#yeah chief i cant explain myself here
mercyluvsyouuu · 11 months
That moment when I read thru the whole AM x reader tag on tumblr. Uhm
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solaxl · 9 months
Hii!! Happy new year :) Why is it you ship SolAxl? I'm just curious. (Mostly because it infected me when I first started playing Guilty Gear and I wanna know why)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! this is. A very good question i wish i could go back in time a few months and ask myself this. Not sure what caught my eye about them at first... axl i have liked since i first decided to get into guilty gear and i will leave that ramble for if i get questioned on that instead. SO FOR NOW. A DIFFERENT RAMBLE!
IDK its just so like. I LOVE their dynamic & tbh i cant view their relationship as anything Less than FWB at LEAST. And like... just the whole thing about being from around the same time, sol being essentially immortal, axl being a time traveler. In a sense they cant really lose eachother. i think theres something beautiful in that. Heres a probably less coherent message from me talking about that a month ago
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Plus.... i dont see people address this as often as id expect. axl calls sol danna (旦那) in japanese. and yes, boss / chief from what ive seen isn't an incorrect translation and Honestly is probably the intended translation. but i'm fairly certain it can also mean 'husband'. I think about this way too much for it to be normal.
i also just really love how they interact in canon and . Well. this. theyre so special to me.
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Yeah.... PLUS their interactions in Xrd!!!!!!!!! And strive. honestly.
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theyre so cute i love them SO much!!!! Im missing a lot of stuff that further explains why i ship them and im not very good with my words but i hope this got some kind of point across LOLL tl;dr black cat orange cat
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all-that-tmnt-jazz · 4 years
sooo kind of a downer and if you wanna skip it i totally understand 💖 thank you for doing these !! but how do you think the bayverse turtles would react to their afab reader s/o not being able to get pregnant? like maybe they’ve been dating awhile and the boys keep mentioning how its gonna be when “they can finally start a family” and the reader has to break the news that they cant? i found out a few years back that i’ll never be able to give birth annnnd its been a process learning how to talk about it with anyone really. thank you again💙💜
Oo, this one will be interesting…
I’ve been off my posting game today- sorry fam
Warnings: Explicit mentions of infertility and diabetes
Incarnation: Bayverse.
Extra Info: Fem!Reader
You two had been together for about six years, nearly seven
You were dating for about three years, then had an official/unofficial wedding officiated by Chief Vincent herself
You two had often talked about getting married, which led to that moment
But recently, Leo had been open about his want for children
You had held back the information that would prevent you from having children
You didn’t want to tell him
You were scared
You were still trying to wrap your head around accepting it, even though you’ve known for years
This night, Leo was thinking out loud as you two lay side-by-side in bed
“I just… Imagine it, y/n. A little creature that we would have created. I hope they’d have your personality, though. I can get a bit too aloof sometimes, and you’ve always been the one to point that out and stand up to it-”
You looked at him as he quieted
He looked back at you, eyes full of love
It broke your heart
“What is it, Love?”
You looked back to the ceiling
“I’m infertile, Leo…”
You felt tension fill the room
You closed your eyes, not wanting to see what would happen
You felt him shift beside you
You felt an arm drape around your torso
“Y/n, look at me, please,” he whispered
You squeezed your eyes tighter
“Y/n, please…”
You released a long breath and opened your eyes
“How long have you known?”
You bit the inside of your cheek
“Since… Since we started dating. I was scared to tell you. I can’t even…”
You hated how you’re voice was starting to crack
“I’m struggling to accept it myself, and telling you…”
You closed your eyes again, letting out a small, pathetic whimper
Leo laid back down and pulled you to his plastron
“Me talking about it wasn’t helping, was it?”
You shook your head
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. I’m sorry…”
You two have been dating for about four years
You had met him five years before, and finally started dating after months of fluttering around each other
And now, he kept talking about a future with you
You love it
You often talk about it while in his bed late at night
He always holds you close and thinks out loud
“Just picture it, Y/n. You and I… Married… I can’t believe I let myself think that sometimes, but I can’t help it when I’m lucky enough to be with you…”
You kiss him softly
“What else do you think of?” you ask
You were expecting something along the lines of ‘I can’t wait to call you my wife’
But that’s not what you got, not exactly
“I mean, I’ve always seen a future with you. You know, ‘husband and wife’ sorta deal. And like, y’know, one day maybe… Children. I’ve always imagined having our own one day…”
He seemed almost embarrassed by this, but you could sense how genuine he was being
The gentle tone in his voice gave you a pang in your chest
“Would you ever want to have children, Y/n?” he asked you
You couldn’t look at him
“I want to adopt.”
“What about having your own children, though?”
You closed your eyes
You remained silent for a while
Raph got up on his elbow and looked at you
“Y/n, what’s wrong? Did I say something wrong, or…?”
You shook your head, still unable to open your eyes to look at him
“Then, what’s wrong?”
“Raph, I…”
You took a deep breath.
“I can’t have my own children.”
There was a long pause
He was incredibly confused
“But, Y/n… What are you talking about?”
You opened your eyes and looked at him
“Raph, I’m trans.”
He became even more confused
“I fully transitioned before I met you, but… I was born a guy, Raph, and I don’t have a uterus.”
Raph looked away from you for a moment, then back at you
He smiled a bit
“So… You’re a woman?”
You beamed
“I love you.”
“I love you, too, Y/n. Um… Can I kiss you?”
You pulled yourself up to him and pressed your lips against his
Once you two pulled away, he held you to his plastron
“You know, we could talk to Vincent about adopting if you want.”
He had always wanted children of his own
Especially after meeting
You two were newly weds after dating for two years when he brought it up
“I’ve never felt so lucky to have someone in my life. Now I get to spend it with the love of my life and our family…”
You tried to imagine your family as just you and him, and maybe a pet
But he always implied that he wanted children
It always hurt you to hear him talk about his hopes for how your children would look and act
He always hoped they would act like you because you were always honest with him
You felt guilty after hearing this
So, you sat him down
“Honey, what’s going on? Is everything alright?”
“I, um… Yeah.”
What a lie…
“You know I have diabetes.”
“Of course- I remember when you first told me and I made that whole meal plan to help balance your sugars.”
You smiled weakly at the memory
“Why do you bring it up? Is something getting worse?”
“No, no.”
You put your hands in your lap and looked at them for a moment
You took a deep breath
You looked at him
“I talked to my doctor.”
You saw the worry fill his expression
He was about to speak, but you stopped him
You blinked slowly, but kept eye contact
“Donnie… You keep saying you want children, and I get that, I just… It’ll kill me if I have children.”
You saw the gears click into place in his head
His expression filled with guilt
“Y/n… I… I’m sorry… I should’ve known…”
You hushed him and looked away
“You’re just excited-”
“But I know the risks, and yet I thought selfishly.”
“Donnie, listen to me. It’s not your fault I inherited diabetes. It’s not your fault I can’t have children.”
“But it’s my fault I kept bringing it up.”
You stood and held him close to you.
“It’s okay. We can figure this out.”
You had been dating for only a few months when the topic of becoming a family started conversations
He always lit up when he talked about Little Mikeys and Little Y/ns running around
And honestly, you did, too
Until you were having a conversation with your mother about your family tree
She told you that your aunts were all infertile, and that- out of her sisters- your mother was the only one who was able to have children
All of her sisters were infertile
She was afraid the gene skipped her and passed to you
You didn’t tell this to Mikey, of course
You didn’t want to worry him
But he, being a total empath, immediately noticed something was off
You just told him you were going to be going to the doctor to get some stuff checked out
Which wasn’t a lie
It was just… a half-truth.
So, a few days later, you found yourself in your doctor’s office explaining the situation
After you left, you went to your apartment instead of the Lair
You felt like you needed to be alone with a pint of ice cream
You felt bad for ignoring Mikey’s calls, but you didn’t have the emotional strength to face him right now
But what does he do? 
He comes to your apartment
“Angel! What happened?! You’ve had me worried sick!”
He engulfs you in a hug, careful not to smush your credit cream
When he lets go, he borrows your spoon and takes some ice cream 
You chuckle dryly
He sits next to you, suddenly much more serious than he usually is
“Talk to me, Y/n.”
You take a deep breath, wanting to disappear into your couch
You can’t prevent tears from following
“Angel cakes, come here…”
He wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you next to him 
“I’m infertile, Mike…” you manage to whisper 
“I’m infertile. I can’t get pregnant…”
He nods slowly, processing the information
It clicks, and he gasps slightly
Your cries turned into sobs
He moves the ice cream away and holds you impossibly closer
“I love you, Y/n. I’m not going anywhere…”
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geo-winchester · 4 years
I got your back (2)
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Summary: while Santiago go to get his team back, Yn stay on Colombia but thing get complicated when she has an unexpected visit.
A/N: hi! I know it’s been a long since I post but now I’m an intern on a hospital and sometimes is difficult to write but I write every time I can and I’ll try to post more, I hope you like this!
Warnings: a little smut and swearings.
Part 1
Yn was sat on the edge of Santiago’s bed as she saw how him fill a suitcase for his trip. After he gave her all the information of Lorea and everything they know about the house they start to made a plan, the first thing they need to do was a recognition mission, look at the place and see al the exits they could use but they cant do it alone, so he text his old team for this mission.
-Are you sure you’ll be fine by your own?- she roll her eyes as she smiled.
-Remember I can beat you on fight, babe- she said with a wink, he nodded but she saw he still was a little distracted, she stand in front of him and took his hand -Hey everything is going to be fine, I can handle myself beside you need someone who cover your informant tracks.
-Fine- he said as he keep packing his cloths.
-you know its been a while since I was here, we always stay at my place...
-That’s because you always complain that you cant find anything in my kitchen- he gave her a quick kiss -or my bathroom- he kiss her again.
-But here I have more choices of your shirts- she said with a wink.
The next day she take him to the airport so he could go to his hometown and convince his friends to join them on the mission as she try to clear everything for the recognition mission, she make a fake trail of her informant and try to found any evidence of what they now but when she didnt found anything her she knew that she was telling the true about Diego. It’s been a couple of days since Santiago was on his hometown and she’s been doing her best to act normal, and she was happy to finally had a day off from the police station but when someone knock at her door she had a bad feeling as she walk to the door, when she opened her door Diego was outside of the apartment she knew something was wrong.
-Puedo pasar? (May I come in)- he asked, she move so he can came in, he scanned the place as he walk -Tienes un lugar muy bonito (You had a nice place)- he said.
-Necesitas algo? (Did you need something)- she stay in her place, when he turn around he had a smirk on his face.
-Tengo que admitir que siempre he pensado que eres bella, pero ahora lo único que puedo pensar es como serás en la cama (I had to admit that i always tough you were pretty, but know the only thing i can think is how you good you are on the bed).
-Disculpa? (Excuse me?)- he start to walk to her and when he was in front of her he brush her cheek, she push him away, he laugh a little.
-Se lo que sucede entre tu y Santiago (I know whats going on between you and Santiago)- he said -Al principio no confiaba en ti por lo que hice que un técnico rastreara tus ubicaciones y escucháramos todo lo que decías en tu celular (At the beginning, so i made a technician follow you and we hear everything you said with you cellphone)- She started to feel her heart race -Santiago es un idiota que no llegara a nada pero yo... yo podría cuidarte, si me dejas (Santiago is an idiot, he would never reach anything... i can take care of you, if you let me)- he try to kiss her but she manage to kick him.
-Get off me- She said -tu nunca serás mejor que Santiago, solo eres un cobarde (you’ll never be like Santiago, you’re just a coward)- he try to punch her but she was faster than him and punch him in the nose.
-Pensé que serias mas inteligente (i thought you’ll be smarter)- he said as he get up -you’re fired, no queremos a alguien de tu clase aquí (we don’t want some of you type here)- he said before he left her alone.
Santiago keep his eyes on Benny’s fight, he look at the other parts of the team as they keep supporting him, some of them were telling him what he should do to win, Tom only applause and whistle at him. Now that they were agreed to go to Colombia everything were according to the plan, he only need to tell them about Yn, he knew they were going to be against her because they don’t know her and because they would think that he wasn’t thinking with his head. After the fight was over they follow Benny to the lockers, they were talking about it when someone called Santiago, he knew for the number that it was from Colombia and only one person knew his personal phone.
-Guys I need to pick this...
-You fall for another informant again, Pope?- Catfish said with a smiled.
-Cállate pendejo- he said as he went to the other side of the room -Yn?
-Santiago!- he could sense the of relief in her voice but at the same time the fear in it.
-Hey, what’s going on, are you ok?
-Yes... No... I don’t know- she said -I got fired...
-What? how does that happened?
-Diego... he try to kiss me... I punch him in the face...
-Hijo de... wait? How do he know where you lived? I thought you didn’t used the apartment they offer you.
-He hack my phone- she said -Santiago, el sabía de nosotros, he could hear everything we said when my phone was close...
-The mission?- he asked, everyone look at Pope at the mention of the mission.
-He don’t know, when we talk about it my phone was on the other room-she sighed -Mierda Santiago, I don’t know what should I do...
-Hey hey, relax, where are you now?
-I’m in the restaurant we use to come...
-Does He know where do I leave?
-No, he didn’t had any interest in you, he though you couldn’t think on your own.
-Go there, you know where the key is and I’ll be there on Thursday- she couldn’t help but laugh.
-Good thing i left some cloths the last time I was there.
-I know you’re going to used my shirts- he said with a smile.
-you weren’t going to used them, anyway-she said making him laugh.
-I’ll see you on Thursday...
-I’ll see you soon, and Santiago... thank you.
-You had nothing to thank me, but please be careful, stay away from Diego.
After the fight everyone stay on the lockers as they look at Santiago, after he finish the call from Yn he saw Tom looking at him with his arms flex across his chest, he didnt say a word but Santiago knew he was going to question about the call. But now that he was stand in front of the team all of them just look at him as he expect him to talk.
-Can anyone tell me what are we doing here?- francisco asked.
-I don’t know, Santiago you had something to say to us?— He stay quiet for a moment -that call sound pretty personal, Santiago, if you fucking the informant this could blow the mission...
-She’s not an informant... she’s my partner, she went to Colombia as an advisor, she was helping me to distract the police’s chief from this trip...
-did you fuck her?- catfish asked him with a smirk, and when he roll his eyes they knew it was true.
-Did she know about the mission?- redfly asked him, he just nod.
-She’s part of the mission...
-What? And when would you going to tell us this, because you ommit this detail on the plans- Tom said.
-This change everything- Will said.
-Look, just give her a change, she’s good in her work and the recognition mission...
-What if she fail? What if one of us get caught because of her or if she put herself in danger?
-She won’t... just please trust me- everyone look at him like if he was crazy.
-If she do something wrong I’m out of here- Tom said, Santiago nod.
Yn was sitting on the copilot beside Santiago as they made their way to Lorea’s House, she could feel how Tom was looking at her from the back seat, even if everyon try to welcome her to the team she knew they don’t trust her, specially Tom, but all her thoughts were gone when Santiago took her hand and wink at her, she didn’t know how he do it but he always help her relax. But the tension in the car start to be heavier as they get closer to the House, Santiago park a little far, so they can’t see them. They gadder around Santiago as he gave them a few things for the mission, he gave them the comms and a few guns for each of them.
-Were in Lorea’s backyard- he said and he look at Yn -Ironhead you’ll go west, Benny go to the north of the house, catfish and...
-You and Yn will go to the East- Tom said, she look at him then to Santiago and when he gave her a little nod, she shrugged before he stand next to catfish.
As they keep walking to the house they could hear the voices from everyone coming from the comms, most of them were from Santiago explaining Lorea’s House, or when they were at their positions. Yn walk close to catfish and she made sure no one follow them, but something make him stop abruptly.
-Pope, I have kids over here, Does he have kids living in here with him?- he said -Cause that’s gonna made a whole lot more complicated, and is not what I signed up for...
-Relax, this is a good thing- Yn said, he look at him confused.
-Yn is right, the family is the answer.
-Why- catfish talk.
-Loera is very devout- she said -every Sunday he sends three guards to the 6:00 am service, when they get back, he sends the rest of the team along with the rest of the family, he stay in the house with another three guards, that’s our window- she said with a smirk.
-Now I got why you like her, Pope, she’s not just pretty, she’s also smart- he said.
-You better look the other way- he said making them laugh.
-Hey mr jealous, here comes your informant- Catfish said, Yn took a look to the girl, she was curious about how she look -Oh man, it seems that your not the only jealous here Pope.
-Cállate- she said rolling her eyes making him laugh.
-God damn- iron head said -I got an execution about to go down, over here.
-Are you at the tennis court?- Pope asked.
-Yeah, that’s his spot- a few seconds later they heard the gunshots.
Yn and Francisco get closer to the house where Santiago’s informant was taking the money out of the truck.
-Why is she doing this?- Catfish asked.
-She hope I can get her little brother out of jail.
-Did you put him in jail?- Benny asked.
-Not really
-Did you put him in jail?- catfish asked Yn.
-It wasn’t my plan but maybe I put the handcuffs.
-Oh you like a girl who can use a handcuffs, eh Pope?
-Can we concentrate on the mission?- iron head asked.
Before they were done with the mission Benny warn them about the movement sensors, and everyone tense when they heard that he didn’t know if he was detected, a few seconds later they hear the sound of the bykes, ironhead was faster and went to him for backup but when he got there the bikes were getting back to the house. They regroup near to the truck, Santiago took Yn’s arm and push her in to a tree before he kiss her deeply, she put her arms around his neck and pull her closer to her, he get away from her lips and start to play with her neck.
-Santi- she whisper -The team is waiting...
-They can’t go with out us- he said and without working he got his hand inside her pants and start to play with her clit, she moan -shit baby, you’re already wet- he said -Did you think about this?- she nod.
-Fuck, Santi- she said -I really miss this...
-You think I didn’t- he said, he insert a finger inside her making her moan and she place her head on his shoulder -After that call the one of things that happen on my mind was you on my bed fucking you all the night...
-Santi- she moan when he insert another finger.
-Or maybe as you touch yourself thinking on my cock... did you do it baby?- he asked.
-Yes- she said and he could feel how close she was.
-Yes what?
-Yes, sir... I touch myself thinking on you... -he start to go faster and deeper- fuck...
-What were you think about?
-You... doing this- she moan again -but my favorite... instead of your fingers it was you cock inside me.
-Fuck baby- he said.
-this feel so good- she said.
-Are you close baby?- she nod -come for me, I want to feel you come on my fingers- she press her head on his shoulder as she try to keep stand when she finally came on his fingers, when she look at him he had a smile on his face, she giggles.
-Sometimes I really hate you- she said.
-But I don’t thinks this is one of those times- he wink.
-Pope, stop making out with your girl and take us to the hotel- Catfish said making them laugh.
-We should go, but we’re not done yet- he said kissing her again.
-Of course we’re not done, we are going to do the handcuffs tonight- she wink, before she start to walk again.
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I started Twilight for the thousandth time because I hate myself and this time I recorded most of my thoughts and, since I have no one irl, I have To shout them into the Void
1. Why is all the dialogue so cringey?
2. Why would she remember her favorite dessert at a rando diner when she hasn’t been there in several years?
3. The coloring is just so blue
4. Why does she look SO PALE?! Is it because K Stew was actually supes pale or because the director wanted her to look vampiric?
5. Why does Bella sound like she’s gonna cry when she implies that the guys at school are sexually harassing her? Could it be BECAUSE THEY WERE DOING THAT?!
6. “Things were getting a little strange”? Just because he wasn’t in school? Bitch, you met him once and he was an ass, any sane person would just forget it.
7. “You’re not in Phoenix anymore, Bells”. They don’t have animals in Phoenix?
8. Why is every guy so invested in Bella?
9. Their first convo in class is SO AWKWARD!!! Is that bad directing and writing or is it genius?
10. “Any cold wet thing, I don’t really...” fast forward two years she’s getting dicked down by vampire cock
11. Her telling Edward about her mom and Phil is so awkward. Like, he needs to ask her to explain things that she should know need explaining. “Why’d you move here?” “My mom remarried...” “So, you don’t like the guy?” “No, Phil’s fine....”
12. When there’s a vamp as attractive as Carlisle, why would she ever go for the son?
13. The big question is why would anyone go for Edward when Carlisle is RIGHT THERE!?
14. What I wouldn’t give for a book of Cullen origin stories: Jasper in the Civil War? Alice in the Salem Witch Trials? Rosalie getting epic revenge on her rapists? Carlisle’s everything!? YES PLEASE!!!!!
15. How Edward doesn’t realize breaking into someones room and watching someone when they’re sleeping is fucking creepy, I’ll never know
16. Rosalie shoulda knocked sense into Edward to not be a creeper
17. Bella is supes rude to Mike by just not paying attention when he’s taking to her
18. Jesus, Mike’s eyes are GORGEOUS. Don’t know how I didn’t see that before
19. I would want this guy as my science teacher
20. Has Edward ever talked to a girl outside his family? Like....ever?!
21. You don’t hit a bus door to get the driver to open it. Because of this movie, I did that one time and now I hate teenage me for that
23. Love that vampires don’t need to eat, but Emmett is eating in a cafeteria scene
25. KrimsonRogue said if you can use anything besides rape, don’t use rape. Maybe SMeyer should’ve heard similar advice and taken it
26. So Jacobs just not gonna introduce his friends?
27. “You caught that, huh?” They were a foot away from her and no one else was talking
28. I remember that in this beach scene, Bella was trying to seduce Jacob into talking. And she was like, 17 and he 15 which, even if not bad with age gap, still creepy. And she’s not good at it. And doesn’t need to do it.
29. Why she shrieking? It’s a goddamn rope he’s chasing her with
30. Why are the villain vamps so goddamn dramatic?
31. Why is Bella’s google searching so instantly effective?
32. Why does she go all the way to Portland to buy one book, flip to one page, take one word from one caption of one illustration, and then never touch the book again?
33. Bella is super not a good travel companion. Why didn’t she just drove her own self to Portland to go to the bookstore?
34. How she get so lost?
35. How did she not answer her cell while her friends were freaking out about where she was?
36. Why are her friends just leaving her with this very strange dude who never interacts with anyone?
37. That first line the waitress delivers to Edward feels like very bad acting.
38. It’s hilarious that corpse feet made her immediately think of Edward
39. How could she just barely graze Edwards fingers with hers and immediately have a shock reaction of “Your hands are so cold”
40. Okay, even with all this “evidence”, no normal person would be like, “Yup yup, he’s a vampire” and then have some dramatic confrontation in the forest during school
41. She just ditches her backpack in the forest. I assume she needs it
42. “Sometime you speak as if you’re from a different time” Bitch, when?
43. These are not normal conversations that happen in these movies
44. Bella is not normal. Dude she’s known for two days says he’s probs gonna kill her and she’s just like “Yeah, cool”
45. Why does he think his sparkle skin is a turn-off? I’d be like, “Hell, yeah, you never need to buy body glitter”
46. How she trust him after, like, two weeks and a couple conversations? I don’t trust people with my FEELINGS after two years, this bitch trusting an admitted murderer with her LIFE after two weeks
47. “I’m not afraid of you. Only afraid of losing you.” EXCUSE ME BITCH WHAT!?!? YOUVE KNOWN HIM TWO WEEKS
49. Okay, but why’d Angela say “Oh my god” before Bella even got out of the car? All that she saw was the car drive up and Edward get out
50. Why were people staring? That’s not how high school works. People don’t REALLY give a shit who’s dating who unless they’re queer
51. I get the convo montage is to indicate they’re spending a lot of time together, but they’d have to remember the exact place they left off in the conversation or just have the same conversation over and over
52. Only living on tofu would not keep you strong
53. Okay, that cut of him jumping from the rock and cut to him jumping into the truck bed is very good
55. If I were in Bella’s position, among other things I woulda done different, I woulda eaten the shit out of that Italian meal the Cullens prepares for me
56. The scene in Edwards bedroom is so goddamn awkward, but I feel like that works since she’s super awkward and he’s a 108 year old virgin who’s never spoken to a girl before her
57. Why she just turn his stereo on without permission?
58. I heard Claire de Lune is like, the most basic piece ever. Writers couldnta been more creative?
59. How is taking her on a tree climbing adventure making her dance?
60. “So, you and Cullen, huh? I don’t like it.” YOU KNOW WHAT MIKE!?! FUCK OFF!!! YOU HAVE NO GODDAMN SAY IN IT
61. What the hell was that twerking to the daughter of the chief while the chief was there?
62. So he’s been watching her sleep for the past couple months. She got there middle of the semester. So around March. A couple months would make it June. HOW LONG IS THIS SCHOOL YEAR!?!
63. Why Edward couldn’t have bounced with Bella before the villain group got there is beyond me.
64. THIS SCENE WHERE BELLA TALKS SHIT TO CHARLIE AND LEAVES THE HOUSE!!!! THIS IS THE PART I HATE THE MOST BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY GODDAMN WAYS SHE COULDVE LEFT HOME FOR A COUPLE DAYS!!!! “I’m gonna go stay at Jessica’s house for the weekend” “I’m gonna go to Angela’s house for the weekend” “I wanna take a weekend trip with Jessica” “I wanna go visit Mom for a couple days” LITERALLY ANYTHING EXCEPT THAT WOULDA WORKED THERE WAS NO GOOD REASON FOR HER TO HURT HIS FEELINGS LIKE THAT
65. If Rosalie could smell Bella across the field when there was no breeze, why can’t James smell her standing five feet from her?
66. Laurent really didn’t give them any helpful information. James is super dangerous? Yeah, Edward already got that. Victoria is dangerous? Yeah, that’s kinda common sense. Thanks for nothing, you French bastard
67. Man, why the tits did Bella not just tell Alice and Jasper about James supposedly having her mom hostage? Seems like she should trust the group of seven vamps to beat two
68. How did Alice see James going to the ballet studio but not James calling Bella?
69. “I don’t regret the fact that I’m gonna die because at least I got to meet Edward” is what she’s basically saying. As the great Ronald Weasley said, “She needs to sort out her priorities.”
70. The level of dependency Bella exhibits when Edward tells her she has to go to Jacksonville is truly terrifying.
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zenyukifanficblogs · 2 years
Fresh Generation; Life Trials Chapter 26: Interference (Pt. 1)
Keona’s POV
“Grandmama, we meeting new people?”
My granddaughter Christine asks me as I pick her up from school. “Not today dear, another day.” I tell her.
“Papa?” Christine then asks me about her father. “Busy with work.” I tell her. “But you will have a fun time with me, how’s that sounds?” I asked her.
“Excited.” She giggles. “Good” I patted her head before holding her hand and entering the car. “Where we heading Chief?” Madame Lupin at the driver’s seat asks me.
“Not heading anywhere. Just go to the office right away.” I said to Madame Lupin as she starts the engine and begins driving.
“Grandmama, will Uncle John be coming?” Christine asks me again that got me chuckling, she always plays with Alicia and Alejandro there so I won’t be surprised by her asking.
“I am not sure sweetie, but I’m sure there’s other kids there.” I tell her smiling. “But Alicia and Alejandro don’t treat me the way some of them treat me.” Christine pouts.
You see…my son Pierre and her mother had divorced when she was young. So she is always this adamant about the choice of playmates because she has no siblings.
‘Just like her father before his sisters were born’ I giggle patting her head. “Then how about I go see Mama’s office for a little?” This little mini lass asks me again.
Honestly, whenever she talks about that MOTHER of hers, I can’t help feeling edgy especially after what happened to poor Pierre but too bad, it’s god’s sixth sense of wicked humour that she’s Christine’s birth mother.
“I will have to check okay?” I reassure her and Christine happily nods her head.
Somehow, when I entered the office with Christine. I panicked and quickly grab my granddaughter close to me as Gloria and my colleague Rodrigo are going head to head at one another.
I shouted at the top of my voice getting the two to stop. They stopped and Gloria was about to walk out when she stopped past me.
“Mama, please tell this Chief Han that we aren’t inciting a RACIAL RIOTS HERE!”
Gloria says pointing at Rodrigo angrily before stomping off. Not even Christine can call this aunt of hers back.
“Is this how you teach your children Keona?!”
Rodrigo in a confronting tone asks me. ‘Oh boy he is not laying a finger today on my children.’ I think to myself when he said that.
“What do you mean by THAT?!” I confronted back. “Can I go and look for Aunty Gloria?” Christine asks me softly
“Go ahead” I quietly tell her as she runs out. “At least my children are WELL-educated and are children of class, unlike YOU!” I fought back telling Rodrigo off.
“Yeah! At least I don’t need a step father to send me to the police station to be like my father” He scoffs back and I can’t help folding my arms.
‘You will regret this’ I looked at him before shouting at the top of my lungs.
John’s POV
“No news of Marie! I don’t know where she went”
I tell my mother who asks me about my demon of a daughter. “You should go and ask still, she’s still your daughter after all.” My mother tells me.
“She maybe my daughter Mama but shes to learn her lesson.” I explained to her. “What if I get walloped by Rob again cause she went to hurt poor Lils out of her RAGE?” I added on asking her.
“But J-“ She was about to continue but I had to end the call, cutting her off because I don’t want to waste my time on this incident.
Victoria then walks over with a cup of lemon ginger tea. “Good for the throat and stomach, have it.” She tells me as I pinched my nose at the smell of ginger
“You sure that’s edible?” I asked her. “Don’t think about the smell just drink.” She tells me and that’s what I did
“How’s it?” She then asks me. “Not that bad.” I tell her licking my tongue a bit after drinking the tea.
“Good you find it not bad.” She says before I asked her what recipe she learn from, knowing she is definitely not a tea person.
“Jen. She definitely knows a lot more than what everybody thinks of her” Victoria answers me as she sit beside me. Just as I am amazed, I got a call from Antonio out of the blue.
“Hey there!”
“What you want there?”
0 notes
caepaecaesurae · 7 years
> SD : What the fuck Cae
SD: > Time passed, Tumblr happened, Madrus was left laying on his stomach, tail twitching back and forth, staring at his phone. The whole affair had a sour taste to it. He opened Discord and scrolled his friends list, which was pretty damned short, to see if Caesurae were online.
CC: > For a while, he wasn't. Eventually though, he did flick back online.
CC: > There was a conspicuous lack of tumblr posts though.
SD: >He opened a message window
SD: 'ey babe, buddy, pal, mate. y'know it never seemed ta come up with th' whole excitment of th' revolution and y'know everything, that you were a slaver
CC: > Caesurae opened the window, and ...paused, a while. ...Yeah, time to go finish that wine, and maybe flop disconsolately on a sleeping surface for a bit.
CC: I wvas on the vwerge of mentioning a fewv things, wvhen you brought up your tail. It sounded like a better wvay to spend the evwening.
SD: Oh aye, I'd imagine, any evenin not spent discussin your personal involvement in th' slave trade with a former slave is probably better than doin it, doll.
CC: Particularly one wvith Captor's unique bite.
CC: WVhat's betwveen him and me, I deservwe.
CC: Is there somewvhere you wvanted to start, wvith this?
SD: I'm not really an organized troll, babe. Did y' always buy literal children or was he just lucky?
CC: He wvas one of fewv. I wvas tired of seeing trolls wvith the flinches left by prevwious masters, and wvanted to see if I could do better.
CC: It wvould appear the answver is No.
CC: He wvas the youngest.
SD: He says you dont like ta talk about whatcha did ta him.
CC: I regret it.
CC: He acted no different as a child, and our tempers clashed wvhen I wvas drunk or he endangered the ship or crewv or himself.
SD: Sounds like some pretty words for somethin you dont want ta admit to.
CC: My temper, then.
SD: You were an adult, he was a wriggler.
CC: Aye.
CC: A man is full of pretty justifications, and there's not much left to say wvhen you strip them awvay.
CC: I wvas wvrong.
CC: I try to be a different man.
CC: Yes, Nadaya knowvs.
CC: Yes, my moirail VWantas knowvs.
SD: I know that trolls can change if given a reason ta do it. I've seen it. I also know that trolls can stay exactly th' same petty abusive power hungry things they aways were despite every obsticle and chance, too.
SD: Why did you change, mate?
CC: I think I'd havwe to tell you a fewv stories about death.
CC: I had a bad millenium. It wvasn't related to him, but there it wvas. Then wvhen I finally escaped, my first life wvas jammed into my skull and I had to justify myself to the ten-swveep-old side of me that still takes up a good half of my mind.
CC: And my younger half had to justify his idiocies to my adult side that damn wvell knewv better than all of His excesses.
CC: I knewv at the time it wvas wvrong, and alwvays tried to make good wvhen my mind cleared -- but not enough to stop it.
CC: I think the temper's been beaten out of me, chief.
CC: So here I am wvith my vwices I can't enjoy, a multivwerse full of people that are either scum or wvill turn on me in an instant the second they hear about something that happened literally centuries ago that I can't fix, and my clade.
CC: It's nice to havwe something wvorthwvhile to do.
SD: He made a point to make sure I damned well knew what I was allyin myself with, with you. S' what now you're th' kinda guy who funds revolutions an fixes old wounds for ..what? Favor? Some kinda easin of the conscience? y'know we're not your absolution, right? Right now what I'm seein is a troll who can have anythin he wants whinin about how hard it is cause someone he fucked up as a kid tattled on him.
CC: WVhat wvould you havwe me do differently?
SD: I don't fuckin know, mate
SD: You're my alternate and so far as I've been able t'tell its only me and Nadaya thats any good out of th' lot
CC: > ...Ouch.
CC: You havwe my sympathies.
SD: >Your tail is making a neusance of itself lashing around. Even that simple phrase was somehow enraging. SD: Thats th' kinda thing people say when they wantcha ta shut up but feel like they oughta try ta look good. Engage in dialog, luv, dont just shut it down with somethin I can't respond to.
CC: Do you havwe any idea howv often people charge in here demanding to knowv all about one of the wvorst mistakes of my life?
CC: I can only explain so many times before I givwe up.
CC: Do you wvant to talk? Or are you angry and searching for confirmations?
CC: Yes, he wvasn't lying.
CC: WVhen I explain my side I'm making excuses, and wvhen I don't I'm shutting dowvn the convwersation.
CC: WVhen I tell the truth there's no proof, and if I avwoid the topic that's a lie too.
CC: ... I think I'm as frustrated as you are.
CC: > Mentioning it when you were having emotions was apparently a thing. Would it help? He didn't know.
SD: Must be a terrible burden you bear, havin to explain yourself whenever th' troll you fuckin owned and hurt opens his mouth and ruins your social standin with th' rebels you're tryin ta buy your guilt off with. I dont know what I want, luv. I'm angry, you fuckin. I trusted you ta come to my ship, on th' strength of your involvement with our revolution, and in good faith, an then I find out you're a slaver. There are worse sins amoung th' people I've chosen ta hang my name up next to, I'm not goin ta lie about that or name names either. And fuck me for thinkin I can tell off a god. But I cant just let this fuckin pass
CC: I think there's an important difference betwveen being a slavwer nowv, and havwing been a slavwer centuries ago in another life.
CC: Also, fuck divwinity -- if a man can't yell at gods wvhat else are they there for.
CC: WVe're just twvo men here.
SD: Its hard ta think of it as bein in your past when its still so obviously present for him
CC: ...
CC: He first entered my ship in his youth. He escaped. Some decades later, wvhen he and his associates wvere captured, he wvas returned to me, and I bought another member of his party.
CC: Not long afterwvard, I died.
CC: And he wvas helmed.
CC: And he livwed until the vwast glub.
CC: I wvas his first owvner, but not his last.
CC: I'm fairly certain he thinks I'm the center of some sort of conspiracy against him, as wvell. He's been left paranoid.
CC: He still thinks I wvant him back, and that I'm drivwing wvedges betwveen him and others.
SD: Why bring up his later owner?
CC: She wvas unkind.
SD: An here I thought she covered him in kittens every night
CC: Tsk.
CC: He has been free for perhaps a swveep, plus or minus some amount. I last sawv him centuries prevwious to that.
CC: The gap seems...relevwant.
SD: I can't even begin ta speculate, luv
SD: I'm not tellin ya to fuck off, but I'm mad and I don't trust you as much now
SD: I've seen good in worse trolls than you, though, darlin.
CC: ... That's more than I wvas afraid of.
CC: I appreciate the chance.
SD: I didn't make myself th' troll I am by kickin people who are tryin to the curb
CC: > Caesurae ..wasn't sure he appreciated the feeling of being thrown scraps by a 'better'. He vaguely wanted to punch something, but knew that impulse was useless.
CC: I'd be amazed if there wvasn't loss of trust.
SD: >He wondered if one can be kept awake by shear amount of tail lashing because the stupid thing wont calm down. He deserves this.
CC: ...but, I'm not a different man than I wvas twvo nights ago.
SD: I'm not sure exactly what he was tryin ta accomplish by tellin me, and I dont know that I want ta ask him with how our last conversation went, but it seems ta me that that'd be important ta know. I'm goin ta try ta sleep
CC: ... Ask Nadaya.
CC: Rest wvell.
SD: A good idea. G'light, Caesurae.
SD: >Obvious Alias has gone idle
CC: > caepaeCaesurae has gone offline.
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bwicblog · 7 years
SA: i have never seen a small troll so happy in my life.
SA: I bought them ice cream.
TT: what flavor TT: if you say smTh like vanilla you are going To a(\/)Tually die
SA: why do you hate vanilla so much?
SA: I bought them what they liked best.
SA: it was butter pecan.
ID: guess what chat, i'm bored and bitchy so someone should give me a reason not to be.
ID: or a reason to be more bitchy. that works too.
DD: i think i would prefer to give you a reason to be less bitchy
DD: and in light of that it might be worth asking what you are feeling bitchy about!
DD: you can think of it as talking about your problems but also lets be real gossip is fun and bitching about yout bitchy feelings is cathartic
ID: pff well at least you're honest about why you're concerned. =:P i'm just bitchy because of some stuff that happened that i'm not about to share on the chat. for fear of the wrong eyes seeing.
ID: so sorry, no gossip!
DD: well thats unfortunate clearly i have no reason to keep talking to you DD: im joking of course i am sorry that bad things happened the fun part of gossip is getting together with friends to trash talk the people you dislike not the nature of the suffering itself DD: in the end it is my overall preference that my friends do not feel shitty DD: and as we have totally established we are at least on the first tier of friendship >:D
ID: you a trash talking pro then there daz? =:P i'll have to remember not to upset you. so you can't drag my good name through the mud.
ID: the first step of a long climb, you gotta be dedicated to this friendship.
DD: well okay to be honest i am not usually the one doing the trash talking unless it is in respect to my mechanical equipment some of which has developed an attitude as a result of the artificial intelligence frames i have installed to assist me with my work but that is more affectionate trashtalking like one might perform when calling their pet cuttlefish fat DD: mostly it is my friend trash talking but when i have issues i have to acknowledge usually it is me messing up like it was earlier with prisma and in those cases i just kind of go be by myself a bit because trash talking is fun but me crying to someone is significantly less so
DD: and of course i am dedicated or well as dedicated as i have reason to be which is to say you are fun to talk to and i can see myself doing so for the forseeable future but i am afraid i am not yet ready to lay down my life for you no matter how much colorful claw varnish you introduce me to
ID: man can you type. or is this a talk to text program. either way you're fast. and wordy.
ID: not saying its bad.
ID: before you get offended.
DD: i type very quickly but i am told i talk very quickly as well it is sometimes a problem but unfortunately i have a hard time telling when it is appropriate to stop because really i want to say all of the things that are relevant and i think theyre all important DD: also i am not offended dont worry you are only saying the truth
ID: and you should trash talk more, it's great.
DD: i dont really have anybody to trash talk though!
DD: except maybe the people on team jaycob
DD: they have awful taste that is quite worthy of trashing
ID: so far i don't think we've seen any of them around.
DD: the problem remains! 😦
DD: to clarify that is a sarcastic smiley i am not actually that torn up over the issue of not having a fight to pick with people and i am afraid i have been coming of as sufficiently ditzy lately that that may be unclear
ID: hahah, well. if it makes you feel better chat rooms are hard to guage that sort of shit.
ID: though some people put /s at the end of sarcastic remarks to indicate sarcasm.
DD: i feel like thats a little bit too on the nose sometimes
ID: also the colorful claw varnish is the best and you're really missing out by not going out and purchasing some that changes color.
DD: but its still probably better than a long paragraph explaining my intentions so i will keep it in mind!
ID: it's hella fun to run under different temperatured water.
ID: just use it when you reallllyyyy don't want someone to get offended.
DD: and oh dear well that is what we are going shopping for later isnt it! DD: there is not very much of anything at all to buy here in such a small town though admittedly the local burgers are delicious and its always more fun to buy that sort of thing in person with friends than just ordering it online for drone delivery
ID: because when they're already het up a long explanation can make it worse.
DD: why would people be offended?
ID: also yeah you probably went to the same burger place as i did with gliese and they had some fantastic burgers.
ID: because it can come off as...
ID: what's the word.
ID: that means you're talking down to a troll because you think they're dumb.
DD: condescending!
ID: that.
DD: and oh dear that makes sense DD: i think that was the issue with my apology explanation earlier as well DD: i was worried that i might be misrepresenting myself and i did not want prisma to think i was acting out of malice but really it came off like i thought he was dumb
DD: that sucks 😦
ID: yeah, it's a slippery slope of being understood and coming off as a prick.
ID: slipperier for you since you're a fish.
DD: !!
DD: what do you mean
ID: ....look, you know how stereotypes work right.
ID: the biggest stereotype for a fish for us lowbloods is that every troll with fins is a jerk.
DD: i have had little experience with socializing with large numbers of people DD: i have had much experience with watching tv
DD: and oh dear
DD: ... i guess i knew that i just didnt really think about it or how it might apply to me
ID: yeahhh. see you're in a position where you can just. not apply things to yourself and be safe doing it.
ID: where us lowerbloods have to be more wary and careful.
ID: better to assume a highblood is gonna mess you up. rather than trust one and get fucked up. y'know?
DD: ... yeah
DD: that makes sense DD: D:
DD: ... do i maybe come off like a person that would mess somebody else up though like generally stereotypes aside
ID: well i mean.
ID: if you were really devoted.
ID: some fish like to play the long con.
DD: the long con??
DD: i mean i understand what you mean i just dont understand why that would be something that you might be concerned about somebody else doing
ID: ...because i like living.
ID: and am also maybe a little paranoid.
DD: hm! DD: i am just asking because i mean yes i understand that i am a seadweller and this means i am sturdier than most lowbloods but also there are other seadwellers fully capable of hurting me too both physically emotionally socially and financially and in fact i have recently narrowly escaped an assassination attempt but i suppose i still do not see that much reason to be consistently concerned about somebody playing a long con on me DD: thought maybe that is why somebody tried to cull me so you may have a point in that respect
ID: hahah why did they try to assassinate you...? =:/
ID: is that what happened to your horns.
DD: yes!
DD: and i suppose it is because i am one of the two chief executives of a very rapidly successful starship tech company and there are some issues with you know brand competition
DD: and resentment because the field thus far has been dominated primarily by long-standing memebers of it an i am fairly young as well as the issue that well
iD: oh. yeah. cut-throat business, they don't like the new fish muscling in on things. i get it. i mean it's shitty but i understand.
DD: one of the other recent entrants into the field of helmstechnology development is qpin and they are uniquely known for their ruthless competitiveness though of course i cant strictly say that they were behind it
DD: though my co-ceo says it was likely them because the queenpin is the head and she has a lot of trouble in terms of competitiveness on account of being a jadeblood
DD: but all of that is politics and i am afraid that i am not particularly great at it and i have no idea who it was
ID: ...also jeesh i guess i should have. expected you to be working on helm shit since you're at the helm station. i'm kinda glad you're not allowed to talk about what you're developing now.
ID: but congrats on not dying.
ID: or becoming too maimed to continue working.
ID: sorry about the horns though.
DD: thank you!!
DD: i appreciate your celebration of my narrow avoidance of death : P
DD: also what is wrong with as you phrased it helm shit?
DD: i will refrain from talking about it if it makes you uncomfortable but i am afraid i dont understand
ID: you're the only person who is apparently willing to chat tonight so i'm glad you survived long enough to chat. =:P
ID: i don't like helm shit. it's like.
ID: the text version of claws on a chalkboard for me.
DD: truly high accolades
SA: nobody asked if they wanted me in the chat :/
DD: and oh my goodness well i will keep that in mind
DD: umm
ID: pris! sorry, i assumed you were napping.
SA: i'm teasing.
DD: i think maybe the assumption was that you were not present on account of earlier hads said-
DD: oh
DD: oops
ID: =:P
ID: 💚
DD: 💜 >:D
DD: do you maybe have anything that you would like to trash talk about because we have recently arrived at the conclusion that it is a worthwhile endeavor but i have nobody to trash talk and hads is being very secretive about the source of his miffedness
ID: yeah pris, give us some trash talk. =:P
SA: oh.
SA: um.
SA: ...
SA: this is. rather hard.
DD: unless of course you would like to join hads in the club of secretiveness which i assume is alternatively titled the club of the subjects of the trash talking being potentially present in the chatroom at a later date?
SA: no, I have no secret salt. I have made most of it known.
ID: yeah pris is a pretty honest guy.
DD: oh in that case what is difficult?
SA: I do not tend to hold on to animosity for extreme periods of time.
SA: It takes energy I do not have.
SA: I would rather reserve it for stopping hadean from getting into a bonus fight after Ashley.
SA: let me think.
DD: oh dear DD: see that statement there sounds a little bit like salt though maybe perhaps not the sort that is meant to be a source of amusement
ID: i need a post-victory fight tho pris!
SA: i think that it's very stupid that high bloods become very offended when I enter their space.
SA: they can't stand the idea i have as much money as them.
SA: that is sufficiently salty.
DD: also i think i understand that i tend to not hold onto angry feelings for very long but i in general am a lot more inclined to be sad rather than mad
ID: i'll take it! that's some salt. fuck them for getting snooty.
DD: and i appreciate the pun there though i am not sure what you mean DD: i dont find you offensive to be around at all
ID: the stereotypical fish daz.
DD: oh this is about stereotypes again
SA: it must be hard to live life with such a fragile ego that because someone is well-tailored and capable of pulling several thousand out of their wallet in cash, you must threaten them as much as possible to feel powerful again.
ID: do i gotta punch someone for you pris?
SA: you do not need a post victory fight you need a post-victory ice cream and bandaids.
SA: also dazzle I am regularly somewhat salty at Hadean. it is the spice of our friendship.
DD: yes seconding hads though more in spirit of concern rather than desire to actually punch anybody what i mean is that it sounds like you recently had a bad experience
DD: is that why hads is the saltlick
SA: yes but taht's also because he's salty anyways.
SA: ❤
ID: is salt a spice now.
ID: 💚
DD: <3< ??
ID: what.
SA: i did not recently have one, no. It just happens when I leave the loft. I live in West Haven, which is majority high-bloods.
ID: no. definitely no.
DD: platonic spade i suppose but i cannot find it in blue
DD: or purple or green
SA: oh no. It's not like that at all.
SA: I thought salt was a spice... is something only a spice if it grows?
ID: idk.
ID: daz is salt a spice.
DD: i am going to say yes though mostly out of convenience for the sake of making puns and less because i actually know
SA: oh.
SA: well that's as good of an answer as any.
DD: although on the topic of growing i can at least say acid is often used to spice food underwater so
DD: there is at least that
SA: that sounds like. hell.
SA: but i suppose i won't judge i eat scorpions.
ID: ...how does. acid food taste...?
ID: does acid impart a flavor?
SA: is it citrus-y, dazzle
DD: that depends on the acid you use i suppose sometimes it is bitter and other times it is more sour and unfortunately i cannot tell you if it is citrusy on account of i have never had a citrus fruit though it does not taste much like orange candies if that helps
DD: also it is often used to cook food not just season it
ID: huh.
ID: weird.
SA: you should try an orange sometime. they are wonderful
DD: more weird than eating scorpions?? :{
DD: and apparently also squirrels
ID: i like berries the best out of fruit. but they're usually more expensive.
SA: I do not eat rodents.
ID: since they spoil quicker.
ID: i eat squirrels. =:P
SA: horrid.
ID: any port in a storm pris.
DD: i will have to try both oranges and berries in that case maybe even a smoothie consisting of both 😄
SA: do not do that.
SA: Orange is a very particular flavor.
DD: i am taking this landdweller food thing step by step
DD: oh
DD: interesting
SA: citrus pairs well with other citrus.
ID: try orange juice.
ID: that's easy to find.
SA: lemon and lime, for example. Or Mango and orange.
SA: yes.
SA: orange juice.
ID: mango is a citrus? =:????
SA: ,...I always thought it was.
SA: "While both citrus and tropical fruits are grown in warm climates, citrus fruits refer specifically to the genus of flowering fruits in the Rutaceae family, which include oranges, grapefruits and lemons as well as certain other species and hybrids such as the pomelo, key lime and citron. Mango is not a citrus"
SA: now I'm mad at Hadean for telling me mango is not a citrus.
DD: i think i will just buy a pile of fruit
DD: and see which ones i enjoy
SA: and ruining sweeps of disbelief.
ID: ...i mean. mangos are too sweet for a citrus.
ID: was my logic.
SA: are... are oranges not sweet to you.
ID: not as sweet as a mango!
ID: oranges have that citrus taste!
SA: make sure you learn how to prepare them, Dazzle.
DD: you mean you cant eat them raw??
ID: yeah but some of them you don't eat the outsides.
ID: like citrus fruits.
DD: maybe i can go to a fruit restaurant
SA: just putting a mango in your mouthi s not the most brilliant idea.
ID: but you can eat the outside of a mango can't you?
SA: no.
SA: you also can't eat the outside of a banana.
SA: or.
SA: You can but it will make you very sad.
SA: I learned this the hard way.
SA: It was unfortunate.
ID: 'Answer: Although the pit of a mango isn't considered edible, some people do eat the mango skin. The skin is bitter-tasting, but the peel contains several healthful chemical compounds, including powerful antioxidants mangiferin, norathyriol, and resveratrol.'
ID: i have no idea what any of those words mean.
SA: so the short version is it will make you sad.
SA: healthy.
SA :but sad.
DD: i need to be healthier i think but i do not want to be more sad
DD: but maybe the health will be making up for it because honestly most of my sadness as of late has come from my health
SA: are you of poor constitution?
ID: i'll be honest and admit i've never eaten a mango. so i was guessing on eating the skin.
DD: not usually!!!
DD: i am just
ID; adjusting to being on land?
DD: not used to living on the land and everything is very dry and my gills hurt a lot and everything tastes weird so i am also hungry all the time
DD: and also everything is very hot
SA: you would probably be happier in a bay area.
SA: why they let you move to a desert
SA: Is beyond me.
ID: because of the station pris.
SA: yes, but... why put it there.
ID: close to a lowblood settlement.
DD: because it is a remote location where i am unlikely to be found again by the person who previously attempted to assassinate me and also because there is a psionic training station that is located in the area on account of it being a lowblood locale with a high psionic concentration
SA: oh so abducting.
DD: and that is very useful for my research
ID: easy to lure them away from a shitty town to be experimented on.
DD: i mean i am
DD: unsure i would phrase it that way
DD: ... the luring not the town thing the town is pretty shitty
ID: good thing i did it for you.
DD: oh dear
ID: you're poor and life sucks and maybe your lusus is dead and you're scared.
ID: some highblood offering you candy if you come to his station sounds pretty good.
DD: actually i believe most of the recruiting is done through online means
SA: a more polite way of saying it would be that it is often easier to accept being an pet and know you are cared for than it is to be free and struggle.
ID: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ my point remains.
DD: and the payment tends to be in caegars and i know that is not what you mean i simply think you maybe are not representing it very accurately
ID: it's still sucky to do.
ID: most of those trolls have to choose between that and death.
DD: i mean it is also kind of sucky to work public service at a cafe but
ID: ...i mean a cafe doesn't screw things in to you.
SA: being a living experiment and test subject is very different from being subject to a screaming indigo about how their latte was not enough foam.
ID: you can leave a shitty cafe job.
SA: ...do they foam lattes...
SA: I dont know.
SA: I have the all the time, and I have never thought about it.
ID: and you're probably less likely to die in a cafe job.
ID: or fry your psi.
ID: and probably get culled for that.
DD: well i mean first of all the only test subjects are the two cerulean trolls i believe and also the people that volunteer to help me out but that part is not mandatory the main purpose of this station is to prepare trolls that have been conscripted for helmservice for an easier transition upon ascension and also accept anybody that would like to volunteer for the service without conscription not
DD: testing things really
ID: yeah well i bet if you asked a lot of wrigglers why they volunteered.
ID: you'd get a lot of 'i didn't have any other option' answers.
DD: hm
DD: i guess i do not know
SA: does it not
SA; unsettle you.
ID: you sure don't! but the first step is realizing you don't know.
SA: that our ships are using an archiac biotechnical method of power when we could built a technical system or a disocnnecting system for them.
SA: My pilot training used my inhibitor to join and disconnect me from a ship without hurting me in the slightest.
SA: and yet this isn't the norm.
ID: man you also hear those stories about them chopping a helms' fronds off.
ID: since they don't need them for anything.
DD: well as a starship technician i kind of have to argue your useage of the word archaic because the biotech we have developed is currently eons ahead of our purely mechanical methods of transportation which are heavily limited by both fuel systems and speed and also i am not sure that you are hearing accurate stories about limb removal that is definitely not a standard practice and would probably be actively detrimental to the process and helmsman adjustment and biowire integration DD: as would be constantly placing the pilot into painful situations upon connect and reconnect though maybe that may be the case withoutdated systems??? DD: the point of helmsman system design is to ensure a fluid and efficient connection
ID: ...huh.
ID: i mean tbh i never really paid attention to schoolfeeding about helms since. you gotta figure that stuff is just propaganda to make you think it's great.
DD: a decent amount of it probably is but that is the case with all fleet propaganda!! which is not necessarily a bad thing to be honest if you ask me personally because focusing on the negative aspects of a situation is never going to motivate anybody when you think about it regardless of what the job it
ID: i mean the ratio of cons to pros of some jobs are a lot easier to swallow than others. =:P
DD: that is very true DD: i would not want to be a garbage person i am not ashamed to admit this
ID: and i like walking.
DD: or a fighter like sipara i am fairly sturdy but i do not like being attacked
ID: if you could not tell by my adventurer lifestyle.
ID: and you can say that i can explore wayyyy more stuff in a ship but i'm pretty sure it is soooo not the same.
DD: haha yes that is true i suppose i do not consider it much considering i am both very fond of swimming over walking and also my experience on starships as a nonpsionic troll involves not very much walking anyways
DD: partially because i am stuck in my coon trying to adjust to orbit but also primarily because there is also not much room to walk
ID: ...i guess since i've already dived in to this ball of squick i might as well ask since you'd know best.
ID: does like. your kind of psi make you better or worse or not usable for a helm?
DD: yes very much so!
DD: there is a psionic ranking system of course in terms of the amount of raw power available but also the type of psionics make a difference for example cerulean psychics and indigos are not functional for ship powering at all and varieties among lowbloods that exhibit nonphysical properties such as clairvoyance are typically not high enough on the actual kinetic energy production to be able to power a ship with any efficiency as conversion to a useable power source is often very inefficient and also takes up energy in the process which rather defeats the point
DD: for example telekinetic type psionics tend to be the most effective for helming while more psychically oriented powers are not
SA: sometimes hybridization allows multifaceted psionics but it's also very rare in natural occurance.
SA: i can pilot a starfighter with my telekinesis as long as the ship and my inhibitor are programmed to allow the link through.
Sa: But an entire ship wuld be beyond me.
SA; and for the most part starfighters rely on a psion's ability to generate shields and manipulate other variables for a quicker reactions time, but not flight itself.
DD: there are also augments that assist with that!
ID: hahahah okay can this be enough helms talk now.
ID: i've exceeded my comfort zone.
DD: that is part of what the psionic training facility that i am part of helps with-
DD: oh dear my apologies
DD: i will stop!
SA: 😃
ID: i mean i asked so it's fine.
ID: just. new convo now plzkthx.
ID: ...i mean i should volunteer a new subject huh.
ID: pris did you have dinner?
ID: both of you for that matter.
ID: miss hungry because i don't eat.
SA: ...
SA: maybe.
ID: =>:I the ice cream you had earlier isn't dinner btw.
SA: i had a fruit salad.
DD: dinner??
DD: ...
DD: oh dear
DD: i am afraid i lost track of time
DD: i was going to say i did have dinner but that feels as though it was a long time ago and it occurs to me that that may have been dinner yesternight and it is possible that part of my discomfort with my health is because i am actually very hungry
ID: i'm gonna make you both set alarms to eat. =>:(
ID: a fruit salad and ice cream isn't enough for a night pris.
SA: mrmrm.
SA: I'll be back in a bit.
ID: if you get lonely while eating call sips' mobile and i'll steal it to vid chat. =:P
SA: well I may as well call it now then.
SA: i am.
SA: go find it.
ID: woofbesat, fetch. i see how it is. =:PPP
DD: i unfortunately tend to not notice my alarms it has been somewhat detrimental my friend used to ahve somebody come pull me away from my work and i thought it was sillybut now i am realizing it was probably very necessary
ID: get one of those bracelets that vibrate as an alarm.
ID: they might work better.
DD: but also that is my cue to go find food before i keel over and die so goodbye it was lovely talking to you and also that is a good idea i should find one of those
ID: ...damnit now the chat is empty again. =>:(
VC: Not quite.
VC: I'm taking a rrest on a courrierr trip, what's everryone else up to?
ID: uh i sent all the hungry skeletons off to eat because they all forget or think that a fruit salad is a meal.
ID: so they're doing that. and i'm just sitting here twiddling ym thumbs and watching pris eat on vid-chat on another mobile.
ID: ....is it rude to text someone while watching another troll in a vid chat.
SA: i'm talking.
SA: asshole.
SA: that. that wasn't serious
VC: Oh, I don't think I've met you before, SA.
SA: Hello.
SA: I am prisma.
ID: =:P i can multitask pris!
VC: I'm Cennef. And you and Hadean apparently know each other well, I take it?
ID: yeah we're buds.
ID: pris is cool, so be nice to him. =:P
SA: cennef. it's nice to meet you.
VC: He's yellow, what reason do I have to _not_ be civil?
VC: It's not like he's one of this room's silly highbloods.
VC: You seem well-mannerrred, so I agrree in turrn.
ID: he can speak kinda highblood-y sometimes but it was just how he was raised so don't pick on him. =:P
VC: Mannerrs and phrrassing of some things isn't an exclusive highblood trrait. I harrdly would.
VC: Pherrres talks like he's trrrying to sound cerrulean sometimes and that doesn't botherr me.
ID: i mean glad you understand that. some lowbloods get so offended when you use a 'highblood' term!
ID: like saying tub is gonna turn you blue.
VC: Ha. I may not carre forr highbloods, but - oh _rreally_
VC: Using theirr language isn't exactly a sin.
VC: That's rridiculous.
ID: you've never met a lowblood who got all snooty with you over it?
ID: the 'uhm, did you mean ABLUTION TRAP?' types?
VC: I suppose I have now that I think of it, but they arren't exactly trrolls I spent a lot of time arround.
VC: My ex quads werren't like that at all, norr arre any of my currrent frriends.
ID: wise move. there's having a grudge against highbloods and then there's overcull.
VC: I rreally only have a grrrudge against _one_ highblood, but I do lack fondness forr them in generral.
SA: i overcull teal bloods.
VC: Though perrhaps it might be prrrudent to stop talking about it in case any of them do come in.
SA: they have always patronized me.
SA: 😉
VC: Pfft, what
VC: I know you'rre joking, but I don't rreally get it
ID: hahah, it's a chat thing. we joke that teals are the worst because they're in the middle so they lash out more.
VC: Ohhhh
VC: To be honest, I have only met one tealblood outside of deliverries, which don't rreally count.
VC: He was...verrry odd.
ID: that's a tealblood for you.
VC: Well, he wasn't a lawtroll orr anything. He was some sorrt of perrforrmer.
ID: ...huh. was it the dumpster troll.
ID: ...do you know what i'm talking about. probably not.
VC: ...he cerrtainly _belonged_ in a dumpsterr but otherrwise no, I do not.
VC: Mine talked like some sorrt of flowerrry idiot and called himself barrd.
VC: Is that what this dumpsterr trroll did.
ID: yes!
VC: Oh my god.
SA: why is there a known dumpster dweller.
ID: he got ceruleans mad about historical bulge piercings.
SA; what dessert should I get?
VC: _Oh my god._
ID: and they threw him in a dumpster.
ID: ...the fluffy one.
VC: For once. I am on the bluebloods' side.
VC: _What is wrong with him._
VC: Correction.
VC: How many things arrre wrrong with him.
ID: and then he started dueling them in the dumpster.
VC: Though I'd probably be -
VC: _Highbloods._
ID: until someone came and rescued his hide.
ID: it was hilarious.
VC: That's completely rrridiculous.
ID: it was. but that made it hilarious.
ID: so what are you delivering...?
VC: Sorry, I was getting back on the road. I have my phone on talk-to-text now. It's some sorrrt of book collection for this olive.
ID: you're fine. how are you traveling? and that sounds. boring.
VC: Haha, I have no clue. They could be about stunning adventurrres, for all I know. I don't usually get told the details of what I deliverrr, unless they'rre imporrtant forr trransit.
VC: I rrride my lusus.
VC: She's not exactly a hoofbeast orr anything, but she can go at a decent pace with a trroll as small as I am.
ID: heyy a troll after my own pumper. though my lusus is a variety of hoofbeast.
VC: Ohh, what kind?
ID: antelope kind. but one of the big ones. he can carry me and my stuff no problem. and we have similar rocking racks.
VC: Pfft. Do you now.
VC: I have decently sized horns myself.
ID: about time. like this chat is mostly nubhorn central.
VC: I can prrrove I am not nubhorned.
VC: Ignorre the goofy exprression, this is just what I had on frrond. Also unforrrtunately I should pay attention to the terrrain now, it's getting rrough.
ID: huh. sorry i've not got an image right on hand to share. and i'm not in the prettiest shape for selfies, so you'll just have to take me at my word. =:P
VC: Haha
VC: Well I fully expect one laterrr
VC: But underrstandable - ow
VC: I rreally _should_ stop talking, dammit
ID: your lusus bad at navigating?
SA: the fluffy one
SA: that didn't tell me anything...
ID: point the camera at the menu for me.
SA: there...
ID: uhhh. the lemon tart thingy. since you said you like citrus.
SA: okay.
SA: delicious...
ID: you're welcome. =:P
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