my boyfriend”.
You realise you’re holding your breath, but you can’t help it as you watch for Charlie’s reaction. You think you see shock, but it’s quickly masked by a guarded face that could only mean he was hurt, “oh, I see”.
Your heart squeezes a little and you find yourself speaking before you think, “it’s not like that, Charlie”.
You see Bucky give you a sharp look and your head starts to spin again. How the hell did you end up in this position? There was a time you couldn’t even get a guy to call you back and now you have 2 boyfriends? Well, kind of.
You scrub your hands down your face and let out a sigh before looking to Charlie, “what happened? I saw you die. Where have you been all this time?”.
Charlie nods like he was expecting these questions, “I don’t have all the answers. One second, I have a gun to my head and I’m watching you knowing my number is up and the next I wake up in a dark cell and get tortured for the next 3 years”.
Before you can say anything, Bucky cuts in with only two words, “prove it”.
Charlie stares daggers into Bucky and it leaves a prickly heat spread across your skin, “what the fuck man?”.
Bucky shrugs, unfazed by the aggressive tone, “I know the story. I was the one that found Y/N at a Hydra base. If you were really kept and tortured by Hydra for the last 3 years, there’d be proof”, Bucky pauses to wiggle his metal fingers, “trust me. I know”.
Charlie scraps the chair against the floor, the sound echoing around the room as he lifts up his shirt. Scars of all shapes and sizes criss cross his chest and stomach. It’s a sight that has you step towards him before you finally catch yourself. Your feelings are all over the place. You don’t even know what’s an appropriate reaction anymore.
Bucky is the one to speak again, “how did you escape?”.
Charlie looks to you, anger clearly blazing in his dark brown eyes, “what the fuck is with this guy?”.
They both look to you and it makes you feel like a mother being asked to pick between her children. You want to scream, you want to run, you want to hide, but you know this situation won’t sort itself out. It’ll still be a mess for when you come back.
You look at Bucky and your trust in him is unwavering, woven into the fabric of why you love him, that unbreakable trust.
You look to Charlie and you know you still love him, the man that grew up with you, the man that was taken from you.
You turn your back on them and place your hands on the kitchen counter. You needed a moment to think, to sort through the jumble in your head, without the feel of them watching everything you do. Without the expectations.
You let your shoulders slump and say without even turning around, “how did you escape Charlie?”.
The room goes quiet for a few moments before Charlie replies emotionless, “they let me go”.
Bucky barks out a dark laugh as you slowly turn to face him again. For the first time since you saw him suspicion starts to bloom, “you expect me to believe they just…let you go?”.
Charlie walks around the island towards you and you can practically feel Bucky like a livewire in the room. Charlie grips your upper arms and looks into your eyes with a sincerity that would be hard to fake, but maybe it was the close proximity that had you all out of whack.
Charlie murmurs, “would I lie to you babe? Give me the hard truth or pass me the hard liquor, remember?”.
You smile briefly at the old saying you used to share as you say, “you don’t know where the hard liquor is”.
Charlie grins, “I wouldn’t need to. It was always the hard truth. And telling you that they let me go is the hard truth exactly because of your reaction. If I wanted you to trust what I said straight off the bat I would have made something more convincing up”.
He had a point and it was hard to argue when he was there, standing in front of you. When he was solid flesh and breathing the same air as you. You feel your resolve crumble a bit as you whisper, “you’re really alive”.
Charlie pulls you into a hug as he nods against you, “yeah babe, I’m really alive and there wasn’t a day I didn’t think about you”.
After a few moments Bucky’s voice fills the silence, “you want to hear another hard truth? It doesn’t make sense for Hydra to just let you go. It would be easier for them to kill you than to let you go unless you were still useful to them”.
You step away from Charlie at the sound of Bucky’s voice and turn to Bucky, “you’re probably right, but we have time to figure that out”.
Bucky shakes his head, looking down at the floor before finding your eyes again, “F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you watch our new guest while I talk to Y/N in private”.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. replies immediately, “of course, Barnes”.
You glance back at Charlie before following Bucky out of the room and all the way down the hall, out of earshot of the kitchen even for a super soldier.
Bucky shakes his head again, “I have a bad feeling about this, Doll”.
You roll your eyes, “I wonder why my current boyfriend has a bad feeling about my ex-boyfriend that was supposed to be dead but has come back?”.
Anger flares in his eyes, “it’s more than that, Y/N. There’s something that isn’t adding up, something we’re missing. You can’t tell me you don’t feel it to”.
You cross your arms, “I don’t actually”.
“Oh come on!-“.
“No, Buck. You come on. Someone I cared about…care about has come back from the grave and yes there are questions that need answers but…I saw him die Bucky, can’t I just have a few moments?”, you start the sentence angry but it ends in a whisper.
Bucky’s face softens at your tone. He wraps his arms around your waist to pull you into him, placing a hard kiss to the crown of your head. You breathe him in and take a moment to thank the stars for someone as understanding as Bucky.
Bucky murmurs into your hair, “I’m sorry, I get it, I just want to keep you safe. Besides, we can talk about it more at dinner tonight”.
You pull back slightly to look up at him, “I mean, we’re not going to dinner now”.
Bucky frowns, “what? Why?”.
You pull away from him to see if he was being serious, “did you not just listen to a word I said?”.
Bucky nods, “yeah, of course I did. But we’ve had this dinner planned for ages, Doll, we can’t cancel it now”.
You shake your head at him in disbelief, “it’s not every day that someone’s ex comes back from the dead, so I think that’s a good enough reason to skip the dinner just this once, Buck”.
You start to walk back to the kitchen when “no!”, bursts from Bucky.
You turn to look at him, anger heating up your skin, “what the hell is the matter with you, Barnes?!”
Bucky exhales heavily, head hung low. When he finally looks up at you, he’s wearing his boyish half grin like he’s just accepted the way life has dealt his hand, “this wasn’t how it was supposed to go, and I can’t believe my own goddamn luck”.
“What’s going on, Bucky?”, you ask, confusion tainting your words.
Bucky takes a deep breath before he pulls out a box. Your heart stops at the sight but it takes a few moments for your muddled brain to register what it is until he opens it. A perfect silver ring sits innocently inside.
Tumblr media
Words abandon you as you stare at the man in front of you. Bucky says softly, “I was only pushy about dinner because I was going to propose tonight. I had the whole evening planned and everything. Everyone was involved…but the how and what and when doesn’t really matter. It’s the why. I love you, Y/N. More than I ever thought I could. I honestly don’t deserve you, but you make me a better man and my world is brighter with you in it. So, I want you to stay in it, forever”.
He closes the distance between you, but it gives you little comfort and you will him not to say the words, but he does, and it breaks your heart, “will you marry me?”.
[Are you going to marry Bucky Barnes? Make your choice...]
1st Choice 1 - Yes
1st Choice 2 - No
Taglist: @harrystylesisgolden @stucky-my-ship @savvywords @buckysbaby-doll
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Concepts in Action (Glee)
Follow-up to Concepts of Insanity, spawned by a talk with @jwmelmoth
Slighty different mood than that one, but same base principle.
Returning to the loft after skating should be a relief after the awkwardness of doing such a loaded activity with his ex. Except it doesn't feel that good, and he's got some uncomfortable suspicions regarding Blaine's backpack.
“So, dad. You brought Blaine. Exactly when's his ticket back?”
“Day after tomorrow, same as mine.”
“Right. And where is he staying?”
“Well...” His dad's facial expression answers that question in a way that makes Kurt's heart sink.
“So when you said I could return my present if I wanted to, exactly how was that supposed to work? It isn't, is it? I'm stuck with him whether I want to or not.”
His dad's voice is full of surprise and a bit of censor, but Kurt isn't going to let that influence him. His dad's crossed a line, and Kurt's not going to pretend otherwise.
“Remember the first Christmas after mom passed away? How you sat me down and apologized for my presents, before I'd even opened them, because you just weren't good at buying gifts? And remember how I told you that anything you'd gotten me would be perfect, because it was from you and I loved you? Yes?
“Okay. I still love you, but I'm taking the rest of that back. You coming here to tell me you have cancer was bad enough. Finding out you consider my ex an acceptable 'gift' for Christmas goes from bad to really shitty, and I don't know what you were thinking. Especially seeing as apparently you felt it was okay to tell him about your cancer before telling me.”
“I didn't want you to be alone.”
Kurt just stares, unable to process.
“I have cancer, and I knew you'd have a hard time to deal. I brought Blaine because I figured you'd need the support, the comfort.”
“And you brought my ex for that?”
Then again, support wasn't Blaine's strongest suit even when we were together, was it?
“Hey, you're the one who told me he wasn't just your boyfriend, he was your best friend too.”
“Yes, but that was before” he cheated on me “we broke up.”
His dad still doesn't seem to get it and Kurt can't take it.
“You know what, I need some air. I'm going to take a walk. You stay here, make sure Blaine stays out of my bedroom.”
Kurt starts out with going around the block, but he's still upset after and takes another loop, this time longer. It takes half an hour for him to feel ready to go back inside and deal.
Sitting on the couch with his dad and Blaine as they watch baseball is annoying as hell. Any other time, he'd take the closeness and read Vogue, especially now that his dad has admitted to knowing about it. But with Blaine actually watching and interacting with his dad about the game Kurt feels uncomfortable not doing the same. So he tries. Once he gives up and reaches for his magazine he heard his dad and Blaine joke about having bet about how long he'd hold out.
And then the next hit comes.
“So, Kurt, I know that this might be a bit weird for you, and you can totally say no if you want to,” sure, just like I could return the 'gift' of your presence, “ but I'm applying to NYADA for next year.”
Kurt sighs silently. Of course he is. The thing is, he can see it, the way Blaine probably assumes it'll play out. Blaine moving to New York, going to NYADA, buddying up to Rachel just like in high school... Kurt being expected to just take it, regardless of if he had been accepted or not. Any contacts Kurt might have gotten supposed to be at Blaine's beck and call, Blaine talking his way into Kurt's classes trying to replace him, like he had in Glee and with Cheerios... Kurt bending over backwards to make Blaine happy, just like in high school.
Because there would never be a chance of him being allowed to continue to say no to Blaine with them at the same school.
Thank god that's not going to happen.
And really, what was Blaine trying to do here? Pretending that Kurt's opinion mattered? The time for that would have been months ago, before applying.
“Oh really? You know what, I think NYADA might be perfect for you.” Not in terms of actual schooling, maybe, as Kurt's had the blinds torn off regarding Blaine's talent, but for the rest... He imagines Carmen Tibideaux subjecting Blaine to some of her special treatment. The definition of Karma, surely.
“Oh yeah. From everything I've heard you'd get along really well with the dean, and well, Rachel seems to thrive. Good luck.”
With no encouragement to keep talking about NYADA Blaine wanders off to grab something to drink and Kurt refocuses on his dad, trying to squeeze out as much of this visit as possible.
“Hey Kurt? What does NUY want with you?”
Kurt turns his head so fast it feels like he's in danger of whiplash.
“Are you going through my mail? Stop it!”
The words come out hard and he can see both his dad and Blaine react. He doesn't care though.
“You know, you going through my personal things wasn't cute when we dated either. Back then I just cared more about keeping the peace than about keeping my privacy. Since that's not a problem anymore, let me just be clear. I might be allowing you to stay here, but that's not an invitation in any way. Not to snooping, not to feeling at home, and not to getting back together.
“This is my home, and you are – putting it kindly – a guest. Behave with the decency I know your mom expects of you. If you can't do that then leave.”
He wishes Blaine would, but knows it's not likely.
“Kurt! You can't mean that you'd throw me out. Where would I go?”
Blaine looks like Kurt has done the verbal equivalent of throwing a bucket of ice water in his face. It has no effect on Kurt's resolve though.
“I neither know nor care. You either respect my home or you don't stay in it. This is New York. There are thousands of hotels and hostels.”
His dad just stares at him, as if he doesn't know who Kurt is anymore, and it hurts. Out of all the people liking Blaine better than him Kurt had never figured his dad would be one. And yet here he was, feeling the same way as he'd once felt with Finn.
“Buddy, you're being a bit harsh here, don't you think? Yes, I'll admit that maybe bringing Blaine without warning you was a little...impulsive, but why are you so angry? And don't be so hardnosed about getting back together, for your own sake.
“Like I said earlier, love's important. Holding on to love is important. I don't want you to throw away what you and Blaine have, not when you never know what will happen, or how long you'll have that opportunity. It's a cruel world, Kurt, but having someone to share with makes it better.”
Kurt takes a deep breath and tries, really really tries to keep his bitterness in. He's not doing that great a job.
“Holding on to love is important, sure. But there's such a thing as holding on too long and too hard. Blaine and I broke up for good reasons, and I wish you'd respect that.”
It's like his dad isn't even hearing him though.
“You know, your mom and I found it hard being apart too.”
Kurt did know. As a kid he'd loved hearing about his mom's semester in France, and he'd been told enough to know that it'd been tough. He'd read some of their letters to each other though, and he doubts either of them dealt the way Blaine did.
“So? Yes, being apart is hard. But that isn't an excuse for everything. I didn't want to get you involved in all of this, but since that's obviously not going to be an option anymore, fine. Blaine cheated. He felt I didn't pay enough attention to him, you know, between finding a job and a place to stay, and making enough money to pay the bills, and generally trying to make myself a life here after he practically pushed me to go here.
“And so he went and found someone else to give him that attention.”
He practically spits out the last sentence. It feels good to finally allow himself to say it, but the look on his dad's face doesn't feel as good.
If he was less angry maybe he'd be able to stop himself, worry about his dad's heart. But the anger's been simmering too long for that.
“That's why we broke up, and that's why I find the idea of getting back together objectionable. And you can talk about holding on to love until you're blue in the face, but I'm not the one who needs that lecture.”
He swallows down the lump in his throat, but goes on.
“As for the rest of it, are you seriously suggesting I take back my cheating boyfriend because that's better than being alone? Or because I don't know how long I'll live? Because if you are... What's next, dad? Telling me I should marry him because you and mom didn't get enough time together?
“If any of those things are going through your head you are also welcome to leave. I'll never not welcome you in my home, dad, but I need you to respect me. I need you to not act like you're putting someone else's son above yours.”
That's a warning that hits the target, and it's obvious that Burt Hummel remembers a row of uncomfortable talks about Finn. He deflects by turning on Blaine though.
“No, dad. It is over and done with. Leave him be. Just... Just leave it alone. I don't want to take anymore fighting. Please?”
They stare at each other and for a while Kurt wonders if he should have done as he normally does and just backed down. Swallowed down his hurt and anger and frustration, kept quiet about the injustices done to him, and just pretended to be okay. Tried to not upset his dad, and risk his health.
Except he's done that for years, and it's clearly not working. His dad's health has failed again, with the cancer – and no matter how good the prognosis, or the treatments available, a cancer diagnosis is a health failure. Plus his dad is trying to fix him and Blaine, out of some misguided idea that they're going to be the next Burt-and-Lizzie, and he never would have done that if Kurt'd been honest about the cheating instead of blaming distance.
At least Kurt hopes he wouldn't.
“Sometimes, dad, first loves end. They end because of death, or because they're not meant to last, or because of something else. And then you meet someone else, and they make your life amazing. I'm not going to deprive myself of that by holding on to something that's ended. Just like you didn't. You found love again. I will too.
“I just need to be allowed to do so.”
They keep staring at each other, and then his dad nods. Kurt can't help it, he throws himself in his dad's arms, with tears already beginning to fall.
As they hug Kurt hear Blaine muttering in the background about finding a hotel, but he doesn't care. The door to the loft closing feels like it's closing on him and Blaine too, and it's such a relief.
After several minutes they let go. Both need to remove traces of crying, but that's good.
Once they're seated again Kurt searches for something to talk about, but his dad beats him to it.
“So, NYU? Or should I pretend I didn't hear that?”
“No! I have been thinking about things, about school, and I was an idiot for not applying to more schools last year. So, I did some research and then I did something about it. I've applied to half a dozen schools, and I've already been accepted to one for the fall semester. I don't know if there's any school willing to take me for the spring, but if there's not I'll just keep working and try to save up money.”
“And what about NYADA?”
There's no judgment in his dad's voice, and Kurt smiles as he tries to describe the situation diplomatically.
“It's...not looking as good in my research as I thought, so while I did reapply there I'm not sure I want to go there. I really shouldn't have listened to Rachel last year, because as it turns out? NYADA actually isn't the most prestigious school for performing arts, and it's probably not even the best for me. I guess we were both a little starstruck, you know?”
The game is back on, but they ignore it and talk, and it's everything Kurt would have wanted.
Months later as classes start up Kurt receives voicemail after voicemail about Blaine starting at NYADA, about how bad it is that Kurt's not been accepted, about them meeting up. Kurt ignores them as he did the calls and walks into vogue.com with a smile.
He doesn't feel the least bad about not getting in. Hell, he didn't even apply for the fall semester.
No, Kurt's happy where he is, with his job at vogue.com, a spot at the New School and a couple of scholarships helping pay the way. Oh, and a new boyfriend, which also contributes to his happiness.
Turns out? Acting in new ways can get you new and rewarding results. All you got to do is try.
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bluesfortheredj · 4 years
Forever starts now - BH.
Ben’s eyes are locked on the ceiling above him as his limber fingers fidget with the hem of his vest while he sits nervously on the sofa; one of his legs unable to stop bouncing up and down anxiously. Outside in the street you shrug your coat higher up your neck as the rain begins to seep inside your jacket, and you quickly press the doorbell again to try and hurry the man inside up; it was freezing and your hair was now absolutely drenched with thick strands of it stuck to your cheeks and neck.
“Come on, come on,” you mutter, hopping from one foot to the other.
Finally the door opens to reveal the slightly dishevelled looking guy in one of his workout vests with his blonde locks messily pushed back from his forehead after what you assume was a quick run on his treadmill. His free hand rests on his hip and he gives you a wonky smile as he takes in your appearance.
“You look wet,” he smirks.
“I’m absolutely soaked,” you huff.
“Better come in then.”
He steps to the side to allow you entry and shuts the door as soon as you’re safely out of the way, then you slip your boots off and hang your coat up before he gestures to the lounge where you flop down onto the soft couch with a sigh.
“So what brings you out in the pouring rain?”
“Did you really expect me to stay at home after hearing that voicemail?”
“Yeah… just tell me one thing; do you mean it?”
His expression turns serious and he takes your icy hands in his before looking directly into your eyes to confirm his sincerity, “of course I mean it. I know what you stand to lose, you know what I’ve sacrificed already as well, and I wouldn’t have done any of this if I wasn’t completely sure about being with you.”
“Well that’s a relief,” you chuckle, “because-”
A bang from upstairs interrupts your sentence and the two of you both look up at the ceiling at exactly the same time, just as there’s a shuffling on the floor. You soon turn your attention back to Ben and snatch your hands away from his before covering your mouth with them at the sight of his suddenly panicked expression. His face reddens as his eyes flick from your gaze to the white expanse above you both, and he shakes his head as he brings his hands up either side of his face in surrender before gently bringing them down to his thighs as if pushing something away.
“Oh my god,” you gasp, “I… I’ve just… you’ve got someone here.”
You slowly rise from the sofa while he mirrors your actions with his arms open and palms flat almost like he was trying to calm a frightened animal, but you soon move past him to the hallway where he attempts to get a grip on one of your arms; failing as you wriggle out of his grasp each time.
“No,” you snap, pointing your finger at him with a shaking hand, “no.”
“(Y/N), please, it’s not what you think, I-”
“Don’t you dare. Don’t you even dare.”
Your eyes are narrowed at him as you pull your boots on along with your coat, then you back up to the door and exit just in time to hide your tears from him. The rain disguises the stream of misery that pours over your cheeks as you scuttle down the road as fast as your feet will take you, and yet when you reach the corner of the street you can’t help but look back to see if he was daring to follow you or if the other person had left. Neither sight greeted you, and with one last forceful sniff you turn away and continue your journey back home with a renewed determination as you pull your phone out and delete the voicemail you’d travelled half way across London for; all you could hear in his voice now was empty promises.
This wasn’t what was meant to happen, you’d come to tell him that you were going to break up with your boyfriend so you could be with him, that it was him you were in love with and not James. This didn’t happen in the films you’d seen, they’d lied to you, this was meant to be the most romantic part of the film where the two main characters kiss while getting soaked by the rain, neither of them giving a damn about the weather as they finally get together after a couple of hours of back and forth about whether it would happen or not. Reality sucked.
“Where have you been?!” James asks with genuine concern as you finally get home.
“Out,” you shrug, peeling your sodden clothes from your body as you avoid all eye contact with him.
“You’re wringing wet,” he sighs, attempting to help, “you need to get warmed up else you’ll catch a chill.”
“I’m fine, don’t worry.”
“I’ll run you a hot bath.”
“James, would you just please leave it?!” you snap, “I’m not a fucking child,” urgh, you sound like a complete bitch.
He backs off, finally getting the message that he so frequently ignored, and you hang your coat up before shutting yourself away in the bathroom and letting your body shake with sobs as the sound of the water running from the shower head covers the noise of your heartbreak. You felt awful of course, mere feet away from your boyfriend while you cried over another man; it was a truly horrible act and you were just as upset with yourself as you were with Ben in all honesty. The only redeeming factor that you had was the fact you hadn’t physically cheated, but you are sure that emotionally cheating is equally as bad if not worse being as your love had now completely faded for the man outside the bathroom door with whom you’d spent the best part of three years with and had shared in the highs and lows of your life. It was quite the situation you had gotten yourself in to, and all you could feel for James now was utter contempt; the things that had only slightly bothered you about him before now absolutely unbearable. There’s a knock at the bathroom door just as you take a look at your phone to see ten missed calls from Ben, and you let out a weak questioning ‘yes’.
“It’s Ben,” James states, “he says he can’t get through to you and wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I lost my phone,” you lie through the door, “I’m fine.”
There’s a mumbling as James relays the information you’d just given him, then you quickly undress and try to wash the truth of the matter off of yourself.
“I know you, (Y/N),” James says quietly when you reluctantly join him on the sofa in the lounge, “something’s not been right for a long time.”
You close your eyes and let out a deep breath, ready for confession, “you’re right…”
“I don’t know how you found out, but-”
You do a double take at James and his unexpected admission, “wait, what?”
“I… I’m in love with someone else.”
Your chest stills as you hold your breath, wondering whether to come clean about your own feelings for someone else but James continues talking before you get a chance, and you decide to keep everything to yourself, especially after the disaster earlier.
“I’m so sorry but you know things between us haven’t been great for a while and it just sort of happened… I promise I haven’t cheated on you, I-”
“It’s okay,” you smile as you place a hand on his arm to calm him down, “it’s absolutely fine, and I know you’d never cheat, you’re not the type of guy to do that.”
“Are you okay?” James frowns; confused at how calm you’re being.
“I’m fine,” you nod, “I can’t deny that things haven’t been the same between us for months. I’m glad you’ve found someone who deserves you in their life though. Truth is, I don’t. You’re too kind and caring for someone like me; I’ve been horrid to you the last few weeks and I’m deeply sorry about that.”
“No, no, I shouldn’t have been so overbearing and clingy, I know I can be annoying and-”
“James, seriously, just stop. We’ll take the blame 50/50 yeah? You don’t need to try and persuade me that it’s you’re fault because it’s not; we’re equally to blame and that’s that.”
“Fine,” he chuckles, “we’ll share it. I am sorry though, I didn’t mean to fall for someone else.”
“Don’t be sorry that you’ve found happiness! These things just happen sometimes,” you shrug, wishing that your gamble on love had paid off as well as James’, “listen, I’ll pay rent for the rest of the month but I’ll move out by the end of the week okay?”
“So soon?”
“Why delay anything for longer than we have to?” you smile, “a new start is exciting right?”
“Well, yeah, but where will you go?”
“You seriously need to stop worrying about me. I’ll move back to my parents’ house; it’ll be nice to not be directly inside the city, you know I’ve never completely warmed to living in London.”
You’d be away from everything and everyone, and right now that’s what you desperately needed. You wonder whether you’d walked in on Ben and his ex, or whether it was someone else, someone you’d maybe met before or maybe not at all… your thoughts were torturing you now. Did it matter who it was upstairs? Sort of. It mattered to you. You needed to know whether it was just sex or something more. But it wouldn’t matter if you moved away though, and he wouldn’t matter either hopefully. Out of sight, out of mind.
James agrees to your terms and sure enough by the end of the week you’re saying your goodbyes, packing up your car and returning home for the first time in years. It didn’t feel like a step backwards, it felt like a new beginning, and although your parents were hot on questioning you about what had gone on between you and James, you simply explained that the two of you had fallen out of love and you were taking the opportunity to get out of living in London. The commute to work wasn’t so bad, and to be honest you’d spent the length of your journey getting from one side of London to the other before, so considering you were travelling in from the outskirts it wasn’t too much of a difference overall. It can be tough when you see how well James and his new girlfriend are getting along on social media but only because you imagined that you’d be in the same position with the person you were still harbouring feelings for. Out of sight, but not so much out of mind apparently.
“Hello,” you sigh in defeat, finally answering a call from Ben after three weeks of ignoring him.
You were on the train home from work and completely exhausted after a long week, so this was a fragile moment for you anyway and that’s the only reason you didn’t reject the call. Well, that’s what you were telling yourself anyway.
“Finally!” he exhales, “I went to see you and James said you had moved out after you two broke up, then I went to everyone we know and they wouldn’t tell me anything!”
“Well I did ask them not to, so it’s good to know they took that seriously.”
“(Y/N), please don’t ever do that to me again.”
“Don’t do- are you joking?! Fucking hell Ben, I went to yours that night ready to start a new life with you and you had someone upstairs already! I mean, fuck, you don’t waste time do you?! And now you’re asking me to not cut you off ever again?!”
“I didn’t mean that… don’t hang up, please. I didn’t mean…” he pauses to groan, “can we meet up?”
“I don’t live in London any more and only travel in for work, so I don’t think so.”
“I’ll come to you then. You must be at your parents’ house, right?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Just give me five minutes, please. I’m literally begging you. Five minutes.”
You rest your head against the window of the train as you allow yourself to give him five minutes of your precious time, “fine,” you breathe.
“Tomorrow afternoon?”
“I’ll see you then. I love you.”
“I will be setting a timer for the five minutes,” you state before hanging up.
You can’t help but laugh at the whole situation as you put your phone away; it was almost as if you were floating in mid-air after going from one stable relationship to the prospect of another one to now absolutely nothing. Maybe you deserved it after the lying and deceit you subject James to, but then again so did he in the end. Maybe it was something you’d done in a past life that now cursed your current one; never to be happy and in love again. In all honesty, you were worried. Worried that you’d see Ben’s face and feel completely powerless as all of your feelings came rushing to the surface again. It was easy to appear defiant and angry when it was through a phone, but seeing him in person, being the presence of the one you truly loved, well, that was a whole different matter and you were terrified of falling into his arms within a matter of seconds.
A coffee shop in town is your chosen point to meet and you get there early to practise your stony, unimpressed expression that you planned on wearing for the entire five minutes, then you put your phone on the table when you see him queueing to get a drink, ready to bring up the timer. It was funny how serious you were about timing him, but you couldn’t let it show that you were amused by the stubbornness you had within you. He sits down with a coffee for him and a tea for you, then you raise an eyebrow at him.
“Ready?” you ask, your finger hovering over the start button.
“Yep. Ready?”
“I guess.”
You hit the button and the seconds begin to tick as Ben eyes the screen nervously before lifting his gaze to meet yours.
“Right… well… it wasn’t what it seemed that night. Sarah was picking up some of her stuff that she’d left and when she knew it was you there she purposely dropped some of her shit on the floor to make you think that she was there for other reasons. She knew it would look bad, especially as I’d literally stopped a workout to let her in and I was sweating like a maniac. She then came downstairs after you’d left and made one last attempt at trying to win me back which then prevented me from following you, and by the time I chucked her out you were completely out of sight and I had no idea what to do because I didn’t want to turn up at your place and cause a rift between you and James. But then you didn’t answer any of my texts or calls so I had to ring James, and then you went and disappeared for three weeks and I’ve been going out of my mind with worry! James told me what went on between the two of you so I was frankly quite confused that you didn’t think to tell me because now there’s nothing standing in the way of us being together, and I love you, I just really fucking love you.”
You glance down to your phone, “and you only took three minutes.”
“Rest assured, that’s the only time I’ll be taking three minutes for anything.”
You manage to stifle a laugh at his comment as you bring your tea cup up to your mouth to hide the hint of smile that had crept across your lips unintentionally, then take a sip of drink.
“So…?” he prompts.
“Were you tempted?” you ask.
“To what?”
“Give in to her advances?”
“No! Never. Not even when she kissed me.”
You bring your cup up to your lips again and raise an eyebrow at him, “she kissed you?”
“I was being polite and went to kiss her cheek but she turned at the last second to try it on with me. Needless to say she was not happy when I pushed her away.”
“Bitchy move.”
“To say the least! I was fuming with her after she pulled that stunt upstairs when you were there.”
“Hmm,” you hum, “did the job, didn’t it?”
“Unfortunately, yes. If you’d given me the chance to explain then and there we could be happily shacked up together by now.”
“I panicked! What else was I meant to think?! We were literally ending parts of our lives to begin another with each other, so second guessing yourself for an easier life wouldn’t have been the weirdest thing for me to think would it?”
“Okay, I get it. What now though?” he asks as he finally takes a sip of his drink.
He runs a hand through his short blonde locks nervously once his drink is safely back on the table, then he looks up at you with that innocent smile of his while his eyes plead to your better nature. Neither of you had gone into this without fully understanding what it could do to your lives, and you were both ready to end relationships to be with one another, him already having done so, so surely this should have been an easy answer.
“Well that depends… have you changed your mind since-”
“No! I want you,” he frowns earnestly as his arms slides across the table at speed so he can take your hand between his warm digits, “I’ve waited so long for this… we’ve waited so long for this. I want my life with you to start now; not a second later than it has to.”
You nod your head at his words and bring your free hand to rest on one of his wrists before giving it a reassuring squeeze, “I was really hoping you’d say that,” you sigh in sheer relief.
“So we’re finally doing this?”
You nod in response, the feel of his hand tightening around yours signifying the start of your long awaited relationship, and he scrapes his chair across the floor towards you so he can press the first of many kisses to your face. The two of you may have been sat in the middle of a coffee shop but it was as if you were in your own little world at last, and nothing could burst that bubble.
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yuniv-bluetea · 4 years
Good Enough Pt.1 ( Topper x male reader)
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requested by @bxlynnx​ Topper Thornton and Sarah Cameron were dead news. The whole island guessed that already and got it finally confirmed when Sarah brought her new boyfriend to a party. John Booker Routledge. Or simply John (fucking) B(itch Bastard). His name alone made Topper’s blood boil. Being pissed off by only thinking about these two Topper put his weights aside and marched to the balcony of the room. What was Sarah even thinking when she replaced him with..this Pogue trash ? A fresh breeze tickles his bare chest as he closes his eyes breathing slowly in and out. There was no use in crying after Sarah. He could have everybody. Hell. Why does he even care ? .....Because he simply does. Topper truly did love Sarah and even if literally nobody would believe him....his heart shattered into million of pieces when he found out about her and John B. Wasn’t he a good enough for her ? Was he not a perfect boyfriend ? ...”Did she actually loved me ?”, he whispers to himself and looks at the beach. It was the place where they had their first date that turned into a nightmare..in a funny way. .... “ That’s it !” Topper knew that he would explode if he did not do anything to ease his mind. Revenge. Oh yeah..You better watch out John Bastard Routledge, ‘cause two can play this game ! Since Topper had no idea straightaway how to plot revenge against John B, he decided to just beat the shit out of him and then..maybe by then a better plan would occur to him. So he drove right away to his enemies’ house, plastered the helmet on his motorcyle and went for a direct attack. “Hey John B ~? Yeah right, you asshole..Get out !”, he screamed while pounding the door, knowing that Mr Routledge probably wasn’t at home which meant he could only find John B and his crew here..except- “We got it, big boy ! You’re pissed, jeez...Grow a pair,..you’re acting like a baby..”, scolded (y/n)  him as he opened the door rather unenthusiastic. (Y/N) was John B’s older brother...a guy you don’t fuck with. ‘Cause he decides with whom he fucks or not. So, in short : the bad boy of the Pogue. “ Johnny boi isn’t here ~” Topper knew just like everyone else that (y/n) was a total- “You don’t have to stare at me like that. I know that I’m a total snack ~” - douchebag who just kinda knows what the chicks want. Rolling his eyes at (y/n) comment, he just turns around walking back to his motorcycle. “ Hey, Thornton !”, confused Topper turns around “ I’m sorry that it did not work out for Sarah and you” What a bitch, making fun of him like that. “Sure..as if you would care about such stuff” Not waiting for a response, Topper just drives home. “You’ve definitly have to come to Jeff’s party today” “ Agreed...I mean, man....Come on ! Stop being a pussy...You’re no longer Sarah’s bitch. And the party is gonna be lit”. Knowing Rafe that meant drugs would come to play again. “Yeah, stop acting like you’re still Sarah’s bitch. It’s getting weird and Jeff’s party is tradition ”, adds Kelce to the conversation. Sometimes Topper wonders how these two dudes could become his best friends. “Alright,alright...Same time ?” There was no point in denying that Jeff’s party’s always were top-tier. Food of the highest quality, good music, high-proof alcohol and everyone had the time of their lives...well, almost everyone. Further away from the crowd of people in the villa and outside of it, one sad soul sat in a less crowded area staring into the flames of the bonfire close to him. It been hours ago since he saw his friends. Probably they were somewhere doing drugs or some other shit. Normaly he would have brought Sarah with him and the time would fly away... Again a sip of wodka ran through his throat, his mind slowly turning into jelly. Since it was really hot, Topper unbottened his shirt further and looked aimlessly around him. His eyes catched a familiar frame. Oh shit. What are they doing here ?! “..stupid Jeff !” Of course.. if you have a host whose girlfriend is a Pogue..the other odd creatures are feeling welcome too. Focused on ignoring his favourite..definitely drunk..couple, he didn’t notice that someone sat down next to him. “ Big Boy still pissed ?” “WOah..No..I mean..Why are you smelling like Ramen ?” “Like what ?” “....” “How many of these did you had already ?” Confused Topper looked at his cup. “  I dunno”, clueless he shrugs his shoulders “ like four-ish.” “Four-ish ?”, with his free hand (y/n)  grabbed something from the bottom and revealed two bottles of fancy stuff. “Up for the challenge ?” Neither one of them knew at this moment how these drinks would change the whole outcome of this night. “...So she cheated on Danny too ?”, a small giggle escaped (y/n)’s lips. “ Yeah..yeah...and then..then I became her next sucker for a time...” “Wow..that’s sucks” Both of them broke into a rage of laughter, even if there was nothing funny about it. (Y/N) leaned closer to Topper “ Where are your.. ‘buddies’..actually ?” “Somewhere..”, feeling a bit dizzy Topper placed his left hand on (y/n)’s thigh. “ I mean...I know what most people think of them..that they are jerks.. Weeell they kinda are..but..nahh so am I. ...We fit and have also good ..mo..moments...and shit like that. ... Even if I still kinda wish to have other friends sometimes..but..you know. What if end up being alone ?” “I don’t thi-” “I meaan..People want you to be real with them and then..When I’m talking about how shi..shitty I feel they are...OHHH stop it ! We don’t annoy you with our struggle either, so don’t being a selfish whiny biitch !” “ You are not a whi-” “Not that I have someone to talk to about”, plastered he tapped his chest “THAT...maybe my mum...but she hates me now..dunno why she started with that actually..just kinda happened..I mean I always been be suuuper shy and quiet boo..so you what could I have done... WrOng” “...” A sudden heat rose up Topper’s head. “S-Sorry I’m talking.. like talking..too much..Sorry” “Don’t be. ...You know I also don’t have someone to talk about my feelings. And I guess I’m okay..even though I reaally don’t feel like it..maybe ? Rat’s ass....Let’s talk about something else ! Topper could swear they kept on talking for months. But he was also super drunk, so maybe only a few hours past when some girl walked straight towards them. “Oh hey (y/n) ! It’s been a while since we last saw each other-” “Who are you ?” Suprised the girl stopped in her tracks. “It’s me...your ex..(r/n)..hehe...It’s been only two months since our break up...” Confused (y/n) looked at Topper. “Was I really stu-stupid enough to date ...that ?”, asked (y/n) Topper shocked and began laughing when (r/n) stormed angry away. The alcohol was getting the best of them. “Oh man..”, chuckled Topper as he looked away. “You’re really..really,really a dick !” Finding that statement somehow funny, (y/n) began laughing again. “ Is that so ?” “Mhm..”,nodded Topper as he took a sip. (Y/N) joined him and gave him a big smile. His cheeks were flushed. His soul at peace. His brain...not present. So it had to happen that (y/n) dropped that bomb on Topper. “..Well... Well,you know big boy, I guess there is some truth in the saying ‘You are what you eat’ after all..” Topper spitted out his drink and looked at (y/n) who drank from his drink again not realizing what he just had done. “..wHuT ???” Silence. “..Oh..upsi” Next thing Topper knew, he threw up big time.
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avnkin · 4 years
The Pogues - Prologue
Pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
Warnings: toxic relationship, swearing
Word count: 2k
Summary: You were a kook, born and raised but when a messy breakup with your boyfriend takes place you find comfort in the people who you’d been taught to despise and keep away from your entire life, the Pogues.
(A/N): Soooo here it is the prologue to my upcoming series i’ve literally been working on this for the last couple of days and the first chapters are almost finished but I just wanted to post this as a kind of introduction to the story and the life around Y/N,, and pleaseee don’t be afraid to give me any feedback I love when y’all come in my inbox (not my gif creds to the owner) 
series masterlist
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You were seated out on your patio opposite your mom and dad enjoying the nice weather, your tanned skin practically glistening in the sun rays “so Y/N, is Rafe going to be escorting you to Midsummers?” Your father asked, you groaned at the idea of even having to go there mostly at the part about Rafe being your escort “do I have to go” you frowned playing with the salad blades that lay untouched on the plate before you “we’ve already talked about this Y/N you’re going” he replied sternly, annoyance evident in his tone. Most of the time you could talk your way out of almost every single one of these events but since Ward was your fathers best friend and the event was practically being held in his honor you had to go otherwise it would ‘reflect badly on your father’s image’.
You and Rafe had been an on and off thing for about a year now, maybe even longer since it was hard to keep count of all the breakups, currently you guys were on another off stage after you’d found him and another girl going at it in his bedroom when you had planned to surprise him on his birthday but instead ended up crying yourself to sleep in Sarah’s room who held you as you sobbed and being the loyal friend she is she ended barging into her brothers room to yell at him as soon as you fell asleep.
You and Sarah were the same age and had been best friends long before you and Rafe got together, considering your fathers were close friends you spent almost everyday over at the Camerons when you were younger and now you two were glued at the hip, you didn’t know what you’d do without her since you’d done everything and anything together since the age of 3.
“Yeah well I don’t think Rafe’s gonna be my escort, we broke up” you stated blatantly, crossing your arms over your chest as you looked back up at your displeased father “come on Y/N can’t you fix it just for that night and then you never talk to him again I don’t care but it’ll look really bad for me if my daughter ditches my best friends son at an event that’s being held in his honor” you looked over at your mom hoping she would back you up since there was no way you were going to get out of this without her help, but instead she just sat there pretending not to notice your lingering glare.
“Fine i’ll fix it” you mumbled knowing that there was no point in arguing with your father “thank you sweetie” he smiled “whatever” you rolled your eyes pushing the chair out from behind you and making your way back inside and up to your room. Closing the door behind you, you sat down at the edge of your bed dreading dialing Rafe’s phone number since you really didn’t want to be the one crawling back after he cheated, you had some respect for yourself.
It’s for dad you thought as you pressed call on his contact your back colliding with your mattress as you felt your heart sink more and more with every ring. Just as you were about to hang up he answered “hey baby” the nickname made you sick to your stomach, did he have no recollection of your break up “can we talk?” you asked getting annoyed as you heard nothing but silence on the other end of the phone.
“Yeah uh i’ll be home in like ten minutes want me to pick you up or something?” he asked, it was obvious in the way he spoke that he had no interest in going out of his way to come get you, you rolled your eyes “no Rafe i’m perfectly capable of getting myself to your house by myself thank you very much” you spoke before hanging up groaning as you went and got dressed pulling a black hoodie over the white crop top you’d been wearing and struggling to get into your converse attempting to squeeze your heel into them as you trudged down the spiral staircase in your house.
You grabbed the keys to one of your dad’s cars, opening the front door you slammed it shut behind you making your anger evident to your mom and dad.
Walking out into the cool summer air you quickly unlocked the car and pulled the handle, opening the door and placing your self down into the drivers seat. You turned the engine on dreading the soon to be conversation with your ex boyfriend as you slowly backed out of your driveway and out onto the main road.
As you stood outside of the Cameron house you contemplated driving away and never looking back but knowing you’d have to face the wrath of your father if you did that was enough to make your knuckle connect with the door and slowly but surely tap onto it, seconds later Rafe’s deranged figure stood before you moving out of the way allowing you to walk in, you put on a fake smile as you followed him up to his room.
It was silent between the two of you when he closed the door behind him neither one of you knowing what to say as you both stood facing each other “Y/N i’m really sorry for what happened the other day I-I was drunk” he stumbled over his words the lie evident as sweat started to form at the top of his forehead “I don’t care, I don’t want to get back together” he looked puzzled at your words “then why are you here?” he questioned sitting down onto the bed that was placed in the middle of the room.
“We’re going to go to Midsummers together and then we’re over and you’ll never hear from me again” he simply sat there not giving you any reaction whatsoever, so you turned to walk out but before your hand could reach the door handle he grabbed you and pulled you back to him “so we’re over just like that?” he practically barked down at you fingers tightening around your wrist clearly not pleased with your words “yes, my dad just wants me to go to this stupid thing with you and I know you want to impress your dad just as much as I do mine so it’s a win win for both of us” ripping your hand out of his grasp you tried to read his facial expression but it was blank the part about his dad clearly striking a nerve within him “whatever” he stated coldly turning away from you. You had to admit it hurt after almost a year of being with him that he didn’t even try to stop you or fight for you, but what were you expecting it’s Rafe.
You exited his room tears profusely falling from your eyes, you weren’t crying because you guys we’re no longer together but because you had just now realized how toxic the entire relationship had been and you were more then disappointed in yourself for letting anyone treat you that way for that long.
You made your way down the stairs towards the front door but before you could reach it an arm grabbed you stopping you from moving any further, thinking it was Rafe you turned around prepared to cuss him out but immediately calmed down once you noticed Sarah standing before you, it was obvious by her facial expression that she knew something was up with you and Rafe.
“What happened?” She frowned as she pulled you into a tight hug, you quietly cried into her shoulder as your arms rested weakly on her waist. “I don’t know what I ever saw in him” you sniffled pulling away from the hug so you could look back up at her “you know what I don’t either” she smiled wiping away the few tears that continued making their way down your cheeks.
“Come on lets go do something” she smiled intertwining her hands with yours dragging you out of the house behind her “like what?” you asked opening the passenger side door of her car and stepping into it not to worried about leaving yours behind, you’d come and get it later. Sarah got into the drivers seat shortly after you “first we go eat, can’t do anything on an empty stomach” she replied putting the key in the ignition and turning the car on “there’s this place that I absolutely love it’s called The Wreck” she spoke as she exited the driveway “isn’t that the restaurant that Kiara’s parents own?” you questioned raising an eyebrow at her since Sarah had told you about their previous feud multiple times. “Yeah but i’m pretty sure she’s not working right now and either way it doesn’t matter if she is i’m a customer so i’m sure we’ll both keep things strictly professional” she huffed causing you to chuckle your mind quickly forgetting all about Rafe and his stupid antics.
As Sarah parked in front of the wreck she involuntarily groaned noticing Kiara and the rest of her Pogue friends all sitting in front of the entrance enjoying their fries and hamburgers some you recognized, some you didn’t. “Shit” Sarah mumbled “strictly professional” you joked copying her words from before, she lightly hit you in the shoulder before grabbing her purse and getting out of the car you following behind shortly after.
As you walked past the Pogues and toward the entrance all you received were dirty looks and glares especially from Kiara, the only one who wasn’t glaring was JJ who not so subtly let his eyes wander up and down your body, Kiara clearly noticed as she hit him in the back of the head scolding him, “what the hell” you heard him mumble as he rubbed the back of his head causing you to let out a small chuckle.
The only reason you knew who JJ was, was because of the multiple fights you had to break up between him and Rafe, you could never understand how two people could hate each other that much.
Turning away from them you followed Sarah inside the restaurant and just your luck you were seated right next to the window that was facing them, “Oh god” Sarah groaned hiding her face behind the menu that had been placed in front of her “she’s still staring” you looked over your shoulder, and sure enough you got a perfect look of Kiara’s face and oh boy if looks could kill you’d both be dead by now.
“Is this all seriously because you didn’t invite her to your birthday party?” you questioned turning back around “yup” Sarah replied resting her chin in her palm “I kind of miss her though she was fun to hang out with, you’d like her” Sarah smiled causing you to look back one more time making direct eye contact with JJ who subtly winked at you, you felt heat rising to your cheeks and quickly turned away eyes diverting to the menu in front of you.
“So what do you wanna do when we finish eating?” you asked looking up at Sarah who only gave a shrug in response “you wanna go buy some dresses for Midsummers, I literally have nothing to wear?” she groaned taking a sip of her water giving you a hopeful look “sure” you chuckled looking out the window once more only to see the Pogues were no longer there, you felt slightly disappointed at the lost sight of the Maybank boy.
I’m gonna make a tag list for this series so let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!! xx
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puckinghell · 4 years
The Plus One Pact | William Nylander | Part 5
Summary: Your ex is getting married, and you don’t have a date, which means the unavoidable “why don’t you have a boyfriend” question is about to haunt you for the rest of eternity. But then there’s Will, who could be the answer to all your problems. A simple business pact, no feelings involved: that won’t be hard for you, because you really don’t like him anyways. Except pacts were made to be broken… or something. Right?
Note: This is part 5. Click here for part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
When you wake up, there’s something heavy draped across your chest, and everything around you is warm.
It takes a few minutes, for everything to get back, and until you can fully open your eyes. You didn’t bother taking off your mascara – were a little preoccupied – and you’re paying for that, now.
You don’t regret anything from last night, though.
Finally, you shift so you can look beside you. You’re laying on your back and Willy is pulled up against your side, lips resting against the naked skin of your shoulder. His arm is across your body, effectively pinning you to the mattrass, as if he subconsiously tried to stop you from leaving.
He doesn’t have to worry about that.
He looks peaceful, his blond hair spread across the pillow, his eyelashes fluttered shut against his cheekbones. The rise and fall of his chest is steady with every breath he takes.
Last night comes back in flashes; lips pressed against your collarbone, your fingers curling in his hair. Your heels kicked out in the hallway, his back bumping into the wall. Cursing, laughter. His hands all over your body, with just the right amount of pressure. The way he looked like he’d never seen anything so beautiful before. The way he’d blushed when you told him that you hadn’t, either.
The question, when it was silent and dark in the room, just the sound of catching breaths.
Willy’s immediate answer, unwavering and steady. “Always.”
Your alarm clock tells you it’s past 9 am, now, but you know neither of you have anything important today, so you’re more than content to press your nose against Willy’s scalp. It smells nice; familiar. He hums in response, but you don’t think he’s awake, not really.
Then, your phone buzzes.
At first, you think about ignoring it. It’s only 9am, after all, and there’s nothing that you can think of being that important. It’s probably just Zach, asking if you got home safe.
God, you’re gonna have to tell Zach what happened. He’s gonna be so smug about it; you’ll never hear the end of it.
But then your phone buzzes again, and again, and you think about Noah’s wedding. It could be your sister again, bothering you about it, or maybe your parents. Besides, the buzzing is making Willy stir, and you really don’t want to wake him up.
He’s been looking tired, the season running him down, and you’re not taking away any sleep that he could potentially get.
You carefully unwrap Willy’s arm from around you, which earns you another not-really-awake hum, this time one that sounds a little annoyed, and manage to grab your phone from your nightstand.
The words on your screen almost seem fake, but once you read them properly, you kinda feel like the room is spinning.
3 missed calls, and a text. 
From: Noah Daniels
I’m outside your apartment, can you let me in?
What in the actual fricking heavens...
With surprising clarity, your brain immediately realizes that you have two options now. You can go let him in, and talk to literally the last person on earth you wanna talk to, or you can not let him in, and risk your entire family screaming at you.
Besides, you’re supposed to be at this guy’s wedding in two days. So maybe only one option, then.
Your heart is beating way too fast, but you very slowly start the task of getting yourself out of bed without waking Will. It’s hard, to leave him there, and the thought flashes through your mind what would happen if he woke up, but he looks pretty knocked out so you decide not to worry about that.
You’ve got enough to worry about.
You throw on the first clothes you can find and try to make as little noise as you can while getting out the bedroom. Will stirs a few times, but his breathing remains even.
You really hadn’t wanted the first time you saw your ex to be like this, looking like a drowned panda wearing old sweatpants and – is that Will’s shirt, you grabbed?
But you guess you’ve learned nothing ever goes the way you want it to, with Noah.
When you open your front door, you almost expect him not to be there. Surely he was kidding, or sent that text to the wrong phone number, or it was a dare.
But no. He’s there, standing with his hands in his pockets and a hint of a smile on his face. He looks the same as he did back then, which throws you a little.
“Hi, Y/N,” he says, his voice soft. “I hope it’s not inconvenient, I was just in the neighborhood.”
“Uhm,” you bring out. It’s really inconvenient, but for some reason, the words can’t pass your lips.
“Can I come in? I wanted to talk about something, I guess.”
Great, now your nerves are truly flying at an all time high. Wordlessly, you step aside, and he takes the invitation for what it is and moves through your living room like he owns it, sitting on the couch without being asked. He doesn’t take off his shoes. It unnerves you, which is stupid, because Will doesn’t take off his shoes, either, and that hasn’t bothered you.
“You look…” Noah starts, pauses. Then settles on: “Different.”
“So do you,” you say, which is a lie, but you don’t really know what else to say. You could offer him coffee, but you find yourself not wanting to, so you cross your arms and stay standing in the middle of the living room.
“What did you wanna talk about, Noah?”
Noah sighs. “Straight into it. You never had a lot of time for small talk.”
You’re not sure if it’s meant to sound offensive, but it does. Maybe everything he says sounds offensive to you, now.
How did you ever love this guy?
“Well, as you wish.” Noah’s hands are folded in his lap. The engagement ring is shiny on his finger. “I’m getting married in two days, and you’ll be at the wedding. So I just wanted to make sure there weren’t any problems.”
Something in your brain short circuits. “Problems?”
Noah sighs again. It reminds you of the way your mom used to sigh when you were a little kid and you wouldn’t put on your shoes fast enough.
“Obviously things didn’t end great between us…”
Yeah, because you cheated. You don’t say it.
“And your sister told me you had some reservations about coming.”
That bitch.
“So I just wanted to make sure you weren’t, like, still in love with me.” He says it as if the thought amuses him. But he doesn’t look like he’s joking, and a storm is brewing in your mind. “Cause I know our relationship meant a little more to you than to me, and for that, I do apologize. But I don’t think it would’ve ever gone anywhere, anyway, you know? What we had was more of like, a summer fling.”
It’s like there’s wind whistling in your ear, but there’s no windows open in your apartment.
“A summer fling?” you repeat, a little dumbfoundedly. “We were together for four years.”
“A very long summer?” Noah offers, and you can tell by the smirk on his face he thinks he’s truly being funny.
“You cheated on me.” It’s the first time, you think, you’ve ever said those words to him, but you can’t keep them in now.
Noah’s face falls. “Hardly,” he says. “I just knew immediately that Betty was the one for me. I had to act on that, you understand that, right? I told you right after.”
Still counts as cheating. You don’t say that, either. Instead, you say: “You begged me to take you back.”
“That’s not how I remember it.”
You want to laugh. How else could he remember that night?
He stood on your porch in the darkness and said: “Look, I know it was stupid, but I’m young, and I don’t know anything about anything. I just know I miss you. The worst thing that I ever did was what I did to you, and I just want to make it up to you.”
You said: “Go fuck yourself”, slammed the door in his face and cried yourself to sleep for the next four months.
It’s not worth it, though, and it hits you how much you’ve changed. Because there was a time when you wouldn’t have had the strength to send him away, where this would’ve made you feel something. Frustration, sadness, anger. Hope, even.
It doesn’t, now. There’s not even the dull ache of being the one that was cheated on. There’s just indifference.
It feels like closure. 
“Look, Noah,” you say, “it doesn’t really matter. There’s not gonna be any problems at your wedding, okay? I’m just there because my mom wants me to be. I’ll keep quiet.” You smile, and you’re sure it looks fake but Noah doesn’t seem to notice.
“Okay,” he says. “If you say so, I believe you.” He stands up, clearly ready to go now that his worries have been soothed, then walks to the door and you watch as his hand lands on the doorknob. At the last moment, he turns around.
“I knew you understood, back then,” he says. The smile on his face is a little too sharp and pointed to be genuine. “You’re just not really the kinda girl guys end up marrying, you know?”
You’re still staring at him with your mouth open when the front door slams behind him.
Suddenly, you hear a different voice.
“Nice guy, that.”
You turn around to find Willy leaning in the doorway to your bedroom, fully clothed now. His arms are crossed and he’s frowning.
“You invite him over?”
“What?” Now you’re frowning, too. “What the fuck, Will, of course I didn’t. He just showed up.”
An unwelcome feeling is starting to creep up your spine, tingling through your skin like the most unpleasant current.
What if Noah is right?
What if this isn’t anything special to Will, what if he’s just passing the time until something better comes along? You’ve never seen him pick up many girls but looking like that, surely he does, and you think of his cocky attitude that bothered you so much before you really knew him, think of the way he was used to everyone loving him.
What if you’re just a conquest to him, to show himself that he can still get people to love him? What if you didn’t get to know the real him, but simply walked straight into his trap?
What if none of this is real and he’s going to go run off to someone else, because you’re just not that kinda girl.
“Do you think he’s right?” you blurt out, before thinking it through.
You really should’ve thought it through.
“Do you think I’m not the kinda girl guys end up marrying?”
Will’s eyes widen, and you see his hands clench where they’re wrapped around himself. Something clicks in his jaw. 
“Are you fucking serious?” he says, and he sounds upset. And angry. Really, really angry. “You really think I would be here if I did?”
You don’t answer. No, you don’t really think that. You think Will is better than that. But something inside of you is gnawing at your conscious, because if someone had asked you that question last month, you would’ve absolutely thought that.
“You do,” Will says, and he sounds like he almost can’t believe it. “You think I’m that kinda guy, still. You said you got to know me, but you still think I would be here and have sex with you and tell you all those things I told you if I didn’t mean them.”
When he says it like that, it sounds stupid, and doubt is starting to rise in your chest.
“No, Will, I didn’t mean it like…”
“But you did.” Will pushes himself away from the doorway, stalks towards his shoes and shoves his feet in. Instantly, you start to panic.
He’s leaving.
“Will, come on…”
“No.” Willy looks up, and there’s nothing but pure hurt in his eyes. It cuts like a knife, because you put that there, and you never wanted to be the reason for his hurt. 
 “You know what the funny thing is, Y/N? I’ve never thought anything bad of you. I liked you as soon as Zach introduced us. I thought we could be friends. But you were always so… judgmental, and you always rolled your eyes at me so I figured I shouldn’t bother, and that hurt, because I liked you even when you didn’t like me. And now you’re accusing me of thinking something so awful of you, when I only ever though the best, and when all you’ve ever done is think the worst of me.” 
He’s grabbing his jacket as he talks, stalks towards the door and you know there’s nothing you can do or say to stop him, not when you’ve hurt him like this.
Willy stops at the door, like Noah did. But he’s not smiling, no sharp amusement in his eyes. Only pain. Only sorrow.
“I always liked you, and you always disliked me. For no reason at all. And now, after everything, you still don’t like me, and the worst thing is, I still like you.”
The door falls quietly into the lock behind him, nothing like the way it slammed behind Noah - everything around you shatters, anyway.
He’s not coming you text Zach.
Zach is currently at a restaurant with his entire family in law, but he still answers right away. He’s truly been your rock, the past few days, even if he did also tell you how stupid you’ve been.
You already knew that, though.
He promised, didn’t he? He’ll come.
He won’t, though, and you can’t even blame him for it. If you were Willy, you wouldn’t come to the wedding either.
You’re standing in front of the church. Your family already spotted you, tried to get you to come inside with them, but you couldn’t. Not when there was still the slightest chance, when you still had the tiniest sliver of hope that he would be there.
“I’m just waiting for someone,” you had said, and your sister had given you a look of pity.
You kinda wanted to bite her head off, except you really didn’t have the energy anymore.
The ceremony is about to begin. If Will doesn’t show up, like, right now, he’s not coming.
He’s not coming.
Against everything you knew, you’d still hoped.
Suddenly, you hear a familiar voice.
Your eyes widen as you swirl around, but it really is who you thought you heard, her hair curled and wearing the most beautiful sundress. “Ellie? What are you doing here?”
Ellie laughs. “Your sister invited me. Said you could use some friendly faces in the crowd.” She frowns. “Aren’t you supposed to be inside? I thought I was running really late.”
“You are.” You sigh, and suddenly you feel like you could cry. You haven’t really cried, yet, refused to cry over Will when what you had was so new and uncertain. It’s not like you got dumped, for crying out loud.
If you’re never together, you can’t get dumped. So why does it feel exactly like that, then?
“Hey, what’s going on? You don’t look so good.” Ellie looks genuinely worried and that nearly pushes you over the edge; you let yourself sit down on the steps before the church.
The street is empty. The ceremony is starting, and he isn’t here. 
Ellie takes her seat next to you and waits patiently for you to talk. You want to, you need someone to talk to who doesn’t know Willy like Zach does, who might not judge you the way you’re sure Zach had – although he’d hidden it well, being too good a friend to be angry with you. 
It’s just hard to get the words out, is all.
“Remember Will?” you ask. Ellie smiles at the memory.
“The hot guy you brought to the last wedding we were at? That spent the entire evening shooting heart eyes at you while you ignored him? Yes, I remember.”
The guy who did what now?
I’ve liked you since Zach introduced us.
“Yeah, well.” You sigh. “I kinda fucked that one up.”
And so you tell her everything.
You tell her about the pressure of being single while Noah got married, how much you hate your family asking you those questions with pity in their eyes. About how Will promised to be your plus one if you were his; about the pact you made, the only rule that that was all it was.
You tell her you didn’t like Will, at first, but that’s because you didn’t understand him, and maybe, selfishly, because you knew how much you would like him, if you tried to understand him, and you were too scared to get hurt.
About how that happened, anyway; he wiggled his way into your heart with witty remarks and honest eyes, shy glances and the brightest smile you’ve ever seen.
About how finally, you gave in to the desire to kiss him. About how it had been magical, until Noah showed up.
How, just momentarily, you’d doubted him, because Noah’s words rang harshly in your ears and you don’t think the scars he left fully healed, no matter how many stars Will had drawn around them.
About how he immediately crawled back into his shell.
“I don’t think it’s so easy for him to let people in,” you tell her. “And he let me in and I immediately broke his trust.”
Ellie shrugs. “You were scared and hurt and you lashed out. It wasn’t a good decision, but if he likes you as much as he says he does, it won’t be the end of everything. You’ve gotta talk to him.”
“I know.” You stare at the stone of the curb in front of you. The sun makes it look strangely bright; it’s a beautiful day for a wedding. “I was scared to do that, too.”
“Yeah, but, sometimes scary things are worth it.” Ellie is looking at you, clearly trying to find something there. “Honestly, the way you’re talking about him? It sounds like he might be worth it.”
“It doesn’t matter, now.” The look on Ellie’s face tells you you sound exactly as pathetic as you think you do. “He’s not here, so he clearly wants nothing to do with me. Zach said he’d come, you know, because he promised and apparently he never breaks a promise.” You laugh, a little humorlessly. “I can’t even blame him for that, after what I said to him. But I didn’t mean it, El.”
“I know,” Ellie says softly. “But he doesn’t know that, Y/N. I’m not the person you need to be telling that to.”  
You sigh. Maybe you should, but you can’t, not right now, and you don’t think it would really matter anyway. 
“We should go inside, probably.”
“Yeah.” Ellie helps you up and tightly wraps her arm around your waist, like a crutch for you to lean on, and starts to lead you inside. One more time, you look behind you onto the empty street.
But there’s nobody there, so you enter the church.
He’s not coming, anyway. 
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years
Twilight Spite: When the Tables Turn
Well, since Midnight Sun is coming out later this year, I figured I’d dust this off and share a “what if”.
Nobody quite knew what to say to Leah’s announcement.
Well, almost nobody.
“Sam.” Billy Black called, a warning in his tone.
But the alpha didn’t seem to hear him, remaining resolute as he glared at Leah. “There’s no way that it’s true.”
“Well, it is.” Leah replied with a smile that totally wasn’t a smirk as she watched his growing outrage. It said something when not even the touch of his precious imprint could calm him. Leah could practically see the fur starting to form on his skin as he barely held back his transformation.
“You’re making it up. She has to be making it up.” He insisted, turning from Leah to the rest of the Council, his words taking on an almost pleading lilt as he looked to them for support.
But the Council members seemed hesitant. Uncertain, even. Because…well…it could very well be true.
“I assure you, I was just as surprised as you when it happened.” Leah proclaimed sincerely. Because, well, she had been surprised.
“Hello, Leah! We come in peace! And with a special offer just for you!”
It all started with an appearance by an overly cheerful vampire bearing an offer she couldn’t refuse.
Well, that wasn’t quite true. Everything really started with her boyfriend disappearing, then coming back only to break her heart and dump her for her cousin she just met, and said cousin deciding it was totally cool to break her heart further by getting with him regardless. The whole reservation cheering them on certainly hadn’t helped. Nor had turning into a wolf and having to have their “happy relationship” shoved in her face AND her head. Nor her father’s death, which seemed to be her fault for reasons she hadn’t known of and couldn’t control, and no one would so much as give her time off to grieve for. Being used simultaneously as a scapegoat and wank material for a group of teenage boys was just the fucking cherry on top.
So yeah, the unexpected visit from the leech wasn’t technically where it all started.
Just where it finally started getting good.
Alice was…perky. Annoyingly so. The more time she spent in her presence, the more Leah was certain that was as much of a permanent, unchangeable aspect of her personality as her annoying and incessant need to know and control things.
Leah was apparently another thing to control. If that wasn’t a common trait shared with everyone else in her life, Leah would find herself particularly insulted and ready to attack.
As it was…well…at least Alice had an offer to make it worth her while.
Given that this offer was coming from the enemy of her tribe, the obvious answer shouldn’t have just been “no”, it should have been a clear and resounding “hell no” followed by a death gurgle. But Leah’s tribe hadn’t been the most loyal or supportive by this point, what with the cheating and disparaging comments and the constant degrading of her when she’d already suffered so much because of them. So no, Leah wasn’t feeling particularly loyal in return.
To the contrary, she was feeling particularly petty and vengeful—which they all knew and not only did nothing to help, but actually went well out of their way to encourage and nurture within her. So really, it was their own fault if she made the choice to give them the finger.
So that was why she decided to at least listen to the leech’s offer.
And oooooh, what an offer it was.
It was no secret that Leah….kind of hated her life at the moment. And could anyone blame her?
…okay, yes. They clearly did. Acting like what Sam and Emily did was HER fault, that them leaving her was deserved, and that her transformation—a traumatic experience for her, by the way and one that cost her her father’s life through no fault of her own—was something she should be happy with. So regardless of the situation and how much she never wanted it, she should just “shut up and deal”.
But could anyone who WASN’T part of the “all boys’ club”, only there for the free—if plastic-like food from Emily, or otherwise had their heads up Sam’s ass blame her?
Alice couldn’t, surprisingly enough. And maybe it was all a trick to get her guard down and have her help their enemies, but it kind of said something when the freaking soulless vampires offered more sympathy for her situation than her own family.
Yeah, thanks Mom. Thanks, Seth. THANK-FUCKING-YOU, EMILY. REALLY appreciated the support during her time of need. Always great to have your family with you...on the other side of the house, setting up dates with your father’s best friend, gushing about how “awesome” your ex is after he crushed your heart, and picking out wedding dresses to be married to your ex in not even a year after he dumped you for her. Family of the fucking year, let her tell you.
And yet she couldn’t help but love them still. How sick was that?
It was messed up. The whole situation was. She couldn’t deal with it there, not with them, not while everyone just wanted her to shut up and smile like she wasn’t being torn apart inside.
So when Alice approached her with a promise to help, Leah found herself surprisingly willing to at least hear her out. She expected to laugh at whatever she offered. She expected to tear her a new one. She even expected to go to the Council and warn them of the trick.
She…never expected she’d be agreeing to it.
“We don’t want a war.” Alice assured her, pleading. “We like Bella. And we like it here in Forks. We don’t want to fight. But the Volturri know about Bella now, and they are insistent she HAS to become a vampire to preserve the secret or else THEY will kill her, and possibly all of us.” She let out a breath, looking up at Leah in worry. “And possibly your people as well once they discover you.”
Okay, she had a valid point. But…
“Why not just go to Sam and the Council about this?” They were all about “keeping the peace” over all else—Leah was on the receiving end of THAT well enough to know. So surely they would be on board with this one sacrifice to keep everyone else safe.
“It’s the truce. We can’t come onto your land. And the wolves we’ve spoken with have been…very insistent on us not turning Bella.”
Ah, Jacob. Yeah, sounded about right. The brat had been doing nothing but moaning about Bella and her preference for dead guys who could give her immortality and a fancy life over him and his…him. Even in the same breath he shot snide comments at Leah for losing the relationship she—y’know…ACTUALLY HAD.
Not that she was resentful about the blatant bias and double-standard or anything as everyone coddled him for a relationship with a girl that was clearly never “in” to him in the first place. Not at aaaaaall…
“Why come to me with this then?” Surely they had to know that she…wasn’t exactly a pleasant person to work with right now. Even—especially with her own people, much less outsiders. And that out of everyone, she would be the least inclined to work with the monsters directly responsible for her people turning into wolves and effectively ruining every aspect of her life because of it.
YES, she was still bitter about it. And she would be for a long time. Maybe the tribe should invest in some therapy instead of a new house for the “happy couple”?
“Because you’re the best choice, Leah.”
AKA, “I used future sight and this was the result I liked.” Leah wasn’t sure she liked the idea of placing bets with someone who used visions for everything the way most people use their cell phones.
“You’re clearly not happy here, but you can’t do anything about it. We could help each other!” Alice explained, rocking on her heels. “I know you don’t like us, but you don’t want a war anymore than we do.”
There was a tense pause.
Then Leah sighed.
“Fair enough.”
Alice cheered up at that, smiling widely. “Great! So if this works, we’ll take you with us when we leave Forks in the next year. We’ll give you money and documents—anything you need to set up a new life! You could go to college! Ooo! You could go to a really fancy university and get a fashion degree and become a model and marry a rich socialite and—!”
Okay, cutting that off right now. “And in exchange?”
That got a frown—though whether it was because she cut off Alice’s gushing rant or because it reminded her of just what she was asking Leah to do, it was a bit hard to tell.
“In exchange, we need you to do just one thing…”
“You can’t be serious, Leah.”
“Dead serious.” Leah replied, cackling madly on the inside. But on the outside, her eyes seemed to shine with a joy that anyone could be convinced was because of her claim. A claim that had half of the room sending one another glances of abject confusion, and the rest of the room as some variant of enraged and—in Emily’s case, probably secretly happy.
“It’s just…it’s not possible!” Sam insisted, sounding almost desperate.
“Neither was a female wolf, and yet here we are.” She said with a blithe shrug.
She’d been bitter and “a harpy”. Everyone knew it. Everyone held that against her, regardless of the reasons all of them knew yet none of them wanted to acknowledge were wrong. Even those that sympathized were pushing her to simply “get over it”, completely blind as to why she was acting the way she was.
It was only because she was stuck in a situation forced on her—one where she was trapped and degraded and imposed upon in every way possible, and forced to defend herself the only way she could.
But now she could fight back.
And by every single god out there, she was damn well going to use it. Even if she had to lie through her teeth. Even if she had to fake feelings she didn’t have for someone she didn’t like.
If that meant getting some sweet SWEET payback on her ex? And throwing his own actions and justification for those actions back in his perfect little face? Well…
“I imprinted on Edward Cullen.”
Watchu gonna do about it? 
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80s-roger · 4 years
Not On My Watch - part one
pairing: dad!roger x mum!reader (mid80s)
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note: R/N means random name, there will be part 2 sooooon. thank u for being patient and still being with me. i love u all and i’ll say again how much i missed yall. i have a dialogue prompt link in my bio if u have any requests!
summary: you’re divorced with queen’s roger taylor due to constant cheating and irrational behaviour towards you. but u have one person in common: your daughter, Laura aka your favourite human on earth. Your marriage with roger had its ups and downs but laura was the happiness in it. Now that she’s 8 and starts to realise how your terms with roger are, you finally tell her that you’re seeing another man except her father and she took it really warmly. She seemed excited to meet the new man unlikely your ex husband who accidentally learns about it by Laura, the weekend you would leave her at his place: on weekends you had some cute getaways with R/N because the court decided that Laura could stay or visit her dad on weekends and stay with him for five days each Christmas and easter vacations. On summers he has the right to be with her for two weeks.
warnings: angst from both sides
words: 2,290
masterlist // dialogue prompts
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“Laura, are you ready?” You asked her as you were wearing your coat.
“Yes mum, I’m getting my backpack!” She answered from her room.
“Alright babe, your dad’s waiting for you!” You cringed at the last words; dad. You ended it on bad terms, but laura had nothing to do with it.
“I’m ready!” She ran through your place fully excited to spend her weekend with Roger. You kissed her before going at the parking, to get your car; that one Roger bought you for Christmas.
You shook your head trying to forget some explicit memories from you two in this car and started the engine, going to Roger’s house. It was a mansion compared to your ordinary flat. Maybe Laura would be happier with him, who knows.. Her attitude’s different when she’s with him like they’re best friends.
“Did you get all your stuff?” You asked her as you were reaching his home, just one turn and you reached the destination.
“Oh no.” She whispered at herself while checking her backpack.
“What is it, love?” You asked concerned.
“Mum, would you mind going back to get my pyjamas? I don’t have my pair here..” she looked sad.
“Of course, I’ll let you go to your dad’s now and I’ll come back in a quarter with your pyjamas. I won’t be late.” You smiled at her and dropped her by his door. “Let me help you carry the backpack.” You offered but she politely refused.
“Dad! Open up, I’m here!” Laura shouted when knocking his white front door.
You tried to keep yourself together when the door was about to open in any second. And there he is, wearing his daily comfy clothes and still looking hot on those. Yes, you were always in love with him, but in the end he wasn’t. Too much cheating while on tour made you extremely mad. You had a dignity to save and a child.
“Hello my little baby girl!” He leaned down to hug Laura. Their hug was long-lasting, they didn’t see each other since the previous weekend. “How is my blonde little angel?” He asked her with a smile on his face, he hasn’t looked at you yet, he’s really focused on his child and you don’t blame him.
“I missed you!” She said between their hug, to his ear while her arms crossed his neck and his hands rubbed her back.
“I missed you too! We are going to have a really good time! Uncle Fred will visit us tomorrow, he can’t wait to see you!” He kept that bright smile of his on his lips and so did she. But her smile got bigger at the second Roger said uncle Fred who happens to be her godfather too.
“I missed uncle Fred. How are his cats?” She laughed because she enjoys playing with them at Garden Lodge.
“I guess they’re fine?” He giggled. “Come on in, don’t stand here.” He kissed her and they both walked in and you were standing there like an asshole watching him ignoring your existence for about five minutes.
“Yeah. You have to take these too, huh? I brought your kid here, a thank you is appreciated.” You said annoyed stretching your hand with two bags towards him.
“Thank you, enjoy your weekend.” He had that selfish ego towards you, you would kill him right away. The choices you have made after the divorce looked right for your happiness. This man would ruin your state of mind if you lived under the same roof.
“I will, that’s for sure.” You winked. “I’ll just have to come back again to bring Laura’s pyjamas. Too pity you don’t have a pair of hers, while your closet must be full of forgotten thongs and cropped tops.” You mocked him right into his face and he was standing there watching you humiliating him.
“I thought we are no longer married, right?” He ironically asked. “Why so jealous?” He let out a crooked smiled.
“Fortunately we are not. And I don’t give a shit about you anymore.” Your ego was talking, you do give five shits about him. “But I don’t want my kid exposed to the fabrics your whores’ wear.” You angrily defended yourself and got back to your car but Roger continued the beef.
“Neither do I want my kid around new men. She needs only one father figure.” He was legit serious while defending himself.
“Is there another joke on its way because I have to leave. It was a good one though.” You ironically replied and left, leaving him unable to call you out.
Roger went inside his home, watching his only daughter fixing her stuff in the living room.
“Laura, will your mum leave this weekend?” He asked trying to catch bait.
“She leaves every time she brings me here.” She seemed unbothered.
“Where’s she going on weekends?” He would die in any second if he didn’t know what you’re doing on weekends and with who.
“She goes on road trips with R/N!” She raved and Roger’s inner Leo awakened.
“Hold on a second, babe.” He took her stuff away from the table to talk with her about it. Laura seemed like she screwed up. “Who’s R/N? Have you met him?” He asked on a serious tone.
“N- no. But she told me we are having dinner with him on Tuesday!” She was thrilled at the idea and Roger was on the edge of insanity. “Mum looks so happy when she talks about him, I’m very happy for her.” She smiled at her dad, having no idea what was coming next.
“Do you know anything else? Won’t you tell papa?” He smiled at her trying to fish her for good.
“She said she would leave right after leaving me here. She made her luggage for the weekend too.” She grabbed her stuff at her arms. “Can I go to my room now?” She politely asked.
“Of course, you can. I’ll let you know when food is ready. Oh and close the door at your room if you want to feel like you’re on your own.” He kissed her forehead and Roger was sitting at the couch, really thoughtful and confused. Laura obeyed his request and so did she closed the door. She didn’t know that her father would start an argument with you. He couldn’t deal with the fact you date another man beside him. That’s so selfish of him, isn’t it?
You came again at his place with the pair of Laura’s pyjamas, unaware of what was coming next. Seeing Roger every time he picks Laura or the opposite you get nothing but heartache and need to cry because you have been heartbroken for years. It took you a lot to stand on your feet again. Roger surprisingly, opened the door before waiting for you to knock. He seemed furious towards you and really nervous. Maybe he couldn’t handle the words he was about to throw.
“Uh, here are Laura’s pyjamas and a pair of clean clothes, guess you don’t have many or any.” You rolled your eyes.
“I bought these clothes.” He checked them by opening the bag.
“Yeah, I know, I just don’t want them in my house, they should stay here and be worn when she stays with you.” you arrogantly crossed your arms.
“Okay, that’s enough.” Flames were popping out of his eyes and he angrily placed his hand at the door’s side.
“Yes, you’re right. I gotta go.” You attempted to turn around but his hand prevented you from it. “What the hell, keep your hands off me.” You tried to get his hand off you. But he wouldn’t resist. “Roger!” You yelled.
“Who’s R/N?” He asked with so much jealousy on his voice.
“What’s it to you?” You bitterly answered trying to put his hand down from you.
“Tell me, or I’m not putting my hand down from your arm.” His raspy voice got shrill. You got scared of him for the first time.
“That’s none of your business Roger! You don’t have the right to invade in my personal life!” You defended yourself physically and emotionally.
“It is my business as long as Laura knows about him. Tell me, who’s he?” He demanded.
“I’d rather keep this for myself.” You toned up your teeth and so did Roger with your arm. “Stop it, you’re hurting me!” You yelled again and now he pulled you aggressively inside his home’s hall.
“Fine! Now that I don’t clasp your arm, you can talk.” He had his hands on his waist waiting for you to speak.
“You don’t have to know who R/N is. I didn’t have to know the names of all the groupies you have slept with.” It’s a fact. And he didn’t seem to bother.
“No, I have to know. No one’s allowed to sleep with you.” Oh God, this man has such a nerve.
“Excuse me? Are you serious?” You opened your mouth in shock, being unable to believe what he just said. “Am I your property or something?” you asked.
“No you’re my wife and my daughter must not meet that asshole. I will not let that diner happen.” He really pushes his luck.
“Firstly, I am not your wife, we divorced a couple of years ago. Secondly, watch your language, this man treats me better than you did all this time so you’re the asshole. Thirdly, you’re forcing me to get restraining orders against you.” You warned him and now he seemed less aggressive than before.
“That man is nothing but trouble between our family!” He is so mad that you date a man after so many years. It was him all the time. But at him, you were one of the plenty.
“We’re not a family! You ruined it. You ruined my happiness and now? You won’t let me date a man? Why? We are not married anymore! Unlikely you, you didn’t seem to bother while I was waiting for you to come home after touring. You were constantly doing it, with no regrets!” You shouted but he tried to lower your tone by pushing you to the wall so Laura wouldn’t hear any angry tone. Your tears would run any moment but you had to stay strong. You’re a strong woman, all this time you were strong. Roger was speechless. He knew you were right. But he’s selfish and so are you.
“You can’t present another man to Laura! She’s a child! At least I was doing it on secret!” His face was approaching yours, so the tone would be lower. He is doing it every time when he wants to take control. You couldn’t stop looking into his blue eyes. It’s like a trick of his, whenever you fight.
“You were secretly doing it because you didn’t want me to know. Not because of Laura. Now, stop looking me this way.” Your voice was smoother and your eyes stopped staring Roger’s. You would melt at any second.
“Have you had sex with him?” He asked with no signs of guilt or embarrassment.
“What the hell, my life’s nothing to do with you anymore. You don’t have to know.” Your eyes were back at his again. His warm breath hitting your face, his lips coming closer to your nose and slowly rubbing that area.
“I’m sure you don’t feel the same way whenever you have sex with him. It’ll always gonna be me.” He teased your skin with his nose, going to your ear, your cheek, your nose and later his lips against yours. Sending shivers all over your body, with his hands wrapping your waist and his legs covering yours.
“You do think a kiss of yours would change my mind?” You arrogantly asked, interrupting the hot moment.
“No, I’m just reminding you what we did. And how it ends up.” He smirked with his palms now on your cheeks.
“I don’t want to remember. You bring me pain and I don’t want it. I’ve had enough of this shit.” You said back trying to put him down.
“So you’re leaving me now for that guy?” He asked defeated. Okay.
“You were leaving me for other women, years and years. You always had the excuse I’m on tour but I do miss you. This is what I was settling for. Do you think I would feel guilty for falling in love with a man who’s not you?” The last sentence hit him right to the feelings. He was speechless. You opened the door again, leaving to meet your new partner at the train station. But you didn’t finish. “You’re right though. I don’t feel the same way when I’m with him. I feel better. I feel appreciated and loved.” You stepped out but before closing the door you said one last thing.
“If you’re curious, sex is better with him. Not that I have many experiences, but I think I can compare between two men.” You smiled, hiding the pain. You lied. Nothing feels like Roger. He hurt you, he mistreated you but you can’t lose feelings for him. You love him but you don’t want to revive the days before divorce. And now you left, started the engine and vanished from the neighbourhood. Crying and missing Roger. But R/N is just a distraction. He’s a good company, but there’s not the passion you used to share with your ex-husband.
“I fucked it up again.” Roger said to himself hitting his head with his hands. “I won’t let her be with him. She doesn’t love him.” He knew you really well. He was missing most of the times, but he knew you. He could read your thoughts.
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
I Just Wanna Know
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Request: Yes or No
Only time you ever call me
Is when you feelin' like
"Don't nobody else wanna listen"
When's the last time you saw me?
You probably don't remember that
'Cause that was back then, you were different
I don't wanna hear the sorries
I'm tired of all the talkin'
To be honest, I would rather see a difference
(Y/N) worked on his math homework, bumping his head to the music. He felt his phone vibrate and lowered the sound, picking it up and answering it.
"What's up?"
"Hey." (Y/N) frowned, looking at the contact name. Sweet Pea.
"What do you want?"
"I just... I'm sor-" (Y/N) put his phone down after hanging up. Sweet Pea only ever called to complain or try to get a booty call.
Yeah, you pass me in the hallway
But you ain't say a word to me
Lately, all I ever feel is distant
You don't care that you lost me
What's wrong with ya?
Had a picture of you sittin' on the dash in the car with me
Now it's in my closet with the other ones
Sittin' in a box I don't wanna open up
(Y/N) headed down the hall, passing his old group of friends. He glanced at them, making eye contact with his ex. Neither said a word to each other. (Y/N) continued down the hall, leaving the school and walking over to his car. He opened it and got in, shuffling through it as he looked for a paper. (Y/N) blinked when a picture fell into his view. He picked it up. It was of him and Sweet Pea as kids. (Y/N) sighed and put it away, making a mental note to take it out when he got home.
"(Y/N)!" The male flinched when Reggie suddenly appeared at his passenger window.
"Fuck me, dude..." He whispered, glaring at him playfully. Reggie had nothing against (Y/N), even if he was a Serpent. Maybe because Reggie hated Sweet Pea. (Y/N) unlocked the doors, raising his brows as Reggie got into the car.
"What?" Reggie grinned.
"Give me a ride home, please." (Y/N) scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"Ten dollars." Reggie groaned softly.
"But I need them!"
"Pay up, Reg."
You took it all from me
Told me you would die for me
Yeah, all you ever do is lie to me
Wish that I could say that this has come as surprise to me
Told me that I never took the time
And now you ain't got the time for me, yeah
"Hey, (Y/N)?" The male looked up from his phone, mentally screaming.
"Yeah?" He tilted his head. Sweet Pea crossed his arms.
"What were you doing with that Bulldog?" He asked. (Y/N) shrugged.
"Giving him a ride." He replied, yawning afterward. Sweet Pea shook his head.
"Bulldogs can't be trusted-"
"What are they? Liers?" (Y/N) asked. That hit a nerve for both of them.
"At least they won't lie about who they're with and if they've been seeing someone behind your back." (Y/N) mumbled, looking back down at his phone as he heard Sweet Pea sigh deeply.
I just wanna know oh, oh, oh, oh
When did you get so cold? Oh, oh, oh
What happened to your soul? Oh, oh, oh
Don't you see me? (See me, see me)
"I do wanna know something though." (Y/N) called out as Sweet Pea started walking away. Sweet Pea turned around, looking at him.
"What happened? What made you do that?" (Y/N) asked. Sweet Pea stayed motionless and stotic for a while, deep in thought.
"I don't know. I... Grew out of it." Out of what? (Y/N)? Love? (Y/N) hummed, nodding.
We used to talk like best friends
I remember that
I guess I don't know what happened to us
Now you got me questionin' what trust is
You told me you would be there for me
Yeah, but you ain't really mean it, did ya?
Now you wanna jump ship
Leave me here alone
Well, I'm used to it
Everybody else did
(Y/N) had known that Sweet Pea had been cheating on him before he even had any evidence. The glances at Josie, accusations, constantly returning stinking of perfume. What came as a shocker after their breakup was the silence. Toni, Fangs, Jug, and even Betty quit talking with him. Made him wonder if they were even his friends to begin with. The only one who took pity on him was Cheryl, shockingly enough. After the whole breakup and multiple endings to his friendships, (Y/N) got a couple of trust issues. He wondered if Cheryl and Reggie liked him at all.
"Earth to (Y/N)!" Reggie snapped his fingers in his face. (Y/N) blinked, smacking his fingers away. Reggie chuckled.
"Welcome back, astronaut, how was your trip?" Reggie asked. (Y/N) sucked his teeth, rolling his eyes.
"You're so annoying." He mumbled. Reggie grinned.
"You still love my abs though." He reminded, raising his shirt a bit and earning a kick. (Y/N) laughed softly, picking up a fry and eating it.
Who you havin' fun with?
Don't tell me, I don't wanna know
Every time I ask, I just feel sick
You're the one that jumped in
Told me you had feelings
Now you tryna tell me that is not true
I ain't gotta clue who I'm lookin' at right now
But I know the person that I'm lookin' at is not you
(Y/N) looked out the window, smile faltering when he saw Sweet Pea. Reggie followed his gaze.
"Wanna get out of here? Shoot some hoops?" Reggie asked. (Y/N) nodded, watching Reggie pay before they left Pop's. (Y/N) felt someone gently shove him. He turned around, facing the Bulldog who was already backing up with a playful smile. He laughed softly, shooting his arm out and grabbing Reggie and tickling him. Reggie laughed, wiggling free and jogging towards the car. (Y/N) heard a snort and looked at Sweet Pea. The male shook his head in disappointment.
Yeah, they say that you are who you hang with
Maybe that's the reason you been changin'
Maybe that's the reason why I'm feelin' like you're dangerous
And every time we talk it's like I'm talkin' to a stranger, ah
Reggie huffed, having enough.
"What the fuck is your problem?" He asked. Sweet Pea accepted the challenge.
"You, mutt." He sneered, getting in Reggie's face. (Y/N) swallowed, already knowing a fight would break up if they continued.
"Come on, Reg." He said. Reggie glanced back towards him. Sweet Pea took the opportunity and shoved Reggie, punching him. Reggie recovered and swung back at him.
"Hey! Hey!" Everyone quickly broke the two up, (Y/N) dragging Reggie back to the car and checking his bruised lip.
"Hit you first, I have eyes, Reg." (Y/N) said, getting the med kit he had in his car. Sweet Pea was aggressive and short tempered but he usually never actually fought without being hit first or provoked. (Y/N) was glad he had broken up with him.
I just wanna know, oh, oh, oh
When did you get so cold? Oh, oh, oh
What happened to your soul? Oh, oh, oh
Don't you see me? (See me, see me)
I thought that we were close, oh, oh
But now that door is closed, oh, oh
(Y/N) looked back at Sweet Pea, seeing him holding his nose. He turned back to Reggie, tending to his lip.
"Kiss it to make it better?" (Y/N) looked at Reggie, not sure if he heard him correctly.
"Reg, it'll probably make it worse." (Y/N) pointed out, shaking his head with a small smile. Reggie pouted, wincing afterward. (Y/N) sighed heavily.
"So childish." He mumbled, pecking Reggie's lip. Reggie perked up.
"One more."
"Make it feel better!"
"I did!"
"No, that wasn't even a proper kiss!"
"Fine! Fine!"
When did we lose control? Oh, oh, oh
Guess you don't need me (Need me, need me)
I just wanna know, oh, oh, oh
When did you get so cold? Oh, oh, oh
What happened to your soul? Oh, oh, oh
Don't you see me? (See me, see me)
I thought that we were close, oh, oh
But now that door is closed, oh, oh
When did we lose control? Oh, oh, oh
Guess you don't need me (Need me, need me)
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calypsoff · 4 years
Six. Part 2
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It’s nice that Rakim came but I was not ready for him to be here at this moment, not when I am ready to split with him. My family are making him feel most welcome, pulled him up a seat right next to me at the table and now I am just like what the fuck, is this the surprise he was saying. He bought my mother a bag, like this is so sweet of him to do that but now I feel bad, now I am feeling I have to hold back on getting rid of him but I need to do it “I will be back” I said to Rakim, pushing my chair out as I got up from the table. Walking around the table and crouched down to Mel “your man bought me a bag, girl. I like him” mean mugging her “be quiet. I feel bad now. What do I do?” I need her advice “I would keep him, I’m joking. You’re unhappy then admit to it, this is not your fault. You didn’t ask him to do this” she has a point “that dickhead text me, he had the nerve to say he misses my body and can we talk. I said no, who he is to even ask that when he’s with that bitch, he didn’t ask if I got back or anything, you know? A bit shit, not going to front on that, but I am” Mel poked her bottom lip out, she knows me “don’t fret over that” she pointed at me as I got up from my position “what are you girls gossiping about?” My mom asked “you, we dislike your top” I lied, she looks so offended for no reason at all “you bought it me?” Walking back to my seat laughing “I am joking mommy, stop looking so offended” sitting back down, shuffling my chair in “I missed you though, it was funny because homies were clowning when they saw you with that dude but you looked annoyed” I breathed out laughing “we just met up for a meal, you know how I am when I’m grumpy” I’ve forgotten the argument we were on at that moment, my phone pinged. Actually my phone has been pinging for a while, last time I checked Jay Brown has been messaging me, looking down at my phone. My bitch Katy texting me too, just under that Twin has text me three times now. Unlocking my phone.
I’m literally at work and on my break btw....?
I was joking about that
Coconut head?
Exiting out of his messages and locking my phone “shall we say Grace?” My mom said, I thought she was going to say Grace. Placing my phone down and reaching over and holding Rakim and Noella’ hand, just as my mom was going to start to say grace my phone started to ring, seeing Twin calling “I will be back, say grace without me” getting up from the chair and grabbing my phone from the table, answering the call as I walked off “hi” I answered “knew you would answer, how easy of you” he’s actually being an ass “I am joking with you please break a smile” sliding the door open “I am smiling” walking outside “sure you are, I am at work you know. Like I was joking about all that thing” sitting down on the lounger “right, working on Christmas eve?” resting my head on my hand “that is what normal people do yeah” I sniggered “right, you called me for what? Not like you cared if I arrived?” biting on my nail, I just don’t get why call “I miss you, we still friends” taking in a deep breath “yeah, well I am going to go back in and have fun with my family” I want to say something but I won’t, this is up to him “that is cool” he said, a long silence on the line, there is many words between us but I won’t say anything and neither will he “bye” disconnecting the call, I hate to be cold with him but it is what it is.
My family really get along with Rakim, it’s cute to see and I want to feel bad, but I need to do it for me “hey” touching his shoulder “can we speak?” He looked up at me smiling “for sure” my brothers looked unimpressed, they are in a middle of a game but they can wait, this needs to happen now or I will end up backing out thinking of the consequences which I don’t need to do, I want to be happier and be free, I need that. Walking back into the home “I will be back down mom, just need to speak to Rakim” my mom smiled “I was just bringing some leftovers out, I know the boys get hungry” my mom is sweet “he will be back down” I think he will be, I was going to go upstairs but everyone is pretty much outside so I can just go in the spare room, I hope there is no raised voices well if that is if he is rude with it all, we shall see. Turning around to Rakim, he closed the door behind him. Something different about him, I can’t put my finger on it but he is giving me a different vibe, I am sure I will work it out soon, there is a 100% something different though “you good?” Rakim asked me, staring at him not knowing how to start it off, do I just say it’s over or explain myself “uhm” looking down at myself “there is like no real way of speaking on this, there is actually a reason behind why. I don’t feel happy” Rakim smirked “I also want to speak on it, I think we were better off as friends” I breathed out “oh my god!” I spat, that is the biggest weight lifted “flight here, I was thinking on how to approach the situation and I was thinking how much we had fun, we were happy. We aren’t good as being boyfriend and girlfriend. As friends we get on so well, and I didn’t want to upset you so I was going to wait it out because every day we kept up with this persona it was straining the friendship we could salvage, but we are better as friends” I am so happy “we really” I added “I came here with gifts because your family is mine and my family is yours, I want us to remain as friends, we are better that way” nodding my head smiling “you don’t know how much this means to me, I was so scared on how to bring it up” walking towards Rakim, we hugged each other close, I am glad he felt it.
Rakim held the door open for me “so petty things started to occur, I was being petty about small things that didn’t need to happen. I just felt like I need to be the bigger man in this, I don’t want us to fall out and we can’t be friends, I think what did it was the bed situation. But least we can enter the new year just being happy, if you happy. I am happy, we happy yeah?” nodding my head, this has to be the best situation “I think it hit me in a way, you started to slowly be mean to me and it hurt me because I did nothing wrong at times so yeah, least we can be adults about this. And friends it is, I feel like a big weight has been lifted Rakim, I have been worried and today I just thought fuck it let’s just get on with it. Maybe it’s me, maybe I am not ready for a relationship. I think that sometimes, I am very much in deep with my career, you know?” Rakim smiled agreeing with me “you’re in your peak Rih, but I think relationships will always be there. You got time, we still will go out to smoke though” he got his fist out to me “for sure” fist bumping him, my eyes searched for Mel and I found her just waiting for me “I am going though, like after this. I didn’t expect this to be done so quick, which happened” he was waiting just like I was “tell me before you go” walking off to Mel, I need to tell her the details now.
Looking over at Rakim with my brother “so! Spill the details” Mel hit my shoulder lightly “uhm, it went really well. It was weird, so I said I need to speak to you, and he was fine with it. I just said I am unhappy, and the flood gates opened, he admitted to the fact that we are better as friends. He seen us slipping slowly into something we both dislikes, the bed situation, he felt that he needed to stop this before it turned into something worse that we can’t come back from, he wants to keep the friendship because we are good as friends, and I am so happy. He said I want to be a man about things, and we are better off as that” Mel is shook “no way? That is amazing, he is really being a man about things then, chile. Here is me thinking he would be protesting about the shit, but he really doesn’t want to lose that friendship and I don’t blame him, you are a good friend. Well how does it feel baby? You got freedom, you’re a single woman” I shrugged “I mean it doesn’t feel any different, I don’t feel anything different because I didn’t feel anything for him, I am glad he was a man about it because this could have been way messier then it could have been” I have to count my blessings, this could have turned into something malicious.
Rakim is sweet, he bought me a chain “you didn’t have too, I mean I am saying this, but I also got you a chain. Not as good as yours but open it when you get home” holding the box out “I was thinking, shall we just break the news ourselves? I mean are you ok with me posting about it?” I asked, I don’t want to do it behind his back “sure, you better see me when you come to New York” he opened his arms to me, hugging him “I will, I feel so much better. I feel a better connection to you now” I admitted “same, we just two fools. And also Roc Nation mentioned it, we tried I guess” moving back from the hug “have a safe flight, text me to let me know” I pointed, he winked at me as he walked off. He is a good friend, and I do prefer that. Turning around to go back into the home “you ruin everything” Rajad spat, he is so stupid “be quiet, then why don’t you date him” closing the door behind me “we are still friends, he is like family so be quiet. Getting all worked up over an ex now” brothers are annoying.
I am going through deleting picture of us, I want it done and gone already, I also need to find a cute picture to post of us and I got it, I found one. This is when we were in Greece, I was ok there but not the best, I wasn’t the happiest but content, but we look cute. That is because I took the selfie, let me post this. Tapping on Instagram and then the plus sign, scrolling to find the picture which I did straight and tapping on that picture. Adding a caption to the post ‘Sometimes people are better off as friends and in this case, that is us. Greece is where it started, Barbados is where it ended but it ended with love’ pressing send on the post, I rather it came from me because speculation is a bitch, I don’t want people assuming I am doing this and I am cheating so it is better off I just announce it, and there we have, I am single and I do not feel bad about having sex with another man now, I am free to do what I please now. Drop down appeared, Twin has text me that quick, does he have my notifications on.
You don’t play ! 😳😳😳
Something that needed to be done, it’s done now 🤷🏾‍♀️
Single so you don’t need to be shy with the nudes?
Goodnight ….. FRIEND!
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sinhnhi678 · 4 years
His Majesty's Dark Queen Chap 3
Note: yeah, got me whole week to write this chap. It's like 4A.M in my country now, and I'm still typing :D Oh and I forgot to introduce the background of the series. Let's assume everything in this fanfic is just like the main series, except that Star doesn't erase magic in the end, okay? Good. Now, let's enjoy chapter 3 ^^
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“So, what's that all about?” In the end, Tania can’t just let her friend out of the bar, and because this time seems kinda serious. She gets Tom the “dumped-seat” then comfort him.
“About what?”
“The GIRL, man!! The GIRL! It must be a girl, who dumped you, so you were so sad like this! No, this time must be very serious. I have never seen you sad like this ever since… since… you broke up with that Nana…”
“It’s Jana.”
“…. That Jana. The weird lady from Erath, you said. Man, maybe I have never met your Starship and know about you two’s past, but I've heard enough about your Janna. You two were like… born for each other. What could be better suited for a demon, like a demon lover? You talked to me about Jana like this, Jana like that. You were so happy, I thought when I finally get a chance to met your girlfriend, is when I received the wedding invitation. But then you came here, told me that she broke up with you, and you was sad for a long time. I also had to take you to places like Amethyst Arcade or Quest Buy to make you feel better, even introduce you new girlfriend. It took you half a year to get over it.” Tania tried to sound dramatic. She stretched her voice, deliberately pressing, waving, rolling her eyes. Tom could not resist this, hugging his stomach and laughing non-stop. Tania is always a caring friend, she does not care about her image getting worse, every time Tom is sad, she always uses this way to comfort and make fun of Tom. And it works every time. That is the first step.
“Stop, Tania, stop. You crack me up!!!” Tom tries to stop laugh, “And… what makes you think this time is worst like that?”
“The eyes, my friend. You can try to look sad, try to look happy, but your eyes always tell me the truth. That’s the reason I make friends with you in the first place. Because there is no way a ‘heartless demon’ can have eyes like that. Your three eyes, especially this one,…” Tania pointed to her forehead, “are very honest. Outsiders might think every time you broke up, you sad the same way. But those eyes tell me when you really sad, or just annoyed.”
“This is the reason why sometimes I said I just got dumped, but you still kick me out?”
“Yes. Because your eyes said you just a little bit annoyed, so I just kick you out. No one can stand after see their friends broke up like… 4 or 5 times in one month, you know? It’s very annoying. I am your friend, not your mama, remember that.”
“I guess. But you are the only one left I can talk, literally. I have few friends, but only two of them are my BF. One is very busy with her life, I can’t just chat with her hours about my relationship like that…”
“And you think I can?”
“Tania, that’s Star. She’s my ex. Even now we are friends, but I still can’t talk with her about that stuff.”
“Good point. And what about another one? If I remember correctly, that’s a he, right? What his name again? Ma… Marcus…? No.. no… co… MARCO! Right, Marco. Why wouldn't you told to him? He is, well, a guy. Sure, he has a feeling for your Starship, but you said you are cool with that, and this thing is 5 years so far, and you two still be friends. Why not?” And there we go, step 2: Make Tom said the problem. Make he feels comfortable, then draw a way so he could go with the flow, says the problem so Tania can help him. Usually, this step took quite a lot of time, since Tom is just want drinking and whining, avoiding the problem, having to lure him to say it takes half a day. But this time, Tania did not expect Tom to speak from the beginning.
“The truth is…” Tom stopped talking. He closed his eyes, rubbed his face, took a deep breath, and sighed, seemingly pondering something extremely difficult to say. “The truth is… I'm here today has something to do with him.”
“Shit!” This is what Tania doesn't want to hear the most. “This is worse than I thought!” She thinks. In fact, Tania didn't really understand Tom's romantic relationships before the two knew each other. Tom didn't tell, and neither did Tania because she knew it was a sensitive issue. That great battle took many people away, some lost their loved ones, some lost their possessions, Tania herself struggled hard to rebuild her Lily Dog bar. As for Tom, he didn't tell much about it, but Tania sensed that he seemed to have lost himself in the great battle. He still looks normal, but Tom's change in such a short time cannot be due to the fact that he is trying to be an intern king, only love. From a kid who was grumpy all day with everything (despite trying to be normal), he turned into a calm gentleman, only talk to solve the problem. Maybe for Tania, Tom has always kept the attitude as when he first befriended her, warm and cheerful, but with strangers, his attitude and way of talking are different. He is calm and aloof when talking to them, even talk to them in a voice has a semi-sarcastic style imbued with nobility to normal people, like in the movie. “This love triangle thing is really troublesome!!” Look what it did to Tom, made he looks miserably.
Miss Star Butterfly is a trouble-maker. But this Marco boy is also one, too. Tania only knows him through Tom’s story. She gave a good impression with him at first. To Tom, he is a dear friend, the one who always helps him to keep calm, when he needs and has the same hobby with him. Even when he was dating Janna, the conversation between Tom and Tania always have Marco in it, more or less. If it wasn't for Tom dating only girls, Tania thought he had something with Marco. But then, Tom starts to open with her, starts to talk about his relationship with those two. It’s broke his heart to realize that he and Star can’t belong to each other anymore, and the fact that she and his best friend have “a thing”. He chooses to broke-up with her, told them he is cool with this, hopes them would go on with each other. Poor little one still tries to smile with those two. “I swear to God, I gonna kill that damn brat right…”
“Four days ago, me and he met. We drank and talked about the old days. I don’t know how, but we end up have sex.” Tom confessed.
The silence is in the air.
“Have sex… with who?” Take long enough for Tania to dare ask him again.
“With Marco.” He answered softly.
“Ho… ho… How?? How??” Tania can’t believe what she just hears.
“I don’t know. We were drunk, and… and… Love Sentence! Tania, it’s Love Sentence! Everything was dizzy. I'm pretty sure he took the initiative first, but it was me who did the last step. I mean, how could I not? He looked cute at that time. And honestly, I've wanted to do that to him for a long time...” Tom kept on babbling and dreaming about that night, unaware that Tania was having a huge shock at his side. “This can be true!” Tania denied, “If it’s true, then…” the whole thing about love triangle that she knew, the whole time, will completely different. She quickly squeezed his shoulders, turned him back to her, asking slowly: “Tom, dear! So, what are you saying, is you have feelings for him? For… that Marco boy?”
Tom did not answer immediately but looked directly at Tania. In his eyes filled with many things, there is heartache, there is love, there are concerns, feeling like about to spill out of the eyes.
"You DO have feelings for that boy." Tania did not need Tom to speak, his eyes answered for him. She let go of his shoulders, immersing herself in her thoughts. She knew Tom had suffered because of that relationship, she also blamed the other two for making Tom change himself so much like that. But what Tania can’t think to, even in her wildest dreams, Tom is indeed being hurt by that love, but not because the person he loves cheats on him with his best friend, it rather because he has feelings for that friend. But, for how long? Since when did he have that kind of feeling? Is it ever since that great battle? Or, worse, even earlier? She didn’t dare to think. How did her friend, after all, endure himself so he could suppress his emotions all those years? “Oh, Tom…” There are some tears in her eyes, she feels sorry for Tom. “And… and then what? What did he say? Is he said he hated you or something?”
“No. He doesn’t say anything. The next morning, we woke up. Then he ran away. I haven't said a word to him yet.”
“Wha… So you mean, you haven't spoken to Marco, like at all, since that night? Even just texting?” Oh no, he better be NOT.
“Yes… because I’m…”
“And… and you said you ARE the one who done it, right?”
“Yeah… Yes?”
The silence is in the air. Again.
“OMG! OMG! OMG! I make friends with a dumbass demon. OMG! OMG! OMG!” Tania muttering. “Tom, do you realize the seriousness of this?” She turned to stare at the demon. Tom became extremely confused by his friend's fast-changing attitude.
“Uhm… Tania? I… I do realize. So I must talk to you about this, then find out how to solve this problem…”
“No, you DON’T. Because if you do, you wouldn't wait until 4 days, then come to my place to ask me how to solve this problem. Tom, I know you have suffered greatly from this love, you are also very confused, but try to stand under that boy's perspective. Suddenly his best friend done that thing with him, and then the subject went silent without any explanation or inquiry for 4 days. If it were you, do you suffer?” Tania stopped, she should not go too deep. Saying more will only make things confusing. Tom endured that was enough. She patted his shoulder, then went out to settle the bar, giving him space to think for himself.
Tom was left alone. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his mind to think. None of this would have happened if that damn instinct didn't inspire him. But Tom knows, he can't blame all on instinct. Marco Diaz, that name also made him sleepless all day and night. From the beginning because of jealousy with Marco when he was a close friend of Star, until he knows that for the first time, he had made a close friend besides Star. He treasured this friendship very much because not everyone could stand his normal temperament. Tom treasured it so much that he didn't want to break it. At one point, he almost lost this friendship. Luckily, Tom tried to calm down, so nothing happens. But now that he thinks about it, if at that time, he passed that point, maybe everything will be better.
Tom took another deep breath, took up his courage, and opened the compact. Before going to see Marco, he needed to talk to this person first.
___________Marco’s POV___________
Marco's whole body was exhausted after that night, his head was hot, stomach still felt yoke and burning hot don’t know why, but these injuries are nothing compared to Marco's feeling right now.
“Tom, what is he doing right now? Why doesn't he call me? Is it ... he hated me because I had proactively kissed him first?” Marco kept muttering like that. That morning, he was embarrassed so he runaways, but he still wanted to see Tom again. He had hoped Tom would come to see him, scold him, or take pity on him, whatever. But he didn’t come. Marco felt extremely uncomfortable, wanted to cry but couldn’t because doing so only made his parents more worried. He had been lying in bed for 4 days, taking the excuse that he had a cold, taking some medicine, and then resting was fine. The discomfort in his abdomen became increasingly uncomfortable. The lower was getting hotter and burning, and sometimes the pain was throbbing so he had to bend over to hug his stomach. This discomfort continues even in dreams.
In the dream, he was swimming in a black sea without a shore. Above the black border is a blood-red moon, as red as the Blood Moon night that Tom once determined to invite Star to attend. Blood moonlight shone on the surface of the dark, turn one spot in the black sea into dark red. Marco hurriedly swam there, feeling that if he could swim there, he would be safe. But every time, every time he swam near that red spot, there was a hand holding him back. He tried to pull away, but that hand clung too tightly. When that thing saw him still trying to swim to the blood moon, it got angry, decided to drag him down. Marco could not breathe, that thing still pulled him further and further away from the red light, down to the bottom of the black sea. He tried to turn to look, but could only see three bright lights gleaming on the black seafloor. Then, he woke up.
He wanted to sleep, but if he slept he would have to go through that dream again. But if he didn't sleep, his body would collapse. Marco closed his eyes again, really determined, certain this time, he would win that light, to swim to the red light.
___________The Present___________
Tom crouched in the Star's bedroom at Butterfly Castle. Star is pacing in front of him. Her face was completely distorted, hard to describe the feelings of Star right now. Several times she turned to look at Tom, frowned, then turned away, muttering to herself, pacing the room.
“No! No! No! Tom, why? Why is this thing happen??” Eventually, Star stopped pacing, turning to ask Tom. “It’s only 4 days, Tom. 4 DAYS. Then you just called me, saying, ‘Oh hey, Star! I accidentally have sex with Marco on the evening of your birthday party and I have run away for like 4 days. What should I do now?’ WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? What should I say, you tell me?”
"Star. I don't need you to do much for me. It's just ... you heard, I haven't seen Marco for almost a week. And to be honest, I'm more scared now. Listen, you're the best friend of ours. As it turned out like this, having a friend like you with me was better than I go alone to see Marco. And to be honest, I didn't dare to imagine Marco's angry form. Maybe he's cursed and never wish to see me ever again. ”
“He better be! You deserve it! ” Star angry said.
“Star, I know it. I should have died hundreds of times. However, Starship ... " Tom stood up, holding Star's hand earnestly," ... Please, just this once. The truth is, I have feelings for Marco too.”
“You… do?”
“I ... I ... Do you still remember the day I said I wanna break-up with you? The truth is ... I discovered that I liked Marco before that, liked… a lot. But I know that you and Marco had something at the time, I couldn't say it, or else I would not only hurt you two but also lose both my best friends. ”
“Oh… Tom…”
“So at that time, I made the best choice is to break up with you and encourage him to be with you. But Starship, I didn't expect him to choose not to come with you. He even decided to return to Earth, finish his studies, and live a normal life. For years, I tried not to say anything. I'm like a madman, trying to find a relationship like our old relationship, hoping that thanks to it, I could forget about Marco, about my love for him. But in the end, the new left faster than the previous one. And during those years, Marco was always single. I thought I had a chance. Just unexpectedly, things were happening so quickly... So fast, I didn't know how to handle them."
"Tom ..." Star softened, hugging his friend tightly. She was too heartless, didn’t realize Tom's feelings were so confused. Five years, neither long nor short, but enough to torment a person into crazy. She still knew that Tom's relationships were usually not last long, and she used to worry about him, but come to think about that… “Tom, about your feeling with Marco, is Janna know any about that? Is that the reason you two broke up?” Every time Star have a chat with her girls, and if she told about Tom’s relationship lately, Janna just laughs and telling that he deserved that, nothing to worried. At first, Star thought Janna was still angry with him because of the breakup thing, but after that, Janna still met Tom when the whole meeting and didn’t show any discomfort. That always confuses Star.
“I… I don’t know… Everything between me and Janna is fine, can say it’s perfect. The two of us enjoy doing weird things to her liking. To be honest, she’s the only one that made me think, maybe I can move on with, and someday, I can over Marco. I even prepared everything, told my parents, introduce her to those two. Everything was so smooth, but suddenly one day, she called me out to talk, then said nothing, just punched me in the eye… Then… after that… she said she wants to break-up… She doesn’t even answer my phone. If… if it’s true, that she knows about my feeling for Marco…” Tom held his head, not sure what to say. “Oh my god, I’m such a jerk!”
“Tom! We can talk about Janna later. I know she, if she can still show up at our group meetings without complaining, it means she wasn’t too angry with you. You still can find and apologize to her later. Now, MARCO!”
Encouraged by the Star, Tom felt that he was calm. He thanked Star, saying, “Thank you, Starship. You really are the best friend a demon king can ask for. Can this good friend follow me now to Marco's house to talk with him? ”
She smiled at him.
___________About 2 hours later___________
“ARGHHH! Can you just hurry up? How the hell does your dressing take two hours to complete?”
“Relax, Star! Bathing, choosing clothes, beautifying yourself need time. Not to mention I'm about to talk to Marco. I want to be beautiful in front of him.” As he said that, Tom remodeled his tie, though it looked perfect.
“Ohmygod! Don’t tell me, that EVERY TIME our group meeting, you always like this. No wonder you always look so… fancy like that. Turn out you want to flirt Marco ~~” Star pulled Tom while giggling teasing him.
“Star!!!!” Although it is true, but being so explicitly made Tom blush. His cheek turns to purple quickly.
Star still giggled, pulled Tom to Marco's door, and quickly rang the bell. She turned, instructed him. "Listen, maybe Rafael or Angie will open the door, just let me talk to them. While I was talking to them, you said you had something to tell Marco and…."
The door opened, but behind it wasn't Rafael or Angie, but Marco. Neither Star nor Tom had expected it, since the one who opened the door was still one of the Diaz couples, they love to have someone visit them. Marco looked extremely tired, his red eyes looked like sleeplessness, even the puffiness became black. He was very pale and lethargic, but his hair was still neat, and in his arms, Marco was holding a cup of coffee, Star guessed that he had just washed his face and was drinking coffee to regain consciousness. Marco pulled back his bathrobe so he wouldn't get cold, intentionally not paying attention to Tom who was standing next to him, only smiling at Star: "Star! What are you doing here?"
“Oh, hi Marco! Uhmm… WE are here to talk. Can we… come in?” Star tried to smile brightly.
Marco glanced coldly at Tom. His brown eyes once full of affection are now as cold as ice. It hurts Tom's heart, he feels more guilty for ignoring him for 4 days.
“Sure, why not? Come on in, it’s cold out there.” Marco stepped aside, inviting the two to go inside. Both of them noticed Marco's cold attitude, but still went inside the house. The heat transfer between cold and hot made them shudder.
“Marco! Who is that?” It’s Rafael, resounded from the kitchen.
“It’s Star! She has something to tell you and mom!”
“Is she? Then tell her to sit down and wait a minute. We are in the middle of something!”
Both Tom and Star were amazed at Marco's attitude. Marco is a lousy liar, if not basically he can't lie. But just now, Marco lied extremely smoothly, even choosing an extremely natural reason without any loopholes. The two were not yet over surprised, Marco returned, coolly speaking. “Star, you're here waiting for my parents to come out and talk. And Tom, I need to talk to you.” Then he turned upstairs, seemingly unwilling to hear any more words
“Okay, we know for sure that Marco is extremely angry at you now. You go up there, trying to console him. Acting very sorry for the ‘incident”, trying to appease as much as possible. If he takes the bait, you go ahead. If he gets really angry, remember to call me, I'll go up there.”
Tom nodded, then gathered his courage, went upstairs. Tom has never felt so scared like now, as if he's now fighting thousands of monsters, not going up and talking to Marco. He tried to reassure himself, hypnotizing himself that he was just going to talk. Ah, wish it was just a simple talk. This conversation means a lot to him. It was not just his own show of affection for Marco over five years, but also its result. If Marco agrees, then he and Marco can finally be together. But if not, then he feared that even friendship would be gone. Who would accept that his best friend has feelings for him, and then willfully did such a thing like that to him?
Tom took a deep breath, then turned the door handle. He saw Marco standing with his back to him, his face turning to the window. He felt Marco was skinny and gloomy than before. He sighed, closed the door, and said his line: "Marco..." But before he could say anything, Marco quickly turned around and walked in front of Tom. And then, he leaned up, wrapped his arms around the back of Tom's head, and kissed him.
Tom was very surprised. He could not guess this was coming. Marco is proactively kissing him. His full lips are plastered on Tom's lips, soft, cool, and extremely real. Tom was overwhelmed, but he quickly regained consciousness, his hands quickly hugging Marco’s waist, picking him up to press the kiss deeper. Tom could smell the scent of his shampoo and shower gel, and felt the bitter coffee he just drank as they both kissed. It all made Tom infatuated. He leaned against the wall completely, one hand lifted Marco's butt, one hand pulled his leg around Tom’s waist, then kissed him passionately.
“Tom, do you love me?” Marco stopped the kiss, but his forehead rested on Tom's, their lips only a few centimeters apart. Tom looked into his eyes. It was not as cold as it used to be, it was glittering with emotion, reflecting Tom's image in it. Tom felt revived, the whole body energized. He hurriedly kissed small kiss on Marco’s face and lips, answering: "Yes, Marco. I love you. Love you very much. Love you till the day I die."
“Is that so? So if I want anything, you can give it, right?”
“Yes, anything, even my heart.” Tom hurriedly answered. Marco giggled, rubbing his ear. "You goofy, I don't need your heart." He gently kisses back, “I just need you to love me, with all your souls!”
“Yes, I will.” Tom leaned over, kissing Marco once more time.
___________Down stair___________
Star sat opposite the Diaz couple, holding the teacup they were invited to and extremely confused. If Marco was said to be a lousy liar, then Star lied worse, the truth proved that. Star tried to smile, asking some silly questions to the couple. She was hoping Tom would comfort Marco soon to get herself out of this situation, or she was afraid she might flush it out. But before she could tell the truth as she feared, Rafael changed the subject. He looked confused and worried when asked Star. “Star, on your birthday night, did something happen to Marco?”
“Wh… What~~? No… No! Nothing happens! Everyone is fine. No one gets trouble or something… hahahaa…Ha!” Star negated in a soaring high voice. “Oh shit! Oh shit! Help! Tom, hurry up!!!” She tried to keep calm but her forehead was still sweating, even a sip of tea she just drinks couldn’t make her throat less dry.
“Is that so?” Rafael sighed. He looked hesitant, even giving Angie a look when he saw her nod, he turned to Star and continued. “Star, we really don't want to say this, for fear you will be worried. But before we start, we just want to say that everything is okay, everything is under control. No need to be overly worried.”
“Yes?” Star realized the strangeness of the two.
“It’s about Marco. He has severe depression.”
“Severe… depression?”
“Simply put, it is a disease caused by long-term stress. It causes patients to have trouble sleeping, tired, irritable, and especially thinking about committing suicide.” Rafael explained. “At first, the two of us just thought that Marco was not used to normal life, maybe it would be fine later. But he is getting more and more strange. He often has insomnia, cries often, and the teacher at school often complains about his distracted attitude. And then one morning, Angie found him holding a razor blade in front of the mirror, right at his neck as if about to cut down. Although Angie had stopped Marco at that moment, and he didn't seem to recognize or remember that suicide, but we were forced to take him to a psychiatrist.”
"The doctor concluded he had severe depression." Angie burst into tears, trying to hold back her tears but unable to. “At that time, we did not know what to do. Oh, our mijo! Marco promised us he would try to get through, telling us not to tell this to anyone else. But how can it be overcome so easily? He had been miserable for a long time, only when he went to meet his friends, he seems to have returned to normal. It took more than two years for Marco to no longer have the thought of committing suicide. But the depression is still there. We were so afraid that one day, he couldn’t think and then commit suicide like that morning.”
“Two years? That… the time when Tom and Janna...?”
“For that reason, we forced him to stay with us, even though he went to college now. Maybe with his friends, he said that he wanted to save up for student’s loan, but actually it was because of his depression that we couldn't stop watching him.”
“Lately he's been better than before. We were extremely excited, thinking that he might have returned to being old Marco. But, four days ago, after your birthday party, it became strange again. Even though he told me he only had a cold, he tried not to cry and sleep well, but why didn't we realize that.”
“That why, we want to ask you, do you know what happened that night?”
Being looked at by both Diaz and the couple, Star felt like a criminal being questioned. She couldn't keep her word, sorry Tom, but she had to say it.“Uhm… Actually… That night…”
“STAR!” Glossaryck from nowhere naturally appeared right next to Star, screaming her name.
“AHHHHHHHH! Cheese and crackers! Glossaryck?! What are you doing here?” Star feels confusing. A few days ago, Glossaryck suddenly said he has something important to deal with, then disappeared from that moment. But now, he suddenly appeared here.
“No time to talk! Where is Tom? We need to save him. NOW!”
“Tom? What are you talking about? He is fine. He with Marco now. The two of them were talking about their problems…” Star quickly turned to the Diaz “… at the previous four days. But it’s like 10 minutes has passed, and there was no sound of fight or argument, so I think we're okay, it's all right. You two can be chill. Marco will soon…”
“No, Star! Marco IS the problem.” Glossaryck protested.
“What are you…”
A loud bang, coming from upstairs. The four of them stopped talking and quickly ran upstairs. Star went upstairs first, and quickly ran to Marco's room, she realized that loud noise came from the direction of his room. But when she got to the door, she felt something amiss. The door of Marco's room was still closed, but there were cold, chilling breezes coming through the door, along with a frightening green light. Star recognized that light.
“Star, you better be prepare beforehand.” Glossaryck flew close, reminding Star. Star took a deep breath, then turned the door handle.
Behind the door was a scene, that perhaps until the end of her life, Star can not forget. Tom was lying near the door, unmoving, his pale lilac skin even paler, almost becoming white, as if he were dead. The room was disturbed by a hurricane, everything was lifted by the wind, scattered in the air. The roof has a very big hole, snow poured everywhere. Looking up, Star sees something even more terrifying. It was Marco, float in midair. But that was not normal Marco, it was a monster with Marco's face. His eyes are completely black, from the pupil to the sclera. Marco grew a small horn on the right, which resembled Tom's. There was a crescent moon shaped magic mark on his cheek, but it was not like what she had ever seen. Marco's magic mark is shown in bright red, but now it shows in the formidable green of dark magic.
“Mar…Marco?!” She couldn't believe it was her friend.
“Oh, princess Butterfly! We meet again.” "Marco" smirked, responding softly.
“Be careful, Star. He was no longer Marco.” Glossaryck appears, alerting Star. He also quickly closed the door to prevent Rafael and his wife. Can't let them see this situation. “So I guess you were the cause of the disturbance in the Realm of Magic, right?”
“The Realm of Magic has its own consciousness, Glossaryck. You can't blame us because it's been unstable lately. It simply... is welcoming a new member of it. A Prince! Prince of Darkness!”
“Marco” laughed maniacally. And, he began to change again. Two pairs of huge wings sprouted from his back. It has color of purple and green, with skull and hypnotic patterns on it. He also grows 4 more arms. He looked exactly like one of the Butterfly members when they transformed. “Marco” tried flapping the butterfly's wings and pleased to see it flap naturally.
“You… Who are you? Why did you take Marco? Give him back to me!”
“Ouch! It’s hurt, princess. After all, you did KILL us! Remember?”
As if something awakened, Star was scared, unable to believe in the truth. “You… you… Toffee?!” It can’t be! It can’t be! Toffee is dead!
“Close enough! Actually, it takes more than just one spirit to get this form, you know. But luckily, thank to you, this boy had absorbed enough evil spirits. But still, it takes a little more energy to convert. And then, you brought that guy to me, just in time.” He pointed to Tom, who was lying motionless on the ground, laughing. “Oh, men! I have nothing to say. You are just like my guardian angel. Tricking him is really too easy, it was like taking candy from a child's hands. All that because he loves 'me'! Hahahahahaha….!”
Star felt unprecedented despair and regret. If that's what he said, was that her fault, so Marco turned into that? And also because of that, so Tom got involved? Did she harm her loved ones?
“No! Give him back to me!” Star screamed, transformed, and took the magic wand, rushing towards “Marco”. But before she could get close, she was repelled by a wave of dark magic, shot back.
“Oh, Princess Butterfly. Although we would love to stay here to have a little chat with you, but unfortunately, we have to go. See you soon!” Marco smiled tenderly, then created a portal. Star has never seen such a gate. It was similar to the gate she went to the Realm of Magic, but instead of the inherent color, it was black and green. “Oh, one more thing. Send Tom a kiss for me. He really loves me with ALL his souls. Well, half of it is enough. Hahahahaha… Bye~~!” Marco chuckled, then disappeared behind the portal.
As soon as Marco disappeared, the whirlwind in the air gradually dissipated, the furniture gradually lowered, scattered everywhere. Star sat motionless on the ground, unable to believe what he had just heard or seen. She just sat there, staring into the air, enduring every wave of snow and wind blowing in her face. Outside, Rafael and Angie, despite being prevented by Glossaryck's magic to prevent them from entering or hearing anything, but they were too nervous, standing outside and try to knock the door.
Glossaryck sighed. He removed the magic from the door, letting them enter. Upon entering the room, both of them were rendered speechless by the scenery. But before they can be saying anything, Glossaryck took the initiative to say it first. “Star, we need to go now. Bring Tom and the Diaz family back to Mewni. I'm afraid this is not gonna end well.”
From this chapter I will post on tumbler too. Because the previous 2 chapters are too ... hahaha...
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