#yeah so its like las nevadas q and revived schlatt :)
tiny-little-pechen · 1 year
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countessacee · 2 years
I am so sorry c!pumpkinduo enjoyers but I have to get something off of my chest a lil.
Please I beg of you stop interpreting c!pumpkinduo (in manburg OR in Las Nevadas lore) as a healthy, loving dynamic. It’s like the biggest misinterpretation of a character dynamic I have seen in my whole life which has got to be an achievement. There were obviously silly and funny scenes between them, ones that made their relationship look like a good one and thats exactly the point. Toxic relationships are not a constant and unwavering hurt.
[more in Read More, this is gonna be a long one]
First reason, watch any Quackity manburg vod ever and pay attention to the semi-lore bits it is literally so obvious that for one, Schlatt did not love him back. Two, He did not respect Q, and three, anytime that was brought up it turned into threats. Anyone remember that one time Q stated c!Schlatt did not respect him and he just threatened to lobotomize Q so that he couldn’t think like that for himself? Because I sure do. It directly lead to c!Q canonically having a plan to impeach/execute him.
It was never carried through, honestly, but it’s the thought that counts. Suppose the good moments and bits of attention he got out of basically begging not to be made fun of for like two minutes worked out. Admittedly a lot of the making fun of was just them being silly, Schlatt telling him to go to the gym, calling him flatty patty and Q crying that one time but tears are tears ☠️
You guys forget the way that the two characters ended up. CQ brought up SERIOUSLY that he was tired of being disrespected and cast aside as an equal member of Manburg, and of being constantly mistreated, and Schlatt literally started to fight him. Like. Their marriage ended in a physical battle in which Q pulled out a crossbow to get him away and Schlatt taunted him for being a coward. Their marriage ended in cQuackity shooting him to death, and directly after he went to Pogtopia with hopes of actively working against him.
Though the biggest application to cPumpkinduo being blatantly toxic is the first Las Nevadas lore stream. The entire first section of it actually, which I was rewatching and gathering quotes from.
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CQuackity explicitly stated several times that just the thought of being around cSchlatt makes him uncomfortable, and that he gets flashbacks/terrible memories when he’s with him. I genuinely do not know where people got the implications through any of his lore that this was a happy and loving relationship but it sure as hell wasn’t here. Cant be just me who hates ppl trying to take a canon abusive relationship and portray it as loving. Its like taking cdiscduo and being like omg best friends!! (But to what feels like a lesser extent)
Of course it wasn’t abuse to the extent that it was with cdiscduo or very typical violence you see in media, but it was still mentally abusive, and eventually they still got physical. (I could also talk ab how freaky it is for ppl to depict their relationship as s3xua11y abusive but thats for another time. Its annoyingly common.)
Another thing I notice people tend to do is, for some reason, say that c!sweaterduo is a better enemies to lovers dynamic or even ship Revived cSchlatt/Wilbur/Q, which if you think about for more than three fucking seconds youll see how weird that is. CSweaterduo legit just fucking despise each other not in the homoerotic, enemies yo lovers way, they just genuinely want each other to die. I promise making them get together at some point whether it be the elections or after revival is not the move you think it is. CPumpkinduo was a canonically abusive relationship, and adding cWilbur to the mix? Yeah, no. No thanks.
I can see cTntduo, but the complete mischaracterization of cSchlatt as a whole is just… Weird! Sorry, it’s weird. Making an abusive character loving and filled with guilt over his actions when that has never been canonically displayed (quite the opposite in fact) just to ship your favs is strange. Especially on the coumpkinduo end where cQ openly expressed that cSchlatt made him uncomfortable and upset just to think about because of the impression he left.
Anyways thats the end of my rant I hope you enjoyed.
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darkeninganon · 4 years
( Ha ha, I have not stopped. Again the design of Dream is based off @winifreyd and their White Enderman Dream design! Warnings for: general angst, violence, blood, gore, bodily harm, feral fluffy boyo, possible deralization (I am unsure if that is the proper word), drugs/tranqulizers, improper use of a weapon (trying to choke someone), and Quackity playing with body parts. You have been warned.)
Tommy grumbled, finally setting down the last bit of cobblestone on the tower right outside the prison. No way they could ever get into the prison, regardless of how hard they tried, but at least now, they could see anyone entering or exiting. That was more what concerned Tommy. He had told Sam to not let anyone visit Dream, but he had a gut feeling Sam had done so anyways. His gut had been right, as he had seen Quackity enter and exit the prison at least twice now. Ranboo and Tubbo finished the climb just in time; all three settling down as Quackity entered the prison.
Dream curled in on himself, protectively covering the mass of fur he now had. The creature in the crown growled at him, arms extended.
"Give him to me." "NO!" Dream hissed, fur raising as he bared his fangs. He felt weak, but he would not let them take him away. "You know the rules I have to abide by... I'm not losing him." Another of the tall creatures growled, jaw unhinging as it stepped closer. The one in the crown held its hand up, casting a quick glare at it before turning back to Dream. "Come now, he hates you." Dream hissed again, red eyes challenging green eyes. "You can't help him. Only I can help him..." The creature's mouth contorted into a horrific smile, millions of teeth flashing. "You wouldn't want me to call the warden, would you?" Dream backed away, not enough that they could grab his child, but still visibly cowering. The warden? Why would Warden Sam help them? He wouldn't! Sam wasn't even anywhere here! "Come on, Dream, just tell me." Dream stared. The creature in the crown was gone. At least, he thought they were gone. No crown was atop their head, but.... they still looked like a giant shadow, made of nothing but the blackest void. Green eyes still staring into his soul, but now... A gold tooth sparkled, somewhere in their mouth. And, that voice.... "Dream~? You home buddy?" Dream backed away more now, hand curling around his child to protect him. But... Dream looked down.... His child was gone, replaced by a smear of blood. Dream began screaming, spinning frantically. He had to find his son. He had to find his precious child, the only thing that mattered to him at this point. He had to protect him, had to keep him safe, needed to help him learn about his powers and help him overcome before it destroyed him. Dream screamed, crashing into the back of the cell. He scrambled, eye wild as he felt around in the relative dark. "Jesus Christ, you need to relax Dream." Dream stared at Quackity, heart racing at a million miles per hour, struggling to breath in the overbearing heat. "What?" His voice cracked. His fucking voice cracked. What was even going on at this point? Dream sure as hell didn't know. Quackity, for his part, stayed quiet, watching Dream carefully. The prisoner looked like he.... He looked.... No, surely not...... Dream was terrified. No, beyond terrified; Dream had the same expression Tommy had. Dream had lost everything, and something in his brain had actually made him fear beyond anything Quackity had done. It was.... disconcerting to see Dream so afraid. "You... you have a nightmare?" Quackity finally asked, squatting down where he stood. What the hell did Dream dream about? Dream looked around his cell, brain running at a million miles or more. That's right. He was in his cell, and Quackity was here to ask about the revive book. The revive book... Dream's ears fell back and he turned on Quackity, hissing loudly and baring his teeth. Quackity, for his part, jumped back with a yelp, surprised by Dream's sudden aggression. "Quackity?! Everything okay in there?!" Sam had heard the visitor's cry, not wanting a repeat of what happened to Tommy. Quackity shook his head, standing back up, looming over Dream. "Yeah, we're fine. The asshole just hissed at me." He took a step closing, sighing. Dream backed up into a corner, as best as his wounded body could. His legs dragged uselessly after him, blood from the re-opened tail wound leaving a light smear on the black stone. He glared up at Quackity- No, not Quackity..... Wait.... Yes? No.... Yes? Dream's fur raised, hiding his thinned frame as he struggled to make himself appear bigger than whoever was in front of him. The creature knelt down, grabbing Dream's jaw to force eye contact. "You will give me what I want, right now, or else." Dream snapped. "SAM!" A cacophony of screaming, growling, and cries erupted from the cell. Sam chugged a potion of fire resistance and dove into the lava. "SAM!" Quackity sounded terrified. Dream had gotten the upper hand, somehow. Probably managed to steal one of the weapons when Quackity put them on display so the bastard knew what to expect. Of course Dream had waited, of course he had- Sam burst from the lava, taking out an implement that looked like a pick-axe with a tiny head on it. Dream knew full well what the weapon was, having been hit with it quite a few times when he threatened or tried to attack Sam in one way or another. It wasn't as bad as the Warden had expected. Dream didn't have a weapon, but he did have Quackity pinned and was trying with all his might to bite the visitor's face off. The warden was quick to approach, striding up to the mess while slowly raising his weapon. As soon as he was close enough, he slammed the pointed edge into the prisoner's broken knee, earning an ear-shattering scream.... And the prisoner's rage. Dream suddenly turned on Sam, Quackity having been discarded as if he didn't even exist. For as thin as Dream was now, he was still inhumanly strong. Dream dragged the warden to the ground, growling and screeching, hands flying up and batting against the creeper mask he wore. The lenses became streaked with blood, making it impossible to see as Sam kicked and swung, hoping to throw the prisoner far enough away that he couldn't retaliate. Dream's weight was suddenly gone; his growling turning to garbled wheezing as he was pulled back. Sam tore his mask off, no point in wearing it when he couldn't clean it off and it hindered more than helped. Quackity had the weapon Sam had brought in pressed against Dream's neck, dragging the prisoner away from the downed warden. Dream's legs scrabbled at the ground, his knees bending at painful angles as he tried to stand and get away. Sam took out a syringe. It was filled with a sedative, something he hoped he never had to use. He ran up to Dream, quickly injecting it into his shoulder before pulling Quackity away. "Hey! What the he-" Dream collapsed, hissing and clawing at the ground, trying to get back up and fight them. Slowly though, he fell quiet and stopped moving. One could think he was dead if not for the slow rise and fall of his chest. Sam sighed, grabbing his mask and tools, turning to Quackity; "I think it's time you leave." Quackity couldn't agree more. ----------------------------------------
Tubbo held onto Ranboo. His platonic husband had fallen asleep so quickly, having spent most of that day running around after Michael. But now... Now Ranboo was trying to claw his way into the prison, completely oblivious to the ocean water, and the fact that Warden Sam was in there right now, and would see all three of them. Tommy was not much help, too worried about getting hurt to get between the half enderman and whatever he was trying to do right now. At least, until he just.... froze. Tommy and Tubbo watched as Ranboo continued to stare at the prison, head tilting as if waiting for something. He moved suddenly, running to the portal, just in time to meet Quackity as he left. Quackity stared at the teens, stammering as he tried to process why they were here. "Sorry about that Big Q! Ranboo is sleep walking again! Ha ha! You know how it is with kids, am I right?" Tubbo jumped in, smiling just a little too wide for it to look natural. Ranboo suddenly spoke. A strange garble of syllables that sounded like words, but definitely wasn't English. "Uhhh...." Tommy was the first to recover. "You know how it is when sleeping Big Q. Ranboo probably thinks he's talking to Michael. Look, me and Tubbo need to make sure he stays safe, alright? You just... go." Tommy made a shooing motion, letting Quackity pass the trio. Ranboo just stared at him, locking eyes with the disheveled man. Once Quackity was back at Las Nevada, he walked back to his office, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a red sphere. "Hey! You get that info yet? Tell me something good~!" Schlatt burst into Quackity's office, smiling wide despite the mood of the living occupant. The ghost stopped, staring at Quackity just long enough to finally pick up that something was on his mind. "You.... You got something you want to share with that class?" Quackity smiled, chuckling to himself. "I wondered why Dream's eyes looked so familiar." He tossed the circular object to Schlatt, who caught it, only to yell and drop it seconds later. "What the fuck?! Why do you have a fucking eye?! when the fuck did you get that?!" Quackity chuckled again, walking over and picking the eye up off the floor. It looked like a polished marble ball as opposed to an actual eye, at this point. "I got it from Dream." He stated, a little too casually, walking over to his desk and pulling out another drawer, removing a long, pristine white tail from this one. Schlatt stared in a mixture of horror and fascination, surprised that Quackity would be one for trophies. "Oh man... That idiot fucked up so bad..." Quackity continued his fit of giggling. He looked to Schlatt, smile never falling, "I think I just found out Dream's secret friend."
___________________________________________________ (This was particularly hard to write, but things are going to get worse for Dream, believe it or not. But after that, they will get better. I do not write this stuff for pointless, unending angst. There will be a light at the end of the tunnel for Dream!)
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