#yea this is mine lol clearly there’s a pattern
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texaschainsawmascara · 4 days ago
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I feel like these choices r relatively normal
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feathersketchcreations · 1 year ago
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I realized I have NEVER ever done an art of Remi, and Blitz meeting Tiziri it's... honestly a scenario that could of ended violently. basically Remi and Blitz are on edge because that SAME night before nightfall they were escaping to the living world to safety on a deserted island. only to be faced with the cherub cleetus, who, in revenge, uses an exterminator spear to kill one of their implings Squiple. (The one in remi's arms)
she was only reserected because collin (who my bf and I headcanon wouldnt do things for revenge. we feel like he'd do what charlie is doing for the happy hotel. we feel like collin would try to do good deeds further to be welcome back in heaven.) so he uses what little cherub magic he has to heal Squiples body, and remi and blitz have to feed her a reserection potion they bought from Remis friend harlow.
Squiple was brought back, but at a cost of her healthy youth. she is weakened due to her soul at a constant state of rejecting her physical body which is still tainted by the essence of the holy wound she once had before being healed. this causes her to wheeze, and have SEVERE horrid chest pains that could lead to death potentially if her breathing isn't controlled.
Remi and blitz are up alot at night to help guide Squiple with deep breaths. it's kinda precious but also sad. ;;
Gotta love the angst lol
But anyway. yea.
because of what happened with squiple, that same night when they meet Tiziri, they are on edge RIGHTFULLY so. only to find out tiziri is a gentle loner. she tries to keep to herself
Only for blitz and Remi to find her species to be kinda fascinating, especially since she litterally glows so damn bright she can light up her own path and see where shes going. (shes a moonlight imp which they've never seen at this point up until now. moonlight imps have bioluminescent markings and patterns that glow. so do their horns. but their horns have a more concentrated bioluminescence that makes them glow BRIGHT.)
Sooo yyyea after it was basically safe to go back to hell, they pester tiziri to let them stay at her place in the sloth ring to hide out, but tiziri doesnt allow this CLEARLY lol
ooonly for blitz and remi to stalk, and sneakily follow her to her place in the sloth ring (kinda like what blitz litterally does in the show to M&M lmaoo) aaand yea. Tiziri basically gets stuck with them.
Only for tizzy to start getting a crush on Remi.. to which blitz opens up to the idea of a poly relationship with the three. y e e t.
Art (c) mine all ocs in this art (c) mine Moonlight imps (c) me and Regan Noble Blitz and Helluva boss (c) vivz
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tjlikesprettythings · 4 years ago
Walls and Doors
Lol I’m back! I’ve been struggling to write macriley but here is a bit of something I threw together after watching 5x11.  Walls take time to build even the metaphorical ones. And he just always thought that they had one between them, keeping them in check of who they were, what they needed to mean to each other. Their work, their friendship, and their team dynamics, each a brick in that wall, but while that wall was being built he didn’t leave a possibility in his calculations that there was room for a door in this wall. That there was a chance she might feel the same as he did.
Sitting across from her as she told him, it was over, all those things the wall was made of still stood and made him feel even more empty. She was right, he was about to propose to Desi, he was going to take the leap. And now that leap just didn’t seem right. He knew Desi was a big part of why she was telling him to let it go. 
Because he didn’t believe her when she said the feelings were gone. It wasn’t easy to get rid of because when he told her emotions weren’t a science he was speaking from experience. He didn’t push her any further on the matter, as the the serial numbers on the nano bugs became the forefront of their discussion during their ride back home.
When they were back home, and debriefed, Mac and Desi met each other in the halls. “Mission went well huh?” he asked, confirming what she had already let him know. 
Desi stuck her hand in her jean pockets and nodded, “yea, lot of detours, but mission success. Guess you and Riley did well too?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “ah yea, as well as it can go anyway.”
Desi nodded, they had agreed to forget the last 24hrs from the last mission, another 24hrs later it felt as if they were standing still. If she were being, it felt like they were stagnant for a while now. Running in circles around each other but never moving forward together. 
“Good, good, so you wanna come over?” He asked looking down at her. 
Desi pressed her lips together exhaling, “yea sure.”
He and Desi sat across from each other on his couch beers in hand, things just felt awkward again. Desi took a shaky breath before she let loose a chuckle. “We keep finding ourselves in this situation, huh?” she asked.
Mac raised his head to look at her, swallowing the beer in his mouth to fully look at her. Desi shrugged, “you and I are like those people who keep getting pulled in only to get flung across the room because at the end of the day we don’t really fit.”
He didn’t expect her to say any of this, though all of it was true. “Desi-I...I’m sorry.”
She shook her head and bit her lip, “I think we’ve both known for a while this wasn’t working. We fell into the pattern, it was easier to try to salvage this than to be alone. This job, what we do, it takes so much from us and I think at the end of the day being with someone who gets is kind of leverages whether or not we’re actually good for each other.”
“So I guess this is you saying you don’t want to marry me?” he joked. Though deep down there was a relief that was spreading across his body, and he hated that he was part of the reason they reached this point. 
Desi laughed as she sat back on the couch. “This is me saying, stop being an ass Angus. Go tell her you want her, that the person that fits you is her.” -she sighed and took a swig of her beer, “don’t waste anymore time.”
“Kind of weird, but this maybe the first time we actually talked about things clearly.” And he was genuinely sad about this, somewhere down the line he just forgot how to be himself or to say what he wanted or needed. 
“We were trying to hide behind each other,” she placed the beer bottle on the coffee table, “Riley, she’s one of a kind, I can’t be mad at her for her feelings. Besides, I think I stepped in the middle of you two.”
Desi did think about the dynamic between Riley and Mac, especially after codex, the way she ran after him, the way he reacted to meeting Aubrey, and of course she wondered if he could’ve ever done what he did to her to Riley. She didn’t think so, but then again she supposed he wouldn’t have to because Riley knew him in a different way, she had this unshakeable trust in him and that had Desi questioning why didn’t she? 
It wasn’t much of a shock for her to hear those recordings, honestly, it was kind of a relief. She and Riley started to build a real friendship, the kind she hasn’t had in years. A genuine ride or die, and that was another factor in why she understood that she was the block, the wall that kept them apart, because she had the opportunity to see just how much Riley was the other half of Mac. 
“I’m sorry,” Mac said again, because he really was. “I never meant to hurt you, or put you in the middle.”
“You didn’t put me in the middle, I kind of just walked into it.” Desi said looking him in the eye. She pursed her lips then she smiled, “It doesn’t matter now, let’s end this here.” -she stood and rubbed her hands on her thighs. 
Mac followed her, putting his own beer bottle down, he stepped up to her and held his arms open. Desi stepped into them and closed her eyes, an amicable end. When they pulled away, she smiled at him again and he at her. It felt like they were seeing each other for the first time.
“Thank you.” Mac said, because they did have some good times, they did have meaningful moments, and now she gave him the way to open the door to Riley, or at least the tools he needed to try to pick the lock.
She nodded and headed towards the door. “Seriously Mac, don’t be stupid.”
Mac laughed, “I’ll try my best.”
Her eyes softened for a second then, she walked out of the door, leaving him staring after the closed door. One closed, but another would open, or at least he hoped it would. 
So here he was again knocking on her door, the difference being this time he knew exactly what he wanted and he hoped she felt the same and would open up and be honest. When she opened the door it again hit him, that he’d been incredibly stupid up until now. 
“Mac…” Riley said, there was an exhaustion behind her eyes and he did feel guilty because he knew that it had partly to do with him pushing her.
Mac held up his hand, “before you say anything, hear me out.” he said, watching as her shoulder shagged with defeat. He didn’t ask her to let him in or try to invade her space; he stood on what he considered neutral grounds in the hall way of her apartment complex.
 “I’m not ok with keeping the door closed. I feel so stupid Riles, I should’ve said something a long time ago. I just never let myself get past the fear, the fear that you might not feel the same and that would make you uncomfortable around me if you knew. That year and half we didn’t talk, I was going crazy, because there isn’t anyone I want to tell my secrets, fears and thoughts to more than you.” He ran a hand through his hair, something he did when he needed to center himself. 
His eyes connected with hers again, watched as her swallow and that gave him the fuel he needed. “My feelings didn’t go away. I buried them, I distracted myself, and I thought I accepted that you would never feel the same and then used work, friendship and team dynamics as an excuse to build that wall between us.” 
Just like he suspected she was doing now, hell she said as much on the plane ride back. But those excuses meant nothing right now. Because they could make it work if they wanted, they were better because they were friends, because they understood each other. She already meant the world to him.
He took a deep breath, “you asked me what I wanted from you, I don’t want the door to disappear or close forever, I want a chance.”
Riley inhaled sharply as her eyes glazed, she gripped her door hard to keep from letting her emotions take the best of her. But Mac wasn’t done apparently as he took just one step towards her. 
“I think your feelings aren’t gone, because mine aren’t and I need to know, is there a chance?” He asked softly, his eyes searching her face. He hadn’t listened to his gut for a long time, and right now his gut was telling him that she definitely felt the same. 
She didn’t know what to say, her mind ran from Desi, to how this would affect their work to their friendship. What if it all crashed and burned?! She’d lose him forever, and he’d hate her for stepping in the way of him and Desi. 
“Oh my god, give him a chance will ya? Look at the poor slub!” they both turned with raised brows at the voice which belonged to Riley’s neighbor Mrs. Decker, who apparently was about to take her dog out for a walk when she encountered Mac’s confession. “My Stan, he was my best friend. You won’t lose anything if it’s real.”
Mac chuckled, and then looked at Riley, “what do you say?”
Mrs. Decker rolled her eyes, “Come on now Riley! Tell him that you want him too. We can see it on your face honey.” as if her little Jack Russell agreed he also barked once for Riley to admit her feelings. 
What could she say, there was a part of her that was screaming to say, yes, but then there was the part that was scared of what it could mean and how it would hurt Desi, so she voiced it. “Desi-”
Mac cut her off by shaking his head, “we ended things, she-uh she told me not to be stupid. So here I am not being stupid.”
Riley swallowed the lump in her throat, they stared at each other and after a moment, they realized that Mrs. Decker was still standing and watching them expectantly. “Mac…”
“Just kiss her already!” Mrs. Decker said impatiently. 
Mac turned to the older woman and gave her a small smile, while he appreciated the cheerleading, it was getting a bit weird. But maybe she had a point, that maybe he needed to cross that threshold for Riley to see that they did make sense, that this could work. “Hi, Ma’am thank you for the support. Do you mind giving us a minuet?”
Mrs. Decker sighed and pulled her Jack Russell away, mumbling “come on Benji, let these two idiots figure things out alone.” When they were out of ear shot, Mac looked at her with raised brows. 
“Is she always so nosy?”
Riley couldn’t help but giggle at the antics of Mrs. Decker, and in her distraction he missed Mac stepping up close to cup her face. She looked up at him, his face was just an inch from hers. “You can slap me after,” he said before his lips were on hers. 
Her hands which gripped her door like a lifeline, dropped and slowly came to hold his wrists. Her eyes closed as she opened her mouth to return his kiss. emotions weren’t a science, you can’t control how you felt. 
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destinyc1020 · 4 years ago
Omg y’all antis just stop with the infatuation, it’s really getting too much 🤮 they know each other veryyy well, they’re best friends ( tom’s words not mine 😇) and plus if it was just infatuation do you really think they would have lasted almost 3 years together? May I add, in a long-distance relationship! No one is putting that much effort in a relationship if it’s just infatuation, y’all the nonsense, like Robert Pattinson once said: the delusions! 🙄
Just admit that you’re mad cause tz are close again and might be together again and you ain’t liking it
Yea, with antis it's always SOME excuse lol 🙄
First it was... "they're not dating! They're JUST friends!" (Cue Tom coming out of Z's house with luggage, and talking about his GIRLFRIEND who he's dating and spotted with in NYC😏)
Then when it became SUPER OBVIOUS that they had broken up and their patterns changed drastically, and they started hanging out with OTHER ppl of the opposite sex all of a sudden 🙄... then Antis came up with other delusional theories and excuses lol....
"It's one-sided!" (And yet, Z invites Tom, her EX, to a Thanksgiving dinner with her mom and friends, even though he clearly had other options)
"They're sooo depressed in Atlanta" (They've been nothing but similes the entire time lol 😆)
"Tadia is still dating!" 🙄
"Maybe Z is dating Timmy!"
"Maybe Hunter and Z are dating!" (Then Tom follows Hunter... 😏)
"Maybe Tom is into Hunter!?" (Yea, like he'd openly be trying to thirst over his EX's bestie... as if Tom has no other choices in women in his life 🙄)
"Tom and Z hate each other, and have already split up again..." (Now TONS of interviews of Tom and even Z speaking nothing but great things about each other... having a blast on set together, etc... Sam JUST followed Tom)
"It's just infatuation!" 🙄
Like....Don't y'all get TIRED of being WRONG?? 🥴
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