#yayayay its here!!
alterouslyinlove · 1 year
boy is gone. he has left my house. i miss him already. but at least i have boysmell to keep me company
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olcator · 2 months
HI i've been fuckin around with vocaloid4 and i did a mini cover of two-faced lovers for practice!!! and then i mixed it between iroha and una bc i wanted to fuck around in audacity. so heres that!!!!
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mooniladragon · 6 months
every time when like someone reblogs from me or tags me or answers my asks my brain goes "THEY LIKE ME?? THEY DONT THINK IM ANNOYING!!?? WORLD IS FULL OF LOVE AND FREIBDSHIP!!! ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️" and it feels so good.. thank you everyone.. i love interacting wif people... yay <3
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pavloving · 1 year
best ending possible of the worst season LOL
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 months
Zoro Falling In Love With You Would Include...
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Request: I've been binge watching one piece this Friday night so I could appreciate your recent requests and finally send one in! Please can you write for Zoro falling in love? 🥹❤️ I know you would do it amazingly!
Yayayay I've been waiting to write something like this for Zoro, thank you lovely!!! I had WAY too much fun writing this one I am so sorry if I went overboard on the imagery but also sorry not sorry I want to press a thousand kisses over this beautiful man's face
Okay this actually took way too much time to write so comments are much much appreciated!!
Warning: slightly suggestive if you squint, mention of scratching/ injuries and sword fighting
(I do not own One Piece or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @starryyshadows.)
Oh, mosshead. What a dopey ass himbo you are. Istg this m*therf*cker right here (affectionate) would be so god damn ANNOYING when he's in love. Forget about Zoro nearly grabbing Sanji by his curly brows and swinging him like a ragdoll over the railings any time his continuous nosebleeds drip into his sake. Zoro is just as bad, just a needle swung in the opposite direction; he grumbles around the ship like a mopey, exasperated crocodile, snapping at anyone who comes near him that isn't you.
He wasn't built for love; hellfire roared through his veins, ravishing every cell in his body until his teeth gritted and lips bled in his struggle for self-discipline. He was a predator; rampant, ravaging, resolved in his fortitude. So why? Oh god, why? Why did he feel like he was being torn apart? Ravished by teeth that left rupturing silver punctures in his lungs, shredded by claws that streamed blinding light through the chambers of his heart.
He had felt like that: bent over doubled, clutching his chest in pain when the two of you first met as teenagers. If it hadn't been pitiful enough that you had bested him during your first sparring match at the Shimotsuki Dojo, you had to rub salt into the wound by being kind to him afterwards. He had scoffed when you had thrown your helmet to the ground and held out your hand to him, a scowl cloaking his face and making his teeth grind as you offered him advice on how to perfect your technique. Yet all you had done in response to his slight was to smile: a smile so shining, so unjustly kindly, so prepossessing and beautiful that the swordsman froze in shock, a fleeting flash of pure light haloing his eyes.
He knew. He knew, right there and then. That you were the only thing in all of the seas that could stand in his way. In that moment, he had decided that he would like to live forever in that strand of light: that one that strayed through a gap between the oak leaves, straying past its dark, dense leaves, foraging past the crawling thickets to instead brush against the tip of your cheek.
'What does it matter anyway?', Zoro had glowered, refusing to look back at you again. 'It's not as if you're going to stick around. Once your gone, I'll be the best fighter here again.'
'I'm not going anywhere. Not until I defeat you ten more times, at least', you added, once you noticed him rolling your eyes. You held your hand out, and Zoro glanced down at your outreaching fingers warily. 'No matter where we are or what happens to us, I'll always be a better swordsman than you.' His lips finally curl up in a smile then as he reaches out to shake your hand, and the feeling sends a spark of something running down his fingertips. His whole body feels alight, and he spends the whole rest of the day clenching his fingers into his palm and trying desperately to relish the feeling.
Which is why, for a while, Zoro seems to go extra hard on you: calling you away after lessons for private sparring matches deep in the woods, where only the crunchy bark could hear your swift steps and the fine mist wrapped around the pale trees and sent a cold shake down your hilted hand. The only way to warm yourself up was to butt the edge of your sword against Zoro's flailing torso, shoving him back so you could use the leverage to pin his panting face up against the nearest tree trunk. This time, though - this time, you surprise him.
If he was disappointed in himself for losing again, it soon melted away by the feel of your torso pressing up against his heaving lungs. For a moment, his lips tighten into a thin line as sees your approaching forehead and believes you're straight up just going to headbutt his sorry ass. He jumps even more when your skin lands... softly? against the burning side of his temple. He can't seem able to find his breath, the world seeming to be frozen in glinting threads of light as you linger against the young demon. All that exists is the soft push of your nose against his fluttering shut eyelid. The warm puff of breath as you sigh against the shell of his ear. The light scrape of the bark against his back as he shivers. The sound of his own heart, his blood scorching through his veins and convulsing against the sharp cage of his ribs.
He's so hyperaware of his body tantalisingly close to yours; his stiff elbows lay drawn up by his side, his hands shaking almost imperceptibly as he spreads and flexes his fingers, slowly drawing them to hover around your back. He was still too afraid to touch you.
Too afraid of the fire burning through his fingertips again.
But before he could muster up the courage you had pulled away, and the moment faded into a jaded dream that he nestled safely in the back of his memories.
It's impossible to shake Zoro from you after that moment. He hounds after you like a coveting beast: he stays tied to your hip like a disruptive dog harnessed on a leash. Your favourite activity is sneaking out of your dorms after hours and running down to meet by the riverbed: feet sprinting across the cream petals and sharp pine needles to collapse next to one another among the buzz of the fireflies nestling above the woven grass. For a while, as the two of you turn your tired heads to the skies, there's nothing but a silent affinity settling over the clearing. Nothing but the feel of the silk sleeve of Zoro's pyjamas brushing over the side of your cheek as unclasps his hands from behind his head and warily rests them in the short space between your hips. Nothing but the sound of your extolled voice as you point up at the bursts of sparks and swirls of silver against the darkness, enrapturing Zoro as you chart out the dips of your favourite constellations.
The reflection of the skies you had spent your younger years on the seas watching with wonder fill your eyes with a wonderous light, the delight drawing your attention away and allowing Zoro the opportunity to docilely turn his head to face you instead. His cheek freezes against the dew, but he's too revered in memorising the scrunch of your nose as you swat your hand at him for not paying attention: too busy watching the placid look that softens your smile as you look, too busy wishing he wasn't so cowardly. Wishing he didn't feel so feeble. Wishing, as his hand clawed at his thigh and dug in deep enough to leave bruises, that he could just reach out and touch you.
He jumps when you click your fingers in front of his crossing eyes. 'Zoro, are you even listening?'
He shrugged. 'Kinda. I don't know much about this stuff. If I can't hit it, I don't care.'
'You should! One day, when I become the greatest sword fighter in the world, I'm going to sail into those stars and discover all the secrets this world has to offer.' You flopped your free hand over your stomach with a content sigh, the spiralling glow of the heavens raining down and coating your face with sparks of silver.
He snorted. 'That sounds stupid. You can't sail into the sky.'
'You're just jealous because you're not invited.'
'Good. Who said I wanted to come.'
Zoro may be an idiot, but he's also a man who learns from his mistakes.
He doesn't know what overtakes him. Adrenaline? Rage? An overwhelming surge of fondness? The thought pounding in his head that if he doesn't do this now, he'll spend forever locked away in this cage? His fingers itch across the grass. His whole body squirms, the heat rolling through his body making the perspiration bead on his forehead, but still he keeps going. It's only when he feels your hand jolt back as his pinkie bumps against the side of your wrist that he begins to feel stupid.
Growing self-restraint be damned, as soon as you recover from the shock and shyly place your hand back down by your side, he pounces. Initially, the squeeze of his fingers as they wrap around your cool palm almost breaks bone, but all you do is rub your thumb over the edge of his knuckles.
You know its his way of telling you he loves you, even if he is too young and stubborn and proud to say it.
You both knew that one day you would leave him for the stars. When the time comes, and you leave Shimotsuki Village, to stop the sinews of his heart from completely scorching away with every knot of your ship, the demon suffocates any thought of you.
When he meets you again that fateful day: tied up to a Marine post in a dusty courtyard, tired, frustrated, solemn, for the first time in his life he begins to feel his judgement sway. When your face popped around the yard gates on your way out from meeting Axehand Morgan, your feet skid so comically across the ground the cloud of smoke it raised was so huge it even made Zoro sneeze. With a hand on your hip, and eyes widened in disbelief, you stepped out into the sunlight to survey the man bowed before you.
'I always knew I'd see you tied up one day', you smirked, shoving the handful of berries you had earnt from trading in your last bounty into the satchel by your hip before wandering over to untie him. 'Just thought it would be me doing the tying.'
'Y/n?', he asks incredulously, trying his best to dart his eyes nonchalantly up and down your body despite how fervently his voice was trying to waver. He sneered, tipping his head in the other direction and staring at the ground as you tug on the rather tight knots around his wrist. 'What the hell are you doing here.'
When you finally manage to tug him loose off the boards, his knees sag so quickly beneath him that the swordsman nearly goes collapsing headfirst onto the ground. With reflexes so quick they could only be rivalled by your own sparring buddy himself, a firm hand slaps against his sternum. A quick tug pulls him back, Zoro's knees dirtying with beige as he kneels back against you.
'Same as you, oh great swordsman', you laugh against his ear. 'I always told you you'd have competition. And from the looks of it, I'm winning.'
For a second you're concerned you've overstepped: the familiarity, the fondness you thought everlasting between you both a figment of your imagination when Zoro tilts his head back slightly to glare at you from the corners of his eyes. Placing a hand on his knee he braces himself, and steps up. For a moment, you're even more terrified he's about to kick you to the ground - or even worse, turn his back and walk off, ignoring you completely. But then he surprises you. The corners of his lips twitch in what - no way- could only be the beginnings of a smile?! before you're lifted off the ground and crushed in a hug so unyielding between his solid chest and taut arms that you can't help but bury your head into his shoulder blade and laugh.
It wasn't very hard to convince Luffy to let you join his crew - I mean, when you took down three Marines with just one punch, and he saw the powerhouse you and Zoro were as you fought back to back with Axehand Morgan, you were coming, and that was that. No buts. No excuses. Don't argue with your Captain.
I mean, bless his heart, Zoro is still a dumbass though, as perceptive as he is. And he's still sore. It takes a little bit of work to climb through the trellises of his grave heart. But little by little, he begins to open up to you again. He starts to grumble less when you climb up to join him during his late nights on watch up in the Crow's Nest. At first, as he burrows his back into the planks and crosses his arms in front of his chest, the steady breathing of his stoic body makes your job seem even harder. Undeterred, you rocked back on your heels and clucked your tongue in nervousness. But you should have known: even with his eyes closed, concentration edged into the furrows of his face, he's far too perspicacious for his own good. Even though he's doing his best to look brooding and bored, his foot shoots out and kicks his sword out of the way - launching it back across your heels and barring you from tumbling back down and falling down the hatch.
Every time you drag yourself up in the middle of the night to join him, you can tell his full concentration is centred on you, even if his eyes never even move behind their lids. He's pointedly listening out for your move, your every breath, your every heartbeat - which comes in very handy for darting out and catching in his massive palm the warm cups of cider you had precariously tried to carry up. Eventually, after a full week of you sitting up there Zoro finally relents his pride; even with Luffy's vest and Usopp's jacket wrapped around you, you clutch at the lapels of Sanji's suit jacket that your friends had very kindly lent you to try and stop shivering from the cold. Zoro doesn't even speak, just raises his elbow a little bit, and you don't need a second invitation to come clambering into the warmth of his side.
God, if he hadn't spent every moment of every day since he was thirteen years old dreaming of holding you in his arms. You pretend, for his sake, that you can't feel his heart thrumming wildly against your ear.
You catch the former bounty hunter staring at you from across the Lounge’s breakfast table most mornings. The intensity of his unwavering eye would be strong enough to make you blush, if you hadn't turned your attention back to stabbing at Luffy's grabby hands with the prongs of your fork. It's only when Sanji clasps his hands to his cheek, and in a faux sugary sweet sing-song voice professes 'how romantic mosshead can be! What person wouldn't love being stared at like roadkill!', that all hell breaks loose. Luffy's too busy munching on your pancake to truly register you and Nami nearly flying leapfrog over Zoro's back to try and stop him from throwing the poor cook through the window.
Although you succeed, Sanji does have to spend the rest of the morning sulkily smoking out of the corner of his mouth while wringing orange juice out of his hair.
Zoro is extremely, extremely protective over you. Even though you know how much he hates talking, he draws all the attention to himself away from Cabaji, even while tied up to Buggy' circus wheel. When the knives start whizzing past his head, he doesn't even flinch: safe in the knowledge that no matter what happens, you're safe from these buffoons. When Nami finally manages to pick her cage's lock and help free the two of you, you offer Zoro your hand as you cautiously steady him on the ground again. He jolts, and for a moment you're worried one of the knives actually did hit him; while you flip his palm trying to find any sign of a scratch, Zoro's eyes focus on you in wild shock. He feels fifteen again as he gently rubs your searching fingers between his coarse pointer finger and thumb, sobbing into his bed and holding the hilt of his sword, pretending it was your hand. Your warmth. And here you were, come back to him, offering it freely. He felt like falling to his knees, a pliant supplicant to your unwarranted mercy.
One time he nearly made you bust out laughing: since Zoro spends most of his day napping in such random intervals, during a rogue storm aboard the Going Merry one cloudy evening the swordsman was still awake. It was during your struggle to stop yourself pitching right off your bed and slamming into the wall, and planting yourself firmly from sliding to the left and body slamming a very irritated looking Nami, whose head was covered by one of her bunched up pillows, that you spotted a shadow flitting across the porthole on your door. Zoro's tall, awkward outline hesitantly moved as if he were about to rap at the door, before the sound of him yelling at himself under his breath made you snort aloud.
His head rises at the sound, and before he can take a step backward to try and abort his masterplan of sneaking into your room under the guise of checking if you were alright with the storm battering the rocking ship, you had slammed open the door and nearly flung Zoro into your hammock like a ragdoll. For a moment, Zoro lies there like a statue, unsure of where to put his hands or if it's alright that the sway of the ship means that he can't unsquish his cheek from against the side of your eyebrow. When his hand hesitantly begins to fall over your back and fold you tightly against his pecs with a squeeze, you know that's his trepid way of trying to let you know he still loved you.
Not to mention when you wake up and he's lying with his nose nearly indented into yours, his sleepy eyes looking so peaceful for once... just admiring you with the warm glow of the sun dousing him in holiness.
One time he got really lost trying to find you and Luffy after the two of you had the very sensible idea of setting off to the nearest island on a search for hidden treasure. After he had spent hours wading through muddy creeks and tearing some tangled thorns away from his face, out you come wandering from behind a tree. Thinking you were some kind of wild animal, Zoro has you pinned against the bark of the nearest tree before you even have time to blink.
Not one to be defeated, you kick out at his legs with a delighted laugh, knocking the man nearly ass over head onto his back. You grin, victorious, as you crawl between his legs like a ravenous tiger, knocking the hilt of his blade far out of reach of his clenching fingers. As your knee presses against the inner seam of his muscled thigh, you can tell by the forced gulp of his bobbing throat how hard he's struggling. When you dig your fingernails deeply enough into his wrists to elicit a throaty hum of approval, when his abdomen keeps bucking ever so slightly off the reeds to try and shake you off, you just know the man's imagined this scenario a lot of times, in a lot of different ways over the years.
(I mean this man could throw you off easily let's be real.)
When the Straw Hat Crew meet Kaya, this man - istg - he nearly goes weak at the knees when you come down the stairs in your brand new borrowed outfit. His breathless inhale earned him a distasteful glare from Klahadore, but he didn't even care that he was showing such careless, unmeasured adoration. It took Luffy nearly slapping him across the face with the shrimp he was waving in front of his nose to draw him back to some sense of reality.
'I know!', the Captain had smiled. 'The food here is so good, I was daydreaming about it too!'
Having the good fortune to uh *definitely by chance and not because you snuck into the dining hall earlier to switch the place cards* - to sit next to Zoro offers him the opportunity to make his feelings more plain, in a subtle way. Perfect timing! As soon as Luffy clambers up onto the table and draws the wrath of the strangely severe butler, Zoro's hand latches across yours under the tablecloth and squeezes. He blinks languidly, his face as unreadable as ever as he takes a sip out of his champagne flute and clears his throat, but you notice. You know every part of him: every idiosyncrasy, every bob of his Adam's Apple, the tensed pull of his jaw muscle as he clenches his teeth, the warm flush rising up his cheeks, you know them all. As if they were so innate, so interwoven with your own being, that you weren't sure of a time when your hearts hadn't been devoured by each other's. Each the predator. Each the prey.
He leaves his hand on your knee for the rest of the dinner, and you refuse to remove his latched fingers and let him go.
You kiss him for the first time that night: just a sweet little tease of lingering lips against the pure radiance of his cheek.
As he walks you down the 'confusing' corridors that are 'definitely a trap' by Zoro's own declaration, you unlink yourself from his arm to straighten the collar of his silk shirt. 'You look nice', you say sincerely, eyebrows furrowing as you trace the outline of his bare collar between the open buttons. 'Even though swords are more your style, you look good in a suit. You look good in everything.'
'Uh... thanks', he balks, his head emptying as his entire being instead focuses on the feeling of your fingertip scratching of his chest. 'You- your eyes look nice', he bluntly replies. 'Like two rice balls.'
Bless him, he meant well.
And then you kiss him with a raise of your tippy toes and final clutch of your hands against his shoulders, before retreating back into your room and leaving him extinguished within the shadows. He spends the next few hours almost deliriously wandering the corridors, trying to temper the tight ball growling in his belly. To try and find a sense of clarity, some kind of retinence. Looking past the billowing blue curtains and out through the slats of the casement windows lining the ornate, ostentatious glass cases, a warning pangs in Zoro's heart. How could he? How could he find restraint, when you had spent all these years driving his thoughts wild? How could he keep you safe, when he could focus on nothing but the wetness still lingering against his cheek? How could he fulfil his dreams, when all he wants right there. Just past the clear moonlight drifting silver into his eyelids, there your stars lay.
He wasn't about to let you sail away from him this time, to alight only in his memories: to pulse through the hollow beats of his hear and cool his charred veins like a cruel reminder of a salvation he had never deserved.
He wasn’t going to lose you to his callow cowardice. Not ever again.
When he comes knocking on your door, you don't expect the demon bounty hunter to blurt out a fevered 'I love you!', before turning and stamping off. But I suppose, as you ran after to him to drag him back into your room by the scuff of his neck and slam the wide expanse of his back against the door to shut it, he wasn't expecting to spend the night filling poor Kaya's house with unbridled moans.
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rhayafell · 4 months
Heyy so im doing like a DTIYS on my insta but i might as well post this here too :3
Feel free to joinnn!!!!!!!!!! I typed down the rules below just in case its hard to read 😋
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💥DEADLINE IS JULY 31!! (might extend)
💥TAG ME/DM ME and use #rhayacreekdtiys so i can see your entry :3
• No tracing,AI or NSFW bruh
• You can change mostly anything for your entry (Expressions,poses,backgrounds,headcannons,etc.)
• Be as creative as you want!!!! Let your imaginations go wild
• And of course,HAVE FUNN!!!!!
• 1st : Fullbody + Rendered
• 2nd : Fullbody + Flatcolors
• 3rd : Fullbody + Lineart
Thats all really i hope you have funn doing my DTIYS yayayay thank you for the support drakie-poos!!!!! Looking forward to seeing your entries :333
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not-rascal-artz · 2 months
“Tea? Umm.. okay.”
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I wanted to draw my first tdiys with my OC, Frankie! They just got here and they’re already getting some attention from the wacky hosts!!
btw I love your digital wonderland AU‼️‼️ YAYAYAY ITS SO AWESOME AND AMAZINGGGG :DD
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milks-thoughts · 2 years
hi it me, the best ROTTMNT writer to ever exist I know 😌
I need the turtles trying to teach their s/o something, and they stance is just a little bit off so they come up behind them to fix their posture and 😳 I'D KILL FOR THAT 😍😍😍😍
bye bye love you boo 💋 /p
this isn’t beta read! nor is it proofread- any mistakes are there now. there is no getting rid of them, they are part of the writing now. this is so short I’m sorry
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“ can you teach me how to knit? “
That’s all you have to say before Raphs enthusiastically taking you to his room
Little did you know knitting is hard
you were trying your hardest at knitting, you really were! But you couldn’t get the movements right, and the needles were so hard to move. It was honestly frustrating. Your eyebrows furrowed together as you again attempted to start a chain, you didn’t know how Raph did it. Your thoughts were disrupted by his voice ringing out “ -you’re not doin it right, here let me show you! “ he would walk over to where you were sitting and leaned over you. His plastron hitting your head slightly. It didn’t bother you, since you were distracted by his big hands grabbing yours and leading your movements, his voice didn’t process in your ears as you tried keeping your blush down. You decided it was best to focus back in so you could do it without him leading your hands, has it always been this hot in here? it was probably just you. He eventually let go of your hands “ you alright? your face is all red, are you sick? “ you could only chuckle and shake your head “ I’m alright love “ you promised before going back to knitting, so what if you were purposefully accidentally messing up? you were happy to be spending time with him.
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You were genuinely so excited when you found out he could skate
“ can you teach me!? “
Didn’t even think about how hard skating is
You didn’t take in account that even when walking you kept falling over, so on wheels? Forget it your ass is grass. a few hard falls and scrapped knees later you eventually could balance on it. Trying to get going was the hard part, you brought your foot down and completely fell off. you landed on your rear-end so at least you weren’t bleeding again “ that must’ve hurt wheel bad “ you glared up at him, but your brows lifted as you chuckled. stepping back on you felt his hands on your waist as he walked next to you. “ your posture and stance is so bad “ Leo chuckled, you gave him a playful glare. your face was red though, Leo’s hand held onto you as you put down a foot and touched the floor. Letting out a excited cheer you smiled up at Leo he smirked “ I guess I’m your lucky charm Hm? “
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Coding was intriguing, to you at least
Watching Donnie spend hours on it while you do..your own thing was fun
“ can you teach me to code? It looks cool “
you poor unfortunate soul. Donnie was a amazing teacher, and nothing but patient at that. you just didn’t realize how hard coding actually was. “ okay! so- “ typing in the code you hummed in frustration. It didn’t work. Donnie reached over you, his hand taking on top of yours and like a puppet on a string he used your fingers to type in the code “ that will make it work. You weren’t listening dum-dum “ he gently reprimanded. You just simply leaned into his touch. you were on his bed, sitting in front of him. He simply laid down, it was the quiet hours of the night when both of you couldn’t fall asleep. you listened to all of Donnie’s rambles, tonight you wanted to use that knowledge. Typing away you noticed as he watched, even when you stilled or slowed down as your brain picked apart what you needed to do. Eventually you got it to work. It was a simple website for your art, but god was it amazing “ you finally did it, salutes “ his tone blunt and calm, but you could read the fine print, he was proud of you.
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You loved watching Mikey spray paint
It was obvious because of the hours you’d spend watching him
“ I wonder how I’d do spray painting? “
you got the answer to your own question: you’re shit at it. Mikey was painting next to you before he paused “ you’re holding it all wrong silly! “ he walked up behind you and grabbed your hand moving the paint can he took control off your arm and made a few strokes down like you were doing. His head resting on your shoulder, music blaring into your ears from the headphones he was wearing. Mikey simply smiled at you, his orange mask stained with paint from his messy fingers working it, you’ve come to realize Mikey has many masks. And not just Dr. Delicate Touch or Dr. Feelings. But he literally has a whole drawer full of him and his brothers masks, in case anyone needs a replacement. He let go of your hand as you continued the movements getting brought back by his comforting weight leaving your shoulder “ there we go! see now you’re holding it right, you should put on some music really get in the moment “
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theviridianbunny · 2 months
Summary: Logan Howlett / mutant oc [klara -aka Volatile] ... A very slow burn between two mutants coming and going from the X-Mansion.
Klara's Pinterest board with vibes for her can be found here. she's been living rent-free in my head for years and I am finally starting to write her and logan's story!! Deadpool and Wolverine was maybe the reason my brain got kicked with love into starting this!!! Yayayay!!!
Divider art is an edit of a commission I got from my dear friend @redmedic - go check out his work !!
Read the first part of this fic under the cut or on AO3 - writing is hard !! But I'm trying my best and having fun!!
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The world seemed to go quieter as Klara leaned against to bonnet of her land rover. The traffic past her seeming almost like a calming white noise . She knew laybys weren't really meant for cigarette breaks- but it wouldn't be long until she were back on the road again.
"Why is it this cold.. its only the autum..." - quietly complaining to nothing but thin air... She tugged her slate gray shawl over her sholders. Trying to cover her inked arms from the cold and bitter breeze. Her skinny fitted black tshirt was definitely the wrong choice for this weather.
It felt like it would surely rain soon. Rain and Klara did not mix - especially when she were wearing denim.
Her Gloved hand reached for the un lit - hand rolled cigarette - held on the back of her ear - she placed it between her lips and lit it with a lighter that had definitely seen much better days… she took took a long drag.
If she had any sense - she would just move and sit inside her land rover to smoke - to turn on the engine and warm herself agaisnt the dying heater that needed to be fixed.... but the nomadic mutant was stubborn. She didn't want the stench of her ciggerates to permiate into the fabric of the interior.
As the wind picked up and the heavens felt they were starting to open - Klara quickly gave up with having a proper smoke break - she stubbed her cigarette out on the worn sole of her leather boot and got herself into her car. Slipping off the shawl and replacing it with a dusty pink teddy fur jacket.
Turning the key - the engine of her land rover spluttered for a moment - before starting up.
" gotta get this rust bucket checked out before it dies on me..." she muttered to herself - making a mental note to look up a decent mechanic who wouldn't rip her off.. but that was a job for the coming week.
For now - she was just trying to get to the x mansion. A visit to one of her many homes was far long over due.
She pulled her grape purple hair into a top knot and apllied a little clear lipgloss. Smiling to herself in the wing mirror. She turned on the radio befpre finally Getting herself onto the road again - Maddona's like a prayer played quietly over the radio as she drove into
The mansion was only a few hours away.
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proseka-headcanons · 7 months
rui n mizuki the type of people to have meow as a vocal stim.. they also both had a volleyball phase but sucked at it horribly as rui was always passing out n mizuki never paid attention during games. also hc that rui definitely has iron deficiency anemia that thing has never eaten a vegetable or a food high in iron in her life /silly
— bracelet anon
meow meow meow meow (in other words i agree, meow :3) also yea that's probably accurate. this frosted wild berry pop tart lookin ass has never, ever, been anywhere near a vegetable if it can be helped - 🎀
OK hi sorry mod Ichika here but I once started a group meowing session on a stream and I am possibly anemic and I'm getting a test soon YAYAYAY -🦈
i meow as a vocal stim and its so embarrassing sometimes ngl. it does not help that i also voice a partial cat character for a project.. - 🥞
im this close to developing meow vocal stim dont test me /silly —🎈
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knyontop · 3 months
heyo! I was wondering how the creepypastas would comfort a child reader? if u havent done it already!
(Also, u've gained a new anon :D)
-🌸 anon
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₊˚ ‿︵‿୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿ ˚₊
Creepypasta x child!reader.
Ft: Masky, Jane the killer, and our amazing, handsome, beautiful, reader.
・masky isn’t the best comforter but he also isn’t the worst.
・Idrk if i can say THIS guy would be a good comforter..
・but when he sees its rly affecting you he’ll try to help you, your just a kid you shouldn’t be here.
・(i dont know what to put bc you didn’t specify what they were comforting reader for<\33)
・He will give you some fatherly rough pats on the back.
・5/10 bc he is kinda mean about it😞
・the best comforter omggg.
・shes literally so patient with you and so comforting.
・her tone her voice her everything is just UGHHHHH☹️☹️
・she tries to make other people in the mansion she TRUSTS feel better from being in this hell.
・she does have trust issues (jeffs fault) so it might be a little bit for her to be comfortable with you venting to her, but your a kid so she will trust you more easily :3
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suffarustuffaru · 4 months
So thoughts on the final
major spoilers for arc 8’s ending down below!!! :3
anyway heres a slightly more coherent list of things i liked about the finale :)
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^^ priscillas ending speech will forever live in my head ;-;; what a way to go out ;-;;;; shes so amazing ;-;;;;; and wowwwwww this speech summarizing the whole thing with rezero and its relationships oughhh oughhh oughhhh ougghhhhh and tying it back to priscillas worldview and character fuuuuck
subaru is now an adult again yayayay!!!!!!!
i like the bittersweetness of it all :) i hope everyone gets a lot of rest after all this!!!!! but i also hope subaru gets more consequences for his rbd abuse but im sure tappei will cook with that Eventually. theres some Depressing third trial lines to get to after all. but also you could say priscilla permadeath Was some form of consequence ;-; ough. you cant save everyone….. and she accepted this end for herself….
this dialogue vv
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al schult and heinkel are up for adoption after this huh. and arakiya……. will be in shambles…….
im gonna cry every time priscilla comes on screen for season three :(((((((((((( ough :((( :(((((( :((((((
i like how we briefly revisit everyone in the last arc 8 chapters :,)))) ough………… good leadup for that ending amirite ahahahahahahahah
a bit of stuff happened in my personal life at the same time this chapter came out so i was glad to cry over fictional things :) BUT RGGAHHHHAGAGHRRGHJ PRISCILLA :((( a good send off for her though!!! :(((( thank you priscilla for being the character ever :,,,))))
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snakes-on-skates · 3 months
starts clapping and cheering with happiness
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LOOK!!!!!! LOOK WHAT I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
featuring some reference images because i didnt wanna draw anymore and the canvas looked weird without them (both images are straight from the mr. hopp wiki)
agkakshskakhsjska im soooo happyyyy
artist notes under the cut as usualll :3
originally i had a more canon-compliant design/color scheme but i dont do shading so it looked really weird and bland so i gave him some extra markings :3 for fun! i think it looks great
you do not understand how much i love this fucking rabbit. for literally NO REASON i just think hes awesome
i hope ruby doesn't look too weird i dont draw humans often
i stayed up 4 hours just to work on this btw. its 5am. once i start theres no stopping me
ALSO!!!! i did important experimentation here!! i almost never do full body stuff or meme drawings because i cant get it right and my poses are too stiff and im not good at anatomy yada yada but i did these!! and they look good!! the one where hopp is leaning against the door especially!!! its such a unique pose and i did it!!!!
this is kinda corny but like. im so happy that i drew these and that im posting these because for so long if i liked something too much it was Too Cringe and i could Never draw or talk about it ever because i was so deep in my own self consciousness that it was just not an option it was too scary. but now its not!! im getting better!!! and drawing the characters i like and posting them!!! and being HAPPY about it!!!!!! agh im just. yayayay
hopefully Tumblr doesnt fuck up the quality. and hopefully you can read my shit handwriting
anyways yeaaaha :3 thx for reading
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dr4kenlvr · 2 years
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 - 𝐛.𝐤
baji keisuke x gn!reader [reader is on their period, but there are no solidified pronouns!] - fluff, comfort (0.5k+)
request: how about a short fic with baji taking care of a reader who has very debilitating cramps? i've never seen anyone to that before, and personally, my cramps can get so bad to the point where painkillers barely work. if it's too much, then feel free to ignore this ♡
nana's note: oh man i also get really painful cramps so this is really relatable :/ now can i get a baji to comfort me or nah - also first post of the year yayayay
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baji watches as the timer on the microwave counts down from 1 minute, each second accompanied by an impatient shake of his foot and a nervous sigh. it was that time of the month for you, and although you were upstairs laying in the soft sheets of his bed—the extreme painful cramps took away all that comfort. it had gotten so bad, that you were having trouble walking around. baji took the initiative to head downstairs, and heat up your heating pack for your stomach. 
“no no, you—you’re staying right here, ‘kay? i’ll figure out how to heat this thing and be right back” he had told you, pressing a kiss to your cheek before dashing down to the lower level of his apartment. 
beep! sounds the microwave, and baji pulls open its door to grab the pack. “ah fuck!” he shrieks, nearly dropping the pack flat on the ground. “shit’s hot as hell, fuck.” baji murmurs to himself, hastily making his way up the stairs and into his room.
“m’back, baby. let this cool down for a bit.” he places the pack next to you on the mattress, leaning in to grab your hand immediately after. 
“your hand is really warm,” you comment, looking at your boyfriend with his hair all tousled and clothes so casual. he looks handsome in his grey sweats and white tee, it’s not everyday you can catch him not in uniform for either toman or school. a smile forms on your face when he looks at you sheepishly.
he grins, “let’s just say the pack was really warm, too.”
you squint your eyes at him with a knowing glare, “i heard someone scream earlier. perhaps..” your smile turns teasing, “it was you?”
baji scoffs at your suggestion, puffing out his chest dramatically and flexing his muscles. “me? screaming? nah—must’ve been the wind, babe.” the pair of you laugh together, before you suddenly clutch your stomach as it tightens in mild pain. 
baji’s behaviour goes alert, as he quickly grabs the (now bearable) heat pack and places it onto your stomach carefully. he watches your expression attentively, as it contorts from discomfort to gradual ease. “is this okay?” he asks, and you nod. a yawn leaves you, a sudden tiredness taking over you for a moment.
“thank you, keisuke.” you mutter after a while, noticing that his hand still hasn’t left the pack. his hand keeps it in place, even though it surely won’t fall over if he were to let go. in reality, baji just wants to keep on holding you. you place both your palms atop his, feeling that same warmth envelop your nerves—and the rest of your body.
baji leans down to press his lips to your exposed skin, he closes his eyes as his breathing falls in tune with your’s. “i love you, you know i’ll do anything for you, whenever.” his brown eyes open when he notices you’ve fallen silent, your breathing sounds more calm and the hands once on top of his have fallen slack against the blanket. you’ve fallen asleep.
baji carefully departs from you, and presses a small peck to your lips before adjusting the pillows and blanket around you. he knew just how you liked to sleep, and he would remember these small things for the rest of time—if for you.
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @kazuhoya @gwynsapphire @sscarchiyo @reiners-milkbiddies @smileyswifeyy @bontensimp-blog @thisbicc @megumisemo (send me an ask or dm to be added!)
reblogs, comments and feedback are greatly appreciated!
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cosmal · 2 years
YAYAYAY ON 1k!!! CAN I GET TULIPS — an almost kiss with best friend!steve while cleaning up his wounds from getting into a fight (either ending in fluff or angst🫶)
𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 - 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧
summary you're tired of steve showing up bruised and battered.
note thank u!!! I love the idea. I went with the angst ending I'm sorry
warnings/tags fem!reader, she/her pronouns, mentions of blood and cuts and bruises, angst
“Y/N, please don’t cry,” Steve’s voice is quiet and brushes over your palm where your hand holds a piece of gauze to his cheek.
You shake your head to will the beginnings of your tears away, screwing your face and sniffling. You don’t want to cry and you hate that he knows you’re about to.
You hold your breath to keep away a sob you can feel burning at the bottom of your throat. Your tongue feels thick and your head might hurt worse than his. Trying not to cry feels harder than actually crying.
Steve watches where your teeth pinch your bottom lip and your eyes blink rapidly, “God, okay, wait I’m sorry. Cry if you want to. You’re gonna pass out, baby.”
Only a choked whimper falls past your lips and then Steve is wincing when you tear the drying gauze away from his skin. “I’m sorry,” you breathe, throwing it into the pile of red-soaked tissues on the kitchen table.
You drop all the supplies in your hand into your lap and push the backs of your hands into your eyes until it burns. “I just,” you inhale quickly, “I can’t keep patching you up Steve. You need— you need to stop hurting yourself.”
Sure, you’re more than willing to clean Steve’s cut lips and bleeding noses. No, you were more than willing the first handful of times he was knocking on your door looking like death, on the precipice of passing out. You've changed his bloodied clothes and bandaged his cuts, even let him take your bed for the night.
The last time, you had told him that he was worrying you and he had promised you that he was going to be more careful. Stop throwing himself headfirst into danger and getting beat up by step-brothers. He had promised.
So, when he had shown up on your door again tonight with a split lip, black eye, and a bloodied nose, your first instinct was to punch him in the ribs yourself. You would’ve if he wasn’t in so much pain. But now that anger had just dwindled down into worry and fear.
“I know, Y/N.” You don't even think he's convinced himself. His voice is weak and trembles. An equal shaking hand comes to the seam of your pants and traces it absentmindedly.
"I honestly don't think you do," you laugh weakly. The sound comes out strained and wet, through new tears that burn the more you try to keep them at bay.
You don't know why you're trying so hard not to show Steve how upset you are. You're not sure if it's because it feels selfish - he's the one who's hurt and it shouldn't be you that's crying - or it's because it's scary to show him how much you do actually worry about him. How much it affects you in a way you don't think he'd understand.
"No, I do." He breathes in deeply, scratchy and rasped, and winces when his lip stretches. Another rivulet of fresh blood starts to trickle over his lips and down his chin. "It's not fair on you. I don't even know why I showed up, here again, tonight. It was stupid."
Unthinkingly, Steve roughly wipes the new blood away with the back of his hand. A smudge of red smears across his cheek and you remember yourself.
"No." You shake your head, picking a cloth back up, "No, Steve. Come to me when you’re hurt," you breathe, "It'd just be so, so much easier if you didn't have to come to me at all."
You wipe the excess blood from his dirtied cheek and then dab at the source of grievance. At this point in time, being gentle with him has lost all of its meaning. You really do want to be careful with him, wipe and prod with a caring hand. But then you catch that once caring hand shaking across his skin, remembering how angry it makes you feel, and you end up pressing too hard.
If Steve cares, he hardly ever shows it.
"I'm sorry," he sighs.
His voice truly hurts and your tears only worsen. You feel stupid for ever thinking you could hold your emotions back.
You dab and dab and dab, trying your best to clean him to your best abilities. Abilities that have only bettered over the years.
Steve can see your panic rising. Your eyes can't find a portion of his face to settle on and it seems neither can your twitching hands. He's sure his face is clean by now.
"Hey, Y/N, it's okay," Steve soothes, wrapping his hands around your wrist to pull your hand from his face. He smiles, "I'm okay."
You bite your tongue, nodding through a wet sniffle, "No, I'm sorry."
"Stop, don't be." he squeezes your wrist and your skin burns, "If I had to deal with me like you do, I'd be angry too." You want to say something in response, but his words ache. Like he knows how he is but doesn't change because he knows you'll be there for him like always.
His warm hands come up to your even warmer face, wiping the wetness from your cheeks with the pads of his thumbs in big, sweeping circles. If your wrist burned, your face feels like it's on fire. His palms are too hot and it feels like there'd be two big, red handprints across your cheeks.
Despite being battered and bruised, with smatters of blood still drying at his cuts, he still looks beautiful. You hate it.
You realise how close he is and he only feels like he's leaning in further. You think he might kiss you. You feel like you want him to. Like his lips would calm your anxiety and if you just closed your eyes and pressed your mouth to his, when you pulled away, he'd be back to normal.
Then you look down at his cut lip and you're remembering how upset you are with him. You turn your head towards his hand when he's mere centimetres from your face and you close your eyes.
"I think you should go home now, Steve," you murmur, breath fanning over his palm.
Your eyes open back up and you watch his brows pinch into a frown. He blinks quickly before he snaps his hands back from your face. Your skin tingles where his hands once were.
"Shit, yeah." Steve scrambles from his seat and almost sends it flying backwards, "Sorry. Uh- thank you for cleaning me up."
"S'okay." You can't find it in yourself to look up from where your eyes are trained in your lap.
All you can do is listen to where his feet slide against your linoleum floor as he moves to get his stuff. Murmuring things under his breath you can't really understand. You think it's best you can't.
He heads for the door and there's a fleeting moment when you think you should ask him to stay. Maybe even just get up from your seat and walk towards him until you think he gets the message. But your limbs feel heavy and your head feels worse.
You think you hear him stop in the doorway as the cool night breeze flows through the door and bites at your legs. Then the breeze stops when the door finally thumps shut and you look up to your entranceway.
You're not sure you're surprised, maybe even a little upset, when you find the spot empty. Steve long gone, probably on his way down your drive.
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volivolition · 5 days
vibrates intensely hello hi. we are here to infodump a bit about jirachi (the lil yellow and white creature you rbed earlier) ok so:
It has its own movie and it sounds absolutely adorable in it. Here is an iconic scene of it disappearing one of the main characters into a pile of candy. Jirachi Wishmaker was one of our FAVOURITE Pokemon movies growing up, right next to Lucario and the Mystery of Mew FHDNDNFJDKSKD we watched that film SOOOOOO MUUUUUCH GHFJDJFJFJD
It is a psychic/steel type! This typing is. Fairly rare iirc! The only other ones that come to mind rn are the Beldum line and they're pretty cool too (Beldum has the same catch rate as Jirachi/most legendaries despite it not being a legendary!... Its catch rate is 3%. That is. VERY VERY LOW HFJFJSJFCJDJDJFJD)
Jirachi is one of very few legendaries you can still, if you're lucky/wealthy enough, obtain legitimately whenever! You can obtain it from non American copies of the game Pokemon Channel (which is EXPENSIVE) or you can obtain it from the Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disc (which came with the actual Pokemon Colosseum games if you preordered it. It is also. EXPENSIVE!!)
Expanding on fact 3, these methods of obtaining it mean it is not shiny locked like most legendaries! This is VERY UNUSUAL and shiny hunting the WSHMKR Jirachi (aka Bonus Disc Jirachi™) is one of the most tedious hunts to go on, but it is WORTH IT. Because having a legitimate shiny legendary is super fucking uncommon. Those are usually only found via events that have long since passed FHDJSJFJFJ
The movie goes over this as it's the whole plot but Jirachi only wakes up for a week once every 1,000 years! Once its awake, it will grant wishes for anyone!
Again you did not ask for this we apologize fhdjejdkdks but. we thought. you'd like to learn a bit abt the lil fella since you rbed it a few times :3c
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HELLO HI BELOVEDS!!! YAY YAY YES!! its fumking jirachi time mfers!!!!!!! >:3 delighted to get to hear about this fella omg :3!
WHAVKJFGKJ MAY NO LMAO?????? "Jirachi, what did you do to my sister? D:" FUCKGUJNGJMN??????? ive never watched this movie before, so when yall said "disappearing one of the main characters into a pile of candy" i thought you meant turned her into candy, and when it didn't immediately show May after she disappeared i was AGHAST HFKJGKJ LIKE JIRACHI NOOOOOoh she's fine lmao hfkj <33 its voice is so cute omg :'0!! sweetheart <33 this seems like a lovely childhood movie wah :']!!! <333 <222
oooh psychic/steel!! i was expecting fairy, but i think this about most cute pokemon (<- there are MANY cute pokemon) fkjkj <33 3% is VERY LOW FR hgkjk?? hard to catch friends hfjkg <33
OUGH. EXPENSIVE... capitalism getting in the way of letting people get a STAR FRIEND kjgkj but waow! thats so cool that you can technically still get it :D
!!! aND GET IT AS A SHINY WOAG :O!!!! not locked, but just very very rare shiny jirachi!! ✨✨
!! AWA WHAT A SWEETHEART??? :'0 <333 thats so cool, i too would like to sleep for 1000 years and wake up for a week before going back to sleep fkjgkj i love you little wish maker friend, what a darling <33
!! don't worry, and no need to apologize!! im happy to hear from yall and im happy to learn about it yayayay!!! :D :3c <333 <222
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