#yeah health is a very reasonable concern to have lmao
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moraypower · 8 days ago
"I dunno 'bout your health, but all this sugar is great for mine. I've never gotta sleep again!"
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Until the inevitable stomachache, of course. Or the tide of exhaustion caught up to her. Or both.
Frye had been at this for too long already, really, far too preoccupied with the tasty buzz of sugar on her tongue and hot pulse of eager adrenaline to notice the increasing sloppiness of every swing made. No squid was immune to the need for sleep, but tenacious Splatlandian pride combined with the audacious recklessness of her sweet-tooth were both clearly a mighty force to be reckoned with in that regard.
Watching the axe carve through it's target, she was quick to cast her own neon candy blade wide as the new trio appeared, grin breaking open into what was the start of an enthusiastic battle cry-- only for the sound to catch in her throat, swaying a bit too hard on her feet and weapon clattering from her grasp as one hand shot against the wall for balance against a sudden head rush. Whoops.
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"It'd be best if this ended, for everyone's health... but I will help you defeat the beasts."
Engle swings her candy corn axe at an unsuspecting sugar goblin. Three more show up to take its place. This could go on for a while.
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crescenthistory · 3 months ago
Ask: hi, could you write something about barty with the prompt c5. ("there will not be a day where i am not there for you") like he receives a letter from his dad and u can tell something is off ab him and comfort him ? thank youu
Words: 1.4k
Warnings/tags: gn!reader, implied mental health struggles on barty's front, barty isolating himself, hurt/comfort, romanian!barty, general fluff and unconditional love
Note: this request is super old, i'm terribly sorry lmao, but better late than never? barty deserves all the love<33
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You had not seen Barty in 5 hours.
Considering that the boy usually seemed to be attached to you by some invisible 5 metres rope, you were growing increasingly concerned. Your poor cheeks were being gnawed off at record speed, and you knew he would chide you for “maiming his lover” later, but you had other priorities at the moment.
Between your last two lessons, he had slipped off down some hallway and never returned. You paid it little mind to begin with, Barty often ran off on spontaneous, perhaps reckless adventures. It was in the whole school’s best interest to just let him, saving all your questions for when he comes back, demanding stories of his grand escapades – because he always came back to your side quickly. 
When he didn’t show up for dinner, your worry thus began to settle despite your trying to fight it. Sometimes he did skip dinner for an array of different reasons, but he always notified you. Throughout the meal your thoughts wandered off, all yearning for him, but you knew how much he would scold you if he found out you skipped dinner for him.
You would hold it against him, if he was not the first person to admit he was being a hypocrite.
You clung onto hope that you would find him in his common room or his dorm afterwards. When you opened the door to his dorm only to be met with their shared snake, Nova, as the only living being in the room, you finally allowed yourself to give in and accept defeat.
Barty was missing and you were worried.
Behind you, the tell-tale sounds of Regulus’ dance-like steps alerted you to his incoming presence. “Reg,” you said, poking your head out to catch his attention. “Barty hasn’t told you where he’s off to?”
Regulus gave you a bit of an odd look as he passed you in the doorway. “Does he ever?”
You gave him a look that hopefully said yeah, that’s fair before you straightened up once more. “Will you tell me if you see him?”
“If I see him, he’ll be here.” Regulus was clearly not in one of his more chatty moods. This time you gave him a look you knew said play nice. He sighed. “I’ll let you know, yeah. I’ll ask Evan too, when he gets here.”
You gave him a rueful smile. “Thank you Reggie, this is why you’re my favourite.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled as he laid down on his bed to read. You had enough wits about you to close the door before you left, not wanting a stinging curse to be thrown after you down the hallway and doubly not wanting Barty to get revenge on Regulus for doing so. He always found out somehow.
This was not Barty’s first time disappearing, nor did you suspect it would be his last. You usually had a list of reasons why he might run off and places to look for him if he did.
Had he been in a particularly jittery or theatrical mood, you would have been worse off, as he quite literally could be anywhere where he might cause the most damage and drama. Usually you would begin in Gryffindor or the Care for Magical Creatures classroom, but thankfully you did not have to resort to those measures.
Because Barty had been in a very distinctive restrained mood that only you and a select few of his friends ever seemed to be able to decipher. When you first met him, you thought that mood meant he was annoyed somehow – now you knew that when Barty was truly irritated, he grinned like a maniac. 
This almost stoicness meant only one thing; Barty was feeling vulnerable. Maybe even defeated.
Which quickly limited his hiding spots to places where he could grasp at some privacy without feeling trapped. Considering that the last time he tried to hide away in the prefect’s bathroom, he got caught by none other than James Potter, the poor sod, you narrowed your best bet down to the Astronomy Tower.
Led by a gut instinct and a mouthful of compassion, you scurried up the hundreds of steps needed, hoping to find him and not accidentally stumble in on some awkward attempt at a date between some fourth years.
When you tried to turn the handle to the Astronomy Tower’s door only to find it to be magically locked, you knew you were right in your judgement.
“Barty? Are you in there, love, it’s me?” you called through the door, aiming at making your voice as steady as possible. He hated being treated like he was fragile, at least before he was curled up in your arms.
The faint buzzing sound in your ears alerted you to the fact that he had thrown a muffliato over the room, meaning you wouldn’t hear him if he replied. He could still hear you, though, so you tried your luck further.
“It’s alright, B. I’m here.” You hoped to Merlin he could hear the love and reassurance dripping from your words.
The whirring sound was interrupted by a faint click as the lock was opened. Taking extra precautions, you looked behind you to ensure you would be alone and slipped in through the door, locking it behind you once more without looking.
Fresh air filled your lungs the second you stepped into the tower – one of the reasons why it was such a great place to escape to when feeling anxious or down or both. Your heart was similarly filled when you saw Barty sitting in a large windowsill with his knees pulled up to his chest, staring out with an empty gaze.
“Hi there, lovely,” you said rather cheerily, making your relaxed state penetrate the atmosphere of doom that followed Barty on these days.
You walked over and went to lift yourself up into the windowsill, only for Barty to break free of his trance for a moment to take your hand and elbow and help you navigate carefully until you were seated across from him, legs entangling with his own. He let out a breath. “Hi, Dragă.”
You smiled carefully at him, settling into your place and letting the cold from the window seep in through your clothes without a bother. You leaned forward so your body was bent in half to rest your chin on his propped up knees, giving you a perfectly clear vision of his face. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t want you to have to talk about it.”
Barty always did that when something was wrong – denying you of any responsibility or option to help, assuming it was below you to do so. After a few years attached at the hip, he had learned he could not make you “realise you should leave his arse”, but he would still aim to shield you from himself on these days.
Other days, he would do anything to make you not realise, desperate to claw you to himself. A boy that contained multitudes, each one equally lovable in your opinion, to which he called you horribly insane. 
“At least we’ve got that in common, babe.”
“I don’t have to do anything,” you reassured quietly, chin moving against his kneecaps. “I really do want to, though. Be there for you, I mean.”
His gaze met yours, softening at the authenticity and affection surely plastered all over your face. He brought a previously dead hand up from beside him to stroke his knuckles over your left cheek, moving them backwards into your hair. “You always are, aren’t you?”
You let your smile widen at him embracing your care. “There will not be a day where I am not here for you, B. Whether you want me to or not.”
His eyes flickered with a vulnerability only you ever saw. The next thing he said was so meek that you almost didn’t catch it, but flowers bloomed in your stomach when you did. “I want you to.”
You reached your own hand up to catch his in your hair and brought the inside of his wrist towards your mouth to press slow, gentle kisses to it. “I’m glad, lovely. Now spill.”
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 1 year ago
ryry will you tell us about the ojv sp parents! or their relationships with the sp boys? like stan ft shelley ( love stan and shell) sharon and rancid ( ik u touched on that one but im nosy ) or like kyle ft. the broflovskis? those dynamics? or how the broflovskis feel abt stan and stan’s parents abt kyle, vice versa? ill also accept star seven fam situations anythin u want go crazy go stupid
( also i love u mwahmwahmwahmwahmwaaaah )
Oh I ABSOLUTELY WILL!!! And I will get WAY too into it!!! Gonna be sticking with the Marshes and Broflovskis this ask, but I’ll get to the rest of the ojv star seven sometime! (This bouta be convoluted tbh)
So starting with my darling Stanathan, Sharon and Randy Jackass Marsh divorced for good when our boy was 12. At this point the only thing Shelley and Stan agreed on was that their parents should NOT be together and when shit was finalized they were both like FUCK YEAH MOM TAKE US OFF THIS FARM!!! And Sharon moved them back into their old house. Randy’s pretty much all over the place and not NEARLY the dad he thinks he is, but the kids still have to spend weekends at the farm a few times a month.
And like a lot of little kids, especially little boys, Stan REALLY looked up to his dad when he was younger. Like that’s his dad, the “cool” parent. But about the time Stan turned 10 and his mental health went through a really bad spot, he started to see the world a LOT less idealistically and ESPECIALLY started seeing the nuance of the people in his life. A lot of people are selfish. And his father is a prime example of that.
That’s not to say OrangeJuiceVerse Randy is truly insidious. He’s not. He just genuinely doesn’t think about anything that doesn’t directly affect him, or acknowledge that his actions can hurt other people. He’s selfish. And a lot of the reason Shelley and Stan had a rocky relationship when they’re young is because she’s four years older than her brother, and she sees their dad for all his bullshit long before Stan does, and a 14 year old Shelley is honestly jealous of that innocence. That, and the general teenage angst, but once they’re on the same page, it’s very “Annoyed Siblings vs Parents Who Need To Get Their Shit Together”. Like Sharon and Randy will be fighting again and they just share that Sibling Look lmao.
That brings me to my queen Sharon. That woman’s highest priority is her kids, always, which is a lot of the reason she gets so exasperated with Randy. Like during Stan’s stint as the poster child football star of South Park, well after the divorce, she is calling him up like “REALLY RANDY?!? You’ll use our boy to promote your weed business but can’t be bothered to come to a single game?!?” She and Sheila have also been essentially second mothers to their sons sbfs forever, and the families have been fused for style’s entire lives.
Also, Stan is a total mamas boy. Both his own and Kyle’s. He has been known to call his mother ‘dude’ because he calls everyone that and he’s very “yes ma’am” with Sheila most of the time but they’re so close that once he called HER dude and she wasn��t even phased she just likes that Stan likes her enough to feel comfortable like that lmfao. He and Sheila tag team being overly concerned about Kyle and they totally gang up on him when he’s not taking care of himself.
With Stan and Gerald, it’s a really casual thing. Like they’re mostly chill towards each other. Unless Gerald is around Randy, in which case Gerald’s dumbass tendencies come out full force, because Gerald’s kind of an idiot but he’s pretty harmless other than some minor cyber bullying and Randy Shenanigans.
So Ike. Ike and Stan have SO much fun together, especially as they get older, like they’re playing video games together, especially the puzzle games that frustrate Kyle, and when Ike’s in high school he goes to Stan for advice on things he’s too embarrassed to ask his brother about (Stan is not the person to ask for advice) and it’s so funny bc like they’re adults and Kyle will wake up at 3am for water and Stan’s in the office on the GTA RP with Ike and they’re trying to get kicked out of servers by pissing off the mods
Kyle time bois!!! As much as he tries to deny it, he is a LOT like his mother. He can be stubborn and reactive, sometimes preachy, but they’re like that because they just care so damn much about everything and everyone. If there’s an injustice to be found, they’re fighting it. And they’re both incredibly nurturing and passionate about loved ones. But because they’re so much alike, they tend to argue. At the end of the day, though, Kyle loves his mom and she loves him.
His relationship with his father was a little strained in high school. Gerald’s well meaning encouragement to push Kyle to succeed came off as IMPOSSIBLE expectations and the pressure Ky felt was on him was enormous, because Gerald really sucks at communication in a sensitive way. He actually felt a lot of guilt, for a long time, about unintentionally stressing his son out to the point that it got to. Kyle didn’t blame him really, mostly himself for getting so carried away, but he did have to learn to take everything Gerald says with a grain of salt.
Kyle and Ike ayyyyyy! Dude even if Kyle kind of terrorized Ike when he was like 8 because he thought that’s what big brothers were supposed to do, he grows into the best big brother and it’s HILARIOUS when Ike’s in middle school and Kyle’s trying WAY too hard to be cool and friends with him and Ike CONSISTENTLY reads him for absolute filth, makes fun of him for everything he can, and rips on him. He has totally told him that he likes Stan better and Kyle was like “yeah, well so do I!” “no shit, homo!” It’s all in good fun, they really love each other a lot, and if anyone fucks with Ike? They are getting the Kyle Rage Volcano.
Shelleys always been kinda indifferent towards all Stan’s friends unless they’re bothering her, but when Kyle and Stan got together, she gave him the ‘take care of my baby brother’ speech. Over the years they come to know each other pretty well, are even friends, maybe not as close as Stan and Ike, but still.
Kyle and Sharon are lowkey BESTIES dude Kyle is Team Sharon from day one. He adores his mother in law, sits with her at football games, loves gushing over Stan with her, just really enjoys her company. As a kid it’s because her more quiet nature is a break from his own mom, but as he gets older, he is the CAPTAIN of Sharon Defense Squad, because
Kyle does not like Randy. And OrangeJuiceVerse Kyle is someone who truly wants to see the good in everyone, give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Not Randy. Like he was 7 years old witnessing Randy Bullshit and he was like “dude your dads a jackass” and Stan was all “he’s okay” but over the years that exasperation with his best friend’s dad turned into an actual grudge, because how could this deranged man not see the emotional toll he was taking on his own son? Why didn’t he care about Stan? Didn’t he give a shit that he was hurting Kyle’s favorite person in the entire world? And Kyle does NOT try to hide the fact that he hates Randy, out here glaring at him, telling him off when he does something stupid (and it’s scary tbh, like OJV Kyle isn’t very intimidating until he’s mad, then he’s snapping like an angry fox) like bruh Kyle was SCREAMING at Randy kicking him out of the wedding for bringing alcohol to his SOBER SON like an uncaring dick, meanwhile Stan was more upset that his dad bothered a beehive lmfao. Kyle ‘Speak No Evil Take No Shit’ Broflovski, everyone. Randy’s a little scared of him.
That’s what I got, my dearest, THANK YOU FOR ASKING I LOVE THINKING ABT OJV!!!
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mushroomgrenade · 4 months ago
hi!! turning off anon to confess that ever since i joined the tmnt fandom i admired you from afar and always am delighted when i see you pop up on my dash. love people who are active in the community, but i totally understand too if you stop posting tmnt. even as a lurker, i get overwhelmed by fandom stuff and worry that i will upset someone
LMAO dude (first thanks and bless for the support) I woke up to being called out again by the same group of minors. When I have. minors dni HAHA
(Sorry this is just an excuse for me to clear up and rant) Hi people who are probably stalking me, just a heads up, when I meant : 'As a VA I should be able to do many roles at once. If Im hired to voice in a children's show, and at the same time something more mature, nsfw, 18+, heavy themes, I should be able to do so.'
I meant like. Oh if Im voicing kids shit, I should be able to do shit like adult swim, bojack horseman, helluvaboss etc. cause. im a actor. lmfao
I didnt skim through enough but uhh another thing is, hi im neutral i dont care I have more things in life to focus on chronic kids online. I think western ideology is WAYYY too comfortable in like, harassing people when they dont agree with things. If you think going around and telling people to kys or having people burnt at the stake for your ideology is gucci- you are no better than like, a conservative christian. (Hope im using the words right, english hard).
Oh yeah and I stand by my words :
'IAs an adult, to me, I can very clearly tell how fiction doesn't = to reality. I'm strictly working them in a professional manner, the only conversation I've had are casting calls, directions, and vocal cords. If this was an irl grooming situation, I would 100% not be interacting. But since this isn't my responsibility, nor is it my private life. And as long as they are not publicly talking to children or any minors either, or harassing, showing minors things that shouldn't be shown, I have no qualms with it.
We all have our boundaries, and I understand people's concerns on these topics, but I personally prefer to stay out of anything/any drama, hate, harassment on social media, as that would be affecting to my irl mental health too. Likewise, everyone have boundaries, and personally, I feel like as long as we don't cross it, or have a clear line, we should move on.
What I think is morally right currently - are boundaries, and not harassing people. I think a lot of reasoning behind how comfortable people are in harassing others in fandoms is defo a culture thing too. I'm Taiwanese, for example, and in my culture, this kind of behavior is frown upon. I think an interesting outside perspective for Europeans is this article if you ever feel like taking a look
Linked here, if you plan on quoting anything, read the full thing so you don't misunderstand anything <3
I am not at all a TMNT only person, I don't label myself to any extent, and have put my boundaries of minors dni. So if anyone really wants to make any point on that, those are my boundaries that they decided to overstep.
+ as is my own social presence, I will do my best to mold it the way I wish to myself. Plus its not like I ever hid stuff.
But THAT WAS SOOOO offtrack- and thank you, I honestly appreciate the support, Im not one to be annoying and ask for them, but rn is like, HEAVY appreciated cause its annoying. I didn't even know people liked my work enough! haha, you are very sweet
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lark-and-lyrebird · 23 days ago
Resolving to buy a cane because I know I need one for my balance even though people get shitty cause I only need it sometimes and yadda yadda but the last one I had was a godsend before it broke (very old handmedown) and it was a switch stick so I know I like those. I have zero dollars this month but plan to approach family and scrounge around, tricky part is just knowing who to ask who’ll be cool about it and who might try to talk me out of it cause yeah I can walk and I’m young but like. I’m injuring myself constantly and my balance is shit without one of these unless I’m walking at a turbo clip. So I’mma do it. Imma get the damn cane.
I looked them up and the first results were like “90-150 bucks please” and despair washed over me and then I looked at the manufacturer’s direct website and… 49.99, on sale for 39.99 right now. Yeah. Yeah that’s actually doable lmao. Hopefully by the time I get the money together the sale isn’t over or some other crisis doesn’t swoop in and eat everything I saved up.
Just frustrating that I have several extended family members who do like to send me care packages sometimes but they’re typically more concerned with what they think I need, and especially since they don’t see me in person much, while they haven’t said it to my face, there are definitely members of my family who think I’m a bit of a hypochondriac and wouldn’t want to buy me this, and would try to talk me out of getting it at all. And they’re the ones with the income that would allow them to buy me this without it stinging their wallets. But the whole reason I’ve been avoiding using a cane when I know it helps is the way people are about it and that includes many of my loved ones. And the more understanding ones who actually believe me about my health and stuff are the ones barely scraping by.
I’ll do it I just need to figure out who best to approach about it.
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freyalise · 11 months ago
the freya live service game tier list
live service games i stopped playing:
warframe - got tired of new patches introducing new siloed progression systems and got bored of farming prime frames. wouldn't say i'll never return but it seems unlikely at this point
final fantasy xiv - got tired of the gear grind and felt that endwalker's wrapping up of the story was a good place to stop. 6.x patches have not encouraged me to ever go back to it (also the sub fee was fucking expensive)
dota 2 - Lol. Lmao.
marvel heroes - rip taken too soon my beautiful son
magic arena - i played historic so keeping up with this shit without having to shell out for preorder packs was like a full time job
overwatch - Lol. Lmao.
destiny 2 - LOL. LMAO.
honkai impact 3rd - there was a patch to get a free herrscher of reason that needed like four interconnected requirements spread across three different time-limited events and i just went yeah i'm doneion rings here
live service games i go back to on occasion
guild wars 2 - i've been playing this shit for like 4k hours spread over a full 11 years. it's just a fun game and the fomo is very miniscule
genshin impact - it's fun to fuck around with new content and i built up a decent set of characters so i don't feel like i'm missing out too much by not logging in and doing dailies or whatever. it works really well on the steam deck too even though getting it working is kind of a huge pain in the ass
deep rock galactic - is this a live service game? idk sometimes i just yearn for the mines
live service games i actively play
granblue fantasy - i just joined a tryhard tier a crew and my roommates were concerned for my health over the last unite and fight but it's honestly just a good game to make number go up in while focusing on work and other stuff
honkai star rail - yeah i got acheron and her light cone. f2p btw. sort of.
helldivers 2 - smelldivers to stinkpods
warframe is one of those games that i quit playing while i still had vaguely positive feelings about it and i didn't know anyone else who actively played it so those feelings never turned rancid like they did with ffxiv. that's the ideal situation for quitting a live service game, i think
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worldbuilding lore thingies⁉️⁉️
god my humor's dead-
this is the 2nd ask btw! forgot to label the first one-
towards jamil and vil's chapter yuu starts to kinda willingly interact w/ the blot and stuff. this is around the time they start seeing the blot as a good thing.
the blot's psychological effects also include decreased empathy for others, which is why yuu kinda just goes batshit at the end. at least in my personal theory idk bro yuu almost got killed by like 6 mfs in total rn just saying.
since yuu can't use magic, they therefore can't use magic gems to get rid of/contain blot lest it gets aggresive. to counter this, yuu's body kind of acts as the magic gem, except for the fact that yuu is very much alive and the blot effect is substantially worse bc of that-
yuu's inability to use magic makes the blot less potent, but much more effective in a way. the fact that they can't use magic makes it so the blot spreads much much slower, but in a way, that lets it fester every time yuu thinks abt their developing inferiority complex. they need to live up to a lot, and so the blot starts to compensate for it.
the blot that yuu's infected w/ is pure, ubfiltered blot from other people, making it much, much, more potent than an another overblot. also a lot harder to deal with, and really fucking scary to try and fight. they basically are the goddamn blot now bestie. crowley shits himself challenge canon.
also considering it now it may give them a mild identity crisis bc the blot probably has a personal touch. it seems to be based off mental health status as well as overuse of magic, so i'd imagine each type of blot from each person has a personal problem involved. those personal problems kinda just seep into their brain and become yuu's personal problems. yk? idk bro this one's new most of these are copy/pasted off disc-
when yuu ends up (kinda? technically???) overblotting, this is because their body is basically pure inky blot at this point. i mean like every cell has been replaced w/ blot and they can shape it and form it however they want. this means they can stretch themselves across miles, grow out tendrils, fill a pool with blot by suddenly like melting, and just do whatever tf they want lmao. again, their body acts as the gem to compensate for the lack of one.
yuu's appearence changes w/ each overblot infection. at first it's just one of their hands that's kinda just pure black and starting to form claws. they wear gloves for reasons later on. over time though, it starts to spread to more limbs and parts of their body. their hair starts to turn black in some strands by the end, and their eyes are a similar colour. they look like they're melting when it finally takes over wholly. they do have some control over this tho, they can kinda change their colours to hide concern/keep it under wraps if needed. they want to keep this, if it's lost? well, there goes their chance of surviving here alone.
crowley tells yuu that the very obvious thing to worry abt is nothing to worry abt bc they can't use magic and so the blot can't infect them. he is confident abt this. he now considers resignation as nrc gets fucked (/j yk he won't resign. he does shit himself tho).
sooo yeah. thoughts? again i kinda came up w/ this in the shower but yeah. it's kinda old lol. made in july 24th-
again, this is the 2nd one btw!!! :]
-crow anon
I adore this. Imagine when the final overblot is dealt with they start to melt away since their body can't handle the blot. They aren't from this world after all, even the air here woukd kill them eventually
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cinnamonest · 4 years ago
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Y’all are too nice to me I swear… here I am being horny and nasty on main and I’m getting encouraged, damn. But for real  ( ´ ω ` ) thank you so much!!
I’m gaining more confidence to post more smutty stuff and the kind of dark shit I like, so I might go back and make more nasty Childe content later on too… After Albedo, I got Razor and Zhongli coming up, and a few ones I just worked on for fun. But yeah, just in case it wasn’t clear for anyone who followed me, I’m going to be writing almost entirely dark content and some really nasty stuff, so just be aware of that, and don’t consume my writing if that’s something that may be harmful to you.
Albedo is so pretty… and such good dark content material… He treats you like a science experiment but has the audacity to make it hot smh
I haven’t seen a whole lot of him outside the cutscenes, so potentially ooc (as if yandere content isn’t already ooc, lmao)
Albedo - Yandere Profile
tw: general yandere content, obsessive behavior, stalking
tw (below cut): smut, noncon (seriously, you’ve been warned)
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
Very much aware. In the beginning, it frustrates him. He’s never been particularly attached to anyone, outside of his former instructor. He’s always enjoyed being out on his own, spending extended amounts of time by himself – the desire to be around someone is a foreign feeling for him. He immediately notices how bizarre the emotion is for him, how it changes his behaviors. His self awareness combined with perceptiveness makes him able to acutely recognize not only how unusual this emotion is for him, but also how the extent of his feelings, the types of desires they ignite in him, is unusual even for “normal” people who aren’t social recluses.
He’s frustrated by his own actions, feels embarrassed at how attached he is to you, how easily you make him flustered and trip over his words. As he is a very aware yandere, he’s definitely afraid of rejection to some degree. He has no idea how to navigate feelings and interactions with other people, he’s never really had the desire to form a particularly strong bond with anyone before. As such, he’ll come across as very awkward, and he will interact with you less than most yanderes – he knows he’s just going to embarrass himself if he talks to you, right? He’ll just mess up and say something strange, so instead, he opts to watch you from the shadows, go to places where you are, but keep a distance from you, just being able to watch you makes him feel fluttery and overwhelmed. 
He will definitely be one to collect things from you. He collects plenty of things for the sake of science, this is no different. Or so he tries to tell himself, but he can’t delude himself even if he tries. He knows its weird, he knows its wrong, but the overwhelming urge to have things of yours is too great to resist. He’ll start off with more innocent things, but it will gradually progress to not-so-innocent… items of yours.
It may not be obvious, but he’s actually a fairly sensitive person, at least regarding you. He places a lot of value in what you think of him, and wants to ensure you’ll respond positively to him. He views it like a science – there should be some formula by which he can put in the correct actions, and produce a specific result. Unfortunately, unlike real science, there’s not much room for trial and error – he feels he only has once chance.
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
It will take some time, as he’s got to get over his own nerves first. He’s torn between the fear of you hating him for such a thing, it would be the end of the world for him, but also the desire to pull you away from the world, to keep you hidden from others, to have you all to himself, to be the only person that gets to look at you. If you start showing positive signs, reacting positively to his gifts, expressing interest in conversation with him and going out of your way to see him, he’ll start to get more confident, think that he can afford to do something that might sour your opinion of him, hoping it will merely be temporary.
He’ll probably start to do so several times and back out. He’ll set out at night, make it all the way to your room and stand over your sleeping form, and he’ll start to worry, wonder if someone saw him, see holes in his plans, he gets too nervous and bolts. He’ll persuade you into being alone with him, and although its the chance he’s looking for, again, he’ll get nervous, worry about being caught, run through all the what-ifs, and miss the chance. Honestly, when he does finally take you, it will probably be not planned, but in the heat of the moment, a rash decision from desperation. Something like you coming to visit him to tell him you’re leaving the area, came to say goodbye, and he’ll panic, ultimately grabbing you by the arm as you try to leave and dragging you back inside, silently, but forcefully.
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape?
Moderately difficult. Your best bet is to take advantage of his tendency to be absent minded when he’s absorbed in his work. He gets very lost in his thoughts, to a point where he’ll completely zone out and be oblivious to the world around him. On the downside, this means you won’t have much time to cover distance, he’ll be close behind the moment he realizes you’re gone.
The route he’ll probably take is actually one where you won’t need to be too restrained, because you’ll be taking… a little research trip. Out to the most freezing, desolate areas of the mountains. He’s convinced the knights he needs to stay there for his research, but in reality, he’s internally panicking, as he tries to figure out how to make this work – after all, you two can’t stay here forever. You’d be foolish to run out of the little cabin he’s bought, out into the perilous freezing cold and jagged, high slopes. At first, he thinks there’s no way you’d try it, so he’s content letting you have free reign to walk around as you please. If he has to leave for whatever reason, he’ll probably lock you into a single room, but he won’t chain you up, as again, he's really trying to avoid making you hate him.
If you prove to be determined to leave, he’ll be hurt, but mostly concerned for you. He’s actually not one to get too mad over an escape attempt – he’ll blame himself, or theorize it’s just a natural response your brain triggered. Against his first choice, he’ll end up having to get more strict with your restraints. If you get too whiny, though… you might trigger one of his more frustrated moments.
“I didn’t want to have to do this… I’m sorry. I can’t risk anything bad happening to you. Tell me if it’s too tight… I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t blame you. I know you’re probably panicking over all this, but you’ll get adjusted to it, I promise. Just… just give it some time… it’s not so bad, living with me, I promise.”
“Don’t be like that. You’re only tied up because you tried to leave. You should understand why you have to be kept like this… If you don’t want to be restrained, you shouldn’t have run out, trying to get yourself killed.”
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
For all his academic intelligence, he’s not highly skilled with people and socialization. He’s not too good at being able to tell when he’s being lied to, and he definitely won’t pick up on subtle manipulation. It’ll be pretty easy to wrap him around your finger, he’ll do what he can to make you happy.
Once he finds out you’ve lied to him, though, he’ll get pretty upset. He likely won’t trust you again, and will require proof of anything you say, or set out to find out if you’re telling him the truth or not.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
He’ll try to accommodate you, giving you things you ask for, but he has limits. He’s too paranoid to let you have any contact with the outside world. You do have him wrapped around your finger to an extent, though. Whatever he’s doing at the moment, he’ll drop it in a heartbeat if you want to spend time with him in any way, even if its just you asking for food or to take a walk. He’ll be willing to take you for very short trips outside, no further than a few yards from the lodging, if only because he knows sunlight is vital to your health.
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
The basics will be there – don’t try to leave, don’t be difficult with him, try to cooperate, be obedient. However, he’s also particularly overprotective of anything that can hurt you – even yourself. Under no circumstances can you handle anything that can hurt you – that means no cooking, no knives, no lifting anything heavy, no going outside without him. If you’re determined to cook something, he’ll have to stand right behind you, and watch while you do it. If you get so much as a little cut or burn, he’ll take over, insisting you go sit down after he tends to your “wounds.”
At the very beginning, he’ll be hesitant to punish you too much, as part of his plan to get you to like him. However, he can be a little easily frustrated, and your safety and well-being comes first, even if it means he has to make you upset. He will have to restrain you, take away what little privileges you had. If you try to bolt while you’re outside, no more going outside. If you try something foolish like attacking him with a knife when he gives you cooking privileges, you will lose said privileges. Really, the worst part of it all is the humiliation, being treated like a dumb, incapable baby that can’t do anything for yourself. He insists on doing everything for you, even down to bathing you and dressing you, even feeding you if you can’t convince him to take restraints off your hands. He’ll talk down to you in that way, too, talking to you as if you were a child.
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
It’s a situation he’s not prepared to handle, and he’s unsure of what to do. It strikes fear in him that you might have someone else interested, so he has to get rid of them as quickly as possible. He’s not opposed to killing, if it comes down to that, but initially, he’ll try to work behind the scenes – expose something that will ruin their reputation, get them accused of a crime. This would also be one of the possible aforementioned situations that might cause him to kidnap you a bit earlier than he normally would, as well. If he can’t get rid of them easily, he’ll just take you away from them.
He will absolutely try to make you hate them, try to ruin your image of them, and he’s rather good at falsifying evidence for his claims of their behavior. With his alchemic skills, that sort of thing is easily possible.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
He gets more frustrated than anything, when you’re being difficult. This is mostly just him sighing quite a bit, speaking a bit harshly, even pouting and sulking a bit if you’ve offended him. But true anger in him is not pretty, and almost never happens. It’s a buildup, a slow rise that has a boiling point. If he reaches that point, he can definitely get mad enough to hurt you, it’s actually kind of terrifying in how sharp of a contrast it is to how he normally is. It’s a side of him that’s very difficult to draw out. He’s not one to yell or shout, no, his anger is a suffocating silence, he slams down whatever he’s holding as he stomps over to you, grabbing you by the arms hard enough to bruise, and dragging you by the hair to whatever he has planned.
With mild frustration outbursts, he will feel justified, but if it reaches that intense anger, he’ll usually give at least a little apology, tell you he didn’t mean to go that far. He hates to think of you fearing him, but ultimately, if that’s what’s necessary to keep you safe, then he can live with it.
Do they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
It’s an odd mix. On one hand, he sees you as utterly fascinating, the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on, more than any landscape or art he’s seen or made, an invaluable treasure to be kept on a high pedestal. Simultaneously, however, he will treat you like a child, thinks you can’t do anything for yourself. It’s a bizarre duality, but one he is consistent on. You’re precious, so very precious, and he’s undeserving of you, but at the same time, you need him to be safe and sound.
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you?
Of the genshin boys, he’s one of the most determined. He’s not good with people, and he doesn’t really have anyone particularly close to him left anymore. He tends to keep people at a distance. You sort of fill an space inside him that he never knew was empty, a void he wasn’t aware he had until it was consumed by thoughts of you. He doesn’t need anyone or anything else, so long as he has you with him, but he really, really wants it to be true that you love him. He doesn’t need you to even love him as much as he loves you – he doesn’t even know if that’s possible – but he just wants to know that, even if only in the slightest, his feelings are returned. He’s so distant from everyone else, but you wormed your way into his heart, even if you didn’t intend to, with your smiles and softness and kindness towards him. For the first time, he feels weak around someone, but in a way, it’s a good feeling. He wants to be able to be vulnerable, be weak, and not have anything to fear by doing so.
He’s lucid, though, so he doesn’t expect you to love him immediately. As he’s not good with words or displays of affection, he’ll get you all sorts of gifts. Rare items that you wonder how the hell he obtained them, beautifully crafted little trinkets from all his searching and time traveling, more clothes than you could ever wear. You’ll start to feel a little guilty, it’s so much, and you’re certain he doesn’t have that much money. He’ll blow it off, say it’s no big deal, but if you insist, he’ll have to start finding new ways to convey his affection. In captivity, he won’t stop trying, but he’ll understand why you might be angry. In that case, he will utilize what he’s learned from research in books he’s read. He knows that eventually, with him being the only one you have, the only company, the only one to talk to, the only source of touch, you’ll eventually have to cave. You’ll become attached to him, bond with him, whether you like it or not. He knows how powerful the affect of touch can be, and will make sure to hold you in his arms, keep you on his lap, make you crave the only source of human touch you can get. Dependency, he thinks, is the gateway to you loving him.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
Drawings. So many of them. Much like his drawings he uses in notes, he’s found he tends to start scribbling a familiar face when his mind drifts off. He’s memorized every little detail of your face, every curve on your body. If you’re ever snooping around, you’ll eventually uncover a book of sketches he has solely dedicated to drawings of you. Drawings of you laughing, smiling, sleeping, drawings that you’re certain were of real events you were at, that you didn’t remember him being at. Every bit in perfect detail. If you confront him about it, he’ll be horrifically embarrassed, insisting they’re no good, or, if you’re upset, trying to reassure you it was all from his mind and totally not him lurking in the shadows as he watches you.
Also, if you want to make him happy, get him on one of his spiels about his work, his interests, anything that he can catch onto and go on and on about. He’ll catch himself rambling and apologize for being “annoying,” but if you reassure him, and express interest, that will make him feel particularly appreciated. It would be a primary way to get on his good side and manipulate him, or lull him into false security to make your escape, if that’s what you’re looking to do. But be warned, it will only work once, and he’ll be far too hurt to let himself indulge in sharing these things with you again.
General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality?
Publicly, definitely highly reserved. He’s easily flustered, and thinks of sex in a very scientific way, for the purpose of procreation. For fun? He knows it’s enjoyable, but can’t separate it from his very analytic, scientific way of viewing things. It’s a formula, you touch this here and pull that there, and the result is supposed to be orgasmic bliss. He just isn’t very familiar with pleasure – he doesn’t drag out masturbation, even, as that would be a waste of time. He gets it over with quickly, taking short breaks during his work. He is a fairly high drive, though, and gets the urge fairly frequently, about once or twice a day.
He’ll be hornier with your presence, having to leave more frequently to get off to the little things you do, quickly getting himself off while recalling the mental image of you holding a pen in your mouth, the little moan when you stretch, the way your clothes fit to your frame.
Prior to abduction, he’s not particularly touchy at all, in fact, he’s very jumpy if you touch him. Once he’s gotten you alone with him for the foreseeable future, isolated, dependent, he’ll gain more confidence, be willing to give into his cravings to touch you, hold you, eventually progressing to groping you, moving his hands up and down your body, under your clothes, slowly peeling them off.
He’s initially a bit ashamed of his urges towards you, feels guilty every time he gets off to you, but will likewise gain more confidence once you're his.
A guy can only fight off the urge for so long before he cracks, before he can’t continue to care about the consequences. For him, that point is when he knows he finally has you all to himself – his worries fade, and while the guilt is still there, it’s far outweighed by desire.
How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness?
He does care, but as stated previously, it’s hard to fight the urge for so long. It will be torture, but for the first few days, he wants you to “adjust” to your new “home,” and not add to your panic. After that, though, he’ll try to assess your reactions. If you’re extremely resistant, he’ll give you more “adjustment” time. He can’t really hold off forever, though, and eventually, maybe a few weeks in, comes to the conclusion that if he just does what he wants, so long as he’s gentle and reminds you he loves you, it will help you get past the mental barrier in your mind. He’s convinced there’s simply a psychological issue, and that sometimes, people need a push. It’s like having a friend who can’t swim – sometimes, you just have to throw them into the water, help them get over that mental hurdle, and they’ll be grateful in the end. That’s what he tells himself to justify it, anyway. He has enough… anatomical prerequisite knowledge to know what’s good and what’s bad, and will take your body’s positive reactions as a sign of what you really want. Is definitely the kind to use that against you, holding up his fingers to your face after you cum on them, as if to prove a point.
“See? I told you, you just have to let go and give in to what you want… if you didn’t, my fingers wouldn’t be dripping like this, now would they?”
What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill?
He wants to experiment on you. This manifests as him being something of a service top without really intending to be, even if you’re not exactly happy about it. He likes to watch your reactions, watch the way your body moves, test the pleasure you get from different things, discover what it is that you like, even if you weren’t aware of it. In particular, he’s fascinated by the fact that girls have so many types of orgasms. He’ll want to try them all, watch and see which ones are more intense than others, which ones make you convulse, makes your toes curl, your eyes roll back. Which erogenous zones make your breath hitch, make you twitch and whimper. Probably the type to be determined that he can make you cum just from something like sucking on your nipples, and he won’t stop until he achieves it. He’ll also want to try everything. At least anything that he thinks has some potential to appeal to him, mentally. He’s a busy man and hasn’t really taken the time to explore his own sexuality, and has virtually zero experience.
Edging, overstimulation, forced orgasms
Experimentation also means testing limits and thresholds. He’ll bring you up to the edge, learn to watch for the slightest of signs that you’re close, listen to your breath, watch your face, wait until you’re just so close and then draw back, stopping just short of letting you catch that high. Then he’ll let you drift back down, and bring you back up again. No amount of begging will make him show you any mercy, you’ll only cum when he’s decided he’s observed enough. He wants to push the limit, see just how close to the edge of orgasm you can get without spilling over, just how much it takes to drive you insane. He’ll also want to see how far you can go after it as well. Orgasm won’t be the end of his ministrations, no, he wants to see how much stimulation you can take. You won’t be able to get away from his tongue, he’ll grab you by the hips and slam you back down, continuing to lap at you even if you’re so sensitive it’s painful. Watching you cum will just make him rut into you harder, bruising and abusing your insides to a point that they’re so sore you can feel it long after it’s over. At first, he might feel a little guilty, and may very well after it’s over, but in the heat of the moment, he can’t fight the insatiable urge to listen to you squeal, feel you convulse, watch the tears from overwhelming pleasure run down your face.
He’ll make it his personal mission to see how many orgasms the female body is capable of within a given amount of time - per day, per hour, how quickly you can have them in succession. For scientific purposes, of course. Anatomy and human biology isn’t really his main field of focus, but he likes to expand his research horizons.
“Just one more… cum one more time for me, then we’ll be done. Come on… I know you can, just one more.”
How do they feel about pregnancy or babies? Do they want them?
He’s actually good with children, usually. He has a calming effect on kids. He isn’t sure how he feels, though. To some degree, he fears his capabilities to parent, thinks he would be too cold to be a good father. But he also likes the idea of a protege, an heir to his title, one he can teach everything he knows. If he does end up having one, this fucking nerd man will read every book on pregnancy, birthing, and parenting that he can get his hands on.
Also, he’ll absolutely be one to track your cycles, even better than you can. He’s researched enough to know exactly when you’re most or least likely to get pregnant, and you can’t help but notice how much more he seems to cum in you when you’re at your most fertile. Nor can he deny how satisfying it is to watch his cum slowly drip out of you, watching you twitch with aftershock and slowly drift off in exhaustion.
What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use?
Unfortunately for you, since overstimulation and edging are already normal and everyday for you, he’ll have to amp it up a bit if he’s trying to make you regret something. He might get rougher, abusing more pleasure spots on your body, keeping his hands, mouth, and cock occupied all at once with driving you over the edge until it’s painful. But if you’re exceptionally misbehaved, you might not ever get a release to his edging, instead left to suffer from being so close, tied up so you can’t finish yourself off.
In moments when he’s really, truly angry, the peak of it, and that blends with arousal, he’ll really, really throatfuck you. Grabbing the back of your head and shoving his cock down as deep as he can, holding you there as you gag and choke, feeling your throat convulse around him, desperately trying to pull back for air. The movements are harsh and brutal, pulling harshly on your hair, moving at a pace so fast you barely have a second to breathe. Thankfully, when it gets like that, he won’t last long, emptying out into your throat, holding your jaw shut and demanding you swallow. If any spills off on your chin, he’ll gather it up on his fingers, hold it to your face, and command you to open your mouth, suck it off, and swallow again. That’s at the peak of his anger, though, and you’ll have to substantially piss him off to reach that point. He’ll apologize later, holding you close, but his guilt doesn’t change the fact that it’s one of the most intense orgasms that he’ll have, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t sometimes think of doing it again, even without provocation. He’s restrained enough not to, but the thought is there… and deep down, he’ll entertain the idea.
What body parts of their darling do they like the most?
The curves of your body, no matter how defined or faint they are, no matter the general shape of your body, to him it’s the most beautiful thing. He’ll definitely want to draw you, even if you’re not too keen on posing. He’ll run his hands up and down your body, squeezing every little bit of flesh he can, moving his palms over every little curve, every inch of your skin.
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weebsinstash · 2 years ago
Wishing you the best. You’re one of my favorite blogs and I think you’re amazingly talented and creative and your writing, the way you bring characters to life is always a delight to read.
I hope you hang in there, even when times are hard (and I’m sorry they are), cause it’s gonna get better. And yeah, it’s cliché, but I wish you all the love and happiness and that you’ll find IRL people who will cherish you like you deserve. I hope you have lovely dreams.
I'm starting to wonder if the answer to the problem that I've been looking for all this time is maybe trying to move in somewhere with my sister. But I don't know if that would help either because my sister also has some troubles and we haven't always gotten along but, if im miserable living with my mom, and my sister is far away and misses us and she's been through domestic violence and assaults and she doesn't always have a stable environment, im wondering if we should try and find something for us both to move into. Idk.
Im just very lost on how I could move further or fix things. I feel very powerless and small. I think im actually making a really good wage right now though so, maybe I should just, start putting most of my money into savings or something, in case of an emergency or something. I guess something i try to always remind myself is sometimes fixing a problem is a process, not an event, which is just CBT speak for "dont beat yourself up for not seeing immediate results"
But on the writing stuff, thank you 🥺❤ I've been feeling hella talentless and I guess I've kind of noticed a shift in the things I want to write. Like don't get me wrong I still have smut ideas but I also have been getting lots of ideas about, idk. fics meant to fulfill you more emotionally rather than like encouraging you to rub one out? Sometimes writing smut feels like... potato chips. It can be so easy and generic you know? Id much rather write stories where you and whomever build some sort of rapport or there's reasons and feelings established rather than "you bumped into this random stranger and he wants to fuck"
Like I was actually just thinking of a jujutsu kaisen idea I had posted in the past where Reader is a young adult sorcerer and Nanami, as someone else with the same sort of "risking death fighting demons is better than working in an office" mentality, recognizes that you're kind of actively suicidal and even though harnessing your anger and will to die into a Black Flash or two is certainly useful on the battlefield, he's concerned about your mental health. But then he gets you kicked out of the idk sorcerer guild or whatever and that makes it EVEN WORSE because now you "don't have a purpose" and "youre living for nothing" and he basically has to kidnap/save you from totally offing yourself and there's this overarching theme in finding kinship through hopelessness or something idk
And then on the other hand I had an idea for what would essentially be plug n play smut with Adam Smasher where he basically forces you into a braindance where he really smashes your shit if you know what I mean 😳 so the pendulum swings lmao! But I still find writing really fun and enjoyable even if im. Having motivation issues actually getting stuff down 👉👈 so thanks for the support and it means a lot to hear im one of your favorites when there are so many blogs out there 🥰
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pawjamas · 1 year ago
details about all of this under the cut
tl;dr my health is uhhh. not great rn. to say the least haha
wife took me to the ER yesterday cuz i was almost vomiting from the pain i was in w/ my upper back/spine and like. i told her i could push through hypothetically but yeah the pain sure was in fact excruciating. so she took me and we got like no answers, told the pain would probably go away within 2 weeks & i was prescribed the meds they also gave me in the hospital that did quite frankly jack fuckin shit.
hoping they’re right that the pain will just slowly go away but the pain itself has been just as much of a bitch today, i’ve been taking the meds as prescribed (still doing nothing <3) and using tiger balm & lidocaine patches (these two put a bit of a temporary dent in the pain luckily)
i guess i could put a bit of a positive twist on the ER visit that firstly i’m lucky enough i can even Go to the ER (yay medicaid) as well as getting a bit of experience with an iv being put in me / being in a medical setting overall, because for reasons ppl on here may already know for personal reasons being medical places always bring up very scary memories & feelings.
Anyways so today, i got an endoscopy lmao. miraculously enough fully covered under my insurance, and with this procedure i’m hopefully going to figure out what the hell is going on with my severe digestive issues & the pain experienced every day because of it and Nothing, and i mean nothing, digesting properly. literally nothing.
the GI doctor i’m seeing is super nice though and it’s clear she’s listening to my concerns & wanting make sure this mystery is figured out. the endoscopy showed there could be signs of gastroparesis which i know not much about and i kind of uhhh don’t wanna research it on my own cuz i admittedly have a bad habit about panicking abt this sort of stuff, so i’ll let it be what it is rn until i get a proper diagnosis with the other testing we’ll be doing these upcoming weeks.
was in a hospital bed on an IV in two separate medical facilities two days in a row. they hate him for his hospital boy swagger
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liketheinferno2 · 3 years ago
oK before I go crazy just wanna say every time I see Alphi standing next to a tall person I start hollering laughing ALPHINAUD LEVEILLEUR LEGAL ELEZEN ADULT I swear to god Elezen must have two separate adulthoods because I can't abide by them being legal adults before they hit puberty but also Emmanellain is referred to as a 26 year old child who is still growing.
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Secondly hay girl! Hay! Missed you! I love Papalymo's new voice too he sounds SO nervous all the time.
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Thirdly: His little choker, god bless lol
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Now, my takes on the Warriors of Darkness, which is such a Kingdom Hearts ass name I love it --
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1. I find this guy's story and acting and general plight very compelling and I think he's really well done,
2. EXCEPT for the fact that he was cursed with Meteor's lame ass boyfriend face. It's detracting from it for me, but just a little bit.
3. We have talked about Estinkyen not washing his fucking armor but like his excuse was that it was STAINED crimson. Ergo, he could wash it and it'd still be red. Dragon blood took hold for metaphor reasons. But this axe is like. THAT'S JUST BLOOD. CAKED ON BUT FRESH ENOUGH TO BE RED? WASH YOUR FUCKING AXE.
4. Very much get the feeling that the rest of them are starting to get concerned for the Warrior's mental health but think they can't say shit because they all already killed themselves to get here lmao
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For the past 250 HOURS OF GAMEPLAY Urianger has looked like this. His clever disguise is taking the fucking goggles nun outfit OFF. Uri I knew you were a bad bitch. I've been wanting this for years. FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK.
The Elezen proportions are so fantastic to me look at his weird ass neck
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This oversized dress cloak thing makes him look so twiggy I'm yeah yeah go skinny boy lmaoooo sorry I'm overjoyed. ALISAE IS ALSO FANTASTIC
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I've been waiting to meet HER for a long time too of course and immediately what I like is the deep voice? Like it's really the exact pitch of Alphinaud's. Same reaction as hearing Kaine speak the first time. Also she's 16 and you will DIE BY HER SWORD. I've run out of images now but I love it. She just says that. Really looking forward to see this kid act like a full anime warrior.
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hivequest · 4 years ago
Taking a Risk » Mallek Adalov/Reader
Wordcount: 2.3k words
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, stressed out reader, chillboy Mallek. TYping quirk only used when texting cause I could not be bothered lmao Originally posted on AO3
A/N: One of my favorite things that I’ve written, ever. I love Mallek and he’s for sure one of my favorite Friendsim characters. When I wrote this I was really feeling those Quarantine Woes
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You didn't know what you were doing here. You felt out of place in the worst possible ways. It was a weird, squidgy feeling like stepping on wet grass. But not like the fun kind where you were running around in a sprinkler on a hot-as-balls summer day. No, this was the bad kind of wet grass that you stepped on without knowing it was wet. Why weren't you wearing shoes?
This analogy is stupid. The point is, you're feeling bummed out.
And what better way to not have to deal with that than hang out with someone you knew wouldn't push you into talking about all the ways crashing on this planet sucked! The point is, you're on your way to see Mallek. Mallek is absolutely the kind of friend who can tell when you just need to sit down and veg out. You had been so caught up in everyone else's bullshit that you weren't looking after your own damn self. So now you were doing that.
All it took was a quick text, asking Mallek if he had any company. He texted back only a moment later with a no, obviously not. You asked him if he wanted any. Not really. You ask him if you can come over anyway. Obviously.
You smiled at the palmhusk in your, well, palm. You could already feel the chill vibes of your hacker friend. Friend? Was that the right word for it? You didn't know anymore. When you first met there were definitely some sparks there. You could still feel them now and it made weird butterflies flutter around in your stomach. When you slapped his phone out of his hand and he sent you ass over applecart into the slimy depths of sewer water and he saved you, tits out and all.
You shook off the weird wistful feeling of maybe possibly crossing the friendship barrier and told him you'd walk to his hive. You'd been moping in some bookhive, not your usual hang-out spot with Tagora or Tyzias. This was some upper caste bookhive with purple bloods and some indigos and definitely not where you were welcome if the looks you were getting were any indication. They ranged from snooty to downright murderous. Yeesh.
Your phone -palmhusk, stupid troll names- beeped again. You got another text from him and those cheery fucking butterflies were back. God, you had it bad.
yeah were not doing that lmao;
im not going to let my robobuddy walk out in the sun
do you even know what time of day it =
just stay put ive already got your location ill pick you up;
And like a good little friendsimp. You park your ass on a chair and wait. You hadn't released your moping had taken up most of the night. But with the quick look around, yeah, no, this place was nearly empty by now. Just some older bluebloods trying to cram before their Ordeals and get shipped off-planet. Again: Yeesh.
You kept your ears open for the telltale sound of Mallek's limo. It was a sound you were getting used to these days. He always seemed ready to drop whatever coding shit he was working on to come to see you. You tried not to think too hard on what that might mean. No need to get your hopes up now. It's probably just your bad mood making you imagine some context where there's nothing. Yeah.
Damn, that shit hurted.
Just as you were about to add that to the reasons you were considering just screaming your lungs out who cares whose listening? you heard the wonderfully familiar sound of an approaching elongated scuttlebuggy. If that wasn't enough of a clue as to who the ride was for the quiet of the bookhive was very abruptly disturbed by a series of rhythmic beeps.
Holy shit was that the Tetris theme?
You shoved your palmhusk into your hoodie pocket and yanked the hood over your head. Even if the sun was only out a little bit you didn't want it anywhere near your freshly healed skin. You had no kind cowgirl to nurse you back to health right now if you got your asscheeks baked by the flaming death orb. You peeked your head out and even with the blinding light of Alternia's suns you could Mallek had opened the door and was waiting for you.
Aw. No, shit. You're in a bad mood don't get all heart eyes at him. Don't make it weird.
You took a few steps back into the bookhive, ready to make a run for it. You turn to a sitting indigoblood, who is just staring at you disdainfully for keeping the door open. You give her a two-fingered salute. Godspeed young cosmonaut. She gives you a one-fingered salute. Close the door you insufferable bulgebiter. Fair.
Taking a running start, you book it out into the heat of the Alternian sun and dive for the open car door. It's then that you realize he's halfway parked on the sidewalk to lessen the amount of time you'd have to spend in the sun. Aw. That also means that you came barreling like a cannonball at something that was like two feet out of the door. FUck.
Your face meets carpet and you can already feel the rugburn starting to set in. You hear a startled wheezy laugh from above you, a sound you know better than anyone else on this planet. You smile. It's not like you had any dignity to begin with.
You say hello to him as you peel yourself off of the floor of his car.
"Hey, there robobuddy. You stuck the landing this time," He smiles down at you as he reaches over you to shut the door, closing the space out from natural light and leaving you both lit by his colorful LEDs. You shrug and tell him you've been getting a lot of practice landing on your face these days. The look he gives you is still smiling but there's some level of disbelief at the dumbassery that is your whole existence.
"I know you can get yourself into it. Nothing too bad this time, though, right? No drones or broken bones?" He sounds concerned which is nice but he doesn't drown you with his concern. He leans back on the bench of his limo, keeping an eye on you as the vehicle begins to move on its own. You've been staying out of big messes but the little messes are starting to mess with you. He makes a sound of understanding the sounds as it comes from deep in his chest. Whoa. "Believe me, I've been there. Glad you're not cracking under it though."
He smiles and you can see his little fang and you can feel your heart melt a little. And also you're getting a bit teary-eyed and now Mallek looks alarmed. Shit. You try to quickly explain that you're fine, just, alien allergies am I right? He must be using some new air freshener to mask the musty smell of his limo. Since doesn't use it enough. Ha ha?
He isn't buying it.
With a rare show of cerulean prowess, he lifts you up off of the shitty car rug and sets you on the seat beside him. He feels uncomfortable and you can tell. Ah, goddammit you made it weird. You didn't mean to. Fuck. Fuck now you're feeling even worse. You thought you were starting to balance out. You're with Mallek now, shouldn't everything start to quiet down like it always does? Fuck. He doesn't say anything at first, just leans back against the seat and stretches his arms across it, letting you lean on him if you choose to.
...You choose to.
Your head finds itself somewhere between his shoulder and his collarbone, and you just. Shove your face there. Then scream.
To his credit, Mallek doesn't even flinch. He doesn't wince or shy away from you as you let out every bit of anger, sadness, and frustration out against his sweater. He just sits quietly, staring straight at the blacked-out windshield. You get the feeling he's needed to do this more than once.
Screw this planet. Screw everything about it that makes all of your friends suffer. Why can't you just get them away from all this bullshit?! Why do you have to deal with everyone's bullshit! You love them, you do but holy fuck they're looking to you like you can undo all the damage this place has done to them when you've got literally no god damn idea what's happening at any point ever!
And then, just like that, it fades into the background. Your throat hurts. Your head hurts and you think you might be crying. But it feels lighter. Better now that you've gotten some of that aggression out. You aren't like the trolls on Alternia. You can't kill people when you experience an Emotion™. But that doesn't mean you don't get pent up with rage.
Mallek realizes that now. He lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and his left hand slowly moves down from the back of the seat the rest against your back. His thumb brushes against your back, the claw drawing little patterns against the fabric of your sweater. His sweater. He tries not to think his sign your chest. This isn't the time.
"Feeling any better?" He asks and you don't know how to answer. You kinda don't want to. But you nod anyways, and you feel some tension leave his body. You knew he was worried about you. You apologize for making him witness your meltdown but he just makes another deep-chested hum. "Nothing to apologize for. I got the feeling you weren't feeling great. I could tell from the texts, you didn't use nearly enough ugly emojis."
You scoff and smack a hand against his chest and once again you hear that wonderful laugh from him. Hey! Your purrbeast emojis are adorable, thank you very much! And you'll not hear another word of it or else you'll send him pictures of rocks and rocks exclusively. No more memes.
"Jokes on you I'm into that shit." You laugh and thump your head against his collarbone. You thank him for being with you when were needed it. And picking you up to make sure you didn't deal with it alone. You don't want to make it weird but...yeah.
He doesn't respond this time, just letting you both enjoy the silence and the comforting sound of the engine. You should almost be at Mallek's apartment by now. It's as you're settling in for the last bit of the drive that you notice that the limo isn't moving. And hasn't been for a while. Your head pops up in confusion and the little GPS display on the back of one of the seats says... yep.
You're already at Mallek's.
But then why is the engine still on? That can't be good for the environment. Do these things even run on gas or is it bugs? Bug gas? Gross.
You notice then that the rumbling is coming from behind you. Like. From where Mallek is sitting. He doesn't look away when you turn to him, just kind of tilting his head to the side with a little bit of a cerulean hue to his cheeks. Oh. Oh, the sound is coming from him. He's purring. That's.
That's adorable.
You feel yourself soften even more when he lifts his arms, silently offering a hug if you want it. Is this platonic? Is this more? You've never had too much trouble identifying what people wanted from you. (Debatable.) If was overtly flushed you could shut it down or divert it to something very much friends only. (Like your every exchange with Zebruh.) But did you even want to do that to your hackerman? You could feel yourself screaming, no, absolutely not. But at the same time, you didn't want things to change. You didn't want to make his issues any worse than they already were. He didn't have too much longer on the planet and you knew it would tear him apart.
But then he turned those blue eyes to you. He looked just as unsure as you were but he was willing to take the risk. He shoved himself so far out of his comfort zone for you and was asking you to be selfish. To want something for yourself and do something for yourself. Not put him or anyone else's wants first. Just your own. And so you did.
You crawled up into his lap, pressed yourself as close to him as you could and clung to him. His arms didn't hesitate to wrap around you and you could feel a shuddering breath from above you.
"We don't have to put a label on this... not yet. Or ever. Either way is chill with me. I just... yeah." He gave up with a little shrug of his shoulders but you knew what he meant. Unless you could find a way to fight fate he was going to go off-world. He was going to leave you and you doubted you'd be able to go with him. You'd probably get gored by a drone for even trying.
But even if it was just for now, just for a moment, you were going to take it. You were going to let yourself have something, have someone who would care for you no matter how long or short your time was. You'd take it. You had stomached some of the most horrible things on this planet but Mallek had always been a constant. And you got the feeling he thought the same way about you.
So, you'd take it. Whatever comes next, you'd take it. You listened to the sound of his purring, in no hurry to move to get inside the apartment. Mallek felt the same.
You exhaled.
You would be okay.
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krysphycookiez · 4 years ago
ateez | you as the female maknae
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synopsis: you’re the youngest and only female member in ateez, let’s see how you get along with the boys
genre: fluff, platonic, imagines
pairing: ateez x maknae!reader
a/n: sooo uhhh yeah this is my first fanfic post on tumblr, i never really see these types of genres for in any ateez fanfic so i thought i’d try it out. i hope y’all enjoy it!
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tbh i think seonghwa be a bit distant at first, since he really didn’t know how to interact with you, not to mention the slight age gap
but then as you two started to spend more time together you gradually started getting closer
now the two of you have the cutest parent/child like relationship ever
take his babying tendencies with the other members and multiply it by 10
he always tries to take care of you in small ways like giving you water after dance practice or making sure you don’t overexert yourself
a bit overprotective but for the most part he just let’s you do whatever
also nags you a lot
whether it’s to do your homework or to eat something
he’s very worried about you all the time because of rude fans and netizens
but at the end of the day he knows you can handle yourself
even then you still depend on him sometimes
seonghwa also probably scolds the other members if they go too far with pranks/teasing
his bias towards you is very obvious
but he still sees you as a smol child that has to be protected at all costs
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hongjoong is basically seonghwa’s behavior around you but 10x worse (not in a bad way tho lmao)
he definitely nags you a lot more because he’s a stressed leader
but that’s just how he shows he cares for you
definitely favors you a lot more than the boys when they are being annoying
he also makes sure you’re okay and in perfect health all the time
usually lets you help develop new tracks when you’re in the mood to help
sometimes even gives you some producing and recording tips, while also letting you listen to his most recent tracks
if you’re a foreigner that speaks english he probably tries his best to make you comfortable by speaking english to you
and both of you make a great translator duo too
even if you aren’t a foreigner but you still speak english you both probably have english conversations anyways
there’s of course those times where he scared you to death cause he’s upset
but he really doesn’t mean to scare you and apologizes afterwards
also overprotective like seonghwa, he just doesn’t want anyone hurting his precious baby
you just basically accepted that hongjoong and seonghwa adopted you
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this bitch is either very soft around you or very annoying around you
depending on his mood, yunho will either baby you like you’re a toddler or tease you like there’s no tomorrow
especially because of your height too, he’s basically a tree compared to you
on vacation days he probably spends his time with you by either cooking or watching movies together
he really sees you as his little sister and he enjoys the feeling
if you’re one of the main dancers you and him probably do a lot of choreography covers together
especially bts covers
he usually teases you about certain idols you admire, jokingly saying you have a crush on them
this sometimes goes too far that even hongjoong gets involved
but at the end of the day it’s all just fun and games
whenever you’re feeling down he’s one of the members that comforts you because he can sense when you’re in a gloomy mood
he just wants you to feel happy and safe cause of the harsh idol life all of you go through
he’s also one of those friends that never lets you forget about embarrassing shit you’ve done too
but he will always be your sweet little teddy bear
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like seonghwa, yeosang probably was a little shy around around you at first, probably cause you were a girl
but now he’s a ruthless and shameless little shit around you
he teases you all. the. time. there’s never a moment where he doesn’t take the opportunity to tease you
he’s the reason why you developed your sneaky and savage side in the first place
LOTS of insult battles, and it’s usually a 50/50 win too
though there’s always those petty fights about who won too and the other members just watch the chaos unfold
probably takes you out to eat chicken with him too, cause he still cares for you
and also the type to say “no one but me is allowed to call you stupid names and tease you”
speaking of stupid names, he barely refers you to your actual name off screen, he always has dumb nicknames for you
and vice versa too, you also can get pretty creative with names
but he’s also one of the members to automatically know when somethings wrong with you, like yunho he’s emotional support for you
also encourages you to push harder as well (ofc not TOO far), because he wants you to be the best version of yourself
no one can hurt you in any way or that person will get a piece of yeosang’s mind
even though he’s an annoying brat around you all the time, he still deeply cares and cherishes you cause he really does love you like his sister
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he loves you so much! san thinks you’re so adorable and he just loves you so much
probably praises you for every little thing you do too. the others sometimes get tired of his antics sometimes but you find them cute
you steal his attention from wooyoung and that sometimes causes petty rivalries, but it’s all just fun and games
he’s also another member to know when something’s up with you, cause you guys were even close during trainee days
initiated a lot of skinship with you, and he likes to play with your hair too and vice versa
also a lot of aegyo between the two of you, you two are just so soft for each other it’s irresistible
san is also the type of friend to wake you up at like- 3 in the morning to play games with him or watch a movie
speaking of games, you guys also play a lot of games together
most of the time san wins though
if you speak english, he probably asks for tips and lessons on english, and you’re partly the reason why he has a smooth accent and decent vocabulary
you also probably tease him a bit, especially about his dance audition to KQ, which always results in a smack
platonic kisses on the cheek and head too off screen, there might have been a few cases where you two might have actually kissed on the lips
but probably because you lost a bet
he’s your little cheerleading puppy and you two are just such cuties together
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crackhead duo, enough said
you and mingi always say and start the weirdest shit all the time, you both team up to prank the other members
mainly with seonghwa and hongjoong cause their reactions are funny. though you never dare to lay a finger on jongho
you two once started a running gag about calling seonghwa oppa (you call them hyung) and that joke lasted for a week
he also watches a lot of memes with you, and both of you have the craziest laughs ever
sometimes the other members are concerned for your mental health
if you aren’t a rapper, you probably try to imitate his rapping. it always looks very silly and he just cracks up at the sight
you two also cause a lot of chaos when it’s just you and the others without the 98 liners
also you two aren’t allowed to cook together anymore
one day when you it was just you and the 99 liners, mingi threw some flour at you while baking and it caused a whole ass war
hongjoong spent an hour wiping frosting off of the wall, and you guys got a huge scolding from seonghwa. still worth it though
you probably steals his hoodies cause they are so warm. he either doesn’t mind or gets whiny about it
probably has pasted sticky notes all over your room before in random spots, and you did the same to him too
you two are the equivalent to chaotic twin siblings and it’s just adorable
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two words; sneaky bitch
wooyoung can and will annoy you to death with his stupid antics, and vice versa too
you two probably didn’t get along at first in trainee days but now you guys are the closest you can get
he’s very affectionate around you that even SAN sometimes gets jealous, san of all people! you have to be very special to make him jealous
also those petty rivalries between you and him over san never really last that long, it’s just stupid bickering
probably tags along with you and mingi to prank the other members
LOTS of flirting and stupid pickup lines
he usually wins them because you can’t beat that man’s charm, but sometimes he makes a comment a little too inappropriate that results in a scolding
both of you also do a lot of stupid dances together, and the other members just watch you guys wonder what the hell you two inhaled
if there’s a rumor/false scandal surrounding you, he will comfort you the most and protect you at all costs, even going as far to glare and call out someone who insulted you
also initiates a lot of skinship with you, though not as much as san, you just always smell good so he can’t help himself
you two also cause a lot of chaos at fansigns, whether it’s fighting over a snack or smacking each other with toys
sometimes people think you guys are childhood friends, and who can blame them? you two are so close it’s immaculate
and maybe a few dating rumors surrounded you before, but at the end of the day you guys are just really good friends
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jongho is the only member who doesn’t baby you, since you guys are pretty close in age
he doesn’t really show it cause he doesn’t like showing affection on screen, but he always looks out for you
no one dares to mess with you when jongho is around cause they know they are gonna get their shit rocked
mingi and wooyoung learned that the hard way
he’s very caring for you and although he doesn’t show it by hugging or in any other physical gestures, he shows it through words
he actually was really shy to talk to you at first cause he thought you were really pretty, so you guys talked through notes
eventually he came out of his shell and now he talks to you like one of his close friends
if you’re one of the main vocalists, you and him probably sing a lot together, even when he’s breaking apples
has probably taken you to a few puppy cafes before so you could frolic with all of the adorable dogs
he just really wants the best for you, even if this isn’t super visible on screen
you also jump on his back a lot to make him carry you cause he’s a strong boi
he also just picks you up randomly and throws you over his shoulder just for your reaction
and it’s a lot of screaming fyi
overall, he brings out the more calming and quiet side in you, but it’s nothing bad, because both of you know that you care for each other
a/n: so that’s it for the first fanfic post! i’m sorry if it isn’t that good it’s been a while since it’s been a while since i wrote a fanfic, so this is a fresh new start for me!
i might move some of my wattpad stories here on tumblr, but see will see ;) requests are still open! so drop some requests if you liked this one
this is @/krysphycookiez logging off... ♡︎
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licuadora-nasir · 4 years ago
Thoughts on Eldarya ANE Episode 6.
Ah, yes, this great moment where I have to truly think about one of the reasons why I'm obsessed with fictional characters and realise that it's full of plot holes and incoherence. Great.
This is quite large, so I've splitted the ramblings in several topics, therefore, if you want to read about an specific subject, you just have to scroll down and take a look a the titles lol.
To begin with, let’s talk about Erika. I’m glad this episode inserted internal dialogues to give her development and personality, but there are some things I don’t get. How’s that you do not miss the place where you’ve lived more than 20 years? You have literally been one year and two months awake in eldarya.
That crap about how useful and appreciated you are here? At the beginning they saw you as some kind of hindrance, and now you’ve become both a myth and a legend, a tool, they don’t worry about your mental health nor Leiftan’s.
Basically, they’re relieved that you’re here again so you can fix their new and growing problems, to add insult to injury, you’ve been sent to a mission where if you hadn’t magically (and I said magically cause the sparkling guard already knew Leiftan wasn’t going to help her) recovered your powers you would have almost died several times. To pinpoint, I’m kinda disappointed this hate towards Lance has already ended. You literally despised him yesterday.
Koori, well, makes me very nervous. Yes, please do not come to roast me, I fully understand that this mission is a trigger to all her traumas, stress and anxiety, but there are behaviours that doesn’t justify it. The peebles, for example. In the battle, it was a delicate situation and it wouldn’t have been convenient to tell her how dumb she has been, but I dont agree with the “Don’t worry, it wasn’t your fault thing”, yes, yes it is.
You almost end your life because of the stupid peebles, and you knew they were dangerous for both you and your crew and you still kept them after being told to drop them. Very unprofessional. What I did like was her new growing friendship with Leiftan. I feel like those two might get along.
At first, I did understand Leiftan’s attitude. It’s completely understandable that he needs time to think about his well-being and mental health, but there are things that I can’t stand. One thing is that you do not want to use your powers and hurt people (whether enemy or not) and another is doing absolutely nothing, which is worthless.
Leiftan is completely capable of managing in any situation with or without his powers (please, he was part of the sparkling and managed to kill several people disguised as a stupid lorialet), and If he had wanted, he could have helped Koori waking her up, try and assist Matheiu when the kitsunes were after him OR KEEP EDGAR SAFE with a low-key profile. However, his great decision was running to the boat leaving his crew in a dangerous and mortal situation. Lol.
Yes, it was Huang Hua’s fault for forcing him to go to that mission but he isn’t dumb, he knew what to expect from this situation.
Nevra, Lance, Mathieu.
I don’t have much to say about Lance and Nevra? Yeah, it was utterly cruel leaving Edgard to froze to death, but honestly? Coming from those two I’m not surprised lol. It was a logical and a stupid decision, cause I don’t know what they would have told Huang Hua as an excuse of why the two most powerful men in the guard coouldn’t find a solution to get a human in the boat. Guess you’d have to eat less, but after living in a world where food and water used to be racionated, I think you’ve been through worst lmao.
I liked how they expressed that Mathieu was very worried for his friend, during the whole episode we’ve seen he was genuinely concerned about Koori and how he appreciates her.
Edgard is a great example that explains that Beemoov does know how to write characters, but sometimes I don’t know why but it seems that they don’t feel like doing it. We’ve get a character with humanity (You cannot convince me that Erika and Mathieu act like humans lmao), that has reacted as any other human would have done in his circumstances, suffering cold, hunger, fear and dirtiness. I’ve liked him since pretty much the beginning, I’ve even become fond of him.
Honestly, even though it has been heartbreaking and expected, my favourite scene it’s his death. During the whole episode Mathieu and Erika have been trying to cheer him up, to calm him down, while they’re hope about saving Edgard and show him the world of Eldarya (starting with the companions while Erika, Edgard and Lance were having a conversation) was sinking. Damn., even I for a moment was hopeful.
The moment where Ophelia appeared and said that one of them was going to die while Edgard was terrified freaked me out, but it freaked me out in a good sense.
His assassination was… Scenic. After all those promises Erika made to the man, telling him she would keep him safe and sound, Tenjin threw a dagger at his throat in the middle of their departure, and Edgar falls dead. Gardienne doesn’t even have and opportunity to process how all her expectations are shattered when she was dragged to the boat, leaving Edgard's lifeless body on the snow. A reminder of how Eldarya is a cruel world where humans doesn’t have a place. A very dramatic moment, one of those that characterize Eldarya and that I missed so much.
In a nutshell, the plot’s development has been slow, there have been a lot of filling about useless explanations of obvious things that could have been replaced with MORE MOMENTS with the LOVE INTERESTS, and the last dialogue with d¡the crush… LMAO, come on let’s be honest, I’m glad they didn’t forget this is an otome, but was it really the moment after that failure of a mission? HAHAHAHAHA, oh goddamn, you better give me the flirting soon or I’ll drive mad Beemoov. A slow episode but with good moments.
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kodzukenscorner · 5 years ago
Semi, Kita, Kuroo, Osamu, Tsukishima, Asahi, and Sugawara with a multilingual S/O
anon asked: Would you please write headcanons of Semi, Kita, Kuroo and Osamu being in a r/s with a foreign s/o who is multilingual - Japanese language included - and all are self taught? Like there are people who excel in STEM, performing arts, sports etc so for s/o, language is s/o's area of expertise. Thanks!
anon asked: Hello can I request some hcs for Tsukki, Asahi and Suga when their sleep in one bed with their gf for a first time and she starts talking in a foreign language while she's sleeping? Like you know she's multilingual and the boys suddenly wakes up and they're like ??? what are u saying ¿¿¿ Thank you so much❤️ Hope it's not too much to ask for 🥺 Have a nice day
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a/n: I combined these two requests because they’re so similar for one SUPER LONG hc post lmao
wc: 2,146
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Semi seems like someone who would probably try and learn English as an additional language
But he was not anticipating you being SO good at so many different languages
When he first saw you, he was immediately drawn to you because of how unique you were compared to everyone else
He definitely finds it very attractive when you talk to him in another language 
Kind of begs you to say something sweet to him in another language because it makes him swoon
Will ask you to teach him how to say certain phrases so he can compliment you in return
Oh but when he found out you were actually self taught? He nearly combusted
Not only were you super cool for knowing so many languages but you’re also super smart and taught them to yourself??
He kind of feels like you’re too good to him so he cherishes you like crazy!
He also finds it very endearing when you slip into another language when you’re not noticing
Sometimes you do it when you get frustrated or upset and he finds it quite cute
And one time he heard you sleep talking in another language and he got so curious about what you were saying he tried to record you so he could go to google translate and figure out what you were saying
But you were mumbling a lot so he never did find out what you said
He shows you off to everyone and is very smug with you on his arm
Will talk you up to anyone who will listen and you guys come off as such a power couple
All in all, he thinks you’re a badass 
Ok so Kita is a hard man to impress
He is an extremely hard worker and believes in putting your all into everything you do, within reason of course
So when he finds out you know another language, he is impressed 
BUT when he finds out you know multiple and that you taught yourself, he is shook to his entire core
It’s been a while since he’s met someone who is so naturally talented like you
This information will definitely get a rare reaction out of him
When he finds out he is so surprised that he just can’t stop staring at you and asking you to tell him how you managed to learn multiple languages
He honestly tries to take notes on your methods but most of it is just natural ability for you so he is shook
Doesn’t push you to speak another language if you’re not comfortable with it
But when you do, he is all ears even if he can’t understand a word you’re saying
Definitely the type of guy to pick up on keywords and phrases you use frequently so he slowly starts to understand what you’re saying
He may even start to incorporate them into his daily vocabulary as well!
He always makes sure that you don’t overwork yourself when you’re studying a new language
But he will gift you with lots of cute notebooks, flashcards and pens to take notes and learn some more!
Will also keep a full stock of your favorite snacks for you to ensure that you take breaks and eat
He’s really proud of you but is mostly concerned with your health and wellbeing first and foremost
But he does feel a little twinge of pride every time he watches your language skills improve
Alrighty so Kuroo is the one who will brag about you the most to anyone who will listen
He just thinks you’re so cool and amazing and wants everyone to know how smart you are
He will be the guy to ask you to speak in another language just to show off
He also thinks it’s really hot when you do that so he can never get enough of it
Will try and learn a bit of another language from you but he just doesn’t have the attention span for it
He’s much too focused on you and how good you sound speaking another language
He will be able to pick up some simple words and phrases though
Absolutely insists on learning how to say ‘I love you’ in every language you know because he’s sappy like that
In exchange he’ll tutor you in the STEM and business fields, which is where his talents lie
Even if you don’t find it very interesting, it’s still sweet how passionate he is about it and how he wants to share that with you
Sometimes when you get frustrated or angry with him you slip into another language to yell at him
He has no clue what you’re saying but he is heart eyes because he just loves it when you do that
Even though he definitely knows you are yelling at him
He may be really annoying and show you off all the time when you’re hanging out with friends but when the two of you are alone he is a huge softie for you
His heart literally swells so much when he hears you mumble something in another language
Or even when you sleep talk
He just can’t get enough of hearing it and it makes him want to kiss you all over
Osamu is very chill when he realizes you speak another language
Even when he notices that you actually know multiple languages, he’s still very calm and doesn’t like to make a big deal about it
He definitely likes to call you his ‘smart baby’ though, but he’s never been one to brag
Except when Atsumu gets on his nerves
Then he uses you as his biggest bragging trick
He will make Atsumu feel so bad by talking about how amazing and smart you are and how he wishes he could be dating someone like you
Yeah Osamu isn’t usually competitive unless it’s Atsumu he’s talking to 
Not the type to outright ask you to teach him some sentences and phrases but he does pick them up from you
But he 100% asks you to teach him how to say different insults and swear words just to use them on Atsumu
Will also ask you to help him rehearse a conversation together in another language so that when you’re hanging out with Atsumu one day you guys can just switch to another language and make him feel left out
It’s actually very entertaining the lengths he will go to just to mess with his brother
He’d be the kind of person to learn to say something really sweet without you finding out and then surprise you with it one day
He knows just how to make your heart melt and is definitely very proud of himself for that
Sometimes he hears you sleep talking in another language and will wake up and just watch and listen to you as you sleep
He strokes your cheek really gently so he doesn’t wake you up and he’s got the softest smile on his face
Other times you forget the right word you’re looking for in one language and end up using another one instead
He always teases you for it but you know it’s all in good fun
He can’t even imagine juggling all those languages in your head
Tsuki is a very studious person so he’s not super surprised to find out you’re multilingual
But he does use it as something to brag about when people get on his nerves
He just really proud of you and can’t help it sometimes
But he’s normally very lowkey about it and doesn’t want to make a big deal about it
But deep down he’s greatly inspired by you and wants to be more like you
You give him the drive to keep pushing himself and study some more
He’ll never be able to admit but he really likes it when you speak another language, there’s something so sensual about it
But he’s way too stubborn and bashful to say it out loud
So when you do slip into a different language, he listens intently and soaks up your every word
The first time you guys spend the night together his heart is racing like crazy 
He has a hard time falling asleep, but you seemed to do it with no problem
So he just watches you sleep for a minute until you open your mouth and start mumbling something
He thinks it’s really cute and then suddenly you’re speaking another language entirely
You’re mumbling a bit but still speaking fairly normally
He thinks it’s really cute and as much as he wants to just enjoy the moment he can’t pass up the chance to tease you
So he takes out his phone and records you sleep talking, not having a single clue what you were saying
He shows it to you the next morning and you’re so embarrassed
He still makes you translate whatever you were talking about so he can tease you some more though
Asahi thought there was no way on earth he could fall more in love with you than he already was
But then he heard you speaking another language and his heart practically burst right on the spot
He’s literally so proud of you and is in constant awe
He definitely thinks you’re too good for him but he still hypes you up every chance he gets
He treats you like royalty and when you speak another language to him he nearly faints
It’s such a sweet treat to him, even if he’s heard you speak another language time and time again, he never gets tired of it
He is so determined to communicate with you that he will work so hard to have you teach him another language
He buys a dictionary, flashcards, notebook, literally everything he can get his hands on
He’s not amazing at it but he’s trying his best and honestly what more could you ask for?
The first time you fall asleep with him, it’s on accident on the couch while watching a movie
You’re resting on his chest and he wakes up because he can hear you saying something really softly 
When he finally comes to and makes out what’s happening, he realizes you’re talking in your sleep and it is in another language
His breath hitches in his throat and he does everything he can to remain calm and not wake you up
But on the inside he is freaking out at how cute you are!!
When you do eventually wake up, he asks you about the dream you just had
He really wants to try and figure out what you were saying in your sleep but he’s a bit too embarrassed to admit that he was listening to you
You unfortunately tell him that you don’t remember much about your dream 
He swears he is going to study so much so he can understand what you were saying next time
Suga is probably one of the ones who is most vocal about how proud he is of you
He is constantly giving you praises and compliments whenever he hears you switch to another language
Sometimes you switch over and you don’t even notice it
You’re so engrossed in whatever it is that you’re saying that he just doesn’t have the heart to tell you he has no idea what you’re talking about
When you do notice, you get very embarrassed but Suga just finds it all very endearing
He is someone that has you teach him simple phrases and words but he also works on his own to figure out simple sentence structures so he can talk with you more
Likes to have little study dates with you so he can improve 
One time during these dates you fell asleep and he just let you rest so he could study some more
You started mumbling something under your breath and that definitely caught his attention
He quietly moved close to where you were resting on the ground and tried to make out what you were saying
He quickly realized that you were speaking another language and grabbed his notebook and dictionary
He started taking notes on every word he could make out and tried looking them up in his dictionary so he could know what you were saying
You woke up to the sound of pages being flipped and you saw Suga sitting right next to you, with his dictionary in hand
You just thought he was studying really hard but when he noticed you had woken up he showed you his notes
He explained how you were talking in your sleep and he was trying to translate it
You immediately started laughing but did your best to translate the misspelled words he had scribble down in a hurry
He uses your sleep talking as a way to study now
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bigskydreaming · 4 years ago
Sorry to bother you, but RE: the Jason Todd in Arkham thing, like, what was Dick supposed to do? Take him home to the same house where two of the KIDS that Jason had threatened/attacked were supposed to be living in what one hoped would be relative safety?
Like, full offence, Jason had at that point proven himself a danger to all the people around him. If he wound up at Arkham, oh well, maybe don’t kill a whole bunch of ppl and harm numerous others. If Arkham doesn’t work as a hospital, maybe he should have been at another one, but at that point in his character arc, a secure mental health facility was probably the best he could expect.
It’s like ppl forget he’s a multiple murderer with a history of targeting the ppl Dick loves. I don’t even read the comics and I know this much.
Oh for sure, I mean, I've posted meta about this before because the fandom accepted narrative gets it sooooooo wrong. Like, I'll always be right at the front of the line yelling IT WAS JASON'S CHARACTERIZATION THAT WAS CRAP THROUGH ALL THAT, THAT'S NOT JASON, GIMME NUANCE OR GIMME DEATH. Y'know, something like that.
But like, given that Jason was written as repeatedly trying to kill Dick's other two brothers its like, yeah?! What was Dick supposed to do? He'd tried asking Jason nicely hey could you stop doing that and Jason was like LOL no.
And also....people are like - Dick callously threw Jason into Arkham right next to the Joker and then just left him there and forgot about him and....SOURCE?
1) Dick didn't DO this to Jason, JASON went after Dick and Damian and in the process of fighting him in a very public space, Dick beat Jason and police were already like....right there? Dick didn't actually have the option of being uh no, you can't take this known and notorious criminal into custody, I'll stop you on the basis of - well I can't tell you actually but plz just trust me okay, he totes didn't mean it! (except like also, at that point he totes did, so.....)
2) What pull Dick DID have as Batman with the GCPD, he used to get Jason put into Arkham INSTEAD of Blackgate for his SAFETY. We know this to be true. Jason himself confirmed that absolutely nothing bad happened to him in Arkham, he just didn't want to be there but WHO THE HELL EVER WANTS TO BE IN A PRISON OF ANY SORT? And the first thing Dick said when Bruce said Jason had demanded to be transferred to Blackgate is that Jason wouldn't be safe there with all the enemies he had gunning for him. It was abundantly clear that Jason's safety had been a primary concern for Dick the whole time (and Jason wasn't safe at Blackgate, its just fine, he only wanted to be transferred in order to enact an escape plan that got like 80 people indiscriminately killed but whatevs. Its Gotham, what's a few dozen more dead criminals am I right? *rolls eyes at how often that little detail gets left out of the narrative).
3) Dick consistently put time, focus and Wayne Enterprises money into Arkham Asylum while he was Batman, since Arkham was being rebuilt from the ground up after it was blown up in Battle for the Cowl. Also, Dick had been one of the last 'patients' in the old Arkham, given that he went undercover to infiltrate the Black Glove while they were in control of Arkham and spent a week in there drugged to the gills, locked up and in a straitjacket before being almost lobotomized. He has every grievance with Arkham that fan writers like to PRETEND Jason has from his stay there, but Jason's only complaint was that he again, was bored, and he had to take psych evals every other week because it was after all, still a mental health institution. Dick did everything in his power at the time to make sure that even if Jason did have to be locked up to keep him from going after more people, like, it was going to be as humane as possible and the stuff that Dick himself had JUST experienced in the old Arkham WOULDN'T happen to Jason.
4) The Joker was literally nowhere near Arkham THE ENTIRE TIME. This is not a small detail, given that 'the Joker was just five cells down' is the entire basis of most writers' Jason-in-Arkham angst and the anti-Dick sentiments they tend to create. All the major Rogues escaped from the old Arkham in Battle for the Cowl BEFORE it blew up. That's why they're not DEAD. Dick's run as Batman was primarily about fighting the escapees. And Joker, very significantly, was clearly among those Rogues not present in Arkham during Dick's Batman run, given he was literally toying with Dick and Damian through most of it. Seriously, how much do people have to hate Dick and think the worst of him to think that he - the dude who btw, BEAT THE JOKER TO DEATH WITH HIS BARE HANDS FOR MAKING JOKES ABOUT KILLING JASON - would just....obliviously lock Jason up right next to the Joker and throw away the key?
Like...and it goes on and on, lol. I remember the first time I brought all this up in an argument with some Jason stans, they literally started laughing back and forth to each other in the replies about how someone was a bit too carried away with their own fanon, and its like...LMAO! Yes! Someone is! Its YOU! You are the people you guys are talking about, looooool, I can literally back all this up with sourced panels.
Buuuuuuut, c'est la vie.
I mean, this is nothing new for us, its literally Teen Wolf fandom alllll over again. Probably why I just said nope, not doing this again awhile back and was like umm actually I will NOT just be ignoring the blatant false narratives thrown around here just so that people happy with the fanon narratives that prioritize the characters they like and sling shit at the characters they don't can have their fandom just the way they want it at the expense of everyone else in it. You wanna push bad faith interpretations of specific characters at every literal opportunity, its like, that's cool! I got the drive! I can push back with actual facts, its all good!
But the most hilarious thing to me will always be how fucking INDIGNANT people get about that, like "How dare you point out the precedent we established in not caring about any fandom experience other than our own and thus being loud and everpresent with our preferred interpretations in an attempt to drown out any other possible interpretation just so that the most people possible would be influenced by us instead of anything else, and we'd get more of the content we like at the expense of any possible nuance whatsoever."
Like, the most common complaint I get is people griping about how damn often I'm saying "mmmm, no, this isn't what happened actually" and "okay but have you considered flipping the script BACK from the way you flipped it initially in order to get this weird ass interpretation of a superhero noted for his emphasis on emotional caretaking of his loved ones actually being this callous oblivious selfish jerk who tramples all over the feelings of everyone around them and makes them just the woobiest woobies that ever did woobie all throughout Woobieland?"
And I'm just like, okay see, I hear you, its just the thing is, the THING IS......
If you didn't want that to be the topic of conversation so damn often, then hey, just a suggesh, but maybe you shouldn't have devoted literal years to coming up with the most bad faith interpretations of this character possible at literally every available opportunity. Maybe there'd be like.....less reason for the topic to come up so often, if like....you by your own actions hadn't made it a necessary topic to tackle so often?
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