#yay vocal cords
waivyjellyfish · 1 month
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hoe4kai · 13 days
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literally praying to the gods above that i don't zone out or have a panic attack halfway through a sentance in english reading tomorrow 🙏🙏🙏
it genuinely makes me want to just rip my vocal cords out <3
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shewantsitall · 4 months
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sshoryuken · 8 months
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someone tell me why my friend sounds and sings like chuck berry it's unreal
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thebibliosphere · 7 days
I'm sorry screens are causing such issues for you recently. And that people's responses have been wildly unkind. I wanted to mention, if screens are the issue, have you considered using speech to text / text to speech software? There is a learning curve with any of these, but it would allow you to work on things with out needing to engage in the screen itself. Which seems to be a major barrier for you at the moment.
There are a number of built in tools depending on your platform that you could enable to use. If possible, use an attached microphone as built-in microphones can struggle due to the fan. If it's helpful, I'm happy to talk specific tools, but please ignore if this seems to be in the same vein as the 'just dim your screen' crew. Wishing you the best.
I’ve been using text to speech since about 2019 for a lot of what I do. My phone is actually reading this ask to me right now! Yay technology!
But I also suffer from vocal cord dysfunction so my voice often gives out a lot and it affects my breathing. So I have to be careful. (Possibly starting speech therapy soon to help with this so fingers crossed.🤞)
It’s also hard to edit on. Like I’ve got the punctuation down quite well while talking in real time. But when it comes to doing major edits I need my screen and a keyboard.
I’ll figure something out that works for me. I’m just not there yet while we’re still in the “putting out the fire” phase of what has been a prolonged neurological event with systemic wide consequences.
My brain needs time to heal from being in a constant migraine from May until August. So does the rest of me. I can’t work through this, not the way I used to. I have new limitations. And that’s okay.
It doesn’t feel like it right now. But it will be.
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almightyhamslice · 2 months
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Nabnaleena redesign yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually rlly dislike her role in the games n that makes me so mad because the concept of you having to Frankenstein a mascot together is so fucking cool wtf!!!!!!
So in my Banban Resort AU, Nabnaleena is a totally inert clay doll when the protagonist Marc comes across her. They pick up the doll and unknowingly deform it, before Banban explains Nabnaleena’s purpose to them over loudspeaker! So though they didn’t mean to hurt her, it is Marc’s fault that Nabnaleena is malformed.
Having brought her to life themself, Marc has an unsteady sense of “trust” in Nabnaleena— they don’t know what she’s capable of but they know she’s not coordinated or malicious enough to kill them. Nabnaleena, having just been born, knows nothing of her surroundings and is terrified, hardly able to communicate her distress to others. Unlike Nabnab she has functional vocal cords, but she can’t form words because she has no tongue. She’s able to groan, scream, and gurgle loudly to communicate.
I think Marc and Nabnaleena’s relationship is perhaps similar to How To Train Your Dragon— Nabnaleena is her own person and isn’t willing to be a cooperative henchman or pet. She will only be calm and let her guard down if the other person proves that they are safe and won’t hurt her. I like to think she let Marc put her bows, mask, and feather boa on but both parties were nervous and shaking, so Nabnaleena’s masked appearance is much less tidy than Banbaleena’s and Nabnab’s.
Speaking of which, you might notice her wall art design is different from her actual design. This is because she was created as a character before being created as a living being; she was planned for far in advance, practically the moment Nabnab began to lash out due to loneliness. Though, because the resort was abandoned suddenly, she could not be finished by the actual scientists.
She reminds me of the E E Cummings poem, the little horse is newlY. Like that entire poem reads like what I imagine is going through her mind. She’s an occasional ally to Marc, who understands nothing of the resort or her fellow mascots, but learns through observation. I imagine maybe she also learns she was “made wrong” in comparison to Nabnab, and develops insecurities (which could be easily played into and exploited by Sir Dadadoo). I love her so much I wish she was real lol.
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Once again it had to be Salientes to bring them back to reality, urging them to get back to the covert. While patient, the courier was visibly growing anxious the longer they stayed out in the cold, his large ears swiveling around and wings visibly itching to take off. "Do you think you can fly, Agrippa?" he said, stepping closer to help her stand if needed. Agrippa slowly lifted herself up and made a few testing flaps, which looked more like barely controlled muscle spasms than intentional wingbeats. She looked so pitiful, Lucien wished she were still the cat-sized hatchling he could take under his coat and bring her home on his own. Yet, she nodded with as much confidence as she could muster. "Alright, alright... Salientes, would you allow me to take your harness, please-" The dark dragon threw his head back and bared his teeth. "What? No, you cannot use my harness on Agrippa, it is not fitted for her! You are flying with me." No, Lucien had to fly with Agrippa. He refused to be parted from her any longer, not even by a wingspan's distance. He reached out for the large buckle on Salientes' neck, but the dragon backed up and brought one front foot down in a hard stomp. "No, Lucien. I understand how you feel, but this would be terribly unsafe. You are flying with me and that is final." Lucien was about to protest, but Agrippa did not give the chance. "It's alright." This was the first time she spoke since they found her, barely a whisper, as if her vocal cords were pinched by the cold. Lucien's shoulders fell in defeat and he turned back to climb in Salientes' saddle.
yay! color palettes!
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jackdaniel69nice · 2 months
I'm really interested in your head cannons for Tokoyami and Dark Shadow's relationship/thoughts on President Mic
Presidential Michal, our beloved sassy mc~
Of course tokoyami has a great singing voice and info of the best bands. While Mic knew of his musical talents on the bass from the sports festival he has no knowledge on these other two facts. Tokoyami doesn’t tend to stand out, he doesn’t nessicarily draw Mics eye nor does aizawa ever complain about him so he has very little knowledge of him. He has made general commentary about him during the sports festival (and even said dark shadow might be the best quirk ever :)) but he doesn’t actually know much about him personally. In fact he doesn’t even realize tokoyami is goth because he always wears plain clothes or the school uniform. Tokoyami always seems to do well enough in his English class though. His first real information about tokoyami is from jiro when she mentions he likes music.
Jiro is doing special lesson or perhaps you can call it an internship with mic where she helps out at his station, he also lets her use the sound studio and teachers her vocal tips for fun. I am not very well versed on music genres but I believe tokoyami is. So I think he likes indie, rock, goth, and visual kei (maybe folk too but that’s from his upbringing). Kiyoko obviously is more punk than goth but their interests still overlap a lot. Dark Shadow on the other hand listens to just about anything whether it’s pop or occapella, what they like can differ greatly. They really like mitzki though. Also! Since dark shadow is up all hours of the night I bet they listened to Mics radio station, they have never brought it up with him though. Either way considering tokoyami is in fact a bird and probably can sing mic demands jiro recruit him or at least find out what his vocal cords are capable of.
I’ve mentioned before tokoyami has problems with his throat from using his voice incorrectly and often gets laryngitis. He also has trauma about singing and especially dancing so he tries to refuse but Midoriya talks him into trying it to see if he can help reverse the damage and make his avian vocal cords useful again. Once again dark shadow doesn’t have any damage to their voice so they are very good at imitation and can make very natural bird sounds and it makes their voice more squawky. Now Mic had to see a voice specialist as a child to help him control his quirk so while he’s not an expert tokoyami isn’t very fond of doctors and won’t see anyone else so he’ll help as much as he can. Once Mic finds out tokoyami went through “speech therapy” (it wasn’t normal speech therapy, they taught him not to chirp when speaking and it’s exactly what damaged his voice) he gets very upset and decides right there he will do anything to protect this child. He does all kinds of research to help him and even calls a few of his doctors for their advice. When tokoyami starts making bird calls his voice cracks and breaks and he losses his voice but through exercising those muscles regularly again it stops hurting so much. Eventually through hard work tokoyami can start making proper chirps and tweets (yay! I’m so proud of him!! <3 <3) in the mean time dark shadow is learning all kinds of new tricks! They learn how to throw their voice and Mic even helps them come up with their new super move Ragnarok: Infernal Shriek which is very similar to Present Mics quirk. Tokoyami is a bit…jealous.
He has to start from the bottom, it makes him feel like shadow is so much farther ahead of him. Mic notices he is a bit down and gives him a pep talk telling him how strong he is. After that he lets toko into the sound studio. Tokoyami says he can sing but hurts if he does it too much just like talking but discovers it doesn’t hurt as much as it used to. Mic has to watch to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself and is flabbergasted by his baritone. He has a natural skill but obviously no training. So Mic teaches him to sing too! He can hit ALL those high notes and has a great vibrato.
Overall they see Mic as a great teacher and have a lot of trust in him. Mic lifts them up and worked so hard with them so they look up to him. Shadow especially gets along with him because they are both so energetic and make jokes together. Tokoyami thinks they are both noisy. Sometimes shadow will bring bugs to prank Mic, they think it’s hilarious. Toko doesn’t approve. Mic is glad he could help these kiddos out and want to see them succeed.
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morgue-ratt · 7 months
Fear Itself
a (somewhat belated) birthday gift for @darklylucid
Jonathan Crane x reader // 1.6k
You've been selected as Dr Crane's latest guinea pig! Yay!
tw// syringes, experiments, bondage, fear toxin, nsfw, this is my first time writing for Dr Crane,
THE scratching of his pencil has permeated into your dreams, now you were not free of him even in sleep. Dr Crane is always immersed in his work, always writing something, the pencil always scratching. You don’t know how long you’ve been here, or even where here is. You maybe had some idea at first but that had been weeks ago, now the only thing your conscious mind had to cling to was him. Dr Crane, the Scarecrow.  
He is working on something big and for it, his chemical weapons must be sharpened to a horrifying edge. Only the best for the Bat. The colors of the toxin vary from orange to yellow to green, the doses change. Sometimes the injections go into your arm, neck or leg. Sometimes, he fits a face mask over your mouth and nose and just sits back as you’re forced to breathe in the gaseous state of uncut terror. The duration changes, it varies from a few minutes to long hours screaming your vocal cords raw. No matter what, the good doctor seems content to sit back and watch. The only thing that doesn’t change is you. His unwilling assistant.  
Your body is covered in needle pricks and track marks. Your cheeks shine with dried tears that Crane hasn’t bothered to wipe away. One of his formulas had made you hallucinate things crawling under your skin, leading you to scratch your arms until you bled and then some. Another had filled you with blind panic and you had kicked Crane so hard in the chest he had deemed it necessary to wrestle you into a strait jacket. Now, as he strips away your sanity with each round of treatment, you can only lean against the wall of the Scarecrow’s makeshift lab.  
“Did you hear me?” Your head lolls to the side and you try to hide your face in your shoulder. He’s standing above you now, towering over you. “You’re awake,” He says. He has to tell you these things, otherwise you’d have no way of knowing. The syringe in his left hand catches the low light. Orange this time. The last one was green. The one before that... you can’t remember.  
The good doctor kneels in front of you. He takes your jaw in his hand so he can look at you, stare directly into your eyes and though you know it’s purely for diagnostic purposes, you don’t like it. “You are awake,” He repeats. Crane moves the syringe closer, and you pull away from his grip so fast you hit your head on the wall behind you. He lets out a sigh; “None of that,” He threads lithe fingers through your hair, gently scraping your scalp, and pulls your head to the side. You cry out as the needle pricks your neck. “There we go, nice and easy,” He says, his voice completely devoid of all emotion.  
Your heart begins to accelerate. This part stays the same. Your vision is going dark around the edges, you twist in the strait jacket; trying to escape the dread crashing around you. What will you see? Monsters? A family member? Will disembodied laughter fill your head? The walls close in? Or will it just be blackness, blinding you until he deems it time to administer the antidote? You start to hyperventilate.  
Crane lets go of your hair and leans back, watching you closely. His face begins to contort, twisting into something somehow even more vile. In your mind’s eye, you see his face stitched into burlap, a horrible creation of the doctor and the Scarecrow. His mouth is somehow both stitches and far too many teeth. You turn away and the horrible face is still there, a monstrous patchwork with eyes gleaming orange no matter where you look. Your blood is rushing in your ears, you barely hear it when he asks; “What do you see?” 
You shake your head.  
“What do you see?” The voice is horrible, it’s like its sending glass through your veins, it comes from everywhere. Crane reaches for your face, and you cringe, pushing yourself into the wall behind you. It’s ike you’re in a kaleidoscope, his hands are everywhere, reaching for you. He takes your face again and the need to scream grows in your chest like fire. “Tell me,” 
“No... nothing,” You say.  
He waves his hand in front of your face, and you flinch. “Tell me,” 
The distorted image of him is almost pulsating in beat with your heart. You can’t focus on anything except the fact you don’t want him to touch you. You barely hear your own voice through your own thundering pulse; “Scarecrow,” 
You can tell that he’s smiling, the mess of burlap and skin spreads in such a way that indicates his pleasure in this answer. “Scarecrow? Are you afraid of the Scarecrow?” He touches you, bringing his scarred hand to cup your cheek and you let out a short scream as though his touch burns you. His laughter shakes your bones. You haven’t heard him laugh since you’ve been here. You bury your face in your shoulder as the laughter echoes in your head. Crane runs his hand through your hair, his touch is gentle. Soft.  
A shudder runs through your body all the same.  
If he has been testing you all this time, tonight you finally have the right answer; gone is the apathetic doctor who gives you your medicine and watches with detached curiosity; now Crane is leaning in close, enjoying the way you flinch and relishing when a fresh wave of tears stream down your cheeks. It’s all for him, after all. He brushes the hair out of your eyes so he can better see your face contorted in terror, he holds you in place so he can enjoy every micro expression with that horrible grin. These almost sweet gestures are so at odds with the hot, all- consuming dread racing through your veins just as the toxin does.  
 Crane takes every excuse to touch you just to see you flinch and cry out in protest, you can’t do much else but even if you weren’t restrained you don’t know if you’d have it in you to do anything but cower. This toxin was designed to take down people much braver than you. You are no Batman.  
You feel his fingers ghost against the column of your throat and you jerk back, toppling over and falling to the floor. Your head is swimming, and you feel Crane lean over you, positioning himself on top of you. Your fear... and knowing you’re afraid of him. It’s addicting. He holds you still with one hand while his other goes for the throat, checking your pulse with his middle and forefinger. “Look at you,” His voice has taken on a purring quality and your drug addled mind makes sure to compensate, the thing above you has a mouth full of blood stained canines and deadly sharp claws like an animal, playing with his prey before the final strike. Your fear is crashing around you as Crane leans forward, pinning your body with his own. He’s trying to get as close to your eyes as possible, he’s all you see.  
You have stopped screaming, opting instead to cry and twist in the jacket, the straps digging in sharply into soft flesh. You’re convinced you’re being flayed as the rough canvas rubs your skin raw. Your breath catches in your throat as the strap between your legs goes a little higher. Crane’s grin spreads across his face as he takes account of this reaction. As you continue to struggle, you do nothing but push yourself to the line between horror and neediness. Arousal is arousal and you’re having trouble distinguishing right now.  
“Oh dear,” Crane chides. He’s all you can see; your vision has been narrowed to a pinprick. “Is someone getting their lines crossed?” You feel his hand pushing the strap further into your sex and you can’t help but moan as you grind yourself into it. “Do you want more?” 
Yes. No. More what? More teasing? More fear? More pain? It’s like your mind is breaking. Panic spikes in your chest, wetness pools between your legs. It feels good, you want to be anywhere else. “More...” You are more aware of your lips moving than the fact you are speaking. The hand disappears from the apex of your legs, and you complain; “No...” 
Crane takes care as he unbuckles the strap going through your legs. He’s amused, he can tell his toxin had had... a rare effect on you. “My, my,” You don’t have it in you to be ashamed. His fear toxin had reduced you to your base instincts. You somehow feel disconnected from your body while also being painfully aware that he isn’t touching you. You don’t even think as you spread your legs slightly. Your rational mind is eclipsed but when this is over, you’ll tell yourself it was the toxin that was making you act like this.  
You sigh when his hand returns, you watch him with lidded eyes. It’s hard to believe the thing before you even resembled a human being. Instead, there is a demonic face that looks like something Mary Shelley would come up with; stitches and teeth and eyes glowing orange like the fires of Hell. You don’t care. His thin fingers are making you moan.  
It’s hard to say how long you were lying on the floor with the good doctor. The entire time you feel like you’re on the edge of something while your heart beats madly in your chest and your blood rushes in your ears. Time ebbs and flows, it feels like it takes hours but you’re close and you couldn’t have lasted that long.  
You finally reach the crest, and you arch your back, chasing his fingers as you go over. The pleasure has taken over the horror, at least for now, but you still scream. Crane’s laugh surrounds you, eating through your flesh to your bones like maggots.
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airandyeah · 21 days
By The Beach Merman Nanami X Reader pt.5
My Materlist for more chapters THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT, I LOVE YOU ALL Frustration due to communication issues, Nanami SPEAKS HIS FIRST WORDS, mentions of drugs and alcohol (Y/N isn't doing them in this chapter though, so yay)
Now that they had both calmed down and they were seated on the couch, they simply stared at each other. "So....", Y/N spoke up, "My name is Y/L/N", She points at herself to try and emphasize what she meant, because he obviously didn't speak her language... The man tried to form words, a noise came out of his mouth but it was broken, his vocal cords were rusty. He continued to try to clear his throat and try again, after about 10 minutes he finally rumbles out a "Y/N", and boy, was she taken aback by how... hot he sounded. Nonono, focus. She pointed at him and asked "What's your name?", after a while he tried to sound out many things but ended with a broken up "Na-nami, Ken--to". Y/N repeated the name and he nodded. ~~~ They fell into a routine after that. Y/N would put on children's videos about the alphabet and sounding out letters and words, while Y/N would continue to make her influencer videos. She gifted Nanami a dictionary after he finally learned the alphabet and a few basic words and sentences. He was learning fast, but Y/N figured he didn't understand everything he said. Like, why would he call her pretty or say that he liked her? He must be confused... But she hoped he wasn't. She hoped this hot man, that she saved, liked her. She had gone out a few times to get him clothes as well, never quite getting his size right, but they did all fit. He had stayed in her guest room, sleeping there and educating there if he wasn't in the living room or at the kitchen bar. ~~~ It was one of those days, one hate comment too far and Y/N had enough. She marched over to the kitchen, passed a very startled Nanami who asked a shaky "Y/L/N?", before she stopped to stare at her liquor cabinet, and her meds next to it. She was on the verge of grabbing them when two big, warm hands grabbed her own. "Nanami?", she asked, not knowing what he was doing, but he was behind her, his warm breath on her neck. "I can't let you have... those", he breathed out. "Why not?", Y/N asked, not understanding how he even knew what was going on. "When me... came here. You were... i-ill. And those were near you. They... bad.", Nanami fought out. Y/N was shocked.... he would remember such a seemingly small detail about their first... well. second encounter? ~~~ Rather than drinking and loosing herself, she chose to dance. She flipped on her speaker and Nanami watched, curious. The song that started playing was 'Feeling Good', By Nina Simone (The best version of the song, no one can change my mind) Birds flying high, you know how I feel Sun in the sky, you know how I feel Breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel She took a few steps back, closer to the open area of the living room as the song began to take flight... It's a new life for me, yeah It's a new dawn, it's a new day It's a new life for me, ooh And I'm feeling good She began swaying and dancing to the music while Nanami stared, 'what is this?' he thought, but he was entranced not only by the new voice and sounds... but also by your movements. Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't you know? She began to sing with it too (That's why i switched lyric color), pointing at Nanami and inviting him to dance too. Nanami looked lost, he didn't know how to do what you were doing, hell, he finally just learned to run. The song soon finished with a "Why didn't you join me?", Y/N looked sad almost at his lack of dancing. He let out a sigh before apologizing and saying he didn't know what to do. "Dance the next one with me. please. You don't have to know how to do it. Let the music move you", she said to him before he finally agreed. Her face split into a beaming smile, hate comments forgotten, as she went to choose a song. Maybe something high energy... something to get him moving. Something... Groovy. ~~~ That's all for this one! Love you, you beautiful people ~~~ Tags @kiel-luvsripples
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mayone · 1 year
It was mentioned in the NE that the Murderbot doesn't need a lot of oxygen and doesn't have as much lung capacity as a human.(AWESOME)(I LOVE THIS FACT)(YES)(WOW)(YAY)(YEAH)
Come to think of it, that's vocalization being done by lungs - vocal cords - oral cavity, not by speaker(voice module) or something?
There are a lot of parts needed to speak the language of humanity with its mouth, and I'm pretty HAPPY to think they're all there in it.
PLEASE think on your own about what exactly it need. This is homework.
Let's think about enjoying the organic tissue part of Construct to the fullest extent.
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We’ve really enjoyed this past week. Hubbins finished his 5 year apprenticeship so he took a week off to find a better paying job (Which he did! Yay!) We loved having him around all day every day and we’ve been able to do a lot with his help.
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We had a great evaluation with the behavior consultant Saturday. She is very good at what she does and is heavily involved. I love being able to text her regularly to give her updates and discuss what subtle things I can adjust to make our training more effective. Our main goal is to overcome the dog-dog resource guarding by 2025 but before we can tackle that we are going to work on the “stressing up / attention seeking” behaviors that we’ve struggled with for so long. I pulled Mandana from public access & the training center temporarily so we can focus solely on this. We’ve spent this past week doing training exercises several times a day and we’re making progress.
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Today: We went to hike a spot we haven’t been to as a family since she was an adolescent. We had a lot of fun. Mandana is tick-free, bathed/dry & napping. My Rheumatologist is working on getting the next DMARD pre-approved (otherwise it’s $1800/wk 😱) Wednesday I have an ENT apt to discuss possible vocal cord dysfunction. Saturday the behavior consultant is coming over to check on our progress and Sunday is swimming at the Sniffspot pond!
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Exhausted from hiking & training :)
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neon-kazoo · 2 months
Hey, ok? You're probably not ok if you got bad news but are you getting by? Do you want to vent or want us to ask about it? Sometimes that helps I think
One step at a time, one day at a time, ok?
This is so sweet, thank you.
I am indeed getting by.
I usually try not to share too many personal details online, but since I’m struggling a bit with this, I figure yelling into the void (tumblr lol) might help.
Below is some discussion of medical issues (absolutely no obligation for anyone to continue reading, especially if the topic makes you uncomfortable. Please don’t forget to take care of yourselves too <3)
Yesterday, I visited a new specialist who did some testing due to a recent autoimmune diagnosis of mine. I have been dismissed a lot in the past, so I usually go in expecting test results to be normal. This time, I was wrong.
Apparently, I have moderate pulmonary obstruction, that I’ve just…never noticed?? I guess between disabling POTS and the tendency to convince myself symptoms are all in my head, shortness of breath must not have concerned me.
(Yeah, that’s about as concerning as it sounds)
So, yay, more testing.
Best case scenario, I have asthma (never thought I’d be hoping to have asthma lol). Worst case scenario, there is disease activity in my lungs, courtesy of my wonderful immune system. There is also a possibility of vocal cord dysfunction, but I don’t know much about that.
I already live with a plethora of health issues, but this one just caught me off guard. It hits harder when you’re not expecting it, and quite frankly it’s a little scary.
Whatever I find out, though, I will continue to get by. Not my first rodeo, and definitely not my last.
Either way, at least I always have Hero and Villain to project onto if I get overwhelmed LMAO.
I think this helped, thank you anon for checking in on me.
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cemetery-irises · 5 months
Also victor headcanon yay
the stitches on his mouth aren't restricting his ability to talk or eat, since they kind of stretch with his mouth like rubber bands.
This doesn't stop him from implying they do restrict him, though. (He never tells people that, but he never eats with other people and his mouth is always closed so they assume it.)
Since he doesn't like talking (despite being very able to) it's easier for him if he just goes about his life pretending he's mute. After all, if it's a hassle to wait for his response every time, the conversation doesn't go on as long as it would normally.
imagining him giggling at something a little and anyone around him gets whiplash because that man has vocal cords??
HDJFNHSD yeah that'd be fun
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dragonsfire010 · 2 months
"oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" 's
at the cast
"OoooooOOOoooOOOOoooOOOOoooOOOOooOOOOOoOOoOOoooooOOoO. Thissss is sssso fun besssst buddy!"-Aaravanas
"SHUT UP YOU ANNOYING PIECE OF SHIT!!! I DONT NEED A REASON TO HAVE TO HIDE YOUR SOON TO BE RIPPED OUT VOCAL CORDS!!! Maybe I'll cut them up and hide it in your food. I wont feel guilty about it so you don't know"-Finn
".......ooooo..... Did i do it right? Please tell me I did!"-Malaba
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! YAY!! You finally learned to loosen up a little Bestie! I'm so proud *Tears up*."-Harpeth
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!*Breathes in*OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"-Baalamesa and she keeps doing it until someone yells at her to shut up.
"I have work i need to, sorry deer~ You can do this later and more preferably when I'm more drunk then this. See me later deer."-Atlus
"I'm working. Not know Y/N."-Hidskin
"Aren't you being a little bother to all of my people? I have gotten various complaints about s 'ghost' in peoples walls. Please stop dearie, you can bother me just not my friends."-Vociec
"OOOOOOoooOOOooooOO. Spooky ghost like in all of the Halloween stories. You should dress-up as a ghost next year!! I'll help make your costume if you want!!"-Marvey
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maudlinandmad · 3 months
I never understood why they called them confidence men. Charlatans, scammers, con artists. All made sense. All of it starts with a lie. Something simple, easy to believe.
“I need help!” See? Easy. It’s barely even a lie. I lay it on thick, the scream shrill and girlish. Vocal cords are fun.
Someone comes running down the street, trying to figure out what the blazes is going on, visions of movies and delightful cartoonishly good sex from their rescue. Oh look, a pig!
All feet and huffing and puffing and a pistol gripped like a worrisome new conquest. He rounds the corner and I grab him by the face, taking him to the ground laughing. Where the head goes the body follows. Cracking on the ground with a light bounce to it. Heartbeats are such an annoying thing, aren’t they?
He’s screaming.
I bash him against the ground a couple times, and finally, he is workable. A quick drag into the alley, and out comes the scalpel. An incision on the back of the neck, and a quick cut between a single vertebrae. And finally his noisome heart stops. Yay. I place a foot on his shoulder, and grab his neck.
I yank the rest out, (my favorite part!) each segment popping out like a zipper, blood splattering, and finally he starts to smell like shit (the worst part).
It’s ‘cause you shit yourself when you die, now hush.
I stick his pricey, if misused, spine into my bag, along with some of his more intact innards, and threw him into my favorite river.
And that, my dears, is how I saved christmas this year, come along now and pick out yorur new innards, and we can unwrap our presents after.
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