#yeah my friend is 100% bullying Malak. Are they wrong though
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sporadicsweetswitch 6 months ago
Friend is still playing KOTOR for the first time Here are their thoughts so far....PART IV!! The Revea(n)l!!
PARTS HERE [1] [2][3][4][5]
1. Holy Sith! They finally got to the revelation about who Revan is and are so mad right now. Like fuming at the reveal, because they thought the plot was heading in a direction to make you think you were Revan and reveal you weren't. A red herring kind of situation.
2. Revan is still a Class A drama queen and deserves nothing less but pain for all the trouble they caused. Locked in a closet with HK-47 for longer than a year, kind of pain.
3. Malak at this point, he should give up right? Right. It's not like he's failed to do everything and is quite literally being held together by duck tape and spite.
4. Bastilla, babe, mind games aren't cool. They're fun and downright twisted, but not cool. Also, if you turn evil from a day with Malak due to his incompetence, no one would blame you.
5. Canderous continues to be the best Mandalorian by giving absolutely zero fucks about the situation.
6. Carth, my guy, my main man, my resident grouchy regular human who cannot be a space wizard. WTF do you mean let's talk later? I demand answers! There is no way you didn't know what Revan like without the mask when you served with them in the same fleet
7. Also, how does no one else bring it up that you look exactly like Revan the entire game? Like someone randomly could have come up to you and spilt the beans. Bastilla isn't with you the whole time to keep an eye on you, and Revan is one of the most (in)famous icons around. Someone would know what you look like without the mask, there'd be photos on the holonet or something at least!! What, did the jedi council splurge and get you plastic surgery?
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sporadicsweetswitch 6 months ago
Friend is still playing KOTOR. Friend has reached Korriban. Here are their thoughts so far. ....PART III
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1. Dustil deserved to have more content time/become a companion to annoy Carth, team up with Mission and Zaalbar and get to know (*you) their coolest future step-parent.
2. Ajunta Pall is a random weirdo. No notes...but friend thinks they stuck around to be that 70-year old boomer sith lord Karen who just wants to complain. 馃懘. Basically he and Jolee should start a bookclub.
3. If this is how Malak runs a sith academy then he needs to go back to school instead of being a wannabe goth lord with insecurity issues.
4. Does Malak eat through a straw or what? There is no jaw. Man cannot get any food/anything else. No wonder he's so wound tight. He's probably hangry 馃槓.
5. Juhani and Canderous should both start a book, wine club, or a podcast. Their first one is titled "I joined a weird amnesic soldiers side-quest and all I got was mild trauma and even more trauma" or "what the sith is this shit?"
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sporadicsweetswitch 5 months ago
Friend is playing KOTOR for the first time. They are up to Manaan and it is the last planet to visit in terms of Starforge maps. Here are their thoughts so far....PART V
PARTS HERE [1][2][3][4][5]
1. Fish are .... somewhat friends? The Selkath looks like catfish and as such, is not food.... or bait for bigger fish 馃悷 . Also, you get to walk amongst the fishies! Sadly, no fishing.
2. You (Revan) are the most dramatic person to exist ever. At this point you are literally 'That Bitch'. You are responsible for everything going on and yet you know nothing about what is going on and do so with the grace of an idiot. No wonder Malak turned out the way he did, you were his mentor!! You know, because he is incompetent, annoying, melodramatic.
3. The Sith soldier uniform is soooo shiny 鉁笍 they sparkle. Also, could they potentially catch something on fire from being so shiny and reflective? Like Malak's face....or Mission's brother.... or Carth (still ignoring you for being 'evil').
4. There needs to be a Law and Order: Jedi Edition show. Half the cases would be because of you and your companions.... looking at you HK-47. And your lawyer is a either a Wookie, a Jawa or a Selkath, or Mission with a fake mustache pretending to be older.
5. Seriously though, Revan being on trial for breaking and entering into a sith base and not the whole being a 'Sith Warlord' thing is hilarious.
6. Screw the underwater segment! It was a Lovecraftian horror. (Also I played the baby shark song during segment. My friend almost threw the controller at me. Totally worth it!)
7. Bastila, I swear you probably turning evil is just hilarious 馃槀. It's like being threatened by a baby Gizka with resolved mommy issues...so knockoff Darth Vader 2.0?
8. But also, if Revan's memories came back early and they went back to being a sith lord, what was the actual plan?
Have a jedi padawn, (although gifted, who had to have an entire team (*and a tone of luck that Malak sucks and is a traitor) help her take down Revan in the first place and barely succeded at that) take them down again in a solo fight?
The council basically said "Ah yes, let's let our prodigal student guck around and find out with an amnesic Sith lord. Nothing could go wrong there."
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