#yea yea you can trust em
r-aindr0p · 3 months
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Drew a jellyfish guy earlier so I figured I'd continue in the theme
Here's quick sketches of a gelatinous octavinelle student I had in mind for a while
Letting you guess which sea creature exactly he is based on ! I'll draw more about him later (it's 4am atm I should sleep??)
His unique magic would be similar to Cater's but way worse, depending on who you ask
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rpreaperperson · 1 year
First Time
For the first time you showed your face in front of the team and the first time they ever heard your voice.
Timeline after being betray by Graves and Shepherd
Your parent taught not to trust the American, they always know how to stab someone in back.
Although some of your friend was American and they were good one, in this line of work trust is the most sensitive thing for everyone however that’s not the main reason why you wearing a mask like Ghost.
Unlike him you wearing a bunny mask, and you talked when it need too definitely NOT because of anxiety or trauma something like that...but your voice...well sometimes you have a problem with your throatt that makes your voice came out none or hoarse than it should be and it came at the worse time ever when on mission even on briefing, you just nodded or hummed.
And now after Price debate with Shepherd, Team 141 and Los Vaqueros circling a desk that has balaclava skull on it
You’re a bit startled when Ghost taking off his mask showing his...ekhem handsome face, truly you were surrounded with handsome military man, even Valeria is kinda pretty too you not gonna lie
“take it if you in..Not.. dont” each of them wearing the balaclava...but you..just stare at it, hesitant to taking your bunny mask off a thousand ‘what if’ clouding your mind
“Bunny? Not going to wear it?” Soap look at you as everyone else still clutching the balaclava
‘AH! The hell with it!’ taking off your bunny mask, their eyes widen not expected of your appearance, they always thought that you’re a tough looking cause of your hoarse voice.
“..Woah..Bunny...you’re..” Soap look at you in amazement
“Beautiful..” Rudy mutter, your face became hot and red this is why you wearing the mask
You always get to hit on cause of your prettyand kind face plus your shy nature is always making it harder
“P-please dont..look at me like that... this is embarrassing” double surprise at your kind squeaky voice, do your voice always this pleasing?
Clearing his throat Captain Price give you a welcome smile, as the others snap from their mind
“Nice to finaly meet you..” he addressed you by your name  
“You too..C-Captain Price” you smile shyly at him and wearing the balaclava
“? Is everthing okay Colonel?”
“I want to recruit Bunny in my team”
“...Agreed” Rudy nodded, as they stare at you who fidgetting your finger flustered
“Hell no! Bunny is our’s!” Soap object it, he embrace your smaller figure against him
“Why dont we bait ‘em with food?” Rudy suggest his Colonel
“Your dirty trick won’t work..” Ghost crossing his arm
“Bunny already loyal to us right, Bunny?” Gaz turned at you, and his face fall..
“....Food...”eyes glimmering as you starting to taking Alejandro bait, making all the team start 141 panicking while the Vaqueros smirking
“Yea..how about that one dish I told you about?” he smirk
“Oohh....that would be delightfull..~” then Ghost voice boomed as you turned your head to him
“Bunny...if you reject it, after this mission over you can eat in that ‘all you can eat ‘restaurant...Price will pay it”
“Wha-..Ahh..why not..” Price huffed
“All you can eat...” Alejandro scowl at Ghost who has a smug face
Although they didn’t know what your face and voice really like, at least they know WHAT your really like.
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love-lilly02 · 4 months
The Challenge pt. 5
Authors Note: this one is gonna make yall mad, i already know it. Also i think i'm gonna have to create a schedule of posting on weekends as apperently all my ideas for this story hit on fridays.
Chapter warnings:
minor character death, mentions of suicide
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“You can’t do that!!”
“I can and I will.” Laswell said, closing the file. “She’s on a solo Op and that’s final.”
The boys all rolled their eyes, sighing heavily. 
“Let one of us go, Las. We can’t just let her walk into the lions den-“
“Price, that’s enough. She has her assignment, you have yours.” 
“But we don’t have an assignment.” Price stressed. 
Another round of complaints. 
You had left the room long ago, departing as soon as you had received your mission. A solo op, just an intel gathering. Get in, get the information, get out. 
Get out of one of the most heavily guarded buildings in all of Russia. 
What could go wrong?
“Okay, I’ll be the one to say it.” Kyle stepped up, leaning forward in his chair. “I don’t trust that she’ll be able to get out of this place. Even with her level of skill, that’s something no one’s been able to pull off without dying.”
“If you’re worried about her, you can say that you know.” Laswell said simply, raising an eyebrow. 
The whole room went quiet. 
“Alright, look. I don’t know what’s going on between you four and her, but get it under control. I had enough of it when you lot-“ she points to Ghost and Price-“ wanted those two-“ She points at soap and Gaz- “to join your… whatever this is. I’m not dealing with four children mooning over my best asset.”
“We are not moonin’-“ Ghost protested at the same time Price said “I thought I was your best asset?”
Laswell just rolled her eyes. 
“I’ll put you boys on cam duty. How’s that?”
“It’s enough.” All the boys agreed.
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You could feel their eyes on you as you adjusted your weapons for the fiftieth time. The suit they had you in was very different from the gear you normally wore, instead of cargo pants and a vest you had on a completely black bodysuit with a matching hood and shoes. Various knives and fewer guns than you would like were hidden among your body, and you kept anxiously touching them to be sure they were actually there. 
You looked like the Black Widow from the Avengers. As far as you could tell, the boys thought so too, with the way they kept sizing you up. 
You weren’t entirely sure if you liked that fact or not. 
You knew exactly why they had chosen you instead of Ghost or Kyle for this mission- you were a lot quieter. They could think quickly and kill faster, but at the end of the day you moved around quieter, left much less noticeable tracks than they did. 
This stupid challenge supported that idea. 
“Keep touching ‘em and they’re gonna rust, lass.” Soap called over the comms, and you shot him a glare. For the sake of the mission- and your life- you had decided to temporarily cast aside your feelings for their last behavior, allowing them to talk to you again. Some people, like Gaz and Price, understood you would need space after what happened. Ghost and Soap, however, did not get the memo. 
“She’s allowed to touch ‘em, Johnny. They’re her knives. ‘Sides, I don’t suppose knives can rust by just touching ‘em anywho.” 
“Awh yea they can! I’ve seen it ‘appen me self.” 
“Drop it,” Price warned.
Both boys responded with a simple, “Sorry captain,” and the helicopter was silent again. 
“Okay. One more time, what are you doing?” Price couldn’t help but be nervous as your drop zone crept closer and closer. 
“I get dropped off and enter through a side window, go through some rooms and get to the main center to put the information on the computer with a red chip into a flash drive. 
Price nodded and ran his hand along his beard, a nervous habit you noticed he developed. 
“Okay, good. The boys and I will tell you where to go and when it’s safe over comms, and-“
“Price. I’ve heard the debrief over fifteen times now. I got it.” You said, doing one more quick pat down to make sure all your knives were in order. “I trust you. Now you need to trust me.”
“Drop zone approaching!” The pilot called, and they all watched as the plane opened to reveal the darkness of the night. 
“Wish me luck,” You said, pulling the hood over your head. 
“Luck,” they all chorused back weakly. 
And you jumped out of the plane. 
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Anxiety coursed through Ghosts veins as he watched you jump. A while after, thirty seconds as planned, you deployed a parachute, barely visible in the night. It was dangerous to have a black parachute in the dark but it was a risk they needed to take. 
There was complete radio silence the entire time you landed. That was another rule, unless you were receiving directions or telling them something important you were to be radio silent at all times. To “make sure no one hears or picks up anything,” as Laswell said. 
Ghost thought it was a load of bullshit. 
Simon agreed. 
Truth be told, he worried for you. Both of him did. This was something he wouldn’t be able to pull off, not even with years of training for it. And they were sending you in with less than a few hours notice?
A suicide mission. 
He hadn’t asked, if this was what you wanted to do. He didn’t ask if you were okay with risking your life, possibly dying, for the “greater good.” He honestly wanted you to disagree, he wanted you to protest, say they were stupid for sending you on this mission.
But you had just listened quietly and took the file. 
“At the drop zone, headed to the entrance.” Your messages were short and to the point, and he could see the others relax at your words. 
“Right, stay on standby,” Ghost said, loading up the cameras. 
“Copy.” Then silence. 
Once he got the feed loaded he quickly scanned the cameras for you, his eyes flicking back and fourth. 
“There,” Kyle said, pointing to one screen. You were kneeling behind a bunch of crates, watching the entrance carefully. 
“Okay. Move left, there’s a side entrance, you might have to pick a lock or two.” 
“Copy,” and you moved towards the door. They watched as you crawled, seemingly gliding across the concrete floor. Once you reached the door, it took a total of three seconds for you to slip inside. 
“Door’s are locked. What’s the next move?”
“Shit, that was locked?” Soap asked, even though his comms were off. 
“Suppose so. Two desks down to your right.” 
And so it continued. They gave you directions and watched as you absolutely flew though the levels of the building. Till finally, you were where you needed to be. 
“Okay, transferring the information.” It shouldn’t take that long, Ghost told himself. He watched as you stayed crouched behind a wall, nervously tapping on your thigh as the transfer commenced. 
“Done!” They could all head the relief in your voice, even if you tried to hide it. You put the computer back where it belonged, tucking the flash drive in your pocket. 
“Good job, now head out the way you came, it’s-“  Ghost stopped short when he saw two men walk into the room. They were soldiers for the enemy team, the Russian flags in the middle of their vests displaying that. To your credit, you heard the voices and stayed pointedly in place.  
The two of them spoke in gruff Russian to each other, monitoring the room carefully. They were going a bit too slow, getting a bit too close for Ghost’s liking. And, based on the way Kyle was gripping his shoulder, for him too. 
They kept snooping, till finally one of them jumped out into your hiding spot. 
It was absolute chaos after that. 
You stabbed the one who found you, using his body as a shield when the other started shooting. You fired your own shots and landed one with rough time to drop the guy you were holding and run out of the room. 
By this point, multiple alarms had been tripped, and you abandoned all sense of decorum, flying down steps quickly. 
“Get the fuck out of there!” Ghost yelled over comms. 
Apparently that didn’t warrant a response. 
The cameras he was using to track you were being taken over, and he was quickly loosing visuals. 
“Mirage, do you copy?” 
“Mirage, what is your position.”
“Damnit Y/N, answer me!”
But he was met with silence. 
And for the first time since Las Almas, Ghost felt truly afraid.
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For what it was worth, you had heard Ghost yelling over comms. And you had wanted to respond to him, but the current circumstances made that harder than you would have liked. 
There were soldiers shooting at you almost constantly, and maybe about two or three snipers on other buildings. And you had about five more stories to get down, not to mention an entire parking lot- which was swarming with soldiers, you checked- and somehow get back on the evac vehicle alive. 
One step at a time. 
Having cleared two floors already, you burst through a nearby office, breathing out a small sigh of relief when no one occupies it. Over the comms you hear a voice saying something, but it’s Price now instead of Ghost. 
“Mirage, there’s a supply drop headed your way, what’s your location?” He doesn’t sound as worried, and you can’t help but wonder where Ghost went. 
“I’m hidden in an office, sir. If there was a drop there would be no way for me to reach it without being ambushed.” 
You’re met with silence for a moment, before Price comes back into your ear. 
“Copy that, just get to the parking lot in one piece. We’ll take it from there.”
You just roll your eyes. As if that wasn’t your plan to begin with. 
The stairs seem endless as you run, down flight after flight after flight. You seriously considered taking the elevator but decided against it- they were Russian, not stupid. Once you make it to the room you entered the building through you’re throughly disappointed to find it’s occupied by a few armed guards. Nothing you couldn’t handle, so long as you went out quietly. 
Carefully, you made your way behind the first one, pulling one of the longer knives out of your thigh holster. In your other hand, you slip a throwing knife, crouching silently. 
It takes a good few minutes before you’re able to make a move, throwing the knife in the eye of the guard at the door before you stab the one in front of you in the neck. The other two load their guns, but you’re faster, flinging two more throwing knives across the room into their heads. You allow yourself the time to collect your knives and slip out of the door, just in time to hear more gaurds enter behind you. 
Close calls that just keep getting closer. 
You’re able to see the parking lot now. And as you expected, it’s absolutely swamped with enemies. There were small cracks in the defenses, however, just small enough for you to slip through if you were careful. 
You stuck to the shadow of the trees, figuring darkness was your best cover. Carefully, you picked your way through the ranks of men receiving instruction, having to duck to hide behind cars multiple times. Finally, you were close enough to make a break for it and just test your luck. 
And that dammed supply drop just had to show up. 
Immediately, it set off widespread panic, and in the chaos one of the soldiers stumbled over to your hiding spot. Before you understood what was going on you were being hoisted up by multiple soldiers and brought into the center of a light, surrounded by angry Russians who were yelling at you in one of the few languages you couldn’t understand. 
Finally, one man walked up to you and said simply, “Where is the band of coonies you work for?” He looked kind of familiar, with almost a dad bod and dark eyes to match.
“Don’t respond, that’s our target.” Price insisted, and as if he could hear him, the target looked up to your ear. 
“American.” He spat out the word like a curse, and looked at you with an even nastier scowl. “A shame, you are very pretty.” He said something in Russian, and the men all raised their guns and pointed them at you. 
“Wait!” You shouted, and to your surprise, the target stopped. He turned to you slowly, and raised an eyebrow, signaling for you to continue. Carefully, you moved your hand to where the flash drive hid, pulling it out. It glinted red in the bright spotlights, and the target stopped dead in his tracks. 
“What is that?” He asked, stalking closer to you. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You teased further. God you had a bad habit of teasing men. Maybe it’s what got you into these situations. 
“Give it to me,” He said, practically running at you. 
“Mirage, whatever you’re about to do, don’t. Do it.” Price was yelling, and you could hear the chaos of the helicopter behind you. 
“Listen to me, American girl. I will give you one chance to give me that flash drive. And maybe we will let you out alive.” The target stopped a good distance away from you, holding out his hand. You just smiled. 
With a flick of your wrist, the flash drive was replaced with a pin. “Over my dead body.”
And a grenade went off- right where you were standing.
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Authors Note: this is completely random but i've decided to open my inbox for requests, not just COD but across all fandoms, and i'm doing a bit of blog reorganizing so i'll get to them fairly quickly (tonight that is)
also don't hate me lol the next chapter will be out next week if all goes well
My Masterlist
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pixiecaps · 5 months
Empanada: I don’t know why. They are my family but I don’t like so many (people) knowing where we live.
Bagi: Oh, that’s okay. If you want we can remove the waystones later and then place it back. Or, Empanada, okay, I’m going to tell you something very important. Come with me.
(Bagi & Em walk to the next room over and Bagi sits)
Bagi: We can sit here. It is not wrong and it is not ugly to ask people not to invade your space. If you don’t want to receive them in your house you can always say that in a polite manner. People need to obey your space as well. And if you don’t want to receive them in your home, it is all good. Okay? It is not impolite and it is not a bad thing. It is just you asking for your space.
Empanada: I just wanted to show them our home yes, but not that they can all just come here. I’m sorry idk why but it’s making me really nervous. I feel bad since they are my family.
Bagi: It’s alright.
Empanada: I don’t know how to say it but it feels like I’m suffocating. I want to trust and I DO but I just don’t want to-
Bagi: (To Jorge) I understand her. She wants to show her home to others but she doesn’t want them showing up unannounced or without a reason.
Empanada: -remove the waystones. Well I do. But there- Ugh. I don’t know. (Walks away)
(Bagi follows shortly after her and finds Em in her room hiding in a hole)
Bagi: (Gently) Empanada I’m going to wait for you here on the carpet and whenever you want you can sit here and talk with me.
(Em leaves the holes and goes to Bagi)
Bagi: Here Em. It’s very important for you to know that there’s no problem with telling people what you would and wouldn’t like them to do. Like for example, you can explain to the other eggs and the people that you’d like to show your place, your home, that it’s just for them to come here when they're invited.
(Empanada nods)
Bagi: That way they will know they need to respect your space and everyone will be a little happier. Because I’m sure your siblings will understand and will always ask you first if they can come to the house or not. Would that make you feel better?
Empanada: I think so. I don’t want anyone to just come here.
Bagi: Right. So it’s very important for you to explain to you siblings that you like them a lot but you also really like being alone. And that you’d like for them to only come to your home when you invite them.
(Empanada nods)
Bagi: That way they will understand that they cannot come at any time. And also you will feel safer in your own home. Right? The majority of problems, generally, can be solved with people talking. But sometimes having those conversations can be a bit difficult. So, if you need help then I can help you explain to the other eggs that you enjoy your privacy and you like being alone more. And that when you want company you will invite them to come here.
Empanada: Can you help me? (Tell the other eggs) And can I maybe have a hug?
Bagi: Yea, of couse, of couse I can help you! It’s obvious I will help you. And here’s your hug.
(Bagi and Em hug)
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sweetnsour1 · 2 months
Angsty Fluff, Bakugou x fem reader
Part 9 of the Broken Collection
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“You probably still have time to order something online.” You laughed at the immediate soft snarl you received as a reply. “Not every gift purchase has to be a contest, ya know?” 
“Not a contest if I always give the best shit.” He continued to frown at the display in front of him, seemingly assigning blame to the assortment of objects not meeting his standards. 
“If you say so...” You walked past him, making sure to skirt around the bubble of personal space you had imagined to be there, to examine the wall of glass blown wind chimes. He clicked his tongue before diving into his reply.
“You fuckin’ love my gifts.” 
You didn’t turn back around, letting the statement fall without confirmation or denial. Instead, you let the silence build up a small wall between you. You ignored the way your shoulders tensed as you resisted the immediate catalog of presents now attempting to push their way through any other thoughts. He, of course, wasn’t wrong. Katsuki was an amazing chooser of gifts. Even the small random finds for no occasion at all were still some of your favorite things. Presents so perfect they had remained in your home even when Bakugou hadn’t. You weren’t able to move them, much less get rid of them. You never would. You really did ‘fuckin’ love’ his gifts. You swiped your finger against the paper laden strings in front of you, sending a wave of jingles throughout the store.  
“Excuse me, ma’am. Please don’t do that.” 
You snatched your hand back, now noticing a small sign with bold red letters reminding customers to restrain themselves from what you were getting scolded for now. Your face warmed as you apologized, but you still managed to direct a small kick to the shin of the snickering hero behind you. You spun around as soon as the clerk moved out of sight again. 
“It’s not that funny.” 
“It sure as hell is. You always get into some sort of trouble when we go out.” Your eyebrow arched at the phrasing. He coughed before adding, “uh, out shopping.” 
“So am I just here for comedic relief then? Thought you needed help picking out a gift for your mom.” 
He laughed again, stretching his arm over your shoulder and leaning toward the wall behind you. Too close. You turned your head as if to scan the back of the store for any missed items, ignoring the quickly changing proximity. His breath, which you definitely didn’t notice was cinnamon scented from the mints that were still apparently his favorite, brushed against your neck. You froze at the sound of a jingle and met the glare of the same clerk that had just reminded you of the rules.  
“Excuse me, sir. Please-” 
“Yea, yea. I know. We’ll take these.” He had already disentangled himself from your personal space, now holding two glass blown bell wind chimes. “That rule isn’t logical by the way. Unless you don’t actually want people to buy shit.”
“Of course, I can get those wrapped up.” The change in tone was obvious now that a purchase was eminent. Although the clerk ignored the advice, still moving with a swiftness to take the bells as if there really was some looming threat hiding behind the hands-off policy.  
“Are you sure?” The choice just seemed so random.
“Course. She’ll love ‘em.”  
“Um no offense, but why?” Your head tilted as he hesitated.
“I think they’ll be a sort of good luck charm for her.” His words came out slow and measured, the same way you had all been trained to talk to citizens you wanted to stay calm.
“I see.” You didn’t, but you chose to trust him and ignore how fucking weird he was being. “And you’re sure about the colors?” 
“Obviously. They wouldn’t work if they were different.” 
“I see.” You definitely didn’t, but at least he had dropped the crisis management voice.
You caught one more glimpse of glass as the clerk began closing the small wooden boxes. The first one, now hidden from view, had been a translucent grey, spotted with orange and black and a few green specks. The second...you frowned at the familiar colors. They were the same ones you were now expected to only wear five days a week. Your color palette.  
Your feet did not follow the path set by the hero you had been trailing all morning. They stayed firmly rooted as you blinked at the transaction’s completion. Why? Why was he doing this? Why was he like this? Why had so many small things stayed meaningful? Why did you have any meaning for him? For his family?  
Katsuki Never-Picks-The-Wrong-Gift Bakugou had chosen good luck tokens to give to his mother...one that clearly represented Dynamight and the other that suspiciously reflected your costume that his mother had helped design the last time you upgraded. His mother, who, yes had always loved and welcomed you, but shouldn’t care less about your safety after how you’d hurt her son.
You took a moment to berate yourself for questioning the character of a Bakugou. She would never wish for anything but safety for any hero. What was truly upsetting was you had never really let yourself stop to think how he had to tell them months ago. He had to explain to them what you had hardly been able to communicate to him when you left. What had he told them? The truth? That you were detrimental to each other. That it was your fault. That you chose this. That you hurt him. You had a horrible and quickly growing urge to cry. 
The pressure of the door handle against your back jolted you back into the space you were filling. You must’ve been slowly backing away towards the exit. Red eyes turned at the noise of the bell you brushed against as you gripped the means of escape. And, of course, you did what had become so natural when those eyes met yours. The motion came even more easily now that you risked tears visbily falling with every slow second that crawled by. The same action you took nearly a year ago. 
You fucking ran. 
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Next part
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chosfavho · 8 days
Top , Bottom , or Switch? Rough, Soft , or Switchy?
w the jjk men
Warnings: Mature content (mdni), dirty talk, name calling (baby , whore , slut , cocksleeve) degradation, praise , squirting, mentions of edging , overstimulation lmk if i missed something (which i most likely did) not proof read so if u see a mistake feel free to point it out in a respectful way.
smut under the cut U HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
Ryōmen Sukuna: Rough dom for sure. He has never been the type to come off as weak or submissive so trust and believe that does not change even in bed. Sukuna fucks you into the bed. single. time. No matter how many times you’ve cum he’s not stopping until he is content with your performance.
“Come on girl, one more” Sukuna coos down at you as he relentlessly pounds you into oblivion. “Y-you said that and hour agooo..” you whine as tears prick your eyes. a loud SLAP echos through Sukuna’s chambers. “Shut it. You’re a concubine and you should act as such whore. do you understand me?” He says coldly as he pulls you up by your hair. you whimper and nod lazily. “Good , now take my dick like the tight little cocksleeve you are”.
Satoru Gojo: He’s a switch in both departments. he can be the dommiest dom or the subbiest sub. personally i have a thing for subby satoru…🤭Honestly with him its either:
“Right there baby? ohhhhh fuckkkkk. You cumming? Yea me too, cum with me baby” OR “F-fuck right there baby please! oh shit i’m gonna cumm please don’t stop this time i’ve be so good for you p-please!
BUT WHEN HE GETS THE CHANCE TO GET HIS GET BACK? you’re finished “Well well well how the tables have turned” Satoru chuckled as he pushes his 3 fingers knuckles deep in to doing the “come hither” movement. you can’t even look at him as you whimper and beg for mercy. your cumming in minutes in ways you didn’t even know were possible. “shit baby i didn’t know you could squirt” Gojo grins widely. “do it again” he commands as he resumes his relentless assault despite your sensitivity. let’s just say ur in for a long ride…
Toji Fushiguro: Def a rough dom. Much like Sukuna he treats you like a ragdoll in bed. Legs not working? he’ll manhandle em for ya. We all know Toji is a really big guy so if we makin him proportional he definitely has the cock to match and boy is he cocky about it. Through the entire time yall are having sex he is teasing you non stop for your whimpers and little whines.
“f-fuck t…oji slow down it’s too much!” you babble. “Awww poor baby. Daddy’s cock to much for you to handle?” he grins down at you as he angles himself to penetrate you deeper. “fuckkkkk this sloppy little cunt is taking me so well. I wish you could see the look on your face” Toji grumbles as he watched his fat cock slide in and out of you. You subconsciously start sliding up on the bed because of how deep he was really hitting you. “nuh uh baby bring that ass back im not done with you”
Kento Nanami: (i don’t really like nanami all that much but i’ll write for him bc i love you. yes you the one reading this) He strikes me as like a soft dom or a service dom. No matter how pent up he is i feel like he always puts your bedroom needs before his
“Are you sure this is alright baby?” Nanami gently asks while looking into your eyes for any type of discomfort or dishonesty. “M fine kento just keep going” you whine. with that he starts to snap his hips in and out of you at a steady pace as he kisses up and down your neck and up to your lips whispering sweet nothings like “you’re doing so well baby.” and “you feel so good wrapped around me like this”
Choso Kamo: SUBBIEST SUB MALE OUT THERE. He cries , whines, whimpers th full package combo.
“f-fuck!!!!” Choso practically wails and you continue to fist his cock. “Baby pleaseeee, you said i could c-cum and hour ago..~” he whines with a pout on his lips. You kiss his neck gently causing him to let out another hushed whine. “Just keep being a good boy fme hm? you’ll get what you want soon sweet boy” you coo at him. You weren’t lying you’d let him cum soon (if you call 5 more denied orgasms soon)
hey yallllll , tryna get back into the swing of things w writing so lmk what u think my inbox is always open to yall 🥹
As always reblogs are appreciated!! Refrain from copying and or translating any works of mine without explicit permission
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littlxpxtal · 2 months
Therefore I Am
TYRANTS || STORY MASTERLIST PAIRING: rafe cameron x fem!reader WARNINGS: MDNI 18+ Content, swearing, sexual content, drug and alcohol use, violence WORD COUNT: 3.7K
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Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel
Top of the world, but your world isn't real
Your world's an ideal
So, go have fun
I really couldn't care less
And you can give 'em my best, but just know
I'm not your friend or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
“Okay so I made this cute ass invite on this website and you can send it out as a text blast.” Sabrina explains to me as we walk to first period together. 
“Sab who are you planning on inviting?” I ask. She was keen on throwing me a huge blowout for my 18th. I had gotten better at making friends on Figure 8 but there was a pit of doubt inside me that anyone would actually show up.
“We have to invite everyone whos anyone. Adn they’ll forsure come cus we haven’t had a big rager since Halloween. Everyone is fiending for a party. And everyone is talking about how cool you are.” I roll my eyes at this last declaration.
“No they are not Sab what are you even talking about.” I ask before we walk into the classroom.
“You’ve really impressed everyone at all of my pregames, and even Rafe’s friend group thinks you’re cool. Everyones obsessed with your style, and are dying to know why you’ve spent the last three years wasting time on the cut.” she whispers as we take our seats.
“How do you even know Rafe’s friends like me?” I pull out my history book and homework, feeling my face flush at the thought of them talking about me.
“Just trust me I know.”
“You know, I’m inviting my friends from the cut.” I say with a straight face, dreading her response.
“Y/N … Why would you do that?” she asks, pulling out her supplies.
“Cus they’re my friends. If it’s my party I should be able to invite whoever I want.” I state matterof factly. 
“That may cause some problems.” she mumbles before the bell rings. “Im sending the text blast out at lunch. If there’s anyone you dont want there let me know, or else its going to my entire contacts list.” she hisses to me before the teacher starts taking attendance. 
I adjust the strapless black mini dress on my chest, fidgeting with the zipper on the side before Sabrina walks into my room. 
“People are going to start coming in 10 are you ready yet?” she asks, holding a red solo cup out to me.
“Yea, just gotta put on my lipstick. Whats this?”
She smirks and walks over to my full length mirror.
“A concoction just for the birthday girl.” she teases, pulling out her phone to take a picture.
“Get in this with me.” she says. I pose in the mirror with her and take a small sip of the drink, practically choking.
“What the fuck is in this Sab?” I ask, stuggling to keep myself from yakking.
“My version of a tequila sunrise. Mostly tequila.” she says sweetly, taking a sip form her own cup.
“Yea I can tell.” The doorbell rings and my eyes widen.
“I’ll get it. Hurry up!” she exclaims, running out of my room. I take a deep breath and take the berry shade of lipstick I bought for tonight out and start applying in the mirror. I decide to take a selfie of myself, admiring the way the dress fit around my curves. 
Somehow Sabrina convinced my parents to let me have this party at my place and got them out of town for the weekend. They were easily convinced by her sweet talk, and were encouraged by the fact that I had been making friends at Kildare Academy. They were more than happy to give Sabrina and me their credit card to buy decorations and even allowed us to use some of the liquor from their cabinet. 
I made my way up the stairs to see the living room was starting to fill with familiar faces I had seen in the hallways. I admired my house filled with helium balloons and silver streamer curtains. The room was illuminated with a large disco ball and LED lights. The DJ started playing music in the backyard.
“I think we’re gonna have a big turn out.” Sabrina says when she finally reaches me.
“Do these people actually know what they’re even here for?”
“Of course they do. I even made a card box for people to give you gifts.”
“Sabrina, I don’t want any of these peoples money.” I say confused.
“These people come from old money its practically tradition. Plus theyre drinking the booze we bought so its like an entry fee.” she says giggling and grabbing my hand, leading me to the backyard.
“You got the playlist I sent right?” she asks the DJ. I recognized him immediately, he was a barista at the cafe I always went to when I used to hang in the cut. He smiles softly at me and I thank him for being here tonight. 
“There’s the birthday girl!” I hear someone shout from the backdoor. I turn around to see Topper, Kelce, Rafe a group of random girls surrounding them. He’s holding a handle of Titos up in the air.
“TOP!” Sabrina exclaims, dragging me over to greet them.
“Happy birthday Y/N” he says, greeting me in a hug. “This is for you, from all of us.” he says handing me the large bottle. I stare at in shock and laugh.
“Thanks guys.” I respond. Before I can greet Kelce or Rafe, Sabrina takes the bottle from my hands.
“Shots?” she asks the group. The guys cheer in response and she leads them back inside the the kitchen where the cups were.
“Happy birthday.” Rafe whispers in my ear, trailing right behind me. I feel goosebumps rise on my arms. “You look good.” he murmurs as we reach the counter.
“TO Y/N” Sabrina declares and we raise the shot glasses up to the cieling
“TO ME!” I Cheer before downing the shot. I hiss at the burning in my throat and squeeze my eyes closed. 
More people fill into my living room and start piling into the backyard. I’m greeted with hugs and fist bumps from people I vaguely remember, they thank me for inviting them and I have to pretend like I’m the one who even made the invite in the first place. 
I finally check my phone for the first time since people started arriving.
Sarah Cameron
We’re pulling up in a sec
I smile at my phone and scan the room to see if they’ve arrived.
“You waitin on someone?” I hear Rafe ask from behind me.
“Yea Sarah’s comin.” I say without looking back at him. 
“I assume that means the clowns will be making an appearance as well.” he asks, finally standing next to me, his arm brushing against my shoulder.
“Play nice it’s my birthday.” I remind him, taking a sip from my birthday concoction.
“Long as they play nice too.” he responds before walking off. I roll my eyes and scan the room again. They still weren’t anywhere in sight, so I walk off to mingle with my guests.
I find a familiar face in the sea of people and make my way to him.
“Hi Noah.” I say, interrupting his conversation with a girl I had never seen befroe.
“Hey Y/N . Happy birthday!” he says before pulling me into a hug. It lingers for a little too long and I feel my cheeks blush when he finally releases me. 
“This is a great party. Much better than my 18th.” he says, standing close and leaning down to be eye level with me.
“Whadid you do for yours?” I ask, trying to hide my disgust as I take another sip from the drink Sab made me.
“I had the flu. I had to go to the hospital and everything.” he says shurgging his shoulders.
“Damn that sounds awful. You can pretend tonights your birthday if you want.” I say, trying to cheer him up. I feel his eyes scan my body up and down and he inches closer.
“Well I know what I would want for my present.” he whispers. I bite my lip and giggle.
“Cute” I say in response. From the corner of my eye I spot JJ and I run towards him.
“JJ!” I shriek, throwing myself into his arms. He lifts me up and spins me around.
“Happy birthday doll. You have hella friends now huh?” he asks giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I dont know half of these people. Sabrina just invited them.” I say in response. He smirks and scans the room.
“Whos the dude who was practically eye fucking you?” he says, I glance over to see he’s giving a death glare to Noah.
“Kid I know from Kook academy.” I shrug.
“BIRTHDAY GIRL!” Kiara shouts, popping up from behind JJ.
“Kie!” I squeeze her with all my might. I feel a rush of excitement fill my body as people I actually knew and loved were finally here. John B and Pope pile into our hug.
“Where’s Sarah?” 
“She went looking for you. Looks like she ran into her brother though.” John B says, nudging his head over towards the back of the kitchen. I direct the group to follow me, leading them through the crowd of people stuffed into my living room. I trip over a ballon on the floor, and feel an arm reach out to help me gain my balance. I look up to see its Rafe.
“Thanks” I mumble, pulling my arm away from his grip. I direct my attention away from him and smile at Sarah
“Happy birthday girl! I heard Rafe got you a present and I think it’s only appropriate that we indulge.” she says, wiggling her eyebrows and holding up the half empty handle of titos up at me.
She fills up shots enough for everyone including Rafe. His body is blocking me from being in the circle, so I shove past him, forcing my way into the center. 
I look at Kiara and smirk, “arriba! abajo! al centro! pa dentro!” We cheer. The group finishes the shot and I find myself brave from the liquid courage I had just been given. I pull a chair out from behind the counter and stand on top of it.
“THANK YOU FOR COMING AND CELEBRATING MY 18TH WITH ME!” I Shout to the crowd of people in the kitchen and dining area. “LETS GET FUCKED UP!” I shout.
Pope hands me a Natty Lite from his book bag and I tip it to its side, cracking the bottom open with my teeth. For a second I realize my inner pogue is coming out. But I decide I didn’t give a fuck. It was my fucking birthday. 
I crack open the can and inhale the beer in 3 chugs. I crush the can with my hand and toss it out into the crowd. The room erupts in cheers and I turn around to my friends seeing their shocked yet excited expressions on their faces.
“Lets fucking dance.” I say. JJ walks up to the chair and puts out his arms.
“Lets go dance princess.” he says, pulling me down into his arms, placing me softly on the ground. I grab his hand,  leading them to the backyard where the DJ began blasting the Pursuit of Happiness remix. 
The backyard area is filled with people already dancing. I squish us into the center of the crowd and notice that Rafe and his friends decided to join. 
I feel my body moving along to the beat, not giving a care in the world, sticking my hands up in the air and letting the crowd's movements take me around the circle. Dancing face to face with Sarah, her back against John B’s.
Our bodies are squeezed together and I slowly grind against hers before I’m pushed to the side and end up in front of Kiara. She’s dancing against Pope and I remember I need to ask her how that situation is coming along. Before I can lean into ask, my body is moved again to be in the center of the circle.  I take a few steps back to the beat and spin around.
Losing my balance, I end up with my back pressed against a tall figure. His arms softly grab my hips. If I didn’t know any better I would assume it was JJ. But I look over to see him standing in between John B and Pope. I crane my neck to look and see its Rafe, with a slight smirk on his face. 
I decide to play along, turning my body to face his. His hands move furth up my back, running them up and down as I grind my body against his. I keep my eyes closed, refusing to make eye contact with him, trying to show that I would dance with literally anyone like this. I wrap my hands up around his neck and jump around to the beat before the song stops and there’s silence amongst the crowd. I drop my hands from his neck and whip my head towards the DJ, and see Sabrina standing up there with a lit up cake.
She grabs a microphone from the DJ and begins singing Happy Birthday to me. I feel my face get hot and body tense, realizing that everyone was staring at me, singing along in unison. My worst nightmare. She makes her way through the crowd, everyone making a path for her to reach me. 
When she finally does the song is almost over and I feel tears brimming in my eyes. Mainly becomes I’m so drunk and overwhelmed with anxiety from what was happening. 
“Make a wish!” I close my eyes and blow the candles out. The crowd erupts into a cheer and the DJ starts up a new song, everyone returning back to where they were before the serenading.
“I hate you.” I say, as we walk to the kitchen.
“Noooo you love me. And look at all these people here for YOU.” I give her side hug as she places the cake on the counter.
“Thanks for doing this for me.” I say. She turns to face me with a large grin spread across her face. “I’m glad we met.”
“Stop being sappy and go back out and dance.” she says, pushing me towards the back door.
“I have to pee first” I say, making my way towards the basement door. I make my way down the stairs to my room. After finishing my business I walk back into my room and see Rafe inspecting my bookshelf.
“What the fuck are you doing in here?” I ask, startled at his intrusion.
He doesn't respond, just glances over, eyeing my body up and down before picking a book off of the shelf. 
“You read a lot of fiction.” he states.
I walk over and grab the book out of his hand. 
“I asked you a question.” I place the book back in its place and turn to face him.
“I was curious.” he says, shrugging.
“Okay, well I’d like you to leave now.” I say pointing towards the door.
“No you don’t,” he says, stepping closer to me. So close I can smell his cologne. It was woody yet musky. Dior Sauvage I would guess, making a mental note to check it out at the mall next time I got the chance. 
“You say that like you know what I want.”
“Cause I do.” he says, staring down into my eyes.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“I’m Rafe fucking Cameron. And you’re just some girl who has a birthday party with kids she doesnt even know. I see right through you.”
“Im not just some girl, who do you think you are talking to me like that?” I feel rage flowing through my body and I take a step closer, our chests practically touching. His chest is rising with deep breaths and I glance at his hands that are balled into fists.
“You think you’re hot shit now that you hang with kids on figure 8. But they won’t forget where your loyalties lie. You proved it tonight by inviting your fucking pogues.” I roll my eyes.
“Is that what this is about? Cus I invited my best friends? They’re just people Rafe. You and your loser friends only care about labels. We’re not even fucking friends why are you here if you’re so hung up on who I invited?” 
“You think anyone would be here if I wasn’t?” I scoff at his arrogance.
“God you’re so full of yourself. Get a grip.” 
Everything happens in an instant. His body moves forcefully against mine, pushing me into my closet door. I wince at the abrupt force. His arms are planted on the door above my head and he dips his face to meet mine.
“You're not as cool as you think you are pretty girl. You can stand on a table and shotgun all the beers you want. You can dance like a fucking slut at any party but that’s all anyone gonna remember you by. A party girl with no personality.” I feel tears well in my eyes at his bitter words.
“You act like your entire personality isnt partying. You live in a fucking fantasy world where its cool to do coke and fuck random girls like its a well respected hobby. You don’t know shit about my personality because I would never let someone like you know anything about me.” I spit back.
He stands silent for a second, his breathing hard and heavy. My eyes meet his, tears no longer threatening to spill over. All I feel is hot rage and red staring into his blue eyes. His right-hand moves from above my head to grip the back of my neck. He pauses as if he's second-guessing his next move.
Before I can think of a response his mouth collides with mine. I melt into his touch, tasting the liquor shared between our breath and his cool tongue grazing over my bottom lip. Reluctantly I let out a groan, frustrated that he was a good kisser. He moves his mouth aggressively against mine, pushing me hard against the wall. My hands finally move from my sides up into his hair giving a slight tug. 
He finally releases his grip from the back of my neck and I gasp out trying to catch my breath when I hear screaming from outside. I decided it would be quicker to get to the back through the sliding door in my room that leads to a small patio on the side of the house. I run out and around the house to see a commotion happening on the dance floor.
My breath hitches and goosebumps rise across my body as I realize what is happening. Rafe trails behind me as I get closer to the group of people fighting, seeing JJ and Pope getting kicked around on the ground
“WHAT THE FUCK” I screech, pushing through the crowd, trying to pull the guys off of my friends. I turn around to Rafe.
“HELP ME” I ask, He runs his hands through his hair, contemplating on what he should do
“Please” I beg before turning around to try and pick JJ off the ground. I turn around to see Rafe grab the idiot off of Pope and help Pope stand up.
“PARTYS OVER” He roars across the crowd. The DJ instantly turns off the music and I see Sabrina running over to the scene. I’m holding JJ up with my arms as he limps over with blood smeared across his face. 
“JJ what happened? Where’s Sarah and John B?” I ask. I then realize JJ is drunk out of his mind and cant even look straight. 
I turn around to see Pope is sitting on a chair with Rafe standing next to him.
“Pope what happened, where is everyone?”
The crowd starts to clear and I tug JJ along to sit next to Pope.
“They went looking for you and some kooks started talking shit about us being here and…” he trails off. “Sorry to ruin your birthday Y/N”
“I know its your birthday n all but I really dont think these people wanted us here.” JJ finally says.
“No shit.” I hear John B saying behind me.
“There you guys are. What the fuck happened I left for 5 minutes and these fools are getting curb stomped?”
“These are your new fucking friends lets remember that” JJ Says, finally standing. “Look, we love you Y/N. But its not a good idea for us to be comin to any of these events again.” he says harshly.
“But I wanted you guys here.”
“And we wanted to be here to support you but, JJs right Y/N. Its never a good outcome for us to be in Figure 8.” John B says, pulling Pope off of the chair. “Lets go guys.”
I stand there feeling hopeless. I wasnt allowed back on the cut, and if my friends wouldnt come to my side of the island, I would never see them.
“But- but” I stammer. 
Sabrina interrupts the moment tugging my arm to face her.
“Hey, I’m gonna go but I’ll be back in the morning to help you clean okay?” Sabrina says, nudging her head over to the top of the patio where the DJ was standing there, with all his stuff packed up. “He’s gonna walk me home.” she says with a smirk. 
“Okay I’ll see you.” I turned to realize my friends were making their way towards the front door. 
“Guys please dont leave.” I plead catching up with them.
“We gotta get them home Y/N,” Kie says, holding Popes hand. 
“I’ll text you when were back okay? I hope you had a good birthday.” she says, giving me a kiss on my cheek and opening the front door.
“I’ll see you soon okay?” Sarah says, giving me a tight squeeze before walking out with the rest of them. I watch them walk down my driveway, feeling defeated and angry. 
I turn around and slam the front door shut, looking around the room to see a mess of red solo cups, streamers and popped balloons all over the floor. I rip my heels off my feet and walk towards my basement door before I hear the back door slide open.
“I don’t think we were finished.”
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sea-of-dust · 2 months
whahsbebshdd i’m rlly shy abt this and i saw the bedman hcs you wrote and i loved it so much it had my legs kicking and my hair twirling
requesting bedman x a really loving kinda clingy reader,,,,,,
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Bedman x GN! Clingy! Loving! Reader
There's no summary it's general headcannons annons letting me be werid!!
N: YIPPEEEEEEE, dont be shy about future requests when open asks are welcomed! thank you for the request!
Warnings: spoilers for bedman during strive and xrd, and minor spoilers for bedmans? Story
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He's not escaping you, like ever not like he wants to anyway. "I'm leaving!" "Not without me!" You rush toward the door "you're still in your pjs" "does it matter?" He sighs disappintedly, you could probably do a pushup for everytime he sighs and end up swole and then he'd sigh again
You blame him for being likeable for you being as loving as you are. His kisses even though they're just small taps on the cheek from him they always leave you wanting him to do it again. "Stop" "I'm not doing anything tho" "you're about to ask me if I want to let you brush my hair" "....no" "do it" "yay!" Atleast someone takes care of his physical appearance for em, he's getting free spa days without someone complaining over how much he nitpicks. "Under my nails have been a bit dirty too" "I'll get it" "and there might be a pimple near my leg" "I'll pop it" "dirt in my glasses aswell" you stop what you're doing just to stare it him blankly, even though his eyes were closed he could still feel you staring bullets. "What?" "Are they even prescription?"
He'd enjoy the times he got to appear in your dreams, he's awake able to talk...alot...but his voice is pretty it's not like he'll rant so hard he raps about the same topic twice "when we talk about survival of the fittest-" that was all u listened to before just hearing a mumble of his voice, him just going on and on with you nodding your head. Other than the long 12 page essay front to back that comes out of his mouth he can also be quite engaged in dreams, specifically yours. He'd 100% ask you the next dream you have with him in it. "So what did you dream about?" Your eyes widen before your face goes stone cold "a discount at the supermarket and me trying to make homemade ice cream sandwiches that ended up exploding" he pushes up his glasses "is that so?" "Yea" "because a little birdie told me you were dreaming of me" you giggle, foolish mistake infront of him of all people, you'd have to wipe that dream out of your brain before he gets it outta you
He'd act like he doesn't like how much physical affection, hed be all "love is feable it isn't going to last and most people that are motivated by it end up crying in someone's couch" but everytime you headed his warnings, he'd get a tad...pretty annoyed. "Am I disgusting to you?" "What?" "You haven't hugged me for an entire 6 minutes is there a bug on me?" "I thought you didn't like me being that way" "I do" for the first time you sigh disapointedly "Alright buddy" "so you're not even going to call me Romeo now" you somehow can feel him putting hands on his hips, expect him to be ranting in his dreams because he didn't ever expect you to call him anything other than Romeo and not hug him for 6 minutes. You've learned giving him a small kiss is usually enough for him to forgive you.
You're also the person behind how polished the bed is, with Romeo or not. "You've gotten a bit rusty" it gently squeezes your hand "I ment physically, I'll take it off I wonder if it'll hurt you like this" Delilah trusts you a bit with him not knowing the extent of your relationship. "Don't touch him too much" "you think he'll attack me?" "Maybe" you pat the beds hand "don't worry I can fix him" you feel both siblings give judgemental looks. "That's crazy I can hear your brother sighing and calling me a fool"
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pandalorian36 · 9 months
Izzy x (Genderneutral)Reader
Ed reveals the reason Izzy is always so grumpy and short tempered is because he got separated from you.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, knives/swords. Word count: 4655
Izzy stomps away from yet another shouting match muttering under his breath as he goes the rest of the crew staring after him in a state of shock. He had never yelled that much for something so little. Lucius had kissed Pete on the cheek and next thing Izzy was yelling and cursing about everything. “Well, that was intense.” Lucius nods agreeing with his partner just as Stede and Ed emerge onto deck “What the blazes was that all about?” Ed glances over at his first mate and Roach speaks up “Izzy snapped.”
Ed nods slightly “We heard that. Why?” Lucius glances at Pete “I kissed Pete on the cheek.” Stede looks shocked “Something so small? Really? We thought someone had broken the ship.” Ed looks confused a moment before looking up speaking quickly “What’s the date?”
“The date. Today. What is it?”
Lucius looks at the diary tucked under his arm “June 2nd possibly 3rd.” Ed, Ivan and Fang all exchange a look of understanding “June 3rd. I’ll go check on him.” Ed leaves the rest of the crew gathering around Ivan and Fang who clearly have the rest of the story. Stede pipes up “What happened June 3rd?" Ivan sighs shrugging “It was just over two years ago. We raided a merchant vessel, turned out to have a lot more weapons on board than we intended and was actually full of trained soldiers. We managed to set the ship a light and get back to the Queen Anne when the flames hit a gunpowder storage. Lucky our ship wasn’t damaged, but it caused a big confusion.”
He stops and Fang takes over the story “those that were on the main deck didn’t get injured, but it did confuse us enough that the merchant crew managed to take charge. Two of our crew where captured which did allow the rest to escape but Ed forbid us from going back. We now know one was killed but the second we don’t know. Their name was Y/N, they were Izzy’s. Partner? Lover? Companion? Actually, I’m not sure what they were but they were incredibly close, always had each other’s backs. God, forbid you threatened one of them the other was always close by. They were the only one who could best Izzy at swordplay,” he grins “Part from Stede.”
Ivan sighs “Before we lost Y/N, Izzy was actually pretty tolerable. He’s always had a temper and a tendency to threaten people, but Y/N could always calm them. Couldn’t help but like Y/N, don’t get me wrong they were a ruthless pirate, loyal to Ed and Izzy. Forgot to mention Y/N was Ed’s younger sibling, least we think so. Fiercely protective of each other.”
The whole crew remains silent taking the information in. Ed leans on the railing next to Izzy crossing his arms out over the water “I miss ‘em too Iz.”
“Fuck off Edward.”
“I just thought… Actually, don’t know what I thought.”
Izzy sighs shoulders sagging “Why couldn’t we go back?” Ed frowns staring out over the sea “I had to think of the crew. If we had gone back, you know none of us would of come away.” Ed clasps Izzy’s shoulder “Y/N probably would have some stupid motivational crap to say to ya but fraid all I got is they’re gone mate, not anything we can do about it. Just have to move on.” Ed walks away Stede falling into step beside him “You never mentioned you had a brother/sister?”
Ed shrugs slightly walking back into their cabin “Not something I like to talk about. They’re dead not anything can do about it.”
“Still, you must miss them. Where you close?” Ed sighs falling onto the sofa “Suppose we we’re close yea. Them and Izzy where the only two I ever trusted.” Stede sits on the edge of the sofa by Ed’s feet frowning “I’m sorry.” Ed shrugs “‘is alright. Sometimes feel guilty for it though. You know? I was captain, I ordered the raid and the burning of the ship.”
“It’s not your fault Ed,” Stede tries to sound reassuring patting his leg “I’m sure there was nothing you could have done.” Ed flips himself around, so his head is in Stedes lap letting him play with his hair “It’s not your fault.”
Izzy is still standing over the railing the ring usually safe around his neck scarf clasped between thumb and finger.
“Izzy.” Y/N hisses from the shadows pulling the first mate away from the crowds “What the fuck are you doing?” Y/N rolls their eyes “Playing crochet. What do you fucking think I’m doing. Captain Vance just turned up.”
“Shit.” Y/N snorts in response “My thoughts exactly. Come on.” The two make their way towards the docks using the back alleys both freezing when a deep gravelly voice echoes down the confined space making it seem louder “Well, well, well what do we have here? Israel Hands and Y/N Teach.” The two-freeze swearing colourfully before turning Izzy raising his sword and Y/N gripping a pistol tightly “What do you want Vance?”
Vance a large bulky man with scars decorating most of his skin the remainder coated in ink. “That’s Captain Vance to you dog.” Y/N scowls their grip on the pistol tightening as the flick the hammer ready to fire “What do you want Captain Vance?”
“I want to kill you two worthless lumps. You torched my ship.” Izzy smiles slightly “Only a little.” Vance seethes “A little. A little? You destroyed it.” Vance takes out two pistols readying them to fire “I would like to draw this out, make it painful and slow. Then watch as Black Beard finds your mutilated bodies. But unfortunately, I do not have that luxury. Still, you will at least be dead.” Y/N shoots first three shots echoing around the alley. Vance falls to the ground blood blossoming from his shoulder while his shots hit the wall sending bits of rock flying.
“Time to go.” Y/N grabs Izzy’s arm the two of them running full pelt from the alley as Vance swearing and spluttering lumbers back to his feet to give chase. Flying out into the busy street where a market is being held the two dodge between stalls skidding down another alley as Vance’s crew appear with their captain in the lead a bloodied cloth to his shoulder “FIND THEM.”
“We’ve got to get back to the ship!” Y/N turns to Izzy pausing when they both realise how close they have gotten in the small space. Izzy’s cheek heat while Y/N smirks “Am I making you uncomfortable Iz?” he shakes his head slightly making the latter chuckle pressing a soft kiss to his cheek before shooting him a wink “I’ll cause a distraction. You get Ed.”
Before Izzy can protest Y/N has leapt onto the closest stool selling jewellery grabbed a fistful of brightly coloured gems and started yelling at the top of their lungs “Captain Vance, I believe these colours would draw the attention away from that ass of a face you have. Although anyone would have to be blind before they even considered you attractive. Least you can fight… oh wait no you can’t. You’re just crap at everything aren’t you.”
Jumping from stall to stall and causing utter chaos in the midst Y/N runs deeper into town while Izzy runs back to the ship to get backup. The two of them may be the best swords on the Queen Anne but they’re also smart enough to know Captain Vance and his crew are not to be messed with. As Izzy reaches the ship as a large explosion shakes the docks a cloud of dust rising from deep inside the town. “What the fuck was that.” Ed appears on the gangplank while Izzy sighs shaking his head slightly “Who do you think?” they both say the same thing in unison “Y/N.”
As if they have been summoned Y/N comes skidding over the rooftop’s tiles falling to the floor before they topple to the ground in a heap when they jump on a barrel that is not secure “What the fuck did you do?” Izzy helps them to their feet “Caused a distraction. Captain Vance will no longer be a problem.” Ed snorts supporting Y/N’s other side as they walk onto the ship “Our worst enemy gone for good. Excellent work. Iz help ‘em get cleaned up gotta make sure we’re ready to go.”
Izzy helps Y/N limp to their cabin “Do I even want to know?” Y/N shrugs “Probably not. Got you something.” Out their pocket they take a simple diamond ring smiling proudly “It’s not real, and pretty sure it’s not even gold but for you.” Izzy takes it slipping it on the handkerchief around his neck “Where did you get it?”
Y/N starts removing their outer layers poking at a wound on their side while talking “Stole it. Its only temporary before I get you something better. Can’t have my man wearing second rate jewellery. But thought you needed something to show you were taken. Not that pirates care for such things. You don’t have to wear it; just thought I don’t know.” Izzy rolls his eyes clamping a hand over Y/Ns mouth to stop their rambling “I’ll wear it. Though we’ve already got tattoos can’t get much more permanent than that.” Y/N shrugs starting to clean their cut before Izzy takes over kneeling between their legs on the floor “Do you think we’ll be okay? With our profession and everything.”
The two stare into each other’s eyes a moment before Y/N closes the gap cupping Izzy’s face gently “We’re gonna be just fine.”
Izzy returns the ring to its rightful place. Y/N did in fact gift him much more most of it stolen but some of it actually bought, including the sword hanging at his side. He glances at the pale band of skin on his ring finger still visible despite two years, the ring that use to sit their long gone. Where he had no idea, but it felt like a stab to the chest every time he saw it was gone. Returning his gaze out over the sea he ignores the whispering crew behind him wishing he could go back and change the past and return Y/N Teach to his side.
Your P/O/V:
Shit. I duck into the nearest alley tugging my hood further forward as a group of navy officer’s marches past in perfect form. Breathing a sigh of relief when they pass, I push back my hood leaning against the wall. Finally free of that cramped cell and tattered clothing. Two years, eight months and three weeks spent in an British prison, it’s a relief to be free. Though wanted posters have started appearing around the docks with a reasonable reward.
Keeping to the shadows I head closer to the docks inspecting the ships currently docked. Taverns are the best place for gossip, and I have heard varying tales of my brother, which ones I believe I am not sure. Most people give me wary looks the heavy hood, leather and two swords crossed across my back and pistol holstered on my thigh don’t exactly scream friendly.
Finding a dingy tavern any member of the navy would avoid like the plague I step inside tossing a few coins on the counter “Rum.” The bartender an elderly man with multiple missing teeth and stringy hair pushes a glass across the counter “And information I imagine?” I smile into my drink “What do you know of Blackbeard?”
“Blackbeard? Queen Anne is under new captainage they was here last week. Not sure where Blackbeard ended up. Word is he’s gone soft sailing with some gentlemen pirate, though few believe those rumours.” I nod finishing my drink he refills it without my asking before moving along the bar to serve someone else. I sip this one leaning back against the bar, gentlemen pirate never heard of him before.
Finishing my second drink I stalk out the bar all I need is a ship. A small vessel catches my eye definitely pirate from the crew loading up supplies I watch from the shadows as they stumble about on deck. Not the most experienced of crew but they will have to all I need is the captain. Someone clears their throat behind me, and I turn “Shit.” The officer grins “Y/N Teach you are under arrest.” I sigh putting my hands in the air “Fine you caught me.” turning away for a second, I form a fist before spinning back catching the officer across the jaw sending him sprawling to the ground.
Taking of I run towards the tree line more shouts echoing behind, so much for a low profile. Several shots ring out as I start zig-zagging closer to the trees jumping over a stack of barrels and a wall before finally reaching the trees. “You are ordered to stop.” I grin speeding up as I enter the trees following a worn path deeper in land before taking a sharp turn back to the coast. Swinging myself up into the low branches I jump from tree to tree watching the navy officers below following my footprints “Where did they go?”
“They can’t be far.”
“Do we kill them?”
I jump to the next tree slowly making my way back to town. Jumping back to the ground I turn quickly when two men yelp. Drawing my sword, I turn lowering it when it is not soldiers. “You never saw me.” they both nod and I take off again reaching a small beach already inhabited. A group of pirates lounging around on the sand. “Captain?” I take a step back ready to run again when two men turn to answer the question: one an elaborately dressed blond who looks more gentleman than pirate the other. “Edward!?”
I would recognise that beard anywhere. I push back my hood taking several steps forward, his eyes widen in recognition “You’re not dead.” I snort “Not last I checked.” He runs over poking my chest then my cheek “You’re really not dead.” I roll my eyes punching him in the stomach making him grunt “Point taken.” I grin “That’s for leaving me behind.” He laughs the two of us colliding in a hug “Can’t believe you’re not dead.” I laugh “Sorry to disappoint.”
He shakes his head “What? No. Not what I meant. Shit. Izzy. Where’s Izzy? Stede where’s Izzy?” Stede the fancy blonde looks confused “Back on the ship. Why?” Ed grins grabbing my arm “Come on.” I dig my heels into the sand “Navy kinda after my head. Town is not a good idea.” Ed frowns only pausing a moment before resuming dragging me across the beach “Nope. Come on.” I manage to tug up my hood as we practically sprint to the ship I spotted earlier and up onto the deck.
“Izzy! Get your butt out here. Iz. Iz. Izzy.” Fang, Ivan, and Izzy all come running onto deck swords drawn “Edward what the hell is going… on?” I push back my hood Izzy’s sword falling to the ground “Look who’s not dead.”
“Y/N?” I smile slightly the rest of the crew disappearing my sole focus on Izzy. “I missed you Iz.” He steps forward still looking a little shell shocked “We thought you were dead.” I shrug slightly “Had a couple close calls but still here.” I smile my stomach tying in knots as I step closer “I can leave if…” I don’t get the chance to finish his body colliding with mine “Don’t. Don’t even.” I chuckle wrapping my arms around him “You really think I would leave Iz? Spent the last two years trying to get back to you.”
His grip tightens but I gently ease his face away from my neck cupping his face in one hand smiling softly “Missed you Iz.” He returns my smile the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly “You’re really here.” I nod leaning my forehead against his “I’m here.” I grin tracing the ring around his neck “Can’t believe you still have this. Which reminds me, this belongs to you.” I tug on the cord around my neck two identical silver bands with waves pressed into the metal. I take one of putting it back where it belongs on Izzy’s ring finger “I thought I lost it.” I shake my head “You left it on the side in our cabin when you helped with my stitches. I was going to return it after the raid and well you know the rest.”
My brother clears his throat the two of us pulling apart “Wait hang on. Izzy is capable of smiling?” I bite my lip leaning down to kiss Izzy’s cheek neither of us had ever been big on PDA, but I want to remind myself he’s real. Izzy scowls at the pirate who spoke making him laugh Ed steps forward before anything else can be said “Everybody. This is my little brother/sister Y/N.” Stede smiles brightly “Stede Bonnet its lovely to meet you.” I shake his hand tentatively shocked when Ed throws an arm around his shoulders smiling lovingly at the strange man “Reunion can wait we really need to get out here.”
We all turn our attention back to the docks where a large number of navy officers have gathered combing the docks from top to bottom. Stede nods “Right. Come along everyone, get the rest of those stores below pronto.” The ship is a flurry of activity as the gang plank is raised and the sails unfurled. I remain tense till we are well out into the open sea, Izzy joins me at the prow, and I move so I can wrap my arms around his waist head resting on his shoulder “So how long has Ed been like this?”
Izzy chuckles leaning forward against the railing my arms atop his “Fair while.” I close my eyes breathing in the sea air enjoying the light breeze that ruffles Izzy’s hair “I’m sorry.” I open my eyes confused. “I thought you were behind us. I should have checked, should have been there for you.” I move my arms so they are wrapped around his chest and waist “Iz there is nothing you could have done. I don’t blame you for what happened.”
“You should.” His voice sounds so small it breaks my heart “I don’t, and neither should you. none of us knew what would happen, pirating ain’t a career known for its safety. The only thing I couldn’t stand was the fact I never got to say goodbye or tell you how much I love you or how much you mean to me.” he turns so we are face to face tears staining his cheeks which I brush away gently “Because I do love you Israel hands. Time has not changed that.”
“I love you too.” His lips are hesitant at first as they brush against mine before I draw him closer with a hand cupping his cheek. “Swear we won’t leave each other’s side ever again.” I grin “Till death do us part right?” he nods lips twitching into a small smile “Till death do us part.” I kiss him again deeper this time running my fingers through his hair while his dig into the front of my shirt pulling the two of us closer together. “This better not be a dream.” I chuckle tracing the star then the swallow tattooed on his neck “I promise its real.”
We remain together ignoring the rest of the crew who stare and whisper while we return to our previous position watching the water lapping the front of the boat while catching up on two years of tales more so from him than me catching me up on the strange crew, he has found himself with. Finally, we exhaust most topics and Izzy sighs heavily “They will want to talk to you.” I smile “I won you over, reckon I can deal with this lot.” His smile grows slightly before returning to his neutral expression “Let’s get this over with then.” We turn making our way to the centre deck the crew trying and failing to hide their curiosity. Ed saunters over grinning “You both look insanely happy. Hey, you got your ring back.” Izzy nods slightly tracing the silver band while Ed throws an arm around my shoulders “Everyone this is Y/N. Y/N this is my new crew, well our crew.” He grins at Stede “Lucius, Pete, John, Jim, Frenchie, Olowande, Roach, Swede, and Frenchie. You already know Ivan and Fang.” I nod slightly in greeting.
Olo waves while Swede looks confused “I thought they were dead.” I smile slightly “Nope.” Ivan grins “Good to have ya back.” Ed chuckles while Stede clumsily walks over stuttering over his words “Well then, how about you tell us a bit about yourself. We talk things through as a crew on this vessel. And I know I would like to know a bit more about you.” I frown “What’s there to know? I’m good with a sword, spent the last two years in a British jail cell, anyone hurts Izzy or my brother, and they get a knife in the gut.” Stede nods looking slightly alarmed “Right well I was thinking more along the lines of your favourite colour? Or perhaps hobbies?”
Izzy makes a sort of choked cough noise while I bite back a laugh “Your new to this aren't you?.” Stede beams “Yes, realatively. Now Roach is our resident cook and doctor, Izzy is first mate, Buttons is normally at the helm and Lucius is my scribe. I’m sure you will find your place soon enough; do you have any particular skills you feel may benefit the group?” Ed laughs “You kidding? They’re strong, fast, agile. Excellent with a sword and daggers, spent half their time up in the bloody rigging. Though two years out of action may have effected that.”
I grin reaching for one of my swords “Want to test that theory, Edward?” he draws his own sword spinning it artistically “Alright N/N.” Izzy sighs grumbling “You won’t beat them Ed.” I block every blow I may have been locked up for two years but that didn’t stop me from training in any way I could keeping up arm strength and agility. My muscles strain slightly but I grin putting more weight into my blows before knocking my brother to the ground sword pointed to his chest “Fuck. Really thought I could win that.” Grinning I haul him back to his feet “Don’t feel too bad about its Eddy.”
He groans rolling his eyes “Not that fucking name again.” I laugh clapping him on the back “Only if you piss me off, I promise.” The rest of the crew are grinning broadly while Ed claps me on the shoulder “So two years in prison ay?” I shrug eyes darkening “Don’t want to talk about it.”
“When did you get out?” I sigh running my thumb over my blade before sheathing it “Three days ago. I got to the coast this morning. Then you know the rest.” His face softens slightly “I’m sorry N/N.” I shrug brushing him off “It’s in the past, nothing you could have done. Just drop it.” he nods returning to his usual self “Well you catch up on some rest. Iz?” he nods motioning with his head, I follow into a small cabin immaculately tidy. A bunk along one wall just big enough for two, a writing desk, two storage chests and a small window “I kept all your stuff. Never could bring myself to getting rid of it.”
I turn pulling him into a tight hug the both of us dropping our shields “Thought of you every day.” He chuckles kissing me gently “I didn’t handle you leaving well.” I smile tugging of my jacket and laying it over the chair also removing my swords and boots “Let me guess you returned to your grouchy side.” He rolls his eyes “I’m always grouchy.” Laughing I sit on the bed pulling him down on top “Yea, but you have a grouchy side and then your super grouchy side. I know you Iz and I would have acted the same way.”
He sighs the two of us laying comfortably on the bed. He starts tracing the tattoos on my arms stopping at the largest on my bicep. An anchor with rope wrapped around it and a compass behind. “I remember when you got that.” I grin “Ed was acting all high and mighty that he got a tattoo so I had to get one that was bigger.” Izzy chuckles continuing up to my shoulder before moving to my other arm focusing on the inside of my wrist an anchor with roses wrapped around it “I regretted not getting mine more visible.”
I grin tracing the back of his shoulder blade where his own tattoo is etched. “We could get another one?” he laughs “Hmm maybe.” I shift slightly my shirt riding up “What’s that?” I freeze tugging my shirt back down “It’s nothing.” Sitting up he pushes my shirt back eyes turning cold as he examines the lines wrapping around my sides scars left from all the times the navy tried to get information out of me “Turn over.”
“Iz, I don’t think.” “Turn over.” slowly I turn almost glad I can’t see his expression as his fingers ghost over the skin. “I’m going to fucking kill them.” I turn back grabbing his hands “I’m okay Iz. I was worth more alive than dead, but they gave up trying to get information after eight months. ” I try and smile failing when Izzy looks so broken “Is your entire back…” I shrug “I have no idea. Probably. Could only see a small portion in the mirror.” Sighing I turn and pull of my shirt Izzy he traces up along the back “Fucking hell Y/N.”
“How’s my tattoo?” his hands freeze a chocked laugh coming from him “Sorry, just trying to make light of this.” His arms wrap tightly around my waist “I should have been there to protect you.” I relax into his warmth turning around so we are face to face. “Okay here’s what’s going to happen. We are going to move on from this, you are going to stop beating yourself up. I don’t blame you for anything. Look at me Iz,” he meets my eyes and I smile “Now pull yourself together. Neither of us are good with this sappy crap we can leave that to Ed and whatever him and the weird blonde have going on.”
A grin slowly spreads across his face “I don’t know what I did to deserve you Y/N Teach.” I grin rolling my eyes playfully “I love you Izzy Hands.” His mouth collides with mine the two of us falling back into the bed “We ever bump into the navy I’m slaughtering them all.” I grin kissing him again “If it makes you feel better, I already killed the two who did it.” He snorts kissing my cheek “Helps a little.” He flops onto my chest while I run my fingers through his hair.
3rd person P/O/V:
Ed walks out onto deck frowning “Anyone seen Iz?” the rest of the crew look around confused. Where is the angry man of a first mate? “Pete, Ivan? No one has seen him?”
“Nope.” “No.”
“Frenchie go check his cabin.” Frenchie nods and disappears below deck knocking gently on the door before peeking inside. Y/N and Izzy are sprawled on the bed in a tangle of limbs both sleeping soundly. Hastily Frenchie shuts the door and makes his way back to the deck “Both asleep captain.” Ed laughs “Sleeping? Really?” Stede smiles warmly “Well they have both been through rather a lot. Let’s leave them rest for a bit.”
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callofdudes · 1 year
✨COD as text messages✨ (incorrect quotes)
(may or may not scar you)
Soap: I need to go to the hospital.
Gaz: Why?
Soap: Everytime I close my eyes I can't see!
Gaz: Idiot.
Rudy: Wanna come over? No one's home 😏
Alejandro: Be there in a few minutes 😍
Rudy: K
Alejandro: I'm here where are you?
Rudy: I told you no one is home
Price: Hey do you have any condoms I could use? I really need one for tonight.
Soap: Captain?! WTF!! Do you realize who you just texted?
Price: Ya I know that I texted you son. And I also know that you have some. I need one is that ok? I don't want to make the same mistake again.
Soap: Is the mistake me?
Price: ...
Gaz: Dude what is your street name?
Soap: Lil Marco
Gaz: You live on a street called Lil Marco?
Soap: Ohhhh you meant my address?
Alejandro: How do you spell 'me'?
Rudy: ummm... M and E
Alejandro: You forgot the D
Rudy: There's no D in me...
Alejandro: ...I can fix that
Rudy: I'm blocking you
Nikolai: How was Price's surprise party?
Soap: it was great! We scared the cum out of him!!
Nikolai: Soap that's not funny.
Soap: omg! I'm so sorry I meant cum
Soap: NOOOO! I meant we scared the *CRAP out of Price!
Nikolai: ok because the other ones my job :)
Soap: ...
Alex: Dude how drunk was I last night?
Gaz: Well, at one point I convinced you to try and bite your own nose.....
Alex: Then what happened?
Gaz: You were rolling around on the floor for an hour screaming "ITS GETTING AWAY ITS GETTING AWAY!!!!!!"
Alex: I hate you more then words can express....
Soap: Simon there's a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it?
Soap: Pls hurry because I'm going to cry
Soap: Simon
Soap: Ghost!
Ghost: Ghost is dead. You're next. Love, Moth
Price: In a meeting
Price: In a meeting
Price: In a meeting
Price: In a meeting
Price: In a meeting
Laswell: Are you in a meeting?
Price: No, why?
Soap: You're so beautiful.
Soap: Let me take you out. I wanna get you a table at Liv
Soap: Boy I wanna write a song about us
Soap: What u want me to call it?
Ghost: Restraining Order
Alex: What does IDK, LY & TTYL mean?
Gaz: I don't know, love you, talk to you later.
Alex: OK, I will ask Farah
Price: How is practice going?
Ghost: Terrible I want to stab everybody here
Price: Okay just don't get any blood on your clothes
Ghost: You're a military captain you shouldn't be codoning this
Price: Don't tell me how to live my life
Soap: Dude
Soap: Buttholes are like pockets
Soap: Like you can store stuff up there
Soap: And keep it safe
Gaz: no they are not
Gaz: do not do that
Soap: Hey
Ghost: Hey
Soap: How are you
Ghost: I am fine. How about you?
Soap: I've been better
Soap: I'm actually really surprised you texted me
Ghost: You texted me
Price: Hi babe, what are you doing?
Nikolai: Nothing much, 'em really tired. Just going to sleep now babe. And you?
Price: In the club standing behind you
Gaz: So, I hear you like bad boys
Alex: Yea
Gaz: Well, I'm not trying to impress you or anything but my bedtime is 7:00, but I go to bed a 7:02!! WHAT NOW!!
Gaz: Idk, I just like living dangerously
Alex: MARRY ME!!!!
Soap: How could you?? I trusted you and you cheated on me!!!
Soap: Oh, sorry Simon That was meant for (guy)
Ghost: Oh.
Ghost: On a completely unrelated topic, have you seen my shotgun anywhere?
Nikolai: You got a letter.
Price: Ok.
Nikolai: From the bank, I think.
Price: Ok.
Nikolai: Tasted important.
Ghost: Come downstairs and talk to me please. I'm lonely.
Soap: Isn't Gaz there?
Ghost: Yes, but I like you more.
I don't know where this idea came from. I found a few funny screenshots that made me think of these guys so I went down a rabbit hole to make these. I'm sorry for any trauma these may have caused 😂. Let me know if you want to see more!
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nikirikistan · 10 months
Meeting him
~ jake ~
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝒊𝒅𝒐𝒍!𝒋𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒙 𝒊𝒅𝒐𝒍!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇
𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: 𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘 "𝑾𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒕 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅." 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒌-𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒃𝒔 𝒈𝒐 𝒕𝒐 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒑𝒍𝒆, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆.
a/n: your group name is dreamday, fandom name is dream.
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Your manager dropped you off near the Han river. You were really nervous as you waited for your 'husband' to arrive. You keep fidgeting around nervously, unable relax. You were facing the river unbeknownst to you a tall figure behind you.
"I see her" jake thought. As he slowly approaches you. He notices that your back looks familiar to him. He got closer and greets you slightly too loud "hey nice to meet you, i'm jake". He noticed you jump a little. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he apologised, attempting to hide his smile.
You heard someone introduce themselves at random and were taken aback by a smooth voice that quickly filled your ears.
"Hey, it's fine, I'm y/n nice to meet you as well," you smiled. "Oh Jake? I've heard that name. Are you in enhypen?" you say fangirling a bit but he doesn't need to know.
"I am, i also recognize you. y/n from dreamday!" he exclaims, fangirling as well.
"Right over there," you said, pointing to a picnic blanket in the distance, "I prepared our first date."
He sneakily slides his arm around your waist as the two of you walk. You feel your face burning up. He catches your face turning into a light pink and smiles too himself. You trying to hide your face with your hair unsuccessfully because of the wind.
You both arrived at the picnic area and sat down. He assists in opening the lunch boxes, which contained chocolate-covered strawberries, tiny sandwiches, and onigiri.
"Did you make all of this? I'm glad we're married," he murmured, looking at the dish with big heart eyes.
"Yea, do you like em'? I wasn't sure what you'd like to eat," you smiled as you saw his eyes widen. You thought it was cute.
"Yes, I love them, thank you y/n," he said, his smile as wide as ever. He hadn't had homemade meals for a while because he was always too busy, which meant getting takeaway or eating ramen.
After eating he pats his belly indicating that he's full. "Like a baby" you thought.
"Can i try something bold" he said nervously. 
"Sure?" you replied, waiting for him to go on. Before you could question why, he gently placed his head on your lap.
"Is this ok for you?" he said nervously.
"mhm hm" you just hummed not trusting your voice right now.
After a few minutes, he opens up his playlist and plays 'Let's Get Married by Vedo'. "What a coincidence," you thought to yourself.
Another minute has passed, and you're running your fingers through his hair.
"Your hair is so fluffy," you remarked.
"Thank you," he said, a cute F*CKING smile on his face.
"Would you like to go to the Sanrio store? I saw one just around the corner," he explained. You agreed. He assisted you in standing up grabbing your hand. You notice your hands are still linked as you walk to the store.
You were both wandering around the store when you were suddenly halted by a saleslady. "Hello, we're having a sale on rings, and if you buy two, you'll get a 10% discount," she explained.
"Should we go ahead and buy one?" You stated while staring at Jake, not realising he was thinking the same thing. He agreed, aggressively nodding his head.
"Let's start with your girlfriend," she remarked as she assisted me in selecting a ring.
"Wife," he corrected her.
"Oh, you're married? Wow, you're so young! Congratulations!" She was taken aback.
She then assisted Jake in selecting his ring. He couldn't decide between Hello Kitty and Kuromi, so he asked me to make the decision.
After ring shopping, it was time to wrap up the shoot and head home. We said our goodbyes and exchanged phone numbers.
The following day, both of you were scheduled to perform in Inkigayo. Jake's band was introducing a new song. When it was his turn to speak, he took the mic. Dreamday were the next group to introduce their song. You didn't say anything, but you did assist your members to pass the mic.
You went on SNS after the show and discovered that Engenes and Dreams were all tweeting about how you and Jake had similar rings. You wore the ring unaware that he would as well.
"JAKE!!!" While in the dressing room, Niki yelled. "Do you have matching rings with y/n?"
"Uhh, yeah, how'd you know?" Jake was perplexed. Niki hands him his phone, which were flooded with tweets about the couple rings.
You're both excited to see how 'We Got Married' is received by the public.
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a/n: couple rings on top <3
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mcrinmyhead · 25 days
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Hiya, my name's Dee or you can call me Dead! instead, cuz that's what my name is in Tumblr. I'm sixteen. I'm an Indian, so racists better fck off. I like to draw, sing and write songs and poems. I mainly post my art here and i have a sideblog too, which is @mcrinmyheart and idk what i post there :D. And when I say "art" I usually draw My Chem, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, Bring Me The Horizon and few other bands, but you can always leave a picture in the "ask me?" box if you really want me to draw something that you like :). Just make sure it isn't something s!utty, cuz my parents like seeing my sketchbook sometimes, haha.
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About me...
Name: Dead! / Dee
Age: 16
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: listening to music, art, singing, music bands, food, sleeping (I'm a very eepy person), travelling, reading, etc.
What kind of art do I do? Fanarts mainly.
Dislikes: peanuts (yea I don't like 'em, so if you know me irl and try to feed me peanuts, I'm gonna fcking stab you, you little shit), pedos, homophobic fcks, MSI apologists, basic DNIs, etc.
Am I single? Yes, and that's because I don't want to date anyone.
Music bands/artists I like:
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+ twenty one pilots, p!atd, bring me the horizon, glass animals, Bad Onens, etc. I also liked The 1975, The Nbhd, Joji, Driver The Era, Arctic Monkeys and Chase Atlantic before, so I really don't mind if you wanna talk about them too. I'm basically a music addict who has listened to a whole lotta music genres thru out my life. But I'm currently into rock music rn. Yeah I can't stop talking about music if I start.
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My favourites:
Books: Agatha Christie's books, Heartstopper, Five Feet Apart, The Fault in our Stars, Crime/Horror/Mystery books (there are many but I can't remember them), etc.
Movies: anything horror, mystery, crime, sci-fi, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, from the 2000s and 90s, etc. (How do people actually choose a favourite movie??)
Shows: Loki, Heartstopper, Young Royals, Marvel shows, etc. (i literally like all the shows I watch)
Albums: My top 10 rn (June 2024) are like- Three cheers for sweet revenge (my chem), POST HUMAN: NexGen (BMTH), XO (LeATHERMØUTH), The Black Parade (my chem), I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love (my chem), Clancy (Tøp), A Thousand Suns (Linkin Park), Danger Days (my chem), Folie a Deux (FOB), and Pretty. Odd. (P!ATD).
Colours: (Bury me in) Black, Blood Red and Lavender.
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Where else can you find me?
At home, in my room 95% of the time. Nah, just kidding.
Discord: mynamesblvrryface
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Tags I use:
My art: #art
Asks: #asks #asks <3
Scroll down for more facts about me...
Or don't. I really don't care.
Fun facts about me ^^:
I'm a really joyful, chaotic, kind, funny and a sweet person! :D (according to my frens)
Until and unless you get me on my nerves. Trust me, That's when I go insane.
If you know me irl, hi... Uh, I know I don't talk much in person but I'm sorry. That's just who I am. But if you want to be my friend, you can start by texting me lol.
I'm a music addict who likes to annoy people by talking about music bands 24/7.
I have an unhealthy obsession over My Chem.
I'm a huge nerd (according to every person in my class) and I like Math and Science (but I don't really talk about it unless you are someone who is into math and science as much as me).
I'm also a sarcastic and sassy person. So if my words ever offend you, I'm so sorry bbg. Deal with it.
I'm a vampire (I have fangs and I will bite you to suck that blood your body holds, RAHHH).
Other than drawing and singing, my hobbies are fangirling, sleeping, reading books, travelling and sometimes even cooking.
I might be surrounded by many people who I call my "friends," but in the end it's just four people who are actually my friends.
I'm mostly an introvert, but I'm an extrovert when I'm with my friend.
Yikes, this list is still going on!
I lived in Germany for two months along with my parents, but we moved back to India because I couldn't handle the bullying and all. But it was fun there, ngl. Having a new name was the worst part though (it was Diana, which I still use sometimes, and my aunts pronouncing it... was er... shit).
I suck at socializing btw.
But I like to annoy people at the same time.
Wait, does Tumblr have a word limit on a post?
Ah, yeah, I forgot to mention this but I'm a really curious person. I like trying out or experimenting on stuff. It's fun, okay?
I can be smart and an idiot at the same time B)
I write poems but I don't like showing them to others cuz I feel like they're stupid. Any tips on poetry from the poets of Tumblr?
I love cats. Cats or get tf out.
Am I annoying rn?
This was fun.
Alright, that's enough fckery for today. Farewell my little kittens <333
So long and good night!
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littlegeecko · 7 months
Thoughts on Carl x Flynn?
This is gonna be a long one so buckle up! some spoilers for METAPHOR, BENEFITS, Jenna's good ending and parts of Flynn's route
You already kno thats my shit fr fr lmao
But if i had to go in depth about em, i would point out many things, such as the way that both pretty much sway with each other effortlessly, their interactions feel natural and nice, and granted, theres no hanging tension on them compared to Flynn and everyone else in this fucking group.I think thats moreso a side effect to Carl being so chill tho, you just...vibe with him.
I think first and foremost they're good friends, and that's what they really need in a fucked up place such as Echo, people they can trust and be with without much conflict and be themselves, hell, Flynn states multiple times that Carl is the one thing keeping him sane in this town and giving him a reason to keep going on about his life there, and i dont doubt Carl feels the same by the way he reacts to Flynn possibly leaving (and he even steps up and says he'll go back to Pueblo after they escape Echo, promising to bring Flynn with him. So its not about "Stay here with me" like someone, it's "Anywhere as long you're there")
I can totally understand how people can see their relationship as platonic considering Flynn shows mannerisms with Carl that he shared with Sydney when young, and the fact it's implied Flynn and Syd viewed each other as brothers, but i think that's just how Flynn is; a protector, making sure the people he cares about are alright to the best of his abilities regardless of how fucked up the situation might be, keeping his head high and levered so the others can hang on to him- with some exceptions, of course.
Do I think they make a good couple? i believe yes!
Their presonalities could seem clashing for some but they make it work very well, and they attend each other's weaknesses, such as Flynn helping Carl on his anxiety an depression to the best of his abilities, and Carl allowing Flynn to open up about what's on his mind and being there for him when he needs him the most, and defending him given the chance, no strings attached. Those are their sore spots as characters, and they just make it work without it seeming toxic or one-sided, at least for me
They already have good chemistry as friends, and theres a growing feeling there if you pay attention to the small little things on almost each route when it comes to them, blink and u miss it type stuff, until u get to Flynn's route and its straight up longing for each other: Carl shows jealousy for Flynn talking about Chase and what transpired between em, but he doesn't intervene (Perhaps his own low self-steem?) because he still cares for Flynn's happiness. And Flynn on the other hand is looking for a meaningful emotional relationship, and literally all the interactions he has with both Chase and Leo are turbulent and bring in a new layer of issues to the friend group, this doesn't happen with Carl, he even says he's happy to have this loser around- wishes he could sit beside him in Leo's van- and even indirectly asks him about his feelings about him ("If this wasn't real...is there anything you want to tell to not-real me?")
LIKE YOU TWO ARE SO DOWN FOR EACH OTHER IT MAKES YOU BOTH LOOK STUPID!!! and the part where they talk in Flynn's room??? JENNA'S REACTION? CARL'S REACTION??!??!?! you won't see me shutting up about it. The fact characters keep interrupting them on those moments is just so telling
and man if i had to go in depth about Flynn's route when it comes to Carl uguhhhhhhuhuuhufhdsjfsj rips my hair out
But yea, i love them as a couple, they bounce off each other and vibe together so well, and i think they can both help each other become the best versions of themselves once they leave Echo, together. Thats why i like Jenna's Good ending so much, at least there, theres a promise of them actually getting to that point in their relationship, and living together comfortably (like the waffle house scene....im obsessed, ill never be the same...)
Extra notes!
The fact Flynn fell for Carl despite him not fitting the type of guys he likes to bang just tells me he's genuinely interested in him for his feelings, personality and the way Carl treats him
Carl caring MORE about Flynn leaving than him possibly having something with Chase because he feels thats how he could genuinely loose him guughhhhhgugh
I wish they kissed at least once womp
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judesmoonbeauty · 4 months
The Past Records: Ellis & Jude Chapter 4
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere.
Translation notes are marked with ***
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At Liam's suggestion, we decided to teat Jude and Ellis.
Liam: In the end, what you're worried about is if they won't betray the Crown and sell the information somewhere, right?
Liam: If that's the case, why not leave some important documents around and see what happens?
Harrison: So, where did you leave them at?
Liam: I put a list of targets I’ve eliminated in the hallway in front of Jude’s room. 
Harrison: That’s too obvious.
Liam: There’s no point if it’s not noticed, right?
While we were having this conversation, Jude showed up in the dining room.
Liam: Ah, Good morning, Jude!
After glancing at Liam's bright smile that captivated everyone, Jude threw the documents in front of Liam.
Liam: Eh? Wow, I was looking this, thank you………
Jude: This is confidential information, right? 
Liam: Yea, I was just crying to Harry about what to do because Victor would be furious if he found out.
Jude: Look for ‘em before ya cry.
Liam: Ah-ha, right? Thanks for picking it up for me.
Jude: If I expose this to the outside world, it’ll be the end for ya and Crown, right?
Liam: !
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Jude: People who can’t keep secrets shouldn’t speak.
Liam: Yea….ok, I’ll be careful. 
Liam: He left. 
Liam: What should I do, Harry, I think he hates me?
Harrison: No, he’s always had that kind of attitude. Don’t get discouraged.
Liam: But just now, wasn’t that a warning, “Don’t put the Crown at risk”?
Harrison: That’s what it sounds like. 
Liam: The fact that not only did he return the documents, but also gave a proper warning means bonus points for trustworthiness.
Harrison: Well, maybe it was worth it for you to be hated.
Liam: Ah, so you do think he hates me after all!
That night - 
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Ellis: Oh, it’s Harrison. 
Harrison: Oh, it’s you. How unusual for you at this hour.
Ellis: I thought I'd have something to drink before going to bed. Did you have a tough mission Harrison? 
Ellis: Shall we make a sweet cocktail? I heard from Liam that you have a sweet tooth.
Without waiting for a response, Ellis took things out of the shelf, deftly made a grasshopper, and handed it to me.
Harrison: Are you a bartender or something? Mmm...Tasty.
Ellis: I’m glad.
Harrison: Liam was working so hard, so it wouldn't be fair if I didn't get dirty too.
Ellis: Did you say something?
Harrison: No, not really. You’re pretty skilled….
Ellis: Really?
Harrison: Moreover, you were kind from our first meeting with everyone. 
Harrison: So……that’s why I’m a little suspicious of you. 
Ellis: ?
Harrison pulled a gun from his pocket and placed it on the table.
Harrison: I've been following you and Jude for the past few days. On top of that, if I say I want to play a game with you, will you play along?
Ellis: Game? 
Harrison: Oh. The rules are simple. 
Harrison: There's not a single bullet in there.
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Harrison: If you can trust my word, and pull the trigger six times at your own head, you win.
Ellis: Six times to the head. 
Harrison: If you have nothing against us, you can do it, right?
Ellis: Yeah, okay…
Ellis quickly picked up the gun and nimbly pulled the trigger at least six times, click, click, click, without hesitation.
Harrison: Wha-
Ellis: Do I win?
Harrison: Uh, yea. 
Ellis: Do you have one less thing to worry about?
Harrison: Haha.
Harrison: There was no hesitation.
Ellis: There isn’t. Because you’re kind Harrison.
Ellis: You wouldn't use live ammunition to test someone.
Ellis: Am I wrong?
Harrison: In other words, you’re saying I didn’t fool you enough?
Ellis: Hmm…..maybe that’s the case.
Harrison: So just because you pulled the trigger without hesitation, doesn't prove that there's nothing wrong.
Ellis: Yeah. So, your worries aren’t less?
Harrison: No.
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Harrison: I'm not so cynical as to continue to doubt someone who's trusted me so much.
Ellis: Good. Well, let’s have another toast, shall we?
Harrison: Should I do it?
Green cocktail glasses clinked each other and a light sound was heard.
And so, a few days later -
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William: How's the investigation going?"
Harrison: Well, I guess things are going well. I've come to most of my conclusions.
Harrison: I’ve finished the proofreading work, and I’m thinking of starting on the report.
William: Alright, then I guess you didn't need this information.
Harrison: Information? 
William: I asked Jude and Ellis if I could take on their first mission tonight, but they declined because they had work commitments.
William: What do you think?
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Elbert: If it's the middle of the night, most of the business partners are probably asleep, but what kind of work do they do?
Alfons: Oh! This is a suspicious situation.
Alfons: Frankly, I don't care if it's white or black, but it sounds like fun, so let's tail them to see what they're up to.
Harrison: Is it necessary now…?
Liam: Harry, actually….
Harrison: What?
Liam: When I was trying to figure out what they were planning to do together, there was something that struck me as a little odd.
Liam: I went to the port in the middle of the night….. It looked like Jude was checking something out around the warehouse he was renting.
Roger: Maybe it's some kind of inspection or something.
Liam: But… There's been a rumor that some bad guys who just got out of prison have been coming in and out of there lately.
Alfons: I think I heard that story somewhere...I forget where though.
Harrison: I get it, I get it.
Harrison: Ok, so this is the final test.
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wintersshowers · 8 months
(trust me its gonna be so good)
My thoughts on “crush” by Ethel Cain and The Raven Cycle (because my niche right now is rereading the raven cycle for the first time in 4 years and I just happened to see Ethel live and I cannot stop connecting them) 
As a prelude to my lyric/quote breakdown… Ethel Cain is a trans woman who writes hauntingly beautiful music.. She is religious and from the south, which is a HUGE part of why it is so undeniably apparent to me that she can be connected to specifically RONAN (gay catholic from the south with his barn house). Her music is so amazing and she is an awesome story teller so I hope you give her a listen.
Her most popular song CRUSH is so goddam Ronan and Adam I had to write this because I needed to put it somewhere. 
“His window's already passed, so he's shooting at the glass
Keeping guns in his locker, and he denies it
Like it's actually important, but he lied 'cause I sure did watch him
Showing up wearing black, and he knows that” 
His daddy's on death row, but he'll say it with his chest, though”
This is just very Ronan angst i don't feel like i need to explain.. 
“His friends move dope, he hasn't tried coke
But he's always had a problem saying no”
OKKK soooooo lets get into the the dream thieves helloooo 
Yes Kavinsky and Ronan’s relationship is very hard to define but whatever it is he takes up a lot of his time in dream thieves.. And he loves coke (or whatever the hell he dreamt up)… and Ronan is VERY BAD at saying no when it comes to any sort of challenge from Kavinsky.
“Can you read my mind? I've been watching you.”
“As they moved through the old barn, Adam felt Ronan’s eyes glance off him and away, his disinterest practiced but incomplete. Adam wondered if anyone else noticed.”
“Adam finally sat down on one of the pews. Laying his cheek against the smooth back of it, he looked at Ronan. Strangely enough, Ronan belonged here, too, just as he had at the Barns. This noisy, lush religion had created him just as much as his father's world of dreams; it seemed impossible for all of Ronan to exist in one person. Adam was beginning to realize that he hadn't known Ronan at all. Or rather, he had known part of him and assumed it was all of him.
The scent of Cabeswater, all trees after rain, drifted past Adam, and he realized that while he'd been looking at Ronan, Ronan had been looking at him.”
“When he opened his eyes, he saw that Ronan was looking at him, as he had been looking at him for months. Adam looked back, as he had been looking back for months.”
“Couldn't fight to save your life, but you look so cool”
“I’ve watched the evening news, Adam,” Gansey snapped. “Why don’t you let Ronan teach you to fight? He’s offered twice now. He means it.” With great care, Adam folded the greasy rag and draped it back over a toolbox. There was a lot of stuff in the carport. New tool racks and
calendars of topless women and heavy-duty air compressors and other things Mr. Parrish had decided were more valuable than Adam’s school
uniform. “Because then he will kill me.”
“Good men die too, oh, I'd rather be with you, you, you”
“See, Adam Parrish is wantable, worthy of a crush, not just by anyone, someone like Ronan, who could want Gansey or anyone else and chose Adam for his hungry eyes.”
HELLOOOOOOOOo are u kidding…. 
1st Gansey is the definition of a “good man”
2nd Adam is OBSESSED WITH THIS the whole damn series and is constantly attempting to model himself/who he wishes he was after gansey 
3rd to tie it all together… the whole series its like oh yea gansey is about to die (along with everyone else if we are being real) 
“I owe you a black eye and two kisses
Tell me when you wanna come and get 'em”
PLEASEEEEEE like this is MY WAY of describing the ANGST and SLOWWWWWburn of their relationship. When I hear her sing this I cannot help but giggle and kick my feet because of how amazingly it fits. 
“I only want him if he says it first to me”
"It was Adam’s ribs under Ronan’s hands and Adam’s mouth on his mouth, again and again and again. It was stubble on his lips and Ronan having to stop, to get his breath, to restart his heart. They were both hungry animals, but Adam had been starving for far longer.”
We all know the Ronan longing and it being a HUGE secret that he likes Adam... and Adam like knows and its like lol embarrassing (as if he isn't down bad as well)
ADAM is like oblivious to the legitimacy of his feelings until ronan gives him a little kissssss and then it's like he is all like “what is love” 
“He looks like he works with his hands, and smells like Marlboro Reds”
HELLOOOOOo this is so adam are u kidding
“Ronan crossed his arms to wait, just looking. At Adam's fine cheekbones, his furrowed fair eyebrows, his beautiful hands, everything washed out by the light. He had memorized the shape of Adam’s hands in particular: the way his thumbs jutted awkwardly, boyishly; the roads of prominent veins; the large knuckles that protruded from his long fingers. In dreams Ronan put them to his mouth.” 
“Adam twisted off the lid. Inside was a colorless lotion that smelled of mist and moss. Replacing the lid with a frown, he turned the container over, looking for more identifying features. On the bottom, Ronan's handwriting labeled it merely: manibus. For your hands.”
“Something's been feeling weird lately
There's just something about you, baby (there's just something about you, baby)
Maybe I'll just be crazy (I'll be crazy)
And piss him off 'til he hates me
Yeah right, he fucking loves me”
…… do i even need to say anything??
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marcushocus · 10 months
-Oklahoma is native you can’t change my mind‼️
-he hates school because he was forced to go to a reservation school (for reference reservation school’s basically tried to erase native culture. Cut their hair, forced em to speak English, etc.)
-he has hair like down to his ankles, ohh it’s long long
-he can speak multiple native languages, even some dead languages
-he has a twin sister because before he was Oklahoma he was the ‘twin territory’s’ her name is Sequoyah because that’s the state she wanted to be, but she got rejected 😔
-he’s veryy overprotective of his tribes, because of what Gov did to them
-one of the few states that have a alive family and healthy(ish) family
-his family is the tribes
-sometime in like the 1910s Florida pranked Oklahoma by doing the lil hair dye trick. Oklahoma still hasn’t gotten the chance to cut it off, so now he has a lil bit of pink at the tips.
-strictly does not drink, (go look at a map for reference ) but for sure smoke weed.
-bros for sure bi-polar. I mean not even with weather, but with literally everything. Bros history is just straight-up bi-polar.
-one day he woke with a cat in his bed. He didn’t own a cat at the time. Now he does.
-he was literally legally blind at a time during the dustbowl, he should probably wear glasses now buttt he doesn’t wanna look stupid 🥲 (idiot)
-bros brutally honest. Like meanly honest
-bros got trust issues. Very badd trust issues. Like the Government broke well over 500 treaties with his people. Like good lord 🤠
-he’s the typa person to put his hair through the hole in the back of the hat, but it’ll still fall off (I worded that weirdly my b)
-bird cause why not? Specifically scissor-tail.
-I feel like he has ADHD but is undiagnosed. Like he also knows he probably has it, but he doesn’t wanna know yk?
-yk how him and Texas hate each other? I feel like they’re used to being around each other though so they unconsciously get close w/o talking (sorry it’s the Ok/Tx in me talking 😔)
-bros got hella endurance- cause yea
-he could for sure fly an airplane, but can’t drive a car at alllll💀
-one time he passed put during a meeting during a bad tornado, and everybody just sat there stunned for a second or two.
-We all agree the states can’t die right? (I think figured out sometime in the 70s/80s, cause Gov thought they already knew lmao.) cause I think this dumbass actually died a few times before they all knew, but he thought he passed out lol. Same thing w/ TX
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