#yeah because I can't stay focus for like 5 minutes apparently
youchangedmedestiel · 3 months
Chapter 1 and 2 are kinda written already. So as a little teasing, may I present you THE Cas and Dean involved in that Summer AU fic:
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And here's a little snippet:
“Sam! Sammy!” He calls and then he reaches the side with the view on the beach. He spots Sam at the back of the open veranda, playing cards with Jo and Ash. “Sam, Jo, Ash! Let’s get ready to go to the beach.” Dean suggests as his eyes finally scan the room. There’s Chuck, Amara and Gabriel there, so Dean smiles at them. Then his eyes end on the other guy sitting with them. “Hi.” He greets quietly. He doesn’t even know if he heard him because he doesn’t answer, he just smiles back and Dean thinks he never saw something as beautiful as this.
“Dean? You comin’?” Sam calls out. His little brother walked past him and he didn't even realize it until now.
“Huh - yeah!” He says, turning away and following his little brother.  
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beenbaanbuun · 7 months
Hey bunny! I'm back at it with my brainrot XD this time the trope is brother's best friend but the subject is still Kang Yeosang cuz I'm obsessed with him and the anti delulu meds didn't work 😮‍💨🫠🫠
I think this is the result of reading too many teacher/personal tutor yuyu fics + seeing posts about how our slow boy is actually hella smart, but can you imagine bratty MC and brother's best friend Yeosang (the brother in question being San or Yunho) who's known all over campus and your neighbourhood as being this sweet lil angel boy.... but who has been an absolute MENACE to you since you were kids?
Not in a harsh way cuz I don't think our boy is capable of that, but he's so indifferent and blunt? Barely pays you any mind at all and when he does it's this clipped, measured politeness?? Which is so unfair because he's beautiful and you've had a crush on him since forever???
Honestly it's more your fault than his that you're always so angry at him, but it makes you snappish and bratty just to try and push his buttons, but he never seems phased, always responds in a cool levelheaded way that's kinda hot and makes you even MORE pissed
So when you're failing math and your oh so wonderful brother decides to volunteer his only number literate friend as a tutor? And for some reason that friend says yes??
I can't finish these thoughts cuz I have a dinner to get to but yeah! Hope you have a good day bunny! Thank you so much for blessing us with all the incredible content that you do, make sure to get some rest and stay hydrated while you're at it <33
no bc i love this so much!!! just reader being bratty and then yeosang being all nonchalant about it AHDKSGDJSV ITS SO GOOD!!!!
but i feel like yeosang would be patient to a degree. like sure, he’s chill and cool about it usually but if you push his buttons too far he just snaps and you don’t expect it at all.
“can you focus?” he grumbles as he tried to find the relevant page in the text book. you’ve been watching the way his hands move over the pages for the best part of 5 minutes now, not taking in a single word he has to say. sure you’ve been listening, kind of, but that’s just so you can hear his deep voice in your ear - no other reason, “i’m not here for fun, y’know…”
you can’t help but scoff because of course not. why would he be here for fun? honestly, you have a hard time working out why he’s here at all, especially when he’s not getting paid for it.
“well, it’s not like you ever focus on what i have to say,” you spit back at him as you put your pen down defiantly. he doesn’t say anything or even acknowledge it, which only serves to drive your frustration up even higher. it’s not like you need a tutor anyway. sure, you’re failing, but you don’t see why that means yeosang had to be called in to help.
“maybe say something worth listening to,” he says, voice as calm as always, “now pick up your pen and work through these logarithmic functions for me.”
years ago you probably would’ve jumped at the thought of doing anything ‘for him’. what with his stupidly pretty face attached to that stupidly muscular body, and his irresistibly deep voice that only seems to come out with irritatingly quick quips. he was the only man to exist in your eyes, and perhaps he still would be if he weren’t so annoying. always so polite with you like you couldn’t see him being so free with other people. never responding to your jokes or rising to your teasing. it’s like he wants nothing to do with you, and you hate it.
in fact, you hate a lot of things, like the fact that you love a man who clearly wants nothing to do with you, or the fact that everything he does regarding you pisses you off. you hate that you can’t seem to shed your feelings of affection and lust towards him despite his apparent distaste of you.
but more than anything, you hate the fact that he’s tutoring you, and for some reason he’s doing it for free.
you sigh and try your hardest to brush away your annoyance. if he’s going to be here, you may as well make him pay, right? maybe if you push his buttons enough he’ll decide he doesn’t want to come back.
“i don’t want to,” you push your pen further onto the page with a shit-eating grin, “so you’re going to have to make me.”
you watch him as he mumbles something under his breath, eyes rolling into his skull in annoyance, and you can’t deny that it feels good to finally get a rise out of him.
“i’ll tell yunho you’re not being cooperative,” he threatens. you shrug your shoulders.
“and what’s he going to do?” you reply, “find me a different tutor? i doubt it,” you smirk and lean in close, “you’re the only one willing to do this for free.”
at this, he closes his eyes and puts his own pen down. you almost cry out in victory when he rubs at his face in frustration, a small groan leaving his lips when he pulls them away again.
“believe me, sangie,” you say in the most sickly sweet tone you can muster, “nothing you can do is going to make me cooperate.”
he turns his head in one shaky motion, and he looks at you properly for the first time since entering your house. he’s pretty as always, but you can hardly take the time to study him when he’s looking at your like he’s a predator about to pounce. his eyes are icy cold as he runs them up and down your body. his jaw is clenched as his gaze finally settles on your face, and you have to admit that the quiet boy has suddenly got very intimidating. you shrink back into your seat.
“fine then,” he says through gritted teeth, “either you do this, or i’ll have to find some other way to teach you a lesson.” now it’s his turn to lean in close. his elbows find purchase on his knees as he lowers his face to yours. you can feel the way his breath brushes against your exposed collarbones, and you hope to anything out there that he doesn’t see the way it sends a shiver down your spine, “don’t think i don’t notice the way you look at me, little girl. i’ve seen you staring at my hands. i know you’ve been daydreaming about me, hm?”
in the blink of an eye, he traps you. with one hand on one of your chair’s arm rests, he spins it until you’re facing him fully. his own rolls forwards until his thigh’s sit either side of yours. you blink at him, all wide eyed and confused. he just smirks at you.
“i’ve seen what you’ve been doing all these years,” a hand drops to your thigh, rubbing gently up and down against the skin that your short skirt - that you’d worn for no reason… no reason at all - had left exposed, “teasing me, trying to get me to drop my act and finally do what we’ve both been craving for so long. i’ve always kept to my lane for the sake of yunho, but i don’t think i can anymore.”
you whimper when he moves his face in close to yours, lips barely brushing up against yours. he smiles, nipping at your bottom lip gently.
“not when you so clearly need to be taught a lesson…”
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eternal-echoes · 1 month
Hi 👋 , totally random ask here, I just want to talk about kiyoka for a minute with someone bc apparently few people read the novels . I recently finished reading vol 6 (Spoilers) , I know I'm late .
And I was stunned , I never expected kiyoka to leave the military, it was of course foreshadowed that he stayed bc of godos dad but it came as shock to me at the end . The thing is I can't really imagine him in any other career , and I'm looking forward to what direction he will choose . I guess not knowing that much about him is a good thing bc that means that the story will focus on his growth as well , at least I hope it does , and we will hopefully see what he is like as a person , bc until this point his character was interwoven with his cold and strict military persona , that obviously doesn't fit him. Whenever we got a glimpse of him outside his profession, something happened and he had to be the commander again . I just wanted your opinion, what career path do you think he will choose , something regarding his powers or something entirely new ? Sorry for my rumbling , have a nice day ❤️
***My Happy Marriage light novel spoilers ahead***
Yeah, Kiyoka changing careers is something really hard for me to imagine, too. It never actually sunk into me that he was considering different career before the event about Godou's dad. I just feel like from the very beginning of the series, Kiyoka had always has this calling to be a military commander.
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From Volume 1:
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From Volume 5:
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Everything about Kiyoka seem to stem from being a military commander. From his coldness and kindness, despite how contradictory those traits are, are both due to him being tasked with a duty to protect the citizens of Imperial City. The wanting to protect is due to his kindness and the coldness part is due to the nature of being in the military. So to me, the military officer is the career perfectly cut out for him. He's not the kind of person who brags about his supernatural ability but at the same time, because he knows he's the best person capable for the military commanding officer so he'll do it to make sure the job is well done, to prevent as much death as possible. He's so single-minded focus on this career that he'd skip lunch and stay overnight at his office and even rejected a marriage proposal from someone who could have been an alright fit for him because he didn't want any distractions to come to his work.
I think the reason for the change is because he met Miyo. Because he wants a future with her, he wants to fulfill his dreams that he had planned before he joined the military. Like being with Miyo encouraged him to be fully himself including pursuing what he truly desire as a dream job. I think because being in the military makes him a cold and callous person, and he doesn't like being that person, especially not when he's with Miyo, so he wants to distance himself from that cold and callous persona.
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From Volume 4:
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I don't know what career he was considering before he became a military officer. I agree with you and hope that the next volumes will focus on his growth as well since it has been focused on Miyo lately. She is the main protagonist and I've been imagining that the "My" part of My Happy Marriage is from her POV but it is Kiyoka's happy marriage as well. Even though he gives up his military career he will still be assigned missions to fight Grotesqueries since he's a gift-user so that "military" part of him will never really go away.
The only profession I can think of is him teaching other people how to use their gifts. Maybe a military trainer rather than an military commander. Even that's still hard for me to imagine. But Godou did mention that gifts are occurring less often in people nowadays as Grotesqueries show up less and less so maybe there won't be as much need for military trainers as much.
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I guess we'll just have to see. Volume 7 comes out on August 20 so we won't have to wait that long.
And you're welcome to vent long posts in my inbox any time, Anon. The My Happy Marriage fandom seem small compare to others so I appreciate any discourse about it.
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zowiesblog · 2 years
i just binged read the 6 chapters you already posted and your work is amazing!
the relationship between the sully kids and the twins is so well done, they all have their moments and i just love seeing them growing up together.
also, i really enjoy dalya's character and her struggle has a human in the na'vi's community, it's a really inventive point of view :) im so happy for her that she is soon getting her avatar! but will she still be having these kinds of "existential crisis" even after getting it? not that i particularly enjoy seeing her having a hard time, but maybe, like Jake or Lo'ak and Kiri, the other na'vis won't fully accept her as one of them and still see her as part of the Sky people, or since this new body is so far from her actual one, she'll have trouble adjusting to it and have a kind of "it's not what i thought it would be" moment. i feel like losing her experience as a human navigating through all these emotions (since Spider couldn't care less about it) would be a pity
idk, but i can't wait for the next chapter and follow them along, wherever the story goes;)💚
thank you anon you’re so kind!! 🥹👀
and thanks for binging too you’re a G😉💚💚
don’t worry, her self-doubt and existential crises will stay right where they are lol
bc I think it wouldn’t be realistic to have her completely switch gears and be all giggling and happy with that massive change in her life and apparence. she’ll definitely deal with that by hiding her inner panic to the world with sarcasm and self-deprecation because it’s her go-to move but the ppl around her will not buy it for long so here enters CONFRONTATION 😈
sure, it’s a lifelong dream of hers and she’s been looking forward to it so she IS going to be very enthusiastic, but it does come with that acceptance struggle you mention!
ofc the Omatikaya aren’t as vocal about their bullying as well see as when the Sully’s will live with the Metkayina clan, they’re accepting and forgiving. but it will certainly be a moment for them where they’re all like:
‘welp here’s another one of them weird dreamwalkers again’ and Dalya will definitely feel that AND make it a bigger deal than it actually is.
although, she’s been pretty involved in the village since she was a kid and is literally an honorary Sully at this point! if we’re looking at this from the pov of a regular Omatikaya, she’s earned her place bc the chief is literally raising her 🤷‍♀️ so yeah when they see her as an avatar, they pretty much sigh a little bit, congratulate her bc now she’ll get to be an active part of the community, and they just move on honestly.
Dalya on the other hand, will definitely feel her usual guilt and will focus on the mixed feelings of the Omatikaya bc she doesn’t have the maturity to see the glass half-full…yet.
she will also realise that even though she finally has what she’s always wanted, she’ll always think like a human in terms of her origin and the way (she’s thinks) ppl perceive her. no matter how many na’vi will validate her and embrace her, she’ll always feel like an outcast. she just learns to accept that fact and live with it as she grows up.
in short, yeah she’s overthinking it as per usual and everyone around her will call her stupid and *maybe* she’ll allow herself to be happy for more than 5 minutes? who knows?
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technowoah · 3 years
Be Okay
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Dream won't drink water and it gets out of hand
- Dream x gen! Neutral reader
- Anon requested!
4) "I never fucking wanted this/that!"
5) "Please stop talking for one damn second!"
11) "It's not important apparently"
⚠︎ angst to fluff, swearing, angery dream. This is kinda a blurb instead- not proofread
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You thought about knocking on the door softly to alert Clay of your presence but then immediately thought against it. You didnt even want to go in there and interrupt him and his editing process because he told you strictly not to interrupt him because he was focused and he didn't want to lose his focus.
Clay was a hard worker, and everyone knew that. You admired that about him, you admired his dedication to his fans and his work, but you were worried about him right now. He hasn't came out of his room in about an hour and a half. Clay hasn't eaten all day, and hasnt taken care of himself.
You came over his house earlier that day to see him still in his bed. You laid in bed with him, which he accepted your hugs and cuddles, but when you asked what was wrong he never answered or just brushed oft the question.
Now Clay was stuck at his computer and the first time you tried to give him some water he brushed you off saying. "Dont bother me right now, I'm trying to stay focused." At the time that hurt you, and it still does so you didn't enter his room until now.
You stood at his door with some water and some pizza rolls. You were nervous of how he would react, but he needed to take a break. You wanted him to relax and not stare at the bright computer all day. His eyes were probably strained and he wasnt taking care of his body.
You gained the courage to knock on the door infront of you first time softly and then the next a little bit harder. Both times there was no response, so you decided to go inside of his room. The only light in the room was coming from the daylight outside from the open windows. At least he was getting a good breeze. Clay didnt even spare you a glance and continued typing and clicking on the computer.
"Clay." You said cautiously.
"Yeah?" He responded bluntly. You didn't want to already be annoyed by his attitude.
"I made some pizza rolls and got you a bottle of water. You need to eat."
Clay scoffed. "No I don't, Im fine. Im breathing."
"I need you to eat though!" You placed the food and water near his keyboard and crossed your arms.
"I. Dont. Need. To. Let me work." Clay said facing you for a minute and then went back to his work.
"I have been letting you work for the past half and hour! Can you take a break? I know Im being annoying, but you need to take care of yourself."
Clay looked at the food near his computer and took the bowl and held it out for you to take from him, but you didn't take the bowl put of his hand.
"Can you just take this shit away." He said grumbling.
"There's no need to swear, why can't you just take a break and eat? Its not gonna hurt your process."
"The reason I want you to take this is because I'm not starving! Im actually getting interrupted by you forcing me to eat!" Clay started yelling.
"I never fucking wanted this!" He said gesturing to the bowl of now cold pizza rolls in his hand.
"I only want you to fucking eat! That's it! Is that too much to ask?!" You yelled as he shut you out again. He returned editing his video and let out frustrated groans because he messed up a clip and had to redo it.
"It's not that important apparently." You rolled your eyes. It was petty of you, you could've just left it at that and talked about it later.
Clay banged the table with his fists. "Please stop talking for one damn second!" He yelled more violently this time, you could bet the neighbors heard him.
You weren't going to let tears fall. You weren't going to show Clay that you were weak, so you stormed out of his room and slammed the door behind you hoping he heard that loud and clear. You threw yourself onto tbe couch and sobbed into your hands, you then grabbed a throw pillow and cried into that trying to muffle your frustration. Staying like that until you calmed down you traveled to the kitchen to grab a bag of chips and went back to the couch to put on some mindless TV shows to distract you from the chaos that happened before.
Halfway into your tv show you heard someone coming down the hallway, but you didn't bother looking towards them to greet them.
"Hey y/n!" You turned around to the different voice who spoke and saw that it was Nick who spoke to you who was now walking to sit by you. To be honest you forgot that Nick was even in the house when you went to speak to Clay.
"I heard some yelling in the other room and I wanted to know what was going on are you okay?" Nick asked while sitting next to you.
Damn, you felt bad that your quick fight had turned into yelling and Nick overheard.
"Yeah, Im fine. I cried into your throw pillows, but me a Clay had a huge fight about him overworking himself." You said tapping the throw pillow on your lap. "Long story short he's probably still mad and now I feel like shit, I might go home. Also I'm sorry you heard that!" You rushed.
"No, it's okay. I really wanted to know if you were okay. I heard you crying too, but I didn't want to intrude." Nick said while putting a hand on your shoulder. "Do you want me to drive you back?"
"You dont have to Nick! But its appreciated."
"Do you want me to tell Drea- Clay?" He asked awaiting your answer.
You paused before answering Nick. "I'll- I'll go tell him." You said confidently.
"Positive." You stood up and walked towards Clay's room for the third time today.
"I'll be ready when you're done!" Nick yelled down the hallway.
You were at the same place you were a few minutes ago. This time you didn't hesitate to open the door and face Clay again. Your heartbeat quickened, because of the fact that you didnt know what would come out od Clay's mouth this time. It was nerve-wracking, but you had to face him wether it was today, tomorrow, or the next day.
You didn't bother knocking and just entered the room. He was still in the same chair facing away from you but this time he wasn't looking at his computer, his head was resting in his hands while his his video edits weren't on the screen anymore.
"Clay." You started and he turned around facing you.
"Y/n! Im so sorry." Clay spoke, you were about to speak but he interrupted you. "Please, I'm a dumbass, im sorry I yelled at you. I know you were just trying to help. Forgive me?"
Clay stood up walking towards you, you didn't walk away you just stared at him for a while before speaking.
"Clay I understand and I forgive you. It really pained me to hear that, that's the first time I heard that anger from you except for when you play in Minecraft." You chuckled and he smiled. "Just take care of yourself."
You walked towards him and brung him into a hug which he reciprocated. You two stayed like that for a while until you spoke again.
"I dont want this to happen again. We'll work around it like we always do."
"That sounds like a plan. I dont want it to happen either, I didn't like that." Clay chuckled.
"Im sorry I made you cry." Clay spoke again.
"You heard me cry?!"
"Yeah from the living room."
"Damn I didn't know I cried that loud." You laughed into his chest.
You and Clay finally let go of eachother and he went to go officially turn off his computer for the night and came back to you. He grabbed your hand and you both walked out of his room closing the door and walking to the living room.
"Im taking you're not going home?" Nick said from the couch as you both joined him sitting on it.
"Not now atleast. We made it work." You said as you leaned against Clay's shoulder.
"Good!" Nick said while switching the TV to something else.
Clay wapped his arm around your shoulders and kissed you on the cheek. You finally got him back.
"Those pizza rolls were cold."
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Taglist: @annshit
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lovecolibri · 2 years
The people that're defending this cheating SL I noticed use a lot the but they aren't going to be endgame. And well yes, I think nobody is worried about this but can we be mad that buck is going to be in another relationship that we already know won't work? Or about the fact that they're making him like anyother protagonist of a cw TV shows? Because in the last 2 years a part for runnig after skirts what did buck really do?
Sorry part 2, I know they're saying lucy is going to regress him, but nobody in the interviews is saying that, everything is how lucy is this wonderful character and how buck likes having her around. Imo after what arielle said I see them doing the will/won't they thing until the finale where as b/t 2.0 they'll decide to give it a try, and I'll be mad because is it possible that buck can't stay single for 3 episodes?
Yeah, I totally get your frustration! I don't think anyone thinks they'll be endgame and even if that was KR's original plan, there is NO way the general audience will accept her sticking around. She's been around for maybe 5 minutes of screen time, but with all those interviews pushing her (WAY more than any other side character got hyped up) and how her introduction happened, everyone is sick of her already. So I doubt she'll be around after this season ends. If she is, it will be tay kay all over again and it'll just be a matter of time.
But she doesn't need to be an "endgame" love interest to be a love interest. That title simply means someone that is not a platonic friend, not that they'll be seriously together or even date. But they've already kissed, so she's not a platonic relationship for Buck. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I think Buck has grown a lot, and season 4 saw him in therapy and dealing with his family stuff and being there for Eddie. 5a though...what did ANYONE really do in 5a? Maddie and Chim left, we got the briefest hint about Hen's medical school arc, Eddie broke up with his gf and had panic attacks but we barely saw him or anything from his POV after that until 5x10, Buck was isolated in his loft looking miserable with his gf 90% of the time, Bobby was....around, Athena and Harry had a whole thing but SO much time was spent on Jeffery and him being a creep, rather than on them. (Sidebar, we know that 5x02 was supposed to be the end of that, but KR stretched it out into 2 episodes meaning 5x03 took the space of a whole other episode we could have had instead of....whatever TF that was that we suffered through in 5x03. So again, her insistence that they were short on footage and that's why they used a cheaper actress like MW so much sounds like more excuses rather than accepting that she as the showrunner chose to focus on the wrong things, and people were unhappy with the results because it's clearly not the show anyone fell in love with.) Like....5a was an inconsistent mess, and the cast and crew and KR have all said so. But it's because she keeps focusing on the wrong things, and these rando white woman side characters, but not even really, because we didn't even see ANYTHING from tay kay's POV for her "backstory" it was all told through Buck's encounters with her, but also we didn't see much inside his head either!
KR has made it clear she doesn't particularly care for the deep, meaningful talks between characters that resolve the dramatic moments, and that? THAT is the heart of the show. THAT is what sets it apart from other procedurals and teen dramas. The drama isn't the point, the drama is what leads to these beautiful character moments! I was SO excited to see Buck and Chim have a moment to talk, come to a mutual understanding and mutual apology, and hug things out, but apparently, they already did that off screen when Buck called him about Maddie being in Boston, despite the fact that after that, Chim mentioned still being upset and not talking to Buck so 🤷🏻‍♀️. I was excited to see Buck and Eddie talk about The Will of it all, and that Speed rescue call had SUCH Buddie foreshadowing vibes, but she's said she didn't think the will was a big deal, it was definitely nothing but platonic (Tim is the one that wrote the scene and put it in her episode), and that it likely isn't going to come up again. I'm hopeful with the PTSD thing we'll get to talk about the shooting but I'm trying not to hold my breath for that either, considering the ONLY reason we got Buck and Chris talking about what happened is because Tim insisted it was important and wrote it and again put it into KR's episode.
And I'm soooooo sick of the "showrunners always lie and they won't reveal big things in the interviews" line. Like, yes they aren't going to spoil things, but there are ways to tease things, and hide things without flat out lying, saying the opposite is going to happen, or something is NEVER going to happen. I don't think the interviews are the gospel truth, and things may change between when an interview is given and when the episodes come out, but I don't think they can entirely be written off as lies either. I said it before, no one wants to publish an interview they know is fully lies, and if all the interviews were always lies, they wouldn't do them anymore because what would be the point? And as you said, all the interviews have promoted L as just the coolest thing to ever come to the 118, beloved by all, and someone that makes Buck feel alive again, and given what we know about KR and what she prioritizes, I don't think it's senseless to be worried.
HOWEVER, I don't think things are entirely hopeless either. I mean, tay kay and Buck supposedly brought out the best in each other and balanced each other out and that....is not at all what happened in season 5, likely because people did not like her character and were pissed that the season ended with her and Buck getting together. So by the time 5a rolled around, their relationship was already fractured and shown to be unfulfilling and it just went downhill from there. And the casual viewers are already sick of L, and baffled at why she was even brought on and especially why there are pics of her being around after Eddie gets back. And given that her major role is going to be working emergency calls, I don't think they'll be able to cut much of her out and people will continue to hate her and be more and more sick of her the longer she is around taking up screentime from the main characters when, even IF they are doing Buck spiraling in the middle of Eddie and Maddie both spiraling, she wasn't really needed to push him for that, as you could easily make the argument that Buck has been on the brink since the shooting.
Season 3 had both Eddie and Buck entirely single with not even a whiff of a love interest going on, and that's still one of the best seasons the show has done, and you didn't really notice they weren't having relationship drama because there was so much other stuff, GOOD, captivating stuff, going on. Maybe after 2 seasons of failed experiments with new love interests for them, they should take a step back, and get back to the heart of the show and let them be single for a bit. (Ideally, this means putting someone else in charge of running the day to day if Tim doesn't want to go back to being the sole showrunner full time for OG and co for LS. After a season 4 that felt off and an inconsistent season 5, it's probably time to re-evaluate.)
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rubixfox-fanblog · 3 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: General audience
Fandom: Apex Legends
Characters: Seer, Octane and Mirage. (and other legends.)
Additional tags: Seer Out of character
Words: 2864
Summary: Octane accidentally revives Seer with stim, instead of the regular syringes they normally use, and Mirage has to deal with both of them.
Notes: finally managed to finished my fanfic and gathered the courage to post it.... Enjoy!
Tumblr note: I got my inspiration from @sweetsoftandscared. You should definitely check them out!
"This is one of the worst ideas you had since the start of this match, Silva."
"Come on Amigo, that entire sneaky stuff got me bored. Even perfect boy here almost fell asleep. We all need some action."
"Speak for yourself, I was having the time of my life!"
Seer, Octane and Mirage ended up together as a squad in the dropship. Heaven knows why. It's a squad based on the amount of disaster, instead of skill, these three would bring. Especially octane and Seer, those two definitely had a history together. But no one knows (yet) why, Well Rampart definitely knew but she wouldn't tell anyone about them.
Their battle location this time was in Olympus and their dropship flew in at the Bonsai Plasa. Seer was the one who took the lead as jumpmaster and made sure he landed at the Oasis. Everyone else already jumped earlier or later so they got all of the world to loot or observe the area.
That's where it all went wrong.
After a few minutes of gathering guns and supplies, Octane got bored (like always.) and decided to take his own lead, running off to the place where small houses gathered, the place called estates.
Seer tried to stop him, because he noticed the heartbeats of at least 3 other legends. But Octane being octane, he didn't listen at all. Throwing his jump pad in front of the other two legends, who were chasing him, launching them both,unexpectedly, in the middle of a heated battle.
Two squads
Two whole squads.... Well basically one and a half, since there was only one of the three left. So that makes one and a third. I wait, one squad. (they downed the last one while they landed)
The three legends of the remaining squad seemed to be Revenant, Wraith and Loba. Who Already noticed them as they landed on top of the middle building.
"How about you two just quit whining and just go for it already, if we keep standing still we'll be dead in no time!" Octane responded as he bounces up and down.
A deep, disappointed, sigh escaped Seer's mouth as he pulled out his gun.
"I stay here. Mirage, create distraction but watch out for Revenant. Octane, do what you want." Seer didn't seem to try to give Octane instructions, he just let him wreck havoc so he could focus on his enemy's in front of him.
As they both took off and followed orders, Seer released his tactical called: focus of attention. The micro stones formed a tunnel straight into the building in front of him, revealing two of the three enemies they're about to fight.
Wait, two?
His slight distraction caused his downfall as he didn't notice that Loba used her jump drive. Her bracelet flew straight above his head and ended up behind him.
"I'm sorry, my love. But I really need to win this match. That tin Demon out there promised me that I could kick off his head if we win." Loba said and the moment Seer tried to turn around she already shot him a few times in the chest.
But Loba's action didn't go unnoticed because as soon as she downed Seer, she received a few bullets as well from Mirage, standing on top of the roof from the other building Seer focused his attention on.
"You're welcome." Mirage yelled.
"I downed Wraith, she was too slow for me to escape." Octane cackled as he returned from god knows where.
Revenant was the only one left.
Seer made his way down towards the ground, hoping Mirage would pick him up but at that very moment, Revenant's Tactical landed exactly where Seer ended up, underneath the stacked buildings.
Also Mirage apparently got hit as they heard the cracking sound.
"You gotta help him, Octane. I'll cause a distraction.". irage announced. He didn't get hit by the tactical bomb yet so his abilities still worked. Making sure Revenant would focus on him and his 7 other decoys.
Octane didn't hesitate and quickly grabbed one of his revive needles and stabbed directly into Seer's chest.
Wait a second.
Why did that needle say Simulacrum? Did he accidentally swapped the needles this morning? Was that the reason why Lifeline said he looked Healthier than before? So many questions, such a little time.
"I could use a little help here!" Mirage cried out, who's struggling not to get hit by Revenant's Longbow. Who's hiding in one of the houses behind them.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm com....."
A clean shot between the eyes ending Revenant's life in an instant.
"What in the name of..."
Did another squad that joined the fight? No, nobody was there except the three of them.
"What's wrong?" Seer said, holding a 301 assault rifle in his right hand, without a scope nonetheless while his left hand still got a hold of one of Octane's hands, pulling the downed man back on his feet.
"Did you just shoot him?" Mirage said.
"Why, yes. You needed some help right? So I provided that help."
Octane tried to pry Seer's hand open, but the taller man was holding it fiercely for somehow no reason.
"Amigo, please, let go of my hand. I don't think Che would be happy if I lost my hand as well. " He said, not paying attention to the kill at all.
Seer spaced out for a few seconds, staring directly at Mirage. Poor Eliot started to back up in response as he felt really uncomfortable right now.
Until he suddenly snapped back to reality and pulled away from Octane's hand. Then he decided to turn around and just started to run?
"The next ring is not far." Seer started. "Come, let's go."
Octane caressed his hand like it's been stuck in a bear trap and raised an eyebrow, underneath his goggles of course, as he watched his teammate run forward. Did the stim give him super sight? Or did it give him super focus? Whatever it was, Octane became jealous.
"What did you do?" Mirage suddenly asked , like he could see Octane's expression under his mask. "There's no way a normal human being could hit someone at that distance."
"I guess it's just luck, Amigo. Something you could use as well." Octavio clearly avoided the question. "Like he said, The ring's coming, try to keep up as well, 'kay?" He said and the another jump pad to catch up with Seer
"Wait, what?" Mirage said confused as he turned around and noticed the red wall of death coming up to him very quickly.
"Don't go without me!"
They finally managed to catch up with Seer, who stopped moving for a second, close at the Hammond labs. He rubbed his temple as he looked at Octane.
"You used the wrong syringe, did you now?" He suddenly said.
"Are you alright, Amigo?"
Seer didn't hesitate for a second and pointed his R301 directly at Mirage, who ducked away in an instant, just to shoot a legend who sneaked up behind him.
"I'm fine, totally. Nothing wrong with me at all." he quickly added and refused to continue at what he just asked. He didn't have the concentration at all to be mad at Octane right now.
"Dude! Watch out where you point that thing!" Mirage said, almost screaming as he panicked. "don't ever do that..."
Seer pushed his index fingers to his lips as an indication for Mirage to shut up.
"The two remaining legends are still on the other side of the wall. I'm going in." The taller Brown man didn't even wait for one then to make the first move, he just took off.... Again.
"phew." Octane let out a relieved sigh. Ignoring Mirage, who clearly looked at him like he saw water burning. "Let's go, we can't let him die alone."
By the time they catch up again, Seer was kneeling down by one the deathboxes, looting some ammo. Two innocent legends, slaughtered brutally by the new guy on drugs. Sounds like headline for the Outlands newspaper
"How even.... We weren't even gone for at least 5 minutes." Mirage said. "Octane, what did you do?"
"It was an accident, Amigo. Are you happy now? Lifeline and I had a drink together yesterday, probably one too much. I accidentally swapped the syringes this morning cause I couldn't think right." He finally confessed because he couldn't handle Mirage's annoying attitude anymore.
"Are there any side effects?"
"depends, want to hear the bad or the worst once?"
"The good once please"
"Side effects aren't really good at all, Compadre. It'll wear off after a while. Probably gonna take a few days but the most common side effect is not being able to sleep or concentrate, cause you know,.. It makes you feel energetic." Octane looked at Seer who's been looking at them both for a while now, moving his fingers rapidly up and down.
-The poor guy won't be able to sleep for the upcoming days.- Octane wanted to say, but he didn't because he knew Mirage probably wouldn't be able to stop talking if he had an antidote for the poison Octane pumped in the always so calm and concentrated Seer.
"Are you both good? There are 10 squad left. Let's go." Seer couldn't even think right at this very moment as the
stim probably reached its peak at this point.
"c'mon, we need to go. Before it wears off, better take the advance now we still can." Octane said.
"Does that mean I can get a kill too?"
"If you're fast enough, Amigo!" Octane said and took the lead this time. Mirage sighed, if only he was as fast as them. His legs were making him tired, trying to keep up with those two junkies.
-This feels wrong.- That's all Mirage could think of right now.
The ring chased them all the way back to the rift. The third round had been announced and the timer went down rapidly, close to round 4. On their way to the ring they took another squad down, but none of them seemed to be the kill leader. Somehow....
Seer got the most kills, logical right? He took down thirteen people. Octane got second place with 8 and mirage.... Yeah, he didn't even bother trying to keep up with those two anymore. He didn't even take the Stim, but he was already worn out mainly because of the constant sprinting. He even burned his butt on the ring because Seer and Octane pushed a squad on the edge of the closing ring.
"Only 2 enemy squads left.... Victory is nearly ours." Seer said as Octane used his Jump Pad to take both Mirage and Seer to the upper parts of the Rift. Being this high gave them the advantage to examine their upcoming enemies.
Besides Mirage acquired a fully upgraded Longbow, so he could see their enemies from at least 300 meters away. But the main reason he was using the Longbow, is because he could still keep an eye on both of his Teammates without moving a lot.
The drugs enhanced Seer's abilities greatly. His ears picked up the sounds of heartbeats even faster and his micro drones reached a distance even further than before. It almost felt like cheating. (Well it definitely was though, none of the legends were allowed to take any drugs, except for Octane, because you know, it's Octane.)
"6 enemies, North, not too far away, currently fighting each other." Mirage said as he loaded the Longbow, ready to Shoot one of them, while standing on top of the building.
Seer peaked through the scope of his R-301, Following the movement of what it seemed to be, Fuse. Who launched his knuckle cluster at one of the other legends he's been fighting.
"Let's go! It's not like they're going to commit suicide!" Octane exclaimed, injecting himself with the 40st syringe of Stim today. He threw his jump pad down in front of himself and used it to launch himself into battle.
4 legends closer to victory. Mirage wanted this to be over, this entire match pushed him to his limits. He doesn't care that he only had 2 kills, well of course he did, but he pushed that away for now.
Seer released his micro drones mid air, after he also used Octane's jump pad of course, to reveal the remaining enemies. Just before he landed, Octane already downed the last one of the other squad Fuse and his team were fighting.
"Knuckle cluster f'ring."
It struck Octane from behind and it stuck long enough to break Octane's shield.
"Shit." Octane growled. Seer heard his teammate being in trouble and quickly focused his attention on Fuse, who seemed to be amused and proud by his actions.
While Octane was trying to recharge his shield behind a MRVN, currently at top on one of the buildings from the Rift, Mirage noticed one of Fuse's teammates, down at the ground, tried to flank Octane.
Bloodhound, Mirage noticed, they only have to scan their area and they would be faster at Octane than mirage ever would be. So the man sighed and decided to take a gamble. First he shot Bloodhound, clearly cracking their shield, and after that he jumped in as well.
Bloodhound quickly turned around, trying to find the one responsible for their cracked shield. But before they took action, Mirage landed behind them. Not exactly behind but 50 meter away.
He tried to regain his balance, but....
"Alfather, give me sight! " Bloodhound suddenly said and turned around to notice Mirage's clumsy landing. Their eyes glowing red and quickly started shooting at the poor soul.
Mirage whimpered, trying to remain his cool, but he couldn't, every bullet he fired ended up in the gutter. But Bloodhound's bullets hit him one for one, almost knocking him. Luckily Octane finally finished up charging his shield and attacked Bloodhound upstairs. Delivering the final blow.
"Be careful where you walk, Amigo!" Octane yelled and threw a Phoenix kit towards the older man.
Seer seemed to have a hard time against Fuse. His quick reflexes suddenly turned slow and he barely found the energy to keep himself on his feet. Fuse took advantage of that, he swiftly moved out of the cover and readied an Arc star on his robot arm. Ready to shoot, but Seer just got enough power to release, his fast loading tactical and the micro drives escaped out of his chest device once again, canceling fuse abilities for a few seconds. Confusing the older men for a second as his arm wouldn't work
Seer's bullet struck Fuse right at his chest , to end the longest battle he had today. Then he collapsed.
"Is he dead?" Mirage boldly asked.
"Of course not, are you crazy, Compadre. " Octane muttered. "He probably fell asleep or something...."
"We have our Champion's!"
It seemed that Fuse and Bloodhound lost a teammate before the last ring closed, so they were unable to revive him or her.
"This was the weirdest match ever. I'm glad it's over..." Mirage sounded worried, and he has enough reasons to be worried. This was Obi's second match in the Apex game and recovering would surely be a drag.
"Come on Compadre, we won! Be happy!" Octane howled and quickly started to jump around.
"So, Silva caused all of this, Huh. It was mu'h fault, i should've keep an better eye on him." Che rubbed her temple as she plays with a pen in her other hand.
After the games ended, Lifeline got called in to pick up Obi's lifeless body and brought him to the hospice on the drop ship.
"It isn't your fault, Aya. I was with him at the match, I should have stopped him earlier. Obi's going to be alright, right?* Mirage replied, standing next to Lifeline, who's scribbling some notes on her note pad about Seer's condition.
"He's going to f'ne. The only problem is that it would take weeks for him to r'cover. I mean, he can easily compete to the games again in just a f'w days. Stim is one h'll of a drug, if you ain't used to it, the side effects of it are terrible. He would still feel energetic but his stamina won't be able to deal with it, think of headaches, being tired all of the time, that surt stuff. He won't be happy when he wakes up."
"I see..." Elliot mumbled.
"Silva is at the Paradise lounge. Yuh should go there as well. Celebrating yuh win and all." Lifeline added. "I can't come, I need to keep an eye on the artist, yuh know."
Mirage wanted to ask if Che was coming too but she already answered his thoughts.
"Are you sure?" He asked to make sure he understood it right.
"Definitely! Now go, Witt. Obi will be alright as long he's in muh hands."
And so Mirage did. Without a doubt lifeline's care was the best of the outlands and Seer will recover as fast as possible. Ready to Lecture Octane about his wrongdoings. (or to kick his ass, just to show how disappointed he was.)
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Part 11
Misaki: (Runs hands through his hair) Sorry Takahiro, I was going to call you, but i've been a little preoccupied with my fiance here..
Takahiro: I had to hear it from this guy (Taps Isaka's chest) Luckily he didn't sound worried so...
Takahiro, Isaka: Wait did you just say Fiance?
Misaki: Oh yeah, we got engaged saturday.
Isaka: (Walks over to Usagi, salps usagi on the shoulder who groans in pain) Congrats man, you finally asked him!
Usagi: (Raspy voice) Uh, actually Misaki asked me, and please don't hit me I just has surgery.
Takahiro: Are you okay Usagi-san?
Usagi: I'm fine
Takahiro: (Walks over to Misaki and Usagi) So, you guys are getting married?
Misaki: Yes, Yeah we are.
Takahiro: We'll congrats.
Misaki: Yeah, you don't seem so happy about it.
Takahiro: I haven't even gotten used to the idea of you guys dating and now you're engaged?
Misaki: Yeah, we'll my plan was to propose after we told you and before I graduated, so I don't really care if you've gotten used to it, we've been dating for years without you knowing and now that you know we can fully be happy, and if i'm sorry if you can't get on board.
Takahiro: I can, I just need time to processes all this.
Misaki: We'll right now, we need to focus on Usagi, so this conversation isn't happening right now.
Takahiro: (Nods walks over to the sofa and sits down beside Aikawa).
Isaka: Well I'm happy for you. (Smiles awkwardly, and goes to sit on the sofa).
(Nurse Rose walks in and smiles at Aikawa causing her to blush, she sits on the arm of the sofa causing her to blush more, her heart was beating out of her chest, hopefully no one could hear it.)
Nurse rose: Looks like we have a full house.
Misaki: Yeah, my brother Takahiro is beside Aikawa, and beside him is the senior manager at the publishing company where Usagi's work is published, his name is Isaka.
Takahiro, Isaka: Hello.
Nurse Rose: So how is everyone doing? Usagi the cafe is about to close so if you want anything to eat you should place and order now, otherwise I can get you some liquid broth and tea from up here.
Usagi: I'll just take whatever's up here.
Nurse Rose: Sure, the four of you should probably go grab some food.
Misaki: I want to stay here
Usagi: No, you need to eat.
Misaki: (Sighs)
Usagi: I'll be fine for an hour, I promise.
Isaka: (Stands up, walks over to Misaki, Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder), Come on Misaki, he'll be okay.
Misaki: (Stands up) Okay (Softly places hand on Usagi's cheek and and leans down to kiss him, he softly whispers "I love you" against his lips, before giving him another kiss.
Nurse Rose: Okay, so I can take you guys up to the cafe, (confused look) It's on the fivthteen floor for some reason, never understood that, shall we go everyone?
Misaki, Isaka, Takahiro, and Aikawa: (All follow Nurse rose out of the room, and onto the elevator).
Nurse Rose: Alright fun ride! I'm on my break before going into my night shift, do you guys mind if I eat with you?
Misaki: (gently nudges Aikawa)
Aikawa: (Slants eyebrows and mouths "what")
Misaki: (Nods at her)
Aikawa: Um, Nurse Rose?
Nurse Rose: (Smiles) I'm on break, you can just call me Rose.
Aikawa: (Blushes). Um you can join us for dinner.
Nurse Rose: Oh, that's cool! Thanks. I want to get to know you more.
Aikawa: (Clears throat) Uh, a- all- all of us.
(Elevator dings, they all get off following nurse rose to the cafe, They all get a large plate of shrimp tempura to share, and chicken broth, options were limited, since it was late and the cafe would be closing soon. Isaka, and Takahiro followed Nurse Rose to a table in the far corner of the restaurant, while Misaki and Aikawa trailed behind.
Aikawa: When she said she wants to get to know you, she meant all of us right?
Misaki: (Laughs) No, she wants to get to know YOU.
Aikawa: What does that mean?
Misaki: It means she likes you.
Aikawa: So you're engaged and suddenly you're the relationships expert? Isn't Usagi your first relationship?
Misaki: (Scuffs) And how many relationships have you been in?
(They approach the table, Nurse rose grins at Aikawa)
Misaki: See she's smiling at you.
Aikawa: No, she's Being friendly
Nurse Rose: Aikawa, I saved you a seat. (Pats the seat)
Misaki: See, (Walks over and sits beside Isaka.
Isaka: CHIBI!! (Throws arms around Misaki)
Misaki: What!?
Isaka: What's happening, how are you handling this?
Misaki: (Takes a bite of the shrimp). As well as I can be
Isaka: Good, so tell me , what's going on with those two?
(Across the table)
Rose: So how long have you known Akihiko?
Aikawa: Oh many years, he's a pain in the ass, but he's a good guys, he's like my brother.
Rose: So you've never had any sort of feelings for him?
Aikawa: (Snorts) Oh god no! He's never been into girls and the one person he's "loved" before Misaki didn't feel that way about him. Misaki's the love of his life.
Rose: (Touches Aikawa's hand) And what about you?
Aikawa: (Blushes) What about me?
Rose: (Chuckles) You ever been in love.
Aikawa: I'm in love with my Job.
Rose: Ah, one of those people.
Aikawa: One of what people?
Rose: Your life is your job and you never dedicate anytime to yourself, or anything else.
Aikawa: That-
Rose: Not true?
Aikwawa: (blushes) I need to make some time for myself?
Rose: How about tomorrow?
Aikawa: Tomorrow?
Rose: I get off at 5, we can get dinner?
Aikawa: I-
Isaka, Misaki: SAY YES!
Rose: (laughs)
Aikawa: Um, Yes!
Rose: Okay, cool. Um can I get your number?
Aikawa: Oh, um sure. (takes phone out of pocket, the two exchange numbers), Um you can call me Eri.
Isaka: Whoa! You never let anyone call you by your first name.
Aikawa: Isaka, hush.
Rose: (Laughs, we should probably head back, Im sure Akihiko is hungry, and it's almost seven so visiting hours are almost over, everyone has to head home. Except you Misaki, legally you can stay.
Isaka: What, why does he get to stay.
Rose: (Raises eyebrows),Misaki's his fiance.Don't worry the rest of you can come back at six am. Anyway we should get going, you have thirty minutes to say goodnight to your friend, and Misaki I can bring some sheets and a warm cover up so you can fix up the sofa, it pulls out into a bed.
Misaki: Thank you Nurse Rose.
(Misaki sat with his arms crossed and a foot up in the chair,he watched as Nurse rose fixed the sofa for him,she was smiling and humming, apparently she was happy about her date with Aikaw,it was around seven-thirty and everyone had already left, Usagi flipped through the tv channels and sipped on a third cup of tea, his seaced IV bag had been replaced when they came back upstairs and he had his second round of antibiotics, his vitals were still looking good, and he would have labs drawn around three in the morning, his bandages had been replaced and his surgery area looked good, other than the labs, and nurse rose checking on them throughout the night they should be good).
Misaki: You didn't have to make up the sofa, I could've done it by myself.
Nurse Rose: That's okay. It's my job.
Usagi: Misaki, relax let someone do something for you for once, plus don't you have an exam to study for? maybe do that for an hour huh?
Misaki: Fine. (Walks over to table near the window, grabs laptop, walks back over to Usagi and starts to work on study guide.
Usagi: Is this for German?
Misaki: Uh, Yeah.
Usagi: How do you feel about that?
Misaki: Good.
Usagi: Your grades are still passing?
Misaki: Ugh, yes Usagi, god you're in the hospital and you're still nagging me?
Usagi: (Reaches hand out) I just want you to graduate, you've worked so hard.
Misaki: (Smiles, takes his hand) I know, thank you.
Nurse rose: (Sits on the armchair of the sofa, she smiles at them). Do you Guys always banter like this?
Misaki: (Chuckles) Yeah kinda our thing.
Nurse Rose: So how long have you guys been together?
Usagi: (Moves bed up): Um, almost five years.
Nurse rose: How did you meet.
Misaki: He used to be my tutor, and was in love with my brother.
Nurse Rose: Really?
Usagi: Yeah, Kinda a long story.
Nurse Rose: And that doesn't make it weird.
Misaki: Um, there were times early in our relationship when I was worried he was still in love with him but-
Usagi: His brother means a lot to me, but Misaki's the love of my life, I love him so fucking much, I'll never love anyone as much as Misaki, he's my everything.
Nurse Rose: Wow, That's so sweet.
Misaki: (Sobbing) Usagi, stop saying stuff like that, I need to study.
Usagi: (Smirks) You already know that's how i feel about you, I say it to you all the time.
Misaki: Yeah, but i'm studyyinngggg.
Usagi: (Laughs). Get back to studying.
Misaki: You know i feel the same way about you right baby?
Usagi: Ahh, did you just call me baby? Do it again.
Misaki: Mmmhm, can't studying, watch tv or somthing.
Nurse Rose: Well (stands).If You need anything, you know how to get ahold of me.
Usagi: Yes, thank you.
Nurse Rose: (Exits).
(Misaki slams laptop and places it on the table in front of Usagi before pushing it out of the way, surprising him).
Usagi: Misaki, what are you doing? because we can't have sex if that's what you're trying to do. I mean I really want to, but we can't.
Misaki: No, I know that, but I have news.
Usagi: What news makes you act like THAT.
Misaki: Nurse Rose and Aikawa have a date tomorrow!
Usagi: Awe good for them.
Misaki: Why aren't you more Excited!
Usagi: I'll be more excited once you pass the test!
Misaki: (Grabs laptop) You're no fun.
Usagi: I-
Misaki: You just want me to graduate BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!
Usagi: Misaki
Misaki: I'm studying, I'm studying.
Misaki: Done, are you happy? (he looked beside him, it was ten, Usagi was out cold, he placed his laptop on the table, turned the lights off, and changed the channel to some dumb sitcom that would give him a good laugh and walked back over to Usagi, he softly ran his fingers through his soft grey hair, and leaned down softy giving him a kiss on the lips). Goodnight my love (He walked over the the sofa and sighed as he crawled under the covers, it felt weird not cuddling next to Usagi, they've been doing it a lot more recently and he knew he would have a hard time sleeping not wrapped in Usagi's arms, he drifted off into an uneasy sleep.
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CHAPTER 4 - Two birds, no stone
Exsomnis: Wakeful, vigilant
Summary: Fresh Doctor out of residency you didn’t expect Conyers to be this uneventful until everything happened at the same time. From the outset, an odd meeting with what seems like a steadfast Detective but it was only the beginning.
Notes: English is not my native language, I’m trying to get better at it, please be indulgent.
Based on the movie Prisoners by Denis Villeneuve (so I don’t own any of the OG characters) if you haven’t seen it, I recommend you do (maybe before reading) :) The story takes place before and through the event in the movie.
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 Thanksgiving was around the corner, meaning you were short on staff at the hospital leaving you no time to spend at home. Erin and Rachel were at Rach’s parents, they had tried to convince you to come but family dinners were not your thing, even more with a family you practically don’t know.  
2 days before Thanksgiving you crossed paths with Detective Loki. Since last time you didn't really have time to meet, so you took a few minutes around a coffee to catch up. He noted that you were alone on Thanksgiving’s night so managed to invite you for dinner. 
 “Dr Y/L/N, I’m sorry but we need you to stay on shift tonight, we’re shorthanded.” The HR announced as you were taking your break. You cursed under your breath, the HR gave you an apologetic smile. Phone in hand, waiting for Loki to pick-up you hoped he was busy too, it would make it easier.
“Hey,” he answered, you heard rustling papers, he was surely at work, you huffed alleviate.
“Hi, uhm, I’m sorry I won’t be able to make it tonight. Got to stay at the hospital. Understaffed.” You announced at once, ripping off the bandage as fast as possible. He could understand, it’s kind of the same at the station. He inhaled on the other side of the phone.
“Duty is duty, don’t worry.”
“Come out next year, and we'll do it all over again ok?” you heard him chuckle
“Let’s do that but not next year.” He offered hopefull.
“Agreed, see you soon then.” You bid goodbyes wishing each other a happy Thanksgiving.
 Little did you know after your call he asked to stay on shit for the night.
  A few hours later, you were finally free from the Hospital but you frowned as soon as you put a foot outside. By the time you reached your car you were soaked, the heavy rain whipped your windshield, making driving difficult indeed it took you twice the time to head home. It was 2 am on your kitchen clock, you wondered if Loki was still up, you texted him not expecting an immediate answer so went to bed immediately.
You woke up around 9am, dragging your overly tired self to the coffee machine, checking your phone while the hot liquid filled the big cup. Rach and Erin had ranted about how Thanksgiving at Rach’s parents went horribly awkward. Erin had even sent a ‘rescue me’ video from Rach’s parents’ toilet in the group chat, you couldn’t help yourself to smile and blessed yourself for not going.
No answer from Loki, you felt this inescapable pang in your stomach when you find yourself led, in the blink of an eye, to question your own emotional life.
Then your phone buzzed.
“Busy, talk to you soon, sorry. Loki” you stayed silent reading the text multiple times, somehow relieved that he had answered but not quite sure of how to render the text. Trying to find something to say, you finally decided for an “Ok sure.”
You drink your coffee lost in your thoughts, heading to the living room. The news on TV blurting the Thanksgiving usual hazards: Snowy roads; traffic jams; accidents; lost items in turkeys...
“Yesterday in the usually quiet town of Conyers, Thanksgiving turned into a horrid day for two families. Two little girls disappeared in broad daylight. Soon one suspect was in custody, he was apparently driving an RV that was parked in the girls’ neighbourhood early in the day. He tried to run away with his vehicle when found at a gas station parking late last night. The two girls are still missing as we speak.”
“Damn it.” you shook your head sighing, what is wrong with people you thought while listening to the news and at the same time checking your sns.
“Detective Loki from the Conyers Department of Police has been appointed to the case.”
Raising your head from your phone, mouth agape at the TV, you rewind all the pieces of information in your mind. If you had known sooner you would have said something else in the text. Long minutes passed, during which you wondered if you should send him another message. The blinking cursor in the box "new message" seemed to became impatient until the buzz of a call made you jump. 
“Y/N, have you heard about ...!? A honk made you put the phone away from your ears. Only two words “Loki”, “abduction” were audible.
“Hello to you too, yes I’ve just heard, that’s awful!”
“Yeah, hi, definitely not good timing for you though!”
“Erin!” you scolded and heard Rachel do the same. 
“Okay okay, just trying to lighten the mood.” she apologized.
“Where are you by the way?” you turned the TV off.
“Traffic jams.” She sighed, another honk resonated in the phone, you heard Rachel swear at another driver.
“Tell me when you’re home. And ... we should stop the night’s run for now just in case.”
“I wish we had to stop for another reason.”
“Yeah, call me okay.”
“Yeah bye.”
Instead of the usual run, you met with the girls for board games, usually, it involved a bottle of wine and Rachel’s exquisite cuisine. 
“Okay, hear me out” she put her glass on the ground, you rolled your eyes. All night she had asked about Loki.
“What about your needs Y/N? I feel like you're waiting for him to finally give you some time of his, as you're not a priority.”
“I'm not a priority right now Erin.” You sipped on your wine. 
“You know what I mean. I am just afraid that you're making his needs overpass yours without taking care of how you feel in all of that.” Her hands making big gestures, you grabbed them.
“We’re not even a couple or something, calm down! you smiled, I'm not blinded by the guy, I know what I worth, what I deserve. And my needs, for now, are fine thank you.” You stifled a laugh at her frowning face. 
“I shouldn’t have pushed for something to happen between you two.” she said questioning her cupid skills
“Ok, you released her hands and continued, look at me back in Cleveland, the exams took over me, the internship at the hospital was a disaster and how many times did you present me a guy?” 
“Lots of times…” she mumbled
“Yeah, and you want to know why it never worked out?”
“They were assholes.” She grimaced
“Hm mostly yeah, but I wasn't ready to be in a relationship! My mind was elsewhere, I had no time to take care of my physical and mental health as much as I should have. It was a hard time, you witnessed it.”
She nodded admitted it.
“I’m fine now but I can't crash into his life like that and take his focus out of this case especially because I know it won’t work out since he is concentrating on his duty.” 
“I got it okay, but there will always be another case and did he text you or something …”
“I know but I like to think we'll have a moment of respite. And he’s not quite the texter but that’s fine by me, you know I’m not a good morning and good night's texts kind of person.”
She stared at you squinting her eyes, you mimicked her wondering.
“You really want the guy!” she caught you so off guard that you almost spit your wine.
“Miss the point by miles, you cough, but yeah let's say that.” You both cracked into laughter. She was still a bit concerned, but she got around in the end.
40hours after the abduction, no sign of Loki except on the news, thankfully you had lots of work at the hospital so you didn't have time to let your mind wander.
When you heard the indictment of the paedophile priest, you almost threw a tantrum in the break room.
“How the fuck that asshole is still in charge of a church, he is surrounded by children all the fucking day!” you screamed at the tv, scaring the surgeon next to you, some students looked at you from the lunch table. The ringtone coming from your pocket made you walk out and step outside on the emergency staircase allowing you to take some fresh air.
“Hi there..,”
“Hey, I'm sorry I didn't call sooner”
“No no, it's okay I've seen the news. I know you have a lot to do ... and the freaking priest ... I mean why is that guy still out there.”
“I don't know Y/N, I'm not a judge.” He answered with a tight voice.
“Right sorry, I jumped on you, it's just that..it's really upsetting.” you sighed rubbing your eyes.
A 2-seconds silence felt, giving you both opportunity to breathe in and change the subject.
“Are you all right?” You asked
“Tired mostly, he inhaled, I wish .. I could see you without feeling guilty .. but my mind is on the case..” 
“Hey hey, you shushed gently, it's okay, they are the priority here.”
“Why didn't we met at another time.” He said gravely.
“At least we've met, even though you had to be stabbed for it to happen.” He chuckled over the phone. “I have to go back, be careful out there.”
“You got my word.”
He hung up, you took a big breath of fresh air before stepping back in the building, thinking of what he said. What would have happened if you had met at another time?
Erin bumped into you. 
“The community is organizing a vigil in front of the Birch’s house tomorrow night, she handed you a flyer, you’re coming?”
“Yeah, I’ll drop by your place so we can go together.” she nodded and you sighed looking at the face of the two little girls on the handout.
Chapter 5: Respect all, trust few soon
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forkanna · 5 years
NOTES: Sorry for that delay! Holidays got a bit crazy, and I've been sorting out my life since then. Will try to get this posted a bit more regularly from now on!
Also, the theme song for this chapter is "Feeling Of Falling" by Cheat Codes and Kim Petras.
                                             CHAPTER ELEVEN
The corners of my mouth lifted up the tiniest bit. "So… this counts as a date?"
"UGH!" Miss Kawakami got up from the table and crossed to lean against the kitchen bar. Seeing her framed there, between the mini water cooler and the espresso machine, her dress revealing just enough of her back to make my fingertips tingle and my mouth run dry…
'No, Makoto,' I thought to myself. 'Focus. Don't let your weird new gay feelings distract you from helping her.'
"Look. It doesn't have to be a date. This was just the kind of dinner you deserve from a date. Not specifically from me. Not me being your date, I mean, um… if that makes sense."
"Well, why not? I'm already a maid for two of my students. Gave you a bath and let you massage me, put on this dress for you. Why shouldn't I just say 'fuck it all' and throw myself into your arms? Huh?"
There was anger and frustration bleeding through now, and it made me duck my head in fear. "I'm sorry. Y-you can leave, I won't tell anybody you left early. I d-don't want to keep you here if you-"
"No, that's exactly what you want. Right?" Finally, she turned, and she was shaking with anger. "I told you already that this can't happen, and here it is. Happening. What gives you the right to just ignore my wishes? Like I'm not the grown up here!"
"O-oh," I breathed softly, shutting down. Like a puppet with its strings cut. "You're right. I apologise."
"Makoto, what…?" Then she sighed in exasperation, throwing up both hands. "See? You act like a little kid getting yelled at! Why aren't you yelling right back at me? This is not how it would work if we were equals in this relationship! What the hell am I saying? We're not even in one! Oh my GOD…"
"Hey, it's alright," I said, finally rising from the table as I kept my voice low. "Listen. I'm… I'll go to my bedroom for a few minutes. Please enjoy your meal, and… if you're gone when I come back out, I'll underst- understand."
My voice had broken on the last word but I tried to recover quickly as I strode away from the table, the room spinning. Sadayo didn't do anything, but she did watch me go, trembling as she stood there trying to weather the blunt force of a million different emotions buffeting her all at once.
Something I could relate to.
I had only been laying on my bed for a minute or two, tears rolling down into the pillow silently as I stared at the wall, when I heard a soft knock at the door. "Come in," I said as I hastily blotted at my eyes with the tissue in my hands.
"Hey," she breathed. My lights were off, so all I could see was the halo of her slightly messy hair from the backlighting. "I, um… I seem to have lost my appetite."
"That's fine. I'll clean it up later, and… Sae and I can have the leftovers. She'll just wonder why I made duck. I'll get your money in a m-"
"I'm not leaving yet," she reassured me. "Can I sit?" I nodded, so she sat on the very edge of my bed, not quite far enough back so that we were touching. "So… now it's my turn to apologise."
"For what? You didn't do anything wrong."
"No, I did. I really overreacted out there, I… don't know why I did that. Well, I do, but it doesn't make it okay."
Eyes still blurry, I glanced up at her face that I could see a tiny bit better now. She looked pale, and scared, but not nearly as two-steps-from-crazy as she did before. Her eyes closed for a moment as she contemplated the situation, chose her next words carefully.
"You aren't… the only one."
"You aren't the only one who feels this… pull toward each other." Another breath to steel herself. "I couldn't tell you when it started, or why, or how I could actually feel anything this strong for a girl in my class. But it's real and it's there."
Now I sat up a little more on my elbows. "What are you saying? Do you-"
"Wait," she bade me with a hand raised. "The thing is, that doesn't change the situation. You're a kid! And my student - and my boss when you request me through the agency. It's so messy… and I'm straight, so even if we did anything with these crazy feelings, it's probably not going to work out in a 'happily ever after' way. When I sit there and picture my ideal future, it's married to a husband who's providing for me, whose big, strong arms can comfort me when I'm sad or stressed out." Then she snorted. "Not that I'm gonna meet one at the rate I'm going, as my mom would say."
Her lips pulled into a little sad smile. "But I will admit you got to me way more than I thought. Just something really special about you, Niijima-san."
"And there's something special about you, too, Kawakami-san." At the term of address, she did raise an eyebrow and laugh a tiny bit, but let me continue instead of interrupting. "I've done a lot of thinking, about… what you said. Your bath and all that."
"Don't remind me," she sighed. "And how much thinking could you have done in five minutes?"
"No, not just now. The whole week." I sat up a little more as I continued, "You're my first in a lot of ways. But honestly? I don't think it matters that much. Because I know how I feel about you even without those things. Maybe I already did, because…"
When I didn't continue right away, she prompted, "Because?"
"You were the teacher I looked forward to seeing the most every day," I confided. "Probably because you were attractive to me, even though I didn't understand that until the hotel room. But it must have already been there, because… you flirting with me shocked me, but not enough. I should have been a lot more scared - I should have wanted to run screaming from the room. Instead, it almost felt… natural. And that scared me the most."
Miss Kawakami frowned. "But that flirting was just part of the job. You know that, right? I didn't… I thought you were a young man who paid to have me flirt with him. That isn't disgusting to you?"
"Like you said, it's your job. I think it would be pretty stupid and narrow-minded of me to judge you for that. Really, the way you're working so hard to pay that student back only makes me admire you more."
"Oh," she breathed, staring down at where her hands lay in her lap. As she watched, one of mine came to rest atop them, and she looked over to see my face was a lot closer. "M-Makoto, wait…"
"For what?" I whispered - and I could barely believe I was doing any of this. But it was too late to turn back; that ship had sailed. "I think you need to know right now how serious I am. Sadayo…"
Her eyes closed. "Shit. You say my name like that, and I can't…"
"Can't what? Sadayo?" That time, I was teasing a little.
"Can't resist you. Can't fight back against this huge mistake."
The last word gave me pause. Enough so that I changed my tactic; my lips pushed into her cheek instead of her mouth. But it was still a kiss. I had never kissed anyone before, and now I had, and it was my Japanese teacher. Life really is crazy. For that moment, however, we were just two women who didn't know how to handle their feelings, and it was more powerful than I ever dreamed.
"Oooooh, okay," she let out in a shaky sigh a few seconds later, when I had drawn back to rest my chin on her soft, warm shoulder. "Wow. That was nicer than a little peck on the cheek has any right to be. God…"
"Yeah?" I breathed cautiously. "I figured I should start small. Not push too much."
"So you're all in now, huh?" she asked with a bitter chuckle, despite the warmth in her eyes as she gazed down at the floor. "Totally gay, and totally gay for your teacher?"
I shrugged as I pet along her back, and she melted. It was almost comical except it was too inflaming to be laughed at. "Guess so. I'm as confused as you, but it just seems silly to pretend I'm not interested."
"Makoto… your moves are like… A+ level moves. How are you only eighteen? How are you a girl?!"
"Do you want me to put the mustache back on?" I laughed.
"No!" We both chuckled for a moment, even though halfway through she shivered and arched her back. "Oh my GOD, you are barely doing anything and I'm ready to go."
"Ready to go?"
Fearful eyes turned on me. "Wait - forget I said that. Shit, why did I say that?!"
"Do you mean…" My eyes widened, and I felt heat explode within my cheeks. "Oh."
"I said forget I said it, so stop thinking about it! Wow, I really am a mess - I need to see a therapist or something!"
My teacher was turned on. Was this really happening? Despite the fact that, as she said, I was barely doing anything to her, apparently it was getting her aroused and ready for me to explore further. Only question was…
Was I as ready to explore as she was to be explored?
"It's okay," I reassured her, petting a little more firmly and hoping it would help. "I, um, I don't remember you saying anything. Just that I have some good moves. Did you say something after that?"
Her embarrassed laugh spoke volumes. "Nice try, kid. Ugh, I'm such a loser."
"Why? Because having someone focused on you feels good? Because this…" I pet a single finger down the middle of her back - not even sure how I knew to do that, running purely on instinct - and she shook and shivered. "…feels good?"
"Stop, please…"
"Really?" My hand came to rest in the middle of her back, staying totally still. "I will if you want me to."
"Yes. I do." So I took the hand away. Her eyes were sad, but what she said was, "Thank you."
Swallowing hard, trying to ignore the pinprick of fear in my stomach, I whispered, "Of course. I'm sorry, I just… I thought I could make you feel nice, and you might feel less… mad at yourself? Scared?"
"You did, in a way. But you also made it way worse." She turned to gaze at me. "Because it worked. You got me all revved up by barely doing anything - and I only felt that with the best of the dates I've been on. Even then, most of the guys had to work harder to get me there."
"Except… you don't want it from me. I'm a student, and a girl." She nodded, and I sighed. "I understand."
"Well, I don't," she blustered, folding her arms over her chest. My hand was resting on her thighs now, but I tried to keep it still so as not to draw attention to that. "This is nuts! I feel like I'm being pranked, except it's way too real to be a prank, so…"
"How do you think I feel? You're my teacher, and so beautiful. And a woman - which I think I'm somehow more comfortable with that than you are. But it doesn't mean I'm not panicking."
"You're panicking?" she asked, and I could tell she was almost grateful to think about me instead of her own feelings. "But you seem so cool with it all. Like, other than when I scream at you like an idiot."
My lips split in a smile. "Not an idiot. You just weren't expecting any of this. We're both trying to figure it out." I pet her thigh a little now, and she shivered. "Is this alright?"
"N-no." I stopped. "God… I can't believe how different it is with girls."
"I ask you to stop, and you actually do it. No 'Aww, c'mon' first, no telling me I'm some big tease if I get less comfortable."
"Oh," I chuckled softly. "Do you want me to do that instead? I probably could learn."
"GOD NO!" Then we both laughed. "It's one of the only clear advantages. But, um… anyway, yeah. How do you keep from blowing your stack while I'm over here, sweating enough to fill a bucket?"
"You are not sweating," I snorted as I thought the question over. Finally, I sat up completely, my legs out and to the side behind her as my face rested against her shoulder. She didn't seem to mind me there, even if my touches were too much for her to handle at the present.
"Miss Kawakami, I wish I knew what to tell you. But I've always been like this under pressure. I'm still freaking out and trying to figure out what to do, but it's like… there isn't any point in letting the panic turn me into a mess, so I just… don't. And I can't explain to you why I'm like that, either."
"Lucky," she pouted.
"I feel lucky. You're not yelling at me for all this, and… I do keep worrying about what you said."
"Which thing I said?"
"That I'll go too far and you won't tell me to stop, and I'll hurt you. That's why I keep taking such… small chances." I kissed her shoulder again, and she sighed. "Like that one."
Humming her pleasure at the next kiss, she finally whispered, "They're small but they aren't small. My brain is telling me 'no', but my body…"
After the next kiss, when she still hadn't finished her thought, I whispered, "Tell me."
"My body wants this. Needs it - and that's all I'm going to say, because it's already really terrible that I told that to any student. I deserve everything that's happened to me in the past few years. Scummy old woman."
"Hey." I reached up and gently moved her chin so she was facing me, and her eyes grew wide and fearful. "Don't talk about yourself like that. It's not fair. Those two are wrong."
"How are they wrong? I got a student killed, and now I'm feeling way too much for another. I'm a monster, Makoto-chan."
Smiling, I leaned a little closer. "Don't you mean 'Niijima-san'?"
"Right. That thing."
"You aren't a monster. And you aren't scummy. You're a beautiful, smart-"
"I can't take any more compliments," she laughed shakily as my face got closer. "I can't take any more of this, no matter how much I…"
"What? No matter how much… you want it?" I guessed.
All she could do was nod before our lips made contact.
Kissing Sadayo was both everything I had ever dreamed it could be, and nothing like I expected. Which didn't seem to fit together very neatly, since those feelings were such different shapes. It was warmth, and softness, and openness… passion and comfort mixing like fire and water. And now that I had tried it…
I could no longer imagine kissing a man. That easily. As much as I still couldn't believe I was with a woman, it felt so right that I didn't want to question it anymore; didn't think it was necessary. Her mouth was sweet and warm and open to me, and as our lips kneaded each other, I craved more, I leaned up harder against her, my arm wrapping around her back to keep her close.
"Shit," she breathed when we finally broke apart. Only then did I realise her hand had come to rest on my upper arm, another around my waist.
"Huh? I mean… hey."
"Hey." Swallowing hard, eyes swimming with the threat of tears, she went on, "I'm… just… it's not fair."
"What isn't fair?"
"That a little girl just gave me the best kiss of my life."
Blushing though I was, I managed to protest, "I'm not a little girl. I'm a grown woman; I just so happen to be in school, that's all."
"You'll be 'grown' when you can order that wine at a restaurant," she muttered, and I couldn't help smiling. "This is still a really… terrible idea, but…"
"It's good, though?" I insisted on knowing. "You're not just flattering me? I've never kissed anyone before."
"Stop reminding me how young you are," she whined. But when she saw me biting my lip, she closed her eyes and whispered, "The best. You just barely beat out Katsuya from my high school; he was really good, too. Like, legendary."
"Wow, high school must have been a really long time ago. How do you even remember?" When her eyes flew open, I dipped my head. "Teasing. O-or trying to. You really shouldn't shame yourself so much for this happening; it was… fate."
Her hand began to caress up and down my arm, and I felt the goosebumps dimpling and shifting under the light touch. "You believe in that stuff? Like fate? Oh - right, you still owe me a reading."
"Reading?" Her heeled foot raised up and waggled just in the corner of my vision, and I smiled bashfully. "Oh yeah… I don't know why I thought that would work."
"Honestly, I wasn't sure why you were asking about my shoe size until I saw the heels in the bathroom. So it did work; it just was very suspicious. Like, what is solestry, anyway?!"
"It's a real practice!" When she squinted at me, I shrugged and admitted, "So maybe it's not very widespread…"
"If you wanna play with my feet again, just ask. You don't have to make up fortune-telling excuses; I don't even believe in tarot cards or any of that."
Sure I was beet red by now, I whispered, "Wh-why are you so sure I'm some pervert? I just liked giving you a massage!"
"You did kiss them," she laughed. "And I'm teasing. But you keep getting all flustered, so if you want me to stop my teasing and let you play with them… just say the word and I will. I mean it."
"But you freaked out when we kissed. Why would that be any different? Because they're only feet?"
"In a word… yeah?" We both laughed. "Okay, okay, so you're not into it. I just… I don't know, I'm trying to think outside the box. Things that won't be as dangerous as that kiss was a few seconds ago. Do you want to take another bath?"
"Only if we're both naked."
The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. Sadayo was still gulping and gaping at me when I hastily averted my gaze to stare at the wall, my fingers flexing where they rested against her shoulderblade. Seconds ticked by in silence as we tried to figure out how to recover from that line.
"Maybe we should go back to eating," Sadayo whispered.
"I thought you lost your appetite."
"I did. But um… that kiss kind of… woke it back up. So either I satisfy it that way, or…"
My eyes lifted to meet hers, and I was aware of how close our mouths still were. "Or we could do it in a fun way?"
"No. We really shouldn't do that. I want to, I… guess there's no point pretending I don't, but it's still a bad idea."
"I'm sorry I said such a stupid thing," I suddenly blurted. "I thought it would be funny, or flirty, but instead it sounded… kind of… scary."
"Yeah," she agreed with a hard swallow as she pulled me tighter against her side. "But I know you weren't doing that on purpose; I'm… this is why you don't date somebody nine years younger than you, right? They don't have the same experiences you do. I've been around the block a few times; you just got to the neighbourhood."
"Then show me. You're already my teacher at Shujin; teach me this, too. How to do it right instead of… of messing up and making you feel bad."
"This is not what 'sex education' is supposed to mean, you know," she chuckled. I smiled a little along with her.
"Let's finish dinner. I feel like you don't want to try more because you're worried about too many things, so maybe it's smarter if… we don't keep sitting on my bed."
A long whine issued from her mouth. "I kissed a teenager. On her goddamn bed, I must be out of my mind!"
"Yeah, but… think of it this way." I couldn't help smiling up at her as I whispered playfully, "You're hot enough to get a teenager to kiss you. On her goddamn bed. Has to count for something."
That did at least earn a giddy laugh from her as she facepalmed. "Sure. It means I'm a real vixen for a predator, right?"
"Hey, don't call yourself that," I scolded her, eyes darkening a little. I saw her blink in surprise at how insistent I was. "Not ever again. I'm the one who's been chasing you, not the other way around; that makes you an herbivore, I think."
"Well… I… sure, yeah," she admitted with a weary nod. "You're right, let's go eat. That duck was really good and I feel terrible that we kind of flirted our way out of finishing it."
"You really like my cooking?" I asked as we stood up, arms still loosely around each other. Now I was a lot shorter than her again - only because she was still wearing the heels. Which was at my insistence, so I had no one to blame but myself.
"Makoto, it was amazing. Where did you get that recipe?! Not that I can cook anything besides curry and instant ramen, anyway… what a failure of an adult I am."
"I think you're perfect," I breathed as we left the room. That only made her groan.
                                                    To Be Continued…
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ride-a-dolan · 7 years
“I Hate That I Love You” (E. Dolan Fic) Part 5
Enjoy part 5 my loves 💜
Warnings ⚠️: Just some harassment, but not much.
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"How did detention go?" Ashlee asks the second I walk inside. I sit down on my bed, well more like collapse, and groan. "So it was bad huh? What did he do?"
"Well at first it was okay because the teacher was in there. Well when we had about ten minutes left the teacher had to go help another teacher with something, Ethan made one of his friends cause trouble to get the teacher out. So when he left Ethan stood up and locked the door. I immediately stood and up backed away from him because he was walking towards me. He backed me up against a wall." I start explaining.
"He backed you up against a wall?" she asks appalled.
"Oh there's more. So he started saying that he needed to teach me a lesson about smarting off to people so of course I smarted off again to him and he pinned my arms up against the wall. I knew that I needed to get away from him so I bit my lip causing him to get confused. He loosened his grip enough for me to use all my strength and shove him and took off running." I tell her.
"You hit him! Oh my god." Ashlee squeals.
I nod and continue talking. "Yeah so I ran off and Gray stopped me. Ethan told him to so while I was trying to talk Grayson into letting me go, but Ethan caught up to us. He was so mad. He ordered Grayson to leave and started walking towards me. I thought that maybe I could make it the rest of the way to the dorm so I ran again but he is way faster than me. He grabbed my arm and yanked me towards him making me crash into his chest making us both fall to the ground. I was on top of him Ashlee and our faces were inches from each other."
"What happened next?"
"I tried to get up but he just pulled me back down and warned me never to hit him or run away from him again." I finish telling her.
"He didn't do anything else to you?" I shake my head no. "That's weird." Ashlee states.
"Yeah I know and it makes me scared of what he will do when he sees me again." I admit.
"Don't worry about it. I'm sure everything will be ok." she says. I just nod. I lie down and settle in for the night. All I can think about is Ethan and what he will do to me for hitting him. I don't want to go to class tomorrow or the rest of the week. I don't want to deal with him. I'm at the point where I am truly freaking out and the thing that scares me the most isn't even if he will hurt me but what I thought about earlier. That I want him to like me. Why would I even think that? I think I know the reason but I don't want to admit it to myself because it can't be true.
The rest of the week goes by normally. Ethan is at my locker every day to pick on me. He knocks into me, stares me now. He's even started to mess/play with my hair in Chemistry. A few times he even trapped me against the lockers just to intimidate me. He knows that he does intimidate me and he enjoys it. He never does do anything worse than that though. I was expecting him to shove me or something but nope, just the same stuff he always does. His friends never try to stop him though. They all just stand back and make sure no teachers are coming. Now it's Friday almost the end of the week. I won't have to see Ethan for a few days which is fantastic.
The final bell rings and I quickly get my things and go to my locker hoping to avoid Ethan. Which I don't. He is standing at me locker waiting like always. I take a deep breath and walk up to him.
"Why are you always at my locker? It's annoying." I tell him. He just smirks at me but refuses to move. "Move." I say.
"No." He says.
“E move."
"Why should I?" He asks. Then at that moment a guy that I have never seen before walks up to us. He's cute, I see.
"Excuse me Eth, but I need to get in my locker." He says. So this is the person with the locker beside mine, I think to myself. Ethan is standing in front of this guy's locker too so he is forced to move which I think is funny. He moves out of this guy's way and stands behind me. He then bends down so he can whisper something in my ear.
"Be at my game tonight or you will be in so much trouble." He says and leaves. What the hell. He hates me why does he want me at his hockey game tonight? God Ethan is so irritating and confusing. I hate him if I haven't already mentioned that before.
"Hi." I hear someone say. I look beside of me at this guy that has just made Ethan move. He has short brown hair and brown eyes. He's cute.
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"Hi." I tell him with a smile.
"I'm Dylan." He says.
"(Y/N). I tell him back.
"Ah so you're the new girl."
"Yep that's me."
"I didn't interrupt anything did I?' He asks referring to Ethan.
"Nope. Not a thing." I say and open my locker.
"Alright. So are you going to the game?" He asks.
Looks like I have to, I say to myself before answering him. "Yeah probably. My roommate will want to."
"What about the party after the game? There's always an after game party if we win which we probably will with Ethan as captain."
"I don't know about that." I say.
"Well you should come. It will be fun." Dylan says before smiling and telling me goodbye. I get my things and go back to my dorm to get ready for the game which I am apparently required to go to according to Ethan.
I get to the dorm and tell Ashlee that I will go to the game with her. We get ready and head out to the rink. I'm still wondering why on earth Ethan wants me to come to this game when he has stated that he hates me. You would think that he wouldn't want to see me there but apparently he does which is so weird to me.
"Why did you decide to come to the game?" Ashlee asks as we arrive at the rink.
"Ethan told me I had to." I admit to her.
"I have no idea." We go find some seats and sit down and wait for the game to begin. As we are just sitting there I see Dylan notice me and smile and walks over to us.
"Hi (Y/N)." He says and sits down beside of me.
"Hi." I tell him.
"Hey Ashlee." He greets her.
"Dylan hi! I didn't know that you and (Y/N) knew each other." Ashlee says sending me a look.
"We just met today actually." I explain to her. We all continue talking until the game starts. When our team comes out I automatically spot Ethan. He is looking at me with an expression that I can't explain. His eyes then travel over to Dylan and his face turns into anger. What? I just look away from him and try to focus on the actual sport. Hockey is so boring to me. I just don't understand it and I don't understand how it could even be fun. I don't know but I just don't like it. I definitely wouldn't be here if it weren't for Ethan making me come.
The game eventually is over and Dylan was right, we won. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Ethan the whole time. It's like my eyes were glued to him and I don't know why. I'm just so confused.
"Are you going to the party?" Dylan asks making me look away from Ethan who was celebrating with his team out on the ice.
"Um yeah I guess." I tell him.
"Okay good." He says with a smile. Does Jake like me? Who knows maybe he does. We all three get up and leave the rink and go to wherever this party is. When we do arrive loads of people are already there. This school really does love parties. Everyone is celebrating the first win of the season. This school really takes pride in their sports teams. My old school didn't really care that much about sports.
We get inside the party and Ashlee goes to find the guy she likes. I forget his name. She leaves me alone with Dylan. He just smiles at me and takes my hand in his and leads me to where everyone is dancing. He wraps his arms around my waist and the two of us start swaying to the music. Dylan is a really nice guy and I like him. Who knows in the future we could be a couple. I would like that actually. We continue dancing and having fun for a really long time. I haven't seen Ethan nor his siblings at all at this party with makes me feel better. Maybe he was tired and went back to his dorm to sleep. But you know my luck isn't that great.
I didn't notice him walk in nor did I hear him so when someone grabs Dylan and slings him to the floor I am a bit shocked. I turn around quickly to see Dylan lying flat on his back with a shocked expression on his face. Ethan is standing over him with such an angry expression. He even looks jealous.
"Stay away from her. Go it?" Ethan warns Dylan.
"And why should I? She isn't your property or anything." Dylan says back to him.
Ethan then kicks Dylan in the side and says, "Stay. Away. From. Her." I stand there speechless. What is going on? Nobody has really noticed what is going on because they are either drunk or just not bothering to pay attention. The next thing I know Ethan is dragging me outside and away from the party.
"What are you doing?" I say and try to yank my arm free.
“Just shut up and quit trying to break away from me because you won't be able to." He warns me. I try one last time but it doesn't work so I just let him drag me to where ever he is bringing me. He stops walking when we are pretty far away from the party. He just stops walking and stands there breathing hard.
"What was that about? He never did anything to you. If you want to hurt somebody then hurt me not him." I say and would continue talking but Ethan spins me around and pinning me up against a wall, he really does love doing that doesn't he? He pins my arms above my head and looks right into my eyes. The two of us just stare at each other. Your could cut the tension with a knife. Both of us are breathing hard and you can just feel the hatred between us.
“Eth, let me go." I tell him
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“Just shut up (Y/N)." He growls before crushing his lips against mine roughly.
A/N: I told you guys EMOTION CHANGE!!! What do you think will happen next!! Inbox me!! Love you guys!! 💜
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