#yea START TALKING BOI; what he thought about the lesson today; about the food at the canteen today; about the silly thing ace did today
ryllen · 3 months
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helnjk · 4 years
In a Crowd of Thousands - Part 1 // F.W.
Fred Weasley x fem!reader
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Word Count: 3.3k
Summary: You never really forget your childhood love. For Princess Y/N of Diagon, hers came in the form of a boy whose dream it was to start a business and support his family. As it goes, life–and her duty to her kingdom–had gotten in the way. She longed to see him again, to see the success she was sure he had achieved. Luckily, fate was on her side.
Warnings: food mention
A/N: yay she’s finally here ! i hope you enjoy part 1, i’d love to hear what you think ! xx 
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At seven years old, Princess Y/N of Diagon loved how limitless the castle seemed to be. In fact, most of what she knew about the world she lived in came from the different parts of the castle. 
Flowing dresses and shining jewels belonged in the ballrooms, where many adults often mingled to the soft music of a four piece orchestra. Table manners were strictly followed in the grand dining hall, where the difference of a utensil came in the form of its placement beside the plate. Lessons on etiquette and too many sweets from Minnie were taken in the library, where afternoons were spent basking in the sunlight that filtered through the high windows and highlighted the dust that floated around the room. 
But what Y/N loved most about the place she lived and grew up in was that it was limitless in its hiding places. 
Today, she had taken a trip to the lower floors of the castle and was immediately taken by the hustle and bustle going on around her. What garnered her interest the most, though, was the tantalizing smell wafting through the hallways. Stumbling through the many bodies that littered the busy space, Y/N made her way towards where she assumed the smell was coming from. 
She could feel the curious–and somewhat concerned–gaze of the servants she passed, but there were more important things keeping her attention. 
“Bill, love, I’m going to need you to go out and chop some wood for the fires, the stock is cutting a little bit low today. Charlie, you need to go gather some more eggs from the chickens today,” a strong voice called out from one of the rooms. 
Y/N’s head peeked through the doorframe to see the organized chaos that she assumed was the kitchens. At the center of it all was a woman with fiercely red hair all tied up on top of her head and an apron wrapped around her waist, giving out orders left and right. 
The princess nearly jumped out of her skin when she realized that the woman had stopped talking and was looking in her direction with a raised eyebrow. 
“Hello there, darling,” she smiled softly, “You’ve wandered a little far from your afternoon lessons, haven’t you?” 
Y/N felt the tips of her ears heat up at being caught, but nonetheless she stepped into the kitchen and said, “I’m sorry. It just smells so good in here, I couldn’t help it.” 
The lady beamed with pride at the compliment and beckoned the princess over, “Come, you can help me cook this afternoon. I have reason to believe that I’m making the princess’ favorite meal today.” 
Throughout her stay at the kitchens, Princess Y/N learned quite a few things. One, Molly Weasley was quite possibly the best cook in the whole kingdom. Two, she knew that the red hair and pale skin seemed so familiar, and now she could finally put a face to the name whenever Fred would mention his mother. And three, the kitchens would always be a sanctuary for the young princess if she so desired to skip her lessons with Minerva. 
Speaking of Y/N’s lovely governess, she appeared at the lower floors of the castle just as the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon. 
“Y/N!” Minerva chastised as she crossed the threshold into the kitchens. 
Her young ward froze up at the sound of her voice and she slowly turned around to face the older woman, “Oh, hello Minnie!” 
Molly looked on at the interaction with amusement shining in her eyes, but did not interfere. Instead, she continued on with plating the dishes she and Y/N had made, humming a soft tune under her breath. 
“Dear child, you have no idea what has been going on in your absence,” Minnie sighed, pulling the young princess into her arms and Y/N thought she heard a tinge of relief in her voice, “The Queen almost sent out a search party for you!” 
“Well that would’ve been awfully silly of them to do,” Y/N mused, “Why would I ever leave the castle if it’s full of nice people and good food?” 
“Yes, well, that’s exactly what I told her.” 
An amused sound escaped Molly’s otherwise unbothered facade and both the princess and her governess turned to look at her. 
“I can see now why my dear Freddie’s taken quite a liking to you, princess,” the cook explained, a small smile gracing her gentle face. 
“Yes, she is quite a character, isn’t she?” Minnie rolled her eyes playfully. 
At nine years old, Princess Y/N thought she had a good grasp on the inner workings of her home. 
With the help of her best friend and favorite redhead, she discovered secrets and passages in the royal grounds that she never dreamt of finding. Because of her unlikely friendship with him, she knew her way around most of the places she wasn’t really supposed to be making her rounds in.
The morning she was up before her chambermaid arrived, she had the crack in the curtains to thank. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Y/N went to shut the drapes closed just so that she could get some more sleep in, but the sight of outside her window gave her pause. The misty fog that shrouded the grounds and the slowly rising sun peeking through the clouds created such a beautiful sight that the young princess couldn’t help but want to be a part of the beauty. 
Making a snap decision, Y/N threw on one of her coats over her nightgown and donned a pair of her sturdier boots before slipping out of her room. 
If the palace grounds looked stunning from her bedroom window two floors up, it was even more magical up close. As she trudged through the perfectly trimmed grass and moved between the manicured flower bushes, she admired how the fog seemed to glide with her. 
Eventually, she found herself unconsciously walking towards the stables. Ever since her friendship with Fred Weasley began there, it had held a special place in her heart. That morning was no different. 
“Hello gorgeous,” she whispered to one of the chestnut haired mares, stroking her nose gently. The creature gave a soft huff as if in reply and the young girl grinned widely. 
Some shuffling towards the end of the stables caught her attention and she made her way down the stalls. A smile immediately made its way onto Y/N’s face when she spotted the familiar head of red hair. Fred’s back faced her as he worked on stacking the piles of hay. 
“Freddie!” she exclaimed, her feet rushing up to meet him, “I can’t believe you’re up this early! Well, I can’t believe I’m up this early but–”
At the sound of her voice, Fred had spun around quickly to face her. His expression was that of someone who had just been caught misbehaving and it confused the princess. Fred’s eyes looked her up and down and he visibly gulped. 
“P-princess!” he stammered. He bent down into a low bow–something Y/N had never seen him do before–and said, “To what do I owe the honor of speaking with you this morning?”
“The honor?” Y/N laughed, “Freddie are you alright? You’re acting weird. You’ve never bowed to me before, you don’t need to! It’s just me.” 
“Mother always said to bow in the presence of royalty,” he shrugged. 
Before Y/N could reply, Fred simply went back to methodically stacking the bales of hay. She could see the tension in his shoulders as he did so, though, and she was left absolutely puzzled. She tried to think of anything she had done recently for him to be this frigid around her, but her mind came up blank. 
“Fred?” she asked tentatively, stepping toward him slowly, “Are you alright? Did I do something?” 
“Everything is alright, princess.” He sent a tentative smile over his shoulder. 
With a huff, Y/N turned on her heel and made the decision to just spend some more time with the horses. At least they had the courtesy of acting like they enjoyed her company. Granted, she gave them carrots to snack on and they naturally drifted towards food, but that wasn’t the point. 
By the time the sun was fully up in the sky and leaking through the small cracks in the walls, Y/N knew it was time to trudge back up into the castle. They were surely looking for her by now. Sighing, she clutched her coat tighter around herself and made one last glance at the redheaded boy who was supposed to be her best friend. 
“I’m going now, Freddie,” she called out, hoping to get some sort of reaction from him, “Minnie’ll be looking for me soon and I can’t miss this morning’s lessons.” 
“Leaving so soon? When I just got here?” 
The shriek that left the princess’ mouth when she saw Fred standing right behind her, by the entrance and simultaneously near the stacks of hay, made him jump. Her head whipped back and forth between the identical redheads at either ends of the stables. 
“What in the world is going on?” she demanded. 
“Well, it looks like you just met my twin,” Fred shrugged nonchalantly, “His name’s George and I don’t think he’s quite used to being in the presence of a royal.” 
“And it never crossed your mind to tell me that you had an identical twin?” Y/N asked, exasperated, “Here I thought you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.” 
The cheeky grin Fred sent her nearly made her roll her eyes, but he draped an arm around her shoulders, squeezed lightly and said, “Maybe I just wanted to be your favorite redhead in the whole kingdom. Didn’t know if I could take sharing you with my less-handsome twin.” 
With a playful shove, Y/N replied, “Well too bad for you because Molly is definitely my favorite redhead in the whole kingdom.” 
That reply got a reaction from George, who snorted while trying to keep the piles from falling down on him and the princess grinned. She knew he was of a good sort and she would crack his shell eventually. 
At 11 years old, Princess Y/N had never been so nervous in her life. 
She felt as if her feet were physically glued to her place in the middle of the grand hallway as she stared at the doors that led to the library. 
There wasn’t anything particularly terrifying about the library. No, the library was a place for her lessons with Minnie and for spending afternoons getting lost in a good book. However, what the princess was about to do was definitely something that sparked a little fear and trepidation in her. 
Still, she was going to be late for her morning lessons if she wasted anymore time dawdling in the hallway. With a deep breath, she pushed open the heavy oak doors and stepped inside. 
Minnie was already seated at one of the center tables, a few pieces of paper spread out in front of her. Her eyes met with Y/N’s and she gave a nod of acknowledgement. 
“Good morning, Princess,” she said. 
“Morning Minnie.” 
Lessons went about as usual, if not slightly tense from the younger girl’s perspective. By the time they had finished for the morning, Y/N was practically shaking in her seat. 
“Are you going to tell me what’s been keeping you preoccupied this morning?” Minerva quirked an eyebrow at her. 
“I didn’t think you’d notice,” the princess admitted. 
“Now dear, I’ve known you since you were in diapers. I think I can tell when something’s on your mind.” 
Y/N thought of the way she and Fred had planned everything out meticulously, how decided on exactly what to say to Minnie so that she would say yes. Still, her mind ended up blanking and she silently cursed herself. 
“Oh, out with it, Y/N.” 
“Please could I go horseback riding with Fred this afternoon,” she said in one breath. Before Minerva could open her mouth to reply, the princess continued, “I’ve been really good with my lessons this week and Fred’s already checked that no one’s riding the horses this afternoon and he said he was going to teach me how to ride without being on side-saddle!” 
“Okay dear, take a breath,” her governess chuckled, “As long as you finish your coursework before the sun sets, I’m sure you could go riding with Mr. Weasley.” 
At her statement, Minerva was rewarded with a beaming smile and a multitude of ‘thank yous’. 
By the time the afternoon rolled around, Y/N was a bundle of excited nerves. Being a princess, she had been taught how to ride horses on side saddle, as it was the proper thing to do, but that meant she couldn’t go any faster than a trot. The idea of being able to go racing, feeling the cool breeze on her face and her hair whipping around her, it brought about a giddiness she couldn’t explain. 
Fred was already at the stables by the time she arrived, panting and resting her hands on her knees as she caught her breath. 
“Well don’t you look excited,” he teased as he fiddled with the saddle of one of the smaller horses. 
“Came here as fast as I could, the moment Minnie said I was free to go,” she said breathily. 
He replied with a grin and patted the horse after he was finished saddling up, “Well you’re in luck because Poseidon here is all geared up for you. Whenever you’re ready, Princess.” 
It took a few tries, but when Y/N was successfully on the horse, she beamed. 
Fred stepped back for a moment and she could see his arms were far from relaxed, almost as if he was anticipating an accident. He raised an eyebrow, “Are you alright there or do you need me to stay nearby in case you fall?”
“I can take care of myself, thank you very much,” she rolled her eyes, “Just get on your own horse.” 
The redhead sent her a mock salute and skillfully mounted his own horse– a chestnut brown stallion that stood tall and proud. The pair of them began a slow trot around the paddock just so that the princess could get used to things before Fred sent her a wink then nudged his horse to pick up the speed.
Fred often sent her words of encouragement and advice, making sure that she was comfortable with the speed that they were going and that her horse was alright. It warmed her heart to see him so careful and protective. It didn’t take long for her to get the hang of things and convince him that she was fine. 
Soon, Y/N was letting out laughs of delight, adrenaline pumping through her veins as Poseidon galloped gracefully through the vast expanse of the estate. Fred let out whoops out joy every once in a while beside her and she felt as if she was on top of the world. 
Time passed by in the blink of an eye and soon the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon. The orange hue that it left in its wake was stunning and it highlighted the gorgeous curves and dips of the landscape.
They spent a moment appreciating the view, horses side by side. It was the cherry on top of a perfect day, Y/N thought. 
At 13 years old, Princess Y/N of Diagon truly felt like her world was crashing down around her. 
Her hands shook as she sat on the front steps of the palace, elbows pressed against her knees. Eyes locked ahead, she tried to take steadying breaths but all she could focus on was the small dot on the horizon that became increasingly larger as it approached. 
A pair of carriages were coming to pick up the Weasleys. Arthur had been offered a baronship–a feat that would provide the family enough funds to live comfortably for the rest of their lives–and today was the day they chose to make the move. The entire family stood at the bottom of the stairs, a line of fiery red hair and excited energy, complete all except for one. 
Fred Weasley sat beside his princess, silent and contemplative. 
They both knew this moment was coming, and Fred had tried his best to spend the remaining time he had with her. They had spent hours upon hours doing things that they loved to do together. 
Afternoons were spent out riding, feeling the sun warm their skin and the breeze cool them again. Late nights were for nicking food from the kitchens and right under Molly’s nose. Minnie had even lessened the amount of time she and the princess had with their lessons, knowing fully well that Y/N needed it. 
Still, knowing something was going to happen and actually experiencing it are two separate things. The knowledge that Fred was going to leave her all alone didn’t quell the tightness in Y/N’s chest when the day finally came. 
The moment the carriages passed through the gates to the castle, her lip trembled and her breaths shortened. 
“Y/N,” Fred mumbled, turning his entire body to face her. 
A choked sob escaped the princess and she shook her head. 
Before she could reply, the young girl felt the familiar arms of her best friend wrap around her. His scent enveloped her and suddenly her tears were freely falling. 
They stayed in that position for a long moment; the princess sniffling and attempting to gather herself while Fred held her. Strong and steady. 
“You know how much this means to my family and me,” he whispered, his hands rubbing up and down her back, “I’ll be able to go to school, to finally do what I’ve always dreamed of doing.” 
“You’re not allowed to forget about me, alright?” she choked out as her palms went to swipe at the wetness on her cheeks, “When you’re a successful businessman and you’ve travelled the world, you have to remember little old me.” 
With a slightly skeptical shake of the head, Fred cracked a small smile and said, “How could I ever forget my favorite princess?” 
“Just making sure,” she whispered. 
“Now, you have to promise me that you’re going to make your dreams come true too,” he said, looking into her eyes. 
“I promise.” 
Y/N took a deep breath, eyes closed. She savored the last few moments she had with her best friend, and she squeezed him tightly before moving out of his grasp. 
“I love you loads, Freddie,” she said. 
“You know I love you too, Princess,” he grinned back at her. 
It wasn’t long before Molly was calling for Fred. 
With one last squeeze of the hand, Fred stood. “We’ll find each other again, Y/N. I’ll make sure of it.” 
All the Weasleys turned to face their Princess, some sending radiant smiles and others waving enthusiastically at her. She couldn’t help but smile and wave back, her eyes drifting towards her favorite redhead as he descended the steps. 
As the family began to sort themselves into the carriages, Fred looked back at his best friend one last time and sent her his signature charming smile. She gave him a small wave and then he was out of her sight. 
Y/N’s eyes stayed locked on the pair of carriages until they disappeared past the horizon. She remained seated on the steps of the palace until the sun had set and someone had come to tell her that supper was ready. 
That night, Y/N fell asleep with the feeling of dried tears on her skin and Minnie’s hands brushing through her hair. 
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Series Taglist: @prismarts​ @snoopydoop1​ @the-romanian-is-bae​ @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @manuosorioh​​
General taglist: @expectoevans​​ @george-fabian-weasley​ @gxthsanrio @slytherinscribbles​ @harpyloon​ @nuttytani​ @mesmerisedangel​ @amourtentiaa​ @just-here-to-escape-from-reality​ @lumos-barnes​ @cherryweasleys​ @writingsomewrongs​ @the-unmanaged-mischief​ @mrzweasley​ @inglourious-imagines​ @pr3ttysw33t​​ @amrtxntias​​ @miraclesoflove​​​
Weasley twins taglist: @pineapplesandpinas​ @papapapadumb​ @a-castle-of--glass​ @hey-there-angels​ @leovaldez37 @pinkypurplemagic​ @werewolfslut​ @surprizeshawtyy​ @oldschoolkiddo​ @gcdricreads​ @turtletaylor98​ @secret-obsessions​ @weaslxyss​ @serendiipty​ @nojamsonmytoast​ @famdomhideout​ @georgeweasley19​ @asuperconfusedgirl​ @loonylovegood13​ @lumielikesbooks​ @nanahachikyuu​ @freds-slut​ @theweasleytwinsgirl​​ @ghost3rr @littlemisswitt​​ @astoria-malfcy​​ @weasleysprofessionalhoe​​ @freddie-weaselbee​​ @daydreamgirl8​​ @jubilee-the-flying-dragon-pirate​
if your name is crossed out that means i couldn’t tag you! please check your visibility settings​
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Hi!! Can I make a request were the reader is Aiwaza's children and they had behaved bad or anything like that and Shouta made they stayed on his class as punishment, were he can keep an eye on them (like sitting on his desk doing homework), but 1A doesn't know that the reader are Aiwaza's kid and the reader flirt whit someone in 1A (can be anyone that you want) an then they discover the truth. Sorry if it's confuse and for my bad english!!
It’s alright!! English is a hard language lmaooo
Platonic! Aizawas kid meets 1-A
⚠️warnings - no relationship, platonic
Pronouns - genderneutral, they/them
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“Ah, shit” the person cursed, as they eyed the now shattered 8 dollar lamp on the ground, the light flickering on and off until it fizzled out. Shinsou snickered and looked up from the couch.
“Dads gonna kill you,”
“Shut up, dude-help me-“
The door to the bedroom opened, making (y/n) and Shinsou flinch. Aizawa stepped out menacingly, with his hair floating past his ears. The red glow of his eyes shut up Shinsou and (y/n) quickly, permitting him to speak.
“Before you say anything, (y/n) did it.”
“LANGUAGE!” Aizawa butt in, eyes flashing a brighter shade of red, before fading out to black. He rubbed his temple harshly. “Okay, I’m not mad, but this is the third time I had to replace that lamp, (y/n).”
“And don’t say it’s because of your quirk, that you ‘can’t help it’. I’m helping you and Shinsou transfer out of General studies, you should have your quick under control by now.” (Y/n) opened their mouth to speak, but closed it silently.
“Tomorrow, you’re doing your work in my class. I’m having your teacher send the work into my class in advance so you can do the work on my desk.”
“Wait-but Madam movement-sensei would never let you do that!”
Aizawa pulled out his phone from the back pocket of his neko sweatpants, holding it up to show a string of emails from the 1-C teacher herself.
“Actually, we’ve been discussing it for a while. You’ve been lacking in participation in your class, but it seems like you know your subjects and pass them easily. Therefore, you’ll be spending time in my classroom where I can make sure you aren’t cheating or anything.”
Shinsou stifled a snicker in between his sleeves, earning a side glare from (y/n). “But-I’m not cheating!”
“Then there should be no problem, then.”
(Y/n) grumbled angrily as they walked side by side their unofficial brother, Shinsou. “Dude, it’s just one day in another class-how hard can it be?”
“Have you seen the mess of the hero department? I don’t wanna be a part of that! Not yet at least!” (Y/n) piped up, louder than they meant to. A girl with pink skin, and a boy with yellow hair, perked their ears up. “I can’t believe I’m leaving General Studies for this...” (y/n) rubbed at their temples, a trait they picked up from Aizawa, while the two eavesdroppers looked at eachother.
“K-Kaminari...are you thinking what I’m thinking?” The girl said, grabbing onto the boys shoulders and shaking him around. The boy ‘Kaminari’ smirked and cupped his chin.
“I think I do, my dear friend~”
They chuckled and sped their way to their class, ready to spill their guts out. They passed the person in question as they walked, sending (y/n) a subtle wink and thumbs up before turning a corner.
“Huh.” Shinsou huffed. “Well-this is my stop.” He turned to (y/n) and slapped the door leading to 1-C. (Y/n) puffed out their cheeks. “Have fun playing heroes with 1-A, (N/n)”
“Yeah right. I’m just doing work there. I’ll be back before you miss me~” (y/n) made a kissy face before turning on their heel and walking past 1-C.
“Guys guys guys!” Mina burst through the door, slamming her hands down on the podium at the front of the class. Kaminari jogged up behind her and crossed his arms. Iida stood up abruptly and made his way towards the two students.
“Ashido-kun, please refrain from running in the hallways-“
The class went silent. Even Iida stopped in his tracks. “How...how’d you find out?!” Kirishima mused. Just as Mina opened her mouth, the door opened and everyone scrambled to their seats. In entered Aizawa, holding his clipboard full of morning announcements for home room.
Aizawa glanced around the classroom, before settling down infront of his podium. “Morning. So, we’re gonna have someone join us today. I expect you all to not be a distraction to them or your fellow classmates.”
Whispers and excited smiles broke out subtly between the class. Mina leaned back in her chair, facing Asui and whispering “the new kid~!!”
Aizawas eyes flashed a ruby red, quieting down the class. “Alright. (Y/n), you may step in.”
The door slid open once more, as a pair of feet stepped into the class. The person gave a very reserved greeting, before stepping off to the corner of the classroom, near bakugo.
“That’s (y/n). Anyway, I need to step out for a bit, Mic is on sick leave and I need to run the lesson plan to the substitute English teacher.”
Aizawa tiredly trudged to the door, before looking back. “I expect you to be on your best behavior, (y/n).”
Once the door slid closed, some of the students scrambled out of their seats to greet the newcomer. “Hi (y/n)! I’m Mina Ashido!”
“What’s you’re full name? I found it sort of odd that Aizawa-sensei only addressed you as (y/n), kero-kero. Is that your last name or first name?” A girl with green hair piped up. “I’m tsuyu asui, by the way. Call me tsu.”
“Well, hi,” (y/n) leaned against the wall as people swarmed over them. “It’s just (y/n). It’s nothing important, really.”
The students gathered around them decided not push it, instead asking icebreaker questions like “what’s your favorite food?” Or “what’s your quirk, (y/n)-San?”
Footsteps grew outside of the classroom, causing everyone to scurry back to their seats like mice. (Y/n) stood there, dumbfounded, as Aizawa returned, holding what seems to be a lesson plan, and a chair.
“I got you a chair, you can sit in the corner there.” He walked up to where (y/n) was standing, and placed the chair beside them.
“That’s all, be nice to the sub or you’ll have to face to me.”
“Yes, Aizawa sensei!”
The day ended pretty quickly, (y/n) grumbling quietly in the corner, doing their work, while the teachers filed in and out, teaching them their respective subjects.
The students talked amongst themselves, talking about what they want to eat after school or just straight up leaving. (Y/n) stood up from their chair and stretched, a yawn escaping their throat. They rubbed at their eyes while scanning the rowdy classroom. Their eyes landed on a blond boy, and a girl with a pinkish skin tone. Hm. They were both kinda cute. Might as well shoot their shot, they thought.
They walked up to the two, who was having a very animated conversation. They stopped, mid sentence, when (y/n) put their arms around the both of them.
“Heyyyy, you two are kinda cute~ Sorry, I kind forgot so-what’s your names?”
The blond boy blushed heavily, attempting to regain his composure but failing, while the pink girl smiled widely. She wrestled her way out of (y/n’s) arm and stood in front of them. The blond boy shook off (y/n’s) arm aswell, when the girl with horn patted at her chest.
“I’m Mina! That’s Kaminari, and we would LOVE to get to know our new classmate!”
(Y/n) grin contorted into an expression of confusion. “New...classmate?” They cocked their head to the side.
“Well-yea! You are in our class, after all..?” The boy, Kaminari, piped up.
“Whaddya mean? I’m in general studies. I’m only here because my stupid dad wanted to watch me work.”
Nearby ears started to perk up. Dad? Kaminari and Mina held semi shocked, semi confused expressions. A boy with greenish black hair whipped his head up from his hunched position from his desk, wobbled out from his chair and speedwalked over to (y/n).
“U-uhm! I couldn’t help but overhear-sorry by the way-but, It’s been on my mind for this whole time-“
“What is it?” (Y/n) swooped in before the boy started to drown in his stutters and ramblings. The boy cleared his throat and scratched at the back of his head.
“Are you related to Ai-“
The door slid open, revealing Aizawa, with Shinsou trailing behind him.
“(Y/n)-there you are. Stop causing my class trouble and let’s go home. You still need to drop off your work to the general studies classroom.”
“Okay dad, hold on though. this guy said he wanted to ask me something.”
When (y/n) turned back around, everyone’s mouth was agape. Especially Mina and Kaminari, who looked like they’ve seen a ghost. The green haired boy opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again.
“A-are you-“
Kaminari finished Minas sentence, tangling his fingers into his blond hair. (Y/n), and Aizawa, nodded, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. The frog girl, Tsuyu, if (y/n) remembered correctly, brought a finger to her chin.
“What’s your full name?”
“Aizawa (y/n).”
The girl seemed content with her answer, and sunk back in her seat. Aizawa tapped on (y/n’s) shoulder, and gestured towards the door. (Y/n) waved goodbye to the class, mouthing a ‘call me’ to Mina and Kaminari, and walked out the door. The whole class sat in silence, before Mina cried out glumly.
“Ehhh?! So we don’t have a new classmate, do we?!”
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tigerseye46 · 3 years
A Hero Is Born (Red Shark/Sand Au)
Summary: After being dismissed by Guanyin after centuries under their teaching, Red arrived at the city to live a normal life, hiding his identity and powers. He has spent four years in the city and works at Culinary Cicada, content with how he is now. He didn’t expect his life to change one day.
A/N: Finally got this done. There are going to be rarepairs but aren’t the main focus for this chapter so I didn’t tag it. Sun Wukong’s alias is Sun Hàoyú 昊瑜 meaning “vast and limitless excellence.” Zhu Bajie’s alias is Zhu Xiùliàng 秀亮 meaning “refined light.” Sorry if these aren’t good aliases. I know Sha Wujing’s staff can’t control water, but in this au, it can. He learned how to do that after the journey. Also I want to say thank you all my anons and others who put in ideas for this au! It made it really fun! Anyway enjoy!
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Red would admit he didn’t care much for the legends as other people did. He had been a small part of those legends so they weren’t extraordinary to him (not that he had revealed that information to anyone). 
But Mr. Sun and Tang always loved to talk about them, especially the latter, so he listened to the elders. Today was one of those days. A special day that would change his life forever. 
“The thing you need to understand, bud, is that the old legends are never finished. While there may be no pages left to turn, there is always more. Years ago, the Spider Queen and her army attacked. No one could stop them, no one except… Sha Wujing. Using his crescent moon spade, he trapped the Spider Queen under a mountain. He made it so no one else could wield it and he trapped her forever.”
“With the battle won, Sha Wujing… disappeared and was never seen again. It is said that the spade remains there, preventing our world from being destroyed. Because of him, civilization was able to prosper into the awesome world we see today. All thanks to Sha Wujing!”
Red hummed as he leaned against the counter. “That’s cool I guess.”
Mr. Sun scoffed. “Just cool? You know how many people would love that story?”
“I’m just not that impressed by it.”
“How dare you. You always react to the stories that way. Thought that one would bring more excitement.”
“Well, I’m not your audience. You’re not putting on a play for me.”
“At least you listen anyway.”
“That I do. I do think Sha Wujing is more impressive than say the Sun Wukong or Zhu Bajie.” At least he didn’t attack him as much as the others.
Sun appeared as if he was offended by the statement. “He is impressive… I like the Monkey King better,” he muttered. “Anyway, you know the deal. One peach soup.”
“Yea, yea. You got it.” He attempted to pass the bowl but it was quickly taken away by Tang.
“Not so fast. You left out so many details, Hàoyú. No extensive details of how he defeated the Spider Queen? He’s a hero! He deserves a better explanation than that.”
With an eye roll, Hàoyú responded, “Whatever.” He made grabby hands at the bowl. “Can I have my soup now?”
“No. You’re a scholar, tell the story accurately or I might go to your rival.” Sun huffed at the mention. “I could do better, better than those stupid depictions of Sha Wujing, no one can really capture his handsomeness, huh?” He cleared his throat, the small blush on his cheeks fading away. “Anyway, Red, you have orders to take out. Get to it!”
“I was about to take my break.”
“Break? You've been taking a break all morning. How is Culinary Cicada supposed to flourish if you’re slacking off?”
He began pushing Red, rumpling the other’s lotus print shirt. He shoved takeout bags in his hands then sent him out. The human heard a slurp behind him. He spun around to see Sun had stolen the soup back. Furrowing his brows, he suggested, “How about you tell an actually good and detailed story about Sha Wujing and you keep the bowl?”
“You just love hearing about your crush. Alright, it’s a deal.”
Red entered an abandoned construction site, whistling a tune under their breath and focusing on their phone. He paused when he heard a voice. “It’s amazing that you’ve finally done it! Are you ready, you two?”
A nasally voice replied, “For the last time, Goliath, we’re almost done.”
“Sorry, Syntax! I’m just so excited!”
“You can’t blame uncle Goliath’s excitement, dad.”
“Hmph. Well, try to hold it in for a bit longer.”
The demon hid behind some rocks. He spotted three spiders and a human surrounding a mountain.
One spider towered over the group, he fiddled with his fingers nervously, indicating that despite being the giant, he was probably the most gentle one out there.
Another had his hands behind his back, tapping his feet impatiently.
The third was tinkering with an invention, a device strapped to his back. The human was beside the third, he had a purple bandanna with two green marks, almost like eyes, wrapped around his forehead and a black coat with white fur.
“Because of you two, we can lift Sha Wujing’s spade!”
Red moved higher up and looked at the glowing object. The duck beside him quacked out of surprise. What was a duck doing here? Whatever. It wasn’t important.
“Sha Wujing’s spade,” he whispered.
“The spider clan will be restored!” Goliath’s shoulders briefly bounced up in surprise. “Huh?”
Huntsman was on top of the mountain and started reaching for the weapon. “Huntsman,” Syntax yelled. “Don’t do that!”
“Whatever, nerd.” He gripped it and instantly got zapped by it which sent him crashing into a wall.
Syntax stood over him. “Idiot. This is the hundredth time you’ve tried this. You think you would have learned your lesson by now. We’ve clarified that he made it so only someone worthy would wield it.”
“Which is why we have this.” The human gestured to the power glove. “Don’t worry. I’ve got this.”
“Hmph, brat.”
“Go ahead, Xiaotian.” Syntax pulled Huntsman up, their cheeks becoming green for the slightest second before they focused on the kid.
Xiaotian strolled up to the weapon and pulled on it with the glove. Sparks danced until he was able to rip it off. He held it high in the air and shouted in triumph, “Look at what I did!” Goliath and Syntax applauded him while Huntsman huffed.
“I could have done it,” he mumbled.
Xiaotian went back up to his family with a smile and waited a second before asking, “Wait, why isn’t anything happening? Are you three sure this is the right mountain?”
Syntax scoffed. “No, Xiaotian, I think it’s the other one.”
The mountain rumbled and cracked in the center. The Spider Queen destroyed it and crawled out with a cackle. “I’ve returned! The queen is back!”
Red’s eyes widened. Oh no. The queen was free. What should he do?
The duck pecked his hands as he was pondering. “Hey!” He attempted to shoo the duck away. “Shoo! It’s rude to peck at people’s hands!”
The four bowed to her with heads hung low, the human placed the crescent moon spade aside. “My queen,” Huntsman started. “We’re glad to have you free.”
“My clan,” she cried. “Wait, where are the rest of you?”
“I’m sorry. We’re some of the few spiders left.”
The Queen’s fist clenched, her happy tone at being freed slipped away. “I see. It’s all Sha Wujing’s fault. Now introductions are in order for the new members.”
“Well, there’s me, Huntsman. Then there’s Goliath and…”
“I can introduce myself, brute. I’m Syntax, my lady, and this is my son, Qi Xiaotian.”
If Red wasn’t so focused on the situation, he would have thought, Son? Those two look nothing alike.
“Son?” Her majesty questioned.
“Yes, he is my biological son. I wasn’t born a spider but I would say those details are for another time.”
“Alright. How did you all manage to free me?”
The human stepped forward with a spring in his step. “I did it, my queen! I managed to harness its power to make it our-” Her majesty loomed with a glare. Xiaotian nervously chuckled. “Our power,” he finished.
With a scoff, the queen congratulated him reluctantly, “Good job… for a human.”
Ignoring the human comment, he beamed. “Thank you! Now, we, the Spider clan, can rule the world!”
The duck continued to peck at the demon. The demon flapped a hand to get rid of the sting while the bird focused on the other one and made him fall right onto Qi Xiaotian.
Red held up the bag of food. “Hey… did someone order food?”
Huntsman and Syntax stared at Goliath. “What? I didn’t order anything.”
Xiaotian shoved him. “Get off me, dumbass! You ruined my moment!”
Spider Queen focused on the intruder. “Well, well, we’ll, an eavesdropper has fallen into our midst. It’s a shame to crush such a tiny, insignificant thing like you as my first act but, oh, what can you do?” She was about to crush them when she was interrupted.
“Wait, my queen.”
Ugh, the human. She rubbed her face. “Yes?”
“You don’t have to waste your energy. I’ll handle it! Allow me to prove myself!”
“Fine. Go ahead.”
Red muttered, “Maybe I can go now.”
“You’re fortunate, grocery boy. It’s not every day someone is crushed by the Spider Clan! You should consider yourself-”
The demon’s ears picked up a sound, his gaze drifted to the staff. “Sha Wujing’s staff,” a voice whispered.
Xiaotian growled, “You’re not listening! I, Qi Xiaotian, will not be disrespected! You’re toast!”
The human attempted to punch him with the glove but he blocked it… blocked it with the crescent moon staff. Fuck. “How did you?”
How did he? He could have used his fire to block it. Why didn’t he? Well, his identity was a secret and he barely used his fire since he became Guanyin’s disciple so that was understandable. But to grab the staff, what was he thinking?
“That’s scientifically impossible,” Syntax said.
“I don’t understand what’s happening but I don’t care. That’s ours!”
“I was supposed to be on my break! Dang it, Mr. Tang!” The weapon activated and whacked the human and the spiders (save the queen) away.
“This can’t be,” her majesty muttered in disbelief.
“That was not what I expected.”
Huntsman hissed, “That doesn’t belong to you. Give it to us!”
“Ummmm… no?” Then suddenly he was launched into the air by the weapon. “AHHHHHH!”
“He can’t leave with the damn thing!”
“I was trapped under a mountain and suddenly, a thief takes it!”
Xiaotian bowed. “Allow me, your majesty. I won’t fail again.”
“Fine! Go!”
The human grabbed his technological staff and made off in his motorcycle to give chase.
Red took in deep breaths to calm himself down as he landed on the ground. Xiaojiao snapped a picture of herself with her sword and motorcycle outfit. During the picture, she used her magic to create sparkles. “Nailed it!” She pocketed her phone and put the sword away.
“That was a cool game of tag! You looked like you were having fun! I wanted to join in too!”
“I almost died.”
“But you didn’t! We should go to the arcade! Invite your new friend!”
“He was trying to kill me.”
Her face turned dark. “Where does he live? I’ll handle him.”
“Red Son! Where are you?” Tang stormed up to them. He showed his phone to reveal a zero-star rating. “I got a zero-star rating because of you. Would you like to explain yourself?”
“I think what happened is-”
Xiaojiao giggled. “Congrats, Tang! It’s better than nothing!”
“No, it isn’t! You know you would be in trouble if this happened to my magic shop, missy. Now, Red, you’re-” Tang searched around. “Where did he go?”
Red slipped past him. “Mr. Sun!”
“Hey! Come back here!”
Ignoring him, the demon ran into the shop. “Mr. Sun!”
Hàoyú was in the middle of his bowl. “Yea?”
“So, remember the story you told me this morning? About the Spider Queen?”
Tang and Mei followed him. “Red, we weren’t done talking.”
“Yea, that’s great, Mr. Tang.”
Sun sipped his soup, completely disinterested. “Yea? What about her?”
Red got close to his face. “She’s back! Sha Wujing’s staff was removed! We have to find him! He has to save-”
Sun pushed him back and held his bowl protectively. “You’re getting spit in my soup. Calm down. Who knew that would be the story you get wrapped up in? Relax, it’s just a story.”
“It’s not just a story.” He showed the spade. Hàoyú pursed his lips, contemplating the possibility or holding back from saying something snarky, Red wasn’t sure.
“Wow, Red, you found a stick!”
“No! It belongs to Sha Wujing!” The three burst into laughter. Red growled, his fists briefly flamed but no one noticed except him. “Listen to me! The Spider Queen is out there. I’ll prove this belongs to Sha Wujing.”
Sun raised a brow. “Okay. How?”
“Ummm…” The spade wobbled, it grew then stabbed part of the wall, causing a crack before shortening.
Sun gasped and he was about to get a closer look when Tang pushed him away. Tang grabbed the arm holding the spade and hoisted it up towards the sky. His eyes twinkled. “Sha Wujing’s spade! I knew it! His awesome weapon that he used to seal evil! Wait… why do you have it? And where is the queen now?”
“She’s at a fashion store,” Mei responded.
“I hope this isn’t one of your puppy videos, young lady.”
“There’s always time for a puppy video, Tangy, but no. Look at what’s trending. Hashtag Spider Queen!” She showed a video of the Spider Queen robbing a fashion store with Qi Xiaotian. The queen used some device to absorb a one-of-a-kind item.
Tang panicked when the video ended. “Okay! We have to do something! Get in the truck!” He shoved them in the truck while they shouted out of surprise.
The group yelped as Tang drove like a madman through the streets. They were squished in the car, Red rasped out, “This is a little uncomfortable.”
“Tang! Can you slow down? You’re going to kill us,” Mr. Sun told him. He couldn’t die but he knew it would be unfortunate if the group got into a crash.
“Yea. We need to get to Sha Wujing without getting injured in a crash.”
“Guys! The Spider Queen moved downtown! She’s destroying the mall!”
“We need to get to Sha Wujing fast. The only problem is we have no idea how to get there.”
“Ugh, you’re right. How do we get there? Do we just keep driving?” Tang asked in a frantic tone.
Mr. Sun replied, “Well, if you would have let me talk before you pushed us in here. I know someone who could get us there!”
“Yep! An old friend of mine. The greatest, excellent, glorious Zhu Xiùliàng. Now drive there, Tang!”
“Drive where?”
“Uhhhh… oh, yea, you need directions.”
The group watched kids climb on the tall pig like a jungle gym while others were in the corner conversing or doing other activities. Wukong had a big grin on his face at the scene.
Xiùliàng chuckled and cautioned, “Careful, little ones.” He gently put them down, they frowned and he reassured them, “You can play later. Grandpa has to talk to these people first.” They reluctantly agreed and began breaking away to do their own things.
Sun blushed as the light hit Xiùliàng in a way that illuminated his beauty. Tang whispered to him with a smirk, “Oh, now I know why you brought us here.”
Xiaojiao teased, “Wow, Mr. Sun. We have to save the world and here you are trying to pick up a guy. I see you.” Sun shot them both a glare.
The pig didn’t hear them, he instead focused on beaming at the kids as they walked away. A hand was placed on his hips and he turned to the group with a “Sorry about that. That’s a lot to take in.”
“It most certainly is, old friend. I was hoping something like this wouldn’t happen,” he muttered.
“I was hopin’ that too,” Xiùliàng muttered back. A child with black hair tied up in braids and a blue headband with a flower ran up to the pig with a drawing in hand. “What is it, Yǎshuǐ?” He picked her up so she rested on her arm.
“I made you a drawing, grandpa!” She waved it in front of the pig’s face then looked towards the group. Her eyes briefly widened in surprise before she gave a wave. “Hi, yéyé!”
“Hi, hon,” he greeted.
“Oooo, yéyé. Didn’t know you had grandkids with him,” he teased. “Why didn’t you invite me to your wedding and why didn’t the paparazzi cover it?”
“Shut up, Tang. It’s for respect, you know that.”
Red shook his head. “Disregarding Mr. Sun’s love life,” he murmured. “Mr. Zhu, we need your help to find Sha Wujing.”
Xiaojiao got on her knees, bringing her friend down with her and pleaded, “Yea, we could really use your help.”
Red sighed. “Please help us. The fate of the world is at stake.”
“Alright,” he answered. “Really?”
“Of course. Anything for Sun.” The two cheered. “I’ll just drop these kids off then we’ll go.”
Tang hummed as he walked along the path, trying to contain his excitement. “See, this isn’t that bad,” he said then a trap sprung out of nowhere. “Eep! Never mind! Stupid Sun, stupid Zhu, why did we let them stay behind?”
“Because you said they could.”
“Careful, Tangy. I wonder why Sha Wujing chose to live here.”
“I don’t know. Good thing it isn’t Sun Wukong’s home or we would have to go pass the Flaming Mountains. They actually had to borrow my m- Princess Iron Fan’s fan to-”
A cackle came out of nowhere. Syntax appeared. “If it isn’t you three.” Syntax used the glove to pound at the ground, sending it up.
“Hey! Be careful, kids!”
“I’ll be taking that spade.”
Red held the weapon up. “This is Sha Wujing’s. You are not taking it.”
“You’re just a bunch of broken metal, can’t even make anything useful.” “What? Oh, whatever.” He charged at the spider who caught the spade with glove.
He was launched and heard the distant cry of “RED” as he blacked out.
The demon woke up on Sha Wujing’s mountain. “I’m… I’m here?” He stood up and started walking. He spotted a house and peeked inside but found no one so he continued onwards. There was a handmade statue of Tripitaka and Sha Wujing. “Wow.”
The sound of a twig snapping caught his attention. He saw the very person he was looking for glancing at him with a frown. “Huh?” Then the figure ran off.
He followed quickly and reached a river, a single fish. “A fish?” The fish jumped out of the water, a blue light surrounded it. “Ack!” The older demon appeared. “Sha Wujing?”
“It’s been a long time, Red Son or should I say, Red Boy?”
“You know it’s me?”
“You literally just switched the Boy to Son. No shit. Surprise your little friends haven’t figured it out yet.”
“Yea, I haven’t told them yet.”
“I know. Anyway, where’s my spade?”
“Oh… ummm… I’m sorry! I lost it. I was trying to bring it to you and-”
Wujing laughed. “I know. I’ve been watching you.”
“What?” He flashed back to some of the animals he saw. “That was you?”
“Yep. I need something of you, kid. I need you to be my successor.”
“What? Are you sure? Has your brain short circuited?”
“No,” he replied annoyed. “My brain is fine. You’re going to be my successor. Look you came all this way and were fine.”
“Because I’m a demon!”
“Regardless of that, you still made your way here and you’re experienced in fighting. Be a hero.”
“What about the Spider Queen?”
“What about the Spider Queen? Take it as a trial or a warmup.”
“But I-” He sighed, he was hoping he could lead a normal life but he supposed he had no other choice especially since the elder had no intent on helping. The elder was changed, certainly different from the demon who was considered more calm and rational.
Sha Wujing grunted. “What are one of those bullshit quotes I can give you? Oh, right. Believe in yourself and you’ll be fine. The spade was taken from you! Get it back!”
“Alright!” He zoomed off.
Wujing whispered, “Hope this makes you happy, master.”
Xiaojiao was about to use her powers when Red Son crash landed. Red dusted himself off.
“Kid,” Tang yelled.
“Red,” Xiaojiao shouted. “You’re alive! We saw you blast off! We thought something happened to you! Where did you get the jet? You crashed it already! Did you find Sha Wujing?”
Tang questioned as he looked around frantically, “Where is he?”
“He said it’s up to me, to all of us.” Sun and Zhu exchanged glances.
“That’s anticlimactic.”
“How are we meant to fight that?” Sun motioned to the Spider Queen’s humongous form.
“We believe in ourselves. You clean the streets while I stop her… somehow.”
“The jet would have been useful.” She kicked the broken pieces and a speed bike was revealed.
“That works.”
“You can do it, pal!”
Red drove off and approached the queen. “If isn’t the thief trying to ruin my big moment.”  She attempted to squish him when he dodged with the bike.
“Where is it? Where is it?” He squinted at the device the queen had been using to absorb objects, the spade rested in the middle. “Here goes nothing.” He ran into it.
Xiùliàng covered the group. “I’ve won! The clan has been restored!” She stumbled. “Huh?” Red emerged with the weapon. “Sha Wujing?”
“Nope. Just Red.” Red punched her. Spider Queen tried to blast them, they dodged with taunts, “Nice try! You missed! Almost!” They pushed her down with the spade then used it to cut half of a building. “Here we go!”
As he was about to trap her, the Queen roared, “I won’t let this happen again!” She destroyed it, the younger demon was sent backwards. “Sorry, doll. Good luck trying to trap me again. I AM THE QUEEN!” Red’s gaze shot towards a body of water. “You might have that idiot’s staff but you are not Sha Wujing!”
“No, I’m not. I’m Red, his successor!” He lifted the spade up, water swirled around it and he sent it to attack the queen. “It’s time for your reign of terror to end!”
The queen gasped and her powers waned, she turned back to her normal form. “That’s impossible!”
“Nothing is impossible if you believe.” Xiaotian raged, “This isn’t over! You wouldn’t be so mighty with your precious powers, sand boy! Come fight me!”
Red was about to do when a web entangled him. The three spiders showed themselves. “Nice try. We know when to leave the party. We’ll see you,” Huntsman said. Syntax threw a smoke bomb and they disappeared.
The group cut Red free. “You can’t run when I’m about to win! Hmph.”
His friend hugged him. “You kicked SQ’s butt! Without us the city would be toast.”
“I couldn’t have done it on my own.”
Xiùliàng hugged them. “You did.”
“You’re the new Sha Wujing now I guess.”
“I’m proud of you, Red,” Tang said. He was proud of his kid but he couldn’t understand why Sha Wujing had chosen to hand his weapon to a random kid. He’ll think about it later. “I’m really proud.”
“What do we do now?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Red perked up. “Yea! We could bring justice to the world! Go after bad guys!”
Sun suggested, “Or we could eat.”
“Let’s go with that.”
The group discussed their recent adventure while Sha Wujing watched from a building. He frowned, shifted to a duck and flew off.
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Touch in the Dark Ch 2.2(Tony)
Tony helped Sarah make dinner that night, deciding on a simple but filling cacio e pepe with a nice wine accompaniment. He used his mamma’s pasta maker to start from scratch and let memories of her teaching him how to use it wash over him. Sarah was wonderful and took good care of him and Peter but it still ached to think about his mamma. She would have loved the warmth of the Rogers household, loved sharing recipes and gossip with Sarah in the kitchen, the two of them giggling like schoolgirls. She was the one who would pull him to dance with her in the kitchen, twirling around to the sounds of the radio. He missed the lightness of her spirit that was so visibly absent by the time of her death. He hoped Howard rotted in hell for the abuse that he had put his mamma through.
Pushing away the dark turn in his thoughts, Tony relaxed into the lull of working with his hands, letting it sooth him. Inevitably, his thoughts turned to his recent meeting with the Russian mob lord. He was worried about how to bring up the meeting with James to Steve, about the deal they had struck. His lover was so protective that he might outright reject the idea, but Tony knew that he couldn’t live with always needing to be protected. He knew what he was signing up for when he decided to keep living with Steve, work with him and love him. But Tony was still terrified. Howard may not have been his biological father but nurture was half of the equation. What if he ended up like the abusive bastard, crossing a line he couldn’t come back from?
He thought back to the things James had described. Killing Howard had been quick, one shot to the head and he was dead. Killing someone with a knife…drawing it across their neck and feeling the blood pour hot and wet over his hand…Tony felt his stomach lurch. God, what had he gotten himself into?
“Tony?” The sound of his brother’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Turning around, he moved to take 9-year old Peter into his arms.
“Hello, dear one. Did you finish reading your book?” Tony murmured into his hair in Italian.
Peter peeked up, eyes shining with excitement. “Yea! Oh, it was so fun, there was this pirate and his best mate and they sailed all around the ocean saving people from an evil king who wanted to rule over everyone! And there was this girl and everyone thought she was a spoiled princess but she was really an assassin and she ended up being the one to end the king and save everyone!”
“That does sound fun, cucciolo.” Tony leaned down and tickled his little brother’s sides. “Maybe one day you’ll run off and sail the seas, huh? And leave your poor brother all alone here?”
Peter screeched and wiggled to get away. “No! I pro-pro-promise I won’t leeeeave! Stoooooop!” He dissolved into giggles.
Tony kept going mercilessly, loving the look of joy in his brother’s face. He had filled out more and had lost that pinched look of worry that had been there when they were living with Howard. Being in the Rogers' household with lots of love and food from Sarah had been good for him. For both of them.
“What in the world is going on here?” Speak of the devil, there stood Sarah with her arms propped on her hips, and an incredulous look on her face. She faked a stern look towards Peter. “I thought I sent you to get the dishes to set the table, young man. And here I catch you playing?”
“N-no! It’s not m-my faaaaault!” Peter gasped helplessly. “Tony’s torturing me Auntie b-b-because he thinks I’ll run off and be a pirate!” At his name, Tony eased up, causing Peter to sag in relief.
Sarah chuckled, eyes shining at the two boys. “Well, come on then, stop lollygagging. Grab the plates, little Captain.”
“Yes, ma’am!” Peter saluted her before scurrying off and Tony exchanged a fond glance with Sarah over the boy’s dramatics.
The rest of dinner was reasonably calmer, Sarah and Steve asking Peter about any new friends in school and his lessons while Tony watched, feeling reflective and content. He did steal a glance here and there at Steve, but when the man raised a brow in question he merely shook his head and smiled.
After dinner, Tony and Steve made their way to the study on the first floor. They spent the time after dinner together, a private moment to just talk or dance to one of the records housed in the study or even just to cuddle. Whatever it was, Steve had made sure that any business he had didn’t cut into his personal time with Tony.
Tony settled on the couch, making himself comfortable as he thought of how to bring up his conversation with James.
Steve settled next to him, leaving a foot of distance between them so he could brace himself against the arm of the couch. His blue eyes were warm but assessing when they regarded Tony.
“You’ve been really quiet tonight.” Steve reached out to cup Tony’s cheek, brushing his thumb over the apple of his cheek in a light caress. Tony held the hand to his face, turning his face to press a drop a light kiss to the palm before pulling the hand down to hold on his lap.
“Do you remember when I first came here? You told me you were holding onto Howard, that you were saving him for me so that I could choose how to end his life?” Steve nodded but stayed quiet.
Tony took a deep breath. “I went to see James today.” But Steve simply nodded again. Of course he knew.
“I decided to take him up on his offer. I want to learn how to fight with a knife. I want to be able to stand beside you as an asset.” Steve didn’t bother to address that point just yet, he just sighed as he tugged Tony sideways into his lap, wrapping his arms around him.
“Are you sure?” His voice was soft. “You’ve already had a lot of violence in your life. Dealing it out is going to take a toll on you. It will make your nightmares worse, make you more paranoid about an attack, bring up a lot of dark memories even as it carves new ones into you.”
Tony leaned his head against Steve’s shoulder. He had thought about all this before going to see James but it still didn’t make the decision any easier. There was a part of him that wanted no part in hurting anyone. That remembered how even Howard’s arguably quick and merciful death had haunted Tony and wanted to let Steve continue to protect him.
But there was another part, one that he had tried to keep buried but it burned with a dark core in the pit of his stomach. It was the part of him that was angry at being hurt for so many years, the part of him that made him pick himself up after every drunken night and treat the bruises from his father’s fists. It was bitter that the people around him had just turned a blind eye to his suffering, never stepping in no matter how loud or vicious Howard had gotten. He had stopped waiting for someone to save him years ago, surviving only so that he could look after Peter and distract Howard from trying to take his anger out on the younger boy. That part of him was vengeful against the world and it wanted to carve out its own brand of justice.
“I don’t want to be a victim anymore, Steve.” Tony’s throat ached with anger and remembered pain. “I would rather die than be helpless again. I know that this will probably make things worse and cause more nightmares. But I need this. I need to be able to stop looking over my shoulder because I know that I have no way to defend myself. I need to have the power to take my safety in my own hands to protect myself and our family.” Tony reached up to bracket Steve’s face in his hands, letting him see the determination in his eyes. “And if that means learning to chop off the hands of anyone who wants to hurt Peter or Sarah or you, I’m going to do it.”
Steve groaned at the sharp edge in Tony’s voice before dragging him close for a desperate kiss. “You have no idea how beautiful you are when you’re vicious,” Steve whispered against his lips before leaning in to nip and suck at the lushness. The darkness in his veins growing heated, Tony clutched onto Steve just as fervently. Toppling himself back towards the cushions, he pulled at Steve’s lapels to pull him hard and heavy on top his body. Steve sank into the vee of Tony’s spread thighs, pressing against him with delicious friction. Things were quickly going out of control. They had never done anything other than kissing outside of their bedroom. Even in their home, the thought of being walked in on by Steve’s mother was too humiliating to bear.
But Tony couldn’t help it. He never expected Steve to respond like this. He had been worried that Steve would want to keep protecting him, unable to see him put himself at risk. And maybe a part of him always will, Tony didn’t delude himself, he felt the same need to protect Steve especially after nearly losing him. But this, this fevered need that seemed to delight in Tony’s desire for violence had been unprecedented. If he had known Steve would react in this hungry way that made him want to have Tony immediately, he probably would have spoken sooner. Talked about fighting and making life threats every damn day.
Steve rose a bit to pull at Tony’s shirt roughly, uncaring of buttons flying every which direction. He used his new access to his advantage, knowing how sensitive Tony was. Tony moaned at the feeling of Steve tongue on his nipples, fingers twisting and plucking the neglected one like a guitarist. He hissed at the sting when Steve bit lightly at them, then quickly soothing the hurt with his tongue. Tony started to feel fuzzy, like a wildfire was running in his blood and settling in his stomach to wind tight with anticipation and need. Steve’s mouth moved further downward, pausing just above Tony’s waistline to tease while his hands stroked his inner thighs. The strokes were firm but didn’t move closer to the spot where Tony desperately wanted to be touched and Tony whined with impatience.
“Steve, Steve,” he managed to gasp out, pulling at the short blond hairs at the nape of his neck to get his attention. “Please, I can’t wait.”
“I know, love, I know, just let me,” Steve murmured, reaching out for a small discreet drawer on the side table. He pulled out a small bottle of oil with one hand as he used the other to unbutton both their fronts.
“Come here,” he pulled at Tony’s arm, encouraging him to straddle Steve’s thighs and perch on his lap. Steve drizzled some of the oil in his hand before encircling both their members together. Tony’s breath hitched at the warm slickness, undulated his hips and fucking himself into Steve’s large hand. He was so beautiful, looking delightfully debauched with his blond hair mussed from Tony’s eager hands and lips red with Tony’s kisses. But it was the heat of Steve’s gaze on him that pushed Tony further to the edge. Overwhelmed with the feeling of being pressed tightly against each other, Steve’s firm strokes on them both, Tony threw back his head, back arching as his mind blanked out with pleasure. Spilling out into Steve’s hand, he was vaguely aware of Steve coming soon after, leaning forward to press his forehead against Tony’s chest as he choked out a muffled groan with his own release.  
Tony opened his eyes at the feeling of gentle lips on his, gazing down at a smiling and satisfied Steve. He smiled back, feeling the same satisfaction in his lax limbs. He knew their clothes were probably ruined, stained with oil and other fluids and his shirt hanging half off his body but he couldn’t find it in him to care. They’d have to sneak upstairs at some point and take a shower or at least wipe down with clean cloths but that could wait a minute. Right now, he just tugged his lover back close and they traded easy, lazy kisses, wrapped up in each other’s arms.
Read more on AO3 if you want: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23556382
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starrywonn · 5 years
february spring
request: can you do a han jisung bullet point scenario with a fantasy au??? like he's the prince and y/n's his knight or something oof :'>
a/n: i had to rewrite this like four times that's why this took so long anyways this is my first request in a REALLY long time :”))) i hope you enjoy it!! pairing: prince! han jisung/knight! reader genre: fluff scenario type: bulletpoint scenario word count: 1.6k
warnings: cursing (like one time)
sunlight pours into the window of your bedroom, piercing your eyes
you immediately get off your bed to get prepared for the day ahead
you dress in your plainclothes and make your way towards the stone castle that made your residence seem like a dwarf
the thudding of your running feet fills the empty corridor
the armoury was chillingly silent
you hastily put your armour on and place your sword in the sheath
you speed walk to the prince’s room
just on time
the prince had just woken up, his hair an absolute mess, eyes droopy and low
“mornin’ y/n”
“morning. i see you had a good night’s sleep?”
“only the best,” he says airily
you wait patiently outside the bathroom as he gets ready
he comes out of the bathroom with a completely different aura
his hair was now neater, his cream coloured night clothes replaced with a deep blue tunic and trousers
"ok let's go. you're gonna be late"
despite only recently beginning to guard jisung, you had already fallen into a routine
he was about your age which shocked him at first
his guards were always way older than him
it was insane that someone his age was already one of the top fighters in the land
he always pestered you to tell him how you got that good but all you would tell him was “lots of practice”
he’d give you an annoyed look but after a while, he stopped asking
getting back to the task at hand, you quickly think of the lessons he had to go to
out of the large array of classes, he had ruling, sword fighting, horse riding, etiquette and archery today
sometimes, it felt like you were babysitting him more than you were his bodyguard
you had to attend all the boring lectures with him too zzz
finally, it was his last class of the day
ah, archery
what pain it caused jisung
every time you see him shoot, you kind of want to lose it
his face was always scrunched up in a weird way whenever he tried to shoot
give him a sword and he’d best anyone any day but archery was a different story
but at least this one thing deflates his stupid huge ego so he doesn't get his head stuck up in the clouds
“y/nnnnnn can’t you just teach me??? all my teacher does is get me to copy you. you might as well teach me right??”
you? teach him?
“well, technically, i'm not qualified to”
jisung pouts at you
“but if you want me to, i GUESS i can” you say as you roll your eyes
“you can’t take it back!!”
dinner comes around
all jisung does is sit at the table, scarf down delicious food and give you mischievious looks
you glance large mounds of food dished on gold and silver platters
but you can’t eat any of it! too bad
so obviously, your best choice is to go back to staring at the wall
you’re so out of it that when the king calls out your name, you almost jump out of your skin
“yes, your majesty?”
“i asked if you would be alright to teach jisung archery from now on.”
“of course, your majesty! it would be such an honour to be able to do so”
jisung gleams towards your direction and you shoot back an annoyed look
“very well! i will make the necessary arrangements.”
the dinner was finished without much fuss and as you walk jisung back to his bedchambers, he seemed to be almost skipping
was he really that happy to be coached by you?
“good night y/n, see you tomorrow!!”
“good night”
the next thing you know, it's the next day and you and jisung were in front of the archery targets in the fields
jisung was showing you how he usually shot
immediately, you could see his mistakes
“you have to take into account the wind. aiming for the centre doesn’t mean that you will hit it.”
jisung nodded, adjusted his bow and shot again
he finally hit the target
it involved lots of death glares, cursing the gods and jisung almost breaking the bow more than once
but after two weeks, he could hit bullseyes repeatedly
least to say you were proud of him
but also a little suspicious that he failed with his other coaches on purpose
jisung proudly announces his achievement to nearly everyone he meets
the king and queen were over the moon and immediately wanted to reward jisung
“if there’s anyone you should reward, it’s y/n. they’re the one who helped me,” jisung pointed out
“ah, y/n! is there any way we can repay you?”
you froze
you never thought about being repaid at all
you shook your head
“it’s alright, your majesty. i just did my job. in fact, it’s prince jisung who shot those bullseyes so i can’t say i really did much”
the king waves off your excuse, “nonsense! if you ever wish for anything, let us know! we’ll be more than happy to get it for you”
“thank you, your majesty”
as jisung makes his fortnightly visit to the villages, he brings up the spring festival
his horse is in a slow trot
he goes off on a tangent and rambles on and on about everything under the sun
he gestures so much you get dizzy looking
but you can see the sparkle of anticipation and excitement in them as he talks animatedly
it's cute, you think to yourself
wait, hold on, you’re not supposed to think this way about him
you shake your head, willing yourself out of it
“so of course, we’ll be attending as guests-of-honour but i want to experience the festival for real”
“for real?” you quirk your eyebrow
“yea! for real! like going out to the streets and like, getting to eat all the snacks we want kind of real?”
“but what about your parents? wouldn't they want you there with them?”
"who cares what they think! getting to go to the festival is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"
"and how would manage to avoid everyone?"
your jaw drops as he explains his plan
this boy really has a wild imagination
“wouldn't asking be easier?”
“c’mon y/n!! don’t be such a party pooper!! it’s an adventure!! let’s just try it!!”
you sigh
“fine. one 'adventure' wouldn’t hurt right?”
jisung pumps his fist in the air, gleaming
“but, on one condition. you have to make sure to stick with me the whole time. because if you get lost or injured, it's on me”
jisung eagerly nods
training sessions were spent secretly planning the best route around the festival
jisung gets to play the fair games and you get to steal his snacks
it's a win-win situation here
the day of the spring festival comes within a blink of an eye
you wait behind the balcony doors where the royals are announcing the start of the festival
the resounding cheers are audible through the thick walls of the castle
you follow behind as the royal family walks to the town square
the townspeople rush to invite the king and queen to try their goods
jisung and you exchange a look
it was time
the two of you rush back into the castle
you change back into your plainclothes and stand outside jisung's room
you crack open the door
"hurry up jisung!!!!"
"i'm coming!!!!"
he pulls on the door and you nearly fall with it
"geez, 'sung" you mutter
when you look at him, jisung almost looks like a regular teenager
but there's something still a little off
you reach over and ruffle his hair
"that’s much better. now let's GO"
you grab a hold of his hand and drag him out of the castle
for once, you let yourself go, having fun as a kid your age would
you both stuff yourselves with all sorts of snacks till you're sure that if you take another bite you would probably puke
you and jisung walk out to the quieter parts of town
he grabs your wrist and leads you into the forest
you end up on a small clearing that overlooks the villages
jisung sits near the edge
you follow suit, slightly confused
in a small whisper, he says, “look up”
the stars are bright, dotting the pitch black sky
jisung sighs
"it's beautiful right?"
you hum in silent acknowledgement
"i used to come here when everything was too much," he pauses, "it's harder than people think. being a prince i mean. just so many people trying to take advantage of your position or waiting for you to fail"
"yeah, it's scary" you pick at the grass around you, "but you're getting through it pretty okay right? you’re trying your best and that’s what matters. plus i'm here with you now. i'll fight those assholes if i have to"
he lets out a small chuckle
the two of you sit in silence
everything seemed so small from where you sat, the chatter and noise in the village replaced by the chirping of crickets
"i like you"
his words break the silence softly, passing like the fluttering wind
they hold an air of absent-mindedness but in your mind, they're heavy with meanings and implications
your throat suddenly feels dry
when you look over to him, he's still looking at the night sky above
his eyes seem to hold the universe and the moonlight gives his face an angelic glow
it finally hits you that when he wasn't being an absolute dork, he was actually… handsome
the starlight clouds your judgement for a split second and you lean over, pressing a small kiss onto his cheek
"i like you too"
his hand finds yours and in the february spring, it's you two against the world
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pcygoldenchild · 5 years
Royal Rendezvous
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✨summary: You and Chanyeol were sworn enemies of feuding royal families. But underneath it all were the fun exciting rendezvous with each other.
✨warning: slight NSFW, mentions of sexual intercourse but not much smut.
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The week went by. And it was an interesting one. Ever since the day Chanyeol called you “Princess Park” you were so confused. You didn’t get any answers or confirmation. Nothing was being told to you. It’s like everything was happening around you. People were in and out of your palace. King and Queen Park were visiting almost twice a week. They were visiting. Your father wouldn’t talk to you about anything but he seemed stressed. He seemed like he was very conflicted. You’d catch him staring at you spaced out and when you’d ask him what’s wrong he’d say it was business. You were clueless until the end of the week.
You woke up and got ready for your fencing lessons. Every Friday you fenced and by now you were a pro but you kept them up to release stress. You walked into the room and started to put on your gear. You felt someone grab the clasps at the back of your padded jacket and hook it for you. You assumed it was your instructor.
“This might be a difficult session for you today. I’ve got a lot to get off my mind and really need to poke something to death.” you sigh out. Your instructor, who was like a brother to you, would usually retort something smart but instead he stayed quiet. So you carried on while putting on your gloves still facing away from him.
“I don’t know what’s going on in that place but it’s driving me crazy. And for some reason I can’t know any of it. I feel like I’m just as important to this kingdom as anyone. I should know everything that goes on. Dammit I’m the princess and they’re treating me like I’m five.” you snap out turning around at the last word. You gasped at the man in front of you. It was not your instructor. This man was way taller. He had on his mask and gear already so you couldn’t see who it was right away but you know his body. It was hard to miss those long legs and broad shoulders.
“Chanyeol?” you whisper looking around.
“Maybe it’s not the time for you to know these things Princess.” he said. And it was in fact your Chanyeol. You pulled him to the doorway that lead to the garden outside of the fencing room.
“Chanyeol what are you doing here? Are you trying to get killed?” you snap at him. He takes his mask off and reveals his beautiful face and silver hair. He’s smiling that same smile that you saw right after he called you his.
“Hello to you too.” he said ruffling his hair. He leaned down and kissed your lips while you stood in shock.
“I’d think you’d be more excited to see me. I put all this on for you and I have not a single clue about how to fence.” he joked. You stared at him dumbfounded. Why was he just here and pretending like everything was fine?
“Ah there you are.” you heard the all too familiar voice. It was your father. He walked to the door and didn’t realize you were there until Chanyeol stepped to the side.
“Oh hello dear.” he said kissing your forehead. He stood next to Chanyeol and let the awkward silence consume you. You looked between them waiting for one of them to explain but all Chanyeol did was stare at you smiling and your father stared between you two. You stood there for what felt like ages before crossing your arms and pouting.
“Why don’t you both get changed and we’ll talk in the dining room over breakfast.” your father said. Chanyeol nodded and walked away before kissing your head. He kissed you again right in front of your father. Your father took a deep breath and followed after Chanyeol left. That left you utterly confused. Even more confused than before. How confused could you get? Find out next time on, your life is a big unsolved puzzle.
You walked into the dining room to see Chanyeol and your father sitting down at the table. The seat next to Chanyeol was set so you took a seat there. Your father sat across from both of you. You glanced over to see a smiling Chanyeol looking at you. That boy was always so happy while you were completely confused.
“So I guess you have a lot of questions by now.” your father spoke up. You looked up at him and swallowed your food. You took a sip of orange juice and gathered your thoughts. You wanted to be treated like an adult so you would act like one.
“Yes I do. And I expect answers to all of them.” you said back. Chanyeol cleared his throat a little and you saw him smiling to himself. It wasn’t funny.
“Ok...ask away little lady.” your father said.
“What the hell is going on?” you barked out. You never use language like that but to be fair you had every right to. Chanyeol choked on his water and your father fixed his table set, a habit he had when he was uncomfortable or shocked.
“Language young lady. I know this seems weird but that’s no right for you to talk that way.” he said looking down. You instantly felt bad.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come off that way. But father, this is all more than weird. From my point of view, it looks like we’re in bad business with the Parks. I mean they are always here now and you’ve never looked so stressed in your life.” you ranted. He looked up at you and then Chanyeol.
“Well I’m stressed but only because my little girl is growing up. Do you remember last week at the ball?” your father asked.
“Yes, what about it?” you responded.
“Do you remember exactly what happened in the garden?” he asked again. You more than remembered what happened in the garbed but you doubt he meant Chanyeol having his way with you.
“When King Park and I found you two, we just came from discussing something rather important for our two families.” your father said again. He was beating around the bush.
“Ok and?” you say getting impatient.
“And when I called you Princess Park, I meant it.” Chanyeol spoke up next to you. You looked at him and he was staring at your father.
“What does this mean? You guys have to give me some confirmation so I don’t think something that’s not what it is.” you say to the two vague men in front of you.
“What do you think that means?” Chanyeol joked. You looked at him and kicked his leg under the table before looking at your father. You could have swore you saw him smile.
“Well dear, what do you think that means?” he said. You knew what being the title Princess meant but the name associated meant something else.
“It means...I’m his wife.” you whispered. And you looked up at your father to see a glimmer in his eye. No way.
“This isn’t funny. It’s a real sick joke.” you said getting up. Chanyeol grabbed your hand and looked up at you with a very serious face.
“I would never joke about something like this.” he said pulling you down.
“Oh my God. What? How? What does this mean?” you started to ask. Your head was spinning with excitement but also worry. What did this mean for your father and your kingdom?
“You don’t have to worry about a thing. Chanyeol made some amazing things happen and it all works out for all of us.” you father said calming you. You look over to Chanyeol who is holding your hand waiting for him to explain.
“Well you remember I said I was away in Paris visiting my sister? Well while I was there, I made trade with one of the biggest market traders there. Neither of our families trade with them because of what happened like 100 years ago or something that has nothing to do with us today. To be quite honest none of this fued has anything to do with us today. It’s really just traders and markets pushing our families apart for their own safety. But anyway, I signed to trade with them if and only if we could join our families. We don’t need to be enemies to trade to one of the biggest businesses in France. We are way more powerful if we are together. And they know that just as much as I do. So now we can be together, married, and have the most powerful kingdom. We span from here to France, making us the largest kingdom. We own a lot of territory now and have just made a lot of money.” he explained smiling so brightly exposing his pearly whites. You followed his every word and got lost in his lips. Those beautiful lips were yours now. What the fuck Chanyeol? How can someone like him manage to end generations of a feud, make millions, expand territory, and get the love of his life all within the span of less than two months.
“Well not yet.” you father said breaking you from your trance. You both look over at him and he stands up.
“You two have to get married first.” he said and as if on queue, a group of people came in with a dress, papers, flower samples, the whole nine.
“The busy palace was for planning your wedding. The Parks have taken a huge part in planning and to be honest, I thank them for it because I have no clue how this works. Your mother did all our wedding stuff.” he said handing you a book of the plans. The name in the book said Prince and Princess Park. You smiled at it until you heard your favorite voice.
“Well aren’t you lucky to have me back now?” Your mother. You jumped up and ran to her crushing her with your arms. She hugged you back securely like she always did. She was your first home, your first love, the first to ever look into your eyes. That’s just the bond you had with your mother. She was your number one.
“Hi little one.” she smiled holding your face in her dainty hands. You smiled back at her and never let her go.
“Seems my little one isn’t so little anymore. You’re soon to be a married woman. If anything do you know the main thing to take away from your father and I?” she said. You loosened up a bit and looked at your father smiling at his two girls.
“The woman is always right.” you said confidently to your mother. She replied in a healthy laugh that was music to your ears. You heard your father and Chanyeol laugh too but more in disbelief.
“Yea that won’t work with me Princess. We both know that.” Chanyeol said smirking at you. Your face heated up and blush crept over your whole body. Flirting in front of your parents, this boy.
𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓀 𝐻𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓎𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃
“So what’s the first thing we should do, Princess Park?” Chanyeol asked coming up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. You relax into his arms and take in the fresh Paris air. You shrug in his arms and kiss his hand adorned with a gold band with your initials.
“Any plans to take over the world? We’ve got a lifetime ahead of us but we can always start today.” he said kissing down your jaw. You smile at the optimistic boy you are now wed to. You look down at your beautiful ring now becoming one with your skin. It was all really real.
“We’ve got a lifetime. Why waste this moment on that when we can just have each other?” you said turning in his arms. You hold his baby face in your hands occasionally glancing at the ring on your finger.
“Either you’re more in love with your ring or you’re still in shock.” he smiled bending down to kiss you sweetly. He tasted like strawberries.
“Both.” you whisper into his lips making him laugh. He pulls you close and bites your lip.
“Maybe I can show you something better than that ring.” he said. You smirked as he pulled you back into your suite to the bedroom. It was set with petals everywhere and candles illuminating the large room. You go to stand in front of the bed and watch as he starts to shed his clothing.
His body was never something you’ve really gotten the chance to see. You’ve only shared quick rendezvous together. You were unaware of what this large man really looked like. He took his time letting the silk fabric of his shirt fall from his shoulders onto the floor to expose the most beautifully sculpted man. His chest and shoulders along with abs and v line were enough to make you swoon over him. He continued undressing and you nearly lost balance. His bare body now standing in front of you in all it’s glory was all yours. The candle light flickering off of his perfect skin was enough to distract you from the large cock standing at attention. He walked up to you and pushed your silk dress off your shoulders. You were left in nothing making him raise his eyebrow.
“Surprise.” you smirk.
“A surprise for me? You shouldn’t have.” he laughed. He pulled your naked body to his and your mind went blank. You were finally skin to skin with this man. Your husband.
“So what about now? Is that ring still on your mind?” he teased. You raised your hand next to his face and looked at your ring as if thinking it over before looking back at him.
“I think you have to try a little harder.” you whispered in his ear. You felt his lips smirk against your neck before he pushed you down on the bed and hovered over you. He was instantly between your legs and the rest was a blur.
All you can remember was the rapid pounding of his cock deep inside you. The sounds of your moans and the sweet bliss of a real fuck and not your secret rendezvous. The feeling of his skin under your nails, his hips meeting yours, his muscular chest on top of yours. The sex was great but all the factors of this being real made the sex almost seem fake. It was like a dream. He was fucking you in Paris on your honeymoon. He was your husband, Park Chanyeol. And you his wife.
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lonely-bored-writer · 5 years
Casper High Ch. 2
Danny Fenton hadn't expected to make a friend that day. He wasn't having the best of days- he had spent the early hours of the morning taking down any straying ghosts, trying to make sure that less ghosts would interrupt him during school. The less he missed school, the better his grades would be, and the more people would get off of his back.
That's how it's been since Sam and Tucker moved away. He didn't have his friends helping keep his secret just that. He remembered when it had happened; Sam was the first one to go. It was after a particular brutal battle between Technus, Skulker, and him. The Manson's couldn't take it anymore. They were tired of the damages and danger, so they packed up their belongings and their daughter and moved. Sam was the first domino to fall, and just like that more families had moved away. Tucker had moved after the house next to their's collapsed after Danny had been thrown into it. Luckily the house wasn't occupied by it scared the Foley's enough past the tipping point.
Casper High School was still the bustling school it was to start, but now so many familiar faces had been replaced by strangers, those whose families either didn't care about the danger or were interested in the town's so called ghosts. However Amity Park wasn't as lively as it once was. The town had an unspoken curfew, and not many were out after ten at night, the town's park the first to be deserted at night.
The constant ghosts attacks had not only taken a toll on Danny, but on the town as well. Danny's body oftentimes mirrored his town nowadays.
Danny was happy to just make a friend who didn't think he was a freak, or know of his parent's reputation. The day was nice, even if all he and Sam did was stay in the motel room and just hang out after school. Danny and Sam had spent hours just talking about anything and everything, Danny even helping Sam catch up on the few lessons he showed up in the middle of. Dean popped in two hours later with Nasty Burger, which had led to a long discussion between all of them about the merits of such a name correlating to food.
It was safe to say that Danny had the best day of his life since his friends left. He wasn't used to sitting and talking for hours in person with people who he barely knew about topics so diverse. It was nice to unwind for a few hours and just let himself be. He didn't have to worry about what the others were thinking or having to broach topics that needed to be covered. It was nice and Danny could get used to it- that's why going home was like a slam of reality to him.
"Hold up. This, this is where you live?" Sam's stuttered out response came out once the impala pulled to a stop in front of the monstrosity that was Fenton Works. Danny gave a sheepish smile before rubbing the back of his neck.
"Uh yea. Weird, I know." Danny slipped out of the car, only for Dean to speak before he could walk up his steps.
"It's fucking cool." Dean grinned, looking up at the odd UFO sitting on the roof. "You've got to give us a tour one of these days."
"Really?" Danny looked up shock, blinking rapidly, surprised that the older man actually seemed to like his house. Dean nodded enthusiastically in response to the question. Glancing back, Danny noted the glowing neon sign was on signaling his parents were home. "Yea, maybe we can do that sometime soon if you want."
"That'll be fun." Sam smiled from the other side of the car, leaning closer to the driver-side window. "Maybe you could show us some of the stuff you've built." It wasn't much if Danny was being honest, just some small functioning robots and edits to his parents weapons to protect himself, but Sam's interest created a warm feeling in him.
"Sure. Anyways, I hope you guys have a good night, drive safe." Danny traded goodbyes with the duo, waiting until Dean drove off in the Impala before jogging up to his door. The moment the front door opened, Danny knew where his parents were based on the dim lighting and the noises coming from the basement. With a sigh, the teen made his way into the kitchen and glanced around. Surprised to see it clean, Danny concluded that his parents probably forgot to eat anything. Pulling out four slices of leftover pizza, ignoring the soft growls and glow emitting from the bottom drawer, and shoved the food into the microwave.
When he entered the lab, he found both his parents bent over a table. A trembling ectopus sat in a small cage, his mother extracting samples from him. Danny bit his lip and the uncomfortable feeling that swelled through him at the thought of the experiments, his chipper mood dampening a bit.
"Mom, dad." Danny called over the sound of his dad soldering away, pulling his parents away from their work. "I brought you some pizza."
"Oh Danny, when did you get home?" Maddie asked, pulling her hood down to expose short auburn hair. "That's sweet of you, thank you baby." Maddie smiled politely, hugging her son softly as she took the plate and placed it nearby. Her husband was the exact opposite of his mother's gentle approach.
"Danny boy!" Jack greeted loudly, pulling his son into his infamous 'Jack Fenton Bear Hugs' once the food was safely out of the way. "You should see what we're working on! Your mother and I were about to figure out a way to cause ghost energy to-"
"I just got in." Danny cut his dad off as nice as he could- he didn't really want to hear this. "I would love to sit and chat, but I really should look over an essay due tomorrow." Danny explained, dislodging himself from his dad.
"Education is important." Maddie smiled, waving him off before turning to her husband and joining him in the conversation about their new device. Danny almost turned away when he caught eyes with the ectopus and guilt filled him. Quietly, he reached a hand out and pressed the release button before turning and speed walking out of the lab. Luckily Danny always seemed to be invisible, even before his powers came to be. Even in his own house Danny was often overlooked; Danny just learned to use this to his advantage. Releasing ghosts was just one way he could use his inherent constant invisibility to his own benefit.
The moment he stepped out the door, he could hear the chaos ensue- his father's yelling and his mother's quick orders bounced of metal walls, echoing up the stairs and up into the normal house. A soft smile took over his features, his parents were really were something else. Humming softly as he made his way to his room, passing by the empty room that once occupied his sister, who was currently off to college. He sent a quick text message to his best friends to be online in two minutes.
"Hey guys." Danny greeted when the two faces appeared on his screen.
"Danny!" Sam called, her black headboard behind her.
Danny laughed at the different greetings he got, before taking in the appearances before him. Tucker hadn't changed all that much from when he was in Amity Park, aside from his hair now being grown out and his attraction to hoodies. Sam had actually cut her hair, shaving one side in protest of the move. The buzz cut had actually grown on her, the teen keeping it, determined to not grow it back out. Sam's style was still gothic, not changing one bit as the years passed since she has made the decision to delve into this genre.
"How was your day?" Sam's voice crackled through the headset, "Mine was boring, I spent all day with my mom going over everything for the gala." Danny smiled at the reminder of that, he knew Sam was going to pull a fast one on her parents and wear a dark red and black lace dress to the event over the shy blue one her parents picked out.
"I spent my day with the robotics team. Perry almost has all the programming done for the medic bot, while Becca and I are almost done with the framing. Now all we need is to figure out the best tracks to use and it'll be fully functional." Tucker beamed from his screen, a grin on his face before his expression soured a tad. "Chris was being a douche and almost broke an arm off because we refuse to let him work on it."
"Smart choice." Sam and Danny both responded at the same time, pulling a laugh from all teens present.
"My day was actually pretty good." Danny smiled at his friends who seemed glad to hear that. Danny hadn't been the same since they left. While Danny was probably the kindest of the three of them, after the accident, Danny was reluctant to make new relationships with others. That and Danny was the nerd of the school, on the lowest rung, and he was invisible. The only time anyone paid attention to him was to either bully him or to call him out for not doing something. "A new kid, Sam, he invited me over and I had a great time talking with him and his older brother."
"A great time." Tucker mused, wiggling his eyebrows. Sam laughed while Danny shook his head and sighed.
"Not like that you perv." Danny chuckled. "I helped him catch up on lessons and we talked. He let me out of the locker Dash stuck me in after he got lost on his way to class seeing as he witnessed it. We had the same class so I led him to the right class."
"That's great Danny, it's great to see you making new friends." Sam smiled. "I'm surprised Amity Park has a new Sam in town."
"Yea, he's only in town for a few days. Today was his first day." Danny nodded, letting his smile slip a little.
"Hey if you become a loner again, I'm sure Poindexter won't mind eating lunch with you." The trio laughed at Tucker's joke, lightening the mood once again.
"Okay, enough about me." Danny shook his head, gesturing a hand to Tucker's side of the screen. "Tell us more about this feud between your Robotic club and Chris, and why you guys don't just kick him." A groan left the techno-geek before he launched into a long and passionate speech about Chris and just how much he's out to ruin competition for everyone else.
As always, Danny was content when he finished the video call. For once the looming sadness didn't come, armed with the knowledge that he had another friend he'll be meeting up with tomorrow. A sigh did leave him though when his eyes landed upon the stack of papers and textbooks sitting on his bed. 12:03 am the blinking red numbers of his alarm clock read, giving him about four and a half hours before he had to go on patrol before school.
Once he finished his numerous math worksheets, Danny knew that finishing his homework wasn't going to happen. Sure, he really wanted to not have to hear a lecture tomorrow from basically all his teachers but he needed to go to bed. If he didn't, he wouldn't be able to go on patrol and if he isn't able to go on patrol he'll have to skip classes. And that is just another lecture waiting to happen. It's quite the vicious cycle and it's not like he can be in two places at once...
Wow, sometimes he was just downright stupid.
Danny focused on his ghost core, grinning when three copies came out full and corporeal. Danny silently ordered the clones to get to work. One taking on each subject- English, Math, and History. With a loud yawn, the teen fell face first into his pillows before he was out like a light, comforted with the knowledge of where his clones were and that once he woke up, all of their memories would flood back into his mind.
He was able to sleep three hours and fifteen minutes before his ghost sense woke him up, at least he stocked his room with monster, red bull, five hour energy, and espresso shots. He'll make it through, just like any other day.
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Dancing Fear’s and Love (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
A/N: so I had this idea when watch this TV show called “Frasier” really good show btw i recommend. So i was watching season 3 episode 13 When I had this idea to follow the plot of that episode well not the exact plot but almost similar and add Bucky to it. So I hope y’all enjoy.  Please do read my other stories. *Link to masterlist.  
Y/N turns to Bucky for dance lessons to prepare herself for of Tony’s extravagant ball.
Word Count:  1,944
Warnings : swearing (light), action’s almost leading up to rape (but does NOT happen)
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I was sitting in my room reading my book and just when it was getting to the interesting part when F.R.I.D.A.Y makes an announcement “Miss, Y/N Mr. Stark is hosting a ball on Saturday” 
“Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y” I go back to reading my book and just as before I start to reading the first line of the paragraph Wanda burst through my door. 
“Have you heard ?” 
“Have I heard what ?” I say annoyed. 
“Well about the ball, are you going ?” She’s asked me 
“Um..” I still lay my gaze on the book but not reading.
“Don’t tell me you not going Y/N, I think you should go Jason will be there.”
“well that’s all the reason not to.”
Jason was another shield agent, we were dating for 3 months, and boy was it a good 3 months but one day he was just gone, he left a not on my table saying he can’t do this anymore. 
“Well don’t you think you should go just it’s been 6 months since the both of you broke up.” 
I let out sigh and told Wanda that I’ll think about it. 
I decided to close the book I was reading since I know that I won’t be reading much. 
“Saturday huh..” That’s like a day away and then realization hits “No that is a day away and I don’t even know how to dance. Oh shit, now what do I do ?”
The first thing that I do is open my closet to see if I have a gown to wear for the ball. I notice my old baby pink off shoulder gown with details of flowers and blue petals. 
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“Now that the dress is in check, the dancing part” I let out a frustrated groan and make my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat while making my way there I scroll through my phone for some waltz tutorial videos thinking that it might help.
I was busing being engrossed in my phone when I suddenly landed on something soft and warm when I opened my eyes I realized that I fell on top of Bucky. 
I hurried and got up trying to straighten myself tucking a stand of hair behind my ear since I got flustered. I knew Bucky for a while now, we talked a bit here and there and I helped him with coping with today’s world.
“I’m sooo sorry Bucky I didn’t see you” 
“Cleary, you were looking at your phone” he says while let out a chuckle. 
“So dance tutorial huh?” he asked me. 
“Yea, uh..Tony’s ball is tomorrow and I need to know how to dance” I mumbled feeling shy saying or rather admitting that I didn’t know how to dance. 
Bucky looked at me and gave me a nod, I was about to say bye and grab some food when Bucky grabbed my wrist to stop me. “You know I could teach you” he said with a expressionless face. I turned to him and my eyebrow curled upward “Excuse me ?”
“I mean I can help you practice dancing” he said, I looked at him shocked since I knew that Bucky didn’t like too much contact with people he was not used to it yet. And hugging is one thing but dancing needs full contact. 
“Are you sure ?” I spoke
“Yes doll” he gave me a firm nod.
“Do you have a date ?” he asks me.
“Uh..Yeah sort Sam kinda told me he will take me” 
Bucky just nodded. 
I told him that I would take up his offer and to met me in 15 minutes in my room.
He started me with some basic movies and then we worked our way up to The Waltz.
“Then the right foot goes back, the left back-and-over, and the right slides next to it”.
I do as he instructed me to. 
“And that's it! All right, once again, A one-two- Oh! three, a two-two-three, a three-two-three, a four-two three”
And we begin again. 
“This is boring, yet difficult.” I tell him with a pout.
He let’s out a small chuckle “Aw, there's no trick to dancing.It's just a matter of coordination.”
After a while we moved on to dancing the samba. 
To be honestly I was completely nervous and my heart pounding in my chest by the closeness between Bucky and I. It’s not everyday you get to dance with a handsome guy let alone when the guy happens to be your crush. All I did was rest my head on Bucky’s shoulder and we slow danced. I felt like time had stopped.
                                                                            ~ At the Ball ~
It was 3 hours until the ball, I got ready, I was doing my makeup when Wanda and Nat walk in looking hot if I may add. 
“So how you holding up ?” Wanda asks. 
“Alright I guess Just nervous” 
“Girl.. You look slay” Nat tells me with a gleam in her eye.
I just let out a chuckle out. 
In the next hour Sam calls me and tell me that he finally asked that girl he likes and is taking her to the ball and apologized to me. I told him that he could go to the ball with her, he told me that he will drop me at the ball. 
“You ready ?” Sam comes at my door. 
“As I’ll ever be” I smile nervous at him and take his hand. 
We reach the ball and I step in and Sam goes his separated way to find his date. I start scanning for Bucky. 
Whom I spot easily standing with a familiar blonde man. 
I walk up to where Bucky and Steve are. Steve hands me a glass of champagne which I gladly accept.
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“Hey you look great Y/N” 
“Thank you Steve” 
I turn to look at Bucky who’s eyes are wide and jaw slightly open. 
“Um..Bucky ?” I wave my hand in front of his face. 
“Ye-yes You look spectacular doll”. 
I blush lightly I avert my eyes from him and look at the dance floor. 
“Tony really does go all out” I let out a sigh. 
Bucky comes in front of me and takes my glass and sets it down. 
“Dance with me ?” 
I just nod at him. 
He leads me to the dance floor and I already that jerk of a face Jason and his date but I couldn’t care less. 
Bucky hold my hand in his and guides his other hand to his shoulder. 
We start by dancing the Waltz just like he thought me. The entire time I felt like my heart beating so fast and I felt time slowed down. 
I was so lost in Bucky’s beautiful eyes, I didn’t notice that a fast song was playing It was a Tango.
Bucky suggest we danced to it. 
“Come Y/N it’s really easy just like waltz except we have to be really close to each other.”
 “A tango! Oh, you never taught me a tango!” I say in almost a whisper shout. 
“Oh, you'll love it! It's perfect for you! This is a passionate, full-blooded dance.”
“ There's only one rule in the tango: our bodies must be in continuous contact, with not a sliver of daylight between us.” Bucky whispers in my ears. 
“I can do that. I think” I mummer. 
He put his hand on my lower back and pulled me close to his chest, I could feel his breath on my neck and it send shivers down my spine.
We start dancing and I never thought I would have so much fun. 
“You’r dazzling doll, absolutely brilliant” he let’s out praises and I start feel my cheeks heat up. 
“Your not half bad your self Bucky,”.
I was so caught up in the moment of the dance that I yelled it out. 
“Oh..Bucky I love you” I suddenly realized what I said and slapped my one hand on my mouth. 
And the perfect moment to everyone just looked at me, I felt so embarrassed. Bucky just stood their not saying anything, I took this as a sign that he didn’t like me back and I could feel the tears pricking my eyes. 
“Bucky I-I..” the next moment I know I’m running out of the room. In the distance I could hear Bucky shout out my name but I didn’t stop. 
I ran straight to the balcony, I started to silently cry, secretly hoping Bucky would chase after me but knowing now that it would never happen. 
While I was taking deep breaths to stop crying and wiping my eyes I heard shuffling noise behind.
“Bucky I’m sorry I-I” I turned around and was a bit taken back. 
“Sorry, love not Bucky” It was that jerk of a boyfriend Jason. 
He took a step towards me and I took a step back coming against the wall. I was too tired to deal with his dumb ass. 
“Jason what do want ?” I spoke coldly to him. 
He just laughed and said “ Quiet a show their Y/N, made me realize something” 
Just hearing his voice I wanted to puke, “Get lost” he won’t budge, He cornered me and pinned me to the wall and pinned my legs with his so I would move. 
“What the hel-” I was about to say when he try to force him self, I manage to head butt him. 
He groans in pain, “You shouldn’t have done that love”
“I’m not your love Jason, Get the fuck away from me and keep your filthily paws to yourself” I shout and spit at him. 
I was about to say more when. 
“Get the fuck away from my love” Bucky knocked the daylight out of Jason “Don’t go anywhere near her you fucker.” 
I finally grabbed Bucky and we moved away from Jason. 
I lead him to my room to cool down. 
“Are you ok ?” he asked full of concern. 
“Yes Bucky thank you” I finally realized that just a few minutes a go I let it slip that I love him. 
I open my mouth to speak but Bucky talks instead. 
“I was calling out for you, but you didn’t listen and ran away, Don’t run away when someone calls your name doll.” 
Bucky comes closer to me and intertwines his fingers with mine. 
“I was searching for you and lucky I heard your voice shouting that asshat.” 
“Bucky what are you d- ?”
Bucky shut me up with his lips on mine, I was so shocked at first but kissed him back. 
He broke the kiss, “Y/N I love you too, I was in love with you since the first time I saw you, 
But I didn’t want to tell you because Steve just brought me here, and I didn’t want to get you involved with me, 
But then you helped me with my nightmares without you knowing it. I was going to tell you I love you but you and that Jason guy got together and I didn’t have the chance.
So when you told me that you had feeling for me I was so shocked that I was dreaming and that’s why I didn’t say anything and by the time I came by you where running away”
I looked at Bucky with tears in my eyes and put my arms around his neck and Kissed him and told him I loved him for the second and this time he said it back. Finally my Love had come to me and I to him.
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unlikely-allies · 6 years
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Similar to what I did when I re-read Tithe, I am going to do a post a play-by-play of my thoughts while reading Valiant by Holly Black. This obviously means that WARNING THERE WILL BE SPOILERS.
Valiant is a gritty and dark modern faerie tale, filled with trolls that live under bridges, magic kisses, sword fights, and beasts with inner beauty. Val is a runaway that quickly discovers that living on your own in New York City is only glamorous until it isn’t. This is a story for anyone who has ever wanted to just drop everything and leave. Anyone who has wanted to step out of their lives and not be someone else for a while. In stepping away from her life, Val discovers that she can be so much more than the sidekick in someone else’s story. I would recommend Valiant to readers who enjoyed Tithe by Holly Black, The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, and for those who like the urban fantasy genre. The Modern Faerie Tales series is the reason that I have come to love modern fantasy and books involving the Fae.
So here we go,
• Val might be the first main character ever that is content with being the sidekick. • I think Ruth’s “some things exist whether you believe in them or not” button may be a bit of foreshadowing. • “Val punched Jen in the face.” Go Val! • Oh how I loathe washed up beauty queen moms. • If my boyfriend was that late I’d already be back in sweatpants resigned to staying home. • The city isn’t safe alone but here take this lipstick. What responsible parenting. • Tom’s an asshole. Its like he planned to bail on Val for the game so that he could hook up with her mom instead. • What do you even say to them in that moment? • Just walking out was probably the best choice. • Oh no, Ruth knew. • Bad mom, bad boyfriend, bad best friend! • Finding out your mom and boyfriend are hooking up is bad, but I don’t know if its shave your head in the train bathroom bad. • Oh how I don’t miss taking the train to Penn Station. It’s a germ pit of the worst kind. • You always think of the best comebacks once the situation has already passed. • I would’ve skipped the game and just gone for the pizza. • Missing the last train home is just the universe trying to tell you something. • Fun fact: you’re really not supposed to give kittens cream, or milk, or any dairy products for that matter. • Even on NY I’m not sure you’ll find decent enough stuff to sell while dumpster diving. • Street cart hot dogs are gross, sorry but they are. • That poor kitten. • I feel like letting random strangers get you drunk and then going home with them is the start of a bad kidnapping movie. • At least Val recognizes how sketchy this is. • Not sure I could just drift off to sleep on a subway platform next to a guy affectionately referred to as sketchy Dave. • Sketchy Dave and Luis have the tragic backstory straight out of an episode of 20/20. • Luis seems to have a soft spot for subway rats. • What a warm welcome Luis. • We have risen to a new level of drug-riddled sketchiness. • Just gagged a little at Sketchy Dave eating dumpster pasta. • I don’t think Dave doing pull ups on the subway is the scariest thing this man will ever see in NYC. I don’t think it’s the worst thing he will see today. • So Sketchy Dave is some kind of Faerie drug dealer? • “Believe what you can handle believing.” - Lollipop • The rhyme is actually: “one bright day in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot one another. A blind man came to watch fair play. A mute man came to shout hurray. A deaf policeman heard the noise, and he came and killed those two dead boys.” • Who would’ve guessed, a troll that lives in a bridge. • Lolli is stupid to be stealing from a troll. • Val trades a month of service to the troll so that he will spare Lolli. • Way to be ungrateful Lolli. • Nevermore. I love a good Poe reference. • “Never more than once a day, never more than a pinch at a time, and never more than two days in a row.” • Say no to drugs kids. • Dave, creative self-mutilation is not the way to a woman’s heart. • Chinese food heals the soul. • Sorry, can’t feel bad for Val’s pervy mom. • Ravus is an interesting name for a troll. • I guess even troll businessmen need administrative assistants. • I doubt Ravus is the poisoner. Seems like a bad business strategy. • NYC is just home to some of the nicest people… • Few things would be more traumatizing than finding a dead mermaid. • They’re going to have to invent faerie-narcotics anonymous meetings just for Lolli. • Hmmm, Ravus came from a Court, but which one? • Roiben name drop! • Follow up: Ravus is from the Seelie Court. • So Ravus is essentially in self-imposed exile? Sucks that Mabry was forced to leave with him. • Voluntary courier service in exchange for swordplay lessons… seems fair. • Its bad when the guy who sees faeries is calling you a freak. “Loony Lolli, Sketchy Dave, Crazy Val.” • They just finished talking about there being rat poison in the Never and then they turn around and shoot it up? • They just made themselves at home in someone else’s apartment…while the family is still home… • Lolli actually just tossed the kitten in front of the subway train. I now hate Lolli. • Ravus, obviously she’s not sick if she’s trying to get with you. Its definitely something else… • The Never is like eating her alive so naturally the thing to do is steal an entire bottle. • So glamoring each other into other people and then having sex is really creepy. • Ruth actually brought the flour sack child with her on her rescue mission. • So Lolli is a bitch. • And Ruth didn’t question any of that? A woman just got turned into a dog and she says nothing. • Sleeping in Central Park is the perfect way to get murdered. • Mabry really knows how to kill a mood. • “I had thought everything of you.” My heart is breaking for Ravus. • Ruth is really taking all of this in stride. I’m impressed. • Ok so Mabry is the poisoner. That means Dave definitely is the accomplice since he is the one skimming off the Never for himself and Lolli. • The hair harp is very morbid and Silence of the Lambs-ish. • Hair harp literally says Mabry is guilty and that she is trying to frame Ravus. • RIP flour sack baby. • Oh damn, Dave had Luis faerie-napped. • I don’t think the hospital will know what to do with a faerie drug OD. • No, Ravus! • Mabry literally ripped out Ravus’ heart. • Awh Luis you’re more than just a one-eyed bum. • The Unseelie Court would be in New Jersey. • Still don’t feel bad for Val’s mom. • “Take me to your leader.” Jeez. • Roiben and Kaye! • Val defended Roiben. Val’s a badass! • Yea she’s definitely in shock. • Luis really should have taken Val to the hospital. • She did not just magic-kiss him awake. • She literally dueled over your heart, obviously she likes you. • I’m not sure Ravus is her mom’s type so I think she’s safe with this one. • I’ll just pretend that somehow Val is secretly a faerie like Kaye so that last line isn’t so bittersweet.
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Dragonic 7
A/N: I’ve rewritten this probs 6 times, that’s why it took so long, sorry about that! I am going to do something for reaching 200+ followers, just don’t know what yet (open to prompt ideas). Thanks for all the love my friends!! :D Don’t forget you can read previous parts on FF.net or AO3. 
After the food tray was dropped off in the kitchen, Levy roamed around the castle with Lily close at her side. Every maid, guard and servant was immediately surprised at the sight of the King’s mighty companion accompanying such a small maid. Levy shrugged off their stares with amusement, as she walked aimlessly back to Gajeel’s room.
Sighing, she let Lily in the room first before closing the door behind her. “Let’s get back to work, Lily,” she smirked pumping herself up. The only thing she had left to do was clean the windows and sweep the veranda. She tried her best to ignore the sight, promising herself that she’ll take a moment to do so when she was done. The bay doors opened up to a veranda with a simple table and two chairs causing Levy to figure out how she was going to reach the highest portion of the windows.
Lily took resident in the sunniest spot near Levy’s feet as she sat back soaking in the view. Her arms sore from stretching them to its limit before finally using a chair to stand on and the table for a better reach.
The sun was starting to set on the back gardens, the flowers and shrubs lined in intricate swirls and curves with a stone walkway welcoming anyone to get lost in the maze of vegetation. There was a line of trees separating the primp and proper backyard to the expanse of dense forest that went as far as the eye could see.
“I wonder what’s beyond those trees?” she huffed standing up, stretching her arms above her head. “But for now, I guess its dinner time.” Lily ears perked up with interest as he lazily stretched with a big yawn.
Rubbing the big cats head, she spoke with a frown, “They never told me what to give you for food, so how do I feed you?”
He purred happily under her scratches before stepping from her grasp. Without warning he jumped on the railing of the veranda and immediately jumped off causing Levy to scream out his name.
Racing to the edge, she looked down to see a smirking cat looking up at her with a teasing glint in his eyes. “Lily, you meanie! You scared me!” She hollered down, getting a sharp mewl and a grin from the big cat. Turning on his heels, he quickly took off into the gardens straight for the forest.
“I guess you catch your own food.” She chuckled dryly shaking her head, heading back into the room.
“Levy! I’m glad you made it in time for dinner,” Ms. Carrie, welcomed her with a hug, “I thought I was going to have to send Sue get you this time.”
She let herself be led to the table where a few maids and guards were already sitting and talking amongst themselves. “I’m sorry, I lost track of time earlier, but I’ll try to do better next time.”
“No worries, just sit and eat.”
Grabbing the nearest open seat, she sat down next to Sue who shot her smile as she passed a plate filled with meat. She was handed a few plates, adding what she wanted to her own before digging into her meal. She sat their quietly observing the people around her, listening into a few conversations as she ate. A few included her on the conversation, telling her about the latest castle or town’s gossip. The names and past indecencies foreign to her ears.
The guards were the first to leave, and eventually the maids, leaving Levy, Sue and Ms. Carrie alone in the kitchen. The girls helped the old cook clean the dishes as they chatted away about how good the food was and Levy’s first day. Sue gave her some helpful tips and tricks on how to handle her chores as they worked together. Ms. Carrie washing, Levy drying and Sue putting them away.
“Tomorrow will be different though. We took it easy on you since it was your first day, but tomorrow will be different. You clean his room once a week and during the days you don’t do that you tend Lily and him.” Sue commented, putting away a dish.
Nodding her head, Levy wiped a glass dry, “So, I basically follow him around and follow orders.”
“Precisely. I’m surprised you didn’t do that today. Lily is most of the time Gajeel’s shadow but today he stayed with you while you cleaned,” Ms. Carrie smirked with an eyebrow raised.
Picking up another glass to dry, Levy stated, “I’m glad he likes me. Nearly scared me to death when he jumped off the patio,” she shook her head at the memory with a slight laugh.
“Oh yea, I forgot to tell you that he hunts his own meals.” Sue said picking up the dried glass and putting it away. “Gajeel gives him free roam of the castle grounds and the forest behind it. He’s still a wild animal after all.”
“And, speak of the devil.” Ms. Carrie, spoke with a slight laugh watching as said wild animal strode into the kitchen, first rubbing himself on the old cook earning a quick pat to the head. “You here to steal Levy, away from us?”
“Oh! I almost forgot I had to tutor tonight.” Levy jumped, quickly tossing the rag on the counter, stepping quickly towards the waiting feline. “And I have no idea where his office is.”
“You’ll show her the way right, Lily?” Ms. Carrie asked, earning a deep rumble of agreement and another quick pat before she went back to work. “Good boy, now run along Levy. I’m sure the King is waiting for you.”
Lily nudged his head against her leg, motioning for her to start walking. “Alright, lead the way.” She followed his every step, as they weaved through the hallways, her mind trying to memorize the path for tomorrow.  
They walked until they came upon two large dark oak doors, she peered up at their imposing structures peculiarly. “This is his office?” She asked not taking her eyes off the large doors. Lily sat down beside, waiting for her to open the doors.
Pushing them open with as much strength she could muster, Lily slipped in before the door became too much for her. She nearly slipped forward on the polished hardwood floors, stumbling in as she gawked at the sight.
“A Library….” She breathed, heart racing frantically in her chest as her eyes sparkled with delight. A squeal erupted from the small woman as she jumped up and down soaking up every inch of the room.
There were no windows, just one big chandelier hanging from the ceiling with lamps on each table and desk that took over the main floor of the library. The room was shaped like a  stretched out ‘U’ with books lining the walls and a staircase on each side combining to make one long walkway forming a second floor filed with even more books.
“Lily! Why didn’t you tell me this was a library?!” Levy shrieked as she bounced around the different shelves of books. Lily rolled his eyes huffing in amusement at the excitable woman. He sat in the middle of the floor watching the little woman closely, her happiness and energy unwavering as she ran around.
His eyes shot towards the only office in the library that was placed on the left before the start of the staircase. The door opened, with a tall man walking out his eyes shooting first to his cat that sat with a small smirk on his face and then to the woman who jumped from bookcase to bookcase oblivious to the man that stood watching her excitement.
Lily strutted over to his bigger companion, seeing the King’s eyebrows knit together in confusion, his eyes shifting back from the blue haired maid to his cat.
Gajeel’s eyes went wide at the question in his old friend’s eyes, knowing him for so long that all they had to do was look into each other eyes to speak.
‘You feel it too, don’t you?’
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lil’.” He grumbled, quickly averting his eyes back to the bouncing maid, hearing the cat let out a humorous huff of air.
Crossing his arms over his chest, he cleared his throat loudly catching her attention. “You done shorty?” He asked, as she spun around facing him with a mortified look on her face.
“I’m so sorry, I-I got too excited. I’ve never seen a library this big with so many books in Dragonic and other foreign languages. It’s beautiful. I didn’t touch anything I swear and I won’t unless I can. But, I shouldn’t because I have a job to do and that job is to serve you.” She spoke so fast, he had a hard time following her as she fidgeted in her spot.
Sighing, he just shook his head, “Let’s just get this done, so I can go to bed.”
“Y-Yes sir.” She agreed, watching him turn around to walk back the way he came. Lily waited for her to catch up before walking in too.
More books covered the walls of the office, with an imposing dark oak desk placed in front of a tall window. Two chairs sat at an angle a foot away from the big desk that was covered in multiple papers. A large sofa, a small table placed on the other end of the office.
Levy stepped onto the luxurious area rug, inhaling the scent of ink, parchment and old leather. “Beautiful.” She spoke softly, slowly taking in the sight.
Taking up one of the chairs that sat in front of his desk, he motioned for Levy to take the other seat beside him. “Shall we start?” Gajeel asked reaching across his desk for a few pieces of paper and the book he was advised to grab before he started his tutoring.
“Alright.” She sighed, taking the seat, “I guess I should ask what words you do know in the common language.” She suggested, accepting the book he handed to her.
Thinking for a few seconds, he stated, “I know some greetings like, hello, goodbye, asshole, cunt, fucker, and bitch.”
“Your Majesty, you do know that some of those words are not greetings?” she spluttered a small grin curling the corner of her mouth.
“For me they are,” he smirked.
“Ha, ha. Real funny.” She deadpanned, earning a deep chuckle from the man beside her. She decided she liked his unique laugh, wanting to hear more of his laughter but telling herself she would have to wait until after the lesson.  
Levy immediately immersed him in the teachings of the language treating him as if he was another one of her little girls from the ‘House of Purity.’ She noticed that he got irritated easily when he didn’t understand something, and that was frequently. But, she used her patience and stern voice to help put him back on track. She watched Gajeel as his attention started to wonder, his irritability growing the longer they talked. So with smile, she closed the book standing up saying, “Alright, I guess that’s enough for tonight.”
“Oh, thank God!” He said slumping with relief in his seat. “I thought this will never end.” He groaned rubbing his eyes until stars appeared behind them.
She giggled, trying to her best to cover her own yawn, quickly hiding it behind the children’s book she was handed earlier. “Where exactly did you get this book?”
“You know the green haired translator, Freed Justine?”
Recalling the man she sat beside while coming here, she nodded her head, “Yes.”
“He left earlier today and before he left he gave me this book, said it will help.” Gajeel stretched his back, before walking back around his desk, plopping down into the plush office chair.
“That was really nice of him.” She commented, looking back down at the book in her hands, “Wish I could’ve said goodbye.”
“No worries, shorty. He’ll most likely be back sooner or later.”
Quirking an eyebrow at the man that shuffled some papers around, she asked, “Are you not going back to your room?”
Without looking up from the documents, he shrugged his shoulders, “No, I have some left over paperwork that needs signing. So Lily, escort her back to her room, please. It’ll be awhile before you know you’re way around here.”
Grabbing the end of her dress she curtsied, “Thank you, your Majesty.” Lily shot his old friend a look before leading Levy out of the office and towards her room.
When he was sure they were gone, Gajeel dropped the pen he was using, sighing heavily as he reclined back in his seat. “I know, but I also don’t know what this feeling is.” He spoke out loud, before getting back to work.
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gorlkpop · 7 years
Good Love {2jae} Chapter One
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genre: fluff, slight angst, future smut
warnings: smut, a/b/o dynamics (including self-lubrication, heats, ruts, marking, mating, knotting, pack dynamics), boyxboy
pairings: im jaebum x choi youngjae, other pairings
In Youngjae’s eyes, Jaebum was the perfect alpha- handsome, protective, grounded, and took care of his small pack very well. But too bad Jaebum doesn’t think he’s the perfect omega- or any omega, for that matter
or, the one where jaebum thinks a mate will just be a distraction rather than a blessing
   Youngjae had a hard time getting ready like normal.
   He didn’t know how to act or where to go or what to do. His mind was going a thousand miles a minute. The omega felt like cursing out Mark, first involved. The beta knew how much Youngjae admired and swooned over the alpha, yet he had the audacity to completely leave out the fact that he’d have to spend the good first half of his day right next to him. Mark was an evil hyung and Youngjae would remember this forever.    "You’re Youngjae, right?“ From behind him. a smooth voice interrupted his internal rant. He turned around to see. oh shit, Jaebum the Alpha. Youngjae looked at him with his mouth slightly open before quickly shutting it. He nodded his head with a goofy grin on his face. The man had only spoken three words to the boy and Youngjae could already feel his heart beating ten times the normal rate.    "Yes, that’s me.” Youngjae decided to act like he didn’t know who Jaebum was. They’ve only interacted once before, and that was when Youngjae was a freshman at their college.    "I’m Jaebum. Manager noona said you’re supposed to be training me today…?“ Jaebum sounded unsure of himself- only because Youngjae had a slight far away look in his eyes. Jaebum swung his hand in front of his face to make sure he was okay.    Youngjae was far from okay.    The omega snapped out of his haze and nodded at the alpha. "Yeah,” he cleared his throat. “I’ll be with you… I just have to, ah, get ready. You can, uh, just explore a little bit, you know… while I dress… not like actually dressing, just my apron and things, stuff, yea.”    Youngjae was pounding his head against the wall in his head when he finished the sentence. He could feel his cheeks heating up as soon as he realized how stupid he must’ve sounded. His first actual conversation with the alpha and he was already talking like a buffoon.    Jaebum just smiled, nodded, then walked away to who knows where. Youngjae turned back to his little locker and proceeded to actually bang his head against it- of course not as loud or hard as he did in his head.    "I’d recommend not using your flaming charisma to try and win the boy. Just from that one minute, your chances of getting alpha dick went down about nine hundred percent.“    Youngjae groaned at his hyung. Of course, Mark only let out a quiet version of his hyena like laugh, and rubbed Youngjae’s back, playfully. The younger omegas head was still against the locker, his eyes squeezed shut in embarrassment. Youngjae couldn’t understand why out of all the other people and alpha’s that could’ve had this job and his heart, it had to be the distant Im Jaebum.    Youngjae wasn’t easily intimidated by alphas and didn’t crush or chase after them that often. His mother and sister were both alphas and his dad a beta. His cousins were a good mix of the three breeds, but he always stayed close to his alpha family; particularly his older cousin, Minho- who taught him his most important life lessons when it came to not being that omega. Minho was more like a brother than a cousin. Youngjae always looked forward to seeing him whenever; and every time it was time to go home, Youngjae would always leave with a new lesson learned, adding more to his mentality that he was the best.    He never grew up with the mentality that, as an omega, he needed to chase the alpha and birth his pups.    Hell, he never even had anyone help him through his heats- just his handy dandy toy.    But, when he walked into the large auditorium freshman year at his new private international school and saw Jaebum, the upper class men, on the stage welcoming him- suddenly all he wanted to do was chase the alpha wherever he went. But Youngjae was always too scared, too far away to do so. But, when the next year came and Jaebum added one of Youngjae’s mentoree’s (he helped assist the international students, hence they did go to an international school) into his pack; Youngjae felt his chances were only getting thinner and thinner, only making his fear that he would never ever even get close to the alpha more real. And maybe he was a little jealous envious of the position Bambam got so easily that Youngjae would kill for.    "Hey,” Mark scolded. “Don’t take me seriously. Just be cool, yeah?”    "How am I supposed to be cool around the only alpha in the whole world I’ve ever lusted over?“ Youngjae pushed back and stared at Mark with his eyebrows raised. The beta only shrugged his shoulders.    "I don’t know. Offer to suck hi-”    "Mark-ssi! Can you help with the baked goods, please? Oh, and Youngjae-ssi, Jaebum will need to be trained as soon as possible. I know it’s been awhile, but you remember the essentials, right?“ Youngjae nodded at their manager with a tight grin.    Mark smirked at Youngjae, knowingly, then walked away with the manager, while tugging the back of his apron. Youngjae just stared as he walked out, in his own thoughts of nothingness. He sighed and finally opened his locker.    He tugged his apron on, clocked in and went looking for Jaebum. Never in a million years did Youngjae think he would be doing that- and with a purpose.    Youngjae went out in the floor, greeted by only two medium sized dogs. He quickly bent down and pet them, still looking for Jaebum among his three other co-workers. They were all cleaning and taking care of the dogs, preparing for the day. He couldn’t find Jaebum, no matter how many times he surveyed the main floor. Sighing, he got up and went to the patio to search there. And sure enough, Jaebum was by himself, leaning oh so handsomely over the fence, people watching. Youngjae could only internally swoon at the alpha. God took extra care creating Jaebum.    Youngjae took his time approaching Jaebum, basking in the fact that holy shit, he was about to spend a whole day with his dream alpha. The omega was shocking himself with his mindset; instead of sweating and his anxiety shooting through the roof, he felt… confident. He didn’t know why- usually just thinking about Jaebum had his hands getting clammy.    Jaebum was dressed in the uniform: a black shirt and slacks with his red apron already tied on. Usually, Youngjae thought the uniforms to be plain and boring. But Jaebum looked like he was a model for an international clothing brand. His resting smolder only added to his natural sexiness.    Life isn’t fair. Why couldn’t Jaebum just fuck him already?    "Jaebum-sunbae.” Youngjae cleared his throat and tapped the alphas broad shoulders. Jaebum jolted slightly in his place, obviously deep in thought. But even though Youngjae was basically a complete stranger, Jaebum still gave him a gentle smile like they were old friends; and Youngjae, being the wierdo he is, was taking this chance to finally get a good whiff of Jaebum’s scent. His scent was a nice, refreshing, minty scent that opened your sinuses, but soft and not overwhelming. Lovely.    After a moment, in which Jaebum didn’t say anything, Youngjae took this as his queue to continue. “Uhm, we can start your training. Manager noona said you’ll just be taking care of the dogs for now.”    "Okay. I’ll follow you.“    Lord, his voice was like red velvet and Youngjae would never have enough.    The omega nodded and lead Jaebum through a door in the back. It lead to a room that held all of the dogs kennels, beds, food bowls and toys that were to worn out and dirty for the general public to use. Not that the dogs used a bunch of toys on the main floor. Most of the toys they did use outside the room were just tennis balls- which were used outside in the front yard.    The room also had a door on the opposite wall from where Youngjae and Jaebum entered. The door had a dog door that led to the backyard. On the wall to their right was a big viewing window, giving a view inside of a grooming room.    "This is the dogs’ room,” Youngjae began as the two surveyed the room. “They stay here when the cafe is closed or when it’s time for them to be groomed. They can also come in here whenever they want, actually.”    Jaebum gave a slight nod and walked deeper into the room. He grazed the kennels along the wall with his fingertips and surveyed the room. Youngjae gazed at him, just breathing it in that damn Jaebum was right here in front of him. He started to imagine what it would be like if Jaebum took him right here, right now.    Was his heat coming or did Jaebum just have that effect on people?    "Where are all the dogs?“ Jaebum asked. Youngjae walked towards the back door and opened the curtains that covered the window. He waved Jaebum over.    "They’re let out first thing in the morning when manager noona arrives- well, not any more now that you’re here.”    "Has she always been the one to let them out?“    "No. The guy before quit because he moved away.” The two spent a moment looking at the dogs play outside. Of course, Youngjae was looking elsewhere; specifically, noting that Jaebum had two little moles on his eye lid. How cute.    In the next minutes, Youngjae had called in Yoyo, a beagle who was actually quite calm, and began showing Jaebum simple basics to caring for the dogs. He showed him how to cut their nails (slant the clippers slightly and leave a centimeter from the nubs), give light trims, and properly shampoo (and condition for the long haired dogs, but Yoyo was a beagle so no conditioning yet). Their conversation stayed professional for the most part, keeping on subject. They would throw in small talk here or there, which mostly consisted trying to find it more about the alpha without sounding too nosey. But, it felt like halfway through training, that Jaebum wasn’t really engaged in the conversation. Youngjae loved to talk and get to know people, but he was going out on a limb talking to this specific alpha. He didn’t want to come off annoying, so he opted to stop trying to make small talk. If Jaebum didn’t wanna talk, then neither did Youngjae.    The omega could be stubborn when he wanted to be. “Alright,” Youngjae swept through Yoyo’s hair after Jaebum finished the last few snips of fur. “You did a good job, Jaebum-sunbae.”    Jaebum smiled up at Youngjae. “Thanks all to a great teacher.”    Did Jaebum just flirt with him?!    No. Jaebum would never. He hadn’t showed interest in Youngjae ever before- if anything, he showed disinterest. Jaebum wouldn’t get his hopes like that out of nowhere, would he? Youngjae shook his head at the thought. He was overthinking the situation.    Be cool, Youngjae.    "Or maybe it was just the great student being great.“ Yea, that was cool; right?    "Is there anything else I should learn before you leave?” The alpha asked.    Youngjae shook his head. “Nothing that you shouldn’t be able to figure out,” Youngjae suddenly remembered. “Besides where the staff board is. It has all your daily duties- it’s updated every day. I should probably show you where that is, I guess.”    Jaebum followed Youngjae as they walked back towards the staff room. Right next to the door, a big white board was on the wall, decorated with announcements and all eleven staff members responsibilities. “Your name isn’t up there yet- but it will be.”    The rest of Youngjae’s work day went by smoothly. He only saw Jaebum a couple times, whenever he would periodically go check on him in the back to make sure he was taking care of the dogs well (of course, not for his own curiosity).    When the omega and Mark where getting to ready to clock out, he noticed that Jaebum had already clocked out. He internally sighed; he kinda wanted to see the alpha one more time before he went home. But everything couldn’t go his way.    By the time Mark had driven them both home, after a quick stop at the grocery mart, it was only seven. It felt weird for both of them getting home so early. Usually, they’d have class all morning, go to work right after and make it home around, on a good day, nine o'clock. Now all they had to do was work all day. Youngjae wasn’t complaining at all, of course he had a temporary release from the stresses of school, but he felt out of place. His routine had been thoroughly disrupted, with addition of his biggest crush ever in the equation.    "We should go out.“ Mark spoke up as they sat in comfortable silence, watching some old drama. Youngjae was cuddled in his blankets on one side of the couch while Mark sat opposite, scrolling on his phone.    "Go out where? The club?” Youngjae scoffed. Mark wasn’t one for party scenes like that unless…    "Is your mini heat approaching?“    Mark whipped his head at the omega with an offended look on his face. Youngjae only looked at him with knowing eyebrows raised. After a quick, silent staring battle, Mark sighed in defeat. "That’s besides the point. It’s the first night of semester break.”    Youngjae rolled his eyes. Mark didn’t actively look for relationships at all- they just naturally happened. He hadn’t actually had sex with any of his past boyfriends or stayed with them long enough for his body to adapt to take on the omega role. But, his last one lasted a whole seven months and he happened to be with an alpha. He experienced his first heat shortly after they broke up (not that it was that bad- he is a beta after all) and hadn’t been in a real relationship since. Only baiting an alpha with his light, but tempting scent of slick and having them on standby to help him during his “heat”. Then it was on to the next one until his next heat.    "Where did you have in mind?“ Youngjae entertained the idea. He hadn’t been out since his nineteenth birthday (which he barely remembers). Besides that, he’s mostly been a home body buried in school related activities.    "Jackson is having a party at his pack house.”    Youngjae froze. “You mean Jaebum’s?”    "No,“ Mark shook his head, scrolling on his phone. "His parents left him one but he joined Jaebum’s pack so he just uses it for whatever.”    "Oh.“    "Maybe if you got out more often and stopped tip-toeing around everything Jaebum related, you’d know that.”    Youngjae didn’t have a retort for that. “I guess we can go.”    "Didn’t matter if you wanted to go or not. I would’ve gone anyways.“ Youngjae stuck his tongue out at his hyung. Mark reached across the couch and ruffled his hair, starting a light hit and poke fight between the two.    "I’m your dongsaeng. It’d be very irresponsible of you to leave me alone, hyung.”    "Call Jaebum to protect you.“    "If I had his number, I would.”    "You probably wouldn’t.“    Youngjae cut his eyes at the beta. Mark only laughed, got up and told Youngjae to be ready in the next forty minutes.
   Youngjae started to feel butterflies in his stomach as Mark drove closer to Jackson’s pack house. It didn’t hit him until they were halfway there that Jackson was apart of Jaebum’s pack and that Jaebum might very well be there tonight. He didn’t know why he at first thought the alpha wouldn’t be; probably because he didn’t want to deal with his own feelings in regards to Jaebum. The alpha, whether Youngjae liked it or not, would stress him out until the end of time.    As he and Mark walked closer to the house and heard the fast beat of the music and see the dancing shadows, Youngjae could feel the perspiration on the back of his neck. Youngjae stopped in the middle of the walk way. He fiddled with his flannel, wiping the light layer of sweat off his hands. His anxiety was suddenly going through the roof.
   He couldn’t do this. If he saw Jaebum, he’d for sure make a fool of himself and the alpha would never associate with him. What if he had too much to drink and accidentally fessed up to the alpha about how he imagined how Jaebum would wreck him in heat? God, that’d be embarrassing. Youngjae’s head started to hurt with all the what ifs- which all ended negatively.    "Hey,” Mark noticed Youngjae wasn’t beside him anymore. He turned and saw the omega staring at the ground in his own world. Mark looked at him and sighed. He knew exactly what was going through Youngjae’s mind.    "Youngjae-yah,“ he walked towards him and put his hand on his shoulder, gently rubbing it, comforting the omega. "Why are you doing this to yourself?”    Youngjae shrugged. “I don’t know. It doesn’t make sense to me either, hyung. We don’t even…” Youngjae paused to find the right words. “I don’t even know what I’m doing right now.”    Mark didn’t either. He’s been with Youngjae through a lot- Youngjae was the first person Mark met when he moved to Korea from America. Mark taught Youngjae English (and still does to this day). The two supported each other when any tragedy would hit. One would celebrate the other when the other accomplished or succeed in whatever. They were brothers who have seen each other at their best and worse. Mark has always helped Youngjae to the best of his ability, but that didn’t mean he always knew what to do.    Right now felt like one of those moments.    "Let’s just go in and have good time, yeah?“ Mark paused and contemplated his next few words. "And don’t avoid him if you see him.”    Youngjae snapped his head up quickly at Mark’s suggestion. Did Mark just tell him to commit suicide, basically?    "Are you crazy?“ Youngjae looked at Mark like he had two heads.    "No,” Mark smirked. “I don’t like seeing you get all in your feelings about him. It’s not fair to you. Either you pursue him or get over it.”    Youngjae disliked how he knew deep down that Mark was right. It’s been two years since he laid eyes on the alpha and his mind and heart haven’t been able to rest since. He knew that now was a better time than ever to maybe, finally build some type of friendship with the alpha. If not to have his dream relationship with him, then to at least say Jaebum was a normal factor in his life. But every possible possibility that included Jaebum just felt so far away.    "Fine.“ Youngjae sighed. He lifted his head and straightened his clothes. He gave Mark an attempt at a reassuring smile; but it didn’t reach his eyes like a real Youngjae smile would. Mark brushed it off and he and Youngjae continued into the party.    Youngjae, in the back of his mind was pushing a confident mindset onto himself. Youngjae could be timid but he could also dream big. He smiled to himself as a wild goal crossed his mind. It seemed far fetch but he decided that would be his one and only goal tonight. He would do his damndest to ignore his anxiety- which he knew would try to mess with the scene he was fantasizing in his head. He licked his lip as he thought about it more and more.    Tonight, Youngjae would get on his knees for Jaebum.
You already know what’s goin down next chapter. (; BUT I do want to thank you guys for your support and love for this series. It really does motivate me to write and post chapters quicker. :)))
This story has also been posted to my ao3. The links are down below
Good Love on AO3
My Profile
Stay filthy xx
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rantingwriter · 7 years
Can you do thing with goms+kagami, kasamatsu, takao, and miyaji where they walk in to find their s/o singing to their kids to help them fall asleep?
Kuroko: After a long, drawn out, meeting with the school board. He wasmore than ready for a relaxing weekend. Walking into the house, he is surprisedby the silence that greets him. He looks around a moment before heading for hisdaughters room. As he approaches the room, he can hear you singing. Peeringinto the room, he finds you rocking your daughter. Singing a lullaby yourmother sang to you when you had problems sleeping as a child. A soft smilegraces his face as the little girl in your arms slowly drifts off to sleep. Youlook up at him with a knowing smile. “You should’ve said something,” hewalks in to help you tuck the young one into bed. 
“I was going to, but I was enjoying your lovely voice.” You rub the back of your neck sheepishly. “Can I convince you to sing for me?” The two of you leave the child’s room to continue speaking. 
“Well…eat some dinner and clean up, then we can talk about a private session.” You were half joking, but he was a hundred percent serious about hearing you sing again. Moving with purpose to fulfill the requirements you listed. “Better start warming up those vocal chords then.” 
“Wait, what? You were serious?” He stops for a moment to look at you. “Yes, I don’t joke, remember?” 
Kise: A small handshakes you awake from your slumber. “M-Mommy I had a nightmare.” You yawn and look towards the source of the voice. Your six year old standing there on the verge of tears. 
“Aw I’m sorry, would you like to sleep with us?” He nods and climbs into your bed, snuggling between you and your husband, who was faking sleep at the moment. “Better?” 
“C-Can you sing to me please?” You smile softly and start quietly singing a lullaby you hear when you were young. Your voice soothing the child to sleep. 
“And here I thought you didn’t like singing in front of people.” Kise states with a teasing tone in his voice. You start feeling flustered that he had heard you. “I should start asking you to sing me to sleep if it means I get to hear that voice of yours.” 
Kagami: He didn’t mean to stay out so late. His old high school buddies were in town so he had gone out for a few drinks. He kept to the promise he made to you about keeping the drinking to a minimum, but he lost track of time talking to the guys. Walking through the front door he was expecting a lecture, instead he is greeted by a melodic tune. You were singing to your fussy toddler, trying to get him to sleep for the night. The sound of your voice lulling the bundle of joy to sleep. “Wow,” he sighs out, the song bringing a warm feeling to his chest. You look up with a mix of surprise and relief. 
“You scared me, where have you been?” 
“Did you learn that from my mom? It sounds very familiar…” Your question going right over his head. 
“Yea, last time we visited she sang it to her.” You sigh, a small smile making it’s way onto your lips. “It works wonders when she gets fussy. Especially when daddy isn’t home to tell her a bed time story.” 
“Sorry, I lost track of time, also had to drive a couple of the guys back to their hotels.” You nod, “Okay, I will let it slide this time…” You got worried easily, due to his line of work. “I’m sorry, how about I make it up to you after I put her to bed.” You nod again, standing to hand the baby off to him. “And then you can sing me to sleep,” He was joking, but he really wanted to hear that voice of yours again. 
Kasamatsu: “Stupid Kise, I told him I needed to get home before 10…” The grumbling continued as he unlocked the front door. Said model had invited him to a party and wouldn’t let him leave. He stops his muttering when he hears you. You are laying on the couch singing into a microphone that is hooked up to a couple of small speakers. Said speakers placed on either side of your swelling stomach. You didn’t sing very often, so it was quite a surprise. “What are you doing?” You gasp, turning your head to look at him. 
“I was wondering when you would get back.” You chuckle and sit up, with a little help from him. “I read online that singing to your baby helps development. Want to try?” He smiles and shakes his head no.
“I would rather listen to you,” a small blush forms on your cheeks. 
“Then, can you play your guitar?” He thinks a few moments before nodding. Grabbing the old instrument to play for you. He was very rusty, but if it made you happy. He would gladly relearn it. 
Midorima: His job was prone to calling him in at odd hours of the night. So when he got back home at 3 in the morning. He is rather startled by the sound of you singing voice. Finding you with the twins, calming them after getting spooked by the sounds of your husband leaving and coming home. Peering in to find the three of you on the floor, the two boys snoozing away in your lap. You stop mid lyric when the floor creaks under his weight. “Emergency call again?” He nods, helping you to tuck the boys back into bed. 
“Yes, I’m sorry if I disturbed you three.” He puts an arm around your back guiding you back to the master bedroom. “You shouldn’t be up anyways, a good nights rest is important for growing babies.” You roll your eyes feeling his other hand caress your still flat stomach. 
“This coming from you who never gets a full night’s sleep?” He turns red out of habit, helping you into bed. “I’m teasing, hurry up and get ready for bed. I need my heater.” You couldn’t help messing with him. Watching as he hurries to get ready for bed again. He really wanted to listen to you sing more, but he was also very tired. Maybe tomorrow he could catch you singing to the twins again. 
Murasakibara: Napping on the couch, he was trying to catch some Z’s while his infant slept. Losing quite a bit of sleep lately, taking care of the extremely loud baby. Since you worked the night shift, that meant he was in charge of caring for the little guy. He was half expecting to wake up after about five minutes of shut eye, but to his surprise he got a good two hours in. “How did that happen?” His question barely audible with how drowsy he was even after the long nap. A soft melody reaching his ears from the nursery. He lumbers over to figure out what the source is. Finding you singing to the sniffling child. A lazy smile graces his face as you calm the cranky baby. Once it stops fussing he speaks up, “you will have to teach me that one.” You turn and grin at him. 
“Gladly, you look more tired than I do half the time.” The small one babbles something at the two of you. 
“Worth it,” he yawns walking back towards the kitchen. “I’ll get her bottle, then you can start teaching me.” You chuckle, letting the little one play with your fingers. Even if it was a lesson, he would gladly sit and listen if it meant hearing you sing again. 
Miyaji: Practice today pissed him off more than usual. The neighborhood team wasn’t a serious team, but he was never one to take the sport lightly. Knowing he was probably walking home to chaos was not helping his mood either. Walking through the door he braces himself for the tackle of four small children. Instead he is met by something so soothing his anger dissipates within seconds. Shutting the door quietly, he traces the sound back to you in the living room. All four of your children sleeping soundly. “How?” He asks, keeping his voice down enough to not disturb the young ones. 
“Tried a new method for nap time. How was practice?” You tiptoe away from the nappers and move to the other room to keep talking. 
“Awful, I wish they would take things more seriously.” He frowns, gladly accepting the hug from you. 
“I’m sorry, is there anything I can do?” 
“You can sing again, for starters.” He smiles at the flush on your cheeks. Just being with you helping his mood already. “And if the little noise makers stay asleep. We can do something else.” His smirk makes your face heat up. Rustling in the other room, telling you both the answer to that second idea. “Guess it’s just a mini concert for me.” 
Takao: Running errands isn’t the funnest thing in the world, but if it meant you could relax for a bit. He was happy to help. You had stayed up extremely late with your daughter last night. The poor girl had gotten sick and barely slept the whole night. He returned home to find you on the couch singing softly to the dozing pale girl. She looked better than last night at least. The soothing sounds of your voice is very pleasant. “How is she feeling?” He whispers, brushing a few stray strands from his daughters face. 
“She has been better, but at least she stopped vomiting.” You yawn, still looking exhausted. 
“At least your lovely singing voice got her to sleep today.” You smile at the compliment, “I’m glad you like it. Want to hear more?” You were joking, but he sits down next to you anyways. “Yes please!~”
Aomine: After going through mountains of paper work. He is more than ready to flop into bed. Walking into the house, he is a little surprised to find the house quiet and intact. Walking towards his room, he is even more surprised to hear you singing. You had all three boys in bed and asleep for the night. Staying quiet, he listens to you and waits for you to leave the boys room. Your voice gradually getting quieter and quieter as you leave the room. “You never told me you could sing.” You jump not realizing he was even home. 
“Y-Yea I don’t really like singing in front of people.” He drapes his arm around your shoulders. Dipping his head down to your ear he whispers, “maybe I could make you sing sometime.” The teasing tone in his voice sending chills down your spine. 
“What are you insinuating?” He grins at you, nipping your ear a little before kissing the side of your head. “I’m kidding, lets get to bed I’m exhausted.” 
Akashi: He was held up in his study all day. You had to bring him food to make sure he ate anything. After finishing up the last of the paperwork he finally gets up from his desk. His joints cracking from siting in the same position for too long. Leaving the stuffy room, he is greeted by a pleasant sound. Walking over to the source, he finds you rocking his son to sleep. Singing the lullaby he heard you play on a music box many times in the past. Waiting patiently for you to put the little boy to bed. He waits until you close the door to speak, “You sound as lovely as ever.” You smile at him, more happy to see him out of his office than you are about the compliment. 
“Thanks, I just figured the sound would help him sleep.” You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his waist. 
“You should do it more often, we both like the sound of your voice.” 
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Life of Lea : Chapter 12: Fairy Family Drama
Everyone then starts to eat their food. Glendora occasionally glared at Mimi. “Can you stop glaring at me, please?” Mimi asked a bit uncomfortable. “No I will not” Glendora snapped at her. “Please no drama…” Nick mutters. “Then she shouldn’t have come here” Glendora snapped again. “She can be here if she wants to” Nick snaps at her. “THEN SHE SHOULDN’T HAVE ABADONED US IN THE FIRST PLACE!” Glendora slams her hands on the table before leaving the room. Mimi was very stiff as she takes shaky breathes which was a first for Lea, Cloud, B.J., Vanessa, Sergean, and Sugar to see. “Are you ok, Mimi?” Lea asked a bit worried. Mimi doesn’t respond as she gets up and flies back to her room. Nick then follows Mimi from behind. “Well this was awkward” Sergean said with a sigh. “Indeed, it is” Lea mumbles as she was even more confused. “And I thought our family was dramatic” Cloud mumbles a bit. “Yea me too, Cloud” Lea replied back. “At least the food is good” Vanessa exclaims. “That’s true” Lea mumbles a bit. After they finished eating, they went to their rooms quietly. “Today has been so confusing…I need to sleep on this” Lea thought to herself as she closed her eyes. The next morning, Lea woke up to yelling, “…Really now…” Lea thought to herself. Cloud comes into her room in his dog form. “Why are they yelling this early?” Lea asked him. Cloud sighs before climbing into her bed. “Ok…” Lea said with a sigh. The yelling stopped with a big door slam. “Oh…boy…at least they stopped” Lea mumbles. Cloud makes some dog noises as a response. Lea yawns as she goes back to sleep. Lea later wakes up at 10 am with Cloud back in his human form. “Really now?” she mutters. Cloud was snoring loudly as he laid on his stomach. Lea sighs as she looks at him as his golden blonde hair fell in his face. “At least he is sleeping good…” she mutters. She yawns a bit before stretching a bit. Cloud then slowly wakes up from the bed’s movement. “Hm?” he mumbles lightly. “Sorry did I wake you up?” Lea said softly. “Hm…no you did not, Lea” Cloud replied back as he stretched. “Oh, alright then” she gets out of bed and gets some clean clothes then goes to the bathroom to change into them. Cloud got up afterwards and went back to his room to change his clothes too. Mimi slowly came into Lea’s room, “Lea?” she said as she looks around the room for her. “Yes, Mimi?” Lea replied back as she finished getting dressed and got her brush out. “…Did you hear anything this morning?” Mimi asked with a gloomy expression. “Just sounds of yelling nothing really clear though” Lea explained to her. “Oh…ok… sorry about that we didn’t mean to wake you up” Mimi replied in a soft voice. “It’s ok Mimi” Lea said as she looks at her concerned. “You sure?” Mimi asked. “Yes, I am sure” Lea replied back. “Alright then” Mimi said as she left the room. Lea stretches her arms and cracks her back a bit so they wouldn’t be stiff throughout the day. Glendora knocks on the door before coming inside. “Food is ready and… sorry about earlier” Glendora says softly. “Ok and it’s alright, sibling fights are normal” Lea explained. “Hm…I see your point” Glendora mutters. Lea nods the heads over to table with her. “Sleep good, princess?” Sergean asked. “Hm? Yea I did” Lea said a bit confused. “That’s good…we will have another magic lesson at lunch time” Sergean explained. “Hm…alright” Lea replied back. “Yea I’ll teach you the spell that makes mini clouds” Sergean explained. “Hm…ok” lea replied back. He nods as he serves himself food. “Today’s food sure looks yummy bits in the omelet” Lea thought to herself. “Mini clouds? What do you mean?” Cloud said confused. “They’re going to make small versions of the white things in the sky, stupid” B.J. snapped a bit. “Ok…and I ‘m not stupid” Cloud said with a pout. “Mhm…whatever you say” B.J. replied back sarcastically. They both start to growl at each other like they would do in their dog forms. “Hey now no growling at the table” Lea snaps at them. Cloud and B.J. pout then go back to eating their food. Lea sighs a bit then continues to eat her food. “Oh, and the food is great, Glendora” Mimi says with a smile. “Mhm…” Glendora mutters a bit. “Hm… least it wasn’t sarcastic” Lea thought to herself. “You look like you have a question… what is it?” Glendora asked. “Well…actually yes I do…will things go back to normal after all this?” Lea asked nervously. “You mean you liked a world without magic!? Why?” Glendora said confused. “Well that’s the type of world I was raised in” Lea replied back a bit insulted. “You poor thing…how could you live without it?” Glendora said with a pout. “I do just fine without cheating though life thank you. Besides my world has never had magic to begin with” Lea snapped at her. “Ok ok but why wouldn’t you want to live in a weird world? It’s a lot more interesting if you ask me” Glendora explained. “Hm…I guess you have a point there” Lea said with a small smile. “Of course, the word “normal” is an insult in this dimension” Glendora points out. “It is? That’s different” Lea said. “Indeed, it is but it keeps life interesting though” Glendora said with a smile. “Hm…I guess that is a good way of living” Lea exclaims. “It really is, Lea” Glendora replies back. Lea nods before getting her sketchbook. “Oh, you draw?” Glendora said a bit curious. “Hm? Yea I am” Lea replied back. “Nothing, I just find art cool is all” Glendora says, “Oh, alright then” Lea replied back. Glendora nods a bit before leaving the room. Lea sighs a bit after Glendora left. She had a lot on her mind, the drama between Mimi and Glendora, being on an actual magical adventure, and having weird dreams. “You look troubled” Sergean said as he came in the room. “Do I need another reason to not be troubled?” Lea replied back. “Fair point” Sergean said as he sat beside her. “Yea…” Lea replied in a soft voice. “Our magic lesson is coming up soon” Sergean exclaims. “Ok” Lea replied back with a yawn. “………Need a…um hug?” Sergean asked a bit nervous. “Never thought you’d offer me that…but sure” Lea sits up and hugs him. “Well…I’m not a bad guy you know” he said as he hugs her back. “Yes, I see that” Lea replied back. “He does smell like clam chowder soup and roses…” Lea thought to herself. “Something wrong, princess?” Sergean said a bit confused. “Huh? no” Lea replied back softly. “Ok then…” He said a bit confused. Lea nods as she lets of him. Sergean let go of her a bit after she did. “Um……thanks for the hug, Sergean” Lea said softly. “No problem, Lea” Sergean replied back. “Heh so you do know my name” Lea jokes. “Shut up!” Sergean said with a pout. “Make me, Serg” Lea jokes again. Sergean grabs a pillow and hits her with it as a response. “Yea that’s mature, Serg” Lea said as she hits him with the other pillow in return. “Look who’s talking, princess” Sergean replied back as he hits her with the pillow again. “Uhuh well at least I’m not a stick in the mud” Lea says as she hits him with the pillow again. “At least I have my priorities in check unlike you!” Sergean replies with another swing of the pillow. “At least I have a personality unlike you!” Lea said with another swing of the pillow. Sergean sighs and puts the pillow down, “Did that help you to release some stress out?” “Eh?... um yea it did…” Lea said realizing what his intention was with the mini pillow fight. “Good” Sergean replied with another swing of the pillow. “Hey! I thought we were going to stop with that!” Lea said with a pout. “Yea we are but winning a battle is more fun though” he joked. “…Uhuh” she said sarcastically. “Anyways let’s get going to the nature region to meet up with the others” Sergean exclaims. “Right” Lea replied in agreement. To be continued in : Chapter 13: Nature Region and Magic Lesson Number two
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