#yeah its overwhelming but theres clearly a lot of shit you can do
lunarflare64 · 1 year
I'm not even trying to animate a character or anything, its literally just, make rain look like its falling and a glitch effect at one point. If I knew how this shit worked it'd probably be the easiest thing in the world, but I don't, I'm not even familiar with the program, and Clip Studio's......everything is so fucking overwhelming, they don't break shit down at all, there's so many icons, you can't see shit, is there even a box for animation bullshit or is it literally just that drop down menu that you have to do everything through, because if so I hate that thing's guts, I HAVE all the images, literally all I want is to put them all together and fuck around with the timing so it looks fluid and then leave it as a gif, why is that so hard, I fucking hate Clip Studio, the bane of my fucking existence
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aprilwritesabook · 5 years
I appolgize in advance for this long ass post haha.
Alright, so here's the deal. This post is gonna be part rant, part confessional, and part inspirational speech. So if your following this blog purely for the updates on my books you can skip it haha.
I know a currently published author. I used to kinda be friends with them in highschool, but it was more like a friend of a friend type deal. But I digress. Point is. They recently released there second book on Amazon. And I really wanna be happy and proud of them, and to see it as an inspirational thing, buuuuut I'm almost 100 sure they are actually a fraud?
And that's not me being bitter. I really really really wish this wasn't the case. But I have the evidence to back this theory up.
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1- they claimed that there first book sold out multiple times. And to be fair this one might be at least partially true. Its rated pretty high on amazon, But then again they only have 4 people rate it and three of those people are the editor formattor and artist for the book. Soooo. Yeah I sure hope they rated it well.
2- they are constantly posting stories to there social media that are far fetched at best. They work in a bookstore. And almost every other week its a slightly diffrent story about a customer who "didn't even know" he was the author who would "burst into tears" the second he told them what the book was about because they were just Soooo touched by the message that they wept to a total stranger??? If that had happened even once it would have been an odd occurance. And this is something that apparently happens alllll the time to them. (I hate to drudge up old memes like this, but)
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3- this person has recently made a tick tock and a youtube channel. And like, the content isssss questionable? And that's not necessarily a crime or anything. But they give updates about it on social media as if they are speaking to a mass of adoring fans and like...you can see how many subs and views a person has. We know he dosn't have a big fan base. And I know that sounds harsh. But like, some more gullible people have asked him for advise on how to be "successful" and "gain a following", and he answers them with authority. Like he has the answers even though he clearly dosn't? And that feels really... disingenuous at best?
4- along the same vein as 3. They recently made a post on twitter about how they are "overwhelmed by the amount of love and support they have found on the site" and how they get "some many heartfelt messages." Annnd again. I clicked the account. They literally have 5 followers. And not a SINGLE person has EVER liked, retweeted, or commented on a SINGLE tweet of theirs. Not one. Soooo like not only are you pretending to have a huge fan base that dosn't exist your also making up there engagement with you? Which this alone I feel brings validate to my doubts about the other things. Clearly they arn't above blatant lying and extreme over exaggeration. And also they either don't realize we can all seeeee these facts. Or they don't think anyone will actually check and call them on it ?????
Now there's a lot of other examples I could give. But my point isn't to put this ONE person on blast. I'm not trying to start beef or cause damage to their reputation or anything. Which is why I won't say their name or what there books are. The only way you'd know who I'm talking is if you also knew them in real life. In which case you either already know all this, or you should, so you don't fall victim to their lies.
The reason I'm saying any of this at all is because I think I know why they are doing it. And why so many indie authors or would be media mogels feel the need to do this.
The issue with trying to "build an audience" and "self market" yourself, is that you really only have 2 ways of guaranteed sucess.
You either need to have a pre established audience based on success you've already had in the past. (IE youtubers and movie stars writing successful books cause there fans will buy anything of there's reguardless.)
Or you need to buy your way in. Be it by quitting your day job to make social media your full time job, buying ads, hiring a social media person,or hiring a team of people with their own audiences (audio book narrators, cover artists, managers, ect)
And if you don't ALREADY have an audience, and you don't have the funds to BUY your way in, then your just gonna have to get real lucky.
You can be lucky for knowing somebody with an "in". They work in publishing, or advertising, or they're your rich uncle. Just someone who you can go to to get that boost one way or another to get one of the first two methods going for you.
You can get lucky by commenting the right thing on the right post and gaining followers that way. Or by being in the right place at the right time to meet somebody important.
You can be lucky by having lots of supportive friends and family who will promote you and your work FOR you.
Or lastly (and this is in the realm of being a one in a million case here. So it basically never happens without one of the other things I mentioned also being true.)
You can be lucky by working REALLY hard, and being REALLY talented, and having the world actually NOTICE YOU somehow? Just one person with influence who can find you in your dark hole of insignificance and shine a light on you so now the world can actually seee you.
And that sucks.
You could write the greatest book in the whole world. Truly a masterpiece. But if nobody buys it or reads it because they don't know who you are??? Then it dosen't matter does it?
It sucks Soooo hard.
Because untill you get those people with influence to shine a light on you, theres nothing you can do. And the market is soooooo drenched in new indie authors that the odds of the right people finding and liking your book are slim to none.
Its super unfair.
The people who have the influence arn't gonna buy a book with 0 reviews and no social media following.
Why? Because THEIR brand depends on only recommending the good shit. And they need to find that good shit NOW. If they read every book written by nobody's online, they'd have to wade through ALOT of garbage. wasting all their valuable time and money till they found something worthy. And honestly, from a business stand point, you cant really fault them for that
This is where the lies come from.
So basically no matter how you look at it, or what your strategy is, In order to get fans, you need to ALREADY HAVE THEM.
When your just starting out. And I mean truly at square one. It really feels like the only way to "make it" is to "fake it"
If you PRETEND to have a big following. And you PRETEND your books are selling really well already. And you PRETEND that people care deeply about you and your work... Then there is a chance that nobody will do the homework to find out its all a lie.
And if they think your successful already, then it sends a message to the consumers brains of "well they must be good. Everybody loves it/them".
It sucks that so many people who have found real success did so with lies, cash, and being already well connected.
And then they buy it, and they follow you, and the confirmation bias sets in, and eventually you'll dupe enough people into liking you that you don't HAVE to lie anymore.
Those of us with no cash and too high a conscious to lie our way to the top are left with virtually no chance of succeeding no matter how hard we work or how good our content is.
And I'm not claiming to be "better than" or "more worthy" than anyone else. I wanna make it clear that of your in the portion of having it fake it so you can follow your dreams then more power to you. Its a valid strategy. I hate that it works and I hate that its the only option sometimes. But I don't hate the people as creators for "doing what it takes." I get it. Really I do.
And it suckks major ass that so many people feel like this is the only way.
My whole point here. Is that we have slowly built a system where this is our reality. And honestly? End of the day? There's not a damn thing we can do to change it at this point.
In a perfect world made of unicorns and puppies. I could say "hey lets all go ready books by completely unknown authors. Be the change you wanna see in the world." But at the end of the day, especially in the unfiltered world of self publishing, It would be a complete shot in the dark to spend your resources on something completely unknown. We rely on word of mouth, and "best sellers" and high following to do the work of filtering out the bad stuff for us and it would be unrealistic if not impossible to go back on it now. Even if we wanted to there algorithms and shit built into the code. You'll never find the books that Amazon dosnt want you to find unless you search for it directly.
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Now comes the confession/inspirational bit
I know all of the above to be true...But I'm choosing not to care
I'm not gonna lie my way to the top. I'm not gonna hide my struggles out of fear of seeming inferior. So here goes
I struggle a lot with depression and anxiety. I've been working on it, and I've gotten so much better in recent years. But there are always gonna be times when I slip up and my mental illnesses take over
When I was writing my first book I felt really empowered and good about myself for finally getting past all my own barriers and following my dreams.
And then once I was done writting and editing and I was ready to show the world and get feedback. I flopped.
I couldn't find anyone willing to beta read. Those who said they would do it (even people who claimed they "couldn't wait") ghosted me after I actually sent it to them
I was hoping to get 20 people. I really wanted it to be the best it could be. Only 11 actully signed up. Of that 11, 5 people actually read it: My spouse, my brother, my best friend, and 2 others. Those two others read the first bit I sent them, took a few weeks to get back to me, said they loved it, but then Neeeeeeeeever got back to me when I sent them the next chunk.
Now you can look at all that and come to the conclusion that it sucks. I know I sure did.
The struggles at each step made me doubt myself more and more to the point that I almost gave up writing all together.
And I didn't want to take about it or how it was making me feel, even though it was having a serious impact on me. I wanted to bottle it all up and let it consume me. Allllll because I didn't want people online to write me off as a failure before even giving me the chance.
I wasn't lying about being successful. I was just trying to hide the fact that I wasn't.
And that's almost as bad. Because then all the new authors just feel worse about themselves and their journey because they think they are the only ones.
Your not alone.
Everyone is struggling.
We just aren't talking about it.
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I haven't written a word in over a week because I've been so afraid my second book will be dead on arrival like my first.
And I KNOW somewhere out there is someone just like me whose thinking of giving up.
Just keep going.
Do your best. And then come find another struggling writer and share with each other. The world outside might not understand your struggle. But another author might.
We can't change the market. We can't change the way social media works, or how people decide if they will buy things
But what we CAN change, is whether those of us within the community want to be honest about our struggles and frustrations. Or if we want to hide them away and lie about them for the sake of making more sales
I think by being honest with one another we can create a better network.
That way the next time you feel like garbage for not being an "instant celebrity" like everyone else. you can look at the community and realize that you were never the problem
If we just keep making new writing friends our collective reach will eventually take hold in the outside world. Don't wait for a random influencer to notice you. Just make one friend at a time. Be known amongst your peers and maybe the rest will follow
And if your a writer desperate for feedback, or just a friend to share your troubles with. Hit me up. My inbox is always open.
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pestopascal · 4 years
what do you think will happen to mea in the future? it doesnt seem to be high on biowares priority list but with a possible remaster it would help right
i think that it is possible it would get a second (and probably third) game. it was clearly setting up for something, and not just with vaults and fixing planets and working out who the fuck were the kett, but also with the quarian ship and the random spatterings of cerberus in there, eclipse and blue suns made it onboard, gene therapy for the krogan, who killed jien garson etc etc. and look i did really enjoy andromeda... once i got past eos the first time. same with the hinterlands, just the opening first level was almost too big? granted, idk how game companies can find a happy medium with that sort of stuff, its out of my league, i got past eos, im fine now.
a remaster of the OT will bring that series, esp me1, back into kind of... orbit. as such. like me3′s endings ultimately did basically kill a lot of it’s following. i think i was talking with friends about this the other day, but me3′s endings rly did hurt its fan following, the creativity, the interest, etc etc etc. me3′s endings became so much of a joke they were referenced in other media. its pretty much all the games are known for in some way. but not rly going into that now. everyone still kind of rly holds up me1 to this standard however, but yknow when you go back to a first game in a series if you started later and its kinda clunky and you either dont get it or the nostalgia is the only thing holding out? yeah. i would say it would be in the better interests of bioware to remake instead of just remaster, bc idk if you have seen ubisofts remasters of ac3 where its like they just smoothed out some lines and threw a filter on everything. and then theres just straight up porting games, like uhh all i can think of is ratchet and clank or the jak and daxter series straight from ps2 to ps3/4. however thats a matter of resources and time and would they be also able to convince EA it was worth it because how would they transfer that game to frostbite (i think theyre still using frostbite) etc etc. obviously, dont work there, dont know.
however, mea has kind of been taken out with shoving all the important plot into books. if they were to make a second game, which i think in an interview in 2017/early 2018 when the devil himself came back to bioware, they were looking into it, it’s kind of. what do they really have to go on. but also in biowares favourite story telling “please buy our other external media so we have money” move, they shove stuff into books and comics, then reference it in game but only give like a fifth of the story, so we have a repeat of wicked eyes wicked hearts, where an overwhelming majority of people who hadnt read the books reuinted celene and briala, before realising just how fucked up that is bc of how celene treated briala and what she did to her. and ofc bioware kind of came under fire for being rly prominent as a company for doing that with external media, and tried to push back with ‘its not our fault ppl dont read our stuff’.
personally, with whatever is going on with anthem, how no one really knows whats happening with DA4 like what the story is even gonna be about besides tevinter and how theyre probably gonna justify slavery in some way because its bioware and theyre tone deaf as shit most of the time, and mass effect as a whole being shelved... i personally would say in their better interests it would be a matter of remaking dao and me1, because it would mean their original gold/platinum whatever standard games match the current look of whatever else they wanna release, they also regain interest, it would sell (it would. honestly it would). because from my understanding... bioware fired and closed a lot of studios in the process of mea being made and anthem coming in not long after. a lot of the og writers and producers and directors arent there anymore. theyre basically a brand new team in a sense, but theyre more under EA’s thumb than ever (literally, 90% sure on verge of collapse around the time of anthem’s release, and judging by how they had to be reminded about their roadmap...). short of them also somehow getting another star wars contract, or being allowed to come up with an original thought and idea to move away from their two flagship series. idk. they have to convince EA to give them time and resources at the end of the day.
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sexy-cheese · 7 years
Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 6
episode breakdown....and by breakdown I mean me....im breaking down...into sobs and endless sadness and bitter impatient tears....its me. im broken down Stage 1: we see a combination of enlightened rick (er) and toxic rick (tr) trying to get through the trauma of whatever it is they have just survived. Tr would most likely start rampaging, cursing, breaking shit, and trying to kill off anyone around him in a homicidal blur until he calmed down, however er is probably in there wondering why they even did the stupid thing in the first place. Its not their place to meddle. They are an all powerful super being with highly superior intelligence, so why do they feel this horror and trauma for such a worthless gain? Together they neutralize into a 'drink until the pain is gone mentality' henceforth leading to our rick's alcoholism and ideology of the just 'dont think about it' mindset this is the rick we know. The push everything aside, drink, and dont think Stage 2: Tr separates. If you notice, the very first thing he screams when he wakes up is "morty", because naturally it is the first thing on his mind. He frantically searches for him and then calls him a worthless piece of shit, continuously bringing up how stupid and useless he is. This comes from his severe fear of detachment from morty if he were ever to become overly confident and decide he doesnt need his grandpas cool adventures or life style anymore. If a morty gets too confident, he leaves his rick and becomes a sociopath. Normal rick can relatively keep the urge to bring morty's confidence down under control, but tr impulsively spews it out, so damn afriad that morty will wake up and realize he doesnt need him at any moment. He constantly has to cry out and tell him that they need each other, in his own toxic way. Calling him 'a piece of shit' is basically begging him 'dont leave me' he has to make him think he needs him. got it? lets move to the next step of stage 2 tr constantly says things like "im a god" "im above this" "everyone around me is garbage" "you think normal people can do this?" so obliviously this is his narcissism and entitlement, but digging deeper it is also his sense of inner insecurity. now, you may say 'WHAAAT RENATA HOW CAN DAT BEEE?" well lemme splain. basically rick knows how smart he is, he knows how powerful he is, and he knows all the stuff he could do with this power and intelligence....but that's the thing, he really doesnt know all the stuff he could be doing, because he doesnt do it. running around in the toxic can, you can see him panicking, frantically working and running to make stuff and do things. He knows how great he is, but he has no idea how to use it or what he should be doing with it. Think about it, when someone tells you "ayy, your the smartest being in the multiverse and could probably cure the world of every sickness"....wouldn't YOU be a little overwhelmed? He has so much to live up to (an impossible amount) that he hides behind the idea that he doesn't care about any of it. He cant use his power to save the universe, so instead he claims he doesnt care about it. but deep down he feels bad, because he feels like everyone expects him to do something, when in reality theres way too much to do so, to sum up, Toxic Rick is made up of multiple other different things than just narcissism and selfishness and rage...just like toxic morty, he is also his burning insecurity in the fact that hes just a normal man, who happens to be the only person who could ever hope to save the universe....and yet he has no idea how to do it Stage 3: meet enlightened rick. You're thinking, "oh, so THIS is the side of rick that actually COULD save the universe if he wanted because he IS confident enough in his abilities, right?" well the answer is no. this rick doesnt have a flipping clue either. how would he? there is no possible way to save every single multiverse, but unlike tr, instead of letting it consume him in misdirected guilt and insecurity, he instead has (healthily) let it go. Hence the name, he is now 'enlightened' from the worlds problems because he has thoroughly let go of his human need to be the hero and instead surpassed it all in the 'i need not meddle' mentality. BUT. you might ask, "well renaaaatttaaa then why isnt this rick super healthy? why isnt he perfect? why does he seem so interested in getting his other half back?" welll my little reader I have some thoughts. Thought 1) er has no humanity, attachment, purpose, selfworth, or cosmic opinion in himself, the human race, or the universe. why? because he has officially decided that its all pointless anyway and most importantly (big dividing factor here) he is OK WITH THAT. he has accepted the fact that he has surpassed human attachment because he has accessed infinite realities and multiverses to the point where nothing he thought had meaning does anymore. To become fully enlightened, he has let go all of his family, emotions, and self doubts because frankly, he just doesnt give a damn. But in a healthy way? Hes just let it all go, unlike tr who insists he 'doesnt give a fuck' when in fact, he does give millions and trillions of fucks and it eats him alive with each passing day. thoughts 2) so why does er work to get the phone to connect and work at getting his other half back? well he says it right there in the episode when he and confident morty are sitting in the parking lot at school. He says "im accountable to my toxins, right?" he wants to rejoin because he knows that tr has all his intelligence, all his power, and all his guilt wrapped up into a big toxic package. What does this mean? Hes FUCKING DANGEROUS. thats what it means. er is so enlightened, that he knows letting tr do his worst will mean the end of the world. now, for a little while in the episode, he tries to reason with himself and say that he shouldnt meddle in this either, because why is tr any better or worse than he is? but eventually he realizes the truth that tr left unchecked, is bad news for everyone and not worth lying idly back to watch the universe(s) burn. Because yeah...they would all burn Stage 4: now lets watch these two adorable little super humans interact. tr sums it up perfectly when he says "this is the part of your pussy grandpa that keeps it real".....yup. Thats pretty much the whole concept. If youve been paying attention, youve probably already figured out that er isnt exactly as healthy as he thinks he is. The truh of the matter is just sitting back with your thub up your ass like "oh theres no hope in solving ALL the probems, so let me just not interfere at all" is a pretty effed up way to think. Without tr, he probably wouldnt do anything but stay at home with his family and like, build toys electric toys for kids or something. He wouldnt DO anything extraordinary for fear of messing up the fragile stuff of the universe. Tr reminds him what a waste it would be to live a normal life and ignore their vast power. however, tr doesnt know how to use it either, so hence, the fighting breaks out. basically, they just have no idea how to use there god-like intelligence, and it gets ugly for both. even er says 'that stuff is a part of us and we need to put it back.' he knows that in sense he needs it, otherwise his power will be wasted buuuttt.......tr doesnt feel the same way. tr believes that without er, he could possibly become a real man. a real human. a real person who maybe actually cared about things and didnt feel so 'above' everything and so detatched. like a god among people who couldnt really connect with anyone. he doesnt want to go back to that lonely life of being the only one in his realm. this is why he keeps trying to destroy him while er just wants to recombine. Honestly, er is in the right here, (obviously) because he can see the big picture of how they need each other. Also, fun snidbit, tr is clearly the fighter of the two....clearly....and the sexy maker too apparently.....hehe....good to know good to know.....ahem.....anywaaayyyyy but.....looky here.... here I bring you.... Stage 5:tr doesnt give a shit. he doesnt give a fuck, he doesnt give a....oh,....Beth's here?..... he....leaves. immediately. so, here is where we see tr's true weakness, and what er truly hates about himself. He can't even bring himself to be around Beth or put her in any sort of harms way, so he leaves the very second she walks in the door. what does this mean? it is tr, er, and our rick's one true weakness. Truth is, he really cant be fully enlightened and reach his maximum potential, because of his human attachment to his family. Tr probably feels so guilty about leaving Beth (even though it was probably his idea because he was terrified of hurting her) that he cant even stand to look at her. he leaves immediately even though he was technically winning. plain as day, he admits his own true weakness, he just cares too much about his family to ever become truly godlike and reach his full enlightened potential. tr is human, er is the god. but er can see enough of himself to acknowledge that he needs his human self to be a fully functional human being. to truly be...rick. Stage 6 (almost done) and here it is....the moment er truly finally actually comes to terms with the fact that his 'version' of 'health' was actually just what he thought was his true potential. But alas, because the machine choses your version of health based on what YOU think is healthy, this is the issue he realizes. he didnt become healthy, he became his full potential, minus the pain and limits of human emotion. but the truth is, a full, enlightened, god-like potential is kinda useless without compassion and empathy...isnt it? I mean, if you have the power to save, but you just dont care....then whats the point? He realizes that essentially a god that does nothing is no god at all, and even if tr is a toxic, guilty, confused, miserable man too overwhelmed by his own potential to actually fufill it, he will accomplish more than er ever will just because of that energetic will to survive and just flipping DO SOMETHING. he literally realizes in this one moment that he would probably never accomplish anything like this, not without that crazy, overwhelming, miserably human passion that tr harbors in his soul for his shitty life and shitty decisions. and this is when he knows that they have to reunite, just for the sake of not wasting his life. Stage 7: (my personal favorite) ah yes.....the climax of the story. where it all becomes clear. something I havent touched on yet (which i bet you thought i forgot about....you lil scamp) is why tr is trying to make the whole world toxic. Why? simple. he has mistaken his toxic qualities for his humaness. (which in a way is true, but he also got a bunch of bad shit that er probably spends most of his energy keeping on the down low) and so in tr's mind, he isn't 'toxifying' the world, he releasing people's true emotions and true selves. he releasing the raw humanness inside them so they dont have to deal with their superegos always judging them and telling them how to live. he is the id, in a way, freeing all the other id's from their superegos so the world can be a genuine, purely human world. However, obviously, without superego the people are monsters, hence the carnage of the toxified people. to him, this is his way of saving the human world by bringing out their true human nature. unfortunately true human nature is primal and disgusting, but shh.....dont tell him that.....poor innocent bean....look how proud he is.... so proud..... ahem....anyway back to the climax. so now er shows up again and starts talking, lets analyyyyze. first off, er has learned something very important.....its tr's one weakness that he displayed when best walked in, hes afraid of losing/hurting his family. So of course, he targets toxic morty. and er knows this because he doesnt care about morty WHY WOULD HE? there are millions and trillions of mortys. it is beneath his highly superior brain to care, but tr sees the little picture, and in the moment, he needs morty to support him. He needs to latch onto him. he needs the human comfort. he doesnt want to admit that, but he needs it more than anything else in his life. in fact, he needs it so much, he doesnt even think er has the balls to do it, because he thinks he needs it too....but thats just it....he doesnt. and he knows he doesnt need that human connection, which is why he knows he needs his other half back to need it for him and here we have the moment that literally made tears come..... "irrational attachments"......that line just really hurt me bro.....it hurt me good.....it got me right in the soul....yikes. too real. *sniffle* anyway, back to er's rant. he basically sums it up by saying "you are literally incapable of seeing the bigger picture" hence tr's irrational love and dependency for his family, even though er and tr both know there are infinite sanchez families with infinite different fates that they have no way in saving or interfering in any way, tr still for some reason feels emotion towards a morty that really isnt even THE REAL morty. but think about this....its the most insecure morty, right? the one that is the most insecure, helpless morty of them all....its the one that needs him the most. the one that is least likely to ever leave him....*more sniffles* so of course he cares about him. I mean....we've seen what morty is like without him.... i think rick put it best when he called him 'a tiny american psycho'.....which I mean, he would be, right? hes related to rick afterall. with just enough jerry to keep him insecure. at least jerry was good for one thing. and soooo....thats the wayyyyy the news goes. At the very end we see a reunited rick. he even says 'master of both worlds'...meaning he is once again human and god. id and superego, making one highly functioning ego. the rick we know and love. a beautiful mess. so the meaning my friends.....you really shouldnt hate the bad pats of yourself, because at the end of the day, its kind of what makes you....human. wow....this got really freaking long, and I didnt even get into my whole theory about our morty being evil eyepatch morty. (remember in evil eyepatch morty episode where rick says "a confident morty is bad news, ill tell you when youre older".....well I think we know what that means now) yikes....and i thought rick was a handful when he was cocky. so there you have it. Our bread and butter, our saint and sinner, our sexy grandpa and teenage rocker.....our super genius space alcoholic. our rick sanchez. a beautiful chaotic mess.  wubba lubba dub dub bitches.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
April 11th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on April 11th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Kitty Kitty Bang Bang by Moe.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Kitty Kitty Bang Bang by Moe~! (https://tapas.io/series/kkbbcomic)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
hey super~!
Coming in and I'd like to give a big shoutout to that header image on the comic's Tapas(edited)
I dunno, I thought it looked badass
it is a nice header image. although what sells it for me is the logo design. its a really nice logo.
for favorite scene, hmm. ya know, i cant not pick it. the convention scene. that scene legit almost made me cry at how touching it is both with its message about how anyone can cosplay whatever they want regardless of how they look. not to mention the themes of reaching out to others. all wrapped in a nice package of no dialogue so that its the emotions at the center forefront.
Also this guy's hair.
i like his hair and his smile combination. like both scream cocky little shit design wise and i love it cause he kind of is a cocky little shit. XD
Oh yes XD
Cocky little shits are my favorite
another scene i want to show some appreciation too is the scene where we first meet kit's mom. like, i knew it was coming from the chapter title. but i enjoyed the twist it was her step-mom and theres a deeper issue going on. it turned what was easy to guess to something surprising again just by how the story plays out the reveal
https://tapas.io/episode/1370747 This is a pretty good page.
Hm, Doug McClure sounds a awful lot like this chap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUg6e072vgA
anything in particular you like about it super?
The last two panels.
And the followup
dat backside
i really love the back shot composition. like what a great way to show overwhelming odds
Evening. Made it as far as the start of the Bully arc, so late 2018.
Yeah. Also ello
I love also how Doug's got like, a million pouches on his belt
I dunno it's a detial I like
Yeah, the convention stuff was good. Some of those real-life scenarios that made you want to shake people are good when done right.
I'm not sure if I have a big favourite moment, but I have some little ones. Like when that "pinball wizard" thing played as Kit was taking on that nozzle in the gaming store, and it turned out it was the coworker.
The guy at the school in the knight suit, who had the fascination with corndogs. Weird background detail, added some humour to an otherwise tense scene.
i love the corndog knight
i want a spin-off comic of just them
cause i want to know about them
why are they a knight
why corndogs
so many questions
Heh. Made me think of that other bounty hunter, pointy-ears, who also couldn't speak.
Also, did not expect the female reveal there.
And I liked how the scientist flipped out over his research having the higher bounty than himself. Like, that trumped everything else he was in the process of dealing with and he went on a rampage. Amusing.
yeah the scientists in general was fairly hilarious in everything he tried to prioritize. although i enjoyed that at the end of the mission the crystal wound of broken anyway. cause i felt it was fitting given everything it had been through
I thought it was really clever how the rock was used to blind the scientist. Kitty is this weird mix of hyper competent (like when she used the snack habits of that one guy to track him down) and absent-minded (like when she then didn't make a grab for the compound).
I'm not saying that's unrealistic or anything, I can totally see it.
Very "living in the moment" with a dash of forward thinking.
nah i agree shes a really interesting character. like at first i wasnt sure id like her but some of her plans have been pretty spot. and to be fair a lot of the absent-minded ness you could write off as it her being a kid. so of course shes expected to be a kid and not always think through with her actions.
a more comedic moment i liked was at the end of Mor where Kit and Mary both have to stand there awkwardly making their false apologies to the whole school. this page especially cracks me up just cause of the sheer height diff between the two. i think that makes it extra hilarious https://tapas.io/episode/1215017
It's true. And I'm still wrapping my head around the kid thing.
QUESTION 2. One of the comic’s focuses and highlights are the action sequences found within. Of the characters Kit has pursued so far in her bounties, which has been your favorite? Why is that? Likewise, which bounty did you think had the best fight choreography? What do you specifically think makes the choreography the best one? Do you think we’ll see any of the criminal characters again? If so, what could that mean for Kit? Considering many of the villains parody stereotypes and similar things, what other sorts of characters do you think or hope we might see? Lastly, do you believe Kit will encounter more of her professional rivals? If so, what do you think will happen?
its okay i had my struggles wrapping my head around but the convention scene really cemented it for me for some reason. but that might just be personal association of conventions being largely for the youth.
Incidentally, I wondered initially about the use of "der"... and then when Kitty used the term "Hoser" I thought she was Canadian. That proved incorrect, what with the Norwegian thing.
Ahh... yeah, I went to a certain convention for 20 years straight soooo...
Like, I want to ship, but it feels wrong. Normally if they're young I just think of it as cute, or picture them as older, and neither of those things kinda work here.
I wonder how big Kitty's gonna get when she's 20.
i didnt start going to conventions till i was an adult but at the same time my experiences is that theyre largely dominated by the youth. not to say there arent older adults there. but the youth are the ones always around drawing attention to themselves being loud. but i digress, just wanted to give context for why it worked for me
That's fair.
tbh i just assumed she was full grown. cause i was actually only an inch or two shorter than my full height at 13 cause i sprouted up early
As to the question of the moment, I admit I'm not huge on seeing action and choreography, tending to be bigger on characters anyway. Which is probably why that scientist one sticks out so much, since we got his whole backstory and everything.
I am gonna be in for such a shock when my little one grows up, aren't I.
That short gangster guy who stole the boat might return. It was implied.
and i legit cant imagine kit taller cause she literally towers over everyone. although is she still shorter than her dad? cause if she is, shell probably be his height.
I think she is. I'm equally bad at noticing that sort of thing.
id have to look again just cause it wasnt something i was looking for and her dad was only in so many scenes XD
im torn on my answer to this question of the moment. i think i agree i like the scientist the best cause he got a lot of backstory. not to mention when kit was doing their dialogue for them from the roof i was like "nah shes gotta be exaggerating" then we meet the scientist and nope, he really is just that arrogant and she was spot on. so overally he was definitely the most entertaining
but for fight choreography, im picking the first bounty with the spin off kool aid man. i really enjoyed the use of the environment and just the sheer level of destruction that was visited upon that grocery store
She knows her business. I wonder how long she's been at it.
Oh yeah, almost forgot about that one. I liked when Kitty roped the random customer.
i liked when after the fight ended, the old lady asked if the employee who was buried under rubble basically could get her a new box
And that was most difficult one to come up with
The one with the orcs going after cows was also good, not for the fight (which I think was offscreen) but world building. Until then it was sort of, like, what's reality here anyway.
Oh, hello creator.
Hello there all ^^\
Rebel: That was a good scene for setting the tone.
Hello Moe!
Thank you. It's always a challenge to come up with a beginning for a series.
Thanks for this cool comic of yours.
No probs
And yeah all this talk about conventions is reminding me of all the ones I've been going to lately. Comic focused ones and hugely commercial conventions are easily the most populated-by-youth ones.
"Annie" con was a clever name.
It was a little play on words. I always like to make those little puns when I can(edited)
i did enjoy the orcs with the cows. probably just cause of the extreme accent going on in that dialogue. but i also just love this concept that someone would think clearly humans are only good cause they drink milk. like someone really watched those got milk commercials too much.
I very much approve of puns. Also Senshi Kitty.
The head orc was milking his time in the spotlight.
Puns are always good
i do agree with you math that i got the impression well see the gangster who got away from the scientist again at some point. what it means for kit? i could see her being extra determined to catch him since he got away last time. but then maybe thats when well see buff elf chick again who is out for revenge.
Defintely. Orcs have always been my favorite fantasy race to play around with
i do appreciate orcs getting some love in a way cause in my experience theyre really underutilized in a lot of fantasy settings. can find elves everywhere, but nobody wants the orcs.
Well nothing is off the table.^^
Orcs have always been treated as the bad guy or the henchman merely due to their monsterous appearence.
speaking of not elves, i really like that this guy turned out to be the real villain from bully bully https://tapas.io/episode/1348464. partly cause it was a good twist that it was a bully victim becoming the bully. since that is very true to life. but also, selfishly, i noticed this character immediately in the background one time and i was like "ah man what an interesting looking side chara too bad well never learn about him" and then we learned about him.
QUESTION 3. Even in Kit’s dynamic world, she still has some unique mysteries surrounding her. Why do you think Kit is the only female in her family to receive Freyja’s blessing/curse, especially after it’s been so long it’s almost a myth? What do you think the story is behind Kit’s rage modes that seem to take over when she gets mad? What do you think happened to Kit’s mother, and why is Kit so sensitive about the subject of her mother in general? Additionally, why did Mary calling her mother a whore set her off in particular? Lastly, how do you think Kit got involved with being a Bounty Killer? Why do you think her family lets her pursue the career given how dangerous it all is?
Oh yeah the Goblin. I thought it was a perfect opprotunity to not just introduce the Goblins , but I was also playing around with laying out clues in plain site for the reader to notice.
That's smart thinking/writing
There are plans for future stories that are straight up mysteries Kit will have to sovle.
that sounds exciting and like a good challenge for her character too.
in regards to the current question, i want to dissect the fact that kit's specific phrasing about her mother was that mary hadnt even cared who her mother was as a person. and to a degree, i kind of feel like it was projecting that set her off. that kit herself didnt know a whole lot about her mother. so it might not be so much that her mom was called a whore that did it, but that someone would make a bold claim about her mother when kit herself didnt even know her that well and has since lost the chance to get ot know her. but thats just me theorizing.
Back, little one's asleep in the crib again. For now.
Mm hm, It would show that Bounty Killers in the world aren't used for just nabbing a bad guy with a hefty sum on their head. Sometimes folks need someone to investigate with the police's involvement and not ask any questions
Was Kitty maybe given up for adoption? (Is that what makes her worthy of the cat ears?)
The police were handy against the scientist too, for a little while.
That's a good way of expanding upon bounty hunters.
i dont think given up for adoption fits cause mor said shes the step mom which implies kit's father is her biological dad. that and there is one pic where the dad is with the mom
Oh, right. We did see her biological mom in that holiday special though, didn't we? And Kitty must remember enough to have taken up violin playing (on the roof). So... yeah I dunno.
thats interesting to know that the bounties arent just for nabbing bad guys. although makes me wonder what kit is going to do when shes told to do something shady and just not ask questions
Or was that not the biological mom, was that a younger Dar?
I can't see Kit not asking questions.
that was her step-mom. her bio mom we only see briefly in a pic
I wasn't sure if it was her dad remembering another time in that scene though. Like, the previous stuff was a memory.
(I also don't get enough sleep these days.)
i could see how youd get that interpretation but pretty sure it was the step-mom and the bio mom was just in the picture
There are a lot of things I don't want to say because of spoilers and I'll be answering those kind of questions down the road. But to answer the question pretaining to Mary, they do indeed have some History as hinted.
Mary is actually the younger cousin of the short boat-stealing gangster.
It's why her dad went into law.
heh. that is a pretty interesting theory.
(I need to have at least one insane theory and one ship per comic chat. I think it's in my contract.)
puns are also in your contract math. although you already fulfilled that one.
mary's dad kind of spooks me. like hes a really domineering presence and idk if i want to believe hes good or bad.
Truth is, when I created Mary, she was developed as just the rich girl who presented herself as Ms. Perfect while also having the spoiled brat persona as well
Oh right. Well, those come naturally. I wonder if her dad is part orc.
That's one of many ways to describe that
Best way to describe him is that he's a Lawyer... a very wealthy lawyer.
Oh no, he's part Dutch lol
Incidentally, I kind of like that Kit's got both cat ears and human ears, it tends to be how I draw my characters too (even if mine are just headbands). But it does make me wonder how the curse might have rewired her brain to deal with the extra input.
Oooh, a flying dutch man.
all the dads just drink lots of milk
What about Doug.
to be fair if kit's cat ears are more sensitive than her human ones the extra input probably doesnt matter cause one would hear it better than the other anyway. at worst i imagine things just sound even louder XD
It's that special beer.
Maybe it's partly why Kat's so on edge at times.
mm, beer
Wait, what kind of beer we talkin
It's kind of a mix bag with it comes to her ears. Internally they do connect to her regular ears and she can hear through them, but only if she concentrates. Mostly they just act like a short range radar or a sixth sense. Something like spidey's spider sense.
Ah yes, I've notice some folks like our esteem adventurer. Others not so much
QUESTION 4. Besides the action, there is still a lot of slice-of-life material to be had in the comic as well. Do you think Kit will eventually tell Bia about her career? How do you think Bia will react to finding out about it? What challenges do you foresee awaiting Bia and Kit as their relationship continues to develop and secrets reveal themselves? Further, how do you see Kit balancing her school life in general with her job? Will she manage to maintain her grades and everything, or will things prove tougher than she expects? In terms of Kit’s regular life, what things are you hoping to see be explored in how she lives her day-to-day life? Lastly, are there any themes (like bullying) that caught your eye from the slice-of-life segments? What about them did you enjoy?
It's cool that youv'e thought about that.
Honestly, the bounty-hunters clashing, while not necessarily slice-of-life, felt realistic and added depth to the idea of the job. Also revealed how their methods are non-lethal. And was the first ship I considered.
Ah yes, I had a lot of folks doing a double take when I revealed her age.
unrelated to the current question, i really hope we get to see more bounty killers in the story just cause they cant all work out as well as buff elf chick. also id really like to get a feel for the age range cause its concerning the gov was like "nah a 13 year old bounty killer? thats fine"
That's a good point. Did she register under an assumed name?
Seconding Rebel.
Well due to Kit's size, she may or may not of lied about her age when she took the job
Also, I feel like the construction job field gets a lot of work in this universe. We only see Kitty's exploits but there have to be other incidents in the world as well.
Actually, magicians too must be a thing. And mimes.
Did not expect the mimes.
Their are plans to explore other parts of world. One in particular is the Bounty Pick Up units sent to pick up the bounties and make out the reports.
Yes, beware the mimes ^^
I will be exploring a lot more of the Magis and how the magic works as well.
Silent but deadly.
That short magic comic did a good job, I thought.
And I liked the money van guy critiquing the pun.
Hm Hm, well not everything can be a homerun for our little cat girl
yeah i really liked the short magic comic. cause it was funny and really did some good world-building
i also loved the cowboy bank robber
just cause he was a cowboy
and that was ridiculous
Oh yeah, forgot about him.
I wonder how Kitty practices her quick draws.
Where do they lock these guys up, anyway? Regular jails seem like they wouldn't be sufficient.
Yes, you don't see that many cowboys these days. But it was a perfect nod for one of the inspirations of the comic
Cowboys are fun.
Um, they go to regular prison and go through the same process as the law provides^^
Always love one with an appealing design when one shows up.
Very much so
what sort of lawyer is mary's dad?
How do you lock up an orc so that he doesn't just bend the bars?
He's a defense lawyer
He lawyers der fence.
ah so i can say maybe mary's dad defends all these criminals kit tries to send to jail.
It's a possibility and her dad is very much against the Bounty Killer and the Bounty Board in general
ooh, is that so(edited)
Circling back to Bia, it'd be amusing if someone in her family was also a bounty hunter. Kitty admits it and she's like, "oh, okay, I can see how you'd be good at that too".
just to talk a bit about the current question, i do feel its inevitable kit has to tell bia about her job. cause i mean...kit isnt the most undestructive. just takes one time of showing up burnt to a crisp to school to give it away. but i think bia is gonna take it better than kit thinks shell take it. cause tbf, if i was bia i would not be surprised.
tbf i kind of agree with mary's dad. they might be catching criminals, but holy shit that property damage
I feel like Bia might find out not through Kit though. Like maybe even via Kit's brother. Which could strain the relationship.(edited)
especially the property damage caused by the scientist
cause even if they have the money to fix it, it still takes time
Or magic.
Bia finding out Kit is a Bounty Killer is inevitable, and it might happen happen sooner than you think
it could strain their relationship too. though for some reason i feel for bia itd be more about the age thing than the danger thing if that makes sense. cause the career suits kit. just maybe not when kit is still 13, in school, and all that
'Cept her dad is okay with it.
I feel like I'd totally be that dad by the way. Who makes concessions. Then ends up in trouble with mom too.
It is going to a very unique exploring the relationship Kit and Bia have. In many ways, Bia will act more like the straight man of the relationship
Well Edward looks at it more like she's hunting game. expect the part of gutting it and cleaning it for food^^
i just want to say i really love kit's dad and i hope we get to see him more. he seems just so utterly likeable. like a gentle giant
Just want to give a shout-out to the school nun badass. Possibly like the opposite to dad.
He is indeed^^
Since the CTP is wrapping up in a bit, I'd like to wish @MoeAlmighty the best of luck with Kitty Kitty Bang Bang, it's got a great artstyle, story, and some good humor.
Oh right, pretty good stuff done with only black and white too.
Yes, Beatrice is indeed a beast^^
Thank you so much^^
You're welcome! ^^
yeah i loved the nun. especially her epic entrance and this page https://tapas.io/episode/1188530
like everything about that page is perfect
"Keeper of the Lunch Period"
God help the guilty
Probably a bumper sticker on her car.
I'm sure everyone here remembers that one teacher that kept everyone in check at lunch period
best bumper sticker ever
Kitty has some nice exclamations too.
Anyways, cya till next time, and thanks for dropping by @MoeAlmighty
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Moe, as well, for making Kitty Kitty Bang Bang. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Moe’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/kkbbcomic
Moe’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MoeAlmighty
Moe’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/theMoeAlmighty
0 notes
my life is shit
i have a lot of things i want to say so i think im just gonna come right out and say a few things that are on my mind right now. first, i just heard my dad talking about fitness and its like...yeah i obviously want to work out and start getting rid of all this excess weight ive put on since high school. clearly i want to do that, but what he doesnt understand is that i dont work the same way he does. i can just get up and go for a run or bike like he can. right now, i need to be in the right mindset which is rare bc im never in a “good mood” anymore, all i want to do is lay down and wallow in misery and just embrace the depression, but if i do that it will just make things worse for me. im just stuck in this endless cycle and i honestly dont see a way out of it anytime soon. and hearing him constantly talk about how i “just need to do it” under his breath really angers me bc he doesnt know what im dealing with. and im not just going to tel him bc ive heard way too many times that he doesnt care what i have to say or tells me its an excuse, so now all i do is bottle things up and dont let people know what im really struggling with, which sucks, but thats the reality im living in and im comfortable with that. but i just heard him tell my sister that hes in better shape then my sister and i, which he probably is, but constantly telling us that and having ever other word out of your mouth be about fitness and “how much sugar/salt is in this” it get very overwhelming but i know he doesnt care. he says he does but i can tell he doesnt, he only cares about us doing what HE wants us to do. its his way or the highway. another thing that i dont like is everyone telling my i need to get a job as if i dont know that. ive been tying to get a job for years now, and everyone is telling me no. so of course ive been taking breaks from applying bc 1 i need some of the applications to expire before i can apply again and 2 i just want a nreak where i can do the things i want to do since i never have the time to do that, never actually had time to just be a kid since like elementary school. anyways, i hate that they keep telling me this as if ive forgotten, i havent, im just waiting to hear back from them, and a lot of the times, they never reply back, not even to say no thank you. and of course im going to be picky with the jobs i apply to bc i want to make sure that if i do get the job, ill actually want to do the work required, otherwise, why take the job. but my main problem is that all these job places what people with experience who are young, im “young” but have no experience so they skip over me. and mow that im in my 20s its harder to get a job bc i have no experience, but i cant get the job to gain experience if i have no experience in the first place. so thats a never ending cycle. but my main problem would def be my father. he just makes me so miserable. always has to have his nose in my business, and always giving unwanted advice. and always telling me about all the stuff he does for me that he dosent have to do or is only doing it “bc im his daughter”. like, did i ask to be born? did i tell you to have two kids? no so stop trying to guilt trip me so i will do what HE wants me to do. and the fact that hes always dangling the fact that he has a job and house over my head is a real dick move. like way to make me feel bad about myself that i cant support myself in this economy atm. now to talk about my sister. she has the biggest ego like ever. always wants things to be on her terms, only looks out for herself and wants things to be for her. and when she does do things for other people, its so she can dangle that other their heads later on. like, she constantly tells me that shes help me out with things so why cant i do this one thing for her, but this one thing is way different compared to those things she has done for me. and now that she has a job she just has to rub that in my face and use that as an excuse to just be mean for no reason. bad enough she hits/messes with me for no reason, just a real pain in the ass. she acts just like my father. my mom doesnt really do much so theres not much to say about her, she just sits back and lets father do all the dirty work. and then they both talk shit about me behind closed doors when they think i cant hear. this whole family is awful really and i know that when i eventually move out i wont look back.
0 notes